The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 24, 1866, Image 1

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An Episode in LacConte/
. . . .. .
.A young roan—Slarrlcel—Patriotlem—Enhet
-ttl —No furlough—Three years—Plenty letter,
—Great ..battle—VrenndedLeft for dead—No
• leltere—Pr/soner—Andersouvlite—Grani vie ,
torlous—Camp home—Not a dollar—Claim
ag)ent—ilot hie pay—Too hundred:mail Arty
dollars—Bought county right- , 'Linntny's lot
prored Store Damper ,, —Sohts- Well—Bought
• Ota—Fifty dollars a day profit—Owen a
houseSettlel down—A chance for you—
_away—J. N. WM.:hien, No. 11 Fifth
street.. .
The Howe Mewing Machine, •
Must certainly take the lead of all others in 'a
short time. It was awarded five premiums
ion work, ut the World's Fair, 13C2; four premi
ums for work and on the machnie,at the New
York State Fair, IWO. See the Ifethadist, of
September Val. t A premium on the Machine
at the Ohio State Fair, IsCO.' See the Dayton
✓ourrtnf, October lath. The only agency for
Its sale for Western Pennsylvania, is at N0.,4
ft. Chili street, Pittsburglf:
Racing With a Locomotive. ,
At Central Park, New York, the boys try
their with the locoinotive, but, as yet,
have not succeed.] in passing it,. but we dO
not know hew soon Pittsburgh boys may suc
ceed, particularfy as the great majority buy
their Skates of Down, 136 Wood street, who,
notwithstanding the enormous quantity sold
has still a few more left.
At the, IVorlitt's Fair
In Loador, 12414 the Wheeler Wilson Sew.
log Machine received the highest award—all
the Machines of Europe and America in com
petition. This award has always been made
wherever exhibited. Tou will make no mis
take in ordering one an a holiday gift to wife,
sista:or friend. They can be purchased only
el Sumner d Co , s., 27 Fifth street.
Ilazaid - &-Caswell's Cod Liver 011.
The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liter Oil in the
world, manufactured from fresh, healthy
livers, upon tho seashore. It is perfectly
pure and sweet, Ask for "Hazard tr. Caswell's
Cod LlVer.ollrmannfactured by
CA.SWELL.P4ACZ t CO. New York.
Sold by all druggists. •- Mw
Something... New.
The Parlor Rase Ball Field is decidedly' the
handsoidest prusotit you can make. No game
of modern times exceeds it in the amusement
and Interest it affords. It can be played by
two or more persons, and In every respect la a
perfect model of our national game. As the
supply this season will bo lbinited, call In im-
Mcillately on James Bown, Wood 4treet.
—___ •
. .
P0wn,.136 - Wood street, has done such an en
ormous trade in skate's, this winter, that he
has been Compelled to go and search the Phil
adelphia and New York inarkets for stock to
supply the - tremendous crowds
who daily
throng his' store. To-day he will receive a
fresh supply. Go early that you ' , nay secure a
Splendid now stock, Just received fr om the
faetorles of Wm. Knabe .1 Co., Haloes Bros,
and others. Persons In want. of a really first
skier fttatruinnit are respectfully avited Wean
'and' examine before purchasing elsewhere.
. Charlotte Blume, 41 111th street, second door
• above Wood street.
- Good
Clear Toys, assorted Candles, Raisins, Cur
rants, Pruties, Orange and Lemon Peel, Can
ned Fruits, etc., etc., as cheap and - as good as
at any other horthe In the twin cities. George
Beaven, IT6.ll.lFecieral street, Allegheny City.
A call is solicited. .
Prince at Co's 'World Renowned Auto.
motto' Organs.
Every instrument guaranteed and kept in
perfect order, free of . charge, for live years.
Charlotte Blume, '43 FIAII erect.
Floe Paitamery. Colognes cud Fancy
• Goods.
A tine assortment., suitable for presents, at
Met:larran A Ileli - canna's Drug store; No. S 5
Marketntreet. .
Petroleum Soap
• The best soap An our toilet soaps of all kinds,
trt:Plemlng , s Drug and Patent 3tedlclne Depot
sta. et Blarket street, , coynertat the Dlautoad
near Fourth.
She Beat tikaires
Must be taught young and put at It early. So
go to Roan's, VI Wood street, and 'purchase a
pair of agates for each of your sons and
• daughi ars.
It Von Want
Yoar boy to stay at home In the evening buy
lelna a Parlor Ease Ball Field. llowa,l* Wood
etreet, has them for sale.
, Your boy stay at home In the eymilnw buy
'him a Parlot' Base Ball Field. Bows, Li Wood
Street, has them for sale.
The Bent Plano■
In the country are those made by Wm. Raabe
a Co. For sale only. by Charlotte Blume, 43
Fifth street; second doer anove Wood.
Aucora.tle organ,
Forty thousand of Pi'Th — ce d Co's Automatic
Organs and Idelodeors are now in use. For
sale Only liiCtiarlotte Blume, 43 Fifth street.
'Ton Cazi Bby
Foreign Liquors of 'all kinds at. Joseph S.
Finch's Distillery, 1i0,120,191,103 and 195 First
street, Pittsburgh.
Ml:titbit'. Great tertrailed Phonon.
Charlotte Blume, 13 Fifth street, sole agent for
Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. •
Graceful Skating
Tolte,quirtst . t, go to Bown , s. lrg Wood streea
and purchase a pale from his stock.
Chest Pro;actors,
Fur and Fell, a splendid article at Fleming's
Jiro); Store, Si Market street., •
For Hollllday Prenentm,
1:0 to MeClarrait & 2dcKenaan's Drug store,
S 5 Market street;
WarlroOted for Years,
Every Plano made by Wm. Knabe k Co.
Tau Ow Buy
tiS per cent. Alcohol at Joaeph S. Flocled
YOU Call Eny
New Hops at Joseph 8. Finch's
Arrest of Gamblers—Late Advice. from
Bonn" Alnerten—lPrognees of the War
Between Petrov:My sad Brazil—Arena,
of Whisky Dlst/ilem—llso Commerce
of Sew York.'
Nr.w lioax, December 23.—Willtitm lictiann
and Itobert Chamhers herd yesterday Mtlectln
default of ten thousand dollars, charged with
defrauding 11 . .,ifOily of eight thoniand dollars
ICD) Janeiro letters of November 241 state
that no - farther collisions bad occurred be
tween the• Paracuayans and Brazilians. in
the fight of October .30th, at red uly. sitbr re-
pulsing the Paraguayans, the Brazilians
sallied out from the fort, but were surrounded
and cutup badly, losing Mr hundred killed
:and wounded-, besides numerous :prisoners.
The gunboat Paraclayba was badly damaged
by the Paraguayans on OetoberMtb, and was
compelled to run ashore to prevent sinking.
It is stated that three more ironciatis have
Joined the Brat:ban fleet.
The :Emperor of Brazil emmaucipatoa
his Slaves. :
The I.7nkted States gunboat Shamokin had
reached C Limner with ILMister Wushburre and
suite on board. They landed and were provl•
41041 alth an escort to the capital of Paraguay
The mediation proposed by GLIM and Bor.
via has been the Argentine govern-
A Valparaiso letter of November. inn, says
the bark Fanny, of Now London, with eigh
teen parrot guns on board for the Ctillian gov
erment is forty days
Five more whisky dist.therles were seized
yesterday to Ws bay. •
CALI rOari fe . pTCAyca.
•-• • • •
The Steamer BantlagOill:tets Greyteww, with
California pawengero, Las arrived.
T-WeiVe ocean steamers left here yesterday
•for different ports of the world, taking gr, ft e.
gregate of 700 passengers and. CRMOCX 'allied
at over 65,000,000.
Christ Church, at Rye; Na Yoric, was burn
od on Friday night. Leas .25,000.
• The COMMltiee of tho :Common Connell,
have ascertained that it Will-cost about Ws,
t ot to liht the streets all night.. This is about
double t he cost under tiniota system. It'sb- -
'ware there tue.13 t .50.3 gas lamps ha New York.
—lcaucon xArszas
The centenary of American,Metliedistn was
celebrated In Carlton ay antic Methodist F:pis
copal Church today.
A new St. Stephens Roman CAM
olio Church was dedicated by Archbishop Mc.
Closkey today. - -
From up the allegheny
saxictsw, Pa.. Dec - ember 23.—Etver aLtteea
t=wos, and prospect of a raise. -
it has beam rafslag all day. The weather is
Very mUd. _ . .
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VOLUME .LXXX.---1• 6 10. 311
Dec of Fenlanism in Ireland
The Relations Between Aus
ria and Russia.
diff a., elk 43., -de , a.
LONDON, December 22 —X.on.—Pcare meet
ings are being held in yarinus portionv or Ire
land, and confidence is increasing In England
. the threatened Finian rising Is likely to
Amount to nothing.
It is said that the British Government will
require the Spanish Government
to explain
the seizure of the Tornado, and If they cannot
justify. themselves, will require an apology
and indemnity to each of the owners and crew
of the vessel.
Pews, December : 2.2.—Neem—Gom Dix Ne
have au audience with the Emperor Napoleon
to-morrow. All the United States legation
will be Prevent.
Penis Dec 23
believes that the Journey of the Empresa.F:u
genie to Rome will be postponed.
. • .
LIVERPOOL, December 23.—The steamship
Manhattan, from Now York, Dec. 79th , arrived
at Queenatonnt to-day.,
. 20551 A AND AOSTRIA.
The St. Petersburg Joanna, In Itn editorial
emphatically' denies the report that Russi.
and Austria Are at variance on any subjeet
and asserts strongly that their relations ar
In all respects of the most friendly character
The obi differences concerning the Scheidt
have: beenrenewed, aadJ the Governments of
Belgium and Rolland are at open issue on the
subject. An attempt Is, however, being made
to settle the question by diplomacy.
TOE RUSSIAN 1100000.
BERLIN, Dec. it3.—The Upper hoes of the
Prussian Diet have agreed to the Budget
amended by . the Lower Branch.
The upper house has also passed the bill for
the annexation of the Duchies.
In consequence of' the Christmas - holidays
there will be no commercial transactions un
til Wednesday.
Vizxxa, December 23.—Fli•sainy.— tleneral
laenabrea la expected here again as Minister,
from Daly. It Is anticipated that a Hungarian
Ministry will soon be appointed.
Penis,. December
army is to be armed with breeeh-loe,ling
the Assembly having voted twelve millions of
francs for that purpose.
TRIVITE, Dec. e3.—The Turailh fleet in the
Candlan waters has been largely Increased.
The . insurrection in Candla 13 by no means
crushed, and further lighting Is stated to
have occurred.
eatzttEncext. AND rINAN.,AL
LONDON,.DOO. ` 2 / 1 1.—.EXCle/eZe le Closed nett
Vednesday next.
• • .
Lureuroor., Dec. 22.—Ereninp.—The Cotton
market Is eteatly; Sales to-day, 11,091/ bale:
middling uplands, at .14;i1-
'[BI, Mail Steamer.]
• rnaganrioxs AGAINST AN OrrTILIINAIr.
New Tone, Dec. TL—A Dublin letter to the
Sondoy :Velar says: The government officials
are frequently sold by stones, that Stephens
kiss landed at different points on the coast,
and are keeping troops and gunboats con
stantly on the move. The government park,
in which Is situated the government powder
magazine, nee been surrounded by heavily
manned earthworks and palisades. Troops
are continually arriving. from England, and
it is suspected that the Irish regiments are to
be transported to England and the colonies.
Despite all the exertions ,of the authorities,
midnight meetings forprill and exercise arc
held all over Ireland, and tile people ere evil.
dently awaiting Stephens' arrival to rise in
Spite of tbe great odds against them.
Mall advises from Camilla glee details • of
the disaster to the Turns at the Convent of
Arcadlor. The Convent container nve
dred and forty soule. Including titres, hundred
and forty-three women and children, leaving
one hundred and niaety.seveta men to defend
it against ►tnstapha Parka's army of twelve
thousand. The Cretans refused to surrender,
and the Turks bombarded the Convent two
days and night:. After breaching the weils,
the Turks poured into the court of the Con-
vent, when a monk fired a n; agar Me, hurling
the Christians and Turks Into the elr. Two
thousand Turks were killed and a large num,
ber were wounded. Only thirty-nine men and
sixty women and children of the garrison
were left alive. Over one t noues.nd Turks were
wounded. The Turks burned seven Cretan
villages, in revenge for which the Cretans
have burned twen4-seven Turkish. villages.
THE TRIAL OF LAlr.#•,lrDr,
- • - - - •
The last Parts papers give the particulars
of tee trial of, Ile was sentenced
to ten years Imprisonment. Lunar/m.le sta
ted In Court, that the Sew York lawyers kept
MIA) frauds—nearly all be had In hie poexes.
eon. His counsels r.astorea Zlii,ooo francs In
Court,the whereabouts ti which -they had
discovered without hia knowledge. • The pris
oner bad previously deClnleil to answer
Where this money was, as It would, be .41d,
aompromise innocentiparties. The consel de
clined to tell Where he obtained the money.
Arrival of Minister etarnpbe
at New Or/nal:W.
_French' to }lmola INeutra
New .IJRLEANA, December ttl.—.l/Imste
Campbell arrived here to-day Irmo !Isom:ill
villa via Galveston.
The steamer Mexico, from Vera Cruz on thu
Nth, bal
The Tiniest City of Mexico dispatch of the
18th says thattlexitutlian has determined not
sheik - eeriest-yet, and 'had issued a pr.selatue•
lion fora Congrees of the Mexican people to
consider further the government of the COW.
try. The Empire has been divide,' into four
divisions, with tienerals Vidaurry, Mope,
'direction end Morquez, in command.
Maximilian hie changed his headquarters
to Puebla.
Ten million/of dollars, and forty thousana
men have been raised to defend and support
the Empire:- ..
The French have dreier.' for non -Intel - yen.
lion and seized the customs at Vera Cruz.
nlatliadear the Undid* and Erie Innll.
Idoad—Decant lon of Pandmpanr.alreldhll
and Cattle Cara.
BUVSFAT.O, Dec. portion Of the walls.on
Court skreld, near Market, fell to-day. 1: being
Sunday noon no one was injured.
• The Rudely:sand Erin , ltaliroa • has beet: for
the past two days blocked with snow. The
western passenger. trains from Chicago on
Thursday were detained until to-day.
There were, at one time, collected at West-
Ulu sixteen passenger coaches, six Arrliss
d four baggage cars and three locomo Ives.
4 .X. are now duo here twelve freight trains,
i r t einging Ono hundred and sixteen cars car
tying dock. ' • ,
Bobber,' of Nearly 0 Hundred Then
"no Benue. -"A B:ewery Burned on
1 Gamed A • . .
Dec: • store of G.
llnol i l ran t
ight.. V
h W e a b l u n r u l ar re b w e a d s
.the saleol eitetYlnur thousand
dollies In govern.
inent bonds and securities.
Two Ores occurred this evening at goats
Brewery, above Girard Arenlie, audio • brew.
ery on - Vine street; between - -Third Fourth
a rents. No portico lars hayo been. obtained.
Pardon by the President
The Expected Return of Gen. Sherman
and Mr. Campbt
Investigating Intiviers in Sontli
a., 4:113 o.
Wesnmorole, neeember.ti,
A PA Roos.
The President has pardoned ee-Uovernor
Fletcher, of Arkamas,,on recommendation of
the Attorney General.
pEcislosi Ob . SUPREME COURT.
Chief Justice Chase gas e his decision In the
eases ofJosiah Macon vs. Theme's G. and
Harry Goodyear vs. Daily. yesterday., in
these' cases the complainant of the former be
ing the owner of Cummings intent, and the
latter of Goodyear's patent, est for an In
junction enjoining the defendants front using
vulcanized rubber for mak Mg artificial gums
and plates for teeth. lie denies the injunc
tion In the second, subject to removal at any
time when the parties shall give reasonable
securities for the nap:bent of complainant for
such use as'they may make of It. -
A select committee Mai appointed by the
noose of Representatives, of which the lion.
Mr. Pike, of Maine, to chairman, to proceed
to Charleston, South Carolina, and , inquire
into the circumstances relative to the late
murder. They will leave this city on Monday,
and commence their investlgut ions.
. .
The - new French Minister, Monsieur, not
Count, Bernie:lly, arrived last night. 31urqui4
to Moutholom leaves to-morrow tor •New
York en route for Paris.
Gen. Ward, of Ohio, has declined the sp.
pointtuent of Commissioner to settle the
claims of West Virginia 'against the United
Stoics, as it would conflict with his office is
District Attorney.
It is understot: time the decision in the
test oath ease, In ill° Supreme Court,' Is made
up, as was announced a few days ago; hut ay
there was no session of the Court oullio.nday,
Its delivery is not expected antil the Monday
TILE Itn.%lnAN otEsTION..
Nothing new has transpired in relation to
the Mexican question. The Government Is
awaiting ailxices from Minister Campbell.
Minister Campbell •nd Gem. Sherman are
expected to arrive here from New Orleans in
a few days, their search for the Juarez goT•
eminent keying proved a failure. They aro
in telegraphic correspondence a 116 the Creel
dent and Secretary Seward. It Is not deemed
advisable to publish their dispatches,
EXTORTS AND ruromrs.
The statement. of exports awl Impel - It. for
November Is not yet ready, The delay Is ow.
Mg to Ore 'failure of the °Mears of Customs
to make the necessary returns.
The Supreme Court a!journe,! tqcr Qom
Frlliny last until Wetine.lay next.
Cit - Railroad Comineneed—n 0, c•
went% of a Diplomatic Steamer—The
Emil mated Cotton Crop of4exas.
G.LLVESTON, Dec. 21.—Thc if rs t rail of t lie
Galveston City Itallrostl was laid to.luv, the
3layor, City Council and others °dictating.
The steamer Blackbird, which Prong id Min
ister Campbell, returns to Brazos this evening.
The receipt, of cotton the pant week were
5,7= bales. The total cotton receipts from the
and of September, thin -season, wore 11,511
hales, A well Informed person eftlinatra the
cotton crop of Texas at not less than lit SW
A 'nation, Kan Old 0111000 la his
Bed—Robbery—Tbe Real her.
Lome sdr.ce,'Deeember 23.--Tonn Niendah an
old citizen, ens assa.,,lnated to Malan' lest
night. Evidence before Coroner Moore indi
cates that about one thousand dollar,was
tal by ciao assannth, • ' • •
The barometer fell this fluor:tine.
neherldicltra'storm of *lad, nnpw, Lbig, rain
and Meet, accompan lest by thunder and Ildbc
nlug— The weather to cloudy this evening.
31ercury 4.2... barometer
The longregoolonot Exeuntlonl4l. al
CitAst•ANOO4L. De 4• ,4— T4e Lt , Ottjressl. ntai
delegation arrived here at 5:0 this inorning.
After a fsw hours rest the delegation we. for
mally reeelv. d by the,May or. After breakfast
c.erriages were provided and part of the tiele
ilelalt'l:nnitliEerC7'stke°4'. tnUrnel'ilitnnPung‘jen'tro'att?
they acre met by the delegation iron\ 'a.
COna1440111; of prOMlnent tltlZelaB
egnarSlOn DextY %ill leave for Nashville to
utorro• morning
- -- Telegram.
Ss ea ./of LANs, (Maine.. very lively os I"Ge.
levee toslay. Weather clear and %ars, river
#p ell lag. AA rlt als—Mary C, 1. orn
M. Fn 4ano ljOns
Pepartore—W. 11. Arthur, T. .p White
Lionel for St. Lout. A¢ IS. tisuai on ,aturtla)
another Geer of boats
left for Yazoo. Arleen.
ass, lied gad !Amer S11:1. Is3lppl.
Loe tat iel Deeetnber le is fall
ing, with eight (cite( Water in the (AIM/
The weather 14 wet, and it has been raining
t e l. day Meteors' 55 deg.
• Timnkx or Abe Colosqttaii
Mayor M'Cartby has recopied the folio. Ing
cereilleil copy of a resolution iiilopteit at
meeting of Wu City Council of ..Colurnbu,,
OUZO, held on the 17th lostant4
• Wrest or Tag Civir Ctanir,
Coto mins, 0., bee, la, Pen.
To lira Boner, Mayor SPCurthy, ins. u•
ley, President of Select Connell, and Tilollll.
Steele, Prepident of Commoh Council: (ke
g/einem—At It meeting pf the city Connell ef
the elf* of COlumtins, held at their eon„,i;
chamber, on Monday evening, December
POI. the following resolution was unantmoils
ly adopted:
Re.o7ved,'l4y tee Ply Connell of the city of
Columbus, that their thanks beetle poulterer* ,
tendered toils ilotior, MayailDCarthy; as.
SPAuloy, President of Select Council; Thos.
tteop ‘ Preatilelit ot Common Ctionall, and to
the •U del men and members of the
City Comet' of the city Dpf pittrbtargh, in the
State of Pennsylvania, Tot' their hospitality,
kintineas and eportesr, extended and given te
the members of thbi body on thelr Into clots
to tiro /rep City; and that we each and all of
us will remember the yindneu rea.dved oti
that occasion whibit memory obeli Will her
place, and whethep . as -tnewhere of the City
Council or as Citlzens, if the time 'shall come
when It shall please those gentlemen to - visit'
'lie capital of Ohio,
we will extend to them
the ea me microns hospttnlit y, and endeavor
to Janice thole star so pleasant tine agreeable
us ours wad In the city of Plttsblligh.
. L. g. %Cason;
City Clerk.
, .
Alsitsaitlaent Sliver Plated Goods, from
The superb collection of above goods, In. ;
ported by the maaitrlitettartirai Fisher et Co., of
Paternoster Works, will be on private sale
Calito-day, widen Wednesday next, on the
second Door of Mpliwaine'• ; Inc;ion floome,
Smithfield street, opposite the Pea tofilee. For
ladles, a convenient ;hie entrance front Fifth
street, immediately above Smithfield street.
These rich and beautiful specimens of taste
and skill are unsurpassed In styles or quality,
and the variety more numerons than we have
°vet...before seen. The high Character of the
jnanufacturers to a guarantee of quality; and,
lot they are ppeolittie eve of returning home
twEngland. they will sell these goods at twen
ty-five per cent-leen than cost. This is an un
usual opportunity forpurchaeln g. Ladles and
gentlemen are Invite to call. "The goods will
be open for sale ouly.Q7/ A/outlay anti Wednes
Another Work !muse d[eeJtng.— Tbuan
hash:iglu charge the enterprise of selecting a
alto for the ..proposed new workhouse, held
another meeting on Saturday. The result of
the mooting was nothing butku tnllourument
to meet again next Sarurday; lleaux Idle Al
legheny county Is becoming more and more
sadly in need of the proposettlnstltutlon, and
the firespect of having that need suplied Is
becoming not very much brighter than be
tore the project was bleached at all. We
would not presumeto Motets, but we wank'
timidly suggest, that after two or three more
Meetings for the sake of adjourning, a meet
ing for the sake of doing something might
rove Satisfactory.
‘"="--71f-' - D 7.153`'
,' • .
The Observance of
Day—The Cus
tom of Staking ftents —Rambles
Among the Ntores—Wheke to do, sad
What to Boy,'
The Christmas holidayil are upon us, with
their store of delightful recollections to those
who long since reached the estate of manhoosl
or womanhood, and who now live over their
young days in the happy sports and cagen an
ticipatiOns of their little ones. We pity the
man or woman whose memory, to-day, is not
charges' with delightful thoughts of by-gone
Christmas times. Their lot In lieu must in
deed have been a sad one, if these holidays do
not afford them matter for pleasant revery
and sadly sweet remlniseenees. With the lit
tle folks; the season la one of anticipation.
They are slow treasuring tip'matter In their
memories, for pleasant thoughts anti tender
recollections In. future days. -tn.' those are
wise parent.-high or low, rich or poor—who
give a new rearm to the homes of their Chit-.
siren to-day; a charm that the lapse of years
will not dissipate, and that will servo in the
distant future to weld together in the bonds
of love, the merry faces who. today sport
about the family Christmas tree, or, un before
tile son, Scramble to the chimney corner, to
judge of the liberality of Santa Claus. Who
has not noticed the sleeplessness of the small
fry of humanity on Christmas eye and morn.
lug I
Our modern commemoration of the Canso
mas holidays, while it does not partake °CM°
wild revelry and rush, sports, or the superati
tlous ceremonials of O. past age, yet reialtis
is its principal. Couture, a most pleasing and
beneficent social nuncios. Christmas with us
is the season of a general heart enlargements
we are lavish of our money, in the unselfish
hope of bringing pleasure to othorihnoilabove
all, prodigal in the forgiveness of Injuries and
well-wishes for those deemed encodes, for is
It not at this season that the star-lit vision of
the shepherds on the lulls of Bethlehem re
pests the golden promise all the world over—
Peace and golly will, good will and peace,
Peace and good will to all mankind..
Theonlversatity of making Christmas pres
ents grows with each succeeding year. it is
the wealthy who enjoy the pleas
ures, under the family reotstree, of this happy
4 - Cason. We have noticed within the pelt few
days, in our markets, good women, evidently
lu Lae 1110. st humblestation of life—women
who toll hard and long to keep the wolf front
the door—e.trrying with them homewards, the
traditional Christmas tree. , To ho sure, it will
not be decked with the richness displayed In
the parlors of the wealthy, but It carries with
it to the humble hearthstone a wealth of Joy
and happiness, and inaugurates a season of
love and mutual kindness. There is a plea.sure
too In en rpri-ing the absent ones, with tokens
i hat they are remembered at home. Charles
Lamb punninfrly says, •.presents endears ob.
hut how each more endearing are
gifts and givers, when all artrgathered togeth
er within the sacred circle of the home'
It is a matter of general remark that at no
previous season have our tut) , dealers in all
varieties of goods suitable for Christmas
presents, displayed in their stores such large
and varied assortments'. tills year; and vow
by year we notice the articles designed for
Presents are a.ssitming a more practical anti
useful character. Instead of the ridiculously
foolish "ann olds" and other wishy-washy stuff
of a dozen years ago, the publishers, as a rule
in their holiday reprints this year, have se
luctod for illyst ration the etioi&:st of (Melee
and American literature. We have never seen
doer specimens of printing than have seen
put forth this winter, litany of our standard
authors appearing .for the first Mae In regal
costume. We are glad to note, too, that the
efforts of oar American printers and engra.
vet, fully equal tlto-e of the best foreign work
men. Torn, as clie L iracteristie of our =lilted-
an age, it hinoticealde that that marvel of mod
ern times, the new :n , • Idaebinc, stands, high
In tit .1 favorer intlnlgent parents, and Ocyrel.
ally with those who knelt a newly mar; tel
daughter. )Lamy a fair young bride's house
hold will be made Joyous hereafter by tile
'lick cljek of this great lalor-saver: ••Fathers
Chrlittuaa gift.. no It Is In the annntlegs vu.
rlety of seasonable good-. exhibited In every
department of trade; the practical Until I,eau
ti 111 I seem to have been wudded. Even the
toys for the youngsters afford lessons in chem.
lat i t;y e '; tel,elrritlihruer
sl l l ) %c o tt , a ir tiLtt Ltly
icongratulations to our readers, and also thls
ailvlet, If, 111 the hurry of buslite , s, the clot
dren have been neglected to this hour, It Is not
too Into yet to make due
lon and be
care the requisite present, See that the
stockings are ruled and the Chri.l.lanns,l4lne
naloroed, If Only Until trifles, that on
Christmas 'morale, _ti,efu may he none Lan
bright faces In your homes.
I mac thing more; 444080 other children of the
Father of us all—the poor—abould be specially
remembered It this sett-on. A garment, a
blanket, a little food, or a few cents. may give
bittnBL/1011U1 happiness to Peale bumble boat.- i
hold, long a stranger to the comforts of lily. .
.The poor I
ye nallg alw nye with yip,. and at I
no time shoud their appeal be Inure gutter- t
otody acknowledged than when wu are cell,. I
Mating with joyous heart, the birth of I
Hint, alnente lessons of charity aunt love for ,
our fellow-men constituted so much of Ills 1
ulle-lon nn ;Air; ii. ,
—TO-day - we present Mir readers with the ml-!
dresses of a number of our 1 - .1.4111 advert:sell s I
arranged under proper heads. In tin; burry i
of preparation we may hare omitted [tinny or :
ono retail merebuitist, for which omission w u
!nimbly apologl‘e, and will again take•oppo, , ;
utility of correcting our tilt If notified try the t
friends:eft out In the cold.
lane, Goods, 50tt0.... Ate. ,
The searcher for prevents xy 11l not . 1.0 ut a
loss to dlarovet soututhina that will suit 1313
fancy, at the ianie time prove moot lie
ceptatilo 11A 4.1 ion to Ohl or yoUng, guy or int,
Yore, In the palatial trirninini , and nation
store; which occupy so yollll4llt a pcsillou
In 'the Wty. trade. Tito purchaser will and
rich jae,egoods, 911 k scarfs. lino embrolderles,
lanles and gents! furnishing goods
and u thouruntl and Inc articles of use net:
bounty. any one of wi,l.n weak! make a MOW.
Chrlaintia or New Years gift. The
lollowlng houses are more especially worthy
of .patronage :
10. Firth street.
F. 11. Eaton, 17 Filth street.
• •
joAepti Horne N. Co. 7: an.; 74 Markel !Arco
Alacruus ie CarHAl°, nt Fifth strpo,•
.Nlacrum,6l), 'and W Market SL.
. .
, .
A find, Taitittblu article of JeweirJewelryon ever
been regarded an a sultAblo gift. Every lolly
is delighted In the yr/ of 00Mtly trio.
kilts one feel doubly more their valne Whoa
receive.l an gilts from neer and dear friends.
What could be grander .an a present than a
star provoking diamond ring, a tine gold
watelt.Orrich set of Jewelry{ Fine-tenths of
the communtly favorjeweiry In liqloetiflg 1 1 0 4-
clay prawents, Ipr ZIP Matter how tritling•the
gift may be It will prove nerviceubte to the
recipient. n the well kept lewelsy establish
;manta of this, city - will be found stocks that
hare sot their .huperior went of the .uionii•
talon. The resnotad.le
1 tunseath a Co., BS fl Mt street. •
Jotoo.fon & Scott, 271 liberty street.
Roberts, In Fifth street.
Will T. Will., r, Wylie street.
C. C. ittgeo, ?2 Fifth street.
.1. It. Reed Co., 73 fifth street
Joe: 3litrch, 112 lialtrat street, Allegheny. .
S. M. Orr, 37 Ohio street. Allegheny. ' ,
Dry Oooda,
An elegant dress bilk pattern, rich brocha
shawl or any other judiclons selection from
the shelves of our lititerptising dry goorta
dealers dill prove Just the thing to present to
a female relative *MI friend. Never before
have. the dealers In th IvUncof goOds shame
m orej udgment In their selection of goods
for the holidays. '4' heir shelves are weighed
down with the tenet approprlat 6 and tresson•
able goods, which will be 4111111..1 of at prices
In keeping with the recent heavy fluctuations
In goods lit the Eastern funrkets. The reader
need har t il;• be recommended to lite following
houses, its they are sidelY,kuowif to ail ...10.m•
Butes & Bell. 21 pith street. .•
White, Orr & Co., 2.5 17J.fth street.
Vrwin 'McConnell & 'Co., No. 175 Federal
street 4. IcsilmeiY.
J. W. Barker it Co., Market street.
Gardiner it Schliter. 9 - 1 Market Street.
Hanker, corner Of Fifth anti Grant
Streets. .
• -
11. J. Lynch, al Market street.
Hosiery gad Wqolesi 419quft.'
AL the old :Mum) of Jame. Mello, No. CI
Filth etreeL, will he foudd n due atOck of 'hod-
cry, glofes, soil woolen gerreents, which Will
proye highly acceptable ad holiday gift,.
- .
it seeelow.ire.
Full not of Chloe. or Ironed:one ware have
been always regarded se unproorlute and sen
sible gifts. At the well known houses of Weil
l:l.rd .11. Breed, No. 100 Weed Street, or It. nig.
bye No. V Wined et reel, will be found the
tlnrtt st4eks in tan f In addltilin' to
queenewaro they lion, :cep fl ee Pertain ware,
eases, cut glues loullio lonian wares.
Mewing nacialtier.
Nearly evoiy house contains a sowing ins
chine, atid homes which do not should Inane
tl kitely Uo placed In OmpoluiesBlon of one. In
tau nmeleezillt century It ha a alii for a lais-
• • •
Lund Ur lather to penult, his wife ortlaughters
to Waste away' their healtleat the most tedious
of all work—hand sewing. A sowing machine
to the thing for a present of a suitable,
senstble character. On un occasion like the
present we cannot be expected to say which is
the beep In the market, but wilt slinply refer
our readers to the diligent nuenth. who will
doubtli.,9 fully explain to them the superior
merits of the machine they cell. acre they
Sumner ' Co., ogente of IVlmelor .t
'n, Fifth street.
Chß toney, agent of 1110 Grover 4 Ileke s t;
rift.n street.
♦. Y.
No. Ia I
It. 11. Long, (Irani, opposite Cattiedral
/10 , so unserane, $ S t. Clair meet.
Gentlemen's Clothing;
For a suit of ready made clothing, a 1100(1
overcoat or any thing in the gent's furnishing
line, we , refer our readers to the mammoth
eatabllsment of Mr. J.- D. Ramaley, Noe.
444.1 AKA; Plenty 'Arcot, Lie 4 40.144 Orr aelow
• , cost, preparatory to removing Into his new
. Palatial store , oppOslte the tinlon-Depot. •
' Henry G. Hale, the fashionable mumfacqu•
rer of clothing, corner of St Clair and Penn
streets nas on hands a large and carefully se
; leeted stock of due materfals for the making
of sults to order. Ile enjoys a very high rep
utation as a sklifull tailor, Mud our readers
Would Ito well to favor him with a call.
An immense stock of tine clothing Is offered
atclosing out prices at the popular cheap
headquarters known as IleGratty's, corner of
Ohio street and DlamOint, Allegheny. Tile
overcoats and ful dress or bualness suits of- •
fered at this rata' Itsinuent can be purcluts-d.
Ino where else at heaper prices.
I For boys a n d yo the tile neatest and most
I suitable present would - be a salt of Gray .t !
Logau's neat Una fashionable garments. No
house in the West. misses, such an enviable ,
fame as boys' clothiers as Gray 5: Logan's, and !
wu urge upon all Ito cull and examine their'
stock of the latent and most fashionable
styles of boys' and vent hs' clothing. '1 heir
house In located at No. 17 St. Clair ',peel.
ilrossinaver 5- Co., the extensive and pop
ular dealers In ready made clothing and
gent's furnishing goods, No. 47 Fifth street,
are prepared with an enormous stock, tot
meet the demantbwhich may be made upon
them by the purchasing community doling
the holldsys. They have a largo trade here.
and by selling nothing but the very beat qual
ity of goods, have succeeded In building up a
splendid reputation. Call In and see their L
Mince pies are toe natural attendants of
Christmas and the holidays, and a demand
arises for !pure spices. Messrs. Strickler A.
llorledge sell at wholesale the very choicest
spices used in this market. Their office am!
mill is located on Fifth St. Eitension.
' •
if a young man or !joy Is to be imidgthe re•
elplentor a Christmas h. resent, we can Imag
ine nothing more sensible and appropriate
than a scholarship In one of the coramerchil
colleges in our rnhdsA . Ho will this receive a
present which will 'trove of incalculable ben.
oat to btu In after , I.3's. We regard the busi
ness 4: r eneges of this it y second to no others
In America, since they Impart to the youth
wood, prucl Mal nosiness education which
'can no where else be acquired. d scholarship
In eithei of the following colleges would be
quite acceptable to Any ~ c ipdble youth us a
holiday gift:
Diorm Con:merelot College.
Iron Clty College.
N. Shafer , * But IMIEI College.
ennUles anti Sweetmeat%
Mr. George Iteaviin, the prince of candy
nuin facturerm In 'thls neighborhood, an
nOttneeS shut he Is riAtily to simply everybody
with the ehoieest sweetmeats mode by him
self and importedidrom foreign countries. Mr.
Ilearenig place tit business Is at Ili! Federal
street, Allegheny.
Tobneeo Prexeol,
If the ladles knew tin,, the go:nit...filen appre
ciate a bar of fine Cigars, or a hand-owe -
Veil:lMO pipe, they would not hesitate In de
eldlng upon present, tobacco dealera
bare nearly all laid in an extra stock of
day geode, and are prepared to supply any de
mand, no matter how great, len tour be
niade upon them - by the gift purcht,lng cots-
Inanity. At the following. moot popular and
reliable Winter° houses will be Initial the beat
stocks front ti It b hot of Guyana-I,
a merschannt pipe, a clutching tube, tir any
thing else In the general tobacco lino:
dolm liegraw, 40 Hand aired.
George Inantenschlen, I Nerenth Ntrcet.
li. Jeffries, it. Clair street,
.fink bison. Federal st., Allegheny.
Err'r7 , l WM: or Artyltrfoit.
We do not know how to classify the
mense eidatillsbinent or T. A.3t'Clennil, sos.
and 1.1 Fifth s•reet. unleic+ it be tinder the
sl,raisicattt head of anything or over} thing.
flare will be found an 'enormous stock of boots,
shoes and gaiters, Louse-furnishing goodn,
woolen nnide - iitTlelenj blankets, cloth lug, car
pets, mulls, vletoriner, for collate and cults,
laaaY Roods. eatlery; nini — every article we
might mention. 31 . Clellanii Atli, at less 1111111
Itastern auction prices, and always drive.. a
heavy trade.
A wk.( the unequalled yr.iting cunt; of
Mr. Litt, the well known engraver and
die sinker. would prove t cry :iceeptatiin an a
present, "fr. lintMs room, hove Davis•
ntore, contraof Diamond alley and tl'ond
Most of our at rlY.p. I.:WA have received fresh
stocks of the trdist - taddonabie and popular of
foreign and American perfninerle. war !oh
they call:elute tn elo9e nut during [hello:ldays.
There Is something decided! y neat and
sire In u present of: thls character and we ore
finite sure that reader w ill alit overlook the
tine perfutecriee In §clectlng their gifts, er.pv
,i,,ny It ipteeded for the Jain.. We com
mend the lollowing oell known and popular
druggl.fts to the patronage of the public.
Ur. lieu. li. Keyser. ItelVood reef.
JOsentl 111funmel.
AfeCturran A lilelicrinan,
dale°, T. Sample, corner Uederal 111:d
son streets, /4/1,,/,.11‘m-v•
nat f
grown's new. ',tore, No
Piano., Ile!oilcan., Organ, at
• C. C. 14elior, teal., the agent for.Chieliering
4 Mills' anti i.iierson's Pianos hits recut . , ad a
new nert,mlon to his aireittls - larxe e Loch, anti
offers as line all aseortinotte of these inTl.lllua
instrument:Cm van be (Quail In. any
bonne, We *lll not enter Into any ilseuetslon
of the Irtottte merits of the Llll.ll. e ring or
Pianos, Inuring it to tine retitle, to
eternilue their superiority or excellent utt Mr.
Mellen . , at lilt room:4 fit W.oil street, litet also
it flue - display of parlor . urttnn%.
Wins anti untitled I Inxtr..nie.its of eve, y do
other Mores of the env a 11l
also he (volo. 11,11 and
naelcaleons,l/1i1.14,1 In
atri.founts of o:very tlerortin lon. Part., In.
orarell of Olekfant proßkento WOLII,I 410 'tell to
call In anti blown., clot plans. fur Inch the:
re agent... Tho collowlog aru the remoolo,f.
Isle and (In.( nary
Mello Of Co., 91 Wool street.
11. lilet.orlt Urn,l32 .tart, near l'zflit
linaku uettle.r, t. `34.
r.C. Biome. 4J Fifth etrect.
Ifurnolin, Ito-este Filth 4,44, 4.•
nopk•...fitatlooery. Sc.
. .
A book lint, at all times. been regarded µ:
ownt . al ooln, which pusses current In all elf..
cha of odilearion tool refinement. it Is cot ap
proprlate nrt kin for a holiday prevent, and
a-11l be gratefully received by old and volt ng,
also and giddy. In no branch of bitchy....
have oar me:Thant, Midi:great, preparatom
for the liolnliwa, Llano loire those engaged In
the hook triule. Their %helves are teeming
with the choicest eeleetlons of the nteratat a
Or the poot and preeet, the Works of the
mon anthora arta scholars.
'rbpro I 'lll also bu found at the book stores
full towortmentsbr ,1101uo stationery, Writing
110.101, other IlrlieleS usually kept
for lulu bt ouch establishments. reter.uur
renders to the Well known houses of:
Illotry !diner. 711'111k street.
John W. lilltc,k,'oponalte °Mee.
lbs. 11: Aiken, CAreniefe building.
Mellwaineis Anetton Rooms. Smithfield St.
fifty It Co., Wont stfeoi.
1.. A. Mutant,, Smithfield street,
!yorn, St;lmo] . 120., Nu. BJ t'lf 'xtrect.
• VonfertlTaarteve, Toy•
t.eorge heat en, N 0.7 Federal strata. Ally -
gttbny; Kinder Illatr, w arid-Si Federal street,
A ileghelly. WO IV. Hunker and Uo., earner
of Llnerty and. Stalk streets, annonnse a hill
assortnient of eoureetlonarle4 tor the holiday,.
Via fernier has a vet class retail eatablnat
mht In our sister city, while the latter too-
IlOpoll.xe a Wilco share or the wholesale trade
or the city. Yeager 4: Co., Ile Martial.
Street, announce a large cheek or gorao,al
g0h , 14, toys 40. Thl hall long been regard
ed Its headquarters for holiday presente.
Ilkinwe Forzatailing Cloud,
At W. W. Beall Shaw's extensive and beant
ful sale-seta/Ms. NO. %Toot.; 4tre‘A, a hill line
rnislang goads will be found. No
where else In the CW ran such a varied SC-
Mallon of line goods be found, nor is there a
house Cur itching calibinliinent In the "hub ,
of Yen kee4lona which will 4Tilpse in gent rat
excellence tlin house of Ilradsliaa. There are
li.ousami'LLl bolt 4 in this tine uf train sella
ble Tor prtisents, and we'ailvise husbands, fa
thers um{ others about making presents to
favor Bralb,haw's general housewuu empori
um Wlt u C 111.
A pair of rich and elegant skates are highly
priced by the young folks in these dal s, when
Lis a disgrace for either sox to he unable to
glide in graceful style orar the smooth and
iernptlag lee: Every body skates, and why
Miould not every body have a good pair of
skates! The heat places we know of to. pun.
chase any description of skates are
James Down, Li e Wo.I street;
W. N. (*dee. ptient 11(111,11 dg, Fifth Sticet;
.iteury.brionr. Vlfth e.;
Paltuer j 'Anslinta is CO., el Market street;
John . Pltdoek, opposite the Postottice;
119roLig; Shoe" and lital4t
- Thu various houses engaged In thld fade
have wade e4tenslve•afraagetnents to supply
ti .4 r Q p il a d n ' tf!n " re a tirt r l7e T w i el ' g r llTre e x a t 4 r n a . „ l l F rn ' a " rll:l
neiivy stocks, which were pnrnhwied during
the recent heavy deprerelon In the eastern
markets. Nearly every lusty know the follow
ing eouses,w . Well deal extetedvely le the FC11.13 .
fouls shoe trulo. •
it et et rent:
(louse Shoe chore, Fifth st
Palmer, AZISI/UIZ A Co., it antra eL street;
Thomas li. i lteips, 46 Stu ithlield street;
Idettlintrteir's, Federal et. ( Allegh er*
1. Wilhe Nt.,axae!, Street;
J. it. A. IV. C. Borland, SS 31tirlret street:
'teary Ithen, Irlti Liberty street;
L.flettllnkt, Ohio ZtrOot, Allegheny.
Nicreoiqcopeol arid Upltenl Good■
A stereoscope is Justl, appreciated by all
layers Of Use benutilel. ; They can be obtained
ati_psyles, from the most costly nod elegant
dawn t 0 the plainest and most economical; at
!fasten b Co's, Smith Odd street, and J. DM
matl`s, St. (Nair street. At both these octal.
lisbmants will be found also a full line groptls
pal goo4a, such tiS gold siod steel framed epee
incise eye-glasses ; microscopes, .telescOpes,
say-da.SSOB, &e., dc.
We never professed to be - absolutely tato•
toilets, and are not prepared to say that a
basket 01 rano ore package Of Ainnoga•
Articles of llmann: need no commendation
from us as eminently suitable glair. Every
body tubes more or less pride In having Ins
house appropriately, If not , tlegantly furnish
ed Nor run his stork of furniture he too
large. ills parlors, draw,ngroorn.S.chambers,
tuning rooms, and hltelams, omnibuses,
always Jive , •reolmlor one more . --addition to
the funaturb. Nu gift ran be imagined which
would prove more W . 0,1110,10 to a ma:7lrd
friend than a par, of litrititlim. Dealers in
this line it trade an: nunierous, and In order
to point out where the best furniture may ho
obtained at the cheapest rates,we refer to two
of the representative furniture houses of the
cQty, hauler, close 3 Co., corner Peen and
Wayne streets, and llprra , hopper S Co., Ti
Mutt:Meld Street.
A Floe Gold Pen.
The merchant could not make his clerka more
ilaing testlmontolofbls regard for blascreleru
than by pre...Laing him with one of thora,
rich and durable gold pens,
whlett are exclu
elvely manufactured in thi s city by Fltzpat•
rick S Dtn „ . ll.irkot street. Indeed, a gold
pen ,11ell lu4 they tactic, would be u suitable
Present for azyliOdy.
At J. /.yons, 110 Wood street, and Barker 1
iln;eltines, corner of Fifth and Market street:
will he found I hand.ine and varll4
ents of fine mirrors and looking glussea_
Both houses also deal nmenzrively in gilt, rose
wood and,walnut pletute traines, a hich they
,uit to order.
l't rfvu.nry
]termer & fro., 1._ , 7 and 1 . 2 i Wood strioet, hove
,•tore the largest stock of lorelgh fruits Lola
confecttonnrie, which can bo foand west of
hew York. They .all either retail or whole.
Cole, a n d al, 3.1,1 drive an extruor,flttry blvd.
during the holidays.
- Froel , ,ers and l'ontoycjlopery.
Cr:takers are Iniiispensible on the table al
all +e• suns and more 11,11 Inttlypenyibfe Our.
lug le good weals grnerally tittfindlng the
hall& ys. the steam cracker baker,
Las long lainloPoit:ed needy tile entire trade
id this .icttion of country, manufacturing the
ery be et crackers to he found 11.1
HIS price, are always tuoilt rem:fount e. A full
and nicety assorted :604:k of confectionaries
air., be tu t at Iris Nearcroott. and
y 0.1 7 I !hefty erect.
31, P. t'. Imacy, Nn. it Grant s-trect,
It issmt -nets n stock ors•tovs, tinware and
tarcy article, ass will prove Islitlsly uctMptable
, 2 4 gin , to Otoomot Insksowires, Owe Mr s bur
hsv 7411 tot anV th ing in his lino. 110 14 tsp
top, practical mechanic ands attrosl per,oksrlly
to sit work entrualed to cars:
Clonlvt. it'oatp.
W kart, It VI the universal fashion as nero for
ladles anti Illll,es to wear cloaks and Cont., we
can not .thluk et any artielt, oh wearing up.
1,1,1 S Wola wouldi...ttive' 11.10 re acceptable ae
at Oily tricot!. u4t Spence's Cloak
Ho 7 nit.., Market street, Gunsenhanoves
rooms, No. 6 Market Street, anti at Ate dry
go(ots stort, of listen Y :4 . 11. J. W. Balker tV.
Co., and White, Urea he found a moot
aitukerit assortment. .
It II n -11.1perstitInns belief among many mewl
ehldstion folks 'kat 10 presents piece of cut
lery to a friend is a sure Index of the dissoht
non of the existing friendship. Now it see
thought there wes any truth la ILe tradition
ary superstition we waal.:at Once purchase
two dozen bannSome knifes at W. N. Ogden's,
Flowi f
to.p n's i Rd W ozell Buildood ing,
street, or h strV. eet: at dame.
Filth, tetw sett Tunnel unit Chatham streets,
and present one. to each of twenty-four quon
dam tri ids whom we desire to shake from
, Doubtless • Inany Of reader's
feel - just the same, and all such, or any other
body who desires to itroits., any article Of
tine cutlery, we refer to thawell-known estab
lishment": mentioned.
Toya smill Fancy lioortw.
Thompson, No. 240 Liberty street, has a !Argo
stock of toys and general fancy Bonds, which
would tempt old St. Nicholas himself. Parents
take your ClilldreU to See ITIIOIIIII4OII'S great
- Portfolio... Wallet... dm., Lte.
At W. S. Haven's, corner 'Tltir.l and Wood
street, win be found rare asao:ll.l.ent. of sta
tionary., embracing artlelbs ...malty kept, in
similar Ilrst. .1...r0c - houses. Lobl pen., cases,
ri Ling .temks, panful 10S. wallets. fancy cards,
letter paper, envelope... Ac., will be found born
at the moat reasonable priers. r or &.ay and
everything in this line give Mal wren a call.
our n I ves always lru,
ha p
ve a weakness for new
ce,r pots, and we do not know but what a suf
ficient number Of yards of Englfsh firttssehl
or Velvet carpets to cover the parlor floor
anew, might be regard etraa a highly aensible
present. McFarland, Collins Co., 71 and 71
&tree., have as tine an mann went as can
'be found In the city, and their prices aro
sanabie. Cull In and see their stock.
purees d (IritV, retail grocers, 941 Liberty
street, huru laid In a superior stock of choice
fresh groceries, which they will dispose of at
their usually cheap prices. Fleerybooy Ile.
lag In that neighborhood, at IrnsL under
stand why it IN their policy to favor this young
and entetprlslog Om with their Patronage.
We conclude by modestly advanC/ng the fair
cluimq or the :Anal,: ati an advertlming me
dium, and earnently one and all, .a-
Ver and readers, A linen CIIRIAT!ijAA
And a merry New 1 EAR,
Low Priced and Good—T4° Emerson
To meet ilia wants of tho great number of
persons who desire to ynAtIOSS n plotne, but do
not feel able to go to the expense of the costils
est make, and yet would here only a good
substantial one. we have 'made a moat careful
examination rd all the lowest priced pianos
:nude In the United States. The resultof this
examination is that we have found those
made by W. U. Elverson, to he the beat pliono2
for the Ogee. and the cheapest gru4 pianos
that are made. They are most substantially
built, on the eoundest acoustic principals; the
wood 1.; the best quelitt• properly seasoned;
the tone rich and powerful. and the touch easy
and elastic; each one le provided with the the
full Iron frame, coil overstrung bass. .They
stand Well In tune and wear well In every par.
Gelder th la we know from actual experience.'
The dl derence Klee between the Emerson
i'lano, and themore costly makes, Is caused
by the most rigid economy In the manutacs
tore consistent with, excellence, and
by a storing of lat,or on those parts,
which neither effect the tone or durability.
We do not pretend that the "Emerson't la ttoc
lowest priced Diana ;mule; umpire:an be bought
at a Ices price. Stich planoatve alp not keep,
having' found by our own and Othens exparl•
once thutlielng ido poorly made they :,e on goy.
Way, lose their tone, become .imrsh end dies
content, and glee no satisfaction to the owner,
but are a constant source of expense and an
noyance. A piano of this kind Is a hail In
vestments and really the Clearest piano any
ono can bay. We do not and will. not
them far sale. • Ulnollna the i'Eninr 3. ”'‘" c r
desirable piano, we !donee secured the
t bunch and sun ,
bITO - agenoy for tile. for -1 •'" t o mial
rounding COMMIT, and baring
...kir supply for
contracts fora regur c Z o o d or them at Tong time to cisme, w
maally o r, rates. All minions dc
'Mail'Mail' Irmo In the market,
' the b ' e t ' cbc"t the'E o " be
foreahem d not t 0 exaM nom rs n
other kind. Liberal dill
,atritym n e n n y ,teachers and cash canto-
Ch Los to Mellor d UM,G•Wood street,
mere. al - •
rittebargh. Jg,
. 1117
~, et , rs _
, ,
\ . ~,.i. , i ~....
~ A ,) ) ~
t. '
bele." would prove unacceptable as a holiday
present. Metllarran t biehennan, Joseph
Fleming and other druggists who advertise
with us keep the best and purest of liquors for
sale. If the reader desires to purchase by the
case, let him patronize the famous distillery
ofJoseph Finch, on Second street, or the well
known wholesale house of William Miller,
and Second street. A barrel of eel+
ebrated refined elder would , be N.,Weleolhe
guest in the house during the liolid4s. It Is
sold by Gralrt Reiter, :IP I.lnerty street, who
are the sole agents for Its sale In this lily.
Something to F,st
During the holidays . everyhody feels like
enjoying something goon! to eat s a n d conse
quently our first clans dining rooms are con
tinually thronged with patrons. We happen
to know where the best meals curt be obtained
In the 'city, and the readers shall have the
betted! of our knowledge. At the Continental
saloon, next door to the FostoMee, an Fifth
street, Mr. William .lloltzhelmer proprietor,
and at V terhellor , s Broadway Restaurant,
corner of Fifth and :41nitittlehl streets, meals
are nerved up every day, holiday or not, Which
would tempt the palate of a king. Both houses
are eminently' svorthy of patronage and are
conducted in the most orderly manner.
The Perdon 01 - a:omen never looks so be
witchingly charming as when wrapped in a
rich set of furs. They are becoming to all, the
blonde or brunette, the old or the young.
Some rare specimens coat shwa of money
which approach extravagance, but there are
other styll2,l Wil'eh, though equally beautiful,
can be •purchastal at the most reasonable
prices. The finest assortment of the richest
unit most suitable of furs will be found at
ll'Dermal:o9,7:l Wood street.
McCord h Co., li Wood street.
William Fleeting, lilt Wood street.
Guesenhauser d Co!, Market Street,
Gents' Forthlfthloa Goode,
& Putnam barnu fresh supply of
scarfs,•ties and bows, handkerchiefs, gloves,
hosiery, fine shirts and collars, canes, &c.,
winch they are selling at reduced prices Our.
log ti c s holidays. Their establishment is Is-
eated ut No. 7: Fifth street..
Chandelier,. Lamps, .te.
Perhaps some may laugh at the suggestion
of chandeliers, lamps and other articles In
that line, us eultuble articles for holiday gifts.
Well they may do so, bat it can be no harm to
tell where they can be purchased . to the best
advantage, and where the best stocks may be
found from a 'Web to make a selection. We
take pleasure In recommending the following
Bret class And responsible dealers to the pat
ronage of our readers: •
Weldon & Kelly, lar Wood street.
Addy, rfylilams A. Bartley, corner mistli and
Smithfield street.
Tom T. Eiveno, If, Wood street.
Herleby & Johneon • Filth street extension.
folio Moss ,b Co.:6lMarket street.
Tate ,t Seville. i..".!7 - I.lberly street.
Arthur Kirk, Federal street, Allegheny. ,
Ilousebold Furniture.
General Swerilm.qt:lll
The `Question or the EllgIbIllt? of Stier.
IR tinter—Proceedings In Court.
In the Court of Common Pleas, on Saturday
morning, before lair Honor Judge Mellon, the
question of the eligllfflity of S. B. Cluley, Esq.,
to the office of Sheriff of Allegheny county,
MIS brought to the notice of the Court
through counsel, by Mr. CI nley's late competi
tor before the people, J.l". McLaughlin, Esq.
Messrs. James K. Kerr 11.611 R. Riddle Roberts,
counsel for Mr. McLaughlin, filed in
Court the affidavit of the claimant, setting
forth that Samuel B. Cluley, since the fifth day
of December last, has exercised. and sad ex
•erelses, the functions, rights and privileges.
and receives the lees. perquisites and emolu
ments of High Sheriff of the county of Alle
gheny, without lawful authority. The affida
vit then recites-the fact Of the election of S.
Cluley, In October last, and refers to the
commission issued by the Governor- on the
14th day of November, le, to Mr. Cluley as
High Sheriff, notwithstan ding the fact that the
said S. B. Cluley had been commissioned as
Sheriff of Allegheny county on the 2Sth of Au
gust, and had dlscharged the duties
or the oillce from that time until the first
Monday of December,, 1863, and could not
therefore lawfully be commissioned Sheri tref
said county twice In any` term of alx years, tie.
cause it would be in violation of the 6th aril- .
ele, let section. of theConstltution of Penn
sylvanla. The affidavit further sets forth that
these constitutional provisions have been die
regarded by the issue of the commission to S.
Cluley and that he therefore usurps, and
unlawfully holds and exercises the rights and
privileges and receives; the fees andperqui
sites of the office, to the damage and prejn
slice of the Constitution and laws of the corn.
monwealth. The affidavit, or relator for the
I commonwealth, therefore prays for due pros
cess of law
the nag commonwealth, n thls behalf,
to answer too by wnat war
rant Declaims to have, WM and enjoy the fran
chises, rights and privileges of the office.
On the presentation of the affidavits the
Court granted a rule on Sheriff S. B, Cluney,
returnable on the fourth Monday of January
next, to show cause why a writ QUO trorranto
should not tsetse against a him, and to show by
what authority he exeereises the °nice of
High Sheriff 01 Allegheny county.
The main question involved in this contest
has been heretofore judicially determined, In
case arising in ii estmoreland county, ad
versely to the point raised by Mr. McLauh
lin. it have no d that Sheriff Cluley w g
retain possession of his office untli,the term
for which he was elected eroires.
Nointnation• In die Bland Ward.
On Saturday evening the election for Ward
otheera took place In the Sixth ward. A good
deal of excitement was Manifested, and a
Close and determined contest took place.
The opposition was mainly among the can.
dilates for Common Connell. For the three
Councilmen of the First precinct there were
six candidates, and four for the two nomlna
times in t e Second precinct, each candluatn
polling a expectable Tote, which in several
vases was quite close. The following is the
result of tie nomination : ,
J uOge of I:lectlee., hp. prce/uct--..loseph A.
Inspector! of Election-, lot prerinet—Frede
rick Ilueh.l
Return Insprator, I,t precinct—Ewan Ar
Judge of ',Elections, 2d precinct—Gee. Coch
ran, Sr.
Inspector of noctions, AI precinct—S. B.
-Iteturn Inspector, precluat—James
Assessor— WWII Shore.
• Assistant Assessors—Alexander John
Constable—William Shore.
For the above otlioes there was no opposition
to the parties elected. •
School Ilirectors, Ist precinct (one bald
woutinatetl)—Thomas Roberts. 160; Arc
Wallace, ISt, James It. 21; Witham Cols
lingwocsi. all.
Selma! Directors, ild precinct (one to be nom
inated)—William F. Freeman, 211; Joseph Mar
shall, 11S.
I . le.tect Council (one to be nominated)—dames
I', Tanner. be: W. 11. Glenn, &; David 31.
Chambers, IC,
Cotntuon Connell, Ist precinct (three to ite
ng , minfitetli—Williarn F. Lang. 156; I. N.. Co
sin, •,t.hh John Rebnian, 215; John C. Harper;
he; I,(l wardDithritige, Z 6; Jared M. Ltrusia,
Common Connell. ^ d precinct (two to be
notranstettj—itobert Rohn,. 213; A. ti:hicCand,
La); D. L. Fleming, 145, William barnhill,
A Present for n lady:
One nundred and ten dollars for an extra
finish, full cake, rosewood, Inlaid with.-peed;
s'Al for au extra tlotdlt , half case, mahogany;
0, for a blank walnut improved Finkle
Lyon; also Weed- nowt,* machines, stitches
alike on both sitles,.best in use, always really
to do Its work, had been in use for ten years,
and gives satisfaction lu all cases . They will
run two years without cleaning, and will do
all kinds of fondly sewing and tailoring,
using thread from No. 10 up to Ne. 150; will run
over seams without breaking needles or skip
ping atitches; will sew from the finest gauze
Co the heaviest cloth or leather without
change in feed needle or tension; if not super
ior to any machine In the market can return
it—the cheapest machine by 91 per cent. In
use—warranted lour years. See advertise
ment it, another column. t. 11, Long, agent,
iv! ttrant Street. TTS.
Collared 111tH.—Reuben lloward• lei NW;
T. Murphy' had a difdculty on Friday after
none, ut \o. tfl. Liberty street, - and Howard,
In his excitement, so forgot the - proprietles as
to perm himself to catch hold of Murobyts
collar and lolently 4erklhim Out Into the
street. At all events, Igurphy says so. The
:utter was natuutlyput out nt being so summa
rily ejected, and suited the case to Alderman
Strain. A warrant was issued.
Pn hoe 4 Co'. Argentine—For instantly
plating all articles cream - ler, brass or perm=
slicer, with pure sliver, where worn oil; and
for elearegng and polishing silver or silver
plated ware. Warranted to contain no quick
silver or acid, or any injurious article. For
sale by J. Sainplo, Allegheny. am! all drug
gists. del&t(
Committed for Laereoy.—On Saturday
Mayor WCarthy oorecuitted to jail William
Berry, charged on theoath of Joseph Muster.
with the larceny of • gold watch worth $l5O,
and a test chain worth 410.
Additional City and Suburban
on Fourth Page. ,
ACKSON-0,, Sunday morning. Der
Club r
JoiaN JACKSON, In the 1 ° 1 37-NUM Y .r 6 or hl
The funeral will take place at =o'clock litornaT
avnhc 111 IN, loom the residence of his brother.
S. Jackson, No. 11.1 Fourth street.
II AltßY.—ths Natoater. December:Mr. at 12 A.
Mrs. l'. HAMBY, aged al years and 8 mouths.
The funeral will take place from Ler later...del:ie.
No. Zi Locust street. Allegheny City, Ttdi MORN
VW, 0110.1. M. The trleuds th• (molly are re
sprit fully lathed to Itt1114:
105 , 0:i5tv146134, 4 ,030
beautiful •• Ood4.acre,.. the largest suburban
place of eenulehre. except one, In thls coenty, elt
naced New Brighton road, Immediately north of
Allegheny. For burial lot_ ,s permits or titles, call
at Central Drug Store of VOlfL LILA 'VEY. Alle
gheny City.
A 7 3:I2ECELTVIIaraThrt.
laa Fount meet, Pltteburale. Pa. GOVFINS 01
all etude. CRAPZa, elLOVEli,and everedeacr.:Ftloa
of Funeral Furnishing klco. forwaLuki..
°Q../ a l sad night. Hearse and Cam:seas Inriasnee.
itirlataate—Bev. David Bert Nov. 111
W. Jacob., D.D.. Thomas Elms. Ep.. Jacob kr
Miller. Leo.
No. 196 ?II mithneld BL, car. 7th,
(Entrance from Eeventh Street.)
F o rr • ral3l:llFLarrr..-
/ND 192 amilnISET STREET.
R . T. WRITE & CO,
MAU eland; Wood'a Boa and nelatty.
oornaript shemela and Cdtarelad dtreets.
If lane and Cantons. farantard.
-Rtitencaou, December Rib. j
HOLDIII.9 of the Chaetlen V•ller Rail
road Comoatir alit be held 0.1 MuND&Y. Januar,
71h, Af:c, at N 0... Yoerth Street, at which time
Cul place On election tor Boren s leevon •111 he
held. between the knurl or I.s•d '2 o'clock. P
8. V. VOX ON N MUST. Sea
B 1,.
thrt-tvic rtrTa. a Sir curN . vitg.e. R. U. s
Pivr...ountai. December 22. 1044. j •
ioDERS of the Pittsburgh and liteohenslile
11011 , 0 5 4 Company will be heist at No. 17 Fourth
street. on ISON OAF. Janusgy 'll.h. h.etween
the hours of id oclock.. n. X.. and 12 o'clock, lc, at
whlell time and grace. an election fur rresident and
twelve I)trectora will be held.
th.24:02 N. F.VON BONN noßsr. Peep.
J j`LZlAFONc49reiiii; --.. "‘_°c° 7 7.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
So. A 74 L187R.T7 BTRirr,
- --Ght 1 t ar t tt t oo a l aar:agtomx , 0 Pl-e
a xßo l o o o ti t. lWa P
irA P k Cloa ks an .16.1437. 1 A ro Uionn A
NEW - ADVE - R - T - ISEE[ll;ii .
6 Wylie St., 341 door from 50.
sOnretLlng nlee for • Pr. ent. made er -
Prt.ssly to our or.tnr. hr nu. or b.,41 Manalac
turns In Europe, unruntutl to Le pern.,l.
Time Keepers from $lB to $25,
szkis street,
Great Closing Out Sale
334 and 330 Liberty: Street,, -17Crim
I .
We warrant our G oo de equal
every respect to the beet Custom
Christmas Gifts.
Psalm Book
()era. fro.n t_her PccU
Reins Ll:erm s ours,
Ile tler'2 Hymns,
Annuals, True Church
5.1,41 /Seeks.
Boitlca' Worki,
English Books
Photogr.pil Albums,
Aut,rraph Anotrus,
Petedt ritode A Iblimr,
chow.r.r, h Cardc,
Prang., Cards,
liexo Q.
A A U nlork . e.
Prott:Ln 4'xrde,
Mask earde,
k Hose,
Cutitparklons, -
1:‘ Coospoolowl
Ithell Boxes.
I. Look
Uhl Orr.C.•• Nalut,
fort!t Bloch
• I'.yor rle
T. - .llet that.
t 11A ur-,
`Cell I r.r.r.o.les,
V .1, L I'a rtm~ola.i
ut:ec; kr.
(onlu Ur. Boots
1.. Penn and lloldt,
Pen linlvt
['.fps: huh
Idkale, for Latlles,
Stat., z.,r (:t
c, for .1113,4...,
Skati.• ror For ,
`,Alva rural(' MilliVo
Presents' for the Young.
Fressu•s for the Old.
Fitments for the 311 st,
FresrAts for the La,!,,
Chinese Lanterns. rh,„,Vl:=,‘:" the
For — Chrlstsdas Trees, For librf
stmas Trees.
Wax Candle-. Wax Candles, •
Stoat! Flags, Small Flag.
All the al,ve: with lturr!redl! of other articles
suitable for Holiday tritts, can be obtained at
c Post Office, Plitsburgb,
S 9 59 59 89 S 9 59 S 9 S 9 5.„9 89
$9l 89 MARKET STREET. .S 9,
s9ll. 4::). ,A 9 l
139 j 'S9 Market Street, S 9
S 9
89' BOOTS; SHOES &C. :89,
IV .IE3 x
JAMES 119 EB, 89 Market 8L
89 . —419
89 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89
/0.5111., lIIIVOL.S..W. 11. LATSTI,Or...I. ANDIErIf.OII
ly ownerl byNtessol: NNO, PENNOCK ik CO., It e
respectfully Inform (he l p
üblic that Ire 'sill COIitIIII..
the manufacture of ,
Sheetingw, Cotton Tarns, Carpe
Chains,l Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orders may be lea at the Otllce of the Worts,
Corner of Duquesne Way . and Barker's
I.4.ttitall=al.l:twal2s P. 41"
24701717 Sra "2"4=.1...1.2 - . 4 10.191a21.42.0.
prod stamp for circular. o4'all on
ite33:0.1 ,. :-- No. 11 Yin I, Street, llttaborith, Pa.
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A tares assortment of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, dm.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth.
OASES! 11011SEN:1
Nll= o X' l 13 .IbS.IEII
„ mn d,oasl WORK 110119 M. 121.renetve
I lif t ,. said cheap: One fond DALY/NO LIONS
woRK swarariteca 20 bo aouu
nd.ood workers. Cal/ at
flOWA.ltllhi 'Avg HIF sALE STALE.
moil First street near Sionoosrabria Horst,.
Practical Furniture Manufacturers,
Latest styles of FURNITURE eoastaatlyou Izatk
rinyer Bo:4