PITTSBURGH' , tr?a, --- ?Exam roi:rnes: The followhig articles, thofirst. froM the New ; :tOikTrilitine, and the second from the Courier and'Enquirer, will give our rcadeet a pretty correct idea of the state of French pillitics, and of the dangers which euviron that falr, bat un happy andiill-governed country: • The approach of the . Presidential election, and the election of Members of the Natioinal Assem bly, both of which events are, accorilibg to the Constitution to take place on the second Sunday of May,. 1852, .attended by a neutral excite mmit In the press and among the public men of France., In' view of the struggle, ild. Guisot hes become director or the ArAemble,nelionalt, 111161 now a violent and unicropuloasrpoOarchical pa • per, and In Its columns will defend the more or lesScombined interests of the two branches of I the Banitions ; Mr. Lamortine has got the con trol,of ,the Pays, hitherto a red hot ,promoter of any scheme for overturning the Constitntionand , keeping Louis Bonaparte illegally iO power, nod Miff WO Its columns to preach u not too 'severe :Adherence to the Constitution, and bestow Onto vical soft solder on every party, by *ay of keep ing all_iu in Impossible good humor; Gen. Ca vaignac, who aims himeelf-at the Presidency, h., become one of the proprietors and managers of the .Bieele. 'which is henceforth the organ of him and hie phase of Republicanism ; Glrardin in the Prase displays all .matchless energy, and deals daily most trenchant blows upon the heroes of all the old cliques, never ,sparior, Cavaignac any more than the others; and in all the. other journals the spirit of discussion indicates that au important crisis is warming every mind up to meet it in one way or other.—N. Y. Trib. The French National Assembly has Jost toter - (-Omen the last year of Its, exist nee, and the day for the opening of the romosua &amor al= on the 'recision of the can ution has at length tariced. The gicat question of the per- • manent fern of government which has long fruit- lessly agitated the public mind of France, is now transferred from the.forum to the trenate House, there to bring on a morn serious and decisive conflict. The country is awaitingre taste with unusual physical calm, but with, i tense anxiety. The fearful uncertainty of theft' al result lids :greciously depressed-every branch of Ovule and industry. Men of all parties ,concur in the bo-• lief that a crisis of some kind > approaching crisis which is to determine - whether tow or ciolenoe is to • prevail—whether the nation is to "conquer its unparalelled difficulties byloyal means and untiring peaceful effort, or by the last ter ' rible expedient of cicil war. The great queationof revising the constitution now turns mainly upon the expediency of pro trading the power of Louis Napoleon.. the Conadtution he is ineligible fora second term, and must give place to a successor in twelve Months from the present time. lie 'seems to hare aban doned the imperialist pretensions h r purfarward with so much boldness last autumn, and. to be ;now directing all his efforts to khc simple pro . longation of hie Presidential functions. He-her at lost rallied-around him an able cabinet, accep table to the Assembly. and yea for the most part heartily devoted to his intereste; His aspira tions for continued power are seconded by the largest and most influential section of the Legit imist party, and also by that .strong portion of , the Orleaaist party, which, headed by Claim., hart alsondonedi their former political designa- non, and are now laboring for n ,general fusion or ell-the zuonafchical elernenel: These men support Lords Napoleon-la his am bitious project,-ef coarse, not but of regard for him personally, but simply that they may indict n fatal blow. upon the republican principle, nod :may gradually Prepare the coimtry'for the de ' Bolero restoration of its legitimate dynasty. The partizans of the President and these sections of. the-royalist 'parties, make ',up a very strong . force in the Assembly; but they haveencompro - misiogly arrayed against theni the extreme Le . gitiinists, who in their decotion to their idol, lreuri V. will liSten to no postponement or coo cession,' that seation of the_ Orleanists who, led byThiera, are endeavoring to procure the Fred , dentinal nomination for one of, the !ens of Look , Philippe; 'and the Republican party err mazes of every grade and color. With this heavy oppo -eition, the atteck upon the Constitution mat inevitably fail in the Assembly., The proposition to convoke a Cobstituent Assembly to rest.. the Constitution, in bider to prevail must have a MB jority ortbree-lburbta of theicote given. The number of:Republicans in, the Assembly is 18P, • and 'their 'streigth alone woold be sufficient to defeat the,ineasure, even supposing, which is hardly possible, that all of the ;50 members' should be present at the final 'taking of the ques tion. The great danger to the Constitution does not opting from any regular legal action siga.inst it, but from the-violent resorts of the ano-Con stitutimud patty When this legal action shall have failed. What can the restraints of the Coo stitrition avail ag ainst the men who areseeting to Overthrow V. If Louis iliapolcon his the least idea that he "would be sustained by the roalority,Of the people—end it is far from certain that he coma not be—he Will hold on to his . power inn sideti of The Assembly, and in spite of the Canstitntiont and the sword would be the only arbiter. I This is the great Peril which the is about to encounter, and whtch is fast • ft R EM brertst -hearts in Prance :with. appro.- ' .h=d - on.-Yers rock. Courier., . - TALLO W -3 bal. for oa. lo by lummox. J:irrcz c co, • RIIBBER 'AIR pALL-S—Just re telnd 3 00 dinen warted sizes Air 6xll which we will at tlu. wholesale Eastern- Itri*A• • • • ;J.& IL owco-4 Ithd. prime Segar Leaf; rr Tfiralet tri • L.A.-WATERMAN A-SONS, •, • -F.76- FR luml Si WFtet. and 62 Front Fa. 111 50 bbls. pure LirLeed, for sale by mrs r L. F.. IVATEMILIN k QDA Affil— ^ - 0 casks Iliurtz's bum & for tay6 S, lIIIIDAti6 (1 00boxes ass'A sA sizes,or le by IIfTS IIAII S 11/111011. AILD ouf.r-5o bbls. for sale w „IA tro:l. a. W. LIALB4I:4; 1, 1 1 1; D.,9511,--10_c413.k±s prime} for F " LOUR-500 1)".318. S. F., for sale 1. sara A. kW. HABIL AISFr-30 cusks`Eran Was IT mir. i aW. lIARBAUrIII. ATOES--2AO sac - fox sale by H. a' W. litatifAUGll. COTTON— mys" DRIED FRUIT= 400 bu. Dried relei:Tror b b ' Dr'l.4 ." : 91 111.4.1AL1 DIL5Eilt ill_ROUNit NUTS--,15 lsuckg for saleby lull ma .1T.a1411 IIIECI:Y a . CO. NUTA-E-dg--II bblif4 sale KIDD a CO. VASTILE O.A.P---2,oeases fur sal.. by J m 7 5 .. , •J. KIDD aIJ. CREArt I'ATIffAR-:-00 lbs. foe. by ...r4 J. sa ll Co. PTA S — SiA-1511 ilia. (in mats) for sale bs ‘..,, =is J. RIDD L. CO (lUbf DA.MAR-1 case (tas.cn by mys J. KIDD 2L . 0..6 NVA.NTED--A good ;Second flarid.l.2.l)A Foust. ..pacc of .Escusrit,..r=k..r,r, T 5 BLACK ITALIAN OCAV 4.15--Of ail th;• differrot c:Witte &Soft SfUIIf•ILY s • if i•jg - LA n wisort moot of abovo.fiond... LottioN from IsN ante e , BOYS' CASSIMERES-01 varions color n4.1:41"4 ALk BEREY_IF4A)..., caTAR CANDLES-e 45 boxes (10 to 40 lb 57 sitti) far &et bi - J. D WILLUNIS ut 5 : Crstt. Wood and ilia, et, PERM CANDLES-10 boxes 4's, s'a, • , C for W. J.D. WILLIAms says 20 half chart , ' Cbnbat erra OrJalr. 4) H. D. H 336, - Bankei' and Exchange .Broker. 'Fourth st gboa, k F AtUlyNrkD S l IbOi'USIGLIVETIt. on f owl M yuLbßanyttOck.epad V----11:KS11-BUTT.E.----13-4 boxes Table Butter 41" a co, LLwIT!, QPIRSTEI TORPENTINE-1.0 bbla. In goo( 17 oder. In ale In' j It. IL 5 5.1 ari ERS. M. 1LL10N 07 :42 lbe s . (T R ri . r es e i g as s . alu en t-a - oa - r le2to for sale -abr apt ILaZ6L Llbertr w..,00 reams Srd.a V d Croan , rap g°rArDtaEgtVter et r i BiED PEACHES-600 bu. for sale by - ISAIAH DICKEY k CO. PAR' FUNDS& EASTERN EXCHANGE WA3I3ID, .21tba tb, the . AKINS nto. IFI--------RLED APPLES -7 5 bthfor sale try -- Ay • - -BuRsaiDGE a INGIIRASI 116 iirmer were and hf. for roux WA7T t Cu. s' 9, N . 3bb. B (new) for gdeby • 4pll , • - URIDITDOE I new for — gale b . W 149-1° bbig uszals )mnrxe,m - _ No. LliMalorsu-mt. YA HANGINGS—From- 6 1-4 cam: to '..,:74earzEra.,ILARBRALL: NivaPuolxcrealgir4_4ovm , -,-,g - A-N.zo --7 'TfrANSIItTR H TATION -- --- - - 185 I.lggg-118 5 ...... Locgroolys Cleyekoid, Pitts h &gasaillon EaFezr.. PHIS tine run, in connection witlLLiVing: PHIS Fargo t cf.f:ar Q . Ltr'st t g.nriie l. ' burgh. :I;r7tig„, 4:dvantages over all .4 a 17 , .. gr o . , ilaTLI , v ;'''=t°iLle,3o= u-.d=,-...d Fridavis in charim of trump and cmaiPate° , w,t i nij:d. ,, Ile aill receive and deliver packalm m t•o° ° o rt i t ' Atiter, Pa. Salim Cavaboali Falls Coilisaa, . Note d.0.1,-r... V0tt.." .... Akron. Newark. Meadville. Yultho ' Jllllcreburgb, Miami, ' ' Navarra , Yredericksbursb. W el vlontlitja - t- - w g.,,,t, ~.. "-r-- i, . Lodestar, Wooster, Frniaklim Data, • lndton, Steubenville. hisgnillia. • w °' ~..bWegh• Canton. l ea • Lisbon. Cumi Dover, Ud Ye w e Me. • Newton Yalta. Nowl philadolphla. , New Cumberland.' Gold, Silver, Bank Not., leVelln ..4 other valuable gad , remelted and forwarded with ,deopatch. -Nbe millet , tiou a Nom, Bills. thafts,and Jotuntita, brompar attend ed to.. J. S. LOGS WOOD. Proprietor. A pianist ineemngen will leave Massillon on ,Tuenlar a of cub work. ItetnroiMbwiiliesta Liosehmfl on iltiradare, ic°. lb° p'n"'"l"''''l"cbg 'l'l'lZ"Yi"Yth., Anmva-C C.Cobla L oveland. r. a ors Pitts• burata. J. C. Cecil lt co- gestation, .Clarke. Parks. a Co., I tochester, IL N. Park?. Yountostown„ . W IL Saylor, Will' F r iIA. A I; fttl !' • A ' MI. ?Mt: Teo g l i hitibOOV . l2. 11511= . Canton,. ' . — New Lake Superior Line.-1&51. TIIE new steeper NORTILENER, Clipt.B. G. Ex.,. hatpin evert - modern Improvement tor sa tr and ...Into:rt. iill leave Cleveland on k'ridni. the S.I ot Mad mt., on 10. Bret trip—and weekly thereafter on Friday. at OF o'cloc k P. 11. for tbo Sant BM...Marie. The steamer ne9.vrrati, Capt. Jo. CiLLDW.I., will Vista founts. Marui. for rite dlnermt landings on -Lake Superior, on the arriyal of thesteamer Northerner; making tltilgatil :o ' S ilia "P`' 't h'l"'l C. '''''''' 000'000 C l M lT a it.Mtiitit PrOPria.r , Cleveland. 0. . Anti' 3./9 51 . -0 _____ , klgo3 L 1854 ',l,s•Zik-Q-Eirai Ann. IdICHIGAB LINE, ON MO . ExTr.ssicai CANAL. L .. CLARKE, PAP4S d W., Roma - rot, TPROPEIETORS of this Od. and well U/SOVEI Lint; • law= the public Watdher ' in oilcation toed,. I,meni. *ewe., eel mace azhl Paeseuirers. eit`Y VrliZii.o al u l , volll4=oo Cxfillri=XlL,r,r, tine nil! gtoeur 'SAL Imadtr:lpelow the Atoilocr pawls. Eridigry 1.0,1,10.ert. froiii a. CAUafEil. Agent , h. ht- • • • I cossxctirra tt ' c,,, , ,, D. y..,ztv; gt= e . s. n tOWOO ..ht& „ A —' rowm C. II """ 7 :C.anestilville. .1. b. W4Nbrid EN ,:; l' it,lfilLlN N. • 3 ,••:• Z:1 •I:1 1851.. SPRING ARRANOEMENT. Forty-si . , Forty-six house to Philadelphia. Fortv-four Irurs to Baltimore. o:1) miles Railrotid-10 3 miles Canal. Two' Daily 'tines Expresi Packet Boats. lEXCLtror. Piz,Atsatiml TO PRILAtELPIILA, BALTIMORE AND NEW TORR. (QIN the opeaing of Canal Navigation, Two Daily Una, Taw Ennrew Parliet %a l/ itAIT , nr ustown, .bens Err ortageltailrina to /IOLLIDAYSBIDIGH. , There taking the' • NEW RENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Tro tirnirel ataFortv•five Miles claret to BLLADB.LPBIA. Time through rotal-sts 't -re to muisdeittm, Ito Fare to Baltimore, 11.75 The Care on *hi. route Ore new., and of the mutt apytcr ed conitructibu fir otatdOrt and rafrt :-14.kett leave rem 11:111.11illg _Precisely at Eight o'nena, and evory pinning at the amine hour. Pusg6s.Prii for Baltimore, On Intim] of Clay at iterrlsbure. take the York and Cat. berhtud tiailrrad,ltraw tirdatied) direct to that dry, (eighty four miles.) Tone, It hour , No charge for handling Baggage on ibis route. 'rho Tocreanodllitined males this the moot ossubirtable. safe and dedrabba route:nom to the Eastern rim For priwatio of information appl r to , •i• 7 e t. r. 110.4)1E9, )I , ent, •tionnit.,hela Hollow I). LEECH & CO. I Canal Bann, Peon meet. 11. th lot Al - July'. the l'enogylraela Flatlet.% will In tinbihnt .7 Lockport, wh sLorteu the thin. through SIX lo tr. Pittiburgh. F bruary 10. 'sl' - Manufacturer's Line. 7 ...g.-- 18 51 • - ozz - Tun' •Eztra-Chemlle Bur . Me l do_ do.. mt. tl ' oned , t...• rn. t i., - f • r vele by foetal; _ - , s. ~..,,are no .......,....1... .... e t .. - s . s, Cl 4 .4. Q, HIP PEUS ARE REREBY iNF°RIM-ER d" '''''''' 'l..tdet.lVe 00 , D ral 4.itu ' o l d ' o i'' L- “. "-. Ni OL A ssl S-- 1 tu bl. - 17171 - s. - 0 t„r ;de it) , ',:I ',',", 't ` ,,11: . - o : '` d " ,. ‘ oL.:lllol.'t,.,o4o'c'i m 1 I,n.lepl - b b l s Iv, that W.. LINN: compored eotlrely of oertlem tins., alT 44, l, , o c tZ is t - p.,, , 4,,,,, p.,..Ajog 12.4,64. ortl2 t I 1 i u .,,,,,,y 8L W. ItAnIIAIN.IL July lob, fool Iha sword..ldol" are rwromwd te '',,,,,,y%T4...,,,fr.rn4,,,,,-p,,,,,,L....h.y,...,,Ud..,,. „, ..." 0 " ..... m0 t. 8„ ."-r '_,,,.... .. r ..L L T, 64, A1 7 .- .4,84 : . . , tm i t . 0 4 0 ..i. c . ,,,„ d a., 4 ., v ,, ic t llL any elm hall va loot.. . - - - r - - l''''''ClL.'2.dtra"'" t' th q Trim,:„ Prorldeot tronsholoion,lll no rho:name. aml at mhBr ratm.. at auy ssrAnst I EGGS -A fete Ws. (fresh) ft.' . tudo by ~,, ~._ ___ RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, Se. , 1 ,‘,,,,,,,,, saw IfiltDAl B / 1 1 k leeTr=eno.ente bare elm Men made tor oarryhog ~,,,,,,,,, dl ~h,.., ,v 81,01,,, ',Apo, _ __—__ „.,.,_ s -_,„ __,.._ L.A. ss, , 11 „E.,0thi5.P2.1.1...-C. ell's improved patent Wm . Freight lo Nuarerltle, Johtunow, flo idoronSYgr p,,,,,e, goo. 6.4.1-4...12. 4 Mattlogn Table Iltowqrse„.. s ARD-10 bbio. fib Ivo /g... :to. 1 Water Stront,AlmandrioPetomborgh,ll,Untalgaon. u , u ~0 i ,,,,,,, ii,,,k.,,,, Tr.„..„..,,,,,.... r..,,,,, L., erel for eale br. '" ' flusrly, Creek. Now Month.. 'noTaytenen. newtonowee Sfiti , „, „ s e , , gal wi g 4 . 0,.. fi g u a ode, omit!. I.ltolv. ..x ., ,,,, 5 h l d , lam' - ,_ _ _ ___s a _II ltill_t__Cflll _ ! queducts, ii. Newport, Clargs Perry. liernburg.Cohrottsr , ."d_,.. - ,7 Corern do. Table do .do Stand do. tlorstv 1 4u. --- . iie,... orintertoedrate pointroottle Portnaq.E.L. , -- gr la . 0„,,,,, Imported and purchmed ourmookatrectfitto the RICE --,)0 tea. prime,ilsr •p, Of 6x30 by I AU elzm on hand and to Ir s illedg i v.,,b,s.. A. we Androad. I liming rotor. load! f tro,o „ „„„ to calebrate4 /morrow being of the lateet and mom ap, DROWN & lIMPATICICK , 'LES - 01 i. _, tartar If tfr"=".3daU"r4"'&7o2lll.ll7helni''lrtSCl.Tl7L‘dt.""'T 'roo'"friet-tor"1" Fe r lr ' l d s : T PA VenZ ' O r t ' 27e.n: twel 'n;d " , ...*: ' ` ..ll.r. ' ' ' ''' ' ink R1V.1.) API 11 lo for 114&& by oratortalrro '''''''' J. Warehouse, idbmty ger.. " ?Irr ' Vic c'r:efilliilf.g.a.a ,;,.....-tock .11 11 aplo BROWN A BINPATIIIeg Secood door weldor' the mum. -,.. T . he Carpet Warehouse, SS Fourth street. S s o t kr wilso s t Y.allybr MOLASSES-51 this. S. IL, for mehl9 W. McCLINTOCK. SIaWLS k DRESS 000 JOI h IVATP I CO Ds-,-1,, - c arb,,,, I, ROLL BUTTER --- i 0 Itibls (gottd) for rule I of the tomb rodnonuble obewle, now opening an A, A am 31 % .° ‘ . C'''' ....° . 1 '''' 41 ` ''''''''.o,, '". I Bp .ACON-2 , casks Ilams: 1. 2.! .. _ ""' ..t. - i it - Phoulde LACK FRENCH CLOTIIS-51exenc 6; _ sato ISALM PBtmortna , bare wow opeo these,re.% 84 /P I T .f StAINDRIES-200 hu. /hie( orn Cloths, nelarted nth Mo m in, to the 1 30 bide. Pearl mlle of gontlamen Mobion to supply tbemarlves wall oar [ I mats. era! Ir. task, Pow O.NULI: iIOTTON GOODS-2 eases Cotton pant x_i At:mutat received and far role by ssthis.isia ~ „to , to 0t ,,,,,, 0 000 t for tot. u.,1311 BEANS -100 bu. Wiute, ' 4 1.-------- ---- , ...4,13 am 'Mt t , rtnad.. 1 F isil, i 2 i. " 1,43. .I .' 'Vyit.o Fi 4U l. " -----------;------ RLVINO DISPOSED OF lIALF MY IN TET.Mt Co li/NOnews LINZ to ray brother, U drg IIINpIIA3I, the business.[ Pittaburgb will ber, after be traruciete c t unde r the etre o‘fvul'lVlti.,iyaitir. , Co."I Trani cai Line, •Bi nu . this, — por t a ti 1851. -...,-----; PITTSBUFZIIA THE BASTE : FUN CITIES. 1.. CANAL being now open, we are 'rea dy to rigelee end forward ' nrcuttptl7, Prot.* and rob./Use; cut end west_ freightt alit*. at lowest rotor charged by mn , ..ibn , '• rroloce a itffd,andue ,rlll be rood.' and ibrwsrdeil not and to. without .7 charge for fnivardtpg or ad nieing freight, commission, or storage. Bills of Lading_ rerecorded,' and all &radio. fidtbfully attended to. 'Ad eery co c w a Sarin. nd rnut, n. c ''''',._iiN L ini'ffi n a DOCKisa iuk ! ",;i, g , - • between Podrth end Plausla, P61.....e1pan. • , ;AMES WlLtiON.dintlt• 0 ? . jr4E.7IIINTIO -to'.7tlNVerst'.'oo'. New:Yolir- -44 , --,s"--L - -n-- 1851 ,ffa/ZT Merchants' Transportation Line, (its rzNifiTLItANIA CANALS AND Il(ILSOAD!,) OR PIIILADELPITIA DIRECT—WITII ovr ittl-sruPeiliu. 't. A. lick:l3l.lY 6 CO., Canal liasin, 443 Penn atreet, PittabuYEtt! Capital blab. :CIIARLF.3DAYNI)II.,itrniaI Weer., Phila. ',141011. W4,l%Jp.'rnlA"PrtTp° ial,,",l=ft:"ZZlll6".. I trot, $ 54 all'inpZediate pat a at lower r ate.% a nd 11l ',.., ti' .;. .tr,Tl:l=:,tinelig.;Pr Truck, provided by Mr ' IVorOmbolibrltrr for crirrylug our Warr au trio 'Rata Run oar s will prerent sny v..llllllty o f delay at dt,hnstow llolidayaboyp ur ColuxoLls. Ulla wade.. , 1 ' C-.II.IIcANULTY g (M)„ . , /21" . Li ---..—.----- —. C "—j,_ -___ 1851 ' EaSigi T o Merchandise. Produce, &c., . IglE To Bhi ipiro P s l ttrePLlmoni,llrita..U.iLTlSOrt awn It. TO.. RELIANcE •PI'ITSBUIOIII 'IIIANSPOE.- TA'CION LINE. - ATKIN: , A 1-al., , ,Mliattr. No. 211 fillartet. anti rot e lry'll, I.IOIJETI, A g et:taartal Dasln, Plttabnntia. 1 JOY. T TL,/kt d. :ON. A g ents. Baltimore. ill'a are repared, wa the openn tr lite Pennsylvania Canal. to ..orrart for Nodal" at r as a I.w rale, and g ivJ i ,iy t a.r, ,orb tirepatet, end rare as at, ' other Lito. leirl.rita JuUrl C41'411. MicFADED & COVODE, I:tooter-warn todolau Mauler, A 03.1 . . • Cana! Basin, Prgn nrrrt. - Penna. Rail Road-Co.--Central Rail Road. rruE subscriber Lacing s b ee r uypointed - .1_ ebliDitur siouLl far thy Perntayt Load 11.11 Iluad, in F or the publii, that et. are now pr n aori to re. mite any merchandise tr t ool.. lor a°Prawa , w‘od nntio. o pening. , f the ...al. (Inuit la tbia route will Is c urritdtbroual. in Ale dais nJ all ra.tiliguril to up will! , t6rwarawl toe 4 rtnaini, ion or rharoa for a.lv e nort__ , A.AYPioi iaaddlit nursed. 1-113L11.11.1.1.• Vat inaltaaann. Dry Goal, IlrlA,Bboes, Boot, Etallonary • eirkien-,Conito ttonar(, Fruit, Feather," Faruitiur, Drage; Aleiltrio. , , Sahit"fy, Dual, ac tr.,' SIM) - fl 100 tr. tintielo'", qtreuroritre.litee"rie, Pelitts.buy.oritulhegtr, Isalk,T.Clover. Flat. Ilarntlay and. Or or rasa . t r. I A, Pool , ioo li 11,642;..ni1i,!.A.rntg,......,, k t 1, 11 ,.. Lard Hit, Ta LOc ttarvg Alt, )l a rbia .fronce, Ter, Pita; Bair, o,rlll Cr A ''''... .... IIIeFADF:N it eliVullE. es or sa e 13/%IA II DICKEY PP :cl 7 .' 1851 ' N - 7T - 'S; Pittsburgh Thumportatign Line- ' .IASIV... OtONNOR A CO- Quael Butip.Pitteburgh. ~.,, elliTi'AMßE'ru°A..Z=bell=3ldakhd and got 'lll%.oiFt•ronitteetSiamtb Ate.. Baltimore. lAIVING fully completed our arrange- CI mem, ue 0111 ge prepared uyou t tlie,hrumif a lg.: IZr'iVlTlP:turßiltieTprt2;slniCL 1 9 o:t i lls= Citt tr rit i f=l,l • 4, L .ll,l.:; „ l.l l'2 : ll g. l. : ttr.gl"o"tal 17 . 7 1,t1. Alt golds thipPr4 _by our . 1.1. am Milt tit= na.4• ll Yrti:tint by ::::;• ' = " f L ' i:.. '".""."r° All stammuttictitlune sibireesetl to a unts, ee•ieTtut% Bell I „ tab. Binehmeti: P.. Webb,' Loulmille, .4 Lot. t ()et.. . St. 1.110 mill meet with promptlle, sttenUott. tr 01. 1 4• It. Our Lim. haa tio comma., ethetever edth the • Philituelphle .4 Sitteloargli Thumbortalloti Ltrie or At. ----"'----------- _, _. _ _ tam _ i VI - Kgs6o - 16;, - UCtTr4t7bv . CO. .T.lr4 ' Y ._ CiLORIDE OP LIMP,L7ISO casks for sale .b,. L I L as 0 BRIM/. T. BERRY It CO. 5 0DA—....00 Cfrgfor ea n lA i la,. co -ii%II:DRIES— . - S' 8 bas Don Ektnx 5 ... .LIM.% resems. J a : ?. Jost ve l d gt.rrl f.. ule by ~..- - . • , A. CULBERT6ON Ig W. VA DIA'RUBBEIVBELTINci.—A veryfrage kook of-fano Ribber machine Nettle le Otl b•mobt, .10 pi mogiox from 12 to 13)1r.b. Thit Wm., i„ ... = to leaucr or,*tr . ether. Or all *p.m bolt+ g! . :the TO- L rt ' reeeoai he pert/It eglzallty oilrldittaid thlr.knis/ 4Akti It ^ NO beat• lade 300 degrees. Tahrambelt,' Iwo. IC.rl it malstr l'ir *h riblo in Aar -d god Sg ...of ooLIL a . AIiN' T I . I.4 r Ifty • Fit of PO t jorl. ATLI! areL,lterk oirjusted to moeltlorry. close- oot.'”V.ll , ,Make, ' . l a . _ • 6 II the all. , vlth. leather Or 07 Gael, j..'; ,' . f 2. fik,bellJogl..be cost Is moth be10v . 1.61“ Dr Ugh. ' or ow olt.r. .... .. . . • .Pampllletiorlel dLro . cliorm for itoo7sztd Ilat ' of ptiers,'to. 1 VIZZAT.2O3r.IIO sith:L.r anrard .{.Of -r. 51711%"' ,;•&.‘7:—Dnderwood's tan Letrion ~ P,As 4 r. t r,,nllll.i..lls4lthig soo I DitTGDOTIS — ka Parasols. xußPHY or 't^'lVCl l , ll na I ,E i LD .A ve w r.e 6 c.,'..l. lAPTIZ, .ERRDLACK PIINTS-Icew +styles fait= • v Merril:oak owl.Clochico Prints. Aleo, superior Lo bbrims, of nev.t recd by • • myl • • MURPHY a BURAIIVIELD. WIDE SIIIIIITINGS—A fall annartmen of different width* and make. ris , cl by nag YURCIIYILLI•. SUPERIOR TICKING—Murphy & Burch Invite (be attention of buyers to their areortirsent npaiorTleking.jutt received. Also, Pillow Caw , Mine Um , titilitterPance,...t home keeping Foca generally. _ Hoaiery, Trimilngs, ant Lace Goode. H. PATON, 02 FOurth e street. between b o eYs" to till and tilneii'kiTiCtioefd a lest went of Caton, Silk and Merino 'lore. belt Here. andOloter. Pest non. Kid Gloves and lidding Figured arid Plain Bonnet Ribbon , . • IllarkiFilk Trimming and Flouncing leeet. , trots Utah. , and Trimmlnge Lee. Cape, Undereleeves and Veils. elated Ifilkfit French Worked Collars. Chemitettes. and Wei • Inaerting. end Lacer, of every 'WIC figniti.v , Panda and Wrought Flonnrinr, ideals .Irarata. lie Jr:loyal. Ties and tenxkit", , • • Pra;9=Ve,n1",,:,hi7,0,1T.,14:;',1figrV0171,01..;,. and horn Gimlet t itle Teen lirtteheei Perfnmeryirine • and eornmon Fent and Pararolit Zephyr Wooded Canon and Pattering MAI& Oolterv. and Facelaibr Walking tiboc with a great variety of email wares and maul ey drtleleek which he teem at the lowed rates either ordii,irigTr 22'1'1.° EVI '6IIIIMINGS--A, llnaon t RL co. have renoT rgliir:l-I.ILOVES—Now. Opening. ni MASON 4.0011, f[lll liMatiao - 1. of 11 stiff WROUGHT COLLARS it CAPES--Rec'd if v 4 ear 000c000, A- A. MASON it (NYS, am asst.. moat of the above stood. au= LINED PARASOLS—A choice lot of the latest styli", for sale by A. A. MASON ACO. .. 2 % - • 82 an,t 4 Mke... n LACK SILKS—We offer for sale every Xi/ ny e ... es and price of lb* . Ad.l,llicimt,maskSflf bllts.i.E.. g lAsstmEßEs-90 piceg fancy and black; 11.../ for pale by at.e2 C.' AICZUTEISOt. ---- ' ' DRESS LAWNS-4 cases printial, a gr?at . tariety of Patterns for tale ap2.l __ _ ___ _ _ J 2, C. AB .._By T11.2:211L _ in EItAG E DE .LAI.NS--t: eases desirable ifs n t h:. for Palo by' . • _ ap22 _ C. ARBUTHNOT. i • _ up IBBONS-4300 ps Bonnet. 250 Cap. for 2.11, esti by aptr2 C. AnnirrimuT.l . JUST REC'D AND NOW OPENING A - T Irit. DIGIITT No, ISO 12.8...08.1. , .o root 1.2 v and rorAor 'tat of dtchinuable 00. P, edaptc,l to Oentlemen s Wear I. t ,,„„,. contrng tbo .0.1 rtries in American, Knelt, and Irench C 4-411- tunes; • sere splendid ...inept of %.1111,0 and. Clpths of every tieliionable shade and color, 'shirt., together tab zifraltra ~...,—urrd stook of READY BIADZ :tales vett of the'glretrhglelir atontllate'rtb?..llZnetor I. debersohn. to otter at such PrirTAetnilliteo all rho favor tilto arab a tall, that not matt - OW MIII. Clothina Ii ssiii. at this ettablishment. but also fib: lon , A tal i gtfg I t .k . teA's,lnti. line executssi. IP oPual, Iwtba Loot roPelble niabner, Sal st the ebortept neaten mthly Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse No, 103 MAREET STREET, ik.II. PA LJIER offers for sale, at . very' too yrtaa, a lull am.,,ttntent. i.i etaara.a.matka- VoyVki l s'L.v . 1 art ArteriCsll UM and tlar 2 traa, iaiti, car, alt., 51 aka, Lam, [Ear, Puma.. i,g -• if...Ars—von' , Youth, one Cl o t' Lawm tf . .2 r. , T , 1 . , L i tt ' 'V2 il'lri7i.l4'','Et:...-.mcfd .. dIMI, Lace. and 1.14, i Mita.' linte.ur, Jenny Itr, and other forms, In meat . 11 1.-'Y YBVYS :mI tCh W r no . t and Drart, Oslo Satin and 1 fcter, all widths anal col., tang Dan...A Drula . 4C i ttb , , LACES—PIaIn and egured bblta and erdared c a ...a clT.l.irinantm..G.-cora,,T.o.els, Dutton!, r.r.ta, 1 Pl:l.73;iteliinuch and Aillerieln eerier. tor. O. Dtd alwate. rich ataloncel!tylna. _ . d . 110.V.VET SIL K S AA .0 SA ILLS-olarc. 000. ... r,..,,, N0.- tam tiro. de Rhine, Flasynee, and OthICL . t 41.4. . Iq'llltPLl,'":6lll7.llltt',l, 'qualities and *alum i , Alau—ltiell and low bricadkaraml!malUmbr e _ ua ND an r. , ,... .t,, te.. ------ 'cu __ CARPETS, OIL CIA.. W. fficeLtNTO — GE Ts now conotantly melting lay Spring Stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS, ClnaprLvlng in nertthe following vatted , : CARPETS. Extrn Ilnyal Velvet Pile Carnetv .14. do. Tapottrp V rut-. teln,. do. do. Itraweln: extra miner. 3 ply: .m.OlO. Or. • 4 / 0 . /01 1,1 . 0 : ostv. raw do., .100 da, cvsnoton rawton 14.34,1-6. nd24 renninn; 44. . 1 .. old I glean do; 447,34, GA, nod 2-3 word nod cotton do. RUGS, MATS. cni, CLOTHS, ac. pax-A small lid for Fa hv E:voctsu t iIENNEIT, ADM 1 . " gamed. aod 151 Ant Anat. MISCELLANEOUS. COTTON -1 3 bales landing from str. Cape Ear. and fur eatle if lEAIAD DICKEY A Co GP&OSENG AND RAGS— . 3 Le t o Ghortor. " " "'''' IWlklrMfllk 7 g..! " - Water and Front eta _ L'"' ~—_..._._ FEATHERS - 5 bap for sale by A, art SAIAH WICKET OCO caILIGAR, MOLASSES, Au— kJ 75 [dol. N. ..eragor: • 50 bbla. Battle lirouud 5. IL K01a..., 5 bble. bad :Lazar landing and for nßir by ' .13.3311.1 DALZELIa aryl ON Water. acid la Flat at. 1 211.4ANSEED-450 lon. for sale by a mil J from l•rovldecow. t ro Ames 1 mzrt.t... , ' I NKRSE'S Compound Syrup of YELLOW DOCK itOOS-13- bore. .1 Loe3l ~ and fOrra/e by e. N. WICKLIRMILAM, Sole Agent for War.= Plq/rIWITII I O I . ' tort fuser or wool sod Sixth eta. W AS II I NG W I TII 0U T LAISOR-- 4 16 bra. Rabbit's , Soap PO•drr.ll.3e ar arirreartleJojustree . d and for rile by li. K SILLLERA. ray3l 57 Wool elrevb. _ . . . _ _ g r.iiIALK-10 MAK., for gi be by ,J 101 l IL R. SCLLEIIe Pedling Wagon. • , A Large and substantial two horse wagon ith iron &flea. Mr tale no fajorixii v kimay apseno Wroal Str4t. - .ACARD. -1 Lave removed a, my new store, ltbn awrs below., nearly. °walla th e Bank of burgb, where I orlll Le glad to ter m y/14.43311.3ml .1 lon eltareuy, +ad reeelve • obare of thew cum. I d al keep • very large wevortruent of Uphoilm, o a...two A daia,,Curial Ilalr, Spring, Moak Cotton audrlluak -.ll•Lrse. rear. Feather Bed., 13obtertr, and Vlllrovry 131.tetrLQaaw. CoUnlerpanea, and Comforts; Window Shades, of ever/ va riety.; Dram pi ts, and every. ortleb3 woolly found In tb. wet es tenoiva enrlblielnnenta of thn kind. Ordersresyval fully mollelted and brad pr.:optic OW, . , sal WM. NOlll.la • Mini W e ar . Ohio Laboratory. irao, 76 ....170 himSO• likt 95 thli 85 - Per cent. Strength. OWELI.FLETCHER CO., llanufactu - P grg, Coro.[ of Vine Sad e mot tirade. 4-11240-VIAII. tfina. Sir All oriel, (ran littpbargh will be pet:we thl tly filled at lowest market prim, apy Wines and Li lore. No, 157 LibertY of., Formerly Davie crack,. r factory. D. rlcAsuos. of IfAtaborg,j (A. A avowlfAm. of N. Y. I VICKEISEN d STOUVENEL, respectfully ry,lforAirsi tg.b°hPgrxEr'' bu.7.711 , V0%;C r i.., 4 .7g 3 le rho r. un r oll/RE at r the above stand. where Ober wall al. 74y: t krj d •a fullowllret of bop. stor h kza k osella vlotager'Jaroalo. rum, llojeval alad.lrlArldelv7:lbgasystrow la;Tsl.a=kitairl.vra. a f oul volume 4i"".,. eillasel herrings. Awls:awl lelsoleurgb Meow , All of which they , will tell, wholes:Lk. retall.antbsinoetr llevowable temhis Owe of the,partnere. Mr. Stronvelvel, sti Importation bashoem fu the clly of N 10114,U= above sub le enabled to sell a cheaper awl • battorArtiele than env ats.t . boom to Me at A 'Ple•Wl ere • wale WI. 7 0 fl porraowe eleewbent. eopylied free of extra thorge, tea,at the shortest notice aPI TOBACCO -148 boxes 64 and 64 Jobsort Lents' brnesl. 25 by Putnam bred, Wen& a cur. br!. "o•"°•ita.,,t.ucnts: eu Bs, T. 3.14..5ril 18 BK.s. is-Jtebnn " P. L. putlifd.oa /4"..hbung Jan reed on enns u rnent iv 47TEMIJOS *SONS, a 22 60 nod .- 81 Water. s.nd. 62 Trout. at. ACON-4000 floe Round receiving ad fir ode by 1 YL3lz4 DA 2ZLL, • 68 Wain. stmt. • SUNDRIES—DX) sacks Cora; •Pa , JIJIES GS %Vat. et. MACKEREL -50 bbls. No. 3; 5 MI apßei " .I.tett9 !Mgr)! LENTlLS—Rooeived and for sole by A. WCl.lltO iimears Bod Tnk Deal _ _ _ ECOROL:-I0 bble.for by A eIA 2S - • • n. E. sectarts fIOBS-7501)bl. Shelled, for sale by lu/3 v. a Y. wrrzoN;lo Vivi 4 rzep .vBHOT-400:plap,Galena tad;• jij ap23 •••'-' • r.Milee h lt • ot . . bY - . - • • • - MEM==l '''GritffetßlES,'Sz.e ' - -,_-_,..----ri • :... t. -,L 2.---_i1....--. it..#...„-_- - -_-_ 1. D. NVALlititS & co, . . ...... • . e c i'Air o f ,lroettika - Fifth ,§trap;' Pittsburgh, RAYE NE ' IN ' STORE , and to ariiip this .r.e.k. L u. k nap m , Row,, of the most anent Mayor- N rbiati are otler. on the mast reasanabla tornist 115 miTemtty boxed prime Green 125 ddarro Patent Zino Waal ' . .Board. 45 U. ciao- ! '. do. do. 50 Loses extra pure Starch: 40 - Chalon *Chula. p - s.kr.u. 100 I. 1510 11:Dm • 5 bbla. N. O. 310,,,,, 14 - Lagupni and Jay. 15 ° : 8.11. • IS) boxes tin, 5143 i and 1 la 10 ° .. deaden Barely lump Tobseem 25 " 1.0.0, ta`maltiod. and 35 bile. No.. 1 and 3 51ark. 550 Ponderalliunar are!: del oeuilma Malab: ' 23 if and 4 dm:4m 1 do. 40 dramas dam. 51), , 2 la and y < ,do. Santora 21 pars ponlaans. Pratt, to Luxe. Scalul Bening; 10 1210 llt. tato. Madder. 5 boss', Reek Candy: 3 Males Cmin: 1 LW lama: 1 1 t exam (Mum, n Clmeolat el piNs Petzer .4 Allaplor, 6 ° PIT a Alnuaaai 1. 1 . IM,,,raitu a .a2 1241m5. /Illitarfdo. . 1 - ° Capper. 1 DM. map &tab. 94 ' 1; 1 " - l'imentm 1 " Cream Tartar , 10 kepi , " ‘ltyruted; I ... ,P.P - 1 Fv4 . 10 ° ° Citlfill: 2 '. ...OW., /0 .. . 55010. • 2. .. 8ie11y...4 n