4 ~ ~ s;. PITTSBURG 122 LIMED BY WIC= t CO ER W LBE FOUND GE pR THIS PAPER. , REA - 1` Arrir . . tidfltEßlllll;ssfolfs of TH C ORIO MID' to - Wriet iutiLitop. ''' ; nrr. .4,a, prom • few days since, in noticing MUM( of the ntemptiblejealouldes created and fomented on by o ne of oureotemporarids between the inhabi ta of oar two cities, to take cep the fai l subject of.th Depot or Station of on: Western Railroad, which has been the fruitful subject of much ungen erous and ill-natured remark, evin cing not less Ignorance than eplmm - en the pert of those *ln Meum' too ready to find ' fault with everything which does not accord with their local prejudiles, or gratify their local pride. • It.,is *elllurrna that Moonier station, for the housing and reaervation of cars and locomotives , and their repairs, eta, has beenlocated a short dtstance beyond the. West Commons, and the , passenger and freight station on the west side of ) Frderal between the canal and the South ~ Commons, to " rag along the two latter several t. a hundred f th in the city of Allegheny. The lixostir of these etatious has been the • feequentaub mt of ill-natured counnemt by the • POSI, and WV" It a more indirect manner, by '' theJounnit, the subject has acquired -in . creased :importance by the late action of, the Common - Conseil of 'this city. ' • . - . W,esbailtake tip the location of the outer sta tion firs; as there can be no objections to Omit on-account of o place, as the most prejudiced person could busily erprt the Company to par , chime the req4isite quantity of ground on this nide of the rirer,ur . at any point much nearer the beset oicthe city even were it all desirable. ' Thee locatiin?4. most beautiful one,. end in et ' ery respect niobjectionable, but its selection has hue Used by I.he Post to assail the charsinter end Motivesthe President of the company, fletli. Roanssoi ,because the property staa pnr ' chased of his on Now we were well acquaint : ed With all t h e facts connected with this pur . chase, at the emelt took place, and most une.: - ' quirts:ally usert that it was the cheapest . , and best location within the reach of the Company. Pim: Robinson declined having anything to-do it,. trona thatelicate, sense of propriety which t i. hat governed Is conduct in every step of this . enterprise, sad the.purchase was made by ldr, Louise. who -was wholly disinterested. We know that the ground could hare been sold for more Money, that it was considered by every . ' inni as remarkably 'cheap, and WO' do not believe that any gen:ilia can be:purchased intim! neigh - boyhood within $lOOO per acre is low as that was biked for. . Dir. Lenin will gladly take MO bargain of the hands of tbe Company. if it is `desirable to relinquish it. So for, then, from Gen. Robinsmini:4l4 a 'speculation, as the Post char , ges,tdasum's ' party was disposed ofat whatgood jnagra - eonsi er less than its value, and at star lees rate' thsny prope r t y offered suitable for - . coma the mimes& We now to :the passenger and freight time. _This is en . ,Pederal street, not on propetf tacit, Robirofou'i, but merit, ' - and this hu. used to his injury by =sere ,. pilaus and malicious tensor's. Oen. Robinson is '' eeeitensive:ti property holder, in Allegheny, that it would be difficult to seleet„ any suitable 'station in that city without its being oar or near hie property, But with the present eelection 'he had nothing to do. 'the Board of Directs - '.referred the subject entirety to the Chief En _ ..:. pincer, S. W. outran, Esq., as a person who was wholly 'nterested, and who'cousulted,the interests of e company eolely in making the iclection, an a t the time he made it heR69 not Aware that Ci u. .Robinson mined any . property in the nets hood It 'must be admitted by ~.. , -'O eery person; not wholly' besotted by prejudice, that it is decidedly the best location which could have bectt me e on that ride cd r the river, giving . - more : amour ' dation to the ;people, with less . expense to th company. It is nearer and more . --, accessible to e heart of Pittsburgh than any either arallahle,point without crossing the ricer. It is on then" . ncipal business street of the city i „of Allegheny , at at the foot of thesecond bank, on the principal cities, venue between the aka on the canal,. co tiguous to a -cOmmodions basin. •At no other : ?hint could; bait; rip , . . • proseled,aiipear the centre of business in both cities,nothis. ~ No • better point, - we unhesitatingly assert, could have been selected in Allegheny; and Dir. .... • Roberts, foris selection, and the Direetors; for their ra 'M tifi nof it, deserve the thanks of this m i ll entire unn ty for the wisdom and - sagacity • which have marked this part of their proceed togs. : A most bitter complaint is made,' howerer, thatthe i lnn station is not , in Fittsbnrgh, and -,',- this complain has at length been formally acted upon by one branch of the councils .' We are ef prepared to meet the inquiries on this subject of every fair m inded man . . There are some men, howaver,' wi e prejudices are unconquerable, and te such We have no .i argument to offer. • , It 4es beettlit GIUGSCIOIIof =Lions concern with . .. the Directors ;.f the Ohio and Pennsylvania Bait- road Cmpan from the commencement, to. as . certain the beat and-chespestmode of connecting with the Pennsylvania Rallread, to facilitate the exchange i c t :' ,4 freight. It has always been seen ,- - aid - admi that in order to enable the line • through .Pittsburgh to compete with rival lium, north and math, that freight should not be sub- ' . . jetted to manremary orpense and' delay in, its transhipment ntPitteburgh. Two modesof hen- ....eitterund from Philadelphia and Baltimore offer ... - : —one by the canal 'and the other by the. Pen- . ; sylviutia ,Itallped. - The station aelected on Federtd . at:cetaceans all the facilities for cheap .' . and ' rapid, transhiymeat one-.:the Canal which - . . could be desired.. The Depot will have a length of several Min i feet on th e Canal, and freight 2 can be, tra ns[ fit= care to Canal boats, with'the least possible delay and expense. -No station 'er • - could have; been procured in Pittsburgh could have afforded such' facilities, and thia mhothe wisdom of the selection on . Is regard a connection with the ?coml. 7 ' rani' Reilread l , / there are greater difficulties, but they have by d m means been left un4naidered by theDireetorli. Among the projects :Token of, one is to take sibranch, Of the road down Atte ..- - gheny Atei t sziwhich - runs - almost direct from the outer 0 to the river, and to connect by. ' . a bridge:with'the extensive depot at the Point, - . , proposed to be erected by the Pennsylvania Rail road. .. Another tplan is to carry 3 branch of the mad along the f orth Commons, and through the back streets of the upper part of Allegheny, and -.' 'to Fr” . #", laisitheny river Some half a mile or - . more above the pi?ez ?ridge, and th us fens a 602116eliOnlritli 0 Pennsylvania Railroad at Its . enter station: This is the only route which, . . could be run by le locomotive. and It would be a yule, or e mile da hal f farther from the heal ness put of Pittsburgh than the Federal street station. It would infect take the business of , - the west around the two cities, and not through thin: - And yet ac t ' is the unreasonable an , thoughtless demo on this Subject, 'that Mil; re ` toile le more fdielyto be brought about than any otter. : Another plan which has been suggested; Is, to construct a +Alice along lode of the lower bridge, and to lay i down rens in the streets, on 'which to bring the cars over by Immo - power. Then ars many tlitliculties in the way of this ..project also, whlc l i it is not necessary to notice now. Me have referred to these:recent projects, :'.to ahoy that the o . company has been alive to the ~. iniportance of this tonnection, and that it is ens- ' mounded with gees Officalties,'aid that in the 4 . ' Selection of the F oral street Station the Diree-. ten have been goy ed by endives of prudence, forethonght and' economy,, and not by local jealoniles, or, specidative,objects. . The. route through the piper part of Allegheny his bean surveyed, and found precticible in an engineer : Mg point otvierr.' At the tine the upper bridge war burnt, i'grai'rciraa `made fat -th, .purpose ofseeittg whether the river could be crossed ,by . --'.- a railroad et thatlll4 . but It wasfound.im - praeticablev accept • ist an enormous rs eipee, . - causing o. ,the iijari r destructi o n of an immense In ~ ~ _ aniOntit of priest* property : . : . : -, : ~ : ~ . . The Somplainsnts will , Bee, trims thin snsory. . , - rime of the Xffiallties to be surmounted .Is the two ksilroede, iiott - _Stweistoishle and • - captious, are 'their Abjection? - .114 talk Itidmitt reflection we examination, lad In a Spirit of .in-, ' justice se se • . . -:'• • • •• as it is - disgraceful. -ITo is ri establish s istatlon at the Ohio and Pennsyliania sonroidf*thin of Pittsburgh, and ft; tette an liiiiecutate connection. with the . Pennsylvania Railroad, is a Work 'of time and great- expecte& - wasand.ls the manifest in- tercet of, Piyaburgh and the company to open tke "I is t atty as practicable, so as to derive .profile Rut outlay t tning beakless to the oitj , ,, stain= the attention of the west. to this point . Whit folly, 'then; would it hare been for the company to bane spent their time, means, and energies, in moms the river Into Pittsburgh, when we were already connected by good paned streets and commodious bridges, and when the station on Federal street- is nearer the heart of the city than probably that of any railroad station in • any large city in the Union? It is doubtfal whether all the money Pittsburgh sub scribed as a corporation would more tlan suffice to defray the expense of this connection; and it is a subject also which requires mature deliber ation, critical exsiaination, and ought neier to be undertaken in s henry, in the midst of all the excitement and bustle attendant on the con 'traction of an extensive railroad, requiring the decision of on many difficult question;-especially when there was nothing in the nature of the ease requiring haste. lILY 26, 1851 in regard to fleshed mode of ' forming a con nection with the Pennsylvania Railroad for the exchange ofireight, to whieh we are decidedly faiorable,irenhall give our vie we at another time, and beg lesio now to ask the unprejudiced ex amination of the eitisemt of this city disposed to end (mat, to the location of the Federal street station. tan . any of thempoint out a better loca tion fora, connection with the canal, or for the distribution of pa.sseigers? - How much farther Is it from the hotels, and the buskers part of the al*, than the station of the Pennsylvania Rail , road? Will not passengers, when they arrive at the Pennsylvania Railroad station, be conveyed In onutibmsees arid carriages to the different ho tels in this city, and wilt not precisely the same be the case with those who arrive hy the Western Mad! All the passengers by the latter road will be delivered just as cheaply, and as certainly, and as rapidly, at the hotels in Pitts.: burgh, as those by the former road. Then into freight Intended for distribetion here, it Will have to btput an drop in both cases, and with the exception of bridge tolls, which we presume the Rained Company will arm sage in some way, the expense of distribution will be about the same. As r far as Pittabiugh is concerned, then, we can not see the maim . Menem of these complaints. . The Federal street station is nearer more.peo plo in Pittsburgh than it. is In Allegheny, and the- passengers and business will as naturally flow to the hotels and business streets of this city, as if no river run between the two places. Ae the station Is now located the business must pass through Pittsburgh, but If the passenger and general freiiht depot should be transferred to the upper end of the Ninth Ward, and pass to It back of Allegheny, and by a viaduct across the Allegheny river, which is a merit° plan, its 70 have been informed, with some of the officers of the Pennsylituda liitiroad, malingers might peas by us without so much as looking into our doors. In every aspect of the case, then, we arrive at the deliberate conelosion that the officers of the Ohio and Permsylnnis Railroad Company their proceedings thus far,' in relation to stations at the eastern terminus of their road, hal'. acted with prudent threthought and with an honest re gard M the best interest of the stockholders, and the joint and mutual advantage of the two cities, and that there .is not the slightest foundation for the unjust and most disgracefhl and shamethl charge of specntative motives urged against the President of the - Colimuly by the editor of the Port, whose eciive in this, as in many other, things, has shown him to be as valdlas of private reputation as be is of the public welfare.. CCRIA.—The reported rising of the people of Cubs,comerunicated a few days ago trylelegraPh, is by no means confirmed- The fact is there are so many persona interested in getting op these stories, that but little reliance can be placed epon them.' There is little doubt but that the late report of an affair between the people of Prindpe and the government troops had some foundation; but it will require further Adrian to render the rumor worthy of- much regard. Then? is unquestionably% a feverish state of feeling among the people Hof that island; sad sooner or biter it will be wrested from Spain; but this event will be postponed, not hastened, by the threatened irruption of a set of brigands from oureountry, who, like some other people. ate fond of propagatinilletneeraty for rake of the “spoile.7 The quiet, indolent, unambitious 'Cubans know - very well that, bad as their pres ent government maybe, it is preferable to- being overrate and trampled down bye parcel of bold, restless; grasping. and ututarepulous 'erica/vac The Cubans are making -slow advances in either physical or moral improvement. It seems indeed that the Spanish race cermet get beyond the 'point now attained by them !nerd*, which is rather in advance—notwithstanding the esti trary;natnre of their' government—of that to which the Blexicarts ever attained. Republican institutions seem to exert no beneficial influence npon - these people. What the canoe of this may be, we shall not undertake todeteniiine ; but the abortive republics of iiexicoind South AmeriCa we think have established the tact. The true principles of freedom must be sown in theschool borne, or. it will be in vain to expect to find them opeiatipg opon either the people or their rulers. TELE FREE nargr swanzz-iment The fait that the Cats' Commissioner Issued free tickete to members of the Legislature and others, baring been folly and clearly substan tiated by the. statement of Mr. Bighorn, through the columns of this paper, we felt no disposition to recur to the subject. We' placed the facts fairly before the people, sad having done so, we Mired not to notice the long, rambling, weak, and antrrilons ;article which appeared subsequently in the Poet, on the same enbject. If the readers of that Paper choose to accept of ouch stuff as an offset to the positive statement of a fact by a gentleman of unimpeachable veracity, why be it so. That paper has not broken the OM of the statement in the slighest degree; but the Canal COMmisaioners lie at this moment under:the lit potation of a most dishonorable and unlawful act ; and if either they or their defenders were poisessed of spaniels of honorable principle, they would push the matter to a full (prestige tide, cuileas.conscions gulltrestraitted them. iTe tell the Pout that it will require something else than vituperation to . turn aside the force of hLa Dighton's statement; and we - say further, that if the editor were not lost to every seine of boner and decency, be would not have smiled to such a weapon In such a case as this. Coild any thing be ; more abhorrent to the minds of honorable mei, than to Ile' maim .soch a charge as this„ end make no attempt at defence eseept the ono—as, vain as it is 'contemptible—of at & tempting to defame the witneas of their auto , ling conduct. We have beeninduced to take this much no .e tite of th e Post'article; because we see by that paper of yesterday that our ellence has embolden al it to, resume Its attacks. But a man so ut terly di‘old of shame as the editor hie proved himself to be in this matter, cannot he silenced; we.shall let him goon. But one word to honest Democra' to, who here as much interest in putting a atop to theee swind ling tranactions as we have. You have heard the charge and the evidenee. tenor opinion the fact has been clearly established, that agents of the Blatt,. chosen by your votes, hare vielsted their oaths, and the law—that they hare perytt trated a most contemptible swindle upon the C.*Dmouvoehh in this matter of giving free tlek 'et's to members of thf hei t ha a t et o and to tree elliag , polt*lclans ;. and what is Worse than all, theyysoitly solnsit the charge by their sllenctt, though it has for some time been brought home to th em by thesolemn stalls:mat of a man whose 'Ord will not. ho OPniod. Are you goteg to accept of defamation as as offset to facts, and vituperatiVa u a eubstitute for argerne e t. as the Post wisheiyon to do; and thus aid it la the vile work o f =emitting the guilty f :We trust not. The ks, for the enbscriPtionot stook to the Ohio sad liana.Bailreati, hue lawn left at the effete. the ,Ohlo and Pennsylvania - 'Railroad Company in tidsi eicr. An of bur citizens who thel disposed tti Innot annum In the extortion°, ourtifestens tied. "Mall turd enbearibeg There do be no questices that the stook will . pay "as the road Will hare no eatopetittar. ==ll 1111=0 MCSMISION. 'The forrust qualm of the ,Chlo and reno4l - from this to Brighton,•.erill lake place on next Wediesday.i It is imputed that the roml.will.baucopleted to. that place to-day, and prepantions aremaking to celebrate the opening of the road, by a grand excursion on Wednesday,, when all the can of the Compa ny IFS! be - fdled With . persone erpecially:inrited for the occonien. Is'exPectod that the Gov.: emu of the State VII be. present, and•:. partake in the ceremonies of .the day, re well u the Mayor and Councils of the two cities; tits ! fudges and principal officers of the Courts, offieers of the United States; end distlognished strangers in the city, andel:Leh other personas the Ditpctors may invite. More' particular notice will a giv en by the officers of the cqmpany, in time for our' next isms. - We were informed, yesterday, that Mr. El: , let had commenced the location of the Hentpfield Railroad at -Wheeling, and 'within • short die lance of that city had encountered a tunnel,of 1800 feet. This Is the mita • Tax Bretz Ilowo.—We copy to 7, from the Joanna, an articlenlgned "A.,".1n eve of the conatructlcat of the river rood, fro to to Welhetille. and finally, end is J. Mt *ble to Bridgeport. As this has altreyn , afa to route of ours, via 'one for wid th , e hair con. tended with nearly all our contain !Mita We need not say therefore, that we highly a re of the project, and rec ommend to our citizens to glee it all the aid In their power, as a road which will confer greatbenefits upon Pitntburgh, and Foy* to be good paying stock. - Tin Csisz,- - -biessrs. Bell At Ligget state to us on goa authority, that the damages sustained by the Pennsylvania Canal by the flood in the Juniata have been so far reiwired, that the boats will commends running again on Tuesday next. STATE 01 , TELIOS IN BAN FBAIicDICO. . We made some remarks come dais Iwo upon the [Gerbil experiment et the - people of that city In attempting to govern and protect thareselees by mob law. The Boston' frertlkr gives the fol. lowing extract team :a. priests letter upon. the earns !Object:— • "A. secret arganiestion at citizens has teen formed for the prase:lntl= of lives and property; and daring the next fortnight there will be ex citement. I naderstand that an invitation will be extended to all Sydney people to Come for; ward and show evidences of good character, or take flee days to leave these parts 7 othcrwise they will receive a pill from Colt's morir.ine cheat Since the last tire there has been more unable than ever before. New something :will be done, and undoubtedly there will be more executions. If judges or la wy ers remonstrate, they will be in danger. .I think that for the last fortnight an attempt has . been made every right to fire the city; and if we escape thelfith, which Is the, anniversary of one of our great fires, I shall feel 'Jed." . Upon which the Timelier makes these ju dicione rumba—one fact that San Francisco Li so overrun with lawless and desperate villains, is mffitiently painfal and diming; but It is by no meals tha most shinning and painful Old communicated In the above extract.We confess that we view with .the 'utmost alarm 0. state of general morals which' will allow, mush Ism sanction, each;an criminal= u that alluded ta. It indicates an attaevltiatiorh sad corrup tion of the public ftmetionaries of the city, and s general contempt for the administrators of the Isw, which is totally inconsistent with the ides that anything like a well ordered government exists in the country.: Bum we are. that if there. are men whose business it is to administer tbla law, the COUIIIO adopted by this "organization of citizens. must teed most directly to break down this law, and to render powerless these officers of intim. If this orpnicationcan be sustiined, there is, in faet, - = mud to government" the Constaimial fuliertiser holds the foll Owing sensible language reipecting the intater:— • “Hatt the committee mined themselies to operating upon the ministers of the law, either by aiding and supporting them if they were .willing to enforce the law, or by bringing such • combined public opinion to bear upon them that they would be unopened to act 'promptly and , importially, they would , have. dons wisely and well; the effect would have been immediate and perpetual, and the triumph of the gnat prin ciple of self-government; under the restraints of lay, would have been complete. Very different tithe cute now. However much the committee may hereafter delis it, they minuet heal . the wounded honor of the defied law. They cermet at will raise its prostate form and reanimate It with authority and power. The vigilance com mittee may make Itself feared, but It will be at an expense of popular respect and homage to the law. Moreover, a counter-vigilanee committee would be quite as legal as that now existing, and might make itself as terrible. Nor is 'it ,im probable that such an onindiost will spring up, if every man who stab • box of money—in the lament case recovered by his pumciers—or commits any other felony—ls to be secretly con demned to death. A vigilance committee acting with such tiering illegality, and openly w owing it without shame , may go to the greater lengths of tyranny, thus provoking counter emulations; and where will the end be, . ' If there Is, ea cannot be doubted, necessity in San. Francisco for onaniudion for self-Protection on the part of citizens, let it be done net in de fiance of establishedlaw, hut ander its unction. Let respectable citizens protect thempelres and their property by existing law, or by amending the laws if they need amendment. Any other mode of protection most remit in anarchy and ruin." Tat &mimeo Iszawys.—A late, number of the ..Polyzwedan" contains the report of the llawsilaa Ministsr of lits interior, from which we learn that the number of foreipom who bare taken the oath of alleglanee daring the past•yearils 161, citizens of the following coon- United Slates, 88 Great Britain, Fhiss, 12 South America, 2 rance,n4 East Indies, 6 Portugal, ' • 6 West Indies,' 4 Germany, 6 Polyzursta, 4 Denmark, 2 Africa, .1 Prude,. • 1 The amount of goods told at auction in the Ltiwagari Sagdom , daring th peat year, was $1,060,760 88. 81X18' FIRMII,OO7 imaßaL PAINT. Our readers will retnember that about a year ago we gave some acommt et a discovery male by Mr. James C. iMcams, of le rehab!e miner al, found in great abundance near the bead of Federal 'treat, Allegheny, which proves to be a a natural Are-proof paint of the best , quality.-- We are now enabled to slate that Mr. Simms has completed the erection of a manufactory of this anlole„and Is prepared to furnish it idea/ Tan thy, Aber dry, bolted through a rumens bolt. log cloth, or ground in oil, as may be deified— The Bt. Charles Rotel, in this city IN painted, (brick-work, doors and window ;frames) frames) with this article, which has on some ton months. We refer the reader to his edverthtemoit In another column: • The following etrathiatee ullt ge farther than any thing we can' , This is to certify that the waifs and window frames of the Et. Charles lintel here bees pain• ed with Mr.-Rime' Fire Proof 'Mineral I'aint, some ten months sines, and here no hesitation in 'eying that it is a• very supsrlor adds for that P . R.- MILLER. Pittsburgh, .1.17 21, 1861_ PITTIIIIOIkII4 du17.2. 1851. Thle is to milt/ that we have tried the miner al paint diseoisrad aad nmuntsetured by hlr. Mute and thateretandader Itrupetior, ea far VI ear judgment goes,.to any other maneral plot in the market, end that his 'edge ground in oil will be found to be a very superior article. JOHN TiIOMPSON, • JAMES ?dEROER., MR. Sows— Ditta-Bit : I have used the ample of Miner. el Paint you left with me, and consider your plan of grinding It La-oil,* decided improve ment.. I am still of *piston that It viii, In a great measure. WEI thOpiese of Ind; !nu much is Its natural coalface are not destroyed by ihemica t moves that of lead, and for, two reasons, ,is: 'durability and . clospness, It will not to bag bell= a discerning community will morefnliyappresiateltaqqaUtlear For marathon twenty can I hare been anpged In the plat. log timletis, and withme the theory has been minced to practice. It can be used to mina bogs in the' following, vis: weatherboarding fenclog. wagons, ploughs;eastlmpa Iron railings,: hurricane decks of bofts, 40 clamp, se Is innumerable instances It found 4°441* ble, if my lodgment 4 'worth iw oog• 1 8 91 1236 It every " We, where dark Dol or si sm. swot. ours m ile u% 11414 U K. &MELTON, sheet; Pittsburgh, July b,1061. . ~;~:,;~ n'tteaw, Yost— Tite Trtr, Whigwaywi , Theiron..woritere, *titian end. *nem an undergolag a seriere eceperisam an der the present Tariff, the direct effect'of which is to paotectforejgra lot hooselabor and apical. The forges Sat havn not stopped, are kept in op eration atalonez-on a 'wean ecala—amlonlY In the hope that e . better day may come. In the Northern 'Pait of this State, this is the cue.— The effect U . ; stnpend entire/ would be In dis.. trees, by throwing operatives, hitting families to support, ont of employsnent; ined yet, calm/re lief ho obtained, erten this mnst be dente." • rm. the astailerriest ' Joterted. The altentioo of the City Camilla emirs, by resole dam adopted at late meant& to have been attramd the tretortence ef swaging, Ili eigorma effort, the loa. memo the. tta MthrOM aMmlechnut title ott attetargh ad Allegbotri h re am:aye tota allteltro: gable and dangerom. cot the matte trade end Ina. .1 eppeasehlog the Ohio river la the great end Itouriehlrof Btu. of Oh/coney be atured %preempt Inlergy and m a ,. e a ra t t... or they may be • greet trateore loot by arts nnc t and Wel mated. It le of Mal ler fortune to us. and to the fotuTspaity thls am- Vt"Q VTP.II. =of • direct mom: with the farobenrllle thd Bathyal to area that desirable otastalere eta additional math we ll 11dttbf of our ohm trooan that nay be mate available sad productive at anoulytter end open Morel terms. • The thlytClemlend and littabomtW e b ß it a allmed Malan, torn. pleted~ miles of d Irma d Raven= In. Muth it lash dety•two m ll ea then CeClevel rtitu an de's to Ohio sompleted, and the thane 11.. team Camiand to the Ohio river it Wellevale will be nabbed by the Ira &yet Novantor. TWe Coto poseeme utnorellmay fte t . Mr Weft*. BY tepetotb. be Oh* the Comp../ base eight to toaturoe nod ban Wallarllle to am Pennayl. atibl. lbw. eat by legislatka Peonsylnals, to wand dt to Beaver and mama with the Pettat%l . vri and Ohio Reed. 11 bas alm authority to extend a down the Valley of Bandy. to =nem tellb the Muth= thud Iw distanced. nu 0001. will open • dlnettommothealka between Pittsburgh tad 00 of the tithed relay. m Ohba The Oomothy eltu ra, ban emeadraut L'huter,weseel Ithro • rg at bed, to y extend • b , to .net with tbe ultio Waal Railroad. Taub the eel/ Muter In existence mthorlatng • tetwecuon alma the Milo between the Olmstead hothead Brldgeport.otaalts Wheellav this rook( &moven &direct tonmekla batmen: =ant Pitaborth by the Mad ame, a thew 1 the Quetaxid and Pittsburgh Rends, Maltby etherallY dethedita the Than l perackess tenantia.. L. _ of the llempflekl root*. wont( gam from put to Paithowth In two hours and • tauter, the n Veit tanpultion by the flenapfiekt mots at dogma. cferaland and fittabonth theetwor hulyrovidel the requisite means, and 011 l amplete Ib ram to the river within senety day. It le slalom to mottoes Ito of to Beaver. sad trUl do so the ensuing you If the mum of two hundred thouseml dollars, earn oat half of the atun n antheloa to to Ward hemd Wty It be ar also anthem to extend • brawßragratel. e r e to la by the Pittaborgh and Stentemellie. or 01 lte emt mob go Ra mona trade end Irma that will plea over the rouse lap. patethhas the Ohio rlyef and converglng of Pittsburgh. Stile Mal Wert can to aanullehed at an warlyday by the sotherlatione by oor ethane of the Wilier mm of three homiest thontand dollar.. The subettib . ers;o stock would ; mrp . t=na ut tsoome ,n u tlttlja • tot avitant to the Ohl river. pert 5' 7N. nnpartaat ob jeers am Ite thesdily attalsod. but Mt without liberality, and effort. • HEWS rt TEE PACIFIC. E xotAND....taa WIAIIIIO3 1/117Z311111 The revenues , far, the quarter coding On the 6th of Only intstant inut suet been published, and shows &diminution of only 34,417, ea compared with the proliso corresponding quarter of 1860, although In the interval heavy taxes on sugar, stamps, timber,' sod bricks have been repealed. Comparing the year ending on the sth of July, 1050, the reduction is .£BOO,OOO, while the relief from taxation has nearly £1,600,000. There will, therefore, again this year be • considerable sin% beyond the Chanellor of the Exchequer's TER PAPAL A0:111.111110N• • The news of the thirdreading of the Papal :aggression bill, with the addition of clauses granting informers the right to sue for a penal ty of £lOO against the pubfishers of Papal Bolls, will have reached you by the Asia. The strin gent addition.othich vu carried in spite of the opposition of the Government by a majority - Of 208 against 129, may be attributed In a great measure to the new aggression of Pins 9tE in his meant letter for the endowment of an Italian church in London. The priests, however, will doubtless ivied it with satisfaction. Their one hope and desire et pmeat L that they may mm• tries to get themselves persecuted, and although It is certain that the clauses in question can never be need in England as instruments of op. pressioo, the tact of, their being Paned will serve to increase the unction with which Cardinal 'Wiseman will . exhort , bra meek disciples to pa tience and , long suffering. 'People express ear- prise that the Pope should have taken further steps of offence while the English Parliament were still diecuning the measures to be taken fares repression of his first encroachment, but what they ,perroule themselves is sn Indiscre tion seems plainly ets-agh a stroke of policy.— Pers,ecutiop being wanted we shall bear of end less attempts to bring it about M. de Toqueville's report on the revisionnues. Hon to expected.to houltaitted to the Trench Assembly tomorrow. The number of signatures to the petitions in unnectloo with the question, silliest' to be 741,000 for simple revision, 370-. 000 for a revisionand A prolongatlonof therms. ident's powers, sad 12,000 for prolongation only. In general affairs there Is nothing new. The French funds continue to vise and the hnprove, meat bus been accelerated by tbe failure and . !tight of a large speculative senors He has absconded to Xmeries and the Goventment have der- patched a steamer to anticipate his arrival: The Marquis of Londonderry, in the English House of Lords, baring called utimtion, to the cue of Abdel Sada, with the view of inducing the English Qdrunment to Intercede, the Paris Coistitutionnel reminds him thet there was once a prisoner at EL Helena, whose ease did not ex. cite similar sympathy on the part of English. men--the safety of Europe considered to , outweigh the indulgence of personal compassion. The Constitutionnet. hoverer, forgetsto add that the Emperor Napoleon via not betrayed into a surrender, and that his 0450 lAN so for different froni-Ablel Hader's that he had indicated by his escape from Elba Hut It eru doubtful whether he could be trusted to his parole. ,n •Ti.“ 110 SIT/JcIlL. Captain West of the Atlantic, having placed his vessel at the dirposal of ttr. Win. Brown, M. P., of the firm of Brown, Shipley & Co., of Liv erpool, that gentleman has issued invitations to • dinner to be given on board on Saturday next; the 12th Instant, to as many of the Royal Com missioners and distinguished 'treaters and oth ers who are interatal In the Crystal Palace and its contents as can make It convenient to at tend." The Allende Is advertised to leave Liv erpool (on her nest voyage since her accident) on the 234 of July. Nossi actumr, &C. Money hi vary abundant, and the payment of the dividends, which commences at the Bank to. morrow, will Make it ellll more co. The reports of the state of Owls thlwaabolit the country show in Improvement ID all perts. The Buds remain study. The weather bens airy and fine. wheat has esperienud s further redaction of h qr. eratArcm CAPS G? 000 D UOMIL - • • - • Advises bora - been tool:load from the Cape to. May thlriplrot. 81r !lorry Bmmith,sontlan e4vith tho,iesd quarters at His; Wllllarta Town. Affairs on the frranler remained much la the mune state. No decisive sullageratnts had talon place. ' The Wire avoided meeting In the field. the Britlehlsoops, whose operations were c0n d0...1 to harassing the enemy by a sticeassloo or patrols. The Vtdcan eteemer, with the seven. 'tont& Highlanders, arrived at the Cepo on the 12th of May. The Cape Town Mall nays: Hie Ham Smith bay continued to eeed oqt patrolling columns in a different direction front King William's Town, coamtantly herrassing the borttle Caffire, driving them froia their etrong bolds, destroying their braids and ronaovionslly capturing some of their cello. flecept in eon Inoue*, the CMS's have avoided en engagetneut with the "troops, boring been rendered by fro. cteent defeats,more ceutlects than dug ehowed themaelves et the commencement of the war. Major Wilmot, with a forte of 'Will /., 0 11 1 .) moo, well engaged, of the latter end of April, in patrolling the 0000 try slang the loft bank of the Kelekamosa, nun its junction with the Umilesl , Ile destroyed several kreali and oerried off some stores of Vole W1..6211106 to the lunatic Cat. Ass. The latter appeared at , a distanoa along the Iles of march, and ettectipted to out off lunge of the levies; but observing that Meier Wilmot was preparing, by to legations 4116054110, to draw them into .ao Ambush, they precipitetaly retreated,' and simaped with the loon of few . TIIII Hottentot leek!, to the &hurtle of this, patrol, evinced considereble improvement in point of Illendlllll4ll and dloolvlips, Pfolll tic /hope BUOVI N0n0461 popach Care Town, Fridey, Ile, go, pm.' t The sepect of th• war bail uoihrsomi ilttle alteration since out lot pubileation, and ware , gret to inty tbat we have *till au diclelte &a eon to record, or In fist any - thing that tyOul lead to the conelosion ots speedy tertglnation the present disacirous mate of Oahu The e mote of patrol' bra been continual, the Ante tole mountains here been nptatedly penstretal . *ad tbelr fastnesses explored by the Delilah ' troops, who bare endured groat fatigue mot die. played l eg Moir usual gallantcyy but the openly, lik e the emgcrop of the spiel, vanish II 1, their ke , oroselt, driving off their cattle. In glr B. S m ith observe.", we here to Qcal wIJI vhs neither front, audit, our rear, and whoa 1101 1 /laAle aro tou rapid end eeepn• trio to W maculated upon. A fall of snow had occurred on the Whiter. berg sad other Cloilniala nape of the colony, which extended to the Anatole'. The - number of float:ring partial of Clalgri within the colony hoe greatly Increased, probably It eaci e g oottee of the privations which -they gruffer - in the bush . ' Fortunately the 7401 regl. oat isatiodat Port Elisabeth and proceeded to Orabam'i Town; - Do that there will be s larger o p Nape o3 iljett Itoreklore the {Dicey, co u 4 • ornao or the Entglera and the re to cook4isiao.p; . Tharederal Connell of Bwitsarland bat dawn gps deers for the intention of the rifts), a I Beepitehmet One illicit to twangs) the country from the lake of Constance to peeing by Enrich. A branch line Is to ran from this trunk Hie to an Basle railway. to unite with the German and French tines.— Another line is to - proceett .from, the lake. Con stance to Cate, in the Orisons, to be prolonged afterward scram the Alps, ',by Loeinnarder, into Lombardy. The total length of these lines is to be MO kilometre", (900} English miles) and the expense 102,1=,000f., or 137.11.2t.i1 kilo- Metre. - • Rome is at the present moment trenquil; 'the searion being over, and the unhealthy period about to commence, the number of strangers Is very much reduced. With the exception of the assassi nation of one of the secretaries of the Holy Church, nothing has been attempted by the =R hine Part,; the smoking prohibition manmores have, however, not ceased—eine* the late second attempt at carrying that eystetn through by the mixing of exploding cigars with those of the ap palto. The strict measures resorted to by the french and Papal authorities, and the late mili tary trials and artences, seem to hue, for the moment put a check on farther attempta at se rious disturbanoes; tievertheleta, it Is dangerous to indulge in a. harmlers cigar In public, as the consequences might be moat disagreeable. The French are generally considered most change aldis in their manner of maintaining order; this isconsisteney naturally gives umbrage to the pop elation, which is ready to show its hatred of the Gallo sustainers of Popery in _every possible manner. *F.." _ . Large reinforce eats are expected by e French, who are at present about 9000 strong, this certainly does not look like a probabilty of the garrison of Rome soim being composed of Amnions. The eery personal appearance of the two armies is a type of their systems, and of the character of the nations they represent, The Frenchman has a* careless, easy, light hearted way about idffi; one.hand in his pocket, a light cane in the other, no sword on. He lounges through the streets of this capital,:anthiet a population whom, he despises and by whom he is execrated and continually moleeted, with a cool bravado, exactly contrary to the German, who, still and uprlghtl sword at ride, bis white coat without crease or speck, takes the air, as If OP duty and a matter of formality, with a firm step,whir.h Is the say contrast of the easy swag ger of the other, but Is more respected by the peopleindividnally, and more readily obeyed.— The French troops occupy, the whole of the !loathe= part' of the Itoman States up Cirita fhaetellass, whilst the superior portion, larded in Bologna and Ancona, is in the hands of the Imperial commanders. The Roman censorship is far stricter than that exercised in Tuscany, which in itself is very severe. In Rome bat few numbers of the Gazeuta di Gram are suffered to pass, whereas that paper is generally read is all parts of the Grand Duchy. The evatontshouse officers direct their attention puiitularly to books and lienosoripts, as the articles most under,pro bibition. • . The, following letter to the London "Morning Chronicle, well be read with painfbi interest: “The- Vienna papers are wit ;mt, interest of any kind. The capital is still nominally In' a 'tamer siege, for though the cannonof Windisch grati still peep out from behind palisades on the ramparts of the city, 'threatening death and de !traction to all evil-disposed, the onerous condi tions of is strictly military mime are taken off, and we now see a column in thejoarndireserv ed for their corder delinquencies and the details of crime that are daily taken cognisance of in open courts by-twelve jurors, similar to our lice reports.". Notwithstanding this and other symptoms of amelioration, lam bound to say that the condition of Austria is Der from !sestets tory. Every thing that has boon done, story low or enactment that has been published since the accession:of the'present emperor, must be and is regarded as of a. provisional and uncer tale character. IX tour» in malting this ease:- lion, r except the .new military organisation, which is, I suppose, perfect cc its kind. Retro grunion is the order of the day. Even the con-. (assails ..provislonal municipal laws,;'—provi; eland only 'until they receive the Um.l. on of the central Reichstag of the empire--are under going revision, having bun found too liberal and too free from the inist.tio elenient. This it is maid, is a concessiou nude to the Hungarian Cceserrative party; the laws as they were first designed not being adapted to linuget7. It is Indeed true, that still-horn child, the famous Constitution of Mardi, Iti49, is not yet buried; but that is all that can be said of it No format repeal has beentsade, but. I can assure you that It forms the main object of consideration with the Cabinet how and in what way they can best modify, and if not modify, when they shall with drew and eased their own, work.. Ton will sei sily understand that many rumors are rife on the subject, and that nothing is known on this side the veil of the temple. Until semething de cisive takes place, the crowndands of =the em pire, the archduchy itself, mast be viewed as a state of transition; the prevailing forme of gov ernment, In name constitutional, being in fact arbitrary. I dere the opinion of-many panties, that actuate is not far distant; and I am led to this conclusion, partly by the pandve and neutral tone of thejoarnsis, as If waiting for the favora ble moment to chew their totem. From what I bare said, you 'trill at once perceive that there is immediate prospect of a coronation taking place. • The accounts which came dropped In from the different crown lands are by no means ensuing In Galicia, a peasant "prophet" has been sui ting the country folk by his eloquence to abstain froutspiritious liquors, and enter the Idatig,keits Varela. These apparently praiseworthy afforte,• instead of meeting with, open encouspanent from the I:loYetultunt, Ita*e been checked, end the prophet "Gonad, on account of the Column nistic doctrines which are :wowed to lurk un der themask of temperance. Field preaching in Poland is, in point of fact, what the prohibition to smoke is In Italy, the sign or disaffection, and as each, it has always been rustled by quern toeut. In one of the circles of •Galiois, carious disturbances hut:Just taken place; the peasan try thinking that the time was coma for them to rise and poseess themselves of some portions of the land. The military at last were obliged to interfere to protect the landlords, when blood tra'''shed, and one or two lives lost:, Here we tee the consequences of the too. carl4emanclps lion of the serf.from feudal obligation; one of the that fruits of the revolution, and now bitterly rued by those who generously eonsepted to give them their freedom; for I suppose Were le no clue of peasantry in the world in lew itt the .awls of humanity as . the • Pollsh—eo ignorant and so brutal, and from that very iv:ounce and superstition the ready tools of a crafty govern. meat. Ample, too ample, proof has already been given in that country to the eubeerrieney of the peasantry, and ever since the Tarnow =SW Mee, Government bas felt were, being able at soy emergency to gain over the country people. Bur this reason, and the contiguity of Russia, the mintorY forte kPPt Alp Gifteda is,maller thew in any other province. Foreign and Amerlean Nardwitra, LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, 11A 1 / 1 NOW IN STOUR A MI andrAmploartfAll nt FORXIGN AND AJIMC.A4I HARDWARE, altsblo faith, spins tradaiAtAl LIM MO gramma to Misr ta parebtam at mai that artll compare . WAWA, AIIA au vof Oa Navel em.. . _ ger Allsoks..l. KIDD th CO.: WO wish to in . elm 7aq that we hoe sold all or year Weise Steettle vat loft with on We with 100 to nod us .osn. nose is no, is pnwdhle. se It hm it,., wawa' natlitiet}oe hers. We bees moat ealle An it sloe. we hare hem ant of the att. 141*, it baeintoteeded ell other preowstleai la thlsems. te sad the this Ecru... with 111.0 waid..ty Gm, A' fl. •. Adelphl. Dees we. O. oth. 1%1040. Th. Moral. one of lta hundreds of aballar totamatal• allot. wbIPO 10 Marietta" of thin tarodlelaaara dally pa , nalOna•. When It Asa hat Introdnead, ft has betomalha ,tod pngrofillr goo, ' . Tot IWO by J. MOD I CO.. a No. 00. TAXI ft. • lorTi r i c e pastas' remedy of tho ago scent. to la Iho eal.bratoi Inaallelno ntlad U.oJvtaUh A.. I. in Lioro.nt. It o. tout as &avatar:ad appllnallon. walla pld $n 110111110011 Mad mondarfut qualities Ow hastlnmalOat• tog pain, Onitarlar waded limb., aa. A trianel bad • meat plop Priam ohfro tonottouwa mortification; ha had fund 1 0 0g1.1 P•0;4,41m 00 n 0 eflact, than h. mu advlsoct Wary Itstrella Arabian Llalsoal. otta WM. of whkli an. OHO .1.10.01 alto W. hay* to doubt. from the aslant of tho WOO/. ant I,o 'lll l . l l.llenainfanalna. he would ha?. 4.4 a yaw l * ogle ur It. Sae aitrottlaaraant. Jy24 Pittsburgh Life ksurance Coinpaq.. • AIAPITAI, s1Q:000.- • or!lcr, STRIMT. Vltrigr-4,231 8 4=ax, MOW!! LUM. •• 12t_11.finuo 11.=7:4t " . acirantoratoal ssnoldN part of 1121. paptg. pro), 41 411 fooldfod, 10110 kil ll oll , lllo. .11 neva., glom plc 01 1 o'ilptp, 11,0 lloa.. 11ffula4 Pliffitl, In Ipo citti iv -I'4, Nom! Irlfl proom4 {moo 14.1140. r 1 4 1.4.101. 1 0 OR 1 1 11 !la1°P 17114 1 1t15. 1 1 :11tunhfl 41 o 0100, W 1441, loa' 4 4. 1.1111014 wit 4 t.' , i k r0 u7 4 0 , 4 *To the rotas of Iflfth and Omni. 4.14 olfooto, It 1 0,01114, sion. giro Proof Mineral Paint. %IRK subooritinr, havin . g cor t apleV his es• primersi; ;tog trio. paroAndolob 11, through bla soots. thor i az, or groom/ lo I, JANgs itl"1:/ .. irtk e tZriLA r iregg*:tr 4 Its 4 ' iii.,..ig to, ..nuold --ad. 41...iibm.. t • kl , ioistEE-160!)i.g.1ti0:,tv:43-....: ..,. ERta.....ti..). 2, I.4 z(r. - - —7-- " d Tl n 0 • lif 01,1,1, for tab by • it* ' ' .4 1)1 4" wATT. 4 CO. Green Teas have advanced 10c. per lb. ToU clul bastoitatsy Gmen Teas, thi three months to sops. —ms u old print. gad the w is tb• ems crushlilatrithatomtlzji the oklngtne In Wow cwt. es Oar have • lam Ana on Ma& Tber *on the bast Tn. in Pidaburgh oPswitic. • n-tll A Good Bargain is now Offered, IF. APPLICATION BE MADE SOON., Prom Throw to /air ACREB. m Dom.. emanate. near Hail , bnond—an /be prionisos to • wood Um non , with nownost7 Intildithrb Aa. TM 14 roperkr =4' ate,. dad into tan and Aoki at • good I- Pomo.. dispoood to toJmOZ$ b.. will .914, to It I&woodRVIN. st. TEAMBOAT OFFERED FOR CITY PEOP/CkSY.—• larsvln mill boxlval If assalotlfe BALM 18v/N TING-100 bbis. (dry end very fine) al• by J. BOHOORNA)0131* CO. 125 DOLL BRIMSTONE-2 bbis. for Bale . by J. 801300N1W1/11 a CO. QALERATUS-8 casks (warranted Dare) ale by .1. det/OON/Wll.ll. It OM • 1721 Watches] 1 UST RECEIVED , by !hit InOTllineg •g ntneu a eery sunnier emartmant of Wateb . Wet sery. lutterm touvustrenarkaud the n t nt l fue gn eo=ti.glait a = Ohne ardtas as my be &band at any mita= eta reagements altb atanuntrera and Itnpulara wench sa to earned adranlring that Ira aro enablad &D salt at the tourat regular prim lbnad hr the United Mt.- • • Beirut mottled by exparlesant and gulaW trateb ntalters, customers way &pond on 2a= Malt Watch= nuelral lu the beet utanuan and W. W;WILSON, Wetai /766 67. coma Mutat sod Irourtbig=a. Ilurplq it Burchfield HAVE OPEN this mornini a s further stip pr% gligllrtir " b i t If . at I•l4 l Nornr . fito= . [or mower yam hish Llossoc oluto to colond Moo two. to: at Ito oorthaut moor of Youth Mid Multet • .1725 . . 2fZWittilird: - 7 -- . 0. • SIEBER, No.lol Third street, has just recelred— - • erem.ll If gee. ended seam: - of l ited' whew..., Melly het co lwely: The am 'The =7 tetelear. _ Walt for th. Imam leshet to Kit glum, the great ...... ..... . .. . . MIS /113 b.a 190 of lay • . • Irm r 4 Omme •bm• AMOli 'teamm.V• :bloom mamma alOse.M1•10•., bY Demb•MM . Ob p. i t Z tb u t %Tr Carden rblldhadlk many boom • Nancy 1•11; Nt•nis Wang by Bosebovrm ] ) =M al iittibs: 4.ittby . It.. %le:its= by HEIM= . Tube %l am by BeMiterms. jytS 61011 0 THE GOLDEN MAP. • :Tl'l :4: : : " !:ii! :4: O 4 T LMES ' LITERARY DEPOT; Third oz,et.o gr ve. tr. Poe. 01500 . Litt.44l4:Zytug AO. No. 1 43.: 34. • r o . The Adrentoree M WM Peel ; :ki. . So. dtaiT. TbeChantese of Lai:4nm by Dumas. Mow* Igo gokags of rill.; by /db. Y tt=or := 1 171.751r ittrt.a The Tornate Coon :0 with illentastione. Traveler's Guide the IL and Canada- Item: or the Snow ; • tale of real Ilk by Caret= lee Meta The Roar The lhar of West Wayland. • lobo by Wary Hewitt. , The DeoabWa Nhlbh • *Wry af the mend time. Not ea 114 es we fee= • enmity by Belem. ' Fizetoarea Monthly Ihteashee, ler July—No. L Gods?. Leal4Z i ok, ford doGrabenVe dertateVe Tn. L.u.,79.71.741, '; /AS To the Deaf! ThEAFNESB noises in the head , 1, andirpoodllyi all .15 dloretblm no ises flost the= zat prirg„....—=. l l..trarN. Y. El=i2 , ; aof t 4l. , xti b TlJater a ni 6 begstoUro= n ludo% o his moot obit. tioalt "' ontlltteto scomotof somas wraith ottooded Ida treatment. bore In d coed tam apelto 111. Mona. Ws otay tura *Md.. peed much Upon , eottos. mot Sill advtoblo ttitoo riot to= dull to max on fatly • . may to coonaoll. nattl thither soties. In Alt.. AM/. wood brick doolltits &bad Mom. Baboon street. • 31Z CIA:0 1 7 PITTertY• • re• undersigned offers for sale a piece of ad containing, between he and data., &mated r sVar i T u r tisi l a`ll=2"tits=i Te t t ' we ma romL It is well adapted rams log " A or the mi a" V " It th ttie * D molding Howe of "m" I Tlit. r 1111.1.730. i STZllLairAerdi . Greenwood Garden.. - AL • ClioictE collection of Shrubbery, Vinin g ear. , X.Ptratrawbarr.rabreer,r l. 2.: tregfit% ho Au otutOe A ' Om 1 1 and P ,. r . .l ea '7l4 l,hip_e= "' at Placket and nin .tr...u.' 9 h awl half hottri Aar - the Dente. leo erlatite ahnehmenate =V.* of , Id the'Pknma 'Wan addremed to tlr. Draptictm. Wort Ibnehatti. AIM county. pa. will cocaine mowtte eAl ntion., J. filN. (Peet end Dispatch cm.) . ' Reamed. ENNETT, BERRY & CO. Imre removed mmAreee wembee*Leereererceer.errler..el street • 1t SUNDRIES-- 024.1 2)babo• Oat_an !,3 tap /ftworr. . . a"ka DIOX.Hrt 00.7 1. . by Kentucky Kotula Life mime Camany. • GUARANTY IMFD, 3100,000. TIES COWAN'S' offers to the insure:l ell security and advantages of ea Ilatnal and bent Peek Plans On haretonse applied) anatinal, stanali: Low mt. of premium; ase annual roUra la bah of the inn onstage 'seminal br tale enatlaßntok pr the lean an bb rteress4F l it tgl9 =fabatesmal ih42"." Sgeb ?' air&albs by eladita ahem their Prilele • rm.., rleeighod wr the renuatat steal tam nasentera and also an she beeml=7 or bone fir the who/e term of urn Arnie if-theoat) Itataa Ltile bums= oompany anrafts of moan. am Ind at • tab bobbed band. and, with • neortalon for an .natal( y Inemelng womb lation of Muds Mir Wan, menenity) la abet beeportion to Lb* amount of Malmo and the tabewlng tbrfrom ad. v air among the sumaters. aadd Pam Vanua be.. la betail th•- a tzi niree the halm for luse.rusee nre!rw! - 1= cad ebb. Ping h. 15.1m i liegoars, !nabob tsablaw. 1 - 13,000 Acres of Lea for Sale, ILM , LOTS TO SUIT PUROIMEERS, part la caltieettem end cleated Akron Ileoencew. ml/. mw el end oar oo maw Web. ._ 3.000 Acne In Ine_ manly, eee .. • Conoweenew. Ms El: Weal ana . Apply to 0. Mo. wow at robre i s e i 7 Hu i la il .. ' alt rpoo cm tes Deem and Lawrence con Vise. Am/ ai. E. Hoop, New Mnton. 1.000 Aani to e Orewined twang. Ai*, to idea Par. nolds, Lteedeille; Jona Vaallen e or A. inw, Deenegut • ' villa JrnisliverEtta • Malaita Ban. - 1 HAVE just received one case of WWI Net, "' a "" 1 "' f "Mtora. 'taw Jr2l OCK POWREII-300Aeacor sale by ILL TON IMMMOBEr irto., C HEESE-75 boiei for s t n bir The only real New 'fork Plumbing Eder liguneet WIZRE work is done on Scientific Piin % and warranted. nod thanaboat Melillo& la all Ito image" dftnwith neater, and dietatrh. - Bathe Attel up with ehowera, town to $ll • - Oath Tubs— to lituh Strode, ono= g w.r " r. Kitchen Cut Irwthatiera, Wadi tram Itot retweeet. nint Ntplabd end put opal the kat Ur • • Wt. potm cud Tard.Puntpw prow. ' I=llo Raw, constant. Iron wed, and puts p at our In the avant:rt. Repairing punetualir attended to. , • - texas. wiLty, 126 That et.. irt . 4 between Wood and Market .to. - Wanted to Pitivhstaa; QTOCK of the Tigt* of Vittsburgh, or edgrritte.to4 XM14001%/yet io 6parUzik. Jjetvltel• coma Tooth sad Mutat az. VIIRESE-200 boxes prime, fo_nrkleby 1-1 it= s. 11• PEARL ASH-30 bbls. for ealby J eZ l i Ilig 3 KED OIL-20 b,bb.I.I.BoaAULD. boieypgl*;" I ' l .1.1t.012ri1Y1.11, 7 -I —lO bbls. White.fleu . ht. 10 6 bbla. Leo %Mk • On e 5.1.1 1 ,1 irm 3. B. CANYIILD. UCK_ETS-30 dot. Marietta, for 040 by nos • FL GANYMD. , New Boakichit Received. rE AST: a Pioblem; reprinted with canoe tk on u sod illnotac WMa unbar of Alton lock. I Iliioyof ClooPl4nN Chum of UM by Jacob Abbott. i ttlra Lambr r •bt,lpo o a a n i d .b ....o p . T l u n L y i u t .a.nsT 12mo.na. onafo . r . Y.tAibxa'n kd. Ann fonata" l .• a t r iir D.' lift"'w mg..D. ..4 Eagan's' /ova all i igrtlT. 717are l'''' ' r'il'. Work a" C*. =P i le:vial Field bask of tboitonlatloto N 0.14. gaol& ling ° llt r jt h iralV,7,P=== rem edits 4 by Doutel P. Wet. sZn.t ir va. • For ulo by '4. RIAD, • •IM r 14 04 0 /WOOL ontll ot. -r TRE Pennsylvania Railroad Cumpapy,.no h d:44:g u trt= dw al ter= pabWiew, , te t. iriarrrer=sbt laa " Lal= Art I.e 7 =tc=reZitree gnettbst_ damegoe Ell be repaired by toseeereerm mot nom Mary a& mejt Plrada4m,lttliebettll re ga l 41 a to Afi b' V t b lu e tmitAdomptv,- • • Pl . NT II TA4 :8 11 p , egatir 29u2 Rum. we abed melte met gab by CV * * TLlAWl!g g et.%ad Obi* it,. s at lamb 4 i =lise; • 06.1.1111 ° 4 1 11100 Lbw , i - • "a IN MODERATE be gad, (if I oot eat to be kt fere ternes e Ist of (Mob. nert—a beau l. ine i. , terr tem tbe.Plsell end P..t•ne... '"" '( V CW° 11 ' aTegg ' ff "* " 4 ...sine estreCrer =at, tans. irtable=l l. , eth,ge hanu n • I* oir -, Art.r.ll euserui. Mtn. of alma end!, kind. wrs i l .„. iivb . ...„ ... end *Steeled *best twee mar • i . AL. *elle teleer Menobeeter,osaW 1108.1 W .. W ILYY, our the mouth of Wtodet TT!. , , .. F"' at 7*( to rP I tiDDIVI:I4Ifi. 8. Aires, redetidatleatolalesblel . te= ..._ I •MILIA, 21V r 5tn4.4.11214M.b. ~,,, W s r = • oee rr esi methele il ,, . . "%ROOMS—SO dos. for sale by • LIP Jr= . J. B. CAN rrELD. pOLABH-10 casks lor _ • Shirting Muslim and Irish Lim/. IMCPHYd BURCHFIELD hails iatbefiM • fortlare ontrply of moaner Fidet tolhomd Viltlinecanttor atoo.f.l7 , : ra ICV:futli2:Pl34l4Clue it);LTI t Lb. after of Fourth and ilititoi=. .1/22 id.gLAIN BLACK SILKS—For Scats and Prom& • AtAo. Kat sod dark e nub. car A Lugo smortzmoot to to. iai t rAt a oh o , JrZt BILItPUT BUItCI.IIIICLD. 4 a WWI, 114 Booted rt. T ' ANNUAL MEETING of the StOC k .. hairnet tee North Aomori= 3 1131thogOotopooy oda e. new et their odiro,th Pluobsoght tth day of Aaron. of 0 o Nod , . P. lt. IT. Pt r a : . July 1.114L—d0,3d4 • /IN CINCINNATI, • 1,./ LOUISVILLE, SAINT LOUI • - . NASA - ILLS, . . . • . DETROIT t s . . . IVIII ba loothaaeS at favorable rat. Ira ". —."....'"' _, int . A. WILKINS a co. To Owners of Good& - IN STORE, uncalled for, the following pack Agra marked- - a.. 1. fkarehlsry.—..Pittabargh..-.......6 patters ' B. IP. Thwer r . ; .- luau.. a if:bal.:7. • PlintorA r = • 7. 7.7-1 • • Doctor Enneer-.., .. . • • Chmant an maenad la call and ODE a 00i.a. a Peannlnaka Rall OD rad Med DMA, JylaGt. - canker Pena arid Warm sta. Fatah. To Druggists and. Painter!. FAARIS GREEN "8" BRAND, TrIZODOItt Scorsares Prim= rroirdoi W. /fatal of • tra.rtean instltate. lb, possetering 9trratyllsg trettito bar of ilbsal• aral color. 'Lb. manufacturer of lb. abcno Paha tut orodoood tb• domed Gad soon brilliant article of Paris Green, tbst t•D•rroaroott. aralthat Cali by oitboat dm:risme:a to Um rbadAr. ear Ws rctlos•d 1 ma to on•ltnia• 1.5 n am:doted solo agent for the ads bf this rol•brated brand of Paris Ore.. ructusers alit be ll•P• tiled 1 9nd>mdyrlaea 6 . ELLY:al sa , Wcl gnat. ' wo bbld. .Ex a. frt j:araiilllfoormsaie RE Eis f r. E..6 : l)--5000 lbs. for sale 17 co. SO i tl'-100"box es No. s l . for oi ll E t by Large bba. No. Jut Nadyel }ld tat Ws by STD JOHN WATT OD. rINSEED OIL-1500 gall. for sale by . ILAtJyI9 I. KIDD C 00., 60 Wood Fitl i 3 , l ll , C STONE-80 o . lba.i . p o r sale a bJ MACKERET r -100 bbls. Large No. 3; A - 3140. ) yl9 ''" B. " /I .. W. lIARBAUGEL Q ULPILATn QUININE- 7 50 oz. for sale by 117 hip J. KIDD &CO. CODLIVER OIL-3 gross . onulna Rush ton, auk Ibr ado by /In J. E/DD CCO. CILD Jacob Townsend Sarsaparilise r 24 dn. }anes by J. KID D * CO.. • Jyl9 _ . 60 WooS st. • C IIEESD-54 bozeo. on contlinmont now 6 " 4 " 7 llALffirgeh.t.. NO. 1 MACKEREL in quarter bble. far .I.br rza.u.a incia: a co- - ;rig • Water sad tread ntL it ICE—By the tierce or bbl. for sale by DICICIT It CO, • • z Water sad trout ete. NUTMEGS -1 bbL for sale low to dose tri eenalgament. DICILIST 00.. Water and haat sta. INDIGO -2 mamma Camelia; a aaaalfaells.—mitt be add kw to dor onadananent. • • - .11311/.II.DICXIST a- CO.. nta . . • Wales and resat Oa,- Smericanaardware. LIVEN, . CLAPP I DOUGLASS, MUM attuvre Amt Bo. s. 5 Platt streettbrae don:venni Xat fa mom Nan Yam would nwpaetrauy laTita %b at-, gentian of the klatd.rano Slade to their abet of Ganin Iv- I aatW d (tom the nuatutactenals, and !et els an 6. . • Wm.-Meth:lllM • ,TILASS HANTTFACT kpej.ooll - on band sten • drassiotkaa of asal OLLSSWARN,a.W WINDOW GLANS. W as. ham. 11l Wood Ossat.Pittaburgtr. • . . usultyakesd. haling this day assodsted eltb Mei Ns la. JOON F. WOOLLY. •111 conlisaw tLrbminmu ran 170. th Vll2Wlttta; o-t 'd'r ftam . ""rk lta .* harm WlL D7 M. rant:du:a:lt ,vl, 4 lf:AsltqtY stay ad berwafors. wr ;alma! Jrlinm . SAL SODA-3 0 00 lbs. English, for tulle by iris - J. EIDD l cr). Atts7.: 3AZINES FOR AUGUST , at Htgatee Literery Deet. Third et, mold Ile the Poet Wes molt, lor Ausee QPIRITS TURPENTINE-10 bbla. just 1.7 rewired In good order, and On. sale at E r m Ws Store of .17/8 8. . WICK 0=211.7 of Wool and Elath stmt. Wt N iaTe !- IPunEgtz , ae4 7 b e ed &rata Wary. Adana "Drasatta at ttda °aka. lflT • -• CO-PARTNERSHIP The aaderaisued members of the late firm of WIC IIeCULIS t 03, ban , Ws UT =Gard lob Or hateu.to ander the arm of . LORENZ & ITIGRTMAN, • ror the w , mpow .Bonuss, of ottaa l ottetari za. wraDoslwl t.e.klas Of • Irma I.ltovit lumina, to Um business, they tater tistuotd••• tbt• lb*/ ftwith snicks tottairlio•KMl itny Isslattttetared to the coantt7;and Rom +tate basins stlenUon to bto Emit • stm• of Moll sztaads4 to the okt tlya. By • ditision lb. Stott. frtz: PITVILTOI tO t•ok tor ..'orclems Otto stlett our . • if sy•bowst, Zia tql 'Wa amteormmen ter st•ort i tekr• Terry. • LOBILNL _ Irallbstsh ly Jo 1.1101. 21108. WICHITMLN. • - H Notice- . • • tittL . VING sold our Canal Stock; and .our !stand to stambaats ItklOsco. Ice._ 4 sad Hum'. of Claris i barks 1. and 71 t., ' .4 113t1nev of lb* nab. mibsa, at licettesteir. Pi, Fe .nalb to NUN en bo mon of Lb! erp. 1 , fUbll TON CLABAN, , , x. . YAWLS itzarzter, Pl,July 1itb.1351; R. O PARKS & CO, rorackantNa AND COMXIMON MEMIANID, RoclurSrzz, PA . . Agra t.".3.takk-algVr--12:!-Lb. to ie.: . ltcp:es• road I.ll;S"Cla id. 2. " " Steuabotts ileara and DI .- IL 0- Pilling CO. - ioax /L C..x...; *ant, Plltabarsth, Pa. Rodienter, PI, Ja b . 15t.b. WI. 11. CLARKE A, Oa._ roawmansa AND OUNXIBENDN"...WULF= Ilto(lncalicx, PA. &cue.. ea, Jai 1bt141351. COPARTNERSHIP ez amb'iii .d y erit ami la Mtn de r dissolved by !Imitation sad atutaal comma Iltbet at Um tuldertisTed I. authatitad to anal. the ea mania of the oW Lim: • WK. RECTUM, ._ .Pittatarrati-Jalr I.llaStalkaatatl TBUd ITIGIIIMATI , • Wanted. A EN w ayIyATION,L I of periodi AItII7ICIAL ILADIWZR, by ore wbo tom worklng is such In Germany_ ,Tromoo nod Italy; who We swath banks • link zoicia, Wm. • • ••• • MIA Iron oconoloodori the tall:rd. Ot down. (tins igd.) that oft *notable.. (morsrboro,) sod Woo that of obsabbalso,.(dirondour), and Amon Month stodba will do amlit 00 tdooemoatioa. licalso draws plum kw som olttralloos. or oltorasions tf okt oat. /WM.. oSUP Weit4t4lnifilthiChe fit. wit c.o. • 'ways • Shoulder Q n ROULDER BRACES of the most sp. 1..17 orband styla. drant• atrartare and h•r Gf [Wham the et. ma berethfoh, for i rVa.A, Choler. et noidy the Pthatipela. • 11 EV. W. J. - PETTIGREW -beg@ to intimate ,faL= teen when ten at i.n.r.itet,eneethet mei the eleasnatilre . Vie er. boarded th the bears. end • MI sod over their roort:V bi landin.r. sad not toarl. (bask X:r d n theated The plan panned, V. le •• • Ln... i lekii , .i . nkest went, of these perenta and mantis.. to rend their children or Wu& to kpablis dence,StOPennryleards dram. Mubtrig.b. sad ess • . • NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. 18 51 ZirdigiseeMMLa 1851.. IsTEIP ROUTE TO NEW YORK CITY lrilk mart add theltdie Rama& eannadtad with est dam stemma =Lake Eria, Um, Canaan= and Cincinnati. Cleveland sad 1 Vandetekv gad Channelatt Callum* and_enee as the Olds zed Yleelseig Mara and the On* .ame sad ql7l.ll l"Ma Sundays e rC DIISSICS seepteAE MEOWS: • let lamas Expense IV. at 6 [eta.. 10 3,1 Evening Sunni " The ?tato ands ea nbad? inanneidllacn ! K l•4 7 tar, and Tv. IsaannarabLadZolgit= Time Bills • m. impose height and Wile Train It...al:hotMetal tilt.dallr• • lineament. la attoelvd to Una Testa to seontelool•teitesi Paserovow sad Drama Ilirrazo Mao Don.Urk to Kw I ink, $3. Boozed ale PA.• .111 to gh a>o new dm. Ibis Company m prepared to trumpet Clow dock ead freights or all Wade to sad room Nov Yort. B=llolllll allow:kat will be mkt to Stook. The mop Wog 6 fat Irrool eanzartet, irr-ArtiCoal man. beValleT=o.l.. " geort .ui to dbizibuted giving toll C. lire in mud tO tidos of BMA ae woo se • • MISOT FOWL' W irMotlilalt. Anat. Dunkirk. Jyttnia r& CONSEQUENCE of the deceit/m - 63'41i mend., the tehtneeehlyberetolkee elleitel been e en • Carole hineby awning. John • Ook twe b MIT ssithaefeed to settle the be mere of the bite teen,. All pnwons Wing eta]. will Wane* pm= them I* Dement Pittelnerw4J4.l7lehahnL • . • COW= & COLI [Stream to Menden A The business of theAgenerof P enn : irsheehi Oretnd Bat of Comp:ear Itannater eon, ducted ands the nem. end Mai Pen WA! a Plttstnaze.7elylot..ll or 4' t L-1,4 AMA . . . COVODE & COLE, mad.. * cv.4.4 Cava Bets* Pam .. . • Amu. Bail Road Co7-4griztral Rau Bout rgubilteribers having been -trivainted ogan iz. inonts teal Pwarnyihxdaai C4isesi s le .. l mho noty amount of tooto. roduco"Pditnonst Oa& •t.s tlda route +du to eartiodt he» We and all oznaidnol to us •111 farrardon nen of em don yr chugs tbr *drawn". . .. • " . aim to punier =awns sicruanimi axe. fatersint. Itzt•gsw . T. exp_TA, 800kr , 4=013 Ilardwats„ . IH4ja, Dy• lAy 4:10% . , - Destber, = ' ; ‘ a =I other Gm; . • Wolk 103. 4 11 .kerElateats . 2:1. ,. LUd yobaceo Leakttemo7 60e • IC4I Lite", gable : (rough - 77.2. kto-114 , Gensaa al'. • 2.2", • COVINA 001Z• 77 carver Pima . 04 Warn stnsia. F;r=fli • .24 HOURS TO CIJIVELAML gisgiigis. 1851. PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND Express Packet and Railroad Liar to Okoalarid. PASSENGERS leave every morning at Lanao'clock =ets by xtmusbast to Beano:, or by vacua • tolUvrausa. thestoo by Pittsburgh sadsarnr. To Cleveland, 35 Loan, To Detre. MI Div; Tlcksta even. tbmith to . INCINIATI, . • , . t 7 Cimeissei and • tOr Detroit, aid krthrankto......,lm Chi ll = " ermrry' menials at o'clock, by the •LNIZCIS litleltion Grown Co. friett, thence at 7.tf o'clock..a. bLkiallete4 to lien Soffaka . . , • and wilting same muting at tnioato tr 7 stectgan. • M nee tbo Ohio rim, linemen& to Moto.. non, et. and *knew Intl to Sand mo th trokkitt , th"g." ' MIME* ARKS, Prootieaceta, , affi than oniotter.. Tor tieteti - Mr isdhomartionaoaly to JO.W4 CADGE= asent. Mt al.) ot Bantbfledd aad Wdoe &train awake Um Moron Hamm . .. CM to • W. R. 11.001tH m e lt' • .odko toxic! Ilk Mann Il =!==:l=l PRITHESYLVANLS. RAILROAD. 1851. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1851;-„,. forty-six hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. `291 miles Railroad-103 mileaCalug. 5A.1741,, MR imam. AND CONIORMILI ROM TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND • NEW YORK- Being fro from the sump ehetages and porten's' ' connected NW, piece Liam_ Two Daily Limes Express Packet Satz MUM tI4XCLURIvad.Y FOR PARSICIRERIU LEAVE Pittsburgh for Johnstown, thence br Partaa*Ralblid ALLIDAYEBUEIIII, Ilona tailor tto NEW PENNSYLVANIA fiAILItOAIh, T.. Raadred awl Portrilf• toll= direct to - - - .. d raekotr lens arca t agralaamoodx juda wasca;', se. to stauestoss. in Cont. none... inn do bosom. 112 oo !Or Tate the To l C i aal bethod Rallood, at R. Wks.) lino, FORbour on uraval or 14o_ ar that al o n e. Distazot ( n Nt charge for handling Baggage on this mac TS* Care onllt. roods ars nay, and of tto Toon atOoliO; , I c ao h l . dostra ebara to t a=%. axatetablo aroma, . . J. P. HOlXE4tent, _ D. LEEC CO. - Canal man. Peon eltooL S 1851. WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY.' . D. LEECH & COM LEM MIME Tu . • iftt; RAIL ROAD AND VENA L PITTSBIIRos, • PHILADELPHIA. RATLI:;.I - MORE, AND-NEW TORS. T Canal being in od order, we 11211 - C anal being at Ur bong carnal Moog boilatt. arttl ,nn alva .. 2rterus load di... ti led no btab eaeaof lading tramoritted, ad all dON Andy bolded to. • Andy to, madam. , KAYE a Bud& Pmaka.a. cam'Baca Ponlo Oxon. Plttdouldr , _ Beerhing Awe Nor. td ~ . 13112 r a i r= i n gl . ? i tle'p r kra h aook Lzmn6 _ Jed No. 7. West mom Nor ram jag 18 51. &EMIR ' EllIONCIMIXL& ROUT& _ Via Bnninuniale and Ctunberland, to =tome sad Philadelphin. • rgIIO . RNING BOAT leaves the Whaier ahem tbs dallr. at o'clock metsso. can "h th rA r .t. daily We atrt 'S. / relk atIS detect, eanstaatlng Vito tba an as Cambarbead ' reales at ID ecket. Time through be bedroom St beam w oat, 'flaw eltrsugla to Pailitdolota boats. lm aaptreA tt r=siemal bo ... .lbant i = i m== . r . emboss Ws datitladli the beat rta. gtleas 'esitZ ofbc• .„...... 12111113.._ 1851. -,- L. _ JUNION. LINE - - - , 1::. , ' _. On the .Thinorilvanis and Ohio finials. ':i 7 : ti,tatra mu a51N.,.....„-... ...-....1., Fa. CILAIIIILTJaIt, Citaasuras 4 : o 3..—Crassi.uns,o. - ''. • THlSTenement Line 13 MAW Tr/ ,„ Crerrprtm. : pdm on 11. 6"2. =I 1.... - '` rt. admit Um tam sts tossaypusta to tausabst.dast- T. ity, sod comity of bags, adostissos of Casinos, sot sa . ? , f lastostaitsoddrndsaidiibwvastg- to sontssaika Eta • LIM ke irtrantsals ' IlMit we nem, em ew ant 7 = l xesslener tiosTales and vsmats)ost Qs * „. , . - -1 6 i r li. . Pl y M totM t IThwla.lwtZ1 Thwla.Iwt Z ; ...,.. -, L;. , ~;4. IlsodaakPail neeesay en Os .......... lliddito : . ... , 4 ' ..• OD, L au Geo. L. Otbbs a so, i •• .Th 3". a tIZOM/ORZT,',... ,Allissot ! _'• t .. .Di • sot% WSW sad thoithfold sta. sosnatri.-- ....,:••• Illffgiv • e specter' attention to the Colleo., ecr%rt eldnut" Madan and Ohm, In WWI , . loVii=="grAtit. col:tax*: Pid.burzh; Itelaconoc—John e m . Mans liainlitath and W. am.; owi. 3411 -x OAF SUGAR-30 loaves Loveriag's Door Virrtxuati !ca. - IMAGED BLANK BOOM.—Blook Books; u . 1. or iv... 7 au, vad• 104 ;Mr *a Da ardottogr ro. mad moor; • • ss. Wareham... liadort a. eon a Dem& NEEKED OIL-1000 moos Ito aaite)° c. b? 4. XIDD & co- ou Wad it. OMER 4;94:ETS IL&Ta-g. IL ; -. kleses m9g.742 boxes; now. landing and for by: ;• - MAL/111DIOXIT fis - Rata and ?rant stg. - " s CIIKLIF.--200-boxes in store, for sale by. 3M must nice= sfal VG(3B-300 dos. for sale 'by , $l6 EL a crt iramatrakL_ VICTORIA LAWNS-30 prects reel iinif." • tor ral• by 444 0: ARBITZIOI72. e ABBID USIALN pieces delirable Nts " 'AN rionatu7.l6r au by. 7 -4 j EDUCATION. PARTNERSHIP , Wier — strAlk,. a• PARE REDDIERDS