The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 11, 1851, Image 4

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    !Dix Manz lannonLaw.—if the proof of the
.padding is the eating, it may be said of thepres.
pentlaw for the suppression of the Liquin: Teethe
in Maine, that it eats well. As to subseynent
digestion, there can be no difficulty there. All
gime that if the traffic in intoicating- drinks can
be Suppressed, so that there shall be no temp.
...titian or opportunity for drunkenness, the effect s
• cannot but be good. The only doubt about nn y
law for stab purpose is, whether an attempt to
•• execute It being nnsuccessfol, might not do
more harm than good. Our opinion of our own
.•. liquor laws has always been that they were worse
than unless for this reason, that they could not
be executed, and the attempt to execute them
damaged the moral influence of temperance
"Mien. We hare advocated in their stead a law
Placing the whole pecuniary harden which rotors
'AO the public from the use of into:leant:lg
• •_ as a tax on the shoulders of those who derive a
profit from it. , Such a law, we believe. would I
be, practical am! effectual, Cut Maine Ins gone
a step beyond-thrtt, yet we believe boo not over
stepped the boundary of justice in legislation.
The manufacture of alcoholic drinks with a view
to profit by the sale us n luxury or common be-
verage, is as clear a crime as almost any which
eon be named on thepeual catalogue. it is tak
ing adWantage for a selfish end of the weakness
of others to do them a berm. No man can atand
up and: justify himself in cluing it, before the
court of his own c.macieuCe. It may be jmititie d
by the tattle sort of tizgument4 by which alive
.': trading and brothel-keeping may be justitled.
people cannot be poisoned for their own phrii.
and moral benefit you cannot righteou sly 1
. - .poison them for yourc, even though they do to t
sent tett' :-Ilefice the community or the govern-
~.. 1 . , -M , .. "o l. ...;,7l.l2iiiticiraTies no private right when it refuses to
eof intoxicating liquors, and re VP
to ionaider or protect such Rivers as property.
law is right in its motives, and we
tappy to believe that it is practical and
efficient in rte mesas.—[Cotton Commonwealth.
, -
Hl' EP Tilt HEART Atare.—'These words of
Beipard Barton are good. Often good and wise
men in other things have rendered their old ag.•
'obeeriees nod unlorelely from a want of attell
' .tion to them.
"The longer I live, the more expedient I find
it to endeavor more and more to extend my sym
pathies" and elle:time. The natural tendency
of adrancing years le to narrow and contract
these feeling, Ido not mean to form a new
and sworn friendship every day, to . ncrease my.
.eircle of intimates: these are very different af
fairs. ' But I find it conduces to mental health
and happiness, to find out all I can which is
amiable and loveable in those I come in contact
'with, and to make the most alit' It may NI
very far short of what I was once wont to dream
sr; At may not supply the place of what I hove
known, felt and tasted; hot it is better than no
thing. It seems to keep the feelings nod afire
lions in exercise; it keeps the heart alive to its
humanity; and till we shall be all spiritual, this
is alike our duty and our interest. —Bernard
MORAXITY or CINCINNATI.—The morals of Cin
. cinnati Aro becoming deplorable; scarcely a Cin
clatusti piper is received which does not recur'
mime outrage.
If is filled with Coffee Houses, Gambling
Roe= and other numerics of vice. The follow,ug
report of some of these is recent end official.
• Coffee Houses 801
Hondo 10
Hems 10
'Card Rooms 433
-Billiard Tables 30
Faro 9
' . atipttelle 72
There are in the above dietricts 24 ten-pin
'alleys and 10 pleasure gardens where liquors
• are. etltl, and gaming to a great extent carved
- Op, •
TUE SUBSCRIBER. hoe just reooirod
must admirable and a rt en•lre let of Ptame of 6
- 7 °ctn... from the relebrated fecwry af e. 0. hun.
C. den.--
• Ci fteewond l'isnoe;7o net-. gothic tablet. •
8 do do f:. act .
' 2 do do net. dn.
Alen, one of "DU 11AM . 3 fem.. 7 e-t. CoNC/11:T
PLlNA.lB.eptiel to • ...and Pomo In penes and %nit.... .0
ton.. Thes e Pla2l. ate a new and improved an,.
a s p led- ver,' large felt :ea- ervd hanamer. end tido% adoehue
. all the advents.* • a •rand Plana. The paid, aua
'prof:velar, ern rove/ thall ' ,l . In% Itel In ran and .C. 11.00
this elegant inetrorn t he mate of ir eSillbilni
smith At Nix at. of Csucintaati. at the 31.,lianse ,
, Bale. and pronoun the finest Piano .-v, I.tuashl
- that city —.verge, d fur power •nd ear...meta a: Lad..
.• and elaotiairg. of tout . 11 Kl.hillln.
No. 11,1 Th et, 'non at the CaLlen Ilan
if. B.—New arreo tern. rutered Intn wait Me. Dun
bar., formerly te .111 bis
lower than i lb. vusbliag purrnakaaa In ha,
chelager here. than at the net. Call and ezeinuta re
OAP-100 b a. Cia., for solo by
WICK 6 )IcCANDLE.S . !...
AAIACKERE 200 bble. o. ::; •
ItW Lid.. No
ar. LIB." sslie 1.1
drl %VICK t MrCANI•LErr.
0 L 41) W. I
118 BARB
Ly for solo by
Great Sale of L. ag Stawls at low prices
•A. MASON .• CO. will open oh l'ueeilay
• =ruin,. bare • bei-21, at their lame. Shsuiti...
uona—la ca1...9 of 1.13011:itut•I.I. •111.-11. th-.,r
prowleOA ortuek will make II erta•Mlif :1.41 Azi.
• I . ern h•ld In this ear.
VORAL VARISII—in bblA aud Lull LLI
brlt — thc,VP'w6 .'"":lltetivg,tl7l,ll:',7.
'COFFEE-314 ba Rio, fur sale by
xi der :HEY. MATTHEW:4 CO
. .
va _ .
WTALL — PAPE It—A full and varied ue
eartaterit,just r.e . 41 from tho Eagan& Manubtru,
Nee. and tor role nAZ:
t.ortutlfal and rich brrr.forAileby
I'AL 11E11..
alwortmoutltwt recrlYwl and far sale by
a 02 7 THOS. PaL.11.61:.
a:4 —Wax. L !I<Clnrx * Co.. Isecw•put r0.....1ywj • 4... s
Iti theaU of the 4wi10bra144.14444444.4.44 4 it," l'ouva 11 5•+44
Aey which is uniservally
, aelyrkowlell,l In thy yaw. to
littie about Of any tblow haport.4l Into till. country .
Yrtc44lll.oo Dar . lb. -Cttoleo Ouinng Tya :Alma ...444, oh.
Liberty Wiroot- 4444425
TALLOW -4 bble. Beef;
It - and 11 te, Wallow tar ml•ny
mai 8.l
' UGAR--10 Mids. N. 0., for Milo by
rietS 0. A W. 11AP.BAC011
1 • A xi. c lor
RTIST'S CANVAS-23u ydepa red,
&awned, for sal. by .1. KID!
I\4ADDER-1800 lbo. 6no Umbro, for Flak
.13rj• tor J. KIDD 3 CO, Co W.l.t
SUrr-4Q° itu. — Qarrare Soot~L . for Hole
".'..A^AgENIC-1.000 lbs. for nab: by
J. KIDD • C 0..-) Wood
SAL AMMONIAC-12.50 lbs. for sate by
J. KIDD • 01., a Rond PC
* IRISH MOS-3 bbla. Fresh and White
:Ix= J. KIDD CO_ LO Wool 2
CLOVER. h TIMOTIIY SEED, for sale by
.1. t IL FLOYD.
GALV-20 bblo. Lovering'', Crumbed for
, 10 sale by 843 B. P. goruiver..
:B.ROOMS-100 doz. Dry Corn, for sale by
, 8. P. Slf
• 1" 41
' '. Wa s g E reill i nd } taZrtg-ctg;ZYn':VZoft. P .
, nraon hand..the gsenolne Unehainkable
. 0•17
LACKWOOD, for November;
ijk:.• Art Journal, for November;
3 =7 Chealie , lll . o . ( W. • now work by Donglse
- Baiodrod at IltAllY.W.Llterary Depot. 74 ntrd er.t.
. . .
Impila ead Markat Km/to, having rvvv•ntly
• • gankimaddstiOnz to Uttar avvortvavnt of NEIV FALL
' AND WA N TA 4 LORY 1 4 0 04 vlvi Vrvgared to utter fo thole
'l s ztladLaS u rersata buyers generally, exteicttiv:
1110 COFFEE-100 bugu rime Green; —
'" . " . Hiois - °A4" I eJ. b
F RESH' TEAS-35 bf. clients Y. 11.;
.54) pls.!). P. awl Imperial: -
II) hf. cbertA MALL , fur
BROOMS -50 dog. for sale by •
nia3 J. D. CANFIELD'.
IANO COVERS-1 doz. Vulcanized In
--4161(111:4w Phnom, ju.t reed froto.LlcAton. anJ to
ac tits Mad. Drpot, no Slane. .t.
II . J. Z. ii.rtuLoPe.
eitsko prime, for sale by
• .1, KIDD A Cu
,i... ,-, . - 111(P.OLL...LBUTTER-1,5 . bbls. Plain Grove,
,-% . ,, , ,...!......4 ., p,4 : , ,,,-...-.,,i,.2.4,, 1 1 5 nu, id t. , . J. kIL FLOYD,
' Round Chttenb.Daddidm
. ..: - .....A4p.,..4%; - :; ,,, 5-,..: - ."
' 4° ''''' , ' `'....—__....._.__.......___. . .2_
F:..t4 ,- Y-: , :- -,,,;i. , .1v . i: ..10 boxe. it....] I 4: Fiabiasort . tit's Luyv
''',.',..,..;-:•:,,,,-;.:':`.3':::ir.l4jm li* l t•. "..- J _T=f) ''''''' - J..: 2 it.f10l D.
4 111111001113-400 dos. Poland, for sale by
4 :"
I.P. !1Y0.6 .'- >-, - J. aIL FLOYIL
ltit tktd
CC rolirats., L. :red fhb, =brain: by Adam:
Lt:ge 101 or (00W and Saelob,10 for LA-
Lmtut. An etrlyrull will ..rare a rboleo ber.
.., ..-
N-I,LitlY tad luogA atoet of Tritnuftat, ,
' stylk , 4 (013
. • _
gala. •
01L-20 bbls. for salr by
J. MOD .k CO.
ALP volf•
FUNOOREEK • iliailffEgl
• -•-•-• ODEL ARCIIITATT, No. 5 for Nov'r;
/Ilorttenitolst. far KoprontW
Ital..] !twain!, Itilf?orwhat.-
iteaeltN and tar We at UM.. XS' Mew"' Devot.
.trea.wp:ants th e hat Wk.. ota2 • •
t9 i ! r t u f;or sta3.
SODA-20 kegs Kept ` Crud
uo= J. ECIIOONNIAIi.EI: .1 co.
rues Triratat
*amo ...eba)
cmes tar rah. Ikr
J. SCIIOUS.Matie:II t 141.
pas.l elme<nt.ritly outri.
Bread. Irben goul Cour in uowil. A full dlm-Llon 60.
rompanlen !ea packs., For ale by
• .
VOFFEE--600 bags Rio, for sale by
BANK. OIL-27 bbls. fur sale by,
. . _
ForIN Itbth.. N. 0. Boa.: ZU bbla.N. 0. M1A11.114.4
ealt. by JAMKS DA LZELL.
„voItITISII LUSTRE—?eaves for sale by
00 1 11. R. tIELLKI(.B, 57 Wood at
UST reed at No. 256 Liberty street—
% tau. Fr.!, 114mor,
luPreserved Dry Gina,.
1 01.11. 0 .12;:r d d ,,, JM11,4: t o r In fancy Polo, by
I tx.a Praola Citron: . .
2 "" Lromon and Oran, Ml, eandlad:
I ~" 000sabrrirle.0
Ch,ri., Plums, Ao ;
l " Spiced Lobs.,
100 Fre.6 Nuts
All ebu1,,,,1,u,14, and for coin at Iwo rob, by
WM. A. iIeCLUItO a CO.,
nor, Ornotav and To. 18k.alvro.
fo, dom. Clocketv dox. Tula, for ital. 1.,
of JAKEFI DAIZZLL. fe U.. , •,
IQUORICE RooT-2.000 ihR. airt frtnill:
for .13 hr .3 KINN Co. &
Ft. Itcsatml.o Ns. 3103 Js' n..e4 13.rve lot of .ure.
rtosP MO+ 11130ket.. , lorry
Al3o. 44 white home mad. FLANNEL., North.. cor
ner of Fourth Sod 11355.3 etc Sol
eREAm TARTAit-12 bbls. pow'd, war
°4`2* We r A (IN ESTOCa t CO.
(ALAI) OIL-50 baskeui for mile by
ILVER SAND—IS bbls. for sole by
VEX. RED-40 LLh. bright Eng.. for sale
4P.NNA-1000 prime Aloxandrin, for
ot•lx by H. S. FA lINDTOCg A CO.
InNROAR-511 bbls. for sale by
• ne _ AM UM. P. 81.1111 f EH.
IvAN I LEABEANS-20 lbs. fresh, for Bale
_ .
1011)11101011) hnre l ot er...eet • ...Pr..." 0
!ink, 1111.,..4 /ram, •od tbcioox Ylstoole. or3O
4.4 rx .„3, it a Fll.l4/REf o l r
toortli sad ilsrktot
lbs. Ala:. and In., for salo by
UTTER—Fresh Roll, br boxes, rood daily
11 1re...:1 j J. n. CAN FIELD.
fiIIEESE--500 boxes recd and for sale by
0e33 J. V. CANFIELD.
FISII-10 bbla. Lake Trout;
OIL-10 bbls. isnralid'ebrand,
AMAHOGANY t; octave, modern made
rl/110, tol s-n g bes.n .A .s 1 .bouta.m. for ....1..
lAt • hontlts+J mad tAs-n1y.151, do/lArs.
by A: ;, .....: ,0 , :g e o ,;:sca m at , ltuueorontl Ptano.,is arts.. to blrA
A lA., .1,..0 .1 no. NAnes on band And fr.r sale
, 1 ftc . n c : :2 s .s :lA+ to 0501.
. JtJllll II blELlutt.
S` ood ntreet
! F HESII TEAS--LO hf. Arida Y. Hygon;
~, _
trot., I.:f k .'rl . l'A't..: ruT d llfst mark m ir•Z 'Li
J a 11. A . 1.4•1f D.
___.. .
I EATILEII-i-1.50 sides N. Y., by
14 lign. J. e 11. FLIT 0
. _
I jIO l' ASII-2.snaskg pore, for gale loy
I- goo,
J. e a. FLoill.
81100 ,4 115--50 dog. for gale by -
T. IVooliti A SON, C l WAter .t..._
:IL PPLES-30 hbht. reed On tor in
t 5.0,1 tar ral.. I.y 1 11001.. A soS,
u•• 11
. i It st, rt
II 014AX-1 eage for sale by
11) 14 ,, 11 Ii El :, KR A SIA/011v1.:LI.. Ito II ...+1 ,t
- -
‘- I n ' ol '''''' ''ll'i ' l - Aii' L ll ' ",i h .fl„in.m.i_ 11., n.. 1 o.
11. 4 . 14.E.511 EltUlT.—:i olii.hg %ante Currant,:
'2.1 1...,- M. It. IlAiinr:
no ‘. A ; b...,.. NI. 1,. Itakins ;
- .1 rl:".. 4 i
o•Xlek i1fi1.... - .
/*or *.sl,. hy .1 I , Vi 1t.1.171. .I'o..
n. 14
. -
. - .
IV ASH BOAILDS--.50 ilia. 111,104,0' Pai
r r ot Zlor, I,r ~‘lt. 1.,
"^ l4 • .1 I/ WII.I I,IIIS .1 1,1
B LACK I NO —1 I ii .iiir. , Al , ll , .. , ?:.l . L: i liiilMilge,
‘''" ‘'__' ' _.
L i t
('l' Atill —lll Conks or 1111 e be
Il oil .! It W 11,1.1.1,1.4 &CO
IA fIN l'E 11 OLO V KS--N oa i n ~,,,,,, a oom .
V V h et......0rt0,0t.......pr0... ,r..ty 4Ars•ty, trout i
1.24 r. ta. $,, twr 1. ,,, • ; A. A 31A2,10N A CO,
st hire '..7:7 will ';.i?l`i'li"="l.l tt ,g'ro.. l l' . l . ' i l i,"i g
. t gli ` ge ' 'ill'iZ rrams
0 , 4 11 A. A. AIASoN A CO.
. . __-
I:4 0121,rr. C 001.., Int,:
S: Pea
IS llklln g Car, AIL:. shsvrec
2.palr aot., .
4, '
eh L _
Ang 1, 41C1.V5:
314 ..
24 Ilrollo g Jerket,
With a complsie ..sgarttneut of dlnere nt stylel of lists and
Ca ^l.OOll. J. A U.1'1111.41111.
l ol.: No 110 !olArirt At.
for gale iv
n (7,1-61) 1 14 1 4 11. A. VAIINEATOCE. A Co.
OIL -10 bldg. Winter Lard .oil, binding
Rol I, sulr 1., O. I:LA(1E111114N A Ct'
CHEESE -500 prime Shipping;
201 Crr...n,
nn73aou Gnomon; ree'd aad for sale b
J. 11. CoNFII4I.II.
A PPLES-70 billy. for Nato by
nom J . It. eroorem.D.
In Ile, ue., 3,e out, Perolor aolor, .loch I\ 21 ,
(01.1 La 3, Lo too, dorablo than loather. and to troop lila foot
dry mat rota fortablo. For emla (with chwtonor for paint,:
on) at IN Market at !twig 1 .1. li. PIIILLII I I. I .
140 SIN .1". TAR-50 bolo. N. C. Mr;
no No. 2 ne , ,io,
'N'o by (wag! .10113. KArr a Oa
I 4
EATIIER-200 rid,. New York:
5 lot calt Akin, lor aa1.a1..1.,
nolS wArr v3r.
B t t ' , C IV T —II L1111,1,e,.31:1113.3r,5a1e
UN COVERS-2 doz. India Rubber GUM
Corr,. o• 1.11 [lto .111fOront louoths, r.., , •.1 ..a
for oil* of No. 116 Nlorlget moot.
LHO Pro,rve.r. Jurkotn. rf nl l th- , tlmla
mauut,trtreq. for onlrat tho ltu ht., Depot. 116 ,I.rtnt
ALERATUS-15 bbls. for sale by
k ~Alo P 011111 k ER.
d iIDER YIN Ale. for sale br
ICK ORY N U TS.IIO bbls 4, 11; , r stir bo
WINDOW GLA SS-20 0 boy 8110 and 10
../e slimy rd:.
15 MA, Io sulphur.
1U lad.
/.. lo iilu•
~ to,, 1.. Leal.
uk* 621 2..
nvioh Lain. 100
J AMES VF P I, Irr tiff),
Cold Weather has Come.
i)ON7 FORGET I'IIESTF.R.• Emporium
... 11. t, CLOTH I S 4. Wr,
new ,
tutr . v r l
I.,na boy salt. by
ICI: a 31,C.1 N 1,1. E.,.
RJ•nllt on tonml 50..11.r 1.1.•
11.,Oirrr. 11E1110', ,
rruni At. nem, Matt..
I.7ll:l{ — '2+ , + , 114 , le6 1.1 . 111te non.
.jllst recd
11..0 fbr Asir br .1 II 1 . 1 N I'll.lm
I )EARLA — SII-101..r. No. 1 (tor rob I.y
■ .A 3 • J 11 t t
‘ .- 011A ASII.-- We are pre Fared c. , ritraet
y •ah 11ftztns.etn,r• and tho brl. g/ottr,ll'.
ror tlnr.op •.c.ter, lb.
tntsr[ot,tat 11,1 a .1,1.,1141 to
tn.. _ 111114.1 a i
13 VCR W I.IEAT PLOllfi--1(X) bags hulled.
In •tnn 1.0.11..r...1.. I.r •
ni 11, 11.111. 11 tratxtron
L i II EESE•-7 I..zeg Creain;
.• rata.
I A--
11 /4,1141 Put',
(, II A 11 . I.,ti ! SII AIV :- - N.• •11;11 - ; Xlg at
A A MAS.I!. A C.O dt,-.11 Bar tAte Loug
of nt .nn ,rm.ctt
:It, 31LANIZETS!LN:m. on hand over NLO I'm
1 p AmvntrArt. hlult. ...1 In .eh, ~b 54. 1t 5 4. 114. •.!
- ttilLlra ao.I 111.1 T wit. ..lattotblttbutll.l AL.,.
twwlete ......u..ut Gl tall, a.; Cr.. 11. Ill:tatty.
rtr.b A. A. 114,5,. I. CO.
u: and 64 Mark, Al
I Altll OIL-15 Md.. Nn. I. (Wlnter,) for
II 4 ... br J. bellttoN NIA KY b A t..,
i t Rituw nudt—SUS) ilt,tt. AM.. for ttnie 191 1
l l
not J. KILT A OW
if , ft F:AM TARTAtt--'2llOl/ 111, tor male by
I_l ..i J. KILL A CO, Ch u.. I.t
eJlif , lAA:Ed oiL—iittskton, Clark .b C.L'ot
germ., In bulk or by lb. dobwt Sr Amos. kw. .. by
nel .1 Kisq , a 01.
1.0 ATM:. wrnr.fL tialitriroig anal War !liar. In rrli,
Um hair when it bu Ili*, apt!
. .
crow In., r•-..A ana for rale by the ,loin or Anal.. bat.
stn., roraer er auth..
LEAD-9(M lbs. Who-. for bale by
L - pot J. 011111 L
evoßeeco-100 kcto, Sherwood's S'o and
/ry 00
I. 11_ , T r T . E. , :1 , t— , 100021/s. pril l 7 .ll l/ . ..t . ir/P T . asked,
_ . "./
OLASSES--20 hbl/3. S. 11.
IT Syrup, for
J h. by JOHN warr a co
Al L c . .., t . ( 41 K a worming It/ °atolls of Wart rqtk
Lsna. of al! and •151.0 a. 0011
iil. l lGO--.5 eeroons bent S. E.. 2 blots Mad.
dr, for watt. by oell J. a 11. 015,101/.
..? , 1
(7E-10 tca fresh Carolina Eke tilt nale
by r..-Z2 J. a It. Pl.Olll.
OSIEHY—A- A. I'llAsoN S Co. have you'd
I.(Kr do, Cathmere, 1..4102111 WOOL Atparm.SlllE, and
thoitry. mprising tit , most exh.n.tivo &tuck ths,
bays aarr eal.lbihad , which ry .111 all at mach tem,
than lasuaL - 0 , 21
1 0PFEE-78 bags prime Rio, .diving and
1../ fur sal. by JOHN . WATT a 15/.
for naLr'br
More Hew Goode
LAMES A. MoK.NIGIIT, N 0.6 2Fourth st,
kw received his asernod sumo!, of Fall .td Winter
a the majority of which having been purchased at
the lance startler, sale. in the eastern mite, during the
peat twLsieeke, be is enabled to arpose of them . at great.
Li reflood price.. Ile would partlevaar st•ROI1012 to
tirneha Lone Dhaw ln, V.ry cheap; Plain Cashmere
Scluans Shawl., flay Stater, at manufaetaer's
pricer, French Merinos and Castanet... Fan
cy Field Dress Silks, very clearable,
Chad, Clanking', . oeZ
11A.MAGED nOODS I—A. A. MAsos Co.
Ifonday. NE.v,mtws . .!.Ith. 11.
dasp...,l by stater. .mnriein,, CeP.+ rue, Flapnels, alushn, Cheek.. t, we ell of
•blvii m ill IW said at nearly wee hair the ...I
FRPHY & BURCHFIELD inform their
IT cost/worn and Mayers ornurntly that the) base
ow otwu the r nb•Csdni lals%4snir Si Clor,do the fall
trade. int.l ask ion-robin to their unusually lull arwr,
Iw I-41/1 En• nth, in Cr..! •ariwti nth l.airws. l'ansiror Coburg, Prinish Marino, Muslin de
IIAII 1-fi. Long rick ciiinsce —New stela Bructie,
hands/ inei l'soihnirrs do, Wrwii do. Plan , afi t .1 sir
blv. and Thilwt, ss
!bell plaid bladl and balf mon:mini:dr
aisle Nreli
11, harr alari n further of
Shirting '4 And Iri.h, and Staid, lioods
rrally. and all will In wid nt low sinews her ninth.,
esoiotry 31«rLr are invited to call our wbolrral,
ns.uo. uo stairs, whrn. bonds 114 , sold how' 0,1 1
-•• • -
7 al A A. filin AIN A CO.'S. Markrt st
. .
g 2 LOVES AN D II OSIERY— A. A. 31.ksoN
Or bass no. nn hand Indle , Cash
inera,Milk, Flrs.rnl.• Rid. awl other illorrs A 1 , , ,. s'7,/
tiv,rl,4ll 11,. Birder., nit:lima:nu noire than ISM ilortio.
l _
k/tKSS litiODS—Opehing daily at .1.. A.
NlAtliisi CO'S. es stile brrfi'
ats. ronsbtilifi of Silks. Clubmen, Dr Lail,. Merinos.
Pa as. igaseriss. s,. iwa
ILKS " SILKS!—Now opening at A. A.
I 7 MAfitili
GO vieres of very fasitininabla Plaid nubs a 10w as
indica; alni.
Id • eres nob ilia, do: also,
lo do alerant Brounde An. cw:
II rabibit this morning al (annuli of rise bon.
net rilibous. or:
hy ji n n nlbl ha, ir
7,n-is - I fri , sh sword, of die
Asirs r
di-si rood ine onl
L_ Burchfield hare rrerired full assortnnint ahoy,
inaids—suins In. as Ilidr fair I"ni--and alai, MOWN .11 •••/-
super Mohair Altai -was. al 11,00. r lard
Iturehfirbl liase r,. IIM rin assortsneutod law skin
screy and fan, nib Ts, which they Sr.' orilin : ‘
low—also sun, hart Urisinirres sent ritilbs, and a sari
w.ll uf styles wslwrially aslaptisl for boys . wear._ iwii
II NIA !bib A ‘U..111 otwn within the not
upwards ol sit /lanai,' nael. end piwiltarws of Forrign
and Bonin., lay linsis, to which the attention of
wale anUjr tall purrhasers is in wits.d.
A. 11.,40. A 1..,0 will open thA LI, rtl.rg. of
r &bor. wx.
rt,i; .' c ' ..rri t 7"
, AsitmEttEs: ,e MOOS. DE LAIN;E:q
-I,_, A A ASoN •rels,l :IS
Lent rts le. Otehrnere• CO
an 1 In. ift11.4.• n
“.11 rf
' .tantli rt.teloitur tot %V 31eC1.175Titelf
C•rpet Womb.... N0..5 55turth atrett, to • It eh we
Stethe atteutteo t tower to
tuthoat.A. a. Ire wt. eel' than ever belttre tit t Itt •
1~ .
I OU v
I He lion, rennnurnd kn,d,..ryT
Enquire of JNlinIN If Any: A
:fa II co.! in
ELV El' PILE CA [WEI'S-- W. Illceu,
C In A nRdP E T!, d nn•dantlf rndfrine ld WI
arur and onwont .tylvo. 1.. vldef.
JI purvidonrA. .IntArnilyntn
lowerNhan Atrf hnibro Alrenni thi• marlin% xi [te
nhl eliablfiddd I:nrret Warnhouno. No e 5 Fourth st.
4 , ,,Vitt,,1,A.,. ?... .ti ( ,(3 K L0'f i l I .4. ,. TRI n3l IN ( i. , .--
tositufarrurent to hitt lan: stonli ol tril ' e n t:f.tWat . :7::
Oil Cloth, anti Tpturninwa a ilieli we toil rall at nth, att
Wt.,. It W. Cartatt Warehoura, 1 4 t onittil al. ta - ,
i. now notuttnatly ratotiainif hit Ittil Aorta id. ptato,
~, altd nittotourt IhtillAlN CARP 1,. ot toot anti rt.,
style+. at vttrit ratturriltrirra n ale!. an n rite ion at
teurion of thora.wOhin4 to lurniali rt,azoinWint i I ion..
01, alf at th• Lan , . It aratit if itan ,i, l , :it i t . !: , t , t4a , r ‘ th •1
RtSSI:Lii CA iZri , fft—iv. m,c.,,,,,,K
ham to ittora atoi for rain rich anti nna rion hitt at
.t, c.tra.k:TF. h, .l ~,,,,,.. iiin totnttiittn ol pa,
chafers,u kin la d. trona,. tr rail itortt tits erer tat,.
in thin triartat. Cali at thn old nataltintho nl
t'arrnt Is arn
hon. , . la. cI rourth r:
rilA PESTI?. t ILPETS--New and rn ,•b
.t 7 11‘...,&, 4'r
nrennionn N. P.:. lintrtin One., n 1 Ini JA,LI rmG..
0n,....,htng nureh.." t . c'•
Nn.C1.1,,n n
riiGE SUBSCRIBER having no. receivii
lin] non, inv.. it' FALL AN WINTRIL
nouln rvininritoll7 intrirni euniinivrii nui/t/in
disijn rininnrinl Anii:ine of iii• Onniln
..nit int,. ' b' e' ar nt inn int.,.
11. 14 / 1 1, 14.0.4/ 411 i.
otni, 41 Fan,,. in ,Art ,
I+ , 4 Chnini -iikn nixing ntiA drninins,
i'ii:;;111.4 . ;:,i1., .11 cams
1 , 4,1
I tr..terh /
iren^t3 •od,h auj Etatlal. f. l
114.1'24 •5J ilarvx3.,
^-4 .u 1.113.1 T.LI•
✓ 4313.4 A.r, 4.,1 1
Ilorl•Gart. (P.m .Tot (snot, Tt...1(...M.
. • .
ilteh Prlnlcd ALIA Tatir
Slar , rt o
11... %lull., Freud, Foratture.fhtnity. C,n
urta•tml de.
...I •
41,, Cantu..
111,, My.tuur I.u•ltnr.
rifle 11. th Thtl.l
1 , 1..1. than,:
frpucl, mr.l .11n1.
Vcti., oi.r...ud Curt,
411 ut to , 11•••4.1.1velil ....I.tatSidl•mi ../
ms.Crlatap ,o•Nly
m,kl3 I J MeiLNI.IIIII
r 1; 4, 1
. 1 N gr
~e , : s : vt, V arle, t y
nean araal , •• aanart... trant. 11.• P., a
111.11P11 t1111( 7 11Y1EL1 1 . •
North Vaal nnin 4. , 41/.
Itun - 1..1.11.•a• nunlval •• clan... .....atruan,
war,. uunia a.l
L e.fii n.
1.11 Anu. • 4 ,0,1 a.... 111.1.
anl Lan •
e nap, •
. 1. , .41 N. .4111 - • .14 aupt
•111• Hull al 1..1,101 A A 11An.114 • 1,
A A. MASON A CO. bare on bond. and
111..• an 4.11, In rprelpt of I.Kr quanuth, 0 Nov
she* rirh trgut , -1
.0 4r wt..), 36, vivant* In pr.. .4J ....Me
ncurt tl i. maker rl
l i lLbo7 yanls .4, 5,
d sot 1 ftvartnr.just meal fru= the
toy. wet•nd the w•ren......
/I 1 . 111 LLI
lIECEIVED Tills DAY :ind now opening
tt 15,1 DIIIIY'i JAI Litoottrotrogrt..
1 logrogge Low, and IdoodolAgaggLczeira, of If. ..d
mrnt fozhomehlo patiorogo.
U, ;Avow. Mora and oggigowd Clotba, of Ug• most sur.rig r
The tanoot mod magi splendid aslant:toad of deattasia
rya( brouletgi to tbla goty
do, du.. l'4 .
so d sad Drawers.
:41 doz. One and 'avert,. Abate.
A tarp aregortologut of Cravats. atalkstohloh, A.
Whiebg.logritgar with th. eery lvas atoolt of DEADY
MADE ClArniJ ld Lagghugasble ales.
rot hand, I notenbroos of Ms lentos( sad most fantgloogebt.
tigoote,kw tottYtnou • wear. in it,.
dP og
IffPirn guutr., ell g.t what, try
rd orb, al the very tomost tr A io.. for ozolt,
Oran ta the Tititortos ho. raw, tod lb. root man
or, sad at Me ...Immo._ d .. rodsgoo igr
. gor .
New Fall Dry Goode.
A. MASON & CO., have received. and
• •t• tor- 01.111[11)(--5 narra tat. krona. 31erlsr, of
na tAI. 1 0
tar. Alrerrar nod Mohair Loatzvo. rcol.rsrtut 4 1 . 10 114,
ea, warp, fancy rrir..l,l.lparut,rou nod 244. anrlrr.
12 raer. Paraulkttar,llllrrlllol.lAr. and
log rlliaAr.l•• andtt ealltienc rra 11.r.r , 1 1 0 0,4 r. I,l '.
nod 1 -1 111rr •01 1 1 ,1 21 41. al•ore cor,tls we parr for nal. at
poem which, rr arr , r , 1411,1.01 Sr. usaimalrtsurrlr low
4COORDEONS--A Rpletttlid and varied
ett,ok of the beet brand, jug retwtrod.
17/2—A ter, droltahle felectigat. trith I. t. 4,014 I
keys, am. wttud, end of the beet mater., ran &+.e. la.
. .
eilenvire and eisolre elnek artlrtne.
l'.loU.V.4—come very 4. rm.... and of every
vety of style mad pH...
HARP 317/!N./.5—.! fine ealeett..n: slo.f..raultar nod
Coronet, Tube, Bartle, Illbonorne, Trumpet+, pod Pr.
• ery vestety Ilrouoilnetrumenta, peled...l and tried by the
aubrarileor hlrneelf. and eold at very Ina rate,.
Alpo, the neweirt and moat Inpular, lust ree.lved.
N. 11.—The oboe. lumina/neut. are wananted to hp eo.
red and porn -et la every reaped-1r Adiud faulty the tnu
u.y rill Ise returned. 11. KLI.:IIEIt, lot Thinl
eethi SION OF TUE I.ltlLl/XN 115111'.
!AIiPETS ! OARI'ETS 1-Itee'd [hilt day
by W. IiIet:LINTOCK, neve and rich bup.rbn..
ard Common I.SURAIS CARPETS. ablri, ire
unpaved to 'ell tower thui any Carnets aver before r.lier+.l
In this arket. W. cordially Invite th. attenbon of
frierels .01 thrA. velahlnu to porch.. to WT. UN a nll, a.
the Old Establipbed Owner N vehtms, No. tdi Fourth
w (1000 5.-duetree'll, per expresm,
at A. A. MASON A CO.'S, Go r-art...
n.reid and moat taphlbuable IZ., doaTabosial F..
Flower, lu w. Ora de Melton, beautiful color, 1,0 Kn.
ale abate, b doz.loirich Mlam.e, chendre
INisLEW DRESS GOODS--IVe are now re
resting Ihr'netwart fall arylesnf Draaa nodal, alteh a.
Cantonal.... Poplin, Prpilan H4lb, .I.lparna,
rarbetbo, Yrench and Thlhat Cloth. tra.r
Pima.lao• op.. I oep.l) A A. AI ANON A CIL
w/UTEjcut GOSDS--
pee,A. A. .111Aeos &
buys red Ma) tlI of
plain en plaid Jaramattn. 3lulle, berm. di plate end 11‘.1
India honk Naumalt nualiti:fe. A tempi..
avaultru.nt mut rary ChaaP. rpf
SPLENDW SILK S—A. A. Mitstnr & Co.
hare. Jun 1.4,4 • beautiful aluamtmant of very rich
['guru,' and plalo Black Me The, abovvd.airabl. gaud.
ari. urn swab 11Lx attantiou of porahAttere. Abe, v
pea ery
su p
Oro do Noun d• Chau. beautiful Chem
anon, t
—3111.1:PIlli A ItUnCIIFIELD lam ourned this
taus - ain't •• lot or Bets ft/Irina] , bud Inoarrioar, Jactnool
lidgiuga and lua.rtruar, unbhlnp Edgioa. awl luxertinv,a,
,Edgitut. sad fulerttuor, ut caw sty). .W gold
rhear. , -
- Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 MAII/L2? STREIT,
11 11. PAI.MEIt offers for salt,, at very
6.• Is* priors. • full a...0n/aunt of ntrna and 5111Itu.
V..\ ? ?..4. ' t- ' —ltorttlarn and Anteriran plain and '
Jit h• te . , Ornl.l, Coin. ti p,lllllon, Lana. 11.1., • ,t.•••
horn, du— Ac.
HAT—.I%, Voutlne, and Bore fancy sad
{dada Ilr•10, rettarna.lloollln, and l'alrn Leaf It..
tint.' Lturhoru, nnw. Otratr. Chip, Mtn, Lace, and Ila Jr.
Allende' Ulnae', dna or Lind. and other forms, in Meat Tart.
tar of &l a p. and material.
RIBBONS—Itch hnnort and Mut, plalnfrhu h ..d
•nd colon; fanny Oman. and Crap. Cap,
.f.tiCES-1•1•In and naured white and nolnred Milk and
Ontton Nett,
- :film iVFIILVNL'l . (lB—ilorda. Tomei*. humor, nrella
PrlMoka Ao., An. .
FLO iUß..4.—Vrench end American Sprig., bunches end
•a7l/1rkir..511,177,11111Tray5—ca,..... 'O., no Heplea tiro. d. Mina llamas. AAA other etyliva snorted ,
nuallill. urn colon.
SoLl7N.s—kmertal nigft=lore..
• ALO—lticii and kin and trabr%Band
Daps. 2ei.. id.
• 4.: • .
. ..• . .
PhiCkeTing'S r1.41:103.
JOHN IL MELLOR, „Agent for
Chirkning's rl,ne fnr Pitt.6arifb
anJ We , ..rn 1'e..7 iv. is, No. NI
'jun rnrre4 n new an.lT.rr larcv .fnet '
fry. tl , ..nanu!artor. Chickeri,
Aan, marlAing of 6, 61., 7 .41
'POE SALE —A hand
„1, ' r 7 AN•i. r.ut,tavea elp,ant mann:rat, - -
k I.3+a I,ers
hutAntd and 6ft, ‘l , le, un mon.h.
..11,..un It. rant,: f nnir Fr
ni.ll 31 , 1.1,01C.21 N'rv.i ac
New Music.
6:07s;C:8 .ngl by . !If i n CATIIAIIISE LI
kJ n• thr -I.not lophyrr
Tl~ nn
hnrn nnr• thron.r. l'ark • hnlin
tits. itls t nt:N.: Nl Jr,: NV IJN 0. IT III,CCIONCI:11V:
An!.ai rhu,llhr irewrnn lend
I:MA. G.". , Futtre Ithh, Zorn.
Bonn: In. , h.. , I Krn fnrn tho
Thr e/rnhnr,.. re.0..1 tsa 1 11,
.rr. ne
Th. kn.quak.nti n
Stahla•bnrn hr.
Il.weltur3. -eu
, .-- ..,—...
t .,
err ..e.,11 wr.• ,trte,
li'l.e ik , 111J.rtier 1: , ...e• tpt
The Lel., Heart '
mreel tnsle ef the Ti.p lower. Set:
Ile math. r'e en,.
Can tne pet ctn.. , l:l,re I I elle. Ite• mee. 1
Kfte , ved .., Cr. We hi AMIN It , IF.l.bql.
it Wn..l .ice..— - o ff.. . ..
Double Reed Melodeon.
1 1 1 L E. 1.50 •
road, by Mr orlopal Ibtrhartlt k ((....dh II ui(11
m,trunt,rit onk, (oki(2
tkx(d munll ettporker en In point of •(• t,.
iekti t.(1.t.t,1 in ((••(, rm.( (k.:1 , 1 ( (.4 trxr,(4,:n, It
~ irr. , kl( lol,n(1, 1.4 PI Ilt
(kir, uno It pr , fer(thlo 1.. tot in,l titm , nt
wll(stsw ,111n,trum.tot 11,(.1.111k,r,
fully to r(.11 ((nke.zumut ( tkvl.ll.
ba.tow laken sway from (In,
I,etz onl,rok rongt , lvtllcm to (111. 1,,
11. 111. El kz,nt
c,21( Mr a, 01(1,1114111t/nk,prik. art. ,•••ii4Pl
New Bowls
TusT RECEIVE!.) :lull for ,alt. I, .1. I.
411. Arr...g
I Jr ns Cam
4 . 1 1'. and .11.1 .1, • t.bit
dr..11.11.31,111• , f 1 .1m1,14.4 vper..i0.).,1. ,
hal. nod Sltsrul. of Ow 1,1,h an 110
1 . 1111 •
1.11, ..r.l U,r Br, an 4 ,1, .. 1 . 1 1` , 11 11 . 0, .. 1
err. h. I. 11 n.r.t. P. S. .e.l #t
/ . ket.then. 1 , ,
Tl, Fir.. Thin.... ame ft}
01.4 31trr.I 14.4 r0.ra1..1 n3nt.
Svritt, 1, 1.
11, Apt.... 1 1.1t,1f Erantly
.111, 0i1.13 pray,. end 1,1,, ar..l rntrnd,r ol
Scrlp , r.. ,10 tuanll, 1,
11.1 s,l reli,r,.o
11.rk, Ib .
1 ‘ fl'.1.1.41," • 71'. ; 17 1. 1 3 ' 01 " ITInt:11 . „ ' ;
I,lc, the 11.1
t. 1,
ntni. Crawl 1.0an.1 n. hr .
robarr . 3l...ra warerka.m. I.a•
ir..ntlarval n any rurohaaral it r..tain It r <lnn da
I• in
in nrler 1.. anon! tlinsa .ur rititr.“.a win. Ear
trot ...en I him urrl walla I anorn of Au. neap I,noor. a.
nl•pertuoul t.. ran awl elemiur
Agmo 11 , r Nunn• A C1.10" . N.. 11 14 , 1 ' ..:1 41 .rt.
Nunn' Grand Pianos !
I UST lIEVEIVED, splendid
7 ttelare Itewt.conta (.11 , ItAND
frntri the rtt •Ittrt NtrnnA . ,
Nnw Verlt. Tit, mn.tnifte-nt ttettratnent
ut{ Dan, telt nn,l pate te patent D.*.
le the ,e-rite.tte , rneehneurt l e. t. • tt• tar ttr r
r e
attl et t tot vv.. Dentalt..eltteuety Deb nkl
tror..t Dvtte..l(l.••ll( Otal a, • I
r .
nt ler ,Dtt• t rt
1.14.44,1nriu,t, k •t,
Li History of Pittsburgn.
oortry. with •f t on. of
inioori•t foto. mii•l • •• re:A Of
•• - toritig !r• • ..t
1•••••ta ••••torro•••1 ••••• tiro., • t•i•ro•lLf flu.
•• out,. or tioll ••: it•• ilio ." i•••• it.
tool ...Li,: hi•tor•rtt• • Net tlio••• •••i•ot•
and t• "i•• n
1 ,, nr0...1.•1.1 1.0
',La, liar Ir b. , ..nr00t.,...,•• 1
en at- , .1 21 ~ 6......2•. ..,...s. l I.,nun. nt ..e. ts n
1 ,,,, , 41 L , thr I.
LLit I no., .... tr. t o II
'I l'br, l• t0,,,,..r. bitLentnt ...L.A.., IL. •
- •urt•l m00t.22 , 1.. r•-•• 22,........21 r,I. , te
Lb reti. r I •
New Music.
riNilr, GIPSY S SCINII.,.r My I i•lllatt !Bart, • ...' ' -•-r n ''!" . ..."' '' '' - •''' ''•• '• ''" ' '''•"'''' '''
ra,,a,th , ~,,,, ~ .1 . 1•••.- ... ''., , e''• . e ' . - .. t. 1.?,..'.,.....
1.1 . " ....1 •... L .t ......I'. "
- .. ` ..!.....1. " : ". .:•! .. .!•.: ' , ' !...7 .I. '
1114 It 2,2:2 , 11....
/....a... ...a...2 1. 2 uttent, 1,, •••.• 3,1, on .• ttafala24 • .....1 2 , 1 11 ... F.n.,1 A
it- I 4141/1,{...1 stn • ~' , 10.,, ,' Af. i ~,,, ~k,
lb , Lonnal 1 1 1.rch ...t0t.....11.1 II 1,, , ,, , 11 Iv I . •otteLL-1., nr I L.l .-r•tt ttleth, • Ll.
I h. 1..../...4. , r5tui `5,11 0 . w, • Or. • ,-utt ken' Ort th- In, on 1-/,. at,...t n ull tt•ror ,
.:11.... I /0.n.0., relent, the unnt p.p.*, Led 1•• . rene, ..1_,,, 1• • •,, T 1 i, '.' ,' ~......, Ii .. I ‘+''
Or On. C. 1.2 1, rt , gt, an t l•l • , Arti... I oent•ta, Abintr / ..r, in., ratter. at•Lut the, nr
II ht. 4.11.11/ NO Thar/ 0r..1, , st.e... • tt• t . n w • • ...erre, ..t.e......., to, I L.,. .ti
..."/ norm nt or. n.itOn 11., n....,-, • ! -,...-r. I went int• th....ta,..• Le. r.L.t,L t•
- - - - ' . ' ~... it , * L., t , 1 ' ...r - n• Loh se/ ..a...: .tiara,;
not I, Ott.
Sacred Music Books. 1.,.. "1 ~.;. "...., ~, ...... ~.,.a...p.1 •.
et..,, t -2.2 •
i. A NTIC.k I. A.E.Ws'. L. 11........, A Wel.o ' .." : l'' "*...' "`',.•••"';±:•••..1...t,t.•7.... r' " '' '''t
. t. • , ...s••••-..,1,1
_.... ..4 .1 2 1,t .. f - lt 1:1,,,ty1 - .2 2 . 2 ...., .t• • a. 1t... 2 :: .2 2 . 4 - ,....., t,
2. I‘i CA r/NIIS A t•ACII, 2 I. y . •11,2 ,r•••1,•-.1 22, tuann.r. L, 1 , /tra• •
Tilt. tr LIF HIVE,. • n•yr t. , 11,,,nn et rt....2111 . 4i , ,/ tt. I no, nt. Lan / n' Latiletntt ~ ;i r,..1,.....t tt ,
Nob., ~tanned ter tLc n... 1 Ihoths , t. , - ! J , ./IN 12 14,..3.6
',Oen, :nu - 6.ot' In-tltuO, and I.N...AAAA, .11 Ow Ittut, , La ..../.. vr.•-•12.:t.. l'-.,....... 111 , 1., it, 1 , 4,1 .
1 •••1.4, t./ 115.10. r 1 L.. -ell 0.... n • tiro -I 1/•Llt I
-"• Or, quanta, ot thr *ln tenurrlt • rec.l.a ' ter -,1./ j , •
.I,LIIN 1114e.1.1,....•1 t 0.,•,, . t 1 1, (. 11, n( (',O{rarrO/Nt
Ciari onets. t'• I•t' Iran At, 11 .211• 11...,.. I /..•, 2,,,,f, 22116 1111
.220 Oat L.,/ ..L1...),
/VII E ditlieulty id' .11.1.1 i fling a r..rreet. an/ . ti,.../,.-../..d 111,, i••• ht., r te . l .. • " •,./..t7ar.. • trel 7.
1.,.......,.4 ~;,,,....,.•
iv il.o. ~ , ,ntorr. L•Ong 1-./ J , 0511,1 by 1/t. I •22/..0...11,• Lot,. it " It II ,en• U. tottn
f •ult atul ••••••••It Pa/ by i v
mu... t,sr.••••, 11.2..0,.....t an 1..2...,..ta - rni,... “..4.•,..a. 1r.n.1 an., Le,. 1,00
f..., 1,.... 1..1 ~,,,, 1.. r 1,14. •aer,,,, • tr-Or• • , ,, , I , A. to, 4.,•‘.. :nen ~, 1...t0ng 11.- n,......1 tor - 41. IL..
on. nt,,,,, in rne.,.. ...I Ir. 4 •11 - 1/1,,I Si r.r.,a .. Lanntesa,' 1r Lep tn.bp..., •N•or., a,. •1nt..... On. In
an) et, -st.t• 1. i 1I• I, 4, es, ...V, ~• •• .1
1L• /Let etnuer....r...
n '
•ntatene. r., L..(1.
„,, ~,„„,,,, ,
t be •
tneter•, at -1-to 1... n I.lla, •.1 flAnont Iv
Tlre... in woo L., onLty 9..,Af ( . .m.rzot..‘, vol. no. I ILI a , 1t... I ta.t. o,an ea. vitt ~ tt-nowhre.e-.1 1,112
ray. '4,.,,,'. fl 6 1415 fat. 1 .1 /• •2. c.. It s a iar•-... P.../1,.... 1,2 , witt, 2 ,/ . 22.2.2, 11. •
'.l ,41,. .1 14 1 101/e• HOD. N. htl 'in,. el. ru• 1. ~.tra. or. r.,./ tolLit 11, AA
: en•l .11 thy ..,14: .Li. w,:: lurttlan Vow •, 1.1.., , •
New Music. • 1.4. •noelortnan twain v./tea/tin na , nuaten, I, tot, •••••
Oil N 11. MELLOR, 15. , .. .I V 1 ~d erred, 1,. , ..-.,,,. 1.0 ...PIA. •e• .1.,.../ pet 1,..t.J..
•1 , L. , rt. - n.. 1 (L , D./...1ua 12.2. , t fly ~,,5 2 .2 t. r t .,.,......., I, -ray •••••.....t• It weattrtantno.l b, II 'I 1.,-..1, ...A
1 / o,
• ‘ 1 L,l IL I •-.
,T ,
„......_,, r. ~..,, ~,,,, n .,„ ~., ~,, I ItLear onto, bonne., in . 411,1 44 •••• • L..1•••1-•1•1 reta,t st tlitt • • ' • -
, i-t r 'L..7, cot - r ya:• t•rtuet., , ~,,ttetertr bre , - , t,
i ~ ttci. . . Am mu :s t i - t t-- ; :i‘: , , 1 ,: !,... i. 1 . ..! ~.,, ,i ....fiy.
1..„I 5.,,,,-- , ::u,/trot Starr, ! 0,....,* 1 .
- -
A...ate/IA o, 1 Onbe r one,. rn n nn 1 I , l• ‘.l CI 10.1. A/ ...Nat.%) thtr
11,• le/. Lot, pat. %mkt'. lor otark `ten. ' ''•
K. 6 A 2 ~,...
TL•t wont,. I La , . relts...lLun Ls( , The Human Body Must Perstare, k..-
r"...-... bran. In 41et b••• '''/ •- ” n•. ''''' 4,,1/ 8,15 S N ATI . EE, t.. Lau, a be/it/IV NI - ' kti t ';
A it.ll:• ' i It !'' .l / .. new, in et ., ' end f e'' ,
I nod , 1,1 ter Om, Wenn. oten nta (Lll oirlyt ir .
1 •1. .1.,.. ..If - tt . OlLir LL kCo
Kr knot le rt...1.....i........A., ' 1.4..:., • .... At..•.... / 17 1• •,... , ..d./. ,,,, ..... /- 11,1 ro'bt/r. to. ott , •
FALL, • l'rap-r. Tl, tr.c..,...--14e....51et. re to tl.. tot, 11,0•:11, 4 4 'Otte thr•/••• New, Jre ' 1 . •/t. llk I (11.,1,,55E L 1/_,1114, ,bI,,N I 1 .. .0) 4„ . s . 11 .
.4 , 11•••• A* II all It.. e. CL•trit• - •1 /tst• ran... fr.. 2./.... 2 1./....1 . 1.1,. •
4?.. / 2 Pt •?1 . 2222.. Yr... fad./ dewing yell/I,ll=r. t Lew ne th!... nod 1.1.0. a. th• .1.,n, torn, •
$t IL. bt's /V A ''
. •,.
, , ...
billf,,it 11..., (pert Meg., n ( . I ' ll,l ' • • -1' 11 I'l/.11.1.1 ._ 2.. , 1....1•Ar 15
I.m.lortra.ll,Arli A. M 1.,. and tilt,. Nell 11 all., , N 111( ' f • t , t. ' 11, ' 11,0 1././ '-`-` 11 •/• 1 en nte , r / 1 •IrO., ( A :, I i c A ,
Lay, S•zu y 2. Bm,, 1.11. x t 22.2 . SlamaL 1 at. Fly, J. 2 1 2, i ....2 If / 2 - /a ., .- alt .../ ... la./ ••• 2 ... a. , 2 1 ,,, rt LL
/n, 12....,••••, "Vag.. "...a, .2...2.1.1., 50..1 .., • ~.. ../..... aa. ..t............1 Id a taatt/ID/2-. ••••. to ~n.l t. r ••In 1., ....11.
1,1•••• •"." ' r ,. 1. 1!.. ' , " ,; 8'. ; '. : 1 .i1 P ,, • ,'.: ~:t"Z,'P
Ls:S*lo64i; rii.OMISSORy stri Es I. ono fr2.l 0.! II 12. • l ' ,•••:,,1 • 11 •Lis , ;ie•• . : 1:.,V1 -. % ' 1 . ,t; 'CI , , , ~• I ~,,,,,,, A ~,,'
. . .
I 4 OKA ET? -1 Ora.. urn ty er Net, so/ 1,1,11.. P.,.. , 0
_.0., .
n.i..,.., 0
~.,..._„.,‘ ,
1 ON fit IN Mr . : , I A itlf -.5,,/2 2 11, warrant,'
1,.....1, .., 7 .r.i, v.!. tab. at
11' n 11111LN'r Inatlt nerrlttere •Ily t. , 11111,11/1, *LI', beln• I kn., “t, It •I: l. Lt.,. ,1 4 ~„„ „, ~r . , , , J 1 / 1 1 , 1, II ,I.
~,,,,,,. 3 ,„, ~u , , ~,,,,,i , A. IhNwe oh. are natl.. te ern..., erseltrtt., nimrpol 21,1, ..-
.. , , , . " rn!.. ' 4 ' . '" l. ' l ' 4 • `'''' ''' • I''`'''''''' •L 'l I•• n , Vl' II ITE ell ALE -LOl./11 lbs. In gt..rt als.l
IR LANK Dlititt S - -IV- z. It sveN, corner . : . 7 , ,. . , ..t L . :i 1 ‘ .1. ~..11:. t :/tf i to: . ar n ti . lettl •AL wro t , I u..• an.....
..,.. , L,
~, ~
J MOO t to
',, , ' , l f * jll,,n " lr/L " ,•, 6""j ks e ' r j r.r . T ' llon• . l ' l ' 7l . ll:ll ril'i-',h;lt'ra,;ll4;! rn•1i..'.';,,..‘j'r%.,,,L'r...,.,"1•4,',,'F•,;,,,,.,,ni1'."•:".",,:.': " I . ::7 " ,, " „, "" 1 ('1 /NI I'LET E Net of !Welt.. t :Vlach in. ry
eI t.... ,, .. J. ' u tt ..e .".., e ''',.. , , e _'“,"' e ''' '' -e • •.,..'"..." at.fe ~, 1 '. .....t, ....4 1.. r ..I .. , .A., I t.1...t .. 4..e•t•-5.Z.,,-- " ' ..4 ,it / 'tr. , hc .
111 ( / n t 'll ./r °//r/I /1 '
rrr orl• , 1,, ten, o' •• ten n' l ' . ' I ' ( ''''' - '''' 1.11, it t etty -I WM ,i/O.lhroN, rno t An•Lt ,n /N0•Lbr . ..1.. 1 It ~ , I 1., ,14 N
_lv 1.,.. ,i, I ,t ~..,•. d .
P •• • •
LAN h S FOR ArrußxEYs, AL14:12. It••••el , .'".
NU • A• 11, Jltr TlCin OF 111 E ItKACII-I nO. I ----
-. . rt I r .. !'early IV LiteT,•etb, uud l'ure Breath. to ,
u.rtg.,.. 14 , ..1, Let•laratb• ~. olratuon, .xrut Lo, , S r.. 1 - nrtand. and . I, ./.1;1 / ..
1 . 11.1,111N0T ,
Nuhron.w.., Nanueno, 11111• 41 c.c....11/1...4 t. , ..... -,,, 't••• 1 ...1 I't .. `• • • ,,, • --1,,, •••• ,, -. 05 ••' h• 1 "...1t•r. hr. 1......•: - .• TA It LE 5.111'--Stn! INzs ground r..vlt
At:err:nun /11•• trtr, lOU, Ac- AA., IL, .a. at Int/ le nrto
a thr-a , Lo•sth 1. err, on Ibul. ~/ 1.... . .... ~,, „„., ~, ~.. r n • (retell 1.1,•10.1 •.
11 Vs /I l 1 I,', ...tie, • ~. /It 1...•••••1,,not nr r.• I • -. 40.1 ..r,...t.t..t .t.L Winn ~,A 7 ' ''''. - '-" ' "
'AvArtiAr 'net krt an/ ti••••,a1/1.•. I La, • .J..-et 1. , ~, Jete, .5.121, itell, 1 . /...1e tr•II et/Le ,
!to t....ttt ••• win, 4A 1••••• • an,: te• bootn ...leraLreterty , i 1j1.‘,/,k _..5 5,,,,, 1 • ,, ~,1.. I.v
2 "t
.1 Nt•lnn t't NI 1 //1111 A a.
r... ' ,1 . 1 ACM... n et.. xao I.lltorty [L. bp/4M 1 - ''''',
1 I ECK ER ' S.II{INA-2,11h, ~.,,,. by
I u , in 1 KIN, / C.I. f i. on., ..1
- . -
I.; 11. )11)1, 'O,SES--;,l1 Ills. for Fain ll'
1:7 • r/.111 S. A IV 1/.11111/111131/
•-- - -
1,1,nt01/.IW PAM:// -. 20 0 1 1 i , NS. ,up•nor, re-
t 1/ oln•r •tente• r 1 II Lln.l•to. mutt ler trd• 1.,
J. I. .ilia.,
nrrn, of Penn and Irnat •t•
New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fonts.
01IN 11 si ll)))))1
.n... 1.1.4 1 all ••• m5..13 , ".1.,
J .11%
Vein's Chlhl In .1 ...Tn.: tlrruntran bra,
v. , ' Lap, ere I 10.Tni inn. In •Iraratre r.t chlelet
the W...., • lth lean, I knot verrl ht.( I.
[lce. rah ilranate. 0.03 lily, I art, h ,renhrlor hr
,trottert, The /happy Chau,e. Ir; Ilterer J uly Whet.,
errant , : P.,13‘.; When the Inig It tort mt. Ilatlrlterh alartne.
Ilene, en, Lave Thre, anette:
Nellr nal Lally; Iteenlng T•r•irvLl (It,rt trt.; Mane I reel ie aentrleg n 141,.
Ihe Itrethelac enlamhley t, of one.
It athltartrat; Ln Ilelle of the I Wage: \ bellhent:
ay Wnlta; Notroarrk II /OM carralte tltn Atato
tt all, Byer ly'a llolleteue. /otael. taxon.% td.
+erne', flalltouriAy , ree Itolame—telearlia. rtineula•rn. pod
:tar °Rh, Ittegpn't tluteL . r.arjr; Lhrae urerpeee
—On Kora at No. eLnnuuel irelnerrl,No.
lt r Thlttlts tientlsrel. far mei ht
Jr 11 10 NI el Waal et
EIV BOOKS I—Tho 5t , .1114.. , of ,[•110 1114,91'51e,
. Dr Loiartitan. Tratiolat,l I.° the
E•hrnr.ll,k,ntetll,l.l.• 1,,,,,rty Ns:
11.ris; by Iler. T Irtrift. 31 A.,. herlior ..1 Iyelt•lx11
11,1 a, with .0 lutruluelluu by blryl4.o 11 1,1. g.
, . . . .
2. is 1.10., mu, ,
L; 4 7`;',!,:'`,, 1 :r.".'
,u . •
• .
Latatt In the bark Phan, or Lowerlsla of Chrtallanbro
in the 51tddle A in, In. the tier:a...l.f the late Analto.
tuo neander. tau.
The $ ter of the V$ Nl•n, a Gant:Anton on the Flornod
4 . :To n tvT:B . .
Iterlend from U. bowl. nlitba,l,no, mum.
Loon.? Algebru.—Tin , Klottenln of Algrbre,
fur I,4inner, by Kling 1..mtu1.. 31 A , nf Malin
"zn .S . , t , k r4 I . elnnul E1, , 1rl Ronk of th, , 11 ,, olut,ont
m """l.l.9tflt.'s •
7 , , A poll, Dialing. 'fourth cf.
Inn BOOKS!—Travels the lhlited
rite, during 1, 19 and IMO: by the Lodi To,
nn forcer W.rtloy, I VOL MAU., 7L,
l'he Mowry of tin, Empty. J , repttn,, , , by J. O. I , e Lott
With elliKnl•ills2llr. 1 vol. Ihtno., rue.
. .
No h. for Anat..% Appleton. Abehank/ Alegazina en•l
Engineers' JournaL
Au. IL. Pictorial Field Ltook of the Itovoluthin.
Noa. 33 and 3d blettonary of Ilachanlos, lioFln. Work
and Coglnefertng.!art ree'd and for gala by
J. L. LLEALL 73 Apollo Ittilldinoe,
nepi Fourth et.rret.
k j rot 'fulmar:LLD have Just fefevlrfel a lot of ver y
Leauttlul l'flutiL made tor I.:10100o at
the Werld'v }sir, to •hleh Lim attention of the tutux le In
viv atiAfte
_ _
New Books, Just Received
F. A ST: a Problem; reprinted with corree
-Ito sod mykintons; by Ma author of Allan book*.
I~mll e rtn to o. elYstratna, Queen of Egypt: by Jamb Abbott
0110 Flab a Tate of lb. L0u,....i Unto., uto.
nem bur r ; • 1,1, by Antis It. Dowry, sutler of ”lfrlondY
and Fortune.... Pan. owl tows
Applonais MootLanky' Mogan. and EoginooneJour
nyit Yu. B.
Ilyrnoly Dictionary of Mechanics, Engine , %York and /In
' Shunting; Noe. XI sod :X.I.
.LesotattlY Pletorial hold Book of the Ilesolittion; No. if,
It. tiebtrraph • nod Bible Illetory. with
.graphic Map, by Y. 11. Illithord, of Dant Deoeyeetamber
owe: edited by Danlrl I'. filitlyr. 12016., mon.
Yoe yalo by u . L
ir•=l ft Apollo Dulblinay, Fourth at.
EHICAN STATE l'Al'EltS.-- ; Stoto
and Public DOCtitorlAS of 'the Uoitod ntateey
th. Are Mano of theorga Waahingtoo to tho Pteablott
cy, exhibiting • mot pleto view of mixt...4ga Yt no•
thst Dow Including lloondoullal Doettotente.
DILLY' liana' Munn.; onntaininty PWltlel, Dlytarlcal•
Deovraphisal, ilLatletleaL flYnnotuiraly and Lit
it r eY fr ol l t Ist=ll ktri ‘ tit=tl .`","''lo7ll,t
'Pratt of the Times from 1011.
21111114 y. irawznagi, a 'Nuke! m
Pectoral Syrup,
CONI• CIO?: in It, early honnln Cour h.
/nun. Band/h.. and tbr ran,. dlrear,a or t he
TI i I, r.rt, ofc•-rtnin and r l Trrtnnl taranl.
(tn. ; thr rhrrt mai pelmonnrr hr.a. r.•r ;110
F , VIII+4 It II; a; ertlal•lnanon of rarI;;; ar,etahl.•
/II th- Tann .4 14; rnn. In ; It
to mate It nta
M.; I; an•
a; ln.o nt,nl; In , u; to; '“the
herheinor war tr; oar.. it ...a n
r; thr
Itna ta. p.I.;;;; c.I /IL - /MAIII.. fact,t hr.
COIIII/It, 111 en itagh
11.1, th, runt rnh.o nn ;
an. ;;Lirnln vira.l n , rl,:bl :star Llntncl,
atl;;;hnon. atr.l It/ oh Ltd, r., r. In anay , rn;•mr. al.•1 , Inkr Ir. m 1,,,, c.r;
1. Fro, trhtt trrtt tnnl... in a rm.:tire,
trr tl ;ran, and , arnh unlrra otktl
•Ir.r• P.,111.1.1” well to k;;;tr .2,4 r
tn•rltrn, n , ntly rtt hat.l.. It 0;11 urn, tat: I
43./VI an t . taa ; n
rf th, tvrtn-ann; I •••;,;to; Leer brt,n4l,
ta r
tn • rr; ,;;;;I I; It• rnr ;,f the t-I ++L..l
.n. 1, in hal! ntit: !cad, al ." I.t;
.r . ht•tlr rttr
Y.I.L. 1111
I .~r .~t ,1 :::.~~ 1 - 1. . Is.,
NEysrrrs lIAIR
nr F r ia lIFIAn, :urn.. Introrntf, kin.l the rarinnot dronfon
tn n tAr ottnl
thr dial,. will, wren., ACME .RENIEDV
Wntraoll.) , l 1, 11, ‘aor.l . . a—. or Tooth A.), .1)
usol Ito)tontalo o•to.1)
I.,181:8 PURE ci)r) LirEa iql„
In .±.1,7t nv.l r
Tlrslne, /11 - ...1,
mut, {l ll lalde U•
nunl, t oN•nmptl.” rnf ,
t me I, mann.,
Ir. In
{{ 11,1 NI:, fl I.
TIII.NIAN SI I/ II /IF, 1.'41.
II I: n /.. 4.1. i 1..1 l. NI
flhn. nt Oil in., C. ,
ch.litnn.,l/, 1.,
aala I.y SEAS 6 N1 ,, 1,19..1,1.. 1 It/ 1V.m.1 .v-rt
. _ .
11 1 111ilt A L t4)1;1;11 : - .Yl(l'l'
I — ua.,l chi, ”1.47. - Irt. t 27 aral a
,t,ana.u. It la ~to. al the
4.11 a which I.aa• Eli, 1 6 ..
Ulla —a .71 at Ow ary w•.‘11,1
11, 1,, Levi.. ~ f II thrirlr•e r.. 77., 1.7
nrn..tan :hay rll
,r al,
atal t7l w., la our u
Pn% • II• 111- 11,7111. 11....,r 1l IMnti .10 ri tua.l.. w th.
w 17.. a.•1•,-1.1.
11 r..,..arT17,6.1 0.1! I.r F 51:1.1.111,..57
li'Lf)fiEN(`E ILITE---A !wall
In 1.11,
It la 11l
.l.• tt.,• prote..-1
•tlmir at.. vq.ur ..1 r""".
11.11 a C
.0 cf.,
f. lt 11,2, W.I.
AZIN's FINE :•,4)Aps_mid_
r. writ, n. A tut,
1:11ind to• .; t...,
fr...n. r111,..1 en,
term I N an./ It. ti... I ' 4 ..4
•oiln “..114 /i I 24.1 id-it,
• • • • -
_ _
r•••• •,011f vt ,, ,dr..1, m u..
Or raArabsan lerra,dv for orgv:
11. G. Farrell's
. _ .
•~( I~~t L~n
I:. _
1• %U• It , II
I, .
A Seintitifin Hair T.ntm, 14,,t..rer and Henn
d, Pott,.., tt,nto Tht—e wt. haul, v. utorl
Otut . ItAir r,,•• :t•
tallttta- —lt • - , the hu, t to•••• Mt , wl , rti
=turn Itaxlarina Intar tot: eltr• url
datairottl. tat , i maltt• grwr halt :co%
Jur retttl.rtn t , lb. 01411..0 attol ritky nottltut • •Jt
tualtrti ,rul, it It
cull W3l J.WIi.BuN . S St.., 2W Wt.,' 0,r.!
12,1,2' 2,44,
1' v.. St.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid horn MI
air 1 a.r th.....1...t,0ng .1 whit, nn., I 4••
b1. , •41tal Lrn.n. .rater. In • In• nyn,nn,
I, , n•—no rem, nn.l {I
!, 11.1 by Wll. J Chi. - tiON , 31., I.4twrty otreot. howl of ir
PUI urgh.
blunt ••ung! tuoto..n Tr. t7l-1
Lian atqa..l. wing
.n ,ning quaeuty
Loo. tow
it In perl•rilr nin..l•nt, bung rurtanl of all . I .lrt...riona
Wiuxq Lut iug.wrtm to Lb. aun • IIRIUT•I. bTallt.r. LI.
studs, Our, !Irina WIM. al Mx nun. Om. Leung
on th• nth, LWOW. It/Olt
t o l l I, 1 A121i6..T., 1.i1•r4,
loW .1 If owl, 2,5 n n 4
I T . Sabbiti'eilelebrated Soap Powder.
rASIIING without labor! Warranted
In Ink, tho Using Out of tab,. llnn•n' and nu.
lianTinnn rut U , IC—Pot Tour elothro In • aitlTlrl.nt
TuintltT of cold water to Or, Own kat Iwo lablu
iptonfuln till. l'onitu., Mril Mt u•rtn ea water
tnnl with Th. ,lotIn•alf watar hard. laid mot, ot
PIri•APT. and boil thew ,mittte.. In Ili. mean ton..
Iron, them down with, nick, Ilto not tbem In n tub and
ruillelent cvdd 'ratan Noltott thor will not 1,0
Tbrn rub tlia dirty . In othor
Iv. thou thornugh rlorlau. and that la nittErrieni. 1,,
twt• them clean.
.. •
N. 14.—There being on robin In thht "nap. It will /oar.
le rlothen tart awl no 1.1 to. bow.
wtv do. Tn.. Mir* mat .1 tbe material net..l down not
two rents. to ontupl.tow ......10n• of ten twflolllY.
lorrsotnl not to 04 or Injute the cloth.,.
role fa • Powder thxt one paper will Lemke twel, quart.
lit tmollr $4 , 1 , bo. , P•
) rob ilea.— nay Fla .tuarta •I water and
nti thy Ilowder with It, and lti.n 1..1 it boil, say brit nun.
uv, thrn mid tux gnarl* rnlj water; eta. the. innuimply
4rt.b.r. mod wet It .0 my when. it will not rtnj will 10, .err thick and Inee Whit. thvo, nod
with well, and will not rat Um haat.. /Ik.ntb.r
nnr rot the eloll.t.e. Can h. will, h.r.l or .alt
wtr, by tusking tho nuttily Into rib nowt. Ivel.W u(
tirre. The Soft Poen ,Ir be.l adapt... Er 'e.t.a., eal.e..
an ...lien wt.'s.
wholt.le and stall by It. E. SOO .0014.
No. 57, Nu.l at.
i H.—
Th. ma ß. t, minatory.l•ll bal•anna andpm
W tertum
ot Vlnechr, rereler far enywrtor to llolowno ater
!Or. ortlin.PWW, of lb. ar.l bath,
1110th. hitter In Its hernia.. sod theapormt. and In It.
gr elbracyli.r the nnunt.tlcm of eltvnitn.v.litsJ bra/ t L.,
it ram
ty Mf•011141.11 , 41i to 1•41.? 1.. the ontloary and
lollle rwrpr...l of tho 1011.1, 0111 for 1....,nr‘jn,1
Itrittera of the coruplealon. I 1 elnollent yrt•perth• ten.
brat And dr) nCv E.l the oklo,ad trtil.azt to It • a
auroble fly intmlluir It, nml rubtkint; Ito
th o ~ ,n oleo. It Ile/Warne lo • few toinute,
.0 • $ Ol4 bt /t. r. 7 wow .t
t ARTNE I l'—T ho s or 1, h ave
Adit:lo;tl4.k....4..:o.Plut.rshttylmr:gniaß. of Matto:.
T t
j 5 t o
tatETT, BERRY to CO. have r..noved eta WarihmseLearntr of Cbaulaerylane and
nt Mt. • jrILLI
leidEa ' 1851. jgra
L.klia F.R.tF AND NICHIGA.N Llilkt.
rm , . ' PROPRIETORS of this ii d sod Wen \sAilosAL OAS FMI) LIFE issmtAseE
-[raven , Liu, vey,o2 lulnru. the nahl.n.‘ 11•11- Y. afr• COMAS 1, OK LONLON.
w rainAr fnr th.. le
eryti , veu , n. t,I 1... • in•lncieer
• r,o, fk(edl,• v.. I Vaned:gyre e h - I, 0, •nre fiii, ' • • 11]$ Company insure 4, Lives becwe en tli,r
1. .et:ad• • i p. nw..” the Cuie. no 2 le i r-..• , .
.." • -.,, ...,' ~....„,
t ri.. le, yr tol i , .e ''' ' ..- - '..-.. ~, V,, , f ~,,,,,,,,,N
I ... e.-tX,rtl,, , . 11,1 , A 1 ) 1 11I1g. Co 1 111: 111 , V 012013 : .;‘,T...;.:I.:::,111;7;:;',-::;,'`,: II,;-,;..;.:?., C o. '
, ~ ..,, ~.,..1, flvieLL.
N JIM VA" r'ILIIII.FI. A, VI. \ I r ,.,„...N‘ 1,.,',,,, , 11 Ni. , 4. lIILL Aen ,
. Yittsburvu. Ve
0c , ,,,\r o,oyr zuel zrallnie I an.. Vitt•Lard
CAlN, , ,,Arrd i ,
\ Western Insurance Compemy othttsbargb.
a w Tllllllfiloklk d. 7•••• Cantle. Pe.
1 1, "('`. \ . ‘ , h a7. ;I: . V•71! ". r''
i , Aill ' AL 8300,000. It. NIItLER, JR.,
.1 A . 1 11% A 10111,111,111 • \ I • , 1 . 1,,,t, ISt, F ”.1% 1 1 ,: 1 113 11 :i ty ; . ,74.,, , ,,,,,, i ~,,,,,
‘ 1 A/. AV. . A t'd.livvrardle:
IV, llonr.. 11...-[-, s.. i /41 kvtir, n , I 1 4 1a...,:i r ii.r,im.lfißi,".l pv.enyny paid
A L• : 3 . t . 3,3 :N , 4 - waned,' hr 121••••••••dr who nee wet
• t.r.V t,. ~ •I.•• e.d , •.,,, , iiity, nrtl 'Ol n••• deldr,tlytivl,l•y
-" ". " '"
''' T ". "1.- ''' 4 1 ' ‘.
.. ' f.•'!V..!"'l'''\.''lr':'TiiP:?:Vn"ri,;•=e,"4,..ft'de...
New Lake su 7
9 , 10-: new ,i.•.uner :LB. Ciir.E. B. ' 'ii . ` i...t . "Z".i.i..":: f.i `ii'lr.,!'i'i... ' ,47,.' k i.R u ie:. H N.lßßii..,
(1 ~,,, 1,,,i,,, .. it yr ,• rA ii: 1.. r , 11.2.,..i. J meg I..l,d d esdA a nd W. IA Scott
~,i,,,1t :7:'`r/7., u I dni.,.,..• 2.1 ' , dhe .n • ~.. St env -tve•-.,naaryledire of Spang t Ca.
tip ildnerv.r on ' 11 1 1,111, 1 J• O .I.nrAL Joliny
/ ridny nt , i ,•,*.... i• ,
_ .
Tlv te,,e. r MA NIIATI • ~• .1., ~ • 1,,, , , • STATE MI:TULL
31/1 nre ,lerie, ne
q , , , , , , , , , ',. , :,....L 1 -0L . CIIISI. RAN CE COMPANY.
• ~.., i, ......tli ; . rl
-'. ..,,di' ILI LE 1,1:UR,. PA
• 1-e. It r,/t nnd the IA • ~.,
ESI iiN El i.nie fi.r he gnfer ela,Res of
c":.-i,iniii.i. ii . A, r ii '', ft,,„ ._„ ,' l '''''''''''''''' 1 11) er. i•ei,. Le. ea •1,1, le er ,, i(nl. nod 1. , ` ,1- 0 1t.f.•
n n n
lAVI N li liiiil't 'F.! , OF 11.t\I. m Y IN- "i': ,. ..?:,;,,T.:;:.; i:2i'...'l. '''.';'%,:l';';',."7,`;:,""" '''"' "-
A II LI ,r IN li*.VG AJC. , 2./NP t.. Iv Iddrl • -
1... , , I. 111 Aid, AM. llie I, ~.....1. A.
A,: '••I I •-• .
• • ,-,.. ,A ' ‘ i
.I..‘A 1.,T..rlI:771••••11
after tv 041111141,1 umlar th, .J. , i : •I,',,•ili ' , n ' i,, ~: .-
- ,Ran
• '.
•,' .• '' • u ' " '' '" .4
" '
~..11; , ' 11,, 1:1N411;11. "' , Orleans •Lnsirance Coteitany.
----'t ~\
Bingham[ Tt•ansportation Lure, CAPITAL, ‘,81 . 50,000. \
gifli.7. 4 .i.g. 1,..3 5 , 1 . e.„,,-..... , - Seturrii ‘t• accordant. tr,iY, Me •GenerAlnauranot
iii , rli.,,ErN \ • , Late • f tnc\ 'c't qe. \
Prrrsit uno 11 ~, 't II C.EA S'Ij:IIN CITIES. : rill' E 't"'v'' Prn , m'er-u 0 1111 * , -ii , ynsibio
T 11 1 ,, ., ,, . , 1. , ,,,,,,,,„„„„,,,,,,,,,„,,,..,.,... e.,,.1:::.:7 , , , ., , . ,,,, . , .,,.,—..„, , , , . , ,, , , , ...,, , ,7,,,Tr01,,..,..,
~,,. ~,..... f.r...1 \orannyvlr. Pr.! are IV.. A, co II I;v:iraLi; trrtur. •••,...sfe, ..14 . pro
I/. ,1(..1 11:1:1. Pnvide.d
Freeht, . lue, 0 we. ttrde , ;, he r - pien,roAr it I- NIV 0 1. •M. ll•rrf , afi
..Illv., No. i•I ••taitld...ll 0
Vr•durr and NlO-11andlnr 1. :II be r.,,,e.0.1i fore/0 , 1 , 4 , ir II: A. /L. GA
0,1 ...,1 yr.... 1. .11101111 Allf ' l lll,l l INr fvre - ,11, nr ad• '
v. ir, ' , ' ,.,,r, ' ,,f:,,',:7' . ',.:,.. , ';',. , Z . L,..:11, ~ , ~,,
~ I ittsburgh Life Insurance 'ompany.
•-,., a, ~ A. 14,..,.• ..r n. 0 , •,. ' \' '*,' .."
irl If N COM l'A NY was incur oirated in
oirei- i ii , .. t,''' I le''' .''''' `" i '''T , , -,,,,,, l' ,l . a.Vlvtellinl Chniinv, and Ind
~,',.,ir : ,7i, „ „11:,, ,, i, ... , ..,tr.... -h. n.lll %. c.• • .i 10.1./4..1 • capital of 5A.. , /. \
• TI I ••• • LA-•t IL tn el, • Joln 4, 0f1t mil
Cote. u locirth end iirAbod...:ll,i, •1 .L.
. .m e ',, i ''L',',"''' ''''''''' ''
' n
'''' . . '\-i.. u.
IA 111., 1111,,,iN,Ae n r,
\ ' on t . 1 , 1111 tli., rat..., at, cdan-lhlrd tnns au,
IVE,. 1 , 2 Nutt!, 'hen,: Went Iln morn. ' h nn ,. , . i ~,. m•• , d , r ,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,, ~.,,,,...i v e,.,
J A , ItLf Id NLIIIA3I. :0,,, , 1,,Ai,...t i. :._,. [ ~,,,,. r i,,,,., ~,',,,' ~..•• . ,'=,,,i'y,•l'Le•A Ainonyenier.
' _ ~
--.\'., "f.- , Milta,r. •v RI, the awn a, IL* 11/.1100.1 A. 1.1
, ~... ..i.u, l , ... , 1 ,. .11/11/I}lll, Tlionelneuryd •.11 the uktrio ,
• • I. ' Li vil ovenritreafurrnrhyd Ly %Let
tir4 4 .-
~— e , ' :,'„i','..t3'7,, '',',.`".,T, 0",.....,...-.4 8.0. F.0 , 1 \ .f
Merchants' Transportation Line, \ 1 ";•,,.,:',"!:,,;;',':." tni . ,',.-.....,,,, .. I' •• a
I radii . I - . 1 Tit n ,, n r•T,ZrAn, •t!,
( VIA VENNITI.VA All CANALS AND II LROA A)I re ;_..t.;.'.r,.,'.:;,',..,n'i i l rYnty, - ,--1.-• o,nuni a... 1 1, .. of
1 4 ' , Oit PIIII.A DELPHIAN itEuX , ,IVITII ;.". ,-,,,,"''' " r.
''''''.''' '-'''''',7.'''''''"'-''''''''''
\ 1,1/ 1 04 °it karti .
, t, mg .., tho ow.. o :., 65, nu, or AS,
011' A 1,11 It•PINO fr A
C A M - ANL i.rr A CO ~ nun; Ilion, 401 NI.I Arr., , r., °' ''' "'-'"'n ""h " .",.`;;',',,,...,
1 . rct0i,,,,b
.1.1. • 1. , I en, Vreryleno
•II A 1:1.10 ItAtlnt•ll, Ventral Ilk Ilvv.l•tre.A. 11,11 a I \
VI, Pnidlent
I. ~,,,., .
. 1. : ".,-, 4 " ti ' l:N. ' - ' ,;r u. v•anvr..r.
lA. ini- pr , v, .0 , 0 l , :Yr. it. • larg. atnonnt narrrlltehre I t 1..10 A A• , l4 , :o•rerle•ely.
y de., ai, toter:in-fine., 0w... ~et..• fut.,. tordl ea , ‘,,,,,,,,, , ~,2 , .. ,\ J. edd, f. 1.,..vti.
Ide nun. 0,.. it •.,,,,, wive,
II Ti, • i,,•,-..,.....1 eemi.,,,..., Tru... i•••••• ,, I..11., , L"
'"!•""b- \ . '''''.
, tl, ...,,,I ~. ..„„.....r. :7,r ..„, tuv • t.r t........ 11 tit.. ' ' `"'"
A. i."'.- . •
I Hon oj ,;. , lnrn Vi11,1r,,, hue e. ter! of NV ar .
A A 11,N1 AII A c.,
(+ld e
..Id R.4 .' • . 1 1 j ,:gr, ‘•‘. '' ; •r r !' i '" V: 2 IV- • • • ;:t ' l • • '•r; • T h r li7 ' .l,7 •
stnt ,,,• .: \ • ...01i, .'•';., (t ;•.,...A tir-: - ..t -' ' -
Ai M "=" 4,? :- ... 18, I t1i.:...r- , --! h tl, 1-i.0..n,i• ''''''' . • : ' . ' l l .l4C,tnr.. Ykl
". . ~ .....-1 - 1 . 1 2'. ''''
. , r. ‘ , ....r 1 . \ . - -
To Shippers of Itlerchr.z.ciise,'Produm,, Bia,, 3 i .
.. . 3
..1. '..,'..', ''''''
' W.. '"''' 1,...., S 3 .
..,.N..330 3,. ~..;711' 3 i. a 3Tr3.N.. M. Ni . E li'l ' P; ', /; .1 ,...i . n.. Nl ' 1 :
ItEl.l A
,i,,,,...1 ii,iii.,ll.. m. ..
' I-Leith:odd went,
• TATI) rS Li !•, E,
• ii.. 1..., mi i der A 2,1 1., , s' t 'e ed I, nWietA
A 1 /11N, A An,. fru., vtdre N ,, 1,..: Mart, unt Id ; ~ dE. And. lorn. Al. 1., -n,•:/, ntre.d, ,
1 .11, . -,, 1• ..1. 1 . 1. ' A, 1.11 1 1 I I .., WIC M. r2,IL. M. I . In 7 ILlterrl..lyvt.
Cr LA • 1.....• Y.T 1 ,d,rr.. 1•7 01111 / 1 ,111. / .1 11411,h. 1 lir I,lt. 101 l will tt, in atArn•lnnte . 01.• ettre, every
: 1.1 ...,.. ' ‘,., •. i: L j„ , n yj , N., 7;•\ , •tirtl,
Va , %1 . T.X;J: , .:1•• • lr .;:rl:i n ' .' n!•• • ••! .. ;,, ' :V. '
lr ...1 . 7,1 ' ,!: , "' i, .2, " i t. ' ,l ' ''
.‘, • A. eIIIT.I Ir .. r.
- \ l' C o (fill], d' .
~. .:.,•,. Franklin Fire 11151.1,011 C , . 0 0. n.
.. _.. •.
Agricultural Implements. i )11i Ei'TOII:', Clatl.l , es Ir. Buneker, cie,i.
1 II IV I: ,i l' !..'• F re i rival fr. n 111, Vol (110 II e.ccr, A , l•nyl,- I. 1 , -1...,,n • .. t.
I•irane, 1 1 11140 1., am, 0,
' • 11 ' 1 ' .111 ' l ' l '''''''''' . 11 ' ' s
he' ' '' l .I... ''''''' '''''
" ''"L'•
M"::711..'117.'.7.•:••••AR.,-,-..kcii, P,,...d., •.,
, le m•Ar,.. ti HANCILL, rArn turf, s
. : ',' .; °',, .; : :1.::,, I urody, A.' f li t , t ...pun, ....t.t2n..... - ....tek1anat.,,.. 4 , ..121111.15'
- of 1itn,...1 A•n every dre•rtytton nf Troderty In 5,04 ain
I .. , ulary, •., en, r 01n. ev ien. dadielesyne rwt, •veuror.
TI,. A. tuivni 1••••• rev.rl n lak•,, o'l g•nt iund
eh, h, edl, o.en . nystal 0,. , )
1, 1 1,1 .341., saA I, - tt0.......1
a f , ~,,,, pr•d•ri,, d Iv 11/.'l4AFllrnl
, IA
1-W s, l; ....... tA • ii.• A, i . r nr
vla -
31 ,, Monier n..." 2, cv
i • eer, •and, ... ......... .. r
~, 0, vii ,
• 5 571 1.1::+1001,
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish. ' 51.214:1•\
I3A TEN T}.l , Jilt2l;th givin, "r
• . ,
• •r••.••
r' ""
°;". ""V ff :•: ''"' • "TA`fi ('4 1 1T.. A
on, o k
• •••••',!•- i.",,,! • •tn i ' 1 Penn t.l Life I.
man Motu, —lie Insurance Co., Philad
A r; EN T IN l'ITT:iltliIll111. W.ll. DAVI.
CARD.-1 it,., [in' net,' Ature ' lc,. .I' - ?t,...:-... ' 11.11., .I,',
k..:... . I ..; L
I,rrr .tnglrnrl3.
r t.trt..3 34-rt.-
enttot, proral 4
•-- t -•• t- , -4 l'• :•4 n YU i i .:E •• • 1,.11,t, . 1, 1, lx atv.n.i...0.1
,n 'r tt L a i c,r,..;!
l :... 2• 1 t1 , , .:/1:1 ( • ur.te.r-t, tt 1141.-rt r-1.441,..0•,,, , 1,14114. .1 r
, ;:.„..,.`... ''";l.,`" . ,`Y. ''';'',..!..
1-.4.‘4.4..<.4 . t•te..: rt, incl.... Amt—
. ..1,..... 6,1 am, pett2,4l: rio.-1 Prr.tyr dltrt, .`y..l fur We.
..,1 lt M. !.. , 1 , 1.,. 01.11.1 stt., l'ityr.4,l
II ' 1 1 01,--Cx.ll p,. ..d for ‘5 x . i . , ..L1 .. ~...1 .1t
........ arine :ansportation
Cornices. rilll Elm th,Areterica.,, A.. t
1 II }CE - i A,1 1 ,1 ' ..\ - 2 , , • c,.ur, v , ola
't - E , 7.';';' , "'A1'..1,.. - ";',71.;,:. rn: ''" — ""' 4- ''.7' ! ".`,;:l. i .-...V...
- ~ , • , ..t... ,—. U': n71',,,
l' I. t' 'l' A (' I, E S *-11.. hay, :, ~,mpl..t.• ,
& : 1.
::•: I•el•l :
: t .tc. ••:
1.. n
. o al, .1.•
••••.. . 1 , ..n01 CeG ot , A,,"„,1t. ~ I 0 , a- ;
.ku,, l ntlo 11. ;11,. ^'l ~,, , ,•, I , ar.T..,.t.
, ~,.a.
.I• ::o .1
~,1 11
11 ANI lit, AND 11A1 DtliNS—A g.....d ! ;,•: 1!"":'' `,
/1 ., ,t,7 , V.' , ' , ..7 . ::, -,',.'r;:.'..1; • 1•;,;7
.. 11 1,12 NI, \1 I: I:. ,•••••• r -1..... q. :. 31,,
.' I. Ageoll., !1ar,..1 . O Co: ; n ; t.: W.
' and Inoo I, I
Anthracite Coal.
30 1:4 ‘. I , \
.. , : a
:: :I; I , rt ,,, : , , , :; , 1 ,. :::.1, . : , , , ,,- : . T . ,; , : r il or article .'
~L . '
L ~ 11r.t., 1.1 1 n CO,
,-.: :- . •us.: 11...:1n,
_ _
I 4 1 ,11; A% 01 1 1 , !--tk; 1,1,15. un linro j i a , r11 . 14.r s3le
s 1111.1'Sw
.1 •„\ a 1.,
frr.ti, ju. , 4 rec'd
1 AI:11.1AG E ()IL cLoni—JtiAtree.'d from
Phillte.lLll.• I Lora, ton; pa. 4.0, and yunt
Or kin nua f...unnl 1... k Patent 111nonl Carttaan tni
Ct Ili. %ma r orfeleoda lana ea.nal at No. 116 Jlarkat A . e
I UST openod At do. Depot for choice Tent
ity N. Z, lain.rty t—• ran l I. of eTIF.E.t : 1 11:21
1 o oren
11 M. A AleC1.1.1:1, a cll..
e IA Agree,' anal Ten II•alo,
I I Mitt :11i,,ouri
111 t. .1 111 P lIISON a Co.
.n Verfor ur , 0
AV L ti—Jus l t.
rflu‘V I AIIN —1 sack I - or sole lay
.1. a CASVIEI.I.I.
REEK OIL CLOTII--J ult received from
kA ILAN.luur end ere .ontrt.r. Orrro.
loth r •nolo4 rho... for YIP. roth-In.l rrlAil ft
Sr. 11 . 2 Ilarkrt it. tooth, J a 11. PHI L,1.11,.
1 ,,
~ E ss, ,,B L, A CKING—, .., The rele
'ii 'or ,brit
qL'otit.!.Y i7':, 9 "" thm "
gust mail awl lor ht
It. 51 E/I.IIA
0r27 SVr.l rtrret ' enrn.t. sth
Wettest:4 Y. If.;
Al cat', bn I/ P:
V IL: of lalrrtlmportedu n.
Jun t+e'd and tor sale 2 (0 .. . 5 J. U. VIA,
k t i S
PICKED GUM AftARIC-1N) lbs. very
lorl.omr,forealo 24.
ANlTACTUittl l l • ol3nevo_lsol, x ,
oholor brands. on lotml And for *Alt. hr
A. rrols
BOSIN--50 bldg. F. I, fur mule by I
d , LA iv utin-I - iip) bl;ls. for'sole by
Fl:IIIh1N11ali Ell a Co.
I AM. GINGER-5 bldg, for sale by
ooD IL E. 5E1.1.1:1:e2 07 W rl
ce.m..r.Q. Porn, lor ludo hy
Ii A VA UN el•TO1'll A Or.
I/ UTTER-4 bbls. Roll;
4 = l -- • - . 04 Ilgi'sratAlT'''''
r nral awl fnr T;ln LT
ILK FRINGES—A. n. MAsax & Co. hare
r , .. 5 .11 ,, carton. 811 k Vrior".. Mark nad nudcnlurr
RICE tierce host, for rick by
new BURRICIINJE a 1M111114.11.
WANTED SOON—An Ratan partner in
V largo Warn foundry and tutelar., shop. in IL bo
th:w., town. weron town Pittoburgh. A runne wan
of wool en•raetirr, with • mall oithltal of Sat! to Sato. and
who hot a knowletlgo of tlo• mouldinw busitows and bid,
low wan and machinery to oath matt.% work and snit
girth, alai to a roang man with adAit
apical a tau prnatablo littnitke will t. Pita,
norm,- Ad slather rarticalars to ISAAC =KRIS,
odY Agnes and Intaillionos Calinalnarnotat,
Equitable Fire\ Insurance Cotopsioy. of
Company insures against i.NS by fire
I ~„ merreh..ll.• Y.A.
cit watal, nxty et.. pecr,t ur i<w,
/lILII.IA 424 41:c
1.0.1 c..mtry. susurvd •,•Jmrt. Is,
damage I, Tr... at 11.. ral. of \
—They iwure
avid VrviJbta. ta• tmlaT 0 r.mvist
I...tirivq. de...,
I Vt.lin• /.11,141t.T511111.-Ih^r a r e , ll l4 l l.
Jl.l WL,mna, 11,1 p.a..' ran Caual bee aml nvvm Ink..,lllllboo+llltv-v-al
Rdmoml .4. 6outler JelYi C.
ettrlJm. J..1t0 It. rruaa amurlll,lrabil,.
Vol . tAlarard bxlmyta.o. 18.0 II- I v 15., 14,11.
Nam Volsell. Jobt, Dr.
If tv.tcst. Jame,.
llc Th..m is .l.llum 11. Juter
nt lim r a, trend,.
aarlo, 11 ..) , ,mt0t5, WM. IL, IST F. JKi.n Sdlem:Lyr, Jr
•TVirmtivaq,—D T Ilvvh
W" I.d.a.a.
ALL. Sloan. PlvAdvat. TM.V. C. Vire Prret.
Jer,t.. Jos. , . CsvaJt.
Jlar.i , Tn. of thk.C..attua.,. No. VI stzret. Plttw
1,11,00 (.2.tlfj t Amenc.
Ohio Laboratory.
.: 11.:5 ' 76 92
1 1111131 SO 1101 95 ita
85, .„ 7 --; , qt.)
Pyr, (Wit. Strength.
faT Colocze
aad t
~CoPt.- e r. in - aTir:e;i:V . apor lVlunkdy &loran , on hand
1.. to, a rims and Front .treeto, emus:tart. Onto.
41-All orders from litnibuntli 'lilt be promptly filled
at 10w. , .., marl. Minna. .t.iiLly
Letvis's Patent Reversible Water Filter
jS. .NUl l' to la. aeon in operation at V . lll.
a TAU A CO'S. Plumbers, No 1e Fourth rm..; le
ts.oo termtrot Lilwrty ate.. au) at I'1111.1: A 1111.4.1 - S,
No to Ilarle4 etre., Pittahurgh. 'rhis Filter haarerwired
a .iold Medal from tht American Institn. of Naar Turk.
ah.l a Cert.:este from 110. Franklin lustitu. of Plilladel
i of which the follanelna ler examples:
.. 1 . 1114..V.1-1111 March . 2.3 th, 16::1',
It witra me trent pletutura to reeotoruend to Maharani of
Iv'eunr"ta:Vg'rWlll'elrlii.'2 PlT:4l:•.::!.,".".'"ow,nt'atr,lk,',T;l.:::
~ mouths, lam enabled to tUllm, of tb t elr value.
lihuhtlit PLIVT, 157 llaltilat otrowt..
..Purtapt.trata.llarell hlth, lahl.
The Patant Heve.lble Water Villeret, invented hy ktr.
.tamuel it. 1.... and orn.l lay Me for some months et toy
artrate nulden,,. I. all that ear, could wish. I
there,. re ...nst•ter it * privilege to hart. it In my pow., to
.... , temend it to the public JOSAS P. FAllthAlla.
These Filter. are warranted to N ta ' /.. “i e ' o u' t th at7 . s t ot r il " or
Lana which 11111; aria, [min derompwed,anurnal at *Cat.
ht., matter 0, the •a.r. They an. warrantott to told two
Year.. and with
tenltnarr , are wilt la. , let. god tlotalw
I." ser f t o
'P'''''l lATE at A'JARDIN, ~
taylfhtf =0 Arch ste..t., Phtlarleluhni.
EA[) PIPE--CortielPe ui . irin ' iciiti patent
a 4 lwadlipe for Hydrants.
Aquedtiets, • .
Hydraulic Rama, 1. ,
Cuteroe,, lc.
All sisal on band and to atatilir,all hzi nTh l; N:
~„,,.., . . 134 Front:Atreet..„ ._ : .
Heating and Ventilation. 1 ,
l ote bt. C:no r t Roontl, , Leetura
IL aquo,li l afflt " tii : lll?... S r l rto ' n% l ll airlet. Ito•pital..and hulk!. ,
la. nr r , ...p1 , ...ervti0n, pubhe. and private. .A Ito, !Ann.
Jr:.. and In, Ina hoopla, for all purpow.ft whoru! regular
u-ente.tat on% either' high or low, to deaired: and far theta
nur0..... no ~thrr tr.rth,rl o. antral to it- ..•
Plan. Mr Ventilation, 1.. y natural or forced Means, will,
bn breparM wherever derin.l
.I.lmblinge of UNA earinu. deeeriptions went! ned , are ,
nat. sue.vwfully heated ot.n thin plan In Kano town;
as the method inoureo • wh,leoome. uniform has at any
,uirr,l tem.raturo., with entire (newton, f Riot.
smoke. moiler. dust, nodal:apneas, and safety from the.
nayli• ie.\ frt.:. ATKINSON d OK.EI.A.
Copley's Pot Clay.
. sul.erib
(l ers are now Solo Agents
Cop A ~ . .a, r the oat, of hole Pot Clay, an
i article of well eetabli.llted reputation fo t r the mantaarnay,
of [llan , Pots,ec..4 Pot.. le. It to made of tma of the inert
infusible anbetamws known: and to very carnfully ealerhwi
and d"!"'d ''''''''rh e i4 ;lo.llNllAlClOß !en . u ,„,
liA/ E are iniwructed by the ownera to close
1r v . th. thllowlng goods at reduced rateadand upon
favorable tim for -.sod an.tea,•ir.
a ,auw Blall tranket Coattng,
ttrei , - " in parr, \
2 .. Crib Illanketa, (where,) .. ' ',
4 Jean., blue bud green.
twt:l 31ultplir a Lk&
•-- -
7 3111 RELLAS--2 ease, for sale IR
1± finr. ' AfttlllTliNOT.
.11' A UC.
COFFEE—?O bage fir nie by
. -----'. rackssale 17y
- 1.-
11,1 ,, G , ! ----ii (Jr for
9... W.
DItY PEACIfES--'-'7U binihela receiiedon
ri'''''=T`il7art .Zrittollo:,l3lenht n
k‘OR SALE—A firiit rate FAMILY
- Il o fh , E:' bleb , -.1 b 0 amen at JACKMAN.'"
teary Stable. Irwin rtmet.
TONE PIYE9-200 boxes for sale by
17 mil WICK di MiKlatilil=9.
E'l) A
Comp C ound Syrup of ' , Yellow Do‘ok Root.
t 1
~ front nunkNosnc,ngibe 'pm-%
`1..• nn•stirtn, ensnydatedy
enema Cant.,, 1+24 I.zy,lt.da, and all s`ther
art•tn.g tr.nt trnyure stoke .-ekba• bloat.
sy.et7is. , ll , ll•an,lhaz.s...
ond T satttt thy Cb , +k Erna
roe; 4 yne, and is- titiLlitt:t ern•albAst
sod Isla, an,..ets.
Ft:Mad and Genn:a.l.Debililg.
.n ,
nokenwl Ndy, s.l l 4tta - tone the
rar , cu. ,• tra,oratith,th<tlev'eyotein.
•.,stvy ll,nx
• , r, et•ttntry. ran relit•l upon, Mitt Angular
13N•fr: . 0.10 rur..., , and nntoging deklita•
do•n ...WW1.... It a rundy
In la mnt t xteitte n..and - t.r•erunst..t e e, =tined In Its
OL. , tOt tborttlrf toesliestl tr.
prrtnek tit .:11110401.10.0. harterni,taly untie to
Purify tilt Pa 0,14
tt ba. ‘ "ivtnny - f+l cant • It mni whirl ha , * hafGed
the hart h
u: IJ, •Mrh
ern., 10101.1 t the 1.10 ttr,n•
It ha, 1... kt 6.1.110 inn, CA:Sta:OMR t
y m, s
It nnc t r. all ot:4,
thy nn nt•tt.;o. end,lnz the [.tree fes.e.sectra, and he.l.
thy It 1V1L 11,1 C4 1 , , 311 , n the I, at-A In
all ea..., an./ ray to used is C.:el:mate., and
at all L.f 111 N)•. , '
This Sy prq,n, only 1.,y ‘ I4II ISML:CO., LL IM
Foontin IL I,and •11.1_ vrho'.e...l.sae/
retail, 0, N. IV oa(,
Ortly isflnt Irtentigylestra,
1111 jkl. •-rn`r Pict!.
Need] ott Celaratei
oAI PO 1.; 1 1 : 1) ASTER.—
Ear.. t.ext
in,. than 1.01.ty ears. ,ILL-LLg Lllve 00-) han
r,putat the tn., etietwkw.•
h ' ..nnta% - t: ‘" ti ' :.t . n.tatlt..ning \kin ter rwer l 7.-1 - ‘ll. {Me
•101....1 Mt , ht•tletit CIIIInift.N to •10 10 aOlt ramtp•Te•
Linn n oubmitted. tar,
rveLnu.ta , tG• the, rv,rt, it^eat - er star
The man.lie:lla ef the, v01nh.d% ,, r., , nst ,!y render th,t •,awns
41 ,
P.T.l.%7'.ffsrd7;;:li.rU,';.''rVct*rr t. ,, rneted crhir.
lerat katra ra th tar tt.n4 sett rat.,.;
duos... tha Iwxty theirl.oll.firial rn , t, IS -.
que:tion :S,
p. Ao • r.qued'y Ln .tbago. ••
tsrnmty nut•rtri
full; corr,larrated by tnemnn rursntorle,nl-
Veen. and pldno.ln the and .'.le, 11,11ny
01 the krtdo•yrg, c.. thoir
p•ru ri , , vt•r :1.41.,.r eln.tern 10/ be .0 L.-. Ey
wt.. Lore 5t , ...m-nn.-4 car.. and Mum
5p.11.-atlr.: To wort. tar .nine wkh r,!,u:o r tin
an rvc, trt •r st“th tlk e,ndenk.
thL.I 00.0 0, will b.:01104 rrry de,
SL, w and rvtali. Fr
It. F. F•i.t.t.r.ite, w.ra .
. I h.n
e ttlnn, , r gra • Irnniii•ful eltn. Line nrahri, el i f . ic.', null all k Hideo!
axe n rt, ntli.ttiug fiat Linen. itnil
fr. lectc,alg Ltkni hnthlne intorim. to el , ,Lbes
an; rene Ti.... i.L , •• lone omen felt Ittb
:french ap nrilnfo, nod in r Lon their exteeintrou will Lehi.
If realtsa.l. a.. or (1.11, , . ilro Is 4arn,l slier at, Impartial
N. 1 1 .-ruff Cake rill tio , thirt, d,leit of clothe/. as ••
shnuld br •I.
Price retite ter Cake.' eNreb Cate with diner
For Ann. hr or 1!, SI WAD 8. V; ,
\ -
er• inn, than::. reitrierri enr,) earth.
Lan aro nnit. of ,n
Trill: VIRTUES 01 this/ \ remarkable remo
nninitant for It.. the th , Pti
on.. 1.:r.:t., herr it paeat In trail.. ritL 1.
Lel• 4,1 ufrern Mr. hnnoft •4 C. ;tad..
I'r Ve.:lltrll I.IIM I. eneuna (min ea! In dile neon:
jinn rroin , ,Nnitine'i Urn. ' Thai it ...W. •
nn•l`nr , ••• fen.• I•nr.. • •
nevinr nf d
nre i n Thi,ro tbe
men ~ •
1.11 , !FIC t. y kb,..41 410(rat,
nnorin\ , n, inffneirrean, inot:rinii • .• Lteein
tireol, 1,4 e •.tNrir the .4
IT thereat
.r t.. r•rlarial te Ina• per; ~
fre - tre.1.4.. a a. intvre popuivit; •
wnin .1A n... or
,ln nor n nertisit. '-
leo ern r ihn inn were I
run, .” tyr of I 1n.., el en.l wiih to he h 16,4
Whtl.l we AV,
nr) .torl nil-. 'LI. hum he of . • -
nr.r.n..l Among Low •
nr 111 , 1 ll4 6/41, 4 Flacis •
CUR, Ps 51Pt1e , , , i, on it. tarlX
.4,111,1 an.l, a... , 4 thoatr Lll-.,
111, et MP AINT, 14ar!,...a, TPi/elSei t.f
Illn , l r fief Rif 2,1.. th.,lc,rlc rar Non.. `• •
Neurn.l; , .:. N 1.1111.1, le Pains, Gt.ut.,Erypip
A... T. tt, 11,to 11ruL,va, 01 , 11..0re
i d.
k.,. a.r. to frt. er.porti,r
I.oz cad ,t)tr. r.•I *AI
b , h4 II .111 ). ()NIP a,l I.rTN't ,
ATI VI: .u..h :tntiag• .4r1.1 t o
a1u.1.. frau.. lac ol. , lrlictua,,,,,tllng the. ali.ootoi.
fal,..:tmrs. a h.c-b. a,ll . ble.kon
and le,n
/1 ht,,..,1
e r cr.rre t
r o u t.. . tnnw rera n
•ne vi 1.10
trrcru. , ltt.
a( . 1. l:atl.l.L 31 fr,r abort tlra.. The
per wtc
tbo ey,•,,,tnie of Ma
Pal L., t!...
R. Ii„LLEI:S. 57 slay
hod 10.1,3,
ra, amtlird.irt Alley, al.
rme.2 SIT nuularlr el,Porn4.l
hrNOW' all then id.o are Pick and aillictea . • .\ : r---
„;th .!;......,.. of ch. Itialtl,:r and If Idneye, with thew r \
m• lo.raius In 'I.L. k cd- limn,,•.,.l,l KIM , . ni realm g ,
de., thenthey 05 y be owed , 11 , 5- Mai. 111.• leldithi- , ,
L/1101. lon roe rata nikut its te , ing a Pont i ac mo'h . , I \ •
vnu 0b.u.... hu tine then not ma t e it to; premrrochnut. • \
Lia the fae.. of an
i rtee't memo/Litt. th• Cit, It. virtues
whith are nnt ..,on • 1....1 nu any ahor remedy. The m.
•ho IR nuked with pals. na no . •' :
uloring . frono , lo7t ., ...y. ... .\ .
, .
fL.SO cent, get ro.rf Lem any of . Ills, meraW
\ \
Iteal.e' tt ro.v..rittio- to Insl4‘• 10101. ill Polio
Ise to no Ini‘turn—.n. compound, p t t . up ‘ trt tbr ‘ rpose
' /I k i;j•i; ' -.. ' ,VO • l;•i • Vga ‘L 2 . .. r utVp i br : .
\ \ .
.I nor mother , f• . /II its ono' 11 purit, . I cle
\ '
foe h, !tut - wring hatamuit read! taint 1 - • • rFrl' ll e. • ,1 w
[ eh p core.
\ . \
I has cored rine. after 4.1,cr medicine have Med
tho. r. f ronef ft hat kno,l Cleo - Om, of to - . ~
ortandlne. and id the 0004 lILN\ 01.0311,1127.11.1 barmier. It , • \ '
L. c re,d l•I ”' rratwo wt. I4C h. -
i • 1.1 ea.e.e of I ,, arrho.a. lo \which •t err & er Mined,
, • ,
bareo. cd no /Mai. Am a Inca/ "rensely -- hi utrav .4
walk. it r tott.o. then., non:iced numpounds o olotitoott
that w e L ••••• ot It rill cure ebilbinfris and trhs veil feet. •
In Is tor at Illeatiowe und&obtol th nimonr can tee` .Dab
fel of the tr 1.! ! contained us the ahoy . . atedement. leap.
g n 431 C l . Ai KIER, Canal 7.0, Aereals et. et: cr • .
e h' te • t• of the gee.
, rel. d • Doe ell comma. of Rend ' t and Ven ,
all K eyjth. Y. Sod ers, A:Vt.' strcon D. A,' pilot. IAL :.
\ .
Corry. Allecion, dl crave the Kent..
.. .
-.ln:, JAO , II hdoet, the discoverer and wle pmprietor '
`l . Inn , liar.. in. royals to 10
Lem:Seta medicines. and
he int"entor of the to 10ided instrument Inc inflating th is
ttnga, in ea. vine a c re of Chronic awe.. was • sto•
Ant of that emment ihdcionto, Med. l'hyrie,'.l la • , \ .
- N:I.U. et' th e Cavereily / f Peon.Ylvaisks, stud for early ' \
1.. Imre has loon comsat-1.1 in th e ineeetistallon of dia. ,
~ \
e. awl the applicalr.ii eAreasedies thereto..
. . ,
••- •l'l.m uch rho use of hie Inflating , tut ,toronnectionwlth \
hie Pliphylnetir error and other of I ' ;IA 000:1051401. be has
Pen um, unparalleled . troiwOuret In curing those dreadful
\ _--
imd fatal malediee, 'lli b , cntar Coortooptlon, C.c.s.
o. crofulaMtheurnetism. Astlimm Fever .0 Asroe, reorys o • \
all kindt4Chroole klm else., yd all- those obeilosts dis. ..,,
00.4` , 1 pocuhar to- I",ruales. It. • every forma of Wares> ,
vanishes doer th e ow of his re edits, Lo whirl Immani. _
ty l• IJ/dr.—QM t.) the ustinf one commund only, far that
In hemrapatiltle , wittoPhysiolonnud Law hot hy Mae... of
Lk retnetheAlaptcd tn, and prescri, for, ester N.H.
form of lII.'
' \ -.•
Dr. Ilrem't ToAle Alterative ett0..1......0. are forest.
My aokalowlalgAil to he supertor to sthethers, ass.w....
are . Seer pill losmnincla as they Wove the bottle par. ' .
Seetly Roe Amu ce deem , . turas, Me iilldun 1711 to aa.h.
6u,',, - "i,;41,h."Lit;7,,, `':' tt'n.rgtlatrliaT"t4ll:i . \
tzu . 01 0 , 17..L4 , ,, Tg . .7 . 1,1 h what has bir esitt,'" IT odin , rof
1 \
s' The attichd are Inrfrmd to call twin the anent. sod
cr (gratiet , At .. • ohfr,thmeL,Pocir...or'ds ft.aozbiolir.M.„Aijlti.,,gade,
• I . 4 4 skt a by the follou IS sweats,. well. hl trthetdrolle .
gleth moot the ronnkr. \ - , ,
J. licboonmsker a Co., 13 ,Wood st..Plttibusphd \-• -• \ \ -
J. AIL Yowimmod, P T insfet.l 6 .4 l .AtitSte. \ "
~' .'
l • Lee A, Inedth.a. 'druggist. 'near th e Postcddlum a allegare' „
11Y-eity.t \
..YepthEarkler, Darilootoll, Dearer Monty,,Ps. , \ `,
"'John 14 irdn Mame Valley, '\ .. .. m, " • \ \
• .
A ti d ir4 t''."•• 0 \ \ `'..A . \
_I 4
\ .
To e Rhoders ol \ the Pittsburgh Gazette. • .
. .
13 ti LIO \4ITTE;TION ia , ',, , rorpeetfoll . fixt- . • \ •
1_ ru dto Mk foltewiaS truths, sekterth fa Mallon to . ' .`
mie of lb moot hnportantremalle of
Pent. :UM itH. ROCA: Ailfd It Is ned mare 111. illtl:11 , \ I
' I
7 ,, a . e, Midi:eat IP Ar was brestight Fe., US ' \ \ :
pulic, Mr t a retie nd cure f disosso. to Etta consent \ ,
to beet. hi, 0/000 en. I e folly awp ted br Lb.
cmmuniy. dwe kilege M a the tong. is b• - W that \
more certain w inn+ great team spres.4 it la ot Lbe tome \ \
• Zrt, i n; d etYt li•V•ltc,T,reit VI •11 =s •t rlso W ' Zg \ , \ '
a \
. \ .
ail otnet . nodrnin ;11,1 60014 forgats. ,. • The Ye leas is
• NAIIIO/1.1 lIIIIIIIPIII, eiabootted le th depths or ..D . \ ,
hy • power and . Ey th \l_lntsho' warn all, tunas
mune-dhow It Is c r dte, en,. m e V. ~,,,,,,,,, , . \ •
oioe, that we write tb troth that sea y [milling crie \
\ --
. • •
lated to deceive Amu, .10to to•Nrost our =I or Pot Se \
deuce in or atsthmentsl, The "ea are apt to cate at
maT thing that preadnekrelief Nom disotow A Sor r y”
hardly be too big-lily,
o ught to' .11.00 . 0, the \olvect of troll
, • •
log or humbugs:us some ,I ,4 t. i. heirs.\ MI, we , do.ont - demi ,
N u to d o Ltd.- we are /011Z1.010. 0 ytbat Tr truth fee relate:at -
nurzme , 47 . ahould Le told, i order ' , serum fijt• typo
um/ fa e Necii F an, Coo artielhyn the truserla med."
k . Clue rinearlthed acts—Veda thaf.marbs
in•tklith city and neloblmrhood, la-ar maple tostim to am -
tor . te Petroleum.
„o n ph i r t .. th e I,3.,sisut.w: to.o,oshta." 4t i r to or at y \ r•A e l , : r t r \ . ,
eral et of 1 hhodkrets, In hav e
etc.. or 0‘... Wm. been 1 \
cured. ntl. also. the vaseof a gentian. its elver ar.
Pier, abera buttheme am CILIII, Uttar h me, and May \
.be referm 10 hr .T Pork. who hare AtoOldte on the sate \
rtor T p i rre ' = ::: rri:csV nn. ' 7ll• Nelr/ftritr d .\
whom mud courdins to \ dinclimss—Diarr as, Dylan:dem \ • ,
Mids. Rheum tastn. 6 / - sight. Croptit nowthe Skin, ~ \
Ph:oom oo 01 tace, ChnniieSore Eyes, itiopporm `hit . , — 1, _ .
road 11ca. ain the bone* andlolots.-Ohnionaoetws \ ,
e.. Amen . Chronic Combe. Itethina..thon lhi. and .
Pulmouard • alleety l i: of • MT. nature. to pro. 1. 1, . ,
thire COISAU.O.
' ..
Ilona and cold diseases afte Bladder3nd KM. Yee
Chapped Maude, G. coriakd MAO., tnrov, and uni
lo fact, It ix • cm., , ITIIIIAL N.. Wlld r l3/1, . py '.
trip' ( i
In maul of the above I• 000.1 within the
e padit..y.e '- . "" , e ,
most perfect memo. =Mates that trill as
the Londe of the pro ',who withtake pleas% ,
, , ,
th tA t h h :Nc o r Ttlier • T k i t•d y
• 11 / 2 •, ! r bct i r dg . eir me .
\ 1 '
Petroleum is the it . ..est toned) or.. are. .
. •
alit. mandlos in the prnSition ant beckon! . , ' .
In th eir meth,. Thom. eth of Ern looked .
and uncertainty, am VIM to IMAM it , duo
consitieratiow Before analmayear rills maul.
caspelled to acknowledge thatUbe Petroleton la \
' _
e.l e ever diamrered. Y. sale. whole.
tr . 4l . L ' hy '•'•'
K 214.1,141. klhelill:LL,l4o ~
Airo—R. E. Seller., 67 Wood •r: D. M. (.1, ~
Elliott, Jr,p , h ItinshsailllTnitz (447. AlsMI
E n rt ' nod V A ka U fmestock a ai....4 1 4 14 ' t ' ~
O Ao . • A.
\ amt.
4i.F.L L ---- 112 I I iiii, c w.1.1.P.11
U .—.3y le cheap, easy to take: and hi it 4n0w40
^ -,-,- .... 1 4 7,, 29.1.: . •
-51 r, lt. IL Sellers—Sly ctdlktre.yrs ohera, liar
eaderr , to troy tdsmotom mstsbe,. . basing Used dli
fiTr . nl i n is ' l. ' h ‘ ol ' a r t Y y l o l l ' a ‘ ; • C • o Zot ' t • ft r'n E n t • OVrFilaqrl ..
nevelt to two of lop toil's, •nd also myda ciders
Ictrreteratltnes, time,, nil it has never falleduto .4TV..
‘l. haro renummendat It to my rielbora. d '
- '
corutei h ruelouily believe that its the best co
• •
that .0760 been offered to the plit?:. ,.. \
Parents ahnuid not permit the children to o
*Mitt, when. th ey May be cored-hr a 2.55=.11,11
Premed .4 sold by. , IL L. 13 \ ._'
tock(a) 67 Wernl on: and DruicAithdrenetaarr
-- _
s\ chArkr4i
hr I übbe
In stare, and for male o ,
u kin's t/Inan,ne
Lorain Acid
k.pnontlel Falt of
Nerve sad Bone Liniment
Onodeldce, Moor's
tl r s " :41:
11 - DT/T.l4k
Fhelp.d . Theristo
Cur ,
Porpro, ftda.
, -
NES, &c...4X.1: ge stock
la ;be moot lib.rat cis, y fb; :: .
!Aram .H.lits;
R=V V ., . al ,- • ' ' ,
. •
. .
‘.. . n r.. 4 ‘ i ...,•2 74 . } ..„.- 1. ,:; ? ,„! ir tni a :::: •I'-.!. - .
. .
balb.e, Cu:mina To: '
Dopurativt• eyrt r i ti th•
curio c.:: li
h i c' 411., : ,
•. • ,
--, :a. , Brlbilio, 1,.. \ , •
Zama of I'e;.p.:l;a: , . ~,
Clarmbob. ,
Leit :\
-• 5; tuterrnea \ \
y :Wator- •
,irmco. for my, ‘ \ '
o'. •:,
1.1b1; Lichbebt • :\\ :,
Ualtrtr'. C , nbal '•:
.. :: ";
okkb tibrture , :
E. N. NICARR.9II.A4, • ' ; , ' .s ,
If n•?....:F1i5.,thie1,4. , ,
\ ‘,
' \
I : \
\ ! ! \
, \
I /
Ea. Oiteitt/ts
intment for Tatter
Btteng!boting l'ltsten
V.atin t , Puttees
Torlat t tlute• !Waal
Wern b tot
At t• Itrog etttre of
L! I tUCERIIi3, ,t
br. 2 =rr,t-''eslk"`
•vercods 8. P. 1041.1
/0 k,
043 .