The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 27, 1866, Image 2

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    C 5
, -
ht VitirsbnitT64otc,
•pI4WAY. 1.
beeeby giTen tins Pereariter
3.11,T W ,urilAcineuts recetyckl2tl6l+ orkej.t. e.
paid for , Ftien handed - 4a. except' lu thr ea.!, 01
rear , ' "4 Cream; WbOiet. 01111 win IX rcriere4
uuut.e.nyYzutluml. Advritl.wrs wlfl pleamt snaky a
"P . " : 0 4444 ae fide o,foSh ital - moats fur ad
.theciutraukt ututsd.
I bly enforec4. , • .
Tile Prier.. of eat Melvin;
. S.u.Cl Evening edltlaxs lr
artiTA UmiToulteroritom
etiritimiliTt2 . EE.ll I).r
Alcu, In oqo,par!.leular, arc like trees. 'Co
Abad battcpn
dence Aber 'rnixst. tam , tbeir roots--de oply
Inibiadtiliu tho:groVild: The htStory or
all:o9jimtOtlona boars Atuiform. Wit inio
to, tbo large fir
thIC FoAttioti *6-11tliarrect" through the*Flin.sos i .,ccOlii:riarticipation
itt tlieoji**o ut thedll, - - they
bly fail ioattan-ni pzevicetavil
'Me Tagaleral ages, the
hind Wits xaolii.:".ry ,eomparatively
revr".4 :111iipliiitigtd.tb643 ; *rg consequently
all-powpetbl.: As laiverary consequence ,
Lth , ' EiIaWSPS of the PoOpiti xreed slave 4. Mod-
1 - •,,, era nutt,thilttrai..9tee a fresh instance of the
ii- 1 4 ,4 6 4 .44.* Atir;,ainie.irllnciple. The re
lit`, cent l'fi.lltclpatlort of the eaves of that int-
II *nem° t nidti; will in6iiiably lead to th,y
1 1 ,111,i-em * fic l, su bii v b , hra pr the broad es-'
tates-of tbe nobility.-
11 '''
~. Sol 0 6 tif*kti*Y. ni9 ,.. n° P'l l Y remained iu.
if• •ittot in*.oglabili 1 .1 4, wa , e: int-m.6l(mila wen)ai,
at , 4 0 34pist . cif:#1 - etv; 'landlords; the entire
• political pewit' .iins"- In: tliii 'hands of the
parkok - :: Just . /.31 - proportion as the'rnasses'
el; tho!titlinhibnts look: root in the soil,
' bitlier z ki nalniiing.fitles ittfee iimrai) or on
'l' longlenso-htdda'; did personal and tivll liI)-
' ' • '"'' ' ' 'All •• - the;
a, erty groykt;p: gn:ll34b, e ages, and
': bp l itOAs - „ iia present time; land-holding has
bevkiti*itioit, of. inembt,rzaa a p Partia-
I ;Wept sl,nd''iittudaEdon.to4he right cd'yoting.
11 'Advaimed;lbirdierit*: bairn; Intlied,brpaened
1 1 : the, iqop:Pr#o4o.. Mt' btlift'agc; IntS, quitr,' : nr.
~., .. oeuil7;birollniairr; the Most at:envoi:Ls
il 'among 1.401;,‘ has' an constrained to +w
it, °opt a lessened fineliold or lease•hald <I mill
-11 Aleation atilt _present bards of Parliamentary
-. reform. . ,
r'fance, notwithstanding Uri Imperial or
gardzation, is really more democratic than
England:. The weight of its aristocracy is
leineeppresslve. A greater senso of perso.
nal independence is evinced by the bulk
of the people.' Every male citizen is a vo-
tor. Manhood is the only condition of
frage.-Why•.is this? Simply because the
soli of Erinuiels subdivided into almost in
numerable small holdings. The peasantry
IMO Wilma InSi•
Why are the Irish the most oppreitsel and
debased !people in Europe? Primarily be
. .
cans* the vast majority of them are simply
. tenan ts at sufferance, or little better. racy
exist, but are so completely subject to the
11.lensnreOf.theirIandiorils, that life itself
ISa.sretnitieee, and social progress an Im
thalir.l3,l capabilities as no
blikalpOpioniiony other in Europe, they
ore retained in a condition of inferiority by
had monopoly that ameliora
tion and: improvement.
..:The th4Olitinaiple is Illustrated awl en
ibroedibra-cimnpariwort of the relative eon
. dititua.of ou liartbeinund' Southern Stott,
, just-prior to .the rebellion. In the North
unit tela much divided. A lane , ma
! jarity of the people were proprietors. As a
Coneetploik.there was notonly a wonder
:-f 4 : 1 .93 11 3: Of' prosperity; but there was
* liktiiiiise a genuine sense of personal rode-
EaoB9iabd, which . indispensable chi
anauCiit *airiest freedom.. At the South
*itt,tOlt*na:ffivided, affcr tho feudal Lash
...lA:Kw, fzea:lkUract.nstotert. The proprietor,
i.tic4 thej manners sad
t,taisititigatt catablishod arastoanep . Thei
`44o44' irizidiy— T4e blacks were their .1
lchopoPr whites .wore„Little.
•, . .
. • of the South nn
- "IMMO their present etToris,
I * - 841400456niiorfs..iind'Iw. , 1,ilative
1 0fihneit; toptbiit
ttheetnonematod Meek,
4 ktidOledataelled-end.;! oiditig TroPertY in
**flniitoc , : 4 1 16 14 '1 mi tiitY. for
igAildlii - Cei6.iifyiabitir-iDP the blaek,i fOr .
alio 6t iii*inselyea,'• their anxiety to
irliatitigatbenittiMitognisition of real
i ' lell4t 4 4 4‘lll ft(!inA'aiOri; knowithot unhie4, cruel restrictions
ptrthe 'blocks they • will
ni 4itiosfeityl and: AM if ta/lowed to eo•
! • tree on the soil, nit Lauda . ,
LeCdhittiiiiOlg Weise - -e.C• freedomactualizect., ,
ti;t3eitikliftiatietiW of, independence and, self-. 7
tmltorittncei ttp amon, them, fa-,
tta-„to;AL.triti.tuipiratiorie of their former
xlmitere•to.e.;keeping.indiroaly. any Portion
'`of t that innwholosiono. tiontrol over theirs
hicitt,rdurLegthe existence of sloven-, tros
,lezeiVilsed directly.
q;; One of tltL : tlue , therefore, which tie:
peoPlamititgovermitent of the United States- t
.ight-to settle , prelintheirill to tho:re,tore
iiiol7 of the. mroltod. Ststert to their former
liceltsitnatembersof,the Union, is th e e ti_
'eltleens, without reswet of
'ol4;or,to - lario ownership. This is one of the '
'?Mieatithil'eMittitioits of freedom. To aeoept.
pailieuLar, or to per
inlitilmitatiOns to be instituted, is virtually
no - consent IP. one of the most odious oil
{ injurious features of Teudalisni.
Tim health at the body consists in the
healikof all its parts. Not a whit um,
irtii4s - this of en. individual than of it na
'Lion. Whenever the just tint:its of a eon-
.4. .4
1 3
(1 , 1•1
:a ~I
.~'7,~ «
. Womble integral portion of the Inhabitants
'e.t.a country axe opprtis**d, not, only is
their growth, developutont and prooperity
+Mrtled - , , biit they rest. as an imams on
,be lviorn oknociety. The advancement of
te;whOleislujamd. Nor ili thi..9011. Where
in ,ne teM oho ldry ni lp, ke d de onsare .d d se,, eiir ti tsi ons by e a r m il b w it r i7;
ation are the source from which tho sap
.. ly is drawnl
~ This is a retribution that na
tire . trink - os.. lbr the. violation of the funda
. ental lays' i it has - prescribed for 11w true;
''' .litloal organization of nations.
• c yftrinifo,referred, liorotofore, to theuedon
F•fthetOri4'EkohangO, of l'hihullelphin. it
ef Elea yrado in Itailrands, as an hi-
Musif 141 improving public asnifnent
o:l 4 quarter. - now-hare the record'
_L..•s . .f..iiiinUili,.notion,by the ContEsehatim , , of
• Tied influential body. has
. .L.Vasou' 1 it:solutions iii , fevor pr the new rood .
• iongh the atate;propoilecl by the Atlantic
%It .61'40 We st ern 'Road> , as ~ caltulatt4o
efit Philadelphia by . developing the re-.
nreca of the State. The wise , action of
,beep; tWo iMpiortaint tax/amerced. ntzy
lons, rhiladelphiafa-breaking
way 'con trol of the in
ftrn , 0 , 011, Tn
nd min coeori be it - aright. • •
!tar. dalieeir*titiv_ak Fo fond ;of e itfu g a
0 .tto - motly introduced into thei.Legislatno;
ibr Tligirda, i hr.lrr: chtiolen, to confer
4°t7°ll3 , l °E like human - rights upon .-tito no
. aa tat' orbitllia that Pfc.
_Sonth can
- . reljea (41 doipatice to theblaeas . . Why
o they not# , to the 1, ge of - the-vagrant
w t.
recently Passed.. by this same -legiela.
pre OrVirgin la, which G en . timily liaii
, . 4,11 Oorapeilod to set outdo %;.e inhuman
i:nd oppressive, and voleulatoilto redtico the
. egroes to Worse than their termer bond-
• ,
MON"roonqury IlLazu presided at . a ' t;on.
ention of e,i-robobi and tieeeetviiontitm.hf...
vntlyhold l'uldaryland, the objeetof
, sto procure tho.repeal of the Law of that
fate whteti . rebels. That 13
I :Vh re'Maiilsrtow—with the ,161 e el and
..tay V he / . .pyld. men of t& State.
BLAIR I OINTY.—The ~ ltep ➢ bllun.. of
41air oonntyliuivo elected L. W.114t.t.
from Oat. county tiPth'e State Conven
tent. with - 14km, ettocu3 to vote fa' Goa.
Coati W. Ge&Br for tioveinor,
l'.r , s• of Italia was never hotter °in
, mated than in the eandliea of the North
, ern deltioerab. Insetting the ire‘titllthal of
.-Inver,%. They voting far it twenty
Ilan, no,. in d.•tian.• their
1.•1411.1 j.aris ...lialitarz,r in Na
doting. A: nint a 1.7 , ... , 1 ileiti ..l'elinrt was re
. .inired to bring them np D , the mark. A
e.meeianni orju.sli UV.
• „ r . sense of shame held them back, ,m,i
einn-1/ them to (teat into other course.. Rat
the exaetions of temporary, and, as they
thought, permanent sellislintis, were inn,.
or-able. They exeused their baseness, end
attermatibto blunt the odge of censure by
pleading , extenuations. They would tan
.6-.s not to the shamefulness of their
COursie, but to its repalsivenes.s. it wus
• hard- forthent to do as they did, bat a Zuly
wastaidertiltein; m constitutionat
_ lion shut. tbein up, to. at. Painful necessity.
After iiiinte they' frond their humillatinn:
to Mr vornibrtable. They _gloried' , lnAt..
T . ii,...y'opened the:Book efNatorem4rouacl,.
the rightfulness of slavery written all Over.
its yuges ; - .They, tutnqdtathe . C,or4f l tfi l tpifi;
and found slavery watt 'corner atone - of
the notioiMl': 'their
-spectacles; andyepeningt their- Bibles,- dis
,ovt.reda hidden" and ',Utleult significance.
They - prociaineedriloodern revival of that .
leXundriatf theo:l6phYWhich found tinder
the• words what was not in rho words; and
that found;-in Word. 4 What prophets,
.evangeliSts , and apostles never put in theme
T7teg : ; stirs trankfOratedi and in this;
eotrversiort_ ,..m from truth to falsehood,
they went A mid doWn the • hind to polite. inectingS, with the Holy Scriptures iu •
one pocketand a whisky liottioin the other,
to prove that - slavery was originally it be
nign patriarchal institution, anti fu the pro-.
ceSB of doveloptnent had *time a grand
missionary enterprise for the enlighten
ment 01' the heathen into the sublime
-mysteriws of Christianity. It was Cu
rious. to note, when their neophytes had
imbibed the proper amount of whisky, how
eagerly they accepted this new exemplifi
cation of tin doctrine -of love to God and
num.. This phase of democratic transfer
notion reached its climax iu Isl3o. Now,
slavery istlefunci. It is as dead as NEIIIJ
CHADNI7.ZAII; and has neither the promise
nor the hope of a resurrection. Yet the
democrats keep 'on voting for it, as if it was
still a thing of life, anti power and patron
age. Bren In the New Jersey Legislature,
a day or two ago, when the question
of ratifying the. Constitutional Amend
ment abolishing slavery was brought
up, not beentue the concurrence Of
:NOW Jersey wan needed to coal
pleto the momentous change in the organir
tow, but because the reputation of New
Jersey in history was imperilled and re•
gains! rescuing, the democratic inembers
voted sullenly in the negative. When a
Iliudou widow, to obedienceto immemorial
usage, casts herself On the dead body of her
husband, tuid her ashes mingle with his
ashes In the consuming dames, the expres-
Of Minim% love, ghastly as it Ls, quali
fies in <some degree the. harharlsm of the
arieetachi,.• But in title Now Jersey teals-
Laterts-the democrats, through force of hat..
lt, , enetthentse twos upon a loathsome corpse
that. nufirereart purify; and that must con
tinue frOnt ago to age, ,as the ineolcotions
both of Monett and religion are more fully
perceived -and obeyed, to offend the world
by an intolerable odor of putridity.
The frame of mind in whlek this woman
met the putilslunent of her crimes, is ut•
traetl ig a largo share of attention through-
Mit tho whole country, and is eliciting from
the public journals very strong commentn.
As a specimen of the comments may be
taken the following front the Chicago Tri
"It is not fbr ue to pass upon questions of
thcology, - apt In as far us they may in
(valve an and social: of . upon die do we attempt tO flecido .01;4,
may have been the condition of 3faritut
Grinder, Mt r her pulse erased to beat. But
. He are idrt 0 4Y impressed with the isin
railed that ',Mrs. Grinder's conception of
her own statt , Fas true, then there must is
stmething mad about the law which tinnys
by the'necir until dead an excellent and
inepiceiebtdde a sadnt as Mrs. Grinder had
biL'eCitle. CM the,C.antrary, 'if her imagina
tion was made to deceive. her. relative to
tho certainty, directness and dispatch with
which elle ' would be ushered into ctio
pr.-since of the sweetest lusirts and toed
surds our world has over produced;
curb deception was certainly . us useless to
her - ma It is derogatory to rt.-Immo end Inju- ,
'riots to public morals. From whatevta-
VieWwe look at it. It is plain that Ales:
ztirindees Mentul punishment ended with
the triumph of her imitated advisers over
hercerlscientious Ants, and that after, that
she suffermionly the momentin7 physical
• pang .of strangulation. In the meantarte
society are taught only that a redeemed,
saint worthy of heaven,, had been hanged!,
-lilnuld it not bowel' for spiritual wishsers,
and for till persons whose attention maybe
arrishd by the niarvellottkly happy man
ner-in which these soeurgrs of society are
swung into eternity. to tuntsider that passi,
bly their assurance of salvation now
result 'as often from that insensihill-.
ty to.' moral enormity, unit that bra
ram impudeneo of "%snider .whlch,have
grist:Mad them in their clinics, us from Bei'
operations of the invit! Being. Let the
w arid remember that - the expectation) of
,gory In the future State may arise, and in
these instanees presumably does arise, '
from that Fume st.sati..." of moral insanity
which has prompted to past crimes, and '
that the assurance, impudence, and moraL
insensibility which indom• unprincipled
men end women to expect to Girlie on
crane MANN life. may be extended by a
few theological appliances to the life to
collie, But for the dignity of christianity
and the premotion of common public "nor-
Alm, let Christians of all elle‘4.--; distinguish
between the setitlblii theology of these mis
erable wretches and the truths M the I girls
tlan religion."
Tit I.: Nem t:7 , 11: of tit, stattl; i. to
Iniimhiaie Congress into tit, reis:al of L 1,..
Test Oath, by refusing to tss.i,t r,thrs• o n .
til it is al,r,,gated, Altr. W. yp.r
-lul agtsit of the Post Onits• thparttnont for
Jtisslstrippi, writto. filo Ittpartnt , nt as to!.
,"As instructed, I ~ Oled on Gov. , rnor
liumpbreys nod staled my Nosiness,
n - 4:viveil from him L.,. (11,0'04.1.041g preine
tiOn ihat no eitinos of tbd Stateqft to
.150i7.1 meld, be found in !tlissmaippi who
wind(' tat:o' Um outh of
was PleStMed,ltywever, to give notice to the
General Assembly, then in ries:dun, of tip!
„Licigirtment's flesh. - to extend mail fac!ili
ties to thlr,titate.' This'opinfon of th.. 4 -
,•rnor, 1 and SathirlP4l, Li or 1911 K. it part -15 f
(he programme of tho - makers or poilthed
opinions Smith to tarp seer!, man in floe,
hind to ottueb to the aereptap ee. of calico
unde,rithe Untied Statef with the present
outh sonwthing of dislnown liorne,etned
to aet as tlunmit this course would compel
t.,'on,gess to modify the oath. I am natisiaal
Ilint.but - TOr Ibis pestilent spirit, more than
'two-thirds or the onlecs would have long
since been filled. As It was, 'soon became
solisiled that no 01101411tliti txo Sati.dy w,sam
mended fprpilloes (which had small sala
ries attached )) 1 t
for tough to-day a willing
-11058 to take t tie oath nitttlit . be 1 4V1 1 / 1 01 , 1; to
morrow*, intimidated by public It
would be declined:,
If this is the general policy of the Month,
there is n very easy way of counteracting
it, and that is, insttsul Of repealing the
Oath, to let the people of that region do
without postoftlees. Congress has deeldod
that it will not repeal that oath; not If sne4
politicians us Governor 1 tusitql Itla In
sist itpon tile worse they have adopted,
let Iliem got along without mall
,TX THE 'NM OF Tilit timlutrn, itForet-n
-19rethis I . 3oemicpu, 011 intrty Questions,
ho Uniformly found the nntno of fir.
Cow.larlsandwitehod between IlnewAt.nw
and DAVIN on the dentoentle aide. In
lonl eter:the Into vote on the
jtiii:mu bill, we hill to find hls ntune,
among his detnnerntle enllengnea,
the ordinary demoemtle vote of
Meyer, h i t hi n i t ittnyee; reduced to ten.:
Tun' Aug Tekgraph tote that
_Writ Alihon 'will Iv:promoted to the pin«) .
tLo l'hillut,,lphh, }vocal utado vacant by
the death of Jtkt. Th ,- .3wp‘on, nod WM. Mr.
6. Ptr:et•n will rt.e.rtiv, th. , nppointnt!•nt to
Sudgs Allison's plan.,
I'l I , ltl
.; •:.,.
f -4, ltilwrn th.•
1,.1, 1.%1 ha I A1.1 . 17.1.1il ur..of thut.,.a.
••I all IVii ri ili., I, i• 1 siii ili.i, iii:ii. ill'i
' \ortl, ii :II e, it) 1.. i.I.X J. in igli our
war (11 , 1,1?—ri debt ‘rtneh, the.Abohtion iv!.
..v i rwas.vont rue tsi in an unholy re!,,:li , n
:1,. ,, ,-nuilif the best gbvertinient the worl , lol i.l i
I YIW. lor I hu, any .one man suppos, Wi.
iyill erinevnt to. puy,„tlieir,..war de's, c m
, fracas' in wilding , hilitieitAgnd tutv: , o to
, bunt our towns and title:, to toy- lua,t4..llns.
Nnintryorhose soldiers have robbed :old
murdercd otirpiMeeTili lithiibitunts, -
. .
'flint depenag.'' . Ir,fyditi halve to, you will.
The s:cptiiititir of the past feat lias ,11.rwtt
tbak . tfii .5i,144, ,ukll. consent ti. any! I, i tez
..fnunk3oll4..gditi...etuinot , eseape.
.11 is to)
great merltinM , r ..c..., , t l
.e so submissive when
!' elle enniltiblielp it, flint without ittion,ting.
• : io:iiititbitter Vanity ill tit() least., we entimie
,yery graciously, alio
'doc4 yield .irr.whit Is inevituble. At the
, ialltellinnyve admit it a , if she oven gn4s
IV - chance, she will repudinto the pationar
debt-much mord omslially than oh,, o w n
eonsents to pay it.
The - Eaton INOrthumbeirland eountyt
2 _ •
b'rec - i'rritrthu.s deseriheis the Ulna oliont
it would Ineco hthrthutted tot thn Union eau
didatel'or Governor:
"Gur cluidldato Sh ho a nuin whose
senthitents on .Itublic htNtryttrca an. welt
`knownovell delinvid, fixed nu/ portuanout.
her in 'full harmony outlay tuna
th-,,i;tvlth the great Intermix ototir State, not
.riturOY,lis Alf y nittv
este, or, In •• theory, Inn
• ithose palaitt nets 'hilpolut unerringly In
- tho taunt direct:tort. awartt a man ho
bttri an opinion 't;iflits'ittrn, and who will
thirOSa7, - "Thls'isright," and puistio it fa
itpito ; otAssOrtloi poifitietarts, and newspaper
editors ,or - correspondents. .Thin irin of
munst - ...-denicutd.a mutt of sterling . intogri
t y, of indrpondonoe of ohm - actor, of iirecinisss
of purilose and prinelpies."
It u.1113,111at it finds nil these high requi
'Atm Cuihydjo in tho lierenn of the lion
.lAs. K. MuottnnAn. of Allegheny county
Speculation In England
The London 2lmes givesaa. laterestinz
•tew Of the progreaa of speculation during the
past year,. No fewer than two hundred and
cialttpseTeu now Joininfloch compatdea, with
authorized capital to the amount' of gitid,od,.
0N p." bag. bought out since tha lat. of Jan
uary, 11 , 65; but a largo proportion of tbeac pro
jecta'have proved abortive, or tktplrol after
brief and Sickly existence. The total amount
of capital offered was .C 75,578000, but the dm
poslts reached the sum of only .C 12,124,700. An
.aludysis Of the now projeeta shown that lit of
than were of a manufacturing and trod to
character, with iff.`733,000 of authorized c01d
.C.2,207,C00 offer e d, and .C3,M10,290 deposited.
Mining speculation was reprosenttal by forty
nine compartica, with .1:450O.Ou0 of capital
authorirnal, 5.1495,00 offered, and .i.t.-
fda,oaD deposited. lioi kilns and ln vest -
i men* companies come neat JO-number on the
There were then two of thaw, athe, pl
tot authorized, g 9,515,000: offered, , C7,110,c00;
and deposited, .f.1,113,-S.O. Fifteen ship.
ping computile. offered .f. 4,13.5,010 of their
their aa
thorized o . :ttit i al . 01 1 .1170,000. aryl roovlywl In
4 0 1 1TI j itt!PLifleOri, il t a . rinVn u n r' Cl i Ciril " jricrtl 1. ' 13
of Lff..,000, and received g.1,15e,m0 to
Its, twelve hotel companies had a dets. , ,it of
CM4,500, after olf , ring .C1,f,100 of their no.
thOrized mut eleven bank,,
with anumlnal Lcapitol of „ X13,1:00.050, ntlerrvl
1i..10,400,000,mcgi bad .4:1,4115,000 deposit...l. The
new IfftsPa in .111 CD by emmpattiesprerionsly ex
isting amounted to .CL.l7s,alo of capital oiled
up out of L1;710,054 offend nth, taint priml m
of 11619,300. sabiltlon 1.1 614 t n .
/OMR er , ihe gest' were .11q.7.11 ..m:. in n,,:nlual
awnamt, L 10.141,453 being roiled up- but a. , ..1-
..iderdbl4. proportion of this sum s •I
We bare - been BO often assured of toe hum,
Dtillre at • sweeping relrobation la Opal!, that
the liccount4 of the revolt of two cavalry
thientibatitilte want °reelected, will came ear n
. petit( in•inan y pouters. This surprise wilt be
still greater Ideate itahonid be oemdrmed that
the Initorthclioniste are under the command of
• Rem ?Minima of the ably& and must celebra•
red ppaniehtletierma. Whether the telegraph.
-lc accounts of the hopeleeimens of the- emu:.
prise are merely en expression of Mery leas of
the Spanish Government, or represent the
truearbite of alfairs, will soon .be known; but
whatever the lathe of-the prevent outbreak
may boom-hare= reason to doubt the troth
• of the MOWS reaching its from all quarters
that the 'power or the reigning dynasty was
never undermined more thearat present. The
' Spanish people learn to look upon the present
tonditiorsollhe kingdom as sitterly unwire--
die; .ThroPlMmasrlitros, whose number wows
"le be ott trio increase, in all the ithdrush pros,
Althea, detain haft taking any part in the elec.'
•tioravwfut'ln - political lift in ureteral, on the
-.Merraitsit ground that the preetatt. Constitution
has bettors treposettiLeoind is cure of a speedy
eollapec 'The approaching expulsion of the
Bourbons- from apaln—the last country of
allow the - one thle doomed family which for
merly goverbed ea many countries continues
to retails a (robin hold—le freely dimmers: by
the leading-newspapers throughout Europe.
Many beileve that it will be among the events
Of the year 1112a.-2.4-
...154orkilique the Game.
• Tbeteat news from ht. Prtoroborg la that the
Cur and hinfotelan minteler, Pelmet Gort,
eltaked4haye lath:noted, In moot eirll marmot',
to the Xing Of Prato's. that "touter no elem...
olonoto ockafroef w .10111 Riedel* taloa Idol to an.
ne .aad bead posOesololi or Eichlesaldoltola•
telo, and that, if needs be, Eutttlit trill join a
coal - farm adtlnst :Pr wads to pretreat this. In
the end, most probably, to end the difficulty,
,the provinces at Nehieuvrig and llolitela, sev,
eu te d,,frota Denmark bribe Pnoiso-Auitrion
tallealon and tiootilitter, mar bet reatortol to
.Denmark! If Oda 'were not leery strange
Omitting an toofful deficient"' of moods On the
vart of moat nonoorned, ablutrtlity would
make It tudicrone. War wait waged with Dem
atmk, oa thapreleat of hovering schleorrid-
Ifolotein front tbut kingdom, to baud Dicta
riser TO Oa tPrlitee of Anduotenburg. Tht7
arc e 0 sedetred, butbutt tten I of being tram•
furred to the Penton allows claim+ were en
.forced by hostile arm., Prowl's grab. oue
poorinew for heroolf, pays A not rln u large 'um
for the ntber province, prepares to •IncOrpo
mite tot It to tier own t. ritory, anti lo met, at
thelaotmoment, with it threat from Rotolo,
eareled out, will reatore the stolen
proviores Dentrmek, to whieh the, have
3 . 1;d/trolly Le/f/tignit,for a long
,Tlse New; York Citizen (edited by private
has an article Juliano" ,Jr tee
Fmainani, And tirging Iriafi twin and A sierleil
to o°lll.2llone to the Fenian foad.. We quoin
n-almar °minutia
wlca tell the Anterfean publio--..•t0l they
have berutafore. found as pretty an:unite
13rophete In eueryitling relative. to t h e
cau•i—that before ten u erk% l byre 11111 tor -
bOrninwherr—un irL tl Itepoi4ie rei.i log on the
(nee of the Puri h , ••ill. u 1.10 , On urniY, port
.1' entry an.l. 4. all. a llaVr 4.! vriv.if eve., and
the Iciest• nyourag..ll,l I , lllnl Frio.... •a ad
tie. - I iititti ' , tater In the of
treat tiutg aKalitiNt Urrat WIWI, Let no
sink_ u. for ten present whinne till. rcpahlie u l lll
ho lot:sled, fOr •nunot anYm or /1 iutea
called a re.pitblit., 11, warrant ittg and 11•••• L
hot will t• ally only I••• nonl 04 .111 1 1 / 1 /11 , i1:11.•
1.1 OpPrtllil,ll . • fur lie I ran-frr .11 .•01,
rn alladliall 111-blot,.
word Mo. Io the wi-r enolllth tool ...e• 10••••
the wild nun., gion ettille.l. the w .• - •11
11111111 nberall) 111,1
drain in aid the eina••••; nor will I lon. liare •••
long, for the Inlllllnteut Uf nil dint w.•
110.11.11 Int 1,11•1•1un
A 1. . ca terlitl•sp for Li II le Ir ee
.%I/ Nnt.ti I , h 111 . .011 lie
fOr Greta:fug flown the menu rtmtorie. ut .111
rOuntrtes, In order to monopolize them
What lln the wage,. It( Fre, T rmitt 1 Si A petit.,
a &Ir.
iV to are Vootfitted Dv Free Tra3, , Thus
'Oh° Import I Ito r %ion. 11,.
Iff .11Il1kl .•
Iron; Vbiet, the (moo,' I. 'MAMA .
11b0 alit th,, 3 , lvoeolt , or Fr , ' r.. 1•• 'rho
I:0,11AS ari.loorney, loion.
.1110 Atuorlcon Pernuerucy,
ttnu born.. 'll,Thut rtould ho tLr sliest id 1 tn.,
f.hitt up till A rnurirau work•hop., torn o.
Laid rocebun lrs mit (.1 omtolo, moot,
11011(1 Reyerul hoods-oft million. of donor. in
gola, auutially, 'to Ettrope, tutu 11f.IIVIVf, our
CkITCXTIIM I I/t or mOuny non roMOVell ror thitle•
On impOri., swab which to pay Internet no
.3.nrA:N.-:-The Jl4ll[lllooTorment h ive
thadued it ireeeioniry to grnnt :mother demand
Of 'the repreeettlativei of the foreign powerl,
by opening. from Jaintary I. l lnl. two more
llortß to foreign limit, he.m. twu, port, arc
riidgrt and toacti-d in
he liner i.eQ of no. 0,„,t
/111p.fitilif eaten of tha IMildra. having a popu
lation of Jilare than :dl.l,oo , lllthabilan to, and M.
tog in Met, the emumerolal capital of Jamatt.
Both aro !Monied not far Irani dilaco, flue MO.
donee of the Mikado, or Spirilied Emperor.
The hanortance of thim conce•s Icor for I Ite per
mantot eideililinhntent of Puritan ecowm,.„, n
null fur aninraing the etieral Into reourtni
Julien with civilized nation, In oheto".. It le
the Inc t effectual blow which ha. let bye„
given to Jananozo nativism.—N. r 74 /lone.
Urn.. EIiTATE to NEW Ynitg.—A !Yew 1,4
letter ea y : 'Flivre Were 00010 heavy 'morn-
Winn In real entitle, both at allot Inn o wl at
role batxstin, 11101 privy+, Worn real
lzed.• IVbat do you thick of 410,090 being of.
fared for Ik.bit of property adjoining the new
Herald litjlitlng ill ltroailway, nu by Itn feet
1110713 were salon yesterday' of property In
24adi*on avenue, between Fort 3 -fourth and
atiCeta, the total purebn,e-unotnv
iirttlilch reached tCO,OOO. The lot corner 6f .
ltroildwarnad Irtiltonatreeta Wan leased today
for a tuna of ,settra, at 1116,000 per atinnut,
fOOttri droht I Ili oft tire entirely cuipiceollent•
ropITION OW ftrNaTna Bnitag.V.V.—Thenn Dem
, ocru tic pitpers Who are claiming the eleetiou
a 'Senator Sherman an a Couservative trl-
LIMA, and - stating that ho will ix) found op
usaal to the Medici members urontnttn g that
- irl itch le without any - foundation In fact, and
.1a a •cias libel upon one of the ablest men in
the Union tucks, a Warm poninnal friend of
Chief Justice Chase, , and-ae reliable upon tic
main queetions of this hour On Ora any of his
.-colleagupe. Thera le no Tanta unuomprointaling
roe of dlaltryalty and CiabOannv, Or a m an , de.
tersuluod tdrootto'tor avodoui and 'oval Xs-
MO to all men, than tho Senator from Ohio,
}:ll!l}4NVit, 11; 11 I.
F. , ,1e rnl,n Istn 1 . ,•1 . , N
So•. at : 1.. ~,
116:441:1411'h S6:11111(
•Vil I:. II •• , • I ‘ ,
TION rrIII "old lb It ..1111reh I. ','
M I. Ilk! I . 1.1111.1. r.,•
111., -Ina. H.T. 1.1,
I "I.:
M , 1,11 ut
'h t . put/rad., hinfirVit 11:114,1 tOrMt telt, "..“
• r
r;:'' F1111 , .1-11-E EnticArioN.--The
villtor VARY NEXT; - Dl;troont! Kireet.
opposite Mr Court . 11ou.o. ' , here a fete
eon then he manaltted. es2Otttreotibtli
, Int Y in - vh/t*141,1. 011., l'omrANr.
CORNIKII Woona3,lllol.llKrot
Tirir sTocK ttall I , mvany and
Vol trattaterred to'lltena on
fly 4,11111nd 'lel° their trttert.ttt,. either to bayr the
same. tran
P til.rred :WIWI, irrtheir
verneelati •.. • .
jatlaWd; . Bl•Cre..,Y.
L 0.0,F.
TO FIF:01V/M T o Toy
LiF ETTE 11.11 LL.
Monday Evening. Jan. 29. 11P46 t;
. • - • #1131141%
N. A6.5--4:nt;irt N. II m . Elltn.
101 Alcsamar Oack )Ii 0, 7.0)..-Jobtl Mai tale, ,
isratroi,o. •
1.,11•10,4 As. Ili% ik or
Itertritencrt,Jannarylll, IY6a.
Comptroller tif u.r. l'tirmhey,, thy .1 0 1 ,,, 10r , ••,
tale Bahl. hat y dYYYlarthl a dlrldrod or on, I,er t •
oat or the myyr..4l profit.. payable lh SoirY•
:tuck loth. , amount of to. - hundredlhoosanctdyllar.
14 , 0a,0001. took tar thy evaltal tillvytt hondrYd thou--
and dollary (4 1 .kaltun.;
bloykbOldria .111 ha , .cry.lit on the • of in.
!intik trJlll one no. &hare of •tollara for Ya•-11 to
yhare, brid ou l hln t orrnty -ni IA day of .lautotry. A.
It,. !Ara. •
1 Viten I hl! allnlateht Inaba, ohe-half of a ytutre
portion of 11. r tbeOwilvr fnuy.Annplele. thy
Ala rt. by a phytnyntlof t arehty•hvY Or enrol
that /menu an anutralcutt bat& tbla option
hpoo thy YotoplrtildSurlbe therm., to thy ,S.
If bra all xenialnlng t.
Mt paid lu
tauh. U.Z . 4.tda ter) 1. M. MURRY, en.. 11...
'l - 1116 WEEK IA it: AZETTI:.
For Sittordai. Jitnuari - 21.
ZS cvr_Tir.
It ~ ..111•,• Ini+rr.llu, 1t..., .01 , •s
world. a n•ong It. o.aniont• aro.
Apylnlarblng Ir.
burlh as3d IYallrold: I u•lar Law ~,,,,
anl Tuatlas. i'lltaburgtiand I!.ohrn, Tar n
,loarttr .m.(1,, I Intli and ayrstu: Cry, Trade
L''Vran : Irerrertroartnrn: Sclna..l Law;
Tha I•oathrras Mak,: U•nry Army - till, in,
Iran. in Intlrond, 1 ernrb In Mr claw;
• 10.
o .•• it ...I Brett.% - I Nlrs. C.rln•lror,
Itnrgiaryon II Mrertz Iloar.l or Trade
1. u•nrial: Mr. from It c nth, IYegalar r ,tralr3nd:
111.1roy. Rerfnai: arrlera'
re I loro.ery Ittompl • Veto... 3..
Ileyrt If. N.:reow (rpm IsAasts I.,t'
lm:lm:Mass link , ' at tin rensatrrr ILdd ro
In A : Altrrnyd r r horn ittmaritir
reedy Itnralarn . At
I t I. Ir• 1:.01 , -ntar,lal I 3 1.daalrhe• tram 11 - ..111
ton. all., • .4 I ..nrr, I In
l• TN. t yttnne'.4 BasoL4o -tla.alnk.ttsit ite.-
enywqr I 3 - 3,4,, Ad, iry • rr.t.n hnropr:
Ydannfirture.: Ar.
GE:41 , 1111. NiAlira-illa Tote on thr r4cr 1 1 111;
rr,,rd l'nl.n of the inyrltran. 11..enau so-1 (:rack
l numb,: Mr. I.,Olittlr Sped-l.
.eirrnlrnlutedaA of *bora new, Item , .
3 3451):1(131AL-IYellable Itarporth of she rut.-
r,h Ntarkelo.! AlletbYtla and Central 11..
l7awr It.flimare and VA.rk Calit• 11 . 11 eYa:
Potton WOol *Sark..t
3, In "iii..•ra..
MItGOnI. Y - vaavAt Ilitconnter.
. _
voi-cot sTOLEN..4:I.IVI•IOII.4ths
e the lath ltsollo-aro.:;ora.
ofJ lb fkIWN. la Wool *loot!, tr. !7µ1,1.....,1y
utorrol end their Noir lalwen
IN/ ROT}, therata.n. and M.. pahlle 1.
esvilone.l rtuT , ha.log or no gutlaolog the
carat. Na pay... al ha, tree •toproel
haehrlt dated 0,1... •Al, lbF., to favor ol
JUN. Damn, al to Nay.. at I;.rata.., .5
',NNW*, for e
P,Otebell. n.e.l OetoN. tn , j , nr
!hp, c 0..., I. co.. at kratamt
D. Clary A ( u., dao d to fa
y. of Jain. Pot , n. at ~., ant.. k..a0...a. a
ltabitt - , foe
11. W. Kivi. 4.1..4 Januar? rib r.••• 4 of
Juba Itatt 'bre. month.. for i. 1,7•2
a check. No. :7, •fifflatl by A Bra., lath e leo" potablo to fa.. Alone, or
btakret. on Afrrettants•en4 Kann Dud Platiouia
. laCO:larlan
Asset 'lE , Pe•temit 411.46-eascrr.
EL DELU4. <7144M., MU%
If., P.ENIMINDEE,CI.9.Vag!oser
11.14..b.74. 1/lbw
• .
1 . 11T.IIMIA:11. January Inth, PA: I
'rin 110 A or DIIILECT(111f1
tht I•j,rl tifj Ingripatay hare drelarr4
Brat one al the ant rarr.lng. or .hr last alit months,
ea dint tirtithvbct ant, 41.1. tend .r t N In IL
LAIN IthaJi be pall on and after Yet,
mar, let. #w4 and that the rethe.ntier .f• .11.1 earn
log.. 'roe 1104/nen pre altstr, ahall I. aerrell In the
. /I , ..ury 4;10 •111,k314(Tnni.
talit .11.nnt: 40110 4. Vitt: Vit. heceetary.
• nnimisiritATnix.s NOTICE.
w Adn.l.l, rwionan Me.
11. 1 . .V1T 11% NI, num. , i - r. lat.. of the Kvlg
ar4, 11,4 , 1,01, .1• t.•
un4tr.lFor4; all 1... n. An4r , 4 , .,
Til• , . .1 10 pnylA , ltt, hallg
nt th , ln to 11, ”n4or•irno..l, arill
I • r. 11•• •411cr.... tot •
, Lar.l. fuT•eiliClll,..
1 1 1:101-• 31 , 1 , E11 , i , rT.
, 4 Ailnilui.grairl v.
1:1711 Y GOODS. TOI S. 13.1111111;TS.
P.. , k.• F 11.11 , -.KATY,
WI IFNI N•t• N% liEri •
.sit al, 1, 'Mi. 4., I. A 1: 1.11• N, N. v.
rt.. I. lieAr 1.111,
VED Olt STOLI:11.--.t ntosull
MAME. with rwo ohlto or, he,
rro, •. I r or 5tr..,0.1 he t uAc
. . r• , t 1, 11,1 I
I• 5.., I.r rtAttrnto,
.4. , -41
,11 v.- in I'n ....uruh or 1113t,..b....t0r, o 1.1 1,0111,..r01inr
re o ..0.11 ton, .1. , 11..•11, N 11.1.1 A
h.ll - t•ttotlth ttp hot the cultl. ‘ , 11,11, .htost
lb ,
tht , t. rut.. A... 110 1•311 Ite put •rel
• "••"•"•• 1,,,Xh01t:, 'had. 4. .Upply fut.{ rt-t.. it thl anti httr ttalt.
I'sni , Itchul, !St• "Jtt itthl St.
J. 11. I . lllll.t.lith.
I tr• I, CI.
.1111 1 . :11S.11 lIXIIES 111 - 11,ING-
I Jo'. w A•li Flo , t'l: • rrf•
t.. Ibr I A Iht LI •
..aI ., 1•111••11. 4/0 ore ,
.0. A II 1 • 111/.1./1 .4 .
3,1 p.
,N. that, •tr
'N 11EN•144
••• • •
1•4 0.1.14...
bri • t„,,
)o11• 1 1r1
bUSIL pint, liry . •••tri. •. ,
Yrj utt.l • whet - rt.
b. 1.1( 1.110•.1 1 . 1 Ht. ,
Itti6. Flint I
1,/) at. r • conqiollll ow haw), wh0,...1e
1034 I ' ll-IL rtorrEt, hilEltAltll.
• X) Liberty •trt•rt.
,1 7 .15 - C VINECIAIII-44enuine im
yortatiou;lbc on, fo.utufneturvil for labia
plelan; Juni renelvel and 11. or alu qiinsi nallun, at the l'arnAn , it . +Trery Ittnre Or
3a 4 Corn. r I.lin.rty Direct..
n frrnb
•np ' ply of fre •
nb Slu
gflloEaStlnrl If.Metrl.nlV:V"n,,.:ff'7'fr"r f
t 1L7.0 : ~,,( ' lf ' S•,
1.11,4.rr • goal Ilr to)
1:11.01 II! 11 , 1.01L31:.
"Mar of Ilic l'i••1."
.• 1 11 v 111111./.•
.1 110 e.),• 1 a1..11 ,
rcr •al . • /0.11
I 6
11111 u El,- 1111.1:,..1rr,1x01,,,re5.
71 I/1111/ ttttt I.
Mil ES it to ar-
Dry A twit,
, '...lar
rUtt,t othrs ttuit..f Trout •s_st, , ivtAure.
Jut% IttAl All DICKEY a l'S).
WO• 1 Her•
slugs, Just recut vett owl 11.1.5a1. , br
ts at
IJ'a3 ttles. ii on4 t l ood
pECA NS.—.lO Was. Petllol just
retired usttl for 1,31 l•
1MV11137. BTUS,.
Itlo ' NOS. la, 4101 WOU4 111,13.
, 41!'. , /C: linws Turk Island Sall
!us. to clot. out. bj,
__ . _
TALLOVY OLL 401,1115. .;:aala
en 51LIver Coed fbr .1.10 by
411 iTED--7'.11.1.04V--40.0001h.
1 I,fl V 6 4..
11.414TE14- 4 % uolea Spinner.
kmo, io si 11 - •Il stt • • `•
rrarr, Prcl-trrrrtr!r- •
AV ITEI).--111 14:0 1 .Iwr
t ,!:i ,• •
A 1.111,At
It \
S., la. and
, ANTVD.—A businew. partner In
a proUtA ,, ler.t•6ll./ted manufacturing
It ' l „H gl "' „l n n gi l . t; a d c: ! , r 7i . ;„ `" if...1, '" 0 r ,; I tl7; 7 : K".1.-7'
T AND STEAM FITTER. None need amity bin
tirrt raw Labdo. Good wages and steady floploy
no•nt. Enquire at T. T. EV.q..NS•. successor to Add.f
a Ewen,. kit Wood . lta
. . . _
WANTED. - .AGENTS--To hell o
work of absorbing - Interest and permanent
value- - Lirautand his Vamp - slims • by - Raney
l'opf.s... Air°, ••hlterman Ida Canapaßfno s " by ;
("AA. Ilovnaszt.• }'or putyolars, apply to or address
A. ELLE% L 7 ourth strrot.
:0= Pittstiarfth. I's.
it' . ea --Experlen-
Ced CU), aSSCI, Wanted to can Toms lb.
. We.,
API Ih PTt (P P " 7 ) ; ' I%IC ONIk fWJefl4 %1
f just loaned:
.ts• lad - isfor - suprfor to nw ing Tbs. l.l fonrithrpoblto. Addro,;;EXNEtafF
l E RE22 4, 11111,_ !aRb.
„ 7,,-treNteteD 4 attle..f.atTill
where It. would lir received nodl treated as one of the
fou:11,. INF -an n bating takt otoseFr of .iseh.
o gala Wilber Information by applylog et tb,
I NI.Lita:NCF. OFFICE. No. 77.. Third :arr.,
Rob...c.c.s trout, d.in7..Rttd
IVA - NTED.-.84.500 PER FEAR! '
rtirittßY : Ltl-Tefi'.1?“1.1"..'11" 1 41,7,:v tSu (l 5iT
no*, kind., undt•r and upper Ens% :
bartatitSd o'i• yearn. Abort eats, or Isree Is
sion paid. 'The ON lA' Machias fob! in Ent t: d statos
tor h.. ttain /Sas bliic.A 0,0 lacemool by Howe,
t R7,r
lrr .1 I( .le &Ivo 6u. s-,
ring 1.0,11t1r r. A olio, cheap /bifida:, ars , •
Etusi.bai r. t 4reulars fry, Addroar or coil up..
oa 0(1 a ILARE, Itlddefuld.
. _ .
.15 TLII....AILGEN EMI rimy-
MYST 1..1111 1:1:1'1'1: Art 1,4 /LW Elt.r. AAD
Al.l. 01111 11N. -Gr.... 461.- of Jewnlrs
Ar, Are, Ilamiltort A t l 1;IY1
Tit , N. our agynt• art mal ing from Irt
Thirty l‘olh.r.. p.r any. Ilud wr 114:4,1 111 wore. 1.41.
011,• frODI I.urolr 6*l .I.3rk to orrr
t/ur 11 0 1 , , tel. A Nth-rtEl/.1 of
Watrbr..; 1.:8410.0 3..•relry
an /1411 N of ihr 1,10.1 InAhloi,wlno psi,.
la }Army!, Hen ri Z..cints for t0r1111.m1....,
...111 ter 11•1111( 7..0 are enthled to: or 41 1, 11••
or 4.7, for 111friy; •ro.l n
•tsrnp lor our, rrost. to 4g.-111., whl , ll art 1 11, •a.• • Nolr ln. our Ilze,• .r
/urn, , 11). no.l +W.., In 11.\:1411.1.•S
Ito. P. C‘ , Yuri, :a.
.trect. Ar.r York.
1,1111 SALE, the Stock nod litter
t 'if one of the 111 ,, T MILLINERY Ant,
1 KSTABLIMINIEh 1n 11. .11 0I.;1•
t 111. nj proyri.-tor. IF anon( to quit budnco,
Addrea.. Lock 11. a nr,134, Allnrhen• fat. ^n
I.'Olt WALE, with Immediate pot
• a two •tor, rrom. 111 OMlr in lb ,
ollaire or Mutant - ‘o,lllngton. for further part!,
Liar. r tor try of li. Er,
jnr::11 - 1,1 In NI 1 , 0,e Nctnt. So. ml Yourtb 41.
1011 S.ILE - 110111ri LiND -- $1,600
'IL 1."1 111"SI/RVIt AN:lf Tililiry
% , 1:1_, Id. I ttt IL Wrlrdvr 117.
11.11131,a , ocut.t. low a. ',it to, tine of tht
Plurond, 1..0. to d Tor 'al , for ~ lMr • onro
/...1 ts.h. rn.h. •,/NV NEIL" t. 0001 re
sAILE--1144# oCre. of Ccoak
..Ittlat. In hen Ws tow 04111. 1% a.attnatou ~
Prona. Prar the .lot • of the Ille (tall roa:l.
at Minion, !..tatlou, along. otllg .Irout the cite. lor
tomb, part 1.111, ,quire 0f , ,. MT., qv Kg,
161 Fourth utret I, ortoWILLIAM
I'. 'AM 4 ' 1'4.1.1...nth. pr.-mi..,
- -
roil tt.E.--.4 first class Rest—
. denel.. voutalnlng 13 noon, nntAhrot In 'nod.,
.t, w :11“aarlo. 4ln every
r• not gn
brlrk ..arringe boo. ttn ,
l ahle add Ir , ..hon..r:Lot SP fret front by 11,3
d• •p, .1lont• ',lnk.
I,Na. nrre. of 11n/ha r Larot, .Ito ate In r.k eon t).
I'a.. a ..r L . /W.14,1.W% AIPI Eras 11.
1: nahl undeln l•dd wun coal. nqUlrt ofl. AL-
I' , N
1.1 , 11 Elt. no. I , lfttp xtrrrl. fan:lard at
1..011 S. 11.1: OR TO RENT---t
En.ttie I.rol I.ot, 'llOOl,l 5 1 irct'dl'•
wtattou. tut Hut Clot eland and Pitt ..tatrAdil.:4l.llrnad.
ovlaOt lor Ntotlon. flour, emtLtlu• t room, at
Ro4rn..and hat ' , rem osed at a alorr far It
r'rot , . he locatont rrooL . Otto, n. 4u
crllt nt country trot, hAr 401 roirtlon.
apply to E. "WIN , . or .1. Al N SEM', 7..
lids-ral Alienbt-ot . t.sZ.IL:w
OR ALE 1:111:ALP.
or 111*13 ArREk, In 'aleitin r. tournablu. .tiouttt
the Pre..liut , of Jamue arui J . I.{ •a l a
11111r0V llta111• pi.llll rretroe Prato ,
tiara, at,: a Int - raniacre. Oa year, 0,141,
halame grnoou .It h Yea', Tr t,-• Itt
Atli hi alitti. .terialit tot nullifina , on tha
VIII Co, tali!, Oot u, hr Ibe U..rre rus.l or W ovd•
/:on aterj, Care.
a rot iLJ T. .t .. 1'1119..r.. N. ~ : ruatteal
:17:tattier:or. •tltlre.i C Nu. :al
11' eau ot tphia- jalt:tf
1MA147....14111T1: OAK L — O - 11..
BLIL —lo..taaa fretof Inch yienk. In to le feet
long: In Taal It , I Saw. 4 Timber. to orsier
nut) tlellik tett to Plitaborgh. atituabeny. t'roo,
T 1.., rkt. Dennut end Po•te. tVe..l
Mladlea.el..yn tine of Erie and Pliteburait It UnccJ.
Mercer taatinty, Adtlroos H. M. {514.14 ..t.
U•rt 311.21.11e.a. Xxrccr cc1 . 1 , (. 1 . , t •
11111.1.1=R: Do: or No. 4 It. CUL. et— l'ltta•
torgh • JaLS:tind
rA Valuable eqe) -
... IND.Dore al ;Z.lgeronal Cut.. Prnaailvaola
LI: I road. vac sad ,a billlrak a from Vlllthatburg:
ILI. ;ern act - ec prexhtaiif Luad; a Guam.. Dwell
ing; , ontaaniax tru 11.11. LA ra4lat uodernrattl;
t'rrlt erl...2Nr r ,urorrealrorra co Ito; rrocalar..t. For
forth., 1a;0rr,..1.., call at No. 11U3 Elat.b ;Arr.?.
I . lClalicrAti. or act th e
non.ltr J V. KIND.
1.1111 EamII:DIATE
A mor va• narti ruormr
-IY. AT DUD.' DUN ;al Al IVY ,- I , la - tro. aCrra
I .1, Ith r. 41. und garr-t,
Torralr ..ta vac, stol [DM of all tlndl.l n.ln
atr•' O - 0;11 Da. fctlar..l AD.. Lk w.f.. AllreetD
Vaquirr thc rctorrlbc-r. at LI. nAvilitit. AND
(11.. Tont, u 4111,Thm,..
VOR EENT--Two Enonts,
tqr roe rlnzle tent/men. litmlre of WM.
BA Is EV, El 1.. r,tn.. 7O Grant etrer_l; ne, 1.. F.
rI ,, N , is It. ft . :lnn/ad , t [met. Inliotto ern.
to bothilpirs (.on, of Federal had Water tr..,
negbrn•'. net , rootot oultl antt eery well for •
Stolen ohm; kind ceedlnx toteh for hording Tort l.
giound covered Is Yob) )feet. ingetrr
hn rerond gone of ran. bnlldluz.
,InIP:•110 ' It. fl.
Hjrh ' Vre 7 f4TEASilhfitfit
.Itualrion the 3lonongelvela If/ Ter. In Metiers
hhrt. 3111.1., -Ith lone run of bore,
e l
ocob a , 0.n.3 .1.• roe., n.l • N••••' •ot row:Moe - my. In
trl oe la zo
nod ealoreo ;tool choutry raelogn. Voho-hOon 1,111
he Riven nthn told. Ilk fnah-foltoble. For rot.
thee infOrtn•tlon. al
to so the prroalhcs. or .I.lrx of
n) I:MI.:Nall, ilriir t port, Pa. Jal7,ltnts
IN--- - 0 - 4) row 4ii6511
.. Iyr .1 ilk. is Ilan day ellanen.c.l---“. It. PAINT
ER n..n J having 'old
11.. lE., In 0w61 , 11,. Ern, In the unde,lFne..l,
(/,‘: nolac.-of REFINING PF:-
T1:..1 (1 )1 ten 1.1 NE It 1.Y..11. WORK'. undcr
brnt K /:F . tEL ry'r 1
401 EN 1..
J. tIIN It.
• E.. 1..
.t 1 I , tn.v. W.,. noren.r .of 11. n opt rrnr.
1 . 3 11. Jon 1.1. tn. 7.1
_ _
I )126 1 01i.l 'IIIII,N Di ' P itTNEIR
-The ka , liet - al,ll. tato, • li.llng
11, a 11 2 4 :1 , 11...1"11% 1,1 ri1,14 and El,.
1, A 1:1. I nod., asint and
•13 lo h 1.144 ', I .0./ , 1... a di
11, 0.1 “I t,,,,k Ainalk. aa. I 1.. IL. nititaial
arx till w • ,
,114 ,!,1; I td• ti • rr r
tkr• 1,1. 11, ni 1.• 4•1.1 5e alr, Tltt
Or la. Ors, will 1., 111 , d l.y
All partle.ladt jaa.,l to ill 1ara....,11
11, 11.4 OF. 'WO 116" pa al t
•.14 I.aal I 110 ri "L., .11.1 Sexi., a 11l
""',"`" i" -•• IA). 1' Nra.l.l 5 .
I .:dh. .11111 11. EIS gm.
psst)LcriclN OF P
• `lll 1' diva.; I.a•
1: 1.5 1,1% and 1,1 KIN Dt.,,
tt. ale , / It “, 1 , 111 11114,..
I •I 0.11 ,, 13 , 4 rat.
.sa lug to thl,. • 1.41 a,
In. ,In.•• ai Ie il,ta al" a
ud. a tta..
a- di 'On. a all y. 11 a ta •tt I 1b.., 1,, in;
•Irtll\ \ 1)14.
)IMsOLII TOO\ OF P.tirrYkt:it
-1 pirr,
r ••is . II
r'‘. • tu ltxr, 1.1.1 I.ut.hor
11..,r's 1.1..1. ' "
.111 an, or
thr th.
1.1“.4, or .111. r harri 11
..n. 1.41.1• .1 to 3111 arm
"" blvlog
January CAth. 1
—'ll, purtnervistr
under r n 1 or • J•ON
mut connun '11.4.
.01 th-,1 Ir, Ir .uovacwlrro, J
md JAMES 1. COULD aI ,
pa en trons. 11111,11 MA. JUNES.
(701 , A1Malt311.1.r.—The underslA-ne4 have asp.
ctnirA thrsnoelves toerrthrr °mks. 4.101 , A!‘/:
of Ja.,ILLb T. DUAL)]* S Co., Hanker% .41 Ilrokirs.
TilEt) I.1)G ICA,. A "41).3115CE11.1. a •
y ovoi do hi. EXIII ). INE \ D FAMILY
JAII. VIII.. »lllovoold by
raotoa,lo,g npe i o 1 t l he t leli boto,r of
tthor , t onttorre,l
•1,1, olla,loh of 'AV work, froto genti..onn . pr•
111,3 r!, , kt bleb• • ellolt..• gathering of
Th. ologtraino.i All,rt.ll3neon• Book,. floe]
F otiblieaflon• of likekle S.
gal.; I- tho lift, slot 0110,
Z * ol rTa u n d irt i .ll!.. " r„;. ' S r•ttch titpl..tou', I ., lrtionnr, of
v...; 11`11.1,1•1 nod Itorelf
rofio. r.tre old work,
to r c
•,tra lk Otl,. m. 0.,.
• fr.oFflrh tool forth mat Pulpit and Vantl,t
1111.1,, I:irg,;.i.l 1,0,, Item bonnet ltt
f Pt logod, now 0 , .oly Auetluia noon,
• 1//11 /111..{in oil Ilex nll da7
A. MoILUALNE. lad.
utn.A.?WhYttloT4ll2CT3rSi...TeililjeEn't.-elhoe B: Loud
tilt, 6l
u (February./ and eloura oh th e 2,:th ofJun,
Iloys and toung Man Ilmrtmenly prepa bo
nnie.. or Colkgc. The Principal, who It
had teachrr, law/dated h 1 TL), Kenticineu of MAI-
Ito 3 Intl end,EXlndir,nec• •
having purelostu the large and comencritana
Orb.lnruperly near 1V c.teater, tatule orOdoled
Iq the Pen',
n` Milli ay Academy, be tda
trracit me ItteSelionl then In areal+ After • 111.
rt.:ll.olth, eillitary department, Ilivagh at ilri..cut
en 4 altil a. nh.ltnartahlne, Trill e.
40( Lotalmitivr, ampty_tortaa Prlnelnal,
at. Wut COC]tat, reemai
.° • iz.; --3 t .,
0 ~_ t.....
I t LIZ . . H;2 = 0.
4- :::!: npk 2,g. q -.•_-_. ,
2 4
; 1 , 3 1 1
• ',: A ~,:.:-.
. ai: '57.• .:=-
IF, 0 ; --1)
:: F 1 a: 0 •''''
• „ . .......... .
' ..•.i •., w ra 0 1 •
, F. ..t
: , ii k O l ...T" ..' 5
~.=.- a
A. . ~..... w
. .. 0 - •=
~., _ .....M
. •
.! •••••••1
_, a l
'4 ...".
; . .....a
'• "
TTI I{ Slalr AN clitl I. Pit coMp;tN T. of
[to only unporterr of the pro tint Lta•hre.n • 4e.pc,
, n infroduee the chine n, of l•cseruh and c
eft +. reared? ...hien tor see. hoe been 1.e.., le
a.rfrria eamnitira as the rya, potcOt for the core of
toullttude of eilreares. and In the language of a
celebrated Profersor In the f4lcotta itediteJ Col
lege bar for eg• cenctuutod the prJecipal element
In ail thr pepelar medicines emougtho Orient,.
The article now offered to the American public Is
ehr renehar 11.1meealt
w dearribrd
h. Payard Taylor. and hleb (or [Uric. has
the /bane of poet: and philbi.pberr, but ow
ing Co Ito remarkable and uncertain Influenee
the mind when taken In Its crude amt.% and tier
ultPeteted amount. glten of It by
touristy. la degree Of dletrust ha , heretofore retied
en the pert or the ptOple of MI. rountry , to it..
rural I .W - tit let • P.O.W . ' n3edielne—an.l pre
en.. nothing har had n greater teruieney Ince - ea.,
dirtrurf on the part of thi indcf Intrlllerut of
ear people than the course repent}, porward t. a
rcrtnial New York eel:Kern, 1.•7 offenng to the ',lab
., :re utterly eorthleec preparation. under the de
ceptive &lame of Liaehreeti Candy, end at the rpm.
•C rated ug to the morbid ctirhodtt on the part of
'h.. r)
to wltneee Its egret. drrerlbed lu the
pont of -aft Crleto, and other eltnUar set hurl
tit •.
le preparing the f, run Ifeaber , h Vari., the
ea tolerating pn.perthe of the erode I fa..1..e4e ore
Itedified et Leirel role ot Oat len-, hot .tinny
It ph,oenti, and no sh run for
I.lcLedla, l 01./co,
AvTl ' ol.l.
LretV ..PI
AI , L. ALL "
• 11.—Iterrnrr or a vorllLie,... Artlele naoler s
mane, ATM pnrchase none volthostt Ott/m
.. prin:
`11,11:1 r , 'omps L'! ! '.t ashlug , .
Ho-ron. no exit not. Pri rly.
ce 4. rent- And t 1
imr Yvr AAIA. p.nerAlt, .
WIDAt-.ale .Igvot• Petrn•vi , nai..l -.l.shrutm.
IlnlLA. , ety I ownrlen, Bbil.dcli.Bla; B. 1.. Vain,—
ivrt ( u., grk4.NP.....lacr.ip t l 0., Pllt.Ourgh.
Murtha (4 rindc-t-..
?, Pert:2 COVER. ?met:
litMT 6: CO., Publisher'
59 HIM Street. Masen/O
t.r.:STs WASTI3).
pv.t-paid. onll,4pt (.1 p nn
)I Ahi/6 Yelp -
*3 43 43
.1,111. U„ \p. . 18 VemilkStreet.
rlTTßltritntr. attntlyr,
‘,;1.1.1a..1!D PHOPOSALS.,:add
So the unel. rslKrled.wlll !ma r.l THIS
tWr.H:pl t‘co S. TI. 111/Ay, F. I.rt"ry A.t, 1.41. 24 3
T. n.. for copplvlnK 'hp Ilr vdth STA•
TII'S 1:111' .\ BLAIN& TIOOKS d.rfog
vror. emu. onh - q-. I , rhrt.,
J*7.l:td ' JOIIN lice.t It. l, c0t,,,,,t0r.
11 . •1/11, GYM.% CYr T. January 6,
sr %Lilt VTIOPCNAI. O 'Oil reftlyrd al thl• of
err until I o•eloelt r. 1... on rIZIP.tY. the Inn day of
'`rLarY , 1. . 6 . fur +oPrYInIS the ktglit.flou..”
tohil..tuntni with .Ixty hou , antl An...lropt 0 the be.t
quality port ttrlnter..xtrnlned litt•• elthor lard or
pent, to to tiOrfileti Into 0 m nut" to he della.
rte.l at the ntplyrnlontlonst....llng , ..l.l.. of thy
l'...‘ornntent supply -1 ,, 54 Is. Or th , ”retton.a. or
Otte, plan of tkpotlt.lo? th. In. pe,-
, ottxr 1.0.10rit.'41 agnut of the 1.101 t
boo, 11031,1. In ,tron.g. ttght, ro le .uttahLr for .I.lp long. In goo t
t. etportre. • aeh, i from tit, to
tlioa• o a n thr Att. I,oiln t
It .lop N. o - .1 opt of the
. 1, pia,.
of 4,llirry to onet. case tn,t.!
I. • t to lb, ..u.l 61 .
tn. to lots will to. , 011teto.l.“ f0,,0. tI.
I No. I. F 1114,1, ~,n
th.• ‘Oll. ••11 - ••••011 r
r t. ,t• t.
1 : 1111,e,/ (01,
11. r korll.
ntll .•t. nod znapar,g r. in., ..... ••.1,
ti.. I.? nn.) :l• 4. to..
t... 0 • :opt cnugtrtg I/ .1.
I —1 5... 4. i..../.••• 011.. I. , 31...”
.hts 1.4411., *p.m rt• if tr aa
eat.7l/., el.ll
I be t .1'1" thc
titne or I.sll Oil. to be
J. :61.0, At Ilvtrolt.
it.. 1•111..) •,‘
\..1.1.1 1 , 111 be N0,...,4 uule•-• In.uva mlnurav •
tut. r or Ibr
N.. port of 11... 1 propf....ld for .srt.l s., rat 1 .r.te1,1
Its Its. utstl.r fl.l. s. 111
rptrd. rorylve.l. or Inxl.l f..r. watt It .11.11 parr oftro
pr.... 4. to Ihr of tlt..
tnrgvil ttl. It. cnnatn,...lon. . •I. out In
niwel 1... to of the bc•l loath). purr t
cd oil, .4‘ll mixture. with otlacTor
nn. and ttdialemtioa .
'Fite natal mean. for•Vtermintut.the ottevet• r soy
unailly 0f the st•erus 011 .lU I, rmulo r ect, s u: so•vn
ne toornlt.g.the 3tn.vut re•tdouns.and and
tests to arr., at C.rrt ft Iv•ncitt.ions
o an.
'lll be "turfed un hr Inr'Jall o'lll be
less rutin.% to be, tesl {n
ht regard to
Martinis aMi thtidity natl. r re•lurt lon of temperature.
...1 lo re
ry other oprot, tsgoal to that *floe stand
ar.d adopted by the 110ard. orlil.ll o.a pie will be
tu r
Anat.:o4 On aPPtiettilan 10 I n c Watit-Ivii,c 241,11-
a oto. tlinn.
/be 024.0 00 31.-Ito tfitneed undo, the direction sod
persOnat Slatto
r. • on of tile r Mao r, by a
ru.tent 'twits.. or other thort and
.and tenger, aetvrtling tothe United:44bn. standard. and
roust Ise marked and accepted before they are remot
est from the cellar or warehouse of Sho.conunator.
The temperature of the Ott reit! U, ant:Oral:ly 0,5180,
and the measuents redueed te standard tent
peva tore of GO S. to
tan h te, prepared for
the purpose.
Proponals Ut.ll fteetirtnl and tOl2O/•lered for emelt
lot voperatetr, for all of the lots, at the option Of
t hilidert tin% no bid trill be . considersd for a les,
ttooutit, UIu:4IAM speellled ar one 1u.,• to be delivered
01 one time end place. Each hid tun. 4 stab: oa Nitta.
15. nrittela out Its full, the itlintof 01l odered,
r • twrin, lard rol[0:1 the rate per.galloo, the
:limber of the lot ur lots Uhl for. and the plate of de.
11 , er• • eultionning to this oil, tells...tent.
Did• submitted 1, diffen nt Mc3.14.•,. thr sa mefir in or ropartrwr.iil will not be consider...l.
he 1.4b1-house Itoard, tauter the autlattrity of the-
Itepari 'nett. •w e. Use right to relret out, hid, al
t hoests It irony be the loss test. for otherratnslateuelutt.
than the
No bid v.lll be considered for one 011ier , kinti or ds
veripthot of toll than those apcelally tailudfor in this
ad • yet Irtment.
11 1 1 1
. . . .
A Loyd, with Qreltrlty to the antlitfaation of the
parnitent, in a penalty ~,t ual to onc-founh of the
an,not of each roatedrt made tinder tin. , prop>.
N be reeptired of rdelt C 01110,1.: lar.f . enolltloyed
for the faithful perfortnanee of the rontract. to In,
ent,tl 0 tibia 11,1 day,. after Lint acceptutte orwe
Each otter tort ho arrouipanicti be a gotten guar
ani., 1 1Irned 111 tote or Won, re , p'tnielbic ;verities,
knoon to tide departntent ub eucL, offnertitled by
a~I ttitrd .unto, dirtrietpolge, attorney, navy agent,
ltollectur of the cuetotus. to the effect.thal, it tilt
id be sort-med. the bidder will duly et mono a con
tract in good according to the pre, Won, and
bun, or (hi, Inirertiaentett t, within ten day. after
acceptance; and that the aahl patty nficring
•ltall faille enter Into the contreet a. aferesalti, he
or theyAuntaittec to make good the difference be
tween the offer of the dab] party and the twat lowest
bidder. All butt, ens,t be scaled and yudorced :Pr0v0...1,
vo...I, for Oil tor Ligiachynaye.,•' and then pl.nool In
another en, lope, and illte•Clutl, ponpaltL to the nee
ref are of the Light-Lau, Beard. Wachiny.ten City,
Ai I lit la will be opened ' , nigh:ly. at the p.m :bud on
thu ddy specified.
Pnyon - alls bill be made for to. ant oral ca of oil
Withlte attar dare after they • el, 11:11, been revel, -
111 by Ilv Un Ito.]
II) order of tne 1 . 41'b1-house Board.
A!illftilW A. lIAIiWOOD,
jalZ.Ll,rll2,, ,mammary.
I Ilio MEN JEsT ftPE \ %T
Nos. 1% a 1:(1 Tiarkei
NO. ti LAD \F:F'v
micinu" GLiuDE x c 0.%
Nos. IS and .FlO alnrket 51.
Nos. 1% and SO Market Street
4;1.1 r, h (~
33-7.DCVIPI7 40•CsEPr.
At Macrum, Glyde & Co's,
sos. rauX SO Market tit
O. 4.—WINTER FI15411:16
49.2%T.1a GIrMabeNTEEi
AELL.rorG F 'Eli .IT
Alacrum, Glyde & Co's,
505...04 autt SO Market Street.
NO. 6 .—Fultusilllta
vrxmtir c rap,
.1f the Trianni(lag Store of
,a rge Tit ,(1.110.ti0118,
1' (')►I'll.l.I % F'll's-t.,
1)1111MS MARKED: DO W.% .
Wr clusllig out .sr
At Very Low Prices,
IVegllgee Shirts rorMen and Boys;
Vests and Drawers of Shaker
, Flannel, Wool and Merino;
Warni Gloves mid Woolen 1104. ,
Woolen Scarfs, Murkier% and Nu-
liandmade Zephyr Articles;
Woolen Gaiters and mil:tem;
Balmoral Skirl% for Ludic% and
to 8- 1 TO S, ar.f caul, & c0..1
Tkuo mss:-cr e3toau
Boots, Shoes, Bahnorals, Gums,
80 1117 4 418 , rhtn7tele, gooP aril - Est
StiAWLS, ITS% *Ali frOODS,
Hosiery; Gloves, &O;;',':
AT 4:r-occrtkrßicr_ , . 4. . Anl 5 . 4.4
.4 the rommAt rin•qi4/1734
AuCticin House,
SS and 57 Fifth Simi.
We ...ale, respeetfull• auhotenet : the WI)LX
Annual Clearing -Ont Sale
MIL - "ao Csczamaamicbizao co 01.
1111 n Hosiery and Mores,
Eanbroklertes of ail Kinds,
ti I: KATI. T ILE D ED mu • Es.
Wooten Goods,
1.1 o• Hoods, Untagl .n 4 Shaw* A' LRY LOW.
Ladies' .7 Gents' ItTsuleivoranents
bal7 nerone Ilry 'WI be wid
1.1 C, r. A
Na.. 7% and SO ILarlzet Street
_ _
• AT
81 IVlGarlsAat
Wm..ILEN n).04, ill +a, sK
CORSET& &k., &c.
1...Y..NT:i• AND LAMES'
11 it AC. SHIRT'S,
..11111EA1 , 11. s..lltri.ottren.
xeria : atierslo •1:1
$1,24, Siprx,
7TIe Iv • near maadua:lntroduarTi Soldai olgale
nlr or rrtall
! , lAflll'3l a i:AuLtn..r:
o rinh bluer
pnicEs rtEDucco
$l.OO. $l,OO. 0.00
Endershirl or a Pair of Drawers,
Won h
:ffaCRT.O C.lniatsLE
E0.11F:TIIINI.7 NEW Fitl: THE 11):%1)
~w .44, Just remit ed
at.tultuM a 6 T:L MX'S,
la rirth sr",
City ba
..., log uracill Alle#6 to remai) tht
prsall.c (4A:ea - nue, en za 1~1 ,
1 , 1 - ,r• I owitl4 mica
it 4613 friatlO .r.a the coturturflir ,: z.lnyf.,!l7.
Daa l f. I :0 1 0V a t olLt 711 dt r :
ROM) Mil
Boback's Stomach Bit
Alta-yearn Mu nd yllenee and hare pas
linthe hest extant for nil complaints,
tonic and stimulant are required. They rte
to strengthen the n'eak. Impart rigor to the.
ead in all reispeets restore shatter./mad
down eou.stltutiona.- No remedy h. been IN
wlth as
Tuts. mueb foyer ay ITOBACE i ST*MACI
.Isid .4tl Maras,* of th♦ Ho
Blood. Pills,
Blood Fri
F :t 01511INCi-
Scrorsilit„. Syphilis, Skin Diseas.
lir Indigestion,
Liver. Complaint
1%1' ,- 1- r - ,. -, •-.• ~,
'.. .4'...
.... • q'
' :-,..,..''
>2 A
• :..]:
-St...4lEl:l's . Fin,
- ARE GO9ll,
It Is antuttted byur moat leneht4 pbyelett
In)11Mtlinl IHTTEILS comblete the pr
ors gentle Issatlee„ ao elnelent 'anti-Union
and the bct.t etomacWc known to the world.
LlTTElV e shonld lus used bv convalesce
Wen? the prostration sridets alwayo
acute eases.
In e tdlious districts or the West at 4
'hero has, for■long time, been ouseh need
%fele of stomach Bitters, which. •II taken Its
I uantitles mud ar the proper time, are a es;
ventis e of
Billow. er, Fever and
Liver Complaint, Dyspei
Indlgestlon,Jattndice,llS i
, ,
ey Complaints, and al!
Diseases of a sim.
tint' nninre, ant
Ara 313erttea;
As a preventive for bilious deraes,eno,
leg the system, and giving_ tone to the digel
sans, than arty other known
Now that the war In over; there will be th.r,
eeekieg homes in the South. .No persqu wt--1
his life shouidge, there withonillarlureouo
Laud the 1111Trazi, us • safeguard against
end maladielVengendcred by misitna and,:
Tra r. velers to and all residents of, the ran.: , ,
bottom, of the west sod tooth, and the vall
Minatsslppl and Ito tributarl”, FOopla
selves with the -
13 rTi'll'E R 1r
Fare p:1 to IQr . C,II. rat'att, , i , ,- -,- .-t.
- I ...........,
t Tow hook all.ordtro sbot,l4
Nos. 56. 58, not
wirdou ldrai na rit l .l.l".l7 I t 04