PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PIIIBLISEIIID DY WIIITL L 00 Pll'ißßllBoll MONDAY MORNIENG, DEC. 16, 1851 AntilEasonk and, Whig Convention. , terAt a meeting of the Anti-Maoonio and Whin Cita ficatrentiOn, held December 19th, 113:.0, the fol. loidnfirteclutlart efas edropted : - Ear4o4 That It nball be the duty . of the President of tide Donrenttori to order the nett Vileat, mertinge to be held In the Devend verde. on the wood Caturday of . December newt. between the bourn of 11 A.ll. and Y. -- )1. to elect Ave delegates, to me. t in Coareatlon no the . Wedseadayfollowlog. to notolnate a media*. for Ware , In Dreordsoce viith which. the election for delegates Will beheld it the lime 'Weal in the mull etion. aed the Contention will meet on Wednesday.. lowevolew 11111, to o'clock, A. M., In the Supremo Court Boom. &Mtn JOIIN D. BAILEY. rrea.t. IiarBEADIN6 NATTER WILL BE FOUND ON EACII PAGE OF THIS PAPER. Noutrffrowir Pusan Roso.—This road is conk. pleted a distance of 'nine miles : from the city, and - the branch connecting it with the-Washing ton turnpike, l miles from the city is also fin ished. Thin valuable work has gone forward with great rapidity, and we understand, promi ses to pay large'dividends. It will be bf immense - benefit to the country through which it passes, affording access to the city at all times, and 'When ordinary roads are nearly impassable. A/SIGHS/1T VP LUST RAILROAD.—Mr. Hays, the kreesurei of the Commissioners for receiv fag dealt to this road, having occasion to leave .the city for a few days, has left the books for the subscription of stock`in the hands of Meseta. Locraw, Wiseote, & Co., Wood street, where those desirous of -taking clock will please call. , It is . very important to have the stock taken up in the course of the current week. We know that the present is a bad time for such business, but the amount now needed•is not large, and 2 little from each of our bu iness men, who are directly interested in it, would more than make up the Amount needed to secure the charter and organize the company. We shall not repeat the arguments we have often put forth in favor of thiwimportant enterpriee, because we know that 'there is but one feeling on that subject, and that feeling is right; but all wo say is, give it a lit tle.aid now, with a promise of more when times are more propitious. HONORS TO KOSSUTH. The broad pages of the New-York papers are tilled with addresses to Kossuth, on behalf of •arioua societies, professions, political parties, and the municipal authorities and people of dis tant towneend cities, to all of which replies are given by thelfungerian Chief in a style of elo quence, sale Pertinency and felicity of expres sion, Andle . flow of ideas most astonishing. These labors hens nearly exhausted him, and he iris cOmPelled to decline any new engage ments se,Tfelmsday. On the neit day, how ever, the tith, he spoke for three boars in a straitt , :Of rumarkabli eloquence and power. Whakee`extraordinary man! THE PULPIT AND KOSSIJIITH On last Sabbath, in New York, an eloquent sermon was preached in the Thirteenth Preaby -Urban Church, by Roe. S. D:Jlmmitano, D. D., On'the character of Shammab, a hero of Old Teitement times, who defended his field of len t:Ns against the aggressions of the Philistines with a decision and courage which bare•given Immortality . to a name that would otherwise finis been unknown to fame. The speaker took his text from Ild Samuel, 20; xi, xiii and after vivid sketch of the circumstances of the con flict and the victory, he stated hie design to be to direct attention to some elements of charm developed in this hero of antiquity worthy our attention andimmitation. The traits of character specified and giaphically illustrated were deeitim, moral courage, a heroic ardor inide- fending his nyAt, and a de?errueof prr!onal ratiirm . - , tibPY... • Wegive the following ex - tract from the report in the Tribtme. • ' Under the head of moraleourage; I cannot for bear to mention the speaker's beautiful and ap propriate allusion to Rossetti, the guest of our city and nation, After a brief analysis of the wetter of: courage, as distinguished from its ommterfeits, and referring to ceveral ,distin ,guiehd illustrations of this nark trait, such as Luther, Cromwell, and others, he remarked:— ..Such,ja mm has just landed upon our shores 7*iiillo; a patriot, an intellectual gtant, a lofty getting, a moral hero, with burning eloquence on his tongue in behalf of Hungary and striver sal freedom. He has jest received a welcome "with national salutes, and military display, and martial music, and floating banners, end enthu - greetings—a welcome, with national se kites, and military display, and =lmbed music, and floating banners, and enthusiastic greet tre/roms, grand, sublime, imposing im presaire, because the weldome of en enlighten ed• and free people—a welcome ouch as repub • lican hearts 'alone can give. It is the spontain eous and generous offering of a free and gen- NOUS people, not simply to talent, nor to the man, but - as the advocate and representstive of free dom of his father land; struggling and tremling beneath the rod of despotism. , 'Kossuth, the illustrious and immortal, is the fihammah of this age, and nobly did he defend his Held of laetile—the rights of Hungary—against • the hasty Philistines—the house of Hapsburg. Look back upon his career for the last ten years alike unmoved in peril or defeat, in prison or in the Diet-of which he'was a member, hurling rallies of thunder bolts from eloquent tongue against the throne of Austria, stimulating the warm blood of the Magyar race pleading ''with on eloquence almost divine fortwo hun dred thousand men and eighty thousand florins in the cause of freedom, until the Nation al-Aisembly with hands uplifted responded with one voice 'lire grant it, we grant it, for liberty or death:" LiKik back, I say, upon the career of tbia patriot exile, from the time he wandered, a young man, pale, meditative, at moonlight, along • banks of the Danube. thinking of bin bleeding country,. oppressed, plundered of her social, civil, sad politinal rights, and even of her lan , guage.and literature. Look at him scolding misses of freedom through the land, until ar rested, imprisoned, and then nursing the eta, nients,or hls great power in) solitude, until fitted for his sublime mission, he appears on a most brilliant arena; grapples with the Austrian despot, aidmith the' great Northern Dear of and would have throttled even him, had not another Arnold by perfidy, compromise and' intrigue laid hie hopes, tjust bursting into a Isplendid reality, low in the. dust! I any, look at thls Man through his whole brillla t though unsuccessful struggle, and tell me if he Is not .distfrignished for a lofty heroism and a sublime moral courage?.' , , When directiig the attention of his people to ,dhe?teal of Shammah In defending his rights, She speaker was equally happy in Ida allusion - - to Kossuth. Alter showing that the seal of Xhe lamelitieh husbandman was not a selfish ardor; not that he cared so much for hie field "of lentils as he did for the honor of his country; luzesid. > • , Thris it Is with our modern hero.— He mama to care little for self. He 'pleads for Allgi4o7, for her liberty and her rights. He .41ppear. wraieed up, in Providence to defend that Oflentils; for Mere the tree of liberty is ...7-rxifestbsed to. grow, bearing precious and Protest i.iant fruit for the healing °fall Europe. Nos.' enth Ira Protestant, and he has drawn his win - ciplea of liberty from the .llible, and there is no man - in all the-world that the Pope of Rome or the despots of Europe more fear than this same Hunger= Exile. And yet, while England 1111, America are doing him honor„ the venerable Archbishop Hughes, of New 'fork, presumes to write him down es a bruntmg; but In spite of his curved and expressed gall, his own country , - men and churchmen, in their national uniform, appear with native Americans, to.welcome him as the Nation's sued: This exiled hero has rights - as'a man; as a citizen, interwoven and link, edwith the rights of his suffering fellow coon ''..trytticl4 and coming history will-yet record of him, ss.of Sliamtimb of old, "tie stood in the midet.of thegronnd and defended it, and slew 'the Philistines/and the . Lord wrought a great yietaryr The sermon, throughout,. woe heard with the iiest intermit, and was a striking and bean dfd'exhibition of those traits of character which are demanded by the aiigeneies of the . Piti.4nt age.' DoNowa AND K 05511374 M most interest is felt in the action or Son ' cries in relation to Koisath, Ire continue our extracts from the debate in the Senate, as re ported in..the Being.die. On Wednesday last, the debate was nontinued on joint resolution in ..traduced- by Mr. Seward: ' Mr. 'Sumner said Word.s are Sometimes hinge : , snd I cannot disguise from myself that the reseliition in honor of , '"ruinis Kossuth, now pending before the. Senate, when finally passed, will be : an act of.nd mean insignificance in the historidonioguitry. he Senator from Sect 611w right *hen he add that it ;was no en. 119.1,1411; Beyond its Immedia te yeleeme Wan altiatriatx stranger, It will help; Goilthituciud direct the sentiment/ of ode' own people everywhere; it will inspire all in other lands who are engaged in the contest for free dom*t will challenge thisdistnrbed attention of despots; and it will become a precedent in the thick coming events of the future, whose im portance will grow with the growing might of the Republic. in this slew it becomes us to consider well what we do, and to understand the grounds of our own conduct. For myself, I am prepared to rote for it, without amendment or condition of any kind, and on reasons 'which seem to me at once obvious and conclusive. In assigning these I shall be brief ; and let me say that, novice not I am in this scene, and in all le gislative halls, nothing-but my strong interest in the question, and a hope that I may say seme thing strictly upon it, could' prompt me thus early to mingle in these debates The case seems to require a statement rather than au argument. As I understand, the last Congress requested the President to authorize .the employment of one of our public vessel's to receive and convey Louis Kossuth to the United. States. That hon orable service was performed under the express direction of the President, and in pursuance of the vole of Congress, by one of the hest ap pointed ships of our navy, the steam-frigate Mississippi. Far away from our country—in foreign waters, in the currents - of the Bospho rus—the Ilungari. Chief, passing from his Turkish exile, first pre,seed the deck of-tiriligal lent vessel, first came under the protection of our national flag, and for the first time in his life, rested beneath the ensign of an unquestioned, Republic. Mr. S. advocated the adoption of the resolu tion in an eloquent speech of an hour's length. Mr. Stockton would not have said anything on this subject, had it not been that the obser vations of some of the opponents of the meas ure compelled him to .mingle in the debate, This resolution simply carried out the hospital ity commenced by the act of a former Congress. That was the whole case. There the argument began and ended. lie regarded the honor of the Senate somewhat committed to this welcome, and he regarded the honor of the Senate as above all other considerations. Ile desired to say to the Senate and the coun try that the sentiments uttered hyKonsuth and others, on the other side of the Atlantic, in re spect to the monarchy of Great Britain, and its practical workings upon the people, were not his sentiments. lle was glad the people of New York had given Kossuth the welcome they had. The peo ple of America would welcome and twelve him as their guest. The people of new V or[ had done so. Tho tyrants of Europe will see in this popular demonstration that these who strike a blow for liberty, will find in this ‘ t anki and among our people Pympnthy in their Till, fortunes and an asylum (or their repose. In proportion to the ferocity with which they treated the advocates and champions of liberty in Europe, so would we increase the degree of our hospitality. Suppose, by the rmolution: deplomatists do make an outcry, had vse not a Secretary of State, who, by one effort of his gigantic mind, would scatter their coberebr to the winds Suppose it should provoke blows. had we not a navy which would show them that blows could be given as well as received ? lie considered the weakness of our Govern ment, and the other causes which prompted the neutrality of the day. of Washington, did not exist now. The infant Hercules hail been nurs ed. • Mr. Clemens, of Alabama, opposed the reso lution, and mimic a violent attack upon Kossuth. He was replied to by Mr. Shields and Mr. Foote,—the last had not finished when the Sen ate adjourned. In the Loon, on the same day, another mem ber from Alabama, Mr. Satin, distinguished himvelf and his State, as the following account of the proceedings will ehow : Mr. Smith asked the unanimous consent of the House to introduce the following joint revolu tions: .13.inioIre," &c. That the Seeretary of fttato be required to furnish Louis Kossuth with copies of the acts of Congress defining treason and mis demeanor against the United States. . . Resolved, further. That if the said Louis Kos suth, after reading the said laws, should still per sist in makingsuch speeches as he hai made since his arrival in New York, inciting the young men of the country to take up arms against a nation with which the United States are at peace, it he the solemn duty of the Presidefit to hare him nrrritedand detained until satisfactory assurances he given that he will tense his efforts to enlist the co-operation, aid; and armed interference ci the people of these States in favor of Hungary. Mr, Stanton, of Tennessee, ohjected. Mr. Stanton, of Kentucky, wished to inquire of the gentleman from Alabama whether he in tended to re-enact the alien and sedition law! . . Mr. Smith replled that he did not desire to re enact the alien and sedition law, bat he did not wish any mote Pamper° expeditions. Mr. Robinson, at a subsequent period of the day, asked the unanimous consent of the Molise to introduce a joidt resolution prescribing that the Congress of the United States, in the name on the behalf of the people of the Urrited States, give Louie Kossuth a cordial welcome to the capital and country; and that a copy of the res olution be transmitted to him by the President of the United Staten. Objection was made. Mr. Doty asked the unanimous eousent of the House to introduce, in pursuance of previous notice, a joint resolution tendering a wettome to Louis Kossuth, and making an appropration to defray the expenses, under the direction of the President. Mr. Orr objected. The reader will see that the chief opposition comes from slaveholding members. Slavery ,cannot endure to see the spirit of freedom hon orodin the person of Kessuth. A NATIONAL Writo.—The Washington Repub lic tarnishes tha following definition of what constitutes a •National Whig-' A National Whig is one who is opposed to the Wilmot Proviio—opposed to Abolition lathe Dis trict of polumpla, and in favor of the Compro mise, including the Fugitive Slave law. The number of Whigs in Onondaga county who answer this description, could sit comforta bly in an omnibus.—Syracuse Journai. FROM WAHELINGTOR WM11111.17014, Dec. 10 I have just concluded the perusal of the dip lomatic correspondence between the government of the United Staten and those or Spain, Eng land, and France inflation to the last Cuban expedition. The most important of these papers are the dispatch of Mr. Crittenden to the French Minister dated October. 23d, relative to the in tended intervention by England' and France for the protection of Cuba, and the memorandum of a conversation between Mr. Crittenden and the British Charge on the same subject, held on the 6th of October. Mr. Crittenden informs the representatives of these powers that the in tervention alluded to Would not be submitted to by the United States. He says that it would certainly lend to acts that would produce war. He Informs them both that the United States are able land willing to discharge all their treaty ob ligations towards foreign powers, and will not tolerate any external interference having that end in view. lie 'toys that as the United States will not willingly see Cuba transferred from Spain to other hands, so it is decidedly averse to. geeing any protectorate established over it, such as would be brought about by the armed intervention spoken of. The French Minister rejoins on the 27th October, and rather retires from the position be had taken. The armed in tervention dwindles down into more efficient measures for the suppression of pirates. Mr. Webster, who had returned in the meantime, nays if that is all, he has nothing more to say. The debate upon the reception of Kossuth has been • brilliant one. Foote made a demonstra tion day before yesterday, and was absolutely decent. :biennia. Seward and Hale yesterday, and Sumner and Shields to-day delivered, most eloquent and powerful addresses. When' Foote pine his feet, I generally take to my heels, so that I lost the first part of the debate; but I was more fortunate to-day. Summers' oratorical powers have not been exaggerated. Ile is truly glorious speaker, fall of poetry and fire, pon sealing a round, sonorous voice, an imposing fig ure, and withal ability and sound judgment.— Hie speech this morning, in favour ofSeword'a simple proposition to extend a welcome to Kos suth, made a good impression and quite sustain ed his reputation. Qon. Shields, though less eloquent, surpassed himself in the power and ingenuity with which he argued the proprietyof receiving Kossuth as a national - guest Bet while I commend the efforts of these advocates of the great Hungarian, I am not disposed to overlook - the reasons of Mr. Berrien, Judge Ca -1 derwood, and others, for taking an apposite ' course. They both delivered very able epeeches against doing anything which could possibly commit thidgoverament to even an opinion upon recent struggles! in Europe, much less to the Policy of active intervention in the 1 affair' e of other countries. ' " With your leave, x i Will . =mimeo,. orymotlior day loam yiotrs of my 6,i,5 2 - o n W m plats. :llot , ,Comtoisigosttt to pass Mr. Seward's resolution without addition Or subtraction, which would commit nobody. and amounts indeed tp nothing more than in act of courtesy towards a distinguished republican ex ile who hos previously received, by obvious im plication, a national invitation to our shores. Commodore Stockton. made his debut in tho course of IL° debate to-day, and a friend of his informs me that his maiden effort was a magni ficent failure, which I can well believe, for off the quarter deck ha is nothing. lie calibre as a statesman may be eet down nt zrro. It is reported that Boyd was induced to com mit the fame par of putting so insignificant n person as Houston of Alabama at the head of the ways and means, by the request of Gov. Cobb, the late epeaker. It is said that Bayley could have had the position but that he declin ed. It is I most potently disbelieve. Mr. Bowe, of your district, is pot on the committee of public expenditures, a committee which was never known to makes report or hold a meeting from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the present day. The exercise of a little common sense would have taught the Speaker that the representative of Pittsburgh should have been placed upon ono of the com mittees on manufactures, commerce or finance. Many of the members have declined the situa tions tendered. Just,. FRANCE-T.-FEELING OF THE WORKMEN. PArits, Thurtiday, Nov. 20, 1851. — 1 yesterday paid a visit to one of the most exit-mire manufactories of the Pentium St. An toine, with the express object of learning the political bias of some of that class excluded from the polls by the law of the 31st of May. The establishment Iv not conducted upon the prinei plc of association, the workmen being hired by the week The employer, or patron, is a mon amidst, and taken the Cenetauttonnel, which, though Co earnest advocate for universal suf frage. lives in the hope of a Perpetual Pres idency for Louis Napoleon, or the Empire at once The eight clerks take the rays nod the l'etste, both Republican papers, and lately enn• retied to the interests of the President.. The eighty journeymen take the Perste, the Republz fat, and the Rerollitton. Thry are resolond„tient eepared, to rote alt hr Preatiential e,enes .1/ ay next, rot( what a may. Thin they say without boast or braggadocio, but with that calmness and collected bearing which. while it whorl determination, indicates conciousness of right This right is written in the Constitution, and woe -wrested away by n body not charged to mutilate that instrument. but to pass laws in harmony with it. Thin right has been recog nised by the President in his Message, and the Chamber has only failed by three votes of re pealing their law of last year. Whether on the 11th of May next, thin political disability has "norm removed or not, they intend to exercise their meet sacred privilege under the Constitu tion, and, as hliChnel de Bermes declared from the tribune, "present themselves at the polls, with the President's Message in ono hand and their ballot in the other." The. Men insist upon three cardinal principles: universal oaf (rage, unrestrained liberty of the press, and the right of public assemhly and discussion. They expect to conquerback these rights, all of which are in the Constitution, peaceably at the ballot box. I was not surprised to find that to effect this ohjeetthey did not care to oust the Presi dent and put another in his phice, but were con tent with a thorough regeneration of the Assem bly. They do not consider the President respon sible for the laws which have successively in vaded their rights and their prerogativeF. They believe that he would have vetoed the law of May 31, had he not been afraid of precipitating a quar rel between the legislative and the executive, and embroiling the whole country in agitation and discord. They believe that he world be eepuh licen with s rqmblican Chamber tosupport him. They look upon the monarchical factions in the Chamber AS perjured and as false to their most snored promises. When candidates for election, these men gave uttenuice to sound repuhlican doctrines; . their professions de for covered the walls. As the hustings, on the stump, in the newpopers, in conversation, they promised the abolition of the old system, and the consolida- Goo of. the Republic. And, for the last three I years, they hero been treading the Republic under foot, and trying to resuscitate two dead and buried monarchies. Nov thy majority of , the voters want neither the Orleans par the foi -1 gitimate branch to be restored. They exclaim with the dying hlerentio, "A plague on both per houses!" Consequently, under universal suffrage, the chiefs of the monarchical factions are politically dead. The lierryers, the Moles, the Broglies, the,Thiers, the Dupl., the Yeti mesas, have &Me with public life.. Few, if any, of them mon will be returned to the Cham ber of 1851. hi, Theirs' infernoum expression, la rife Inultitudt, applied to the class ilisenfran• alined by the lasi of May, will Beyer he forgot ten, and secures that gentleman's earthly dam nation. ,The journeymen with whom I convers ed are strenuous upon the necessity of regener ating the Assembly, but are Filling to retain the President. They will vote for him in prefer ence to bairn-Rollin, though they might give their support to Carnot, in the improbable event of his being the Republican candidate. The establisimmpt to which l refer is the type of thousands of OtiterS, and the opinions held be the torn wham I saw me identical with those of legions of the wetting classes. hf. to punar tine thtis writes to the Berryers and Broglies of I the Assembly, froth hla nick bed: , •Look well at wont your are doing, and eel to what you are rushing, since you have placed at your head these chiefs of coteries and fac lions who hare successively rained twenty Got, ernments and two Monarchies, and who will not be satisfied till they have destroyed eociety." FtvEn the Erie o.ette. FRASKLIF TP.IITH VINDICANZEI It is foreign to our par pose to revive the dis mission,. of last winter and spring aeon the sub ject of the' Franklin Canal Railroad! We have no feelings of penonal'ill.will or motives of per sonal gain aside froor - the public good to gratify a connection with this matter, and are sincere. ly disposed to cultivate a spirit or harmonious concert in reference to all necessary impro re ments, whether strictly local or of a more gen• end and enlarged character. Bat having sne ral times asserted, with considerable boldness, that the road above referred to wee at least vir tually in the bands, and canseynentlir jp the same sense under the control of citizens of Cleveland, we feel that we owe It to ourselves and the community to which we belong to era. brace the opportunity now afforded of substan tiating the charge by evidence so strong and di rect that none can doubt—leaving the reader to decide whether our action in the premises was influeuced by sentiments of regard for the rights and interests of Erie county. We find in the Nei , lurk Daily Tribune of November 25tth, an advertisement, over the signature of Alfred Kelly, Esq., Presiffent of the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Rail road, notifying the public that "sealed propo sals will be received at the office of the Compa ny's Agents, Messrs. Winslow, Lanicire and Co., No 112, Wall et., N. Y. until, Tuesday the Ifith day of December next, at o'clock, P. rd., for the purchase of the Company's Bonds to an amount not exceeding voo,ceo." After stat ing the amount of the Bonds, ($4,000,) the con ditions precedent to the consummation of the proposed purchase, the extent of the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad, the Specific purpose of the proposed debt, the Advertiser says: "This Company (the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula,) now has the control of the Railroad now constructing from the Ohio and Pennsylvania State Line to Erie, a distance of 25 miles, making it, in fact, is continuation of. the same Road, under one management " Persons are directed for any information they may desire upon the subject, to Messrs. Win-. slow, Lanier & Co., at their office, or to Alfred Kelley, at the Irving House, New York. Is stronger proof than this of the complete transfer of coo Western Rallroad interest. to Cleveland, needed? Certainly not. Bat we have a little more. In a notice of the recent opening of the Cleveland, Paincerrille and Ash tabula Railroad, which appeared in the Cleve land Herald, the following paragraph occurs: "In order to complete the communication with Erie, the Cleveland, Painesville and Aehts hula Railroad Company have purchased and tak en a transfer of nearly all the stook of the Frank lin Company, and have asnimed and will im mediately complete the construction of that Road from the State Line to - Erie-25 miles. The right of way is all secured and the grading two thirds done; a large portion of the bridge timb er is also on the ground." These extracts must be deemed perfectly sat isfactory as to the point bad in view. They fortify it beyond peradventure. In contending for the Pittsburg Road months ago, our veal was hieghtened by the discovery of a bargain of this sort under way if not °unmated. The direc tion of the Road had even then, in effect, passed from oar community. Wlthost caring for mere Company or individual interests, and without being disposed to censure gentlemen associated this or that way, we felt deeply mortared in the concionsness that the only really formidable ob stacle to the immediate and rapid prosecution of as improvement of great local and general int portance, arose from the bona fide control of the "Franklin Canal" project by men who lined not among is, and who; from their interest In ari. sal Road, were almost accessmily hotitili to the Pittsburg Bead. The sequel Inia vindicated our course. But further comment Is needle:oi The fact" ate.before the people. They can dray thoir own datiOlqs: . RAILROAD 4011 lINIOBTOWN TO LAIROBE. -Notwithstanding our apparentlY isolated eon ditlon, it-seems we are not without a vary fair prospect of being brought into direct conamuni cation, by Rail road, with Philadelphia and oth er eastern cities. We understand from good au thority that the Central Rail road company has proposed that if the counties of Fayette and West moreland will raise two hundred thousand dollars the company will approprate the residue of the amount necessary to makes Rail road, •from this _place, by way of Connelleville and ML Pleasant to Lattoba, and guarantee the payment of BiX per cent, interest on the sum raised. The town of Latrobe is a new place lately laid out by the Central Rail road company, shoot ecren miles East of Oreenshurgh, rind is the present terminus of their rood. The place to growing most rapidly, and being owned' prin cipally by the company, it is their intention to enhance its importance, by miming branch rail ways from it into the adjoining couptu no an to concentrate their business at that place. We know of no project which promises such important advantages to the pdople of this, county, and the company proposing to guarant ee the interest on the investment, welsee no reason why the amount required might not at once toe raised.— Unsoworrut Ilerroorrelf Nsv ACCIDYNT.—Mr. !mac Burgett, brake man ou the gravel train of the C. C. S C. Rail road, was instantly killed in the vicinity of Col umbus yesterday morning. We learn he had one hand hold of the brake, and was threwiog stone. at a dog with the other, when the sud den stoppage of the train precipitated him on to the track, and some 1.1 cars passed over his body, shockingly mangling it. Mr. B. was about. 21) years of age, unmarried, and was from Motlea:- chmietts.—Clereland Herald. Al4ol'lllo l SLAVE NA(I.O. —A slave named War. Kelly, alias Bill, was arrevted in Jersey Shore, Lycomingeounty, brought to Harrisburg, and had a hearing before Commissioner Itl'Al lister on Monday morning before daylight. lie was claimed as the property of Mr. Jacob Itich• ter, - of Md., and sent back to his master We have heard that, he has a wife and child in Jersey Shore, where he married since he absconded, name years ago. if this it so his case is certainly a very hard one.—Nor Amer. In commenting on the above case, the Albany Evening Journal remarks: If Bill hail been a horse-thief, his examina tion would doubtless have been deferred until day light, Buf as he was accused of the enor mous crime of stealing himself, ho must be hur riedly tried convicted and sentenced tit mid night! An hour's delay might have enabled him to prove himself a freeman! And ne the —Safety of the Union" renders it necessary that no man accused of being it •'fugitive" slmll escape, be was hurried off "before day-break!" 4 Fall Importation of Hardware, Cutlery, &e LOGAN, WILSON Sr. CO., , No. 129 Wood Street, Innnsrn to roll lb. attwatino of Mernhnots pan,. In lawir [At. x of FOREIGN AND DOICEBTIC BA RDWARE, CUTLERY, ll= to to at, asorb • A" :0rn07171 41-A fall y0ur...111 of MANN'S erl•hrztod C. AN F.:4 stirlVoetts I—An this in the L neaeon of the year when ',nus aro mist formidable a children. the proprietors of I,ll.l.aneb. Vertultuge beg hats In rid] upnn parents. wolictring their attention to Al virtues ter the. expelling of thew. aunotiog anal illen tabal enemies of children. Their invention to by a phi melon of great el perionee in Virginia. end ntler usingt forseveral rears in los own practire, !Indian its sure,. uriliersal. he ham town inalnerri at last tn . r.tfer it to the puhlir.e.ebony but r..rtain and excellent medicine Thai modicale nver, mother ran pt.. wrilb r0n11.1..13, as ht enrrtUal run, Petroleum ta" A MOST RIMABEASIS Casu 07 TOTAL BLIXIINTJUS VCR. nT I l lirnortrai.—lra inertte the ottontion ot the 84111,1.1 uni the public croarally. b. At,. crib/iron. of fit.. Ilan, of oily. The oaao =MT.], PPro reraon WLo way bo abobtleol In relation to the forte bore ott birth. a )1 I had been aflielcd ~rent yearn with • aoreneseot lath eye; whirb eontlnued to lerreinie until Yonn.tut..r. 1.611, the irdllattimation at that time haring Involved the whole lining membrane of loth rye, sod ended itwitheeiete , elle of a thick tilm, whkh wholly destroyed my sight. I had an orrnitinn perfonni,l, end the lidetening n.tnns.J. 011,1. Noon returniel and left me in so had ncondition aa hot re. At this Stage of the complaint I made •nplication to nl of the ulna eminent tusdielil men. who 1121 , 1 - MN me that 'my gym 'muli never cot well: At this time I couid not distinguish any . oluret. ily Uieadrife ii erring friende I etiminenced the um, or the Petroleum. leith Internally and hcallr. under whkh my eyes have Improved daily un. tit the present time. and I have recovered my sight entire. ly. I heath wan very much Impeored by the Petroleum, and I attribute the reat.gatinn of my eight to Im nee. 1 revue at Au. Intl &maul street, to thin city. and sill he bane, In give auy Infm-matian In reMtlon Is my raae. WILLIAM BALL /or sal. AT Kryner A McDowell, 140 Wad' atr.er. IL IL Balk, 67 Wood stnart; 11. A. Vahnortoek, A 1,, earn.r Wad and YrnatstreAtw, D. M. Curry. D. A. Elllott.JossAb Dr.teiTisar, and U. I' Samar... AlkabenT: also AT the oro- VITAIL, 0 M. It ll:lt. P.O.th "t . 1,...•14TAA Citizen's Insurance COMDRIV cf Pittsburgh •NCOURAGE 11031}; IicSTITUTIONS Office N 0.41 Water stmt. In thew...Apoaa oft. 11. NT. C.O. linos, Prooldant A. W. Mu, . . . This Coineon) . repa now proil to 100t...a1l inarehanillait hi store, and In trani.itu. rends Ae. An ample Fustatity for th. ability and Intet,ll) of the [willful lon, 1.1101,1.1 In lb. ehanirter th. Director*, who an. all sills.. of Pittsburgh. amt tnroml.ly knewn the community for their prOiliinia., InteCTO 7. Inac.rnma--(1. 11. Ht..). Win Racal.). Writ. Lariat', :IT . ..nailer Bryant. 111101 Si. King, Klwaril thatleD4 libnrath.ll. itcynnuirp. S 11. Kier. stall, New England Society. SERMON will bo delivered before the Nov Enolond Stoloty, by Rev. W. I. HOWARD, at Pre.hyterian I.lbOrch. on Sehhatb evening.. Ikermber 21,1. Roorcloon b oncomonoc at 7 o'clock. P. SI. The Annual Festival Supper of the Society will be OT•111 at tho BT. CLAIR Lila EL, on Moods, ovect tog, the 221 Jr.'. Tleketo to the Hopper eon be obtalonl at Loo3llB' Root. SW, No. 97 Wood flu... Tho Member. are rronentni to porch,. their Tickets before ?rids, noon. the Wt , h .. l . e i t i . ,, lt A tis r ofroble. N!iBll.iN. WAR., • 4.15:11 Comm lon Of Airontoroon.. Christmas Gifts. MILE subscriber has just received from Eu it rare • Int of beautiful I YOILT 811 AWL PI MI, elabo. r' , 7 "1 1..r ."'b.." olll . tealtit n t7o7ll;;Vl ' ag v .rith ? Ur ea ChafaZChartne. Bealp, Ilrarelob4 c. Th• abg - to . ar7a/log•ther new in Ail. and firusb.and will M .old " "'""bir n. RlZisr;:ti " I'Mra n = r e.. dels Sign or the lioldru Hon, f oolan Prary Meeting. wiIkSPECIAL l'agETllaq of Om "YounE Ileit'• Mercantile tiarary arid Mechanic , IlAlte.te be held lei their Room. OD thin fllondayleratilag. the 13th hot, eV{ o'clock. P ull and punctual elh•udaoen la aa Mll:two. or We .111 he laid before the ....etlog. By ostler the Board. dels:lt A. WILE INP, Bee'y Allegheny City Bonds. VOLIPONS payable bit minim in Alla 14. E Pale by WI . A. HILL PAL ap d 0101 i.manniter 04 Wood pt. New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fortes. Twill A . ISIELLOIC - 81. {good Mk"nill r laaVr...""V;,.l7 bratrd mulutactory of Chlekeriog.l3.to6. Nt Factory rim., viz: o. 12061: Oar 6 octavo Unarwood Vaf , MO? `'' 6 .. .. 1,76 1 . ..1,%, . 6 - .. .76 , 575 1144 1 / 4 " .I”.T " Carved Ttosearood 115/11 . " " ''' 111 . 19: 7 " 2 Z Ltalu aw I,A; - Full Urscul /.. 41 11790: - 1. 14 4 „, ...... 4.10 The following flogo Fortes from othgr mononwlarvto,ric N 0.6561: Not 6‘i octavo liollowood, fltodart. N. V 146 63, War., Davie 3216: •• Lr, ••3nlxan.• to. '360 mst: 6 Itoonwood. do. 339'd 6 do. 226 1617: •• 6 •• Woolworth 1.1r0wn,.90U . . • . IMl'2 6 d;. 416: " •• Bo ud octuv oir. a wound Balton. 6 :76 A tushouaurU•rul. '1%5 d.rl6 Yor Sale. t WELL finished' two story BRICK .1 1. noosed LOT, in most healthy and mowing part of the city. The - Lot te 21 ft. on Fifth street by-110 on Cherry alloy. Per partieulers RUINNCIAKT, Irwin street. The rale will be closed ou or before the let day of Jan uary next. dellii2E(Lku) Steam Communication between New York and Glasgow. FEE Glasgow and aw York liteamodil s aLlsnoM2 t0.7":2470 - 4% - 14%.4 horse power, N. Stewart, (late of the Co. . nerd ineamerk) commander. la appointed to Silt from new Tort direct for GISSKOW. Saturdey, the 7th of rebruarl next. at 1.2 o'clock. neon. PeASACIE Wird Cabin (steward's foe Included.) VST. Second Cabin " " " . No stemake passengem taken. --- These rates Include provbions, hot not wines or 11,11. M whkh will be eickPlied on board, at moderate prima. OW' rim a Burgeon. W" ft".lght " Tlitglgll°)N, Ittiroadalyoti"4o, TG. N o t YORK. 2100 50 0 4 . 4 .0. 45 0 WY.' coop,ort to the Ilhattotr.) will be op toe eattion ming. Oil Cloths! 4 LBRO & HOYT, N.os. 72 and 74 ... 10 hn at., NEW YORK, manufacture. and , ° ,, 1 „ 1 7 chorilft, inclusively . Al their Faettirtom (nadir al:alp:a prow.) FLOUR OIL UL07 .713. nthic lnoww any 11,17.1`111.171if1V47.` .'17,..0f 17'10; meJ.l at Europe, and for chick they obtainsit the pt'f the World's Pair. J • litre. At theta trarsroomt In Now York um and nttopletti stecirttatlit of peaty, y e ll -- VlAXitt OIL CLOTHS. from web. tool At.0ti5,F.,..1., and Gisowiope OiL Allegheny Foundry for Bale., TUT. undersigned offer for ea' lo tantive, and valuable FOUNDRY sumo The etteet, and extendinn to Ann etteek.Allentc,' nt h i jita t o main. tbe hoodry, Wars ute, ithith n0...4 ° Pattern BOog cud the Imo[ ermine me the v e nal,. eye anted, Is 100 het by shoot 76' ca ilandry has a &alga stack and ore Ammon' 'WO ' . areal Tab Dnymeemeto us all of reeent • • , Wheeling and Pittabnrgh Packet. rAILE REDUCIEDI—The swift I runnin g paer-en^-, packet VINCI/FY., 1 lean. for Om re atat all Informed ate parts terry Tuesday'. Thuraday and iatritslay. at 10 &antic proeisrly. For Wheeling Ltle. ik m um,- 2.5 c If thy abyro rater are not low enough, We will mak. a further reduction. The WINCIIEFFEK. Cart 6.0, D. Mc... /74 Pittsburgh every 10•14.7. ThitrAlay, and Satarday, at I A. ‘l, retaining, ..... every Mondar. w and Friday. at A. M. For freight or tglaragr,Lartnganpertor, ac.tantodationa, apply nn Neard. or t. A ItMiStIONII, CitOZEII A CO ,-A g ta Market • ter, TA+ Winebe.ter on,- qf rzn....t l A ,, tary,r.ori.trt, MI f „, wen.. and can det 01l o n bee running •1' Ibr male regularl, P T OBACCO -511 kep e. twist, for sale by I.ll.WtiltTli a co - - 14 1 1S11 -1(h) bhb+. Large N 0..: Maekerel, lo blot 2 raot, C“lnnb, in etore REA per gale b - J-15KN 11) e l ,asks Wittier Strained tilnhant; For -.a , - by i•lel , I to ItI.ACKIII,ItN76I CU RR NTS—Hee'd and for silk by WM. A. MeClAlltit A Ib, dell r. a Tea healer, V, EW PRUNES-1 ut tip in Jars and fan y Itt.r.os lb earl, tor ral, by A' NI 11-Cl.l nil A I I FlUS—llec•d and for sale by it• tb.lh Ihtl. .4 SIM 'IX HO a co. Ql . li.k I NED HONE) —For .le by t1..1:1 lI V A. 1,1.1 , 1 tit Cil I) (151 N-100 14,18..N0 ; I S , .1o : -- 11L der, It I.I . IFER-1 ,.,r bbls. prime. It -fl ) - 11 ' , LOU R-50 t b !;. extra family f o r by .00r, s. Ic VAN).* uatl . 14 EA T Eft S-3U bags for sale by 101 l P.A W N.A MI A l'llll. NNERS' ',Ms. for sale by 511011 Removal--Wood Engraving. TILE guluteriber respectfully informs his (, frtonde and net piehlic generally, .Itt had reenornd to litc Soothe; net rum, of Market etre., and Inanoned, , cotrance to lb.. Inamrod.l 'atm, he de roe Parcel en caree, tell kook of 1...d01e: and 11n.l Eton,. 1110, enot oe V...., of Menthol,. rte.:genie...la and Slant. ncef rocteuic , :unde ut ever, d.-. " .ides, Newenoeuer fiend, leronnlatn' lesetwur, Cotton ntandoc.: 4 lur• Mlle. A,' Term« dcrd toulcrale. . 1 ' 1 " JANIE:. II 1,11 1 / 4 1in , French Broadcloth& URPIII BURCI I IE LD, at thh north 1 of Fourth and Markel ettroctc, afar,. lecep on hand cum.', of Mc ahoy.. artule, and are care— ful te, ',ere elm.. of On. nowt ttiouroded ronnuforlue, lion'. of Cloth anti nod It to diode mithlLleF. ton our e.end• le.fore. rclodeoe. lrop oh. teini deno rtcast ne•nnerte, Alit, and tenor cei.ore. Icon pricutl newt,. itrou et. nod oli•c Clothe and l'acetenceute letr wcar. Toctd. awl Jean. of raricue enideorve. kr , vntl et Inv qunlitv. cloncc wok.. ulnae+ on hand al 1,, per ION. Alan, .111 toad, of pone ihee. del] NEW BOOKSI NEW BOOKS! T HOLM S' LITERARY DEPOT, N 0.74 rt. Mini rtweet.olp , elle the Poet hxn,lr , I n, 1.4- th e 1 . 1,1 e, Vui Kne.tall 111,1 II an.tia. War. IlloAnTr • Veneto Trelsrmet , or o• aolu.lon nl llA...Myeterlee, or the Court of London. - Ko4•nt Oneeeloe. In Enghtl,l, hit Athlre, to the Peo ple or the State-, atol ll'et.ter'r teller to Holes tozn--in tottophlel form. :Atm. And Attelnelen... Unman, I'. C. Jame. llortleoltor, , t And Cull/van, for Iteeetnloor AlarsAno. ter January Tile ILI A oxr.l of Nnlwlo.,n, ht Ilevlip ',Aortal Broth ' .1 Iht ChrlAnme A lame •oppl) .1 ANNUAL , . front SI to WI Ilwrper'• New Monthly thLteattna. tor ItecentOer I ntenottion•l Mat:wine. Ite,enther Illnek wont'. Alum. ine. for Noetnther at F. 10,, IP) 11‘.r•selinely . llob, t.r hale; • new work ht. Ilerotwn Ski will, 11, Ilieti , ~ art of ShelcrpetAwn QmAntlon. hotul.n r •rol le•mlou Poor, ho. Ilarse•r•• Vixen:me. vol 3. AI ntu•lln r ketehee In Irel•Al. IA U. SI IL•Arerot Lowlet...lrt Jetteltal tor N.-relater mthl A... Wore. or ...I Ark•ls.,e Doetor The 114.1a1,.. • ne, 11..1•1 huh., I be Lily end the Pt., Ws S a n e II are,. I , on .0,11 hie SAL, Sanelo , Ittuta. The Taki.“ the 11•51,1 e, Vlernorte•ot • I, ertwn, Domes lorry !heroin.... • 141.! 1.11.- Owertenn Iterhlulton hewn. Avotwlel er the Let1r.....1 lete l'g auL th. l'etrate Vl•tild• Mentgemene7n t4sAtil to %%aeon.. Sell L....option, Or • Ihrtor, of the II not Ate Heart. P." , strn,l Nlnte.l.or the 11.11.1 ef the Battle • role of w.nr. .ea..ks L Winter 11: 1 10 ., x1e i , ,,, f0r ,, 5a1e ,o ASTOR 01 L-36 1444. b.r soh; by 1.,) .1 Kl OW. 1,1 g I UYSOTT'S Yellow Dark and Sorsoparil -111 I cr... Cot rule IA J 11/I , OA t PLASTER--_Hgro— , for sale by , I.lltlo APu / L UTIST'S Cii1.(11:! 4 --A 1n11 1 ..... , 0r 1 t. 1 me . n „ 1, in PA NISH SA, FFIII IN-10 11, for solo by - .1 0101 , /1 Idols. 140.14 for sale by A 001.z1:14, A .5. !)SARI. ASH-5 casks' for Attie by ll Jel3 R. lIA Llberte wt. I bbl,. No. I, for sale by -4 4,13 wick 1 MeCAV4DI.F.JIS. TA RCH-20 bxs. 11.1 w bright's ex., for sale I:7 1., drl3 WIIIK t MA'ANDLUSS. bbls. Roll, for sale by WIC. VIA'ANI , I-hsA. • Pkg'ro t;ill%EK n' a A fo.r A n •fl r by J.II EiEARLS-1 4 casks ree',l nod for sale by WICK a MreANl , l D 0 T ASH—IS casks pure. for sale by OS WICK a Inv t‘ux.res. ALE.RATUS--:12 ranks fir aalo by 111,13 WICK t MAIANIILESS A , C , K L EREL--101 - 1 by C a.IL I IIEESE--70 tklxes extra Cream Cleo e; Jo SV. n 130 do llerlen'orelehrw , ..l Iturtuto -- to rale 1.• o del:, WICK A McCAND LESS. .4 Jel3 LO VER SEED—,S bo. for I sale by 511 1 111.11 V tt 1.00. G LASS-50 boxes $x nKI vt pi t 14, Inv to ern rhtumeot.br Hen! UUIII.IIOO LEE ,1O LASSES-50 bbls. and 5 hf. Ws. Su 1, Itr Roue, tole..il ee hy den J C4NFIELD so, oy •INSEED r or. • del3 J CANE:ELI , IJE. ASH-50 Ws. for sale by deli J. h. CANFIELD SA,l4Eur , RIITU,S-10 boa. 1 7 1 0 5 , 0 „ 1 , il i t . . i vire, B UTT E R -10 bx 1, 4. Fresh 1 . .11 t. ~ for sale by doI:ANPIEI.O 1 4 1 RENCII CURRANTS—.S coke. for sale by • dell JAMES DA LZET.I..O , Itt New Books ! T .1. L. READS, Apollo Buildings, No. VA Fourth elm-I— raq Dolt, or the Whale: hy Emilia,' Selene, or the ftr...ntifir Explanotion of Com. mm Thin,: Mr Fautllieo nr srhtede. Scion, of Thino. Pemlllar, hy Ur. Brewer; for Famine. or Shools. Spiritual Reisinerotion with referl.n, pro4ent Sine, o Cher, delitersi to the Cierui of the Dite,44. of Ohio, Oettiber 11. !Ka lIE FARMER'S OUI DE TO SCIENTIF. le .151, l'it tItTICAL AtiltlCULTl:RE.—Petaillux r trloborif of the Former In all their .snmy, arid utast iou them to the Sew., JJ 44 the 'sm. or they , euererstrelr A,•d br John P. Murton, ti Prof. of Seientme Aurtrultun• in Vole Colleue, New Harem j rol . with stutnerou. illu ..... ions. den Fourth Arent., AMLoItEAD Broldince. IrrIIIE KORAN. by Sale; Burton's Anat.. I , m or Melonehnly; llonh j iVAMV . Lf r o , r h a:. , te by d I HEESE—IOO boxes W. R., for sale by 1J A CULIIFAITSON A C 0.., den Uri Liberty etrr.et. VIN EEC. Wll ISE EY--I4 bids. for sale by kJ den A CI; LIIERThON & 00. . _ BUFFALO ROBES—A fine selection for ID We by, idel2l A. CULBERTSON & CO. VOR NEW ORLEANS.—TIie • eplendid rirw IsereEAA. tome!. Stogie, will for th.• [don, and ointitermediole points on Saturday. the arch in.t ale o'clock, s F" Se r l r 4 .6th' " "/413.;,1°:41107:1•2,dit.r.,. Beatunont's Patent Starch Polish. FATENTED; July 2Gth, IRso.—For • beautiful Lilo.. lo bluetit.. Caroline, CA. .are.fthirt beano% An., anti AI,. breves. the Iron from adhering to Linen, An, and prevents dont frontatkking to Linen% An, and contains nothing ittjurtoun Dirartiong—Pot • piece the else of a pea to • quart of atareh when lain= iron hriekly. Lola,cent. per Dike. nal wholratale and retail by IL E. bELLERS. 47 Wood del2 Polo Agent rnr Allegheny County._ DR. J. S. HOUCHTON'S LLL - - Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice. ei_OOD FLESH AND BLOOD are the pro- LP ducts of cool food, met plenty of nutrition ll digeeted sot conamted Into the element.. of . Witte out s heathy stomach, and good power of digestion, tt. le Idols that good Ilet.h and blood cannot he prodund, oven •ith the boat of feeding. Diapaptlea never ean ...rex as Inca at indigestion minting.t. Thle great want of lora. lid. la mod bOPPI I 7 aspppl4d by Dr. Ilona btoo's celebra ted PEPSIN, or Won II ge.tlyn Fluid, made from thestom. ti of the Co. the real digestive material lbelf. created a. by nature. valfor t u h a is yeann.d part., ra Thlsle something tion. at. end ble niel .091 ir it IS wonder. tor the - Whin with bad stomach, giving. le reality, the digeltlon ot so ox to the poor weak dygpeptl.l anti making gmrl 11011, blood tad rat tor the 150000.1'd end Iwurn H e p e r e l wholesale and retall Ayer, Pittsburgh, ha,—V«r nate by It. E. SELLERS, Li Wool street. .1.12,tf 6.‘ A FETY FUSE—',l"oblas. for sale by dcl 1. 8. DILWORTH a cEI. tilTtitiCiioL,, , d Blasti ng : noO Pak, for tale br DILWORTH a CO. bago Rio, for oak by X/ dell .L &DILWORTH aCO. MOLASSCS--30 libls. New Crop; To artiTo sod tbr mac 6 by ookko °trots, dell . S. DILWORTH I CO. L - a l .l°° pigs f l r ltaiwom •w. STEAM BOATS Wheeling ana "Pittsburgh Packet _ . ARE REDUCED!—The swift . a ' running namenaer paelet Cl.I I..I . :lg . !: %o r „,... 2. lin Owe of the James NotrevJ 1 r.,. ,b e. t m0r,d.... , 10 the abore and all intermediate Ig, la o'clock r. ~.1 r . For Wheeltug f.oe. Iv termed late len+. • .....:.' Lc. Tise O k L P 1.. ". 11.1111 . N'e - . 2....1'ai;l .. Me;i;i i i'.., ‘,. %d r.i , . 1 7 , • ••;, , ,., , ,1 A ir . burgh every Tunnl•l. Ttmrtz,.....,, mood., Al "lues• i., returning. teneeeAll4.•••• A. ( 4 ....P;:ol r g ' ll i l l :,l• ' n 't ' • . Inkling eurrior szeuntuodallnue, ' , Or.ii,, L otx boar.l.u7 to tell Ellin. • 11l N NINO. Act... I.larket •treel.. 1" 'rho l'llopor No 2 Is non of the. fevtrot Moot. ovor otrootod tor Lb. troole I . lvoo.naore oual 0.0, (too,. Ofi i,, r ronwo.: iu lbo *not, - - - • REOULAR r i'll"i'SßUlllili and 5.. • IVEAL,VILLF. PACK LT —Th.. cp.o. .1 . V ... 2 ~' .^Ar PAeket oi..nArter VOItEeT CM, A. ". Munl.orb, Ins..ter. 1rm0.... Pla,Asryll tor W..llArlil• in., .. , •1... ,, , ,,,, , ,At 1.....e1. - .1, A. Al., sm rr l turn- Ing. Imtv.... W01.1111 , ...,4', ,12.7 At. ii n'rt.K.A. P AI Th. Vor... C.ty run• it. r.aa..-coon vstb thr tipArlAr..ll.l.l $ . 1114,1,41. Rallroml lAn.• . . M. 11 ARMS. Aloonneshela now, ntittht Attene. C. DANN V.O, N 0.1 1 .2 %%tart and hi 1,1 - tt Parrel. tml9 I? liiiU LAlt irrsnuttGli AND aa, will:I:LIN, It/WHET —The ottleteltdidat sew raeket otonmee, NUNN Al, Ctneerell. mate i . e. now ,rforrulng her,rolar trt-tree•kly tripes between , , t , whe hog, louring INlteltureth at 10 n'elork W Anemia, aed Friday. sad ' , turning. tvb.„l,, etc', Tueeday. Thumb., and Slturlay, In rarh . ""k. r" thle whet I Noel. awl le one ht the ttnott er conetruete.l fer the treule. Itattrett. ,an thpe•ntl on her .nntuiuini it th., Th. Plurnol 1. nd gets and sloorwr. IREu I ; L A TM KEN I'IT —The PILOT well leare l'iltshurg or, Ttowds for C: ory Thur.-day al dr upon water , ) so waso. Fur freight or loss.go.•Pldr on Mao& J.P UL A R IV EON ESD A Y PACK C. CINCINNATI, Captain John rrolng ham. This gplendid hoot w. Loth hy the otruon. of the Cram., lea. Newton, and other, fur the Cincinnati and Pittslannth Parket tr., and .11 leave esory for Cincinnati. /or freight or passage. anPlr 1,0 . 0 1 or to nor' U. IL MILTENBERGER.. Agent. I, I OR SAINT Louis—Tits last 'team. PARIS. Vent!.. W Khlsert. waster. • ill hare for the 11101/VP and all inter rwshato port, OD this day. the Llth at 4 I' M For 'might or pasage apply oo board. dell VOR NEW 0 RLE A N S—The aolondel now steamer ran. Master, will leave for the ahoy.. and all 11t , 10 1131,111., nr., on Monday nest.. 4 1' M. r""'" Tllll'lll or m Isl.. Agents. I' , OR CINCINNATI AND LOP IMVILLE—The aplendid new to T. MINUS. Capt. Shank. will hate for the shore sod ititortnedinto ports on Yrida)L at 10 A. M. For froiglit or nassutgo std.!, on hoard. dell PACKET BE- T:4IVMM •oCKINO o. I% Ciwoo. onmwr. -h for A. Captina wad llorkina •e 3o'clf,k P. • r..turaing 71h...11. and li luburgl4./..r. •. ot. and shrpt.,, his host runnirur P.Kularly duruai the N T I: ARRAN G - F - 31 A T OR LAT SPIED. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ONLY TWENTY-EIGHT MILES STAGING. 4)X AND AFTER THURSDAY NEXT, the 111 L of 1/eifrenber. the Exprease 11.11 7viepai.lll Ira,' Ibr liepot 14Iwirly &tepee the Canal Bridge, every runening al al. o l e-hick. Pagarugeri. will go Sr tin. Car• mile. in Thitle Creek, where kb, will bud the knot n 1 Cieudie. readineer tn them Sr [olive 0(1., to • ar•t rate turnpike foal Beattkla then ilie .pleuilld Cara nf the Penner tennis Railroad Conn pal, Jrnrt to 1 . 1111.4114:LVIIIA and RALTIAIIII4R. • Through in 24 hour.. Vane In Philadelphia SII Fare la liallinitire Pineieneeni procure their tirki•ts at the nillee in the llenlingahnleallouen. IlagioWe Hawked through. 1110K1111 EN, Ticket Agent Penn Railroad fn. Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. girgtigtuaxsi. NEW ARRANGEMENT Commencing on Monday, Dec. Bth, Issl. RAILROAD EXTENDED FROM PITTSBURGH INTO OHIO, nd ennnertrd rrirl. Railroad. leading to Cie,land,. 64nnd.n. and Colrinnale. 62 ...lire Railroad, a. 61 on/o I. mde. Stapny helvrern Pilbifrgh, an.l the ronowtron nah the Cie,la-nd Railroad or A Than,. Exprem's Train 1111,4 Pittsburgh at 8 A St.... Lorain,/ only floelnoory, ?law •tid Anon. amil rearlier et 10 .0 A lahrre inoienorr. take anier• to Sokol. Pi noir, end rAilmad Ibrore to Alliance end C Ntskkosrun daft (min Aliianc,o Cantu, Illas•Illnn nnd Mansfield; null I.non (al Nor, C..[l. I'olnu.l anal W.rrrn. I:rturealig, Tgatt, I.at.. NJ...0n0 at .2 P. M. at 4 I'. N., and arrives at. Ovr,ll al 5 P. M. • • • 11,The Nros tlywhlnn /moosomonlsoliow Trotin Pi11,0,1..10 t M. Awl P SI , An't Broclotoo, at , A )1 Aral 1,111. SI., solynne.ltate , lbon, I,oltssuos spool our tanolss, ...Id I,orso Po.lour.h. Hoch Mor Nenr llngtosow Po...sw, Irmo s A. II .4 , AAI,o al 9 M. . . Th. Trainadn mum Vu Ouuninnn.no r mum t.on with tlir tuun. In and 'nun thn un Veglend . , trevt. F..r net.. at the Stmet Ration, to GE01:111: VAKKIN. dwilf Tlet.t.lurat. NOTICES, &c -•----- M A YORATT Y. sttr - The name of ANDItAW McMASTER mill h. •iiinnito.l for nomination at the Whitt Con'ninthm of the eitt of Pittoburell, for the °Mc , of Ittator. tioNite "LEONARD S. JOHNS ix \CeandiSate for Mayor at I lie next City Riention, etittieet.p. the &chino of the , Anti MA....inie 11 big ”ontention. nnhrtn . l'ieitso announce tltrougtur paper J A Ilk, II A TTIIEWS nt • nnoililAte for to, volition , it, the n.nninAtlon of the Anti-I...nit 11211 ViVti tionsen. tint, Crirblerou.n.r.ry.—Mr. Editor: Yle~ne no- m0n0... that the InrILIP of It. C. CA WVF.P. prrit• LIP fi.p a mln.non Lo• Moro, subfrot to IL. deriLloL DI IL. 1f lopt CooToulion. Wokan, Notice. lN CONSEQUENCE of the death of l'etet , , heard, the intereal flkb h. hold in 'ho Star Candle ino, and whidiyr... conducted under the Melt of °Peter hood t lb., .111 to fur ease. Fur nano. le. en. (,01 r. of WM. GORDIAN. delot.ll of the fern of Wilom Sharman. 4th et. Monongahela Navigation Company ANANNTAI MEETING of I onor,unalloo, at their afhm no tirant In the Cory rat.orati, SlorklA. the fsfth .lay litaum . r. A. 1 1 1. '4 Itb. , na the 11r4 S r ib[11.1.1111:1'Ibe month,. for the .1..11.T1 of otneere tar the ftMlitliij•ar. W BAK Election. AN ot EJ n, ection for Fifteen Directors of "The losuraore Ovor.any,. will be held t th.• nl,y of h. Cornpur. Nn „H,.. A sr.—, j 6eb•.o We b . nu " "f • ALI/11F.D W. M/.0110. Nrc r. Pirnintincit, Oct. 'I N i 11.1. TIDE DIRECTORS of the Culling Mining Ca., of alltihican. hare this ill., male an avow , want of m fill, eauu on each rtiarn of the capital alivek eanapaut: our half papa lila no cc lira, lbrl.llll,No ipianbar. and the. other half 013 ur taifort Lie,actaliar cal, et their nlGer lu [hlr 4t T. FRIEND. 0r... House of Refuge. IRE subrcribera for .the erection of an Howe of Iff.fuft. for iVentrrn P.nnetbwla, arn bet.hy rfolifo4l 11/ak 4.0•411/11tli tof twenty, per rent- on tortuflount autxrll.ll by tart, rrquirpd paid the Tresmor.r, off brfory tife 1510 day Of Norelaber nost. I.; enter of lb. Illfsni of f.iramorm. orMll JOSHUA HANNA. Trpna: ETTERS Testamentary to the estate of ILlevA Jam, Ilnu, 164.14 Indiana lowemblNCollaty 01 Al. b : r l b"' Esc=r i Es i lli !trZ 'b ;rlV b ;Mltt. t ° l7: " Ll h r V:thro l t * lnT:: , 4 tor Eoltirm.ll to fret.ADDISON \ u. MI L ADY WII:KINS, on 1111•10111 Kanclitnrs.• A Card—Life Insurance. ?kiR. C. A. COLTON, ,Sec'.—ftertr Sir— IV A.. malt, of common listice, dorm it ntl dn. .li :,..i.d tr , itw V. , 1 pttimpt ad o Haim; manner in whieb the eIaIDI ofpolicy rverntly eflovied by tie, am...tina to at... t a Ci ab.....) •o tbottaaral dollar,, ha. been raid. . . , . The liheral priaelphet upon which, the entire of the ”Pittpburehlnoue-stars Copany . ' are vndueled, e n . titles it to the rouuderation nod patron:Nee of the nubile. The remelt& of prudential le•nevolevee In the mutual fraternal of your organisation. is the true socialiFt fraternal henlneence, which humanity am.l ChrietianitY '"" s tor. nolndher of First Baptlet Church. Pittehurub. Notice—Lost Certificate. NOTICE is hereby given that application hat boon made to th. Exchanka Bank for them., r (Itathicate No. 030. for fourtaan ehanot eabl, Bank, atleitrtl to ha r e hero thartnned hr Mt on the 10th \Avail, IS-15. prat:Weft MU. JANE (1/111.11.. - - Notice to Brick Makers and Quarry Mn.e - .PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED un§l . the LW,of December next, for the delivery of tig , duJ a half million/. of brick daring theenauleg rrring summer. in about equal quantities, at the rater Depot ot the Perudy treats Railroad ComP.i. end at Water snwet. between Liberty and Penn. The: ropoesio wilt elate the price of delivery at each Point, d the she of the bricks; three of, the lo tr dl 1110.10[1 being preferred. A portion of the brick to bedelivered it tikant etreet, to In hard peeved, tor which the mire and diniensuone will he rtatA net...l• Propwals will a so be received for the Ante of the brick, male from clay obtained from the companrouroutal al the enter Iletwn, where fuel ran Lo obtained ldkristlroad, utem low . term.. Protedale will be received at the Fame tint, Jr. livery cif about Goal perch. , of "one for fuunda on, at the aboete tolote, or at soy convenient Point \lr 1 7 , log on the eine of the railroad, between Pittaburgand Itrighloo. The pronoaala will be sllteeted to Falwant Aimelete Engineer, at Maley . ..llle, Indian*Co no rtot EI/littll THOM PtiON. Chlef we Notice. YBE Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt\ 31antilacturIng OD are notified that an Allan. le.t.iug will be held OD the 511.11 day et\ Iltvesober neat, at 12 oclock. at tb... aka of Hatand V. Filser, Ent,, Walnut street. rtillaklelptita. ma] :21•• OD THOS PSON, Tretn. and Lim "Elk Horn" Saw Lii for tlskle. rpIIIS eetablishment, lately finisrred and ie rtimplets runoluct enter, Is vituatrul on the Sionnintabsla Oil miles aloes Plitsburdb. Itslnif s in ths ylstoity of siccsaslrs coalworks, It contniatals ii,naly how tuatara for lumber. used In boat building, Ar k and tor all that 1. met sold on the mina., the Blackwa rat toots ot allaiLasons an autist. to more distant marks . up and boo the valley of the klonorairabela. fatniolvd pith ntoktdivenr and nat.,. of the Gest and Malit copir, ofkinds, Ibis Mill ststul• unrivaled In need,. eenat. oof lasi, and ratlstactory performance of Its wort:, The ostabll , hovent, Including Mx sorest of Coal, Ilwetliod lino,. NI,. Blable, ae., van be sold low, and on tern. to suit purobsosnatre of J. B. MO Entu RRISON, Attorney at law, deaf oalow—Fourth it., near Wood. . Chester's Clothing Emporium. ---\ fIEtEBRA'rED for Nentnii of, Fit, Fine- u „,.,,, of Quality, and Durability Workataneblp— oar stook Is full and eomplste, ond, g all snob. of urn'. oat Bove Clothing and furtalshina Grids, OP.- ufactural ander turcovn 'natation. 1 . 0 rs two lo- titod so all and vramino, as no are de to well low f auk. So casopsor. showtov i lcli BTUDY to.rutaaie. yj . - .v.. II SAUTHPIELD BT. near 11. N.B.—Boys of amnia and slats iltte ' -- - - ..L eat no*. New I •elng Establishment. \ itontar . N .t. wnrrEllousE:' AIJELLA W, near Federal atreei. 0p t!(...5;14.1t0."':.f,`; ilt.t . rg - h Al gliTh'ei.ii;ltZ 1 trz i a . :o4 o .. A... e . ,4 of ell r ....Lte , slae o . alcrt- i, dila Vela , . Ito Laritavtl....aleye iaiiety 0ra1.% cca s t ' tle' rp antrt 1 and 11. :.,,,, rertorad do u tir fonts, 1 , 6111.1,er...1 dn. ' Waal equal oda. tie •n . • %par Apparr.l dean ...l or dyat we too ta ain to meet, •roi warranted not ttu! , o or aod the Ltnaq tll.l, dyed without nry.. pers.. •Itrl O. r nay ether aril it.r. liable to i.yure tbe WT., W• 1,•11 spa,. ll oar tudy to dry. tb• utterat ••dLattarn to [lt .s \ a.. who nay a 'I, no. end any go..b. rad rnaet.n. If, ww.,..; .• ad ly• .bou runt., ' ..tr•r•• tac 11/I{Nt ....r..lree lb,: La. in: tbn Lat..) Ina acnt• it. Mk WI Elm. nIJ man r — aar aork a dna ' , a. , . rb• 4 .11 .11., Dr•i• In •fo• elate. ilarrlanii .141 • ,•••1 ,(I.lti II• 11l Jr ta.• d.r.l•. All ;La..* a ~,,,,, ;VI ars • call...darn . our trarli,ind ; N. It • ..I.e. t..\l , ,.ft.trrabir Inea.). aba . It• in the ali•Y•nt .11 .... Ita y.ld lixaunn to a.n Allah. .I•Urly • at 1 11 1 A , 1 ., i i -T•ilt 1,111 01. f . 3, f 8 0r ,, r t a i 1 , .. , !:? . .4 , cn, .\\ 11,?(ISIN-211 bbl ft;r hale hy la. dell \ ..1.1.. .1.11.W..11T/f A \ al. Ooods for Cold Wea t her.. MURPHY Sr. RILIRC , b FIEL,I) in l vite the at - ft.. Tsai.. kind, of I'ry 11...1. tnntad.R.r :::,77=4, uel. 1... • II•do• Ital.. Flanneit, white, L an, Nre and plitid. .ienolne 11.'.1. do al . Va.tern N,. .... 111 radon: l'ar la ;try 1 . .. on ard, I,..elind II •l ark.,...., t, tr.,tan, e•dr.r., . 01,14, 11.,.irv. I , n , .1, loe', Cr.rnlart., •• An...W.lLn I•dyddy of IILA N. Fi 470, 1.1 rarely...l, • delu The Holder of a N. ot,e: • - tII VEN hs.ravat. Poe, Thom., 'oe, and A. J. Maui, Dor ...me Von nr tors. n falling due tha. month. I. reque•ted to mat.. IL4ur narent •I our od, .A.IV MK INS Co.. al. , •it ,onarr Markel and int ;ea Bu . I"l'Elt—P2 bbla. froth Roll, for Rale by ,itio 0. r FILM l' - R. - 1)R , 1 1 F , , , p PEACHES-30 lA. ~. for ii rAl , e . : . URIR!) APPLES-20 hill, for tale by' doll! d. r. snal VEIL. • . • FISH ril Wt. New NoO rilbbed Ilerrlnt, 300 a No. 1 sad 1! lake truperl., 51...t011. ll. 11, )1.-Culloarlio 'trend. Ant) rereir:nc• ~,J for talc. Ity .1.•li. .1.111% u•Arr A at, Liberty oh SUNDRiES-- • , --- . 3 Ltd. Kr.ab Ural Butter. r. • New ClG•er Seed: f botes new II Raisin(: 21 exalt.. autterior Tanner% Ckl; :1 exalts II inter W 11.11 4 ,011: \, - Juel receiving artTfr i' t:;l S e b I ) . Syrup ‘l \. "l"''''' ' daw JOHN W %TT Cth _7 \ Ladies' Secretaries. TR'() beautiful new ACVIC LA 01i4EGRET • finlehol and for rale des Joa WI% Al EV Alt. R,. .121 react al. ‘I ACK ERE L-- I \ Large NoV, IVI a , lr hr e. a lIAunAGOI._ 6.: A LERATUS-10 tons Polr'd, in ea„cs aj and boxer. for sale IbiNZELL t CO., dv , kthmty .treet 1111 A LE CI Le-2 easkli I 'int. Strained, for, V V .mean rth.ol R. /./.1.Z1.1.A ., tab I.: ES 10 boxes Cream superior; at. I i° Cnntmon. formic 110 R. pAL/A:1,1. A Cn. biberay IJTTER-5 tibial Fresh Roll; \ mad 1 G.. se, J....ad. tea b• Idetri L . \ N EIV LA RD—ln b tits. and kega, f sate It. DALZELL A CO.. Libe I' Pt HOUND NUTS--Y - .] mobs now Cr ,en I run..,. far mle by ISAIA t, H DICKEY A eo Wal sod Cron( lODFISII-8 drums largo, for sale by 1 . / In , 'IP.kIAII DICKEY k Cft. (COFFEE—Tio bagu Green Rio, for sale b vJ des ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. (lIIEESF,--,50 boxes Cream, for sale by P. W. WAR/lA[lllli. - . - INSEED bbl... ree'd. and for sale ot.W.IIAItRAUDII. POTASII-10 casks prime, for rale by .Inl 0. tw. lIAKIIAUGII. L 1 LASS—SIA) boxes assorted, for sale by 1b)1 den 0. IV. 11AlthlartIll. - , _ I NDIGI,I-1 cocoon Camens: 2 kegs Manib on , ennaignment. for .01. lent thAlAll DICKEY A" CO. IiOLL I I EARS & RODIES—Juat reed, an I I aotortmant of India Rubber Doll Ilmde Ind. Katie, at dKlemat •al. wholmale and mall by de, J. k 11. lIG starael Vitt:NCH TEETIIINti RINGS-72 pules, 01 an entire], mm tnat tweJ and Cr atthohy .le9 .1. t 11. PRILLICE.II6 Market 0. ' PONGE India Rubber, a firetrala article, bon,sole at the Itubbm Derot. deo J. ‘II,PIIILLICS.II6 Ilarklk at. UMERAL lIIETIOD SING! NG BOORS. —The eubs,riber haa rmethed n toll tnoply of popular chartm,lbaka, in the Numeral Method, Itnaton kuntemi Damon, Nee. 1 mud 2. • The One Line Psalm:Vt. coutathinc a Knot variety of the btat Clotrol. Kw, io. ' The 0141.1. SilleoG Manual. tar t'efflafflA.F,rlT-I. sod ol the " tiKoao " flth S.—A fall ruppty of the alomoympular works . will cored/tot-4 ke pt f ur lola. dea . GLERS'.I PERIA LCOUCaI SYRU P— 'vv.."... vs, MarT..llll. " Yberehe tertift that I was afflicted Cr rat tunnthowith a dry mtmh. which nedumel ma so that I Wm 01,11 -M to quit my work. and that by the. tooof ' , mantis half boxes Lie, thllt, and tan bottle, of the Imperial Cough Sy CID. I Wail pmfectly enrad. .1. W. llnms,_ IVIAAActIo. V... M.r .27,,w0. I h... used t , ..11,.. CoArb t•rruo in t>, !milli! for two a"... , it o r r;; , .. a ..1.1,Nr! e (Ito. N. nAtr , Atrown It to ftil ip.tre, , reli.r. In 1 6 i , par ...T et1 and 1 , a ' l3 by ...!...• R. K SliI.1.13:?, I.: Wood rt, _ , tIrIiI.WIFS SPECIFIC--A fresh raptly '. iY ' r.e.l 3114 for eAI. b, J. KIDD & . . ., . li ` e LiECT IC PBX PA RATIONS--A. full as= \ Ilt:4 ga.rtAtrett, for rale by 1 . J. 19 , pb'h n)._ L , T.:viten-2409 Ibit.,Foxc's Ohio, in 50 lb. 1.7 del isatkave, for ale by J. KIDD A co., , (A ft ond gt. s QIUGAR.--I0 blob, pr i l iic N. 0.. for the by f. - 1 dot . J AMPS A. HUTeIIISON a ANL , XI GLASSES—?O bblo. Ni. 0., for sale:by doi JAIIES A. lIKVIII2iIIi & C. 1., uz _ \ : \ RAR_ le Re Book-Keeper Waited. WHOLESALE HOUSE, or‘rWood street, will want. .m the 7. or Jon.",no experiment, ' -Keeper., To one welt n 121016.141 till lb...lotion, a Itheral eaLorp will be.llo.ed. Add .... with real Bona," at this °like. All communicaeion. , ,ill bold cl,td\ntlal. . rIIHE PIANO WITHOUT A MER— AST Von:Jilting the F.letnente of Mamie, lea conklplete in ..enctlent, the the Piano Forte. to which le sd.lat Wrlan,er collection itr flftypleor of popular Marti, MUMPS/11. of to ,nee, Handles. Wolin, Polka% Dance, kr- By Edward L.' %bite. Palen, Wet,. For saints, den t J. 11 . MELLOR. 51 {Soul 11EAreqANT ' ON FLANNELS—We ba'se i.fo!ri!X t make. Pillow Ca 311,41itt0, de. MUDPIII k BURCHFIELD, deb NOrtheaso cornerof Fourib and Market ea QOYS' {I/EA.—it - UE/ - 0Y ,V -41711CRIFIELD have Jn.t ree'd in awn...nerd of the above kmd.,cf micro. fr#-A Mrwt van., of New Hood, reed during the lost few dare:loaklnak rtneent antorunliy full. Borers .111 Pleat Sell w‘tK tte. INSEED Idris\ for sale by LA 1/11)1115.0VIITL, YORK—s Hoge illnerPo'd rifltt f'or sale by J. 6 KUIII9nN. LITTLE & Libertr et fiARED• PEACIIES—JS bu. for sale by den IV M.3I,IIcCLIIIIO k CO, 111 A !AY BUTTElt—Fresh, and handsome " W r i n "'- WM. A. atruLUßli A CO., den Oro,. am! Tel alert. 1. - - ILIA INTI.-'2.S .1)10. Fire and Water roof, L l ISAIAH DICKEY d CO., den Water and Front BUCKETS -75 de;a, Patent, for sale by \ den \ IPA DI lAll CKEY Cll. \ TIOTASII—S\vaskm for side toy IL den , ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. \ OLL BRIMS' ONE \ — I:2 bbla. for saLe by Kit, List, ISAIAH DICKEY *CO. 1A , HD OlL—`2o bLs. Winter, for sale by A den . RIDI4 CO. Wrmd MORRIS' TEA g'WRE,\ IN TILE • 444 Conking Rabdea....s tAlond C \ nTranta....- X e. her linnet naklna...-12Ne.1N., Malaga Tina ..--1234e. Nee Drunee —...• r/lin• Candled Citrun, Oran.. and lemon renl.)'restt tiround P1 , D441 of all kludC Kaeeilenl Teat; CAe.,*cul Crime Ri0 1A.ff.....10e. II D. \ dry OPTS. TURPENTINE—Ii prime Ftdridan oral, for pale by deo J. KIDD CU. ID nod id. FRENCH OeflßE—Superibr, for ale by