The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 17, 1851, Image 1

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l'l=M - TVINVBI - 17 - n
: vUßLll.atirts uatLY AND 'WEtlift BT
3.11 . 11271.1
nst rr zoos TO ft rm.: ern..
714 77 : , 79 '
• . R.l
• NO CaWYll,prix!li
tk4 maowT , ll post fen
5 , 4 , •
"14 .
•: :;•-•
f T;
r o r .
__Rxtrfrisio.4 DAILY
- .1. "Vaal - C. trinrcia.
EYSLIt t bIcDOWELL, (buocessore.
V.. Kerr .• Keyser.) tilita-sale r...41Drr..1
cr,...vriytZon ec.racr ai 1V....1ureet...14.1 N 1... 4h,
crrrzynnde.ll4abt sal
yy lUD]) CO., WhOle . safa - iirugguit.
. .rs l'eletf,Gils, D. Ruff. ,ndlietr,.peut.—
xtruletort of D. ar1...1.rue.c.atbrx. , ......1 Eivc,lfic.
sed Lee SfruY: Nu of Wood
ionzth VitOburgh. 04.1et.i b• cwr.,fuUT lac y.
rl.l E..SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer' it
L. Ihnv. D7r Staff., Oil. Verxdsh., d,,
0. •LT Wend ,tom. l'iMburgh, I. warrant. J.
prima Sean
_ 421
f. 4 N. WICKE;B.SIi-01. Wholesale Druggist
I.:, • ••• , 1 1u genie colckgrienlrunn
:nre.'l6l'se4 Ind Wier] ferret; corner cf Bizth. •
Itr , JTE -.Wholoaala and ILdail
n of Liborry Clair As.. Pour
4 .
• .
• I
- 2 '.
LNFOKSIS his friends and che public in gert
.l,l, that he Ma* re...v.4 Gtr o1:11ze to roan .Lest.
. Mai 14 Et. Clair If 'Mei.
P. K.—Y4,cmalml,l.A.**l to eth to a heath of that, mre.
tMemta.4sd to some the. acm,uvta. j I !MUM
atssouon to tire treatment of alms. of TO
tsu mat sal scuts diseases gsnerally; as troll as
rams and surgical disaanea. Mee on Anderson street.
rS.aar Hood otms Bridge. ral nest door to the
' lag MIL Allsgheor Csti. 0000 Sours from 7to as ATI
from 1 to o, out from 7 m a P. M. fartl44
PRef . J. 31 - YEKS—Surgoon aLS Physi ci au
rita,,, Ala derollintl. corner of Derlingtorie roor.
Urhled AroA one door .hot. huillbeid
r. flyers he, yersuverAly {.octet to Plttotorgh, art
ton Atot,l to tho down of h erat.eiou. ,lot.
yAtlouior Attelahm to hahocc. .od the dleoepee of
0000 ehildrot, epltOtn
Err h zaj ,, a ,. t h te . ti . t.t ., t ,ot o h t ; ll , : ,
to W.ot
srn Cullec
Penneylvanla and Eloammr•ltdn.
Mae In Tllgtanan nproalt, ihr Nes - Cutol
Pittsburgh. Pa•
Katerenres—Junn Morrison, 'margin, Thte
N iA,
Hato vt.n. and Win.
KIR& DO., Whotonal() Drug
t Pitt , buret.
ONES cQUIGG, Manufacturers of Spri 4
and Blister Steel. Pinugh Steel , Steel Picriab Binge,
t...neb awl 131prie Steel .
Paramreerl 11121 AZleft and
dealer. in Nlalleable Carrfirm, Plre tireirie Lag, end
Wads Trimminar I:cur - any, rorper of Bose and Erect
oe 1..
CO., Wholesale ON.
ar~okadtkalarn n Vtaitam mit
01Is. rash 4111 Oakum al.Art
so. la Water.rnat,
avpll , 3"'
' . :iilhoTesslo Grocers arid
beam Agent• Srt .steal Lai
rl, and 147 Flout I.t.s. *PI
SAIAEI DICKEY ft CO., Ageutz for Me
chnoros Lena Works. Koe l:oat - fly on Nodlin 1
sorsa. to serf los prises 'fad of superior qualltr, l ist
flhost listbaholkes.
171L111ARTII & NOBLE—City Eltatrin .
T 111.. f 0.161 Liberty 1.1 rof Attains el.. Fittironrsli-
N ' iCHOLLS xrvis.N. Ova Engineer,
Drenutarnssin, and 'Practical li/ttilau a 1.11111..
rsuights of Modots tor the dltoat 11th... destans of Mock
hon for taro. Wstar Wegky Ifolni. Mills, de_ Mn,• to
ood be...A to A. M. and 6 at hid refilence, An dl
Martatro Wont. Pittsburgh.
Ai 'CORD , 81 - 1.10., Wholetatla and :Baud'
DLL Mastalsetursta and Drihn 10 Hata Cato COand Para
corms . of Wool and Fifth Strout& Pittsburgh. lflutroitisT
otters full and cororolete stock of lists, C. Fun, of
overt suallty and At le, lir ASMoloasle and itatall, and roi
Tit: the attention of theircustomers and panda.. groin'
ally; - Asearlan them that tbro- 6.111 soh on the most
tantotts Jena,
ule Grocer, Couuulsaioa
IVor "
ER, NV - huhlfallti
-,,d Articles, Nw.'_l J and
I —, CO., Wholesale
.IIIIXIIi6II Merck-sou, cal
of tfaux.ll-111,42.01,c...
t. Lttittritt
, tIJ3A.Rii
titt,'llo Wasi
Co., — Wh(ll66*
Water st,littsbnut ,
• j
wlesnle Grocere.
lees In_ Proclace
.Sherty ltreot. Fiet,
IVarren, Ohio,
hant. aud Whol
CO.. -Whole
"11311115103 Mercb
es Cal Wertcrn
• Clianeers Lire,
a a Vac lac•-••
Co Sad ritt. ,
s I2I Fin[ e 9..
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
A. I). R. SMITH is now prepared to give
, Lradructic.o. to • f•-• puojin Iu truh..llfforent brxxxlx•
t.xx doilthtfxlatt. tt mow, lit Maw" fexif..
AtkiruCtis new bulldlxg. Fir , t strett. b.tvere :Trot and
Slaiket otrt,ta: Moors of lo<turtion. fr.= to IK. and
fro= EX to r. Y. Chergstaxd other partieuler• to
Itzio , l2 dodlitgAeltera areaen or Vr i te .
le at 13
meet 1,,
'21 4
125 e
Rockingham and p_omistic Wicensware.
V ufacturere a it...Mabee:alma relive Cary Wate.
Eon Tsl.l, Otdc.
Alrjeraaapie ,001
Br.m. earner aiatti - tare Liberty strove,
tfloand Chorea InaLieraa) eatrazot cert door to J. a it
lord, WholeealoOroceree
O. eaten. le wart, trasili Un Wd.r. tra.l ,l,
riaapetapt elealzetr being maateatlTeleettoy.........
ahem t o to kelp pa= grill/ 41 elm nee aril Drivel W. 1..
of the
Water UM. ISpltoer.....Mettia. later TOpt,threarti SA,
flare. Views. Goblet. Mantel Urce...ts. idede.r.• Out
Fault Jam ena.arsirles for dolmestec uae. lagreet ...leer.
On/ma resewelfeilig •• mama:-
Doctor G. Reichheha
F. It. Moore, LI. D
Win. M. McKnight
AVM. DIGBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
Y .4 tu 11.1 y 31.4 cetLrc.l7 Lien
HoNEGtrETCST:6o7,:,fiaporters of Winet,
1111 Liguorn-and 'Sew liter.. Eraittfluil Mart.. be
Agent for Delawaire.
tual6nfet;7l..4am C...arauy. 4 ;Tate. strwl..
JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent fur Franklin
1110 itizrautve Cernmaay r.orth can crier of Wad
shct ThLrl =vet,
GtENTN., Door. i3[illiat,lVoo.l4reots
VA , fro= t corner of 111.l, t abite he f.
1.r.7F4V,111%': 17>!;"Vat7rIll-I"Wi'4,*W4tra."3
boutvl rk , x. I. ...IN ., ' aa
board isretn or re;w4red. Names pnt on In gilt Itt.ol.
Tboa", shn hnvo ani lusiiod to call. Price, lcw .
Steamboat Agency, and General Commit
eon, Beaming and Forwarding.
ALDWIN, Plji.slEll. CO., ham this
day . wfwkwiatvl with... Mr. John too. gni oil ,
I. .0 wet, aefo to Lbw publir :Moan t.'at Agent, 0..01
ecannalwllno. and , Forwar'llng bupn.rc ualcr tb , ..tjle of
BALM'. IN, I'LM3ltfl 0011. ,
Lotus - it...omM 10. 1f..".1 M
, •
l i /OUNTY LANDS—C.II , T. CLldb. Nerz.ciu,
Alcon.7 at Law, Zi0.155 Titled st... earner of Cbtrmy
a ey , having made srenngefnents for the mardawatfrtrio
Emote' Land" frd °inners wad sailer. their
widows and child-ern. and will attend. to any ctlter bust.
raw, eta:maned with the government or any of its Itedurt-
Wmenu, the Potation oftlee. or the Courts at as they of
bill:ton - te27:dts
Fresh Assortment of Spring
1 110 MAS PALMER is daily reeeising
rm. the EP/UM Cities. at the old stand,
NO. 55 31.essir &HAIM
Between TAti a'sd Runk stre , l..•Par46.spl.
Lau - e., arrestor. to ht, ;assent stork, of thenvor besulttui
Y.41111t ILAN 'INGS that here appearsl to title twits*
for lung 'The netterns are ens new. rho
tnettlierl thuds. rod th e solid, to rood of du,
Won'. axon soi. Irons lo rents onwsrds the priors
range. 7o Ws attreatlve lot of geseis, of tvl.trh a mots sO.
joitngsatt eau be turned eALI then dreerloo7o ,
the attentim therchl4l4o tame
boor. Sterols to
tolls invited. '
t. •
0..11T5111.. [l,lOll.
Atnrago, Shipping Cointoissionbierchants,
1147110 LE SALL deolers in G IsN
, Ico : 7 , ? co Jost. and 1:13
sdratto.-• ;Adana odnel t tratte[Ce. ';.•-•—• • •
Agents fat all el testrbrea and ThriAllers ld 11 0
=Pt:L . 4ra A. Otis * Co., Cleveland
Niles A Wheeler, Engels,
T. M. Ilimro. Cashier. ItiOsbnreth
• =1;14,11. ,s
Alexander Rmciaoy,
No. 19 Wood greet, ottwoon - fu:st and SICOnd ;It ,
t •
it 4
o Ali UP% C TUB ER of every deseriptiOr
Ty f COO:CENG STOTSS, of Moreno wOorored Far
r- rneh •111 router tha bort rotttfarrto. •
Atair—PJlltLtlit tiTUVES. ,onong whiell will be tool
Jewella I..t'a teleto - orwl loldlog door Yartor boom rio
Stores, llollatorr rooklor Atoror pL,inard hour Grotto,
re whloh rolo *write lbw Wootton of tolhlerr, ErttOr.
Hollow Wsown Esti. r. 0.0 to all of which we Inrit.
%Mei= Of dealer. before porthuraq glarw bona
tortb7 • '
Pittsburgh Hu Pipe aud Tube Works:
lILE undersigned bate just completed their
• Viasire
mv.manufacturing ail alma of GAJ
Um ant other Vints.and Mich. of
: um/ afar fur We it -tae Mum:. VleT Ikrit
'zkatti auttutact,lum. Cr gal
I :TANG t W., • '
vl awl t • - • ratr.
• Btu ' utlva-tll. Va.
, Fira Brick hianuiletaring Conip'y.
I. J.ll L. a. A•ca.iw.
SUBSCRIBERS, Taring Levi rep
1 Agents Mt the abate named eczema. will
tly on hand • supply of thy °Orbs - Mad Bollear
- amble SlneClay,Patuaco liarttuamtlosalle.
prep:M.lW metre orlon, tor Mid nelek4
se and shape to suit purchasers. srlelch shall
- . .
am It neteSeair to entamerate - the nutty kJ
- divot Pin Brklrposeaut over allot/lens:Ma
J for sale In the Volt./ States, their tope
. 'ell Imoon to a/mat all pert... rho um
Proprietors has. detannlned, that the
oue of their present entiebbrefmtatdon.
r anse dual be eilettsd to Puha them t
'lune herstafore been. Val, la the only
• manufacturing Hot Mien at Bolivar.
suet Baelo,normattiet,iittsburgli.
idon Patent Lifer Watches,
-watew ear
. ISON, • 81 Market street, is
tits abase named Lowy Watches.
te• is attached to rack, Watch: •
'ha Adtoltilty. WM.Chro
sulfseturer, 40 Itiott:O.duarp,
ooscetooltylos Watch. No.—. la
.r and nolVateh
itoooloo uolovo
VI ken.tit.t
Ito ILON. Ott.
RH:DX • •
New VP, (on the New York
cnrercoin. for Mint. Or Cur
wrouz i tb.t . Al aar=o
Of. VI ' S! Zg u pt
m p
and shuhim,•ortin
tr. sad 1 3 . 1 .4
r •
VI promptly flllod.
' ititott u ttSme
• "gi, •
;;.1 *WM
• ; smarmy th.m
- -
A. Wilkins & Co
New York iLad New . F:oglxv.l. . • .
5... Jena; ..... .... . 1
North and f.Gitift earriina " 3
ecnno4l oo .
Nam York sal .....
.111.1ellARD J. C. BOECKIgI3, Bfanufactu-
ALA til••• lat , lPictuA.P , "%. o4o,6 ll
•.1 Ca.., No :5 Thir4 Ortot. PL no •
AMUEL E ROESEN keeps oonstauitly on
CAN • /"..1 Wi s h and Dab Color,
Fleualosot, pat Wen, Kitcboao or Draw Durk.,
Warden Bairn, Churl., Dry neaagrea, Zinc soul Ch.e.l
n Drarlo. and all °the de afar.< Ills lice.
learer.e.aa..flaxaule Dan ' . Fah str&r.• rittaburato. Pa.
_ . •
Fall Faahio4. -
I WILSON & SON, No. 9T Wood M..,
. lthird door below Dionrond wirgr.) wouli in
atlioution of their coolconers nod tno public
to thoir lcrge ildition which lbormo now receivitig to
/heir lortnorktnct nt Groh , Tbo aspirin:lent cOnsloto io
port of eh.... 'stele BAT& lotrir inuorincod,rod which
%Ogg veer =oh inicalred sor their busty sod gentility:
Ingt/ore with • dhoti variety - cf Worn and Dente.
Mexican,'. littruotrie., and calor kindo of HATS, lbr men
and tore: 'bilk and ilohoir PLUSH' cArt.:
and Ulagod CAPS, of alogrd doorrigtitdok ikuordlATil
and CAlitlfor chlhiron—ofit rd or tenrikublo price!. •ho,o
isle ant retail.
ALgo—l..inir.O . niin. v. • Ble,k:arid 0.111111 Lova,
/tech, Cleaner and Goner pitcd god Siberian.
donirrol and CUFF,. 111,...• on I Children',
.M 1.11.111. ted/friro
%ATE have " just received thin beautiidl ~'~g
non tur friend. and tb, public be in.tte nerall,
bIeCOR it ,roe.. Flan wed %pod ar
Penn Glass Waiks.
. -
I OREN Z WIGIITNIAN,yormerIy of the
kIN'T 1 9 1,:m c
WWater and 611 Fruit meet, P44buatt. Ya
N. 11.-4 1 .1.1.1:r atuollock_pald to odd VOW a wind. w
dlesg grAlpriTstu moulds for Uottlepluml U 4. auxlll
C. W. Feine, Professor of Music
n EGS learn to it thceitisens of Pitts
bunth axal Alleghent. that ha . a . lll haw eamatratra
to the loatractiona th.. PIANO FORTE nail VlttLll..,
raaroaable larva Fur farther particularr etattarto
11. KI.EBEWS Music Mora . No. 101 I , LIV.A. 'up af
the ttoitiast rata.
New Chocolate Factory.
1.10. N. OIAMIIONI ‘‘.: CO. respectfully in
' form the publle th at.they mar tutturita
c OCVLATIIIof crew quality soul prier. Thts Choeoltt.t.
1112 Ike aert other st.h.l le.ra, it 'aurorae.] pure girl utuu
doltepeei, and bonen of tearflavor...v. zotti'cloo. mod
hole:mime Pig. ti. 6 er, berm; tern prop...fur. of ens
of the largest Chocolate tazurtfacterles it assure the
pub/billet they rill furnish. urttele equal If pot mat,
dor to the tors, t Imported. nod at a leas mica,
It Is tv xsie at Mt. SORGLIS. (Mad: Serena 611111ustry.)
No. lin Fourth st., up Rale, pest door tu the Mayor's 414
to.. ...15.*:1113(1.k7G) •
• (Formerly the Exchange,)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Street*, •
TIIIS spacious, central, and moat oonrani
mu). toroth! 110 TEL. burin„ bum temPlotair. :e
-ta ehd. sod theroachly retwinal and heproltd. -Is ore
gown for the nocroutenicflon of the public.
The oub.tiber. lessee proerlutor
roup/ctfuLly informs lila (cicada ond the puble.
that he her Curb: hod it to the melt elerreat and enmfortel
tie etyle, end omptuyud Competent awittantosed attentive
ond faithful tut - Tonto, thd that he will north.
to make It equal to thy hoe, le the Country.
The well known central location of the Hausa, acl me.
renitece of Its orrthorternto. 'exacting it the moot derma.
bit tither to traveler. er hermthout bcorders.lcdome btu
to Mint end hope Gnu • liberal there of pornuttocc;
opinbtf 0. W. LECI.NXTT.
Bow Coach Pactory—Allegheity.
• M. A. WRITE CO. would re.
weentfullo throne the public the: Music
arected • thence Unoilt, let - wren Federal and es
greet.. They the tow mating and a, pre <d reveli•
orders fur evert &script/nu of rahlelen eneebee, CherknO
ilsrouebee, Inman, I•bstons. Oa. On. which. from their
ho urperien, , to thy rethufacture of the shore work,
and M. Foramen they Imam. they feel ached.. they the
enabled to do cork art the moat ....cable term. cu
these wthetec Gracia lu their iihe. '
Paying hark - elan at:entice tr, the seteetlun sr:shale:a,
and hoeing eme bet egmpetent workmen, th ey Lute. he
hesitation worm. ultra, th eir womb- Potholer...oak the
attention of the public to thie matter.
N. B. bemiring done In tha 1-.61 mannr, and on the
nowt mamma, was JatuYtt
OGAN, WILSON- 5... CO., No. 129 Wood
ttrott. furs .b at talootartorsea aclear. CR shlrt
Don, RC) Ow of thy beat Ilaftetta Ortrlotoa.. and pan
Ocularq 411.0,4 far tha platoon. intsfultl-40/I,n-1 oa
the shaft.
A full asoltzent of-Mall Oft!ahno , l'on ha*.
aaglaZto Mx:AN, Oflo,ON,♦CO
s q .t:inT . 4 .' :ale= nolt . 7= l . 7 tir.r.l
r. !LATS. wad. , thl L 4.0. a 5..../.
ise 1.41
SimiWo Proalluseirak
qIIIE Habecriber,..taring coutpletod,tis car,
I 4ftrb :WA * taw,nilm o r trprl
Nue..1 .. t0 Walsh, U. throusiti. al •
...ghlM._ th ,
irrotrall 011. 1 cu... U. entb..
J. A. Catalte, Draggle, n/rgelvf TATA a.. 1 Waal sta.:
T. Detla Go I'l.l6aty steAt
LI. D. Migrartx, Draggle *la APAIaI. rtdiria It,
AILLIItIe9.7. •
,lagaphDouglug. Draggie. lagmaal. Allggimax.
WILKINS. No. '245 Liberty et.,
, t0...1.3115 . ex$ stmt, littsbnri&P.
Solcatin..... Burial v.tulca.Tosibßomo,
. Plerrota.
. &brays on kcal smi.nade t ar&z,....f Olas
dlakgst Kszblwo. otok az Ter) rolit.3
• Tho leas: :
81•Tt •
harort,rd :
• t,...e. from -
• !I '
. •
au r,41.g,h0r.. --
-- .
lion. 6smar Lamy Club Ti Man.).
Inns. Jutr:ZCse Jcnn I turves. Et: . •
Wt.. No Jrs c t , • kr , ‘`k . ri-orr, Cp.. Arebiwt.
N. 11.1.., 4 Sons. Mots»
Joins turd.. .
Pittsburgh Liana. t. 1.111 1. a Init. do.
JIL Sboonbort,,lhiu... 11111 A Carr, do
Ikon Noe. di. Esg. lhan a b'snrent. do_
rat Slants h Ear. • . Vat Itortahr 1 Co. •
a. Athan4 ht. Zap, biusing. I. r. Masao a Co.
ban :....._:_.
acp. Jostms kbures ICo gruff,.
6. Lott 1nu...•
E. W. tests grateful fr the very lothon7.ral parrunace rs
nasal dorms ninteen roans lu this c.f. Caring trol tb•
largest and WU ions sturastal to hl/ care up to U. gonad.
titio, .ad wiliondeasor hi lend. satisfaction Damao,
[snorer, Warent.te rf .7 W 7 Third gad
J V H. respectfully lama fa C al aat
roaars that be btu now rampart the arra
and Oat wok of botteabodi throltuta ern ban b oo to
littalt7, teals dart:alai to uphold the 'natty •dtik
alleressord galena, best arortgaosillp, new.t
Otago sod tra the ...vat 01 talk Otd•I• •114 falai to
naufanartog. be le ensblel to produce warranted tura
tutu, at Ufa lolrut
lie ha adopted the prinespl4 lantllytag the Mane
era' Interest elth bls an.lo galley ad price, and tare
elvers as brad tbr resat may of every drawatt of
[smilax, fra th e ch . aped. and pinned. to the tat e
0 a
rrntibll 'etri'brel"'; Lr
order. a t
llorrehme .01 sn lonertia, that advan
tage of ids vetablhdancen play te known The Warta
artkles to part. of la litoCt. *blab for &b.. 0 a
aurae ad Coda moan to sorpaned to any of the ham
llraving. &ulna, awl WWl= <baba- 07
17 111 b?: Ll'a! of LT " J'4,12'1,:n1;
y . C 4 ~.41 " . ' 1 7' 4,..t 2431 v_ ' 4 l. 4 ta z
Lli./ patine clad P.U rifarlOn• kWh, Walt at:jet
ant . = . lll etto=oxic=t,.nd bot t rv:e . t .
blen exteados dining War, all slan or the coalman/Ten
Va= ll l. l l7:i7:bettiMlUtt=ti.Vonter l
Lars, asaotWorae. VA 041.4 nuke recepthot than,
Masa and Ann, annul and book Awls ahl,
Ora sauna. towel With bet elands, Ltal masalba
and coma for &llama. payer trate. table and a to tat
lasigozonyaraecrol. ant Waal pal Tablende hr do.
large agnortment of Common Vona., al Windsor
Ceblat takers suptard with all anklet to their
ttranthate and Fatah, forolshed 11. tb.e &crust lo4oe.
All nrsletel InTelnpUr stranded CO
MAE' MARBLE'O/ORK% lestabliehtd
Yea N. Tombs, Ilarastoars. ke4 nulanl PI.aA. ~entri,
Pi. , 701" r . ssir Dud. .41.4* to Deck
N. 0 A •0110.40,0 , 1* •••• fOn
The only real New York Plumbing &tab•
'WHERE work is done on Scientigo :Pr4c , 7
Uplige ILtld litattatioat Plumbing, in atl Its trianotiatz
don. with twat: zeta nod dtcpattb. ' • .
• Battis timsi up with altzoirtm. from' ft to sg „
Meath gland", oompinte ........ to.- 6 •
oltt,• wooziest orzzon:: ..... 2 in •
Water Clatota tomplote
' • ltpleinta.. :
_ il roten r l'n' han P gya,.. tiollank Wash Tra g pitTlot etr
Yaririett. and bad Pipe. 'Belida.: and put an at tha
i 7FortaHasi doTard if/Mll{,GOtat..6t-
IT on and, snd put op stunt diatom:coin lb. amnia.
Baptizing punatualtianzautoollo gy •
'Pt& ti c s
- i7iii • . w
man Meal and Mutat
11 AY • AND • ItIANUILE*FORICS-.4`45 dcr:J
nom.. - a co , .•eutehread Hay tad Boston Yorks,
roceirod trout tbo nooonsfacturor, vNrmt n m
tomor outt Orr silo by • • ft. NOINDEXTira,
• For bletl2o6l of Ifebal
_and lotalotalo vOloo, lbsso FOOS
tonna ourproood;•obd lbo ortor which Ow art
/Old. mutt Noun their totrodoetk. • arbrlr
. .
itIVESiEEN•kiANN. NOTES, 40,Jomest
V market ratmorad lilthe.t premiek •vaid dmerl•
etn Hllvar. In gar ruzl.? bt s F•L'U.:
i•II' Iteater mlsebtor, rearth tL
.24 by ZS Prin!lnS Ern%
W' " • 121132" ...1 , 1 by U. 4b b 7 82 23,by $l.. LI I
400' Btu.. Yontory ' • 1
micrir° , ''v• r r •
l i tanam mutltairli Q.v. nag.
bonotontly on boattuul Our mato
ft to no,Lot on obort nattm. • • ' •
~74rioli of Pout sod Irwin gna
;Aber ler rateat Oantly
.trowt, *es.. sad atme
' 4ll b abf/4" t itiVe 4l ,_
- -
Henry &chart:hoe, Jeweler,
IAVING - S-fitted his stare a
haudeome cancer and but r.c.atly return. a.
et to the eastern cities with line a.h.ortnveit
c; WATCRP°. JEWELRY. Rad fr ien d; a.... 1 1 ,1 rail the idtentlon a his friend. 4tml cu-ddtdds to the
twl that among hie Wata..ri tonal the snag. dent
•tyld, AL t mate,
Of Jewelry. the late,t tad 1,•1 0! Bench, liensa Pins,
00'end Vest Chßte-d. Finger taio n. Cur 11M/IMM
Locke*, he-. /
isney.i.scolls,. such 8,5 Popter Work T•bl.. Work
Snug, Otaka , R atter Perfume Nett M., TWA. Vets.
Volt'a Pistols, Peru 2.latakales I o great vutiety, Chios - Fruit
and Cake irlth.
varlotr of
orumanotal Web Nave only to IA wen to De aw
preclat.d. Iml} ir
atALL FASHIONS—Jut i receivede
at the lame Aln , A. LE tea N 0.9 Fintitt.
a wllt L.otatt Lir Itopecti. tat Thur Way sad
Frain Pl. Itat rak, van.. you wall Pod attaamtt
na.n meat i.t ea *afire nac /tile orPtPaw, talk, petal
&Ai Venn 110aaatt, and Trimming!, or vartnn•klods,
sunata• log Mann..
P. P. Ctatina'alionnai. Lail.' Can nal 111* Dren
n or nett 1111 d anatiatiatykat tattatt
OFIN . .WI7IIERELL, M nat.:furor of
Few Marble and Freepor Stone Works.'
DMUND'WILF.INS, in addition to his
toot:Wye ertablithrueut on Llbert)otrtget, heed of
rod, bar oherol o branch of ht. Earle Melee Wort,
alioreoat to tho Orsortury VTIO, w bore tor roo no (ammo or
strl ferultot fur ...rmohere le 10, ', 14.. el Freer.% blot. —•
ray doroble roohrrisl. .IfeaN toeotolro eon rentetit to lb.
Curlew,: ho proposer exoeuto on/ ors with prompt
orAL the lowert ternot.—olof bop,! Or • ...Om ,
..N the Patronage herrtoforo to IlLorally ostoorod.
'Patent Shingles. .
THE SHINGLES ' znade of Walnut, Pine,
and Chtetunt,"_ aah tre,,re, Improse,l sChingle ii.
c nne, reccived.tho Orel peens's= as the Jun kale of alle.
ft?"oFAMP . ,;flP . l . ,"",'%le l lk' M.7,11h°14;". lt i l:
hand. can nuke 0,,n/ Ata.o.4pernny. Wynn Shn block.,
of .nr till of timber that Volts In any roan try. If soy.
tanner Inforlealion 1, nnnt.l, d ells can on the anbacre
bre. al 11. Wearer's noteLromer of F'o'rth end or.atets,
&Mat:men. , IccLIJ _ IIIa.WIELL
r If. D. King, s
I lesorn Bank Neu: bought owl Pold.
Exchange os lb. - bast and Wtft, bouldrit and wad.
Stooks bought and solJ on CommlAsk.
VINE WATOIIES, of thb best. Eng
l ilt, Puts. sad Genteel mumnfactumca, now
en nand, , tn excellent variety, and at very thee
rrieva, ,
li l er lever TraMbet, Ire M.--- $13 40 tO IMO. . .
.- Cylinder .. •.* ----- X. 03 t. 3"0
All trotetel minuted as Mpremated. orthe money na.
W ATER REPAIRING executed In the lost mewl? be
ing waisted by . roperior Euglieb an i i v lT , :ss .
,Iv; , e
j k s m . a
n.ft) -ti: 6I Mthkat iit., comer of Ponta,
Xing, Fennock & Co..
MANUFACTURERS of Cotton Yarns,
Tlrtai 3 Onslst Warp. - CorsrletTars.Wlrmessals
C•ulklas, Batt.lngtc.
IVll l ) tutor i ontor e Tl to ra n 'ts.a .r. =mt i. n i
-ftitaftor• on tooting of weer, deeeription; trsesploonk
Vv. ea cloth sad buil lawn, wiodwer koala , and 411111-
tut coandetr, with English anal Gem. oil cloths in
la Addition to the Odes. we keep =lnaptly on hood s
foil stork of Italia Rubber teaching 'baiting, eau - steam
ranring. tom Melding, lodlesud 'gantlet:mak arose
hurts. .004.1. sad buskins 14 oi lkinds, Lad ererg okra's .
kh. tosnollolturel of balls Slobber, under tioWsaante
nt. of whirls we Ow ortoos .I.hst cannot rail to
GMs). Oda J. .11.,P LIILJ.III4.
t WALTER. Co.,
Fleur and General Produce
ALEYANCTAI ILLDZ 01t Cnnfikkatkare.
[kaiak it.leart equal adrantana In Truant:ltalian
with any other mutat an ti e ma 11.1.14, • =Wenn., osSo
rS chuara. with quiet gales and quick 'r.turna. ar.4 but
market. OlkateLva would retrectrelly ennett ratranare
nrkr ar.—
Presidentand Gabler of Lter , ban& Dank:
Bank of Baitimann
" Cezarmarrial s fanners' Dank.
Pail Goods
earner of tsPirmwtiF.kff, atne'a, base 'd
o r“ ..rel .1t 1 ;
a s^ Prhated Mout. de
tatoex mow! Pen Cloth',
J 11.1 7
thuzuk }soplltta Black aal ralur
supo,plaid rhanro-
Dm. Salm, 1.40,
Ww1.11.134 ru•be
art allbouts NoL•k 111Aboalr,
Needle Worked 1510,
Jokolkoi rdlliOseo - nkfekl. WA+ TIVo do
ZirytitiinTll . Blliraltat to nil /ma look stow largo ttal
ad Boot" op
_ liplaulid bistrusrmata...- -
d e1...5001.0..4(1 11./rot bo :v orw
.at al. larLlftolars,Vor foec. A=noi otb
Clar .' lll7=2 " :Otzr.., • raxs
Lo arol lorroolgotit rras tocroomaoo trY thrlo.
Lot.. of Soo Yora rift dm Begot trued .Ilmt ow.
orful thud P.
1.. yol coorolfwrorrd In tido ro a .try
corr.) roto - rio I colt 1450. .rtrotAl, t, sod
tall t7aw. m.r.n rarioly of Ltlle 5.114 err.._
PI lra of Its Goltroi tirl9. VII. ame.
/1. ea. .
Fr the
robron.or fro. she ea.. faa wirnkate4
If rort Nur.: r. Is ls:.; tory r troogl , oor Wold
Fall and Winter Stout of Fancy and Staple
A. A. MASON 4. Cu ' : would mast respeot . .
fully solicit the attention of the iniolle wtheradr.
tote whoe:ale truth In patthaisr, to their Large and
~...NIIT .k. - . 01 e:L.A of u.sin i= rei.4-01.t...i..
taleb sill be thaw thy they have rear br
it. cilere4. 144 re:mired erk ankotht
:Mt baler groat, Mali.. 1 , ,400 long andnnare Btottela
tho .- brunt a tvwthbargal.Ad pre rawetior Maritime
100 • / lardw6, eol'd,Ac.; ..'Ohl wen. Aggro/ Yrilthe
100 • . Tlettag„ , - Iv/ to. YeeneL Stem - ow
11a raw* White Nadu.ii.oo p... l'srmsettaJeoblzr,
" Ylowliol • . 140 1.-Alparms,
_oil color.
10 pilaw Ltrwo dlootwag: . 10 f/VV/k Itivii Unvow
100 • &dined-, IL , tO eartone Bonnet thlthnow
JILL - tvottnakaadlevt .Iva cartons !swath glow.,
g; : ' fir t y ' avilittr.e. : 1 . : pa. !otrr.A.%w he •
too - n?0ut4 . ct0. r. 1.1:,,,0r ,. 4. - ...chroenu. to.:
. f.l.'rk'.°,`4l,lllVL.F';• T 0 1 4 ,7 ,» - •......i.
Together with elver arde ;dually vottod IP aMI i.Lso.t. 61: awl, It Mart at tit 00 3
• ''.-
--- ia.Vrastiijs. --
vum. DIGBT begs to inform We friends
T v .'a rustnetmil, tbit be It rovelvitia his Arsa.roly
Of FALL AND WPITAR 0001 - 10. eathyriting as usual
every thing thud akkdonahle. awd....1...100.114-
0. • wear. It Wrath Ithgwvthle to de`wtihe Mr
variety and elem.. avt lbw Wyk and POW. , of Itlv (co
tthweree and Varttngi„nstltheuperowtothdf Of 041
he pt aprirtor Lep. that all who waft h. porch'
anted lb tds Una Loll favor Id. with an ex i ) rata.
011 ..
on htarl, the :argue,. rewtatiatinfertow.o„.lw,l cowl vete
Potable Mora of 110AD0 MALL eIA/TIIIII4 Cu the ettr.
all of shlth wlll •tw attired tit the w.ey bloat Wow. cur
vath. ,
thintrtotore, Cthnll7 Alarchthts, and all who harass.
largelf, will - And It moth to Wed althandla In'ethththe
the ythek before, hufeltasthg,
,a t e.they will =old lt4lh par
pea argain,
Avery arnele In the Tailor= ci•Je to ord.' a the
Wel fothloaalde et/th at On t notice. , , •
A Prat We Yalta:An ttardel lmthollitely. ••P/6
• Oak. tryntrlndas of/4.1...14A.0i
otlArr pvimums sad damns , . avou,s/ magtoce
the ban cif Mott Or Chia Yam% gallon.. Wei fa Ow frt.
y t lArt7rn6=ul 4 ,l4 l rd' lrseW% " D 7 0„&
laran Seidl() who kqn• tb• Ipan•d. ..4 4 • at
Witt it lo Wad • the lilanntit at pt.. it—,
(lc. It Is • We. as wet Es • ntriii
B. N. it'IW(&HSQA H.
'Cotter W 0 ,414.134 iuth 64.
. .. ' •
.14 , arthou.”—No., IT Market• sred, , -Pit adarint.
SKI WINTER & CO. having taken
. tor wtebslu na,.2......:,, , : f i!k1ea. at Oiren
Thor bath ~,,r.,.......nd0 Ysetory elrlortraly to lb.
I s- r •ope o ri n triplfre
j o , r4orwit SI7IiaIIOTTLES,
ler dotter thottlynt thit ten fornLartlolts La •
1117tritICAL to OW SU 01391.1,111Tfl 111 Um cutitit 0.124
'LIM bcre, br tdrirt nthotion throrsiness., to sarrit Sill.r•
or rwtronatirr that has twourrthodott Grotto.. toottursirro
rerw Troy sw , freitwerdro MI al t i orthwr .with wbieh
thr , t fttoutil' ,. ..4p s. .Ohlie go to ,t ownti . .. v axkrw L 7 . th i... ,th ii.
; - '' '' '.• Ding Stort . ror Sale '
- 4 DRUG STORE,' FIXTURt'S,' A 7.71t:' •
ja] sTOCK• et hilthlClN FY!, th' i List tote', ,• tw
uost for_switholtontr anit - rotwil trortharri - ottritrithrlit
exerliont rut Of author at tor prroent thud. Torre
lo 'otoottioutt Vth the rotthilthownit orrothl torn ror
popular Ull.l4leirmr, Me hkh with thwother boldness rarlorr
It a yrotilthie Iron risnott to 0.1000 doll mut 0 r t0:W.40.1'
in it. • Yor yarticainrs stiarcor thnt 40,.with rota oath, .
TIIE. Anaual..Couroo 'of ; Lectures in' the
•st Clevalma.ll.lledlen"Collele - e-11 - loansortkhr art Wed
raAty. the fifth dor of Woruht4r. othl colphor idateen
Tit ,tf o I . ll .tbttl Trantienten rik,iitras ht.
Ohisral Path.'
"LaPVViTTA I rtrIt7TiI7P24 3 I4I " 4I..
- JOHN L.• Ilitharahl. PNICN.
I).., • Proftsig/Clitiolttri toff,
-51.11ca1 Jusltoradrara. - • • . • '
JAOOO J. DaloalLaTEN, Profkator Of Aratathf
atilt °
When. deal rprr.6 henulo n . l.lZ7 =b. paratla tn. twelre
mouth.: for mew rittnal lo bs* witt, o•
rrhaarraapcatatd tpacattiradlo by *Jostle:of Ma itaa
to the coun/ or
In *hied the 31' auor ,
resider, trill sotrytod the (11.6 Ot 111012 tr athe U. 6;
31.thosl an% thnno
jo t
mar attooded taro
fall,oo•antet of lertorra *prof *Writ mar at OM_ 1 ortllo- -
' Cam ire' mirth& te fror ulna**. sorb. boa-urea to
itarlag rhahlattioahttiott fot hot,. .• • . • -
.Uor - A.boartl7 - oriU. rootn,'llatta aal [dal, Deno ' ratOtihr*2
at ;mod* rongtha froto St.fOtto Ittper trerk.
• Amy fatthar fortelf.,-boardias hap be otktalhal at soma
sista cast.
coureloof leeturesareetsll3llartesaautt
of dm Colleao, *hi mammy four aorta yrinlona to the
onatothottot Dr of the regular mats.. &MI col:Wu. Unlit
W. openiaS of the taros, -forrlrloo 11 toads ntr the 0011.1-.
yahoo of Rival* anatom 7 oop. wort liberal bertha
' The Ifelklat sad /thread elloloua otemetted twat he.
00daira Whirr the olha of Protestors
and Ktrt,
had. and Auklor. In tar oho:dom. variety' and importanati
tri vote Prateuted, It telhirrd. br'ttheel . 0 1 . 10 thh
acothtf Tarcatty nt tbo.hledirai Weroltr.
fr.ociryqu v wu .4211 Navy. Amippourr or
IYall Papa and. Bordersjirethe Fall Sales:
UST RECEIVED; at. the Oa ea . tibliehed'
OP Aunt. tit Mutat street.. lhau • aim et the faltbrated
fowdera Admit, • vent may PAPtil HAM) ,
l'Atits and DORUEIO, commisintt wadi Tide) of 'riles
smi poem as an bartir fel to v 0141112 tut. =I surd'
.tae time of tae iqui4 hatidioas and edoetomfeal.
,rIIWO gkA
i i , tb• t4AMV4ltil
L..POl+4A , d s ipleltattlront. •
- E.4l6tra . : f.mionco or unfuralatud,
a oprnaaE T4hd szei,Unurt
I,EPURIED FOR rii t 17 1 ,381111011 Gi27,11E. B
5 2
UDID.4 . • IDII 117 112 11117.4 Jujj
1.14, 1014 1 1130 !hal. V.l3# Ant
p.cin.ylvanla . • 100 106% 105 -Int.J•l2.lJuly
••• • ... , 10t1 Yd . VG .1.14, /obi Aug
. . • ID, lob M., 4.:tot
roup. d•cldn't , ILO {O-90do •
eitlabd , dll dl:7 'l , •
•• ••• ADD Id. lut Jut a Ju/
ILA> noUy. 1 , E11— . 1(10 tis 94 du r
Adleibe. city fit 100, , St/ Ica- a Nor
Do. 002.1, a, Lll. 114 Ed%
rult. 11Vc.
/lamb. of Cat 62 , 4 I , l , klerap,6
Merriduts'6.l.llDauf Dan,lo
17,711.200 b 4 61 W. du
6111276 . ...10 6aTings Bulk,
sauna mot,
Motwbgattto. kW , .
Ht. Olaw St. tleidso..
Wo.dono iniutronco
Uitl u•Oat tvouriwooe Co ...
ARRvIaW Firomo.a , Co
41 • •
elit'ghto \o o - ••• 40 0 , 1 Dir•ta•
& 4 0 • do
oh ...
~ 101. 0 111901. 1 9.0
Gal Lc.
Pittsburgh 9.sWork
.0...• 6 9 9,4g,iv.111499
Pdonahuabel 91ackaater; 60 o o • •6 2
YoNabluaLe99 1 - it&A&A , M• 60; a,
1,1N.1,.., `,' ,:g f e1ti? - =' , ti g •
Balt. 19 Ohio RAJ Road—,
Clerriand Wells'lle kl.
91&1169 11. Wir.10 , 7 440,5 10 , / 107 Di& 4 91 91
ref etc 111.9=1 , SU! A 0 t,u I •
En lo " . 2. t i' fg . 4 ti - :, lgt 3 2
Tuxtla Oreek AciaA,
All9e, A PArT/A s ln.Pki'& 20.39, 14 /Ai •
ebardars 20; ; •
3/19,990t5. 165
—; 100 I 90 'D1..1860. tIQ '
Di= &mere= 11 I ... 1.9919 Btari.
NortBWeiterr 944 .77 I \
Vir .. ---1 41 i
olio Llo .
krlveattuv. , •
D eit
0991499 —• j
it% •
2 11f,
991‘101;91 . 1ar.0
Boosted by the 311t1ttg Intel
Copper Stock
Lou IlAwolt. Ia
Pittr. i Baum (Chit 6/3.0-.
North Western
Iron LIW.
rnreat . _
Wee -
Blue . -
E 9212
Now 11;AT.Siletitten...
Ohio Tra7 Rock
Avery- . .............. .. .... -.-.... :00
I• 1 tt
.y.ta ~.vartd st. caw. •
Book of Pittithontfo---,-Dor
ltlebongo Book of do , --rof
lank of
of do-:-.;.-far
Dank of Oltopmereo..- vox •
HUAI olNwth Aroatico—par
/.eh or potlVoLlberw.•
L....fir. • -
linpa. of Lim/ linnet Fianna /
Cocciaorroal Bank ot tif_.•_par
Borserre ,
Mininke. Morn rank... Lair
Ileorianica' Bank.-
noodle - ark Bank.- ....
Western ri
T.* of Cb.mbentargb- I ,
Stank of Cluntar County-pal
flank of lina rifle
11.12 of Bel Co., CLaelor-par.
Bank of 'Ortunnatoren....-par ,
lastnebnrub..— 1,
Banff of Lon
Dank of MNlSlgnion . I
Bant.ol : , ortuannerianil.par.
Carlisle fill..
Orrialablo 4 Brolle•Co car,
norionvi a Akan. .
krt. Ban
/armr? Lit of Bioko Co-rari
Farm.: rierta.,..2
Fannare'llankoflteorting par
Farm. Hk oft , elliiplkillCo.Far
Far..t Dem. Warnaeborn ' 1
Franklin Bk./flu/amain par
llarrintrirt I,
Bones:ILI. Bank-. ....... It
Inianonar..... --Far
Itaraster County llenk-pa.r
Lebanon -par
aaiaer: Bonn of l'obtarilli, /
r c Tickgll . 4. , hillterrrp.t.
Otto Elate 'taut.- 1.
Branch Id .therm-t—....n0 I
=V . ai d d i t - eg b
Brandt al Toted, do.
Brandt stßaytan... dal
,branch at Brlaltsft-.........d0
branch at ladatolota. • ' dol
Branch at shtsbnla-....-do
Branch at ralem..-.—..d0
Branch at tlats3lll--rtdel
Branch at
litanch at Coinnabna do
Branch ar tr.atitit..xt.....4o
Branch ac
Stanch at Mt. arrnon no
Branch at Noarark-t-- . ....t0
Itrwatik at
Branch at
Brandt at Mulatto an
Branch at
Itnacti at alt...Plenant..::.
••nraach at
- Brawl at Nor.] h...,- do
Branch at...
Branth Portsmouth do
Branch at Lton--....d0
BBrantßarettna--- . ..-do
Branch ct
Uranott a1.C1arah0ca...........d0
• Tar folio-alai Istatarthida ad depattaraofttermerdi
now Mande to et' /bit littaa - - ..., i ..• . -
.. 1 1 . \
Un .
• teen,—.l.le tereenobora.Ctiebrtabtag.' /Wade! . 4
New Tort, Easton, Contr., sad prawn parte of N. adet
Delawsreahlow Jersey' an 4 the ids Now natant 8 tatse.--.
' F the
. D I
int U t? ' . „ , nt_ , ri . ,Ito r 4 Alt" f N ria rrt .. 1' r, .1 i i
'mato owtruae-ny IS strortilo and atoll ratZta, ra.;
ltaltuttos lha pounttea of Prattfore t .ParobriehOooloyeGllal
t oo , joaen., Ltrwroina„ atilatta plekeati. r orW, rem,
Tim, Union, and -Dart at Waercrotaland. - via Llveratore,
Morrayarills. Aafent Pe floods, New - 41asandrtat and Loa ,
7 o=ntY• Apife.o daft. ot 13 ?tali detarla dear'.'
itataAptn t, Maroto ititertfi. and ..leVesaa
connttettla. mac:upon oftfor Vert and nernargaotatatdall.T
-' A.rrlrea of n PAC: and drparts at 9 a. w.
Unarm' aw* Mania Miabbigtott . ,Ptatlonin.
farZZ=4" wrp. i t ratgLXlVl°•.
ern parte of Ohio Ewe Mods. Tomit,
sea, Malnna. lalareartrellesteetppl, - aro, prta,. c ot ,.
' 11..0...wain, Lonistu
0 i.,11.61.. aall T.... maJr. dothra
at% t 4 !"!Fk`• '
„'...,...” ; \
P'imn" , r:N - Vi.t , n—•u , --
no.n ,:..a,.,1 fr t. ll*:2;grun.i—'tt7t64raE
Nm re el4ere.rsßa Carelear. Ohla.r.
Beaver 3Votranta. , *Trumbal4 . Opera.
44 , eide.4 Creak , 1he1ear4,1.414,
111.1 a , o. Mawr ea.Xell. reW
6.1 .ress erbele, Ohlo; th ',What no .
e•th. Mater of Tottirr 4a4 Illbsota Ina 1
, V", .° 4 ,14 . 4 .# 4 . 4.1 3 . ; MT/vet".
dahl,=i l lte= r lglle=i - cis ,
IPA, Wad CiAlind/ A , ClAti A, daily. 4sespt 1m lifireloa. •
rte. al 4a. sr. and depart. ail e. a. _ . - \ ^
144=4.--l i gicsyktle *Whitt, Zeredopla 'rotten,
vire. Wart a nd Tice breheit, Arrives itneku.,
ThrTatev, ne,140, sz A R. AL Owls rtendale,
Weirartsla WA Pridsys.rt 1 , 4. a.. . ...4, ,
rxwarep —Pr umma' 314r=sirrad
`urth e ..... 4g ..... .pra 1 ",a..r . .
D iS Ell Left an. 3 ' 1 14411 , Ta Bel I*
g e;e 0, 41 ...1.„. 0 ..Z,41 . .. r Ees.,
lar. 1.4- A Meer rtrufOr sh i rt ..,.1.., ..
.7r z44.11.-I,_ mu*: t„,)6.4,,4.1,..,,
8.,....0.„ Crone Cerek vi A 1 ,... • '4.44 3. 4.-
43"errIA gdr d 4 4.4 " 71 3 1 u3 001a r iv. `i: '''' * 41 1 10 .4 1
attoMr., V4,-.llylJlitrad .1, • .sitg t , .
I.c4slUrt retina.. I. 3. A eat
Iran,,gr‘l4y at)) r. 0 , 4 depute on • ^ , re .e I, I.
eaxace.-13, &anal, North, • 4rel A A,
D , ,,,A;r17 0 n al\ a., d•• ms swami.,
Ireeeetlia.—re Loreer's rem. Mit 14% ' ).44 5 N
t iIgAPA '"A :7 I P "iT e \
L t VMS ; it r>. to 34 al
F .... wth1t0:V.11,1...11. Nunn ' ia ', l`:sast.P.
ooratiet. orrlektet.reatly—tur.l4, `,‘,. 1% el , 4134.
Yeeleia, at . 4. r.; 41.1 departa , •Th , 4E4 ,
beill ' ag telart "3 & 9"l l: M3 lttqe th tig"l4, t •
weetly.sallawkir mite. most be Mao Ohleehlki.4l4 ,
bacz.theit d.r.1..r ' ''s ' ' ` ' `\ \
( -- - - - dapper RAW L \;:. ''l'A,
' ' 100 atutasicarissata 311olsir F41:16 .... a 'A:
1 I ft ''''' ' ti ga . .'` . '' '
~. 1' "A . 4A:
I. 0. ....itigri.q. mglo. ei l zate4 . ,
' 4 1 1 1 1!!! ! 4- lirg = 4:4 e
4eZr ' a i t .
• ta ,. :14 : 4:,.%: ! •1N,''... N . , ,, \ \ : ',..,... 7 .,- /.... 1 : !: : : ,, IA
'.: 4 •,' ,.. .k, .4 • l'.
can be acorn.
0 .;
7.4 ; tiL4r..,14,:
?urn...c.o. Now. IL lOW.
51 2,,
Ng, a 'tart.
13 Dir.D.,3lP.b
I, Sept IS.' \
(lama. sold
sua oo
tl ik 0 Ou
110 0 00
1 7'
1 00 %
11 00
0 00 5
00 ,
00 \
6 00
1 00
1 OU
00 10 00
31 00
. 17: 00 0
13 03
1;0 '
V .
1 00
7 .. 7:7 9 °01 0U71... I t
9 0.
bath keepitlot nut • of Peli , tied as
117171.1.0E1 il.fil.. o r. SONS, Bankers. . , seed
ed ~
is *b . _ eye '1
n "Uncle Joshne, what'd Om
oadatott.c...nnea= 4 ' ra
about the ranged
Breath at Natatlliwt-...,.. 1 eryr,,,Eti
Breach et Woreiter..... 1e . ...%
Breach at Toms_ .......,.. do dot 0,0
Branch at Tod'artW.o.--40 ..
Cap Bank. Qui eiter2... -..t0 blarrteSjiv
Oreeeserehil liii..uatitii2iimao deatto e
Preoklia Hol t --.-•.•: do no Tab • “ifell," so 'he • Idejer,"-Ikti 01,
me ?Nor ye lie ''. fis,,c , ;'therel,fuit
, atylL". \ ' V ' ,-... • ',
rl O ,e. 00,'!„ ye _ .1; - •u low Can yon ;
I taiklaszeiiiraik3iitato td
~. ~ .
xar ~,,,,,\,
7.1 they .
,i, "ill , ' 'e eti ,. iu rg at i
~. "Itell, " 447 3 e' , ere
w ' nor° 3l=,L, l"--4 t zan time , tu , e.
glef ,..w y, ii tha k ;: i titt
s os o n n t\ ti 6 se e rf u ofg::ll. \e ' b en: yi
len erait ' ent.,..:....,.:..._ t ,at Coe i ,
5. roan • .
Pia' &eta , 1011 0.., ,3 PY - 11 1 4 33 theftever wi 3 mc•
. . ..
why.tilarßw „ aint tio pr tat all. : •
1 ataktiL PD. , ~, , .
~ , court sale, i .
.. , \
Bums ore an
at, I w
tialtlantt• `, Pat \ . .
\ \
( k lnii - ii , ' - ,Frlke IDIIMUANT o' . • Vrder or ti1ei . 0 ... 7;1t ' have nom des of them ° ~ t
lit •,,,,,,,,, b,,,, ~.„.. 1 - Coati of Alleehror ittitir.*Bl be ' Lu eq's '' Well," \ 'er he, 4 \we'll ' Soil
I V 1881211.1. op Tharp:DT tat .. Z1.3 op og .o her, p, .
e ' utt crow to sus atabcst azad ' atTtLe f Moon .. Dace
i n'd line \ There'
tr. k‘ " tt' t " ''''' lo,...n r s' le ' '';i '.' gt.t.. fit o t.t:::=ll tot cc *lee of a w cw 3l3,. .ac , e chhrintrt rti 411Detnoeretia -pa
• D - I.lCata d k a Vt., Potty .11. .. tho tereablp,of Pitt. rtirterrtrid.tuJeatre LT min's' ~- ~ ....- „„ "
1,,,, i
I f•nneyy , 13.1L0i lanata . plan of In id raid toenshke at it a part of kit Boit ii 3 tut, party or a , wou a, and rue pur ,
ilierrhentei a Mech. Beak .. add Mat attik l r. ~..• . 0 DT. ix ea am Jr•T ` t °, rro tt,T b ... oh ' ' Whip, ‘ did'the itatty 01\ pair
I North Wetolk, Bank_ . no rtottea li ••.. telereee B ler, - \Vit s it. ', Term. cristimuid•the ptd•iy:of Siciesion I}eut.,,-
-SulittlC Ltda. „ rub- , -
i I'''''''..--14- ....
t 1"
"*4l a o. it,'‘ A h."'''' rd. " 'LLB CIL;Wi : O \ BD. Ait ' of.s.. thklltgfr o f - .bscttlie, ll' lultakihea, hee,e : 6 ?r , i u.
''. eiut of 02 1. onf---- --- \ " 4- ' ' . . -- arid \IV party of Co , eperathat , Becedli sett.
lat of St. or a. Candina.... 3 \ n „....,,,.., ~.„.... p„f \ s .
'e . ", n '" l " . ., t. ', 4.l L . '' i \ 9°' '''''''' ' '''' a i: \ ' ' \ And 6 if we rothei to the north • didekof4ll -
1 -" Arvin - aitt - higi! ' " • iultstuNT‘t an Order of.the, Oiphatue eons sad ixen't, line, ie find till - re:ON , IVlii,,,
acn - Yeare - 10.e.L \ , ~
1132 of the ht of a. Cdrolitg 2 . , courtot Angtio Worry, will -- 7. ,, u tiii, a , b . , . patty. situ he regular .Ilentecra 'I
Part ' a
rheat arr!eue , 0 . 31 D8.1.- I, Z,• 3 ,,, , Vg.t.' 1 ;: gra fc . 3%.°;74,10,.•zi tt.,,, cer- sand the Mild's' Whigs, anObe Abe lion .5 11,7.,
. V:i.i . 7l i . ' : iZ ial. ';'i1tr...4.1..f, awe In ' l4l V 6W4. and the tinai, Denioerati , und th Ahe' boa
morurte l all k'x ;,1,14.1- tt i, ,=..-. 1 5.:F. , ;': 0 r, j 444 - pHy.,' t,,,.., the silver ^-' w• 0 and i t,e..
VA of n- i -. 41 m.--,y, 7 ,,, , ,-41,......77 g , 44 ,„,,,,
~ ~. Wiroley-head'Whl%aud the iltiinker . ..ueread,
[."20,,,4x, , . k, „ ..5... , 0 ,3.1?•„, t .• ` , ,er.itr rel,eree - ~•• , and \the Barn \ be. er De m oasts, an 4, i e:ttl., , „ ~
411"'''' ""-----"'
3 ' ' Tth Pubp.c r - -'' ' ' \want \ patty ande Melon .defotrce itte'{ \,,
the Pree-Sde Tatrty AD . e
Bt of Kratortd,Loideriatk 1 r ,, ,,,, 4 ..k n 0, haeiits.trikr,ii lid pit/2 , 111 1 Y. BEI - Burr- , ,„. ,- , \
'ilte of 1 ... 1 . 1 .'i Th.... q.' ..; til .t....r ..., labtla 0 ,,,,.. pti.3 hr - Saari. A.. r - War Vore - yOurrlpltiairatru party• 7 •\\ • _
;No. - mere lit 4 8,0 : ,0 3 • '' • ... - 7.;;• - •.•« - aiika thr. Jahr'?" I "' \ \ eir, trade Joshes p' ittnehrs 11 41 14 0.ild'A. • \'''- . t -,
r 4"VNl ' ulf • t"kr ' ''
''" w ''''' ' ' a°R,--"Ts trai n Lao enrrit . i: ' 'hiftFe. keziatt laid,doin he - tilttld,erk ' -ithd qeok , • ' \ ‘
it date. of *henartll 'il t ie, "" 311%4.4 AillittOW-BeGle.crlgdt;' ' 1. 4 . e ,. i :Lo e \
~, \ a, ip 3d'a,• Yin
.... * • *
"Mt o a• ' • B. p ai. : .4 twaltLs, Pleiti.ode Shaele, over OP ec e 3, 3' 3 • . _
iStat• Bent tad trerivaire-ro .. 'di gro, "" ct,,g,oueredr„ kr. sc. . tennis loshus totNi v r . te , a ItOtrderrd Fk et q`i t. ' : \\..
e ilik"a* ” •-•:.-116. -' ..tterri-• tutariar Ectitof tlOßßtithati Lei uol the; ,ii„„
l e a b
rd. in m e iteto. .t. r
toy „ ‘ , s \ . ~,, „
141 4. ,
l uerl3 . " w trafilis t "" • " Tt. " tru g :t a ert l et " theNant \ ' ‘ ernt " ,and ths'oirtalc ' err Btl- pe -- rt, 1. ~ ..4 Z^ ,...l T eeel k hew h g e ' k dors it.q.. -' Therl'e u , aiu
F - ere• tiletheaSY'Briat tea a litli , _ toeZilis., \ „.„, .tor9e.ittxr.ll.6,,e,_,l:_.•-• Nabbs ebe lopped 'her htuidearik langLed, .. 1
. OOKBI ' MN/ topsal. \ sayer be,',"Now =ilia 3301,, hieli * l 4 'd `'." u • . \,_ ,
Iqgr,r,:r - .7.t.::1 kt •L. 1...1TE Tittiot,ll...., bdoneo ' - '' = , j a g , I f ili, \.4 \
. c,,,,a. - ,A , Ix rum t..t most. the 'eno.- "‘ Soya ' , 1 . .!'.1 , 11 , 14 kilned a , •.- .--• .. ,
Da o fa. D.datcrloa.T . tot Lim.. tr A n a wy Med , ...err N0v. 0 . , 2 \ Old Glearsl\ wee alire..-1. twean.,(lld . kke s . o l l - 7,...
reamer!' the PrriPlei Tone to • laiortett .. rsaißlut c yarlioleatherr,.,„ . .i;,. •\,, •r d g ci with Ids art let let. it be wine
l 'its , ?
t ti . t,. \ \-\•••• ' s , \
r'''''"'" N " ° " 4 """ '-' ' ' 1 " " "'"*" 7 " Lu TIM', ,•-, •:-, ,` for then i eliqtdd - ktiow fired golegfor . er n\• •, \ •,,
llEtßT '4' os7 4 ir m ,e4, itils'filet4d<7.,.\ „•\. .! - kryia, 4 , 91 5 . . . ° o' - fl i -\\ . •
~,e' l e,, a s o rt . t,,.) taCl ..„ ' .... Y :14 \ ),„,i., , A„hi t ,.,,,,,„,... '''''' , L ' er ' ,_ ' , \ L' , - , -::-'•, • _ ' The 01 , e .rattta__ltlwayLa k_e
s y 'BO! ,
~.. \.. 1 \ \
8:11=PN•r. , 27 - - - 2 •=lO l / 4 ".A k ' '' \ -1 7' .' \ ' '-'" 1, • ''P t • c°"trY " kma d";,7'''"` o r...' ~, ,: '‘,. \-,:.
.....4sx . c.:: \ ......, • ••• - ..----.5.„ ~...:::•. wig ..krugem-4.---::$0.. ~,:. :. -,,
c,......................•. ; .. t , LlfkPad adotkit&aot •AAritoeo A ~. , ,
~ \'7,no w o ". diva llnela • ;Oehtte, ,! . hoa ., „ . , •,... \ ~., •
;:-., d ' T . " """"I ''''*''''''''' li Ver Ve'' ' l' t.ollt f ' ' 'd YOn trappoie'we at i v , going \ t.o work. to tnalze"e , : J .
irOLD itni - lifk - B. 'AL • , BoAlcraratirt Carrtor, otitterutN, `", . i Presilieat With all Vie Diitics.l.l2 ho . field., ••., \
DoarlreasiStwalrli---loioo The Lair and the Bet. detriart W _&\ , ..t _.,.. ~. _ L ., _____ Lando a., dealt
~0 0i 0 0r r i.0 . , ; „ 4, 4 ,„ \ , v \ A
do Perrtot-......1¢24, - The OitereUaltet the Odenuee,orLdleut
ta., Berri,. • ugunttorawip
ELd'"l".----"- io '63 i D°°•Pdti,,,,,'°i•nr"" 6"4 ‘j - 1; 41.1 ' ''' ' A ' • cr Y WhiCk , Y 1:. ' ' -*
\ ' ''. " ' ' ' ''' ''
` ''
\ \ i', \
YAW*, tleV-.- ...... --• , Le.' \ ?ha a_ _ eve Basalt% cola • .
~ \
~ . • I \ m Bare k cut 8,..„, M inos 4,. ~ , u 4 e , ,„,,,.c , \
174."'"a"4`":"--------7-.i:; .. \'"\'" Ikmachrik=llll;ll',='"l.4 - 111
,n oun the ' Wholit'..of N
thar"`"-'- " --'----
44* \ l''''' re'd.""'"V=e'igesteitt,ll, 'eat - ail the Id 'eorponeenoro ed'* , 3 - \ i
seeerigns.......-,,- 2 .4 \,i Freak Width , ' ....... 7 4 gi i• ~ .
Tat tatatlsts-...- d•W Mola, of kb* itattandaot DT the e 1 ,\ i dater solthersAlVtoo piston v ..\ .& \ s\
NNAtt.." - .... , - , 14 . . hr .1,. do 1...... n... . - \ • MYhaetio Inn of-Bir.-Calltona'Arln3. L. ..; \ ,
811Pitlatg=l& " fr4g ' ''' -6 ae. l-2 di:l3=l64o4laq. Idd7xtet * qe t erer A k , a , , , , „•,,... - \\' i \,
artnitigoneir. 'orlforaella the Its re., \ . ', 1,14121 piddishedr : . . .1 X, \'., .\_,,..,..., \ \ ..,, \
1 att.44%, th .0.0."?.• it.'"'''',/4,, b eci t u "`` 4 4..Datt'bes'' tar.. , . ! \lnept'. thst," , i as i
_I, , t ..1.;.7 1 da,Z4 t th „
. . 14 ., , , e, , k!.. 1 , t „. 'ii „ '
..,•, i
sen46o same.. of Um Inll l l,o=tkrOt.\ -
1V atte tooa,o3ltatla vat Blestkoati •A - ott,ell, , Bays he, ' , die o e .
• . ' " l.4. ltelotrat s betteen.. l""c l u eet "lV itien ,P.Y . ,4 •; 2•-IL - . . ,- . " \ -" . ‘4 "' the 4 • P LfL iaa eteert L it3 lr ef r „ 4 th . N iZi t 1 4 4 4 4 r 0 2 ,4 ' ... ..- ..
. ... , ..1
• J , „ b r i'" " %rn i. yr e /at,_Ctltibui•\ ''-: \' ;,.' ' 1 and na 174 of Con to becotnsXlso bil it is • \
~- -1 .,, .
4'." th e •""“"`'''''''''" ­ ''r eei lr% 1 tigood by s both Presidents: ' Hai do\iet Mak \ '', •-.. ...
1 NA-ftg.......13-I,fi!- \3l7 ,,,, Z ott A !Z ‘' S4 °)VDE lt ) ,Y,Z . Well, I sera. ellt "4 , e- el ‘‘? ll 7. 4 e" !,,.;
a..l',Vau;Tax....i.d.7rtii 3 .1." , , dedapon le7w!l, ll •Tc t ,11,, A! a• tt - 71 , •tc , ;,. ••„.. \ •••
'""!"P"'"* 6 4' -• • 'lltiarde.i. ii',..4:i., ~. wti-asAurst7.7ib!ltzreet k, st7Er.k , 'n . k , s:• \ , A 11 ... \
t\ r
_,,. ~....,,,, , °fluky." 400 s ' - V.: , ..'' ~- '.A. s'.' •.`. \ .-7. - -- ,, ,.
130 V, AF: CAY ,2 , 2 4 1 ' 41 ' - '' ..,.'''''''. V!•t. ..-AVhatCom4l4 atti'y ii.41V,.!4..a.84.1T, 'te,' ...-',`..-,,,,
[.5 ' tared. kr , ', , , • . - --11- , n.e.J.L1.1,1......:
vmo . uke thva .i ii ,,,,,„„ o , ak t . 4. 1 , ,,,T .. ~, , , • , - . .„!, , - 1,]... -....
-.'\•_' \\AlCFre' ool : l3 ';' .."- 1 ' ' '-'''''', rig ha between tiro 4 . % -ma 4 0 4 '0 •
~fll5 ' ....' \ '4,' , ;%. ‘'
aLIUArHY AR . ; 13ViteliFIELD - ' e4ll - nroX\t prmi. ta c k..,.. , • \ , t. ,••;' , .''-,- - ' , ..-.s.
...•,;;.';',.:-..,:,.. \f , :t, ::,,,;
ALv 4k'
.c 9 P " fell %r. tra tbliutiW t tl, Tiltg= IN Ernele.Tes l l4 0, ; ,1,1 " 1 .'!1P . 'EV.. -t '.. ' 4 '. ''.--' j `- . ..i . ..:".:,,, ,
rith Th r rodereau Verde* waiirt Q'tkeipt ... looked round al efo4r - 1.e ,51 1 1, ..,' l l \L ig S s .. ,..,el \
MNo\ Styles attorlii.(Baa , eir s 2 ti ta t, !• ) .o.,..\•tia. cjode. "canto, finny, : 3rou ,a 3 1 f1 1 P;2.e . ‘ ,43° ' .3
\ '\ 1
ftry Unliehinel e ' illgiti to , tielent.,ift6trittu s or about poutiorl ..,._ ; tstl:., ~.. ' .... `. ‘, .i , 'ff k„ ',\, ~ , t ,
l ' it.*au ' ''''LV \• '' ' ''''' s '' ' I ''". t'Well, /2011Aidert/.. " At t IB li 3 O - illti4VßPlal.' st , ' irf
NPiFEF.-":7BlitiPhirititO ' l t iti :t rit iki l tftind ' -,.0f Mr, Chilhoutlltt .14001&°4-M.:7 i•YZ. I .FFP. ti '- ' "N • k\; I.' ' ''
4 .. i t ".- •' N '''' l c 6 : 4 '": rr a uu• ' - ' , 4. thi notion INK ' ilithtfiere i , 49 . 6 Ba!P \ g t "',,•\. \`' •,••••
bile North and oneipar of_ fli sfien , atitAilwa ' 'e . , e , •.‘,,,,,..%:
litle, and., , thot widirone Pr6indentoll t tense r.. + 4 ,..,,. \,,, . ' 141714 -1 -ble otzdleride. be Inatreptng. \ .- \-‘ - '•‘:.
and , ((Aden:Nand •. CBI , et, hott.:ifi each ' n,Arky . ~ 1,
. could editi , eae A Prepic44, then they. w e en , Id • • , . ‘
i ort g,! . ..„ 0 t . a l k i 4 e i l: o. ll ; t 4 ' o 74 2 -1 51:it i l f .. : &;: 5 ., \. • ~‘
I , s64vetair .;t1 it tutethokondiew. ,, . . •
: : irti t f : g :nti e: 7l :lW d t ! ti s g: l4 i f r o N : l \ :Ch : k
1., : 1 20: 7 ,ko t :10 \ taX : l47 : a k, l : 2 ::Sl ailn ; ° : i. d .* : : es .B .o 4' , : r e ou l i t_
t b p l* Amp1e .,,. 1'11 1 1 ... : . ig ;;;e (1141. : :73, 41 ! - : . .. ‘ 7:l ‘'s : ' .. \\
\\ \
ilitiir Virne trosbus,: 'awl I guess . shsl!P , lo , , Vvre" ,. , . '.
let lit . ,iti.ok \ them .. - 'lR...mote- te1 11 , 1 %• , V 43e. ~
electiegone President ' ;. 610 1. 11 r1+ ~,,ab o •
wad r ' s h eL 'O tke " !G e' * idTaitN
`tione . .Af \bur - - -, I J keen e i l o • t5 .5`, 4 1 . •
- ,,,te ;.•• e '
great teal , f
coatura tint
iitell,..eik ,
le " l' l ' eF e 5.7
ay; I a q es
I:Altai:fie dc ,
the\ thin
* g *of 41
i Onekildese . it.
4 11 4 , ., Ve,r%
linAk'th 'N.,
\ \ Promo;. Natlaar\ latalbiß
.trees. veva.4 tla mal,,r
tdlleghti ny Ititilro4 ti '. i the arrbjoined letter from oureeld friend d
N parsuan,ee of Nee direetions pf an act•Pfi vonte, disoi - Downing, who2fnim his lot
itrat a ..rof llia iftli ' Vit ' s e rtig l i. ' ]tiVi•atirlfra k Tlg\i hence, we had beginto fear had \gone to
i iiAl=t7l4 h , ',' 4.l.:l ,b lat ' iiat 'uk aosi. "' e ' acra " b , oitelle to which be OOOM 3 to' ePPrei"
r% rattly ' . ro±:laitialittl . : :VritteiTi'aii 11 1 ; ' n t, LNt 0ar 4 1T ., - 1,17
a departed. We he ,
eel.., tn.. divot ritantrara. iv everameral da b.i . to ,
,gr , lNt r :g r er i lLu i t4ucal7 of are. ma to au n i ,
r.t to ear Ironed:dm morefrequently.--A:do,
br( I
411 pIIt , E.NbEROER, \ ,GEOTAIX R. Wlaih, ' LIOWNINGC/LLa,
' ENN.Y. DAKLINGTUN. s , tallle.F GRAY, ta aorta at..,N Down Eo . „1. IN one BreTt polijah
Vg_laWittliAka„ VALIILIV,. \ ' NOVSNNtaItSIB,
ItOttaXT OBE,. , • !IMEE baliD. \ \ 1 Mr. eaLe, 4tr. same: XIV dear Old fril
JOLIN MWLING, . . EMILIE 'MECUMI(k ' \ •- - ' • -, .
400 BUFFINGTON, ELEI_ IN)LIf IL, you are yet in the land of the Irvin, 1
\ratranttorentsoN, \ - cif/tensible QM , . • hare a lune : ma with on' about the at
!WEN/ FEEb. \ 40112 1,P1LP, . C . - • . • ,
FE,. R.1A10.1.,:t.d,r , ibaua,,,,,,,,,, . the baton And if you n is i in tua .all
‘' ' 1 \ •
_, , li vin but hove dropped off since I've best
, , To p r i nters , -, to the gold dlggias of Califoney, if you
.i..APRINTINGoFFIe.., amply stlppliea. trive to let me, know it I'll go to cue“
ant, at umm.tarr maraca..for ,Iplea a ern nee' . aperrit rapper,' (cousin Nebby knows
• aaa Job o l i l , uagraVnl= i Et7 .14k:Zu o l ,r,, f al and try te have a chat with yor
Vr i el.r4= Ae 1g....ri. ~ an lo ~,a4 0,,,,r 0 ud day . 'And my old friend Mr. Ritchie
manly new, aud /aa Um *awn ara rairmet la \ousi: tera- wren; to t o‘To o c h at
nat. win be sold tarr mucb balmy Abair ran., co ...eatA: 1 a l ong w ith him . B ut
„„:,,,i n tia, way,. •blog abar-trawata • in amnia; ank.b. know where to find him, for Uncle ioehu
ailrairaeolv eo t ` lia . t . "" 'we e • 44. 2t '''''''''s me he is n't in the Waraington Union pept
iral:"dsiviel '
and they've 'carried Lim back to old Virg
Now that's very bad: its treason - Agi n tin
r element. Ilow can the country get along tt
a Presiddatial •
campaign wittiout Mr. Ri
They`neyar have,done it and it can't be
' • I ,
,it a impossrade aon t know who' they',
in. his plane In the Union, nor I don't car
'lknow they:l4ll never Lind one that;cal
Agin the Fedlietzt like Mn. Rittible- lit
ay times he's saved the country fro& bei
up by the Federalists; and, what's very re:
able, he could fight *gin them for years
years after they(was all dead, jeet sewell
could where they was \ alive. There's to
great battle for the next Presider.t, tad wo
get along without Mr. ,Ritehie• Ile eugh'
to a gone off, so; be owed his ,services ''
` ternary, and ;he ought do be kettlect
Ntirdeght back to Washington ander the fah
I see 111 f: That law Is carried' out everPel
to e North, end we expeetitto be carried
to e South. What is sass for goose &I/141U
gen r. If the Routh wants to, keep, the le
inthe 17aion, Axe must give some good al
proof st elle is willing to fulfil and car
the fug! ve slave law. And she could'nt
ady bet than tohetch Mr. Ritchie, ant
Mnihack t Washington, and abet him nt
Union psper Mee, and tie him down in the
forialhostr, ii puts ream of paper before hint
grad Api: ,\ in hand, ind'set him 'to writiur,
aboutth neat Sldenef \ Then the dark fog
that now bangs o er the wile country would
begin to be hlowed way, aid arli es c ould , be
gin to see whsle they, are ',genet And the knots
and the ariarlituf potliic.s woaltrbegin to he an
veiled, so that we could all tell s #ere to"'take
hold and pull wilt' a f thence doing come
good. Then we. Might e d a goo chance to
get a President nest year. But as t gs nen
go the change look eltm enough \ \
Times lint now aathey dto be, \ Moe
hadn't only two parties, and very b could
toll'who he was fightinAgralt Then a• egle •
blast from Major . Ben Batesidl in e old No ton
tie \
,Gratitral would Call entail the F oraliste in, le
tenuity, and make 'ens dew up a a etraig t' , ...
lipe • and then autither bleat from 2 ".
be the Ricbmond Ralluirer would call at all the
t ,,i,b
RoPubliauts intosnother line, and when rse two ‘. •
portieS were tailed out \ there won't nobbly left , ' ' \
but women and children-rand then the trityar- '
dee lutd\ a clear field before 'em, and =railed
op face tie face And' bad a\ fair fight,' and they
always knew who got whipt. \ But things ien'tdo •
'now-e-dly e..\ There's more parties nosrphan yok ,
can shake a s slick at. And, they face in al) \
manner of ways, so that when ion are Bettis for \
.be pally it would puzzle a Philadelpi• - ' -
• tell what parties you are fightra 1
to 11Atho is whipt when the battle',
dida(t know thingsiwae in quite so tint
,4LII got. *One 'totheiday from Califorztj
down . and haci ittatiitiatalk with Uncle
who told Me all about it.Tti.iiis TIM'S
fink, old, Iroche holds hie, age remark;
. thralt full , eqraal to Mr. Ritchie; and
• .. .
re, nvir.•
yen, obial,
‘----r.— for "-- . / rein — sees Ferdtoral'BYruP, \
AZl 2 =ti7. l: :lrtt TALTAr, , 2„. “ , , Tn2iM
' ''' lld ' irooe of the thy. tilit at 4 eieetuirnonedlge'
foedl•eases.of the chest, an aulatousex Aram, aver dle
conref \ It Is • cotabltuti ohaf rara.a4 vegetably rm.,
lion to the loan of • hp sup. tut
&n tirder to k Make It caltak
hie ufel
It has an action eay \ d ut boot toe of the
Conk 11•11clon now in .inn WO 4.1 no , non.U.P... On
bottle. oas produce elektnas of, I h a fault tog,
common it Clough hballolo4, \ \
natted_ L Mandan 01. sea uo ttp
Bna .
„u.r.4....ti...';w4g.,,,,"4 = i t
hognettrac, ant entortany. tov be etthcot ay
The proprietor has bated 0100 ougdleitte 0 .p. - ci te
nni nom and trill: aabootehyisomery. ,
th=troo . u k tio ' 11717:ty * tina ."l l l *Vie7 P . ~:,, , f,
heron tg no:lor of moo
the VIVIIIIIL : I 4 NI t trn, two t '
tat • very abort time.: It le one of tame& ondlehats 1
Lamm- In is put am ih hair Dint I.rt& r* tu •
or 0 tottfea Sta• $2,50.
int gals yholgsalel aid MAIL by . PER k3l •
\ ELL s ItO trocul stroziongsbargh. Pa.....
, ---
Pot Baldness, Blurt Irszutrudoutd the various
g=rikt _lp—ruuTroeuded by rho Pittsburgh Post, Co
Jourash hventoz Ittboula Ctlambershuhr Seri -
04, uut other wares, as the best ankle ttaut kr
above pun:owe, pp well se an elogsztUr perfsnroul p -
tims fberendeling the half fiat and slaw niihnn..o U
Warranted to eon the wont nay of :I\34th Ahtte'to or
a.”, ease, aturkligtfiltaneOuni.'
in Quart and Pint Itotnes. mpirod..bY Langton Bristlier.
• Bola. 218 .04 I= Vow/ themes eiresa• Untnon'
Bo much recoromende4 by phYsntianc of I.h. ilunt AB'
110111 M a relusblii monis. in Consuniptiou, rorola,
. . • . PutitunonteAlheuntaLiths, itleksta:Cssies of the
• • Whits Omaha Delany, do. Col Lives
OW I. highly Neontro.ded by B. B. WILLIAOB.]I. D.
‘Tilkl ., ll/3 MATSON, 51.41.. JOHN IL LISPitiLTY,I4. D..
•P. S. and J. DIVJONOII, M. D., of the Maw,-
This tele of Cad Lien. Chl 'may 0. dopendedVn as pure,
ttll be thetolonly tested in ostler itstutfrTe doubt-,
P6I 1e kr SEYBEit IieDOITELL, ltd R'ortieeL
eimbnro. non,.
\Copley ' s Fire Brick. •
Jdelq , Y ltto.; naliinning;' have
°titan t thousand VIBE BRICK of ilYtillti•t
quaint,' (Ude may be lets math Jonah Copley. at the
Owns Mei, sr enmities may ite seen.
J. C. ••Athicw to mthafacture Pot Cat, for 01. us
manularturerhann, cabers. J. BCJIOCIZad•KIiItt CO.;
tyrood t
stniet, oraainneirents for thin last nacos; artiota.
• noen \
Eitchange Livary Stable,
,and Furnishing
\ '5,, \ See, \ ..- .
\ hArib Pawn st.e(ct,krtr the St. glai- - ..`etti. '
.0..ei.N... 6 The subner r, thank-... T
r.---, NI to the putt* the liberal . , . .
ottart,of t tom In hie llonh etolloe_, vonid Worm them
that her hatootontenced the UticTlSlSti 'Ottalteoo , tn.
=tn. Uen. int-0 Ili* uriatX 4 .....: end .fuus , ..i to
r A.o. ri'a. t... \ `' n ' Tgit ' vd t v. 4:14:,111 Ta r ir . P r
nue a 4 1 ;4. opera upon %Mar t•ttetneee being stlon4
. \
no I
, i 74 . in \ tte boot al. *lt tr . sn4r i , ,a, . .
. . Ht
, . .
eBA.L sot kret e 0 tee \
I. IC -11°F.I \ Plit,
Letter Co Illig Pr
lON'S , Dotage ever Letter I . pling
fr.... and )1..3j pen.; • tam \ 4 lay, I,
satiqc end mon.r bath) Ve \
his pm, Gaut dempetijog bet Ir . jtta -• • al-
Vhrirteed l oTnot t itont arn Iseteoltht d ' oet A ß. , o \
Through the tomytthAreothtnoltihtl thrkW.M.
~.r.....""'A \AA'VgAda"th#l
• t r. ti , .re 4s wilt !mut that tbe. Dm!
=gae sena Ftte for_
‘ _.thetn% 4; \
s. lot
•cticm, ittitlVlVlt .n... , Lut s i c
t • , :Li.. l 0 46 , 444 .lk•Vnel
X .Oa wrpos at i , v,1p.0
tw. ott we/mann beek.s...r —at.
. Eitartithlexorlog 14.
‘ A A"
rot bd Statioaerr WaseKvee,
• '.9ol.Ntre„pitrie D ,3 %
L OtAAys: a l;. N ll i .234ll 6,: fr
"Ca Itln• . • IirrATES.-14.iiilk,
jer "14
APia + l 3 vet
der, Rd. by' • •
c 'ir° li n 4 . -1 1 1 c E .1!0'1°.
a ODA--15 iams!o,s;: , C V for saWb:y.,
•• .30 \ crica icANniarsa:
t.Tit*—)4.l a fog ,, 04y
CA , RE ',300 V*. for 41) 1 11
b r N . ; 4,00,4 X.
f134:1I AITS---1 1 / b b for fokkify
Gam: - 4:11.101 °Cr. 1.
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rho .
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