3=l=ll . _ _ __ _ ___ __ -_ ____ __ _ _ I __A_________ - &evident at Pennsylvania iron Works. RO'BIIISON, McCLEAN & CO., ' sant.... cotroo !Rorke . niPowrs BT MA,11.10.411).. i An amide - et or a toriountiature occurred at an early hour yesterday mOrnlng MA's. Penn- Bankers and Brokers, BALT, gone, Feb. :IL-There b. L t 1 1 1 trm1117.1111, FORT WSTIOI Itt . -EllO/00. R. 11. month ely Ky Ivan.% Iron Work', of Everson, Preaton & ' ' - • te t've, lin bids dear, TC .1 sinking; 12 eke rags,C P Mors Co., on Seeond street, near the dam. The nem No. 75 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh, , rerY firm in tone, particularly , kle; I thl 011, McCiaren A McKenna; I baler grades Rio, witch are manse. - Tin , &rattan, Fuluan .10o; 3 bbls beans, kerr occupy tare but Minim with their work, one the lnierke, l , " ;,. " , e th d r,.„ i g n r ~,,-;-,--I h i, Feb_ sTansl car oats, Hi tcheoelr, MeCreery A co. Dealers es ail kinds of Gerernmeet reeerni, hold chide an hags Rio ex...1...ray Eagle c ,e r llm li ery. It logs cloverseed, J Floyd A en; 42 ,i..„0,7, „,...elirts.....roo7t.thva,e,l,:tl.l.ert,l7l,4F,..etida and cunamey. In_ gold; ase hags good Itto et et dri t e, On the math eine or sewed street, eatentlin g 80 d j u l y s e r• l ',., e ' l l'rj:enl Ronk Notes, Femu r , . gold; 1150 begs do belance of Ore /me ilov bromns J Cobanz; lti aks eioverectiti, to the rir er, and the other on the north side b 1,, e- "„emes", s •riange. em., etc . sic, "Cm) Legle," to go to N ew rod K t io nte l,,B i s t m are ,, ; 7 pkga better, Ido Its. Collections made 303 bugs ,10, in lots at front let to 2 Meeting. of City Councils, lof Second, extending to the Connellevine railroad: When the latter building west ereet_ °P - B & • 4 ht. hotter, il Ilea jr1 , 25 bss I Cook, ro co, A regular monthly meeting of the City I col it extended close to the base of the hill, u term, '"." e " "" P.v erabie To-day a ode r Ato 1 0 . ,ftgl, ex-“Criekel candies, 10 do soap, JEI Dilworth A eo; 2 tibia , o g s t , L II k nigt & co; 10 bats candle, 31 arisen' , , Gotia.l9 VIM held last eventng. portion of which wits elemental for the per- sinters excreted with ispatelt for rerttl I• , ported at 15i4e, gold, In lona, but t butter, Met , k & k. . rmatrong;lo dos brooms, h l pose of giving sunlelent room for the erection a tte d T i t it• i s a i r ;ll , thr a ll:m.ln. Nsw Y erk. e Philaderplog ' stand that this sale tv. nettle motne di Lindsay Jr; 40 do dm 13 A J Dick.erson; 4 telth. SitLacT Coe. II -Present: Meanest Barkley, of the works. ter t •rs• Boards strien s on co rne d._ to err!, e The felling In the market . emt 1, WP Beck A co; 2 cars oil lib., .It Brown, Collin, COnrion, Gallaher, liertiman. I When the Connelleville railroad waft boat, '''',4.; ‘ H. , and we 'toot , as felMes, vlv Ill,n a, 'llii,:r n r:l, co , i c gr „h e . , j 8 Liggett A co; S f A.m. , McLaughlin, aleMdlan, Norminp, Reeo, asit wma neeesmry to run It past the leer oy . t .,%,.,.w . pi... 104417 ..1(0'.iii.... ? . . c le . w p york, J. cooliE gold. for common to talr ; :Wiper/1e hbLti dour 1 keg lard, J Richartisou; I car bar s Upton, Thompson, IVhile, Wtheort, and Mo. the building, further excavation was rev , ire , t , ll i . KISH. lit:steen. A T H. l'Eli- good to prime; 21 '.,e . 21",a, geld, for e ' lt )8,-, WII Garrard; 1 ear oorn,Pattenion & Lich; Th. left an almood perpendicular bi ff en: 291 lace oats, smayra at . 21(irM ,, ,e. gold, anti Java at 44 - hdLe breeze. corn,McF.lmy A e A uley, Presitit'al ' stone and earth but a few feet removed from ' - - -_ -. gold The imports this e eek are 4.; Fetzer .ft Armstrong; 15 pkge tobacm. Pretz- ~ The minutes of the preceding tue . eting were the rear end of the building. We lily fi113.94 FINANCE .A.ND E beet cricket, frotu Rio. ' Med A /trete ON dry apples, Little, Baird A read and approved. ReTn a c r t r ienl a is i r t f u rorri t th e e f fat or tlt t at i t i l;tei h tp p i , •.;! 1 . Patton; a lade Miller, 1 do eggs,l tire-seed hogs, ______„_____ H Votgt A CO; 8 pairs Mr Contain pr.ented n a petition from ell/. the , salon, any detached nutasrst that :night fall, i Heaton Flab, Market. • !, I ' Re ' J'' ' l''' ' Pmd r ItOtt;1 1 14 Oar '.• P k g te ' d ' l roue r'salding on Clark Monier, Feb N, 1865 ti adn'e. FCt.' loolblit flou r r v. ' Llnhard• 20ii do t Met, Sizth war. w uld Met - Bahl fall u on the roof of th TOL Fel, 24.-The merit pr.yin4 ror che gr,o,ng ~,,,, pml. of „,.1,, . s p e , 1.01,1 has undergone little or no ...home gin. I)°' ' ' . et for ei, intioidge. ' In° . 1 1 1, wadammo I mill. Thhi was the caw yesterday morning, r , quiet for toe seamn. anti tiansactions do, Shaman, It lang; ,ot; o, treet !Stem Logan to Elm ' referred to Committe, "'Met. Ile'l a." aa luaaaua„ 00 ,,, ip ,, t . o , oy, 08 , eotuug upon iou st report, being quoted in New york to. confined to .MlllllOl. for the Wind Judi ,do do, T C Jenkme; 3 ears lumber, liV I Rich . on StreMs. the roof, It ernehal through It with ease, ' day at 137. Railway stocks! openetl better but , B° lt't of ° t e dium tmt" l ortro nt 4 5 07, in I ardsani2 cars rye, J S Floch; 2 ears etavets .1 .1 : Mr. Ilarckley presented a petition from breaking the engine and fly wheel, and doing 1 clOaed a little English and French; smut' $3,75 per 0.1 nailya. Meas.,. Lippenentt & Ilithe II Si tt dull--sales of Pitt:shut gh. Fort are aeelleg at alesQ3,7s; Pollock $3400 ~ b e ~, , e . , we •o' 0 11 m great thonage to other parts of the nulehlt, w a u , Lawn A Prrranonsta Ram Rose.- ', gurilT di'' ' g me Din71,1,11.,g ~ 7re''''..,74r.srein"l'b ,'.:",' m e rr- 't 7. 0 "' req 1 1 ,7" 1 7 4 71„ ° • °°1) ,..„`° ket the y e Clzleakro at 92, anti Cleveland St Pate- ot I. Mackerel are rptlet but Ilrln. - " - IV/ ' s eo elt sal a 135 tons pig Iron, :Simla & co; 10 bbls to be used 11. a rolileg In HI min la•smnier ' , hot!. I II I I" s P r P r e r wpich Z•tal l uta i r mi" a n en' '''r b a._ U"ll) '4 763 i' Gerer ' e mtik P eed" roma'. . e N t e siii n t ,', i ' rt i ht i7 l 7 e'st M it: ' e n s 'l a S i hore $22.-• ''' F itter A G Stewart; 2 cars potatoes., E. II Clerto I .e In mole e,,,,5.'1 potatoes, T C Jenkins:3 water , Read and referred to Committee on Woolen t f : r e , i l i a .. o oci l a t i n i.„. Ii I, a r...a.f,tileiaamdi ttedner- Mem( as last quoted. mend at 5757,30 pet bill l'lt•kikal herrl :,'"'",.„ - a .'„, c , weld.. & Kelly; 65 dry hid., Collo 11011.1 Mg., s, Ith pow et to net. that no one or. killed by the remittent. nit In our nearket there is next to not mn g do. dell lit $1,30,9 per bid. Box herring 1 '••''" - ' ' I I ineott A col Ibe ware, : Mr. McLaughlin prencrited 0 petition from b t h ti 1 j o.ll,lent of 9 Inti e 1 r . n lar nature, ,Mg in edneka of any kind, with the exception bug at asiteee per box for No 1 a n d ~,,,., yell Hay; Ibe axes, .pp .-- Whitmore, Wolf, huff' a co; 1 do do, Moir A W W Wallace, asking permission to erect en e ti has happened to title Mill since 1 Iron clad building on t holly alle.v, near l'lam ttoliel' • tit erec. Of bank ahem% 011 shares am almoet entirely ' , Davidson; 2 do do, Metithinney A Hare; 3 Mils ' nlbsy. Tbe petition wiLE, read and referred to wir lo9t Bight of, and bolders generally Wive come New York Iron Merkel ' 1 Sh ranker A. Lang; 7 empty oil barrels, • aPP . 0, ... • eed LI do _ ,Rehew & co,• SA eke clon_rs , Committee , on Wooden nuildi ~ by u,me of \ re. Yoax, Feb 24.-The market for i Burn= ra s Idarkle A 1 ume y•a a , to ev. ..y.. "4 - FROM YESTERDAY EVENING'S GAZETTE tO the concluntou tn. the mono • s they ha, e pig remain. q e let, sod we hare only to' flaxsee ,t 1 I. H Volgt & at; 9 sits g . G A Martin; 57 bhls es:- Mr White presenteal a petition from Patrick ' —....--- • rocked lip in thin elan. of stories is lost. ~ lot of ?se tons Glengurnoek, from ell', co; 16 sks eloverseal, , ! O'Brien, .1011 g permission to erect a one story Accident on the P. 0 412 C. It Is a indonous facethat more than nine butter, J BC., 1 private terum; 150 do Garteherrie, $49612 troleum, J Gallagher; 35 1101 es , __ a ,a,.; a. 3 1 0 t, 6 men clad building on Pennertvania eremie. R. ft. taint. of the stuck of the difierent oil eons tA do Egl In ton, both ex ship, $49,50 In A field; '2 pkg. butter, Ido t•ggs, Heat between Ch.ttut and Magee streets, Eighth ' 'the accident on the PittabUrgb, COlrinabus - can, there is no general b.ineas of mo .2 pkgs tonne., Raker, Smith A co. ward. On motion the prayer Of the pet itioner and Cincinnati. railroad, on'Satitrila parties, in this market, will not to-day bring but we notice a sale of 3000 tone No 2 Th. Astor...NY STATION.-Febrnary ts!..-1 ear was granted. y night, ten cents on the atelier. There Is a continued for delivery, on terms not made politic. l cern R Knox A Soo; I ...r tt'°°°'' Gilmore MO, not so termini as wee at first feared and re from. more, continuo as lust quoted- ei • & • 1 ear etaves, Hemphill A co; 2 hir.Broorti presented tne report or the Street / falr demand for bank shot. and government .pv.l en, committee, trigether with the annual reports Ported sizes har, wide bands, rols and hoop/ma irern,•l D Layng; 30 tells spot..., C Cole of the Superintendent of Water Works end The necklent occurred to the Haste ho i bontln, and seven Thirtien are hem.pretty seame, hut the demand gtmerally In Ma mn e i 58 sirs millfeed, J laleKinney; 2 cora the Asseasors of Water Bente. TM, reports rn Prld , firmly at about New York rates. tit,. r lumber C Hos le; passenger train, at o heat. Kennedy a lir . o. i .ce .. . , tia,a rani were read and ordered to be printed. teraville station about , I -The lruports of dry geode are etill on a 100 bide% J Taggart; 21 Pkg B Mut. , s The President presented potittons fron thirty-eight natles west of Steubenville, and ' c ley eltand Market. A Here. I very Leary scale. For the past week the re- I Grate Byers &Co,J. A. Snowden, Joseph was caused by the breaking of an axle on the t tecetnne, Felt 24 - Wheat-OW.lv. t gi Muffin Cotrantis Arm CINCINNATI Et. R. tu n e oe ,.4.A .. ..t a Lin fo tr,..il. a tf i, lii a ra ia v c o at at c l4.l . 11 zia. baggage •car. The road, at tithe point, rm. !f ee or iPta a moun"° "419'2";agal'al ti'r2B'ss4 ' 3 e c a e r i a t ' st " . ' ll e i ' d kii tt e r hab y a ry it' li to ' t "ri'--1-,,peli. 2d-ralotOP/01"e.' l lifogra n ire.y m Atto e n a = the cOrresponding week of 1855. The tom- r 9 P business tax 'the petitions wens read and Meng an emtianament from fifteen to twenty 1 I Hold at 54c. t ia m b. - Dull a ' im lin% B a n n :oi l' „ -em , F2 b s il l o a ti ll o, r Spence l r A hicHay;• bra tobacco referred to Committee City Ass.sments. feet high, on the side of n meek, tile b ' parietals for the week and since Jailers, lis - io. I tar at 31:e. I ear at Me from store itye-lii7 r t eer & La.ar; Iha meet, W P Beek A co; TnePresldent ale° presented the annual re re otog I follows . and Ineet Ive field at reignite from store is whimper Pitts Paper Co; 2 brs clgars a C, port of.° City Treasurer, which wall read a milldam there, In which the water Is front gth k ; or e wee . /864 mai 1866. 1 ler -- flu let 2 ,,, ettleh ,J 8 Dilworth & co; lO s tio u, and referred to the Controller, Mr publics, ta eive to fifteen feet deep. - 0 er; 4 kip Ir ' erd ' Ent's' at the port F 1,510,041 el,ittafest $4.619,244 , C Y R Voigt & co; lot ohl metal, /1611 & . peer:s Don. eo• IV step ladders, J The coupling between the baggage car and ' Thrown on market 2 , 11 5,476 019,617 3,61692 U Mile leant, T H Nevin & ~, Mr. Thompson offered a rase/Litton pi ovi- nest - - Since Jan 1 ' ' MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH.K..;:p.m.treBB hoopa, Victor holier. ~,,,,,m I ting jar the erection of public gas lamps, aa paseenger car brOke, and the drat car follows One on Mulberry alley and O'Mara went over the enabantnnent nad Into the mill. Entel tth . ' . Th... a . ca e m port .16,645,060 55,064,6,54 M,992,679 arket 16,4.H,823 5,400,517 31,752,717 ' -- ' usts. street, three on Loren street. between Penn dein, bettOtn downwards, and soon sunk out l lt le thus seen that for the I , !nonce and Trade in New Vol • RIVER, NEWS. erel Etnet etreetsione on the corner of Penn expired pOrtiOn 1 end Ad.n. 9.reetn, Fifth a ard. Referred to of sight. FOrtanately, there Were but few 1 cir tile fe 4 tr the roodlits of drY goo. aggregate ' • t ommittee ou'Gas pansengers In it, and these all escaped, with- , 029,9'4671e, asp:Gnat only $5,064,634 for the same 4. h NAV Yana, Felt 'M.-Railway speculati amen, wesTnars els.. Mr Bros n tiffered the follon ing notelet irl” °" . 14 . 14 -TY• before the ear sunk. period of 1%5 and $16,645,0e9 for 1864. From 0.- , was all nrui ut Open Board and Stock i The river luts commenced to recede, and in- ReeNted, 'That OM teptesentative I 1 Toe second car also we-nt over the embank. I tOber I, 18/M, to the close of this week, the in, . nt in the roange, but ti eel:actions wee. quit. isitlight there wan thirteen feat sea 53 I.IA I.- . • ',burg la, requeeted In use their trifle enee 1 knt, but the cottplitig beta eon It and the . ports aliment to * 6 5,376,949, the larger portion s ti monongahe support of the general feat ures of the nee I°. sleeping ear, which nas next behind It, did , t „ , c0 . :0 , A ~,..,, t i uteude „ rar „.„, upriaa , , • rate. After reguler eall the market. Mahan nel, liy the pier marks o to vent.° law for A Ilegheni eoutity, now I,eforit• I not break, and the second car was thus pro bustrieste. The relation or um. ti re mo n th a t 1 geeemily tamer, end te traction lower. Then bridge. Tee weather W. cold all .la 3 3 es the Legtal et ere I vented from ming Into the dam. The ears had lie Unitise! the market •is ' . sup - pole to t . t may ~4 very taile outside support to the markterday, and continued the same I'mi night. , I lie present lee helng entirely not eurnelent6head unsatiefactory und ineellicient. way to gire them mach in, . Judged_frorn the fact that it eXeCeda the, im • slowly Dr. Gallaher , mos oil that. the rine/Int ion be I I pates down the embankment. The second ear nOrtution for the whole of 185,9 0 0,330,000; of 1 rem I. •./1 40, and dealings are chiefly (attained to broktgreight trent down to the landing vers , ln the Atte laid tot the tablet The VV.., .1 1 s mplyjerked the forward trucks o - f the sleep- i-• - r. r-t,',-,ose or Jew., by $9 ,Orse and le thenmelves. The market w. firmer at 'tled beet... na• decidedly Mill i• na ,s a ere in • car off the track n less tantat or 1%3 by only et,900,090. Th • eallel, anti resulted es follows. / k ii the a j , a d nothing more. ere , ~,,,,,,f Board. wt. s birth. rise. At ltheny river the ice wns runniug out vert lean-Ile., Il re • I lirfelo that ocenered happened to Jle reason for hoping that the reeelpts may . a .kls,, itrou n GIL Ilaller. the passengere,in this s I - hI h d .11 • 'shod Open Board Erie ami New York C'entrieevy, effewtnally !putting n stop to navigti- Hentruan I , l.•litilen and White-4; oeond car. netead of enee ort es ne , ery materhthy ; but tie ~,,,,,,__A I ,A A, A. Lama. caair.iii, ..• Leo.. 31,, seeking an esat - throulca th e doo r . , th e ha ,,,, enn _ possible falling off can Ming the bpring Itn. were the tending features of the day, lastion, lenr.bilta, N0...0p, here, Shipton Th m' is n ' rs sought escape through the winclOws, and i P o notimm within limits. width will tram ini- , upon the reports or favorable legishat I. I I nett. . 0 t There have been no arr , a a or t ep es %t Limon 1,1,1 Trodden'. Mt A uley-1 . 0 ° i ° *, tIo most of those who were hurt receives' rortere from very heavy Ines.. The current Albeny e re •iilar Mononetthe so the motion was loot. their In Juries ln dashing their hands or heads , mporta of this clans of merchantlim must be , The following a ere the closin linee our last, except Hi 6 - g Prines at 45 The tiention wes tht•n taken on the r • I . th, sg r, th e gh o . t o e oeore taw, ex i t , si r. connidered the , InOet exceaslve In the histort Is M. -New York Central, irty, ; Erie, 143 ; Hun packet, They are tualklng the. regeter i i„... w it ir.i..„,.... ear, „al by a „..... 19. . • Beltaboover, of the firm of Wcod, Matthews of the porL-21. 1. (brneaerrtal. mu River, liel% ; Rending, leOS, ; Michigarips es, usual. of ten yew A . Co of this el w to six nays ! i .• r : IT, . the most severely in- -The New 1 ork Satitylny Last, of Feb. 24th ' P ontherti. MG_ I Lleveland & Pittsbmg tat Mr loaf w oil er tel. a m 901111.10% prOrlding for / lirir o- al , one of his knees being consider- says o. lthe ,, t k A l "Ped• 1t5.' ,. 4 ' Northwestern, mis .I,t ort l. The Anneohm, Captain kicCall um, is ata ate_ • bru by being violently thrown airainst ' - t pretet rest, 50,; Fort Wnyne, 42. X. ng tworY oarT° to g at nut by 3 the Mat of this I , ) , , , e . :rectlon or pomp 5,,, lamps on Tunnel the elide of thecae. - - eThe opposttion to the large discretioruiry ' -r". t, heti. ten Ws lie stret.t and Penns •Is a- A I , , Governments were very dull, and suttee ii. k She will not go, however, until Rile has ni. ~,,,,„„. ond ~.ri,or of T0,...m.nd an a ..„, not ler gentleman, whose name we did mit power conferred upon the seeretary of tne 1 b e d The (Mlill 11011dm 4 et, ge.er.lly yt,..,4 , Yll e itr . eoMpieted her loading. It ' leam, received 6 serer° wound on the head by TreaMiry by the new loan Bill, and to the for- ,te tDi • s• • • TI t 1... t• e, tn. 1 rty tt SK wee. - "" '.- ' ' e ---..,... The Kenton, Capt Dunlap, will leave as min i. tet er Octets, which an • read and reMrred to being throw n againat th e wo o d en e oen s e ; ,ir , elgn dense of the bill, h.' , mused an unlooked w u t oni en lane on ilea I ea - rr. state Bonds eure stoutly and ha mole the I. vrtli permit. She la loaded unt t ; the window, which cut the ecalp open for an for opposition in Congr.s, which promises to azile Atchilltiau offered s resolution pro, !ding ' i mate dement!. be neter. hien or two, but the out did not render him defeat tileSe otseetionable features. though ; The Mestere of the miscellaneous I mirth , are dragging t iii pc...my h. for the appein tinent of Mom, Jetties Trimble . son Hite Tbe otl e I t W.hincton tele ms state th t t -P " wa B The Lorena, Capt. Shututin, w and Itottert 11111. a Board of Viewers tonp- m in ate.4 . 1 ..r n,,tartes received were 1_ 0 ~„ gra n lie speeches j Western I' mon Telegraph. The stock openedeady to leave by the time the lee will lieriett. • scratches and cuts from the broken . ,nth i un Bill made in the House I,•ive no in- at 65 and rallied to 71, with large Hales. he is receiving freight for et. louts. prufse and 94 , 4..4 the tlll.l.lgua for the eon- 1 glass. I dication of Ma fate in that branch of Cm 41rection of a public sewer on Pennsylvania Mr. Howard of th ''l ••1 ' g Mr. Morrill favors the bill, aml ism.. Railway idortmeg. remain dull, and Ll:ere The Yorktown, Copt Wash Ebbert, le load ., enue, tu place et ?desert, F. G. Bailey end 'th I ' h ne ° I. ° C '' 1.1,-7 . 'neer" or ' t In ntar_ty re. in no marked change in quotations. . g for Nashville, nnd expeets to put off on e roos , anti its-o .- es near t_ coy, was pec a item. with the Secretary. of the Tee... money in demand, at 7pe 1 Therants la Blair, who dateline to serve Th r ceti ~ with good taunt.. e , hurt In the back, by being towed stout In the ury lei reference to our financial policy. Mr. supply. ding for renolu Hon wise read thr n. ti . .. The Nino, Capt. Devinney, Is loa i t. 1119.4 and finally ' can but ae are glad Lotman that his injuries , Hooper does not entirely approve of the bill . ile cud is ill leave a ith pa.. , oot.n. ncinnatl and Loulavi . I are not dam gerouts ,In its premra shape. but In our opinion there , The Gold Market is stead nILi a a Meat be the fired batt out for Mr. Brown offered 0 resolution troll ib t • i „, er„.„. 0,, o . ~ ,0 o I t int, Mr. Beltzboover. see learn, was insured In •is not much chance for the bill In the premnt partial recovery since Sat l y, ''' ' °'" r• - eh. She 'ffi , t , ~ ... ,a 1 a ni t . ny , fr a t n o ti r iron clad build- I one of tbe Accident ineurance Companies. ' temper of the House. The foreign clauses will . urt ay. Closed 1,3t4. t am porta, ,01- 1 0, if .. i .„, iln it rle etty, and that a . The main to which the accident happened be opposed u ith great vigor, and e 11l teltnest money samorr. ith i e ee k ti l t l .ota ur 4 h• Ct l n a etn l ;ta r t i l " ;b m r P l7M p ". „ a it on t pr, mite, to the Legislature giving was the night express which was due here at ; surely be defeated." the t•ity the power to carry out the provisions ' Ion:look on Sunda lia . , The Comenerriers money article contains the rertillV Or tile frame hulidan• y oniumg. After Abe mar -we- - i following. The money inarket exhibtm • ,-- - '. -.l °M - the A rgotiant was adverttionl to leave st ,r law. Read and referred ' raters by the accident were attended to, it ' to the City Solicitor. PITTSBURGII MARKETs • , torn, of recovery from the depression pro nie for Pittaburgh on Saturday evening resumed its tni 4 arriving here on Sunda • ductal lest week by t. e Treasury gohl trams- j t, i C eateurrett lathe !melees. of C. C., and morning samara/ hours babied time. ) _ 011 IllOtlon adjutant.. I Oman or raz Parrsaustas (.4.wria, / , notion. This morning the inquiry m less ae. ' 'he Emma Graham will leave Zanesville for In common Council prement, Messrs. Beek, Mesmer, Feb. 26, lens I tire for call loan, and aitellcatioun are miner. ,te port next Friday. The binsiriagum is In Rogge, Brush, Diehl, I,lekson, Ford, Hare. , Fox Hunt In Butler County. The praluee mokets t °MM. dull and ne •.- ally tont at 7 per COlll. street bOrrOWCr9, bow. pd boating Order• I: illin, Levng. Idea-fanner, Moreland, Mot: w- A gTand Unto. Fox Hunt will come off on b ew".. 're aeceme ''''''" ed ' M the "Pens° Of ; 'he Miemeri rtrer la nOw open and mt.,- ...n, MeCielland, McGowan, teNeill, Ogden, , Saturday, .lILItIMII 3d, In Butler tint d t , heeled with but little prospeet at pre s ent ef 4ellere of paper. The Menke are discourrting ' emoted to haulms city, and rining nlOWly. , I ensile:l ittstm, simpson, Tomlin ... y, an he ' any lir/mediate improvement. The 'lenient] ' vers litt.M, antl en inereased antotuit OL tallier ' trkansas river is rising very fast aml 'us - son, Verner, I 1.. will be stiff! --II elsh, and Steel, Prenitiont. clently exciting to nttract a le reneequemtly thrown upon the street. This n a there tei grad ! for ,Flour, Gmin, Groceries and Pro v iBlOlll The nalnut. of the proceeding' meeting i large nutnber of the sporting men of thin I Mtn ement le reflected in a cleareaso of loans, f 'lowing rit'er items from the - Fe take the o were read, received and approval. , continues very light, being restricted entirely en nhown by the bank eitatemient, amounting county. The tinge have all been formed and Ito Cincinnati C'entnlerria/ • Nir Ogden prenented .in ordnance to MOre supplying the welds of tile retail trate, to $3,•2:rt,052 The rules of discount are conso f /Wan effeetually prevent forestoners told peddlers the principal officers announces:l. The tomid- •I II I I b , , iuently one-half per eent, timber prime ell- .he steamer Namile Ilyern, which left (lin nle n pr eel t ere • tio it lenge worthy of r fe e , ~, i ,„ tt „. 2..„„0, „.„,,,,, 0 ,, Ma , „., AhBt., art. are-first ring, from Renfrew's to Cr ,Pe Irsit at 7ta per cent., gnat at /Midi° matt, Friday night, for ist. sows, when nee eto apecial notice. ' C er eent ' mad ot er g Thd e° IMP , Per eent. fkle I.lollow,oue mid 0 lutif miles libeVe MIM- Ihe moulage of the ord inn nee excited con- er•s bred ge,from C raners 1 id • • „ h t er8 „..., 00 , 0AA . 0„ .. na ~..„, the r .. „.,„,, , ~_ _ 1 r bl 1. lkdhertY•s, GRAIN -Wheat Is mill and un than gett--eum ' hroe banks were applied to hi succe.lon, fbp Indiana, yes... Morley, at 3a. m., collided ~,,I ltoinee too objeeted to, Air ti g ,i,„ . „, - ,,, , , - ,7 , 7 thence, part Chide Mills to Hunter's bridge, ply ~,,,,,,th,r,,bly i n ete ,,,,,,, , the 00 0 ,, d. Him morning, for Nattonel Bank currency. bY ' tell the People's Litie packet .... E Hillman, ~,,, 111 , . „ h A ~,, ..„, p„,,, „, ~ , , e-1, ~.., tu,treed thence to the p 1..• re commencement smond . a arm, not one of which could meet the Da imnd Dom Louisville fOr Cincinnati The to by t he folios, Mg t oil' thos very dull but nominally unelianged -IV quest. The banks have beim receiving mod- ; II) • I Li tLi Byers, on the larboard, nit. II ;OW 1 le ring, from Nixon's mhnol house to Rohr • ATes• Messrs Beek. IM:sirs, Brush, Hurts Ell- se w I, P B ott .. II ou track, and .4.5 e -Se, from store. sale of 1 ear ' en n e PlPPBi nbi 0, curretier from the nen- t ' ,ut dirward of the cylinder, vetting through b ...., _ . „ ~_ . . ........ _ i . _ _ . . . 0 , m h l ; then. past Job e g get ton . y. ~,,,_ sh f1,.,,1 c.rn a, , pri„.. bar aia. .... oat . . c The effect of the aiteiden Influx of Gold npon , th guard Into the hold, tansies the latter to _0„.•,,...,,5anir., s t ;:ntil:t a m .. s, ...S! :.r.....,,,ti.,!taitl.aesa_e!,.. In.. e torch, lifabood•s School hotem, Ell flart -1191 red It °pendia., is apparent in the torus. lie.• nir. 1,11 • with water, careen, mid sink a1.21i . 2l i i : k , ! , , ,,,,, ~,....,i..,....p.::,,, r t," •; ,, 5 1 , ,,, , ..., n : , loc;',,:,:aten crl'ev, to E!ltee Of commemeement Third Neg. at 650re1. 11.10y-entr e et m nn. spew, eed go i pit. of 034.92,102 In loans within the weel.. It . i tat P i I • 11l the .solleeta and mil,. natant ) 1 1 end ntraw-r g half mg,. In steel, Preetident, 19 thioneter, center of ' for Fall. Rye Is in demand and • SCIIS seedily 19 d line•lt to enneelee Wee , ' Mdi hll.Ve lee , ed : e. ' !los were Navel, eXeept Ow bur-keeper and Nays. Messrs Diehl, Ford aml Welsh, .i. ring tit eronnlng of plank mad by Pennsylva- ot 75 the Tre.o r De artment. to t I • • known to have been . Y 5 h a tioisto dile . ehenbermaid, who are aa„. Railroad, near Wm hillier's. : FLt it' P 1 • turf - dug course. The result. to ' , amines. le. dro,,,es, gifteee or twenty ...ensure t The question wtm then taken upon 1114. 1111 rd n ntcady with a fair Ineal denim. Ton hap. Generals have been tl '- will anal matting of the s urtlinant•e, a hen it ot esignatcd, at 84. 0 Utike tor Spring Wheat; ifintempe to r I,„i f . been serious, and there Mould be some sub- il••41: Mends were also drowned. pa.,...ed wad tWo Brigenhera 4 and two moueted order. spring end hut: Wieter ; end eles A ddor,„ to r a n stantia/ advantage to the Government to his. % tett th e eabin ano upper work. nr the ih. (wen then offered the fottnn tng *.ettn. !le, to each major (set - meal. The hillier Get, Winter Wheat brtuids. ilve Fisetr la dull and I 'ff., melt nperntion, The stock merket la 4' Ben Era sunk tome days since at Denham Luton foil ' , a...aiding will have ten mooned 0, nomietti et 4,5i t 4 , ,p53,i sem 'i,r.r bt,i, r5,,,C,,t,,.„, 1, ..pl doll bY tho Pieelduir of bells and bears , srual floated naPt Roma. OM°. n° 8 """ ). il , aohed, Tillki the e 0111 1 .0111.1. . hereliy .11- de u ri.,... gaeh Brigadier at - 111.11v.° Ids cam- Finer et Ms per libl 1 elilo, Gov./ran:lent Mocks are 'deafly but last, a y ' artles from taut plat, bearded the rected to Irat.ter lire hundred .lollars trom :n . tit i d e t i e c t , . , e; 7g7 ,,,,,,, a ,,e aopotat c 0„,,,,,, , , panyisioNe_n ee a te 1, ripirt hot 91 eady al ' ri.iet, eaeept 7-311, tehMh are is,;c lower t with 1 .tr,pa, .M 1 rmovered the alit°, notd 'meth,. urpropriation N 0.13 to mean:mem:lot, No 11, ~l/eil (.14/1/17.'iii "P"iat " C"Pt."'". ..d 14l4aiyi for stealthier,. 1 .‘40171., tor Ribbee a predonilnance or nellern. COMIMIIII,I tater- ! rie ts,t s. ' • • .w.htet; afr'',llsVe to meet any Inereased expellee that may le. ai,„ 6, . b. t w . see ti.t,i=one of Ills nave ~ ; ibles; 19419/ (Or chlay d0...4 V-1-4199Le csn Liwee4- ,W. - • SiStitra' iliXii W. '• • 2.1(13 of N.lrtiila feerant. .... sat. InCerred by the epPOlntruent or a n ea t in . snr. ' ' i eith- '' ------------ I , 9lsrune kertle 1 endered 91.4 Port/ mol , rates as followie Gold shows a partial mem , Ilmul . a FMyd, Marina for Nreellyille on Wed s pet :or Simeon Nixon is the Chief of the Sigtal 00 0 ' e a . " . . 01 sm ° ll ..de et lowa' : ery trn. the lOW rates omen' on sister - Ms ; neseey next. The q °e.t.a rinulted us follows: Aves- Corps, tool will he asablited by a large number i s POTATOES-Stsemly with reviler sal. trout .., , 8 ,, tit price sang.' at 1a5 , „fi137. 8 dimiug the We undermand Unit parties in this city are Beek, Hogg, Brush , Diehl, Dickson, Ford, o f huljeg and gentlemen. . Wore at 61,15e1,20 per 19.111, and 1/3,10 to •-o• ' morning, with a elight 'toward tendency It negotiating fur the Imre... et the nc" Hare, 'Killen, Levee, blew Medley, alorelaed, I The arrangements are complete, and if fully ' pea hid-mostly at at' s . Sale 441. car, on track, la pr.iiiised oat for the Oren... the Tee:LAI/Cy ' Nteluner Marietta, to he imed In traiimelrtlng 21' ha en, Mnsmoran, O'Neill, t /gee. Patelte/I, serried out the hunt will not only prove es_ ot $1,10; imd 103 bble from store at IMSt. , has ammentied ita salts and the.re is muse- , a cres compatly. Robb. Si tureen, end :steel, Presinfeet- 1 t ~i tlog, hot suee.sfni. BUTTER-b. In fair demand. hut the sourly , 1 • Hd. nee among buyers , . For. : T e Wheeling inteLltgencer of yeetereluy t•on , vie. s more ron i , Nays, Messrs. McClelland, Tomlinson, Vet. i'"IlY r "P W n ' ami t '" i 'n r"P')". '''F" "' etg o E•rebabge n. 1.- rhe e " ^ e l nu r d et'•mitY , 'atm me Inl.loalna in referenee to the Mini um and Welsh -4 , sake o. prime tiletto.ce Ito.l at %wee. rif seroleoe Mlle minter. the late prerallilig , Ingot the eteamer Wineh.ter . 4.lries elm Assault -A Dirtier, doing bum.. cmkg...y_t_ °motor, Ohio theeete In %a:Bing ILI . i k t Tla • I ti I We understand tbat an °Meer of the Win dt. Beek offered the hdlOning s .resolut ion i _, , quotation but AL. 8 Opera loim. i. 491 - R,; ‘ ,,,,,, , 11 . , , the t e Bter c ommitte ,„ he. .., , tleli% In the Allegheny Diamond, named Ben, . t ' . I O P . m . ' ""m. PP. ) be " 010 ' ''' in drew ' re qugtg• Hi n - ty daya tteru.nt ot Itids% ehenter, who Wan lin watch at the time of His. ; dirt t ehring ane arrested this morning by -., 21 el ' I g e i burning of that 111-fated craft, blmnes the ne ore hereby instruc•ten to have /titre plug pit in 1 Hm e 4 Niger,' charged with annault and - hot- i :1125 ' Dar ooonn e with eetinat the boat on Ore. O. the corner of Witehl nate° and Lioerty ' t , EGG..__Dera,aud MOdCritid , ---.ldeN reported I grO emplcese , tart, on oatn of J. Vill. The rarosecutor A , e . g .., d u le deny by dime streets, Fifth ,rard, gef er ,,,,,t t o the Water i worked for defendent, and asked hurl thie ' ----•.-- r• ,_ _, Ta a f o li o . l a ., e , th e 'le...lto n . from the , They were on extrn or 0 . , . 1 ommitte. SE_ICDS-small 'eslee from store id 8 , 401 , 7 t ,„ u oo ,b, E t .,,,g ange . ; lion of Caption ShOpherd, which moment hme morning for som e mo ney _ over two M01:11.to. for clover, sud 50)..//,4 fo, 't iunathy. Flaxseed r) • d" fII 53 1 St , i I .1 them. They had all an 11tr Robe offered the followMg reaolution realties-8 ell o u v per een .on u - great y neon+. ' ' 'my behig dna, him ahem the latter retused, vin demand, end sells readily on arrival „ 0 ., 0 _ v The general market • 1/4 weak and ' flounced thelr determined. to quit , the l. te r o:it Resolved, That a committee of three be up- , au tit 1.1,1 of VIII' rildely and street: him lower, and panics am looked for in all kind. ou Its arrive! at Pittsburgh, and had leo el pointed, two by the Comm.] and oue by the ' ivel. C. the back with a w 'en Mallet. The " S ' '''',.• ' l A e .1.E., -Green A ppit,• ~. , s In• , I 00i ed at of dry good. There. am Leavy stew. of that they. WOUld get even with the (apt.° for Select Connell who IShall be, and are hereby ' clue ~ us held over for a Mating $7 to ee pet Uhl, fur prim e , in heiee „ sett har- foreign good, end every arrit al adds to the hla treatment or then, It b. alm mid tient tm._ el:lnterface - 1, to employ mme nultabie person to ' , I - eels large stock on hand. Buyers are bottling off, watchman severe! time. cautioned the fire properly digeet and index all ordinances hs re- „,,,,, 0d L0 , 0 , 0 , 00 , - ;,••••, -- . 0 , 8mi30 „ .. _ A t ,„, 00 . after passed and now in force an the city of ' , lia . meAlartin • y was brought from Phil. DRIED FRUIT - smid I 9nle4 iil . 13 ~t s, , 151 ... ,:c: i r , Apples, 18 .14) Z for Peaches, ,na e in hopes of lower prlet , , BMW. eheetings- ; man to be eareful in throwing his mats of tire . A nmsketig. A, 29; Augneta, 36 inch, 7.7, Great around 15 , 1a11e A may seem stmuge t 1114,1 them ill Pittsburgh that they cause to be publiehed , ~, lelp Ida, to•day, on a warrant Maned by - Alder. „,,,,,,,, Aed ta; tem i b r r ,,,,,1 ,11 1 , Falls, 51, 11 Bleached Shlrunge-Bates, alt i fellows; would he willing to rids the r own e°C ' t ler ' ee P leA 01 the exn ' e • '''''' Lb " " '''-'• , nan Nicholson, to answer a erharge of larceny "- '''''' ---- - reuse. Incurred in preparing snort digest nnd ts bailee, preferred by Michnerlioliand. it le ~ - ' t barrel ONIONS-ftegu tar sal. at Ir. sets Pe • , Bartlett's, Se• Inch, M. Printa-cocheco, • 24; , Hy. for re, enge, there is uo telling what attar .f the, and 7.5 e to $1 per bush .. , Paeinc, 22i.„ Hamilton, tat. Delain.-llamil. 1 bounds toren. to their deeper . , . publishing the copies . aforesaid, be paid , : , idea.] that the defendant, obtained two hen- OIL-No I Lord, clay manufacture, ism thug ton, 25; Puelfle, M. Cambries-Monrtlie, M; ' u ere angr, , and 111.thlettell Moieties w ith oat Of the contingent fond ' •Ire,l dolla.rs, belonging to the prosecutor, and d higher. then affair selifeh gives force to ~ , letory, L 9/ Brown Drilb--Stark, LI, NI; Win- 111 per. Alio Read three times anal paosed, and Messrs. 1 anstead of delivering It as weal Upon, appro. et e ''' s '' ' inrie'n'il mak" Pol t ii; to 11/ •Robb and O'Nlell were appointed from the ri p ailed. to hiel-own lase. Ile was committed ' HAY-le selling f rona city scales a t , • 'tory, V Corset Jenne-Naum kens:, tl ‘,.; de. ihe supposition Is, that the °mato( the colored Common Conmell. i ror a beetling on Thipday next. too. the i a tt.t . liKur° ..1). rm. P r '''''' Sutler 36. Cunton Flee Rola-Laconic g, hands of the heat who emaped death almost , per , , 35, MI Eillin, from the Police Committee, re -, fimothy. Naumgeag, 32. it Ticks-York, ati Inch, Me ImMediately disappeared on reaching shore ' 110311.141 - --Sales to the trade at 3 els per lb, Whittepdon, A, 37 , , . Stripes-A mreekeag, 45; , Revere' of them tarrying off mum plunder ported the foil Owing . The Police Committee, In pursuance of a re- loiter Exploalon.-The steam tug Robert j and 3f;nat‘ in a small way. Araeohlim, Ea ildon Skirts-Bradiev's Dia. , solution of fa:semi.. have Inv eatigated the rulton, lying in the Monongahela river, at i BEASSes-..ruanti fair and mart et steady at piax •kin pua a o ta 50 h, t az a „ / „ . ,e5t,,, e to stay,. g m , , ; -. claims of various parties for the reward of , outh Pittaburgh, exploded Ono of her boilers $1.9.442 per 1.911, as. to quality pres 9 Trail, $1,25. one thoutanddollam offered for the apprehen. • this morning, at an early hour The AXelnall, The following diapatchee IVOre receired at elen and conviction of the Murderers of an , a hose name we did not learn, was cerishlerr i-PITTSBUROII PETROLEUM MARKET. , the Dry Goods Exchange tinknown man on Boydes Hill, and now make -', able scalded, but la not considered damp - , Beeson, Feb. f AI.-3larkel weak; Intrehabere the following recommendatinn : , onsly injure:l. No one else was hurt, The 1 , 11.1relCa or Tult PITTRDUROS UAISTIOI i confine themalves to lots to met their limn.- That the said reward of one thousand dol. lemmata to the bast was Mat trifling. Moaner, Feb. 26, 1866. Mate wants. ~ Hire be diatributed between the foLlowtag par. ' , oration ta cßu DE -The opening ot nav b Sr. Locos, Feb N.-Trude dull. BALTIIIIOBK, Fel, M -Market weak and en tire pre rata, upon the condition that they The Courta.-There Ls nothing of harm, ' Mem an aereement to accept 1.1119 &Ward, and , lance transpiring in our COurts today. The tween here anti Oil City has infusai a little I c h ange d give to the eity a release froni any further , thatrlet Court W. In session, hut aidoternett i.,,,, Inure life In the Oil trade, but at ',mese., the ; ( till - Atm Feb al-Trade opined with a falr claim, said release and agreement to be drawn j until 1 - uesday, when the Jtu - y triAl." Will - ' market is In an elclted and unecttled rend, denial. for 4tap e len, nttlie r re , driction. . 0, p"by the City Solicitor I proceeded with. In the Common Pleas the ar- I tat te veil, I. it el i ate °petted u Wilklus 11. Robinson, Samuel Long, John some. list wan taken um anti will be eontin- lion, and buyers end seller'. aro apart in their d o n Herron, Charles B. Strain, W. C. Ray, 11. Lowe. net/ ul.llll the MBEs are ditposed ot i !views and feelings. The former argue with DANK. IiTATMIZICr. ile/11/iil Lmeton, (Merge strain, Seth Wilmot, ' _--...-- -- tarnestate. and.. must be said, with some I Lon.. . ....01te,776,20.3. Decree/. $3,292,052 A J. Kemp, John Idoesner, George Culp, Jas. .1 . , • Specie 14,213„T0l Int:reuse ..... . 3,904,4413 Co ill / a nort Of the meetin : ' McCollister, and Barnard Mesta's Prookkd , „„t7„fs _ 0 1;7 1 . 0 . 0 r 5. 7 ,6 .., g 1 facts in their favor, that in the event of li.gf c ,,,,,,, ati0a ~ ....,4 0, ,,, , ,1 8. ~,,,„,„„ „ .u00.. ,, ro , we pse the tint no part of this awned •tiall be paid Until /,'• ^ ll '. l . , arrivals a tieeillie is, prem. will surely fol- LegalTentler 61,002,7 - N. Deere... 5,1A15254 all the perti. uastarti have nigned nald re- min. of D. O'Neill, Esq., as one of the Scores . . ~ ~ . 103,01,404. 1 , 0 , r ,„ 0 ,,, as:tame I toles. The,gentlernan wax nominated for low, while the latter, on the other band, ere .me Poo. , leage. John II KRIM, Samuel itarekley, W illtatn ft, 1 I liat position, but declined to act. equally confident that the market has tonehtel I New York Market. Ford, Jcehn 11. lime -- -- - I bottom, and that if un ativence le not oonah. . - I Nan, ) one, SO,. 19, --CovTon-llore active at Mewl, acCepted, and approved. TRAVELERS, GUIDE. sustain. Mr I.togge presented the petition of P. A I 1 Itehed, present pr.. vrl/1 at least Ise 44e 1.5 e for Middling. "'Brien. of tine Eighth ward, for the reconsid . ed. On one point, however, loth parties gtoen-fluiet, In moderato ileniollll, and eration of his petltiou for permiesion to erect ...rival and Departure of Trains. , d I d, nee or crime a Rho. decided change. Itiforlor livallty , agree, either re ne mu. a a , A nn Iron elad one etory paint shop on one of the 0 oh . 1 tioa4 Extra Mate. sB(att i llei /tette 12. H. 0., led lota on Pennsylvanie Avenue. Lost ley a 00 M 8,8 7 1 Yallia Central Railroad. 1 Medina and iml.ll n movement ha mad .. t .„ o,7 ,„" raila pram ,. a .ing dun. '1 tc of five to thirteen. Departs. , r Robb offered the following, srhMh was ...y Elem. sani a m Mall rea three times and_passixl: \ 2tertau. way or the other, IL 14 tiot probable that our tilllesl . --Quiotand arm ; Old, $2,401Nr. nem. Iffel• m ~,ff,,.,„ „ HI b„„.. ere Inegety. We have a I nal nt $241.42,27. stoma. Accostia 7:10a inigast Lttle ..... - . 2:Oa ex •••• -- - -, ' ~ ru n t nn . G este -Wheat dull and drooplng. Both • incienati ges, , ,, cm em u t sp a n A eooat f a s t u ng , aide of WOO burrels, on the SpOi. r po Material do Reseireel, Th. Um Market Committee beau en , private term., and •200 u barrel,. at 1/11 ( ity itt , .h 1 p pa rot and millers insist upon a . Owl It:ma at ist Penn Len .. Dfda ; cline. WhiteCanada.s2,44. Barley In mode. thorized LO contract for such nninber of Keno. run% Erp,.... 1A6 9 .034 w a il aea c e a t„ east ern iss . as shell he noceasary to ed. the City Reiland tonestown Ac`n. 4:15 p m r JOhnstoll Accom.lo:os a m 'Ia.:FINED-Bonded OR is dull and weak ,and rate tamest.. Rye einteL Barley malt dull. to cause such other repairs, am they in theft rasa Line 10:03p miPtit&Erie ell . 2 . 1 -.. --Pot I holden., In order to effect sales, have to make Corn more active tet.e2grihe for unsound, and diecretion may deem proper to putathe lirdi In to, Wall Acct... tittO•m Salthnons std., LE pm , _ conceited .We here a Kale of 2000 harm. re. lafigic Mt sound Mixed Western, in store and a proper condition for Meetings, and that' the . 4 •• • '' 1. ' 05 U : m ; Se ph W u ea te ' A yr e m- • 1, g4 0,r,,,7 ported en the sprit, on private terms: and it I delivered. Opts rather mere Merely at 243 e expenses thereof be paid out Of the contingent k is i tgert . a . ail;:lirpta m Wren ' n E A - r .... --- I 1 d'o u h not Vouch tor the cor- , for unsound Western. anti 57.056 c for seen( , Deem_ km I , m s Wil - 0 g see Can gratdAtell -It ul I at dle for Crude, and tee fend. ..I •• •• 2 : oo patlAitorsa Accem. .lectnens Of the report-that there w. a sale 1 fo r e Retinal in bond Mr. Ford offered an amendment to an order &Ted. Train...MAO pea of 2000 bbie, on Saturday, tor future delivery, . mince section 7, enapter 13 of the city code, T a a a a a . a a t re l e . ..,.. wait., etatien ever 7 at 87, trek on board cars here. Free Gii is very , Gnocanaza-liplussem dull. New f nice., Benj three times and Pos.& sunday at liana m.; reirds t ing, bye., gictspergh at donee. drooping-no demand aside from /Jim. / 950$11111,1e; New 1 orto Rico, me Nagar Inure Mr. Hare offered the folloWing resolution 1:50p.m. ying tbo wante of the locul trade. I active. Cahn Musaterttilti, 10,10,13 e. n hlch w. reed three times and pasooda Pittsburgh. COhiellauta and attellymatll •. 1 PI N APTIIa A.ND RESIDU Cal-There Of IMMO i Bilovillions-Pora linear at 1 , 37,1C10211,117 for Itertl vett, That the resolution passed on the 17 tor keg hill , Intl , inquiry for Reahluum and the mitrket is NOW MUM and chiming .. itt orky , 4 Departs. 31et day Of July, 1%5, authorizing the Commit- ~... i,a 3.50• an est 1,1net "'" ,... ... am aut repo . rted needy at altie4S4. Naptha is in ea- I 4r28624,t5 for Oldligat.w.7s for I B ' IIIIO ,SW-1 gl tee on City Property to sell the lot and hon. 4;lf - °"..- SieCia mien.... .." .. dap m ther better ma i de nd Cale or IMI blds, In bond, 4E1,50 for Prime Mem.; Ono, ;SOO barrels New of the (Mod intent Engicee House, and to eon express . ” ... -- libipm rprenr .. ,...... ttasa m on priv A ate ton.. I bless, for slarch, April and Illny,at .111 We anti tract fur the building of a new house on the iteabeavale A.o litesibenvllle AG -1 finVer'• olitt o o, at Cr .7146ae,n0. Doff steady iti Webster street lot be. and La hereby rescinded. atmutudation .• pen emiteedatlon -111:10 a m - ; timgy) for Now l • ritne Mess, mid ate,tegit for Mr 11""rlar"1 raered rh ' ( " "win g re '.. l ‘. - Blei•lntreta Irs. Warneasta chteagai. PETR°L "AI ST°C " " NEW Y°Bn , FCeis Extra &t 0... noot (Inuit quiet itt litill.• t ton which wite read three Um. end p.sed: i Bipedal Diepatcli to the Womern Pre.. i 20. Cut Meat. iinclianged at 11441 in pm Resoited, That the Street Commiselomr be 1 ~n Departs. 4erlaes. New Yoke, Febrintry PI, ISM • Shoulders end 17tOlta,ae for Hamm. Benda . atilt Inetturied to require the United States Tette itStli"4” ara taßra" "lo m - , Cumberland out, trdagme Grasso! twos n , • ••••• ••• , da p m gxprew .......... CM pm graph Company to remove the telegraph pole Crpre. .. .... Tide p m lex - ...., mpt pt. , At the Pette i um Stock Board tc.dav, no. , quiet at 12X1313i4e, for Western, and laktlittli, in front or the lt• ii• Church. situate on 1.1,, usu *• . DO a m ......,:,,,,. Gasp m ee t a i or arm, le a ive dammed, bat for balance IMr city. Inral tineliangual tit 1/0111Ket also. eon t er of hmithitaid and Seventh Dtreeta, DO 4.h•-idh., 1U P""li P . k let. Sales were at 2,210 barrels, for keret; and Apri ,on im In op. that the same ahall not obstruct the elm anti New Brighton Aocommodatlen t.vcis Allegheny lof shares the Mar et was go ....,, 1 I.IOU, at 10!ie. Mutter tit taikika Oar Ohio, Mid entrance LO Raid cherub; and upon tenure no t•V e ,„., t lt." . *:. ° A• o l fratas tin t !. m.kiend 5 :40ke11., I , the following rates; henn a i n g/. rt h o,, 1,,,,,, ; ,faceso for State. Ole, me ',thinly at lOane, LO do. that the city Solititor be instructed to ...taif,iteisV..ei..:•W;l6Z7,ll e• ' P. '4 ' '''' • Hilton, 10.1; Pitt:tole Creek. ISM ; 011 Creek, 580 ; ' SO ri. to. ' New York Stock and nOM ey Markel have said Commmy indicted tor maintaining Una Fittabargh, Cleveland swid Wheell!kg. I Shade River, NU; Alleghony,37sl CherrY n n Mennen. ~,,... New Yong, Fels ial.-Monsty mitten and arm President. Steel brought up an ordinence Departs. , -,..seese seri.. Ile ; ESeelsior, L5O ; Firtit N atiott o /. W • *---• ,at 7 por tient. SterilnK /inlet at itialaidili n lit , h. w hick se. presented Jan. 21th,1106, whir. pr, es Maas-es ..... ,2.:M • ratfPrillas 3:56P a , ateci in twek, 400; United States, 1025. ' Gold it %hello firmer, ouenilis Ilt Magi, ady in• vides for the removal of garbage from pH vete fair' . " .... •••• • .th e PIP! Prma *dap m I I Mg Pil57M, and elosinerat lalit4. II refitment tate M EXprom . . . ....... 2ffia a ni I „,,,,,.- dweltinge, stores, .te. Prased on a final read- ateatienvllie Ar.wimmodatitre leaves Allegheny at 1 CIIIICAGO SIARKEY. meek. elaiont decided change. rralghlt In . rp. m. Liverpool gel. Mel seartaely linel 'NM's, Ist I), lterortby discuosion took place in relation ipittsbargh and Onnuallawllle. , snorts! dispatch to the Pittsburgh Heard of Tride. 1 , seri., 008 ti do &I Norf., lintf 1 Nem litrit Mate to the condition of Pennetylvanja Avenue, and Cnioetesia rehroarY 55 0 806 . I Ps, Lam y loan initid Ott n .001 M Worship! the dutize of the Pittsburgh and East Liberty' ~ Departs. or - titivates, itie6l ' Now York Central, 024,1thiew Railway Company, under their contre.et m ,;;,.. .: . ..............7 . :m ::min ....... ........ limp m 1 PL./a-Finn at 5011,3047,50 for Spring Ext i raa ,t. . 1 heriand referred 4.4 iii Wottern Hellen Teta. There ap. ett to be great ...Of complaint is titedecaport..,l :„... .T.T.1,72,,, 1 1 1 , :: ~ ,,...21.—Whent nrm at SI,T2 for No. I Spr ng . „nu 4, ilrk. i t aL i i ii , o . n. 14 , 1 u n ",,,,,. ill regil ID the condition of that street, and •,1 . ... at. a mad •• " ..: ties p m COrn better at 360 for rejected. °ate firm at Dia ,' Michigan itentifirern, allti, Illitein 1.1n113, aceorroug to the contract, It Ls oridentlY the Allegheny Valley Railroad. 1 20for lie 2., and ta.591343y, for NO. I. Rye, 50. Britt Fort Wayne, W . f. tonne. of the road to keep the street clean D•parts. Arches. 101V1I-Blenn Pork weak at ryt Laril Philadelphia Market _ and In prep. repair. Wall SIC aas I Krems. . 11 10• lc i l'a°V". COmMOLlCounell concurred in the businees tee,. Suopm .Mail . -..... .:: ... ... 6,:10 re ', held at 18. Cut Iteato, flrm , PVIL•I/Xl,llllln, Yell. M.--Potroltiont quiet I of the Select Council, 4 ith the exception of treemmodatton. tclep re, aceeterassiatton :DO ani , W Hllt ' le Crtide, 29(aTitif Refined in bond, 45(54114,1 free the petitions for iron Had buildings, Mild one pltteburph sad Erie RaU ,t. pit ifialY- ° ' a 41'-' at 6 40 85 __nes frame building, for Mensre. Lippincott A Co., City end Franklin. Seen-Clover Need-dull at Inifell,ho per Inialt. and one in relation to the uew Ile nor law, bt Mr interne/I Revenue--Pei " l ' mn- ' Covets-Doll' tale", of SW al 7),,, gold, Salo, Artless. Dtparts which they 11011,00ilellrri,1 . DOD nalrie Et Z Men of the In- . ef Cuba Sugar at T2e ourveno Mr. Alooreland, for MI ;Who, offered the 't..l.)ll4irstuirgte, ~..,,t ~i , , . Ire._ sem.. I Deputy COMMlDsloner Whlt , _ . . __ ._, oi.t. .0 ,0.00. 1,0,250 .° `bicsge, .0 . Vernal Revenue Department, has given Ltl9 de- I envied°. Flout 1 , I following resolution, a hell wa.. curried: Beaver Vanes. eision that u here oil diadem return barrette 1 7; Extra, $7557.75. Resolved, That a Committee ol three from a ownsville licorl--Eirant and Water eta, i tbat they empty, els, K eel. ,o, they oen buy, te ' Genus-Bales of Pete. Ilea wheal at au t ane the Cominon and two from the nelect Council ' !renews Deseerrs. the oil companies without. removing the ln. , 2,35; White, $2, 25 402, 3 5. BV. - Hne eoto -- Iloill be'appotnted to select some competent and m...........•. 4 ,80 D . ICO• •.. ....... .... 6.01 1, m . Dpectlon mark, or, where any attempt ta made , norms at 64111112,22. suitable person as reporter of Councils, whose Harmony Stage, SE Chide SC l at removals by crooning the mark with paint tipsiness it Khali be to furnish the papers se- Philadelphia Sleek Market.. 1 1,, h - 4 ,..' fso be washed oft, In .. cases the sta lected for city printing, ullh rull anti aCeurate ervines. 1 tolf..lfi:. „---' 4° P .- ‘tm the Penalty upon the partY who , Pamsettram, Yoh. in-awoke .0 irregu• 04 P• m• reports of the proceed liege thereof, the eon, web:tees or sells empty barrels without the , lar; poonsylvknia Fs. 504.1 ideri'll2 17, Rend pennatimm therefor to int fixed by Councils. antler Ktage•-No. Sac Clair Street. r„. ~,.. Ip markt being removed. Ing, 404; Pen.ylvan la Rail read, iit A Meri• The Chair appointed Messrs. Moreland, Arrives. I Departs. hi ae m. • p rty :a.m. without removing thou', he , can (Mid, IIK15; Right 8.1111140011 Mlgnthselon IS hap: t 1 O'Neill ono Vernon . the Committee, 'lf" '-' . lic penalty and the party p.r. ' at par price.. ou motion of Mr. Ford, Council adjourned . Oil Wes moans Stagat-•-Heure •II .1 i chnsing le 8.0.. to the : ..11 . 1 , .. Til , ' p.reilll.er PHiLAD.LriiI• • Fetl. 211,-The greet Mame 4114C.5. iNparts. la p. en. 1 erail a. en 1 roust r c equire Hi r e Marhp LO 1m removed before .of the Stock market to-day wns an vacate --all &tempted Burglary.-Ywo burglars at- _ _ _ , _ __„...,_ ~_ ____,_ _ _ _ i t he ,o tak • i the be rel., if lie woeld ...map. front mast lti the Catawissa railiond shares, canted r the dwelling house of Mr. --- - - • ti pents , g, and they Went be effectually re- by the annonneentent of the decision of the ;;111 1 .1 ' a t ni ' A:Ti t :nee, on South Avenue, Alias t Veers Sinn nattstnim. a • mere. woe., , t macs...mon tunnititto at it irgn iay note, '''''"''''. ..' reere " ree.P ig tbmu off tritt. . Court declaring null and void tile eontrent glieny, on Saturday night. and were t e , c.. v -1 preperatloe that mot tes removed, leaving the with the A t tlan lo A Great %Vattern railroad. tio PENN tiTREET. , marks 11.8 plain . ever, 1,, not Jo eon, Ha P nee , About 4,b30 imams of the preferred Mock ered by °dicer lierman, while • h ogera ce g n i with the Mu. Tim provision,. or U. 1 the front doer. Observing t °di r ap e aw intlat ehmaged bands at 51033, , ci , o , sta: r g tit the latter, El tied. tieing JAME. 1 DALAI a RON* Frepritolor ' be enforced by prosecution li. I The eensmon stock advt. a 1 1 vi, preaching they Incontinen y aki ____ __ au _ awllt of foot, they succewled la m ng good t e. difNUSIIIiIIES AND CARRIAEIESfers=r MI i Reston Wool Market. EMI timbre Market. their escape. This Is the third attetup . r „.... ~.... ci..4____ for no._ w .d Feb M -Froutu-tni lot; Hower.) cently matte to enter the premises Of , - Mr. F a 1 Parties.iiiMert uoiriTand r.eo r n L ete rates. /MA. I BOSTON, Feb. 114,-tiales of domestic for the Bm-T^PeP li • ' 011 e Or Which Woll succesefuL HEX OPEN DAT AND NIGHT. , aoTtivd week loot up some 550,000 lbs, at a unm oo r sae etreet super no at gtholtn.7ll. ta 750 fOr pulled. included are good oven lot. of W..A r - Firlut Whit. at,,r.ffih, fi, 5 7, anti Red - / Illinels,..kma and Wisconsin fleece (Which are al. ne/ 5 02.28. Caro PM; it hae lit lien I snow. , metres ) at &Whit New York do mama; New 72e. Oats steady. Hplapshlre and Maine do, 62070 c; common I - envision s-Yirm.. lard at ItliWyler. 0 Cattiodo. 7 Weiner. Ir. at $4,23. !A(VburtT,n,2,l°.4 l A,V.l , " and Wear VIP? - ? Alining !Mocks, nia do 7 , sGtec; aelected and fancy lots of t r , ary nk-Tha following are mune, lire. Canada combing fs tient.. and : t a;l:r d tr.nr o fi r . 1.1 Fa ire r° Sleek, In linstOri luela i timely b d ' , et afeliptEe. In foreign, the sale.. „____ _ f_ . ,ii10_41 . ., „...__ . ....... 4 have been unimportant and wif hoot Ching., r,1 1 . 714 ,„ 1 . : . 6! „........ ; • v4 . 1 <1 .,,,,,,, , ,, , . . In prices.-Bsdiettn. . Bay State, a , Bphou Watpt / l ower, :Mg. . ' TUESDAY, I, KBRUARY r 1866 El CITY AND SUBURBAN Female Drunkard Mrs, Miller, re elding,in the Third ward, Allegheny, was in the tombs this morning, charged with habitual drunkenness. in the same cell was a female, formerly of respectable standing in society, and a music teacher of more than ordinary abilitywho, through the taithleasneas of friends ' , became-allured by the tempter, and strong drink caused bar downfall. Both par. ties will probably be placed in charge of the Poor Sense authorities,. NMORI NOTICE TO WIIORII IT EIAT COW CERN.--tThe'Cortnelttee lippototeittry.Counella exeattne tbetialm'cifJoll,N 7 4 GHAT* CO., tf:it4.T!,..lllr4r.e:t m at i Nikirtatt3'Bl4ll.7"." ll'lttneEtlithr, the :Ste SUM, at hen o'clee2. r i ! 11. The Cotirdittee ' conslste Aforelsed, Whight,lllllllpo cad Shlptou, feo GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c WE OFFER FOR SALE Our Entire Stock of Groceries and Liquors 0018. T. We Invite the attention or dealers to nor large and ruled stock which we are degiroua or closing not berare the first or April next. We base on hand a large lot 'or Imported and Do mettle CI gar. bbis. pure Uld Ityn WI:II:key; Line Impeded lirmidy and OM: MUT Gordon.• best thorny Wine; Port : Malaga. Sirarkling and Mill Ca tawba Wine. or earth. brands; Jar:Weaned N. E. Rum; ilehan'• Imported irlab Whisky; Stimgliton and rtivniach Miters; Peppermint.. In fan every thing belongine to tile liquor bunines a line lot el Tara, sulecteti with rare to suit the ben n: t MOM trade; Cofer, Syrops. Vicki. In barrels and hal( barrols: .hlell u. will dispose or In LARGE. uIt Wittub at tin LO'WEHT HATES POE CASH. TLERAWArg BETTY, Ohio SI., opposite the Market rsl2.lwd A I.4E4IIIKNY I ORDINANCES. _____ th A ~? Iloif . n ttiPer i el A el i l l l9 } r 3 vl?l f l,l 4 , to C tll ill e Ilpoigtf il 9,11100 Ptroot 10 said liorvafta, 0 , 71 UN I. lle it .rthviroal hythe Bur oc,troott rote r'rerroii y (A , ib ,,,,, t0 v fe,nytrative,ll iv in (Yon. efltt*Stio •frol. and a .. iter.bo trawled ID *Mout/tor (Vitrig ' . ° r71.,1 1 ,:,1!• - gl,t. . 3 .ettrt.„•A ,V 4 a,',?rirNi n„, , from Plio• .1-root to non or land .of 11olmr llobb, Elm., 0, , and ,too smut , la hen•or drelpr , ol opm4ll to. 0 1)0011e Illithway or a lallialla Klan, 01 I 'AIL A lir ' rt ' al k ik!llV:l:l l , -l :at S iVdVaio n iad o,,anod au ottutyttital non public Iltelitvtly as ftroretaltl t vont IfIOtIOINI (non tltt, loot I , to, atort..l,l lo Duel, ottootton a, motto no Snot , ft . oatnt iii‘ed Ay ,t 1,,. NINUMIIIIB ttogOlotot of iteld Noruottli, until It fut.,- todo a etr 4 T:Ztrali t c , tll thigailt i alid r , t 1....1ing 10 - t P t/LlTlNl t' alt. ...lola 0.r.,.,5tn 1t0b , W1it , T,1 1 ,14.. " ; . t :; It pAri or .•1.1 nroorto. 1.10,1 oxionllon to Ito to ruo ill Width at Ito{tln, votnotonoopont owl Frttdu tt ily tvlll/0.1 to a lt Net In. trtiILILAVIL. lotormor o lloo 14#1,sforrip 0 inntwe Mo., said atr•et to It tn ., !or t .; iiplfortn width of thirty Mot as Alesol - ig Vt:4Palr'ar.lioaa r .P " /041111114•Iont bervoltli. lia n a v i ' a . i . lna or a t eal t a 6111 i V•rA; repalliad• (101.1oml 1,411 I oacitml Into. lala I li l'outicil &mien,- Irliel tilt nth dtty of obroart, A.. 1). IMO J A 'IE44 W. NAL r. AN TIN , I Nufgets. A te; ;Li t It Ati I.li. r at% cti, 13Irek of eouucil. - - CO - PARTNERSHIP. N OTICE. h— CO-PARTNERSIIIP.— Ina TiP3:.""!.ilVietrirlt/W,ZY,P, gtl; j 'Anlin4:llll7 T i llliarit2l4'°""' " " " a 0 fdreNTll. JOH 1141,1 AU Ilfl2, fts Illond NAMUR]. rvr-mml _.„.. ar WONDERFUL - STRA NOE-- Tqwc.-111ADMIIIE MAlflll LltrrA. the ralahral.ol 0110rYnyant, With 1001ataure gloll4yl/1001PrIIIII111.0npn, the only 00‘. .A, 0 ,1, oa, TIII 10.01111r0 a Dna . 0101 ore or yOur rotor,. port nor or Ilfo, and solid Ibo woe hy mall to •og ot., N 14114 010.reotly thin or., hated, complexion, volor orbs& •od tyOR, and OUT or .I.lVirr, and en• ochlo, vrilh post-paiti ad trllolo 10 you r. rot , will thvo rovAre the do Tl , l Orton , by rotors mall. A../tlt,s4 MADAME 11)11111E - 4 , :TTA, Ikrawor. %TA C I ‘l, , a v.. 111. IVAL/14,121mrt YORK _ LIPPINCOTT, X 4 .41211LE. .TOSlcazior, 4 , t, Nu. ii w aVal t raLIIEVI 'WA" ~=~~a~~s~:~ NWII BIACUINE..4O(IIE VAT. +~TION/L nitIPIR 0 LN ,a gri c ,,Wlth 0111 Y Wlitnett' war ZOOU gli, IRO "*4lorlll 4 l•Xtri ii de rt thontsehlde doubotpirlblio Wbstaro VA WM te ti pl back '0 It Auld th e z00n4.7, AA: drois AV Bl NUAMPttkidligair ut ol4 - wsl, Mow oda ' Alrodaat STEAMBOATS MU SPRING ARRAM;EMENT MONONGAHELA 'RIVER ; Pittsburgh, Browns Ole and Gene►a, UNION LINE, OOMP'Y, Will run thrne daily .I.le-wheel steamers Iwtwern I'll Wrote., MunungAllela 111 y, Broroivlll. I:Ine•o Landing. We, 31,1 the D0n1.,.1 oil This of Ilse following latitnenmer. ,• A 11% crk 1). HER:MFRsPEERS. 'A PT. 7., W. (7.112:14M , t APT. n CARLILE. FAX TKLKIIIi APB FRA NK LIN RAIL. AT I S Then. w 111 1••, I•ltt•lkurglk daily at a. tn., and p. tn, pt ,nklask. .Ik. tipr departure wl,ll b.• at loe!, a. 1.1. • The through packet (..r th.. will leave Pittsburgh daily at ii p. w.: Brun 111.. dad y at 3 a. in. lir.T . hm.sztNn— Learet. ro r Pittsburghda ly at 7 a. In. a it t, I, in. Leary% tirnenohoro and t one no at 1 . 2 O • flOCk: itle...s Landing at 2 p. tn. Lea, e, Monongahela, ity at 5 o ',dock . The line ta emu p0,e,1 or Ilret..e.lax• .We-wheal steamers. Indlt ..‘ prev•ly for the trade. They will he commanded h, onlcera or long e1p1 , 11.,.., who Witt PaY part lethar at 1..0l lon 10 1111 , 3nll. and I . a Ili - for "f p..nger, ~on to r prompt V at the hour wive rtknd Freights Received at all Roars. F , .r further purlicuvlars,enquire of WILLIAM blur./.ltOli Arent. Al the Wharf-Boat. loot of Grata st. Pittsburgh L. COLVIN. Agent, feth:thicl Sidra& SPEED, SAFETY AND COMFORT 1866. COMBINED PIITSBURGH, WHEELING, KARIM& & PARKERSBURG DAILY PACKET LINE. rnmpri•lng the following first-class Passenger steamers mean., BAYARD: lien. D. Moors. Master. 'drainer LEN I J.. Hamilton, Master. nodal., FOREST CITY; Jr lior4on. Master. ()WN Tllll . —sTEAstr.it BAYARD, Leavos I . ll,burghtdrry Monday end Thursday. st 11 o'clock. a. tn. Leuveds Wheeling every Monday an , nursday, al 9:33 p. lu. Leaves Pittsburgh es cry Turaday awl Friday. at 11.0 t) a. HI. Lear., very Tiais.ley m• 1 F 11.124, at p. tu. =9 Leaves rittahurgh every W winesday and Saturday, at 11 a. In. Leaves Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday, at 9:301i. vi. I • RI I' A c li v l e lt It F . Oll Eh . l T r y arkerst, ry Itl. day. I . ' 1,.r Leaves Wheellog every Tuesday and Friday, at 7 STEAMER 11,1 YARD Leaves Parlersburg every Tuesday and Friday, at 21 1.ea ' ;•es Wheeling every Wednesday and Saturday, al. 7 a. 04. =I • Leaves 14 euneeney anithatur dy, p. I areershurgh every Lea, es Wheeling every Thursday and Santini', et diiii - Conitectlonvgoing down are misdeal Wheeling and Itellnilr with the Cleveland nail Pittsburgh train. a latch leaven Pittsburgh at tali p. Lov eland at a. rn. Also. with trains or Hu. o. For Wayne and Chic:two hallway, wh and nt ldarietta with ich len bleago :L1[1°21161; po parietta tato Ithe Muskingum River: and at l'arkeraburg ta" wit n early train on the [initiator, and Olds , Railroad, and with 13ally Line Steamer, to Pomeroy. Gallitaills, iI ton. 1r r' i r t ' r ' c t o h n cesium d nl C a ' 41% 6 ;rile: Bel lair with Cleveland and Pittsburgh dallroad, iltCo •m. rain, by which passengers arrive at Cleveland at :44 p. nail at Chicago at a.m. next morning. JA. COLLINS J. CO., Agents, At Wharf-lioat, Yoot of Wood :it. l'irrstsuu, Where freight will be received each day, upit ti to S.O) dam FOR CINCINNATI AND Izoi=l4 LI ,11.1 Hicl 1. I.E.—The splendid 1 .4.- scogrr *testae, NORA .4 apt. H. DEVi'.‘f V. WHI Ira% e for thr abort. and An Intermrdlate ports ; ~n '7III , ,f I XY. 7111 Inst.. at 4 n• ~,.. r, at , F" "''''"l4l..4l'l'‘J.H.ilY.l.‘tiVOliW, to „. 1r.24 . - FOR NANDI 11.1.E. - -Ther i alE a t One pa...• nip, st,ano.r VORKToWN t'apt. EutsßlitT Leas es as above NA'l U RDA Y. Zlth lusts, at a p. U. Forrnighlre. ').?"tva;1"r;” fe2l y7.(Tr , S/1..,,.,1 • ,g. t. • 1 FOR cAMO AND „ ST. rf , ,,11=4A 1,0U114 - Thr spit:l4lld •tearn , illiaolstMllllla. -- ' MAI' ar --' ' 1 k° rf V -4‘-'. '),E)...i.ii I....litrrVroVirull.Agrnl.A.. 11{`011 ME D PIIIS N. NEW E a gr an t , of LEA No—The sylrndld stemma ARMENIA It.!'. %ft r• tt.l.r AL Master. I Will leave car the MP°, e and all it l t..ritled 1 ate ports on IiATE HD AV. Ink. at 3p.m. For trrlght or t i ra o as i tr i millzo i r board or to r..M .1. IL COLLYribriV4XPL). `Agents pEGULAR PAC ET adir mi t 1 ....d volt WHEELING, 4111EIETTA 1 AND ZANESVILLE—The nee rleamer EMMA GRAD AM. Capt. C. R. ttreLL. nlll leave for the 1 above and all intenuollate ports every TWEIDAY4 I et 4v. 10. /returning, leave', Zanervllle every FRI , DAS .at 7 am. J. D. POLL' NG %FOOD, Aircat. • STEAMSHIPS. TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER ..., POOL A NDKUEENSTOWN 06.A -:in) twice a weok, The INMAN VINE, sallltig EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, cARRYIN 0 S. ]TAILS. Ticket sold toand from Ireland, INgland. Scot land, “conony and France. An t , the Company's Offices, JOIIN G. DALE, Agent, 41 Broadway, N. Y. SKTRTS. _ . NEW SKIRT FOR 1566. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oft DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRTS, hith,hird eirlastoely by the ode MUM of Patent, IVESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chamber., and 79 tt 81 Itemle Mi.. NMSW IrCP3FL.32G. Each llo,p Is composed of TWO finely tempered steel spring., braided tightly and lirotly together edge to edge, forteltm the aTIIONI.EST and moat PLEX [PLR Hoop made. They will not bend or thetweak like the. single springs. but will ever preserve ir gracefulnesa of shape where lhree or four or dinary Mirka will hoer been thrown away tu uncle's. In fact, for the promenade or the honer, the church, theater or ear they aro superior to all oth ers, coot hining COMPOIrr. DURAIOLITY and Inoxo - with llott CI.RRAXCA Or !MAYO which boo Mode the D UPL E X ELLIPTIC TILE STANDARD SKIRT °gibe hishlonable world. Merchants lw supplied /. alx/ve and by Pitts burgh Jobbers and Indica lb all the Lint-class retail stlres It. Ude city. [notate for Dradle)'s Duplex Elliptic Skirt. feablmeod ALL. tillGrN. OF TIME CELEBRATED DU FLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT Al' town , r RETAIL l'IlICEN! Za.3I3ITAXx, 3Z3ELALmatusLES JtiagitT.4 " do (~dXLISLE, ellteolll.l4 Is 3 .11.11113. Ettroot. UNDER:TARING. COFFINS! COFFINS? IKETALLIUI . ltAllol.lA NY 1 METAL/JO BIANUGANN: 11 . 1 .11013 ANY UNDERTAKING! UNI ) EIRTAKINUI rIDE.IrrA KEN GI HOBERT W11.1.1A201, tradertaker, (.1111co, Nu. 133 FOURTH ETRKET. t Undertatlng In all Ita ttranchns. Dlslntertlna 1 03 111 / 1 0 1 11 nnd furnlnOlni overt-thing nantesaary oaroliZlMlPlTetill'o":lTr o w F` - 1 4 at reasonable terms. nt &1:Y KtiliFidiFtiown. ... ... ... 110 WARD 411 Mrzictor-tals.coran. CotOn Rooms RlL dlanettaterilvery Pliable. 431 . Verarr a. !Mall:WM and Charlie. !meets. prom!, attended to. linters front Allnahcal? CUE and 11"". ALEC AIKEN, DoaraY 171 4 47303IEFLIVALIEr2mi.t. No 104 Fourth! s Plttabargh. Pa.' COPPINIII 111 ( 3 1olt. CRAP I.7IArE EEL and every description of Funeral ra n d tap Good. (tarnished. Itoonts ft /IT. 711 W. JaCoilllll, D.1).7.3-noral;' p• 1•Ina !tan, :scuba Killer, Bad. thins% INSURANCE AGENTS. I . GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Zr. 2: eZp k lLll,Vgati corner WOOD too - Tblrd streets .l47. L. JONES, Agent for the North turd IPAT:lfgl%M•gsgei..l4'7•2;VillkiVlitct" "MDR. A. t hREPAILD, Secretary of m y s a i ell s ); I zre s omaimAry, tortim BOOTS .AND SHOES. ARDINEWS DEM CONCERT HILL SHOE STORE, 11111111 BOOTS & SHOES, Men. Boy, l malt, M and all grade/. num mi..titn to kttp,illl... Altlluugts ..,,r +air. are tarp. and rapid, w 'I, vt. a full and completeti,,ort- Inept, new atsd e wltlythlr. Setup ri.plogt • j 41311 V r.te: or rl` II It: 5414: AS( To N. =I CONCERT HILL SHOE STORE, No, 60 Fifth Street. 1866 Directly Under the (Wein liouse. fc24 CLOTHING. 820,000 THOUSAND DOLLA DS 20,000 THOUSAND DOLLARS =1 WORTH WORTH WORTH SULK AND 1.10Y,P CIAJTHINti St_,FN AND ROY3' CLOTHINkI tl EN AND BOYB cLuertii se AT LIM THAN AT LEIN; THAN AT 1.E.138 THAN MAN UFACTUREHE• CON' M A NTITAgTHAETk , COST, 111 A NEFACTHEEU.S , CON? AT THE PUPULAH AT THE POPULAH AT THE POPULAR CLOTHING WHIMS CLOTHING HOUSE CLOTHING HOUSE NEA del CA.. .. El3l.oMff et, Bc,, . MC des C 3 FIFTH STREET, 63 FIFTH STHF.ET, FIFTH,STILEXT Opposite the Opera Rouse jil PLUMBING, &c liyooo PUMPS; I=l 11-I.<)\ 1-'l' ?VLF'S. SYSDRANTs. Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc, LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, ~3ydra~ilit• 1-tams. kinds MOCE Tin 11Da, Fountains; kin& of tiqln and t he Hos; Hone ripe, C.uptlng,. Gas Pipe and Fixtures, ofall dcaerlptioua' kept comiantly on bawl at Addy, Williams & Bartley's CORN KR MATH A NU SDUTLIFIELD PITTSBURGH, PA. DEM BEAVER STREET, MhIJORESTRR N F-ET TO POST OFFICE All Ter by k ' tut Im r IT:. ItzTZ P I.2. I Jal:endm&e:gerowdm pITTSBERGII LEAD PIPE ECM 3: 5 1 140 A:1 Ilikv) :4: We are now 0311211hrturing a SUPERIOR article of Lou) PIPE ADD SHEET LEAD. We temp on hand and nIP make to order any midi, size or thickness required, at the Lowest Market Rates Orders by malt promptly filled. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., fe6 Ig7 Smithfield Street. inttabanth - LONGIDILF T. F STEAM FITTING, Plumbing and Gas Ewing. FORGE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS WORE, OT ♦LL DZSCIIIPTIONS. klueolvoror m Addp s Swot., ) 185 Wood. St., Pittsburgh, Pa ;r:Al \ io 4 4:11 LILL to N. LONG. ................... !ALA ISONG & LANE, SIGN ARTISTS AND HOUSE PAINTERS. Ho. b tIkIITHTIELD tlt. , PITTSBUROH. u l.etterintror • all kinds executed promptly ud:tet ki.: "Mid " i d PV: g tl? " ids on en , unkled paper of all senate, and 0 1117$1110 ‘ . on glass made to order and sent to all parts of =lntl,. Pictorial Design* executed In • highly .tifthl n 01.16 Painting cione with a regard 14 durabilitTl harmoop of oOlor, Sind heaths. of Antall. All work at niasonable rates. MUM, MFlLLisiti IL BROWN, Mate or the Orin or BROWN dllonlxoW. HOUSE kND SHIN rAiNTEIi, North Kul corner of Third and Illarket Streets. -eal • P 1 T TBBUR 0 B. EIDUCATIOIirAL. THE WEST .CHESTER Ar.S.D.ERIT • AND MILITARY INSTITUTE.—The Second Term of the Scholastic Year, commences on the Mt of February, and elutes on the 23th of June next. Bops end Young Men Moro:Idly prepared for true vine. or College.. The Pelee' /al, who Is also the head teacher, Is .mated by T gentlemen oral!. Ity, test and ' experience. propertya the Ches ter ma commodious Reboot near West , lately Ocppried lq the PennaTivunis Military Academy, he des ens removing tag School thero In a feweeks After the remoeal the Military departmedv. th w oug at protest very efficient; and donrlablng, will be abandoned. Roe Catalogues i mpAio l l.b l 7 . l"{4eM A. It at West Cheater. PcoM 2113.11 s.. gILLDALE, CEMETERIG--.A ru rat awl ;moat pletureirthe plate Of Sepulture, sit uate mine 0.0, Immediately north of Allegheny City, on the New Htigitten -goad. Peebles wrishtha to se lect Lou will apply at the Superintend eat , s ofnce, at the Cemetery- Title heeds, peemlie and all other [manes. will be attended to at the Dona Warebonse of the tunleralytned. corner of Feleta4 and Laseoel 4LICO. A. KELLY. • Oimmetarr and Tr•aserit, fIONSIGNMEIIITEL so 1..b15. Onions; A - 60 bush. sack Onions: • 30 boxes Lemons; ra. M.N. prime Green Apple,' 1013 bosh. prttne Dry reache s: 30 Ohl.. prima Ooltlaakd-Cra 100 boxes Canoed retches. to 'b"ri" " T Obis. Pilot prowler, matoes to" !Ater. Belthnore soyster imonalantly babUt,StbleS alsudeal rorrEnLIEN a.l3LtXrtD.jai FAberty maul. .• . rssoLt Txo 7 v OF PARTNER -1..-11,......-pnrtrolxhip her , toforn e%l.ttag t 1 111.. turcler , tgne,t, lIII.ICT nrlnte and • , 71t , .•1' I , A . Y In 11, 1. - riming bur•lnt... .it...•lrrd by mutantoollStl:l t on tloilirot of J so- Ti, 147-0un1... tbe• ohl dm will be .1.- th, V. A. ,he old and, conker 0C I‘t t P..ttn. colt, Y. A le= ItARN EY Ft DISSOLCTION OW PARTNER -I`,trtne'r•hiph..reter,tv existing he , ei'n t r - ii•M"liE and ii J. 51..1A5TE.R., nod. , the name of 11. 0 11.)11.11t1; F t. this day dis solved by mutual consent, 1 , 11,1$1•• Of the drm will is. th 4 .ure•••,.. rioffice in the Mill, N.uth 11011 ..trret o'hr-sliut, ti) . Th,. undervigned .vlll roullll , l, Ml'.llng bust nes., of der th. 4410 .% when. with Increased full ltles. theyaro. determined 4. r.•ntiuur 10 1 , 1,1411(1. An article id' Flour &rent,' 10 11011,. 11/ Ow itiartet.. they them! , ntd r,speetruity nine.. a 1 1.a.1 • trial (rein all. and particularly those hard., to pleas. Or that art irie of prime him-ossify. Four. E. J. W. ,I.Nll^,clN. W. J. Air It AWTB.II. =I 'The understoett would resrectru i lly Inform the Mi~RE: and H - . J. ]IeJtAhTSR . nudor the name end elite 11. I:IL- Yr . v i t e tt ' r r ly " leLonitinlett:‘ll'!y at Federal strpet, A Ilrg holy, w he ern tinned by the nw dn., dated Februery eth, /1.03. tent(J. AV. 5t13tr301.4. _ • DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER }RP.—The totrtnertdoly heretofore er Ming hr. Oreen Ilse un.leralgned 1141 helm dissolved toy mutu -1 1 . 01,..11t, V 11..), efreAnJarmary Ist. ISM, TERM J ret irlslg (rota the Arm. Th 4. remain ing partner. .‘,l VOLIIIIIItf . Inornens of the late non under iIIC 112111 C Mlld NlYtt, of KvErtsoN, A CO. 11. na,IIIC 0.14 lny latvre ala !la , Ilrm EVERSON, ,k it,. to Wm. 11. tlvPrbiat, 11. l'rrstan. C. 1.. 1.r..a. I clwernaly retaanua•mt tato ota• arm (rico& nail Ili,. roblle 111t6. J. iilh h 7 VPlt,y, ki E HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Havo yroved, from the most ample e 3 pet - teller an en tire anoelms, aldlpie., olffelant raid tellable. They sue the only medic:luta perfectly adapted to poputar hae —lto that mistake* cannot he outdo In using them; so barnaltas as to true Porn dattger, aud efficient art to be hlatays Q'(2o. No. 1 cures FEV o ERS, Congestloos, Inflatnnla- I WORMS. 99'firo• Yeser, .2 •• CRYING COLIC, or Teething of hi rsute • •. 121 4 • DI A 74147egA, 4 , 1,1111.1;en or adults.. 25 .• DYSENTERY. Griping 01.1.1 11111011. Coll. 6 • C1101.1 , 71t5 SIORBUS, Nausea 26 7 .• (titis, olds, Ilronehttlx.. NEURALGIA, Toothache, 'Faye ache 9 " 11 EA 11,9( 11E, Sick ItAclaelle ..... ' 0 11 I:I4I 4 F.PSIA, 11111100. Soon:wit .... • II •• SEPPRESSEIL scanty And baleful per' otl. 26. • LliVet/1:1(11,EA, ..r lr • • tsar Wl% hoaro , 11 SALT Eri sine's, Erma , lions 2.5 16 19 • ' Ell ECM ATISM, all rheumatic patrol n FEY Eit 5 %it AGUE, Chills and 4 4 4, cr . 17 '' PlkEll, interoul or external IA • • iIA 1.91 Y. i•ore, L. Ham ed 60 Ir CATA It 1611, aeote ..4 ehroule. intlu 20 `` rPf.(l).(Nti Cl fUll 11 , sba‘roo.llo cough 50 21 • • ASTHMA. lll•Pre 9 ce , • 60 " EAU. DISOII A [Ni ES, Itnitalred hear ing GO 2 •• ItOPSI , en largcd glands :4 E physical weakness 2 19111.11 . 01 and Scanty liecrutlons. G S O O •• KEA SICKNESS, yr slekticas fr . our rldine 6 27 •• DISEASE, Garret-1 50 20 •• NERVOUS DEBILITY, sentinel Involtmtary discharges MI 21 " SOILE AIOUTII.-or Con •• URINARY to 111 '• PAINFUL PERIODS. co en 'glib • .• NOS at Chanav 06 late. .. IW - EPII.F.PSY,Spacins, 1 ) 0 . ceO gl `. lalk . 111}:1:1A. ulcerate.' ...Jr. throat 11X1 , 04 11.1 . Cnsel, Cases or 30 elals, t u morocco ea-se fool hook vom- Note 700 Oa of 'l/ large v In otorocco and t 000....-• 600 Case of '2O large rOtt., Wain o,olt. .111 5 110 ('ace of 10 boxes (No. 1 to IS( and te/ok 3 Go A A. TORIZENC*; orner Fon rth Market streets. Wholesale Aire t, Pittsburgh, Pa. For LAI.. by E. Nil 7. FAL X.r.oulthboill streeth JO:S. V LEGII N ti, al Al arket street, corner of the IllauuntAl lotol J.. 1. EAST. N. OA Federal 'treat, ' Allegheny: AIrCLAJIII9,9I A NIcKENNAN, oortier of Olamotal and !darker street. Pittsburgh. DIG STIiIt;ILLAND , B COUGH BALSAM IA warranted to be the only pre- U - losrallOn known to cure At coughs, C 01.14, llearsettets, .• Whooping Cough, 9 Chronic Conghs, 3 -1, 11210 4797- tion, Bronchitis and Creep. sod Horbs, It It ls IB g prepare 1 tir,lTztg!°so"lll rl - part velar!) suitable for all • alreethins of the Throat and Lungs For sue by Druggists everywhere. • IL ti..p.W.I.LEBS CV.. I3ilyd WIIOLSSALS AOlnin Dfl STIIICKLAIVIPB -PILE REM. • EDI' has GURU!) thou- sauds or the worst casts or • BLIND AND lII.EEDINO 4: • F 4. • • It Is wall-note.' to core. r For sale by all Druggists, as • 60 cents per bottle. P I LES U. E. br.4.1,7 oeld,ilyd WitohneAtin Acidijrn. I~TSPEPSLI. --- Dr. —Slide];laridts 1 llONtei • a copeen- .i.-- rLatedprriaratlnpf BOMA /VtityiN,.., end Limit., wltti Vatic , . l' .A .. 0 = g tgarrigolitylg • 4.90 • * \ nervouti elnytem. It Is it i-- 'ii' ,r) rafl7rtitlit ' 11e . 74 7 T -P 1 neve, Loss of . Appetite,- -,-".- 1 ! trigl i an:i at i' ir deVFlTirh \• ' 4)Ye ..,) ',... ; ~. gichoholic; therefore, \ ~.0 N i E particularly anited for weak, • nervony and dyipeptlc wi per/9 For sale by all drag ' Oat; er everywhere at 11l bottle. lE. E. hICLLERS a cu . oclailyd Witruar-VAIJi MIEN FORTY YEARS PRACTICE IN BEXI7AL DISEASE/I Glees mn a knowledge acid.. acquired by Physi cians. Sly long/evidence In this city. and ',basement of. patients treated annually by um, are inidlelent proof of my 61.4k.5. SPEUMATURTUICEA, or Seg oat Weaknesy, and all disease., Arlstng therefrom, are cared Ilia marl shorter Ume than heretofore by my NEW VILUE.Ti. ABI;E RaIf:WIWI bledlelnest to any part at the Union. All letters mnscont sen alti a stamps° p a eturn ofiteierudae l e bold sacred. 1y e'lrMlhfnmrn.llli'"lhela, .1. W. BRANSTIO, N. D, box eO3, l'lttaburgh, es. FRIVATE DISEASES. OFFICE 2Z3i REXN 13TREZT, near Rand For tho care of all diseases ors private nature. la froin two to fear days, by an enttroly new abd safe treatment. Also, Seminal Weatneas..and albotber diseases of tbetenital. organs and their proVention Core warranted or Money retandeeL Office boars-7 to 10A. W. 13d to X, ED , 108:1.0 BP. Y. Address letters W.. 7534 Penn street 0017 NANITFA=ftU;IFt§,. -- INDUSTRIAL WORKS. iIEGE 11 . DOLE ut - srrst; PER. HUGH M. BOLE & CO., POLDIDERS, ENGINE BUILDERS Az.till MA CHINISTS; Ilsoufacturoroof Land and; MarthaENGINES. ENGINES, LOCOMOTItig-S for Cool NEtlrks, WELL ENGINES. and erory kind of MitebfiterL, rns,de to order. All ' , writ warranted. CANTINOS of segry * description snado. to order. Reptilrlng M .:lll 4 ll r tlF P , ' ="oTlTTfr d P t r3l NT ALISZT. AND PANE OF ALLEGHENY RIVER, wear at-Tell:IL Plttsburah, Pa. .f=elladit ARSENAL GLASS IVORIES. MODES, RUDE St, CO., • • Manaraetorers or BLACK and EMBILINI CILAS:f. WARE, Lireprista• Ware, Bottleaomixiifoar ooia, &e. arehouse—No. lei 1% ATKK traTi between, Smithfield and Great atreera," PithWO: Penna. OS gib C7CIP... . • • Ice warrant our Wert" to be superior to aST,Mee. ufectured west Ortberdountalas. Always on Lund. Gleesome of the above drocrlption. All orders promptly attended to, Particular attention Dodd to private moulds. batty In 4 uoixss JANES IRWIN & CO, worurAcrruiteks OIL OF - VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 40135,043., 1.13 illacamtls.at nt., THOS. Y. COLLINS (mut 'Blom. COLLINS & WIIIGIIT, larittania tom u l;=:l2 - I:gil d Ni s iil v A r e k ,rgr i r" Ordenof Brittanta used by (Ayes Dia: facture% Orden proropily ailed. No. US KECOMD'tiTHYItrT Pittebtsgb. .nna. oeply. --- SEVthalitilg,ffo. 58 WATER 1.-/• STEZET. l'lttsbargh.Mfanofacturerof BOYLIR RIVETS, WROUGHT SPIIiES. common and railroad of erery deeerioiloo. • -• • • . Parttcular sited or shaped Spikes and BYOU', lam or smolt, mode to order atahort notice. A (odd Al sortment constantly on hand. EMM Jelic.goriais Ladles, Gents and Childrens SESIEE-1521 1 M53, In Every Variety, for Sale Low n al And `IKE puteisyivems SALT MANUFAM3MO CQ_ARANII . I=v4 .ZMLI"I'3,I3IEa r Sulphuret‘ of Iron Comer Pitt Street and Duqueine Ways DISSOLUTIONS. it Al;l6"7llticTON. J.III.I3KINSON C. 1.. Ult.tFY, MEDICAL P.77BUROAT. P.l SKATES 2,500 PAIRS OF .7.19.3:14DECLa 31301717-zzo so, 1.. v Wool) mum? IXO 2,J ILI