6) VAc7l79 DOI :1114747, I IP rei:gll SPECIAL IN DUCEMEN IS TO BUYERS, - ALT BATES &BELL'S French Merino's, 75 cis.. French Merinos, 87 cts. French Merinos, $l,OO, French Merinos, $1,25, Square Shawls, Blankets, Cloaks, LARGE ASSORTMENTS, 21 FIFTH ST. MEB GREAT REDUCTION ,SALE C',lOE. DRY GOODS, GIRDIVER & SMEITER'S, 92. DZLEA.11.33.33T. owitzrm.r. Including • Larga Monk of NEW OOOIIS Durehas ed at • very CiItIIAT REDUCTION, and will be . 01,11 .11TA0 per cent. lees than prices TAN DAIS ADO. EMEIESECI FINE BiIaTILEA CLOTHS At Micenta. Reduced from 87 cent, SZEIM DUSK PLAID POPLINS, At 10 anti• Reduced from 75 cent. = FINE EMPREMi lIEPFN, At 39 cent,. Reduced trim 73 cents =1 BLACIR FUENCII MERINOS, At 411.00 per Tard. Reamed from $1.2.1 EEMMEI I= Reduced rst) cents on a yard PLAIDS, POPLINS. EDPRESSCLOTHS, REPPS; FHENCII PLAIDS, DR/HAIRS MEM New „Dress; Goods Just purchased, and will be sold at a LARGE REDUCTION. •' BLANKETS AND FLANNELS REDUCED. Domestic' Goods REDUCED. PRI%TS AND MUSLINS 121 CTS. R.IL.MOR4L SKIRTS HEMMED ONE HALF ENTIRE STOCK •OF NEW DRY GOODS AT A REDUCTION. F NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED S-ir JOB. HORNE & CO. = BOXXs:TS eIAD 114.7'5; Al :the leading Tall Stylei. MiXll3l32ory Cfrcoc•clas. HI Mao and Frames, Paris Fancy and Colored ylik Val et. In most desirable shades; Plain Fancy Bon net and Trimming Ribbons, new and rich colors; Flower.. choicest French and American; Feathers, Fl cy hat and thlrgr. • on a E z d g 3 n i c ne rxt aallalß, Cambrc, i HambugOwls.,Lone, tann s y, , aien 'andEndllogsgEmdridereid g and Pan Line n B Co d l s lard Curs, Beta, Laces and Lace Goods. Do ass and Cloak Trimmings and Ornament.; Bail Poing . , Gimps and Braids:. Dress Tr 113 s. Be i kle Frames. Willi' GOODS: A cad, complete stock of JaeOnela, Cambric., Mulls; to.. da. Handkerchiefs, Plain. Luc, Hem-stitebed, Hem med, Embroidered, Tapp Bordered, etc.. etc. Hosiery and Gloves in'everr vnrietY nod AU siren. Ladles and Gent's Underwear. d'urtstsh Eng Goods: • gusuenders and Neck-Ties; Heavy , ghirts and Drawers I_l/aides, lion-Ton and JYL Hoop illarts; Corsets, Bair Pada, Nets, Onion and bilk Belting; Buttons—the latest novelties, ail kinds. Yarns—Li reatest va - lety, Cashmere, Lalobt Wool and gni •ig In the vulottmlittoren. Tian colon and random. ' Gent's Paper Collars, and everything in the Ne ill,: ue. • Prices as ow so Eastern Jobbing }louses. *Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. an2l • N EW GOODS AT GREATLY . . REDUCED PRICES, AT . WHOTZSA.LE AND RETAIL. • MACRUM, GLYDE & co,. . . 78 and 801Iarket Street, Would call epeeist attention to their large and at tractive stock, In Y-kiIIitOIDERIES — Of every descript LACES—mint. Point Applique, Cluney, Thread, Guipure. Valentla etc. DKEltClltEln—Plain. Embroidered, /Bitched a Lace. , Hem- LlNEN—bets, Collars and Cans In ge eat varlet,. DRESS AND CLOAK TELII.IIINIIB AND BUT TONS—Latest styles. SASH BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS. GLOP'S AND LIOSIEBY—A complete stock. CNDIERWE•it—For Ladles, Misses and Children. FANCY EEL` kiltßUool)/3—nharls, Roods, Rubles, n 4.eques. , OP SMUTS—AII glees. In beet makes. COMETS, Nets, Waterfall Hair Rolla. etc. BALMORAL. ISKIP.Te—At greatly reduced prices. tiENTLEMEN . S PURNISHINO (11.101:/n—A Nll and complete a toek. YANC Y A TICLES AND NOTlClN—Comprl , in FAN: large stock or goods recented B especiallY tor g our HOLIDAY SALES, andlcltwould make a handsome and acceptable present. del FALLE.* — 600119, 1)7E.1N" .N S Jro. 21 FIFTH STREET. P A TlNTATL,E7,tli,utritha_ A d Y el l e n A rgt =trig EMBlielp r Ntlit LIN DK& NOkIL6FII; ' rittiso2 and NEAL LACE d o 441CAtitifelitGod Iti t T I VTII I /1 .1K .1c i . ) L g E I tiv[PIJILE LaCE, . do ULIIPUBE do LADIES, MOM CAPS to a varlet/ E of *Wen; NEW ST)LE LaDIE.T_KELD . 16SES; WHITE. nal/RTS, AINJE,T/LE, Eat ERA LIN EN COLLAIV Em . •Zblatt &MINNS, SHELL ND WOOL; RAati. TENEANd, ItIBBONd. FLOW/INN And i hill ❑ae of NOTIONS, &c. lour Goads are bold at X.lte,rll743lit Citraix X'rloegs. ppyfej•l4l , l-110 KO let • fejil CHEAP DRY- GOOD'S FOR CHRISTMAS PRESEN PS. A NOTHER LOT OF TIM CrIEAIP -3.IRILINDS AND TRIVET CUJTIIy In the dlr..- Also a full at,ortment of PLAIN AND BAR LIED POPLINS, ALPACCAS, BLEACHED 45:7 lINBLEAC•D MUSLINS, IRISH LINENS. BARRED at - PLAIN COUNTRY FLAN NELS AND BLANKETS. Call and ..et them, at IL J. Nc>. 68 IMCcarlr...oit Eft:, Between Yitth street and V_ e Diamond. deLl:l,7l GENT'S FLICSISDING GOODS. - NECLICEE SHIRTS, Muslin Shirts, Silk Underw ear, Merino Unduly ear, Wool Under wear, Merino Half Hose, Shaker Knit Half Hose,' French Suspenders, American Suspenders, Silks, FANCI NtAItFS , SCARF PINS, SPARE niNGS, SLEEVE urrroNs, SHIRT PINS, NECK TIES. LI NEN AN PAPER COLLARS 41: IMITATION LINEN 110 . LINEN AND SILI& II ANDR EWEN F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth St. del ATACREM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. • DIAGNIFICHNI' HOLIDAY FREDDIE'. • • Bich Jewel and 'Work Bones; is otch Handkerchief and Wove Bones; Perfamet titanda: ' Cigar et owls and bre/edne Czars: Flee nos. Beit Clasp, Album.: alogwood and Jet Jeelry; rine iIurOOCO Wallets and W nap. 'C are 11/S0 opening • choice eollect ion of Real and imitation Lace Good.: Plain and Embroidered liandlterchicf.: • • Ladles' Cashmere Scarf. Flue Cloth and Kid Gloves: (tunnel. and skating lioNr: - llnder , birta and Drawers, a complete clock; Ear Mud., a new article. DIACRIIRE 8c CARLISLE Are Pole Aeents In MIN city for the LOCK%r OID BLOCH LIS ED a ND ALL PAPER COLLARS. Ehlrp . ri Patna Toga and Illieetton Labels; Gray's Marbled Paper Collars; The Lltatt Imitatioe Collars: The... Star" thlrt. warrantee toot; Bradley's Duette Elliptic Skirts, all elves—To Dealers at kismet/lc:Ore.' Prices; Balmoral eklets. Our entire stock at LESS THAN HALE THEIR CO CT. MERCHANTS AND DE A LEI'S will find our ,prleett much reduced and many articles at .leas M root, In order to dare out. Ladle. and Gentlemen w 1,141 1; to make Holiday Present. 0111 nod maul useful and suitable article. at Ureat Ls Reduced Price', MAORMA & CARLISLE, • 19 FIFTH STREET. - . IMMENSE • CLOSING OUT SALE; $50,0(1)0 wcorvrii OF FINE FILL If D iIiNtER CO MI I-I I INT $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all Descriptions, all of whirl' will be sold at ACTUAL COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Before remoyteg to ol•liew By!Milli. Opposite the Union Depot. • air The leaae orlatore and 11ne , 11•g. together •with Countera;Bkilvlng. Shoo Cans, Se., for ..it. J. D. RAIYIALEY, 334 and 336 Liberty Street, IMEM:I MURDOCK & PUTNAM, Are daily rearing at their GENT'S FURNISHING STORE, 713 26.1.1rtia. Et x-'•34zot, Nearly oppanlia,Poet thrice; All ti.e new and elegant styles in SCARFS, TIES, BOWS AND HDEFt3, Gent's .Underwear, smovzthe HALE 11081. SESPENDF:EM, Robots cto Crksnaxsll;i're, Fin t Shirts and Collars, Everything to complete the GentlemensTi'aidrobe 11111IDOCK . 114 PUTICAM. I=ll2l WHOLESALE DRY GOOD ARBUTHNOT ; BH,ANNON N 7.115 Wood Sr., Pittsbur , lisle in e•ora and recelvlrg a full DRY GOODS AND NOT Which, they offer at EASTERN PRIC: AND TO Willett The Attention of Dealers is Invited. C....atnETIINOT..A. i. flitAltlfb2t...l. G. STZI'LI /MON' CASH, DicCANLDESS & CO., `.. 0 (Lazy W ILeoN. Casa A C 0..) %v 110LICHALIC. DI/ALF:IIS IN FOREIQN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Mil ca. ell 1717 cocoa. art., TIIIf:MLOUse LIMOII PA. lOQUETS, CAMMELIAS, dr.e —We have the longest and tivostock of WINTER PLUtYttlitHU PL,A.hTs shoat the city, and ore prepared to fur 01.1, wedding and of her partlee Table .3 klaadftoilitete.Floral DestimS, &a., OD Thom notice . We cahalso fornt.t, Floral Wreathm, Death of • doornollst.—JlSLOOS Looks, a crosses, de. All ordera promptly attended tO., wOII.kDOWLI Journalist of Cincinnati, died of- Cori lOU tO the ter a Dnel Nis, ea Tuesday last. 5 UltifllVlL Urry AND SIII3DRBAN . (ADLITIONAL LOOLL HEW ON FIRST PAGE) Young Men•s fprl.ttan Atmoclatlon What IT Should be. 3111.95n5. EDITOttA GAZETTC-1 am plensCd to see that the Young 2denbi Christian .s,:soota lion is about to . be reorganized. Permit me to giVO eXpreSitoll to a few thoughts on this subject. It basil belierr, been found that useful ai these nesociations.have been, their usefulness tulght have been greatly Increased if they had been planed and adapted to cult, snore gen erally, the diver hied tastes, habits, and edu cation of young men, without regard to their religious character. - . theory would be to open the association to ail young men (and why not u// young tea men!) who are wilting to lie governed by the roles eTthe assectutiOn. .The great object and design of the association should be not so much to call the 'righteous as sinners" toper-. ticipate in the advantages; and to this end the a.mcititlon should become "ail things to all men" in order that all classes might be brought ender curtain refining as Well its yet MMus intinences, lint, to erec t this object, the Assoblation Must be made an attractive place to all; and, to do this, it must, to same extent, he seetiralized. It i very well known that thousands of young men to our execs--elerks, m"ellanics, ttc.—who, after the lahors of the day are over, are left to horriselves, I o seek their 'levelness in any way that'- may fancy; but It en happens that their wages only justify them in the •seleetiod of cheap boarding houset, and that even in sorb houses they cannot afford light and tire In their chambers, and as their em ployers Ore not ht the habit of taking them to spend their evenings at their own pleasant homes, which they ate under 101 . 1nOrni obliga tion to do—these youngmen seek the greatest comfort for the least cost,and llnd genial light and ileat, - and it may ho a stray newspaper, or it trait each society as a Lager Bear haloon furnishes; and all for five cents. It should be this class as wellae the welLtostto young men which the aftariciattOo 81.10Ulit attract; and yet it clay lie there arc comparitively few of tills class that mare a profession!of religion, but who, under proper, associations, if they did not becomochrist lens, might at least be greets ly improved or saved from 'low and vicious habits. The rooms of the association should be con venient, neatly and comfortably furnished. There should be a free Reading and Library room—a Lecture Room, which might he used also for daily noon prayer meetings anal other religeons or sacred purposes—apartments for night schools of the highest and moat diversi fied character. Lastly a lunchsroom in which coltee and tea might always be had at the mere cost and expense. The association should be sustained largely and liberally by the mcrehantsonanufacturers and capitalists, and by all who are to pay 11.11111111llai tax. 11. LAWRI:NI'EVILLE Dec. 10th IR+;. In the Criminal Court, Judge Strove .presi. ding, thejury in the Lease of tieoripr E. Shun, reported on trlitl yesterday, found a t Criltet of guilty of simple assault and battery. The next case taken up was that 01 George Rutter, It. H. Wallace and William Orris. in dieted for riot. The indictment contained three courts, riot, unlawful assemblage and assault in resisting the Sheriff In the discharge of his duty. The defendants are charged with having, at Tareutum, on the night of the sth et August, created a riot at scamp meeting, by assaulting different parties. Sheriff Stew art, who was on the ground, after much effort succeeded in Quelling the riot, arresting the parties, and In restoring order. The evidence was concluded, and the ease went. to the Jury yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Swartrwelder, Kirkpatrick and Mellon, and 15, Reed appeared for the defendants, and I'. M. Marehall, Esn., and District Attorney Dug for the prosecution. The Jury hail not re. turned a verdict. • Louis Cella plead guilty to selling liquor witimut license, and was sentenced to pay a line of 4,0 and costa, which Le did, and was dlvenurEccd. John Mooney plead guilty to a ellullar charge and was ordered to pay a nee of sj) and costs. Charles Cotes was placed on trial for steal ing a watch valued at Fns. Found guilty and sentenced to thirty days imprisonment In the county lath Christopher Hall was convicted of the lar ceny of a quantity of boards and nulls.• Not sentenced. Samuel Williams, rbarged vii l! the larceny .of a silver watch. Not guilty. Joint Obcringer, arraigned for surety of the peace. 'paid the coots and entered into recog nizance to keep the peace. Grace Lee, a colored individual, plead gullty to the larceny of a considerable quintile of securing apparel from a hotel In Chartlers township. sentenced to thirty days in the couriy Jull. John - Brown, on trial for stealing a hers, An argument was heard before J edges Me, ritt and Stowe, on Saturday last, Involving the liability of parties executing bonds in le gal proceedings to have the name stamped, and also (indirectly) the right of the 'Western Pennsylvania Railroad Company to appropri- Me a certain piece "t ground belonging to et. Peter's Catholic.. Chitreh, Allegheny. Toe Com pany Proposed to take a portion of the lot on which the Church stands, tor depot purposes, and tendered the necessary bowl In such cas en. The trusteei declined to accept the bon) alleging taut it was illegal In not baring stamp unlxed to it. In bringing this point b fore the Court, 31,. liamaton, the solicit)" for the company, raised the collateral issue as to the power of the company, to take chtirch rsroperty'for the use of their road. The charter of tile corporation provides that the company shall "take and acquire any land" which may be required for legitimate purposes, and provides that the manner of assessing damages, etc., blush be the KMe ah under the general rallrmiti law. The general act contains a restriction In favor of church 'property, and Mr. Menem,. for - the.trusteed, rained the question whether It , wes ant the In tention of the Legislature by the act of INA, incorporating the Western Pennsylvania Rail road, to continuo that restriction. The Court held—first, that the bond did not require a swarm; and secondly, that the act of granting to the company named the right to ',take and acquire any land," worked a virtual repeal of the.. prohibition In favor of church property under the general law. The regniar weekly meeting of the All , gheny Leagno i Was held on Tuesilit' evening at their hall, on Water street, an. linseed of r agreeably. The membership the League la increasing, and considerable ini terest is manifestail In the proccedinge. The vacancies in the offices of Corresponding Sec retary and Trustee, were filled by the eße lion of J. IL Oxley to the former Position, and T. Mettenner the latter. Thu reports o f the Printing, Finance and Lectnre Committees were presented and on , motion adopted. An earnest and gratifying exhibit of the efforts to form a library, was manifested.in the vari ous reports. The prospect for establishing a library, is considered quite bright. Captain John U. Sample, was on motion, added to the Finance Committee. The Trustees were id strueted to confer with Ills Honor, Mayor Mor rison, to ascertain if the present hall could be permanently scented for a Library and Read g Room, and. If so, to close the bargain int ntediately. After the transaction of some on- Itriportroit business, the League aJJourucd to meet float Tuesday evening. Free llnthe—renth Ward Plll,lon School Consort To be held at the new Aeade.niof Music. Liberty Street, on Friday evening next, the till; Inst. It is the object of the managers of the school to procure a, mission building, and establish fr"e battis'in connection with the mission. A proposition has been made by a member of the school to hold a series ot enter tainments, as tnany'sis shall prove Inwiltable, he assuming all the expenses connected wills holding them; that all the money received from contributions and retie of tickets may be appropriated to the object above named. Thls generous offer being accepted, it is confi dently hoped that this first concert may be Pe cuniarily a etleCtiili, Tickets for :sale at the door on the evening of tile concert. !'rice fifty cents. Doors open at seven o'clock. Con cert to commence at a quarter of night. Opposite Wayne The lire ping at the corner of nmallman and Baldwin streets, is in an execrable condition, and is the last resource that could be relied on in Case of tire. At thellre at, Kirkpatrick, Brother & establishment yesterday morning, the firemen bad to _spend over a quarter au hour in digging through the froz en :me heap surrounding the plug, in order that a sunk:lent clearing might be made to re- MOOO the top. Every member of the commu nity seemed to have emptied the'aellee of their households around the plug. and the heap had frozen to almost adamantine hard ness. The thing needs attending to. Aceldent.—On Tuesday afternoon a team of horses attached to a wagon, on which were empty hay Inflame, took fright and ran rapid ly down Federal street, Allegheny. 111r..Arcily Glasgow, to whom the, team belonged, and who was near at the time, ran out to catch and arrest the runaways. In doing so, he was , cnocked down, and under the hums, they ui the wagon passing over him, fracturing no ribs of the right aide, dislocating two the spine, , hnd causlog other severe, If fatal'ini erten. Ile was carefully attended Dr. N. W. White. into whose office ho was led, and atterwards removed to ills rola- !hipped Ifer.—Mary Breen came to the m of Alderman Lynch yesterday and made charging Alice Mowry with assault and cry. The accused, it appears from the oment of Mary, Is in the habit of Iridulg. her innate spleen by culling every person I. does not ogee with her all sorts of harsh see. In one of her diurnal tits, which took on Tuesday, she attacked Miss Breen beat her in an outrageous manner, for do. which she has been arrested and held in ball for a hearing tesday. Hit ten by n Dog.—Elargaret Thomas, a lit tle girl of three years old, was severely bitten by a large dog, on Second street. yesterday af ternoon. Several boys were engaged in play ing with, or teasing, the animal until they ir ritated him to such a degree that he leaped at one of them. Tile lad atopped aside, precipitating the dog on'the child, knocking her down and lacerating' her rliht shoulder with 1114 teeth in a terrible manner. Dr. Her ron dredsed her injuries. _ Four Chargein—L. Seymour, the proprlor tor of a drinking saloon on the corner of Ross and Second streets, was before Alderman lynch pester day to answer fonr °barges of soiling liquor on 8 onday. After a partial hear ing he, was held In the sum of WOO to answer at court. Criminal Court A Judicial Deel.lon Soldiers League Beed.. Attending; To EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. Report of the Second Auditor INIESTIG.UTIOS OF TRB SFI ORLEINS RIOTS • WeSumnrox, .Deeember 12.—The report of the Almond Auditor shows that during the last fiscal year 31,300 accounts have been settled, Including one amounting to g 177,533 13. There was audited for the Pay Department, 5u0,20:1,- 71S; Indian AValrs V1,e51,1:4; Ordnance Bei Mau. 02,502,532; Medical and hospital Warrants, cf,..Xll,l33;Arrears of Pay, Bounty, Sc. 217; Collecting, Drilling and Organizing Vol , unteer5,43,256,932; Pay of Bounties of Soldiers, $10,,fai,317. The settlements have been larger than for any previous year. The Auditor rec.. ommends tlm reorganisation of the Bureau I on account of the Immense additional labor thrown upon it by the examination of claims under the bounty bill, and says it is impossi ble .to answer all applications until they have been passed for examination, when receipts will be acknowledg.l unit information given. Ueneral Robert Allen has been assigned Chief Quartermuster of the Milititty Division of the Pacific. The ease of the XeW Orleans and Great Wes tern Railroad vs. W. L. Lindsay will be argued on Tuesday, in the Supreme Court. Tho Stone Committee of Investigation Into the New Orleans riot examined Judge Holster, of New Orleans. They will Mize all the testi mony po.sible here and then piocemi to Now iirleans. Crow St. Louts ST. /MTS. Dec. L: The millers and MCI. chants of this city contemplate calling a Con vention of the manufacturers and business men of the Mississippi Valley, for the purpose of estabthhing n Intreau throughwhich all necessary information may be acquired in re gard to crops, In an u facturing operations, MAP merits, and stocks, grain and dour at different points and periods. Nathaniel Paschall, editor of the Missouri Republican, died at four o'clock this morning, aged slzti,four years. Ho commenced the printing business as an apprentice in the of fice of the Republican arty-two years ago, and was the old est.ed itor West of the 3lisidssippl river, If not the Allegheny. Mountains, and was regarded as one of the best and most in fluential citizens or ci. Louis, and universally esteemed. From Rie!mined—Completion et the Vo'sincton and Ohio . Itailrond RICHMOND, Dec. ll.—lt is announced, on the best an t hority, that the contract will he cloy. ed with New York capitalists, before the first of ..lanuary, for tee completion of the Coringl ton and Ohio Railroad within two years. The repeal of the usury laWs nt the prwent session of thu Legislature is considered Her. tam. =I Nrw Oar woos, lweemberll.--The City Coun cil adopted • resolution to-night settingenslrlo a room in (.:It4. Hall, and all conveniences, tor the fteeOmmodfittell Of the Conttre,9lohat Committee to investigate the Now Orleans riot. I= AILANTA. UL, Ilre ill ibid . :City ht,t night destroyed four buildings In Uwe:en tre of the city. Lou }2,5T. No Insurunco. From Conids—The reCIIIM Prisoners SIVRXT.I.: ILLh DeCe miter .12.—The Court to-day declincu arguing the senond plea regarding the jurisdiction of the Court. ' Erie Canal Closed. livrrano. Dee. 12.—The storm Ls over and the railroads are running all right. The Erie Fatal eloees The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 8AL1 . ..11:, December N.—J. W. Garrett was to-titLy elected Bresitiont of the Baltimore am! Ohio Railroad. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. S, KLNO lint • resumed the practice of Dentistry at 31.04 MFx z' Opposite the Cathedial, • Where he sashes to reeelye his friends and patrons Who arti in need 01 the ten aces of an experienced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. [special attention will be! given to the preset-ra tion of the natneal teeth by skillfully MM./ tnem with the most select material, and by giving them otiose proper treatment, thus pretervlug them for future uses sod comfort In a ripe old age. Irregniarity of the teeth of young persons skill fully attended to and come-tell. Thu, beautiful Ilfedlke artificial teeth. mndenal 'to comfortable and useful by the manic ol the Doe tors mechanism, will be made ready for all Who may order them. • All recent discoveries of valor In stl 'lnt enlist from pain in the extraction of teeth, 7,111 be admhilstered to time who may desire them. OM, AOl3l, from to a. a. to 4 r. at. 5<171193 ADDITIONAL -BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1561 and 1862. MI who sersed three years are entitled to MOO bounty: those .erring two Telt/. SIG: Or who War discharged by reasota of wounds, or their heirs. 2hrre JtionthB Extra Pay Is due Volunteer Ofgeers In the service Itareb tarts, and discharged, mustered out. or resigned since Aprila,l9Ls. erssioNs.—Venasorntly disabled are entitled to 11151. 640 or $45, according to degree of dlaabll- Ity. W. J. d BALL rgerTitltrON, Attorneys. ant ef 1 Ors , . 1i0n.... Plrpahvirih. P.. $lOO BOUNTY • PROMPTLY COLLECTED BY M'MASTER, GAZIAM & BUTTERFIELD, I= lin. 45 Granil3TreCt SOLDIERS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, • Extra Bpunties, Back Pay, Sto,, ICollected In the Short , •st posElble time, by A. M. BROWN, JOIAN tl. LAMBIE, , Attor•cy• ►t L►w. (Race, No. tll Fifth ttreet. nultuldter B. F. BROWN, IM Local Claim Agent. V. S. SAN. COM., oMce, No, 67 Fourth Street, (sEcoNo rw o o, ) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected Nn charge made until claim. arc settled, and then but a uutelciate fee. my:la:WM pnor. ROHBOCK, INSTRUCTOR ON THE PIANO, And Teacher of Vocal 313isic ROOMS AND HOUSE. Mjia. Ferry 19troot. ,1011,11 WM. A. BUEiN. o dTTOR.V'Er dT Lan', No: 130 Fourth St.. opooslte Hall. Particular attention given to the collection of an counts, hi 'a, notes, ' T Pr'itflVii;', - :;,!'"4 . :gere w Be IntPt:: " lt?..41111g t lmore IndLanspoile, Ind.: alurgantowla. W. Va., Utic a & N. Y., and elsewhere. - selY:kll JoIIN A. STR.AIN.7— 4STaDIELIELTIVEALIV, ES-Officio, Justice of ilee Peace AND INJOCE MAUISTICATE, Office, 112 Firth St. opposite Cathedral, VITIIIIIURO eA. , Deeds, Bonds, Mortgagss, Acknowledgments, De positions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dlspaCcll. mylfidd WILLIAM JAMIVEY, NOTARY fiuug h JU H JUSTICE OF TE PEACE . AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT. Office; "corner or Batter and Dravor street., Lasereneu•llle. . _ . Special attention given to the purchaie and sale of Real Elltltit the Collection of Rents. and the pre, Earation and a cknowledgment of all kinds of Legal onveyll3ooo. J.;WILLI Alk JAN CET, lee of the Pence and Notary Public, • toyZ:ben EUSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Penney) vania Avenue, foot. of the Estensioa and apposite .Clistima Street turCl:a99 CIIATLIA.ftT. Attorney at Law, • No. 09 Grant Street, Plttaburgn,:ra air Commiesler for Ohio, Kentucky. Wee. Vlr. rola. MlAokourl an on d other Kates. royiemso 11 . C. DIACKRELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1:1321 JOHN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND Fifth AT LAW. No. - 87 Fifth Street. inrrin.locto, Bounties. and Aucirs nf Pay Tiara pit y collected. noltho4s SPECIAL NOTICES. rgrW,IIL. BARIVIIILE& • BOILER ,-MAKERS . AND • SHEET IRON WORKERS, • Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. ' Haiing secured • large yard, and Punished It with the Most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of lit tiers. 14 the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made to the matry. Chimneys, Breeching, Eire Beds., Steam Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers. 801 l Pans, Tante, OH Still., Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, nue, Pane: and sole manu facturers of BARNHILL'S PATENT 1101,..ER5. . Repairing done on the shortest notice. ; Je3:411 arLAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINO:WORKS. PITTSBURGH. PARK, IIicCURDY . & CO., Mannfaeturert of Sheathing, Braelers , and Belt Copper. Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bot toms, Speller &bier. Also, importers and dealers In Metals. Tin Plate, SlPut Iron, Wire, do. Con stantly on band. Tinlante Muhlnea and Tools. Warehouse, Nb, 130 Fincrand I7DSaCDNDoTnaYTE, Pitteburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. myl4:eatd.fuer PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, HUBBARD, RllO. & Co., .11antafactu rers of PATENT tiItOUND CIRCULARS, warrant ed CAST STEEL SAWS, of e v ery description, Mill, Muter. Croso•Cut, Pang, and all other varieties. All Mods of KNIVES and tiro IN OS made from Sheet Cast Steel; Extra relined REAPER and MOW ING KNIN ES, de. /?Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and Snort] . artarra, Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-teething. gum ming .d straightening Clutoar Save; also, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling dune at rea sonable rates, , 1e5,13 ItarROBEVEIVif, AEA & CO., (Sim aessore to ROBINSON. MINIS WASHINGTON 'WORKS, FOUnclOria egligissiblindaga. PlltAburgh, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En giro s, Blast ,Engints, 11111 Macbtlieu,. Clearing Shafting, Castings of all descriVions; Oil Tanks and Stilia, ltoiier and Shutt Iron ti' k. Ngents for 0 IFPA BD'S rATENTINJ ECTUR Ibrfectling,bollere. arREMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR 11131zo al Co.l Cles.ssoat. NO. 14 BOND a fart: r. NEW ]DIAL. Full information,with the hiphrst icrtiolotio,a; also, a Book on Special Il.ecwa, senied en nelope. sent free. 41 - I.issure and ',end 1 , , them, (Old you wilt not erred II; for, as idl er, lalni phtalcians are generally impost ere, without 'Ver onese no stranger should ho trusted. Enclose a stamp fir pi.tage, and direct to LAWRENCE, No. .4 BOND bTREET, NEW YORK. noil:ot OIL WORKs, COM PANIES.& c coxx..en oxx.®u SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUM KEIIEWBz CO., . AU...NU/ACTIUM/ZS 01 TISE CELEBRATED SPEEN LUBRICATOB, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS, Sperm, Lard and Whale Oilmi III) LICH?, TAMS OIL 111 UHL Gllt9l Standard White Burning Oil, No. 33 Market:Street, PITTSBURGH, =I .81:7" l ie . BEST OD W CL do T. CINCINNAT'rI, 01110. • BEhT e•NDLES, dc., AT LAAV.UT BATE!? WARING & KING, 011ISSIOI EOM AND 8R06E63 Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQUESXE 11^4 L.F.'=I"I3I3ErCT Mit PA lIILAUCLI . HLA ADDILE23: WARINC,.KING & CO.. 131 71 7 M 45 I.ll7_Walnat Phil& HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, =I WHITE, DROP. & CO., New 'fork. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No.ll NI. 11:1alr N . Pitubbargh, Pa., Keep constantly on hand Cotten ractory 1)11, Data Machinery 011, Woolen Oil. I Dark Engine Lleht Cold Engine Ott, Dark Car Oil. No. 1, Light Curd dcrew-Cut. Dark Car NO2. ling OIL ne:n:o67 WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, President. HICKEY N. LONG. Seel . Ltd Tress'? 'ORKS LN TEMPERANCE VILLE. Oillce, No. 2 Duquesne Way, IN ear ISnspenitoa BrldgC) MANUFACTILTRERS UV PUKE WHITE Eivitri - T.N451- 6_1(.14. Brand—"Lneifer." nn.fm EUREKA OIL WORKS, MA,IIIII . ,IICTURILIIS 01 EUREK.I ic.ußno.r OIL, I= EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wholcsale De.lers I❑ Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, LARD, M'EIUI. WHALE AM) FISH OIL). N 0.31 Maiket, St., Pitoibargh, Pa. D. C. I.'SCPIEIX.AII. Call and clam!. aaaaplca and read certificates. nel):014 BUY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, E=ll3 Manufactured only and for sale by T. IL .1 Erl.V If C 0.,. Piouoor Pa.tatOPor3X.ei, N. W. Cor.3d and Market db.,. =! THE' LIGHTNING LAMP. ti. C. JONES D. cuAwronD J3O. 1"0031.. JONES, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, Agents,' THE MOST POWERFUL AND TIDILY 111111.1.1 ANT COLL VIC OAP LIURT ILVERI . IO./DUL.ED. Adopted. by the U. S. Government. Non explosive. Cheap and lleantifis'. Ultra a brilliant Pahl three•fold greater tea. any other lamp. Thin patont is adapb.ll to all lame and as the wick la merely a conductor, newer taires any trimming. Burners on Dila principle op piled to ordinary lamps. AND COUNT 11.11.1111 H 41./11. PALE. Ullee, opposite Post (Mee, above ritiock's News Depot.necond Poor. .21 WY. WIOLITYAN D.A. APDADBOD EAGLE OM WORkI3, • • X-Beemo - roxiceTrille• WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. OFFICE. MOND STONY, Cl/MEN lIA.N COCE T. AND DLIQUILSNS WA.T. j :~ BANKING HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, BELT ilmeres, No. 57 MARKET STRUT, Pittsburgh. and Crrencf. Crated Buttes and Canada. STOCKS BONOSAND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular 'attrition paid to the parctuica and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INGLIILIFG t Dolt d Btatcd Blies or MI; o. do Sega; )o. - Fives or 10-ka; • . 10. • Eleven-Thirties t • o. Ctrillloates of Indebtedness.. Urders and , Voonori briett or collyted, Alt ;if BOOTS AND SHOES H. CHILDS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES ..a.Dc3a SOLE L EATHER, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. To SHORT TIME and CASH buyers len °Sento perior inducenients, as our facilities for bnyinfare I,lw:trimmed by ANT house LW Or Wen. - Prins. int directly front Tina? HANDS entirely . o we are enabled to sell as low as any Eastern J bbing Hone, MERCHANTS are invited to call: and examine our atordE and note Our prices be/ore pnrchasin rittowhere. Clorcloris for HOPE DirLLs Superior Cotton Yarns, SE4.IILIE4I - tifirl7h....„" , Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHAIN, d 7 c,., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. c. Mll . l=try mail will ria•lve laimedlate and H. CHILDS & CO. oce:183:OrT THE VERY LATESZATYLES OF Fine French Calf Boots, Fine Kip Boots, Water-Proof Boots, Heavy Boots, Ladies' Polish Boots, Ladies' Button Gaiters, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Balmorals, illisses and Children' Shoes of Every Description, at THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. nol: W 7 r5B SOLD .10152( 1 . 1‘1.M ift -T1110). P. ,12,111TZ rAcinza pALmmt, ANSIIUTZ 64 CO, 1 13= J. A. ROBINSON 4 _ PYALI.64 IN BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Xo. 61 Market Street, I= OEM BOOTS AND SDOES. J. WILHELM, o. 3S Market St., Pittsburgh, lias Jest received a very large nook of all kinds of 33001 , EA AND *limo Ellel, W7,fch he la rcyared to I rthantherheah liAh Irk . d AND 1111014; which he war rants to in, satisfaction. r REMY. WILNEL3I. ricAuans2 No.-LIN Market. Wee. A LARGE AUiD FRESH ARRIVAL or . 611 BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS Bastsorais, Jae, received, and 1.117 beeold at the Viral' LOW SST PLUCKS, either Wholceale or Retail. GIVE lie ♦ CALL BarOSA rt:IICHABING ILBI - J. H. A W. C. BORLAND, No. 28 Market street, al door from Flftb St. m 712 comma ruLL'... JOLIN TILLDIA C . FIELDLNO 6r. 8R0.,. llanufuturers endlleelers in Ch.i.estoozi .11:14En4Ac. ,BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. u l , Nz i o palrlng promptly executed on the short.7:tr SEWING MACHINES, SOO • • Weed,Lock Stitch Sewing Blachtne. BEST IN USE . Tills IS WHAT $6O WIT L DO. $6O M•eldno will lien,. Fell and Bind; Braid, Tuck and Cord; bather and V. 111; Make •lieaver Cloth Overcast; Stake a Frock Coat; Sirake a Satin Vest: Make Oath Pants: Bind Shoes: Bill do every description Making of Dress ._ $6O Machine will do all kind+ of gamily Sewing. $OO Machine will run over seertir without breal• in(needles or skipping st , tellss. 00 Machine slit , hes cite on both sides. 00 Machine Is the otter est Uschines 47 . 90 per cent. In use, and will sew taster, if not superior to any Machine In the market, fouran return at and have his money. Warranted years. • AIKEN KNITTING lITACHINE will knit ill pairs of socks In • day. Braid and gmbroldery Stamps for sale and stamp ing done. Also •• model for muting ladles and childrenls dresses. Any person can learn from it.. Ali SNTS Afir All kinds of family sewing door. It Orant streell,l4giNUt Art, f i l gislintark. GROIT.,R 66 BAKER'S • ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Are TOE IIEnT for Virally and liannract.ring poses. OW and see than at A n tes is Fifth Street. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY • Flourleblng belt column adrcrtleemenle of Inferior alarblour, but get • UItUWER a BAKER. 11 bee been fully tooted for Matter( year., and to try all comp, • tent.Juflges, pro . uourmed the • .15.yriT Iy 1J96. No, IE3 N9.1%.1n. IStreoot. 01,9:064 . GET NONE. BUT A GROVER & BAKER • For . Holiday Ella. It ill reliable, - perfect ' and lac:Wore the beat. v 'tj fall to calf and See it at 111 FIIrTII'IITHICET. THE GLOVER & BAKER SEWINC MACHINE Is the Ultima Thule of Mechanism. Please eel tad examine It .t NO Ix FIPTU anucv.r. SZIIOE, HARNESS & CARRIAGE ALAKICIIB should see the new Grover & Baker No. 1 fiewiagMachine Before buying elsewhere. /tile the bent for her Übe. For sale at DOONAS 111 , 111 OTEE T 825. • BARTLET'r 8 . a , "2 - • • SEWING MACHINE. t ' L Best cheep Licensed Machine In the United State.. Agentt w.ated everywhere. :rey 650 {0 tDDO P.' month: Eneltno steam and iddrexs - YAW: HUMOUR:I tieneral Aa es, 614 Chestnut stmet, hilsdelptds. and mit street, Toledo, Onto. LEATHER ISELTEIifi.. CHESSMAN CLASS, 11 MHO tITIIEICT, near the Penitentiary, Aim. lear - CPT, mattafseturerig i lfa • M a ra tl tall ba " N " .:Wir arliditifSieraVie. BILLTI4 made • to artier and repaired►M • written paid to Belt. for liotllOg Hula and' c zar 06066,5i1f:20.dmi FOR SA Ir.V! FOlt EIALE-4. Farmer about 5 acres la Union Townip, Alleghory county. Pa.. situate about four mi le, R om the city on the Washington Nee. The Int_provements are ► large two story driek owelling Noose with 12 rooms, a two-story doting House, a Carriage Ben DC • l arge Lumber Room, a No. 1 Flame Rank Barn, with stabling sufficient for 60 head of cattle. There le llno oung Orc comprising about 12 acres. stocked with the bestvarietlee of fruit trees. It le all tinderiald with coal. The land Is in a high state of cultivation. well wat-red, fences good. and would stilt admirably for dairy or gardening pur poses. Also. 17S acres adjoining the above, with a good Frame Rouse, Catviegc novae, good boring Rouse and other oft-bonding*: with a good Orchard la fine bearing condition. This Meet Is also all nn derlald with coal. llTtlaCt4pibi rlibes :bee eninrfrfoiciw. acres lecoa all ldeir coal. & CO.. The above three pieces of property us between the Little Bawl:Batten and Steubenville Railroads, anti this coat Can be reached easily from either mad. Toe coal alone to worth all that to asked for the en. Tire property. Also Farm otll3 Sere., eltriateln It; Clairtown. Westmoreland county. ra_, Immediately on the Ilea of th e Penna. Railroad. The Improvements are a two-story Frame House with eve room. and good cellar, a Frame Bank Barr, 40.1.03 feet, - and other out-b.tbdlnge. There is on the place good You Apple Orchud:l2o acres cleared:balance In underlaidber fencing generaily goo, wwd: with coal and Ilmesten ; co nve n ientto churches, mills, schoom and blacksmith shops, to gether with the personal property such as stock. Implements, grain In the ground, &c. roseisslon given Immediately. • Alto .Farm of 53 acres, iltnated In Chanters townthlP, Alleghen county, I'a., about 3,ti, miles from the city, thebe hear line of the tit* nbenville R. H., and within one-half mile of a station; 30 acres of the beet of creek bottom land, and Ina high state of cultivation;2l norm of woodland and pasture. The zn i 7lLy . is generally good. The soil Is No. 1, and wall ail ed Cur gardening. The atiention of those wishing to embark the bosiness will esti at once and esenre a said bargain. as this isa rare chance. Also, - Farm of M 4 acre., situate in Elicaoeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., on the Monon gahela river, about one mile from the • Borough of Elisabeth. The coil la of the best quality. =e Im provements aeonfarm housesiritki•lx rooms • good bard nod other out buildings; fencing good; eboot 60 acres of coal. Churches. echo-.le and mills very convenient. Possession Immediately, Also, the best Farm In Elisabeth township, amtainlng about 90 acres, lying on the Mononga hela river Immediately below Lock No. 3, on which is erected a large two-story brick dwelling, ,one log and one frame ban t limn ' corn crib, wagon abed, brick spring house, firanary, work shop. &c.; about Macres of the shovels first qua•lty river bottom; the balance being limestone land, and underlaid with coal, and about 20 acres of limeatone. • There are two orchard. or apple trees," In Rood bearing cool!. tl011; peach pear, piom treca.idgelpe vines !to. Tne land Is well adapted for gardening porp oaca,i being • short distance from the thriving borough of Elizabeth ? creating a market at home for all the plia,da,..ahe property will be sold cheap and on reasonable ternim Also, A Farm of 06 township, Allegheny otunig, about one mile from Lock No. 3, on Monongabert river. Improve meat. are one frame house. with lye rooms, barn. spring house and otheroutbullolnghe land very the best quality. The above 11111 he sold at low figures., For farther part;eulars, enquire Of 0. 13. TOWER, -• FOR • SALE-100 Aci es of Land In Washington eagoty, We,lef township, Ohio, SO llerrY cleared. balance In timber; Good Douse, good barn, water handy, large orchard. school atm nurches han o r. and within AM miles of Cutler !Ra t c ion, on the Marietta and lAhclnuatl Raim.aad. I , lce l oper sere., I Acre in Ilankarilleo miles back of Temperance guise, art which there are three tenant houses of 2 rooms rich, one frame boost of four rooms. all In good condition, • 130 Acres of Laid for 51.000, r Heat* in Sinking Palley. Blair county, Pa., lice Mlle, from Altoona by the Oinking Valley Road. The advannues of tills property aremumerous, and by calling on us we wUI µDe full ponr;fr,alue. 91 Acres, 50 acres of which Is underlaid with coal situale In North Fayette Township, on the nteubenrille Nolidi improvements, good Frame HouPe. six rooms, good Hank Liam; about reoYrult Trees last in teal,. prime. Ac 38 Acres In Utica Township, on the Washington Pike, three mile/ from the city. 37 Acres in ScOtt Township, sin miles out on the old Washington l'ac. 15 Acres In Noss Township, three miles cut frost Ahead goy nark t . 5 Dwelling El uses in Allegheny City. one in one In Freeport; one at Edgewcon nation, on the iCentral Pennaylr.la nalltoad. Also Ditmedla.ely a.Joining ihis elation, a few more ACHE LoT.I. Plan can be seen et this once. Porndsand Mortgages bonnet and sold. JOHN Carle T, coil Heal Estate Agent., 339 Fourth street. - - FOIL 84E, • .4..znicET A 'Ores of land containieg ,0 rifi acres of rich alluvial ground, COllOOl loot 'to the[Wee, 10 DOW Ed:fere. Iflr lute ell tea...maple terms. The improve men.: are a And otter outbuildings. It is now used.. a3larket Garden, Audis In blab order. Yor further particulars, apply to CHEAP AND COMFORTABLE THREE STORY BRIO% DWELLING. Located on Second L. Second Ward, ilttzbnr gh Lot OLT 6)feet to a pared ailey 12 . feet wide. _ Prlct V,VJ). Apply to PITTABII . B4II, PA Fon 'SALE, • THE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 45 3lonterey street, Allcaltet y. Contains nine rooms, bottles ablated attic, bath-room and wish-lionee. For convenience of arrangement, and tasty and sub: asocial. finish. it is probably an excellets by any In the two ettlea of similar sire. The house Is quite new, and Itit, gas, and hot and cold water up and down stair.. Apply for intormation to S. v, BRYAN. Broker lo t‘tocks and heal Knott, n 022 *Fourth street, aturites LOTS!—I can now offer Lota as to n es 4.20, well locattd and In a pleas ant place. Also, Lots located on the Pike from We to Leal tin Liberty street, from its, to I,Cin On Bellefontaine street, from SOi. to 903 • On Barri- atreet, from WA to ,650 In Liberty Township, adiolulng the Borough lots. from SW to SIO Also in Fat To.rnsnip. Lots from... to 610 above lots will be sold on terms to suit pur chasers. iso, some eery - degree. improved prop erty, located In the Boroughs Pitt Township. Al leatheny fly, Flttsburgb, and arJelning counties. Tor terms, apply at Biotic.' Estate and Insurance )ISIIR STORE FOR SALE.-SIT. uate o Penn Street, In =met the best locations In the City, having an eAtAtal,hed business of from 15 to 23 years stanoing. A g .04 et 01131 rs on baud and store Itcemts fitted up in good style. With the shove will be told the lease of the whoctsild log. contain:nu., beulde. the Store Hoorn seven Honors for dwelling purposes. and Two me= Itooms. @NO to H. tie LOIN@ 1 . 1. doll No. In. Fourth Stres 140 R SALE ---12 acres or Ground,' well Mothered and watered on Squirrel HUI, ten minutes' walk trout' Passenger : at shady Late. Fourth Street Road, Also 6 acres at Home wirod Station; and several Farms well located In. Ikestmoreland and Alter hen) counties. Also Coal Property. Houses and Lots lathe city and suburbs. For further particulars enqa.re of WILLIAM WARD, (Opposite the Cathedral.) se= No. 110 Grant Street. Fri t, BALL—One-fourth Interest 'Manning Rolling .7CIUI To an acceptable partner. Apply to • W. O. BRICHELL, lf MARTIN, BRICK aLI. Jr. CO., dea:o100 1.0. SO Water street FOR SALE, A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all modern Imorovementil, In complete order, and .Ituate on the Fen.. Railway:7 , , Inquire at No. 119 FIRST BTIIIMET, IMM:O37:TTB Fit taeurgb. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock'and Real Estate Broker. JOILN D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Baring takenout a commission as Auctioneer, and ca•eted an engagement with toe illtt,ourgh Board oh Trade, aecuring the ace of their rooms, above the Thi , n National Bank, I am now prepared to ,wilat Public Aue.ton. Stocks. !loads, Securiti.,.iteal Eab e, dc., either at the above rooms or on the cs Particular attenlioa paid• as heretofore to the sale of Beal hstate a 1 private eel, • . . . Calve office' Cetate In the country attended. °Moe, 1 .2 Fourth street. ; VOlt SALE-100 Acres of Coal w- Lind. lying immediately upon the Ohio Ricer, himiles below Usitspolls, and US milts above CID- On the share tract Is a four toot reuljr Coal. whlcb, - for general purposes. isnot gnu, m It is ebUreir different from the Southern Ohio Coal; cantatas little sulphur, forges and cokes well, and for making steam cannot be excelled. The to. cation being about' midway from Pomeroy. and Hasgia hack, most make it valaable for coaling boats. There is a water !muter g of nilleorltti• good landing at all stages of the river.:. ALI eatcsnoe Li been run la the hill about m d feet, track finish edu to river together With the necessary fixtures for mining acid delivering cool afloat. On said [meths Ithst-ethes double rumble Circular tit. Mill so. settler with • Portab.e Grist WU, all In good "°- Mug order, and piracy of the very but oak. ub and Dopler timber. Would set/thaw-half illtGreMM desired ton party with erne rhinos sod esopo , working same .1 - 61114 U. BALI.E !, /nal and Rust Estate • ode No. MC rowan street. TIESULICt LE LOTS FOES COUN. SY CHID ENCIIa 0.1 ermy of the weather on - Tuesdat2. o l4. - to n f our those de.lrable Lou. 1, 0 „,2 acres each, 00 the Perri Ills • 4,t b. mile from Aileaheur u 1.7. w.t.`"" lot. are now uttered at On t.." we. " • Tnnjur—on..t.dy cs.o; hamnee 2...4 i and a 5 roam with tutcreat.. ror plot, of e pray y particulan , ..Po/ 3 Adm. BAILEY, des No. lt6 /earth Meet. J orrnr rr. GRAY, EOM LSI) &MN' PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand St., - Pittsburgh. - Plain sod °mama workime of emu desertptloa done t o order. A U done promptly at mason. able rates. lekekr WILLIAR R. BROWN, - (Lite of the ft= of BROWN & MORROW.) HOUSEANIP 191108'PAMITER. Nortu-eszt cotter or Thlr 1 o.d Karin street. AA, BBLS. VIEN.TITLIN BED, Eng- Hob, received and for sole by - GEOlstiE A. MUSA' A CO.. 11020 Win Male Drugs% 17 V . P004 Meet. Heal Eiltste Arent. 164 FH2LHE HOUSE, HAHN, MEI= Blinker In Stung. and lk2l tetai . e, 57 FoUrth n).. (R4rke•e Building.) I 11311=1:1=0 STEEL & IVILSON. RIIOEZIIB AND Mill ESTATZ AGZ.N2S, I3=l=! 6.9 BA.T Butler street, LawrenoeTille. ArCTIPNEER. ;726114 1 4: 4 : 1 1 Mr*PITTE(BEHEH THEATRE. LESSEZ MAN rft. WM. REND CE ON At the urgent renneat of the many oatennnOrlii. Pittsburg.. l'heame, the - management has content ed to re-produce, for one nista; only, the wonderful senestlim play, tat the nets. written by the great dramatist, Dion lioureecanit, entitled the 04:T01100N: • OCTOROON! On, LIFE IN LOLIEIiNik Ilin•tratire of Southern character. routhern scenes and Southern homes. The scene Is laid on the Mississipot ricer on the plantation of Icrre bonne, belongin g to the State Jude. Friday Evening—lionedi of MI.. Katie Estelle. :Saturday- Grand Matinee. ' • YEW OPERA ROUSE. C. D. HESS ' DICECTOrt Second time in this city at the eminent actor inn. J. W. ITAI.LACji. is his gscatspeclatty of • HENRY DUNIIIR, THE OUTCAST. FRlDAY—Farewell benefit pt Mr. Wallach. on which occasion he will appear In the chuutar of NI•CHETH, MIL* WALLACE: her drat and only a ppearanen this engagement. Ai g w A InETH Lltttir•loy Afternoon—Gra..l Fa4dopable vatinoc. 'The **tented 3 nun*. Vittaonsali gentleman, Mr. 211D HET sil