Vo=--ctte 111.1SIIRCIP lEN • REED & CO I I , tit. SION . f .. P. IticEn . L~tIAV, .ILLI' LIION 11EITBLIt iN SOMINATIONS. =1 tAAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, I= OF L. B. ( 4 4r J011:110.. 111El()WN, I p1..11 I 1:1L../1 !lAN DS. Lli LEI:=11 I=l n• , F; 1 lIAJIL 1 . 11. 1.. tic F . , 1 [IA 0 , 4'1( K. 1. ~1133 I e IAC PLYka, Ilona Ip : City I I ti,irl.ts. L I.s. . I !Inn, N I= 11111111■1 =I MESE =I MEM =EI i~ iii Pru--I/ 1111•2111111EINEE =IEEE 11111=1,11 =II i Ini 1.' , 1.1..: ... , litlialtain.li, I Ind, i 1 , 1 1.r.,.-I. •C.t . . et.... .... i „ In , leli I. Ise 11. paid will, have noulinat ,, l i ..' i r i;'t;',!.. n t - T',.'i,i;,':,',.''„'tt,"' ' ","' "• • I„ IP ;al 1V I Illitin Ilari ow v t....iielh. ill 2itn In • i )ri g :.I --flu - , all 1....t0 .1 lit Montgomery, All , 1,11•1'SIIIIURC1111 Atilt , 411tAilli ELIA_ .1M)"1111, for ti toil vent ton to :send Litlieg,,t,,,, , ~, , ,d , l li l i I. „ t i t i ‘ . , /t; ,j e i l , t h t ~ / , ‘ N1, A . ,, , ~k , , 1 / , :.. , 1 .. Nl. , ,:, to lit,- l'hilatli•lphia convention is signed, , •i to s n,.51...... p„,a,... s e e j" ,..,, exi•ept in ittie instance, by formerseeession- 1 . r.';: . i t 0 t j;',."•, , ,,•,',:•.rZ ,, ,;: , ,,..•:•1• • • ., ;,...A.; , • . , , i , ca 1a , 5 , ,s A 4..4 i t .t s and active rebels. The candidates , ....owes :se d.ll , ery at the Fir, :sameel " U t al . Dallied arc cx-Senator Parsons, Llouston ! iT v ,.., it"b",tit.r i. __ JSy. EL a 1... 311.. and Alexander White, of the rebel Con- _ __ _ . - Tremmrer. , gross, and ex-Governor Watts, executive I j NOTICE IS LIEUEBY GI% EN j :ui the Stage during the rebellion. , that the report of the viewers for the opening I of DA vin ALLEY, ill the ('lty of A Ilegbetty. net- AL I 1.1.;., 1..1it: I 1n she 'did asleep? Does • i ling forth the damages and benefits anseeend 11D021 —The habitual me of onions as an aril.' ots ,prolmrt7 ad.iningA ac., wit. died duly loth, :•'' Cab ''''` 1* ,'real ' flab A PP ru4cbi "a l' cle or food, is said to be almost certain ' intie u it itig.Tp ' a l' iliriXm a istidle h tii n ri c in'tny " & Anil .1.1 the, t rids, will she f,erai , ,t In main. protect i on from tholera, even w h en i n i nk - 3,:..1 ,407. 1thin di elrevite Itir . nt A. U.VZiN4.4l l l,l . l/ng tall.cl.lll' the unAatural position the now on- mediate contact with it. Jy/744 Coy cloudier. .. 1.41:1.1 'ha I'ru•rinrl 1,, 7i;; :lll,i aott , lotty. loyuraa, to Ettropoan itotl ~, h.• ho, 111 , 1 r •: • r • he VV.1111,1 have o,llt, ;,, bu! w , n 1.01.er of cratim, t. ot i . not hint, fur he never says I,t• means, D.rl never 11le.IIIIS what he I1:111111 y lIEMIIIIMM =BM MEIM I ',pup.s. Lai .lil, ,V 741 OF Tkih CAI \I.T. Pr , 2.1 of Febr,:ary larat,il tO. W3r , i I, , bu, 11 a I , ,C.araloril a• 1.11 !9r:1'1•~ , ince I:, It I. Ili, an,ral ill, o,llllg Tien . Sr.phrSoll . . who di.'. tun tAkt , who that w h 11.111 11111 ann.!. nc , and it.a.l L6u 1.1113 um ut'eet utut'e of I.CPI t r tihs ta, Were "'lmply lui , txkon, a , il•lll4ttlsi r:ttn: I would II 11,. It. j41.C.. ‘II MN twr.;:v u-lon ! I• r • I lIISI lill MI =II I. I MEM 1 • \N 1 ;,•: - :a! P.:K kt „:•.. MEM u❑l N . ~:1 =I IIIMMIII!fflii El )1,111-I i c, 11, ~ ,-; , ' .• • I ~ :.,. ; =IEEE I= tttto :at: .1 t BEE =II =II WI .nrigi.d.c,• ,~ ..~~ ISM :it I : 414 I hi: l'illiaddid.tu i 1.!) . ..2111• r 21 RR /I I. Pe•th LOW, EMI hy parly IC. I, /100 I r, • Tilt I ~ 0110 -•II, I)t,ant•t Itntc 11010 Ili P, 1 0,1E0.! thr IteplWili,ll-, tI, n ME 1111MIBEIIIEE 11l w 111 111111IMIlill =MEE L II li i II MIMI ind I, etliaLl j•....k.!: .1 init.:l . lP , , kl . l nri 111.. /..: but I`. I=l 01 11l V. =IEEE —Lnii• s:a, MEM MEE =I OE' , 0t0.P1.11' , 1 t lit: is w. EMI '1... r NEW ADV EaTISErd EN TS L ::.:c i r.., lEEE= 11311111131 : ,: s '.7o / I 111 . 11.1. PI Itt 1110,1: a Hon.. 111111:111=1 %,,Tit .4. 1 4 ON. 4 attic to the Jen- : FOR *.41.1 A FIRST-CLASS STORE, MEM I= ( 11' 111 11.1tIN Ir. 11.0 T% EMI( =III lin 1 ,. 075T11t 14 , l'4,)I11 ME =l•=ll=E 11,11 PEI I AI. It Ettl . }:ST SAS • • 1.4 'll MIME i pr,o'oaL:y P. .11. The member. of Alle- NI• =ME w IL,. LET.- The hotp.t. and KB =II FOC hA L I () IESIIt A II 1.1: ~~: , %Tic! it I= fl I•”- =EI Made on ai; ' the Un!,.•l - at.. .111 Interest allowed on Tinie llelyeAts. • NoTicE I TO P1.1*:•1111gilti AN I) Lai ooer;11,. snt of ',nos, In .nl.. erll, that 1.. %;!. r. ;as Is 01 , e of ILA to I. tie , !III! s!! tIo. venslt3 pro to !al. 011 • ! t ! a . per tot., Inltkine ot. oln pint A tlo i. " thsi; I .Is! 1111ot, :!.• S tton. ford. t ,11 .111 I: Ise. Fhlglaloi !ort• t r•lrli, I I. I= l_ J I , in wivoly NV 11 3y neat " ucrr~c. 3L IMill art. =MEI ME ri,, , l• 1 1 ti • ,‘ I r I , N.:4.:.0:1 - -- =ME =EI SIM =II . Put, /.o,ai I 11.1 V/ 4111 i Tt/exellny EI ogling. 2111 s In., ii ' l =EI MEI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAMES T. BRADY &Co., INSURANCE. IP°K-B"D"", THE Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., BANKERS & BROKERS • 3,S NT . THOMPSON & CO., St COlld Floor. Burke 11=1 Government Securities, Foreig❑ Exchange, ,09 Fourth Eta. Gold, Silver and Coupons. =I AGENTS WANTED T1.L.1211-1 AND TRUE: Or, Lour and Loyalty, t•p \lra. RI I I.A Z. MEE -Pt., I , lc 1. IN Tilt. 4011:P ItIAIITEIit 1131 =I MEI ~ =III MARSHAL'S SALE. ii' I sit et I. OF .1 WRIT 01 111811 =1 SHE 1. t SEASIDE SHAWLS, Vb'iliFE, OE &CO 1= (;(1011* 11111qt:1) N stia mlaella , and I'ara•ul• lacii et . lErn brotile ries. Pocket Itook and Leather Satchel., I utlerzarinriti , •uitable (or warm uraiber, 11 hue stErt•. N.•pvilder, DENNISON'S, BRICATING OILS TUN I iii OIL tOllllll, I);licr, 201 l'enii Slre(l, ..1111 11. eta: I 1:...1.1.11 1•• Posl I{ NIE kt.ENT 41 WI El) 1110. F HAN( IF: 110 Etpertenren Life in , urance Man, THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH tTN. pstiG ilk•( ) 131 ST/2 T, tint r, (~ for Npring and Snug nier ALI.° Ea- >N Jenson. ID e nx - lct3r. ,„., • !1,-. 1. r n11:1' 1101 %FA W. H. GARRAbD & CO., Holsters, Grain & Hop Dealers. 1=!I =I PITTSBURGH, PA . 1 A1•1 01 ...1, I't( 11.41,4.1. t "!t ANT, U. I.n, I•s oputri .Yu. 90 Third sl.. Ptfl.burgb El SEA LED PROI - 0.4.1Em vwDi be "r" , Flr• BE - „ , ALi A %TOURS. - I'l LNI/A r., K. • -hi., :ellr.. • A.. 1 hv eu,•l El • INTElicslr, INON 11.• ,/ Mort 1(.0r /1.-11 ' 1,101. A ii )•' ,tl,l 11 pext•tstChm pon• tt ;.., JAY • 1., COMM M J. I'Al. M VII. I r..t , , trr I,IIINT AltltlV AL OF few II heat at the Pearl Steam Mill. nt .11 t t ,Op, of a prILIDI lot of lit , . 'foulla• nfo• now otloofarlorina !of. .•. ...% rtitoll) ••.. whlrlt n, In, IL? ..r. h 1 111(1 1111.11 AND OAKLAND .11111% It. et A. 11i l'llllOCll. 11. • . • • pit • p, At.pck tip riturr ANli !PI, Am p. Pp. A HEE:, Y.% E •IsItIGEN[I. IPIIA 1,1 • A NIP liIIKENIIPPII , E PLAN'rb. Ar" ". Iu pi,. p.p... I.•` • ..1.,. PP. minute-. nc ~ Jy2il,Cl AND CLA Y.—/n it Witrp.l, mse, And 14,7 .10.46 Erde rig! Slrrel,allegheny CARPENTER ANO JOBBING, A , l work e IS. V , / It, WS N lll pr.nu piatieullon lo elth, i ".:1; FOIE ItEtil With And ~,,, I 'tat, , • , 11..tt water fd the. door dtortif. , l idi 01,1 lVmeld, , •di fufol, 1.1 ,, ad the ntd... rf,ol the el,. 1•did0,...10n I mzwollaltd), Fur further 4arlir.d•ss, edl , llll, of 11. 1 , 1 KU. le=.dftr , NO. 101 Foot,. 1 ^lrret. LEATHER BEl,TirtiG. (lIEESSMAX S. CLARK, No. ii v woo ISTUERT, near the Penitentiary. Alle gheny City, manufacturers of every deeertptiost or Patent ntrelched. Cemented and - Riveted "AK TANNED LATIIKR IiKLTI NO. BkILTa made to tinier and repaired at short notice. Partlenlar al leotton paid to Belts for Rolling Mlll. sod heavy works. All work warranted. OrdersreattectAtTly solicited. je2red74 Sf l BOXES PRIME ORANGES iriik arrive and for este by REVUE' A. EEC'S" r 717 Dios, 121 and *I Wood DA V. CRAWFORD =UZI sb.pmly. of t • • , c 14. • to,, MEM .IT .1( CTIO.I MI =OM =I It. N. Ili( ItlEl,f .t,hger 111:Is MlL,lll , lllit Hallo 336 I.ll3erty Street =II OFFICE ANTI ViAitidiuE, B. F. BROWN, I) c PE.)ra's f '/. I *./.14.1 .1. 1V 111'.1'1:, A FRAME HOUSE, lu Turkey, Morocco, l all, Y•hrep, Mus lin or Paper. Gill or Plain EUge. PAPER IZU IL1) Tc. any Ur.i red Vat turn. PRINTERS' MATERIALS Furriaxiiell to Order TYPE METAL IN THE PIG 11achini:sk . I -e NV. HA_ \ EN , ERRETTc ANDERSON, Book ;111(1 j I) CAZET?•r sTEArri JOB ITINfiN. i 11,111111n1 :11110 \ In, 33 riith Street. - - - $500,000 =I I'ic-141citt pro 1(.01 \H IM ifilSl tOlif1:11, Penn FIFTH WARD,rITTSEURCH GOVERNMENT SECURITIES sit €6..1c1 111111 F' 1 , 14111 ) 4.. A IL :%it, 1'1:101..1 1.1 %Ili kgrteilliural Land ! , crip tor hale 114:1) •.'y EitN_ . . , ti rllnt•.•111N, 11. J. 1.3 ”r J. D. PLAIYIALEY, 334 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE HATTER ANDi3 ATH CI Al 7. N, 40r. , IND (II1L1,13) The Nvve...l as3l4, xla%aa. oci hand and al Ike I.()%vesl 1.•1 i; I I:i• N 11,1,. E lIEUSIGN 11.1113! 11%1M 1"1 .71 k'l *BA. z I r.. 1.. F I ~rr, ~ . i. r . ~ I . r. r. ,i . r •t , .1 a 1 , ...1L.c k. 1,111, MO 1 " : ' ........,. • Iclnlo Carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, /IC. PArt 11 . 1114, No. GA 19trocsit, no.l9:,79:ft.erer l'ITTS1trl:(111. I' N. Tinny, 111114.1:1E1 b. CO.. ZILISC-40XILX.alaX01.1. tNi.rAcTrut.or,,, M. klEli OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, FLINT GLASS PRESCRIPTION .ro. 4 1.0 Pettit •/reel JAMES K. DAIN, Proprietor.; ,ther, ly AT Elt , TI :EET, •Zd Wnra -. I ulna[ -Tl. 5 COMMISSION REMOUNT us FLOUR, GRAIN, SERIAL AUDN, LA RD BUTT RGS, &A,.. WANTS. Ei X'2•l7,9_T'S CP TS =1 = • 'lllllll%r 1 ks.,• ,• 1I 1 • 111=131=1 lIMMI=IIII _LL i'A P lilt 11011ALS PALMIER VAL B 1) NV 4•.1 TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES ' - i" AB Z. JE. CD 4.7 , NT 3EI 1,. liel Warelloti , e, 01 11 ood blrtet. I=l 1):41 ° E11:11.4AIAll.ti FOR 1%66 4;1'1'1'1(11H Pi 'an Pawn., .rE ' Li.' LI PA PEns IP:11)(TI. =1 pAR.Lon PAPER?. A F. i .• ta11'..11.1./ . (i (; , ,1,1 I - i I Ern I= GH AA GIFT (JON (EH AO% I . 0.1 n p•—• : 4 4 0 I ' i ll . -. 1 7. Z!e6.1.1.1..1 I.IT7'6ItURGIII, MONDAY. 30111, IS4i6, A'l k. 1. 4 h V. Gifts 19 the amours , of 570.000 WI:: loeprt,Pritl 11.• i,op• rry, 4.. TICKETS INN LT ONE I/OLLAR EACII N 1,. Atli,. :Lit n. I I.!slr • rner 41), 11,16. Pui I 1,14 k ,t,t, II =EMEMI Vinu..; 1( lu. .• -t. 41:1 i.• l•rvt num,- 'lit It tsre•-nnackt glft In . to ~, ennuck- ..... . lot ',II, in Ito • 4110 gIlLs ta,1300 g..to of ;u..,1 In rt.., 1, Y. I'l tn.• ..I r N% II , *VI3/ I t ~ I M Ira .1 1 , 14,L0nd 1:11,a. 4 ~,,,, Uulll \VA.chu,. II g!fts —I . %V r., ru Farm,. .D.7123.(3 1n 11Q Irs 05c>1.2.3. - 1 ATEI, Inv r I I .:1,•i• 1 • .1., .n In ,o4uo. I=== VIM.. It I) 11.1 lila t I :11 .t.tl t A tie ism..., en..neu. h lucluthwg I Fl..'tt I•• le W 11.1 rodoett.e writs .ta .•1 : ••, t th...shr Ll` 110.1 lit K . 11•• Liq lC :•• AM t A 1.0, IL 1.0. I •l'l4l - 1,,, 4 • ••1. I•l.\r ALL 1t.,1 11,1112.1 t 11 - 14.1 ATIF NI. 1111, 1..51 I. I • • • • • 'ST It St oft. arl.lllll • tur pubt4:•••• • VP , I •—• v .mpartla.l3.. ILEA.. A Lit, 10. V. A l'Ek• lltrt .11! VI ,•gr w!LIILL, 500 All • i • 11:•,),:q eta nuo. fill. 1111,•11/C111, Are 1•111 L. J. 5 TN," Itt tto our ailtarta ill nil lri. 50 Tit 1..“, to ne4titirt—t• I'lll tti unt, 3tltltt, ot 1m t rler .r r i .1.1,1ic I—Ali4 1.. N „u I. c carn,lnr..3l‘. at oar Aunt {hr principal kloilv.•. I nt-rtr. ol ll.ln oll) Kn., ail...rt,. Nail 1,1 .II 01 Orna , ati ',amp I..rr. turn poalan. Scud for Circulars. mon., nl at .m 1 dra: pnalonlcc ord., cs.prin, or I ctar c rt. ni e I tiriitalar,l. atoi N. 11. — N1111.101 r llekvt, 1,0",41 1.1, rt, err neari) zul ou ), 11 1A1ai.,...13 agellt4 Iltuf• , orrt ir (our. p....111ve1y um l'o. 111111/, ad xam, 1 ..ur ee. tour , ... tickets I,sut tl .or ti •. los tile Ai, su , l ha,e nti torwr.r.lrever, •• lIS 19. out. rt rt,ln t,e e °it the 3014 Oturgt iora I,i .riuti. It will 1.. , et. Ell)" rty ts, our nt rm. pi ke A ir t•houttl a/10mi,, THOSN.Q• i)l,datrer:•l. Wiz. :Nu. ))) I , ,t , arhtit. l'w. DROVER K. BAKER'S SEWIAG MACIILNES II I•.: b..ca attardt.l the Flrt , r PitEM II 11 , at 11 ini oaa lug ratta fn, th, 1,, Pelt t Er, l'rt 1.11•1 14.• 1.• MaCillllt . At Feat,. male 1 , .;. }lra( Pot-11.nm. fm bra‘ Ma , 11 "rot It,. State Fair. tint Premium for Faa.P. Ma. Ln,r alkatl. State alt, F'll., Fllst eniluta to . la altdaut:facturit.,, Ma.. hint I_.l”..ptar r. Fair. I. Ir., 1•1•-min1et int I.srtuta , ttorl.., M.teltine Mieillgan ',ate Fair. l'rvalauttt for to, Mttnul•clt:r,a, Ma. itm.. ov,ln "Gm. Flatr. Viral I . l , ,ution, Int twat Nlat.ifactiiring idn, i„, wr ..a, C 0.., Fair, i . 41 Pr.lm Math.. tor ,an. ~, , at 1..a.,t rt s•oti•i, Fair, Pm. Ftr.ot I , attsily Mar Mu.. at /Olt Cn y Faltl Pa. Fir., Pty.,/ inn rot h..tt Matotfactuz Maelblat 1inek...771•1113EY Ft\ tr. /Pa. l•runituut Malitirart,rtng F/1.11, ly .Ma t n, ',tea( t 111 - . Firm, fr.r la al and ALI II Maeltils• ail rain Vr.+F• , . •• rrekraul,Si. ly Markipe •ittfula evanty Fair. • 1. pretrt far treat .Mat" , fa..: , .. - "zr rand 11 Machtne at 4 Cyan , • 1 Fly., mC LlOl rOr at Alirgiwat ouat, Fair. Pa. Far" Pretr.tum Alirghen, onto/tv eatt. V:rti hr -t Ma. Coma, Fa/r. l'a. tia.r, vcr A. F. CHATONEY, =BEBE t, g MRS p ;20 g • v M • N 4 1.4 lON EOM _~~ - iltitreHert, JelB;rxe I . l l "TblttilikiH, CA, ..5111 ii. \ ~~ ~ MEM MEM ENE