The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 20, 1851, Image 1

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s. Lux= zura.
Ml= Of MED RIM. boaaVO 133 rar
DAILY-Benes dollaruper. strourn. InToblo half I '64 4
M i
K —lP"%rs""%rn9 adnons. Cr=
Ul be aupolkd on tbe
Tbree i 00
BLI. WO. do 0 Oct
Ten miles do Oo
cord. do 2) 00
T), T e=s l et Ott eoch Club to be slimmed to ono
b pi tope lurartaldr lo adventn. No Club Papern "" A " 1 1,
be sent ono: the rear mina. cokes the roserey 2 ant ntr
BAT} iiiADithitiainiC
onesr.. (10(1001 of Neoperell or bag ,
one Inertkaa.. 0 so
" Do. eachaddlateal . 0 ILS
Ds. t.t.e jOO 9th
Stonalny Corar Ham or Wet Para - rdt . noi-9 5
One Dona far addltlong Una.
One Sven. made at pleonsre (per err
no* ezoloolnt of the boner
Tor each ee.dttlosal square, tneertel noar one soon
raf eeols addlUonal even inserted under tha year,ly rates. .
Adrernsonento 00& 0105 • entehtt eh' notary MO/
Ind, to be &Legal so • muses and • 0.011
Yuldisheni not orowntablet I. legal edradion 29 . o3 te .
yond thew:wont &anted fiter Utah polelloatim
bannoneng oandldatee Or Whoa, to oe chortled tho lonla
4 m atTAg•oesot ranked n lb* onler,_f_jod ePorlflon
gon V nted so
t'.l interrionsoolllhe t otedhottod unaterniot and PIT
Tho Privilege of ono advertlaers le &ld4. limited to
their own brunedlose bodes= and all adnMtnta ter
- the benefit of other proanstiewellse not
anniactel their own burn all
dame. of adurthanoeuto. length or edonerlea, Word
tho limits tanned, erUt lw ...urgedat Ur ontalism. For
all such trusteed re:=ll.hUlr bet orldrotol ,
*mitred. and prompt
AU odeettleesoente or a
nd hail fire ann. t
Pardeb mud. anwedtle• and other inablle and
nob hket to 74. • r 44.4.
Death =don hunted doteb ortlhoot oltorPt COS Onnorole.. ;
by Meal bodtatlons re obituary . =Om, eat erbon
00 accootreddot bo Said 10,
achm m
l oms ezundec.
datdeond to eall ottani= to
rates, Wren. Cannata orzy tt Letto g1i=119.112,
orhort=l . l. ,
„ rode for of wi
nos Donee designed to call athootlon to
Tense ens:ornerier. oak:dated or intended to remota todb
etdool fanned, etta oulr 0.5 loaartel with the tooduntsod
- los that the same lab b. toll for. lf hdatrelest te
vetted to the toed columlo an n. U
te m per line. same will be there'd at the
ate of not lea than
rich* or tar Noll= to be ohm* tdrao Vint
Seel Estate evenand dnotlootere seherdearea•
to be olastod er year da
y l Mu t ton:o ha alloyed • db.
soot of tbdra und threo and one Ono pa mot Duos tbo
ens= or, Mira= no marts mon
()no kw" throe SO
. _
IN v Oa 4:411
WIES F.ILEBR, Attorney at Law—OfEce
liknieth et, lotlreco Smithfield and Gnat,
I. ' ' Attonie at 1, ••
• stmt. =as the Mayor's Meet A•
sziemdtti to reatnette , see
: to at thaklntarnuk.).: ) .
I Lila •Attorrtenzts,
~••• Emiartteld otreea. rlttstrenix. Da.
T HARItISON.6 - 77.14 Attorn. at Low,
Mb Staub Calwabdsur Dye Ulla. • •• • ekes. /,
Wtg. F. Wr.e. HITE T
, ititorney at Lavr—Of
rtreft., ant oaritao Azttarne Baal-
• Y. to G. L. B. I'ETTERMAN, Attor
..troTtoroo."l" 3'l 45.M2 ". s°. Mitth
•-• -
AISLES.T. • .t , .rttey at Law, office,
IriT=ll.ol.. MOW of Gnat stnot sad Dizzacald
-arnm warm
TOWE & WATSON, Attorneys - at Lair,
Fa i lle lamb itseet,
Almanlar eDa . soun Ihnla. 1.44 Ha-
DWARD JONEf3,:Attprney at Law:
015 a oa. roarth-street; banal Wood sad Beall-
ra*:4 tf3lllWlTMlwiii
I:VE:lri :1:11A:1111:1:1 0:c4:1:1
eiEORGE' E: AREOLD4. CO., Bankers:
Italeektn . Fsebtonok Cola, Denk Not , " key Ma 74
earth slaveL MESA done to the Bank of Pittebanon.
111. G. WM. IILYS.-.....-L 11. WM..... -4. a. comer. i I
V. wrir aMS k CO., Baak.ens
..e E..r.t. a. Brotas,Ptritilt Eta earner of Wool
Mant , Ph.,, tcn:u . mi mrlontiono
All trutrodlops mods on - inga 7
promptly allowed to: • -
yD. KING, Backer and Exekengeßroker,
. , ar..t. Dada I. mat Not... But, or la
„ mad Ether. thoctA btagla otnl ookl._ : .—
The bl hat martra prim pad la Pro.dtmo rto''.
tau ..e 214tricat and "SPotaa , ttat!nt Mar
WTI.LARDIER, JR., Banker and Broker,
drat. N 0.130, odirdning thti Bank of Ptltabonch.
MUMS ok CO, Exchange Brokers,
afle z WallkiaV ali"4""" 4"
111 j HOLMES & SON, Dealers in Foreign
ete: B Pperle4l.. t rte .....tliC
~.-3130031.eu0us mad. an 11 the neineiDel cities
ou l=e t the United Butes.
ratEit Bankeii' and. Ez.
,alaare Itrokazie Degas Turd= Dailtat.
Uf =...lattAaa. D.Paerte. Back Notts.—
OClcerver o aal Waal amt., anal?, Main*
loorsh. Banking Home,
tp . Wool strest.Pitco - Coma
sand oo Detroit— Golketkolo mad* L ao ea the
ales of stet Bolted alatos.•
;piaxwiet.wA ...--..::
Waramor PaUM.. --Joan.. ma1m....—.1L IL ULM
111/WM, HANCO.,NA a CO. "Sttcoessors
MLee QuD
podt: eight Mocks for We, ,Arkl , o=o/ andlo Oa siolkr. ,
.....,..,.„ .....
dim to
TAYLOR, Commis !rimier and. B il l
Beater, 11.2 &mot rhaet. . St ri ct stistgAless win to
Ten to all bO/111061 entnuted to his W. PHlstsThSh
mail articles alon bull or wonted at abort
Matte.: liotekßends.ll,Mismava,&e..iscretialca and
alga terms MM.* IWO. ii rconlnsl.
P:PII ! 1;i7.14(0.1: 4 : 1 :1 1
D 0: STOCKTON, latelohnston & Stook.
UP too. Bootnellsr. Madam, Printri; sad liitxls4 ear
B. HOL'iIES Cheap Literary Depot,
Third dint, mane the Pad DZY. New Hoke
• deny ley eerrers. Foracritocipm:e yierefrel froAT 91 .
the Keee=es or h remora.. Dowser= st the ganues
linnet prire.
'ttl HOPKINS, Booked',
rILiTID BOWN, Jl., :Wholesale and Reta il
um... 1 Coterie:loam de Foirth gt..t.P/
Cakes. awl boxy CcahettonarrAhnk=
AtTLINTOCK, Iltuaufacturer and Ink-
Vii i = a rttargrivaM
isad 9 Ward et, PittAittra. , .
lIAST, for tho (4=irtelal, ittli COWS
No. 1911. Waal =W.
Ordcr neat as ••water tor any delaiptkrn of ont.
_ lt AV: POLNDEXTEB, content Waterand
. Aruba Arees.Pltlabscrab. Cancemor 414 1144
, a.a. nom; 440 for the ,them sal We of 14797
Weetura Proirm4ll4..N4gl3 lan, 444 the , slsrtand
a ,eb..2l:lll=lll ' of thierper At oa..Ciall i.igli•
ice's celebrated azeILT Yorks. et •POtdaddekie
pica; end Jeakiba 4 C O. C's npreiormluat Tom 44,
C A.= DicANULTY,.&:CO—Tranaporiere;
nw,u'woot=.' .._:........:.:..__..,_..:axrn.00z
IL JOHNSTON, For a / a rab= got
amaraltdon Mar.bant, FO. 112 Booneekert,
LARDY; JONES & CO., Successors to At,
aaw Co 4 Ossusissiou ma Porwaributhres,
Pittsburgh Itsbutsetured Goods.-Pitw
toC. SIIACKLETT & CO--Wholesale
lhalersh, Pc =o; nano:wela Dry GeoL.
is isma. a co-rtmerzent- - ..:-.i.iimurn
At,A.' MASON k CO.; Wholesale and, RaWl
Teske. is nag aaa napla Dry 0cc414112 Varket
i• to tAAi "
1 ):4:10 I:II N'Al
Dentist,Coner oiTourth
....d.zwemrm. between-Maran azd'lranystra",
IBlMEaS wawhm Jewell. S her
:.,TinE - 1,.. - i 0_,,--Am..y.--.:;:vi-TT-s:iA
MALTEltar d , 4.=grarso , ut .uoetrgul.
rrrect-1 c. rum=
kEY:ER McDOWELL, (Sudcessors to
to Harr a Keraer,)lTholoodo ant Malt Dry* =I
On Starr, comer of Wool Moot watt Vit.*, alloy.
sue preecolotlons =fully compounded audit ant
- _ . ,
1111:DD . .! Wholesale Druggists Deal
on In Paint., 01b4 DTP Etu7,,
Melon of D. M'Lorm's orlebrow Worm :Merit°, my.
or and Lanz 87mm: No. 00. =um of Wool and
Fourth staves, Pittolowo. Driers will be eetektUreeeb
-4. and forrrardol oat. dlsootrh.
• • 0 • • •t • Cr in
D r ugs, pews; pie Scoffs, Ms, Vain:debar. xe., ke-,
o. bi Wool stmt., „Pittsburgh. Pe. tiacds warranted.
SN. WICKERSHAM, d° Wholea Druggist
I • " ho esale'and.Ro
Droggistsaornor of lodrtyaml f.t. Clair ids" ?'1!1.•
801100NMAKER & CO., MO:male rcrug ,
gunk No.ti4 Weal st.. Pittsburgh.
WWILSON. Vi holesalo Qrocerti and
Pant's Amder. No.llacand.. riad 4 l7.4qt ta
• vni t• r 1,71 .
5..3 az. Prolooo rad Oamo:olsobn ISorobsats,:sall Toy&
on In Pltistimrts Ilanolottored Articles, 110,130 aol 133
broad amt. baron,. Wool atilt Smithbeld. PlMborch.
7012 , 4. taseoszy—..
iric S. DILWORTR — & ...
C~O m „ tD r
Wtte holesale
4 mw .d .rwg . . t. l oo. m.:= 2 i fe ll e
Wtxxt ritubmb. •
HEY, MATTHEWS A - 100., Whokiosk
ta u itl2/ tOn lt i s r l att.,l Velutk.i
I OHN WATT 1c,,C0., Wholosaki Ora3.3re,
3 • Casoaadaa Me retuatst .4 Dealers In' Rol and
t= gr,leterusbein rea, No..2oo.l6lbertr •r. e.,
B. CANEfirD. - .1 4 a of .Wo.rron, Ohio,
re'DlTe w n 41%.4.42==rit I,l%elti
Perri Lab. and Wertera' , rodeo. get:m.ll.f. 'Warr street.
NM= fteeltrifeld and Wool, ritettrarab..
W ATM= ./ 11,131XXX.
- /ft I. wanasam..,..,a.a, .
;8. WATERMAN . &•• WI% S, Wholes alo
alle4; 0 1 muMs% of 14uoa .4 rtanotactt
red AM.. aad Airmt. _far the sal, of web.mood sad
Lyzenentroa• Totozo, NOt- fo3 ar.4 al Watos.
atroat.. Mahwh- '
sae Groan*: Imaardiag .nn Carantan. Stara ,
'Dealers in lid , • • al...Grum% and %Vera,*
NGLISB. BENNETT, late-English,
dGallagizrft Co..Wholeolatliocreg:C=irtiormad
blm.h.ttsoutcl Dealers la Produa'and Mar
bomb kl.selket LL. No. =Second EU and 1. riredt
V. accutsotr, prrra"...
111 Giscoers; and Impcatenc of Itranlies. Wines !sad
2413. 28 corner of Libertz and Imth Vzsets.
Ps. Ms, 24nIP. Cat.. • '"""PLI-7
. -.. N. Jo ru - ra.........i....m. D. Woru---NALS. . 10.,
KG:LLS & ROE, Whelessli Grocers and
Occomiazion . nera= l3 , Se 57 Libutzr rtro.t.
• ' ;
ROBERT MOORE, ' Wholesale Grocer.
Beetninatiler, Ptalumo, Plltsbarah
vfactosWand all kinds of Enrelam and DOOO.lll
1310. a. Llonors i Np. 31b [arty .atreet en band
7Z2I"Xd -
112:ELT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale
Groans, Commission Merchants.
_dealers ha Promo
sal arab hisistitseturea. No. 2.a3, Liberty staves,
11 °BERT A. CUNNLNGRAM, Wholesale
Produrft,Porgardang...aral Commission 11 cr
ust, aad Dealer iu Pittabursh meosutaature4
Liberty Area% Pittarersh. •
• v. a wocinvAan--...--..—sma nara.trr. '
Virh. BAGALEY CO., 'Wholesale Clro
c and 23 'Wood Aire. tillaburgh.
don n wscd--------...surlaidwtda. i .
k. J. D. Wkk., Wladrade Groeon; Vont
dad occurdoad Mach.% deldwe
Cog= wo& awl Pittsburg!, 31astufwtmed ;mar,
=nada Wood sad Water Meats. Pludtrinds.
. tad Cbennission hlertbsato, Dealers in Pt.
snd Pittsburgh lisaufacturesi 'ArbeS.S. ISA IShitrts
eruct, Pittsburgh, rs. • • " •
" -
D. WILLIAMSO ez d Setalf Tamil Grvcen... Very-Arlin !and Commt4.l.
P7?”7, aal aug"V:
,on 11.D.r11.110%.
_ linxt7 greed, Finiborgh„ Wholegala Circa.% 1.
dm and Cenuntedon Marla -WA, and desk. In Pistabtergb
Ml= non.
"" Km- lbil:FiVii;giZedTocens , coro-
Lfr,ILF ,
mind= Madman, and Denims inecdne.-1 1 _ Mug
finikling.. fronting on Liberin
mat" Pittabaren,
ii - ORN PARKER Sr. CO.,WholesaloGroccira:
0. Dan. In Prcdolvicreign Old 1 1
tir%l.A."lll=. b148.772'' 98'8'°681
AS. • DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, COI.
law= son Yoeerarding arebat.asiel &Alain Imo.
Glaiajkaton Yarns. =I rittabaratt Itanufaetares
seceraltr-3a. ail Water at-. seVI Tint M. rittaleu=b,
tl~i}:f {d.~ ~ cZcgY:7~
EZIELLOR, Dealer in lianoForths,
Mode. wit Mudd Lartrumoils,, &tog lkots. sad
Limn Ibr o f Flaw Anus. for
Wert= fillarda—lio. fa woof •
LIENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Maisie; Ntr:
gala hstrosacat e-te-u s.
„abafient.„4lbazre ' = 4l;
Plum. _ -
iraitelmannfactura and neap constantly cm Langan
riollallgr Ina Blood Front /14 1 :Pret WI Lathing §alla
Coma )IsUa ant Sukr , Barrel Nan Coppar and Zlno
. 4 . Halls, l'attern Malrartrintg re% aaoetod
Yaw n
• iraL'lOl‘lnj*li'atarulstreagl.
ZNNEDLICI3ILD9 di CO:, MAllUraera .
nire of vezi awl= 44' Wamthur: CluDet Cha.,
Vthasati Pena Mill.littgrurtb-
...... .
eigiii3G, Dionus of Spring
- ned =ea Snag. Flo= nue!. Mosel P r ionin.Wthin
and Lb= elnrings, hammered fron amesc men
in niaßeable" Oestinmo rtn, Ensw. 1.... P. nrol
Cur_ls Trimmings gemorsl9. =er of Rom and }Moat stn.
Plitsbenstr. Ps.
T58M3,1311 ALKALI WOILKS.—,.I3eu-
Ben_r Co.. Usinif.turrn Peds Asll,Slesctr-
Powdemxiirlatlo tlcqbarla Acid. Wareboul..
Zia VS Weer C. below Yaw. •
~srss a ;NGINas.
WALTER P. MARSHALL, Sliccetsor to
Sensual C. MIL -Importer sad Dauer In Traub
and, Antairen . Paner,L Banglnv and 60tda Winder ,
Ittre Board ete Abo—Writinsr. ettutiw.
awl Wapping raper No. 06 Wood Meet, bworeod /Muth
°BERT MOARII3,-Tee , and Wine Ma
ira. a. Vanua ' .... 11009.,
M. A. kratrnifFEL 65., Grown laid
Tea Daad hand ana: lus 2..% Marti Mae of.Md na
—abr. Woe.
W A m alwan a anPoortmant
Or ,
To. Also—men Franz Zionklab o. le.
ado and rataiL Dealers annallad on tint %mad teas.
y:/.o.l . : . }:il):VyiTiki - ( - 67i.k 7 141
HN A. OAUGH-BY , Agora fortho Lake
ftrt• 1/14 iChitkik U. to Ratvotrazid tits
nu Cho soma - of .tot a:D.O.MM its. rte s.
p. LEECH k CO., Transporters by Canal
sod Tomeding Morcluati, corner. of Prna strait
`~~ ca; [k 9 :~; ~:1 ~~, pt:~
aI...BROWN wouldmostrespeothillyinfonit
the publietbnt he kerNenhand saliniand on the went
of th. nt =wed; Al Wenitianfillutters kshety city, • caorpleta assortalt4t
ceienttlan - Minein Wen tire made te nyder
Innho been ctee, warranted equal to any in 'No United
- in. iamb nut In =tweed whhatit tho add of It
rawer driven !Ravin.' ipirr.b.sed Um Oak, tool& sad wend
of the intbilnet tertablltient of 'tawny ,li MeClellind, I ant
mewed to Am:l4 their old ennniners. se well no the pear
LC 44 line,wlthenery thing in their iine.. ,
4Vnee? tif ho, Wood stmt., PICIAWItt , srx'
•. • 51: :. :G clTErnatftliflrel,
rtairran--naidena, COTII.! of Third street sad to*.
Z.—at h g2 DfaztV..L•ll;. gals: •
`'l~Nya:i~:Ji 1'i1~l7oy~~):~
t A DAM HARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon; tttti
IL team Wethank Scotland. wonld eeePentretlY,t;
amattbe that Re bee memento! Ma= ••••
"r4:O"4°V. . b enrea Mention
m DM, ' re is . to give Misfeetlaa.
=men. wilt, • men /Walt. lime /Mod= non
Illsekaalthing 121 general will be carried en, et Ono:Men
et Tunnel stre.4 Yeti Penne/I'M& Amm.
~'.lQ~} ~F' ~:n:;i}~M 4~~
" Ametitan
ibiW. HABSAUGII, Wool Merchant":
AY - Ikt Itrioscr sad room. irstirreir. and Fort
suritlit Grismisslon tlarbassts. Jtct 115 rirst stmt.
• • •
:4; e):/. 11,• :Qs :71.1. :Is c,
• ''VIL n L . " I Jg ra .NSoll, p f , mtv b el; on :Focrd,".
mwedwrr. Hata nonmpaA;. Pror4rg
Drag fabelsy Bea s] for
claStooadiaeocistityn,Cotum Staznrh ft -J:4 the tarsi styli,
of an, and at lowest • • , , • • ,
.. •
re Establlsbarent. Third Weer, oppeeite the Peed
IGAlarrgh. litaps,LandsceleeL Portrait", Flaw idib 4 t
Dora. s, Dand. Labels.Arehltertaral 1.4 Useable'
Dreertate. ratans. and Visiting Ceara /a l
_seaward or
draws to Staaa. sad pasted ardor", Gad. Brous. cr.,
Mai la tree mon !woven Ml*, std at the sicaspi99a.
.'a ...
~aI F
- ,
d, CO., Importers and
Who Wale Dealers in liardmos• and eptlerr. No. 125$
cal Pittotcrib.
merinos.. L 0. DMZ=
• TWIN FITZSIMONS & co., m ann / a do.
rara or fl :T and GREEN OLALSOIO ir iaII
kind. of lIACINgttY. take this method of 113
than &afro. oft aving .00b work dons, that u r are
W.W.I in do it at the lowan aoarible Wes, at t abort.
art nothia. arid in the beat
at their arta!, mint.
nomad street, above the Canal Brldasoarer (he... o r
Twee Irma for Blank 13=Ith and Blast garnarea ^
fsatstred as the shortaat not/as, and at tha lowest
All kin. of Jobbing do. on abort nonce.
Wegner, Bnechner & Mueller's,
e te the
rd. re spec
g tf e ullyam ib ic
Lprepared r t N es e eeuJuh pu dratsyl u 0
orders for 13borertlyills. l=sa L t m etker,
s Tn~elreulab i llt i tut= :t i t. tO Market Ittr , eet
Third MI Fourth atavete, np rs.
Bolivar Fire Frick Manufacturing
X1XTXX.......5. X.
GLOVER, REM & C0.,-PaarattToi
... bpe . l
po Agents Ito the above mama set
tees erattently on Itmel a survival Um mlehreted ter
Fire Belek.Crocible Fire Cleyatimatre Ileerttisendlanali ,
They are elm grentrad to motive orders for geld Brick. ea
be aulde In size sad shspe to solt paretuaera mWeh shall
Impromptly the.
We do 130 t deem It remetery to eirnments the romiT eat
Armitage, Wi Bolivar Fire Brick mawover ell where that
ham been offered for sale In United Steam theft mg , "
riority Wag well known to almost 11 germs oho use Tiro Bei ,ck The proprietors here determined that the
Brisk Mull lose none of their present amiable Mouths..
end that no expense shell A re a
-ired to make them arm
better Mien they hare berat been. Tide is the only
establlebsorMt now smatilliettutim Tire thick et Boum.
• KlEll d JONE , r,
melif Cenal,Bardn.Serentti eh, litre nigh.
• Pittabiargh Gas Pipe and Tube Wake
undersigned have just completed their
Va in
one are hoer manufacturing all Nis. of GAS PIPS. L.
comotler and other Slum. and all dace of
which they offer dm eale at the lowest mime. They era
tar prepend to execute codas. tO
STANG Jatmalpthout
and 92 Warr atm; '
~~~e~ ~ r^ti rr+e r c ~•~.Y~) :l ~f Ott; f~
WICHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
IVlllWel=al Aunt. !lac re
ne4Vnitkee, Water Wort% Rolling 511111,Ve... et lley be
mead beterist 10 A.H. sal OP. et bin resideace, N.=
Ile:turf street, Pttlebareb. jellies:lW
A,..MADEIRL, Agent for Delaware Mu
tual-Beer logross. Cordmay, Water enet.
GA RDINER COFFLN. Agent for Franklin T
eiNat =ma of Wood
11j31 GLENN; Boos Bmoss, Wood street,
v vie doorfrom the etcriez of Third, mbar* be ill
to do ,dmenntite , or Bt.:m.4.Rn ,aesteuras
and durstdlity. Bums. Boots ruled to any pettern, and
bound suntentbas. Boob/ to 121120.5.1 b0a ,
T b lume u'd e t hn 1171 . 1/7••• • bo ' ol 432 tertn .P looll. oo VitgloorWr.
ItCOORD & 00., Wholesale and Retail
1311 ItermboWzme, and Dealers M Ilats,Cewmul Tom
eerneref Wood me nrsa tarolea, Palau:eh. V. ha" they
offer • ND ercl complete Mock et nets, Lip., lime. do, of
mere Qualtty sad style, by Wholesale *ad UM% sod tb
vita the semsticet et their costomereand peactemeremmer.
'CUM DIGBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
and Dean to away ads Cktblng. 137 Merl, st-
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. A. WHITE & CO. would re
windfall. Inform the mbar that they _heir.
temode., be Yoderal and :iIDatIZZ7
They are now mall ng and My term tad to med..
orders IDy entry dewily:ion of velleks, Combo., Marion , .
bannethes, Boszko, Phstms, te„. kr-, which, from theta
hang experienew in du manufseture of the above were,
and the Inellltlea they have, they tbal mendent they awe
enabled to eln work the most reasinable terms with
thaw wanting a ye in their Link
IbtElAheeltatfonrler attennon to the aelectkoa of otateriale,
aammplnano trot =want workmen. they have ro
wereaottng their work. We there*. alit the
artentka the public to Irks matter.
Repairing know ire the last manner. affirm
mod romenable terms.
ROLE 31dR1ILE WORKS, (established
eh of wood Meet. Pitfeborat. 'Monument, Bohai
Vaults. TomLe, Ileadnetem. to.; Mantel Pieces, Contra nod
Pler 'fops, al Imre on hand , and made to osier.
N. H. A elates relsetios of Deserted. of:Ova& mlO
a...g0 of 'Third and Market Arnett. Th. anly cbst:
Inantotion of tht kind In rlttsburt tme..
r•Crare-../can Iltonntit. PrlndAnt In tht.
&lease of Amounts. . .
O. IL Clateattrlln, Protein* . of Atotstp,lleresattli
Cnctlntt•ti" "
Me. H. Watson, Ent, Lecturer on Coonnerdal Um.
ajl t itti a= to • 7n7d=nolrita. an fa
mt. and rapid pannaLtp. an Inlitnl to nal and amo
ine Use nriang•trurnt...
Lean on Commercial Intnrre7 Monday
Italbrene• to my of N. n. d.oi elty canrelleZ •
•••• WILKINS, No. 2-K; Liberty et.,
°Mood emu Pbttaoigh• Pa-
Itcaaosstota.nolial Vaultkibothatoaa,
Oa_ eierat, Pima, Centre azal liar Topa.
s on bard old mode to order. of U.
aboioatt Marbles, oar at my naltioad
=ro .1 Mace aclooOol MGaar
Rom TranaaVirnsT -
il 4 bgeun i.i m.,_..mel . Amr. Roo. xel:ate.
klna -
Jan Snyder, . cunt
Pittsburgh Rant ri.tu,Tar . I= as
liboukbaritem Req. UM thm7.
Ilcon &rue, do.
Robert LeSiediebt, Su Wsm Dageney I Co.
Jos..lleareght..r.a.u;sau , D.T. ,l o. , ON
Ly s ,Jcshus aloe BCo Trtarre
eeir;.dwaurifitßal~d fm
.i . t in "" thM n el b" ty.
t ¢ bad th r .
Wale and Nmb, anumeted to tanner up to tb• pn.tent
time arel Irtlimadervor to rude Lunen
Bennett's Monocnromatio Depository,
Iteo.L—:Coor Potralho—Tbs . fienloh of fiethsehteae;
end the Venutery of ocuthrt."
Widmer, Warwrocans 97 A. 99 Third *Croat
J. reirTibUY
friend. and
onstomirs th he has cow completed the I
and 6neet stork of hoosehol4 forpitura mer men tr.
tide dry, aa be Is deterintried . - tuitllil the q We
welbeemoned truiterlobt. teat Inzlocianslii, and newest de.
ale. and from do elleart of his ordant am fealty In
Marmfactorin9. he le oriallled to Troilus* warranted fond.
tumor Ile lowest prieea
Al has adopted VAI prinolpla of idandfying tho custom
er? leiterest with kda own. in Inolitt and prioe: awl limos
Li ;gig: .
i lla r „1 i . . : 4=7 0 4 ,19:=
I=l= Ta r 'brattelf 4 . ; iP=fact. P tg
Lie thtioo.ll/3441(4.1111111 , 0 04 . 1 4 .• • th.t ,11Lrz:
tam of tits r a..bu.b.,., may be known. . Thu fo
ankles ordweb. mut. of ha stock. shish for t o beg et
Wile Mid finish adinet be iurpamd aarof the buten
.Parjpr, &owing. dial.. and bed.rwmo chitin. of every
I variety; reembiLlta of romerad. mahneany and walnut.
I Elizabethan. Cemormatoins Lrld Easy °halm, ofoeary dea.
Motion: Couch, forgo Tetweotete mod Divans oft!. lewd
Preach and Ammiear patter. Tuba.. Whia-Notaond
ladle.! parlor Writing Dinka of rasions kin.. Work Tables
and Choi lulokl Mazola. mmdo Mande, mod holden...hie
WIN cub:vain rceswood and walnut centre and mdo
extenaron dining robing all elms of the moottropmded..
nod decidedly the best kfod mad% add. Pembroke hall and
plat Miller wardrobe , loodsteads and washstands of each a
Ursa mortment Jo hall and parlor remotion choirs,
ottsanum mid Moo ascretary andUok owes. atel• boot..
taw aerwow, towel mks, hat aloud., and mosio atoolib mit*
and ma far eldbinni Paper insdhe. tobla mid W. L i.
nidllirallinY.romwcod. and Inlaid pearl Tables, de. 90.
A large assortment of Chmomin Wornitore and Wisdom'
Chairs: Wand makers supplied with all artielso In their
--____, •
DOUNTY L AND S-4Arr.en - Alu NATunc,
' Attorney et NI63 Third rt.. corner of Cherry
7. berths otexle arrarecomeats for the yarrow, will
Forare Bomar Lends for oftoere . and wider's, their
Ada.. 6.1 okildran. sad will attend to soy other took.
nem eon:meted with the cororomot of oor of Its D.7"rt•
meas. the Penulon °faro, or the Owns ot the Cloy of
Weehingtoot. • • . 3221,111
Drawing,, Perspective, and Painting in OM
.1Y..,R. , !3 t !11 . TIL il v i u n i car t Emaial=
dallabtfulMilLs lomset t llnWnigr
Atkinson:x near b
Market amts. lima Inatrattion, than 7.,hi tnyi, and
Erne toe ,; ." (Urged and Gator particulars au be
W • c" 'JO:kit(
rs SUDIDIER RETREAT 15..110* open.
tbr.tha smoscunouno. of visitor.. The beauty of
Were ho.. been lOUth Improved by the Minion of
chola, Ebrobbery and Fberers. A large aellection of ow
bkoseing Mob; and Shrubbery, of the obnicert kinds, aro
" fTre "" Iltia,q 3u reeptin the Enke. am
:boonet:Talelnll `.
at. 611 notleo.
be nest and anl=isetsanfoseelllEVlAMlalelle
lamlittettrxtgytron, Log lb .
tte c tte,:
" Tietil) One extg ref . earl e.rdrUf. at 7%
Vdl.• Y. '
Str•IIIIIM 'Wins tie 'Smoky My are Invited low •
elan to We perfeallower Gorden.
=La Gerdon fort onlompaanoelid.dg..satl W t(
On bonder. .
W.-Dixon's.ldnulan Patent Levet;Watches,
• NapoNor to any libleXta coce affered Patttbsowh.
mcifAßDsoN, 81 Market: street, is
I:°4sAziNt to :=l"tndse,ww"wslr'
NY aPtadataatnt to the Admiralty, 11 , 31. DIXON, Chow
hornet.. awl Watch Mantilactater. King boat% DI.
well Road. London. •
mb =WWI that the eseceapanying Watch. No.
werranual try. sae to toot thy thebttlNotruto , nod beerf
with ms name tigna it %mooing at ' acoompailiva by
• atotl&vadt be g ' • • • -
I e watch --, to keep thaelp, Va. ad.
Lareatice of the putchwer.
...... - ,
Steitiaboat Agency , and General Commis
' aion,.lieceivim: and Forwarding.
xi:ALDWIN. PIAkDIER & CO., bay() this
tULT ...f. itl witb i lbauk s llr. John Lulea. and oar
L:1;1r="4 Itl":4 lf.D 'r V72i b'' i '""l riliFioo. ?"ll.l°
LteUrMir. April MUM. IC. WULlsme now.
felri l SEMireiTY - ar g.g
wkoVtiNlNGlll3l4hm,. .loflNl,.omor.d.w,
tlnlF:M'i*..,Tir'''aelZ. !deter.
QUITLEY lr.7Citii,litS, Coal . Morohaata
and Dalian to OondlhGraneriec Iran and NW
.cavalna . ! sem% and ! !a shlar= =jig
-- -
Inman al all aLses and gimp Wk.. cigar
lixir, and Kolas wan ni Wang. don , . hob. and
shoo nail; low bead and la th ing dn.; Alva gm 3d and
24 blued mil. it<
ft. st LIPPFSCOTT k Co., N 9. Ili. Winn al, Pittii ;
burg. jeT
F. B. Noce, N.
1.1 rvecial smuts= to Vaa tenth:tent of diFIESIM of , eO.•
num and ehildeen, awl eente Memo. itenernlir. ne well .°
chronic and rumba Meo. °floe on steed,
neer the need Street Brk4, and swat &Ca We Plan"
hug 11111. - Allegheny CO.y - 0000 bowl tresci 7 to A.
hoot Ito It. and fromT tog P. IL n1y20.7 •
un unce
, k cr E wa
) S.
wee %-
usted. _
LIGHTNING RODS—Spratt'a Patent
JAMES JACKSON, Ograut Aware,
W7toitscrla Depot, 80 Wood and, Ailtoburgh, Pa.,•
WerteniiitAV Callen' Stare.)
raSE LIGUTNIMI RODS_ore so eon.
ted that they mina Pt oat of order. The lir
ead Attach:mate Meg iKaaretelr, the Plat.
sad liaznats are unrirelled—the blehl7 OF
neraitatal, eat vtilitiat. Mout* tbe bat omit
meaufeetuted. James Juke= tall .Nuts ,theia at;
rents per Axe. Pea et. the Mae, 10 tooter
Gentlemen ere nianiestally :equated to 0011.000 W
Civet. end exaMine the &Dom erhae, elea.tha WOO
I. ems. - Iay2LIJ -
Ow. E. EielbarcaL civil Mgtlo o 4
WILL ATTEND, in any part of the coon=
try,a , tasiarnry,loantloa of
VA&ode, Alsantannsed 6.1 Sank Mdse. Loeb.
Duns. An. for an or duklestor as sollrlaprer
mrs . gr4rsa4l 22 /4 sod annsts.6 of oast of say of
Ho Ell goo sttend to the divide. of A.A. otd Wk.(
ont uar.
r a!kV . drawings of =WS nar, Patna OF
age h rt t anrolre Groat rt., rm.. the eon.
Mrs., ftetsbargh.
R D.
B. A. W. Lannts. Shea Dakersll, Esq.
M. D. B. Crsig.l.l.. Wm. Elehbaum. •
J.. ISCESIT---- 036.1331.
Hlll3innr & SINCLAIII,' •
IViiOl4E SALE dealers in Groceries, Glue,
• rah. Salk Plaster, sit, No. TO at :Net. sad ITI
street:Cisvelsta. Obto.
Pub dusts, =dem eausigiursuits.
Agents tos sli gissathosta sad Proissibors n tbs Lakellas.
,Wm. A-Otis k Co.,..(Asselandi
Niles t Wheeler . aas*
T. M. Ito.. Cashier, Pittsburgh.
AUgi:m:ub:r Bradley,
No. 79 Wood street, bdinsen Ant and Senna eta.
MLIMPAOTIIRER of ovary dosciiption
IVA of COOKEVG STOVES. at Oho =of ItOf.
ter melt so ollt reader do boot
Uto—YARLOft ItTOVES. ammo voltutti •111 *mod
/moll tlt hoot's tolobratod foLllng doer Yorice Storm Ego
Moro Itultofett•ofroloklin.'ttover. ploin sad hoof ttrobm
to .bleb on Invite 'the towns= of butliar.llo Eattle4
Rolla* W ottolo_Bout, to to all of wow% toomotto
the att. tits of &alms tofos• porettoolott olooortutro.
IF.O. B. ARNOLD A. CO. basethis day as
eorfacrri with them JOUR D. fICITLLT. She etsle at
ty.erne will tre es heretofore.
ilk:M=o. Mee let. lea. foreh
H °NEWER & CO., Importers of Wines,
Imen. MI -I.l4ame, =id Swim
. Chem:lBl Emlthtieltl etnot: be-
(Formerly the Exchange,)
Corner of Pena-and St. Clair Streets,
1,0,•.ryQ: 1 0:1
9gHIS spacious, central, and moat convent
4atly kcand HOTEL. ban mterPdair vs
sled. and thorossady mats. and tmprova to boa
op. far ths aomoaeoa of Q. Debit.
Ma subscriber. Was and propr . at am ET. CLLlpenile
11r3., ht. Wands sad dm
that ba his = Ma tnest a . ltgastand aandbrtr
N. stilt and =Dior. competent assistants Lad atsentt.
and as fel secants. and that ha kill span 1...1km
to mate 11 canal u. am boos. tha
Thy wall lust. mural loc.. or 10. sad et.
' , ma... , a It. tttT.S....ts, randaring It U. sosattlansa.
to sLeft and bone for It allterrel stars of roon
A.MUEL. HROESEN keeps constantly Mlu on
as.. ° V.TeS'ant, 3
Wooden 'We trene. DI7 Ileunreo. Vete and rry
Wish Booed r esel all attire lamb, of Iran tde
Waxman, Nowak 11211, FM idreet. Ptideberrifba:e
DR. J. J. MYERS—SurgeoaandPhysician.
oita, sad dwell: AL comer of
Dar t%WWri row, No.
bra 'bird ot net ova don &tam Emalthfold st. ' •
irc. !Iran bow paratatratir looted Pittsbaspb,
.111 atutad the that. Proloolun. telll ere
particular stteation to Bounce. cum mad tba diffirana of
wrarrr sad chlldren. ardWark
Ptah Assartment of Spring Goods.
riII : TOMAS PALMER is da. , rixeiting
. from Os Erten titkes, at W stand.
No. 55 nut= STALL!,
&wren Third and lowa straw, Pi:tab:ink,
wimedyu tibia brand otock. at tbmeabiaatlibl
PAY= ILILNGLVOS Out S. tbafibitbYt
tow pap& This polterus us eralray aro. Llao
TroarbarlY dust sod Lisa aplaro. La poaut dim.
Witty. unormaipol. Yr= 10 mats u priool
mg , To atu-sttly•lotof soma.= • seen or
coratetiazzatbi me% fansud by Eels tlasn drocrlyt.l..
astautiou rourchaats am% house beepus Uart.
innted. -
RAVE FITTED UP, (on the lei[ York
skim) b lo
s. 4 esso7 sPlro pmtor brin...n , of Co
I Com 3larssiol olobio g
Na tarldoestla soda; soul hale wises. two Logssl woo
art sossolor sacruswort of dada Do Lairs. Beccowls,
French owl Oerossor Lls=ask Woes. tomoulr,
num.. Qantas.. Tustrry Mod Moods, Mom. of t oco of
avow bad. Law Crawls , . floored rusl Warn Nusla. Vol
land of 011 Worst width. Omsk.* of 36 40.05w0l Pollwb
stylos. Door Mos. Wlorlow Bawls wad tibolsol>atslo
Bordsos sod Bowls, Cortsiw Ilss. nasals sal Tswel boss.
Cord. Mt sod Wornact. MS Claws. owl /Mono Mu ,
wallas st d LOOMIdIt Orrooterpsass sool coloo3
Goosfools. M.Mus.. Beds awl 5446105:
All orlors Munition) melted and promrtly
016 WM. NOBLE. Third-suss&
No 74 Aura d o seal to Dose at liggnirah.
Naos awl Drafts oollocterl on all WI/ a Cu tredoo..—
Stock+ , boorbe one sal oseasolooloo. fableloorT'
TAMES WILSON has remoz'pd his MU
nod Cop ROT to No. 01 Wood greet, tlileddoos month
Distoood oiler.
EO-PARTNERSICIP—rfacing taken lily
coo. Edweid P.... Misc. two pannoreldp In .
we will beweetter do bsolocto
celer C' eo " ntio ' lf t r. H ,' Mr.N a tos oi wom
' ilSas W1L.50 4 g ,
P. 2.—Jactee Wilson condom* the Mt tod Cep eon ,
No. 2 Ferrel sheet. Lllsdleney Citr, lotel=gl 2, -
I.,Wilson & Son. •
WHOLESALE and retail Illantiflatl-4
rem an d dialers to Horn mid Casa . Nck.
treet: third dam Arlo. pommel Allay, Pine.
tareb—wtosm they once NI sad otmaslota fUr.k ol
and Caps of chill own .od Emdena t ossmesetuna erecr
vaunts amt
t o. by anaemia and ratan: std Melte tn a
attention of thins customer. and ala m ann, eaturing them
ULM taker nllll6ll cm the scat renamono tams:
Busiims Tax for City Yarrow.
IA pursuance of "an Ordinance providing
pis the imirefwe of the &enema on• rnr.
%bib April ISA" re.toe to a..or Wee, tbst the Cie) .
Ammar j 11•15 least arks, fur ethouriatiorti or eltirao
- • bet of the meow dotrie broth.. In th. elt7, so
eontermity with seA thrithato•
.Bso.l. uptot elthilthrith of add Ifet, thy persons
rhea Wok. thththelvee eprieeoit by the which they ideal MU. the woe ea sthilerit, which edam , .
moll Moo wra th : • elethipeot of the Uwe amount of OW
Wen. ea Peer se nth bemeertabitel; aftharit lobe
left the MT Troarrithr, within two' , ado from She
data el the first rroblitation of th e notice efervesid
Ithe d. That 00 efibeel 1000 th taken bet be the .11'
Olt of the perm or Prot w tw. telt. efliththth w to
0000riteree eirklarita of the facteltated pa ratlike to
amen In of Wet
Api emir roost be mete within two teethe from thle
date- -pion 7 th. oo
6. 11...Rmissru0.
City Triewether.
- -
se You Subject to the Tooth Ache.,
rWINE you hollow teeth? If so, ueo
Puntilro a 31AYEILIV Trench Too th }55051. 4
11.11 abl• or makes emyouud. 41.4444 mita kV.* the
tastb, or mouth, al Use 44441 , 4•• sur r eetrbieocapatUoundo
1, 4 ••*/ 1 4 .= 4' 4. tray, at e or bey own 4attles
Respen4e, C04jV14,116 3 .6
jell I 0 Yical .tree}. Plar4i44.
Greenwood Gardens.
<§TRAWBERRIES, frosit from the Vines,.
.'l now eerred no at thla setreat- Al.. Crew end
erieten with all thodellateles of thosamon Th. pin*/
le omelet the Wont of its beauty. An Omnibus leaves
the °mew of 1010 and Market streets *eery bolt hour:
and the
. steamer Ottelltag , ,tzree knt suelAidlnir
" i3 1
.41Vgin' ` LA.lot Pant*.
10 •- hnglitti and Franck Dray Eta, tar ntm•
' ,afblvlt Bilk Warp Ciatrianta, FOT
A 11.
, 14 1414,011 min tOl lEarselllos gad • 1,11:710,!„
jUL Ulmer ft Co'. talutrrate.l Hsi Ed Ydocan Tork..
meiml. Atom the lasonfutonr,P4flad.iatia. coMips.
moat and tar We or . Mt:4=TM
Tor manna of flnlsb and 13241M0 them Yotlce
moot. be urtamd: sad the low prim at which they ere
mohl.tocut Insure theLelatroductleth Mad).
Curled Hair -Matrasses.
tHAVE-ou . umia a large stook of 3lutroeo•
mars& out ogr ar. /Ler. - Thorvtdlmp Epit rata
Tbjrd rbyrt, appoelb ihiPUroti.)tNos..
' Paper. •
PAP7II-360 Yana LI try 83 Panting Pt. 17.1
300 . 12b132 " •
600 " 1867 74, 24 6,71 "b 7". "
400 114:riZit'aPC17 •
1200 Crvra War Parr:,
400 " Dou to
700 ' Matiom
ate Idoalsze i ra BIM& C7.".R fur .2;
rbe nederalgraxt luepf anat. y bard asal
[attar.mak. Oro sad alma smartadmt et
71. er
.144. Cap, flasulrant, asa Tea k!apanr, Loma
EV."-titlng of ;11 dux. 71:0:papar smasthature t arose- rs. •
• Yriating 4447" - 0.4. 10
1 ,, b16
7ThES-33 D r y Fr u it, for lisle IT
"lICE -----r--- ACON- 7 casks &des, for sale by
11 P B.* W. 17.011AUGIL.
LOUR-100 bbls. Now Lisbon Stm.
1. . s
as tam., aff sate by B. W. lIA#BAUGLI. •
B 0 J RIX--4 cases:lle .m ?ti
il ed a,=ml for sate by
BLACK-30 bbLs.ftee'd, foi sale by
f 1 01-33 t on e Allogherty, for sale by
It. MIT. r .4 Chenth Ben/Jelt
.rada—O bta., pure Cille ors
r, f
p 010
B ROOMS -150 des. Ohio, for sale by '
pip:btu—% boxgs:oheese just received
c a al "W"' n " rtalt =MON
• 812.1 X BEIM
OY 3TEPIZBB 7013: THE niorru.or JUNE
rank: frfiliTaf. —•
PACIPIC. Nye. for NV,' May
ANlKM.C.A,anennon.for 31
NUROPA,Lott, for New Taft
MIMIC. Late, for Nrw r0rk........ • ..Jane 11,
- CITY .t)egroVt.f,tiaLGriiii= it
A CAMBRLA lteefiew4, for nosson.—.... 71
BALTIC, Desottook, from New
FIUCA. Itylie, from bimr —.Jane 4
CAN ADAJlarrion, from
NORTII ASIEBICA. illothrea, from Now Tork..--.7uae 1.
)11e1A4mIkiwe. from New
PACIFIC, N from Neer 'Tart .71
AMERICA, Shannon [roue
NIAI3O I / 1 Memo. from ul
Jy 6
IVT B inteftL i tVOT
AOCTIO, Lum, leom'New My 6
CAUDNIA. flexile
TLIZ CO.. from al y 17
'• LINEN TO NTI:I7.NT OF straorE—Rom 1
lINILViNiq; Crabtree- ----J.... IS gull TI
OHIO. 8e enek
•.....__.—........ .Jam
C1073. 0, 11' CITY.
now elands cornet, t the letter.
Ottemberte, Cbutbrrebarg. 11111Melphth
No= Lamm, Omtre aoi Northern parte of N. Took,
Delserme, Nes Jetory. aml the dr. Nom Noirleod Mem^
nor Urltlah .Prortnem of Loeser Canada, Nom tkotia, rod
New UmnserkkAltar. Anima at .16 4. s 1 Deterts u 1 ,6 t.
Noma Earnme.—Brlltalredlle and. //011MalAmtin
Indredltur the rotratlee of Bred2M7,omblikeentry,.Clire
too, Juniata, Lyenotham. Macao, Potter, P.M.
Unkm, and part of Weetmondand, rte IdrorMort•
orrmarttle, Elam m Mids. Neer'Alosandrla. and MM.
,rortnty. Arrival &kiln It 11 r.N.I depart. WIT at
7ta a. n. , •
Eant--11r Itutler, Pa., Meow, Craribrd, and Jefersod
montage. It elders partMN eirrork and opperCatords.daltf.
.s e rm u s age utNare...Vtlf"_ Green.
Fayette. rtmenet, part of Westmoreland avatar.Vder,
Marylandalartiman,Wealanadon Cntr, Walls. end est
ens parts ot ak, and Indians. Ilentookr,llllnols. Tomes
ere, Atalarma, lassoort, Mlattodypl, Means.. North Caro.
he e,neorals. Loureterr* Fluids. and Tema, delly. Arrives
at 9)6 1,04 sad departa at 60'm.
41 1 4 r Yet =, ' i1,71 1 1 1 ' ` at ltt'rknl to. "lV4
on, Carroll Hoo
,me, and Ttrecerateras oennatter.o4 Mgr.
Arrives al 11 r. dna. at. 11 A.
Nam VI ranza.—lre Bearer, Pe.. anenterslarel,
Dearer Co., iNdusaldkas. Trataboll, Ponage. Geerrpot,
aab Mho l,bterk,W ay ea Modem Coraboss„ Smote tjake.
Itichlend, Lorain, llorm, unarm Frte. madmar, Wood.
rad Lau. anallea, 041.), the entre!. mettmre moat*.
of the Mateo of lmilsea and 1111no4,loslading all hlteld.
gm, lona, and Wleament, Sally. Arlin at 11 A. rt.; d.
parte at 6 a. at,_
lirrratme..—Br tharpeburg.floastors, arprlngfreld,Tertrm
tom, Freeport, Mummies. barkledaltse, Ammtrone,
ton. sod Ceerfuld mom., elamtod Ar•
rho at 4 a. ar.rttl departs at 7 r. sr
suses3.-11., Wmitml, Zellemple. Porters.
rpla,llartim mel New .Lodce. Arrive. Tender.,
...04:0+ r. &Parts Wader.,
wir•Z=7 Mem' etty. AMT.. ,Tneerdate, nidays,at• • P.X.;
TIM W.duoley. sed fatonlaye, at 6 a. a.
1n5.1•116,...Ar eutreVe Ron,
mom arm,, persalorthunea, UsantrWa. Berermer M ..42a
non. Coantom. Pert 762661. La 4. Liberty. Uppar Middle
ton. P.. ladles Samlare WeetrasadAys. ins de-.
parte Mondate nal TA6reltes, 0.9 ra.
NA,—lly Slater!. tainv i. :=LigliCilM
grt r itott ". Arrtne C aTon2.= ThateMle. et ppo l,
a. SU
d e m,. kelt ors and Thertalam at 1 0. s.
— Yammer, V.. —Dr ChM" ltaretakeville, 31orm. Mow
tours, Irmlfon Est... Pa. I _armies, ya. Attires cm
Frid s = o , l o b at_4 A = Tn‘rria=itetim Apollo,
Mriees on irelosehryt, at Irr. t.. dpartrtm Idacelal
at b .m.
Latc - nre6.—Hr Lop= Yam. Anima bit Yrktar, at
J. vat dont. airtairdar, Wmint,
nb A. • '
rtaflillllr~p~eeet, 51 ,-111 Hormnille. Ittralmn.
hintona,L., Mehra Romeo and V mina.
.ounter. !ann. tri,nelin-161 .....166alay, a. 111., an departs Tillman, an
tamosin, Cif A. X. •
Len. 6.• th. ant br In the
-.. e taw hoar
t o
Mtn dwn ant inn .
Par „ markirmab ne o in la. mastb. 111 W Oitteithalt =boast
mumm wc► w nurrerremtan tarrnt. IT
N. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers.
ti..-d 7 /With atrthethem third and await& Pdtabova.
MR NPILVARLd. ,Branob at thualllon----1(
Pant of ralabarg—paril i at W00r...1.----do
=UV:ea ', it --
-.= a r''' .l ' .11 ? 'Ls'''.
mtt .. . ' -;;::"... dg
Ithth of Dvatthroa-----Pa o CPI 0.06.
Totht of North Athericv-vao CothOurolal PlEClthlartatido
Bata MT.:cilia IdNortioa.par Vrasktho Pank---
- do
Liao, of Peothilraols--mlLadootth 43004« _--. ._..d0
Yank alPann Toarnahlp-zitdo LTA Ina.* Tout Ch-do
Ilthk of the Unitod Swot I: Worm= Cour. Eaolr—do
Comothodal DIMIk of Pa-par Rapt of alsothan------do
tianaate iill•ctualanllr. .Ithall 1i0..----....-414
Cthud llama ----Apar ; 3EW ciLAND.
EosslngtouPapth..----parthllaolvont 0----.. 3*
Mansitopt Moab Badth-par Nrw 418.15.. -
nogotsthar Pa7.-_-.-ptire Tort thta-.---addt
11= IW--P" "'"
- Wl:Er '''. h
Us —.par MAR
ap,pap.a Rapa _par Ilalthodtv.-...----1=
Vio k =t at l at ' . 'k---- "igairil .- Ela -fr i lth.i
Bank of Clothbesaburgh- 3% Pdvsat bedtha-.....-.. 111
By* ps Mao." ty-par VRGNIA.
Beak oUndsoPth....-.....-pst clam Vathy--.-... Id
Pardo olßl.Co..thregarthark of Vlralpth Raththosth A
that AI GionsPoddand--par El. IlithEOP.llorall.....
Bank of lletodatarob...... 3( Farpoof e•az a 0 inrinu ~.
Rooth of Lealotthrot...--.. - Iththanth A Ifftth. ath. N
r..12x of li North Weald= Edth—
kroVlTt7thcatoPlaadrat'l ZNORTII.C.Laiirr
...,-. 7ilßaoa a c . 2. 1... -
I optuabta Et A IdroithikAdarrk eat. ll.Carcurp.-.
1 Doilothath thoth----pa Coadurclal Bald Ithathea I/
Easton Barth. -------pr 31orthante IMP Nowhere ;
MO llank..-,-- -Id BOLTII C ELVA.
.I , 47NAth'llt or loath. 00-own eau, iSt. ot &Cared. 2
lanaoth' IR 011.tauththopar,Bank, of South Caron---.
Yaratant that ofthathod valltholo ortharlotha---... 2
Vara. Ilkol.burlaillOoPao thathore a Iloolthoka' EII a
larl Dr.. 'A aanothand- 36 GEORGIA.
n a plalplth.lthablgloapar. APPasta lusAtAaaklag Co i
W0 b Na.V.... "1 7.=: k lit Da
of tirtsAtigthla 3
Lathartor Baal -..,---par TERRA:PRES
Larpthar County Podth..-pat All solrect tooth-- --. 3
kli=liallieli-an mecifraNgirdik, N
,hear:1, uk ol ' ar=
a K
,v,...1., k.,wa1,b....t... , ,it 50i , at... 14
p.:ardOi...Z-7=.. tin oddittinn7 7l. -- 7 i
Ohio radithank.---36 Huth Ruth soul bralothe.-50
Unmet et AktoP--......-Aothank of E1100th...----15
thabch at Att.ths-.....-_do 11115thIRSIN. .d
RTa V. uchlgu.,--.--"......4.12"4'" 6m/6"1.11,9'. d to
8... a, ar.Clroo/aad..._-..10 Vann& dlethathoe 8.. k 2.
Raz& az Takla -_-_doCoraramont ;tooth Bank-. 3
IIZIgt i,:i=-.-....4n-igr.....-e=i-7.7. —.I
~....,CohnoLus--.....dotathla Rank- ----........ a
otrapoh at de,abpth....-do 1 CiNADA.
ilosoch ad T i t:cp , dol ER 1 01/ I .74;4l l :thrithithove
1 1 011:11 1 1rl ' ey ' -- 1-- .7:2. ll tazik CI M01t7.1 4. ...... ‘"0 t
llosnro at Pant of U.Capads. Toronto a
I/ moth ate. lonabut-.......d0 EASTERN EXCHANGE
e t
Cady Ou No. look (prom ).---N
Rolm; et Cada do Oth iladolPath do---“-Nt
Utscold at
Loo, Cro Baltlthora do_-_ 1
linnet. at M001....111. do! WEETEILII EECIIARIN
-110.000 at 7,17. Vornop- _do'thorthaatl-. . ...,-....- 1 (
11'"t ' al 2.lTrr - .. ..-11: Iftg i li. "-- ....
dlf:ot Ittarl../fai1172.-....11%.,11/Eraf..Vl6. a.
Bothell at Troy dol do 11.1.674--..124 0
lloacted. at UP llosoant- Ao,Eaale.oth-- 10,60
thaw:Eat 'thoirilla doiLadlo, now..------/OPO
Enact at Nora/Lit -_-_do
Trod., 7,b(1
Ileanth at M..-- do,TeArb.a...------. 1 . 60
Ereach at Sthtathouth......dollllllllo,-................ (..00
1,1,70 4 1 OA 'E.Z. - '''''''''''''''''''''' til.
ura.r.l coutu.t
oyooo4aL.....:noiNspe..--- ..
liraocla al.
1011'0 ATZ,D UT
, flocis.
iNelmors Dalt— ...
Allmimar lattintp - Beeta
Hard at.
1111111.0. , Brid.P.—^1
WeStell2 hllltlll4o.
...metaled trimaaa'a Ca
Pitt.gil to
Pr ' W h.
ZAIL teAk. 11.ACLAM2141
• t=ilT.
Sr:14:0. Avli';-
k Ohio flat Rout
Okinklual Wel , elle
'Marino Dry Dock ,
Valett• Co.----. 1
Crie MUT tellld)ti
Do. sa.).
Tort!, Crvok /It Road
MING a P...rad' l 4
'Dreamt's. Turnpike ._
ctUrtiort Coal CO
gitoburab a Badoa
VO. ALICK.P.Z.L2-4.0 qr.bbls. Far
Clottly =NE= lift or 11A1/11 DICKEY it C,
Won't and Front inn
INS ED 011.-10 bbla. far sale by
-EA '735 Itol3lBoll. urns. aW.
...._ _~µ -7 y , ~,.r...•~5r~ _",Y'~~ u ' l ,:r;.; r.:r..,::~•-er".r..~,:~....,.;c~?k~'+.5:
"?,- ------- -7 ' • - - - - • : `" -'- ' ; i',, - ' , , - . -
. * 4 ,4 . -.., • _ _
1 1 .
, .
, T
.. . _ _I-
. _
UNE 20, :18.9:
:.; l' fo I
117 I
lac, 10-.06
Igo iuos
1 100 t ua 1
1001 110
11X1 08
11011 00
108/ id 1
100 a
, 10) 11,-
I onutu.
t. Fob lt
totdo ido •
r or
r r 4 la
• do
.. l Ei x
I 24
-6 3.1
60 48
60 1 16 16
Dl,Mar 4%ict
601 60
ct.Div.Qr.3 IR
Diy-11 pre 0 mo
t o / 4 0 4
111 110
I b 0
IN, 45
I I ".1
60 51.
1 02 14
HAVE on' hand u 194 . gp nanortment of
WINDOW 0011N/CCS and CUIiTATS 114:0f,of slew
;.ot .
BACON -43,000 lbs..Shouldero;
zoo Hu= for na k si•
• ROLIIMON: urns 1 , co.
RIED BEEF-2000 lbe.for sale by
1/10LASSES-200 bble. N. 0., for sale by.
TkitTE ! D'FBUIT-7-550. bn. Peaches; . -
a 0 atm. ,
nuaators elroii.l.l
—6i.ertlackeati and subeezipt
Santa p.m recoi,rd and ilsnrardeltree of mean. frcaa
. . OM. Prmereon Gunn 1
• • ,:. • Frld.. June 9. I '
T. muter rnetenie7 v. ire..t.lntalet, and nutting
transpired, eo fa se vo could lam; droving um xcutadal
v.rlssim In pricy. The Ireelher vie dear cool and pleat.
ant for the season.
YLOUS—The receipts r TeLderday were more abtauland.
batpeing to the *Teeter Meth. of it being for east=
Ailment. the sales on tha lame were lttntted. MobeblY
not a:metaled MO Mts. wbkb' were taken et VI 12 dr 316
bbl. The mks from stop tm Wad lota only. tar amp;
Wham nonsamptiet. et la MOP arore.Lbranda. There
to no Mango In city mills Oos3 emanate.* boatmen las
been doing at tat . • t
YLOQS—Secriptabatp eom.foywerdrery sioutns
tr. and des Mae been moderate. We duple it $2 bed:
from dna hands. and ST 761ga,soybbl, from 'lore. In smell
•• • •
lots - • •
fair regular bait/ %a %ea doieiri. a
at former rates—ear i , e .brat CO. t 6468.. -u faauaLc7.
rye e 5. corm 3:481. egg oala zgasifrom dnt 1.04.
PROVIAIONS—The mural couleur eteady but guild.
stemare conened uriuotealy emalnote. We quote
od city cured at Me llr tom, 810:3.8% for Wee.
.rd Ise. Oil.. auger eared a.-
Vasald b.= w.IOX. p ID. Egea7outuarl eared baati at
alnut OA for shoulders. 8 fbB .14. 80d 8)0:1304o for hazti
Very Mau tm. term dales le 1,24...P1iLka 8.105
We quote aciridnally so 8.1i6.9348,.:8a1ta dried ludist
Its,'s 1m; .itb
BUITER—The mariget coatlsoat, deal, and rims :ether
We qtiota feral roll 11110510 A ordluen' de at M.? ,
and poked st 734traXe '
r CIISE6B-41alee of WB. in small bola, at OX 63‘
lifted quality. •
Tbe Ibbeibte Ls • MA of do eisabbe4a
eTerf velem
ater Crease., 111.
irete. " l%
p2ave . , 63,x60.
DRIED suiai—W. n from g V 45
for peadre. sae 7641,60 e An , 40,14. i
Otlsteertleles us gestrelly Veet r 0 .. 3 . 1 4 ,4 a
from our last meet.
0110018 . 1 , KLEMM
• .Nor GUAM. June
SUGAR—no gourd Ime bead extremely quiet 41.1. r
the past ohmedays, bathe steak being Lida. holders ore
more deo gout la th eir I/Meade., and purchases esanot
be efLmed unless at outuds. dewed, We row knots lad
dor M me r men at 4341§1,R. isir bk.ddlic pad
PG.° R' 0 .R 0 el W 4 036. The bates mend.,
167.. iacluding 400 seeterdew.. Receded dtteo the-4th
Ind. 230 beds and 176 611 s. .11400 0 .1. 7 fowl= atei'M
latter to Imemo. Week's romp.. 901 aids wad 341 laßlo.
Ex t. le forger GM 117 latter. I
110 por LASSEP--21e market condo o-6 Wad i,. sad bed
altneet entirely conflued to '.dl transoctieho. the .
MtitexaM for the mud thew dam not exweedink sok Md.
meetly at MV27c for moot fermenting sad 2.04.04 for ri
ddled. The traametlam la Caw Ineltdo 1672 pko 6l
auction.. WrolueedaY. mobreehm 11 Wale 411 tes and
53 bbl. elaywl 6.L 1410. 621 do. la errars, at DC: sad 37
abed.av at Me. The 10 h 1104.11 md 14ds
I ewere sulandowally Meld at private sale et 160 on
Shad with Mom. Iheelved allow the 411 last, 3/0 Md.
Extorted 'M bblx. Week'. 'relate 631 ale sad 34 61
kstems ith femur and 14 MM. e
606,16 E—The Ides of Ulu dadwir the poet three
maul, about 2900 1/s^ at prim Midair
the tall of the Mee arefdie. Idardelee Neatly
doletwat. ode the stork down et 10.000 tam. Melo/had
1.740 la sewed heads. ani ma 44.132 ot the corrwelluarte
hut year. de e mis a dleaey of 19.012 bask Tae mer.
Impart. from Sept lot to date. 23410 tags. axdast 21 7he
same tune led demon. Red the conetwwe reedpre 31,41.1.
.49 31900 63:c4..1 0 .tat a are Mame of 19.012 beg. Tn.
weekk de rum up Acme dr. home no week's azdeals
maxim ma cargo contafalag 9004 144.—{Ralletla.
The ening, reoebed . TOO held. 393 at whieloweTs 3okl
tAtahr i tkon. 112 TreTo I•l3.over, .4 193 driTITT to
rangtd from SI OD to 4 10 oat lb. We.
0007 Tb ott, sad ass:Newt u. 4 Erm. 30W To 14
• Hop—Tbs. is • wood 407917 . . We ottota at $0 W 46 /0
RAIL ROAD STOCK4II• aatica tae Pala at tba
&labia flack Raul, oar - Alailetla inst. of Aneskany
Co R R Ro at WI. Alma II abates Iferetwato wad Maan—
fastnnas !mak. Pittennh at $ 53 . '
- colamo.or VIE trarrEn BTATEII.
The Exprem bee the *Mowing statiette• dth. Ceaztairme
of the U. 8, compiled teom the beaks of the Departmeet at
0.11.? , Ure ritatement of reCepts from Costoms.erolitldra
' of dro.son and Calllcinln. tor Ibso-1.1.
Trim lit .107 4 . 41. rt itstolulSSO. =AMASS'
Pee= Li Agra. WA. to Pth Arita, •
MO, . b.M.PIi:.
Pr= Li 31st Jiarob . , .. ,
Arm Ist cf 7.61,4.64.8
April,. to oth 35.wW, . ;
, 544..!.L1.34
1 ;-----.--
Itterease. $7.75/..7..1
*Oct or two raporta to cottowAn; mar 'an Vila • *wail..
She Callfarala rm.= Iran Imrcato. willch will - go
' laic the prownt toad year mount. for lb. Itrai that draw
lb. hirsliorskiwa of that Rau, will exam/ two adllititas of
dollars. Thera was about OIL =Mica fir tha first boll of
the last fiscal year.
IttrigrPTS 18011 LANDS. - '
•—•—-• - „ _
' l•rosn 31st July, ISOO. to 31.4 3..) . . 1951. '
Quutarereilng 30th 110 . 010 toter. 1450. 631:.01196
MK 130r.t00001 . . 1600 • 1:01,507 00
.•• ' 314 «Wel, 11S01, • eCurqs 79
1.748,407 79
From Lit April to 31st 31ay. ~PM: ...V.O.Caa AT
Total.B2AZLOOd tr.
Tba aoaLnados alba Eacratary of th. Traanury ooto Pal
th• rimanne ...ila probably . moib atsA.o.otiO• .04 ' , b.
Cotoralsatonot of th. Load 015te band Ms toleulattatio op
ott an et math :zealot 'of 131,060Au0. • obaraks tbirivill
melt. notoiq• *aaAtas all tb* ioamasuption Rom the laad
booatlog to about too valltons tea Ituatrad *mi. !
dollaat • .
. .
We thut in the `Femi" of the 6th Ina, m able =tide on
Me Minute of the Island. In the protium of Cubes the
Taro says Uni Import. Imm neettfastst ltSli 51 mat. end the
mycrta hem likewise Illecress.4 mot. ootoltest 4
with the same period of the yrolous jeer. This nlnallams
Con et the myott Is count. biL7ll Ch• lord, la aCross nom"
en. by the Mom. In Um proMotton .oOslesPotonlion Of
Coffee; which ankle Mom the IsfewMmume of fro. /Sao
MI arrobsa—mt. snobs. is V.As—to 33,1•01 ntrobes. notwilb
mantling the export. of snow: sad omPtoed WOse .
been snob Increesel. The results In the protium of
Comte Mindy. do not show No much llnmuatlon sethkee
of Cubs. noteMbetsnellas that the =se causieslattd to
Innuence them Cosh: Th.. L. 1110.114 .10 . 115
motiemstire export/Ur Cubs aml Motto PtimiDe by the
yours 1650 and 'SI:
10sn: C'ubn. Puerto Prlsuipe.
' Boor. total.
Moths. 1
limey, mask. 1:110
Cot...mass. 160.561 OIS 111.170
Tobacco. leaf. km 147U.11: 18.5(3 I.V.ACC't
tomufectuted A SI. - .701 0,056 . ;.517,
Isusni, home, 1 1.007 5M11.17 00.1
/lona. mete. 1.018 10.001
WS L Hum.yi la I
CMse.r 00901
Totetoos, teat: 0 L' - ! - '• 1
mama 31, 1,053 :1011 1,110
Tboonl. lotloo enSuClMMCcomtel maa boSee. ntsl
that of tobacco the IseCollLai los. The saw:tattoo
of hooey has fallen off 400 ; eta, that of Aura 401 11000.
thin of tamialsoturM tot/v=I.OIISW me. ea tbet tors
fee the rem oonsidroble .moot of MOOD errotts•
n 19.4 1 -1. Jena 7th.
The abtpmanta a .ugas daring UM boat month b.f.
been lam., =bunting , to 'MIX* bees., Ind.:tang Illtde
hem tbla and 31Manue. Pekes were maintaltmdlintsl
middle of Lb. montn, anace gluon. oaring to ibo omit.. .zed
momMtf of ablOrlog'. - Mb demand las fallen 04. and &de
cline af ba• bobnnub mined to: Ore Peeeent.
qoutatioso rang. aa cohortcohort Coco notbos ~n edionfT
Taller." abbalf,. middling doblifte h. to. do tddedi:lon
doe Nega. ordinary white,: 1)440. middling do BMW. dna
and Ylorate do Baba • bloseortel.tes &WA Amett'ld
net. for for Bmln comma.% alt;ov •
Idolaimes - baa /mmond In. mum. out mem rale* of carii
mop, In goof easta,haegterto Mad. ea hbilb 23 r.
quote te. wk. llf to Tim 01 to ll'e' Ca. oe
Cat f. o. b.)
ottta boa continued rem
itsass—Taira a far.: axao tm amsaaal. by
metal mark. UM arming:mei StJltmg.
ettabloaslloloojok•or• •
Bearer. tionlo. Basra. •
Actootle. Porkirma. Brownville.
J.. l[ew4bYwu. &Gael:sport.
Redstone. Wood.Trd. Yo•owa_priLlo.
nos tibrioaralz.Veot I•tnrtoo.
?Impost ,. Wow% INwoom , tl
Mot No %rain', Cuad.
jhorool, omire.U4 hallo/4.
W it terd p** ft "'
TR. oa, Ter.
At.leatlo, Perkl tvent. 'lmmurelllo.
tlicirible hr* piter4tZl= '. .
Itcdstesue, Woodw•rd,l3renrieretyle.
TaTearorw.sturdork. earrilie
-1.1.11e, Youog. PirldeTiort
r.zoel. Wldeellnt , •
• roa run.apisMin AND HAMMO/oj.
D Lona t Co's Ihmmmayr
s Ram LI.. dolly at SA as a
I. m.
CINCINNATI—Imo No :. r •
=porn n Brum. •
1.011153ILL1:-142 Otiaccs-3 bbLabataaras doteldrou
043 bit "ire 5 Mattel Co 43. bbla limo 2 to do Job la
Grier: 21 bla 2222 Volliath 2 Co: 4 Wads 1 ha tab Mallon
ld; aka lbativvansedek & Ca, PI bhda tub
I Gralr2 Ca
Ida bla cotton 3140ortottl: 142 .bbla at lataltylt Moan; 21
5534 tub Leach a Co: 44.501 cup :ellen a :902:12
plou4b olaba tvang i Co. -
WELLECILLIJ—Pra. 3Caa11.1.-160 bbla evat 4:2opar
Murray: :.0 do :I' stasirooT . 3l o .42 - 690 Isit.L . 6
ritegE7at =WTI tnV l igrat a 4g: C iWtot
1102ava: 2 dot:drraada Norris: 44
. rca hoot: Ander
scou 30 do noue atrabstro22_2 Croats: Jo Rune' itasl , ll
Bdo D Ilangbay; 20 do 3 Wanly: !:.3 142 wool Oval' &
2314E5rILLE—Pct 3cdts Loo-.-9 hbda top (lie 2
Co: 6 do 18 Toth. laather lamb i CU;- 1 151 bolter artroas: 1
do =oho.* Z.:O do 6022.1:212. 64. Wlrk. 312:22.11.02.
' WlttELLN(a—Pza Jul :ituayo-1 2 roils leatbsr 16650
gl aagara arab t. Ca. 1b: do Clark 11:441 3 bas I doe
r royfatb: 6bo a wool 10224 8 Co, 13
aatbdr 6 1.'616 d Co; 13531. paper. N P 3tanbal2 33 bbls
144124 BuCom I Co: -
i Div. 1650, ElO
, . .
13P.11 , 0EPORT—Prz Tretursun..-48 And. fair 46 bbl.
your .2.5 6661.119 Dloglun. 10 'ail I float Clark i !Mimi
10 61106b4.uKma 10 60 gob lira 6.66:1 04 mat &IV flan
160616 b 0 mks .brat Wiltnuttt 'SI , 4/4c st 514 s posit lOs
CINCINSATI—Y. WPM N`o fl-2: Iru ea It
pgg c tr . r i ts . l l l : 3:l=.lit t L t ors .
1:41E-50 bbla. WAito
by. =y - Ai E 901.11111 t 11=133=1". •
ru - . 46 ftr, ENa b lain amrairrr.
ye an Maid ttl , 4b. artit byrdidalacch
wAxxs Azov! szatremasat
The Mort impreseloo. on seeing the Holy City,
le ark agreeable dies*ititutent to find it, as com
pared with other F.satent cities, so well built,
and sunetraded with walls awl '..battlemeata so
impaling. Another source of surprise is the Dra
fted ansatioplid hi the city . Other precast-
Ceived spun= will have to be corrected es the
traveller. widke &bent Zion. . '
• To those Who have seams to' Dr. Robinson's
elsbOrste deiscription, or who have even visited
the eosmoramio view of Jerusalem, to be seen in
. ....... .
Prof. Battler's intarestbitr exhibition, or who
1111T6 eiszninal the atilt more miun4 ~and &CCU-.
rar,e ptintsof Bartlett, labia sketches of scenery
in sacred places, little need be said of the gener
al aspect or topogriphy of the city.
The pres6it trials are Baracenia, . They were
rebuilt, of hewn done, obriottaly of oldnuiteriaLt,
and well laid up, by order of the Sultan Ettleiman,
A. D. 1542, , and hate been preserved in good
condition. The area embraced within their lint.
its is, the Northern* half of Meant: Zion—the
whole of the ancient temple area-110TM, and
a portion of Acre and Beset* on the :West and
North ; the cirounferenee of which, as measured
by Pro. Robinson and Smith, is two and a half
miles. One might easily pass round the entire.
circuit in an hour. The ancient walls could not
have included much , more than double tole
mount of territory. The large population some
times gathered within its limits can be easily
reconciled to this, when mita.* into account the
narrow streets and email spaces oixu 'radios
yards, - as well se the modes of social life which
would admit of a dense population in a email
apace. The height of the walls is variable, as
the surface over which they pass iswery uneven;
some portions of theta not. being' OTOI. 25 feet,.
while on the South and East thereare places two
or three Emu that height. They afford an am
ple protect:On against assaults from the drab
tribes, but would be no obstruction paiopeact
The population was put down by De. Itobin.
ma In 1838, at'11,000; 4,500 of which he esti
mated ss Mehanameden, 3,600 Christian, and
8,000 Jews. It has probably varied but' little ,
since, although theiter.- - Nr. liicholnyson put a
much higher estimate on - she present Jewish pop
ulation. He informed MO that bethought near
ly 7,000 Sews now reside in the city. They are
Spanisli—deiscendants of those who were expel
led from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella--and
German and Polish Jews. Great numtfers came
here in advanced age,. that their bones may ho
deposited on the base and sides of Olivet, nearly
opposite the temple areawherre the stones which I
indicate the resting. place of multitudes, with
their Hebrew inscription. are laid flatly on the
ground. They are supp orted, to a great extent, I
by contributions from the Jews residing in En- I
rope. FeW have been the converts from their ' 1
number to Christianity. They vigilantly watch
one another, and if any exhibit the least indica-
tiona of a disposition to inquire into thri founda
tions of the Christian faith they are -immediate
ly cut cff from the general fund, on which they
Mainly depend for aupport. It wee an affecting
eight to witness them at the "place of wailing"
as they eat under the high western wall which
supports the temple area, and there before the
very atones which Soloman placed is their pres
ort position, read aloud franc their Hebrew vol-1
limes their doleful and unavailing lament over I
their national dispersion and ruin..
The Moak of Omar, cm literials, which for the
last 1200 years has occupied the site of the an-, I
dent temple, is the most imposing object with-.
In the city Walls. The'aces inclosed is - a apace
.1600 feet in length from North to South, and
1,000 feet wide.. Themes& itself 11 en octagon,
surmounted by a large dome. Each side of the
octagon is 70 feet, and has seven windows with
stained glass, except those' facing the cardinal
points, which have six windows and a door. The
body of the building is of white marble end blue
tinted, above which are variegated titles. A
close balustrade surmounts the angles of the
aides, from which a roof gently rises toward the
centre to the height of the balustrade, over which
the 'erre dome rises to the height of 00 feet a
bove the paved platform an which it stand'. As
viewed from the top of the citadel (the sits of
the Castle Antonia) oh thennth side of the. area
wad which was the nearest approach we were al
lowed to mike, Ijudged the dome to be *about
43 feet high, or one half the entirethrration:—,
There is add to be a spring of water under the
monk, which it is thought may have a commoni
ea ion with the "fountain of.the. Nirgin,”, in the
Kedron Valley below in and the whole area is
occupied by ancient subterraneen cisterns or
reservoirs. No Christian can enter the enclos
ure but et the peril of his life----„Jernsalern has
every few structure. of, which a Jewish origin
can be predicated, It we except the fountains or
reservoirs, which doubtless had every early ari
-1 gin.—The forindatioes and part of thi super-
I etructure of the "Tower of David," or Hippicus,
', and a portion of the wall around the temple a
rea, are easily identified , by the bevel of the
atones, as of great antiquity. The Tombs also.
in the valleys of Hinnom and.Tehosaphst, as well
as others in the =laity of she city, are refers- ,
ble to the Jewish period. - . ' •
What if we cannot look,ripan thq onee:gorgej
[ous temple of Solomon or Bernd' othlorish t or
visit the palace in which David and hitteklah
dwelt on Mount Zion; the, eminence on which
they stood are 'still distinct; and Ahe general
4surface not materhaly changed. The Valley of
the Son of llinnom makes the same . circuit.
around Zion, and forms its ancient junction with
the Valley of Jrihosephat or Kedron, in its deep
and rapid descent, over which Oliphet still hangs;
its aides, with all its ancient outlines undisturb-
: ad. The bed of the Xedron its - stain thy water;
course, 33 it most have ever been, except imme
diately upon seasons ot ',overtrain, fee a few
brief hours; a feet which the traveller is geme:
rally not expecting to find ; : and I hire casually
met, within as many day% at .lessa three well
read !clergymen, whose preConctived opinions
had affixed impresaions stronger,than ell thee
rdsding =this subject, and who can hardly be
lieve but that a pen-mita stream gently glided
through this steep and rigged Wady. ' I
The spot of greatest interest, to the Christian, ,
and which he would gladly identify, is Calvary,.l
whence all his hopes of '. heaven had, if not theid I
some°, their aeal andrioneueunation. The Church
of the Hely Sepulchre is situated. in the depres-
elan, e abort distant-. north at Zan, or more
properly on the aides ot'Aers. . This site was',
early selected eat scene whore that Wonderful
transaction, occurred. Tradition here emulous
that at the visit orthe leaprem Rearms, the
mother of Constantine, which wan three. hun
dred years subsequent to that amt.,- the {true
cores was found. You are gravely shown the
,very' spot where, under a shelving rock, eeirch
being made therefor, three crosses were found:
that of Christ and those of the two thieves.—
But 'eh was the trueene ? •A sick lady was
bra end laid upon . th em succeasively, until
the ten one wad relabel, when shos•waa instant
ly restored. ; •
The place i s fruitful in all - Manner of wonders.
We were shown the veritable hole in which the
moss rested. This is not short to the rilgar
multitude, but a temporary one, the kissing of
which Is equally meritorious as long as they do
not know the fraud. The place where the body
was anointed with a marble slab, over which are
suspended eight lamps, belonging to the diffe
rent sects who elsim concurrent righti in the
spot. Naar by is shown the pleas where the: ho
ly women stood at the time of the orticilixien.:—
One chapel designated tho plate where the, can
torten was converted, when ho eve!..imect, "Tru
ly this was the Son of God.' -
The Bentichre Is the,chisf point of interest.
This stands directly the great dome of the
chnrcha kind of rounded chapel, rather oblong
in form, some 26 feet in length. The entrance
is by a door on the east which -opera into an
apartment six or eight feet square , •
From this you enter another apartment, ser
en or eight feet long by six feet, wide and twenty
foot Wet. led lighted from the top. leis lined
with marble' with pilasters reaching up about,
ten feet, above which it is rearemouled. with col
iseum On &aright hand aide, as you enter, is
the) slab marking the spotwere embody waslaid.
Here there are pictures, lamps and flowers. In -I
to this place the pilgrim, (if he has money to '
pay 'ha priest) brings his rotaries, and ill man-' ,
nee of things, to be blmsed„_
... .'We p ie e ki,,, p .,, , ,...
u n ation and mummery., ....theoectiately east of
the septtlehre 'is the Greek chapel, in the floor
of which there. is 'a atone Which indicates the
exact centre of the world; and the imitable spot
from which the dust was taken, oat .of which'
Adam was made!. - How.! this =wait ascertained
we did not stop to terini."! But enough of this.
,We °grad Tully respond to 'the remark of our
friend., the Rev. Eli Smith,
o who add to us Deters
vie left 'Beirut: 'lt IS trnii great relief to me
that I-can believe they have not fined "en the
true locality for the acme of the creciaxion, and
that the plane where the &odour suffered for
my sins is not - polluted bi,sinchlaperatidone .p 4.
idolatries.., P. ouiroo.
Parnell—The fitLickerbOaer tape "We re.
erwottally-deolina" the poem oonamlnplac—,.-
'. • ~1D..„e 4 1 know not why;
3ly heart was gone—elle took my eye,"
gleenat opal to another "pest," repeated to
ea the other day, which began that
"When I hear the gentle ha=
A blawite in yono'ng the trees,
I can't my thoughtain words express,'
Pa% they taro mighty otrair. ne,Vathilite"
Lasaox, nidaY, May 27,1861
flare now been four weeks in this metropo-
UN . and, though confined thzeughout nearly ewe.
ry day so the Crystal Palace. I hare enjoyed .
large and •rarions • opportunities for, studying
the Eisele& people. . k have made acquain•
tante:lk all ranks, from dukeerto beggars, all
ranks; I should say, bat that 'which is esteemed •
the highest. 1 have of course seen the royal
family repeatedly at the exhibition. which is all hams to Arran, and the Queen
times her visits so tut to be there mainly while •
it is closed to the. public. 1 hare. barely seen
her party, as I passed it with a double row of
pure interposed, all eager to catchthe sunlight
of majesty, appearing to care little how much .
she might be annoyed or they chased by their un
gaping.' I hope no Americans contrilm-
tedto swell these groups, but , after what I have
seesthere I am by no means entre of it .
A young countrywoman who has not yet been
long enough in Europe to forge - twilit it cost our.
forefathers to be rid of. all this, bat who had
I in her own ens adequate reasons for desiring a
presentation at court, gave me tome days eines
a graphic account of the ceremonial, which I
: wish - I had committed to paper while it was
freshly remembered. It is of cou.rse.understood
that every one presented to 'her 'Majesty roust
appear in full , dress—that of gentlemen (not
Military) being a wart suit aline costly, lentos-.
tic, and useless elsewhere,, while ladies are ex
pected to appear in rich British talk (free trade '
notwithstanding-) with a train dues yards long,
(perhaps it is only three feet,) with plumes, eta.
Thunequipped they proceed tothe pidsce,.where
at the appointed hour the Queen makes her op
puirance,with her family by her aide mud backed
by a double row or.mslds of honer, attendants,
/sc. Each palpitating aspirant to the honor of
&presentation awaits his or her turn 'standing,.
sad may thus wait two hours. The feteign em- -
Wanders hare precedence in preseoting ; others
follow: in due season' your name Drained out ;
you pass before theroyal preienee,..making your
. 4
bow or courtesy, receive the feint =watt= 1 .
of &response, anti pass along sad' away to' ,
matt for the next customer. Unless you helot \
essentially to tliromatie circle (being pre- ,
santed_by an e actor will' not answergyou .
are not allowed to remain.and sec those behind.
you take the plunge, but most hasten forthwith
~from 'the presence. And, as ordinary htuaanity
has but one aspeet in which it is fit to be gazed
1 on by royal eyes, you must contrive to quit the •
presence with your face - constantly turned to
ward it Now-this need not be diffimilt for those
in masculine attire, but to •the wearers of the
rich Bpitalfields silks arid trains aforesaid., ism
though the trains be bit, three feet instead of
tide° Tanis long, the evolution must require no
moderato share of feminine tact anti deterity.—
It is consoling to hear that all manage to accom
plish it, owing to severe training through the
week preceding the event, though some are so
frightened when the !mid 'moment arrives that
their ghastly visages and tanning Emile' evince
how narrowly they escape swooning. The fact
it is over in a minute Berra mattrially to that
mitigate the torture. .
—.What:ridiculous formalities !—What absurd
requirements!' exelaims,Brother .Limtbau. No •
sir! -You are judging without knowledge or
without consideration. , These and .kindred for.
I realities, considered apart, may be , ludicrous.
but regarded, as portions of a system, they we
eseentiaL In a country where everything grav
itates so intensely towards the throne, there
I must be impedimenta to presentation at Court,-
if the Sovereign isTto enjoy any leisure, peace,
comfort, or even time for the most pressing public
duties. There is and should be no absolute bar
rier to the presentation of .any well-bred, welll..
behaved person;subjecter foreigner; end,if it were
ea coryasvisiting the Exhibition,the Queen would
be required to hold a drawing room every day,
and devote the .whole of it to unmeaning and
%useless intruded:lone. As the matter is actually
managed, those who have any good reason for ,
it, undergo the ceremony', with many alto have
none; while the great majority are conteut with- •
thoknowledge • that they might be F./ratted to
the august presence if they chose to incur the
bother and expenses. These who cherish a math
like reverence for royalty indulge it at their
own east, sad to the advantage og horde; War.
era; costumers and shopkeepers are very glad to
pocket the money Old& the presentee must die.
bursa; and oval these ladies who have the mires,
=deo attend a flexor drawing , roams per
annum: allr eft.= of to-appear at each in, anew
dress—en the in Cif the slurps eiriiftrver lost
, sight of. These court' formalities, Brother 1
Yare not absurd—very far from it. :They are "e"
tional, politic, beneficient, - indispeliale. Wheth
er it is wise or unitize for-your young . .. Nit. to
subject themselves to - the inentahle expense and
vexation for the sake of standuig i' few' feet
nearer a Queen is another -affair altogether...—
When Icontrast these presentations with their*. ,
dom and else, except when. there' is a jam, of.
our Presidential, receptions—when -
I, :'member
I thst any whale 'dress is good enou g h. for the
I White House, and any honest mon _ r woman
(with some not so lionest)'may go up ci..a leiew
night and be introduced to the Frequent and
his lady, saunter through the roams, converse
with friends, and pas in, review half the nom.
ales of the nation—l deeply tease the:superior
ity of republicanism to royalty; but 'without
Meting to putt
new wine into old bottles.—
The forms appr*iate to our simpler inatitudions
would be utterly unsuitable here,riosy, theyweold
be found impossible. ... . _ .
Inv an . D.—The following an extract of a
late Dublin letter to the New York Boni= and
Enquirer: ' •
The stream of emigration continue-sin llowluS
interntptedly; in particular. the quays of Dublin
are . crowded 'daily from the Midland and the .
West It is' chiefly the middle net! and the
young that gin . mere children and the aged'and
infirm, and'sickly, are left, under promise, it is
said; of being sent for When those who go will
hare earned the means. But this covers the'
country and fills the towns with baggers. Dub
, lin in particular is ten times more infested al
Mem than before there were Poor 'Lams. Th
streets present literary corner the crippled. th
deformed, women with a crowd of children,
men that, Surrounded by women and chit ,
nearly naked, chat= some mournful Irish ditty
to awaken condabswittion, sad noir and then
fiddle or a Sate, with two or three battering th
Sage,' the symbol of the depfUture. of the ho •
when there was such a tkuu - 44 mirth rani
oing in Old _ • .
la the South and West-4i , Clare, Lime . _
Botatommon and hiayo,—*a.e demolished
ges 'mut
away to foreign lands, or to Enema •
seeking work on the railways or 'other p
works, have 80 filled the poor houses with tti
old sad elokly, that the. tax for etk.portiagthe
is little 1055 0.812 in the famine year; leading
rations so minutely calculated. in to &ford the ao
minimum of Imminence for bunion life,- and ban
daring a mortality scarcely 'Credible to the Eate,„7,..1.t
glish Paiiiament, where it has been Made 1.14 , 41 , ,
subject of inquiry. The indefatigable S. G. t)." , IW
Sydney Godolphin Osborne--arritee away to ;le 3)*
Times, exposing landlord inhuomuity, that first
casts out the people, and lerels their cabius t o
make etockfurmslor a. higher clam of 'tenon
as the altered eireumetances • of the country re
quire,--as the Highland leirds'of o former day, "
or the•lriah landlords of the period when Gold.
math wrote his "Deserted Village," ant thko
puns them on starvation allowtwee in the o+
oraanned poor house. ••
OmurDstotout re Sisztoo.—Alettudated -
caroms, May LT, to a commercial house st' SeW .
Orleans,saym . - -.
7 ` .,, W a .are in imost miserable state here at
present. • We bans bad no rain of any muss.
ounce since August btu and the country is tc
taelly burnt up. Idany, of our roads are impas
sable for want of water. Corn is $6,50 per
egui (about 160 pounds,) and in some - of
the State of Zseatects is selling at SO. PI ear
just ground down is we:rd.:W.o;par SOO pods,
and other things in proportion. The lou of -
insole would nor be credited- in any other "p
WS luow of one estate which last 1400 11014, of
sheerp in August , lest, end it hes been worse
since. Of course there is literally no trader et
present, as the peeple are either maintaineiby
charity, or are eating every thing that cots in
elev.. way. Every dsy until it rebut wig be
worse, and we aunt expect any conimercial
prosperity until another sad a good' barreit is
gathered. On the 26th ult.,-we bad a sharp
. 'lust, which.injared the wheat crop. This is
produced by irrigation, and !rah jut cangtt in
the ear."
SAD HATO= .Xo33' Stwtel—L I - tf
about 75 Sheep, the .prttperty of Robert °Sim.
Zen., were attacked by a number of doge on
Monday night Lit, and • loge proportion of the
whole foe% badly..worried and .woundr4 anti
some score or morel/Med ontrieit;na welt:ern.
.Iris - supposed the ndiehlef was done It) our
• town doge. The flock is all more mitesil
and as they are. of .the finest Await,. of rrV ' to,
will be a great lose m. Ylr. 05ot:tr.—Vas/Tom
Twx. Tzlsonom—ltet. John Pi.nri
Lug.upon the Talegzsph, conclude, Atint
A biro chlefteln laying down hit' Flen,
Closes his eyes in Washington attend' -
The lightning cooties laps along the
And at Bt. Laois tells the tale athinto , ,
Halting &thousand mile/tamest ito d
. dad gettlng then oakum Warik ils