The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 09, 1851, Image 3

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    UN= .• : mat
Before thiNonerable .• ge
. „
, •
"• • • The trial of the ease of • e United States vs.
• Jackman Coniston and n.... H. Scott, was re
au nted - this morning.
• Joints Newell sworn,-1 - 'de in Perrysville.
Two men came to my pa . .• home on the 21st
of Janua ry- One of them .ed himself Canis.
ton, the•other . Scott. Th • drank BOW liquor,
and Corriston threw down counterfeit half dol
lar, 'bleb I refused to ink . Scott paid for it.
- - - They then went out, and . e man who called
himself Corriston, went int. Mr. Ray's store.—
: I -watched them, and afte • malting out, Scott
and .Corriston proceeded 'gather till they
• • Emma to Mr. Remedy's • into which Carrie.
to Went. He also went to Mr. MCAleer's
tavern. After coming out of Mr. Kennedy's
store,lhat gentleman folio :..and caught him,
• 1' upon which he 'resisted, and I want to Mr: Ws
• sasistence. AfterCorriSton lime out, he hand
.d something to Scott after the arra;
went dawn the road,' around the bend in IC--
Boon eerie back inabout &teen minute' after
• - ho went down the road. I did not see thetuoney
. • Cross examined—l had an impression thit
. . - Carriston was the person who passed s counter
feit an me once before. -
Wm. Ray sworn—l reside in Perrysville.—
Eton came into my store on the
morning of the '2lst of dantuery. We asked for
*plug of tobaceo,, and threw down half a dollar
In payment. I told him it was counterfeit, and
las left the store.
Martha hindlieer sworn—Evidence corrobora
Hugh 3 lcAneer, eworn-L-This witness testified
that Bast! and Coniston were walking together
when the latter was arrested. Scott th en went
the tans of the road, and came beck. Suspl•
clam having been exalted, a number of as went
darn the road, to search it. In searching along
thatence, I eaw a half dollar lying in the back
...idlest Mailable, and observed that the Leaves at
'the Item had been recently attreßoxl_trk.
thtm and found reveralpackagesof what
/ to be money : Ooe was open; and
. '.ifourtud.f-dollars Tare lymg near iL
, Ilayetfleming testified to having received, on
•- the tid or . 23d of January, the packages in
question. They contained counterfeit half dol-
Makneer. sworn-1 was atPerrysville,
tin • the afternoon of 'the 22nd of January at
about three o'clock saw Scott the prisoner, and
moth, er person riding along. They:went to Mr.
Weiss' tavern. Thomas H. Scott then left the
other man and came up the old road. die walk
ed and ran, and then looked around Then• be
Walked on again, and got inside the fence (where
the money was found) he scratched among the
-leaves, and turned them over. He got outside
the fence and again scratched; After this he
nturned to the tavern.
Sarah Leech sworn—Lire at the house of Mr.
-Thomas.. On the afternoon of the 1,./.nd of Jan
- nary,
,two men came to our home on horse
. beak.. 'One came in and took a drink, while the
other walked tip street He came back, and the
IDao.who had stopped at the hone, went up, and
Wax! hint ""if be had got it; 'He shook his
chiati, and laid twice that he. did not gen t..
.They_then got their horses and went away.
John Snee, a police officer a-Allegheny, tes
tified to having arrested Scott and Corrigan on
the evening of the 22nd - of January. They
came there to get their horses, which they said
bad thrown them on the Perrysville plank road.
siked Hoott what he was doing between the
- old road and the 'plank road, near Perrysville,
law spot where he is said to have turned the
leaves aver) but be denied having been' there
and persisted in-his &nisi.
. After hearing several other witnesses, whose
testimony was unimportant, the Court adjourned
until this morning.
• THURSDAY, May 8.
Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
The tried of the ease of•Thomes Cox va. Thos.
Livingoton's . Administrators was resumed, but
'not concluded.
• Hopkins vs. Forsyth. No. 554. On motion of
!Thomas Williams, Esq., permission granted to
enter a motion for another trial, on the grounds
'of newly discovered testimony.
0. Blackburn & Co. vs. Dawson & Co. Ex No.
246, April, 1851. On motion of C. 0. Loomis,
ths execution was suspended, a writ of error be
ing filed.
•• TERRUIDAT, May 8.
Prevent—Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President
Judge," and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
• • Judge McClure charged the jury in the case
of the Commonwealth rt. Roland Parker, and
Peter Shoemaker—indictment empire:T._ to
pan ociaaterfeit-asone7.- , ---- . •
The jury retired, and after an absence of
about two hours and a half, came into Court,
declaring that their minds were made • up, and
that they could not agree. They were thee dia
-eharged, at which time they stood six for con- ,
: victims, and Biz for acquittaL
The nett - mme called otp, was that of the I
Cimitcawealth ye. 'Thomas Whittaker—indict.
• meet hurglary. The defendant is accused of
baring - entered the Store* McCann= & Ste
,Vl3ll, on Market street, and stolen a gold watch,
carpet bag, &e., ftrom a room in which several
yarn men . were .aleeping. The burglary was
committed .on the third of March last. The
stolen geode were found in his possention, and the
jury returned a verdict of guilty -of grand Inc..
• The ,prisongyhen asked what be. had to say
before sentenhould be pronounced upon him,
declared that if time were given hint, he could
•provs where he got the watch.
His honor,, Judge McClure, then sentenced
him to two yes& imprisonment in the peniten
Hie-honor announced that all the cases
'on the criminal calendar had been Aresprosed of,
•nd' thanked the jurymen for their punctual at
tendance, and for the ability and proniptitude
with which they had despatched the bnamems en
trusted to their care.
Tai Cznantr. Contr.—The Court of . Quarter
Stab= will meet on Saturday morning at ten
A.DmiTTED TO BAIL.—A man named Gardiner,
united some time since in Allegheney, on a
charge of 'passing counterfeit money, waa yes
terchry, on motion of J. T. Cochran ,Esq., his
cotmsel, admitted to ball in the sum of five hun
dred dollars.
LirrlLlMlD.—Thoms3 Jackson, who has been
. convicted during the present term of the Court
of . Qtlarter Beasion9, on several indictments for
larcary, was yesterday brought into Court, to
recoi!e ids sentence. When asked what he bad
• saj before sentence was passed upon him, he
declared dud, although his trials had ail been
!dr r and he had been found guilty according to
law, he really was not guilty. He trusted that
their honors, would boas lenient with him, as
Judge McClure expressed his regret at seeing
a young man who a year or two ago had borne
i a good. chazeter, reduced to such a depth of
#gnidation by his own bad Conduct. He thought,
'however, that he had been led astray by frequent
ing bad compury, and trusted that he would re.
Mum. ' In this holm, taking into. consideration
that the prisoner was not a hardened criminal,
hi would mike his sentence as light as possible.
Jacksim was then sentenced to one year's im
prisamuent on the first conviction—one on the
second,. and one on the last. 1
Nam Bousar.—Robert J. Bennett, a stage
driver, was arrested'on Wednesday morning last,
in the monntaina„by Messrs. Ottinger and BUD.-
prom, special agents' of the Post Office Deprt
tnent, on a charge of robbing the United States
mail. Be was brought to the city last erenitg,
and lodged in jail.
Atwarran.,-On motion of Cot S: W. Black,
John Armstrong. jr. of Orcensburgh, Westmore
land county, waa amitted to practice in the
Markt Court of-the Vatted States, on Wednes
day. '
Taos Butan.—The Grand Jury in the U. 8.
Court, hare returned serend true bills against
Joseph. Stanley, late a derk in the Poet Office at
Dunoanaritle Franklin county, who is accused of 'abstracting letters from the 'office.
' Vcararren.—A,largenumber of recoguisanoes
were forfeited yesterday, in the Court of Quarter
samicas. His honor, Judge McClure, expreseed
hie determination to acoept nothing but good end
'abets/44 bail, and in case of a forfeiture of
say reeognirances, de0:4=143=4 the party who,
had eiea bail, should pay the amount for which
he had become Becurity.
Arrear.—An altercation took place
lastweek in Butler "County, near Hillsborough,
batiste:olr. John McCune and Richard Hill, a
tavern keeper, at the public house of th e latter.
• , st bat ordered Mr. McCune to leave the
• place, sad he dot at once complyin' g, the tavern
knpu.nred a rile at him, the WI of which en
tered his left leg, frecturbegthe bone, end lodg
ing in his right itg. Hill Is said to have teen ill
liquor at the thee. One of Mr. DrCrte's legs.
was amputated on Tuesday, and it is thought
thistle will recover.
Lescsir.—llayor Guthrie yestertisy wit.
tad Sarah Htzdreon, a servant to the "National
Hotel, to prisbne On I charge of stealing gold
•etch and chain, helot4iug t o • petyam who mu
Isomiksthpoirtabllalmat. ,
- •
Penny Over one mile of the Mack of the Ohio and
nil road, ban now been laid, near
gsys. Tern, eleven miles below Pittabmgh...7-
On If= Captain Rays and several members
of hie y, got into a car, used to convey the
iron altmg theline, in order to take a ride down
the railroad., Before they had gone far, several
gentlemen got in, making the number altogether,
'leant Owing to some muse, the horses at-
Molted o the mr, ran off, when near the end of
the rails, and as the grade In that spot Mut
discent ;of six inches in one hundred feet, the
motion !became very rapid. A beam of wood
p4Ced across the track at the terminus,
over which the car was forced, and overturned
on the Oilier side. All in it were thrown out,
bat they fortunately escaped with a few trifling
Bleotimitso.—We are glad to learn that Mr.
Wm. Noble, of Lower St. Clair township, who
took a quiuMity of arsenic on Wednesday, Id,-
taking it, for epsom salts, thongh still in a criti
cal condition, issomewhat better, and that hopes
of his reCoittry are entertained.
Smmrs Durn.—A poor fellow who gave hie
name:LPeter •bicQuiston, came to Mr. David
Adlin 'shame, in Roes Township, on Wed.
needay Oozing, complaining of feeling unwell
Mr. Adhngton - abowed him every attention, but
yeateidai morning at about eight o'clock, he
said that he felt very sick, and immediately
died. 4.
The d —sensed was apparently a labOring roan,
and stated that he had three married daughters
residing in Philadelphia. No one in the neigh
borhood irsa acounintediwith him.
Now Youx; Hay 8, a. as
The Britiah mail steamship Europa, Captain
Shannon, With datei from Liverpool to the 26th
arrived 7 at her dock at Jersey City, at 7 o'-
clock this morning, making the trip in 11 days
and 16 hours.
Cotton has further declined j to id, since the
calling of the last steamer. Bread stuffs are
dull, and lower.
, The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the 2181
of April, inl eleven day, and a half from Bo*
The steamship Hermann, Captain Crabtree,
left Southampton on the afternoon of the 26th
Wt., with ( between fifty and sixty passen
The following notice was posted upon the 24th
of April: I
"All extuThitoks are requested to complete
their 6ttingli on or before next Monday night
After that day no person will be admitted, ex
cept those absolutely necessary for the wrong,
lug of the Roads."
A postschßt is added, stating that all pack
ages not removed by to-morrow night, the 26th,
will be soldi,
The feeling in favor of a general holiday on
the Brat of May, gains ground in the city.
Palos, Thursday, April 24.
The Naticinal Assembly reassembled
A motion far allowing neanspapers to be sold
and distributed in the streets, was negatived by
the following vote—yeas 226 nays 403..• And
another motion prohibiting the same, was adopt_
ed without &division.
The uncertain state of political affairs. Mini
a complete -stagnation in bossiness at the
Bourse, and' funds are again lower. Fives
opened at 90.20 c, and closed at 92-60 c. Threes
sold at 67f.
The sanoucement that M. Guirot is to be
candidate to represent one of the departments
in the Assembly, has caused considerable sen
sation. It is not known whether Guirot has ac,:
cepted the nomination.
A powerful advocate for the promulgation of
the powers of the President of vhe Republic has ,
arisen.i'n thelAsserably Nationale, which receiv
ed the eontrilmtion of Guizot and other dintin
gaiShed statesmen who bold office.
Our adviess from Madrid are to the 18th of
April. The I , ore:iv:tete Charge d 'Affairs had not
been eruceasfal in preiviling 012 the Spanish
Government to tender the. offer of an armed in
terference . put - down ftildse - s. 'There is
good retnon to before that the (1 overnment ex
acta from every person aiming at being a deputy.
a pledge that he will vote for the settlement of
the public debt of Spain; and that those who do
not assent to !these terms, may aspect to have
their election contested by the min arterial candi
date. The prime minister seems to be firmly
resolved that this desirable object shall be the
first thing which the Cartes are to pass immedi
ately after the meeting{ on the fillet of Jane.
A letter from Berne, of; the 16th of April, in
the Paris Journal des Debate, asp I hasten
to inform you 'that the Federal Go vernment has
just received a communication frosu the English
Legation, protesting against refugtres being seat
to England. The United States, therefore, is
now the only country open to then,.
The first detachment of the Efunprian and
Dalian refugees, who lately deserted from 'the
army of Radeislts, arrived at Bern e, on the 17th,
under coninausilof CoL Doer. They are going
to America Iriway of France.. A great number
of them halt 'Ought under the Government of
The following telegraphic dJapatch, ammo
ing the failure of the insurrec tionary movement
in Portugal, warriectivecl at the Portuguese Le
garron on Wednesday:—
Mamoru, April 21-6, P. ■
The ?Canister of Foreign Affairs, according to
dispatches, of tho 16th, received by the Porta
iguese Ambassador, caternmdirates to me, that it
appears that Seblau, discouraged by the bad
reception which he-met with at Coixabia, had di
rected hie course towards the Spanish frontier.
Letters from Midriff state-that the Spanish
Government is dispued to assist that of Portu
gal against the Duke of Saldana, in cue of a
conflict, but that it is its desire, at the same
time, to act in concert with England.
Our advices from Italy are to the filet of April.
The Timm correspondent confirms tho report that
Lord Palmerston has addressed a moderate note
of remonstrance to the Courts interested, against
the prolonged occupation of the Twain and Ro
man States, by! Austria and France.
A Vienna correspondent, of the 20th aIL, an
nounces the appointment of Prince Bchwartzen
berg to the Governorship of Transylvania, vice
General Wolgeututh, deceased.
It is stated that the German kingdoms will
terminate the Dresden Congress, by recalling
their agents.
A letter frouoConstautinople, in the Austrian
Lloyds, asps that Howells still nips his letters
and documents isa President of the Committee of
Defence of Hungary. This is a proof that he
has not yet abandoned his plrojects.
ananittancons ISTZLLIOICSCX.
The steamer Ealtio had not arrived out when
the Europa left.
The Europa spoke the steamer America on the
4th of May,inlit 44. lon 51.
A - splendid dinner 'was to no given to Captain
West, of the Atlantic, by several European and
American merchants, on the 26111„ at Man
cheater, as a tesqmontel of their high appredn
don of his charaer as a commander and a ge.o
Lord Langdale is dead.
The Protestant agitation is being carried on
with renewed vigor, and many of the leading
personages connected therewith seem weary of
waiting so long for the ejectment of the Whigs.
The Catholics of Dublin held an agitation
meeting in that city, in opposition to the Papal
Aggression BM, on Tuesday last, at which there
was a large attendance. Mr. Reynolds, M. P.,
presided. The speeches delivered, and resolu
tions adopted, were spirited and =compromi
It was confidently reported that - the Protec
tionist party were divining schemes to bring
about another ministerial aisle; and the Bud
get, in Its amended form, having survived the
satellite of Mr, Heroes, and the Jew biland In
come tax bill, were safe in the House of Com
mons, it was resolved to try a further opposition
to the Papal aggresaion bill.
Lrvearoos, April 25.
Corros —Brown, Shipley A. Co.'s Circular se:
that a complete panto had ensued In our Cott on
market, the decline to American descriptions i , ting folly id 8 fl whilst in some instances fog m
od tales have been made even at a greater es As-
Title°. The sales of the week amount to 28,7 70
bales, of which 'speculators took 2,700, and o
porten 3,060. The official quotations which ma rat
be considered nominal, are as follOws
Orleans 73d; fair Mobile 6ld; fair Upland 6I d:
Middling tip, and Inferior and Ordinary 6tgti
11 lb. The stook of Cotton in this port is 67t1,0
bake, of which 881,000 are American, ageism t a
stook at some period last year, of 619,000 bare,
of which 169,000 were American.
Trade in Manchester Is doll, and priors of
yarn and {prods suitable for export are rather
lower, whilst thud ban been more doing inigoodn
for b oiO coinnunption.
liana—The earn markets get worse and worse,
without any = a bility of making eaten at fah.
prices--the deman d being completely over
whelmed by the imply. Wheat is quoted at Ers
10dCmfas for whits, and 81 4ile6s Gd for red,
70 lbs. Indian Com is selling at 33s for white,
31s for yellow, and 30s 11 quarter, for mixed.
Flour—Flour is also abundant in aupply
Prices have declined, and we cannot quote over
20s020er Gd for Baltimore and Philadelphia;
19s Gd for Ohio-6,000 bbls of the latter having
been sold at that price—and 1911@205 for Cam
as; Weetern Canal is selling at 18,6195, and
sour at 18s 'lll bbl.
. .
Prorisions—Bacon hams are 'carder to-day, at
a decline of 1502 s id cwt.. No aboulders are
yet landed; a considerable parcel has been sold,
to arrive, at full prices. There continues a
moderate demand for lard, sales being to an av
erage extent, and holders vary firm. In butter,
the slightly improved feeling of last week has
been lost, and aisles are effected with difficulty
at lower prices.
Tallow—Prices hare declined 6d 1,1 cwt.
Losnois, Aril 25.
The market for Amerim State stocks p remains
unaltered. Baring's Circular quotes U. S. 6 /y 1
et beads scarce at 110¢(°111 I.
New YOILZ, May 8.
The Steamer Union arrived this morning from
New Orleans, having made, the passage fr o
Bailee to Sandy Hook in six days and ten hours.
She brings New Orleans papers two days ahead
of the mail. General'. Scott and Jctce are
among her paesengers._
Subteen, Day S
The Ameriesui Anti-Slavery, Society, whi
created such a row at the Broadway Tabernacle
New York, last year, met in this city yesterdaY,
in the market Hall--security in the sum of
$lO,OOO, having been given for any damage to
the building. Among those present were Abbe
Falsom and husband, George Thompson, M. P.
Garrison, Meru Wright, Frederick Douglass,
Burleigh, and Whiston.
The principal epeaker yesterday was Garrison,
who abased Henry Clay, Lewis Case sc., and
praised, George Thompson. It would not be
profitable or interesting to repent all he mid.
The attendance is not very large; and, as yet,
there is no excitement
Parrxasos, (N. J.) May 8.
A new Locomotive Engine, on trial at the Lo
comotive establishment of Rogers, Ketchum A.
Grosvenor, exploded yesterday morning, and
flew thrOugh the upper floor some 60 feet in the
air, doing much damage in the ascent and de
scent. Four workmen were instantly killed, and
about a dozen badly wounded and scalded, so
much so that it is supposed that some cautiot
survive. The [Wary to the blinding was $2OOO,
and to the locomotive $BOOO.
The Legislature this morning, elected - Thos.
11. Seymour, (Deno.) Governor, by three:major
Greene Hendrick and Thomas Clark, (Whigs)
were elected Lieut. Goren:tor and State Treasu
rer, by one majority,
Lest evening the store of John Klein, In.
North Third street, was entered with a false
key, and cleared of Re entire contents, consist
ing gold and silver watches, jewelry, Sic., to the
value of three ..four _ thousand dollars.
Curcissan, May S.
The American Association for the advance
ment of science, has done noting to-day, of in
terest, abovrthe presentation of a large number
of Geological, and other interesting papers.
The meetings of yesterday afternoon and oTe.
ning presented thrilling interest. Professor
Price reported on Professor Mitchell's method
of recording right ascension and declination
with his now astronintinal apparatus. The Com
mittee acceded to all claimed by the discoverer,
and reported that ho had not only equalled but
eurpanned all the obsereatories of this country,
and Europe, although they were supported by
magnificent royal patronage.
The report of Prof. Pierce created a tremen
dous sensation, while the whole association join
ed in the general triumph, achieved without
pecuniary means, and against every obstacle, by i
a Cincinnati Astronomer.
Professor Bache's speech on the occasion was
complimentary; beiiiitffurind touching.
Professor Pierce has, by his report, honored
both himself and the great science of astronomy
of which he is the theoretical Aoseri.a bead. i
In the evening, Prof. Agassis lectured to one
of the largest audiences ever collected in this
city, and chained them far 'an hour and a half
to the coral reefs of Florida
Loyationno Drpot ;:f Pron's Railroad.
THE new town of LATROBE is beautifully
eatuated au el. Med level Pan. au thy beak 4
L, eh,e. Petneyl la Radioed
noses that wawa by a bandana wow bridge f
opato of at feet each. It le mine east of Paul:arab. of 0 reesabries. 1.1 west of Lazo... II south of Walt.
Title. 3 north of tonaraorti. and 7 .oath of New A/exarr
dna. The Jkaanylnotto keolnauf .111 he opened 10 the
temporary terminusnear the town , early tat November
neat, to eon.. with the...bona turnpike. Them..
run in ere. tralo stop to take meal at. the owe and
vet... FLAIL [WAD IIOTgL. now II MCltr of nye.
uns, in the mot. of the town. dlreetirte the R011....M.A.?,
....M.A.?, AI., Igen' 31tth , . ifruee. etc. to
PHILADELPHIA MARKET. wractetireduttoly. The lota E 0 mewl kr /1110
P W 7 LADELTW.A. May 8 , ao tiXralleTrer ' atil 7:1;:g•At TA.b;St
hour—The market is quiet. and the demand up.anla. AT:dig tn their pad.. Nme of the linear..
for 'shipment limited. Sales 700 bbla standard I rtro. 6 otif:ol ttL th* otl- i rittTot
and better brands at 54,5164,371 bbl. attir-13 there ate ser ' ena 6, - “ , aly named along
slut of
bank or me river , will be enl.l on [tearable terms to
Rye hour—Him dean:led to 1i3,37} per bbl. woe aelthing to build. Th. thaw. of ULU nom le do-
Corn Meal—ls selling at ,8i per bbl. llghtfol , the emu. round the town la very beautiful Sad
romantl. and It will no donbt be a plant of mat rewan
Grain--There Is but little inquiry for wheat, froto I n deka.. als tai the mutt or tos toa.o dotting
brat price+ are unchanged. Sales of 2500 ho th g.4 . :l 11 17 7„1,Itt
'good and prime white at 102®103c per bushel, i am a
m nut '
tholattneere.= meet..., to eon. and WA*
mostly for shipment. A small lot of Rye was
sold at 70e per barbel. Comb!, in good demand. i Mucti!rTaller 'will natonlly MOM ar • turnpike
and owing to the limited supplies prices hare
adranced, with sales 4000 bushels Penns yellow of to. Nrot as will alm that of the twithhewhool
at Gsc afloat. Oats are is steady demand, with V i. h b Y • lank r." ' 4l " of " e
na. ere plenty of the purl. .star, and th e
sales 1550 bushel. at 45c afloat. beet of am! can be bad oboe to the um, In abundance
Whisky—Ls steady at 28ie in bbls. 1. dece at band, an Ittelttacllt4e.ppiyot hart,
of btu:ding 1:111101•11, /I[ol`. 11, awl timber. A amend
grist mUI are In full ...nun, with plenty of water pow.
Otal yarde4 tr ui p=t an es . tentz pick
P . etior bele% =oar ' the coming mason The moll I.d
and rich. and well adapted to cultivation.
The term, of tale of lota wUI barna& known on applies.
lion, In penwn 07 by letter. tom. eutacriber, or his agent
lo Yemornown, or at the nth.. LATIRI7Ik. where, plan
of the lota :nay be wen OLIVER W. BAILNEn
N. 11. A public ea. of 00 lots willthke place la helmet,
euLly In the month of Jule. of •blch =lace will be
elven atinArgAllwa-karg
BACON—Sides, Shoulders. and Hams, for
ml. I.y ap7.l S. s W. lIAMIACUII.
URIED APPLES 50sacks received and
for poi. by aOOl A a W
Among the papers to be presented to morrow,
is one from Prof. Agassis, and one from the able
Secretary, Prof....Rainey, on his new theory of
Nrw Tons, May 8.
Cotton—The market bas been unsettled, and
is very dull under the steamer's news. Small
I lots have been sold at 4c decline.
Flour—The market to heavy, with a decline of
to 12e per bid. Sales of 7,000 bbls at $4€,4.-
121 for common to straight State.
Grain—Sales 1,000 bu prime Genesee Wheat
at at Ilfic per bu. Corn continues heavy, and
has slightly declined, with sales 24,000 ha at
silk, for Western mixed, and 62c for round yel
low. Sales 3,000 bu Rye at 73c per bu.
Provisions—The market •Is dull and quiet,
without change in prices.
Groceries--Coffee . is fi rm and quiet, with sales
of Jam at I2c, Porto Rico and Laguayra at 10
@llolc, and St. Domingo at 9ie94c per lb
Whiskey—Sales at 231C:0234c per gallon.
• el/WIDOW/ill, May 8.
Flour—Very little,i3 arriving, and the market
la steady at $3,68 jil bbl.
Pork—Sales 100 Ws mess at *14,374 V bbl.
Escort--Biles 70 hhds sides, to be declirered,
at 8i , e 4 lb, packed.
Whiskey—There is a fair demand, at l7ic 7 01
Sugar—Sales of fair at Ilia ? lb.
Rice—Sales 70 tierces at die 'l,l lb. •
Othei articles are without change.
The river has risen 18 inches. The weather is
warm andcloudy.
Nicw OHLIVINA,MtIy 8-8 P. M.
Cotton—The market is depremed by the Eu
ropa's advicm, aince which sales have been very
Flour—The market in dull, with Wen of Ohfo
nt $3,90 ,e 44 j bbl.
Graiu—Snles 20,000 both Corn at 48€4600
Park—The market is firm, at $14,87@515
for mess, end $12,12+ for prime.
Lard and boon are unchanged.
Groceriea--ftio Coffee la selling at 9.KiNc;
fair sugar firm at 6i, and choice .11olasoca at 34
GE;5c per gall. .
BATTER -6 bbls. Prenh. for Bale by
•p 2.2 J. B. DILWOKTU a Co
PRIIIT - 200 bo. Dried Peachen;
ap2.2 31)
" J. .11.72171•Sill'ebt,O.
CORN—SW bu. Shelled, for sale by
ap22 J. S. DILWORTH &
STEER'S OPODELDOC-6 gross superior,
Ibr uls by ff. N. WICKERSUA.II
op= corner Wood sod Crib nuns.
RIED PEACHES-300 bu. for solo by
HITE WAX-1 case sup. for sale by
ay= 8. v. wickssu3nem.
CORN-25 bble. for sale by
RARES-60 doz. Hay Rakes, for sale by
CILASS-800 boxesiVindow. med. forsalo
kft M sp22 &F. VON aomatoßsr • co.
SUNDRIES -7 casks Cheese;
ox ew Thutt As*,
600 Ina. W. GliAs, slam= LDer
100 biy:lion6vcsi.lair_ and amt. try
JAE , . DALZELI4 Waurr
COTTON -5 bales on Steamer Geneva;
at do d. To to
xi. and far Nis by MIMI DICKEYnPtt4 Ica 03,
aa22. Ws= sod /met EL
ribe • • 9 Midi. vane. ore e
ay= .11& DALZISLI. GS Water se.
kiI O LABSES-20 hf. bbL thr sale by
TA. 1461 JAL LAU= 61 %W it.
j' OR ST. ,LOUIS.—The fast ran-
E. 117 lzvvralag2LetnLit
medial« maim oo tbLo day. o.9[L'nat ant
For fright pasuge. •Indr on W ar d. cat 1 ,
Vdid dimmer FORT PITT. BMW. toaster,
trt I leave tor theaboar and Intermadlate p0rt..4 11
ork da l , at/ o'clock. P.N.
_For Irate. or D awa G a .PlAlOtt_boud. tolF
light draught atoamer PARS, Greetdm,
tower, •111 leave icor the above .nd all int
mediate porta. on Saturday, Gm at 4 P. Lt
For freight or pause aped] tm hoard Cr to
D. wiuma. eat-
L,icsTilinoTtaz.,V=f ataamer
on t6""'
iir PWo
ag abog ugusvoklubly detalued,; tho±lll positirely leave
Fur freight or ramp,. &Wren poa l
nl. toy:
the owner. of obh itsr
the Cinefuroti and Pittsburgh Parket trade will Inge
• ,, Ty W.Arkevoleq_ tor Ciarlanstl. Dlam °I A', Now NAP
hold No. 2. Poirrright or
t. InalfhsllslThEits
rtizasner RPHRET RODOERS: Butcher.
uter. will leave Ihr the above soilLiell lett
radiate porvi, .ne this thiy, 10 A. AS.
jor fiwight ar peeniageapply oo Used. mlO •
otearner It. ll PßES;Cox,mostrrmlll tear*
abore and 11 .11941.4ep011l ttlia arr.
at 4 tiekek.
Intiont or noorotte. only an board. " tun
..7r REGULAR rACE.ET.—Th. jp.1.014
Wet running e r t.eto boat cilityrant.. H. T.
Wens, Ilaster.lreves the end et the (Ail Allegheng WA"
(ht. Clair stmt.) every hour, ecaonehelts el 9 e/aek,
enel eve/tinning mall the Wartime claw. She will Wel
on the Allegheny Ade, for the imersentmuuee, d wee.
helve el., et all other paint', Air Ent. TriP 7 M 'r e.
lack. V M. chyS
1851'. kirat
miff: new and fast running dr. CASHIER,`
J. S. i ll Slaater--Ibugulat WallertU g . ANT
twurille. Wsburg. Whrollua. Eral Othilus.
Ihruitth Nast-I.m Pittsburgh eve.,
. tif.:.‘L'MlipLitkntingirlfTbr erg
iat•e• ouutlett errs, Monday st 10 ,
god A. gwo.
r p tr i eport and warensig •v•ry kioancr god arena,. at
FoLft t edght awl P•srage•"27 .lBUWWV:kgrat
- KE T p g assit
11 . — Thrlightdrulghtstaser ARENA.
It P. Elmer. master, Wollswills awry Monday,
Wed.:main. awl Friday. at S u'rksk. A. IL. fur East LII
- tilsagow, 31cPurran, Latullug. Bean, and Pitts
burgh. Lows. Pittsburgh every Surada__,r T
L and
&aunts). at luo'clook.A.ll... for hearer Stolterm's Laud.
iu Glasgow, Eat Lirerpool. and Wellivills.
Tor fitielit 0/ passago, apply ou boast apt
1.11., WiIEELINU PACKET.—Tho ITlondtaall
1,. o=l44lo,w:oar DIURNAL. Otowell.
ter. Is tam pertartang her rettutar trl•Rsellyttips Wawa
this city :LW Wheeling. leaving Pittsburgh at 10 oakalt
!very Ai Dear, lardneally and r‘sad.s..retarnlati.
V.,VV, l . l l : ert . t7 Tatar/an SA and B.oarday.
toll, '" lllll*firThre " VaL''. In
INGPORT.—The fine pawner PACIFIC.
~ master, will leave for the above andl
te mediate porta over, Thorolay at 4 0'41.: Pala..
For freight or poseur* apply on or to
T. WWI*/ sax.
meta° No el Water aW 43 /front sta.
SMLT— A na N
run am a regular packet between littabargh. Wheeling.
Bridgeport. and Petufish. leaving Pitteburgh oing7 Mon=
afternoon foe Welloellle. theubeneillo, and
ewers Thursday afternoon for gleubaseMrelno,
Ilrldgerort, Carlin...a:4 Ounfish: returning. leave. Eirklge.
rort and :fungal every Turalai g aflorocon, and Ilion
i:ZAtido, afternoon. ror fee ht ukfranage, apply .
. h o . r t , Ire= j W. 11. Wil _ L/44 Agent
. .. ._ _
etemar PILOT N. :2X.Crant, router.
I leave Plttabori h for aline, Coptina and Baolles.
ery Monda
too y and Tno .at 3 U CIOC/I P. 114 returning
ii - pet% . 11.112 . LattAlirth. Inr•
rgt nJ
11101! th is ' best mu:lmre=
For frltiant or plus., anpir oa boanl.
J. Wilson & Son.
WIOLESALE and retail mardifattu-4
rev, dealers in Mar ra4 pas. No. Id
ond Irtreet. third door below Dimond Ark% 11..
urgb—Mere tiler odor • run and arnapida doer of lIaY
sW Cape of thrir own and Eastern oawnofarturo, of every
:,Vgro;,-.11);!;•Zzh°1":14%4 f"l't=
that tbrr .111 veil on the
mon rtwoorull• tam.
AMES WILSON has removed his flat
f Cap Stop to Nn. 91 Won! mi.. Wllidoor loath
(10-P ARTNERSHIP—Ihring - taken ;ay
orrn. Llwarl 11 Wilson. tato ftartwereblo in the
liar. Cor and For huenrela„w• will hereafter do bne/neas
oaf,,the riaana of J. e1..1.30r1 t BON,et Al Wwd Keret.
F. 1 1 .—Jalne. %Mann routine. die hot and Pan Vmr_.
Se, 0 Fedantl Mash Alleatmler I.l.ll=utr.ft-
t I ni • ; •, o .a new an. in
b perior Gil:ad./sot mmitytti
140 Wvrd tinsbanab.
TOWN LOTS rogisms.
In the new town of Latrobe, Wettmoreiand
County. Pa.
DKIEL PEACHES-75 sacks reed and for
iiiiir V! ap2l S. •W. lIAREAUOIL
LARII-2.5 kegs No. I, for sale by
BEANS -5 tads. Small White, for sale by
ap.:l 0A311:1111. P. SIMMER.
GORY —7OO tat in store and for sale by
•P'-'A. { ' WM. it. JOIINCTON.
nit11:1) APPLES-200 bu. for sale by
11_•0 20 W & l WILSON.
. _
- _
DICE -30 tierces for sale by .
so'' , n • P. WILSON
RAISINS-1511 boxes Bunch. for sale by
li.t •Pv Sr a V WILSON.
if_ ARD OIL-24 bbl. No. 2:
A .Ic , .
... 9 - So I: an &tad awl for :alr
ii i ,
r rIOBACCO—.4U bans W. 11. Grant's s's,
.1. Pa ral. , by A CULP/311140N & Ll)..
a 929 195 Elbert) ..I.
LIMED APPLES-3Wbu. fur sale by .921 SAMUEL P. SIIRITet.
illi.RY WIIITING-50 libls. fur male by
tAcoNtErrs k, CA3IIIItICS—A. A. ILA
tlf".4"ot „ttli ' i":o h irt&?in r.. "'" l P. ' "9""
OCHA COFFEE-For sale by
IV sy,l7 WO A. MeCIAIRG a 1 a., o r .",
k RANGES-1101f boxes, very superior, and
lUF roeTenirnt Mx.] pack iteps for famtli,, Tor male by
. _
`I lIROME YELLOW---I ClUleS reo'd and In
oak. by .p.l R. E. SELLERK.
fiILS--oii lemon, bergainot, ,dares, anie
r A i.and raigivalparkag e. n. '" al.M. by
FPO Gedge - 6 twist for sale
iby , Ap2ll JAMES DALZELL.
- _
lOFFEK-150 bags prime Rio, for sole by
,lAWNS AND IIIUSLINS—Now receiving
be A A. A. NunnA On [ADM of b...r .tyles Law. md
LP ACON lISMS-14 cake on hand; 1;r salo
xis or ep2d " MAGI' DICKEY It CO
band: We by ap2n IFAIAII DICKEY tCO
G.; ALTPETRE--60 bags crude en hand; for
tO wale by sp2o -ISAIAH MCKIM &CO
ROLL BRIMSTONE-12 bble on hand;
, for Pale by tr.% TAMAR DICKEY ACO
LINSEED OIL-20 Able for sale by
TERRE DE SIENNE-100 168 for solo by
•p2O 3../CIDD ,
DIIESIVE CLOTH-200 yards superior
J% quality rut we by AIM J. KIDD 1 C.
GUM CAMPHOR-200 lbs for stile by
apO3 J. KIDD k CO
MEDICINAL BRANDY-2 casks for sale
Dr .p2O
Banker and Exchange Broker_._ Fourth at
TladtaatrV Wilte Bank M ed market
galprice m a kt Am MBES In Bar !Buda.
ack tan
I„,) order, tor We by B. Z. MILLERS,
• 67 Wood R.
RYE FLOUR—T bble. for sale by
POPTEE-150 each time Rio:
l u au -„ . ; Bo widwitax.r
A Very Decirable Ilesideace far Bale.
r. undersigned offers for side, one of the
mon daldrab In vet to
le ruldennea e wn as
of Mainon.
;rlth k aiorg ' t
hotow.i, and tt else' nodal' of °b.'''. DOG 0d ad rob
hei7. One of th• hest whool• Iv the conntrY 411 t h in •
abort distance, and .hen It reowsobered that in eia
nionthw from t hls Hine It .in le within four bonne ...Woof
Plttavureh It .111 • 71: b lia v tlea,Le vu wall in=
ell 7. eith:r u•mania retirement or • pennthez
voidance. put or the whole of Coo hood will bo
with the holida,. This pauetty niay noir be tad Oriels
Hitn the bolldinta au. I
m o r e
to title and <mo
ver. without chance lot of more WIZ IlGrea situated
orti the ISO th . Ohio Canal. and about twenty rod,
from the t of the Ohio and Paidaylvanla Rantoul , to
and thtl or ammo, who will establish thereon a
tosnonnittri of iron, Cotton. or Wool, which all=
020..a .f - dst 'Mad tlt Lorna th
r i ` ilit towns wed of
Riffsborith. mart d
all automata./ noes.
ants. ran holm:anted heroes i(Ar at onr point Good.
when tuanolhataid can, of ante., ia th Mt , tin.. b.
transported by Canal or Rolland.
Musaillon, April 17.16.51.—iap=w
Valuable Property for Sale.
THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a valua
bl..ulane of property In Alleabeny cur. haring •
front on Reberea meet or h 2 fed , and running back 275
het to Ridipr !deed. This properly la elevated Immediate.
it south o the residence of gained Church, and new . the
retedenea WWilliam Dilworth. tahare le • Prairie Row of
limes on the premise., which, rent for $2OO per annuli.—
Thetproperty lerel and well and
Mr Laying nfi in Iota;
Zir d inVonter Il t ab . ece . it , and taiga 5 0 tra... , 11 ILI be
nd on te. "' gro P Und. .of thfi ' autTegber. n tri;
For Rent
A Small well finished anti completely fur
nun .1 Stn, on 31 et. next deer to t gAr atc...
No. 73 Liberty mt. betweDthOa'
3d and ath sts. (Net and Tribune copy)
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
MDT subscriber offers for sale the houseand
litsiTmersdae.rttgooLurf sldes
aboutlissffi mi tsZti Park sager .
the market thl. g ay. Yi The lot 1. 110 ft. front on Park
...log hack 252 bet, Ps no alloy—contng nearly one
am of pound and I. bounded on vary Wei by lade open
101.14 adorned .110 tred and thrubliery. Th. bout. U
a " n g l ei r t 7f r es ' dr i b MI, :Al L'lLT.toka'Llr,
roma. besides hell. isle et wide. ft I. builtin bed
and =cat durable manner, and hes s 13th0twe IthE
canal's all tD. modern aavalenca. Too Damps, with
OSI tbe
.Dll' of bad end ad water,the at the door.
the necestary out buildings. dale,
atertiveSeitu, t e e The grounds are Isid cat momr sea
lawn. aimed with thole limit tree.. evergreens, &mart=
shrub.. eurranta Ethabeatee. thaherdea.... ad • Rua
, wo.n. Ttss filth Is of the beat Slat and th• true ere ln
their' ima, ad yield comb for th e vents othin
...D Tb• ktualon of Wei property'. a en elan=
euburban manna, ecentined with contiguity to Lb. t. I
not eitrtmewd by any madame la *ht. vicin labs.
• view or h. Ohio Meer for orer • mita of Tempera.
silty, South Eittaburgh, the city. the tero rheas. ad the
bills around, fonsibag altogether • pa
oat prospect of
which the eye aver waries. Every boat whim enters or
deportation, the port of Pittsburgh on the Ohio, panes in
full view. The residence and gusual. are also ussopletely
removed than any enthralls. of deist. iso datrunith of
radon end vegetation. and afot. • retire:ant ae quiet
ud peaceful waif located In thud quid rack lathe rowan.
be seaway wilt bald at • bargath,....l3 1011.8011i00 given
hemmer desired. Eininthe tn. tisane <Coe.
ap2thil D. N. MUTE.
For Bale.
%TIM member. of the Fairmaut Fire Com
xrillitlibe:2l:l7,lrj:sneufur We i It goml
No' 4CN Pe. meet
EOR RENT—A Dwelling !louse ODE
Third street, stove end near to Bailthliekt It
ga• natures. large lard. wad
to. Will
be rented low, end POOPJAOO given tnunedlately.
Also—For Sale or Lew, wino lota In ttit Ninth Ward.
between Penn street and the Allegheny river. •
at Mat. Darlington% Fourth rieeee, near Wood.
Valaable Real Estate for Sale.
:THE SUBSCRIBER offers for We , on
farombla teems , the following Beal Estate, I.
c City of Pittsburgh. rim
No. 1. Three saleable three story bria dwelling bowm
on gaol. street. bateau 111.11 W and Ferry Mats, Um
iota being ear . n t l9 fat hoot by 60 dab.
No. n. Cow 27-ket pat ch. en Third Wert edjoining
the Third Prat station oo whirl ent.ed one
four story brie* ho tmed ma a printing oem, and ono
two story hitt warehouse,
No. 1 Too lot. in Valetas. &aver county, Wk. las
Noe 3 and 4, twing about 100 beet Nu...on which Yore,,.
ed one bleak of bur hem. dwellings, and one Nowak
, from* dealt., all 100 stories high.
No. 4. Oaa lot 60 fkl front an Hark street, 01/Porlte the
.burr, and ateuding to the top of to. hill.
No. 6. Two beach Ito,, eacb SO Met tont, .34
from the 10011 y )01 , wales cwt. on the Rig &OM,
No. 6. O. miluable aster lot, 100 fort on Wheel Rana
with tan shares water km. estate&
No. T. One lot opposite the water int, SO het trout. and ,
extending to the top of the hill. on
60whic eroded on.
two story brick arse au! weratonat,llll by feet &loam
frame dwelling, tar amiss high.
No. b. One large lot in New Bright.. Besatranni..~ be.
int about 140 fag 0 Broadway. and about SOO feet deep,
mutant. 13S sma on vadat no credal two holm from.
dwellings, aM entell frank house, used 0 aloe
Thie properly wee farmed Occupied by 11a T. C. Gould,
mad le plearently loaned, being inunediabely apposite
the fallatou Bridge.
In IZi .. b." l.oalni i
b4m r eLe
, nts7 &venal* t.....
i~ u k tL Boot aloe. of J
. 07 N r PbZ M1 S
For Sale.
A rner °Math
'Nitro and Penn streets, arid fronting on th. Pea
obianla Gant. in On City of rirlabargh. Tba Lot front.
haore hundred and*arty roan get wPerin meet, nal on.
awl altar fart atm Web.. on Watblngtori Ansi,
to • twenty tat alley. Unitary of
tanblgin No.loll Farm gt.
TOR TALT—Two largo hen 77W...4 &Haw =l as
tba Beaver Crsak, with the ...vary water Donors. Also.
• wol/ improved tcreo in Lawrooostrator. Print $5001.--
Also. •Y. of 111 orres, ow ft. Oblo rte.. tams Lam
Wow Baur. At WM. - ao•
of HO um. isti,Sw
tAhlo balm. Save . ..
se "wt..
tt..) w. frr i prs A Aun c r....:(1.00. 136..4
m. An. WI rat era lso 1 set. Dar TIT, sad TO
arm for SIA row ant. ItiveLL, with 0007 others or mi.
aos slaws anli prima Emu.. et
A. P. 4. L. P. ITTII3IIIAIa.
Attorneys at Law .4 Ant Yia.lo Ale.*
No 107 a. st- Pittsbanitt.
A Blast numbs for Bale
THE UIVDERSIONELI offers for Sale hie
fil.AfT FURNACE. eituated a QLSI 011..M4, Good
known as the .. Alleux. Foreace.. 00th all the out.
buildings SAW and clam MILL and every thing O.'
meter, to carry on the .tilltes of the. It heti 1.400
Amy of Land atteehed. so mush mots arboinl i nf as
would ta, wwouttry. •hish ran he had than 76. to per
sae. It hao thermal favorstJe lodic* fu the Eon fur
makjug how h”trut the ore within one-half to we utile
orl, is eery large Quantities, eery to mina, andfielding
from 60 tol3 per cent. It I. one mile ad a half h.= the •
Etowah Rolling XIII. whore a reedy de erabe band far
all its product. of Pig Metal: sod it two males ft= the
Wed,. and Atlantic Rollrotall whirls la (me of the lim
of rallrwal• ousnecting the Tennewer Rid with the Sea
Bawd. which hae Ws lines of diode running out from
ILlNalattod sod under routroot. Peed. 0..0 all Itts.
pmant Town. ad Cities In Georgle,, where • reedy sale is
found kw to 11eAl, Ntsehl.ry. Holism Ware, he. It is
now in full idnet warted be water power. eith a fallrfl6
feet, on a sever bill. Omura, ..124 in the moot healthy
pert of the &loth.
otidoettood to mo at Clow.',Cameo_ O.
" I can he rear at-.oT time
Amarootto hourocz., Match 1.1 M).
algnel Wen ter tido a larre number of raluable
inn lota and mom. • ry dernabler Attu formatiuna,
tan, the Borough of t liteminnham. tocatel near be
non nubile &Ind Ilouso alai Ensile LutbaranCbundb
Thenirdd Muth of Ilinnthiglata N pmiuistion and
mthunieturing and the rrant.ble brims at ar bleb
lam will be and, ulit mu:m.l/am • Pee and rruiltabl• lir
ran:matt. Title preen- Term. faroribb,
th a;a o rgiallrt ,
° dam arip trim, enstriof th e euirdemignad. at
11 " = " ;d7r4. 1 .ta. e%. cr 'th fVllllllto
Pritinten and 01. Panorama Foie.. at their coding In Bin.
ingbam. 1.21 i alilitlin F. EATON.
EOR RENT—The large and commodi. ra.
eue Penn street. (iatelY oneuP 4 .l 1jt1 . 7
duard.) isith an antlre lot nUoiril o n. which I
or Al en - itATNIT, Wat7..:7(xl:"' l "
ap2.111 Na IN Water ef.
VOR RENT—The Dwelling Iloure,on
the homer of &nth and West Csonmons,
wonted by Thomas Arbuckle deed. ProselMiOn els
en immediately. linnuini of Josiah Ring, Eagle. sr Wm
M Audios Coe on Worts, Alleahenr. 441.6-1(
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
OR SALE—That valuable Lot of Ground
aituited at the corner of Marne' and Water street.
a 'present occupied by Moleany Lailite, us• Olasa Wares
bons. haring • front on Markel stregg of feet 11 loch
, and on Water street of feet Ili Inch.
Also—The Lot or Oroond adnolialog the °. Worke, for .
front wispiest by
feMr. Joc Tsushima al. • thlp Ynnt b..
ins • of 131 st at
Cr ,sal Montag back 34:i f ahe o
O th n uMnreg w a n ela RP..
Persona &atrium of purebasing n rens', further ls-
formallo. olt n from R. ra C.
No. 47 Market et
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
'VILE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
the hose 121`0 1 .7 i s ' uTritj' , VZ:o474 T e=tru i l ,
umatuntgood has been Induoe4 to lay out • poet!. 1
his pruperty In tona. lota an •bove. and Aare them for sale
Hofmime and terms that cannot fell to tint the view. of
.11:due wishing to put - dm.. It la.neallrea to PA y anything
of the lorallon of the Town and progreeb
e nt hawing bean
eulltelently deeerlhed In recent rivertlaamnte) other than
that over ono hundred lota hare recently ehangod hande.
soil tarn purchaned by throw wishing to proeum • &nine
ble horn.
Th e .boye tote •re among the most ellgiblebd desirable
i n the Ogee, and are principally heated In the runt. of
tbnae recently Mkt,
For information arplz M the proprietor in Llverpiol, or
jemem Blakely. Eso., Fourth rtreet,,Pl i tteetit iLy.
Cud !demand. Feb. Pod. 1801.JOI Lietdida,4ll3.
Rockingham' and Domestic Queensware.
NiTO.O w n t liA r tß o i.l lo, l i l a L . AßELY y. tt uo. CC2 . . ;.. 34an- .
Eons LITZ•1001., (Lc,
nag-Sample Rooms. owner Sloth and Liberty streets,
(R.l.° , Ch.' , bonding./ entrance neat door to J. A IL
Our ealandre Work. enable ot to 111 orders promptly.
A tom
intent deenturr bring mostantly employed. also an.
ofblethe . or to keep pees •Itb all the nenand Improred Styles
o ay.
Watarynag, Strltootm,Pllebera Fancy Toy+, Def.hfrti‘rta.
Hooey Imam Goblet... Mantel Ornaments, birdieing and
Snuff Jan. and prinks for domestic are, In great satiety.
°niers revegAalit tolactlaL In1112):tf
~ limper & Co'. 'celebrated flay and 3lmura York`.
we ced from the mannfacturerkllsndpzl)neDyxnAtibe
bout and br tale try ~
Water Streat.
For maims" of flnleh and Intrbude value, them Forks
(31313.1 to ourpromt md the low price at winch they WM
old. entert hums their introduction. apintly
--1000 lbe. for Bale
hy an= lIOOISON. LITTLE b. CO.
.I(3h DIA RUBBER BELTING.—A very large
nook of India Rubber machine DelUng on hand..
th ranging from 12 loin/ 'Lichen. Shun belting be. nip
to!eat bee or atty other, for all open belts for the
L Ale 'Pr% siquailty of width and thirteen which It
will retain.
2. No heat ander 303 degree, Fahrenheit lajar..
It. and It remains Oselbist In my deg mot' cold.
3.1 t lit of greed etrength and durability and doe, not
silo on the pullies , onwstuently a rein of poscerin .74 einM ,
nd when adjusted to nta esincry. dose notrequire atter.
you as Is Um cue with leather or any other.
4. In wide telling the cost is much below that of leath
er an/ alter.
Pamphlets with directions for ewe and lintof mice,. to.
e ther with liming leather and cement for joining.eivetti
Viand fur sabre; Nos 7 and V %Foal rt.
.•• • -
LD. KING, Banker and Exchange Bro.
ker, Dearth et., deals in Weeteth reads. Mehl
. on the asten Citlee, end meant mllettiott• In the
west at low Wee, and Is a t m ming the tdatuet market
Peemitew In test roads kw American slim. tothe
llama /k Cokaavo realm' 1 lama la of •aWl
nor Block as l lacy Mks.
ILK PO/raNS—Now o ..nin • at A. A.
A. A- alaaun A Oa halo on Am! a ocepkte stock of
Javatots and CsakbAtz. 0.23
- -
C OTTON -58 Wet; ncrwlanditigtatax
Na .
114 . a, COIL
1851. _
Cleveland, Pittsburgh &Massillon Pa per.
THIS line runs in connection with tiring
t,„, p.r g o, a co, Eavtern, Weatern Sonithera and
ied. Erprem. at Cleeland. and Adams' A Cok. at Pittie
borgb. aivin N g
, i , t ,h,. lralvaniaged 011 other anodes of iiiim
f7o.,,,,l,...dutiorizOibito. An Piprem will Nave each of
wowum tc.dito.d.r.Leoo
friday., Li Marmot trimly and rompetebt omeeeneenv
He ri ll receive and deliver packagm at the following
Voe ' reeder. Pll. :WM.
New Cavtle Ca t : :iing= ll.
Akron, Newark, ' - Meadville,
Warren. tulton,
kille r tbu r .
gh.}hie. timenat. Frdetickaborgb, Wellaburgb. fa., I Foster. _ Lb = lg. r.. ,Frank li n. Bolivar. z '. anbipife. bimolla.
Q..] 6:borE. Cflorlille,' yagideolioirgh.
NorlonFalia. New gladelobia. .N. 4 LCololgtieiland.
Gold. ifillver, Bank Not.. Jewelry, mil other__valmbi
~,,4 0. 1, rervived and forwarded with dermteh. TM Gone:
fi n o f Note, Bill% Drativ,Aral Arecnints, orotoptly attend.
ed to '
~'.~~ ===
.1. B. LOCKWOOD. Proorinor.
A. 11101 , 1411 i MC.114. IFIli IMP! 31.1.11110 u or. ntt.tars of
t.ub Retoniltig. will Imre Clevelmd ou TbarMaPt.
f'fjoi;iTt'Z'et.rbbiliezePletrlgk',l•r'lliotitte, Plat
!Intel, J. Ctell
N.P Apo.,_Jogustillon. •Clmk B Putt t
_k „track_ .1
enanson, Akron, annfel Morrell, taboo, m. t er t,
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
HE new steamer NORTHENER, Capt. B.
0. Swim. boomnp every modem improvement no
and comfort. vOll Inv. Cleveland on Friday, the 2d
Fof Slay next, on hair drat trdi—and weakly thereafter on
riday, at 6it )L. for the Foot St.e. Mario.
The amm:lr MANHATTAN. Capt. JOICt la n ding s Imre dant Ste. Marie, for the different landings on Late
Superior, on the arrival of
rt theeteanT North Mer, Mai WI eee fouttlmun. tttle*.tu4n.c the Copperand L kri, .
S. A A. TURNER. ProprictOra.
Cleveland. 0.. Amil Z. 1851.—tf ,
From England via Quebec. - •
/TIRE undersigned, residing, in Quebec, ie
eet 7 =4,3l ° ‘,lige .r tiv a eril. eli b ter ifte. " fre
sunk o f antrlng a. somber In hallaat far Mt
g.e of lumber, probablr renders Mir mole of Importatip
much the lent owner* kw all henry membanditte. Ise
will pay the Allende freight ou armee conemed to Pb..
and Mind to any badmen connected therewith, forward-
lug to much wester:herb es may be required. tor farther
mi rr,OZ:ni,
att '.agrg..1....r apply to 1.
d7if." nnuieod)
mtirmart Gantt*,
deem 1.851. lad
CLARKE. PARES is OM, diocaram, Pronarrone.
THE PROPRIETORS of this old and wel
knorrn Line, wonkl inkrua the peddle that they an
now In operation sor the present eecaron, and haver:Gramms
ced renebring Eyelet Paseenzgl, which ther i ttiw
I ' sir2 . Mel= ra ' ten. One of tbelkits o ' r
Lim sill be winstantly at the landing. below the Morro-a, shale Bridge. to remit,. fretuht
Odle, con Watet44se.-ismaw....44:trib.
- A W. ContinOarn. New Cantle. Pa:
D. C. Mathews, Pulaski. Pa.;
W. C. Medan. Ricamn:
J. l & 1111 E, hbarpoburgh;
Wm. Aare Co.. Greenville - ,
H. 4 .Y• 1 1•1.1114•11,
Wm. PowenContleautrilln
C. M. Reed. Ene, Pa.;
U. IL Walihrldre. Bridal. N. 15. apl
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia. .
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
'230 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Limes ill:press Packet Boats.
MEM adEfiga
• _
lt.he opening of Canal Navigation, Two
Pally Lines Nal, ya - pres• Packet Bomb will Imo tar
Ulna. 67 ranker Italleoaa to
. . . . . .. .
There taking ttir
Two Iltrodred and vorte Airy mu
m „ ott
Time through roarr•stx riours. '
Tsro to ?Wolfish's. SIM Faro to Battistero. WI:
The Ova on this route ant now, and of the mot aspics.
ed construe:Um na 071216311 awl safety.
Packet. lose* every toorninxitioetielr at Tight ed.k. 1
and entry onotine at tits ma. mar.
Pakaengera for Baltimore
Oe mint/ of Cars at Haertrbors. take the Seri sad Carr
beets.' ltallread, crane bobbed) docot to that utr.ouretr.
four mile.) Time. VAR boor,. ,
No clump, for handling Baggage on this route.
The Iturraasd Speed mai. :ha the oast earofortabla
safe sad daatrable roc te,:nov to the r ee k.'' Cities.
For d
J. P . S, Avt.
Or to D. LEEC ADO.
Mower now,
Oatud Esau. PO= street.
F. on. the In_ .of Fade the Perourylvaula BAUM!
edn be daubed to Lockport. which •111 shortest Qs tiros
through RIX tames.
ratobarsh. February IA "hl
Xaradacturer's Line
ErEmpagap- , 15 tidies&
S i a P enlialmAllE r!,7OOILmED.
rd. wird • I. • oantitr of freight to PLUMelcipbta and
• ;mu., In on abort time. and al sic boo nem, ea oar
4c7.l , Moatonente hare atto bout mad i t e lbr r
t W :ter h‘4‘ uvrt, ht trairlV. + o3 g. '" .cliontlzad " t ' ot. )141
reat. %La damn.. X art..
Newport amt. reciri . ; . 11:ri...17 4 %.:L
vet Po
aftl i t=road.d:?lng roman toad@ of Iron
pain at mentadtroca
Malan.. nal.. ainirot.doni7 in 'thintlt.i..
to the nforecald the I.e. ratat, mar b MITCLIZIA. SCUTT, Ilamietar.
Wombat. Li...Z:14
moblittf Second door ...tor the
MMEST TN BINGHAM'S LINE, to my brother,
alter to tr BINGUAM. tbe Minima. at Mtbborgb will benr
.orted ender tbe attic, of "Wei Nast=
[mobil KM. lIINGIUM.
Bingl+ms' Transportation Line,
.. .
IHE CAN wAL being no open, we are rim
do tr .. c feranl promptly, Prolix.. awl
Freights alga" at lovrrst rabre cbargral b row:mine
load Merehandlay will be reeairod and forwardod
aad wad. without any diary. for forwardiAl do ad .
commlation, or rboage
la g er Ladhda forwarded and •Il Mreetima faithfully
111,1,1 to. Addict. or fly to
M. DINGI M CO, Canal Ruiz, •
en" PgaNYlT&lTJadiltrtir, °-
trtween Fourth and Illto Phlladelpala
'''') / 2 47111141170frIWy:I t Z " '
Mehl Now York.. -
1851 ffl.4igm
Merchants' Transportation Line; ,
TIA rveisst.v.i.KlA CANA 1.3 AND RAILRCADS.)
A. MrANIILTY A CO. Canal Bath, DA Penn etreat,
deCILAR IphIa LE.2 RAYNOR. EstrusMork. Broad meet, Phila.
We ars Prepare,' to ref...lto a large amount tnerrhanase
anaproduce to ship on the opens UP of the canals hi MR.
delphia. e and an Intet - medlate,plaren at lower Men. and In
leer tim It. in any prey - tons season.
th. Lit s :i . . l, The Inereee..,l number rt Trurks pot - ideal by
nttantoners for carrying our haste on the
State Ralh=, will porrent atty poselbility of dela) at
Johnstown, ttolidareturg or Columbia. Mir season. .
Canal Ram.,
1851 i&io
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
iladri erob btalriture.. 8..7 Market, and 111
omul•ra• etreat Ph
BELL .11 LIOOETT, Agents, Canal Motu, Pittsburgh.
JOE. TAYLOR .t 80N. Amts.
W. are Ptai‘seadt au the owning of the Peousllvaala
Cabal. to contract tor Fr•lght at en loot rat • eget Cie.
ehiPPere. mach despatch sae] ears se any other Line, - •
Juna ...
gneremora to John Rel.:den 3 Co-I
Carla' Bain, Penn Sired.
Penna. Rail Read C0.4--Central Rail Road.
eubeeriberi having been appointed
bli‘phig amnia for tba Ponneylmala or Centr4 Rail
Inform the publics that we orn 000 prepared r re
ceive our merchandises or prattle.. for:Miriam:it mat ma the
opening of the canal.
Geode thh route will he, carried through In five derr
lonall coneigned to ea be forwarded free of commis
len or charge for advance,
.W 1713 or Mont onager Muarammt ron rirroorgue.
NOctx line, Shim. (bag gtothotary.Cutlerr.Coolbr.
coory. Fruit*. Feathers, Furniture. Drum. Medic/044
Saddley, Wool. do dr. 11.1* II 100 Ma.
llomlware. guacamole. Ormerlee. Palo 10. Dye Stu go. 014.
lasthrr. Coerr, Flax. Tlmothr and other Orgre rinedo,
90c11 . ,00.
Bacon, Beef, Pork. Butter. lard. lard Oil. Tobacco Mgr
Coda*, Tall., Gnirk 001 Its •0. Cm "(A 100
dohot. Morlio (rough) Tor. flak, Itmlu. Germ. Clay
DOO.l. do.
alifigo 1851 Weßia
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JAMES (YCONNOIt k CO., Cana/ Basin. Pittsburch.
BITER, JA31F.14 k Co, Depots Broad and Cherry streete,
and 80. S tooth Fourth emu, between Market and Chet.
out rtreets, Philadelphia.
lECONNORS 10d.. 10 North Atm, Baltimore.
A AlificG fully completed our arrange
lttt •
Innatl °"."' uh - jarla b. W . Oen P.`"' n. " ,g,T. ' s — figl o tltt
toura n b Y , Ltimore. Philadelphia. Nevi Nork. Boa.,
Louie and all the Emit and Kest. et
not.. said with mom dierkte , h and earn than any otha
;411% . An.Vrbv.'ll.7°2l;c7ltTrn. fu
not eally. &anted err wroth," Lim.
All eemmunlcidione addrerarti to ntII4.OTI L A Itgents,
Mall it Co., Cincinnati. E. Cobb. Lotneelll, and Luna
Orttmete, Et. lambi will meet with prompt attention.
ad-0. B. Our Lino Etas no meuexueuirbatcrer with the
ehusedebut and Plttrtmoth Trmerertattou Line of At.
k en. &Lai'
QUIP STUFF-100 sacks for sale
- - - -
PAPER—aO roams and Crown Wrap
`DP" r nla
Mt% •
DRIED PEACHES-600 bu.'fbr sale by
WASTED, and the highest_meek= DOA fin the
domes Math{ anti Mitt Os.•
ARINE RAILWAY—Four &hares Ma
rfa* Railway and DrrDock,ibir eale'br
012 WILIEI3B & CO.
V., H. MOLASSES -20 bble.BattleGround,
0 • noslTlnglboto str.Jeftemzlb sale by ,
012 ,115. D Wstor
_Mate for sale by
am J. maguaggisit ON 21 Wad 4,
PACTURF.R. No:41 South' &row
ot. cut side.) Pbllaolelobis.
Stropt,, lobo-yeybikb.
oot. B. vootorat7.7. N.
1/ AGALEY, W66ISWARD d:C, Whole.
1.4.9 rostra.No. 221 Marko%Philadetadt,
A. .1..
CO., Tobacco
Comairdon Metebant., Nn 41 North Water
15 Nartb tphanM, Philadelphia. and
t • • • 04, r ene
Ie Merchants:Philadelphia. Liberal
aou evaahraaleata of•Prcdace Ken:wraps Liahtsidal
Superior Black Wribing_and Copying Ink.
lONZ'S EMPIRE INK, 87 Kaman street,
181 3e Beildioni. 344 Tort—
en, MUM TO TOT TX.. • •
F oltta, per dor .... _SI 60 8 per .. d 60
ijo drzoshlspergallon... —33 no.. ibis Is the be nue. msnansibrat. It bows freely—
s goal COPYLISO INK—eat will not remade, amid,
Drecleititte or decay ' s. wens. an tbe gplditin reg. ,
el for seat Writing 1., suitable It, the Quill. sad al;
nimbly adapted for the 34411 Pea
The .lervignal Is prepared to fungeh to the tiscle v./-
thee ter export or boar 'eonnuatitioa. a the +a.. very
1.7,1= g4 , : a lF:t ., Teg . orde:r a and delivered la stiar u t
tep ere charged extrs setite'X mr "*".
et. 800 Building%
hxTtWsor A. C. Eirry's Tricopheroluk
I, miring, [amercing and bersubleing the hal, end..
Up t , t . ctirf end danlruff. and curing dneares of the AM,
cud, bra
tt anz .
eront hair pephind tbe Mae effect in enrimulaecrer ord.
akin, eth of the horn. sod all the laical
The teetimoulale, 'elected from hareineda of aindllar
imp.t. crill run to.thow the value of
0 the t ratlmatke in WA. it le held' by . tbom who hare
aitcyll aWA
. .
PlOiht.. on —beer 84=1 I.e 'r e been YM tiltaeil c
Waco. trupti of U. "nap. of a moat Wad
trpaszpolvi.,.Teu-nr., u. ,
claw, anima laded all ,r,;.,„-, r
ath em ra
kin now Rein e n, without the Ina home. / eilta Waal
eWby a Mead. try your Tricyheroue. j did tn. as lart.
ird. Wfj"unts."ttitiel Trig!.
dia.. that at Unser 1 waaPe...ll,f
Reymtfally. your/ ur V 11 ILLPBI.III,
• 140 Columbia dray Ilnicalya.
Inor. Bahr—]lTßahr—]lTy Ara Bir—Abnol tw o mama. 0ct.1:3,
my hair
nme one a great deal. and my bead sae conch &Sided
.ItCdaywu- I.artofd . lepa fdandto try rootTeleopb.
one. and / did eo. mad to MY atadshinalil , mr ene
firmly mond. aml all the' dandruff Wayward. a th e
heal ninr Awn for half
• With "appeal. lam war obed't aryl,
• J 23TRZADWELI., GNI Broad...
IT aoy lady or wade. , a doubta the anthem.r of the
ance they will please call at Predemor A C Barrr•
137 Biandway, New York. where be .11 produce the
nal Mt..
_gram the Military- arid. Naval Argos, Nov. 9. MAI
There la ao maned,. for the permanent am of lindens
and diseases of the amitun mentally that Ms reached
the P/MV . th.loled hi th e
Co irsown as Profenor
Lterry's mas s or sialleated Compearsi. le ex
o_ by Or Is prj s r . =a: the
t ont . sari 1:g
other em.,:nrigs- 7 1111.. It imam elg ma
or op so Lhe Tooth of
the hair s amt rhos proman lie growth to • remartable
the dandruff and scurf and makes the
11rfeattMi ds
ng It nil can all dletsan of Use math.
emelt as weld bead.* semi. and other
den of the skim to eh/
as well as efficacy; It stands
unthrelled. It is sold to huge tratles. prin. LM sent., at ha
limedsar- etid et the Mout. sea...llr. throul a telat
[he VoitedStates and Maeda ap
• PRINTthe MKS. •
HUTCHINSON .. Nol3 Spruce Street,
NEW TORN. Wholesale manafactoren of the test
ifrePhi Penlin s and for Pimpaolt and Job Week. which
men mmatit to be emerand ao. posed rasterlals. .rid to
mei esall apo• orthnsm prues.
The in then
910 aresuth tog's . * a Mb
11.71.114-TiaLlufafri=cnegil emTahedonal
Lenity- miring Mae $l.OO SZ.W ter lb. mehMilat
wit wesix&lsr &
No. 79 k. 81 (late 76) MAID Lora,
Directly opposite the Old Stand.
and Disma—Mary and . Light. Waal. Aa
bbaker. Boa. Nerlao and Catena. Deauertie and FOI,
Blik. Model Bondatin. and Dam of all
styles and Qualities
and Ties—Faney DAk. and Blank of trier, kind
Conan and Boa If all kinds.
Criseats—Riuse7 gilt and Fano. Rang Partial% Madras.
E•isa. Mullin Prima Albert i Horatbitra Twilled India*
JitAkig Rigainiercitiefs—Caran. Linen Cambric. ge.
I .ighthe nes , ark. Do
and_ aniimi..•
GIL Linos. Thread. and all tb. latent,'
French mid /linti Ipsfortattns. _
WooL Silk. Linen and
Aforming Gensini—Welvetilllashimeic. English. /rend! mid
owe. n
Mould, Braes for gentlemen and ladma--. gulag of
Wm. •
/Nang Riding MIA of al/ qualltilisa
W. would invite nartlinalgt attention to oar Domestic
'Salt Cato - ablita.Dramsot and Mow,
iseclattllo(lit) • • idD tOl Maiden Lam.
lllALtiitiliaArt ST,
Mato.) NEW TOM la OM %Mein; u 090_0i
m a: L iar
stim. a=so r la w of AMINO
Uf AI of =MANZI. • Al"
A, x • • Imr, • • AND DU-
I •:
":• • ViDE SHOW AVM. anorlAand
• C. - B. HATCH & CO,
YO 97 arritrAm arm. TORE,
r ipirAVEnow in store, ind an constantly - re.Pa=r RtrlMaibi.tor,n7r4"--ntztg.
alutsulv sus Wan arl.l.lrietAttlylea_of Crrtihearr,
gelehral h as Qahur
rhoulder MIMI Linen Collars. with • varlet, of other sr.
tle/aa pascal. to their line of bretinge. AU of whkll will
forfol tha very bowl uric.. Our Western Merida are
itad to coml. sear reek fabedhoa.
Nurphy's Self"
_ - ned - tealinglAdvertiiing Eavel-
O. 263 MADI:Str
The subacribtot sondling the pogronain of all who
ray we ell ad endannent. Deis note of tint beallation
with which • new ardele ix brought before the wahine_ The
«aperient:we of years ha established then annerantity te
r:cal all nawtion. =I be en:Wendy refers to the tntirmoo
07 of ltWee burinenWten who han need theme crivelnino4
and to lols rapidly inenwaing mien as pion of their nee/-
hu 1
The !encoring an • flew of the newts for their pop.-
n- nu the place 4:templed by the whils Mts. nt'
here hie name, bons:eat and rwldran, sonalinnonan
beautifully unbowed, oolored or Plain. duo &lording Pew
fen security against fraud.
hi. The Envelopes cannot be opened without being de
"4"l. neitheres nor wafers are required to nal the.
etta Uncuttreturn ho nrie ralsaniage of lether,the seal invonlita
medins the annet
menhir In the Dead Letter Mee..innead of being buried
prier Tbe knvelopte are fortdahed at almost the was
es plant ones.
fah, ksch letter mailed le • awn effectlee advendannent,
rare attract the attention of an through whoa- hands It
go following 4 • list of price. Dv engraved on
bean, awl which IrLI bat no 'mann wad ofof
eb• 4.4 Mawr white or bud, of good paper, and
made mi &bore, with name, adding, se.:
Prices ef fhts, ?nen ef Asnelopea wade as
n) letter or less-- ..... .1,00 I abet,
PAO 1030 36.00
30 to 40
10 to 60- 8,00 30 0p........:_..._.._ .._... .1450
co to E 0 Roo um
60 to 100 13.00130f0
When It le not onnenient t• Downed amoun t
bl o f r or t ezdireett • referee se to • mopeds e or
somelrat 0/1 oiler. will meet with in
01:1 Malibu erect, New York.
Orden will b• attended to . meson erect,
If Itlt. at the nuns
of Wenn. 8.1 bell Molt, DI stmt. or of Menem 11.
derails. C0..134 William sti
N. 71.—Donnen Card% =Demi to nine. Dun mina
Diva. at 810,00 per thousand. Dig-Don=
LO: I ['Ate( II I P P lam
CONTIVONTINIIES usual facilities to receive
NUES on Stamm Sale. and Transhipment, ill Merchandise
ronaigned•hins. Goasto las.. hia dock datir for all paint.
On the a
nw gl the lagiena l lzlOra.i e n e lA . a o .
Meson. Jonas A ciniggi
Mr. John A. Cavalier. apiatol
i'redure, tjoeitalatket, end Fame/ling Ilerobante, oa the
Le lowelt.Mn.
Refer to Alnander Go a l. . and Lorenz, Sterling
Pittabaryb. +rely
DAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Com:lamina, foe Prot.ilestas„ st. Lotas.
ommonfratloon erotopur etarwered. eetllr
..12m . 1 nyro[7.
"ii:VI":11"1"z' FL limo Jln. (I
r 1 1;1:11I=Ilercrt
• _
IT I L E IIe a U il d r e urert e ef i la ah ti ees p ietrel n e ti r er. ". Rll- 7 4
t.. eantaimug in all about three huodred aml Mr
there would reepectfully give moiler that is ie now ready
for ception aud accommodation of the tmaellutg
An Wended natereet the nem:unwed anreanienotiOr this
me w
Ir deemed supernuoue. we th e nunaerons initunre
menu. whieh beee been made emenot he prepedy wh rin b i , l i n i
an advertlarmene- hake It bear. an expo., I=
spored to render any apartmentpertert.
The Arrulture was made espnwely to order. regardless of
owt. and certain porn ho o f
it. espertally the DraWloB
rooms will to found to Me most besollhil auutetao•
~,,,,.. Th e pining rooms me entwelous. and the boom ter
mewls will be so anatirted aa to suit the cOureineurs of the
early and We.
=gra n r ' l ‘ , ' erellro ll p b ;i= 4'l'l ,l .'"n t, g..t;
American house ohaloatreuy eh. Tue.npie c ..7 - lb. tenhaawiltwator • LEWIS
a rvh . e . ltanttraeor7 In Banat; WOO Ba b.
no 4
t =t r ztgr . X to tnebas disaLr.
ri b Cia ,` 7lL 'l gr * ZlP' s:Ll4:
itr that ton rmal Uttli=ltthirt..""
F r aartbegol l irntber :" 4ol3'. 2 -5
TtoEAM PACKING -4000 pounds mixed,
Plan &ad Pon Inns Robber p.ett uf ,, 143
team thiekorananed to be the very ben !Delfts, of
t.hoWtiin= Joao:h e t rc4 &luta
t og .
Stu2sn_Prane o. Toren* settee 10h Reb
a". nd _ w'a
• - Aaociated Firemen's Insurance Stock.
A%SHARES of the &et subscribed dock
In tLn Amodated Itestank's I
• cob 1:7 las co;
I.IIONE ferk inn 1 fo
RIEDfo? sal e by
• • '• -int.a.Jottqtrrol. ,
A Pf i lA s EB-7 bblz. Dried
win under the care of a skilful fi'sjaielan, !tom the
time I was taken sick until about six Weeks t 0,,. being 5 ,
I then about briplen, and my friend,. mausicuppt
horaa ; , . 0, a Jesa beyond our physician . * skillindrised
the use of tristais Don. of "Mkt Cherry. Without my
Munnedge, my father privorol lb au/ onattnored admix.
peering It to me, mad from the tint day. I cormandeed
ing It my health improved ? lind In twit - the -
time I commeaced cuing it, I wee able tq bt. ant Mild Oyez
se• my bmineas, mod Winn which I still.colstline 6costo. I
ham taken four bottles of the medicine. and now =QM
myself perfectly teeth armafun 4Narllie. •
CIVI.II Pour, Luke Co., 1a...1¢66 Mfg&
/met D. Pam—Dear fin In .1 lily, llifit I win atieeke
with a fererof tupboidishmachot. whieb,teftie a bit • very
debilitated date. when. fa the fullomni: miner, / (ma to ,
ken with a Sinlny cold, which reduced on to rash an rip
Pmt.. to aim me the appearance of a tontrined ammintp...
tied. I labored muter airmen mush—expectorated seem
deal. and arm tmahled with mid food sod Wight neat.. I
ebn freiptently rainel bloat from my lun{a•l.l conditimat
ho this mate, tp-admilly Finking nrular,-(tos 'd/terrne, magi
amnry,l647. when woo moan atutai with fercr..
friends demand of my life. and my phftil4hozll/ 1
could .mere 3i
but a short time. r .
ly my,lset, wen emistantly.cold, and aloacetlon (MU
i ."l76der there cireumatunons it may be truly Mildlownt
Wing rkeletett. f tio..llr determined to tittit taint Ilke•
dertnes prmeribed by phyrscuuts. and Dr-Wu:Les Bal
e= of Wild Cherry. and from the trot week that I coop.
mussed taking or. I coo date 000,1.1 10000 iO.. liwntbse
or/ its ett =watt. at the CA Cr "nag* MIS I wan
enlored 00.01 health .err ante. and cluserfallY
commend the Baimm to all thooe adlletoul with Mamma of
the bluna.Aint would coy to those onamencluk its too. not
to be dlwrooympq If two or three bottle. do,not biltet •
cum but perserrera, as I tram dune, mull . hie,m dotiln
but 0010. CMS out of ten. will to blesenl wit h romemns
health as I. ham been. Raspecnitlly mum . t
. , Joszknagifiv.
rorrourr ro too. arn.mnrowofo Untie
_ .
• trim Dr. Baker. Springbeld,lTactdogton Coturtr, ET i
• . dramoimita-ife,Map If.Cha•
Messrs. fltenifeel .lebteke—l take tins inmortruatmcbcfl
torming rou era most re/meltable mire„[tpit
me tor the tiro of Dr. Wisner Balsam of
• In the rear 1310. Teem taken with an Inbarbation Of the
b0... 1 4.1.1th / banned trader for am weeks, *ben Is*.
;tally reconexed. In the fall of Min I was atninketwah •
enure cold, whirl seated itself upon MY tent; end keens
Mane of three rears I was aulfinaisar bed.. Itristall
kinds of =undue. and rimy 'mute al alt , odup o t
fit and thus I wearied along until the 'Muter Of Ma.
whim I board of Dr. Rimae's Balsam ct Chersl,ll.l
Priandsperseaded me to giro it a trial. though T ha rllOtt
uD all hopes of sorcerer. mid bad Prebend mnat/f for the
change of another world. Through their solleltations I ins
(educed to Make nee of the proof]. Ifirtien Balm. of
Wild awry. The enact war trulr istoulshing: dn.
three rears of affliction and nffering, and after basing •
rant tour or five hundred dollars tom purpose, and the
but sod mud ronmerubbi.phrticlans had peered volandi
log, I was eoon restored to entire health kr the bless:lag of
Goland the use of Dr. Ind..'” Balsam at Wild Coarse Mar the bleralug of :God rem upon (the( townotors of to ..
valuable a medicine am Winne" Balsam of Wild Cberm.
Tom" rerbosttunri
Wog. EL Don.
&II by J. D. PDX. (=veneer ta Sanford APork,)Yourth
load Wolant Menu. inclonoll,oblo, Genera AAent tbo
South sad West. to oboe, all order* man be oddment. -
.1. Kidd t Co._ B. A. Fohneoteck A Co.; J. A: Josue, L.
Wile:cr./Y. Pittsburgh: Loo A. reales., AlkihnT Orr
L. T. Rowell, ITor blooms; L. IL Doily Unloatowv,ll.
WoDY, Dreenolrarin, 5. Eeatax, Somerset Soar A Glom.,
Bedford:Rood A Sort, ituntloydon: lira Orr, trailltarobeig
11.11.1obroaal A Co, Indiana; J. S. Wrisbt, i tralinlug
that k Co, Brookville; A. Mtn= •Jr Sols, - WayilObitri -
Mcioralnd. & Co, N. Callender, lleadrille: Dart. B Cu.
Fxl* Grab= Porker. Iteroer: Juries Kolb k CO. But.
ter, S. Smith. Bearer: J. o.Samaertoo, Mama; P. L. * C.
S. Jones, Couderepat P. Cr,o ter. ir.. Drownreille. -
The Homo Body Mutt Perspire,
IY,SAYS NATURE, to have a. bealthyo-
trsnnq and perms who do not_pers. pire,arellah
m moot disgusting Skin Db.., Now:Josef W.
Soap mimes a fr. persuiratlon. mid at the U.
male. and sof t e ns skim firing it the laini.•
of an Infant . ,
Benny, Salt
and Form are rot araihs.l.l. bac
cured by its tow as of besot 7 phi - Akio. it N. Toot knOw,
wDo nac it t snob ruses. and dud It unfailing—. rimy
Pitaples, Blotch.. Freckle, ono:lye/Lber eldndiwooti, Thu
reader ...ref tha.
this is no wider, miffed niistrion,
one trial will prae, I could enumerate At least eighty
persons cured of rove head, sore icgs • and sere beard, .
Il ß rr v snil Ito foc tee abase.
Thom who are
onl y to ' eh... crack w ed:or an to gel
will food this not y a curt. but a priroatirei and lat
now only add. that any one afford with nay of thy above.
similar Mama, will Mid Ode .I.
.and neon mote. (ado:d
oable tra itapropertles) ts a r] Otte. • ,
t.epirgot. reader. the sorra are flooded with prior
and be sore you ~k for Jou, ItAllanChemiod eus
buy Monty of Ifkl. JACKSON. only Agent In Pitts ore,
head of Wood.
Peary White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be had firli2.s mute—Persons who haeeehher,
bly assured that If th eir breath ever tir
teeth decayed, dark or-ye ll ow, and encrusted with tarts!:
that a= cent box of Jews' Arch,- Tooth mite dllt meta
the teeth es white ite 12101, and the breath odorlfercnit/
Sold only at JACKEoN'S St.!, Liberty et., heed of
11". d.
A Scientific Hair Tonic,Rentoreiandlein.
fier.—Trial Bottle, irrh' cents. Thom who have nand
'Vogul Coral Harr liestortr. know it. err:client gualitiet.w.
time who t 0,,. not we ...genre it to r.amae the
quailing—lt aril! form the lour to grow on any part whets
nature Intended hair to grow: atop ft Wilt Ott en:magnet
or dandruff. and make !trait. nyL or gray .WV". dart.
Vor raittirrhav thet halt poll and eilbr.. nothing out Men
thla—it moire It truly beautiful. atild grew it ea' It ye r ,
deed. the VMS etollo6ll.3—re roperior—wn,ri e gar tea
voonly at WI!. JACK:W.7V non, 2.40 Libert
head or , {lord, Vittrhurgh. y agroet,
p:iege....atte cent,. 60 cent.., and It.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Butaitt
Ihlr 1/ re. for the &gaging ct white. red, or tires harr,lo•
beanUtLl browb. ur Ward( jet color. in a fewriunutes. •
Prnta—Su cent, and al.
Nold try W3l. JAClrrON,=ol.ltar ty etre., pint of WWI:
Plttal nigh..
Attorney and Conn
. Imum
ttp ior . the Ptah, o
4%nf F rib
John E. Park, Butnrlls
_ .
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladioa axe eau
tlexml g e rund 116.1aC the rageuaca prepared Chalk. Thee
nee woE me. ee hoar trieltralle Inparwat it la tr• thetkhk!
Low roam..lama reach. how tallow. yelln'w, aaelzentwallhw
the el•-lk kr•Pekka. slier u,low. PrepaenlCbalk.,- .Ika - kjea e lgag
Wikellieu , aoklkilalkil a laer getaktfir et lead! . -,
~l'lglrr• ,-reit7-vIV v - s - I' .- t -Lid. , 6
it Is rerfeetly iouneene. 1 - elog puribed 'nf ell 3e!et:l4oo.
qtmlitteer. =a it impata totba elm! a twearal. bealthr. al
ebe,ek.e. de a r. hrhak while; at the .2211, LI. aCUrig ii 04.
amtle ea the stay matins le raft ant emeollr.-• • • • • , •
told kr. the Akert. W. 1.1. JACkai•ON. 210 Liberty tueere.
bead 4 woed. Puteburs b PM.. = cents.
, aplfatawlwa , , . . : .. • •
• Great Caro for Dyspepsia! '.;
Dr. lion/three', P.m., th e trim dhle.tieemly..Gai.
Jima, • 4 mat Curer. prepared fresaltenneta
or the fourth atom/A of the Om after titr. 'of /axle
Labl4 : te i g h rat i rgio . le.,l cicala, by-J. S. )3 , aoHih..
ten }l: e revly tronlortul re uTte TitalgestioL&
(Mt 14 1:g.;V: ewa 44"'nie tta..VCZYI
VaV(rte= r i j oVe7 . itteU: infziee
dinolnre A e<pAgrd• rura 2..j d na x !cart M abow Una Aran,
',apt ofte Stotna. •
The amtrie J aka Is the greatsolveut of the farel.tbe
preening. otimuUting agent of the Minoacti
antretimi. %about it there can be o--136 co.
:••Man of food tom bloat—no outrition 6 jViii - tadr. trot
lather ir foul. torpid, gebiful e and deatmettee coalition et
(the eliolo digietiveraidminatue A erak;balf dead, or
.3..110'"^••• tirodueto goed - Gastric Joion. and beam
( the thew. timer. oad totality which ••••••..
But this neat may be sorra.. by •Atlymlng the dive.
Leapainoililt; Meth. from the meeriaths of anuriale re. •
rumbaing mut, Ibte Arming a Maitre Fatte
like the natural Gastrto •Icr.„•14114 rtreadial poje•T j a
pan... Witt torsplete perfect notating 4 for he
elmales art of
n ' ig 4 to th' are=4 , -!.trir tag..
elahas the merit at Mal th i n appneation tbie afsl . :q.
tdo cure/ /Dye:nem. inns perfect sea agreeable Saw: '
Eat the ddale erklenuel Bzos liebtagn ta m intei ,
brat.] work on Anhaal t o
yr l yr Pusan analagau• co the Gasp
Erna' from tha mom. totaohrsn• t[..,••••
era mai eith •
to which valeta artie1ea,,..... „. „0f Mut •
ju5.111...3 MIZIO rscua
ha a. they won. oe in the stomaith.
that on the Agad for further
set.. it Is toingemitere fef --- tree of
Ella genuine PAPAL'. nears the erL _
. Boughtnn e hl. mde nfet'fkf!r; rrsti
.4 • .4Y. Vkini sfrtiOttlia.agenta; •
140 word St, Pine• Met. '
Dram lbsedgbel at
Alin.l Er . =e w.4
trega. a-S
Compound ' of Yellnw `
OCUPIES the frontjank..ji m ii the
„ 40.
victory modkines thla conntxg,far7,"4,
curing Oanker. Salt Shaun. !Aral ail agar air sriafns from i t' ,
Coughs. &weave ..d "flint:ma Uent Quak B r ig:
;VlTtg ttrTara e tn .
In all can a•l' nncveu
r, F . ent ah,.. 4 , lr th. We tb d!m w siz i, dzi4 G bw en y er , , li D . rha z . 4 .l.
sumo. orsums. awl invigoratins ths entire system.
lf ou, testimony of thousands of Intim wit..., i,„, :m
all ram of the country. can to mhad inea. MS stunte
n ethsarlous In enrinm all Hamm. aril restoring &Witt,
17 . 1 T 1 Irk s° down ronstitutlons. It I,
tn.,,1,• 1.. p. 1 ..
pron-rtik.firSig%6V..r. b=. l7 ,,fam ,:bu.rli' ft.
remiss-0 etch inrredisnt hammonSously tufts to
Purify the ...I*..aa. . ,
IL hu ystmosmanythrtitdrilmeiscstrhich have haled
the skill of Vista ph tridans. mid has Mu rimed CuMar,
Salt Rheumpalas and &raw., nrcit.h Banaparilla
' Yyrtllmet'eteTttei srd% ilist',4l,. ,Itt.graiSug-
MORS. The more obeturte.Carire rr bars been cued kr
thli comlidne. Resat - Jr./It le a ratable toedtdrus La a/I
BILIOUS. COMPLAINTS. It muirea kill obttrustlou' In
the clrenlatban, renclarlad the Lind fink ulna, and hal
tit y. It removes Palpitation of rho Brut, and Whirr in
all mom of Asthma, and nin ke nerd in all climates mad .
at all mums of the year, : :, ' -
This 5i,,,,, it krepared enle is C. MORA' ACO, at trd
Fountain street. Prorklense. IL 1 e arut sold teholamale and
retail, by , &,,N. wicazkaitam,
Om , A . 10% tt,,,1v....
• mrc:r Warehouse. emu, Wood and Math Ms. Pltrt
j • .
• 4 1:t, .
fie fireatremedvier thertoesetois OAPs.' Amiga. egfothem
the Aver, Adana, Pronehttir. Paths orill#uste s .
Me Eernae. or Lands', airl allier'efihailiogs ne Ne
Adamant Orxat.
I,VE not wish to trifle with thilises-tid
T health of the enlictol, but we sintethily clod, gges
Sere. lenient , no 'assertion as to the virtthe of thia
:eine. and to 'bold no bore to outferlog,bomthito which
:Nets will not warrant
• The Lose of Iceland, and the Pine lad Wild Cherry, er
Justly celebrated for the core of all dintesei of Ito 'Lunge
;Sod Weer, width are eti fewrfollY Prevalent in .11 Northern
Witsilea Yrom a conthinatlon of chemical thirsete.4peo•
'.ented from Stith Mora WA Hove TINVIc Da. Wolcott'. Bate
Lath or With Conga, is eldetty formed.
SM"Wlthes Witham of wild Cheri). le • One =Ast
wthrec.roithoord enthrly of Wild Cherry Roth and the
Athunith Ireland Mom, (the latter inwried exprtisli lbr thln
Dnepr..) the nth medical 'Miami of which are With mks
' blued by a new chemkal proems, with the .street 6f Ter-'-
As. rendering the whole ystowsuas the mast certain and
"irepong remedy 'Ter discovered fur the -
sato of Wild Cherry—The following ease of Jecetilth
I egg. of Cocorcoonthm. (nee of his brothers aio,olcise
ring died o(tliionnomption,) Le truly wonderful, '
Ilionlitoo co. Riptstr: 0.
J. It Pthc —Dear Bin I 'tans tisi liberty of actrisian sou
of. benefit I havederivel from u. use of Dr.
Balsam of Wild Itherry. I coo penetrated by that teroible
scourge. Coostimption, in May last. The sloes was truly
bolsi/Wog to me, for the or our faudir:thor invade and
Haien) had died of Cotwoothliceti I van 4044. with
early all the worst featonw of the .fir, I had edistrao
lo g Tub...{gd expn-torated a gnat dal of blood, h
leer, severe yaba to the Ale and ekeert cold etillio;altees
noting with finsties of that.