The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 12, 1851, Image 4

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short we stay;
?!. "-• Themes wisdom in a merry best%
• - Whtto7er lbw yacht may sail
_ • ! P t glosophy may Unite - bead,
. •
Mid Bud cmt many a gay, •
'But give me tbst pbtlosopiry •
• • • Ma's happy with a:straw:
. .
if life but brings U 8 ilappillCSS--
Lt brings us, ' we era told, ' •
Wfiat'e bard to buyiticaugh rich ones try
With all their heaps of gold!
. Then laugh away—let others say
Whateer tbeyorill ef mit*
l'fbrilinglui the moit DISY truly ray,
Cho ereeth of earth.
. , .
There's beauty in a merry laugh,
Itrehinra the heart in honest heart,
That's, paid each man his due;
lat. a share of what's to spare,
• Dimpiteormisdom'sfears,
And trade the cheek lees eorroirepeak
The'eye weep fewer rears.
The sun my shroud Itself in cload,
The tempest wrath begin:
".. finds a qpirlt. to'eheet the !lark,
Insauslight is within!
ThEn laugh away, let others ea y
- Whatetraboy will of mirth;
Who lairghh.thnmost may, truly boast
'got the Wealth or earth!?
- , .. 1 7.4di1Ab1e - ailitolt Property . at. Public :
. , Bale•
Iv itt. be (Seed for auk', 'at Auction, at
•- - ThallalUmoro Radianar•• oNTITICIDAY, Called
J Ng, all atlneke; P.-31...tha.:ahmtda property known
as . Ma' LAZA INTO .1,1).111..t.Ngt.TE CAATTLN: .AND
LARD OW FACTOR). The • to by CrTIII ,
llctl-NNIOTA - at,tholeda aa atm katapera }Creel •tho Lot•
troatote WTI tort th OLI tdlotorestreet.aadraltalaa hark. witk
amanita= wid, to Natant Avenue, giving a depth or
: 310V.1., A . 11.4 PentbacitlallYlTAllS and ITator gri lop.
• :to the gmlit anion% Wu, :. .
. The ttoprorcaesita caarlot or one large. Ma'. Car/.
trick • DITELLINti MOUSE, alth back LuILIIIta•— .'
• .The itatnaur, comp:lsta' t Pro ballditdayttrogorlea
- tileclTl-40 %ad meta am, do. two etorios nod a half . •
•. lab: 0-40 Net, ateettn. one Cori Web. 10U-10 Tont, with.
two Ocier Rooms &Pao... all Palartantiallr bat of Orkt,
pith Cato marg. Aloe, KW.; Cooper sad thrproter
Tatra with imarbine4 rdenrils eoro•
Oar, = ti
fol i b:Murinit estates oaf tool O il to an at.•
tOolvet.O!'z athO ,, t•Miet• Bbyabrloglitz./1-
_bwy caimans limbs of the Illy or Baltimore. and sm.'
tamales by ether extensive factotim or various kinds, to- •
• Ina oboe( the roolideeleable incatkoserithin the property -
• of ttr. o..tba o.bribby. "ma In the Midst of. a rapidly tm. -
- 'rosin= tectioo of th e aubarbe,' It Invents great. Indio.-
L, • matte to nistosfaetnrers =I capitalism - •
• -Plerste—Onahalf cash; balance to six acid Orate montiM.
"•kriltativetit OlhekOl a Mb. Auctioneer. ••,•
• -
" '-''• 'March 19, 1851. •
BEING - DESIBAIIIX,:to eiibstitn te locks
ofther Mid for tha w to inn's be
mail service of the
name o linked titatmOopseinten lock. and
, direr duly next. 2 5 1. differeqt•locas l e submitheite
• 1, ttosmaskott for mamirmtion anti taport. Upon thin re.
• •
pmt, trine alit, as ovate practicable:be entemd bb
• for fornhhina• mach locita and kept tor tostr,rea.. with lb*
Irish% on the tart of therustmaderthererel for dm Woe
Issi w rl c treml and entattnne the eon treed In 1.1:1 for ea
term of toll, years. by chin,. be bobtrn - b.
• -•
dazenotka to that effect. not more than nine nor /Ms
That onths before the termination of the Bost terra ur
their 7eata- •
Chat'ith.a AIM OtharottethAlbehAtlothattbei loweatrthwr
Lo idiot Of Jock la.Atheribed aas an tth Depthment
• relyttorfer steeloor the natl.:deal anaingage
! Dr which a thir aomplatis., oar invited..inay due lotw
latharever. rather 13:f do:Lay - that bit thitabis for the
rorfloOntoosid potemalho kakowlogAlooLitioNTiettO .
Onifoththri thohdrows. and strength
'sor the parr. or displacing almuludieothif all the
• 'aid .'sod ker.- now in ttery: eboat thirty thousand
tale looks wad twenty thousand Dercalstited thereto. will
he malted tote famished by the . nor within men
months arise the contniet ishall dep end then entered iota af
' tenor& tbe airothi Dingy - wil on the doraNtity i
of the kyle an t keys adcrpted , as weliththe increase Atha
Ankle' bat it will Anbabir =moo coesoi to amount
AbOOt itICOISOOd of thelormer one thotuand of the lair
• , •11iDDrit.will - be eimAderad If it De like any 'already in
the drleiltowNmmake 014 furnish c rin d = " 4l 7 e.
ter, drilla" lotticew eindetwthr - thr thy wther pop"
than tirstof the Peal-Moe Dethrtrotht. •
Ma Undid Atha adotded mita be p.n.& and th o ps
- *Mee will he neighed. on entering into contiget. to math
an Mirth:WA af hi, indent for trathelosive the thd heir
' eft - Of the Deportment, if the DastronWer General Audi
- requirement essential to the interests of thew.
•tar: age of the Ware of ttre contrector .0 anf time
• to mini faitbfally Ureteral...Al cooditkau of hie =drat,
the ri.tht. besides aroma
-1 - - to tr :ii= " rectily bertiAjte h ate eneritioneth to id .ad
- 'thottoot, • and to contract Onolr with any Aber party or
irtneris hp morons Oh fee fortddridg dmilar Lithe and
irpotithethardialkand specimens offerathtlie
- Itetthastat Others' may deem ttexprdieut to select lathe
.• through math the loth of otie bidder for the war math
that of Sltonter. • Ile teArres; therefore; the right of one
hractindwith thlthentisethithiale for oath different kinds
DUG:gram DO Dan and oho the right to meet all'
rOttlamOul and Lf he Anathema that Anne
for the interat of Tbe parg or parties
i......w c irtr W theingroSt=d b = fort =l - 1 '
- r.iperginan ' ce A the Antract. The contract is to contain
inithithwafor the4o. =a trig. haTeetith or leis bis
-. tees: aterSte iratediljr against their pathrtinto
tothir 4-400
=wl.l.lth ithisidethi if Dot — wicatharded
=LAW e h ttlenceofe s tetrarro b rhy chase:AA the tar.-
. ut ER, 46I9I MN o. Mstrect, L .
Polka, one of ihit smolt polular sultaskl ,
teak Polk. arer4l.:thed. 18.
Homo aealoToibp Jar= kind, vith oar
, Vi r eg t il . betri l itres, ea mar kl• tams Ltrol—one 4
- ?permed besutuctinp„,--, -
= u4 glre=t r El4 Irque:, Tut*,
":"=" r ""r7 . VioN oisizecimaxv
41 1 Triv!zooKst NEW :BOOKS,:I—The
4 1k.tbek.../. Or the 1.1, rA , Tr . tale by ' Aai.
.2..BlakEnt WIEN ET T. &Arthur.. - •
LOD-7-= ktggi for sale by'
• ATTHEW3 01. b7 .
re /(12..-11:1 tierces (fresh)for sale h'y ,
TA. --50 hf. chests Y. El:, boy., ant! Black
Mssafta4lka, Lawns, &S.
44X44q14C.USIELD have thisday
• 0n4t ,. .
Scou . za.r• /Yrl4!'tOOa bs6ismaklugtheli*iski#l
. • *kale .1.-whobesale let rooms ait gait.
IaIIURLAPS- ,, Xsuperior arti — C — lo 40 inch, 111 . 1;
MI6 by • LEG-
lifoolen Goods!
6) . OASES Green:Mixed Jetuli3i
Glad ,
Mgt tomfd, Caaii <WU:. Oulu
.mrs. sod. Mr Ada fenr Avarsble
.41 1 11E.ESE51 no*: landing and for
AL," ma. by 1•611111DIOILWIC•CO-N
BUTTER--3 bble fresh; now-landing.a
1101:11311 , 017T . BACON. FIASIS--8 1 . cub+
16 roll ewe], Immokl la► to etoes the lot .
' _ .1841/111 DICKEY [OD.,
DRY PEACTLE4-40 sante, in store, for
1,31,-. - 430 "bblir in store, and will
iew wawa. waeilowS w Ali nicary a en- •
lIEFINED BOILAX-400 HA best EllgliSE,
ALL Gm matieby [my 241 ]. KIDD f CO. 60 WOO
IrAIID-011,—{ouporior articloyin half bblo
kroaily -trorr4l4: KIDD & cak, wo:o
AC DYE-440 !bailor tusk; by
mrzi KIDD CO,llO Water st.
811.10---20 pieces just re
. • 10trm.1.7.4m.t.lippea. 7
smett ot.rouwa sup ue.tylumr.F.-
_ _ A. A. ABO -
- -
11.4 lovalaablo.lo btansiss•groteetkaito tbo bonds In.
,Ibt"Voy Ar n e - V;;:aitf ' ll7:i
CLARET WINE, (SL 'Julien -Man) i)f
,m4. 4 1n0man.)...r . 4 / 1 . ne i
UF~LINiiTOH . 7n
e:m.lot the rthanuenner.triofi Mery
LI nos =dm awl tor ele by . •
rgr—Neir Shad;-
-A. bffeaS7.4l.*:4 -
tAP= 01le-CLOT/LS—Just reed, from the
741407.a0 skeixica, to cloth: a Lantll47lr Inldt
-11 arliekhlos Allalthlplll9,l6 St kr• Ls emzernoei, at the
*Moab War/roan; Iles. I luxt 9 Wood st.
AVACIikLACE SCAPYS.-put reed at
10 tads. 1:119 . 11i- Sides r
• •
- - - . 2tilwm.Xfts•rick • V td"'
so:an w AL
~-„- - na22 -
INSEED 011,--25 btga„lrare, for sale by
boxes lor sate.
1:4) • :re't • -- 0.. shim Cr
BLED-PEAVEIEr3r4OG bu: for rale by
.. .nertnin, lad ovit,oink. ancoadg" 6,129 9
wow *user= sad
G DYSOTT ;L YeIIow-I?o;i 9 k , &Bsrtapari l lt
:TAlM:Balstan iirTir,ild 0.;
:Ines ter ,ea.t,r.. KIDD*
•'• - :d-af.63 e
<“• ,,, L! ‘'" • `°
-. C.43.sbbrialrOalpUXE
, .1
0167- 54? b
14: - ,purelannAIR sale by,
'rad r.
Tothe•Dean-- - -
:1111.4111:11TLEle, ( Airsuir,. from 64 North
Itliorenth stneti Mi t l . 0,0 bW
pUen 7rhompe du:L.:.
i=al whairhayht:, t r, tr. !I r e:tarp, mew the
' .witiabl itrobabillwee toillerabie L obeirtatitt tie those
Miming with Peewees, to mill awl moisult. the Neb.. m
he is tire only itywlttlt of any &the Medina Cerium who
haw /limoted attehliati wttl.b4rely smt
The tollowbis imitimob Dtt
ialiare submittal with eon &levee.
Thee will least. la iirtiatatimatien morearime
wi 4.ll6es:bow wris bold by meta err tbeithoot
eel medial mew in the country: -
••1 have had The pleasure to meet
0h .0,.
hot hem , teem hal to r...lismwelaSalilitk. by char
Leib rh t6O DtL4adoO dam 7rif°"relf.D.
PrtiMoT 6°,4"712.4
itiMdmitiontit-alilitiai Will be Mr , ' 14
Owe who blaewthmesairm comer his care..
illroas tor baismemites with e . Dr. Ilartimi I have braid
bliedeportment mteeet wod
- • .. Tsamemts 110re,.11. D.
0 17. Refeeeniteisi Piitsbenark. 4 -Vbe thithr Dtl Hartley to the
or oaring W Ito
dl e. ! ,. .l4l=l, h t.t.grzto b rx . A=a7=
110.1 ~alif ih h , L itod. may rely to lc
00010 flawa Met
stied treatment " ""' rtftraalr'ELir
Tim most JihrrrOcidinory . Discoveryin the World is
(he great Arabian Benstilyloi.Man anci Bract/
• z.. 8 G. Pariall'lC:
at - utiratulaus mires performed by dui
Arabian physic/one -the Says or 014. were then
Ito - ed open as the result or Mier, bat sinus we Prase to.
aune Intorsate rsitie hull hissory Ire Ism Um axonal Pa
their surptislng power oar disc., Their attelornents in
kuowiedoe too
were the roomier of Q.v.,
oblik the......t.te (Lead.. of ClausitaYs
L 'OlllL MOM bads Ito op r :sunrises Pat. ant sti (be world .0
/1004 Ltotany they wrath. most aelous of
lathe beautiful girosts whieliskirt the &oats of
alogustrore Plants ansialespetsprools whenreare
ohlatne4 Us. grultatle• gulag wet frigisant balsams. Of
which this • ineonparable
la romProsd,ret hr
'Per ' r:s i Vrs, l =as ' iltin= l isligy 4 slliTTX
• brough Ohs .004. tartsau sty.m, sabring the snort ire
isinsis Nu in the iluspelthly short timsono sslssasstss,
its option is Mont, p6avrful , an 4 ifiretu.rrittont the
loan dwgo.. Iglortatrates the theb to Ile lone, resat es
1.2111.0ebd cords, assns. ass to limbs which hue been
Paiaird for roan; the lahtireled gr. to grow 001
an 4 rieb,bionan cireulate through %salvo.: It Postorrs
the Prank& id or Jolut Water. awl this •Ls
log vi *brit, ,bas I....sedset4iir ...oast to
,sliseaose of the ddau. ln dote& affretloost of the Bplue r
14rar, Lssugs - and lasturys. this mat Arabian 0000 i t
asoula lants.ra/lelot At r ue eakear Xaslanrementot the
Ll j os .' ssta l or ' Itsd 'pean4 arsO - . 4" trairdWorg b"' en '"' rea o i n " troor. ""
lar Coons. Awnings. P.. Wounds. ailblaisse s Mans,
.Ightterafrellingsk - Tirmongto - ke. -- 1010 equally eritessions
In disease of Autosslosateh slo Fistula, Poll /SOL Sweerz i
Mit tiousplaink so
lasteyer,Varey s tipn4notirular,WOo
Stavin., Windualls, Splint .4 Pa nearly al
d=ams"."'Ltsrl'itTifsigi=si" ides
lordlelose. • •
• .
The Allowing Dirtied the principed turourtnat l the
wealthy sad highly sethectahla boas or Puts A Ili.. of
Peoria. and nresenia ono of the thou theneerful rosin in
Mr. IL U. of
Ferrel lea l: 'near nth Actuated neenn.LA arta
fathom. / outsell. the folkneLnit iota Inatauca Ot the nth.
UT cd . roar gnat meicine. AI . yhtl4,thnie yrn old.arn
eteldeily enacted wltha terrible diAnse, . thi n ten
• than sty bows: ptutdeaneetthte heal teignetTitlithhe
became en rigid that rag rang onad Whitt the tireh
Itubal black that redd.catul entirely dcuriord ed./inn/pi the
"ens4l.putlelly clued and; altogether ; triad. Fuller
log war detfainarrialteoundi the 4 , 414 , Lem. eon
teethe, thane ntenct, th at when huingbit Its both. the
heed ,thed nen mein needed. , Indent,.
.e peatthee being ealt thew
i h e i l k o p n n twhea te
ta T thgphysicin wee called l n u d an th to y tlrenrc an
he labored to. notate It to &rain .bal.llllltl rain althaNdi
went bllsteral a down Yarloos natal: lent her
Ithente antdinl. A aging taboo or phyrithens wax then
held, bet tem parser. ' nne wits Dna be
fore the Medical nociety. but nothiagneuld be SO WNW
Illtlchha4 not already been doing and .the doctor theateld
um 6. could do nothing mon: We then conitueneed an
plying Vier 14111tuent.freely over the entire length or the
aping end you ritlY iteuggine • threnes lob. •• ,• •
to. andiourow. .•••••,••• fors opyorrat. The
child rapidly recorared. with th e exception of th e
which did .not Leeson 'perfect La uney a tenettb. 'l f, le
now hearty and :the t an on he.
Flee other caw or th e mate kiwi newel In tor neigh.'
thawed protiouely. . its[. whlett:4,lnt; !then doulaUlf
your Llunnent had been need; they would have naceniat.
Peoria, Xarch I, UAL ' /LEN Ith U. CLELAND. .
-Liimr Corn Aria- iiryripelzu, gad Raruniativri
)I _. isf%
Mt. B. O. Ftlatut—Dear.2lr. Tour ottocut Is vellthil
racy .11.1•4 doing a east daul of good among the pco•
plea It bac cored • burcace of ltrydpclo. ooul actoLlocr
of • bad lulu In the bowl. A WY/•ho u•ltoooiducAto
bated forsentual moollus •1111 Lim Ocuplalot •nd Aden. ,
tioo of the Bert, w.a ant.irelp ceded by Uwe wee of four
Arablatt Idolment...:Ub•saill6c &Adore could do bo no
good.. It has loco applied Pea lamb eat, awl cared it in
abort time.'.l twee Lean stlictal with. IlAtomst/eut to
Ltu l tr ut loc i it nut befoz , L;tlelatlLt.grg , r ,
mewed bathlad larrid,biogTont Malcom/. and
before 1 was doge rolddoz. the ;do mutt.
Stiff Coin:plain' t, terriper , Cork, mid
• &we ' .
M. ro.udig.. nat. Volt., County, /14
- Mr. IL o.leuns.: Tour Alftalia Lledsorat l Welly
pliant bore. ll e own/ ow of my wishbone bonx of lb.
EDE Complaint by oboe; burnt fist AV..... I
runs/ one of my ono of tba thrreury. tom Monk, Jsayb
Dykes, ear. his borsoaf bad Corti lei. in be alio tried
tt. noon that Watt. Dis.spor vary had. an d soy. It
.Inonsdlately. lia says it D deesdedly nos.. b..
medicine be CT.' Tbrre bare bran numb., sand
of &re Enti with I nod Dn. Tarr. rahlable
Dab for now and bean.
.Beware of Cotnai
20 01732 D AGAINST 11/203M0N MAD 'LIM POL
The: - Yabne 'are hertkailarly• intatloapragehad • Aid
"h p, bleh = l.ol
.to .
ofrt ityalr=i7.4
to demise. from his beariblf nes ,-
Irene be bardredar weer lo oso ford DI ta• ada.r-Terrelre
Idahrherd.7 hfr bbleindyled dealer/ Impose the LTV.
as`K Mai sejnialtdys ,, L r ad .
as Useceardise Wand had cbe hitters U. before Pamirs,
his rims/ars to Woo. the ardaldeerreyfer,asul three
sriztru In tha clap kettle--.H. 0. Pa. - rar. Artli4olB
Aerxrdraaled Peoria • la *eery Team. nasal. and 14 110. 1.
the Ihsited States, In Irltieh or. is lug established: Apply
by letter to 11,0-Yeadell, Peas* Morin. coed nide:.
se to eharorter.ralyordibllity, de. • .
WWI the agns , aho hit/ o:welsh Pr= Of Charge, •
brat eoutabilechsorh valeabtalchnouldofor army dam
zo tenh. and oaa dollar per tank,
. - neeel . ,PerrerneLe mumesetor= Fereeket
4.l.7 4:r. g.ftet — =astA rth r vbelessieen droaßl
[ p[o.r pelee-by a
• N. 6LIMIS.
wrist/WA _ 5t0.67 street
I • Eeld by D. IL ClJllie,Allesehrei Cite. • •
FAMILY FRIEND,br Baling Prejarative,
thetneof lust, prochaelok Bala, agree,
baled time, st=re.r==iir3"f " e = j ai
blend: Which mute. to great extent, We i indigestion,
014:01ettels'selfre After maik, hratlerheytind other onion',
- dientein krupetior to'antjfottit =tuna BIS.
mita. In.Mkontatte of stone, 0611040,watt= erillkake
.10 more lumen of 4 pounds each, than witbittinia.. Heads
sod peraons of weakly otnettlations,ehotild O
lean to pure breed. as one of the Ikon medkinee of the
llose.4gtals.ll2lhinittire. &boots, 1101410.4.1 large
establ kitnnikadectitatfr.. bold in bottles at
1231',." alreedone and.. .
to • a. E.:MIXEB/3.47 Wool et.
ocillipiOtuuljtyrup of ' Yellow Vick Boot,
OCCUPIES thei Tnint tank among the pra
;mtetery'rmedidam of ebb; <marry for emotaetert
=Mfg Cooker. Mar !honor. Errotpelos. II otherrne•
mom ortdmr from to isoqrs Moto of the blood. 'Alm.
Lifer' Imolai. t. Catamb, rm r.; esdoeher, Dad rm.,
Lbroaks,' Marrow mot TM toms ohoot the +Meet: Door
ohltee, or 110M1113/oN..drlaeee. maJ'a tickling metemion
shoottbo throok%' mot to , tood vith impreeedrored MOWN
Avoratate - ; Weirkitin Er' GratiVit lleMaily. -
'Biregurthsultni She weakessul tedY. sttitnit hvgge to the
,scions emus's.] lisllgunians 'because system.
; th• testUngSaY of thousgusts of betas •Itnesses, from
CCU.. country, gr. to. auupa
T. eilkedow istelltillo all Items's. UN notarise &Wine
ted sod
blolganyloustoussfgitutioSug . ht
ntunpuntion. sai so aecnrutcly ht.] in It.
vg,:g3 •g.., - PpriLfyi.t.he 2 • •
„IT ke , ggnitig i th=fe inlet, have baMegl
suu nut of thgv ben I, and has &so dam] Coates,.
. Ahem., zr vati sot Beu tt gra gg IVY Busspartila
B' l r leart=logl In=g 4 trues l 4 4 .lll.lMUtt=
Ifollll. The seogrj obstinate . Quavers have tint', earedhy
imsdleins. th• say that ts satiable medicine In sll
11/1.101.11S COMPLAINTS. mimes' all obstructions in
She eirculsUon., 'rendering ths Lim fhe, activ r el i
'Shy:, it removes 'ValpitsUon of the !to i l . nod in
ill ages of Asthma, und,may ttsterttkall Sittnstes..d
° AL Syrup in is* otap I/X.110111411 4 CO. at lca
Fountain street. rauvi.r., M l, and sold, who've., guel
• • IL 11.
'OA ..- Ilegnseto Western Prgussytysnis, •
• =7.7 • wartholw. turner Wood and birth As. Litt sc.
• : : :PrafeitineoL TfiCOPhefetili,
lowing Leetlmonlal Yuan Id. Munnelbiltowor th e
ntllle Amelia. :Cowman& on each evidence Is an
• Noe Youx.
Darrye Tricopbarons LS/la *vitae that we tak• &wont
in awarding the highest earnmendalions— Iwo do not do It.
nisou the reenonneudallon °Pothers, lost Prom ourown per-
Meg ltunelelge aka newts upon tbe while II tends
to keen it and glassy. It a/o rename dew
draft. preventa gray hair. and trivt=nnes its growth In a
tons.. unequalled by nay otlasrwomonsitlon known to
us. • Awenwee way wade to we ono bottle Intensional
of this troth.
Bold In botthsyrke 'Z mate, at the principal Who*
Bold bt large honks, Twice moat
innprketuru pi
ngo er R. JiiGl/688,
'nes lin b". Waal et
The HumaiTioli knit Perspire,
SO SAYS NATURE, to have .a
P rtorrlprigact:l=A:irVircel
Cban camera flaw swapindiaa. and e Jim tua
lama sao!,:a and antrootths flie, airing latbolaatura
'_Besirry,tielt ghinun. oil Bona. are hot eel, heeled. but
cured by ton as, as et twat I -phyddsue In IL York know.
who OM ft ha each rametand end it nrebiling.-4se
PI/soles; Blab:has Wroclaw of anyethemeltadieNsee
meet le eNeured that ate bran neulese. Mend noetroni, se
one hist, will two... rancid enammU et Wet eighty
wenn aural of sue beei.sore kge. sad Note bread.
Bay It.-.end the reeerrt lemma nanual I sated holey.
eilire . 6ll It kw the Attest, nabs I taw It tote sit I eat.
• whoa. hale toeludist, erselted.or thlipted
will Wm net only►eurhnt. • nnnentitin sod"' tan'
sent only med, that soy en* &Meted with may of the above.
or ettnilsr srUl thle all. ant rem more tedad•
rage In Its ) than I etsts...
Bat. maim the alarm ere needrd with Ise ,,
had bemire Toe vk tor Jane Ilallsallbrinicel
buy it ne w ly of Wel. JACLOCiIi, ably ducat in PI unr.h.
Peaty White Teeth,n Pore Inroad]. to
to pie tor 25 tents:—Persons Who to either. am bonne
tdy serum! lf their heath le ever in tool, or their
teeth eeeywd, dart or yellow, and ettorarted with lutes,
Qat • IS eetit bos'ef low' Amber 'ooth Nets erill mute
the teeth se white se mow, sod the bresthatariferoad7
... . .
Hold** ..t JAMSIONII Mom. 2.411 Llbotx 0... beut of
• . .
A Scientific tisk Tonic, .11aatoref and Bean-
Ilia.—Trial Scala. BM arotes. -These mbo ism WO
Ica.n. Cm* 11.1, itestorez. knee Its excellent cuallti.-:
Om ha 1 . ...a0c.,..r• same It to pawn the 1511.1.12t1i
oullum—lt lAD tom the ball. to grow on artyparyoberg
extore inlrcuLld Tate to prow; gm. II talinfe ....."1
,6:4 114.,:,..,..7 r grow dark
74t maw 1 1.traly aid apir . Ins. la.
d'gd. tk r, , 1 . r .. , allArtialhigrjOlte tin
Sor , o , o7iit WY. - ammo - me Be ,o, sto
boa of woe, m.0.: 0 b r.rtr.tred•
4 , , , ,,,,7„ , /„.,,,0.c00.0. iot el.
JOilEs'. Solution. of Jet, tt Litviid kiln=
be.g.igunk.;bl rc t r rmr nth' - , to:
t., a
crt , 7,7sintatui. VA , '
nue and: -- '''''
_ ~,. .4 - 7
Aram- tar t....1,,,,..d cludh. Th.
UM ints.,t4,- atom,
i hkpm.... I, 1.... „,„ 3
h., 1.,, w ow, .7.l.knr, (Ladstrosealum
al./jEveart. sktler dilea premed Li . Deakin, (tr.,
&Inv .2usatitr of la&
4111/rtiTa r t. Wntlfill 7!11 . ,111,grife11, c h...
..,,,,,, 7 ~,,,,,,,,,,A i anr 1'1. 6 r4 i ,,-.. m . d or jai it.kartn.
tualltimg - 'iiilit imam. to stla an natursl. Imathr,..a.
.. ,,lhrlag white . et ths tam. Mail fictioß an ..•
mane co the 14.hz.naktne . tonft AM math. ... •
&WAY._ il4*- &qt. 11' - . 1 / I CMON. 240 W.*/ ../...I.
Wed. q irmL,,,,nusb=o , Pok.. 2, ...'? 10 . - i
IM)r. - .'PS!liCa' itap by.
Xol7:ci • tff iNriT.
Int atn.t
norrazamorr: or= intrreD Bx&rza
N puranaime or kw, I , MILLAXID FILLIIOI4,
Presidia of the United Staten of Araeries; do herebr. '
mitre soft nr . MOW ,it thet yobbo mice will be held at
itie - underrawn pad Land Unbar to the State of Arkansas.
" Pt tr "W e bond Oftro a ll' A reeSrlLL . W o,7einin i" =tendon' on
MixtdeT;tbe Past day of Septetnlat next. kw the dispose'
of the public hoods eitua within the undermentthowl
towashthe and fractloual township, . •
Noitliefthe kw Use arafireft ef IniArth Pet monhass.
township to, of range three.
t own s hi p two, of nom fora.
gnat/caul township inumeern north of White river, of
the Na m Dion:
ara rJ Afthpeincitelaserkftro.
Township fifteen, of range two.
Fraction:Ll township, eleveu and twelve, of smige
Al the Lazd lake at CiIAIIPAUNOLE, corionenelog oe
kloriday, rho ofteenth day of Segtember next, for the
penal of the puldle leads eithln the ondersondloned town-
AMA Vac batniae and wird Ef the weetaetx
'famishing eleven and fourteen. of nth,. wevecteni.
of Tr r ntrn •
• the eighteenth dar of Augmet * dm for ado oriug no 1100•
of public lan& withio the following Mimed Mooch*. end
ruts of pa. •
Watt af ctantin . Lifast qf the _AAA izeinenstheternlicoa
Sections thiteen, tentr.tbree, *mat y-four mid ott,'
too • rout of the EL Smilax river. In township three. of
Township nine, of range revers.
Solrief the haseincamitsocte , ths AftXgrairftial ineentin.
Township &or lent pool of so Mann In metions thirty
two thlrtrtbree. in township thirtee com m en cin g ne.
Al lbs Lard urea. et tATTLIt RUCK on
of the poblle t 'llwdari the ar :4l l. llhr gra ' ri b rii o =erarte d r4
'ar Ono,. lake, etc: . •
ilfterliefftstaa ane reenerfte
The south half of mania eight, Ow south ha often
•frictional isicticath ftacteen and fifteen. the north half of
seventeen, the end half ot,twetity.ono. twenty.two, the,
oath halt and rxrattherst quarter of twentythree, the
uorthweist quarter of tweet:eat, awl the we ft half of the
northeast omelet of twenty -mum, In toe - whip three, of
✓ge forateen.
• -L,
Lands appropriatedby hterthr the use ;of salmis. toll .
es, and falter pa rporn, together with ottattP afti
prefilter.] bads made wont thereby far cultivatioa . If
any, which shall to vele...a by the State authorities 14,
ibretie def. egleintal for alio...mem...went of the pole
Ilo'lilil Trepectively,midge. the act mantel "An Art to
enablethe Ptak , of Arkansas and other Puler to resietto
the 'swamp Land? withal their Umlm 0 r approrel
her I:sth, 1800, sail excluded /am the roles. And no to-
rations Mr land bandies harreh4tre granted by nor' law of
Congers, 'fee militerr tervirre rendered to the Utdted
btws, teJ7 b,P",""aa ea oily of Ihr aterc anitinied land,
um provided by the let entitled 'An At making apenthri.
Maine fur the dal andiligionsatie cxponsenif government,"
Mc.. approrednd March, 11151.
The olfeting of the•abeve traftiticined Imidc Mil be sow
menoel oo thy dots appolotel; and will proceed in the Or.
44 In tber• an. adnetieed, with all convenient dio.'
Weis. until the wbOle shall have brae ofitred end theca!,
thus dived: but no rale idiall, be kept own !outer
two weeks, ma no grim, entry of ina of the; lanais Will
be admitted untit after the expiration of the tWoverekit
• • (liven undev• tor • hand et Sherds of Wash)ngton. tills
40th doror !goy, Ann° Do mini one tbourand eight hum
dlee and lifty-oue. MILLARD ZiLL)tuitE.
Ny the rneideoti • .•
: • •
,Coonleioner of the° inarrnrE La n
• •
- ..1'077CX rtl ragymPrion"
.}:TT vttlxia the right or;n4olption to nor
of the and" within the tOnorhipe mud Ana. of toonthing nottrhed eotabligh the bang tn t&,
unearth:or of the Keg - Mot — n=l IlonlYofof ' nt"P't
Land Wilt, and make totytuentthrtelbr.oxo. at prod..,
WOfr Atirf wino lAis tutor. and beg, the day oopontod for
e rononeneratent of the pubtio solo of the laud. otabro.
111114 r the Mot dolmen. othernite melt elf to 0111 to Idol. .
OotototoriOner of the lienerol Intot (Mo.
. iiiew .
~,,,!. rsnariee of law, I, MiLLARD Ftwione.
Poe taint of lb* tiniteil States .r Altierfou, do hereby.
low l ig ninignionews that paths Sales will to held at
the oudirtoentioned 1..4 Oakes in the State of idissioritiii
at the hereinafter &Agnate& to wit: ,
At t Land °Mee at JAL'S tin!, commebrifies as lion
day, tb tint itsy of September next, for the disposal of the
pub& is Motto! within th e followlog named tows.
' Pe l erWif t lir bats . Ifeseaad bll; eAffh 'vecipulamir
Tarot/tips twenty-wren, twenty-eight and Minty-du,
nn tool Onus Camera - rites, of nags three. . • • ,
Tonindalto twenty-seven twintreeight ant twentininsi
=and Sear Comsat Hier, of mime four. • •
Township twentystight, no • branch of Current Aver. of
eis lwenty.tbren, toenty.four , twin:Aieight sod
twentgoine. of raogeght. - •
/ Teernehlpetwentrthree, tensity-fora, tweulysight and
twenty no, tot mom. nine.
township twenty-Mx, and lownellipie twilit),
two, tea my -them e twenty ibur, twenty-enamel tweolgoiti
eglAt SAME PLAC/h emainieeneing on lidooday. 11.4 Di—
Wnthdtr nf &Mendes nett. Act the diets.' of tbn poise
lia lands within the following naMed townships tool lotti
of towns ips, sit:
IfleUqf Use bum Harms' ma griluArth jwia.c4poloterailins.'
• - Township Metal-tine of mono two.
graetional townships tweinty-oner and twenty-two, any
township twenty-11m of songs time. .
Township tweaty.two,in range four.
Towasblos tventy•negand trientythrre. of runs. fire.
Fractional township Axiom,. and township+ &neutrino.
twenty-three. twenty-four. - twaity-tive. twenty-As as!
F tpouren. or rums air.
racthmal towns/line Axteen and seventeen. and lone
ship twentstain of name seven.
Y 'wha! townshipsistern,winniteen. eighteen and
twenty-ono, towtisidpe twenty-tWo and twentythre, and
se ctione Slow to ten toclusirs, sereniessi to lea soda. Ave, and tmentienise to taverna* Imquels, in township
twentevix of tango elent.
. . . .
Township nineteen ( rtsrept fractional ration. flitrtrone
to Uurtrna• Intlustre.) tractional township twenty and
fractional tow - whip twenty-one (except aectirsb rat, borto.
Miriam, bernbother, twentrfoer, hoodip-fro. hornerer,
beentratrins,!Ateriner, lairfroi.. ntitt Wiell.e., of i
nine. .
The northere fraction of intim, ea, in to* osblentne
Leen, and freetioaal township twenty, of nab, ten., t• ..
Sections nos to rendre Inehadve, the north half of Thirtren,
/one.. to harniarowe lowlustra. and nerstreptit to Gott
Thrre Insturive, la tiornthip righlreni ',thine Lbw to tro
inctniive. In towniLlp ninet,ent taw no lions tareren.J.tro
tam, tha south half of bresibroser,hceittyt.t.. to teetttee
reet, and laterforr to ;berets Inclusive, in tow wetly
tweny. of range twelve.
Tha part roil of 'Witte niter Inerflow, - of township
twenti-threr. of rang. thuibut. •
Ltertnin era (eseept the
goartrra end eactinco
stern,tioll.s. atentow. Mier and ntobtoito. rWtf of - Laak.
Meer lttertlow,. fANIWuShip twenty-bar. of ranee ler
At theme Ofllre at EPiIINGTIELD, commencing no
notinle. ghteenth day; of Attanott nest: ha tbr die.
pored of the public lands tilts." within the followitttods
toed traction.' tor:shim to wit:
A . ..the/W4ot hag ...ineg nrAt :QM priecirthereistece.
Torthly rerstyltwo, of rt new twatertno-
Townehip twentr-twa of raw. twenty-thew.
Gt= " : " .,Lertrf7r7.t.r ' l 4 - 11,;r4,=,,1 ' gr: ' ,7,;
old rale ant, in terthly tentrotte. ef - 11.00 Ilwroty•
efa F ht. .
ractional tcsnythly tervqeletne. alma= So ' tite i !iate
Lice. of rears terentyseeen, t rill reline. , Itirtr. t M-
I tor, thirtytwo, thiV•thr i ot ar i td .. trtrttitti. 4 . _i ,..
tory ond la o orref P purpoet r , it ' onr * w e itg.. l thont awa4lattil
overflowed lauds table untlt thereby by cultivation.' tr
any, which
p ote nt r be, relectol by the:nate authorities bete.
the dart oponelnt Itxj cootterberratowt Of the iodate
mate under Art eitlttliel - 0 14 Act to ere
Lie the nate rX Arks:Goa asel other :State: reclaim the
. evrasup habit . within therl Mona.. approf nelnenther
. ...fib. 4 , A, toll to ontudetifetrat th e mkt. Am ttolerations
for land bowel, he.totoralgrented-ny ..y.. of Vote.
11, , . It. . military "crew... yrodered to the Sled blab,
win tic perm Mot on any , f 0.4 et.. reentenoti /sr, la. yet
"Med by the ertentlter -Ala Act coning ayproydathes
Par the del wAsitylcinGie .41 , ...... 1 ~......?,....,,' . 10 0
.9 =1X.hrc...f h a, A 6 1 ...04 ravotiontri hit:lr' win he eon,
on the dart arotntaS, sad ti proceed In
der IP othlrt, they a. adrerthwil with on eveirnion at e -..
pe.b...ta the white shall hare bort odese.thtts their.
Guts ethers holm role shall lo lospt open loner: than two
week, and no pistilath anintsledir el the Walt • ill teed
nailed wail env the caplration of the tell wrens. : .
Given melee cry hthd ethe City of Wathingtm , title
Mob day m
or May, Aunts lel one Orotund eight sot-.
dyed aod 1111rone. MILLARD YILLOIGIIPL . .
• I''
P"""lththt' ' . utrre.pia.m. • '
Cb •
. . conalrrianer the i amend Lahti , Orlice.. ..
_ . .. .
.v.rlex rQ .1'21:..e.gpn0..y e.c.ininvm.
a z tL 7 ru P oWtif il it t .e.2l... 4 l,f igh a RlZ, 4 3=e..
above entnaeratad ' ,ls woof,. tereetablod the MAO lat h .
oath/whoa of tha register and merino. of Lha prop,
OS , . and hmkoDoloamt therefor es soon or
I, smog thie notice. add before the day a Wed tor t 4
earatoenealoadd of the rdb:je do of the blade eisibraritoe
the tract claimed, saharrlea eh alaho will be Idrial bed..
OamodfehitUar oUM Cdoeral Lond (Mo. '
THE randann. OF THE `UNITED frf VMS:
V S r .
IN pi:initial:loo of
Prwddiat of lb.. litilted,rilotes of America, do hoyeby
luelary sad make blow ,0 Mat poblw mit ;11 be held at
b. underamoUoind Laud Miaow a I
tbalwriates bernirtaltrr deidgwated. to wit:
Al tlia Wei OM. at lOWA'WTY, owennetiiitig•ott
day, the and day of tiaptriabor bowl, for tho iilioweal of the
publit. howl. altwatml io followtod awoyd towtothloir,
Norti• qr w tsar uar, .w was .1" eh, Nth
Towcwhip swyentroiwe. ot ranch twebti . aliw ,
• -Tow - whip oeyentrbinednil eighthat *wait. Mini. • •
Towaddywworoatrolnii sad efAhty.demilige lb/41Y..
Sow:ablp w,yhutyntine, eighty Lod eightyeo., or ...Ka
thirty•two. • . . .
Tuyroodilp eighty:poi, Of rang thirirtbree.
At tin Lawit 1101. at VAIKYLELD, wientiowivir db Mrn
day the fittywotb day of !September swat, lot M. &would.
Wthe public bowls wittila tioderaloolloaled Owlishly*,
florin al the bate Mu and, qf the f ifth principal men.
Towiutdp parents, of-iange thirtr..
Township seventy, of range thirmann.
TintabiP twenty. of rann'thirtyihne.
At the Land times et. litlMlluti 11, m Monday.
isi. Ustlight
tenth day of Amami mat, for the dlapoesl the
t la sectlonsennana an 4 efoifeen,lineOr
ship Marti-no nortp. Mg* r
thL m*l.L., Matta sorat4t ,
Len, of erier ° rouge nine on
west of the tlith prgii tregtha.
Lands appropriated by, law for the no whooltr, tone
mMb. purman, together with "thorn ninon Mal
ad' lands nude unfit. thmeby fur .oultlntlan;
If my. which Mull be geleotral by the titan &Whoa'sa to
fon the
esha days for the commennerneor of Up , putr
Ib nt very, • ander the An antltlul `An' Art to
enablethe late of Arluousa aid other Stan b reelahn
the 'swamp lands' within their Ilmita , mtproved &faint
, ber 23th, 1810, satil Ot mended from they ks. And no to.
ailon* for Nur bounties heretofon granted by toy law of
tarnmeas. for service. rendered to Ma United
Mau, nal he
perry rted on on VOW aboaswerdionsd Mods,
an monied toy the act entitled -An set mains runnier*
Um, for the civil and dipleantic expense. of trovenunni,"
An, approved 3d March, tall.
The °Satins of the lends - will be commenced on Madan
aptaluted, - and moored In Use order 1n whkrt they are al
...Maul with all maven lent dirMich. aaultbewhoMehall
bay. been offend, and the
twohue Mond: bat um mho
Morn Le ImPl oPee ► longer than weeks, and no print*
wry of any of'Ure land. will be admitted until alder the
viridian of Me two seven
Cliven under hatal at the CIO of Waabinitioa
the nnaidenti May, Arno Lomita one trammel eight me
died yadre. giILLALUI 1/111310101.
J. surnnyinn.
.CoatialAdoner of gto Ocoml Lund Utlilee.
• • Every person entitled to the debt of preamptior to guy
of the lands within the townahlpa and Pare of towmitha
- Memo anommated,L rerstind to attain!, Unt same to the
rathrfactku of the mister and mien. of the prom land
°Moe. and make payment therebir Wenn or,pructrtabliste.
ter bl i the Nis gdicr, beforo.theday elMoinitel 'Mr the
commencement of the public sale of the lamb embrseitur
the tract clahriakettierwlve suchelalm will p. forfrltnl.
CcanatesSoneYar katutral Land 0d1e..:
. ,
2#eHr Cent ved to 4onotr3r Machado'.
.74....1:7EC1NG,= - Dealer .BOOTS AND
• Jinor.s tio:46 North lierond sure Phllsdrly
111kI OA reed ilm th e pthoutietory esi t heir endll
*abaci oak of th e %beim good.: edge! , will he midM ' ln3
-per cent le re ittastpth be ➢utehated fn the elt7. tor cash.
or city soreptheee: -
!Nolen 1.11140 well bean trtere 4ueebedeg. •
Fresh Arrivals' of Wall Paper;
, TT HOMAS PALDIER;. No. Mnikot sired,
itli3 bemired from tbeV.OA Muammar Ateattr
Amino! keepriad Chamber Pima. my!!
- DIAPER 11.A.NOINGS te ,—. r Franch and .&mer-
vna w - Avrtn. iILAPCSILILL..P.S Wcol tt.
I\4ACKEREL+ , 2(PQ bbIA. Large)
Mretturyport thipectLio.lo4 hia_te , /ti nxt rued
and in sal. br kI.VADSB *
JlVirehonno., Ya.. Railroad.
m 713 ftTlier Penn an Wiginsa“...,
'MUTTON' . . 6-40 . 00 Ibs7 '..e, for ;
.1 . 91. oh by r myL'!_ ZT. lUDS k CO;
SODA AM-500 mike of our bmt manu
footaro, munated Of es tjood tvgiff oixt .11 'high tert
_QUID GLVE—rot toiottattititOtt: Ward.
'Aar nutetane• 1%. immoral limit. It
'abaft ISDATI4I6I. To to ...At Form-yrs .03 . 21 . 1 . ,
Mom hittsbur.h. • f Min
aveortkent=K.; ;;:.
P. B.
ma toe sae br .• ill 10
• • • • •
ARI) OIL-15 bbbi for sale by
11 Jalfie 'falai* , •
, TRANPOOtAit'llriSi
1851. Asa
CLAWS, PARKS .1 CO., It N o y gre o,ricii,
YIIIIE - PROPRIETORS of this old and well
,knowtt Infirm the public that they ars
zw,:,4rzurn.Nt72==',:itVgr,.;ZtlfZ, o r k:T=}
lJne wilt be
We at the luta., wh o , re.
gullets Ihidas, 11l rent v., freight.
JOllb /LC/LUNN/IP. &mud.
Unite. air. Water and Smlthlield e 4, Plat burith
IL W. Cunningham. New Cottle lia •
C. Mathew, Pulaski, Pa
W U Molars, Photon:
J & N. MAIL them... W o rt,
11m Attn. & Co,tlevenviile•
tu. teary.
Mtn •rower,
t: 1 M.
¢ellbridar.ll4ll.lo, N
N e w take SuperiOr
ATILE hew steamer NORTHENBR, Capt. - B.
0 G`t - L'x'L modern improrment
A y' end ...taut. Win hviVe Clevehniul on Friday. the St
of May wet, en her first trip-Lend weekly thereidtar on
Fridge. at GM ,;,dock. I'. IL. far ;the Paul Ste.ll KM.
The steamer MANHATTAN, Capt. Jonv CALOwntOnil
icy.. None Pte. Made, for the dlgeniut latulluipt ott Lake
attrition On the arrival of the steamer Northernef, making
e. regular weekly line. throughout the P. 15012. between
Clevelsnil and the Copper and Iron Mho,
S & d TIMINKIL Proprietor.
Cleveland, 11, &Mil 25. 145L-1f
blandactirer's Line
Ati9Esi)3. lB5l.
elm M 1... LIRE: vompaned entirely ay g,tlen Rst ler sl.
P [ oeal uml ailtr . , ehort time, and at ...doe. rate,e,
ut ti ' . ' peaear4,4%.lll.l aim tern made for earrYlßd
y litatxht Blettneville, ,Anhastown. 11Mdayetort ,
W- Y1 ate r• • Brett, Alexandra, Petertbural, Runt:nekton.
Cntir... Rea . lisMiltoth MeVeytmen, L,letotru,
;saw port; elarh . , Ferry, Ilarruburd,enhottibhatatelall otle
et Intertnediatopolnts on the Penury heal Canal mod Port.
Re Railroad. Haring-return trade t.f ban ',eared Ye.
the Juniata prompt.. nmt mg...! ahiptaentn i . , tAa
th r,a o “"" . 4
0- . 1 . Wareham,. LitertL:Met,
Em-rat.4.v.s LENT. to 1.7 .
tttIIIFFF'...OOORRR6~~3•..: DINOIIAII, the banner. at Idttehurah will hart
alter be trot:non-II under the etyle of "Wm partial:a
Co.'.• Iterhit 11120; HAIL
Bingham' Transportation Line.
.Kt!-. 1851. P;g•rFP
- -
j An
rIIN CANAL being tiqw open, we ore mt-
*e (revive d foryrir.".propOW. l•rodtwa
~rt. -
. Pnlruart and Slornhan:llantwlllharrealynlatul
cant andwaft, althout any enargo tot fanrardlan rat .1.
rowing tralght, itanzolzahm, ar
1111In:of /Lading : Ganwaklnl, anal all dirndl/ma fallnfully W. .11,1rna• or apply tn
IllYalflAhl t PLC. - al Baia,
entnanr Libertyand Wayne ate,, tittalnlYalt.
11 , 3 lard/ .
rmlrth uel Finn rtt., I . lllladnllAla.
JAJIY.ANVI.I4OYi. agent.
it .1.1 o: 1,2 North hatted atrret„ - talnisiorn.
JAMES BIN(11120.1, 0.10 W,•.t
- Merchants' Tramortation
. C. A. IIiaNULTA a OD, t iltaxiD. 401
• DILAULLAS tLAYNCil,Cfnind Mork. Mori drool, Mills.
%Zoltan.- • • • •
- • We an prepared tu moire b lora. amount zoorohalialo
nl p Liztuostu n tlj .. .unthr . *=r , t i ti: r = r,r by I
out to
leas time than man) Doran. atom.
N. D. •Tbs incoonnt unualor uf Truelo 1, Ar
lb. Oita! Onainlosinuers It carrying our bunt. to lb.
elate Hallrowno, o4l will boron au/ J.oll,illty or Urlay at
Johrutuvol.llarsturg or Coition AA PORIL•11.
DMA . . • Usual Baku. .
To Shippers of Nora=lke, Produce, &c.,
• - •- • -
••• ••• ••••• TATION LINE • .
ATKiNP CO Propene., N. 2d Market. and 61
Ceilatneree Heret. l'hiladelphin • •
LILL L !.11301 - IT. Agent, Coxed
nn , reeiei‘L ". iining at the Pennarlynnl.
Cann!. to aniniel for Freight al', 'low rate, aul
ui amen ilenynteli nul sure AN any <Mier Line.
To John Mers.V. t Co 1
Canal .11,LI, Penn Street.
Fenno. Bail Road Co,--Central Bail Roast
T HEE , 111 , E•irib haVirig 6,11 . . tiol...itae•l
J!nwt,ibt P C , ot, LleW
1 , 311 - f, I it+.l
'ire' play Elowitandise 1.1.111:.• " ;r ‘ , 174Z?tto. '" ?1•:,It:.
optialbN ff TM. •
OMAR route trill FA rarrirrlthrout,tl lu tire dt , t
rl.l all rouxUrue.l to go vlll tu lorttaraml In. of rnmm~+
top or Otago 4,r rarotter-s.
Ätá 4t Mlal.l[l•Vr. , 3114 IST
linelmatationary,Callery.Co. ,
r. Pram, Fnatlati,. Yarnltuni.
adA)erl:Rmi. Le. to lbw Pt Inn Ity.
quebtl3lll•l4, rt.., Paint, AT. :tam OIL.
Laaabar,COrttr, 31.,Titontliy aasa caber Giros
Itarvit.l.o. Pork, Butter. Lar.t. Lod 011. intWe.a"lA.noo. ,
lAae--lull. .oratnh4lto)
Ash. St t arbie (rou.a. Tar. boob, 2.1 n. (km. C 1.?..
linamt. too
• IibLA C T,:: plcoor
rig7g;gl 1851 • =rte
:Pittsbur g h Transportation Line. •
- .TA”MO'CONICOR L CAS, Canal Coin. Pituburrh.
triTLII . , JANE.? tt Co.. Dr.. lirmrt sent L'bobry meet,
1.1140. Month Ponith ttl/nbt, tilt,. Nark. on).
Wt rutt.r. Pbflattelptil.
1/Cl/10101IN I. EM. 10 NOMII 0,14.1; . ~l Ia nA N'M fully completed vac ormtli
Om.. Ire .111. net pared upon the npetiban Of tn.
t!Isola Canal, I,gam- ire.. to, and trcua
Plittatlphis. NI/1. 04.. MA.. Cm
etnottl. t0...1111,0t Lob& *Wall the Katt and,tl eq. at
1./. atid mare dbfrutleh ctrl tareitlvolay otb
10' All Mato /b 191.1 mar LI. are,tiorrt.
krkri11..., any 41danm ta awn.. • 101tectboi
banlit 110.1.1 by
a. . y oft.
CL .0113.• ill toot with protipt went/no.
AWN, 11. Our ba , twegmese •Itb
.behlia , an) altitturgn Trata•cnbtallen Lilo of Jib
kb. It (an. fittho
iewiee - l'atent Revertible Water Filter
xs NOW te, bo gown in operation at W3l.
TATE a co.,'S Plumber, No. 10 Toitrtb stve,etj4-
Jr I
.V;rWt ".' airt ' sq..Plit:l L' i '.. r.V. Vlle n t!i o l l o l . o r A tll9 , !; ' ;4i
.a.Gout Item the Institute of Meer Tort.
tort a Certlerate Dont Vnaddlu Institute of rbiladed.
FrlVarl i pt;
to *Went!. folloeltus are szaroplese
- Ptubatistsnts, March . .1510. Vet.
nll'lllllo great ukases. to tosinotend the lovers 01
mein dear Watrr. the ?Aleut Iltdetalble Water,
11011414 by Mt. Lavin flaring steel one of th/nm tor nett
al nuititles,l ana enable!. to Inane of th eir value.
' • ..tildilltit: PLlVl.Wlltintatteet..
' Ade& In tb,-11.41.
The relent llesessible Water /Wren, Invented 1.,
laalus.l.ll. Levels, and need by lee for :sane niontlar at tut
Initiate reridenno, 14 all lint Aar prtran ~veld wild, 1
ttentliare mushier It ii pelt - lynx to hose It 1,, t r y power in
tee t nnnd t ei it to the pistil, 11,0040 Y. FA 11:4Afilit.-
' • n Summer ettest.' .
Thew Alters' nie unentoted rto tate out eni
. tatiCe moo osier then dereungesed animal nr regrts.
Lir. 11 1 1 1 11011 . 100 11, 11 0, - 1 . 10., are "'emoted to last two
rem, and with unllnary rant Will hilt lern and remain
noir w arpr , .
- .
ray/it( . T 2.1 Are, streol. Philo-U.1.165.
iiiiticingham and Domestic Queensware.
W .
aLsoluorss of Ifipallushant Sad Vollus. (Soo, Wan.,
VIM Idluroot, 0i1'.,'..• aftlamplo Itnonn
U.) toneruot Eloth sod ert
bul.U..esnosansfid lib isr, 10 y .i It.
loydoWlsalmaletirwers. 9
Our eaten...lto
i Niorks oosblo us In fill ord,,,t 011 .-
iferr. ol ' :;g7lr b l S Uf
WSW? l/rosigpllooOkPattliM,
Moss Tues. Cloblots, ldnotol Orotaseuts, Slodiciue sod
'elf off Jots. And ertleles fur domestic use, lo grout sariolt.
. • 0,407 rum{./
so4ofrol. - welattf
Heating and Ventilation.
1p - Destine by Rimini In II ,Court Rooms, Lectern
Wen... Bank 011orr.Storro, enetorim, limnitols, soil build.
dermigtion, pnbilr end Dewar,. Alm. Loom
ilnro mid Drying Ram for-vill• purviews when, regular
tempenitore, either ids 1: or kw. 44 desired: mut En' them
rwgro method illimualig) IL
Tentllotion. by ristursi sr formal memo, .111
tiovimitionol wherever Monied.
Unit/lingo of the voriono deneriptiono mentioned are
mort suommorally hnstAl nem thlir pIM in EmOrn townr,
tho method Menem a wholmomr, uniform hint, at mie
mouirivi tempoolure, with from soot,
amok, orb.. durt.orilmonnem, tind smfrty time lire.
, 141VINE 7 -500,1be, IVOOI, forma e by
(11.1LORIDE OF LESIE--mo Bemis for sale
suby 1408 iIkNNETT. DRURY A 00.
- C. , AL SODA- 7 - 4 00 casks for Bale by
s,j . holm liner Biting
•- 1.0E2 Dried Voiebnie
3 °Moen. `•• •
3 Emillorne2 urkrreM and for rain by
NAILS - 300 kegs mild, forisile by
ARD Barrels Ne.• i Lard Oil
reed this day pr fi 11. North River, and for vale by
apiii • B. A W. ILA RDAUU II.
I_ll Mao= A Co. barn rewired a large tut or errY
mor Block and Fancy Sill.. ripiO4
'"- Second, Lazne Supply. •
A A. MASON , * CO.' Would respectfully
• .4 - the ottentionnt their mist/morn. oul the 'public
nonerally, to their oreond loom overly at new owl amine
Me SPRING AND SUMBILR 01)(11)S...relertied with Trent
rare in Um Eadern ni.kets,_ond mirtimoril Ma ;rostra
.fitiCtitltl Dom itaniner print. To throe purrharing at whale.
sale, orenow emirmed to oiler goods st much loom.
priori than they 10014 have been
_Mot emir in
tem myl3 n 2 and 44 Market at
ITOBACC(.)--, •
I.ban, 3frre's
l i,
aw 1.4717 y. rfai is
Vrldn . D EABBONS--Assarted widths
!lad colon.. reed Bot to m this Amy. Also, black
Tlu olokited Dreio .
. Y. IL EATON. 62 Fourth
; nth PEPPERMINT-1501be.(warranted
41:1ratr.) na• ei mart -it. smad,Ens.
FefiROWERIES—A. A. BissoN & Co.
tun, 404 m cerat gwir orDing 1r7. 1 7,
eZf. l = l"2o deill=Wital L fTlig
WlollMiag• Olol.lomt's Wiistm 2.1 C. Cambria and Sw4s
mom haw Claud (14 Market erL J 22
T 'kegs NA,' for by
L',5.14 - ATENITAIga EONS.
AKES---50 doz. ay Raw: for a ale by
ax . on. • .'a. P. .0x BONI: HORST t CO.
CQRY-t5OO bn. Shelled, for eale by
PODLI UR, Oflg . -30 ale: sirptrioi ,
for tali by mra BELLI:IM= eR ,
riaQTA.TOVS; 7 2O bble- Nealmanocks, for
DT Wo. ts.T.Tog ➢WiJZo= aca
-Murphy & Burchfield
Are nom opening a'Grrat Varitig e Nen, Good:,
Aral 11.1. I.b.n calls of all raatiaa to parebase.
I cam Par.ols, &eludingextra al. black .od brow.;)
Chase able and Damns& I•UPLIN& •
Ikaleuklaa Grass Cloths, 1.2r1ad1..a . drert;
Lan to
NomlfenVorked UOder 131.v.5.
TWO Bleck
ITTAl:ntlfittV and grea t varloty of otbl.r
!WTI, of
Ci . 11EAP PARASOLS!—We have just re
co.m,,a. Nos. £. and 64 Market cunt--4cases plain
twit trios:sit twobraclog alt thodifletwatlloshhos.
• hid/ we am preoansl to odor. at wholesale or seta , at a
gout rwlustroo from Comer prkies.
V_J wntllJ call the attention of purehtwere to the larthret'
melt of Wahl awl embroblenal Crapqes hhawle ever before
00 ht1,11,.1 in Mil market, awl at orient 4. unturvally low
that thYr flatter thrtavelvvr all pervons an he plowed la
odor sad /toothy. hoc 0.2 amt 04 matet. at. tol2l
White Goods for Dressit
mURPLIY EBUIiOILFIELD ha.vo can't' a
ran wwortionot nr the radon, blnatociVinteCloals
for Lailex' Drams, rash as
Moil blued.,
ea ten
acuenk lai pn anihanbraidatetit
Qu a
a—Primed al eetCaLawaenns, drea ; •
Ai wstal blaslins with sold esabroldeat:
newest styles Preach Lawn; dna a large assatstanent of
fashionable Tbs.. Basues.Orenadlora, Os. gail2
POri Co. barn jort rocrircl per exprepr thrmcasEr ,
for Jarnnettr and Cambric, ' • EDIT
sVir EN CAMBRIC lIDKFS--An assort.
rnmt of Arm Good,. far Ladle', from 1214 vents rnt Gentlemen's drE; tow Bend and flnErupt mod by.
31Uh1'i1ir k BURCHFIELD.
_ _
A. A. NASON & CO.,-
Importers; Jobbers, and Itettiilers in
DRY 0001)3
Nor. 62 end 64 Hanka erect. Pittsburgh, Pa,
NNOUNCE to their friend!, and the pub,
Le 2r l : , fin 'i i!;l4 . Vigrj ' fri .s . D' al Dew:it to
they hare eretoLferril in Shia elly. oitrintlo4 of the aunt
rlch awl fashionable Wales, on well as thei snore eool6loif.
nod "bleb will be olferri at the'
• LovrEsT rosmiar.rniczw. • • • ••
at WWII coo l eau be rola any of the roister. CiLlew.
Their two lower ealeetoonta Will be drooled uselnairely
fmoll tool , , and the wood. nrrungeil In liepartpente. ries
' Silk Department.
All the new and fashionable styles Imported this raison.
Inch/din, the best wake, of Black Hilts.
Dreas:Coods i.lepartment: • .
coeirraina Ileraitee,'Tfietne, lierare de Lalnei.
Caehtuaniii i - Llama, (itanbrieu, Janos..
tire.4i,,,.ll4aphastveA, Alpaca.. as.
Shamir, Vizetter,
entilooAtro 1, , plan null eln l, o , l4lorral. Alpo. Danixok,
Tlnba, Lain ULAlsokero, Paha, Elored dm, And
taller HhAsiv. A ,
len, itelton, PAtnlotp, AtAanllu, A.
Hosiery and Olnye.Department
Alrarp munJ with elan bexl. Dols. of
An 4 /I<nii•ry.. Thy. /set Kid (dotes &limit. on
Linen Department.
L ., 1, 4-1. aucl.f.-1 White Linen, Lin. Sheeting. Pi(lnv
Cake Linen', Napkin'', Ik.liea , bleached.. Lruao Dam.
avk,Tiorelling. lhakwrt
• .
•11 late GiNNIS.
uheet..l and /A , ll , 4eambriern IJ IL Swb.o. ••ika
7C:P.6k aloollit,, to and Itishon•Lowsts, of error
000lity Moo. Curtain ilatosilJo, Planoo44 To.
tole 1.1.nr5%
Fanitmideries, Laces, Trirumirigs,
' A ittuplete atww - hatrut. Alto, Ribbons, flower!, Tahit i
to. Pesstole cif ell Wade. honoree 431 all the L,te..t
ihlit`litie Goods Department • •
le prnhelily eerier the twist eiders/tee In the eouottl i etm
trail., ...Tithing known .atowiestigt. • . • •
Ttm Ihripriihirs feel roulhleut thet. •Ith their but...*
feellitle, large soil attractive. dor*. soil atiusuallyiuir
ttlerr. they Gil to sire tetVet eutllfeellori. • •
Ithult,h/e purrlisiers lox retprettollt lull/rand thgatt
will pleeeirl to /wool,. Melt miler, ELL uly time; for
ge.le et eastern peke. eta , , to ltitilkwhe eat iwiltetll hlll
of guide at the game eastern rain.
hew .oil traililoriable Goods will be twelrAl reuelehtlz
through thermos.
USE iwtex ivcr. •
A 4 A,MAtION 1111.
PantsolL •
X, a CRP!' Y EPROM - FIELD lave reed
ey Alerylmark And Cochlea AU.. AL, oupreine
a,: PrieLL, of newest peel., lost reel b
y) Melody a- BULIALYIALD.
1111 S&IEETINGS—A full assortment
V M differcat *ULLA and hem male reed 01
ml I 11111ILPHY t aukcitin LLD.
-1 awmrue u.a aMeatim of by rers ModramorMand
PllperkPr Mon Maa
im, immatervaum. and how. 110101n1 V.& M.... Wt.
am I
Straw Bonnet sad Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 MiStg..LT STIIELT, ,
1) IL PALMER offerti for sale, at very
La. taw ;wit,. v+ortzweut of L'iraw and MILO.
/:4 ° A ..? 2Vrwreigu wn.l A Merles° plain •wd fancy
Her,. thwhi. Chip. !imp, Milton, J. I lair, Pamela. Leg.
/LI Ilv— , l,nr. V. neul Itnyr' logbnin. fancy ~a
d ant 1,3“.1.:11,.. - ..l . ..nonum.llluni an.l tstsn I. In.
1.7x1.1.:1rnr. Chip. kiln, Lern. sod flair.
.11o.rn , ./ Lind. and n4ln Surtax. ha Krrat
et: a ansve an.l eear4,lo4. P. *tin car
tete...611.14th. 60.1 er..lurr- all and ores
brand and COkored 5116 and
Cotton 1...M.1".
FLO WENN—French sud Americ • Eyrien, bunches and
rcrarnie. Atli and moat vtrlr,
ifu.V.VEf FILANASiI SA 77. V llrr. 1110. de ge
pl., Lim du Floronee, en• ottat !trim sosor44
~..17.1., — Asanttf4 quarter Rad • tr.
Ltr....itleti,n4 low rano* UmbrellsNllcrol
LW his
VASSIMF,II4:ISO pic7:s fancy and black,
•_,/ for ex). LI spl.2 C. AkSITTIMOT.
11RESS I,,IWNS-4 cas sprinted, a great
ErMie , i, e,f Vol.erer• Mt flit
I.IEItAGE DE LAINS--2 eases desiratAc
raOrator de AT . • •
awn C. AItrCTIMIT.
. D0nuet,..250 ettt, for
rale art/ C. ARI!VILINUT. •
1.7.:;r 'AND NOW OPEN N 0 AT
1/Ilinrtl 8013 a Ltrztrt
lielsW.lM,VegglVrAnr ..4 .' ntitr= e • th th ' ;
newel styloT. fa ann•rtee, lhatals an.l Erench tem..
sneer!: a eery plenlTl efietntotent of Vesting," etwl Cloths
ot ever, famhiTneble .b ale end eolon.whlrh.togetherWlt4
a lance and wail Inanatectored A 4,4 of PIA HT WADI ,
clAri r..ak” one of Me
.anel beet. dieleellvtl
novae wee. of the A Ileghent, all of, whieh tbe l'lttntictar
dotal-rained with. at melt ;There ai wiloool all
who Lleor Wu. c a n. tha not only the ant/olio'
Clothing heold at this ettahlhltnent. but oleo at the low
ert prinelu the site.
AU order, lot do Tnlortno Ism range& m most. In the
hen poesthle manner, nodal the eltarteet notice.
111. - 011.*O104ntVrooriving 61a tlpring Lock of
:•pologrirlps In following
- • • • •
" . I' '3l V - IQ ' tr) cri...t.g.l
th...., ~,,- ~. , . , ilo. Ta4pe4try Arai. .414,14.: 43. 1.313e1g ortn, imp , r: 3 PIS - 4314313. Z . - PI) ,
to. / 341-4 i 4, •114.4 kw 43.: Lan 434 03.03q0u do.: .4134134
4-434, 34 3 4141114 twilled V 43111434 4-1,34, 34, 41413-4
plain 44, 44.0-4, “,s4dl 2-1 9334 4+34 .331104 d0'.... , i : ......•
. LAE,. CloWille Itu n r, nue 44.; 4:4' tern. tattled day 404 mown. do. Chenille Poor Mat, 0111.1 do, Jar
,duter, mt In do. an; ,Adorable 40.404 Tbrum dozdo. , •' •
Crumb OWL, getting do, 'Llttektnir 124, 134.'antl 2-11.•
• A Wu--meet 1.41 Clotbm,' tut to At .y.mWe no room. ,
0-4,14, 1-1, br, rl, and it toll Mutt.. ; • ,
A1,..-Stair ltldl. of all *me Cannel Mangy; LIAANLW
pey, to do; f.4.44,0nd MAI MatUrnon Tablet irmn.n
mnd Itiwn II notebook do Tntrointent Windowlibiden
(toll Window Itt•llandr, Venlthw.lllltWen ranbonntillanu
eurettO 4 0. Table Wit do, sunyd du.; Wonded.T•ble do,
Hating int partol And purclatatol ow tonkalreci from the
met esdel•rated rwtneine, tolsog of lb. latest anti most Ole
t ooled Arlin and n•lorm, we aka prepared to mall tO ottr
fritmda iota rumba/tors ai Peng:as Wm oet4ett coot tin.Mrt.t7
.01 in any int kastrno OWt.
Ire medially Invite all to malt and examine onr mink
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth eircet.
tuchlo W. AIcOLIKTOOK. r
‘, l
1IA1V1.5& DRESS OCK)DS-15 cartons'.
I of the emelt fmtlAnnmble awlm,
I ASON Orli. Also, rows of new Lk, Lain, Ber t
agem, Poplin.. Cam Wks, nad Jmennetinspin.
neaenrlcrn bare now open their Spring wilt or
tremelt Cloths, eeleetel with µTent farm, Mrd..lnr thO
e a ilm ur. gentlemen roelting mnPl43 thetweltras wi new
Amts. nag
COTTON GOODS-2, caries Cotton pant ,
/dug, mud. rewired and for takt by
tmp • 1.31
Ohio Laboratory
80 lititi'9s !icy
,1. 99
Per cent. Strekth.
Ii()WELL FLETCIIEII co., manuractu
nom 01 .114M1101.; PornStdrite fur Cohan. manna,
n, Copper V opOr hirktiy abeam on band. , •
tkrzt, or Flue and /mot Arcot,. enterfOlATl,
dy All ortlrna from talb.burgh ,wlll be protarmY
.1101.44 luartnt aplttly
Wines and Li4nors.
Ne, 57 Liberty 01., Formerly Danis cracker factory.
to..rgaranrx, of ritteburgd 11. n amarw4nf 21. ••
r i g ICKEISEN .Ez STOUVEN4, respectfully
annon nen to the rnblir genenally. .rae
tslV4ll 7 AßVlVartn:l74l=l. l ltif4rin je wl :httr
• knelt n v....ortntent of the Nat etertk—nroselle and
tarneh red and whin* Wine, Alma kreneh dark andplla
Brandier, of the cboltnap vintager; Jamaica ram,llolland
Tint /rirn nod etuAling hook wlt t,,, S
snwl eprn.;...l 4.116, port wines, Madeira,.
nod atarent 01 , inc.; Mt...mite, re. , Also,prdiner. Ural
hmaltter, Owirr and Liniburgh Chem. MI of whichtbrr
wlll re 11, wholeraln, or the moat reamineble barb,
One of the bartnerv. Mr. Stottyrneketni eontbudng
imortabon b b AW, In theelty of li:kork, the shove Eitel
It rambled to n cheaper at a better article than My
other bourn in UM city. Plea. MIO WI s tali. Were you
purebute einewhtnt,
fern of extra charge; and It th e
rhorund mike spa.
CARD.-1 . : Lave remined l to nov newetore,
(three d ^"" koker ormiG• rho Bank or
Oltlobolfb. wber• will bn oloot to ofekl7rirvde and kt•
low oltlowns, awl offolo• • flown of then etwooool 1 will
kfwp • very lame awartownt of Upholotery, nnllondnlq•
dlow - too and nook Maros.
men OvstOwt Palo, llolotros. IllsoketrAlonkk
r C lTg l :=l , l o a 4 U nATIVe t 4 ‘ Z . it ' l u or I nno:ll l l7 . t o ofog ' izzr.
rota o l2llohonent• of tho kiwi. Orders reoprot.
roily polltlteil awl no,f pronoolv Wird.
Rol WI!. NOULE:TbIrd otrof.
E n NC ; E Ie C' aIIi " q:L TIICTS ' Fiar°ri Pg
.Ettttt.t-tt ittmt , nt ` . .trytt . Kt. or ii.ttcr,::
Jam: thugm
ram:llA 11:1 1 ,AnN
pr . wu.A.g s iw i t . k u cchi,
n RI" bbls. for oak by
114 COFFEE—For silo by .
IR Mi. A. IIoCLITIIII k Lo.,orocen.
I S-'RANGE -41alf boxes,ve supetioroind
vv coartnicnt sized pukains roc 6.A , tiv, fur min by
apli - WM. Ai I.IeCLURO t CC4
ANGANESE:s4.bhls — '' — nflroulid,for (lime
JXlll;lbakersattr mktg. AlF2ll.(grf, BERRY tea.
pIS , : gster amt.
131011101-66 taw Fargo arul Foundry,
JL .o.sagodkaailigtAbillat 171
FLOUR—i , .4O bbla. Extra and S. F. for sale
by my° L. S. WATER...NUM lk 6020..
1 "PLED APPLES-320 sacks %male by .
IJI/ m 56 L.. tl. WATERMA2 a RONA
B UTTER—In .i7 boxes (fres , &re c el. daily ; by
TOBARLS-20 bble. for sale by
4 111'S y r..ED 01L-2 . 0
j flo sale by:
ALERATU--100 Ins; and 10 bt;li.pure,
p b3Y saie by • J. B. CANFIELD
3IIEESE-100 boxes for sale by -
m y 7 J. B. CANYIDELD.
BUTTER--G bble. Fresh. fdr sale by
op= • ' J. S. auxotrn W. •
VRUIT-200 bu. Dried Peachea; ,
. 1 022 " " .
9 "titilgh b li * 4%):
PEER'S OPODELDOC-43Aross gnperior.
10 for raleby 2,1: an d W 1
comer Word and irth stream: . •
AppLEs_7 bbls. Dried Apples for Bale by
• ..0S . ... -10111iSTON
illiktr - APPUS—:46o — t;ii.iiiii WC, - 1)1
1J sp2l. . T. SIMI% .
SUNDRIES--7'6oka - Cheen . :'
bo.. Dried 3331.00 . • - ,
• LOD tas. kleitemart
11/0 • predrind,rol tor 03/o . g.
TA2.1.40 ' , MI.. atar street.
UGAR-59 166. priaatTN. 0., for (sale by
, J A IL DAT7TII 4 G 3 Than 01 •
74.$ OLASSES—V) hfAbl. 8.11., for sale Ai
.4 . 7 • . lAS.ISALZILIts tS Water pt.
ONEY--14.ferkina . (tresh) for sale by
DRIED: PEACHES-50 each - for sale by
AIIRIED PEACIMS-300 bu.'for sale by
421 S A WM. P. ansivEß..
so r . — Jor saleti;
lORN-25 bbla. for aale - by 'l' .
aye 4 8. F. VON 81031X88388T CO.
BACOM-Llsoo' fbe Sides: ' •• • -..
Roo Manakins:in
edo u • "-dismal just randaed and tor
W and an. Fatal att.: •
*On AWN to.
Vi/Sli— •
.28141 NcLI . Tn
do ia
,• / r
10 do No. I trimmed 191.41,Y0n haia . ana
do db
rbr fen Otyool . J 01 1 ,14 WATT AC O.
do SALSION. lonnetlealli-,lnika bosn, n-
Tea ana Tarn!. by
W. A...I.IeTLUNO k CO,
DRIED PEACIIES-29 •bbla. on eunsibm
F Loug_s,o bale.,S., F., for sole by
AMS. —3O casks Evatk Et.Swiren C., for
br mr6,, . 8.44. ITARBAIMIT. •
I)OTATOES-200 garb' for solo by,
rr my 6 , . , 8.4 LIARLI COIL
COTTON- , -150 bales for mkt,'
1777 i
42 3 1,1 := P ATAN , iw.
ro, . _ _ IdAlAil DII . KYY CO.
, • •••
D.- WILLIAMS' &'.00.. •
darner of Wood and Iffth Stred,r,Pdlloqi . h0., 0
moo =pice-thiti
the follaZr . d . ordo.ol.tho moot o f hiipoo
' llSearParase 4.1r0n0% doom' Pstord lbw iamb
45 ht. chest. do. ; d er. 4C;bon=ivaxe l Mardi:
. " a Ch • _
lici bags itt - tai.icrliroril ! nr,
15 " Loguysaaailcar. 15 • $. 0..
CO laces 555, b's, CM 1 I 10 . 7 Liolden_Syroo
lama Tolawac • '0 • Lost. (...rulth, awl
bbl..hos. 1 sada Mock: Powdetal Sagsa--
era; • 550 lbs. scofflaw Kalasun
!-13 Si cod si' 1 do. 50 drum limyrnalltita
,5, sad do. Samoa; SO jays Horde.. Pytnow
LO boric. bcslal lierchar. 51) O. Sioily
I.lta 11, calms Ilsadon ' Lott+ [took essoly:
3 Wes Camas: 9 . ehos et!stak-:
la t torpoot Alloplan 'A Abarillo 0
tl=baa% 11 . dos.
Pepprm 1 Lb!. run.Crea Carb. balm
" " hurontro 1 " m Tartar:-
10 :.- - . ~ t I .7,-,
elly ' "Aii7„e;i7r
'..., . - Mgral it•floed
13 fir. Stettsin Caarlik I-^ •Ar•
• a pAta _
10 ", run-. •'. uo I
LW. Flour utlEtu L
100 Inun IlattoterElarklurt lOU trogallatcher.l. -
13011 c. HlPPrtuutl/ice Vtotu, 10 aox Extract at 1.00120.
.IEI " 1 S. V. trullsr; 111711.01.1•VtuE71 ,
dou tutu i 11 ". Lemma Butt.: -•-
Ixo Com Brooms I lurk nal S.l.
Utast.\dl., Whim Lead. Lard 014 .c.zal.
4 - a USIA lES-- • t
1.3 307 toe. prime 11. Coffertl 3E11a..11,11.E Hutt:Ulu-
In 3 &Err. tr,ll,l_ruul. stulj 30.1512 ?": Elcuttle„_
T O.ccttl
--, .A.-. • ; G . ; k =g.t. : '47.1zi,....., nun 1
l'atu"' l,lll2T 2 ," .'d . F i , : eciil1 7 :r
25 tu. Hier;
1T1661 703
n amp.
cmo p . , firdtsh; ' ... I ri. tax
6 * _ on •
ewar- 7,6 0,. ,tna - ,6
100 caws 6a Segal. ' Dar 2-212r.r. •
bbds. Midden
1.0, 11)..1.2 Glaser. 'llO.OOO Pribelp. ear . ..rg
too Qt. and PL. Wlaskr. 6.nco Ilayaas _
.50 team. wbsu ry,e 130.11. Lam
1. 11 I ' gr: F. " .gar ALI
3 no knr. N.S ' - • 'I I " , YT CTK•kr . ";
3Ceu Ths
Albs, Wbation
40 bbi.. Tonna,' OD; 100 gnir•
too Cat C.A. . Tobiort
10100 L;u.p Ol
IOU am- licorrkol"; • ; ba . s. o es W./. eoun
Tut. D;
Vtlettlo So=
N. O. Vogt:A kollsonejed Carl;
stonol I•ri•lng and IV De it .M'.
oos; Sum camlYloktoO4 T•tren lin= • on.
end anotintent of road. Usually tept..lo out llor.
Nor Ede A . 111INNErr,
dIOTTON-13 bales' landing frau sti..-Calr
V idol'. M
and fin sale '
us , N
It ;
3 b ow , 411.... g: ;
le item; an landing si ft ftla by.
. p 01.11,111 DletiE
Water etal,rroat ea.
i.EATLIERS-5 bags for sale
SUOAR,..IIOLASSES, Ice-- ..' ; ~. .'• ~
76 hhds. N. O. Sag.: -
• ES bbl.. DAM* Groandaaloliseses .• , _
6 bblis - Lasf Buhr; I j A sirl for sttly
m7l ' . , CS Wates.sadiS JIMA. ..
FLAISiED-60 bu: for ablet t , i '
- myl - JAMES ALZELI..
MORSE'S Co;upouncl Syrup — of YELLOW
rocs. - boor—e bes“ bat let'll 61 , n ri pli:r.;
~..4 [Or ,bub by ' ' -, ' .N. N. WItIT NILS
.. SW. Agent fur Westsra Pe
myl - , :• i .r. serene.. 11%W sat As. ~,
LAltir tun.
Bahia's Soap Powder. lb . ..iamb l tree 4
w l3rtbsb, by Y. 67
egALK-10 bbls:lll,r mile by .: :',.
e r l • ..' ' n it• Einnynk..,l.-
A , Lui l e and wllwtantifil two h roe waßn
.L - A.: villa rega axles, for 8,38 op Suitable rroo by -.— •
4 , , , - 4C L A
lit' 3 . 8801 . 38. ,
, . 1!8 ',oz," Ss and 80, Jobark , LBlBB,' 3,44,
"IL ... Co, 1 / 8 1381's
v,ll6l , ..uttan,,,tarvi twri er 101 W,, broad;'.
, -
11" . ' 00.T4. 131v03883
Juat re'd cas cocusigumcnt no 13,314 7 Lyncliban
...!B'in'rt .94forti.ktz-iit.i.miNi...NB,
thp= - ,80 sad el Water) lited Emit ot. , ,
ACON-707.Nilba. !log : Roan receiving
and forsar by. - - -:- ---
,— , Z AUFS D, - 12I ' LL .
SUNDRIES -4th/ aaakceorn; ..• ~ •
10 bu. Dried Peteb.r.
3 . Pared 1 rale
apthl JAM KS DALZILL, GB W r ator 81 b r .
RE 4:--liii -7- Dia -- -
AA ACME • . No. 31 - ---•••
_ILE •, • z• la dJill N cr, do:3
bAL • fbr We
ZKL/ by
' ...
''LENTILS- % .-Received mile by
ALCOHOL-10,bbla. We b• ,
. n.. E. ELMO.
inORN-50 bld. Slirlied,Tur sal by
W11 : SON. 147 pinto.
LEAD & SHOT-400 Lead;
ami'd Mou forailobY
dwL" , albiltl UTGLION
/11CS—Oil lemon, bergamot, loves, anis
nziaigarsvar In arterial .Nr.irre r.. striflts k i s ol . ,y
/TOBACCO--251ega Gedgi 6 of for solo
Ji by dip2a JTA lEB i MULL
COFFEE -150 bogs prime Rio
, fo r sale by
it z r*V ANDBI SLIN.4 , -N reeeinng
by A. A. Mason k cam Of am at las Lawns asa
L Inn. abai
rIACON lIMIS-14 rah on h d; for sale
A.P nr *Oa . 1211/11 CERT co
baud: lot Welly .520 113ALUI 0 cgEy sCO
ALTPETRE-60 bags crud° on hand; for
Azle by •DOS /ULM D, =Dr *CO
ROLL BRI4STO . NE-12 bb b on hand;
tr ale by ap2G • ISIIAIX D CEDY CO..
8U741111-20 crooks and .iaro ' !Ur Bale by
sou J. 31:1%aufAma 00-:-
VLOILIES PINS-31 boxes to sale , by ,
TANNERS' OIL-15 bblni erriveYbr
fIIORKEY UMBER-L-10W, Iba t,6" arrive)
J. for We by &Ail J. 4WD a 0').
LINSEED OIL-20 bbln for .
j et bq
: .Na n out arm!
9174 . p1 i DE SIENNE— .
- Buperiur
XL guilty Jr tam LT 601 J1 ,. /CIDDtCO &MIT 2
bare just neeind
Oust Ptetsehilamtnr, 4
_ .
- OLAXSEED OIL-10 WAIL prime, from
j:Uctse. cutatly. So de by
Q.A.FIFITY. FUNS-8 bb . ll: in isthre; --
l'llDficciri ETl.lli - - 7 4Clitilii( - iif 11,;,Nd e
ILI by , rnia ROITIMON.6.I Lk II CO.
- -
G A rg A tncl i g: ibt a l : l a. w vv. , u
A.ALS—L,'S,OOO Sawed Ipatta beat quail- 1,1 EtlkilSON LITME 1.1)
• Y. 6• Llbertik.
/1.1{49 N-00 bit: Oats '
" I) 1C
Pittabtrtgh Lite Insurance Com;iNm . .
THIS COMPANY we Inoirpotited is
Fa:n=7.4344 with ...perpetual Charter] and hale
Tteileeit bueinesa ena capital of 5100.0,1.
he Cirellar7 dire Mules. loth 1 is the Joint Etah
, •
Oa the Joint Stash ilea the rate's are one-thlriless-thaa
aArired br 11111.1 Com isinief. and Fifteen Per (Sint-'
lower than the rap of tool Strek.Coraparies. I . 2 _, •
• Matra' Me: are t he mho sur ewe* ereptell byother .
rarely condoeted Companies. Thom insured ins parent..
al pdadple here the combiaed erearitt.Turaplatd br
aysttai athistiraene. and the Clelardaselthlephts brad of
the Joint Steal dePerrisesh •
The Charter permits Wuo gnattler of 111.111;141.4rar 2
lit every Irmo. -Ineludleg sishi'oftrirvehlhlren,rer
rent, retailers, frieods or creditors—to sat., the lege of
another for theirown exelyeiea benefit. I. , Yekde aft. degh•
as open the garde, 'MAD at thecaeot 4,44 64, 03; be W.
F- lloom Presiilsoh" .
Milowsl liteCharkszu 'Me Preiridcoh
" Joseph S. Leech, Treumrsh .
Charles A. Coltumfecretary.
James &Mon. JoOptt S. Lerch.
John S. Dilworth, . hi. Gluier A.Ahltoth •
• (linseiltino.l' hieriretori
Joseph tiaras. 51.1/. .; • 1111thim )1.
Jeremiah llivoLs. M. D. ; r- E4nugton, M. D.
Pummel Dilworth; 51. 1,..3i timithilelit it licibert Polder, Si. 11„ 10.1 Fourth stiat
. A. ' -
John Crawlord. 31. D, stren, ,
Wm: Nat. Moroi., 31. D.. 107 Liberty ohmic. - •
Dr. Dilworth Fill ho to whottelauce at. theta:Hie, even-
Jay, at 12 o'clock. \
Thum who Aare ifpotiti tor artitiiitie•Fiurt rYntes tad to
take I hIIF titiliersilind MAME roz
.. aveWm4 forthwith.
ar . :l c traTiti= ding fi=uit b ?Wait Mesk i ""C ri.•
urAce of the Coloyaur. ha. 75 Fourth alcwele h
my2l4liwil • A. COLTON foci.
State Mutual Fire lizuninukee .Company.
• 4
DRAff CR OFFI CE—N,S.A 4 Stimirsqo S.te ,
igrnuirron, NOY 14.,
11 HE best. evidettele .of the. success of the:
Direetors in eadcavoriug moan the ST.ITENUITei
- FIRE INBG7t,I.NCE cu.tatverm•ter ..ess or'
£6O maimmity, Mahe tnitactalbeledgarlunt of [amo= re
ssid, ham <to=
the Emit year ke , n
thereby addingover 1170.010= 4
wthecotopanye: homer al Drepertg Insured of the
ere[ LIM mall deity mil law yropartion tamed'
Der only oue year.
bilaido bra or goliclegbermili:..i.:.mll.. .r•f•
Do. do. rap o 'rd,terrommou..mio . . LeJ, •
Do. do. t o f J.: • r i bler
Amount of Praperg47l-..i.
minceled,te exptred-bdit,
Do. • kr toISO . - • ' 7.13101
Permit= Not.- 7M76 17 .
roraeledi terailbaigiimptivd- 10 ,•
in' f0me....• 9jagtl7,
Do.: CindrbrtniTortufreedirogi-e.i.e41,547 14 t
Whole aril Min and eatimgegsgala-=.444 45 l:
'balance In favor of the t 0.,• lo comb „ „ ebb
•, •To elty or country merchant% unertheincte 'of mocilince v ,
and hadated mat emantirPenbertri ja bellgekd tlits tom
benialforda idrantagia Diluent of Ming 445,4 diLand
mmuity i luferkg to no I ammo. Cueopasiyirt ilda country.
Orgoincird walla equitatilo and grmdly,lntormed system
of Clamilkartuirablliage, eicluding all Rpfeinll ba../0.
aiming atdra amomMin my ono keality. thor,Pm - _
eluding' Co fragnmity Mid " War ° 44.44 ' ••
aim on boin Dm, Stork oral Mutual plan, it t
ema the'ehmiptiesa and ammumodation of tattr tocincetc
hat mbakertke amoral to a participation In the profita.
birertmg -, otin P. bodicraird. J.tiltett,a T. Jon..
AlAn. ,
, gthilo7ta h Nds r oL: Sagami dorm
; DM
'Klotz. Jon Lbage I.staac.t
, seicu,ry. „ t in/
11.L.1 burin Dividend - of fifteen'per Cent: on egairinlf.
oeelared by the Dieecton e adat La nag re
rapt teglala., dr 3.
c ce , rm ..L, lbie Li. in matt ,.
Iranklin !Fire _lnzaranee :C the rod oe u~nejT
I; of ~ Plti/a4114
D IRECTORS: :Baneker; Gkeo,
I . 45 . 44 " 54 . 7 , 1 r4
aufse,r Adolphe it..borg. liamneltirant, !held Vie
JarM .I.ChtolthOdorets lialseroni• - , •
. . ' • L CJIAttida:C.IL4I4CIII4B; PrealdmiA•
Comma U. 'tummy, beerstarf. ,
This Company =alone. to maim Ingorateemeled.m.M. 4
R lal mamm
00 y dmeript
o io o n of Croce./ 5.
T ' &11 ' y r et tm
not rth o
iv t i trd •
which,,imth,Meir Premitittougaleir ,iirr.e 44 4 4 7
agar] atible gredection to th e warded. L •
The 11ISKII or Um Ortmany v on January 14.1451. ba.tinre
Ilahed agreeldilr to • the Ur of Ariguivhiyi were m magma
, Sg elg 7 , •
Temgeary 1:4
. . .
Saco theft , luow - multad„c Defied re... 4.4.
hoe aid opyracts of Ilust Wilton Maur Ituadrad Thousand
Dollar, Lodes by Firs, thereby affording evidence of she
advantages of dell- as than , abllity nut db.
we! Übe to Moat wil6 hpaaartnousdl liatallhoc: • , ,•• • • •
- . rp m rr. •. ovi t s 0 11:1 1 N Kit f,X,01 . 1 g
r Of Woad and.nd etc-
Penn Mutual Co 1%11a%.
te J
be Mm cane nn i a( ) ye e te tesd t nithe '
bare r
part of city. Me agent Jaw whet Ga food- deinra
from 11 to 111 and re a /Alert, at tbe eouniina of
J.Willoolanaller it Va., go 74 Wood street, where all nrcew
earl input orison will be Ore:nand cunimenieaticata prompt.
Is stlecuieei Prenableta explaining the pri t =and
berienta or Lila ,Inimrarre. and alari fame via
' eplit ' gait arr , rl:bo.otiii
Prate diraled r arnatapit theiarxiireireil far
Pittsburgh—mm.3l. Dale—nal:4 , .
yILE Insurance Companyof North America;
rldlsdel; , hia—Cturtelvil ita.tispitabSbotblea.itereb.
batist7 1651.41.0P1.1a5 O. WILL sale iIUIarOPEC
babilugs arid their contra, la this city and elehttly;
pa property of every dopuiptiotbehlPPed pa steam had*
and abet yards, either by passel 4..2140121010[1. oa thl O. Ca!Ps. Fret,
Joh n COpe.
Samuel W. Jnaes, John 6.
John,. NVelob.
13sasuel F. tuoltb, , • Frauds Waki..
ti. Anottu 11LboOM1
t .
IL D. Ehernel. Seey; • :
mew Ougulmuly m the United States
rh i tti; sW:= cairtet ":" 7l.
Drkog marl* orettrlty the publll..
Dn. 111 Fr..nkot.rreL
Curbs' isylor.
Jacob M. Ilamou,
id HealthLimanceCo.
...1;< at fir Pit . saburgh, TO IVLE,
.utyle,it: YLIM rt. abora Y., . .ad.
Paa+pLi to motair,Log all tromary atturinslton roo, be
obtafrorhat WU,
Weideihanzurance Compuy of littabiarei.,
kiAPitil. 4300,000: MILLER. till,
• lambleht, f. ld-armbith berradaryL
'llllm kioda of Mak. abrd. -
.4111 ismsflL be liberally adiusted sad plumply
•ll tom• Imatattoo—matiaged by Woad , . VW Wren
Imown is the amoitualty, mod who am' dvaimmed b
Naybed libaraloy to maintain tba chamear which
May have assumed, m Marbly Ma 6ui yrotactlopr to Wooer
who dollar to be luso:ad-
Dartendra—it. ihWer, Jr Oar. Bloat; J. W. Botbri'll. ,
Holm., Jr., tlorttA, rd. llama; lho.
Wm. Ili Lyon Jamw tilyamoth llottla yards r Jaota tr.
holey ~/Llas..bladdr. Tboa. lkott-r• : • -- • •-•.-
°lsm ivaser sine, ti[atee!aom!eapaair a Cr.,
opratro] Patabarch.... Ilr ,
Dehrware --- ' Sidetiltisitritheed
_ ,
N, MAINE. Mita st.e,
sla J.wwwnor.-Raltdinvy Iterrnondiw, mad other
Wl.,thirg=4.Vii=trz of
-Muni Isscrixtt.—Tber.olon mop. :Vessel --
cod Frollgtas, foreign or coortwiroi an der , open Or •..11.
rIlek*:1& amoral mar
Mila WWwWwtoi hr 7 Cit iold ran . . liana' to " oto, AIM
Mears bow; on Myers sal lob*bn tbosoust wows.
Darrotm—Joorpas LI real. eWainad 4..Spoder. John V..
DILYI2. Hobert ttartoo. John R. kenrow basairol =wards,
I".."Taf: l ll 4 l:ll ° .VarkiVit..
Lbw ; r.kling. Wr l
Oowe.o =7'
roak...-4 , 5k s.reli._SpftrvE • Mahal:,
ob rwrii ...ob:to , o, Won. war. IT:A. now.,
wzonaa " rtrrainum,-IP. T. .Woroor4 Iloob flr,Sp.:.
a t u . .yax ]oars 'Pt:. , 0.41pr0. :dor /3,71-
aroma dt that:amp:um *le stAiitt.. = Pitts
Unruh:— (co2—f . Z.l • 86,WAL....
-Nolastown Plank
II Cot
VOTICE fo'hereby.gggn t 9 the Stocluoici
/N-.. of .0 0 ..1). 0 7. 14.kelaratimAci
ttaw teargrial,Treasorpra or the .aid of Mire
kilawatesell abate or the Att.l4 o pvk but , radarp
pkl,l "'h Vff roll ' te h' r t otrliPi: ta . :; 34l=tl.
Jul, oth, 1651, Storlsolder: atelMV.Wf.4 11
. U. LIISIYFt . 130 IOOt.
• f.E.A.I) -RIPE 4 -4oznell's improved patent
Levi 'Pipe for Ilydriata,4 -7
-- • .
1,4 -`-‘: ';
'watu (wanes—
Seed' Store Removed.
THE subscriber bss-remoxcd bie ,Seed Store
Man Biroad .treat to lbalmlldg reveal awarded.
es.42lby bbtrita tluilsokonibtott. itoieeOtaitrJ•
Y. 21.1.11ng pa, Is this day'ditsolyol by lautbal
boosbut. 12.1 - LIERSEY,
its ireysoy R. K..tittetaly2 ayriluoisod 131.1 the
=tot thotato 2rot tbo_cgtalmopst of tboir.boain.2.
Thi 'paiturshlgheretAfureerbetlng between the
sinarerthera, under the rule bhatt lent a .ithlta, was dire
mired on the nrst Oar of January:, ISSI, bp mutual ins.
went lather of the subs:liters .1611:attend to settling up
the broth..a and are autlewtred taaee the mune of thatatet
Am fur that purpow, to. Int Waal street. ' . •
• Trbittne7l2..3l. ' '". '
NEW FIII3I---13. C. Stacklettand•Willliall
Payne, he reheral partheam, bad Behteathe Glyde,
ewebtreeti Bb butheri *eh eeattebe die Wheletel e
GOWN ba/1117.41 Mier the Arta of B. C.ltutetdbett Lb.
ft the story latelr terepte3 by kbeeklett & Whlte.
ACI).PARTIiERSIIIP-T e enbx'ribere have
entered intuoo-Partnereldp under the tem of •oelitr.
A Monk Oteiy. .• M. U. SCAINM.
ja.M. - • JOMMM,MKP.I.Y.
be. Oats; • •
VI tat. :1%710
ler.rd L. r. e . $O .11.
OSE! HOSE?! lloSs lll- t; recd
tn. the AlutafactorY lo
Bailin, 8700 feet Indla Itule
Irs .la,' suer nauting bun to V' loch. trdttmetre.
MIA thee I. superior le aur.l,4ea otauuhetutel
to hydrant., deultoitaly, or rate hubloe rattvaaa.
We retalt It to 4 0. 1 1latutetlx badee•tual that every bah ot
hoe., W. gOed tr ue establehtueut to vouraoted for
l ie ve ponnera lbeencloll or the tomvey letuaded. Joel. ter
Por reheat the lout Rabbet Deja*" ha . Jtt Wood a.
• • ;.J. ,
461 Tialt il ' AClilic(3-,41)(m) VotaTideniized,
lit Plain .4 Pure. India Rabbet kbaklualleoto 142
teeter tblekmarraotor to te tho reel bitt le2l ylt, of
llauleylSturbtur Hex.. a., La. Fee 44 4 tba Latta I Xule
_• • • iLyinuirs,
Lora n of Ver7 superior nui.a.d Etica
theyere of dlltesent Weer., not tole merramed by
min In tha elty Ifvechmets. Mebane sod others.,.
Invited to es/J au/ . ..mins for themselves st um warp
rooms of UM no•netfactory, to w ese y
Inns: J. •/L YaILIJPS. •
L 7 N. 6 6 for ale ueery maisruirpria.4
. rehuLte
. . .
• • eollar Celebrated .
• IlL)
.Theas l ilthlynallealad pis/Arra hamanan made t
ucre Lath twenty tat, during whin!. lane the/ •••".
Indnaapent venntation,-. Uinta= e/pact?ini ,
/deb.'s of !It hlrlfg a nr b : t 7: t.u.rg4
haa been anbtalthd, bare alt. the tenet flattering
aa tattaie wonder 0,000. - ,-.oth ail other plat
P.r....14. • .
• The lagrafa.nta or their atenition. erg taretully_nln/
eninathed, reader Preetherignlalknb.
. N ta
angerlng wlth.palmthary
Fut pal. In Ow ame, reaction frank pratreenal
_lfn& •
ethedinng ern:4%lf. end neat pair tn e snow iwuraLL72
'''''.4"" dne..tkut t ar ' th
dl tlba4 ute. T. A lb'' a a
pcniarti . z . rnnteathart apr , Vierna, menial !Ira.
th;t2Waill ' agr, •;'e =Ro /teem Mania divest. at the kidney.; an, their an tied
neer ail other platers has bets, simply anted by
lame:Ws who bier experknead ewe and - tend frith th eir
applleatka. • ToPuth as suffer eiltb rbednatie mina then
platters are retneaniended, with the
.eiathilen savannas
thi.t their Lanedidid "deeds *lll to found eery deeid a i.
ger nthl no
th by • _ • j
wenn • g. Road at.
press:as the Inds fres.) td .hesdnenould dust
trem dotkinr. tinotaix. nothing Injunousi to elotdied In
s R. pact lye s. each nit nrlblo. 1 . 11 1, i75, ';g1; IonC :17e; toil
all rl; ‘ ZtIT
Is . ntd./11.0.4 rd. credehti.ti Id I S Impastjel,
IL-One( 1.. Sill do thlcir dozer. of Ogled, on 4 oo
family should be ritbeest IL • • '•
Psi/eh:3i tents, per lake. lieth Coke`with 'Ml directions,
For dale br -wed._ 1... d. di.1.1.1,113. 67.14'c0d st.
-:-.../bat• an more Minim in Masan eted earth.
.7Lban are alreampt of in philmophy.7
TOE . VIRTUES 'of this Stanailciblo teme
dk; end the oonstatit Implicate/Si fOrlh . to the Z.pri
mem, has Mobocrat to t o
it tint ate belptittes. WM hi:
hels direeilum,ffer the bemfft ofnubile. •
The P.ETROLEUeI is prCcirrrd firm_. well in this meal •
1704mila/ill of tom Modred feet. is si totedulterel - :
ted article, without any chemical cmos, t /tot m
tow* from Naturee . Ant r et th. l
o ota r rytt 7 . 1 t matetn:
i t=itt uncertainty ' There are mmy things I fonder
n the err
- ictineme nalate. whichi tf
=del be of •smet useful.
lin to . allectathatt anderbtoli and seegoltinte bloom of
hmiiti.soli Veto to moll *Offerer. long tore the mt. •
thought Of pottlop.ll no in beifflogib sd a repute
. tem for the rum of diseme. Tepees ottint shit LIMIT Aimee!
sins offs tbrihinll "mend • remettabie move it has pert
lomat. is a tole indication 'of Alum: PaboleritY. cad
idele Spread my le the cure of dkrute..
• iVe doing with le make loon . polder of Mille:Mem
we are o f that the madkine coo .!
sub its
Into the besot of there who suffer," and Irish to be Lto lodi
. Whilst smile-woe aloha Mr it a universal anti katket tn art
'a r tn=slrTsti r ri i i47,l.. th eacriT . K . . ' ti:re74l 4 e
rpowln. :stes„ ffuern OS
ltrlWlNCLUVri t' retVlPZl l ,!eti.= . o
• PladOet and,liel A,.
.Pahm .tbe .IWit Nemons
Piporre Netsragia. lialry,ltheuineUe Pol_Joi„Umt, ffrysip •
.1.. Teettel, tilneeronner, Borne licaktro: Mabee, Old sorts • .
Me. he e Income of d. .l resulting from e s pmere. or
lad and motracted 1...11 elberam, Me - Medicine will
bring rellet. It will act so a gement TONIC , and ALTER
VE rach imparthin tone aml. enemy to Ole
whole frame, removing MotroMlons, bee
r fpower.whiett cause dimes...and ev
t o ronstltmlon
tlchuresent end reciw.l etierZy to all the organ
erilfrl - The prtmelmor Matter of reemal mire. of
Lballealakted utery other treatmentestetwelkunetter the tut•
orthe PrfffOLEUltlbt *.short tiffie, TOO proof can tia
given min ims persion-lrbo desires it.
Non without the Mmaitre:cifhtie prossietor-e
• E 44
U 4,Ql.-;.,
- ff. h. ta, D. 31: .13 Street
Also,ll7lL' tome, Slt t Okeet
• 1. , -• mod Eltralar.ithl
*met street met Vireo • yir o ars
b A te ffiffertraPpelf 1140
K.NaVralf meir.whe areidelc and afflicted
- ista dia , aae or UN Illadditi Ridtoiys, with ?bou
nd** in borate Ihnbit.Stil d ininta:4ldwomntEda
rin a-' itou tosy lb lk &at Ils 44, a tallYtruna E. much
Wit lion . pleis, but thls data not mak* *s we proilanni
in the of an housed .comninulty... DASH •has• vire.
• 'winch' mu lett contalnedlia mu other remedy. The sum
srbo is
racked with joins and stillartastannn discs" tan t
to snot
mit toilet from ./ of the DLit <unman/sd
&salad IL irons very lit:Rota maks 'a trial. Tats Polio
loom hi no mixture—no ompourid, : outaip tbr ro d , =o
't"edrnlniTtirliand tom
oft:Nr.. l :4 h thics tha
boa:owed oh:mother enith; In it a on/I inntity. end as.
ta she holm:it:lL Zuldr z.rodr.. "'ad
It two stint! Piles.- allef .other haws ihn t d
tinder uol reline It has cured Rheumatism o f kn t o
standing, and of tae - worst and matt land.' ti.datiwr.
leas ourisd;Cholera Morbusi:by one - tn.. DSc! doom It luta
t onal.. old camel of Dimino., in which .t.air other inittilY
bat been of no ' A. 1:1 , -. - 7.7.116dY'in burn. and
maids. It Ltbettel. tlitaniny bearaionids or ointment
that, we intOw of- IL wW tfirtreilblafis sad fawned Dot.
in a fewapplionning undmibilin trialsoony run ho fantleb
:ed or tho.iso..,l4ipAlisicloil tL Dl. ....D.: the above statemeut. by =R.
e do Canal ilagnakrentb street or
Raper: bloDniall. comas I.Wondstrait and Tlreit
laltar . . M 1... 67 lVoctl stioett.D..6.32:Wot. and D. D.
Corm atr. wattle agouti.
--Dt. J•cot Ram.: dlieetiad 8010 proprietor
o - the. moat vaPli. am! .benetteial,odldu.., sod al.
the le:relator of the nalatuatuf Instrtuamt for fa natiaz the
Jo e.t.a. a cure of Clubede di..... was a 0.•
-dent orthat noloetd. playedelso. DoetaPkbyde. and le a
arsoltiate of theDalrentty of Peinstleabbs.ana for thirty
years linos ba tu the m of elbt
we, ayd the applleatioa of remedies thereto.
Through the use of his latialluctube, conueetlaultitit
his Putphylactio ftrup. sad other 001 Yiemedle., he boo
uutaralWed ertuameeta curium those dreadful
laud fatal maladies: Totanunlat , Cotounstalon, Cum. .
tieratula. Itheuuterlo, Asthma, new ind , Agne.7ereyo
all kinshr. Chroule Etsipelas,. and alt. thaw obstinate eita
- met recall. to females Indeed. every-Dout of dbrease
- embalm under the - use of lit rotnellissplusrldeh butuani
ty heir —not by She use awls .alpostud only, for that
Le latiartavalble tab Daybolopiest .m - lhit by the we of
his remedies. adapted to. and Pnuetelbudrfal, each peculiar
form of diva.:
Dr. Rose's Tonle - Altered. ?Mt, whets Used, am inearla
biT to he pupa. - r to all otharn, as a MT.-
the of liver frtanauch. as they lea. Use bowela per
fatly-ree fatturOettratela aaaho his OW. Dille are ad
mitted. by tbe faculty. to weseespecullar propertles, adap
ted to female annum but being ratlarled that ••bane trial
aullleient to establish tatust boo Otto !Ind& in the robactso.f
Up. meet nktptteal.
LTD. alltirted ant breited to. call apt. Upajoteut. cad pret.
OM Cantle) oar of the Deetor'epaphletetooo • drmla-
T l P7Vreil b flio:l7 " l4 ' " 1,117 most. •
gt , trg4 , ..t —.P' .
J. faboonnuaketi Co., 4 . 10:1 St, MAI)
L A T Ml= rugo
0t.4„,1,c1:711 Mkt. A 1 s
-°'.7Vrii, - T4Ll4,D.diij,,:,;; Beim caisii, Va.
John ••• •
.tdemo. llyterre, • -•
gsbit THE AFFLICTRb-urilltbe found in.
De, lA=
pr.tiever, awl h..T. h
Iwyterta doubt.: heett ‘ li f
he exam of sar
=thAst=lniterut=lhablalsd..l:.a,lsstiost een'
thew ha eayiew that thIS la the tely:airalctre that has tem
elferva to the ahlicteil, tha4 goere/a
.o.t . Wo orowlo
ttl t utored .1,1 Ltaarailo,otroohla agora Obese. than
my other eiedl doe offered he ale we pre not by whets
node clewed, or by Idol souse.-
Le it entwdrelatt_yousf U* above, ire ItaY
that it Is the only aryLele that hes appeared la the Itsrso of
a latent , Medicine thee heavier beets petstwdzed atal
th..litas=?tair,ec-poe mare wontn,
br "" of
Thane. Mo wII. Odertell.. Ist. Th e lire. Itobt-
Elhiolalgett! Df4lare IL Setae
Timm and a brat. of rglief . z o rs i g
York. who have hilly teeted Its Merits. haws Lbw
Wordstar to refer - to them . •
..A. It I. well known that Rand )1.0 de, ad gewer
ally sistrooluet by the learnect. wealth,. did Pollta oWelets.
wahartontiCatbtolly. a 1.100 PO WWI o highly tote-
Dewed. • -MU %rattler wrgCool,po=a been ewer
rand Ware the yelalle. Its wits Mende aro UOw Itu
.== boo r t o iT i lgOrt,..... r MotVlT Is Moog AWL
•troaDtles... Ara eateries reatedy thr•ll tenons fllm ' S,
thountatio serofolons mei/foga stssesetamie, e ,
IMPS, sat ell the Wes and aches th a tilest r to.
Cher .10300,0011 bottles bastbeeti without woo
and perfected ouch axtealshing after all other bare bawl; loir Waal Wagger • h had W not
offered, and in oar gollatattak; Wawtkost Imola: at a..
Thu .6i,nd.i; or iiainieifeaki; wend horn yew.
etablas. tar Werra salinities ex:testator*. It arts
wt. Om:WIG :alleettowa: demo :maim otara a "- ' "4
Ot=l " !`! q°'° • '?!VM! I. .. 7 7i ' 4l
Ca, and Woe mit la llttaborst: hy/Ll4l.loy.ayee. Bad Ogden: • goowdesg aid by, "gee
rally. It Is pot op lir *m4.11,14.0;4
tithe Readersof tie Pitttibtfrgh Gaiette.
rurratie' A T TENTION ,4 4ZectfuIIy in
iled 'to the . follinrlng truth; Set In robation to
owo of the vont tomotiant remedies. at en timeM
PETROLEUM Ott EWE OIL; It. is not more Ann one
•_. • goine . - Mmentme eo mr zz ,b,‘„ l r a rbt benne tb.
gith!reio..eistes then:become folly gurree=thrtC'
Shuttle .lan e • it is • the.
;,,,,,s..r =;,Vml jt m s '''' gaurn sprout- I; le not the rem
butgr:VarrepoonroM till oo M aitm_to tV 'g Irreci
oil othdoesTrums bare been lbegottarr Petroleum Is
- a Matord.-Rstrandy,olsberated Rath. &Ms of the earth
, by, &were and' aitther that sworn all hearth.
mortetitlorr . It is one It:ay:ether ith Snits about a area
eleo,•Unit we write the .n-•••sas_. Limit:kr no th ing eaten- •
Intol to decd. those who may trod man marl or pot erantt•
verge , in or statements. •. The Met aremory out to oath at
may Mann th at promises relief &OM dime A . 1 0.7. A
ti.rdijhb..l4=..4 wrougt=turzet trot or gull-
. As e llirig we ausloas mob that lb= I:zili=
oar remedy siirtrid he told In order m; ecure fa It
lotion Ma
un aseedingeny tingle article Millie toratesl moj.
- kW
r•Phils ent fasts—fortelhat may be aserma'
1,,,,,,,ii,,und I.lghtarbOui. bear < . ll2 . l:pit teStilanny 1¢ b. ,
Within the part two Imanstm. tyro of ' atur own . cub.... ,
who wells tarthy 11.10 th ham Loeb erstend to sighL ter. 7
nal mato of 011ndeels, In the Stalsrof Ohio. Mies been I
Zsad. , And • Meo, the eared a MUM.. In Dent. muntr. -
.." 'Z. c l i o ' g ;u t Ty "b ""
r" r e e br"hao=rereitt MI - .;
tat. Timm tares were cued atter thc , bori been abandon. - ra
td by physicians as hope_
_feet The Petroleum will ems, , • is.
need areardlirs. to annotions..-Dtagithash trisenterfr • i
Pike. ithentostima, uorth bea on thee gi. =,
Madre ou the tam, Chloral, see_
_gm:am, Tem,. ~
8.1. ammd; palmier the toms endso em tithrme ;
wens, Ague, Moak Cougbs..Asttonn.thrembltis. and al 7 s
_ d oirmoary artectlows oTa shrooM
. iselrw. tending to pro , . ';','
Buns islall Ccmaam ta
r t dlsMaes ol the. bidder and ELMO... • ITe
1 InE l lt Is a uszthouregema ammt . and . la d. r ' s tifergedt .
lln ortho alarm illamsera withlo the put rms. with the
' most perfect oneemet tbuttheatot OM anti astonish am M. h
thrthassubrof the proursetor,who will taluoulessurs lo show- - Zt
_thew to the aillleted or their grienith. i
Whatever others may say about' their medlelnes. ther 1.
Petroleum Is the gyeareet lietered).Orthe e Physicians ,
nf high standing in the moleedort gre borgioning to um Mr.
In th eir menthe. ' Th aw wheat Ibut bated on with doubt Y
and erneertaltitt MIS vnuar to sward it due pride. and I
onuiderstiu. Berme miether mroolle round, ail will be t
, • Onnielled to u.
that the Petroleum Is the meat- - I
I .est. totthisher Met dirmayored. Woo .1, whereat, and re- • *
: tall. by . Kale= a nmorszu., 14 , 0 ...1 n.
111 . - ille.i-R. IL Belleau. 61 Wood remelt ;P.M, Corry, 1). 11... • . 1
-Eltat tar Mltitteg j blvir i zdds , o.
.4 , thskoz• ir
pillo zria..and LE 'IL fahnertoth It Crar•WairLand Pion' NIA
—it Ls any. sierra tab, amitirlair efficacious. •
01.1 t Cira,./iarch =1547. f
It..U:Fetleric-41r ebildrea,likei others. Lave
subliset b ticablosoms caustic. iMaiitiarius weed
cissia. wham
. 141. , y mar L. "fl'iffi ea. tottla of thia
otole, and far .4110 o
kldn's 01 Usiont• - • • • -
Losoosk Aohr - • • I
• 2
he s . •
M large etock
toii ere' te rt
lermaiie Yelte
ibileet—: rens
fi or MAIM;
Otreeettnest:ttroctof Darla
'Wart. llaster -
DeJhee tkprohrattre 1.
DePtlealtrte erne, for the
stay or.l(.lbee Y• 11. &ref
et hildttle, le.
•, hzettee, kr Bee,
Brelter -
tiartie W reto Llahoeett -
ticelfrere (tells!
tkileinOrteetuta ii -
11 1 rrie t ralef '
Weedetel Etzth stmt.
Nonlosoottal Salt ot. •
e .ea Boos 17.1.1t0c0S
4 11.40k100. blew. •
Pulmonary Balsam
Booforl ' -
" d
Boa otl-Byopopili
OW T. 4.110
Fbi~e 2 ir, t u ba
Boom Mammal for Totter
,StreasThoutas Nut.,
iirgetett Nasal,
-, 2M434. r 6n4