The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 03, 1851, Image 3

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The P . A2CORAMA.—The eleitir myste
lions wondere, the aimnoni th Inge,. and th e
wild nomadic tribes that lahn • it, is certainly
replete with intermit. These wonders are no
where more vividirrepreehnted than In the pan.
oratna of the Nile, now en exhibition tat. the
Atha:mem. - By the wa , the last exhibitions
in Pittsburgh, will take place to-inorrow,'July
the Fourth, on which oeclurion there will be an
exhibition in the morningat half past ten o•-
elock—in the afternoon lat three, ata in the
evening at eight.
. .
I ,
TES Gitlin MESACIEST3,wh ic h Lae been the'
town's talk for a couple bf weeks past, will Im•
rive in the city to-day, and pitch their 'yore:ions
on Penn street, in the Fifth Watd.
There is no better or mine rational amusement
for young or old during the holiday time inci
dent to the anniversary ~,df our National hide
pet:dance, than the witneinag a large collection
of Natural History like this.
A more complete colleition of animals than
that of Messrs. haymond& Van Ambnrgh, hie
never been exhibited in i this country. . Almost
every !, beast of the field ind -fowl, of the sir"
may there be seen.
Mr. Van Amburgb, tit far-famed Lion Con
queror, will exhibit his yronderfal. pester over
the fierce denizens of the tercet, and Mons. Craw
ford .will also enter his cages of trained animal;
—thus giving two grand 'animal exhibitions.
The ground selected h been' substantially
fenced In for the safety ad accommodation of
visitors, and everything 11 be 'so conducted as
tel. please - and amuse thep blic.
-No one will regret the time or money spent in
visiting this exhibition with their families. '
Amerioan Convention yrs held yesterday in the
New Court Howe, which as attended Only by
beteeentwenty and thirtyelegates. It excited
so li ttle interest among onl
citizens, that fre
mtentlyfor an hour at a time. not a single spec
tator was present, and at no time did they ex
ceed from six to a dozen in number. '
Joseph H. Lowry, 'of Aliegggghhhheny, was appoint- .
ed President, . and Valentin Short and J. H.
Scott Vico Presidents. II
Messrs. Charles J. Stadler . and J. B. MC-
Rolm acted as Secretaries.
The following persons were nominated:
A333316LY Ticrirr.'—Messrs). Nathaniel Mc-
Clintock, of Manchester; Claudius Knox, of Rob
inson; „Edwaid L. Evans, Second Ward, Peter
Stewart, 'Studer ; William J. Ingram, Indiana.
Recorder—JAl Reno, Pittsburgh; ..
Begieter—Lewis Fleming, Pitt. Tp. ;
Clark—Chirles J. Shaffner ; • , '
Treasurer--J. S. Morehead, Pittsburgh;
Commissioner—Benjamln Dilworth, Boa ;
Surveyor—John Stoddart ; ,
Anditor—David Strohm, Sharfnlbagli- •
Messrs. B. T, C. Morgan, John Stewart, Dan
iel Curry, . Valentine Short. J. W. Lowrey, and
J. B. McKown, , were appointed delegates to at
tend the Native American Convention at Harris
tart', with
_lnstructions to support Dr.:Jacob
B. Dewees, of Montgomery County, as ll candi
date fOr the. Gubernatorial Chair. '
As no lawyers belong to the Native American
party, no candidates were nominated for 'any Of
the Jadgalips.
As the Associate Judges in the Courfof Qtiar
ter SesOons, are not required to be learned in
the law, John:Gebheart, of Allegheny, and S.
Fickersham, of Pittsburgh' were nominated.
• The Convention resolveti,to .sappoft Garret
Dina, of Kentutiry and:Dotter Reynold Caster.
of New Jersey, as candidatai for President and
Vice President of the Malted States, rupee
Owing, perhaps, to the smallness of the melt
ing, all the addresses were rather tedious, and
the resolutions, which ,in length afforded an
amusing contrast to the paucity of the numbers
who passed them, were aninterestMg.
, .
Tay Bees.—The banks will be of estate
closed on the relarthofJuly.
Tan Parr OrrtcM—The post °Mee trill be opus
from half past seven, to half peat eight, on the
morning of the Fourth of July.
Bsoicsse OFFICES—AII the broker's offices will
be:closed on the Fourth of July.., . .
plication was made at the last term of.the Court
of Qtuuterliessions, to erect the village of Wil
khnharg Onto a borough. The petition in
the care,. was law, - handed to the
Grand Jury, and they reported on it favorably.
The petitioners averred that it was signed by a
majority of the property holders of the place, an
assertion which was yesterday denied by Colonel
lifcCandlest who appeared for the remonstrant,
Thomas Williams, - Esq.; appeared on the other
tide, and the. Muse was , arguep at length, and
with much ability. The Court gars no dad.
FOR GRXXXWOOD:—The Eno !tamer Eclipse
will leave the wharf atlbo foot'of hlarkat street,
eve 27 hour daring the fourth of .1011, for Green
wood end Rosedale. 'This le a fast and comfort
able boat, and is commanded by -11=mm:biting
officers, so that we can recommend her to our
Tiatreasscs Ilearrso..—There will be ameet.
tag is the Sixth Ward School Roast, this wren.
lag, at 71 o'clock. A large attendance is ax.
Bzwroterm.—An ex-Catholic priest, named
Theodore Lawrenaton, who at the lam Term of
the Court, pleaded guilty of grand larceny, com
mitted in stealing a wstehand chain from a gen
tleman in Mr. Reinhard's tavern on Third !street,
but who subsequently was permitted to withdraw
his plea, and plead guilty of petit larceny,"
was yesterday sentenced to one month's confine
ment in the County Prison.
. .
TauPenn-mum—Henry .Breiden a
• young lad from Uniontown; who 'pleaded gall
ty,'at the last term of the Court of Quarter &m
-elons, to a charge or etealing about ninety dol.
lam in money and thirty dollars worth ofelothes
from& minter working in the Democrat office
of Uniontowe, wasyeaterday broughtintn Court:
and sentenced to three years imprispnment in
the Western Penitentiary.
Beth's — ezn.--Michael Walsh, who was con
victed at the last term of the Court of Qoarter
Unions, of - steeling. eeren - dollars from MIT;
Sarah Magraw azeold - and helpless female, was
yesterday. sentenced - to three . year's iintr l3ol l.
meat in the Western Penitendary.
BECINIL—Thi warfare waged by the police, on
projecting signs still continues, and a 1 great
many Of, considerable value. were -yesterday
taken down. We have heard many complaints
from alarge number of business num In refer
enee to the putting the obsolete ordinance on
the subject into force.
31/ICRIFVOVA DO4ll Jones, whO was
oonvieted at thelaat term of the Court of (Mater
sateicankof keeping a number of mischievous doge
in the eighth ward, was ymterdiy eentemold, by
his honor, Judge'lloCltme, to pay s fine of ten
dollars, and the coats of protestation. .He leeS
tomcatted to prison, in default of pitmen
Cocas orconioa Pteas.--Tbe Court of Com
mon Pleas met yesterday, Judges McClure,
Boggs, and Mchlillan on the Bench.
101 En McDonald, en applicant for the heneft,
of the Insolvent laws, was aworunnd discharged:
Tut WrArnen.The areatbei ;ester& was
truly delightful •
• ICO DMA N.C. ht, in &DIM' orclm .
••. 100 bright NA Math; it& lAltll3
¢ 12 .101L0 WATT &
"WELet WILL SUFFER for the inks of et
o'g on Dm.: Ermines Amu A.p r ik.4 saw
87 for the YLLES, for sal• by
sag • E. E. BELLEEB, St Wool
cbglaeo warn! ha. mai the moot ollineult au*
- -
T9! g,T,11 .. y SEED-34 bbleifaiiiir.:
SALTPETRE- 20 bags (Crude) for sale by
wrati - w. IL WILMN.
SPERM 011,-18 bble. extra, for sale by
TANNERS' OIL-23 bble. for ea% by •
1. Ser - ; • WICK & BIeCANDLLIS.
MACKEREL.--50 bbls. for sale by.
• 80. 01
fiANARY SEED.- 7 3,500 lba. just received
tionrth• Eist, prim article a
• - sod, Plly k f
m or
i.e Cornero ß oo ncK
IME-50 bble.. White Lottieyille, far sale
by egy23 - DION=
LARD OIL.-101bIs. pure winter
15 do No.
le4 :in 21, Wood It.
FrOBACCO-20 kegs (Gedie's) I'o.l Six
Twist. for sale br JAHLS DALZELL,
je2 ea Watdr. sad 74 First st
BLOOMS -200 tons Soft Tenn., for Sale by
12 J.411X11 DALZBLL.
ARD 011;-10 bbla. No.l, for oaloby
Jet WICK k 31e0AND/ .
TANNERS' OIL-40 bblg. just receiving
by for saLo by JA3113 DALZELL ,
• J., 2 es. water 4.
REFINED' SUGARS - 106 bbls. Clarified
N0ra,r.d.....4 Crashed. for WO,
GOLDEN SYRUP—In hf, bbla. and 10 gal
eras no° ' th°
ICE*2O times Carolina, for sale by
A Leo/141,-30 bblz.for asle by
J. IaDD 1 CO, 10 Wood st.
twin= NT ,Tns o'Rcztir rsisaaara Lam,
The steam ablp Africa, from .Liverpool, with
dates to the 21st of Jane, arrived at her dock
at 11 o'clock this morning.
The Africa(made her passage from Liverpool
.to New York in 10 days and 20 hours.
Cotton—The lower qualities of cotton had ad.
'winced 1; the better qualities were unchanged,
with sales fair Orleans at gc. The aales of the
week were 48,000 bales.. The market was
steady and firm at the close.
Breadstuff's—Corn is in good demand, but not
Wheat—Prices have advanced from id to 2d.
Flour is 6d dosser, and in good demand.
Provisions—Pork and beef move off slowly.
More is doing in bacon at previous rates, shoal
denparestomdy. Hams aro in faie retail de
mond. Lard is le lover, and tendency to afnrth
er decline. •
Bice is in better demand, at higher prices; 100
tierces Caroline were sold at 14c 64 for ordinary
Groceries—A fair business is doing in Sugars,
bus prices are without change. . Molasses is more
Naval Stores—ln tar and turpentine there
biro been no transactions. Rosin is dull. Spit ,
its of turpentine is in good demand at 84s.
fron—hlanufactured iron has slightly ethane
ed:. with a more active demand. Scotch pig has
suffered a alight decline, and the market is
heavy. -
Lead Is five shillings per ton Leiser.
• Tin plates are in better demand.
LONDON. June 20.
Tiler., Is a sited y demand for American semi
rides. United States sixes, 1862, are quoted at
105@i108; do 1868, 112101131; Pennsylvania
flees &3; Ohio sixes, 1870-75, 105; Maryland,
90001.. -Consols closed 9610981,
,ilr, Manchester trade is active.
. .
. ,
• HAVIII, June 18.
Eottotk—The market is exceedingly dell. The
sales of the week amount only to 5000 belts.—
Orleans is quoted at 93®94 franca.
Nsw Tout, July 2.
The steam ship Herrman from South&tiptop,
June 18, arrived this morning. bringing 124 pas
sengers. She spoke, on the 224 June, in Lat.
80-115, and Lon. 21, the steam propellor Lafay
ette, 'bound West:
The Africa ott'her outward passage, arrived at
Liverpool In 11 days. The Baltic made the vis
age eat to Liverpool is days.
T 1 ine eons of Lord Oldborongh have been sr
reited at Leghorn, clandestine materials and pub.
lieations having been found in their posoesaion.
The &bateau the French Chambers on the
amendment of the Constitution is progressing
with incresseesiolenee.
* Gem. Carsignae, in the course of a violent
speech, declared that be had made up his mind
to draw the sword in ease Louis Napoleon at.
tempts to prolong his powers. .
tk perfect melee had taken place iu the da.
eembly in Consequence of neiolent speech from
Mr. Leon Faucher, Minister of the Interior.
They* fa but little news of importance from
Gerisany. Hamburg was more tranquil, but
the dislike Of the Austrian troops is increasing.
• A Spanish squadron has been sent to.Llsbon,
to check the revolutionary party.
The Portuguese Exchequer wee at a low ebb.
Fetch troubles are deemed more than probable.
The ambient of the Spanish debt was under
conalderation at the Cortez.
We ,have another mail from Indio: The latest
&deices state that strong forces are kept actively
engaged in watching the barbarians on the north
western frontier.
The war In the southern provinces, against
the -reigning dynasty still continues, and its
[Teed, overthrow Is anticipated, pertionlarly at
Advices from Rome state that executiotus still
continue to take place. Two more men hsdbeen
The treaty of ammerce between the Helvetic
confederation and the Sardinian garernmenthas
been brought to a close.
The subscriptions for the loan authcrrizei by
the Sardinian Government, was opined at Turin,
on the 11th inst. The number of bonds — to be
Laved was 18,000, of which 2282 were subscribed
for on the first day.
The Roman Catholic Bishops of the Upper
Rhine, comprising Wirtemburg, Baden, the
Electorate and' Dachrof Hesse,. Haman, Ham
burg, and Frankfort, hare demanded a repeal of
all the religion Concessions made since 1848, to
gether with a list of to lets than sixteen others;
all of the most aggressive character, and aiming*
at rendering the Church superior to any other
do edict Luba= issued to Cardinal dntonet-
SI, announcing that the paper money now in
circulation will be cancelled, and a new issue
be made, to the amount of 8,710,000 Roman
The Austrian troops have occupied Speefilet-
The anti•conviet agitation was assuming a se
rious Impact.
Nter Toss, July 2.
The steam ship from Southampton, which ar
rived this morning brings 124 passengers.
The Niagara. which Railed today, took out
$950,870 in seems.
. New You, July 2.
Considerable excitement'was caused yesterday
afternoon, by the announcement of =other heavy
failure, that of 'John Palmer, an extensive dry
goals house in Pearl street. Mr. Falconer is
President of one of the Insurance companies.—
His liabilities are roughly estimated at 15210,-.
The motion for an injunction against the Penn
sylunia Railroad Company, was argued in the
Supreme Court on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed
nesday, by Mr. Staunton and Mr. Meredith, for
the complainants, and Mr. Dallas and Mr. Wil
liams forthe defendant, and the question taken
under consideration by the Court.
V7Asst4a7oB, July
The Republic of this morning denies that the
Administration interfered in the proceedings of
the Lancaster Convention, and states that the
resolutions of 'the Convention are open to no
just objection ; for they express unbo'unded con
fidence in the President, and support all the
compromise measures. The nomination of Gen.
Scott, who labored as long a period as even Mr.
Clardid to bring about the passage of the Com
promise measures, and who expressed himself
in the warmest feelings of commendation of the
policy of the President, of itself sufficiently re
pels any contrary implication.
The Republic, also highly eulogises General -
The anoint of Treasury notes outstanding on
the lat of Inly, was $197,111 64.
Mr. Webster returnod to this city last night.
The InteAgeneer deems the assertion of Leary
'felucts'opon the Mexican Commissioners Impio.
Uhl*, as nothing is kiown of the matter In the
• -.
Puriurstrau, July 2,
The Duquesne Fire Company, of Pittsburgh,
arrived here today, and Were splendidly re
ceived by the Fire Department of the city.
NZW You l, July 2
l'falsb, the young man who Is charged under
the extradition laws with being a deserrter from
the British army, was this morning discharged,
the elide:me being insufficient to justify his de
A complimentary . banquet Is .to be given to
Arehbishop - flughes, at the Astor Rome, on the
20th last, an the occasion of, his retain from
The nrom,
umber of emigrants arrived at this port,
during the mouth of June was 83,292.
Btrrrsio, July 2.
Ex•Ocreeinor gewaralisseed through this city
044 * on his way home from Detroit, the trial
of the Itallroad'oonsphntors, in which we he
was eugsged, haying been poetponeet for &week_
Kim Yonr., July 2.
Private whites by the Africa, state that wheat
at Liverpool had advanced from 6 to Od 'V bus,
and -floordront. 2 •5 ,134 g 3 s bbl, with a large
business. Corn had increased in demand, and
prime yellow wu selling at 80s 641 .o.llls
Brantaraxn, (asse) July 2.
Men Lind gave s concert in the Congrega
tional Church, in this place, hat evening. She
will give a concert at Utica on Wednes d ay evening
next, the 9th initant.
PatkAutii.nt.t, July 2.
Plour—There is considerably more firmness
since the arrival of the ,steamer, but sales are
limited at $4,23 for standard brands.
Rye Fiona—Sales 100 bble at $8,37'{.7 bbl.
Corn Bleal—ls steady at 02,87 bbl.
Grain—Wheat is steady at 94e for red. and
980 for white. Rye is selling at 720 Corn is
rather less active, with sales of 400 bushels of
yellow at 68@.64c 11 bushel.
Provisions awl Groceries are without change.
Whiskey—Sales 200 bbls at 24i0 Cl
• Bamstonst, July 2.
Floer=The inarket is better, with sales of
1,000 bbls City Mills at $1,18fe4,43} per bbl.
Gran—Sales White Cons at 020, sod of Yel
low at 600 perbuehel.
Provinions—Mess Pork is selling at $12,10 per
barrel. •
Whiskey--13sles at 210 per gallon.
The Africa's news has had a favorable effect
on breadstuffs.
MIR Year, July 2.
• Flour—The market is without change. Bales
8000 Mils at $404 12 for mixed to good wes
tern, $4 12(.4 25 for round hbop Ohio; and
$4 31(34 81 for prime Gerle.l2lel3.
Gram—Bales 5000 bushels Michigan Wheat at
$1 04e; sect:10,000 bushels mixed western Corn
at 571058 c per bushel.
Proslaloas are neglected. Sales mess beef at
VG/1 per bbl. Lard is held higher with miles
at 81690 per lb. Ohio butter Is plenty and dull,
at 9®loc per lb.
Whiskey--Sales of Ohio at 231 per gallon.
Tobacco—Sales 50 hlwis Kentucky at 8} 0101-
per lb.
Stooks—The market is quiet. United States
sixes hare farther declined le, and ore now sel
ling at 1161, for 1807; Kentucky Sizes 109 i;
Ohio sizes, 1660, 1074108. Money is easier.
New Tone,. July 2.
Cotton—The market to-day is firmer, with
Wes of 1200 bales.
floar-,—Seles of 12,000 bbls,. including 2000
southern at an advance of 12} on the rates of this
Grain--Sales of 48,000 bushels corn at bBc for
sound and 50e,v 65 for heated.
Provisions—Pork is dull, with sales 800 hbls
at former prices.
Whiakey-Bales at 240 14 galL
Groceries—Sales of coffee at 83e69c. Sugars
are more active.
Stocks—Y. S. 6's are }'to lower. Calton Co.
is also I ilg.2e lower. Staling bills are dull at
110®110f. Money is in gooa demand.
Flour has deolined, with sales of 900 bbla at
53,03®8,05, and 400 bbts at $3,16@ 3,20. At
the close, good ordinary brands were offered et
$3 per bbl.
Whiskey--Sales at Viic per bbL
Provision.s—The only eats was 40 thide plain
hams at Sic.
Grocenes—Nothing is doing in Sugar and hio
lasses. Sales 100 bags common Rio Coffee at
Dried'Apples—A !tale of 400 bit at 800 per bct.
'There is a speculative demand.
The river is stationary.
Loctsviu.o, July 2.
There are 3,,feet 11 inches water in the canal.
There are 4 feet water on the bare below-
Pound freighta to New Orleans are 400 per
100, and Pork $1 per bbl.
Cotton—Sales this morning of 800 bides, and
yeeterday of 2500 bales, mostly for England
dealers are awaiting the Africa's newr, sod pri
cos continue steady.
Prorisions—Bacon is firmer, with rides of rib
bed sides at 81-ei Q 1 lb. Pork is selling at :$l4B
14 25 14 bbl, for meas.
Cerra—Sake prime white at 54, and of yellow
at 56012 bushel.
Exchntigs--Sterling is dull, bui unehanged.—
Ne• York sight drafts din. to par.
We are informed that an agent of the Gemen
t:tont of the Sandwich Wanda is now at Wash.-
ington, with full power to negotiate important
changes in the relations between the Islands and
the 'United States. Ile is the bearer of two
propositions—ono for the establishment of en
American Protectorate over the Islands, their
Government and internal organization renmiffing
the same as now; the other, for the abdication of
the King, the complete resignation of the author
ity into the bands of the people under suitable
Republican forme, and the definite annexation of
the Islands to this Republic. These propoaiticas
are submitted to our Government for its. choice
and acceptance, with an earnest request from
the King and all his blinlstera, that one cr the
other of them may be promptly embraced and
acted upon. This step, we have reason to be
lieve, has not been taken 'without deliberation
and perfect conviction that it is both necessary
mud timely.
To take the islands under the protection of the
United States would be of little, if any advan
tage to - either of the two parties. Our protec
tion could hardly be rendered effieeeious in a
country where our right to exercise it might en
tangle us in unpleasant difficulties with other na
tions. -
In our view the only question to be entertah.-
ed is that of Annexation. As a territory of the
United States the Islands would be exempt from
foreign interference, and the authority of our
Sag and the force of our laws would not be dis
puted. To the inhabitants nod future settlers
Annexation would be a blessing. It would ext
ents tranquility, qr . der, ands more active devel
opment of the country. Of its present white
population by far tha greater and predominantly
influential part are Americans, who tong once
more to live under the stars and stripes. Its
civilization and its commerce are American; Its
laws and government are already, to a great ex
tent, modeled upon ours.
To our whole fisheries and commerce in the
Pacific these Islands are already a point of the
highest importance. Even before the settlement
of California, nearly three-quarters a 'the ship
ping stopping there was American, and since
then the number of [ our vessels trading thither
has greatly increased, exclusive of the whalers
putting in incidentally. And as the trade of the
Pacific is developed, the value of the Islands
will increase, not only to ourselves ; but to other
We see then, no mean conclusively to forbid
'the acceptance of the second proposition '
shied suitable terms can be arranged, and it - be
established that Silveri . shall never exist there,
a point on which, us now informed, we should
have no fear. That our political system has
sufficient vitality and truth to admit of its ap
plication to a country so distant is our firm be
lief. And it appears evident that the Islands
cannot long remain an independent State and
could never attain 'that height of prosperity
Which. Is possible for them, except as a .member
of the American Confederation. And while we
shall ever oppose all untimely movementa for
mere extention of territory, especially if they
are accompanied by violent and dishonorable
acts, we cannot but think that the established
importance.otthese Islands tour maratime.and
commercial interests, the fact that their people
ire, to a considerable and steadily. Increasing
extent Atiericau and that their constituted and
legitimate authori
ties ask for the change, should
insure for their proposal the most scrims and
friendly consideration on the part of President
Filmore and his advisers. —Nem York:Traune.
Tug POMMY. SLAV! Liw.-The Legislation
(Misa)Advertiser says that Judge Wilkinson late
ly made a sqeech before the Diiunion ameta
tion of that town, in which be decanted with
some of warmth Op the inutility of the fugitive
slave law to the Booth, and declared he &sired
to see it repealed, as be felt no interest In pro
tecting slavery in Virginia, Kentuckey, or Mary.
land. Let the Yankees take their negroes and
welcome, for what be cared; Mississippi loin but
few slaves, and had no interest its thel4g.
For the course adpteddy the many of the. fire
eaters (remarks the Mobile Daily- Advertiser)
vra are bound to conclude that their continents
;vein accordance - with those expressed by Judge
Wilkinson. They care eothing for the fugitive
slave law, and would be glad to gee it repaled to
morrow; for enact of that kind would amulet to
hasten the day when disunion is to take place.
They have said that there le no safety for the
South except iliDisunion, and they would op
pose the oomprottsise, assist the abolitionists to
break it up, and repeal the fugitive slave :law.
because that would bring them one step twarer
their darling project of disunion.
The New York and New En gland Railroad
Companies understand the modeot popularising
travel on their thoroughfares. Their system of
low farce acts upon the population by a kind of
compulsive process which makes them travolere.
inspite of themsolscs. Excursion parties are got
up to distant points, and jounmys become pleas
ure trips. For Mimeo. an exertion from 'Bos
ton to Niagra Falls is advertised. Fare to the'
Falls and book, 11;17,00. Twenty days allowed.
for the trip. The rout will be from Bostmi visa
the Western Railroad to Albany, dy Railroad to
Oswego. Steamboat to Lewiston, and Rnolroad
to Falls; returning by the same route. The travl
wili be some 1200 miles.
Another excursion is announced in Montreal to
the citp of New York and back, via. Lake Cham
plain. Saratoga railroad and Hudson river.—
Fare for the trip of 700 or 800 miles, $7; with
the privilege of returning in ten days.
Could not this system of cheap fares be ap
plied profitably to steamboat excursions, to Lake
Superior for instance. A party of forty or fifty
could spend threq weeks or a month iu summer
deligtfally along the wild shores of the Father of
Lakes, mad come borne re-invigorated and rejuve
nated in mind and body. Something would thus
be added to the lease of life, short enough in this
working world at tho best.
B ROOMS -250 doz. common to best;
0) •• extra fer LITTLE Ic C O. . me..R ROBITON, a CO.
SHAD -10 bbln. No. 1;
10 0( . •• (by matn by_
Wootlworth's Patent Planing Womitoe,
1011ECENT decisions (see Pittsburgh Daily
AIL oa.t.. May 23, 1110.) haringjulli and tan))
estaollehed all Use Minns of the WOOL/ wOliTil PATENT,
the mbeerlber le now prepared to sell the right to Use
these Machines in the Mate of New 'Pork: and in Penney)•
rant. in the counties of Itradford,Crawfurd.Clinton.Ell4
Irearenee. Lyeeming..l.userier. Ileliesib'llereer i Potter ,
li tie ' rl; b eelerniVelt ge ‘ =;7 "T° 4 - . .f.fat =Pi
day et mecl ' •mber, end the ...rel.. m ter o f
tended by medal act of Conan's, to the le th of beetle
ter.. has now six yearn unexpired teme. This Ma
chine, one operation. induce. to • thickness. and plums
hamar, groove, beads and rabbets, in the beet manner,
2101 test of boards or plank to an hour: and Is also amen•
shoal, used for drawing ,tarn,Plarnng. atiebing.
door. Nodand bi in s! stuff. and *a Web an moulding..
MI kind. of Planing Om performed by it to • Letter mate
nee. and four times as expeditiously and cheaply, as it cm
be done by so y.other Machine. •
The prise of • templets Mmid,. for plmiag, tonguing.
according to ooze and
o f `eltri.7. " lgil " e7:7 arm; er 0111 drive Ix Nine.
ty•nine hundredths .ll the plaml lumber used In one
large cities and towm ta now Mowed with Woodworth's
Ileehim.. "'bleb mar be seen ha cotenant opmation in the
steam planing mills. Boston. Philadelphia. New' York.
Albany. Trot, Lime, Egos, Swam. tie... Dunkirk.
Jamestown. Owes, WAIT:M. Erie. littaborA,
011.0. lilagharnidon, Wham/le.
Per no exclusive single right to use there lischlusut,
which oil P . 1 .5.“ are eaufieevd maim or usfag
Mama eight, In any of the abovem antle s apply to
01111100, Planing Mills,.
inrg.batfl3Amax,. N Y.
A Vegetable Compound.
ri..URNER'S BALSAM, an infallible reme
dy her Diarrhoea, 14m:dem Bowel orjommer Cone
. re ,,,hildnen and adlt, A perfectl Would etc...
Moue medy under all eir u runistanem. It y
has been need
with harpy and never falls ell.. by mane of our moat
liticemafill mention:ten of medicine, wherever introduced.
for the Mat two or three mara am per out/I/e.t.a wont ,
panying the medicine. In pamphlet. Cirm. numlmala of
mem, of both Children and
ham been Seed Lod
relleeed by . the above after every otter remedy
hal been tried in vain.
The following b. a centc of a eerehleate relatin to the Bit.
tues, etc., of the Haltom Ilbed to i he family or the
hey. J. 11. Power, of the Minh:abet Book linociren. of tbla
cite. ern
Air. Tamer: sir, I deem It due tom to ear, that Gm
versi mouths hare been Myth, 0. 1 . remedies for
1 h iZr . s " re!l irt'MtVre noro+r but, h " Ta A r " "I t
with emmt surrem, and 1 Met Le e to =e i niu ' atueL T lt to enr .
a rat ethic, medtclue by Li
J. and similar
Y Molt. J. U. VON Mt.
thuctuuatLJuna lettl
The Blare Syrup orll ' aloads I+ p.p... and Fold vb...
ale and retril SAM C. r rt, }<NEU'S Drug St.,
Orobaal and Matra atrysta; at 1. Ants
•at tianolner la., nu ?lain and
Lightl 'dr:4-1s ads and at tba principal brut - and
.tar. ill tiya We. a...rally. • _
Aida. for .1« by S. N. it lekaraLam. rittolourab: Jramptt
All.t.ttet7t W.ll. McClelland, Maurh.ter, Job.
Iltdarrald,Suutb ltrtaturglu Was J.Smittal.aapenanca•
cilico Jahn U. stoilh, at the ltirusua Law pn w Starr,
todugham; Idlghthy Oro's,, IV,. Ztattlaa: LI. tt.tda,
Elizabeth; Parry ra'ket, McArefrort. 0/931aZ0.5
New Books.
KIIE Life and Times of CALTLN,
the gnat kstUrtsfr. translated from 1.
erman nf Paul 11.117;1: vols.
I-ands of lb. M o b
il Same's" of (11l- ,w ental Travel; br Ll Mukattsm: 1 voL, clad
D'Aubigve't •ortn—ttrs Antlanity of firwl, or Mae
terriers anal:. Inmost. cyst . (Carte,,.)
La's of the Knlt and Cosenann Dr )Irv. 11. Restart
N. ntrattn inustrated.
. .
4ltu. to cor Wlth Nan . ..lvo and Blovraphlnd
E1,.1a.. of Iln. 1.. li. et,nnrrm i
Mem,. tY L ee .. , v Um
Ma... To, U. erlth
Introatur.ry by Um key. C. P. He! tag., D. D.,
Dia.,' or W.,.
I br.ory aril Practice a Teaching, or the Mott.. and
Yothoda Boot tuthool Kraginir. by David P. 1 . 1,t,
Chrirtian Efauarnec. diorlayed in gnatrrut
Paul; by Mr author of "Christian Betir
ear bt
Lives of the alanere of the Declaration et Irolependenein
by gio D att b i; 4l n ' . ' ry per. Walter Cohan, late f P.N.
The Week: by the tether of . I;oisuriaratrortit %UZI Pro
roue illu.troatt.
Liven of taw atuevaa of flagland a from the IGOIIO3I. Coo.
au Oa, with anooloW• ol thew. Gaurta. vola.
trot Bay. Marauder Waugh. D. D., with aekwilons
In Alen epistolary yorrasynadarowa by tbe Def. Jame.
Hay, D. D. the &bows work. we for Rale by
toy.w:9 A. It. Y.SOLIY/1 • CO., 79 Wood at.
Willow Leland Farm for Sale.
TIIE persons who were highest bidders fur
%vimuitllntl•Ennii, el the mouth of Colo ezeek,
t/rtober hoot bayloa Called to eotorly wick
14. lorooe 01 rain. the nobecrtter will agalta beer tor rala.
rro..e, at public .act s. to the 1,,341.4 and le.
1414 Tllt:rolay. the 11/th 4. 7 JUIO •at 1 ,2 e : o/ 1 • 1 6
cut Dr, Atete of tall farm. Including all tlw loorreva
mon.. coletl. of laxra, two stool Ilrsk built
le the m oo t outooantlal V..., and .all tin:abed mills.
w,e It e aotel veal, al,conterg. • dairy. awl • floe
toull N gwod fruit: alto. • largo and autotaatlal
aW 1.1 - 1!• fontlarly [well as • dlatll/ory, tall •
r , er aprinkg neat It: also. • block imolai atom awl 141114 raz, Al ow o prolltexztlele . • 1 .17..7 frlat
suW taw
Ith a into frjta n jrui awr Slaltotat, " l:dc!
y~iribon of the woo olvallrowl S t or the tratleportaUon of
metres s.` iw 7 s l:e;rjr"ta fared prat U.'"" ii . fh J " .
at.out tA) ot cleare Weload and the natal>. wall t.ll.
1001,1. That sloole tn lye, emodllloo.sneue‘tascee
ror rOWier pertimalms. and fora Mew of the pnattioal.
b tr . thouessel donate to te
teod down. .w the ressimise Ia hee atonal payment,
tomrra tam Us Any of at:e—the hatenno co the
It `tole to ear rettlal op at mmoent
myl7, W. 11: ilerAtiOART.
ETTERS nf:Administrution on tha Emte
RAI of P.or. Job, Attdrava. lota of Illtatalmh. deccuol,
taro been Frantell to the andrratrowl. {Mee linut
woof). NA per.. itatetted to ra &tate, are Ilptieded
and trtt , o it.weliftatt. arn.rtiooe hay log elaltoa to
pm•rtst Ulm Irlthout Caul . . KM. I/
1.41,04 S Attorney - at Law.
Executors' Notice
Ilt i ii'OTlCE is hereby given—that the un
elorstgwel are the lerAll coot thuttel EMlClttni• of.
t e extern of John .1143VIlliamt,late etlutltatul town/411e.
Alleubeese county, detested. Therettere. 4.11 tamtu hey,
lottelatm• ettsl.l hie raisin are reoeurnl to yreeent throat
tortehlement, and .11 those Ind 'nee requited to
teeho tohettolleht SteTntent to either of the sutsviSsrs.
ti EQ. ,11ASSINt: Eh,
lth:tretti Executor..
Potable Mingling Machines; Separators
and Corn Sheller's,.
iVA.TiR t. A . AN: o T k E2:O „ t m o .„ ll . e thoroughly
optibelt• Fhoenbergefa balling Lill. tea Penn
Meet. littatrureh. The Themblnd Machines am twantli
elmple and ontopset, are easily removed from place to
sod may he 133.3.1 with multi convenience In Lerner
it-Id. machine runs Ilatiter, thraahes banter. be make..
Letter work. Mors than 9.0.01 of them are wow In 03e i 0
I Westtql3 Stab-,and ea many Last of lb. Mountalna
Many of them base thrtatirel front Otto 100,000 bushels
thinstat thorough tria
tootey ham been riwotemsndi
ed by who um them,
as well am any In the world.
The briniest. It 1t0... Patent. with Plactlsnie improve
meet, and is attached to the Thrasher. and ramphdely
erates the etraw and rL.O front the grain, and has alma
entire tiatlafection whenever tiled. Matra butllttle put,
er to run it. and ran la attached to may Thraehing Mb.
thine taw wed. Tao dearth... al. have Ilia h.:litter
(thin river. and cart ni,the 311veterippl river. aml all of the
Slate of Ohio, octopi the countiestt Trittobnll and Colon,
The ecru Ebellor air, lioness Patent. and le one of the
L In being cheap and slot likely to 4.4 owl of ardor.
We town been building and yossding these Martinet tor
thirtecn ire. In the city of l'itbborgh. and have wad
groat number, sad never has an lostanoe occurred when
they have not given entire eatlefaechns. -
Pe nnsis purchasing will rcevive with the Machine advert.
aecompanled with directions how to sot it la operaoon.
hb—itll Hecht/an wartanted to work well, or no gale.
A Bargain!
TILE SUBSCRIBER offers for Bale Et Town
Lot, in Jeekronwilli, Indiana county. Pa., la feet in
front and Ito feet back.tissue which it situated a frame
House one and a half stcrhet Web. Ift feet front br :A feet
heck. with n ooc4 miler under 1.1, whole. I will scil the
propercr for cash, .1r; woods, or clothing. The
privet the property is 1 , 1111, Tiller warranted.
Vol further rarticulare enotire or. beau Taylor. enr
Jacksonville. Pt, cr nildreel JURY T:TATLOIL
JelinsrZtein SI stxmons, Washington cu.. 0.
• The and sm...t. effeetire runf rrIT for WORMS
b.* ' , rye tor" prreyrrect.
. - .
It. 11. CLAYTON, Cerro 51huilitalptd:
Mee., IL A. Valinestock Coi—l have Lerma/411mq your
Vermifugst for Ode , jean, and., Was I know, it beagle.
Wemloactlon litvartahly. Our phyeldms recommend It,
purchase Si for use In their prartlen.
Onr youngert child, about slit yeariord apt for several
months had vymptame of cholle at elint I. intervals. ertilth
the roam:flee toothy admlnklered hylier mother (alkali°
Mine. Iler enacting,. acre terrible, mid during mum h e r o
the aturcka 1 Lhountit she would die. lat kngilt gave
Ott a venture) • does or your Yermikier, which, about a
day afterwards, brought easy • great quantity of mann,
and gar• Instant relief. About 'Circe 111.01141111 aterw•rd.
n ow lja . a o e "o , ie o hTh ' t r .dl rcd w rir e eto l tiOtl o uriT:ll7li. n ivT ' An;
n o w enjoying norkvt
. iralthy and unikr Providence renew.
her_ recovery to y ki r cnelf one It. U. CLA (TON.
Cerrollaville, 01 i n,., Jan. :Mt. fool.
For sir. by it. A. g AIINJUiTOCI( CO.
corner of IVcal and Yiml. strretr,
en.l hr lborlinnli. general , Y.
Land for. Sae
MILE undersigned, Executors of John
nin¢ham. 0111. agreeably to ilia Ina( .111 and Into.
moot. axpoao to publac pole, on the 'premix., on grida,
Pb. Orel day of Aug.?. neat, 010 o'clock. ••rAItM of 176
Meer, altuaiod on the Monongaliala zing. .roe halt mile
Vll7l')kte7orafttthl',o9ll7.U'roenstOly'All,l,l"' 000uty
tl ' n on Ped 'U tgal " lorftn oximlna,„ gt.olin.llon to
Samuel Cunningham, Sohn %irk. or a homed 11. Sign,
tam, executor,
A I'PLICATIbIst viii bo• made to the next
11 Loslolaturo yrooldtd by Act of Aeonwhir) An.
thortor (ror Seeing Vonliottituttonj fut tb. intarno .
11. It. Meek of I.lWburgh. Centel In 'le‘lt/ts.tonnlh"
Corner of Third and Market streets. Charted A. P
0 1 . The only Cluatere4 Institute of the Mal in Penn
VACCI.Tr—Jon, Ftrkruca, Principal Instructor the
&Irons of Account.,
O. K. Cruanotrain. Proforma of Pennzinnibly. Mem.
tile Computation, ate.
Attu:mar SI. 1y....0X, EN, Lecturer on Contmerchil
Bolan or Itorrant—llon. Wm. Wilkins. Ilion. June.
Ductten.. Hon. John ilreden, non. Cheriee Naylor. lion.
Moses Ilatopton, lion. W. U. Lawrie. Ili. J. IL hirelintesek.
John Atelenson, Ewa, Om. 3. It. Iloorehead, Jame. lion
ion Las_ Ira Hersey, PAq.
hmettamo (Immntg.—John T. Cochran. Attorney al
Law; James. Tmwej.
11. A. Pryor, Accountant.
Students ua enter thle Inetltution at any lint , . at. l tat .
taln Inetruction Indlrblually. bolls day and evening; when
entltied, rwoolee • silblosne. signal by the Paeulty and
Emu:mining Committee.
Thom desiring a Ihorough knowledge of rook keeping.
Pennmaneblp s de...111 bear In mind that thia ill the only
Chart..l Win , of the kind In Pittsburgh. o ...uttuoit."
flout widreased m U. K. Chamberlin. will meet With Prolnli
attention. noMwa
A W. FOSTER, Attorney and Conn
stllor La
at o, No AI. Yourth .troeC, !Icor Marina
lig FOR Feel', situate in
1: !: crib Ilusalitztlon bsarragblp; Westatomland sonotr.
sontaltaw• 214 am. of goad lassf, bounded br land; of Jr
Vll.7. 6 . l r,t,r=flnult=e!'/Z7=Leicti•
rtst of two story Los ttwellsog lluow, bouxlian4 lannt
ream, Stable, sad prostwas7 out bull,Llwza Pple Unbar/.
tides. /Wt., ay, 1 4 111111.1asput•ble. Porten...mat:olw
tho pro=
/tOilitla IllfraLS,Y.
MeHeory's Philaofdelphia
ets.& Liverpool lane
4Sailing from Philadelphia on the
15th. and Liv,ml on the let of garb moot s
p WARY PLANII3, B.- R. Demons, Laster.
" 141 1ENANDOAIL Wm. P. Outliner, 'Master.
n EUROPE, Nathaniel C. Ilan* Muter.
n 1101t1.11t, kilted P. Smith, 31aster .
° 1311ACKAMAION, (new 3 W. W. Weal. blaster.
The Stme ahlfo an hallo of the best sod mot costly
material., and Co• noted, for the rapidity of their pampoo
they are Cited up with alllatest improvement, am meet
thoroughly ventilated. and are unscitOumd M Ut...."
commodatlons for &coed Orton ond Merape Jhuregoor
tbey are commanded b man of acknowledged talent. who
.1 . 11 .... 1 °. Illr their experience; in the packet terviev.
Pero3ol dOstrons of bringing their Mends From tbe Old
CoOntry con obtain Ceillfirlt6ll of p ohlth !111 he
plOl for eight mouth., and our agents in Irelatul and Liv
erpool will , furnish them 00th go P. and
Inetroctione relative to than daparturn.
Yoe tbe coneenlenca of tee [m wishing In Sent Mo .
'4l.l7t7rr.tvz it trthil4-4°f
ttgalll. erVost 0111417 ' the United Kr.r.'...• 7 7
Sig-Provision., auppllot ' pageengere coming
Ever) week the follooing supplies will be tarnished
each passenger of 12 Jean of age and over: 2 111 1 0 , bread.
2 Ito. rico.ll co ma, 6 lb, oatmeal, II Iltscorar. 1 lb. dour,
Ij lb. moles*, act 1 lb. pork. Under 12 year. of ego .
Ilst bremOttalt 1 lb. lank, am anolrane. of vnnter and vim
egar, aod half alionaim of tea. roger and molasses
e 3. 1 Wainnt Moot. below Second. Plailadelphir,
WM. 71.021).
Lif moor Sixth and Wool Ms.. Pittaburgh.
nited States Hotel at Philadelphia.
TILE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announ
0. tn hie friends and the travelling commonit.
s aphm i s i , , ,siairitr gr o. trp n letgttp . of the 141g2g
Ilotgl under the late Proprietor. he feels perfeTtly estr In
El*Laing ifiam wow.. that nothing gull to totting
:0:1 1 0 .4M . 1 ,11 0 0:: reputali . o , a lope beat i l= pi cozo
ly relltling tbro ratite establillmert and he particularly
Molten attention to the obangem ittnaloond for the
'e and comfort of Ladle.. 3•lng lIrMIY Me....
ed to glio Pa Lion, he solicits • continuance of that
patronage al Jr.. freely teatocred on the old United
2mtro. froyal.thol A. O. ALLEY.
Na 41 South Bed 81 ((.bon((.bon L ).
ute./ 4.)Phllzdelßbis. febls:ly
T, Bit A il... Y 4.1. 15 , Z)W ..k. A e 1 . t , 12 tr. Co., PhuW . Whole-)
P. . 21 . 0 N... t.. NCO MINCL.
REALD, ,Blralio . ii Tobacco
Commaisekos Neseliwita, No. 41 North Watar sweet,
. o. 10 heath Wharves, Philadelphia sossl
ERCER ANTELO, General Commis
..ton nuar.b.t. Phll.l4phi. Whom lt Jot: 0m1...ft of Pm:done: geoetally: [..9.46m
iCent Bayed to Country Merehaute
SiAT. J. KING, Dealer in BOOTS ANDphia,
.9110 EN. No. 40 North Peoond t. Philadel
hat rsed from the mantifectory an ers stree tenMre and well
silvered stack of the abomi nomile, which will be sold at M 3
perm loss than am be purchastd in the den for each
or , ettr amepteinns
Dealer , till do well to all balmy purehadna.
Shawls: Coats ! Manthlas!
LI S. MILLS, No. 6 Cortlandt ;IL, N. York:
Ju r / . le now opening at hi. Ithmarl Wareberet.e. a ninth
mak rf Fall and Winter allAWLn,cantitrtlnt of all atilr•
of retiteh and Doomatte Wad Lon Elwell., together 04th
• fall metortnnot of 'malt and ikons NW* and Lung
hntche Rawl., of merr grade.
Alto, kat eattrastre Kock or Coburg, Merino. Thlbet.Bilk,_
Bum, and Velvet CLOAKS, 3IANTILLAS, BACKS. tn. of
asthma Mame aml IMMO., Manufactured from Put. ran
Larne ot own Ithurtatxma, revolved metalanontha7 per
Itarre eterao.n.
Ile Invites the special atteutbse o r &warm and Wet
wentrarde to t o atom se tey will Pod an assort.
al Shawls. cod nissisluade garl2 for Ladies . wwir.
utisurzeused tbe t VI 11 .
AL., superior E 5110 W STANDS. for exhibiting
Roost. and. devised in ordered Print and
Ceigib., at $1 cwi >S each. }.243f
Office for Foreign Patents,
No. 5 plat .1.. .Nr.. Fork, and 1643 Rea et., London.
lo Graaf ' Prance. /Wow, frotiaad. sad al:
iiier part* r kuropo—ea. Canada,. Cuba, and the Ere
roll Information ontLa .no.. eau be hadoddrusing
.1. V. P1R.55051,
1nr6 , 1515 5 W.ll anal.. Nam York.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
loNE'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Nguema street,
hum DuHair. Ent Turk.
Taman to rot To..
Quart', par daa.---$1 IN 6of par .. dos.--40
• GER 1 ot.
OO dnuaht rants.
This is tha tan ante:a amanutanured. It Eon fttodr—
la a coal 0017174 , 1
04 IN1 0o C--aud zto , t mart ; =matt
r a..l far a to
got;ti ' lintliaaulfablelor thi ::1304
suitably adapted tor nhe btaal
TDr utalnatrood la penned to furnish totb. trod* at.
that. noon or boon anaumptro, at the aka,.
1 . 7 ,1. 11 z. Et u
. rr . ordeir k: nti,mt
or ken an thaned at. uaktorn•
ET Mamma AIM , To ss TORS.
Prafessof A. C. Barry's Trio:Therms,
Peeeenhvt And brentlfylng Ihs halx,metirs
tiny e.::art .d deadrug. sad caring
,d/seeieee et the Ate.
rent u ' VeZte " te.l OP:i=en= tVy=ftle .
rani wed the tem: %/fact taruring at..... et Lue ,
eta oUthe ell the antenel Itlhrdose. The
teethsto . re, eeteeted mm butedrecte of whetter
I :rul.• =T.. to =IT leVed g 't i t hlrelTle r t
even It Wel:
!Ora m_ eat. V...lhalh
11-0. 1.1-o.—Thar 60.-4 b.. t Ta o-02 aCletad Irih a coo
taroeur traftion at tbe scalp. af a most urravatad than
L-0-0. far tho laat ducat Tat" and daring 11-01 forlect
ava 'had the *Arm al uast of U. cat ittaltopt
cla-0. a-0 an lain] all Um preparatan Er hafr and
ohlo to -0 htofoofa adtbat taw tout hafth I was utrisal
by a tramdia UT tea Tfamphasna 1 at -0 am • 1.1
myarprao and au-0-OW. toad amalf
ounallosatwat two awata , Poch ri tam vialmaa of the
diallot that at taxa I .-0.11 ,
B.4*C"'air. 7' llo C-0-00:itao R i t . ? BIZ.
• Nor Tor. Ott 23. 1960.
Parc liruar..-117Dar151r—Atanttar
ml Erad veargra f=r
aa ford El ty7yearieryber•
Co.. .14 I 414 amt to My •oul.timeta. my Emir W.
trmly od. aml M. dandruff &Yu/Warm!, as 'Me
End pew stymy Vent..lL
• •
With rupret. I ma; your 0.11 erreo.
it J TILBADICTI, L. PcsrUcruso double the gut pr i "l.
a ,„
lore, please cell se Professor A C Darn oSlro.
llawn.. Turk, where he will produce as rule*
411111. am• and !laud Arens, Nov. g, ISM]
Them Is no nmedr tor the pertuansnt eme of baldness
sed Muss. of tha =alum geticrely. that ho. regached
the WPM... 44 an 101.4 D Lb. ankle wirtl to Prafemor
Ilarryd Trieopnerons. or atedicalul Compound. II Is ex.
tenalvely cdul by the tyres dam of the communilM to
altooet *eery nuneery In the land Rix need In pmfarence to
nth, ankles of Me MIDI. It !marts vigor to the tmAsof
the War. and Ums punnets, Ite growth to • remarkable du
mve. . It dettroys the dandruff mut undf. and mates the to. 01,1 gluey. It will mum all dlevaus of the walk,
amen h
scold tad. dew muss, mut ether obnoxious Meer.
dere of th e oklm In etempuesa am aseframw, It stands
unrivalled It la gold in large bottled. pries =matured No.
lirdulway. sad at the Druggists (.1401 . 111•, throughout
th. United /and and Cl3lllOl. .0120000
VONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
Ce,roge, Fate. and Transhipment. all ?dacha/x/1m
bate leave Ka dock daily fee Polnet ,
ott the V s and the Meade Caaat end
ketereners-11=== *Ow:
He. John A. Conley.
Produce. CrtoLlon,eto! b lltieteroloott, oo the
floPt to Aleximift Ogl i* on,ln Zooms, Stefan= ft CA.
11.) IL TUTTLE, Aiturney at Uw,
stol Counalettoner for Peroasylvards. ht Latta, if.
A ll ottotoOokehooe Moptly "wonted. mamtr
IliollN 11. RANKIN, Attorney and Conn
miollor at Leo. and, gaandeelow La the &ate -a
onsylvanis, Rt. tools, Ott. of Pittsburgh.)
MlTT . . " TlMPele " llt b ed L ot, / V oar r llitt rre •
lirtatoe. hfcCotti o Co. aufatly
TILE underaigned having entirely re 2
I. built anal enlarged Useably, estamdvamtablish
meat, amtaluing In all smut three burned and fifty
would reepeettblly Mee pollee that It is nom ready
fur the reception and areuermsodatku of the travelling
Anaateluind ultimo( the tituurpaserdecheethemesof thls
Howe which ed eapplintiv, a. the yam mie implove.
scrota have been made cannot prly Om hs
SD advertisement. Iludlce it to say. rya *spume hail been
spend to 1 . 01:41 1111:1T apartment verged.
The furniture era• Purls expremly tei order. reputlima or
cost, arid certain pamilime of IL especially the Draulol
rt.., will be found to hoof the meet beautiful rogusiram
lure. Th. Dining ramie are capacious, and the hours Ibt
meals .111 he amanged tc milt the ecriventemmi of the
early and late.
Every department bill he conducted la au tutergespllentip
hie iismanar, mod the Proprietor pledges himself that the
American house shall bs truly the Traveller's Home.
rehlcdededisrlituT LEWES RICE.
RIED APPLES-30 soaks prime, formats
dl br tn y 22 RIII:Y, MATTHEWS * CO.
CASTOR OIL-9 bbls. (Blow's maks) for
Wa Sy ~y2J MATTHEWS it CO.
UGA.R-240 hhde. prime N. 0., for solo by
m 716 A)1/.11 /I.IIEICIIISONA 00
I ‘OPLEY'S POT CLAY-36 Lble.justrac'd
I 1.).91 Ihr t. 7 J.6CoooNxwanaCO.
GLOVES -1500 lbs. for mile by
VRENOII FLOWERS—A mplendid variety
to the newest .tile. trsuch mot American Tio.urs.
w tell we ate propered to son am, cheap, at wholesale or
: tortil A. A. MASON A CO.
TIMED PEACHES -35 ducks in atom+, will
_Ay be sold law $o aloe. Wt. br
BUCKETS--50 doz. Itariettrt, for dale by
it ra72l J. B. OA NYIELD.
B R OOIIIS--100 doz. Coro, fo; sale by
sor2l J. D..
SALERATUS-100 boxes pare;
mr2l bbl
U G A13,-100 MAL Powdered, or sale by
COFFEE -150 bop' Rio;
OAF SUGAR-100 bbls. ans'a Nan.;
6 • " Crushed_ Lfor sale by
Jar= 117 64 , 1 Its
Q, COML.-10 hbds. Clarified, fur Bale by
kj mai ENGLISH t ueNNETI.
TEAS-1 . 1S chFsta Zoun rrk Llijnon;
r . Dtree by ICla
021 1 3 Vista. sal 11.21 4s.
Crubed.lrens.l usid Ihavrtlenvd. coastaatlT
' rito ," /; " " ti"""
crtylV 2.41 Librlty •L
111.6.Int!tRi wu
bio Ible new for sale by
"DOTASII-10 oasks for solo by
)44 [Will DICKEY a CO.
To Let,
A DWELLING HOUSE, containing If 3! ,
trigti:jy°T."ll; good
drant In til l P 7 Weiltithl==
2 Tgl ffi dlttr
iellttf near thee month of alud.
Valuable Lot on Third street for Sale.
WILL sell the Lot on Third etteet, fa
il - Joinin g the Upholstery Establishment of Wm. Noble cm
o ono side. and the Engine pone of the Vigilant nig
Company on the other. The front on Third etreet. Is 114% .
feet, with a depth toward &wood street of 60 feet more Of
les. The price $l,OOO. one thousand n hand, the bal.
with interest to be secured by bond and mortgage
once on
the Lot. pa rable In we and two yea» from the date of
main. The title is perfectly cord.
at the oflke of C. Ruler k Co, Tomtit rt.
jpOR RENT.—A three story brick gg
dwelling beam, situate °tabled etreet. between 1,15
=rand Boer the house Is well holahed
drool In the kitchen and ahorewhkh there la a bath room
wlth hot and cold water. Poomeodoh riven Immediately
e Yo. A 4 t 95 Front at
Hone and Lot for Bale.
ALARGE LOT, on Leaeock etreet, A t. lz
begbony, rulinitUt tbrougli to Rebore; fronting
~e eoeh etrerb_with a devil of feet,.
serwr wan a good Dee, Dwelling Holm,
_containing . elz
rcoms. Tor terms apply to ACHE SON WOODLIOIISL,
bltwou street, orJOHN P. SCOTT. • /e 2
TORE ROOM TO LET, on Market et.,
second door from Fourth end adjoining 11;1 . 1
and Jewelry Storm of ,W. W. Wusoa. Th
Store Boom has the hantbomeet front In the el=d
the best locati wiene r Dr, Hoola ard Fancy
Rent for the of the year will bo verp low. En
quire of JAMES DRAY. or
Jed W. W. Wlcsimi.
AVALUABLE unimproved LOT, on the
?00 feet doll on •actory. ratirdog book to gyring
" Zeci-tbe lb story Brick Dwelling Ibmisie on Liberty
Wert, a4iololnir tbe above. Ile lot being 31 feet front by
100 feet dom. rite boon is 1.00 and conrettlent,
modern style. and contains eleven rooms.
Also-20 acres of very vainabie land nou=bargb.
Alio—A Farm of 135 acres In West Derr
AIWA Farm of 3.54 acres in lawroone county. b cola
from New Castle.
-- • .
Also—Yartaa la Denver twenty, of various elm =id
Senses. Note WO acres down.
Also-12 very valuable late la Daewoo, Maas. Prices
moderate. of
Attorneys N
a La m a
nd Deal Estate Agents
my2B Do. 107 fourth stmt. Pittaburgn.
L 'OR RENT—A Warehouse on Water
rtreet, Letoreen Market and Tern. suitable for
maxim. bud.. 111 , W861ra of
8.,y28 JAM KS DA LZELL. 68 Water at
To Let,
MBE well finished and furnished Store; MI
on Med street. near the rust Ottlce, at pitman% 411
oranylett by 3lss. Parket as • • Jotralss Store. kyyl
to E. b. IiAT2I3I, 77 Libvt 7
'+yl4 - ti Lyttaes how.
To Farmers.
.000 ACRES Farming and Grazing
Land', In Wareesenonnty, mow en th.
Erie.,,eihend river. within Steele?, main a tie Neer Turk and
Aleo—ldiai Acton In entotty, Cr ale on anconimoda.
Unit terma. Enquire or A,WILICINS t
myl corner of Market and Mini eta
To Gardeners.
rENTY ACRES of Gardening Land, Id
ready urci
fir pod cultivation. main nue mac of tAt
Ll] la void , VAK) an acre—one third nob. and the
0111•00• In 00, 1 , •0. .od tlacci year. Yor particsdan am
001.0 .t Ma Raiik/r u i ilocue
d_ WILB/38 R CO.
myl corner or Market and Mini ylia.
Desirable Suburban Ritidextee for Sale.
/TIE aubseriber offers for sale the house and
ted k-• bare
TV= ret e il e 3 minut eratuT•=t e l ' ali e h.=
to market of this city. The lot is 110 ft. front en Parket.
rimming backhuh
too an
el l
mud/ ewe
0L=3 , 44,:tal Is ned a : teo .nit 4=v 4. boor. lerge opt
nearly new, large. and *scalding ly well arranged. busing 4o
• front of fur, and. debit 0112, sad containa Martern
roams. beeddes belie nlne Oct wide. ft hi built In Om beet
and nuat durable num., and hat • fowproof rash mid
mita/. all the modern oonveciewees. Two pampa with
on unfailing supply of hard and soft water. me at the doer.
On the pruniad ere the mummy 000 buildings, dahlia
tame{* litude;ae. The armada are laid Mit modly SS
lamb vamped with denim foill Urea evergreens. denvoring
aleruto, cornier, gworherrid, mrpberrow re, md • ma ll
& ' ll .d ele 's ri The
re t 'i y e ield e zt,,,,t . l. kh at erd tli be f anteeeemdeee la
family. The emotion of this projarty, to e salubrity and
euburban mad nth rombined with contiguity' to the eitf.
ts Mien roadad by any maiden.. in this vicinity. it hva
• Mew of lb. Ohio Dom for ever • mite, ofTey. Tempettuvw
vlll., South Iliteburgh.,ll. city. the too Thera and Me
Woe muund. forudne altedatiwr • panomenie promect af
which the to. WT. vendee, army boat which eaten or
'departs tn. the port of Pittaborgb on the OM, puree ha
full view. The redden. and a
am Wm erimpletelf
tresowed Dom tiny annoranee of Mot. m dextroetim of
romfort amt ntaticm,
em • retirement ea amid
and pidodbil am if located in emu toad nook In the enurtrl7.
The property will Mould at stand. sad yomeselon given
when.. destod. Midair, at the Gazette Mike.
!P- ` kitty
ELE members of the Fairmount Fire Com:
pany, eon their Engine Ow wile. t lo good or will b. told rimy. goisdre. of . .
- TitSITTII. Peer.
utt ie 400 Yens etrert
OR RENT—A Dire 11011110 on
. 2
Tblrd street. store sad net Serdtlatteld. It
fmtoree. luxe yard. vaall bo th , Or. Will
lA. rested il.l - 1112•1 girth inasediardr.
Alas—For Brae or Lave.eame Ire to the Moth Ward.
tete.. Penn street thd the Allegheny river.
vol. It lteltLl:drrO.N,
nacat llesJ.Deriliktree,lrottrth street, neer Wood.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale. ''.=-
11E SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on ..01,
favorable forum the following Real R a ta.. in z a
ty Vittebuh,
1. Threw valua rg ble than gory beck dwelling bonnet.
•• • infect. between Maar; and Ferl7.streeta, the
!being era la feet trent by 60 deep.
2. °natal= 07 feat Rant on Third aurtht
Third ifrumbytellan Rhumb, on width le *meted oeu
story brielf lawnew, need aa a printing ars. and or.
•• .
. • 0. Two lota In Pallet:ln, Beam turnaty,behas lota
Neh and t. being about NO ftek aquare.on w hkh lame.
al ono Mork of four trams dwellhnot, and one oeparato
frame deelllnk. all two mile* blgh.
No. 4. Qua Tot 00 feet front no hark etteet. °malts the
above, and extending to the top of the MIL
No. 6. Two beach lota, each 00 feet hen; and runnlng
trent the ros4 to Per water murk. on the Mg haver.
No, 0. One valuable water lot. lOU feet on Wheel Race.
trUll wet share. water Pewee atleThed.
No. T. O. lot orponite the itt, 40 feet Omit, and
extending to the top of the hill, on •hlth fa erected one
twp stor, hetet store and wereboute, 2.0 by PO feet:a/4.40ne
frame two outlet high.
No. B. One large lot Dread e Brighton. Ikurer eotlnty,be
hag *tout 140 feet onearaf. and &Loud 2/0 feet deep,
dTateltilasJ)4 SM. oo whlekrare erected two largo fru=
welllagr,end one Prase helot.. used u u Whew.
Thin property was TorTnerly templed br 31r. T. C. Ootdd.
tad Ie very pleasantly located; being Immediately oppoalle
he felleunt
N 0.9. One water lotrlnnuedlately below PalletonllridTh
beingshunt 101 l feet In leng th ...and extend:mg fen Water
Street to low water mark, or towing n th .
The alcove rly ell! be sold on eery ?typeable Tv...
trtr l .Gr l ll t reP yrote e ' ra lW" I . ' lo%.4 r aißti. “ lrat. 'Wd.
lath= [Journal and Post copy. j
For Sale.
BLOCK OP BUILDINGS. on But tenser of Waste
Ln n and Petal et/vett and fronded on the Pe
sy Tante Canal, in the Csty csf Pitteburgh. The Lot fronts
ocse hundred and arty tour Teel on Penn etrect. and be t e
bendtwd sant nine feet nine inch. en Kathie:ten street.
to a twenty feet alley. lunette of
toebtas t 106. Pents et.
elessed ale. for elde aderint.nuteber of valuable
torleans ' a t t . vo7l - .l.7= c rtzvtall
b ore new Public Ached MOM and Endleh tether. Cbureb.
.The lurid growth of 111radechant PoPltitlinll
rstunting wealth, and theme omde toners at which
lots. and
ill be told. will render a Pan sod Treatable ins
vertreent Title perfect Ter= Womble.
Tor particulars and tem, emulreof tiro slin at
the cane of Geode. P. 011enim, am, CMnt street, Pitt.
burgh, between Thlpl and Poerth etreeta, or of% Dilate
aytensee sod N. baleen.. EN% at their Wheel in lamp
)FOR RENT—The large aid conustodi-
oes itoe. 04 Nee stmt. (lately we:tried by 2
t. Etioaretts) witle so entire lot stitoining. width te
.ueed se • reed. Aleo—Otabiltut for two harms. Enquire
std.eqf No t 9 it.
"VAUD 01L-20 6Lls. No. 1, for sale lOw to
matigamrtit, at the Aar., M. •
extior wl Ruth
WATCHES, in large variety, and a the
lowa.; reTgin u ertrna orb rtn . w i rtaala and
POLTI may be mu at ear Mee.
eo, a eldmledaimateleut of Oold sad Silver Peoefloi
Oold Prue of the best moutabtare; Footet
_Quillen_ Port
Mtge, Madaj W. ormhdbe.
HAMS -32 casks Bacon Hams for sale by
197,3 J,Ol/15 nordsox
'WM Crimson 'Velvet and Gold Patter
M3ltn ti ' gt ' t " l l7V=ll j ell,Ti d iMi2 t*
YIRINTIN6 . PAPER—A largo lot Double
m.iu..., grilf.jv4 br
asy2l earner Marla and errand eta
RAPPING PAPERS--A large assort.
of w.velaa Pseee,,meatits,n.,.o Straw,
YE , tor sale at " SIAN EN'S
rar24 Paper Waryboratc.tror. Market and 2d sta. .
G () UtaTE G .!.. ti I!EINTS, of all irali-
Aoa.aYßou's Pons, of IL r=ftelfrlT l llNti g i nVc r i
sale:sato:l manufacturer , : for .ale at
- W. S. li
ner atm,
my 24 M a r ketcor and !Wand sta.
fmb. toroW and tor sito ' W. & F. WILSON.
ror24 147 Front. and 111 Servo& rt.
CIERMAN OLAY-200 boxes for sale by
myl2 . it. DAI2.IILL a 00., Litwrty
TIRY lIIDES-200 (prime) for gale by
m,12 8. IV. itiltnattull.
OW'D EXT. LIQUORICE-1 can for aale
by my 9 B. A. If ALLNESTOCE • CO.
sale by K. E. gELIEIB,
oyl3 67 Woad se.
ALUM -50 bble. for oato by
myl2 J. KJ DD a L. 13.. c 0 W001..0.
COPPERAS -;5 bbla. fßood) for sale by
myib J. PCWOO:OI.O.E. KR a CO.
ALUM -50 bble. fur vile by
SHAD -10 bble now for Bala by
.011 W. r. WILSON
GE -40 bbla. (extra) for nale by
(w i Laplnttc } l a r s ur . e)
AG S-1000 now and old, for sale
jot • 31 CIZPIIY a LOS
PPLES-15 bbls. for sale by
attlialtlfala l INGIIRA.II,
110 Water at,
• 1 AS I .s. ore, e
S-20 bu. Cheetnuts;
rst " mck"aittirakArri.
SUGAR -180 htida N. 0. r DA IO I IB by
LEAD --1400 &los Galena;
eract Dar ; for re b
JA311.9 A' UUTC11150•1
& CO.
EISESII TEAS—Just received tit N0.,256,
Llbortr et., en harass Of MT ravert or Oolong and
ynon Teas.of the West froportatbni tor sato eery
km by the belt chest or round 4
re and Tea Deniers.
A lure k•LNS—Just .received„ a beaatiful
..ortm.nt of ploin Uold, Lacy Zoarmelk.d, popoth
erslllf owl d...urablo ;atom.
jolt 117 W. W.IIILEO3I, Jeweller,
Man, coma of rewth.
AMONO the numerous discoveries Science
; bas made in this gommidan to theilltoth the business
of Ina Immo. its **Moat, and ems :oolong the term
if Woman existence. mote am hemmed of mine real sal.
mankind. than this contrition. al Chanietry to the
Art. A cast trial of Ite virtues throughout fhb
vest country. has proven beyond a that that no medithee
ar cambination of medial.* yet known. can so sunny..
tool and curathe nmostrone salience of Polothentrydboth•
which have hitherto tempt nom our midst thousands and
Mouth., every year. Indeed. there is now abundtht rea
m. to Mlle. a remedy has at length been hand which
can be relied m is cure the moth deneemos of et
the Wag. Oor space heme not permit no to publish
soy proportion of the mots effected by Its nee, but we
Dement the following opinions of valuect meth and refer
further -mouthy to the circular, which the agents tel.
f named will alley. be pleased to fornieh wherein am
particulers, and Indisputable proof of these fact..
.Prom the Presided of Amherst Cbtlege, Cheddar:oW PRO.
'Vann C. Ayer—fir. 1 hare oath your Cherry.Pectotal
In my ow ease of despeethed Pm:chins. and am mitsfied
from Its chetah. constitution that It la en admirable moo
-3f my '4l2:.:noialr, `r d 'af.V"7
coo Ire.
" v " ; f eb,v,a "uls 4"Zz.s u S ort
liolef " Oltilemo Reuther g l iVi:tet. hi th
ed Ith
Soleotilic Sochtles of America and nrols.
et.e.: 'the Cherry Pectoral an admirable, oompostion
nom sons of the toot articles in the Marano Nebo. end
• very ego?. remedy for
the eh= af Wow. It is int.
ded to =a • New Hon., Ce... Nor. 1, 1619. •
MAJOR P 421750 Pradiad OL C fthetha the.
that Im hoe need the Cherry Pectoral. with wondatol ens
cem to era an inflammation of the ituogn
Prola our ef thsjithrf PAtekiemsne Nein.
• “Dr. J. O. Ay... Lower—l= " fl i t n i re,,,gL, t4
othugaor Messy
to Perrol In 197=1.111%. andgles•lt to
ty4, of many mom owes, I am cotritu i rd It will mom
magi" colds. and Maser. of the Innapa timehan put to
defence all other remedy.. / invastehly rowsumend le
um in mace ofe.sumpoon. axed comider It much the beet
remedy known for lilt
Reepeetrohy yur% erectTl_ .l M. DJ'
preparri i r , end bit JA.616/3 O.IR, Prectfeal Ohm
b lsid In ktabunth e Wholes/ea. seta% by
la nisoneur /L. P. SCHWARTZ. and J. DOH.
GLAIR- ased by,Drumriftgran.l4., isnitiovccor
reILIA. Medici. known. Indident•Conionintion.
Darrinuria Lineorrbesor Whites.lrregularnenstriation.
Incontinuenee of ifrion.Ghtneral Prostrsticaof the Synam,
Dolinnint eptrite. and Olocony State of Blind, aro cured by
Dr. Goma.; Extract if Favor Dock coodEromparalfrorbiab
gives Ltuniedisto relief by renentrig Um fountain of boiltb
and stnengt.b, the blind. It neutralises bed bumf.. stop,
uniaitnral secretion, and gives healthy action to ill tin
vital pinrirs. •
Its adld alterative pwrpertles render it poenlialy appli
cable to U. slender and &Ursa': oonaltution of the be
mala It branwhately counteract. that a:tread:yr =rem'.
nese and lassitude go aonroun to au, [male frame, and
Imparts an eneary and buoyancr V acrorlaing as they
an: irate:W. W. have evidence on file wldsb induces to
"aural' to reediciatend this roselleitio to married ;wash
who hSve eat been blessed with off's:lna. •
Prolapae tfterh or Patina of the Worob.of do rears stan.
Dr. El nears Extra..-t ofYelleer Dock and
Earsaparilln, alter ewa7 other known meads bad been
alai without rear":
Wastumarts. 0., Feb. 16,1349.
Mir mend that say wife, Kral 7f lean, has =Bond
ruder the abase cduplalat fa toe years, warty all that
taw counted to her bed. -I hare for fa= years eassasaDY
trtployed the best medical talent thrt amid be rotund itt
thle•rttian of the wrozda7, without say bereft whatever.
I have also purchaaed every hastronotat atootudended for
the curt of snub diseases. WEI of which prayed worthless
=ll to. spring of 1040,1 was treated by myfriss& to
try Da Guysotta Yellow Dock and Elarsapatillta which was
used for bur months after she hod used Starr goat four
sseksi it was writing to eft of us that alsawasil:ol.llAff.
=a from this time she latorortd rortalY. .ad Cdr.' flesh
• ...ttl , o tatttil she Is tors ertiortris most sualloat
Ws. being oalghbors to Wm .mud Julia Monfort. bads
that tart darts statammts, as to the sickwees of 31ts. Mori.
Ithot,rd as to the rare b.log affected laf (hrtsott's Tallow
hook lOW anperfrt art - staidly traw
4 4 9 I;
;King's Eoa--Cats of 0.. N. Leonard.
Blown= Olen. Dee L LW.
krentra. 8. 3. Bennett d Co :-.4mota : Bane time La 1843
I - attacked with Hines Ertl in my arm. width Demme
sci /loft I mold not use It sad in 1845 mortifinstion mt In.
1 nmPlerfed, et different timed. each 'physician eif eclithrltY.
within my reach; all told me my era must be amputated.
Pr= the shoulder to the tom= was full of running
octet Ey striength at this time was comnlctely exhanab
d. mid Loy Person much emaciated. I continued In tide
state until 1844 when I saw an adrertisemant (Domini
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla) which I read. sod .pt Dr •
bottle pf the article. Goma'. bellow Dock and Paragon
0111. cured me; I took no other remedy while ming a;
end seenlywir innsectly Wore =log the nixth Dn.
tle. fled I used It at the Wm appearance of the milady.'
am sum it Would bare eared me from years of min mod
catrering. I met caremilly recommend emu person suf
fering ander.nT Angler disease. ne niii3Oureottl Yeliaw
Dock Mkt Sanapeellia. which will restore them to health.
Yon., In gretitude, 0..1L LEONARD. ,
Curti of an agrainted care of Kyserelat.
Tim cares performed by Dr. llummll's Extract of Yellow
I Dock and lianaparille, are laming. The patient's genera]
health continues to Improve .Rey Minnie is mmarmi—
Cures me not chronicled untll Ume has hilly tested that
there can be no relapse or Worn of the divan.
:Imam% Ilerkim.r 00.. Nehru:it-Y.1859.
E. T. Bennett k Ithmun greatpleasure that
I writ: you about the may happy elitecia of your Yellow
Dock and Eanaparilla upon my son, who has tang been rut
feting nmier that dmeadiel and los:Loma disease. Emit.
as. with which ha was attacked In 1848. and wai for sera
al mamba artereled by wk. of our beet physidans, wto
rind their skill ingly for Sr. months. wltliont any
beneficial remits whatever. lle became reduced to • per
Sect Ankh. Ile had ulcers Dom- his Lip to hie knee,
which waft OOrlarolallT direhargioZ dlreurtiOgli GEentivir.
nutter. Alcitioll and eurgicel skill was Physicians
raid that Ms coos was hopelem: then could be nothing
door tO arrest those tertible gangrening inert Ey neigh.
bore sad myself thought hilt dissoliallon nistr• at Lard..
Oneof my neighbors (who bad mired a child of Serofnla
with your invaluable ccibllchae) erlshml me to make trial ot
It: and, more from the reatlesmiceire todo something while
life larded. than from any Lope of getting Mitt I procured
theta bat.). of i0..-Teno. Bork sod Sanaparille. and
commencal using it; and to my astealthinnsit Le began
to booboo beam. be had usal the thirdbottle; and bans
he had used a half drown bottles. heeould walk. out Ile
used iq all twelve bottles doting the year 1310; end by (he'
Leber lan he was perfectly reatoriaL Every matins of the
disease, except the seam Le sencired.' end he remains in
perfeca health at the present time. 111. recormy, under
tic. blessloz of God. le entirely mertnik to the um of your
Yellow Dock end earearetrilla; .04 !ware you that I feel
.elf under gnat obligations to you.and It. Is with groat
joy that I Info= you of .bat your Sanaparlila her done'
for my' sm.. RespectinilY.
&Idly J. D. Pm, Oroeccedca to leAntard fruk.)Foarth
wad Willout streets, Clueicadal, Ohio, Osnoraal Jima kr [ld
Fatah kod Weat to whom all orders Kann b blizoosi.
J. Kidd & Co.. D. A. Yohnutock Jou.. L.
ir., Pittsburgh; Co. d- Link ham. Alleghetty.CHT,
L )I.tuoell, Washington; L. Bowie, Uniontown, H.
MUT, (humbug: 8. Kuutts, Somerset; Soot; & UElmore.
Bedford; toed A born Hurilloulonaln.Orratelltdayehtwit
Ilikleb;rsod A C 0... 'lndio.; J. K. Wright, Kitts:Wl:4n
Cram; Co. throkrithe A. Mb= & Soo. Waynesburg
Ittrariltd A Co. N. Colluder. Maadville; atom A co;
oraturi, A Forkor, Mansu r r Jamul Hells A Co; Bot
ha; 8. 88,11.14 Bauer: J. o.ltuetuutoo„-Worrou F. L. A C.
B. Jones, Coudesti*rt; P. Crooker,ir. kurturrllle.
7 A'Val
• na Improvement in Trusses.
DR. HARD'S Improved Patent TAUSS
end RUPTURE MZDY. by which • yermanent
rare ran ba eructed. Thin Irnsa ls =betty dibereut In
berm and Plinciplm of action from other Truax; boring
ell the advantages of • welleasulaml and uniform Prem
are. The pressure pm be so
WI to give asp mei
comfort in the neat difficult Pees of Ilernle, md can he
Increased to abonst my form desired. The Immure Is or
tare, and being brought to bear immediately over the
hernial opening , and
affording mplect security and Plane
Pon at all •ron under the 1901 e. 0101000 exercise.
by the 11/0 of this Treas. where applied properM 107 Mekth•
tot surgeon, th e wearer he placed heYond the danger of
strategulatlon, m any other dangerous or •Inful emote
toms. which . not sn untrequent excurenoe tin wear.
lug of illy ad spied trump. It le a very common practice
fur lemma affleted Vali ar to mlett • trues and aye
ply lt th emselves. Thin L t a bed meek. which can be
wen only .br thaw who understand the anatomy at the
parte affmted in hernia.
We eyelid most raspectfolly thee Went!. of Pleyed•
clans 70 thls TTOMI. as me know they will appreciate It.
value. IV* also have ....rimy of other Trusses at the
lowest Oak Infant Trams IMO constantly on band,
KliTnElt a MaDOWELLe Agent..
1,2 140 Rood K.. Pittsburgh.
pr. Hard's Abdominal Support4ira
THESE SUPPORTERS aro intended chief
ir for the core of Proapcle Uteri. and ail times dir
rhen • mechanical eapport to the Abdominal Vicars
equired. They give peruct support CO the abdominal
organ.. and mar lw worn with comfort
_by a ll . The di.
ampm:W.4 by • weakness ot the aW=inal muscles
am Prot.*. Uteri. Falling of the bowels. Pllec. Ccotiver
vm. Paine lath. Back and Spirt, Lac/Undo mid Extreme
cellogs of Prratration. llronchitla, Motto., of Breath.
Palpitation of the lleart, //leptons. and general debility.
. 140 Wood Et, Pitteburgh.
Shoulder Braces.
SHOULDER BRACES, of the moat
Morel dyle, dybylit 1,1 structure otted ehdly hew&
and of dna to suit all who cosy rpu. them—just ree4
tad for sale, wholesale sad . ne, by
co K K.
BELLERS. Id Rood st.
' Penn Itruaart. VA.. Oet. 4.16 C.
Ms-.7L E. Eritaa—Of your Yerralfuge, 1 tar riclumt
besliatlon that, haring used it exterudrely in my mak.
for the hut four or an years. I think it chided the best
leiwyeratlou of the kind of whlch 1 here arty k nowledge, owledge,
although I hone heretofore used the. „,, r . r ..f.
other nienufeeturern Yours reepeetfu r, . .
D. 00 C 11.11.. 0
u ngl . M . E. EE D.
67 kraal et, and
rielVl L ir Vett=
• toile
JUST opening--n excellent assortmentot MAI. TEL cLOCKS. Perry
to glrgorraot
ea to kap good 11mo.
Alo—Enua Ilaztel Clods. for 111.60 etkob... l
ed—elorap atone. to_pot oge In ever, romp. •
W. W. WILSON a Large rt-.
- • rt. of Fourth.
Bonnets! sonnets!
EC'D THIS MORNING, per Expiess—
1.4 Bo a.** ..besdag all W. wore. wad =net desirable
nn all
, 017 i•rs••••ortment of I:llllresenG loser. foO•10J.P.
•• and timid I.ta.
• • attention of socroboescr• yertioolsol.n.ted to t.l.
. •no•o, I.'ll A. A. =RON
E. P-130 bales Mi. D. R., tot sale by
ADBITT'S Double Refined ..Saleratus,
" P i, " , , E r tV ll3tf ivi l lMlS i t 49 ` u=
creme sr. et.
)414 C.
igglg! by
Lnad AlrigrgtterZalastlairat
Intermediate porta.= the OM rise of vat..
For rralitio or B
psavace apply on board. at to
dpare.4stein=, dAt n uat .v .
it tAtt , sts ,
sbose sad istertssdiAts parts ott tdts day. U 10 deka,
o J
tar L frelz o'r pone. &mar crorma •
EOR .CINCINNATI—The eplen- l ar d
r e nuviset.t . r. East
lean tor the above and all Intern:medial. TA.t., thid
<taloa 10 etIoGLA.K. •
ryr ghi' , IM"4"
,t P rAiWTON JdNES. Asant
new and elegant 44eamer reason
Eaflt erprenly to take th.9 1, ...T the steam
lur b' j ., ,, th tlM .l 4rlM_ l e b Vg•l ' ltrstenrooday
at o'clock. A. IL - Ia lass the
done the unca 0 ... of hir
R TwEEN errrssußou & sumn
IncAmu PILOT No. '2, A. EL Crane. =W., ,
will lean l'lttburh for Wheeling, po. plltta sad umba.
every Tuesday. firm hider, el• retail:lnn
leaves Sunfish for Option, Wbeellow and Iltniburgb. ev
ery Weaneeday and Saturday. at 10 o'doek.. n..Peeeensene
and alnpp dewed upon this boat running regularly
during . tn ere • low can
water eeasos
cn board. el7lO •
PACKST,CIIICINNitn, Otptala John
mmingham. This rplenad to built by
the miners of the steamer lease Newton s nod others. If
the Ctuelnuatl and Pittsburgh Psbet trade, anduill kora
Vry Wednesday for 10 plea of the. Near Bug-
W Nan For freight orpremien apply an dined , as to
mr2o 0. B. MlLTF2ol2lttikli. Asyut
11.--Tbelinhtdraughteteamer ARENA,
D. P. Kinney, master. Inner Wellarlile srerl /1.36.7.
Wrinerd.r...O rrat.r, at trazaat, A.M., Ow pa. L 4.
erpool, Cilsegme,_ Mamma's Landing e Bomar. And Me.
Nunn. Laren Ptt.burgh erect Thy TWreql>, and
Patnetlar, stlo deleck. A. AL Ihr Soarer, ArePerran'eLmde
lasffor 2 lag Livrttol.
For MOO.. Dernos, apple on board 'Me .
jl.ll, WiIEZLINCI PACKET.-12:4.61.1
te ' r . :Mgrq ' oelleglnVz triAnreTkl biro/ 1 .1... , .
ele eliz and IV7lnellmi. los filtsbarith c at 10 &elm*. '—
wa1r.1W,..,.4.,,,, T,,%,..y. TtriduMrl7 end 71
In nab wet- r i:r itil bt
0010 , Aix sZ:7ei tifkaaVa:
1110PORT,Tbs nIIB Ammer PACIYI
ik. ...7 ,, t ia lltfice... 71! . 11.., rrrr 4, : ratry:arg .k. r. m.
kr i ftlatet BON • .
=4llO ' Ncl. 61 Water 6ad. 63 /mat.=
nu, Is regular racket Mt. Mfg .1•••••• •
Thilkeport. and Sunflag.l.- Ting Pittntrurgh eTerylkaiday
&oex:lcm far Wellsville, E • nbentllle, and ErldopW
r anS
every Thundny •• • • far StsnbenTilla. W
Eridgennrt, °WYK-agog S • trEsh; wombs, leaTasltridgy.
port and En=itti •TTry 1 y afternoon.
h0e•174 •Entlipti
TrTr r y i. Y o lity anima ' o w friglwegagy
T IS lout up in cinart;bottles; and ni • m
bi.. the rtroogth of SIX MISS SS much pore &na
1. pe p.
I r ds ar
bottle, op seny
ds Dad . E lO
no doLlan. America. Mee ima dot
It has been o 0011 edabliabed fact for pars parts that
Sassapasilla. what pore and pooped/ litorp.Od, prat - the
only true wow> for all diseased crighnung sroto
rare state of the blood, the use of torturay. lutoilcatiaz
&fob, evil habits in youth. hormone.. le. We holdlp
RHEA is the only preparation before the publid Oat 1a
prepand 00 ettietly oelentitle frit:did er awl a
trenFUL. .The Eassapatilla L purolustat Edam.=
i. bgtf naiad Is nat.. to
Sal tests, ascerialuad
before bet.: used
.. . .
tletUn earesperille deo contain:l;lle 'Ware of mime
otter valuable wets, together koalas the beet; mato
round, wan produelng the =Witter curative agent ha Ma
anown world I _ •
Foroitile o Rhin's Evil. 0.110.111 Ta ldroW.Sons ot
the Skits j.lrycipeles. Chronic here Eyes, hint
worn or Tetras. had.S llent, Ithennie-
Wm, Velment the Hones or JrdsitE
Old &ORE. Ulcers, dwelling
of the I.ll.wde. Wcytill-
14 r=rof .. tyr
mist front
the we of
Pain to•the Side and
=Um, Ccat4verig, !Oft
Coturbs.U. Wt.Jount ortlVtiert,
Yalmaoarr sad sll ocher mina.. tro4h4
Mier Clo=plalat, Female ronlaritles sad Anmedzto.
tick sad herrool Hoodoo o, lo► Spirit., Night wear.
ll:arm:lmm la e, amok CortrdtatJorul Diw
*W I T "' L,{n IS • /1:11.11.1g =dn... drink, and itoro'ra trt.•
le lir Cho strteam. gentle oral pleasant porgottre, for
ruoortor to Bt. Lleg or Goacreso 'Mar. molt., or t e a
• She following 4 thn rerbaUm copy ot catideste now in
the poraeaamn of the proprietor of Dutra Ennaperll4.
'lto, E. W. &Mon is widely and generally known as as
eloomnit end accomplished part:math* E. Ehorda and
E. Enseensati Ilea been known as one of the moot tai
ented sad mak. m=.tiers that the Kentucky Conference
could boast of for manyandSt t 11.1.3 12.M81.0 /MU
the hint, and respon,lo.o :nation of agent for the M. B.
lkok Conc... Can the world =educe betem, or mom
eisdefamory teat moor to farm 01 my medictnel •
Bola r Tewitaer.y than was Bow Offered inlayer of
'Any Arediciu.
Itrr. L.W. Eaton—Bs, S litivrerew.
LOOIRILLII, May 20.1240.
ST• have used John Bull'e VaranyariEs, tad tantrums
it= be c.d. with =hire ithliwaetion; and we have no Iwow
indica in math= t ateee belle, it to be • safe end yelp.
Me medieal eanyor.nd, maul calculated to produce ma th
titual and relieve mach =Sulu= tad ma i= Math.
cheerfully and =on earagstly recosnmeend it LI the 1.5
Mete. • (21ameel) SW.LLHOti•
. • •
Iles um all admire • clear beautiful hite ulna, rad •
rosy uttered cheek. liow often do we see pereor s. ll 4 totw
tiewina tide . detalerstoaa so devoutly to be re•
,edify moonetice. lotions, wsOten. palate, and coloring
tuterode, to MOON, to th em s semblertoe or what diem.*
e deprival asa, of. and that too. ' , tat en. Iniarzita
the skin. Dull's Sarsaparilla is the boot ootouLa
It besutiftea Cho the aka. by rrourriug aver, partlol. of
hward and disused traaerfrom the bLocd, making It pupa
althy.oo4 'rigorous. gal.. activity to every Want.
yowl, and cheating the yellow and dark count...ors to
thy Enom sod freshness of youth. Ladle. abandon the
use of psi rita endmixture.. old .use asraspoille,
the only effectual remety. wool to the wise is .al.
Tat^ sal • hints. enough to the ladles
estimony Like the Following, Benders_Suingtsolee.
all Comment on the'Efficienry of Boil's Song.
thorn Dr. L. P. Ysessu., Prof.:roe Cluvr...lati, la the
Lo Mal
"I base looked ove uis r
e:'lis edi t or isuirelietfte oftedodue
Jobe iluireConanouzul Eft:rector karaparifte.atul have oe
tesiuftlou in saying that they form a veto tompeduul, and
nue that premium veil to chrome dine..., to willek ft is
erolioebto." ' L. P. VANDELI e
Locum.. JAMS 0. 1614. •
lrlkrl DII.II 4 TZT.S., .eayricime by oril mero 4&-
isturr !krises //sta,4 says CJ BULL'S BAR
L CITR Mush IStS. •
I have essedned the yrevie O ripnonfor US,
the prepmetlon of
Jelm Saraspasills, and l believe the combination to
be m excellent me, and well caleulatal to prat.. m al-,
Grative nopremon on the omens I have eisedu NM in
piddle and private smells, nod think It t he teat articles(
'''Lr =ilie ' y ' sreistt et th e Lsolejle 11.11;e's D.
r .A sze i r z , Ss/ the K oglil
have no other. GRYSIIt !STOWELL,-
110, Wood itmet. Pittsburgh. Ps.. Wtrelesale
Retail •
i ferinte by D. U. CURRY and JOS. DOUGLASS. Alb-
My. md by Druggists 0000000 T. lel/Alsn3MY
The Family Friend;
A BAKING preparation intended to tit ,
renege the Une of Nraw—whieh. whre muse with
t 1=r „: ej b 11j r, P,714 4 7 ln 2
uae , J 1 Ibe itra i % !i) :ma; loseeeweet opftZe
=lan, borrow being baled.
, dore got twee maw than le).
i . /s Pr elrZoilt r e_ . " ro ng esTlegt!r=
Wenere. manturare of public retools, logrimerlei boessW
tr: s f rat e tar •e f t i I It, e.'l, ;Pert •
l_agneeable, whtleeome list
ter wa voyages woo meow ha
country plates. where'east le hard LJ gat. this will he
rowel feraletable LIL hents end twa t 0111 be Towed
wee, erel ehrep, cat 14N...ti1t. that they writ be au.
twistable—end main 11,0.0 broad even. mere digestible.
"d le b"tl"." :•5..001 00
14. Norte ittiarth et. l'hiladelphia..
gob Agent for Pitleburch. K. SELLERS, 07, Waal
stmt. feWallea
Phillips and Mayers' New Article for tba
, World's Fair!
T IQI7ID GLUE, which cements wood, stone,
4.4 china, glow. warble. quesnwrnot or en watent
without trallbla or preparation. Ins abort tic, any mu.
ch, of furniture way to mule as cool 00 We tho,
wined 0111 powerful Cement. /he imasalecpera of this
maw are slrewly well aware of ha o.ol+lo Mad anera.w.
falaptabalty to their purpows, and thwe who hale non
tried it we weinseted & ea. No Immo should be with.
out 11l bottle of Liquid lltuer—it requires no warming. Is
nor,nods forums. and may ha axed. br WV Potion with
ears on Soy article. in bummer. new le Musa Cc lbw
giuslysitand to weshanke It Is a real Warless
use tt—the twee ot the Rates two anon:wow in their
ou t in praise of it Don't throw anything away with.
out trying MAO _
74: North Fourth street Philadelphia.
Agent tor Pittsburgh, J. KIDD CO. corner Wourth
and Wood street. Agent! Allegheny city, JOLIZI COCO
LAS. Druggist WWI=
}EMBER has jut received
Where are s Meade of aly youth`
•• a you% with the% •
Farewell, it aver faudlet yrs ,yer
deTanoperanee sachem —dnilkated to the Telayeratior
ttorig of Mawr, torn fonts Itunyraie rllgrlmYymgnteig
Fly swift, Ye TM
The harfeake—etoole sonic
Uo where honor—from Cobioetto, by rigdk
Drinking cSoil be Machette "
The celebrated 'Cradle Song,hy W. T. T. Wanner,
Ilngfii!No L ili n teautlftil ton.' br Tr• Irelbgw.
Thone lsttaarl.tagly dare ere gone—lia song by Liu, Leah Swath_
Ilearletta, Corgert, freetwalia. ttatatiorg. Pub
leo Pollee- Alan, toe *election Of may teaching =gate.
Walt., Ward," ago a eotoplete etwortgoent of ',Wine.]
Note Waal. • •Ng lel Third =met.
jolt ' a
Cielden Eh*.
N. B.—Now atnivlog, • in...iambi lot et New Plum
Ladies! Ladies!
WOULD von save your furniture and
amid m octeresnary labor BM Sour 4erraltt4.
IrLITe the wiz, Yd dflLlrirt. room furniture irdeht
ways be bellliant awl 01.20. If 60, try pilmaps
i, I;O u LIALf. • 41.14- .
ft l 4ll ' ;i= l . 4"'ll .= ;110 or Slo u rT har4 rotir=a,.. ".th .
h , ma ' 4:ll. , c 11.7 foraltur• dealer. bold
13.4.4 ad .3 tents.
'74. North Fourth etreet, Philadelphia.
Eiientel for Pittabonb, BRAUN I B.E.BPEE, earner ol
At. aline and Liberty etrYLL ..i4441.1133
Sayers' Piano Preceptor.'
.KLEBEIt . has Just received Beyer?.
ated preceptor lor the Plano, erlabit hi s
uoaledged imgcsaional mei. ry 4444
Europe, ro be the Net work cl the kind Mar r aab
twee. well tiVrorik as one at the most imeeeettal eueliPelel
foe beginner. and yusl.l, lam bus sarrnetvesat toes
sad eereeely felt by t thasioal yobbo. eta: ea element..
beet, proem*. and I:item - Una to the POPIE. both lit to
eaerriees arid tunes. thus greatly facilitating and =mkt.
log the ecenew hat tedious and talk., test etude of nth.
eio and plume taxying. 'the following rowing who bars
examined the work, ere referred to:
rrofesmore liastorat:Lendeathn. !filth. 1.10
41 ODA - ASH-20 casks Kuitea brand, for
kJ We br • 2376 •S. 2 CV. 11.211.1:AVOLL .
I ARO OIL-10 bbls. Winter Strained, for
Li We by atTI2 ' It. E. 6Y , w.ftut-
bbila.getzt. • Sugar:
bbls., Mulas.c
mos co
- •JA3LES A. 11USCI7
4 4 1 013 SALE—A ;,..0.) , / Pedthag Wagon, ia
" 11 " . " 14 '' z " 3:111,13 aa, Go ISCoi
. a.~„;-'