The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 07, 1851, Image 3

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Area Buinor.--Hasonic Hall, o Batritday
evening next, will be;the scene of soother of
Ands Bishop's triumphs in this ci At the
eamett solicitation of numerous ad 'item, she
baa consented to . appear onhe nth before a
Bittliburuh audience„with an entire change of
Amens other piecer; of sterling merit, is a most
I:effective Fantasia Concertante, . detiominsted
"Warbling, of Tiro Nightingales," introducing
I the favorite Irish ballad of "the last Rose of
Simmer." This piece wilt chow •tlis wonderful
flexibility of. the singer's voice, and ho correct
ness cf her intonation. 'Fhb lovers f Oratorio
wilifle' pind tolearn thnt the great imn donna
?intends tu sing '' With Verdure glad, - from
tidnhi Creation, and the farorit recitation
'''.and air-from that masterpiece o the great
'Handel, The Messiah," entitled '. There were
fliterkr'ie . " .
We are pickted to D. Appleton & ('o., No. 200
Broadway; New York, for the Novert her number
of this valuable periodical, which it. published
at the low price of these dollars per linnum. It
is illustrated by a largo number of Ppgrariags,
and contains many excellent articles on the
various t•ranches of mechanical acielice. Silb
ncriptiona ore received by all the bookselletv,
and we trust that all our readers who take an
interest in such metiers will encourage it, Billie
it is the 'hest magazine, of the kind, published
in the United States..
The number of passengers orer this 'railroad,
on Tneabty, was (Sur hundred and twenty eight.
and on Wednesday three hundred and ninety
' two.
GAP.—tho committee appointed at tho late
beefing in Allegheny, to call on the citizens of
that . place, andziecertain the number of burners
ziltich-edch'family will nor, will commenee their
illtties to day •
Lire ErocK.:—A. large number of hogs were
• brought up ,on Wednesday, on the freight train
of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. They
\ were consigned to the pork-pncking establish
, merit of It tsars. Galway & Shaffer, below
DMus —We regret to learn that Mr. Cyrus
Powers, of Bearer, who was so severely in
jured by the , premature discharge of a cannon,
• "" nn the ocension of the opening or the Ohio and
Pennsylvania railroad, to j the Summit. has since
PUBLICATION.—We are indebted
to blessre. E. Si M. H. Pease for the first num
ber of the Pittsburgh Musical Instructor, pub
lished by M: 11. Penile fi J. McMillin. Each
number will contain four pages of original and
seleoted , twitter. The taper will be published
monthly, at the low price of thirty cents for sin
gle subscribers.
Lauccyr.—A moo rejoicing in the euphonious
name of lieronimus Friecker, was committed to
prison on Wednesday, by Mayor Guthrie, charg
ed, on oath of George E. Zeigler, with larceny.
AesAikt.r.s.Wn Barrewr.—Riehard 13innel was
committed to prison yesterday"; by Alderman
Lewis; Icbarged.,:no oath of J. Edam,le, with
nuaultWCd battery.
Lancrrry.—SatnizielBprigpta waa committed to
prison ' yesterday, by 'Mayor Guthrie, .charged,
on oath of J.; Ball, with larceny.
Assort7s.=LeopOld Thomas was committed to
prison yesterday, by Alderman Lewis, charged,
ori oath oil'. B. %Innis, with as and battery.
lie was afterwards released, the matter having
been compromised.
: Present . the honorable William B. McClure,
President Judge, and William Boggs and T. L
geMillan, Associate Judges.
The jury in the case of the riot in the Alder
man's office at afelieesport. reported yesterday,
returned II verdict of guilty on to Robert and
Samuel Clark, and Thlintt,,.singtil„ no t guilty as
thekithe r, defendcn tz- , , •
Commonwealth vs. ./Obtfrl t litess—lndictment,
•assault and battery on oath of, James A. Brown
lee. The prosecutor is a drover from Ohio,!and
taitified that oti'lltio 7th of September last, the
preasecnter thtes„lii:tii down, :and choked him--
Me defendant. wished to arrest the prosecutor
•teri an alleged brilach of tilts peace, but either
hid no warrant of:refused:to show any. Mr.
Brownlee refusini , to.go, was knocked down.
Mr: Chess, in despite of the old proverb, that
a Mai who mainges his own ewe hey a fool for
a client, and either convicted himself, or was
:convicted by his guilt. On being coiled to re
calve his .senteneC, Mr. Chess was not to he
CommonweaDit vs. itridgetDunn—ludictrnent,
ationalt and battery, on with of o r -Mrs. McDon
ald. Tlic quarrel arose partly froia jealousy
and partly from drunkenness..; One portion of
tlio evidence was unfit for publication, and the
other was uninteresting.
We invite the attention of our readers to the
• advertisement of Ayee4 Cherry Pectoral, in the
columns of our paper, as a remedy 'of the first
importance to the community. The certificates
published - in its favor are not, from unknown
! • nassies hut:from eminent and widely celebrated
lama Statesmen, prefersors, clergymen, and
physicians give'tbeir strong assurance that this
new 'nkepieine for the cure of pulmonary dis
eases, can be relied on with confidence by the
afllloted for relief; . and we.trity hope its results
In !Ms eretion snetain their conclusion
Canonsburgh luta again been the scene of a
most deplorable affray, resultibg in the death of
a young rasa, Named William Wilson, Aged about
20 years. an apprentice to the Carpenter bald
mesa, under Mr. J. G. 3.lcllraine, of that Bor
ough. On Wednesdayilght last, about 9 o'clock,
young Wilson was assaulted by two young men,
students of Jefferson College.
. It is allegetriTtat ,it least one of the young
men 3rse armed with a knife, and that both par
ticipated in the thelaneholi affray, which term'.
:toted - in the dratirOf young Wilson, on the f01u,,,,
lowing ev tug—Thursday, at about II o'clock,
One of tit stadents'iras arrested and committed
to the jail of this Borough. The other escaped,
hseing co e to Washington late in the night
procured a horso and buggy , and in company
:with atoJ3ho persen, pie cc - nveyed to Mononga.
dials City. a d .through
hrougl that place in the direc
cei of his. e. .
Cirrinier Scat summoned a Jury an Friday,
snd'held an inquest on the body of young Wil
son. After a laborious examination of witness
es, the jury found, that the deceased came to
-ids death by a wound in the abdomen, inflicted
' with &large knife, by one of the Students—the
jurynot being able, from the evidence, to deter
mine .certainly by which of the two the fatal
and. was inflicted.
This distressing alfair.has caused a most pain
Iniseasoti ri in Canonthrugh—a population the
most exe plary- and law abiding, where the
• tentrof In rale .1111 attained a high standard,
.andVthier it wits thought, all intoxicating drinks
-had been otally , exterminated.
From a. that we can learn, this melancholy'.
affair we, the result of a drunken brawl—the
"andante eing ander th e influence of intoxi
cating dri ks at the time of the fatal rencontre
—though et is alleged that young Wilson was
perfectly ber—not being at-all in the habit or
drinking. Of these things we do not epeok
With' any , egrec of certainty—not having learn , .
Ali the fs , e from citizens of th e place. It sp
plkiril; ho ever, that the wthault,on Willson was
preconeort ul awl premeditated , and grew out of
cm old grit Ice. ..
The sibs ondlikstudeni had not been arrested
.. .
. .. .
at the a.. we went to pre9s, though there is
little doub but that he will be—prompt
wee Asti • r, teen taken to intercept hi. 4 flight.
The (dilating counsel bare been employed:—
f'District Attorney,'llart; ondi Wm. Montgomery.
for 'We Commonwealth, and Messrs. Oda
Murdoch and Acheson: -& Wilson. for the de
' fence.
- Ikon Me Savannah Republican, Nov 1
Comb Owww.—We received, by brig - Oulaste
at Charlisten, the subjoined note from Mr. Gwen.
We compty with what we suppose tit he his wish
(its publication) with pleasure, and we doubt not
'the public will accord to him the favour ho asks:
' • risvaws'October 20, 1801
To thi Editor' of 'the &mooch .RepubLitaro.
Othantares: 'have no official information of
roq rEcaU, but the fact is announced in the pa
pers of NOW Orleans and New york. I most re
quest, that you will do mo the favour to ask that
.p.e public shall not judge cif: till they shall bear
ate folly. I ask nothinr from their mercy; but
-Thar, n right to justice.
Very respectfallyeto.
...Pittsburgh Lite Insurance Company.
the ritgi3lr L etrot-o:.
• 461.5.8:14ortgemyzt OFt :b a r
Now Soar;, Nov. ii
e Steamer i'rometheus, arri• ed morn
om San Jun and Saran,. She bring, 600
•ngerm, 2°000,000 in gold. in the handy
1 0 S ,e4Perindependenre from San Fenn-
Oct. 4th, arrived nu San Juan del Sod,
11:r. 10th, with 400”Rent, and $l6O,
lu gold on freight
N.e. Yong, Nov f.
T e returns of the election in New Yeti. still
cont cue vague Pod contradictory. us to the re
por..d and probable majorities The. Trih
this • s that the Whig State ticket i.; leftated,
will the exception of the Attorney ((corral. •
Other papers, with the same mean, of judging,
are Of contrary opinion. All agree, however,
thatdhe Senate is decidedly Whig, while the
flonse is probiddy Democratic.
The , \ returns at hand leave little room to d‘ftt bt
the L'ilptinn et thoee of thu Whig State officers
whn were supported by the Unionists . The
others age extremely doubtful.
Returns received *Urn the election in this 1
. .. . . .
city yesterday, indicate the nucce.rt of the whole 4N . Election f. , t 'nit (. 4,, t Dirts•to of , i , i'
Dottocrstic ticket, by from 300 to vow, I ..,"„..'“',11" t ,ri:',.,1',:r,n;',::.,::;`1,;;.,'!: . ..::`, t '„7,,;',L'
h. 1111. dal of %.” -mt., ”••It 1- Iv, u Or 1,....ra
. -
MARYLSND CLECTION ~..,..,t o r NI .1.1111.5.,..,',"
rricE r, hi ' 110L14.iliS --The :111-
ti,TINSOFir.. Nos 1.
Tke returns still indicate the eleetiett of the ov3i no, taiist.if Lim IT wet. T the -0 ilrch-,.
entire Democratic city ticket. The Iti.mocratic ' •." 1 .• ,'"
pia mini m ,. ot tit
stateoffices hare the city hr nhoitt 200ffmnjority ilm , .1 al chi
lim soiT mid I ri 1,1 TS
st I. Tl, nor ,* of
4111.r.r. mit smTetitri
Al OTICE.—Tiw person who took--it le
LI I m mT er
,121 m ii•iTi. It
r,m -1 itlt, ,taiteitim I.TifinTli ti
Law Notice.
The election yesterday resulted in the choice
of a Whig Sheriff, by 500 majority, over his
Dernocmtic opponent.
Flab and Benjamin are elected to State
Senate, by 000 majority.
For 'Congress, Laudmy, Whig, has probably
mececled in tine second
0. F. Master. Democrat, is probably elected
in the first district, beating Harlem, Whip The
Whig ticket throughout is successful.
In the Baton Rouge district, the Whigs have
elected a State Souator. This district arl9 pre
viously Democratic. The Whig candidate for
Sheriff is also elected. The Democratic
gressman in this district iv elected.
Ijoth houses of the legislature ail ho IV big
L 01718% ILA,. Nor I .
In nearditown, out of 357 •ore+
were for Bank. Toe Whig ticket generally is
elected. In Quincy City, the vote for Rank was
400 against 1,8 In Rushville the vote for
Book was 136 against 69. In Peoria the majority
for Bank was 440 Jacksonville disirict giver
301 roajoriiy for Rank. line other precinct
giver a majority. of 300 again.t Rank Chicago
City gives 2131 for-Bonk, and ;0 agnitit. Car
rollton county given shout 110 majority P gniost
• Bank.
Lorts, lAA% Nay e.
aOlmes county giro Foote. 2111 map - oily
mozno county, Dart,. SHT, foot.. .",,s Amito
county giver 411 majori y for Dori, ittbeinl re
turns from eopiah county cirri It:Arlo:UM
jority, and about the come for the balance
anti-union ticket. Losindee- county
majority for D4Vit, Thi) Vnionhito elect all the
Other candidate, In Nlfixihee Foote, majoroi
is 213. Monroe gives Foote liammjnrits .
lain gives Foote a majority of Winaten
Doris has a majority of 124, at .1 ietoon
Sixteen counties beard from rirr Footr o
jotity of 2000 The State, it la thooxia, trdi
elect Foote by a ermto n.jonly .
Flow—The market is firmer. ;till .SaltaUOU et $3,75@t4,011 for State sn.l West er , nm i
$1,120..4,20 for purr Genesee
Grain—Sale, 2.000 hit Rye tit 7 le, and 10.000
ha mired Weetern Corn itt : - /he per ho
Provisions—The market is sternly. with n.... 1
erne sales or Mne!. l'nrk nt n !
Tattoo of $12,021 per hbl. Lard 14 selliny S
(a, 5.0 per lh
Groceries—Soles 17.1 i law. Rio ,3r,
at. 41400 b. lizkvana rind Snß,r lit 40.
5e per lb
Whiskey is dull at 21€i122e 1... r pill..
Nr.w Vous.. Nu.
Cattm?-11. anchanead,'".lll.l sales i , 7,00 hales
Flour- -The market to firroor, with males 11.-
000 tdds at 87en3 sf ? had for i /kin
Grain—*alea , buchels Michigan while
wheat at Slic sod 2500 do Genes., at gne 1-,) bu
Soles 15.000 buthels Canadian wbeat at 441.04:4.
nmthel. male" 21540 bushels corn ni
for mixed. western. Sales of 1150 at 73c
provisions—Sales 400 Aida pork at 4415 12
mess, and $l2 02 for prime. thief it unchanged,
with farther sales of 40') Ohl* Soli 2151 111.1.
lord at'lit 55 lb
Rica- balesof new to 'thrive at ? It.
Whisley—Soles 250 hblis at 215 per gallon
Turpenehe-Salee 500 lib!, at ? hid .
:Floor—There is a good demand in the mar
ket, with sales 300 bhls at 37 : 100 do at
05. a nd 100 do extra at $3.25 14 1,1,1.
Whiskey-8/0e" at Igc 'p ratan, the market
closing with a better feeling.
Cheese--In good demand at tor rill,
Prosisions—Sales 500 bide prime Ni. I lard
at 7-Ic, and 407 do. delivered at Ntadinon at the
same ; also 100 do No. 1 head lard at 70 Sake
2000 hauls from..tho block at 14.
Stearino.—Sales 150 bills at bhi.
Su g ar—l's etendy; with a fair demand. Mo
lasses is scarce, with email seen at :174 / 61.35c per
gallon. Salsa at inferior sugar house at 3Gic.
Batter—Sales 32 firkins choice IV. R.. atter
at 14c.
Clover Seed—Soles GWs at Si per brothel.
The river h. risen 2 inches • since last even
log, and is now sAtionray. The weather
clear and frosty.
NEw OnLeans,
Cotton—Solos middling at 7r 14 th
Groceries—Sugar is unchanged id olas,4es is
selling at 2.5 c, to the extent of SOO
Provisions—Mess Pork is firm, nt 4:14,14.211k
hbl. Prime Lard in bile, is, selling, at Sq9n
lb; keg lard in sold nt Me.
gir - A Most RESIAREACLE CASE or %Tat.
ELM - Darn en. Palliolate.—We 100110 the as, ton
of the alllieled and the publie grzwrally. to the rothtleele
of Wto..11•11. of (Lie city. The ...a ft.Y G, emu .^ 3.
I,:arwro who may N.. 4,14101.1 In reletton to the tut^ here
set forth itOf. KIER.
, ha 4 been aftlietv.tweyeral }ear.wllt. • aorkie.n.of both I
!yes, widen moth:wed to Inereaer until aestembey.
tle Inflammation at that Uwe herina Inaoleed the .bole
lloing membrane of both rTee. and hied in the dePo'dte
Of • thlidt Sim. which wholly dettrol ea on, •Mhl. I had
oreratlooperanmed.and the thleteniinrrmored.whkh
iwOn returned and loft me iv to bads .
At 011 shy, of Ins ....plaint! mode appl.-at....
[al of the mnat amment tnedi,l 'own. oho 1,,14 mu
that •mr ayes troah! neTry cot w.. 11. At 'bishop 1 r , •u1,1
not dlatinghleb any otneet.. Hy the..-Irin•..l rant friend*
1 cosameimed tbe me of the Petroleum. lath iniertnallY
sod Oat fly, under which my eyry have hopu,red
tll the pr..sentt.ltat, and I hare KernenW m r .00.1."Cre•
.lly general trelth was reef mutt, sast,o.l.ef
l'elroieuM, and attribute the re•yrrate. , n sly lit
ilf 11., I reside. ber.nd thin an.l
will he haopy to give any 11111.111.1..11.t. t
aro. mI.IAII HALL.'
tt se.le by Barter A 1ith0...11. 111 l 1,3'0,1 airre.t . , It. E.
Sellars. 57 Wood ete,et; IL A
Wood and Profit etre,* h. NI. flurry,
and II I . er.lin•rtr. A 0. 0,00
• •
aeln:disrt renal Fthalrs.nay.ulb
Ear Da. NItILANE'II Llvtte
great and i•flefolog demand for (lyre Pill. i. atno.l
ovldenew of their ex , ell.ner• P , oplo try 1b.., and r.oom•
mend them to thoi, neighbore. No one who ImA ever 01-
fere,' from th. Liver Cinnplaint, or from anY of the
eraaeo %ruin. from a .11,1c1cr , 1 elate of that organ h, Lo ,
in 061.41,10 g relief If he tried br.MoLatn.,..l ,l l+, •nd thud
thoy have staked their non way Into poputardy by the
art:nlehlog care.'whielt boo are eve, du, b , thomsoa
Itrod the followlnit raruhnte
• 511tivamar., Centro m, • April Odtl,
3lotaen.J. Kidd t Cer—tiontleto. 0. I waive to iidurna eon
of the benefit I bare recole..l from tho Dr. M0b....
Liver NH.. I bore been wlyerely *Mori. , with 1n..; Wato.
Plaint for • timobor of Year , bud bar , tee , mo'h
roliated by the 41••••• named ND I nut i l osiona
more of them, wi 1 thiut the,..rill effe,l an entire eon..
and I am confident *hat I ran rail • roan, of t 1 , 1 15
A Toning btly, an acquamtaoce antne, ei.t.booe or two
door" of them, nod tail they re red Lee more any
pill .he had ever need. rive L adlictidWith Conant:Emden,
or Liter Conthlthat. W. IC DUTLInt.
rat rale by - J. KIDD A 0.1..
uolafgtrlLA Nn. 011.n001 or
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
so. .0 tV•tor in the arehou,n ll7 .
C.T.. G. 1106010. t 0. ., lent... ....1 IS Ita era, F . - -. y•
this CoroPanY lennwpreonred
113:11.t,eM1 la IraM.11:1, ar.
thn ample amarenty for tho ability and iotrgtltf of tha
Inotltotion, I. affonlol lo the character of the Ibrwtom,
Who or• oil MLlZeltin el ll...thumb. well ouil I.,vorablr
'lthr.arn to the community. for [hon. prudence, tob.ilmeneo ,
and jotegrlt3.
DruciorA—C. IL Wil•try. Wm. ',Watley. Way. balloter,
Jr. ({'niter prystst., Mulch D. Kim:, E.ard
John Hayworth. IL Jlkrhourrh. A.
1851 Hops.
BALES of First Sort Etuitern and Wes
, “-w:tal on (l7U. lg sVi d T i ti.` itst
I OIIN WETIIikELL, Manufoeturer of
mr of Ander.% anditotansoo str.V4 on. pust. from the
}Lod ea:Mt UM" Allegheny <Br.
Atiai' - Mairoitautr.—Mr. Editor: Plionte an-
',lvo , that the frirrldr of H. C. RAWITi , . 01 , f" .
Cl/1111% for MOMMI-ilLem 1.,r Marar. rntu..t I".h^
tho Whirr Cottrehtkon recto 1% to..
I .4.4,131,
11"tiatorta Insurance Company of Pitt
a th, dodur..l .11ri.lond 01
kfrlTo Ihr• Awl loniurrr.r.oo—
.fot let V r ta l i. f on,attrr taw 1,1. I
lu , , toWsuro t
hoot Nov. J. 1,1.
1 1 1 1 11 E President and Director,Oof this lima;
11 An.. thi4.l 4. .I,tarml 4 , t
lh. cap,' .o•
I. ior .4n 15..." 1 " 1 ..
!he. 1,4,1 reorn,/thattvon forth,.
N 11.11,1 a•loer.
1 , mall, Not .4..1,1
T ;hr of I nrootor.,
reo,tution a•••ulrrnJ
t .1. e .1. r ilood of Der .f ie
4 . he 1 , 4 n , t. 4 the .ttolibulilera on nr r the 14..144
ot tt. +!.l -tan 414'0 tntlla lor the 1..1 Ai month...
,rcrld.ll, the 11.14 of Ar 11. 1+10"
r. nt /0110, 11 \11211114a. Cnahler
F 11 t•tromran... - ..4 I,l'
F. 111 ItEi of the Coiling Mining
& of illringen. hove 1t,,, 41,1 . 444 . 4 . 4
rn, 4411.4 on . 4 4 eaah mbar- ..I the earntal ...k r I
•1, 1 , 411.4., non 0.11 inarnhle on or 1...10re the 0.11 , No.
ml.: nd thenthe r half on or. belnre the 413.1110. mph,
nekt, at their ..111 , Iti
, It 11:1:14 4.141 T YU 104:14. Trean
4.11.4.. Ith, 1 , 44.
91 1 11 and Mantild'etiarers' Bank
• K. nt P,tt.l.nreh ha. dm. da, .lerlar ,4 1 4
r.ayi 0t ill Illf. ,11,411, 1,0 lII.'
IN nth.: 4101.14. on ,
11 II 141,4411.
Ptlt.burgh. I ,Inl.or 11,1 I
!IA E resumed Practive 1,1 111, I.m .
•n.l tr.ll .t..rotet tutAlt.A.- time 1.11.1 Allotnorm
1..• paritt..r-Int. A A II
en- .IlVrt..l.
1.. entttu:s. II It tA11 . 1)
. pA ex.t,rl.ltr..
rt A. V‘kil rt aim r....,1.
II 11A1111..
Not ice
N rlit l h illP 1,11140•111 , 11.4 rh
...ler- .1 thk•',ilk,
II T VI. Id. e1...4. A ‘a
JA M.., All I:l“l.l..A•ter
01'11 i , InenA,v gi v.•ri tluttnn 11 , 4l•SSIII,I1
1.11, , ent -113, ten. r.l
114. -1,4 • 110 • It., , rt, 111,11 r.; .Imm. ‘l..l:piit,
1: , • 14,:. 1•1,1., I: 1 . -.
N Elttett.t l n for thlrfrett I tirttrt,t, ttl tit
t.l t ik ‘1,11.1.. Cll. a., a
1., twivrn., I Ipaii
rt 9.9 M ,1..1 l•
TliOM .0. ,
,fie.•• illy • I“•..
Aum.:ll Thin, ~n Inn
k th.• 1.111 1,.41 11, Voknl.lo:
I:,t, •
Rouse of Refuge.
rrjll'. La
nottn,ll . l,. r•g
It, or ,••••.:
.10,11'1 111,N.1 Tr
Henry Rtehaidson. Jeweler.
I AV] N“ i••-fit:I•il hi- •ir•tl . 111 ,••••,
I I k."'''
tikkk !AA, so.l tk, I • •
' • • ''' ••••• ' .- 7: . '
/ ..• 11,1
i l,n `.~H I~r
,r ~.~ ~I iii
tl, 7kl .14.... %.
i~ is e ~,, is ~ T;j ~,.` i.
Letter Copyiug Presses
m WI I Nil Vot • tt, r•I •• hog. o Irls6l
Orphans' Court Sale.
itst, NT nn :fn Urdu f , rplilr.
Thlir.ia, 11,, , 1 1h 1,1 , 1 r.
Orphans ' Court Sale.
i itUIZSUA NT to an Ord, th, (Irphnn
11, 11 1”: nf,1 , 1111.15it.,, 11u.1 . 11, • , 1 l'lttlo•tvr•
1” 1 .I,•lltVi .1114 • V• ,,
it }. 1 • .• 1. , 1 I. It
Lots and Turnpike Stock for Sala
offered at public wale, tit t
f. Cnrett 11.rnn. nn invlnt rbn Nrn ,
I ..Ir.l ..rnun.l 1.,,1 h. Wn.l4 In dUIL Tnrnra kr.
• en the sly-r - n eri.:(r.
. • .
•Ar, tuar •n•I
norgl. sow et rs I fornrtkt, , ,, 1,1,• at
J IL. I11.1:1 . 111.
Patent Shingles. •
FrIlE SIIINIA.ES matt, ttf Walnut, Pine
and I', volt horrneorl Ohowle
r.orißd the fir-t olnmforn et thle-. ielr ol All
Cont,ty In , lnolnno IA oPe'ret , on non
I•intoo, 11111 of , nuneoo. ntan4
tol ran Iron tloo
tnn..or outintn ,
tnnrnente. One". rell on LI,
it o•
ontor , nt }ow - IV mot Ore.,-
I . ol.t.uneti 1.13 , 1 . 1,111'111M,-
- H. D. King,
p ta ilia 1110..1 mark, roan
W,-.tarn Bank N laninlyt nut'
E•rhan, cn tha hair au.] Waal laainlit and nail
1., 'might mad ..1.1 nu C.... Man. oral
New Marble and Freeport Stone Works.
o %VI LK INS, in addition 1..
axle, nuiasa liana.' ann... hand hi
lins n iientiali .irk.,
ii, eaniatary hn IIIRDU,11.11,r•
NIAT •nl Irmpart !Mina, nil' lliattanaiiti.
vital.. I. Mental, . 0.1
and Viminan l'aitiatery Lhtn, it.. co, nhitie
vi ry molar., lianaial no ....avowal a, it.
Oain ht.,. It , in iiniptarint mainito midars with pi-amyl.
had.. mai hi, thr imirrat tam, —an.l bag, foraholinv
Imre ril thy nasally
. .
EASUIONS--.111 , 1 rPeeived i t ii
j: i
Ita ntar o eita ill, A 1XF:1AI Af. Falb at.,
',lshii, wil ha pen Ina 1',. l'urrilay an
Va. n , of di, weal:. win., hod
eu notte .1 In anti - an. Silk, Yana
ant I Donn., ADA Tanatilsin P. a mann, tin.,
grata', air Mann,.
Clalilyain, banana had nnil I ma lira-hi
ra . ncla spa tiaantilin PI ylr, .116 FY
- - _
To the Public
tAr.,ll the mtairt.
)131,-t A.
th.liAl.ati. are 11.11
sod r o. part A. nano,
A rnmplvt., A•oot0000
CAnlozoron, LAnno. , loonro, rooten
n00n... Lon, no" Fll ASV Plang Lon, ~ I .n I.
. •.. . . • . •
A144--A .
.4,4 41 511.1 1,41,01 stiOssll,r. 4441 Os•
tst,e4l rtyl.• cif CIA o.llt,
The ems•lsquer. s•I Th. Int, trio 44.. Ili. In. bit ,•
trsl lts cnls s 4.2.114 , 144; I - 4 12,..
Allegheny Railroad.
IN t.I th.,directimp , nl An Art ,11
Ar•reiert•l, r.l Aperl. 1•: - ehl rr11.1.1. - m• . rt
1.1 1.11. • rut 1.1 - An 1• O. •
rt 11, .traurr,
1141irrr•t1 Comprn, 1-n.c4... I.r
tr. lb.:capital •1•• r./.1 ..rntr.r. , • ..1 , A
eru 11r1,1—...1,1. mi. , / 11111.. sl tr: • ..0r 11.-
tel. mob. rlr, sn.prr
,11., 1111 1. •udlro rums.. r •rl Oran, , ~„.-r
rorr.trr• 11...
HAIM.% II 14,V., \1 11 1:1111INSar r i.
.1 11 /1,N1.11.1.11/ /..i.
..11.1); 11 it 11 . 0
11E14.1 11A111.1N.e1. , . i ii A
‘ll, v
PI1E•r1'I: AAW., Sllllllll,ll.
IiON. \ irF.N.
11//111,11T ..It ;,111•,1r.
PIIII.II . 1:4111.1,
JO . . 111 l lALEX tSi iI.W
.I•if IS 11 , 11111 , ..N. wivite (SIM.
. . •
, .
I: 111E1,1" I•I:E,.
To Printere
PRINTING un.icE, amply supplied
V wills 01 11....01 , ,r, fer dn.": s. r>...
Om. . too l, •isl. un
r 1 unna vrtls, Itc .
Ll.l Sur os, lfin Ind•oriolla kr. xll ..s.•ol un.l
sn..•tis usil nu nue ../:+1 nslu
111• r, sourl, no
u.ndalls, term. iln sa..unn.. ,11114,
Inua sac., rust/col.. t..•
. 1:INE 11:A.R.'. i ES, ol 1 .
rn] 0 .,t E n g .
. 101, nu.l Oen,. sunny!
•nl. in ....r..llnnt u rnr,
,11 , 7 i Ler, Ir. su SI, f it...
Cylioder . .... 54u1 u. fAI ..$
All mm: h., rrerrontf , l e. rpwret.t...J. or 1.11.. anon., m
W ASCII RM./61111 t M , ..rE rvliuth.l tol..lm—t
Inr 4.1.10 oaperl Eg
awl FrenvlL ..nrkows,
. .
V. 1.1 Yourth
anl.4 in make swea. ual rot...gum:li) nutri.
1.40 n, Iltrnel, when gond flour so noerl. A foll direetton
J ' .. O f(lrtll3o,_6o Wn.l at.
bble. for Ellie by
ocz A. CUL BRICTagi L CU.
j A A M ES
~,,B u L ,KE, I F .Y, European 4,4, . TEEM -H 01:1 , To Let,
~,,,, , N. m ,,,,, . 11NM: P't tOILSIVe • COA I. MINE, 01 tile MttrV•
rt. tlorhAtt,,aelldite
ts Also Atcent for Mr folliterlog Packet kW.... THIS Weil known eta bliAbtneut i:. till ~•.n.. ...... `'.....w ~. ..1 . .., ."`....''' 'n AN•Oftt•m t t' '' , ' , ll: ,
Hon., Llne• of StratoeltirA. Lolls.. n kW...
Inr: and Ltv• 1 er• Loot The.« nelne• rrr.... _scroll , known ,„ , ~,,i
• • • • ,•tl ' l l l' Oh' . P .c .. 'on. , t t ho t ' ‘ t•••• ‘ .• ... L. l t ts,
.Allt •. Thil 0 A. •ailln, lola ' ,L e. 1 nth. nntl Lint P ,. .1 I r% l Itei ntek•Atit slttlatten Ot L . ht te ... . ` Lt. ' , tn.' ' ICI hto 01— .•• • ern market, L• ....nett . I . requ , re n At-ertr ,
te • t t , et the ot hn tt ..1.1 of every oon: le ••••• e00......• • •t1 • • ethet the • Leo , ' to . • n t l ''' ' ''tt . t ` t . : t. et t ,oi , Artoltun lotto Ale:endow to Outultrtalut.
Si.e lane Lor Li:sew Y. rt..n+ IIL ,ote. at, tt.;•et,nol ' tonna t I rotottine to res.!. rof,o t te - stet .eet •otot • AA 1, holt opt., seol glill, , HAI lv.l from llaltnnere to tie.
l ie
on th, II th nt to . ry usontli ; t Lon, It the trnselor • a`tt` ( ^t o t, ettnore•ott, .110 the Maryland Min., Loro•
'", ''''.° I . 0. ,. ‘ r et l r " , lt "et t tt I .01. L. lOl L . '' , ; 11...1rtz I'''. '... of l i t ', (I ' m ''' '' ''tlltt I• I.". ''.. r ' I an. • i t nltronet from Cone bertond Ti. the Erlitlr, 011, MI,.
I• , on IL, ,e ti, ot .o,elt month co ,41, At the hoot of the 'ere,titehteeent. the •e. 0.. r.l, r t„„,,,, , u ,„... ~ ,r ~,...,„.,„.. ,„ 0 ,,,,,,, ~,,,
7 . , ton,. ~,,„,. „„,,, ~ 0 ,,,,,,, , ~, , I ,I N A . t pOoloo hi! ht . . , e • Urttoto to tomitentin it• n'toth•tt".• •L • • orto.rottoot 11:11,11011 tol, , 1... heett wen,. oott to LI,. r
her 4 rot , ft) .
. 1,1 14V11 ill•fe - ttop to lA , re:-tonor- ,, , . , , L.l :111,1 .4 , 1 Iran theo min, witton Ilee Intet t ear loot
t It I. A Lk LI. 'e h. eneu Lon t Lo• o reernOt urole. Isz .. « unlittoto to their'
1-1. • tth It th •ILI '440. ~, , I fr,n, Ihe 1., loth. ;
PHI I .AI)EL Pii lA.
, Ira et
~ ~,L l, I. tor . t I, •hel I Onus It re 1,1 ,, ,ii l• -, ,N.: ,, ...." - 1 ‘2 %,• 1 1tIott A 1,1 . A....,...
also•i 1.. , ' i ••• . It•ot • • Lt. - hem, hew 1 tet•
Italle lone I , r emit - non • trent b ra '.,.,1 - . t., r.i...rta• • `s. ' L ' "...'..
/1,14. il $11,,, ~, 1 , 1 1 . 111,11 Vllll Itottotol. e t rto•ltur..:l• . Shriver & McLean, • Desirable Property for Sale.
i m. , ,,,, .., ~, , ail/ 41111 . 81/1111 In g
Iti • lre.. Ild
i I toLo Lod ,t ..... eve tt lite.loot, I .tverle•etl• •V
s t ' 1'..1. •at ••• •••..... Atenth •to-o, l•iee' 1., , •et l• • .ti .• el t ut to o, ~,,
the (An e At, tto
tate, toer ...trot, 01 ttx to in I la. r. I lllll,lO'l,llA
I t ermons'n o.itto: 11l 1, 1 , 1,“ , e1i ~.411e, , Cttliftfll. 1,Wi1,, (,oNsw s Nt ENT:: ~I I. I.ol'll And 1.,. , , „.„„„, „
r one:. ment , tto &pont, ion le 1 tl,' ottotettLer. *eel ltsve re. - olitt ot ILO- 01 Lott!. whet,
IL ott tent ht A, to the 11.,,,..1.1•• I it,- hoe,
Itot •r to M. otr• Won woo.. thllt I I t tot ttre le •
leoArte. oxlip, ',nue trent Lose 1., ,Lteet Lent. to,tht n 1 , Me I metro o ItneO I .
er to oro. eta... •Nlon . trnot 'hi,. on tneetrottls I,ntr, Or Alt Met I ot Otltte
ofv, ot Ltreroool, Loetants to tillont, I 10, frooerner ' It I `nn I I' iltorer,
ontten, peeve tttle• Oho onett.l tit tof del,. roe-au...An i e.
ol••• he no etre tl trottl Levert...l to Nos t erleon•, 1111M/tett, I noanity. 1 ir „,„ r.,„ •,„
vh "" l ''''''' }"'"'"' ' ""'"'"' '"' l '"""" I L '""'"' 'I V CII .1 111. F. ..'l' ELI, In, inn I,nl 1 err
renotteaerro en onte,l I or turto 011111. n. 11.11.11 tr,
Steam Communication between New York the lt eo I tone , I Ile tl. •,..• tool t ton seo eto et t
'" '*
1 and Glasgow.
Peptea Farm at Public Sale.
'd \ , w
ll` r
1•• ,••••••••••• •••••••_.• .11 'lr Clegg's Perfumery and Pal cy Soaps. i
I Peri t1,„4.r, • • • •••••••• t.• Fr••••• •• • 1••••••• .• .1, • ••••••••••
• •••••• t•,•••! .. - 111. it ar•• • •••••••••rnt, I 1••. ,•I .. 1. 1••••••• .1 • • • •
. .•
Fo . .t t.. 1".. 1.
wh .....
L., ,
„L., o
McMenry'R Philadelphia & Liverpool Line !'''"
of Parkets. Matchless
Sq from Philadl•lphlzt 11,0 It R-k •
vi... i.‘ AtA 1 ..•
'l, 9. IU:I 1 1.1.,A5T.. I. .1:
' ll::C; r itr, • l s !;"'" E . 4;
• ',ICI I, -•• ‘1...• •
iN LT A A L •
• r:114( . 1,,I.•!:,,• • Till 1,114 N 11111'1'K,
, 411111 V. A 111
. 1 A 1..,
ilvl;' , / Vti. BUCK NOR N
• •14
• •s,l•a.
Al.l A I . A
•.I AI. ,Al, At • ••;,•••••• lin, .1
.1! ,-.ns .a
14 II .% I N 1.0 t- s Th
, it, ~.1.1.,,..11,1•P 1,111
ZAN F.SI ILLE - :ito•
•, or,
L.ll ;i 3 rA
J SIT rt:N
:Wheeling ;Ind Pittsburgh Packet.
FARE I:EI , IcEir- The +will
Tl. J 4111.
W heeling Find:Pittsburch Packet
1%1•1111.,11....npl I. • !. .•%•.
I `, A NI
gar, ~e~
g - Ko.nski
s INV 5,„,„ „,.,
• n, risrmtti., n-kii tn is tnti•
ti. at tit
•. r ii,t N tunt
• LA P A t' K
k 1111., .•.rr-, , I.t lioct.t.s.:•
F . 11.0 No _A
Ladies!! Read This!!!
N PritE PRESS, and %k ill .11.‘rtly re:l4lv,
f ir UANIM.SII) i•I k\ . 1 on,rio,n4 n
1, 111,,n1.111 111 Ibo 1,1414-11m.1.1,
1,...t0trut,..n. *Jo r II rill,
1 , .•0ry horr to: • Tomo rhonitl h••• n enp• litt4
44 The tnforrooloolt ,1 et...trot t 4 Portia len itoo.
prin.-4ton ntel. toottn• other It VIII
nili”.l tot,.
awl mrtim th• 1 . 1.1mru1...,1
.k 1.; • , .,1.1.p. st
m.r.t.t.....t. rt. ttr Ist 111.
t Ilur, r. tot 1.1. . .
1 , 3 .134.1”.,,, t Antio, Ih” linartu
r . ,1 10 r...‘,.331.E...1. tree clr pr. 3.11,.•
toigny th, .
n 01... ftkr
3 hery3nek,
rain ton.. thntin •.!
fauld 3our.,nk.r.
rplIK xithficrriong Van II Oa, rind ntri t tlT at
ha non... • rt Altars.,
pato ang Taal PT 141, V. 1.4
11. t..,, :aro Inn, awl ) 101 l
• to hag gnaw.. It 1.11 LUC, l'• I,r , Host, hotohnot. lot la ,
er•v•lt, rstinett., Vnt.411111.1.... Vhalt•. Ina.k. Joan -
Ilnan stlJ Ill.seltal I,rtit- ,41. 0 0114
0m...-. I rhlotelin• lam , Y ar.l srls.,
tango, Gn, Lana. an I nt. /aro galtfan.. lan." r.,4 , , TT. C.nanri•. Thrtati..
Darling, Ittittnn, l•o , a 1 • htolt
n.Ag.. , ,Alutly m•lt , ettrnlia. ona
A hit rh...... 1 U , Imp.. A 1 ,, llvekre. 1 , ...,1..
.I I. I' Tre. ~.
.r. rt. 1.4, t* ~,,,, la, .11 Cho 1.. 1.,... nodrralur.
t...a4 1...n0L,
... t.t.i. ...... ..1...1 ...........I ... ../• I C1atw0.....
~,,,r .. I.t• I
..t nua , l..tim
..1.. 1 1 11., .... ..... , .11.1, .. i.r. 1..n.r 14.. SI T.
.4 , :
....., 1,. ,1.• Orin .lair l .. , I. -
I :A. I.y. 1 ..thr. lin,
, 1., . /la , ;.•N ar, . I .......... 1..11.u.:
~,... ,;„., n z „,. 1........ 1....3•/.
• It 1 ,1•• I • d Aldirkgovl
an 1 . 1.110 A1m•d..1.10.. - ,•tddr 11 A II Molloy,
hx.L.lddtra •11.1
I.• - • d 11 , •114
o• • .tel ti
ind let. 1.1 .1. I , 1t 11.1.ia4 .4
salad ilfll. slot
English & Bennett.
IV HOLES.% LE ifitOC Efiti. emnrifiniliOn
xnl Mont-r•
N rr l.ll4 I • o1.1,orelt. 11... frn
W! rtrl rr,r. tt 111, t.of, lot
11,0 - nrnsol :1.
• int llTron I
- • lin, a(i
.1,6. • ,11.:
' N 4414, 44..•1441
4 , - 11•40404 1n..., 300* 1041, •• 440,
1 4 44 444
44 14E140 4E00E44 4•4114-444 •,1,4441 • 40014E4 314410:
11441444414 4,40.40 4101.. 44 0E4
404.111444.4441 nut,
:44 OE. 44.004(441:414up. 4.0 •
,444 4 •••• •• 414401.4 t 1044 4 • 444.11.4•
1..0 4140E44 r1444..n.
1,4 140,- 44 I; 1,1,01,. 4. 11:rnrhnl lug.'
rrwo SMALL FAMILIES Itenlllll-
runilatriti %nit titrit•ant bout r inn.% tin tn.
Ono tie ttntorni-Ittl—iint bra,
tit. cern., 1 ',int nod .•to.;
Tk Iti;no• R.lFgi.l
1511'ERIAL COlin I ( 17
ttn•livatir in nut . tnntitt, •ini
it, .T.. 1, the lit•t prrniir•ltitit- rein
wll, Ita• •..r iilrirtl In Itir
ilit• tit.• trar ito trrnts .... ism
el It
, tti 1, • bogie tif itt their It reinti for un-. in.
emitter. NV. give tin , in is nuttier ot rtivirr.
tnint nor ...tss •porrster itu•lttnni .11 11, ,
and th..h nut nriilrt,toi rotistilfr whet wp
.imply in tho linbi rernittintinitlit ..... I. vtlltiittl
partirnler knorrlirlitti tit it, r nt trltlelt nr•l.lli ,
—Pitt,tirtnit 0 1trnmetr.
Prontareit and ..,1t Ity 11 14:1.1./1):
.. ... .. .
. ,
• Time Rah ~:.z..1 ti 2. 1,,—, , . tr. , 1,.., for lam,' tire. •
World . .
i tN, CINCINNATI, I ..:,1,...-- 4, 1.1 , 0rra.. rt.., I , rlocir,
TORN STAILCII-43. iit) 11,6:, n choice 3 , 1,- ' ‘_, Weir.% IL11.4", •
titlN't Litt hi
V chi nuiheihrtun..l exiwriiti, ~ 4, '".* aoti r.h.... .' ' NASHVILLE, •
• H, mrces Inc*,
purponl. It I. citr•nolorl oloot auti very much admlrk '
. DETILiJIT An rnl bbl., Cruahell Sugar.
... prittanition of soluklpg, Wan,. mom.. rim .•Ilte., ,
. 4:14. , ELAND, I %I, ton -- Jiwitlmuliwawhil So t \ i:
enstarls, itridillw tit., porylilhe..t.• 0, ....P J. t ~..d 1 Rl] parchued at fiirorstit. mi. by. U. 111..AIX111.uthl *W. ,
tiiteimii, with full diroctlywitg i ne to towl v iltj .„
. 4
~ WLlAllid aW. 1
To Dealers in Liquors, tte
lrs ~•,•1 11..,
Pew York India Rubber Warthow.
It+ettl nit to.
perilln anal Cu...herb...l, loßaltamore
arob Vhilo.b.ll , lOn
I ( IHNI NI )\ 11( .' 'f leao.•a the Wharf 1
.eirwle rannil vest sant..., -
u .
,','"l','"'! . .7ll;' :::''''','.; ° L':',. ° !`g '
hider. /are ant, Ilv ,
''',..)," :. 1!:•!;,',7X - h..',..,..,,. i-,. , ,,,,,,,, i
,• i hi.nductor. di, istth
\.. t•..... P.... 1,71„ d i 10111..rtnn.l. Alin h ,
e 1.... ....-,. lewd. \ '
\ "TE 77 Irthhh. .An na.
1 YLVANtii. \ \ A I,,LROAD, '‘, I ''
la. - noon, I mogul... Mean,.
l. loco otlerner of Ulla, arnl
\,r.n " .
i ,, ..3. , '.117 ,4, - . :7 ) .4 - f - 7.:47 h77.--.....,.,.1.7. ta,. ar:, our Id Dr. Carew 1
,/ . •.,,, I. Jl. na.7„ .4.'„( .. • ./,,An,ro,,. '‘ , 4 4 ' ,;
R. 3.1, t . .St. iP. CD IN\ it A.Ell. ..ct \I
r.. ... )1 ' RA' )l irliS bun .. iki'dp kagurn to ' ""';','
, y 7,\l
' il s" :..... " \ f , o i ir,T b allo:o ' ::: i ll b h ar l ol , l%,:a l p l7l
~.roalvtia linalthy a...lento all the.
a \ ns
idinditN. ../. , , n.l.tiarroniAi \ hn ) Pc... ' ''''' a.'' ''. • a i
...4 I, ) .vl, N.... • ~,t .h nrtnen„ , .... .hip,..,,,, . Let All rho arch In purac Me hlo.frocri th.llogllritien •
• .......„.ith u 1 Ate. I. • . „et .. vA.T.I I daht to . nestranl,e/ crow tba tren lutiu6t 0 1b....1.1....ad011a1l
'....''" " I. ' ' 4
' ' ... " ia ' t• '. .• " .. ' :• ' al ‘ .. \ ll .. ..rnat ‘ AvV\ • vv.. i
. "' r ,, , ,,, ‘ :, ,,,.. ; ,, ... r , 1 7 . :71:7' , -,i i c, „ %, ; , .- , ,. , ix,. ,,. . 5., L ,... 0 r--, , , ,, ,..-
~... I Ili 1: 3 •Al. 0s • I•glt II E I IA. \ A : 1... ) , awl nA,aluarilla • chart. IA „Aria., itlelf tua antidote
'T . ... ''..,.., 1 , 1. 7. ( ~,, I\AATTI
' ......i.eni. r ti,... , " I‘vhing . . nr, . it.. - \ : 1 lei. •ad they ...01 to he illavgaiotnit fotio anti „sac
.th .... I hr.... die
, In vd., .1.- .• ...... •ail _ A \,./ J. the pubic 13,t1. ht, never worn. , , „Tar Lat. maven.
T . , ~, • :, •
„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," n T .a 1'' , , ,, I a' it I. lcuthleil m no experiroae.juat ••13..1t grant v' faith
',..:.X . .\ ) : T . ) !., ,„ / „. a )1,,,, \ \ 7.,,1ti then...l trurt (1141/141011111.11.11 f1i41.1 OD VICLNTLCO,•
1 . 010•11, AL A •1‘... 0 I•AA • ......•• • \ ill e 1 tl, Irvin into )AI ...Iron, to 1,4 14n..., Itfn - 7 - and vs
~..„ ,
...,,,,, ~ a 1,..., 1i,..... Ad.,. ,\, a. . le.rd
.`, , h•ilai. In., lu .....13..... I q.t.:, hinced \liatbindua •
, \.,„ , ,s , . ~.. •• , 1.,a5,... 40.11 01.1,1.. I.\ no nun de.pair al kir h....earn let
~ ~ , ~. , ~,,,a., il I ~...- t 4,, m.. , N ,, a-to,h. ',.r. th.,.. Pe ; 11001 dal, und. n Vu. I .1.1. hi; Lnyn V. ‘ - /hdi.3.l n•
. ''''
" ' '7
'''' . ' '. ‘ A I t ' ;r•F'.2 ‘ ,..h‘i l '''' . h. ' Z':',.. ‘!• ,, ? ,,, P."-.. , -..- ' 1 1 ,. -"'. '‘" .. ...-p ''`''''‘,.- a"1
Prl vat,• fir . nadanae for Salle
mrilnr , : ..... .o,a, ta,a,- ............ al-aemaparola u vild nenoinda ha, La lit. Itlnit4alte. to
r1 , 1 , ) , F. 1 :1 . I1 ,VV RT 1 .... • •• r••• 1 ••r a y. da•' - r.r.:.f • \ E • ' ' - at a • .0 ....... andihatinn in nrcihntiv.Th4 , 49,..,3o ~
•••• ••• • .-: .. -. ••••.. a - a., lA,. 1,i, - ! • !... , S•l.ltN • YORK AND ER \ RALLROAD. 1 r..„,,,,' ,:;,„*,,,,,,,...,,,,,,
\'' ; ,,, 7.7. I 1 / 4 . ' 31 • '' •
Ow ill: ' 411 :7 -' : " 4 1•' ' . '•
\ ! . 1, 1 851. \ , ; 4 \ ; .;
~, . .1 4 4 \
• " • 1 / 4. ,, 51 ROI- E 1 ,..E ., ~ El , NCHai.. f: 11 \1 7 ria \ 1.1,714.LK5, REA, 'fah }ULU/WINO: ' - ) . 7 "
, . _
1 • * 'T d '''' ''' T ` n "" '''' .1" . s'.Of . + 4‘ moora - on 11111/ 1 ' N
, a N „Lag. N. J- JartnArt 2A, , •,/....1:'...
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Palaillatliiti nt tbae Jrart, I/Warmed (.1,411.3J/esCld . 7
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to ...o .. I 1 ., . , ..: an..., t.,.... • t0,te1,,,.....a.,..,.., ~ tax. It- CA3I)3 , 31, Ll. ; . .
I_, A 011 :00010, r. 11,111111 1,11.1....111010. 'II NI•Lr/.../ 1 1 , ”• 0 1 Kentucky Mutual Ltio Insurance Compsuiy. .er , •e• •'"'•.- ' S ' n '''''"".- -.
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~, thr 1 , ... , 11101 LI, 111 110.1. l' 11.10 01..110/.0 ' ' 1t1.1,13 own, BUllli. SI. U., 1,7.4.1d1in.
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I Win. R. Haskill,
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~,,, , ,.1,,,,,,,,,„., ~ a . , , Mr 'll. 3. „11...CA-1A..1\3n, ll taut. I ',aura I rat,
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Shawls' Cloak:E. ! aut db.% '
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hA% 111 C. TuTTLE, Att,ney at Law. 1,
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.Ilai and after ' IS,IONI)A Y.- OCTOBER 13th,
I hr ' , .'1..rr1at..1 hut, eilmati 'Railroad Comp.) .*
.111 ...ekd uut from Clevr , km.l aEa pnt+ tr4o ..vorY. , .° -
~;..... , t nh : l l.t y," P ‘ l T. ' 4 i P L4•ll7l4l g lg° . ' f ,' , Vpl7lol
' • • N ' A ,4tiffr:.:Agr.q(ukata,...)
mrm.rxrf Wat.i,ml :manifold mta..
. Or; J X I.SKI M EN.
\ M) at...). My.
r Tn Llt 4; I'ufrf.7 W ESTI' NIKES WEST
Rail,cod and Etrrrpg l'enktt Lino
Two Daily Lines &peace Packet Boats,
r--7•111 mute.
Land a nd 'Lots
~ .. r: ~.,.,,, ..
~h~ ~ i i~A
To Let
,tt! 's
I). I
• l
i k , - WarX;ii:
Ohio hd Pennay'Amnia 4ailrnad.
i E IN I'l ME
I , t ANO A l'Eli MONTAN itneLth
nnert,...l r., .111 Nowt lln t elaen et ti
return t'etleral ere. .1.101. ut
• ti Et; PA It 1 'rule( A..,
Ohio and Pe isylva.nia oad.
IF • •
'0 NEW ItltltiliTON:
28 MI . \
g 6K and alter MOND Y, A in:ftlST , dtti
rtt ‘ l" F r : /1 1 .1, . 1 111 M. ant ,
41 rn •; t - TU. /. 1111. r. 't
t• telltlrnn untln ttnlin ,nurr , ttl • et halt .1.4.
Iltiwngt l'clistclinth enJ Ilat Kill,. Mug, Su et.
New Brovltlion.
n \ . ;
Mgr I , tter-trn Ittk• I. , at rt... rt....,
Itrur tt. tt l'at.tturutt Anti Ituntinte, .o r • st , ..Jlt: ).
ri•tt.l.att Ktrl gt• Itrwlttnn .d gark
Ow Ihe Tr. w rt. tai Vrittelott . but tcl, pane
Kw, tgt SKI urcl. w 111 ti ',the wt. lac
I km 111 be Kt tht. Ingttg. Kt. Intletal
n—. on, Iwutlinv ttnrn.t,T nli 1,11. r u ttg
nt t.• Munongnltela Mon. 11., wag%
ncl• ttutilgs— ,
urn .Iw.
I. the (Inn nutrultela'
it. tn 6•1.,. gnu. t. th• Strwriptt ot lintgarr. ler
flat •t tintrlK, alum: /11th Far., In.
, tt ,litr tarn, nliy punt
int nnnt Intl On out ut l ttn• I w .
I Ku, , , nat. :King 1it... - . li...twrliruhtnnt wt
ot I A /11(IN,
• .1. 1 ALL •\ RIIA NOE:SIENT. .Irsl
11,1 '311., Monday, August 25th, the
Ltt". ..,11 fttr
• tt,t•-•,ti..: • n..1111,,,,,,1 rt'olco.k,
, . Eh... et a A/4 [Ott , I ,
vim.tttp.o l X
0. It tt. 1• t • eta, mil r..
. • ....t..lttatt I, DP •rt tayl.ll*tit
, .
t.t..f.t.t:1,1. rttlf 1,1,11101 tr
.1,n11.1 t
It , t.
! .1 1. Ilarrit.t.tiri, *3.01.
.tt. . • t r.. Ottier, tkltttittntta-
liOLME:•!, Ar,pnt,\,
U- LEEtil .1:
I 51 . Wt.X4Wgg.
'..i.. it .I - . Nrt• I % ...'llger 1...L.,•11,1!e1,
,i 4, .. l: ... 1 SltiCillit
I ~ • la, t,iort, .4 l'ltlA.o.r,ti an.l it,
I . • , ~ 5h i .0,1i,1x•... , c,r1.,1, ....3.41....
I ' .:...;• . ....1::: -1 1 "'- r ''4'' ‘ ! ‘ ;76 "'" Y "' ...' '.'' i,
• • —..• 20, ~,rf• .1„t0\p.,,, -pr. {,nreurt /t....ttr,t,
'it. t• .- tt , ttmlat Pt., a t l.iVk I. i%t4.4 , •urkzh. li.r. , rttatUt.
•.1 k t tr tlt,tam rattvl4l ntl nr,10.11.,t.
'•" ..."''', Mg'!‘ ~ 1, 'ton 4 Vit .....111.0*, - I , a,r,''OT
'.... . ‘" n. ' C t7;k I {itEl. Apri„
rct,t Mat, a ',..10 , 1 Mot, rltaxpurAh.
Myangement , liade tp i, aid Rreight
% To BALTIMORE. Ili 1 ,; I: LtAYS,.
RAILIttiM. COMVANI, r...'iS4 . Li11a'.11 , ..b3
' * vorner he sal A 2,4 FI.. 4e• 2.
laAtS--F 1
\ - 4 --
ri r O ' cuAL t or ea t $ \
11 4 ra . L. , J. fent/3)I2MM 200
IN offering to Oct \rommanity this
ewletirated remedy for dinatiaw of thathlost and/CAM
It Is not or wise to trifle wit' he lives or ItWalth of Lbw
afflict...l. but frankly le lay order them the opinion. of
dLsthoguish..l men and fonla of the evklencew of Its .n 5
'.... n". •hirlf they ran—Ltidge MY themselves. .W. eln•
rend, pl...hte ourselves to make no Wlld•swatiomAcir false
etritensentri of It, ethosey. nor will n011511:I out any hope to
suffering humanity which facts will not warrant.
Many proof are here girth. mid w're /011151 t an Wintry
win„ , ,, h d e
t o b ti , b . llc p. iri ri t eru oaJ r l ,, we h. p h u , b . li .. sh a
, fee b. ling mi sets a,,,, n e red .rmo they ,
their best consdence and patronage.
linron the „Ibitlngutshod Profit/sot . orChe and kla
Utica 51...M0n, Bowdoin College
Past rim I delayed answering the revelF!of your Pre.
tairatioo. until I opportunity of wi /wing ha or
owls in my own fonka aldlan
y. or In thejenalles of coy Huai!
Inbil have now done with • high degneeof satisfaction,
In owes both of &dolts and children.
I \
I haes Wand a.. its Ingredients show, emferequi rens
'al, tor , abbr, coughs. and pulmonery diseas.
PA hi( AR ChhAVKLAbill, t..D
hronnwlek, 51a., Feb t, 1.47 I.
I a rem an isverswer In the Hamilton MIN. In tlils Ci
4 kt 1,
0, C Atm. I bar.• Is co cured of the worst mac t
•. t .r Mid In .1 ntr: - .11 , your...OMR”, PICLOILIX,^
OnnoT fin. wbra I have °hormonal of recommensiln:t
.4 then. lanes..
yippee: hill Y. - ,
Lowell. Aug 10, ifsio R. D. F.39:1150N
AI- iteod`the loilverna, and...pi( this medicine is worth
• trial. Ttos , oalwat ha!l become very feoble, and the et' \
vet of the Lurbliclnn em unmistakeably distinct:—
Ufl norm- ftSASTOOS Solna, Jolt 5, IMP \
Jtr J , Al of. So i ha.. been afflicted with a Manna
mhs.uoti of L. lungs. cowl all the .ymptom. of settled '
~..aumonon, Ins More then • year I could end no lila \
incl., (Ina n PrAcll my rye.. nntil commenced the
use fit four . t eeny Peetoral, ableh gm, me irmamo r. ,- \ \
het 1.11 hae !won steadily mums, my strength untfly k'
Vhealth "Nell faith .w hoa
of year coo-
;1ne..1 re , (-Ire' ret...whoa of mmHg with it my ream.-
.. i tree's!. .r umen. ,4 : s untoter Platelet, who ball
Ilk Y. ndwl from his paisxbild dative by a 'reenin. al
l• cf bikurbitte I has.. Oleweare to ortlif. mg thee.
"I. ° ''''
"' l . l' ' J.;l:lia'n'lli, Carrll .L
Th, 1i...ti1. far on. or the worst oi ewe, which the
ph, ci • e:.l friend. thought to las incurable esuosorrig. '
Cu Mu. Oa, Log D., IS4O.
.1 I At Aji —slr, I was mkcn with • ternble oongli.
i rrocht rn Nif ,,, , 4d in the Iwginning e.l Ivet aebrnary.
sad we. eon ed to toy `fwd. for more timoktwo months.
~,o n n„,„, .ne, anti, , ufht und uley, 1 L.ame ghastly
„,„i pan, m, rib, .Oaken and glassy, soda, y hreath
rt Ind... d I was cal' ily Lilting, sod in. orb ate
t • -il!_„. l ' :: i ~ eth trot tut line his. ri in r rerssa,-, mold
I 0 .I.i.rtalif.4l I.klie In this situ., wiS .1r rb I ILL.Inn,
(tiro I:, Jobn Karl*, of the Metheli.t,b,i 1. ouuLt
... . I..lfis f f , cur o'\ „ ny I. ntal. e 1.., I trlou mow.
to grata. him then is en yeNyrnelanr ar 1 A...lMb* la. .
Ire, In , cool .rtlrnla rh aL lur nd rii. is, rclrbrialtr ILn use, and•
I ...on a otid mf brrrallblp, nal improved, NO. In MPa
mnt. I em well Lad atm.:, aisl tan attribute my core
ole fa ~,or greet au..beide ,, Hal Model
ynvr•. ere. J k 3111, , OHL/UM.
ll...pared end odd by JA4I, C Allth, Ifrautical Chinn
-Ist, Lowell, 3laen X
eoi!I In . Pittfiburali, who...4mA retail, by 13 A PAL-
..r hhelimul LiAr y 1,1 ye...a, t..), ale a , .0r0.0• t
o...iiii, hit in kW, St 1.1 1 LOS .1(.1 )4 arer I,i/..
S,SliiLl. Isov« ort 61,1 the oitrt 1.4 , F, trout! . st.i I ti iii
..0, 1.111.00 t rlo.ovratioti thiit l 04, 0 00 - ,00 , ,
I 110 ri.i.oo,t•criuitti7 then, IL lii 01,0 at,- .0, 00 .10.
40,-. of Ow Live:
, 1 ..tit uratirttit rirthl. \ ..F 111111.
1 . 0,1.0.0, wilt. trtiolutwr thit .11 VIII. tilled - Livt,
1,11.,•, \ ....Ley thwys Ilmit.‘4 R. 1t1.1.. Y.L.Lt.llyi, Nu.
14 0.4'1 00,1, tau owlVticllsl , / .... t.t..,,,, al ••.::
_._ . ,
pltOk% ALEX. C.,BAItNA'S 'i‘ . .lCol'llF.-
L % 04.11,!i,_cilL 11 2.11111E1;XL/ LX.III lif)11.1.1. —Tl,Oi. i. 2.0
1 0.011 1 , 0 Lb. perpi.ecnt 00re 01 lialqs4o. aid di00.40/%ot
thy 0000 , 000¢.000.113, 11 , 0/ b. 0. 011104 I.lik Ropuhrits
,11 I, [hp article Rant 2100 Z . :a...0r Parr{ br / riwpi,
=, t 7 111.41-yty.l L 1000000,4. .11.14r0itente1001, 01(04 1,
thy 4.4., 01 . tlxo 1 00101110)17 1 Su 010,04 eye, 1,01-
.017 111100 iihnitit Is 0201! 10.p00f1Terta/ another tip.o.l,A s 1
th i , kiwi:y.l 1 10300.141 'hits to %b. 1041 071' L o r i ir rod
'Thin IYrttitt , tte Itt. grs.wth to et titaurkablii 40 i
, 0 . iii,
10101 2 tbe 1.10.0001.01., and *Re, 000 nawk. d m , r,,,, ~,,,,. 0 , 1 . 1
,ii 0..., . - It 11 tII co. 011 tans.. qt theitellw , stcb 1d,....0‘14
4evi, ds. werro.amictLeroblwaloW,diaoluersot IL,lkiu;
itt chtoi.oooo. wlll 101 tifirtiej .It -quids unrayiklitii.l It
1011010 tt+ 1.0 botuetipna ZS alialtry
0 \ , -' ~ IS. IL BR . gz„ 47 Wood 1. '1
t in the &nun. et
Ulcerr. Blerlltne
yorperein, Salt Llbetno.
tn. Lows or Appetit..
)to the uve of .11.. r.
the Sitlei on 4
end flebtht y
bag, J•rzia