THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE Ir. B. PIN!..tIIAN r Ittntirt.L G<.'t:T • CUSTAIIAtiIk 111.1.1N1519 IiFFBLIEBRD B r MB aAHF ?TN Assu , 1 A TM No. Se Yzl - 711 TrrtZeT. Fitubtargr6. Ylowenta LIMTION. c. mall, rear. ... tislwro Eurrson., Serveeal by enrilerc MOIXN,G or firl,l,o). i;ot w . Vittiburolt Oiaette CITY ITEMS. Ilonaeoputlale lleellethe• At , . Drug 9 , re, Nos. ,7 and 9 Fifth .1 Death from Lrattglalng Gn• I trust my friends urn believe the fe:f-f , report given in all ire Saturday papers In rf I create to the preluatute alll3olll3oolllOlta nt demise It Is true of sue taking large Of the Nitrous 0x,.1, oi Laughing Oar, eve. day, and my general good health to one of bent evidence of the purity of this gas, made and administered by me. I shall be glad tr, mislay friends iiftet having passed through nub a grave or4lenl. C. Sill, Pie Penn street iliari.Too Boob the Coal Ulna. FOSO LLe Opera Rome to-night The President WM% Shatalued Sy the people, will ligibisberl Soap. SeSteal Sulphite of time, preSsraing eider. For sale by Ovules e9pti4DrattltLit, corner of Penn end Bt. Clab t tees Plttsburgb. The Greatest Sale Of Dress Goods, that erer took Mace in our oily, WW come off Oda weak at Barker At Cosa. ad Market Stmt. • Lore's Dry Goods Store /intim at the oortkpeaet.cormer of Fourth az..l Markin streets. C. H•xsox Lore e. Eno Take n Good Flex 01 Pittsburgh by moonlight, at the Oyeza Nauss toolght. New Dry Goods Opsaing almost daily at the north-east corker of Fourth and Market amts. C. Bar yon Lova d Ben =I All pricer. Aom qIU cents, to one dollar and twenty-five cents per yard, at the north-east ottrncr Fourth and Market streets. C. Hiesos Lo vn & 800 Th.II St. alai, Street Bridge Cali be seen at the Opera House to.ight Country BIiCVWIII/11111 Whiled this a good time to buy, as Barker g CO., are offering extra inducements this week I&Dress Goods, and all kinds of Staple Goods. =I We hare the only saran BTOCE of Dry Got.' a now open In the city. Remember, we are now on the north-cant corner of Fourth and 141- ket . atreets. C. flareou Lore 3 Bee. A Splendid Tien Of the lalegbezky Shore to be had at the Opera owe . to-night. MMe And Diseased Nails instantaneously cu red withwat pain or bleeding. Dr. Bendall has re visited this city, and can be COlll tilted, as hero tofore, at No. 40 Fifth street. Office hours, FrOm 19 to S p. m. i fealitt Last Five Night's 4..)f the greatest actress of the age, Miss Laura Keane. V- =1 For expelling worms so common with young children will be found in Brown's ''Vermifuge Comfits," or Worm Lozenges, whi ch are pleas ant to the taste, and no chll4 will refuse to take them. The combination of ingredients used in mak ing the "Comfits" Is Inch ite to give the best prossible eithot with tutfety. , . Dili From Laughing. Gals. We pubed an article In Saturday% paper whioll our readers rill A! Lod explained in the ft:9l°ring article,' taken from yesterdaVe Ferier: DZATH 'SOY ',LI:70E11110 01$ Ingtioticoln4Sattirdars Dispatch, under the *bore startling caption, • sorlesof resolutions, Aleph:oring the demise of Di. C. Sill, from the akees . Of Laughing Gas. But the report is gesdnatures and must be taken cum prone met. :Atatat all Important respects, the statement • ' , reOflffeOrreet and untrue. The Doctor is not 1 '&114,14 oalyaleopeth 1 that Is, falls motnen . tartly Into a state Of uneonsciousness when under the Influence. During this comatose _state, the patient is unoonsolous of all pain, And teeth may ba easily extraated, without *fleeting the nervous system. The gas Is Per featly harmless, especially when administered - by Dr. C. 8111. Ile first introduced It to the noire of our citizens, and bas a thorough ' sielantilleknowledge of ancestheticv generally. litre the Doctor a call if you have need of a hind, careful, skillful and expertettrod Dental ,deilteon. 01V• Nature • Lift. -4 , 103p1e expect too much of Nature. They triti • with their health and their constitutions, Gam Shen they are surprised that they fall sick. Ttityrreedtre of conatant mental or bodily /abOr open the animal powers is tremendous,. tray few systems and ccmstoutions can bear up against this pressure. unassisted. Add to this the.unhealthy influences which lurk nn seenin the are we breathe, the water we drink, • the artldelal heat kith which weendearor to -Chase away the cold and marrow-eearehing --maliture Of winter, and It would seem to re .qsra almost superhuman vigor to keep in iparteat health at this Vigorous season without reinforcing the physical allergia& out how rcdnfoive theml CerMinly not with asAlliterrated stimulants. There is no poison ya the outer air, or in the atmosphere of fur zuteeheated rooms, or workshops, or factories, leo pernicious as those deadly-burning fluids. phi use them. when nostfTrpl'ls CTOMACII/ vegetable teadg without alloy, are every ether!) obtainable. Na ... 4 . 4 413 ha* ever been °f ared to the fee le and dee".2 l4 ate d Pc' harm less tilts nature, so powerful In ling effects, astl latelebrated 'l - IC AID ALTZCATIVILI6 Le the array nil tho navy, in new eetile" Wet*, and in crowded attics, by old and pone!, notrand poor, It !sewed al a - iiten4IVIFT. AND Stsaroavrivx YZDIOIIIZ. with - thfrinost gratifying results.' tiostatlatos Bitters ' Are sold wholesale artdretail at very low rates at Illeuslers Drug and Patent Medicine Depot., itro. 04 Market street, corner of the Diamond land Dearth street., - lan and Whiter G• 0411. With peat. plenentri we oat the &Um tan of our Malaita the eubperb stock of Fell Piltad Winter Goods just reoolved by Mr. Mal Winer, Merchant Tailor, No. 329 Federal street, Alicekinta. Ma Mock embracea some at the 1110,1 t beautiful Clothe, Casennerea, Overcoat. tale and Vesting, over brought to the western Market. His anioriatatat of rornishing bloody, vourptistnirahliii, Drawers,CoUars Neck Tits. .11andlowctuelif,lia, sancta be gorpeovigi 'or west. A lsrdr stook of ready bud Pants Ooata Vetter sad Chnirtosta, will also be found an his ostaddlahmint. Pramson In want of eau thing In the clothing line should not fail to give lir. Wider •(GIL =I 1911 to facia arogplag *Ma out of algae of =by, • breath splay ma the. Mrs from AnOty irm Sheaf. Who ma vadat such famlnatiome ‘l.O mums Mau, to pariattude thorn, td make *ha mouth a matet of pearl and rubles. sad 'every sigh a gush of fragrance, all you haare ^to'do fair ladlesds tone thatmalchlass veva %pl. *eduction, !Yaps= go:admit. Thelma W. Parry. Traetiosl Slate Hooters, and Dealer, In ernAd wan Slate ot Tarim' colors. Mae at Alexan.. •dot Leaseilltft near tee Water Werke Pitt► burgh, Pa. Itesitlewee, Ao. WI Pike itreet. Pr. tiara promptly attended to. All work women ad water proof Bepatrirog Bona at the sheen. ostnotleo. Nooliargotorropous,prcnidodtaks root ti not allowed ate. is pat on. Meiners' IlseOita of "Dn., ?or proserrtng cider. Jar We t 7 Marls, per, Drugglin, corner of Non and Elt. alma% PlUsburflL earpeater SeaMut SWIM Having sOttupelia astir an ammo, of throe lean la th• szmy,l hays wroPertel WY she' tor all sotto afjobbms In as WPM'? UR% of the Old stand. Virgin Alia. between Szigth. 01114 streeszad Many Alloy. Orders soliat,igl sad proaSkr swindik . l • irsmax town, • 3101Sysi OACI 1 4 1 t• ar _ ,I 1 1••• jar poopooscsor orb for twos .by Cl aria Occo j torocrid, cacaos lan= sad SLOW ,_~~.~•~W_ n.,,..._...,.~, VOLUME CITY ITEMS for the Prenent Heel. I= 7, !tit. zi.n.laatiug Itr S HAT, tf, I:r 11 Ucrr —l./Ild) 01 0.0 r 44•1 tUe pta , t.l4, of 141.1,111.• 14, 14 N. lor.sEn.—Finding tu• 4 .It.were.4:4l Paner. Fx4.14-1...... 4 ', A 011.•4.444 - m,d n;ler.e4l Welk A. II Ateplzeom'Aper4rb nt letlires Ilti Febrbary 24.- To' the speech of Alexander !1. •tephe, ledges - file, on the 22d Mr. , tephent , art greatest wish was to tbk peace and prosperit.y to tile •, was In the ermeiti., or dm.] end n.iril, IL leg, and the oucatloa o al now t h. r :llob was - broken but how It cabi to, tk , alc.l There shoute Int perfect di .1 ne I, nit nnd any attempt to walk too soon won in 11110, tht Mattel—worse. Una healer 31.11,1d ,, 111,/lpi restieekness would do no gnod Et el fee Int enleuletert to otir the tit...ord. n; the ,nr-, 41.3.1. I be banished, tlll,lftiltlllrer.•: ,, t,I burled.ncerning the poet t lie emlorsea the Vrtnodent'.. 11,01, struetlon policy, end ennui the snecese ot the efforts the rostorotion of the States totl. , dr former relations was the Olilf hr for l there and elf-government.h Ile t eoutil should accept the Issues of the 1, arid 10,1.1 t. 11y thorn in good faith, and expre-sed , -ott- Vence that the people of th.orgi., t nail do so. Ile considered the whole 1 - tilted States one common country, to he cherished and defended as.such by all. The abolition Of slavery should be accepted as nn irrevoca • bie tact, and we should cease to discuss the for whether a new condition u'os better for both races than the old. lV Ise and humane Am should be made for the negrnes. Ample and full protection should be secured to them, so that they may start equal before the law in the possession and enjoyment of all rights of personal liberty and property. All obstacle'', if thole be any, should be re moved which can possibly binder or retard the blacks to the extent of their capacity. All proper aidshould be given to their awn ef forts. Channels of edUCTIAIOII should he opened to them. Schools, WA the initial means of moral and Intellectual training. should be encouraged among them. In conclusion, he mid his only hope fine the future was the peaceful reestablishment of good government and its peaceful maintain- IIIICC onerwards, and the most hopeful pros pect of talli ago now, Is the restOrntion of the old Union, and with It, a speedy return of fra ternal feeling throughout ft. length and breadth. These rt,lll/1..8 dCrielld upon the peo ple themselves--apse people of the,..2fipr t i e tll quite as much BR the South upon thri intelligence and patriotism. Moss fleeting at St. Louts-Resolutions Endorsing President Johnson. Sr. Lome, Feb. 'M.—A large meeting, mainly organized and addrtrised by leaders 01 the old Clayhant party, assembled at the Curt last nigtit,to endorse t Johnson. The following is the substance of the rt,olut ion which were unanimoully passed :—That tile message of President Johnson, Vetoing the Freedmen's Bureau bill, challenges the cord lai and unqualified approval and gratitude at all Americans ; that the system which the Freed men's Bureau bill proposed to establish to the Southern States, is radically repugnant to thelnelpies of republican liberty ; thal It would hopelessly pauperise the negro rare and, burden the white racetw Rh their maintenance and perpetuate the subordination of the chef LO the military power; that the total disfian. claisement of eleven Mates of the 1 1/1.-11 i.y the combination of Monition, of Coliarri.... Is a usurpation Unprecedented m its mann nune and heinousness, and t calculated to fin he public mind with alarm and apprenen , e us, and keep alive the passions and nriliiiite,„ kindled by the war, and thus make chronic disloyalty on one hand, and tyranny on the other; that all legislation by the pres;•bi Congress, solelY effecting the ; le , ;:n States which are tieutbd n-nroseat.ll,o Is ~nv,tLd ; that the action or the eeloval assedibly In rontlemning the Veto and declaring for negro suffrage, I. a gloss misrepresentation of the public sentlnient Missend. Thut the maintenance of the 1 . .4,- golug.prinetples aro essential to tile preserva tion of the government, and we pledge cot selves to co-operate with tilt citizens or vs I.Al ever former political party who will rat nest!y and honestly labor fur them. That we cord:- ally endorse the course of Our reps erentativ, in Congress, John Began and 'I Noel!, for their able and manly support of P•thleiit Johnson. Ilroughlng up of zee to illid,olll Riser exuas V, February '2ls.—Tho see us the: in front of this rlt limb In lip botYrek -a i1..3 and test o'clock this morning, end 1n u 15... , hours the river was elem . . The water tine rapidly indicating that 'he lachad dammed up below the city, and It bus since been sister tained that It is lodged near Castle. 1 Ivo In oxidation here Is comparatively login. The early :train from New York this morning passed over the rtudson river bridge direct for Cincinnati, and the midnight train to. nig¢ht..wlll also ALeaaT Yob. its.—The ice In the river began to moveabout Midnight last eight s and moved a few miles oelow the Minaret was there stop ped. At clock this more it styled still opposite the eity,as far abovetss could be noes,. At abOtlf nine o'clock It started again, and et about half past ten o'clock the river opposite the city and above as far as Teny W. a but. The bridge a as subjected to as severe a test as Is Can ever be put to. and steal it perfectly. An immense hell of lee, a foot thick, and ex tending front one side of the cheerio the other, came down with a rapid current, using it, force upon the Channel pier, the grand plot, and eight ploys east of (nu gi.tlld pier, all At once, without moving any of 'nem. The held of leo was Issoken to plecos and ground to powder against the piers. At tte same time that the Ice was passing, two trait. of care went Over the bridge, carrying over safely the passengers bound to nod fromNee York. It would hove been impossible for OMB to cross the river la any other any. Thatee made no earn at the bridge, his the contrary, the piers of the bridge broke up the ice so that It ho less likely to make a dein in the islands below the city, and will much Kanter go wilt° clear out of the river. The bridge is perfectly successful anti satisfactory In all respects. —....----- From Teas .— Cott on Factory Companies RESIGNATION OF SECRETARY STANTON. Wornstog—E•eape of Wligrall. ore. Gsr.onsooa, reb.l2.—Cotton dull. Ezebaug. ans.. &v.. .t - e. on Nevi York par to one cent dmeount. Dry goods =proving. Eudgrutlon toVeras eon. Ganes- A wharf, cotton press and warehouse cons- N TOLE, February 2S—The Herald . , special , pasty, with ono million dollars capital. hal onyx Sir. Seward'a speech before the Cooper been formed, paving four hundred Gleamed Institute meeting is Invested with additional es geld-.tor iota A cotton factory bus bean Mitnbliabed UonstOrt I anotber is or• let crest wed by the fact of his re. gentling. Capitalists Imre proposed to dig seining two or three dispatches from Senator a ten foot canal from Buffalo Ra Soh t .e -e- - Nye and others in lid, city stating that the veston Bey. MOGI escaped from Texas three .eel, Pre.4l.lcut bald made a terrible speech—one since• that he could not possibly approve or endorse.. The Motbedist Church North offers to take and one that most Inevitably break ttp the the negm churches of Texas under Its pro- , repuolican party. .nr. Seward was notteetion. EX-Prealdent Burnett le preparing a reply torrid, however and on learning what the to General Gregory, who demapded proof to President bad said telegraphed a full and cor onet= Bartlett's charge of mal-administrit- dial approval. tlon and corruption of the Freedmen's Be-' The wiseacres on the strectsand the lobbies seem more than usually earnest to-night in Captain R. P. Turner, of Ducksport, Maine, , their movements, tied aver that Secretary commanding the eteamer Planet, hence to Stanton has sent In his resignation. Ono : 2 4 . 41.1 e, was drowned in a storm- thing tends to comerhorate this assertion, and tiVi apothem Paelfle B•atiroad meeting com• 1 that It Is the special order, given by Stanton, tnencea tceday. The track' is already laid t his morning, that all papers awaiting his Ma rra. m a r!duol twenty-eight miles toward. ature Micah] be prepared and brought before Shrfiveport. with nil possible despatch. The President's e rns of the Freedmen's It There ten well authenticated report that rean bill gives goner-4 /Abduction. Gen. Steetimun It. been telegraphed to come The steamer .a.rgarettat leaves Mobile on to Washington, for cost hat with tho Presi- March Ist with emigrants for Paraguay and dent. It is 1i1 . 1.1 tract that a strong outside ; Brazil. pressure Is tieing made tor the appointment sew of General Frank P. Blair as the Secretary of War. The herald says that a dispatch was recopy-' , ed In this city lust evening. from Knexville, it Air. 'Branner, Preoldentof the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Stating that a terrible tor nado passed over that city at eve o'clock yea. terday morning. Ti,,, ofillee of toe depot and the machine shop of the Virginia Railroad and the round-house of the Georgia Railroad were , blown at Some thirty or more bermes were blown down and a large amount of other pro perty destroyed. Mass Meeting at wan Franelseo. 8./.2 Fa, acne°, Feb. W.—A Democrat meet ing lest night endorsed President Jhonson's position and called. a mess ixteetlng for Too, da l i h n e e l!l r st L ian State Central Committee to-day adopted resolutions sayings " We do not yet percieve the hreparable breach between the President and Congres, and until such breach ' conclusively appears, we will continue to hope , that the fruits of the tritrmph of the Union arms will not be lost.;" that, "It is the duty of all Union men to avoid oorusecuon with Vol. • landlghtan, Seymour and , copperhead confed erate sympathizer „a; th at it such men endorse ' the policy of the PrOsident, they don't under stand that policy, or aro endeavoring to eV, duce the President from his allegiance to the Constitution; that the abolition of slavery ;rah the result of the rebellion, and it was wicked, senseless and cowardly to withdraw pn.t.c.- lion from four million" of freedmen, and per mit them td be reduced to slavery again; that we believe President Johnson will remain true to the constitution mid his pledges. Saw Yoax, Feb. 9l.—Cape Town &deices m January lath have been received. The Basuto war continued. The army of the free State was melting away - by desertion. The result or a year's hos tile is that the gammons have learned to for tify themselves Is Impregnable poslilons, un aasattesta without trained troops, every lin t mountain in their omultry bciag forth eirr ai l. ' The Sammons have already commenced their raids, sad there was danger of their over-running the whole country by inczossini raids. It was understood a lovy enmasse of people_would be attempted as a last recourse against the Outdoes. A skirmish however occurred in Which six ca ttl ei latter were ed and nine hundred and sheep cap tured. from Mavalar—The.Cubess I+of—De- Ikisw Yams, Feb. 3L—The Herald'. Havana correspondent state that scone alterations are to lake shore in the Cobb tariff on the Ist ult., but 4 there fs no material reduction of duties. The small.pos decreasing at Seen. The Trench transport Jura, which arrived Cu the Bth inst., with 900 Trench troops from Havowt whose term of service had expired, Was +=detai ed nat Havana There is still a great demand for laborers in Cuba. arrlce sh eargOell of Coolies were expected to .ortly: steamer Oceanus Ashore. _Tasremsercs, February td—The steamer Opsnna, btmee for New lOrk, which went ashore on Triday ul, on the south side of and bilge d , remained at ten dela* tidareoritlter ber bow well out or water, whielt. was level With the stern. The sea was 'smooth-end the I wseth V umosard, Hfir w =td 01, wil=l:7aire4. EMS THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. I.\ \ 1.---\c ~. 1 01,1.7,41 vr1,4,,,, Fir'r , A LMI Toe Basiota War t:=== ~~r 4 .._' 5..~. FAY L ITENT TRUNK THE BONDED WAREHOUSE FRAUDS. =I I=l oath. 1 \ NEW Illith. nWtll for broke rth ' o t t ° , " t, " e cargoes, ho ocs n o d ( e c d a p g t nre.l Murray, an old cittlen of Itrooklyn, was fore £A&M tIAT IJH Of If f T hANOkU MANUSCRIPTS man of the Atlantic dock stores of Wheeler A of Wheeler, was the chief managing man LATE AIII II ES FRONI MEXICO. of the concern. Murray was sltltoet to the orders of Thurber, and be compelled , } dui to deliver goods to his order. Outlay N r.a• 1011 i: 1 , — , }en Uritt, 111“ now made complaint to the United state% Marshal, in which he alleges that Tiler ', .91ted Cali of the Lou. m lee and am- her anti other., at yellow. times since August, toed the :ett handed la anuserupts 11 36 3 , into ,. 'tele. goods train prize cargoes. rutten . tern. Being asked for 'moon ling in value to 'MAO, or thereabouts, anti fern inhea a detached statement of the specia.•, .ha 1,.11, rid ins, wrote t, discovery of the goods, names of the yeisels , ont of whose cargoes the property hail been 'stolen, and, in many Instances, the names "Yr ""°"°" Otto ' and places of business of the parties who par or .". l"f '''''" , chased the goods. The facts contained In the 411 /1 11 hand 111/1n wrlttuti IT our t.IIN/1- complaint, were pieced In the hands of Mar. .oioi lel 4. a Itnxe lest Ott arm. They are • hat Murray, nearly three months ago, nut eta Inyntly ore It o to the authors,and train he matter was allowed to rest for some tune, the rise limy. or penmanship, It would Inspire , hen the complainant threatened to pot the lasi, would ,orrN to accept , to decide the acme of the ,ompet Hot.. see In the hands of the United States Dis (Slgne,l.l Inlet Alton:toy, when the Chief Deputy, Mr. „, Thompson, by order of the Marshal tame out Li c t an affidavit., Which was signed by the complains The ueo'' ,, d jug 41 e v ` o ant. The defendant, Thurber, tint in as his e th° ,,,, ° ', , O m ei T a d L ","" "..P ecime " ` defense that Murray was a man of had char m, of the numbers ,... ln ii% ; “fi 11 : ; . omp u litit - en i tl i t . ry terms. The commit • a ctor, and could not be believed under oath, : on e in complainral terms all the allege appointed to award prizes, amounting ID all Lions in the t. Mr. Murray prodmani to the sum of one thousand dollar, to the; several citizens of Brooklyn, who testified that authors of the best productions, d em d e d that they knew him (or many years, and that his a complimentary award should be best owed character wasgood Complainant tarnished tile writer of the manuscript thug re. g toured to. to the Marshal the names of fifteen or twenty The Herald' I Mexican city correspondent umu persons who bought these goods, and request states states that the ltaperialLsts, not less than the e d to have them present on Wed lay last, llepublicarts, are closely watc bat not one appeared, and the case WWI ad cation every indls Journed till to-morrow. cat ion of the tholgns of the United States, In regard to the sett tement of their trouble, and i • were mnrh delighted ti) the rumor that unr XXXIXIh CONGRESS--IFIRST SESSION. tiovern went had commuted to recognize Mail man on condition of the w ithdratrat of the Frenelf t room. It that Maxlmilllnn in • _ , . . .. . .... . . _ tired of haying a French rod continually , W ssuisterott, February, 24, 1.466. held over him. He is said to manifest corn- „,, ~,,,,. ,_ ~.0 , , session t,,,,,1Ly . . piece indifference regarding the depleted ton-' • "`' • "•.• .. dition 01 the impedes nuances. It Ls thought HOUSE. that he hopes soon to overcome this difficult)" The House wont Into Committee of the by establishing comparative peace, Inducing 1 w ,,,,,,,,, foreign emigration, and thus developing the I ••`", • la natural wealth of the country. lie Is said to 1 Mr. Clark, of Ohio, submitted his views on he anxious for American so ttl er „ ~ho will : tho subleet of reconstruotion. Flo did not eon- Icing as well as their own skill, ingenuity and i shier it Important tri argue the question of industry, modern inventions and machinery. , The Imperialists are represented as being dead or living States. but to look forward to very lunch surprised to mach of the appru- t such measures as urn requisite to restore at hension in Washington that Maximilian wan . the earliest practicable day these States to re-establishing slavery, asthey art Inclined to t regard him as eutertalaing impractically; their onginel harmonious relations, as faith eh larged Ideas of Itherty. . Int and loyal States of the Union, with all the • Petroleum is row no article of extensive I rig hts and Immunities of the best favored tise in Maximilian , . dominions, and oil has - - recently hero straw On SleXienn well. ! States; insisting upon such as demand adMI. ' sten, that they mstahlish unquesttionable loyal -4. : tv In their representation and cersunituency. FREEDDIEN'S BUREAU BUTTERS. ' ' lL l l :o ' n " esee w a fi n ti d n l.r t i c r ' an e a f ratl i y "' honr w i herge f --- - Committee shall submit the question to the ' House, unless unexpected developements Trouble and Excitement intielpated. should 4how these Statesunqualifled for such • . admission. lie said that he had full faith In • ___. -- the wisdom anti patriotism of Congress, with or without the aid of the President, and eon. CIRCULAR FROM GENERAL HOWARD. cioded his speech with a peroration on the fa. ' lure of tile county's., as established on the --- i broad beats of frywdom. Ws•msni Feb. 23 —!OitJor General 0 a Mr. lienneitt, of Michigan, wan the next speaker. Be said that in April last the emus.. II "' as " has P r " the (.11° ' ta g cin ' il.r try was electrified by the declaration of An- • leiter, to be transmitted to each of the Assist- drew Johnsen that treason was a crime and ant Comusissiouers of the Freedmen . s fin- must be tousle odious. and that mercy to the • individual was treason to the State. Those !eau 41' n P. In:yr „ Bees An a urlyo u sentiments met the approbation of all of the Itseentt.+ e. .... or FniZlnlinxrn LAS nu, • f loyal north. But for expressing the same son e • timents now we are demounted as fanatical lib 4" F ` bran 'g ' M r bggi • 41., A., 4,7 lon, and even as traitors. lbs would ask who were the men thus abusing us for these apigiene, •.! -- Anus:hint-log it!. ' and where they were when armed were tints ss r Wel:send!, Pillow the action nf the being raised to put down the rehe.liont when goer:l:meet with reference tot he now Freed- N.,,dandiannn, vita ngrea „,n , and „ On , 1 , 0 men', you may reel somewhat embarrase writ of th e sam e corpus was suspendsall They ....I in the A alit, sir volviug upon you under were tn . sann, mess who gr i nd ... nnnon etri n the law item I,gliittl Inns already existing. That sand ISti at the .enflets of the national honor. '" in " a ", There was nothing he so much desire la s t he Srlii•`•-•'-a••or any admix of those southern States, hu he ! bo.tiirty On, be part of those who have so per, was not willing to effect that end without re sistently hackled and trookilad Ye. 0,511 Your ceiving a guarantee of the prod faith and : ageuti. As here may be an increased restless- ally of their people this Uovernment. The ' news atuonget the treeihmen, the President Democrats who 'reran., villlng anti has smeared toe Cure nalesloner that he regards • traducing the President. were now Ida clam . the present us cant Inning the existence of p frni[ ft, V) tia.l:ut eau lea,t )tear trout now. Mr. licensee then posceusied to show that " 5.1.1 re p ort " hat bay " the un,E411.1 Southern toy - idly contained 't Li" t• rtes, it ". ° walrus. its Lusting the Government, it Ming in. ~