PITTSBURGH.GAZETTE: PUDIABIIED BY WllytE t CO. ITTIBI7IIOII WEDSEOM ?AMMO; SEPT; 24,'1861 . Attention! Primula of Scott and Toluniton: Le c r-Tho' attention of the friends of Scam, • ifonsairos; sail Paola-floe, in Allegheny Musty. Is trod& ly weed importance of* thendigh Anirsultidlothhg thilormetion of Cl it her lu every elortlen Metric; for the eididotiPii lee, appointment of Committees of thillentes to ere that every frierd of Boat mid Johturtan le messed, aid that those Who require it see oMarmiWd, sad that every Toter del:exit hit ballot on the Second Tlascles of Ueudier nest. The killow Sag Comm(UM em•bildorallsatita Ikm ben empohltdd: 11. Nixon. Adins Mordsoo. J. Eggem, Jmm, M. Y. 'Apldelda. , l . .l arid, Cm, ebAA. Ydatb, l 24,k. A. idn3d, Zapt. 4 tdruezikor, Bmldomu , ml„ dr. J. Z. Hrr, Wm. B. &Bur, 'mom !Hoed ox, : lompft • lb".. Ey maim of tbe County (Mikmll2M. Alleghtini , County Scott and Mug= • ‘• Meetings.. • stier.A. Public Meeting will be held in the - larcook, of Elisabeth, on SainallY, MO" of U.ptamher ..Allioblintown, an Standar. Poptegniar 16, 2P . M. At libarpsbarsi, Ttlealer. P. Atee.ia.kr, KoduottlaS. ,f,l• • At lionerstown, Thmalar. tai " At Mat Won:: " " At 11e1CaNport, Potooliy, " • " At Tmentrun, Olo.ia" • " Zis " At hasktal PIM Dina township, Monday, Hapt. MM. Psesiosa, P. • - At' T Pew Borne/ (of P. Loonari) nowden tog tishlP, on uaalar, M.. . - li AtJorthlawrosa, Ferran totrathtp.on lifannestar. at 2 o'clock P. M. • At 'high ll'Oartaick's, gip., 'Moon townshlP. on Thin' day. :nth. at 2. P. M. - At _Citron/tn. on Thinwiai, 2.5 th. ai 2. P. At jam. Plankinttors, PIA/ totonobip, oo Maar. =Oh. • At John CotritPo. foraship,oniAtnniar, 21m, At Wilkinsbn. colhiondar s =INS 2 P. 31, At Amos Pearce's. Jefferson townebtp. on Tuesday, 80th, At ClisAini, EinM iOYIMIhIp. Wadi Win Thoradar, Itat 2 P. al. d. ./. 7. l l4 lllbert .p lV . i m llialas. Cyr!: 9t. Clair knottily' cc. Fri. M2==== : Ist* Jaores•PAlllip'r. , Rotioacra Towaship, .oa Monday, oth, at 2 P. M. At Ntaneelllll, Stotler torrathip, dd Tuerday, ith, at M. At O. T. Caoltres dRR, Sontli Palette IV, Walnealar. •ettOA-P.oesor.E.! .. • • . AA each of Mr. tototiao, ow friends *II be aaoroorea ea robtrota i=portatato tae [teat aolittral Interests of the cooatrl.- Oar Ideals to 'earl elect!. &grid of fro, moat;, are :guerre] oroalte,aad, Dare ern). tartan wawa. and nuke artaaremeata to bring' all our ratan to the lola. lip order a _ OGADITITIVE OP ARRANGEMENT. . , • Vorsa,.are you assessed?' If tat, see to it, iminediate!y. 'yon are assessed ten days before the electioollyou willlose your iota. Ile- ' Cusinuto...4ut..friends from the country, both in this and the adjoining cocatiee; give to cheering icootinte of the spirit and enthusiasm 'prevailing among the whip.ty give us atoll vote, and the da3ria ours- Make an many re cruits' Se you can—the more . the better; but above uvery,tlung else, glee tm a full vote. • :Ater of :Whig lueetingskiebi in various parts of the y eounty were received at too•lele m hour to secure insertion le this paper. They shall appear . in oar next. Tho Whig lire burns cheer ingly.. Allegheny county promises to roll up a majority three thousand or upwards. COL BIGLER% MUNOZ/LIS l'ife think no Petinsylranlari mistunierstand'e do,. Johnston's views ;and political opinions. They stand out boldly stilt proniinently before' -the - vholopeople,atid challenge investigation arid deinand 'support: • slot so with Col. Bigler. There seems to be• is difficulty in coming to a knowledge of what measures and principles he supports, and neither himself nor :his - friends have hitherto been very 'happy in defining hii porition. We took it far granted thtiOte, in common with his party, and the convention which noininated him, was in fa 2, var . ' of the present I,ocofoco-British tariff, the offering of the Democep tic party, and parsed by pennsylvanialoca'foco votes, including the cast: log vote - of flea Id. Dallas: lint this is not cor rect, leer° can believe the Pittsburgh Pod, ffFr that piper - Of yesterday, under the imposing head of 'Dentocratez ketnetalmr,l makes the followitig em phatic declaration: - • )- . • 41 is a Whig lie—that - . Col. Bigler, the Locoro oo candidete for Governor, Is lit favor:of contin ,sing the:present tariff, which is day-throwing you; heathers and sons ~,out of -IntaployMentto make way for British goods.'" So, Col. Bigler ie sot favor of 'continuing the present tariff, which : has wrought so, much distress and:misery in Pennsylvania. It is a irhig lie"tetiffirm that he is, says the Pont, of Piitahn4, , his organ in this region, and a. pa per that supporta this 'Mine tariff. Here is a "pretty confession for, yen, wrenched from thp supporters of Bigler in view of' the agonies of defeat. Fe; several years back the 'post has been Jet:ding the tariff of '46, and has per seieriziglydenied that the country was suffering, that our numnfactures were prostrate, and that labor tie longer reaped - its adequate reward. The present pinahing timee, the effect of the present tariff policy, has alarmed thetocofoce camp.- - The leadereknow that every person except the MoneY:lender, is. Buffering - More or leu, and • .that thousands are looking forward to the coming "winter with fear and trembling. They dread the effect 'di thik upon their' ticket, and hence change in Chair tune. 'lt is a whig lie.' forsooth, 'that Col. Bigler is in favor of continuing the present tariff. Well, suppose we admit the assertion of the Port, • and acknowledge that Col. Bigler is not in favor of continuing the present tariff, but would gladly. eels a better one adopted. What is this but acknowledging' that: the Whig party I Wright?' that Pennsylvania needs protection that the policy of thellemocratic party has been most ruinous to alLour Interest.? and that there - is no hope-for Improvement except in the elec tion of Governor /christen? Cot. Bigler ithews ' that his:party platform affords no hope of relit on this subject, that his - election would be taken, and chimed as decision against the amend - meat of the tariff, and stolid ems dash the hopes of the,friends of Pennsylvania in:Unary forever. hilie know, also, but that this is a loeo loco trick,. like, the sane and Clarion - letters, . intended to gull the simple? We shall proba bly next have the. Post asserting that CoL Big - ler is a 6etor protective tariff man than - Gov. Johnston. This would not be more preposterous, than the assertion se boldly made In 1844, that . Col. Polk wean, better Tariff man than Henry LThe Post tenet - Centant, however, with making Bigler an opponent of die present tariff.— , The Sinking Fund, the creation of the genius and energy of GOY. Johnston, LIS. too popular s measure to he left ontof the issue of the present ctutipsign, and the Poi: therefore declares, that ..11 is a whip lie— , That "Col. Bigler is „the bittereit opponent 'of Gov. Johnston's Elinkitig , Band, and is therefore in, favor of increasing -your taxes, by keeping - the State in debt,: Well, we are, glad to. hear, that the Cannel Is , -In favor of •gGoo. Johaston Sinking fruad." It l i , would be simpler indeed if he - ire:re not. What • Pennsylvanian is opposed to the great'and im portant work of paying off the State debt, ex cept those peenlators and ; defrauders who have continued for so many year's to feed . at the pub lic crib. But It - is 4 4110 v. Johnston's Sinking Bund"—mark thatantl'..it would not , be jot to take it out of his lised(betcess It is issf este& If Col. Bigler is in favor of it, tie ought thelesire that ite author should have the. directiotret it : for another triennial period. This r Would be only fair; audit Col. Bigler Is an honorable man he will acknowledge its fairness. Thus it is, that Leoofoisaism is compelled to acknowledge the correctness and value of Whig measures.. On the ere of the election, when about to be tried before the great July of the • -pa sple, Locofocoism is.glad to shelter itself be -bind Whig measures, and hopes than to escape ' ' the sonteece of defeat. Re hypocrisy hi too well known, boweter, 'and although we may congrat ulato ourselves that our measures command such homage from our enemies, yet we' are not • , trust those measures in thekhinds. ' They have -.deceived no too often to offiain credence now, It i s a Ba—" That Cal. Bigler la the plods: :ad sicipporter din old Federalist Buchanan, nays *it a working man should not get mate 'than mar aware for a days iork."—pitts ' hisegA rost• - Whitt, 18 COl. 'Bigler forsaking the "old Fed . enlist Buchanan?" The Cass star moat -be in She necendant.- The Colonel 104 been availing who:M.Bomo, sad he : : has Probably found '.a.hat the people cannot abide . .terrcent TM utter enbserSierney ' to 'Bouthent dictation • .• does not set very well• on the stream:he of Pet- 33,1110 in yeoman" Col:Bigler 'seesghis stomn oaring, aiLtilei to escape .1i is s intig lie that .Col. Bigler is theplaged;stipporier of the Old Pislatsliiit Buchanan ; " . Whit nest) - 1118:MOB; AILE Y 011„ aLIVII . , We have labored to set before you the intper-i tent lanes depending upon the coming election. It Is not neeessarY now to go Into- argrunenti,. tint we desire to remind you of your duty. w e have Oppoheota powerful for numbers, and un dying in their efforts. Many of them are; hun gry for the apoils or offtee, : ocl are using , every effort to carry the election' we have every thing to encormige us. Our cause to rod—we know it we know that the best interests of Pennsylvania are dependant upon our success. Our iipportents rally their clans to the support of what they cell ~t he Demo. erotic parry." We shall not Call upon you in the name of party; bat we beg of every Whig to comsto the rescue of Pennsylvania from the grasp of a party who, for, the eake of party, have Inflicted grea't , itijary upon her—frem a party who have given up to party what was meant for their countrf —from's party whose measures have iltjured both themselves and as. Come, and let as make Pennsylvania declare herself in favor of ti protictive tariff ; for you all know how much she needs one. Lot os wrest ourpublic works from the hands of men who have been proved to be =faithful, and have wasted their revenues upon politicians and party favorites. Let us elect a pore, able, and high-minded judiciary. - We have a ticket which. has com mended the admiration even of our opponents, and of which we may be justly. proud. You know what a noble fellow our chief stand ard hearer ii A man against whose official con duct even his bitterest opponents bring no charge, and whose masterly efforts to better the financial condition of the State have been crown- ad with triumphant 6110CC1511. Now we ask every ,honest man, is it either honorable or decent to allow such it tuan-to be overtrown through sheer indifference or carelessness. _There are more than 180,000,Whiga in Pennsylvania; but if 25,000 of them, neglect to vote, Gov. Johnston will probably be . beaien. Remember,,wo are not pleading for the Whig party; nor are we pleading for Gov. Johnson, to whom it =littera little,, as an ladividrial, whether ho_is succeesful or not; but we are pleading, and we desire to plead earnestly for the honer and prosperity of Pennsylvania. Why, it will, be well for our' opponents themselves, (except those who live' by polities) if we beat- hem. Letta do it, then, for we can do It easily if we try. We have every thing to contend for they have nothing but the name of-"democracy' the shadow without the eubstance. As we have a great work before us, let every man not . only rote himself, but see that hie whig neighbors all to so too. In every neighborhood there 'are more or less indifferent yeople who esclaim. "0 my Totals not going to turn the scale—there are enough without me—l axe no politicism—l . hare not time," nod such like coolishialk, 'which has kept the loco•focee in power io Mug in Pennsylvania. Take no such excuses; but bring out these eareles men, even if y f ou have to take a wagon for them. In fact fe'w wagons truVersing a country district, with one or two hearty fellows aboard each, is an adthirable method. It can easily be done, and it ought to be done. For remember, we have votes ehough tri . beet the lobo-Cocoa by s large majority, 4 lf we eau only get them out. Go it, Whigs—and if you beat diens, it will bathe best daps work you made this year, even if you cutuat nothing except our individual interest. Sraositivium RAILROAD.—The consulting en gitmer, W. Milnor Eioberts, toy., and the chief engineer, David Mitchell, Jr.., hate made e prellininaig recormoisance of the projected Pitts bUrgh and Steubenville Railroad, and bait found the route as favorable as was anticipated. Two corps of engineers have been organized, who Will enter upon duty immediately—one com mencing al Pittsburgh, tifu other at the river opposite Steubenville. The' ollowing gentlemen compose the engineer carps • David Mitchell, Jr., Chief Engineer ; W. Minor Roberts, Consulting Engineer; James E. Day, 1_ principal A.4.imant.4 • !EL T. Mason, I ! • ! W. Orsydon Smith, j: P. Brady, P. Livinston, •t ors Finley Patterson, 4 • "Inesßelbae4k ' l Topog're aft Draftsmen. Andw. BeltillnOni, 61LEONENY VALLEY HALL ROAD The Cintionati Gazette, speaking or the pro iected railroad through the Talley of the Alle gheny, rays: •"This line will pass a rich iron section, and the very heart of the great - lumber region on the Allegliany, and must effect an entire revolution iu the lumber business. Boards will be season- Id and dressed, when they are sired, anclsent ibis way to market ready for use, instead of being rafted down hare undressed, to be semen ed and dressedhere; and where the line is open ed, we may stmad some chance of being able, to seed up flour and pork in exchange for lumber— .. instead of paying cash as heretofore." ' 'That's it exactly. A revolution in the lumber trade would result from. the opening of this road Not only would the towns and cities on the Al leg:hang:and Ohio receive their lumber. clean and dry from the mills where it.is manufactured, but it would be carried by other roadsto the interior of Ohio, to the great benefit of all parties. At present large quantifies of lumber are car ried on the New York and : Erie Railroad from the head waters of the Allegheny to the city of New York, and the trade is found' to be very Profitable, althoPgh the distance is over sot; miles. At New York, this lumber comes in com petition iith the lumber from the Kennebeck and Penobecott, where it is carried in schooners di rectly from the mills, 'bleb are generally loca ted at or near the headof tide water. This fact shows the capacity of railroads to compete sue .aessfully with almost every mode ofeonveyance. &therm or Suss,Com.-4.. paper on this Subject from the pen of the Hon. 8. D. Ingham, Secretary of the Treasury under pen. Jackson, iepublished in the September number of Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. He suggests, In order to within the country sufficient supplies of etuall silver change and to prevent the exporta tion, that these results may be accomplished by Mint regulation to provide a new coinage of all the eubdivislone of the dollar, to be es much lighter than thoee now coined as would protect these new coins tram exportation or the melt ing crucible, which moot be made by law a le gel tender only In payments not *needing say hie or ten dollars , Sneh a repletion, he con tends, would confine thew new coins to their appropriate sphere, without disturbing the gen eral arrangement of the monetary system, and without the 'slightest effect on contracts. We find the above paragraph going the rounds of our exchanges. Withink the reggeetion un wise, because, were it anted upon, we should -have two nave; currencies of the 'same nominal valor but of different Writ:ado value. That of less value would ultimately supplant and drive out of cirtuletion the 'mere valuable coins, and leave us . with 'debased currency, which, like : everything else, would only_ go for what it is worth. • No law in s free country can give to money or anything else a greater value than it will brig 'in the great market of the world, hthce we should have, the perpetual trouble of descriminitthebitereeu the two discrlptions of coin. !we think It Would be much wiser policy to "so slier the laws iegalatiog iniporke se to keep our ,coin from !fatting out of the as it is now doing. When we have a good tariff our cunon ay:needs no tinkering ; but no . long as we have so.bad a one at we have nor,; no tinkering can sore it. • SETH cur= mime Bfg AcorprreNcEs. The Clarion Register of the_ Stif: contains a communication from which:we akfrict the fol lowing relative to Seth Clever. ',livid it, all who wish, information and Irish to place those layover who are 'ecitipetent to discharge the defies of the office vi whiCh obey aspire. The article comes from the home of Seth Clover Ote of the candidates for the next highest office in your gift, baa been brought up and lire! 'among you—he ie known to ell—you are all acquainted with his free tracierptineiplee, and boitility to furnaces and funnicemoix generally. Neither can you be blind to his utter incompe. tenoy to fill the office of Canal Oommissioner.—• Who in this country, bat himself or the :editor *t i the "Maim Democrat," would have recom -metaled him to the Beading Contention for' Ca nal Cominiseionen—A nun entirety' imaperiencal infineincial: operations, or any movement ofpub licanorks, davieg never sten a canal or railroad HALF 'A DOZEN TIMES IN HIS LIPE-74 own cline "faddy of mind arindsokinf, Wbeee chief 'Wily for the last ,tartyearahait been. tug' hint. • self into office. life baa ran, or tried to get hint jet( tonibtuttetl, far ill , or nearly the State andTeminty - Ones inttii:giftef the people. He rotifer . Sheriff andAtnecetded, barely by the kin ofthe teeth: He ran for borough cones.' Me and was defeated. He tried to get the nom ination fertheliniste alid for Centres, and is, now before You as ' he nominee of the loco foco party for Canal Commissioner. You are IS well , convinced as . 1 am of his utter incapacity to fill 'the °Suite hyping; to;' and if elected- 'is sure to become the dupe of dudgning men onddiehom.. estpolifieiani. Yon are all_ aware - of his thirst for office: he has spent a good part of his time In attending toemship meetings and organizing fantions and.delegstionit to snit his own view& Apart from party conelderations, and on Ms Own 'merits alone, he could not receive one thou sand votes in the county. And now, notwith standing hie party real and lois cunning, lie ' will full five hundrmi votes short of the denio cratic majority in Clarion county; for there are men in the democratic ranks, and not a few, who have toe much honesty and interest in the welfare of the State, to oonfide au office of 'high trust tot a person totally unqualified In ev ery respectll RILATIVCIALTITUtht 01/ TUB ALLZOIINNT R1V .051 AND LAM* EDII.—A writer in the ohicin c 'nett Comma ial suggests the project of tapping Lake Erie a mewhere near Dunkirk, and throw ing a portio of its water into the Allegheny or one of ite ti i iicitaries. i Be asks, - I "let. Is l e Allegheny, or any one of its trib-1 utaries at that point, (vicinity of Duokirk,) ad tom, or iolcAr, than - the surface of the lake ? 2nd.' flow sleep must be the cut in order to connect upon a level the two waters? Bas there ever been any survey of that region, in order to de termiiie the-. relative position to each other, of the head waters of Allegheny and Lake Erie? "The expense of a channel only sixteen or twenty miles long, exam if it had to penetrate la mountain, would be no obstacle to a speedy chtn pletioii of the work; and capital can be raised 1 in this city in twenty-four hours to coinplt the I work, if the scheme is feasible,'" -1 1 -- We would inform that writer that the sie..aoe of water la the Obiariver, at or near Wheeling, is level with the surface of Lake Erie. Of cover s the Allegheny, at its near Mist approach to., at Lake is several hundred feet higher thah it. Chatanque Lake,'whieb lies nearer to Lake Erie than any other of the tributaries of the Ile gheny, is about sevenhundred feet higher. A high swell of -land may be- traced froult the mountains of Virginla„crossing the Ohio river at Beaver, and passing up through the North eit ern contrticeof Pennsylvania, it enters N. Po at Its SoutiOVestern coruer, and thence skin t he borders of Lake Erie almost as far as B 10, .This rangeuf high land—it cannot be called a mountain—causes' all the water which falls in the neighborhood of the Lake to flow in a Bluth Western direction; and to It we are indebted for more than hell the volume of watersupPlied by the Allegheny, which, bat for it, would have found a resting place in Lake Erie. .. §ILING TU Quess. 7 -Mrs. Tracy IS still sight seeing in London, and in a recent letter to the Ohio Statesman, she thus pleasantly describes a • glimpse of itbe Queen: Yesterday I bad the pleasure of a glimpse of her Majesty. -It vras announced that she was to pass through Leicester Square, on her way to the Northern Railway station. Feeling quite in the mobd to see the crowd, I accompanied some friends to see the pageant. A shop keep-• er allowed put to take a I seat in- the balcony, where. without heitig annoyed hy s the crowd, we could narrowly observe all that passed: - It was amnsingto see the throng as theyeollebted. dome comet on foot and. some in cabs, some in tionnibusses and others in coaches, some Were in silks and others in rags, but all were look ing for the Queen, for she had never paascOatt- Hely throtigh‘ Maiden Lane, and the throng would testry their applause. Her 'Majesty is known to e remarkable for her punctuality, so there was not the slightest apprehension of de lay: The crowd became more dense and the policenien were active, 'as carriage afterLcar 'Hoge drove up and seemed ready to bloc up the way. Probably from ten to twenty thous arils were Congregated ip :tight Of the King'. Cross, just to see the royal family drive by. Jost at the time announced, a carrier in a scarlet coat, well liveried, rode through the crowd to- .. , . . . wards the station. The multitude scoutip a shout, and directly tiro of the life geoids hastily passed in their pictures/tie costume, followed by four more at a rapid' pace, and next followed the royal carriage, it pions coach and pair, with I the windows open. no Queen looked out and bowed, and the populace shouted, but for what what I could nqt understand; and I had u fair new of her fate as was possible, considerin the speed at Which theipassed. Her. face ,track me as pleasant in its expression, as well as quite intelligent ; but really had I seen her in Amer ica, I nm pre that I should.not hese thought of her es anything remarkable' among our queenly women. Still, I think her o noble, true hearted wouian, well worthy the lore andadatiration of her subjects, and the respect and sympathy of the world. I hope she may some day visit her Americaaleousios, who would, I am sure, give her a bea#l welcome. H. Id.. T. „ su Ma. ffixal xof a lisrvirusw—Mr. Bigler is called a raftsman. This. is not his occupation. lie probably never cut a log of timber in hill life. He baa Isidore in the, town of Clearfield—and culates lumbdr. He trades goods for lumber, and then 'sends it to market. His occupation is that of a' store-keeper, and lumber-merchant. Ht once was a printer , and was in the habit (so se) s one of his biographeis) of returning after the labori of the day into his sanctum, and there ttics and political jurispru dence.” By these et }1 he qualified himself for the rank of Colosat and the business of a polilcian and became as much distinguished in wares in Ogee • EXPLOSION OF THE STEAMER JAS. Jammu LIST OP KILLED; WOUNDED, h:MISSING. E MILL C, (Ind.) Sept. 22. The steamer James Jackson explodid her boilers yesterday, leaving Shawneatown.' By this accident,l3s persons were killed lied - wounded: The steamer Summit btought the in telligence to this place. The following is a com plete list el the killed, wounded and missing: John Fraiiiie of Louisiana, badly wounded and scalded; Phil Rance of Loaunami,do; Capt. Holmes, of Natchez, killed; Capt. Walker of Arkansas, killed;, John Grainer of Vera Crux, wounded and welded; Emanuel Brown of New Orleansomalded: Sol Warmer (negro) of Louisville, killed; Isaac C. °rise of Texas, killed; Moses Embrey of Colutp -kue, Ohio, wounded; Anstin Johnston of hew Orleans, do; Judah Coleman (negro) do; Dr. W. Hood of Georgetown, •Ky.„ killed: Mr. Fisk and Elite Pitts ofGeorgetown. Ky.,ecalded; kfr.Silvey of Arkansas, do, Andrew Sontbworth of Lonisrille, slightly scalded: StSrny Kimball of Albany, Jo; Wm. Mitchell of Georgetown, gy., James Craf of Missi ssippi, Charles Allooay of Louisville, badly scalded; James Serials of Louisville, do; WM. Warner, late 'Of Providence. dpi lasso Mc Coockle of Mississippi, do;. O. M. Verratt and wife, slightly scalded; James of Baton Rouge, badly scaled. S. C. Thomas of Penn sylvania, hid his, leg bran; Arnold Lashley of Kentucky Bend, Mississippi, slightlyernlded: R. S. Roshby of Mississippi, slightly scalded; Mary .Ihmsen and child, of Louisville, killed; P. K. Cochran [of N. °ileum, slightly scalded; Daniel Marshall of Illinois, slightly scalded; D. Hood of Mississippi, killed: some S for 10 others have since died, J. J. Mitchell of 'Mississippi; badly wotmded; Dr. A. C. Eons of Loctisisne, Slightly hart; Judge C. Mogen of Louisiana, do;, , Col. V.. Stewart 'of Pennsylvania, R. E.. MaChetton of Mississippi, badly burnt; A. L. Larn of I Minis: eippl, do; C. C. Schickelford, slightly burnt; *cEwent do; Dr. Kline do. The two Pilots of the boat were sligh tly in juried. The Engineer in charge of the e gines, immediately after the expedition, -is repined to have jumped tushori, and took to the woods. A lady got on board at Shawneetwon, aniC•iaskilled in eight of her home. The.steamer C berland Valley, was but. a Short distance below t e deck son when the explosion took place. Sh return , ed, and endeavored to aid all that w In her power; 'she also towed the wreck &shot . The boat was literally torn,,,topiecee, from th fore to the after part of the cabin. The tic, bo Dire are I crushed Ilat-byZhe force of the explosion nat. Tux 11 , X3 CHOP.—The lest Terre Ha to Cu, rier says: I There seems to be, some animation and excite ment already ainang'pork payers and delimit In this section. We understand that cOntracts have been entered into by a few dealera of thin place, for hogs at V' 85, to be , delis lie cember, and that diOnt been. refused y some genera. The quantity of hogs will of be so large, it is supposed, hut the quality be ter than in some former years. The prospect I its well for farmers, and we &drilla all thos within reach to look to Terre Haute as, a goo market this season. , From information received, we do of think that any such prices as theConrier gives will be sustained or can be realised to anytixtent. The crop of hogs will be certainly larger,if riot much larger, than last year's. The farmers; eucour aged by the good pried. they obtained tri, and the prospects of a large yield of corn, are fat-. toning up young' hogs to make up for y defi ciency in number. The stock of pork, kottedth standing the large defloiency, a4o yet tolera bly good, and European advices rspotted,the provision market dull..- Then plptifgr yield of wheat will alO - ; have &nit:dime, On ;1116prior of pork daring ths munang season. We do not question that eta cootiebilive becitdade, but they are &At' hilper than the plaint pros pects justi f y.— Lea. Citedirrtiota: or ,Azo LoColoco Dllll. Rio Pancester - County has proven perfect “God-oend" to the demagagnes of the Locofoco press in this, State, who eche' hold of tba ccaggerebsdneliwpaper represents,- does of the outrage, and gloat over the outbreak in 4 spirit of fiendish malignity, in hope of ma king politiCal capital for their party. Why or wherefore, Heaven only knows. It was but a few days ago that the same demagogues sent forth their sheets groaning with exaggerated rep resentations KS to the disloyalty of the inhabi tants of the island of Cuba, and by means of their deceptive falsehoods end inflammatory appeals incited hundreds of our brave young men to leave the homes of their parents and engage in I practice! itivasion of the territory ofd friendly power, in violation of law and in the . face of the proclamation of our Chief Magistrate. Not on ly this. But when these young men, thuslored into ruin, toll under the hands of the executiouer at Havana, the men who hod seduced them to this fate, through their preases and their public meetings bitterly denounced the President of the U. States because of his efforts to maintain the empremacy of the laws, and actually recom mended the fitting out of other armed erpedi lion., against Cuba despite the Laws of the land, with thaexpressed determinitioirof putting the officirfacf Government at open defiance. And now these same demagogues—their hands still reeking with the 'blood of the victims of their cruel perfidy, and their l lips quirering with imprecations against the laws of the land— turn round and with mock professions of fealty to their Country and itslaws,.endeavor to advance partisan interests by libelling 'and denouncing their law-loving and law-abiding neighbors and fellow-cid:sus. Must, Robespierre, and Canton; in the wildest extravagance of the reign of ter ror, never gave better evidence of their undoubt ed claim to the title of unmitigated villains than do some of these demagogues of the American Prose. Poirric.u. —The nominations for the October Election having hien made, the politicians are now busy calculating the chances of succeed of the various candidates. For the purpose •of helping them along, we supply the following data, taken from the official returns of the elec tions in 1848 and 1851. The vote for Governor in the State in 1848 was so follows: Johnston (Whig) 168,623; Longstreth (Dew.) 168,221. Johnaton's majOrity in the State, 302. In Philadelphia City and County, the vote was as follown—Johnetori, 25,981; Longstreth, 21,- 000. Johnston's majority, 4961. In the following November, the vote for Presi dent, in the State, was:—Taylor, 184,836; Cam, 168,023; Van Buren, or Free Soil vote, 11,118. Taylor's majority over Cats, 16,918; over both, 4795. In the City and Countytof Philadelphia, Tay lor's vote was 81,229; Cast, 21,608; Fan Buren, 87 7 . Taylor's majority over Cass, 9720 over both, 8844.—PhiL Lidger.. COMMERCIAL llsirsisaan lisitcsa.—Adrertismosts and subscription. to tbls MI resolved and intuulnlost Cresof from tbls REVIEW OP TER PITTSBURGH lIARIZET, weir aschno .S4easbrr 18,51. Itswelks—The imneral dodoes In trade.. which we spoke in 00 last weekly report. still outdoor, and during lb. week rust cloerd, very little off - interest bus transpired. Sales generally have been entirely eVralOiltd to ..baell lots fur the regular home consumption. and ao far a. pried de concerned. no material rhea, ha. taken DI The wruither continues very dry. and we Lure old/ bee. coneoled by strong linked.. of ran, withont. d Yet. en, actual demonstrators to that effect. dhould the rain come. .bleb la couddantly anticipated by haler...re general], may, e'er the close el another week. beer the pleasure of announcing a rise In pur dyer, and a general revival In trade. The river is ray low. and gradually sinking ,, Within the put three day, •• have had two arrivels and one departure for Cinclonath of the very lightest class steamers, they being able only to carry e few pesesnsters. and no freight. Owlet to the earr•ohitnerf dry ...Oa ths water in the canal has. for some Limo breve en low as not to admit of the pewee ef boats through that channel.— Renee the gen•nil depreevion of bummers here, bring vir tually out off. ne we are d Present. from e.namukation either with Um earl or west. ASllES—there hut bun owe from tr. 22 me), 11Nrs--The drinand during the oat arc. greatorr than a by ber,u Ex ataxic Ulna p.a, panne partly u• Car nrol arrala.r. Paley writ male at SL trksra ir 100 ba Sharp, and L.:n—Yale. , tof am lama at Lecm SI Se and 111.. tnra., al from' SI 25 to $lOO ...ch. na PORT OF' PITTSBURGH MY., ..r. tee.... scant In a.Yod. Fr 0•1•1 mask. lut •Yeurn. avdrrearly • vtatr4 .4311111 Baal, Bennett. Btosrneelfie J. Mcßee, Uendrirk•nn. lloEseeptt rhlantke, Park:nom. Brostorettle. o. Shrive:. Balky. West henetnon. - I,lseses. Wet I , ksr , ott. L 'WARTED. Stisni)e. l'arithuttn, Brenenssills J. 31e/see. liendrieltsothleKseeport. Thos helves, Hallos. West Newk - si. Ostme-... NTest ticw too WAT.. 3 LEA YOU THIS I , kV tOF PDILADILPUIA AND BAlLliklintlt. D Leith AlNial Pam-uitar Past. Ilea,. dant at I a ta 21, ca. • - 11101M1111.1.6 .16/666T 1.011. - 11140Wti5VILI.V. F a a, anal 6 r . Vir!N4T,EbD—...A - y A eu:l ,.. slari .. i o n the ... dry prefernbi. Wahl references required. Apply et thle au ' : eepkhdler. Valuable Real Estate For Bale. followingllE described property will be eald public oo Friday. the Inthida7 of Ocinter Mollt.r e t e clock, A. IL, cn the premien in kliaghenk c.n Tiho iota of atoned. col the corner of Bea l rim .treat sod Water slier, hems Ili foot in front, on 11. waver Wye. and attending Lack along Water elle, 75 fehL I On which tare erected two three shirr brick Dwelling lloureek each con taining eight roma.. Ai.o. one Vacant Lotion Beaterat., 22 feet In front, sof Ti feet deep. Aiwa one' Vacant Lot on Water slick: 23 feet 6 inch. no front. and 60 feet awe. Aim, one two Wiry frame Dwelling House and Lot. 21 ft. 6 Indio , In front. and 00 kot deep: containing eight (.1271• 'Fbe elate proesiis I. steel one equate. from the Penn erlrania and Ohio Hall Weal Dopot For farther gairtku- Oro inquire of the nularriberat his Mara Filth Wert, Teruo wale known un the der , of "mt P. . I. to 11WART, —Fre. " ar J All ES , RUlL.Oitti. effatttlt• of Elizabeth Wile... tetate.dao'd. Stray Cow. lAME to the aubeeriber, agar Eat ) Ilbrtr , i`olltne Towhatilp,. the 7-th dal V4..' tieptetatar. Doe dark brirulla Co.. with the 4 e c ir whit. tole. tb h g . o . 4:fs OrtZ Zr,;.`"..}k it's ' auppower that le maw fro the other elde of the ;rte . VaL ' e ' k,r 4 =l; c harge, .0,4 take her 00.1, or she will De o.pateheu tweordl. to law :41,24.-wtttT LAFA Y ETTE HALL. Musical Convention Teacheis' Institute AT PITTSBURGH. Under the Direction of Mr. L. Nato - ft, of Boston. MUSICAL CONVENTION ai!.d . TEACH. INSTITUTIt, on the plan of those which have MAIS so eucciewiful In Burton, Harbert., N. V., and other plocce, will be held in the LAPAYSITE mat. burgh, comffietteing on WEDNESDAY.OOTOBffit 1:10, at 10 o clock. A. and continuing In session Oleo or four " 'Re Programme of Elam! We will stub , : u r) lecture, upon and illuetrellone of Ohms Taaching,'Vrth Cult tion. Chunk Music, In In different styles, sr Id= /M. Thoinductlve System of Instrlthion wW receive err pedal attention, and th fuily illnetrated end explained Ise time will permit. Other oalebrated wittffecte will, (tom time to time, ho introduthd: thd in Omit. It will the aim to have much eterclees will 'to mothinteraitting.and theful to Teachers of ffinginirlichoole , Leaden and atem.. beta of Choirs,end indeed to all who feel interest to the general euriect of Muelc v and athadally tot]. frieze:ls Chttreli Muth. It Is throned that Mr. Mason will tutei the ththdthca of °EMT tined mundane. The Boston Mueical Canthutlnn. ander the direction of Sithon tr Webb, (the liret mtablith In the onto try) held Its Bret woolen to P.M, mid ist,d uf Prreerst. it the steadily ineresua , f until. I MO. it math tiered upwarde of tweet umthrt. Meath I . Tickets to the Convention mud inotitut et Pittsburgh may be obtain..l et the Both and Muni.. Irv. of John 11. fl e lioz,rt . ;„ . o . l . lo , e o l Aro., Price, 02..1 oiergymen boll lo attend free of sperm,. ecp:Grataw:lts. _ WILKINS HA ! Grand Concert. rplIE WARWOOD FAMILY respectfully jcv A7E1111% 1 / 1 ! `P.l,ll'; " .= %°."06,71,1 1 1 , Eig: 1.1:r11.1,111(10i, Tb .r o o y;irl u lk ty . t u t,.• when they .01 Intr.l:l4 as etioos-vh v.: i m .vice, of ale., Duatts, Eons. holm, a.• Were ever prevented to • Plttv burgh 101.11v4ve. E. W ARWOOD ill Gs acrompanled Of his Went.' urphrws, Easters T. y . ur v uorki, whose 010110 playlr& hav!toem *a highly bp,o by thy public fur.. Convert -IA coturvenur prrebwly sr o'elock. Tliksta rAnult.o to 0.• Awl at thy Music Stores of Neu lilurna.Alr Itur. 21,11. Klvber.•sad at!.o. door. seplrlAt rrillE MODEL ARCIIITEOT:4—Nos. 1. 2, 1 mud h, of this errallout work. tam lust Wen pa Wish 'rho 2.1 slut lid N.. , equal to, if not better dun kb* hr. , . All pergolas that art golucto MALE should have a. 00. nom er contalav lour nay Iltbograpti entail:ma of °now Com , " Yin. , b.rb.Reold•na., by esplartatiorw, apsclflustionwad cert. al,u, four pekes uf aresp ok blub i lug e pnp, with ttu, o .l,l g gobetlrh ' Z ' , 7 Atzl t: OVlT,lvalffia. r .:l7i..` 4 ;;LT: "Nl= opposite Zhe Post Wks. espol • . pf noon ELECTION OE - i t:MONS. \• :' se-ass 1. Ea it reacted DY. e finnthe rtriti, , othe of ti. lath of the Coati:noir thlth of l'en ylvania In Getters! As met. and It It hereby thamed,b the authority of the mum. That th e oialllel eivetthe eath o k , of - thet integral counties of this thennTrunealth shall the next general election. et th e times end Mac e of et In reprthentativet, and •beuever it ghat) thereafter be, c Constitution for th election under litleact. ace under tist \ Constitution of this Commonwealth, vise Relive pen, • at the first election, and at every election thereafter, many Asphalt be mesentery under the provisions Deistic, to serve minders of the Supreme Glint e &Ale Gnome . ret t =cl P roriv n tkh " efi v et e ' f r 7f id ell ' al ft i gnlt?o ' r i c ' e sone to serve as sescelate judges of the several coons of Foch county. . . . Sec Tlent the qualllled electors residing within the jurisoletiun of anyitierrict court Or other mein `of record now existlng or hereafter to be created by law.shall at the next general eked no atone,. they the , same shall he ary. Otte times and pinata for bolding ettk s uch eleetihin ir reepoctivr election districts:yam f or one person er y eat judge of such court and an many fit. mons for ma judged thereof ev shall be \ye ttuire4 lty law. di. S. That the lode. of the Supreme 'Court and the president duds. of ell Mit Courts of record, and the se, mociatedudgen th o le e Distri jiktort and the Count:leen.' District Pleas of ty and ty of Philtuleiphis, and the District Cone of the county Allegheny, shall be learn ed to the law, earl all the afortriald judges shall be So.-li fe/ elictors of ails Conouthweditla, and Guilt be otherwise qualified as required by th e see ltd section of the firth m• ticle of the Constitution of this thoromoneealth. Sec. 4. met the election ofjuttes shall be he'd and conducted In the several elemilou dientets in the thine manner In all manta as election, r revue...lves are and shell be held and contorted, and \by the mama judge. itethelars, nod other offiferni nod the provielths of the general nteembly. entitled "An Act tidal:Mg to the elec tion/I of the Ocuminotowealth." apponvetiVi second dal of J u ly, one thomemdalght hundred and tb ru and ins, d Its several impalement. and ail other like la sas for as the same shall be in force and applkahle.thallbedeemed and take. to apply to the election of Jude ided, That PI the aforawaid electors ehall on for i udg. of te Sun... Court on a separate piece of paper, aod for ot cr jedges repaired to be kernel in ;below or smothers zeta pima of That at a meeting of the return jote of the esvmul ellstirleta in each counry provided for bys c he set herelnbefors cited, dupliente renew; of all the rotef given in ~,,,b county for judges of the Sopmne Court, axed all Judges whkli the qualteed voters of ouch county met.- titled to ale . l of thmoselvm unconnected with arty other county or dietrict, shall be made out by the clerk of the Ismni of rate= Judges, one of which returns the preside= ( said board theft forthwith lodge in the office of the'. 10, of the Court teCommon•Pleas of each coult.l, ly, aml th e other he rdmil amt., man eovandpe, which ' envelop. ha atoll steal an.ldirext to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and place to the nearest post dike_ Bee. U. That la tbo taw of the election of president Jidda , ef thejodlcial dietrict comsel of two or more monde. at a meeting of the return] udges In each of soap cauntresj, the clerks aforassid thall.make out a' falr statemeut of all the cotes which thrall barn been gi Ten at such election within the *aunty for every person voted for ate snehetesidardindges which pistil be ehrosl hi mid /*WM sou attested by the clerks, arid cram said judges than take thaw* of suck etatement. and shall produce the same at s meeting of one judge from-emit of said 00 lies, which meeting shell be held onthe seventh der the electlon,at the coon how* acne of the monde., elhe tired by taking ouch emotingalternately in their phabetieal order. , - to kT. That the judge. of the several cordetim having to met, krill cart op the earned Monty *Murat , . and • soaks a thildrient number at moles of n genteel return of ell the Sates given foe sueb Oleo in add antler, ail of which they ehnll certify,. and one *I which th ey shell' i GAT • forthwith In the ice of the prothonotary of the Court of •Conordon Plena attach of esid manticd one ' xf which they shall enclose. veal, thd direct to the teem. toy of the Commonwenlth, lo the manner presmihed by the fifth Becton of Leis art See. A e That in the. Of the election of any Judge of thy coon of word now eanting, or hereafter to be created having jurisdiction :toyer territory thereafter `rithin and noLinclndlnei all army ra th er. the returndudgcaof the several electioz districts withineach territory dull el:utilise a board .1 min= Stodge , .Itht , esPeet to eield ection. and shall, at tbS time end alms of the meeting tf thereturaludges of suclitcountrlnrcceed hi all respects o relatloo to such election sti If required or the moot,: board In the Sixt duplicate reof. excegt that they shall begs one of the return, In the odic. of tbe clack of said mutt, thereat' ofShat of the prothonotary of the Court of Common Plot, , Liee it. Trot oaths drat Tuesday of NOtember next. fol. , lowing no; election authorised ib%tcs not, the Secretary of the Commonwealth t haul In th 110.e,0f Represent. Live,. in th e prerie.i of the thee and nthb other cit icths of thie Commernwestb Se at y choose to attend , cause the returns =adobe him kkoder • therrnieivians herro of to he opened, and the yowl ant for the judges of the Supreme Court to be sccoratelY comPrited, and the Go. senor thall forthwith Issue Illelpreelantatlon &cluing no many of the persons rotetl fth dimities se the Supreme (iron Dave shaU be repaired to is elected by this act, and who Dave recilved th a grantee nombst of votes , ti he dil ly elected. \ , See to.. That the bee persons &slated to he ati elected at the first elertion. shall meet o r • the tenth day after the day 11l th ere mentioned . . at fia place for holding the Supre me Court at Ilartleburah, coo peal! came Eve hatlcballet)nts&seth th e .cords - three seers,. 'els vers.' ...me yenta , twelve Lo n . rad °fins. 'year. ..spec. lively, to be put into • tok nod shall each severally Mom therefrom one !Allot, the words *port r ,hicb,so.ll ledg es.. hie term leader, and they shall rertifr the result of -odd lallotlng to the Governor. lit, 11. That iiit beini Le practicable •itenthe first Wel day in November next, Sollovring net eiee t Zti of lodge. the Governor shall grant the persons elm . respectively commissio.as as now required hy Ithr.to hold their temper. tive °Coes Tom and after the Stet 3fooday MG:totemic.: next kneeing such eleelon, for Ind Ourinktbeit re steatite terms of aim as prescribed old limited by 'the ' moors! *colon of th e fifth article Of tbeCoredittition \of thieComenonwealth. , , \ , s Stk. 12. Tht In the event of de verthity fve.UrViine in env judgeop In this Commonwealth by dent.b. ream. nor...removal from clues, the felon. to elect \ or otherwise.), the librernor shill appoint some suitable Perarro to dill loth serene) untilllthe Bret Slundny lu Demectier Pillar. log the oath gtheral 'eleetion i and the qualified «lectors e o n at the art general election which shell bonfire* mor e. than three calendar menu niter the rmthey shall occur,' eteet in the owner berembefore provided. • ortetelitc per son to such odes kit, thi•othapued tetra In the ste•tif • rulashly of th e litipleme Gorr, tuul for the toll tierno of ads , in ease of any other dottiMIGP. dec. 13 That the electlonof any venom as judge otliti Somme Court or other lodge manned to le ithrn in. the Inc. any he contented on'the petition"( the outslidel •oters of this Commouweilltinr of t he proper district, by the MIMS eribel.l mid in th, same meaner and other Gni earn ne t Wallahs and reorktlatie pror , rited by the aetN bereinbeore fillet for contenting the election of thy per ,Ml a tloyernor 01 thin Commonwealth Bev 14. That the Court of troarter Seteloth of seer! empty eh have jurielietion to hear nod determine. all in eiliteb the elec.. of Ley pertain ae aateserateßitise 4.11 be comentad.Trovidel,-Th. hid Jodi, awe "I° t aliall sites ledge therm( doting the •,routeet ot blot own etetoinu nen ID. That upon th e letniot , it) wiltieu of " I,o ' l . t s eotr ouallted electors of the Proper muthl. ~ , i f.•.4 by the affidavit of a 0 least is tie bout remphduinii .ot au ono • elottinu or htle. return of toy 1,..0. - zi.. as. e e c intejedg of noTart. th e emus Imving jurt tiou .hall opicita li suit le ilnie for bearing such comp rant wok , of shi. sba be elven to the bervon‘returned as t \ o c ce o tt et Dm tee A l e )ever MI ^ll henriug. end etch court shall her sill th *ere In the Trends , . teofterel upon the Court qt tyre r Sleet,. by' the aoTherelolve fore cited for the dyne mace :of contested elellon a yr, t e ordi eel township 0 Tee, Peen* April 1.1. 1 txr, Plr ‘,.... Z...,—r, ,ii.,.. un,ler CDT h et Nrr tspuh. thin :at day et 1 010 tereler. In the yr of to t beet, rm. thnelloued eight hundred nod retro . and, eftbe , lodepenleolle. or the Redtel Stalcathe se otr - ecth. \ ' 'tsp.& . CIRTIS. fiberifid., • Ilinneeota ii o \ orve ' , Stock. . ' iel SHAREk; of t, ii kin . Steek ir sale at a 011..1 nit, by \ l A. *IL INS a CO, see= t \t-• 721"-th.4..L liA'l.2l.!..___ IglLOUlt—lin bill& fkxtra v kk ily, for_ _sale Ir ti p .. , ,,..n , , v. ft 11A• s hAl _ . rt. N,IIACKENEL — f ,) bbis.4,at \in. .3 ; 1 Sltheacliusetts i pectic., for, 0b t - . . way= SIIW II it fill d I LIEESE-50 boxes 'ream., for I.l\ .by .1 isp:m. 14. A IV, 11AR lAtb \ - 11.1LACK1'001 ') . 11;o• St - texaber, fo a ; .., F._. • L'hird nth' t. t . lithe ante_ (i__ _ ell. 2.1 TE4IIIOII , I 1:1,8E., \ BOSIa:IN. S UASE. \ , \ T ms wcll kii s ckwn ee,abt,shixtrii is still Co o darts:Lib, tho.al -- ------ ‘4 has tiviaos Loam. 1 apatral awl I , laNaat t%: , f 4 b . o u c'Azrzla b.,, aao aorangetarooto, 1 found there. onast.latt ovahl Oran.- aet i lo . 4.4l3 , ezarlts.. ina ,„ \ , Ntt ‘ k'a ; ao .aaa ao ttati•o4l role 4 "7 6 lfrr '''f'tr., 6 ?. "4, mr..1.4.J) , 1151 - 31.A ‘ ri.ltriikIL _ . .-,—--, NZ BOOKS. ma XliiTintlires Ou Haulm. In thr( t Yin , 7floalt trW, i ' ( ' t Übe gema.liN i m. %I C \ 4 6tt. We a 0 , 1 ...xi c - =- ~ 0 ril ....,. - hoe. 4 um :se of Byrn% litirtim.rl . iir_llertik. iil\ Juet w re p e , r, . rale 1,.. A , , k, 2 1A .1 . L A„ ...111( ,. ~. m ker ghtß.l,ll.?)}.,,sz 5Rrahx.,;:\.11,..4N,„ ~-= \ _. A 11, Ildin lourtit . • \ ONDON ART JOURNA ' , WI' ptealb Il e j , Dictionary 4 Mechanize, No. 1, \ \4 2. ‘. na don Leber nn' the London Poe ,'0 liik.. .I.ltlell's 121yinu na..) ,, N0. 300 llmalve2 uld. for ne • al 1101.31SS' L y Depot, Na 71 'Llir,l .that. orlfirlie the Pon Offire ... L,te_rii2 \ Notice "W contractorV\ PROPOSALS vr,lll b e re,eived 'beadle Bit , When= ital Elitubelhlown Turn:Aka Road cob W a ry, ati,llthe lOtladay pfl)orebernest, for th • l t Urening . 0 4 hi gaga m a three in,. or tbe Road het ?Binh. "° .11.11 V Un a Ph, neih ' it t ‘ he oM cr ofN. • • WN. ,:11,1i1fAuellrreinili or,Butologham, after mat. ~ , JaM,l22 blab. SNODOI eeplUidCtill2liT Pretl.l VsieLtol il mod lut .P/2 _ ReloJ Estate at \Auction. ' THE nubseilbers will kli,rit\Eublic A t, uo,i. on the pArtion... on Thu mataThn Sith der e (Rtnber nett, th. wkll Ituova Imen il I,henillury aemb• liehment.lbetnerly acroiniedLinU. nu pOIL,Ure in situate In Reserve townehly,Nnimedhhely be find the mty ling, and Poundal on one Ude by the.. r olalniltoml. The lot le 112 feet by 161 limn( on which Is .elan one and Inick Dwelling nom, eto4 all th e wren& out uildlumi. nel a tn ionoimaure et 11 woupi 3 O A l . \ \ iltoR(111 H. 1 . .___ , le ma_r+DßE V 1' \. _.": c_ 4 ,_:. .\ " \ For lac ~ DESEEABLE COUN I ERY RES'ID CE In , p..bk tOwiviap,•four lilt. Gem the it cit barb mile !rpm? 0.114er-it, .04 th s u tan of • mile trtrielirpurth stregliank hoed—. r PrrirtiZ. N Ali . oliVrttnu \ :OT I,lralliVatu D it, nr a i which le erected • gna t t Brick Cottage mom, at\ on excellent well inmate, t the Within( 'dour, Ingeth oith ornoverdemt etabbug, dn. le.. 41 6 V,.. „, , ,,, a good )Yam l( arumt !loupe. The . r 1 amtalne 1 Apple Tome on 00 beet grafted Minn 4130 huh nuts ( ( fourths or whleh aril banned and dr the ellontest alulh) /00Cherry. near, Plum, Alitioot aruirhuinek . rea, of the beet vane. lion 30 Onspe YD.. stunt tat nna tee, ronetallng of litult Anil Ornsapental . ..7 thatisplsolltim, Alm— Raspberries, llooMbartier, BCu nth together with great mriety al Ornaments Treetic 4 bhrubbhry, ' The above priigarty will humid o ran termmaegtitln Indieputable. lor.norther pagti.l4. l et,ihit_lla riLlhe eub sort gy m, on tha prelnlk. ~ AU. miniOniln : ( aag zfumli t elamT • • • .\-- "a 1 Cli UNDRIES-5 irble. Stilenittifi; , \' . . ' • t 2 IMnee L'ij' Serf i 1 , 2 4 V T0 m . \ Mil li'e Tnlierem 1 Ih A r Alta • S " 't i ' • 4 , ..s ~ I CO. • 1‘, 9 , r4f•tiilk .0= LI TAR CANDLES-1p 0 fa, ..av br who:e ondthr. hxs. Joxas sat. ' LRAF TGBAOOO7--la hhdi. ntld boltes, for sale by._ Irbtr= . l liANNYtYibs rt On. riNiV6 COAL . FLATS-.-Far salbltY raptr2 J..SCIION3JJKNI s w Viott'i QUGA:IO 111016. prime, tyr try 2: 141.0010 A MOLASSRS--150 bbl.;.\N. 0.; ~ \,h. r •' tN Ti.; [aoak. ty.,ersibr. 0.1. brs u. I t ALreLI. .1, 0114 di I IIEESE-50 boxes W. it.; \ Cream; 00.0 by \ rty.lbt 0 0107.0bb CO ` , 4 QALEnitiis—lo tuns in boXts and bble3'". ; ': 4.0 Orraala 1.7 \ 1.3=1 N. Da LZ11..1. CO. EG BUTTER -25 kogs froO, for sale by N. DALZItEIt • (V. 1.)00KS AN STATIONERY-4 rec'd is 0 , lIOLME.S . Literary Dtgibt. \ Na.\7llTloo.l Wear. AdMilliatratOr ' S OciePt \ 'ETTERof Adkainistration' s ondic Estate / nr.lilyt. J. Davi., tabor the eitYrtt \ Piltaburttlola. romped, tiara bran lmateti 1/I,lla tunkragararAresldtra rart atrial 00. N 4 N UN!rtlA i Vr t t. to trkiamyttll to 'us i ta rt oo rjarms deb:Lauda t 11e said t'atato, are ri ga...lntake known I.l e tettitort ditlay; apt to tab= a venous blab kn., le es to I.\llo.lebtati to aaW are musattal taloa sartliata waft/ay repNt IV \ .I.II,IIORADIANcIaL%. t L ' , hop lei git_ I' -1 \ •---"' kiiLooß ou, 0.14)TL1 ,yardis , zr 3 ,l2 , ,,vB=l:eed n ltf hll . llr .1 . 7 _slid 9 W a:Lt. _ 2.14/15 '44,1.PP HADDOCK'S FIELD PI B Mock sad lkce.hacc,,. LARGEST VILA, open o. V Inkt, t the Athententn, Lther,, ORA,NRCLA2SICAL PANORAMA of the Nan " lIUARJ •ef the kIItTITRRRANRAN, depleting aM the I t=;n ` PlV, ' :ll, * 4% t rillthilr th °"°°°v,'"l extent. and pennon...A thenttbuo attff prZ i e R4l ard . .°74=p. - ' be. tdrN . Bo'elont, ererzerellg to we weeee To Printers. A\ ktINTING OFFICE amEl i y supplied VP?olll%einese,co thlr ' et i r . , l l.7getberetth the r e ' : .i .. Zi . e.... o, l tPontat WNW V ? de, hereby of catty . and as the owner,. an, enze o nad In ana d:lll:N t oe i d. no, will etold vary much below theft 'yens, no seonn. Inedenng t on, Tbe above presents an opening arldth llattioec 'Fur particular, era) . at ale odic, eoll'Anwd LINE S E . Ol dIALIVE Olt L-30 bbls. for mile by HOUNMAKER a CO. 21 Moo I o baskets for solo by - \ J. SCIIOONSI4 KKR * CO. Aga AMMO. LIORAN.-10 . nepa) Y. 'IIAR-50 1.) . {1,ft. on I. to. to close, b e ' 2 , 63) 1 UNDRIES-- \ \ ij MO bagel Rio Colrt - loon boe.'Nl S ladow Masa 150 pkgs. Urea, ,t Bib Tige. lighbblaXri 2 Rada: L 1 1,0 Aul P. 54 2Be h'd Taba?: 50 • 1.1 Tar.so kg.. Vir. Twistaud Plogi 50 " V (OW: • 11/ Ice. freak Rich ' i 2) " ir , h Whiti.. 30 bade. P.R.& N. 0. Bugal \2O • V iewri Abash .43°b.!' VII VILT;.° 1...." emie s t'"'': T.. •'O. IL p - " • th big22Oricte /Wiggi. Candlowirk: lil " arra " ' KW Leattogr: , he'4,l2 G00h..2 W.R.Choear. 6000'00. Pakat 0020000 000 tor. Corn Broom%, ' 500 Rho. Nall% citgibisadc Together with Bladder, Moves, Wager, PP.. ia , R , C., 1.1413•1120tf, tr., on bead and for seta tL - \ \ se6l9 JURYWATT A `i), Men)" .\l.' Y you ~CU.A.MBER'S—Very o.` pap Wall P*, per, end cheap Border.,Border.,ln I lee ot white - yeah, ferrate IMAM \ 1 W. I`..SIAREILALLL. \ ?LAID RIBBONS AND SlLKS , 7 \ hdra„eur a Beacham. !mac open dam inornha l'supplT of "hove tuhloosble wade., \ impel A N Infallible Remedy, for TOOTH ACHE, .r 1 Tarter on the Teeth, boozy end Bleedlne(Wzree;for N eeete, fee We et' it EYtattt & litchi/W - 1111.'8, 1.10 Wooletrech\ * .5 1 1_____ :—..___. - - 'the PIE OlNTMENT—Waisanted fo crireNk worst cares of riles Ina few days. fur sale by \ seplg , KEYSER t d nt ENUINE .hLEDICINAL PORT WINE;, 1„, BRANDY, AND MADEIRA WINE—Ip bOtll4.arill on draught, for sale t, sepl9 WEISER kIietKMELL, 140 itz,141., 13APAR HANGINGS--New style Of Geld A - 1-11=r=Vt7 - ' - vinztam moll) . \ Waal at. 111 TEEN OIL CLOTH-000 %Li' and r:Onarter Oren 011 Cloth:lor superior for sersies, to any arm,aned purpose,,nst rec.:tired and for ode L., tha . ;ha ware mama. Not. 7 and 9 'Wood ktreer J. a IL L INT/OW .SIIADES—LA line:. stock rri end., 41 ilia anew. Of ThaUffrofTtlt tlldom NI ~ .Ir,At recrired crom tbe manufacturer: • h Wi t t will .all wholaale aid retail, al , le : aa airy cabs bought ulasvhere. J. a Ll, PIJILI.IIbt; 7 and V Maxi Ot . aeall. . BUTTER: --IX keg ' efor ..tie by — . . mow NVIC,C a 31elltiliDLE13.9. - , CHEESE-80 boxes pi Imo W. It, for . sale br ' • If oCANDLE3B. • PERM OIL-17'W,-. for ,Bale by, 71 Ni kovi \ bIc•CariDIALS:3_ 141.L.AX—V- 'tacks foiv.ale Iti2 . , : ,ests , tt,ICE. a eQANDLICSS. IIRIESTEVERMILLION-2 Cases forsale b r ,1,,,,101 .l..A94:o9NmAict4 t ,tict , ,_ , ~ , Dry Lumbor foSitle\ ` REST 'COMMON WIII IIND LUM.: HEIL IC 1, and 2 to•thee thick: \ Opt., It 3c I,d g turtles MA; 4 t‘cLatllitit. Ilem.ank Jona t td Scaralletz. Lad (Ird.b Joier , . 1 will tell the above Lumbeltras htero,or Itt7 t art It ,cart be bousht to lbw city. , Alto—Two pens of trot rate FIAT 110.0\t„4. nrplittir /*SIRS U.SIOItUd.N. tikoth We v "., Pint Supply of Fall Goods, \ %.I.UP.PIIY & I.3BRCIIFIELD ha e no ir itTX\ 00. Ulu, lat. enj. , D:r nf Fall lloodx, lorttr ~. ma. of their regatta eartcm,re wad borer. tot erLIII\ 0 7 , . NEW GODS, • I"E• I VED THIS D I nod now operliog ' . wrt{ 0101tIrrt„ lot IA rty etreet. •,luit pi ' oes Muer and hteek. Carer res of the nes. an t i I ~mbet tanh4oneble pattern.. X' ttl plenty hi.. oat erh.red Clot ,or th e moot ettperi' L . 6..00(..ct0re e4 h. l.ro ' U ' e ' atrt i ttir;ll ' , "'" " " '..- tr. Lirdrrehlrls sod Drawer, 0 dtm. flue and avitertfue.rhitte. A ta. te ' 7llr . ervlltt ' q:ll4, -" r.4,! . r f l or " lroi a lfit.l It Y • MADY.WI4IIIIIM.t. of [he mat e n e-stylcLitrltt .Lank.d. trete,. inc ni the largtad end t [tutonueble or, Vomit.. adar.bel (br renttetnen • rer. It,. the erathrrn cßarktry; L. 11,1 elarh the prom led...mire ed to offer ea the verrlorwr prima for sub. • • • ttrdere in the railortna line erect:llrd in '!h bentnan ner, ttn•lei it e s hortorr ta. , tier. \ pl. 5000,,G!`),.5.1:,1u,:,.., yip. CO KS— ' t ,.1 " . it 7 / 1 111,t C . 10(X) LBs. ROSE I'INKOS,II d and . frr , Fele be J. 01pha co. ' . 500 ALLON ' ' ' S PiTII.E OLIVE -\7 011.-- but 14esiv ‘ ei see ter AO. 1 er.l7 h ./. KIDD .1 ‘ 01): -,- t — ROOT— :•\a,..- CASK AMERICAN - ARROW Junt:`,:l end kn.:We by (rl.ll, J. KIDD& Co- lIEESIVAX & FEATHERS: kit 3 rinks Bereereat 31 parkin Feather,,, landing.. , o,r 4.1. br \ ,111A1A11.Dliktlil x 0), eoriln \ ' ', Watt , and Front Ate, T., DA M Y A NDYEEKLY CIAZETTE 50.1;, , nt ot.o r Pittsbunth dallies and weeklies. and O. e a variety or:owerewers from many of our cities.. towns. and.elebetn k Cosinterselt Detoctor: to le. and other blanks: 250..0r Teperanre Ooliflemr , ,_Phanoon's 10l l rest Tables; ac., kept for sale at.X2I.AAC HARLOW Mee. r417,1t \ RiFiNtl,) BORA X.Jast 211:000; 1 4 3 1, S ..a iita for ..1. bT ' - ael7 ' \3. KIDD Alt 00.. _,..._ \ \ll INSEEI) 011,-;-, 4 0 bbls. for sale by \ eepl3 .1. EVIIO9NNAKErt I CO, 24 Nii.d r.L' ‘ , I,OItIANDER SERA—, 1 cask far sale by I& sepl .. J. VIICON3IAXEC Jg CO. t 'S—illt Ilk; 4 . 1)1 1 - IrackageS t for fam ' r we. lost rec. d and for . i by - `, lySt ~ 3 1eCLATOL I` ? ..„Q ,I CO.. ,,____ , NEW GOES: f. '9IOBY begs icp , inforin his friends YA4O,-.7,Reawrztrai,lttv. t , /aZ f tfrehratlblhpigtot lAW Or for sor the did asultleslkte of Um stAullpatteens of basest. slater/. and Vet. ...or the ruporlordoallty hls Cbotha`s, the propristob h •ss that all who wish to purchase our: *sloe io Ida ti !I t toor bath tith r tNarlf call. LIT rgtrea:CZ LA{ env tsrjritt.tYru43 ftfrtke el f or alb& whist' will‘htVeresl 3st:the '7r lutist Wees for tlistracto'ss. Coo \? sad elf iStio p u r chase I.lrgyty, orll4 , llnd ItVoutli to sten . &if:Waited., issollsw 14:,.i":!`" " "b" 'Tnnt`'"` \ gdeldlartiele In tho retslooltst hne mad to onice \ tbe 7 . til=sitlgsiWVsted h t=at t l.k set S', it , ll2.l.lP'S eelea'aed DO.RHANt F 41211. r ( Z.rio c ..ru",t ° 44_ * ,% r btt u ":4l l :At' rstal kof too tatcribers. Tb.ttlesot helt b roputedo the e l l" but Ls pa. lotrudiseed for tbstitstblutt Into thly osorkek no. 'oretrltteyf,eholos article \aro ry Ulls...d'r .4 1 .41 ""Vir. 4‘4.4trito .Sno_ • •e 1.12 \ tlittliftsond Tot utoies. , • Qb tiI;.tiSLIED SUMAlirLYvery supe\i oraelle fotpreWd:losr,_to.-2.ltt. snot nerd b , SylLt.l.l lallth • CO. 1 \ 6)ll.lloii—VV - ill% 'Teed, this ['•• day by szprelsel edall le su l peior, for sale by AP/1 . A. t CO. HBOW 1:0(?1.-5.1 , :s. Bermuda, for sale bp ', twpltti JAIK.IIIOQNMAKRItt \ CO. kHi.,, , BOA.I),P.RIVnTS,. at a ciV'qurit of a patient. from lart},et rrrk , r, door trkM( & kg ~,,,,,,,-..7.7 kIIOSIAS PALMA VO ' ER,-40Obags Rio, incrpallyprime, A... 1 Ju er'd luad tor rale ky JVN WATT 4 (..I.r. ~ ~ \ i lawny . rlJ,`, U ALEJ TOS -- -,T:to ' ria inVsi es and fiikliik Ll.flrf.\ lk. on \ i i, a.t. t m t.. \:\ , .--', "r l \N. Baarding\ . ‘ . WO Ttl(..L FAIIILIBS 4a10,1) . ti acenm-‘ mallard witb, pleatitra front ioollllll \ *the rerun& • ea . titter furuirbtd or uoturulahul'o an bovd. Arvir tt .o curter of moti ...1 armor.. , \• .0 T 1 1), ONDON LA,!OR and the No , 1).10, the itt,olat.tc "" SUOAR-70 iihd4 ~. salTbi \ • - ___„__ ( IOFFEE. , --25 pau Ja' ' ‘. 2 ;.,j ! C Y cis... uk ii T al ll eTby L ' t 3 '. kJ ..p. ' •titlipuuct *MOIRA \ \ 1 EATHER.-200 eitlaSolU r iVi' , 7lllle i v .. - LA Yeah ,BE ialiitMliir INti,REAMi -4 ' A lilL—'2o bbl:, pure Tanuer ', tar qsa e y , lir papa • i DERBILIDRIE4 INEIREAMi `,. , LINKS FOR AT'rOlO4gYS, 'APEX, ji MEN, ARP \JUNTICES OF TOE PEACK= e tteeilm. ' hi= g 7 . l',ll: - .lrlrifera.ll. 3 4.7a . fr,:vnt At aehraeoty, Foe hi \ ti . . t te ib ni . .? .4. it tsium, r. . \ thl vetoer Ilartat a11.12141AL1 et B . ‘II , :ItAVED P o k, at 1 ssr 'T ES ItAFTR.--A larii ...i. , r on Now lad \ blab. Wad. air ......,.., for ~ ' W.. U. VEN'a Stailuaery_ ,bithre sips \ rh K Market and herahil'lta h- --..--,-,---‘,---' DIAX,Ii BOOKS.-- V. 6.11... Tux, uplkter ~...up Market .4 Ewe.' stew , hay kir iala the lar t i e st illgth U .lZttrhl 4 ll4 , ll:l2=Atnkil'j! exit etyle a . hlilins,.;lat . tb• itw a kt p E irea, \ \ e ,, ." S PET)? FUSE-I'S bt . ll.T i for sidu URTUk \,, ~„\ ;I) PER. .I.6.I4OINOS—Neo , pure Far , ,I .. by \ \ WALTER P.NA36.5/IALL,,, \ - i , ._ ... a 2. .ha ...p . l a atreal.- kßtri W' . V.l a for sal NIY,W ROOl iliac 11=1"Zin.t1 " . The Litytamy at with .urratiagith,t No. h, fall Augulit, Enutu.r. , ,40....e. i ho I .. l'latp . riat . r ja& ohuurimudg. VgirLrA‘ \ 'c"\ WANTED—A place fd's nice young man. , „ iry wanlangtost couttly.lnritb • CeueLte•untnea. nil. t \ l;••tattloynd In • dm; glom and }earn tite t.usiedde al. ''tor • young man run fi ten 'sari Of aga, mg uluggtjteetter • clerk In • non; el for • rowan cm* ser..dds sea trines.' toy of tl learn the eagd neer's butenetee tut. • number of liZtoring mon In tb• HARRIS' or COUntrlonntantiblie worts. Illtette all at bland HARRIS . Agency •tW Wks. Thinly& '. rIIANNERS' 01L--20 bble. for'lale by S scald e. * W.llAr.BAcan. q r -100 boxe s ßosin.No.l. of sale by ,2u. itOSIN: , —D/0 bbla\No i l ; 4or n ei t al ß lN i LAS , S— , WU bones W ee d w . ii f a r s : ' ,*ii I i l j . I , CARR. SODA-201:p. Isla ree'LTarl r „ 4 ,..b, J liSillool.lllZ Eh .L . CO . 4 ',. c : \ ...... 21 Wool meet. c ., c in , ...vir TARTAR--5 bble for sale by ta J oo scitnw \ tw_La_ap - c 1., ~,Z iLII.BRii, SALTS-5 bbls. for sale by , Lfir mol' J f CIIOO‘IIA Itill. 1 01. AIANG ' o \''.„El --1 .1 c :gl l l4Z% ° • a 7 f t ° r l ' O nale ___.,_...._,...... \E v 'emale Teachers. ~, . ryflE Sehoo Directors for the Seeoa Ward slih to rail, xan caperimmal Female T ties as t a Stale Grammar Depaitment Salsry.t`nOpar num. ko examination of` alicl i ontiii lklli take ki nk ill. .lcliol lion., on Nooketroe near Fourth. on ay, the Jlth insh:at 2 o'clock. P. kni forth( r informatlon may kr obtained of Ith )1 Wal t at the oboe! room.. vim \will lecelka the Matimonlalt onararcer nod quoin:Leann of the. , 7iliax ‘ lt s, ~..t. \ J ill': i' xfPlilU. hm r amell td IRON witl be receive ii: — Texehange (with a ` m aptteg 25 . of pens!) ..... r TWO \ Haire LOTS. x \ r., : t _,- AN k og*"- 4- T • c 4 fi c -. ..ae r wor ealeol.y 4' sale by . N MAK ER & CO o`tortlo by I DICKEY MIALI PIO,' CO. coirent, for sale I. INDICKEIi a 00.. r arul Front.. 11 7 11'WU T se LL pll N k OR. WEAFNESS A D DEBILITY— tX!..V.W. YEAsitifi4 PD tr E; " FOR DIARRINEA AND Taisiteo. , •. PLALICT--,Yrr acme at MORRO' dm orl Preach ' , RANDY. at pry Sar vale at tRIF - Mart,. G LITE-2 g bbls. rec'. and foie , le b • P. li. WICSXR. . msyll \ . cornier or. Woo d amig U. V. Al HRO3IE GREEN-4 Cases for 441 . v b V y Feyll . \ a sNmcExtum,ag. VHROME YEDI.OIV-2 ceees foritby \ .5_ , , soli • \ :'• \ R ED LEAD--5C , Aepll . ri R. ‘I'RASK Iti 2,1 etic Obittar. X/ \dos.for We bs . _ , 3.Epp 1311 , YTER-1. bbL And keros feel II \ ei.p.3 . \ M. It JOIE% RQ MS=-75 doz. for . oby . .10ELN •, , New : 1 117 _ ... . , A. M - FN -& CO., hav rocel • ere nottezperdn.c.-A ewes' doe 0 WO, rdnadeto adapted espresely •for ttd, mutes A Iptreas 11Mohair LIIIMIVI N enn 1 (lb warp. fanny • I'd. Ctenoreleen and the aL L. ewer Paromat ',MINA Cloth ,. d Cob na. it o c .41 /tad. amt nt ni4ll/00 100 pe a.. Went end fancy -.lora ' , The oboes gooda ere nfter,for preantarhleh tre•arerdent we untaxed 4 01.1SSEL'S AROMATIC VINE ..- .....4 . The hlghlYeananfr._talsannte nod lonic. on t it VITIC,II.C. fender /If. utPetier to Wog. for the onllnery porpores'ot the toilets.' lea th .'an:r tog then latter in Ito \ PeTtrtunr....ll,/ thd.g. w .N .11) r i?Tygin r cor.:=PLTiot,„.z.v,h. 'AV &pate 'parporre Of the toilet. Rad tor, p r es ee Trz n , *neither/n o t the emstptixlnn. Its moollentplaperther per the heat nod dryto w ay tho . nktn. and kaput toll en 't'lsn .bk ler . :VVl Y ;rat'o l et=in t larPr,..b i tta b lifer' 'rob' P . \ .- Sold b' r y K, R. $0 LLOnta, .5 R Wacalah. ' SEW \BOOBS! ' NEW BOOKS: \ \ \ 1 1,6 T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT;.No.I•, ° IThird etreeL'optoalte the 1.3113., \ \y ' A Arthur 't'ltleortil'ell t d'e S e7/Tne7 l h. ' \ T,''''"' ' • • London labor and the Lobo \Prot. No." 8, 0.1%41.. .. 811 Tears ,Later, or Takin g of he hartile: by A. Unmet '. \ !Attain. tieing Ate-rN ~ ..3 . ' .d. , ie tem e ' I ft=tintr!"' \ Katherine %Talton, or the Rebel of Donebtaten lomat Nomaureot the Revotation Itkentrolinn o Aleeltauta , 3da g atine, lbe BePtamlße, The 13oufeeton ott Ihrtorieal Novel. \ . • :mobs., and Shadow, or Rude an.l,llloroome. Laßly Emeline Stoart Rortlet , :e Traveh In t h e I \ Revertee of a barbel, • Unotof the *art. \ The Flow, a Went 811re10g ?Wm. by U..-. P- IL Lean. ArnaleLhr the !!Meant ta Lill; 13 n a vain.Ttortientutelet, rompte 4100,.1b.0a3 g .K 1 / 4 1be Th. U. S. Vert °like Guide. , \ Woody /nay, tnen'adttion,) I.IAI Ituthrelerd, elf. Tale. \, Thettealp flutrent h tale of,t4Ratclt," \ Vgett=e'l l 3ble' r f c ,_ by OAT flltilayfloli. \ Alabet The..!.,, the Child of the Ilattlendettt I lne Pion4Ue Davit:ter, 0 tale 4r 1 a . p \F-eutcr k on lleopet. \ . •' ll ' '''\ \ T e Advelogrrs of Paul 1,6111110 h.; a Haandor, \ r V'...'fr' . l7? e?- 1 1 . ""'Plxi by ' "74":1uth \ \ N t n a , %: . • Proba t oM''ttie atzlo h r i of IVAltott l=e3 T o e Turner'a Co t omontourith Illustatthms. \\ tr w C c e,Gulde 'through 0., 13. 0. and Canada. \\ \ ' Urn : clne Boon \ Bird : 01.1.00 mu' Ilk •by CAI J..t. , fI L U. Me lift, f (past ad. 014 by Mary ldnenien , iht. lion, lny Uotwe t . _ . _.: :, repl 4 - 1 - 2 . l:4ClBitle plzre-Lin'ilee - d, foiLoale b 3 . 1 1 . „., p ',\, \ '- \ • .lu * CANPURL --\---- 113%,. , for hale 'by • __ , " :CANFIELD,. i ARP bbl,. No , , 1 Bennett -I j, .1,,,,, by lIIALAII,DIQItt (0; Water awl leant 18 ; 81 1 1 7,,T,,cm 11ACITE'S UNITED SIXTY orBes; & NsAtooT, ....wt., toekted sad sake . r \ •., 40113.3 Li. NI 011: _ tt, ot l .s. \ Oat st. Stkw Oil Silk Go . l e, 1 H. PALMER,OS Mark" mtreet, is . 0pe11i14,11314 onlmns rat.l OW Vic:. \ Uo oral and oblta,plata • • tan , Brant, borate %.1 other DUN N ETV3 o mme re tkii Leaattful et' 11[91.0. lain, plaid, 13- T ure..l 'd a d ; RONIIVI ROO( art ha. c t and Talents Bib arl • and 1 . 81• In. lett tend retina I Ba n t oilks. Rsti Valerie. `raPhe;.lat-ea. Flowe t , Ren n et Fra ,nua i l a • rat arrortahn inery Oonds. . t • - ARP )E .13 ASH-41 htd. fi. , Aqale b • 'P' 4 . , .,' , .-/ - twow.o 1111 b. , x-60 b ore,' i P . '. 11" 0 (31 Front Ea t , -I I 'EY— \' ' bbl, EF\ - t , , .5 bbte. an •Mud , . ' • , \ • On hand and tbr eale ek, 8U1111..74. t '4l \ . \,' M -\\ ' Fe , lle W . 1.60 'malt a , \ 'IUGAR---7•5 \ hhdaipr/me }WI or tale y s L i ~,4 \ \ ItUl t hl tth os* * 3 - 1 00 1 fl um; 2 , yardS 4, 4 i, Wind. Blind, niired Lir that ni.n , 0F yard. la El= ,AII.PET:SI_ , PARRETS !—lCsc'd.this daJ4, )\brw UO. o n Ill'or and Mk :Oi fatearlkm. \ . e; seal Common iN 11.41.14aUtP4M,„. _.,bibb...sr• \ firrolrai mi sell lower saplarpota evempesorlogekel , la Mil market. We ca \ Nike r: Waite thla "SlMawkltlt WE \ Be,omia end tbow Wl•kkki i. D0" ,. .‘.. - "t0."1 , .. '''''''''',' \ tn 101 d Newbklark CarpeTrehatme. No. Ba FolketWak , , \ y. iIoCLLNZGICIL 1 , 11A..S11.31titES AN \DI: LAINES--\l5 a r • \ 1 - 1 ...".LY_,.1°1 ) 0'q 'NV "'a 7 . 1 %ii..4...7.2' 4 \;' _ . 4 s • Act -it OLDER SY RUP-10 b'll: -.for iota; \ \ h' \ . ILAILIAOO4I. OLASSES=SO bbls. N. 0., for ealli \ B. WAIARBBOOL iA. • LEITATUE,7-41. Ws. for by • •_: S. tW. uSAB.svGa• ir 7 lpoo-40 fogs Va. Two' t,, % . for *Pt , '` & W. Iia2.4IUSIL i4P.1424P1D SILLS—A. A. ALLSON VOW ' \ .4:Sgrolta:llg4NTTlTV:=l:274=, o Vol) wo4 the "attests* Of &rasa.. AIAoLVWs Dory R \ dre Ahlput. Cb.P, . . NEW. 170,RES. 000pSii i r : LaLe nii:Lue .. — t•L'it / T-P ,...k .% tg4,:itp sj uo ..td "V. T 'r.i."Lig /t lrg t ~ rag ..W. i , 11. pro"' ',Li, 11.Lbu.s1At CU. ~!!'-'s±ll"-.- SA. iiii - t - 1i & . CO. W.lllls WO S — • irii Gi...i . , ~ . ..4.a.. a " "t• 1 ' ; ' 4' ic d t Xiii.,%30... pud..hi trea pilllll nod To --..- ......... ~k ... air. ..., k , ~. : A Wes .11,11 a klooketwiss .sul: r . /41 ..., iwortment ma 'Orr , t 4.10., _.,_._ s 4„IOFF,E , ..100 iIAgS Rio fWipole by \ .. . ' \t....1 , VA , 4. ' olLill*Tll 104 , it . 'ltiMMlTTEß.frir obtaining addiOrwastl onto, , , - , ...V.'ortiottoO, to tri#, , Yittekiricad Neu tiville ItalP, , , • ', \ '4 1;61 , lirli \ Paula ,‘ li ' rani Ore. , ~ g:At. pfcfn, \ % 0 0_ Dude, . \ L . At'r, II ar ma : \ I W AL L X, 4 ' . 1. , ' - .1 4 .71W=1;\ '',',-, Mite= . . *\ Wm. Id:Horeb, , \\\' J.... X'..d.k. , - \ t b =lrelts, w \•• ' s ll • trltr . • \ \ . . JOlllll MrtilMtmm, 1.. Bohm. Forkt h . Jam. H. ev...11, . \ wwii.. Nu 1.,.. , , iobmt. lima, Thomas Lasylok : ' \ I. i. Jousast_, Lewis llus:lAL•ost. 1.. ‘. gi il , mil , \ - \ , \ EW Ter%leriolci , ,Patent ii . \ Ym Irtich•Y, • 4by .I.xpzeli, Moonlit zp . :ll , At h a , p 40 1etthe....zte .. ..,, ,. .„ 0 „ - = \ i‘ -..,1,, ,!‘--.ll, , ..nraitatTf.c. v .4., . • - • \ Londo Poor, \ ‘, VZINC ' .- Al•tialli, \ mi.wMagN ET. Ii';LIZET. ~...,.... .J, \ s . \l4 , ItUddiPodt la prldparrd torn:get\ m ;ply q \ p...., \ _ \Z NC PA PT T --- '' A Whle t b Lays het r orol OW Poridll l'Oo t re 6 , 10. h In Kuropo mid thydtod d.rer. . \ re4lo ttNr_ 0t44.4 beanty. sod pro 44 , Pr*P+.4 a ft(l+o , .. t. MT .00h \ \ \ hdt WHIM ZINC \ ;•P INT - e, ...,,, 1 e z e , l :: 0 .. 1.4%. traplz.mt „ ..'t. 4 3 A nt . { 'ft'"lr= l ,o4:ltg. fr 'st T 44". °4 11174 YEI44) vr \ 7 tfo , r i rl i u rdors u rd s tati \ fornal Tu l a ‘`. ;., ~ k, W od. t " V Po rlV=tra...`"Pliud , - ii .0 a southern elistota and 0:44: ft 4 'i. t.b. orhor.. net Woofr ;Aldo .to turn;, .y or rol crembl 16114 MD? AIL 4 pm' too workol val. ortFolor. '.. \ . . );1 , 1 , N 0 ~,,,t a t = rth Tikr1111111.11.1.6 ~,A, 7 ". , t .i. \ . igagic, *ND COLOR Z INC PAWS, \ I 'quo* soosforolohod at at. p 'and try ondoubiodly tho; h....020A50r.1 boa. pairdo dr , muter. for '•os ontboaroo. Coo,- . \ .., guperior, for ICIDD s CO.: 00 Wood \\