ITTSBURGH GAZETTE. -TEE DAM.: . • . The datex b!ogomii.etk : fearfle kest.lin It blossoms:, op 49 I Nban i cs , That thrWil.h beneath; . nnil e n ".aC - ats de oCplice `i And in tistl l nteo, It: canikitmzi Bork liirli'e.diketictittgAkennt. is - • . , Before, :the cuckoo, itarlic . 9( epting ; Ite-eilier circlet knowt, evening huits,bight.rtii Atuftet , hp.rteelts the. aria titi4 tihee..Decemto!r.breettte howl.' - Moog the..mooriancltt their . ; Acd..oldr.blootna• the eltritithies rose, -Baninrikijn noiiei3l. - to jt - r,aces it* iiiike ; rlin."S'witzer on his glade; height—_ The. Dutchman' by his tlyke— ills. seal-skin- vested: gsgeiltaluz, : Begirt Leith 'icy Get9;-- undernerith hia burning noon, The igiasact . TLa ; emigrant; an distant stioie, 'Mid-Scenes "And 'fee strange, _atrafige, - it flowing on_ tb! - Stsrd; Where's!: his - footsteps • his yesrnine.bccie-elek heart {sq Id tiosi to ib.despair," : , 1i rec.& his eye n Jason Oge-L - Thatll:9l. is eyerYishere. - ' [Bidekuv..h e ri Itagashte. TitE tUVB2I.)IIIB9I6BIP,PL-i ti. , . _ - A writer in the Galenalefferioda who has recently travelled Over the greater part of the re gion lyingabout the .Upper blississippi,givesan intetvating'descaptionierite scenery, trade., hr. TIM} immenrig uad,rill within few yearn past. uktqlilM l 4 l4l i4.tegion..azemi detained to be, come what- , Sioilyand , Egypt were to ancient Rante, - the granary of the world, .• Every day adde'to the orouderfel;and cheeriag 'lodir,ations of its impartatioe to the Valley of the,Mississippi.•:`The tide of .'emigrations which a year Or, two Aiti.Was sweeping its , fall and strong. current in the direction of California; and Oregon; lour beeit ta,,a,.greetTecititt3 diierted from that channel this year, and. . AM:tenon& ititti ite:`nikiforto Climate, 16 'prodaellve won, and its- thoesaralundeveloped resources. PriMltil so: pCirOT itetiacialli, and more tangible' and; solid :ilidn'ementa to it!POterPti-liwiadvintirler.',The Jcffereoolanoaye J. - -. -‘ , Pew persons, exient these; who Imo ". travel led 'on the_riier.tietirean Galena and •:St. Paul, can form anyldea of , the 'beautiful and. retain-- tio (scenery of thellipperAlississippi. , 'After Joh leavellubuqt..ititi one Micceasive chain of biota' giatall.f..rimae higher and , higher nutil, • you retch'Ead.Ais;:sirhers they seam. to luni attain eltheir figkeitaltitude. The' 'great. beauty of " 9 iinsists in the varied ft:irritation of the bluffs, so they rise . almost ', - peependitularly • ent•Of e height:of:ftim. 200 to row feet, priientingithe bold' front . of .smooth and even tear lthemountls Istria" kise'gtadiudijkand evenly to n Point, and erowned lija few denial . Cedsrs..... Ever and anon you Tama cot ear gorge "rirf the, bluffs;is which some hardy settler has reared him a cabin nutdeaelestint,depend. int fora-living leincitiall,Y on.'„lselling wood' to dket;6keZiallSitt2l.lls they:puss. •• ' , . !TatZA next town ta.te.'lititsiivis. is at twattiziklygood deilof attention at this time, as the promised.' terminus ,pt the Alilwaukie and Mississippi; railtned2. a'pleOrof tioflittwhimporterieef,. yet, , lowinglon liZzest'amtimiri:; . s.perhaps,' the,t_incekishity of the illleWtheltoirnlotaranditinds in ity.`• It is thought bie'zime.thaftiftei:gand. titles cap I ie:* tt Atlas* of being:one of thebent4olnhibi•lfisefaisitysiorethe ThiEtionntry lack - ot.the both in; - end lowa, is aa goad for egrl.- culteral tiurpinsisrits etiyin the -world," and is settling up very fastwith farmers:from Peanut-. rams, Ob i ° , and., :New. :York: 7 There ;hid; Mad .bekn.a.:very heavy emigration of German and Irish Linnets into all the counties on the river from Potosi trikalre' Atthepreitiit time . the Counties of.: Chiyton and Alsmakee are at tracting the ettention of 'otsiitiutts to northern .lows. •• licicrther counties in the state have bet la.l44, 9 r- offer greater indurementi to set. 'aberdis.onelesture in the trade on the yr,- nor Miesissippi.-Which is very novel to one who basheen below (lidera. The Imillaganlberlyin leave .I.otibutine, are not ttn fraluengiatthe mist wild and desolate places on-the river. and, indeed, at pll of them every thing has the appearance of - being little vemor , ed front the IM7 oatanahrtillrentier life. ,The people, too, have that earelesa, recklearindepen deuce about them which always characterizes the American frontiersman. Living, as tbeido; somewhat rem died froin the .. polishing and evil inthitnees aid habits of the more civilized and chiSsliasi.r - A portima,of. . the: states, they are en- meta from - all the vices attendant uptzt too clam an. iatimaky. d . with- the- refinement or 'disease rids of , trierals in the eastern cities" particular ly, and in emir ride Way unjoY More of life, than intemonly falls Mille lot ofthoserho tare alt the advantages which stealth and place CAR bring -;Theia men are the very life:and soul of a new countiy, possessed with enterprise and in domitable industry and perseverance: . lona nod Wisconsin aresettling up with the best men' rinri the states the Miami; and in ten yeits 'rimy wllterind among the first ;states. for agricultaral and mineral • . , ...St. Paul is. estined to be the largest city on the Mississippi Athens Galena The country sur rormding and as far hack no Lao -clue 'Parte, well adapted to agriculture, and. will be one of the best wheat giowing•districts in the United Stites. -St.' Paid must be`the reshipping and poinftbitliewfiolewf Si. Peteeseountry and aslar North:is theZelkirk settle:Mal:lC, It is • .in reality the head of the straieboaf. navigation , • " for: beats of the class that now .run on this .The eityinfl3t—tlinthony, at the falls of St Anthony; eight'relles from 'St_ Paul, is ist the 1 mien!. time, the eccond place of ..iiiportaine in .31inesote,, and, possesses advantages. of location, as a manufacturing. city-not surpassed in the United States: ,The immense water power which is there susceptible of being brought into.' Mc cesstbi application to - Machinery, can be conceiv ed whin we say that 'the ,whole - water of "the Ifisllsdtipf,falli, in the space of oils tulle, thirty 20 -periCent toyed to .Cotaarylderchin!i SING; Denlir 1300TS'i' ND ,• SWIM, No:4Bltcalli eftxditreortaiir,,..„ hoc nit recril,Zwic a Zwificlorr ettcacow.6.4..- IG at 0 wiccted each good.. which will b. eccd. lac th an urclicwwl In LW. .r,,t 6r dah Peale" will do wcll to all IFYDRAITLIC4CEEIIT - ;5,-";i . hand of 318.. . - inuard. ILL i 31111 ( oXrl U otll l .iltki " " d&il~ordatit no wed Beale ."360110 .W. _Ol 310 Lbert E ateret : WA.W.ACE. STEAK . • W. IVA-Li - ACE, 319 4, 321 Libertyot q tonement& l' P ototble Top& &A, Jo,..ohdonobr oott solo of, wood 101LASTEP.; PARIS, for Lart4 441., for sato .w.w,yALLOCg- • rrar' OSstable .comßound! ei t :ii t .r . 0 : x e mz: posferili oafs arta dine-, cireemnant we. It. bee lawn wed .er eta t, won of atir meg brae a ...dam % .berever introanota. Chlkinn end i rdb.a, have becn eyed ard " - the above Wean,. /Mew v other nand/ h." °° " And I vain ° The fcr„,..l to the M. f Otte attiv=i, wed b. gill of We lep.oem.,- o f the elethoelhrt Book concern OA jtr Terenv sir. I deem It dew tonna to my,that threo. vend mouthed have been tryitur near tewedin for me. Awn tad . ..lth lUtle succean tut, beetle of yee,,,e.o; wittel i f =vend, rei fandir. wa i ttr a4 a ' =r d nificirva an "1 4.nnet "'"' TedVlfali ii.EOWTEr rartlind.b9"re= or rt DV . = narthead corner of Orchard and Rain anwtr at the store- Chspjj... 0.4 as Dialn at between seventh and Tlahth Arena, wet to and at the .priactoet ortre other Awes in the Won - _ Alta forlaic br ff. Wielterehnt. VitObdriCbt fooejlt fkaurnoe, Alia( -ban . 11.09elland,khasehonen /Humid, Youth iltielenrght na.J.SmianTataDasactt villw,,Wth, at tin ihroalnaharti DryT btomittr rebariveng boghthy k fi l rgLO w eeevelon.w a na, ElitabetloTeref.Asher. A E t — L PIRSONS . indebt e d to . tho Eatatemf Abbot HOWO• of the otty.oMtabotrtrhideed, on notltle4 (amok, 1 / 2 111.0.t. PoT.L".• tkavt...4ot nriveituested to present them, do/y oatito.• U.. 1.4 kr ttitlttooot,, tweither of OA ontoonlio, .• ; AMPS 11111.741 - - .4.4L]ttrDLY..LAN Item :Dissolution of Ys ttnarehi ~p.:.'g.' lPartoorallip,heietoforo exiNtingqie-: tt. ark, omr."..adlsoalnd bT.aut.l...n; th* ism et September, IMO:, All peilmultaglebtol to tlrmolaW "lam call onititlrgt.lllB subeanribers,land settle (Cell pc cosintS.'. ' , . JAXEIS il BKAD121(1, , t0tta1.4.103 7.; . Very.VAlgable Steam Gristautd.lissirliills • . •: ~ 'AT PRIVATE gm K; _- -- -;.c , I WILL SELL MY MlLLS;.sitnatad - . -. 4 weals' on' tbernionotisseks - ghee. issue - • Pleassavillo-eitesen 31111saser eines to Ell- w i tili; seVonsexellne belle se= .b, ere/eels w. UT, in. Voles -- r d tseo r'" Vriso 4=.4ise .T ienee li t4 , F=4 ,W .: . 1i ,„„ r41 4 . .am of PosererSaml Ensikersilin tbet AM .%tissir.le aie, sem ensplfate nee bens or fron=7 , ..W . eits, ~ i fiaze Yeeil -or s GisesiZnieti 4 4 ' - saes HI ,Cceil Jeielseniset f, in- the leo , Rbs.V w .4. -.. priipset? IS !Med biLs:ire "T issient Mob i js b, a '...., =p-Tbrlptss::x., ocii.Frii tr.: IT sew nos istaiteneto rum. ........ a== ~...t.,, tars.anailmr Ai -..,. Possession ewe Iv 4113 #10,./Ag i r 4 . .irtz, .0, k; r• • TM= Fp101:116.11 11.1 ~ , . ~., a ,Vnt, ar inr7ll3 M B/17 FOZMIZSUAtantli prizauance of vr," ftt MiLLODF'ILLYOII.., ,Preskientfif lieriti.affibere ec. r . Ofiii.iflreabat tablas W.- *lll beld se the.Eadernteettionet AMein Mlrtr aa b. i=gl7 l4 MTW , thii Int day etArntesaber :lb, thiedierneal Ofti t ib/ia trlthin, thoniatentte s at l erate=er7o,7=l ;ati;;i.iadoefifeta- Yiletional townehis. aftneti. afar!. fa . 'SPAR 4°°° • ° 27,Z ra tp r,a.6.44mi o v to ioti k il,a,,gpia . To otooo efts p.lom,yorl tare re, o rano , At the Lana Mee at CiIithIPAGNOLE„ enzameneltnt Mondey. Ur of teanth clay of Do woe. wst. far the die- . p.a. of the patine laade w l t= tin, noiletainationoil an 9, eld pi, to wit: alaortal fare fineinaf soestniffheiffial Township, elefea ooo =eta Ofa at frEll.4 eniairanacioa Mo. day, the eighteenth - dot of Angell text. for the disfeasel of Wale lands within taellilineriaxnatilin ggeff==enfie Ana feineipellareldine. - o, liettione thirteen, twenty-time, twnty-rune and twenty eta& of the ft. atrer,.lo amenably Ore, of Township slam of Maw Sam , " • Singh orthe lase/Wu owl s erritr the.IVIA Pi dtea. • Tartishly tbur and Dart of to' Island to isectiona thirty two and thhty.thwei. In tonally thirteen, of ramps one. • At the. /and Oillee at LITILK WOOS. tommetwirtlina Illorulay, the twat day of September amt. Gar the dlsisnal of the nubile lands to thaMialing takinott tratte on and bear O7y North Merest thwart westkrilieNtA nserifitdo. The south half or section eight the mutt. Wt . o f ten, 'fractional sestina -Iborteau and lateen. the north half or' eeveuteemitha east half of twentp-otte. Wrearitam, the hy1y.. 0 4 einathweet - quarter of twenty-three, the northwest quarter oftwentywis. - and the wett ludy of the northeastgret arkliblltrtatan, tainsidts-three, of ge meant other by tat, the the rue of scholdi, lief .ill her pualalom. together with*thcee memo ant m overflow *ode be mitt. the .Arr If fare the days aprintoi foe Ulf gollittletteetriellit of the puts Ile sale* .espe. ridy ander the astantitlal .ilavAet tt. enable the Slate of Aiken.= and other States totam the 'swamp within their Itudts.W approwd &Pato. her Ztli. /Mu. oval be ereladed.from the And no lo cations for land bounties terstorero gnawed by any law of Mangrent rot tailltaw aerator, rendered. In the United States. will be peronktnt 0..314f.the Mom seentiosed koala as provided by the act-entitled . t.llll AM nwiliag algamPri. stigmata the eivltaW illykenatki pewee of government." ae.. approved 3.1 ?lamb, till'. The offering of the &bore - men/toned lamthrill stmt meneeden the Shwa myopic:dol. and will proceed to the or.: der in they are advent:let with all omvenietat Web. Mali the whole Melba. been offered and thank! 'thus eland; boot no: Milt MIMI he kept Open longer than two eteeks.etM tx, private eq r : i f a any of the holds will be adulated natal altar n of the two weeks. IWet. mule.' my hard a,t3ty of Washington. thin sixth day Of Slay. Antm..llttorien eaetbou sand eight bun dred and Aftvirine. .Irilz.the IVedderitt , • t. • . .- • Cobanaborlotar of ambler... Load Mace. E, ,...'NOTICE fe i z prioN czezmurra. ast r Lle with raa in tbe p p .. 4 unit:lr ,aboteenumereted, is reaming t...=blbtO Lb. some to ge OP-tbe PlexOter and. B.eelTer ekt , the , proper 001.. bad mikepayntrottberelescusce. supwotaor , geoter'sffina not., be.. the dor 0PP....4 the ocosubeotemeot of Iturbublie able of the bode aobre.- .11 ebt.fdt Ottr-nrilelMleh . BU ell.l Will be forfeit T Coaxmlaslotter of the GerteralAad T Tam Passnonn az ma tau= STATES. . , N pursuance of law, 1, F.ILLYOfft. • President of the United State. of Anserka do hereby cease* and Mate JXOlak test rune alai wtll be held et the undernsentioned Lead Mat in the Slate of hintooal, C t l Alletai d d h Oft 'u t " LeciZtr. g.741:1,.. mo.- NAZI tvol:ite,-1414,-.., of 4Tostagralteresee has mat weltqf WsJr Pra .'. .i....rat.s. To twentlyeren.tventy ght end terentratte. DU end Current aver. of rouge M.o. Tow tamtreetr,o, twenbeeight and twentT•alle, on and roar Carrot deer, of range am m _ Township tanstyaight, on a branch of Carnent rim, of rata twentrAbroe. beat Tha r, twenty-eight and Township. Vaisrpthroe, Montt-hat% tbentiaight eSd Inellonal tooeoship twentrone, ital township tarentr , twattratae. twaff rte.. Monti - flee inel twenty-els e . Ttec i lailg name carals.e.hui• ou mos,as r , the fd rho sr of Mama, nest. lor the disposal of the pub lands within the following nasal narahlia Mai Pate 0 , .0 ql 446 tine and artt Q.N..4.l4yriwa)nletcreriat. Township tweutr-two, of range Lyn 1 Praelderni townshipe twentr.cooe and twenty.tero, and f ‘ V.411t7rwrtAn 0 i t ..731,7,1:27,;,-. _ iTownships Wear:Alto reed . santrthree, , S -....., f.e. Procaine! tarindilp Este. and GmasWye tants-two. watpthree, twenty-lbs.. twentrllve, *wadi,. mid ''' ==tt ' U t ea r n ' gsfateert ad arenteen. and tow. hip of none sante . Iltersionat towost . 44lsteen, strafe., eighteens cad iireota, tow otparo and twenty-three; and )e,Uoei thee tA km an.. Arraffaat to haudrosse Labe Oa, and hoenlynsne. to ilturpfai inclusire , in brenehiP twonty-ets of nage eight. . o t ''' iir4s? d s ' tistslal . rtaral l ana " tow ' 1p am:. end i..,,,,,, , = l ,. •,, •=g7tertt real= h oor4alte.... rara.ffortiTa;..ffintralfre.end. a.rawag. of nate+ The Worthies. fraction erasion sta, la tarnship Wa mod national towardP twear. of range au rae-hone,, fender to a tad Ostia the north hal rat aeon., t, ts horu , ra. ittrialra an. tseatacapat to at., thaw It:claire. n township rigida.; actions them to tsw Molunre. to , township ninetteem a. a 4 apace.. 1.......,0e. In, the moth half or lavety.fieo.leeelp4Aror to becnie-les hess. ad flo , t/ to bisrly.lis lnoloura in towahlt• Th. of range twehe. i Th. r:c-t ....c or rutul , iti..r 0....a.r.-.0 to.c.hir poeutf-Lbree. of range thlttee u. - .E,..t ...mama as (except the siriftbrast gaszter,) a al eatiooe ••salte.t. mnata. Muds, ttartpone.e.l of ..I.lttle ye" Ltrestow.'• ln township lemstrfoot, of :an. Mon Oen di the Land OtElne en SPIIINGITELO, oesninencios ea Y°..i tf• tl " ,. ighlssffile 4.) , utium.t , .... l. p,.. th e fill' me al the nu he lona situated within the giLateur ea reel tratmooel teas/him so wit: -Watithz 6 , ..rimk and wt.. .r.f theAfah peace el samba Toll. tip twenty-two, of aura twarty two 'Township twettiff-two, of ana twenty-thew a I:.,actions of f eet kose heeatjVior thertpeo.. lientrfe.o. 1 trehmetkier.fout.t.tirtritate sad Vorlys., eoollt of the =tat,. tease, It township tat4nircrosb or a owe arena eight- , t. , . f Ise 8. Lget. of t lieel dP ity tho l=iwentltino. l' A .4irt, `n..:,.212 a ''''.' by law s' er Me l i;e o ' t . to Mal. Step sod or purposes, t.o..tber with ••ti...oreOlP .T.s.. overt:loved LOY mesa luta thzeby for et alitrturn. . :41..111ieb dull be anti br huge at t o sisi t ta ..... Iss• fee the '' et.474Fd..-A Is Act te mew b the :qt. ug4rkanute . anatizg tates , r i tecistrx mtri3so. a tY ll antes cedudni/stal ha tart- AA d .tr 's. for lad aunties larstotate Panted bY an• • Law of -.- ca.. fur mlinary arras. Sc tr. i Lamed Elite.. Dill bermanat astarahbe magma Lesztr. at pre ni.A:ll7.lZl,..t.rir 4 1.1===' e offering of the above =mai lands wilt hr oop on the dare supolheed., ....1 .fil r a t. d t.. th. a'. da St which they ere edurrased with el 4.3.11148 dis h until the whole shel tbaretesu merry. and Lamar closed: but mo rain atoll be Mat etas loam tam two ...I t r.,' at*.ta miryorut ot the lands al t bead ed until en. apitatiop the tern weeks. en under my land at the Oar of treatinglate this dal of H.l. A -71r, th X alami alsthi fitor dad finrorm. . PlLLAluill - fIBT rtes l'rWdeat c0...d,,,........1......47,1717ffrur..7],a0..... , - :-VOreE TO Pit g , t l fP r lo.s - et-tareff ,Ts. is, person mimed Mae idea of grestention to anl Lauw. 4l7 '..': „e "l" ,.,: m i:°"`"7 : ',OP" l'lffrte e %71'.0. ......"' -, T.atrucTltre of the pro per /and 24"*. ... I. P.Matt 1 heaths at sax ar Prtra oats tlf __._____Larag bite tuba. mad beta the LW OPPabsba.. Pt' et. ............1. , b. W.I. rale of the Mats eat await UV bat daunt Otarreeiss salt calm ail be fortUttd. 1 0... 1 . 1 . ida=tatok.... . . . • . • . . - • 70:EnP 313 n 3 nP?i# 01 VMEDSTATEL N pursuance of Illtif, 7 ; Simon ' , mom,. Presidentof ths . frnitoiE jates of America. 4o berotr Is sodsnato itsowtk ths poblle eahe will be bold at ofebtrto==fletZoObes A in . thAttete of peefolaAt the 414 Ofbeetal SU A CRT'. risewrioi *allow; 5 iWen meat chat tr:477 ....0 . ItAxg str, r 0f =d i . : .... 7 owfk o/04 bieedweff of fhiA/Z , 4rime(psf feeri. IVWltehip leetwirwiste, of reap tientililoe. • ' ' . Towneldpe veyeafrabe cad Hedy, of nage thirty.: Sawretbipe peycatrobte, 164' istroftet, of nue T.:mm.lllp eightpme, of some tbtrirthrei. ' ' "- ' 4.ll: l, lthe t.= Lenst o .7.tara st VA rc iltfielo = , ccatteenci ti.dt.. tron.r oxi m lion i. - Ainskof Vto tiisiF4Or444 lout" Ot, the9o/4"Mott*i ; ftrsh ip or w iel4 s 7, orfaoap tuhinrtsy-. I, .madr eatret =,trmilreagratiair/agnit.:a . , ;isotr "r t /411 . , ,1 "P . ... ,...1 :" 4'. ?! 3 .r * ' i p *4:4 .o. .inivollordo o .4 0tn0 ........ 5ai w eitike0. ch. 14 ... .t00r0• E r ogetkosbooni.o4.4" ho town4dp Moat north: Ettwws* oltirerest ofdtth principal. wacridino: Mande ovvroseietal by law tbe me of school', seilb rwad other onnolowqlogre wi th .thewe Immo OKI allowed leafs matte_ord4 Omar! for <144•141' i my. which dull b. seleoW by thc Wei euthotttlwv he tba daft a Oat thikasofemanwebt of the polo fhbanisia. tole ..clyl=lll,74.ll=stel=r= t eewatop laa4W , lfithln theirlitelti, &moved r 28tb Uldfyloal he ezchefeci fres lA. min Anil agi 10. 1 rime iert a b=== a tatly,wgr i l .8 wadded rj titi ' lla glwar:lahlet wEW= . , Gelb* .11 mad tifbioatafle onward oftionzawl., , 1 A red t 4s t o '. 1111= l iftr b. httirtrifl hsfine ' ti f ' .ttiiiwyp" f r. .1 ., . ... ; 2 : 1 1,.. • 7 o cred f i ;. :l l.o .th...... ulith.l.4d. thet; :tea ckeedr zblu b : o gt oo ,th rehe oz i ,l 1 : 4 1et 'itb: r:7: 4 Kerrre d ,o Zker.eful 27 or r pri " :: 4l , attltrltkt. ! 1 : 8 7'71,47; 4 1 44 ' 47 ' 1 . nr _ .. . "."*S.' . ..f2lllPrfliitilfll.l4 • , 110=WleaSeoer of Omen). Lod 021ce. • .."- . 1 IVOITCZ IV 117.1413.114.710 N CLAIMANTS: ,- 0pZ.V17:11,125.1 Iggi xt .""ritgr.g above co amended, Le to oet4buea thaw:to to.oe, fectlefectloo of the cc Mt. , of som 2. peeper irgrt meta trk-r. or dor ion.latofig..u.. - aaue 4, of the leads ere weano f=rwr W4 ,teloidif " l' i teh claim will b. ferfeiteZ ' I . '... Cao3 —' f/Isciower . . ':.. a . f tisitligren?=.s6. r i : "4 i teb e J. • a ( 4 0 . • • Fresh ArrivaltirWall P.sPer. , ` . , 1101SIAS PALMER, No. 0 Mirka street, ir Males' rewired P.M t 1 Etat, s handsoma rtsar&- Tot a 4.•Driced Mamba taper._ 'nci; _ ...o,_ APERHANIIIIIO Fre tin 7 f Ainfir: xr,..--I , Awin. nen& diat.. ASAOKEREL-200 bble. No. 3, Largo) ANA 2,.. ",b. oa f. Mmtlrleht lamb, ad Ilea 1" 0 " 1 . 1 Nab eitAlD)..=o,o4t,, 124.13 . i n t, 1 gt . st ag War= .!..• MUTTON HTlims....,flooo lbw. -yr Woe, f - Cii ad% br mrm =or. axrrurtvs a 0 0. CODA ASH-400 va•skß of out own Tondo: Wipes. wirontea otin. ;odd 4.11tY aud . WI 4 . ~..71:100A61. aml Its Al* at lit* lowa/. nark.t no.h. bi • • ~,,_ -. 3aviturx, Amur a tn., , JAYA _ .. ,_ _ w!.,, 2 _u_ , ,.1. , gn 0,4Z - SEEr kilt . S"rc .11120(ER'S Li el./VIM 0.1.13Z.-Ifar mattiak Itay..Nocd:rit ,T=z, , ,1701 1 yorbr...loadrozzw.. T04c , c , 97 - ."._ 1 . fc.T. ~,..,,,.... ; p.„,,. . :._ u!.._4.,...Lt1 i - , , 4 •:,,„. 'i. 5t;,::,,,,,i ft . l . 7. 7 4:4 7 4 1,01-1 ; '., _ Mr= •- '. ' . l i7'' '7 ' 'i'' /Wit Drafigi A CO. Iforted„ s ilar.,A# l . l4 "`"' ronsiit . 11 . = „„:0 41 4.4 4,i,, MEDICAL • FAMILY FRIEND, or Baking Pre • five,;•••••• • • • trireetoisto sad ditrestive ef ram solar to less Elms,. nod Oir es eespittlisst this fermented bred:hish.PM.fts Ist odhiesties, flatulence, seurs eltesto and °theta:slow N.o to parteati= d ciske 10 sinnsloises of 1 pounds *ash thastsrittr Ihirect Seeds of aines:S.l permits et ssossiltntkeisothaokt loud to pen , bresits se (sae of the Assyst eselieines time. For Usslists.lailnomies,i3diesals s ilotelitand lane sistebliehteests, it is • vest ailesettsge— alt. Wass .12X, 60 cents. with directions for me, mr IiiiLLEILS. 61 Woolet. Compound 131 rap • of, Te. Bole Dock Boot, CCUPIES the frontranktunonode_pro prielary malleime of this couutry for MeefietAY m lllj, ing Canter. WI Rheum, iirselpelsit mud another d 4 eases esisioa i. leom Impure - stole of the blood, , elleso 4thltes, os hoorseness..dry abstmb atooc the Chest;' Ram' ness, cud' o tickling somation alma VIA thrust; not is tuml with uopreeedenied mimeos itl all came of : ' • Finalr wean . . and General DrZilitg, Strennthanlng the Intaintal lathy, tirod o roue to the orathesthd,lurlgorailng the entire sy stem. If th e wham/ of tbonsthds withal... tr.m all farts of the country, ran bra eelld upon, It a singular- I y elltazelonsin awing all Haxen, and redwing delollltar ted and broken down eauttlattion. It te thlthir ble in US composition, and ro accurately combined.ln Its Dthlartlons that th e chemical. botanical, and medical thw tarn! . of each Int•redlent harmcmlously unite to • Purify .the ! It bar remoral ruthythroulodlerattee *bleb bare bathed the thill of the b 2. hyddatts,axl br•th, Salt Meth., Ethel as .1 Samna.. Wotan stwaeveaw• Bitola entirely ed to ,thate the leasilthortalon upon. MOIST ' . 'IV cT'''''rriateercY,L i tiy . this medicine. {rem,. that It le ',eatable medals. in all BILIOUS UOMPLADtPS. It remort all olatnallone In Nthe ca l f. ulathatoltde i rtt - tbe r -Ll T le . fres. set , iz i t, and !wa Rlbree il 0 . :1[47=m1, l a.' ;ft; be ;Is4 In 01141matee, and at all sethata of.the,year. • C , .• This Synth la prepared ouly c. MIME hole Fountain newt, Providence It. and roll wsale and retail, et ' 0. le. wiceASIIAIL OnlY , nnent tw Western Peuraylrathib rapier. Warehouse, roam, Waal and Plant eta. ritVg. The mat Extraordinary Dircorery in the World the great Arabian Remedy far ...Vagf rgd 4400 • : • fare _ . CIit3II.IIATED AitABILN BHT. miniculons eures:perforthectby the Arathat.ey deems . le the Myw of old,. merathen too upon qa the remit °female. Ltd slam me Mee bw. mato lutunate with their idmary.we ma time amenatt fur their's:neigh:Lc tower over diens.. Their attainments'. the knew ledge of meiloirm were thi wonder of the me, wNile at the • same time the edema. of 4.lormletry. whkb ith them R ot 21. OtiFl wan tee the met of the world la Pealed bock." hod In /totem May werattA s most maims of rtudeuts. lulls. beautiful grona which the d100n..? Ambia„ abound =ablaut. and adman -mode whemware 'Abdo.' Cued arozatic Aunts and fragrant. belearea of *deb, thl&: Incomparable Untamed le tempered, mot by whom ...M1M1.% 0.n.0., Anodyne Mogen's" , It wen applArl, r ,djg.ed through the chola oterflos cretem. Mating the meet he teem pale lo the Itorallbly Mort Unmet lift egaselnatest itmeetket to memo; towerild and effecrual e witbmit the lent danger.- ItpeertraLe the theh to the bona mime. eanteartM cost. tedium um to limber which have beet Wlmbied for tram, csoidog the thriveled Seth to gem out rieh blood to circulate throutittitr velem It restores the Pr untie' Fluid or Joinr teat, and this is the mason why it by been m universally srucre*slul emits, all Mee. of theJobste. In elminie Wantons of the gybe., Live. /Aloe. mod k .. ?..hmy., Nix emote Arabia's remedy stand. noparalleled; for Ague Cake or Solargementol the Velem. It is f apecibm and tor Lbermatlent It hes mem. ed some of the most extroordloary tare , e. repset: Crempe. gwellloga laisis, Wound.. Chilblai=e .. . White Avelllngt. Tutnere s aa E mmelly in disease of Animate. !nab no Ilst pall Emlieweetal. Bed 001Oplaletalbermam s Farey t e nahmireaWoomde. Mange. Mari." .Vied /Pala Spitz.; and Ibr mealy all either Irk tmait obead. i.bk• ' , K.' , • ••• .. 1 •00katIon. lini ment iron's at the head of nil The following to from the pipet:al actountant of the wealthy asrd highly trepfttatd• AMY. of Pan A Dad:, of Peoria, and yeoman ono of the mad enemata' cow* in the anstels of malkal history: • • a 111,31. G. Payroll: Doar Ply. Actuated by • atrassof grata. ?Wawa. I submit the following as an instance ot the 0111- pe Ity of your area panel°. ity,ctilitialue• Tram old.staa ett o, == . lted rO . LI te i rs o ll=el=Z s tich ii lthlef: . , became xi that wet *eat oceig lot WmP i the Oesh twitted black and sold, and edict!, darned qfjedow the oyes Azad. Partially clasod sad &Warthog w ank- Pollerwa thir fig. ...de0." . .. to all sowed; the [pi= bosuns cvmo darted. aid so trotroal, that wisenlaylng waits amok, the kola o=4 Stet inkt Mucked in du child premented ottt7 OOPmeltese ef kelog deed: Itotofttlatelf the at tack. th• fatal, Dadaist. aria walled lawnd ficy lbw intely he latorod to Pasoan it to lieling.but Olt. rata. al/beach It wan blistered a dozen thaw, andaidioan rabideal Menlo A conatiltagon of taktriciane tae thew held, hat 41 so w hat case was thee !nought kw fora the dlediol Soc h i ety'. hat wothiag mold saggsraed which had not already brew donw, nod LhodokOw thet.tolid Sa• he cools do nothing awn, We Ulm csoimenced sW• plying tour fin/meet freely over the satire lwarth of the eloose: and yew tott i leotiZle jearnt's 11 • r f. I7III P 4ty r ' ;'eroreerd. tig A the exeeptlota uf the sight, whkh dot ant perawd I've newly • mouth.. It iy Mhearty and rohnst ego N. ire othst caws the one kind isside4 'nary adate taarbool yr... Wisely. all of which gaol: • ben, .loubt. If your Liniment had tern used, *Ley Id boy. recoveroL Peoria. Mush 1.1!51. /1113 ill O.i:4:LLANO. Byre Coorlaint, Eryripelar, and Wienindlists 11.yrIca, M.... Co, Yr. U Fthibuz—beez Mr Your Lode.. te very veil. and doing • rad deal of wed among lb. nn Plo. It has cob., e tad ouw hf • bad path Iv the bract. .1 fell'. wan pm mallard to erbed for Atl.ll mouth. with. Liver Ohopteret sad AS , ramd tbe newt: ins rehrely tared by the tao• of rob , dearth= thithilent. btu. di..18 the doe... maid as lur no a good. dam . Nee applied to fienth ited rand It In theme I baee limo *AMIN with %libel...than tor • long the. acid Ind throb. s net rhea Ili raised mats lamb that I. had no yesee . '•ll dart ..11.1....:(cbt roar Wha ms . WM. 1055. v .1 1 . 1 . i , r ,: r.. .10 v. 1.1 imeet. and JULIN BUCKMAN.. MiMEMI : 111. U boll, Pullman, xi /111. ratan Count,. 111. Faasith, tour Arabian . 11ulinn• 11 Niably priW bora. coral me a my r•labb•ra . banta•( b. ctiit iCucaVbat by an about Cur or bys •ppberatinna. J I. tt li7tx td abc rc „0 :: • <01;1 . //kbal . I•Ansaper wary ma, m IM says 1. ix await:lly lbw cont. btreve audio. be aver Wed. The•a bay. bon numbers carat of NAV g) with 21. 1.1.1 it • wry Ir•la•bie mod.. boiNfor m a tt stal befet tam et IeASLJIT UM"! raythaltrea swe 1171 , 02‘a• Dr[ .Irontlx, art.. Pte., Loa*. ° Laboosry.thairry.feen• •• teaary. Pretty, s.lltra. lanadates Greg , 1 I• 41 •••tl". ....141,,, Walla, An le ll.or tto blkl N . 11.011,M. . 01"l1M0 , 30.• r1111:11.4 DI. idads.oll, Leather. ilour. 11is TisnAtit awl whet 1.1. antliG .1•• ter Ti lie . Ran [Grp Perk, Tidier. reel. Lard GIG Telswee thwr Coe.. Ted., Grain and Ira,. tth P Int /di, *able (tenth, Y., i ash. Rieits.,thoguati Clay. ti....• /••••• it 1 a .... V, 11PLY4 • (IDIOM nottort of Catoiterfcdo. TO GUARD AflAttleT DlPO•ltios, ithap Tun lot.. ' F . ,. ••••:a is- .1..111 I_llll CIIIILYVI LP . • a I The Piddle are partirolarly raa)renal ai.ited a Dias - pitub i to T rmi p o ri n ti on •;,. tivater.l.>hiebts. latotr asmio 14 14 . 001.11, se..l 101 ' •••••••-• eall•d by tart nendre•hontakes it - 11 11 Tanen a Irabi• I 'Anal pro , . mi. A .1, Canal 11.16. Phut Isiah. ' . th Litoment." he Oa dashros fraud did nther habit 1 .IT Lit, JAN , a go. thin. Bend and Clown MITT'. to dards. 4. , . m hit be... i h s d. i r Warren * Tinee del .tle• /I Frot h earth ewe G tremor. tisane. and Mere Ads be perracohn riner te red fin ar by I4e mew -Warren* a .; •,,,,,,, ph, ; ; I..i r r ag . lanisenti," lor eaprtheyied dada. will hearse the APC. t g• 05yry,0rd,,,,,,), v, ~,,,,,, ~.„„,.4. y y pi g ,,,..., 1 111(11.1 magrent wpm ran Pr rte amid. last 'Am". ea k j .i . ,•..,-, . . for ...IL it ihn.ia Arsil.o, Lraois.. and ate no want ; .1 , • 1..1 may mapleted ear fillralltra Y the neentrie oneen hat the hdre. I. G.tefoo Tore tr. t . meat; we wth 1. Prelootl4lPn ibe.difita er 'tl• b g. , b ;lT,,,V.f . i„ , ...v-xr, i1 . b0a,....-47.07;=,-,:ar.. I .‘1,',;,! 1 ;., - .l' v"ifids,:= 7 ,4 - s",: . 'rowiLqr.." - Lt'... eassareng, /bath,. 4 net bat/. 1.211,11{.. AL Iniin ant 101 ' 1d. Last . eel lt est. d Aa Laded anted In nary Troth. TOD. and Used. In I lower Tana ant with more drptlth sada.. than thy ad. the 'Laded Fts.s, in which ow is loth errahih.d. And, c. Law All dad. shiPard %gear Atha de hilly .•41.1 by 1.4.... I‘, 11 it, &limn, 11.11. - 111,yrY,111 !tool rear.. by "earth,. vat:mut ser thing , ta r Imam a Phaeton a ari le th e. reartniabintr. tr. 4; tid easily dint. to .7 . ether 1.4. entioa the aged who toll throdab itlee at Cliarpose I Ali eryissanal•uteas athiewat4 to (warmth. or Steal% boa ...taming muds sraladAt Intgrosati. /r roary dam 1 Gall 110, lAndloseth h. DOA. Lowey die. and L•nr• a of elan. Saler., ft lesilpwili ewe with 1.04.4. elinatlea. Intew— t o Eli tents, and ...dont, PTT Leta, _ 4.4 - N it. Very tw hari a • erniverino what.. with 0 • 17.• inth neonme la r•-didaciarel lir 11 G. rarnii.sole PL•inieighla an I•dobargh Tecaspaidirn Gine of At Bra d, td propeeten, sad wharfage drangtle. Yos 17 I leer A. Co • *bp. /father:ra Pwiria.lllg and tor salt abelrod•aut Mallet prowdetortl pew PI IL DIV-TIM• fold tl ho 17 Wend wed fold by D tlf CURlll,•liegbear (Arr. " The Human Body Must Perspire, S 0 SAYS NATURE, Ist llama a healthy ap• pavan,. thd pane. who (inset prrrpre, are llidAti to the rad ettorainina !thin p li•ewan. heir, Jot Dalian Cbirmital Soa mates aD. rowyteitinn. and et the throw Raw mollifies p nod aide. the thin, *Oleg it Melnin. of sn !Ward ir Penny. Periltbstaw a an nd P.., are twit only healed, DPI thand by its nw, as at L 7 pllyerian• fie 2i. Ifinir. sus'. ho emit ha sath ewer, and hart It notallan—sa W., lit /Wad.. Motels.. treed. array other 016de-est the w•Ila mimed that ids la Ivo wale., pant ilntll3lll, VW Ma that mill VrOve t meld mothers. .4 ken eighty pewee cared of *we had. so Os, sd so bend , Day it—and thy trader is erste wand 1 woad earth. sit taint for the dor/ ads. 1 ktr,► it to he 011 shoe than wheats Pads to resakeLor ehappd Vieth, will gad tido eia =Ely a eies. but • penthiPre. and 1 ma tow wily add. that th toe dikini with thy of the ate., ar dialler drew., Int l Pad Ito all. and even igtota (wild. fsbleisr its propenl.) th an 1 thew . ' 41•4111 t mid.. the dares tr. Doodad wlth Do tod hen. yea oak foe. Jos.' Itaina Glowed tir:rt k alt tray It ordy lool.d WM. JACKtloh, only Ansa In POlshard, hinder W L.... FPearly White Tee th. sod Pure Breath. to bo had lb+ 23 anta•-•Perwins who bass either. are teams. bly wand that if Mar breath la ever ve bal. nr War to drearad, dark ar yellow and encrusted with tartar. Oda= anti bag of Joan' Antes froth thine aid Wm eta Loth a. white a. snow, add the last alowilarrondp newt ASPd4T ad/ at JA(/YAWS Boa. 210 LlStr any Sod of A Scientific flair Tonic. -RestOrme and Beito 1a w ..4,w Donk., 01 oral. 'Thant whn Ur. urea. itoscs. thenl - Mir Instorsr, know Its eneelleut Pio, who have hot. yr turns to gnomon ahe ihrtoatos o r lefg , t7t or dandruff; nod mato malt. ent ersalter yaw dolt. ..tru= s agllttliTa si := dire. U. Wad 00.1001911,11--7 n /411ArICK-••••... 11 A mor 120 huh, bond ho ef W eoly at wit JaG11.80:411 More. 210 Uteri* Anat. rne i alttabonet. -. • • JONES' Solution of At; a Liquidlllmin Dye, Sur ihe cheap , . yhttr. Frey her. b. Wiri J ACIChON, SAO Liberty strert i tend Of Way; Pl "*FF h i'; ;16NES' LILLY WHITE.--Ladies ore ma . 034 Ullinit the !Ovum premed h/LIL Ate' how .4. friehhhel7 Wort., 11 I . t o Ate' bow norm. bon rocurh, bon nay, yell. sad tuthnally tb.d.)..pwats. Our otlnq pro. thaltl• fiader. n Iwo.. contain'. e b tlar w r i neitif 401 . 0 • 0111 .lo t h , :e7r= 1 1:11, White. I TC. , . 'it Is perterill jnanroah trlng purihod or etl Ulfpleekrty ..n ..d r - ;Mold by_ tho Anent, W3l. JACKSON, 2.4 ti hlierir street. brsrl 1 Wood. l'lttabarah.• Yrlea Id row, ; 4.4416.1 rS .ProftSaar iL C. Barry's TricopherouS,': 111 t MEDICATEUCOMPOUND.,,The low s>. kaumaaW Ir Rom!(:. Altwo,.F.dlior • Una AnrAticuL , Comment on • nob ooldono. qdo: nrcawur:NOß Toni. Fob. Burro Tritopheroni arildo Odd wo lake nlotoun. Id swanllng blgboot toontostutstima. Wo do 001 do I. vproi• the mommondatkat of othowL no% on Mir ow n wor. 'Knot knowlsdno of It. olAtla upon the holt; w 4110 It toods tdAw , 9 boAIILY. 0011, and ;donor. It oho rem,. dot, dtud. Frt.. , " limy lair, mad Inolgontro Its genonly lA O summer aneduollol 07 sny .lotlfer cam onsldon. known b no moon only woods to 1.1J4 OMI Utile to toielnarldtod of ado troth. bold In boltleVyrkd ienticat the prltielnalaliii IZ/ prodwzy. Kew look. . :Sold In low bottle.. Pd. 25 .odIA It P klAL lk .ll t . o& 11-OAII/ 0A11/ IL No. a 47.Wr0 1 ,277 • Hamburg Polka,. •.. • • lilt. KLEBER, No. 101 Third ntreet;llLutjtiet • ambert Polka, one of m a mo 4 popllorozojboui t.l 1 rojkoo evor Dobly!had._ . ..• 7 . B _ - .. moo I Love , ' Thee, Mary - De.: If B. G' Valor,. t . . .., The Jaw. Iced Wag Li lay , I.Uover, ~ , . ~ . me. Mountain Dtl4)l by Liolay. . • . ~., • ~, M 7 !dory Dew, Moog by the Allogharolus. - - , ' o pored Coma a. ~ aoot airilelTy L l o4, with, now ar,co.- rtoimesst ° ri7tirtllll.ri:Tv..4. *di: "bi 46 $. 1 :1 1 "" d b,' mart r g = - )T, . - iamoall,lal tpaor. : • '7{{tti an estowdr• alaciloo of iteelratiM, F .. 0 ,.. t o •- , Pe iluW •myi. RON . OPTIIIOOIDETIInr. '''' yEW , 100E81 ,- NEW ' EOOKBI!—The llothaskinsw. or the Lls of Mom a' tile by Ulu tile4"l ~21.0.' 7 : ' "r '' y% ortivaitart•Mtny! - • - - • '.' S . 00.41 • • • • • • • nouriir unky n;p,Ai" • L•mya • _4 • Third itert.vroorlte 1/3*, rut vflia, ARD- 23kage No. , l'Lear,"-fir mild by 4, 111F7' • • ' SUZY, MAI7IIEI4'B k CO. ' 4 .ERUIT--150 , _ 1 my 7 ", 111117, BIiCTIMEB a C 0. ., • ICE--10 tierces (fresh) Mr age by DoßisoN, LITTLE 'Tior7 /SEA-6O hf.chen4t Y. 11.,1mi.;and Ilse% TIUNSPORTATIQN • writ: 4 m PR PICTRIPAggiIirBA EMTENBiolahatit. cLeaue.. PARKH - 1 1 1COMX Paa /111sartn. nurroah I /11 1 11E7P.TURRIETOB.S.of this Eda-nnd.vien knoen.l.4a4 nwkl Inf.= the Pulheihat they ass I Ousr to eperatten ior.the mutat aleaerm, sad Imre erhusete sed mareiralg Irelpitt and , Psetengerst. that ere billy 7 to all points on the thmr. god Lake Mg 1 at the lamest rate, One of the Beau et thU Jane will be Mt atantly ea the keen, balm the Storm , "144'Brbae. t o ,r f m,e Ta h tr .CAO 01Uroug.Waterend A atlua HEY :1:1 75".71,0. W. Cuntdrigham Nrsi w. Q. Stolen, n: . . .1. k 8. REM. Sherpatturrh: ' Ashre It co., reensubs Wm. Henry. Ilartatotent, Wei. Power, Cotheuntellfr, C. X. Reed.; N. • U. IL W 416114105. Buffalo. N. V. era New Lake Superior ..lene.--1851. new steamer NORTIIENEkept. B. Sew, basltur arm- modern Ina patent it, Ty and comfort. lOU tet leave Cleveland en T, the 81 VrNI, ::f l 7; oo!'elCsli. I.!lori'tdB,ravtlitir-a.-1 Tbd Memo . MANHATTAN. Capt. Jo. goorarm.orilr lease Sant Ste. Marie. for the different landhage en hake Superior. on the:arrival of the ateamer Northerner; mann , regular weekly line, throughout the neap. .elesrland and the Copper and Wm Mem as i TURNER; Proprietors. Clarets:A.o. Argil /151.—tf Ilandacturees Line. 1851.:x` RIPPERS ARE RERERY INFORME/) quantity of &algal to Phnanelphta and Salt= tothous ernashippwo,tti Y short time, and at ru low rates, as ant other senntasUns. hpeohal eprnagetoon4 Lure mho been grade far earryine War }might to Illatrwill. Johnstowh Holliday/4ms,, Plate? Street, itletwdzia,rytertbstrgb. litinUngdoo,^llllt Creek, New nuntltora. 3folleslonn, Lowlstown. Newtart, Cholla Ferry. Harrlsture,Colundsa, and L p o rh. intercoodiatesolnts on the Pennsylvania mad Pott age Railroad liarlahseturn los& of Iron w the Juniata. htenoptussa and regularity. in shipments, to , the oforesakl points. at the to eat Mr*, may t. fl.l Zpoa. J. BITSCIIPLL ISCllTT,_Propoktor arebows, Mats Ansa, 41.1.11 f fleeond door Beat of the Canal. RAVINO . DISPOSED OF.IIALF AfY : SLIEST iN. REVO/LriP.4 - L/ to U.,. Inother,t . Ur BtrifilLtil. Mir Duerr= rd. Pittsburgh rill M m . -1 idler be trutracted under the Mile at - Wm. lugqham 4i; con" • - •. • iambi]':' • • • 111.2i1711A1L - Binghains',TraFsportation Line, s ft PITS§BURGH . A. THE EASTERN HITIES.! THE.C.DIALL being now 'open, we. are red-' rodi. fontard rods Produce a.od erehnzAte. earl ond weal. P PUY. KiV=;== ' Pro:duce arid Nerrliatultto will he risrelrlid forinsdrd toot and watt: without an, &iv,. gm forwanlingnr.J raoetngheldht. tosinindotunratonme.. Hills. of Lotting Stirrardud, and all &halo., fulthilell Misruled to. • Addle., orupply_to NU. BINGIIAN Catud Dastn. :o:drug' Ltbsety and Warnead.. Pittsburgh.... DOCK 133 Muir., • - helves. ;north and ventiuu,Ptawmpids. 72/131Eol WILSON, Agent. • t.' : No. lea NortN Ronan littlest, BINOUAld,tio: Id Rost such, tEiiM 1851 02PM !Gm .halite Transportation ' ~ Liner.. „ iIA. OSNNAYLVANIA CANALS AND RAILROADSe) Olt PIIILADELPIIIA DIRECT---W ITII 4. MeAMILTT i CO., CaDal Mobs, ADS Pstus stmt. P Tltelnil RAYNOR. Oulttml, Mock. Broad amt. pp.- d•lp./11. - n • ....W.W.I t. rmedv• a lazipt asonsumt steetehaesliss 0415,015 es to ottla=ll4i> . Dettlng of the sexmls to , Phila. elDhlAs sod all ID olova At - tower Mee; sod la less @A.M nit.y gnerlous season. - We - N. 11. Tits ltemssed nasal., of Trask" melded ty 50..00001 Cosetallniaoars fee amyl= 000 D.b.a. the ftate Haillamis,lllll Dreessak {Ay 1 , .. 114hty a dole f la Johnslotro.flolidafelmegorDaltsmble. 12161.1.110. I ~ C. A. IlleANULestnTY L. 1,15 ' al 1.85.1 To shippers of Merchandise. Produce. &c., In nem Itnuarscs. panda. lasedlrdat axa a. /MI. • RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TRANSME .. . TATION 7- ASICINZ CA, ProUrieturs. Market, nut / thrzdatte• Arnet. Tb/.13Je1p1.12.. PELT. k 1.1t1.Z17. alreutu, Caehe. MUdhaerah. dos. 'Ma 1.411 dei. 'w.. •ro prokunnl, nn Lb. op. Illnyt IL, Peeing/ IrwaLi Co, IS eardrakt Pala ht 14.• non, /ad Cace shiptarßac swat derpatch sad ear. navy cdher tau, fehl:tgaa X c,F A D ifi - V 0 D E." .• I,o.lall,lleVs.len tl fh.) ; ' Cana: Barin, Pots> Stmt. Patna: Bail Bead CcT 7 ---Ctitral Rail Road. qllrE volt eribera having been appointed a'ten, wodo•Ile or ;raxku. wart at On op:iting tit. ft... Coreb , via 11.1. brute will be rarriadtbralirt. In Sao Jaya .1 all rottasalwit to at Will 1. fellkinkai Ir.. tI a 41.11111 . -, or rtarge tta.laant.t. Lewiis Patent Retrenible•Witer Pllcer INOW to be aeon in operation at IV M. Teti a COII. Me.% Wa ft. Vega]. otaaa **ITT *Ad Marty vb. oaf of POIO* LYM o to ilshes lama. fltbilarob. TOW 0110 f boo famao• *OOll Mootol fano tbo ,Arafficas lootaolo of boa ooft, J • Coadamfor taxa Oa Prutlao lowatoto of f taloa. t Pin.. •• tbsryno6lf fa fit elroadoof propotwo oaf Woo afar... from Mae Maar la. osO Pallaierfaa of othattlho Llama off off f000rpOo• I enaosoo rota Yates Zttla IC p 707 too veld ofrooare I. JOIX•111111511111* fbo Olean of pon, *oaf. Um Patna Ifrooratto %oaf rinereani • reenaer tonds. 110078 awe of thos too atm. - 61sonaha as onfaial to to fro of f bar roam 110000• rat IT. %alma mareff . - rvnantx.rinA, Marc! The Pant Ifoornalo Wow alma. Foorobr• 1 , 7 o '. Foam/ U. Loofa. mod oat LI Ma of sae smuts .1 aa mao roadaana a all tag oar rofaa amid lath I PAMMI 7. " ture t." nem ?Wert Id, Watirolltall to tale Cutut euy out astt over ell tut. wrath nay art*/ Dan deem yawl &wpm ety en t i t y LW matter to tbs water. Illoy are aatrutted tobut tba team toot teltd oedirsui can util loot tene soft mu aio mly to be 0000 to 1.6 sibteurlated. , 13/4111. J/Jll/121, mrto tf ' struet.lllDadvie4ll6. Rockingham and Domestic Queen rare. WOODWARD, BLAKELY A, M tuD ILLY /'morn.,et of 1.""624..' 644 T'n'n C." W ,wapeumul.teba tk i mese, Math Mal lUbetf (CDuRd 471. Kb annual uest 4ettr to J. ykld„Wboleetabo. Otto. Aorta*table us to CU cadent promptly. A boopetoot &Aeon. Wog tonne:al; etoployed, also .h)rxttil to kerp bad with dl lb. Dew ttebrovut rtyle4 of tbs Noun One. epitattuy,Plelunifsery Tem Demur ODD, flowerluse. hobb464, Mantel ontutu•sta. 114.141,4 and Su tf bad *Dicke Me tlatusatte to., le great e tehety. 14* " Heating and Ventilation. 7E AKE MAKISO.APPARATIIS' for ilo4laff by Diem Ds IleftabbOutet Kneura.letetuto Roma. Daub 1/Mbes. lop. of f df. 46,1 1= 7. 1 417 .117 . 41= .4. /t4th 'i tiot. dry.* std Intuit" Nana* the 411 Wyo. bent tortOlvelvlUnNolthe=tiote.l% ... d.drod;r7.4 111 . 40 P lrarerfeit'eatt ..n. ..latkut . taanklitr " fureed Moms,' rill i* lfgir d of . the 4 1 11 . 0 ri . .e,f=t; or. a tra, play "n"; required Letatututure, 0111, entJ re fnuste. frosa " * .u oUto ...I.,...bokang,ordsomjpgren, mod Wet, f1e431 MY. stylb ' • WARD, ATKINSON* ORDLY. iinvlNE-400 Wool, for raid by skrem r, W. fyIWRIDE OF LIAIK--150 twits for sale by ISDN miorrr. DballtY (10. Q - .AE - SQUA-40 cot,lu fur Yale apll DY.NICRTY. DERRY k 00 . S UNDE b LES— . . .4 iete . ka Dried 1 . ..rha1, pt . ) _ 34 . '" rtarelatirVelr/1"1,1170b.7 NAILS kogs gpyr A. tIVLBEILTHO 00. F4.ITTSBUROII COMM:ER(4A CoLtma (lorneeof Slan tins Alitlnd :rt.t.eln.. Chart"' P I Th. oral Chattennl Institute nir Ina kind In Non • netuk-Jetili VLOtheo, • Prlmlpal Isurtroetor 1 the Aol.oeo of Amounts. Cie O. Cot K. peta ens tkm .ko. emenstits hessis Teeemanstilp, Mein. . • • Attiesrnsa IVetson. Ly, !Wieser on Commerelel BOLA Or Temrstrne.-lloa. Wm. Wilkins.' Nestor , Minsk Mows Itatioton, Hon. W. 11. Inrrle, Pr. J. IL kieLlintock, Oen. J. IL. AltiorehmeL Jemire Dn. km, Teo.. Ira Zlesimkp Cesintlynt.-4on T., Costirsn. AttwheY L., ja,..huor, merchentLll. A. Yrs, ntagt .L ptsidente rem enter Ole Inetilutlou at no Limo, god ob. tale Inetrustkm intilekinally, path der and evening.when entitled, Till reeelee I diploma, shmesi by the Yeenity sod Namainlng Committee,. . .-• I , • ; • . p Thaeedeeiriti.evvzaruglir.-0, rine. Cirgt ' peal Asse ' er theitherio ritteberel-nOoliunit:sTel etldsemel to U. Z. hem rite, will meet with prompt. Jisolhysi rim .1011..SALE.;•-A 'FARE, 'situ iito 14 No,th ra In r i t Ilunttogrglojtl attortl 04L.Th r eo: I nt tod. i 63,••••, timbon within:ono Wl* of tho llnithk• • goben Eu.e. r. mto the Pr flan/Mg* . Hut mt. rzton.l•lue.du• I toproymenta coo da oC • two st.ta Lou Dwelllvin=Lb•ok.l=zatt. M i raa w .la 11=lble. )1;• • •= oreet HOBERT tt. BYERLM% alnoc th• • OIL,-r4O .Tharrals,Na..LLisrd reed thIA P 1 8, 8:1!orth Illverogad tar ralkby TILACS ,:•.A.ND, FANCY.- BILKS - A. Secog supply. A..m4scui :w. - ,vir.ourd.r . espe c tfully, It. vi t t:la:gent:lan al Melt austAm . e r n and Oa AIDA ' 'Cre r eNrial AND 7112% . 1,eirk r Nat ADZ ittba Essagr i r . . th.... AuThssed b.reg batlutato-w. the RAM. 4 /data at. v ; • L. DRY GOODS, &c Are now openin g a Great Variety of New Goo 4, And hyritathe &le of Ildrantlos to nanhvan. °PIM THIS YJOILNING: . 1 egad Pamela. (Ineluding extra Am black and brow.) annireahhe and Damask YOPIANn. ' BohMe mia AlN& ae, n 0740 CiOU*, flat' 4 , 9rS .- Ylvotile Worked Under Aherne tplane Black Slihn eh...rabic Fancy Mika. Super. French LAWNS, =ldol areal variety of other Gusts, at rho atone of yoy^. DIETPIIY a uuncuun:Ln. PARASOLS!—We have just re rade.. NO.t. Cana fel Market aireete—lea.aplain fringed Parasols. embracing all thealliematqualltlea a , add. to ae am prepared otter. at oboirtalti ar retail, at Tart great redaction from rumor nixibt • • A. A. AlAdOtil a CO.. !dart. at. VRA wouPE SHAWLS—A. A:111AsoN ,t; Co. Vvld call the a s t uet of 1.1. tilt tr r 4 i ff yo , c , t . rchttee z = ttl r lstzg , tltir i veerle ' t, aml at ' pra: unZtally loss tbee they Batter lbetuselvas Ifelanue ran be pleased fu mice atal quality. Nva..6:l mat 64 Ilartet tuf-21 White Goods for Dresses. ArApHy &,1 11 011FIE 1: lured a , r , 1. ,.. mh Blucl'Alunll4'"Ch" Swim - . plain mulembraklerwk Ziansook ilustlEK Qaossn's Lawns, an. Xlm—Printni Jac:aunty: Marlins with our.' embroldm3; newmt rlylel -French LAIMA and a large oasortroaot 01 fast Innable Themes. Damns. Gres:L.llnm L. myl2 TACONETTS. CABIBRICS-A. A. MA fp" , 50.1 8 Co. have just ~eared per .upreet three tors tee Jaeonetts aOI Cerebric. aptt MEN CAMBRIC lIDKES-An assort nt of stew, Goods. for Ladles G -from 114 rents to Gentlemen's do. low nrinvl and finelnn reed by 3tuitpur sIItatf2IIFIELD. A. A. MASON . & CO., Imtbrters, Jobbers, and Retailers in DRY GOODS Not. G 2 and 64 diarket arra, l'iffibrirgh, Pa.. te.OUNCE to their friends and the put, lk seuendly. that theyy are now moneyed to exhibit t lard mod ey rebored ricrac( .ENTIKELY NOW (WOW. they bare ever offered in thir ei, LLlDrimed of the mat rich and frahlarlable fabrics, no W ei l *stile more common. and which will baolfemil at the LO 'F PCPSSIBLE PRICES at which goodsle add In any of the Benno Cale , Their two lone can r 'stemma= rill le devoted earl:level, le retell trade, and the geode arranged In Detertmenta, Silk Department. .Aldnu n.vr and taiddltnable 81,71eA Imported Ltde armor, Incladlag the bet makes of Black Bill Die Goods Department: Cmlnitdoe,Popllat.lterages, flew.,.Ledge du lnduu, C 1.1113.11% be Lithos, Lawns, kluallne. Canthrlet. damn °Be, Bombaklnee, Alpena, de • Shovels, Vizettes, &c. • Canton Crape, plait. sad esubroldenwl. A:ea, Daask. Vast. Laists.l.l,Marre, Silk. Palm. Fig‘t. do other Shawls. e 1.,, Vitettes, Pstelots, x,auuaa fa. Hosiery and Glove Deportment win always ha Allard complain. with tha hest mak,. t I Cotton a wl. Silk Ilealem The hest Kid 1110. always 03, • Linen •llepartment. 44. 4.4 sad 44 Inati Lilian. Limn Row!log. Pillow Ow. Litell.. NarkJa r. i. 1/07.1100, bleached and brow o k. ToweHum. litape White Goode. • Clucked end Dotted Carobrleve Lann y ook and Victoria and Inchon Lan or evert quality and price. Al... Curtain Materially Piano end Ta ble Cove.. tr. Embroiderimi.l.acen, Trimming% ,t.c. A complete aerortutent. Alen. Ribbon, Flowery Tate. kr. Canards of all It lode. lkinnete ot all the latest style', DOl:naafi° Goods Department Is probably nue of the trio. toincoriz In the country. cur b"i rgl i co .' , " =?Gre in r=frletitTat, '" ellb their b.locr. Cardin., la.. and attractive Mack. and onastunir te!. , 1 er ,=.,.. 4 61:0 r.rfr' u t pectf 117=r7d . thence trill be plead to recd. lb.: olden, at wi r n nit ocrele at east e . ark. also. dualkare nor eaktern blli of goods at tbe Pune e.t.a rad.. ben and Ikablonable e7oal. nm be eerie* constantly through U. MM. ONE' PRICE OXLE URPIIY 4E BURCHFIELD have reed .1_ • ea pplr llusaine Ph: wand Chmie dylr. 1 1 look, Alm. Ur.. E1•rk.4..1 La-act Co,lms at bwret prima to,l PRINT S—liew sty lex fau =.1.94=7..k 4 . 4 "i7Z7:1 1 ' 1 4 "'" 6 " xltd:1•111 • ist.11:1`111 , 1 ELI t 1 1/ IE I N S— A full IL.4,u,rtnitat v • a 411%a...a bbliho .0 b.. taßln fled by mrl wnu•rIv:IIUkCJIVIt.I.D. UPFXIOII. TICK. IN —Mu rptty rei.- I - I t 0.1.11 'write th• *a* ation bairn tri thiltrutvatmeo+ • vor,. Tx Liu .11,. 'l,ltot • Ce..111‘.. anJ hmur t,ping Mt I Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse, MARKET S'7llfxs, U. PALMER (lent for nate. at ccri inw • hat awortia.nt , rtrsw sod' 51111 a. BONN r.)—rorelgo lirso.l.Chiy..Oar. N0ur1.,1.4,. • • • t:.-111y01 )bath.. quill 1.1.1 r. ;7;ZiViAt.. I !I , .I; II" I;V. Jew.) and it. 1.4 ,v [J win 4r .RtiirS.7 kh IfoF t 4.4 imit hallo *WT.! fctrr, iii iLlthi mJ.chnt Lincy tia LA , T. , -11.• hi - y." 4 • L1 ..114ra011.4 XUll OM! 177,11* - id' lit Ma ilattnna. Ae.., to. 11,4111)TX.:—Erencla escl American Fpriga. alai nts Dal anal nat., On, do. Nn p6-;thr. A. Rhine, a . k.a...., at anat..; .ptaltak.• lanai er.krn AA ri.V.s—Alan...l ar..l WV, penal Pans.. ant Cm.r.lll.a. Ilan) d AS.4:I3IERES.L9O picev t i " l . a.ney and t:tri7C k. kJ br C. ARnrrill Yr . — N 9 LAWNS--Iprinted It at " C bra . .rripwr REILitiKAJE eaA•mi denrable .Firs Ad/Alf b 7 C AKVITILVOT. ' IBBONS - --3 00 pa Bonnet. 250 Cap, fur Jill tale ar afez.r. C. AIIIICTILtita. J UST ItEC'DAND NOW OI'ENINO AT n U. No. I tit Lsttart !Warm A •viitr lustsutsstr 'lost of ta•tiss' tott.le Goads. •Ishbest tistAlstora s Wear Sr Spins- ebotraislag thf ixosut styles is Atnerlo,n. tSCluh. sod twaea tu.4. meows; sort frbutital a ssortment of Vosilltuts sad Cloths rit• warty fsslikrustile stool. and rotor: obleh.hurltat out. • largo out sousfsetnisol •toel. of UtiAtir HAD{ CI.4110:141. mates tut of LA. Impost and bout artortot rtYlts snot of this Allfeoldor. all of sibish the hurl... , Is itetanahod to .Nor Si suth pros. as viii rooting, ail who burnt with s rail. that not only lb. most lisitottot nit brptil at thiS billibliebttiest. but alni at atm Ise - U.S prima to itis tits. _ All orders ttie Tailoring Iwo stsru.4.asiustat i the bust ruslbioossiuter. bad sit Ow titsistast notice: • twhlb • CART'EPS, OIL CLOTHS: &c. McOLI3fTOCK eastlastlr renditag bb frrieg •Sto,k CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. k TRIMMINOS Cmpti , lair hf tan lb. Allosios CARPETS. Fatra Royal tahat rgh, g 44 do. Tato. , 7 PrT. oar, .40. 4.. throat, astok aagor. 3 pin ropraltor 31l go. 1114,4143 ea Oa tion .304 404 smote. 4N...t00 do -44.34.34. 1,434 eaUloal Vanalau. 44. 34. 04, 444 'l4 1441 et 44; 44,34. ba. ao4 3.4 wool amt or4Una do. 11AMS.1' MATS. 011. (MOTHS, fie. Detre Chenille , Lam tlng do.; d 0.,• alma tutted dog doe dn. do; ;omen. dw Chenille Imo glad gutted do, do Meer 041n.5.V.; AdgMeln Togo m o w o n . Cmciebelmtbe. Fettlog dr, Dorking v. 4 0 .4, and Ze. -Alsso. I Oil CAD, rot in et soy el. hell or mote. t-4.74. (-4. D-4. 44. and di Oil Vetthe STAIR BOBS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, tic . Alen--Shad Rol. of all elm.: Cermet Ileteer p e w, agegdw;_54,44.55434 MUD.. Taelnlgrens; !Yarn and (Meer. Lliweebugledo. Ireesegoseet esewdoweeese. Dole Mod.. leollegar. mlelso 111101 e; Tan bang,' 11.50 Domed do. Tette We: 4.84144 404 Wonted Table do. 11.1rigliC klaprortod and Turshaeml eer elerktarnot term lb. isgweeelebredel Tectorleo. being of the laget end genteD emerge OD. Eel Mogi. we an PMPemd De Pell to .; trim& ar l capoin.n mgr.. et mast-. " 4 . : 107.17titto ml elemitee our :dna ' The earp*Warelioume. 85 Fourth street: •W. Mee LINTOCK. • • mchl9 • • l i iIAIVLS A DRESS GOODS—Li carton? 1. a the matt Wilk ...Lie Sherrin noir otirning al A. A. S A (Ys. Aim MI. nt new et) le Ve Leine. firr .w-. linplitio,Funteiriiejsail JAMrynlIA. sipl4 LACK FRENCH CLOTLIS--Mcarny A nOttIIPIRD 1i.... .. nyen their Syrinir rupyly the lett Oahe. Wert.] with street nate and itivini the &It ot . sentleniiro vandal; to ruppir their/elves with paw mats.eV= ri.ntls:4, GOODS--2 cases Cotton pant I.ff, 1.1 notly.d so 4 br ale , br utr apZ apni I Ohio Laboratory. • ..--._... 76 .IF- -- ii: 44,5. ,-_-,,,... 92.,,, i , lea, . ntl CeL__ . . _- l(1111 MU. 1 11111 I 95 . 1 11111 /1 85 ~..,.., ~, ‘ 1 ,.. ; _;- : — . , Per cent. Strength. ' .. hOWELI. FLETCIIER & co. -blanuraaw r...4 ALCOlltlIn rumetdrltettr &came and than Copper liiatilted Nance Whialtcy abeam on hem!. tinnier of Vine and Vnitit Alert, I.3mmarn. Ilea, (!All Virdere from ritteburgh •111 to promptly Oiled at lowest Mgr ail Pelmet apttily I Wi ne s --- and Liquors. N 0,167 Liberty at., Formerly Davie erarkerfdrtory. o. magma, of Pittsburg,' P.n. 071.100.011., ON Y. FICKEISEN & STOUVENEL, respectfully ..500m,... to the publie generally. .04 their Men& 12ViVIVARV I Zettire14• 4‘ =0 1 7 4 . ig . t 3' the7 W l et :I r1: 1 1. ..y. amp a full emortmeutot the twat stork—nomlle ant Trench red and white lit hem Alm. French dart end pole irva,alint. of the choke:et vintathin Jamaica runi, tloliand iiPlii l atnTrtp " nyri b t%= " poVa ' rirn ' ,l::l 4 rlrs. 'k eTn•V‘ wad 'mutest %I lane ' Ategathe. Ir. Alan ' eardiare, llollani r l by:relax& Palm and Llniburgh Chyme. All otahich they 11l aa il. wholemln, or retail.. the tong reaconable tame. ono of the pen... Hr. ritouvenni. !tilt ountinnloir Me Importation put:lnert In the city of E look the above I n ,. 111 .1/1•10 , 11 WWI a rhea:iar en 4 a tether article tnati any . other bowie It MN city. Ileum give us • call, rockily you porehme ylviverlime. ,ura t einni inipplled tree of extra chatini , md at the etlortrat make ap3 .. ._ ......._... --- A CARI ) .-1 hare removed to toy new store. it00. , 3r, .=t 1 :111 * t:,!.;111.f.2171,";;Iti. 1 =6:4! - lon oltnene. sod receive g .hare of their curken, 1 .111 keep a very lance amarttuant of Upholatery, n Mots.ede and link ding, Curled Ilia,. sPring, /dam tattoo and Husk Mots. Feather EMI. Bolsters, and Him, Illanlarte, Quincy C ri 4 c l t l y D ; l o D r o p o s r u M ats. en on d ev er y Warhti aclle! n Eehedeyv , A onf e e d e In me the mat relmolte catablLMmenta or UM kin'. °ligature:meet. rally entailed and mmatinaciptly flied. • • ~ I Mal. VOULY Third otreet - jSSENCES & EXTEUCTS, for Flavpring Jellies,Vor Creeme,Ae. : Emmen imam. : Extract of: Nutmeg% • : 0:i Vanilla: ^ Jun. Ginger; .- . Roam ' • Ymilla Bean ' ' • Tin sale by Wit. A. ateCLU WI A C 0... nivl TA Idhertret., : 111 RY lymTnici-50 bblo. for male by 4 ,1 1 NICHOON3IAKEIt Mig,QELA..9OFFEE--For aaln by own, • • WU. A. IIeCLUEII t 1.0. 1 Omar. RANGES-4181f boxer, very superior, orsi .03i,V.gazt slud sal* ANGANE bar around, for Ginn '7l,2 l B basm ,:, I TYITIVAITRY VV.; .1" . D AND HERRING New Baltimore sem ut uminq ned tlrr GROCERIES, &o. FOUR-240 r roe br myA 4 B. WATERMAN A BONA. DRIED APPLES-3D3 sacks for ifinle by ' L. S. WAT MANY son. B U ITT ER—In boxes (fsel . ) o 7i.: L lMaa by PEARLS -20 14.,b3. for Bale b 3.71 J. 11. - CAN FIXLD. INSEEO OIL-20 bbls. Coital° b, ..Y7 J . B. CANYIP.Lb QALERATUS-100 bra. and 10 bbLs. pure, fur ale by J. B. CLIOICLD. lIILEESE 100 boxes for Bale my, BUTTER -1 bbls. Fresh. for sale by DILITORITI t CO. . 7. 8. IL ORTII . TEER'S OPODELDOC-4 gross superior, 0 tor sale by S. N. WICKERSHAM. corner Wood sod blzth amid. A PPLES-71.b1a. Dried Apples fortialo by .VZ , WILL. H. JOIMSTOIf. D RIAD APPLES -32 0 bu.. for ante b 61UNDRIES-7 casks Cheese; ' t5..103161 6004'. • 600 bx. 6 1131C30.13633 it 17>er heart's lnwrulk 10 . 0 ; j t i le i rmitzlairsul IAV:a by (.18AR-59 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by ap'2l JAB:DALSIML, 63 Water rt. OL ASSES-20 hf. bbl. S. EL, for oak! by jut 421 . JAB. DALZELL, 66 Water st.l -14 ferkins (V.lll,?Troahl:/ nfilED PEACHES-50 tacks fsr sale by I.JF er,29 WM. H. JOHNSTON. -MAD PEACiIEs_3OO Du.T .1.3A29_111, argejas .v2l, WAX-1 caao B.N. witia sale by CORN -25 bble. for sale by I.) .1,22 8. F. VON BONNITORB2 tCO 14..ACQN1500 lbs Sides; . .13 800 " 811.118 krt. SOU " ILmF j_tus rear/ ved Bnd M FL P. TON BONN HORST Jk 081. 83 o.od 06 rzont sta. We by ap29 1p t bi d ..N w ra it.. No. 3 Matkaist 3.1 brdo do do • 10 do No. 1 trimmed Shad; on -hand "and (MOM .101111 WAY/ 10 O. LOBSTERS— .H. I: do SALMON. In bertoelkany agnisl bmes, n reirml and nu =le br W. A. 11/eCLITRO At CO, • .256 Libertyst. ap'lB IVIED REAOIIES-29 bids.. on consign mesa sad toe sale by sa77 /1111.11 DICKEY & CO. FLOUR -500 CAL S. P., for sale b S. W. HARE fIAJIS- —3O casks Erin & Swift'erS:l2l., for rale hy tayS 8. • Ir. IIARB•0011.: IiOTATOES-200 sacks for salo_qp 1_ 030 'B. W. IIAEMAINIII: IoTTON-150 bales fur sale by mys ISAIAH DICELT.& CC. D id . Vt,lt==ibrw:b i • to y 5 DIOLET A.CO. J. D. WILLMSEI & CO., Comet of Woo d aiut nth &fedi PittAnergA, HB`IAVE NOW, IN STORE, nricliiiriive this w 0.7 .110 1 MI/S4Ol. atiltin Latham mluon nro•otraen. .1 on Me moot mmonabla tarn. IES catty boa" prim. Urent 12$ dm® Patin. flub 40 hhoolasoakalg dm do. 606mm0 pare Stantio. " f. c • Cbulam " Naleratnn IEO bag.Rlet adir 7SbbL.N. O. /116 an It Lgo .ndJ.em 15 SAL.' , bolto N'ai: i l,A6ml Ilb 10 llolden 1117711 m • lamp . (MEM.. MO bLIn hoe I and 3 Ilmk. Pondered 30/.1 mal; 150 lan mod.= RaLinos • M and 14 Mo. N.. Idm • SO drama humus Igt E, and , a do Salmon 90 Ara nom... Pntam Malin= bp 11. 6 1 . 1 7 INA b. mtra Nadden i toms Nook Candy: 0 halm Moo. Genoa Orman 1 - tll.. I'l " Coo. i Iltonagate, 7 . ropper Allminn 6 0,-010000 11 nt ' lT , 1211111 'k*X 8coon" .. - re 1 Lbl. tolErnds &dm; I " " . human " Cream Taman o - 10 taira Hama,;, I moo Pe.l Bum 10 - Taa.lx . laloolnon let - Qm" 2 - .6k117 16/1 Bessie 2 LW. Garrett'.Noulk - km 1 05. , Vonrin Car/41.• 1 Azraw BooU rt. - 50 Bath Ininkl to . 4 pana - 1 btu. Zara I.lohar; do - onolllark/sr. u l / 1 0 grom IdalMeno - 1 0 0 64 . noLoreno Biro /lour; 10 dm- Kama Enima. I 0 d,O r. . and l'anlll,7 6 Lam man nul I. 1 . CerraAronnon ' 1 mut Val Sods; thur. WM. lend. La. 00. tr. . 636 . 33 S U . ? 1 .11 ). ES-- • 14/ ;1 , ..7. 1. V: irratMl btloa 0.1 tzIiC,ELLEL folonoct Uroctod'KuT. 34 lea 114, 700 druau btt no. Cod Oh/ 6 , 3 (La ite l6 trSarM na bolo, IhTignal 5 1. Mar. N. O. Sam ", lemon Mllar leaf I.IMI !agar 30 Tomato ta:w. rama Harana 6 1 s Seams - P.0 10 . 116 g • 1,647. M ad 23 - halm 4 1 WM= to Brasil Bum Mu .o,m/10, 10%12 OM. 110.020 Ontyr, . a1t_1.1 . 7 ,, and Pt. Vloakst 1.11. Worms so 1760 -]!.Co ma' :o, ./r. Shear/at 6041. 0100. kite No 1, 3. 1.1 100 NC water. Boar and M. arm , N. 1 4. and a.. Beater Onartme 100 iltath , c, bO eh•ro,lakv - ii,4- - MO tett. Tumor.' ou; hn mom EL 2.D. Tam. 1.3 ran. 22 Nome. `. 1. ma. Parte. ,os Immo 11.1. 3oam, Tuba; - 1 MO 1 4 D. f 31.candl. 1- 1 24 N. O. appeerm and .4 l o lo nMomm o W r. eStot/da n w rdy,' EOfCrroaaasp,ptianfg Von ; L m. V 7 oxor BOtlnLaadl~-k sa a d "haha,.ubrapn aril amoartlnclst Of tools molt kept In oar nan. no- For We 67 0.601.1311 • DKNNETT.. 1.1721 Osoond. mod 161 1.00 sta. C(IOTTOti-13 bales landiog 'from ate. Cape .May, sad for ale by co. 11A1All UINGSENO AND J h¢t ~lwar. 11 - Ir 4“, now kedtog lin ce - .1•17 !Aug Dieszr • , . *1 Wen sod haat at. VEATLIERS-5 bags fat sale- b 1 : myl 'ISAIAH DICK= Ica _ SUGAR, 4 MOLASS.P, ac--: :- '''' 1 4 tat t iltitat= a. IL NoLwow - S bbb.Lat roc= nt Di atb3 bayl ' CI We a a.t..e4 IS Drat at , ' __... __,...__ L'LAXSEED--GO bu. for ba •• . -I . .Y.' 1 \ r l . 01i.:0336 - impound Syrup of YELLOW V Lava ROOT—Z ImAjan reed troalreo, I' I C. . std iby ea. by •3. V. 1V1CK77.0 ... &do /volt te Wrote:a Yenvariv myl