Maantat.- 7 0n Satorday zdterimon Coroner drthura was called alum to hold;en inquest.n the body - Sietro Davide, who had been killed by a conetrYinOn of hie own.. When we reached the horMi; hi which. he lay,'we found that the Coroner would be compelled to adjourn the 1 inqnest, for the purpose of prOcuing an - later. I preter, ' none of. the witnesses understanding English inificientlY well to make themselves mo dersteed; 'with' the 'precision requisite inn case of so much Importance. • Theboats is situated in Iledford street,. in the fielrenth.ffiewl; and Is inhabited eddy by Ital ians. AS. tinsrootar, MCI that in which the dead man' lay, contained - a number of organs, ads being die' head quartoili of those Itinerant eihn make a livelihood by wandering from place to place; and playing upon these bi de sis o'clock, the jury again raet, but ari in. terpriter Who had promised to mane, dituppoirded the ecioner,'Ond none of tho men or women be. ing catopeteitt'an intelligent little girl of about thirteen yearref age, -. was wont to render cor- • redly into'.Sziglish,. the replies of the Witnesses. Antonio liocho , was Emit:Sworn. mated that he Wee coming up the hill, past the. new at ebOrd half: put three o'clock, on Tues., day aftera[km; when he saw -a man whose name he did•not„khow, brit whom he knew Perfectly well byeight p and who, had been boarding with the deceased and himself in the house where:the body lay, stab him with a dirk. He was drunk at, the time. ' Tho deceased, though ,he might bare ben drinking. was not drunk, and heheud no noise as of a =Mae,. before be saw the fatal blow struek,' nor had the parties so far as he knew, 'keen on bad terms before this melancholy occurrence: - Thrwitness at OfiCe seized the . murderer, awl ordered him to droPthe knife. but the deceased in a faint tone; told him to let the man go, end help igut home. He then saw that be had re. ceired * eat the etomach, 'and that his bowels were protruding through the wound. He helped him beim; and tookhimup stairs, where be ' l was put to : bed;ind a physician at once sum- Antonio Itettolle, the keeper of the house, tes tified that the murderer came to his place on the •-• Saturday pnstious to the day on which this cc eurrence took'planeind that though he bad not _heard his natio, he knew. that be had worked, before be canes to Pittatnirgh, on the Beaver Itailroad. • The deceased_ lingered until Friday night, when - he, died. Upon being' asked the hour of hie death, all the Italians ,pitniertt, who bad watChes, pulled them out, and showed that flit ' handl :had Stopped, at seven ;: they having, according to one of their enperstions, stopped all the time pieces In the hods . % at the hour of his . . DactOr Walters, the attending phyaidan, had been called in to coo the deceased, on Tuesday eight, end:found him with a cat, an inch long, an the litweridirtCOris abdomen. The bowels protruded through the wound ,' . and the 'patient was comities, ond'in ces7 critical Condition. He diednnuty two hones afterward. On snak ing a lied itortemaxamlnation of the body; he found that the cut _penetrated to a very conside. Table depth, s andlhat thalsniels ware severed in two phices...= He died otinfliumeatitm and antra. vasatiou of the contents of the.bowels. Re could not possibly , strive, after receiving such a . . The trunk belonging to the niurderer,• .. which he had, of okra°, left behind hies in his flight,' wee eesrched,c end found to contain nothing which might glen a clue to bin name, except a ;minted begging Pettlern, in which the bearer was stated to. be -named Louis pollard, a native of the town Or Vrescia—thst holed been engaged ,in the .:31111" . faeltolien independence, but had teen forced to BY by the Austrians, by whom the Italian army' was overcome. This document we; signed by Charles Rodgers, end attested by Del erne pen,, - of hrnesellles.- • •'‘ The jury returned a verdict "of wilful murder, spillat NS /tartan, whose name is to this Justin& known." - afterwards ascertained from ALL 'Major, who-had leaned a warrant for his arrest, but, the constables had -so far been .unable to 11nd,tdra, that hie name is Luigi Costa, and that; at his suggestiosh an Italian, who was discharged it tits last term of the Court of Quarter Ses- sloes, the prosecutor net:opßeerirkg, had. been impritioned on charge of :robbing hi, "of Plenty hil*l:o6oarp, while he was intoxicated. The pollee are In hot pursuit of the murderer: Beauf,aar.—Somethleres broke into the Court Hotme In Uniontown, on Wedneeday last, ,and attempted po enter the apartment of the County Treasurer. •• They bored two • holes throne' the door, but were alarmed by some one passing by, andliedwlthont neepolphabinitheir purpose. , anatrr or Ina Two:ln.—John Skilea was com mitted .to prison on &nudity, by Alderman Steele, charged on oath of. C. C. Seely, with bin Ll.lol3Y.—Margaret Mier wan committed to the county jail on Saturday, by Alderman Park inson, charged with stealing a - lot of clothing _hem a dwelling house in the Fifth Ward. I ,• "Oas Pile.—A. , large number worimen are now engaged In plying down gis_ pipes on Wiley Bzzione dconissrr.--;-Yesterday, two horses, attached to a baggy, rid away, just after leaving the livery 'stable of Meson: Gill & Lipping Mn. Arrang term named BloTighe, is steamboat clerk, who was'Onside, endeavored to'eheck their pro gress ty,helchng them in,. but the reios broke, and he was .vary severely injured by being thrown on Us head when he attempted to jump oat, op posite the Burnt Diatdet IdoteL The horses continued their,ffight,eud ran over the Morsvegihela Bridge. The hew struck avast. a-sturop 'when they got over, and wee broken tfpieces. , The horses were uninjured. rizor.—tAtt riot took .place on Friday night, at 'Lowrie inn, nine miles -down' the Ohio River, 'among some of the workmen On the rectrutyl mtankt awl • Ohlo Railroad.- Most of the cont. ?latent. Were intozieited, co that but little de; Dinusszr..—On - Saturday, - in The Court of Quarter - Sessions, on-.motion of Joseph Weever, the petition -for a. review of the road from the Bar. 31r. Marshall's Church to the Washing ton roadiin BalSeintownship, was dismissed. . . . Chanson Ocutsas:—.43 we Were coming ' up Market street yesterday Afternoon, we observed a large onsoilms,*.longatg to Breidenthale . and drawn by four horses; attempting to:drive paid a two hones omnibus of another line. To effect this Objeck'khe driver urged his horses on the pavement; completely blocking;' Ii up, '.and locked Litt Wheels in domeof the ether omnibus, to th e great &ohn e" th e passengers in the Lat ter. Thedriver of the Ibur horse omnibus then poured tchtli a torrent of 'otithislisgmeettd at any time; but Perticularly revolting when 'heard Theupon the Bkbbath. _ pasiengers rte out, - when the Messrs. Braids:ogled? driier, gardless of the injury be did the other omnibus, took his hoists by the h ee d, metyarced them framer& We did net atop . SO see what diunage was done .to the weaker weasel," the two boree.attuaibus, but wetrust dutt thedriveri .who could so wantonly jeonardize.the Ur" ortoOr dikams, ,willhepuniabetf. Rau.-Ths 4cisiriest o f the season, fell yesterday : '• - ' • Urinaltentreri.:—We learn that the appllea- Vona for tayern licensee tetil be taken ..up en the • • Dranaiita litruitzais LOTS.—The balance of lb. lota In alai bity:plan; of the Banbury pur- Glum, wilLbersold at , one o'clock, to-day.. We rarer our twice, advertise:neat In swear 'Prrimop suit'Dtroacc--Colonel McCandless, va SatardaY, presented to the Court of Common Pleas • patitkat of John McDonald,. praying' for divorce Dont Zlitabeth, his wife. , , Frae—The 'roof of. Sollunuo 8 ainifiaTel foundry, at the corner pf Smithfield and Fifth streets, took Ste on Saturday. bat wan satin guided holrf any damage had been done. triwitt...—Thildnyor :tran confined to his home on E1e""7. 1, 1* 11 11 ^ . ^.* : Alderman Steele *Masted in his iSte. Posyroszn.--The laying Or the corner atone 'of the Cathedral was postponed yesterday, owing to the heavy rain.' Itw be Laid, we under ; fi'm stand, neat dsr ' • ELICTION.—The SOU Ginirds held on election on Saturday evening,whioh remfted u follows President and..Tressncer, P. - Anntitcongi Sem , wiper; 0. 8., M. - Waite; 248., 8.. Porter, 84.7. - S.F Wright, 8. ATelleaine; seer, I VlV4.64'.egrPortilo, J...ednaor, W. Timm:ipso; J.ll parke r and d. Aeltore. Onions ill/CHID.--The tine. omnibus Wilson m ci gi e diem-' belonging •to John Naulct' Layr reacerille line; Wlll5 very touch injured by being run' into by an =tidos belonging toy smother. line, on Saturday: • A paipting on the door was entirely destroyed. by the tolgue of the Other om nibus. • We trust that the perpetratore of this outrage win be punished. , FINS MUSD BIZIT.—We were ahowU awry Sae Dried &et the other day, point et cure and Savor, is equal to the our market See , adrertiacment Barbet*, in another column. 'BY TELEGRAP ISICRITED RIY TIM O'REILLY TIJSCIR • P ' R LINE, .: - RiIDRRPORTILD FOR TR.6 PITTSBURG OREETIR. FOREIGN NEWS, AzawAL OF THE BTEA3iHiIi f F PACIFIC: THREE DATRRAPSE MAX EUROPE., New Year, June 7-1, The steamship . y.acific reached her Wharf at half past 12 o'cloeliXo-day., She brine,6o pas stagers, and•dateifrom Liierpool to the 28th nit„ being three days Inter than the. proceeding arrival. AMong the passengers by the Pacific are F. H. Salter and J. Peabody, bearers of dis patches to the American Government. • No tidings were had of the propeller Lafayette, when the Pacific left LiverpooL LIVNItPOOL. MARKET. larsaroot, May 28. Cotton—The market was firmer, and lower and middlinggrades had advanced -1.. The sales Of the lan three days were 27,000 bales, of which 600 were for export, and on speclllation. Pair New torleans was quoted at Bid , and mid; dling at .1.1€16.1.1 per lb. Breadstn 3 _ Wheat was dull. COrn waS more active, at a alight advance. Rico was unohang - Coffee—The market was without ehan7llCe the sailing of the last steamer. ' Natal titans—Nothing was done in Tiarpon. tine. Ewan was inactive. Freights—The market is without change. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. ParHai:meet was still engaged upon the Eeele elastics! Title, The crops look well; bat aro backward, FRA.NCE., In a commercial point of view, the French news was better than by last steamer. But po litically, the news is unimportant. PORTUGAL. There are indications of renewed difficulty between the Duke Baldana and the Queen of Pisr; SECOND DLSPATCH. • FOREIGN NEWS CONTINITED. NEW Yoas, June 7, 6 P. 31 EI. , ;GLAND. The English ftinds were steady. Consols; for account, were guided at Wig3B. - The drain on the. Bank of England has subsided. ' The Prince Albert, Lady Franklin's ship, has The disonaticass in the British Parliament, on the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, have resolved themselves into a tacit understanding between both parties in the State, that-'if possible, 'this• most important question shall not be made thg battle ground of political strife; but both thB governmentandopposition shall endeavor, as far no possible, to make the bill effective. THE WORLD'S FAIR. Notwithstanding the fall in the Price of; ad mission to one dating, the Exhibition is not so much crowded. FRANCE. The Assembly took a three weeks' respite af ter the revision of the Constitution. The debate in the French Assembly on the bill orgaALTlnga National Guard, was tumultuous and stcmy. 450 members are pledged to revise the Constitution. One bundriA an 3 fifty Hungarian Refugees left Haire in the ship Monmouth for New York. . BELGIUM. We learn from BrameUs that down to the 26th ult., no progress had been made towards the formation of a ministry. AUSTRIA. . . _ Accounta are received from Vienna IS the re-'. tirement from the ministry of Mr. Biuck, which Lid produced s very unfavorable impression up . on'Change. A riot had occurred et Madrid, which the guard bad slibeeeded in eapprereing. PORTUGAL. - Accotmta from Lisbon annoinace that. General Sa!dans had arrived in that city, accompanied by . 2,600 troops, and was enthu-sittatically receiv ed amid loud acclamations. i Gm. Down, np to the 19th of ?day, had not been. able to form an administration, owing to the sacra members of the Septembriska party. The country le said to be In a sad state, and the finances were in a deplorable. condition. PROVISIONS AND BREADSTUFFS. - . LIVZEPOOL, June 27. Prwrisiona show little fluctuation. There has been a fair trade at last week's quotations. Lard is improving in 'demand. Breadstes—Plour is more saleable. Western Canal is quoted at 19s 6d 620 s 6d; Ohio at 20 ®2la; and Philadelphia mid Baltimore at 20® 21a 6d per bbl. Corn is quoted at 805 4d@pts for Yellow; 83 &Its for white, and 291r6deitOs 8d for mixed per quarter. ABILIVAL Olt TEE sztazza , 'GEORGIA. LATER FROlt HAVASA. • . New To June 7. The steamer Georgia., from Harems, arririvi lest night, bringing 295 passengers, and $40,000 in gold. She left the Falcon at Havana, on tne list inst. with 420 passengers, for New Orleans. Every thing was quiet at Herniae, and little apprehenaion was. entertained of 'an invasion though it bad been reported, a few days pie. stone, that Gem Lopez with a large force, was about to leave New Orleans, in several steamers. FRESHETS ON "THE WESTERN RIVERS. Sr. Loom, June 7. The river still continues to rise, and the whole length of the levee is covered. The merchants sire all moving their goods from the ground floors of their stores. - A obnsiderable amount of pro duction the levee has been inland. A telegraphic; despatch from Boonville states that the river is still rising, with heavy rains:— The . Epper is likewise still rising.— The Mined/ river is also reported to be filling et La Salle. Illinois' town, opposite this city, and the whole of the American BottoM,. at. under water.— Qnsrantine island is also ender water, and steatoboata ere chartered by the Mayor for tem porary quarantine stations, which will be sent down Immediately. . TEE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, &c. JUDO i The Democratic Convention, nt heading adopt, cola resolution to hold the next State Conven tion At Harrisburg, on the 4th of March next .Much interest is felt In the political circles, in'reference to the judicial eoaventionto be held at Harrisburg en Tuesday next. Mr Clorer, who has been quite ill at Read. ing, has sufficiently recovered to return to this THE Z EW CONSTITUTION. Mumps; Jane 7. The majority for the new Constitution is as certained to be about 16,000. . JIIRY DISCHARGED. BOSTON, Juno 7. The jury in the Shruirach slave case, were dis churEeti this morning, being unablo to agree. Thebrwere unammous as to the law, but divided on the evidence. STEAMERS PRO3I QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. licw roar., Juno. 7. it Is proposed, So Canada, to have a line of steamers from Quebec to Liverpool. • ITEMS PROM THE CAPITOL • Neestnaoroa, June 7. • The holders of the Government 6 per et. stocks, fumed wader the not of the 70th of Auglum, 1846, are officialty notified that said stock, principal and ha at " ; will be redeemed' on the felt of next, at the Treasury., The Interest oti said stock will cease after that dote. The receipts from - customs, from July. M 18,50, to ay, 1861, inelasive,.nro $41.149X03; hun g an increase over the corresponding month of the liar Germ jeer. of $7.7.30,673. RAILROAD CONVENTION NM °news, June 2.1 The RaiTriad Convention organized host night by the election of Manuel. White to the Chair, and, the - appointment of 13 Vice . President's. Over 800 delegateswere present:. The preepecia teethe'Opielties Railroad are cheerio& TIIE 'yELLow FEVER: • Yon June 7. l , There .were six deaths. (iota Yellow Fever on board the barque Win. Ltuabee, which arrived to-day from 1110 Janeiro. NEWS Bi THE CHEROKEE New Oatittle ? June G. .The •*dimmer Cherokee arrieed at 'this poit, as announced in our list despatch. The news is unimportant. She bring delve/1- ton dates to the 30th. The cotton crop in Texas was remarkably flourishing. The different candidates_were caneassini the State, with a considerable degree of seal and ac rimony against their opponents The Boundery. q9 , ..missioriere were at El Parse. ' Fitter s EMT .ten perms hare . been . . execlitad - by Lynch law, within the lest tiro weeks, at El Pass°. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Putraniirma,..Tune 7. The operation!, of the . Market have been re, stvicted . in consequence of the announcement of the arrival of the Pacific,' Cotton-The Market dalL'.with sales at from 9 to 11#o per lb, to in . quality. •_ Ploar—The demand islimited at $4,12}@4,- 184 for common brands, Rye Flotu.-Ltialcs 100 Ws' at $3,87} per bbl. Corn Meal—Sales' at. 59,70 per bbl. Grain—Wheat is steady at 101e,2,102c ftr white,and 90@ . ,97e for red. Further sales f 4,000 ha Yellow Corn' at 900 per bu. Whiskeyis steady at 11210, in bbls. NEW YORK MARKET EVENINO Raw Toast, June 7. • Cotton—The market is steady, with 2,200 bales' at full prices. Grain—Wheat and Rye are without material change. Oats are lower, with sales of northern at 45 ®. 46c. dales of I 6,000 bruMels corn at 56} ®s7lc Tor western mired. Whiekey—ls buoyant, with sales or 300 bbls at 223 e Ll gall. Provisions—Ohio pork is heavy. Beef and lard aro dull. Linseed oil has alightly declined. Iron—The morket is active, with sales of 1680 tons Scotch pig at $l9. w ton ii months. Stocks—The kfalcret is !mei active. Govern ments are firm, and in good demand. Reading has declined to 63c. The Ohio Life and 'Trust Company has taken• 100, shares of the capitol stock of the Farmers Bank of Kentucky. Mon ey is easy. 'The State of Missouri has raised her loan here to $200,000: BALTIMORE .SIARKET. Bain:war, Jane 7 . Flour—:Sales of Howard Btreetat r s4lBe4 25 bbl. • • drain—Sales of red wheat eit - 66i. Coen IS selling at 57 for yellow, and 580 for white. Sales of oats at SOc, and of ryeat 680 yl tee Provisions—The market is quiet, with sales of bacon shoulders at Sc; of sides at 81, and of hams at9ei,l lc 11 lb. Sales of lard is bhls at 9ICIOc, and in kegs at l I o Groceries--Sales of Rio coffee at 9C)9i,. Sugar and molasses are quiet. Wool—The market is dull at 20c for common unwashed. ' Whiskey—Sales at 22023 a IF, gall. ST. LOUIS MARKET. Sr. Loots, Jena 7. The high stage of water and the difficulty in in shipping and landing goficids, has nearly caus ed a suspension of business, transactions canna quentlyare very limited. Floor—Smill tales of superfine country brands at $3 5063 60; second brands city mills $3 75 CO 95, and extra do. at 14 . 60 11 bbL Grain—Wheat is moderate demand and prices range from 62 to 82 . 11 ha. Corn is telling at 35 6 36 for yellow, and 37/ for white, delivered on board. Oats are selling at 810 bu. Pievlsione—The market is inactive Pork,a with out sale. Small ealen of lard at 81-8/L for No. I, in • bbls. • Bacon is ittative, with sales of allaulders at 7 of ribbed aides at 8 .1., and of clear do at 8/ ? lb. Whiskey—ls in good demand at an advance, sales of raw at 19/6,21c. Benip—Sales at :$13680 14 ton: Lend—Sales of upper mines at $4 . 15 "ta 100 lbs. www. CINCINNATI MARKET. CLNCIIMATI, June 7. flour--Snles &revery limited, amounting - only -to about 200 bbls at $8,37 LI bbl. market isdull, and nothing of consequence doing. WhiskeY—Receipta are moderate with Wee at 17 1 'RPM . Groceries—There is a better demand for au gar.and coffee. Sales fair sugar at 616 f,. Sale, of western Rio coffee at 2001/ lb. Molas ses is dull at 34.635::, Cheese—The market is inactive. Hay—Sales 40 tons prime timothy from flat boat, at $10.50 11 too. Buttetla doll at Bg9e it lb,: The river has risen 14 inchia!since hut even ink. The welsher is clear and pie:L.4llh'; MEM.i LL NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nxwf.httwans, June 6. Cotton—Nothing has been done in Cottonaince the receipt of the Asia's news Flour—Pricen are tending downward, with small sales ofiphio at $3 75 E 8 bbL Corn—The market is dull, with sales of mixed at 44e, of prime yellow at 48e, and of..Whlte at 500 El bushel. Provisions—Bacon is still lower, with sales of ribbed sides at Bc, and of shoulders at fliCi.fic lb. Sales prime Lard at 11c in kegs, and ti in bbls. Pork Is doll at $l4 62+ for mesa. Tobacco—Salcs 300 taxis at steady prices. Groceries--Rio Coffee is firm at 91 , 60.1. Sugar is also firm at 51051 1 lb. &RD OlL—Bennett & Jones' brand, for eels by my . ..Y , ISAIAH DICKEY' k LARD -12 bbls. No. 1, for sole by myr,Z nu% IIeCANDLESP. ratter Weal .811 Wator 04. nATS-,500 bu. for salt by • my 2.5 8. t ILARBACCII. PORN-100 bu. for sale by J k HARB-AUGII. . WOODEN:LA k u_ eau. too: • iro Varnisher! Burkett Extra Strung Burkett, g henna Cedar sh Eed rnlers. beam bound: Varni " " Marietta Tuba fn nee* elkw,) Yoe We b 7 lilt. A. MeCLUEO k myls 1:50 Liberty st .EGGS --3 Ltda. for otilo Et , jkia . myZ! GGS--3 bids. for oak by 07'2 .. w. Mandl:GM FLOUR -12 bt,.lB,pe; . ..ras Vertiftzuvolt. A • tons of s e • rcammr a BIM. Err, my'24 LT2 Seoond. sad 181 lint .t. HOOPS-49,000 Split Ask for male by 11 my= MILIEU t BENNSTT TAR -*-75 bble.l , T.' C., for wile by mrto XNOLISIInt 13kNIMT. LISLE -50 bble. White Louieville, for sale 6 r. toy= ENG LIBU & BENNETT. 50PnikFT. Poplar Boards and Scant- LPL/ Bog, for ude br ENGLIBII* BENNETT. FISHING TACKLE—Canes, Rods, Lines, Hooks, Le, wholituak and retell, 1... , W tor 26 67 Market *trod. earner of Fourth. ATCRES, in large variety, and at the /wren laza.. eaetara bath mime. teholemie and ilay24.l W. W. WILSON. THE PE2iOIL9F ROBERT BURNS, the 1M o PO • E p le ade d bea mmoume myAeel and Silver Penetha Cold Pens of the beet manuteetorm Pocket Catlary.• Port !Inhaler, ao. lmy . W. W. WIIkON. 17A318-32 auks Bacoillame, fur tale by MY:M J 4 3IES lIUTCIIISON a co. KHill Crimson Velvet , and Mold. Paper llm F laga tor Drsylpgatinmitisp.r:dirca l P A rlo. 433 • " ""'—q" Smith's Neis Geographies. SMITII'S First ]soak in Geography; an in trodactorr Usoknobby, plea/mud nr Children; 1118••• tinted sitb enk ravings,. and 80 maps; pp. 178; 801. uarta, or Bosom! Book In Geography; • minim PAM oraßlgl system' of Geography, tor Common Schools, A les, and Yam 111, daelimed as • sequel to Um Vint Book; Illustrand mill 80 need maps, sod numerous mama. ',Man by Unwell C. Emilio, A. IL Ito, Ane. For Pala by 8.. HOPKINS, trim7B A polls 11811dinirs, Fourth pt. 1:1181.NTING PAPER—A largo ant Double 1: 'Medium and Inc Areal Printittl!ri f ( Aga . Mr r2l corner Market and /Second ate. RAPPING PARITS I - 7 7Alair aaao4 .. m 1- y. t _ 1. 7 " Pr tem- Warrhottre, enr. Marl 50 GROSS STEEL PENS, of all qua- Mos; loeltollug ugII lett'Sho3, - MI. sod Me' Pm,: s_...Sals'irj'etts, of alt numters; Kelly's, and other eolobrated roatolfachartn , ; for rale at. • .• . LIANKNRI btatlmer7 Store!' ; m 724 •eonter Market met tomml • J A RARE CIIANCE is offered to.o4ereofi ;rl 4 ..eo wishes to trsish szol who Wu • eaoltd of from paean to tight hundred dollars, to engage In a prwstsbie 'bud rentstrisble busiess. Address the gubeerjber thenng4 0 , 11 , e• Innrotd/ei 1 W—LEVVIII. Shoulder, Braces. SOULDER 13RACES, of thec most ttp Atoned .Lyle, rhople rtrortorn 'and tooth' rated. nd Of rho, to Molt all who our regliire them—Jut ren'd and for ran, wboleudo and retail, br torna IL E. SELLEES DT Wood rt. OUISVILLEbbIa neon. teed and far sale bE W. &Y. mr.:l ' 147 anat. and Ila Secant' rt. UltltAl"S FLUID MAGNESIA—Just sua for .441 1 urtEurtiavia.. .IWIIHI APPLES—IS bbls. for sale by Beauniect: ISOFIS4II.. zorN %rscor it .b 1;/ "" STEAM BOATS wi tROR LOIIISVILLE--The splen did awayaar NATMATOIL Cap Lit leave for the above end all ,in lwrte no lb le day, the 9tbillet.. at 10 O'clock. A. M. For freight or lawsuit" apply as board. or /.. je9 J. FLACK, ARO LOR CM. 6: LOU ISVILLE—Tho roletelkl new steamer GLAUCUS,'CnOLIArtie medi ate rt. por ill ta leave for the above and W. ilar ell n ttechr, aolel I For freight or pentegV at applyaely an rte. 1 , • , :le Olt ZAIsiESVILLE —The fine • Olt 0 0o: musater,wllneare aboy. and InteraLlataiorts on (Ida day, at i o'clock. For tralabt or Ta.T.444 achy pijii. ST. LOUIS—The ihn 'run- • • sting, new Oesater EDITOR. Captain bjeAM2 son. will Dare Om the above use all In malYpe ;orb! t on . Kabalalan the 4th indent. ___ . .2 rotOR 9....m. SPPIT ba bud. jet' IFOR CINCINNATI fc LOUIS VILLE—The sylnadld .r* wad light ritoght strainer HARTFORD, Capt. Harriett, Darn for alma sad intarniadlata pats on Weltieglar. at 10 o'citgli, A. M. . Tar freight or iguana apply on board; to lea JOHN FLACK, AgeriLTEl U I P AC MEE'S PITTADDINiII. SUNNI/W.—lag trtearor PILOT No. a, A. W. Crane, master. will lema Pittsburgh for Whoeling.Captlos sod Staitlab, I TOMilltr Mgt Friday, at 3 O'ClOtt IP. at.; retort:AK Ira". sanilsh fur Capita., Whaellog and Plttaborth. err WedneadayandNaturdwa.atiOedock,A Poweriarno and ebb:Tara am depend upon MU boat roardowrewalarir durtra the New water moon. /or freight or p.m. abot MYlO' - 141:GULAR WEVikIESDAY PACIEXTOTINCINNATf, Captain John l tug mint-bat. This splendid boateras built by the owner" or the Mesmer Imam Newton, and other, the the flindisnati and Pittsburgh Packet trade, and will !rare every Wedureday for Cincinnati, inpieceof the New Env land I. 2. For !might or taxa) O .r.MTEFIIE Y" IIO I'."L RIt. Arfsrot 11 REENWOOD & ROSEDALE ior running PACKET.—The eplendld Tani running nem boat CHI RYTAIN, It. T. WilymMuter . h a v elltheeWatlttitAdUrgh.7EMJP. in. Clair street,/ arery hoar, eatorstenclug at 9 o dock, A. !t, and continuing taitil th e Oardenselnise. She trill lend ntythe Allegheny ride, for the otercanroodation of pyisetr cgerm Cleo. at all other points. 4M- Extra Trip et C 34 o , elnek. P.M. myti NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR .kgaa 185.1. T ILE new and fast rantingcte. CASHIER,4-4!IIVI='-?ZZ=7SIWT tionnfli Poem—lmmo Pittsburgh germ . Wednealay at &dock. P. If- for Wheeling aro] Bridgeport, inta e. ..t at 3P. fora mill:used Sunfish. Retinal:in, leave, Swath every Monday at 10 a'eloek,A. wal iiMfitog and Whaellog every 3.aziday and iUnisday. al For freight and wimp apply on beard. or to 1,1,40 , .1011? i FLACK. Agent..: . • .. lIEGU R PACKET 13E- - , TIVEEN WELLSVILLE AND Rim. 2[ . — Thollghtdraughtsteaneer ARENA. D. Y. Matey. master. leaves Wellsville every Monday. Wedneolay. and Prlday. at b o'clock, A. 31, for East Lir. Tor, Glaiguer. St erernin's handl:vi e burgh. Leaves Pittsburgh I nary Tvesd• ,. . TburedaY l arc! Saturday. at 10 o'clock. A. M, lb. Beaver, ileYetvases Land. lug,. °Wooer, East Liverpool. and Fur freight or pat.., apply on board. ap9 REGUL AR PITTSBURGH AND WIDIELING PACKET.-Tpe aplandid new packet Wearier DIURNAL. ConneD. ter, I. mon perforndog her mane tri.neekly trips beterien , city mud Wheeling. Ica, Pitlatinrgh at 10 o'clock every 310 1 6, 7. Wr l .-. 1 .7 Fr= aai retansl , 2lr. lesebs Whecling meg Tuesday. y and Studs gaols week. - For fre=mar6, apply ort baud. or to CROUP.. Agent. 'UDR MARIETTA AND HOCK INOPORT.—Tbe Sue stear I ... , L. r. vro , e l ts .t a t eter, vrll v leay . r .b lb u r m t, Fur frelPht of Paee..'.".pply °''' S. j0 0 1;4 ° , Incblo Na gl Water and 41 Frceu sta. DEOULAR WHEELING AND • _Lc SUNFISH PACKET—Tbe 800 abwiner WELLSVILLE. Cala- a Von=il rue es a minder packet between Pittegargb.. Wheeling. Bridgeport. and eunbb, leaving Patobsumb every Monday silent...vs for Wellsville, SteuMadlle , land Dr?ment .n afa eters Tboaelsy SZErtypoll fOr titevaew „ A , 1a... is. Badgepert. Cantina. tustath; merging, lea ee LI [IC Itt. to of end Segfab • , .17 Ti c s:delay- a:term:on, and Sungsb I,=?o r rt r n'Ter.Ml. WT.lNS4ll7.=VePsrti.r on . _ SUGAR -180 hhdB .15...0 :7, V4mf A sz t al L e . by myis %Vat. 01tASII : iO caskslt i furS - .; ;br T s r i V n brand,. PIED FRUlT—Peachcs;- - Plums; - Yr ale by 115f, k 1. neyl.s wooers awl Toe t4ales It e i llge o n x s o igment milS No. 134 Fraot et OTTON-25 bales (Batting) Con sale by ALEXANDER GORDON, 2 Es. 134 tenor q. hf. chests luung HYSOn; er 6 " 19AIAFl tra CO.. } r ma Oa WO. anal Wm. •LL 1 ALT METRE-75 sacks Crude, tor arde by 9713 IRAIAIi DICKEY • Om OLASSES- bbl, N. 0. S. H. for ,k,d. by brityll JAMES DALIALL 4,1 IL MOLASSES-100 bbls battle gruund 11. ft Itolzuan. /M vain tor /AIM , DAUM' ICS ACKEREL-4.5.bb1s large No. 3. for sale Or 11r. A V. WILSON, a ly 1, 111160.14 st. ItlOE-100 tierces for sale by Itirta.A3.l. mrls 11 Wm.. at ALERATUS-12 casks prime, for sale by ntyl2 WICKa kIeCANDLE-SS. - _ a 1 1.1000LATE-13U bms. Bost., for hale by .3,12 WICH MK:CV/Hi:SS_ XT EEL/LE WORK EP COI ? LAILS. Flounc : Ina. t 4 1j w 1 Cuffs. with • fall aeocrtznat L. ..raten/log at the a•re rail° F. IL ErroN. recite FPURICCO-417 kegs 6 rale tstistpoyerlor) for br ¢1,13 CV I.DI. UFFALO ROTES--Ali .grades kept COl2 assay w timid ud roe enle my La A. CULDERTEON A CO. ERMAN CLAY-200 boxes' for axle by irtyl7. R. DAL7.ELL t CO.. Lawety .t. A'I.IKESE-21.1 bra. W. R. Cream, for Rale by roll 2 EL t W. lIARBSL-011. rk.RY lIIDES.--WO (prime) fcr sale by 33i112 B.A W. IiAII.UAI2OII. PW'D EXT. LIQUOIiff.TE-1 can fUi sale rO br n27U B. A. YA Ma:STOCK AW. 11 .. S S T RICOPIIERO . L. i .'?;-; : l e , i i t ne. for my 13 Weaki st Fine Dress Gooas,-per Express. A. MASON dc CO. hare recd this mom . In¢ pct EIDIWN eqiUndid anottmeot of Us/Wel.. counlttlah hisok and tone, mlorod tlathatit Moot an! nicht foot, oolorod plaza ilttuos, I.taotsful faun ont tt taxi Boras, do Whet, 'Ans. 'Win ao. tc. The ohm, Oond. arc worth Nn atteptkln of putth olio. they ho sold nt ovuxually _hear , .Eat. Mall, at Nos. d 2 sadist Ithsket st rt, RUISRIR AIR 'BALLS---Jurt re !adved :14./dos,teaseAottal Airtkils.slikhu. Yw iel at th. vttn:crtge Emtern price.. • tar , RIZ.F.LOUR; Krepa r4o. red COLA; Far otZTTy - W3l, /MICRO I CO_ r l3 l.te .1.11471 r eL SiIRENCII GELATINE, White and Ccilurell And Cooper's Amerievaidasimx ft.:oak/mt./WU .ac Lane, "" t, qte b int. iteCLIIIIO aM. myl3 ( Tea 1).10cm . _ EJIIWNES--Bordeaux Prunes, in ginanjarin . Very sve. net boxes. Germa a n Preur.r. Iry esle te Vlll3 W 3.1. A. MeW.1.1.140 & CO. AoKEREL-100 bbbi. Nn. 1. ldr vale by A. UU I.lltAtte , ON a mitt 11.5 I.lLerty etre:et A LO3l--50 bbls. for rnlc b tnyht J. /I aLUE-44.1bb1e. (ultra) for mat,' t.y LA K & CO-7!- rig ARE. AMMONIA -tiop 1 , ,5. for sale by I CI sl 2 ' HIDD k OD. L'OR SAL);---A r, i reining Wagon, in t.. I m 712 ../DD tCO CO *out st. 1 .ARD LWAFLWinter Strained, for .al. ri.:l2 It. E. SELLT.EB.67 Rood .t. - nE3 -5 bbln. for e_alo . by " 1;4 V.l C.C.PENTINE-10 bbl. prime, for sale mrl3 B. EL BELL6R.S. Spectacles f • rgINF, of the most itiesumablo bieno+ ing col i• I, fared by art upon olvillaral man, oa. 'ha dlotarrat 7 Upwind... If Union their usid....llielnruarenlimi. .nsault/n4 from the ddrailvr Th u.. old rtim.nuaknisia nth. emirmi. would I* Irridiodirrlii. From lona aspen.. • . And a s lli~t~u>lrkenwla.i t; of the nn n on. a . Or entln do , swrilarii I iu milt $l, fentat.. via d- rn 0. Iret dd I or saes. usail Clndr, and wetilairao• lot .1. al.° Lenin Mi.. nt• 11 nod in old frame. Wine I r, of- .^• nu'o. . • a.. . Aril,. Ilya and P. 02 tonn a W. H. WILSON, (17.:ilarlini dr... corn. of Yourtb. .tde) galls. Flaxseed (warranted pure) _ R. P.. SHI.LEI.S. ITKIC .03 160 lbs. (pure) le. J. KIDD t CO., 40 ttural at. PINK ROOT-2000 Rm. for male by V i cup J. KIDD 9 CO. ACKEREL-420 bble. No 7 -3, for rale by P• • zayl3 B.* W. ILA ItHAMIII. OLASSES-100 bble. fbr sate by - znyl3 N.& W. I.IARIsAUGII. TONE PIPES - 7 340 boxes for sale by mrl3 WICK t WeCANDLEat. IVIKKEREL-450 0 bbln. b. o. 3; snrl3 IVICK rif.eCiftita 1 - 650516..7:210 doz. Corn, for sale by m 713 _ InCli t IIcCANDLEAS. ket and B U tTUR -30 QCOlidillist.§— , 3eiiiiill - To. 1, for solo by utyl3 WICK t-IIIcCANDLIBK bu. for sale by . I .B I.IILIVI IiOBACCO-4 hhde. Ohio Leaf, for gala by mrn, J. 13. DILWOIn- CO_ : .RN--35 bbl it s. for F.. A . ale .by cri BON NITORST .It CO, roll O3 and 15 Wont TIMED BEEF, MUTTON HAMSh YEN IS OM—Fur bale by J. IL WILLIAMS t CO, my 3 earner Wood and /IRA OA. - - - F . RE B I tICK-45.000 (Coal Grove) Fire ou hs r.t. d ozr ; la tottao sou.. silos.) sore. IVALLLNOFOILD • CO. DRIED FIIUIT-400 bu..tPyaghes; " JA.teiriaite7 r7ooß OIL CLOTIIS.—A large stook of sorer Una., o/ 11 QU:small. free, X. 6 rdt p*V'tol7;ll=4triiirtraiTot: otoi " 0T010911 1. = toomoood to can examine our stock bodbre_purthyr, elsent.a. J. /I. PII/LLIP. mr4 sad Wean - i2lolAT Ef onsi tll t. for n. 7 .aii. SENECA. OIL-2 bids. for sale by AF — SIIGAR--1.00 bias. 'we'd Nos 4 6 Cruel:Kat; for rats by vint, 7 6o . pix=„st. ....) UGAH—Iii khds. Clari. . for solely mr'Z' .4110 L & lIENNSII. A I .ERATUS--50 boles o sale bT m7:5 ENG ' • BUS cll. Q. HOULDERS-12 casks . , sale by ', Ij m a r KNOLI: a BXNNETT. NUTS-20 bu.Chednuts: 1. 7 1 .,z; " " uk"7..,PaVirstaiim. • HEW MUSIC. - • ~-, , • jkli KLEBER has just received • • - , . Jenne Cook. . —• Jou National ChM°, • ;.ta;.talon. al maw delikatten to the Hon. 7lenA Wing go itanga new Ethlophat Stan' by Stephen C. Fonot,nt Pitman/Ith. MY met/ Da.; we sung by the AHoghentroa. '' Litt/e a t e sohweellmn "torrid Coppertild. tiwoet liotow se mum, by Jenttg /gun. with newr•maem . gunimente. Tito Mountain Maim, • . - it letil. ' il l a t toiLL 'd _n i g . 1 - A it , .y• - ._C. /Mtge; and dedicated Jena. ally ' nof Phaeourah. Eo where tit° morning; ;Mem o . o. , blessirt new y •Itik Moto go:! . Hunteward. loan goon. , '• Drinking Count from Macbeth: Nhen.—new Polkas, Waiter.; an ' my= 1 1 Third *treat. • a VII (151 MVP. N. 11.—A aplomb! lot o f Pisan 0b.:N0 0.5 ne toad, Thr awri - Eztraorefinary. Discovery In the World Ma great Arabian Rtnartlyfor Man and Begat! • H. G. Parreirs CEEMBILATED ARABWI LINIMENT: tin miraculous Mires performed by the Arabian anion. in the &ye of old. were then 100 I omn as the result of manic. but Once we base w ith th we tn the..WlNDower e ah o e y a. n eir he ew:ne nt In the knowledge of medicine went the wonder of :the me, while at the tome time Ms wings of ettemisten which with them bad us or ale.. was to the yen of the maid "a sealed bock.l Amin botany they were the tang teams of Ancients. In the beautiful grows which skin the detained Arabia. aboond rare plants and odennutwooda when:team obtained those amnion, noon and clamant which, this incompusbla • lininmt.hoeWl.otta,l_ 1 , 7 whom uthuasetieroustuour,musuair mrerth. bmi PDhed. tanansly diffused [Mouth the whole ruinous onion ellaiing tba met nose 11111.11yb. Iperedlbly •Lart 'Jam oflo orla Its action to 'pronict..poirerflii and effentualorithont least der. /t penetrates the fifth to the ball.. renew andreetW COMA. restores use to limbs width hate loin Pelitiall for years. nosing We shriveled Bash to grow ott and rich blood to eirculate through Its veins: j Si restores the &conga] Slaid or Joint Water, end WIC Li the region why It boa beea ea unlrereally neeesetol in cu ri ng all disease. of thw.lonts. :In clunk affectina of the none, Linr. Lungs nd bildron. this [Pot Anblim Mold) neon unparal leled: , oLigusfate or Enlanconent of the fd lot.rttie= exteetftiU"'gthrret=, fur er4oce. kneeling', pans, Nrindatllblencgooms. White Swellihne, Tionomen. an Itteolosilyeackets in Menge of Anima/a , men nit.* kW/ 4 , usEs.ietr. fdtigsysiwtefzaf.nraaizr tad for zT;se.p d uniMiul h a . w ariii:=l":ids th st"l,Ttirs nations. Ito - Mooing LS trans the pandas i orreountant of 12ia wealthy and highly rempectalds house •of Vaunt titan: at Pearls, and warmth on• of tha anon thecasidal cans La the annals of medical history: 310. 11. O. Parrott: Dear PI) Actuated by • prim of vat. fulness. I submit the followitijtas an lnetantra ut. Month. Ity of your great medicine. • My altild.thno years obLwas suddenly attacked with • terrible disease. whirl to lam than dr hews, pnotrated 1t to fetal Actplearnos. Th. limba became es rigid that not et joint .0044 be bestr the nigh tuned black and cold. and densely 4pr:cog orfading; the tipm aged. tsaintly closed and altoge th er Monk . log this nu .fateas to all round; lb . Wise brume m se and so mrrent, thabw bettlaying on Ira hank, lb* Ant sad Axis way boded Indieed. that tod+OSTELL:..agents. 140 Wool et., P ittsburgh. . Dr. Hard's Abdominal Suppor t ers. THESE SUPPORTERS arc intended chief- ' . .111. ly for the cure of Prolapds Uteri e and all these et} cu. when • noethantesi eurrrert to the Abdusnlaal Tiara Ls napnred.- They adee perfect owpart to the abdominal ' organs, and too be corn nith'rundost by ell. The die - T proluned ar a Peal:nem of the a..onntra.l numb. ' ere Prmard i t Uteri. of and Ott Bowels, 111,4[1icg,get- +. rands of Pgehilallort flroultitt l' it=cr " .: ' of Bre Ar. Palpitation of the Llgart,llimpthi=mal dehlldy/' id • - 140 Wend at, Pittsburgh: Al;% . • "If ^-7.-.•-•.rt ' Luts -' -IN QUART IN:IMES 'IVOR PURIFYING TIE BLOOD--the beat •U. Female Medicine known. Einholen. osumptiou, 'Barrammsaseorrhesorinitea Iniermlsrifeetrustlor, Ineconllnattme of Vrine.Genersi Doneness wf theSystenm • Depressed Spirits, and Ottani Stabs of .%IIpJ, arostrod br• Dr. ednoteelebnienf flea. Ant gee SiormpuriDet, errs immediate relief bf renewing the fountain of hentis modernize, the blood. It nen:slew bsil bunion; step* unnatural secretions, and piece bolder activtitc .11 the vital powers. • Its mild nineties' :screens node It Peemineli cede to the tlntder and delicate oonnitutlnn v 1 the fe• male. It immedis•ely countersehrthat illstre,Andriernwa• O and lase:ode PO common to the ferusle.fronni and trnme... so and booyaasy w 61 .Pri 4 r..1.1.7 are crateful.. We hay; °niche, on Ilk islaSh }mimes *Gee? to recommend this andicino to tattrried trholurre not been blessed With, offspring., . • , • prolapste VterLor Palling of lbsWes:ab.of fire Sears stare ding, eared trs Dr. Guysoft's Extract of T. Dew Da-if .r 1 • tareararills. after e4ess orbit Saban reef edy bad beep tried without teller: •• ' it'ssumoron, (1, Feb. This certif. that my wire. inn! 2 I L. ( . 11, D (111 / ander the .levee comptaintHr - Lee T. Any'r,-Alli nll that: Use nonmed to her.lvel... / horn Da , Las yenreconstaritly employed the.beat medical talent that mold be procured in W.1. - Dm. of ( h. : ft...DT wienkli any hoot rellasercr.. I have also purcluard entry Instrument reassmonsnleaDrt the cure of much diseases, all of which provV4 torthiess. In the spring of 1848. I was Inducid 14- cm' friends to try Dr. Outvotes Italian Ds-Ara:el Barraperllts, whir/sins used for fol. month. • Alter she had umdit Preabont rooks, it was evident to all of us that oho rens icnroring.; cad Dom (hi. time she improved rapidly. nr_d :nand Lob .l(DfllnDll-111tal mho I. tan , enjoying =ca. e....-uemt health. We, belt; neiilibors to Was. cod Julia llon.tri. /snow that the &tory statement, as to the sickness of Dm. 31.-, fart. andne to the care Going mirm.d. by Onyvat's Fellow Dock and SFeaparille, are strictly true . • SANE EDDY. • POIVEDS. • ' •4 4 4. 4 4. Ring's Emil—Case of 0.. V. Leonard. Hwomoto Gaon, Dee. 1, IS la. ' • Marne. d. 4 Bennett St t—pouts: done Woe fo 11143 was attacked with Slog's Evil In my mum w bath banns • misers I eckld not use It, and in 150 tearthlctaion set 1 Amato 04, at tilderent damp. each Ithlslcian of celebrity • within 21y resnh; all told me my arm must be amputated., • . From the shoulder to the foreman C 1.4 full of 000010$ mem lly strength at this time *as completely untura.M: ed. and my per= much emaciated. I iontinuld In this Moto tomtit MS, when 1 sow en advertisement tanyttott's Yellow Dockand Earesporlils) which I read,ind tent for bottleof the article. (loymott's 'Yellow Duck and Sersitt. MEM cured me; I took oo other remedy /thibs ustog It: • and klt myself perfectly well before usLon the Muth bat- Iled I used It at the first appeirince of the mothly.l sit sun It would have sand me fro= years of path' end •, smtkrinu. I most ...tar recommend array wrwa 04 . •- Verlag under any Ittolbm &sem, to Use Cluyaott's Yoßuw Duck and dersaparills, which wlll testa= them to heilth. • ' • • • . - Can of an aggracatai case 4f; Eryfipelaz: - Ths cane DOriarSoo4 by Pr. Garsott'itlixt.ree4 of:Selltrte Doak sod Sareeprilli; • are tasting. The patent's general health eordinues hirmirre after divinues -le remov Cures are not cbrankled untittlata ham tall r tette& that' there an be no relepte or return of the &lease. - . *War. Llerkinuer no. Tab:cam; 1E,10: Fi : Bennstt Oa—Gent. It Le el tli greatpleasurithst ; • ;- I write you ohm:LC*lu. very loamy:erects set your-Yellow- Welt sai Sarsaparilla man ray son, who boa knit &vomit., • faring under that clOsadtul and loathsome ain't. rryoim ad s with which he wale atter.k.d. in ISO, and was for Sere , : ;;; el stwatilig attended by nuns Of oar hest litlateisna• wh+ , ' ; • red their still Pirseeeringly torts* months: a Wand any multi whatever:: talearne v.:drawl ter • per - hot skeleton. . Ile had ulcers room hi. hip to hi. knee, • obi& were onntin.ll7.discherging alisdostintily orendre matter. Sledleal and enigical akin Was band. l'hy daa said that his ease seat hopeless: there could be. nothing • • tkeus to arena thooolerrible gaugninicut oioth. lty naigh-.• hors and myself thought hla dissohnion tear et .bnnd. One of my neighbors (who tad coned a earl of Santulli , '- with pee inralualldsmedietne)VeSaht4 one to 'axle Lrialtt • • it; soil, =are trout the restletedesito lode /omitting .; • ; Otto lasted, than - foam any bopel of getting retie. rprocurA thy/as-trottia of your ;Yellow Wolk and ..,Erraparills, told L eoennettosel using it; -and to my lie , boss= to Lamm, belbre he had need ihr tidal hoots; and list..a he had erode halt dawn bottles, he could watt out: • Ile used In all twelve tondos during the o oar lid+, and by Or. toter lasi he viu perfectly moored. livery t . ectige or 11. clisfeese, except the is recaored. and he romal. In perfect health at the psaudet thee dlor madam. under the blowing of Gal, is entirely toting to , Ob. sae, of Mtn' Yrrow Dort and Simultntrill I towure jou I feel myself under rritiollobligatira - to ytin. and It la with Nina soy that 1 lottwhi fY ou et abets-our , tor mr,soo.:;,lo IteiectfaTi,-. • JS - MI.S•IIC.FSZI,L. , , Solib, J. D. ram; ith...Stuor to Saue.,Fil 1 V44,1..r..inn aad lralttatatevetaap 4 a.501+14.134 ASiettta- tiki South and 11 - 45 t to whom all ardeas,raiiatctiakral. J. Sattr.4 Co.. D. A. kallueabek ''S.C.a4,4, 4..4;448.4. Wuom-ii, xi. . 4e-421 LAI A. Sean..itall's - - IT; A L. T. Samar. 1 •• - •,.• L. 11:Soaris: Calva tt.'ll. -Wider. Groaraba 7 t - CliottataiS4Famt; &oat '4 Swart Haat 4 • • n •• : otsll4B.otr. Col sablar.i 11/14.1arical 4 , .. •••• ••• 4. IC. Wrizht..!ltSstems: . A ltus. Evans.* Co. •„..,• • ;',. : , San. WO...burg • Ildartlad4 ,•"' . , Call ' • - ilk; Suraas 4 Co; Eri,r, with.' Nil% . Janie( 'llaD a Co. 'Bat let; S. Smith: I/4suet; . I .lLlSusataertaa,Walita: P. L. 4C. Ja a t o ,Co odermort;/' a . . , . • /1421 " .Prits 7 ,V 'lit, ,Itoitle; ,Fis it,ottlf., fur ...$5. mr214.4•11,71' Ma. 11..Z.iiiiitlgta—Pont Pluxocur, \'a_ Oct. 4.2847 - . 01 role Perrolfuoie, 1 art 7 ulthobt hooah= that, haring word it extensively fn soy praddloo tor theisht ID or Ere yearn. I think' it decidediy preparattotrof the kind of which /Jve aril kreowiedgo, although) hare heretorore overt the preparatrou arse. ral r"l'u te''CleCl2.'' Prepared and wild bR. P. hELLELJ; ( id.irottl at, and l. sold by droaalstPurnoralir• eityli • UST opening—a - very exeelleni itsEortmeitt fa of ][A\ TEL CLOCKS, au Sr!. Kb rk 81111r , trnwt• ""C "It it 1 Cl.elot: Lai SLSO one.K ...n=t ear-<-b"P!'"'"'"Cl4lnlAlo7. Mk.t .L • . • Bon:lets I Bonnets! T2EC'D IVIORN/NG,, per xpre w .... Dewy rt: br "V " 11 ; ° . 7. '!"."*. `.9"1 d,'"141 A my' large wortaxint ChlldreesGipuy, fancy Gimp. '.strawAl3l.llrald HAM • atlestion ofyynrrhaeen L putcolarlTinvitetto • .bon coat. ' 1nt771 A. A. it AzON" aCO. , ~ , 11. .. li I IIIISON,IVatch 3laker, aygt, t Cowei r, - / Founk ai Pace., ii. ..,- . . , (ellE in Finn IVA . /rag., JEYriz,nr, Ittlitary Goode. Lamps spd LiandeP was Ad =di Ole Wars. Catterp . 7 7. tors,. 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