The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 18, 1851, Image 4

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uts.3 4 .xittsto...To THE PEOPLE OP, lIE
antz 2m. Yon Dlmmt.
On Thuisday:evening last, the Municipal Din
- now of the city of lie* York, to the illustrious
,dovernor of fine " t l •
00 place. Every prep
aeration bad been made, to make ii the most
nutguifieent banquet which ever took place.—
jilis honor Mayer KIIMILAN,D, presided, A great
•number of diatingnished gentlemen, from vari
einsoparts Ofthe country, were prevent as invited
&Ws, and lettere were read from Mr. Webster,
•Mr, Clay, Me: Cass, and nnmerans other official
dignitaries of the land. A number of clergy
-men-were also pretsent.
After the guests trete seated, Mayor Gl Nee
-1.1113 And GM. Kossuin entered the room.—
After the storm of applause that followed their
entrance had partly subsided, Ald. Soon for
mally. introduced to tho company the City's
Onest,lnettirossurn, Governor of Ilungnry.
Arland of applause followed this introduction,
. which heing.stilled Tee. lir. Itrrlit79e offered
np the following Prayer
Almighty and bountiful Giver of all good, wL•
look to Thee for thy blessing upon these gifts • f
thine band, and upon this oce,inn of not. hap.
.yry meeting. We tile-s Thee f4r our country.
We bless Thee for the plenty which thou di:l•4
. shitwer upon it.. We Idols thee for o/r Ithertle,
rind, above all, Ave Moms then for tlim,knowled,re
of, Thyself, through les. Chri , t thy Soh. h.
• which oar plenty is made &blessing, and our lib•
arty. secured through the intelligeme of our pro.
• ple....We earnestly pray Thee, 0 0,1, tho de
l'ender of the helpless, and th e liberator ofitie , e.
."-. 4 410 are . bound, that thott. - wonldst extend like
blessings throughout all lanili—every where Ibreo
the Might of the tyrant,
.aud let these who ate
oppressed gb free. Prepare the nations. ti God,
to receive : this great gift. from thiim bend, which
Vs know from thy holy Word it is Thy blessed
:• Purpose to bestow. And now, 0 God, wewould
'thank Thee, that Thou 'wouldit. from among the
children or men vsloe up tame whom Th.,
Thy Providence, wouldst make and fit to ie.,
- lights and elareples and deliverers to the world.
We thank Thee for 'him Thy servant, who us
• Omen! with•ats at thin. time. and coo pray- Thee
r . thittihott Wouldst guide him, and direct him. n L.l
pi.rEfr,*a laiinotnil strengthen him for the
destiny' to which we trust that Tholi hest called
hint, ; .,-Ice thank Then that we are perinitt.d
• welcome him; and we hope the teAtithouy Ut ibis
united natiOnMay go irp note Thee, abd through-
Mat all the . World, atvii.tall the cruelties of ty.
rway, and against nit the nonsequeuces of hood..
,;,age. We s3l: , these blessings fur Christ's Sa o,
compthy then turnentliteir attention to
: - ` . .thiMitablcs before them, to which they did 11.01.
plojistieo. After the tables had .been cleared.
• Major. Kingsland called to order, anti requested
.. the Vice President to read the lettera whirl had
..-been received by the Committee on Itaidatto us.
•''-i-Theletters having been read, the tyor gore
the first regalia.totrati•
MS I'resUleni of the United State, ''
This waare.vpunded to by three cheers, and
.. .
, - dank.standing: : ".
_ • . The' Mayor then delivered a most eloquent
.v . •-? .addieter, and concluded witht. • ,
• !--., Gagner', I give goo
- •
. . Wormier-Betrayed but not subdued. tier
.-call for , help is -but the echo of our appeal
..... '-agaufst the 'lron trend of the oppressor.
~.. - , ,
....:-.•.---;.. AL Kemal,"who, - we might to have mention
- .'""ed,eiilide.firet entrance was . receire'd by the
•compauy.etanding," and with much clapping of
, • hands, now rose; and anti from a manuscript the
following speech:— . \
.'" • ICOSSIITIPS . smelt.
sly; Inretaining";ll my most humble thanks
-,--:' .for - the honor you did me by your rerst, and Iu
_ . ' ilte'benefit of cnupliag my namemith that cause
.Whlch is the :sacred aim of my life, I confess to
•-• be aneverwheltneri with emotion by all it woo
.;,,-.•_, raypietligious lot to experience since I am out
~,. . - your glorious shores, that, nnahlo . to Grid words •,
1 .r.,- . . to express tetyfeelinge, medal:towing that all the
--, ..-itletuor I meet with. has the higher, meaning of
''..?-••!' Priactipltteil'at once beg leave to fall back to
"Any duties 'Which are the lasting topics of my
.„"" • refleetions; my. sorrows and my hopes. I talc
I the present occasion for is highly important op
-Martunity.- I take it for ouch as will probably
decide about the et:cease or failure of my visit,
• . lag the United States. I must therefdre hum
• bly embrace your indulgence . fur a pretty lone,
plain, and in no rase eloquent deeeloperuent of
: my bumble views to the bentfit of that canoe
which the' citizens of New York, and you, per
,- tienlarly,
,gattlemeta, honer with generous sycp•
_ •
, ' 'Whaiil consider the sympathy of the people
,'• ;•••: . i . ,iofehtf - United States for the cause of II ungsry.
...SO generally diffused aedg be almost - a:liven.%
and aoresolutely pronounced us teen pronounec
these feelfngs which are intended to he tot
' ".• lowest by noble anti great deeds, I would feel in
"alined to take your noble stud -generous aid for
'i the restoration of my native land to its sorer
,' alga ind'ependence, already as granted in prin
, ' ciple; and;for me nothing left to do but to enter
Into a negatiation about the arrangement of the
details, were my Confident Ipmes not cheeked
by .that Idea of - non-interference in foreign, 1
chiefly-European, affairs, which, acOording to 1
Abe numerous testimonials of 'your moot di.tie
' - -
galshed esilititionsrwe are told to be one of the
• -ruling and lasting principles of the policy of the ;
. •.. • '' United .States.....
-I _highly respect durce thes of this conviction,
-", gentlemen- - . This eouree is your religious at
. taelnitentito the doctrines of those great men WI.IO
. .. - highly pined to all posterity their wisdom by
•; I bequeatlimg to yea_ the immortal -work of the
constitution which, aided by the unparalleled
benefits' of nature, has raised the short
period of seventy-five yeas., from the precarious
" .position "of an infot people, to the.protligieus
- etreagth:ef a giant , nation. The beneficial re
' ;,' • salts of the wisdom, of tho founders of your ereat
. - ..Iternabliomon - see in a happy reality. What
would be the consequences of n departure from
that warden you are not sure of. It isitherefore
. natural that you feet an instinctive fear to touch
. even With improving hands, the dear legacy of
.those greet men. , •
And as to year. glorious Constitution, 'all ho.
' • inanity Can only Irish, in the COMMOU iutcrest
of menkind,•that 'you and your posterity May
• yet long °matters , this religions attachment to its
• -", : fordamentedpriuciples, which by no means ex•
, . elude dthrorepotnint nod progress; and that every
• -cltizetn"of 'Jim great Union, thanisfully aoknowl
.. edging Ihrlinalesise benefits of this Conatitution,
' ~. may, .eieifinibe moment:vet the most passion
, .. - it'it.fre;irtitation,rever forget to love that COOMIL.
t4tiOn toned thalathe momentary passion of his
..: .heart, or thesegetisticallntcrest of the passing
.„.,..e,hastr..... May envy citizen of your glorious collo
,lrel.P.,ls.try' ferever remember that n partial discomfort
' a'afis Omer in' a large, - sure and comfortable'
luiiiier,' may be well:amended without br,eaking
the knit:elation of Wand that among all possible
' ;,, means of getting rid of that corner's partial d is
-• olinfort, the worst Weald be to burn down the
. himse with Cur own hands. • ,
. - Brit while, i thes rielmowledge the wisdom of
. 'your attachment to the fundamental doctrines ,
~, '
.. of thafouitslers of your united Republik, I beg'
t.. .leave with equal frankness, to state that, in my
opinion; there can he .. scarcely anything more
dangerous" to the progressive development of
- - , arbelever nation, than to take for a basis that
. which a tione;—to take for a. principle that
• whichisbni the convenience'of the psalms sit
. • mailett-"-40 take for substantial that which is but
eiteddeutal, or take for a constitutional doctrine
• '.
that Which was but the momentary exigency of
administrative policy. ;Such a course of action
Would be like to that,. when a healthy mid would
!Ouse to take substantial food, because, when
be was tine * * laboring.under weakness of Mont
. soh, his physician ordered him a Revere diet to
keep. The consequence would be consumption
Lot li:hemp:pose, gentlemen, that yonderdoc-
Wee of non-Interference was really bequeathed
' ..
to yo4b7 your Washington—and that itwas not,
I.wIIItTOTO to YOU afterwards,—and lOtM• Ott!,
. suppose that your Washington impar such a
meanintto yonder. reimposed dootri e,—which
' . were equivalent to the words of Cal ---"Am I
'my brother's keeper"—which supposition would
• be of nurse a sacrilege. lint suppose all this.
'And I believe that, even under such suppositions,
re:lay-be entitled to ask—is the dross which
Well guitedthe child, still convenient to tie
-• full grown man—nay to a giant, which' you are?
Would It not be ridiculous to lay the giant in
the chat's •crodle, and to sing him to sleep by
• .liit those times of the foundation of the lini
ted'fltates, you were nn infant people, and the
large dress of your then comparatively not large
traitor", hong 'lase onyour puerile limbs.—
Lea those , times yei. , haef,k•of course, no wiser
thing to do - but to grow—to grow and to grow.,
Bat new you ere so fat grown that there is no
foreign power on earth - from which you have
anything to fear for yam , own oxistence,-Lfor.
I your own security. This being your present con-i,
dition,:fon hare entered into the seconder/dims
of political existence - , the destination of which
' is not only to exist foryonrself exclusively, but
.to exist as a member of the great human family
' Of nations - hiving the right to all claims which
-.. are due from that finally towards. every ono •of
ifs full grown members, hut also engaged to er
r. . eery daty.which that groat family Lis the right
.',-.7 , t0 claim fronthvery one of its full down memo
. .
• ••• 'A ziktlon to in the cibistoi, either L L 'n
aocopanitioti Ireakomor, or by.cloice Ana policy;
Is Japan find Clhina, it'br Milli these
. nel'eragney, ender Dr. Francis, tolive a life se
cluded from the world, indifferent to the doc
trine!) of mankind, in which it cannot or will not
hose sm. , s hare; but then it must also be pro.
mind to become also excluded from the bettefita
~f progress, civilization, and national inter
course. Stich a nation may well say ; "i don't
care about the fate of whatever other nations in
the world."
But I am sure no citizen of the United States
has, or ever will have, the with to pee thin coun
try degraded to the rotting vegetation of Para
guay, or the mummy existence of Japan or Chi
na: The feeling of self-dignity, and' the ex
pansive finality of that enterprizing spirit, which
arc congenial to freemen, would revolt against
the very idea of each a degrading national cap
tivity. :But, if there were even a will to live
qvuch a inummy life, there were no possibility to
do 40
The very ezLtence of your great country, the
principles upon which it is founded, its geo
graphical positiou, its present state of civiliza
tion. and all its moral and material interests,
would lead on Soar people not only to maintain
Ihot incessantly, more and more to develop° your
itercuurse wff li the world.
Then, of co rse, being in no many respects
linked to the w orld, you can have neither the
will, nor be inl the position to remain indifferent
to the con.litio of that entrant world you are
in en ninny res ono counoata.l with And if
you Cannot r allia ' indifferent, 80 you must
feel TeBolBB , l put }'mu own self-consistent'
weight into ill , t balance in which•tho fate and
condition of tht world is weighed.
In u word, the, glorious Republic of the Uni
ted Stolen must feel resolved to lie a power on'
earth—, t•..,0r ninotig the nations: or else it
arlf wid be doomed to ooatinual decoy, end
..00n Y rea4n to be groat, glorious and free.
ou o a power ou earth. You most he a
power On re
earth. So, of course, you must also
unhesitatingly arerpt all the tio tu r ato o ngegne,
ors of thin °mutton You cannot allow that
any power 11.11/11PS, should dispose of the fate
of that prrat lamily 01 utankhri of which you
ere 61.1011 a promiugut niotober; or glue you
+tumid resign your proud position, end resign
your still prouder future, uud be D powpr on
earth no more.
,Tlios. I hope, I have so'Lisaly shown, that,
ehor L!
cvon that doctrine non-interference - inference
hose hero estoblished by the founders of your
Repo that which trouid bane been very eon-
OUa . w.,uld not he convetti•
ent to!your nanollool.
It is as beautiful word of Montesquieu that re
publics arc to he foutoled on virtue. And yo -4
know that Virtue, it, houctioned by our Christian
is but the enrolls, esercise of a ptinc4-
ple--Thou shalt do to others, us thou desirelst!
ethers to do to thee." go, I am confident, that I
it were sufficient for roe to illy simply--for the
decision of the ~ Uedlivl I halo the honor now to
treat—op. his Vlrlooan feChugs of your gen
ie rt.-public:lu heurtr, unti l the consistency of '
principles. Rut still I beg leave to mention also
in material respects, some cSseatini differences
between your percent condilion and that of
Then your infant Republic, l l composed of thir
teen states, ivac Metro:led to the borders of the
Atlantic. Now your giant Republic spreads to
the Loaf of tiro, the • Pacific. awl your terri
tory i 6 a world. Your- right hand reaches Eu
rope over the wares, while your left hand,
en over tote Pacific, the East of Asia ; and then
in the midst of two great continents, there you
stand, in proud immensity, a world yonself!
Then you were a small people of three and a.
half millions. Now you are u mighty nation of
twentydour millions. Ant more than nineteen
millions nut of these twenty four are mattered
over yonder immense territory, the richest in the
world, employed in the cultivation of the roil—
that honorable occupation, which in every age,
has proved to be the most baexlinustible, the
most unfaltering bourse of public welfare, and of
private happiness -4S also the most uairavering
l olly of tho lore of freedom, the most -faithful
presurrer of all those straight, noble and gen
crows mow - oasts which the constant motor, -
' tiokt with ever-yonng, ever-great,ever•heueficial
Nature imparts to Om. Add to this considera
tion, that thin it:or:nen, agricultural interest,
- which, deriving large markets and affording nt
the sante time n milt bond basin, wins, to
your manufacturing industry, nod to your
commerce, has developed in, such alt immense
proportion, nukes such .IL boundless difference
between the infant Republic of the lime of Wash
ington and your present giant Republic ;• that
though you limy very well he attached to your
ntigioal constitutional principles, because the
prinsiplas of liberty are everlastingly the same;
but in respect to thh exigencies of your policy,
it is impassible not F lo tecl that, if you are to be
regulated in your policy by interest, then' your
country has other interests to-flny than it hod,
then ; had if ever you are to he reeulmed in
your poliey. by the higher consideration of prin
ciples, thou you at i ... a Toady strong enough to
feel that the time h 9 c me to do to.
And 1, ;tending her before you to plead the
cause of oppressed mhanity,—Presolutely de
clare that there {nay perhaps never again come
a time whell the eleodr, oof your policy to the
high level of priori es identified with liberty,
Gould prove either m re glorious to yon, or morn
beneficial to hurahni y; because we in Europe
are appearantly on he ero, of that day when
either the hopes nr ; e feare• of oppressed na
tions will he crushed or a long time.
Having stated no Cs the difference of the oita
ation, I heg leave no in state that it is entire
ly an unfounded soot) sition, that- the doctrine
of non-interference i . foreign matters had been
to the people of the United States, by your
great Washington, he, rivalled to be a couititu
tional principle to you
No . that is not the
Fir .141 y. it rothingto
non-interference, or.
other tettions, to ynu.
never even recommended
difference, to the fate of
He has only recommend-
el neutrality, and tht e is a mighty difference
between these two id .
Neutrality is no idea hich has reference to
a state of war between t o belligerent powers,
and it is this case which Washington contem
plated when be, in his F ewe!! Address, ad
vised the people of the Unit d.States not to en
ter into entangling alliances. Let quarrelling
powers, let quarrelling nations, war; you cent
eider your own concerns, wed let foreigdpoiere
quairel about ambitious topies,,or scanty, par
ticular in tere.ts. Neutrality Is a matter of con
venience—not of principle. .
but coca tie neutr..lity has reference ton state
of war between belligerent powers, the:pronciple
of non-interference boo, an the contrary, refer
ence to the sovereign right of c riations to dispose
of their own domestic concerns.
Therefore these two ideas of neutrality and
non-interference are two entirely different ideas,
having reference to (leo entirely different mat
The sovereign right of . ii4lat ver nation to dis
pose of itself, to alter its itisti whom, to change
the form of its own goveinm at, is a common
public law of nations, common n all, and, there
fore, put under the common g araotee of all.
This sovereign right of rue nation to die
.pose of itself, you, the poop e of the United
States most recognize, becalm it is a common
' law of mankind, in which.'bei g a common law
of mankind, every nation is eq ally interested.
' You must recognise it, secondly, because the
very existence of your great republic, no also
the independmico of every nation, rests upon
this basis—recta upon this ground. If that
sovereign right of nations wore noel:m=7i pub
lic law of mankind, then your own independent
existence would be CO :matter of right, but
only a matter of fact, which might be subject
to whatever time, to whatever chances of power
still of violence.
And where is the citixen of the United State.
who wocild not feel-revolted at the idea, that the
existence of this great republic is not a righte
ous, nor a lawful one, but only a mere accident,
a mere matter of fact °
If it were so, you were not entitled to ih.'!
scam the protection of God for your great coon-
try, because the protection of Old cannot, with•
out sacrilege, he invoked but in behalf of jut-
dee and right. You had no right to look to the
sympathy of mahkind fur yourself, because you
would profess an abrogation of the laws of hu
manity, upon which is founded your own lade
pendeffee, your own existence.
Now, gentlemen, if these be principles of cam
mondaw—of that law which God him given to
ell, and to every nation of humanity—if the fa
tuity to dispose of itself is the common, lawful
righted (leery nation—then the interference with
'this common law of all humanity—the violent
act of hindering, by armed forces, &nation from
exercising that sovereign right, must be consid
ered as a violation of that common patio
law upon which your very existence rests,
and which, being in common law of ell
humanity, is by God himself placed under the
safeguard of all humanity—because it la God !
himself who commands os to love oar neighbors
as we love oureelves, and to do towards others
ai we desire others to 110 toward ourselves.
Upon this point you. tannot remain indiffer
ent. Yoe may well re sin neutral to every
war between two.' belligerent nations, but you
cannot remain indifferent to the violation-of the
common law of humanity. That indifference
Washington has never taught you. I defy any
man to ehow me, out of the eleven volumes of
Washington's writings, a !tingle word to that ef
fect. lle recommended neutrality in the CB4O of
foreign wore, but be never recommended Indif
ference to the violation of the common laws of
humanity by .interference of foreign powers
with the eoverign right of nations to dispose of
themselves. - !
And he could not lime recommended this in
diff.irenee without nearing to be wise as be wee,
because there Is, , without justice, no witidoo)
x i ,
on earth :' Ile eOuld . not have recommend
ear . it, Inconsistent, be
muse it was this', to mon_ law of mankind
which your !weathers inkoked, before God and
mankind, when they preciaimed your independ,
tate. It was bin htmselr, your great Washing.,
to, who not only accepted, 'bat-asked agate
and sgnin'foreign etcleforelgo: help for the'
. ,„
support of that common law of manlind in re- ernment spoke in 1827, fulfilled onalarger Male
spent to-your own independence. than they were meant, that "the obro/utirm
Knowledge and instruction are en universally &rape will not be oppeasmi until every reitige of
spread amongst the enlightened people of the human freedom had lwen obliterated corn hem"
Unitid States; the history of your country is i And oh' do not rely too fondly upon your
such a household science at the most lonely j power. It is great, to he sure. You have not
hearths of your remotest settlements, that it !to fear whatever a single power on earth; but
may be sufficient for me to refer, in that I look to history. Ancient Rome has fallen, and
respect, to the instructions am.) correspondence mighty empires have vanished from earth. Let
between Washington and the Minister at Paris, I not the enemies of freedom grow too strong.
—the equally immortal FltaraxidaL-the modest V'ictnriouti over Europe, am!. then united, they
man with the proud epitaph which tells the ! would be too strong even fur you: And be sure,
world that he wrested the lightning from Ilea. I they hate you with an infernal hatred. They
yen, and the sceptre from the tyrant'n hands. I must hate you even more than me. They eon-
This I have proved, I believe, that Washing- !eider yen n, their most dengerous opponent,
ton never bequeathed to you the prinvp:e of Almolittism cannot tranquilly sleep while the re
non-interference against the violation of theses , - ! publicno princifilvillas such a mighty repfesent
ereign right of nations to dispose-of themselves, ative as your country is.
and to regulate their own institutions; hot he Yes, gentlemen, it was the fear from the pni
taught you only neutrality in - teepee; to the litical reaction of absolutistic principles, which
wars of foreign nations. I i nduce d y o u r great statesmen—Abet principle
I will go further. And I state that even tint • which they professed fir Central and Southern
doctrine of nentrality he taught and tirquenthe'l Iniericrt, not to extend to Europe also, soil lip
to you, not as a constitutional minciPle a last no means the publicly avowed feeble ntotives
ing regulation for all future time, huVonly as a : Every monifeetntion of your public life out of
matter of temporary policy. I refer in that re• ' thu g s tune', shoss's that I tau xi s tat to soy no, --
npect to the very words of hie Farewell Address. j Enrope's n-trios , were, about 1823, in /inch a de-
There he states esplicity, that "it is ynnr policy graded situation that indeed you intuit have felt
to steer clear of permanent alliances with any antinos not to come into nay political contact
portion of the foreign world." Them are his i with that pestilential atmosphere of Europe,
very words. Policy is the word, and you know when, as Mr. Clay said in ISIS, in his ' , preen
policy is net the science of principles, not ore, shout the emancipation of South Auteric,k. "Paris
igencies: and that principles are of course, by a i was transferred o. si
(recand powerful notion, never to he noontime I Rnrnearcely hes, within a year later. the
to exigmeies. The exigencies are passing 00., Greek nation came in it, contort lone important
like the bubblee of a rain but the nation is ! standing, which gave,mt more that thn ipirit of
mortal; it must conaider the future else, and nil freedom is waking agoin, nod at omen you nate
only the egotistical conifers of the positing hoar d01..' your principle of political indiff e renc e
It aware that to an immortal notion , ' for Eimer,: Y.itt knots how your Clsys and
nothing can he of higher importancyolion im I your 11 rilto-, evoke. an if really they were
mortal principles. 4i,..ukir.g for toy very else You know how your
I will go yet further, and state I lint even Ili,. eitasto urieJ in behalf of tint stenegle for nio
policy of neutrality Washington taught yon, teg ,sty, io that part of Europe, whieli m :Dorn
as n permanent role, hut a, a tetripornry con- Visa Ilinigiryi v s .. wh et . Ni„ o ,t
vouienee. ' fell. yon know what spirit pervaded Slit- United
I prove it again by referring to the very words '
of his farewell Address, when he, in reterenee
to his policy of neutrality, explicitly sap, that
, "with hies (Washington) a predominant motive
hen been to endeavor to gain time to your country
to settle and mature its inatitutionn, and to pro
gresss, without interruption to that degree
strength and contingency which is nece,i'ary to
glen it the command of its own fortune,"
These are highly memorable word., gentle
men —llene I take toy ground; nod foisting a
glance of admiration over your glorious land. I
confidently ask you, gentlemen are your insti
static. nettled and matured, or are they not!
Are 7., or urn yon hut , come to that tlegree ; ef
strength and cutwinfeney to he the whiter of
your own fattens.?
Oh, my God: how I thank thite for having mien
Itoe the glorions view of thin coonirs', geentnevo
islet+ answers th i s quention for me!
Yes, you hose attained that degree of strength
and consistency, when your lOSoferltitlfile
re it ef mankind may well. claim yuur brotherly,
pointing hand.
And I here stand before you—to plead the
enuse of these teen fortunate brethree --the
of cause humanity. 1 way summed or I may foil
lint 1 will go on, pleading with that faith of
ulartyra, by which moutitiains were mooed, and
may kliepleese you. perhaps; still 1 will say wit:
I.l.llber—•••ltuy lf , od help me, I run
One word more to prove the' Pl eshingt on never
attached to his doctrine of neutrality more than
the tense of ttotpurary policy. I refer to one
of his letters, written to Lafayette, wherein he
says:—let us only hare (woo ' l ean of pone,
and our country will come to such e degree of
power and wealth that we will be able in a
rruse, to defy whatever power ou earth.:' •
••Ina itisteauat!" Now in the mune of eter
truth, and by all that et oo r.-'l met deer to
man; —einee the history of mankind in recorded.
there lama been no cerise More just than the
obese of Hungary! Nerve wed there a people
without the ',firmed reason more ascrili,riottely,
More trenclierouely, and by fouler nseatoa, at
tacked than Hungary! Never bee oriole, corset
ambition, despotism and violence, in a more
nicked manner,. united to crush down freed.m.
and the very life—than against Ilungery! Ne
, ter vat a country more Mortally offended then
Hungary is: All year allfferinge, all your com
plaint., which, with so much right, drove your
forefathers to take up arms, are but plight griev
ance in comparisnn with those Immemie, deep
wound:. out of which the been of Hungary
bleeds: If the canoe of my people is not sufficient
ly just to insure the protectien of toil, and the
carport of good-willing moo—rheas there is no
just cause and TM jueltee on earth. Then the
blood of no new Abel will more towards Heaven.
The genius of charity, Christian love mid just
ice will mourninglytly the Earth; a heavy cur,
will upon morality fall,—depressed men despair,
and only the Cains of humemity walk prettily,
with impious brow n about the rains of Lite.ey
on Earth.
I have shown, gentlemen, that Washington
has never bequeathed to hie country. the doc
trine of notearing about the violati,in'of inter
national law,—has not be.p.tentited,theedoettemo
of indifferentism to his countrymen: first' chits
neutrality. I have shown that these two tame
are essentially different. I hero shown that
even the doctrine efnentrality he never intrud
ed to recommend to his countrymen no a laatMe
constitutional principle, but only as a measure
of temporary policy advisable until the Caked
Suites should progress in strength and consist
ency, to which end he judged twenty yearn to
be sufficient,—after which he Mins& declared
to be resolved to reponse any just cause. Now
allow me briefly to conelder how your policy
has been deeolored in the course of tine, with
respect to the principle of riondisterventien in
foreign countries.
I will only recall to your memory the message
of President Monroe, when he clearly slots
that the United Staten would take up arms to
protect the American Spanish Coloniee, now
free Republice, should the no.colled Holy (ra
re unholy)Alliarice make - an attempt either to
aid Spain to redUce the new .tnierican Rents
line to their ancient colonial etate, or to compel.
them to adopt political eystems more cenforana •
ble to the policy and elites of that Alliance I
entreat you to mach well, gentlemen, mss talc
the forced introduction of Monarchical Oaten,
meats, but in general the interferenre of foreign
powers in the contest for indtpendenee of the
Spanish Colonies, wan declared sufficient motive
for the United States to protect the wituralright
of those nations to dispose of themselves.
I beg leave to desire you to remember that
this declaration of Provident Monroe woo mat
only approved and confirmed by the people or.
the United States, oit that Grecl /truceoo tied/
joined Si,, Untied Stater in the declaration of this.
decieiou and this policy.
t further recall to your memory the instruc
tions given in 1524 to year Envoys to the Ceti
geese of ilisnami, Richard Anderson and lobe
Sergeant, where it is clearly elated that the Uni
ted States would have opposed, with their whole
force, the interference of Continental Powers
with that struggle for independence.
It is true, that this declaration to go even t%
war, to protect the Independence of foreigni
States against foreign interference, was not on'
ly restricted to the continent of
. .atnerice, but
President Monroe declare. in kit meeengethat
the United States can have 114 concern in
European struggles, being distant and imparts-
ted from Europa by the great Atlantic ocean.
but I beg lease to rmiark that chit iodide,
ence to European concern, is again a nuttier,
note, principle hat of temporary rciproeo —the ,
motives of which have, by the lapse of time, en
tirely disappeared--so much that the balance
,even turned to the opposite side.
President Monroe mention. distance en a mo
tive of the-above stated distinction. Well, since
the prodigious developement of your Fulton'.
glorious inveution, distance Is blotted out of the
dictionary—or rather replaced by the word
Distance ie no more calculated by miles, but by
hours. And beingeo, Europe is of course less
distant from yen than the greater part of ttio
American continent, yea; even nearer than per
haps some parte of your own territory.
President Monroe', seeond motive is, thatyon
are eeparated by the Atlantic. Now at the pre- -
sent time, and in the present rendition of navi
gation,. the Atlantio is no separation, but rather
:a connecting benefit, the :facilibtting coerce
which bringatlie interests of Europe home to
you, connecting you with it with every tie of
moral as well as material intercede.
It is chiefly in New York that I feel tmlbeeti
to freak De, because New York is by innumera
ble Hee connected with Martine, more connected
than several parte of- Europe
It la the agricultural intermit of this great
country, which chiefly wants an outlet, and o
market. Now it Is far more Eurtipe than the
Atherican continent to which you hare to look,
in that respect. Thie very circumstance cannot
allow you to remain indifferent to the fate of
freedom on the,European :continent, because,
be cure, gentlemen, and let me have apOken this
chiefly to the gentlemen of trade, should Abso
lutism gain ground in Europe, it will—it must,
make every Pliettible obstacle to the conirnercial
intercourse oft. republican America, becnuee
commercial int/re°urea is the most powerful
coo fice of principlez; and be sure the victory of
- Absolutiein on the European continent will in no
quarter have more injurious national coneequen
cee, than in the vast extent of your agricultural
- 'and commercial interests.
• Then why not prevent it—while yet there in
a poesibility• to do so with none, or compare tively
small Sacrifices, rather than to abide that fatal
catastrophe, and to mourn the immense emeriti
ees it would then east.
Even in political considerations now-a-days,
You have stronger motives to feel interestMl in
the fate of Europe, than even in the fat e of the
'oenteal or southern parts of America. What
ever may happen in the institutions of these
parts,, you are too powerful to see your own in
! etitutions affected by it. But let Europe be
come so abeoliffilitical,—ae without the rentorae
tiatit.Of Hattgaty to Ate independence, nod the
• liberation of Italy: so eteongly connected with
Buitgary, to be mire it will—and your ! children
'.ill see those wands;' which your National USIS.
u I have shown you how Wuratinctott . 3
trum of prdft et neutrality ill your foreign rela
tions has by-slid Ly ehonged into the deelara
too itroppose, h all your forrer,
cal Europe, in interferiog with the independ
ence or repubrirran institution:4 of Central mud
:Swab., America I have shown you why this
ranly terolOriror tea wit cr.tesoled then to En
ope I hare ,hewn you the further 44i:went:es
bower° your present errusenience and that of the
time of Prirriderit Monrot -duo I wrsimporlant than
those between Niourrre's nod Washington' s Iliac
I Part one mighty .I , lren-liCe TitSt still CO/IMM,
I unite. Ihat Ord your population has, since
IMstiree'r lime, nearly doubled. I herieve. at least
iuoreased by mdlious. And what sort of men
ate there rr, 1110 f only notice
li •rru Audriertir
No! lioropenti etaigranto
they rare. teen, who, though enireue of the rui
tel State., are Icy the moot .1.14 tie, or oi.l
- 1111,1,1 to Ettrope'r fate That in
rew.itleration wet tby of the reihootion of pier
el , uheo wan, wiw after enhe retlee•
tiou, out.ti agree with ale. that in your pre.tent
ootaliiian your are Ili net ao much intereottal
in the fate,l Europe,no p rather~ your rae!, twenty
e tthryervo , to, declared Iltereotoeo inter, sled
In the late ur I'velfet 1111.1 Soother!, Anteriew
TA reolly vo it v.. The unexampled, tin
tueo , o. j•rbdigiotil oympothy for the cativo uf
toy Country, able!) I 000 the
Statev, prove• that i• I 5
Vonrornoral inter
ferebre with his Turlti•b cuptivity of the lover
of Ilunpry, ;quotes that it IN AO And Ibis
ilevelopentrut, rather than rhungr in your for
eign pokey, to not even Inure an inotinouvo
rhulliiion of publii• opinion, whioh he Culled by
otol by to nupitrt a .111V01100 10 your National
titterunnuit p•PU , y: the d[reotieu it:already irn
porteil, the bomb. thr people iv uh-euily
00 000 NCI principle of the policy of iho 00,
Imre ngood. I irate n mom declaim vl
thority. n rely upo raymg Co. It is the
flee .:f of the Fre4itleut hi the United Slate,
lire Excellency. Nlihard Fillmnre. communica
ted to the Conext• a a ft, days aro; th e r e I
read the paragraph—" The deep iuterem which
We !eel in the :Tread af liberal arM
the chtablirldnent of free govertimen,, and the
sympathy with whieLt we tritne44 every strilgelc
opresyinn, forth; that 're rhouhf he ohhh ,
(erene to it releve n crlorh (A 4 wool arm of fire.
okrd t, slifir fccf.lie senr..r.enc urea
rep , rs• theaptre of freedom in n.!l . tt rattntry "
Now, gentitmen, here is the gronod which I
take for my earnest endeavor. to benefit the
caithe .of Hungary. I have only respectfully to
a pn nople which the public opinion of
the pedlar of the bniteil Stan, reankarly tiro
(eons. the Hoc, runteot of the Unitroyait,vice,
with the full oeutiment of ito reeponsibilthr,
Clarea to your Congreno to be a ruling prtheiple
of Your National Oovernincut ; is that princi
ple newt to he serial.? Indeed I omits. that
it would be the most lotherttheut outrage to•
words your great people, and your Notional
Government, to entertain the offending opinion,
that what the people of the United States, and
its national Hothrument, In each a solemn diplw
tootle toaontr, profeme to lit Ai ruling principle
of you, pulley, ohould not be meant to be bat
a joke about the MOM :memi intereithi of hu•
inanity. Got that I ximuld feel the int
ertioantt arrolvator td• think ; therefore I
PRI, the principle of your loom e. I hod it es
titiliehal, with., any interferroca, and I can,
in the min, of c.ipremsed In/Mauity to elnam
the natural, utiavuidatile, practical eon-
.r.lur.rie,el of your ovtu freely chosen Goveru•
meat policy, which von hate vowed to the
while world, the right to claim the realization
of tho s e expression, which your so•treign pee
ple of the United tqatti hare elloven out ..f poor
torn accord, to mote in,the bosons of toy ca
try men and of topproosed humanity. You will
eittOtt, me, gentlemen; fot having dwelt so long
strout that principle of non interferenre with
European nteaeuree, but I hare found this rock
thrown in toy way when I 'poke of what I hum
bly re,pievt from the Putted State, 1 hole
been chit:ea to have the orrogance to change
yonr evicting policy. and otx in one .perch, I ..r
to,ut, cannot cahoott the whole mighty com
. pte, o ae f
toy ntieston. I chairie for the prevent op,
portunity to aerrlope my views about thdt fon.
tianiecial principle of not oaring about Ettrupte
au concerto.; otot havlng.. shown not threroti•
rally, hut practically, that it itta Iniatak• to think
that you had, at whatever time, ,Mucha polio
ati ‘ i , thtering•hown that 'Mould von ever have rit•
te rained .itch a polio., you had abandoned it
:by much, at 1e..4:01., I hope to have achieved 'kip
humble requests to your. oiler/tit, .yllifotthy
may still lo• opposed by I don't know what other
hot that ul9ertion I will never noire
inert --antto iuterfere with European ,omoorn•
this objection is divFoved of, and forever, I hit,
It reomitis now to investigate, that having
professed not to no indifferent to the cantor of
European freedom. is the cause of Hungary
such as to hove just claims to your incline and
aperetive stood:ince and support It is. gen
proto,this 1 Jo not now intend t o enter
mt o an explanation of the particulars of ear
.o.ruggle, which I. had the honor to direct, no
the chosen Chief - hiagistrote of my native armor
—it is highly gratifying to one to see the e
01 ilungsry ie—excepting sortie ridieulous
representations of It wlll---correctly understood
here. I will only state nine fact, and that is
that our tudenvoriugs for. independence were
eru s bed down by the armed interference of a
foreign despotic power--the principle of all evil
o earth—Russia. and elating this fact I will
not again intrude upon you with my own views,
bat recall to your mentury the doctrines total,
.linked by your own statesmen. Firstly: Again
return td your great Washington. Ile eye
iu one of his letters to Lafayette, "My policies
are pins mind rumple: I think every nation hoe
a right to establish that form of merriment un
der which it conceives it can live moth happy,
and that no governments ought to interfere with
the Internal concerns of another."
Here I take my ground—l take my ground
upon a principle of Washington—ft proteirle, and
on doctrine Of temporary poliey, calculated for
the first SO years of your infancy. Russia has
interfered With the internal concerns of Hun
gary, and by doing us has violated the policies
of the United States, established an a lasting
principle by Washingtei himself. It ts n last
mg principle—l would invoke in my support the
t:pinion of every statesmminf the United States,
ofi every party, of every time. Bet to nave time,
I come from • the first President of the United
Staten at ooze to the last, rind recall to your
memory this word of the present Annual -Mes
sage o His Excellency President Fillmore:—
"Let every people cheese for itself, and make
and alter its political lnatitutionn to suit its own
condition and convenience." Hero again 1 take
my ground upon thin principle established by
Washington—making the basis of your own ex
istence, and professed and acknowledged by
your very present Government, only to show
that-I am aware of the policy and political opin
ion of your present Government also. I beg
leave to quote your present Secretary of State,
Mr. Webster's statement, who, in his epeech on
the Greek question, speaks so: "The low of
natant, maintains that in extreme caves, resist
ance in lawful, and that one nation has no right
to interfere in the affairs, of another." Well,
that precisely in the ground upon which we
Hungarians stand. lint I may perhaps meet
the objection—l am sorry to say I have met it
already—" Well, we own that it hoe been violet
. ed by Russia in the ease of Hungary, but after
all what is Hungary to no? Let every - people
take care; of itself; what is that to us?" 8o
some speak: it is the old doctrine of private
egotism, "every one for himself nod tiod'for
I will answer the objection not by my own hum
ble views but again by the Words of Mr. Webster,
who, in his alluded-to speech on the Greek
question, b44ing professed the sovereign right
of every nation to dispose of its own °womy,
to be a law of nations—thus is going on "But it.
L may he asked what in all that to us? The (mem-
toins is easily, answered We are one of the fa
lion, and we as a nation have precisely the sake
Interest. to Internationals law no 4 private
has in the law of his conntry!.
Sou ene,yontlemun. I load again a good a -
tkuiritY,,tio Tin* The principle *Welt yo
• - ~, • • .
• •
honorable Secretary of State professes It ft prim- 1 That objection seem. to me like at if so mil of the Anstrian Emp t die. i Subsequently we en
, ciple of eternal truth. No man ,can disavow it t body would nay, • 'lf the vault of Heaven brew • I tered with this empire iato the German Corded
' -no political party can disav o w. Them lam ; dawn what will we de" - My newer ie, al. , end. of 1805. but lijoirgary, as well as Lora
in the happy condition to address toy bumble iit will not break clown" even so I answer-but hardy and Venice, not making part of thriAus
prayers in that respect, not to a party but to , your declaratide will he respected-Rosen will 'e nen Empire, remained, again separated, and
the whole people of the United Scars, which I • not interfere-you will have no occasion for war; l• ere not entered into GM ; nonfeffewer.. The
will go on to do en long a+ 1 heve no reason to ' you will have prevented war. Be sure Ru.sia la s which I eucceetled to carry in 1845, tiiii, of
!contemplate any party oppueite or indifferent to 1 would twice, thrice consider to provoke against , cau e, nothing alter in thatelia, ehartered con
my conetryie canoe, I.ecause else of course I itself, besidee the rooted fury of notions-besides , dttleie or Hungary. We trunatarmed the pea
would have to address throne who are friends, I
th e legions o f Republic. France, also the Eng- ! souls into freeholdere , free prop - len - Ire, elm!.
, I and not those who are either indifferent or nn - Ike Lino an d t h e star ...retied.] Faglo of ivhrd f. idol ircutilltrances. We Corniced, the !
tagenietie. But it map he from sumo quarters America. Please to consider the fact that you. I political eiriiegee of artete t eracyaby" the nom
rowed: ••Well, we acknowledge the justice of I tented to England. have made already such a mon liber4; of the Irian. people: we Ise political,
[ the: principle of every nation ' s sovereign right i declaration not to admit any umerference of the 1 repre.etiten to the people for the, legislature:
-we acknowledge it to lie a law of nations That i European :A Mtolutistienl pewere, In the offers I transformed
s oar municipel curporeein. intn.
lin foreign power has a right in interfere in the lof the formerly Spanish Ciao.. o f Ame ri ca I democratic CoVaratanne; iritrothiceilequality in '
atfaars of another. and we are determined to 1 a :11 hey this declaration hreught you to a war' . rights and net 11, and heater' the law, i!p.r the;
respect this cerulean law of noinkind, but if nth- j Quite the eentreryi it Ilan prevented war-en it 1 whole, people a hashed the immunity fro. tax,
ern do not respect that law it 1 / 1 not our ho•inren I w i omil be innur cane also. Let me, berefere 1 lion t•f the nobili Y . , tenured equal reltgieue lih.
11, meadle with them," Let Inc .newer by ne 1 mosta humhly entreat you, gentlemen-let me I eery tr. all, +ricer.. liberty of the. peen and of
!Haualyein. ••Every nation h. the name intereet ; ern rent you on Mae ecreeio n by the means of e s eocietten proride, for public gaatuitous Au
it the international Career, an a minty. individ- , publicity-the people or 0.• roi ,, .iStltel to be i struction for the who e people, of every contra
onl has in the... elf hts country . •' That is all I pletned to give ~rich practical diYection to i ts i eine and of whstevertangue: but , iu injuring,
1 neknowle/Igril principle of the Untied States - I geld... eymparhy for /111.gary, no to arrange , in oar tray the eighty of \he King. , We replaced
unewea t eotiv every L et.. ie, i n rcepeet to in- ! tneation and pan such rceolutio. here and ' ear awn nrinteentical ennefflution by a demo
, ternational Caw„rtecately in the ne m, retention j there, nail in every ponnitile place of lb. great I erotic eunetitution founde4.upon nearly unieer
, e e it prie e te individual la in reepeat to the laws I Union. an I took the liberty to mention shore I vol
a s
of the whole eXople-of whatever
of his country. j Why not do ora I beg leave to reiterate what I , religion, at. whatever hatigue.a All the, were,
to a committee i a, you nee, internal relat. L ich did in no
a p 3 p . o S e e ell ' te r' C l e 'V ehould in Cuba n way interfere with onti i. i leginn ito the King,
d W . e , i t e in where r, ~p
, i t o
t ih t e . condition i l t a i rz o fi ,,
f a
h p i :i T e l t , t , Li t ti r d y i -, I
, b ,f A.l l3 t ‘ h i, e ,n ho o n re o 7 M s ::
Is it only that he has himself n e t In v i o l a t e t h e I revolution n em ., n revolint o n from the inbabi• land Were serried lawfully in peacakil legielitioe,
I law ' er ie it that sn far no to in his power he ! tents of Cubs theniselvee , end whatever Earn- I with the eftnetion of the King j a
.heold eleo prevent othern from viiilattrie the law' : peas Inner ehould vend down a nom to 'ap e° , j
Ihmalee thin, there wan oar oilier widen
Suppose yon .or I hlt a wicked men i a about to (Spam ag tie, this revolutioe, weal!' you admit ; ea , eare i e a ; w e ~,,,,, ear.r„eria n om ad b y ,
reli=to murder your neighbor, or to Miro his thin foret Co intervention in a foreign ...try • r,„ at ., / vr ,ii. which h n a t he eep a aaa „a ny
hint,, will yeti wrap yourself in your own viral I mm coetident there iv net one in the United ' tt,aar,..ett according tit tenth lea,. null
mot. lawfalnese, aniline., •• I don't rob-don't i Stat.. who would not °pp°, thin intervention , a • r 1 :
, ...nee /or nine.; ete hot we eon by long expert
murder- deaf but what othern do in i on then wh e t is the difference het... tbia aUI, ' ~,,,„ j i,„, aii, renj.nsilsility is au empty s veil,
iny hueitirse. I airt (tom brother's keeper I ; poseh ea, at: e d The cene of !Ineptly 7 I, there !ii,,,iii, a co•peeetiou e innot really he reeßtm •
al 4., and .
notpathise wait • taut . I not 01.1 eblitetel to i a different,. tis primeale7 No. a hen what . .. I la a
' help hint that it" snip not he ' , W.I.', raw dared, ,The &Grim, ie lint Citha in et Fix days din ! tialir al p
o ur of the dynntr.suocciled to cis
learn was the re.nin whY the taco
• - v r ,,,, 1 1 ,
j urn ,n t ,, a . '
er lY , h n iy „ t
N iii ,, o ,, ie e st of tl y ian o. of s, v n li , e .
, at „. ./.1 1 tames ta. New I-irk, iiii "/ t he Peri "f liniigarY ' creed/epee our liberty. S., no replaced the lloaras
the I il r luni.9 et eight.. .lays diet:lnge That in all ; ( a c etate ,' ha al tn i, te ,„ t h e , m ply ~,,,,ibility
1 p 1,110,, of the United States, I etii •nee . hat , nod whe would einem that the policy of each a or ii Ilaartl hy the individual reeponeibility elf
weiii.l be the damned motile of the Pharisee.' revel, free and glorious, nation an the United ;
I Suttee ehall lie regulated by h men-aial the King eeneented to it. I myself
of old, who thanked 14.1 that they were not .
Sour. nail not l'• ; re.. named by him alinister t of elle Treasury: That
. .
lithe. were 11.Ssumur was not conient to go , arterial..
'lo all but preeieely here woe the rah. The
Ifs trading it. the hall of the temple. hot I Allow me to remitrk that there i, an lieut., e t rum cet I not beer the eleathat 1 would not
he he.l ,I ri ven o ut the, who were trailing there i math ii. Mutt whirl. the French li•gation in the ; give to his ...Yonne). dtsponl the life
N e w, what the duty of an inilividital is in United Stat. erpreesed to your llnverunient. ilk ley pop.: lie tat not eontented with the $l,
: `ee , in. the I•twa •if hie country, the neve iluty ' eit a id e ee l, „r 57111 October past, which I re
0 :AM. OM IN., 101 Which we uproar.
Ile.:, natl. , , ill realeaff• to international law lee, to . 1 01,1 e. • ••amenca 01 elmely connected , imeil to hint aearly. He would have Isis bends
I lad e doty has tin other limit, Lot only the pow - with Eitrope, being only seperated from the lot i in ie. pia•kete, and he could not bear the idea
'I cr by Udell it. I/f eatteae, it cum. be eared, . t er hy n distance ecareely exceeding eialit il, n' 1 Hem hiastitiold never mime lie at liberty to di.sp o oto
el th a t the Repaid. of ii.ll, Marino, or the Prince j jouniey, LT one of the most iturinetant of gar 1 witlnott any calomel of our Leave army, and to
;of Meracree sdinuld nail. the Uri. of li,pi, 111 real inten.yts-the interest of i . ouitnerce. lilie ; crush del. the spira ,•r freedom in the world
his sinitaisio. annoyonce. It Woo rancid.. I maim. of Amen.. and Euroji 1., rat this any , Teendore, he reaerted to the MAW outrage°.
when the Print, of eled ene refused t o rimog• lao dependent upon one another,-that the effect • enniquency, end attnehed ton by art., and by a
1 nine the gitterem cut of Louis Philippe--hut "to lof any . event prosperous nr otherwise, lieppeta I felee report of n victory whicnnever Wan won,
: winini rowel , ia given, much will 1 . 0 ',twirl" from I in: on one eide of the Atlantic. an inotiediamay I leaned a preelaination doctoring that Hungary
i' hie s ," hey,. the Lord. And every coutlition hits t felt en the tither aide The reault of Ihl. o j ,Lull not more exist- the[ it, Independence, inc
to m o nly it.eriality, be. al, ma own dune-. end munity of intereets, catnmereiel, piditicel c
a n: -
t.l ; teorunitution, me very existent. in aboliehed,
any ~1.0, the r ~,,iiiii,ii 1-, In. a I , llWer oft 1 10,41, hetWeeti Europe and Anita-tea -of Man , met it ehell be melted, like u farm or fold, into
.. arch loin the a..ty to consider Limeell tie a pore I freieueuay and rapidity ef inter..., holy. a. tee ...ion Entine°. To this we anewereta
lof the executive power of Illaielfilid rallrli t.l i awl. is that it licCOLls, ii. ddlicult In point Gill ' .• (holt -halt f1. , 1 rant. tyrant, but an will,"
, re-Met:yin the low or nations. et'oe, a thoneand• I the geographi.l degree where Attie:leen pie. j we beninlied bine and iimued the Declaration of
fold tree 1n hum:al:ly ebould there nibode tilt I elti.4 teristitette and Europe... poi; Arm y
ti c n, I
nn,- , nor holeamelete.e So you see. gentlemen, that
inorth he to tilaintion the !awe of ItumanitY j in te tines out the h. lalsere American ed.- 1 there It a Very great differeehe between. you.
Woe, a thoueindfold one to hunomity, elowlid I ineree legins end Europe. eatenier e e tr.rtni. end corn -it ii in our fn., i •
! even thane who are e + mit:lay to they are free I eiaitl, Where nine lie -aid as beg.: t.t. tern,- i ati.m. oee abet oieiter ditrorene, 1., aneierat pier
i. not feel intereeted•ii /be maintenance of the 14w.• ~,,,k th e a l e . ethi e h er e i n the 4.,, , nd,,,,, a 1 1 , 1 . n , 1;1 , -1., ,, e . 11%111 , 1 . 2r ,
~.y . t . ,, , : , . .1,...1:1. . .1,, .1 . ?1 , i ‘ 1 :1 1 . ... : r , t ;/, , , ,L1 ,!.
or maltion.l--twenu.” the; am lawn-Int one in I Europe end in Aturrire " The -.owl meanie , .h.a.....7:-, alreat, re,nr....:•: wh,o wriont ~ satest.,nr
1,, (~,,,, •,,,,,, n t ) in-lner jatcretra elauld de- I ..j c h I l eg cane to 111 0 111i141 lia+ reference 1,, 1 ',..,.11,.,_.,,,.;;;;,.;:., , m7 7 7, 1 „1:',; • ::;;;;;:qt7MM;;T:? - ;;;T m .':i m !: 7;
sire it Woe to humanity if every deelot a , hr I rolonterclal inter,. flier, lons, in latter tittle-. . i.%,..,,,1,,, nc•cr2d,•edth 0,... thin, nt.,..; oar Itads
i world may dere 4 , trample ilavirs the lame or ha' , a doctrine end. into the , :ode of intertintional ; atajaa",a,'aj d aaaaata e r e,'a:',,a7alat i a i laaaa i t ail, ;a n a 1:L. 1 , 5 :7,54r;
' namely and no free nitiott arisee to make! re• I lie which ho Oren a t orietrely to the eolnrner. I 1,,....1,nnt, , i1....1..D1 and ullcowne.• Os It; w,
erected those IR., l'eolde of the United ellia•n, j ~.1 litter...l op nntione I. to their intleprial- i iaria,;`,T..;,,,,,,,1!,-, -7,:;:ii,,,,,,..,t',1,-,,,t,,,,,,;1^,,,,-„1,77„.
1,.....ny Prpecis that yo ti ur ginrioll. re..1 , 1k , en, The ietiie•t despot of the Warld his t ; oar, Awl .., a oeren pee, Tier, listeanat dee, malt
0 Will prove tO the World, then republics are fi huh ' faculty to el ..Ill,ld )(air conttneree from whate j :1 is';',.f.';;',!'',":„.7 s!:!,;.;;',:;;;::'",'4::1"",',',,.`07;;',:::
.. wine -it expects to ....• you the guerilian ler let it tdea,ll? 1,1 du eo Ile iii" only to or , 1t..t,pen,,,1-a tnnsh f n t.wer. Iltco , ii. clone with Me eremet
: any.,, tt bl,:clple , and your commereo i, ,hnt I tr:2,-^,'",,",.,M.f.'4'..,',..Y.,,',,..:7,.,"7,7..7,..rt'innT'11=n7t!'-',.:;
la the b... of huinenity
Well, I will come to 1.1101 po•eible oluecion , tee or down trodtlen Venice, lileening Lenilayrdji : a ii . .. - .. , - .....-: , .... , . ,, ...:,n!-0.T . ,....rk.. , ,ti.:1,..i,9, , r ), , ,ti . i. , n , 0r
I to e he rehe •• Ana arc r:ght in pxtr pr . ifle, t•r if Inv 4 wore•oppreneed btu reentore Illineery i a i t a, r .t aaajalaasaa 7,' - ; ,:aaaa i a., • ejti,i a riaaraaai n atie t a t a , ', ;„ t
or •• it, is jam end poi h a re mu- spear. j rine , to eh... ill the A entrain tyrant's yoke, e n Ir, wrn : i. , ..l. 1.,..,.. I a-n In thin ser, Ite, 7 arzth.n or i,',• ,:nee -•,.0 ~, , e,cn•t a•lc.l won tl,c eharaw of hnvert, rOl In;
Ind .hut ,ther. all IS, clam ag , t., or t, faryoureoui • eerily •
they 'Anil. Thu tyrant believe. to have the ; ;',',`,,,,,!;,',, i , , a; re , ', heat -, „ a tea a
ny ~,
t re: we cennot forni-h you with atom., we cahoot 1 right from Mott very eminent to exclude your i eaata . itaaa m o , ait jaa. t ia , e t ajlzare o th ;., l7 ; agt.e a l t eanfi i arat:az t
light your bettlee for you." There is the rule j e netsieeee wal s th e ne m , n ui,,,
, ...hi ni r .t,, ,• •caln in the cranth in, la darn-. nr :Its
Who can eVtotly tell what w0u..1 have been the 1 N en, thi a i. no n j uori a ta -,,, raent,heta doyen. flT l "7 : "U;;..rn % hii ,l r" fll " Zl. l .r ' rra ' riiT.7t7.+lsiittiT,
inn" of oar ow. ,ern Le fat' indePeildeorie• , rion ef ty ran. enduing ynor interest-ye. e ',WI -a 01 rr r former ,rare lit-. egunrlng !none thlric
, thnimb your einiutry Pr. In a heppier pat- ; otar , iamer e ign independence. The Faked
; a t i t a;it-e i ,a;.::; ; ‘ , Y:; ; ll. , c ; t. , .. , n t, tiLt , i i; m „ai rm , .. ;;;;; t m e ne .,,-
I graphical poeition than we peer I langoronos. h a ro ant al 413 i regarded thing, from this poi. 1 , time h e ... , a.. s e thai th• eeeron al the fm- I
shoal. I Francs have given each an ,111.41 Cr to of ~,,, I f m „,l In a nun . „t aj a ay eeeta mi ni ._ , t0 , 1 ; :iy. ; ;.... , ..;::; : i , t, rx ,.. t,n i r; t e - en th eo ;, imott : =vaz,,%..r ; i
pair fere( where in I 77 '' and 1: Si, iti7'"ail of ter of the• United Stat. in S e e. dated. ••Aln , i ' ..e......!;.e . ii,eim •ir iii. IN:stit. ia the tan t e,-
erieling to your aid a then of shirt, ,1,01 0100
' 'bid. Jon. ''', l';' 2! "• •• thee. wool.' "to the cam. i .',..,!.-i7•V,...",72",.41-'i1!':=:".!."....'t1:-.';:nr,illienjnhri.n'Vf
!ef war. and auxiliary ...era end 2, iiii" mil - between See. aril the Speninh %melte. 0 ,, !, ! ~.....,,, ,I c,. - Out,' ,I_,-, to ,3,11.7 , 11.1 , , ittdro r - 1
ISl '‘• "ii a loan " '''''''''" till hen. A " .l . ni.'" lie United ::rater h ''''' f! ''''y ed . 05101 '' I 't t i.!" - '! ' :: , "e''' s r. ' "''.• Z7,7:.7.',T gtr-, T . h ,rr 1 .:,,n,1:il '
what in far more than all Ow". does it not eh". 1 both pun.. the hoopitality of their per. eiel , ,1,„7.,„,, .. ~,,,.,," a, i „„ ~,,a , ,,„,,,,';1 0. ,„„,„0 e, ,,„, ;
that Franca resolved with all its power to .. ,
_e moir e end Lave allowed Wen ent, of both to I aaaaitetatiltaaalaaia.aaawaTataa),-;;.,,,,,,,„ti%.,:,..=
po”• , the caner of Yrwir indereud""re • Y." I procure oithi. their jurie , lietiun. in the way ;•I , the ..,1,1,13 ,•,/, or th .c..untr l . in lap 1...0e and Ilw.
perhaps, I may be told that Fr a nce ,I,.lthia not lawful •
trade, an,' eopplie, which stilted the r I i t ;aj;jej:ltiaaaa a, , , , , %lij i ta t aaait= aLt:.a . lnala a ed ta ilha r el
ali , of love fie freedom. hot ""' of h tree I In co...ea.:nee '' N me, gentlemen, OM ii the priii• j va.t. thnt 1.0111. in1rt.....,1 nit Ito. rtl4l/1\01. , e 14 the
,Knelled. Wen, let it he , but let me el,. aek •
f o r which humenity etrpect, 1%0.} our own ntel • i ; a•aat t aaat • aa , a4;a•aaina t iiii , i. , t , in „ e , J. ;,. zazie ro, gt e ..n c t . te r;
ghatl the reuse of nid e . limas -hatre I -I , i for rulttkitni'm binefit to • ..n niatnt,by yeti ' /no., tll ea.. laa, 11/Ij th..ntert,enee watt t;1i7,,...r...n.ta , n
mare ellieient in the deettniey of matikied than ! „ t net anh e ee r a w ~,,,,e,
,which In c rehtte te r ,. : v•en , ::. , , : :: . ; ,... , .i . v ;: i ; v : ,. :a r „ u. , . : •• • . , 4. 7, ,..., , ir ~.. e n x . ,
~ „4 . , ,,, m , ..,
~..„ ~, frre•lolit. Prior. Ph , a j , tett.e. and law+ r et ire t, draw from your country whatever el. ' h eina th......t0ie lay.-.1 7 2 ; 1er.., the Flu=
.0...,.. L . , -
af huneeotto ' rernapn I will It, t,,IJ (ha: IA ' ply of "PPre'aion again rat th ew nation,, hu , fir ' ',. ...: ,.. 1 '' , ' rre7i...-a n t.' , Z.:7„: ` ,', i ''. ' , ...!';','"i'.::Z.....","';'..,'
-,,pr. is ee far (rein AM,. a But IN me , 1. I lid, to whir. to buy the mean, ref detatia. !om la meentel ,, nedi , tariaorly, tar, the nee:natl. Vane%
Awieei". in GI" LIM, of s .t eunii . s "intii 7 n m i .' i That we, net the p ri nciple of your Waehington; i iii , l aia',ah' e 'ar t a i a,,a,a l at r a . h,f e e t aa e Ma t ll'a d t arri ane siat te ?, a ha
di'leant fro , . Loran" to! day Mau Franc" w ''. t when ii , 'peal, .r harmony , friendly iatercouree ! .I ' h aiatc , , Lehaava t z ; .!• ,„ !..:l; l ej . . , in e rn eetze t, e, , ihg . tz b, l 7 l eg.
from Atuerica Ite , NIIY three' ”are ago' II". i-aml of pee.. he always [eke. euro to speak of 1 te „,,j'r 0 1,..,,',. wat,
to natrna!'o'f' Earn,. • , whetter '
ever. 1 most solemnly declare that it k not .1' 1 nations and not of goverement•-etill less nun y• Inn he to • mate eLre.ele „ yien a‘rainat their tiorernmrnta .
intention to rely literally np o u this eanntple It reline who Frifi.itt...l netiens hr foreign nun 4 I aa „ nataaaaa i na , t ; ea. ,, t..t. : .
t r.a , ,. . , trfz•M1:g . .. i .v. , .... 4 . ,_
I 4 not my wish to entangle the United Sam. in ....
aloe en red wird a nation with ail it• n.tity s 1 r,. , ,,, , , , ,. , , , , , , , t ,. .,e ,, t , ...., , ,, , i . ;! . ..te :17 d u ., 7 , f0r ' aet o t=l . 7. z l , t r, ^ i r .
t0r . ..r,,0r to engage your great nee rile to .end out riches, 4.,U1d at lrocd, of yOUr political a :turn,. I ~,:,„.c.,....,.... x . ;i....t.'l'iliati statje: J =e; imprint.
armies anJ fl ee. to re.tare Iliingery to its en m I aezt net ' he ja.„,,.. 1 naa nail yen I en, e e e r y 1 , , I ma m . 7,7, ,.. amr‘mom;, , ,a _ mmm.a,;m , mrtm7.
~, m ,, , , , , : : ibmr ,.. lll,,m;m,
twira i.•krend , re , t;"t at. P... 11 .. ^ .- , 1 ; Pet that the yierd nation le retailer,' by the ward i 7 - ,..`,.. t..- goo- i„.';,;;,, .„, ~,','„ ,„,„,..rc,-, „e,„ 1 ,, i
„:„..eolemely declare that I hare never entertain v ,,,,,,, t j,..,1,,,,,,,. I ', ara b', .„, kh t h a I n,h r r: ;, , , , , , towtorls 1n7..1.. t . hn t : nitea Are:. r: v v , r.,,,-
''clinch expectation, , such bop., and here I eenta ; plltl/IC I , ptnion of the people of the United State. I 3;' . ..f,,,.,,,,,1 Itt,.,4:llil t n , ‘ If U ll, ',, TTle ' ttcl.out siten'a , 1
to the ainetical point.
coneemite of 1,11 o•n riehtm, .honi,l hiehly and ' aattacaaaaateaaiiffy,Weefere,aata I g i t a tt e a r ,aa h e allai,ene tat aa,lr e aa I
The spirit or ev il in Enna+ , ie•the ...err mine ! re..ilutely .I,lare that the ' , reale oi ,h e a mts •
• ,y, '0 ~,,- , t,...,,..,,,
~,.,„..,. ,„,,,„,,,,, I
spent of Roaieu aleel u Mem lii a ion Int. .I+,l. Old carry hal trade awl eon , ien .. it. e ,r• i ::' , ..i , :-i: :: • g , , :
,: ..! ,. t ., .t . t
~ , . .•::- , t ;.,, ,T 7. ,,. ..., ,, .., : :, :5 . ,., : i. z:. 7 ,
r y a , 4 the .1 mane holdnear, of e v er y ( , rte ty, tont. tare.-o! ,nor roorrae with whale r, natton, to- 1p .•Ai : - .r, , , , ..:w1„ , .. ,. .. t ...., li atm 1i i,.., .... , iti,.. I
in t runn i e rap, n apprememan mien+, and t.i ...eleii ; that n 111 , ot at reinlnticla 42.61114 it. err..., I a t tr a aj a aaz ta b t ala t ana a a ty lattaa , t e „; iaa t‘a t a ataaa ; , , i
,at, •
down It --rte To 'hie Moloch of ulnlction ha. oe rot qt , •l Mint the people of the 4 nited Sian, j ~., ...Inn, then thcro I,one humble 1./011 sr...f• :
fallen a Net.. my poor satin land. II la IL, !et pr.... with e •on lea. I rewn ern G.teernatera, t.• i aaa'a t ',l 7 :a t a ° 4",,aa i a , ; t a: t t „ it a t atia t aa!,,aail t ata t p a 'a a a
with which alnntelemhert threaten+ . the Preece j provide for ih. protection oryeur teal: I it.iientea• Wcrolcvn. 11. i w. , u1•1 rnth-er ,t.rvu M.. rn
reruhlic4n. trio nu•elan intervelitien in Ilee• • i um ea ,, t aie nt t h at yen , „,,,,e,„,, aneeretheat t j r , , ,, , a t aya:e at O ; Ta ;,, ay t a. ,,, ea..e . • , • , ..i . e . n .„;d ut.4., LtiL e r, e i, . ;. _ ,,
gore which gaearned Pt.' , 1 , 1 , wiler e enii"" do ' sense puha.. NM.. ea pronounced, wilt jade. , I ' 0 ,7,1a,"';',,,,1`a,"a:.'„',",',;', i 'a t a.',..% 5 i ';',, i ,"a'a ° o,,ra7,l",",,Ya
Reno' and gait ealle lemeritY to Noonan 4 ereat. • a enn e eni e n t in au nerve yufur iinal (mean in ! 'Venom-. money,. i .... m e , nroia nt ....1. , Lila
to cevah ihtwn ‘II *he erniearor, f•r freolitn And' the ej„ ter
it end to 1„„1, 1,, r ~,,,,,, „,,„. 1 , • f r :,..,1. , ...., y
, t , t 1 , , , , !witt=0 , - , .. :,, , , N•h nr , :n..r u r el za, .. a; n j
oily l‘t " e rriliwid Th . d ' e r d * ii '" " r " - ,•t .tion fort whirl, wrwild not fort, the any of , t.....';,ir ,: Pr law, ' 1 bilm I.kt.i 3 /11 iawfui The. iut.
pr.'. continent nee lenne,l nr e inat the ariatien ' „e e i nn + rncrien to . tch abroceitan, f ward., I '1,..,„1:7•72,... , • ;',..,;; . , ,, !,;;,;L.„ , .. -. ...j: , 2,7 . 1, - 7,thlT .
of the wirl.l Thy ... a rtantfer of ~,, The ~r ', am .. amm , m . m , mammmn ,„ mm , ‘ ,„„ mmmmaam a „, 1 ,, m i : ,, m, I
~0..., ~ ,,,, ,, ,,,, , o
~ . .5 r,..,,,, __, 00r.,
nhe rand rnet.r of Non'in Lb . . , the Eiie.'neart e ". - hr. lit lecitae. or repaldie'an iltenity. only to I 7,1;;T'„..:.;:',`,.7,-..%;'iZ-0,..,":.t0i1,!:::;,1,4,.,,hrj::
on, is, on the ere or it new revolution It Is not ,
.., ,1.,1., r ., co , 0 -1,, n. t,„ h o „,„ ,),,,,,,, , ~.,...,
~,,,,.., . 0
0 ,,,,,.. iNar
r., , r
~,, ,, , 7,
ne r ,,,ro tr y to he intfiafed in the Penn.. , prerat.l Id a , ~r s at e e n, r. rani I )ilft the Near of an aa 1 I7';';','a,"'ea.":.,t'at, •
i a";,..!,":; • ~m7cm' ; ;;;.„;",:4!:;,m ` ;`,;":„:,
tie. of the Enrolees .1,..,,,,,„, I , h e awore 1.1. el , l•rtag Place (or the viral fam( or 3 nor ra, .I.' 111. lA.', $. • , VI, 0 1% ,1, nrrna3nlto',ltt .r.+l7z
lb.' aitpitatehNo ritotingeneY I , l• Pei , " • loath; 1 be:irre ye. giorioue contstry ehouhl 1d.,7.:ae.,:7;;,;,',1,;,:::Vu'i,;!::1'...1.;i1kWi`e•-:eatTw..l.;‘ find
eut by the French Cenetitution imelf, pre .n 1. :,,, te t her ,. ( r .. e ly naurr the et. speug'.l hit, • • emeioit; I ...ea.-. ie. cuarwaranalt t l , rv,eu th , . WU..., ~‘
4 new el - action f o r the neat •prine mm. , ,,r 11.,,rty with ell Mi. cungenntl prinelple, ':i'i',:.,'",n."17ntt':.',,54r.,:ir.:1t'a.",:.,..,.nt,tirtr.t41...z.....:\
Sol., ,uppene that the ambitien of Leine Nor, ' at m „„ j tetn a,. ~,,,,ef depeed ent o n wher, er r ,.. ! oc a Tete t a 1 a. ,..,...ima aiil.; : e t . aaartllaLlnl:aat eri o b V=l,..n
;,....../111rared by Runian , rout aid, anotte . e p ee . o f thy gl.Ol, unite. or the kir gn Is I I'.Z l eg h t t t ,", n . ~..a : , ,'•:',:, IC. ..
r .lt,n ant •rrr'o,owlo:
his time, ;which I Reareely"helieee, i sod hop 1 ,,,, , etna ,,,,,,, •
Th e vbird e t a , ot ton 1.... wah,cl. I had ilc. hcoot 1., nolatel \ and a'atch Imoo
I'l loll l 'ha' (1 "-lr‘l .ill ll‘l ts peaceful ib ' luii ""• 7 "`' h ' bumble w - tvlies, gcnth•tnen, i, the reCogoilion .4 . ' ' •
aim would melt etottlentea the frietels of Repot, I the , tatate . heettata ~r it „og.u . r oar . ri,,,,,,.. \
lie. Fra n ce, of ....Me the final no of Il se urn : ttyclatrAtion of independenre proclaime
t.,l'rnd!l '''''''''"'‘ l l '''" ll ''''•" recal lll'jd'rnrh tem.! , from rt." , • Sa i nal"can '''"l'' or t,,,, .he inetea anmee tptowwh im
. . ... •.. .. the arth t par wl equal lotion i
that a revelation will follow. if not 'precede th.,
, nevelt to Italy or if there is it,, peaceful 'dil
-1 that iu Promo, but a ravrlntion, then every tosn
knows that whenever the bent of France twits
up, the pult.tion ix telt throughout Europe, nail
oppressed nat.., once more rile, and Russia
again interferes_
INow I hombly ask, with the view of the., cis.
before my eyes, Call It be couventent
to sorb it Reset power as thin Republic, to wait
the very outbreak and then only to discuss and
decide what direction yea will he willing to take
in your foreign policy' it may come again, al iin
der too InstlErtoddent, at a laic hete, when agent.
I were rent to sec how matter, Stood in Hungary,
Russia interference .and tren•m achieve whit
the liapsborg dynasty failed to achtleve. You
know the nil worde, “while tome delintre. By
I moth= fell " So I respi l / 4 1fitily entreat the peo
pie of the E 6;1,1 States in time, to espresso Its
will an to what cow, It FrilhON mho roamed
by its National Government In the rule of the up
preaching throb I have mentioned. aiktoll most
' confidently hope that three is only one retiree
possible, consistent with the above recorded
principles. If you acknowledge the right of
every notion to alter its institutions nod govern- ,
' went—if you acknowledge the interference or I
foreign powers in that sovereign right to be a
violation of the law of notions, as you really d o
If you are- forbidden to remain indifferent to
this violation of international law. an your Pres
dent openly professes that yon are, then there
is tin other course possible than not to interfere
in that sovereign right of nations, but alert not
to admit whatever other powers to Interfere.
But you will, perhaps, object toe that is no
much an to go to war. I answer, no—that is to
much as to prevent war. What is wanted to
that effect? It is wanted, that being aware of
the precarious condition of Europe, your Nation
al Government should no soon as possible rend
instructions to your Minister at London, to de
clare to the Englihh Government that the Uni
ted States, acknowledging the sovereign right
ad every nation to dispose of •its own domestic
concerns, have resolved not to interfere, but
also not to let interferawhatever foreign power
with thin sovereign right, in order to repress
the epteit of freedom In any country. Como
quontly, to invite the Cabinet of St. James to
unite with the United States in this policy, and
to declare that the United States are resolved
to act conjointly with England in that decision
in the cane of thatapproeching crisis on the Eu
ropean continent, which it in imposiible not to
foresee. If the citizens of the U. States instead
of honoring me with the offers
of their hospi
tality, would be pleased to express this their .
will, by passing convenient resointions, and rat
ifying them to their National Government—if
the people by all constitutiona: means—if the
independent press would hasten to repress the
public opinion in a similar sense—it in cense.,
quence of this, the National Government would
instruct its Minister in England accordingly,
and bye convenient commonication to Congress,
give on an it Is wont to dq publicity to this his
step, I am entirely sure that you would find the
People of Great Britain heartily joining this di
rection of pPlioy—nobody in the world could
feel especially offended by it, and no existing
relation would he broken or injured , and still
the interference of Russia in the restoration of
Hungary to its independence (formally declared
in 1849) prevented—Russian arrogance and pre
ponderance checked, and the oppressed nations
of Europe soon become free. There. may he
Rome over anxious men who perhaps would say,
"But if ouch a declaration of your Government
will not be respected, and Russia still does in
terfere, theiljoci would be obliged by this prowl
.one declaration to go to war, and you don't de- - ,
sire to Imo ear." • •
~,i, ii
the laws of nature end natal - de GA entitle
(liens The political existence of your glonotis
republic In f. outdo! upon thin principle. atom
Mtn Itglit My nathin stands'upou thin greutel,
and there in 04 nir,king resemblance het wren
your cause tel that of my cetintry tin the 411.
of July, li - :i., John Adaossispeke thus in your
Congress, or 'twins, line or die. aurviek, or
perish, I ant for .thin dectintion - in t h n
beginning we aimed not at i dependence, but
there ,e 2s davinity which shape our ,eitil• '
Mese noble worth were in my el on be i I Jai
A pri l ,is n o, t , I to „,,ii the dee I %tic!, e 4 Ilidc
pendenee in the National Assemb • f Bengal:, .
Our condition won the siune.and it li lu lobo' ,
dilierence I dare nay ibis in favor n \ . irrirtitc.
Your country was before this ‘li'd 4 i' 1... m
SA nell.onnvinting, independent State.`Tvgarr
was. Through the lapse Of n amt... \ fr..
through every vicinnitude of thin' long tek t el,
while nations •aninheil and empires fell, tht
consisting independence of 11u 0gtry W., Ti V.
dinputed but recognised by all Ate powers ,iti,
the earth, etoctioned by treaties Mistle with th
Hapsburg Itynanty, when this dynasty, by the\i
free will of toy nation, and by h hiltheral part
wits invested with the kingly crown of qungsTY
Evii n more. this independence of Ilungalivraa ac
knowledged to make is part of the intern tional
law of Europe. and was guaranteed not on by
the foreign Enrapean governments, such as 0 at
Britain, but also by several of those, when et
constitutional states, which belonged former
to the German, end, after its dissolution, to the\
Austrian Empire. This independent condition
of Hungary is clearly defined in one of our fun
damental laws of ITUI, in these Words: "Ilan•
gary in a free and independent kingdom, having
it, ownself consintent existence andconntitlition, \
and not nubjent to any other nation or country
in the world." This, therefore, wan our anciert
right. We were not dependent upon, nor a Tout
of, the Austrian Empire, as your country was
dependent upon England. It was clearly ilefiitril
that we were to Austria nothing lost good neigh
borhood, nal the only tie between us and At m ' •
trio wan, that we elected, to be our kings, the'
sante dynasty which were also the sovereigns of
Austria, and occupied the same line of heredi
tary succession of our kings; but by accept
ing this our forefathers, with thS consent of the
king, again declared that though she accepte t the
dynasty to be our hereditary kings, all the oth
er franchiees, rights and laws of the naticiti
shall remain its full power unit intact, and out , .
country shall be governed like other dominions
of that dynasty, but according to our constitu- ,
.. .. . ..... . .
tionally established authorities.
We would not belong to the Austrian Empire,
because that Empire did not exist while Hun
gary did already nearly 200 years exist, and ex
ist some two hundred and eighty year. under
the government of that liapshurgian dynasty.'
The Austrian Empire, as you know. was only
established in MC, when the itheninh Confed
eracy of Napoleon struck the death-blow of the
German Empire, of which Ftricis 11. of Aus
tria was not hereditary, but eleeted. Emperor.
•That Hungary had belonged to the German Em
pire, that is a thing that nor man in the world
ever imagined yet. It iv only now, when the
liapaburgian tyrant professes , the intention to
melt Hungary into the German Confederation ;
hot you know this intention to be in so striking
opposition to the. European &Min law, that Eng
land and France solemnly peotested against thin
intention, which Pinot carried out even to-day.
The German Empire having died, its late Em
peror Francis, also king of Hungary, es
tablinhed the Austrian Empire in 1806, but
even in test fundamental character of the nevi.
established Austrian empire, ho solemnly
declared that Magary and its annexed provin-.
Ott are not intended, and will not make a part
. ~
i .1t
,t ..'ut It, 1,51.
•tlr I b...
out • ac 4 Trust
tlts n ma 4.r atm
y mat hactl.le , Ambrt\tu .1.11 , 4 \ '• litt.rmt A.
LI, ant tt .1.4. JaN,I, 51,. Imam, ~ Into. N.
llt eatu tn at, ; It • llnrrtNlValu, \ li, U. Mt
ttiat It. na,..., 1 Thlt t.thr ttiat...ticsuracAte Luttnuau, sr
tutr , sr alai M. Its It.h atattulcut.lot. tittru•
In It. It , , . atul avaltit,, al rtnalrl au natru 14,...11
11, I, i mar Ito tua.ttlen a,, 0t...-Int amptt ... t 111
11 14.1NI.1.1 1 .1. I: . : 1. 1
tn. uf druit I oil
. la• ay
Ptltuatt I' , \ Delaware Itutu Safety bisarazu
•t, doltatt, ' \ .
-........ ; g kFFICE; NOl.. II Itoo - II .iiE
1,4 Fra ' N r CII .. 4. 11244 ~ rt.., Pila.lttpll
' I . .." 1 , 0,11.A.,1.—i1t thlagg. stcrykul4 ,
t 0 ,.. eel, t o_ • .rty. Itt Inwo an‘l ettantrr, irt•stro,l t,
u.tutat t t t a,,c, t.., Cra. wall. luatNt tato ur pt...
.nt tn• , Nt" ..o. 1 .,,,,,, ..- 1 1t , t\ntto ttutt.rt
~ ., 11 awl 1 , 14.,...1.t... tut . ..act:l or. Nastxl,rt. ut.4., ..,1
..,, , ~,,,,,,,, iLt, u s
ma t al *tr
.'.., /.,14.111. Tr , 1.P. 1 .7.11, -- 3 1 .0. . 0 -' , , C , ' , ly•
' ' {tacrturtt.s 11, 11 agits,...4t1rt..N4 vat, t'sn I 1......
... %tit, Liao, un rit , .rx at. 4 liktc.+o, t , — ..., , ,T - ,
'L.r• . 11.1....,,,...!—..0.. pl. ii. ;.al, I.ltekt.:l el_.t...,thlar. Jahn Ct.
,7 " i i LV't! ' " .l l.. d " r ' tta ' r n l b ll l rltl. ' .V,n. l-' . ' . ‘ ;,li t '''`,lltt
fl I" I Ilattft'4,..,tt, r. ./ . tat Seam, Itrn.. k,. ilt - ,..-i,, Y.z... C.
. i ti? , :;;;llita h g,l,!'7l,9, - ..:,'•,",..t:v,, 1 47:7k-1-.11:1V1
~ Cliarlt4 Ne11r.....1t : Juktuttn. nut. II -, tr. B..Thurna ~
'' j' iTtt-7 .
~. ' l't . l r t r it . . ' l r t . D. -r. m 0.,.. . ,
1 Juba T. /4.. tau.
41milt.. AltatUr, Vret.tlent. Tut , . 1...11tt
1 aunt. .I.titru U. COlb•N, 24.1.11 , 14,T.
bural..l tott, I t. a 1,11,1.11:
0,- iotlr•
ta,...1 yius,
- a •ir. ii pit, l e , r.tarru my turn
thaal. m ay. mn. ,r Lee ions., •11, ant
..,,,, anam .r It, .41.1 a ta. .m.r...1 ot ` alld It ram.
moat \ et : m Man, .4•• ainier akeltrolmsl m erkile to
i, : =1: 1 ;; '" 1.
~ memmil that it well is ;bent:Nil e sempt
I. m..., ama.l te map 1,,
And .t tam,. to my nap! then Mal milli,. of drat,
It'an ...anr. ~.1 the PIIII4. I'llle, numMe marl calk
ua 1.1 mt.ithumat.. Eli 01,11.1 with-gram Prima* to
Mr ere.. latra t .” nimme. •N.uiretated hy rtnr a dolt.,
l• +,•n ..
.ti..... dial, m m . a a ne . \t {1
all m , moi,y ifm m ama ,
t o o n era , I, T1T112,1.113f GI th. prr t er at Mem I mai
r.imi Mr it niehlMlanalmat atmeld I be a. baerT
me), ma. s Form Vornmithmr t rourimot
aim Unitml maim. e ram. pm of tbr frmi retort... of en• amt.,* nal tr. 1ie....1,1 the maul c.a.-Mil
frmaloon a ..I 1nd...m.1 e nro ot Ila, I..
mein,, ern , rinv-I. to,. to roma. -re It li b ,e hat....M t
mem Mai,. to my mnamee t 1 l. ao.
c r ,e ~,,..... I cut v,,•• my oattv. Rommel
. Ira ring toa I r. aill:e a,I I .I..trrien ern tier Metier.
...., lame:lama. for her m e e II watt I m so ,lent "ir
'our 11 mittmlon aim, wh, • for rout girtiOaar rnetatti . e.
.•k, , n tba hur. ot your um.d. be also ailed Mt Mee,
an arm, Mr. I bare dom.\ rocs tom ot \no IterIIMILI
We,. I (111 I.• 'mar 'home a \ pour p.mrcuut , mil m but
imu eourot noon 1:13.1 the [mom. of • imam . Kurt, m a
khe worrl tirr name , et imp, and wit, , Demure
Tam bmk me Mr the reme.mintatter or 1131. ',Muriel*
ot Ishart i whirl. i1..1 Imo &rem, to lammier Um menereei
tmn.Hl ot hunimitr : and It la a riorloim.eleht me •
11,11... nee, Mmorfol tormle. came torte lo Mme trite
~.. n a ammin. lb, minemor of neres n 111 . r.
e.,-.......i. emiolr., mile ler talmim fern. Your ma.
Vr7.7 my meters " m i liii l :7VlgPl:t h p, '" V, T u ' urt a ll
tp x
~,. lima teaniaring to time tor the en of bola viler),
I , . b 1 141 : 1 . 1. ,... y . 0ra . i..... L e n„ . h . ex al tl;n r, e•- ,... n o ri n „ tt, ,, itr ,, k .... nll r tat . ,
irlilad,. to your aa • tokrei of tied. Mt them Li
a It \ fmmlato on iamb. Irmo.. three 1. remelt. like
eiau to el Its worth and to lawmen IM cans,
T 's s peech wan repeatedly interrUpte by the
apple se,of the company, and when th great
Magya 4nmed his . sent, the enure coca any
robe to at feet, and gave three hearty cher!
fee the epeNtar and the tense he hod ea elk.
I unitly actvel s itel.
\thl fjUitsr and
rose and said: ,
• '
Ota .curis:\ {le have heard from the lip, of
the p , eettimi +timer of Hungary his humble
quo . We ha 'VI heard his three distinct
risonos ono I ris aim to put to you the ques
two i ail the thr e\ propositions, stibmittell
by lie i • rntor of Ito6gary, stand ne the res.
°lunette f his meetinNLoud cries of "Aye,
aye—Put th 1 Ge I en, ia there a cen
teary opinion it this hod 2 Van, let it be heard..
.[No resPouse I thank in 'God that ouch is
the font , tote d \ given by ,the fret atmembly
in this country \ unno thetopeit, upon the
pniyersof \ dow: I Try. [Greet
applause.] \
Id, rid responded
Other toasts‘.7
to, when the 'Ale) 11 ttf‘ \ sixth reg
ular toast.. fano\
The lira.—T h e V oice af\reedom
- 1 ,-It whispers hope tt, ,reaped, in than,
der . 7 ilefiance‘at the tY MM. \ s \
Acter the toast had en rend, 'says the Ter
6,rine,\ Mr. 11. J: ReSUON of \llO A', Y. 7, rs...
tore to'rep:y. having bee app\int4 to thl ,\ .
office hy \ the CortUnnee, w en, \hat \ was iti
aatonishnient of 'y at \ seem; CA ; .4' t'lte C' i reeo who lasi,
Spring insuuntiol penlivatorge,
Kin al with hen t urge , staid
tug up and endow e Tacit heart.
This intrusion 't rese t ed \ h the
• ,
company, who loudly called Tor Mr. &mond.
The Chairman announced th\t. Mr. syinOp i d
, .
had. been appointed\ to speak but et kl ci‘ Co ,
Webb kept standing glad did noyit dow riot\
refrain from trying to ;peak, till \a mamb of
the Committee of Arrangement, came upend`
obliged him to take bin seat, when\ Mr. Itank.
nom tj went on with hip remarks :--' . ‘, - \
We epees for Mr.:. Raymond's
quent speech. Poring Ma renuirke, twf stated,
-- ,
that the prier \under his control would accept
the exposition of nations) nd
of M. h:ossuth. (Cheers, nedr,
members of the press, — Answer
50 too
On the reading of the dent t\. at, Mr. Webb,
of the Courier and Enquirer; t.h the floor
again amid reit, of "no, CO,' "ti:dUtrzt " but on
the iuterporition of the Meyer, end Re y - mo r, ,d, 55, permitted to proceed, at.delcA from
writt, ,peech, but was r..„on intevo tett
with In ; -c1 end ,from., end compelled to Ikes L.
lie puLitstted his speooh the next roorititig
his nun paper. \
Speeches were else made by Rev. Dr. Bet \
laws, Roe. Dr. Chapin, and Rey. Pc.
end' others, and the compeny broke up at two
o'clock, A. M.
nd natitnal duty, 1 ,
•ries . from the
4r ell—we say
Equitable Fire Insurance Company; of
London. •
ri ill IS Cornr,aby insures ;ig.:inllt loss by fire
op 1•6i.1.... Qt..•,. nsrot. tint pao , Landitat. POLL
in- , A 4 -, w. WOW. A,:t: a , SI . • &ID, r r., f of lois.
OF LoNbuN.
o . onirany Insure- Li: en Le/IVef'llllll3
n-rw wf 13 and
n t n-urs.n Ihn
11 NI A /i!1 it Ca.,
kittsbiu - gt Life Im'scu - auce CoMpaary.
t.UNPANY 1;3. nworporateil in
ll 1- s r ,, tone,. weette lers,ter, Cl. Art:, 10,4 i b..
...neeutte-ti btu...ea., a ....petal .ef it(l,Mte.
t.eßeat due , b tmeth 04 lio 2 Jo:ol..ite , —lt
he. Joint itexk e.,ean thy rest. '
arr ee o: -thlnl ‘Las.
Inter r hl- tut eel (,e,tatene•e t. e.ut,FMteteu Lott:
liner than bee ra.Not seent ek :taupe.,
Mutual rad:, Ate lb. tnutee t eee.e. neleertett bro ther
r.hv71...., le , 'ei r. el eat the utn•
letin , tele beette e tb e cet , neteeneel tuna/F..1,e; that
•yttserti of an,rnaer, and theTte.M.Al.ool 04 1,14.1Futett of
the .Inlnt, alppartnerta.
Litesertor the'tsesksting, e . it ens,ran., en lite,
In eet,ette-herin., the- 11,1, xi!, rialtos, tes
tae... treetieene. trleeetele, ie.-v:elite , tete of
talsreete,tittir tee urn owes rte tee e.4e.t. re.; at le et...beech,
or upon [Lot partiee arri,in set s tleo of :4 . C., or
at the. t Setion ot the stuntrel.•
• - tre.thlrut . •
- httAto..l 31,1wiken, 1 hp. Vrositleutz
.Intserlt h. 1...Pch, - .rrre.tarch
LAI I A. (3 , 111 , u, hp.h.rtpry.
—Lzharntit..: \
Jpmpt 11044, I.rxh.
,ht _.Dilworth.
Itattanel 3.leClurkt . ths. V , ht. 1 IthDhs.
11trn. 1311:11,1 t.t
!low. attrr Vort. at r l tut - r:
John thajtlP.r. CA.hitu of Iltitth;
31A1,1ht tag., Whoktutletthwer. \
wLL •
lion. A Si. A. T. Mt ealncnt.
Is.. 31-
..I,..ment. Drool,. 51. Is.. "IL ti p t 11rIngtott, Si.
,13 -, rothrtto
arnth.l wort h. )1. Putsthtltl strott.
11.1p.rt put th r. 31. h., 11,11. rntIs ..urt1. ptrept,
It n,. M..K. dicagral, 1.1,n1
{Jr. lAlw, , rtt. .111 U..
day. .t 12
OM. ti 1,1 the Con 11,1). lAurtl, mr4(..
itI:IAA,S C. A. 1,1.11,,N. Vor , r.
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
g I APIT AL $300,000. It. MILLER, Ja •
) F. M. Gonlo,SA-retArt.
V 1 .". . ,4'- fr l 'l!"::llj'fr'V ' ec A tt lTd!ltt h".llbana,;;:FAxmAnPtels4l Zy.pA
oinreoe arvell
knovA 11.• mbonity. xnl h dLrulont
‘, by •
prompit....l.l , lllArAli:y to mAiimmt thr elsAract,r 1,111,h
th, a.Atan,sl. pmiocti. thAk.
*h.) inottp..!. •
D1.P.,..10.—fte1.1.4 31 jr.. J. NV. littler, 'Wm.
on, C. I tA.....u. NicJi..l:. ales EllvAetheo. \
LiPri.AAL, tad ll'. IL \
kktAil, IN, ,le.r,bg.uw at efAtut & 'Co.
up etair,) 1u4,11,,
ESIGNFt.. 1:111y fur the t•afc , r classes of
vrt,rt,.l,pie cArdt4L, :01 , 1 strotaft uperi
tn .
Otwort. 14 rat
St , ontry mu; n Law.. Aul=o•rwre. of
A. A. I A I:1.1 t; Actuar3 - ,
• Orieani Ins - um:Lee Cprriprtil3`„
1 1:1 , ,V, •
CAPITAL, 51.60,000. • .
Sim ii d in nr,rdnnr, h.tvrc,tcr
Lox of lA, Stith
I.aateg ts. with th• r....514,1a.4
t la. al 11.1. 0144 - 1 i their
Aarnt an i• in.
debt, ao.l..aft.ty. o. :‘
la.:, : , .,3•• tar., •
, .. .
I • 1/111,..•.
b.: 4 - 1111f:eta et- l'lo , l.raQh.
' ee2. 7 • • A. , 1- Al,lllr 11. A*l-1,..
1 Franklin Fire Iniurance CO. cf klailad'a.
i,' iitEcTiAts . ..(I'ries 'l. Bomekei-, Geo.
W. 11v:harsh , . Thblllart, Morte,i I, 1..., 4,7004..
..ner,..1,101,,1, E. 1b.., iatnuel Grant. 1 1 4,111, 14,V13,.
J•ntdo,,K.Nnltl.. 31,r1 - 1, Pallame.t,
(MA:ILE, I. CA-tiCKER, franileut.
i en•abis 0. flasc•ra. f l eer•htzy.
or l g: L e ' ,lTui: ' :i•W 't .l ' ..e ' r ' 2, ' ,., 4 , ' ; 1 1! ' r:, U ,V,T1•7;!;;% " :,1
an .l. rule. sA b.w ae n.r.t etari, , ut %ill, eeuril.,y.
! ' lll ' e r3 C - ,tbi d u,, h•r'e re•efle,l • 1,-.. ee,,,,,ent fuot4
' It .4, eat, the
1;a14 , 41 • , 14 l'ree.t l t. l, -.....1f , ., In. -1- . 1,1 4
•,,, I . l Plt- fintweein in LW, toottred,
scsetx , I`4.le , Cututoll,.. J• 11 1 1 .rf I, f-Iel• ,1 1 111 -
Ilzh a:rtesine il.m. Ant n( ..lomenil,fr, ... v.,. 1 .. 1 1 , 1...
it'A l , k 4 EF,"4;;:::....
i 1,212,70. II
then- ~,e bbr..\, • ier l .l nt II 1 1 11.. 111er
1.1• 1 e be , 1 4•••• ..I , ,,,fiffon 1. , ,,, 11,1,11,4 Thte,ar,l
1,111,,• 1....,..... 1, hr.. :bret, 1.1-riTl4 . Irriantel, el thu
I,' .4 1,,, r•,,,, b, /t.. 11 e.• ‘1.1•1; etallty au.l Me
„..„,...L. L.L. L ... L . L ., ~ ~,.,,,,,,,,,,,111-eleptbe,
i.,1.1),%1.1,1t1!, A ectil.
. - 1 .. -.• ~, /., corner et t1,(111•1 MR/ al FS/
''i. LaEtirL4tce Co., Philid'a
' 'BUItt;Ii„ W. 11. DAVIS,—
N 1,44,, .N,,,,,d3 Liberty abr..,
, . ni pere,w, re , ialn. it) the
,x, .IN, be r..urd &Lay,
ryt Ow , V;11.1.110i rm.= 42
1, ..; , 11 , 4, 1 ,1,ere-nl-1 heves
vubniataballbto promp
N •11•1‘ tbn bticciples and
1 .b forms Trultietlbzi
.tartly mairtintm.—
e. tunttnel fdr Ms.
- \ _
' told
Penn Mutual Lift,\
ft,( vier J. fine,. Jr..
ror 14.0 twit, r,croo , o
I•nr, part .4 the
foqa 11 to 1, no.l
A C,...."k0 {l.
if,llll. 4t:“.“. o'llll.,.thon no
r at.loo.l.l.ll'..unola:ors
Lopot“.• id LtOl_Loutaotov, auJ
Cap/1.1.44.k over 8....k.k•C011.1,..
1.1,Lf.a.111,1,1 riot
1•44.10,r.0t0 Jou. Zl.. •
ldar\ 1e \ Fire, and Inland T
rr111 , ; 1116 ixmaio Company of
Jtuaary l
atd their mare., na tlais city
‘ r% ' . 7' Zr .d T: " ttl; a
,11 I;l:7eilo;,firlj
\ Art., al . Auk. 'C V - 1 . ...Nita,. 1
trn t h 172:1 I
orown, , , \ U ' lloan. 1
Catourl F. I'n s,, 1
Morttel \ \, i. Azo4n
Piliaborgh Lve InsuranceConilsatiy.
CAPITAL, 8100400. \
- ov.victus:
\ Vim pr , t1.21..:=;1 . 1,Linf...
=terj—C. A. (11..,
frA7SNI anot.r PAM'
I ........________,___
- The Human Body lAEA b,rspire,- -,
clo SAYS NAVURE.; to hate a 'healthy ,rip•_
kJ Deere:fee; end peter... alt. d. , uet eu t.rire., aro Ifahle
to the riret dlvostlng,, 1.b.,...e...., Nes ..h....r.' Kali.
1 ;briniest Sate ra bee. a rive prevlavatv.a.'ittri at the it
to• month... atel re•fteur We :In, itlVit.F it (115 LOS
o MI itilAnt'S.
oivy. Felt Rheumy at.l - 13area ate fen cat, heahel. .
ea Ibe Re eve, am et leiat 7 1 - the iravea ;II N. lurk kw
;rho Oe it It. each eavvea m a t ena.°lt trefiitia.—as ale , . la
ihyo v. tilotehre, i'reetlet or kify ether . 1 . , ...1heeee... The
read.,..e_e.otaxl that this is no ufel.a...; pens.[ ho.ero...
onetv. t will prose. I analaeuva. - I.•rate It :east eist.l7
penman red - of sore hew:. mom Ires.•.val e , •oz bear..L •
Boy it
or the tauter In satin IC aunt I would rioter.
selli b e c e , l , l , l: ,h oe tb....fila , o , re t y . ftee , s, 1 kve k et 1 , ...:1 1 ... ail , l , vet.
ill hod I..L ' inot 01.11ja cure, etTa . T.fer.:;2ll ' l;Va r t ' el l '" casi
bow obi, ad Oh*, anyotty.efahte,l I.hl. an, or the Atmore..
r.tanii,toft.thee..r.4,%ll,,thait t l h . le t. tl : . nau et ea mote
Datotra U ste r- roit kite ' . ',", ! ' L .' aittlVZ '''"° l .--ara:
er It t] of WW. JAChI , OI, oral agent 11l l'atetlueh..
Died of' , W Dada "
• ----.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure 'Breath, to
be had for 28 eeble.--Nreona who hay...fther. sot; bench..
LIZ asourtel‘thid if their breath to Peat.; their
teeth &tailed, daft er yell., andei.ertfeted will. tartar.
that a .1.1 teat ho x of Joeks . -trete, .11 , i'arte will wake
the teeth aa 'elate as moor. aud the. Lreatt aireifermarly
W ,
Boldood. only at JeCilliON'it,re, 24u Llbort, et., head al \
A Scientific Llair Tozii, Restorer and Beans '.
Itlere—Teutt I:ollik. :,Iti reek Thce, who have wad
1t0... Coral thdr 11.;.gurer. kf., 1...e..11.tit.,:fti...—.
these who hae ree. We ... , Ure . reee.-e'the 1 011 ,, ft4
aldillee—t, will for.; the hair to •ee. Cava , vette-Lea*
nature,ntetehet Ear to erosi etep
s c.:•4l. 51.11, 'cur/
„ I \l.
01'410(1[1UL wed make helot. re, 0...,:ty h,f; grew dark.
Foe reue.nts. the hair not end silk,, ...O.", raa eveseel
lbw—lt Mate, it troll hre3lll,ll, ....; p e It er.. It ~ itt.
•rd, the voL ea
at emutkal.=\)..l. attrii:hit—AlLlCle tar the
% lee %ld eel; at IVM. JACheOh'e atcre, it'l, LlLerty etreet!.
lof It .eo, l'ithiberat.. s
er-37 V , . %awe. L.UcriiiK. lillll.
' 4 I OtS ' ES . Solution of Jet, a Liquid Hainan
11A11 . 3.04 for the chat:glue ....; s 1411.1„ r , a • 1..,1.71}, Ituir t t , i•
title. iirallit. 4.4 Matti ...t LI,T. 1 . 0 • to, ...JAW,.
l'iirte Ze! orb:, .h.l it .
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8,-,11‘., 1i 31 ..1at.ha1g".... , ...LAL.vt, \ trtat, Leveler 18 - rcd s
pyr,. ‘ )
' BSc LI LIN WlirrE.—Eadies are can.
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tk,.,,,, BSc
ies,... tire 01•Ithik"11 t.r•lnak,il.titifiik. 5-Ley
see no , ' a tri,:htlull, ta.futi....e; ft to . Ir.e eklid
;or - ewer:, \ rough. how talej , ltuit, Ana uti.t'iy
Ohio at ware. eller a na. l htel•ev - dt.iiala! Jr , ' a
i oda... millittititliit . 1,10 .4 , 1au11tr...4 1.141
, . Lave pr. asetv a I.evatifid reatoa , le artiele.vehiet. Imel
ea! Janelfhpanteh hilt. At tde. \ ..
`.l \ le lerheU, tels 4 port, let ell daps, 1....
qu0....r 5 i.... - ..1 it LT-belts to thank/1e a taettirst, hoolth,, et.
1.1•141. • 4,1.1 . , lait, white' al thf. Nave Wet actlca e... eo,.
Oa the elita,nettnr 11 ',Alma r - ,,aeth. \
1,4 , the .1 itetr C i t. Jaeki:Oh. ~..v4Litateta oth-,
.t. oval. eatable,* Mi., lOS ante. \ - '''‘
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