The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 24, 1851, Image 2

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    ry for the appreciation of th'eco• odnlnte destined
' to gate= France.
Another serious objection is this—the consti
tution requires for the validity pf the election of
a President - by • the people at least 2,000,000 of
suffrages, and„ if this number is not collected,
the right of elecrion'is conferred on the Awelu
' hip. The Constituent Assembly had therefore
• .denbled that out of io,oori,ooo votes inseritiedon
thaiists„ ... one-fifth was sullicient to render" the
- At Mei present time, the Limber of electors
being!educed to 7,t1K000 to require 2.0k.0,00 0
it tt. =yea the proportion—that iv to say, it is
tioenand almost! one-third in,tena one-firth,
. .
' Awl thus, fn certain eventuality to take the else
: Hon out or the bands of the people to give it to
• the Aisembly. , It is therefore, positively chang
ing the condition of eligibility of the President
of 'the Republic. . •
LaStly; I tirill , call your particular attention
' to another reason which perhaps inn) , prove de
eieira . -
The ge4stablishment of on:ref - Al suffrage an
principalbasis furnishes an additional chance
of Obtaining the revision of the constitution.—
You have,not.forgotten why the adversaries of
figs rtnieion refdsedlnateetsion tovote for it. They
urged ihit arement,w hick they knew bow to ren
_ .deripecions: The constitution, saki they, which
10:the work of an assembly taking its rise in
: . , ,uniTerist Ratline, cannsit he modified by an
s assembly issuing from a restricted suffrage.
.;... , ... 7 ,;:lihetifoinr , not this ben real motive or to
only, it ia,expedient to olt it aside, and
• 'to'be able - to say To those who would bind the
.'oiniitirYAOwn to . an immutable constitution—
:— Beheld ottivenatl; suffrage re-established, the
majority of the Assembly supported by 2,000,-
000. of petitioners, by the greater number of the
"eonticifs of arrondisment, and almost uuani
:;motiely by the councils-general, demands the
• :rnvision of the fundamental eiiimpuet Have you
Confidence than we in the espreosion of the
• :pointer will? • The question. therefore, may be
: , :.thee stated to all who desire is pacific solotioti to
the difficulties of the day.
• • The lair of the 31st of May has its imperfec
tiope, but eveail ere it perfect, should it not never
. .theless; bo 'repealed if it is to prevent the reels
ion Of the - constitution, the manifest wish of the
• country:
• It is objected, I am aware, that on my part
these proposals aro inspired by personal inter
est. My conduct for the last three years ought
to repel such an allegation. The welfare of the
country, I repeat, will always he the moving
spring of my conduct I believe it my duty to
propose every means of conciliation, nod to lice
every effort. to bring about a pacific, regular sod
legaTeolatiOu whatever may he its use.
- - •Thusilten; gentlemen, the proposal I make to
you Is, neither a piece of party.incticit, for on
egotistical calculation, nor Sudden Temolution; it
iejlereeult of serious meditation, null of a. pro
. ~r -, ; •foriiitl, c onviction. 1 do not pretend that thin
.will banish all the difficulties of the
-•eitUatiott: But to each day its appointed task
To-siadr to re-establish universal suffrage, is to
chit war of its flag, dto opposition of
-`;'.italtnitattiment. it will he to furnish France
•• _ yvittitho toosibility of giving itself histitutimo
twhlch may insure its repose. It will he to give
:back in fut.* to the power of the state, that
moral,fortnychich can only exist long an .ti
Yepos es !mil' consecrated principle, amino insim.
- :testible, anihority.
.. Beeeitre, gentlemen, the assurance of my high
. ..ctiteitis: LOUIS NA POI. EION4IION Arai:SE.
Elyach7lintional, Nov. 4.
P I, r _el'i - 413 I Rt.: VAZ F.: I" I E
i•nuLis It -W
V : :
4,411-READING WiL, /, PO r.VD
• Metter to the leveland bemnerat, dated,
• Warren, Nov. 17th, says that there WO a meet
. legal the friends of the Cleveland and Mahon•
ing Railroad, at the court libusn in Warren on
• , the evening of the 15th inat. There was a large
_ number in attendance, and, a determination
ettinciaTtia prOsecute•the b . ) completion.—
Jacob Perkins, Esq.''Who has,paid some atten
tion to the subject, addressed the meeting, and'
. in a clear and forcible manner demondtrated the
etiperior advantages of this contemplated road
• over others, and also convinced his hearers that
, intilteek;:it .could pop.
'": .. thernieno doubt it would-pay, and we hope
thiepeopletil,Warren will push on the work with
the:etierg) r of which the people of that beauti
'-.7ful.tand':eriterprising place are capable. This
unite with the Ohio and Pennsylvania
ion! - -in the vicinity of Cann Valley, and will
give us the shortest and most dirsct route to
Cleveland possible, through s splendid country
. all the way. Such a road will have na interests
diverse from our Western line, and can work
with it with the utmost hlratony. We hope to
'ltem it pat tinder contract ly next spring.
.., .1
Pittsburgh Gazette\ copies our recent no
-4.lidiVer .the - project, and remarks
rii"...• - • * itiTti are anziou.s to s the Road bnlit, hat
always "hoped again t hope," even when
- " , -the formality of putting the owl under contract
4 ,yrresorted to. The road o ght to he proceeded
intis 'without delay. There is no reason why the
't 4„ peq'file of. that region should not proceed no
otters have done—put their own 'shoulder to the
wheel—grade the road and borrow the money to
buy the iron. Cleveland is now connected with
. the Ohio river at Cincinnati, and soon will be
with Pittsburgh, while 'nothing is done to place
Erie in'a like advantageous position. When will
Erie, and Mercer, and New• Castle, awake to
their true interest'. Almost half of the work is
done to their hands. By commencing nt Boon
Valley they would not have a--very formidable
work to accomplish."
Our friend of the Garotte volunteer 4 some
good advice, by which we hope the parties imme
diately inrested will 'profit ; but we would avk
why Pitts nigh - has stood' studiously aloof from
a project designal to minister
. teculiarly to her
convenience and prosperity ? . Iler citizens--
including the ,editnr of the Gazette—have not
extended to the Road the slightest encourage
ment,hut rather turned to it the cold Shoulder. If
its constrviction is at all desirable — and who will
ditfpute the foot° Pittsburgh should join Erie,
Crawford, mercer, and Lawrence in pushing it
forward. . With ouch an adjunct, it would .very
.probably'be built, and in that event secure to
Pittsburgh a fair share of the credit of co ad
vantageous an improvement — Erie Cautte.
',. The Erie Gazette labors under a: great mia
- take. • .The editor of this paper, as well as the
citizens of this city generally, have ever maul.
fated a lively interest in a Railroad to Erie, bat
tluticetild not help:entertaining that distrust of
thainteotion of the Erie Nisnagers of that road,
which hats at length,' it.,.{ seems, pervaded the
mind of our Erie cotemptirnry. The editor of.
the Erte . Gezette`shonld recollect thdt I'ittstrargh '
- has heerf.ingaged fo; -- the last two years in eon-,
attracting :forty Aar miles of , the southern lend of
the track; end that they have just run a Loco
motive and passenger car ever it, and that here.'
after the cars will run regularly that far, on the
'way. toErie, thus shortening the staging, to that
plisce veryconsiderably. Thin southern end iv
decidedly the rnost,difftcul and expensive, and
now that PithWeirglflitts mdo it, is it too much
foe : herto eapeet that E ie, and the country
abufg the turtle, should proceed to construct the
remnhtder'.e.,the line, especially no , Pittsburgh
is enfragedid'extending a lifie into theiheart of
the Westivihich will connect Erie so ywell as
Pittsburgh, with the magnificent coontrg of the
Mississippi valley? It is nothing to the purpose,
to 'reply that tte southern end .watt.matle for
another Abject.‘-that makes no difference to
Erie, as itatiawers all the purposes of a direct
RailrOad - .4i that place, for tie distance. of 44
DUCA nroi. iltia . rintrr --The following dispatch
orae Tecebred , lat night by Smithly k Collin,
Saw 151111 Ron. thtownern of the coal boots, from
Mr:.Drsdringtorr, hand on the beats:.
Porramotratt, 0.. Nov. 21.
Last night, about 15 miles above Porterno nth,
in a 'storm, hoth the coal boats sunk, and all on
board were drowned, bat myself.
The notice of this disaster has caused the most
pairtful excitement in,. Temperancerillc, where
the young men - lived. who are sapposed t'o be
drowned. Three of them being 0005 of a widow.
The following names - were handed us As nmong
unfortlinate young men--111r Hays, [brie Thomp
-801114 two Halms Sanderson ;I'Cartby.—ffiron
,-.[Beo farther particulars under telegraphic,
. .
Tan Taarrr.--Tho Washington Telegraph
yesterday says: .
The iron Interest will prove potential in the
.aPpremehing Congress: The duty will be
i; creased. Miens are being expended forgarope - :
eh iron, while American. fmances are neglected.
We are informed that the last blast , in Virginia,
hap been extinguished, and re=sylranift has
=questionably veered exteißively.
We publish beleW the repoit of a .reliminnry
coney made by Jens SLOAN, Esq. of Cia,rion
County,❑t portion of the rout: of the con
templated railroad between Pittsbnm and Olean,
lying between the mouth of the Ida. suing and
Corsica, a village ❑car the western border of Jef
ferson county. This survey was made in par
nuance of a resolution of a meeting of the peo
ple of that region, a notice of which we pub
lished sonic time ago. It wan intended to en
trod the survey as far as Ridgeway, the county
Seat of Elk, but owing to the inclemency of the
weather the party got no further than Corsica.
The part annoyed, however; embraces the on
ly'diflicult ground of the route between Pitts
burgh and Olean. From Pittsburgh to the
mouth of Mahoning is all plain sailing. From
the last named 'Mint to Redhank above the "Big
Bend," presented the principle difficulties; and
Ibis part is embraced in Mr. Sloan's survey.—
From Corsica to Olean the line posses through
a country exceedingly favorable.
What surprised us in Mr. Sloan's report was
the sliortuess of the route from the mouth of
Motioning to Bethlehem—being rather short of
xteen miles. At that point all difficulties are
over, and a little tnor one hundred miles will
bring us to Olean. This proves that our esti
mate of 150 miles from Pittsburgh to Olean was
about correct.
Mr. Sloan ie intimately acquainted with all
the region tying between the mouth of Mnhoning
add the State line. Ile represents it, as has
been done by others,. as comparatively level;
much of it fertile, and well adapted to agricul
ture. He says the road will pass through some
of the finest pine forests in the valley of the
Allegheny, and which are yet untouched. But
what is better than all, there is any quantity of
hitumin onus coal all along the line, some of the
veins of which are from S to Id feet thick.—
When this road is opened this coal will be im
mensely valuable, as there is no coal in the State
-of New York, Were there no other trade, this
coal would warrant the construction of a road
*through that region. lint when we add to that,
lumber, iron, and many other products of that
country, together with the very largo through
trade and travel, we hazard nothing in saying
that this will he one of the most profitable roads
in the United States.
It may he that better routes than Mr, Sloan's.
will ho discovered; but lie Las proven that there
is no serious difficulty in running a road very
nearly in a straight line from Pittsburg to Olean.
:That is en ranch. Of its great utility and profit,
when made, we believe there is but one opinion.
Now we need but one thing more, and that is a
liberal subscription to the stock on the part
of the people of this city. Let Pittsburgh
subscribe enough to organize the company, rind
we hare what we esteem good authority for sayl.
ing that the rest will be done.
AnJ JA.11.1,1 SLOAN, COMM . :tee appotraed by a
rarritny of tit.e4 of Clarara and coun
torropiny Os Eagiwr to tr,,taip the F ro,
rf 4 R 4111114 d roub , from the ruorah of
MaAonlng to Ridgetroy
oksri.rmsk—The following report — of the
above mentioned survey from the mouth of Ma
honing to Cornice, in Jefferson dimity. is re
spectfully submitted
The' Legislature of Permsylvanie, of
haring 'granted the right of way for o 'relined
from Pittsburgh, by way of Kittanning, to the
State line of New York, it wits resolved by a
large and respectable meeting of the eititen% or
chcion and Jefferson cumin.. that the above
mentioned survey should be made_
This duty having been by you committed
t., me, 1 took with me Mr. Culbertson Orr,
LlAistan t engineer, together with William
Orr and others as cheinbearers, axe-men,
We commenced at the mouth of 3lahoning. a
short distance above the present bridge, on the
north side. We allowed a height of 40 feet
above low water, for the viaduct over, that
stream. 'oe first tarried our grade at one de
gree c 92 feet to the mile) to a certain point
south cant of Kellemburgh. By making a cut
of 60 feet on the summit, on the Olean :Rate
Road, near "The Old Church," the grade from
the-,pMee of ,beginning to thin point to reduced
to R 0 -feet 'per mile. From this' anmmit_a de
scent could be made to the mouth of Leather
wood, a stream which empties into the Bed
hank, from the north cast.
Aut toiling previously made a selection of
the summit south of - Thomas liamard'e, we
-made a survey along the, road from the church
at Kellemburgh to the last mentioned summit,
and 'found it tube 102 feet lover than that at
Kelleishurgh.. The distance from the place of
heginuit% to this summit if, 8 miles, 2-10 perches ;
and, by iniking acut of 00 feet for a short trig
taiter,-kho elevattou can be overcome by a uni
form grtide of 88 8;10 feerper mile.
Havingnscertairted that this summit and. the
one at the south-net front of the great bend of
Redbankj: creek, ar . the Baptist Church, were
both on the same level, we ran at an ascending
grade of fld 3-10 - feet per mile to said church—
distance 1. mile 140 perches—this place having
been eholien to make our descent to Redbank
creek, at `the village of Bethlehem..
From gin lost mentioned point (the Baptist.
Church) holtethlehem, is hi miles, requiring et
uniform aef3ceading strode of 61 13-11.1 feet per
mile. L
We thou find that the distance from the
month of Mahoning th Bethlehem, ou the Red
hank, is as follows hi P.
From mouth of Mahoning to deep cut, 8 240
Thence to Baptist church, 1 146
Thence to Bethlehem, 5 240
Or say 16 miles, having a maximum grade of
58 8.10 feet per mile. Here 1 beg leave to re.
mark, that the grade of the side hill running
from Malioning, averages about 10 degree., and
that of the hill descending towards Redbank,
about 10 degrees, requiring of course, but light
side cutting, and both are clear of rocks, and
the ground very favorable.
' . At Bethlehem, we estimated the height of the
vindOct over Redbank, at 00 feet. We thence
continued our sicrveyup the valley of Loasure's
En., at a continuous grade of 71 9-10 feet to
the.mile, a distance of lJ miles, to the dividing
ridge between the waters of Redbank and Ilty
Piney erect, on the Blairsville and Clarion state
cond. Here, the summit being very narrow.
made a- calculation for a cut of 75 feet, and
thence continued our Survey on the cast side of
-a branch of Glade Run, along the aide of the
ridge, to the point of ridge, near-and west William Riffenberick's, on the Olean State
road,-and adopted the general . course of the
mid, until we ',inched Cochran's store bonse.—
We then crossed Piney Creek, and ran up the
valley of that stream to a point near and west
of Thomas Taylor's: ran along the-east side of
ridge, passing close by Oakiandrichtiol hinge ; to
the gap on the dividing ridge riser,
Thence wo descended to the !alley- , of Little
Piney creek; ran up the same, and crossed the
Bellefonte and Erie turnpike, at Philip Corbet's,
and thence on the low.gronnd on .thanorth-of the
rood, to a point on the Olean road at Corsica, on
the straight line between the month of Mahon
ing and Wean, as run on tbe groan - T - I:34min thirty
fire years since; by David Lawson ; R! 1.
_From thq dividing ridge at the bad of Lea
sure's run to Corsica, a distance ,oti:ten miles.
there is no grade exceeding fifteen feet per
mile. This part of the line is remarkably
straigh I.
The distance from Maboning to Corsica, is as
Mile. Ml.r.grade.
From Motioning la Bethlehem, 18 56 8-10
Bethlehem to dividing ridge
at the Ilead of Leasure'.
Run, 71 4-10
last named ridge to Car
biro, lot 1J
When wo reached Corsica, the weather set in
cold, which induced as to defer the prosecution
or the survey in the direction of Ridgeway, until
a mare favorable season.
The contemplated route from this to Olean
point is as follows, to wit To the mouth of
Little Toby some ;:?..miles; thence up Clarion
river 8 miles to Ridgeway; thence to the forks,
or Johstonshurc,; throes, up trithe Johnston fork;
thence down Marvin's creek to ffmithport;
thence hy the way of the Allegheny river to the
State line and Olean, making the whole distance
from the mouth of Idahaning to Olean, probab
ly not to exceed, when located, ane hundred
and twenty miles.
From the topographical features of the coon
try, and from my own knowledge generally, I am
willing to hazard an opinion that it will be difft
• colt to find a route embracing moruadvantaps
than the ono presented; passing no it doed through
a region of bituminous coal nearly all the way,
as also through a Etna farming country, and,
north of the Busquettannah Turnpike, through
a forest - of an almost inexhaustable supply of
Pine and other valuable timber, es well as, iron ore.
Some of the coal Tomlin Clarion and Jefferson
contimmni to the :route; are from nine to
trrelee feet think. This coal will afford a great
=Mint of txtriTingt PartioPlarlY to the market
of New York; there being no supply* that State.
TLie contemplated improvement Is most certain.
Veeconcrto no other of the kitid . in the State;.
openingan it would, a short communion , tlou be
tween New-York, Albany, Rochester,.
and the
. .
, .
Lukas, and the ' ley Ghia and Mississippi ries tog was but tho exprmsion of that voice, and
(affording . a more direct and cheaper Itutet the sentiment of Ougyhole nation. ' The 'Gov
than any other for carrying and exchanging Moor said that he watt not present for the pur
their products, anti no doubt will yield a hand-, pose of making a speech, but to preside over a
some profit to those who might invent capital in i meeting whose objects excited all his sympa.
it ' thiesivirt the release of O'Brien, Mitchell and
On the accompanying mop I hare represented 1 Meagher. Some might suppose that precedents
'the Allegheny river and its eastern tributaries, , were against any such interference in foreign
that their relative situations may be seen. The i matters. For himself, he did not core for pre
' Allegheny river from Pittsburgh to the mouth , cedents, if they stood in the way of the freedom
of Mahoning is common to all, routes. Front of man. But in this case the precedents were
that point there is a choice of routes. To fol- . not so. Anti here the Governor referred to the
low the river, the distance from the last named , imprisoment of Lafayette in Austria, in the
point to Olean is ''l2s miles, while by the State early Jays of our republic, when Washington
road the distance Is only 100 miles. I have Ps- . addressed a letter to the Austrian Government
Saluted the line of a railroad, as above, at .120 on his behalf, and earnestly requested his re
miles, making a difference between that and the • lease, •` Let us," continued the Governor,
river route of one hundred miles. ', tt send our request to our Government to ask for
. • lulls SLOAN, Junthe release of men, who, if they have erred et
Nov. 18, 1851.
- _....._ I and are deserving of the heartfelt sympathies of
. 'REIMS COUNTY TARIFF MEETING. . nfree people." The Governor eat down amid
, great applause.
A Blip from the o ffi ce of the Reading Gazette Robert Morris, Esq., was next introduced to
and Democrat, the leading Democratic journal 1 the meeting, and read the subjoined address
rif Berks county, firings us a detailed report of t and resolution, which were much applauded.
the recent Tariff meeting in that faMous Demo- : ADDRESS TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE
erotic strong-hold. From this slip we learn that I UNITED STATES.
the gathering was a Democratic comity meeting, i A numerous assemblage at the city of Phila.
called by the regular standing committee of the i dolphin, of American citizens of all parties, pre-
I.l"rd over bvthe Governor of Penns qv ania re re.
party in Berke, "for the purpose of taking such
cuing there is rens. to believe, :. P the
action upon the question of modifying the Tariff blotto:no, and hearty
.the nearl yahela
upon iron as they may deem expedient. - The slip. ;:tale, hog leave, respectfully but - earnestly, to
states that the meeting was nn unusually large one urge the Executive of the United States to apply
and was held in the Court House ad Reading, the influence of the American nation, which ape
on Monday, November 17th, one o'clock P. pears to be in action,. s
to obtain from . the R il ritieh
government the relearn of mat} men,
M. The following is the list of officern Mitchell. Meagher, and their companions in
PfeSidflie—Dr. 11. II Mithlenberg, Rending unstortune from distressing captivity in a remote
Lobach, Pike; Geo. anal inhospitable region.
Deag'er, Alsace ; David Fitter, Kutztown; Dau- The lawfulness of their ennilemnation we will
eel, K. Hottenetinr, Maxataway ; blear Ely, no t discuss; but ns they could hero hero
Reading . John Miller, Hamburg, John Widow- convicted of high treason if tried by English
en, Union ; Daniel Woolf, Hamburg ; Daniel law, and as all constructive treason m prohibited
Tong, Reading Peter Kline, Greenwich ; Philip by the Constitution of the United States, Ameri•
Gougler, Cumru, Henry Mengel, Clereavon: Jo- can sympathy for these gentlemen is excited by
seph M'Donnel, Reading; Levi I'. Kner; Reed. even the means of their conviction.
ing: David Katz, MaxataWnY: Dr. Peter F. Na- But It can be no cause of just offence to Groat
gle, Reading: Henry A. M. Filbert, Reeding Britain that American sympathy iv aroused by
Jneoh Maderin, Muhlentierg: Samuel; Slyer,. imy and by all Irish puttering. Open, earnest,
Heidleherg. anions, interposition, by respectful
Seeman/a—Dr John Seiherling, Hamburg appetil to the British government in behalf of
Edward M. Clymer, Charles K,sler, .1 Law such victims as those we pray for, is an oblige
truce Get:, ,lames K. M'Conly, and ileorge I: Don HA tending tat Americans, and as natural an
Spayd, Reading. it was (or theni to tutecor Ireland when distressed
Francis W. Hughet, of Schuylkill county , by famine.
who has long been conspicuous no one of the moo hundred thousand frith every year
most efficient, active and able leaders of tho leave their birth place to seek relief in this cam
Democratic, party in the interior, itildresord the t ,„,,„,,,1 w oo , • for ytar poor
anal dietresaao, ,
meeting energetically in favor of the .dyer tiro. Saner th,, providenti a l toigratiorn recorded in
posed, as did also the Ilon ta Ilium Strong, late holy writ, no such wonderful exody Ilan ever
member of Congress from that district, and II been known an that by which an ancient end
A. Muhlenherg, the Senator of the district, both once powerful people flock ottotbrre normally,
prominent and well Ic e men D etn , e ,,t a The enough to eumilititte a large State, to undertake
speeclul, of the,° gentlemen, ray.. the tlarnite. 't ar ta„ol, ant taaatonotaa, of
went over the entire tariff qiiestion. exhihited t h e a ,a,mg,', of cr0n,..0 '
its bearing upon the leading industrial interests broad to ,‘„,,,,,,„„ 1 „ torott ,„„ too,
ootp ,
of the nation, and conclu•ovely demonstrated acre, end amalgamation, f tantalite,: a largeptir
the justice and propriety of ouch a ° h o ng, in the 'ion ar the motive power of the moot progressive
present Tariff not, according to the recommen o f r ,„„ taa ~„, to of aboottore
alien of it. author, the Hon. Robert .1 Waller, with high w..ubl he unnatural In tho urgent
and other high. Democratic authority. an . 4 wall a
ierporal iair I/overtime. anti hi. eat lir,
enhance the revenue, mild afford mire adrynite fairclone,the rogit,
incidental protection to the great ststile 01 cannot but per,-rive the taort leglnmair, praise•
Pennsylvania. worth), and int:sent ia: cause of action
The fallowing committee on resolution+ was ho.„,„,„te,r,mmrn•:ul,otort t or a t,, racial
appointed. It
,enihrse., many +tatirieh farm I and more analairtior politielal Intimacy of late
tiers of the party between Ii rent Britain and the (lotted State.,
Joel li. Warner, Reading. William Shaffner. a softening asperitin. which heal alienated
Tulphoccon; John Brett, Nlenienereek: Peter Lao], I [now, and which nothing will teat to
Pieter, Greenwich: Edward (' Reading. i ,„”, „ and , ort roootoot rerapro,ty It
S. E. Ancona, Reading darn b I ',deur., A trot r oinee . •
Adam MeCkni.,•Alrnce, lii, held Ilert,. Ito 01. Ann „.. 4 . rho . r, the hneronoo
of yltrien ad
ing; E. Penn Snicth. Wornebdort. Daniel Keller, his r lay the Itrthoili, at the inetanre
Greenwich; Thomas trnanereolebrod.da l e. Ilea- i o f gororooaroh
woota ho a signal
ry Riegel, Reading. J. A. ilechtel, Daniel I and remarkable kindurno, glorinits to England.
II Kale Kutztown: Ge org e so,„.k . it,„„h org; Da. grateful to ..lvorrira, delighttal to Ireland, an act
rid A. Stoubitirading Joseph 110d , i , " 3 . I of magnanimous hand,: race by wh eh totem°.
George Smith. Reading. lienJ.itmu Noonaoher. icroe ta Irr „ ,oa ,
oa.obt richly,
1./Ter Bern. William 011 I les of imprutirr interfsrrnee
berg; Jacoh Becker, Robeson. J. Daniel Wenner with British control, ur euggestang their execn-
Kuttown. John Fisher, Ms"' Het'. lame police. wr not believe that Itritish jue-
Iteadine Cherie. or Eoser, Knotown Iwould tie t an arnaired and British pulley
The Coiumittee nn Resolutions. through their I promoted by the lanion of these unftrtnnete
Chairman, Joel :II Werner• F``.ll- , r',ll^rt'l t 6 gentirmeo, erlicitod the Arnow. otTepring,
whirh were unanimamly natopted, to some measure, by Great Britain berseir
with loud occamation• z Pardon, the trio. 4 ottraotive attribute ad royal
Respired, That we hereby renew one pledge power.urged t„
to stand by the principle+ of the Tariff' of I a sr,. We ,forams: podia ,
a., the
a,t0,,-;thote lady who
regarding them as acquiesced .n ti; the Deno- heuigngly wielde'the otptre of that mighty cia•
is party of the Union ae a permanent a obit/de:tent pore These unhappy exile+ have boor irniferol
of the Tariff question. the inceesaat tertL,re_ of eseln+inn from domes-
Resolved, .That while we have sit-tamed the Ila endearments, whack their to:nal-oh s virtue
principles of the Act of I Nlll as a finallflopes,tinn. anal r „ woe
we hare looked forward with earnest eaest solicitude ~o,l„osf,,,nenrr of her , ota ,„, hater hatta ore .' .
to the period when Coogreoa would be MA, e a one
of her princely ttooao in token
willing to nettle upon c permanent task the 41. for Ireland tin tine ride of the Atlantic we
tails of that Act, and particularly the duty upon, I are free to estimete and characteriee her reign
iron. On Slat not the eula.yssor ad the Elisabeth and
Resolved, That the crime has now mint,. when M ary ,c„r„, o f
ortairt . whom her
Conger, sherld finally settle this question, by Aerial realms are no ruled with a real of
advancing the duty upon iron up to the revenue it m, perform en not of royal grace and oteroro,
standard; and by so regulating the mode of ry more potent than any exercise of Executive
treeing aeon Clint " lickae to """ it Power, by pardoning those punished for teolous
as far as practicable from fraud and tinniest- 1 0 „
tions. The Democracy are now in power in the IT, croon 4 ,„ tiat that if our government on.
National Legislature, and to them Peankylv.ia treat thio apt of clemency with the earnetne,
leaks. Time and experience has proved her bt,0t,;„... th e it wall not be withheld.
that n revenue Tariff may afford ample incylen•
The renewing resolution was jered and on,
td protection to ironotblukhits the pledgee nt
the Southern aort - Weltern illtrltemicY in their n " . " ntl Y ed "*P"
votes on the 116 n. Mr. McKaf t r bill of 181181A,G Resolved, That the °hirers of this meeting
and of the Hi*. IL' Warter4 the author of Bien the addrere ableti has been read to the
the bill of 18 Irt ta in . his repo' , Congo.. in meetitig, and that it be transmitted by the Gov.
1817, that an Inettwed dutggrfn iron would not ertior, Witham I' Johnston, to Millard Fillmore,
- be perfectly cotMitelirwith the principles President of the United States
of the Act of 1114 K, but that it would add to the
Hon. Joseph It Chandler, Z c o llie s Lee, E au .,
Robert Tyler, Mr John Cadwalader, NI
Resolved, That Pennsylvania lancer prepared
to accept as a Mall adjustment this rarodtheation 4PNlichael, Esq . and other gentlemen adders.-
of the duty on iron; ( believing that bY it she ed the meeting. The resolutions were unani
can receive constant employment for her me- moiety adopted.
°titmice and laborertrat fair wager, and the fall
developement of her mineral regain-era'
Resolved, That we maintain as firmly as ever
our principela of political equality; regarding
all the great interests of the cnuntry—agricul.
tura!, commercial, and manufacturing—as at..
ding alike before the Government, and rack en
titled to the same fostering care; anal that we
regard the modificatiome of the' Tariff'
,of I 846,
proposed in :the foregoing resolution... no per
featly consistent Kith thee.. principles of politi•
cal equality.
Revolved, That our member of Congress, and
members of the legislature, be requested to use
all means in their power to carry into effect
there resolutions.
Resolves!, That we hereby call upon the Dem
ocracy of our State to unite with us in an no.
peal to the Democracy of the Union, to tneto
out to Pennsylvania that measure of justice
which we think is due to her. Pennsylvania
has, in peace and in war, always been tent to
the Union, the Conntitution, and the flag of oui
glorious renntry--evidences of all which she
has repeatedly given. Fier Democracy, in ma
king thin appeal to their brethren of the same
political faith in other States, ask no necrifice of
principle for the furtherance of her Mitt-lots ,
but simply that measure of justice which she In
tarn would he moat happy Co reciprocate.
Renolvedr That the proceedings of this meet
ing he published in all the Democratic papers of
the comity, in the Winhington Union, the Penn
sylvanian, Ilarrinburg Union, and Keystone,
and such other Democratic papers no 'may feel
an interest in these measures.
M. BALLADS, Esq., being milled upon
to address the meeting in support of the MO
lutlow, made to few hsppy remarks, after which
the meeting adjourned nor the.
Frt. the PhLhOl,lphh&l4nrth Anteric.n.
Last evening, the Chinese Saloon of the,. Me
nem building was densely crowded with a mul
titude of the citizens of Philadelphia, of all
classier, gathered accordance with the call
previously inculcated through the daily papern;
to manifest the desire of oar people for the re.
icfnf.the Irish exiled patriots, Smith O'Brien,
John Mitchell, and Thomas F. Meagher. An
excellent band was in attendance. .At. quarter
before eight o'clock, Governor Johnston entered
the room, accompanied by a number of friends,
and was received with enthusiastio and militated
cheering, which was repeated when he was call
ed to the chair, and when be rose to speak, in a
manner which fully attested his deep and last
ing hold on the hearts of Philadelphians, irre
spective of party. The assemblage was called
to order by the lion. John F. ltolaterling, on
whose motion the following was adopted as the
organization of the meeting:
President—Gov. W. F. JOHMION.
[llere follow.the names of to large number of
Vice Presidents.]
On taking the chair, Governor Johnston do.
livered 1, few appropriate reumals, which were
listened to with deep attention 6y the meeting,
interrupted at inter/ids by general end loud ap
plause. He said that the meeting woe assem
bled to perform a.duty which was pleasant to
all. lewas not to advance any of oar own pe
culiar interests or purposes. but for something
higher and nobler—to ask our government to
use its exertions for the liberation of dietin
gnished man, who have benn
the old world in their efforts far the extension'
of human freedom. The meeting was not as.
eembled to interfere with [baloney of a for
eigraingdom, not to_find faultavith the admin
istration of Its criminal rurispnidence, but sim
ply to ask She_ government of
,ttat kingdom to
perform an act of clemency to,iimiliy and good
men. Tho meeting irtisassentbled to request
our own government to use itslindly emcee on
behalf of exiles from their *lin land, whose
only fault was too great slarcof liberty.' The
Governor disclaimed any deslie to meddle im
pertinently, ar interfere withltha internal at.
fake of a foreign , nation. 'The present wax
merely anatural effort of eynipathy Imre:Sur
tenet* exiles. It le an important act adieu 28
millions of. people send forthitheir voices, cal
ling upon a neighboring nationio release those
Wigan tliey'have condemned. And:
James F. Wharton editor of the Wheeling
Times, nes in this city on yesterday. and loft for
Cloveleed—he is on business concerning the term
ination of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at
Whemang, with the Cleveland end Wellsville road
nt the latter place eta Steubenville Not having
given the subject due consideration, we are not
prepared to express an opinion upon it at pres
ent. Whether Until or Will not be advantageous
to Steubenville and heri ntereste, uf.n:that stab-
Jeri., faun. noon —Btrithentsll, Herold
The Sew Beford Mercury says that there were
soles in that city on Tuesday of 1.300 barrels
sperm oil nt $l. 2.; per gollon,and 'Jima° pounds
of whale-bone at , 11 . , cents per pound. The lat
ter is on advance; all/ cents per pound since the
recent disastrous tidings from tho Arctic Sleet.
There is be nnestion to to the extremely
. do-
(entire condition of the harvest in Ovrmsny, the
shipments of groin have already taken place from
England in consequence of it. In Southern
Ittosia, however, the crops bare been abundant
and exceedingly fine in quality, unit largo con
signments will therefore take place from °dem
Roan Satan —An accident occuret on
thn Iltuolon River Railroad on Saturday which
resulted in the destruction of a large amount of
property. About 40 tone of rock had fallen up
on the track, and n locomotive itruck the mass
when running at the rate of 12 miles an hour.
The engine, a powerful one, was thrown entirely
over and badly broken, oarp were ilacitaged, three
fine oxen were killed, hat fortunately the men
in charge of the train escaped with but alight
tiarDysrer4u Couwo Dv TUE Car or Dr. Me-
Inxien bn rat —No M...., with author. the .hied.
~.,,,tton uon4ontation, la au 11.11'11 drowled In the Unl
hef Rate. alrapergla. Orluinallaw In a clawnwul Ptah. of
the hour. ILA. ram, onnfunroled with onnortnnatknt Iteelf
1., Ih.. unhappy roihder. who nano. away until death rr.
w a ,,, lino fr a wn twin: rot. ramoaly I. within tha roach of
w hula will 041,-, all cam. of the kltl, and work
ap...4, anal efluotasul eta, lot Wirer klurtrau. a Marin.
waabhud nbrxwboa of tiruinia. with a toy 4,14414 r.. prw
owul In all cafe. of dy.polarbs. and in
all taw.. with*tooplut, •teouuu Cte
ortilloar In atoundanro
da the lowaoo of I lat.proprletorn of Ulla Invalwahlo
kikPbaro , 1V,.,.? Arta t, amt., of Fourth. Pitt.
ka a r,th 1 Tho dollowing. howerrt, troth (1111, will *peak
voluto.• Karroo., undo* mar of lbw.. dlr.-Wel
which vi
lowtka a dixdward
ittrunoaro. Je&rwdo moult. O.
Kuhl a On- -Thlar ba W ne;rttly that taw wife
lw/ur &Meted for or I rosy roan. With the following
pal, at ',dinar, Onto nr loss .
.111 0 right .Lye,
abort. tho rtlgo of the raw. ....flag to the right ahottdb
or, pain In We hack part of the head and aloe the MTh,
4,06111.1.1 hl wrukarwa, !woof appotlw, 11 almost lon.
xtantly ronnord to her last ?brava an4itat. abs Leo naval
firma boatel of hr. slehano'a blear I , lll,and I hare now
to stale tloat by the nao of thew. Ohl rho bawl boon ben,
n o onlinary drama. Under the providence of 0.4
now .Pore Steal 11.01111. awl lo able to attend L the
donnuallo waren. of rat familt. JON. OTP.?VAIIT.
For Cafe lor J. 0/1111 a CO, No. I'L Wool stmt...
Petroleum I
FILLAcw[Ail Cour , er Prvomerw—We Invite the attention
of the &filleted andtthe public geooraltr, to the reritte
of 10.0. Hall. of this citY• The cam may be peen by any
wbo way be ekeptiesd in relation to the fart.; bore
ed forth,' N. M. 1011:11.had kurkt aftliebel several ycnv•ithlkaorennesofboth
erre, which enntiourd to Intro. 00111 geptember, 1160,
the, intlaremation 01 that time baying involved the whole
Onion to/cobra...of laoth eyes. and ended In the depoelte
of a thlrlk film. lalll,ll wholly &attired toy eight 1 bad
wn overeat - in ta.rfortookand the thickening nemored. whirl
on returned and left me in se bed-. torelliton ss beftre.
At this rlage of the romplaint 1 made areliratioh m •••••
oral of ILu moat-eminent medical men, who Informed me
that •my eyes would never Oct well.' At thin time I could
nut dialloguirb any °Alert Ey thedylmol some friend.
I rommenrol ths use of the Petroleum,-both Intervale
cod InclifT, under Which My coca have Improved daily no-
Lil the presenttime. and I hare too:meted My eight entire.
kly general health mu very much Improved by the
Petrolcuab 'and I attribute the nolo - nal/at of my eight to
Ile nee. I reddest N 0.102 &mad Weak, In this city, sod
will be bsPre m gie• use label:math= In relation t• 101
Ypy. , 116 by Noyset A 31tDowIL 110 Wood irty••l; B. IL
Wren, 67 Wart otrqa4 0. A. feihnesbx.k. a Co, craw
Wad end Wont atrftfn I)] M. Curry, D: A. Eillou.;JoilaoP
I/coil...and 11,11 Salyut', Allegheny; SIVO by the pro
0. 11. KIYB.
Dll.l o lr_ _-
ea104.1 , r12 lAlp.:, I,l , loll.o.owymtb it— Pittibuzb
Fillitoportation of Hardware, Cotlel9, &c.
No. 129 Wood Street,
Dotfro to call M. attention of Metrhente and othern to
their toott
And wt.)] 11,1 ere non pronotod MI, at 'tot t
an rannot fat: rtre=o.
tri-A tnltet..ortinoutol M N't , onlobrßtnd C. t. AXE:
tla.r•rn hon.l. _ nont.
On ugin; tunruis, 111% I\!:+ 1 . %1:1.i
—u tl,. I .nut. Aer rh.
lunral lenne Sr .trnvt.
Darn, nanle .ksogr.ui M
I.r.ul.untt:J tort.t the Whiz
(•”) (..r
ke-Farinors! p“niler well flyer the thou-
Fsand that datly ant rattle. er1 . .1,1,
tAtell relld .r lilrCl II ie.., f.: I/1..: lo ta. $4,111,
j, ',at to a f. 1,1 taut
Aralonn Linn - no:A, Ton ILa tonal aura , ,„ a
fele an,.. end (hue not onlytint.. but yen would
atoll the ri.t of losing th..:ereeture alt.umether.
ertieement.l n. '2l
Novel and Rare Entertainment.
fl Great EaKtertt VENTII LOQ111:- , T
I 14.1111114 IL, 111.0 unt l/11116.
PROFESSOR 11A R R 1.1",; ,
11.,m ktnnwa Its II, , ut Ir.,
pmular and anialand putt - Dr0p...1 11, inc. end
New ,tn A. Itredem. InAeinhru. Hatt tune an I
all theplmp., e 1... and 101,4 lb. I. am, I, the lnr
1.11 yedre. Iry la.en unnrecedenDA, rea,,etloily an ~,,,,,, ,
Li.lrnl Ti•d I • Pil,,urglo 11+14.
In unequalled and r.,1,,e,v,1.1. . Apter, r.
went , . ennlni• 31 , 0:10A V IA
au4 enntinue all 11, up,. Al mei
I , alunlay Afteru,e,n, MAS , :, I 1141.1., on gel...Leer.a
rain he ,lll monderl pus.. ro eta ril•
uduteln. In a atande nr, tele]
Ilr 111 al.. .Aldltit greea •ArLei, nf I rl
many or , whirl, I.A,e n,,er le.ed L. 11.—
Vart ..1 Ille eountr, Partiedlar. 1,1.4
r sr. 7
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.
enninlvneitig ^n 11IoloLty, Nov. I
ExpreP, Train will lon,. Val
S M., uml-.11"Al Al
.„S rklA r . orlo••IA, NA. 11r,till'urn.1
I,quining. pr.... TrwtA wlll ~‘"e .ter At
fl . mar+ NI A I' ‘I
11 rola 41' et! 1 1 , 1,. 1 1 r.,h1 , 1k ; /11
I . 1 1 Th. krrrrultrirrlAtum Train 4.11. 41 411 'he Wal
itaLorrrs. and Id 14,..ltretr r.
111 1.1 , An0t0..1.111.11 TrAtts rill 1..54.. 1a.,. Irr 11
F.Trltr4ltar Ti^lrrt. %ill Ire 4,4 ra Par Irorr.rlr.
1 1 rIgittort Th. 'I rorr• 4111 cr ..11111..0 11krli
grunt 1 1 h. “alittu ••••• hulr‘l ,tr• •••
lines cf 11,1:•• nuw runnsn; 1.••••••••••• 1•:•••n an •
tu•••••• row‘....t • 1.11, I u ..• • •
v.., °A.I. uu,••• t the Sw1.••••1.•••• • • 1-1.••••••• i•
t•L••1.../: ••••
••••:1•t• I••••••• ,•••••
F RENCH ‘I E:111 NOS' - Ir. 11 , A I:1 11-
trni,A t. • I , L••• 1 , i,• : •;•••r•
FEATIII:I2S--21 one k. prim, ..ntor ky.
FEATIIk:ItS llEEs‘s A \
{II 01,, I, A
`1 ~111111.1-,
, is.• "11
F IL01•11- .1 , 1.1.1- rul, rtin•
4 )ATH--,,
Il;,~.,,;E:~, ~o.;~
nv , •, ,
h.',IL% ,K N3pkin P.,rt
li~ul Aiarrul m ,
r 1.; .1. t
ti r-•
1.1. tlis•••`,. • •t
11 1. , 1:111114-41: k l ;a. I
CHEESE -1W to,lov ‘l. I:. for oale I.v
HANN. t.ll
kr , 7l• o '
0? 'S - 1-100 NW..
T ALLOW hoof.
1 1 1- LOUR- 11.11.6. Spr111:?;:r . END,
s hhd, N.
0.. in , A ,, ,, •
e , : t hv , ,, ,
110 . 1,
INAP IL.. tine rinbre, ler
Kibe • 01, e,
QNUFF---` , 14 , 11, lisTret's i•Zeotell, f.r
hy J Kinn
A ItSliNl(3 1 t N.)
J ib: 6
, 17 . 1 - ;:t
(.1 AL A3I3IONIAC --1'250 11,n. for vol, hy
I_l t 5. 1 .2 . 1
I M 082,-3 bbis, Fre4l +lll.l White
. ..I KIDD A 01., io Wootl
HEREBY GIVEN that at,lnnittlg tki
the Plesideat mei %Inherent ui the 11t.sht to met
I errytellte Plant howl l'eusu
enj. h. 1.1 It. hen-. to
Mn •. In All.whses lily. en the IL ties S,.
lobs. lull,r•re the Intlremnts.l.seletinn e.:enentewitely
atter el. Ile ••It.sel r,. -t. these , dell..
enli ltere ca Ihr .-apltal nark r. to lug, lett, tn
Le end the ensue le hereby dte
thets 6,31 teerret.ntstire. et the nen.. et I L,, II
est. trteesoter of rai.ll:trureny, In Alkethett. city. . re
art. IL. stIM
It lllLANDS.Flere.ters teM•T
THE PUBLIC nre cautioned azikingt re
...ring th. tollnwing nr,1,•., lb. v.. met. I , in,
tn.. to tiny •..rn irum the rsh , ,•1 .
night of the hlth in.- !An.
line, In tho nnter t
Nnventh. 7th, mi. 1 .. 1.
Willi:tin (iornli.
Ortolnir 21, 1,51. tot 3-1116.7.,. S,th, :awn.
istv .u•l , •r+.J ni. •
nos .
.•{..nnr P. I
1.1.14 No I
\,A .2 •
ion •• No I lA,. FOmon:
,51 )11 1. No I
recoorolu a.. for .1. tr
n2 ll . JOHN IN liTT 1 141.1.1,ft, ot
c. ) by
nr: INAIA 11 E 1 1 • 11,
1)10 IRON—NH tOtt. 1111.10 Furnner, for
. 4 i, from It.- A 11,1,1, Whmrl
J. it,uto
rrIANNERS' 01L-21 1 1,111,n111,.. 1,,
I no=
d 11.0VFAZ A 'TIMOTHY SEED, rot sal,. 1,,
N-) no±). J A Is PillYil
Exchange Bank.
FEW SHAREs thiq Rork ivantod by
ne,22 ‘111.1.1,
Ohio and Penn. Railroad Stock, .
cA.TA A 1%114.1:A . 4 , 1111
Sight Exchange on Cincinnati,
FOR , SALE at thr. nio,t fov . orable rater by
A 1111.1,17, 4 a Co
Fresh Fruits. Hermetically Sealed.
IltEtill Ponehem; Fresh StrawhorrieN
PIE FBI/111 4 —
CUarru, Plum,
frerh , looacorties.
11, aluven atu put up in tht•ir own init., aryl benne.
stainingt utupnal Oulnr and Ireultfue,
Vur palp hT - t. A1e11.111..
on= • Liberty •1.
1 , -. ll roniclu cop,i
Vulcanized India Rubber Soling.
1 UST REC'D, a large quantity of carious
0 tiorknews of Voir:mired holing. We bete .ml,,
ed an exparleured workman to foie awl lialr.ole
g., " re ' 4l " :2 ' ll7egr ‘ ;7l:ttllVer,a„no ' :l " 7,
It l y " to thi.t t elollac whlch hat hero growing In fans
ne,d e rn public for the laxt few tvnrw; Xbil recommend.
tot doe, r
e. Ito iiennety, ib,ratnittO and ,t ot.
fort and an a greet
he of 11}..11.1'11,deeere." goo
'nal Introduction to he ornate .1. to 1 . 111LL11'...,
India Itulib,:r Itepot.'lll: Market ot.
IVAN° COVERS-1 doz. Videhnized in
dl. tubber tart reed from h.lon, end for
ea o at the Rubber Duo,. 1113 Market to
on= • J..t IL l'IIILL11•:+.
A NEA, T, strong. leather top new BOW Y,
far r ile or , ,r Nails and Iron. al 2t: Labe,
ty Ioo 2 HAI VAIINKBTOCK A 1111.1.
Kimball's Chemical Washing Fluid.
TillS FLUID is Tin superior to any other
Fluid or Poop Powder e'er oaered In thir Num and r.
it needs Is but a kikl to aatlrty Our .rho may hare i
doubt of It...power. to 11.610.1. dirt-or crew. Iron" cloth.
Ing. It will not In toy way hunt,. etne..frabrles . If
need aorordlng to thy direction,. It eon he had Ott the
gallon or In hottlee to suit pureheaere. Persona skidoo
to. try the Flop can hare • battle frre of :barge at the
Drug Ftore of N. N. WICKRII3IIANI,
non corner of Wood and Firth obi.
GIIEI:SE-122 boxes Creabb for sale by
mat JAtILO DALZUL, l Water rt.
(ILA-SS-100 Las. nse'd size s Window, for
IA sale by , Jtiure. pAta.xu..
Rlo'lo tierces Fresh, far sale by
WANTED—A situation by a manof es-
Variance, In either a 19boleraie or Startra-taring
Dario... as Salem., Nuperlatendant. or Book.kerpor.
the latter Nina preferred. Unexceptionable reference
given It meted. Apply at this office.' noratd3t
S '-- /Wtt Brtarurt to
//I E r . S
.. mu . at rh*. MUET O
rlce outl hattut , Ultl IttPutrtr/ent ett .
Inssu 511,.. eh/tenet-au nt.rned maul Ilitt AU...—. 1 . 11/111
Ittsult. ttl us,. width thni.l tsur''.3/Ifitrund
.I , t ../ nut' .Ittututtl - v • Ai., r,. att.rtzu ut rtult
P 1.1.11, PIZ SI Eft
Tx/re Yea tn, fur ulnok• ustl tln-su-tt. Mirk 371attt.111,1 aud
1 .11-sktuz Y-1/, t•I
Just C.- rho i.turs—nurtlt,t, uurcutr ut ~ /tourtl.;
IN ES t 1 of ,uperiof qualities.
V V. r• rs - uttl Pure Fruneh Itrandr. Sf per'cnitma.
• il,ulr/rn Wsur. \
..t. 11. , 41:1S 11.1.1 u,/
Smith's Patent Self-Acting Hinge &Spring
• - -
91 1 11 E Carr,snitsrs. 1111(1 RolWere
sou. h Ir rn`nounl
woti l. to :t Ili I.
at. I I. as, am
• .1 -If w,r ont limb, IL.
t • ‘-r• 10 , 1 k
- .
A Inrun. • uppi , trAgl; X. Vor nlnn, n
,AlprurtAn•nl n.lpyttwl. url)loh nnta
.111tIA A.
I . lAninw
I, lb. , •Ale 4.1 Itocht. %I /./..luorllt
l'lntung 31.,tim.. for n.. 11.-Arrwand;Aouthrri/
n... 21 ,an •
r ill! l'A !CIA her.q4) , xigting
I ..1:1; it lltlr A I, Iltk• .Int
• klre I I, mutual , 10 , 017 • Ithdrio. a!
frrrn It. fir. A RD 11.51:11.
1111E.1.11,11. no,. 1.. I. r.AA4tlil:lt.
r will he vontinatal at
t Mt' 1.40ar And •I I I: 1111:II A CA,
1.11 1. I''. .1. .1!\ , 11
1,1 2 1 1'
I la nog a aery largo sto c k of every article
I D. v, , f , kll, thr
itrrrtTnr,, ...tided 1,, Vat h.
Notice—Lost Certificate.
borrhy {turn that apprhniti,in
i 1... I.• 111- r trlmeleo ll‘uk 1•••• 11•••"r••new
.! • • •• rt .. •,••. tar immr•••)••11•••••—• —ar•l
i• I• i 4 113, •I ANL 411H1 0 .i:
I'd l'Elt --:straw Wrapping
••. n .tr.. , a
' American
V v.
I' ttSII 51.1.
1111111 I:11 \
)1.1.i. iii . TTEI: hhiN. for 5311.:
ptt• t; !iv k I J. 1,111 it ,„ rinrr
F.ll . H` 4 ll Nii.
II A. Itl FTFAI t. Idd-L ra•o'd nod
I) I 1 - 11:II r•
t-ali r,•••I and f, 0,10
• •.itta I la:
6.'0 CIA Croshr,l ton
I Lt. 1..” 10r2, Carta I -a ,Llc Lt
I moln Lv
IA1:1 _.%11
New Rail Road Hotel to Rent.
i• 1
4 '1 , 1 , F. : ‘ , 1 ‘ . ..
,11% II , i11.10'..
. _
A t
1 , 4•1 ,, E2..;,
trdrla,n . It, • tu vldet. d
••111,.. • , re,nrd. I
• I , • X1.1.1:1, .
It I: II:\ E.
I I .1 I t..
1 , .. , 1., hi. 1..1.
1.4.. i NA.,
.011., ‘l,l i, %,. 61,6,,1,
N., ,
I. rr A l'Eltt'll,l ! ree'll a emu-
N I ~,1....... ,:i... A rputl. i'i, ha ....,1 cop.L.LtIO,
.1 tl.. 1,16.wma: 0.41 lirwia.l. , ,Xl7: l \l Forurrp.
1..r....i..1 -lunit. ~- ..•J I'. •., hurt 11.11. 4,, .. l‘ ar , lt
11.- .n • , 1 , ...m.. I nub. l• anti Mini... .1 in .t ..trr..
1.. r nerrin......r.u....
. It., tn. 1, r lintri: tin in..., lirnaJ 1 rt., rt.•l4 l't ....
rarl t. Ito 1. r...... 1 k rl. ii itl. a rirn. 61 art.i... 1, un.
nion•ni. I, rit..n.... For .11.. Alr. 116 Vial.. 1 ‘lrrnt
1 A II 11411.1.11 1
UOW: `.l , l:lNiiS-1 gross India ItutitieF,
la., nitrilts,. jit•i ri...1 At An :Itt 114..4.l
.1 A II I . IIILI-11,
d kir. ct.t au i 'Liam NII—Ou lund, a
N I i.,,,,t I Ari..ll id oil Cloth I.',ithi)nr. r.ingirtint in
i .„., „i ..,.11'.,... 1...fin.,.1...1.... rto.n. ...ratio, Ilet..
1 ..i..- ~ F... .1. . ti. Ittslit—r lirira, Iln. , larinti .1
nu.. J A IL 14111.141• A.
1% I'h I NI. i Fli.l , NNELS—direv:\of differ.
ICI 116 ...Irv. n3rit...... Omni .4.ltinin Jnrt .I'4 61
111 11/.111 A 1,11 i11ik1A..1..
% I . i'.1..:i1l I ',ANN P.1.5.---A fuldaseortunint
V V •, 11... ~...rti, rt.•le irlin-lt A. 6111. r. .....n
n'. .
i ' :. "''''
' 11 . 11 ' t/Tirr7lll . r . rieil . gi..l,l',, ,
g , ...1: , 'IT 11l Xi:, lot , 1 . ...1 1, , . IA and 1-2
ILI n.. I. 1.1. 1..i1.1...r thin: inlnn i
• fur .11, 1.,
. . .. .........t. ..•
J a n. I'll/ 11.. N1;r4.1
N ~:w GooOS! -A. A. .EASON A. CO.,
.1 rm., a ir. umr
• t i•L•rlr.
.droo oot tro non,. r l'rrman
llnusbet.,,, a . Mark .1 Vanry ,tr
..1• • ••.• • a. /•,1•
I I E . .
.F.1:1 1 , M. 1 31 Y . .. and
, CO,lll tort! :
l i. r...3..r.• !rat tt. krns , thr Ir.
...r••1. I
nt 1. •t nnl•.; J 8 II 1 1 111L1.11,
1111{Pin a ISII RI9IFI ELI), N. E. ,or.
awl Market •trnot... Itartu•krnerutl,
1....• man,. n•larl ~,,, in tin. arrortanant Nhll
1 , 1.1 ...111,. arr. prraarra l• offerl.lllntr
n•nlar I •.1 Lulr, ....all,. an ratoorlan ca.
Fresh Teas at Reduced Prices!
OIV hyingy, rororit ird, and on IranddrY , ,l
o 0... rt- art,o r 1,•1 ',Lc. , or lq3kr o ,
..14 • .1111 1 N .0.11 !Mail.; LK an,
1..11011 Itn. n•lurttn• In 11n. ra•annilac.7.3
• 1. Ili a r ran 6.11 at fully 11/ a. r ,111 uur foprim
, I Ills k lk it
‘,..00..4 V.
r atr ••
• tt-htte Itr..tlia% ea at
W• 11,, Ih• Itwtast to tit.. T
hrtctiml othl hair
atat Itt•tt 11,0, pot t. no g! ort:pat, ht
• h..'11 porttrultal in•ata th• hr I.vtail
litmert, eltntt•. uwll, liu. L. 3. and L IL. , tltittlgterit put
2,11, Trn
a It/ I'll rm.; . hi. , bee. pri no. tireen:
.e!ii"li.*.Z.'4Vit hr
- 14
lt ES!! TEAS--:.5 Ili. clo.qn V.
taw, O. I' .nd Ititt,lo;
-Al I, rn.,k fir .01.. by
tsol , Julio WATT 2 CO.
hr 1n.,nl Jaw. ‘r I IT
AI A i • A fill IIEI) Tull. (.o,i_
• 21turtnaltl'It and,.;
• Pnrn A Ilatitteurs
/0 I 1 tn.
flutklum,tl en n I 1t..•
If Von- ID,
In Iteiti . ,rftutlotralt
• " ,-,l'2s,2Jtalat
In , t , rt. /11,2 6.r eta, „It lIIN KATT CO.
not' ,
I E.Vf I 1 Elt- —2ooleitten New Vot
• St4titralf /tktu, rt , r.
,11,10 , 1 WAIT. IN
• '
B 1 1,':K IV
1 . 1 1 1 ' ,1 : 1. 1(11 :11 ' 1 ' . ' e k : 1 47• I t i' \111. 1 e. or !
I! urr it- —7f just ree'd, fl.r sale by
11 nol II K A ItI2O.O4.DLEt+K.
HIS recd and for male by
tI N ES--3 tiblx. prime rtoll Butter:
I a
:1 kw. Pvk.,l Rutter,
11,,,ra, for 1.100 bi
c ,
nol% borwt,o tcn,,d gart , lStotthtleld
Canal Boats.
a i l DiATEI.I.IO Parry Coal to Erie, P. Liberal trAght
kle.itetch Risen.
Apply at the Oh, 01 tho eltartter. Coal Comrany,
Stche.,'s 11. e kn. or no tha undrrmtna..l, at the Monongahela
How.. ELLILOOD 110111119.
1,017:61 Eng loser Chartlarp (And Company.
METREJSBieige Crude, to arrive
I. and for !OE by , DICK MY it CO.,
",,17 Water and trout rts.
Cold Wealher lias Come.
11, or Mon', and Bone Healy Made CLOTrlnro.
.043 m Was, . 0.71 Smithfield Arcot,
1201 a twat Diaromul alloy.,
bble. best flry, for 8010 by
I , V ¢Ol2 • B. 4.4AtINCISTOCE. t CO.
r a .
\•"-\ • •
i ,
\ `‘' \ ZI\NO AI•NTS, \\ I, 4_3() NI ill El ' \ AL. .
N \
Pf s ßY TIIF NAW, s I \
...J I E N II3F. A XT‘ T OII I I3I I O .I II\LINF3:O ei. 4 I3IPAN N . :4 Ilioulcuri aataala--,4,,,L„, a \ „ 0 4 \ e, --- eiYataa.
, i \IOr f& nat.\ tone: rcalaand Cdruardedl:ra f esetatae.f"lt7
Th • I.3auatpana . • prepri to fuetTh aaaaps , ly of .the i.„,. a.. ., ..,. \
Val le
1 - 2
Whirta llar• la•on Cultal .ire r ...areal pm. trsl, loth In : , ernsßultan uA.uskr.
Eur, and the Cal.! nate, IR ertant tl.:: or - la - anal 1 \
beauty an,l rt. t....u. \on p.),tt.. ante:nor in any other 1 \
orlttk 1 . 11 - FFStlct;laWra.
raint erhatraer. Th. . • " . .',
• ' ~. WITITE 7;1,1CC PAINT ~ \ llondaz. an.rni 7 . 1F..i. ,, 21 . 1 \ \
I ' "r u n r" . '"'" l l o t l t'
.tr.... 11 1 Tho, eathiir on bntur . ‘14,14.n.44 .e . , \ Lc, , s ,
i , ..4. . 4 .... r, 4"".'-'4 4, 4 - r- i' ~" 4 , " 4,14 . atnadraftan ler •art Jour I , ..unna3Tl heat\a, the 'helot \ .
uutatulta . 1,1,te. and . au/OA,, Ira. frutu the taunUnutt• a
r.a.ta.... h pa s ,i nth, Alma, so dna.arnan• to the , ut! a Out .. 4 . t.` ' , l.' " r " . " ., • n 't' '1tt.4,M.4 the ,
\h ..uath ad Ito their lathe, marl., ,
'i •
, IT WIL NUT T 'IC. 1: YE LLONV 44,4 n.-14, .4..,,,,,4 .4, 4,4:44.4,141 e'lto.., an t .:tcatattet
1 itit , - ,, •ttnu•al tar pulphuramin tAme hit exit:l:mons. at ..o ..turalir. I , e .....4.t• lever a nal very ch. ,t,-
t l ' • t . .. 'ln , hi' tu • rln`• nyuk t.`” ent.ta" /stmt. mu Ale. , ean. watinf,to lanited loteat. 1243 ' arg ,
i atithaand a •a•tfk.rtt thrust. , an,.l 1.1.. arratlac , leattre , ..,.. ~, . i .• „„ f ~,, d,
thud ana • 11, .. aa‘t 'What Amble tu au,' ~ o e , .t.ra hand, and ... • 4.. roan .rk .1 ouper a s ,
crorahar .at, .I rut, ,ul. \lt nut, 1 , ..4k. uttla an, ~Lar,, et tr.
Alth 1k.,..t..r and ....Iv \with es•na•L.atlce, wt.. the rade . ~t, a, a s la , a, , ,.,a..! ~f oat an... ~ I' anta.rtan a.,inn,, - .
nn,l pat.lale nii.h. , .
ISLACE. AND COL,ORED KINC AIN ' . 1 • .„,, k. lc, 4. , I , ', '." -,., Oa , k 431.,
The.. sr:awn...dual at aloe price.and It, ,iOiIi.ItILAII 7 " '::". . " 1
1' - . ' r ...'
' .
V, \
tIIV . 4.4..1, and 1... t putrue IA the coartat fiu . ..aattna; t'•'-!' 3 • , ..' a' t'u• .
, n",lrhu , lnea . _outlaou..... teutttheau. er any aed nut \ .1i htlIA . .; IF. he :nut t . athout s any tit erlal
. .
\'''" N 5 .1 . ,.(ti k ;yr A ' . , , , , i ..• I tlv L f rd , It! t h,toe. yle: lo Waal rood. au- ,a -at at, ao. a ., 4 .-...
i ' l l t .' . ```-"i . .... • .. th , las, at 3:•-. a. 3e, tn tot4nd,on. .
.I,a - a , t...arta.a, the, aa• partuutharla sala,ahle. thoy R., ..a• t,,,., la, c o m., a ~...,•. 4, nu \
4.• n, 44 , a. 14.414.. •ontleetaun , and, tuatara , / lu•••ut ala, A Itol3...—Stai , llee. •.• oat.' Sal\ ot bacott
ta.• 1•a dr a y nut..alf . and hay an, .I.'l o nu - tallac' ....
.1, , •I a I ,, oragt• uNlor lak• ma, ot" , ,the ratthl Palnte 'a.ri nave Lout .auntuard ...nail lot• a S a.. 3 ;a ... for qt.:tall-es:\ .
11.tPiai „ au 1 I L '
, ... t s f. t.' ....' 1r' t. ,.,.. 5 ,\4',.;1" A t a " .. t. . t t t ,
, :tu1 1 ....:a: v a 4 a:1 . , : , ta:1 \ 1 .. ..: 1, 1 4 :1:17 , 1: . L.: 0 8 , a , :n:a1 . :1 1 ; 1:171 , k bi 01 . .a. ' I ,,.n \ ' , " , 'n : ' ' \
~k . , utat Whaterea. Plaitad.rlttaa.
.1 . 11 , 1 \ 81.1{11.,:-. are ',jun., to teat e urefiF ;
\ • New Dress Silks, -\,
iv E Irkrt . .lthatfeal'al at a airitF \if , I vii\,. i , I FI , fit I IT-3V• hear tin%) tale. fro ,et ds \\'
ivr later Drre• ullae, az , cluoltna if\ totit, "at.,11.1t.e,..., I.lten, trona a, at $.,...a /3. 7 ane \ \\
r ao, n,,,,, \
. and $1 3,41 \:'; for .11 ,1 •. , \
Al.e. d 1aa...1 Illark ~ a 11.... 11, , t,lattcr ut \ \
ai..., 131.,1 Fr ell Nl•lnue, a true, artir/ a an,l r..\,
t i.:,. _,,...,„;,w0 /..t• e,, , , ,,. ~,..... , urn I. . \
', no..tla ......u.l •ne elatapa Aaiun/r. 1
deuraide a.. 1•1:• Ch: ...sou , ,
Tool., oral, anu,..ertnuutt nt a , art.lue \ - 1 Ilreet
011 Mar.., and .),t quota. or ploan tl,uia• I•
%seam, or tjurn.• drab and ah,rk
alt atalla a •ta..t. nevr`v le Broths' hong
ItaV . . e•art, Vataa 1.141.11, tr • tr••ta 'lore mar t.• quoted at 3:e.4.37a.::\ 1113.
Isar.. 1... et. ennain...l el. •tuall
'•. N , .. pet. , and No lat $ll a 44 , 4 14 4, -
•erata,a at $3 :../ I" , W.I. tau, al•sersptuane 1,
. \ N 'lll.lll
Nurtheaat rue Fourth vael alarkrt IV. ,
/ , I,CitliS'. ChOAkS!--..1. A. ' Aty K N IGIIT,
II / No. %rental 4, tar;tu.d thin Inc intr.: La adati. ,
earan., eur let of CloW. and S.ek.a..t.uttabl.. fia I..ta
Il i
Anal en, &rt.. Au r.el'ra4l .01 ...cute a s rlocure Lae.
'At,' r., 4\ -a. Cr...), and large •txwk .., Trajanunua, ad • , u.) h. nol,
.. _ .. .„
11 :0110' 2., IA& .8 -and 9_ per
.1 n " • \ \ No. .: WI
1 •
A 11l 01 L-iiillilile. Winti.i. Strained,
11.1 - , 1- ~) • •\ • .It F:... , I:I.LEftS.
ti A 4 It. ~, 1 1310Nsk4-...1.: cook, fate role by
•- .
m, 11T. R. F- 4..ka.t.i:1{... •
1 N1.4, 1 \J-- • .2 ..nalcs 3.tailiFftS and :11.inilla, ~ k\ ,
1 '.'N '',' 's \ 11. R., ,F1.1.1.a.
. „
111.,111t, t N , ,- 154 11,.. iors.mie hy
ii j 4,..r .. nlll', CI, 6.5 II on.l at.
_II I t.4lil6.f,t•i•f: 'U l' .;i:1J.:2.:,,,,,1111,„. ,„,. .
\., k1,,,,,t ~••
• . . .
" A Le of 101 , ,i , bli . :12 and 'in, for 0 11 1), by I
'.61 a Itfl
a . ..1
IIA t:i.:4 011,;-,.:...ii I. 1,. Lir li,1,1•• by
I 4 , . ' J (aria , a 4 . .
, .
EN N .I— , lo A., Ak , , . 11l 111., file pal. by
..1: It r ...tal.I.E,
\ ,
II I.S.A 31 Flll-14 sitili , r ie/le by
rm . n..i, II E. F4.1.1.1' , 1tS
. a
IFtIna;OGII.EEV.' SEEII-6111) lb . f„e ~3 1 nta y
.. .i. DO 0 II)
1169' ASH—Ili ea•iks prima, kir Ile by ,
.1 IFII/ a
IjOi II:1, 111 - 11 Eli—lS 014. Plain Grp
lie let .1 t 11 FIJIV .
1,..0nil Church buil. r
ILI A :\ 14 A(' n. lilili TOISACI2O .'
ITN in ilvaa. Runaell a not,lnataa'a N't. Latintaa
F'' •.. 1.1 , rao,lAj J k I:. FLOYD
, , „,.
1 . )1 I I /lIMS--:1,00 lea. Pflkilli. for sti.l. /17 ~
.1/1 ed.. 4 al: 1 hiEria
. .
FRE 'II TEA„-541 Id. o,n,iln y. Ify,,, n ,
, ...,a. l ,
at rl.a. • • ... . unt.adar
Ilau.k t anwrtal.
• , ea
, . ... a _..., .. ._ „___.
" ' It—. ro ~ I,lorn N. l',. for hale by
J. t It FIAII'D.
' 1
l E.‘Yi '1
1 .1 • no.. E k .-4 \al.. u I
i:, t.l Ilk, ,"1. , 9:1
~, ,
nni 1 .1. v. •• I \
li 101 , ?1 .-- ii ,. .lo i Ni.:e%le i: ‘ , .. ,,,
A PP LES "A , 1.L1 , ... \ T,%I n con , ignrui,
krs'i “.r ...I I
t . ' i '''' .l .t.r . .L
g' i \ 1.(1V El ' --. ' 2..1•.n. Andtfithlwr (;on .
i \ ~...,...., ..o v.•10r. , ,..,,C.,,,n,... ...1. r. , ..'.1 esrf,
Went \ 4 ' 4
~. A 0i,, , ,,,
I 11 '.' „I' RES F. it V 'HS tt t)tAli E . ' .1
i A 1..1. 14.--rv,.. salt ... .n..t..nt n.v.1111,- nt V..n.ln
tnannivrt :N. 1... vni.. it OA. tunher •1,1. lit. v rt..: .1..
.1 n .1 . 1111. L . n.
IP ORAN -,I ca, for i. i, I. \
1 P 11..11 1; 3: v, ri: aHe .ISt'EL t t 1.1n11,..10,
C nt
1i i ROME 14 V.E X .t.. 1 ' LLOl\t4 ealet •
...,..tior nun y
it. 1nr . ...n1e hr
A V , ;• , Er: e Wtkl{i 71.1.111 c :rant,: ..t. ‘
FRESH FRI i:—.l 7. ..:rant,:
0, r... T... N. H. lelMn ..
\ ' l c '' .... ' .. '. 11X. ' : 'i l4, "
1.31;t112a ,' ....
110 1% . ,.. tr,
' I doz . 11111.111 n .
l LI '
."-- \ \
, ea.& pure, for ;,,le bs•
J. k b
Notieze: " '
II Itr.Pllll, ,
.• 11.11726
uoll '''-
11 1 A rl i in 4 • r
J. t. W
LA CR I NG-1 lit dor... C'halle\
_ LI.I
111 r ( - arks for sa,l by I
• J. IL AAIS a ttt
(IIS--175 dux. 1 1;q1).' fo 41e, by
11 ,\till BOA ICDS
d' 'IIi:ESE-1Q boxes extra Crcain
rot'd ...I far rale by
bbl 4 KICK a McCANDL'SA.
I' /2 . 0
a. op's
•••1 ter "
Aictt.c,rtyratt .
urriNti hexer far 'tkalc by \
11„' bc.1.3 IV It'll MrCANCI.K. ,
1 , ,v
H FISII.=In LIL,, nod H. bhl4, for
rale lo WICK a SIeCANDI.Y.SI.:,
' 'boxes, for .sql , by 4 .
WICK . it SirCA . l\ 1111.K,K.
IUT ASH—A prime article. for toile by
: 11 , n 0 1 ,4 [ix a Alt-CAMILLA. '
IVS \ ' T rn M . -
/ 2 -4 , by I: per italt lets n•rnrtur`nt.
it astlktat Marko ortret.
• 1.... \t s n r..ttrwtottent • l&rqr I , ,pf Coura-rmacter,
rtiorlt up • 11 rt-11 unit, tb.• ry
eo-ct rof taroOscarty.
A I. trios CO.
1,1 A 1, N,I , H 1 N(1-71ust.ree'd •
a Over' tat, IsAtt,
lt, nn, sera, altitytenttpt
air rant. .
t o
-I 11,11,
,1 kat • .1 1.1. a...orttu.nt o• 1111 I,lkl Irani Flap and
11kr. •ull- sII PH I LLIIP,
I Ittalarkt LA_
NDIA ROBBER SIIDES--,fust reed, 20
il.ntl, apnea ac •1 Ottrl , lulls
If II , tYI• Itt nut public.
t. tn.p...1 to falland :.aat,f,t4,lil "
,`",, 1 Ittl:arkat +trent, '
J II 111 I I LIP ,
r CAPS-2,1 1 1.10 1101) "ale
1 I 111 It It 111 , 11.-sToCh t f ;ft,
t IP ItL.AOh-10 trip tp. v.., as, '
I 4 \ 5 rasa!
1 - In
, 111bP .rmactt fin. nate 14
" y Al It s
it 4 !NCO , ' I IEAIt--Put up it, lb, Jars,
ivl A.t r tAle I,y
\III A Meel.Vlltl t II
IROLINA Gll.l ree'd t 2 - re.
x_r z 11. rl, pa \ I nod r kltll
nnrlll\ Ilefl 1 1111 A erg ,
UCH i I EAI PLOD 'utup in 50, 2 - 3
) rn, 11 r r
\ 11 NI kIeCLI - 1117 1 1 / 2 1,
not 3 \ to ror.ra \ and T, Dealers
LORIIIK IIIME-01 \OP hest lilt 11./
./ IP r0t...P011, on noTnd for a:JAI'
111., 'a LTI Sit lttl.
„intut ,no NiatlPL
Lard Da lanthn
)lsL—.l.lllo"..l:brlc " 'nt
st ntwt. ' Neco g
Tv I -I\ll\L
1 REESE-5110 prime Slit Tong;
T 1n
pon,tonn rte and Ott tale Ur
4PP , I.ES this for sole
" try
n UTTER-20 Loxes prime. Rol •pow rer'd
J_JP and f lr J. It eNtEJELD
I - DEA L ASH - 10 tons No . l, torsule by
a out. .1. n. CA \F LD
1) ROOIIS--50 1104 for sale t
11 n^l3 , ,
IV ISi i —2(l Ithin. end 10 if. 1,101. Troutt
t Itlto I ,• ult. reed for
.1 11, C \ It 14
1 ~ Iptb Laid Pap•r.t. rap ant p.. 1, to ha had of
8 Hll .N.
Stationer and Pap, llttalar,
volt torn...! Market and nod ttrods.
I ritZtl.) i'APEIt—SO callus Double
1 1.dIttul-Prlntitstt Pap r, 21,5, .)11 trots. 1111,16,1.11
1 rialto, Pap.l, CJri_, fur gal. by W lIAVLN,
nn l: Pap r Dr•Jyt en, Martrt and 24 Ala
ltE EN Ai+PLES—tiS bids tor sale by
J. Min,
I; , comer Penn MA•I Inn. all
i n Ut: A It-2 Ithrls. for sale by
\\ not: i! Ch), I , lb.ry , at
' t•T r ' - ' ll ; U Tor Nain br
nuts 11 DIA , LL • 0 1 /.l , lb.Str AS,
N 1101.) L fur Novl;
lint culturot, for Nott.'tabott,
Clll kvator. Not,ntber. \
Lull. Nakt l /0.1-11.4.atino f , Di e Mt,
Lectttatl aud•jor tale al 1101,11 Latarary Depot, Na
74 /hint air...tall Ibu Poq 11 or \ notit;
pi AID St • " S—Wo haveXn and 30 pen.
Pinal Pith, , It 111.1ca10,.
nol- A A 11480 \ • co . itsrksr sr.
l IIEESII-150. 1 / 4 ; r xes Cream,fer Mlle by
OlrL BUTTER bbl. foroale by
ensXMLI/111 • ers+3lTr•
' VIOUItNING Sti VILS—De will Open
!Ida turning eat. plat:allot epl It)iteatetti
no= ntww% lla rtf t
Qpts. Ttili.r.rTiNE.;7obble.pnmegbiN
We by lAOI2I AA. I/MUMMA. •Oa
1' K. 1
e 1....1.
ir , • .
3 ' 31 " 4 ett , d,\ •
k1 . 3 ,3 - , ,itial‘ , ..le. , 1, , i, r ..t le , i. Tirtilithr 1. - ,25 ,e0d
\Flav \II 1 . ..3, W hk.
lilt :N A„PPI.Eii \ Further ',lie. tranenlre et 12 '25Q2-
1. i ... W 1.1.1 .01 in waw, it,.
• \, Arit Brnrnen. Noe 17.
Mt —Tin., he , 1,, ,wv. dole: , ittiw env he.t. end
i hrti , tem n unel,wevr.wi. ~, .41c*. -ale, the list of the
14:n.1r. I , l ' . i; s. I
i t!l.), at 5 11,1 , ?,..‘,.....1. 0 a 5 imii!1 rieriil,lnfrfori
nil no ,et ..i. 1i .hi i v ~.. li eWlet SI 2.p. a Int of
low nio... hew inetkr. i‘i , ..1 , ;. 5 , I ,, ;: n ip ti , m7r , v , lv . u r relalv-,
• here liven n.A. ei min. ~, i , ear .e, a -.• \
,l e , iteat SA Yo an.t lie id,. t.I r .+1 /11..1 - .UI.
11'1111,h—init. , ii in th•‘mid.ll. o the creek of twirisels
Nimtintilly, to 3,00,1,1,1, A, AS ..r . 1... it rims, at tilie T.
n,,,k. i,i1,... w 1i,31 he iinitk.t ha: 'l' quiet. end we bear \
ot'' tviit l3 tvli. 3l, \ Allie ~....A ..I Wt. le el in tlic market. .„
to, in,t,.., si,,etniNet \ wml tli \A in, Wo . Ln the hoed, of
/mi. vier.: or‘ei.irulitt,tri, is ~. ovwvil • '1..40 , bid,
mt I. lllli).E—v , vivii nit., r. r la
le ~ f .ii,teel tie Polar
1; ..
.;-i . \
1 3, icAll, pre, .4 b,,,:,,,, 1,,,,tt1e fro . vv , weett.
. ,
it ~,,,„ r, rlinti• ill IA•s•41 lb.' . ' , it..— -.
S 3 00
' -
,lartahnv...a la.. ennoneer,f„,n witt, our ; k mum- ,
r•— .•1,.., • Ate kin...on,: 11.1Attie
, .
. ,
.i DA r Till: , 1 1 1 N 13.- We 1-e ' en In:nu : dm mint, ttiv`s,
tt. , ,,,,1.,:. that thvati ~,, AI , u.. 1.1 hutlnn received th re
I lii .t
\ lie nre•chi in•o•t ii,.1,,,,N, C. ,t; 1, the Utz t der ' '.
Th.,. .‘ e te,r. tve I 3 .0.11,0.1, c•-. 0, till, mor oglif th
/,, , ,,le.ome eari- , ~, ,lk 111,..., , ,• r• A iv , ii-• 7 - ,4o.ntir..
~4,. T 1... 1... t. H., city ~,,r, an, t o lerwe than
het,......1 . • we,iderwl.le A,Armwat 1.3, aLw. \m, e 4,
~.. ;,,,, .wleer.• ...1.-• I . lLitll UO//4.1111. Noll 13. ,
O,II , NTV:FEII . A in..' Vivi lil/I*, F.l) et twill. brine .\:
'A ,
ilw 1,1,b ..t the :Pilate ei hA rth , Carolina bee boen \ le-
, . •
.0.1 In F.,,\it..,-.11.-. Th.. , whverfrlys of an older Plane "A .
.11 tiro IPA. 11.411 I.r [M. 1 , 441,e
..tol i' ereetvc . - \
I,th eni,iwini: end pvtwraiw, roiw \ t .
\ '
. •
\ ‘,l
\ ,
,1 t .
Gro; e,
tra...• —T.'', tr.. •>\r,..r.. , 1,.ri.,-. In \ rivrtv4rl hr pier
k:. Al , In. C. lir, •,..1,31K. w1.1r.l • ' , Lula. ':,‘,.
\ A 41:1 • W El, 7 \..,
J. NI.•110e, IlArzklrwirr!:t.lllrrixesTart.: •
A tinentlt. 1r1.0..av,,Ptivurr..1111,... • ‘. \ \
1,.. nt,riv,,llAvlr 5 :Nor. I Nerrtrvorr.- ,
.Irle. ll.llltv•COJlnurr.44lll,
•, I. LT r. rioralon.l , -...ri, \
! \ rc ' T: i t . r. P ci . t ' etst. " el ' l! b rillp. ..
\' \ ' ••
11 ' . .e r • 4\
. ..,. - 2.ll:rteN:g..r.l'rutilinNtL 2\ . ,
' lr: ' ,'Z ' llVil ' vt . ....Z.7l . tir=7 ',' ',.
11::7i:rttr.;; .t. ' `
\../., klrk, 1V . ,, dun qi.. •, ~\.\
i rt kl, . .
...... ~,,w , r . LS... v .
likUit. Moin..4ck T n t.
N 11,..: a er.. ltatkr. Wu i N.... . ~,,
mwn.A.n. 7,, Urkr_... _.,---.• \ .
/ Coy.. 0rdr,11,\p•11.•1.1.... , .
lurArnl. r, ,, 1, Tn. :Tt. I +I, •
\\ .• L 1'i.1... , ..... n:. NI. re.I ` •‘. ~
" MLITT. Ir. v. r roln La, • s \
I .rtrwr.l'. 11,101-. tNer..a
-- " — "‘c --- . ~
\ lirlAT,\ L.I..AIt:INIVIIIS 111'. \.,
1 , . .1 \ II I LADELI'IIIA .ND DAL I/ICE. ..
A I I'A-ar.ver Pack.% horofrlar\st B•raAZ rt \
. •
'4, , ri. LE—Forrxt il:r. \ \
• \
I.ILIN\ Ihurrsal.
NI:F. 'A.
, T-1..
1 ,.1.1k; un.
'', ,, 11.1.{1 • 1. , ..1. 3 T . . N. .
N .
trti \i.
. . .
, tr.Novi s t Mil CS tit..
........_ .
I • L.A. .}
. 1.17 t
3 t, , itt t..
It. V
• rs ,
Dee IS Bit \ RIVER.
..f N, NN.ITI.-4,r: IS
\o"•—.:s but frather4 2 bxe
bode• . de ....I L.. 4.,/, 8 Chi: 11l ki-, look Id•us Duff if Co;
I .14.1. , !“, ,r J Lara.h... Gal, Fldo•coou 1 Co:L/Id° whiAte,
)1 Ire . tl. 41 ,, 1..0 Axed. Shliotou::::. di, - .1 Tondsui
I. I, A Ilatail.,oo, I N.I/ oral., vines W 't .1
, 1 3 433 3 313,1,. 21V3 .3.103 qr'ntsuor t 93: i la loci. It
k 1...f00rd . It 1:,. , do ..1. I rv...k, todio, blloOnory t M ollr,
, 40 4. !,, , ,..1: , , 01:. 100 ,
.r,0.., I 0 No /among 3 do.
011:\ ,1 3 eq . ”1:i. 4 :I ot ' u l t ‘ s . ..or o r\tko ' ill:; t :t.7 ' : - ‘4t " ::ll l ut.V; r Zt - .1211 . 49 ,
l' x II .. , c1 I I: ,33,3355—:. hirla upplt,Nl•
ba r glaxe 4 door:. ..... • 4 It ,110-01.4.1 . ,,r, a 2 1.41. oldpkii• II .I S
2 do lord 11er,. , t N . oo: 7O do, oil Dlo,/ham i. r. le dO
` .r . --r l. tr il " '''' homill'i. I nt, ..1...1 , \0ul a co: tu hoe
ruK NI rpho,W ii33,33i I •...
We. A1 . 11 . 21,E-II;x F .e, Cirl--:::', e baxzeol II A
ref., .... 4 A Co: 9 hog,. CupLuu MaedOcb, O. Mara ,I
, . .
D . ilkl. ,t/ —4l , OAP rci , No 2-IC, looifelklbeit It do
f i k. ' : ' ;.7t, -1 1 , K r;i 1 rl:..l4"p l ,:';•Vt. .11in ' O ol ' l ' 1 1e1,x, 1 s l ' ,lxe r i k y l • l St
I,; :. kali Kudol," 10 ..uto, II 1,11., .oril,,N 35
10. uldoe 12,T1. , ..1 t Col, :. bblekbeal 3 do e 2 110 Lams
F. lb lloluoriklo. I, 7... wan. 'Vico:oat t troz,llAl Ltd.
flour 2 I,u. 1,,, , un. ,, ,0 ,td ~,,0,..„ „. \
rru AVII ,- 313,1*. ,34, - n , 14dn a VAC, :boo x/A . ' e r I , f -
• 11, .5.. , On It t. bxe,lx ' ir
- AA.A,1f001: . 2 1'00d..4 , 1
flour ll 51,-0,1 3 Ibex
Corod a 1,1.:1 I
1.,,1 'vett
McCo Ica 4,
cr. , ‘
A q
rm. ~,,
lot,a 1,11 Li,
pa, Whito at
1 11 I.lry
01ni . 1.11
.1R Ittnif
6s Wp.,144.
N.rt Ma,.
. NOT'ICES , &e. • \. : 1
A E.A.YORALTY: • ' V: . - '
it?r,LiceSA HU 'FF. J.a.INS iO lt , nutlitfa. ft
NIA yor ai Um. '14,1t City\ , thal,, , vh).,{ th EL . o cleAtc. -, ' -
tve Aotl Nlaa.ut;e. awl W eg.Couv n t.hon.,- \ '', a -.11.14
Zrojr PiOasfr„:ll.nourc.e throyigh 7t/ur , Tvatie .: •
JA6r,... , 111 17111i11: , , as • . tai. Ala}o.. IrOii , t . •-.
to tbe h . t.stnaliort of the Aut.\ Nia.uelic'tat.l3Vhilirlittp.n
, \, ' , 1 ,-- , Pic 3 • s4l9z\
Stir:llvortALTr.-14r: ‘piltnr: ens
•. ,
0.t.,... that.,lll.. frirtniont B. C. lil,WtEll'orill pre/ hlTr
. ' •
.\ . .
claim. ler hoFthintiou 'or : Moroi . ..n(9Oct to l'hodorts.rl}.ll.l
the Whig Contention, - s Perm WRP.
\ rat . ...o.valat.. Oct. IS. 18Z2. \ '
riliir, DIRECTORS of the Coning Alining. ..
_g 6.4llyalky nr 311 , 1, - ., ha% e !hits air ma.. 111 a , .t.211- \r \ ' •
zuoot ot Imy ronte ot,roaoh ghat, of tn•rolulal ator.t ot .
orhl Company: one hllltparahlo on ur [ ,:,, • \ '
s..tobo. autl tlo.t.ther liallon or befurc thr , ...itlyilo.claber \ ~-... \ . \
neat, at thou. orn, in tat cit.
- • •
IVCNN Falli T. FEI END. Troia's. ' , ,
\'‘' . 'r mor. t o tr.F.i:..T
rlillE Alerchant;' a;iii.,..M N anutilettir , t , Fs' Bank • \., \ '
i nt Ulite.burgli 1... 0.1, .lar . 1,1 * , ../ • ...d.n.d.d 4
p. r cont. VII the en,lod ntortN., ..ut ot Cm pronto lor.lbe
Wt. rl3 ,
,tooth., p41,41.1e n u .ItOtaral.
At , vs.CaRldrr.
\‘) O'FICE.—The rem. \• . took—lt is lark —it cm s Ari° 7 . ,,
p acor an Ffi•
LI ''''''''' In
" ,' ! — T:..: ' ,.Tl, "2...,...A-r. ..
"i r"'"" - k -1 or. r,1tt..t..1,7-r ',lambi. only ta .•
..tt77;, ' . ' r" (_ , ? , 7 1 ..77 . ' It. 1•:. lIELLkIZS, 3; WNNI tt. ,
. -
Rouse of Refuge.
/F •
ILE, 4,ll.scribers for the erection of an
lionte of /letup, for Nfe2ttrit Etna, aroma. an.
h. tett. wtifiefttkut auvon,rment of test nercent.
the arnOUllt entscribed hr each, le rrnnired to 'paid to
the Trexautnr. I.ei behore the 15th of November
next.. 8r ortr of the Urnfg2 of Threetop._ \
,e'nftf HANSA. Trean.
, • ,
130,000 :usheLs Coal Wan,ted. s. : \
S E C IL ,•..E I) I,, P ..!, I g eI u S VC. S . ''.. l . " La t Tu re etgT l b , •
Let, Wet. to futnithi 1,:11,0O1 Loihelt. be,t,quiliar'‘ 1
et Pittabooth Cot!, 'vita io 11, toklby do, In h. delft, . ..., •
eyed Wt. the PUIi/stl and, ot tail iphipatir dthialg Ite. '' i
tor., 11/INI moaner to. 0i.2. a Pan (ant in ,4 4 , .. ,
. ..ti3Outi boehettj to I,..dellfer. lati i.r lodate tho Itt of Awn - ' , \ i
wio. an l ,. the whole aoon t.Ly 1,4 i,l November.. hr. , . ,
3 -' .. \ .
menu to Lo col, in elvery, liiirartrla not too tban • ' ,
Wool Luatielo. 115 ittlautity`to 10, arnotalned by rata* ,
nr.tnent or h 3 weighing at :d Poitia„ . l4,l/111[012Moiddo , i.
!oozy, owl, porton go.. .1112, I, 4071 ...ASSY \ ' I. \
IsIII hy atern,, the *hole anint. deloarol. \ , , \
1 .1,,11N 11..bAtAielT,804I, " ',.. ;
. \ •
\ , , MORSE'S \ .-^.: - \ -• ‘.
CoMpound Syrup of Yellov\pookitoOt, • I ' ,
a tecupiEs tho fr.lnt rank auiPtig the pi t- %
7 7..t .:7.r riug " ( 5r1 1 a r i1i. T r , , z ". : , ::1 ,. 1t " :. :L: i i:: ,,,, , L . ti! .7 . ,, : r,.. 1.:. ‘ t ' 31 . t ., ,; . c .. . ' . 1 i n ar i, : , , ,,,, " , arLi a 1 nf " bt ad *, ; " :l ..u.,,
j o.l ni it a l rirlao m,. ..... , :\ , , \\,
e„ . „,,,,,,,,,,,,..., 0t .,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,„„, ~,i,,,,,,, ,b„, enp,,,t,..nm.o.' s , \ ',.., , •
~,,.., , lion:nit,. drynot, and a litkilay , ttootant. \ ,
al•out the throat, and It drat
with outrooolerdoPrioreas..‘ i
in all tor , 01
\ ~ \
1, , ,, n da jr„a n ,„ and (
(sly,,a LI t biliiy\ \ '\.
ptonottonlay Ile ...Oohed .Oritut Loa taikw, \, \ .\ '‘ ,
•rvoio efiteto, and Invotratiny the enure 'often.
....,_ ..- \ ,
II the tiohniouf 61 thaw:aside 61 /tying nitheofat tt`tnt ~
all oitOi.l the totilltry. ran be rebut Ur., It 1111110. 1 / I r, ;
.Ira . e nd etiritay 5:1 fluiewto, .1 ottolay &ohne \ , . .
bat and toilet, iti.unto,,tituttido. It is pant; Ver..
Ott to to oJuiptolta not to aourately.petobtool tote :' ' . . • .
Pf aP , thoot that the chertoral. ti,tauiral, old taPait l l l l.o. , '
polio of rob tooredlipt Lartainsoutly nulls IS i ...
Purity tho Blood. ,
_. _ .
It has ftmovect cloy rtatian-dlrootooLlthhowithatiltd
M. 0.., tO the lott phyrinato, not bat at,' .
e,a%l,L e ons, Prt fipelas and ectaltila, welch Partapantla
Syrup* ottrol, was the lent Wore..don loan-
It ho Lora teited to many coo of CANCItHQUE III:
Mulls. The woo olitt.nao Caandoi hare boo cured lo- ,
this taidlotte. 11 eoy that It 111 a olnalslacohtlrio ill ail
11/LIOLIa (X33IPLOINTaI. 11. ',quo,. all ototonfoons In
MN nircotidlua, onderio, the L.l.ti Ore, Stilt, amt IMP ' •
~ ,
MY, It moo, Palpitaitoo of Ma Moat, oil Moots ,
all ...Wo 01 Antluati , and mot to lied fu all tlftnattalv fOhli \
11,44,Py ray IS popartd by C. WOWS* CO, SP 1(= - ,L, ,',...
lhanntoli. - oriel, to
I 0th..., it. I, amt old, arhaholslool r i , .-..
r. wLoascaMAa
y Aatant
Itlyti.7 \ liCat.. , crows IVEnd wad
• .•
. ,
. 0 d ; Ills Jo
Ix pa
hey t 1000
1 du Mk.