The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 23, 1866, Image 1

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minims ED BY
Penniman, Reed & Co.,
ght Wittsbtivott (6nette,
Time is necessary to prove history. As
days roll by between the present and the
past, the darkened page becomes clear and
the mind penetrates into the tnui state of
things, not as they were represented, but
as they actually occurred. The New Or
leans massacre has already passed into his
tory. At tint the horrid scenes enacted
there were clouded in mystery, and the re
spousibility of the loss of life laid dis
tinctly upon no one's shoulders. Conflict
ing accounts poured in to puzzle the peo
ple till the.) , calmly rested their inquiries,
trusting td Providence that truth might
eventually prevail. The mist is fast distil).
pearing. The evidence of truthful men is
tlndiug its way to the North and fixing in
characters of blood the dread responsibility
of the terrible Inseam:re upon the President
and ni4 party.
General ALFRED
bravc officer or cavalry nn,lcr Gcneral ,
I!A.ks and ~tad, a ,per.
L. , i.. Jnty-,itizru' at LC:IVVIINN Ili•
tut. all I• itnes,to tht.
only al 'the thing, u - hi: It tutssad
fare hi.. awn ryes. Llere i.s his picture of
thr protecLorfi at the the gall:tat
lellaNs who o r.Zy their duty, arra:ding
I. the cord of tla a 111.1 .1.1 or, hi
;he North
-100.1 eti 111) oliy an!! ll„krd „ u
!1101 , roved 01 tour hundred iloliremeti,
nhol.l, tied with Iblibir all 1 , 1 limb with
lury, finanen and " I ' lmag, as
<0 , 04,1 by la - . or thick: 1111 11.1 101 011
1.1. Id clay 01 slaughba. I 111_:
cal hl., 1, m:.11, ,11 It inarlsel
t arm lilt kilo, 01
poll.. mei, •sai.l, 'I
.01 :Lie
II 111, ' 1 lb . sabl, ' The)
ere 11l started 1., rue. Two
polo r•;,1/ II Intl ;Old 111,Irly
1 1 0 7.11 1011 lel, were int° bi- be
tort he I -A. ihi a •I.ollpcii with
his 111,1 nu his ht. V. :Intl hi of
.bath with club ,
miliota, aller this I ,a‘,
policeman approach a I , la, k man, 201 , 1 put
ILig a pita.ol. to Irk back <bob: bun do!,
A 1.0,0 ten nanute. , alter a great, ,flaw,
hrutal ruttian ittkproarl.Kl and kicked the
de,ol blauk eorpm, While 10• ki.
the ‘ , lrp , :e a street cur ptiasetl. a
Wll.llllll 1 61141.0 . lilt her
brad , 1
to 101:. and thi4 iou 1,1 , d 11,
11011.1 all ' , llia I, lu r 10,0•.•
Lottett to Ott,. 101111610 11111.11i,u' inn
wan ruelty
"Another lur., chnpt, r
Theft is in Ni, I rr Ivan, a
lurge (ties, it luggage itn,l t rent!
pally A returned Cr of our tints
an ni on, or tll,,,..,mtpanius. Ilt
near the -.env , F!
the ni.n, I
'lied hit brq:gtr,
uwity Th,:, iZcti ilium, .111.1 LC
.ate' 311 , 1
fight 1 / 1 /111c , , black 411.1 U1J.1 , , 1111 ,, ollt
Wag.. “:1•1 toy II 101 l
Inninl thrown into a wagon. 'l'Nvo
the fir , ; S!“. Irant all thtn.n,stn .Inlan.k
men I r ninntan ! thn. k
:1,11 hn , y hly n.n
ininn.ll tr.niuu nun tin , itroh.
Urp,,, A pu:l4-uill;,!, vtw r; lin. Inapt
Into I:r agn,” milk ihn• nApr.•—ienn, 'G
- 11 y.,11, I wlil tiu vt.n. I , y.",
you =llll,' iml Wilil hie 1.JIJVI•1
%pry :r1J1•1 ate at,IV , 111 Ji,• r
uta...t,wa< •10 , 1
ut 1 , 0• I al, 1 lot 1,1,11 it It.; ad Ile 1.,;•1
there twill teal, 1,,1,1111 1,,t,1
10011„neat and nlaita.-1 ttlat the
111011 hall r.“ 111.• lilt 111 Lin, lie •.w p,
lirenian, nuJ the pc,ar, ignorant, delu-lett
111:111 laised a, head w all a p.•l II 1011 : : or 31,1
In, , tead ut t .:11 111,1 11 : 1111 t 11, - IJJ:
ga . 111111 JJIJ 11:1.1 'JtO I, 1,1 , 0, I.
IJJIle1 . 11” , i :111J 0.11.1 61 , 41 La ne,
at a 1..,)w
g.L11 , 1, , 1 In•!. , 11 on 11.1111 I , 11 , 11 C.
„ t. an. real! ILL Vel y law rates
1 !.,, • „I M".'”
• • 1.. , v, ,1,.• I. 6. • ' I. F.l , l: nn. ::n e l r r•t n :. "". Diamond
V. 1,•• k ,•1. '‘ . .•• • ••11 , i•
the guise of Refl. --!., diem., till
ii,,,.1 oluprel..ll.lill,, tilijr. . -
Damn of L. Goveroor Connolly --Gila
re to dishand ; tiller Gold
lie:tr General w • I T\ Il i
, it , lan, yr , il i I,l'•' ti-.ii
luric ot our war, WI, MA It", he it:,,!
Bil t i r.r. loy %lite ks lung 1..- ,
turn.- I has c heard I 11111 I. " r ` r '"" "" "'.
tr,11 , 11.11 tli,I.:111 . 11t, NI.1:11. hill I "..
r"'"'""" ""1."
("" F""
,I 1 it , Litt I t i I that ;lie dispah - Th. , War In Sonia. Anorrirn
7.1 hitu t'et'ra bus irathhei (I 11•1 „„, A„,„, 4 ,
It'll hot Jenti. :hat I 1., L. I. I , 11s• limn 1a... Junello
• • I -I , I' - .101l • " " ,a l i I
''," " 1..1tal lrn:ur , ' n 1.4. Lrings pitIIIC,IA, ttl ilia
necks indolni_ I lilt Nen it'. :in-, Iw ar t•r tt it, t., „i
. 1
in Gonetal :she, elan, ! hini I l '"' I " rr ' v..l al U.... f' "In
I t teat t I an.: „.tie N.etth
again. I fol.' Mt. my Mal-entente oath nt the Varaglinynits, and Ins; tlic
am eat t one sided; that possildy some niight 1 ; 1 :! . 1 ';', 1 , 1 ; ";: , 7 , 7,.. ir ",',"', 1 1," , 1 V 1 L 1 17' 1n Y
think o radical unsaie trill, and I wish y„,..„,„.k wt t.„it
ed ‘ii know froin trial his opinion. a?s con rripldli and inonniao ler ,if the Pura
...r vat se oill army itlii fir. and one t t:XX ,. .`T?' ; ', , `" ,,, l n , " n ",... l =.l::: l tl e . : , zif e i h
and there in authority. In lustier Gen- 111.151.14,A at Rio Janerlo wan In coi s nplete
Cal IsLoridall I Will say that he ' , aid 14 , no. stale 4.! stngliatlon Money lA} at a Loco:nit
he then did not Wish to express his mile l '"' ! '''''U Llll " ,- ;" 11 •
lOW, in such a manner as to spread abroad; Arrival of Steamer 1 . er. .. from
that he was a simpie soldier and could rope.
avow IV , creed but his orders. Ile told me ; Now loos. August':.—Tim Pervia,
What he thought of ; - touthern rebels ' erptuil dotes of the 12th, 1144 arrived. Iler ad
”! must tell you Walter, that about six
months after lilt' es thele Weer many as or eh.; i.„
s.iciaiions formed known as llet
11F4+.rn in- dispersed, their qinentupoien in Lore nil, and
lions, swill as Gibson's Brigad e As I lion wit , ' or nilins Chan
nociatloll and the Hays Brigade Itellef As I ~ v,"17! The liblleut lon of litaximlll6ll IN CM,
NOliatioll. These associations were made nelered s cry probable In Paris at no distant
up of soldiers, and the president. 01 L
lilt Christians la Camila hove revolted
alosanallCOLS were the old run Sanders m against the Turkith authority
brigades, and the vice presidents acre till: There had been largo arrtvala of le:boat Lore
old colonels of regiments, and so down' don prior to the 111.11, and eansiderullie valet
for Gertnany and Itothul.
They held secret meetings, and St ere, to all
intents and purposes, a military organize- ! Later From litoolco.
tion Sheridan fennel these organi/ations S E W u n i_ On nn, Aug. z.—The lido ...ea.!.
as it nucleus for further disturbance, and he !'outer of the 16th and 17th has been rreel veil
Iliad ,- up his mind to hupprest, then,, t i : i n ' 07 . L " 17. 4. ;;
instied an order declaring that all relief as by the Uoccnn,r of
of Mutton/Jr - an
sliciatlOnS and all assoriation s for the t Ter- 'Cher appointed Colonel Serrartin Coralen hli
lion of monuments inunided to commem- s i aceessor, and refer the matter to Preaident.
orate the late rebellion should let dissolved ; says General Jose Do La thinza
and suppressed. ' In In Brownsville, following his superior orb-
W hen they beard of it they vam c n ”, Ice, l'ort MIL. /4111 / 311 r and 17.0),10/411.
Tue new nom s o n e n n of
tech) o ft made
begged him not In issue it. 111, said 'I two forced
know no compromise of duty', I have made live Lhounand tiollarn, and another on LI•••
np Inv Mind LO issue it, and issue It I Will dolla following of one Isnutlrod thousal
Three weeks ago I thought your
Lion war mutinous, and at that time 1 or
dered lt battery of artillery from the his ;
Grande to sweep the streets the first motion
you Londe; you were not wise enough to
take the hint, and now I disperse you by I
"General Sheridan said, "I fear north
ern men don't understand this Thing. In a
word, there rebels are willing to coals back
if they tan place the rebel flag right along-
Side the Stars and Stripes. They want p , ;
Fear It rebellion; they want to go back to I
Congressional halls clothed with the man- !
lie to authority; they are willing if Lee
and Johnston shall stand °tithe same plane
us Grant and Sherman; they are willing to
come back if this rebellion shall bo made a
thing to be proud of, and its memory shall
fall as n glorious heritage to their children.
1. consider these gorgeous funeral proces
sions an insult to me and to every man who
e ver wore the federal blue
A onto' AL invitation to all Union ite.
publicans of the Commonwealth to meet
the loyal Southerners who are to assemble
in Philadelphia on the lid proximo, has
been issued by the Slate Central Commit
um. It is to be hoped that every district
will respond and send large delegations,
thus proving to the loyal patriots of the
South that the greal, masses of the people
are with them, and will sustain them in
their patriotic efforts against the machirm
lions of traitors in the Dtorth land rebels in
the South.
opera House Shoe Store
No. is Fifth street.
Boot. neck !thee.
Got a Good Bargain
At the 4 .pers House Shoe Store
Buy them at the Opera Bougie Shoe Store
Go To, Go To
The Opera Rouse Shoe Store for bargains
Act Sensibly.
And do lacy,lse. Buy at the Opera Itoom,
Shoe ,tore.
Near as much so ho would ;had to Luce
lit the down-town shops. tdo to the Op..
lion. Shoe Store.
Irving Collegiate Inotiltile.
The thirteenth semi-annual eession of Mt
E. A Stuith'e Select eltooneal School fin Intl eat,
will commence Monday. Septemlai loth, at the
residence. of Alm Smith, No SI c rut nil strve!,
At Venn .treet, of 11r. C. ell and M.l Uti
le:tole, where teeth are e‘traetro ht3t.
Intl.. sit 11 charge of fifty reot,, on.lerhinithing
gn.s. wll,ll i., nllrrly oiss .I,llger. Dr.
lot• raeted htgh ent) t0w . .12
wit hotet it, hteNt plto. anti, one lhar.
Fiji! 1.1:1P••• •• , 11 art Metal teeth given heat.-
et than van he had al an) ot her place In the
oil, I..t,harkll.
I . lllll.lelpakla I'ol♦ erftity of fl.•dlr lur
and P..a.rgery.
(:malty of the ILI.: NII.:11.
eat I WI:1;e h.:: .
Weil ht•
itkliole, 1.1 111..:1 L:F.Iti.LI
ot :Ls murly 1•e,2•1.311:4 lie Wlstioe.
n•ntle.l s it Ing ,
tlitan a, or plopoedlll 1,4-
legt• In MI , count y or Eur..iw . iln.•
Arttn.. t•Strt.:., 0 (nullities.
th.pre..l u/ 114 r In. rrr, , 1-‘, it
the largrnt olh..
.g.4llllve the ell,
1.,• 31111111 a L1.,11, I,lls
t. tl%ll i 11,111.11.1 11.11tt
'it' 111
I 1111.r.1t,. Itli • by .11
ol ,I‘lll, 11, 1.11,,,tuf con
-1-1 -Jr ellen-41v. rolluellon annul..
inxl.llrll4.4f sc.! nlrai lluc ua. 111 .11,
Itl4' 1 .PilUgl'
Th.rre ..z.tren Proleslori on.l rre - ry
cirld TurU. ry aa totavht
-tu.lent 1.1.1urollip" can
, • , ,I:.. go• att ao,, tit., .1:I! Lng lltu I,ec-
Imag a• all,l ro-1•o
-1.•,1.1.• I .0,,ill) 410NIINti.
1 . 4 N tO 1a1.1“ ..4.llErlat,lllps can—
t•. a l'aol,,,sor of
1 ' :,11... , ... , 10I• ittUPV,1111•1111011li collt•gv.
, i, ritt,,lottrgla red
A Brief Mal gigue bet wren Common ben..
ands ID, *peptic.
t —ls It pogftible for any ho.
I)%nllrT, more than it IN prmulble to
be 11:kpi, 1 , 11 111, rack. I spank from experl-
•, MI, ~M+l, —,IIIIIIOMM, taco, that a rum
at tor thht torrildt• t . otrittalot l 9 olTerott, totter
t 1,, p,.l,:ntee of htoolreds of trultruluals of
,tathllng who lotto watt,' the et-
le I °I the Itt'tick! lit their own eases, Is It net
iv:se ont.',..llllcled Irk tlot tlotesow to
at trial I
• I, , ,ttet.t.tuntt hit'. :tam it the
Wl•,, te the .ledttet . nn t
%1., tt tiosTETTE FiS
Tfl.l[- In mad/ -inky The
y a.c 101 .Iy•pcpwia
~ npletr, 'indente rut d and undenia-
S. ,rvor voLeertrtineLl by experiment
r IL Lx or In not the cure that
OM —Then you stand uonvicted
) . 11 - ow oslrnwing. 11 the name
unit,•fn /Ott ila, lwen advant,ed it favor
lo",,kutartllt . .l yau
It , 401) .peculation, 5,111
t‘4llllPi r• o ua tato it at once. 1. Rearili
,••• ight. 1 rUI giv.
Mesita of Jeff. Davis
Foicruass Mos aim, August Ul.—The great
agitated question, the *Late of health or Jo
I v 11, ttio,oare to rental:, In about the sat,
doubtful condition an ever. Assistant Surge ,
lienernd i.e., lately arrived here Irma as
Ington, tins had a pri V ate and very lengthy I
ter, lew wit 1, the prisoner. Of conrso the r
stilt of the Interview and of tilt examinati,
of the condition of Mr. Darla and the conel
shn , he dr,' w therefrom are not known a:
will not be until they are manic directly to t
proper anthoritles in Washington.
The F'eolans In Otte Old Conn, ry.
h w lone, August M.—The two wings of the
Fenian Motherhood were busily engaeed at
their respective headquarters in tilts city yes
terday. Mr. Stephens read a personal report
from two young Irishmen, who had Just ar
rived from the old country, wnere they had
been confined In Mount Joy orison. They re
port the organization to have become stronger
than ever since the suspension of the habeas
corpus. Colonel Roberts is deeply engaged In
correspondence rotative to the approaching
Congress in Tray.
Tremendous Convention of Republican
ra., August ti—A very P.-go an
enthusiastic Convention of the Iter i mans .
hocks and the eastern countlem 'unrly
wanla, Is being held in this city Ua Thor
ill be a tremendous , rticettng_ln .insy
Yalta Court this afternoon. - Five s, . hay
erected for the speakers.
Congnessional Nomination
Bei:miens, August 22.—Tho Third Congrca
eionril Dintriot Union COUVOIII.IOI2 have nomi
nated J. J. tdowart forGongresii. Ur. Stewart
hohlA the oftico of Assessor of Internal Uove
nue the Third Dostriet
Morrell Nominated for ' Co =Cram
I Jonnerown Aug"t J.
publics.), of teriltoelebrig . 311°
for Congress on the tiectbill bLiote—itipeclat
Pfilfli w 0111177gdf.
KVA NO, PA., Aug . grand convent ion
I the 111.01/11. of Eastern Pennsylvania who
rethere to the priticipleo of the Iteimblittan
I Moo party, and oppose.) to tile ',Obey of
esolent .101,1 too, assembled to this city to
any I mittedialely upon their arrival the lilt
, fermi local organizations an.l visiting title
, gitoms foolle.l into law ale!parutled
the city. A great tunny tho... in the rattly;
e Itqlllll‘ , lx , ohllutT.
Al hall past inn o'clock the t.onvent 1011 was
ntlimi to order bSChil..lorilati. chairman of
the Republican I ohm •-tate Central L.:tabula.-
leo It 111111.111 It. T110111[1....,44
led upon to preside. to enuseqlienee 11l the
! minimise number,. in attenitanee, foot. differ
, 1.111 eoi . gantzeil. At the largest
~ 1 these, which sits Mitt 11l front of the rust
.l.mee ill tieorge %V. LIIIIII.IIOO, ' Una. lA,lrs
11". !till I, speak et in the state ouunte,Lothlrassed
t Ilenil. lie 111,e1.“(1 " 1.1.1 e lO he
10 111, 1 l le:1.1{41ln. or those who tudiehl
the L..ov ea mot'. tin tile late pettiness eriti
eotarol the country, 11l the future.
103 al men halt ti htl, and the debt of iour
100t...50d millions of dollars 111111 beim created
that the notion Inight Ilve, 1111.1 the }nestle(
le I.:, ..linvolved ezactiy to,. r.tilt•
iti el'
I.lblll. Um - mg lb , wo a I
not a erllue to be 0.1100 11 . , ,
anti pan.
-11..1 II how et er, to.issue insist,' upon
o as the trile 1/e.
.• 111:111,,I1H, I 4
•won hol that
toe ela• o
h 11.1 , 1 helped the
I,HVerIIIIIHIII IA I to ta• .leprivtal of their
lig he t- t 1.. sts•atei .1... re., it to be
01, :50...4 not in lOU 1,1,111111 It 11, a/
noel he VI its /111 11,1.
Ille Lie .letiottim..l that tarry snonsll 11e he-
th.• bon:, ile lion, 1
n , 0.... the
.1 of the licoosirney tn ~,,, • 1111 111 Ultl ,
tll,lli, ...
of Its 111 exisment, the'
pt.... 111 I'll.ll,:t.into ol that party tor ti t o 0 1.11'-
tla.l ,o,r.t.ontra,tllig that ree.lnt with lhe
It woe/ vary. the Itopme
1,. L ttttt n uminitay
.1 IV Pm net. of Philadelphia, upon hetng
I,IIICII, .411 , 1 I hat 1 11.4 01Ie •,1.11,111111
Itli I, 11110111,v propouthleo to every 11l
Ile/t1 I VI 1111 Out tear lit the IL/In wnr. 1.1 wit
tt any emit 111 wOlo.:n, b.... 1 he or she the
..(HI Ille tu.ttutiou of slavery I"
II.• Ole people 11l the free States,
mi Ile nn the, 1 / 4 5 ISO que4tiort that
t o el guru zed friemis of that 1111/RILLILIIII/
HI be wo'rs Intoxicated w nth 1.1,e liOpe
ing u elo testoru
Ile Oleo c0ntra...1...1 0110 change/I condition
In , ton it 111 1 it., • till' pol!tken I Pentllnent of out own dal(
~„.,„„ Ire „, 1111 111,11 Nllllll estates! I,oiore the war, itrgu
lof flint tot , marten of froe,isen was ever ou
r,' of Y • that thr En/ M"S•' wai.l The eoustamincleo of the oh Mimi of
tun will YOl.l vet urn to Europe, `HAI 111 11.11e11111141 compute, title Ito Ilitancial
ivaatnea, oa t , —Tip. I olio. o,llllm tncalculable. One of then.`silo wnPl.llO inhaling of Southern
ket unchnutfcl. anil Price+ 1 1 111.111 . 1 ' ..onssl 1) 10 tile people 01 the %bole country,
toil limit evening. middling °plants, I ~.I tor a 1,0•1, bitty:atm tue nation was Indebted to
Yahw f or LO-4„, ;Se, e+O l in : ten , 01 uer ~.„ I , l lllei r , s , , r a ii!, ,,l , L i t e „,t i, ,u o Conra u. i l:
hales , . The 11 1 einist utfs mark I I' , l e , t g , th e
/11,1141'11. Provision mart: el rem.O.L. :.olory of the tont., collo:so:mg Oho loyalty
an I ,erol ion 1 , 1 our oppt unotal rev,. and eo
bout any alloraLlon,
limo,: the ours, Prest.l..nt Johnson,
1111.1131, Aug. 0,— .N , A111 of t.,. with la, Lag dont I - 0) Vol 'lle
1 111 the N11•13C) . market. t onsols
u are ! I 11, II 11',.1t lilutocif
at `n!..., tor tuuny. 111arl ..
.4 for Au.i of Ile' ~,: 1 1,1.1 ".
,eetlritlo, Is firtn. Ith as Olin ar , l ten
Peace Reports Premature.
Treasure Coming to Aukriea
Probßblo Withdrawal of Maximilian
la, Itavar l o t :Pool 1 . 11.1r010t P o pro :natal,.
Th. , ileglll Ott /011 , , 11.1 po p—roogooram, lotot
I. tooolov v•ool I 11r) uht. lorp.og lot to , to ...It-
—The •Icen,hili
4 21: .t... 111 -1111
A111 . 111,1111M, 113,11111t41111, 11."11
s plit
011 111.• 1111,1 , 1 rt
and tom t)11,4 tot N.•+
lig, t,t r•. —n311,11 po,l
.t,4 0v,,p1.1 of Inlvio,
August !.2.
fro Et.-rooNy —l5 15 .ald that
rv."( M 1,14 A laaied to lill4-
dlm N.,01 , 1511
fr.iril to giant (tie anti. , tit u.•i
troop.% prior tit their iivitcriotiou of Maxim ti
.010Lathoes. the peieer :u.
Ft,, ...taw., I
p Coulral llnnlrou.l
Nrws. Pt , —TI:e Tr ,11,, 1 . 1,1 k, - liva-
L 11,• oillel.Ll .114.Kult.ain •.1 •"'""" ` r" " . "".
It,. at 11,. elt".l. of to-1., 1 1111., 1,,„ Th“, 1) , ..nk..U.
( t:dl 1111“. lif` i”, 4 6•11/ . 10444: • .i 1111-
1.. , .6 n]: :cot)
.. 1AA...1y
of t.,14) I. It
Lt it (-A.., 1/ , •11, 4414. 411•1 11,441/C1
Al'[Strom.,A.itt.t - 11...t0 I. iOI of
aO.l 1.1.141
low. tot 1.,101 11etitlauo... , ,, .; oot 1,0 1.1/411 C. 411 1144 10 hi,
t:ott port. l• 4.1,'141,, "'""'
• I t . 41 1.1,11 , ”..,
1•• •:1 •••••i•, • •
t•,, 1,.• ,11 6, ,,,5, 'Ol I , ', 1 , ..e
10rt.t... 111
10F 111,
1..“+ cl I.• gtv.. ;Iwo.
L. f1../I.••i, I toil It. Ito. )u of 1e,o1(1, on. 11.1.11
r... •
< u 111
~• 11, ....I, ...tie
„,. l.'s,- for It W 4.
I. i11•41+ . , ZbOli1 4 8.11•/ :IS 04 lir
I,•• , 4 64 rv: ryi,•i nl...(i•am I out
1.1 1,1,1,11 . 0 t. 111 pro,:toto I 11.. 'lv. I era.
I ...• ,•416 -
t.,. t.. 1511 :41.1•••'.114 1.0111 Wl2lllll
4 ,11 4 n'6.• ..f 111,11 i. 1.1”146•111,11, n- urll
The tin, E. ke• New. kcal' let
Ole Mnte.—•p.•eeh of the Queen--Th..
A tlrtt. Ile Telegrnrh - oeeesslor 'taller, et e.
wu• ,n,t,y • ‘3.4r. , •: ,, t..d..
Ethikll,4 4.1 T10.,i1.1 . +lon
itch, r•i lip ' !iv j•.•111 , 11•••li
n ce., 1t0. 0 1,11 ••• 114., lb.. !tam,'
111,...10qi vr1t0.11,.1
111 e f.P11. , ..,1, 14, ...• 1.1..1,1i
intvrent In till its.3a."'s Itt.•
51,2• -t
nattsfaeLlon it.l.l.7l,lls.flatilltt clog 111... y nal
t.. vx 111 14{
I.i/1111• 11C .4 t.
puncoting Ltiropoun , l Anoor lea by U., mono..
IM o .onterred 311/1/11111 1111 l !Ye , /13
-I,IIA / I 113 1/111/1 , 1/ ,l'11•11/1/1/ .
1/I Ho }1,0.t% 11LL.. tor plennory
10, Au, I.lllrll—
S//it/I. I.f rcio,ll , l
Wt. It - ngtli, 1,.1 Ilso•
ai :oun, , atioo 1/4, 13,011 I//•• V,. 1:011t/131/113,..
p N.P I n
t o
for tit...tuts:Ls tile 11.11,••151”11,' 11..1
authority :71 irri,Vl.!, the Vt , Ittl••11
troperty mid the etitt.n .11 I:. wilior
.iig .eat Ic ehtret. 1.11 ,
, 1 ./t
.rineipt/ all ,111
no n
l o h, n , o t
un 11111..11) 1: ' l ll . 1 ,
Stsn e ,ty it t oinuo-ne. 1.1 of I
ph tru
In ot I o !net-ore t
.) tier rep] eteiiint .• 11.•larol Till if. , I.
lop .r:, ati3per,lot) to that par: ..f 11.1 wnr•-s
ty's Jo of 1 he LAlr...i• norints
Tnitt trsa.oli.• ft: tint ten: poi nicit' It ,
on the /: ith }.ecru out -lir.. of it
pr ...,sing iialwaril Man ifenl of Irani- r •, ii , II loon inal ,
bin intentions, an.l of t lions ireiitiel of the ginntei poi tot,: o.
those loreign agents by yr nom 1111' tapir
tell anynun tiotiniy 1,1 11,.
PrA, non., co, of /1i1.6 1/1",•111•11.,1114
ileteired 11,1171 lit...e.cutlug
m c•I
mai tlestgits is•)../1.1 the liits of
ilei IlaJesty's .11.1.7 1 11171,14 'rho, ,VOlll4/,'1111.1.
•••1 Iron/ Inc let ritoriun of the ( nitoil ntat
reat ith itatotitt inch t tie ionteetni is liJi i I.
of line hlaftsly in her NOII2I Attiei an
Th"t"""" " "1 """"• li " w. '‘ .-c • lonsal Lalror late 1.1011
only served to the strinignq t tin
an- fl oor 1 , 41 oaten, ate., .%' the loyalty tool Oevotlon of Ilex Attn.: :title:cis in li/01. prU(lllO.4, who, without este,/
11,1,1mo:in, Aug 'l2,l.—The It It toml toil anr
reption of ertnnl or origin, In the WC, rut lon tenon n.l .leitherallUlts
(rare of their otter:reign and their coontr) /la 3. Th..onion:tee 011 ill• right hour sy.
It twist.' also to snow the goo , ' faith Iknd
scropuloor attention 1.0 International right-, of Long; ea, to itithate the .ineolloti at their
tlistilayeti by lhn Wivorniiliint of the Cotten Inl.Mauof
whose antlVai inlerftirelice by rilcrking iotolLotlini oil regards polltleal art ion. No colt.
any fittempted of n friendly stone, , ie r sot by w„ri,„„g Unit, n rcpt f„,
multi) • eon trlbute.l to proteet Ilrr Siltjeftly'd „„.„ in
ons against the evils it inlatui 3 in. ~.-..otainitte.l to, a )11711 of 'A- A.ll.
road. Tin. (Alston it tee on Trwles nano. re port oil
Nit(' 10011 had rein stool lo WHY rr '' . in favor of the Ito matins, of such or and
InitY, aft , ' ruttinca hue A 1, :f 1 ' 11 -tA I"A I the establish:l:cot of Steelotolcs Inn :autos
sensation in Circles. 1.3 venni, R
M eading Rooms, inm
Ti,,. MO It on CO-liperlti /ye Asetoelll.
tat t.ori 77017 Pri,,oll i„Li1111', 1 . 1.11011 , ../ In favor of
urging on nlnte I.i.gislat us en the passage of
ini-opeint anti (bat non( Lei tailor
111/1 kg, entirely
: The t 111,111ili Ite Pertnanent itrgatitzw
•.: voentt .1 ineli repo: 1, which Onto
,„ (kin On nit, Light HUM'
p,.-• 1411 11111011.14,1 re,lol /,
,tli irnolution tateointoun.llng ory ft lend
~ 1 :ht. toortittienl to Vclle he tin eali.llllalo not
„ coo tiltigt..l to itte for !lin Ina
.h t. oinking eight Ito.e s legal day , work, anti
tat ion, a ii oking 11,1111 it folool :1,10/11./111. for
any oaten, pre!. 1,111,13 shoulti invitrialtly he
J : r en to •uch a person
from Secretory Seward to 1n,,,
Your., August ti.—A letter from Sect ,
waDI to I,,eneral Kilpatrick, hint/dr
I, In published, setting forth the poll..
Unit, I St.oten convertitng u ut, ot ko
republics. Ile says we [natation the
üblienn system welch is acepted 1
•of than., :linden, dial not br e w unto.'
I,nua that It bIoLII not hr no!,Verl,.l t
of a lawful wur by EnroluNio pou or
. wmged between natio in. In frodolsh'
1 IrselVeS, 11 1110)' are no; pushed like tl
In Mexico to Situ irolltlrut pull!
• nod, Ise do not intervene spew a
s that she would not carr y her
hill to that point. and we urs rotoly no
um:forth to hold twain 1.4/ Ulu mg.,- 11,,stli of iodic. Lev—Deleantes to south
if found necessary ern I' O 10..1.1 v l'onveistion.
°ward, at some lOngth, show. that Ibis , AN i In," I, t It, A 'must :r.!..—J udgt. 1,,e, of 111,
In one: of strict net/U . looy Wt.! It lorol. lail, t °dicta', Ircrtrict nut killed at Rimm
ed one s.e , ich lots gore tar' , U.' i W. , ' nwutil ~u "wielay, by tudnit thrown fr‘mt into
from the time of Washington. lacrg v.
-....-1 to Ittlifornia Union State Central Cronollt
on ('cop In North Carollna—Nettiv- 1 ,,, rt. 0.,1,,1 tier ere COIIIIUSS and C 01.., ite•
moot of Frew/mess In Texan Rres. L.A.1.1v., Nicltuot.ll,lwell awl limby, idol
r rede, irk Willow., Itteitsrd Chancey and
It ChM Mott TOM, August :U.—Advice , from
s M .;;;:e l' rf l i l". t . ' ‘ l ' i ' l ' o w ei Ist L I_ I : ' , U t: : •2 4" 111 1. 1 . 0 t 1I ' , 11 ' 1 ' 1 , 7%1.4 'd g . :1 .' ::
. 1 .1 1C ,., 1 - 1 0 0 „ 1 ,, 1... ,,u n Il e 1. ,
0 1 en c. < l e
~f N l, o ,o r k il i i n L g u w rt: . l , l , !:: , , : . t i a: : ‘:
Kuctiuur is iu better condition than on tenet ." .I E ", it's idatltY try "wittily of the
?awoke River. Tlaueowity of Edkcootbe t. " . '" tats a t tantatfila.
Iwcted to yield from 15,0ue to Is,ots, hales,
Lber counties In like proportion. Uncoodlllonnl Colors Party Convention.
arty of benevolent gentleman from tint lit t. nat.., Aug. 27.—The unconditional
contemplate a settlement of freedmen yawn p a rty are holding Congress ~,,,t no .,
tun, and design purchasing two Blau , .' nominating conventiolls to-day. In the Sen
n A.D. count) for thc Pun... , rh"Y and l.ougressional District, inolndlng seven
met churches. school houses cud , Inur - wards of Baltimore city, Hon. Jno. I. Thomas
d - the freedmen, and furnish grunt wagon bun lawn ummiumusly re-nominated. In the
, Id." employment. I Itujnadva , t f . " tin - Fourth I Wavle, Convention which mot at
~y Uunerlils Flute Lid and Thomas. Frederick City, it wadi to-day, nom frank E.
Thomas was re-nominated try nortlumatiou•
Markel— Navigation of 'rho 'Fiind Congressional Distriot Convention,
Rod Inver.vo.optonl of LIIIIIOOII upper wards of !Solt-
lactose ID
.Laos's, August TL.--Cnottoll—Stilos A.VI nlnrn."lentr" this 1nfte,....•
low rulddlie -- st Cansß o , Uts — it.
. ..
tlln I
Is x
uss s,
In T
middling at 3 . .. Ne.
Star Hag 55CDS7. 01.1 Wry,. Now talon Congres.lonal Vonveption.
York Exchange h. Miscount 17. Aug - unl 22.—The Union
Adificom [rum btircvoport mr Lac 17111 say Lilo al Coll ircialou at tile lath District of onto, met
narilf" lol.l on Lila tied riv er ',MK .pen arias. - In thin city to-tiny, anti re-r-ottiliintwil the 11011.
ally late but must now ho givers at, by largo u. pl. Ashley, try acclamation. A sorle4 of
boats and may he twiusluervit 1 . 11A114.1 re...M.1045 Were adopted. After ad.
Journment time campglgo In thlo Stale was for.
Death of Be.. Di. Brainard. wally opened. A large mad caIfiLIBILIALIC meet,
BenAwrox, Pa. August 22.-11er. Dr. Brain - lug was addressed by 1100. J. A. Uarrleld, Eton.
ard, the venerable pastor of old Plito street J. At. Aohley, tlorernor Hamilton, 01 Texu
Church, in Pldiadelplini, euddelily last x- Post Baster Um:aural Deannion, it Is ex.
itifJD. • PaCted APian.
immense Gathering . of Peo
ple at Reading.
?Teethes by Hon, 1.. H. Hall, Cot. For
ney, Col, Frank .Jordan, Gen.
Fisher and Others.
I \ir,tl 1.1 , d11 1110(1:ssioN
ra I riot it llcsolut lone Atlopled
ItY , tt• ..1.1
.k 0tz01414 rt , rneot rrlg4 holit
0; 1,..11. , t. av CI, 0111,1 s
is tars , lyn.l "[wooing torch
,or ,•ple,,ent At ton
4rilg In. all 1.1 the I leelari II (:011t.40 LIMO
nil rjl/1..1
• .4, I I ft ' l ' z ' t ' !;. ' 3 . ~ 1.:T11 " '."
..1 1..' , to,. 4,1
SE.I.: t,, ~ Ir ' ,•, I.) .1 V.....
- ~•11 . t. • , 11.1 ns•
- 4 1 .14 •.1 . %.•1) 1 4 1 t 71 ,4 1 11,.
11 ./ 11, . kt
I !lair
1 10 11”- ♦ K 111,1131 1 1. ••,.
Fl I.l+ 1.3,r, 1.31111x.••1 Ili, I.•t•ii toI I tlir•
Nllll Irlttr tur.l. , I 1/itltett
. .1 11.0 p:ltty ‘lll.l t[rr•.tt
.at utrrl 141/111.01113 11,1 Irt•.
110 1111.1 111141 !1114
.( thnt Idt
,o1w.110,0• nn. 1. 1411 /1 , ,1t. 11,
.1, 1 „ 111,11 1 1 11 rnytti (
.1, ,g1J 1, h.. I 01011111100.
in.tructioutt Ivy the Secretary or Ilse
Trentoary—cholern on the Atlantic
Sen iloartl-I,eller trona Rear Admiral
tlioldshocortmh—JohnstoiSoltlirrt. •
olnilonw—Mattliatlllan . .. Paper Mack
ade—rxecntivor Appolotractitx—Vonn
terreit United Staten Attica—Revenue
itecolpla hr.. de.
IV 1,411,110,, %twos: 14 hit 1111
lithority for denying the staltunant thilliths•
S, , ervtilr 1.• Tr,...14011'y /1.1•1
. 0 111 ,, L0 -
lioll3 that 101110110 y , n. 11 Ll 4 .1111 01 11,
Tr•tii.vory tad, the provuusii tit ttle
.kppropl ImtlMl Law fi,11..1.1111 , .111.1 I.llllt h, to
militiert. A. moon as the regulation. gut , irttlng
tle• payment than ag roast upon lit the rota
mission, tliet .111 hi' 1 - 111 . 1111114:41 10 1110
1 . 1 rufmr) Impartment, and not unitl Limn a ill
they 1101,re:witted fiii I lie ilitethlon of Ills sec
retary. The • i motion is whether Ulu law ear
ries with it un apt, o t ir t ai f o o for the MM. , :
l'ollllllotloro WIIOIIOW,IIIII LLLLL 1111. Li all
!..iituttl run, under date of rettestsola II.), Aug,
lath, Informs the Nutt I iiitiartturint, t hitt Ilit re
is A ileursims el Clloll'lll 111 tie 11 . 011 el.' hest
at Neat Orleans Thu Tallitimosit had lisen
(111111 L ihittume. A — painful 111:404010 4,144
the (Marna, jlllkogllllnt dangerous, hail attack
etl and itrost.—teil Ile 111e11 01 the Chosurn, at
St. Marks 11,114 Ap:11/1.(41011/, hut II vessel hail .0 -
mod at Minsatiolit nith the hands.
Itur Atitutral Goldslaironklt, to Ito
Navy IMpartment tinder 'tale of CLerborg,
Prater, A intost I;. not s plat , in-ullrrl)
tree from I• 1141101 /I.and has hue,.4l so.ol.
All/1011. lilt iliteitse esiti, hos, vus, at
tam ttmi t t ,lull, set erelt In ltollauil, Liao, p lu
artleuhti It ::11.1'1at .tiiturni
f a st ett d, !me, UI otimetag thel,l
1111A1ing 10 huts It , l inntous clUdziod tool
tilt 111,55, I 11,..• sons . ..led to hays It Ms,
1,10, -,101 1- \ • itulral mom:, t. h. eu
the prefect to, at t osi :IµA Lean
klll .410,1g1i Matt iim. ot ory Out kit ot
th oat al eti thlithment at my itterMea: Mir ills
;tut mew ,401, 1,00 11 \UII.
oulit et, eto the grai ens manlier td the Ail
':110 oh tie it es shin .1- ton are a sat, tie
1. (0110: N , 0 1. $0 out country, ano hi.
lug toward. us as null as that of 1401
111111‘ el, la 1 - I , k r u. 4 00111111.00, fri,nd I y n.
Thu Unitsil states steatnur sarnuar Itri it •
si :dare altforn la, on the I; th .li.
101 . 01;1144..41111 -11,114
M , 10., I it .111. r
Aidll4o.l, A t..1.A.A.. A, 111. A,
id octet:ling+ of .1ohn.o"
lAA °edam , 1.1 I . .dm It atm,k. A.Ol Ati int. 1, ~•,‘
today A lilt I . IA,AIAnt LI. , AdA•I
la lA, dtt rt.Avltto 1., , ps AI lAA in OCC.•I//11'.`,
'led ough
/11. I 111, 1.• 1,11,1, It .I I
mad Vuttl.•lll vrly tor the kind Indmier di A It IC II
t 1110 I'Otlrn .I Al ben IA the re..m.qdll.d.:
(1C31•111.1 1111,111.0 :On I o.ttello,l, hett• 10.1., lit,
1111• Ulll,ll 7 . 1 0,11.-4 slli
rig... 111111 1 ., 1.11 Ta111,:lco
Meronlittlct• MN! ruct l• .n. le .lErn .111 I It,
POAd.,. 1 1 . 1•14111 . 15 I.t M 1111/1..
/all' , 11.11.. k,, , , •
Thv ...AV...1111%e .q.1,111.1111‘,11-1
ade L0...11‘) D. ~$111. ) of II rp.•
”u m t fur thy port of 11, yeti 411.111 . 1
Lire .I . pdrhin door o, 11. • k.. 4 ‘f,
r pfo fog tro4r portalrh briong
the Lont'hydo nod \ efirdan In: loon
Dray, p: .tdfof too, N...a) ,411
CISCO, and J 0111.3 M ., 1/11/101. of tiiIIMAS, GotoulD.
sumer lu the Part,
During the conflor meld of Lai 1111•:llrrla ,t
and cunnpunionof to Lit. y prunon, 1111111, of how
though indtlierrnlls pro, frlrd Liu
'lran tug
matorfal, t7ll 1.11.• t 11111,1
DO tWilln L , find ready 1,111"...,, among thp
rol.Na rrehuogr fro prco • Dion• rroo frf
llsour wuntriletts r•ni i.y 1114` flkleti
btat. Trotoduer to-duy, hr . on ner of It 1110, ,
foorponing maid fro nodefound
ThoChnirmian of the Anf fi0,11.1 I 11,11
tie« Committee, 111 er nh , nnlly ,4 MI a I ••••••1/-
LlOll It dOtl I nt
bel•ln't 1“11,
Row, matter. rt 11, Ino 1.•11.1.
lug rath p hl gn Jahao.. I . IL.,
, II 1 . ,.. h, I-
N 1
, T , ...•. Platt,
,In„ t..a, t
... t..:t
NI ',up, t...)
ta.litl Ipt•IL• Isl. • : •
o-113•11••<0• tit ll. •••1-.4i.“ II .•
1.31 - 1it,,11. 1•Ist , •c• •ri ,J 1 wr• i.t. • , 1 - •••• v.. I
!toy U,,,,
t " a.. '" .." .li , t. 0.. 000.00 l J.too Aughvt, te•
purtenne,nowoug LOoto 'ono) 1nk0.51:
OW, torn t , . took*. 'he'r 1. hac01,..1., orlii, In l'ltt
.O.Cb. I. P'" t.•• VC IV. Ital. 0.1 . 1 l'oon.y; , ..Lolu. An
" "r " v .o, v-tot.t.Ly ololor lb. , follow
too, 1 11 L oong oo r toluvt , ol In it tt.ll, 1.C.1
ill, I.", :1..' • lit• 1 1•••••t1 clinging to
"fl. "'" """""' '" hot ~IT, Ilr
1,.., „ I. nfl.i 0/11..1.111.. 1%111.11
M . , 411... nod ktowli..,l amyl, tIo•
11 , o 1t,k0., C
%no., Nl•tao,ll,s. 110/II
morel It,: of ILIA- Plollatgl,”11.1.1A neon
S.Ct.rOle 11.11c , i .....•11.• 111'111 \ CO. ,1 CM('
C' c c 111- CI .41.• ci.
•.• ;twit
tht .41%.
I 141 t).
.1 - I.
In I r.nIIII011•.n11/11 I . ' A ...,s1 i
, •1. zi I
ttig k:I ill• tlO/ •li• 31.11 • 41.1,11.1“,
n , , andfrin.m.
1%11 (.11571,,
h.,' in r 1. , 11 11 , n•I .11
IT i I laol ot n a I
point O T I
r • e llt n
tt g1.•,•1111,511
~1t as 1 I) 11,111 nuratl
111 1 1111 I .1 ailOU,ollnunprl
i•.l that 11.• 16: 14,1111r...1
on Inv p.l,l'f u allg I Igl•g.
tile nation Was saved, In order to seem. , the
fi tots of Inc, VII•lor) kill
an,l.l.llrerty 011111'nm°
A formal let tort)! Int nation to the delegates
nu. adoptott, coneltelleg rw far.lon s
Your eutlernags doting the War lorded
our heortlent sylopatl, ,and in - oaten oor
selves, tnough Its I riiituplideit uill
bring tou your rein tel, not ools to .lease
from perseeot lntr, tot to onside )ott
earry Into etTeet your noble o n
of tdool.ling Intotillt! glorious o sale,,
elite, the litghet to Jarring seetlout of
our voltni o you v., iu
ly at [lto um.. txteLrtl pulley wide), aplutrelltl
seen. to rest ard 1r....011 and pun,. (Mott).
nor eon we see anght hull evil lor the future,
In the unbolt: alltanc, tho,o (111 the
111/111 rite sought to subvert the govero
went, and tin the other, title it selravortml
rilpplr• that got 1,111111•11 I In Its (torts tor
self preservation %V OW you ire think thin des
tinies ol 11110 Itt•puhln: nle.n in not ht•
to men who have labored for its deztrue , too
ith ne deprecate the 1/14.1,11! Igl •II
plat, loyalty defenceless In lire powt r soon
organized the Nen .trleans ova-nacre
toe to loo.v tresstoselude
odihtt,, In node,fur tot , luudllr" ,
t 111.“111,/.. of pence. 1.5 lllr ten .uppor-
I , :~I
‘ nn inn 1111,11,in pt' "' but M..
lies • o for v. nlch ‘')
hollo,, 11 uec 111 Whirl/ 1..0th par. plhothl
rectultlng :.trun,.,ll: tot aunt hut teethe(, not
naN It to icon till,. lip witch traitors
shouldshouldOlit.4slll 011 ett
,11 legleoia Mort, OM. Ullll-11
g Ig:) 11 gel st•c•stru f 01.,.
N t•tot , Inv —colonel Roberts ham le
..ttc,r circular io tile ten Wlt 111 . 411i11,1111.0
eon Ballet Ina eerinin mai:clout report., that
the rettlne Brother - 11,nel a e to lie une , l for p,,-
Illlcnl intrponee. .111 eueli itararrthoira he
sale, are Wine tatty halloon. Mr htephenn
preparing au whir-ere, to tile
In antler N1114.6i VL lit I, ell I ell ( . 0:111311. iOll4.
The large quautity of train contributed lry
the elrele, ate rood to have , reached lite retrial,
War leepartrrieut
Aeueara, Mr., August ?t.—moon Batchel
der, of Palermo, a noted counterfeiter foul
principal of a gang In those parts, who have
been engaged In putting into circulation a
large amount of counterleits on the Highland
National Bunk of Newhern, New Turk, W.
arrested last night le Palermo, and taken to
Portland this morning. This makes the sixth
arrest among the gang.
Colored Baptist. Ilsletolonary Convention
Ricomosti, August 22.—The American Bap
tist Alis/doitary COnVentiOn (colored) adoptml
resolut iOnS twhty COIINOII.I.kt Ina with tll4l
North a °stern and tieutherh ltiiptivt Conven
tion; also a retil,i Mimi declaring ion
trimental to the Interests of the colored
people, and claiming equality and nil urn' and
civil rights.
LOUISVILLE, Aug.'s'—There were floe now
cases of COOIOVIL at Taylor Oarlocks tool 84,t411
deaths from casts. No Case, or
death* are Monett In Liao city.
El 111
E. 110.3 Circular
Cliotorn In Louisville
American Pharmaceutical Society
I OirrnOlT. August Z2.—The fourteenth annual
mem titer of Live American Pharmaceritical As
somatlon commune:l hero to-day. Mr.
r 1 IloOnn, ',fielded. De:cm:lc, were
present trent must I'l Ito Colleges 01 Pharmacy
tit toughout the country. I.:lmms committees
rt. appointed and a numiter of new mem-
A•ljourned till Co.:narrow.
I= —Thu pollee report of
the t•holoost fort , I svcoly-lour hours ending
at to_:ltt. o•etoelt ll. II:01'11131g, glees niunty
tour tlfty-tlve deaths. Thls prolta,ly
.101'1+1101 rl.lllpri- , .. 'nor, than stall the rase..
The It.t.rd of Health st i i i latls to snake °Metal
I),.lrnel lii. •r
rlre a
(11:1 2. —T. 11. t‘ Coo Machine
-hop S mill CI II ll'
cot 1111 , 1 Iu o It l):ICOnt
1 , 1111.1111K4 woro .lotO ON, I Ore hod lo
Lo.„ oloont• woLecn
ca.,. of 1:11(1111:L.:LI, /S 111/1 , 1i1:11 it,
11111 :1: 1•11 i. • rt.l-tviiln
Itep,tll.llets Ni4:4:lltt, t
VII a Rll,ll . tlit at: :la • f ta.l,, A lain
eiZot ail tliirirn 1•:/111 , tIAI• ..tltl Nt',ltta ItII••
,1•111.,II Itlllll, :t I •:' , 111
11,tilr.)1141 Cunt rnyt fnnrdrd.
k'As. , Aug. _' t• • it..
1.1,.1 to, 111,• 4 ::' I:1.1
• 4- ..
3tel t.
,s err.. 111•LII,
Nl,l 1"1.1:, -
1110011 l of 1.e... J:t.
t s., rut
‘,l u•ol 1,;.•
Wltrll..l 1.111, 1111)11111,4
I 11:1=1
I ilt•Ii• th•Al
I.ll4..Lltalletl • 'reel',
I /.. • 1.• ;111 , . till It". lot ha II I,-
I'll. -1 , 1, ti..lll.lNtl
it Matt 11114,1 lot
app. - itt a 'viol leer. The e..rner .tf
• •i ..1 1.11 i; ninio4l.• ul 1,1..4,a.1* . . Ilelrl.Lly
-ago., ! olen .111 yogi
• and I,egi
..'1•11111114 111 tan II 1
1,1. - 1.111.C , 4 11 the Li
• heing u.rkt4; e, idler
, 1(ie.o• gan to, .14 ,1111111,141 , Nom Il.n (• , tir
points rem; paz.., itnt ti Itero• wit.l 14 111,-
144 1 1 U.1110,nl Wi444e,4. vitet a, itrit• eskrt - tag...
I‘,l street 4 . /41, (RI 4114 1 altatclied
1.) an expre,.. ;Lgon Imettoni., 111.1
LacktilK sv uhLeral ltain, came very neat
iii,“•lttng the .•ntriag, [lto Ill,nlt
nurto tut.l II wo:4 neately tell Intl,
• h.•lore the tangle.!(Wks,. lweittue unrekv•
11 , 41,141111,11111 V 1 11111•111 41011114 WllOll4lll 1111 1144
xt ~n.l 1411 tilts' ,tee dt ,ving 1,.
getrier ult.! .lovilluv, 1 14 41113 Crua,44:1,4..
Nen nod lbstsgerotift Coursterfelt.
vt.turialtl.l 1110'14,1 1101.• Of
• t . k ht, , n, N. 1
l• k • • !11, al 1.,114.1 nook of Cairo,
t,••,. ”:,vo lit .1 Tile
1 . .. countorfoll
+ . O) 1111, Itiat, are t.I
1.:•• • .. on wit to. etect
Le I w .r. 13 ••thrt , ears utter .1wto" till
t• 1.1.1 1 11 ly too. laws the
- 1 - 1....,w1)! , file ill tilt genutoo.
of tilt Itiett
.u. ..I Ilumilvotk'a coat
t• wo It.on tht• lowslnargin of
wit., WI. in I he gvnttine the button
I lo• IA••",4111 Tht•cwtlon o:tilt
. pros ht•trchow. note en-
L.... 0 n•.O Alii.ll li. 1.1/I that
_ .1. .1. 1A.1./.1 I ILI1.1••)•-ii.i11111 1110 ell
• ••• • 1.• •-•“•• 010,114 Ie nook: ley the
:P•1 .'t •••/' Jllsd 1.1 Ing to eon
. 0 '. in this
loot ruillem of Totiloree.
.It•it,al. • 11,2tg0 ,
I r,l i, ;no L k
An /14,11 tor tiall tttrts.—Fttt
t•tt •t • , ttinttltt, ttl (1.11/, 101,,
11 . . ,IS,II lot
Noe, •11.i..•••alac toaff.p:titj.
IIIJ“ Ist I , ‘lk 1 . ,.1)“ 5...3.55. 1,1,
• tut••
t/o.• AU
• I. 11•
111.;) 111..6V
11.1,i,l11.71!“ .1 .,
,rt ii..trt • lit-1
egt ill 1,. \V lido Aldtalnall
.1.0111, IkratIIIIL 111,‘,. 11 h:w lay amee, all
11111..•111,•al 1..,.0w Dunne ,
tt t ntaml 1111 n .1111 iln:1 . 15011a1)10 appeale In
1..11.411 "1 Ow 1 . 4,0". A iitlr
,111i1/ilillug 111 Illy 101'1111v 11111.11 e patatmee
O 111 1 11.1 e," 11.111“..lrale 11111 I:
1 ht . 111101111 t. 0
.hoter toy the :Moulder and efeeted
Mtn Irnin the °Mee. I tyan
peAteol nett., Alderman Alortviv, and neditti•
tt legal streeotelmos 11..... 1111 . 11 J . 11,113101. ' ,..1-
na.111.. 1 / a 11 , 1). I lie 111,11211. 11 1 I,lllurotl 1 1 111.1
tor It hearing ea isnturlllll .
11 • U (-11 v our last Fourth
ot July . a plc.,' 55 VA 51 by 11,5• 1,,
„ a p t ., e d a thi, nd, I. that in
our Ilfettine. l• mow made the recipient
ot a compliment.) hid Id a grand Ilitrvuet
Home Viele, to be given to-thiy, at MeN'ai•-
t a nti , (trot il e, meter the tinatecea of the same
Lint,. Every arrangement has been MiLlit, to
ave. , the eiddYwient of MI who may attend.
l'he ground sill lie tirtillantly Mummasl at
night with ueaulll al lamps, and the dance
goon IM Met rtly till n Xl morning.
l'iolmtittli'ti City ()rill nance-0111eur Mc
Gain , yesterilify arrestort a firaytnan
ttttt • ot John otiapson, for violation cit .
se °olio ttttt tigionst liting vehicles s
out license It appears than Nllllll.'oll 1ra,,, 1111111111g his rimy all bl.lllllllol' 11.110Ul
Tile penalty for tit s lit
Is It,. ilfillaro, tool cost of Tile 011011Liel"
1,0111,1,11 bfi/1
allowed iiitn w. to tile 311,3 tirlif °flies for Ills
licel se. nit: It nil ten not 3et settled when we
leit the oillee.
1 . 1. [or ColllEUMing a !linlimitlee.—John
Ulitionel, a a bile neat, and Ale]. Taylor, 1:01•
ett, were taken Lahore Alai or McCarthy ye,
teoluy morning lOr committing a nun-ance.
Tiiev.tie night butlers, and Ittnninel was
lti the act or emptying Ott the
Allegheny a I. lie waa fined twenty-lite
kitintir. nn, i elate , :in It wit proven that hu was
'14.1n , ,,t ut mom{ it. Was charged
ugh spilling eneiebient In the Street, and re
ct." it.b.zullar penalty.
A 111,1111111 Novel.—John I'. Hunt A Co.,
Flith ,troll, ilellliS u 0 11 new 110001 entitled
Earnsentle, or Ifni Morals ut May
lair," by Mrs. Edwfutls, It Is a neautiltil and
brilitant production, (tally in keeping Si nil
MIS. Edwards' "Arche,r " e lhatelti fOr
vga,'"` Athol Forrester," &Li., ,Cc. It is pun/Isli
tal by the Ainot lean News Company lit their
Lost style nil the typographical aft.
Not Blatt Enough.—Two liolichluals who
gave the Mailable+ names ur William It. n 11.34-
Uniliiiirtntifldy Mc taitere the
Mayor yegterOity, for fortingan entrance
Into the rcbalenee of a reNpeeininil ell iZelt 111
thin city limier theticj t Olt
that tt „ w:yt .
house of They Welt: 1110. ill
tarn anti costs each, n hien lint
Fo ld In M ut i)ed a cal ion.—The-,
Vennngo molly Sololer•• • Monntnent % a bet,
duo nape , ( ut Frno n It h uppro)Frlaux
0 00.0., 00 UM of ~, o , o n.onner., 00/11111/
Jo o hn \V. ...nary 104, , horn LR4 1 14iyee,
ton(e:es tne oveAkillll It 14 %/itellitKenigit.t . ..
the ,It.t.hurgnd wont .ern col 0tt111:149 , " 1 .4Fri
hat, ro-1111i ,, 11 91101fi1.4).,',.4 - ri-411
No ctiotern.—The .tetk ..V •
!lon (11 4 (otter to the
I x
‘lo¢loo Wet tiler° i1 : 000,
Au Exciting Contritt
one or the tnnst Interesting anal elCltlng
COnto..l , has recently but, going on, with re
ganl to the Many tam Illetnag opinions to
whose is the hest Hair preparation !tow in 11.,r,
Until 0110 Dr. TebbOtt9 luta bounded Into the
ring, with a real anti genuine article. which
has taken the price over all others. The cues
lion was mooted for a long time, and After n
good deal of controversy, It was agreed to
leas e it fettle decision of the people, who were
to meet in R convention to bo a.. inhaled fur
that sot Uctnent of tile long vexed question.
After foil tieliberath.n, anal a fair trial. the
announcement was made that Dr. Tehleo I's
Hair Regenerator had won the once,
was received with food and prolonged cheer
ing, waving of hate and bonnets—and no won
,', for those who waved the longost,and
Clan:red the tuner loath), it alla noticed, 1111.1
nen1111) . ,110wIng tai; -ho No by the Nicanler
tnl itegenera for 01 Tetilinit's—a few only were
heard to murmur, and those les , were of the
nulnber who land failed to use thin latent i11,.•nl
,.•nl 10n of scientific skill. But all ),'-sting
71thles Hoar li , gero - rolor 19 Ithont
the Illott complete and perfect. half
ed.IIJLAIIII4ii‘crol. It restore.. gray
hii r, prevent+ it. felling cal . , keens the heitil
eh an, the hair 111 tt .4 place, never
It : ran. •1,15/I.i 1- , nil, ILilultralloti of ever).
.iiei: allaai say, coine awl
0111011:J.11 sofl I lie
1 1 1 7.111,11 . 1,11110 . , /11 1,. hi Crt, 1111 %V.,/
iffil tnt lett. I. , ,ter ‘V.4ll:tel, ~I. l llt ;1 . .
11 " 11 ‘ 1 . 1 1.a.ILI 1,1111 11.1 111 r et .tune Un4l-
111,8, end I.tete .4 hose to efrattee 111e111,!0
1111ty heighten 11, 11111111 ,• -L 111 1.111 . piny inte,
Th Merrell 111 . 1•11 S 1111 erm,
h.on..lattont het et,uB,l In I /11, 1 . 1111 . 11111.1.411/e
101111.1 1/.113 Vllll.l . e.ll;renve ti
tend 11
trot ant repre,tentat ton In Mho. A/Illie elle,
White hlatt hest. ttl Lettk 141,1 the it.,131.!
Mr• •kerelltexeellent. The re , / to! the
'tura''lert.'were Dettp , trtetithLely gonl. The
CICSI I I,.. t•r , .l,t line INC pet It el.-
nett. utth 1.4 Itteh they twee placed It.tetteet,e
Otte hLttee. It 1 / 1 .1 repeal. 'll to,tight.
Sent to Sew York.
In out Issue 01 Tuesday we 11.11110.0 the
I :Let that tauoung men name,' k
Plan and Usti,: Rosenberg, nal liven al 11,t11
for a torgery perpetrate I in Nen link, and
taut they had been locket up until the chary ,
isiol.l tie made out or the innOcence of
e parth,s made apparent 1 iisterMil
Mai iir received a dispatch (rein the BUSIII,i
Mummer In I.laltin a C0,.6, M . York, where
tie. forgery is alleged t hire le , •n isinoutited,
slating that the two hey'„ had consulted with
In the eniploy of the firth, homed Arehy
IN oho., .a he, a an their assistance, forged la
orders for kid gloves—the first for dee dozen
pair told the hitter tor six done , ou a well
known house in Philadelphia, who delivered
t r e goods to the boys, who sold them at a re
duced figure and etude their escape. °Meer
John Itigiey started taut night. for Now York,
with the two prisoners In custody.
Operation at the Houttrpathie Dttipon
nary No. 62 Fourth toreet.
.1 very skillful surgical operation Was yes
terday perfni anal at the llomozzzathie disjoin
/try. No. 6l Fourth street.. by Dr. Wei. It.
Childs, assisted by Dr. .tin. A. Herron. T.
Doctor removed an eneysted tumor from the
bead of a man named Gee, a resident of Alle
gbeny city. 71te tumor wile quite large, being
;tlinost the size of a lull grown apple. Alter
the operation the man Was Sent to bin home.
We would r-damend thls Institution highly to
the charltudly ilistmeed cttuune of buth cities.
Here the poor are prescribed for and attended
to lip the I'hyntetattn gratultonely.
We will lake Inua.altru In noting cases of a
sUrgleal nature treated at the dispensary from
tone to time, and se are glad to see the /Wet
:any displayed boat by the erlgi natore, and
(Lint, by the Physicians in charge.
Samuel Jones is possessed of a rattier dusky
complexion, or in other words samuel is a
gentleman oflon, and by rowdy boys is
sometimts railed co by the undignified appella
tion of negro Yesterday, Samuel became lm
hued with a spirit of mischief—that is, Sum
ueiht bump of destructiveness took possesstm
of his w hole organigstion—and De forthwith
repair.) to the house of Mrs. Catharine Moore,
a colored lady on Fulton Street, in the 000th
ward, anti, according to the statement of Mrs.
Moore, Samuel, without tpe slight.; provocts
lion, tlemolisiosi the greater part of her house
hold effects. While the work of demolition
oan going on, tat harlitit hasten.' to the omen
l .kltlertitan Morrow anti lodge.) all Informa
tion against. Samuel for utalirious mischief.
A a 0.1 rant wits Incl.ll,i for h. arrest,
Threatoneal to Khoo& nim—lienry Soy
der Oa as anti toatipleA a habitation on Penn
, sylvai avenue. to which came yesterday :1
certain.lolin Gi Min and alter treating the
I aforesaid Snyder, Ito threatened to shoot
ry a ilea pistol liow lien ry could tell wheth
er dello intended slimitlng him with a Kim,
1,11111011, or phstol, without cueing any weapon
to his uossesston In 11.1,e 11111X1 on 4,11 4 . 111111,-
ton'. yet so the depottition of lienry states
can lar seen at the °dice of Alderman Strain,
whore he made an Informal ion against
nn for surety of the peace The aroused was
but wen idea-e.l 13 . 1,116 !MA tor it
Iltlllen fl n t opporkehol.—.% Mlle son 11l
Sohn Wit . lii I/II heel ton 11eat
ntoi u on in its lin
gers liy on Monda one y Mornlnd
last. w I. a. het alahle on 1., tt
'a pree°
Ise, The cid tied to the house, and
In it le A Inornetits the poison had reached the
,Exile.A pllNstei tii AAA sehl fm, lto. gin Ills
a rci I al, !mold the drill swollen to the shoulder.
rite p , olier remedies were °Applied, rtittl It to
hoped ter e !,,;.1 ill ecol t,r. The soak., wits
altri h k died mi.! Measured three feet In
Charged with Perfary.—Vill team
vvst. d3L. item", MaL or Mutat
k.••l nimbi laal !I :lea Mal one of tho Har
i tt..itotis, tol k named Mari let, for
pe; v At Jto vl.l at leg , •elfe'v the same
e—ot no a •
I.3tughrty a as tee pros..-
.id ot, sto •, 11, liorringtott Lonny
.o etelsids, Hall Jet testintol that vine was
th , ,11.1 po,•• ol loam ale 111111 of
'.o••allie, 1 / 1 1 . 11 Lough r) alleges he suos.
•,uctitl) learned to he lat-e. Marriet gave
Int, (oi wheat tog it olay
Afraid of h im.—•l el eintall lintilesy
oefor.i A Lynch este: day. chargell
ult sio my of tile peal . , 011 c 3,111 of los de,
saialt lo her tlepost Hell, the prosecutrts
•Jeremiah of threatening to cut her
throat. Yeacilig he might be tempted to carry
hi, threat Into execution, she desired the
magist init. to land him over wltn the strong
into, of the law to ensure her safety. lire re
it..., Wan With, and Jeremiah gave
taw hail tor a hintralg toslay.
lie, ontm It i..1.—,/ohn imoikeharged with
Elits It, shut - punch, at Mansfield,
since, was taken before Mayor Mc-
Carthy yesterday worm.g tor a nearing, tint a
letter nevi n been received from Sharpnlek's
father, Stating that although his son Was a
great coal tattler, he was yet tumble to leave
111,1 bell to testily, lie wtas recommlttml not.ll
Fraley, August 31st. The probability Is that
sliarpnaek will always lie a cripple, Oa his
spine to Injured.
Concert and Exlldbitlnn.—The poplin of
the Firet Congregation of Damaolen will give
grand ITUSICaI anti literary entertainment Ibis
and to-morrow eveninga tn Neville Hall, cor
ner of Liberty and Fourth latreols. A rare en
tertainment may be anticipated by all who at
tend, an tint Hein:gars are very talented and
proficient. Portions desirous of obtaining
gofni MUMS elllollld go early, an beyond doubt
there 0111 be a large audience attracted.
Whet le the !latter.—The filummatfnG
artist at the Western Union Telegraph Office
111Mit /10,0 j(0110 1111111. We recels eat .1113 coun
terfeit presentment last night, Willett pre
sasateal him in at tearful rags because a very
small newsboy had presented him with a
paper. Wu Judge the unhappy man in laying
rn.l Erase 501IIOWIlere, and wu would like to
have anyone who Shuts hint return hint to this
Doort.'t hart
Another Accident. Between eix and
seven o'clock last even tug a Ind named Mar
shall Want, while playing front of his home
on Pennsylvania avenue extension,
is w leh roe
over by light spring wagon driven by h
no Olgt, who saw the accident could 1011, no the
dt Ivetyllover slackened his pace to even in
quire how the little fellow wits, but drove oa.
rortunately the lad's Injuries are not of a mo
no., character.
Camp M.etinlC.—The Camp Meeting at
Tatent4lll entlinlioneew to- . lay, and tram all
the Indications IL will lie one of the largest
ever hell there Tents hare been eructed,
rtml to-alay all the Arrangements for Lite ae
contemn:alien ol thou attending Wl/1 Ire eon,
[flute. Those who wish to attend can go by
the Allegheny Volley Railroad. ISO bales Will
he run ow nolnlay
8011, of till, r, o lo t i: 0 ,t,d, 0 ,: k r, x ,
o k efd I
Iti. to: rx r
paint, war ACverely burrwil by her clothing .
taking floe while u niitsavorlng ho liglit %Mar,
toe noose, We dial nut /earn lb pStAflf'
of her Iniurina.
Sunday Piehool Coneert.—/fio
11u0 o r the rutinv of the 51/11111111AP_PrZarclt
no ted itli Ulu First CallgrOgigigaio
of t los city ,to give a Otinelllti.,W , rsiberir lie
on tills and tit-niorriftle . .ellar-Or f a , ilt DO Or vui
doubt that I
fin:front I he toot error
Dont tOcillinala iimenu for the execs- I
morgurer of
uon.,,ar nioroormoopoty. The execution
itt.fia , Wootlay, the lilt day of 00-
Doodler for several days
::;P" .. regrliesnulto cool, andstmeideranic
paUm-or rtttu , tlal!tai mit in the gurourr hog
gl, trc
mere favored with
.e , Xprefollment —Wm McElroy tuts been op
pointed agent Cur the Colon Lulu of plackets
taming tstaween this city and Ocnora.
Op, ris
4,1.• t .11 ..u.,••••1• •u
W 0 EDITIONS 166 ij L-.
VY EDN zm DA lf% A "gat; It Le AA
ectillop 11 torwardr.4 60 ant.
, lert biers suonast az the Malt
TEI . A •
(.I..likts or yIVL. . . .
:LOB, or TEN Ali I , n . .
IF:Alvan - lon of the Allegheny inlley
Etallennd.—The work on the rail:x.4.l to
farad)'. tool in ropntly Pen-:: •-• • -f:•••
Ir.: exit, port of the groat:lg to o.r. s
It Mtn 110: he many mon:In; roe Inn
trot: hor's MIL kV , in 111111,1111tInt) /11 . 1/L3t.
point. The lirldge „ vie I ho Motioning, n'tteory
lire 114•11., I. t:-• • ! rapl :::r
-vvor-41, and o 111 :ionn: I. • • •••• ::: f Inn: or:
11l to 04 , -4,14:11 no 41431wN lOf
thn rood.
Xlrnyole. I , vre.—l'hrro were s.
bolo, 111, I I.,zior Mayor MeCartll), ye,uw,lay
morn three g•I .111 , 113 wr,n filr
.3 3 , 3 woman. 1., KLanCV,
tor 01,01'i/I,ly 1 , .•13(3. 1'3., 11 , lilt,•-
11r+1 , ,t1.1 fille . - flf 1,1 tun. each, u Into s:e
rwmauti,r,g Iltr , .e, e 1.• for lwrloas
r.43ging I rot° .31•• 1.. tt ./.t.,
%Crtr,oll.6 Stala.ll..u . OKI the Street
,(Inng a 3.1 .T, NV:I.Ir•
Ivelore the Ma 3 . ,, .1
Ing the, Sr: ,g ~ to Nutlet on NI,
ileLN.,ts Fll,llOl a./
boo,. dep.,'
imeing tie 01
httrldn3 Liquor
In•ta•no. I,•til II •••,
1.,11.0", 1.311 111.1 V lal II Again,: 11
1.1-rior 1.•1"1 OW Ili.",
rani ‘,l,
TriuslDlv'r nrletiv.
Le r.. uilu•d.— 1 Urv•;,
WilliAl,l 1:
Ni 1111 A iS
..~:~I.:i .. i.l I. 1:, i~~l.
ti.:. -'ll,c
adic •li
UN ki,T.A K lA.:
NO. 196 St., ct.r. 1111,
i=ox•rer T_T C 4. .
A LEN. 41IDi EN,
II 4'l) ..7_ 7 1 NN-
No. 166 re. , 1,. C. VVI SI of
4.1 iclodn. C1.L.A1 . ),6,
or Funer.Ll
°pro y 1 - I.,nrcenti.lrl
hod I 5.• 3 4_1. .
W. JK1,111.16, iP.D., D.oraso n
I.Z . T. 11.11ITE tA.I 0.,
Uorilcrot tiliedl.3 and Cher...l..ra tar.:Ls.
H tsne an ourlAdes
iVa(ch Repairing 11. ,, ,a11:111 , ,u nt,
NATI S I- rr r <O 4 3E3E 3M ,
N7P.1.Z....11, 'l'. 12i71.1....31ErY '49
'rime ICegi.tei•ing
H Irrlu I'pllrAl :4tods
~.., " iitt.l
i., 111,:ritit,01. in 1, ry ralt,
ar.10.. L. )(arum... r "1 11,. ak.•11.;
W..t.v to call 5p.,..m.!
h. "1
xyritw and SUM..
steer 16 'sat,
Ail .1"-.13a.ctlage.e4
tPutive, •
utwl, .1" A , 0 ...1.
.tb. 4110 Ptita Alrect.
Stable Open Ma) and Nigh
T.til •
Tat, Copper and Sheet Iron
dad dealer lu WO_ :h.
Wn'l •
1 , 11..1 , :r Al.lO 1A..,
1413 Gra:l6=A
Thle the t in the
dWte~s.ul flu 11 .Itrt. -
...I to.
Practical Furniture Manufacturers,
Lattitt styles of U ILN R E cut.t 11..'n hand
o. 56 Federal Street,.llleghetray.
AU entrukted to hi. earl , win mert ,. . - Ips
prompt allt-ntlon elt.lier
11. Gliticik:MUlLE,
l'l,l Engin!, A Sulk.. Air ro
2. 3EI .1•T JE;
oath.. No. IA rt. Clair at. I I 11,
Cr. B.
Corner of kabella and Fetisti-Si c,
Near the haspeaptri:;::,,,: . ~A :_
Two Mary
LE'l•—A..itiatifetti.l o th, ruoin,
.1 K UR crig,l.,"•,Ly. g". ,room. hoc
ith, 1,011. 50454 drrtg.., 'rq".
013 e waket Iron, the 1 ustothcc. us
''''..ool:itionte.....,-.o'MPP*l.l4"‘l7:''''''''.47,ZE°l3:: PHELAN.
No. 2; Flith edreet.
NO. 13 (ST. CLAIN blItt.E.T
Bonds and blortgures bought mud Bold. Cullen
lone promptly made on I . e.:mu/010 terms. sub
VEED.-244 sacto ...Shorts , ' to
urrlen Yon ban e
Ii ITC llcenit • .11cellF.EltY &
W:CA lIN 41111 for line French
• 1 , ..0t5. 1.43 Madiet AL..b
Fing f mlito,t II KIIP BUDTD gu.
NCtrit-. • tr.-. t •
1 4 `111( L.ALPIEW, 3 111SNLZ4',. A %I;
1,141/51.11 -4 Obits. Pio. 1 ,or
to (way, 1104 , 0gT
eiEnkiNT-200 Itbitt. lbet4 taltuUly
si Aviv ur - .::i}cY
t 1 ,