Cefirti StutiTrittriiittndi. Is Psi i ta rr, 4 Ciayszatra:—Tho ulcer auteltinimizeks of - J: 0: illaseey and 'Company treat Into opera . .. Vial lad reek:. -,They are situated on * tAt it'd above the Viper will ofld. C. Nonni and Chnitang.. the 'lociilon isnitirsenctOn* The gtounds are ample; or dig awns, and rico ',-lii, arelt adapted to: the bardness.. Thie.ht a :new business here, and the proprietors infoitned .3 that it . coold torprosenuted to better admin . toge et ta bs pcded tiour anywhere else. We anti: tipati, titst this is to mari,w Dew tram the mannfictiging buitinese of 'Cleveland. If this ' suerecda,lother machinery of, kindred character will follot--iron Moon:terries ( rolling • tratlia;raii estabiletwisents, &c., dui. These will gAve ploymeotl to heads, gleil• Shill; energy cod en ' to, meclumics; - giv) them' hontee. ilta,'rgeten and interest hi tbe_prosperity mid growth of Cleveland.. . Witheuttsueb men no city can lionnsh. It ii they, the inventive, the *orb . jog, nu:denim, that constitutethe sdoryer ii7itn otcat and flemrishingmetropolis. Without pack o.onh cities of extended. areas cannot have az .- istenoe: [Without - plenty , of machinery, to, give T..- Such meal employment; arid pay even oar 'own Forest City, notwithstanding - the beauty of , her location, had bmnatified streets lux! lawns, arc ' nines an garden's', would contrast with such .a titir. town's well, like-a well dressed doll . or wax ~ figurer; tit the bewitching infl oence of flesh blood ' - and bin ireidi of a being of life, motion, action; sensilyil and sod. - t •-• -', . . :; _--.Our of wealth . hare hitherto done iittlif to ~- [oriel. ehinerj; mid give life and vigor to; 'the Avorksh g, They. ham ventured little. The in "frevod vnbaeof real estate has made th em rich, and th e ',till rert in quiet inaction, for sn iii crew* population to make them richer. If the en 02'1 above alluded to, succeeds, perhaps attune o them aid venture their capitol in some • -wayths lett} benefit *o city. Toe works of Hassey and Co. will be in opera . bon all tim. week.': Werret ; that the city 1.'111. 7 d,hted kthein for the enterprise in which they . ~1:c engaged, and wish them all the 30.13333 which : they lore anticipated in Commencing,the under : ,taking.-- damn True Democrat. , . . , • Wear a Noon an cam Do.--lhlany people, says a rual,pphiit'paper, turn up their noses at what they call 'dirty work, as though ell honest • • !:: , 30r 11113 t cleaner than many kid-gloredwaysf one's *ay through the world. Rath.' • r than iaenni living to tholatter we should in , 'finitely reefer to shake earpetormreepeldmueys at fifty cents per day. A day or two since we . learned an lustructire bit of biatery touching a a doer or ?Arty work' -u hodman. No matter . • where,he Uia bore; be:was none the worse for 6,44 6 0 Tittlitaitt or, frishinan. Ile mime to this city abeunten *seam ago, young. healthy and honest, Di could get no employment but hod - carrying: and' the carried so well se to earn at . "once hie dollar -a day., Ile procured cheap but g o4xi based and logingic inept none of his ear zings on groceries or low plater, attended chnerti Solihull; educated himself in the eresaings; laid atoney.[andat, tho end of tire years bought a Lit intim tity, and built a pretty cottage. In year more he found,..a good wire and need Lle cetsogihe had before rented:out- For am adz youti to had steadily carried the bad. Ile • eras a noted riorker, an acknowledged !scholar, asseLe noble of a' mad On the opening of the eig hthpear his talents and integrity were called tot r e profitable account: Ile emblarh ed . in a business already well estab lished'. T is day he is worth atleastsloo,ooo: hue a Neely wife and two beautiful children, hemp that is the centre of ti brilliant; social and intelligent !circle, he is one of the happiest and ' moat honored men as far nape is i knovna .So much has beeorgeof the hod-man. • .. A Nov....aPasainos.—Wo learn from c•pt, Mole/ oohs ..Ih.4comhire," who arrived from Liverpno/ , . on Satarday peening, that there was no eicknets .:-.- straw, his Oinengercwith the excepticM of one rano: tchq,i it appears came on board affected with :the mill-pox. As soon na thin einem- Aare becarne known to the Captain. the patient was placed'in the atern-boat, hanging it the da vits, coveralleet from the ship. Over theboit i tent war erected, covered with tarpaulins. Here :he peteot pas nareed and attended by the phy elan and officers of the'eldp. lie is nownoite well and be never left hie semantic domicile daring the whole course of the plunge. Phis timely precaution; :taken be 'Capt. Movey,.preteated the disease trent affecting any ,of the other pas , s'ITOWNag.ND'S 13.6 RaApARELLA„.44 Nwrivjunt reciaLdisul for. ta &'l ,l - - RELLEILS. prune ity, just +thdibrrsltirr tolui R. -eRLLERs. lbs,jutt ree'd and'for : IL E. StELLEit.9. EA11.1E12. - .14:10 bides N. Y. Sole, for solo a . 4 , '1.13 . J.&6. FLOYD. cI4RKS---100 gra. for.9le by : FEGLIMS, Wood et: • Allis 0 - 11EEN-540 stit, s l oi i i ie bye • EMP---45 tons Miss. 1): for sale Lp atyla ' ' JAMES & HUTCHISON a CO. - 11LA8TE13--60 lbs. Can dig:ides, for solo by , IL la AA..VA I.OIIWrOCA it CO. Pare Brandy' for Dianlicr4, tke., • - 2Z13-.1.R-IN MINI t should you need.Ftemd A p Dratetv,tbe orar um MO le ottsmod at SIUHKIS MOT t. w tbo Ittsiotool. or SI pee grout or bottle._ 14 1 111E-DOARD PRINTS—LFor sale at 25c. , ti.l7 W. P. kIAIWIIALL.I3S Wood !LIAR AND ItOSIN— -100 661 c 9i u,_ AtIN WATT* W. ' ----- UNIATX NAIVRODS-95 bundles Slit Cr "'tor sale by V. V. Cl)711 VONNIIOIter I CO. VII.EESi.;-=4.1 boxes, now landing and for es!. by INALA It DIRKET ' Jet • ' Water sad FrOilt Bllthracite Coal - . . 3() TONsjust.receireil, a Superior article CJ tar Formarr cr tunny' tme,ror C. A. , IIIcANULTV Ce., • ir.:IItEEN GICIZROIV,INDOIV BLIND PA •II 111 -.Pint superior lot of the above article rout rer'il acid tor Nilo THOMAS PALSIEIt. • t.nis Karat rt. • icatiNDRIES-r-- ' M 61,13. 13CII LIM [jai! Mulettl, ?; bble: Pit • WA,110.1 - , tan. Merriam t 10 No. 1. Olt, Kann Family floor; for solo br JOHN ware A Cu. • Q..}tO CIO LE. Sl—We Live a complete ototant Gott. tliver and Ittoel Speandenand Übe best onsnia otroomort and coneareollesea,, , W. t m it r, g i aaso. to wow rasters ot.olsboo. awarding the b•of. p.kaof . 0.4k4 =MM. I fionit W. W. ILAto. 'QUB.LI.IIE OLIVr, OIL, in Flunks ; the .best 27.4.un nurott , , , iar t n•ed'll cor. l . l a, • • irl2 . Gronas roul Ter, Ulm IVINTOW , GLASS 250 bOxes assorted V V Are., in dare Tor mar ' . ROBINNON. LITTLRIFCO: MUD qll.--1000 gallons (to arrive) arereiiiibe JALIDIt W.d t. • Q . BONNETS AND LIATS--R • • 'ALUM beiJoat received! gr‘tt varlet L. laninala PranetvilVtara Prandial ma nov4 r . A " .• .2Arais sad Poiraqinal./.3traw,gact other Itahr. r" /en G .GS,-300 doz for sale by. B. it jrtAROADCI C 111,47 .bbl.i. on . cotoitgnment; for c.,14. • I. .IOJJA r CO. • Waters ual Front Al• 11EARLASII-30 bbbi. for sale by AL 101 , J. D. CAN FIELD. ,111SkED OIL--30 KILL Orbrirold's brawl; b r selt J. B.CANAIELD. 101110TABII---4 — caake fotenle by ' J. B.c.usviEt.n. rnz' PROOF PAINT-10 bble.for gale by 1110K.R.T4-750 doz. Marjettrake, for sale Bre ra4 CADIPIELD. Noted for Three Prime*tteles - menu 'IN. MlND! —Noosuie Toe MART, JUIP . lat . l2t r ero l d, b noted for Mang ' • , rill i'fittentl" Eborld von nadligg later no . nlatt.lna.l7 ron nip,l2,LbLik,4 won Ita rarity.' ; JO. .SUGAg..--Lovennes Cruirhed,and Pulver rrr Oilcans, Loa gm cimigm o' sM bf ,Jr IS V 'd. D. iv icta Ime 4.x. wEAT:PIALD GINGLIAMS of a super ...l.l,...rtalli7.lsiely 1 4 .10.450 t a lb* mama 311.1/LnlY tiquAx.irmat; • . FASF"ls•bble for sale try 'um:taco. IVIRINTLNO.ZOIVELAPPING PAPEItS-: • 3bo teikip: MOetax aui Wr.pdpV ea Moafam - - " ILO .L . Daub!, Medium 2110 Venting ' I 1 - • 21.71 not lo t of obi al aif Vvon rgke/i by Ysim tr. !OS - : erg:ri;ti fx;V I AV I II% brOIicCLOTIL-300. yinls for Afrin JI dvr =INK inniced from Vae L toffv. Ana fa ftsfrAl . 05.7 frsd Vag stmt. '4. all. VII LLIVV. , • • -1111,..5-100 Windowlilass,-nooo- LA .4 ni.r,erroinr • • • • • .• . rasa V. VON VIVINHOILAV ! VINEG.A.R.-4101)blis; pure cider for sale by (WARY . 8622).-3,51.1 1 01ba. justceived from tbe D7L , tot, pithaTarllele 4411.1ta - , rar:Wco.l sod Ellititaur-tr. - - _ . AERIAZD,BORD lbs fur sale by, len . :J. 51.40& 0.1.. CO Waal. FLAX—.I!)4;I(I for sale; by PAPE I t - 7 0 0,reainsasedabi — sale ARD cat,' bbirH:No. I; for sale by . 'mos siecaam.v..s. T CLAY-4 ionsPiller # 9-4 y, Nu, 21,4.4 Dr' ' a .multe4t::.;' . . migficießintsfinw r ; D,,,ayBt retWatd tr a5i . ..601*-440 , 40:44tadar,Bilud' i 11.0.ftrierg, • ! "'"fliggifiaktiViltAlinir-jarLllß naar `ilea fit thootitigraor...._ loofkzol, tliTstb 0.4 bmedthnilj..72: byt whierirMarototoirtithsocod ttoo the,toor k .Ul s 7=h 4 *lay ; Moir ottootiatlac. moo "I' Vu. 4 tgoVXrr= ' b h rfor=V l the Doont." . orielo otecb nokseoloos awn* tok offing Um 411.• jr " d Ls"1"6114.111"""‘"121t=7 =ma i dy -. Almost a par.atot a Pall moo. oonoo/Llait oPPOOOOPpof ' ll th' A U t4t2=lboTool.TZ Nor tbo reset oicos girls; boo ullozo ol i tt . 4rtseV r t o: o t= " AlgOo th t ' ort ontorsootent of M. Solaro; Ootoo, that it 'um ootuaripo tont ot. MO ~elk ataf others mkt It fru o. Tumor of tho Ovati.s: ofso waif motto mod exalt try ratline It ris)ftr J= "l =. vitgo r lt, " l i strox= 0000 *ppm; upon the ttati solficatkot also tea.= to ..- 11;,,MX111,°:itu""'grui=t1Itril oo r Kaiak 4:IW. ' - - • === 000 wan's* how nib* Tony Lin with great ineeen. She hod het the agent her kin Mr thee foam the coeds being entrees.* en that her lege Inns tints much while • standing, u I. eland Do the plodllotrof the. legs while netting, and she weld not bend them le the. lesst hat DT the nee ot.ll. gettell's Alealtion .LMlment, the Is tow able to weir with teem and base mrstat hola- than found it a most 7 enten T e remedy; . dw hails ftM !Le, tot 47 oTtlilWae=tl Tli=ro rairler • , L graohingtoit: late. June 111, II toln w ttg l i speedy as j =turt ensta ballot moneld o beac not hesitate rfemonnee It tlrtittteit Ikoltiy if the ear bant. M .taZei st r i th'i the ' 4ll?te gltr , ...l7. 7 t r art a ' ....wjv a alt r t=g a bgr i la y t . .tht, ?ti . • • o its tute; / have end geemy . MiD•7lll long she May bad ens prononnent lasansble. sod 1 hare cued =t u t /ay kens tins mason with. your Lint. mmd4. . ester shade of dense, from utak!. and mune tow emelt:Fete. mad *weeny. lea atm brarnstlemny tor sot 'elpr.eg am tbe hennas eye tem.. 1. was eotsllned n sttly.P.roto tx. .qr taom with Itbswenton. mat mot gat.nmetitit 10 31 Vr .1 i t41,0. 17 . / etemened the um alone LIWISte• • • y cared me hen Pain l a te , tLy w eirs' stonding eased hr . IL SomsiV.! Me. IL IL Vegute—Dsay aim - 1 had hen Melded with the Mt = Pole for the lan en year, and could tam gM relief emagt bee bkw*Mm _but by Um 110101111,. IL G./amen a tone myrtle teloples about thee at innt els ed.r.ltleltenthsly removed. affil her* *lt nothing of it sin.. I weal. thtio. Ir to a t. mis. it n torsevaore ke. and Mtn and fell enalnst my lee, entMdttalt*. so badly that they tuned asjdaeg u es .A tfir . fi " o= m r i ar L- tMe ¢a " s .° l tXaf: I I tretf (Co. mulled my Mow IL: eh .01.0 mime. Dr iettiwr back-45 ow F r. yogy Met rot h en ! • WEIL Sone Pedant, Pellet:o:e*. Pen. 6. Mg.-. • Xrioare of vatorfeds. TO (WARD Aosetsr IMPOSITION 'MELD TIES roa, • • Lowimo autoudx. - Tin Pale Ire partirolarly cannoned wand • Ban ` 6 `""rurit b e.trrxlii` b blLd Lintiment." •Vatiroartgrul edam Ills to dale from him barring 'nente . • Thor foie be nernener neer tonsil for it tqr e - diene." Ya wn deeere hem. W. IGOVI engem awn yon Me be neap net far *lt G: Rovers Archie Lasnig. end Mkt tio altar. tbiegrels• ahem hes the Utters R. !Leine Farrell% him -a nee N tel eigestiterA.r re .nte ea bottle — gene weber. eel One ee t dan k, grate, . . . dams modal In limn Town, Id • • foOl Bunk! I. Ur Unifed &atm In width one Is - Avnly hl latior lo IL U. r...a. v..% zu...ieb tool nimb. .to ehsrsetar, rcroonsibUity. to. ' • _ • - . fk-I1 on the Long yaw grin tarnish rono of Qum; b to* knojarlotno moth othnible Ininatolionfoo 000 f f dn. 0414?..Z.1 dOW b*Ues ' The marand o w` IL U. Yarrellool Imelda.etar. 1111.1 a istrart. Rona. /1411.1 for We sm. s kitlit " Wood etro4; Ran MILT. 4171.40..7 ats. • ; Oft Q n o 6.446, ki4ecON, pi have At healthy ar leu=re rges'ENRA = Mack& Bono cannoll _ • re time moll2l o oat warns ghlf4t Irtp-fe; of .thlanro. • • , 1 - I naaw.t.tM s ln a Rd am CsYasß 4aman a d s t n d O M M a Ar I ttMte g a l annae tln l i a ne a h . i n L - 4as,Botche. urethan ortnyohasklndhwa s s. The ~..41,...: 47. 4 that th is bto .Mn. palled matelot, as ente Ul4l 111 TO. I oymkt mon= a teat alba 1 Pe 710y 2 1.-and tha ' 4 7415.7 4 m award kraal tiotom. i to i t 4,146 *ay sell it ter Me Wan li , ¢eylt to he all I Kale. Thom who so Ilablit chafed. oar..l,s.pod.ip, WI Cad that ast. only • eon. bat a 4 , tan ~wanly add, that mama altkat a War el or eadlar df,aorill Lad ads al/. end atto may* adj' rata fa ite .bi. ed than I rata. • Jr"' rn ` d 'rpn.L'er.= ,. .== hm boyit. Tot *44.dhaiMONs etear Ag r a in ' bad of oat. • Pcarli 'Mita . Tee.t ....- ', and p m k mai, to la had tor 1. meta—Prams who ham, paha:" so ri.= bly amend that il La Is am breath teeth decayed, dart or -yellow, , and Oat 10.5. awl box a Joao' Amber Tooth Aretnitl CA = the ha e h as white' a. wow. and tha breath odeafereately man. • 1 W Bold only ad 4/141Myll 1405% 210 MeV st. load at 001. 1 . 4 ^ 4 .7 4, A Scientific /lair Tonic, Itesinakkt ig,rl gdp• Itar.—Trlal ~ m.r..b...ladqz? ~..• Vast limb,harterer. atom he melba VISM them who have not. we aeon. It to pawns the tolloarka eleatakem—lt will lore* the has tog ar et, SAY Pat whoa Warm Zr a , tal Ina to ammr; atop 4E0.14 oth cure earl a daatntM and ate hull. red or gray har grow dart Yoe nodanor k tne u tall. am wt , . 44, :tij 4 1,0. 4h4 "' "'"' j It so. lt a lar. do 4 d. th. tost *- 'AIWYst appaka-mollele for ea . . . . . . . Ga . oat? at WM. JACKSON'S Stays. 140 41.Nntr greet begat of Wood, ritzsISAKII. Prits•Sle• Celia. SS costs sad JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human' RW P.M att. *TONT a *tam. o . um, tuar.tna Lisntuul broaq, oir mask ot color. to •I. minutes. Priers—au erais,sl4 _ Sold 1,, WM, Jilit4l.o..:ioWlWlTrtnrt, tirade, wow. Paula wet. , , • • JONES' LILLY WElTE.—latEas g!)- tiortsl yralost wing . tli• eacconoo Iwwfww`d etwar- - Vwt am not. ware how nistmur lownioas a u co.the stiwl Dow w:www. bow .wat.b. now saw. yytlow, 4.1 usawslMl wPPotra wrier ming ;rowed UMW Bwskta.ito, dc= o cootalcdwg a u Ver w p a = . ltr i ll csll Josses' ig= d l.llY • ' - lc is pnandly lanchooL beirked of mu &Wick:coo Apnlities. kaltloapwrta &OW W howitbr. wbostenclesr, ' , bk.; at K r ao cow ,netie oft tlwrekln. Miles wa impfdt(tA Sod % r ibs Ac t % WU. Li& nu*butrgruL. MORSE 8 Compound of Yellow Dock Root; 411CCUPLES the front rank among the pro orienal o ml. coontrr for. men 04 , 041 outing thmker 0040 Ahem. r4ltaipelat ,w„ nal all other &s -ews arising lo om an ha 0 the blast Also. Liver tbmolaintAn Di 4 Oman. Yonne. and " Ilhea4 fT OF WA prrnaisni LN pursuance of law, A trit „, Pippiroxr, i'reddloat or the United Mate LV4 . and mt. i aW,l tb."4"tt? et the =mintage deejgattedyto tat At the Lend Offlee et 10 wA eanateendnit en Ulth• day. the EMI day al geptender met, Abe Mealed the Wain lands Wanted in the fallMng. named toeehlge, et.: North bar !fa, enniend a/ th.l t.i.ermJ verb . .. • • . Tovntbip eortgbtrpl.o4 Tomo tmetrty.tlee. , To... Wpm arreaylota,uf Mut novo [linty. Totratbbps arm' rpio..b4) . 1 ,: ro Ibtsir on.. Ta* , ..bibs tmutroins, - 4(40 . . . . 5 .. b...,„„... shirt...two.. • irm.r.a n,,,.thwrom. . - . , 77,- , -.. -- -_, I t tb. 1 1 ...Va tt t at YAiItVIKLIb botowatkir on 11.. P• dILY• tb• Grwansb day .of lignamber WU. IM W th.P.RI a thr public hada witbto tbetiodrna.tmo..toibtUN l to wit: . • • I North 4/ Du bast limp and otsf tf Mr NIA principal we- Township web, of runetblel. ' • • Township wrecaly, of tog Tenstdp affleuty, of rev thlertboos As ee s4rui Oda at lib MM. ou Monday. tbe *ler ' , web elay:f t 2rojegtele, lbw &neat or the follow. log trees. to w A small Iti of wanten Ind relent. la ten. Ship rigtiy•hro aortb, of lee oris fhemotteet quarter of mete lesherma, iti to 1Y 'alt 13Orth, of roue Moo wee of the ARO It by tee ter the aro • • '7, IPS tory ondt=rten teethe with crews krawy eat If I Mode wads mint 'leer for netted.. If ey, 'kebobs"' be elected by the Mate ausboriner te hro the giextdated for thr romownerient of thr pec 'leeks rely, undo, U m Art egged "Au 401 to rube th e We of Menne sod other State to relent Lb.'.omp hods , settle their lefts." mono: Septem ber Thh,letkeit coluded.frota gees And no bc ethos for lase bongo" beretoOnv grebe by say law of eaturnms. Itor WWII - Meer lhif. 4 g. u 04 1 .1 Eta se! be prreithe on a sp the chronentonnt fedi. as proribe by Oa re entitle 1 4 , 1 0 iMoki.E0OPP , Ve.' Mow for Ma celled diploarelespeumsof Onefp.wpt... AA, append ad blurb, . The offniag of tele& will be meatennall na temented. proeord la 'be order to which they sra sorted wlth roavralentdalcb. suttee orboto bee hen offered. and the Dicethe reel; but no el. eel be kept open looser than two weeks, and no create *obey of oay of thelsods will be admitted utittl offer I be sehatten of Um two acres. • If 7 .m ander my bed at the 1 0 lLy of Wasbluel...tble latr ' l ".. " 0 ° PnritrAllo'lltiltAiß.l.'°' • . - wilbs Sie BUTTIRPI nna Limp Wit P.l.l)te. • MMUS . TO PRE. WM . e 4.1 a ira=34l , t i led . g . tlargle i = r a p tiat . t 77' atom enumerieaa, is repaired to eetaba 7 the nine tri setlefactiow or theregister and nraiseer of the proper lend alas sad make payment therefor se woe espreohnthie tor seem LW sabla, awl before the day appointed for the COISIZMINtIamt of tbe piddle Nib of ths bade embracing the Usti rlattwid; otherwise nth claim -will to forfeited. • . J.DUTITIUraLIk -wn:le Comatostr ' of the General Wad Utica • ar:ln New !kaki I a Problem; reprinted with . cnr , Vet •JclSLlcay. (sou rnuoVa If ocadoo. /NM: • OW a tb• illhoritosog by the author of Piamr In Lib of Mrs. Jim ut Abajtfood,"^/loylb 400011 of Snob by Jamb Abbott; - 717.11: Back of aro lienolntion: No. 7 of LoOdots labor and tb , • London boo. " • lb* atom Books jot noels, ^ 0.141 for NU by 1417 u.. Lt. tiffleft C 0... 47 Itatkot it Books I Ea ks lifustory.of rdece.--4 Mao', ;V t. Agh 4: 6 El r e hov irist 7 1k bage n. 5 1"::="yVirk91.4:..s.trftiol tb., B = Lri v ii = o rt n . d iz . :=Kej . tt l ?AA . , Tot , a p . rorr•a r .t ry.d .r .w. and lit Mir of Wort - Wirhouh 'hy l rarittoritt. - Thor PhilteOpar 0fg.."...t0r: Usmilalad •4am Conn& flttlotophisro•ltlr• of Atestuts *mt. nr W. N 'lrs= d akte•ni oikt. l tido/as* of MP_ jate r arin alms. proof, Vit. hm, nod 11014 portsol Warts th• hod. With 000 huadnd thsllr4sl4llolll l / 1 1h br Lagoa sod zuhu. tvc...ionat thG .0r.., attlmlt New If ottilai itaifi Ats•. :ro• the dap.. Drain: • ratan, memories,' • ontoya boas i gainaTrixt rs nal " 1 • U b'TOCITON. 47 fiarkat HlI NEEDLE WORKED' COLLAR& .Floun6:- • 1.4 4 , 5 , 1eun, lith • fOl ealarOwai as th• mno kJ. of to N. raON.roatik it. TRANSPORTATION 85 f Lin BRIG Aim wane Ai r EXTENSION CAN_ taautiLL.P.llll[ll Bcauletta, z TR 'PROPRIETORS of this old ond well inns lam, would lelbrat the Dobbs that nit,' an tem to otembeak Lye yreekeht and luta coo seceirlhitllkelrht Paneetwenverbk.b and Lane .111 eerastant/y the , imam:. Wow the lbws! [theta Bette. to Twelve trei_sht. otn.. ~...iger.:tligrotamizr.,.=,,. coNsioNET.: W. W. Coaighsham. ?Jett Guth. FIkVI J.ll &Halt: ithan..barstr; Wt. Ada.' t Co.. U.S. Wall whbre..Bulfalo, Awl! New. Lake SFperior Lino 188 E - T HE 'twit ateamer NORTHENF,R, Capt, B. n . U. Overt, baring every team hoe. L . for eau comfort. will lee. Cleveland me re M 7.11 M. roost, ea her . t trll.— .ld weekly t TAW, 6)f delak. P. X. to the Peat ate. The steamer MAN LIATTAN, Opt. Jove C 'will leave Pant ate. No de, to the dlcerrat lemhogi oo Sohertor, on the ntivel of theetemmT ?hotbed:or: ootlat.B moist . 4.0/117 hoe. throof Mime. r, Perelatelmxl the Cooper sod r i olt uNe t twv.. oWon. Cleveland, 0, And! 25.1851.—U ffaggEsg 18 5 1. SHIPPERS ARE HERM' INFORMED that this UHL enintamal matimir of t , ratiost roato. I. mar to roll or.rtaniiimitiiptritiasiz orr7 • tHil" r=41 114 , lama abort time. and alas low. td rag: a 3 arrange.mdi bare HMI.. =do for carrion War Freight to BWrarilla, Jobontotro.. ktollidaaimln, Water ItHvakillmatidtia. V•tarabantit. 'Louden -dm, WM Creek. Haw Hamilton. NoVertowo, ' , Matas,-1u Mirka Newport CHM Permalarrirkork, Colombia, and ail otk isr latemardiMakolota on the PmorrhardaCmni and girt , 2: 4 Rall .a mL z... . Haring net= I=4,Mste d mann the akmaaaki, painiT lowoot Mirrielled . MITCHE LL eboom. Li 800 Tr. Proor ty ktor: • Wzrber 'brit malii2lf ' --- !mood door wettof the Caml. JRATVING DISPOSED Cif HALF ME IN EANNT IN IIaVIIAN'S LINA to tar brother. ON elan/lA.II. the borinees at Pittannerh b.r. after D. thinnetrd leader tint Ml* of "SI as. Bingham i LW' IntelOl . HINUILAIL ,Ringhams',Transportation Line, 1851.ECTwssx Ger4:4 PITTSBURGH A THE EASTERN CITIES. TrIIE CANAL being now open, we are rna dy to veldt* VA dernard Nrenartne. Produce and echandire, east and vett rnisato , afle.re at blend rates charged he rep-1..119e Prodnoe and hieretunnlial vela b• reeefeed and forwarded cut wat. without ,a,r nama. tar foreranling le ad ra.dean , fabt, eonurd.lon. or ea.., EMI of Ladino rornanlnl and all direetlone tettbrall) At ten d ""*. 11 - ir E. r ' .4(rWL 'o a c :lll?,WraVari t deeneen Vourtb and Emu stn, JAIdtS n' . l / I V4 tb N781NU71411. N 1851..-Eigggi Merchants' Transportation . Line, VVIA IiNITSTLVANIA CAPIAIA AND RAILROAD!,) OR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT—WITII OUT RAOHIPPINO. A. tarAIIULTT A Ohl. Canal Buda 405 Poo Wogs hotmi MAO. s FS RAYNOR. Costral peek. Snail 11.4, rho.. lt .., we my proved to Irre•i•• • Legg 10 , 301,131 t ElerehandiAv re dls produce le elan on thp opening of she =Ca u. Chile. dOphle, end ell inOpepshoe piano st Sneer rAtes..4 In Ain time than in any pork ...AM. • ..- X. p._The Semler.* Ember of 'OWL, presided Pi the Cno.l I.lAsloner• r tarrying oar teats on Mr SOU Hallroedsi rill 'prer en y ponitillep of delay ist Jahrunorndloleleprberg or Ml= t. On manna C. A. IIeANULTY • OA Obi& ' Cana Basil. . „ Too4ipp.“! of 4rerckuPlisO; 4 1:c., v en rent esitlrest inter. Tone. `RELIANCE PITTSBURGIL TIt,,,LNSPOR .• TAME LINE. - ATKINS t .. CO Tryptietnte, Na 11:1 Market, .ad 61 ekmvtaeree4,PhlbJelaLla. BELL is blutiErr, Agenth thee' tante Clttsbatzb. Jon, TAYLOR t BUN. dtratt,Baltannen. Wean. wowed, on the cap ant et the l`rtinolvanla Canal. to tontrart SR Freight it. ey L. rate& and cite th . .aneen ea moth de/Web and ore ea Lair th at Du messed ha the tzent of Utts77V44l %e th li t t! ".'"." Vss thW anzl w e= klt, 42% or used), ofay et th"* TDr7lae 31.. e west. )4... -lac 16.4111 IT.T. tor.. 171111 m . Esq., fordor of fintztt tbney; lad • host of caber dasdnabOshol caimans of Sow York, who blip fully tooted Its stasits.Dave permit/al the As St to rHlkb.ra that Patent iolideosail . 74 wow alb. Warr-End by shake:med wealthy and Pa/Ue on" Int! eawloubtodly sightto Wel osamolsea We. Zlle Thls Wonder srogfiirgrod AssMisesl7 oTATTa m ..-... .= 4 .....zn i sgorsard ,osrvibuia/ bona of tin vs.tfolassAand sansitve r ine, /tin nincreinn mar nit =%%M . rip an inn tut fr.MiZt`• 71,M : ebb - Wm Dave teen add 'mahout ' 4Z7C - re Drat. as wolastesnr aababa6ina " lXEd Int bei one:a:and in oar pcsessaion. tba. monism passible ed. SDY lasdieiniko nahabAl nsinsay. as more etables. Insersal /a ussl aa entersAl .aS at= linos the dvz l =fi c ag aD spasaolbi affections. diseases P A the Yilasys i and Waelhoss laemwteordmaakittain cluAsets out, ana7 • 707 Pidabar*Sl rdelle Th ltescra. Co.; aod Ogshor t• • asstby ramie' Wawa, sosnrs l / 7 ,. 7nl n) of • - • .. Tolhe Readers of thiPittsburEA Osseer . ' TOE ELIO „ ATTENTION is .ippeetfolly kv. . ji..4a.ll.tet too.f.k.o.trz, AA Igrtglg o aigago IP P {ATE% tr Wa gOA F T/L: It l. ot a= Max - par are Mom Mr grea Wady PA{lrepar tepee t a, for &be Mier sad cure of r1q.;....1 tine re aaaa. bag. axe agave eratanaltre nature Murtha Ulu Ufa the reare ariebt fall Its War In 1 la eat Oa am. adr ot • day, pot up tbe ode anaemia a ruakira Ilan; but. reautlea ver =modal. sui