The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 29, 1851, Image 1

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kIIBLISIIPM DAILY.4.111:01111;113Si
• '.1..-4:sVlMB';&:.;°•''''
... ,
til v rodoligntfloian.• • 6 40
ejktiFilikliratiabl=l= i t :Gun:r ms
. •
(1011ang . ong.001 00.0. -
0 60
iero T 00
Do. Mur Months 10 IM • ' I
-1 j Do , ne t
masa 16 CO
Eta losaUW lin
ddl z w dleas. per thunla46 03
m neR it - aintethlo at Samoan (pee San
asses)) reclusive of the 00
loseach addltimal square, Inserted ono one soceaboned
ter emb UAW *mum besestal undo the Tod? norm.
•;.....fts sNnan. End aid idol al=
Immt, to be oitarout so a equate and a balf.
Pubilthers Oot arecoatablo , fte temel mlnettemlellela Jon
Toad exocnant chanted Ms their
Annowidtto candgelso ollo?.
Ilia ma*
Adrorthements not mark.l Oa the car, Me a oleedood
;mad. of insertions, vlll be muttutted undetlid.n , pal'
ilic ' olleVon of anuladneddosti la strictly Tina tad to
their mm immediate tmethets t' and 01l admuthomiMs
the tame% of other persona es veil ato ll adverthesamets mat
lannellately eonmeteel ulth their men Manna enT all
of edmrtlmmentl, In length nor ollmoyDe. 1.
the Walla mmemea, will tie charged at the emelt mbea r it
all molt ,thoement advatleing, MIL *in be separately
edeted. an 4 mu m% tearment M deeded.
All alterttsmoonts for chmitable bud Ora eten
musics, turd. tourahlo: and othee pahtla and
male lata, tube enuc.l butt wratsw T 0 4 '
ltanime althea tote demoted 60 teats.
Deathuatlocabmerted Ettiont charge. thdeM onmenton
tiled braneral theitattons or obthes+7 noltlom, and tete=
Y[om, - _
" Itesuleu" d advertbera t". V i nd all Odom moldtht uatommAlite
. or regubitur =Mom dedoned to mil attention to
lvsti Bohmea. Coreutte. ' n i m . te r L at elo ententelmmuta
taste chorus, ore mode for notlors sod
vote ..medMiono—evero . notice designed to mil Weal:lon to
talette enterprise.. maculated at inoWeri to promote
intereet, onlrbe laserted with the underetand
lag *IMAM Mime la toe be paid tor.: If Intended to be In.
meted in the local column. the IMO w W be desspd el Ids
ate of Ma lan than bomb pF Um,
Bighoptte SKr Na lco. to be marom triple pros.
neat Limnee Pethlo
i ner Retails
terchu r terl er=lel ratee& L ut
twat CO I Dual FLIIIMS.
OM roam three Ituarticus.. ----St 60
tia vt24.11'
u m0m.... itiirattbertanitS to be tom h.
a .
:AMES KERR; Attorney st Law—Office
- ao V4iertll cr,.bertlrfen.-Smlthleaszdflrast; Rita
• ursh. ,r• • . .
09:.{VIRANKR, • Attune 'at Lar,Youith
tbsPa: Col
dans MitAlialld Dromptly.; - : ita tknt
• Dorms
Data of 1:111.k.
N. 8.--8. r
es , ICA,
I Will
qy Obb Plate
1...7 Otte. MI,
NV ft
IWO K. Z. •
CN..uVEI & 'WATSON, Attinanyi at Law.
or.tb-ww. itt.bqKb•
a Dan Joan lando. raa;
ran, lacraaca, s C. 4 1 , . 6 1'..071 J M% A.
=Maar. .-lana.raubann.
DWARD JONES, Attorney at lain
No. 69 IVtbstmt. Pittobalsb. Ps.
Irl..1011nelFei4: 1 1
eI_EOBAM E. A-MOLD 1 01, &sate*
U 1 31Fsk
w 2., sructs=r to the mans of Pttmoaria.
to. sad th. wrap ren
stri guartWiroso.-
1:14 .WILLIAMS t 00., •Bankers
Extbottro Broken, North Mitt ammo at Wed
tratoactioia tion noel ealtetitir
looctigly attazded to.
KLNG, Banker and ID:cheap Brokeer;l
• 7oairth 'abaci: Dealer in Du* Edam MIL at Sr
Gold and Staels iaa•tht awl •old.
'll7•ll"l=igatlaaPati P att d 7=rl7ol= brigs
LLIIIMER, Bzuliker sad Broker,
ll v itilitmiokosis,aidaisteeaffecatrixoturgits.
: WILKINS Exchapte . .... ;BrokepS
• ScathZut Caraeref 1141 azgliabo. ctzWa.
X'HOTAFB•I4 - 801C,:Dealerp - in Fat
. • ~.annwnialluganni—tAi.n.;
. • Ilault. Nan Rad %Wis. N. 69, - EUrns amt.
• —llll3.oolallans.mseho,ax. II the ptlnelPia. dU
p • A.siV4:7l - 11= 0 " 48 'la, —
Itrokeic ans iten
ahN hos sad
' of
vi er De
Cat.. 4
L 26 4 iiiVIN:6OI-llDkeiiOn Meathantli
anil3llll3rokm,Nalta gn.t...pasapal •..
• - •stall] MYER— -1-70.13= ILIMI;m 1111 . L RIM
VALMER: gTNA 8 00Successors- to
T erril a exoTl:=
i. v .7N , „JD.
'reds' flight Cbraut far sal:r.tdjvium au,lb!oqiraF.
igs th. ta= t irre =pail for 60."
'Advamda onetiall.roluaNialptal omt.
W;-.TAYLOR,Vonanissioner and Bill
mats, 112 e. our Etelet astaatkat to
ma to all bo.fteto entrust to Ms tom Pittsburgh
AsistriCto.darlid. shar g i m m hood or prooolod st. atm:
sottot. 'Daus ) negothald oo finch
el& tom. ..litivsocurroodc.. raoutrol. ' - nal
C. STOCKTON, late Johnstacatmok ,
umakot.ti..stawurr !hinter. sat Stalk cor.
.-. .. i I ti I: ' . egt m :tereiry en n•
.11.1 rd stmt : erposite t ti or Rot lirey Books tin
110PKINS, 7tookseller.and' Stationer
WIPCLINTOCK, bitinufiatarar aisd Ita=
oAf Cones, Oil Cloths, Mosso Bon
Sholoo, to. Warehouse, Naga/ot!stb
=Wood st.:. Eittobsterh., •
krziy,ist l ,6 ) ,fftp3M7rA -- .71
11, W:POLlSDEXTEB,;conterofWaterand
• sleigt lUS•I4 Witt.bargh; Ofinermo* Ita,
=lac. uoott. cvl wr the wren*, sad ado of,
Wodtro rd..% ittailw Ism, an4thwasantwarla,
.tun—Agent. ilenuor t7:11.0 , u;i l • w''"'
0.77,7“ 7
A;. DicANULTY.k 00.—Transportim,
.7onntrEttai Comm Wan Merebaats. abTb
n 4
Pens anset.lntutrentl.
• 1410111 wean*.
c.. 4,4o a:SsawSs. xi, was - saws,
JONES,'.•forstard_ing • and :Coal.
rilimionlierehitsts, , Dsslprt - ta Pradne• coNS Pttts.
—at MatreAchn , t l ankles: CsaU MAWS. mut. ISmmth
f;7IEINTS, g CO. icteces Niro to At
roue Cocirmleolon sadPanntdlalit.
olgemtn .Plttsbutett• Ilsaufoctund a °`
Antt - GOODS
11.1..1.003,• eo...rnnumwx-.-...e. ilinVOl sMr. 7.. e.
MASON.& CO W4oleenlet and Retail
~paw"uiahF.axcf.ind sink , Ins Claxh4l33.nake.
sod DTA ea& lanettuda: coma of North
=- - t i ek c o rner ot
Init Den
h 4F ,. o ostik
*ma 3mourrs,
& LEE, - 'iyooz. puma and
stc. Yr; , ITARW4LIOEL VoiLV iv olurts;
yearn' tram sae hal.. no , ml V.*
rTWbA,N r AtiI;S4SN 00 4 /iiii94ll4
• olerit Malin In 11144wai.•
'lll W : AVILSON,Watchey,
.1 01:=77 " ; 7.- •5'
7 ...7.7ri1V':.::: : :....:i....,...:;*1t4..:T.:i:,i,:: --- 7.,'11rT:5.1::::r4q4:
- IN Ifif6
FAIINESTOCH. ib" CO:, Wholesale
•T:M m gad =nekton:es et White LedjUd
Este tent Wood uhd Trout 231•Ze7.
num] • • C. Nunn=
KEYSER & MCDOWELL, - Successors to
russ Mare • osmer of •
laDiii/C0 Wholesale Drat . sa .t e , Desl!
• ors to Pait,.lly• kWh, lend
, tulaf r izaur w r= ctb,r , w.r. g pn
-rowth •• . b. Onlar• will be essatalry pack
1) E. SELLERS, Wholesale. Dealer in
lrers flu " Wcitrni ff test vt&l'Le‘asis;e":"'
.11 ItkVsta, comer of Met) , and Pt. Ma gam Pita.
SOHOONMAHER & CO, Wholesale Drag
/data; No. 7.1 Waxt Pittsburgh.
W WILSON; Wholesale Grocers and
Poo& fowder. autiv.:l trpr
ijJ SECEF 4 'Wholesale Grocer, Commission
• Iti•rehant. Ed dol.: Irk PO. al." Cat% .2n.a ci
an sad Irwin stmts. rittaboratt.
Ia LIRREL • P: SILRIVEB, Wholesale 'Geo.
am Pmluee and ninualstiao Merehanth foul Leal.
r• In Pictabuvris liartufw-ture4 Irtleks. N. l itokLTS
Nomad stmt. behave. Wor.l and Braithfield. Pittabarglz.
JOHN L HUXeare.. Jom a 011•01[1/1.
WIN S. DICWORTH it, CO.. Wholesale
Ilnea . 3tati . g!
111Voed PittlbUrgh.
& DiGilinaidrt mo
Omen =4 Commiallost Marthants. 8.115 Wale
&M 1.% Fad street. htiebarra,
r 1 i1;:6 • w as . - . 5..,: ~0 _... a
0 • • ... Oomlidaloa sad Yanculhui 3.l.7lmuts.zna
Affil .‘, WATT CO.: Wholesale Grocers,
I. • OlMlad.llllllerdsznlsomat Wen Pealtlet_mt
ua Td.nnactens. No. 250 Libertr Irtnet.
B..CIANITELD, late or Worrell, Ohio
eD.,aou=lYrrardittettetteat, Itna Tad;
Butter. Pot mud
=ihi'V=ia,. Wan Alva
-Q F. VON BONNHORST & 00.; Whole
-10. _karma% Fne....11.8 and Cimasaiseco . Mater.h.
m Dealers in Lou. • h Msantsztatt. sn6 Wednis
SAit: wm bitlCEY
. 00., WliolrutleGro.
JD . Gallagb. On.,Wboiesils lircears, and
arininithig ileselisrits,and Dealing in Prottnee and Pitiir
tErrireefae.earierocers and
_ - ,canadatpa Ste:Wszta. 12.7 Literty great.
I ::A • 3 Pe . 4 4 e Meer,
Beettlfrtntpia Mullet. awe.r in Pr
a od... Pitts
of I ,
fan: i:.?VAMtbeiki lOa ••
MOERT , DALZELL 00., Whole:sale
c53"rab4,11 =.
to FiU.burgL ]lana6eau~s. 1a :.5
'Awns es.s. rusgush, •
- - WAIN
w. 11.11.1117.:
WIL MGM& & CO.: Wholesale Gro
w v an. Non.lB V Wood std.. Pitt.argli.
• Jo. iacascarsa.•
WICK & 31cCANDLESS, successors to
1.. ie. .1. D: 'Met. Wholeasle Gmeees.
and Catenalaidon Marelmists. dealers is Inm. Nails. lila"
-,OatbasCana, and .Pitzatrargb MIUMLESCLUSCII goserally.
torrker of Woad add Water stmt.. rittaborgb..
. ',mem and Couusdisbui Merchants. Deem in Pro
doe. -434 Pittsburgh 311nntsctus.1 Articles, Liberty
Pittsburgh.. Pa.
Z. P.
E'WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and
• Paean
ad Emily Groans Forro.oliag CoolodO.Y.
to. Dada+ to Ocsodddy Trainoe and arot
Idoodootoovo. tomer of Wood oda Flab ow" 1=
_ _ _
Matt 02.4.11.W.h. Nrbobssa• .,
Gram Pro.
loosed Xa• ard dealers la ElClablusrb
Design" in Prods.. Yard= SYr . 14.70 CP,
Vatreadied WM. B 7.
. !lumbar*
AB. MIZELL, Wholosolegkoeer, Com
. adrbar sad ronnullug erehaat and dcaer la I.
r. 4 (0 ;hi
O.OHN IL MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes,
Mote. ard. Musical I &bad pbot, wC
Wtrans .X7l=ltlllirced 11.'"W". "
LIMEY &LEBER, Nair in Music, Mu-
Lapartrt of 'blink Etrtha•
for Nouns a Cork's =sad sadmos. Plasm.
with aeld•lcan Atlact•••2L Alm foe Dutiluat's
ILLINGS, WILSON & 00., .Maiinfae
tams of aid. tooks. lam sad dolt td., do.
and ofillAn todobing. dad, bol,, and
oboe vas. Boor tol• and lathlns do: opo 800 24 8.121
2d blood sails. &a.
' =out upesscorr co.; Nall% 7.2. K.PM*
-- •
TIM J. acra5.......-rna. room
.R. fanibara manufacture and Iraep constantly on hand all
yiyea of Tasks, Brlds,and B B
Ilsdalns. Cleat. and
Bob tiallz nue Bleed Thus Banal and La th ing Nallg
Coney Nall. and Snag Banal Nalln• Coiner and Una
no. mur, Pattern Maks& ?canna Bl=anmod sirs.
ale; ' CANYBELt., C • OD,
: Wand:loon, Watsr at. Intlabankt.
ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO, idiumfactu•
sirs virr SIIPMO7 44 Va 1144144. 06:444 Mth.
Dttins. Pena 11111. ritubm'sh-
Elre&t imfactaxers of plug
sad Blister fool. Plough Mtge], ftrol l Y m l
, ouillatom
dealer:re r&stf=frs. WU. roe= Loops, srel
CosahlrOsoothirt oseralf. teems of Roo old Yroot
Dani lOa. Nsartsetscers of &i,4b. Bleseb.
2161 . 114110 sad SalybasSe Adds. Wsrabsass,
zw. ea sus st. below Yaw- • • ' •
WALTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
VT Wood C. llM—lmpater wad Dade, L 3 Trench
sod Assodom .Plows Booidoio ood Bordwo WLWOW
81wdoo. lizo Bawd ilium P31 , 33 18 3P
Ina WIIWIDS Paper Na 80 Wood street Worsen
OBERT NORRIS, Tea and Wine Mer
anat. Tart side of tbe Ttamourt. Pittsbusib.
'WW2& A. Att.l. AW., Grocers and
TV Tea Ties=llo. ZCI Llb=reete= Wood
M n )lo .lt=l.= the and
Hu and retail Dukes supplied on the lowest tram
arn4 Wiro v
41 .0HN A. CAUGHEY, Agent for the Lake
nes ard 111411... lan Ltne. Bearer sad Us Lau—
Ora cak the ram., or Water and healthaskl
Vth LEECH Transporters CO.. Tnsporters by Canal
• ass Yororardins march. corner at Nata street
N Canal.
1:44VVIN30A 1 :1 11 : 1 1
4 A.BROWN would' nlly inf
• tb.pularthat tar kem on ni bandostrespectf sibl.staad on th. w orm ed
sof Um Diamond. Alloaany city; • completo usormanct
a Veninsa bliadn•lsoNsaillua Mintier, Ye mad• to ofda
in tho.biot s_tyla. nirsasonall .mosl ta any ha Cho ilrdtsel
&on -' Ills Dileals on be removed ...Dimas the aid of •
mow 1113 M. • MIME patehmed the stock, meta and somoi
of the oshimtestabilshment of 8411/11•TA IldleUimd.l en
to famish their aid oustoosessawasil as th• flab
gE, Ho ye,. e•prr Wag la their lia..
sitsiaor an lb Mood stnsat, Dittaborgb.
. .. J. A. IMOWN.
etch, ,
i; aV. u o
P1AMME1,410.14Wie.4011.7 of TWA strootawl IP
Lommat, Alk.irbety. • .
N. 11.-I.lroc, Fad, Mortar. Lath, tr., for Me.
21=b4ly • . •
Veterinary_ Surgeon, late
• rem' IrdWomb, Masud. void& rralartinnT an .
that be bee ~m•n practice is ttr:
and, by eared t.tttett tr var.
ea to WIN be per. to give
Iu ocrinectint•alth Jame. IlaNle. ibir. Sb ..l
Illaelunalthing earriadas. at lb. airaar
of Tunnel Meat sad Pas nay Irattla Aram. - -
3:t: . • 1,11 . ; :00: . • :lc t
E ire. 716 . J ( 0 2 , N . L 0 t
p, Fgz . verr .
n..ta la4po N..irp&persatantb*ma.
Mel; In t. bolo tor Invlsionsa.
i grgrelnnndakw. l7" Comas Btantre,.& !Wining)*
of wt. and all UN lawmtWienn•
IE E ••• SO 1701IDIAN'S LithOFITL:
4 le dtaldWialosit, ildrd stmt, sinsse b um r""
1, nal b. ArbILMILIILTSI
• Isms so Blow, sad visaed In tolors,
40 I. tbe 0 . 4 FM"' 1 4 KI s ." l ' mftit=l7
WW2 Irriecrwr 4 Wages i
ITTEABOVE ElRM.respectfally announce
.tbalt friends sad the publie generally. that 1.22.7:
ate imam& to exo:rotojo QM. atylo trier Art. oil
S audave..Xamazhat, vraug
11, i1°6 :A.=.... an. 66 Yorks stnot,bitoteos
SUPS Oa &AMA Mot% ar 41,11,
• ,
. '• _ JErscsimaiEtnrs. -
Bolivai Rd& lianufactazing
t. mow,
GLOVER, KIER . CO., Paornireons. • -
%ME 'SITBSCR/BERS,. having been sp•
pointed Agents Am the abore =pa eonterea4Ul
ILwy an P* w e r, 'AZ W S = re % n rd 1 te ll r.:
n ip prepared to melee °Mem for add Driek, to
be nab In M i Le abapeto nolt pairettmen. shall
ek, no tdeem It neeemen ., b
eriumemte the letfaT
tto. the Bolivar Cho Mick all othersihat
ha mo ve been offered for sale ha the United pore over
Rum. their Mtlh
m o w, bats adlhamern to elmort all pen= ale we
Five Wick, The amnion:. have.determinel that the
Bride shall low norm of their present enviable reyntatimu
and Chet no Gayeties shall be apnea to make them stern
tatter man they bate heretofore been. This Ls the only now mantillietarint Fire Black at Bolivar.
Klilt * JUNES.
Meta ' Canal Ilida.Bareathat.,Fittsburgh.
1117 - 1131ANTH I NOBLE—City Flopring
N 0.6155 Liberty car at Adams rittivosix
VICIIOLAS'..VIVIAN_ Civil Engineer ,
)11Aan, Water Worts,Bolllag se.. of nm
Itnald betwixt ID A. IL sad 6 P. IL. at Ila reAarnee,
Alarbm7 Wart, Plttsbures: -• , .1•AlIA17.
Hew 'Coach Factory—Allegheny.
OmM. .k.warrE lc 'co. woula re
elerothille Infirm the public that they Um'
teieetdik. atiop on Leneek. between Yeleral and hanelnety
=meth They me Ilihe mamas and WO prepared to tend=
cede= he weer desellyelon of vetdelehe Chariot:
Barceletas. Dosithee. flowtoon *e, which. M. ther
longexperience In hire mannfertne• of Me awe mat.
a= the tsellitle• they have. they Wel confident they are
cathol io do mak on the mots reconethe tame with
thole wanton anklet *their" 1/=. • '
• l'att..
flame attentka to the wheel= of =atria..
ands me tat commetent mzeirmen. they here no
Medici= neareanting their work. • Wathecdare mak the,
admit= of the path* to UM matter.. . ,
71: Repaleing dons In the WA =num and on the
mod teesonable tome. fakir '
BAOLE =BM - WOMB, (established
IAII. 111)3111r no WIL,Ln18, ra l. LL Br at.
ammu. axial
vulits, Tobs. Undsumes, aN.Trantell , lNNN Oran and
L.c.m. of Third and Market Moe& The only char
red lortitutioa of the kind la Pittaborgh.
. aceacrrc— dohs flomhsg. Yrtoolpal Tortrorloy Irk the
BeCorme of AOOl/01111 .
O. ILChaosterllNProhos= of Pehruneart‘iferoorddle
. ,. .
. ar Oarmsanial Lev.
" Verh ' i Vatial4 E'er lectar
Thaw dadrin= knolriodsarata Keratm
"d nat i rcega p•=ll7p, b gr t altal t:ts=
Ins t.h. arrassrts.
Ermatisinzi.lB32,by EDMUND
WILKINS, No. 2451.4 batty at.,
head of/Vend street. Pittsburgh.
• • • onozonantlhorlalVachotTons
to.. Yamada Fit 669. amts. end PkorTom
• always on hand and made no elder. of the
• choke's/ Mart:doe, and at very reduced
•yHpe. 4 choke adonis a/Droning co
IgrrI1111 : : :` I
•t I •
7 •
Tigegsg, Iteet.
John Iterper. YAK. • .
JCLAX, Jager. EM. Architect.
tion.llneumw ThataT
How Julio WLlMmt
Wm:l.R° Jr.. E.
Joan Itapdsr. tao, Casli Soosatrokas.
Cit.:J.llpm h Bulk- saystr t Battu do.
JAL 8 .b! , .. , ?b , ‘"fmr. Cti. 11111 a Cuffs: do.
Wits= team/m.lop float A Wand._ do. •
Robot Sletatbt. Cso. ' Ct .
Jos.tdoKaigbt.taq, Bradtt.l). T. )I.pratot *Ca
;beta., . - - Jost. Natl. tCo Putt's*
B.lothrop.Eso., llettssay.
T.. W. tsels trotorol the my Int o nd patroots• es;
tithed daring misdeed s•ors to Olt. city. basun boil Its
lava tot besttots.trostod to Ws esss up to Ito matt
Cwsoll Pill ends.= to nodes ostatestdon tauter.
fficomeerordatie Depository,
11.1. -Yam Pilattap—lbe .43.1.1.
and t 6. —Cemeterr tart...
!Warn,' ii'annoams 97 a. 92 - flint street.
J. .W. reereerfollr halm. bte frith& and
metazoan that be bat tther rthoPleted I.e.
and [neat stork of - hurrgehnld taroinna am before lath tu
Qua city, at be bi determined btrgbOld the, quallry wi th
Enigerialx. beet workattaultha and lumen do
anil Ma the .1901 or to ord. end facility to
iflinasettleaß. be is enabled to tunings vs:ranted tarn.
tam at the lowers privet.
Ile hat adort9.l , lr9 prindble of Idantitrind the earn.- '
era . murex& own. In duality and Wire. that 999%
.<rre on head the
Rgaannt aid -oiy.
.lril (Igor Lqw turnlmre. poor She . how:. clai
p.r. a fp may
• order. Ile therXre a =f, ' en faapaction, trial =IL
. LI,. of AL ...I" be known; the Zilbe/tur
thin cortalth. In pert, tf gothortdcla for tick... at
Kylak sod SAW , nun= be eurraaled sax . of Ult taeAsna
Park, drawing. dining and Legroom thalrs. of 999 , 3
variety. origami. of rotiorned. therropral. .4
Eltabettgen. connerwtensan waln r
nird/on: Cona a mTa oar rarVadrs. ry
and LW. ch. rt.
Yrenen and Anorkran parnaltel
• Wire' parlor irticlas Deka of. 'snow Iladn Wort TAU..
And fanny Law,' WandA, wok Staudt. and boAlets. wed.
um, mahogany, roarynad anA wainnt oda* and inda,
Anon extension divan, tea. a/1 Amor the thogltaprond,
Wife eiltartrathrg and parka, ma= 00.
ottaians and ' atet..W7 and WX <W. Wania.
Anaereans,lorel raek., bat swab. anlinvola Welk wan
and add for <WU:etc yaw wan. table - and am gni% rosewood. 1.1 Wahl twat Tad.. Ais An An.
A largo aireatthent of Cothran rthaltar. end Viindeat
Odin. Carew; makers amplified !fah ell arratio V tbels
eteanthcat9 end Hotels. fandthed at the tbarten oath.
All olden prompthr atatrated to. - • 1000
°UNIT LANDS—OAF?. Cita,. NArws.
Attornoy at Law.lio. ISA Thitd corm. of Dy. having mad* artsagetaaata for ?An pan.
{lnouye Bounty
_Lauds br Akan sad *Allem tbdi
16.10•ra atul ehilar....s4 will *Mad to Aar other awl-
DM. eauvetal with. the tlq &SU ants 1 , 44.1 .
mart.. tit* InroaJoa attar or CIO CWIII atet
Lbw City of
Waablattaa• jertl
Drawing, PersPecthre, and Wen in Oa
;41 5, 1L. D. R. SHIM is now prepared to giro
lama L-t•.• •• • few ma , It the doot. Womb.
o dollgbttal art. at bit yams, bloom bad". •
Atkinotits new
Ko s . ding, 10th bd.. Woad .M
Market greets. of tostraction. Yr= 230 to 4h. sod
tram 6ti C. st. Clam. bed atm putted= tan to
Immo by tallboy (altemst) at the vomit - --
Woo to Dr. Umtata or Dr. Ablditto , tin,dtt
W. Dines Loadrm Potent Lever Watches,
fee, mocha .e”enmerreimbevs."
atCHARDSON, 81 Market street, Is
mew ke tbe dare named Low
intarentee Is attached merit Wale
Hy appointment to the Aelmtral.ty.,lV DIXON. Chew
meat. and Watch Mannteetmer. 46 Ma{ *stem tlO
well Woad. London-
Th.o certifies that the annewpanying Watch, No.of Is
...molted by ow to be my man nlectunb and noWalbh
aceompanial by
1 Mtatenteeaboh to keep Dm. to the Nat-
WWl= of the larettamr. , WNL. DIXON.
splint - •
Steamboat Ageany, and General Gonimis•
• si4nl, Receiving.and . Fravardinz
DALDWIN, - ELIIMER k CO., have this
day asaaaialadottb them Yr. Jahn Imataak. sod °Car
r wallow to thsr Walla Y s atemaabast Amis. (aataand
G°""4"4.'" 7°""latrlrgralthieate "
Issarrat,'Arrlll.l3..lB6l. . 111 William" Ba.
- i '-- .
~ • ;. Cud . I I • ,
AR. J:J. MYERS--Surgeon and Musician,
osik..aa dwelling. owner of Darlington .• row. N.
ldrd Meet one door &bow &angel.] et
Dr. Myers bee gwrataustl7 loaudd In Pittebordtrwad
will attend to th e duties of hie Prokwk. lie will 'sae
partketter atiencion k 8 tholca. owes, and thedim.* of
ONI:GOER & CO, Itn rter* or Mite%
t. •
A Card.
L UAVE ER UP, ' (on the Nei York
. „,. ~WaterVllT. for w•.. 1. of par
the tmliloosble km .44,7 1.r41 "1717=2
t ot mato Ds Lsims., time:Ws,
=U mil Damask De Lalies, !MARA
Chintmi. Torso Wel ~Pr o ms. Clout l.itr
TZ'orrisittb.., Tss d :r P=' I ;I=
arg =Or art,i . .. sla del.' 1111 mis nut Amtm.Curtsin
lin. la = Q,
_thdaY, lt er ". ll -11 ,..irg r 1 br,
Comforts. if.mrsms. ma. and DIAMmr " .
AU =las thankfully „ Ir
FA. MADEIRA, Agent. for Delaware Mae
Ma Safer looluntio. Coaltd.Y. 42 IVM...Usyt.
GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
er fare Losmittioro COSODLOr. =ID oast corm of Wood
inns Endo
WM. GLENN, Boot Byron, Wood stmt.
v v 'wood door fnaw the otvrorr of Third. whorl; he b
FERto do *lvry dooortotloo of 131r410r oill.nootogoo
=tblllrloolin ortra f GM=
ogobtal= C
• No T 4 Awl/14. next in 17. h .✓ INg~g
Notes and Drat. c 011.1.14 on all pull, of Ms 0L1.0.
Btoeta LoottLe. awl NAL oe L.,ML l.►7AaK
Wibon & Ekat
yVHOLESALE and retail manufactuA
rota and ilaialers hate Capt. No. 91
cod shltd door below Diamond Al 7. ettbi.
..,t-wirangn fart equa9 . l;lv o 9cliji( B l , , a ,
quali -wad ty awl styta, by teMealla a ratigiu3:l"ititlta lb.
ILLIMI2tWa tor their =mown awl tbia rail.. roams tiuso
that tbay mall an the wan trasquablit tams.
JitSIES WILSON hue removed hie lht
gtoro !S'e. Wood Om% thbl dmtr se
t. "' ° °"""
0-PARTNERSRIIP—IIarin,; talon my
goo, ldeW n, w ' l l:11 Ph. to
=do: to. ammo at W it KI, at 91 Waal stmt.
P. 11.--Jants• Wilms ecottaises 11.4 *ti •
N. Poland Wog. Allegben3 CIO. Wei kaP4 IL.
w. =
r: -
w. CUNNINOLLLItt isatbenonpontn
Na 28 liorkot Man., Wow. MLand tionn.d.
Partionuir lineation paid to odd Oa Alsonn
Viet mom: v WA. - • •
QwThEy - CUalrul, 'Coal Atembiaiti
getrAVilsVii= ,607,1da 24.11
Tenverat •
111 Ay AND
tuner •aft &Antal Way,
,aa! Wawa* Naas.
red Man LtaltaatuaWtanasPilal Iphjos_eanalgta
mat as gala DT W. rOlh ws. - T
s =
hat ystaeo at anisb Yalu*, taw, Yorks
muta Da oranniaaa sod the=a at trak6taay aya
ralel.mad lama. tbair tatradaaties.
LLILE-50 bbia. White Loaisviller gale
Doctor G. Reichhelm
NFORMS his friends anti - the public in gen
all. Out ha has remand bis 45. 1 9 Nam ac..t:
neat to Bt. Chdr Hotel.
!SAIAH DI .Y , 1C0., Agents for Me
thanWii Iron Worts. Kup ccavtanily igt hand
0 0.1
ale at vv . ) law prke. of 1.1.1ar quaint. Bar
sad Sheet Ir.. Nano. Spike.. &0.
rt. SUMMER RETREAT in now open
mr tbe esommomistlon cd Ashore. • The besets of
ellgs b gra h rteijintr u rg.4. '" 7. ' l,4l=r t :4;
bk.:wine Flats nal Shahan'. a tbe thaomthiode• Ste
Dot Ihr 11111 the premix..
los Cam Freak hat ht the P.
kw. wua• •
about. tastsrolls. hot op at
The ma and aosskrrtable nuts bost INET. la , .
the leading, totems. Pitt street sad the Old •Alleshar
Kddr,_et the height: deg of ears hoor—from o'oloa . A.
la . llll 10. P. DI. Q. errs Mip rrely rains, at W.
tr art Melted to sew a
The Garda Is kept toTompormare prlnelphs.sod ease
atilklik7. attlesd
F. R. Moore, IL D,
speed attention to the trestmgot of il;eares of no•
men and <Wkly.. and acute anew& generally. se .11 ea
ebronio and surgical diem.. Met on Anderson etevet,
near the Bunt gam% tnidgs, and nest door to the Plan.
Ind 31111. Allegheny My. O. hours from 7 to gA. M.
Rem 1 to,LAral from T to 9 P.M. iny2ty
LIGHT3Mitt BOOS-.--Spratt's Patent.
' JA.1:88 JACItSON, Gmu.u. MW.
Whoicao POot, 86 W ood Out,. Pittiburgh, Pa.,
• loat.Tigta.. cateli - •
struct/411M they eatmat set ant of enter. The far
enerrnerVta unetvalledlVe 'whole batithlY nr
namental, and' without &mute the bat mamma
manufmtnred. , J. Jeeknon vent Mtn& them .1
camper tot. • Prim et the atom, 10 cent.
Gentlemen me th
e, reclented to an at 641 *O;4
etrort, and 1,1.11110 atenm .lure. thenimat mkt
be peen. myna
BUSBEY & smcLem,
HOLESALE dealers in Grooeries, Ohm,
trate,. crel
70 Dock. sad Ll 3
Vantlrar d awit=l2ll in Ur* Lau Sir
Derive Lim •
a,. to—M. 'lira Ca b ag 3 hat
'T. M. Ilows, alta'r', e.
Alexander Bradley,
N.INUFSCTURER of every description
of COOSIIVG 97024. of them od Tee
sod each se *III realer the heat
. Abw—MRLOIV FTOFYZ. =mg which will 1,4 band
Jewell a Itmes celebrated Wales dmtParlor atom. Yee
*wpm Radiate= Installa Stoma plain and fancy Ord°.
to which we Invite the ...Um of Whirr. Tea Soft/er.
Hollow Were; Se alers 14 2C: to all of which we W
the attsatka of Letts parchasias *lumber. its
• larfir
.CIEO. E. ARNOLD & CO. have thin day ar
lum rsaauat wan them MIN IL SCULLY. Tkuo stria of
lbs arm will bow bereinfore.
kittg.lth. Blay lg. MI. [ma
(Formerly the Exchange.)
Corner of Penn and St Clair Streets,
lIIS spacious, central, and axon. con-rlai
*any loot. 110SZ .1.
L. Lavine been .1.. e. 'oi
led, and 11=6 ,, 00 1. ,..11. 6.1 Improved. Is wet
*peal. the a.. , f the petal ,
Th. aithaiplkr" am Photr.t. at the sr. meta
110T1.1, re 6 7 teams h friends es. the War
that he bee .11.61 61 In the 1.0. eleat sod comfort.
bls stile, and. mplored Llididalttl and attentive
it servants. end War he tej . l:_amr• n 0 exertion
to teaks equal teens house la the
The vorell kora n central tread. ofigTeoiree, and or.
ni..6 of theartanueusentx rend... It the m.idellta e
aeither to travelers or permanent taienterv. Wilton Wm
eol=al hope Sir ...liberal sou. fj.rirAn.
AMUEL KROESEN keeps constantly ork
'used • cool omoromeat of Vozlt and Dab tut.
Is hi,
Well. Kitchen or Drs. Backe.
all oil.
Wood. Bo Morn*. .
W Dl
as of mato oosorro, ZiMl tborry
W0r00..., Alison. Mal. Fifth moot. Pittobassb. Po.
.Presh Asiortmesat of Spring Goods.
TN0. 55 HOMAS PALMER is daily receiving,
ass, it, Lawns
M ti ARYUT STILIET, teallut. at Use ee
llawcii ?Lir' a..“ 1 .trevt. riagiaA
largo is steam: Melt. of daemon beautiful
JtLPZY =YEW awl tun ;showed b We mita
tot . teas, . - TS. 011....• fall 0.10 , 4 urethe
esti* pecalarl &sae. leml the colore. I. haul of due.
Statiotstaalassed. n un 10 sews upased. sher picas
slaw. To We estrectieelot vf stab. of settleb • lane to
eatetet am he broad tit data than doomiptiou,
dee enmata& of easeeheat a scut boom SATO. a
fully laritad.
_ ere".
'CCIED & CO., Wholesatu andtail
lissafsetsnss, sad Dad.. 1.1 . M . C5) . =
-osor of Wosd sad PULS strewth Pi
stet fall and ootoplsts stook of lisp. kilfS, lan ce Ss of
4.31r7 sad Ails, kr St Waists sad SAW. NM Ifs
.its Wr upsilon of their csoblasos sad pardomr. ma+
ally oastrlsii atm teat tho7lllll an on taa iota Mts.
DIGBY; Merchant Tailor, Ihtipae,
end Dcalerla Regmly Ma& Ciathia..l= Libarty
— lfni burgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
Tm: andenignod tune just completed their
sod sas sow lasuntsatactss all dal. of GAS PIP;
eastsdirs sad att. Els., sag AI dm of
whist. Mar eget Or .sati st tbs lomat prism ?bey sty
:2 , 7 . prepared iv *maids !dm. to bettarthuitboat as.
f . Ibt:9l sad 92 Kest strys
eo.. of Wialant itretriV7k%O....des gann t
ar n.
Li %Ina dar dlasolvol br limitation and indnul cannot
Enna of Ur sindcrainnal Icatdbartsed ^ panne tba &c
-ommis of the al tnln. WM. MeCULLY.
, osPp. LOnlnn Z s _
Plitabonttn.Tedy 1. 1011.1.4ta1$ 111114. WIGHTWAIII
let the Norlb.Amriesn =dad 0,111. P., Win
be kl theft sCIM, to ratitiordb. on llanelay, th e 4h
day of Anyinit et. 2 s'eltek, P. riucut.
Julyl,ltSl.—d*.l4:6 ; demise?...
The undersigned members of the Into firm
of lIIf. IIttIYLLY * CO.. We this day Instated Into Or
Nottortstdp astbre Q. trek or
I.° ` iof
tirtr.r of te.n.VVUnAiraw
tbtir lam asymirtopo lbw buds... they tottery
thematirest.tiat thoy tan tarnish la thole 1100 ego.
to may to
to to the coantflt and hot. bY tern
...ttlD le boater.. to matt a. sbatto of Moral patron
a xtoodel to tits old latto.._, a dlylt order tl i g , tjt , dra.
Wartluotut at
.10 'ater attlet vi hatonTa
Plttabati, July, 1. TAOS. RIGHTXIN.
STOOK of tho Merchants & Manufacturers
Dank, Mel of the Karhance 11. k. br
- IL D. LINO= reall Broker.
ggh-txmitmrid fbr Maori.
haater • Molar. lioorth .
For Sale.
LOT on Penn street, adjoining Mat
thew' h e sold It degrabA,ibl lot
atz 61,1dord to volt VA. pmooti ftg.r.
Hto .
KOS i 1 00.
To Gardeners.
FEW tierce or gound near the city, emit
of gosclgalog. •Ale. 1:11.inlm of
r• 0 A. IC ILXIIIOO It Co.
Curled Hair Matrasses.
I RANT on hand a largo welt of bintrain
mule ont of,rptho7:ll,.. .ar,totO
I‘lll4l. .111 plass eat • 1 , . n
t 07211 I W. Itst Wks.
P •
P .
PAPER ...440 reams:ll
b r at relative Payer. •
• •
" 12 br 112 "
eao " by . al, 24 by 2t Dr
LY ae t f k
ton " eeelqlt alit. VenfaPe
.350 " )lallata Cekrera Rg.
Tba talerelanal Rena eenestauttr uo Mod for eels
or aarbanas lar p.. Wye sad garteral aseueteseat 'of
Natty. U.P. 100 101 . Mabee... sad Tea 0.10411 &moot
Iluarda, to, le.
also—raltler or all staaa. 1.4 Mot nuitiotattaoril.
printing I,aper mole to cadet on latift 100,
• J. L. /ALEX.
wens ..rew Peran ItWile sta.
HDry Flint, Gm eale
jut it W. a/it:BAUGH. ' •
ACON-7 ceokoSidos, ft7ieitle
/e 3 4 W. LtA
fif.4368-100 bble. New Lisbon gtin„
Q7OLM br W. 1144114U0
BORAX -0 C 3806 Refined, for sale by
I AMP BLACK-30 bble.ass'd, for 8010 by
PIO IRON--33 tons Allegheny, for sale by
IS J. • IL YLOYD.11o••• (lurch Dulkil.t.
TNEWO bbls. pure Cider, for sae
Vje3 J. a a. redo. _
WARM 150 doz. Ohio., f3fre,17,,,.
V I OLD SPECTACLES—A large assortment
Jeri emeer; AW L eee stea
A deds of all of the beet qattiVr drtfuill
IA to the video aterelt le[ to tem toto.! 1 1 ,
1 0 •
enco. POW.* pot lo to ord.. •
014 W 971124 otrt4.
Cift4P.F. StfAlVi....&—A,a4 this
_ileh Pee
16 ' 1=7b"'=;11 1 . nt d•P 41. *4 449.
InIT7 A. A. IMAM £ 00.
b n . cow, memeiS Per
110 1 alkuT1 3 e, kl Nun'.
- _ Gil Water st._
(IOPPERA3.--35 bbls. for Dale by
%,„) J. KIDD
0, wo o d A.
" • DIN 4
§L tit OANDLEB-10 boxes, prime arti
a el.. /Fusee by „ MP a CO. 4
VIEDIGATED Wines and Brandies, afresh
kthildtsceired sod for sale tif
111142 VP
6 X 09 0 B r f i r T 8
„ A ll a
or sin4sec To AND rim: sax mar=
-rson 117111092. . ' ' - •
'PAMIR', Nye. Iby ' Nor Sark ...-...' ......CO
CANADA. IWTion, ta Paitaa......-.-...... ' air Pi
WABIUNC/oN, Floyd tram Demers -...- air 1
ANINNICA, Manama. law N Ir---....,... .47 16
ARCT/C,Lace,for to. mi,....*.......-.... sky
. 921
CV" at RANCIMSTEN. Campball: 66. PIMA- or 25
rlttlilLre, Et trotiii:77 .7.7.. 7 - fil; il
AIRICA,Nyn rbr Naar Tork...-.....-...--....-. at .2
UCHAIANN Crabtrot„ ham Breata-.......-.. nig 6
OTTRYllAtahlrifirlagiala -..-
AZ lg
•_ • .
ILALTUI CronstorA. Mai No* 10
CAMBRIA. Uarrhoo, from 221
YRANKLIN. Memo. Or 20
ABLA. Jodklro. Dom Now
CANADA Martina from
wasilixbrroN, Fold
A(.111.0. Nye, unto r‘ot 7 Yorlt- 8
BALTIC Ornastort. In Now
NIAGARA. Btooo. favor 20
AROLIC. Low, woo Now Tort
111.31BOLDT . Lines kw HAnw-.----...1tt4 Ay,
MIROPA, Lott o tram Nlrr o
All from and for Worm* U58N11 2 . 22 . 0 .
AU Weal and Nevroipas on luall # ruslaad. To,.
Lood And Brotland us @W I*. IDA Or* doszrr. no matt*
*orb* Ilaa. .
Letter:l'odt. Caotkontt t Too p., Ds tt.
most bo prepaidety ono seats • irlograboors*Pit*
Lborw rlarso no to bo torwald . .
ltir_ro tbo dont or /Kb, the Could LIM
moot to Donald 1100 coots • rAbo.olropo UM*
Rlotos required to ho IA
Lotter* by et. Moro WOW WM* t.AR‘T tat
Guto per hat one. blood to be adds!. ars* to
roat Retain.
Nownapera by oltbir Lino. tO . ttio 0211 1 / 01 sto Inn *
prepakl tour roots nob. • -
Wood Po*** lams be wide! ow Loam and &we..
Jr to tba Coullowat of Europa, by thy ItArro And ==.-
US Wowing listof salads and deplatalm of the malls
tam Moats <omit, la dr lota, .
iX=lbum Cbsotandoso&
oT, " ,totr sod Nathan carts
Deism" Pon Jea. sod Um its Um.
The Doltish Prato. of Lover Catodssl llOu ims
arnassiekAs/ly .; Anton M. 36 a. ow
11.,. 16
Naas Esnma-By sod Ho Po.
lalcullos tint wallas of Bradford, Umbria, Mo
o.. JoMsts, Lyeboolny littaln. Medway POW
Tlogs. Colon . oat pat of eo ots Idiscomao.„
llaramllo, Salem M Rads,‘6.l
uscounty. Arrive. Maly, at 13 Lad &pals day sS
2 1 4= 51grati n , ,t 'Cio .d orflad., vmo.i. sid lifr uw asos .
Arolaost oa. sod mal la 6 L.'s
SCUMS] soa Woofcsa-dlo WitoblasSoa,'Pli anew
Pasta, Samorod. woof Wortmral•ad atletilty.
I.ll4.4,H•JUlDOrOr.tliZlAlMlCity.lkattternari .NV
an pals of 01ao sna lisoloostr, Waal; Tema
as. Shan., ollaoad. blladsaltat, Aztsfuns, Nattb Coro.
lloo• Goonis.lnalalsals,Ploolds. sad Tons. dall7. Woo*
st 0% P. &pats .sot
1111oe. P Warm gt, U./dams,
mu, Gaon, sad 'Snowman. mnadissOblo,fallf.
Antra ol 1.1 mt. at ok :„ .. u.
Nona Knorsra.-HiS sod Clasland.
Bean Ps, Op_loso IV= Palms. Os
Ca =
tar d ol= . ‘l744 .
sou up., mums.. mkt Stos i = 6 „ ZrelZis amain
of the Maas of Indians sal MI 1143.
ma, loon, sod aloponslo. M I A. 84 do.
st 6 a.
Knono.By Plaraobsti. ilonall.l aid , Tonos•
tom, rmond, Littman& Hlskloolslas, Armarons, Clap
lon. sod Clartald manias. dolly...apt ea Mandan A.e.
"•=ty.'"l"..Miit g aMbt. .1%,,5n0r
11. Lod". Molar rumm.
Va=si.ti ad dapats Alandas.
Samnanto Ball, sod !ton
assahol• Cad. Antra tamdsm Iridao.l6. O R if..,
pv10d074 , 2i0 50d i . 0 601167 5 14. 6 . 1 1'..
Cool 1:/lastattgana, 00mkM 6, Panama. 13.,
oon,Ctoalown, Perryopolis. Lad lAbara. Upper Middle.
ton, Ps. Amon Samar. and Wedloalsis, at 0 ad
wit Moods. NM IbaiW7ti 5k C.a. a. •
pastor. V 5...-117 Vfalkses m NobLatmon,
RanrettAtinrn, elow Creelg .I.llago. Wasson'. isil i rPa
Palma it.. Arriwegantisysard onoloto.ld 4 , 14
do onots otslao good Tboadmo, 1 0.8
koalarn a N
lusoo. ornoesailla Moon. Mao
tan, iratlrti. Braings, pa. Falrotar, V. Anna on
12257. 5. o dames om Ostoola„ sl 5.. 8.
i0000.000.-13y Manse. Nato, Wiahlodloo. sad Apollo.
Fa. AM , . en WOhir2.7. st 6 o.>ti depute on 'iambi
1",421.11 iern, AMT.. 00, Plid6Y. 1
r. 4, 1
oo ?",,. 6 sitaba. S. 04.
room*. Afrines trl-warkly-ansW, SlMmoda. nod
andsy„ at 7.,i a.„ sad Sawa Mandan sal
Woodsy. st 1.1. •
Loma at Cal Sally =at. ona mar
Was thdo = s
mootlf.sal soolls, mut be Is tboOdla Salsa how
boats their Smart..
cosatort. WIT rea TVS ISITIO.PIa easceLL at
' - N. HOLMES it :SONS ! Backers.
PIO.= Market rt.brforas 27tirstad Aderk sta. PiNaterph. •
PrNINST ',TAMA.. ,Brareth at klaankts-...-X
pa t dt at rtosenue.---kar Unmet. at Waanorrdo
akttateam Bank oldo.-.:111..bat Xttels--....-do
Ka. and Ilan. or AN-par Stuck as -do
Data areoetmara , ..-par City Bank. Clnoittaatt,-.--de
Doak otNrate Amite- Idommardal /MCtabus.% de
Rasa ofklartnallhartteNter Prasdala Mask-. • ...tle
Matto( Patuullra WIWI. 6.9------...e.
Yank of Pane T0...A-Par LUe 1a5.31-tb:
Sauk of the Unttad Elates 12 Wreatere Henn.
o=ll 2 ltaak of 6.666 UseitON. de
.. 4 22.
a erbaddedek bon h otra-....... do
Girard Sank- -.......-......-.. • . NZW • LADD.
Neeetaetteltattk. AD =Prot NI
litaaarara kWh Daak-par • N
l uziwi
r=g i tiSallk.- - -... - - - 11:iiii= 3i
wzrk ... e=._....eariDalttllaate..--",-.
WA. 11au1t.........--... -- IDILA - WAlt 7
. 02 04C a tt ,„ benburgl , id An gontr i gt .. .—• fi
5...kat....w...---.r. , Et.k .e ri t tl. Tattjack , ...7.2.
ei.o,,,toaLt:e.,ebrater....t . Ilk meta.
Peak of tenkokatetna--par Ss. Lae k a-. 7 14TA111T4 .
Bosh of Out) rtrasitt.- Ii ram:mare et V trona
Pant a tadiateert-.. lletelegote orb. Bank
. I
Bap! of ktiddlateen.- la Net& Roam ....
Motitatt.rr '''' 1 = .L.:4. ,r'''''.-- -
Dank et Northam larett;
=kls Phirtara akar 51 ..2 .‘17 . 1ai... I
Water* Dtelt-.--par C
Rank- -gar Ilerakaate N eatens
• Itar.k-.--... Id POLTII CA LINA. 11
Warman , 66n6at - 606.1100116666 or (2 , 6 , 166=•••,•i 1
7..... Et afeet n7141110:4. Mete.' 3 M.
Enta Dter. Waynesburg. NI • OZOMILL •• •
elliaDk.A aatdastealt..... D./ D.W.1 0,
Uoneadala tnta lla
aa -- Ilk of Etrua aO
ner 0
LaNcaster Sank--....par TLIINILWAb •
.c... 07 6666-466 1. All drat trak.-...-- B
Etrea Baaa ..--par
Marts' Beet arwohniu .% out llu n u . l4l.9alion
ktotenetabela Baelk-!par Ilk of Lea tarttek Thorales
Waal Maack liatik-....- Id Nott.ll. Dk Of KileetrAT
weemlag bk.Walleaberrapar Southern Lk of Nottarlr
!OA Dauk-- - 111/4300 W.
SAW Nease . -- - -7.- t Bk at &ate et .31i..meti....3i
Ml2NatePa.k....---- N . Ftstoltirdt sod bratate
at Al =.---,-.2 Bank a l lltit
. i toda. i ...-.-I1
Latta , Vt....., Marta** h. ils. ri... ells 6
Omer, 66 atilantee---do
Ws:eh at Cla.lled-....d0 FaraalA r afeeti ! Built . 3 , 1
Itraerh at T0kd0_..... ..detlortroommtPlealt PaelL-11
Stanch at Ported-.-...:..d0 Padua.. Max.
Manch at Polawara...--.46 lostusamOc66l.67--.. 3
hoar!. Col State Bast- ..- 9
Itratra at AstatabuLa-...d cut 76177
tn.& at Na......,_.......eie Mtetll.ll.Anart."
brute& at Uamtba1d......... Bask of the Ateplo. Toreatot
Meath at Klplay.-.-...-do Sauk of kleetreal...--II
Mbat Bank °ID. Canada. Torostak
utt at Clohobeta.--. INSTL
Brawl at.kwaskelgtea.. Qo N krladel dc.. at
Demo at IV [SIMI ELLIJANO - 1.
Mere at Letittr/0. , --...
r. mk ,.. ge m =esakt_ ....... := l. tiOLD l =ll=l IL %
Drench at Got
rang .1 T12. 7 ...e... ---itt
at , i
Hawk at Laa.rilka-....-.tre Sas% rar. MOO
Same. Norealk--..-d rtsdarlel.Tera- -.- 1.00
Purl at P
onies. . 1 u1u... 0.00
Puna at Paruesteuth-...-d 1u1u... ......--- Ase
Bra nc h at Babe -...........A0 Serentgol-....- 4.14
Branch at 1tantaa.........-do Teolludldara..-........A COI
Iltseck at Napklaana.---..-..-. 9,e0
Prawn at tk0abaaa.........d0 Datatt--........--....9.19
ftaeth at TrAde........--de ' •
- -- Aids OP STOCKS. .
2 ' .uarmuut.
wo; 11 1 . 1;110 104.1.011Ju1y
11111 at. ha a ANI
lo ft 141105 1041.11,1017
IV): rd ' IPt lift:lllV* try
UV 00 14
1 1 40
100' 0,1 July
10/ 101 I? Int.J an&de
luul [n41007.01(1
1103 tl7 l 011 do
001 . Ib‘
10 03 .4,
601 67/i161:
1,0. Wm.
n }lvan& tin.
, .
Uu coup.'.
Da. r04t.6'0.--.1
Watirati l l b i
F.xegb.ur .....
mum. Met.
. .
ht. Ch d
ar Pridne......— ;
lltte Intene
Northern Uhertke. • ;
witliamevw Bridito
24 25 21
03 K.
cu. 44 1 44
10 v.t 2 , 3
25 .-
1 1 I
Westrrn 11.11141.<4
'lAtluue ' lap,urance
Asaocialed Illrelnatt a 4.4
60 10 1 40
00 4T 40
4/, 23 •
i - -
Mnrw'x 0 0.
' acaianal
Pittlbor 0
Nowa gun'.
liauctua&l..7 ya , krat , ox i :
ireatl , Cot l ll ' . ll l l
14161 Ohio 1111 Zaal—i
Clara a Wellagle N. h.
ulna 11. Way.
.MT 110*0.
1.1: 1 )rttI
,2a a l3;_,
Tartla Creek Paula ltcad
Perry - nine Pk WI
G Cbartints evenablrCoal Co. "l—
4 . 47 IWi
10 11144:
40 -
44 .12 I aL
pit,..bui.W. •.
'at "
1 i
I 11
Smith's New phies.
31ITIFS First Book in Ueorewn in-
S toidootwi Booliowhh/. • Wm.
Wed Lei .ruir.mwsot i rmor. , vil Book
Aewaex mood to
Book; illwitostod with 30 ohowl hoollo o ottEAßOtiowselOW
.mace O. ABM, A. U.
.14 br 711 Atotki oh. •
ILAYE on hand . Imo' ansortm' of
Ibrltilamer rinehrtd sad fbriatiled enriateTv.W. tr.g.
Tumidly. 7nly, 29.
.. . .
!Itt miming the taaridi for yestrldalf. ara hard_ta 1.6-
Ike a coatlnuad savant tunnaaa In cyan thins. and aa
Err u Inp wad 1.111.11902214 ben.' the regular banal
or nitill imullawalast fa eft eassitartlret test nhona
1101M-411a mod <deb* rialtda fn. eels* k dala
mu , Ur eutarn ahltaaant. ronsequortdir. tra ...;.P.rt
..itans Of eniuNlCllllllo6 11? th• 19111114. • WO my eaoUn.
oar widatima Mat wawa wad dm. at 832503 7k and
4 ,
In= atm In dray lotgogia NO7 .00344 Slbbi.
;GRAlN—ire he. alterationi , o notice to tni grata
...w.: &woe bk ' Wan'prdtallabt share Chi *Anna
la of barred. end bara.lreen candood to : Malt tote.
wheal 02063 c rya . corn 3444% and Me at 30031 a
.... _
asoczarts—w. hake • fair novas baudatts. but us
lusai Wes of grooesle. Busts la reestr at 63011634 g No=
Dims 36357 e; and OoCs at 934 Piii• °M'
• •
PROVIS lONS—WIth tL..za9tiou of NU..•• ho..
Ito seJoe 'of conlegueao. to twat. fishes 3000 M, La lots, at
TIC Ite shoulders, 51‘85550 tor ekles, sad to far plea home
Wee sager eured esoraesed beau et 10%. PS. Scull
sales dried bleat mom s
• Wlll.BlBllT—delea of 110 bbls, lavarions Molted lots. et
. ,
OILS—We notlie a soodertie bailors, at for Idogood;
258 fr. No 1 lard Tse, and No 2 at 1:08522.3 ill pall=
0/lEl:2s—The marker supplied, with • far reit.
aloe busk.. at 0Q51438.4(8 , 8 ;cod 08088 to
FlXß—The sales bare been principally congaed to No 8
iasekorei, at fall PriOe4 =7 8 8 'Mgr P bbl. • .
. VEATIIELS—The mortet L modeoatelr suPPiled..aitb
saw Ie lkoltal lots at 8 485 35 . P D.
HOW ewe a ]Metro—The St Lodz MPabllnW.Dal•-
Mabee that:4oons carnet of • letter, cad nit lib Clan
• Meal retlledeble entree, Wed •
-Lumen,. Mo., July
Darter my trip to Pans. • Meta.* el 60 mike. ht •
mutat INA.•rrly dhZon, alley lowing the river. mina ten
mites. tdN not me • single mopof hemp north entdna ,
and paned on the route many &Ida. NumMai.of the eh o .
tare aer they Mil 'doughop their entire "owing., Akmat
Fe'Wm and on the high upland.. the ,roy le fair. 1 son
eline to the opinion th at our ova t all much balm •
lf usual yield.'- From Noma t0...W.10ne on the north side of
the rime. it la even .one than ours. Su/. hem Imp
made hem at Pk loom, bs End mai M . hhe hoop'.;
TOELIGN Ilt3N—ThelPosing tebte, ooNed froP , tho
?dhois, shove the quantity of loon hoPoned foto ire ,
York Mufti the non sad amid pouters of 1150 nod 1151
• 1660. tow- 1631, tans • RIM]
Laglish awes gad vistas. 3=9 6305/ , _
Bars. 24,613 2.4701 2163
Ilan and axis, 1,446 6.095 3649
Rail sod Ws, 37,/a) 40409 2163
iron, lege. 26=7 7610
Swab sa4.lltutoiatt, 4.670 6.099 691
lite Eno old, July M.
SPERM—Tta market continuo gala, and whey, wit
to report • sale of 3= lads at 11 1.1 Joel, which Is • Might
decline tram venous salec..
=or. wahtt Love. Holders. however. manta ref, Ma
and prtera hard so mond taraterwy. Via =Um atom oar
last mks of VA Ws at a tato LW bbla South Fes, fo: ex
port, Ina 'made Lace Our taw.. at Co gal.
WHALEBONE—b. mon 5zt.1”....1 p. 10.4 bavo mimed
TM Ma. 3.134* 41400 Do Pau Xtlic 33. lad WAX,
Mons Conlbarstru-L4r. Cwt of the city Cant. lemma
tit that a large quantity of mortice gold donate bees been
tabunwed loco etron baton within a few day. feet, She
. :M U ,
Le good, with the exception of a light tau r all
or and light welabLt•
Lt would be well for the aubik to uereire
la receiving this swim of earreney, am it well ealantia
tad to docuu. medal) &noon thwe but Ilttk atinueloted
with mover mattere--I Ctn. Gag.
Itint—?Were wen 1 Ibit lutYpeo In cbs.b.t. by
14. MA. last eszaib,. at •taied •
Bleblona Boxes, Bearer.
llma, iletaka. Bears.
Atlantic, l'ortloooto Brown., Me.
J. McKee, Ilezekhekto. Meliotoport.
Bastame, soOrani, Woe assail.
Thai !Ratite. Ballsq. %tett Neotoo.
Jae. /Selma. Bor.. in...Haar
Arena. Rhine. Wellaatills
II Mani. Bayou. Cloelanati.
MebilAn. D.j.., lint.,
Deaver, Ilordaa. Dicm.
Atlantic, Parkflum,
J SLMee, ILedtietrcq Mt KIMITOIC
floe Nen,. DAM.. , A•TI AMA.
11=Arell. Trbeellam i
Ea pm.. MI.
Jo& Dia n .
Z" 7 ll‘ lolmbia. Otril,. • Av o.
D Lieda I Ws i Puke& bow d&LIT at 11 • ia &Ed
StrATISH-4110 2.1
11.017,11.11.1 rmact tau'
11R0WN11 6 11.1.6. I v x, ma 6 La.
11120R25 BY. BIVEIt.
416H.-115t raor No ::-71 Mob tob tones t Co; ZS
a.-orur k 7do Mara Joar4 lo& do Wll lolnudon:
Nu brut coo.; 09 do mta J Grier; 60 601, Bow Bad A
a1CA37.1472a , Mii0n0...19 NM vamps Lcamic Z 1•If
tab 1 bz butt. 1 bbl .u, Z Usbablton; 2 au no ki
8 Suomortla. ... . , .
. •
CINCINNATI -4M .1 Y Dalrem-12 ten haw &Dna a
lalrols.. Ina I bell manromn Leech k Cala tolls leather
Xeradmil. Cowsla 111 bble •Ihiskey Li II OM= 3) do 11
Wataro,..2bm mLba Baker Foma; Ido A Gordo= 117
bble wants? R rwl4 MI do mama enkar Dolmas a C.r.
'4o Illilehlams t - 115 10 Waft mm• D Ilansbar;lll4atoom
B Lam* WI Dna whisker 41 bade tob no mar 10 aka
wool Walumitbed k XI berm D Lash Co; .
1 In katber laD MlltalbarMr; la =gay ala bblo 17 bid*
0 W Vothh.
REES E. JONES respectfully intijrnui City
Iletcbante awl the r Pale irrelf r y, ihat be bee
lIVITtIZTOICT. r i sit 'rag
wart of IL JL r.esw..c•. 1)4 Store, where be bee bow
I. rta.. 1.. 1.10. •W z = l amoctoeent ef the
mast ooroved Tlndala Wanda and a select...wt.
t of Ito Imparted For" of the <bolero/. brand.. also.
toad. Ise Kezar Loa All kisals of Kentucky Tobacco
anon natured rein can end dlepasob. Oriere thankoally
rear and tacenTolf atitnacll
--; IL 11.!JONTS.
310 nta3o Wad. gas and Burr Wrapint Rey:
" 60 " Cro , rn "
' 110
moiled Mourn*
-13 boa
la I,oo.o.lmjS*Oflat Toter.
100 " Manta mama 24107 Mating Parr;
100 " Lamorlal 'Mini
34 "
no anorak. with a lot of odd st =a= ars of parors,lbr salt at
Os toned ri.t. by W. B. ILIVY..I,
avkloacr and Pape Donlon
.1•23 owner of mutat 10:010.epna stmts. •
IQPECIAC E W.—We hive complete
)7 wet or Gait, !Ilya Lad 30.1100001..10ft...110 0 . 04
amailty of convex sod oonravo Mason, Wo slanase to
ovary variety of rlaiors, orcontlag so 100 1 .4 0 ,0 , .. 14."-- f
'Aka* Itr..onuo.. 1,..341 W. W. 1130..
INSEEII OIL-14 bbls. for Yale by
' • • New /Endo:
HEMBER has kult, reccived--
. Noy Ph, by e. C:Toeter. • - I
Street blame. es vault bl atrom7 1 4
Choi Chtiolatta. wads from pony - see
rfjl4: B =itra ' frft ifro iftoo Wale. of
• VlVVlturoftfo Smootto Pedal ;H .
From ow merry Seder Home. weal Moat, by
Wilt thou be &me lcre. 7oml,lMett. bY E. C.
Vora sot =of. &tett. by S. C. indef.
, • Owe I brad thee ..//el7 dam. by 1. C. foster.
1 well 4 oaf die la Winter. _r
• it.o.ot b....A....t.keng. •
Peta-11eartod: Srerorreb, Dear O
% itoolattr.
Widen.. Wallace, dun Jortet. National. e0chb,. , 301. , .
tfrmoro. Plaeolhao, to:tertian, Sopta,fradsor.
weumm....l.lmoaer. , Wyerly'a Alexandria. .11/PIIIIOIe,
Wood N,ypeph. fatrerrttle. Tbr= Sistere, eto Al= • Mee
vetoed= of fweign south. Moo of the dollen limp. 101.
Thlrl - • -
SPONGE --Extra fine Turkey. formic by
3.22 . 21 Wocd
Dung 1,r,4 Aar Omen , ebroolnaellor.Parisereent
. o ms. elm, to; for role los
I. scuool4 Malt t CO; roi woml
DIP. Mu 4164
DicJaall pet
IQrfr24 and j2l t for;l ECIIOO7IMMg
GLUE--L: b r b c i toA r attill co_
LLEN'S - Nervo and Boum : Liras' oent-4
D 1..%! pc et.
M.{Pf a6 ma
Zack Tim from LiveroooL
dboro lot Of steonx lad Floe Ylerared tZlibk/U
vbirkk woo Wel bill be Annul to bo• Uttle .10,
rl *or to htu.nreb. SW public .0. Imam' to trr thaw
S.—Eribliab. It4o end boot& people inberticular—es
they an exactly tbe bube blade of Tees tire:beer In the
Old Coontrr. • pas
4OFFE L---15ti begs Rio, for sato bq
PAPE ALOES-1000 lbs. fora aby
V le^ I N
1) B
b U y SSIA
ODFISLI-6 tisroos for sale b
JAPAN VARNISH--s. bbla. (Baltimore}
j.7*a gala br ' " • Nrct. friat
INEGAB.—§O b ocider for We by
4.6 " von h i der a co.
VANARY SEED.--3,500 lbs. just received
VI Dom ibs Sul. a p_t!at, arne v t r itar a d f fa ale
b 5.6 • coma . Wcal Wish amt.-
REPINED BORAX-500 lbs for solo by
- J. KIDD 00.. 60 Wcal
=lOOO lbe. fqr,Bal,g.
GLIALETT'S 303 RENS—A fresh spuply:
VII WO =PAM fitl.9,
_ oonatef Elmnd dtd Alare.
y ff iapsper iuursordem
TacimAs' pAualt; 55 ititirket etieci. ry•
i widaity the mtmist. imr.h..1.1..
and slangy. Aoet i copliglAbas slaw.
1.11 1"." 11=1.9 1 011 1 1no of badiu.s. • Jell
IA A , OM/FEE-10 bap Tpry ° stmeri r,
iusuatirmisx salat y, •
vnixiAm . ioarraros.
JOILY 6T6OLISI, of Laiscatt,".•
JONIO.I. K COMA'. of Montour, .
Pffli%Us - 4tMMfi•tlNgl
intimasonic. and 'Whig C.:n:a'ti Ticket.
tIWItitST ortas OP, rammer tot,? ,
WALT 41t. YORWAR D, of Peablm
II ERRE' W. WILLIAM& of littstargt,
ruslom =MI or corn or oVALMIII rawr&
WM. B. VELUM of Pltzsborzh., • •
mho - curs mum or Cum. or Vann SOUCOIII,
• WM. 00008, of Cams di char.
=OMAR L. MIILLLAN, of AllegAroy. '
JORN ircurstunr. a waft,....•
' •
TOOO3 MILLER..of aMorrwarr
.1000 MILLER. of Yordlrsok.
SA3fITEL V . 6lLNwsrocic, of Pittabars,f4.
ALEX. RICILAiII)3OX. Allutt..7- , ~.
CU. 07 T. T.
JOlnf V. ROWLAND. bf "per 13LCIAlr. '
W.ll. WEBS, of
nnot. AlWhimsy.
Sony 11:31ERIt.K. of IrCondko.
17101 HEW YORL
nru,. PitUbwOlAlli Uautl..l
• • New Teen, .Inly 24, 1851.
The weather, which has wllted ever; thing else,
has etrack the stock market, and Created quite
pude in some. descriptions, mod made holders
of Most of the fancies more inclined to eeIL—
Money is in rather better demand, and the legal
rate is obtained readily. The banks ere not
anxious to eitend their discount line, though
they never leers better prepared than lime. An
other count has been Marko! the vide in town,
which is found to reach within six hundred thou
tlitld dollars of the sum held on theist of July,
though in that time we have gapped over four
millions of dollars. .;
A gent hue and crY,liis been raised by the
locofoco Evening Post and the Journal of Com
merce, against the nine million of canal -eJ:lltit-ge
meat certificates, which are denounced si frau
dulent, and not binding upon' the State. - The
Comptroller has advertised one million of the
scrip for sale, and will Sell it, clamor or no clam
or, above par. It is a waiter of necessity with
-our banks to hive it. Their circulation is based
upon the stocks of the State, which are so scarce
llaat banking operations are impeded thereby.—
'So =all is the supply,-that banks have bought
l atocks owned in Europi at high prien.
107,410 17,793
i Quite a curious calculation tins been. made of
the coat of visiting the World's Fair in Europe
this season by Americans. The number absent
for this purpose is placed at five thousand; whose
manta are again estimated at one thousand dot - 1 ,
lore each, giving five millions of dollars as the
aura taken from the country. • As the sum was •
in gold or exchange, it may help to explain why
exchange keeps up no welL This five millions is
wasted eo far as the country is contented, and is
a wane investment even than French and Eng
'-.lish manufactures. The sum is one-third the
anneal expense of the General Goreniment only
twenty-five years back. •
The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, necessary
to creel a coloseal bronze statue to lie Witt Clin
ton, at Greenwood Cemetery, has been aubscrib-•
ed, and the artist proceeds at once to his task of
casting in bronze. The moulds are in a state of
forwardness, and our charming "city of the
dead" will soon be adorned with a monument to
the greatest benefactor of New York. Green- .
wood Cemetery is the tweet "public park" in the
Union, and is daily wished by thousands to see
the rich and gorgeous mausoleums upon which
Nov York. has spent millions. Infect, "fashion'
requires one not only to make a figure here, but
in Greenwood, where one would suppose fashion
would surrender her csiand bells. 1 •
Last night some eight thousand people mein.
bled at Caatle Garden to bear "Somnamliblz,"
.with Boaio as Amine, Bolsi as Aleeio, arid Be,
diali as Count Rodolphe. Such a whirlwind of
-excitement RO3 rarely sew even in our excitable
`mercurial town. Tim fashionables returned from
thtferpas to best the old favorite, and the good
church going population of Brooklyn turned out
• thousand strong to listen in' an atmosphere at
90' to the best given aperatioperformance of the
season. So great weather rush to get ott, that
several ladies fainted, and servers! 'beeps or Ix
dies" made by the crovid falling over the fainting
One of the 'arse - hotels of Broadway was shut
up yesterday, •Itienbuns," near Cortland et.
The rent was fifteen thousand . , dollars per an
num, and the'rnln of the house effected by keep ,
ing it filled with permanent . boarders at small •
prices,tothe excliimon of travellers who pay bet
ter- As a class,probably hotel keepers here
are as profitably employed as any, perhaps more.
The up town houses are sure . of fortunes, for
just now people have a 'fancy. to live out of town'
in summer, and in winter have a edit ofrooms at
a - fashionable hotel, thus securing the luxury of
life without the detailed troubles of the smaller
household, end this, too„ at a less expense than
one can keep house for.
In threeweeks we are to have a line of steam
ers to Norfolk, Va., which will about complete
our steemboat arrangements for a while: Not
to evil word skeet the scores of steamers - that
leery to Albany, libwpert, Norwich, Stoningt
rs on
and the Intermediate ports on the sound, the riv
er, New Jeey and the islands in the harbor,
there are one to, impool, one to Havre,. one to
Southampton and Bremen, two to Norfolk(neW),
one to Charleston, ono to Saveonah; two to Now
Orleans, and two Li Cbagresi all under the
”gridiron Saga." Every chip , yard, and every
engine estspllshment here is in full play and we
can plan supply any want that time may show in
I this 141Inth of public service.• C.
mu) RAILROAD..: . -
- On Tuesday, of last week, the Baltimore and .
Ohio Railroad was opened from Cumberland to
Piedmont, section on the Allegheny nicematsitem,
some 30 miles, If wo mistake not, west of Cul
berliusd. The opening was- celebrated 'With a
grand excursion, dinner, etc., with a goodly num
ber-of, speeches and toasts. We take the fol
lowing extract. from the .apeech of illr. SWAN;
the Trodden" of the Company, which will both
interest and amuse our readers. Our PlulaDil
phia f ri ends are taken off in good style, about
their cavalier tromitaumt of Pittsburgh.
Gentlemem I fear that I may be presuming
upon your patienee—(cries of no, go on, go on,
from all parts of the house.) I have said that
I could see nothing in the Ware which should
impair confidence in the ultimate success of this,
road. It is known to yon that. the-Legislature ,
of Virginia, at its last session, passed a law in- - ,
oorporsting a company to bring you in conneo=
tion with Parkersbiug,- on the Ohio rirer—ff
point which for twelve yearn, this company had
bean fruitlessly striving to roach:.and front
thence, with a rem' I extending- through Cincin
nazi to Bt. Louis ill the far West. This, peal •
men, is the greatest railroad charter that lad
ever emanated from a Legislative body. To the
people of north western Virginia, the city of Bal
timore, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, its advantages cannot be over estima
ted. Ito withering effect upon rival interests is
already beginning to show itaelf, in the spa&
audio efforts that are new being made is certain
quarters, to. arrest its progress. - (Cheers.) I
hare - seen it publicly proclaimed by a prominent
member of the Board of Directors of the Penn
sylvania Central Road, that this road never I
would be built. By what authority does he ea- , 1
dertake to spoilt for the city of Baltimore Gen- I
tlenien, lons not over sanguine in my. tempera-
meat—l am not &pt, to anticipate results ; . but
feel justified inlaying, that when this great north
western chatter shall be presented to our people
—when Baltimore shall be called upon for her
contribution to wry it out, krill mite a more .
wide tweed interest--itutill Imre.* more milt
ed and liberal =ppm.; than any work Irbichhas
engaged the attention of her calms, slim. th e .
origin of her present system of Internal improve
ments... (Loud: and continued cheering.)
Gentlemen, I •have authority for saying (the
enoceos of rival interests to the contrary not
withstanding,) that tho northwestern company
will be organised in teal than ten days from this
date.' 'Arrangements are already in active pre
trial to have the route surveyed and-prepared
for contract; and I indulge the .firmest cooly.
tioiy, that within the period limited by the char
within twelve month' after your toad is
opened to Wheeling—the great aft-eight line road
the forlorn hope,'.as it ham been:called in Thiia
delPhim will bo put in connexion with Parker,-
&Ott.; and it may be with time city of
marmot (woof those, gentlemen, if any th ere
be, who advocated the Wheeling terminus be
canoe I believed it to be the beet point of con
tact with the Ohio river, but because in the then
state of our relations with the State of initiah,
It was the but that could Abe accomplished. It
we bad not accepted the chatter of 15.17, you
would not now bra to coagratnlate yourselves
neon the right to connect with Parkerstuegh by
the independent charter of the Northwestern
Company. I deemed it , or vital importance to
this community that there should he no lone
delay. I could not stand by . with my semis fold
ed•and see the elty. of Baltimore cutoff froutell
the bright and encouraging prospects which for
twenty years she had so fondly indulged, while
so many end formidable interests were in um
don. (Chars.) I see no reason to regret the-
pnleyof the company. Its wisdom- , has bean
more than confirmed by events that . are .daily
passingerotmd us. The Central Ohio road, it -
is known, mast terminate at Wheeling. -That
city most become the =trip:* of a. valuable.
trade which amid not be reached by a t=oner,
ion farther south; coed her'shoetest and best out- .
let to the seaboard is by theßaltiersore and Ohii
I have heard a great deal, gentlemearof late +
about the Heinpfleld road, connecting - the city 1
of Wheeling with the Central Periminnis line. •
I confess I do not feel enificiently Informed to.,
speak here of its plans or prospects. The cost
of this road has been estimated by competent .
judges at $3,000,000, and may be, gentlemen. I .
do not mat=d to know. I. my • venture the
=nuncio, however, that with the rivalry of the -
Baltimore and Ohio Rfulrkad on the one hand,: .
and the Parkersburg road on the other, private
capitalists may hesitate some time before they: -
embark $3,000,000 in any such enterprise. And
why should Philadelphia in her corporate caps-'
city, buihi a road from Greensburg to Wheeling,
to destroy Pittsburgh, Haub is to be its 'effect,
when it it demonstrable that ate-can get an ea. '
tier and better line to connect with the Central
Ohio road at Wheeling, at one-half, the coot of *,
the Hempfield roadl
Gentlemen, itstrilms mean somewhat remark
able that Philadelphia, after -all her efforts to
build up Pittsburgh; and they have been credi
table to her State ride, should now hare die- •
, covered that her salvation depends on cutting'
Icon from that city, and following the Baltimore
and Ohlo Railroad to its formerly despised and
ridiculed terminus at the city of Wheeling.—
(Tel:id cheering.) '
Pittsburgh charges her with perfidy, and.en-
endeaeors to turn away from her in disgrist—
Why is this, gentlemen, why all this excite-' '
meat' Is it because the Baltimore and Ohio? •
Railzoad have selected a better terminus than^
Pittsburgh? Is it because Philadelphia hes -no
confidence in the policy of the 'Central Pennsyl
vania road in selecting a point which has sig
sally failed to secure the trade of the ,
Whose fault is it -that Philadelphia to be ha- '
volved in this immenao additional on ay to
pair errors which ore noweb , boldly an onblush- •
Maly admittee .
Gentlemen, as en evidence of the excited acute
of. feeling now - prevailing among 'c a d Pennsyl
vania friends, I have a letter of recent date on
my table in Baltimore, from a most respectable
source, proposing to re-open the subject of the
ConneLnille and Pittsburgh charter, eith a view
to an early connection with this real. Nov. I
it to be nuderstocsi that I never:. at nay
period, objected to a connection by railroad with
Pittsburgh. under proper circametances and at
a proper time.- I considered, Wheeling a better
terminus fur the Baltiknere and Ohio Railroad
than Pittsburgh—and I am equally candid in
saying, that I should have considered Parkere
burg, if it had been offered to mat the time this
road was pot under contract, abetter point dem.
either. When the- paramount claims of both
these roads are disposed of—and they cannot be
disregarded—it would be the interest of the
people of Baltimore to =courage, by every
Lproper means in their power, a communication
with the great and populous city of Western .
Pennsylvania. Gentlemen, it is your tree policy'
to invite connections from whatever quarter they
may come, and to give aid's . = assistance to all
such as maybe likely to contribute to \ the aug
mentation of your trade. • •
But the anxiety of Philadelphia do s not end
here. Wheeling it appears is not lik ly to give
her all that ahe is in pursuit of. Her tones are -
far from being nanquilized Some of her wise
men -lately held a meeting to pledge her enpport,
in addition to her oihergigantie undertakings,
to a connection between Wbeeling and Marietta,- -
with a view to the Southern trade of Ohio. Dis
trusting, at we are leftto infer, the Lama= Of
their own free choice estPittsbargh,..they first
come to Wheeling by the Hemptiold road, but
when there, the next impulse teaseeizee them is,
to rush on to the village of Marietta in a wind
mill attack upon the trade of Souther& Ohio.
(Cheers.) Gentlemen, this whole excitement is
referable to the passe of the North ;Western
charter. It needs no penetration to discover
that Philadelphia sees the influence which the
peen straight line road from. Baltimore to St.
Louis is destined to exercises:mon all her existing
and future relations with the trade and trove'
of the West. These guardians of her interests
most display more tact than I have been able
to discover, if they can get rid of its paralysing
effect upon every work now. or. hereafter to be
projected, which may be brought in contliet
with it. ' - •
Gentlemen, of 01l the schemes which have
grown out of the confusion and alarm molted by
the Parke:Wen charter, that of a connedon
betweenlWheeling end Marietta, to actors to
Philadelphia, the trade of Southern Ohio, is to
me the most absurd end ricliculocus. Suppose
Marietta, whichl can hardly bring myself to be
lieve, slunk' become the temporary terminus of
the Belpre end Cincinnati road, is it not the poi-
icy of Marietta to connect with the terminus of
the Northwestern road at Parkersburg? Will .
she not do it? Gnash') prevent niche connexion?
Why, gentlemen, the distance is only 11 miles, .
and the time consumed in the transit between
the two points is lesslhan half an hour. What;
then, becomes of the river Railroad betwom
Wheeling and. Marietta? li Philadelphia to be • -
tantalised with the ldea that her magnetic - at
traction is so powerful that shecin drew trade
and travel at a distance -of more than 90 .ndles
out of the direct channel to-the nearest market .
ow the seaboard? But how long is the gap be- _
tween Parkersburg and Athens—a distance of
some thirty-fivo.milee- - -to be kept • open. for
the eaclusivebenefit of Philadelphia? How-long
.permit it? And when closed,
what becomes of the $2,000,000 of capital
vested lathe road between Wheeling and Mariet
ta? - Philadelphia • had better concede 'at once
what she must know to be the fact, that. her only
hope of dericiagany benefit from the Southern
tradeof Ohio, is thntosol rhs city of Baltimore.—
The 'Hon. Sam, Houston, U. S. Senator from
Texas, accompanied by his tins; at the
latest accounts, paying a visit to Galveston=
the first in five years. Ha made the people a
speech, and they entertained blot and his fam
ily at a balL. The greeting. and coati:ales,
on both Bides, it is said, seemed warm and
The New York Tribune etates that since the
great London Exhibition was opened, 5,666 per
hare left the Unites. States for. London
and Liverpoolstearaers and sailing ships. This
is a number hrger than the army with which
Gen. Taylor conquered Santa Anna's force , of
25,000 mcnat Emma Vista.
Tho3tockniidge Indians are about pandas
lug two townships of land in: Minnesota, -on
which' to locate. For twenty-See. years, these
Indians hare resided at Green Sty. They num
ber ithout 300. and are the descendants - of an
ancient tribe of that name often mentioned in
the history of the catty aettlinnent of Mascachn-
At • Railroad meeting in Petersburg en_ Sat
urday esening, it ran annouuctd that rue lam
dfter thousand dation, had beet aubetribed by
the citizens of Petersbarg, for thti reconstruction
of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. and ts eom
mittee of men yea appointed an delegattato a
meeting of etockhoblens at Henderson, ICS., on
The oldest journeyman priaterin the United
States id Mr. A. W. Sewell. in the
office. 'lle is an Soglishiaan, eetved'ender
'Sir John 'Moore, in Spain, was at 'the battle
of Commis, assisted at the of .burMl his great
General, afterwade warred under Welliiagtso, and
lost his ankle bone at \ the battle of Waterice.
lie is now 80 years of age, and Is a good and
fast compositor ' '
Ird'ydye l omdt c Yfbriel.L-The Swedish Gov
ernment havedetermized to St out the 'corvette
Eugenie for a voyage. of• eircumnavigatiera, and
haze invited the Royal Acsdemy , cf listens-co at
Stockholm to nominate 'a :semolina commis
sion to sa , 6 l. 3lpmay the expedition; The' AC.II
- have already designitS3 Shc^-
111 en, zoologist, Anderson, botenlit, and 'Rieder',
physician, ,
' t Dey,getuan.-Zi-fricad 'aiLyucalturg, Va.,
under date of July I9th, writes as, :ollows:
The weather lain remains exim;ifely warts
and dry. The . farmers begin to entertain
great fears about their corn caul tobacco craps.
1 , it we ere uot visited with a min a very short
time, all vegetation will . be in et' deploratde coo
-1 dition. Corn hoe advanced 10 - cents per bushel,
the article is in detasud At $4 per b a rrel, or 80.
cent, per busheL Taw= is alsoadvancing.—
Vegetables are very czkrce, anofesceidliagly
Tho Detroit Advertiser of rue :tatLust, re
ports the proceedings on the thirty-seventh day
of the 'trial of the Aliatuou Conspiracy case.—
Two hundred and - ,nightoen witnesses nave now
been examined; xdoetpaisven for the prneecn
don, and one hundred . and twenty-one for