`""$81~E EITZAXII GLIMITE Z TOM 8701flittaa et Maims, Capt. Ebbeeteintlsi , irsy, sit tr3Vl ClutiiiilaWlrit e he ciii kora itessi t iai nieha;.aoots lobt,ot;/. iniliSe helOw this city The tsTee the.siutitai iretiwainut, sua balt'atanea 'fellvara, =aye them, vt the Ass of hear atm -SaTaaat of Ai I P er. 2", °II Y' l%, " TIT ! . selY I ,br thez;iaa almatCers g p a ue fglan de nhett the oyliciii:iiiiictiiid Bc'osiiimi;iii4iii sOlr Ind' the sterit4*;,ilo66l.-j4lithi-., ir0 14 ::1 1 .•! 1, *:':*15* . hiPgjOr her 0140 , 3 1, •1 1* Morditiniikk . Oid::thl:iliurfakie' : detki:34.(: wir*fitir hetersa',-*itiairiMieil iliehes;;An4 broliiii trip, jiiioiiiiesiciie( hut again "•4410-• down in its •piovez,plibie;liiien - thli:vlolisiie of 1 404*11 , 41440.i-Abir*iiiiaii iiiii*ih broken ezulMohmed.Graph'Shhert . think, thathad thihtiiihMiaheaMly . IMithi,ii,lis iftiei bile him ' T aatth:::. The'ithim lit! ~.. 0 tithea:tee baud ss,iimfrii, heeiftrili . ' - ,therei-mtitidol . . .. 7 2 .7.M04 led; hltge,:' .„.. htte teist-ep by the. roop6.itett WO into ;Or. erfehlee:' ; ;Tht howlieg:pr tl;• . iio,. l4,o4:4*thi eisai -tit the falling timber ; a the relthitiii the hail, combined lo told'. te iii.laCeite:o4;4ll44 rarely equillid,liii!O .titieteria iirateis:! .- ?don rHoisrerm --,Betcpsti ; Meats w " . " lied - li i i * i s t: h i tf 4 "i i i i liti 4 4** 44* otLitii 64. of Frelertai - li .. !.* . c.l4pfr mii; . ..ikitireesie*inii ataiel l 'ilttiiisee•*,_egei irtiO:hait '4Ecuilitied '8111461 Eyov.i4 hiethreet.- Thk4eciitedllied?frititile ' ir* - -irho hi iiigeO6; . mitherimtitTeetded in the Ishirtl Weitt;' . 4 *Out:. ity: , : ,- .Aboitmromeeimegoite othWeeted te bent .ap hilimeli, loot the 'Opp broke ' though he at tenthitif tried to rep ea t Oa ti nero !so ebielitreiciell, that he iiitl . : - h aled. • : otegathettay:lttethiag,•iiits Ina iexua :with +moot - bin aon'a*arlttheti; A ta 'tainlnthielMeit to himo the old 'MO held his bead 'reef ihiettr: • Thi , ',l4Moeh; , "j.-tiftee" emieifiee;- keeo4l. l o, o € l areghtgletetihvheek eeht.! "why dad, re* Mietlibieol4 iirej,?it'ali,r sad siettep to him,; whets .the'ohl man leeihrithe =avid:site .•methtttz - -thzitr:ber bin hia4l, -- "Otill , iciiich . P1144,L81.1ft and Pc4oo l oi o ,*itilh. etiegfea; eswet . e his :beide; itip ia :i i r '.ehtfrea beck ,filia: - .; Thi,•tiiillmf ll-;tite- **irk .. 'bit lie'b .1 geehed :hit throat; im4i:erightmni - :. - iii!h***iLirea; iitdat lei heiaeliaged to eon ceatmeopeeftia- :.71:ko lima itimfoll..or blood, ca Thlch.oterliovett L ow Me if - 'eta th e rotati seetedrin aspect of horror t 'hthielite d to appal the neiklitietaLithe mat if . is viii:iiii taitdited a iiititit, to the 'Emit that • ' thit - MietiMed tud'iotatattiekt alaleh **il, /Aar intim* tUheeete . ht.atempoveri,hiathity: .. - Th.:erwortelt flrortitlthe ,' county; of All;- 6 1 LP7.r 1 4: . .1idte4 Pni311. 1 414 by Cal of the recet.deomtetivo'ettmmi ever Icoetnt: - X.lltia '*telifstir?-"I":;S, da y bad It'll - me:TT, 11 Pi . 0id.',4 . -'. preistie; but 'Milk - A' i evening - thesky became athrithst„ - and the .bartaietei:9thiateaced.ter.tell with ireat'ttipidlti.', At theta iiitteh'iloolt;reln ile tell, pad th e 020 kt • • -•irvrjr:leistilliflivties •, - • - • a ; 1 1 04!! 52 g W 1 . 16 ? . 4 1 4N/7".14. She wind wee blowing from the oettrihod It ectotingreei• ei to'it peffeei'hifmMtett; , 'flaii..ittites too, mei - minima to fall, many Which .were eir.loohie - in'elfMtMfM*te:.' '.,filti tlettrietiOit'ef ' eta in the windows "4 'aiVAti of PIPPi* and Allegheny win 170 5 4; - . 1 4. 1 iii vkitxtOktee to a1c.64 idaiii*ibitioretoiikoi.theZitt of him' • . sef4eetherias'onr, hours rarely hove s, northeen. aspectT.' The . efit*tri .- -hl"-!6 1 4 - • in*Tei; rtf fehitiltioolt , more, v oting to the violence of the , wind: Hige'ftqi'i*:iiiiiiiiffiieffi.airtimiti, ente,':wee . a..- e.l4 , '' - crimiithel, Of,' thole:: . tracks . _ mapped a sunder' if tlety - * been tertgai-- ... The orchards is particular were - *eh lidtere4 tad is many the whole ficitf,tfoli win destroyed., Intelligence 4,4 nearly , eeeti - part. 4. to. coot t: *rivilleeiiis;Jii:ailiu- iiiii the' . storm'; winviolent Tr e es, , xhlch.lr*-i lqii tttletaee: of tbyaol#ot roads , have almost rmharei them'imttilm The telegspitpoles hive,_in esay,pls: I:htth blown down , iiittOker li time. tiiirsiota* at teit'terfwtheiiniTii iiiii'atdi 040ini .244 0 i11 ' -*riWietveez .iiii. "otti and New .1140tott, betr-.leihmstaid that the/ -FYI ell helee*ekthht Ftert4l. ana the, . • • cps ran itOteist. IWe feiithet if the 'Witco a the moire iitOur for Itirii Ai!. `One!, inn' of the . etiisaboits oost ham sastileed mititi Aettiete; if tftei, w ere .., eoii-titellimmeeted.. The • 9fatom betweett We rmitend.SeartoMyttioelemt . ootedderebli keeMgh; hit* hale not bawd from arty boat belo;CtbOriet z ~ Vlr lee, Efitilfiel` it: belniabieti:eiy; that we hattoirt hard of any ' - person being iirjoitei: - bitLicd; though trifling , wide* were or• ertminent - ,_ I _, ,:_. ~. • • histroo or tux P17111110111;111 Bench sad Bar of ,Alleghedy• Ccatatcf,_itaving bead celled together: upon Police of the , decease , of tie Hon. Within Porter, ..Esq., lads eon at the Anseciate ..fudges of the. Court •of Commas , Plead of "said county.- ,- On motion of lune 8.: Craft, Een., the /Ice C. aldler ' woe selected Si President: and Joie Hindhori sad William W. Livia's* . flecrettertee [lie death of thelllou: Judge Toy - sztootaterd to iho meeting, with iiiippropiete , tribute to _ the reputatled and vs' Of the debeased;siel the fat:trend peroltgiond peptiled.bilir. Cleft, sad eecodded by the llon, . McCue werwessidedely adopted. S. f • 1404.4.11 tat lite'Bench and •Be of Alla e121 11 4f lan beard. with deep regret of of their bite Judge: the - Hon. • Pietafirvis.;''snd rtgerd it sit dos to his ammo .tveestity to their high ertimathe'.'of. Lie . for unbending integrity, sad deism' Piopse: tempered . by mildness in rensse; and sada' bitty of dinpzetion. His energy sad grub= raised srodul hide forectut,. which be used is onpretruding charity sad generosity, sad tensed him. tolthe many °Sees he res pectably Elle& As ;it Judge .he woe padent, wake sod decisive, and in the perste relitites t of life, hospitable and affectionate_ The wiles of sod, ern to their eautteutodty canna be hie .Idrplyasiatilated nor their example too closslg . - secavia, Mist a da=litio be givinted to . • cenionateate these resolutions to the family of •theilimerel, with sultsble expressions -of eru pt:by 'gather berevened. • . Mann Croft, Sticettcro, Irwin sad Heaton; were enpobstal no odd Condole* • iieolved, 'The the Oroceditigiot thin m ost log be prevented to ths,Coartetif Allehroy °ova. cry thAt the ewe rosy 'be 'spread on the maids Resoled, That the Brock and Be will semi • the tonere of the &anted end tear the anal hedge of ntount,Legfar We lota .CRAISLEH 811A1811, Pres' J. 8. Ileterow, • ' ' ' W. le. L. l'! 3 ,t riai • tile-s or tLa Ps 6e:—We Invite the stye tion of the cillseds to the' motion ale of Oil Petting', this credos; *st,"PhiloPAll, Third it Minty of the pentingwlla Ilde col - *don pewee rare tea flame of them stub, the piddle of JanierS lawman and. Alfred Watt; Ainericto • • :landscape puttees, whose wore tars given them • • erabsuirdid sad .vreuideserred celebrity. Fre ' tens pert so happy en inflates cipoa Umberto and the cute of both!old'and youtigl4 e bead; far ileture, 'bung in.tha parlor, where the - trys, in momenta of slip* end thought, to rut Upon end liwlthia lithe mind lunges of lorellrlwso sod helot:. ..fim of lielletatt;iinStleile4; l li%W , . . , • laveresrisor eardbibiderteing cue was callsdnp In the Case tar Cilium Pleas, on Ba jSudsy. It arose one ritle•to 'show chase, why , • Writ ofrossidenun shed:l - Sot bane, to cave the school dinettes of the FinstWard,•Allegiway, to 'restore Alexander- Cowls*,. eon • of Bsamel Cowley, the relater ? ! to the right sod. privileges of a scholar In that Wool.. - In the wirer ot . the retepondeate, they stated that the son of the relator had not been expelled trom,ths school, hitt wend/ .dultidoultg for'• time, for bad conduct, and that stew the pre• sedation ditto reistar'epet.itod. they bl i Vese4 • resoldthe.of the Booed,offering to Nutlet* the school, Ole opening, la , the osoath of tiotfaFt. .The cattail for the Motor, 'upon - hazing the responded& answer, declared:that • they wreroostirfted, rod. did not 'pr o . meted to go any farther: as respondents bad granted all that slut sought by the rile for s lasasmos. The Court dlatohwel the rola at the cote of the relator. I BCAIIIO nli :WElR—Alderman Panicle:lr on I Friday committed Sylvester Boseback to prison, diarged," on oath et Catharine, his wire, with • committing an astatilt and !artery utcti har.- AD/IMM' -. 1 111012.113 B Efsmilioa, rraa mo. gel:oday, 01111101104 et P. C. Flanegin, admitted to FraCUCO in the Court .at Ckinympu Bp i and Courted (tauter 130denc,_s •••••• • . • - ~ r?wi. .n-,i~- asszassaY ISEXDOSI Ca Betarday,,thelt* w. siitmest on the took hies tiCoutt'of =lng Oh,. •-; itiostsr:T.l.l 7 ''For Aldm, l a d &kat Woody,' : .4 fflir Mi for theotrwealth.- .Ithens.-A, LOOtot o , ChOzitoSholer; slid 13. ht Stanton .:fob terpoadmt~ ' ' • beunniSinei r alli;niMel.7farees Todkei:Presi; dent; „Vompany , for, mictingei t lige over the . Allegheery . steer,. opposite thn ed of Pittabliegh, in. the county of Allegheny, 8611ePtember. and October Term,. 1880.. phe flt=eourt of Pennsylvania, f o i the 21i W Defendsetiedooe named: . , ' !rake node,. this netball wreathe Court of Onmason Pleas, on Saturday; the 28th day of 4dly nest, for an order to humid. and if nem *Mite kneeing's taken, - and to.lb remi Ix uTi deem; fie., of the•folkseing books In rum pos. Book containing names of all those 'bo o Wive commuted their tolls; and for 'what amount, Item the year 1819, when the Bridge was erect el mtll.ner - ~ 24. BOA containing the regulations orbplaws regulating the amount of toll to be changed and taken, fee:footmen, horsemen, end all others lean 'hoz toll was to be exacted, with the res. Oaths rites of toll, final 1818 to the present Id. Book tatting amount of capital stock hatribed. t s odenliend income , crew, 4 311 dirhleads," fund, ad its &Riad ic..,. ;4th,Pfook ' reschitiou _salhOtising fa malts to cross i litehttdgetall bee. , Ith.' Book owing resolution .x811111'34 James Todd, the relster, boat the benefit of the by-laws aammnting the rite of toil ROM WOODS;', .- " -.- Attorneys for Relator. Belied tiii,opy, ait Job:Harper, EA.:Tr:air • : Prrissusen, Ja/7•19, - 1851; , • ._ _. ~. . , • ComminweMth en rel. James Todd, tee. Pend dank-. Managere, - and Company for erecting a. bridite, Ac., me - the Allegheny rivet:-4n 13u-, - vomit Coiut, Westeni District of Pennisyliiida: 65 Septuotter end October Term, 1851. Ink. 'entire that we 411/4 - 011 behalf ,of the move the Court of CoMmon Pleas, on aliboasY, thiriffehAarJulylest., prodfor w- role on the dideudants abase caned, to .lowing boots end Stritiegi.zow tiauce the tot oflm said defendants?, which mutsin epee. per , twat Mr the ileitis now. pending for trial in the ,abore tom, bdere aid Court of Common Pleas; awl if ,the said Mdbadards shall fail to amply with 'said - orderoned to prodnoe said books or writings; or satiety the Court why the same is not in the defendezds' power to do so, that their eat virt be prayed on the amend Mines as by at the meeting of the Supreme Court in Bank. The book" and papas required to to produced, are en follows, Ma : Ist. Book motakaing mames of aIl those whii have onannutid their ralls, and for what amount, from the.year,lBl9, when the bridge was p F ut A anta,piw. ' - 24::Iloot.hontrIrdn6 thiregulations or bylaw, ,ngulating tbb amount or toll to be charged and taxes .for lbotmen, lurnsemen, and all others, from whom toll was to be eracted. - with the aespectise istei of,toll. from lath utilthe Fro nt thne. • • - Book . ecattainlng amount of'capi tal stock vadmotibed, staomM impended, Weenie, expetselb !Beldam* Mosinee fend, and lts Buramittom -4th. Book 'honing raeohnion eniMeg &- nudes to .cron the Midge toll free. fdlt. Book ehowingreaohation excluding James Todd, the relator, from the benefit of the by-lsem connanting the este of toll. T. J. FOX ALDEN, AtWrney. for complainant ' `. Allegheny Comity 8. 8. . . James Todd, the relator shore mimed, bag r doireinima: smith that thebooks and papers re- Rased by the preeediag notice to be irrakeed ,ms Atm, trial of the imam before the Coart'at OCCODOIIPieWIi on the 11th August, 1851, aroma the ,possession/ and" enstodrof the “Proadolei4 Mazuwers, lad Company for erecting a abridge averthe:Aeghea7-..river, opposite the oity.of Pittsburgh, and that the Wee are memmarsead material Mideme the trial of -the aformaid lihruriaid stiberibedbc4orsme, to Aldan:Mu ln awl for the sitar of .Pittaboripia, this 24th day cf /017. 185 L . • JAMES TODD. ',Ware And. Ilalissesr, Alderman. To thiDefeadiatiatioissid: - - Take wan that on't3stmeisy, the Wilt lint, tie shall, sa the . Attorneps of relator, move the Oottet of Ceztetuttaleturof A I It ma kr, to &int the abort Atte, of which plume take no tke..:. T. J. FOX ALDVEI, To John Haim; 'Treasurer. Tlrnaro.o, July 24, 1851. - T. J. Fos Alden, Esq., on behalf of the Cam rth, maintained that the aforesaid orders eight to be granted as prayed, citing a number of authorities bearing on the points at ism*, by vldcb, ha makusined, it speared that although the Bridge Company was entitled to the cus tody of the boob and papers, yst the com munity at large, tepresented by the Common wealth, had L a common interest in their pro- action; inasmuch as by the act of Incorporation, th• caporal:ion, It It had not violated Its trust, would show on its boob a balance arising from the slaking fond, saffielent, sad more than =dß dent by thousands and thousands of dollars, to Wrest the bridge, and make It free for the stole comnamity, thus uniting the great and I 'greying munkiplEtlee of Pittsburgh ami Alia. Omni into one' Mum. Loomis Lad Staunton in reply, Loam- two podtions— - First. • That the Count of Common Pleas bad I to kuisdiothon our the subject matter—that the motion onght to hart been made in tbeSupresu Court, and cited authorities, referring more par. ocularly to let Sergeant and Bawls, page 867. Mb decision wan made in the cue of IV Damon vs. the United States losuranos Company, in which it Iris declared that a Judge at NW Prins is not anthuriaed to coder • ncto salt for the non production of ; papers, under thaact of 27th of February, 1798. The ordinance most be made by the Court In Bank. They cited also • number of pagltA authorities. &mond_ They contended that no Court could tasks such order, because this proceeding bring tithe nacre of • bill of discovery, no one would be Allgood to unnui such bill, if„ by such mew; they may subject themselves to a penalty. Upon this point also, they Cited a number of antioni- ' Mr. Alden in reply, Contended that the Coact bad jrcriedictLon, scats* they wire ordered by the Supreme Court,, to try the isms in fact, width crier imported on ei tvet:ei, that entry parr necessary to carry the order into. effect, vu implledly, eun, r fal Instants, if a wit. nets rented to obey • sobpsna, an anaclument Lusted, and on the tame principle, if either par ty bunt his custody, papers which the opposite 'piety bad a eight to use for the purpose of dia. touting the truth, truth order unquestionably ought to be granted. Thu object of abUl of diaper cry, being to ascertain the troth, in the Lanus* of the Supreme Court in Arrott en Pratt, 2nd Wharton, 667—“ it iney ba seated that a party will be ;entitled to such rubr withmd regard to the right of custody, whenever he bu • common intersect in IL That the CemotonWealth had an equal interert In the books of the corporation, with that bodyltself, could not be questioned, because the very Lune which was to be tried alleged that the bridge corpany had alsescly rataired, over and above the sum to which the e e , c hheldas Were entitled, softelent to redeem the bridge, If they bad not vielitod alibi* . TO. pose la Ulna by their set it iniarpoissui. Mr. Alden !totter contended, that. a proceed- lag by ► writ of QUO VrigrnatO, vu not a cries. 1141 proosedhig, but was cow employed, and had been for =TV than a century past, for the trial of a civil right, and ousting • the wrongful pos. senor. Be cited In rapport of this position let Ablerts condensed reports, lid.. . The case was argued ably, and with great good hamar cm both aides, and occupied eerend boom .No allaSiOn was Oren, his honor Judge litClure, stating that inasmuch this was a mutt requiring prompt action, be would reed his deck ton on Idouday. • nas.—A.lll* broke oat et about two o'clock, tioncrdaY toorning, to the board yard of My riads A Poster, on the Allegheny ghee, a Iltt te below Irvin street. As the wisely/is very high, It to feared that the eparkeweald set are to Fehl'e toren; on Inns nototilpokfortontioly• the wind veene47olSY down* olot: Noting the Sawa end 'oakoko niret Ate' dror. gine coapealee were 3trolaptte an the mead; end *mild till late boar in the tocattloek cotdd do nothing tenni/nth 114T11 the board pew naps thane on Ere. About twelve piles of hosbars yew butted. The are NU MLlClatllliMiably . a. York of an ittesudiary, end the lou will be' 1101/ .mete twelve end fifteen thousand dollars, ma., choicest lumber to the laid wee consumed . The late Tiosi. William Porter, to whose death lonia- Leta as 6siarda7, wth ono of the owners of the Pr'rz t i " • • " Min= Of 181 BOA= 01 lifiatain OP THZ M""iir C04n4,0344,14a0471... Mooed of Manageramet is the Mew Court MOrte,onliaamniar. , • - - gatabereprems-- Murdoch, avely„:l - crang, aint Boyd. s' pa motion, John Muniech, •Tr.a ems Wiwi to Chan ' th The unsurttree cripriidnag iradenraport, and the badges to be handed to each subecriter, as 2 rtnicates of inambrealdpe were transferred to • o n =d o n it ins iersolved to appointed • maze mkttee of four, sitierrart Lemke all image menu for holding the far in Allegheny city, and to emplorairpeatati to put sip tenses and build Mills for cattle ka=' , Meesen Marthr, Young. '4W and Bravely were appointed on said committee. r ,on mod= It was resolved that the thus of balding the annual fair be nitispd trozn Thiat• day end Friday, thelatband 17th crf Ck;tober; ttt Wednetably andTirwralay, the 22d sad %id Ike same month. ' lOn motionM , was media that /the armurt plou&ing match take place'on Thursday, the' 80th day, of Mctober,, and that s ommoittee of three be appointed to select suitable ground for mid illoughtag match.. •I noticearill be given of Misplace ai wklok the pitch will coma oft _ !idiom Mahn. McCaw and i On =awa it was , 1 7` Tacked, That the judges of the Ploughing match be appointed.. . _ 'Messrs. William . Martin, Manchsrter; John Boyd, Indiana ; and John Mashy, Wilkins, were ePPetheed Au/lier en the Arty reiolvd that !ITC , ptvpiona, be. "ingth; ed to the, bistplofighmia, u tallowy: ' stylise, • diploma and iSrercup worth $l5 : i3d do - 7 - 'S 321011011. it Wu t. )Resotted, To print four hundred poster, icor tabling a listof, the aruldaaftheccsgeted i tor at Mb next tali% , . persone wishin g to compete tar premiume, vault cater. their ,aaroth,ialh, :articles they eibibit, With :Colorud,John Scott, Resister ,of Alleshekr county; or say member ot,the Board. of Manairers, ewer, before the Saturday preakuui to the Fair: • . . :The Waving onannitn al !. I : t ctgi=6cment: of Menegas - B. Omer, Hoer, O. Entirely, Pion; :John Yeemi.in Robinson; P. A. Way; ODIN Onnuel Modulin; Pinto John Hurdoch,,Peebler„ :Bogen& Kelly; Peon; . .J. E. lioesbe f South Feyette;_Joneph Miller. Snowden Oura4 Tarentong David Boyd, James K. Kennedy, litst b=kiti:tthervea gaoreaireesting pidadatd w' e 6, yispers tHesdly to the On motion, tIIe Beeid of Hateniers stotn e e4 toi meet on the last Biedey of August. JOHNSatII Jr. Ch'i. Jam Kentsins,See'y; ~ . lacoacs.—ln . thaCcartalf Common Pleas. on Satolday, - on motion of W. ft. Negley, WWI= Bum was granted *Aimee. a 116104 gut amid from his Mfg Ellestedtt Barney.'. q BY TELEGRAPH. ' "• Er mu Vas= MICIAIIE uri t 321017 , 1 "caTE1 nnli ni aa "OM' RE.I3ET 1410NINCIIIIA! URQSATB EUMM Iff"i°l2 THREE- HUNDRED SOLDIERS HILLS') • 'Nur Chum July 25, • 12 etioek, 311d1245.1. The oteamer_leabet iretrod;st 'Baotou:oh to; fioit:ltavais, with UltairOCli 051143:161!1; thelaie nos tbe rerieue* ce;i4 : • • The 'Patriots taislild isms] enrigempts, to widefit;oo gelerateent smite was destroyed: The Spanish seam sre joining lM Pstrf 94, , Gorla2o2 of !daturas ha informed Una Captain General drat thip nitirena 1711 preparing to raise troops to De ordered to his relief. SAILING OP THE PRANIMIN. - , 'Nor r° 364 "17 2°. ;The stesineiFrankliii - sallsd to-dip tor &nth alnpton .taking vat 80 • - -• e•M ; 960 . 000 in !VV:bh - ' DESTRI7CTIVE ErTOll Ilorrazus, Ra”) ig l l7 26- 'A fretemdeas norm' pseud ova die place tast T c l l trierind .wept army West's boon , • 11 of it being depadted the other shir . thnrirer, and anatlterpartear. lied - by the', miss* : arer Irving's Cliff, 3001ert high, tar More . thin two miles distant_The ea , enpuds et the hosier eseepederabart. The toss li eithnated at $2000.. emat Injury ,was aim done to tbs crepe . -_ • . . STEAMBOAT DIBASTER. BOOM'. Jab ?A. Th. '11.4 uTiriudiliiitaA left Forasidlisi everting Car Bantam, • sem& White Head Ledge, sad seat The ?simmers, rens,rayed by she steamer ISattala POSTAL ABRANGEILIZTS. , • Waliazonor, July 2C .The Poet Moe Department annum= th at the - special malls to lien and Valpargeoorill be do- Welled by thy steamer Goldin Oata, from Neer York CD the Ist of dogma.. Alta • letter Poitegs Val be 2 %4 Peat= 24 The. Post Master Gemrral has " to Prosecute Indkeilmele err companies ar thetlientot !Due= of wter cut at the 021 4 19N41.7....11.46 , 130fr0w...1* . . .. 2}l:, .- . . • T he Tarried Wrote of three lithkg woo& by this B:ttlob tarn cot to boo dorm:coded . Ow of than. tho kovess, has arrived bore: • I' If.tetireiror, Jtay 26. - Capt. tint* of Philadelphia , nu dsilveral kl-day Into the =to ff of the Marstalof the Mir. trietto saner amps prefetrid agatiret him of fmadnlently obtaining money from the Govern .. Ogiog to the pens Illness of one of the 111 ea*. Dery tew.n r ratloued till Maeda,. • PEW TOB MAR .ET. 7001 IJPOST. 1 • Naw. You,. July 2.C. Cotton—Moe aro nominal, od • we has no' sales to report. - Flour—The market Is easier with selos 'of 3800 bbl 5.44,12} far State, sad $4,18€14,31 for Goma orida-45%4MS Meader, with Oiei 2800 Mash bO~gbe at lier., sad 6000 boa., Ohlo at 900 el Bye Is dboadof tei irapply,kmd prices atb nominal at 7le per bushel Cora Is butt; with ages of 8000 to• mired at 0703880 it bushel, tad GOo for round yeUow. Prarisioaa—The markst L Moil% but • In" plies are holden:lly it last ituotatlcats. Tobsoe4- 7 8wIes 64,1dids Kentucky at 610100 11,, • . Le34-B.le, ZOO plp Guam at 14,76 par cwt. Unstop:l Oft-Ba/ts of prop at 94c per gal. lon. Wool—The market Is depressed, and the stock of domertic b sectemedsting. cuigno‘All Jolt Floor—Bile catoptisapp bble at 13,1915 8 ' 1 4=7 )1 441a at / 7- I®/ B °Pc' P lial ; market clott i llat s 43.1.0 • Caeese— a Nothing ladlcstlog aay shop) has ttittaiiri . In other articles. • ~.p • The river has been stat lonary dwutoo uat 24 bows. Prilgtita woodman& Tie 'paw- tiou to-dsy Nllloriestis, whiskey $1.25, per bbl; pound feel 464 per ain. To Pitts burgb, poimdirel t, 16.3 per on. trigetey 600 per bbl. To Bt. Ws, pound freight 260, for beery, end 60e fir dry goods; whiskey 760 per bbL • . • - • NEW ORLEANS, MARKET. Nay On Mutes, July 26. Cotton—The retell sales yesterday ware 1600 bale% and today 400 bales good middling at Ile,* per At The present stock &manta to 31,000 bales. The receipts are 900 bales daring the week. The nrceipte of the year aro 986,000 bales against 822,000 same time lestyear. The And bale of new crop weartmairsd Tobacco—The markerts 'needy. '• Floor Pork and. Deco* are Arm, with no •FIRB BRICK.-;Weltive'ois‘batid 60.000. allessiseted easal imigimAt T1 ,..., 41= w ir A ya jtm a tr o r.. • FISH-10 . bble. White r.r3".aaritila - 1)103141Uld 43111MY.-,2. Extra Imp ?re ir elea cciL 17 i''-i:I3BLIMEdia Flash 4 thi. best . Mask Oil lersprO4Jta Met & Irn • ' .7, amea.iiiishriaa pITESH mACCAROIII I 4 - 14V. V3P09.3 uskl•jua zwel mai Ibt, IVI1SMI.OBOUS.: Divbleal orncear Prrnicairl tty bia!LyT; aey Haw,. Tr -TRUSTEES the MU dor &eland ÷nd ot two sod any muses eats Eaf =gull itt••• to tiw Pittsburgh Om 1:4•200w,T. oo doowatt tb• I d " m PRE -I Tkenitst sa lowlistagheoa • nor by w Isovereotokoodooomzewol• T=Pdglitww l a loe mrtoat , r-wii ic Al FORKEV EBY RakK tad tkYthe Malan • co. B. P. VONba • g: I I ege as.. Imes m store, ter We be ' 11010580 X. Urn/I*oo. .11BLED FRUIT-300 bush: dried Peaclum. igiu;ii • 'toga:W * l.l4lz' hag° • • ' • • 'Warrants wan • , or such the Mabee OW. 11.. , ' OW. at 03. 'for :the 131tiquipt:' • ILE IrKRPT . t,IOI Will sired; of the aokbrir IlarAinsinstrovehre4— , • BLOOMER. or nor comma POLKA.' with I.4atiliallrigentO.M ale Mama Oxiume; yablishodas. M b iAlintk * ArT, 'le t . =gar . 'Man bantitol air az .:Tlrsa Latty."_' " ERN a savigy of Ikon= Tempera.. W.:4300c: JOB VREAM CHEESE-51 boxes receliiai per Lbw, for sea by ' P 171.6 - Water, am TB Fralst Pt • FM l' ' BRILOK—ZS,OOO for sale HAMS—Prime Sugar Cured, Venison and • Iklntlea, Dried 111.0 srel Boit Toupee. tn. so& by • • .1. a. wauraus co. tie Wooed. 4,7 ElGARLoverinea Crushed and Myer- Usk New Orlftud. Lea bad MAW lbw bay by td Extra Fine Green; Pio c "ra.l 4 L iirraut lb i k i co; btami sttu l - -,D.‘M.6i''ts'lrco. ITNEGAR-15 btals.,Cider, for isle by Jy/ . D.. WILLIAMS & OD. ',WlSH—Mackerel, Salmon, Shed; and Her ,jl; torsi& leyJ. D. WILLIMI CO. • - Noted Ibr:Tlute.Prime Articles! - RAlt• IN , MIND t—Mourie Ts. Man, Ay In the Mann&p ot:40 Ibtsslibs , , The East VIAL . • ' ! TO* bait PORT TIM.. m.. bed lIRAMDII to Pitt.burgb. 'lshar tairt Y 4mol aim partil?'4Wl,' ii '-' • -z" - Now 'ludo. . - joarili:lmixoß, No. 81 Wood Arai , las toadied the Iblluted our awl urd•X Iduu, dr uu 11 It um to 4 ot p ri EU arras Imo • .....r• bunk ' trim, ,as th• Muds at di3atil , F . att . .. ,. ' IlludgML," ud Dui oa t ...' Juu ad 1111145. eit.t.t..pur ~ Willow Wood wed AUX sma= , . ~,i nv.„ -I =w iti ti a m er. haw ar• am Use bum thubs=o Am: . tittke• Mn iblksz : , Po. uxfr--, iftowgiiers PIA. Noll. - - - 1. vaT boin 'to* va liaaa' TifEliAn o for the Stook of ran cos Ihtialag Compuki. casks Il!porior. Thom •rtu Woe WI. of addrego CREBSE-30 boxes W. B-. for sale tt FLOBIC I -300 bale. extre Fars.. far saletty Lair. uassixon. narls6.--10 tusks plum rarer.- or .1. b 7.:: ITU • IF- ILLIMACOLL - NJEW MACKEREL-50 Mb No. 3, Ism sew eackerd ilatiaedvi S. d aos In Ta m , jyll 4 W. %JINDOW OLASS—IOOO bona City an tr Omar, broad., as N. ar ytt a. a w.11.11.11M111. ODA Asn—cso males, of our own mann . Zrana la .talt mr ate n tat cue tat al say tornado AgriirtVallT TOD -- . s or sole ICULEAOLUNO POWDERS-?AD nib for AN Ws by }yll IM•11:11:T 1 lE8ILT • 00. LAMS -400 Om CIUTASSed. for &OM W7OOL! WOOL!-•4211Tia far eta differ • 11 -• . s_ susiva a. ons ABll-16 ""kilntegtquctr. IOFFEE-425 sacks Green Itiojer sae by BAOCO--100 bases Idsaufactared, W. OLASSES-50 bbls. N O. for =de by A. coutrareos ace. cub p. . for !We b XM the Destruction of all kinds of Insects, --EIItaNUNS. LYON, theme* sad if the d = l" l=res flame. ibd Mu sot Mk. :W.ONO/.101 M 4 TON 17 N. IL SNLIZAS, ' bars—aooeacan.u~a,~sal. b -- TANKARDS, CUPS, PLATES, BAPTIS. g NAL 11 , 71178. k 4. M 443 * e mak ( 1717 $7 14441141, 41. mew et Markt. AMS-4 ask° geparkir r feral° on °en dgame by S. WOOD• DM 01 Water R V.IINDMIONED bare entered Into ci rteenid... „ :„ w on i t ir et i nne wm or w Erlir nitm a we t • lam satsuma of .'" ' as- U MT:s Farb fly= T No o t. hoax i f w w sad ol regal*. lae *al dna Mut. QUI ae4 : r r ti =e 2 l.??" ll" 7. reee m raseeauv...=l,deereen eat Coialih. • • • ...1 AI. &b. }Um.= eatratft din, ...p........,„...,. F. , ..........,,..,. Osp 5.4 Trost Wards. lo : aor 2 147 :17L IP"4111"*. "4. :2" Logal.. l"l77 :t4tor g.l.""LlKU""Th. 7: " osel Cos; firm - 1 • lissio lc pllos . rotscrleal TILINTINNT CARDS, ts ..q "".4..d . I rnii ° 11LVVY = oI PT: StY.TtiF in • • ". • • NAL of I LAWN.K.NI .4 Itto or No. i Wear rt, N. 11.—NXI toss ay . •Is sularsge for e+sh. f rT.4.IT • • p 0 WDX ft- • . . Eal attiforAw 10 east. Bahl, Pam: Of b 7 /712 . IS.I3IIWOUTII • 00. LASET gt) choic k e artcl e, foam -1/It3aubyCMa.Owd m MrnN OO. LERING'S SUGAR-60 bbl.. crashed bolt Paiyatbed.lbr lob by , tyll COLZIMIIO IVIAo ay NE AND HAY PORKS—A good usots. day. • Ob.. arSobsstol Bar sad =eft 1/6.14 .4 bawl as! kw mkt N. mutant onar, b 7 U. W. PUUIDItIrLL, Farr 1712 . boat Ibr rACKED TEAS ll—Jenkins & Ca.'s (of Plilladelptas mortar imaluid °monad Mat To% n filmy Ir=. •= ... J tno ropplml ,seamin • if. POU(011.0n, • hla Aoot Ike .7entin• • O. iittibungb, eincizinatiand loutattle Tab - iFEWSEIAILEMis Stock tented at ltr 11 " 4.(1 " a A. WTIII2OI • 00. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS; GAS fix- MM. a,' or Oansattos Ws vartrallal mama • limn' varka7. oknel wansatat to gin • 1••••7 age WlL ". at Us e " , an d esUraty fn. t V.N R raq• •••11.• ••• Pr"rfo .41i________AON. •til.llD-1500 Ihe. No. 1, for sole by MO t. FOODS a son, ca SODA ABll7—ii caeca &tiricli intuid; . J. by JOG 11 4 In I. W"Ila0_11. MiWaiiiiaj i MM 10AT SOUAR.-160 blgs: W.► W sas'd N os, for L A I AY to FlO . WIVON. Du Dont's - Bles . Linp WDEltg kegs r •- 5 iiiell OlL=5 casksWazi - u'Ttetl WO • P- IL SPLIWILIL W JUNIATA BLOOkfl3-.20 tow for ll 116 solo to den ouimocht. 30_, J?lo COMO MLR N. O. MOLASSES-300 bids. 'oak, for olds _ 400 • • , ar. PrILSON. bb kJ • .11 • O iTa Lf . o Akir-150 66da . for sale GIIEESE-45 boxes receiving Per tidweiro 14 . 0 . "IS , ear sr Jai n D/LIZILL. /79 6* Won, lir sale A 'KIM L-40 bbls. New Na sr ro • -• JA DA LARG e4l l l.zif rt i. ej*,„ fi k o 4.44 : AA 111 4• V ', 43s VlVro's sitt% ' ' (Att law aov A01c4RE!... 7 100 bbls.Nrt No. 3 Ly.se; v a s 04 an4r a ° n't.uaauvacn • OAY BLIGABO-3Xlbbli. limed Nos., for ' s tirslffl Cols. f.egolr e 2"*l 4 ;l 46° b te. land itit i n cl fer IPM-16(rboxes Wbite 01L1 Pr;, , .I‘l . aiti , l 4 sti . Nallner a e . . , PIDLADELPMAi '. i . • ~. ~ E. - X DAVIE! .* CO., -•.,. ~. ~....._ -liiiiii :of French . and Canton voidi; 4 _, At; 61, 1.119 AD WA". MW YOZ,K.. :. , V EIRECTIVItLY f*ite biros to iliatm . I N th ' i s _ r I nfi k eell4 A verielemt iiaionoicit.' pfil'A ANT) SATIN R itikro+-Atedlusattainet: CA" 4a03 ph: 1111:11YE—MA ark4ba dad alio& at sursicsArrxrzsracc trtalO!,tluittuasliin• th I 1 7.0 VAT V, • black and lane__ i Cavan,. tad& sad island cry.l4 ki• Lel" . sad am Cross .. .. „ . . ... . . . . . •—• • ,g It WANDS AND SOARIS—Jost on le. ft $ll colors and IRINA DUNI CLAPAtI.ot various $ IN DA akaArleneti, et . Serso.. AAA Age . MO thark. .1,121/Ds) ... McHenry Philadelphia &Liverpool Line : of. Packets. • •• • • Ifittiii fit :wp m t hi t?Yli3. oaths :s P rlttNA r trDo/; A Vis a lltisnflo pe f . , s 21111DPE, Nst&fells. ituT*Atst. "r. : 1 1 I' s BAWL Alfred V. ISPE. ' • SILACKAIIAXOII, Om .2V. West.lbetet.' • 1 The store Ala as built of Nut sat, pardsoalf mstaislo, sad we mead tbr the of tonspumpou tart Waters up with WI Wad lonouradwa. ore uald tb . =LEL , I i s:Waled, sad ors uneurSl fbr their so. kw Meted Othieil lbsesselse; they ore rommandedt i vassa of now Wad. who us utrouslisd for exterle in tbs 2sobst varies. Pavan desirous of sines( ...Meads fro m SW Ilkl Cast:mad obadu St " . 3. l l .i. ' "' car a -mut-. ,-..ti tit .EVAlt== sith tbs atlatursticos and but:mallow relating to their d for tbs .11 . 0131.01 Or Whilddif . tomad um. usE i r =duals tor AOa ntl .1 . 751114. gi,"aloi or Post Ofteeir I b l k w thltal Kingdom. "Y _, . Bartrll , kdd sdpplaTlMatteers easing trossidier lay vita lb. Ibilowi vlll bo turelsbod . k . 2 abi rrioa4suctesi v i2 O i l l " :bu r o r i i 7 .o ;)t l awr it• u gasor j=i 2M . l c = lb ,"" taire ; sal bolt ollowsure of Msr au t a sks%' Ito. 11 Wolsna Mast. below tscout tl lndel klerti , earner Streb and Wad stA. Pllbluirsdb - llnitedßlates — liael at Plabldelphia.:.: yBE SUBSCRIBER respeetfallrantonn es to Ihr Moods ant the travail ItT Dahl Limit Moro aoaseetloa th* hotel Euler the lateProorletar, be Wary ale la gozrya t i t og .v h=cen m at÷hors . I ta u = IrteMrtraprtue bees= la ltitltee=nhoo to tte=ittnelored ;oh• T mien* awl contort at Lacher. Sew htmly&Wan toor4a=e6tg, .0 1 :104 .0 ...a. tb rz If= It i at%h latY3lar r oi • 'a' A. " rrIONAS wIIITE BONNET MAW aa.T lL .:%,rAlbapt.l, 34 1-4111ZAT AG/LLRY, WOODWARD & Co., Whole sa.a.sm. Mak. t etalittltal• asl au& . • )(O.A p & 00., Tobacco x..m A ti l / 4 orta a Oaf, ale Noah Marne. MU6.4p316. Rat • mil Vir. Cent. mid to. Ca•E DI. J.. KING. Dialer in - BOOTS AND 811010...1tit ti/ North &end street; Ptalideitt =slt teed teem the auttathettaretweatvestee Ire mock a( the above atotote..teltiele 11. sift Dee ...ad len than oth be gmrehanet to the /WI. far cot! De/a.m . ? de well te brim rustielhlt. NEW YORK. No J. - 7 - 11L 'Itabert°14 1 , ms. Nag York rORTER and Jobbes FRENCH' aid MUM PANCY 11001 M. Swum TOTS, Glam Tam. tkasiktilato aro& BoulkAttardeens. to Wan.. v Warp, new, te. • . Mess Ike nbes Prodla. Mnautalen' /oat for Aamrintserps VIA tri...0.113; 'New York Indis Rubber Warden" N0...27 Maiden Gnu; mai Na 69 Nassau wed, Float eerier from Broadway. lhotort tUIMIL MLLE' SUBSCRIBER. Proprietor es taldtddarat. would tarsus Ho old rind oarrobsato raftaan . tbat ba ta=rart= b . Ida Md " .. raar 1"14_ sad toad a l nat s and ald oh. gin barlas nominal T saw. ant a ==mua t it itin t. t iLa=ra... sakLin the ananollan IL too fotoral andidaill CA KW AIM CLUTalevaitas roam to 11.4 with t o maenad trim slaboot taanda.anel mama with taw susia.vaid. Solana. anoal to at Intber. Ua We otasolactone the nuatty • • WO IT bir.laat naprovenant It vainly doecaand. bf lalb tbo dab fa tondo la boar an met tearnalanto to onataohd touboa. TN. vials War muds slat add arasatU. Wars MAIM fiAntfr tno falloff Of L 11116143 —4l Tat flock of aU tba dHatnalt atriaa sad 11.14 , 004 form ttio lantartod Pan !Warn to tno Ina worefd Vitaamia lad tathdrotalo.* Er. load fddala. Panama Maud &ad Bobbin% A *pawl* assolanut of lb.. Wowing ahramoltand ' Marlanarboo.Ooota. Coon f aorta. Padits.Lab Dvirtag Water, IttiassAilorna Reread J•dt•ta. 0)114.41f.' ea.. Wave Walbtkalsentoo nation. ktonanda.Woang.. Clara. Como, Warlpa. Boma Pampa, Nana rartA,G7Wal dta 14110 r MLitt. Air flat tolf%Atneuek trelr d :l74= 11=le Robber Dna Mnsada Goadmil. Men lATIS cool I,and • are stab moo s a nd or . vant.to ett wood Ilanda. 14eaalqa taloa and erate' Valefei I. , Mentibt MUM'. Rawls! Cloaks! "maim! AS. MILLS ~No. Curtlandt et., N. Yoik".. em•