The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 24, 1851, Image 2

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1 4 17111.1811 ED HT WIIITE. at, CO
' the. Whits . of Pennsylvanisi. ;
08. A STATE CONTENTION will be held In the CRT
Of lotticarter,on TUESDAY. Juno 24th. 1851, for the Ertir
pe If=
f ti ‘ ie j ?ir ol i Ogetznor
(emir, a i i
- VRSI }
I : o Eß lc ,, l C
11 r u mm w ,
. J 1
Farnoel Bell, John S. Brown,
• Nathaniel Ellinakor, T. Tailor Worth. '.
Robin Ado L.
. Word. E. Brorlen. Wra. Esher.
Iko, L' Carhrau, .
B. PanTrotin. Shuman Dn'hrito.
tiorg. Edwin C. Won,
SUo-fJohn Allison.
C. C.
LOOTi, Duda MeConly.
Jot n Geors, Menron.
Alex r
C. Nerlllr, ; ranen , lnnlan.
• R. RUNDL B E P3llTil. SecretroT•
An Original Poem on the "Rapping Spirits"
by •AUYS
page. Courtney, will be found on
the first page.
Fourth page—Poetry and miscellaneous arti
Our neighbor of the Journal in very industri
. Ws in his efforts to place the Ga:ette in the po
sition of on opponent of the national Whig ad
. ilissietration; Indio his own estimation his exer
tions have been crown e d with success, as be Cen
grAtulia es himself with the assertion that our "da
te:Pon is complete." The ground on which the
charge of "defection" is founded, is our expreilsed
ibelief that Oen: Scott to the choice of the Whigs
of Pennsylvania as their nest candidate for the
reeitleney, and our own accord in that choice.
; amain> el:urge of "defection" earl rest on such a
foundation we pretend not to say, and we sop
yose our neighbor does not care, as anything
wti.l si'r" his PurPosc—rihsill' -disinterested of
• course—of creating a certain imprcwima in the
She right. quarter. His whole object is, however,
0 • VimEparent, that we should place hut a low
.enthnhte upon the discernment of the members
of the' Whig government, if We believed they
: nauld be deceived by .numh - n -flimsy veil to hide
-ass real objectin vice. .
.!• Our neighbor ought to be oertnin, E A .;,fnre he
,proceeds farther, that the position be ; takes frill
.be apPiored by the administration. What evi
donee has he that the administration is not quite
us well pleased with the Scott movement as the
4, 040913 of the Whig party: and what authority
hal! he for : charging with defection to the
Odministnition, the great mass of the
-IThig ; Kw in the Northern end Middle
Stites, and
! nine-tenths of the Whig .press
-{on in the same -region! Will , the edminia
• tiution thank-him fur placing it' in ouch a peel
tion! It woe considered "defection - by the ad
ministration ofJons TYLER, which-our neighbor
supported so heartily, endue doubt with Motives
as pure and disinterested as those which now ac
i Altaic him,-to hate any opinions , independent of
gdministration, or to support any man but
,Jolm Tylewi but see consider it afoul wrong to
• s riliceihn-ndminieumtion of Millard Fillmore in
,yhe name category.
,The feet is, the Journal to guilty of a grievous
Arrinig to the saminivtration, inits aorta to raise
a false issue between it slid its warmest and
• poet reliable friends. The administration sad
x the zucceision are two independent and totally
. different things, and there is the highest consist
svogY• in giving a warm, vigorous and sinceresup
port to the adenn'strathm, and in favoring the
-0611:09 of any distinguished member of the party
• - , for the Presidency. This is nfir ground, and it
Is the position occupied by the Whig-party of
~Pctexisylvaula, as evidenced by the resolutions
potopted. in nearly every county meeting in the
. ./Stste. Witness the following resolutions, which
.happen` brut to meet our eye, among a great
-mass :of Others of a, similar character. They
.. Jure. passed by the Whig Contention of Craw
county, which met on the 7th instant :
Resolved, That we have unabated confidence ,
;ha Whig principles. We believe them eminently
inticulated to dispense prosperity to the state
OW Nation.
Resolved, That the administration of Presi
.dent YiTimore realizes our most sanguine expec
iatiOns. iEs devotion to Whig principles and to
Rho perpetuity of the Union, must meet with a
,ready response from every member of the party.
Resolved, .That we have undiminished regard
ear our present worthy Governor,
'Wm. 1 , ..9b1u5-wton
-wton his administration haslseen conducted
upon the purest principles, and his policy in strict
:Auxonlanee with his previodi professions. We
:believe that his re-election Would prove a bles
sing to the Commonwealth, ani the diversified
:Interests of her Citizens.
• .Resolved, That we hare heard with plea-sure
the certainty that the Whigs of this State are
211tely to rally as one man iu favor of that dia.
strtagunthed Soldier and Statesman, Gen. Winfield
+PAW, es a mmdidato for the Presidency.
name embattled by so manylimllowed terrollec
eiona anti the active participation in so many he
unto deeds, Cannot but arouse the patriotism of
Atio country, and carry dismay into the hearts
.of Mir enemies. "
Revolved, That we will use ail honorable
-daliatot to secure the nomination of Gen. ficott,
•beliering that he is the man for the crisis, and
naninentlyealculated to carry the Whig Staiidard
444toridintly through the coming Presidential con-
- ...Vhette_ere the sentiments of the Whigs of
...p.p4 they are our sentiments, and
3r the Journal, to eaters° its purpose—a pur
. poselontransperantrocarspe detection—chooses
.to brand them with the cliargo of "defection to
lib° administration," he is-welcome to, g J be can
- ;„ntsilte out of it.
tdiADVILLE MEACEE min Pm-mem:LG.—A meet
:jag vrna held in Mercer on Tuesday last to con-.
AreltApan the nip, ediency of extending the Batter
;,3111!Ritt:iloiri plank road to Mercer. A meet
.hig for the same ohjhat was held in Brovriu—ng
.. thin 00-the 19th instant, and a resoultion passed
calling a general meeting, to be held et the same
:place on the sieved' of May.
At a meetinz held in Sheallerille on the 16th
o..,vvas,resolved that the subscription bo . oks far
aiiPhoeiC Road from Meadville to-Mercer should
13X1 Opeßed Sheakleyville, on the '2oth of May..
'STRANGC Stacina.—A correspondent of the
".Steubenville Herald states that a young roan
4i441 ed James Sherard, who resided near Smith
did& Ohio, hung himself in a .barn on the Vitt!
+ 413 0- //e was a member of the philomathenin
sSociety, &literary Club in the neighborhood, and
Abe eyeains before, ho attended a meeting and
ttcok an =tire part in the debates, declaMation,
evidently highly esteemed, for the
•society held a special meeting, and passed reso
lutions expressing their admiration of his char
acter through life, &e. They also resolved to
,waar mourning thirty days. lie left a note bid-
Am farewell to his family and friends, but as
.idgued no came for the suicide. Why a young
saw, Suet entering upon life, should commit such
a desperate deed, is a mystery; especially em no
one can discover-that ho was oppressed by any
heavy grief.
Fe find the following paragraph going the
in:tuna : a. tartpapers. It purports to be en nr•-
.1p0t: from. Mn. - plis'a Lecturer. It woudn't
wound well if spoken to u fashionable tlfarwing
TEM FOTO= WlrEs or EroLAlM—My . pretty,
lltde dears; you axe no more fit for matnmony
than a. decider is to look tiler a tinily of, four
' teenchickens. Tho truth is, my dear girls, you
want, generally speaking, more liberty and Iwe ;
ftsgdonable restraint: more kitchen and temper.'
ler; more leg exercise and less sofa; more making
piano;ppuadding sad less. u tT,Lig fr k i t: " eyed, and
' lees bustle. I like the b
eheeked, flip breasted, bouncing lava, who dorm
, stockings, makes her own frock, mends trousers,
' commands a regiment of pots and kettles, milks,
the cows, feeds pigs, chops wood, and shoots a wild
• dark, as well as the Duchess of Marlborough, or,
the Queen of Spain; and is a lady . withal in the
drawing room. But as tarpons puling, moping,
wasp waisted, putty fazed, music murdering,
noel devouring daughters of fashion and idle
ness, with your consumption sided shoes, rdlk
stockings and calico shifts, you wont do for t h e
More wives had mothers of England.
Aaw Oluzias, April 17
. The Jackson and New Orleans Railroad Con
:. isition, met yesterday and organized. Delegates
from, Memphis. Vicksburg. Baton Rouge and
several of the Perishes, were in attendance. It
will probably be, several weeks before they can
did& their labial'.
• Met town of Grand Gulf in 311ssissiPpi has
issa chattel by an awful conflagration, one half
of the town is destroyed, and the fire is stilton.
;There are no engines the. place, and
Walkoontli' their, is oo.ProoPoot of taring the
: sist cogthe.nown from destruction,
1/oloPifllloo from Boyd,. states that 'President
Ilsehatque had had'his Prime Dfici tcrand wren
Withers; th,ot for .conspiracy. , t3t, Domingo and
;:thipresPof the. island will probably now .enjoy
eta from, Voitesciels , =mow political
inks as quiet The Cogencrop• will be 0:1221114.
. :.
'Ail i at aiik HOAR IIe PIENNHTL- : -,
1 •••';', j TANTA. ; • • ,We have been kindly permitted; by Neville:B.
',•• : 11 The Littgialature Of Peansylvaniti , adjourned on C o g E oct , to copy the following letter from the
The 15tit instant; and see learn by a despatch original in his possession. Major Isaac Craig;t;
from Harburg, that the Lill of Senator
lon dog,* and „ tended to oroborrao , W r ' b i ; j as the letter Intimates, had control of the mitt .;
Untliklin C Comptmy, and prevent the con- ! tary stores in tlds place.
.striction of may Road from Erie to the west Lac • • Mosnar Mons's°, July let. 1792.' 5
of the State of Pennsylvania,
is defeated . This p s i,. s i r!
is as it sholdd be; and is the result offlhe sharp J
'- • John Wrigbes packhorses, by
contest wh ch has prevailed at Harrisburg, for
I atoir..l receive ray paper from Cbainberstourgla,
the month ash, in relation_to this Road. The ; has returned without bringingme may—owing to
bill aimed i the destruction, in effect, of the j none being furnished. As I am entirely oat,
S r.
chant ., of Company, by requiring the -Work : and do not know what to do, I take the liberty of
applying to you for some you have in the public
to be pros uteri at both ends simultaneoul o y: , I
and imposed a trix of a half cent per mile
. _ (and of which I have had some) as a lorin,
every pas ger carried over it. It passed th e ,or an exchange for the kind herein enclosed—
. and as this kind is smaller, I will make an tide-
Senate, an was sent to the House. There an
amendmen was adopted, taking away the Power quote allowance-41r if you could wait two or
from any C mpany to construct the Road from three-weeks, 1 will return you paper of a suPe-
E , le te t h e est line of the : State of Pennsylvania nor quality for any purpose as I have sent= Phil
adelphia by Mr. Brackenridge for a largo quan
so as to connect with the Ohio Road. The bill
j tity, and John Wright's packhorses return ifit•
was then t back to the Senate for concurren
, mediately from Chambersburgh, and will bring
ce; but th e• mate refused to concur, as stated by
some; As I conceive you -will not want
us yesterday. It was then returned, the House mr , up
the paper aseoon as I can replace it, 1 Matter
receded fries the amendment, a conamittee of j
conference appointed, but could not agree ! myself you will let me have three reams, emit=
~, n4 so the tafamoun measure - wan finally and ; noon ae I receive mine it shall be returned, of if
effectually choose to take the encloshd in exchange; It
For this, we have to thank the wiser, more shall be immediately bent you. If you can oblige
liberal an enlighten-al portionof the Legisla
; me with the paper it will do any time this day,
tare of Pe ylvania. Therhere determined to ' and I shall consider myself as muter a very par
see justice door,, and in this matter, they have i Mettler obligation. lam Dear Sir your most triumphed. But there are those in that Slate, . obedient servant. JOHN SCULL.
of A way d contracted ideas, whose only mo- : N r, c 4-i f ,„, c ,., 1 ,..,.
tires of ac mere selfish, and who cannot permit
any public liroproveinm= to go forward, unless ; The Pittsburgh Gazette, as our readem, are
they themselves aredirectlyittecafittedt and from aware, was started iu 1789 by 31r.. Scull. and at
the influenee of such men in her Councils, pv - i.- the time this letter was written, was no doubt'
sylrania tl4B suffered much. To stimulate and ' connLlure.l in a flourishing condition. The
nee then could
that increase this depraved feeling, we haie noticed . ,ar - utge that ha takva place si nes
that the Pittsburgh Gazette, the Pittsburgh j
; smarcely be more forcibly shown then by this
. Morning Pal, and the papers at Pittsburgh gal
-1 orally, have ministered for some time past; and ; earnest appenl for the loan of Mire-ream ofpopir.
directly and Inthrectly, they have done whatever' We have not; pie moans at band of calculating
was in their - power to prevent the extension of j the amount of paper consumed by newspapers
the Lake /lure Itotadthrough Pennsylvania To . in Pittsburgh, at the present day, but one thin
oblige trim lens to orom the Alleghenies, they are • . : s
I willing to lock up all other highways. To com. • is certain, if it were all brought over the moan
: pet them t visit that beautiful spot, at the con- , =lns on Patkhorses, it would
,employ greater
• ftue.cee of he Allegheny and Monongahela, they caravans tha l h cross the desertarof the east.
would buil • a 11184 ?tall and dig a deep ditch iu '
1 5t
what . It it, worthy et remark that thelecrease of ma
, d hl e v i er i oU - in ' lt t , .947,4er;:70-14‘-viirldes;ishla-. tcrial for paper making, and thm.•' - improvements
; don in Peurisylvanis; or what ritithave you to ;n this branch of manufactures have kept pace
• question narylvanian policy 1 Some might' 'with the imphovements in the printing press.
least. It h been a Romanmaxim, t:co use yet= : ni. r. :•, r
• f ar e caurmous j donss : lntel-toe of cotton goods which
own prop that you do not injure your nelgh• ~_ followed . improvements :
'cotton :
I ,
, uas the In ima •
bore." II t he whole State of Ohio no voice in
this wilts's, or rights to - be respected ° Is it no , chinerYforailhes a full supply of raga, a t a tri.
concern 'OrAtec, t h at this great avenue -through I flog price. Thus one improvement becomes the
' Pennsylia tin, be opened, tad be opened speed - j servant of another. If the Flar,O,otton mhould
'1 ily 1 - ~ succeed ns fully as its friends anticipate, wewill
We are gratified, therefore : at the remit .c,.
, ~4^h larger proportion of linen in
our pa
, this legielation. The Franklin Cabal Company j
; has recenid the endorsement of the liberal and :per, and cimsequentiy Cie quality of all kinds in
enlightened in the tregislarizre al
,Pennsylvania; ; common use will be greatly improved The pa
and can nom primeople the conit.....X. of the pcz on which the Gazette is printed is ear half
Lake Shore Road there, eilbout molestation.— •
ccrion if aoience should, at any future de),
, C'lertland ilerald.
, trite a further step, and bring forth a Mw mate-
We read the above illiberal and unjust remarks '
~,,,, 7 , 144
wooki superseede boil:, cotton
.. „I lin.
with deep regret. We have always entertained a
: en in thesmanufacture of wearing apparel Se,
good opinion of the editor of the Herald, and '
time he
„pen, e
. contemplated with no little pleasure the near
great increale in the oust of the latter would
' prospect of taking him by the hand' when ' but : immediately ensue. At present, there Is scarce
; city and L i a shall be ta,..1:,,, : l h.y Railroad. Pitts- !.
; d iy any article in common use which is so reek
! burgh and Cle v e land have n Yl Lvral a il " ns • and '
a le i s , ;l: 4 l;s i t t ed u a i : i p i a , p n eC i o n un' a tle le s w rea b m o Lar o e ft s: r n . t
I very great community of interests, and art boo.: ; t ... „ ,, irin
the ror.
'to he uni in the closes t bowie. by Rails:et:a r
cormotio , and we feel disposed to cultivate only ; 0,
0e . 0p j 0p0 ,,,,•'„,,, , ,• 1 „. ao t s t 1 01 t cent :' c o -a n t s
kindly f ine. If the editor of the Herald pays
1 ; nod er h 6 ii:i g l e red p . r‘ lai , a lo t . his th a o g , e 0f ... a - c ii . ti i. v o e b :t h o li alns f t e cy
us a visi when the cars rno through, Le will
think bett r of as than he now seem; to do :
• families 90 ecenomicztl as to .400 LLCM for the
' The edi or does Pennsylvania great iniusau: ,
ceiling them
; This Co =wealth has spent millions of money "", l j''''
in building Brilreads and
: Canals from the sea It i s nothing more than reasonable to ',app.&
' that sixty years hence, Lair business communica•
, board to 'the Ohio, and her citizens pre hazed
; most eaor=outly, to pay the debt incurred in lions 0f to-d ay will b. , knwea ..1. to `bow u
; these works. Is it any wonder, then, that they; g r aw a r °° ntraw tna" ~ now efaihks;i• by the
take time! to reflect upon the consequences to publication of Mr. thailla iettei
' themselves , before they.permit their territory to
! be invaded by a foreign company, whose nvowel
' oiisty is Ito take away the very trade which
' they have 1 /pr.= so much money to obtain -- -
Pennsylvania would nor be kmt to herself and to.
hercreditdrs, if she did not paid her ore inter
i eats against impudent invasion, let it et:metro=
what quarter it may.
But the editor of the Herald is entirely mista
ken in hit premises, and his conclusions arc
c oosequently false. If he had made himself ac•
quaintedwith -what he was writing about, he
would hare eased himself and us the napless nt
: exhibition:of improper feelings. ;I:. r... not so
Imuch beciuse certain persons in Erie wt.-bed to
j secure the; right of way from that place to the
°kilo stateline, that we complained; but because
1 they attempted to centre this by a fraudulent
1 use of powers granted by the Legislature for an
; Other purpose. If they had honestly come for
; ward with. adelnand for the right of way, they
j would bale been met in a spirit of kindness and
candor: mid their application treated with 1 :
epect. Instead of this theyandeavored to pervert
; powers 1;i-tinted for and entirely different par
' pose, to obtain thier object; and for exposing and
! rtmenting•lthis fraud we are now denounced by
our Cleveland neighbor.
The editor of the Herald is equally mistaken
in his estimate of the result or the Acgon of the
Legislature. The bill of Senator Walker, which
he denounce., was intended to give the Pittabargh
and Erie Railroad Company the legal right to go
to tine Ohio state line, on conditions neither hard
nor stringent, and it was supported by the mem
bers of county, sesl by all those who consid
ered it best to grant the. right up fair conditions;
and was defeated by those who arc opposed to
granting the right of way on any conditions
whatever, Three latter persons considered,
justly, that neither tho.Pittsburg and Eric Rail-
Lotaparty, nor the Franklin Canal Company, had
any legal right by their charters to build a Rail
road to tie Hhie !State line, and they were averse
to giving this right on toy enntlitions. They so
strenuoutly opposed Mr. Walker's Lill, therefore,
that it fell between the two Houses, and if either
of the abhve named companies attempt to go on
with theit schemes they will be serred with an
injunction, and the question contested by the
m iThe Franklin Canal Company on, which
the He, d has not a shadow of a right to
build a 4til to thu Ohio line. The Herald's re
joicing Li, therefore;'iregiatnre, and its denun
ciations ere altogether misplaceil.
/111 nrST COUNTY I. , lB9eCitr..—Pafticitiars of
Me Arreets. —Tbe statement, we Lave already
published from the Baltimore Sun, relative to the
arrest o f Muuties charged with the murder of the
Cosylen felmily, ay:e fall; confirmed by later ac
counts. ll'he Cecil ' Bemocrar, of tl4. 19th Mat ,
says :
Ford and Samuel Sills, were arrested
by the Sit 'ff of this county, on Thursday night
last, and odged in Elkton jail, on suspicion of
being conjerned in the massacre of the Cosden
family. These men reside in this county, near
the floheWis Ferry, in Sassafras Neck. They
were arcosted in consequence. of revelations
made by Drummottd, - qow in Chestertown jail,
on emspicion of being one of the murderers ."
The Wilmington Blue lien's Chicken, of Bat
urday, also says:
"Abral4ins Taylor was committed at New Cas
tle, on Wednesday night last, by Esquire Town
send, of Blackbird, charged with being concern
ed in the Murder of the Coeden family."
Thiase*ree, with Nicholas Murphy, whose or
rest at Havre de Arline, we have noted, and who
has been.4ommitted to Elkton ,Mil, made up the
entire party implicated by itrunimond's ;m4OB
- will ;the exception of a young man named
Shelton,. to whom no account has yet been re
ceived. I
The Cecil Whig says that Abraham Taylor iv
the limn nieptioned in tI4 following mysterious
note, feu* op ,the person of John Brown, which
he said h ' had found
"Mary vowne, John Browne :—He I "V.. l ee
is going kill them to-night; wants me to help
him: you my friends and I may tell you; If
—" lnd• he will kill ~.... sv
yon don ' h, mina. he will kill you. The Mon is
Abram T ylor."
Ten Nu
brings ni
than the
Nov Or]
the roads
the Prom
of any lola
story to b
and high
tho blew
main in
pended a
poecd out
to be a h
in prude
xeoo• MUILDMI. —The Prometheus
ia from Nicaragua, three daya later
• tee of the account, pnbliebed in the
papers of the terrible murders on
t , erose the Isthmus. The Captain of
thew Ws ktp parer beard a whisper
lona or murders sad Weeee the whole
)4, a fabrication. ThePicapunc
leonfideaco in the gentleman who gave
Itioty and thus the matter must re
'.loubt. The eastern papers have er:
Feat deal of Indigestion upon the sup-
Legge, and if the story ehould turn oat
4ax, it id➢ afford a much needed lemon
t MneMber64 . gaiS a 3ft...who - Jetta
I. the. Split' tgizt the .Connecticut Itirer
ffer. oo .far..advaneed as now at the
ApriL TheAlekla have the green of
.e bide O the trait and forest trees'
. to burst into feat sad glower.
It is
print, 11;
pay, sad
ittv just
lion EDW.° Eirttl*T was invited to preside
at the meeting which the people of Boston pro.
posed to hold at Fanoeil Hall, for the reception
of Mc. IVehiter, hat was obliged to decline on
teem:trap( tht state of his health. The ❑on
rould hero presided bad the Ilall
Liven grunted
The following letter trim Mr. Everett. declin
ing the invitation, pny, a high tribute of eon,
mendatinn to Mr. Mobster, and will be read with
general approbation
C,oinrannt, Pith April, 1:61
Dram Sin I deeply regret that it is not in mv
power to attend tho meeting pm - nosed to be hell
63-morrow, in honor of Sir. Webster. Long a.
the citizens of Boston bare been in the habit or
testifying their respect to him. there never was
a time, in my opinion, when' he was better en
titled to the cordial assurance of their confidence
and gratitude. whether we consider the impor
tance of the services rendered by him during the
past year, or the weight of responsibility assom•
ed by him in their performance. On former oc
casions, when ha has most anciently contributed
to the preservation of the Union Intines of
pending danger, he acted with the unanimous I
approbation of his immediate constituents; a
comparatively easy task. On the present ode, .
sion he has performed the same patriotic duty, '
in a crisis far more dangerous, and amidst the
most deplorable divisions of opinion at home, on
subjents directly involving the stability of the
Government and the pence of the country. Call
ell by the President of the United States, at this
moue:stuns juntture, to the poet of chiefest re.
sponsibility, he has not hesitated to thsow . him- .
self into the breach, and to sacrifice a portion of '
his hardly-earned and well-deserved popularity to '
the public good.
I have had occasion carefully to observe
the political course of Mr. Webster as long as I
have had any knowledge of affairs. For ten
years we were together in Congress, end at all
other limes f have had great nersonal opportu
nities to be well accquainied With his views and
principles on all public questions, and with lila
ends and objects as -a public man. I have not
every instance agreed with him as to indlvi
, dual opinions and measures; but I have never
' differed with him without some distrust of my
ova judgment This, however, I will say,
that from the Declaration of Independence to the
pissed day tho country has never been served
—no, not in fig ha; Boys and , by its best men—
with greater abillity, sitb tryo -.delity: or wig!,
parer patriotism than by Mr. Webster.
It requires but little ingenuity in difficult
times, and in reference to a subject on which the
requisitions -of the Constitution are at variance
with public sentiment, to urge objections agninst
any practicable line of policy. That the mea
sures of the last Congress, in reference to the
subject which is shaking the Union to the loon
dition, were sot at all points what Mr. Webster
desired do bore them, ir well krown. That it
was his duty, as it in that of eh guod-citiren., to
acquiesce in those measures after thee" isecou t t.,
and while they continue, the lot orihe land, I
need not say. And it is my firm opinion that it
is in no small degree owing to the manner in
which Mr. Webster has performed bin duty, in
the rnspoissible position and the arduous circum
stances iti which be has been placed, that the
friends of the Union at' the Stnith . ismer peen
able to stand their grbund against those Who
seek its dissolution, and that blood boa not (low
ed at the North, in forcible reaintance to the law
of the land.
We'cannot shut our eyes to the fact that per
sons holding extreme opinions, at the South and
at the North, are straining toward a dissolution
of the Union. The number of persons desiring
this'object at the North I suppose to be small,
and not rerilaite at the South. except In one
State:. but there is n very considerable number,
I fear, in both sections of the country, who rea
son upon the same general principles as the Ex
tremists, and are tending—perhaps unconscious
ly—to the same result Where the same mea-
Fore Le pursued by different persons for directly
opposite reasons, we commonly say that the views
of one or the other are sure to be realized.
In the present case I deem it certain that the
expectations of 66th parties will, in the event of
a separation of the Slates, pe wofully disap
pointed. Nothing will hff gained Ly the !Muth
in the way of security from anti-slavery agita
tion; it will gather new violence and strength.
Nothing will he gained at the North in reference
to the existence and extension of slavery; it will
be guarded with greater vigilance, and will seek
to spread Itself in the direction of Cuba and
Mexico, with an energy of prkrpose not yet dis
played. All the restrainingsoad softening influ
ences on both sides, which flow from the kindly
onion of North and South in. one body politic,
and which hare insured as sixty years of almost
uninterrupted prosperity will be at ones blasted.
Every existing grievance complained of at the
North and at the South will be immeasurably
augmented and embittered, and thperaddecl to
all will he the horrors, crimes, and sufferings of
civil war. Regarding ;these as the sure results
of a dissolution of the Union, I know no lan
guage too warm to express the gratitude wo owe
to Mr. Webster, and the patriotic men of both
parties who have acted with him, for their re
cent strenuous efforts to avert this calamity.
.4 rot:pip, der sir, with great respect, your
triad and servant, . FDWARD EVERETT.
To lion. Nathan Bale, Boston.
Eeq., of evelmad, in a lecture recently deliver'.
ed at t place on the subject of spiritual mani
festation , states:
••Whe Professor Mitchell wentto investigate
theta m nifestations in Rochester 'or Auburn,
and Ifo t which, ha entleavoredto obtain car•
tain indi tioos of intelligence which he knew
to be be and the ponce of one mind in q hund
red tho dto give.- Ile called for the spirit of
Le P the celebrated mathe..thims and as.
attddireetly the 9 piri4relitionded to hie
Now..said Prof. Mitchell, if yon are the spirit
of La Place, Au can demonstrate a problem to
me in such a book of your '...tfechanic Cekete."—
The spirit responded by giving him the desired
demonstration--a demcrnstrtion which' he knew
person shoot him could even understand, af
ter it was given.
He took down the demonstration, not being
certain that it wn the particular. problem
for, and when he returned home, he compared
it with the work itself and found the demonstra
tion true.
Here with an exhibition of intelligence, not
only above tho highest developments of sensa
tion, but even emanating in the highest sphere
of intellectual development of mind while in the
body, and Professor Mitchell was satisfied, with
that single experiment, of the highly intellec
tual source frOm which those sounds proceed
We suspect the lecturer has made rather too
liberal a use of the name of Prof. dlitchell, but
be this as it may, this visit of La Place is calcu
lated to suggest sundry curious speculations.
Is üblqulty or omnipresence one of the atributes
conferred by the new philosophy on dep.tod
Would a friendly call from California or China
be as readily responded- to ac from Roches
If not übiquitous, where was the spirit of La
Place the moment before this interview at no,•
Was it in Franco his native country? If PO,
by whose agency was the summons conveyed to
it, and the willing captive brought back thous
ands of miles across the vasty deep, as it were, in
the twinkling of an eye ?
Was it an t inipt the allydes of the hhamed ? If
so, is it not strange that it should loam, the on
of the ttpper world to oaino down to
this.. earth to demonstrate n dry mathematical
proLlem ,
Was it In the regions of the lost °
What messenger dared to seek him in that aw
ful -realm, anti of whom did he obtain leave of
absence for the philosopher on this singular er
rand to this happy world of ours.
Again, as ell analogy leads us to infer pro
gressive advancement in knowledge, by the in
habitants a the spirit land; and at the fact in
now settled that they can and do communicate
their intelligence to us through the medium of
gifted ladies, and even clairvoyant kitchen girls,
by the aid of knockings and alphabets, may we
not shortly expect from La Place and Herschel
and other astronomers, new and wonderful dis
coveries in the science of astronomy, and from
diStinguislied philosophers of all past time, ins
purlant intoinnition fn all the'skienceir
Glorious era truly [belie spiritual manifestu
tiops are shout to opeu up to us', riu lower
nee.' the poet exeloira iu refereoce to the .Irea4
itetwe of the other evorlJ :
- Oh that tame tout... ahem "'wail Oat, It oti
Aa.l tall ao what ha la what ...hall .hartly h.
IV oar 1.11. 1 - ANC.I.I. NAV AllOl r -A ‘not
eller from 130‘ton, writes back, in a letter dated
t=om Pittaburgh, the fulbtaing exaggerated pit ,
ttirr of the dirt of top sutupy citi The truth it ,
oad enough, without sueb absurd exaggera
-As to this city, it i• one great forging. smelt
ing, blacksmithing shop It is surrounded by
high hills, made of coal and iron ore, which the
people arc occupied in working into Carlotta ma
terials for the use of man The coal is highly
bittaranOus, to that the surrounding atmosphere
murgy, -stench; snooks It per
voiles not only the streeti, 'bed the Innee., the
clothes you weer, and even your very skin.—
Cleanliness, here in out of the question. The
our.ideg of the brick houses appear much like the
inside of a chimney The books in the Public
Library, and the newspaper, in the reading
room, are all smutted_ over. No care seems to
be taken to keep the streets clean, nor is it to be
much wondered at, for it literally rums dirt, of
the dirtiest eon. Ascend one of the high hills,
from which yyp can look down an the sombre.
smoky oily. onConlparatol be LIN, *hose 'steep
sides are bare and blackened by smoke, and you
aro reminded of the "lay that Lot fled out of
Sodom,'" and ••the smoke thereof ascended, Ilke
the smoke of a great furnace." The people, how
ere r, appear to be active, induatriour. and con
tented; and the product of the place is one of the
most useful of the country.
The American Agriculturist for December, In
answer to the inquiry, •What are birds for:'" re
lates the following:—
"In connexion with this subject we will give ,
an anecdote related so us last winter' by Gov. '
Aiken, of South Carolina, of the rice birds.—
These little creatures gather around the rice
Gelds of harvest time in countless myriada, and •
of course consume considerable grain. Santo
years ago it was determined to make war upon
them, and drive them out of the country, and
the measure was in some degree successful so i
far as getting rid of the birds. •What are birds ,
for The me plant soon found outs for with ;
the decrease of birds, the worms increased so
rapidly that, instead of a few scatted grains to !
feed the birds, the whole crop was demanded to I
fill the insatiable maw of the army that came to ;
JO/01MM every shoot as fast as they spr4ng from
the ground-. Most undoubtedly the birds were ;
Invited back again with a hearty welcome.
..A few yew.e ego the blaek.hirds In the north •
ern part of Indiana were considered a grievous ,
nuisance to the farmer. Whole fields of oats
wore sometimes destroyed,-and-the depredations .
upon Into corn were greater than can be believed, :
if told. The farmer sowed and the birds
reaptu. lie ecold.l and they twittered. Occa- '
eiOntilly a °bargee( shot brought gown a score, i
but made no more impression upon'the great sea
of birds than the removal of a bucket of water i
from the great salt puddle. A few years later I
every green thing on the land seemed destined to
destruction by the army of worms. Man was
powerless—a worm among worms. But his r best
friend, the hated blackbird, same to his relief
just in time to save when all seemed lost. No
Lumen aid could have helped him. .
''‘fibvi, , ,thankfrir shOcild min be ' t God has
given biro for bie coninanione 'azid el
ori labor.
PM in the cultivation of the 'earth, ore'slovely
birda "fbe laborer is worthy or his hire.' Why ,
should wo grudge the little share of 'mod by the !
busy little fellows which follow the lough, and'
snatch the wono away from the . eed, that it
might produce grain for his and lour susten
ance T'
The Horticulturist, for Januaryontains,
mong other valuable and interestin g articles, a
communication from Wm. Hopkins, of Biqa,-
Benvaaltivr ,Aat4y, in relation to the '
Curculio, which has proved 'so"destruative to
fruit, particidarly Plums, throughout the coon
try. He alludes to the great utility of birds
and fowls as follows
have pat the following quemtiona to the old
cot people. in the neighborhood, 9d received,
invartably, 'about the ‘atne 'answer j '
"Are your apples as aound nag, as those you
raised thirty or forty years ago,"
"Oh no! they're gnarly and wormy now—the
seasons clot so good as they used to be."
"Are the birds as plentiful, as formerly!"
-Oh law, no ! they used to make noise enough L
to deafen you, when I was young."
"Do you raise as much poultry 7"
"Why no' guess not, we get more butcher's
ri.gai now."
It will be readily observed by the first reply,
that those persons have not the least idea of the
present canoe or failure—ii do not insist that the
cumuli° is the only troublesome thing.) I know
of a solitary apple tree, in &forty acre field, where
every fallen fruit shows several crescent shaped
pint /len
Paving under the trees, or white-svashing the
fruit, may save the crop. hut both titans are ex
pensive; and even when we have done it—the
greatest rigilopce in necessary, bepanse they ore
still surrounded by the enemy. Nothing abort
of total extermination should be the aim of the
fruit grower; let him explain the nature of the
insect to every one who owns a tree, to every
man, woman and child, on his premises; let him
be a grower of poultry, as well as a grower of
fruit; let him give accommodation and encour
agement to the birds of the air, in every possi
ble way. let him petition the proper authorities,
that stringent laws may be enacted for their pre
servation; that all dishonest persons may be pre
ientea (kith coming:on °gland, to spool, dr en
snare them.
The word dishonest may appear to severe for
this place—let it pass. Those who the birds
(namely the owners of the soil,rhale a special
claim to their services, and no etragtAling sporta
msn should deprive them of it." ,
MJIIPLACID CONFIDENCL.—Tone! 111, in general
a good husband and a domestic man Occasion
ally,l however, his convivial tastee tray him in
to excesses which have subjected h more than
once, to thediscipline of Mrs. Jo es. A few
Rights piece he was invited to "peril pate" with
a tow friends at Florence's, by way 1' oeletmit
(lig a piece of good luck which ' bad fenen.aue
of his neighbors. lie did "partici ," and to
hie utter astonishment, when heto take
his leave, at th e "we abort hoar ay ont the twal."
. found the largest brick In his het be ever
saw. Indeed, he was heard to remark solilo-
HentlY, "I think Mr. JOllll% yen were never
aile en tight before."
He reached his home, finally, but by a route
which wan anythigg but the ahortest distsuicebo
tween the two points, not, however, without
having experienced very considerable anxiety
about the reception which strutted him from Mrs. I
J ane.. He 1111.19 in luck that night, was Mr.
Janes, barring always his primal transgression:
Ls. got into his house, found his any into his
&umber without "waking a creature. not even
mouse." After closing s door, he ceutiously
pausal, to give thanks for the "consciercce node-
IBed" which secured to S rs. Jones the sound
and refreshing slumbers r latch had prevented
her taking notice of his arrival. Being satisfied
that all was right, be pro :ceded to remove his
Integuments with as much) dispatch and quiet
a: circumstances would perinit, arid in the course
of time sought the vacant piece beside his Blum
tiering comfOrt.
r, } 3,
After resting a moment, and congratulating
himself that he was in bed, and that his wife did
II A know how long he had teen there, it occur
rid to hits that if he did no change his position,
Mrs. Jones.might detect f his breath that he
h.d been indulging. To p vent such n cants
ti opbe, ho resolved to turn ver. Lie had about.
b ilf accomplished his pu ose—we arc now
o'iliged to use the idornatc language of Mr.
- . - -
Jones himself, from whom tee received this chap
/ ter of his domestic trials—..when Mrs. Jones rio
right up in bed, and, odd she in tones that
soraped the 'morrow all out of my bones, said
one, ',Jones: you necint turn oval you're drunk
I dean through."—Arthur' /ome Cradle.
Ser . LIVER COMPL. NT.—The only remedy
our offered to the public. hilt ltaa never failed of work
ir: a eure when ail . followed. I.oleLano, Liver
It bar , ups been H . , • year lartfore , the nubile. and
11L, been Introdre.l in all .ctimm of the Union. Whom i
It bra been med. It lam Inn the mat triumphant 51.1,•••••i •
and has nctnnllr driven not of ma all other utmlicirr, $
L . been trial antler nil the dlffen, plive , Of Ilepalla, ~
and hal been found equally ellieariuno in .11
For sal. by J.KIDhe CO_ I
apl2alawllcS No. (0 W .4 .1.
Petroleum !
EnurrearLc, Iluntboulou )latch 4, ',A.
E. 31. .ILirmiii—tleir Si, Your l'o , mloum if workln.: woo.
d..ra •r.lultj; Menu - ere wo would thank jon tr.Arod
tf two duieo by the I'ona•l'l•enia filulrood. are on.
tlroly out, and It la bolo:: isofuit , l for almoat ovorY d.T
iattra. restatetfunT• JOIIN Lltart t to.
Ilareivirt, Ashland .0. alarah.lo, al
Ettltto-ltrar Sir. It., 2otttut. • It. trettk• motet
I. it with us four tti.ato trlarlk Si. bur , .
Vero° forward to ut •itt dozen tussztarliatrtly
Your metlloln • to working trourlors tag. , tt. 33
.113 obtain eaveral etcalbtat of r•ot
r• them
four , ., IV It
ftr sato by 1{4,..r 2 Sleftott,ll 110 W‘att ttra. t. It. E
s,llera. Irotal tartar, It 2 I,tht..rtaalt, s ler
. - tod mud Front ttr..t.t, I , >I Cunt A
ll a5tr,1.1.5. .1..1 II I' 411,10t0r...1..t. I. IL.
30.10;. 5 tl
&pit:444l' Ceuta 11.1u.Ser.ittlt tt .
Market Street Store for Rent.
OR RFNT.--Tn, , More, I Nlarketa
Imes. thn wanud dant from tt,a 7Zli r
and Littrrtf °
trtor LI. trt Avail
.21- Inquire of DA VIII .31tEElt,
tochll rt
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
ilArr she is s:uius
.I.lildt4r S r Ipr spring tziutr, auJthL., .•p. , ,.1
ygrchs,r4 win
raTunahly ciW ou, eAstnro
RE YOU • 1 FATHER. lalAeing for the
r . rr 't .1 n;:
2 1/ o ltove Slakeb ~armalmrab ,l . Aro yutra * Mother. lutfertug (rum tort, b.
male atv genrt ally futueet, t , l 1 11
~arsabariths—lt certainly oar,.
Call at our depot, 01 one of our •
t , ,,,,, , hteb . her. tbut 1110 ,ar
vbparttla. b, Dr , 1.-1, the
•of ruring ma..? ,li.ease, alp,h the
I - us mu bul,ll, arn th, 'blab
eqrnouri. ti..
'rho tbealtetrb ,
I too establlsbed IL. ba,ll pbtbltut, by It.
u, It
sabl 0211 Ittlattral eut
be put u p i , tuart tottlkb a re,
nti th.l but,
ou the u Liver, .u.l 111, , .J at the ~ ,ene
time..l,lll, nobler. It alt ,, ,,rther vs t... 1, 1 ,. to bb,ry
our. partleutabl, to fesbutl.,
Re am+ atul «blob)r. hr 1.1. th EF,
xIibIAPARILLA, and take tn.
P - ric• SI Vr brattle- 4 iluttle- frr
I ar "at, tar
ItAt - Faa a
llkaor 11,11.1,in,ratartl. i aid,
A 1.., fur J. A. J taboret..., t C.
blAct. IV. , f. ,n ,, t14, .1.
14ri ltelbor“ i . l r L; b
z4r . LTIK. I , , I LI;IIL,LwLyI IMLLI:v
1 IL .4411
Li C., 4 ll.l:o e tl..r A on am.l I Iy,l fe
CIALIr..III,, Melo".
Citizen's 'Ultra/ICC oompany of Piltsbt4 - gli
NCOL'ItAi;F, neon, issTITIITioNs
MI Mr., WatLrt strr. to LIL,, war-hon.., at' 11
C t I lis
tht, n,.. t.•
In gore. mail lu lrato.iti.i. .•-.
- • .
,un tar thr
attn,lol In the e1f...,41- •,: I.trertvr,.
9he are all r,t11....1 yrul
,1301•11 tX , Ih.r COMILYMt; for thta
rarmarDi et.r --(' II Iluorry. D ta a4 . . , -ey.
W Ir, tnt, h II E
r.., S. 11. h.ttt up'<r.,(
County Convention.
"FIRE CO M I TIE Eof the Al'e....hdlir Whig
R . Im4 .1513 1 : 1,1 5 1 V 1 'Ii .11 ' lll
the New ea.a.,5 vatdsl,..Attril - -' , 1 , . it
II 'IL, Cu Et re 0515 I.e b513:54 .(our.,/ I.uvoltua.
110‘515ate for the hit 51,11,0.
apIC - 41 3, 1 515111i/IW. CLelrontt.
b&^A 3leeti of the Executive Committee
M th e y oun ,, Mau,. T.,,,,ranc.. Au eh0c0. .11i.1, , 11.•;4
cr.t Sborear. Arn: gal a o'cloa...t the 11-OAm,
.1 rt. LI. KIN .J. 1.00rt1,,,.. A fall atten.lanve
11. It fp2.76
.4. 1•11[141'.1IRICA.
W. 5. Itltt1 tltt
J 5 /IN Aii
J. tYlliltA DEN*,
I .
C. MDEIt,,
Mlt , !' ;,L . h, 1 ,. .. , E ,, 1;i:., ,i ' . /1 ,0 i . l „ . kx , i: „, e . s .. the ,f ttte V
}JUL.-lan; oa Thursday n..xt. fa.11 P 725
Chilarrn's RAT,. la r,rr *anti, Ilcad De,,,,,,
aud Capc Fnutt, 110.,t, Rod ir. bandtvnla, a
w,de Ribbons, Embrxdvriet, :itt and Lae. )Innttllas, and
a mat In., other Att..l4 ID k r ling,
t'. d.—Threv or trur paad LI, , I. yapted ItOcc,dintel
. .
- " ' N.1,11 , 411_4 amt. r
ap2l: '
Q AMUEL KROESEN keeps eon,untiv on
tisrut $.l 0111u.12t 1V mb and tatti
Hem. MC Kilrhol or Dr,. iltlekell,
Chprt, lirell,a4oreo. Zipenal Chun'
Ikards. and kl I oth&r of na list.
Warercotn. 31asowells11.4111b etrrrt, Pittatrurgji k ra
Fire Proof Safe Wanted.
NY uer,on Imvinc 4 Igri;t: lire Proof
, 41:1 ii/AI a purrba,r by leaving.
eel nes with lalaurn. hrata, J Rabin. during Eln , aa)
"kvinTE LOUISVILLE LlME—..lust r
ceired. 20 bbl. While InntUsllle
" the
ue. Mark
and yt. ('!air
OUR LATEST NEWSPA tts, ex,—.lll
UV our Itlttsburrli C.4ll,ntotattd our Wtacl,, alai about
Ito In, Exch., Paper", from Na• °flame, rt. Louts.
ctoefon.o. Coluottua, 'A 11 , 4..1.4.
ItsrliattorC, Pltileatoltablaa'ltaltlruorc. New Yu Boston.
attlnguru, ae. .Fibbett4 latest CountorLit
„par. ,foal Wart. Ink 11.1 Lout rrurtfa. Man,. - la lats.'
Artleler Agnament, ktoottett . t. '1..1.1a. ft., (..r
>r,24 y l'. n:: Litatrty, pear an.[.
VVANTED—i'iticeg in Stores, Worehol.e,
V , for A.' vral 60,6 op.. <stamen. wart.
Louronso. spurs talarera. ,- oalstart.l., , tl.-n, 40,1 ,hral
t.,...tmrr: IA anion to tottr..a aal 11,1 M Iw
ne year a mot,,.rural, w ,
good mot., OttatotarmaJo, ottaa, ta 11.1u...1r.k0 rt. alw,
a plaza. in • drow .tarr for a ata loot , .
th'icathin. • Two tartusu mot, watt (+unlit,. autal to tga
to EllsattattUttat to work. All kital• attettird
to fur tu.d.irsto eltarata. ttt
I n ,11: if Ali a/A I
"142ti4S fl .r N. Claar At
Administrator's Notice.
°TICE is hereby given that the under
tigno..l In the le ti
y cv•titu Jed AtlmlniArtaur atts:
toom. late or Plum luitto.hltt.
r u n ty,cn (l
tlu.n.forne. ot-rt.uns having chums
Mut.tutt Mte err roqu,lttol to toorent them tur
eat. and thole todubt,) are requlrrd alto imoo.litte
tutrittuut titt vot.,.bor IISIJN,
0.?:tolOO ' ountlotetntOr, Flung to
BACON -71100 Ib. li:;g Round, receiving
and fur 'air bt ItALZELL.
ap: . !l Om Mutt, xto.t.t.
VIISII—No. I Trimmed Shad; in hbls. and
1: hull lAA,
No I Hermit,. lit 1.1. h
Na, I St.lutuu.
Lr .01
rpoeivlug xnd for , 1
.14011:i NVATf t Co
frAR-20 btb. N. C.. for role by
4,_ •e 2.4 JOHN % L t!e.
. . _ .. . .
rP_ 4 N ENS' 01 1.---I5 1.1,15. for sole hy
poltH JOHN wArr . (. 70.
VRESI.I Ill:Mit-4 boxer Table Butter.
A' juxlore'd and fur .41e1.0
A. MASON a. CO., No. 62. and 64 Mar
rz „Tr . °:a"
W. hate x•6l per ei lnr;s usuort.eut of
eon I rano:arum E L a ,,,,,
IJOSIEHY h GLOVES--Non opening at
A A. 31A.SOS a co - a,.. full utsorllueul of 'foie* .
u •/ln
ot of 14r express,
goa at A. A. MASON 2 CO'?, a new anon..
tar the above b.
LINED PARASOLS-1 choice lot of the
leSt rtyle., fur [SIC by A. A. MASON CO.
npo asso 6.4 Market st
iI LACK SILKS—W O offer for every
L., grad. ard Dolce of the different tolkcs of think 811 k.
A. A. MASO..4' tn.od Mnrkc. 0 .-
NEW BOOKS !!--Buttmatt's Greek Gram
ma for themse of high schools and unieersitin. by
np Ltittnian. Revised and enlarged by his eon, Alex
Hultman. Tratalated nom Uncle, tiv ntb tiara). edition.
by Edward Robinson.
The Irish I.3 , niedentee, and the Rebellion or 111)5, by
Henry L. ilea
The Autobiography ma rin emrials of Captain Obadiah
Conlin nrlr r aral shlpmarter Iron the
Canton.. tha Patlnt ' and `lre I t hale and hie
Beehnut; a Tranconhi glory, by the author cf the Rollo
Nos. 3 and 4 of London Labor and the Loral., Poor.
The &bolo roceirnl and &u saleby
ap. 46 Market Area.
(Port Chronicle and American copy.)
FLAX—,A small lot fur sale by
I:xamsn LMNETT,
sem 132 Aeon& and 161 hint onset.
English and Irish Teas
TlEsubscribern liavejust rec'd an invoice
will hereafter keep acenettot supy. of trio above
or Team The flavor of which Iv to generally pmlemml
by gamma from the l'Old Country,. anal by maul others.
ggat.prfee, 50 aml 7.$ it lb.
The bones which bar been adverllvlng an eacludlve mo
nopoly of there Teed, cannot monnus to du be with boy
dam of
have tru
We a on band • large nesortmentof Frevh Tee.
of all graded and rwerf deteriphon, winch we bcheve can
not be Astalled PitiehOrgh.
• WM. A. ireCLUP.G A CO..
• 433 (Imam and Tire Dealers.
L 4RII--4 bbla. and 6 kegs fur sale by
W.ll. IL JOILNau:i.
CIREEN APPLES-80 bbls. for side by
LASSEA:LI4T3bI.9..S. 11., for sale by
B EANS -30 bbls. prime White, forst& 113 ,
HIDES-100 (Dry) for sale by '
10LASSES- 7 -25 bblo. N. 0.,f0r sale by
R. t. teßmaron.
UGAR-30 Wide. N. 0., for sale by
al= S. W. IIARLIO:011.
ACON SHOULDERS-7 casks forsale by
AR-197 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by
1,7 lIG
EMP-47 bales prime Dew Rotted Mill
.flari.Just reed anti Go dale by
apl.M JA3IE.9 MUM:1180N *CO
- -
IFFEE-50 bags prime Rio, for sale by
114 ICE-' —lO casks prime, for sale by
_ _ _
TAL ' & ROSIN-25 Nils. N. C. Tar,
.:1 JAVER tiNerqiiin
EAI) & 8110 T-100 pigs Galena Lead;
40 kegs %WA Shot: for n.loby
war. LtALMUT_ . .. WM., •
L at Lan, Tilghman Hall,corner Grant stmt. sad DM.
wood Wm. Kakenell has hem &Mara./
con" V> lake depnollorn, acknorledgsalot2, o for Nov
31,1 , 13 b 1 r
. V4Znia, Ohio, Misconn...
Steamboat Agency, and General Commis
sion, Receiving and Forwarding.
BALDWIN, PLU - ER & CO., have this
Jjl M
day aistalatol with they lir. John Lawton, and ofht
do...Fortino' to Um publis as Dttl.bCdit Agr94. General
Cuntrule.loo.b.nd Yarranilng tomlnam. under the stile al
BALDWIN, mama am
L . T0 , 11.1.r., April /1 MI. 142 Williams' now.
',Formerly the Exchange,)
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
THIS apacioun, central, and moat cnnveni
.llo, located ucrraL, haring beencompletely. re.
rue.1 , 1 , ,1. and thurettehly repaired and impro..a,
peeed Pe. the Arena:km.l.dboo of the public on Thera:lay
peat. the 24th loot.
• •
The subarea., lower awl pr.iprietor of the BT. CLAIR
IttrlEL• rtml.ertfuLly informs Ills friends and the public
that he has furnished In the moot elegant uid comforta
ble ..tyle, and employed competent &sandman and attentive
mut faithful errant., and that be span 00 exertion
to The
it eutial to .07 th . 6 . 0 t* ,
.01 known oantral location of the muse am! con.
i..nunee of Its arrangement. re:elating it the ll:tutted.-
hie either to travelers ur permanent thardereitininors him
t., millelt and Lope fur It a liberaid.h . Mpa
. .
New York Millinery. . •
INAIss C. sm - rni, of NEW YORE, has
lately mun.d her )111linery Folabliabeoept
Ve , adot;sl,;entig MILLI-Vl:Hi' AND £4.11 . 1 - 000.1).5,
pr.paraq exevvra an) onion the may to favored
Cra,TP.I.V.,T I gt"II2.I st, k.
BLACK FIE ... - Slum- - --sußniy
8r."9.-.4,,, tot open Char serf. wAssii of
ts.,uted with gnat cons, and intil. tbe
I- , 4 ,utlcsuro wishlog stivuls thettissisrs with new
!J NII assorhnsol of ths dißersot qualities, [sanding
uw tuvoss Ten rirpertor
111:RPIIP • RUltelialkllo
11 1 11}; undersigned haring disposed of his
I, enure toterest in the Clothing bushes to Mr. Tina
Sat., osnwstfulls ssuossts thaw indebted to hint to di
st Su 2 sixth stn.., sod beg. lewse to reomormrsof Mr.
Nel,P te, the Lasotsble ootror MEM broom. patro
lea orbember harms purchase] the establish...loo
thole Swee of 1fr.11,. blusuorr,vlll be happy to wall
up..r I.v b-ruler Hew. an 4 customer; and ea ILI; 'baster.
0. them to be youl4 .tale thaa.lre b$ rider.;
Mr 'lantana'. 1; tlavrtiare.vbert may b.. build
Ibe .o+ll te...414.111t of Ned Mode ...13th1os. Customer
uric ruble to onler b. heretofore
Pedling Wagon.
1 Large an 4 substantial two horse wagon
- 1. ucu fra. olv oa Etyma,.le terave_br
Weocl 81.41.
A Very Desirable Residence for Bele.
'VILE undersigoecj oWers for erttle, one ot s
A - rk`r..L'i t al t " l4 t= w .egtnr:
a ththoodlow orith torellthe Mouth 441
oat hoos..s.
4 4.4 supply of choice frtht thd shrub-
Ler! doe of the best thlthols la the country la yans'.
.n.rt Ji thro. mod what it Isremeorlanth that In six
=weal.. loth &Allman sill Ito within escr thane ride od
I•ttt-boarith. It will is seen that here is no loathe
ntht for thy rho dethe chop sad elegant threat from
the , ity. enbar rts a thruster retires.. or. pthmtheut
nsoterse. yort orthe whole of the land w il l be eokl
onb the bntheths Thle.peoperty may =or be todfor=
Ciao tie toll) mat sill alrY tenths
.ey esthout.thelx, lot 0Q,L4 r •reZ5a . 7 . 14,. / trssatel
r . tri . t. ° 6to aZt lhanthlroula ' llantoed. ll
aor eirieth .• company who will establish thereon
roseae:l4 ry Iron. Oaths, or Weed. utdch s u r=or
• thrnal
t hu s Let throe la renal th at
le the of the thost tenants] ant thMlnig Won. sea of
Pdr•bursh. Cool. thd Ulm mans of Wring. a.s nee as
n•ate. oan he procured bere ea low as et thy point. Buda
rho, aboard coo, of coon, *Ws trot pre
Übrivurlccl by Ono] or ltalleast.
DWIGHT .LaltYp. •
‘ , ..k0 :lon. droll 17. 1031. .. 4 • •
TOBACCO-- - .; 2* -.
' - *
1 44 .0"."."C. abA , 6... biPa • int,' bass 4
' , "- 1 - •
. ot.i
:: '' 11, 1)..1. ta 1 br " areick &May% brxmd:
N - '" Vahan Monis "
40 " a., T..). am'. - -
is - $., A. Jackson
• , " lb, P. L. tbaliara
J.E A 1.v... A nn .srmsiantuent from 11Jetwoond ssul Lynn.bblrz
mannfacturen.wd fob tale by
L. S. IVATER.I.L.O4 a Xnl4, -.
ay= Fn la.: 7.llV.Abouanal G2ll.sbte
( )A . :l ---1 W bUT (at ealp b . z
61LERA .
TV --23 t) 'Ma - (part in lb. pa
-1,,,0ur rale er ant2_ E. DALZELL t OD.
111 TIED APPLES-20 bags for gals by
L 1 .*•1 A DAL SELL a Cu.
Co. boon An zoodool por ostotoo—lCO dos. of Itgl
Fa n norm.
sod Liolog Ago. No. :IP, n''3lloThlrbe
ros D.Cot. 7hi , d nnv, /."tOPw"
R , FLOISR=TbbIa. fbr 'sae by
B UTTER -25 kegs Car sale bT
Roams. LITTLT a co
FRUIT -5W he. Dried Peachee;
tiHESTNUTS-30 bu. for rule by •
apTl ROBISCIN. 4arril)t
- DlO tali or sale by
ROBISON. urns a co.
LI ACOS-1,5,000 IN , Hams and Shoulders,
-In •oeseke hods, for male by
li= ROBISON, LITTLE & DJ iimealpring and Summer Wear
I, I LOUR-150 bbls.sup. Family f r ?..;,'w by MURPHY & BURCHFIELD kwirsto the at
' so:2 "11"1. --Y 111314 C"
2 - all ' i t
th re rea l n r c . :fen t e h .vod 'i" arg=etraft=
BUCKWIIF 4 Ft, - (301--l000 Ihs for sale curette, Merino. Ce . e4;.,- o rres; atErmerCsvdTeres, Ra.m.411
DJ •P-t___ . HOEL9ON. urric aco 0, ..d......, iv , 2herezii Coro% fte..r , Clotio, weeds.
net ett . .es at OntansdaN and THU, I meT sskuo,
1 'IA N DLEB-100 boxes Summer Diryed, ; s t r ..trZ k i l i b l i n"... A ' . . '"'alti trrt . ll..:NlN
u • IS . dear for ra 4., br. •C #41 , 61 CFs..OO, '..1 Viltbleue Cravats, Kid iural Llele
so Z.. Ro mo 4irrt,Elil-0 Va7a=ttr ""n " ''esteited comer of kourto and
TOBACC()r - 1/ 1443 OW dkul Yaleaf,
I kiln good mer
f or ,d, cy tr,Fl 111 to LIVOIFTIF 4Ca .
180 Q 01) "I"
. hantable Drift far wk Ear o uire
B ACON-o ea - ks for vale by .t rII • LINTOCE `4 Carped 14areboves.
oyd J 0 DILWORTH . A CO - "V; id Munro 'treat
EARL ASH-9 casks fur exile by
pp UTTER-6 bbls. Fresh for mak by
i loay vs it PII le; Froneet
I j , .!.2 J. e DILWORTH h (.0
F PLASTER-_'o bbls. White,.for sale by
ill 11-200 1m Driest Peaches.
1 soli IF .1. F WIL , O:, /147 Eroy ea
onZ. '''''
- FO4 /liMtili ,ll ?6ii B ACON --25,1100 Dm pritr. SBOWderA,
CORN --Oil° Au.Shelled i
D fo i r sale by lo,oe •• •'" !lard, for redo b;
soli IIgOILLS a !OIL
LITORTII a Lil - - - -- -
PEER'S 0 PODELDOC -- hgmoiauperiur, bAz,,k,u , L ',l" Lb . : I L " fi tted f i g,,, orr.u ,,, u D.,%. ,, fl , ne l
I_l Or ...J. L, S '4 WILEFRSTeak.
..oroer Wooed and rlrth w.,ll l .,,, T s. _ 4l , " o'a t e,: g io r „ ti , , „ :;g t , g ., :, c t . ; ler,
-----r t - rTai b ee , rin e. - l'azioz. eava.r, and bead.. Lain One 1 , ..
11, 7 111 v 1:y. WAX-1 case' it i zr e i mii..l y , tlian..l.,A L t vz..deti.e., a, Chvcr,hledeests,
F 4 4,11 , H km pries,
I ' I OIIN - • 2`.. bbls for sale b •
~...L onz .
1. zp.t. , t ea' rev ailaeirr aOa gIAS L .ll., A ,ND k E itt it , ..t F a L k ITU , RE t S
«r ttiEb4O doze 'lay Rakes, for sale br '1,07 u - . 11 vvrystiV:
t endi le F I,oie BONNUORST 4 CO: '
1 PLESI3 , ID - rnself - pApEtt, A.AN
(LASS--00 boxes Window. sated, for vale MOS for Parlors and Pravda), Itmene.-Geldead VeF
Ib e 0,1 , r F lON RON 4 [WEST aCO l or , b T r he=y, o ltr i et sati /ilcoraP;i4FietetirdPee,=
`IAN I) It lES- .,,u 7
be.ez•Dkria.ChAepeple,e. of arab, can t bard'y Id etl=l-}ye re< tiFfor sale
40 accorru.o.lara,ethls..l)) TEO, VA RE
WO base lT Oh., IleEennsa a Eber • spr.• ••'e_ • !A Earket strneL
hear', band :
In - 4 tor sal. b VICS. - All parsons indebted to the ea
.1 ,2, ''' .7 triaw.3,it,y.,.. y ~. of aka A Noe, deed , are reoncet.l to make
I t lii id mederriark.l and 'WY Ineetng natty
i lASSIMERES--90 laces fano' and . blaelt., 20. 1 . b...... win maTtliflEv e fratment ....
T../ tm .31, s , r .sar CL AnOFFINOT aid,
D NESS LAWNS-4 eases printed, a great TIR UN ES-A very superior quality, , el4oxa
_iy 000011. ‘4 V.. " ... '" ''''''
C AEBOTIINOT 4- Wn'"d 'es e l VIVJZItiIy, .4.-3 4 %<,,, .
spZo sole
11ERADE DE LAINS---'2 eases desirable WIIITE WAX-Icas y fiAl.mtd for .falebyt
La ' , ohs to sale by apIG ICE• BELLIES
PLI --- - - - --, - IQUOR/oOkirr-BOH ibs. for sale by
111113110N.i-3150 ps Bonnet, BSC Cap, fur .p •'' K. E eezzzieZ
A 4 ,
ale by apt ARBETUNOT
P %VT ALOES-50 lbs for sale br
g sOTTON-Fb bales on Steamer Gyeae,m" I aloe it A SELLER&
do doe , Eye Ph% le y ...,. , ___
f or so, b, FraIAIrDICHEI a W,.
liter Ilia Twist et. I
- ~
1,7 2 bids No. I Lard.
3 bags
)217 es Appl
I do aches- '
I do do do • Pool,d.
1; Kling. A. MASON i CO., G 9 and 64 Market et.,
ido I. , buldp.g httt stmt , 4 . . iin , dd. zu , othata," raxs PILL.L. of 1.01
Cumberlemilto.ll, tul for We by
I Q alai
l' kualataon. 0 100 1..., cOOO ct0 , .. c...
. so - Cream
ENJA.MIN PATTON, having relinquialb , no ' - Pore &atrial..
00 th. practice of the Low, th. ParLwo,3D 'meta ' 93 bite reerlo ;
Dexiirting lerptort the subix - rlbev 004 ur dimpled', , • za •• Litmecd Gil;
lip mutual moment. The ati9rosheil bottom of Um I. 9:0 hotels Dry` Peerkirm
foto. will lx taktVAttA war NMI= Latgrell. ...vo " AWLS
BEI4, PATTOI4 j 25 " fijc:
WM. LIAILEWELL. , 4 Wile 13. C. mitt= Hems,
'M. Broomo
i •-.-- 10 2
Ws 801 l littte;
1 bee. ", . • .
10 bbls green anleg in store and for sale by
Front Brick and House Tile.
THE undersigned is now manufacturin' at
, ie Stew Brisk Pren , In Illradashass, the and:
meet Trent Brick, tar ever
.prodneed. üblch be
sell at one-tole } to one-half les• then bendonadu nod
tvoessaing Perfectly oven, sunare edges, and a eroooth.
Wad Forfar:, the catch no dart or awl, and preeerve
handsome. clew, bright appeeranrin R •ri '
Chornitioridi Pittsburgh: the =hind '...1t
" °the , b inge being
tot t h e " 'UM*. rt. brick nor
maid ea are to ch superior to the "Mom The front o{
lbything liken genteel hone. ahould be ot mord brat,
.. Whams!qr Per= bri.o . f i giVir cm ;
Certllleates peparalog aiswnt 015rers.
Agents, and Aileets; oho have wed elsollar brick ex-
O•ovivol r. carlify to theft superiority to rtreagth.
rvetitanee to freed. ...W.f.% 4 .-
110 M ME.
Also martufactulini. • suiondor article of TM. geuriona ,
red, by an eminent hilgUen Architect, lorDerlor tO Eliot
and ternlehed it about one half the expense.
Also. a"0.000 Common Bilet—enniftlarslatty, ,
bwra lvi 1 . pries, $3lll ISM at the s.
UONNETS!—A. A. Rao:fit Co. have just
xi, reed par *rpm, . • mwe et Ma Pled
errn and 81121:1119. Botnn•ar . lnir=g mat tu.
losing nylen aka Punatabla •••1
Penn and Patin, Pearl, Plea Flo-gm', Pedal, / 1 11SPre
3113.• comae, o:ar &Panama, Work' and ~a n.•
due, nunprtan, Tr! mad ONO.. Tulip geld Coda&
sad ft...a Law Straw , slan and dem.
Ice Cremii! te6 Cretan!.
PH. HOMER. having removed to No.
la • :an tawny et, (ie. A. 1 4 ..1.. o ld e umj wyß ellen
Creean 'r thbßa/".."4.rway landthw6ll"lll.leh A ttet '". Alto ) tat hi.
Vantlla Cream.
lie also bake, BREA D a t an variety. CASE
khat• on hood and inada tn order to sh ort time. of, all
FRUIT/Jot the eboinvrt twat on hand, treah every week
from the Bast. Guard ter. •rai
ONDON LABOR and the London Poor,
No. h.
Felon.. of the Peopk, by Eugene pe.
Loomed Morotandske novel.
For We at LIOL3LIV.Liktary Depot, Thiedpt,,,,, op ,
rite the Poet Mee. son
SUGAR -59 hhds. prime N. 0., for sale by
.021 JA 5. DALZELL, 65 Warms
11 ,I OLASSES—a1 hf. bbl. S. IL, for sale by
ea2l JAS. DALZELL, 48 Water et.
1,1 AMS- —lO casks Bran 6: Swift's S. C. for
rale br S. t W. RAHAAVSR.
BACON—Sides, Shoulders, and Hams, for
aala by a!2l S. a W. lIAJIHAVGII.
DRIED APPLES-50 sacks received and
for salo by sp2l 8. t W. 114.RILAUGIL
DRIED PEACHES-7:5 sacks recd and for
rale by ..Aral S. tR. IidEBAUGII.
LARD—?S kegs No. 1, for sale by
.P 23 5. 55. HARDAUGLL
BEANS -6 lible. Small White, for sale by
11.4.C0N-5000 lbs. Hog Round. for sale by
II 111,21 SA LM P. suatrEa.
DRIED APPLES-300 bu. for sale bv
AD'-'t SAMUEL P. snarrsk
RLED PEACHES-300 he. for sale he
art!' SAillat. P. 81111.1VEr..
OIL-30 bbls. Guthrie's superi
or brar r L for 5,,b, by L. S. WATERMAN A SON:,
D.ll be zed Cl Kato . , Ind n 2 front et
S.H. MOLASSES-20 bbls. for sale bY
021 L. E. WATERMAN it EON?.
BACON --A few casks of prime Sides and
n'""*. arc We Si
arad R. IVArrum&N a KIN.,
0. 3 MACKEREL-190 bble., Large
lr Nactarryport. No. 3 3.larterol. for .at. on roadin.
lama by BELL • LIGUETT,
Canal Multi, Lib , rtf , Cnet.
♦lao—lOU Lbla ?cam:Laken' Ito i¢ ,
9A Yt4h . aran.3t.
Young Ladies' Boarding and Day School:
RS. M. F. GREGORY Will open a School
of th e above olescription at 2F I Peon rtreet.. Pitt-
Orli _ . on Monday , Aprll,sth, ' M. otore I'ervut• nod
Guard/me are teal to cal{ and examine. for them 4e11,-•
nrt ry 4 hel i af ' trotTuni lee obtained at the rtore 4 A.
Ll. Y Englivh A Co, lioak.elh.r, Wood .t.
'HECKER'S FARINA, Wheaten (Fritts,
LEsod eamp, rred and to , ole rrhd...ale Wall to
10019 WA!. A MrCIATRO A CO.
IOLDEN SYRUP-10 H. bbl 6. rend and"!
LP Go 111.10 br RUIIbRIDOE A is jusau. !
nag 116 111 Orr .treat.
Ir BACCO-213 bon e+ Mooklear !t Child'e
ajiir 6ur "gaga r. a INGIIILA M.
M. MOLASSES-130 bbls. grriring, for
13. enie by epic/ I.IOIIBRIDIA INUITRAIL
PLOUR-200 hbls. S. F., for sale hr
I LET—A lar . ge Row, in the third story
Entriaace from an alley.
.11U/11 , 11 i LEE, 111 Meet,. •t.
'STOOL—Cosh paid for Wool, tir
aal9 MC ItPRY a LEE, 131)
-2 Ws Lard No. I;
met. Featha.,
I - Drl,l PV.41(.1, -
Pea - IaI A NLL, .. r d,...stemarr
l'umterland No 2: av<l for re , ,
root sod Refer rn.
. same kind of strong and rough flavored
Team the
are used in tb. Old Gountri--can be par
chased at MORRIS . TEA 31A RT. last aide of the Diamond,
417 . 9.1 al no other store In Ylueburgh. Moe; 60. d To
eentv N lb. mew Tess are entirely free from all herby
London Pickles and Sauces.
TUST received at No. 256 Lit erty street,
L e:oet, among whtry mss Co found:
le, I firadies
kilxed es,.craw, "
aat Reteburr..
Wo7ii3Pr= I )lushrecart
• I For sals br
0.. A. AIeCLIJEG t CO,
•010 Grocers ar' Tea Denbrs
THE STOCKIIOL.O,VO of the ''Pennsyl
rants Fait MineiWelortag Company," are 'lathed
InsialMeat of TwoDe Ilandrea and Piny Dollars
Cit,MActiD "rolaired to be paid oa tiLc
. 10th nay . of May
the Mika of Charlet Lennie. Lag, Ykilladalyhta.
ST mice of the Batidi of Director,
IiEORLIE MSON, m and See) . -
East Tarryittan. T
11tHOh. P Tee
ram. i. cutencu.-...--otoro.- U.S.CFOI.
seHbers boamlfacturo Lod tory conslindr Du band HI
oats sah
of Tubs, Brads, tad tpantleu'obfibios, clet, sod
Hob !Colic tbso blot* Harr . el amd Latilog NalIK
Come nib, tad Tab. blarrol bong Copper' Rod Zhao
EU. Haat, rote.% Mak,: MIAs, Aketloubottod
w a h tllP/ifliv CHIZIrt.t?H.,
rintEI4ITO.N CRACKERS—A new article
A.utia ear. sae, Bart:nab=nand Drsperetsersek
ern received end bre sale >7 010 W u . 6.IIeCLCIIO &
W. Mum's London Patent LartyAt o uties,
1117NrAlbs.i.QH4i. 31 - Visi street,-
g . golf Am . tdr eVit matt Lee," Watched.
I * "•" . iitteektetteem ,tcte
• de tiddeve, dee..
meelerd i trte th e Zot . erml P .rulatr.L..a N gOlT'ldt
erith my mew upon it te . Feauteie Mees arammed
I=47::fi .4= . t
h'11:-1/rrekth."nb""' 711 = LiZr. "t*
LARD 01L. 4,Q Barrels N0..1 4d
rre'd tbly (by ter IL B. NorthKbS try e. ale by
%lilts a Rom
"1 XsA. I E " ow alurnore
51324 and Cerrit g. rre'd load for Sr
ANGANESE-54 bbl. Ground, for (
Makers, for sale by lIENNETT:BRIVIT co.:
splb W }4.3.
`O DA ASH—A_aunerjor g....rticlwaour own
maufacture, alaarl rib 61114 malfor Ws by
aplB 13120MT://EILRY a 00., Et.
c ii - 1414 SODA
casks for sale by
aessrrr. HERRN' o Co.
VIILORIDE OF LIME-150 casks for sale
iLJ by aplB NETT. DEEP. • MW. •
had' and for sale .1
ERHINUS- - -HlB bble. Baltimore;
93 bout Lubec Sranknii.:l4 %tore azd
tpll3 IiAIAILV_Ci3:I4' a Co.
13 1 EgliiMIE)2ffiffil
"W'rATO.ES-400 bu. Nestmpoook, for sate
rby &Yl6 "at W. WARBAUOW.
Dm" V.F.ACIIESL3O bags for sale by
1.04 8. A W. WdIiIIAUGEL
HERRING-100 bbls. No. 1 Gibbed, for
u *A. by .gab 8 & W. lIARBACGIL
MACKEREL -..50 bbls. No. 3 Large, for
sale by Bsi W. lIARBALUIL
1 0 6 bblL (son t,rwin.kne4-72Alooriveale
CODV6Ii-2000 lbs. fnmlavelibZtairorr.
LARD -100 kegs for sale by
4 46 1 .1 0 . C t 0 , FFE.F.--150 t i te t =ri .. mwg , a, far
FLOUR -400 bbls. S. F. for sale by
ELOUR—A fresh supply of the celebrated
robot MU Moat. forblimiAA Aga, Ibr
s 1 ae A.
Will take place on Friday, April Mb.
was IA A'1,61.
ooarr .
.. t : ra ci ,
‘rl i
mimes cal
- - -•-
:scrturn—rn .v 10 •
onanza—Della s1 4
4a, ' 144(li:ITigut.,,)--31ercadattp
tdosor. delta_ .
sal "'
clap Octbertm. conebriwto the bent talent of
.•es Yoe: bay, led by Mr. Juabbil bud lender
tee direction of JULtb5 /EL:eI:WC:T. Ls. b . os been ef
etroleno price of edrcittion b. Icon bred at $l.
etrelvery c
cbecte b erat In the ill yIl
iseto.d. bill to nem:n.ll. for WWI*
The heco to Leneed on ale ooneicn. fee. the =en. -
of Ilesere. C/o:benne. Doesoek. and to turnsebed by
J. 11. Mellor.
C C ..CC or RAu will be tlitrenel ..I..toet,
Friday monthig, 10 0'c1u...-...31=01ee 11.1. IIY P. 16
Ctvt-to prenstt betao ineuteraNlll by look .2
ILee utual tmre<nt 10 <extta will he mule In• ellinte.loll
.. the aurlioo . the enure rremv.. of short ally b hand
, I le hi. Iluver. the to be ..r.utel teehailtable
an . ,l Ace. fur T. Barnum
Emperor N'apoleon's Funeral!
rpilE Wonderful Dio-Punnreinie View of
I nil PERINI NAPOLRON'S FUNERAL, (repremath , ll
1.. rmoTal fsvm Et. E. Franey tilt re...palm at
l'arh., 111, • tiey,w of th e re
L er. trien.ow of the remain. of lb , Gran En.per4rud to Elena
. to Pnehl will oprm for echibillm at the sheet.
toil. On la - n/n,tlp, am' Vie:rammer.
ay., April f.rJe, sax' 210.1. m . WnscapAr
,rrce.Nuox. al's
.. •
Thls munition:4 Spectacle ix., exAtel) up Tithe Scat ar,
tat lu France, arpre , aly for Mr. Funnsn's Maw= In N.
ark. at an expenac of Mx Thewatal his not
muting, but con.pta et a eumblanticu ut uredratnealnatt
S ecbck. Carla ofd
' git tu.romme-ctin
ap2lll Agftl.
cit * O r inVio iientii Children
I ,_ 4 .3 5 1.
XPRESS Packet and Railroad ' 1.1.0 e for
EA Cleveland, eel/rent tel N three, Stinrep r ia g o y
alusbuzgh to Beareer, In ebtecorthoe WWI lb*
bbed Exam. Packets of Clarke, Parka a (n4g ior n Beam
be Ravenna. and the splendid new Posser,rper Careof tha
ilerelatal and Pittehurete Ake, to, in e r e bepa,
PENS, .......... ...... J /losnnut.
MAYFLOWER-- lei Inman.
litelonters hare their betiding obboote the Monongahela
!loose. no A o'clock, A. M., rounachno anti the Packets Si
hearer, which will hum, Inisdedlaaly on the antral of %ha
rwrinia, aniving at Raa in time furibe prewiTraln
bf Cars for Cleveland. Par es ... by tide the arrive at
Levehend In time 10 take the haired Lbw of !Reimers
tea BUFFALO and DETROIT.Ied the steamers for 01 1 / 2 11,
re. Mile - saki, Toledo, Fandreik) City, Dunkirk and YAW
eeneo for evening train of care for Columbus, Yeihke sad
1.11.1116ath CLARE LL, PARR,, a re i., Pronriaara,
Ree ousel.. Fs.
W. R. Ile eOBLIRAD i
. offer, under lib Charles Floral;
tact ut.dir ' Utenterelkela ilceur%
J. a:Ziatalltat,
..rue rt ,rnielifeeld - aini Water strew:K._
aid s
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals..
CLARKE. PAHES...e.—...Rocani.P.,ll.
CHAMBP.ELIS. CRAW . ..HiII ....................
iIiNHIS well known Line is now prpAtTti to
cliNtan', i i . O.V
M facilities of the Liim are naserpaared m unbar. gm&
end reiweity of Haas. elGarienm nf CePlainr,ra. l af -
Sneer of Agents.
Une Host LAVIN Pittsburgh:sad Clerelesetdallntrinii
misnecilen with a Line rf steambosis betweest:lo
IiCHOII and BEAVER, mad a Linn wf etniaboatit
threneller and verelsi on the Lskei.
• Parks C, Yonnrstown, 0;
- M. L. itriirrew 0,7
Pie=l"t=r3.t.,!".°' • 111
Co " : Rare.. Cr • •1
'2111.0.;611.11.1 rk lookiln, 0; • I
- H. A. Hiller. Gars..
Wheeler. In .t. Crt, Almon, 0.;
Ilendersen a Pettibone, EII3II4:CT CH:Tr IX:
Peahen/ Seett, TOWO.
0. Williams A . Co, Detrelt.7.alehlri.
Ham .
mA. Gi.b k.
Co.. CLiea, m, , Bliltem. WM;
Thonms Hale, Chican.lll.
'not tor. Watts aml fienlibteld em A
V l O4 SAME—d good second 'nand
V... Enquire of J. EIDD A
GU Woad et.
" cee, udi. aut. mt
Drin SAD. Cl .tr Bbd. 3,1211 uul Chma RAYS.
OP .11 k harp last 11..71.4 tlape MIN
atur.ottis C.lantrlex. gpIT
•goLLARs, CUFFS, &c.—A. A. Meson It
Ch. ore 1?... v.1a., -- .ryal , ValnatiatTraogght 0621
CWT. Urton alto. auraciutte.4 Lopq,
OCR& COFFEE—For i3ale-bv _
apli Tar. NeCXXILG d CO, Uroam
1 - kRANGES--ilaif homes, very superior, and
eopmleot sized radarm. far seetrr
{7)l. A. I.IcCLLTO *CO.
PEARL ASII-31 cask 3 for 6ale. by
401 J. l. R. 110 TD.
- • fAdams')fot
by ;:pl7 /, '7l. 6 11ith131
ItygElt-8 bbl=. Roll, forzllltliitn;
BACON -247 rk.s. Hams. Sides, awl Shoal-
Lit ders, far tale t. 7 117 J. k ILEUM&
IVOOL-3 sacks Cnt ! mon, for sale tr .
e .07 J. r.. .
lohl4. Small White, for sale by
1.11_,17 R. FLOYD.
RX450315--75 doz Carn, far sale by
•nr7 J. a- R. FLOYD.
_ ..... .._.
Tins SUM:NIEL RETREAT is ivyti- span
at the .I.mozoomodatlon of vtitort. The too.* of
lo ttl i,4ll l " rtfbr:rft,tg '"" .A . T l ~T.117.A " ."1 4 "' a
LloonMos Pl=le end Ehrobliery, rt . thy c10.1e,.,kid... pb
be ll ft ec: olo akrxr.. i rit In th e 5.,„ . 4 -. .
A'i u .' , : t :t th t!rflagbit a =e'elt-a. , ,m . *.Li......
the lierriall, PArteett Pitt WV. aro' . .be lid .../eoheor
Andy e, et the beginoinz of entry Lout—for m el ctehFk.. A_
M., 001410 P M. One extro trip oterc .ereolog, t 714
Stnooopr. •{Rithag the Smack? My are / 21, i1id16 , 51./ a
Ilrit to this perfect Flower Gorilla
no Garden it Irope or. s priariplo e and okool
00 Saolty.
- -
n R.J. J. M rgt ruld. Pbygi
mitLGold Ihviingloia's grHfa .
D, b
tfigi,. of ' his PrubirWrittlieat"4
i d
Tuition on tlie*Piano.
. .•
Nlll. F. ! !, 1 .,
3i33Gf{L'P,mould re
Lod Allectwuy b•: be u tww pre ,
perm' to 4l« • few murk pupa.. ou the Pis-U -2-7 RA
uo 1.1 In Slugiuw. )
Reies/ewe—. F. 2[w:. Kul ti , t)fr 1 r ) . 1 . 7 .).7)' Mew
Grunt, (I ourth [Uwe., Itwdsuu, Frei L r ;4641
grIASSIA--100 Mali for sale by . c,,,
%_./ &roc J. 8C1100701.5K1a t GU. :V .
"+ LE: SOAP-30 las. for Lila by
J. EC11D07:515 ICER.ECA:),
-bosATE A.mmuNin—f t
raceired cod tor 5,5, by . . .
)OWIER OF iIINUER--.4 b'.:4-IVetiALLId
br nale by 1ije...35:1.1.151R51.
N 0.57 Wood Et.'
A. re c'd tuadfor sails
1(yr1oN-42 baler ao
1.) :or mtr. I v • I
. 7
1. lot AP rri E cavr. amuu . r.i reiriets l
4,1 I chlonl, e ,
de &p 1. % TIIO3. PALLS 1t,65 Num
.7. •
kanam g from btr
If A lASI DICKEY tp.).
I Water and Insist.
• sto
. t . .
Brandies, Wines, dm.
VW AVING completed irran gements -with
I li Mower Id ifordeaux and other European mjar. tar
.egrwtion of
. ny ?Ness. 1 ant %Mr Tido?, so . oder ts
Tiltt, riti s al.n. r ' lr c. 4.{ , d ' ii;.. ' ' n ' flt • e ' Sn ' ''''' t B orsea U" •
inwourtster octant routs tsr. ,xooeind. .o dor. w
Attention is loritul w tor tr. , , below. '
HO packages Cocoa; Bordeaux. and I,,B r y.liey ,
_. li .. ' mod M piL il jo; oral da' .t.
.o hhas.Z4 4r-I:nail e, s -,Arolll3 StlC . ri, 5511
001 uirdstua q ty.
Si qr. talks, Madeira., dr ororr'
124 '. Port NV www. P.M ..). 'ad .. 4 .0,... 4 .
200 barked Ornrislirtsr Qum .... q , well room ars.
Ifoo box. elver. wit,.. Tr", b r , and Thaw ..
lou ems Santeroe and 1 eisso . w ii4C—Of.
45 calks Sauterne and dares
%WC .
16 19.1. P1' 11 , 1 - 4011 'd ,ll eiredm " gltll h ' rj. 'd r ,G i.{ n' ki7... .:
.1•.., - -. '
rgerfor OIJ J aro Suds
90 m ‘ Mraor Loudon BM Mous sm 5.4 d, A. ,..
With 1 oc - ,, qw s supply of ' mror.d , IdOmU.' rrseM as
Al:dm:Wm. drswachlur. Corr. dori.qt.. Cltcrty MA,
dr, to-
A laza stook of lIA TA.NII SICA/r5 alorara oirie.d_
AM of which 1 yid oder DO TV ''Asorarslo terra.
(k.ders will Wetmore:Ll olth A' pi ..
at loverkrate, A. 11 ' N't•A ,
im.o...ta .24. aim. SO Walnut street
mdirlawsZaidsrp) OldladalyhM.,
i .
o t
cd r:
I .
' 1
..i • '1
Where Is the trey who ,I nut smedsu t th,i
_ff , '""
to east: r base' If any th e to, we u 01.41.04, , A AMU
'elves to 1b21.. :Sat to allwl em wo LT, if 7 , 4 , AM`
send., shseing • sec • kts ofJoi4 ~...withiP
Almond PLlnchlo„, es .I.laysts e l bar inuchnuse•••• ........
10117 toopam4.l•l to pod word. 1 &lent o , th ,,, ik „,„, Illis at.
tenan—whO Ass bent osed to PI Lug, with - trill. lu k• 07 •
upon mat:o.g trial of this Ins Ch nest time. ix ~_.7.M..
stotton ol wonder. uhnl ration. a I plussure. . m •••••L•
JULYS 1147E1:0 ltd VLN CILLAM is' ',
emu:Lent, resniennu the ellthot "1 ~,,,,,,, ~..,, erow,Thvl T
sal pliale prseluessul an aolniroble laths; , l 7" bteni /OS
Lenoir MAI ucare oula,ing Na inly,,, , ...4 by It. ek .
that nsusleasant And ma *ell.: or T. 1.3 ' • lt're•••Ukk
often expertenoed atter Luling. ' Oln wltleir Is sn
Lento.. wing Jules II snel'S &hurl
~ • "; ,
th• coldest and usost„Pleraz winds I • '''' •• • • •= 271 ••••
tut. •Illsont tbo Wu L„1.,. d,,,,,,,...„ otokately eau Li
....... Oa safely y .111,, •'• • Aaul Ill.k.sts
use freest adentasste—lsba ~,,,1 ,
..”'S e tuo ws, ether.„ •
ted b hoot tan' LLte whishcre-4 ..• M•eo•k?'
"dts n coL n, t s he p e.n L o L, o
ohenicdet ag A
th '' J
"r. th .n -- "
,• .t a ut
Jule. lianas Sharing CreLo d i z r ,".-- m -
casurouseal with skit/. tO Na f l ue nor sr t u t -- • - • - •.1 .-- - , I sou..
eaten/Led tto render Lae "sue:
.th,„„ "
.., u i r -l--- .7— , —..•
•u&srAl i e olaMstal by lii . whoa Ake ulaTfOf me
- aim as cra.: ea 11,....r.;dch ,
. . , nr•ch....., '....e itaisadoli
For tea'. ord mail. by F 1.. r' to Fa c
••••a ke k. SLIM. k•ge/tigta •41• J Join u ' La ‘ L7s: ' , sad 7
Metall, ausaasar ratan. .
ri;~ : 11p° ~~
_.... m.w