The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1866, Image 3

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Eii 2 33:0033 OF
1104118 MANS,
In the House of Representatives, Feb
ruary 10th, IStIC, on the Itecoustruetlou
loolley , Of theeresittent,
It has been said, however, by way of nuiet.
the pathlie feats,,, that, -these - plans , were
inereiTexpertmerital; and thaants harm could
eome Of them, because, under the Constitution
Congress must be the judge at ISSI. of the q nal
' Mentions and eligintlity of those who might
present themselves for admission 1.0 seats Lt
thatitiodY. aottanipllsheil, We are
'how awakened to the fart that the power re
ferred to here, innulY that of each House
logseparately upon the qualification, of Its
own members. Whllothe Exec assumes
the right himself of founding hew govern
monis by a new law declaring who shall vote,
and settling by telegraph the terms of their
rionstltutions, he Is pleased 10 claim in his re
cent tue.ssage for these creatures 0( Ilia own—
ether but still the name—with their vitalities
- repairediat Clint fodniorn only—the - right to
reSume, Of course, and. without inquiry Into
his work or thelrn, the places which by un in
genious fiction they are tempos,' to have he.
fore held In both branches of the national Leg
hilature, making, as he says; '4.111, work of res
toration thereby complete;' while we are in
structed in tort.s of unusual emphasis that
then IL will be for us,"each of ns for ourselves"
p roceed to : lodge of 111 Y smallerm at ters of the
low in regard to "the elections, returns, and
qualifications of our own members." These
instructions are, perhaps, somewhat unusual,
sad possibly nut that kind of information pro
eieely to which the Constitution refer., but I
do not quarrel with them on ground, of eti
quette, even though the advice may seem
gratultiOns, andthe jealousy of a British Par
t-lamentiutßhtha<e regarded It Oa hrearli of
privilege. The are dot, It is true, exactly In
accordance with the tenor of the authorized
report of Mr. Stearns, which did convey the
opinion that we might -cheek these new gov
ernments at any stage, and oblige -them to
ronfesa their errors," unless it was intendant
10 °Arid that power only as the special prem.
gative of the Executive himself. They are,
however, the official utterunees, and thZi apol
ogy assumes, of course, that there Is no gees
tion-of ieglelation involved. With.thil Inter
prelattotrigits'mcianing there ht nothing left
to Mgr,s but to register the edicts
and rally the work of the Executive.
Taking it, however, to he otherwise, they
are still _not less obnoxious to Mateo;
ad d , It may be convected that States
~ have been admiLltvl, hero , without anyiirece
w, dent legislation , though inine,Vtilink, where
they were organized ;wider the direction of
the military power, ad.: none, certainty, with
out the concurrent vote of the two Houses.
By those, moreover, who think that these
States were never out, it wilt he insisted, In
~,,Lifiudauce with the executive idea, that they
wagyiNFocognitiou, and the refusal of Con.
grog, tc,g,,,..45iZ their members will hreolllY re
gard,,g,fts a of right. /tut the mete neg.
Wive .or either 1162. , cs 'Mom the question of
their a poir:.'r ELre,etlYinferior to
,that which presides. Over prganization
and prescribeat he kwr by whichthe7P4relotive
proems la to ho regulated—twit as infeiof ID!
• the veto wiged lay the C‘onaittutica In tat
fistula of the Exceirilre is to the initiative of
the. Legislature. The Minders work se.
ratig to that law, and as it 'Sheltie°
will the structure he. 119 we sow, gat ex.
pect to reap. lien donor gather !coon
thorns, or 1 gaxfroni thistles Thtia, a priV.
ileged class Is to elect Cie delegates, their
work Will be In accordance with the principle
of their origin. and will he submitted, Submitted. at all, for approval or
rejection to rho same parties who
inapireft .it.; and if the government so
framed - Is to be recogiured.becansa it prO
temleli to &representative one, the right of
declaring its Whole fUndamental law might as
tvell be acorded to the llsccntive as that of
declaring a part of it, and assembling a con
vention to alter or amend that part. There
was no occasion, however, for experiments of
this sort, whose only tendeney 18/0 forestall
theaction of the legislative power, or totning
nbont a Minchierionc errntlict between the two
branches of the linveroment. if tiffs IS Pwile
esly a legislative and not an executive tune.
than—as' nobody can successfnity deny—the
President has Oh vein at all events, upon the
fiction of Congress. lie cannot invert tha
'der and change the. ronstitutional relation by
initiating an act of legislation, and leaving to
Congress only a negative voice thereon, par.
trontarly in arose where the voters named by
imself aro erpressly endowed with the, power
to restore the state to its lUWlStOutional retro
Mono with the Federal Government, and te
present until form of government as will eni.`
ulle it to the guarantee of the United States,
and where, of course, It L., expected that their
'work Shall be CApPITISIVe.
It will be said, prritap., In reply to all this,
that the object herd Wak et tc found a State
government, but M allow the legal voters or
the OldreDrine the privilege or altering and
amending their original forms or govern.
• -moat, (90118 to restore them to their teem'.
intim:m.l Yelations,end eutitle them t0..1 he
benefit of the gnarantec.
It is not to he disputed that these are Si part
-.of the objects stated in the proclauuttions, /
. win not scythe!. UIS,9 vac dam by way of 'pro
testagsamst the logical conclusion from their
premises, from the whole character of the set
itself, and the rental - aloe of power which it
involved - that the measure was S. reveled ins
ery onc—as Governor Orr admits It to base
been. I. shall be, excused, however, for dug
' Reeding that it was. untortunato that the law
adriserof the - Government—perhaps.ifs petit
* latillestor--should hevetworlooked in this a
depart. ire from his own practises, that conlil
scarcelphave been excusVei t nu Juniorpleader
in the lihrtlicrn States. ad obviously for
gotten the recital on Which Mesa hrPrArall"
1 iona'vest„--tlim spostulate that .the retrofit.
,tionat7 progress of therobellion had deprived
- theeeStatesofall etvfl government whaterver,i'
and tiustleclandion that the purpose of these
' _conventions was to enable the Joys! people of
these Territories not ..toalteror am en 4, there
• constitutions but "to - organize." or eon.
earnt anew , wbere the original government
‘ a
was matted Lobate perished.. lirheneverhe
;titian e able to explain bow a constitution
eane Ist in a Government that has been al
together. destroyed, or why ho should have
treated the piocess of organization as a mere
protean of repair,/ should beglati to hear from
nim.. The man wha reaches,. - tins conclusion
Irma hbf . preinises, will have "no nartowirith
.uticroes. ,' -I-kopo Label, not be considered no
.c.nritable, however, fn Seggesting.that all
thlaincousequentlal logic looks to Wens if it
was the effect of an uunappy, struggle to es
-cape, the 'consequences of a doetri-e which
was fettle lie neeessery is order to rinse the
e, power in the President, and is thed discarded,
, after baying servedthat use, in order to"re
move the ease from the Juritillation Of Coe
, grass. - ft will require something
-think, mom_ I. '
th, than either the subtlety of %northern
plebe-manes. the exploded metaphysics of a
. JienttiCl Statesmani to reconcile- any one
' step in the action of the Government, 'with
the idea of the continuing existence , of the
States. • • .. .
in the same spirit, however, apparently,
'that prompted the , sottaqing down of an or-
talliilltiOtl into a mere question of alteration
and amendment, there - is a studied avoidance
Ufa phraseology that has found acceptance
here without-even provoking criticism. We
called this heretofore, in our simplicity, by
' ate inumileasnameof f.reconstrpetion? , The
Attorney General, pretests like liardoiph,.‘by
this , light I know. not the , phraema and
ntraightwax our rminencleturis falls into dis
repute.liiS ell, I am ready Le maintstn, if nce
essery, in the language of the tame dramatio
personage; that It is "a soldier-11kt word, and
of eaueoling good cenimaniLn. tt Is the
merest hyperewitism toobject to-Reapplication
- to the adjustment of Our relations with the
revolting- States; but - whatever difference
there.may be here, it is impossible that there 1
Mustang) , dispute among scholars In regard
• -tolitemeeise aptitude in •describing the rem
nants:Atoned it State - Thequestion is too big,
.bowcym-, to be settled in tide s-7. If anybody Word i.restoratzon,. have no ob.
cation apart :rem its historic significance.
It was the phrase . used. on the rettirriof the
Anmrts. I hope it is not mainons. MarleSll
came back wit.). • it conditions, notwithstand
ing the efforts Of d'ale, who endeavored• tom).
, erne them s ba t was pntdown by the assuratteo
ZI. Cie-sterol hfonk, (I hops' We. are 'to. hove no,
briers/ )lOnk In tins mile), 'Bishop Stalin
Saysgbat this omission was the canto of all
^ ' the(ot errors - his reign, wbiettit .requlrea the
• 'Bevolutlim to cure.. I know that , there Is a
conlldence hem:cosi ri in some oputr
ters,rioglike that Oi thojeco._.bit" °flnplE ,
for the return of the self.C.Thess reYalfamily
of the Smith, but /treat we ire nit about. tO
lay the foundation for another recall:Mon by
the same mistake. Apart from thia, 4 repeat
;Lust I am indifferent 89 to tee word. it is
htacient for me that it implies, it not de-.
n e at-!gnat derangement, distarbanes,
‘ , l3feetwoltingtitates have, by 'e
new law,-defletted from: their orbits, gathered
tonna anew Center, and ceased to compose n
part Of our system, or to be obedient Theyw
They want renewal or regeneration re
quire to bo brought hack by rut interior adjust
meet that - TOW reinstate tbe law that lids
been brohen. They. are In the system, and
compose FL partof fpV,Only de Jure. Nobody can
ray that they are there in pilot of fact, bis.
mama'that would contradict; not Only our
.1M est Owl e Ilmt4irr senseg.LhOmethlage-il, is
admittedby ail hands, must he done to neat
• tabllsh their relations with the irmon. They
cannot do it themselves. Nobody pretends
that by the mere repeal of their accession or.
lataaimea. Miry COtirealTßlC their places here—
to 4 ,,11eY might dolt they have not withdrawn
-in--virtue of their original title, and with
their ristts slid privileges unausidkd. Their.
Legislaturilhave been even , (oriel den t 9 as.
rouble:miusilzsculive nitwit that by' their
sat Of treason the cicilells consenting 'thereto
have forfeited their nigliest pOlitiCal right—
that of self-government—and that to this ok
teat their Constitutions--not a.s theynow,stand
but as the atop ; before the rebellion-are pro
Leahy abrog a ted . Re thinks. too. obviously,
Oat bytheir abdication or dereliction
—ls In. thk Cato_ of James _lt—the gel , -
oreignty.bile lapsed—bet nob to A15. , ..A. COM
zoittabot the last House insisted that tt ro.
turned bathe conquered people, lie claims it.
for himself, and accordingly seta aside their
goitislatm.m. Governors and judges, recontill-,
takes the, Wy•politic, doclarea who shall be
gtermen*Zurir. and appoints a provisional goy-
Enter Wimp thetaidicound tall the privileged
Pattie/ 1 together to organize h new govern
.o=M: And all this iscallad amendment, so
the ingenious suggestion that they are tob d
Ain the slibetrialdd Ot their ;bald coustitull
No cunning phraseology. no artifice of words,
potterer. can chaos% the nature of a thing.
The re-er . eietreete - of 'll part of an abrogat&
thw,oither with or stlftiOnt addition is no
M 4 a=lu 'rl" o7-1 1 4 ' i t rail t y= j '•t h t a r v :hr t glY
On, anti laelther case the product - would bar,e
4.een anew constitution.
But why **studiously insist on the avoid;
pt?? fkf OthApilbaseolonv ttbtro..:l •
"' 1.1.4n1 / Ca 'ait• • ethel3bo Drat a seat
'Sao ell t, t still subs ;
f"Prenio • or, llT'u'W:grsite caste met
- - -- - -- --- - -- _ ___
sage, folio:Meg thatelf arkingellieus southern the tail of a defunct repute after the very life nate.' 3 - on please, bet
_you cannot refine it, , the truth blazed upon yen_ front the , trenches RAILROADS.
oovernpr,-NhelltUsee,„ .Or eta lawyers would has been crushed out of Its ITZ and are only away by verbal dlatinetiOrts Or scholeditlC imb. I°f Ps' , 4rideen that - the black tray in sour , ADEUSEREENTS
1t0... +ti b ia the Con tbe eharitable'hy to nudergoalteratron and re aro the hands tieties, by caning It political or geeing well 'Cale 4 le has now added ii. the titl e 'ha, -•- ' •
- ------
piTTinillEVAl THE &NOE.
potbM-is at suleideltelrapossibie, because it of the same cunning workmen ; who had de- auy.Othernelnenebrture. T i f k iihmight as , Almighty ea, hi m, ~ claim
y,,„ ... ..... • . . , 1866. WIZTKB SHOPE 1 .
..Thxbidden.ara.thelefOre ; by a pleatint fie- etroyeal their machinery altogether: - /t is the danyme all the Ads of tizen, because . g - ratitet3o. licee do yew/ propose to pxy It • LessLi &No)! AtiArLett -AIM RE_NDEIELsON. ARRA- GENCEST,
ti ontelltheeepregftentactathatlnive marred a Same class precisely that is to renovate the they are a.O peed ' asdelay tnethat tone-elm _, N _ a i - _,,,h_k;s is elee thou is l , °l ".'''' me , le 1- i - s , ~,,, •• f , I.• ^^”.","" ~ 0,, popular Amer- HAILX TRAMS.
contliterit With Ire, andeevered it with ruins, timer., True, ft is with tbe coaditlim of loyalty, most importantof tem all-which La esinel. L o _7l , ,tr,e_r, , ,,egc Of thenballot met-stem roe hi.. ' "•'' ' - 'Oe47l',i - ,: : - ,:1:4 ''-- maned after ituNDAY'Nov ~ tilt ism, traitors:pi HARDWARE' STORE
ate sltnply told and to be ignored E. nullities , and U neW oath, anpemdded. Ent what are tlal to the protection of the residue. Pier to , 0 ,.. Y3t0n es making lam nominally freeand le th 1.1 1 r gr Deot, corner of
A s-
a• .
And this we anthem. infoimed by the Execn- these! Wilti are the loyatt Not cattail:ll7llms° I AIM you pilfer It from me by , the jugglery nSun,. Mtn tO pet down the rebellion of hi, MISS JULIA DALY. Itf?tlArssrg 2 =Fllifilr,; .2. -e33, lc 1
tive Ls othe true theory.. It is undoubtedly w a g committed treason against the nation by lus assigneig tO it tho distinctlon of pre- master. That mester will not soon forget the
the emprenient One-40r the traithrs--becanse , waging war against or giving and eosin- rogative or privilege. I known° prerogative! infleelLy of the ster. on whotti be relied, or ,•. t An t • ac,nee of it, ratorlic Comedian. napping at principal stations. Anives at Altoona ,
It furnithee no eolution of the great problem i eel to its enentim t list If they urn excluded here, and noprivilegesthltarenoLor at least, tlyeltualliation that the pre.' chivalry La. A T ig t. at ssZ A. II.• Tyrone. MX a. st. • (Bellefonte, loaf 1 1.„,.,„ to engage in other bushiest, Wendt° age"
of the time ?, except in th e ern/Tender of all ; who are the voters , when the only r asa that ought not 10 be commonto US all. The tee*. enifere/ at the hands of Ito own born terane fa ..A. Da I PI "4"' A. , A. 11.: merit Harem Cat A. U. i; tiarrlabure.t tater. roe l a„,
st.; Battle:lomi .45,:a r. af e t hew York. ma Allen.
contra ores the rebellious States, and .the proved true to its allegiance is precisely the sage itech reprobates a subterfege like tide e•yela the tomtit of interest that compel ied him
tent iff--a r. u.; Philadelphia.: Mal r. at.; and Nee . -
M i etort El.AXsrf.
restoratin , of theft people without eintdi. ,' one which was excluded under the Old repita , when it asserts the republican idea of to treat that slave with kindness, because he
York, au Philade_lphla.aa tat= r. lc
Lions and with absolute imMuulty for I that it Ls now sought to restore Row many of , "equal rights for , speeder privileges to was bit money, is now broke,. , name to
. .. .. in' , uo 1 FVL SIN,. rch. Intl,. . sll ne pre, .11.1 Y ffINCINNATI PRESS- ' S rit...rah
all tnelr crimes . Why It is the tree the
; engine! .voters, beyond those who were ! nonme No t yon must either settle the prized- real INA:tilled vengeance upon roahl lona.
1 - r no,. .eh is, i,1,1, ri,sma milts...l
all FinikLE A 3IERICAN COUSIN. luso A. M., stopping et neatly all station, Altoona, 1
al I Stock, Good Will 7d ls, '
one, he has not vouchsafed to ehow. I know, ' driven into exile have stood bo the old flag tn 1 pie that this is the w man's Government ,to Pay tack the debt lie owes V v.itilss s i t . t bl l i s ; Sf k fs. h a i i , ',. , ifslilsbret: CIS P. 0.. errs clog ' ~, ~,,. ~,,, , ,,,,i ,, t ri ig o p ,t lis ;‘ ,:- . E ,iiiio.•
Of coarse,that the high functionary who the hour of our . trial 1 peas lt a majority- ' elm e, or 3. 0 , must share an your politleal Ma Innotent ;milk, nom the humble Moen.
Math 4. RAIN-4.e.r. Pittsborgb at ISM A. St. i
altMeitSoothe Pen:nine Of each an empire as was it ere : , a tithe , Can there be as many ; rights with men of all complexions who In- meet M yOnr t risins I h, and preying to th e
as.: 4,05 lO..
nib 15 neteltrate"-Timet-e- 5 _ dto render a reason ' such men ro tt ed ea would have saved Sodom 1 habit among you. The Democrat; par excee w,oriil tae troth ot what be ha- .0 orl•e told ~ Time **a ir Of Ni l mmiliogar. 1= 1 .4 rm ' re A sr l , r imtO 4 " t u l mT: 3 2 A m. T .T., o, d rtzlladel. THE Brn.Dric us ALSO OFFERED FOR SAIL
wheo be ceoOrde , .0 dogmatize , and that, le rem, dm : t r e e :m e 1 Wit know that there man-
no west love slavery for its own 'set° and., !" 4 „_ , ...V0,7 Dave mart Isl. sonsiltlOis nor et, . _.
. phi.. at s MA. xi.
the view of Ind too many f h
' 0 - 1-e leaders of not, bemuse wn know that they would not do not of ;ours, favor the doctrines ,of either ' , :e , mgiolin to frec4.m. Ile begSso. to tvil l': ( )PER 11 If Olt' 'I:
S . PIIILAIMELPIIIA Ex.ritEs-Leavemritosurrm
ptibllo opte lon. It is Impossible for sorb a man ha's, been toiemt.l on southern soli. We liberty or equality as to the black man, accept draw ytur black troop .. Ile n Islie• to h . '' • latEa P. al.. stopping only i t principal station& , The so. ns. pleatantiv attested at the BI
t obllonpanion,
err. With a practice, le3Wever, so entirely L:now it, too, from the declaration of the Gov- the alternative that this is a white man's ge e. Bet eti irOM ,yous authority by beteg all. m. ~ '-•,,N1 , • , I .., • ~• • . r riet V ',tires at Latrobe: s, sn r. - u., Altoona, Sno r. w; Me ritosgh. rt. Wayne and Chicago and the
Hardsbeirg. t-as a. a, • g a iro oore • 7 ; m• a , s t . • Neva efe.eland and intl./sures Rallroses, and is rapidly
at , ationeewitti this rteeery, and an adonis- ' ernor of 'virgin's, that unless the law that ! ernment.-ai, does the president himself na his ! ,1 ! resume hie place in Hoe rob , . a hleil he ~ , „
York. via Allentown, imee , A. af... Phlimielphii.,•Dit .ne , osing lo -I.e and ImPortoncr.
teorittno, fatale te same breath, that 1 n
"the Polley ' disfranchised the traitors only from January, ; oat sided argument with the dusky committee hates. For this t m .3 won. gto twognt, Ih" e , n ,„'„' ;'‘,;,,':';,,,.,,,,•!,•;-; •• h• .t -t•t . s , at t . 52.....,-
~ A. st.• and New yore, via philatielphfia, at Otter. at. • The hardware bodiless La. truly Mere-lied with
Of -t
I.¢ Over 0 br oa ch,
territory"- . Mt, was repealed, there would not be men 1 that waited on hira a day a- two ago, when be .. reatti oOf the war In the nOMIIIOI etnnuelPs" ho hs isul',',... of ~,, ~,,",„:7,- , ;,...,7,7,`" b ' `''''' ' ineefas Cars non tbreash. on trans trom Mt.,' the itnprhtns ot of the town ind countre, mail the
the very rule under which alt that region has , enough left to organize the State. And IL is se- ; reel Mee to gnawer as to booth tan:gine, us- lion o' the slave, sr you will leave him sobleet ' nu to Baltimore and Yisiladelpina. sad to lust I tenth , I. now o large and well esmblished: TOW la
been go v e rn ed, and all the., States region- I rionsly proposed - that the power of erecting I tomes that they are not a portion of the pea to la' uuthorlty, without richt. of oil 1 ren , lit p MIS* I. 411 It 1 IiERNIE loc vin Allentown. . no 0ti,.. , Ilahlware 'noir os the place.
• - FAST LIN r-I,,ares Pitt.burgh st tam V. e.. -.
atrueted luring the recess of Congress- government s , In order to enabie these States I pi e , and advises them to emigrat e from the etid without any ...a•aray tor the worth , ' ".- al t 4 of 11, •,,,,,,,,,„,,
.„, n
stopping only at Pr' ncipal ttationa. Artie. at Al. witIGUT s i. PENNOCK.
meld havo implied the by the net of their to resume their risers In the Union shall be eounfry which he had previously declared trt ;or Meet of the [therm you hove gok pi , I , Ini !lc ivr.r. BARRY
- ' na at 3. A. Y. Harr lobarg.• SAS A. at.; Bahl.
Inhaellinits, they had ceased to exist," it • vested in s keore ot men oat of a inifinlation I be their own - and are thereforoconsistent and earl lord to make alined...l. tont Whet. w Neil -
- more,e els. 7) r. obi New York.,
...In Allentown. ,41
would hot 'tare been unreasonable to expert counting hy million. 1 But how le the ones. 1 logical in denying the suffrage to ttte negro, the Executive hails as imeepeeied evidenee of II" "' 1 .,,,t 1 . ., 5 t l l s 1 N ''. `', ,•, b.. 1.,,,«1,....1 u.. b., r. is. ; phtudemlim.l Ida r. u.; and New Tork. 1.111
an explanation of the course that has been ac- lion of loyally to be determined', Not by the 'as they ere In favoring the policy that Ignore!!
su rprise t o help It. The only • I'd ' " I Philadelphia. at It. s
lutt l / 7 Pursued within the Jurisdiction c 1 tie oath, because that, is merely cumulative, and I the war and seek. to rehablitate the Relate°. surprise to me 13, thaton sorban ItsvilatiOn the I SIIE STOOPS TO I oNQIT.R. •Breakfast. Whiner. :Suppe,
dependent iitatea, that enjoyed the rare ad- is not offered either te, a test, or by way of ratty of the South. I wish I could say as much whole Fault did not rash incontinently Into I , tpally all saes ireurns„ Sunday: excepted.
vantage - unhappily denied our rare-of Ming purgation for past offenses. It as a test, the for ere Union party as a whole on this floor, the ereentwe embrace.
Incapable Of MIL and equally unobnoximia to word might 11, well have been omitted alto. Gentlemen of that fatth are without apology it , If you do, a loot hi o•our gift of freedom to 1
But %.111 you accept ' - i* , rn . r. ''''' .'"' ' h.' " : '" l ng far, of
Joe Bragg's lit ill. Sundays, at 4- o e. n o stopping at re.lar ststions
the penalty of death. The only answer that gether - ,- , 41t0w then ? Is there a Mettle In the when they agree with them in either. ' the bark man t It Is but "the Dead sea fruit I •
toctw.n Pit tsburgh .0 Fonetnangtband connecting
In reher- l. LOST IN PI 1 T•.1 1 C11,11
he could have made would have been that the ante/eaf). welch works not only oblivion for
at Blairsville intersection with trains on the Indual
Li h the om-
Tbepreelatna on as made negro n , _ _ _
that tempts the eye 1,111 tun. to ash. on the
Branch 50,1 West Pen osylvasta Railroad.
doctrine, although good as a theory, wtei good the past, but converts a pardoned traitor Into ,„ el et free . Ile counts in the representation. lips. tv hat will you have done fo r utile ward - liv
for nothing else, because it mould not work, ' a loyal loan' In it byJudgment of law on eon- ICKINS nwt.E. A LTOOI. A ACCOIIILOPATIO.N-Dally (except
and was utterly inadmissible in practice. To. vietion of er [me 1. I% It by attainder on prop- ~,
and he has done it No sensible man Pow , our generous and noblo-minded martyr Free - ' s 3 udayst at 7:10 A.m., stopprag atallrexularstotlett
e st wren Pittsburgh .41 Altoona. and making Mao
State, however; in the judgment of the Pres!. lamatlOn by the - Executive . ; Is it by trial in 1 'e;J ete
11 .- e p i a - y f s tax . es, and must bear arms if neeessa. of the Republic," sir wee eimeacterizest by
. ds to doubt that be is a citizen,. or eau Went, it he ft to pass Into the condition of a connection with trains Ob tee inane. Branch. Wee
dent, still lives, with Only an " impaired Thal- Poll or by eompurgators at the hustings t If
t orn'sua z E.I lilt tau, FED, 4191 11, I ?dab, ..*'sssitillanla Railroad, Lbemburg & Cresson Ran-
ItY," although its germ - emote, has been des- ; the old eonstitutions are still in forem.eitber lanhi l lt in eiew or these conelderatione. The
itherferenee of the Executive is put expressly h omitted and exasperated muster may Impose
Pariah,Und to accept Jost emelt tern. us 1119
.....,,,,..., .... a ..,. / ...,, un.L. ..,...... .
roAd. oet liontaaysonrg Branch.
troyed. It Le dead, to be sure, as Lethrust in by construction of law or by virtue of the
L:.:,r,a.t. t i aLe t ommodatten Trate for WalPs Stalls:i
n° mere trance, where the vital foremare still ! proelamatlons, the exclusion even of those antho e rit to secure a republican-form of gov- the minage of liberty to make' his condition
EXHIBITION OF THE PITTSBURGH ' 5, ..a A.7 . i . ,e aftZo l W 'n T . ? " B ' 2' A. i t
'holding the organization together, but with who may be impeached of dleloyalty looks on the ground of the obligMinn of the national on hint You well only have mocked am whit
Sunders) at 1 , , 1ime. , ,, stem - au ut 111 alla j tlll ' llYOr
all its elements putrescent or decomposed; ananalngly like the forfeiture of a legal frith- I rnment Y to each of the States. To effect tide en-fold WOrgr than it wa. before.
W ast Ls the , Leers. doity tea cent 5u17.14 - ljanfhl.l.l 3 . l Z, SL ' U ' l
I et. entialthate majority should be allowed fulfillment or our plighted faith ! it your Acetuumodallb, No, I-Lessee emir (.-crept
bet then there by a power In the Executive, chise, without Judgment and without law, , and ;
ri,,,T1'1",;,: e - k‘• -
beyond the kingly tench that purged the leis- ; is too high a power to be exercised by any oth- ! t s Joy s the political right of governing, and , purpose only . to keep the word of promise to '
; 1.:1Z111 ehOuld share align in its direction. To the ear, and break it to the hope I" IL won
~,,„d a, tt ..t t. :gtinn Train foe Wall', Station-
ronataint, from the blood of the beaming, that er than the Sovereign.
I put AP/ class under tbe State, would halo de- 14e , try renneu'eu‘ ed . , e.ei , ) In Iles , tusßir - gin irry-lev 7 - PE.TiFORIIF.RS. •;, ,, diterl l ..tag
. t . h r e , 1 ,..,,.. , ,,, , ,,.. ,.4 :, ; 1nt . .. 42_ ,, u:?, ~..4 , : ii
G 3 '.II.Y.ISTIC .ISSOCL4TIO.4'. ..s.,Td". n
can awake W from the sleep of death, lead It But there is another condition superadded
forth in its grave-clothes, tide is aafely over ,byAup of abridgement of the right ; and that ' dace them In the words of tne authority - JIM ter, fur better, have left the to iserehle victim o r r the State.
l price them Of the rights of citizens and to re- eti tech hopes, eel,' to disappoint tnezn. tett- ee . r ler, .1. I' 11.1,1. arid ',l . ° I/ 11‘ I 1 1
tn./we - Pitt. tr. and Penn Motion.
the frith of a four years , rebellion, and bridge I
, is the . exaction. even front the loyal, of the : cited, to a state of civil servitude. ItiSessell-, 0, Your
oath to supnort the guile to the slavery in which you i twee. to seas ; c . a . z i t..... Mei at oo t r he
it,r o i t A
~ t:: :: •rh Church Trak. tear. Wall Station • err Rua.
over the unfathomable gni( that duringall
day at seas. la. and artlyes In Pittsburgh at 10.01
this ban di v ided it from the living! ] '
es, rola : no 1
to a avers.. ho friend of the country 1 13eclaration, an “the ccmsent Of
P a aciamatiene and ' , IWO 1 till MOreever that It should rest, in the inn- round
ri ' eof the ? Won, MI dreaming of no change, than thus to '
content, perhaps, with his condi. E , r , m u n t. fit t, e tt r r Lat ., lrg.„ lo,..s... .;_.l..ha-a
The Ile,: re 1 \• I N B 1 Nit,wl Ihe In attend- ,s. N. Iteitirrilug, leaves pittototrah •t . •
arrives at Vls all's Station at listio e. u.
r. W.
I while it IS admitted neatly and again Lit the
hen from the earth. only to thmli him doo ~,,,,.. - feliesi sn
will of course. ;Meet to any wholesome Bel- ,ge g erned.o An establishment that dote ! lilt
I old State govertenente wen. lOst beyond yen
a 4
; intions neon the privilege ; but if it was sot not conform to these principles 1. not reptile again antler 1111. feet of Ms oppressor. Better
.-_ .„, . _ an d
Trains seri re In Plushn rgh u follows,.
1 the Means Of self-resurrection, Ole m ern
mesem credit -
competent to the rrestdent, not to confer, hut 1 l eas wheeler the power be lodged with the for Youmelve., l 0 , Mr your'
Mali I 1 En A. st.
Phenix Le supposed by some Instate rious en
and your future fame. If von load declined BOOTS AND SHOES. boot Line
onlyto permit it to the black men what au- ':dot, or/Rai. No matter as toitsfrupia.
trio •. at
veyance, by same metempayeloosis unknown
hit services 11-Hoge:boo . The world, in that First Wail.. atation Accommodation__ !f a, A. .:
was there to limit It in this limy to the We are not to be e heated by appearaneee tar
to the philosophers of Greece or Ca, priest- 1 white man, Neither the Constitution of the names. It 009 something more than mere ease, would oel,v ita vel reganied m• a% tools. '( 5
' ii:Ni'VSI CALF 1100Tti. r,•,,n Accommodation .....,
lithodOt the Nile, and only rivalled the;
it will not Justly pooh its an ger o f 3,,,,, second Wall's Mallon Accommodation.. 6:50 A- /11.,
- -il‘' ' thoitesi Steles nor that of any of the State. f that the Conetitution intended to seeure.
so Johnstown Accematodatlon..., totes A. it.
posture qf the ttnand Lama hlmse l i: to have hu.s ever resquirei nn oath of this sort from j and t the process here Ignores all at the tleyernment whit, Ma, capable of A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S WEAn imam Express tat
inherited the vital breath erne defunct State
the meanness of uvula og Its haek oft the ben- . '4'‘
the voter. If he could impose Ulla, what, woe I these pet
and rests either umm the
Altoona Accommodation and Emigrant. .10,ta r. a
goverstment, dead toes, if nottlead altogether, there to prevent him from Alrearing the.m te I dimulest perceptions of ' free government , elector to whom it miliettled, curl, up- !
OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Third Wall'. Station Accommodation I:40 est.
has transmigrated Into the Confederacy, and I th e ob.e r y anee fa All ac t. of Con,s, aniral 0 the southern theory that the Pealed successfully, In the how ros Its Phi tadelphil Espres.„,..
now lies bnrted among its rums. But let nn proratimations, or requiring them to swear n r egr " o La not a man, or that thin Govommeut Imre diettress. What 1% thi+ but trusting the ' Penn Ateemmatztion s No. : cn r. u.
V 31111121110 this new revelatin.
Mint. to the venom , Will the governing Pittsburgh & Erie 01111..... mal r. at.
that they had never given any aid or connten- woo only Intendellfor white men. If thermal,- LASS POLISH BOOTS. An Agent of the Y-xerlator ()mu11... Company will
If the nets done ow these States bad involved once to the nthelliont If ha could disfnmehLee ,
I salon were to exclude all men of Ceitaeblood I
V LW., to whose tender march, VOll are eN.
pa.. through each train before reaching the Depot.
MITA question of 'excess of power. as In the the uneonvicted, traitor, what was there to 1 what a. mensation would it not produce among peeted te tam him us , • r, 131•CalinC they ander-
A 0 ..Issue a.,orfinr.nt of take up• cheek., and deliver baggage to nay parted
- casual' Mew enacted by a state yeti:mature In I Prevent hip frem enfranchising the loyal Mae the Democracy 1 If the differenCe, however, stand his motels, and Ills Interests teeter than 1
,`, c thy, Quer, No. 410 l'enn street-open day am/
violation .of the fundamental law, this view who has become T ree , D m s sat Is the recur- ,hi only against the Arno..., nststency than you do, ever stiffer Idni to rise iron. Ills ..
a. ' night-where all orders forth.' movement or passim
of the easetalghthare derived support from ty which It furnisheal ilow long is the sill- ' would require that he shoold also he excluded degraded cloud Mon t A hat is 1 nut • t
' - • perleller liannorals, Gaiters, Over-MOPS, of . • i n, and baggage will receive prompt attelllloo.
, the dgetrine thatprevails in such. eases. Here, , gallon to unduret Old It lend the members of from the enumeration hereafter. With the already on tins point , A lout run est , what Baltimore .rtes nillarrire with rbiladelplis
honorer, the 'fundamental Jaw itself was the conventions 1 And if these bodies have end of Lhe ' , divine institution" the three. foretaste, wing assurances ohs thecae 111011 give r rpm, at '1,7.. r. u.. on siondays.
changed by the very power that eimeted it. defined the qualifleatioe in u different wo7 t fifths dame , which stipulate. for a represeti- you of future felt/ire:awn, even now that Ihe ,
11 1 11SSE,S BALMORALS, Norifix.-in V 13.1 of Mo. the Company will hole
thou...elves re.snous Isle fot personal baggage salt
.Whethet,rrightfultv or not, in vlew of their I are the voters now !reel talon, not of or for him, who was not then a mauves for good Indinvior are •no exigent anti ,
cud for sn amount nut exefed ins $lOO.
`Fed relations:UMW now the question. It ' The programme Ls in effeCt to recommit teen, heifer his minter, has Ceased to oper- overwhelming , The condition of lilt- Mach ,
All st I lc. of t W. IL BECKWITH, Agent.
IS ail cleat That they did, in point of fact, I them governments to the hands of the very a t e , if the freed slave is now a citizen, he man s. a slave illwistalillesi 1•11.1 as a witness.
. Al the reanssiyanlacentral Railroad Passenger Sla
ereernew kalrerrittlentti upon the mine of the men who horded them Into the rebellion , hes a right to all the Privileges, al he IS con- against Me master rare, who a .10 tllll., prof-
Calf Grain Itiorocco and Kid hon. on Liberty and 'Oashlopton streets,
old- Atill LUllildishOUtt i l it BM' been expressly upon thu sole condition of a new obligation 1.,,,,,d1y a nbieot to MI the aerie. which that ileally In the exam's(' of aI I 1 hod rims , ' . • 9
forbidden, co not, the nature of things, of fealty, after heel j est hrolice a Peer Inns relation involves. If, Instead of rising from his person and lila l if e at the awry) of his
he PreventML There was nothing In the Cou- one, and to abandon le nem to the conquered the fractional w a in, to that of en integer, he Paler Mother. lie Is new free Wlt loom this -r-.s 0 OT ,s •••
a SI-10F'q
attention nt the I:ntted States that could ,as soon OA it Is won I Wes ever oneh a denote ,19 110 longer a member of the Slate, h e iri ,., privilege he has no „Flex i lint is white man
„I '5
_..._ .
hinder treeperpetrations of .an actkOdther of I meat to guilt a drama! But ft there embody I came to owe ail other than a ad.:flu me:a, I can ise.corupellecl to 1 e.ises t. It Is essential
treason or suicide. They mlghtlinee allowed ,in the loyal States who Is willing to release allegiance, end the idea of e representa t i on to W. tel sully. No court x Mil n the wide
their governments to perish by omitting to : all the semi rill., all the rights and advan- founded on his existence here, moat be ex. arms of civilise., inn ts oss 1.1 • telsole bon or Boys Itoots nod EtalmoralS,
supply their integral members, or they I tagesacquired ey the war, and prescribe no
, there
forever. • Anti from lids dilemma any other titan from I lot nit ne..., ,tun ,' on tin,
. I " o t 3 Urre‘WittßlXlSWnifla they did, from the ' terms to those whom lie s harm s put been dyeu there is no escape. If he is a e m s ., the tiler, ground of ra , o r color. it admitted • nutt nu- /' elf, till) iiiid Grail) Leather
Feteendeenneetion, he entering into other al- with perjury, and 111110.0 hand are still drip- Gee in:melds° is his right. If he Is I‘ol, rel. tz Maul, ax th ey 111.1,1 he ,,, hi. ~,,litoltity I.
haneett,ldisclahnteg its authority, and tenni. ' Ping with the blood of ono. butchered sons, resentation on that basis Is logically inad- sell a qm , tion fors jury of mls ne Men. An .l
`, rre.l. Nailed and Pen. J.
• log totobeyitslaw e str Lane any part in the ad-'.except a renewal of their already broken miemble, yet with flit. nfivntstale, tills tool ge of ...I-
I gattiatration of its atnsim. All this they did, vows, eritieh they will make volt:Maxey, and yltude 13 min tesisted en, 11101 .lea.l 01
Tile effect of the nligareitie process te to re- e t o „, 1 „ , ~,,, court s of ~,,,,,,
,c_if Lau d ,
~r, , ( 'lll 1.1.112 ILA'S SIIOEX,
and more. It was tlie act of the people them- then claim -to have no binding force bemuse
1. tat tit o In el as It was before, ' - - t• - ' ' 1 •Y .---• '
selves. , There was no Interrehentleo. They they have been made tinder a son of duress, ns e e g cern g
_. . that name. where eVidelaa. Is exc luded nit
carried their •conetiintlone into their now ro- on the ethics taught by a d Istinguished call - list ' without 41'Y check upon it. Tag we cannot system, and 1 - 111. tribunal of a 'Turk An I I 1., , , .1, . ~..,,plete .10, t ~1 irew..l., at too
letione-ehanged. It Is true, in this particular, of Ma f or afford to do. There le, fortunately for us, alMaryland/ What ilnol of a test iethft l,_ , ,_ .. __, ,, - I'lls 1. , at
butetelrepublicen inform. Theymight hare , a statesman 1 Would any rational Govern. 0,,,,, , e•teent among thew that ems leafed.e - . ernruent submits to the humiliating neve,-
changed them into monarchies. Their new • meta on earth be content with meet attention, •10 °ring them back, and may be used to Keel' , • silty of nltiolrass lug all emits us e r•les, n het - / CLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM.
mahlishments aro now overthrown, but how . Who does not know its, utter worthiessnem 7 I the P e •
eee. not by Mlles arming or disarming ever the rights of 0 negro ass tos ni viol- M
la this to revive others that are admitted to What is It bat the flaxen tie that bowel the it, but by the restomtiou ofa mere right, wide !mooring tinee wherein 111, te..1.111, 1314111 55 and 57 Fifth Street.
havopreethasle perisbed t NObOdy pretends wrists or the flebrew champion? What Is its! tion ea well as our own.
1 es eesentlal to its protec
,_ be 1... pored between n Mt. met.- n 'IL 1. ,
that It. could. the proclamations the
It value, In view of the events of the rehelesm, It la a "PRY eimuniinnnne .tee t , , 0 Se. l ; ' emelo.l Btrisillet Inn of Hs tsw , is. while II ullon .• G.... 10 v. I
admit. that they have been left without goy- • that heye now passel into history , Row Is lof met:trey required by the peeve° o tit toyai these r„....,pi e to
co t e ~..I,tet he, )1114.10 en- •
I Stains is precisely that which the Constitution able ti o t
ernMelltil and without means of recovery, ex- our past experauct Mere these people ever bI d e a duty. The obll than
eePL et tho banas CT the Executivn. •, , Caltlt. be ; kept fulth with n ot , told it hold any of the as m p nae an " a ffa two l a
111 suels virtu-Mon us three, an
wry vr.,h‘fl.A.,. NbAt.
truly Mid, then, thet any portion of the oriel- ; rebel leaders who filled employments either is to guaranty toevery State le this Lutonn though they were really free of oer rat, and
nal structure was rescued frOM. the general civil or military under the Federal Govern- ramiblican form meet. If - the whole
at h eft‘Thr pr e e n ; l h
nding all itsorder could bit safely tenattei with t he performnuce
wreck, If there was, then how much, and remit, or tinder those of the revelting Statest • Cannuanw" tip cote a g e, - . 0 , ": ,of each a work ! hat how Pt it in regard Intl., ' Cl 4 EA RANCE SA LE
1 wbo ohm? docum??? 'Prue, orgeof the objects WWI not perjury exulted lute-honor of the high- with the privileges on gto rash, is not marital relet Ma, r itb all It. la-ideat i 1101.
stated Is to enable them toreatore themselves, est ch Oral de type; children taught by their ownere tsound t onaake it tio l andare
I republican, We es to education and preparation for the hello!, Or
endowed by the Constitution with all. he pow-
But deem sopped,. insist that they' Can do eel southern mothers UtaLthey were under:mobil- ' „.... - .., .._ _ Hare the schools been tlmown open to hint -
Is title eons stent with the grounds on which ' sauna to with Yankees, and that ." necessary for that purpose. ant new are .in he free to wort on hie at a term to um/ silre
brae powers to be ezereisetil Not try the pros.: 1300 TS 4g Sill:lES
the prpelaMktions rest, If they Can, What L. thee might swear and MI su - ear themselves property, to go about wherm er his interests
Limit bee he not prescribe the tenets
Mint mild la apology for executive Interfer- again and again, to snve their parreims Or their N „,
~,,,, amorea ~e r n e ini„ o i nn th„,, m ,.., o f con .„,„,.• or inelenation 111 a) ICIIII hall. and 10 ~11..1. val.
race 1, IT t 16T usu. mfbat Ii 10 hasald of rho, property; mid the very highest epeclee of the ' - ' - -- t m i - a .Oael - e,,; n ot o - iNi i o i ; roOyMent wages n... Ms ean fairly earn till I. csiWILENCE its
other !object 41erlareil In these instruents, erimsnfolat ennentred even by the tender end to admit , bemuse t or is he s te t
s onic, to comieumatlon as ss
n act 1 legisl tia which it
whiehlis to uerlablethe people of theae• States admiring rentals of northern Generals and In eilatna ' but b y a a . 3 . j . vagrant and sle or appren L., .....,top fei ate..
well be only the duty of the I resident to en- . aniline f•ai W b t s t 1 it 1. 1 •
to preeent such forms of gotrentuient as will northern statesmen llt may tw safely assumed, force . It i row emu , of this Jut which -` a ,n a)" , e e• •., o le. tet
entitif, 'theta to the Pena: OEtbst consien- . ass general propmetion, that those who were ! narrow , July General a. 11111 - 7,10 e 1,•.111 of 5 1011 g 01..1 vx•
usual teitentig them initheir most forward to abjure their sworn allegiance ; f ' ae. to u merely nenoure u'rae' tended he I , which I. so mysteriously brnored.
. -
r sure" as to pot down a usurpa
coultlietthrail relations, saulethelr pestles., here, Will he the that to vielatmtbeir new 1 , thrty ,
eat t
... is a bile to the face of It. a othentie a a .l .•,..,.
-therefore, to protection from invasion, itmot- ' male vows, by swearing' theingelves back ' tab u ,
°r e
te umiti a re obligation ea so'... srbeinilie; testae., ;Le l're-Illeilt 1.. 1,11.•
rtioe, owl detnestio violence,' What dorm ' reran listo legletative lamer.; and governmen- 1
male a i it .., -,. _ sleighing Our blooslisCLlgist ron..IIAST Ato tb.
all Mill -113elltei- U they were Sister. 11l the lot favors. But will yen consent bit ttlln over cantor rito °Tg "re
°:atluriantrlTer':”l:trier'"".- enemy without even taking the tall-IVe 01 Con.
' Vahan, It required too process of Organization 1 tar feW Fitton mit Ite ince, and nue thousand. ' „" r na b oo b:L a : t in t , f t gress, 110111;1i 110..111111g al the capital, and
d li tl 1
or Them the advent- of faithful alileitYmong the Insets, to the ten- 1 - chat
ego of ChM° rightg,heranfie they are entitled er mercies of these inane, erted and unrepen- t , to - a .
to there already by the very letter of the Con- I cant rebel, , and bring them back again into '
etithilmt It is bemuse they arc not, because 1 these bails on pledges et fidelity that amount _„PeeP the g
et t or sO i gen y un. er I preying the trAtuthillity 01 1.1. C. 1 3411th boil., re.
the law of war to deal with the conquered the
5 1 1 ur ice i y i n , i , r r t ..
el In wadi a way at; to secure to all etch , 1 , 1 „ 5 , n „ a „,„ ' a y " " a " n ' r " ° n .•
loyal le ri ht. to which they would be --e----- l attice ileyelopell ther e ' . t
that block
~._ „.
t .
t __ neap; 1.011 .1 not 1,11011‘01.,Aal a : . a.1‘....,,,,, ; , b e .
they lea v e been " deprived pf all el - ell govern• at bat 10110 more than au engagement not to , a n.. . e . "der a r e i n... Trn ' O.- M D '?'" .. " eauselt would Ise 'sec ehsis i I.o3,ll:llttlate the.
I meat, and to protect the I. n Inn itself rem all ,„ ,„,....
talent whatever,. that ' the President proposes I repeat an experiment asm_ latt which you will enure dieturMnee These States are irltaollt ... '."...' hales "'" th e i r "e ' r ar " aa ''''''' ' 11 ".
to mat: a them so, and to endow them with now want no other al- If r-t ban the recolite- 1 - • as 11 tn Miteitssippi, a tare the l e g al mills la see
covernments of any sort-those whirl esiteted 51 ,,,,,,, „„,, ,; ; , , ;, ; ,
thereareebtminew by reattnering and hfirtling ' Mon of your power 1 you are wise yon will -
havingbeen overthrown It ' - r i - ' . ''''s '' ~• •l " ' be .trol . Put
thersiegain intseehe relleral connection-From ; not be content wall imiyassnranage that ore and were dis lo ya l , '. , , chase, front you As. berhased hesr.ssocus, de,
which_they haVe been Cenleasedly detached- ! either int reltased by interest or external a la sup censtitetlemildute to otenlY *how • /I. =mortal+. eonocernied t/, ISeI. 31 .3 r them
upeal a reertitft, by We own act, and •withon i i necessity. foil will reader It impossible tor' new epee of 0 reptibliCan character, to pro- sod stain .- d , rho . t . s ..
i bids wine ether shall be teemed. If their I Pa I • ,• ii thelr sob nee.,
Any agency Of onrs. ft is a corifeetit on of oat- I them ileeelre You a hmtn, by mtheing to trust 4 - stilt in pint Min st tin the Id 40.1 , I
- , black population-if a majority of Guar loyal I e o hmomo , e , h I
lan - Ty - which no legal acumen, logentot If o(' theM mail they stint! he , :n resestabllshed tiled
ar oar an. a nu ate 11. • , 4. ,
I inhebliattte- not if a mere minor/La demand • e
can explain away, and it is worse than t itic to your ennedence. amenity Is more ine
~._„,,, , t „, • _ alert - mite disarming tiodut Do.. 1. ft .II 1, o.
blie to multiple upon forte* of expresolon In Pori
to yen tnan 1.111,60031a1t., ay. even . - ..'"Aers‘ o "' -n , 101 l geal'amee, 0 4 that. nith nemem /low t o vi rs i t , i , I. I. won t b.. ~...r.
the face of Such tin admission. • ,- ilact the demon 13 or C.... 4 lAA (it!... z r, r....... Ai a n ; oat we shall provide them with a govern. throw nr Ilse rebellion, eel os the stbOiltlosti..
.... LLCM that seal admit teem to the erne Of ~,,. i.,,,,, north. ,„ a „.,„,,,,,„,,...,,,,
BIG antivenin these State constitutions tr, ,a+ they rimme. ht it as for me. I nue' , beg to - enixensloop, and be at least portly with their ' ext ,e rtnt th ,„,,, „; I h e .. 4 ,,, s i t ,. ~r,"if „ u „ ~,
be still in Parte as they exbd Oki antecedently e .eu . "./ Cron , ot , e , nd 1, 14' i'aiti , to I lle , e fi''.' own foray e d, weceerint evade the eerformante , Doi, , tie ;b oo t, ~,,',l ~,,, 5 t ro t, 1., ~,,
to the Passage Of the lieearai . rdinaas. , of se - n '" i st r e 4 Pe . PhYtee, rhr.r oettaPtieed rents- by th eo m a o r a want of constitutional power. 1 still temple on the ro -his nt the hmet. man
CeastOu, On the ground that ell that bus been gatiey, until theybaye stripped to the skin and Thedeclaration Of the &dr gives It tons, with 'I h ee .,,,,,, 3 „ h e ih. n t ..-_ ~,,,, .„ , 1, 1 Lay,
enacted sine , t o eme t ti on o f th e yot ern i i n , ' bathed themseites thoroughly In the waters t all the incidental means. • Taat4inty is not ite. , th i n e; ~,,:t ~,, t , ‘ ,.„' ~0 , „_,,„„ „„ „„ , „.,, n
was simply voitioothet then was the occasion or regeneretinn•
, s , need ; but we have Wieldeti the Miele so long 1 010 1 of the r oloo itos uts I , is ,, , o5 „. 01 , ittu
for ant. irmentftrient, ofel whence dove tar 1 ilni. sunricatng Git. gnorant"e 1 "' a MW-e - to enforce the law, that many
n o hare of the n is
improv..l by muslicitratico n s ;d er
Preeicicni derive his authority to Interfere at , F-tecuth 45 lunette., how dm, the manner of ; cense to the conclusion ths.- there is no other a Dolley " that cuts Min off trots the t 41,4 inee•
ail, teed 10 Change the law as it steed before, ; r ezbannanee rn are nl t b the nb i eet '''''g he "LI weapon tor such a ease, alien In point/1g hut, of all Prot cut ion 10 person or p met i 3... 1 ....1 ...
-even On.thesebleal, el' emendmentst To that ue attained. / IsP 01.14{11110a 1 a to assure a :
It Is clearly inadequate to this part Of the •
.fltrlbled Ohs - 1011%1y to keep hist alit Loud. of
(-me they may return, of 'course, whenever government that shell be republican.
The w _Mk, nncl the payer of the Legelate re la the -..
Ser. -, nod 10 prose tn the e orld Limy the
they 1111fLit,preper, without Mil legislatl" ,, m°ftni- Tr °"1113 is ' l ' 3 tt ibnil t" govern" ' only one that WM someemfolly accomplish it
whatever. .' Wby await the repeal of an act ; meet or the people The process adopted, in real Vieton I. theirs. ats.l that your boon of
It tli andoubtedly In acconlanee with o.r ' freedom .113 only a cheat mai a dela:ma
that is absolutely void.) What le to prevent, ' direct. contravention of the prtnelitles of the
Incatee. flu .1 la with the spirit of our What Is there to Prevent 113 , ,,elltiVII11(1111. of
theta how 00talng bac/smith their cormetn- I movaage. la to n ..indge power
t in the hotels of I t i, .,___, on ,
s that It be left to the pGO.
... th e whole Mark rode In any a these sates A.
eons se
admen.'re Taking it to Die question i th
't.P4l2:it° elves , the sate.' ;1, 1 .`,..!VX.`, 1 Z , v„;?"' , 7.`e-- , --, 0 the drat Pince, .." soon to, they thall here been relic, NI
of,am Only, it IS clearly their die. t c ._ t , he alth a dim only :y
~,,,,,,__ , performed by them In that condition of , from one control by reasittllssion Into the
etailen to iltnend or not.; and lithe). are still , Omtr.lesoillt
os a moot 0 0 1,...7 n ,, , 0 „, ° ,,`,,,,,. / `„7„1,.," , treetiOla Which our arms have givee them. Linton upon the terms of the Executive ,
in the idelen, there is ne, power here or else- '
somei - --.-- -- a - s. -., lint if they will not do this of their accord if y m , 0 1 1 , 1 , e even te the ; ,,, orta , cc„
... hero to say o hm, ame n d men t. th e y s h a ll I ante/meg, a 11111.01rIty Of the woote pop- ths ~.,., tbot e os b een ef . mi t ionot i to oo h a
*Peke, .or that they shall not resume their ' latibn. Does this look like a fulfillment of I went of n norttiCrit ocatnan-yott n1:1 oe
sell 1 MUM on holding the rein and delaying to m ai l as forme/ ly that Horse are ;natter.
plaCeaberetellbOtitalteratlOn of aby Serf. The I the obligati f on, or even /quint in that dime. • their fellow; even lio a rompertobio mogualty of Mate regnlation .01117. 11111 you epoeti t• ,
eXeeshiee Meath of the GoVernMent admits, tient The orm. it is true, may be republican,
!Weever, thatthenething meet bit 401301.0 re- I incanne It 1001 to to representation by election. lof them, the rightful privilege of a larva ute• th e court., 0, ;r en d e., d 0r ,.. t0 ei, o ; it .'„, oo
1 der a ropubla i knowsampossiblo wry of mc et- to negotta,‘, an amicable 5,,..„,,,c,,,, Oct They
store these outlawnwto their original status In nnt tinG is 1,0 7 , the Moto ff it crime i eVet7 n an " leg the LIM ilr&t by interpceing Oneseive. and wie set Year fate rIA et sh: Elmo, , and tire ~ toe
the Union. -The war has resulted, as we agree etitational mona
redly In Europe mlg nt be prescribing (anew:l3mM). law for the urea. out with ..ern and I-0 stin els' the EMI' s .
iri St - SIMI:I . :1U Ilia emancipation of the slave, breuglit within the category. It is the dl.- I ~t ott. it win' t ,,,, , , , baccoagi , . i bin
varts. ,, , „
~ n , y
,„ ,
tin a t h e o e u nto ti o , o r Ah e c o ogi c o i n -opera s . Unction of classes., the p:n a rtenent limitation
, remarked, to reins.' the cengressmen who '
0 4 fore and the Inenocraey te the North wlll
el•asitllCt7 hamis 00,1 exult over ion r .11.,..1.
along with the got t en:meat; and these thing., I a the right of suffrage t or few, that , in aypy on terms that orn t oadm i moin in . ~,,,...
...., . .
.. ,
__ 1 .
~ _
must be In seem( was' atknewledge.i. They I makes the difference between the aristocratic
A o ,ii, ! use
t wont.. be Only a Centel of justicio to ''' s o i.":,; l ~„' t i',, 1 :•,., 1 ,7,..7 1 „, , „T-.., „ -,.„0,,,,;°,,, ,, , , ,
art, utulgestienably forfettures; eat should. °;l,7 s n ,,, bln i a L e r t nrn iti an e .,t i n clg e T tc l i e n ° ,..i nen - i I the iefraneld° o l wh!ch might' P %ere" ' of t tedom to the lips of the Mark man a: .1 .1
theyeLuite to recognize thee,. that ~ .1 I' li (..- - - who - will t - the — sets, 1 nite•Anstela of the faUlligiantEtt en naltiltlcil be !mi. dome or h. if von insi, tif
would, on lite hypothesis, eptultittite nosuet- I wh te a We,
n Ake oath .
o . obliration. If there he any lint
or the htm a peaceful costa,
olont reas o n for - excluding .thent. The grles
, hOW ver- if
non Of the erten of the eft:clam:Wien of free. lof the t aw b a t eat
dein le One that belongs to the courte, and yon govern Cie
or_ Maw., t
cannot drawit within the" Jurisdiction of 4.9o7'r:inn Clenanlluesdine ee
i' al 71'11 ort r Zr°", e o t I =lea a insrpv, IL mu.: come from the me ~- of the
and ger2c s h -. to r t Preltle lllithority, which is here. There la no e j Pet of the ills, i'y yon bar rgl , en him
a a- 'Power elsewhere, tmd Certain-1Y nom! Ir , a 60- Tno do this it la only neeettenry to intent bI In
Just t et r t ; t :Li . les elety that is yet eat a state of chaos, formless s. .
erne th e tielensive armor Col the leallot Thal
greMerthoPrcsidentiexeePt hYeaStilltaillthet t ••' 'eilleintlem which is s '' ea? "" tly re- and void, and wen nothing but darkness whit se: „ ro to 1,1„, the , eroco „ 0; Rut
these States are ant and meat be formally re. , probated on those passages or the toes. broo4mg over it. That authority, It Is true, • white man. That Mll make it the interest 01
admitted. -le that ease you may prescribe ! sage where -tin Oremdent Informs, us that i might. well disfranchise individuals" inch an the superior Chles.C. to C01t11,14.1 1.1111. Tao
teepee Withritft"that you molt open when , "tido government.spriugs (remand was made I the traitors themselves, for an enormons will educate hint Lt " an intelligent meet:del.
they knock, Without Inquiry as to their. con- I for the people ;" that . 1t should, from the very 1 crime, which showed that they could not be ante A l t 3, At. dour:', Thut n ill stettre lamer
stitutions; with lehleb you will have nothing consideration of Its origin, iron in its
be s- i f i; -- 1 aafely trusted with so itnportent a function- ' and barmetly to the land. TIM block tune It.te
to do. To stipulate for the aelmoWledgment Pollee of resistenee against the este!" hment
It tenni net, itowevelY_prosealbe, a, irnoto ' shown hiniself to he as docile, gristle, and Isis
of thesetldngs is but to treat for their read. °eines:entities," that "monopolies, perpctol- ,
class, comprising a LeelorilY 0, tee 10/al maneas lie has approrcel Mtn. Ir lot al Alai
miFikan On that basis, and exam/eta Mae:note ties. and elmts legislation are contrail. to the Imople, all
to the sell and im- brave. Ile will make a valuate.: mitten if
or less'llietteeeMpronese with a belligerent, genius of a free Government, and ought not oenebed of no crime merely because [het fairly dealt with. But relssember 'he I.llolllh
to bealloweel ;" that "here there Is no room • 1
I and they may reject the conditions because
1 ' I Wile has tasted liberty, and felt Ilse gloss of
you can Impose no terms of amendment upon for favored c a eStrr money° d that '
ea . an -- - I out riolatlng the essential &principles of re- an Metecustonted manhood, as lie, pulse
them. i illnli .. taint Cour awldutie gislators by Record
,.., [ publicaulstn, and laying the - foundations of an ' /leered with a new le sphatiou when he lee Led
dir a e l q i gFre it io h be tetuireenr,r e at i ,t or hell; . eo e ns p t o ttniionv gee a
p in rlmie,;B l to n d o e nc.°
t inv,,,;.1 0 ,.... r z en = p - n . , ~,,,,,,,T ri e,g . en t %., t - ,11,12 . 1 . 37 ,„ l ow a 1 op it i t the fohls of .. .your ktarry banner on the
110 W is this troth Lobe donut hiot hy executive to commend his Pneticent the ...Pens. Of his I tlitlhe t in c e a e r aigchadc4 luttl no rlggiltinit !,!:;;;,,„?';',:.',P',„(,',l n L.' e i t,';'lt'°: , Nucor,, bee. ‘""
direction kettairhy. The President luta no theory upon the question of State sinlessness . that A w hi te toottiroo w oo d t o mat ,„ t, " id ,
ael,„ , w ho 01• E t 20 1 .!, yo b l i brim
more power to set up a new class of electors in and State immortality, subeerlang as I 410 wOuld bona:o,of eonrse as already shown, ; c o i m pi e on he n oc n , •:•h„ a , n ,i'a t i et ! ' n h .,,. t . a
South Carolina than In Massaehusette. There most heurtily to these axial:mot political 1,01..
Ito tho !thole prinMple /if representation we • shadowed In the ponelamations . will make
Le but one way, and Met Is In eceortlance with .
ence I shall feel nayself compelled to adjust • 1 thesis has no '
app lea to It. But this hypo . , only a discontented Pieopie . It Is the slogan
the law Which they prescribe - themselves, the ae're y
tint I, following Itleadv Ise In opium!
1 ' foundiftion In our early hlstory or urgent*. lof ha ttle-t he Ile 1 - Altl'a ilenotairenu.t of that
which must have survived if any pert of their ten to his practice, here. •• C tau le left:, en
" I Li --" The founders of this (leveret:tent never ' war of recce, Mitch 13 no constientions did. The proems wit ich Ignores and "special privileges" of a sovereign e ttar -•
dreamed of steel a dlaUnction. Tito great
-,f the , i
vary app. to pal„ v
that late, cm the proclamations do, is, radimft cutter, are the distinguishing features of hie charter of our fathers haul berme allinned tbe rutLomat up, whir -, f -- . _
and Lsooleas in Or 'ten, and teis, Ilmrefore, by the orectlon or 0.. ••- _- - _•• - - -•---- - - - _ - •
reecenstaretion. Thaliorereigzirpower
of the people may net in undoubtedly,
but when it Boca there Is an end of the ex Wing
AtirM - t1 now pa tcp the answer that all this
urns Intended only to allow. to the people the
privilege of doing this work themselves.
If the obJectbad been only La keep the peace
forthe purpose of allowing these people to do.
cide whether they would erects now govern.
mentand apply forreadmission Into tha Mime,
nobody would have complained, although the
necessity for Interfering in thls way Wee con.
einsivethat they were not in 4 condition to
M I S unta t gtrlr t iPir 11414 1' 4 i nt lfr italln ° g t
the privilege of coming hack avian. It .was
note ssemtlal that theratiodla Om:nem:BM they
were ready for It. It wan essential that when
they did, It should ho of their own volition.
Tolompol It livesp tn:Vseticia& sit
es it, Was
Undesirable) And yet the essence of the _Pro
clamations is a command. They are not per
missive bin imperative. Theneople mi•ghtned
ix, ready, but that =done difference. - If any
of them failed, It was a default. The right to
wine 's. not a. privilago - .htit a fluty. The
whites:nen' Who were loyal and wonld take t he_
oa th must reconstruct their governments at
all events. It is hits to say, therefore, that
pits to ti Mere indulgence lb their prayers.
%What. In advance Of thwwisbes.or the m o od ,
and Has is the coustruction placed upon I, by
the highest ititaillgences-of . the South.
- And now' as to the way In 'which the power
claimedlgr the Executive bat been exercised,
It the - function Were o pure vexacutlve one,
It ,could not go, of course, beyond the mere
permission forthoessernblageof convcatiens,
and the pledge or
teetion to citizen in the
exernistrof thin privilege. To favor elegem—
to Dial UPI .PT .ilet'oltlaeu ahohld
not be allowed to rota, seas solnething more
than,an executive act. In the case of a Writ
illsolution and the absence of all government,
pooh - WI the proclamatione admit. all ,were, of
churse; remitted to that natural equality
which vezognized in the Declaration of int
dendence,. and had only been suspended by
force of theelvil Institutions which had then
ceased? to - Uxistf. - The right Of "the . negro,
whether prerlotrsjr Lund or free, WIN in that
..condirban of things; &aperient en that of the
white than, end the latter had no more iright
to say to the fortder that kier should; not vine
than the (prater had totiold the sato e 'aorta go
to him; Allprivileges of Caste or tomp:er!,oll
that existed- under, their 'old 'conatitutions
were genenlong with. he' constitntloes them.
selves.. And this is In accordance with the
doctrine itreurirbererecemidthroughmit this
nation; where all limitations goon hits right,
ezeepVthose which depend on condition Only,
are tilt results of rityrikts enactment.' It was
no question, therefore, of vane or faVer or in
dulgeuee, and it cannot orceurse, be said in
excuse, for the prohibition that' it was not
competent for. the Exerdire to ,confer the
'privilege on this Nation ar class. It satinet
Ws to confer onwsPbodrooltber White Of black.
If he had left the election route citizens who
awed elleglanCe, traia taxes, 'and were etibleet
to hear arms, they most, have - voted without
distinction of color.* Thili Only question neon.
not *battier het:gala confer A but anetticr
ha could take It away, fie hen taken it away
from inherit; :fent wit: who' :were not
qualiked under the old eonstitetlon, end
froth all are , disloyal, who re.
fuse to take oath to support the laws and
pteciattuukudilarewna to slavery. The old
Sorernments, - :_irith - thelr black latch
were the Initial utinteried Of treasenaul c new
timent,r and- hatesdentntryedAheraselves,
hurrying their people the rebellion,- are
anorak rorit Ibrettaeana startoorthot
vecw= awes:, tbb brpOthettirtbst
tgmetbuit ten Or4tinttliv At tu ate
•revue, by inn an
arist:Ocracy t hat the guarantee of a repnbl le I.
to be made good 2
IV heater these States be In the Union or not,
It Is conceded by the Executive, In the!effort
to provide them with republicangoverouteliie
that they are now - without them ; and this, I
suppose, for the reason that they Itave no gov
ernments at all. The name result, however,
would have refloated from the change. In the
condition of the Slave. A Government that
-not only denies to a majority, or even a large
portion of Its tree citizens, the privilege of
any share in Its attmlniStratlon bat rejects
their testimony tie Alri i
them the acquisition Of knowledge, or refuses
the advantages of the marital relation, hi not
republican, and the men who have made these
laws, and insist on maintaining themnow, will
never make it so. Mr. Burke remarks that,tak•
tug the State to moan "the whole common.
wealtit,with all its erg! , Id the
, rind
enrt.guing to earh," " to he tender the State,
t not the State 'itself, or any part of it—that
is, to tie nothing at all in the Commonwealth,
Is a condition or civil servitinio by the very
force $Ol the definition. 'Revert/nu non eV res.
puttico is a very old and a very true Lanni.
"The servitude that makes men subject to a
State without being citizens may be more or
less tolerable from any eireumstanecto,' but
those circumstances do not niter the nature of
the.' hing.. , And this he regents as a modified
form of slavery ; while the exclusion of
whole glasses of - men frOm the higher or rul
part of the Commonwealth, es in the case
Where tllievedilarY ellbilitY Possesses the isx
einsiti rule, is only held to Imply a lower and
degraded state of - eitizenaltip. But even there
tt onlythe others, • andatot the franchise, t ha t
is denied to: the ellbJeci." •
'Our constitutton,” he 6ntinues, ' , was not
made for great, general, ot,orpirpee tire =elu
sions. Sarver or later it wu destroy estroy them, or
dentroy the constitution. In our
constitution there has i ways been a difference
between a fmnehiseand an °Mee, and between
the capacity for the one and for the other.
Frabebi 3 esaro Welilloseel to belong CO the Rub.
Ject'lLe a enbrect,-and not Us a member of the
geverning part of the Stale. The policy of
the Government hasconsidered them as things
very different for when Parliament egt, , ,1,1e,i
by.the test a ria
.., FrOteelaht dissenters . from all
civil and 'unitary - thiploymeni, they never
touched their tight of voting. for members or
Parliament, or eating in either House"—both
ttlete.neing treated tut franchise., of which the
suliject could not be deprived. in a republic,
however, there Is no proper distinction tie.
tweet' the governing part and the subject, and .
Moodier, of Mums would stand on the same
ground as the franchise.
An American statesman of the present day
wontd say, Perhars; that the elective fran.
Chian, the most important - of them all, la not
theproperty of. the citizen, because It is pot
an atural right, but a political ono. I have
o h r ea tu rd e rl u n o cli .m ran .
a er th e . n i O a n zo th tw ts- Stile
to comprehend the distinction. I take It that
all governmental agencletttilpaliticalpontri.
vances and privileges, are hot the machinery
for the protection of the great natural sights
of humanity, which protection is admitted by.
the poolaration itself to ho the cilly! legit!.
Mato 'object otall gevortunent.. Wby- are our
Institutions free! Because thoy allow to yon
and me the privilege of governing onraelres.
Why ant 1 a freeman! For no other-reason
than becanae smarmed With AIM. ballot for
my own protection as a citizen. Strip me of
that timr-I 6M atyour merry, Yaw May deal
gently aritirms, ft is true; and sO might the
Sultan of Turkey, but thatinakes no differ.•
mtge. I am still the slave of year caprice and.
my rights 4114 bappiness Army dependv ' lllto
your temper on - the state of your digestion..
- " 12 a17 :4,4 1 ..'0P-tr_ano ll . so by lola,
equality of aliteell. It We not rare, nor Color.
but knit/Mon, that created the constitutional
disability. The slave of course, could not, to
the nature of things, Le admitted Willie priv
ileges of a Citizen, became that would have
been inconsistent with his condition, Every
bodyelso was counted, except the Indian who
paid no taxcs—an Incarnation, by the war, of
the tevolnUonary formate, stereotyped on
the hearts of the colonists, that condensed the
causes of their sirs gip, Into two memor
able and mighty words. Tho notion that a
talntOrAfrican blood. or any diversityorcom
'demon, was a disqusllfyingfrature,in erne
ly modern invention, width is brit the growth
of that barbarous and unnatural System that
bas debauched the moral sentiment, and left
In many Minds only the feeblest conceptions
of rational frcesicom. The' free negro voted
originally almost ereryWhore. It was aeon
sequence only of Ida unquestioned citizenship.
TO admit him, it did
grunt by the Insertion or the word 'black" it
any republican constitution. To exclude him
it did require the insertion of the word
"white.. The only color that the framers of
the Conatituttou seem to have ostracized is
the red. lint oven hero it excepted the tax
payet, and was not by a designation of race.
They hail sense enough to know that a princi
ple or exclusion Letting on so uncertain a basis
colopr, would be unfitted for any constitu
Apart, howeal., front the canalderatlon al
.ready stated, there two special reasons in the
presentees° for insisting that the guarantee
shall be fulfilled in good faith; and these ate,
to recompense the black man forldsultaliver-
Inn loyalty in the hour of trial, to atibrd him
the means of self-proteCtion in the enjoyment
•of the rights Ito boa so richly earned, and it
theee are not enough, to Protect ourselves
against any future disturbance from the same
arrogant and presumptuous class which has
just been chastised into-a deeent respect for
Cartels - es and A reluctant subMissiOn to our
We began the war by repelling the blatk
man and returning him to Ids master by do.
trig everything,in short, to alienate' him from
ourselves and prole to him that be bad anti , '
log to erpeat. ROM Wily and this Was caned
stataarriallablfll If ever a Ceople deserved to
be chastised It - was ours° yea, for the ineffa
ble baSeriels and fatuity w !eh refined the aid
of the. negro, and scat a hundred - thousand
white men to die, rather thus wound t ho prate,
or harm the-propertyof an canny! We failed
to driVe tam from oar support even by the un
kindest usage. When we plunged within the
elore-cloU4 that everhung tea South, and con
ceit eil eTerything froucoutsido vlew,we were
hot long In discovering that the white skim
was everywhere synonymous with the traitor
heart, and that wherever we could - meet a
blackmail we were sure to and a friend. Ito
took. our soldier by tho band, led him through
the outposts, pointed out the secret path, trav
eled With him by night, shared his lain must
nial, and barbed the-blood-bounds
that were on Ills- track; - as the war
Progressed, we began to and, that with such
an auxiliary against us, success was impossi
ble— %NM:nada hitn free, But. still we could
not Jilt into the- position of a soldier,
- Irbieli was a privilege of caster in ancient
tunes, . People who farelaw that the step wall
an easy cue from the to the Citizen—
themselves otoravert hearts and Ware slaves
than he—insisted that lie wealth° his detrac
tors, lined/Us chains, and , was a onward by
'flatfeet, =tither. the - white eoldler was afoot.
,who Would throw down Mil arm! if Yee sent
him an
fele elib a l u it x om y w o l u dlis n e wan M d A
But Wand by, Impel/el by noceesityi' 'el•
braveandright thinking 'ly otivran to itravnika "Kotr•ratber
tribiteditt, than numnuaged aadberatitlatig.
_ a war of Ifectimt;: I . l:s the ,repo ,
rail= for these drlufsed roppie oh (mute
before Wllielf even the ftsengellorrore of their
Ovin revolt rutty pale. The L Mitred policy that
ruled Our councils In the sum interest for two
long years—as It seethe to rule them now—
proved fatal to the system it was Intended to
serve by utatritqc 'lts preservation Impossible
It May tio that t.od Altalghty intends to nolo.
Ills great Work by Mettle fi.farther rein to the
Infernal spirit that proolmtated these mad
men Into the revolt that melted the Mutiny
of thelrslaves. Let us see to itahat we be
not called upon to repress the o ff thr e ,L
of nature, by drawing our own swonts
hereafter uponour faithful allies in
the war of freedom. Wo can prevent
this now--amt will if an are wise —he
a morn act of Justice that Is slimple and mi.
, sOnsidei-and will trench on no nianlff
while It will extend the area of freedom by
'toroth:tilting these gowernmentr ^ - t1 •--
pm, • ad bringing
them at one; to the r epublic a n p stan n dard hf
Conal.flatten. That aot fa demanded try Ron
sidemtions of the highest w helot°, well
of the strictest puttee. It were a fold shone"
to refuse It, and a fouler still to told to that
refusal the future possible Infamy of turnlng
our own armarat thee:ill of these tleling tomb.,
upon the trusty auxiliaries who have aNslnt...l
In subduing them, It hen the tyranny of their
oppressors and the Instinctive yearnlnga
hemeulty, may drive theta to resistanee. I
should blush for my eouutry, and weep fur
WO, UIL woo Capably nn ntro(lty Nn nowt,n
ably base, -
(CONcl,llnfon )
131 C,..A.V.X1113 I
2,500 PAIRS OF
did Rosewood Remo st/Ctore Plan*, earned leis
Ind pedal Implored, from France, over.trung
n use only three Month.; cost PM; will be sold for
Also one Ms Vetewe I.lj,eldht !second hand
Plano. prf,,• I . I7r.tILUMX.
No. 43 FIFTH Sintre, , '
lan /Wood door oboes Wood street
In Eitory Variety , l'or Salo Low ---11NDER-
Ladles, Gents and thlldrens
. 7411411111:E143
N97.'IOIV'AI, - BANSB. .
- - -
• Tnalracormeat NATIO:m.II.II.ex OT
rirrebranti, January 20, 1%0.
st,Cfortaptroller the - Currr nen the Illrertera or
this llonic - barederlared a dlrldersf of arty Per rraL
. i se v o o , tuetrQkf oil lt. i ftrr aptits kim e n d t:o r :r . sl a ve t p l. t h . t.i till i r ell u t i lo n tien dro " S,To bo r i n ks n e rr:
.ant dollars 000.1 • • - •
blooknolders srl I nava credit on theta:tote of the
.Ratic with one new *bare ordltpdollers foreman tar,
t wee held an this twenty-sixth day of.Jantury,
-*banalfa makes ane4lettoili altar" a
portlon of th e Mildred, theoweeryoeyeoreplete the
a_hara br torratettral Isrentrelve dal tars, or reed,.
"-teat ateotter le es ,oetareteett . bee option
;least lIDOtt the C.:negates or the InereaSeto the tea l
IW, -
.wlten all tea:n*l.l4lg (mellow will be tpald to
z•:2lrdklm Y. Al. mututr. caw:
Iszr and 0 .3 7 • t 3. 1 ,0 10111 last.
Tbelr esittre as 1,..-en rosrll.n.l acorn.. 440
t.. 4 4t • •. to Inzie
Ftehiewber the Number,
61 Market Street,
Sett 'Door to Hartrr's Dry Goods star.
xt_t 132.1 P °dorm' Strout
nook, shoe.. !era. Raittior:sl4
Poi 1.11 Itoot, &c
C 7 ,
u", Ivr0,t••• 14,
Fea,-, dare. t All,lttrny
1 . /211 1.•-• WY171..
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals,
A 11,
t. an.l'•• • • .r1,141C11 , 1 that 11 ,
11.at4 an, uilltllln.n•rill the II
J. H. 3301=1.
'We hvre now on t.t.D.J• s lot of 11F:C'S. ROM
1 ,, 1 1115. ana 1111.1lI1EN,
rio, on,
I 11=1
J. 11% Carnahan tc Co.,
1 A DIES', titLirk!',
MISSY+• • NU- (1111.1,ft V N'S
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters,
At COYLE'S, corner TIM and Wylie" •txet4
Sir ericel la suit eve rft.dr• aunt
r t
schooaackcr N Co., Philadelphia,
3P` X A. IV 0
The Eatey & Co.'s Cottage Organ,
Activateledge.] by the brat musical talent In the
United htalci lobe an polar to to all others la power,
bly and .quality of tour. and thorough 'Wort
ma. '
Theaelortrlnnenle hare fur years aim the drat
preauluter, , orer, all nil eotupetilorb, at the Tllti.ll
rtate Obit County 1•Irs, juicer they are loWer
than any OE her.. All warranted for lice year,
No. l 2 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa
: , eld.r I cd itenw4tl:y ,
L LJ , l u bo u, .;urz . .it u b ry .r . , during • r,••
I. lan now Open, aiul reswy for essmlnstlon. Ind the
• ' podiv are Invited to ran sod see then,
!'IA, YORTF.S.—These Instrmaenta are supe
rior to
,l az othe t r i ln regard to tone, touch, workman•
Eq n t i ktf r iltE I'IANO all have the new Ina.
proved Tirand bealeded Agrage :Treble.
CNA IILOTT/1 IILUME, 43 Fllthstreet, Bole Agent
Por no e above, and alzo (or Haloes Brea% Celebrated
I•lnnu and Prlnee•e Organs and idelodeorts. Jab)
NI AMMAN - 11f
Mt:D=l'A MG! • •
ROBERT SFlLLlALlSA,Mtideslatter. •
• •
Undertaking In lI 3tiK. braniNa. Dlsintareng
laying out and turtgahltigrvel7l,l4 , ll/ larressary
lb 4. proper Interment, promptly aAtemug so.
Au-- A splendid Hear. and Cacrlagea &hurl on
A. -4 at reasonable term& del:i
, 11:1 7 =3:10ECEIMAJECELIE14 ,
No. ISO Fourth stmt. PUtsbmgh. Pa. COPYTIM
.V 1 1 ,14 CRAVEK, liLuilKS, And eveadascrAptlBl
' 4! __".g.l3P_lgnA.r t illt . utteml2 l th" .
.I.lilscacza.—a•v. David Ken, AT? Kin%
1805. Winter Arrenteinent. 18113.
Da and ail, November 10th, ISLE, trelni will pan
Lear” For Far fir
Pint Darya . Chfengo; reit Sena. ;nee INS
Etsprehia. ..... 1 r. • 2:33 r. 1L 2:1E1 T.
En ,rem......... r. Irk 6:ODi F. X
!.... .... 7:03 A. 13:00 A. M. 6:06 A. It
For Nexcaetle and Er1e.... : .. .. . A. ag.
Rrturnitg. arrive at Pltlenttrgh:
P., rt t y. . & c.-zz. W. -1,30 A. N. , 3:10 r.
P. to., lt
P. . .
C. X PI. R. 11.-11:13 A. V.: 3:!%r. N. teal
At:1A.131310 DATION THAI:NaI.
Leave Allegheny for
Now UntottioN-0:05 A. M., 11 :.'-0 A. af.,
and 5:10 r. M.
Noir. CIASTLZ-31.50r.
Er uvula —10:30 V. N.l •
WtLUv r. M.'
Het:truing. wITITe ai Aliejtel,
1 . .. rt. W. At C.R. m.. •
A. Ai.. 2:00 r. and 4:9A.
C. A P. 11. R-10:00 A. N.
GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agewt,
OM. Pau, IStatlan, rittsburtia,
A. Q. CAS.ILLISPIRRY, Ttelret Agent,
AlDeteer CDR
to2n FR. St vrn., General Ticket Amt.
And at: the prlnelpAl titles;
Train' +HI leaTe .114 ‘rri rat the TINTON Driv
Departs. Arrtses.
Fast Line 1:93 P.
11011 `• 1:15 r. w
P.A .. .. ........ .. P.M. 12:53 A.
5tr01...61 :Ile .11c...eitmoif " 10:10 A.
A,ent. relll2. O.
Uolon Deront. PUtstrarab.
AVDaff i limin
On and L
Winter Arrangement
O .ner
The l rata, 'tilt lonee t oe Oeynt, rornrc or Piss
atur atm., a, follow, t
Lean. Arr..
rytzburgA. PittJb•'o
013111n¢6 /rum UnSontown... .:16 A. Y. CC. Y.
Eipn•4 •• •• 310 r. 10:c0.A. Y.
Vlrot Sic ,sport Acrnmen 110 A. Y. 6 - '.4 6. X.
FSeron4 " 6:16 r. 11,115 P. N.
lat 1144Jdock`s •• 5 .... :•VOA. Y. 3:1104. Y.
twcopd • • •• . 4:10 P. ra. 6;45 P. IL
buuday tbirreb Tral6 to snal ‘
frvo tlSeesport. LEM P. Y. 10:60 A. 16,
Fur TI/tets apply to
A. J. 511A142, kpttt.
on nut arks lIOI , ZDA.Y. soy. =h. Ptuenzet
train. W be anszgad to rho as follows:
MAIL TRAM—Leaves Pittsburgh at.6:43 A. at..
arviring at Kittanning at OW A. Y. Leaves Kitt=
wing atft.% arsirea at Mt/an:rah at Itati r. M AlN—Lertors Hittauulug 7:511 7.
is.. arriving at Pituburab at ltdo A. M. Leave
111[00144 at 4:10r. at., afrlving at liittaaniag al
s:iu r. Li.
.teri.3I3IODATION TlLlON—Lesvei Soda Wrktga
at C:..V A, U., arriving at rittotairgh at TI:t0 A. IL
Ltares rittalrorgb at 1:10 r. at., arriTtag at ICtskl
SUMAAtAI at 2:15 T. Al.
13.11 F. wriarr, Superintendent
SHAW & ci.mws
40 ME1,013.1.12es
Are maantartured wit►out ilnyeapplteated mfChh
err, tad therefore are not amble to getontof repair
anti are perfectly adopted for every tleacrtptiou
}nanny Sewing and Tailoring. We do not clan oar
Mathineo with cheap:emeriti, as we have taken ell
Patentee prices. Al , e referto the following persona
aa reit rencet . .
Mr. A: .A INES. No. I Fourth street; Mr. VAN
DEN NA/LLEN, No. = ;Webster street: Mr. J.
DOLAN, No. C Colwell street; } Mr. J. ISCUTIE.LI),
No. Second lareer, Allegheny City. Wbarentb
ers that that we eau refer to. Al! of our bittelhtea
are warranted lice years. AGENTS WANTED.
it K. LUNG, Agent,
11.1 Uri= street, near FlUn.
Have been awarded the FIRST PREMYITILS at eh
("Howie* Filrs for the year in :
First Premium for best Machine Work at Penza
State lair.
Flat Premium for best Maehine wait at NewYer
State lair.
Vint Pz - emlom for heat yamily ILachine at Oh
State Pair.
lint premium for best MannfacterlairMaehlue
Ohio State Fair.
Itrst premium for best Itanprsciuring Maehma
Ith:taigas State fair. "
First Pm:elate for best Manufacturing Illuhlue
Wisconsin Mote Fair. •
First Premium for best Manutieturing Wades
L Flat Premium for beat Slathine for genirsal put'
pose, at Lawrence Count , r Pair. Pa.
Fir. Premium for beet raalltY Manhian it Back
County Mate. Pa.
First Premium for best lianufattering.Machine
Bunts Canal,, •
First Premium for best Minufacturing and Nam' ,
llachlee at Springfield Yale, Ohio.
First Premium tor best Ilannfactuting sad Tamil
Slachlue at Palmyra fats, N. Y.
first Premium for beat Matintaetartng and Family
Marl:Meat endolt Count fyfalr, N. Y.
Premium for beat aLenufaCturlog mid FatellY
Muhl:mat Schuyler Coutity_Yale, N. 1.
First Premium for best Machina for all purpose,
at Allegheny Comity Fair. Pa.
gird premium for beet Menefacturing Machine.
Allegheny County Fair. Ye:
Co m a ! P Pair remium I
for best Machine work at Alley hen
And w#ererer extalte 4.!
Id Wood Street_
020:316.1.. AGENT,
oeZ:erdstr. Ns. 11 Fifth street. ?Matures.
Are nnivertallyacknowledged as
the Cheapest t Simplest mid
Ilest t havingheenaimurd ed
• the GoldJnedal at the
London and Paris
, ILL 111 lAMB UR wow Germ
ii'arranted for Three Team -
EEND TOIT. =cm. ea TO
' MITI plum & 00,,:0en
• .27 ritthStreei, Pitiaburgh
• <7I:ITNE.—.AGENTS Iir,ANTFD TO E . Hll[O.,
NA( 111 PIE,
171 Iva Nar.,,,Tgrviveitga to c tar
Wfi e or inHiciteDl., • AlireaU are comr _
11 ' 6 * V ) to PIM KIM". Comity Eilits
"4144.1111, ' dflititaptOo sad E
s HE dAnitt
161121 7 1 X,Wr Oen. .1.41 H Aterm.TaO7V,VILIN
rr InMelit
FOR SALE.---A Farm of 4
= acne and Shirt yens. perchea. snualeinELLtableth
• townships Alleghmry canine!. Penna. The !Approve
3 meets are a hewed log dwelllng and frame kitchen
j bank barn sod other out buildings: a go. oreasesi
apple and peach trees, ot the best variety. The
m .4 , t - ret . tri g al . d ou •V t q h 6 z . 7l jth .. 4ll . l i m o. ca k t o q =l4lr
„ p i;
ea. of arces• to the 'slolinnyishela river Ist Taft .
t Ferry. Thin small farm I am authorized toat
' lls i ttrTO. ' ; . stoek and grain farm, Ont.tllolllg
3 500 acres. sltnate to Cherry Hill Township, Indiana
1 moony. Pa., near the vlllige of Greenville. The Vo
-1 proyements are a two-story !mom house; the largest
and ben barn lts the roomy: fencing IrenernnY
• gdt. t acres cleared: the remainder wen Halter
! ed. The Inni Is good. large meadows stitch prodOce
: thie crops of hay. It is very convenient tochor s let
schools. mills. stores, nc.. te. This properirevill
be sOld eery cheap and easy terms.
farm of shoot . X 0 acres. sltosted tri West
Wheat Geld Township, India. equnty. Penne! The
Improvements are a good. contfortable, tulo.ei.rl
cartie House. with 6 roome,• large frame barn, ear-
I ft 4; I g a o s .,:!= t c o o n ' e vp " r i an " n " . sou s e : s h : su rt o :3u
bleared and in timothy and clever: e a . good orchard of
apple, peach, pear and quince trees. The fencing It
a Rom
coal. Thls property will be sol.k.spgy cheap.
• Also. a Tann of abort .lot nine the above.
I , l Zr;
hi l itia` "rd t'e:
woi 1:1 make a litai rn t-ratit ' Sloclt or will beg:told
_ . .l , siso. a Ferro of It acres, tutted in Zan
'titntrawr%hilree'V.-=:: Tohe.gavg;
Lava 01111 a g0t..1 the. , all sr 60 acres e'en.:
two terteretql{ log dwellings; apPle arelsind: Yen
! con veuient to Church, sehooLl. stores. Ash A oaf
' non of the purchase money:N-1U be takes in well lo
: cated land In Lowe.
Xl5O. a Farm of 135 acres te Ellellitth township.
Allegheny amour. The mud is of the best noallty.
~ .ry large orchard of the lout variety or !run.
Th./am will be cold at a Very reduced price. rot •
• artitlttll riven On the Ist day of Aar% 1.914.
callow south at the rro." ' 1121:41 1 The alratln
r‘ ;l Dr cov t e e -
manta net ,w,t lar g e hawed for
‘t`",:',-;,..7,`,°f the
o and beet rum. earl, m
IW.Tli eo 'n' lnly ' r P ly " Pahes ertY to ' en n ira M je
orchards. The whole farm ts
to other ba.lnrss.
stele of cultivation The fencing is all No. 1. The
laud Is of the very hest limestone: about Mee.
i sleeted, the halogen Ingo. timber. Possession on
Also, several other Fann, ranging from pp.
•per acre.
Al., a Farm of 150 acres. situate In 51erandlgss
township. Allegheny county, Pa.. about Smile& Mat
the city. Th e Improvements are a Log Hon.. •
good barn. strong orchard of apple. peach old
1 0111 sell valuable property very el..
' , and ao e.y-terms.
For nattier partienlars, inquire of
- G. H. TOWEIL Heal katate Agent.
se= 164 Fourth streaLMl
I.`OR SALE—. 4 Farm of about 53
erre, Ornate In Elfifth townstilp,'Alleghent
coon ty. Pa. aboot nn its. and a half-from the
lioroosth of .I . lelie...p.irt Mr mile of she 2110D014 , 3••
ao•I the At. from the Tonghlo.3llel.-
, The pro, men: , at... Drat. a /rune uottage
Hine, with rh0.... an•l a good well of water at the
I door. trcoo.l. On %Ivry with four
rooms. with t good •prlOgt of wategg third, aLo
will) two nm, frame Wink barn, mite
the very-ben stabling. cora crib carriage house..
ri , her no -la , lllllnv. The tract Is all underlaldonith
a vein of No. 1 limestone. This stratum of H att
s worth all that Is asked for the property. For fur
, they particulars, inquire of U. H. TOWER. !Real
! Vatate Agent- No. 164 Yowl h street. fetrtf
• 1;01t RALE.
dela No. 144 Font - th St.. PlElsbarsb. Pa.
- - - -
I. VG' II E V t'ol - NTT.—Trille`Otc iddd cheaper
than any other land of Itacquallteehnllar rest:Mon
ett. and an equal 411.nance from lira city, acres.
hogtertald pith the herd coat. The, are too Leda or vultable fora nun in the Itlayt Par
bare, i.e nth., building epurpotoa, a.. Th, t e n,.
ron-l•t • of Own firths. al In earh. With .I.rellinly
bou-e.. barn.. .table., frntt orchard; Sc. Thu
Coal 14 of the very heti qualit y. and can be t,arted. a
ply heing r ipen an the place. The coal grill be
ported over rl.e Pl...Ruyan and :tzeobcurtlle Stall
road, the farms lying rte. , to the town of.ltanalleld.
and by the IT aYlilogton Plkr 4 callea'front Jour.'
Ferro, .1111 IN 11. BAILEY.
Stack andTteal Ectatnilroter,
let wltittne itao. Foartb lancet.
FOIL SALT- —On the entreavllle
ef s•ea 7alet Irma time alto.
- - • - • • • •• •• -
Ste Water Flouring and Et and Other
thee improver:lei:nu.
/ten. about Eighty Acre , of COAL. vrithunt the
'Fu rtare, atiJoin lug the abuse.
,• • Also. two Farm* at Sin irurrs Station, On Central
Ealtruail. containing tin mere, and macre-,
rouituri bur part itl/1... enqulrceit - ,
14'011 SALE—A Far containing
about= acres. situate lu Jefferson township,
Allertieu.y r oonegy. F. on ti r ke n plountliela rivet.
t=g" Ilrl,. b:::"ithisli
rooms. Frame House, two stories, with sit room.
and • gebd collar. corn cribs, wagon sheds and other
outbuildings; about Zs) acres ef tee very
d best river
bottom. Thil.mrty is well located for gartienlag
niTZll:llPa 4 aisectlre " o d o: ' j nl i fl e te
.11ouongshela river. G. TOWEE, Real Estate
Agent. O. 1W Fourth street.
LOT.-1 have at private tale a'l story Brien
Dwelling Bon. and Lot, situate at No. mWarne
street. near Penn street, wtth Double Parlors, Din.
Room sad Schen on trot floort4 Chambers on
beeomi and on third floor. with rag inevrayromn:
New Shingle 004 Nate Boors, arulln good tOnditims
throughout. Lot by NI feet.
Also, will be sold with tho Lions, if desired, the
Furniture, which la comparatively new. Pones
'alon Ittren April Ist. ira, or earlier it netemesry.
Tor limber particulars inquire at ID and A 71110
Jr 7 T. A. McDLELLAND. Aosta.:
SALIe.—A double two-story , Bliekllonse., with
.back bolldlna, vontatnlng 19 1.00429 and dtiabedat
tle, bath-room, water closet, fdrnaee heating the
:whole Blouse, marblemantle., all in fresh repair.
occupring • 101.+ by 210 feet Feet , on Bidwell street.
near Resters avenue, on the llhe of {he horse rail
ear. In Allegheny CH, . S.'talde'and a:Pilate house
on the let. Apply to
S. S. , BRYAN,
Broker la Storks and Baal Estate,
for 1 Pourth street, Borke's Building.
RENT.—A Brick House of tourrooms. and aid
cellar, near StottWield meet, on VI In ND.
TD Chatham street, Iwo-,tot7 Frame - Rouse. of bs!!
and five rooms, cellar and yard' Dwelling Rouse on
corner of Reed and Crawford streets; Dwelling
Rouse and dee acres of arousal near Maneltater:
rooms at corner of Gras t and Dlalnottd sts., aultatlle
furodlees; Large Cellar 00 Water west. near Ferry
stied; two-story Frame House. wan large lot, em
Want Wasktunton. Ap_OW to -
LUTEDILItT & SONS, 51 Market at:
11WF.LLIN6 . HOUSE ON •' *
STREET YOE SALE:-Tbat large and well drk
.lshed thrftstory Brick Dwell/rig on Wylie street
near Fittla,'llnisbed to modern style, containing 1
ioOms. nitchan, range. bath room, hot and cold Ira-
Pr and ran t!Tho hoot the hollOing., Thla is one at
a most destrahle nroperiles for .11rellingor but
nes, purposes nos offered for - sale. rosesaion April
laz. Terms reasonable. ApOy to
AtOtott 8...11cL1.13iA IW. Fourth street.
FOR SALE CHEAP--11 acres at
La ad. taloa le in Scott tow othlp. Allegheny CO.„
ha.. orl the Waalllugtou road, about- ere saliva from
the city. The Improvements are a Frame Motto
with 7 rooms and halC frame stable, splint house, •
kootl Orthard of apple, peach. peas add plant trees.
Thts property la el 7 dealrable for a. erouttly real
dente.. For further information enquire of
Beal Etlat e Aceut, , m. Fourth et.
lIONIT PAY RENT. but tau and
rerTebeap lot In the village orMount
WaZblagton, Onlbl yourself a haute, become a land
lord, am e Tour money, and Invest
settbom 14 valua
ble lom which 1 am antborirrd to -on very easy
term. Tor rther_part lculars enquiril or
O. Ir. TOWER., Cell Eatate Arent.
la= ztt 144 Fourth Street.
T'WELLING - TO LtT—A 2-story
lonble Wirt Dwelling Hoes, camerae Eldge
and Tremont streets. Allegheny. lately the P: overt
rthe Bowen Estate. recent/y completely
r ev alrei
g r Tf ' 7 'r iT P f ig. Vr=lb
a rodi7otan d .
Apply to - S: S. BItYA,
Dreher In Stocks and Real Estate,
' tPH S Fourth at.. (Buries Building.)
two.story Brick Dwelling House.
= NORM F., re. James stmt.
(iorkti sWa of thr North Common.) containing six
rooms and finished Attie; gas thronghonk and water
and ntnge In kitchen, Lot SI byllo. We to
tL 'KAN,
Broker In ElOttsand Beal mstate.
felz 57 loarth street. Burke's Building.
- • •
SALE-160 acres of arst.rate
Land. Waisted lu Texas county. Ana/Wort. Mb
tract located In aad selected for
tare fora friend. Will sell the sebole tor COO. Ap-
P4l 7. 4 ;PiTat neat Country sem. , three acres • fall of
irdll,4ood house, barn. miles from Osa
B. McLALN tr. CO.,
elt7• Vries , OM
lsal Estate Broker., DX Fourth street.
84fin VIILL ---- PU - R CHASE THAT
ted 1.1 millets.. walk from Ferry Lauding. Thus
house Is large arid iseallished, with as *Etta
air. Tien of the rirer annglailrOad. 'Mt IX acres gr
gronad. arrange w ate re d en and troll In "rem
ab.d.ce, and In good uelghhorlsoaert
atable and carriage house. Apply 1000 10
SALE--155 acres of Coat;
situate In :smith township, Wash logton carnal..
Penna., near the Ilne of the Stenbenrllle /LahrOa.
at Inds" ay istatlon, about ra tallea trom the ever
further nutlet:dart, enquire of Cs. 14.20 WY Real
Estate Agent., No. ILI You rtb street, or to WIL
C. CAMPBELL on the prerests. Azar
I t ivnir PAY A HIGH RFAT when
'Webster Street,Allegben) City,' attain corner of
North entry rch, - 110.11, sea reams and - cillar.
Poiseeslon A I let. • -
'll4lO CUTHBERT It SONS. Ent &net et.
wz., , a , r4 neat two mewl Ittlek Dwelling On &Y
-ee AT enuelot It: by 790•• noose arrangnetwltb.
nalk don laW parlors, ditann. roam =I - kitehen and
toot bed rocoo clod neatly fetmcdontl Inn of throb.
Wry. 'Apply to tett) bteLdlN S. W.
44 - 111 he sold TO-13 AT ot redueed price. TAU Vac
to fit slate In NV eolanty. Peons., on Its
NortheWeotera Penoglonolo flallroad,• about Ma
ea.t of Apollo. Pa. and contains t
n .
larg• e In. of I 04f.. I.IMF-aTONEand YiL
yeler complete wArEn-rowF.:L
For ttrtbrr portirolare Ineolre. At the Low and
CIS Im (Met
- - -
(Oppo.l I Csbeiln.}l
:to. //9 Grant strtet.
JatO imx
x~- --
to bstantially (built nun - enntrilly Incatal
- No LC
tits Ist.APPIY—iAOI
fel4 inkreth
FeAsAxrawitaluimediatepi oa .
vniai72dVirgMVZ. l . l l risr ft u"'"'"
ultra enquiry:l' -
N._ Vo4