The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 04, 1851, Image 2

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    wool, cattle, stow?, and hogs that go to mute;
_-22 end beef cattleareirow' Sent fninr the farier in
, Kentucky to New York in six day.. arriving In
Oidioth` good plight, bringing first prices at
less than halt the cost for which they could be
.0 ~.BY WHITE 4lr co
, SOl 430M.5011.,
ant CoAria.llo,l2.
DDIN ofHrrogor.' I '•
- reroci or 000 Imo= CCM, •
tar L. 3111IIDITH, of Philadelphia; •
RICHARD 1./CULT/at. or I,Vertororrlxed•
.2Cr3IICA A. OM LET, of Montour:
,HISSDP. or BusoichatioA.
. ,
Anth=nnin and Whig County Ticket
7.1.770:07.71 /OPTS Or DOPPILIet COMM
.W A LT.ER, It WARD, of Nelda,
• 0.67177.7 . .17D07 OP D 117177, 771.7. -
L t,A s, rituoomo.
771,177.77 J01t7:7 Genstar - or uthUrialt SECS - Was:dr
ICht. U. APPLUltbi i of Pittaborgb.
77,.7,777 Jrn..1107 Ctirtl• 07 Q77.777.1.C7705,
• lICKIG of Lover Pt. Char. •
TiltsSlAl4 sruaLLAN,.,r
'JAMES TIFYP.of huoissep.
GINO; APPLY/ON. of alnalacbsto.
71108.. PENN Pr, of arEcesport.
.1011:1 SIILLFJC. of indLatis.
argot ca.
BANUEL FAILNE;'6:I{. of Pittsburgh.
xßß stiLtra. lt/CIIAILDE•OS. of Allecheof.
• ei tsc 'or 'cgs roam -
JARED X. ItitUrili, of Pittsburgh.
SVIIY C. 1101FLAND, of lipior ot.tilsir.
IiOREIST JUNO; of Pittsburgh.
MI. 'WEEP, of itlieghtur. i
. 1 011hi.FJIERICS. Of ithibutdisse.
• . •
.::;,Anti- Masonic • mid Whig Execotivo Com
• . .
ptirquence of a. Resolotion•of the
....oth t Anl/Af wools Conreadon, assembled on the
~ I ,h lon^. Ow tol l oglug penally solopsaa the Executlre
, ":00satultary Allegheny County. for iheensuing year
‘ . ll Darragh: risdniet LoteOz, Cot. Alexander LWAS.D.
Mbroin-Rohertxna. Paul Anderson Way, Osorga Dwali, C.
0, o:lgusa4. Cal, lakoad4 Bahl, Anthony IWO., 11. S. nano
,Aslgs • Cart; Unman llellutort. Joshua Rhodes, !Utah Slo•
tisyy,l4.l,:andir ll.ltitrr, Wm. It. Taaklrk,
• JOSIAH KING. Chairman.
pa perarill be 15yet1 froin 'tide . office to-mor
. • I
....••...Tatt Fon:in.-41i day, sacred to patriot
will be ;very ge t lerally observed, in modes
• •
suited - , ta the vArioui stei of the „people. Afany
` .. v .V.••filla Sunday School; will isseanble and spend
portion of the day i an Appropriate manner.
-.. F.:tunic= - and nodal parties will ovenpy the at
• %
section of each as prefer • that mode. That all
•••''''bitiads, engaged in this toffte.r, may burials oppor,
uoliy of engaging in l i the festinties of our rut
... tonal holiday, no paper will be issued to-mor
, re morning. • ,
• , -'"l,tiosar local' column a programme of a Colo
'tdeeiidu ;Meeting ihia,evening, iu Dr. Preisly's
: cdnirch, Allegheng,lnill be found. We boa°
na doubt the meeting " be highly interesting.
, : , 1 Tem Haar Locostormit—The ant Locotnir
Alvein .
.kilegbeny emit was started yesterday
afternoon upon the Ohi !nod Pennsylvania Rail
rcitid. ; The engine
as is" letl the “ saleto " and
w bat by Norris , 13 others,. of Philadelphia.
'The oflieers of the co pony rode down on the
engintSto Spruis run, five miles helots the city,
rl : Lich. The erowdlat the depot. to witness
. ; . . ,
. .
tbli tint start of the iren- horse was immense.—
although.the engine vies run. slowly in - going
down, it passed a stfiamboat on the river as
°. Though it were agroandl . In returning, the speed
',..wpo increased 'to the le of twenty miles Jlll
-boor, and when approaching the railroad station,
..:e.beentiful le:iii:of 'premise spanned the sky over
t the eity, - andlorMed a iiplendid emblem of the
prosperity` Winchthis!ti ir highway is shout to
..,..enter,aponl. Yittelheigl ..- The engine" and the
real worked well; and 119 first trip 1111.9 folly
uccessfal, • ln a few da a the road will be pea,
,loty opened . - ,I .' •
i!'• 3 Ma: GILMDON AND Ta# MASOIL—Fropi rra in
r.:tarGT with 'Mr. Gat:brie re
we a.eathilcri that
enssaining a tax Cif $2O upon /11r,.Gliddries ex
of Lis PantWama, he was actuated by
what he declined gm imperative sense of duty.—
" tt,itipaini that the ordnance of ]SIG, an cited
air. ; Glidden in his card, was re-nuocted by
the city councils 1114 B‘lG, had although the action
• uwler it has been tornewhat irregular, a consid
- 4 44110 amount of money las been paid into the
',... l ll;y:treasury arising from', similar ansisements.'y 19c .
inspect-fling . suggest to councils that fur-
.4tgriegistationan thatwubjeet, so as to enable
thillayor to exempt exhibitors sn instructive
"ae - the'one in question from onerous exactions,
.iVe do not believe the citizens
'ef2it.tsiturgh wish a tax imposed on the exhibi
tion of works of art, and the productions of. ge
eitensici dissatisfaction p retails in the jUem
} z retCe'paity , et ihie State, arising from tariona
~;raves... The nomination of Judge Campbell
.eansee great trtaguit- aniont many in every patt
`fie. the State, particularly in Philadelphia. Thin
illeitinst arises both fro:lnaba character of the man,
ntul the means and intrigues cued to procure hie
-nomination. The nomination' of Seth Clorer,
.for Carall Comnsiseioner, is spoken of by some of
titled:tors or that party as "eery unfortunate."
Wiynenbuigh (Greene county) Messenger,
Flunking of him, eve:
'l* hots a good MP it would be unjust that
be ebeuld be.made to suffer for the corruption of
his brother, but it is very important theta° able,
lona; and thorough business non should be
piked in the Cabal. Board, to check, if possibly,
the system of 'trends and corruption there pmc
deed, and which hare increased to such an ex
tent as to make Them truly alarming to the taz
peyote of the State. Should Mr. Clover fail of
taw eleetion,lt will be the fault of thoioselfish
iittd ricking demagogues who forced his nomina;
tido:Thither than of the great body of the party;
"artelarit honest, coiscHientions and
Judge Gibson
thasame reasons we gave.
.54lar the great cause of dissatisfaction Emile
lettir abandonment 'of the por toteetiii
the imasperity of Pentutyltania.- de,
Fends,. by their two conrentimut of Reuling and
I. 4tldthurg.. It seems that the leaders bare pee-.
tureda little too far up.* the pliability of - the
MOO in this matter; and that they are discOr-
Oleg at list that common wane to becoming too
string for .party fealty. The cheat of 1844 is
not forgotten ; and thousands will snap the lead
-Ingatrings;.and vote . with and for those who Imre
tiuir stood up Lrmly for the good old Ponisyl.
No State in the Union boo suffered no secerely
as Pennsylvania frOm theypine abandonment of
her bestintertatS - by hor party leaden, tout tbi.
base traehling to:the bidding of others,, ad fin
bt.11,*12 USIB matter or the tariff.
. .
• the . alaveo question, Ono,' great,ditastia
faction preraila „ The Beading comentioo; out
with expreasing their approhathin of the
4Misr o, 44e s suree. went further anddeolare4
that theydldehla "not only from a sense of duty;
as good citizens of the Republic., but also from
(14 h . nd .'ndfra(cr4el f , a!".9 who. thesi' cheri,A
t„,,,in their b„iar,„, the' itarchoidi v
iikether worde, Vett they weuld catch and return
their mummy alum, for,,the lore of the thing..
knit to oblige there. Theire is rather 'too Much
of the a:pi:sit - of l'reedonaln . th e democratic partY
to:eiistainmi &basement as this; and hence bee
&then neemaltatuount of just end manly tedig-
' riertfle a'llittlt to all things ; and we at
. find . .
•TaiL hicei:o&:sidiserviency In Ponesylvania—
piior),, okaated, ."Innahugged Pennsylvania-1e
likely to he worn out, overstrained and need up,,
Even . the` Aiagie word Dtn
eeerioy cannot' glosi
over themonntele of outrages whieh have hiep
perphiated iri if, name.
We hare:heard it 'said that there was not en ,
are ttelty 'Washington Couiity,ityon the subi
Ott of a 'the
tale mere pemilthry point of view, setting !tilde
the expenditure of money upon theroad, the in
-crease in value of real oaten" end the influx of
. population, it would take but few minutes for
layman , who had the statisticS -of the present
eterpdoeityrodaao of the einnty; to show 'that
the oottntry'vilt annually make more in
utilised - nine at her products thatr'The whole
amount: sabloriptioa iiroposed.'' The titian+
aprons - And talented editors of that county bare
thestatistimief predate, ' we - presante;'and they
canessily do Ibis by arompariog the Prolent'and
4auit peen in Waaidagton-County and lu'Phill
delphis, taking the , fteghls 011 n o rth e rr tlr
roads as the cost of tnumportation. Washing
ton County idle wheat and dour equal to 200,-
000 lairrids of flour annually. On 160,000 bar
rels of that, wo believe, they will find that 80
cants . a barna will be caratPles. there le their
. ,
divelt. - ‘ - "Theniook did buttii; 4 :27 ; 7 f.0t 1 ci:'
scolguden product! With that.rdi4sah are
now considered, in most parts' of the as
'of little Worth, would bring, within a fraction,
ad much at the railroad station u they do in-
Philadelphia, 'snit could -be-'lint any day. Oa
the tingle item of applei the county would clear
more than the- annual interest, or we- are very
touch mistaken. Cannot definite statistics of
all these things be laid before the people at an
early day, that they may collect upon them, for
iotelligeut as are the people of- Washington
County. there are many of them who have hail
but littleppportunity to Bee the value of these
improvements in their true light.—lnerling
eigudie. a
'We are not surprised that there should be e
Want of unity in Washington County on the sub•
jest of a county subscription to the liempfield
Railroad, for ;we consider the policy which ori
ginated and supports that project, as far as that
county is concerned, exceedingly doubtful. Ad
mitting all the arguments of the friends of
that road in claiming it as the best line for Phil
adelphia and the people of the, West, to pasa to
and fro,—which, however, we deny—still it is
not io our opinion, a wise project for Washington. .
What Imo given, .ao great a sloe to the lands
In Washington, County, and en greatly inginueed
its prosperity Its contiguity to , Pittsburgh
hue unquestionably contributapo this in a great
degree. It was not merely behanse It could raise
Edna and good. market for these and other arti
cles at Pittsburgh, where the money could al
ways be obtained in return, and where all the
necessaries and !entries of life could be cheap
ly purchased. The Remptield Railroad, it will
be said, will open up an equally good. market
for her staples in Philadelphia, True, but not
a better, so di' price mono city 'govern' that ha
the other, with the freight added, and in-Pitts
burgh we have the advantage of the Canal,
.which will always take heavy freight little
Cheaper. than a railroad.. Bo thatln do aside
articles of production, Washington Countyfarna
ere will not find themselves any more silvan•
teged by the Rempfield Railroad, than by.ons
direct to Pittsburgh, while in other respects the
latter is far. preferable. Land has hitherto born.
double the value in Washington County, to equal
ly good lauds in Belmont, Guernsey, kfuskin
gum, Licking and many other countiet, in Ohio,
went Of them, and these counties will, by deans
of . the ilempfield %inroad, coma Into direct
competition with the Washington Weary farmer
in the production of his staple articlee. Of
how much moravalue, then, will his land be,
than that of the competing fernier in'the West ?
'By turning her beck upon Pittsburgh, and
looking to Philadelphia city SOO miles off, over
expensive lines of Improvement, Washington
county is committing a 'meat unitise and said
dal act. Here is a peat sad 'growing City at her
very border, affording here:market for proclue.
Sons which she cannot send to Philadelphia, and
which in the aggrepate amount to more than all
her staple articles, besides as equally good mar
ket for th6e stages; and yet she turns away
from it and sacrifices it for the mere pleasure of
knowing that some few persons more . pass
through her territory without stopping than if
she had a lateral road to Pittsburgh. If there
woks railroad , from Washington to Pittsburgh
her farmers could come with their butter, eggs,
poultry, green fruits and berries, vegetables,
and numerous other peoductione of the farm and
garden. - WhlCh are now suffered to waste; or are
mid torlittle ornothing. The Wheeling article,
quotedabove, rips these articles could be , sent
to Philadelphia. This we deny. Such articles
will not neat transportation so far, and the far
mers of Washington could not compete with
those" of Chester, 'Montgomery, Rucks, Barks,
'Delaware, Lancaster, sad others, in. the produc
tion of such-perishable articles. Such produc.
Rona would. in s-few years, under the stimulus
of a Railroad, take Mare money into Washing.
ton bounty than her staples, and would /11121041-
nrably and especially benefit her smell fanners
and gardeners.
it to be wondered, at, Men, that the fanners
of Weald:4ton county alionld hesitate when they
are.called•upon to rote away their money for a
road-which will. be to them of no real utility; and
will probably injure them, and will prevent the
erection of an improvement to Jittaburgh,
which would be a decided benefit! .
There is reason to believe that a foray or ex
pedition in on , foot among some restless enirits
in California agatost either Panora or Lower
California: Joseph C. Morehead, Quartermas:
ter General of California; is believed to be at the
head Of this movement, he having, u is alleged
by dor. McDougild; eold qnantity of arms
and ammunition belonging , to-that State, and ap
propriated the proceeds to 'bit own nsc. This
fact shows us what kind of menare engaged in
thie attenipt to extend the ..area of freedom' . '
?mire is aMealcan State, lying soudr of
per. or our,' California, and adjoining the east
coast of the Gulf:of California. It * is about as
large as New York and Pennsylvania combined;
and ie of Val' dirtime topography, being made
up of mountains, auerts,.and many fertile val
'ley. It is said to be very rich in mines of sil
ver and gold. The population, of Ettropean or ,
igin, is eparse, tut is the' cure in all theimnote
Mexican State' ; bat a unmerousend farce tribe'
of Indians, the Apaches, constitute a much mere'
formidable obstacle to the moms of these pit-
Lower California is i lorig, narrow peniturala,
extending from let. 23 to 32; botnuted on the
eaa:by AO_ Gulf of .Claiforilinr and on the west
by the. Pacieo ocean. It is upwande of 600 miles
long r and from 10 to 80 wide. ' 'A chain of Mann
tains, said to be rich in Tireelima' metals; together
with'opal andeinemild,. rens through the entire
length Of. the tertitOry.„ It is rugged and In
hospitade region, with few. Inhaldtanta, midis
but little known: It N said thilthesmople ere
desirous of a political °llia' nee with the Littitid
State.; and were ranch irmappoiuNd that they
were not inclUded in ate cession of the treaty of
That then marauding parties will" ive trou
ble to the goYernmenta of both countriee, theta
cannot be. a doubt, and would Ned to collisions,
irernldezleo able .to defend herself.; but. she Is
not. tier ' , manifest". destiny' is to be dismina.
'bared, and erased ftom the map'of North Amer
lon'as a 'separate "cation; arid' 'whitteier may
come of the 'owlets orpodition of. which we are
epl;llk43g. the work. will go on, and no bunion
power can stop it.
Wtmdenssitio tasazor , A.- . The . N. V:
Piper' contain: '
,detailed Smartie of the , trate.
nation.. into the horrid murder. LaWreeee Rt.
ley, of wife and mother4n-law, and the stab.
Mug of Elizabeth 'Conroy, 'sit Williamsburg-, iiew
York, on Saturday morning .:
it eppeara 'het about four years ago, Riley
was .nisnied clatulestinely to Ann Golden:
daughter of Patrick Golden, the girl being only
about fifteen jests of 'age at the time. :,The pa.
rents, particularly 'the father, had been 'opposed
to, thenurriage. and Riley mut forbid:km.o ape
pkoach the 'bourn, and, the consequenoc was that
Riley any Ids wife did not live logetherfar a con
:sideratile . time Latently a partial nooncilia•
non took place between Riley and his Wire re,
'mime, and he resided since, for: the most part
in Pittrick Gordon's home. Jealousy, however,
whether just or unjuit; behind Riley to , suspect
the fidelity of his wife; and it appears from his
own statement, and the eviderne of °then, that
he had resolved upon her murder. and *Loupes
time or her mother.. When be mane down stain
after oommitting
tithe bloody deed, he said Mehl
crowd attracted y h screams of his victims—
.l ban sacriliaxl myself—take and hang me—r
do not, be slit bilalll mie-1 ant
ire . sobaequesitlyhad the following converse.
lion with the reporter or - the'nerliti '• •
what you Itormu
handl:me adv, are you not sore for
pyisene,r-44..11liwite has betrijat pm;
Lai 'hewn that .4de li tyto ..euethee : which t h e
awaits Attie shown to ma.. , . .
Reitortur.l 3 4jithxgourd Yuri here..hinci
Prbeent fawrii4rWiru skiing
abitter.of my site lu 4 11 .-imr - ,bed acti,,
I kaid them both because ,1 had resuwoP. do so,
sad i .m .s tsdorlif -attutu Rto koAto.kk WON.
rektor - DurPese. and X•tswWw.. aPidiedAr tut t
[Waded. - Then,. quickly etirinig, fmked,f4
Eli:el . ..ern Conroy dad .
Reporter She wan not dead about fifieen min:
Prisoner—ThenkOod ! I tun glad. I did not
Intend to injOre her; ebe did tau herue nor
would. /hurt touched the old.stion (meaning tut' ;
I "•• - k
r r;
{father-hplaw,) had ha beerLthare; God:forgive
`me it I hire killed her. •
Here the prisoner became thoughtful, and the
conversation ceased. Oa being removed for the
2 0 7 03 ° ; Brooklyn, he said;
"There is no use, for you to band•cuff me; I do
not. Irish to lute yin. .12 am iciipsed. and /
only wish to die. There will be no necessity to
try me by *jury; it will only put the State. to
expense. I have committed the - minder, and I
want to Mess soon as possible."
The girl, Elizabeth .Canroy, - who he Stabbed,
whilst .she was attempting to shield Iris wife
tram him, is severely wounded, but the physi
cians do not consider her in a dangerous condi
Tait Mesita larmatem..--Wo learn from
the National Intelligence? that the balance of the,
fourth instalment of the indemnity to hfoxico,
under the treaty . of Guadalupe Hidalgo, was paid
at the Treasury on Saturday, moulting to, 81,-
The whole amount of the instalment ins $3,-
260,000, of which upwards of $1,400,000, had
been previously paid during the hut two months,
on the presentation of the regular receipts from
the Mexican Government; and the above balance
which completed the full sum, watt paid io 31exi
co on the 80th May; the period stipulated in the'
treaty. The warrant for this payment iris the
!attest in amount. which hai been issued by the
Treasury for • considerable time, and it , -was
settled by a Treasury Drift on the Aerietant
Treasurer at New York for $815,400. . •
The gain of the Tremmry on this payMent
this Instalment he $117,600, being tbree: BB d
half per -cent, upon its fall amount, which was'
the bonus allowed by the parties who contracted
to make the payment at the city of Mexico for
account of the AmeiicariGoversunent, in could;
erstion of being reirobnnted in the United States
During the last week, Treasury drafts were
likewise bitted upon the Bub Treasury at New
York to the extent of $1,500,000, to meet the
semi-annual .interest. on the public debt,..paya
ble-lat July; making, with the Mexican Indem
nity, nearly $2,500,000 In specie, which will be
paid out from the Bub Treasury in that City in
the early port of the - present week, besides
$1,000,000 at Boston. Theme heavy payments
'cannot but' have a favorable effect upon the mo
ney market.
WALLY MUTE'S 111 Pin.Arixtreu.4.—The
Ledger . of hloiday gays:—The thermometer,
yeeterday ifternoon, to the ,&had*, reel ae high
ts99°. . .
For as Pat./Sur/A Gafettr.
Editor—Compantively few seem to be sc•
erialoted with this article as one of great utility,
applicable to a variety of purposes. ,
It le used in connexion wi th vegetable tar to
a considerable extent for rooSny, and probably
will yet supercede it altogether in other comps.
sitione then those now in usa
A Composition of ona bushel of pounded cin
der', do of
. litue core, with an equal quanti ty ethane ordure, saturated with Coal tar, makes
the best water tight. covering for vaults, ,Ivellte,
carriage yards, stable loins, - or any each pur
pose. And for., roads it would answer, squally
well It time were plowed far' It to cement end
harden. It should always be pressed compact
ly together bypassing au iror roller over it. In
a short time It becomes sußbiently bard for see,
and ultimately as hard as • rock.
It may also be purified from ammonia and
sulphuret of carbon, and thee b. used for coto-.,
mon lamp lighting In place of oils. Thla pro
ceu le described the last number of Billiman'a
A vast quantity of this useful atlas is per
mitted to mu into tho river at the goo works fu
this city, and. whoa called for can be had at one
dollar per barrel. In New York it is but fifty
cents, although fuel coots Wee u mach there at
in this city. This ought not so to be. Every
thing ought to be saved, and chromed, and
brought into use for the general good. W.
From N• Nor Yorke:ourla:.7.l*
At a few minutes past eleven .o'clock, thin
wonting, a ere broke out in the upper story of
the promisee, ISO and 132 Broadway, which are
connected throughout, and were occupied by the
makers of "Christie's Galvanic Curative."—
The origin of the Ore Ia unknown. The fire
seems to have made aloe and sire headway for
mane time before It was discovered; but soon
after it bias out'the while story wee wrept to
flames. AU the occupants of the bulldog; with
the exception of otutyoung girl, made good their
ebespe. The materials in the 7 building, being
highly combustibliOt wu with difficulty that
the flames were checked.
The firemen had scarcely arrived, when the
thrilling cry went up ham the crowd— , A girl
is In the upper l!tOty, !" and instantly a score of
our noble firemen ruched towards. the. stairway
with the of suing her. Sheets of themes
shot ant from the thiorway they sought to Infer:
but nine of the firemen, without hesitation; pro
.cmded in, and madaevery effort to diecova the
unrest note being. She had probably straitly
been stifled, by the smoke and names, and.
sequently gyre no indication of her - . posklitin. , —
Unwilling to leave her thus, th e firemen combs-
tied their mrth, until a lothemplosion compell
ed them to retire. Access to the flooring yes
now tenfold more difficult, end in the endeavor
to reach it seven of the brave adventurers : were
severely scorched. The hande of all had been
previously burnt in removing article* which
might give a view of the poor girl. On -mug.
frig tote the fresh air several of them were Com
pletely exhausted, se much so that Ave of
ware conveyed to Rushton & Clark's establish.
meat, and thence, in' carriages, to their several
homes. The fireman most injured was Robert
Ralson, who held the pipe of the First Wird
Rose. The flame, were oampletely astingdshed
by 12 o'clock: • Before this, the rooms had been
entered.. and .the young girl found. She - was
intitedeed, and her body vas oonveyed to the
Franklin Market to await the Coroner's Invest
• The stock destroyed wu eldellY the property
of Mr. Christie. It was damaged as tench by
the water; or more, thin the 1 / 1 1211,11 .'especial. 1 7
this laver stories vett& were complehdydeloged
The adjoining store, ocoupied by'llickion
Manny; "tailors, not ha ving a side, passage way,
was better secured. Other outman, -of • the
premises were Dr. D. C. Ifoorehead, 0. C. Scott,
proprietor of the "Mirror of Feshicin,". John I".
Brady, attorney, and • the " North American
landand Emigration Co." The build in g
coneiderlng the fierceness of the firs,'lntalint
slightly injured . . .
Wli incline to believe that the lose on stock
.dcies not. exceed $4,0011. 'Both the, snick and
buildings are fully insured. • Dir.. Christie esti
mates his Jou under U OO O, severed "by Insu
rance in the Gruen mad Howard Companies
Tux DlUminurras or tee Exruss JODIrg•
Is2.—The annular:me' at of the death of .the
Michels of Lencidenburgh, nulls to mama, the
einvgar fact, that While nearly all the descend
ants of Josephine wimpy, high dittoes. Oteull
one - of the Bonaparte fam il y Who Is In power Is
also &dew:ending age:whine. Louie Napoleon,
the Freneh President,. is the son of Louis EMS
puts and Hate* Esauhantais, Josephine's
daughter. ••
• - The deceased Maltese -was wife of lame
13untuanals, Josephine's only son, end vu the
mother of the present queen of fiweden, , ,. the
Duchess of HcihenroUsrulischlegim, the former
Lupus" of Brea widow of DOD Pedro, the /AIP
Eing..Consort of Portugal, end a eon-in•law of the
Emperor Nicholas.
The star of fortune appears to shine on the for
tunes of the divorced Empress. The descend
ants of the West Indian Orwle are sitting ion
thrones in Europe, while he who discarded her
fora higher ambition, to perpetnateids power
and dynasty,' bas one degenerate representative
who escapee from obseutity, and he Lao the
blood of Josephine. This makes a curious chap
ter le history: ' .
Tee Linens LAW —A discos/don brut lately
sprung up in ..Ohio on the great constitutional
question,. what Is the, meaning of the license
elansnnoti *vatted Into the new' constitution!
Bosne contend that the adoption of this clause
leaves the traffic in 'ardent spirits as free is the
traffic la iron,. door, Bc, Others .00ntend that
ander it the tract cso be. ent irel y s proldhited;
The article Itself reads as follows :
"No !Manse to traffic ; In into:looting liquors
abet hereafter be granted in this Bate, bed the
Genera/ Assembly may, by law, provide against
evils resulting therefrom."
TM" "skrlet . 00nstrnetionists" hold that the
Legislature cannot prohibit dm' sale, but only
provide for the evilsthereof, while the "Istitudl.
turbine" contend that the best way to preveot
the mils all be to prevent the'nfe'
I Catmint or eitLIMMIaLL—MISI Now .I:ideal's
Plessulireferring to the oorreoted denim table
recently pallehed hit this paper, which leaves
California with two meant/ere, upon an 'ems
ted population of two hundred thoorand,feaye:,
"There is still another derrectlosi_to be mode.,,-
The official canine of California giros pope*.
Lion of about one hundred 'and areinoteen thou ,
asod only. She will, therefore, !lavabo' one rep
resentathre Inateal of two, and there will 'be
eltteiu . freedom, imptatt of fifteen, to which
ropmentation Mb he easianyd. The addition.
al member : belongs ; to So m& &reknit, ithe hat
' ins the next largest fraction unrepresented r: -
We learn, On Inonity at . the Cetepte ,barealf,
!hate= 4441 retexim or the State at ,enlifili t
nia have not been received. The population hu
been 1112i0ualy estimated. Ecote of the retort:of
=fortunately were destroyed 14 the lap eaten.
stye fire In San Frandsoo. Vile will necessarily
occasion • ftuther delay in. making up the re
turns. stratie•
.._., . -..,
.7,.... . I. ': - ..g . .....-
r }i
- for One Zone.
Duna a pease= of some rtdighatts;ibter
`est 'in 'C there was a dare of young
persons-who-remained .careless -anduncon
eerned about their "soul's saltation. , At a
prayer meetingorhicit 'many of them at
tended, they Were_exholted solemnly to
consider their ways and' be:wise. When
about to bate, the place of prayer, which.
was solein as the hottse of deathohose
young Persona were kindly asked. to- go
home and think fer one hour concerning
their soul's saltation. One thoughtless
and profane young man molted there that
he would go home and consider the subject
fot ombhour.. After reflecting for an hour
by himself alone, of . God's mercy to him,
and- of--his-men lost condition' without
Chrik be began ;to...pray for pardon: As
you trught.fixpect, he did not stop thinking
and praying whim his hour'closed; but be
continued:for two or thiet hours, even un
tilrmidnight, talhink and 'to pray earnestly
foi the forgiveness of God; nor did he give
any sleep .to• his ayes nor slumber to his
.eyelids until be submitted his heart to God,
and tonna joy and peace in believing in
Jesus.. . - .
. .
' •On.. the next 'day this, young . man, who
.had been bo careless and thoughtless, came
tit - my study to Militia joyful nears of hie
conversion. At first I thought ie was 'too
good 'Dawn M. be true, for it warned lice a
resurrection froni the. dead; but on con
versing with I-foundlas far as I could
judge) that it'was even , so. $e said to use r
"I wenthome from ibe meeting last night,
,and 'thought as you requested; for one
lour, about seeking the , salvation of niy
soul; and I did not rest till I gave . my
heart to the Savionr, and became a new
creature in Chriat' Jesus." The, news of
-his conversion soon , spread like wildfire
through the village and town, and some of
his 'thoughtless tiasoclites were influenced
by his example to Beek and serve the Lord.
Then .I was led to, inquire, Why is it
that soluiny of our youth live inimpeni
tenee in, this .Christian land? ..From the
remarkable conversion of this ring-leader
in wickedness, I am forea to believe that
it is because they do not consider. Our
impenitent youth will not think for one
hour of their depravity end niined,state,
nor of what the Lord Jeans ha; done to
save theta from- eternal • misery. The sin
of inconsideration is the great and crying
sin of the youth of our land. In view of
it, I cannot help exclaiming, "0 that they
were wise, that they understood this, that
they would consider their latter end l i r clo
that they would think for one hour.
EXAMPLE Pon .111zNrsnas.—W i fien
IL Q. Nilson was over seventy.yeare old,
having retired from more "overdue hthors,
he "agreed to , preach as s stated supply for,
the Union Chnrch."- Here he labored Kamm
„years. An anecdote will illustrajo l his
characteristic punctuality. The-'mites
found, in the pulpit Bible, after the Doctor
had left Union, the following' memoran
dum z "On day of ----, a very wet
day, rode - out from Chillicothe (five mil&q)
to preach here, and found no persen pres
ent—no, not one."
LIKE 0,11. ABOVE {CATER.—Tbe sick 03/0 can toil •
ithed madiclue bytmine It.. Quick as abr. elm sad •Itond
dinner DP eallutr IL . And Ll one man Ulm 11, and bade It
post. It wili•Jeatcos Itot popularity thigh the whale sits
You caul Introduce a medicine lath populm the 11.01.11 II
331303/31313 malty Sadostantiki eirtal., free from'alt Imbeffects
W relid otthesiths. sal It is this Mit that the artiklallsb..l
the remstational Ctunpuund Fluld kbttrad, of Eear
kethod ad earn or dispute. Its /3/3031 'tips
thetiman system la In amoldsow pith ratithal and phi'
Ineophiml promotoe the /1 . 10133 threetkrth
and ethettens of the hell. 111.01/14 ststructkose, dlsplarm
morbid end di/need' Ineder, stconstlothe the 'Au:Lath
end clikeelith cum.. :math. lioth, pew, assj y o pitp,
and midadon the • stione Inactions of the 4130. 1 /
meths of the Lodi. This I. all Pernsmnect. wtshout tbf
kart danger of bum. the preparation thing as sate se 1
Is eakthisms IS map be thausbt LI the skeptical. that II
purports to CLIO 100 man: dthases, but upon . ..m.l,th
non. It mill lestoup4 that • large majosity Id tb. dithss .
at tlet the h.tari miens. ho an Impede
state of lb. blood. Pe ust .decolved. dam br otbei Per
espeeillas bring otbrel you by , coy spellers i s : moths.
and rater preps:llWe se a . ..bed:ate Me the criglusi
John thall's itersaparilla t This mind& preparatinis 01 •
proprietor mamas to teem:palm to all ahem. •
Cermos.—Beerece and • ark- ix the saisisal lone
Bays tiersopsnili froes•Kostamty—thd thsonsplkm
sdeentisessest OD /310113313 pap.
KEYBERd srpownt.. 110 Sth4 ss..
4 / 1 4Mblest - ,Wholesal• g /WWI theme. '
Yo, 4. 'al.
R. U. Roac—Dear Or. Tour Tst,olinaso U wortlas
d.ra la Wi.iirinityl liorettlaa m artroll thank you to mod
as ma arm., h 7 tb• Pationitarda Railroad. We ant om
that/ oat. said it is 4•16 g Isaulrol Dr shoat mrl7 day;
smosstf Anis 1.0140 A (NI
111.sura.U. 1414E4 to.. 0, Marsh 10,11.
SI Rocio—Deir Alai Tour ADosE. • ha oseks slam,
1,11 .110.1 s m roar dim. Rock Oil. which ire hare sold.
Pleas* farrard bur six amen loaso•ditter.
Tout soisileins in workless woody:, la MD mal,a. W.
ow Mamba atotral amolleat smallest.a U you dad,. 'ono
TOr Md. by Keyser 41 lioDowtll. 140 Root stool; R. L.
Milano 57 Wood Mood, D. A. Taboli•foolE. A Co. tomer
Wood had Prot street; D. M. C , 1171, D. A. ElUott, Jowl&
1 , )• asia . ss. and H. P.Yotioarts, Allorgiony.aloo Mai m
mita:lke! Class' liaila.iimestbat..Plitsburses.
McLsxe, LtTLi Ptua.--In offering
thlS =edict. to tbe =ldle, the rooptietare ire well SIM. ,
that they bolo to coronet*? • Itintlllty masted by the
cootatleee teepaclttoo• which bur been plated or= th.'
.publte under the Aare of rebut atottlehtee. R. ere MI,
Vil104; N./elfin% thu It In only neoreettry to gir• their to-
Ottel7 • 16.1 to blue It to battle ettlotallos far story all
=Witte •geota el the Mod ever offered to the public. It,
ts the Inman of en eallthtentell,esperleutod, and btartr•
et phYsloiaa oho foe moat Ivan met It lo by own p...
tkok what It. aro, IMP... Wooer Wet to ender It to the
polilla at large.
/or sale br
iffirßeacler! kword to you. If youW to !wt . ., mut esrellent m.141w lo your hum, to one
lounedloOdy b are of bums.. ..,to, mains. bruins*,
lusdnette. loOta i nalu. neural& pain., cramp., numbnue.
go - atal,fe W bottle of H.Q./fa:Mrs Arabiso Lint
moot, lend you will lindit unequallnd by soy audition of
the kind in the .Sofa world, Ow billinlialtemt.
Citizen's Ipurtuum Vompaay of Pillabwrgh
In OTlca No. 41 Water strnet. In Lbw warahonaw ofC. U.
1 4 . 1 / 4 41.4.
thus Comnany meow prepanal to Want. al/ untronandlse
lo ator& aml In trarultu. 'rased a.
An ample guaranty Tor tbrrshillty and . dulegrlty tbe
Inentutlos, affora...l In the tharanter
who are all titlaana of Pittabur4h. an 4 larr
known to the enrunounltyto. their prudence,. tat•lllimew.
end Intevit)•
inareroaa—C. LL Heger. Wto: Replay,
Jr., Walter Brynnk Hugh U. Cu& &lwanl Tlerodaton.
John Hayworth & llarbansh. N. Id. Kler.•noltatf
ForaiguTind America 4 Hardware.
LOGAN, - wrLsoN CO ,
No. 129' Wood Btree4
• NII end eampl•tairtaell of POSZJQN AND AlltitfeAlr
aultabl• roe thiLipring
, to
f d!.., puichamqii , at Lbat CI! WISP,
foonadr with any of Unwise.) title....
iqitairnik 1 4 , 74 2-11 ZIKee , ComPanY.
IVO. 76 FOURTH srßeel , .
Vine reAdeol--Suctru. Meentssaff.
§ - ' Trearator--Joass S. LACE,
. '
- - ar. advertisement Is esurther vat of ISt,
on: Thum!or 113 . 6t011,11. July 5.1. by H.,. E..llr3lobotb
Wasp& Tnanott, trl.. of ehloan. to Most L. dinaLtor
of 11.41.9tocknop..Etn. of thlt city.
- - , -.ANDELEIVEIVII 4 fro u IIuit purl Hama.
Z thin
IlifirD d :tre.tntgly urPuutt:, the Ttlatt Prusbytl ' elie b
Chuftb• dur uuti mains, uutil lu,
II.S . it,;JONES respectfully informs City
RthA po bite . g.tfoolltp that b. lop
wait of B. A. hainestoele TIO• Ul7, dad -BEQJX
n itto. iot t ro 0 r• be boa now
.totAted tor tea • largo so 4 mood aisortmeot of tbe
moot too
Thifluta brands Tob•000, sal ....Ist moot
moot too lorfortod s.Avo, of tbs ebaloort broadm
10 Md. One s•osz Lost . All kldTh of If mama_ y To
.. b•mo
snanufaetand oltb ess• sad &spate?, Oriel . . tbaaAfttllT
oftelTod *AA rtotoptty &TOW., to.
JEI:Im It, 11•20NFM.
Jge'Va.da l " l " ! h sr;PAP.-
The . •
Parts or.tb.t
Problnig lo w — apro AI Look.
RomY: of • BaclatiOn ilook O of the Han. 't • `
Pgval n =gtr t= ' itt ib t79l "b. . and t eatda.
hooda tho PooPP Sim; al./. of 00.1 1/11r;
F.Wotbfi'an lout italr by am am
ttsDawfblat 2fltht - a nory Of the pre..3l time
Not Bed ea gr. •
Stem; rtoedr
- InOtioney of /loobsalu,
LLtull't 1.47}41 Ate,Fo. 371. ' ' - •
Fireman's aloathirmow., Julf —No J.
Uoderl 14.1.4=. for Jll4l .
'.• r •
T.ur .ilow . • = of the Coupon Bond(of
'twig...oh& Narbtet/ea Compeor. are helot
pouted Out the Company detlyee to anticipate the ney•
omit of each of Ita bonds fantod doe to laht 14 Weft WM
al preelooa to.latAle date of (motor lat. 1044; tom.
prising all bond. a loner number than tVI.
/Mot 1100.1/..l.loWOL'llpturer.
ARD-20 !AIN. No. 1, for sale by
Lai jy6 reAus DlCiLlet *Ca
'l4l ,f 7::;
' E
• • •
108 Reim
" Wosfi landlegtper steamer
eete Web fin . rale by 18A1.811 DICK Kr a CO"
111: 166 Water street
bble. fr A •e u petazgratco.
BrEMINORLIf. (MlX.ite Pit 4 bUigb.). 1 1:12• U. '46,.
Nit. SELLERS:—T take thia 4pFaiz
tulty' of taitifybig to feeor of your Invaluable
. About two nom awn. I wan taken down with
severe lothimmatioo of tho boor. and was so mloced by
ight• sweats end other effects of this dmadfal disease.
that my line ems despaired of. Alter athenaeum had MD.
.01, I waa ettrisol by soy ybeski•n to try your User Pills.
owls I must my Mot after Midas am • half
bare been restored to moonlit& health. Minh len at
rills Moo. tboretors tab plasmas lo recommending
Main to others .Misted with dMemeof lb. unn•
Yours respeciMily., • JLLY RIPENER. - '
All other .0 114 in/M1 "Ung Pills.. are mow er...its or
Mee hattatioos. 2h. geordne are pospanel met sold by
• • jyt • • ' R. E. ELUL RA 87 Wood at.
LETTERS rananiiiin
A T l Wlleiroy euuatr,
uni 117
12 E
•••u~i •
t,rZ3lll •
• Findly E
I•ll.4lgumm . • Jimv4
GVA t ' k a
Ramberg COI
•. Ilerlsx Junes
uaml am Otaidlan
Rtl ' aralVela
K)ld Jelnw •
L IMAS ! I'D ! •
Real Treat for the Fourth!
rititr MORRIS' $1 per lb. GREEN TEA—
". Mania' Tea Mort. la th• Mumma. Jra
UirminyAam'and Brotommillf Macadam:al Tugs
pike and Plank Road Company.
.1 1 \1 °TICE is hereby. given that the Stock-
IN holden In said Commune:. nendred toter theft&
I netaleuent of Fire Dollen on win Man of nook en bent.
t.d, to the Trestuter. (Wlllana Larlater._Jr..) on thy nit
t-oath day 01.1%14, 1034 led the Weed Inatabnent of
flee Dollars on onob anon enbanfbod, on the Om day of
eugnat twat. Dye-der it Jae auard.
)y add • _ • JOHN EX, Yeeretavy,
' (EdaPata .007-)
Slocxs WANTED- ,
LOD Our., Bank of Plttabatik:
M. and M. Dank:
' l4 " "th"". W31.
AVM A. HILL & CO.'S Exchange and
v v• 114:11114 lieVs• will b. cloned ou tb. Yount. Th.
uuMnaPa and coin for that day we nowt. atttretb•
4.7 Prrndlnp•
RARPER'S MAGAZINE, for July, hoe
Men retetral .t nomuir Literary Depx. Third
mxelto the Pad OM:. jra
ktOURNING ALPACCAS—Light in Ix, dy
.tylet of Mourahoe lloode—a follanootoloot o? Do found
ot the sLeto of • • • :Mt/ftrlit f litatellfiELD.
• iy2
& uttormo bars " • M *on Moo and
I iselt Tollled &ranch Cloth", or • good Quality. Alto—
/11.k Drat. Me, for ammo Cola 172
• •
HE UNDERSIGNED bap, entered ibto
cr..zumbin under the Inn of 111515 Y A LAIT.
ILe.'oo., to tarry oa the PAPER AND RAG
at No. I Minor keen. Punnxtrute. when th17 731 : 6 1=
1, 0 1 . • 114. essOrMant a... commas la
p.n. Wm.:
.170IforlfMi 71:171•1104:44=11:1,112eul
Voile Pont, Ylu Cape. Prlnthen Pape., all alt. .
Enne. rrotol• by 94 to 40 by lit
Colarad .4 Whits ThemPap=l . ega a. English
1.11=71 '' 'arara. l eon.. and extra ate a
Mat Envelope ripen
Miami hin!. •nd Com aper,
31.04 P•pers.ll alteg. 01.4 not al,
tztavlrd'&ll, - ;4'. l l:,thdeutP.!'
Ilse. 31.11 La sod Was II tanning llenren
11104..0', Dos, Pp mei Boutle
It hits and If. Llonnnopen Legnl.Piter.Votealni Carl
Arm. Ali.. Potts t Goer PlinffEßS. CARDS, In
.tarts .3 abort; or ht.. sa4 todarOo.r..l ern. rot to or
err. Al., Mr. 011 t., N 014.3 rito Pap..
JOSZPLI 10 AMY, Isla or tte N. Third
N. ASWAN:MK. lota or No. 3 Minor rt.
S. 16.-sfri, tow of Karp rooter io orobangs for oast
bbls. La , rgeNo..3;
t' Int ina Cu; al sod trisr• b "
313 a Watts Pt.
. .
CRACKED COCOA—Fresh--inst received
ard fur mde . hy. WU. A. iIeCUTAO &
13 - 2 Groom and Tea Dealers.
' delonirdon, Ibr sal* by ' •
or gala by Wit. NeCIAMO & 00..
liY GK.," awl Tea. • .
FF. .
to In turibal in quality cud . Zara by .tln ehe
...ty--rartuttly uo leo-n.1.4 f, sale by tb. Without, ea
lur Retail ivions—ilt tZie and 7k.
A 10...eldt,ount to It.. tnsporgb Abe quantity.
UMULIt.(I • CO.,
tirAersasolTAn Dtalars.
Fourth of July at Greenwood. •
Uou Iltlot up to Om orelstratloll of 1/als day ea io
exuaUre foal, by tho ' , Millen Or Posta la abody ploom
and tortostogratot ae.. tallktoat to aeoaapautato all lobo.
cup lo •Dozul their fourth /atlas rotteat. Moats floottab•
4=o47 . .mrg l tcb2 o , 11.1 . gra BAND.
Mo e1t4.4 to dm llogt. lloVtLieatrup dtlulto au
lb. ljyl:Ill_ J4ll//11 fIoICALN.
' For California via Cliagrer—Direa.
rix NEW and powerful steamship*
Chrleolltreddart, remormoder
" IL ' r I=l. d %=.o a Ttu r gir ITLIV
o:eloolr. ' , Imo bar wharf. oaar . Lombard Limb
, The ahem summer has mewed hermit a remarlrato/T
era lwed, Mai her mroxamodhOoms for rust and armor
, 216,1 bamorage re an onebrolueed. Mout, Ilekelo tor..
at r,4mrd ram Tor freight or jar
aoldr . tITGRUIS 31e(IFINRY .k
ad hmormat
.I. G. WILLIAIIa,IB4 lmot street, Nam Tort,
rr blOooeal Orin IVY. ILOYD, ritlaborgb.
11. IL DAVIS it CO,
Importers of - French and Canton Goods,
Ir. n BROADWAY, :pry roR&
jrSPECTFULLY iirtito buyers to exam
tee their stock. • -
V.VE7 RIBBONS—A veer elepiet apnortrint-:
&LAC= CtS DE BILLY/S—All vidths end prim, of
RUCK ZITO/ TITTANGS—IIIuss ma* t 1 at tuts twos
Won Elms to conch txttsfaetkm.
Mita= VelTet4 black sat hest Cravats. black sod
OGSToI DM.% C . GSX Lotto...Ad llat Crspet. '
CRAM ettARLS AND SCAM'S—Jog reedsed ea hp
rotor of all solar, sod prim. ORM MAPS.% at suloas
An SA dltlet. . .
TIN DE CIUNE. BallMatjl, Detps, sad ottod Sat
pecal}ar to ths Otatos manta. lstSioas)
Pot Sale of Perpetual Lean,
F "T 1 "-•
off to out 10t.K0.211.1u the WV.' gab of the town
Alleibtor. froalbut ea both akta or Soso. amt. turt
on Sulk Lew.
Alto. for rent for tumor more rvars,the mahatma the
out lot. the Itul, emending but to Md. etre. Weir
occupied se • button lot.
Y. ter, U., nututry or Kr. MOSES 110/ILAIrD, bear
the presole. or et toe ...ben et hit ether, To. lot
Tbtrd 184111 A. Pittsburgh.
171 , t1' It BRADT WILKINS. -
J. KIDD Mk . .
N0.,120. Wax!
LAKE FISH -2 bbti. Id!!ce Trout, u (Dawn)
"Ad weirol And for 2.111 4
irl J. B...CANFIELD.
Strayed or Stolen.
`(IN THE NIGHT of the 15th
from us Imola/aro on CluarliaeiCe..k. obo
oar. from Pittoboada oar tho Broobrarillt
anon block Hong, mei about tl urn,
_oat amolnar
!,Di jig, of aim Am% oultabl• reword oral Os polll Itve.
"'nu° "'" th. . aco
C. 0
. r. .
iflZt 93 sad CO haat, stmt.
%IKE SPIRIT-POLKA, ootised by
Kleber. asul dillelte3 Ittephalk Iteetai of MU
..4 %.ijet. Wahl, erra;ix;l ioy H. Weber lisped if
8,77r,i4.1.7. nliz--- 1 --"-- r s iti. •
The kitl.l2 Of ma east, me Bata.
Alps a azu Wastleß i i of_ y L 9?Am vei_n Flute.
Liam I
p, B.—A Waal= INZ
a 4vtgi
Ow very gad
.1101.1. liod Doable Cramj ! Irbolral
and wall by 19411fflXR P. MAR/MALI , .
eb Rom Una.
PAPKR—For sale by
TEMP-41.. bales Idiesouri; for .
jao .Effer,merrn.gwe e Lex'
COTTON-48.balee for ealeiq
AO Rita. %MUM Saco.
EAD-1359 pigs Galena, for sale by ,
Iiv.RUIT-14(9 1/. I . .prime Petet;
)40 I "" ' WlNTietiltire
DEFINED SUGARS-124 bble. &stied,
LL Pulverized. and Clarified Sugatx bed ktar.Tort
Levet" Mu MM by WAL-BLUALIST 6 CO;'. •
odd IS and Cd Wood at <
1.11110E—.86 tea. fresh Carolina, for dalo by
LL .1020 ' WM. OAOALEY a 00.
rpAR-110 bills. N. 0. for gale. by..
.1.03 - WILELOATAT k CO.
BUTTER--13 koge SpriVrAgepz.
VIIEESI?-260 bases W: 111, for sate gr
SOLE LEATIIER-300 Sides best lienalock
Tanned 'N. To Lonatur. lb, sale IL E ' '
'PASTOR OIL-10 bble. extra quality, for
, L) ads by ' 19211 .1110ALEY *
111 931Yeal
~11/ HURD t INVLR;
Dia IRON-60 tone superior, for sale by
44 3 0 ' • . 11414 D a IRVIN..
OS4N-200. bbls. ! . 9r ease
TAH 7 -2® WO. for sale by ,•
%trim Tam
I~,lAl;iik ItLL-100 b,t No : 3- 185} for
lv ThJ sATD ;.a er !s
RipE-4:0 tierces (to arrive) for eal;li;
fri s tE Anniud DleetanW the 9tocliholdint
l u re; tb cth a
.t 1/ o'clock:AL 31.:st CototoarrOfilo lota my or
PlttOort,‘ for the Duro.... of oloattor Mos Übestors, to
Aoire for /Pa triltale'rter, to•trossot mob Oth -e•
bwiness s. =orbs broorkt Barbra We Illellttpf,_
of the
Dimlonc , • 4.13.
INDIUO NUTMEGS—Ou con sipment,
j. will by bald cheap to elm theat.
ibeJAff D/CEXT 01 CO.
Sellers' Liver Pills.
.F. l : Wilkins Pod Of
oh ')
Sai3La Adam
- -gm mra
"AtIgAZ. 01 2
=ejt a. Daald
Lagag h
Sample Elizabet h
L. D. DAVISON. p. L.
New Naga
Sion of tha pudica] *star:illy it Inritacl tolla Ere
a Yonatallker Dr. Pont, UMlil{t. of Nene York.—
last reralred and for ask ar W. W. WILSON.
OTTLE CORKS-800 gro. for sale by
PARIS GREEN--540 lbr. stip., for tale by
Je2.l ' R. R. BELLRS.
N TI EGS-1. bbl. No. 1,
VEW NO. 3 MACKEREL-100 bbla: and
1.11 ss Pt Obis., to sulf •• per eanot, pod gm Wel by
ano the meaufactureeo. MO feet LightlielUng.fee
Poreoom for eele et the foAls Hohhee Dom%
Noe 7 sad 9 Wool ct. a U. I'UILLIPS..
I UST RECEIVED—A supply of India BO>.
• J. a rt. PHILLIP&
Cheap Black Da Laine. -
opantd a Mt of too t4l De Ulna, at
matte mild. tau dhd .t
Um eura of
- -
.fa=l 31!!4PIIT Buttcarnua
FISII-10 bble. new lake Trout;
JO " for ule br
kj 0. SUGAR-25 hints. for sale b
IA • Ja2l. J. s. acgrficur.
• -
SODA - ASI4-20 cub, for asle -••-• ~ •
to .1.1.23 . trinßAtrott.
. - •
' s. w. JAVOLI.
IaiLOUR-100 bbls. extra Yam., for sale by
N. 1.1
. Orr ale Or • P. P. VON DONN
(LASS --3W boxes Window
es nim iessde
. toi nom;
try iroitics, H ",
ay Rak
m u'stbs• R "` " 4 1 / 7. voNoa NNILI
MORRIS' Sea Mut, .the Damon
r daroogrot Tao somniossi •
1 •111
sowlor lot of
the ohm
A soh by •
P APER ILANGINGS--A large aasoitment
or French and Anarefinal Paper Lfenntam owe an
d a d lards IV. P.llAltnuAL.
g • 1$ Wag st.
Greenwood and Rosedale Hourly Packet
-.UI . :Abe strap scuestjt i r ;
bellow. (ma the Ei r4 crDrgt attect, errrr hour. ecor
scrachkr at o'clock..L.M.
devewlon her lesclor at the hour.
SHAD—:S bbls. for bale by •
i. 30 IaIRD &IRVIN
S4palar,likifting• Eins
URPuy BURCHt LEW hove. reed
o h
mornin g mo th er moldy of See Shirting Md.
MAI. n ateddlceota ilthrtlng m& p
Madly frau the othoufactureVe agezdt, Lia
rm erred
gadbe war.
rooted pure Lice. apn
Enc*utic Ulf;
-- for Floors. •
THESE. agon more durable thaaltar•
bk. and the varietyff colorsaml liguezr=
mrlfbr Vera d DlfZ IWrinitV =Cormetwatories,
rod il"rth""
P"MaLir SVE7WcatE b ". •
me Awl street. KEW YORK.
SLACK BERAtilditional AUPP/Y
reed Ude morning et the elev. of
COPLEY'S POT CLAY-11i tuns for sale by
LINSEED 01L-14 bbls. for sale by
Aluil=sDbldfs a i e by
1023 J . SC/100:13ILKER t CU.
GI OE-1W bbls. forsale low by
S AND PAPER-60 reams aßed, for B.lll#3iy
i.lPOittlE---Extra title Turkey, for sale by
- zi wood et
Stone Ware Pumps, for Wells and Cisterns . ;
LlEr, SUBSCRIBER 'derma the public
that he has introduced ip br to thla realm! the STONE
PUMPS, oteoutertorol of elh b here
good tlualltha of thew am that are rarerforked.filmor Merle. out er'rnwart keen the
perwatt.sarct coil rod, cot
theyo filtrable ae 11. alto
meta. they are alto cheep. roll be peen at J. B.'
Cam 04.11's vanehosue, No. 143 Pint at lease can
rile gory, op Li berggreat, V,W Ordors
at thole places .tir be protopUr 511.4 by the subtarlbar.
Stone Ware Pipe, oteoufartorrd at tint moue place, cod
urea for roneertear water num earl se,' or tor hrtltanta,
rue aloe 1 fonshod..• It is or all atol•cau . te ha ,
Wahed teta thither,' half the pri . of o ntv . m ...
-_ _ •
'PAINTS GROUND IN OIL, in 1 lb. cane.
Burnt eel Bar Umber, Chrome Teller,. ParlsOreero
ram. Blue. le.; for eMe by, • ,
Jar J. 5C110037 MICE k CO, 21 Wool et
Le01114,- 7 76 and 92 de z. strenßth for bT _1).271 3. tett,3O3n,IAKEICICii.
w V OLUE---3 bbla. for ask by
ALLEN'S 'lVerse and Bone ' Litaimeut-5
e gbk.: far rale by
4rr a 4a ' .77 '37cittio b .s r srAiEll . A CO.
1 - !LAVE just receirwl from New York, um
citriVAlSP`Mll4%!4;q:227.l/.ND°". CMINVE , wr'd
.. .
114ACKEREL-- 100 bble. No. 3 Small, to
I.Y •17 . 1 , 0 MI Fxr 'Ale l.r . . .
. .7 JO/Lsf Wan. k co:
- -•
lo bbly, r.err No.' 31ackt5 . 14
rick 2
5) htbblo
bbLa. 1 Balt Itarror
Estra Family Mor: for ralo by
JC: JotI;: WATT Crl.•
• To Business Mess
ITnE SUBSCRIBER intends starting ona
Business Tour fo the Dorm Cittera CM or about tb.
of Jut, sad .stand to soy bto abtrusted
Lta rare slab prosuptoars and adrilty.
14 - }CILIfC.IOIII',
1414 onogits tha New Court ILaue,
Elaforeva,—.No. llcrrmn. P. C. Plane Q lp, D.N.Whltu,
Mara Hampton, Arnold , Alo,ladleeas,
- - -
Ban's (successor to Ronosel) Perfumes
for the Handkerchief .
XTRACTS of Rose, - Orange Floater Joe-'
"17, viout,mi.rtionettoN,Allll.9rtrn,lio.raink.
ihiohnik de Cann., licrananni. ilultetrope,Oadrai,
ithinthaellon. !ninth.% Bairgarnot; 4.kkr
Jacinths, lneker CNN LOAN Mardithieth, rmior ilmes../ 1 I
ththaidir, West. tthii Jahoy Lind:Cana. Citnnialin
a.] Extract Mask; i n one nonce then, Wi th glans ntorail •
par. All thin &ber th extract, whith eh, yob , ie pelt of the •
amosiment. an of Up nary heat nonlity, thing nithadin- ;
"el"' ar SIIAIRY SALT—A s article for the
thilig ten the high estimation in ailir gh thrg s dupp tutu,
up h .
... nu uupuurip ...
Laid that ainthannliF. For eat. hr •: • • ,
Ca acct. - rue, g Wad et - . 6.)-1-Utigo
AST_BORY : a Tale ; by Anna amen
Drury, auttairera ot . Frirruls surd Freak.,..
as to bad sr tem: or %.o Meatus Qumran
Dowdy to fronts by Ear E. Salyer Lyttoo. Burt. A..
_yertortned Daum-Wm thrum, to tba preaupro of
,Hur Dainty and Mr Korot Jiltbnrot PrinorNlbert.
Th. Doutrbtur of Sight o tort of the m '. lUD: by
P.. W. Dailout The .bon Sot reed sat for tote by
JrLi X. U. STOCKTON, a; darts[ st.
; i • Wm. X. McKnight
1 111 TILL give apefial atteution to the Collee-
Ike of claims for 31errhaa. and ollaers, ha Wm
.. ii Ike
11.1.1 fastm OM, . •
M. to 114:1ama 11.11, orpo.• i.e. N.. p.m%
Pittabargh. •
Dofamsl.-4ohn Denim. F.C.Tlmaan, D.Y. Whits.
.3fam Drama, MI Wm )IcOmales.. Era. '
i, masa Med.. Mad .1.1 Wrvidcrg rarer ,
114) Pbo
snorted Manilla
18 Doable
Prot OPE"! 1 . 81.,
180 Doable XPI/aci 21:87 Priall49 n
11 r:
aco pr
Imrial 22832
21.12 ••• •
abo;, 8/1111; lot of odd 8 - Itra z" . p , ma v fo.!alp
• 88•11cmor mad Paper Draler,
3•21 rammer Elarket and_terel
porker Buyilarton Plunked nimii r . Cat tab, Er . ,
11 - 31. A. 11e1114.1.8't
(181 - .87 P.M T.
'COFFEE-10 begs very Impeller,
Jut reel end
11. .A. SteeLtnt
2:16 tauvry.t.. '
OAF SUGAR--50 loaves Lovering'l'Dote
'Liar WM. A. CO:
Lawreacavg Bharpaburg Plink Road.
RE • Stirckholdori of ' • The
and Sbarldborg Pinot ltn.3 Compann,
dad that an III.10 , 1:0 of S - . 50 on vach share da btm
=KU tortba mud a lanagera._and If bleb fbry lll
caner or
Math u 0 L~oo ll.l7ll.l,lZMuor
ttooo. to to to;
on or %Ana tn. Ent dal. of oaft 11.1.4.
4 , / mouth. 145125 traaanfor.
PAGED BLANK 800K.§.-Blaak Booki
of o*ofr rite. =do and port...n°=l,l , oo.
S. 11'S
. 'Moot Book 2efsonfootof7. No. 60 thifil/tY.Wi .foe*
• Warthowa.3l.szketirt.. eor. of &moot
3t7rwrtir ‘ " zatitigi l a rrMstV. 114.
irs, N. E. comer at' Joann sal Zisrket....
B ILL PAPER—A, surrior lot just rec'd
A nd RI. ni° by co 7.l>r S4Lo l ird azAtarlun att.
_ .
(ZILLETT'S 303 PENS—A fresh supply of
lA Our. superior Stool Arl., 10e.1 and tor Wei[
M. N. lIAVEVIS Ettt.lourr.
•jet2s ' corner of Becontlairl Mirk{ dr.. ,
-riNior; COPYING FRESS—Tne neatest
Li sett GUM VOlrleta Pee USC--03410 =IA new
Let, by elect sultletion I .mm:ext. tl:sl
frgslylng NM later thus Lbs cosmos Amy or Imay
erns For els at IY. 11.11VEV11
Ye.l eisessity leseeloase, Market rt.' 7"
Black Tea from .Liv . .
, •
: .
UST RECEIVED, at MORl e ri'ea Mart,
• CO
•k• lot of Stroail bad rine Tlavaral NGOl:
Il i All. whitb ape, trial • II t• fvond tor, • little ahead
of tray to Plttabangh. Tba public an imltod to DT tau*.
Taaa—Go/d.a. Ida, add Ferttett poullo to pardcals.—.o
ahoy ar• exactly the same Wads of ads. they tool to tba
(114 Coaatry. . - - /ad . •
_ . _
_ .
.100 do. Ind ro&d odod for We. wholdtiila aad•re:
/..d • • Adeat, tor SE
, S! -su,. lV i o sm hare
OTATOES.ISO bu. for sale by
E.ACIIES-75 tea. for gale by
pea .
B. /1141(111.1111
btindlgs Slit,
1 Ottst a co., assort
and Scythe
ns-r A coma
al ND PA
it )1 a, mn
TWINE;-500 ilia for isle by
_ . .
. I. I • P „
rive) far • e by. .I.SfDD
• • • ' eo Wood mi.
LARD OIL--10 bble. for sae by
Root Y.
EFINEt) BOILIZ—.SIXI the for Bile by
io 14 J. KIDD k 03.60 Woad it.
FISH -15 bble. New White;
"ALERATUS--100 boxes pure;
.11 bbls " • ilbr rla by
pat ,
LA.X-1.000 lbs. for sale by... •
EARL ASII-30 bblot. far sale
INSEED OIL-30 bble.Onswold'sb
We .1. by J 41 4 .I.B.CANITELD.
EIDITASII--4 casks for &ale
DIRE PROOF PAINT,IO bbls. for sale b
12 144 i J. IL Cer7l2Ll7.
RIIMETS- 7 ,50 .. doz. Mariejltake,fazitssla,
CIILEESE—'3OO boxes for- sale by
J iil4 ,r.
ACON-15 casks ShoulOra,
.1 " flank
U. *act
C lIEESE-80 bores for Bale -
!BAIA!! DI If a co.
Jel 4 water rxes
ucKErs-45 . dos: Marietta, - for_ssie by
JIJI 1.10 • ' 8.411'.111818AT10
Ibtf a l f = .
( I . OZr EE — 7 32? bge. prime Greect "ct COL
•,, . •• "'",* Jows
FlBll.--5; 4 ? LTA .. . - atrir 1851, piciled
23_11 d yt. 4° . 2" 47 :;
hien. and ...14 17 is.
1.1.41 v•A a a *CO,
4 ARD.-2,000 lbs. /4.P1, frrAtti°,..°l2l3l2-
br %West'
A 4.` • t : c . rgoncoeuusn
fin. szale toy WOODS .
' 61 Wider st.:% •
A IR BALLS—Of all the differeut eispe, et
loirrxt le:totted& ' -
Just received. eirrend nasortorent. Of di r even- .
se and rtylee. wbfeh will be sold eery row er!
• retell, sr vb., Oi/ Cloth Waren:elm :roc - 7 mu, lei
/ea • • • •1.1.:• 11. PHILLIPS. •
_ .
fl BEEN OIL CLOTH=app yards-for Wirs
dow Bllvd,. ind ned from' raelory: and he what
.7 and D Wood street. J. &IL MILLI:Pit
manatleture4, tOnial• v 9.441419 and;at dial&
Rubber Dorpo7., Nos. 7 and 9 WOW stron.
ie9l . J.kll. PUILLTPS. '•
• " ""
For mat br • - (Jell .7bua ATTIIt.
— .Elairs Medicated Liquid Cuticle. •
'rig ARTICLE is intended for family use,
and Amid he Muni to the noenewkst ors, err fhos.
Pf •Om Land. Mechanic, who ass in constant dalloscaf
MAW, b their perenns thneasb accident. toed Oa harm.
, ar
of cat•lem am of tnalta milt find Me artists to b• natal
cable to abase, and after • fah. trialarill , ommact Ms
This LatY .rofr tut
gnentltiaade I. of Judd'. MIAMJCIVOMVPIOOIII.Ik.
ed, Mcsass.
It St Cams .03•13..
seccanmend It to our pronwelonal as
an mallet t ntbatttnt• adhaate• saute., In
! i tt , Takr s t aiT u. .MA_l•l3l= l •l all Modeler Stith
. 7111itlz5 if7W.TAM.
W3l. BATAAN M. 1)..
- HAMILTON ORMAN/. 11. 33, -
• , ' MUM - OATH SCHAAL Zoltullta'
Cotecciaing •I 1 tip inactUng tba Qty.(
For 13.
Mat - corner Wood andltrat itm
Walt •Paper and .Tlcirdas.. - '
riIIHOMAB PALMER. 55 litalcet street:re.
J. • • •• Ir InTitc• th• attestion Dangmlitli hhi
YR I 7PS--Underwood'a Eno LaxaonSmp;
awn surretka• article bc making Lonna M.
• • • dam; axed litrswborry n. Vl.rar: for wobr
. ir. atccifixo a co, .f r
(.1 AP SAGO CLIEESB---For sale _by
10 Seat WII. A. MCA= t CO.
• -- -
VOD FISII-600 lbs. very flee, for sale by
iv2o A. MeCLURG a CO
.. .. . . .
A. I LEXAirDER i bAY,'hubg concluded
eke. their rtc.inesk, now oner their main
a of Palmy and le DST 00009, at man reduced
Prins. Their hark L. , and =broom eh morn ,
mentor irenteh and Boa sh CLOTHS sad
Meek =I colored Gm de Rhine MU of. the bed mom.
nenorel_ilgored Nike, of the newton etylec Bestams. Bev .
.me de I..lLemon .._. Blanket% of ;be beet inekm
inn e e trMilninfliterAthirUnge.Tielein,
Mane 1. nets, te.i. with Owlet eme7 ernes;
I 0 the Dry Gad. lionr Purchaser. are hinted to oall.'sw
ea are determined to g” decided beettins by 'shaman.
por retell in mdse. to dow oat oar earns non am mon no
ose) We. • . . ALLTANDIE 4 DAY. •
jalte SS !diem .1., N. W-e a r. of Diamoint, -
ij 6 bUB Lowell/1 =abed Brie .
6 do
i4 T‘ mut*
A"'".l,llll.batm . sr. co.
j dcrant.rat reeired and Mr We b 7
:• ' • & & BELLER,!:
ROOT--400 lb.. prinze;qualitrAtult
...roil sad tar ale br (.1•10) rt-a: SELL=S.
_ _
CITRIC ACID—ZO in,. just rec'd and for
a's. auras.
VOIILIVER OIL-40 gollono, - rtms'intaS,
IL/ !by ale -by E. SILLICaL ,
_ -
lasted kw Strawberries, or trait of way kliselourd
• mtoutet thin of .I.llseb__f marm.lbr seta
roll - : a cm
c!Lit4eriVi Rianoi • i i
TWIN . IL . suzilOtt,• ktent for' •
eJ 023kkerinahr f
and Western Peraterivania. N.O/ W ai n has +
maired and nowafxa Ibr We. the #3l. L . .
lawla elegant anortmest of Plum Fortes. ameastron tbe
um:mm.7, st &U. Cbiebaixte. (Boston)
Gee oletrant.Eawrcal =ram Piano, tx alms
The stare Piano Oct.* of Ili Isimaittylof .
tam, and with all Db. We..lrs lannomandx tb
Pricerlavastably the alm aKltnhrD.ttnersyy m
s tair
posichasen la Ws regioik et! airy. aistei
R• no.ratiCarqd Maras St ea. moo.
One eie•laxid I ailckarit-as Loaups; . • •
One e
One " a " Load
Oster fX
ARD 011-8 'ale. Nit.); Int'
iii AVMs - D. , it,
OrVUS'fiTTL.ES. Ittue mtri7 . 7
Irv, by MURPHY ausenn
B . l=-Dwarik...w•373
Gingham. &e. tr. _ , •
Attanth IS invited lol:wit tboilimrtowneett /1:11leli
Lew. Mete Wed* Re ammo. Re.
We eggethe. to-ea . ear teeeernm, Mak NI/75.
• NeStr Egitika I -
ATEAST f'roblam Lye a+n zt e. ted with. mi. ,
: too ral a 448. ad 1flt:
Blanton) bal4"11;1Uoi
h mt , l2 Ca UM of Mrs, Blargog)laltiaade:
,ri tigstora of Mailman, Quosit of Jamb,lbOoE
-N0.713 Pleoxialllald Heck ost
No. of London Len? tad Um ten lon Pear.
Moab:my Booprimt Ivetivot alulibrAtt , '
Ml 7 ' C STOCESO,N, a X X.
7 .,,, L a
o :aists Humus: suatslatng
eo ikArAcal.e.ltel
=sof the Arts= MAttateemsneol
ISeetta of the Times from 1811. '
- , ..•LLRll.ti *AAA st.
COTCH BUItLAPS-2 balp asitablrroi
WnolEackse A4wr,%o Wag has. am sod In mkt
b 7
Je17 , 3%. ivrm,
'B Es WANTED,—. The tarpon, pr ... k3:.
t ` t " .4xl
• caner Flea and Wood
- -
Notice to Caote s .. " •
IEALED PROMAis vitt be rocllivettlit
• th.00c,.4 Ropffio.r.peoh cull
VAlhterrsonnrl ic trwty t 'ft :t 4 l 'M "a J. , '
Attry r a ' Affiggrer p i7' A• ZeanVnri
ItmOotols to Mato MPIUIWII, Mes t er en timullng
imiLoArattniats UM , also fr om tv , l . c0..14i4 /
/aceattM lit AV C th anra. Pt
plitnlbrmspsi ma 54,tatRoi t ,
11. P. CAlN.Parretarp - • ••• f pal
1 "MED YEACHE.S.-400 - '0.904:3
. 451-dre.l".• melted sad {AWL_
-14 11ru 0117- - ID bbls; rt
rn tw e e. !) . T.
JAI ., lb,. pl. p7.--ROMA% 01). ..t
- ÜbritY
noinsioi:" .
w, n, 3AOOII.
bl. jeld
ON-7000 1
tbr Webs it
iPOTTON—L'S, bales (Batting) for ode by,
[J• Ulkiked
Mai UDOMER lE O - 1 - iv itT
4iiMaifl' sins rscatToi
titeill "
MT • •
wmTir taut: inio,,er
Mat 4..
PalittA r"'
wa RIM Ithkenrsto barn oalsw•lte
4 . 43At . 2442 1 1r, szid anti »vs= to
tbight Wm white half=lisaimis
paaa L. a (tuber sad more
irork7ll l Zll rot sub b ott,' W 'Maki*
1 is
:7,1,11.1"1"!". -44-°"'
Pure .Th•andy, for Dialoto — N --- ,* 0 ..
EAR IN MIND! shoNtl,4 saineed French
tirorkiyott. rat oar are to oloor st NORM
Jal VOrrriel, al per gnarl gr hark.
I.IOIIDAT MORNING, at 10/ o'clocledf
Barton Ori ental
Miameaie; o: It { h Vnl i NI T, LOTH' AND NCDIA;
Mao sad Oriental Masio. Adaklmam. mat ...mum .
moss see positively the bet littabeirtb. bat
Ittlatiaboa Positively
(Welaaldal) sttaes ma awl
nafu, and ta mormgthoindsz)erv.nzt }t
-- - -
Raymond a Co.'s, it Van Ambergh it.Co.'s
(.!Witting tit an t. Ms Hell:411'14 Ardsuls am istsst.
7 nthillrELL'fil or= Ls* brECUIENS, •
To brerdtbard toortierfor elm prior ,1.4,1.4,4,..
Ir a.
ILL be Exhibited in Pl . ITSI3URGII,
- . on Ttitiag DAY. FRIDAY, sod 3 ATCHDA T, JAY
azd bth,fortire. dal-Louder tbeDoubbs ?weft..
et carom of Peso obi Prim street., nth Wert—.
Otes On Tboriday sod tlarorday,,Pdy Si end tab._
tem 3
, s 6,... 4 f„.. 7 t o 10. P . M. Op kway, Jallitth lowe ,
tdbilioroome from SU to 1134,A. X. Mao 12 to..X. beep
3to et.' sad trom I tole. P.. N.. Adsotto at " mat. thu
d,. soder 10 yesota3 mut. = ' ' • • .
In. this eollselloo ate the fiblomeror. sad Vlllts Polsr
Bear. • A 1... ten Wads of the doe. therb-serot -.
:Mt TAN AMBUltoll,:the moot rrooened of all Lim
Coomstront, elli____elebre the of Ith Ten th s Grotto o' _
" /Tir& T / P C la A “. 11 7 •i:ro Iti i eill i = : . orrlto . . 1, 3 31 s
Mal/ bodood AMmtb, icksking Teo Graaf Ambett Arr.
forme... .
The ohOl• Ofsetle 4C:snits. cobbled= tbe Aerb ,
130.14 will rater thfrary Qa Tboodar rooming. J. 17 Al!
r d dases tu tttrs ee tb ths=s . I streets 01 oromesdoo, pm
Mb Luboore teMishmetstorgoiree .14 43(1fi • et lobs
by 160 teomb far its esbileittom sods. then... sob. to
tbe lower Pert of th e city of saartsot el trot for lb* par
tells. the protuiems ban Alm obliged to Meet a spot two
or times sobers Lieber the entre of tbe city thsa
they obb•A, Over 1000 bit of Moog &net. 3 fo. kff,b•
have Inc mottneyst 'avid. Mr. Mash 3 1modr1n , . 3
ertil bode, the immense tetelliost ode end commed/orm Lt
all slimes of visitors at eJI awe. , „ , ,
Mos sera boa both aldblted to thin ebtotry a lugs
i' number b. so peat a variety of bee. methane of
Nebula tory. as is coobt,thed Os the thombirted Wow.
Ne b ula ymood AO4 sml %an .s.ctrab 4 01.. .
Jama.t.-.8 „ - ' ,
- - '
owe beton been eottentreted 112 an Ttehthe., etehee.
Zof u Lt" rriigtlLV.a .' ,== ""m" .
bees. the Pe l le A n ctr. ) 1pt. , 1 itzciA the ft whila ow.
.77 '1 Mc.: EDO Ilt . . JOHN HIV' 1 l 'l ll* T''''''
P. 111tER. sursontsaals . , St*. liIRM
h 0.4, he., he.; gbh
Iffsdames flltTh. NAME. he.. ' ' - •
ialt .Ith
th---zr -d nt.,=fir7.4„........
Otttakal the lelhat Teotthrete • Prance., Virtoriei. MI;
'suit+ and MING Bann. led by
ti A mV.Arty, rairtru' d %,..4lB9. l 2llell 5 i g46.911147
Will dm the boom of peribreolar 99 PHYN ETEXI.
Pfteeheefleh. he hoard tie ..imaruccv EOM" on the,
28...31. - 4114azid sth of 7oly, 1851—
Doan even at herluit. sad at bracc.i r
lcur Grua at Neforcuis9.9 te. ut, 3:.Ul 919.999 theme Fieefehe
voleume9,9 l Wiwi 9, hel9p sat
28 Bons -To =num.
1 iiiiMPRIE 1851,_ iittizie
as Packet and Ras7road Line to Ckveland.
ASSENORELS leave may Morning it 9
to by atra
r m ous boat to Beam, thence by @Memo
tonal to Ileverna.tbame by ntlabarghand clever
..24.Clateland. - 26 any.. ~, To Detroit.= boom
Tkketa when thrve, to
si& canon. tad Lob.. br curreland and andittidi
, end Idnagolde. Ines
Cl=every.ortal I= Dent4t t
at a dohs* bY tb• IBb . dednt
mamas ad talla= ueatral Co. fir MK,
thence-07X o'clock. A. AL, br Railroad to. New buffalo.
and as mete strong at Chltago b atembat.
/0. water In the Ohio tint .. this trouts to Molar
gut, At. and esbara, Till be wand numb oats;
stwarr. tut enanntr..
_thanv other. . 3
E '*_! k " 4 m ks 'latlr V . 7 e 01 nn r-, Asa
__ _
COD gabs) mew of thotthtleittlad Wuri meow,
1:4 to __ , - "" 4`_!t1.11 ) .171. 4 .1141,/..%
mat barium. Et. maw Dotal. Wood etreetic
Fdrkj !inis to Philadolptiii: `_'-
Fiirt3 7 -fottr boors toßaltkoore. -
ZEIL miles Itailroad.--10313;tilie Caaalt.:
WWI niaglit. YID COMMILUA •SOr=i P'
Beiist freefams the stani , doves and perleit,jr.s
monadic t- pigs Linea.
Linea Emeas Packet
psi patty. Be ate.
/Sisal - MHO—
ikA T. Pittsburgh for Johnstown, t hane.
T.. Thuldnot sad I' vs nor. dims to --
Ptastv Mars erg Isarolos thi =elvely
gars lo ggibidolvddo. 1:10. Yu* to Haltlovonk,M
Mks ttu York Joni Rati llvo . l
orrjvsl or ar. a: tint N viand
pin.. co Matt
gar ;WWI Tbs.*. total boon
No charge for tuiruilhig Baggage on this rigs.
TO* OCIN am thavatto an am. ma or the to norm
trLdrr'ev'oroa eb oa 7 =Z " Zivolatoxisblo oaxase
amass. soconyvors %lasts ot
J. P. 110LhiES, Eovma •1
D. LEF.C.H7r CO. '
mad Buds, Pisa strist....
Or of
1851. - WESTERN , .1.841
_ .
MEW . yr..
THE'OniaLl being in good -orderi'zti airs
- visimonbitnnoonpu. matahateneelk t
Ihne thetstatt . , at the keret ealtamt ratearep
Witt. rt..lrtm en . . t h. ,l4Petth, . The kola woe
erhaitke ttaamaltted. end ail irTiet=l,opalr
An,r,""dz". • 'TEI NA en Mrtera, Plottle„ton.
• - • - ItA
Atee.hau Depos.*Not.tllll*.
• ; 113113YilihMitEteinranta
• • • t lao:T treet., Hatthamenl 4 .
- . - No. 'Mint street. or aide
l idai 'lB5l. Ntifinni
yia , Orommetita eaut Cumberland, to Baltition;
MORNING BOA leavea tho %Id
seems tea SeseSps daily. es e ireloak sneseers
. mi.z erith the a tie us etZebesteel (= we ste.seut.
re es 17 4 4V g . " 2 " b. arS ' t Cm ' •
'fts=s l .. m te=s7:Ctl . et . /isesailyte - 5-1
S i
Tee Itulanal 9.0.4 es auss pot- eemdessesa la " * ".ltti ll246
Flee sa={= l eseite"tec'"" a* -4-IPE. 4
Zoe .-. :- -' - . Mee fa the elessessimelMsell
1851: :,
-'.-UNION- LINE - -
the iknonsAvania and Ohio Canalk;. ,
r ivell 6mM iS DOW MAUV 4
tram 81311011
th. to u lr on the Ciall utd La.!;e4.-.
:f1,5t....i ." ;1 of cartians.
• Ittbbusthardtlenlard dair.rrne,
o_um analogous. betwom
0b.:16..... 04,
! • -
. -
22946 Megt..,_ClVeh
• :EA
•- A0ui.15:111167, Pl Agent.
_ • Asem Waher utdl42llthik44
DiffEEL. ,011 • (( to "velp
a-. 1 . J. JUDD CO. Go Wad -
rm,s SOAP POWDERS.sre noir
tliett *li'al osit= 4 Y=t
.m:n"`.b`; k'A'a,.lbt`tura
N 1)
- -
te.tairin AND lIATS-R. H.
*TM kMf= a =. l . lll ra Ct AV :t
ipHEEBE-52 boxes,'63.o:l,ssicting anctfcCi
la t ivis . - I,,ALLIZFAT CO.a.t.f—,
vIIBESE..2OO boxes in store, for lisiskt.4
- - - 'Rahn DICEETItaIt
. .
re , spit
oahlw 4.14-
ye ARRED-MUSUN-40 taws desirablo
71"4 tr :" / "'Y c. mummer.
Branum .wines, ant. . - 7 7 7
ATM' completed. artan,goodentie left
mccw to scow.: a* cect• tucc.Juvettet; Iv A
I LAlo,==a4so umu_ntabLid e m
1X.11. 1 1.6. sad IDRIS, of p.... , ,,,„=„,..
Am ado. subs r nrit.d
, y -
1.4 a - bi --- —.
i i r in0.... 1 -34. --17 :7.4 W easkr . rold. ut'll anirmm k. fu t d. c irlat
• ic
ill 47- • 5 ' " Part imairt 7 v=hi sul so - '.
„w e
.100 bestsis Et...USW san, yell bums lands. --
toctimrAcnix Tariem fts.d,
Ind ems essisnhs sad -vha li
riPi cod hot, ti t ft
oilic7. • '
stitt,otA=, kiett=lkt ir.te ate
Ar.:,... ii.... t aPri , Loom such as
-..T. , gem ittss.
j a bligr i st u si Mt YALU Avila Ahiars on dud
=.141.1 be a atniirl4:7,l b tr s h 1
Nees= PP6a
outivraratcs Ist Ltu., m wan.: ev.