The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 19, 1851, Image 2

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)011;71 For telegraph neva,- see sixth' columti of
tbi, .page:. At . • •
Gov ,NYliddasi Jousseon ceill be pleased to
joees 114,iitisens of Allegheny county, at lbe
illanon:gahels - llonse, between thezbours or to
b'eloek A. 71(., and 10 o'clock P. a.; on Tuesday,
the 19ili net (to day). .
'ltq drier of the Committee of Introduction'.
,•':;;. ' :SSFECTO OF )BEE riling
-..'Strin g ency in the money market at New York
still c+tinues, although--the panic in„abating.—.
, -Mee are nairengeged in investigating the cane-[
' , ars ofthe difficTulty, to see whether they are per-'
r. . .
renenboi Obit tetoporavy. The 'vault. is, that
r Otti primes . are found to be deep seated—not ari-
Mg from a momentary•ontburet of a spirit of
peculation; but the certain, inevitable effect *of
' . perrimeons national poliay, •
FrOm the'first of January to the last of July,
ithe erirorts of the precious metals. from the port
i ,of New York alone hire been itsmty-five millions
!- ..;," ‘l4lars. .Tbe folibiring is the official state
—diuitiary $1,266,000 11lay $4,600,000
~.I.`eqtairy , - 1,007,000 Jane• 0,402,00 0 3
. "Airoh 2 , 368 , 000 July • 1 1 ,M00
, 3,482,000 .
• $ 23 : 0 ,8 5 :ft
Tb this mast be added a large amount of tt:
L rtioial; State aid railroad stocks, viltiCh'ltave
'bet mat oirer; Europe ,. to be exchanged for
'..'goods and rairri,M Ikon
- .Clgainsithia may bo tad then:int:lv brought
oreitysminigrants, whatever that :soy be, and
:the old brought from Culifends, which is our
chief - reliance. So far d'bring dm 'present year
• the iiieipts from that source have pearly
~'.aoced our esparto of the precious Metals, and
there is a good prospect that for thelreutaittler
" of
s the year the supplywill be
... greater that: the
drai!a. The PhiladeVa Ledger makes the fat
, lowing estimates of feleipta from Cidiforois for
the rettmindeltof the year:
"The Supply of"gold from California the pros
- ent Month, is is estimated, wilt reach four and a
half millions of dollars. • The Brother Jonathan
ii noir due, and another - steamer will be dim on
the - 21st inst. . Authorities esteemed good elate
-: tlikt,lin the months of liepteruber, October,' No
vember and Deeember, we may expect to reeeith
- ail 'witticism 'of dollars per , month from Calif°,
• nit.- The New YorlEPoist considers that 'our thr
ticulties are only temponiry, and have beekr
wholly unnecessary if Jur leading banks had
- been my governed by common anise pritici- .
plea.' ;
• - Shoithl these• estimates be realized, there is
no immediate - danger Hof extreme pressure; but 'I
,nathel t r c ier hand,. the money market may fora
-11thile mat quite easy; and time be given to
"[prepartti fora period of low prices and prostrtr
' I fed indiistry which is inevitable, unless Congress
t'au't '.induced Dr afford relief by an alteration
of, tL el tariff. I, .
The harvests in Great Britain promise a
I :hrery flit yield, and accounts from the contio6nt
;ler Europe represent the crops there to be about
en good as Ostia No amendment in the foreign
[denial for breadstuffs need be expected. At
presan the prices ruling in Liverpool du not of.
. ped9tfair remuneration to the .finicrican prodo
!ter. ! o the tendert, therefore, the prospect is
'gloomy enough; for unless a bonie-thbrket can,
be urea ed for the surplus ptoducts Of the coon- I
try by the' revival of manufactuelith, industry, I
they mile - be content to' submit to a scale of I
• prices which have hitherto been regardiNl as iii
llicativA of. a losing business. Then. the prices
..- of the !first necessaries of life being-very low, '
the manufacturers may be enobledatetroggle
' l tio.biredneing the scale of oigeslt and the la.
borers loPeratives will be "able to submit to
a rearm ion when they can - pnreimie their pro.
visions t so low /I figure. ;-' ,
.... 'Anna class, then, are most deeply affected?—
Not 'the importer or. the merchant; for,khey
7 can, blithe aid of California and the banks.' get
money enough to carry on. Not the capitalists I
or banteera; for they will be benefited rather
shah toju l rod by , a state of thing!, that shall in
crease the rilinkof money us compared with la-
' bet or Ihe'pieduce of - thir soil. And even the 1
,roanufacturers will ultimately overcome the dif
.liheti the pressure of labor and produce
upon !SC, market' shall so reduce the 'mule of
pr=eens '-to enable them to go onln. epite of
, theieEeropean competitors. Who, then, willlse
injured All who era in debti 'because it will
require' larger amount , of labor, cir the pro
duce.of labor, to makit . ,rip the sum of their in
debiede ' , No proposition can be plainer than
' that Cand it is a emasideration that comes Lome
~ ththettiviedmajority of the people.: The farm-
em, however, will be the greatest sufferers; for
: I -theier - buisiness is the great fouodation of alLoth
era; Ind mist sustain the Ultimate loss of all
thuserelative changes.
• Superficial politicians have long tried to eon
- vince-the farmers—and they have only been too
— ls.lladidai—that protective tariffs were designed '
toiatterve the interests of wealthy manufacturers
•at theirlexpense. Well,. we'have had a trial of',
.frentrade. How does it work? The =mutat- 1
'turves have-been greatly injured by it-7:18 - obody
' will &agate that
. Idany furnaces have been blown
'out, nod many cotton mills stopped. Soda , of
their,proprietoni have been totally relined, and
~mani s l orely crippled: • But no matter about that
~ - itheyfwers a aet of aristocrats!, no lek - them go.
But the farmers, upon whom demagogues expend
~ e o mufti soft, soap, how have they fared!—
Are they thriving? . Ifni free trade been very
beneficUl to them, so the aforesaid demagogues
.promised that it would be ? They are getting
ready inie and high prices for all they raise, ate
they pia? -fiir if not, they hive been most gross
,ly dective,d by looefoce politicians. Now every,!
body knows that the very reverse of this is the
troth.l That agricultural produce . is very dud'
: subs even at loir prices; awl', the prospect is din
„pkiceit l trill All still lower. That to talk abeu
the prosperity of the farmers now is as sarcnal
AM. at the promisee ef thi adroattes of, free,
'trod, were false and deceptiVe. "'Who, then has'
twit benefited? , Nobody.
.4Tes,. there is ono :
:dills ipo, if they hale'not yet been benefited,'
i y
,th yllOOl3 will be; we me.anwealthyapeculators.
.T ey eon bey property iev3 , low, and by waititig
, 111 times take a tura, that is, until' the coon
getetjts eyes open to see that its present pot
ty is a great blunder, they will, realize largo
. fits urns their operations. Heil the Legbila.
on of tlitinorintry been' nuusegest with as: eye
their., special benefit, it could not have suited
• 's class better. . --
In conch:Mien, we express ' the opinion that
,thiatime,!olling to the supply of gold from Cel
- ifornia,.we shall have no sudden crash, such as
oe l turreil in 1837; bet there is no doubt that all
the great industrial interests of the country are
sinking, and will „continue - to languish; until it
recuroi to the only policy under which it ever
di Prosphr; and that among her great interests,
mono ire suffering mbre,deeplithantheargrictil-
;biroavore vo Miavuxono.=—A nevi'seetion of
theiTennsylvanis Railroad has bey? opened' for
use, ehortening the CansPtravel between this
snd Philadelphia, and diminishing the time ne
_ eetteary to make the trip. We have now 801
°miles Of „Railroad in use between this and Phif-'
adelpida, and the distance liyCanal is shortened
0 . 83 miles, whiehln Co.'e fine is
, press packets : is 'no hardship: ~ .Tnivellern will
o7il this a delightful route„atiended with little
no fatigue, and-affording :most delightful
scenery. We'refer to Alessi% D.:Leeeh
llisement; in the appropriate column.
Mosw..--+ , OA Boys, nary nee 'lotto," a
metody . written an composed by Stepbeii C.
EGA writtenN', of ."Cncle Ned," ••Neity was- a
phiopean melodies,
jisit - beei
,rece;red bp K. Metier, Third
Tho I of- Primogeniture be at length been
uselot ant. of exigence in Ugper Canada. Int'a
, ifst - ofineasnioito which the aterernor Geneial
04e the soaot,,ti fee! days ag0;1111011.nele
:_ did, the iiet abolish the right or Primogeni-
Attrit the sueoesision of inal'estata. Tide ie,
o ei tk ii ir, :the most demberatiormeasoro that bss
, beeitPao, Id daring the plseai Part[nmear and
its inehence.oirtlie fotaro'cotodition of the Pro:
, tince l arinot fait tie be d4ide4y *dela:
A , ease as ,
re2ently decided in a Austioe's
Court 'in Boston by which the' ;defendant - was
mulcted in a fine of ten dollars and cost for re-
I.6 ingto . PSY tithe - conductor, otilhe 'Beaten
owl Worcester 'Bailment fire cents more thin
the regulars fare—that being demanded; ace:ord.
ing to the regulations of the company when
e!er PluseDge 6 nier 4 .to r 6 chre ',tickets
befordetarting: and-pay their fare in the ears.
Caurtikag: on. 12co hoos.—The Cinciunat ,.
Gazette tells A !dory of , e. gentleman in that city
rho. a few iiights t ago, was awakened from bleep
by the disagrelable preseneni tit an. army
.of bed bogs. The thought occurred to him
thit he 'would make fbem scatter by . the appli
cation of camphene to his beedstead; Be did
so and to make 'it morsleffective applied
a lighted match to the-gas. .an. instant
an explosion as lohd as. a pistol shot took
plus and the whole bed fixtuxes' were in a'
blue...By the, prompt use of3snter, the flatati
were extinguishertbut the premises were left In
a sad plight.
Ixwittastoon.—The following attitietictr, com
piled from the records of the conindesionera of.
Emigration, are so - 'arranged u to compare
she arrirtds'oriminigrantaat New York during
the first urea months of the: present and put
1860. 1861.
13;1:x1: , 14,709
3,206 8,177
5,569 16,055
14,627 27.779
42,840 .. 83,858
11.762 34,402
84,446 27,81.2
125,610 162,592
Increase for eleven month!, in 1851
There were 8,200 !ingrain from the let to the
13th August 1850, and duriag the . corresrponding
period of this year 16,028 bare arrived. Thus
the aggregate_ number of arrivals from the let Of
January to: the 13th ofAugust 1850 w. 138,810;
and during a similar period of the present year
176,213 immigrants have arrived, showing Weoug
punitive increase of 45,403..
Wool{.--Thu number Of pusengers carried
over this road, between Pittsburgh and Brigh-•
tan, and intervening points; last rek, the
(MOW since! ibs regular opening, -?Rae . 1,-
444! Receipts, $1,344 33. This thews
handsome increaser7r passengers and receipts
over the first week, -end is Teri cheering
to the friends and stockholders of the road.
under the able superintendenee of 8. W. Roberts,
Esq., the road is smiled with gredt regularity
and tardy, -and to the entirel satiet'action of the
4)010 AIM PXYAIITI.VANIA ltamarl l at.— We are
4,4 to lemi that the • husinest on. itbis road for
the peat week, shows a very liatterlog increase"
over the receipts or the former one, The differ
epee is as fosows.
Paieengersover the road, for week endingSaterr
day 16., , .
Cash for.pawenters, $ 1 , 34 . 5 37 i.
format. in passengers over precious week 715.
lneiewce io moneyoser precious week, $296,621.
Blackwood for Augvot. oxcallinf number,
pet reocirrd by W 416 .orrOef.
forma , / Mel - mak/in issititut,, for August, is
on our table.. A 'valuable seicutifia. work.
l'arsrm Igruccromicy —lnformation reached
this city tut eyetdpg that Ile,. Lir,Ailitir. presi
dent of the Wesleyan Uni, :sirs at Alidriletoirm
was in a dying mrnditirm. He has been ill for
some . time past, but hope. • were Cute
,a hie recovery, and we etitl trust tlymtbia pain
ful intelligence may not , prove to be true. Thib
death of this eminent divine. Whole great hesnl.
ing, and eloquence, and terveniplety, are knoint)
wherever the English language is spoken, would
ne to irreparable Coo.
The talegraph brings infdrrnitipn that Dr.
Olin'died.on'last 'Saturday rimming. A ;Teat
man in brad has fallen.
The Dirpatek,his the fellosuag notice of the
deith of Captain Gocnos, of the eteizabost eters
redier : •
Very painful news to us, was the announce,
mem by telcgtaph, of the death on Saturday
morning, by cholera, at Louisville, of Captain
Wm. B. Gordon; of the steamer Clara Fisher.
The deneascit leaves a wife with one child. We
:mew him intimately=tetirc indeed associated'
withihinc, at one time, in river business, and can
most sincerely? say that we: have newer known'
ono more worthy end faithful—more 'reliable
under all eirennistancea—more truly estbnable
in every relation, in which we hare met with him;
and feeling shrieked and saddened as we did, wo
sympathize ydost eincerely with
,his wife, and
other relatires, in their sad berearmornit.-
age was probably thirty fire_ 1
Dkoni Zirta Lost•; , TinOtlyisjured, sow:of...hots
are not eipectedto ritorTr
We hire to record one of the molt toeltucholy
dieastertabit line ever occurredikere within our,
knowledge. We hsvihnstily_ . gleeited the follow,'
The steamer Dn'kelthi4 recently built iit Sturgea
St. Jo county. :Michigan. and bound for Minna_
lions Territory, received yeiterday, a boilerlroin
Chicago, for which she boa - been waiting/writhe
past three weeks.' This boiler Wasp:Ain to-day,
and about
one. o'clock. I , : '
steameras got up
in order in get wood; which "as ;the river
about a mile distant, and whin rounding to on
the opposite side of the Lake, the boilers explo
ded, ecattering bunion lsidies and fragments of
wood in every direction. Nasistance was render.
ed sa coon as possible,; , and the followingperioos
were picked up: ' • .
Belay Barnes, part owner, daageroi4 iaj •
Benj. Woolworth, Copt:dangerously injured;
recovery : donbtfol. : .
Alpheus Chapman, „Eliginier, John Selby, M.
Thompson, Boidliobbino, lifiee,Am • uida Cutler,
Ruben 'McKee, Edgar Chase, if filton Howe,
dangerously rajnred: Barnes and, child,
Mrs. Chapman and child, Mrs. Selby, 111r...b10r-
Attend wife, litre. Hayward and two phildrea r r
?din. Thompion and three children. Jas: Lithier
Mr. Emmons, Edward Hoe. John Palinei,'Atiner
Renwick, Aroosilopkine, Pitts Hopkins, slightly
injured; childpf Benjamin Wolefort - ti, child of
Henryßornes, 7 yearn old, child of Mr. Moffitt, 9
years old, dearb,Mr. Haywood atid=two children,
Mr. Baker, wife and-child, Allis Harriet Foster,
.Charles Van Wincle,,,not found.
The. above is. as near correct as wo could pos
sibli_get it. • .
The remains of the wreck was towed in he
'Shore by the steamer Gov. Brigo, and we hare
been informed: etnce lye left the mien° of ruin,
that two bodies have been e x tricated from: the
• The Dakotah wee owned byllessrs. Franklin
%Verson and Henry Barnes, and wan built ex
pressly for the, lICCOISIIIIOdaIOI3 'of a settlement
in Minnesota, which those who bid embarked on
hoard were calculating to establish. There were
forty-nine in all, forty-three of whom. were on
board at the time of the catastrophe. The Mayor
with.a posse of men and a number of tesma are
now rendering every assn lane that is neces
,PAITDE6/111, 51at11....63:, Aug. 9 7 4 P. ■
..', A dreadful storm has just passed over our
iiity, and at the moment we write,'great netts,.
mebt prevails among oer ciaittra. .. ,
The entire damage we have tokebeen able, as
yet, to muerte:in'. So far its our knOwledge of
the particulars eitende, they are as follows:
. The etas:abuts lying np at this place, were
all More or lees damaged. ' • •
Thestesmene Dover and Caledonia are a total
wreck, and the Globe and Cherokee are in a
oinking condition: ' ' ''•
The Ameriee broke front her cables, and lent
her chimneys overboard.` .The Texas was, biotin
to one side, and the upper Portion' of her cabin
considerably damaged. ' ' • ''
The Cherokee Toet her chimaera also, and the
greater part 'of her. upper works. She is now
. a sinking condition ; having • log run through
her. u
The.Huneille's chimney., and a portion
of h er cabin; were blown away. '
' 'The whole of the'opper portion Of the wharf
boat of Smedley "& McConnell; wu blown away.
The Globe lost ber'entire cabin, end is alto
in a sinking - condition. - . -
'The Elk le almost a wreclr—having loarmost
of her upper Works. 'The Mustang It aft eery
The - Harry Hill and C..g. frstkloe escaped,
with slight damage. . • -
An the flat-tsiate, Wood -boats, &C,, Were totally
wrecked, and the whole hum by damage ,. to.
r icer
craft craft cannot au abort. of V.. 5,000. -'' -'
-Themtble end' of the Marshall Hinse was
blown in, many , chimtieye blown down, In differ
ent_ puts of the '''Oity, and signs and:awnings
Were ail chaff before the wind. '
Several-lives 11:15 iiia. to, be lost, hie we ic e
unable to learn who, or how Many: bat suppOuld
to - be acme tenor fifteen. ` .. -
The StaiiirviSfroti narth&Weeftinailitt4iial:
and if it prevailed to extent as it did here,
Omit damage has been no.
_ - .
Thelrhig " eitleras4 ,Elizabeth Berm
In'tlie . ? Town Hill ets"
evening the 14th inst...., tb sena delegates
Beatt paiietwltia Ca Witlit
C. F Shugart was elected President, e
On 'motion of it 0 Walker, s coattail
fire wiul appoiritedfai draft retalialona:
The committee emulated
•. • •
C. 'Walker, •
ganinel 111 Slfnnser,
Jao:„.E. Shaffer, •
Sainnel 141'eme,
John Walker, Jr.
The committee to invite hießica' Ilettoy
Johnston are:. . ' . ...,.. --..'..
Samuel Frew, , 1 1. IJohn+Pattaison; .
Theo. 8 . Bower, .... '; - 40 .L. 1 94:0 1 4 , 11 1 C0.. , -
Js A. /kW, - . : .' Wit.'...R. , :fThiatia4 :' . '
Daniel Barmy, '.. .-
~'' • -,-.- ",s;
- -.
On motions delegation eirielethit
dr= persons was appo _Mr
ConvesaitoleM Wedutrad
'Where= we haver .
meeting. '
if thiprriamidltigi.:w
to beheld InPittebigh on tho
that - 'one 'worthy Unit a - ifej
Will he present on the =teeth
Therefore, RelloPla'tbat w,
:of Eliesbeth Bomuy), and Toi
have the name of Gen. Wince
with the Whig party - in the
the Preeidmoy of the ulted
Ratolved; That w ' e eve
Chalon foals with Pitri dil-ran
nem doe the leaders 0 1 otir'e
have bravely fought the bidi
we do moot cordially Mantled
to the chieftan 'whose name. I
iced by the battles of tundra a,.,,..
Gberubneco and the City of Moxiotti.: l . . ...,-... ,
Resolved, That while we haratevericonne.
In the ability and integrity of Gezurral Wiidledd ,
Scott sea good and tiSeadokUer, we hainfigen.
=bounded asenrance of his 'ability and hitegate
eo ell with honor; to himself and country; ever"
'position of the Statesman. - -,r, -.1 . .
Resolved, That we highly approve or ,the ail
uiinistration of Willies F. Johneton, aisd that we
are proud to find in 'liintf every quallacition of
an.efficitit, energetio and Mate loving GieetVr'
:Resorted, That a committee-or seven tie :441;.
pointed to invite his Excellency, Win. F. John
ston to visit when convenient his many triemlatn
Elisabeth. -
I...._ i _DelegsMo to the Scott Convention.
• („liaisiel Buyer, . Jesse Dougherty;
'George Webeter, ' Jolie Graham, .. ,
W. R. Vankirk, - Robert Means, '
James Milliken, ' Jno. Walker,. . ;,,,L
O. F. Diehl.. W .
Jas. . Edgar, „-. .*,.'-,
... ... .
Samna lii'duite, . CaptiJeo. Policaih,
Jac A. Ekin , Urieh Applegate,
non 'Ferric', Robert Stewart,
Jon. M'Donongb, Robert Smith,
Joe. E. Shaffer, ames Ireton,
Jciti. Walker Jr., John Young,
rbeo. 8. Sower; Gail IL Sower,
lIVoI 14'Elhittuay, S amuel Clark,
- Penghorns, Robt. WDonald, .
Welt's*, Raba Abrams,
Iloti'A M'Elhinney, Col. Joseph Taylor,
Joke Pairbank, Wm. Sabine:len,
Samuel Walker, Wm. B. Jacobe,
David Penny, , Ueo. Ebermsa, '
Watley Bradley, Andrew Leech,
tterd. Connie, Alex. Edmondson,
Joel Peebles, .. Robert Lytle,
Wm.' D. Walker, ", Jacob Zigler, ~..
Rieliird Tailor. ': .. John Patterson, ,
Col. Wm. bongbuts,: Testa SPDonald, ''.
Matthew Headmen: Gle. 1191 MM
Capt damael.Kerr.• MattbeW BeilteVf,
BriebervyalL-;•:.- tEroi.,k.-sen;
Nathaniel thivens,
Jaao*Lane; - ,.
Daeid Moo,
,Ludwick Ifinehlre,
lWro. M. Dnranau,
!John (Archer,
Reery 4 K, Kern,
Robert 4.b.algttencl,
C. P- Shugeri; ,
Samuel Frew.
Benoit Lake,
Jai:ninon Diusberty,
Wm. Drano,
Jobn Rankin,
Ebenezer Henderson
Jun B. WCane,
,Jas.: Craighis'ait,
j.t. J. EUiott
BHUGEBT ,Preet..
.lu. Patterson,
Roben Patterson,
„On motion the mettle
A. J. ErAurrr,
I • •
At a meeting. of the Whigs in Peebles town
ihip, Almost 16th, 1851, Luke B. Davidson,
Walter ILI. Forward, Thomas Aiken: W. N.
Burchfield, and Abram tiarbach, were appointed
a Committee to draft a constitution and by laws,.
to be submitted to an adjourned meeting on
Seturdiy, 30th day of August.
The Whigs of said towitehip were reentsted to
meet on Wednesday next; at 9 o'clock to pro-
teed in a body to the Convention. •
• At next meeting, officers are to be 'selected for
tho said township Scott and Johattoo Club.
some Nerrnta.—Paritiant to notice, the
Whigs Of the boreugh of Ifenchest;er, !net at.
the hfaiket House, on Saterdiy, lett instant.—
•The meeting.. saardttly, organised, by calling
Daiid Loathe' , to the chair,and appointing
Jahn CiParke &nearly.
The cid{ being read, the following resolatio .
iron unatihnonely adopted:
Ilr,tofgrd, That the3tiends of Gen. Wiefield.l
Seat. of ' this bossuit, nitol , ll themselves •Intel
a delegation to attend the Scott Convention, to
be held lin the City of Pittsburgh; on the 20th ,
inetant.i • • DAVID LOOTHES, Cb'o.
June E. Pansts.'%ec's.
i— ' •
Ins Wranarn •to N. Tenn.—There has not
been a rainy , day,. pro'petly • speaking, duce teat
May, and the drought in this neighborhood is
beetuning'aevere. In the country the springs,
are Very low, many ale quite dry, smiths cis.
terns empty. Yet there have been slight show
now and then, more 'sprinklings of rain form the
-aloud; which have kept the vegetation slim', and
, in some places, tolerably healthy.— The weather
is not like that of ordintay droughts• there is no .
ottneltY hue in the atmosphere, with ' the tom sl
ime invisible when be rises and sets, looking as
if seen through a smoked glass. On this-contra
-17, the ' stmosphere is remarkably t,
and the have% look of watery c *amen
N.. E Evening P.!, 7M.
Come, now run thasiesurri.—'fbe Buffalo
Cemmercial Adiertisor notices s new Aston In
the trade of the lake's. net paper aye:—..One
of our edmmltotionmerchants, hlr. 0.11. flatted,
has rewired consignments of earn and oats of
euperiorouality4 from the banks - of the hllaaie
eippi, about two'huddred and fifty miles north
from Bt.,Loula. They came by.way of the Mr
eissippl and Illinoinrivere and Illinois canal and
the lakes, and the ealeeylelded a handsome profit
en the Investment. We deem thts an Important
Tut,: sishowing what may be. expected In , the
7ray of Western business, for our canals, if •they
ire properly managed."
- Aewrietn.a. Covirr ,Curcemrs i* New !roue
Ctrr.—By strum to Dunkirk, -
and then by rail
toad to the great Metropolis, has shortened the
way. to .ssit water, wondettbity The fowls' et
Ohio end their way, tO that good market; when
they discover themsSios to De Worth from %two
and sixpence to 60 crate par bead,-Insteaditthe
dime which bought them in their nativelemik
yard. Thr,ee cents ti head cove y s!! eesteto:the
Last west were shipped In good ordOr from the
port of Ashtabula, 12 bolos of chickens, each
holding 75--900 is all, 'and 60 box of turkeys,
all .for New Toth city, alud: the profits wllroome
up to 6200; to, say nothing of the eggs lald by
the Ifay:— way.
A Steve Querriott.—A slevehold er' front las
soed tank one of bli men_ slaves. to Cslifonda,
in the /ping of 1819, and has been eogapsd to
digging gold there for two years.' The slave's
I labor was rely valuable. lo much-no; that .the ,
master refusedii take $l6OO a year:for his ecr.:'
By the test steamer. the Missourian re;
turned: tollew York eity - with plenty of gold,
sad with Ms slave,' was- about returning homeY
The ' New _York Commercial says, however, that
some person basing learned these fast., ad
vised this slave that he. was made free by the
lawn Of California, and that he 'had • a right .
to recover wages for the time he worked for his
master in that country. This luformation ia.
duood the colored man to apply to an attorney.
to institute legal proceedings, and suit has beetr
commenced against the Missourian to recover
the • wages claimed to be due. -The quondam
shire has also asserted his freedom- _ ,
VA's Brasx.—.-The Provides/K.l'ost sap Mar
tin Van Born is as buoyant and elude nnsu
66 was' tweasty pan ago; and achrithat ,- "ons
reason perhaps Is that he has not:drink intoxi-,
eating liquors in the last thirty years, mad I. re
markably regular in eurrythieg sare hicPalities;
in:iltich latter be W6S always ramarkabisins his
Falllmpartation of ilsirrl,Cafibitry,l94).
LOGAN; WILSON:ez 4;0., •
• • No. 129 WoodStreet,,,,i
D „ dn ; b ea; m• tttglOa of 11.111 : xes $lO OD3on to
11911EION en unossixd -
Amal•rDlcb: tbtr i or tttlfart to ofttt . : 4fOot !aim
- 11121 ; •• follanortolosilof MARVA odobestoCUD. /DU
eititeei lllSTrrante 0041Plity Of Pitts bun&
c i hr.n. 4111afFr rimia,DrDko Dor.tDosfra.
O. Mawr* Drorldry Ws*
t fbD
Tr& 0..47 now ProDrDrt feta. all marommullo
riorL am ID trausiziorerrelf,4.. • • . , •
..A. ia imannty 6r the shrilly 4E4 Woof=
InatltuttaLlb affordet in.tho rhafoour of
Au. alums or Pittsbarub. rroll IhroroUr
Imola to Ulf Nampa , ' Mr Omar produor, larrllLonco,
EfameT. IfizkiNceln
j r. way, Dira
obs Aotata.6 ts=a3telig.
r • -
" pm w/
seitteolsissitian at Uwwwatm dp a shwassi West
.gos Id,,Ws the Nortb,lesdb.lest :West. its bath
W. es ewswlL s o ns eensiels l 44WWfbas UWOPed
moo ti•ad
P* , , 11'.1&14 if.o4 ifo• ix. end eon& t ,
poor: it" dMrtr 1W alth mirk oft:
boo baii . f•iiitttfrikarllftir balliarania w ram It
r **rani liiinfrantagialharrtar;lhatann */1 alkoff
of Malt& obtaithaini and Ina thla bet that bii.eumub.4
lb* raputatkrof "-Bain Cloatatairin Auld anon .t gat.
beyond all coal or dinar. Ito antra axe
lb. briar Mb=loloardatmo with Mira& and libl;
toorbirgi proriplai—it &martini &ha - Tolosa ann•ribn.
and ovations of the boll:tarnb obstratirm globe.
morbid sal aimad inattar,.ntbaititwor lb 'scare
awl Arra. Mat.. orriair arr. yam. and, loath,
Waal, tad Inciter& au radian ftretkat. of &hod, Mara.
itriirti of lb.taly. Th is - -by all .ipartmard, without lbw
Ira &gar WWII. fonParlition Wag .i Ai as it
b alberiona. It may-ba thought:by lb. akootkalAbat It
tranitts to am tca,alfili drawn bat mar tsarina
am. it will In front Niro toniority nf tba dram
tha Korai IhnnWoriglnato r.. barns.
statastfhWbbont. Ito rot darird. Wm, by othr gar ,
warmillat brlrMlaffral los by .ray viler of Nu 11....
444 . '..tie prettarione so • aabatlinto lbr the original
riaranparillat wahlabb praporatlos
*rib* warrna to b.eprior to all arms.
sal sok Ibr origral I. Ara
Piers frritarafo far 7 and ban *labor Br
w.lrallanstmot .0 radar 'paaw.
- • ' [UM t 11'DOWILL, 140 Want A..
• twablgolnif - Malmo/on &Mail aroma.
Pitubmglt Lire Inutrame . Computy.
• CAPITAL, S300.,000.;
(WIVE, XO. 75 FaCIRTIL sr/WE?.
• Prlvldem—darn J.
14vldoanna. laremm .
-91Ta i nsr ot--P mr—Joscre S. Lima . ' '
• tkeatal. A. Oarrol. '
airff. advent/owed Is amitar Art a this mom
. 011%.1
.. • ,
Yestarnin swains, Is tin 1714 taw of ho ye, ILI
° art 0., dasgetur at Josepb •••I Ebbtbtrtb Bort.
Tbo Mend. of the featly aro nottooro2 to !Wool !Or'
funeral from rho roridosoo of tor formats "on Try altroit,
vow Phillip' iltas liman. tho morning. at to ollork. .
. .
IIST OF LETTERS remtitiing in the Wit
f bins Pool Otbee, 3114‘toPpricobart. Pa. Alums lab.
outtagsloo Mona. Paktoboo Arehlbold
I:ockloy Jobb Parrot Jobe •
tobaolly Ittlsobotb Max 4.lborpto•
Cbambedis Plano 31 FL= Jonroppab P 3 '
Divid ttobblo XlitabottP
Clark Jadrere .Toslud4r David '
Dobblapp Hugh Jr Spawners boob of
POiabbor Poollot • I WWI? 111 - 1111• Pap
buglikolt:3 . LUIL IC II DAT IPPON. P.M,
.----A far th er 64
IN lVP"" h.4" litrxViii r a auecunun.
Steam Boilers,.,
F O R BALE—Two double flucA'Stesm Boa
t' 41 heir. ammeter. eta a tett hat , 1h ° 7 ema
Peel*.ll read the stemar J. J. camel:him. • .
megthat 41414 MTKI.SeON t OEILY. •
VIEARLASH-18 casts Adruzu;', to arrive,
for sae br J.A IC PLOT). •
Ammar Omni. 13 alla mmr.
1310TASIE-15 tanks pore, fur sale by
ii anglio
la UTTER-5 bbla and 5 kegs, far sale bT
J. 11. JIDTD.
~n suxlS,
NO. 3 MACKEREL-30 bbla Large, for
J. at. FLOYD. •
XVOOL-5 socks for sale by •
11.11 vests J. s.norn.
MOLASSES -200 bby. N. 0.;
a '
`. PPsru . Mast;
Nor NW 'by ' .219' " J. aX. FLOYD.
cO • bacii Tustin%
I ea* Beersrax: I.lbeir altullbr 14.1414
WA4arao4 hoot rt.
rirEAS-50 hr. end qr. chrsts Y. H.. for Mao
1 by - antl9 IWAII DICKE', M.
A Cud.
TIIS undersigned respectfully informs bis
hirialt fad the public atherally that his atott will
Le closed Oar the yaranet of sahibs theratfaaa—aaftlah.
in beer haat ith—antll the la of beptetabrhvbea It erW
aolittl~tb satatited with a lame ...1X...1
•. a AMU ILL SYR!(CtIn,U. }lancet et.
MIKE Pittsburgh and .Boston Mining Cu..
IL bare deal.," rortelmonaldtviderallof VlntOodkVa
_Vat:et:arab, 41t. 1431.—Davir19113tarkter
Dcaturran have reeelval lbls morninga farad*
1 , 11:447 a the rte. swam and_ Oartratda artleta • •
nal° , Maar market tad fourth
'ace r:r~~.
. _
84-shout LSO or - 1 fd acme dewed end tem mewl
me of enkleatitei, Went. well timbered; Ito handome
for graded or meltang • good never Wing epetails emit
held. 11234.00340111..0611b118,01. two Mary Drtekl.
meantime, vv.& bone% erring bonne. nude Bern as
etehnell.neironaml CattlairobOdee, Emig tresse,rtr• abed , .
tr.. all lately weed; end • !dun 1.11 perehm orbs. thr}
Mod Milne. of Hookah:are, Bververoonety. , Pa, to whke
Pttwo fluerind_Mlll 1. three Saw )1 Ills, , tro Mediae and
Pelting BO Iln • The elms I. within 3.1 d miles of two mesa ,
boot Welled. There le elm a nem emeil Cottete leene*.
with hum .phi., on the beet and of the plane. The rib
umber War determined to Mk %goad Weati eter,4l
iff_tp . f . i , l . llV Tnlltdl.lL
. .
FrWe.. --1115 IrnOW— —aft hit If—h
meat is still
1: aoti
daat.d to 16. oarai mono, ir 6•• I.syg Um. ?hi
ceutn.l sod plaosaut situation of the boo., its mama*
oat olossuromot., arra ll* comforts poo Mottles to be
1.3604 them cooll.Mo In motor It oSMOILI./o
glom. tholrovo/ot: . • - • - •
.. • .• . • . . •
having boom oho of dui Ana of /oho E. Poeta ilt 00..
so Imo of ttor taxi of lba ootablidstoot. the Inl WM by r
Y lad Vol Oh Not Awoke, to holotalo lis roptholloo. sal
to (int Oatiffolifoo to his reoffoootp2.: - • '
ufflo hodllat . ' WK. tt. PARKER.
• •
lN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans'
tbert coosti,, the 131111101.4.14. Adaln
awn liindsnass. lase of It (laden todsoltip,
In raid county, d. 1, rill edit. to nubile We, on the
waded. In nail tonnehip,cos the 21(h day of .titteisaber
des. at 10 cecina, A. X.. ad the ed undivided fourteenth
pert of • certain tout of land dude In Ellsahosts Immo
obilh Allegheny Cloddy, Loaded by other hinds af odd
Mutinies,. laud of Aden 11. Apphorate, dal oth
tirheoutatninit need 10/11111, wore or lee. whien Wd
palsidoil part denolveyed by John J.llodon
Ly dont dated.the Rah day of Oodles, Ids( and recodel
in died ha*. svii. 71f, toward. tottieseddliobart Ulndisan.
lisfee shod.• •
rd above wended Intact tidal. ninety, aseeeeskeisi
rtihtla lad, in a god date of bat Willa •
ddllisin bode and bad thereon, and contains an dral•
0001 quality of dd.
- Such lode known an atm daele• • • ' • S
Yoe 'artier Meddle ofJOUN RlNlhildat'a6
living dor pnealowin'ac of Z. C. PLAXX3I4I,
thiloo No. ourtb dred, PlUsburich., .•.. • -L•
• •• •
• -
l'outsylvania 114ilroad and Exproi Pocket Luia
Pal lain ...... Win C.A.
uncn, Ran Pllll.ll. 11l 0010 , 711M31.11501.111 CO ;
Two Daily Lines Exprou Puket Boats,
EWES! "Mai
(EFl,lmnimr von ressznoli
On and after Monday, August 25th, the
rookoti of thle Wm we.) lonvo n nttoberstnalo o lnnooo
pooo " ll '" i u .itlortigen: Igo oro= kolTijont
." 4, " 4 7 ' 4 ". their . "th. 41-
all j gthmeb. Antl
Dr lb. noon onvngooneas to onowstif o rt
110084 anON KS Panto.toranyonon
onoool4 mutt ng then on mink at PhOadolphinto
• - I'AUINDEILB I .yeIt - ,Yuattyliozi
'Yaks tha Yost sod Cusabilatallsro4oit yystswesit,
Distaste% stillitrfoor sallea 101.111.,wm,„:_ . •
• to Pbiladolsiduir itattlisoieeti%n: • •
:•• ••• stales esteastoo
dailowoonass your • • -
rti , LF t - • •
k M w am O M VA N/ L t . —t.• m..9..oenttte!tt
to reniteo ab
ou .
I t
olw Utkofio,frowMTwail:* - o , A o
. tampo e n n waoa Twne, 110:1
t Gumbo maw Wick to owo .10 as sa. "l " 2. ' 4.
lud+ .1.1111.PULL1 . 114 7 otolll Vadat.
Cirammar Sax!,
• Wed Side 'OJ: till Dimmed. Allighttity City.
MitE are Two Seesioos a year, each of
= ewe., wwwwwweenw r•btn•7
S3l pet Seaton. aces: m
icitTTMuzsEE •
00.72 !til e bt i am lotk larg".
f . .? , 14 ‘ 1 " Maueer nr.
jiAl4l5 weagt.
bko.a AritS
r it tt L i A liaal Romeo
...LW , Osaka riltilVry-d,
- -Orhulatottes Gthulirtone! :
OGAN, . WILSON ,t CO , No: M Wood
•trnet. 101 farrairlh to...thetuive• prices, on sbart
iasly dso of tb.r_best litiladstmet. sad pat ,
I=7 Err the parposas tatended—Jelirmil coe,
A fall wortutaut of email
walig343l * • L(V/Zatin'SUlrtdbi.
Ake. '
JOHN IL St, —.; No. 81 Wood street,
ja• siatind the Marius gag, and popular Own a
Uauatad Ratan.. I would dot Ilva &Nay .- .-
Plre. teat thy beta, ' 14
a QC
Camtarl ad i k ate;:'
I wakome Um* with glad. Wino* Woed 4
nick Stop, ,
am—Balllnt, . Banedatta Ma la Madra— Y ..
'gar Lhad'a Bird Boca, - riatteam.
Ilasualr . LWardsaad Marta Caw Partlntaritala.
gad- . Kim. Bell Watt., •
TINS Waning. lig Boa darted Cabala;
I.larard roar roar lip bath Ulm da Won. '
Ilittsburgh Gas Company,
• POt i
sb d ar M
d ,e O e
l t a t g bD of t
ar e S
sa to U. kh . Pu l
rdre.s of
twootooTrusean Company
for Use of Ono* years, be held at she Otßre o ( the
Osaka, oa Solder, Use Ist dar of Peptemker, A. D Jl6l,
between the,bastre of . a sat. 'clock, P • Id.
JAM VO o CLIIIIBTI.. Trassurer.
Odor I , lr/rh 6as Om. Ago.
CFFZE-890 bags prime Rio. for Bale by
. sad& ". JAJM"DALZRLI. Woo"..
'pits 10 hr. chests komrchong;'
io /imperial:
astiL. or:
JAMES DA1,61,L. 6i water
SUNDRIES -5 casts Potash; -
• 5 1 Dbl. laud. OurnadErale b r
&arils - - J. D WILLI/111S
COME -176 bags Itis,AnsAlTt.&li,
N 0. 3 MAOKEREL--1.50 bble. for male by
ausla . 8.. t W. lIMIBAIIOII.
VIIEESI6-100 boxes Cream, for sale by
Iv sesta • ' aa W. lIARDAVtiIt..
I 1 WARS 50,000 Common, fdr sale by
/ • a, a W. Liatteautat.
'LOUR-150 bbla. Extra sad S. K., for sale
ju by win • B. aW. IIARS•11.0t.
MAW ps NW Cuirass! Ilaoas
!A/A =i=tlansl Smolt./ Bost
va krg4 No. 1 Ltrr ' sr.l: br /al. Sy
• All. 0.110141 1U40.,
mask= . • • W 101
ard sUrel.
Office of Cottuninary Oen'l of Eabestence,
WAsocerroe, 1851,
od k thisoneo, aOlll the 14 day of October nest for
doirrory Preslaloas is Salt, kir Ur tast Um
Owl , / of U.. 4.14441 1144dris tairis inusrslos. as fidlose -
Al Yt Orleans Barracks, Lotthiams.'
113 burgs of sari
borrrl4 or Grobsopritaza door
1.101.4. of ors skate 614 lasts
MG {wads of gust hart rasp
14oodpounds of hard wing
es •
busbals of sord Wan dry Wo rid l 1.
goiloss of good elder wisp,
• Al Baton Rouge Barniekt, Louisiana.
1 0 bowls of
1//.• botlaroff sow :gad% Sum •
SI 6 wrath of cord Mail mos
• SYS sway of goof brel tp rsadla •
14 Sordisir of good clan dry ass sit •
TX PM." of sad War vlsessr.
- At .ffry War, Florida: ..
Carrel* of t_. •
barrela of b/112P.TaDel dour •
44 brawl' of ea., llama Add team
Iretigoaads of gaol hart /meg
rdi pomade ft goal hard *p.m .voilas
...14,habial good fbiaa dry 11. Wt
rollout of good Ater distant.
At di lithlie Landing. air wiles from ibrt Torenna,
• , sang of the Ckietnicki..:"
45 barrels or pork
• M bartela of Irma atmergas doar
64 taithrlt of new gaits told Dams
Ina pound. of goal hard ao•P
= pomade of good bard agoras Ldles , •
14 Inaba. of awl lima rr aria gait .}
=.; gall.. of grad eider vinegar. •
Stu whole to be delloered tba eipath April.
1432114:. . W to Wawa Natctiltirado hy th e =Ma of rebus...
• •
• At FM Smith, Arkansas.
IS I. of peek -
Lh bawls of Mob repertine door • ,
takehde of sew eta. kid ham, • '".
• polish or
.ro e
d.547:71 . 1ne ands.:,
Thd sham of mulleider Morita,
The whole 16 be delivered la ail May, 1 PAL
• Al Fort Gibe., :Arkansas.
13 Wield of pork
barrels Of torah alert. dour
lei tosheie of sew white aeld beano
2..4 4 Mesh of mod bard man . _
OM slimed •of geed hard arms hoomes .
' boatels of gad chart dry dna salt . •
dim mammal soul eider thetas,
' The whole to bi &astir! to MI May, 11152: • . •
Suflios. St. Auer. •
Th 6 herels of par k •
id 6 barrels of fresh eassam flour
Pm umbels of nes elute Pad teerid
2.CIS pongsher 10.1 hard soap —. •
aid morose at anti Inn nom ossinee • • •
boahria sew clam dry's.. oar •
, l
of good *Mat moeskr. • ;
The al a i
ba rem the 11.11. toy. ItL. to
istb halsll32. • '• • - •
At Fort ryky, itza of Crote.lorkg ricer, 110
• • ease Fort Soctliog.
r 66 0 1 = * eff met =i rg' i 4 " cld ham
e womb of goof by
CPI paean Of Ma/ hard tallow ensiles
14 worsts of med clean dry ticko'son
galkhoef amid elder .. .tom. •
Tee whole to be deilvered hem Mu 1,1 JostitlitTh to the
At Fort LearernrottA, ilissarri River.
'IMO berms of
near ,
bluish of omit wham bad break
.3.401 PAW. of wood hard ma
IeMS ;mods of ghat Mai %lbw candles, •
• tid Om/4M of gond rime dry floe mit
• /tedious of mei eider h. -
whole to be enflamed by th avoc e ari dose, •
41 Fort Seolt.'cois tie Monate& rireir; Nisrouri, 70
Mtn laud troosportation fro. Indrptndenrr, o 0
- lA, Missouri rn.r. : • . . .
• 46 barrels of pielt
116 barrels of men euperthee dor
• oh herbals of sew white . Naas
• loam. avoid b am - •
7117 eea. of Vs4siltimaTTlim e.
' galkse of good tides vinegar. • . •
The whole to he saiminal by haler Jos*. 1.161.
• maseeted to extend The moo of
of Theis tilde as each ankle,. end the I, 1.1 mama
of each DM, mai DO bid will tie ached on mama It =lmo.
ollmtidee ;spared et o poet. • . •
TM perk& mot pomades at each delivery at trios
Yult wear lb.?err eel
The boat ot.IYL the part. le peeled to be altered on
ears sal melt hog to magic not lea than two homed
MOM, estimate; the Mt. Ines eat., god moot.' Fide
skate may he nastitotal fm Cl. haws The pork is to se
linit 'Moat with Tart% Island salt. and then .ref lay
pay am ed va
t .t. the hem saki. la pham not slizeredlog Ma ht
gerllegy Zia ban colopliard, the contmehe
hen forth* to tma.6lll6e - eartiverate ram the Whet
Pad the pork tom bream ealltiof sad perked. Thelon is
to he con Lined la smemed heart of white eat W•i•els.
fall PrOpok Om beam .m 'oat In beano, and the map
stal mailer boohoos boxy at coavrolent Asa You Prezio
lialt MU nit in oncost neeensemen of thimPts•
quarts to Me bushel. The . Wo r t Ripl e ycotton wicks
The provisions for Polar. and meek twia
kt. Issas kie their althste destloadoa la the find week of
Aped. Mk end the lames for Mort Ripley mot pies et
, rake. by Ist eat 11652.
, • • Palm. lo them particulars emisidasal • breech
of matraet, and the iartmesilmlll be httberised tots. ,
chow to moldy' tkesysta. •
Th. ;impinges will or impede! at. Um tiste avid phased
delivery. gat air ..pose to be held hy coshemare eelii
they are dokoarad at emb stoneware as may be Meadow
ted by iba meats of the liesiont.,• .•..
thamiseeiry mamma metros the privilege a in
creed.' dloinarhing. Um, 10.1114.. aired dieremang
• Ith IVY a all angles rehated at my poet at any hoc
bertm. anhang loin contract: est elm of hamtang aT
naliteled the guardian of met delherx goo-third sober
yowl. to aciatract. ea giving slaty doyer preview oaks
Okldere sot. Mishit:ire emenetina are squired t•o ammo
pay their propmeds lath evoker , of their shinty: tootle
or with the mama of their rem ir e risme amoral bility
waist be certified by the Dislaiet Attorney. ov by some
ItegiD.ll to the thrrestmera„ otherwise their moss
.Adosaccs *moot On mod. Se imp caw, nicked of irk
giehowoodliai &inn", will I. non/nal UMW. ochre
hgerahm 'ha* mist , eirwei he Theorem Jig possest,
will he el:6mM' . swell petite roomy a may te.
coomMaP *sibs Math of,dellrary, Mame of pos
U.l.Schlae. of Ow st tbe cotton of
No Mohr oe - UM °Ake will, be sweated MisiditriatiM
MOW hiseelel la• envenipe. oed
.Sropseals for taronnina Army . riebalstente: . •
• U COWIN tl MON, C. U. It
;IN Imia to. in..ettos treat pe.
edierthiement maim sollgithisi Le do ro by toe
41314 T—A. flood• 400111
Van% t r iA M.M a i
; . 1111BBER WHIPS-4W, diirt — j
4froaltolirt la /tooth. mamas to my
M b r z =6" to 114i= A
.jr°l.l4 g
Ankttudn Alba and Porto Rico
cf 1"1 41 AWD/1 Mr ib =
I 1 'O. j twist; for rale
4.:;:niainst a/I. SIALL2LL, 03 Wain
3. 100 boseg,,W. for-sale&
011 7 20 bbls. Noi114111;=.
.T, YA SDI. Witt. MI6 IV;
saa euw.eT " " bb"4 Z r a • '
wule - LSO= MCKIM a ea
• L 66001111111ZROLOIM—Ve on accomatadro
i lla s tar A Loll347 Wa g. ne.b avotlyg 20
la[gqr ma I lan aae =ll4l"iluttli'l
t i f . = invitart littit , Fra abet
for fogal.( EL BS - 001MM. Alleghoor Can
or tha ramnont of - LC. BTUOILTo,
*alb mut 02 Mar
sad ttlea
I*TR/T.n4o-400 bble. extra dir,' for .sale
~r ate l'.-"A'ALsaktVoacc'da..:l*.
ST—E TORE,ENTINE-35bblalorsale
SUP;gI.I.4B. SODA—loo keal i gin o t o l l fur
.N U-*-1 1 °8-6Q° , h.tinc e ' ibr Bala b
AcE-200 lbs. for sale by -
soils • • •a A. /JUIN AM= t
BUTTER -9 Obto, Packed. for sale by •
JJP mutllS • W. P. WILSON. fib footpad 4.
_ . _
J e,~lt j:~ri~T} f~l T"IRT! YT'Stp~
F C~
_ .
also sad bnadA ibr ral•i Er . -
414.16 : &In VOX DONNIfORT &Oa
USESE; . -100boxestorealetc---'
rDIA RUBBER' 0L0VE..%-eac hand. a
l eriar z t of Udlir'atislialthet4l . .
beQ IstWokt tbe UabbaD.P.L7
.Nsw Yoia, Auguit 18.
'lle ateamsbip Canada, arrival at Halirat at
o'clock this wonting.
.86e brings . S6 through
The steanier Fianklinarrieed let Corgis On the
Ttb , •
LiTTIIPOOL, Aiignat 9.
Cotton—the lower 'gnitles have *droner' fan
daring the week, with .cake fsir New, Orletns
at Rd; lifob.ils upland 5i Theireklaisales
were .$9,000 bales, of which apeaditors took
,9, 000 .: and exportert 9,000 bales. , • ;
Flotir—The market is depressed, with sales of
01tio at 20s - tid bbL . .
Graln—Corn is dull„ . with sales of yelloW at
26s °doted of white at 27s 64@)201 lid jt gasp.
. _
Groeeries--Coffee is in better demand, at
slightly improved. rates. Tea is in:better de
mann, pt easy rates:. Sales of Carolina kiceat
Pkovi ions--Are very dull. Lard is 'loiier.
Tobacco,-There is more'. inquiry , for inland.
and for exportation.
Mosey :MarketTitere is no change In the
Inoney,market. Consols, on Friday, yere enc..
ted at ',98i( .... 5)962. American stocks were an.
At kiantbeeter„ trade had slightly impres,
. _ .
. Frarnie; August 8
The market was steady. Orleans was (Meted
at 66@nkr, and upland at 60081 f. The sales
of th
_e week.were 7000 halve. , , r
. _
. , .
Parliament w e e Prorogued on the Bth. The
Queen delivered - a speech possessing no
revenue I year loftiest
three millions. `.
ing Irsturee. The surplus iviis
The eontitientel news is einimporte t. , .., ' •
Omen°, (N. T..) Ang...18.
A rely tlentructive fire a:carnal 'yesterday' in
the-Mingo of Fulton, destroying property esti
mated 'at $lOO,OOO. The Felten Homo and all
the sajoirting block were completely. destroyed;
end AND(' the west tide of Fit?! stmt. ..Fifty
Locuseium, Aug. 18.
There was a Severe storm ft St. , Louis on
Thurielay ini.t.- The . ateameni - -Planter, Alex
ander !Scott, and Western . World, we broke
from their moorisie. The Planter lost her cable
and chimneye, damage estimated at $2.500.
The Mesmer blountaineer lost her ehimneys
and pilot house. . .
Several rafts were - completely broken ne.--
Many light building" were blown down ; and
fences,. trees, and crops lerekd to the moist
There 'was great lam of life and destruction
of property at hirtrestine, lowa, on the Ilth,
by a freshet in a creek,' which Occurred at night.
Many houses were swept away, in one of which
a ROMSn and three children Were drowned. The
toes to the poblio works alone is estimated "at
Thi rain gamin, bi Doxoto and Marihallconn
ryties; damaged the crops ve doch.
_ ,
- •, is.
The cholera is abating; only one- new cue
warred te4ay. Them were fourteen deaths
on ttaturday, and Sunday.. Most of the cues
now wider treatment will recover. The weather
toinu,*g. 18
The bearing in the ease of Sart, Wigent of ,
hfoore, by Thom the slave Diehl was ar ,
fetu!: Us resulted in bie Wog held to bail in
the cone Of $l.OOO, to answer the ehiigi of as-
Twit in striking- the gave. - •
Emu, August 18.
Father Matthew arrived here on Saturday.—
Large crowds have visited hint and taken the
pledge: 'A dinner is io be given him this even-.
- Pninibinrma, Aug. 18.
nonr..-1e held at lf , , Which, however, is man
ly abase the views of buyers.
a3rain--Wheat is dull, with sales of southern
3i . .89€4820 per bashel, and of old white 4 osig
Coin is dull, with sales 5:40 bushels good
yellow at fif401557e, which is a decline. Pales of
oats of so@bio per bushel.
Provisions are doll and inactive.
Groceries are steady.
NEW YORK nreastr.
Aug. 18,
.Flonr—Salea 8300 bbls at $3 GB6s3 - 81 for
Indiana:, $4 87604 for Ohio,. and - .Bi 12} or
tienesee. ; ,
Grain—'B.sles 11."000 bushels damaged core; it
Proriaions,—Pork is unchanged. Saki mesa
beef at $8 per bill, Lard- is keld :at
Ojc Pickled mats are acute
,Bales 23,000
Its tunas at 7c.
Whiskey—Priem are nominal •t
Groceries.:—The market le dalL' 810480 - eta
Rio coffee at :Ili. Balm 24. 9rleana sugar at Le
flemp--llesr rotted is beld as $120&23130
Llama Oil—te lower; vltb traletr,oo gspoto
NIA YOKE. Atig. - 18.
Cotton—The market is film, withaales of 600
Flour—aelie freely, at lower rates The
rates are 40,000 bbli, at $3,81€14,871 far State,
~ s a.e7@a,o3 t.r.Western, and- $4 for Genesee; Gmia-H9ales a,oou Las Ohio e
Mixed Wheat
at'Sse, and Go,ooo' - boa Mixed Com at '43 . 9,56"
Provisions—Sales 1:30 Ibis Pork at $16,75 for
Whiakej—Wes 200 bbls at. 230 per gall.
Coffee-4firtes-4430 bags Porto Itio.O: at 9.1 c, pee 4fotiad: - .• .1 . •.,
!limp in in,good dement', with sates 00,balei
dew rotted et $ 1 1705123 per ton. • .
Liniment 011=-Sales 1, 000 Valonillt- . 73e.Per
, .
lid.L'ilblOßE •
- Betismoti.liag.
Caeada'a nees has depreased.the
market for Itreidatuff4.l.. Sales 2000Thbla eitj.
mine Hoar at $3 75. and . ..7 . klrbby .. lloln in), street
ItS.Tiont end e,ornjderi—iairellye
$3 GO, and etritairal 'at $3 8r per bbLI =
.Grata:..:Bllea_d wheat- at:72 ®75.; said or
white at i 0 nj7sa Trei. baabel., Sales of
.37e at
Gle,, and 'data at 32e per bushel:, "
market br 11 rte.' Bidet -tea.
toteiPerb;at, $l5 8105,12det 216 . :Ibeid at . sl.l t 0
peir.bbl.. Dacca 'alieelderatireeellleg It 19404
tddee - 01e10e, sad . barna at 10(411e per Ib.
tardie selling at Of -aadlleiskegs.
Chreie:4atia at 10 .all2t, per
Whiabei—Brden '1423121,240 per . gallon,
-Curcuraart, Aug lA..
- flour—There is a goad dramd is the aware,
witb sales 1900 bbls'.. at $3.25@53
bbl for Commoi tq extra timid&
.19hIskrY--Salcs at - 14-c r gaNcut.- ' 4
Cheese-40es at
Provjelotis—There is atm, inquiry for provir
lowa but deafen ate =rat AO *Me. Elates 26
hbdu sbosidtra - st sad: qrbby iurgar cured
/um at 10..14 W..
linseed tl.l--Balus frotdesuil at 66®060.?
Groceries—Tbere iarrArnideniaad at tortae*
13earma—The offutime were 1100 had. WO
of width *ere !Old at V 4250113.00 oi the hoo4
gloat 'to !it4;60C15,75, 'en averaging , 82,6:
poll: The market te-brisk - for 'thick: generally:
_ - of iafer l or . quality at $0,50
ACING received full eatiefactiop froth
the State ilosteal Ilre laturanee Coaspabn:ft the
of my nme rooteoto, by ISM
roma Aron:
desize retotametel i Za Ce i rmy k t . o judzono.m; =
for the II o f
robayoslty manhoorlVlV W :: Om 1:r
nom.: 11. by low sad the robalUOno of to. frak7l I I , m ,
.turfed to yocein'icJi ono ball the =must of the Ise.
J of Sian PLATT.
111414 ' • - fa:meth . of th e One see
QUGAR—L6O hbds. N. 0., - for sale by
JOI astsl4 - J. B. DLILWORTII aMr
BROOMS -150 do:. - Core, for sale by
aux T 4 J. fl. DI LWORTII
glouN —LW bu.lor sale hy • ,
Ll onti4- z- J. &WWI . 'cat co.l.
AFITY FUSE—i 6 casks for. blasting, for
. 4 by J. S. IDTLITOILTH •
R lC anst is le& prime; fns
Ciligt?,l)°, rime, for rat iby
lODFIBH--4 tes. for sale byy
1./ .W 4 VIOLt maCWIDLEM.
Cr wloW
i.htiiire Remora Theme /lasers wee eitti=e . d In the
Btatili. sad are trewweallail quailty br with.
griebtrar Ametierm wrooatectom.. Rye. Stew vet
weil If It riot wore 1911.1thstorr. the y ow/
will be ntorwed er the Rama .ehaeired.a. the hterehaser
any wt.. it. article h. hero IA 0.. eevenlyest% stet
PidiT ...will. every other Reim Withie volt
Atop. tliter nil out require big tor h. ream
Per etehywbrolir. eattretath. the wmet. end Arretrr
store of WlL5O:t;
.03 • 67. wrote of Mouth .4 Mart. ate. .
BSS MACKERELA-One grade Siierthaa
ir NO-1. srallhe bee& takes oe, waty. •
M A MI *. o arca;
M. br tsar??t i
fiqLAX-23 sacks for guile by
sTARCII--42 boxes lionbright's extra for
•ete by (.4021 - Wl= WeeIIbIDIS6.9 .
' IE4 . dos cork' brooms for sale tklt
ruocaraTE--24a bn Bolton Chocolatef. rale br [Matt WICK I MeI:IMMO
QAJARATIIS-52 casks Bean's for sale by
antl2 - - . WICK l IIeCANDLX23
tiIIESTNUTS3 brie for sale by
enerr • - 'WICK a IfeCANDLESB
IRUINIA TWIST— kegs for sale by
V K. 102 _ WICK * IIcCAND/M8
.71`aniip Seed, Crop of 1851
?IST received .. from the east, one . tenet
fnoh Turnip Sand of the bfti vartet/00, and Pfr Oak at
• fent
Stop. corner of Waal - nod Sixth stmt.
.4U r - • -• N.
WOOLEN GOODS-6 es Elluilcet Coating;
vi: t=l=l,Wa=
.Tbe gIA ..I reedvistir fro.
Matta", uld ale IT no. or_ place_py .
' sucl2 111711PHY a• LIM. LW lAblerty .
[11A181.1)1S-60 bu bunch. in rwre. forsale
jui,by - ISAIAH DICKEY At .
anal... Wat.r.aed Fetal sua
QMOKED HEARINGS-430 by Labile, in
in... 6.. 1 . bj ‘laasl2l CUM" DICK= SCO
7k4ACKEREL--40 qr. brie yery nice Nol,
INA for a& try • (sagl2) ISMAEL DIM= &00 .
b / 7 4: ""1:=1"." 6.1.-liamm-a7ce
combs Causbng
1 bbl Nutmeg., folk., tad will L inld_yytry la. to
eines enbalgoment by ISAIAH DICRKY 00
aayl: Water bnd /elm ea.
I WILSON & SON, Faintionenti fterruz
. 91 Waxl stmt. would reiwthally Invlt.tlol
519704.1/111/.443=7Vilteork to the "W.
Ha Inez _ .roll
Quglß-20 lank N. 0., in store and. (or
' (.011) -i. D, CANIELD.
SALERATUS —75 - boxes, •
23 Mb. la ptor:mll3 fur masj..i27
mitt D. 00.1111. M.
bble. puro Linoredif:r ant
?J . cu
EARLS-8 tons No. 1. in store and for
(soil)' R.OANFIELD.
if 1 ILEESE--100 boxes Cream;
100 c
We 1.0 (mill J. 6. cA.Nrnchc.
armour Flarnt
'1 chests Manilla dq _ •
For rwle LT WM. BAGAIXT it OD,
aull sod 2) Maxi st.
I:IIEPPgit,,CA73.4IA. &c.—
L Ito last Dlo , k
10 do Ploiontr4
114.1MLEY Ar t . !'
Ind 3D Wood h
Nile ll br , -
S n a
ke g y r ed for goiraeb&
/. Warranted oare: Setertrete DnrlT One. enadleebaai
purposes, and tarsal. by the Antra or WOW AM
son . • in the DisalacaL
extroplr ne'd by 11111PIff it BOILCEMLLD
PIG LEAD-500 pigs Lead, (
_to arrive) for
pin hi 14011 W. •Y. WILSON. !47 nest
R E FINED SUGARS-650 bbL Small Loaf,
Cnabok Porrdored. sad MASA. fbr funla
. bx
- +r , g4 Aff.rfr for gc /401.15mas"'Iteezera
-D"IAPPLES.4 bbls. and 1 cask'jtust
rnceire4 and Jar salsby (sail) J.D.:CAXPIELD. •
fl U KETS- i 0 dos. Marietta; in stare and
1.11 for salt by 1r fool)- a, unworn):
ilINI"OTICE--Thei partnership teratofdre
"ixtbsie mbler the tror or )1..L %WISE .111 CO.. US
bidsy byes dianolved by mntbal acme.
.1011 X R A.
bull Y.)I.I3LMITZ.'
TOBACCO—MO boxes ticlasond Tobacco
by s•s—or the moot loonnwroll brand; IpdWg
Ibr seale by Okall] WIC dCULLITS CO.
RESIT TEAS-600 pselagesTresh Tess;
arittsls stNas Yort..-essirl,g
• Nts
t il dri mk ssoirder. Poschoss,
Is ha/reheat; sof lasktte
astl.s.uSt A s ssa ft'el"'r _jrwils . 1
11 .
- - 211riF PALL GOODS, $
At los. 62 4.64 Maibt itred, Piplbttrsh.
A. MASON A - CO. are now ut daily Ytr
ietpt of mow gordm. magi of whieb hare ben ha;
exprmay lbe Metz We, oxylber with an buckram
rart6 l or cheat. gate; seleeNd with ROIL& ears from the
Ira goporting In the <WA. dam, which wilt
be TA np daring the mum forming Metirpit
•••••ialf. caditr• sad I. pram has nem bans'
In 1111 eity. The attention of who/nab an
-• • •jprir..
blurt, icrerenetfultf • • Wt.
A A. CO. have ,inst received
a env 7:4 'm.o. 'gra?
pertor &olds. at CI & IS4 Maltreat. anal
NEw EKBROIDERMIL—tut - received
sating et Rocked Coneys. Cads, (theadadte. Lam sad
Skate Plartes..tsatostt sad Swiss Fkstadass. of ere sad
lasstifel sts Ls. Jacesett sad Swiss Mears and lawn.
ham White
ands Laes icada. Ths altesa
Oen of the tartlentsely solicited to tbe
5... the aseataaat all' be Send the
seer ed /w this city. - (sesta) A. I.!*o3oVrEat.
. - Black Bilks, Mohair Mitt;
tILPII7I_& BEIjtC:IIVELD lutie re cd
Oct Silks Re Alban sal Amms. . SNI9
111 babrala lb" male km by- ' Ham 4 mum.
T. AHD OIL—& lot of Burekbardt It Colo
11J b.e4 tor .A. by - (w 9 l. J. JUDD aW.
ao ream morted. tta na• b 7 J. KIDD gOO.
AND PAPER-5110 rins ated for sale by
CIS . T I,r )Cft Blcrar:f.,
sob br • fuze] .7. KIDD tCO •
XSTON CRACKERS-Butter Biscuit and
Dyspepsia Se Grab= Orman,. reatral end fasst
toad ,as hsad sad la sal* saana, a _.Op '
UA re•ry DEß lnLotior kai* es pal.
. . .11. MECUM° & CO
',iv St. Car Stn.! Britt. Stoek
Utd ". ! *4 r "'" lntrdtatitri daattiltitokw-s.
IllpftrANTED=Stooks of the - Pitti'gh Banks;
V Aaminua Dollar. mad Bar Dellan; llnfesa wed
fraraz.v,kr. ttir.,‘Vit?, --kb,
, •
11. D. KINO. &haUr amtlinatcr, •
AEFINED 806ARS-30 bbla LA:marine's
eambea, palvensect. ernes, sae lad mum
tle at the faro[estn, far tba barrel errebllb
JE113 . 11.1.*14:44N0 AID MINIM COXPINT,
i•iiri7wict to liiraLthiinipvls •
Whkb Itare'beest thing later several yam?t 1.1 both to
liwewDe wad thw Vatted motet-to rehabs their orient
beauty and twobietlve wroapertiew superior to war Wow
Swint whatev { er. Their - • -_.
• MIT. - PAINT • •
pwwils Oakie u Eke. and to wartaatad lees &ea all
adwiterailow and hatenity ebetoceee, It anus era, is
bewutitlally.whita r ead 4 astirvlT Ins Met ties Weems
=ewe. ot"asast other PLiVt.. NI • that:M.l SD the
Wb.a antniof to ralplawaititit toophlno to
wh.a that an la a door roan. 4an wail& datet,
it withstatelo anthers elhoste and ths another t
thaw 11t1/ othor t not Wu holds to tuts ehalki or to
orniabla and ro b off. It may bovaritad with my color,
with watts , and Mi., or wlthwarbish, which gins Lb. cols
brawl pow:Oslo Stith.
farrishol at • low pion and an nadaabbodli
tha abeam* and tett joints la Ilia. market for wallas
fan of anat.-M Ina.
nada, lasehnt, .olti.howata, attambada or mex
pand AtAt a. an, or aa they araWb
Sai trai =Awes Mal partlealarix Nuts..
saliva ,
forsa , a of nale eotoectlon sad entlre/r mama oskla.
thin. they dm dolditn mad twin • pan 11•0.12.
do twd cbasaa eoloellta_rosarof . tba tztliy 511110 1,11,
lealers impelled ad liberal taw %Ur' d sle lb*
- ogn ws it
r. •
. - .17 Southl. 0.10 Wharrea,Pbiladalabia.
, .
1110 COFFEE-100 bagejast real for male
b r Okuj_g/;) & DILWORTH & 00
iIICE—W um rice tarp:de
j . ll, sue • - a.l.Dicironts too
S UTTER-6 bbla roll Mater far sale aux: 11: MINOR= /1/XI
LTABLE CLOTHS,=—Mitrrr do Bncornm.b lairtto the . mikado. of pordasatts to
wow asnottoon of the Oben o• orcts, mall. meal am
'lna. site....alto—.Diapeto by Ws 7611.0 *ark*.
sod gptalltiec• Crux Torylflog. ma Bath Boom Dear*.
unorfoo !t qahrwo lo Rasa, ot. }most prieta.
FOR SALE—An excellent FAMILYD—.—
norm. Yogal.r. or 4411316.
num:. , J. ECIMONSIAKIII euu.
POST OFFICE SCALES—just received;
u adtditkmal 46ek, tact kr We tg
eorwr aajWitiL
_ .
OIN C VALANCES, for detecting Counter-
Gil .larriora cols, of all dneednatioas. It
vcri OaLk sod laldllblo Mocha. Ti. mit ram
GOLD PENS--A fine assortment of the
av bat mats alwals as WA, sadsllnzoted.
• •
AR v 0 bbla in store and for tababy
aux*. - - ISAIAH Dial= it OIL
OLASSES-16 4 0 , Pltntatife. (oak)
by JAKIS. A. IfUTC I / 1 1 , 0N & CO;
mast •
..:'~~ L~
k ir and. , altei MONDAY, 'AUGUST. 4th,
rssi• • r••••Fe , T. 14.111 Inn no
lAN% ISESS SIR BUMS al A.. SI. and P. M.
• LX.IPS PIT.TIIBCROII at 1./ st. and P. U.
CbildretCunder trod,. sewn of ago half Stk.
Batsmen Pitrabarah and Ilayssilio. }her. SO eta.
Itorhooter. " "
7S "
o • o " New Brighon,- S.I "
_ Aup•ltsennJan tkketo willlet trda rtdurel rum: •
Bateman Pittohnogh not Batbettro, 41 any 111:414111. .ad
back. the *arm aa7..—.- •
Between Pittsburgh and• Now Brighton arol hart. • •
the same.
'Sir The Vain will oat run On $124.11r. but listatainn
Slants trued on Bawds,. will be gr4d. retaratriy
IL I road will barsteaded beionn him Brighton at
. By asthma the Boardst
v ltirort-wo4,W:a : • ;
:01:0 PARBIN,
•:-Ilraet Agent.
•of Packets.'
from Philadelphi3 on:tbe,jgt i
MARlaud Llyerpeol on tholes of es-b tuMath.
' PLEASANTS, IL B. luo. on, Master.
MINNA N DOA 11. Wen. P. Ilard ;ors. Master.
EUROPE, Nathartlid Ilarrio. prier.
". BERLIN, Allred P. 8a11t,.-loster.
" MACK AItAXON, (m or,) W. 11 . Wee, Nubs.
Th. a/rma am bat of. the te,r aud meet costly
materials abl Mooted for the rabbi) of their WOW.
they are WWI op oink ail latest Worts:men te..are most
ul f ga , tec. ,„, l , , ,;a s sta i r , t . rz t ur s rierd Al=
they abributbastdmi ELI4II .hy atituaeladged talent, who
Atuudtalled be their experience tte packet web.
Valued desirous of briudium their friroda Ursa thaAlld
Ilsoutry to obtain rertifleatm of tumor, r bleb "Fill' be
Food Ayr eight tocutths. and our agents it, I t 0120.1 5..1 fir
arpacd will furnish them oltb the Dover lolumudiou and
lustrundous retailed to titer drparturo •
for the moveulesea Cl paseeomm stbitur In rad um •
mbar...apply drafts br SI storlitut and upward. payable'-
at LIS.b arlutdlootuut. which oil: b ouhad by any of
the mots rs Eat Mom la the United .übloce.
airrAnblinad anla Penfrbrers totting nom lArar
breri O. 61bwi asupplim will he fur:debut
each parses= Of .12 mars of stre and over: i . i Btu. blood.
ltd. Mr, lob tea.b tbs. oatturol. It...usur. I lb. dour,
lb. molasses. and I ra llama 1: Iran of as% 6
lnn Inauld , dadlki poo h. ib alloraumuft *ter su4 rtm
am, and half . alblralsoe of Ir. ma krar motmsea.
1 . 3). ifeLIKNN2 OIL -
r No. 37 Fagot streOl. below &mud. l'hlrs.l4l.l.lM
51'11.. FLOYD .
MAAS bath and Wood Pit/4.mb;
'Dunkirk mid the Psis MM.& eannarting with
stamans m Lake , Eris, ttw Cleveland.
Oiltnntass quelmatt. CisvalandMal Pittabrumb.
Sandualty arab Dmeinsiall Railroads. aird btadnan lb. Min mg rimm and tha Isalisina and
"74 . 11105 LEAS tiNKIRK AS FOLLOWS:
11l blaming Lamm:Vain a
tThe itall a actfiforif
nas~alpelist 3 st i t;gssit sow
n.! bora, anti g taltt o tan i =l=l . tic a to ?Saw
The Mosso Freight awl Cottle Trans lessee' Dunkirk st
4A. U. daily ; Passing., Cos Is attasinal to Ingo to
asosatimodate Way hometowns owl Dietvclro
- Sip-Fae hum Dunkirk to fins Yost, IS. Snood Class
pies( will Do skew In a few dant
TDW Conn../ Oto •.1 la crowned Ilse Mask stal
Indirlits Of all kiwis wand from New York. ' • •
Yartisolat attention to Da pant to ens*. Tbeintifio
,tnit olds, gins. this stutingssitt advalitagosover
tumor auge Itailnado to that
p ot
to of ?dock.
ifirlilditioast halos 0111 be pot sninsaissiost In •
Viols bt Tondo wilt bsdlettneind. thing fall yank,-
lass in th e Idiots, of freight,. SIWO UTVY anu
1:71 QS 0114111, lam. Do'itTa MINUS.
't '
Exenzlion Tickets to Beaver, 25 centn.
14 HE 'fine•
imd passenger ..steanters
hare their Pittsburgh sod
diluter, everyday; rderdityrexcepted.) as folkierr—
BIIIVIROCLIWPItubargh at 9L r. ltoetheatt 2r. r.
Metairie dn • do ; • 2p. be: g Arid
Peewee whiting /duo tolleaver ern procure
Tlekata to Rodiester end best to Pi liebergh, to re
Ticket. rout Pr down one day and up the see, • :
41 0 7 , c . tett fi ttulj o n t
~.b ago :temeributte Scam,
". • JOHN-A. GUMMI", Arent, • _
Coe. Water I Prolthheld eh-J.l4o6mph.
Ntsgzmg 1851 -Mama
Packet'and Beilroad Line go pheelatik
.111A83ENGER3 leave every,moraing at. 9
eaten. br dosoboal b Dmver, lbtune_ DT engem
ea.u_pike.ketx to 11.11 - anta.timerce by Pittabarth and Oen
laael -omd
a C Fur u Cland. 1001
qc •
bttrr, ,I So aroma. a@
Buffalo., Cit Chicum, •
• - •
- - CINCINNATI. " -._ • ,-
via Colasobas =I Xrola, 1,71 Cleveland and Dinclnaill
PiUmi.repris Ibt Detroit, Chicago and Dilomultio:laare
ClerataW or moverdre at AV= a ~„::=
Zhein. 17% V.!llwi l lrit. NE, U tii Itallrood to New Daltany,
lad arttrina tame .A
na at Ode.. br atesniboat..
Darildi low WILUT lo U. Obi* river. thb , routotoClarts.
natl. et. Louis, and Galena. will 4 irowa4 ...2 ,, 15.4.a.
d"Wr. lad °'."' = . /3AIIXS, Provi3otois.
" r ''''
h*"'"'' . I OIIrIL I CIDDROAatnt -':
rain) Maar or. ndtbaaal and %eslav*
. . OPP:Wit• the Maitolarg•h• ff..' .
1851. - WESTERN .
WirEgO__ Tu- - •
• .
rE Canal being in good Order, 'ire are
pyieree co tratoped. predate cid membendim to
from the above Citief.nt the lowest gement Wes et
freight, vrith woMatems nod dirretelf- The hem: opell
n d ate w or t t .i tr t., ly e by 12 0,,. , , ! ‘ =Irleturs iti, Dv .
An*, to " ' ma t en . BLACIL P.M.l•tms.
. : Canal Bale. Perm street. Pittsburgh.
Deiheri • intim rifqint. SUM. ages.
- ha..b. North sty Defamers.
Jog No. 7. Wen street:Aar gaiki-
ifird 1851.. WgEtwo
• xonieemax Bait.
nraintsvine tad Cafaberlend, to ere
wad Philadelphia... - . •
.11ORNIICO BOAT leav'es the Wharf
show the BMus daily. at 6 &Mork youcioelycta ,
with the ems at Canoterlead oast morniee.
The «dog Does blow daily leampanundsy eaeohne)
at 6 okkiek. maneering wash the my et Cumberland mat
seminar a& 10 o'clock- - • •
Time thecae& to Halthoore. 52 hour. Tare only W.
Time through to Plalledellnale. 40 hours. _Yam only' _Oh
The banoesi wee ix ..QW VW. C0V 4 .4144. tromith -
*be Coechee 16terent Brominrriiie and Curobertand. which "
man. this decidedly the best mum atur. -
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.,
CLARKS. I...ttucs a _...—ttoonarte,44
CHAMBERLIN, caatrsonn A - CA,..—tYsynAso, O. •
TIE'S wellimown.Lino is now r . rsArett to
a+2 INTAMI fi r t toe tlosollual WM. URD U
Tbo lifidlitleo of tbo Line ore onsurpuood in semi.,. anl.
Ity,Oad topolty of BootAr,exo.lorro Of Cooto/s, sag ol•
Dewy of Amt.
l Um Mott Immo Pittsburgh ard oPerolood.laironsolog
toonontke with • Lbw of
BOROLI oat REANK/1, and • Lhor IHrI <Um otoualoolo
Parks A Co.. Tototyyloos, Cki . • --'
L. B. 'hula; Worteo.Co . 4
LL li.llaric.litorios. Yvats.o4 . •
C. Prentiss, Wentz.. 04
Kout,Orlottel A OA, FrosaU/o.
'lsaacson A PaCtitony.tio.looty City. 1:14: --
1. Pooltbox. Aro&ZoloSo.04
U. WUlioau • Detroit: YlAbicsic ,
t..'2.ltlbto .%)., I =YITZ 4
h . !
tot. Watt= and titoltbrol4 AA: tittolona.b.
. . _
AillisgeMSAY Madelo - POTWara ./ 7 tilth" Y'
B. , ,nnotp,compANT - , T vtry
- itiv&by
Pena ald irSIDe
- -
:- -
...0r on was eiT ea/ dtcYintioo of .011 YIN 'sod
ausswAaso.d wiNDurt Wm
boon, yrontstniet.Pidsboryb ,
' Tb• lbsetna- ibto day amnia bd with idau.
ph •an. JOAN V. , rOptaxiDe Ilse Moines ••
b.._ Won' at filo old mud, nodes. do ask of We ,
CULLY • W.' Tbauktbr *a boob fawn, be by
II•aloPlaud• cod strict azonstkaa to Lb* floa? of • byti•
do, to main • ohm of ens P. 11.07
.." Tim Dollarilleurard.
lioSl', on- Thirsdarevening,,
Theatre or between the near. ail Great greet.
e 11111h_ Emit-Medd or Third screeer.S - INAMYT WALe
Lit or PORT MON Nat conteieles *boor Irkee
see some pews of so se but to themerr. • _
Tbto e above raerat4 eclll be parr trierbotrer sin rellooreat
- _
r. Z 1: : I . :41 ' .4 •41.
$l7l I._ 47471Trifil
AN YIA NO17: 4, Ilel4 hOgeday
y3l •. al Waal newt-
... • - Patent Cand
-111 St -11ECYD, AT EICIII/JSOilli,
far .71.1. SI lisibtt am; saother 7a .Vhdost
Imps %KW*, at pre". t v0g0,...4
lz w prcr u lits± . .is
al it s
: Black Tea frataiverpooL
JUST R ECEIVED, at MORMS' Tea 7,464,„•
. e.heler let K Stroaeraad Ylo..Flgeored auswir
alas...hi* upon trial will to *mod ie aaa urth,
. 1 . 1 1 0 rimbu,a, yhat public um lashed w trf thee,
Taaa—temileh. huh awl ketch people peztka
they a s esaegYthe wee abate eeteae they hod la the
CasafroCklo.Coadodalms, Tat Trap to eau, 1:1414
Walt• D•Ww. lIYNt .vl7t.r Don ag a z .e . frm .
Balm lima% arts, Toms; Iltun2f aC
at le fir.
mud am/vortmeas stensen bat *tit.
INSEED 01L- - 1 - 4.bblx.ibr side by
101r4o. Sad reed and *or• satkz.
11..E.ESWAX. hight!tpricb
bp!mah vi.o be piker tartier.
wow MA sad Axt