FILM ALIOCiaTE REMIXED PHISSTIIIIISIII BT iv:m.7:4lm' 8• • • met in the! morning, at the usual boor, add was / opened pith prayer by the Modetstor. The mornin session was occupied in reed:ring the reports ot, committees, and in Oteroling to private business. The meeting was (1 . 105 ed with prayer by the Sri. Robert Armstrong. arrantioon stsaihn. i - The eammenceinent of the afternoon session area onenplediwith devotional exercises. The election of a Profesior hi till tho chair of ticcies I Batted history; end.c.hurch government. In the theological seminary of the Associate tie forcuel,i Chord" ioAlleglieny city, WO taken lap, On seCotetlesllot the cote was as follows : Rai. David•ll.:.Herr, GI Alexander Young, Pressley, 2 „ 15 Scattering, , 3 A oammittee wu appointed to wait on Mr. ‘ err, to ascertain whether helroold .eeepi the appointment. - I' Arrangements were made for eupplying salt pulpits in Allegheny county; on the approaa- Rig Sabbath,' after which the Synod wee closed with prayer by the It CT. Robert Armetrong. • VALUABLE Peumeari Irol sacs.-'llz. Wif tiam C. Dunn; Will offer for sale, at half past tat o'clock, On Tharsdey morning,;, September eleventh, nineteen vferi!valuable lots,, Nand lullieituated between the Obiottna. Dennsylva nth Railroad and the Atar i adiolning the lantbr 'of the Economy Society.. The 'lots) are 'team ,three to fifteen thres in site, and bein i g within a few mintites rt 7 (by Railroad) of the dity;;Etre . very vathable d offer =usual inducements to alt perilous who wish to pictrinthe plesaait cam- Ili • , rratsto Comic—Me yesterday jaw Ono of the new metallic coffins, which' are so much in -vogue in the East nosii. • iind Schick. though • neater, somewhat resenstde the mammy cases used by the Egyptians. They are formed of iron, ' . and elaboratelronsamerited and bronzed.' Upon ' the waste is a solid plate, for receiving the ago, place of birtkitiine of death, &O. of the deceased; and when the lid is closed, theicoffinss perfectly. • air tight. ,T 1 fate of the body can always be' examined, without adniitting air, e.s on remov leg a metallic pd, placed over it; the feature are seen throne', aniate of glass • ' • • For the preservation of bodice to be taken to a. distance, or'pc, hereafter removed, these tor • fins are involve le, and they, besides, offer almost 1 , insuperable di culties to resurrectionists. The\ price, too, le n7t more than that of a fine wood eh coffin. The coffin which we examined, can be seen t 4 the undertnkerte establivbmentet Moore & Han cock;on Fifth iebroet. • ~ . Niw Poet Q77IOE.—A new poet office bee been establia ed at Sewicklytille, on the line of the Obi and Pentisyleard's Railroad, two miles below sysville. John Way, Esq. has beet4ppointe post master, by the Poet Master Geßeel. Racovrarso.t—We are pleased to hear that the young lady, who was injured by falling over a precipice, a port time ago, near.'dr. Isere, tient', hotel, Turtle Creek, le recovering. ' AIM= .3DBATTEHT.—Joseph,M'lntyte woo , ,yesterday tom .itted to prison, by Mayor item lag,. charged, o oath of SarshaLackson, with assault an d bat Sty. Ottratiototre AOaovo..—A stranger, from .Buffalo, woo tilted on the :canal bridge, in the early part o this 'week, at about nine o'CiOch, by itwo.ralbans, whit came up stealthily, onich side of him, ne mado &Await at him WM' a knife,;, *Web, :fortunately, poly scratch e his Side &little, while the other nocked his h t off. The person assaulted abowkd fight, upon which the 'cowardly • suns fled, cold escaped! No • canoe Cent be a.. , .:gned for the attack. Lsshaw, who was impris Sometime since, on a charge of bigamy ,was yesterday .ischarged. • - .Rectao.-90l of the otanibtie driver's Are in the of acing , and therebY endan,,.. • g the lives of their paseengers. We hope. the j• • lice will : put an 'end to this practice. • MAToghl Twelve persona w &aught beforoXsyor authria yesterday zttor thug, accused _of various petty offences.' : ; Eiht paid their roses, and four were committed. 1 GOOD Testn. 'The.engine Wrest of the Vigi lant fire pimp : y,' . upposite our office', is appro priately ornamented with beautiful'trazur r rw elleilee, representing the arms of Virginia d ; Poilinsyleanie...- !This is a neat tenpin:Out Raid to the Wellaborgh fire company, who are now in our city, and who so kindly treated the mEns bean of the Vigilant, during their recent visit to IVellsburgii. 1 ----- Reatizar:—T e dwelling of Mr. Robert Pin .ter, of West Der ip., was entered on lut Sab batl,.and,n co 'derable earn of money stolen frozia drawer, while the.famlly were at ehureb. Pcsmarruarr.—The Sheriff of Cumber land Ceunty took s man who had been coneiged of forgery, - to the Penitentiary, on Thursday.• SUPREME COURT. FRIDAY, Septets* 6. Forsyth vs. on—Error to District* Court. Argued by Shinn and illarshiSL • Benny vs. Straub & Brother—Error to District Court. : Argued by.ltunlop arid Shinier. Extension of Hancock street-Error to Com moirPleas. Argued by Shafer. Bingham and Lani's. H111.1:0 SO BAIL.—A man named Thompson, of Temperanceville, was.hcld to bail; yesterday,, for severely beni r ing : one of his children, ten yeari of age._ • Frarams'e PAHAD6.—The' , Firemetes mutual parade will take place to day, and are understand that it will be a magnificent affair. A fire com pany' frOM,Wellsburgh, urn on a visit Mow city, and:will march in the prersion. • . / • groui or fiTocr.s.—The following stookn.were sold,at suction on Thunday night: WA. 1,1- TOTAL 12 Melt-hoots k I " latnk at $55,00' 'l3O, soceox. 10 Book of Otteburgh, . 55,35 60 552,50 30 kachouge Rank, 53,30 50' 530,00 10 Old Allegheny aseingaßallk. 1.66 171 /460,00 Marina' Railway a lief Dock, . 1,06 100 313,00 Ileaddock's field P/ank Hoed. 21.25 21 750,00 100 Obro Ponta Railroad. 32.50 50 5,750,00 32 Vfeinern Insurance Co.. 13,66 -133 72,20 30 Citizens . InearancaCei, 12;1:5 13 Dila: 1 . 1006C1n..& Lodrfillegrapja Co., 41.00 50 . 040. W O. Quartz Inning Co., 20648) inagoo 10 pa= D a rt 4 =8 0 , 4 , 3 , 1 t,L14 DO Cliff • 3 , do 100,00 130 1,000,00 160 273,00. 100 Adieritare: do 10,02 10 1,000,00 15.3 rig • • . do 2.00 2 300 , 60 do 1,50 150,0) , • • • 515,355 X bizsento o rus Alixonsar Corscu.4.—The Allestieny . Connellt# met on Tamlay reenin& ==! M. Deistll was elected President, yro tem. A petition was presented from citizens of Mat• berry street, praying for the grading of said street, from Rebecca street to the river. Laid on the tibia for the - present An oniMance was read proriding for the cree tion of barricades, dm, . for the : protection of smells which may require grading and Pavinf• Adopted, and in C C concurred in. .Mr. Borland presented a petition front lens of J3ank Lent, praying• for the improv mint of the same, and the regrdation of the side walks. Referred to the Committee. OP streets. .A petitkon'fram Ge;orgelleinvre in reference to peeing .Anderma street, was referred ro . :_tbe Committee on paring said street. The ,Coarraittec on streets presented a report, aid requested the passage of .an ordinance att thorixing, the issuing of five bonds, of $lOOO each, erm laid over to next meeting. She Committee on Ordinances reported tela Lire to the petition of C. Isbister. and granted hied the privilege of filling the frame building in with brick. The Street Commissioner wan authorise . ct 'o procrare trMtles and other nrtieles, for protec lug end birrieaddng streets - . Cos in.. • Steeit Commissioner *as authorised to repair theZbridge'ovrr the Canal, ou Mader/ion street. . " Ms. Borland presented-a petition from resi dents of Borland Alley, in reference to water pipes Ref.- to Com, on water, The Check Roll of the Street COlllnassioll7l. for August, was read and accepted. ~ &;,p r9f ,,h,-e t the grade of Park and Sturgeon sts., was presented - antradoptod. I -• The Committee on Claims presented a report - widen was accepted, and the Mayor was author ized to draw warrants in favor of sundry per tome.. An ordinance koi vain gyarions streets posit ed st last meeting of 8 C' was amended in C C. 8 C adhere to former action, and eak for- ow— tointelstee 'of Chnfarence. Camiai4ee Which Is not amietted t and S C adhere to orzik er salon. • , Mr. lalofhtt offered the following w hi c h . inuaabapted.-.-- .'f" I Beseleskl, Thetlhe festureil to seed . publlo'cniaeiVinto - the market on market days, iii.asalst the Clerk in keeping nein. • ' The monthly report of the Weighmaster was oedered to be filet'. 'Ur. Booth offered the following resolution: :.Resolved, That the Ordinance Committee pre pare 'an. ordinance providing for the taring of all articles manufactured in the city- Adopted. COMMON CorsciL Mr. Boyd, the ikeeident took the chair. The Committee oa Streets, which waa favor ble to grading and, paving Arbuelee, an prayed for by- petitionistn. Accepted and laid.= the table. A report from the committee on Printing wan read and accepted, and the reoolution adopted. A bill from Bollman ,and Garrison for water pipe, amounting to 123161, 78. Referred to Committee on Water. Concurred. in by B.C. A Bill from Benjamin Patterson for coal a mounting to $l3O, 86. 'Mayor to draw his war rant. Concurred in by BC. A Bill of time of the men employed at 'the Water Works was presented, accepted, and can marred in by S. C. A bill of S. &.W. Heels, for printing, amount ing to 80,00. Referred to Committee ott , 3, print- Big. Concurred in by S. C. Mr. Eters offered the following' resolution, which woo adopted. Atezolved. • That the Committee nu Printing be, nun( are hereby authorised to contract with the iediter of the German paper(States Gazette) to have the proceedings and ordinances of Councils printed in the German language, at cost not ex ceeding $90,00 per annum, • Referred to the Committee on Printing. .Coffeurred in-By 8. C. The resolution authorizing the removal of the Hay Scales passed by S C at last meeting, wan not concurred in, but expended that the scales be removed to Ohio street on the:East Common. By Mr: Logan, which was adopted. Resolved, That the Street Committee ! be in tinctod to require the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Co., to make the approach to the bridge over the-road on Ohio street on the cant inlet, to be made passable, and also to cover the :ditch recently made by said Company. Count red in by S C. By Mr. Edgers: Resolved, .That_the Mayor be antliorized to draw his warrant; for - $37,60 as to the quar terly allowance for the use of the American Hose Company of the Third Ward, Allegheny. Re ferred to the Ciimmittee on engines. Concurred in by S C. • By Mr. ,Walker • . Resolved, That Butchers and others. attend ing market be, and ate hereby exempt from Metter:tile Tax. Referred to Committee on Fi nance. Concurred in by SC. By Mr. Parke:' Resolved. Resolved. That the Committee on Streets be, and are hereby authorized to issue proposals for the building of a permanent stone arch bridge over Butcher's Run, on Bank. Lane Provided, however, that the Borough of Duquesne pay °lie half the expense. ' Referred to the Committee en Surveys, to report at next meeting. Concur red in by B C. . By Mr. Parke: o. Resolved that the Street Commissioner be, and is hereby instructed to place n harrier on each aide of the Bridge over Butcher's Rau on Binh Lane, and that said. Commissioner attend to the In. latter forthwith ; adopted. Concurred in by S C. By Mr. Riddle dlasolvid, That the street Commissioner be, and is hereby authorized and instructed to open all the crossings onNorth, West, and Eut Com mons, so as to urtke them passable with wagons and carriages. Not concurred In by 9C. EXZCITTION or GEOISOL PIIARAOII.--Geol7o 1911111Wh was executed at West Cheater:Pit, ye, buday, for the ,murder of Rachel ,9harpless, committed on the 28th of September last. The crime was perpetrated by Pharaoh shooting her dead with a put whi'e she was unlocking the school house door at West Goshen, Chester co., 'she being a teacher there. Pharaoh was ens pocfed of the crime, from baring been seen in the vicinity with'his gun, and this suspicion was rendered a certainty by finding that the wad. ding used on the occasion matched s torn copy of the SaturdsfEvenintßost, which was found in his possession !hen arrested. His, eOle !potty° for the ,eommiesion of the deed, ICUs own confession is to be believed, was to obtain a gold watch belonging to the de mmed. The .mother of Pharaoh vwas sister of Jabez Boyd, iho vas hong at West Chester,. on the 21st of November, 1845, for the murder of Wesley Patton, a lad. Pharaoh wit hang in the same gallows, and with the same rope. • ELAIN LACK. IL H S .-BIuRAT itrecneann have josh reed; Fip le wild assortment ,f k &Ike, in= itin. to 2.1 per putt Buyers will do well to dl and mud:Lone Mini them. FRENCH MERINOES AND MOLTS, DE L.BaNIM of OmniPi, Bug. Pink. Dlr. and Cinch ors. for Chlldren's Dresses and Sacks, just reed by sepl If Vilna • a BURCHFIELD. SIIGAR--2A Ude-N. 0., for by kDi S. & W. 11/11BALIGII. LIOLDEN SIRUP-10 bbl,. for sate by erpl , S. t HAABALOIf. MOLASSES --50 bbl.s. N. 0., for Bale by . eeDl LIARBACGII. QALERATUS-31 bbls. for sale by wyl a. & 861t3AUGIL T OBACCO- kegs Va. Twist, for sate by 5- & Ir. ukrumucar. tiercesfor sale b-7 17 wD] S. • • S. HAIIII•L'GriI. • S lINDRIES-- • • 10 Inqrs Feathers • . 1. bia.. ii;..): . 6 " Grease, It, Rftrtnttc Ittnit....lZ/r sant b. I.l.fielf DIChIIY tt (13.. . ottpl ' Whet ant /mot rt. FEATHERS 30Racks landing and for gale, bY 'BALM DICILLY t CO 1111 BA he published, on Monday, X../ the lot of Boptm. Ger: • toe tolortol MAP of tto 11- land of CUBA. vice 10 coats. J. B. 1101.11210, =O O . TBUti R. Mont. as Port 080.. T FATHER— 55G Sides Hemlock 'Tanned LA 8010 Leather. ror.w by a4g:.o 11. DdIZELL .1t CO. OFFEE-200 bags for g a:2,) La co vauloo UGAR-80 hhdn. prime, for rale If 10 _ IL-bALZELL SALMON -5 bble. No. 1,.f0r /tale by .w3O It. DALZELL itig•ORRIS' TEA MART, in the Diszhana. —illtholuat 0..3 Ter. bare film:teed tbe Pnlyg nary ar• belting preelyyly the /.21131i gigantic, at eid 1,4:// this tetablisturieni. baying • lug. stock On.nnitd 5 0 t clam! previa:la tothe. M. yarg imperial. Warn Teas, 60, 76, and Si II lb. Meek " 40,60, and 75e. " Good Sugars, i and Se. Id . b. Paine Coif., 10 Ir6.fcr 61. VIM'S! MlTTS!Mcaray M 3616 FULD b... Just received full auscramost of Mom • , fro 37.Sfe. to $1,24 per pair, some of vitaisti am of •rr[elrJ=t. /. • NEEDLE WORK COLLARS, .of new. and d"4"IfiragribraVACLIPIELD: RIBBONS ! RIBBONS I -I-We are °parting mane neviand beautiful Bonnet and :leek gibbon. , eugal fijiRYSTAL PALACE PRINTSr ,J .-Mn ,u DUCITIELD bars just ree,raived • lot of *SIT •.beantiful Ena tes ltab Prints, de erpreafif for exhibition at the Wotbrainair—to which tho attraction of the wino. Ls in. ',flab ' .. ausV • EDUCATIO Penn LodJitixte H SUBSCRIBER, baling removed tO' the earner of Penn will Mom& otmetai thn ebb Rani, Pittsburgh, will carmen his English. Cbto- I and Mathematical rollout cn Monday the lot dar of • ennbtr: The number 01 poplia Posidweir UN oirleteot Mention wilt Wed to the educatlou morstobt them commltteal to ram Tubb.. $l.O emotion: litationerr,l,o meas. wi tho um of eaboa. 'sleet Librat7 without additlatial thug,. 5ag2243• J. al. 8)11171 Young Ladies' Seminary. • It RS. GREGORY'S SEMINARY know jfl open at us Peon meet, atm" a few more Pupils outllnn rroefved,ps whom a thorough course of lustruclbut In the Ertel& Leaguer will Le Imparted. • p Puglia ALM • taught to speak so well so read the Freud: Pittsburgh, cnancvtf 1.1 I. a tr. • auglgadgeo' Augus = Mr. Griggs' Grammar School, West Side of de Diamond,. Allegheny City. THERE are Two Bemsiorus a year, each of 81 week., oweenueruing bout. 14. and February 24.. UOl2, 62) per 6essiort. auglea m Wilkinakag Academy. Mole and Female English and Clastieal' School. IVUXLISOLIMI; 41.120112NiA, air, et " JAMES RUSTON. A. hl., , Peterie.u. HIS INSTITIITIO.N will be open for the ,estop lot. (male a= female) = Ilfonalb Trestain Tbe mine of lostandlon =coons= all the brancbits tatiabt till be test to and been= 'net. Illosnratlone will be given all branches anenuing of the= 'll+e School is _provided with an a:tangly* and Yshmhie .Ptolteophleal, ebelnleal. and Astronomical Ap =ratio, contalning fall pentlenlars reference. =grow the Principal. Wllkinaburn Awn= le. ltlll,—(angl 7ewiter3mll The College of St. James. WASHINGTON LXIUNTY, MARYLAND, Tee Inoeivecn,College alba Prot...mot gebieepalOhoreh.) 91i1E1 TENTH ANNUAL SESSION will , Ju1y,1492. New /undone are tdo nwoonoended wt/vett en the onentue of the ticashm, but are nitvived at any time theg the charge is.esthoated from the data of their TUE OCILLEGE hav the smell timber of anew., •f" fards the.ftertnnitiel. for • ecanaplete educatin.uel the lls strocesenal won/take" of .the collegiate course efinfera the seadonleal dean**. Collar ton/ Onitigilgo'n'ilig,:telj*Vig the d er enact Madeline, revenges lads at the heltoulg ' e ' t . their acedemiesl ovum, and prontrre them forth. colle giate elan... The eve:night and diveetion'of th e Prof ,or th a e eyelet advantage* to the pupil , la the MEILCA. TILE CLitangz. tge Egdy of pipet' riled, and Its plane soa** he additional ettsdlet it Vgsit i =g 4 a by distance Roo taw. ~- „ ,- , :„Totrg healthful, and inaig , eery fsvoralle good morale sod order. NOW LULL., View bundle & 90 fort he 40 Ihi reed. for ocanntattou COttfts of h e moitlini: U La addition to the forum eons of grailiwore. the T l ritsi= have recently appointed flo4b Larry tow oft cqi] and Eccleslaeheia d John i,D, abider. Li- Lauturer oo thatilef . I. Ain Th e *bele ehme too tbe PpPilstA of i ts—,. tbu'llt.g.vniot to Met:NAV fitatatoat eo huh and tirz=e k. o . Vint b. m ogl4 tadvenev. Btrß. IGeiVPPZ'attl. • Asidalogtoll;Ottar '. l f9...PEenitnantn inttabundv wtetneuiga,rif vortnieting this Ineallaidloo, ere ream,* to a. - a„ - ,7 - 72 7, sossy...kats, who was fonntlY • Truitm BY TELEGRAPH. fiiCLIVIID ' BT Tlll O'lOl=LT TN-LW/UPS LIIIII -AND IMPORTED EOR THE PITTSHIMOR GAZETTE. LATE AND LNNETAFT .F It 0 51 CURAL, LOPEZ AND HI MEN CAPTURED AND PHILADELPHIA, Sept. c. :The - Savannah papers contain the details of the news received by the Merchant from Ha. Gen. Eon& was kill d.ia the battle of the ]7th, Caratobola. Hisrbody inks sent by Gen.PM with a flag of truce, to - theStuusish camp, The whole city of Havana t u rned oat to his funeral on the 21st. The Havana hcrepitals are all crowded with the;wounded The Spanish officers were dismayed at the rapid and fatal firing of the Americans. The Spanish Bay they fired four times to their once. The Americans in He'vana were .greatly io cenied against Mr. Owen. The Savannah News says, the SPAldaz* ad mit that Lopez's army is now rapidlyinczeuing, and the Creoles are greatly elated. One hundred guns were fired in Savannah, on 'the receipt of this news, which the Savannah papers say ;1 relie-le. New °amass, Sept. 4 The Cherokee from Havana . ie belOw, coming Gan. Lopes and most' of big command bate been captured and executed. • SECOND DESPATCH • .The steamer Cherokee has arrived. The pas sengers witnessed the execution of Lopes. They nay he ended his life manfully. The expedition has totally failed, which is attrihuted to the sep aration of Crittenden's command from the main 'body. 'The Patriots dispersed to the mountains, only thirty remaining with Lopes. They left 'him without . a 'single friend, and he wandered until run down'and taken by blood hounds. His last wails were, •" adieu dear Cuba." Geite . ral Pmgay has been killed at Hayes. The Spanish accounts say that of the number in the Pampero, 556 have beeit already killed; 430 ire in prison.' Lopes, declared himself de .ceired with regard to aid in Cuba. A meeting trod held on board the Cherokee; General Lane, of Oregon, president. The following resolution was passed: Resolved, That Mr. Owen, American Consul at Havana, has forfeited every right 'and title to American citizenship, and has outraged every sentiment of,humanlty, and deserves the &veers tionnf every friend of liberty. We request his recall by the Government. THIRD DE3P4TCH DESTRUCTION OF LOPEZ'S EXPEDITION Slam( Tlterr PAss, Sept. 4, 9 A. N. The revolution in Cuba is a total failure. All who left on the T'sropero aro killed nr made prisoner& 'General Lopez was arrested and brought into Ban Chetetore no the 29th. and ta. ken thence to Havana on the let inst. One hundred and fifty Ste prisoners, mostly Americans, are in possession of the Government, and the remaining insurgents; are still in the mountains near Principe. Loper was girotted on the list inst., and IM of his men were sentenced to the chain gang for 10 years. Lobord. the Spanish Consul at, New Orleans. returned to Samna in the Empire City. lie says be 'raid have been Lynched had he re mained. MISSISSIPPI ELECTION LOVISVJLLE. Sept O. Thirty three counties give 8000 majority for the Onion ticket. de far as heaid from there has been only one opposition county. DEATH OF JUDHEWC*DBURY. BOPTON, Sept. b . Hon_ Leri Woodbury died last nj gbt at quar ter past 10 o'clock. ivamnicrroN BErr. Gth Capt. W. W. Vessel, has. been sppointed pay master of the Markle Corp', Tice Welker de ceased. • The President bas transferred John Wilson, principal Clerk of Public lALuds to mks' Clerk of the Pension office t rite - Ewes resigned.. President has tendered the Chief Collect orship of New Orleans to Christopher Adams, a wealthy planter. His acbeptarice -is doubtful • EIMIADEETHU MARKET. PHILADELPI I / 4 , Sept 6. ' Fl‘cor—The market is steady. Balm 1000 bble, common and good brands at T. 3 85 ®3 87 bbl.' Grain—Sales 4 ; 000 bushels new /outliers' red wheat at 810132 c. Salesria at 61€1162c ? Corn is wanted; sales 1800 bushels at C3e, for southern yellow Provisions and groceries ifri; firm. Whiskey Wattling at 24ic 11 gallon in bbls. BALTIMORE 51.51:3HET.. BattLuau. Sept. Flour—SO 100 bbls Aram st sBB7j "" r . bhlcash. Grain—Sales white wheat at 76C078c, and of . red at 72®75 ? 100. Coin Is 'selling at 550; 57 foryellow, and . 69Gllo f , white: Sales oats at 34@ 360. Provisions":-rne faarket s hem Sales 1:11e119 pork at $15,'.0 bid tar; Is selling at 01-s:tloj In tails and 10€„11c in keg .• • Groceries—lire steady. Sales Rio coffee at B}@E} ? lb. Sugar are Spier. NEW YORK MARKET. _ ..._ . • Nri Tons, Sept. 5 Cotton—The market contihues firm. Flom—bales POO bbls at, 17g4 for Indiana said - Michigan, and $4,25 for Soothe= . Grain—Of all kinds, is st tidy. It Provisions—The market firm. S ala 800 Obis mess pork at $15,874 Ohl. Beef hams •aresellieg at $l4, Lard ts n good demand at • 969}c. . Lead—Salts 4000 pigs 100. Linseed Gil—Sales 2000 gallon,. Whiskey—Soles at 28623 i 1 --- ''' CINCINN TI MA, Clircl Flour—The market is wit 7 'demand is moderate, with' safe 1X;53,15. Provisions—Nothing is di g Whiskey,-Sales at 174 13 Cotton Yarn-Boles 6000 1 Groceries—Salo of sugar Rio coffee at 940. Pearlasit—Rales . 47 puke 4 Freights': to all palatal, has Orleans whisky is $1,25,) said pound freights 600. l'o Ma $1; pound freights 350 7g l , IR dry goods 40 I@LOo: I siad whisk The river Las knell seven - 24 hours. , L....... 2. ulna at $4,66 gillone st 730 14 ismsst, Sept. ' rest chimp The bbls at sa.- lirony of notice. of 160.0 I. R. 61, and of IdYrec l i b .. ced. .o r 76c 11 urgh, ;whiskey Ii Pro St Louie, From Me ,, .Nete Orte•no Buleeiloi elEiptist 2601. i l ir. Ctiotnua,-We a • pained to la m that the chines h. broken a. t one fie Rirer, with extreme violence. .. fwing incl . °, whifili we take from the R d n Re üblican of the 16th, gives some at • • its rages. The officer of the boitt, l t i l wh - ose court sy me are in debted for this , pa , • informs. u that sub.- t . quent to the public/on o'' e bjoined ac. .coents, the number o dea th s r. Coinocia's 1.1 1 plantations bad risen to n et od . The following is the a cle r te the Repub. lien: "The cholera is zsgl gw' dreadful mar. tallty on Bed river, at the ppe dof the par sh, and above on Cane riv r. a fret heard of its existence in the latt r p 'of last week. Ifpwarda of twenty deaths were e ort0„to have occurred from it upon the plant 'one 'EY Mere. i ; ditb Calhoun, Esq. and th e i n si spreading.— We doubted the statements 1 ertifore mild nothing about them, but' sic , y , have been fearfully confirmed. Mr. Co lieu ~h as four plan tations adjoining, upin t which lid as iinveti hun dred negroes little a d big. A :.. the presence of the disease was e Unshed] ‘ : about twenty deaths bad occurred,; the De: , ' ere remi.ed to the Pine Woods, butAhei cha ; • e of location checking the web; 11123 st did not bare tho hoped for effect dimace. lt has continued: its the lut aeemirds onwards of had fallen ♦iotims to it, envie ab under treatment The cues lot I Teary Degrees tit eighty were • ued so fast; I could pot at stanco had to that the neighborhood physician tend to them and ()Mesa from a . L. Hertit, of , . bqt former. oRm to it. He death will kyoung end of devoted V. Drone of the Srferel end imbue be sent ar. One of these, Dr.. Cottle, a native of North Carolin ly of Mississippi, has fallen a vi was a MOlll. IltlDplllll man, an. be deeply deplored, not only 1,31 .doting vire, but by a large oh friends: J. Dd. the oveosi Places, ha* elso died of, th e tr oaks haueocurred at ClotVer . - beinl of Ina appearance tiokts on Cane river. 'On. who had semen hands, fieo bars Occurred. : 4 the plaits. f a a widow 'lady' wp ter:lent:sad, 7 • Ilszt r..L.VANLA RAILROAD. OPEN TO LOCKPORT:TWENTY MILES WEST OP JOIMSTOWN • CHANGE OP HOUR. TIME IiEDUCCIT AND SPELL, INT . MICASED P,nnrylrania Railroad and A;rpress Packet Lair 3TI DAIS. kmilrosA pall,. C. 0.! eAnorr. Mort num., IND oOTTIOMListI lour? To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & NEW YORK Two Daily Linea Express Packet Boats, NEEEEti • On and after Monday, August 25th, the roasts of this LInS wilt tsars Pitteburglt for Lorkvat evercmorning at o'clock; a_tl ertry etening at 2 o'clock, CirroirciltVi Satin the lest for P I.4WD:to. iltrangt,` Forty ItoureMEl JlNNllOrtill==== tgTom=htell's canal Intel.) enabling them on Stein.' at sbilatielpela to yroceel on to New York at Once. PASSIM:MRS FOR BALTIROR6 Take the York and Cunstetilargl Its Uncut, at liarrlsbeUT. Distance, eighty.fonr tulles. Time, FOUR hour. . Fate to Pttedetale. $lO. Para to ihiumorv, do Lancaster ig do IllovisbUrn 0.00. If you desire cheap traveling and romfortable aecortno d..oto, ..olou YOU tickets at the-Ticket 009,e5. Rummager beta House, of {' • J. P. 110111. ES, Agent. • Or of . D: LEE'CiI & CO., angle Canal paltry Penn street_ llcHenry'e Philadelphia &Liverpool Line of Packets. Sailing from Philadelphia oh the ,44, 6th, and Livemcul oaths ist of. ndintonth.=g2 ID MARY PLE.UANTS, R. R. Gueons,Bleater. . • NRENANDOAII. Wm. P. Gardiner, Master. EUROPE. Nathaniel C. Harris. Muter. •• BERLIN, Alfred W. Smith, Muter. , Ski ACKAMAXON, ( aror I W. W. West, Ruler. ' The above ships are bailt of the best and th e ir cur they i and are noted.for the rapidity of their they are tied up With ail latest improvementlk ar s e m 2= o .L eppla nz or k s a tr d n=cud.for t„ thedr at they are coalmine] by men-0f in he Lat. who . are unequalled for their eXperitilee in the packet purview Persons desirous of bringing their fticrat from Abe Old Country can obtain certificates of pounce. which be good for months nod our akikemsra Imland and Lir owed .111 furnish them with the proper int:natation and Instructions relative to their departure. -, Foe the convenience of passengers wieldl4 to send 00 Oen we r noPlol/ droll. toe LI Meiling and upward. payable 11, 1 fft,tVglIti clrar. t cill°ll:l l J!a. b i,V 4 ." •ar of , 4 ,-Provfalcai. 'applied paamkams coming from Liver Every watt the foliowing annalist .111 be farnishal 2pasaanger a 12 years a age .d °ran 214 lbs. bread, hs.rtlee o. tea. 6 lb. mimes/. Y lb.raintr, 110. hoar, ...r,or 11a a. unm ol f .elor Ind ern. and half allow.. of l i ep. b . , EartiV n anolunea Y a CO. No el biainnt ,tneet, be low Penond. Yhihkielnlne. FLOY D, 11120 comer Math and Wood as., rlttebtaft KEW YORK AND ERIR RAILROAD. 1851. Er/if/MAP 1851. NEW ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY via Dunkirk and lb. Erie Railroad ' , ecaneetina with eh,. 012 Lake Eria, the !liable.. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. Cleveland and Pi...burgh, and Sandusky and antinnad Railenads and Ohio. Indiana lb . . Ohio and !ptnns real/ rivers, and the Ohio, Indiana and CHAIhn LEAVE bUsElllh ea FOLLOW lrundava earephal.) !Ft Morning Exam., ,T r ain at o o Met •di Evening Eames . 31. - the .11.1 Train stops al Flosir. whene a... Lg., can rhea 7 hewn, and tat. lb. Ear...T.40, striving lo York next bo. anal. st eblock. meting tbe whole &Luanne by day-liabl. The Repro. Freight and Cottle I[B.l(llDunktrit at 4 A.ll.dada. a kabsenger Car le attached to thie Train to an'otannsodate . WILT 1 . 111....gera and Drover. /FelFare Onto Dunkirk to York. Sa. Betond Class prints .111 be given In e few day. Thia Calmly are prtaarvil 0 transport Ova *lock and freight. of nada to and Duns hew Tort Fartleidar Potion .1111. juld to Stork Th. . or., a (bet wid t , Ode abate adrantages narvo. gau. in the tran.ortatinn nf Stork. tar 44 - Additional Toon, will put In ....nasal,. Inc eery short tbis. prolcnt T. 1124 I..rahntziputa+l, null IVRATI to tbr prim. o 1 v v mr , irrorri..,,All. cm, Dunkirk . jyr2.6m Excursion Tickets to Beaver, 25 cents. FrII E tine passenger steamers j BEAVERand MICHIGAN 140. 2. will loovo their landing* at Vittaband.d *beat., tarry day, (days asnmtnt.) an aw fal.w" - B•ATO.I. leAves 29h/bu Sun nch at 9A. w. Roehattei 2A. y. 311511clua do do 3P. U. do *A L. Pawns wlsnin It ga,coto B. ran em Ex*ernon Ticket* to orbestar and track to Plateburpb. for 50 rant. t a7!pira ' or4;tlb . ..ll...7mta r ta '.l. liaavar,*nr - Ilictdcan No. r..* 93 . an JUIIN CAVOIIET, Apat, Cor WaVr elmltbEckl ritubarch.. 28 HOURS TO CLIPMLUTD. : . am= 1851. E [ PI TTSDURGII AN D CLEVELAND' p r eel Packer and Railroad Line to Closetemd. ASSENGERS , kayo every morning at 9 o'olock, by rtes Mir to Beam, tbcook by exprtm aual=ta t i t ItoTattb etrou by Pltuburan and C 10...- 1 /dpitare to Cleulantr, UM. . To Cleveland. 26 bums To Detrod a, 36 bourn Buffalo, 'a ' Chicano. CO Tiekata grYttottbroueb to t . CINC.IISNAT/, , Ils Columbuo and Tool., ty Clerryland and Cntenntudi ttalltud. L"j • -.. Puma:. roe e D v e e t , r , ft I..iblmto , a , tl k. Str y tt:ltle..ll.l atuttoots of Illebtuut Itundltaliznad (n. 4 Tun.; ...nue. at 7.,i dolma. A. M. bt 11/tarot.' to Nevi Buffalo, ' quint lon water lu i t tlettic: 1 4VV. , 17g l inoritt. nu.. Pt- bun, and Galena , Colt b. found mutt oodrker.' ""P"' end P'"'" t t A r A t it ' itit e ;f • r117 , 76, ProPlit ,,,, Itocuurn. Po. • 11" behet. " thIent" J 6 OIII . TV.. 7 CIUGIIET, neut. (by stole.) Comer of dui thflakt sal Water ...eta.. °"'"'te the " 0- 111Nlvizi. ~., is 23 1851. WESTERN 1851. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. .• D. LEECH A: CO'B. LIFE kigiM@ TIA. atadagi • EAIL ROAD. AND CANAL ate PITTSBURG 11, PHILADELPHIA, BAT L %WEE, AND NEW TORE; TILE Canal being in gond-order, we are, GI, Etta can-baadla• to tba abate t tAit lowan to t too al totlabt. attEi yonatp.cas antl dloateb. The La% _and ma are li - -t.-:5 . i, ...I, m;r: trn.m 111, 1TA11.,:,...., ...,. ,-,„, i1c u . ,,,,‘ , , ,,,. 2, 11P-1.,>1.•!, ttran from aril ~,p ., -. 14(e.t. ~: t a llaf , l ' i‘r+cu , ll,.. - ; th rte.! •:. of 761.; 14i.•.. 1 ,,,, ai ar, :. , arsararift.6 , : uttl ' e', • -m,m - ',.t,,,,i, ...dna A. 1, %0 to ~ 5...3. A, ..,rpm -1:., \ , ,y o u ' ' -,,,, ..frerrr b.,f,ri.... V., 4,1 , t..111,t,.. , Itir . . •t!tr. arr.l 1,1::r0 , .' he tai i1,...4 A btlf 4,4,0 10111,,, i, .roild a.lx , ikir. I. '. j ?' , 0 , 4 1, , atl rude:. I.4 , ttlee dieng th.. 1 ., / \ ', .” ,1 trl' -''''..• \ • toh, tut i.e. vrai yolectir rattcant! F.i , ,1 - 1. 'a .t ,r, •, 1 ...11'?..•-. - .. , ~,t.t there'll. Is remm,l. and 1+ , .. \ alga 4-?, .., ; . A .,„ ~•,.:„ ..t tI.N I ton, ill', y...,,,, ..... „:.*.hia.; , ,,,' • ' thr 1.1..,:11,,f , ;,I, I. ...:,r, tI 0ff.. ,. ..: +. ch. , h ‘ i, ci riqhr. \ T..1t0. , Dv.; a.1 ., ank0 , n111, - . tod't ~ u ru 7+YI 11, , P. l ~i's , m.,,,1r oatirr Krem. 1,11/1ga,:,..,.. ~.,. .....air a, ;1.1 .4 ipy u. . 1 ihrona yall.•oll 'Lat. ) ; mrl'..arurarlilitta,2obe. -.• ft rmy 5... ' ' v”,,i.t.a.,.. 1 • ~ . :•,;:.,,, . • .).‘7131. , . Ilthe.A'itil... \ . . POII L:1,4. L. i'...l.4L.rfavr in F...., J'ar)Pq In 4 w,,,,U,{N, OrKinanti,ol,6,l,.•tnr-I.l.deralbr ~1 WevL 1.. , I r 1,1 ms,L j E.; J, Ctlloyi 1r ..Peter? L mon4o.v. Culeatow - 0, LL': Pri!,, , .l2 . s.:.:inirc is...nt,f k II tir.1!.,l ~ h.-L.I N ~ fi. tt'lt P.;ltbuktoing, , S C, , ,,Eneltple. 5L.ta.r....1n.1 0 CC, L.. .;1: , 1.11 , 3.1..r. , slO - 44,11,4, l ef4 ~rsnidu.4 l ertrr. & en, L., ' Si Nuts, I.:ol:Klerspurt.i. PC±ooL*r..jr.,..llrreriwillo, , 1 lw\flottle:;f&r. geyers'. latio ceptor. • KLEUEH L:. s juet' rLveived texere' cel , ll , rat.J. piectlitur Lk. tiT wu l.4, ill this cauxun .. .. fa bathe tan kdf the kit. , l tier' edWbstwen .d " brat en end run .8,1,4.1 ,t Ann s.c,TOY/nit nsetbe nraikk.inwne.lenSabvielueetat.,... ;4 , 4 PnewnWnix ILLlwnwin, the in In_ twelim tWerclets .and tenet, iinw ercre - ,411. • In,n ennwonet wnin.u , rind wk.S.D...'nmt neut., 1 , 1 0111.‘ .le kew pack, Owe mg. 11. e. n w etre ten: Fenne..k. l 4. /k/ renfen•WO