The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 18, 1851, Image 1

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P rrsiluivili GAZEITE
tulll.l:liaD LAILA AND WitEKLY DT
WHIM. dc CO.
r ren:ll
Sit I •
3.; 13
the pecker. Law. to N. uldrveowl to ..ure pargroo,
P 34, h , t 4 D. 14 4Lterratay sarsocto No Out. Peyote...lU
be seal elt. mile.. ISt nr3uer le .11 for
.1.111.14:./. In
.9z ge LI, au, of Nv99 9 . 911 ~ 19 .1
u..... 1944.69 ti to
....: ata.4.1.1n.99119.ertian.. Co IS
... IMO ift.4lkli ..
.9 tbn....enh9.. . -.. 1 LK.
throw ....ntli.... . . .... -.- 9 (.0
qta ..lonStvo
• i....;J.;
of L., por Igo
otnnee.biA at ploaaore Imo usf
nun, rdor!'" of tbo-p•Per- '
haiS•eri a:atonal *flu., over one =oath. ant
for Nton tf 6 1.,, ire in oilier the poorly rota,
In- Ca ...alto,: a ammo, and not ant sfµ®
soargal im stuarnanil half.
oblothera not - accountable tot lagal adverneementa be
ro nt the tt-soOlt olmarai Ito teen- poonn t t o ..
ilatOonrilaitallillilarao to! .I:Zee. to be elhargod the mime
al'hm adroiteirnents,
1 O
tteitlmom not morn:if' tho copy for • avoided
rumbior or Huambo. dill M motinue 1 tat forbid, and IMP
a " .... 5 t . X. htt t lest ;s ernitty limited CO
their own immediste burlnnar sod aft adtertleements for
the bemellitof other ponam.teeli cavil otrertlatiments not
Itause/Itiely initiheeng with [twit . ovin-bsultiam. end .11
tilt... Of advertisements, In tenotb or °Marais% World
the tlaila bo °totaled at the natalre.tes. For
stiolt int a ct[ nleernsina, Etta .1111 be
,tute.e. and I.o.latnrmant timin , d•
Anotrerthtemonts lot Charitable inatitUtlana, cOm
townislapi ant otner public meeting. and
at:nate, to be ottaryol half poloo., payable strdetly to,
3ma. Madam to be chariot fin mute.
Dmath makes 'minted without chary. .1101 ateaufel•
old byloninal tnyitonotte or obituary notte.. tad whim
so aimonpacleil to be mai for.
nevalur .ledrimez. eol nit
other. *ending ,aM.9unica,
1 ltna, Cm; relniling deal,:neJ tn astention to
OnaCertit Cr any pobao entertainment.
abate o.hantm ore made far adrolltanro—ca i nWooa of pa.
rote amodatlond—ererpnotios dm:tont to tall eh:4W n>
Witikta enterrerteett. ralettint.ter intended to promote Intl.
jdnal intermit, eau only be inaertral vitt umlendand
.ng that the same Is tone paid for s If lateudial to be in.
.ertol in Um keg coionto. the same It 111 N. chart* at the
r to or not loss than 10 °antepor line- •
instep Or IQ - Nakao to iv charged triple prim.
Tot,rn Undo. Ileatials VI oath.
neal Wore Agent.. Lod AtofJrneeri oultardeemeala not
lobe mused under -.arty rat.. but to be alto- ed • Mei
munt tlartr three a nd one third; par comb from the
bttl •
• -•
" inlay ca TV-WUUT IX IV Puns
loorrtion2 ......
Do. obeli addlthousi ..... 27
arrsaraza2222 IX w car
cos Egarav, CI: Unee,) one lelertlue...-53 coats.
• Do. eseh eddltionel mat.
L-ensient adrertDemoDu te be bald be Ade...
• A W.. - RUTER, Attorney at
„ni, two nCdn
sca—Hatiicirs dvernm r a n cn eatd, aurae e
tb• alnat.
n 074
A.tI!IES F. KERR, Attorney at Law--o.tficti
-at Fourth rt.,
.b.tireca SalthE:;l4 and Grant. Ms
WEAVER, 'Attu:MOT at Law, Fourth
auF hlt7 , r's Olitie.l•itt%inaet, Ps.. Cab
tel:L110 Mtet to promptly. milTb.etti
(Lat• Unlouto.o, Po.)I (Lat. ot Indiana. Pa)
g .11APIrAlsiT TAYLOR,' Attorneys at
V Low—Oftloo on I..irthatrvot.No.B2fi. betwoorrW.l
1 -
.12 rotthlrld ru - reti. P troborgb,
Ulittant la Couar.Lsfionor rho State of
=awns A,.... ...... cos.m.a.
1 1 Lig & (JOLLIER, - Sttorneys at Lim—
'Ponith stre,t. %tor, a:WU/PALI. -
W. F. IfLuTE, Att F o o rn L ey b:, a m t
..hT.I T •
NP. is, O. - L. B: PETTERM • N, Attor
tieet li acts at Law cad Real Estate Aawnta, No.l o7Mato ith
- . ' t• , Attorney at ale, o ce,
Tiltbiaaa Ilall;.`aaratar at tinnt ntrtat and TharaanJ
4 .11rabu=h. • aattallr•
RAN CIS C. 1 , LAN EG IN, Attorney ta Lnv
• IL: No. ITO. Fooith otrmt, ritzoboxxl,.
1.5. 1 T0WE• & WATSON, Attoraeya at La 7,
!ie. 11.1 Egurth maw.,
litr(01:—/Itclairgter a Dar John Mwd.c.-Kni.: nac
ton, )l.liaon t Co.; Wm. B. I unr, John Fleming, At
.. • h lien. W. Jack..., Pittsburg?, jnnlau
iIF; . UWARD P. JONES, Attorney at Lau
on r.urth ,i4eL brae ...13 Sinai •1411 6111/IL
I ASPER E. BRA.I)Y, Attorney at Low,
fp Pituburiat. Pa.
HARRISON SEWELL, Attornadlß Lau,
•)issz, SIAM CamtairMaas t? taitsg Dazslat, I•
4,,a...tit+ of 1....t0u Oatoto—Foo otraM. stove
Stall:MUM? terattlater
Iug EOIR:IE E... ARNOLD Zr.. CO.; " Banker.:
hoalgre bunk N too, A , 0.74
Fourth otrAtt, door to tho " Liank Prttobuzi7h.
fectruur courfullyottoridor to, wool the vrocoodo remitted to
ono port oritho Union.
W. . Jams.a......,,wiVr.2„A_Nitrtt2tOz...'!-!t.
son tarn .tr..p, rittaturni.
All tiantatanne math; on lloeral tams, and ale.=
Innlaptir ectAndol to. ' . .1E917
D. KING, Bxukeriad Exchange lirck fir,
• toisilis Aron. Diusler . ln"Bisis
sioßbt r. t Nam, Bills of .•
mid !Alves. Stocks Bi sold.
Ths bl.,^hess amass vie* paid to wealth. to Aaenceis
And Slesiguiss snit In tar
[Mac ssl4
11901. LARIMER,J R., 'Banker and WA,.
V Sett.treet, No. ea, staining 4.11.2 at Pittsaarell
WiLaiNS . tt CO; Eachaagc -
• 3eatt Xsat Corner of tettra sad Market street. stli
110;;:110LMES 0. SON, 4),nd:a in Foreigr,
_LA • ao.fDoomosch !DNA of Exchange, Cortexates of D .
locloODoOk Not. stedlipe:..1 4 e l ; No. CA Matte. simot.Ylwa
arodUVßres.: 'l° 7 71'4P'd eHka‘rr...... • •
&.1E4.1131,. Bankers and Ex ,
L, rb i nf i ge Brfkar. ?Wel in lorrign inal Paraestli
Oillo *C otrarrrVeaa - 1"c roo :,1 14"iw
liiret " isl*i.‘--.1
tn. at cwau: kia. ' • ''' u r '"
Alltll ,t• IRVIN, Commission Merchants
Bril Itrokers.:7o-114 Seecnri stmt.: .Plavoral
Dasto aocaritlas froze SIV) to WO= slysTo twri
. .....
F. .... ... _ . .. _
AI.,IER, aiNiin. & CO., Succostars to
Hemel'. Itaans . CUtakliterrems, Stamen Bans.:
denterein Yarded esed Dod.Settt flick:ham Certificate'
e rc.dtdiank Naha, thti'flatele — Nefth "” en h... a
col eol Mat Ovate. . Cr:hetet 3f00e7 ...teed.= De ,
rode. viebt Cheeks fez thin. and hallectlorte cubeen mar t
_E r ali the prbmisel 1.131 L, the Uhlted States. :
' The stedutat. prozdash retl far ford= ~4 'Asarithe
0011. , ,
.. leleatixe mad e en eohatthre -etaef P . M., ahlSPet east"
Arl W. TAY LO . Conaidiaainner and Bill
u;•&anna Suict atitatkinl.
.stvirz to all Inatruss catenatedtc, es., Pa il
laanat..:ap,rea articles tam on tuna proestnd ataaart
1:eili):44:4116 3:1:11:110.Witykio ki 0).4 :4:11
V' 2i'OCKTON, lato.Johnston & stock-
• um. DociutelkayStallanek Printer. and Mostar. ecr.
Atter pi ,Harket Thlsl Plitsbure,
PLS.' IS, HOLMES' ChempLiternry foepot,
.10 , Third street am:cans ttro 1,-si =cu. sew D.A. so
attrwiAlallyYT ex7rAs..- 2ca..-ripttotta tleetred LOIWTof
livaux,ts,Qr c,lllLlna at the pitalar.ea
-3- READ, itoalrooller and Stationer
Nn. :a Fourth rtr..t..a.notio Banana.
bI'OLINTOCK, Manufzeturerand Im
. et Carr.. Oil Coda, Stash, Hasa /hill.
zr“..,vi, Malays Shales, lc. lVarahona. N 0.84 l'cauthsC.
and .9 %Vocal sc. Ptv...lorsh.
il*IMAIMit:I0OROMPB10: 1 1 . 1it:Ali cif
erof Water and
ULAV. YOL. DEXThat., 'or
1, M.rtet :dirt , . Pittsburgh
. f r' •
Wortotst Prolues.lnAntilh th s, Ws,
satirist nr Pittsburgh gwnecrallr.
41.11.7Avorgra..glitu stall n.
/011 . 110v.e...1.1)Iturry hid Ilar Po.
Wig., sod Jobbat. A th's superb:a.
Its.a Co.
ae .11selerd.sphisi
kat Teas. staa.Tet
McASIIILTY 4C' Trextsporteis :
4 , 36 s h"".
. fer p rb "
Dan.=last= I:¢rztusts. 34"atei anott.
/Al. U. JOHNSTON.. Forwarding and
p ly t. 4.r.daucm No. 112 afpwl u 1 st ree t ,
. Ifiat-1 JONES, Forwardiuz and Corn
ralvio6litilchelata, 1.61.-min Proack. &Ea 11[6.
3inaufscrnred..riichot. Cala; thaits.,..6car 611•4nat6
A.A. ... .. .
ItuuDY, R•Yks & ob. "•• u •,,," 0 ";:. • " Z" .
k , smod. lone. Ott', dr , surshaun shilenc " srd )tar A
n 4.1.1 IL Pittsburgh glanutarturag Oorgs,btrg.burgh. Ps.
TRITIVAnn....... •er.l93ti &CO, N.
Co.. Wholesale and Retail
• I”lttert 1.4,1 and etayle Dr, 'itaris, Ott fltalet'
tittititma. • rl
ait 1..7 Uucla Meech... eortier FE-urtb
'and iNtt•burmh
E I 1 BUNT, - bentid, 6;r,anr WFoui-th
Maiiit • Worry gr...
4 4r4),
1141).1tPLIA t LEE, Moot. DiALEILI -
W. of 411.1/171,0
Urolr,. 0. IN Llt4rtr at. PitUbargit.
tuA.ur RBAUGIT ‘Void.3leichwata,
Flo sct Praiutt Re ll toA For.
month," a z.l.Corainivern Ilerchsata, !qt , 114 1.1. t. axes,
'US tiscOol 4tnet, PlttehUrial
• treaaMe t4l
thr.l wore aoi Dot.lOry, No. 12 9
Vit t t ,. ..„Sy ..a LLS: a
1 0 ,1 1 , i Silver
.-Prittikittal, t:Abaco,
4rasiirtrpar.. . - 7 C -
uxUthll 1
. iN iS
'IN.),,T s.
Cii . , %I,' 1,,1, 411
n. 1‘.1,1''1.1 .....11:13.4L ' uren. or WWI:, ~ ...s.l, ILA
1 ‘,"7.:"'''"'" ''''"' ",..d ..01 Pa:.
- • -
so 4 . . 4
EI;SPAt Mc DOW EL L, tSuceensorx
KV v., Wholosolo ttul Haul Ortiy cid
0,-110.1. :wee, a RIOT or W 00,1 IrAo. a:l.,
earoroli, 000lpoonio4 WALt sod
CU. %%,
io K11)11. ,I%.",;;.`,,Tv",',L";'p•vm",le,;:i
-1. wo-1 11,••ni
I:. lw.lorta6 1.14.1 t, .n.
4.1 N. I'ICKEItSII 151, Wtluleeale Ut•utgiet
g AUS s ItEITEII,, Whol.ule actshers:!
Druggiat....,ruer - or iC , I .2 Clair at, Pirt,
SCHUONSIMIE & CO., hult.ile Drug
d BLACKBURN ,t 1 30., Wholonate Oro
n.r..11.•4 h aralsturs. awl Ges.:or. in Prsainoe ga,l
~/t..burga Manuuctums, Va. 112 cud U•kum Kra,'
On hart nt th.nrWsmboni, 141 WA.... nree , t,
,141. L .. .runcts
t Li F. /I
WILSON, 11' hviesale Grocers and
Y-cpcomistiva Morchnul.., Ayeaate lin Wu nrua
Pp m, k •
bwiler. No. Ile Sroctid, uvl Enna a7.l
SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
. Merlavai. en.l,l.;er tzt l'swe and I. ^sm..
enn tut Irwin Pittsbutgh.
I.A.M.UEL P. SILLUVER, Wholesale Ciro
, Proatto uud CortooW= alarchants, and Nob
eto rittaborrit Manufactured Articler, No. 101 and
nd street, between Wood '
sod ataltbltald. kittstorab
Malt S. 8011”...- J032/11 011.11 . 01a1t.
JN S. ,DILWOR72II. & CO., Wholesale
i l • r n r,r 1r"
ood at. Paotbordh. _
. V
. Wr r .
j_p arcevra ar..LOommtslon 11ov-hos-Ls. N 0.116 IVoo.
pave!. OTA ILO Vint - street. lltiolnargb
411EY r•ft•rf,com, SIATT Sc CO., Wholesac
-.don and Parwst•Llng teterchrut, and
ts tor BM: ht. Cotton Warps, 6. Water et., httsburg,—
JO. RAVI ermacn.
J01:111 WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers,
Co Merebna.a. and 'haters In Pro.ioce and
I.thibtarth aisztaftetc,a, No. IY.O Lavrt, ctn. , . PIK..
11 -
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
Pearl Am. sad Wenzen Product stentrulr• Orson .tmr[.
bet.reark BgolthElek wad Wood, Eittabure,
• sails Grrx-srs. ForirnrCag OotosslSF/09
110.6. Desicrs it Pittsburgh Manufactures ul ii"ssbiro
Pratt., No. 44, corner of . Proni street sal Cha s nson r Laws.
1.0.1 e 011176 Li IM.
&Mill IiICKEY s CO, Wholesale Urm
gNGLISH iIENNETT. hate English.
Gallagher a Co.. Wholosallo Orval-J.oom=Woo. and
aoling 3larchant.... sal /Joel." In Vroovon Iltur
laargh Maactimureo. Na 122 E..cona an] 121 kir...
betloevo Wood and Smithfield.
VGILLS'& HOE, Wholeeale Grocers and
lkototaludav I.o,rchaa.. 2.57 Lltarsy stn.,
-1.1161:1ERT )1106RE, iVholesaiu tirocer,
Heat - fit. Dattlller. c, Produ l'ittebargh
ynufactureA, end all kiivie of }ortlgn
Wine. wad Liquors, No. 315 laberlf atzett. Urt hand •
racy !vat 1.:4 of super - it:: oti 1a.` 1, 3".
whicb will b. wald low lur
O OBERT TILZELL if. CO., W holesdle
LL Grocers,, Merchsata, dvalers Prod,.
Pial Pittsburgh Mahal:smuts. are,.
,Vl,Lra.irr m "
ufroci..., N..
rave. Porah.rid,
/101 •. suwure
w. S.W." • JUI
BAGA_LEY At CO., Wholeede
y y cc, Nag. 18 ao WOO 4 blren, Plttstittn.•
NIeCANDLESS, su,ceSsorn
y V L. R J u Wick. Whvteasi. •Irsa,ru,
.Il.retkataa. design I. Iron.
tbttot. 1 Pitttburgb Sluiulacturr. gecterall,
wraer et 15"...1 aid Water at testa.
• ,enner• awl C•taxmlwa. Ma, D•alur• In Pru
uot,arKi l'lttnburgL Maw:ff.:turd Artict, 116 Lament
otavet, Plti•buryb.
1 D. WILLIAMS d. CO.; Wholesale and
t!2l* r.:2.1-ewrfil,"a6lfr7lig,Tl.°:.l7=l"?;jl
..anutartia.t. mum of WaA
ILO.. U. 5.,... LINILM. 42UAL 1
Ol i a j iNSON, LITTLE CO., N u. 2 55
ricr , V t eumEllriolitttt u Ztat h d...ler.:t l'ttaZ;:
A& R, FLA)YI", ‘Vh.lesala Ortwerb, Com
• mission S.terauuta.ll,l Dculers
udi fr.utiu, au 1.11 , -M. Wuuell, and eiatn
orrot , t., l'intsburgh. Pa
JMalt et CO., Wholosalaiirocern
ek, Lazier. Im Prearme. Fermi. Liiuori, Yom
Liberre PittelitizgL.
4 AS. DALZELL, WlL,,leatuo
and P.rantralrtg Merriaaat. sad Jester ss , mixer..
. ail; Glaaa, Cat= arts, arat .I.burats Malletacturaa
asterallt ab Water at, aad That
'GUN IL AIELLOR, Deukr iu Piano Fort.,
Muslo, dinned lustrumupte. EeLml Lkot.. au
madmen'. bolo agent fur Chidtaring's Kato Furuee. t.
Waste= renpaylcaola—No. 81 Wo.l et.
gENRY KLEBER, Dealer in MUSIC, Mtl•
dee. luilsrulars.yalUckortei , g Dallas Stains..
spa for , Nsna Sciatic s grassf square Illus.
rttu r ttl • Aolcsa Mischa:mu al.. tur Mantis. •
EII!ILLLNOS, WILSON & CO., ttlatufax
tot.. of ell ell. lato env Wks. cis.
chair.tad to.llr. clout, Leh, awl
oboe bull; lb mod lathing ilo,alaci Lim 94 arid
2.d !Avid naILL to e.
001cii 1.191•1:NClfIT it CO., No lib. Hater
raw. r. c.v.. .418 cam-. ..... .c.s. les.asnor.
=avz scaputerturvnan an 08.1.11
of Tack., 80v15,..8.4 ribisic 110.1s/aiass, Clout, sod
110. Cue Blood Floor 13.rehmi /1111 0.1 1 .
Coypu .11. ald Tast.r. liarni Naga wow and nn.
Nallin huts= later? 'N.lsst. ....a Cp..
GC, 48, do. VA_IIPUNLL•CIII.O ' S a. Cu.,
• arlkl• • War....82-I.lsor sc,Pstabscralo
net. Boni I Co, Manuroaurrro of Sods Aoh. MeathPoaden.
Povoloro, ALE 312143 and Solpburio Acid. Warellow , l
N., 63 Woks et— belcor Yam'.
y 4 •
TALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
Unmet C. ilill—lsoporter anti lasaler r` d
sag Antorican Paper lianglnita liortnem
Ruder; Fire Mord Pilots, kn. Moo—Writing. Painting.
atoll rafgantPopey, No. SS street. noire. roan:.
'and Dismond alley. liltrabonn, Pa.
y: ~ -Ki : 4 : t :~:yt:
11-,CAUGHEY, Agent fertile Lakt,
nno: Amt Llak. o 13.a.rer and ttw Lake.;
,Warn lakhe coeeoe of Water mad Ytalttlitwid eta
LEECH do CG., 'transporters by Canal
sad ronrarmor lierthants. ennat of Prnu rircat
the Oasua.
JA. BROWN would moat respectfully inform
tts goblin Llng Oe kettoson hand at bleetandonthawut
e.t.a the Diamond, Allegheny city. • complete assortment
of Venting* blitdr, pl. Veldt.= Pbuttars ere made to orAer
10 ,thr best style. we...rented egos) to soy in the halted
Etat.. Ills can be restiovid without the al of •
maw &lux. Having purchang the we., tools, end wood
of U. catatet ethe.bliuhutent of Itanotay fletilullend, Ism
prepared tiiit Ogrnish their old caskences, es welt es the pub
lic at' Istgewith every' Wen( In thede
' Agette A y N o .* Wood etre.- Pittsburgh.
mothig • , J. A. BllWit.g.
•a: , rRr ~ .: M:: I:c
T'hoidriarg—Herldiahv. darner of Third oar., arid Tut
winnow. Allrgherir.
eisivit, cridi,
A DAM; HARDIE, VeterinfizSurgeon, - lato
=on: pnbflo &tun!. h. endraL u nant Tr:root tO;
to g,.n,tnl wilt br anted rter
V ' Z ' o " Arl ° ,l
Of Tunnel Moot and PeFilinitslito. Arouse.
E ILLE JOIINSON, Engraver v 4
YEIM Halt. ttbild l'itubiargli,l*=ilavo or
oaf. 11“ad.Vf
*2l ' t ." ll. " i=ftlll ' , l c= rp'ot
t &L.. ta.l at LI. Irmo. * '-
y V to i.stat , itsStoetd, •rldrl "real, apltiaita tfU.
°Mr, elttoLdrgb.,llaps, Lamle:ayes. Pentralla, Vbor Litt,
131111.sdt, arPl,3tashtr ,
Itra , alums, 01.11 V, and Vlslttod Cards, IC., ,ds_gray.l
Jrarn I;tk ~ c oua, lane.] 111 mint, tit,l.l,llirutts, ar
In turotc 41111.1,..) .ti au& at umst paws.-
Wegner, Bueehner di Mueller's
rgifiE ABOVE FIRM se4l.,:tfully atitiounri ,
W melt thrill* and tto.t.otblie atoo.villy. !bat ttot
aro lottp4trett to ',PK... II Ito. to , t. atylo man art, .0.
p.tura .10!!Sh. Cards, 11:14, litylosnan, Vl , lttaO
sal etiltnattiottal.o.l•,ll.o.
MOT ottattlisetorPt ft at :to. t.t. Merkel atreat,
rbini all Yourth till *Lair,
pp) OISERT MOB s TC.i and WllllO Mor
Le, eta Ant. ta.l Nan 41 tt. P/Ittlmrol.
ULTM. A. 3f CLUfIO s CO., uracer. and:.
y v -rt4 LtErttr nav
Ram az nAza &Urge +.041,9n 34
nt. Of ceer,
11411,1 Also—koreigo !runs %lei uts,ll,
010 shd math thsokoto inpolna on tho brat Munn
Docur G. B.eichttelm
NFORAIS Inc friends and the public in cen
r.l, amt hn !ma rtta ulltew to 1.50 PM-, No
Ot. u•ct tr. Bt. Ciur
r. to tam fora ksath st titre, are
io (11, )0(4,((.41
- .
F. R. More, M. D.,
I ` , . l ' l :t- 01. •\ 1 e PiiYSICIAN, at:votes
111.•1•Irlit 01 •
Ein , l.eute dittes...Agx..eraMly. .vtil cn
etrt.l nurFtml Aalt•roun AtreAt,
urAtt Ili, liana Bridatt, mutl urzt .ItAm . it. d- Pim,
lug 1141. I: , m 7 Co 4 A M.,
tn. I t‘,.t. st , •l Row 7 A I' M
J.J. MYERS--Surgvon and Plazeicinn.
totirt ari,l dirtlinw corner of
Preird oun door sbov..Bmithheld N.
• • • • ••
• • •
lux pernaranontly In•anal in l'at,bur4h, sal
• .11 amend to Olt , nf Prennoton. Ur rill eye
pnrtnulas att.:anon 10 Stsuntxt rm.", rud ttin . dbeAren or
ru.tchildna: •,.1,143133
Wm. M. 'McKnight
IyILL give special attention to the Celiac
v tion rams far 51er,hanta anal otliers.
gen , ! . ILL
and 1-aspern thin.
.1111 m In Tilghman IIW 1, uppnelt.
Pittsburgh. I's
141, , rackoar.—Jahn Slurri/on, F.C, Flum.slu. a :4 141. , ,,,e.
hlrmas and Wm. 31c1.1.0d1e.,
lass,: loam F. 9'ooo.
ONES & Li1J10 1 ), Siantlfilt . :Uren , of Spribg
nay.l Mifterrit;el. Ploaqh eterl hounh
n, .1
uad ralvtic Spring. Hamen,t...l Iron Axloc and
rl.l. In 3.lralcoblo Cutinns, t.o,Lt.s. Lavin, •12.1
Cad. Tronmincs corn., of N an Sod Iron! gte....
lettubur,h. Yri.
A&ALAI". DICKEY 4t. CO., Agents for Me
chaalc'o Week,. lirry congt...nt::: .12 havil
. salc rury katJ SURvrilPl ,unllty.
!. 4 bect 1rna,! , •11.1. 61,1tv,
CIViAN, Civil Engineer,
Ltraughtiul\~TlLMAßTll g NOBLE—City Flouring
n,.A/d Prmtlod inning ALlnt.
Labtv l
Niudnix a• the e Patont devuto crf 2d.L.
nvry tar Mt., Water Waks, IL.;16:14/ Mal' b.
found I.,•irtzt 16 h. M. mil 6 P el hi,
blmbury suet, Pittanmgh. ,nll-111T.
'CORb A CO., Wholesido' and Retail
IT blacutactunsp,ml Dealer. In Ilara,Cans and Fur,
comer of 'Wald sod Fifth atmeta, Pittatntrah. Wherethel
oGer a full and rumpleae amok of data. Cap, Furs. itcal
every by V. beifTaie , . 1.1341 Metta.l.loll
rlh. the attenneh of MU? enotoncers and purchamero gene,
a. , :turtun them that no, a . cli on the moot ulrate
tag.= toms
11/ M. DIGBY, Moroi:mat Draper.
v v and haads nadn Cinthinx. WWl,'
os;.EGGER & CO., Importer-a tf V.lnes,
Linunra and ttaldA Cher, lel Smithfield ' , trent, ba
tn,an Sixth and ne,nth
YYA. MADKIRA, Agcnt for Delaware Mu
two Safety ionurox, co=pw.r. 42 nmt-
I GARDINER COFFIN. Awn: for Franklin
0 Fun Im.N.tranct Cc..pany. Lorth emit Inner of I% nod
and Mini rt,et, -
IV M. GLENN, Boos Btriors, Wood street,
V V necond dm: frank the corner , pc Thhrd. where ho 9,
1;y c tiv d ~ ,g _s l 3
weiff , w4 u ngtn a e r z
te•unzi A:Arran:inn, 000 C, In noreibere, or old‘k•
hound :sr:fall,. or renwired. Names not.. InFIR let , .
The* who boo- laaltug are . .0,1,1 to tan. Priewe los
mn-dly _ _ .
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding
ALDWIN, PLL.MEIT. CO., Imre this
dw, w50r1at...1,;ch.'....m Jt.o Lavit .o. atwi ottnr
t tliqvublx. ,ntausi.o.‘ A.reutw. thaa , ro
1.4 , C1•V1L1 E. Arrli IS 1.1 It. disams 14 w
O LINT 1" LAND —Garr. NtrLoa,
Attorney at Law. No. Third %C r eamer of Chart . ,
licritut made arran,tannuta tor the Pnrlwws
Pnneure. ltuuntt Land.. t r officer. ant whiten, their
widow and children. and will attend to any other hnei
nee, rOtititett , t aith the aererntneut avant et Ite Depart
...tote. the l'eo.nen eftir-s, 4 &T •he Colo avant
the City of
aThin,tan dtt
Drawing,-Perspeciive, and Painting in OiL
H. D. R. SMITH ie how a-epared to give
to a few purge to tlieYittferent branches
h T. 1131 .1 at In. rcewne. In Iteeers. , A
Atkinson'. "nee uniltitott. /ire, ettowt. Wrad and
Market street.. Mitre of ing.rurticu. (rn t. G. n o arid
hunt t3;a ta et k r kiwi other metier.. !AU t+.
L, ceiltua (afternoon, at the
het., t.. G.:tato Dr Add,- n iaT.T.llf
- - -
Fred' Assortment -of Spring Goods.
lioNtAs PALMEI: .ilol{
Ir m ae. - I..t.ana .1. IL,
, No. 55 MARli.i.l STOOLS,
fieiveyn .14,1 FrturiA airter4,'Pgtsbury.i,
h. prer.ent 4,1 f. uf I..euhiu
PAPERII..I.I37I.VGX at. be., at p,nat.
url, ca.., ht.. c• I •
Lam. aroglihrf...l 1 nuu culs. fu , L.;
ro Th. ettr.u.ilry .1 -711:, tuu.•
rut. .at.t
:Ifr,...ehlf,t, 1.1 u,lei..ct. 4,1
ru.o, d iffu•hV
Hisb.Ey socuait,
St.oraKe,Shippiuti k Copainiagjou hl erchantA
I 110 LENA Lk. dealer, iti
VN, ab .OmA, .1 I.
rllgkute• um.i. on nno•lgn.maz.
. . .
tiw to 11,. I
m , La.
ROCkinghani 8.11,1 DOMentl:', gueenbwar..
11/(X)DWARD, BLAKELY Cu, NL,r..-
t. 7 . 7 L,, c1 . f r 1LL15T 1 12 , 1 liort.,,,Jalueaul lOWA C... a sr,
Otramuple. ' ?l °. ¢... rornsr &DS ue...rt •
Vt.Zry",,,,,r.cirf:+1.:z.4.4.) J H.
. .
. ,
Our extouact. tt colt+ row.. 6. V , co ort.t. pnuot.t.
.0 w mKtoot Jealotor .iazt lastazali rt. plopel. al.n oe
oblea it. to 1..1, okt. 1t :Le ury
St ate, no, ritatoot.,ll.rt, VancT TOT., banon ,. .,
tqattet . two. iroblota, Mantel Ornamcnts, 31edkitto .11,1
Smug Jan, ar, ankle* for JoGlattic orot,:to ,:taat ar.ty
nrpor t anavlttrtl
Alexander Bradley,
Aro 19 Wood Itrtti, Lettreen Ftra and .I.ercild
CCatiN ILIk;
Al ic c p e Ty K iji. : 3 - 1 : 1 ,7 P. 0 E;11 . .
t z . e ;;T t t.
tern. , t. S.. 111 tv1340; tha . bwet utte,?4 , 7l.
AI l•Ahi.Ult kTOVES.s.raor.g •L 3,
Jvwen a E.,44 . 4 &Way; lull
lladlatarr. YewnlltniitaMe. rah ,
to lalr-b we melte trie ...Liu: , o: . l l litlerw. le. LeUl“.
War, Wograt of wLich
etteotine of deal. befory ovr•hwohis eke•ham.
rar.37 .
PittabargliGas Pipe and 'Pale Works
T HE. undersigned have just completed their
and era POW ...2•CW11 , ....ig On I ''JiS r•?C.
an:active awl oak.. rine, sod &II slua 0(
which they allay & istio is the lowest ytteee. Rey..
ewe Le execute , lriere. to any ....tat tnthee...-
tie.'l•l eni .. ....ze• etteet.
(OA im Plityee.,ll. PA
Bolivar Faro Brick Manufacturing Comp'y
GLOVER, KIER tt Panratcroaa.
pli E SUBSCRIBERS ;baring been n(-
11skinao4 Agents for the anuiv named, molest. 1011
pt ap ontucantl y unbend a Rubbly of the celebrated tourer
Fire 1l Ftreelay.lnrnar. Llearths.4 lam all.
They are also i , telAred to rarely. enters for eal.l brick. to
be outdo to, atm and stye tr, malt parchaeore. tenten shell
promptly tiled.
R. lu not deem It caurran , the many o:t- i
1.421. the &Alma Fits-.brick peas...over all , thanthat
Wye been offered fur ma. In the United o ver their sup.- ;
clarity wog .11 knuen Mmost all pythons she UM
Fire Mink. the proprietors hes . . daemons'.] that lb.
Brick shall lose 114ne of then., present enviable votuttelun
and that no expense. shall be thezed to make them even
better than they bare beretotom been. Tide be the only
setalllehmeet now manufacturing Ors Mirk Cl
Klan a JohEd.
mthl Canal Basin Boventh th,Plttaburab.
W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches,
21Kperuor m any iraldits err. Viral upPlittburo.-
111011AliDSON, 81 Market street, is
001. Agent Zro the *hove vaned Lorer Watch...
Wowing tours.tav la attached to Lab Hatch'
.ppointr.sent to the Admen - Att. WM. DULL/N. Ohro
nctootar and Watch Manutabus., JR King N 0.... We
ir!' need, London.
Thla certif.. that [h. amunnanYttUt
an No. is
warrant.' by we to be et soy onsuutature. and no Watch
with toy name upon it . gcotal.. aeon...lad 1 4
online.. beat okmy , lif , al ,,
I.lXtrofttythn'urcrat.e... "*%eA.
j ...” . .1 . 1ANT FITTED UP, (on the New York
riolo very Fruporior Wen,oonn. for the sale of Cur
Material, end , vary thing appertaining to
the faahlonable pylon and hats spin -red inn largvet and
dhovt supsuior amortruent .1 Lanes, Brom.le,
Enoch and German Ilantesk De Lain., Caglnn batfook a
klaroone, Chintz., Turkey lied 0.0,, Fringes, Chut+ of
every kin, Lace Cunene, flkur,d *ad plain 11., H
landof different arldthi.„ Conde. of 3 , 6 different pakt e .
and otyles, Door 11.1., Window illlnde andShades,Curtaln
fiords. and kande, Curtain
11 Ploa.Tasula and Tea. Loops,
Cori,lk anal Worated, ,1 Chintz. and Fringes, Mor
o:Ill. and Lanaslor 40111.. CoOnternenev kni olocol
C.oforts,ll..assa, Beds and 0.441nd.
All only. thankfully re , elr.d aselltrotopt;y 611.01.
.11 W}L IVOIILk. Third etrees.
- J. Wilson & Son.
1, 1 1/ HOLESALE and retail nianufactu-A
- y l dealers In llitui sad Cato, Na WI
a ried Aren t ,hinl dam Woo' Utitratuul ltligt. Pitto
buroh—erheri, they azhr i roll awl exicoplete ruck
met o r
nod Cape of their own Leedom .tirt a a tar t u re, of ery
ittallty and Idle. by orhoterale awl retail, and 10.1 . IL.
ttuntioti of their euesotnere iitul thu publle,atutortou theta
that they will WI no the root reatortiable terra.,
;lath .
ISC.tll.,bnikht %Lb:1.41.1.p f.ll,7sltiirt
- •
Jolly AldtTlit • JAMS 001,171/.
‘ZAIITLEY & COLVIN, Coal Morohants
.‘l4 lw 1.r.1y Itry Lic.l.,li sh rooorlse. It. 'sod a.9a.9
utrnor Waloul Kr... and •Wal.t. rnpi TuNe Ham
Tme.r.r, vii.. • .19 . 4•• I••
&deer C'hiinry and adjacent Counties,
I.i CATEDI IN TIII? flohOU6ll or NUW UxlU bras.
Fr HE SUBSCIIIIiIEII, baring bent located
mi . ...4A ,, two /...r.1.•..t th., bun:haling floroulth of
Sy• fc.r nnws than twAry
lo the eltlnity of the ramie; MA awing, mo. ht. •t..
t.-tatlun h•-• Lan Oven •ltnort earluitiyfr,to W 11,1,60,,
rear the ectonnactlauon of Ore yublle gruel-dlr. by
tt " tl . 44:gt " r7n ' si 'd tV:U rm aw .
r. 1 0 1 00t . " 0, ' 0 "
There are now • noinl,er of vsolo•bl• lute And arcn el.
do. , It...rough and ni.lellt.nrhon/. foe MI. at low
at., and torat.alvitoisissous.
Thies *Nay, Aridly ....hull Into, and no P , or.t.t/
will be offer..l unit. the Mb! l.
Per.. dent,. of par...heel. will do well to WI
c.v.:One for tio.anwlve• BENJ. nUI4II IMADVORD,
Fine Watches!
46,,FE‘V Tory duporior Ovid Paten; crp
Lever Watch.. rec 4 ,1 4.:0 4 4 5 .... 4 '.. 4,
1 6 1
too eplendl.lPotkot Cluanoosators. of bona.
ntol 1,414/1:,loublo oattd ontto, oloo,ploleko.r4
Sinoco.d. yoriouo sqlqcoo4 yottoroOrot •
/770 u.sit,uanvauars. llatket
A. Wilkins & Co
sal A15r71.0.1 • • • •
N orth $4a..1 South C pa
aro'lna -•- X ."
Nell, York .0,1 ... 3-16 Yj
i► Ica C. BOECKING, I.asufactu
lk Pk.ta, sad TIod•
o Third otnet. PllO 110.11.
oeGil r
ANI I. TEL KRO ESE N o"ost.ntiv on
1.11 hand Hi. 0.1 IVA ^rtwent of {Vs.!. wit] Bath tub".
Hort, iii.sinitiont. 0.4 Weil. IClLcitien or Dn. ittleknot
Wunder. Bowls. Chum,. Dry Struoriig. Zine nod LlirrTT
iV 3,11 wad all other kind. of ,or
1101. Fifth +tr... PittAburith.P.
Fall FashiollB•
'' , 1:17.1 for Dt5...0:1 watiLl
y annalort of their cu,lll.r.s mod the publk
Iv Choir ler, ablitlon hirh tho, are Ivor .nrealVirl4 to
their nf no-al. Tbr .emath.ent: c.a.!. 10
tout the rbe.• Ftylo HATS, intml An.115b1,11
an , r.rr oiuril dm for the,. ti sod ronlilit,
t“,.etio, =Ali • err.. variety .4 Mark. 1.1,.. - rn anti Drab.
IlLincrirt.m. And nth, Mod. of 11.4.1, 16 ,
And toy.: Silk and Mob•ir P1.t1611 CAI,. Cloth 411.8i11 ,
atot 111•2.-.1 . C APS, of Itlmroo all dr...1.441.A,,
And Candretail .Al'S for. Ildreo--offered at rp.c.loll , la bob
. .
YURS. mU ItlevAL.ll L.puz.
Fitch, Ortol, and Unner AIUFF,.
Irrel VI erOlt IN ES and 1.1. , FF, Child ...see.
AITE have just received this be auulal
V trb, OATS, to which Ise Mill. tb....n.4
(be of 041. trunk& and tbr public ~a•rall/•
&use , McC4)lth a 11, cur Fifth and wood nt•
_ .
Penn Glass Works.
LPILL,L. Pa 111(b.
ILLO BENZ ,k WIGHTNIAN, (formerly f the
firm of Wm. • o.,l>i 6firtUrti, Or an
Dater and Front etroet,
It.—k , articular attentlan joat4 to odd nlses of Window
Gla,• and prDaton:teluld.l.-r Battles .d Vial. ..34(4,
C. W. Feine, Professor of Music,
BEDS jerky° to inform the eit/zens of Pitts
bitrgh and Allotthroy. that S. wail now cult:tomato
to glue lantruttlout ou the I'loso kttlITF. nod VIOLIN.• Fur forth-, ottrtteuta-A 111QUIr...
11. Ii.L.k.IIK.W.S. , Mou.c Thml uttn of
tn..ioldrn nary
New Chocolate-Factory.
Q.P.2. N. GIAXIBONI CO. resilectfullyin
k fi.rm the pubtc tont they nye non' tunnUfneturiog
CrIKOLAT.V. of <You yonlily sod veto, Thin Chntohtte,
unlike moet other c old heee, wartante!, paw and uun
dultensted, and ` bean , of hoer decor. more outeeciou• end
wholerome.o. A Co hcrtos, beer t.e.y.rieter• of on.
of the tuntect Chueolate manutnetnne. to I tnty, assure tin ,
Oublie t Oat they rill famish L-ye: llf not cut--
not I. the hrs.. Itoported, no,t le/14 pr,,,
It Iv n., cair nt titfit (Nll , l. )
So. 1,02 r,urtta rt.. up moats, neat do, N thaMveroesl).!
(Formerly tbe Emetkaageo
Corner of Penn gad St Clair Streets,
cor.tral, and moat 4?..onveni
wly Inrat•al 110001.. Lailna I,rn 0.1110211.11 rr
ra.atltil,ant thoroughly repair,/ and Improved. now
cpwn th. Mc<azata.lrawn
uunieLnutorralogr, iisais. an I prviirGE, th. ST CLAIR
r...peettullr lid/an:um hie 'm.o.. and Lb. ptioi,
that br ha, lun.g•hrl it in the rust •Ingi.nt acid inoifort••
1.1. et ylr.. sal nraigGreci a/mnetesat sesistan. •na attentla.
and halolll ,rraura. ogul lb./ h• sill ipars or exertion
o mak. it
to ally Lou. , In thr roontr3.
The well tutinen ventral, 1. calms of the I lune.. na,l con.
reulener of tr..arrannein.rnta, feu lering It the ratuft.leolen.
{.l. either L. Eras +t aro .r laisr.i.ra.ladisc,..lll.l
to eolsrtt sod not. rm. It • lthrral •G.ri ofpatronag.,
sig.C.Gtl C. II I!iiN.NGTT.
New Coach l'actory—Allegheny.
M. A. WHITE a. CO. would re
gler- opecrruti, InSa,
public that they hare
envy, • rhop o•Lat , n irgl..r.l oat tiara/U.lO Ther.ars ons and .re prapsretl rsort.•
order• for ...a, nada., Charirg...,
Ina,nelf,.. PlJ,Ggta. So- • hid, frona.-th,nr.
long rtprriertre In the 05..uu.'.1.0r, th. abcfrZigort.
.14 IL.. ther goongrot th, ant
enabled to do sort on Gh. ow, prsoura.fg• frmr SILL
[hoer .11100 S •rflalre
Psyttni puvrulat igari.rtig,
LIAVILIF 601:14, but ...12.1.petettl BOttui•ci. Islet po
h lull . sagragallna tiara, sig. I. It • Gin
. . .
ol 1.. thl. matut
NII It. our.: ,r. 11.. cua Ch.
caret r ul.le tow. .I.artf
I OGAN. IV I L.SON ii 1:1) , Sr.. 125. Wo-t1 ' . , Fall Goods.
s -d'''''- , '''' t'''' " m'"''"'"'" P r". '"'" 1 M UltPliY :t BIiRCII FIELD, Norttleivt
~,...-.., u, ir. ut the Stir Nl•riett• runtabitieff, ,calar. '
if,,,,iii o lapite, I ib r p. ,•,...... iotei, i..,-,il.plr e l an auuetot I,unli if.i.l Martel 1,...ia, hare ten 1
. 1 1r....nil Meeu.... bleb. mut (au, .n.l ie. C.b.u: 31,
....du do . cbsn-rabb. bier..., ht., and ' !'.
. I .i , f , .;,..f . ll ' ,l '''''' ' ."'
.1.7;:;.:. if I C.Z.. , ... ". ic0 I . n t, Air. ,,,, cri. ' . , ... , 1'"01........1iil 'll'ull ,",,, Ptioilet Perrino Clerl.o ilni.,,,
I..ayask 1.up111,... Black and tie.,
, FA LI. I . ASIIION FOR IFS! , Dram:bike ruferr plaid& eh.,
lOrlar Dram pull,. Lone abb
I I W WILSON .i. SOS, FesnioNeutr.ll...ptta 1 to Wuul arid lioche
. .9.•1., nkrfa. Ibu
I 4.1 e -Nu irl W ieel atrent, youlif rlieurfidlr
N 05..1 orb 1142teure,Serk WM...A
•itecrio nf theu curl. in,- awl N.. inane te lb. W f • Nerdl• Worked 'Maar, Sal. au4
eT V1.r.,1t II t I+, • Weil U. :01 tuf.. Jet, bp hatuni..... ,
the I,t, .a..f
Sous' Foe Proof Rtneral Paint. J•edoet adaftfau Thread. loa, a 1 0b.,. du
.01 1 a s ,ctly ~.....r., l nvird ).call aot In, ..1 tic, i5rar .. .. „ ..f . .k
, ~,A r jrir . ..LAIL •! .
Splendid Instruments.
THE sub.,eriber, 1.1,114; cquii.lntod hig. ca-'
t.b,0ttc,..1.‘ itx tt,...,6.,........./...1 the .c.,,. ArAc,...l filllE gubeo•iber ha 6 j w.t rv•c6ivel invoice.
:n rte....a IL. heai of Woderti All.gbarf., tarru- ; ut a errs ritpree i,... lenti.b. • f Kan,. Wade tr, Nu...
p p.n., u, torolsb 0. tbruu,il tee aaei.l. elthe . r . dry, ur 1 • 1-dar/A. and a 1.., try truuttran. New Vratl. Amos rAth
40 .. 4 . rr.r. J AMON 14. rim. 1 ill, • rua.stf.l.,,t foil A , ... AArr - Airr rreta,• 111•1p1 Ilan.,
•Otribli . i tor,: by h wins A Clara This luotrur-eut. Idler grate
1 4 . 4 . tNAuter, Drug /pr.:, ...A:re,
_r . . , 1 T . I :, :rit itif.1_, ,. ... •1., I r . ..... 1 r t .,.''... 1 . ,..,.. 1 . t. ;",.; t ,'....,',":",.•,..7„": .,. r . ..; • `',.." . ...","""ii . , :... p1 0 tt"1t;
, II ' l ' . ' "N:b . e tr U.' , 1/rtiTatre " ....l ' .‘,. ' ..LejZ i r - ;. " Federal rr , l "' '''''' E `"'''' '' '',''' '' '' ''..'" -
I ~.,..,e"
.: , ..1 : :. r:,
j: ,... 5 .1, 1 r i i :r.:f: .1...... 21 4 , 3 5 . ; 4 :, , i . ,... 14 , 41: . .,.... , 1 , /:..1. , : : r.fri athl 1... e.
ii.0.1.t. Dec. D ef . ,. ., ',U.K.:. 04.1:14,40 .011.,AV1
rt 64 " Ir N liEkiflil
:ugh rflt • t.1 , 1,1tu liar., "i• lot, 3,1 atre.l .
— EIOLE IdAFJ3LE WORKS. ' N r 7 " . l d " . " i '' ... '-.....''` L t.. " l ' ll '''` d I N' L i'
.; •..titanie. Irum
•- Sav i or.
eutire ...ter. nun f . ar • wean... 4
,bai. EST•111.11/NELi 1632, by ELISIU:Si 1 1 . ••,...! a ~..., " . ..b." b.f. " , uf ."'l" breLlalit ‘"' ' 4.. ..
C‘ -r • - - 1 1511. KINS, No, 245 Liberty et-, I ...P
li i''
' tau. of W0e.1•,,-.1., Pitt.ibiugh. P. I Fall and Wmter Stock of Pitney and Staple
31..alatauta,N.trui b 'ill+ Twahatourx l
tee. May., Ple.No, l'autr• *al Pi, l'ul, i DRY' 00(11 1 S.
..,"` h. "'• . .d ..J. ' . ` ,4 * , . aa" A. A. MASON &. Co. woald moFt resi,cet
<t,,......l t5...i.,,,,•
,o•.,1 E “•,, ~. 0.,...2 , •
~,‘ ~,,, t
..:::,,,,.. „,,,,,,,„...
... 4 ,„......,,,
..,,, I a iub, auliept tilr af aunt of . the feolin i,eueraflr,
t'l Til". an I the stulraale trail. in putierri,.. r • their larar iand
i erfurtullp uilforted &trek te i,....1a, for fa, mud •Intar rides
4 , - , 1 rf•toaar .- ..- i c oax bill to guns iiirifer thou auy il,ry haea a... 0 be
-10.....0rre4. W • flare reveille] LA Palo..
::.. 'bee , 1,0 I..irp Ilrewu }furl:tn. INArr , !MR.. , N 0... Oha"lir
fr i r from Italy.
l 1... - Dril tea iirambergo• tar° VIA, ropesuir 111aukett.
, ' ! I lee " k! 1. c..1,1,...3 :IN me:. be -J 'lint,
• b... - t',.0,1x. lw 0.. t,nch Utruly..
. . ' 4, -1, i lb. ....., whit.. 31,111,t• rt/ii pr. ! . .niuvetta • Collura:
-Li_ 3) ' r... .. uh.eunr - In pa Atte,-., all nclora-
KENCO.FNCEAr ---- r • • 0 pr:Are Last. tihrriciarair , 1 9 rasa. ',fah Inlhir.t.l .
!luta Kumar Dentir • ..tart Ti-ruab. re: •.n..or IlibrtrcllK
lion. Judge Willtiu• !vb., Iturperii-et ie.. • bent ruffle 1.1..tbul lire cartruii t NI:I.N Plus - era
trim k0h1..., Jr.. le, Joe IP hen L.. [Antal., I ::' - r . A......r.r. 4, . , 1 .. 1 . ea., alit.
John tinnier. Log Ca.. h ILA.. . r.,. .e. tintrt. ••••,. " ten , : ‘ 2,,, ei.ere , l n r • , c.. -1 ‘ eleerr.
Ihttrbargh Dank. ~,,,„ ~,,,,,.
..,,, - ~ - enirtu4 t barks,. re ma.. Laahrcierts. sc.
J. IL Eb... 1 ".f.r. E" , 1 ." A C . A‘T A • A.. ;',. '":' V.." ",!.11.d L i:ZLilIZ', 4. 2' . ;111!::,...' 1 . .—,,.
Willlotr M randAcup, Lag. II uun A _.-tut. J.
itotenMetaListo.LN- %. 8 ... , a r° . I ....err with evrrery ale u•ball. fau,ul to a nr,
3... McKnight. Kari. Drs.., D. T. Horgan a Co. ' ,Area. ...14.1•11.ArrursrIrt. blretkrl 64 Martrot rt.. :aril,
. .. . . _ .. . .. . _ . . _ .
.tam. Jolla. nod. a & Co PrniCre
NEW GOODS.— . _ __ __
6. Lathrop, Eat.. Allegheny
F.- w. feel. gratwful fhr th• rail
i'd,atat Isla t , ' , il, M. int3Y I.eirs to infirm his friends
enrol during athlent years to this cltl. hawing Lad the v ,
~,,,,,,,,... ~i. i ,. ~ , i , ...
Largest and next iota ninntsts , l t^ ht. cars up to the irrns..,,, 1 fat I L A‘D tiliirty,i - s. pf,.." . ' "'w I. h euPPIY
Iline, and will sordwaror to snider lutist...W. Itonsanst ''' • . • . . Ott .• o.arridng •.* ...I
•reri thing that :a fashionable, good, and us., tortientle
tuen's se. It L...., utterly 1uite...,1,1• to lex.ribu the
JAMES W. WOODWIIL, rar.eti awl slogans of the style and patter. of his Cmh
' saxes, ac.l 1, ..tintta... , ...W. , atuslitY a Ill•C •
lIV 4 ABINET FURNITURE MANU•ae 1 the propriet. h..pes [ha{ all sha stth to ,arrik
wenn.. tv..e.,..,,,,,ins 97 apa Third afF,,,„ -- 1,. article lu Ids line will (svgs. hint with an-Wally .1.16. ..L.
J . .W. r a .,,,,,uniie pm"... h., f r i en d s ..,,,s ,on hand, the :amen. hest nanufarturrd, and most se!:
[tlltsWtott Whitt ho has taw essaphirled Lb. largos' as I lonabie neck. of IigADY MADE CL,sllllNti In tb• city,
and bownstoet t.I Luuseirdd futuitury sear ie•turr seen to 1 all of said. sty, L. ~urea at Ow sere :us*. ntwas tor
this elly. am he Is dnernalned .1 Ladoga US y utility sith '.'h
wellweasonwl inate r aLs. best wcrittnanthip. its d newest .1,- ,' , C'hirs' , .,,...._,Cownt" , `; , t - chth. and all a h. oor r heww
signs: and from th e extent of hi. 0w1.... and Wilily In ; ustg , i/,wiu nos , it much 1.. toe.' lairishnig• to ...mins
inanufaxturing. h. W enaLlwl to pox., warranted tura. ' tho -t• , a before Pdaha•ing. as the , •a; meet with de ,,
Lure. at the lineal Mee*. .del haigalu,
Ifs be, adopted the ,rinn,gt, at hieetitythh the ~ t eh,h , . 1 I,t , r, ...Lich. In the Tal.orina Imo wain to ord. n the
era' Interest with his own, in duality end arks, and keep. Loon luhlurishle style al the shortest
Li:units. - , ,
alwaya e: hand It,. graitest earisty,of cuptl !!,,,, , ,,hatrh ~..! 11, llrst.lll. Waram•tl saute I WWW,WSWit wepi 4 ,
L;t, r n r,:j., • ~..„, , j,„1t " r n 1,,,' " ,.. ' E n ' ', 7.7:. t ^ ':,, '''',,;',' .r"L , ii; EEP IT BEFORE TILE PEOPLE, that
furnished fret. Its clock. Ot ' snanufantwead eut;it.saly to ..1.1,. Odle Irptln:shes of itgath.or (Lemma ,a.i.bsseste or
-1 " . E`zuW-Phr."gt - tr=•`ll;thl)• 4 '- - rl . . o '7'"* - 11', W ""i7.r" ^"-" "6 the '
=LI eocurt. In part: a hlt r rt.uCk. shish fc.r . ei r Ciu=l oro,inTp a , .V , ;• . .4' " rh ' n , :mantr" . ;ray7l4 . /T. l L l sc n re ;oar ' s:
~ i , t , g i. .. nod Land , cert.( Le surpassed In any of that Laguna 1 purify tegelants, haring . mineral . sareenein/ sia,Manc.
In it... many rats t.tlfy sac. tans the in:tr.-Jun. uf
Isarldr, drawing, dittlhg. and Lw.i.racc, than, a ..e.ty , Whir:. it La v.:mm.4, and Ito manure ~ t ni•asog it.—
variety, calcining If rosewood. aushogans and walnut. Lieut. It Is • raf, ac Well a• • saw .ale!
It e. , ld he
Elisabeth., lkinscrannhw .... t o Chair.. at erery din . 8. IS rilel,kll.Sll.ol,
cription, Courlass, Sofas. Tatwasste and lit riots alto latest . N.V.:" Corner It 0..1 and 811th ma.
Vrcuall and Atncrican pstterna Taslass. What-Nola. and , '
Isdhst' parka. Writing Nuts of vaiions kinds, W or t tables STAR GLASS WORM.
and fancy Intent stand', mane nand., and holders. mart.. ROBE -
top, mahogany, raenwood had walnut centre and sofa. ts. .
bles, cstension dining tahles, all insesof ths most Unproved . • ~ • ,- s• ,
and devidedly the twat kind sued, can
y.pnbsna• an ~,,„, i. sr Jr,. ta-te—,..o. i I manta Wert, Pttl/61Arsfli.
piss table, wardrobe.,
and washetanda of eavh a I 4 . OBERT WINTER it CO., having taken
rtj.......t0tt.,...4 : no t , rh.4l„ , .." ..z e tr oo l L" = „=;,t. ~..,...„b-i-,.. ,!
li, llies o keLe s nrit „ s„; ,,a lli
. nau , n i flot . T ., sli kinds& Orsen
fire semen., tonal rat la hat a...1a and music stools. cribs i . •
w .... P ., ana ..., ..,,... ... a . , ..,,,,,,, ... ~,,,,,, , . Char base apprepristen a Factory ,tclualsoly to the
. utartnring of
mahogany, ruaswood, awl inlaid pearl Tabln.A,, at. Ac• ''' - • •
A large assortm , gt of C‘sueoon Furniture and Windsor, 1301:1Le, CIiIIAPAGYILEI, CI. sitar, AND NIADIIHAS.
Chen. Cabinet tnaa.rn curpl.4 with all articled in Wel: i als , --,,very de•cription Id ~../..rni 111,Vd BOTTLES
6tearnboats and Hotels, furnished• t th• shortest nod.. The 'tatter then...ha that they can furnish article, In .
All alerts promptly attended tn. . /0 . their lino thus,. to an, manufactorol to -theronintry; and
I th ey hope. by strict attention to bib:Jure. tun/ern. eh at -
jp;.AO LE MARBLE WORKS. fastabliched . or patrnuam that bay terra exuatouni to 4th e r . a nnte. d .T.
1834) by ill/Ill:ND WILK IN, No lot Lino, at , l writ- nee a rt pwPareill to nil alb. LA: order's nick, liiiiiiiti
h e o r w oo d 0 ., so.r o , nr ,n, nonon, e n., it o r. a l , !tent Immix eywi the public It. general may favor them
Vanlta.Tomba fleadaton., at. Sfantrl Pier.. Contra and . Ott What/W.W.I fuTiPt.l , ftitilds. woe. I y
_.... _-_ —.—_ .... . _. .- .
Pe.• Tri
a. x pe always on hand , and made to Elder. Drag Store fur Sale.
A I ItLia brORE, FlX'fiffiES, o,Nl ll i
The only real New York Plurnbiag Estatr
hihment 1 it . j! - 4 T lVollt! i al c ,..",rir',l:,:,7 ° . `417,.." . ... -
1,,v FLEES work is don, on .Scientifie Prin- . ° , , , ,, ,..,;;47„,., , ,2" "..... , t. r ... ,, 44' Th'.
i d , .ith !Lb...044011y nee. 0ne...1 eunirdi. of
cipirg, and warranted I popular curdle... which with sheath, bone.. !Endure
onset mid Steamboat Plumbing. in all lin br.eb.. ; It a profitable invrimeent to an cue de,nrouy ot onaartiou
dons with nestery. and diorageh. ! ha It. For particular. whirr. 11.,x CZ. with Veal p.n..,
Bath. sassy up with *how., hum Vito Sib ' aufrgubb
lilt. Tuba .
W.h rttanda.cumPlrla. s to alb l 'CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE.
Pinar, wooden or iron
Ibatertiowita, complete . . b w%A ►1 Fist! EA u Cunt se of Lectures in the
flgdranta , .. btu 7 , i Cleveland Iloginti Colley, •11l eututoan. on Wed
Ike? Pomp.. oomph... .. ...._ II . , weiday. We till. do, of November. and uultinue detach Kitchen Alkilnam i Oat Iron Boilers, ic.ter.i.. Ifni Alt . • - eal.a
runiacaia. and Lead Pip.. forweihrd and put up at kb+ 4.. 1 The following gent/amen amp-se the Faculty of In.
uniii„riConl. I struction:
.-I.lii, foto., and Yard Lams, 11, area & ri.....,.u.itn0 . 111111 DELAIIATItIi. SI. D.. Profamor of (lerwral Path.
ly on !Mini, and put up at noir tiluitorr In th...enentri .blogy, Ifld•tirs,, trot Phu.... of %bun io n a nd children
itopaltlng punctually attruled to i /ARM. P. KIitTLAN le, 11. li.,•Presbownr oi Plowirni bl.
i .Itlitill • WILES, 11:ti First at.. 1tg1e...1., awl 'theory and Practice of Medicine
.irct -' between kroeid and Market to. , IttiltACE A AChLKY, v 11, i.r.trps.r 4 ry
i .11,11 N LeA li eIELA L. b., Pnatto..r of itatess ' llediesi,
['AY AND hIANUILE FURCS---P25 duz.; ctoirois , , , .sd i.iso.
rirt littler a Cu'. celebrated Hay and .11.inre Forks, I ~ tqlnk..b. IIT. AM:Q.31.11, Professor Of Chemistry and
r . .....1 , t u 1r0t0 the matunfacturat k iVll . 7l , ltiNz r eorign- l .I . lll...._dilripprod,..r ; .
for W. by WU J. id Y.LAAIAI F. 0. U. D., Profea.r of ....tarot
Water Street. salt! l'h.yelitelogy.
for neatness uf hotel. anal Intrinsic rah., lbw f oft. thy leg fur the entire tour... of bettor.. lOU
cannot be surpeued. and the low price at which Choy at. klatricalantin fem..— ....................... ...... ..... ..-.. 3
mold. must icon., their Intruluction. . sore I T I yatt . lnt . lel finb— ... ---- .......... ..... ............ . . ...Ai
n in.d. • proinia.Or note, ptyalin. in twelve
WANTED, i m""th , s's sm. ...1 ' , auto! .10Intly with wane psrsoa
. whore raspo.thility iti certithol to by ad oath of the Peary,
marten rat...baud tiorhogt prufniu paid for A m•,I. 1 4
4. - . , ' d ii'l'e. , 4 will„, i
b r', k i t, `u:it. , ,
, a .
‘ l.:, : 1 1 , 1 ',, ,
,e”, the 1 :', „ :, , 4
~.' ° : 4 :: , ..h b `,,, 4 ,4, 1,1,7 4 ,,:' , ,, T t i,, t ,‘ h ", / , di
j u 17,, ,, ,,:
4 .
, 1 5 1 1 ''' ''' P " . n '"' ti . s/k.r n e: 1i D AL .N .. ...F . 0.11_ !t.
..., 'full,,
~.,.,n , . .z r z , i ,:n l 2 , u l[ f intrainlnLi tn the bectury• by .
Paper. ladl e t,e only.
t' ll " .:::::1 . 1t. ' 1 U' r ..717boag " d b i t i: a n
n c d au f' ln i' u ' Ll e ait t ::::tn u r od '',
tIRIN TING, WRITING, and 5W R.IPP INs “ Pr' , ~ .0.: from Si.ta t., $2 per wend: .
ll_ PAPER..-2.bei - rasing :I by but Printing Pal. , emu, reser,
Zoo '. It by ere - • ! A prehounari cnur.or treturaa tree to aibliatriebtan.
3uo " 12 by 'd2 " " .l of the button, will enuittun t k
• ' l 71. utctang „„hn. tern,
. 0 ""
ZOO •• la L t r i ..
, gt I t i , ! ,. rig. ...1 br 3 .
. IS
1 . .
~, ,,t .,,,, ,: , ,0 7r,,,, : .:
..,,,,,::,.. , : 0 :: :::::::‘,. ~. {l,,
1 ton in made for the cull,
400 " ti tie. factory Viiiiiiir.
z „, ~,,. ~ ,n ti ,,,,,,,,niragi Slitpar ' n
1 lot Ilediral nod noralcal elinidua row. '''''''.
star Uo t oil. 4a under the di/action of Pr a no Aliel"'d niter
700 u Neilitina - -
~ land. lot Aril., in oh, n. o n., 7,1, en d • o t o r ..., R ."l .
Soo " Medium ..t..1 :lanale thciag nog. t or it.en 1. - nuttitcd. I. ta........1 t . .. ' .. ' --"---"-.
Thu endershrycal neer. coualasivly ~,, hand stud for *are wiote. ' 7l ' 1 . .! u 11 ' .t1it1..? . .. i" 'l.*
or eget...v.(or hag, . ler g s sad general atesairtmani of . ee „in d y
Ruled Clap; better, flardwarn. Ten Papers; lintinet I —2 , -- —__ seer 2f_tha M..,firat eacuiti.
!kneels. • I A aII.NEivAL A:. Li taralhellr a Ati4ehl.i.iLlTbil
Alm—falting of a110t.., tor paper UnliniteiCiellyera , .^
old th 6 e F s ali tati S li al sh e e. S d
mating caper ramie t: s n. ors r r o s:i p tio .. t im n.
4,.. 7 .11 . ,,,,,at.‘,. .
~, W i ld: Paper and , B
E o u r . de ti rs t
fah2ll '
iOF iamb, 65 Market street tin o air. a the rale/data/I
M t `d r ,L f.r. 421;i• . „ 4 17,,, 0 ' .9 . ..ay cages of PAPEII IIAN(/-
band Alio.. eV. hanl ' ly - hitit '• !re a tacitly cr,ttrist
! the sr the aoitt issud.sus ‘ Ltid L i t,,,, '" r " ' ' "'"'
1 . _
___,.. TlItIMAls PAL3fEII.
Patent, Candlesticks.
rio. thrket oiroat onototer LA of Nitta Candle.
tuck,. now article..[ Limon tame. fa v0g00,..1 ogee.
Icooporoorma: on Um cid otiho which Oh. ouLLO asloo
somlfully tOwitad null and osozolloo. trig
A. 7 PROPICILTIC.-A bargain will i k t in yongt,d4.l.
DI ¢../..0t1
ira — .114 lierc.3
Henry Richardson, Jeweler,
I ACING re-fitted hit. store in a
hatalastrt.. mum,•r awl but return
fro, the eudern eme. trab • floc saorultaara
u , A7C11P.,, JIMELIII au INr OWL..
tul,l odl the attanta.. , l.,•triaaJ. mud ...Maw.. total..
art tl•at x.loug b. Wat..b., th.'utoot
eagle prate.% ar,t mate.
.the or ',wt., Elva. Pun.
a.. awl Cham , 1(30.ra Maas. Ailalatur,
F Boxt r-w,,. .,'ha , Wort,Pge, b i!ottia, Wort Tables.
Tubb. Mat,
Crlt'n Pigott., Ports ,lonnues to great warial). kluna Fruit
and Cak• DiPhea. Sr.. with .o endie.a ratlrty of useful and
ornatal ticlo. wt&-ta havv.kui, be seen to be ap
proniatad NIA ithET &TREF:F.
TVALI, FASHIONS--Just received*
eti ill Flo, of NI, A. LEECH.. No V Firth
Ich will Tap for ina,.n on Tbutaday and
Friday or WA...wit, whra you VIII cod • bounti.
ful C..111P211U , 0143 entiron,,ty of Straw. SITE gain
ami 504.1 Boturt, and Trimming, of sari°. kind,
Mill bit for the PVIPOII.
• ..
P. 6. •
Roun.te. Ladle.' Cave and tired Dress.-
..of rich acJ beau , iful ATI«, 0ct1612
I OEM WETHERELL, Manufacturer of
nee of Andereon and Rebile+on atrkete. one , ,etrare from the
Hurl Mr et linbee. A IleuhenT eit, .•.u:1
New Marble and Freeport Stone Works.
MUND WILKINS, in addition to hitt
extenriva r.,bilxinnrot Liberty garnet, howl of
I trot, had opened a tranrh at. Eagle blerble Work,.
adjacent to the Cemetery nate. where he manufacture:: ev
of Ilarble:
arid rebel,. do Ccoa , tery In, Gr.. Of froeport. !lune*
r. 0, d onside materna llehan locat,l ronretzleut to the
is prepared In eserut, order, 0,11, tdomn ,
Itode. and on the luvreaL tiro,.,—and hope. far a cGglau.
ance the palmnage Ger.-taw .on liberally ..I:enJed
or 9
Patent Shingles.
THE SHINGLES made of Walnut, Pine,
na ChrNtrdt. with Wn.0.1 . , Imptvved Me:
rroas.otl tht• eat premium at the loot Fair or A/1+
gheny lbe Slochim. A ha uorrathm at Ow Ohio
Dlassinu SID of Eimpson, Co- Maneh.,ter. too
hood mu mak...10A ,, akdozl.• per its.i (rum the bko:ks::
on; Lint of tont,..r that lautrs to aur couutm oot
artlter sofnrauttiun vrar.trd. cell oh th,.lbscrt
hrr, It. Wltat.r's lint...hemmer, o , Fourth aod limnt
i'stt.burgh focni F II 1112111,L1..
H. D. King,
buy. COTN at the Ingham% mukel
estern Bank N , tem bounta and mold.
Earbange on the Emma and West bought and maid.
neck. bought and mold on Connolemlon .11
the best Ezig-t i
l' limb. Patin. and Gen.ra manormetarerm. w
band, In ...Cleat var.,. sad at aerS an ,
rn , a , •
Sllrer Later Wattbra. from.. 31n00 to 540.00
All iValihra rarrannd aa reprecented. nt the moor, re.
taro. d. . .
c_cetute.l ha Ow be. awrmer.L.-
corm, at Etairth
King, Pennock & Co.,
m tGuyer ‘ cli E
ItletTwin+ •
.ty.etts fur mle of ANCHOR /IND KEY bTONE 2MM:I
E have removed to our warerooma, No.
118 M•riErt env, r,At LlN•rty. Irb•ro •-• intend
to Loup onbaud • toroplat. aduortto•ot oi rutern sod our
owu , our.o6l.zur• of dour oil enrriage rurtauo •od
turoicure ,o 1 otb• •.0 rirrry , dewription: tnangx,at,
vil cloth -ztl bull Ito.o. uttelow blind., and into
ouu, y.n.c.h sod tiercuart ill clod. lo
sine. Tar,‘,
In adainot, nan nano. aa aeap renatantly halal a
(nit stock or ludic Itubloar ma-tnna b•ltine. nnan, Rtaaan
parting. to,. ato4blaa, lutte+ qentlemar. 'a show.
bnnto,Nindal•mal.l LuaLlus Itianla, and mbar
arnele natraularrurrS at,1n,11.1 lautAx-r.und,
Patent. all.: able!, we onar at prirca that .nannot WI to
plow. tua') J n U
Flour and, Ggeral Produce
COMM I S .S 10 N fI 0 C S E,
fining At advantage, Trsontortatmo
Lug an! otter market the M+. I. art. a mulerate
et r h., a wan quick $41.6 end quit ',urn.. and t.qt
market tuirea s.. nnulci re.q.cteullr Petron•se.
Ref, tn—
Preqdent and CA.014.4 7U,r queou , Dank:
Bank a I:alt.:nu,:
o.mtaeretal s ',ron' Vent.
"WO SMALL FAMILIES can be . &mom:
4 ,rittr=zo:F:A. ou F TIF;
„ .
From the Philedelbin• `.irti, -.•...", 13 • • 1. • • , , ‘,.
Ladies !! Read ThiJi!! I
I N TliE PRESS, nod teillithortl Itmad}; )
r , ,‘. .
About'', o'clock last evening, the large keno ,
Just ,. , •llst: UANDMAID To THE 11.1 No. 'cumin's • - -- - ",,, \t .
'-''''''' ' tr. " ".'"'''. `'' '' 'tknincro. as' ' bu il ding tweeted at the s o u t hwe,st c. , ruetuf Hanes ' • 4). \\ •
let... to wbah ate /table .aboot :Is,. 17.41,-) t, A;
'Lt ' a s '' n'..4 ' ..` '...", dole. , at , .nstrua4„.l,:e io ilton and Nixon streets in the'viciutty i.,f Fair ..
4..ey tate toetrument always in tun. " Dr P. Tr.urta rennet Ws. discovered "to be on fire
.The . i g , 'l l ',
• , E ." r kk" * "'"„" • ,..\ !, •,P l °...h^oid 1 ..••'•„• , ot. ~I tin, de , tructive element spread with frightful rapitt•'
, .j••
• .
,------ N. ,- 1.•1^.1 . \ .., -- " - Tt,...1.:,73`,- - .;.'ip're'lt'utl:...4:7.'.'",,,',l", I, '" o n i,', ' b . ' ; ' ,,, ' ititY, and in a. short time the 'entire build
\ priw- one Sous, soil. ...on.: !all., advantsge• ti, .111 • tog presented a mass of roaring names that ap-
05A114. , : 1,'11t,;,, 1 1 .- ..,,,;„." 1 Y . ' '". b ''' . . '"" r ''' '""' \ ''" 44 "d\ "'. palled the residents of the vicinity The build '' , ,r• "..i
' ,tat , ' and'iviitleneo it , tn. ..... , f MotsLArgb So ing also about 100 feet it: length by 60 in . ..kith.
United stare. 0 a... ... 1. - •• 11; li. JoLJao a Juil A ' llegh7to dosarlui early cord. of the .wt, fa ' ..:
Ile. Ws . • 100 102,4 luo Inc tend Aug „,,,t„. 4 ~ ,"Heir „,„,,,,,,,,,, ,„ ~,,,,,,„r th r „ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,„ nod Iras four stories in height. .1 t the time 11, ..,
Permaylvatnada .... lou lu6Si i 195 I nt. Jan a •inif , Ofteh. of szo' of the Pittsburgh morning noiserol 4, at fhe'. tire
Po. ," • •, we 9 ' , 95 lei. F"n a A.. 111u111i,..1. r• .5 Meesrs John 11 Mellor. Wo.xl serest \ and wan first discovered. there WKS nut It'h2. 1.1 ., b ~
Alle to . On. 0 , ..... ...... •.... lou 1.5 VS Inc klay• Nov I 1,,,,, K1:b,,,, mi.! a t....,, One h[indrWil periOne employed within . its Walt, .
~ .
r k ' '''..n ' ,. !....+3 , 1.. ku., 45 do , ' ii, .onlina ow , drdier c , to , author, at ta..'i•szetnta,n. ! hey were mostly boys and girls It fs foart.i„ t .:i .
no. soup 0'...... too us to 2,.., Pa1, cop, will I.e, fr., of wa.... .
tatt.buren air w.,....... 19.1 Vu b 7 Int Jan •. , 04 ' ~, n, ~1m , {f,., 11,16,1 ~ , , ....r. :, z 0,1, 1., 1ie....' I•at a utirnber,t - if them weri , first ~ulfoiiatod, end , -
Do. coup. e's, Mill-. 1W in , 94 d^ ' lan. A liberal dement t.. ll...troller. and Musk`• that
bodies dull fell au easy prey to the flames
,---- ' .
aii.giaur city IY, .. Ina' So), 1ut..11., A ...5. , 1',,,, 5 . „on,, n.p.,tip ristle prove," MO • sent:ems...l \ ' .r ki. . . . .. „ ,
con a's. Phil.. 100 ygs e.:, 'in ' can mak.. tb a ,"untie. m o font or this bosk. I , 9 People ounfide were appalled. all of ,"torero
Lela 'Near' ~ sand in fnar °niers: . „ , e7.1 45, , runn gto aml fro in the wildest de,psir, en .
Bank of 'Pittsburgh._ ...... La 5,• fa 1 , , v. 51., Syr a \ I \ -- - - 4 -
~, ! deavtng to relieve the terri fi ed inmates of the.. ....
14.. "' "' , • ,.., "• "''''' , "" " .. I lI L IHE subscriber hoe in store. and Zen,
V, -
Eschimas ea•-• .... ~..: ap 1 a. , , a d,
S}' lew pricrA go•J asso_rtment al Atha...,, dOOll2 .edifice ' The, ere nest broke out in the
Allegheny Savings ...... -
. .. '„,;„\ ,
I. n Sad flanreV s .Monse de Leine., Pamir.. Yr tutal•lau. eolith, etl\arifie ' aeCtltid stet ry irLar the staitiTa •
t net: '' hinet.,, Cotton Flannele„Thinet. ;Ira nil., ,lid 11',.1. d tit S' -' ' b ).
51..nongetel• Itridx...;" .. , , ~, tar Mar .I'o ct :on Inn. ` haws, it'Vh Lial.. i'On..lllalalLrrehief.a.(k-nt, d. ki i. the very notnrouncernent, the rdil'i•at • , , ,e, ~. \
FL Clair 6411dg.- ...... -. 25 ...1 ni•-•!ole • I'l , l ' Craitam, nattnette s Caolitiarn,e, ..I.llle. 1...t.edN,J.0.. of - thris inie .11,er tturies was entirely 'cut • ,' - wwi
Ilavd rt. Winne.. ..... • -60 44, 1:-. I brown and Bleu-bed Muslin, Debts. laing. rol .1 I ain.
The . ..! ily chance of esenperwa, 111101101
Northern Liberties... , ~.; „;„,
Willlunsport Bridge- ...... -2: 15, . . 1.00. Padding , Can, . L InLrellea,lll.:l, ~,,,,tr , ,Ll,
~,,.. o . ff.
, tinge. tton, Lluen. 1,...1 sin, hßa.,l•sn, . Lin e, '1.1,1, (he a 111.361:k. and numbers of them ityalling
InsCatart. Cloths . Woollen tnontort, Gloves. H.aiery, Shreal• . , , s, . \ •
.. I ,
.. i _
ri , . ~„„i r ~. „„hi,, toerneetves nr these) sportures, leaped into the
Western Insurance Co.- i,
~,,,,,, Div Nov. t .cc I nmdiog D0t... , 0, .!5• ore , v• ' ... • . . ....
C ,, ".'' . 11 . 4 .' , ..." C . •• .-
yj 11., ~,,D ., IS eels I moat .... •••tfolly InviM . the attention or noshrliva.t.• and Stmt. Severed , ef them were caught by the Spee-
Associated Fireman's tx ,
... . G . teen... n, 1 ARM TANOT. I- 15 ....1 .1 \\
~,. tutors of the terrifying Petrie, end weretnwn .
rIAZ , . H. Hepburn . away appaarenillifelese, Others Tr, 11. !castor-
PitSghto Phu ... 5.. ali 4. D• tt" ,Iw , ' \ . '
Pirtebori.h. a LuovlLi. 5.0 4. 44 '!" 1 TTOIi...EY AT UAW-Odic, 99 Fourth tunnte, and weresh, injured. ' • ~
L.A. Ene.. ..... .. ... tat 25 ... Drags.
bloree'lahionenc .. . 5.. .. ; A •trrec ,w. t,. Me Mayor • tdber pot One Man, t180(4. oho Browning, Who ' am..
1,411. CO., ,Accwetge
Mil in Allegheny &tilroad. ...
. ~, \
ittaburgb the Wore., ~,,, 56 n. 1.1.1 / ,.. / ,,. 1•1... 1I ,N purstiec\ of the direetions of ..
. •,
Monongahela Slockwaier ,a „„
I A.....•t01dy of thaath r, ,Atril. 1•37. and surinernent . ~..
Ile was immediately nicked up and carried
Youabia.ibeny Iv Sala 5,„;
f i err , . „d the lath ot. 1p d, 1,„,5,..nn,d, 5 t ..A„ net r, 11, home. Another Men, ditned tYilliamlll:l,,
vs.', lmotml nail Raul la 41 .13i , [m..311,211110E1 , 4 the Dcasburnb. Rlttounmc ~not 51 srien ..'
Utile a Penn'... hall Road to ~ 5.
~ „
BLit. a Ohio Ball Road. 150 . , ! Ittninnal Cpropao,',' hook. sill he 0pe5..0,„,..„,,,,,,,,,, also sprang from the th , ti\ third story - Window, " .
. - ... .
Cleveland a ;Ve11. , 11.• 15 I, 5 0 i„ ',., : Ito 11.. mPitei . 1,1, or "tod eoMPeoj. et 10 del. , . A. M. , and broke one of his lege."•\lde was , bornr,ttsay ~
no Wadnealat. Noventh4 loth. 1.,5d, at the St. C.air Ilv• „, ,•-: .
. ,
Marine R. , V. T. IT , ~.,. 10u iv: I.S Inv Dee spret ; , „ r„. r i, o ,,t,„b„Nh . to sontlnne.,yen Irom Jur !... hy firemen arid Cithea..4. be MQ9k horrible. • ____ •
tn,.7": , , , L'; Canal t , i t , :`, o ,
„,- ,"_".: i
:„...; ~•", .." '. I dai tlll • }ell b•at Durubq of shares ma: to subscra.d purr of the affair is, that ,two \deed I. ,, dies were •
i to ~env the charter •
I. .
ti o , Jo. 0ne.',... Id.. 35 .. 11A1LMAR DENN y. `, ay. itourNSos. Jr.. artigeed from tho burning s buildtng. n nuln . a!el a
ortl.• Cro.el. 11..nt, Road ...„ ~„ :,,,
' J. 11. eIItiENIOW:EI.
,sli home i: IVIIITL. yating WOnnati. The man i.4,,5ur,1t0•-ed to eEd • , . •
Ailey; a l'erriocill. I, lid 25, .t., la 2.• l• i lIENJ DARLINOTO. , . ~, A3114.• ORA V. t Fourth st.,l
reennbg.a:urnpike ltd.- 4,, _
FRANCIIi HAAS* 1 11/11N MORRISON ward C'rossiy, an Englishinati by oath \ Win /Ike
~ -,
'battlers Coal Cu 8 e 'owilEN. LILA/ROE 000E4 left a wife and intuit. roc other \hody is him
coinra atE i rt.V.l3B3l laAllOOl, HAIRY
JOAN ititcairso. PHILIP MECRLING. " posed to be that of Miss Mary Ankishrownin•.„ '
JOB. BUFNGTON. !ALLY. COLWELL. the daughter of Mr. 8., ,
who fra ctured Lab
ROBEILT SPERIL JULIO OILPLN. .by springkug from the window. . \\ . . •
IL REYNOLD*, '''......"''''''''' , A girl owned Emily Williamson; aged ti years
- -", was missing up to half past nine o'cldek, last
To Printers. evening. When last seen, she was in one \of,the '-,
A, pRINTit,G OFFICE, amply sur.plied un ‘ ner storied•o the building. In fact, there
with elf nortiwar, ma., is fnr JO., a lire ram ~ ' , . . . • s
and Job Rusitjtaw, In thle cit., together with 1 1, a. wet eleven boys and win at work in tna shirts -.• • •
•rDired l e.• tit the•Premaes, gavi wilt, Ay. .1. by of- story and not one.of them had been found on tr).. .f. . .
fens! for rain. The •matertale are sli In ioo.lurd , mud . -,•
emu,. n0 .,,,,1 .. ,1,,,,...,, ~,,,. ~,,,.„i ,„ 0u,,‘,..„,. the I.• above xi% tioued. The moat paihtill ', s ',
n.. will to.. sold very M.nch below their value,'eso areons apprehensions w entertained by the relativt* •
1., air. , r- pre•ents an , pent *bleb
r eTilltvl4;a n' . .l'or ' perties..i tars ar:oly at thteettie4. and frietigls of th mployees of the establish' -
i....174,1twr1tT meat, up t.). • the ti we left the heart rending,. • i
u s
Dr. Keyser's :ti. - ectoral Syrup, soul eiokentng seen ..-, T he dead bodice of the' '\
fOR 'PILE - CI'T'E OF COUGHS, COLDS, men nod or 'taken to the bffime of , , ..
CONSUMPTION in it.pearfy•tages,WhaVing Cough. dermas TI they were sae h'irribly. ::.. . ,i , ,
oUp. Bronchitis. and the various 410.,., of the Po'.r burnt, thatt •
ly impossible to recognize 'i '
t'. l : 4l:7; L t;< of th. moat eartaiCt. and effectual remedl , the. , • ,
for.disimees of the cheat and, pulnipnary orimur ever „11, 0. ,
raoted Mrs. Crossly there, , \ ''
-. •
covered ft Is a combination at ratio. veitetable male „ .. 9 seal
..inne in 111.. Isom of a Syron. in order to mal,.. it helata. t weeting ; over ' lliecharTed romaine
Me It be. an anion ontlrerrdifferent from anrof the . .
t...angh SlNletuu twor 111 us.. .1, &we no , vonetleite the GI her snPl . pd; whjlst the erica mil
towel, net
riekv,r of the. .idmerh. • fault two ,oh,. o f „,,,, , elk in mournful acceuta on .... •
antancm lo Cough, Medicine, \
11. rrtned7 d.,...01r... th. ..ur.,:rahuntlwat .Kri.ti,... of our Cara. ea I the blackened cortic I.f '.., \t. ,
moesas ,oac ualscso which stn.o.i LYtat'rlotesand 8a.i.e1.1. her supposed taste.
al affatinns, and Its •oothing en•et .4 .Inueee te , dine• The, greatest •\ \ led - L \'
hoar:sane., and ennobling, may be relied bri a „ . certain. exettem tikievat otuoug 1.1 ,
Tn. proptietor has Mete] this medicine nt • mastic. ,=i .. pear•le, and horrible am •es were freely'circrEla.
...rat ,tiro. end with unixtoolArue...m., . •
. ''
' \ ,
enautry etorek..,,.. w. id do will 0,, 1n..., a .untly or ted, but many of them of •ourae could xi:Aber,. •
thl" ...nelw . "" o " , mor on bead. 0. . .If. Huger 1 .. . .lied on. flail frantic fat ais,d mormrapouid •• .".i, \
give reli.4, and • large•yront.`"i '
Cases of them.. digtreollin, Concha he.eieeribradight be seen vainly searching rorlhelr \ children;'.m.•
r: r .',.c,.." 1 "".n r "r';,... , ,,11t . ",`,*:X1 : !i • •,,td,,,tv „ .. -. car •t thing but ruin ou one side, a d ntal not stab st motprluem
Innwa. It is put up to half ;ant hall,. at tau. euteta4ll. on the other, could be observe !
0r...: tont!. kir S - 2.51).
For sale, wholesale and rrte.2l.,hrAESSEll a .11'cln,/I.V. During the ecene when the keit ent ine;.•
ELL, Ito a NA ,"treat. Pittsburgh, 1 . 4. s, dont to such an occasion wears , rag at ita high
s. . eat pitch, four boys . escaped from ho ft)orth Sto• , ':.l
` re window by sliding down a rope. ..oad,of the'
Fm• Baldness. skurf. Dandruff. and,the ...riot, ,11...e.L.N; .•
akin told
\ . ,
D.. sealp-r•aommendel br the Pittsburgh Poet. C•an, . little fellows bed the aktri told ne h stili(e..i. ~ 1; . ,
''''' je""". ''''°"' f"' "'"' Te ''''''"""'" r " '''"' from his hand.., in euneequenee of leting ire
nd other pu as the hest artlele ..tant la,. ale „.
yurnos.a ...Fel, as an net
wrfoined yi.„.ers; self down the rope too swiftly. One o the It the '.. . •
i tyndonny the heir wall end alors , , , ,wilhlut t4u,, informed us Itvit evening that M -.4.1T "
. .,.
b. wsth gnaw..
131'*wning and her father were In theammt story,
and\that the girl rushed down stairS, an 'it is:, ' • ', . ,
probable that her body was found at :the.:
9 ct
thereSf, The father sprang from the winds' -
The b ilding was , owned by James P. Drune ,
and wort perhaps eight or ten thousand dollar, •
We learnt at be had an insurance of $5,000 on
Story., Ile occ pied the fourth and upper, : or 1.0:f -.
' .„ ` ...,,,i
u hri
and had on hand a large amount of valua- . s .
t• machinery, and stook. We are Informed .. •
thu, he had an insurance of $5OOO on the ma- .
. , 4 . •
chir. 7 .
1 \
\ The,lower story was occupiedhy !Messrs. Hoff. •
. •
sir .k Lewis, machinists, who hfive.been there _„. ' • .
but a sliert time. ' - . .-, ,
an •., ' , '
lb s second story was °couple& by James d • .
David DonNy. cartlera ripti pan spinners They -
were Insured to the amount of $3,1100-so tea
aro informed \ •
-The third story was in the occupancy of • Ber. ~
uard!"Alcldutt, who had a number of raturibe .
looms in onglesell , operation fur the purP , itse of . ' • • , • .
fancy wetividj, ,n •ottun tall Wool. His plOper• 5
ty was rain slit sfi6,ooo, nn which he hail en .. .
insurance of $.3 .. ,0001 \ ''.'
The drying . botb.e I\as in the suutln . ini . c . ndonf .
the building, and \i ‘ t ono here whore t h e tiro is -•
supposed 'to hare ant ot,iginated. The engine '
houte is one story, elpgle pitched [no( bnitlinr, • ~----- .
up against the main bilkldittg, and it is more LlO.ll
. ,
likely iliac the heat of (I,e bailer communicated
to noll3e Combustible in the dr s ving house. TWA ,'
. .
latter ' , Lace was occupied by \Scut IVilson. who . .
i .
. 3 also a light sufferer in the 1•••/ . , , , 1 • , material - •• .. •
The fire continued to burn Until \ . o', tit . ~.
4hich time there was °otitis,. left ' oh.*ildmg
• fire plugs i' ‘ l.lii. violet- ' ~ - f , "..1
titny'N rat ier scarce, 4 \ ...: .
roporatirely ! , , ,Teaking, : $ • . • 2
on. The wholuss i 4 r ' . ". .
oth 3:;, 000. \ . .
s have ,en ideri ‘ yed.
Croasly, and tlic • d . (itet , .. - .lf. 4 4i i i • I , .
ning„ who was rev t . ..,".!-..zii - \
learn that it man va s t .. .. , 4st ,
s police of tiorthsro \.., 1 ,
f hae,ng set fire to the. •: , ,,+ ' :'" r st.i. , '
North Alcieriesm .- 17 .. New Stock
North 27h, ..
inDo City.. ............ ..••••• 24
Pittsburgh t Isle [Loyal—
Ohio Isle Itorwl
MYr:4;T-- .
Dough,. lloughton
,Jtilo Trap Kock
Piro iitew— 2 1%
Ann; i
ltemrted by tbe Mining Intelligence Ameonst...,n .n
enstper ntact Nachange.
Ea.. Stn.... 13. Pt
Asti-1 °Minx! hol 1
Ht.- h Linatoa (Cliff Mina) ....,51:03 iiii ;5116 uti
North W...t i 33 ?ii 3:: au
Phoenix . - .
11414 , . • .+0 .' 7OW
446.43614 h . . . 1 ! ; 5 70 lrl I V.:A ' 3
L..: Lis beille
i, : i timr L ..u , ,, 60 .• ... .
i l-4.. ,I ..
, . ! 41 w 1 ;in 00.
Mintiii.. it estairn a . - 13 i V llt l Liu
North W I
.... ..... 1 14 09
A:ay.-stars. . ii IQ 4 . ..:4,J
I.! to U UlPis IA
CNN 3 IX/ I U ukr
Fa,m6 ii iiiu 6 el,
Ttilt. .... ..... .. .. ... . . .3 2h 1 3 u.) 9 1.0
Mull. - 1 . 2.5 1.03
A.l4c I.4J 5 au,
.. .. 6 lIJ I . 5 Poi
E. mil.% . 4.$ uo . 3UO'
b niaiuhtun .... .... . , 7 .Va tio
Winthrop u 1.. 1 a 14012 10
Lii.aai. 0 Uri a qui, 2.....
5111..311 Cat.,
"•-- .... ... i. i 0w ' it Ni . /60
_ . : 06 0 i 2 991
..- I
? S a m i 1 u'l
. ...
Sew York • 311th1•50....-.
. _ go v
. -----
JLI,Ei• Til *CH
. -
Obto Tray Nat
l'brauque, ..
Avery ...
rrrninann a.m., Di .
SONS, Sinkers.
N.. 67 llurkof 41,101-.00.s Third and Fiu,14.4 P 42.140,11.
Baal of 1111414,414-. —.-11 4 e 1 44 1 40h
EZetrandrer flalslt of do Braaub at Xamis.
khr. .11140 of yar tlrauett YoLugsuo4o-.
but o 44f
Clzotosr. City Bank. d
13444 of Nartli Amen par Commercial lia,Ounovals
Dank orNottleoLdhurtles.par,Vrankho
1140101 Pennsilsalda.-.-par1162.)41z4
fUok Peon T0.04b114-041 . 101.10 LIN for I Trust C.. .d
haalt of ttof U 41041 ELM. Illifeetaru 114.444 11402/e 4 .-01
Comoncrialll4#4 of P....par Paak , of 5144411100.-- ... ... d
11.1:0,4 • 11.6001.'114 we
)Ird 11006 ...... .PG/ NEW ENULAND.
Rooduston Back. 411 solieut -
11.14140.1114,11 ItsnE. AW Yi./1114.
1140/sOlO4 haat. . oarlN.4 York City—.
1 . 11114.1010hts 11.004 ,osr
r.outhwark Bank. . .
rradeamar. r ataol... , par , nuntry 1
Nest., Dunk N J lIHZE It 'a DILLAN ARE
p r=
Hank of par,llant of the Bailey I
Bank of Del 1.,, Cheater-par Bk of VlNintx. ihotimonal
Banta of , aermantow u par, Fa Bank, IL_ Norfilk.... •
Bank of Bah, sburigh... I'Varmerd Stank of Virginia
Bank of Lewistown---- --ISlerthasta' Hoch O
Book of I , Nartl. N.trrn bank
kluntgoonan Ca Bank. ... branches-. . -- •
Bark of North amtwrian.l par NOIITH
Canute Bank... .- Bank of Cape Pear- .
Colombia ilk irkhar tkapr Bk of 81- of N. Carat - Ina. 2
Doylestown Bank-- ......parromarnalll...llifealnen 2
Barton Bank par Merchants Nosbern 2
trfe Rank I ht/UTII
of A.
Parrners' ilk of Books tio-par.ilk ol the DC of ta.
Pam. , Pk of Laneaster.par'llank of t'outil a
V•lll.lo . B.leflits.ll.l.P. Bank ot Chawleston. 2
Yarro_BkoM-buylkillOo par Planters' Slechankar Bk 2 ll'ayneahra.a I OEI/Italia.
Pranklln BE. Washington par Annus. Ins A Itankrne Cr
ILA:althorn Dank-- ..... I Bank of •ususla ..
iloawalsh. Bank- . I Dl .1 Broulawirk, • Atwaaaaa
Lartemtsr Wa -..-. Dar . TkNNESnIit:
LastradnerCoanty anlrent bank _. 3
inbarion Dank ... ... . kaa.Nriaell
Ntlaterri Bank garotter-1110 of Ketatu,ka. LAIIOIIII. I
Monona:sheds Bank..• , pariPla of Loulartlle. Thurston •
Nut Brandi Yank......., l,Nortbern Bk of Kentucka •
Wyoming Bk-WilkashvieparlMonthern Ilk of lirl3llleltl
York ..... I SILKAJUB..I.
Bails( .... +it of State 91 Sllssourt--. 1
Olio Cr... Bank ...... I .Btate flank arol brandeal--60
Branch at Akron . . 419111ank of 70 .
Drank at Athena- On WI2.CON
[Le .
h at LitidFeport Mo.H. • Fir. IPS. Cr. chit. 6
• ch at Chilcothe.-......d0 MICILIOAN.
_la at do Farman' lokielmnicir Dant 3
mob at Inlealo--...- do acaarracattit rtook Bank._ .3
inch at Dayton...-. dolPetansular Bank 3
inch at Delays.-- doquanineaC.mpany-..-- . I
moth at Co.lurnbua .dortalstlank 3
lock at CANADA.
ralana do Ilk of B
t hematica.Torontob
inch at Nianadald. do,llank ofPeoria Toryntab
uaa h k t 8.pied....._ . .. Ao Bank of Montreal ._.....:....5
dirk at Cincinnati Bank cf U.4Nmala,Toronto 6
tnili at Cadutalta.-. EA611414N EXCHANGE
knob at WutilttEn n On Nov Lick ipt0n0....._.
.eh at Cu115........-.....d0 on Philadelphia ao- ..... ..
Branch at lancastar do On italtittiora d 0..-... .- .
Ht .h at Bdatiben•lll4.... dui WESSEILN EXCLIANGd:
Branch at Mt. Vetnon.-...-Jotelecinnatt...
Bene! at Elrria......- ..... 81.. Louis,
Branch ajPoringfiald-,..-do 0801.13 AND SELO P. BALI
Brandt at MAriett•-..... ..... doiDoublooto, rpanlah 10,
Brandt at Troy.. do ' do ' Patriot.....-.. 15,
Prvach at alt. Plauant-
d o- Exile. oa-....---...-11.1,
Bran c h at Lanaullio... __o Angle. nom ...-....,12,
Branh a 1 Norwalk ... ...... do Frodettritad . ora..
firanch at Sous ...._. . do Tou'rhalota..
Itranth at Portni.outh ... titan,. ..
Branch at Eaton-..... ........ didovatriana...
Branch at Baven. ...... do Tantluildara
fAnuach at Ch'ing:o4l.- do Napoli , .
. . . . . ....
Orsach r:L7t,
Tol+4ll. 0;4-
Tu. following list of arraaJa and departures of els yea.
now Sands artecl, to tbo !attar.
nwrarag.-11, Ureeneburs, Cagabersbarg, Pbllszleilr
New Pork, Estero, Casts and Nortbon parSrf 17. Vat,
Delaware, Noe Jena, and lb. .la N.. England Beats
The Dritteki Prairies of Lower Canada, Nos Peal, and
Now Dronewirt.dally. Arras at a( A. 11., Daps. at Ir. la
Naas rarrza...—fy Dlalarllla and Uollidasrerg.
L'4"l.= vg.1.=, 1
flogo, Union. and part of WesserreSsa A i
ll.La ' sresre,
Murnire u rllle, Salm it Roads, New Ale/andel, and Inda
sa conty. Areas daily, at 11 w.a.; Sart* dna, at
a. S.
rata.-9, ra., Crawford. and Jfigloll
1% oscern partotrer Tort and uppereanada.
Arrives at 9r. r.: and departs at p K.
Sour.. Washinin6D, PA % Orton.
rtigide, eigiarta, part or livitmelaud county. iirigida.
Blarylsed,llidtliaare,Wtaiddirita City. doetitartaril 'en
tre parts of Ohio ta.l Indium., Kentucky. Illlonia,
tee, diaLtay, Mittouri, ditatiedtpl. Art 11111/ Nortb Caro.
llot, Georgia. Umlaut, Florida. tad Teta, dilly: 00th,. /ad/it:Mg andati.t.alr ,, .
Outi...-.87 ' , audit. Bagged, Daritgtm.
mer g g,... p et i t , lieindays VS., Jelimort. Haire
Km, Carlon, Mbar. and Togicaraersa eetintlea.Uhtedally.
Arrives at 11 F. I..;.departa.t 6 A. K.
NuArA WI:ow. —By Bgrer,l`. And Cleveland,NA.—
Beaver Co. rA. I:;llMbars, Tynbol. Ntorta,
' ll b e trtlV:ft , " 11 1 X ti i t l iatriNe.,itr,g.TNtl:
an 4 Loma arvAtlaiN Ohio; the. 1.74.4 torthrra mural.
of the States of Isahon and Wino* Including All
[An, lowa, Afel WiAcousin, UN?. Seth,' At 11 a- Afo; the
mote uft A. Is.
K orrA tux ha or be rgg 110 wawa, elp ruagO old. Tare re
arr:4 ' 2l7.ronla i ld t ooll ' et ' lt,dltP d . AVaeplo A u n ef . utolara . .
fir. al 4 4,1.11141 slepartA r.
51A‘or..—Ny Perryrfille, Zellesoplr, l'orters
nob ' Ilarllroolnirg wel New W. deriver Tueelar
TA, L a A 4 A r A , A rAl eatunlore. AA 8 r. at.; departs More:far.
WedoorlA) uol Friday.. st 7 A. 11.
. .
Ituu-svna.--14 tlt-ureole• 1111.11, Vlnloyellis, and More
Gnashed. City.. Arrives Tuesdays, Vildaya, at dis
parts Welitte..lays awl Saturdays, at 0. an
UNtOSloita..—Ul Buchanan, Sinai's
Coal Lllizaliethiolin, itiairsver, 'M.
WO, ecoltstoarn. PerryUpolis. tut Libsrtr. Upper Middle.
ton, Pa. Arrives aundays and Wodusnisrs, at l. a. do
parts Mondays ao4 Thomism 04 0 4. a. .
100000 0, Va i —ily toll liobleausers Candig,
ISOrristUdovn. linos Unit. Village, Pattep,o's
Listltany, V. Arrives Sunda]. and Ihnonlars. St 16 04
departs 31noilars sod Thursday. at I p. o.
ii. L„ a 4-11, Mordoelsrlits, Roo.
ktial '
Pi, V. ArrivesV ea
, i ' lt r la . ,y, kL at 13 P 0.0 do biturtlAy. al AL is
ducusns.—Ur Sarno, North, Wulliniao. and spoil.
Co. dorms ou at S • kippartr ou Moods,
ii, 0. N.
. . .
1...4L1..0..-1/) Lead ! erry Arrived en inlay, at
I. N.; departs on !gaun de t.. al 6 d.
fra,,eatda.—or !11, Welduni, Ilawltneot, !vie.
Vurdpeed. Whiteradado. ad... including Warren Arld
cudinfled Arrived —Huai., Wednesday. and
Yrid*.a6 andt depute Tuned.. and
IVie n dllify =um b. thee Oates
bed,. their departure. letters fur rhereektr.
Werireekly.andu d eekly maga. must be In the Dere half labour
e their eput
Copper Stool.
100 bitstres 511.11.4.• MAMA, Vour.r•
I‘,o Pnuingula
100 Notth We.t
100 -
1112 laUtoks ,
1,50 Flta toteel,
60 1440,
6 A ' llO. LaT4 4 ll , t ui . f rt tt . _ 41 tVZ
1 . • Forotr •ndthisd An.?
f 4,1
t o , e
the el L
AN I.'l.
wn"." :2 ' 0A:• 1.
la quart au/ a
ll tent; 2 . 4. , a
*a mutt rerciaa •
(hunt, ea a aatpa I,
Cbruute P 0.116,4
Spate. White Est
thl l• Mehl,
1 It .e. E.. ...1 L. .1 \ I. '
Tet•articir of Cad IA • a
pad Will hp cartalcally‘e. a
' ler mile RI EJEVSEE \ a. a
Pierturtrh \ \
Coplerii\ e Brick:
1 C9PLEY .1 - Pll . r\ait-
uat, Kittunuing, have
. otNhand aln Utuaraeal V E 11!Ill'1, t.l racall,ll
quoit, rti
VJrr mat I, len it Ja tapir?. at the
Ileaette iltrice, .hare ...Mph.. 111 ‘' s.e.n
,J. C.: 12 , 3, ~ .am..l eto mama... u e rat C/31., f..r GI,.
enafftut, end otlio-rJ J. NI lONeI.a6EN. a 4., e .
%cad etini.,a u,le uratt• for tht I t uaJagairtti:l:
.441 ,
11,rea tl•ar
I attend il•
I • .1.1,
, ••••.,
i <6O
—I tour. Ole sorgl' ul PoW ender
,l mitantamwunlT
nt pr..pared by Lad
Tname[ nt.rbet. Loodyn
bb. ,l by nby.bnans of [be biKbOyl alb
lnntumpuen. Synbblx.
libeutnelioNN. kb.lete.
- Y r
11bNIN flrb. LI,.
; JON(ill. NI Ll_ of the
<DOWELL, 1.40 Wood gtzt-nt...
Exchange Liver[ Stable,
\ Office,
_Va. i'onn hear rig Sr Llp:ri
The srit,:cra , i, , r. thank:
110 N ths. Nig for the. tir Salmi
n/13 MM. II r harointore.ouLt
ba has "strartnacr.
nuectiou with hi.,
AO 'V hn.lurfoi. and wII
as any in thy ri
penmen haring au, thin o .n
u •Ln , .
Lau a call. ma depend ulpion t;eirbnten,, twin.:• • <oak,
proMati, • L'"" 0 qJG' " L7ArtrrT i•‘% •
• -
1851 Hop\ ,
6 r, BALES
. ..if First ,Fii•grt :igoitern :t act Weo
g o torsi liugio, now . reerlYieg a for ,41,1-.
ucar ' 11
Letter Copying Pre sea
II ANA'S , j)nktble for L • t.v4p7.111v,
and ‘3lrtaiho Ih•cOnoser. gayin.y. ..•
and mn, naring rtia,:hino
Thlo vn.a. and daMpenlll,l .1.
Towage., von, oil go,,gag•ai• .• gin. ongo g:
too obo o roos o it ',ono. gui,o.
St. Through w. lore o atal eoorot \lc
I•obtalnKi nth mo -Ow touch otch., lbw ,
troth. ble Lop e or gat .1.4 ot rer. •
4t. The. dampening t.1.4..C4•••uh.ii:0k r r the .• ,
Olottien hoar,. a. girt asi th,o tronida nk. I
drtit to their u•e
Tho ms, to usr4 adraiiiiNe vith
Praltwady co.*, and fur th•a poron.. • •
VAN NS COTT IN() IttiOrin. the inqmr ot
•I h. larn.le
of all linen ctor4. hound on part-htuit hark. with Prto, '
Arnold', Until,. alai kliuTl•en'• oopytng ivka
op the rood. . 4outh 04
Also. Lrttor A pylon Pm... ur Loll i s u A r ens non . u „,. 1 6
Sc, tote at tr solatEriln 1 Sr, of Mr. hint Ayin
Want Oct mud Stat,unerr t.arcU'lla. , '
0,30 corner of )(oriel antrinenni Oa l ~ whell Iltrtliug Igfnhe
It , -....., or niseovered a I ,, contut,ve
Orpilhas' Court Salad
i close urttllsta. Mr. Fliut SheUled I 0 all:hands'
131URSUANT to'an Order of the Orphans' to Immo from the car su3 himielf and three
I Court uf Allegbeui Oyuntr. vrill be errogel
to sale. l. p \ from ,' \ , „
or, Thursday. the rUth dal of Not-embus, .1 rl. l'aUl. at lu l other, der u, std were not.materially ItIiIIITU.
O'ClOnla n A. li .at Ilan Court ,116111, la, the lu s hest 'and l.nt ' The fourth, n lriebmon, wltihse HAMM IVO estild
Wader, ell tbat canals /oS,or ploy of ground ellusta In
the los/n.14 or rut, county eforrasld. LI/JOiln• •II tevneA I not learn. di not in getting etT the hand
Pfau ol lota l". .alt ma oAn.. \I-..son s Part le I'L'• N.. .", I car, w hich wa.systruck by the engine, sold he was so
and Gat off .ltd plan_un sr [ltch A. err tot l.'s tn... lolu'e. , 1 , • • • ,\ b • , u A_ , • ,
tgo atones Mull. leo yard gonlglrnd piece qr,eround 11- i St y trwilte, Hi sso.‘ being urpnert. :RAC h e
lu%s tnort of tAs estate, or Jamul Bercley, *lncl.! Terme I prelttutily cannot ecorer.
wt. th, Aoure \
nnlggee . ELLE:, (OtAierOliD. adze:. 1 The accident tarred after dark just thi s
ort a lans ' . - C oili tt\ - s a i, - !tide of Charlimont ridge, and had it happened \ ,
, 1 ei , ,few moments befur the five men would Love
IFIURSOA N rt. an Order 4 Tel Or haul' • , • •
cost a
~ ,,, ,, ,,,.a,
at. ~.. i Lotto IhrOletl Or ribe ridge, an d among rocks
CMonday.. Mr ratio dew of Slurs'esber. A, Del•gl. rue 1 some lorry feet below.
ourt House. lie the blehest sod N.... t..t.t. e , sa ths, .....v. 1 W 4.„ understand that th _conductor of the dortt
[natal: f r plaffejaf gm.nllslLn:l,e-oothel.Srep.,Arlruti
[rota ,
hail passed word a ng the line that I \
1 cs'T'e ° P me"tro . ii . .I:o`fiEfrlo• blith' . 'T's: .° A.,, l , • )4 1 1 , , '''
0,.. 7 i
0... . A,
. p .,.„, „. ~,,t ... ,,,,,, ~ tutted
„, i .„ ' ,. tup trot would net S ate _ 11, Um US boort, tw t
cr. deed term. cul 13, the court . , o .Flock I\ t h I. and if this been the cast the '
, noallSet !' ,. " ) :".. 3 9 P A”' Il ' k l7_ \ . linly ‘ ti ear mild have reached Wellington herare
. ...
i , • To the Piano ! \ the 'arrival of the troth.
TILE undersigned, having takoli the ttUe' Thn train \ left at one o'clock, and Lance thvir t .l -*
No. 61 a t crest, latols cocculonl 1., Jam s A \l \ eCaltlni;. is portion of the ••ount May 1: , !:, , : ,,
c 5t..., Itf at lan. ',relying their la oond rupl, el '.l .
suflrmter AltelDS, rtall•inall, in ~rt faM 1.311,0,a , incom e , but i comes from a relic. ato urce,- , :; ~ ••
A ecdarlau anortment 01- Olsel.,aud laner DgE, 1,Y!,4,,.,1,,, u ( Ikm 4.c. ,
SILKS, Lasbusersa,
„Ike Lair., Ocrloon. nog,. ,euu,r. -t s ,
11[0thn11.1.0111I unt Furless MIAS% LS , Maki LII/a3,51117,1, iii F. r:1iN81.73 OF ‘‘ . 18,131.ti ''' '
Se., Cbeurnertts, Caller, Cuffs, illlasass, tilos c, de
Alen—A rurunor e‘vit on not' astatt tkanni; m ti., i .er„.n ho ,es in t e Lt tete
, 8 1 ir, ,
newest el ilv iali S. e & ,5
The ...lume lu
n. ,I the late firm and the rullale ass Ie F m..lie b 0 . do . c,7,,i .iif
tea to as. ioctio,hol Joit:C FVfligat a CO.
NFALLIBLE YEABI"POWDER—Wai , Wht v ales 45 1.652 :
1:1 3 11 , t , 0 . a. ,1 !e . t 0ak.1613k . r , tt: t.... 2.4 co A t
tn ttlthuiftti wti t
o cool- , Whit re ales
vomputies each package. Fur W. be
'. 4 . J ninn aco. no troos ft l4krco Te mares . 2. 843 '\", '
130 W. Ai% CAT. PEPPP,it-8 casku pure, frel colo e catales 27,4,6
O, for sale be ' 'IA L . :FELLA:US. I A --.-03,829
— More Goods. ‘ I Total tee p, ,a anon \ 11 ". 1 . -1 ' \ .
1 .level \ - 47 1 • .
Total pop Toile, '' \ - -
Deaths duri theve
I reftFlo
4 etab hiaeots p'roducitg
> and Wards .., \44%..
-/ weep ulatt on '• . 1,23' 1 693
cacti The newly electp , i
t te A: rt of l'etutsyliaoht,
1 Frsd cud drew lute fo'r- ,
' efu wing, are the ri ..),
0 ye - Chl r- \ `
1 ears,
I earn , ~ ,
~ Id tb s h at Of ', \
'h s w J a e be; ' t
\to of fteert \
. .
. •,' : '',. '
. ,
?,,, . .
/T opening daily • O onPPIT goods of liwir
eon ore/we for DIU ctonro lot of Itittrotot
etch Printed De Ulnas
, {rid Perm. Cloth e Coburg, and
New iltyle, I:troche etaU, lblig and equaril.) open an.,
Country mete/1.0 tuutang to roPientbh their ttookt
are Ineltod to ran.
!OFFEE—TiI bag,' prime . Rio, arriving iind
NJ far ealv by JOIIN WATT a Co
It UTTER—Two lba. prime Dairy Davked,
lor vaJv !OWN 'WADI' a ,20
CILASSES-- - 2FIAPIs. S. IC. Syrup, for
IT - 1 Avon Ir
lon by Jo. went • ori.
• • .
CO. OP•O tbls uvarnltfa 10 car.. na,black 0110
K., all nualitles wd niltha oda
I N DIGO— d corona lona S. F., 2 fili•
der. for ' , Kirby of'2l: J. a It.. tO.YD.
toe fresh Carolina Rice for !ala
trSIERY—A. A. slosot t & Cu. hare tee'd
i,a,,,in,...C.ntnerr. Lamb. nnl-All.acc, 0111, and
r Malan, comp:Ulna the moat awnvlve stock they
boon ever axhibllevl, vatlnh they 1.111.,.11, nine_ 6,1
than uvual, r.. 21
001 2 -15 ewaav v.•
eatke sup. Carb., f‘ar bale by
WICK a Me00:101.14SA
: ALT VI.IIIIE-12 kegit for sale. by
twau vilyt
MER. C A V:PE PPE IV- 300 lba.\for sale
_AL by valpiastecti Cv
;CANARY SEED-20 bbkjur sale 13 ,
VA LtnerOl7ti:
SOAP —45 boxes ton sale by \
t r.r.• B.A. MAHN ploy!: a 'et, •
Ik! A MEGAIND SOAP--So bad. t r
Ot bale by
0c.17 B. a.VAIINESTOCti‘a CO.
[ PEARLS— 1,3 canto for Role by
WICK. a s'ic ums.
A . r EN. KED-20 bbls. (Eug. ) priute, for sule
V ba
N,E orl ,
P:SALTS--20 bbd. tor dal e byp
J. .13.110oNalahafl a
LUI4-30 bbls, for eale•b
. .
11[1,11f. ESCA —Los:
Montilla, °gent of !lo•
Roitro . .l (74vmp,vajo,p1
Farms in c4l
annually $l3
Federal repreaeuti
Aitken of the Suprel,
met at Itartinbitegh ui
their terms of office. 't
opeatlee, terms:
Flom Beremiah. B. Met
Just ice. •,
lion. Ellie Lewis, six year!
Hon John., B. Gibson, nine
Walter, 11. Lowrie; twel
RichuriVoulter, fifteen
The foui,,labt wilt euocesairelf
Chief Justice fur three years, n rik
log elected every third years or n tr s ,,
years The ev ery
will hold its Grbt the
iu PhiludelphlX; next month.
The people ot
got to Eneby 11 ,.
visitel tide place
of •the
providing , an adeqpr
tbt ough Erle county
burgh charter is tt
authoritative for th
at once agree to bni
rhich 'hove lately
atructiosi .. of the.
recently proseente4
purpo.o oro,eittau
neetion could not bt
North Suet Road al
the route totally'imi
arrangement mkt b
yrivbee of ohr Jame
f4e4. -En** GrF.
Intrwrl.ol , f; iiri. very Vll?. ,
\ 11; . :310. s ACOMlllittee e4UtlYe
s illk ak,unince,. elh\ .N . tif;!
itz.exiii‘.of J.!.... , ,,,,n n,1 ,.
~ /4: t her5007:60. •,,, .
\ ,
‘ \
\C '