< Orn'-8, ME ]mmihz wn3 Insura,nce Corupany- A t - w . opt3zs. ~V ..s.'lviarprew.Teresldent. Y- - TASSETS OVER 2 4 4 4. 7 500,Ci0C:0, tsivipLi eglisa 4nnual Available Imnieitiatelki4 _ irscatAse TIU INSISitANCE- OR BEDIUCE TUEzap. OPTION OF THE AUSSFISED. • - - • ih4i44,l4Tien e6d Ottifetvetraiii Liteiesiea la tika attaiees oz tars imatmaper One invited to colt oe taa ondenurbe4. , .airent at ttsa• (baffolarti o wl: Onia7caVaZ. ' • GEO; ) 11 iErgiCEISTOCK - /Oat, . 87.111%b Iltaaket. Pittalbairgat. . _ 4 " Dr; DI TheroirasianDaniiipeFothitir latiShlnggis YeADIDY.,.st the.Well'lrtukeiroud dechledlY Ixso/WAlentai headquartersr of Dr. G. W. Sperm/mil/0;SM: l'enn street: indeed. Myr oi ouvrlid*ain - hariany just idea of the ins. mehatir‘lnt,tihk*,:hoitopentmlv by,-1111t . xa04ti;!...;404 - entraimei remioda _one more ci a DlaaeorlPubltoatnui - tuuent r at dom tsr.4 l OOLfot Oie!ineuraDlg and outgoing, or vLEkttorr eon/DA/Ml.' Them hid seitrettlOineeted witti'thie-iMderful EnretesS. Spitlevc .won Wieputatlon from the diga*,DIADIF-toor.inunity... lii, work - has ' Itidivlrptood. thIC timeind'ooMpired fkirombly with. that turned out by his coutchtiorarim iidmielstritiou-,lree of cum charge, of thopeifebbrieloss and carefully generated hinghloff?As d one _ muctrtet his fmtroiisge. ;Amu, &DUD, hierMeellent system of doing _business en hancers - his_ 'popularity. -In, * nddltlen to the derdol artists . and skilled roe. cbanico. he liai3OenotOntly In attendonoe two / 11 0e4 ! 'whe:iiiii at all times in waltiogdorlog dental ihrmitioni upon ladle; Mod.children. it itohrteeth are docaypf/illave Dr.,SPencer them; - attend the.af you -heed - new Ones with wolt14;on can eaKeleeil.dtinkitlitlionveree with, g °1414. • B lmiesr• Yon bamaa Uvulae. some tooth wkinhannoys you, have Dr. dron• ceerdiantsit. -- Ino - oloirgea aril moot mete9,,,a.. b 4 end. willYOutemollt yourOolt,by favoring him with your.patrOnage._ - -`- ' • m0i4.1. 'Glom fa* An.. • • Perfumery Caskets, Wove,Beses. Perhtreeriatt' alsulles , Cateav Ladles, Workpozes...Ch.tarNeses; *- Gdies i Coitigstnions, - Clgar Stands; . Ladles , ?aims, Pocket-Bottkei ' 2l 4o l ionhitet ; s, , Corinkilieittalt Vs-au:ll'l4ml% WatelV.ll4o;.'" *l i tti a-CakikOjiia,nazalst Toilet Sets - , inhenalan-Ware: • Fine Futritoxelh Fine Colagnes; Havana Clgars,Freneh , Perfumery; ' Andtliaraelnlrtikr:of 'the linait French and Enklziai Portuinery, Tollct-tt, Canines and Toilet Seers, ,F;grannain Search Of snits; bie holiday .a find one stock very complete,Fmkat.prWs eisxeectlngly • itt Drtriteats: ES 4 1 '4. ket strati rienevliNaniottd; near Filth street. Their litiiioilulailisieitra`Oftri pig- 0;cl:flu Zr.. brothers and be4tix at. Alleghtfa9 thi r d .1992 m StirPenalfal -Bridger ,wlitce• tieaid 'Kg Abe common vartellef,', a rasp, Oftoiocrisoleation of znedrichactofilioloiwoed,:and citifir'xdpes; ci Ziff holffem *toff geotooddrogtedeglglis lugs anif,vfO4fftt stoat 11#10k4fg to oheior.' fag totoufoo, and meat' otlftii "pogo* bland! & Cuban owl. Amu fauf . clgazo: _ • • ~.+wt..r~;r.: If yott would AT? an, immense stock of lathes , taxi of eitiko ;Ow: styles ' ,' Ladles , Skating 'Gaye;Men' Skatin g Capp Ratent .-Ekceislor mar." CoUst.s. Mats; ,Ladles rat „goods Otylrol; alt the new styles ,of Hatartiiii Caps, goeolhei Flat dam Hsu cap and-radia' Itoit.4e:af William Fanning, 331*-Wooflrstriet.' She gqo!ts are being 'sold sit "JO* any other The Mitre elewtrirMsetilnel . Meat certainly lake the !mid of. all othae in short tlme., it was awarded Ace premiums on worlicet the. Woild.e Tat; 18Ufli teer:prend unto for work and on the machine. at the Heir. York State .Fair, 'sie-tbe - Irst, "or September : 42d, Aliremluni on -, .the machine: attheOtiiir State:Fair:l9kt See' Journal, (' . . l otObeg 19th. . The ,only agency? for its sale Icit Ateat - reitimilli, tic it ITO. St. Clair street,PlCabra•ph.-- = clear Toys, angefitie - 4idiel; icalatzus, Cur, rantr;Pritnek'qierlo, './Apten Peel. Cm._ nod Frulta, eta., etc., ea cheap and as good as at any otlerliterpealiiihn : gala eltlett,.. George BearonMo.:lll.Pederaintreet,TAllnlntr.y City. A. call is eoLtelted: • • = CC= Of shoes,Aupze. a irg0d.:419124111. suPstallial ktolldatepiesontrethat fi of some service, and - always welccaneti , :'recelved::- Then:Bieck at tne Opera House Sime,Store As large. and varlect;tuutp*kaisiecdlaglovi. Boots ana'shoei Setllug without , the least regard to •value of coat, muss be closed .out by January Ent, surer Come and buy, at pie pots goo° Shoe Store. SilvirriatiVand Pianideit• At Flemlag.s Drug and patent. Medicine De pot, S 4 Mirkefatimit, comer of Diamond, near biibe Time To Invest In • , Llmiorero,tentStove Damper.". Seql4l ; 4llLEan — iint In'inother ooloutn:.:0111ce No. II Flnb street. , - TOW Umi an Forel/zit-liquors 0r.51101 , 1c1.ds at Joseph B. Firintito Matillery, lio.18 0 ,1?9,1113 equil9srhirt street, PlCtatittiei..: - "_. - • • • • " !etoaliiitsciisdei to be pricpt . ,Awir4flosr.. 80120 Shoo st(ire.•, ,•ftlaiperlotedotrtlic• t a mere.itOttittml at tbb Opeit' itattitt boc, Spy*. per cengirsi ..Toseph Thu tint Bar New HOPS it Joseph Pinch's. Eirmnei&i. emmusaa. llfth,potna Fc; , the missing biljlerdist, - of Itocteitei,',lC 'hie not yet been beard front, remenelmcd, Fox. lathe'neat :Foutesti,int. fgr . the billisird champlonahippf Anierica,,and this fact in, connfutfoiwitiehla mysterimildisaPpear, ance gives ample gronntinfor,the suspicion of feta play. --- . coLoilApp ,TEFuTpwr, which, -is : now knocling-at` ; the .dOor for. ndmi AS101; lino the Union, had a pepsdation in 1860 of 30,- 000, and must certainly haee'that e ri a lly in. Cressed:.4o l . :ittat;ttet - Ae , tc6C..years. admitted, Colorado .will not, be the least important Stale in the'Unlim:.. ' Tma Congrii Would. Cominittee,con s i s t. ing of gears. Elliot, of diamachusetts, Elhellabargon; 'ol'Obici snit lifebillough, of Maryland, appointed to investigate the. New - Orreanit 'riot, departed ;yeatordarti perform that duty. tun §troOsburg Is-reported to be , nsYstes* manna 'fifty' thousand dollars. The, officers; axe to give any satbdaiztOry as to tow or Itti it IlujiTet4P l %7 3 l l 4" - SOr the litaelt; lo iteßblicipljpted spinet thelfeliotitrrige:blll kr:l2le Dis . r act of COlokilds:' ' ' ' :. : , . . - i 1' :•,:: / '. ' A .• .. • '.s.s . 0 :• : L . L : .):: .: ' . • • '- $ • . ' - 1.- • ' . ' ' ; I ' •• 1 • • I , $$ • • $ . I••• ) 4i; S A . • • Il• I - $. A • 11. • j. • • ibila • . • -'•'......- . • .. ~ , ~ , ',',.,. 1 • , . 1 . . , . '' ' -- ' • - . NEW AWLS otzt - "Ear Ts: t - , -.•••-..- ~.•.- c.- - :. ..--.• • A •• ' . , - . . . . .• . : : ' -1, ,•., ~: '...- . ,- . _ - - Ag' `.-..*. . WATCHESMEMISIIMAID N.. • „ \\S , ,t' f• . 4 1 . . .'•-••. t 0231717313raia: aS c i. .` .'-' • -;.,- -" . ' ' ..;-• .. , _ , . : - , ,,=,:•-• A i-z-:;., .....A...-:, .. ,--...:.-.- •••• , b•&:--' i.,•.:t.. 5- _, . —1 ' -; • '..•.',.: . . AT t VEST SMALL 'MOM, AT - --.._:7- . .„.. -- , • : -, . 5 - : •", k — N.: /6 _ ,„....„...__. . ~ , ,• 5; • - tt . gLiii iie .. r °frt.. r . -, ...r4.4. , - - 4 • l * , ' ' / -‘• .' - • ... --. . -',.%. t WILE-Ti -1-12: -Y - : , 'S • . - -. _. •,-!.. - --....4 - -__ .,4 - - --- ' , li iti _,.. unt iw---- - T - - - :' - - - - c r_ „ , , Q;!1,_ ,..... ,... 4 ,--:•-__--i r a ,;., , ,_ , •••,,. \, f- - r •-• ,. ., ,, ~.,....„.„ N,,, K, •••, , A ..: ,... , .,...,„, ,, - ; • . 111, i , 6 W . 5 .. 1 i ie c !f.:_141,:d00: 1 :r . 11 . 61 i.,. .16. 0 1 2 !11 : !:- .. , 8 -: : ' ~.:'------- . :f - . -; ' . .. ,s, _...--...,.-____—_- ~,,,..i,...,--21,t-w__ ,-,---.r4 , - ...,_ , 4 , ... ,, •—•,,, • '..N...,VtIiT •• • 1 '- 1 ' . 1 .....- , f.r, IL W IIIII g- -1, '1...e..41.4 > . ",Z.,..,,,, ..- c . ,, i rf _ 1 „._ ~. ,i,vl: ...._- . .---, , • _-.._.-_ ,:c_-- -- ' _ ,P ----,_ ,' , . ry . ~, ',..-1 ~ ; • ...' , ..-.,,,.. \ i ... _ _ _,.... --_-,-_-.-----;. ..-- - '--.:'- . 1 0#1 t ' ' \ • . 4 _ , • , , --------- i -- / , -----......___ / , ----- ~ .. _ VOLUME m's. -NO. 306. 1 -rgW: EvaoN. 1 'ON '761-Otk-,I"A IgnEWS BYIELEGint illßO*;:fa9PE;,. T'': ~.;!-...----..,.:.„..._, - .....r f. i-,...,, re.±)--iaii,.-I...itoti*aiii-...Qtfibt Tes wapanwrs-orsTonsrm Austria ,aftA,< :~Hu~~alt9an`l3let THE 19PE _„THE UNITED STATE& ALL.,UUIET. IN IflikAND' AT NOON YESTERDAY Niiiriiiii init.twroposeErV•l7t43 THE RECENT 'COI.LIEIeI EXPLOSIONS; , EZIMMEMI I.MgDoil, December 17-1 x.l.*.—Than3 *nano - umlauts. of the Lenin Neaterday as was thra A tihba , V 2 P l4.l X l Verel:7 ll2 lnaiLlanterto";, day. t and a ll reankor !plops. trouble have about The report ofthearrestorhtephsnut ID tintrtie. He JAMIE -at • large, and'tile whereabords Set unknown. • . •! - naarmr.: December tr-;,itrosii. - a-T4a Etna of . Sakti •15 exc. 'EU is ttmeat br the Sing of • _ Pr aids, and rettenvenetfory attention. .•••• '.Vitoria; Daperatsit:lf- , Xoen.-It - ls Staked that AuftriaXefuseS to comply with the frisbee or tot ileileatine Diet at ' iessa,,Dedititter 11..-Thw'Emperor, art i er a council %lb nisi,Ministsrs On the prnpaltz tAciMitetude to him b y ilia iiiintorlin tiled; de'' , . aided that they are`, too mow to becontite" tioaced.;' lie, lotai'OCeeirdlnel.Y, refused to en. tertam thein. An imperial communication has been forfranted Enngarian Met on the subJeCt. --The reftisaLLS couctied nature terms and InUntsteirthat. ttnytiovessunent Uri the Empire ',Elbe strictly enforeed . tilloalgh - - oat the wholoortb• Emperoirls dentin lons,. Rome; December VrAn inyitstlan. Ittestbo . leading illgultarled - Of',tho the United bistesi . extendingto the Pope an urgent rennet for ',his to visit that eotifllTY.-bas been reeetredand- re Under con., sideratlon. -Morels , some prommulty . , of its Usittur, eta 17.-It heiebseeth Emperor Maximilian wis detained in Menieo ogatnethis will, and was virtually a - prisoner . under the warreillance of-the Trench, who dip said tO he acting under orders from the Vrenell Emperor, as they tear that eomplheations may arise from his hasty ,withd ra wet. - - ;larkaroot,.Dee.. 17,-.The :report - has -been circulated here Mar James Stephens, C. LO, at., had been arrested by an English detective wi.Ue attempting te , ,..Makei Ids Way Mid Fro; lans..bnc the'flostrentsentOftlefals ',lslip' the . statement. Itnmensare rife Iles „he fahettem readrlrelarideisiant Mailitiredoawitit a falstrable opportunity to take passage on some vessel for tlreinorthern part of...lreland. The wnole Of Ireland IS noir under the rigid serptlny of „English gnn boats. - ••• Dolts, Petel7.- - A4Vieees :from .art '^ , e-ets - o lienann ay to nooartrL ati.qulet and there are no prospects otaur insinedlato dls turbanoe. :Patrols and"troops have been..ell tahlishedinthe Moseenspeetedlonilltiei. Arrests for Wettest -few days Stare teen On the decrease. ; ; .. Parini Dae..l7. lfandity.-tienerat'samonte . Minister or the Imperial Government ot Mex ico to the Prevail (*main:pent. boa retelved telegram trom Mexico by the cable stating that the Emperorlitaxlmitianxbil.rentaln in that, country ..as Sled gtveS strength. p LONDON, Dec.l7.-Adviontfrom Barnesby re ort more explosion% In the coal_plts, t .but no additional lossoriste. 4 ,2tbehtt one tittihere,P dyed funerals baroftaken plaeet two hundred 1 Widows mourn the loss ot their, husband, ail nearlylour hundred 'children are lei' father- I en. Alt are in a destitute condition and their appeal for help is touching. Eighty deaths are knbah to have occru-red front the Edarrordebtr a calamity...and many yrns-sris supposed to be deed in the . pite.: , Idyll:spool., Dec. , 17, Monday evening.-The . Cettorrinarketelose-s lirm at the advance re ' ported - today . ':, The Tallow market ISCrm The Ilreadstu frs market teculet, sad unchang ed. - There is no'allaratton to notelet the Pro. vision market. r -2110...Petndeum • market is steady, with sales of relined at is 73.90315.Ek.• Manor, Deo. 17,..Ezentrig.-The Money mar ket continues easy.„ Console Oozed et. El for money; The followingare the-Modes quota. lions of 'American securities: SaYs, 71X; Erie; 47k; 'lllinois Central77X. . . Ltranrool., Der-Stab* ectrxtt-Cotton adminced,' Market aeUve. Bales to-day of. twenty thousand pales 'saddling. upLunts at - Losnea DeeeMber t:— . Noon.—Consolv-M; rive -Twenties, 71X; 1111nolaCentza1,77ya Erie, 1 asairrozvr,::Meeemtier -dlve-TwentteS; Livmmoot, Dicembei I . 7.—Tbe iondon and - Antwerp.potroleum markets ard.anchamted. Erre!' :caw °stains,- tem • 17.—T7ie - weather Is clear and cold, and frost ht everywhere visible this morning., The river IsAteaditY. sp cuing, with five foot testAnchrs..belOW‘Mairwater mark. Business on the levee is very 'active. Arrived—The Stonewall.-from Louisville, on the 16th. Departures to-day—Vlrginia, Lex- InSton. Slilter Wave. JUlia and lady Gay for St. Louis; -Wild Wagcnter - and'llouisiana for: Louisville; Westmoreland for Cinelnnatl Lornsvmus, Deo. 17.—Weather °Mar. Coal business fair. Elver stationary. , - Boats Cp—il, S.'-Turner, Buda of Memphis, Con tin eras). Paragon sod Comens• gloats .Down.-Mempidan. 43abOtut FerilYtbe, andjieleinne. Boats In Port—Mollie Able, ;Commercial, Gluideon L eloui, Sam Bale, Hann/- . Mammas; Dee.l7.—The Cumberland la fall log alowty NR 1 t flllecodect water on ilarpeth Wand.- Weather clear and pleasant. Tit, Ca mellia left to-day. for. Pittsburgh t dm Tyrone for Cairo, and the Palestine for Louisville,` depart to-morrow. The Ilavana, from einem. nail, la expected to-ail:ht.. , Texas—The Work or Else In Golvertooaduriei. .Gszr rsxon, (Texas,) Deo. 17.-Aa 'Eisend! ary tiro dEsttoyea• an; tuintalied brick banding erected by , Fiapman,' osirostolnoe street Thu if tisome•J tga and Express ogles waro atso destsoyod by flee and alder t .. /.oFtl_abont /MY: Getvr.son, . 17.—Tlie damage by the tire here is estimated at ninety thousand dollars. includinwthelass of the Lodge and Medical li brary. The losses are as follows: Duille/d Chapman', 4140,0001 Dairen & Davidson. drugs, $30„000; Express company,el,ooe. It le stated that the object of. he incendlarlcs las apposed to have been to roe the Express Company, as - a largo, amount of money.had recently oven received from the 'North:" Allnott excitement .and Indignation exists &pleat all incendiary A Murder Trial at Itiettmaitd--Tha ^gtnia"zegtsiatart.. ; Thomann, Dee. 11....-Tho gillitary Commie. sloe, for the trial of Dr i Wateon,Of ltockbridge connty,.and others, will convene lathe United. Etates Court Boom, In this city, on next Wed. • The weather is snow which fell On Entente,' night is tepidly disappearing. Tho BenatoonleredAbe engrossment of the bill amending the nettry laws, which author. ize ten per cent. interest. _ The Bonato concurred in the House resole, item for a recces omit the third of lnensiry. The bill ineorpOmting the Vliginla.Exprese Company with certain privileges has nadir passed belh'llonses. . Genernl Glrantat. Clisetrunatt—lteitor goolon nt fronton, Ohlo—Jelrerson Ciniciaerarr,Decio 17,—Gon. Grant - nill.arrtra hero to.inorrow_froni St. iortis,.and proceed to WaslAng,on to-morrow - Mei. (ion. Butterfield Anspected liernort Barman to-day and haricotthe east this even he boiler of the rolling mill Woodrow, Means a Co. at Ironton, Ohio, exploded thls morning, .nisocklag the banding into (rag -neat*. -The.eaglaiterwas - ancltt x.r exerid othertinjured: -Loss atoliza.ale.Croa. ' The Board ,Army Wagers recently assen t wed at4eirersonllaniteka, sajOurned. 7C10.01 , Mkt TZWy . wllileixarggend rapists Anti alter. Arrest e t nktisklloishese IneSers , Xenia' After a - Pureuts ay ThirteesEllfelstbn• • -Br. Loris. Dec. D.—The4eptP iaitenen iElew ,Destoot eorresponasat says: Detective Theteas P. Calatreca arrested-Chute, sad X o ' gene Httalltoa ellesDr. alslngstonanditrot Lewis, in El Paio, hievattn, on the obantretot robbing the bank orllookorellit TeollEtintn, Ms., of one inuteronendaeithty lttousanedal _ars. These trien. hasty been steadily pursnalt' - or thirteen months. - SECOND EDITION. FOUR otcLqpk,.4. VERY wEstlactut, 7i.4O4:IVASIIO4FON: Thetinpeiiir of.sil f riesista Letter ,to the:-President..:. is„ gps,pAcittastolist The 'oL Chit Ctuts by Military Tribimals. REPOBTLIIS EXCLUIED Mk sae Stiailt COURT. othilraction'dilicillationalOutrency. SMUGGLING ON THE NORTHEInif FILO ITER. ITAMITYOtos, Dee.l7,--lk the lionie of Rep. resentativea the brieakir presentegl the tollowing communication from the Prost tranyntriting. a lettee 7 %.;biel-1.),- him retain from the • Emperor of reply to the resolittlena. the /t it , the Senate and.• Nouse ef Represenfatiterl— I communicate herewith thistle:3ll4o=ot the letter of the ifth of Animist •lett, addressed to me by PM Melesty; Alexander, Emperor of Russia, lb reply to Ugdolfit restdetions of tditgrem, lildwroVe3 II f May, /SO, relative to the attempted atsmitnation of the ithspis• ror, a certified copy Whit h`wa. mom Pll once with the reluest of Cougrem forward* uleinkiesiy by the hands of Gustavus V. ox . lute Assislont th e of the Navy of the United States. (Signed,) A x IMES/ Jon Joussox. tY )11311111ardl Dec. 11.1t4a. nie 3 1 / 4 ..E.T1 TOE EUPFROP. OF at th.A.A, TO Tel rnesIDEST OP TILE UNITED STATES OF .I.3liit - perwit ormosine - nototA , turetreektypa flees the bands et Yr. Pos...the,resolutken ot the Congress of the United ember Arnarleat on the occasion Of the prowttlendalygrace*or which I have been the °hint. That marl - of inpatuy hes moved me sensibly. It is not alone pursed/ILn bni. Mottos* once more the sentiments thAtblad the Jtectutition to that of Russia) .Tits two peddele We no in ) ples to remenlber, lhlt only good relations. Under all eircutilf teem* new prodfs of mute al,doqedencear Wed. These cordial re. leuotergre eadlandnetreto their reciprocal in tereetifilitgtft godiathurnanity and answer -the design of Divine Providence whose will is peace and concord ae...olig all nations. It gives and a lively pleasure to - she these ties con stantly strengthened more and more. 1 have imputed tuy arittn#lts .toddr. Fox. A day youttiDelhar r to.tinagrela ftgthe American people 1 represents: Tell them how tee= appreciate, and with me the _Wade of Itudin, the testimonies of friendship sooyAß,vo ;trim spg, and ,hoW happy ism b e to gen we American peeple grow in strength and prosperity by the ‘anion and constant practice of the civil virtues that distingubh U. Accep t,geged at the same time, the assurance at thialtf,•ilealltleat .! WitillidtfA Itear ..cr 4 4 . is nod) AtexAsnaa.. !The letter was received by ther House with heeded marks of appftivaLi. --- The Supreme Coors, this morning, delivered a final opinion in the Indiana so called Con aPiraoPalnttatir .iteflettleh Jrldge - thfUllgelV di Dowiestt I /verde senterices/ tea catitg and Mitharspient neetensed. Tbe ) dee* -against the It;gllitylirmllitaly commissions f° l4, l riVeci7 xe wa en . 5 ° 4 1 .”-" 1411 P 1 , 1 = x ) ePorieri tbterof the * trense:•iegsine totitim 311, LicCellochls withdrawal of the currency at the rate of 111.000,000 a month, is regarded en very ,aignificterof the ffiellogin thingrestittfayor of oontrsetlon.- - Representative Ashly has prepared a resolu- Gen of inquiry into the alleged merges against Pre3Wka " l -4 bA• c'ut wAidi Abo_litat iitto to. wurd inmelitnent.. - The Secretaryy. of the Interior bas rendered an important-deeisson deeming. lthe deelsien 0* the tounnissiener of Pension, retedibir the application of widows and minors of cote. •misatoeedotecers themantiyoniPtiaspilsr the additniellyilleertinokin second oftile - atiofJ alp Returns recerved'aVlMlN rl 1 LA0(011/ce, shows the aspens! 'dating the month of No. vember at the - St...Peter's hitneseßte, a,itcoatboitot Pbblittlitogrie2iMeelliPir.Pars 'widely:to:L*o4On lIMMWIVAIta valuta-- According to advicearecedve.d by the Bureau of Stattatics, datiell , Turks Maud; - Nov. -- Pith ) . ISM, the silver half dollars and quarter dol. lace of the Vetted States hove,beentleclisestd ) Dy prodadation of Shis - Qatenket.Gptat ../Irtbh tO be EC legallender In th e Colony of the Turks and Ccscaelalands; and tee dependea cies thereof to circulate and be used in pas , dentwatitoratlett4weehMlniptsteelingrdtry itiesddrornearter.ttollard)theVnited•lthtee /mimic shilling sterling- Infortriatiogiadeily FisilthriciflolTlld, pried* pally through prikAte sources, of the seance u• Lotion in the Britt= Pravtabeil odour North ern borders of great quantities) Of dutiable goods, which have been-importodatphmen In oldie proximity to the'bOtteditrrittio Tor the purpose of rnardeg,thoni.agroM the rder and evading ttferayinebt Of dates. it is also known that more extettsme and powerful corn hituitiona for carrying on the aionggling bum ness Item recentlyhmen fOrmeiL, Tamarac?. act their offorta additionallegislAtlon is neces sary to enable the ) enisteinAzdherltitiff to act effectually in the Matter. Linter instructions from,tho Secretary- of %Interior. the Commissioner of the General Land omca bits cUreetedlbe Register and Re ceiver at Denver city, Colorado. fo Withdraw, as far as the public surveys bare bean com pleted and Plots flied in the Regtster , 4 odd., the odd sectionawithtn the twenty-dye miles limited' the Union Peolfieliallroad,Eastern Division, upon trio designated line of route from ti 4 lrefllerP bad:IMAM:. , Thilt r ri:Nitt - CON4 II AS; . . _ osztvxrisowlipart • Dec.' 17 mud. '• • - The Chair :41d tofoie: Retutte-'soOmmit , Mention from the secretary of ;Wart. ,Rt IT- - spouse to'the p'rikaedlotie of,the Caitetlaidon appointed to - audit tho claims initutisFof slaves that colleted, or, yere drafted, into:the nilltuilloarifee.-= Referred trrthe - Corainitteli on Military Antra. • -• , • Mr. Sumner presented the proceedings ef en uncontlltiOnal Union mese meetingrheld at Norfolk, composed of eltizena without regard to color, thilting:Coninoss to ignorethe -pro. sent State.Glovernment OfTironda, and estabi link atenitortagoveruntehtundetZudge .. -dere - end, end asked that It be referred to the C 4ll mittooVerAtemilitnlettOb. , „4 , Mr. Sainsbury. objected to the reception of the paperom the ground that Dom simply theortmeedings of a public meeting, and not In Die form , of, a petitlettrantliastred - fOr its non . reCeptien , cetz,thengromtd.of.a:precedent already established by the Senate in declining to reserve eochliapms... ; The Senate decided to receive the papers. Mr. Wade mounted theopetititut of-citizens -Of Alimandria, praying for the retrocestion of the county to the District of Columblatthat no protection eau borobtaluedrandof -the laws of Vnginis. 'Laid on the table; . • 'After some discussion on the question . Of the irepogt of the 13th section of the amnesty law. if ritnttwrardon.to robeln'tbabtl tfor the admission "of Nebraska wee taken up. Mr. Sum nerlntroduced a hill to prevent and punish persons making fraudulent renresente- Lions. thereby inducing emigration to foreign countries which aronitendedto , provent ored persons from being entitled to foreign countries, !hero they will .be treated M cool- On motion of Mr. 'Wilson, it rut resolved, that the , Secretary of 'tzar be requestal to communicate „the. report!. Of his -Assistant. Commissioner of the reedmen , s Bureau, de tailing the actions of the 'intent! in tho Into rebel State!. Thefreaidentpro.teni.laid benne the-Sens ate* communication,from .the Secretary of - ear, In response to the resolution calling for In formation in regard to ...thtLauointinent of C0MM14310128111 , Leeward eineWsatiodto lop al ownemi of• Slaves who' volunteered or were pressed-Into Um military Service of 'the ted Staten during the war,lromoartain Mates. The Conindesioners had been, appointed for MarYland,Milmciurt, Kentucky and Delaware, 3,6liTelaimli are bled by the MarylimdComnits- Menersi 756 allowed, 279 rejected and 2,803 re turned to the claimants. , Ort alieernit- of the dissolution of the Arst Comutission. another Cotntaisslon hes been appointed for Maryland. Tae matter was Dainty reterred to the toes , Jllittee On Military Affairs. rldr. Trtmdmitmoved to Jnoceed to 'the con- I •sideratlOn MOO hill to repeal the 13th section of tho ',et to suppress ineurrection god pun- I . Ish treason, and said erotica providing that the President may =tend attiOretTto DOZIOUS who have been engaged In reilliMMtlivy SS De may deem expMent. for' the *clients. Hendricks reminded tue tutor (bat the hill to admit,Neirreskitelell-pendpri Lunt said, he, having the doer. desired to goishhis argument calhetteligSM:ll44 l .lereral sena tom On the 110neerilitipeA desired, to speak TrinneuitchhiglitAie , Goiudderatum his MU might be Shushed before the aspire PITTSBURGH, TUESDA!'", DECEMITX 18, 1866 nen of thhe morning hour. , The 'potion was r. Johnson was under tllelimiirission that the power referred toonaw refilled In the -President under the Constitution. • Trumbull sald,•of course this seotlon would not repeal the. Constitution; its only effect was to repeal the 13th section •of the act. Tho 'repression common in this country, that this bill took away the power of the Pres ident to grant pardons,' was errontabei it was not in tee power of COngketus to take from bun that power. These questions had been stottle& - years ego by the Attorney tlenetel, andithe Supreme Court, ,and Attorney Caner. at Wirt had sub iequently given line opinion to .the effect that the :pardon was-of the offense,. and net of the, eoviction,' the con viction being merely evidence of the crime. Mr. Tnin.bnli oiled decisions" and opinions. to abstain his proposition. He further said that the President's PoWer over property Cons ligeated, would hot betaken away by theta. peal of this thirteenth section. According to net-al Howard's ...report the President had 'restored eOPOIXI &Tea °timid, eon fixated prop arty, topardonal rebels. Tea Presidentiberk Sainlyhad not the potior to restore property where- the rights of third -parties had tutor. toned.. The reason for the advisability of the repeal of this section was that it provided for I the President Issuing proclamations, of, atm; emininnesty. COngross dotted chit take trona him'the POWer to grunt pardons? but . they could recall. he power which bad been ads , used in pardoning and restoring property and no longer continuo the suction of Congress to such a course. • • " - • The morning hoer having • npireli r tee Sea ate proceeded tel the cdtialderAtioni I' UM 0., der. of the t/PY",.Whibh was the bill for the allz mission of.riebreaka as a State.. ' -- lir. ILundrleks resumed the floor arid Spoke at len n - I'' 111 opposition to the bill. lifi: i irtins .. buil moyot t laynlide the bill lb: the purpoto of pibecedi g with the ConaLlara. than of the Confiscation lib ldr. aroma asked una moue consent teem. ip° so a übstitute, for. his amendment o ff ered da on Priyito the bhpbefbre the lions°, wil Leh s waagranted end the Amendinent was ordered Mr. 'owan was not Willing the bill sliouldbe taken up until the precept bill was finished. Air. Wade said he understood it was the In tention of the .Senator from rkevir Jersey to announce toe death of Senator Wright, of that State, and there would not be time to proceed with the - bill. i After !mute furtner discussion tile motion to postpone the pending ' hill was - adopted; and the Conliseatlon..lllll beteg herare the Senate, 'an amendment, was moved providing for the •repest of the entire act, a portion of-which was - praixiosed to be repealed; and, the yeas and-nays were called; --• • ' • . - ' Mr. Johnson, .rho had the door, yielded JO Mr. Prelinghny ten, who delivered an appro.! prime eulogy on the life And character of the late Senator Wright.•.Simators Cattell, John. son and Puy is, of Kentucky. foll Owed, Speak. lug in high terms of deceased. .A resolution, In the customary form, expressive of the re grets of" the :Senate, and providing that the usual badge" Of - tnOurniiig - Shalrbo - ffOrtfiand that the proceeding* be- thinainittak to the -family of the deceased' wslilltdoptetif - The Senate adiourned. . .110,H0. . i '• "• ' ' . . . . Mr. liFsehhurne offered ingiceplw Mon, wh.ch was paSsetL • Iteretred, That.the Committee appointed to invest igate the tiota'at New Orleans, be dine tea to lovestinate the late fronds in the New Orleahs.Custom House, the appointment of hebcdi therein to the °Scansion of Union men, axolotl tastier" connected with the stimiels-, .trativollfairsof that:aglow House and report. fallftritttellonse.. • - Mr. Wentworth introdoced a • re/Whitten , for itifertnation in relation tothe erection of ma -rine ,hospitals at New Orleans and -Chicago; and, &st,,. resolution enquiring of th e Seem tary • of. War relative to the ulsimirtemeht of , be appropriatiott for the trTrotreihent of the harbor of VhicatV Mr. 'Harding, of letrodtmed AI Itition,..which was, agreed to; direCtion teat I the lionee'will 'give Wald era imoottragement. tO the kaftan-train all ertlrtil to aid Any. pow. er battling fcmConstituttonalliberty, and that Ibis Mouse approves of the piddle aavloeln relation to the neightiming Fennell° of Dies... mr. Baker, of 1111nolS, Intitainged It re OW. skin leatructing the Comiultteo on Banking ,und.Currency to reran a bill forbidding, for some temporary period, the it !indrawn' of tan Meal tender currency. The resolution. wen laid on thetatile. _ Tao bill passe d dertittring the Amite 01.-1 , a t °fault, 1561, to restrict the jurisdiction - of the Court,al-taatzguviad44lelortost bar. not be constrifed so to allow the Isecsament of , claims tor supplies, tic., for the United is tates army, preferred by persons residing in States tq rebeillon, boteigepting the Manus of loyal citizens of Terintser. Mr. Baker introduced a tolutiort haftruct log the Committee on Bank ag and Currency to reports. bill forbidding for some tempo• - rary period the withdrawal of legal tender currency. The resolution teas laid on the ta. .Dtotrya vote of es yeas to 59 nays. lir. Faroe% orttt introtineed a joint mole. tton allow Ina the members of COngress to ex amine idtpapers In the Poston:ice Department having reference to their particular or die ttectmotton. The resolution was not agreed to, and waartnerefore, latilon the table. The morning honr expiring the MU wait over. The Speaker laid before the flume a tuns , sage from the rresidistit transmitting the un wirer of the Xruperor liesshatel tho roman- Slone of Congress at the iestaessioui eongratu fettng this Emperor upon his estates tram. the -attempted assassination whith was ordered • r ffe a recn theCon m it teno op e eerrrt r r e es u to on n d ire t nt g the`expotitenay of litriting antimtitherizing the loyal eltlions of the United elates rest.- Dalitithadcelli cait'l74l7.lncon: stitutional BMW goPernments, mutt* pros( I Stir the tersioration of such suites to all time tires of the States In the American Union. r. Bingham Made a point of order that the relolutton must go to the Committee eon Ile- The Speakerstlatatned ilia point - of Order, and the resolution am aceotahmlyreferred the Committee OM iteconstrnotlon. • The Senate amendment to UM txmciurent resolution for adjournment over. the holidays was cm:mussed ln. Tim' Select Comittee,on.the murtleror U.. 8. soldiers In - loath Carefins,•was, on motto!: of itr.,Darres,lnstraoted to Inquire also Into the ease of Henry littler, 'Malawi and' sen. Lanced to death at Waterbury, N. V., a spy for the I.7ntoa army.. Oa motion of Str. Paine, a Select CommltMe wan instructed - to enquire Into - the (dream stances attending the seizure and4orfelture of abandoned lands In the South. Mr. Banks, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, reported a resolution recommending that the Es - Motive Offer the friendly calms of the Government for the promOtiOn of peace in South America. Adopted. . . Mr. Coca, of Illinore, offered BIC following reaoltition . . •rEetoked, That the Connittt.o on Banks 'and 'Currency be instructed to Inquire into the ex pediency of providing by. law for the with; draws' of the currency Issued by the National Banks us fast as the same can be done with out injustice tit the Banks, und. of eupplying the place of such currency with *legal fender notes issued by the Government of - the tinned Edstes. The yeu. Rod nape , were'doulabdoll, oh ire passage:et the floatation, mittlt was .rejected. Mr. Ross, c 4 9Plillt;ois; ' oftVi ' •Mi instil otion lkrofrvt, That it Is the sense of Congress that no more Covertuneut bonds should het's. sued *ldea are not sabjecttothe.same-ratet of taxation as other property. Laid on the table by a vote of 83 - yeas to OS nays. - • • ,Sire Bingham. of Ohio, presented the follow-, g lo resolutions - - .:-Wiseltlaa,Wars, destructive of commerce and rejudicial,torepublican .1 suditutions, have .for some time been carriednebetwhen Spain -and several of the South American States, en the PacUle coast. and aliso ',between Peragnay and Brazil anti Ltrugnay and the Argentine Republic on the Atlantic' coast, now, there. 10re, - -"Resofitrl, That the - Cciiiiirattee 'On RI) ietign Affairs Inquire anitreport whether tho friend ly offices of the United Staten ought to ho used, If practicable, ._to promote peace and harmony la South. America. Adopted. .• • Mr. Williams, of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill to regulars; trio selection of Jurors for the several Courts of the District of Columbia. Mr. Stevens, Of Pennsylvania, from the Com. mitten timApprinirlations, reported a bill ma king appropriations roe-the payment of in. valid and other pensions, for the year Sating July =h.' Isus.. Tho was made 'a spectra order-for the lth Tit 'Jan. - next: 'ir apPropri.' ates for invalid pensions, ten millions of dol lars; for, idows, children, said snot/we led sisters Ofeelaiere, toentY Mr. Stevens, — orra:," reported a bill Mat ing appropriations for consular and diplomat ic expenses of the goternrcant, for the ':year coding June geth, 1863. „ It does not differ from that of the provicnis year; excepting salaries for envoys to Portugal and Japan are omitted. A preamble and - reselutlea. was offered by Mr. Julian, of Indiana, to the effect - that the Prestdent had ordered agricultural scrip, cot raring 270,003 acres of lan d to be Issued and de livered to the State of North Carolina, . under an act of Congress of .July,lB6l; providing for agricultural .colleges; and whereas, by the same authority the General - Land Oftlee Was preparing to Issue scrip in like manner to Viz , girds. Georgia and fa lashislppi,and as such se tion.by the Paesident implies iligtinild States aro restored to their proper constitutional rir: lotions to the.Unton. wUhaf Nadir appertain ing thereto unabridged, which congresse blone can rightfully determine, thureforgi'. • Resrofted, By the Senate and Hollis Of Repro. sentatlvre that the delivery of Such scrip to any of the unrepresented States or the gossip- Mince of snob scrip, or any heretofore issued by the Um:elvers or. Register's of spy of the .1.41J1d Odious Of-sold States, is harohy-prohibl , :Led until said States shall be restored as Slidell , The resolution was adopted. •-.„' Mr. Scherieg,aobie, offered' apreamble and temptation ,Batint forth a COPY..of an miter. tiameene whereby the Sheriff or Arundell cpuntyandians, offer, to sell" for 'lx Months; Richard Harris, - a negro, convicted of larceny, In.accerdlizeo With thejedgment in the court and the laws 'Amidst Mate: therefere,' Reidy ed, 'TUC the Committee on judiciary be Indirlicted to Inquire bdo tbsr facia intim casoond mune proceeding is Uni t ed conflict with' the . Constitution of the States: and with the &cite pro WO ell p cootie in their ESSE pied rights; also If the President has taken *Pips to enforce the law and prat ent such tintragesiand Rata Committee shall have solv es to seta for persons and papers, and to kez port what action may be necessary and prdp• er by Congress In the matter. The resolution Was adopted together with an amendment re. gulling them to report wnat legislation was ireesitary; ani r , l t i c r , o pMei . z t t 1,3 , 5;31 citizens In 1f24. 14 1Y.1,1:;:,t Of Ohi'o, otreij rpsolutlon. viz: 4Bcrettrd, That a select committee of ten members of this House be appointed by the whethers l3 r, whose anybeen .Lull done . any tovernment of the United States, ikiletliin the contetriplation of the Constitu on, are high crimes and misdemeanors, and . bother said acts were designed or calculated overthrow andtmbvert or corrupt the Uue. went of the United States. or any depart= eat thereof;and said committee have newer to send for persons and papers and to admin. Ter the customary oath to witnesses, and 4vo leave to report at any time. IgellolUtieri Vas passed, , • . LThe Mouse wont into Committee of the Whole on the President's Message, and was addressal by Mr. Hayes, after which the Com. dlittee rose and the House adjourned. ienbin Matters Lively In lift* tark— The Privateem—The Stepbens—Rob • °rt.' Quairrel. - . . .Nevt Irene,. December D.—Fenlan.. matters are very lively hare, arms and amunttloneon it4inesl=d'.`l2.etal.'etfttn't°r&tteets salted Iron berelset week, to- prey on the British cernmerce. . - Unsuccessful efforts have been made to har monize the Stephens and. Roberts Fetuses. RObbery ,o( At), r i r ., a pp S i t . itgs si e...t,0n , ..... , ... , . . MEIIPOIB, Decomborl7.— Mr. or ltelens; Ark ~.was robbed last nlght.ott the steamer 'Ned Tracy,- oll.wentptlve thensand dollars. The money was sewed In Ills coat, which the tbleves abstracted from under his plUow. No clue to the robbers. *iii , ifte*prk atinidlair itnaCiannraers from Pendant. I Raw Yana, December 1:.—.1 Montreal OD s.is e 'Ls state cc e n' l . s a t tll a rr o y utras al si ei w igorf t oi l : r ire Li :nligillioerr&) is being stationed near St. Rynapattertar Davis In South Carolina. .Citsr.t.stiTon S. C., - Dee. 17.—The House pitied the bate renew the guarantee bonds of a million and a half dollars of the Ureenville and Columbia rallroad;'"alsoguaranteeing suoirmq. of th e .Columols and Hamburg rail - - •rolta — ramdS: - Resolutions of sympathy - for var. Darla have Mich passed by both Houses. . Psbiri up 11:10.411catieny . ;Obt CrrYjiley,l7.-11.1ver,Olnehes. Wenther draleraina and raining atintersals. Vile:MLitt' PA.,. Dee. ;7. 6 -Even/a f/ —Ulcer at hint ht . webers lb the channel, and the Nst nal Is closed at places between here and w. . keys 'York Postolllce. ‘.. ;-Ton g. - Dee. 17.—The llorrd or Alders .1 4:have concurred, In the resolution or the nailer, selltntr a WO' for a Posh:tele° hi City ihspitark at half a million dollars. ,CITY .AND SUBURBAN. A MONO LQQpL HEWS OH itilaD PAGE.) i A lieisisz.. ;111iSt evening come gentlemen entered hull -PA Alderman Autler+6 once, while that gentle- Int* wall immersed In builnee3. ind Informed IdAntliat'he wan. needed ImmeiLfately at the Itundiflo*Vierittle a dinloulty there. In ea gnitudite"th idninote good order, the +Squire 'repairidto the botelt and them found nearly atilheinemberiOf the Itelief engine Compa lirrlVal to the most orderly Witlioul. a Word of preliminary ex. ‘• • lion the Aldehntin war taken possession of friiiiicte,. Themeetlng was organlged • • After the organteation had been effected, a beautiful Assistant Engineer's hat and a Ter3 - .bandstimeltellef twit Was presented tolisslst tun, Eriglater finder by his friends of the Re lief. Tho presentation was made by Mr. J.. ,Mcialggen, Secretary Of the Relief, in the following tett,. Asturraar Z.Nolll2l[llBortrai II; the neon imoua 'settee of the Relief Fire Company, and on behallef same, I present to you this net of equipments, as a token of their esteem for yeti Os a citizen,. foryour energy 43 a arm man, and the actire service's you have rendeo• oil as Assistant Engineer of the Fire Depart ment We hope you will accept thorn as u to ken of the kind and friendly feelings of the Relief tokards you, 'That therelations be tween tisimay be always as frlendle In the fu ture, as they have been In the past, hi the sincere desire of all the company. Mralutler,'n y, elide This 1/1 altogether unfair in the R to take him here on such' business • t ffiring,illin some warning of what was • eke place, for I have never bleu taken so • . och.by surprise as I am on the press Mil • • on,. If I had had some idea of what Sr • • take lace'. 1 Inlght - then have tried • , y something in return for the handsome cot; bat as it Is, muttlemant, Lembo over . •me by surprise that I can not and. words to express my satisfaction at being llieieolpient of such a beautiful testimonial, and if •the lotions existing between us aro not atofrienule in the future as they have been. 1 assure you it Winne no (suit of mine. At the 'conclusion of the Alderman's re marks,- the President semewbat informally moved therthameenog adjourn fOr the qin pose of,,eelebrating..,tho' event' 10 , 6 suitable manner. The motion was unanimously adop ted with enthusiast:rt.baudaotlie supper terminated the evening . 'Altogether It was a most pleasant °menage. . • Capitulated br she Polis,t Robbers. . t Our readout wllt remember that last Week We reparted the rase Of a Germsitnamod Pant Desch, who, on Satan:MY evening, Meath inst., had been robbed ~nt Alio Point by a. PartY Of - Manwhil bad 'decoyed him to the river under premise Of rowing him across in the skiff ferry. - -S'ho case was put in the hands of Ora. oer McMullin, Of the Mayor's pollee, who pro oeeded to ferret out and Identify tho parties implfeata. Ile soon, ascertained that they were4ohn.OUycr. Patrick McCauley, William Evani and John Leonard. Dap after another he arrested:the throe drat namoddnring teat streak. Leonard; howerar, proved harder to catch. Yesterday menden, slz o'clock, oft. car McMullen, accompanied by two watchmen, proceeded to she dwelling of Leonard, next to Meal Castle, and setting hilletlMMlnlons to watch..they two doors, he wont in after his game. A. third door undiscovered before, ex isted, and through tins Leonard skipped, the 'officers in pursuit: • Thalogitlve was brought to bay in a little conroclose by, and marched off :o the lock up: Ile and hie •comrades had a partial bearing yesterday and wore cortimitl led fora further hearing at three o'clock to. .•orrow alterrloOn: OII.Wr McMullin ueServee -no smell praise for the persistency and sucrose with which lie IdentiOcd and eaptred the The Skow Blockade Tho heavy fall of snow of Sunday and Sun day night , has had thaelfeet Of Materially ',caitiff travel 'on the railroads running wit Incd wst stawellas on. the erred, railways. ' On the Vonatdisvllle ,tpad, the Orly train. duo floretwas de taiged until noon. Thh, delay was mainly occasioned, however, by the train Jumping from Liao track.near Part retry station. • . The tralnluidtorced its way through the obstruction • trent McKeesport, but alter leaving rem rerryaportien of the track, COM. pletely covered with jumpas encountered, canning the engine to front the rails. The .Acoommodation,.as we have said, camp, In at mum arith , thb Wein Newton Accemmo. datiouand the-MnlOntowat Express:. Tim trains were detained on all the rail. ,roads leading oqt, of. the pity, and Out. small trains sent out etfrly In the day: Later'ih tin day, when the roads bad boon mated, the trainEwere dingultetied as usual,' tho city passenger railways have been -Compelled to suspend, owing to the tracks In. coining clogged with snow. ,ire believe the Citizens and Manchester carpeted° ocessienal trips with the aid of an eatraumount of horse power, and the Oakland road tried oritli some ancecos, Utopian of running their smaller care au runners. enon•-Dnlllnß This popular sport has becerdo a positive nuisance Oaring to the freedom, careless - nee', ormalice which the younmiteit let :fty their missiles& 'They Oily no respect to age, 4a.a . or condition, but arm ono who walks the Meets runs the gauntlet. It may be the bon net Of a ladle, 'the - miter of a daally; Or hie well ventilated coat of a beggar, We till the_ same to the young rogues; they will do all the' Sisuage compressed snow permits of.. We no tice that they seem to nave &particular spite against eleTgklng "arta* ti t fancy turnouts and genilemen eta& wait y gait, imparte ducW by an extra allowance of stimulants. Several boys were arrested. yesterday for in dulging In this proptasitt to an Marcum, but tueMayor, after a kindly lecture, told them they - might consider themealres heed, and. Bent them about their bunnelis.. _ . Mm Jolf.,onr raiWetetrlll re. :member the-dale Of Mime the ',SIMI ward, Who wall C9lllMltlidt tO ',l9ll,try A t. Amman Taylor' :on tIIo Ilthlnit; fors farther. pas CaLiitharta of surety. of Um per i l , errekagalturt tumbrturvalb,vrtocie hetanatturai lard lid'tbreattnettto Mitts children.- Mahoney 'was yesterday re loom from fat -the difaottlty baring boon 'Settled and a sawarsetorY mittcaltandlug arrl- Ted Min! to family dryly, Suicide to Lawrenceville Cox Otter Clawson was summoned to JAW . reneerille to hold an inquest on the remains of John Masse] who was t'oundTat about nine o'clock on Sunday 'evening, hanging, quite dead, in his bet= in the borodgh named. The deceased was a man about sixty-slx years of age, and bad been but - recently discharged from the army. Fora long time he has been suffering from extremely bad . health, and from time to time haftglven annOstakableev- Menem] of insanity. Recently the syraptoms became more . marked, •and wore so - serious, that en almost constant watch was kept on , . his movements. On Sunday evening he seem- ed batter than usual, and ate a hearty supper ' after which ho went up stairs. and. was not been again during the evening. At about nine o'clock bb daughter, a young lady, started to go up the stairs , and when part of the way np, was startled by striking her head against something hanging above her.. A look show ed her the body of her/ether suspeauled there. help was called, and the hotly Cut down, but life was Thum]; tO be quite ex ttnet. The • suicide . had set about the accomplishment of his fatal pur pose with deliberation and system. From.the landing at the head of tile stairs, a ladder loads up Ito the attic, and is so placed as to lean hack direCtly over the stairway. The (Meowed' had bound the-foot of this ladder fast, so as to prevent Its slipping, end then had tied a bed cord firmly to one of the upper ronnds. Firmly fastening the noose at the other end of tile rope about his neck, he bad leaped over the banisters and hung suspend ed over the stairs. The jury retnre,ed a ver dict to toe °Meer that the deceased came to Ills death 'by suicide while laboring under a lit of temporary insanity. The deceased was a man of excellent morale and good standing. lie leaves a wife and seven grown up children. Ills family are all much respected and receive the fullest sympathy of their neighbors In their sad bereavement. nesting or the rizrg i rs smeary Coln. . A very large meeting of this Committattwas held in the Committee 'loom at City hall yes. tcruay afternoon at I p. m..„ On motion of Cot . T. E. Bayne, General A. L. Pearson was called to the chair, and Dr. E. S. Umbstnetter appointed Secretary. The Chairman stated the object of the meet• leg was for the purpose of co•opernting with the Ladies , Committee of the Boys In Mee, in their propost , ll undertaking in erecting a suit able monument to the memory of the heroes of thin count} , who fell in the late rebellion. A report front the Ladies , Committee Was read stating that they Dad decided to hold the Fair and iestlvai at City ilalLOOmutenclng on Monday, Fritruary 23tb, and continuing du ring the week. They also conelnded to post pone the tableaux entertainment until the week of the Fair. On motion of Captain John G. Mactionxiell a committee of three, consisting of Captain Cook, General Charles Barnes ' and Major Samuel Kilgore wore appointed to wait upon the Select end Common Council, Itsking the use of City Ball gratis. . Various communications were read from ministers of different denominations, in and about Pittsburgh and ricinity.nlegttur their ardent and efficient support in the proposed undertaking. On motion of Colonel James S. SchOorimaker the Secretary won instructed to correspond with the Sanitary Commission, Subsistence and Christian Committees and the various ministers, requesting their aid and assistance in this noble and praiseworthy object. Oa MOLIOII of Captain B.F. Jennings, ad journed to meet oa.Tharaday Dec.. 27, at 3 r. x. ===! kintly 21101110 made a most successful debut at the Theatre last night in the °Unequal Match." She was received by a good audience and gent them away delighted ut lbe rime of the evening.- Oran./ Hors OPeni'MOnse was crowd ed last evening with an audience who periect /y appretiatell and keenly enjOyddilackettls perfect rendition of "Yabitag." - Hackett le inimitable in the character, and Was most ex cellently supported. Uxioa Panx.—The attendance at the Union Park during Saturday afternoon and evening wan very large. ft,,,,ilenicn, ladles and little folks. almost-without Mud, flocked upon the Ice and kept,the Park crowded up to the very moment of 'Closing. Good ice, tine weather, excellent lighting, and delicious musk, made It happineas focally one to be inside the - Union enclosure. • The inn veal indeed a. veryearnt val. The snow of Sunday and Monday inter rupted the skating for one day, but vigorous measures were being taken yesterday to put the ice In condition tor use. If the weather be ravorable, there will undoubtedly bo skating today. I'he usual signs will tell the anxloue inqulrera whether or not to venture to the Park. CAL PARK,—Thorn was a large attend uneo at the Central, on Saturday afternooti and evening. It is said that twenty-flue han drail people visited that popular park during tne day.. We understand that Miss Carrie A. Moore, the "Slcatorial Queen," is engaged to appear on Christmas day, anti every day du ring the week. Wu predict a large atten dance, as it is said by eastern Journals that her dances, figures, and posturing's two en tirely new, beautiful, elegant and unap prouehable. We might add that heads of families can procure season tickets for theik ehildreti, at two dollars and fifty cents each. The Grand Telopezanee Concert: . Our readers will bear lu mind that the Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, given !wider the auspleeiof the Sons of Temperance, will take place to-night at City Hall. We kriow of no more praiseworthy object, and trust the ball will be tilled to its utmost capacity. The (allotting is -the programme, which - is nutlet the musical direetion'Of oar . talerited fellOW citizen, C. C. Mellor, Esq.: Yadepurstr.—Dotibld:Quartette—"The ifs pytinc. alendelasohti; Mrs. Shell), Mrs. Smith, and Misses Reinhart, Laughlin and Benham, and Messrs, Wade, , Ifoughowout, Breed and Edwards. Premier ()concerto for Violin—Do Dorsett. 31r. , 111untmg. Barcarolle—.Tell mo gentle Maiden Gonuod ; Miss Mary Langb- Its. accompaniment, by Mr. Manning. acena--“Ltear ye. Israel? from Eli jah. Mendalasolin; Mrs. AnneM. Shah. Grand Duatt—(Two planos,) Retterer—)n Themes from ' Mendoissebn's Midsummer Night's Dream; Mr. Do Main and Mr. Mellor. Recita tive and Aria—" A:stle le belle,. Lisetetia Bor. gia; Miss Reinhart : . ' ... PAU' 1311003D—aria—Vfent la mffi Vendetta; Donizetth air. B. Edward& .Ballad—ußewaro," Perring; Mrs.luanie M . Sbeib . Arla--“Hro waa Despised.. Messiah; aira.,.Norman M. Smith.. Grand Fantasia do Concert,en biotite, (from "11 ,Trenratore,") Gottschalk:. Mr. Do Main; Song—(Swiss song) ' Eckeris )11sa Reinhart- Qoartette—“The rraiseYetn the' doldier, La Dame Blanche; Messrs. Wade; liongliewout, .Breed and Etly,:ftrtle, - . . The Oest of Mairg,l3alling , , `4ll_,tins gentry who indulged in the excern ble dmusement 'of proixilseneres anowAallbig yesterday, did not escape so eaSily as those mentioned in another place. Yesterday . 'noon o' m iliberpeiiiriresslet.; of the 'pedal po. . a grown' lice, arrested Jaes Puff, gro• man, for mal iclOnaly snow balling the Mot ylasatitgers In the vicinity of the corner of Liberty and goventh'streets, and convoyed him to the • lock-up4lJurisaie allernoort also, officers Owen& sedan alerrof the special , force, -arrested, on Wy e street, James Dean and "Mohr , Dean for s the IMMO eirepee._!!May" :threatened ,11:144 ,valuilaily*: any .1000 i -who should attempt to arreat''His distiretion got the better onus valor, however, and both the Deana Joined Poff. -1 hearing was had last evening. - whictosteutted - in Pee baltuclined alit James Dean, In default of they same amount, was sent to jolt for fifteen - days. "Micky," in consideration of his threatening lan oilers 10 theollicerrwaswent up dor:thirty sincerely horAt.thott. siotootes me& sures will be continued until the unmitigated, nuisance ortmtne•balllng• - in - the - .streMs -abated. The rodeo Erlichllene Executive Com; ." .soffeee. , - At Atiieetioir of ilia Union, Eepubilean Ex; °cativo Committee of tha City of Allegheny,. . . held on Friday. evntong,Deceinef 1ib,1436; tilt, folio:ming resolutions were adopted: Resolved;4That the Union Itetieblionn Voters of the several eiteUon districts are requested to elect at their respective places of holding elections, between, the hours of= threw and !evert o'clock; r. w., and nomtnato Otievesamt for liayorone person for Directofrot the.roor, and the several Ward 011icers.., . • Retotred, That the election officers .of the: several precincts are instructed to refine the votes of all persons who have hot heretofore voted with thernarty. - Reached, That the several:, eand,Elitaii rTer city offices are requested to anent fy in , writing to the Chairman dr this meeting their Willing ness to abide by the tleeWion-arthe 2031:11210111- hag election. /I, callialat,4Cluatrinan. J. C..E&TTERBO3 80)CrOtari ; Ont Wailer Ibis Isiah Law.—Yester day, by order 9f -tho Watt Common Pl i e John belts was released 'from the coursq" t r : under the lusolventlaletP Belts was tzt..„,r ma the last term et Court, on 67111 ,1 11 . *atilt and batten; bfacartatt hY 0 "7, nue mas fount! patty and sentenced to P 4Y 'of twenty slol/ars and the coat of tut.. r;liz;z: thans IladnottiternecessarY - fr- 5 ,",, fault with to Pay the required flue, ssu,, , for thrva thaTot watCcommitted 'to and months. itle term °stared .stoolay, -1 he Was released an stah:4. v; • : - ; „ , , Menem Ny ham, who * as oor readersirslisemember, was 'brought beforoatilarataa: atailta,afaiuvalate since. on a charge of PeillifY pteXerred fry duo. ID. Liappard, of the firm of (has S . Griffith: . • Co., Lail a final honing yestexdayatar.ite - honorably'. illocharged, 4 noro 1 1 9 1 Pal "airi.: 'deuce tO suetste the =U r gebrought Ai/Maga him. PRICE THREE CENTS I The Oreenalboro Esprit' Robbery. Tamorrow, in the Greene county Court, the case of William Scott, and his brother George I W. Scott, charged witn the robbery of the -Ad ams Expreis,safe, at Greensboro, will be com menced. This morning,' at seven o'clock; of. deer Setlx.Wilmot, the arresting:l3llloer, Clem ent C. Rhinehart. Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank, Otho A: Core, who was with tyro. Scott when he made the deposit at the bank. Barry fhondr, Route Agent for the .ndsms Express Company, and Mr. T. Shane, of the firm of Messrs. Wilson, McElroy CO., leave here for Waynesbnqr, to be present as witnesses at the trial. This evening or to. morrow morning, Alderman Strain also will depart to testify ut the case. Be will probably return in a day or two. - Dist4et Court In this Court, before Judge Williams, the case of Benjamin Reid ws. Robert Blackburn; on trial at the adjournment of Court on. Fri• day, was resumed. It is an action of eject- Ment. to recorer the one-stxth of 111 . acres of land, situate In Jefferson ltownship, and for. merly owned by John Reid, deceased.!' The case Involves the validity of a will made by. the deceased, who was a bachelor, the plain- tiffs claiming that at the time it was executed he was not mentally competent, and that un due influence was used., Messrs. Marshall. Kirkpatrick and Mellon appear for defendant, and Messrs. Lucas and Fetterman forplalntlit The case is still on trial. ' Christian Chards Fair and .FestivaL This (Tuesday) evening the Ladles of the Christian Church in Allegheny City will open to the pant+ in Excelsior Ef9ll,•einner Of Fed. eral and Laccelc streets, a grand Fair and Fes tival, the proceeds of which are to be devoted* to the new church building. Extensive prep• mations have boon made.% Fancy articles of all descriptions will be sold on reasonable terms; also ice cream, oysters, correc t Sc., /re- Dinner at alp, from 12 to 3. Sapper from ote Q- Admittance twenty.flOe cents.. • ' - We urge upon our readers their attendariee, as no whore can an hour be so innocently and pleasantly passed away. Court Of Conimon Pleas, .The ease of. lI.E. Morton vs. Conrad Gold- Strom, et. al., came on for trial In the Court of Common Pleas, yesterday morning. - 11- Brown and John S. 'Affable, Esq., appeared for plaintiff. It was shown on the trial that two' of Goldstrom , s employee& went oat on Sun. day, Obtoberlath, IMI. to drive in some hogs. They wont into Norton's enclosure, threw down the fence and drove away his (Morton's) bogs. (ioldstrom ordered the hogs. to be kill ed, which was done, and the meat sold. In view of the facts, the jury found a Verdict for plaintiff for tato 73, with costa. . • Mr. George Taadenbotr, a render and elocutionist of considerable ability. will give to-night at the' Academy of Music, one of his rare literary entertainments, outer the auspi ces Of the TOttrig lien , s 'Mercantile Library, Association. The programme tonight-em braces selections from aloller's,'Dectorin Spite of ilim-self.” We know a, crowded house will greet the (talented reader; • Thursday eve ning dlr. Vandenhoff will give bin Last reading in this city. during the present season, and the programme will be entirely differtateroin twat of - to-night. lip reserved seats upon either evening. . Meeting of the Ladies , Committee.— The Ladles , ' Committee of the Boys in Blue met thisaftemoon. at City Ball; and wan call ell to order by Um, McKee who Mated the object of the meeting. ()thug to the bad weather, nothing of any account was done, and the Committee adjourned to meet at the same place on the • Litt but., at two o'clock:. Before adjourning, it was agreed that the' Committee invite toe venous Congregations of different denominations, to meet and work with them, and also the various societies. _ rlimpllifty end Perfeeelon Combined: —The most perfect,moat easily operated. most Simply constructed, most durable, meet eel cleat fOr all kinds of sewing, and In short the .bed and cher_ pen Machine n the scor/d.is the Wheeler b Wilson. Call at the Agency:So:l.l Fifth street, and examine the tine assortment Just received for the holidays. . . Ite•COmutitteSl.—Mayor McCarthy yester slay gave a partial hm.ring in the caw quaei. Wilsonisharglidialttr baring stolen • ti. ty of clothing from „Richard Williams some two weeks since. The prosecutor failed to 172 e ft: T a e rnM i rr li a Orrin W g i g i n o th w e 2 2.1t1 i r 13°,1r4- I= SU rIl MMES.! , D—ln thiscity, on Monday morn ing.. Dec. inn, at o•clock A. X . Mr. H. oUrkl... MitLAND, tlr • aged 75 years. • Ria funeral will take plate. Tins DAT; from hla late residence. MO. it Math street, albcPclo tile Ir. WlL.3osr..—Ort Monday - evening , at 8 o'clock. at her residence, CJlTive Yrlee and Laid Ted streets, Mrs. MARY It., Wife of M. 7. Wilson, In the 170 i yearofheraae,- - • Due notice of the fonerat will be given. • IpaW/Weellai:yo(: : l36.3.VCA •F 4 ILLDALE CEMETE.II6—T4e . behutlinl , `Umn.sege... tha largest suburban Mane of any olchre. except one; In UM county.. sit- Allegheny.w ghtan mad,. Immedy matting For burial Into, permits omit les. call at Cantral Drng Store ny COOL a. CLAN/CY. ♦lle abeny-CtU. ALEI,..4VK 1 , trAramixtek..zin#t„ • • .• • No.loo Fourthmeet, Pftenburphat. 100r/INISW all Mod', CRAZILS, OLUV/Itioiod inrerTdescriptlon of luck ennl lnrololnß !Wow funOstlea. 'soon§ owg y midnight, Lt . erigr a Ckurtagautrtunso.. iscoboo, Mimi§ Zirti4. 3 kl4l., Jscotal FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UNDERTAKERS. No. 196 13 mithfield St., cor.lth, - (Laxim. trecourtnat su"ses;) • VP1TTA333VM.431:13... _ AND 1/2 S.A.,?I,II;VEZ R . • UNDERTAKERS - AND_ EMBAIMERS . - wood , • awl Nad COFFIN ROOMS AUNCHESTEA 1119:11r,ST16. Omar m Itbatiald .ad slam sad Clarriaaaciaramaad. ; • _ ,SIXTH WARD - . MERTIRD:,.., 'IIIEPSIBLICANII OF THE ntATII IVAIRD, will meet at the - SCHOOL llWUdir„ . _•on THUEDIDAY.DV/IGArr, December 7 tOth, at o'clock, 'for the purpoce or,nomlnatler nand( tatenror City and Ward Oaten,. to be bai. toted for et the Nosatnetlen Meatier, td beheld eld SaTIIKDAY, December den • . • MANY CITIZENS.' 'FORTHELADIES •• • DIANGLEK. • ' GOEVEHLRG new" CLOTHES WHIGSHEIts. • • WASHLTO 3LICHLTES, anomvuuLttria Tom Alt.olo. LADIXS , sr the tusking Emporium, No. 194 Wood Street. H onor deti rrrs W. / 44P / O H AW• . LIINING4I LIMPROVED A.TO 214JUPER t . , SAVED liavEs.zomrir,' MAVEN FUEL; .: sAVEs rxrnLiNcE., la effectually. Cheeks the ' , Draft. *lfigulates the t`rox este all prams of Wu or auspice Into the room ass L reed'''. &spited to ator nth or nee. . A. 4. Loans: Montsetnerr !Olney, •Pa:. •ti here already sold I , l lo oDamperuharny county. n si dw . Crhe yu t pa o i d=d Os abeße lme., smutty, N. J..cfold .000 Dampers. arkl teen closed:out hie Interest In 1 11 .1t h erke h rr n tf a h i t i ; t r a . tri t e . t . v.; TErciiirciai re wrhers 4 Otailtirniatirs"a!!""z" l bend itlisp ;or circular. Aellipml^ , - lid; 11 11111Strest, pia!Durgl3,l:l!, lITMLEION if , FiLLY) PLITAP 3 E,Itif , Gas an4'§team Fitters - ) :AND FOUNipt; • Akita:O & m dianddient and ikackala, had ripe. humps, illulatlla4 ikp4 4.410:4-ra ON Jl:4l*v 161 FoOdr,streetivist 1034 1 ,;,- - - . . HOIID VALOR COAL VAiltai - pLATE rwmntr i vramito , !c r eo.44llolllls.= VW BLOB I:4DMIVAN inutIiMAIN E LMa notprorriOrissiso - iximioniLo` w. BIWAHAW. doll=6 GOLD AND SI 'NED CASES, In Groat yariety, DUNSEATH & CO'S Two.' as "Irtrtiti.-, intr . 0.15014 7CI 0 "14 33 - alt 017.2 Ft. HOLIDAY ,GrrTs TTIVTIL YOU „ HAVE EX:MOOED ••••• THE STOCK OF - ' - China &Boheiniaii Fanisy Goods, FOB gia.s BY RICHARD. E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. dell .1061117 A 11110D118...P. W. W. LLTELIAW.J. FM ILE COTTON WORK& -• ITIVING RECENTLY runcitA s-, ..- 4 1..ED THE EAGLE CIITTON WOHIGh„ norner, ly owned by Memo. KING, PENNOCK a respectl4llylotonn the Imo.llo, Cut we will fooatlnue the nianufactore of Sheelings, : Catkin ,Yarin!,,Cssrpai Chains, Canine _Wick ' and Baiting. • '• Ithdeza may IM lett it the Otlee of the Warta COMB BMW & YINDUSKT 1318, 41LIGHLIT CITY PITTSBIUR GIL BREINEftr,: Corneror Dnqsteanp Way and Barkers Alley,. . - JOSHUA RHODES & CO. S 9 10 1 1 89 MARKET STREET*, 189 891 airio IS° r 89 89 ,89.89 89 89.89 89 891. R. C:). 13.-113 89 • Market Street, Ito)! slot Am> OLT YOUR S9t BOOTS SIIOES 640 89 1891 S9'l TSUI ctIZAP.EST AND' . BEET- 189 89 X NO N. itrerrinu 59 4 9 4111£8 'ROBB, ‘B9-Ntitit 189 . 89 B'9 89'86 89 89 89.89. S 9 OH! HOW FAIRY -LOH SINGING,B1111)81 SINGING BIRDS! .OF &Man HEARTY AM) FINEST "SONG. Aztothor lot Extra Btrdo,,wlth oh Parrot, Eqtanal; Moon and other CAilth, at moo. 224 W.. numisnew. IM=I . ' Boot JOHNSTON fs.SCOTic::: Fine Watches,_o . l94s,-Jeieliii _ . SILVER-PLATEILWARE, No. 274 L12227,81221M InttakausTaziri.eaziaasa.. is Particular • attention alren - .3&. Ittostritik Wateues, Cloaks and Jewelry . . All work warrant- FOIL TILE HOLIDAYS. "i • 4 . /11STE t3TUCK, ADAPTEDiOR • • , . zroilczotiek , - wercsiiseOckts.;, - . '• •••• O r ALL , KINDS OE ' • 41r . : 1 1017 3M Mil jEt. GOLD A.BIDOD.V,ER WATV.il.Et!.For,LpDts• LO ruertu ; • 'CG.XilrriB GUARDP: ' - • .. ELEGANT reETB. la varlonseell'ais:' • ROLL A/slll PErSl3.__• . -t • IGLVER SPOoNs. VAbEEL, uE.75411: . - 7A..NCY - ARTICLES. a.c.•;:itt.' - , r . jOH •". rio3siCa DRV.tiSI.DIIII43I3II • ' JAMES liAYLNG BOUEIBT TH7: I icer;LKSICAVN DREW.. ..ki01.1.%5. CultNicit. 07. FEUERAL AND -• -RUBINSON .IsTS.,...A.LLEOLLIrit r, will teal? Oil Ittild*ltal iiisortiatatOtalk Mad, of And :nbleti be indd the F sr-nattily prewn•rnd by a ant, slue 1 Inds of kiind , Uid.Bl2l' } ad YA-NOY IiCIA head.. - • • GM • HURL Pra.ctic4 _yithoore4l4inifaourfo r . catilliNlßlD WAYNE STREM : rinolTiniz".;.;,..4zT;;;. WW I RR RW 63 .4 1 /: ZL1C1M1L1341.1.1013. I , good. El MUM , p.m, melee., gad WILL be sold Weep• ono good k).1,1/12‘ , loge gooooirwmidagus. - . golkanCteo bo Weal 'iced good workers. Call at. oo&itOWASJPId LlVEker 9.1.3;1C EITALBLIg.• ,: Fliat street near lionongsbela kloota.! G r p) EIGIE_SEAMEN, .CANDY MANUFACTURER Am Awnr in lost iDN AND 'Amixfiitil , PIUBLD4 MITS. 4C., aGoi I - ' No..ll2,Federal,Btremts = • -.: 1 1 Becunidoor from the Pint Nations , flash.;_ G CI 0131.4 MINE= 1191 1 0CMIX11 , _, S. U. MIDI AST,E.R.& 4.10.1 No. ISNObio St Allegheny. ap i Wholetale and Haan Deal BT Cii)111110 STONE WORICa, Northireit Garner of We I Ckqoatop s ALIABIIIX.'M • FILED'S .A.LIVATKII •• CU. • • Have ea haw or .i , r , Taniz. oort #ZARTIT AND iITIC.a i nV•AVT.A.GS FOIL 1 - nt .v G A l N 'tilnisrerts,l43l . , B l4 k ` • AlLillutra p rom l e..esuPpd. DON ABLZ. - • • • - - • " oeZimico F. DiIISSMANN I Flt k Strad, between Tesnosel atid atathaste Streets; • I GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE slnc elawkirciods of all deseripticrai alwayfos4 t lantig"l.'"Var?"Prl"* o THE' .__CELEBRATED 4 STEEL '! TOOTH HAY _RAKES. •IPralst* Eird” and !I "Aleathnir Lana" are manutattured• Only at tn . /. DUQUESNE WORIDA near UM renting/4aq, Au ; IL°n IdaiYo orlon and Rath Venom, Erne/Marl room and Tram nretery raadaot Um bent ; material. aratunnnotlan. end 3mm/read. I • — anuralmlrtin mr.EISAN. lloum, HELL. CO., - Anchor lten Millafrittsbnrgbp'= ._ ; 4I2II 2 I:7OBe t iSRBMTIV ID HOHMl4 B l ll iNaidi E kiik ; i - NrCEBB.III.tES FOR TUN yEL)., , 6 , 1T1P1L,.... - Tor a rood COLIKINGI3I I 7VII sad 044 r, .1‘ Matz ute.as. irjo Zio-eltfriaft4P 4 ' : awn anag4l7 .7 4.ttsc ...thi LIE! este ott i rflocy Ellstreol9r.den. star?' t .wrest. All lin g t r int a il at " t4 teT . 1 144 4 t4r , N . l 4 1 1 r it ." 1114MIERIM=4 2 9 aba s ik- th e'citrilibc..4oo7: 41=7:4 1 21and elan uptles,lWe statinVA Vilma atg, Ali OVUM • grompilr - sitendero; nal*PuArllaboalutioaverrtair JVEIN 1L.14 A. ALVAIMCLi. • 04.' '' ' -' •:` • l , ' 1170 dozenforisieb • - - • - .114.11148 C. HAWLEY, i Zio:Ziinext7 strcef..l •