II q 11 ghtitlilitntri "." giaZettr:f juall- e :54414'"'"' ' r3 " )- 4116 .Church, w learn the Society, Watt Organizedin 1827. .It has nalf 1 GeficraPAgent; 67ilissionaries, SATURDAY, T:C l aapelekstwt Superintendents, aryl lM Tract OhltribtiteTa connected with the Evangeli- TUE riTTSBITRoiI atAZMITIT. eel churches of that rite. It distributes Y. at+ air, - New Castlst Co. onthly 50,000 English, German and aZ. a, ..:7 rk ne . It Tracts, besides other missionary E. altmenzantan !sienna/wale. Onto. v. P. BT. Main. Wellaburgh, Wen. Nry —Rev. Dr. Spring, of New York, is hot TOOO. BATMAN, OH Cllr. Pad the sole surviving member of the 'original Joins I.l.xniPlantair, geometer rs. neentotalti4}Mencrtf.,..** , Bible Soriety. Rev. Gilbert H. Sayers, of o• • ti [OROS ARR. Omliti's 'term Pa. • Jamaica, 1„. 1., is yet living, though in W. Sarum, Altigheni Valley liallroad. • an d aged. W. , Monongahela House, R. Wain se, Pittsburgh. pa. —The annual missionary collection of uric TansecnTi Salem, MO— St. Paul's M. E. church, Fourth Avenue, T. C.,ALLlti.tataltablana,'Onto.' ; . York e has J uot beUrt taken amounting U. tr. A-1116nm Ohlo. New H. Huainan; Butler. Pa. to ten thougand dollar* It . - J..PotaCt, Mercer, Pa. • —The 4nerkin Ekiird of Foreign Mis sions has riceivPd to March $171,537.40. Jona au Board 0097 manTltalAll‘at.PMeause, I —A new Congregational Church in Neu- J. EIHOOP. Preepart,---Pa. J as. T.- Samna. AllegbauT V .ItT• 1 York city was organized March 10th, with U. 11. sat.tn, Sharon, Co. H. 1 1 . WILLtatell, Barlagrale, Pa. I the name, "The New England Church euunlnts 1.-tliusecker Mkrrllla. P.. I J. H XV An. Wereisnort. ea. O. Loons. P. P. W. a c. Railroad. C. LOOIOs, Cleveland a "'nutmeat Railroad. Taos. Loonmoax, Latrobe, Pa:., J. rlllll,Olll, MMus, Pa. Tana. Taint, Johnstown, Pa. B. 8J...(51 - f. eturpsbarg, Pa. TQW:larffn, W. magn,tannellanUe. Co.. Elinraratv. Woods 1t,,, Pa. etas. sowysa. Blatravllle. Pa. ' JR°. AtalleSos, Irwin Station, Pa. • Ma.. HAIM. Rant, Tarentim, Pa. 8. °LIMB'. Savlehley, P.. eoiA,iox Tay, adaforma, pa. P. HOTPIIIION, Slttannlng. Ps. - W. G. MORAY, Ilianalleld, Pa. BaniS HALL. Indians ' Pa. A. W. .YOrran, Port Perrr,-Pa.; : d. C "Tit hita er Aigkilatioh, P.. at.Onivreona,rtarthigttut, Pa. .Capt;JOint MAT, mayseme, lat t *pit. Xastaler atattaa, Pa. ii;frrHaalatallti.. names Yeats,; P.. R. R. lornracas. - Lartreperttne, . itzeizia;traa. staitowdisrule .aueouou. Jam. 'T . :W:I.Sos, Torrence Station, Pa. J. IL: B.omt,Lia, Jacob's Creek, PI. J. M. Maim. Looknort, Pe ll. Rattans, "Sion Valley, Pa. B. atrecercm.. White A.I. Pa.. Hi imauciqui INTELLIGENCE. The• Nashville correspondent of. the United Preathstfecian,Rev. J. G. APKee,gives some interesting items in regard to the mis sion work' of the United Presbyterian Cburchiniong the freedmen, established in that city In the mitmmnof 1883. Speaking. of the fmedmen -from Alahatim,.. Georgia and alt tarts of .Teunesseei Who hail come to Nashville;,i4s.sl4ce the retiwn.of peseit thousands have, mturneil to their old homes, among thempupiltrof the mission school, carrying with them at literary epfMnic. In regions , never blessed with a school, and where - not onedburth the whites can write their natires, some' of these graduates may be seen proudly teaching Aunt Oloe and Uncle Qudjo to read the Bible. It Isamu's. ing to witness the disdain for "de poor wile troth 'dit can't read." An instance is giveif ohnletting with .a large family, or which ahOnttniety moinber, old and young, could read. Re enquired, ''where did you learnt': "Hat, boy wenttosonr school de rust winter you teethed, an' he teach we'ens all." He answers, the question, "can the niggers learn anything?" thus: Though compatatively few can effoni.ta stay with us longer.than fa learn to read and write n little, yet the last month's report shows: Pupils enrolled, 5S'; reading, 459; writhig, 225; arithmetic, 198; geOgraphy, 39; 'Eng lish Grammar, 59. Time was required to organize dud:systematize the pupils so as to protium.: such results. Per a while it was a difficult matter to-secure punctuality, but by the use of simple . incentives, the difficulty - WWI finally overcome. —The spirit of revival seems to prevail in all parts of the country in most of the ' Evangelital Churches. In some places the work is of a molt extraordinary character, in which the signal display of God• is mani fested in , a powerful manner. It seemed to be generally felt by ministers that at the close of the war, - God would display his saving power in the awakening and con version Of a vast, number of souls. Refer ence was:made to the wonderful work of grace at Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler's (New School Presbyterian) church in Brooklyn, N. T., - not, long since. Sabbath before last one hundred and twenty-eight were receiv ed into thechurch, twenty-seven by letter from sister churches, and one hundred and one on profession of faith. The entire number ,of the members of this young . churclb, about four years established, isnine hundred and eight. On the first Sunday of March one hundred and twenty-nine Were received - . into the Second Presbyterian chttrch (N. 8.,) at Williamsport, Pa. Thus the worligota ott in the churches, gratifying to mote the Spirit oR - some men, who haste heen favored; byGod in the accumulation 'of wealth, by using . their mmumfor noble purposes. 311- Bald win, the merchant prince and clinrcit:lrnildi, er, as lietanow knowni. - ttatr, , erected thinr or five4reautifid temples of worship q ith in the 14;4 of ine.eify PhylidOiphin i , _ whereli'resldes.- It is saidot" hlm that a: . donation of $15,0001s getting to be acorn.' mon thing with him to assist a new Pres byterian church in the erection of a sanc tuary. It is welftbatrailvich men are not • miserly in their feelings, but give of what really belongs to the Lord by right. —Lord Hassell in communicating the de -chitin of. _Het .Majesty's Government not to issue Orders for a Commission'-for the Revision of the Liturgy, gives as a reason that as her Majesty's Government is stud. ors to promote peace and good will, such a Commission Would probability lend to heated discussions, and its reports, if it framed any, would be sure to offend and ir ritate a large party in the Church. —The Rev. Dr. Durbin, who stands at the head of the Missionary interests of the Methodist ':Episcopal Church, has written an able paper on lay delegation, which has appeared in the leading papers of that de noinination, alleges, the vinea; lion of laydelegation,Wthe'general Con ference is advancing' ap parts of the Church, especiallflithetng the Intelligent and prondrient - Ministers aid laymen.. He thinks the Church' ; cannot' disregard theli judgment 'C in this matter While the principle laitortheded:- The coin - nide - judgment that it - is only a matter of time; that it will • • • —The appeilin favor Of the erection of a free Episcopal Church In Roston, expresses a sentireent in.regard to the multitudes who neglect the „Sabbath services,.which should be well coo,sidefed .ttrose. who occupy _ _ . pews with dosed doom `!that the Church does not go out Ater them, as the Sayler , commanded bet, nor even "setOpelidoor for them to —The Catholics are disearding their old notions of educating thernisseiii It would seem frdiethe: tier that heists ab out establish Trait s'ekit* in New toile' "ikT.: incletx is to be under the aturrileetiriheiPahlistFitheier sad thellupenialou''of A* . c!ddidioli. Mc- Olosky and, thallthihdpa:vf theDicicese. Branehetrian •to , be-eitablished In - all the large cities of 'dui I:lnkirt. •a:; ; = • —The 00ffilektreial. Advertiser says the fonrreen Congregatlonaj..oburehes of Bog- ton last . Bonder :week made a solemn re newal of the Colenant,f each In their own edifice. .The exam form of words used by the Mathews, two hatt4TO :Two ago,' is 42 used. In. the aiming .41. the churches united in a communion jureice. —From a circular Just published by the assns of theaChiaidlildiiTiliceasta ES 7:7', T- ••"7,.e ' ',";"; ErEttiAL NOTICES. reir■wiTrilriuurii re you slick, rutit 4 04.1 , :tmerptohivi? Ara 7a6 n o t or order with I l l e rittWeranger arid your till!, tilde tole arlogs Ittness."o2Plitor:Tl.—r. ~. ..Plms.parn you, and should hr averted he ly utm.orthe right remedy. Take Aver's VIII, and eiellise L out the , disordered Innutirs.-podir the blood, and let [the fluids move on unobstrueted in health again. They stimulate the funetion..4 the body Into vigoirous activity, partly the from the abstructinas which make disease. A ....Id .•t -ties somewhere in the body, and derange. Its natur al tupelo.. These. If not relieved, res, t 1 themselves themselves and the surrounding orasit , Pr o d".'" I general Lg~ravaHon, .0 Re. ring ellA While In thl Condition, tale ; dtrectly they restore the natural se tion b uf the system, amt. arith dha buoyant feeling of eat tit again. What (*trite mitt do apparent In this trivial and common complaint Is also true It: many of the Jeep seated and dangerous distempers. Tho saute purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar ' miens and derangement of the natural ft...- lions of the body, they are rapidly and tom, or thetn surely cured by the stone means None who know the virtue of the,e Pills disorders gl they upt., them when sollerlug r the rore. mtelt as Headache, Fool Stotneelt, Dy.eotery. lOU. Complaints, Indigestion. Derangetneut of the Liver, Coati seas., il.sonotipail, Heartburn. I Rheummlim , I . I 4 I PsT. ',Worm ons anti Suppression. when taken In large doses. they are Sager Coated, so that the most tenviiivr can take them easily, and they are surely the heel j imitative medicine vet discovered. • •• ATER'S All;IrE CURE, For the Imeedy core of fatersraittent Feuer, or Ayer and Aga. Remittent Army' Mill Feuer, LumbAgne, Prefoilicaf RfladeChe or Ittilynta thadaelas, and Bit ra.o,o(..apdforldse mhoht claseqf clietaxer or iginating lin tfifanf dinsflnagernsisf. Mures( ty .314- &gin estarmatie countries. This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest cues of Chills and Fever, nod it has ibis gre_at ad vantas e or other Agne Medicine', that It to lodues the Compla ve int without !salary to the patient. II contains no quinine or other deleterlons substance, nor does It pnaduce quiuklii or any to.jurlonseffert whatever. Shaking ~n oln.ra of the array and the west, try It and you will endorse these a...unions Prepared A CO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by It , A. FA ItNINTLICK'SSON Wu.. and by all Druggists. mlll6.:lrum.Sw g ta rRETRO WNitO-3 1 / 1 1K/Ifiti JANDOLENUN ToNIC. DRESSING AND ILF—SWItEIt OF THE AU F. TURKISH. BANLENIAN. !RIETTIOITYEr's itANDDO OLA:Ntaat. What Call 'Le More acceptable than anything that will lwantlty that will restore nature', decay by mopping the hair from frills out, restoring Its • natural color. making It to grow. In le Xmlabeeand bewtty..s.l,t imltlng Veei Mc:OZ%. tlit'li"Pet'="lr="g.:= Mast ilair Tonle do, and fur pivot we refer you - toasty person who has tried It. It In ;tetanal/41,4,1 to'ho the beautiller of the age, the only Hair Tonle and !Restorer worthy of thenune. In Turkey. In France, In England, In Amerlea—vverywhere where the i ns I, known—lt to prouounrell the rat !pins warn of Hair Preparations. Remember. it Is tree from all metallic poisons that are mottublefl Inmost Hale Colors and dressing. It la Lim Co p, tract at many floweret sad herb. beavtlfully pot an orrfament.to the toilet. Fur sale by nil Druggists and Perfumers, wholtsale It. E. SELI.Rit, It. l„ gi 1 . 1 . 1110111 !repot for Volt.'( Nat lls. ad e , t I o A I JAYi'.tl Pti.Cl b, is a, lA, ster No. e:^• Market ;tree. dello:3ifina4t wT 'tar - PITTSBURGH SAW SVOSIBiIk, HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. lILLSIT7ACIIII2I[BI3 Or PATENT GROUND CI RC U I.AIt St. Warranted CAsT STEEL BAWEL or evury Lion. 3fitley, Croes-COI, llaag., sod all other Varieties. MI kinds of KNIVES and SPI Nt:s, uhr,lr frtou illieet Cast-Steel • F.: Ira netlnt O 4 11. F. AIIF It A I, .MOWING BN/VkS, Apar- Warehouse and %Vora, eon,/ W ALTAIR and 811 01tTe6TRECTS, Plttelmagh. PartOnatarattentloo paid to re -tooth Inr, runsnalna Lad atralahtentng elrettrar Saw', also, nepalre of all kind.. Punching and .bno. reaboust,l. -ntt rir LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS ryrrrsit Ron PARK, BIeCIIRDY & CO. Manufacturers of SHEATHING, LILA ziFftSt &NG BOLT COPFEIL PULS:GIG CorrEH BAlssis sgILL ISITTOMS. SFELTEU ttOLItLI L Also Imponters and dealers It, METALS. TIS PLATE SIIEST IKON, 2 - 1/IE, . t otlitaLtl• hand, TINNEIL, MACHINES awl TooL.S. o. bows, N 0.140 FlxEsi and =Set USD sinuses, Pit harsh. Special orders of enpper cut to any d. .fr, pattern. lyclit I air VIM. BARNHILL & CO.. Boller Makers & Sheet \roe Workers. 20. 22. 24 Ind 25 Penn awing neurel a large Faro. and furnlshe4 it tvi.t. Um most approved machinery, we are Ltreparnl o onnufacture every descrlptlon of WALVIS o tio sea p " l ": , F athl nd lTEMlrlll e ArtlMr, ITA I .I PIPIS sAtuv b tMOTIVE DOLLER.S. o • GENSEMS, SALT PANn, TANKS, OILRS. STILL., AIsITATORM !SETTLING PANS, BOILE R lip • , BIIIDUESta, SUOAR PANS; and sole tuanufacmt., est MARSH PATENT 110111.1.121. Sett s ton, dune on the abortest notice 1167 ' 11013INSON, REA & CO., (slit - Lessors to tt.onnebos. ABnia s Jr a WKSOlteels iOTR! .t.s. WORKS. art L. Ilianogneturers of BOAT AND STATII • • STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGLN4I4 MII ti • CHIMER Y, BEARINU, SHAFTING CAS • CIA t.,4 all detterlollons OIL TANKS and STILLS, BIS L s AND SHEET AWN WORT. o alrAgentsr boiler.forClllTA UP% PATENT I N.TECTI .1 t, r feeding Igr' TO , NERVOUS SUFFEB.EItS, OF BOTH SEX ES. —A reverend getol..mar having been restored to health in a few days, after undergoing the usual routine and irregular es. ps Mode Ea treatment without success. COffilidel, it /3 L. 'sacred duty to commlimicate to his adllttled creatures the means of rare. Hence, on the rrirelrt of an addressed enrelope. be will tend, few, a eo,,s Of the prescription wird. - Direct to Or. JOHN IL DAti NALL, leo -u 'street, N. Y. mhtlilvds tar`JOHN COCHIL&N & BRO., .• , .11.runfactUren of IRON OAHL/li It . N r Atnir MON- 'RAILING, WINDOW SHOTTERSyIOINDOW No.. •.1 turcoND and at THIRD !TENET. bet,esen Wo,d and Market, harepti hand a variety of or.. pato,,,, /ko and prMs, *tillable for all purposes. wr Particular mention paid to encluslua Grave 'Lott. Jobbing dune aL short notlce. not .tar TIRE BRIDAL CHAMBER; AN ESSAY OP IYANNLNU AND IN EITNUOTIGN FOft POONO IIIEN. Also, tieia sad tellable treatraeotor the Urtmry an./ Krzual §yatrori Address Or. J. bKILI.EN FIOUGHTON. Ho war Amaxelation. Ys. Or SENT FREE .--A Of Imm ja::slVtilftn,..,99! W'atbnitiet tve,,, A hT . fgg.initr-wfit7..-vth d the ce. & 41.11 AUCTION S • 13 13 ILDING,•--AT • AUCTION. --Sale oo TUlailfAT, April 3d, al 2 o• Cliitk. -- The tWo story Brick Banding OD East street, between ter and and Third streets, Thin] Ward. Allesion, known Josts• Grocery , still be peremptorily sold I for cash, on Ma premise, on Tan Way, April hi. ' 2 o'clock. The handing contaln,a Olt/RCIO. ttnre Boom. sly dwellang..apartsnents, two garrets sod j 80 0 cellars, watt trout[hroughout. There lo stable, and hydrant In mut tear. The yeeria Groan,' • Rent ist4o: the lease inns ten years from April Int . The Lol Is 70 by 110. Possession on the•enY of sale. mh.ll A. LEGUATE. •r ARGE PEREMPTORY SALE IlSso ENTIRE PACKACES DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, IN PHILADELPHIA JOHN B. MYF.R a CO., Auctioneer., El phi., will sell on Wednesday, April 4, ISSG, 1 1 400 PACKAGES DOMESTIC GOODS. for CANiI 1100 CASE.S. FOREIGN GOMM, on e errrtir .of four mouths. exclosively In whole pkgs. The attention orJobbeni from all mention. Is M elted, im every paten% Offerrdstill be positively sold, and the sale embrace a large and carted assortment of the best Philadelphia and Eastern Jiturafaetures. mh3l-Sid GOVIIIRPIN.ENT SALES. AA ECTION BALE OF 1110SPITAI NTOItES, WHISKY...WINES. ac. = WllllloMcii,POntrgronls Omer. aellibriTCor.-D.C„ March 21, neo. Will be sold at Public Auction, in this city, at the Judiciary Square Warehouse, back of the Cite 11411, pn WEDRYSDAY, the Mb day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. xr.,'tbe following articles of Honore! Stores and Liquors, no longer required for the our oT the medical deparunent of We army, •id 800t.....10,000 lbs. Desslcated Po. • Baziey• 10,000 •.• intoes. .... lin Itn. Corn Staren.i.4lo,ooll "'". Mixed Dese. do 1111 •• Cocoa ChOee•teg,ooo•• , - - sky, gnarl Cinnamon, Pod 1.000 " bottles M.OOO Farina MAW •• In Dbl. Ta l . e r c iSeer.„„.ll3. 3 l2 Sherryi n' Wine, 3 ' 9° Concen l d 1 1. quart bottles4o,oM UWter 1,31 Z " 'Sherry Wine, In Ext..or Cole.— 2,10ga1.1 barrel. .. So Beans 000 tbs. Tarragona Wine 'Pea-Beans 2,103 •• bottles lb, 000 The above artlCierrelil be sold In lota 10.011 both lame and small pnychmars. TcYnts—Cash. - Fire(l) days tern beillowed to parties in remora Int their property. cotaiogues ready by the oth proximo. CUMI.34O7IIIIBLAND, .Burgeon and rerveyor. b. A. W. HOMusa, AUctioneer. mbUsapilld 0:4 a4ffloioto LADIES, SAY, WOURIPIONET. Sy baying your Old 'NON Ware HZ-PLATED WITH BILVIH. OsirrintB; Tre SZIAILITtEs, FORKS, ICS eiTLIDWILS, - 111 . 001415, CAKE BLS &a. Cu. BOLL refplalealm_aaa4e to e j &I L L.LICO WEAR I°"W •f r II OtuAr dr. -•la!aana• U‘a4.431414414 • l.• • ANUMDENTS ; iTTSBIIIIGHI - THEA TIRS. P-IxeszaspYLisjaza..l.l9lll. FM:Mmss. Last night Of the ragage'eUut of he popular amerce. • HENDERSONtCho , ortli tide afternoon her orlelnal character of FONT, In troduchig song, and donee, THIS (Suturdaj) APTEHNOUN, at zo•olock. ITSCIr,E TOMS CABIN- Topsy, her orlgleaJ eltaracter..Ettle flender.on. EVENING PERFORMANCE. at 7h o'clock. XX 1. :10313312:12%7 .......... To be followed by LOLA nenconrrinsm. To romantic oath .1. WC,CETZ).X.a3EUES, Niondat, Mr. JOHN HMIUGHAM. OPER. ___Al HOUSE. L6 4 RC■ Arn If • NAGER6.9S AETEIINtwiN AND IVFNINti. Afternoon performance wit! he the SEVEN ESCAPES: OF ADELAIDE OF Dais:MOEN. F.s ening performance to commence with the jEAmm7.la2S7 XEIMCIALPEtEIi I ...... JOHNNY :SCULLEN. Aftcr which the Burlesque of P0C4110X7'.4 S. Tom .on Frank 1/00111e r'log To.-onrlo.lr Sixteen Strilag Jack MASONIC BALL 331-OEIVIO TOM, THE WONDERFUL BLIND 110 PIANIST, . H 111 rive l Setlem or his REMARKABLE CONCEBTIA, I=ll Monday Evening, Apr l 2,1446. Admleaslon 'lO coll.!, Reser, ed 5c311.16 75 aiD111•114 tm I /WI ft tan 10 A. H. to 3 r. • N. 11.—Tlie STEINWAY i \ It INI I •i ward on ovraAon I 3 kindly (urn Iklinkl by H. El If Ali Itt Win' el rnni . s. Tit A VEIL Aye.. TER' CLASSES ARE FOItAIEtiE PROF. COWPER'S Faskionable Dan c ing academy. WILK IN , IIA I. L, Foart 11 %Ire., I lass of Tuition. IUK:4 , AX. Tllrlt,,Al and , ATVII I) AY. La anti 1.1. r•••• lal Y. SI.: 1 ..lynl 1.1 la 11, W 111 Ins Hall tr-4731"' FOR RENT FOR RENT, lir/L EVA; 11.1 L 1a rpm enotagh, :Intl not tnnnao large LIT t +lce— -10 11-ntlol In toe:tint.. mot lerate In prime. IVII.KIN , IIALL. Vont'tli I. Ix ndapte.d for fen s, 5.... 11 I•artlt. 11,1111:11 thr, dour I. nv.rlrd.. nod I. anti ele.,torst .Ittnrltin. tit.' tl5. fetuottol.. d. Apply to g PROF. COWPER, at the BOOTS, SLIOES, &c I'l7d. 400401iTMENT Ladies', Misses'. Gent's and Boy ROOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 1 m ()rui.11.4. Art!. CLOSING OUT AT GREAT BARGAINS, J. A. ROBINSON & CO.'S, No. Cl IVlewrlicat Btraot. n.),14 LCD Es*, c Eivr s C 7 ISCIES_.3I=IIXI. ErAT 'ES HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, BALMORA_LS, 19 11rorler13. Occ., AT T. A. M'CLEhLANDS AUCTION EMPORIUM, OS. 55 nnd 57 sitre4eit, i Private Sales Day and Eienhig. mItIO BARGAMS BOOTS AND SHOES. mong se reee alre 011 r Sri/ I N ;111.1C1( o r t i c o,r ) ,. aLlelt are all tbe L.TBST or LADIRn• A tp Boots, Gaiters.Balmorals, Polish Boots And 11 rtrlra of AND CHI LDK I. SI, 1.110 lepl coo Went that It will be toll.. In len.. or tbr bnyer to rail and o•aagninr our good, J. H. ti W. C. BORLAND, • mliM No. OS Markrt rv,t, td door from OH, sl GRIND CLOSING OUT SALE AT 92 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEN-117.N 1 en I $lO,OOO WORTH OF ROOTS, SHOES GaiteL'a, BalmoraLs, Polish Hoots and Gunis ...,1•1 I etern...l..tt.ly. wlthoutvirstll to veal...room IltrNprlng 144'ouln. lou 11,- 1, ill, /it. In ...II and Net. 11,e 1.....ttt5. W. K. McCl.lfrittili, nb EF2 re.b.ralStrpet, Alltgllen) ( , Ir . J . W. CARNAHAN & CO., Ladies' MamoruLs and Parish Boots =MIC=I J . W. CARNAHAN & CO., iodise Gaiters. 1111.7 No. 2.1 Mnartsimet CARIVAIIA.N tic CO., Getirs rine Calf Boole = j jA 'GeV IetISSRS' AND CHILHEEN,4 800t8, Shoes and Gaiters, At tnIICI.K . N, corn., rum nod Wylie •furl,. 46P - Prlten wenn eyervOudv. .n UNDERTAKING. _ R. T. WHITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Alanchester. Wourl•• Ituo and ricinitk. Collin Hon:ornate kinneenter LITHry bitable Horner en Ellundland and Charlie. etreete. Hearse and Carriages Inrataned. .10.1 yd ALEX. AIALL'N, 11 CrIVIDMILIFLTASZCzn st , No 164 Fourth •Ireet, rltUbogb 1t Uol' 011.0 all Mods, CRAPEB, HU/17ft. mad Of Funeral Furnishing (*ova. nun:memo. OpOla dity and night, Hearse and Carriageant n•ni,ed HircaiNCT.6—Rev. DaTld Herr, D.., D.D., Tbsim. Ewing • . robes N:IrC COFFINS! COFFINS! I=l EI!EMMTM =EMI tiNDEkTAILING I ÜbiILOPLATMEING =llll SOBER? WILLIAMS, Cruder*akar, Macs, No. Ile 1, 01: 1 11111t1T8d1T. Elude 111 all .Its . branebts. Iltatnaeme i Laying out an tarnishing elm+7llll7 t t :twnag tO. 4.21,2=rt le whams Lames Ob b at reasonable UMW. dal= LOU SALE.---A Varna of 44 I TIE 4 FNESS, -ii acres and thirty-eta p erehe a.elthatelhElleabetb 1 Y.' taw - Ml.lp. Allegheny county, Penn..- TheitnprOve I went" are a hewed log dwelling arid M t he ettki% bank barn and alb, out buildings: il good oretrarill 1 f a ppl e and pear? term. 01 the best variety. The , arm is underlaid with coal and limettOue or t he best 1 quality: a hag stone quay of a No. 1 qualtty + . very I . clay Of Wet.. CO the I m am Monela river at . Ferr. This small farm antborlsed t0 . . - elr very 10cr tilphre, . Also, a Farm of UT acre.. sitnate 111 FitiloWlleld township. Washington county, Pa.. ablaut . / tulles from the mush of Restleysville. The Improvements ' are, Drat. a two awry frame house with Liveroom , ;seems& a two-and-a-half story hewed log ?dune: third, a three No. I new barn, al by to feet: • good sprint , a . house. lar g e orchard. of dltrevent (milt, apple. ' r,?:;?....mr: , r407,,..,;',."A',1";:.„1",v.f4 r t. 'ii,.l.l,esl°. , DR, GARDNER, 9 a ural and of th e ,cry best quality, and will 1,, so ld at a reduced price. Also. a Farm of •Imut lan aeres Hi Fairfield towns ', ship. Westmoreland Co., Pa. The Improvement. Of New York are a hewed log house with kitchen attached, a log ; b p a .,.. rn h it e.. nd . ,e tenant bo as„, limad . , ali e tle csvMar . O. A ''' - ,7 OCIIIST AND ACRIST. ensinder In the yen. beet white oak timber. T-e land Is good. Tbe Ification Is very healthy. Thle property 1 will sell eery cheap. Possession Imme. twEFIAToRmis TH F. damly. A tau, at gold pries, a Fenn of about 143 Kerte In - -1 wkr ir - , - . A -ea, Fallowile .1 township, Waibleiglon Co., Pa., about ri 1 .M_!..• 1-.1.. .na 1) MI7.• ....'‘. /Tie . one mile art et ul Lock No , e , on the 4.louongabele ti,v. The Improvement, tare s t vro • Story lug and u „,„..,,,,,,, i „, frame butts, ttt Matne barn, wgon , abed and other ''''',"- - ..' -•...... the I'll men• of I'll I - .hurt h 111.. mit .build I tors, fencing generally goal: a young or- /le will attain Ilsit lis e,t; ~i , chard of apple, and other fruit tree, LIU scree ..f - real of the beet 47011111 v, and a vela of the hest lin,- amine: convenient to churches. schools, m 117., ge. Tuesday, April 171. h, Tat a property 1 em sosborteed to Sell very Cheap. Atm. • Mrin of about WO acres. situated in Weet ' Wheallield Towueltlii. Indiana comity, Penna. Tim AND It/MAILS 0.1 11 Improvement. are • vend. comfortable. two-story . isgurrrziazulh...sr. sm.". Frame Howie, with c rooms, • large name barn , ema nate house , good turn crib( wash house, baste oven 1 ~,,.., ii il . „ ~ , and a two- story .tune aiding boom; about mam. , Arm , . tel r i my c 1 1 1 ...1. , il .. .. is - m;' ne c/earsal and In timothy awl err good Orchard of . cot!, trill M. gi% en. apole. peach, pear and ablorlree . d The fencing le VaTtiTno"llfur''ionT.n.atlblura‘srort Wl n a t Ts;:roto '. Office al ilonongalii , la Hiiiise. ~,,„ yht. property. will be said vert cheap. Also. • harm Of alma:Mt/sires Milo al uttheabovA. And can he mor eonsuilel ~ ,t Di•aillrp , ~,1 ., In the E, he Itaprorelnenta arc It lame two inory L oa H 0 0,,,,, , . and a e frame I. an acres clearest soil miner R''''• '. •" " h • '''''''''‘''. '"'" 'I. "'• '...".. a good amm .. stair of cultivation: • o apt. orchard:. ; In .hr Far, 1111/trl ' i c lon' o' lr"" /Th.l3'ol'll' .. law two-story milk-bias, se. Three Iwo fame united i t ,c ..romme I Ilmase• 001.1 make a Ilmt-rair Stock Farm, or will be.eulii 'I ii 1,, tile Enr at, 004 ail Arnie ...I A ,r 1 t aa,,,,,. eeparately. Aim. Ito. heal farm in Fair:sem township, West- ninl./.... r . ... 7. "•• '"""'. 5. " ../.... . nb '"" ; Artificial I.l3'eN Inserted %% ithoul Polio. 01141 S titiee muth ut the PA Railroad. The unnrove- ' own. are two large hewed log holm.: rine of tne perl ; i . ctly rm.:M ottling the Natural I:), nrget and beet (rattle barna In the township: tau spate orchards, Th e whole farm 1. coder n: m a , I Operation,. for Cot a rat - I. Si rabintio, ataM of cultlmtlon. The fenclug Is an no.t. Th. or ('role. Fier, Artificial Pupil, 1....11, of the very best limestone: about MO acres , eleared, the balance In gtmt! Mather. PU•04t118i0/1 no . etc., isklllild 11, perforlited, ~,, ores day ~C April, PII4. Tole property will be ; sold at n great ba oral u. The owner *intim lo engage and all inNeases of the o other lomlimea. Also. ere .. tAI other Panne ranging from OM to Shoo I per Kerr. 17 - 1- , ', A_N 1) I- 0 , A_ 1-? A Im. • Fern. of tru seers. alt sal „ In MeCandlem E mwimblit. Allegheny county. Pa., shout !mulles Mona the ettr. The lospromoient• are a Log House, ;mod barn, a oung orchmd of apple, peach an., pear. 1 et 111 tel l s thls valuable property Very cheap tad on rmy .; Fo"""'"";?.'rl.l.l.7'inN.:.l 1 17, 1 ','..`,14..'i... A,,, ..M NU. me Fourth aural. ( '%E ILA RINE, ROOM ===! I= SF.VERAI. OFFICES FOR RENT. McMASTER, GAZZAM & CO., talial A tt oritryn at. Law. S 5 Oran t street. AAHANDSOME COUNTRY HOME FOR SALK, Situate 2.‘j tulle, front tile cityy, and within ten Inltioles• walk of lite Pittsburgh . and Connellsellle Railroad, enntinanding • beautiful Slew of Ihr ell,. river and hugestirrounu ountry. It compriaes anout 5 acres oz 11. cultivie. o riCi n e i ta l herr. and a treat varlets or I the choicest trolls and sln roll hearing. There Is also v on It a r• falling sof .og ~r eater. and anont en acre In neve wood. lo.psovelso on con-let In part of an eat Mick '01155.. with 7 room., and wash - house,hirKe and ♦nuilt nil 1/311 room fair 53riary. et,erit ales pleaded pump are m within 631 . le, or the kitchen thear, and all Is under excel lent For particular, price. ter., ke., en ,,olre et re . .... 1) R. A 1 s OR SA LL. I , ±s}'Nolc, .IVFN AN:U.4T A Delighlful Residence in M'lltire Tp. lb. I.ot 1 , 11 iI highest state of rultiv•ll... 1 .7 P... ,, lSpling•tm the premise, I Furl, Furl, - w , .. . - rHulre of 1 JAMEN. T. SAMPLE, H.,: F .iste itr.•Ler end Ineurane. Agent. 11111:1_ Nu. SS Pederal street. Al..ghene. I,'oll SALE-7-A Farm of about M A mere, alit/ate In Elizabeth lovrnehip, Allegheny county, Pa.. shout one tulle and a half from the Borough of McKeesport, Italf mile of tl,t MonOrtga river and the came from the Youghlof bmay. The improvement,. are. heat, a Frame Cottage Ilona., with el roena. and a goad well of water at the door, second, a two story table HO., with fon r room, with two good sitting. of water: third. u Loc Hook, v. It It two room,. (lathe hank burn, alit., the a era - h., :ambling, corn crib, carriage Mame mid 0 111, ther or fire tract la all utolerlahl vela of No I Thla ratun. of I iMe•lOl.4 is worth all that h. asked thr tile pr.reetv. For rut titer part leo la,. Inquire of T. l ll FR Real F.atate Agent, No. lad Fourth etre., 1 2 ..2 t FOR SA LE A W 0, 410111 MUCK lolvELLis, No 411 . 61..6110 ,•r., L. Allrghent l'ottt•ant FIVE 11t , t151.- b....L.4 a ttrhen and 111,165,1 altar.o• throvt;out ]nil a It., op and dawndawnttslre 1 111 ~ h.tutr )t telt' ara. ,totl the I.•rallty tlea s.. nlt detirttla.. ro.lert-ion April Ist..4PPAptAN, Broker 11l Stock* and Real Estate, mitts S: Fourth street. Ilurke•s Ilulldlua -IOAL AA D LAME PROPERTIi Full SALE.—On the Steubenville Railroad, seven tulles from the city. CONTAINING ONE ERINDRED AND EIGHTY SIX ACRES, • steam and W•ter Flouting and Saw Mill, and other One Improieruchl, Ala°. Khoo( Eighty Acres of CIIAL, without the surface, attiolninir the shore. Alto, (sr,* Farm. at intew•rt•s station, on Central Railroad, containing 140 arras and lOC sere, Vorfurt her particulars. enquire of WILLIAM W ARO. Ittptioelle the Cathedral./ fell No. Du Uraut Street. L. OTEL PROPERTY FOR BALE - AND 1110 AtiREN itlf LAND. —That nearly new o-story Retell' Hotel Building. coninlttlntS,o rcome. at BRINFI.N , esTATION. on the. Penna. t' it., et the 3ustetmo et UR the PillsOuratt a Cob. nellevllle It. R., II miles front the elty. There are about W. sere, of laud rooth-clett with the Hotel. of I which too, are tillable and Si ate,. tinther. h•re It goo young fail of apple, peaell 11.4 i I pear trees. two heret.ratilg on water prge of clt eation to carry the water to a hetet. or 100 rect. the ptoperty Is capable of ash-division Into lots for country reside, ea. Anplr to S. lOWAN, }Doter in 'Socks and (teal k.stste, roII! 67 Foorth 4treri, Botpttp,,, I FOR !IA I.E. I=l WIII Ire sold 11 , 1 , AY st reduced prlces. Tbl. the le ellualr in {V I. .o ory I. al county, Ve•n u s.. on flui Nunn- Went..rt, Prousylvanla Railroad, snout twt vast or Ai.uoit. end cont.]. two larylr •rry ve.lus or ( oz.. I.IAtENT , ,N mid Fl ItE I . L.A T aud very et...untle. A•rxii I.IIW ICIL Fur further parstrulars luquire at the Law 2.11.1 1 :1.11ntullee of W. .1. at HALL FATTY:K:3O%, No. IH Yount, ht.. Pittsburgh. ra. 11,'OR SALE--A Farm, containing about Sal a s i ejca, situate 111 Jeffersom township, ro A n " e ' iPs ' N ' e n Tro w . ihr,.. P oti;oo g t eß!',!.°llll4tVitriver, oo ms, area two story Brick House with slit rooms, Frame House, two stories, with slx rooms anti a good rail., core crib., wagon sheds and other outbuildings: about 60 acres of the very best river bottom. This property Is well located /or gardening Eusg;lesitl7adotnecbeure"ohne"o; tZerle:rl"'ds pries. Monongahela river. U. H. TOWER, Rea/ Estate Anent. No. 104 Fourth *treat. 141111,1( ( I HEAP FARMS FOR SALE—No. 1 contalux Int .In lierry township, Wevt moreland county, near Ilesry Station: house, barn and orchard. The hoeoffered at age.. Eaar payment.. Apply at once. No. 2 contains 213 urea. in . Burrell Tr.,. West moreland eounly, well improved; good dwelling; Ogle Ur Ole best harm. In the county, well watered: 0 rvt-cimax grata or !gawk farm: offered at the low of al.per acre. Apply to B. AIcLAIN CO. 11EA UTIFULIRJESIDENCE AT BE WICKLEYVILLE FOIL BALE—Pleasantly uate between Lisburn and /* wittier Matra; 40 lu lnutes• ride from the city; 20 to 50 Indus fusing tialiT: three acres of eholcogronnd. good so I, iron trees, shrubbery, etc, ,• Doming on 'Broad and ricer: In excellent neighborhood; Dwe lling House cf hail. 12 rooms and cellar: well arranged and In good order. r o o . axexsloll . 4 . A c p t liT a ti gw yo; Nakao d intat 61 Market street. lIVELLING ROUSE ON WIFIALF. -6-/ ished th ree s EEis T tory Bric FUR BA k Dwelling )l OO W y lie d w street ll twat rink, fin! in Modern style, containing I rooms, Itch=,mop., bath room, hot and cold wa ter sod gas InToughont the bulidlng. This is one 0 Ito nowt desirable propertito for dwelling or boat new pot - poses now offered for sale. Posesilon Ap Isl.. frrrns reatlonable. Apply to Jaithir B. MeLAIN CO., 102 Fourth street, L'OR SALE—One Lot 20 feet Iron( on Penna. Arennoby 110 feet to Watson street: two-story Brick Dwelling on rear of lot. Also, one lot 20 feet front on Bummer street, Pitt township. by bin deep, on which Is erect.' a two story Frame Also, eleven lolsadloining the above, 20 byre to ho fret. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock aod Real Estate Broker, Wilkins Rntl , Fourth street IIOIIPT PAY BCINT, but call and I , porchase ry cheap tot In the iflage Of Mem. Washington, build yourself* burble, become a land• lord, bare your money and Invest In theta 14 Valua ble loth which I am authorized to sell on am easy terms. For Btrther_particulars enquire of 17. H. TOWER, _Real Estate Agent, Ja2l;tf Pio 161 Fourth Street. E MALE-465 acres of Coal, situate in Smith tow - nship, Wishinvon county, Penna., near the line of the Stestbeturille Railroad. al AIM way station, about 21 tulles from the Yor further particulars nquire 0(0. H. TOWE Beal Estate Agent, No. it Fourth street, or to WI LAM C. CAIdFIIELL, on the premises. Ja2Ottf VOl, SAGE—A" two-story Brick I/welling 0(7 room., hall, and vestibule three yeart built. with tut by 130 complete te on'Etvalt street, Lawrenceville. all Inorder. For further reformation. torn., de., apply at the Real F.atale and Insurance inri. of li. S. BATES, mh2 Butler Street, Lawrenceville. IMMEDIATE POISSESSION-No. WKIISTEU 817ZEET FOR SALE.—A pelt wtlt bulk two story Brick Home. °null, ay. room': all papered anti lialnlcdi cellar and finished wt. Oc. with lid 20 fort front. running Wick to Enoch street, ne Roberts rue.. Price AM. ar Also. a lions. and Lut a Ili. IVashington far h. CUTS. BERT & 8O OR. SI Market st. - - ` CHEAP BUILDING LOT FOR vsALE I seventh Wd Seeing a front on Dinsrlddle weer of itt feet, tedextends Oast along the line of Heed street 100 feetkwell situated for • large mannfactortng site. LYlrl tell et $.1600--tasy terms. ,nly to H , kleL Al SI sk LA, T4'oll RENT—Possession Aprilll4, that three.ttory Dwelling, No. 54 Penn street; eont•lns rooms; gas Inl water top intl. Ana 14lown. JOHN D. DAILEY. Stock and Beal Estate Broker, _nthlN Wilkins Hall. • _ WTI 1) ball, li f L oc iL r i r N oo la ma 6 : 4 1r0 cents° GROUND, [tubbed attic, ne to In Third Ward, ' Allegheny. Price am,,lOa at 3 months notice. n. CUT SONH 5111arket It. gal ACHESO LANE n= .2.. . 4 , 1=31, gr u r, Jae& izti. r o le: • i.11,1-:'> EIBM For further par! tro Ix,. re nu. u. ' Mr.'F4 end K 7 tofu l"l{,.: " ;f i 1 7 1 ).N1 9 A. Princt lOliler. 174 W iIITI • l'1111(1 , • I , NEW YORK. CAT. 1111111!! • III?. 1 .A1 1 1 1 NI:It I,ni, i..• of Irann 1.01.1”.•1 rer to a liymber 1.1 IS, 4 en cured by GEE= SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON•S EUI lill'llllV.3', Simple, Makes a Stitch Alike on Both Sides. IS simple 114313 ipy r rert.,lll3 I. I.- W l l. a• s•nt 3 - 111/ 1,1,1 VIM 111 `WAY? Tuck lug, Itr a iding, Cord lug - , etit na. d on I hknot Woe ..". yno InaAM yOnr irtirfhan• Inhl7 Nil. ,z 7 VTVII! t 4 T.. T,rt null GROVER & BAKER'S It ...1 1 1 . .t.t..:57 it, f'.. 51arch 3d. 11136. - ..a!rd l • ro , p , , :sai• . ill be reeel‘ed at thetithee of t 1,... am rt. g sr, Idteet. Treasury Department. 11 a , donst., 1..,, , ,, I'2 is APRIL nail, lafies, Pllo.l•Lt;nV:rlll.r(lti7l„r:l7l,Yri I ' ll i'. """1 " " IL A '.l7,l" i :.r i 2 e " Pf r, t ' • ' ` . '-'3",.'1,"V.."'f„1,7";:i 1,.."T1",...8„,ri, i... r t tn.... 1. - ,•.,. rear ' earn lb.. ' Le.. pt r a ' n re o 1 the Viral Premium far Mott Na. hint work . Penns ProPa`al nt ~, see , e•sliti indder. State Pair. 5p.. , ,i,•ari. u. ans . .l,. Ins. Inr tbr Burglar Proof First premium .r N.. Macbtr.• wars et s. sw lor 5.11 - ... , t.... :a t tb. 1,...1. o•trv. tion at prveent State Val, ....1 ,sr sr, ,at, mate, ••I try,. and hardened Viral 1 5 remlum r.., t...., , smi, 1t5..1,1n. at 4 , 11 - !eel. ...t n I.• •••,,....1 upon application at this De- State Fair Irirat pre logo bar t.e.t manuesetur log Mactil, r I Burglar and I ir, Pia, Saf..• at ill be constructed Onto State Fal r . 1,. the •7,131, mann n,l r....... 1 with a suitable One Viral premium for be•t al anufs.•••,lll,„ machtu., . pr. ,•,, er.n,e. Go plans and .I,eellhations for klientgan State gait. I . hi. li 1,11, ./,' , 1. , 11,1 l I ell !IV 1 b.. 1 ,1.11. r. 5 .rat Premium for •, •15lanuf.rturing 11•ehlue 5.1.., ~, 1., ..loppe4l erfet condition within • Wta,t)//1113 Male Pair. reason .1 , 1,. tiro,. from date of order. /grim Premium In, twat ll•nula..t..,ag tlartilne Ire. I oci, will IC' furnished by this Department, Lawrenee County Fair, Pn. but ints.t be iott .1. place by the contractor, and be le Pleat Premium for best Marbine 1.. r el - ,,r ~. pert., a all: tag ord, miter. the `tare Is turueal over P t.. at Lawn nee t,ount:, gulr. Pa. G., Ire„ proper olli.a rof the Government. Viral Premium fur be, Vsini , , Cs , ,l,ir at !tort . Crh hid, to be per superilelal foot. measured on County Pair, Pa. 1 the ....Ir. and to col., all nitarges whatever. In. Pleat Prenolitin foe,beet Manufacturing II arldua . Idd!ng paltitlin,ard duo, n,t,,,,.. (...eort col 01 tock. BVIrlf"l';47:11712::glIr i•I 'll iN41.11111 fart .rin, awl,- amil e . l•Topositla . 11l also he received for Burglar and Idar.hine at Spelitglield Vale, 11111., and Po.d. r rroof 1.....1..... to be accompanied with Viral Premium fur 1.e..1 Manufacturing and Vain ll ...mph., Machine at Palmyra Vale. N. 1. A .., bats bolsi he accompanied by MP giaaranty of l a bs( , Pmium for best ata.....,... ts ri us and Vtrn lir Iwo respowinle peroons In the sum of j. 5,0011, that Machin at Sul:roll i 'minty Vale, N. 1. tar bidder .111 accept and perform the contract If Viral Pres:llion fur bent Manufacturing sod Vamt:t . a. arded to httn, :lie •iillielenes of the security to he Alachlne at nelluyier County Fair, N V. eertlit. d to lot the platelet Attorney of the district • First Premium for hest . 11....11,n, ra, ~, pn 1 i...-c' .Itere i 11,. mad. r resides. at Allele... r unary Pair, Va. ri, i ),,,L, / .114,1 t re.erses the right lt. reject any Viral preuilitnt for 1....1 31 , Lottla,tgrit, 31 , .. bine. or all 61,1, or to 314 and the rontract for Burglar All tonutv Fair, Pa. Proof 1.1.., t•. one party. and the Burglar an.l Fire First Premium Yoe twit Martilne wet at Alo-s4et Proof , afes fu another. If It be deemed tor the Inter :mutt) Vale. Pa. I eat of the to". euttsent to do t so, nod no bid will be lioni wherever exhibited, considered that doe. not coform • To •'' —.. __. 0r?....e041)... .:e. ot Firth etre,. I.!tlAhtirglt. - - ___._ 4.5 BARTLETT .25 MERCHANT T.AILARS. NE II'iLFG J/I.IC H I.lrE . Lieentted under patent , . of hone.. NI t.elt r A W.l I EN. GRANT ANTI so, limn, & hake., end tit ng. r I 0.•., %lot in, on , Chrap Machin. In the I nit, d to.. Itastng the 1 mrattalECnECiapt32/1110111;:WrIFIWIL, Vflt %r - yz l thr Wheel., A W.-, •., t"tti to..th it 7.,r , WI, venni Agent. to •ett 11,.-to. 11111 pn, }L.. r I/20w, tnonth, or Alton large , onttole•lons. WW . .rndMnelllnes. to he paid for when 1.0.1 tort .- ,elan. term , . At.. Votil .. .e. Atmenn. :+tl 3.1.1 r.... Al eilltiVt'ultigiV,l:,..kflr;„,!r:',',..",,,—',7,i,.,,,, 1./Itln, or NI. oot.. MO. Ivwg with double or ping, tor. -ot -s, o oft q, Amerfron. . I '' n''''''''C 3 3C :IO "IrIEV ,SI - craw is, CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, &c. I WE OFFER THE LARGEST 47 si. Clair 'street. Stock in the West of every- ' GRAY dE LOGAN. thing in the line of Carpets, ' nll'', Ant G. BALE.' . Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and : li* ' L Lace Window Curtains, Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov- , NORTHWEST COMER OF Pill & St CLUR &TRW ers, of our own importation, at ' the Lowest Prices reached since' PIT'1ltillilt(411, PA., , Ileblrt, to return Omni,s to til , friends And the put. the war. 4 line of Scotch In- ' l ' g"'"'","Y "'"'"" " . -1 l'`,":1-gr.""d ''''"''' ,7,..;,',. 1 %,,, , , , -'.."''..rr."‘ :P „ : , 1:01:' , ,r,„.7.),,":7.1";,", - , grain Carpets, of our own im- i lc ' it.eted atorl of portation just received---very . Fine Woolen Goods, handsome---never offered in this .. country before---and at prices based on the present rate of Gold McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 211 door, Next huli.111), to U... c0.t..”, lion,. and ro.ton. 01124 AT Met' A LLILISFS, THE. LATEST PATTERNS OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Ci.A. ll .3P3Writa. .Etnbroidered and Fine Printed PIAk.ATC:i olorvrz:iztra. Hugs, Canton Mailings, &c., r i 711 . 2. 0 1 r REDITCRD eItICES. gr"' W. D. & H. McCALLIIM. mbl jAinzsziPr BiaLthalig% Bea,BAM 8411,9jarta L'ltiaNtlawrinAnVllikkcilitt2,7.A'! ESSE ME AIM DISEAFES "F THE EYM, M4la=t, CATARRH. and everr opermllon In A nral and pvrfonno.Ft I, • DR. GARDNER New Improved Family Noiseless. Perfect. =ME EVERY MACHINE They are the Best in the World WM. SUMNER Si. (11 SEWING MACHINES A. F. CHATONEY, UVNKUA:,AUEST No. 7S Fourth Street, PORK PACKE'Rf-37- MIZEM _ ON MERCHANT& ST. IiANICS AND BANKERS_.___ U. J 0 real. ALNKLN., HOUSE. .., L n. ...._ CD T aTI 11 11.- * l j :0 7 - i a 7 ..* ... rl° ., late Plena • , MERL HA NIS ,-h. P,lTD.W.t.elnl'ss""" . lioLDrEs & SONS Yq,l°,..'gqtbar%: , ,-„? . ...w. ,, ,iizz- - - - i e..„3011 Matilda. Moog, INilea'' I 1 / 1 1 : 7 :21,1 1 1 1. Ikrt Ig * An ' t Inr c t; l o .r t lc. T:.,1 1 ,1' ~,P", ,* Third street. Plrtqburgli l•a lIS t , Str. 0t.11.1.1ii..0 re. — t "HARLES C. BAJLSLET primu ce N 0.57 11 tRKErt' sTREET, Pittsburgh `-' and Corrunission Merchant %V arettouse ho Olt 1 LlBElin STREET,Pittsburgh • I'a %botanic 1 dealer In Bitilet s CheeSe Lard Lggn P:rk Baron I p re el red I I • ar Fauls ar 1 Currency / Beans , Tall' 3 2 , , Fsath , rtli 833.3333° ...I . 31 . H n 11 n,a le nintl e prim-11 Si points , f the lay Dried • mit torcen Fruits, n ons Flour I Grain Clover Se eds.Tlmotby Seeds Flax feed, I eIo at s ant sAFIF a I Game and Poultry. Partirillar attentii n gorse t Prtiduce Constant:acute STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Au . : 'Tait tit- J B A 1.1. l'i r RATE & AI4.IIER, COMMISSION Bought and sold on 1 ommission. I'L MER( RANTS and dealers In rt.outi, G.l l / 1 1N and 1 MIDULE, Second street. between 13 ood and il Pll,tsburgb &RD ly m l's•:lre ' ' ' n I'll l° the budthael " "Lb* " and rt - iOn earner JOAN AlRrt; - il L iiiiiipAND 1/ OTTER, AIRE.N & SHEPARD i s lommishion Merchants, and dealers in Foreign ILAITEII STiTES SECURITIES. and 14 "nestle Prillts Flour Butte", Lbeire ui hß . 4.4 ll ' iT ''' 4l!l7lt:lit=g• I. ;ft ' Ilttaborgh I I 111 At 1r It vn 0 11 , sV LT LI 0118 eilisreun iCULP & SHEPARD Commission 11, Its I an I - Mer, haute and dealers In F lour,Grain and Pio • • n II Irtici. lure N 0.14 Liberty attire% Plttaburgit i la, iln 1 t tawarse ( twice brands of Flour fur Bakers and Family 1.0 ' l. 1 ' I ' I '. l ' 11.1 I n , Jail :l constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to 1 )OLL4II NA lIN (.% RA Nii, No. 61, filling order 'for Alerchandlu generally end ay A ' it 111 ItT/1 STIFF El 1 .„ ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, I. ZIA trou It rt. MI I/ IN IM% I II . h lesala Grocers ComnatesiOn MerCbanta, *.*/1 .'ISIStan, oto 0 0 1005 aloo al Ns eilne• lay dealers In Prodttee Flour Ltacon, Cheese Fla -al a try er li gr trunk Ma) et t Noreen t Da • r I artmn and lard Oil • Iron Nall., tIlWe Cotton t from t e eJ r I n,l a from , anus • er tot tofares and all Plltlburgh ulanufacturell are.enmv NI 1,1,( ' r ' m 6 t aoel ek la mil 114oeet ad *Erna Pittsburgh lln i • r im I r all sums 11 nut I,tt an , In o o I ~n •I ,1111 n I f the pr tits lei lare 1 iwt e . '... 6 ' 1 I ,`. THOR. MITCH/MD a j 1 0 e nod lin • emt er Inter ot has 1a u \I T lAR• P. BE( 'K & CO., No. 1915 lar 0 in all In June and It retailer atm. I IL" rty strr•i plitobnr g h pn Wholesale I /I k r rAui rI at the rat of al Din r riot. 4 rote. 1 4 wirilsalull Merchao.mi 1 dealers In I Pint try 1 duce. 1 roe Imo, a Dada Lars., Rutter ERE. I llf nut , Ira e 115 place Ito tin ere ID tn i • 1.1,0 de. ' 'trod ut e Flour Grata. Seeds I. a t 0 , art ch n nn Ibt nrs ill. same In• i (Frt.& an I lirla al F r ts t, halt and Lime /Yl6 r rat i n la f lune and Dm ember aa , a j iA . I a, ar ILI int tent l tins the le iti vste ' l it '' * *ll**,l-11 w. a 11 sImItt , 1 • ir ant his pea. W. Al as lIROS., (successors to II AF Al lult 11 leas than tAvelF F. years Iteynaer a Anderson )lii holesale Dealers In For 5 I e f I arlar , It, laws Si les and rig. Fonda s 1116.1 / 'pier. lonfettionet7 Sugars i g A I i I icatl un apt Ileati nat the Igr works de. Na.. 126 and ID, Wood Street.• above 3111 h Pittsburgh optic 0 0 r i 111/r Al I HY" t F. II F , non,,KNOX Arrnita. RVOX 11. KN OX & SON, Commission r r,... r... H art Robb 1 Ilalat I. lInH. ol ...Tr, .... 3 1FliCHANTS at:lda/eaters In FLOCTit. 01AL% 11 I mnes t 1 I 11. bill L FEED and l i fttiliLlL IS gene,. lip No . 1, Isma M k k ex - an ler S) , Itlanion 1 opposite lily Cl Hall. Allegheny City J i H. 1 AI „ •i., tinned au 1 tag rer Jal7 lym M. / I, A M Poll,wk M 0 • i OLIN B. CANFIELD, Commission ,t no It belly AT and Forwarding Ilt. rehant and wholesale dealer 11 u, i 1 j n i in 1t este. lit see e ('bees. Butter, lard I ork , 111 let er A.Madr e,, flacon Floor Fla b , l'ot and Pearl Aslant , Saleratus 1 0 Marshall , 1 turned an I Lard 0118 Dried Fruit and Produc4 II r . W lt. r I Marsha/I generally NO* 144 and 140 Front street. Pittsburg. k i I r Jahn It Ir.F . a I lint --- - lai n tirr, A naircit - A A PRATT , I r J 1 nry I..ittuirimidt• (!RAP E 1, & 0, !!,.. ITER, PRODUCE, , , It I. o el nil II Forwarding Merchants and AlO nsi ler Tinille 11 • • 110 Hll boo I anLirt I , u . re r taising agotts fur all l'ittaburglL Manufactures I flout, SO 21,, Lib, rty street. Pittsburgh, Pa If. 11 k Wtn I Nl cyman 11l a II I aye rt 1 ittler "open' I Hotian CDWAIID Soca' WIL• II 110136 Z JOHN I. HOUSE & BROS 9 ~ ncces ,... sr . I , I i ' l ' F 1.. 1 . 31 `LI .• F ~, F ,tIS To lolist I 110 i Als dt o • 11, polecats Gir -1 if I mire and t omullsali tt Metchaats corner of Strilth 0. Id awl V 1 All( r stmets Pittsburgh fel! 14.. SON, Mann- PEOPLES AMES DALZELL NATIONAL BANK, J 1...r,r. of I ard Oil and Lommission Merchant! fir IDs pnrclinoe and sale of Crude and Relined urglx Pe- OS F . ititisill_ru t:olcunt A . RS ant 70 Water street,Pittaburch . Ad, atiCer Until un Lottalirnments 01,70 I'Al,et cal al) t...:( 110 MAKER &LANG,lWholemile 11 II I t. 1 r ;a 0 (03 to , deal,. In Groceries Flour Gr .rile n Pro F A A o I. "It 3. 1 4. 11547 Alit VI MI) 11,1( no 1 ( 11s liecse Salt Carb,n ai 011 P hosrOduCe. 1"2 and fl 1 lilk ai I , t Pert,near Liberty Street Pittsbure, 1 git • 1 1111 A Kitat Ba imttling I a seta ty o , i r I , trat oLe I L.lnear at its i ,II t W lan I Ftrit streets **'*. I- ' 6 " ** tclitolloll salcrZflall r API, pilnst nll e BEA D b.. lIIETZGJAR, Grocers and , 1.. al 1a t fur ' JR 1 Roll- I; omit Isslon Merchants, an 1 dealers to all kin Is f C'o'llate I raluce and Pittsbuh Nfmtufactures No D Liberty Street opposite h eir of it ood street U.S.SEVFN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. 1 ""`"gh spa ly k , ' ETZER & ARMSTRONG, For , FI I SP A,I , 1 ,, ..- t war ling and Lomavission Merchants For the sale 0 31 1 11 ER' , 31 1 . 10 "lour, ra Gin Bacon Lard,Butter, Seeds, Dried .0^ F ' rults and Produce gaerally No /11.11farket Street -- iii-c- corner f First Pitts burgh , Fa. Tao ty — I I RIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St., R-R-• Plitst arab Po Commission Merchant and W holesale Dealer In Country Pniaince CirOcerles and 1 Ittaburgh mautifacturts tools advanced on Con ~ , , ~. , ~ , strut. nts and pal 1 for I endure gent.nalli auM I 1 1 0111 FT arrh /1111 IFYIn i 01)0000 DAL7IO..t. A.T Dal TALL. I I ‘ , , in 1 , it ^ ~ 0 I )01IT. DALZEI.L & CO., 'Whole ] r t tt etfii on . .1 L. , , ~ o ~ ~, n snit trrocern tommissh n aud Forwarding !ler 1•r "duct and Pittsburgh Man I 1 10 at d d Ile, lis ito, II MO .3 I' Al tart Nu 2.1 11l a /41 gent n ". * Pty at r et. 1•I ll*b Ur g n It H. JACK, PROPOSALS. VOTICE TO CONTRACTORN II t 1., i... I:1' I. [Owl:Alp:. 1!.... ,, r.110g Itegututor. 01141 L TO OP, NER.4 OF LIME , •s / , p t •,,, n , ..,,n1a ~, it Nlan.ll.t. - tur. •to 6 :.Y .toitX wlt.mn.. WtAirlro:rl:ll, l 'IL: o . nnn 11161 :1 1,1,1. 11.1, 11 4 1 1 i Lita li l l a . h ti d o d l e e al s e a rs l l e n Prodnee and Plltaburgil Mannlieturea, No. 1.551.11.- h.st, N I Nlll -YOUR PF.It C t'.NT. PU- ert.) street, Plttshurgh. ItaS '' "'''`''' In ''"'''' " P''" l ''' A .. 1 . 1 ' , / i . " Y nhi nt LAMB/C/1S .401 IN MIIIIITON .A. L. WALLAAI pb., 1, , 1,. i oittpAr, h tt or .., or ,„ 1 will. ttle. We.t..rn l'u. 1 AMBERT, SI:UPTON S CO., rh, r I'3, to 1., rut - - , nJ Wltolesale Citvcers and Produre Itealers N 0.3, -.,.. N.,t le-411131i 'MI nor nun, ! Slstll street. Fatal:torah. .aill . _ T t... to,l r00 , ..,, , ...tn 1., , for- ' ISAIAH DICIKET & CO., Wholesale 2n:t!k• •I '1 . ...i.n., :tll Nano- i .. tir......rn, Comnds..lon Illerthattli. and deniers In , Produce, No. II Water ' , tree; and 6., Front street, i I.lltnnurgh. %!0.000 Tons of Linte*fotte MEE IL. I a lIE 111 s , r 1 I 1.. 1.. j blibrg L. VOtotEr. • •• t I.r tt . Nl.trett to. tbritt. H. VOIGHT ht. Co., (Successors LEL, PROPOS ii.s, endorsed ' to G. Graff,)Praluce. and Commission Re, chants, 24: Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. _.t ..• tt.l Pselng the ndlote(ng IVILKINS likteressor to Mackeown & Unbar%) oss..—A venue to Juniata I te,,ter tat Flour and Broils Prod uee sad Commission v• Iss s , rv, L , s rs ,, rect. Ass• A vers.. to lierolllll.l \u .... 1 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, tettil7 ••. • • te t 'tr.. I,A tO v- Nialwl.4 oer Itne . 1 rd ••• •Fscesnel s s• I ...Ire] I al., ',sec.'s.] AI , Stt eel, North Ave. • `treet to i'edor A erotic; North teen. t vset, sc End Lane. In , e , Iss.lrea In re 1.100 to Ilse shove It to be n IN If. 314.11 ENDRE, Recording It. B. FRANCIS, r.tt Crt Controller. I )110P(P..../.% FOR SAFES AND try 111 , 11. ,r. to the rngnlre ment. of this Zireillikritten;. ""'"" Eroposel. to he endorsed I •Propos‘ls for Sates sun Lock.." and notireksed to A. IL MULLETT. Art lng Supere 'slog Architect. Tressury Drpartrnent, It atilt:won. 1). A. It, MULLETT, Acting Supervising Architect. NEW 'SPRING STYLES MERCHANT TAILOR, NPRIN t” MEDICAL. FOIITY YEARS PRACTICE IN SEXUAL DISEASKe -"- Hivesme knowledge soldom acquired by PLyst el.ns. My long residence in this City, and the &moon, of Patients treated aunitall7 by Me.'are eumrlem pried of spEttsiXtultnlitEA,..or Scznal Weakness, snit AlI ti arising thiligfroca. are cured In It 11.1101 shorter time than beretlitore I , y Ley NEW WEGL, A IM. E MEM FAMES. Medicines sent to any part to t Union. All letters mast contain a stamp to fa/ return postage. Correspondence held seared, in nee, on SMITHAI.ELD STREET, near Diamond Address. J. W. BRANSTAILV, M. i• Ilex Ast. Pittslarch. B'.. . pRIVATE DISEASES. • OFFICE IMM PENN' STREET, near Hand. For the care of all diseases of *pirate aurae, in from two to four days, by us entirely now amlsafe treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness. And all other diseases of the genital organs andlhelr Afacctition Core warranted or money tenanted. - boure-7 to In A. IN, to 0, and 6toB e. Add roes letters W.. 2h3g. Peon street ants, 1:W:11 , WIAI151qR1 pETROLLB. ItiArCIREVE WOlllO4. R. H. XteJEKIMVSI, No. 32 Ohio Simi**, Aliciiheo.Y. IMPROVED .1301211M,:TilllureLr MIND IMNICING OIL' AND £6I.L.Ptn:WEPRI Particular attention. invited to Ms Patent e l l: . provements In Jars and Joint,. made or Juniatta IL 14., and Low Moor Iron,- In standard vises. am! numbered. so that parts can bt ordered by • I.li 01 tetergl'atrAund Perf.3 n ttMel,i_ • dOwe wb o may ref i lgt i t ' uTelttl n =l . o 4- 4 db to oilier. 'Orders by mall prozotly" atten:ed t r e. lain prepared to grant ll enapa to other simantletU Lure. for these tmorovemen Fa on liberal termL IMO t741 .1 1=P. O. 8..; 14 Imola. - - . • - :, %.. ^ Itt.CEIL, Nos. I and 2 -DIAMOND, PITTSBURG/I, PA PIANOS, ORGANS, Bze. RECEIVED, rnAT ELEGANT STOCK Op CHICKERING PIANOS, °° '"" 4 "'" o :gtgita . , glbnnl;.,7l. • SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS a" "7 „ w • teri d nzt2,l, ° J.Al a nr.rtr.6!"" WARRANTED FOR EWE YEARS. CHARLES C. MELLOR. ' al Wodl,direet.ll THE BRADBURY, NEW YORK, a/VLI. Schosnacker A' Co. , Philadelphia, I .11 .INT The Estey & Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. utiin7dln't:3 l b b e y s "It: Mat o ' lllr o i tltq n w k Pnrlq and r tone, and thOretigh work . saanshl. These I p nstramenta have for years aken the drat 'alT.'ZYu c o . TlZ.; a Fa a lls."TtrprtireZ:' th :r: a l r e ge; than any other,. All warranted for Ilve r years. WAMELINK di RAHN, No. 12 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. jyllu 12 SECOND-HAND PIANOS, At $35, $441, $OO. $73, $lOO, $l9O, $l4O and upwards. mint CHAILLUTTE ULuldit. 4.lrlfibstreat. STEEL WORKS riTTSBURGH STEEL womati ANDERSON, COOK & CO (SUCCESSORb TO .fuNEH. BOYD a C 0.,) Mantifuturera of th brat reflood Cut McII, Maur, Slat and Octagon, of all urea , yaw Plate., floe, Yowl , Sl at Sheet Cut Steel, Coet bleat for REAPING AND MOWING MAMMA ATCPX PLOW WINGS. SPRINGS...AXLES CIRCULARS. Re. Cant aud Common Plough and Sprang Steel oft] ee—C....a:r e , griat . sz im Et i c;:ff e rt::: . two bloat • BLACK DIAMOND EITICLIFIELN 17{7 4 0%123.1119, PITTSBURGH. PiL PARK, BROTHER & Co =MEI HEYT QUALITY HEVINSUIIAST STEEL Briaare, Flat and Octagon, of all also. Warranted equal to guy Imported or manufactured In Ibis onus try. airtltdre and warenonao, 00. 141 and lEllArit r an and Innecend streeta.:Plttaturrsh o.llm. IMITIra W. D. LWILID J. F. HOLLYAN LA BELLE ST EEL. WORKS. - , db" CCP. Eian MYR SIIMPT • 8174/IPIU24G. PLOW L. S P RING_ AXLES, OROW rombmw te . , P e. oe It'ATEE EMI= (ap'stalre), PAVERS; .urreasuossox. AICEVTnik, ItICIVAVGAUER keg., . • - . STONE AND BRICK . Will. attend raddPti7 to , -* Paintishiniaiiiill4ol.4liiiiiine and Brick Pavements; , . And Repatrtng•atte gamin •entb Stoned Intrulabeit and Set. Alio, tetatttngAnd Celina` Dining dens at shortest nottee. • • • • .••; • Partlerateelt Ins anyth in g H. our hue mill have their orders attended to by'iuldtesetng us ttirOttitt the Asegneoy Pott 01111 et,• or by stalingt . to: Oths Handualtystraet, AiJegheny. , •••• • • • m a rl if ey e : PIZATIC 4 AZ I ' so E l i 11714 Co. CLAIM' RovarriEs.--muntsicurgeoso l . Olen, or the Heirs.ot`ptOosool.Sbldlers.'wb• • 13 Yearns Vititilr oigZkltu cu tt i rrAfraitt .„. . - ,lt edrgrArilo:eliktre rooor-41;st. j 41‘211347,1 oo e :yo42 , t t i m 44, rtirird4f, :i .!:4~ ~-Y IiUULROAA,- 1866 - Tilk„ ARRANNEM.ENT, PENNSYLVANIA CEN7 MAI R. li, - /CI P.Y DAILY TRAINS, tin and alter ARIINDA►I . March 12 lode, trains will leave the Union Paasengsm Depot, ossizei Of 11 cab. thrltralltr2-i. I‘.er;;?.. nopplrie at principal stain., Anive. 40 Ate AWN* r. .111.1.urt s i La) P. ..ess Yrnit., * l la Alien. low ,r n. V i m r PhandelphlA t PtiO SI Yeikki.l.4l,lllV`F:PXhiliFtWeLv's I; tsbn, at, as Ntaxi., stopping at marls all .tall. 1... Ali,: sin,* r ith r.. , .. i lagishars.s a r •Irlt gat Uttlo: Den: a i l n.Ej.Prvas train (or New 1579, tet , rIOX .trrio";,.llr.LPlith lat l ltLatri Lease. mat ...lan g " , l 1:t4.14.14.5F rt0 " : 4 .4 ieft i tVi ' s . n V r b York la ny LINE--Leaver sb : s i n , lo b. tbas ,..h tra: ANT tier n 1 N"" PhiladeiXt..l ". ; yew Stopple tAM.O.rlilaptastions. rIl e, at Al: More,( 3 , 10 CP. I. Nets yo,..T; ' ,l l Ls ilaiti r. u.; Philadelphia, and illatfy all alter truism, Suradonsm,:;;;;:j: JOWNBTOWN Atreo.loloilATio,- liallyleacent Sundays) at 4ii.n) U., Plopping it *molar ;um ns beiw", Vittsburnh lad tote,ungh a.l es.to at Blairsville Intersection wi th tn.... nln liana Branch and West Pennsylvania <(XINA ACCOMMoIJATION —insane ( es •gist Sundaystat 11:40a. u.,stoppunt at an reaolat nations between littshurth and Altoona• and nit I; connection with trains on the Indians Pennsylvania Railroad, Ebensburg & t ,n.on w a n. road. and Idolildaysburg Uraneh. First Accommodation Train Ihr it sirs , tail Ica , . doily (except Sundays) at Cala I. Second Acanumodation Train sot Weirs (tail m . Le/V.% daily (except Zill1111A111) Pt 10.5 A u ['bird Acoommalation Trall for Wall's Station, leaves dolly (can Sunda)•s, a 3:13 e. Fourth Accommodation rah for WWI .SI ti daily (except Suntisys) aktvin lA. L f Amon..d.ation. No. I --Leaves ,tally ic e , gist Sundays) 1110:80 Ir. B. stopping at all Ntlio • us Lween Pittntint - Fh and l'ennatatlou. The Church 7 rain leaves Wall Citation sr. ty thins day at OSA A. if., and AITIVeII In Pittsbui lib at t 0 GI A. Y. Returning, leases MUM/rub at 12 P. w. and arrives at Wail's Station at 2 - 00 P. Returning Train. Arrive h 1 Pittsburgh as (..110051 Stall 1.5 e • al. Fast Llne 2 - 40 • Y. First Wall's !nation Accommodation 6.95 A. N. Penn Accomm.lation NO. 1 5.1 A N Second WalPs Station Accommodation. 8:50 A. MI. Johnstown Accommodatlou... .. halt A. N. Baltimore Expresv . . . .. . 1401. N. Altoona AccOMblOtla.l.lo/3 and En:lavant .rr Third Wa l l's Station Aviouluadstati. . It N. Philadelphia Rape.. 2.1 t.. N Wail's Accommodation, No. 4 0:1 I. 111. An Agent of the Excelsior thandinis C otiosity will pm through each train before niachlng On la I Cl, Luke up check., and deliver baggage to nut rim MO ity. Office, No. 410 Penn street--oyet, any nun ight—where all oniers for the movement 9'13,0 kers and baggage wlll retelvepronnit attentlmi. italtlntore Express will arrive with I . llllmiell bin Express. itlnns e. it., on Mondays. ease of 100, the Company 10111 hold themselves responslble for pononal ba,ursgc ouir, and for an amount not ex. ediug Itloo. W. 11. ILECIIWiI 11, Agent, Al the Pennsylvania C. ntral Rail ro ad Piv;senger Sta tion. on Llbenv and 'Washington streets. PITTSBURGL FT.amis i si n WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY A.NII CLEVILLANI) a nil , ail, itaniton.6. IWIS. Winter Arrangement. 1116 a. Or. and alter November 1901. 1961, t_-arise tell flip follows ' viz. Lean. Foe rise /be Ptittignsega. Chicago. newts.' .. 14 hall. Express. 2 . 30.. • 30 A. W Ispre. 1:43 I'. 14. 240 P a 40 P. Exrepss 2.42 Y. n. , 03 r For Newcastle and Eric n. 1300 A 40 A. .t A. ht Returning, ants, at Pittsburgh P., Ft. W .R. W.-1:511 A. n., 3:10 P.M.e. 1 1 51 W. Ir: /I . —n L 5 A. a.. 5.70 P. tl, 4.7,01' ACCUSON TRA/Sl.ll Leave Allegheny folll 10DATIr New IlturillTo2l--S.su .50 •. a . 4 VIP and 5.0 is. RoCIIXSTEn-2 03P. It. NEW CASTLE-3:60 P. a. ECONOUT-10 Mr. h. _ WELLSVILLE-3:501% A. Id, 2.0 P. it., 4,1 0 P. N. and 12 A. &P. It. —lO.l A. 11. IiEOIII7E PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Milan Paeseug. altatlon, Pittsburith, Ps A. Q. ( Takt I. Agent, A Ilegl+el.y Pit. no= r IL 51 1 EIC, Neutral Ticket Agent \ A 1 I ee11..:1 THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE VIA .TF.l!µ),cp,vici,p: Ti) COI.1)1411t11% CINCINNATI L4llfllll, flax ti DIA NA POL.'S, T. LOUIS And all the principal CM. On and M WEST A SP SOUTHWEST: ier IItONDA I', 31 ARCH. 121.11, IMB6, Tralns will leato and noir ai ih« UNION DAVI 'T . follows: Depart, At ria.. Put Lin. . Z:.51/ A. M. 9:0,1A. 161. Mall Expre,c . 2:. P. I' 1:li S. ru Steobruvllle Ar .,,,, im.w1 . n .4 - 14 .• I,IIA. M . 5. r. rico t L. H. lieu . ' Ticket &Kent, rilk, Int, 1 , . Al. D. MOTH filtsl •till Tlckvt Agent. UM,. Dulow. 1.1.,..1.itrA. pITTNIMIIGIE ANDagia i w iL , CONNELLSVILLE It. It. Spring Arrangemeli t. On and attn. TUUIttMAY, &WWII LSTit, The trains 1 , 111 leave the Depot., rorher et .110,, Water streets, as follow.: and Ar :rapt. • Pittsburgh. POtvlogh Mall to and Prom Ilniontmen... 7:00 A. ran P.O. a. Express, •• '• ... lan P. a. Van A. U. West,Neaton Accommodation 6:16 P. a. agiOA. 111. Piro McKeesport Aecom •gg Hite A. a. taiti A. a. Second •• lauddock's 10: 1 0 p. Y. 7:14 P. a. •• Sunday Church Train to and 4:0 P. M .6:46 P. Y. from West Newt0n.......... 1:00 r. at. Icon A. Y. Por Tickets apply to Sil ALLEN BEROK.R, Agent. W Snpt. XfILEGII FIN V - VALLEY RAI LIMIAL I CHANGE OF TIME. lac and alter IdIISDAY, Nor. nail, PeAse trains will be arranged to run as follows: naat MAIL TRAlN—Leaves Pitlvaurgh at arriving at Kittanning allia4.l_4o no. Leave* barks!: m aPftAri . t...ix 2 T.r. , 7VittzaT;•',L'Uzi,. AL, arriving at Pittsborpn at 11:10 A. a. • Leatua Pittaburgh at 6:10P. M., arriving at liittagagina .110 P. at. at I 2 IX 3 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN — L.9.B.Ia VVotta atiD33 A. N., arrlving al l'ltlaburgh at 131 a, A. N. Leaves Plttaborgh at 1:40 P. U., arriving at Kleii millet...mat aria P. M. laal P. W ItIUHT . SuDerinttintent. MEDICAL. Hunimus,Ei; ------ HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Have yrored, from the most ample experienee aD en ure mem., alm4lO, etheleat and tellable. 1 hey at the only medicines perfectly ruiapted to minim • 1.11 — so simple that mistakes ViDDOL be made la axing them; so harmless as to i.e free from danger, and so ethelebt as to be always reliable. NO. I core. FEVERS, Congestion., innsumg ra Uon Wax I • DIARRHEA of children or adults_ fit • DYSENTERY, Griping and ltilious Colic a " CHOLERA HO/LAUB. Nausea.. ...• • 75 7 •• COUGHS, Colds, Bronchitis " NICITRALCHA, Toothache, Este ache 9 • • HEADACHE, Sick 11eadache........ 5 " DYSPEPSIA, Sunanch..„. , 5 •• SUPPRESSED, scanty and panful, _periods 2 •• LEUCORRIDEA. or Whit“.....•••. 5r 11 " CROUP, hoarse c0ugh......... . . 25 14 " SALT RILECLIL F.ryilcel as, Hrup tions ... . . , . ....... 15 •• IMIGUMATI . ISSI. all r mails pains 75 11 " FEVER AND AGUE, Chills and Fever 17 •• PILES, Internal or external tO 18 '" OPTHALMY, sore, intim:next eyes.. Is •• CATAIMIL acute or chronic, tnau -20 •• WrI n XPINti COUGH. Srlasoo.llo 21 ABM.. to OpRI 4.4 22 •• EAR DlSCHAMAKinspaired Lar fY - 2 •• Da i i•SY, niarg d E1an d5 . .. ....... 54 ' HENERIL ' EBErLATY, .... • weakness . .............. .. ... . 5 2 •• DROPSY and Scanty Secretions...A. " • SEA SICKNESS , or sickness flotil KIDNEY ........................... 27 • • KIDNEY DISEASE, '• NERVOUS DICIIILITY, seualnal 29emissions•Invoinuthry dischatges •• SORE MOUTH. or Canker Go &Y. 14 t t ir e lnit• N %E * islet; 54 •• t " EPILEPSY,Spasms. Si , Vittui• Dan.. 1 . 0 •• DITIMERIA, ulcerated sore Ducat ItTl Fauna CARS.I4. Cases Of 00 shag. in morocco ems and book com plete CO Case of 20 large 'Ws, In raoraxosud b00k.... $lO tO Case of R 1 large DAR, plain ease and b00k...... 503 Case of 10 bor.' (7(0. Ito 151 and b00k........ Se/ A. RSIECR, Cornor Of FOurth an TO lar d 3ket sS reets. wholesale Atrexit,Pittsbursh, Pa. For sale by E. 51 INEIL=bmithileld street% FLEMIN(I.BI ilarkistidreet, corner Of the Olaitiond Pittsburgh, and J. J. EAST, No. 151 Federal street, Allegtienl; MeCLAUAN A ..ItaKF.N.N.A.N. corner, Diamond and Market street, l'Utsburigh. film STRICKLAND'S Mel 'COMM - BALSAM , Is *amine* to be the only pre- "(T. mrat i tz ism s oa r .ctureuto arm** tten„ llnme as in (-man. • • Helnp prepared from Honey , o ti and Herb., it II healtng, doh- • - D 'OI I 4TrIRMITPZ,Mi , • *tractions of the Throat and Lonaa par eat, Li Dratte+Hte.eri rt". Epfp.l.l.l.lth -1.2:1Yd ' I WiloZzaAtat *OMIT DR. STRICIIMASikti EDY Itaa CUBED thou *ands of the worn cases ar BLIND AND BLEEDING st /Area ,Ittunedlate .reliet, rad effect§ a Berms nen& care. Try it OPecity. :It II warranted locum- L-' • Per late by all Drones* at Mt/Intl per bottle. . . PILE arm-. .•• 16• • re IL IITSPEPSIA.--- Dr. StrickinuirS _ u TONIc s 1- s goatee- . had 9 li r eM r ‘ 4 • ' iit i te held* '-sad giermluettee to • s ' 'Set o, • ttreeltthen the eta-mth and- - • hereon, renew. It ta seer. •••• 'Ain lilted, 'for Viepopla. .or versos.- A. • - 4 ! 1 11 I ! e.l W _ LO l ll 2 R l' •Mt . lp , ACWIrr • "1 • , Platetedgyand 1. litee etchoholle: therefore, \ parciantertf euttedtbeweelt, T r ! , w t aseyolvs Mel fileDel jai e t t Per • Nettot:ll..ft'tfige;ll.;i,, radEEESE-200-boats, prinme.'46lo*, -; .ejllsObiitia lit 'Wetly D. clutikAPl,Pt - MI CMI23