~i 1 4.TABLISHEI,I IN 1786. PITTSBURGH GAZE'IIsE "VDUS= DAILY AND WHENLI'DY . WHITE 'dk CO. ' • 01T.1310S Tantli VTlLeti, • PM • TO' raz • TITT o mn ils niarinsinlabie half r.in•if Litrnund. irk dipaura in . rivniiinn arra fullowing cOraatioo.- 11 1 % 00 1400 • - 0 00 ao 13 00 , bankst r runti Club bit add:aged nu one pnroon, bajp_si: kthrartaay ad 0.... illoCinb Papas HU b• jinn nnuir may,. vspirni. unbar the money la nenl for • - ---- ---- , &LIM OP ADVEFITIAEIVI. AI ' osaritloiinotorlforlim.il or in tb o oo oertbMttnl lombo, tb ' bot molt. mouths J . lMllidiniebards. (9 h *or leo% 9CrloWiTtac—ft Co Oik• Maw breach ad ' 4onot Itoo 01141 S./[44.4 as33eabe at pleasure (por /L. .... * , ,b1311a) • molosto oral. b00rr...i........,..t (13__ , - oilltimal alnsre, nlerl.rer one month, load' biiiiiNribtional Promo inmorted mobc the. Teary ratc% bait ohm. Adymig.3,,ta araeling . a a=non, mad not over llftedi his, to e ta a* aromas and a half. . i ''' b t h a=egolro l l b er g r 'll o rl r ilt I trtroll '"'"'U_ _ b*- "' A fontaile,, candlibom for Otto% to o•ottargot tin mono mleartilommts root roarlril od the eopitd 0 rtecilled • mumble of imortiormsll.l nosier[not balroliblotral or ltaa go/Urge of mom adorbeere is Adair .14(altarto Mob Own litoonsUate Inians: and all adrertleemente for thr boob:Mot atm prrsonsoutWolloa alladeerdsomonta mot ; .. mmomomoc cormedad withibde can , budomia, ant Jail I &moat .00ortbemerita, hobnob or nthaier barbel j swill:. 4 enzairaonll bo darted at the voima&m. for • all - tramitoodylverboing, nu will 'bo oeparotelr i andereolibod briattpeorancom is dogma. • i • AU admorthoomonte tor charitable itatioitlinn% trio com • • oft" ..Rd, t.ro.ba, and. cotter public. mooting% and : . met UR% tko j be chug half price, bifablo ablette 113 ild• , . Death untieee hunted without chug.. unto. liconsipa. ttied br rntiteril tnrittunas or obinurr ONce., 0 .41 whet , advertm and wil others ;leridnag nr ntring notices desintml ate:a:lnn to Palm ltot , ves, tionaerts, or /my publld thtertaltnin=l4 thr liamittanne—eal I:m6sm-of prir tat ry soden do:l=M to call attention to prirtesaAntertprises,ealculatel or lutro.lol to, pritrnote !nil tan enly inaerh.ti with the !mit rstturl. AIL the Man it to by mid tnteodent bee it , falt .the kcal column. t aper m° torl.ll tohthartrod th, WU Of -na thinn of Water, of •Ssi - Notice. ha rdph , prk. •c. _Ttrrern Limos Petitirnts ruts. ' • Haat Estate Agent.' and Anetiotwere ad, 0110 not / lOW elyeed. =ler 7ntrlT mt., bat to be allowed di, Mtn: of ale/ three and one third per amt. (iv . . the • amount of WU, 0011,0 % .,,, Inixictir-o, btu, 1,1 . 1[1119.• Do:: aaesutlttimal a1>=116151:1217f 112=1.7 Pyl9. Gni ems writ. lith. each ithiltions.l instactinn..-7.5 cents. All tnitagglitt Sayertleanteritt to be mkt adran,x. BUSINESS CARDS A'I'TORNEYS • w. BUTER, , Attorney at Litw.-,Collee sral Convoyanclu carefully attended to. 1:11. Uskofell'o Unto' !street. my thoCou.n JAMES F. KERR, Attorney nt Law—Office !I/ as Palm% betnemt Smithfield and Grant, Pitt. hargh. OS. ITEAffit,,Attorneya t ,e3.= vonnal near Um Mar.'s 0121 ea, ritt.6 rth 1". Fouy. blkg • !INMAN 011711.4. I . TATSOL (Wear Urdemttnam. ral. I (lege of Ludlum. Pad TA.).1,0R, Attorneys at . kir La:r-026re on i'onrilt etreet.No.B r.B. 2Y., between Wood odd grolthfield.strestsz Pittobendh.4.... • . Si. Yo Clipbant is Commissioner, tor Co. Stara of eor rk. • - QIIINN' &..COLLIER; Attorneys at La =OlLc. eza Fourth atm; alaTe . a IV. F. Attornoy 'at Law—OP hurAttie N t eß &,Q. L. FETTERALIN, :Atter -1141, Watt Agents,' n0.107.4th CUES J.- KUHN; Attorney it Law office, ; ce, 711 ,, tan ttall; Ammer orGlrant great and Dimond , RANCIS O.r.LANEGIN; Attirtneynt Law, TOtiPE A 4 AL.SZII4;- AitorneYa at Law, Na no 10nrth street. Afttetwah.t • ' - • Lett—Alnandes t Dv; Juba /httil gottiMartiogoo Do: Wk. mer,.John.llemf .ar Mt , ,colaged. W,./sebos4Pittsbari.3l. pranARD , P... JONES,. Attorney 41; Lin 't - 011.71Mith Irtrteßl t4hrefti.Tranilad : o ly. tiEW,ELpaataracln Law, ror • rg tto;:tict gawialetatatto ff-Dreds.'n, otsving.T.tov, BANURS CIEORGE'R. ARNOLD et CO:, t Bankers: lUI poker in Kraut., ; Burk N. Poodle stmt. start door to wßoat of Pittotdirsh... , WILLI.M.- a I: Kortr. vtrAY.: WILLIAMS & . CO., Bankers i: 1 434 Xr.chwir m ltroker b s .. . North rapt comer. of 5.1 KlNG;BankerdExchange Broker., •Fourth street, iul Dee to Dank Noue.. hills Es, .G*l sod Ebel, & m. oche braght And *Ad.. • Thetaiteet... saarketprioesedil Tr, :premium for .4.1.19nin4 Ils/f Doors. htscries;o 'EleoUth Dopers.. ht ...4. LABIMER, JR., Banker and Broker, • ilth moot, No. ea, anaiahafthe Mak of ',RUN:fret. SYILBINB &. CO; Bxehange -Brokers, aeticn Sttith ne t? al Consa. ol Third ig.lll.&etiptreets. All aiber ate. HOLMES a - SON, Dealers in Foreign and DatneiNo AIM or Intelcanne. Certificates of In- Beak Notes and epecie. No. GI Market greet. Pitt. •: nnele 00. U, the principal cities irmsiEß. & .. Brinters and Ex ce,:=Brokne":"D•ster• Iti m Parelgte 1.1159 . mett0 go, Gertilestos Ogiworner of ThiAl and Wcod ATAtaeoellr' =ire mt. .tt . It I`, ommiestan i ore. ants I w4lllllllro N0.1141145.33.thret. Peramsl•. Wain." L. war. -HA Lunt, HANNA a: 00.,- Successors to • so t, ri .. trati . ea lght CheekaX t temaret t r made.,.”.r. hl4/'6 ;." I .'F.2 , llP..rjad„Atunic,a Advanesmurls on eca,alallittrafProducoobliwa 144 Cpauctiliginer, arid Bill Moker,ll4 &cored rtreot.. , Errkt LIZA.len la t• • iiritost , 153 , 01. bodsr.n eiltrnstod to tds rare, Plrtabqrxti ourrofoctored ankle. thrall on baud or metered at mort. ="eciOMLnki"ors :9161:,:0)13:1,116: 12:/j.tv(0•F:41:, Ir, 0, I &TON, lat* Johnston & Stock- - Bookseller. Staloff= Prtraar.ad lillaSer. on :41.A5. , 13. HOLMES! Cheep Literary Depot; Shlnt itreen. matte the PeetOtem. New Doers re. tbe'r4=Tarr"' 'L. READ; Dcriksoller:ard • Etati*trr, *E. no witthia. " • 14.11:49citaLl*Dlij :. ..... • . 4 „ . 7 . 1611 ILINTOCK;-Mtinufiii3taierandlm. , V=of Carrots, INLINotbs, ate= Bost Tam 11badoe.Ao. . 3 9 ..141.b0r1A:N.f 4 .F.'' ,,, , , ... rof.7',M7rWfr4Allt:L.ll:4l,l; (ol W. POINDEXTIER, cornerof Waterend' , "1-4ar 4 s.tir s tgl 4 7:ll#.:, f . i=lw axis Foa- Flwr -*4=l MEM 4=2:t5 . ' c==. ! - DRUCHI - ISTS - - L ti A. , FAUNESTOCK i.- COI , Wholeaale . th..cols.; sad onsatifoactrars of White 1..1 , Rod lob e ookk.lll,me tomer Wood and lotOoL Weebs. Mb. • Gal. G. U. LZTIVIG r11111101r13.1.. KEYSER 11-:3IcDOWELL., uccessorn to to gen - kiyact.)"ol34l.vits ritetail.l.trisg I rescriptiptiSton t eurswr of Wi..o.t strAet en,! NtoOrt Liirrseription,canfall eocu ,- .• . 1.01 al,ght Aar. J. •Jou,.. ...... . . ... . • tilli!bp& De.ll - D Stuff, • ti . a . ce ) lettr.l .. l. n o ' r r ts 6 e l peel em' A eu t 'i'OoatL areela, Pittl P jur r ,sl. 9. grotts'iiir 'c be ca..llllr fanwded with cliApate.h. • , . r. SFL.l.ntS . , n y r i t i ., ligl i e . le D h :a . 4 . 1 ISoc.l Rrtvt • • , Pittsburgh. Pi. Goals wernuani. Iv.W Wholesale Dry • AaraRAUN'& REITER, qtacsale and Retail Drutaalsta. aarart, at Ltetrti and Pt tnalz sta. Pair b. Pa Seitoo..ii7liitE.Rkdo., WholoBB4D.rur ir,sta,Ao. 24 Wad Plttmburgh. - GROCERS 'ouvra a JONI. - BLACKItURN — Ved, Whdesele Gra' eaci,'Dost tandsbnra, end &aim in Pudne• and Divabaugh llanotactneen 01la Lltth aegi.ttatnnt alwala on hand at male Waration...l4l.l4-aur,DUUnavan natd:Da _ Vrocers anti Comminsibn Hezebanta, Axents La gala of DO Pont'SDosdk.r.lin:llB Docond.andl47 Ytoutnta. . L. SUPS; Wholes . ale GroVvi, Ciimmission slerclanut, afid dealer iiessir tiglitialt, coma. . and Irwin ntroatm:Ylttabalr.ll. - 41211 E - 19.1olesale Oro- Rtni=re:=Vei m urzt%lf` l etre.. between Wood wad nntitntiekt. littebtootb. Imo o aztotartio„..' - ,--•,.-403/.IIIISII.IiOCTEI. 1 ,0 ELN B. DILIVOiiTIi ;Wholesale I orca.ton,l TN:doOo a Cosoatmeion Mettbants, and -etas for liosard Powder Co., of Ilamardrill, Coon. No. J. V. IMILISMOC.I t.) URBRIDGE INGRAILI4, Wholesale Voiamiooka Martimai. No. 116 Wm 4 ueet. and 160 Fint straet. kitteturgh.. ItHEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Wholesale mem .; Comndaslca aa4 larerardlax Merelants, wad far 1 nienton Cott= Yarns, fa Wales at, Flastrarah. fowl W.I . • MIX/. OHIWATT is CO., Wholesale Grocers, Ouctitassfou Marallanta. and bealeno la I.'etalttal and Ugandan Manufactures. Nu. 266 Llbertr 'tract. Pitt,. aticaa. Ya. 4 B. CANFIELD,. late ,of Warren; Ohio, Cernegetr and For”rdlar tb 3lerehirt i, and E. W t hele i Paoli a r azel We= =me geneielly. ° W r iter o etr:e ' t, bietweee dmlthfleld and Wool, Plttebure.h. (.1 F. VON BONNUORST 4§. CO., Whol r.7. .a...Orooess. Pori:ranting .nit Commbaset_Meret Nt rofiL " ltrea f itL " Chancer U =Mr . 34' .• LIT DICM. 012 :: .1 ~: 11 .... , I. ,‘.. ..0 ..• al . e 11m,, f &NOLISH • &: — iriiETT, late English, G4llakher k attest. tireenta,Ooartaiastak .ad Ink klertiltnts,kad DPII.II la Produce sod PIC. harsh Hat tifettums, No- 122 &egad at. tad 121 ring at, Untreen Wood al4 thaltbtlel4. I Qt WO.— XV= IMMO. C. MI. GILLS 10E; O exeplpta. Na 37 u rpce , t re n antl Vraugh. ROBERT MOORE, Wholosalo Groeer, Itectifying Distiller, 'dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Ana...tures. sad _all kinds of, Foreign and Diroostic it dies and Liquors, 31b Liberty meet. On hand • tlP°' °'.""a``',"'""' LLOBERT DALZELL . & CO., Wholesale Orooent, Oommlßalan kJ eirchuits, dealers In haluce pelsa Pntamrgh ALPUbwrot.E. Ulna, su-ssr, arsa. ... . . . °BEET A. 'CUNNINGHAM; Wholesale Kt. Groocr. P,ot Forwarding. and Conondadon Nat moat. and Dealerues, In Filttabnegb Ilaannietniea. Na. Stsl Liberty street, Entabitigb. " • ' biLlAtti... WM; BACIALEY: &: CO., :Wholesale Oio 7 errs, Nes.ltlart • Woodlturet, ?Main:ugh. •• • JOHN tent...an tricK IGCANDIESS, •ueOegaore to er. J. D. Wick. 'Wholesale thociav-l'or...titm ear (Muesefecu nterutunto, eaUers in Iron, Nails, taus, :Curti= I nos, aul Mintsturgh Manufactures fuuserallr, of Wood and Mat. struts; PM/4mila.. ,f , - p,Lß . Errstifi tura~prrylbmmWfon 11.reblub, Calera 10 Pro. ~ r ra.4 PLau.b. . 4 ! lia". "b"'T &ay ILT TA MR & CO., Wholesale and • RelsilFacal 6 Formsz6ll and Commileoxi •• gorpor. MIZE. . 1101.1031. pLOBIwas NSON, LITTLE CO, No. 255 Liberty atreee;Plttebargh. Wbobraa Grown, /PI, and Goaucasirlos Merchatqa, aaddeiled in Pittabarah Slanuircturen Jana. . . ... non. R. FLOES, Wholeash Grocers, Uom - - • Mtuice3.lerrimats, andlivalen ha ProUm—Bound.' ittreetv,"Pituburgb: "b rmuttaYod Labany, Wand. and Ninth !MIN euxu.. 401INTAKIfitt Ecio.,WhoresaleGroceis: aqa l, Dbalm In Praluce. Varelert Wham flours, Old Moc. andii .h. btoker—No. b. Warribecial Sow. Pitbara . •• ' pIAS. DA I %RIX Wholesale Grocer, amp . mlsaian Domardlias nirettald. sad dealer Inmy IL,6lasa, anon Tirim and Pittsburgh blanolaacte. grueretr-,No- e 8 Rol.: ft. and.lB Mrs; IMCAL mmunnzwrs TORN IL MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, Mule. cod Maxima r,. lotrmeoto. S t ool Book. tad _ae P &Vona 7 gil=. Mom Port*. ror HENRY KLEBEit, Deal& in Music, Mu ' anal Inatrantenta antltonorter or Italian suin@• tr I UTZ Nan. IffANDFiCtEGUW3. . lIULINGS, WILSON. JE 60., 1114;tufac ttrmrs a in Arne tacks. h. and anon lanta. chair: and rudla; 11nlabirlin wont bun_ and boa rang dons barrel and /atblas alto dna ad and 2.1 blued nail. . .odlapal upp,m4carrCO.co No. ns, Rater et , Pim* :burgh. • . !TBCI d. aussacts.---...nuto TRON -CITY TACK FACTORY.—The enb r IL scribers tasuuiseturs gra Beep =stuy on bud Pxl.rturrrgrtfot - PrArattgrflr4 thlpper bails Cud 'Bugg Buts] Noah; Copper sud Use Stun Puts= Marrs' Pants; Rivets smiled free. • CIIVRti a Cia.. •• • stag:). Wushouss. L 9 IVivor oh. Pittsburgh. 1 y ~- i - , - 1 s tilt ' . $, anu nett:F -.1 ~.... of I en' : kapetiar 1.-{ !hes in : Catrt Chain, lIITTSBWIGH: ALK ALI WORKFL—Beir NZ' r egiVutat LT= of ing= IN. GI %Cato. Ft, bol. /ear. • . _ • PAPER RthGINGS IXTALTER.P. MARSILALL, Successor to Psanal•C. Ellll—lmporter .and Dealer ha French ans Almalean - .Paper - Damen and Borders, • Window Shad.; Firs Boned Prima, Fe. , Also—Wrlting. Painthar, 'and. WraDDIU Paperitha. 85 Word Street. between Pour and Dlsmannd alley. Pattsburgh.Pa. . Y:: ~ :}• ~ : y ~ ; : r a: p : TORN. A. CALM:REY: Agent forth° Lake Mt - I.'7.nd 31 • Lim. to ter and the '=`-- 'D...112,011 tc 'CO. Tranap'ortera by Canal trul lionearding idelebants. comer othna street VENITI =us A.BROWN woOldinitresporofollyiittorm. AU the PublicChM be keepiouhead Matetonthe west 'effect the htmeoad, Mleghttly city. • complete amertment of Veda= Uncle; Wm Vehltlan flhutterman =dab otter la the feed. Vele. temente& tow os ow to Um Melted 'States. UM:Rhode mu be remmot Mtlamt &LI Of • sett, &tem muctmeed the itoce,.toole, hoed of the esthete estatehrihmatt of.Hamear hicaeheme,l vat preperml let furnish their old muleteers, as well mfbiteente 4c at hen% erith tem . 1011, la Melt then • Avner gem; httebumgli. ' iMgl l o.r:i ittior4TlA Ifemara •,., ' , lrd rtreetuadEast PHYSICIANS Doctor O. Iteichhelai , ■ NFORMS his friends and the public in Ken era]: that be him reward 614 oltinlto Pea, atrret. No next CL Clair Bart. P. 13.-4...rwita iirletrt...l to toot tot a kinith of Liar, riiniaitirl to sale that a.trattao. Jrltita T. R. Noore,:lll.D., ILIOYHEOPATHIC . PHYSICIAN, devotes aperial attantant atto tnnatatent or dn.. , of wo man anal attain, an 4 ann. dbratas genauallr." " tbrunta and aurniral dia.... inane un Andenon straut, an. lant flood titftut Drid4a and or door . WU. allnatbuna City. Oak. ho nu urs tram T toe A. D.. (rum Ito 3, and num 7tn P. y. tur24 Aa 1 5 ) -----;7 " 7- .J:MYERS-- ---- Surgeon and Physici3nPhysician. lirtke and daelllnd. corner of Darlinatuna roar, Nta =+h. Third re. one door above Smithfield at.. • Dr. 'dam lass permanently Ineaaal to Dittaburqb. and 4111 attetal In the dutics of hi. Drutetniun. Do will gate Itanlicols attanUnn to Stnatcas ease. and go di earn. et rmane and el:diktat.. • apltatlin ,7115CELLIMOUS - CAWS, Wm, M. McKnight OWILL give special attention to the Calico- Mit of claims for blerchonto anti othirr, to West. gice. incirghtt=t4Vilto New COurt liourt4; Pittsburgh. Pa. Bolerrnerit—.Jobo Floors:In; lb N. Mot, Moses Woo. sod VOL Pro... 1 44. CA. JONAS -4.ONES QUIGO, Manufaunarers of Spring bad Blistrt Meal. , Plorgb Bloc), steal:Plough 'Firm. NZ.Pibi Opting.. Pomo:wird, /roo ..Lobeg stbi &Wets MoMeoblo Clotting; Fare Pogiuti fampe, " Ooach Tritoothigs thittallF. corner of KOat god Front nu. Pittsburgh. Pa. . , • . ISAIMIDIC.KEY &'OO., Agouti for Me duade. Ima Works. Soon consul:My on head and r male .t eery low price. and of impostor duality. B. and dhaltlnan,no. eplke.,:lie. I. • • H. Mile. N0.6e5 Minty set of Attune {411 , 440Mb. Niortififri — S '' ViVirii4, acr:r. Draughtsman. and Freon...el • Mtnlon Anent. Alaktsi ranghts of Slottels for the Patent Odle, dank= I/f 'forte nery for Mines, Water Work:, Polling kinky Or.. Ilaystre bond betwixt 10 A. M. and a P. rd.. at his renderer, No-21 : dlarbury stroet. Pittsburgh. tard.kdlF. 'l ' 3 °/ 11) & Who/Wed:Up aild 'town "Ty Ylusulacturtere. and Dealors le Hate Coy. and Pura corner of Wra2 and Fifth etreeta Plenburnh. When:Aker odor • fall and euutplute stock of flats. Cara, Furs, le. of every .4nallty sod style, by Wholesale slid-Retail, g en e, rito the attention of their customers end porehasers all. noosing them th.t they erdl sell ott th e most else, tenet., terms. 3 .t . si G ,l l its I, l lt er st e m h ' go °Tim, " Z a sfy e re. tIONEGGER & CO., Importers of Winch, Liquor, and Saris. Chaer, 181 dmithaeld atm% ha. Pen SUM and daventbr ---- -- D A. MADEIRA, AgNme for Delaware Mu. tidd Safetd Isantutanlkrtpany, 42 ;Tatar meat OARDINER COFFIN, Agent fur Franklin Fin Insurinee Company. welt Gut arnt.ra Wool .d Third street.. %%TM. GLENN, Booc BINDLIt, Wood otroot, brood door from the corner of mini where he Er brewed Co do e'er, drectiption of Binding with natal:war and durabilitT. blabh Boob ruled toaar nutlet, en anound ruhrlautially. hooka to numb+,mint borhr re bound evefnUr, or palrrd. Nature put on ha tenors. TbOro 'who hare binditur are United to call. Pr s lon J.drdiy Steamboat Agency, and General Commis ; elan, 33,eneiving and Forwarding. DALDIVIN, PLUMER hove this ..,.o.decoVith the 4r. /oho Lorton, anti oiler townies.. to the puttlis am - Bleamtiosi Moons, tirwral tionimalootoci. and Yonosnitillkflaws. of Locum", April 15. lbot 142 Mixon' Hos spoil=llO DOLTNTY LANDS—Ceti. Cling. NAYLOR, T A at Law. No. Ib3 Thin d sr, roper of Cliorry er, haring made arningemeuts for the puma, will pooenre liountr /amid, fur irtlimrs toodwithe their Widows and children, and will attendan other' hued nem. ocummted with the government or any lit. Depart. Men.. the . Permion Oh, or the Om.to it the ftitr of I Washing.. salirisltr Praying, Perivactive,. and Painting in OiL )(1 .. R. D. R. SMITH is now prepOred to give instruction to • f pup mums, h• &Mown t brauebes p I delightful art. or his In &Teem. *We & Atkinson's new building. Firststreet, botween Wool and Market stmets. flours of Inttraclion. from dt• to yfr, and (tam nit;oas is . thezrtiinsiors Mt. /TVA.. Dr. earn. or Dr. AMT.: - WALL PAPER Fresh itiniorfanent of Spring Goods.; TIIO3IAS PALMER is. daily reeciving from th e _ Easton, at the ulil Ormht. N O. 55' riLiFIXICT 'STREET,. Brier= Third and Fourth. start*, ,Llttsburgli, 1AY,V1771114M414 Plargrakpl=l[Fikr:ll.l. .s t' brig period. Tb, 111;7714 are I ,utiq usw, the styles peculiarly ..In, suit MI wk.. au pen. f,lnus iblilly, unsurpassed. Front 10 mut@ upward,. the pit., Ong. • -To this attrattivelOt of goals, or simli 11 more as. icurate judgment can be formed' by Mph:. than J escrisinom she samara ., of merchants awl hour. keepers Is mop,: fully Write'. • RUSSEY . siarcunt. • • StOrAge,Sbipping.l.CommiAgimateial ggi t A , 12WILOLES.AIE dealers in : groceries, (pals I. .ha 13 y +l.lt, Koster, ry, er Doek. oni ' earest, elerclaal, Ohio. lakit , On canatzs menu. - !e.46,.."'b.a U lur P.m:mho:as . ..1 l'rr..pellenifirt pot I.st, \,- '`',,-.. - 3.‘" \and she ciVr , itself. coutetutiog, a permanent - -•.;' ".\': Igcak to the gin& of ionneetion with \the west I'. - '., , we find the distance by tha,taneinille Tautens \ 1 '.‘,..; ',,': rittshtirg aN. Comerst won to Zuiesville .143 m: \ I \.. ' Zsneiville te\Cincinnat -.-, \- , -160 .... \ I - n." \ ~.., \,\ , ', ',\ :\ ', 31.3.3', .\ - \ The ahortest line a roud that can nefbe mach:. \ . \ d.„„ in Connecting, with the i Central Ohio at:, \ _- \ • li'e,iiirk, gnu are tritintery`to that road shine; \\ . -,. but EtP, comthg to- Zatiesville,,yon save b Mica - *N.\ diets:lle and have the' choica'nf the two roads ferlonf , weeteln cone dons.' \ \ - . \.. Now Criersto`wn, in G thoetori \cattily, isi are' ‘', told, a peat en the Ste benville road; thence 14 \ the line °Cale county i but 0 orl . D miles , - and ' - . a brine/I'4'4M: thstfAro ~ meeting itt the Imo, - \ , *other, front - the. IPS - ngton road \ each cont.. ---- \ piny postresabig, alreakv the.. tegal Mitgority4 for , \ it; seems tome one oft mostipractitablie things )e . ...\ f , the au - .: .. 5, 6 ,‘ .• ~ 1 . :. _ 3 ; "' - \ . 3.!, • . 'S ‘ 3, The Wilmingto4road 'ip: itl - aap e at a ,rand- inten4d, be run titer _ bygulareipreas„traine , in Sbou,re-- alowjnOho reanorehencetu,Pitti:. `burgh .'4, Cinekutati , ipas enger - -cii\rescythe `• . ,1 Iron CitY4n 10, beers "* , 2 oThe2 roadandoi'' . i - '• email \ lnetaveniettee, .01 a tEsl!itaratir end • . .... \ 9olembes hints, conSisten . 4 readiand , , ,,winilli :' • ',' require illsoiaS "or 4,hoare\ Ore; iilth the aerie- , .- sPeiding fi4onieniencevcd. ' fir - -- " • -'," 1 • 'alit I ani . triepueing 4 ler nPnirrntir aPaaa '- ' eld:ruirer'close‘ The - deed" intireetav rairFiy., '?Pick' Tibia il'eVirmoir r e_' 4)04 moat be teA -',.- 40e4, , ,,41404tr, , Rey 1411ity Vo entr - 4' year \.. • ' ' eturing , communltyand the energetic inalkagere • " , ottle, Stenbenvillkroad, id : a" connection vi, i re b willrOiii.Maltts. ,, _ i ns an e t t io rvont ,, ,,th , ,, \ , . dace ,ri rk- , , - --- - : - .4..t- `,_ - _ \ - N ' , . 'N t. .); \„. \ t i/P 5 --,",. . - f. - ..7 . .. , ,, \ 9,1E1 balardiTZ : \ ered• le are athat - • Stale.,,_ Ire briittly . , rofe 1. ol thee-est ~. of the the 1914 Au:interim/1., •n 4 dmprovet tr. 503 :_0 1 10 - 1.. • kn.': bee l eictutelek•t-A, din road an, road et'' \,, froio . l4 , ..ttivi, 4515D000-)a,- - v, s te,tha'reltway pro,lac tad Ilea) \NS 41/Ile \‘‘• t, Cotirkbirr. Head vises eta( den and A ttu , ~,, ', Genefida be elect:ooi 'the ih • pre, 3, , Tic c i itt o 0 . _ , \ \ Pranev? , ,are.l l 9- a T i rsri 6 4, 9 'a dl jt.?; ,b,iit, \• S P T PJF I ‘ i4 thh Tru ") , '" -,,." '", \ s', ~,,, V llteart us Conneaut . „Aboatft,o, the Raltoyefilatelying tut .. ..tor.Qmni street\ was alfasovered oaf -r ' tit .... ,„....„, ‘. 'the Bullets, islOi aeon cc.... eaTr.t c d . A ... , ; .. =ore. 1 109a5,, \,,, : . •\. - :• 3 6.rebve;rred spretrt toarde , .e ‘ stero....l etWxi ispsP.Ri: & ,BURC,iIf It i l4l are '9'"Tr ,Sefferti-ofithe.firemei,.the . . o.oiere. ee e ge ig" tle l " In TsTre l eli Z111111%,', `confined lkch 'sites wheeli • eiteas.;`eti etch Prinowene"Letwiineggl3Perel e a alettlk3ee. e'i'..' aoci gt , of the whitt4ene. thae,` '4 flit . ..lua,,stris3r\r9Sav g n ” o4o °,9' 4 o""d ‘ ..',',' ~. ~ ', 4 ." 1.4 k little tartheilorwarthantica Abe flits ta - iittr e4•taata wineltuit•i'mNiri,u+ 4, 1, kl breirdc oat in sereial Vika. -.i, I 41.101MM' 111 µAI. , 5 ..1 • '• • ' '''' Th's,loWer athin, backed thew ee 14 , 0FF.E.E--ni huge PriraeAß n i o o %...arri,,,,,aix,, and amag - ed, 'and thwhold,iiiyicinit orthe l'a ma a a ll ! l: tail l 'i -, _...._14 , .. , !--LE- - '---- ---',. aiwi bail, nearly hirnwl , Ont.-. e uptie II EmrEtt,—.l.oo the . primella,itt , Facii4 was out little in byltie fire but cc I? rarvels bs\j \',•,- " - .... 4 _ ° _, t 4l. -. ."t.,4!"'....`,ii, able'hy ,w*terand inroad; Aron tr witt\ 14 . 01A55E,4 1 -2.0 , ,bb1e; S. \ LC\ trop; for ,She &pia \have left lee Cralq a a In an / , • 4aiolombr \ , i' , 4 \ ~`., •, .L C L II NFA`i I ±-'-'9'.4,..:.; s itut tooth. _discovary Or the fir A.R, the LACKs siLK - I,A. ORS-11: 4 Aillesolsid:. ts,ge eared, andcoaeldereve pert: of the Cr O. Wirk.P.6 06 4,1t ft r i° `"'", 0 ‘ .4 .i .h kue., Frlttnetancit, dartuigedsi. ‘ .\„ et all et! , d , W. 3 '''','s.\ , V ~_ ,• .3 Ap h r, e k .I . olo ,ma tb it el, It .1:1:144:::::: :11 --- N7D10:1-...33, ceeoollls beqt‘y 4 .F3 l *ld,• 3 ;!'f, . 4. ;3. to 3r2AQOO,_ ettie 01 ',ceverld ,y i4tctrah JI. di - T. 16 4. 14 hr', 'ee- 4 . - '`'' -'' '''' A 141 ' .. g'' Otis dl,: 1 / 4 63 - 're the - &beide it hit:X=4o thwriesti.Catilitts BieeirnT,talli, Wide "lip as 'it !erg i tiohlo - No It ink 6 i h .ii i„ , . t,, = ~.'.\ \\ -- -44 5 (4 1 " \ • Rood'. VP/ the exettientee 11iT.."-PateNn. w ardakbYthe . Atlantia\ ismarat Art." _. .1. atun.. stt , to...with MA, .Plt -•-• wll 4 i ri a t 1.4 h e '' : b , Wed. Mostly ait. in other nag ge. w It val. on amonv• M. 1.1 a an openhuortjeb *ld. 'r a ....Bea aet.l ------- 7 p, 1-410) 'COO COLS; 1 , !, C /y eta., me t e eig Cough. mum . lunn tlimmilem 0 go taltnar, '4lVits \3, mid ee \ Medlin,. oi . .p Imonai'yffor"adt• r l n 0... It in a,. ra mu vegetal\ gr alu _he tom of a, _ . :111 nr r • th m. 't tr;.' li.. It, 'ha.. actloMeAntliSly.sll init. Mut laiWt e I ConarlJedielnen now . los \as std ' llo [ ,lllll, lIPObI, t ell., perionalner M.o n of the num.. g Malt, t common. vougb Medicine,. '. \ v., \ 1 tTictl:4lll=lYeealti.4l4i Lttr d i a ll . er ti reg . tl tiffettleoli . td , l , t; nntUltur lett an ~/o Plg'ttotn&nt\ Z.•l7.p..vin,:iltt 4,::l4nYeiller toreq *vcoeau a a _ lea \ oti ne.... t‘bf:s=rer=lll...l7AmallZlNlr ttrv'nerg IS \ut I n ,_ al = l :lPtt a rtuTtigetX; P Al L lia b.i lee li' . ll . ' itnate. tbanotlen °lv. yeeptvetne , gpd het, b:4' 0 r ed ),L.abtrurirge,t,th'in' It '.ll:infi , g gtii ,b ...7 ' t iQ4f d t; j h, I El Z l4l V 4 = l e , S i ttrbVo . ll a . T Pa. . "a a 'l'W \ ... EFASERt• HA FM \ PLUI Bald S.. bower, Deer .10 the w ~a r and( ' prloprs, pmlP l -vseemiviended by the Ilttebtirgh, Poe Com mercial Jour.", Erotiar Trlbun. ,o, Cbambersbnetulentl .l. and other 001.1Itirt , no tbCbtit /4, 4< ,• *.t1/br th• abort p.m.. Is well aa en ',rattly Merino.' man .tion Rs rendering the bale roll end ales..thon selling ' lb. ekthee With.... \ \ \ - 1 . s , AN INFALLIBLE TOOTH ACHE REMERy, wanted to core the w.it eaaes e,f' Totl4e. lb'. err case, and 11 . 1 ablasmotiall",', \ ' \ „ A —', . 2., CASES PURE COD LIVEIs; OIL \ In QUari and , Plut Bottles, pret.l.o by LalllM4o Britten Ito t.,,Part• 2,6 sod -no uow'rht.m. street, Inmd.: . much Pa Zanj,rsal e ,l i t ,d llrattias or the hl I=l . a i m . 1 Ph=s s iv ' n a um ala. /Le novatiain 1 1 /TOM P , E ilftl. o f ' gri:' bight "' jl4`pm"..p.itrriT o , l li 4 ..Wil•flia, lo e " . r iN l j T/111MA1.T.50... ' 5i- De `JOB -`: It. BENMErr. M. is, 1'11'.4-tle:re •ric!d'iitEr.oil..l;Tl;ldD.i4gat.ul.gai-i. 1 end will le ehemlcally taotpi to ogler ...tory tbt deubk ._ kor ekby fIOIbER t 3l.00:0I,L, Itli.Weeel .twit, PM...l ' '. I ' 7 ------Th„ Copteri,Fii .. e Brick: '`, J , copLtt . , t'eto.'sneiiiNKittarkilin g : Live . band g r., thiJ.4.4 nag PRICE or ...,Jeu.iu alttr orders may bo - 1•11 with Voel. Oltila . ..CIO el ' telle . olllce, where eampl..May bars- \ 7. '. ' . J. C. a CO. eating. to na.utimtunr Pot 01., for Olus Nmanufaettigira and' , Stlvere,, . J. 'SCLIOGNILLI( KZ t CU, "Wood •tnet....lo4Ue.ls tot t. , . 4 5t:7.....4 easel.. •,, noble , .: a Livery Stable, ,and Furnishing ." : 4 \ \wo. \ \l7B Pram ftreet,';iear 14 Si Mu r ifort. The subscriber thank- .112.,,,,,.. Ail to the piet . l . ie b f . eritir liberal i ,0.,:: = :. ffirtit= the V " ; l7 ETt ' in w ilVo l. butichtea to amain-WM .alsoW to LlVkilht owituna, and trill ettegil to funerah'en toi awmable he as to in the cat. IAnT rui7Tc ' titl Vtrice ' t ierifarn 111 ali ' r Til' it=romrot!za to pramitnnanthwit the ~ ,C •13 , 1 lierTlL Man., %., nwei.lit •,, sk ,_ , JAIIig_,SIITIIEWS. •1, 4851 11° P L \ g BALESrYirt Sort Eastern and Wes (r." tarn 110 P at. troy receiving sod for Vale br ~. .k,,50 In, ~_. it' fit) W. tiWITtl, litt_ , _t ' itpet_ i \ ), \ \ Letter'.CPreases.', I A r iANN — 'S DoAkAteler Letter 'Cisp . ting i rim. and iletc4c /Nutrient,: a time sasmig • . M- I r metal, and mime A•SiS4 tumble. i 'i i X idt i Melt • and damneulletablet, ti f i c ene u iVia deridoil MI ' I iMie7wircltirs ' icill