The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 23, 1851, Image 3

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sc Imm
A large and res crrr o,
pectablemeetineof the Mends
of Melee General Wll/field Scott, was held, yes
terday, in the room of the Supreme Court, which
was orpnlzedby calling General William Marks,
of Robinson township; to the chair.
loneph Wall, of Elizabeth, Francis
Emu, of. East Deer, Benjamin Kelly, of Wil
kie* Erma= Pereevel, of West Elizabeth, Wm.
Mackey, of -Pittaburgh,:and Joseph Johruton, of
North Fayette, were appointed Vice Presidents.
Cap. Wm. A. Charlton, of Allegheny, Major
Suctigmas of Mifflin, Alderman Steele, city, and
_Frank Johnston, of Allegheny, were, on motion,
duly elected Secretaries.
The Men. Consellus Darragh, after the:meeting
had beep duly organized, rose and commenced
rma le h a by alluding to the meeting, which
• ins.* Tory flattering one, when the state of the
weather, and the remoteness of the period at
j i which the action contemplated in the cull, was
tribe taken. He observed there, prominent men
40111 every section of the county. This'meeiing
had been called by the friend, of General Scott,
by those who thought that he shprad receive the
nerldnation for the Presidency at the approach
ing political 'contest. Some of the General's
Mends might think tilt the meeting was proms
. tore, but be was net of that opinion, for it would
be observed that `whenevet the people, in the • ir
primary meetings, had designated the man of
their choice, eneh person became their candidate,
tad not of the politicians and managers of par
ties. This was the ease in the election of Gen.
Jackson, who wfis urged into the Prer:dtMtiell
; chair by the people, against the trinchiMery mad .
'Management of mere politicians. So, too, with
General Harrinon, and it vwes eminently the =se''
'with regard to General Taylor.
The movement:in favor of General Scott was
entirely spontaneous,' end independent of the
mere politician.,. „Meetings in his favor bad been
.tiem in every county of Gm -State. To such a
aedtch had the enthusiasm in his favor arisen.
*ma Me Whig delegation ihs Legialature had
- Utile& the attention of the people to the subject,
and Feted them to bold primary meetings on the
'skeet. It area in accordance kith that eall, that
they 'rue then assembled, and it Was a matter
• prdpiety thatthey should to assemble.
This emdrusium :vas strikingly manifested on
the occasion of General Scott's recent visit to
Pittsburgh—then men of all parties hastened to
pay the respects dee to hie eminent civil and
military abilities. The people had undoubtedly
pitched upon him as their standard bearer in the '
nett Presidential campaign, and in this State,
printery meetings -bad been held in almost every
county, trith' that view. In- these meetings, it
bad been recommended that two Conventions, an
Eastern and a Western, !tumid be held some
time during the ensuing summer, and the city of
Pittsburgh had been designated as the place for
holding the Western Convention. Common civil
ity required that'the friends of Geueral Scott in
this county, should respond to the call. He
presumed that thin meeting was called with
view of saying to the friends of that illustrious
General, in the neighboring counties, that his
Mends here would be pleased to see them bathe
propose.' Western Convention. The call for this
meeting had been signed by a large number of
• our most respectable citizens, and he thought
that to carry not the design far which they had
osserohled. a Committee should be appointed to
exprees the views, not only of the friends of
General Scott, who were then present, bat of all
613 .fricads 12 Itilerhont county, whose name was
• The hmtorrible gentleman then sat down in the
Midst of loud applause.
George Dared; Esq., moved that a Committee,
;consisting of fire persons should be appointed
f e e the purpose of drafting resolutions espy:mire
of swum of the meeting, and blew'. George
D en i er Daniel liegley,'o.-Darragh, Hiram Halt;
and w. Nage were appointed a committee for
that purpos4.
On motion ,it George E. Appleton Esq. T. J.
13igham Esq. called on to address the meet.
k w end that ge ntleman, rising, mid that he
)wed th e ° bi er .... which had called them to
. vaer was generally understood: It was to ea
' lawartbh eentimennv regard• towartbr General
Scott; "Welt so far as the' County of Allegheny,
and. the whole State of l'ennsybrania was Con
' dialed; pervaded the minds of all its inhabitants.
neytheha ins e h ie d f ee t, it' was that General
4Seittmait the favorite of the peoyle—the favorite
of the prtias.
• - The call which had assembled together,
had been ',lvied by a large number.. citizum,
in accordance with the recommendati.r of some
forty members of the Pennsylvania Lioislatura
They were sent to Harrisburgh, it wait for
other purposed, but they had deemed it their du
i ty publicly to express what they knew to be• - •,the
will of the people. There bad been a disposition
1 'manifested la certain quarters to suppose thal
this had been done out of unfriendly feelings to
'ante tho-present administration, but he begged
leave here to say, that this was an entire mis-
They had no feelings of opposition towards it,
blot were la favor of the one termprinciple. This,
tree, was not a principle adopted by the
p o b ik :vti parties, bat still its• tense was rev
them. lie refe. support of his
"blau, to the course of Prezi ent Polk; and to
the letter of'end Coss, in r ation to the one
termpr i nd o, ,Aough he wouldadmit that sofar
as regarded t h e \ tor, itwon not ho__ good;
or 141 mm, he hid excase for running a
'tenni time.
They*et there as frie Via of General Scott—
Some rMg&t be in favor 'crinnProluise Incu
utes4-4me opposed to then* but all united on
the man of their choler. They wore there to pay
& tribute of respect to the moat distinguished
General of this, or any other agif 31r. Bight=
proceeded, at some length to point . Put the Pe
ri:lllmo which the people of PennSyllmtaia had al
ways entertained for military min, comOccleing
With Wluthington, and coming - Bnm fo the days
of General Jackson and Presidents EL %miaow Ind
Ta:Tlor: Ile gave that man very little ,credit for
Vffitical pisietration who did not see t:hat Genf
rol Acott's 'ZIILCO:9 was as inevitable as l'heirs bad
Ide was the greatest military oblefteln now
Mine, not area excepting' the Duke of Welling
ton(tapplituse.) A few ices ago mllittarrmen
might L'vregiven the hero of Waterloo a pnefer.
awe ow , the hem of Londfs Lane and lapse
io__not , in now. The reputation of the colonizer
or of Napol,iton woo dimmed by that of 4lenersl
s oo t; lines isbe unparelleled military explwits of
the latter, is the Mexican War. The citailel of
‘ Vira Cruz, the Gibraltar of America had, been
taken with but little blood-eked. . Re might in
the rilaltatiost or the people, bare stood hfgher
bad he tarried it by stoma, but each was nor. hie
polity, economical
,as he was of the blood of his
soldiers; and it was for this reason that they lott
ed Wm so much.
From ths.ttime to the close of the war, his
march was characteritsed by one series of sue
ceases after another.'
'There could be no doubt as to the result—
OSUMI Scott would Itare as large a majority in
Penneylranis as
,Geneoal Jackson had (fifty thou
sand). He cared not 1. their political opponent.
enterod the field against them,.end trotted for
tbo hero of San - .ineinto—the result was
Mr. D, WWI proceeding to illustrate the high
reputation 'of General Scott, both as a chieftain
end s'elvilian, when the Committee on Resole.
time. returned, and ho yielded the door to them.
Mr. Dersie then read the following resolu
Rooked, That as hat e met together as the
Mends of Major ilcucral Winfield Scott, to ex
press our admiration for his character and our
Wine of obligation to him, an American citizena
he his many and important cervices, military
,Ned civil; that as a military leadef - ,-he has ez-
Nted talenta for command that give him just
t hi t ,ssi to rash ire the first captain of :he age;
t h at , t o the serious and mined duties be ban bean
Called ut son to perform,lic has acquitted himself
ably anti Nnotably,' mud invariably with eine
m, t h at :,, t •.the different capacities of military
leader neat no,;totiator,' be bas - in instances
a m . hu nt & Om warm and devoted *friend 'of
peace, and hinnelf with honor, cour
age and patriotism'
iterolref,... For the ‘e reasons, that we highly
&ppm,* .of the recomlnendation of the Whig
esombeis of our Siam LeXislature, that Gamma
' Wonzart Score be placeut is early 120Minitioce
tbepeople of Pentisylva.'da, as their calnli
data for the Piesidency Ib' 6 -: and that, in iirr-;
cordatitatherewith, we pledge Olie'letivit*sootere
f thr. nd &way; azird chew-
Re 11. 1 ,411. Thar wehigidi aPpritee of the res
olution, oksimaii at a Meeting of .the 'Mends of
Genets! Scott, in the county of Union, held on
the l7th of February last, and expressed in the
following 164 E -"Re.4olTed, That we recom
mend to all Mae frieze* to the nomination of
General WthirsiD.Setrer for the next Presiden
cy of the United States, to hold two conventions
on the 20th August next, (the anniversary of the
battle of Churubtisco). Those residing west of
the Allegluary to meet is Pittsburg, and Moth
east in the city of Philadelphia."
Bombed Therefore, in pursuance thereof, that
Western Convention of the friends of General
W,lnfield Scott be held is the city of Pittsburgh , .
ofthe twentieth day of August next.
Rego/red; That the friends of General Stott be
iovited to attend said Convention, 'from all of the
foHowing counties: Armstrong, Bedford, Beaver,
Butter, Cambria, Clearfield, Claric; Crawford,
Erie, Elk, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jef
ferson, Lawrence, Mercer, 51'Kean, Potter,'Som
emet, Veriango, Warren, Westmoreland, aid
Washington, and that we, the friends of General
Scott, of the county of Allegheny, pledge one
reins to cordially end zealously unite with them
inlet active and honorable measures to carry out
the purposes of these resolves.
I Rualred, That this meeting respectfully invite
the friends of General Scott to meet in their res
' peetire counties, and send delegates to the West
ern Convention.
'Rezaked, That we unanimously approve of,
anti ?expend to the resolution of our Scott friends
is Huntingdancounty, at their great mass meet.
tog, held at Huntingdon on the 16th DIM, and
expressed in the following words
" Reitlvri, That with General Scott as our
leader in the Prelidenial campaigo of 1852, we
go into the contest with a confidence that
inspires hope, and a seal that wins victory.
Resolve, That we agree with the Whigs of
rates county, In relation to the importance of
holding two bites Conventions, on the 20th of
August "next—one for Western Pennsylvania in 1
the City of Pittsburgh : the other for Fasten'
Pennsylvania in the City of Philadelphia—and
that we will send any - required, number of dele
gate* to the latter.
"Reoolved, That we view any attempt to pre
vent an organization io favor of General Scott,
at this time, an the ground that tho movement is
premature and injurious, as disguised opposition
to his selection as the candidate for President in
Resolved, That a committee be appointed from
this meeting, to extend an invitation inita name,
to the hied' of General Scott, is the counties
tiazted, and, also, a committee to make the ne
e arrangement, for receiving said del
ertotes, to b e , vidled the Committee of arrauge- •
/*solved, That a committee of ten be ap
pointed, to Invite the citizens of the West
ern unties to send delegates to the Cowen
11 Ted, That a committee of twenty be ap
pc' to provide a place for the assembling o
said, Convention, and to act generally aa a com
mittee of arrangements.
Frederick Kay,t,EBq.; moved their adoption,
and they were carried unanimously.
Darsie moved that the officers of the
meeting appoint the committees named in the
resolution, which was carried.
The Committees coastal of the following per
On, Invitation—Messrs. T. J. Bighain,•.Pred_
G. Kay, Capt. Wm. A. Charlton, Francis Karns,
John' Toung,, Jr., Uriab Applegate, Capt. Robert
Porter Leonard S. Johns, Andrew Bayne,
Ephraim Jones, Jr.
Of. Arrangement—Jos. Dunlop, Daniel Me-
Curd,r, Wm. J. Madelra, , Ales. Richardson, Jos.
H. Stwell, John Morrison, Alex- M. Watson.
John: WO, Hiram Holtz, Erestsui Pereirat
Jacob Alter, Maj. Wm. A. Shaw, Captain Alei.
Hay, 'Erasmus Cooper, Geo.E. Appleton, Samuel
11. Marks, Hugh McCormick, John Dyers, Mat.
thew West aml Snodgrass.
On Imotion of George Darsie, Esq., the pro
ceedings Were ordered to be published.
The meeting then adjommed with three hearty
cheers for Gem Scott
Tun Conerna.—The Councils act on Monday
night to hold an election for Weighmaster and
City,ienessor, to fill vacancies occasioned by the
death of Mr. A. M. Rartupee, and the resigna
tion of Mr. John Rippey. The result was as
For City durum -
rossmaud. .
Aicirew Humbert, 17
&96n A. Parldnaon, 12
Whefenpon Andrew Humbert. was declared
duly e acted.
For WeigAst44er at the Nantrt.
Freer 'Llano!.
.Dnrid Boyd,
Jease Young,
A.[ Parke,
No talon.
Dooid Boyd.
Jepe Young
A nuke.
Mr. jiuung VMS :ben declared to be duly elect
JENST LlND.—PreparAtions for the grand =-
curt of T p'enny Lind, are being made an the Mn
sonic aIL There will be thirty six rows of
e l no
seats are the stage, each calculated to sent
thr ty ns, and 20 rows on each side of th e
stage, esigned to accomodate twenty persons
each. t will thus be seen that the Masonic kfall
will tain eleven hundred and twenty persons,
egich one of whorl will have a comfortable 'seat.
Sir OC •• NO Inrnarr.—A young lad named
Thomai Walker was crushed to death on Monday
Fifth S. . He was about twelve yea v y Td Coleman & Co's rolling mill , in the
inrs of age,
and ha just commenced working on whet is
termed I the "night turn." It is supposed that
he had gone to sleep on the "plate bearer," idi
tuediateV before the rollers, and that his chitties
had bee caught by them, thus drawing him ha
tweentlie l m, and causing his instant death. The
poor fee ow was crushed to fragments, his body
being • . need to an almost IrrecOrnimble heap
cf flesh , .ci banes.
&nit us ACClDLii.—While some workmen
were engaged in excavating a cellar in Chancery
Lane, yesterday, a wall, one of the relics of the
great fire of l NU, fell upon two of them, They
were thin resorted from their perilous condition,
and were, found to be-ao severely bruised and
to 3lercy ficispital, where they now are. • We
did not learn their nears.
HABLAS CORPUB.—Henry Co;, committed
to pri on Saturday, charged with obtainiag a
house der false pretences, was yesterday hrol
befani Court of Quarter Sessions on a writ
of ha . emus.
us. The Hon. Moses Hampton,
'his cour . wl, entered into a learned discussion on
the law on the subject, and his client was dis
TOZSDAY April 22.
, Bon. Wm . B. Slut - late, 'President
C. d, Wm. Boggs Associato Judge.
The • of the caws of the Commonwealth vs.
J. 6. Lt hole; Indictment Libel, was resumed,
end a n mber of win:teases were examined
M . Brady arid Stowe addressed the Jury
on behal of the Commonwealth, end the Honor
able C lee Stotler for the defence. No ver
dicthad ten rendered when the Court adjourn
Comm nwerdth re. Jacob Harbert indict
ing a tippling honse.A verdict of guil
ty was tamed, and the Court sentenced the
defenders to pay a Cue of twenty dollars and the
costs of prosecution.
The de Idle of the nets case were unfit for
NAPOLStall'il FITNIRAL.—The Dial'anonsmic
view of- Napoleon's Funeral. at Wilkins Hall,
will be 4ibited this afternoon at three o'clock,
sad in the evening to commence at eight o'clock.
The last exhibition will bo given tomorrow eve
ning. Thts curious triumph of mechanical skill
. itt most pleasing effect, and we take
pleasure advising all who wish to pass a plea
sant hour to pay it a visit. The exhibition this
afternoon' for the accommodation of families.
Gaeta'. PASIOBAHA.—The Pinot:um a the
Much= river, and scenes in Virginia, is eftll
open at Lie Atheneum, and attracts large and
well plowed audiences. An exhibition Tor the
bench& of families will be given fhb's afternoon.
Q, UG A R LEAD-1 cask White for vale by
a., alb .I..',CIIOONMAKEII 4 CO.
LINSIIED 01L-13 easkil,;7l -- "irrantecr fur
talc bt , Wu J. ECHuOnIAKER A CO.
- k. 1 ,; CIIESTNUTS--jui4 rcu'd at 156
•t by 011 A. V , CLQRG A CO.
Grucer, and Tit s Dealer,
___ —„..
.100 drums Smyrna Fig.
wt... Extra Ele • d n ' ) emc eed and
r low by o'3l. A:!icaocri. CO,
= LIMAS etmet.
gale •el
~ I
Bordeaux Sweet
fteeb.p.AMAS aml I'4 eal!br
.vl6 ' , A A. meureo
AZID.PS (nucceessor to E. Rous.ll) JENNir
ul Relic GWES—A. Ne sad ae n luable article
teeth . ..ft and ortoothtta the hue. awl to Iput • beau
tiful 1— tree Item entwines.. For nae te•
a le It -.E. sr.Lccut, Si Itc.l arm.
I BITItER-10 bb!s. 'fro bhrecCiving
ca. by • 'PALM A, CO. •
Libmy rtsret.
40E9E-50 boxes W. R. receiving and
acatta roe - • R. DAL7XLL4 00.- .
UNA:MS-40 boxes just :wired arrd
'sap br 111111**MOS 1N0101.14
1 1 Alliata. detra,
Daniel Webs ter
made an . Roams, April z 2.14
eloquent speech
morning to large multitude who bad essem this
in from of the Revere HoteL
Nrer Voltz., April V.
No tidings of the Asia yet. She is .id es ,,
bly behind the Peetlee time.
Jenny Lind has sent $3OOO, and Mr. Bsiaum
$1500„to Maj. Taylor, to be, disposed of as he.
thinks mostjadicions, for the relief of &aunt°,
tunate and distressed in this city.
In addition to this, Mr. Barnum had previous
ly siren about $450, the amoruit received for ad-
mission to the auction of tickets, for the same
Al 22.
Flour—Tho market is quiet, with ( al e s of a
few hundred bbl.Sgood brands fdr export at $ 4 ,-
5404,624 ri f l bbl.
Grain—Only a small umountof Wheat Is of
fering. Saks 3000 bu prime White at 106 c
Corn is in moderate demand, with salsa 6000 bu
yellow at C61466e 11 be, afloat . 1
Whiskey—Sales at 24c in bbls, with a mode
rate inquiry.
Flour— Aprill 22.
The m.arket is unchanged.
Craist--IVbeist is in fair demand. Corn opens
with less firmness that yesterday, at fitiEf..ffiii
for round and Eat Yellow.
Proviziont—Aiwa Pork is unchanged. Prime
is selling at $11,76, for old, and $l3 for nen.
New mess is held at $14@16.12i.
Linseed Oil—ls steady at 76c for English.
!{Wool—The. market is inactive, and holders
has* a desire to selL
April 22.
Cotton—The market Le dull and heavy, with
miles of 1600 bales at yesterday's decline.
Flour has declined Go t 3 bbl, with sales 6,000
bbla at $4144€1 9,60 for common to straight
Orals—Whent class*. without change. tales
1200 bu Ohio at 10.0 e bu. Corn closes at a
decline, with sales of 18,000 at 67f1 pl hn.
Provisions—Pork is doll and unchanged.--
Salea 400 ten him+ and shoulder.* at 7 and 9c 1 4
lb. Lard is firm at 9io
Cattle—The market it active, and beeves are
selling at 7e...9c
April 22..
Grciceries—Sales of GS hhds Porto Rico Mo
lasses, at 281 . ? gall; sales 228 hhds Porto Rico
Sugar at $5,•5@.,20 '11 cart 277 MI& and 20
tierces Cuba Sugar at $5,406.5,9011 cwt.
Plour---Sales 400 bbls Howard street brands,
at $4,62, and 2000 bbls City Mills, at
Grat-Sales red wheat at late; saki white
core at 62€,630. arid of yellow at 63(4;04e; Oats
are selling at 40@,42e # bu,
Whisker—Sales at 2be "ft bu.
Baeon—Sale, 60 klub sides at 9e 1 1 lb .
April 22.
Flour—The market Is quiet, with 'Wm M $3,60
bbt '
Prorisions—Saleo 400 hhila bacon shonlilm
bird. $4,90®56 1 4 cwt. Nothing doing in pork or
Whiskey—ls rather lower, with tales et 171 e
14 gall-
Groceries-Sugar is very firm, and the market
buoyant Sales of low fair at Ge, and of fair
at 61e ? lb. Coffee is In fair demand, at I
Sale. of prime Molasses at 24e ti 4 gall.
The river is stationary.
• April 22.
There is only a slight business doing, with no
important change., except in Provisions.
Grain—Salon of Wheat at 781g78ki fel ha. Re
ceipts of Corn axe heavy, with Wes at
Zl•ba, for mixed and yellow, and 40n for white.
delivered on board. Oats are heavy at 87®38c
rrorisions--.The market is buoyant. Sales of
mess Pork at sl3,2s—holders asking $13,40 ?
bbl. Sales of prime at $11,25 ^g/ bbl. Sabra No.
1 Lard, in bbla arta tierces. at and in
kegs at 5je,.8.1 . 0 lb.
Bacon is brisk, at 01(E41 forshouldera; of ,nb
bed sides at l'i(li.7/t and of clear do B(it.kle
fb Sales of pain barns at eter,, , ilol-1 frt.
Whiskey--Nales at. IS4Cailk %)
Hemp—Sales at $72,6 . 06095 11 tan.
Lead—Aso declined, with sales Upper Mines.
at $4,2.5 1.1 cot.
The riven, IT.r, and narigaunn difficult The
Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers are in 70.1
boating order. The riser here, le at stand.
with plenty of water th,catta
Freights are Oem for .'New iirleasis it the fol
lowing ratec—Flour pork SOc - t 4 bbl. Ro
sen and Lard _'Oc '"C4 crt. hemp toe. I
Leadis 15c1.1 cwt.
A. MASON & CO., 62 and 64 Market Bt.-
<rill op., this toonth2s. `2) cane Pere*.itit
-100 boxes Gm. Chem:
errs. "
000 " Pure Ea DraMS
ri.bbL Peatir.
" Unwed Oil:
buthcly Dry eearYmm
. ♦ Dbl. B.C. I ld r triwo U.
100 dat. Broom.
W bbl. Roll Bltter.
• 12 tcr.
146 10 bP1.1r.....D0kr. rtoreard tea ste
J. D. CAN)
po i TATOES---40) hu. Neahannock, for sale
.05 a: a W. HARRAUGLI.
IFIRIED PEACHES-50 bags fur sal° by
_KJ aplt fi . tF. BARHAM!.
HERRING-100 Able. N.. 1 Gibbed, for
mak by .p 1.5 B. 1 Oi. 11.A.R.1410GYL
0 bills N 0.3 Ln for
.1,1 1 1:ZrOf ' RE . 1 7 43 1
RBI4N-100 bbir. (Boni, makers' j for sate
by spl.s U 1 W. 1M1L1161.1011.
1 0,DFISII-21.100 lb,. for mile byJßD—
„jos , 24Nr. 111 A RBAUG
.p 1.6 100 kegs
for ewl 6v
IO COFFEE—ISO sacks prime green, for
splb Ifea
stele by A. CU LEIRETSON CO.,
berty et. Li
LOUR-100 bbl.. S. F. for sale by
FLOUR --A fresh supply of the. celebrated
Pwlaad 31111 31.yar, for bmilyare. Jun reed and AA
by apl6 AA:UBE/MON A CO.
1 UOAII-35 hhas. N. 0., for male by
NAILS -300 kegs ass'd, for sale by
aolb . A. CULBERTSON &
LA 3 )1!) S. pure, from
West/00ze2444 comity, Fr lote by
AVIS • JOHN WATT ` COQ Liberty rt.
, AIMON-31) bbln. and hf. 1)01. Nu. 1, fur
0 by ADIS , Jnimi WATT A CO.
HERRING-10 bblm. No.l (new) forsaleby
cc •N 6 BURBIUDIA a 1N01114.111,,..
SHAD -10 413. No. 1 (new). for sale by
Dynamos 4 MIRKA% •
6616 Nu 116 16616664•66.
!OAP--110 boxes No. 1 Rosin;
mellt Ibr - 0010 by R. A. CON IN r,
sot& N 0.329 Liberty ,t.
"IJIA.P.ER lIAIVGINGS—From 0 14 cts. to
15 SS Wood ot.
KAKE .t ooTi l l s t agn e. 2.,:effile
AD. VALERIAN—WO lbe. for Halo by
apll R. E. SELLERS. 67 Wood rt.
CALABRIA LIQUORICE-1 case for sale
by sylo R. K. lELLERO.
PINK ROOT-200 lbs. for sale by
.516 R. E. SELLERS.
PAPER HANGINGS.--Quaker styles, just
rft'd awl for bee by W.l'. MASS ALL,
W/.5 Woc.l
'PESTER CENTRES, of Gold and Velvet,
on Battu Rpm for 8818 by_
apls W. Y. 31.111.311 ALL . 85 Weal rt.
New Hoods Now Arriving.
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD are now ciai•
IT oPaain their meow/ supply of Goods Co. the
mama. sad laeite the rails of their regalia. cast/antra and
b 7f(p r :tral Y inoratlng. BONWETI3 and BONNET RM.
Opened an Saturday, new styles of Merrimack Prints
ahia, sap.r. Ihreltehdo., only I per ) std.
Moose, altd,mtbatinnle Diapers. Tilde Cloth:,
Linen an Slustin Shertrods, Case do.. lapel,. Nap .
kins, Qui d ts WA Counts rile eit, Furniture Cant/T. Windt,.
CurtiCurtain Manaus, dr.,--a full asaartristot now spialog at
East tarn, of Fourth and Starke, .do. of
ACES. 1 A MASON CO. have
roorly oivolroa of I/chianti. relent Vrod
a lj
o rolls £, toner do.. W.I. keen. Paul
Vear.Lo.e d.
UTS--50 bu.'Cheutnuts;
,4 btag: Hickory Mute: for ale by
srl4 J,D.IyILLIASIIS /1 00.
1 •
I IRE KINDLING-100 packs Cheever'a,
for tale by .04 J. D. WILLIAMS a Cu.
POTASH-10 casks f ll_ 0014 . 3.r. i
r t , iol v o u bL utt,
recd and for tale by
V. 7. \VtLOON. 147 trout .t
BACCO-20 boxes low priced s's, reed
.4 ft.. fate br & T. WIL:kON
D - RIED — BEEF-1,700 lba. prime, for vale
crmer littb 55J Wood strrela.
PAPER—Justrec'd, another large
v tot .r Elmira of beautiful tattarae. aad at
prem, fur b r a ebers. dialog moms , of
w a able d. YALMY.It. ad Market et
.1%/I OIA6BEB-75 bbbs. to arrive for sale by
1.1 saa Buzizuoz • ikaraux.
Jut, The
<Mae ' otumor tl
For frelst
lava for Beaver sad all In •
.molar'' ,
t or tease. Inman m toast:
.4,13Lertmac....n....tu Lave
and Interansibde oorts on Wednesday
eters.. at 4 o'rket.
For frtioht or reasslOU 4DPIT on board.
did roamer 146S1fletTOS, Capt.W.ean,
1 loarelbr tba stn. and all. Interlard
XIS. 0 0,47. tbe =bit, at 10 o'clock, e..m.
Or fnugut or VWMgr 1n17.1 oir board. illf , r
FOR ST. LOUIS, Galena, Du- ,-
ae. and St. Patera, direct.—The Inn.
atoarr 'n saamer EXl•Rl:lift Haalett, muter ,
rill leave for tha above and an traritrrarrr P.M .., WI
day. at 4 P. M.
Ent freight or Mange. apply on board. • ap . J . y
iEOR NASHVILLE—The fine 'ii,- t ;
denorer SIATFLOWFM. Hegel. =Nem rxv
rave En the abate and Interatedlatoports." - -.
on fhb der. the 23d, at 4 r. M.
For freight or naaange, irldr en beafd..• fd
TILE new and Cast running . gtr. CASHIER,
J. 8. hieblu.taY. Master—ltegtuar Wellsville, 8:40/
banyilla, ellsburg, WhaleUlm, aridgepart. Captbaa, sad
Sum/eh Ibtekt—Pares Pitesb/ugh erat7 WWlrded B F
dal.k. P. 31, fur Wbetd/ag nal Bridmeertaad. ergry
Wen S vt3 P
; !1" k' M ‘ ora rtfe
_74..T_T ° l ' l,tl
Bed error/ aad ' W - 17/ 7 / l lng every -ajar/7 arni marraw.
4 P. M.
Far /bright wad plunge apply se beard or ta
mcb7 Jews tacit, AWOL
D. P. lillenot, ISlLiter, bare: Wellwille e'en' /:
Wrdatreaf , 1.114137, ate cfclee.t..L. 3L, /or East Li
e/Teel, inassag,Mayerrards Landmg, Bens[. aad Pitt.
Pgly L :arge t =l:ll.7;,%.,7, ' „ fa',"4,7At
tag, dlseatow. East Lim/yen% axed Weturrille.
Fe: ftelabt or palmy", apply en board. SO
WHEELING PACKET.-11n saleadkr
t"-.4:7 ==traFfstkih a rtAZNl.
.112 . Vi= , 1 , Vtg e T•E triz
Elm" Wlwelize ibunticy r n
In •sela vtek. Fur troglargintrja.„...?:.
PACI.II.i,CINCIIIN ATI f4tabb Joan '
naive... Tbis nylimild biLliiiwindit by
the 0w... cf Ute WU...yr luwc N•wtini, siall tarry; In
41. Cliwitgiwil ..d Pit...4th litigig trade, sag will Imiwy
1MY N 1 , 14.1.1t . Yrnyclbeiciabtl. hay/14mM 1101. Aim king.
car ad''''
17. rfflYttgliMEli k rgiir
- If ' MARIETT .4 A At" , ..". --- - -
istmue<F ClO4.
.. ,Idard
t.. 11 . 4 ' PA , rr.rriggl b :4 ' : PA • ri Vettk
Fur f [...lett or pasta ,r .wolf on velum, or to
No. G 1 W;tor t. r " Z l l2 P ro o .lati.
RI9ttLAR PActirr.—The spletalld
fest runol. wars loat CIIIEFTAIN s E. T.
'HEEL Mask, Plll ogaraynse . thy 15th la.L. toßtaky
respOr trips to. the cal of the OH Allrghrar Bridge.
iSt CLIO strect,) ciorty hoar common.. at 9 o Hat. A.
I. amt ersolltulag autll thAbodeascloso. Sh• will land
op the Allegheny oaks, fry thy aecornorstelost of pa...
On. al all other pc... Rif - Extra TrIP 111 o' -
i clack, . 31. aph)
4,Eirtiaft - WifiEL/NO - AND ---
eUN7IBII PACE ET-21w fuO rtusaingiat
cy WELLSVILLE. Copt. B. Icogg. llt not as • rygulay parrot !sows. Pittsburgh. lihrellng.
Ilsidaspol, mad Sualors,l.ll. Pittsburgh every Monday
along. fur irelloille..Bt.kratillsk Brigegost.. atal
ry Fhorabsy aftensoo rossabesolLha. WhYslirsg.
Bridgeport. 11kAltuassalFuaftstE nturplcY. learcall . ri4s.-
riVry no ilklry ' V h s.
1... Pt or PI IfrbEl I W. B. WE-ELLER. µnod. are '
stasair PIL W heeling. Crataytaasto.
will Illtsb O a T
ryh Ere Cc Hea r a.I
lry Router ani Th.klay, et '3 siderite. ;Ls. returning
eery. 8.5.0 t and
Captlas, Wheystliag .d Ibttaturgh, ro
c,/ TUYAIay ated Friday. at 10 coot. a. tr. Paoympsys
aad shit/pose.. depokl tspola this bout tonal. rego/arly
he lor wm.
Per r a .
P. 9 . ate lfr. •PPI r on ho.rJ. aseble
11117aADELPNLi AND lin:spoor.
11. States Nall Steamship Line.
17 CRADLES STODDARD. Commander. _..F...= -
U.S. of steamship Creme. Coo.) - woo t 4
Th. avert and poorrefu L l American rtes.- • -
ship Liatittm, (11a.ries Stoddard. Cmcauarater, Nen
planed op this Lino. to min bet.... PhlledelphleMuld Lbe ,
wool, and will Lai/ her te,/ i rtbtr t irdefileVlTbarf. far
t o te m regtar. is writ In
the most subotantCl maitorr, both as regards hull uld ma
chlne/T, bur Doers diaconal trams thlmmtiout, similar to
the fastenings of thy rthamerrot Winne Line, sod in et
eePtitePs. tuthl allmtin point of etrend th sod me dealt
tie/ to say .trainerpus
setthect ute Ithdublemed he comfort and elevate.
'At= or rassict.'
Ladle.' Saloon Stater:Lc,. -
Persons robns to the STorld's Ur are Infbrtml that
curd. Vete..lll be toned Ins a limited number of true
^them,al' e l
them ample time to visit 10d. and motel'
the priumdel cities lu humpe.
nrrtelno 111,
oltport.oool same4l
areempeute• rtes •hle.
PZlribt=srrT4f, " o/1 " rill Cst ) Ohle. 'no t ,04, 1.1.,,pu.1 Jam.
•ad wo., ITrok etcut the mkt
41. Jul,
11. tOlo or Jae. air
EA. Stelinfi T i t C 0... Welnut at. t
JOHN:L. LINTON, Len/bent a. Where ihtra.
A‘ent et Lly•rpool. JArtas Ma.ll7llT.PrAt.
Ar a
c o a lo.
. r Patbo o g on d Chvreb M J. s iholtc. FLOIYD el
Ohio Laboritoxy
7 . 6 am:* go)
WO SO 4111 95 NV;
85 99 '"l.4'-'s-
Per cent. Strtngth.
°WELL FLED - TEE 1. Cr, , MauutLett,
LA Por-orntr for eologror nod Ilrae,
arcs, Copper Iftettlio4 Vapor ,eleea 7 r oc,
r cf rant and etrrr, Cosa me Oh,e
order. from Pitt:blare. . proclrrl , Airs
Ifelrebt roarkot rav: ar17.11
818i11e2.11 Biotic°.
LL linring
rz e .. 2 .. ..13.1-estf n.4=7; Pll L ml= I. nstsinne
C^ k eter ' t ' fal Cottro r t ' .%ll,7 ' i ; ” ' nt d 9 tilt 11=7
CY. atid tniso n 1.4 P. SI. Ilsrehaete in want ol mopes
tent Look Lanier* can supelnd br elating on
JOHN Principal Instnutor
erg in the Men. Of Asconnts.
,t 1 rui AR GAlNS:—Teactleis , and
dlies wishing to Donna. teJna
b • ftebnnl boots. Classic Test Woe, no.-
thedud bargains by calling I=vitsliatelyat
the Estocatlcesal nook Store, adjoining In. nnortes trim
mons, esissnr of Market and Fourth eta 7/011 evtablirkr
runt I. about dad.; on. and .ii/ bell any of the abets
works at Oat.
aloa--ClUt..4 t Ural. •alu.lle Poota a, marUent ttack
411" sale at coal CaU aortas Ulf prexat week oal7. .
room Is row fl.r raft ter? low. It Las jail iota
with • lasuliful flout. Le.
Lewia's Patent Re versible Water PRter
S NOW to be seen in operation at W3l.
TATE CO.I. Plumbers, No. 10 fMytb meet,be
eery and Liberty gre mod at I'HYOII wn.Ers,
io 10 . arket eteset. Patel. rgb. liter hgverreired
1. Odd Medal from the Am:6nm logittne of New Yolk,
...tin • Certificate from the itnittklin letetitate of Thiladel.
ells Itti sopvekvlty elestating propelling Lan also
•ertiniwtee from thme barley them In umln Phileatelphi.
e which the following am inatopiew
galtenttrale, Starch Mith, 1U1:
It item me great ploneure momotnend to the been of
Pore. dem water, the Patent rimandble Water .111isetraw
vented by .11r. lamb, Haring mewl one of them foe mem.
— at b ilV°4ll 4 rUbllV'irirert :
"Parlamente t Af5er.b21441641.
Tbe Patent Beetteible Water Fanner. Invented er Alto
!unmet 11. Lewin, and toed by me for gene month..{
private ninginow. ta all that any person could wish.
t Lemke.. mankler it • privilege to hate 0 in my powerto
temmmend It to the nubile. JONAS P. VA/IMAM/It
No. S Bummer street.
N 13.—Etesouttoat Canishis sal Agcntm would do well to
nittleveLlue oa r raw.. for altering water le
1 . 1.• entering the boilers, by which wane they will Nave
tit least 111 u yrs, In mei and repair of boilers. All our
Biltem naresoled for Site yeare,atut with rue 0111 UM
, 1
—epl;ut AWCI4;;;CPIII;iiii .
(ore the Nett York
plan,/ a eery 'UN Nor Wanorahin, for the tele of CM.
on. Curtain Materiels, and rrrrr thing nopertatinioll to
the fashionable odder, sod have selected the largest and
mod Impeller sasortotent of Soho De Law., broOotele,
Prefect, sod derma& Dastwak A. Leto., ehtillah Datuakk.
amus e
Torkey o lted Woods, Lrgez, ,,, gosir ad'
God or garent ohltbs th' , Go rden aldittorant pelage
nod dyke. Dad Mats. Witolow Alin& nod Shadea.Contaio
Border. sod Daddy, Curtain Pine, tousle and Taste! Dot s 4 !
tkod. Silk and Worded, Del Chlntsas maul rthlllell, Dar.
erlllre and Duarstrter Counterpane, sod odeonl
Comfort., Matra..., Dote nod
AU °oleo, thankfully twolved nod pptly Oile d. sold W 34. NO romdreet.
(Mama i tt. Pnvormau. A
&maws th,Acr, April .2, 19 51.1
ii;;EALED PROPOSALS will be received at
thts lit o'clock. 20th dar of April. Ittstoffiv
the delverylof the following artitin,for the woof Me AM al
the 0 e diatioe ilwpital. new ads City, until the 30111 dad'
af June,
Beef.... bee. vowed* from bole, prim per puma
Breed, each loaf to weigh one
Houma Puma or the tea
Mee ..
Tee Hymn
Klee flow
tia .... candift
nutter, best quality_
Flow, best sowed....
Por tripe
Wood " cord.
All of the foreg M oing artkles to be of the eery tot
Ot t . and he furnished .0 such that. sod In iota 4,004 t •
Pm as on the requisition of the &avert of the Ilespitsd,
approved hy the Oureaver may he requited.
Aur other ottleies, that may be Panted. [kg mutractor
to runtish Cl tba Merest ma rt et rims.
It Is estionitsd that the nuher of PatieoW to "?I
OM 1011 average about 20 per m
day. In abitttoti to ee l,
three .111 he evict 10 officers end rervauts to be supplktl
Au) lutnnatian oneurulug the contort, 7111 kiveu
ePV!,,fid-hitt thee trace. Pi 0004.
alid—On Surveyor and 4 44 U. ti..3lavins Ilaaptta l.
vista—no ream 24 by 35 Pruatiu Para;
boo 21 by 43 bY 31. : 2
e r . A b„ ,ls
••, blp.
D o, *l4 Paf7r.
TOO " Mont.
ZZO 51.1 mm .1131.1 e Crown Raz
Pb. onderaicard k••ro bri "f t ., 1 7 01 of
tltt7f Vn i l=:3ld ' in " l' spun 13 cußet
A Ino—FrVing of all the, for pr retaraufarturrir•
I'matlay flyer made to only, ape
febl6 corner of roan awl Irwin, au.
Morris' Celebrated Teas.
mood, Aldan emu Manual alley.
Semilern Family Tea.-- ..... rfie.
PreeOrly • soma Moan oflllsok Tea that ar• saki fa
EoklOonntry 4 and ha. and ars saill /it
artablienment at LC and 7Dc. *. Thew Inn of
csenm4 t•atamo aYU oih. Mom Fitintinr&h.
.. .-~.. ... _ 1;-;-~.
half of a large • Ware- za
Y; klb= k trazfar.,a ,
03.r.laLekrut. will to lw. For terms
arlOirt J. MILLS Ak 84" 146 Wan. rt.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale: —
FOUR LOTS, fronting 8f) ft. on Liberty et.
10 R. dto de Brewery cum:ods knownao
l imadoslos /pt.' Ills %sporty will bo sold Tel
spa ow, If spollod -
JOHN tu WATT 00..
Valuable Property for Sale.
IBE SUBSCRIBER. offers f9r sale a Calna
.l,ll6Elllz: proliartAbl e tlleght
. Sttr,
feet ha R
6eenid Wee,. nit property_ id_ritoatett r ltinutedlate.
=th * Of fi arfllregTrftger. Igie U rn V r eLlirlrotra e f
Mown ou the premises, which rent for Sithil per ammo.--
0g ° "&14, 2 i '.1 6 .4«.".11"1g1 4 ft ft'Ols I t ill ie /i
and part of the putehaerniono r MI remain sw
and oe the ground. In q uire of the enbetrilwr on the
puma.. inpailm) JOHN TuovPio.
• For Rent
A Small well finished and completely fur
stews st,s, next dere to tlir roataltatse.
F., . AZZA3L
Irci.72 Liberty NV bet D vern G 341 otrd ltlftt L
.(Port tald'lributto copy)
Desirable Suburban Hesitance for Sale.
THE subecriller offers for sale the house and
tn, „ z =ds when hem. ratan, lanalcd me Pact et, be
t AUegbeny. end about to dudes' oak tom
are manta of this city. Thn lot is 140 &taut =Part et,
000010 0 td.X. 2/2 fret, to an alley—contanlng nearly one
aro a ground, and re bounded on weer-reap by large open
lote, Waned- with trees gal hrubbery. The hn..; In
needy raw. liege; and exceedingly well wrouga, haring
n hunt of C4thef, pad • d ..reth o'7ll and contd. fnurtern
roue, belLies bah, Wm feet wide. 11. Li Valli. la the beet
tot mutt durable manner, rad tax • tre.proof roe& Illa .
WOW= all the modern oonyerdences. Two paw, nlth
a. tanning ncpply Ohm! and ara water. are at the
Ou the prank. are the cocusenry out buildinza sr de,
carriage bowery he. The gradate are o r out mo th a
I . 44 u n k cogn.l w .4 lth choice fruit trulerrerr, bmriv, rna, f
rarnien. The trult==st r red mut Unit:recs . In
, i
1 11 _,Or. hrtnernnd 'tett enough Ibr U.: trantr of an ordi y
a.. 0;• The =att.; at thie property. as to caulnity god
entrust. comae ..r.; =raced with onalgulty to the thy,
to not Ehrpereett by shy 1 . 11.1-jetts in Ibis r lelnity. It boo
• slor Of :Z. ()Me River rlar eery • mile. of Temperance
rine, edoth PaibungWy, th e two riven, and the
,lin grvical, truing • hauclautic Frame+ of 1
Wulal tne eye nem wear et ihrlT twat olden enter. or
alrgf°Till'e.,V°' Pg
'' =1 '. .1.7 lirco=t2
reed0 , ..41 (m 41.10 atCheyr..., • d u n. ma dgettructive a
rota.. ara lognetion, and al/unle • retirement an oulet .
and peaceful an 1C1=41.14 ictoennuelet auk to tte country.
the property 1016,4111 at • Lerman, lad pceonclon rprren
o cuer e c dalred. Lour:ire at the lneetteahee.
a01....."..111 ,
For Bele.
members of the Fairmount Fire Com.
A ji.igranLibt We It I. In nundzm,i :zu i%
NW 409 Penn elect?.
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
ounocnbei kern for mar Um Oak:ming plmas of
orou Inv •
: Nu. 1.. Leta rim of lots, In tb. tirlob
Ward. rash lut loins 24.frer h y lOC Itisys L . M. art pima
antly situated, mid flu le told rt n hargnith m Its ha um
hren at a distance. and wisbse m dDrom f them.
num In[. at Ina cornar of Ifmd strrot and Dm
itsem SVny--adimitsgwitudy locantl ibr tilbst huslamehr
yenta maims..
No. 2. Ten Lois In ilia Inmorrit of
stilted Ihr pri-Ms residtmor, """'"M.'
well 4. Tmtira Acma a Land In Tathlea tontoll TU.
toorerty I, admirably ny country Legg . but
Mort dolanya tom cry lb/mm.4 mintinlos the Itsilmant
iu Zlo • ims lay on %slater amen tem Mut, 24 fowl hi
:LD—N.I. T. 2, sod 4. arill he sold on It422llPlic only a
triztl portion of the ;rumba.. money will ho requlrml In
A Ulm efort li wF seer tlv orroerof Webder soM Clm
etrerta. onalabolog 11 mom,. will be tested very low tuo
.00klIt le et; emoWnseird that two Amato oc.
, ePI .qpls ROBERT WRAY. 11. Lb.
per Webelm . mkt Elm Mmes.
-- . Poi - Reit -
rmi 4. larre orbd soLdian uilding,
4 oot Meat, Aaltablo 6. m Aeadany, W y man ' obet
rtng porDom. Pamendon atm. IsmontLitely. Enquire ot
1.1. DAVI6, or • W. FL MISEY,
naelMulf comer (larrh e mo alldy and Fayette st.
EOR RiSteae.S. DAMIDing Rouse on
TOM oared, atom and nem to Prattbrald. It 2
ISIL•Dahm, lateto yard, anah home, Om Will
le mown kos. asak mamas. ett Immenatelr.
Ana—For MD or Lena. KIM" hO. to the Ninth word.
between Penn stmot and It. Allegheny river.
at-LIMJ. Toarlingtmes, Fourth Meet, non, Wood.
Valuable Real Eetate for Sale
THE .SUBSORIBER offers for Sale, on Me 4
(*ramble ward. the followhig Real nast..
or PlMaborgb, n.:
No. I. Three minable three !dory brick dwelling rourea,
Feneal drool between Ifeeiet and Ferry etreeta, the
lat. tieing nen 19feet front by EI) den..
No. 3. Oantaln 01 feet fronton Third greet aning
the Th rembyterLan Chu rob. itch le *keeled one
fear Flory brick hen., naal ea orrtritlng office, end ace
two story brie* werehouse.
No. 3. Two leM In Wellston. Bearer =minty.~ beteg lots
Nce.3 and 4, being about 100 feet siplare,coi which iseneet
one black of bur frame dwellings, end tne iirramde
frame dwelling. all two *Mein high.
No. t.. One ltd 80 feet Rout on Bork street. ...tingle the
above, end eauntilingto the tor Of the hill.
No. G. ?veteran lota. non 10 Pot font. an running
from the rood toter water mart. he Rig ?neer
Na One valuable water lid, I , .'nor to Ir t ,,, d E ,„„,
.ns ton *lwo, water poorer irttle,bed.
'Or tonne the 'oder ii.!. fort fent. an
-are lot th• bill, vbrir Ir .a t
to, eV:, Ortia no. tw o •nd • trelan e. Ira .to t at , one
ned* ethno. two Flint.. high.
No one targa lot to New nruldni. linevreounte.
alout loti tenon Erradway. and about 1"/ hot dug.
red on which art cooled two large frame
~.L.otrgo. and rineioall frame ouse, st en nt , .
W terrine wee mutely erivrted Mr. 'C.f.- Gould.
rod to eery rleeten tocsin. being lioninnisidlyormite
the liallytnn
Na O. One wen, Mt. initroltitele below
Ict Mildew Bridatc.
•Ann 100 letto lerurT. Rol .I.le2tAing rem "%rtet
'`T in.:‘, „t ;rr "'4 ,l ,, Zebe Zd . 7. l 7:;•efetirtiltile Lenin.
l bw
.rI , ZI - iseuonal and Poet tore I
Drug and Prucriprien Stare for Sale.
1)11I - G fi rIiSSCSIP STORE.cre,
em.r•errn, i,rtu4/4444:
narl,l4 114 o.
• _ .
641.1 LET---.‘ AftE:IIOI'S.E.
on Weer u Max L. 4 ani F•rrr ;1:.
1.1•6 rudure Inumets. Fm v
qulr• JAW:9 , 11411.44.1./.
narlyi =4- Wwer
For Salj.
. _
CINITED ST .1. T E S 110 T
IILGCB 0/ BriLDINGri.o. the sem. r of Wa.h. LT's:
torero and Penn 'Assets. and froollog on ths
nin Gssal, in the Gay of Pittsburgh. The Lot fronts
hundred and *sty tsur fret on Penn strect, and one
hundred and nine feet ulust inches on Washington stmt.
us • trimly fret alter. /Mot."
niehldlat N 0.106 Pem et.
For BABY—Teo large Figur Mills and Mill on
the Dearer Creek, nub the neessisary crier power. A 1..,.
ell improved Form Larrrencernonty. Prins EOM—
Also, a barn of 118 acres, on The Ohio rirer; trins• Mlles
belo. Bearer, for 14... m. Also. ono of 110 acres, on the
Ohio river. a.,1t.. below 8114,C7. for GL metre. Also,
nigl acres for 11l per Nene Also, firm of Ibo, 135, asid
sores, for 11:5 pser me. A 1,., 116 sem for OW. and WI
arm fur BLS per sere, tese,ether with lam/ other of rati
ons vises and priors. Enquire of
N. P. AG. Is It. rErrxr.mAN,
Attorneys at Law and Real Estate Agents,
feblo No 107 411 at. Pattburgh.
Of Forty Town ,Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
t IIIE recent unprecedented male of lota in
he IttKITO thriving Torn baring Innate bel
exha us laid out. and thodenten4 still oontittning,
tbe ututentgated LIU Leon to to eat I. portico] et
Ina ;Tonal) . ha town lett ea etove. often theta for
of at juices and terms that cannot fail oaf
to meet the tiers of
thorn rl , htngiulonrinter. Ilia mettle. nosey' anyentoi
f the Itantloo of Ibe Turn and proepetge (it Inning been
eattielently dencrlted In recent advernannentat trber than
tbat over nun hundred tote here ententlt <henget) bereft.
W been samba...el by theree gentling to beware &tinder
ble hem,
Th; lot. &mamma the meet ele sr.ddericaLle
in the
re place ligib
, acentlmid.ryl principally located to the centre of
thme are
Inhltmation apply to the proprietor in Livened.. or
to "m"
East blverneol. Fah. grat. VAL
A Blast Furnace for Sale:
HE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
EL/Ler FURNACE. Mtn.. in Ca, onneß Gommn,
m known ea the "A 11.... Furnace," with all the opt.
bUlidinge; SAW and 0111 ST MILL; and etteu thing or
Aory to carry Co the °meld. of Om. /I hut LW)
cme or Laud attached, with no much more adjoining no
would Le iseemearr, .Lich can be had from It,- tO 0. Pec
erre It bag the moat lam.a location to the South, ho
snaking Ron, bade. the ore within utarball to one
vgr, rtragstities, w 10 r mine, weal yielding
frc,n. ta to b O per re
re la nt- It is one mile end • half Irvin the
Plow. Rolling AIM, Whore a readygal. can be limed the
MI 10 Atlantic Of t, Metal: and LA
011 l
•1. from the
Weetera .4 Rail... which te ono of the Hem •
ralletenle connect., the Telloo,loe Rind. with the, SO.
Bawd, which hat eirlin. of railroad, running out from
it, Mashed and under 01
paosingthrough all the 1.
EVlZOl'l7llr,td".ed -It
.4. wo
now In full ork Icy waier pow r, wIIL a allot it
feet. oh a weer fulling amain. in the navel healthy
part thSou
ba th.
Letters mad whlnimed to me et Etowah. Cass to.. Ow.'
m I can he emu at any time mutt^ Pre. o .".
AI.J.MONA rraNACT, 3.11.11 1.
each . lo4%. strtlan
•olpTed rUrn. rot este • large number of vaioablo
to ug.or. sottur ter!. desirable sltes far =aurae
nam "'Utah, he,hooi tbo rtlMlnVt r n i .:elf t Att ntlf=h th ..
The rapid growth of Birmingham population and
manufacturing trealtlh and the moultumble priers at mblett
Ws 0111 be robl, win muter theth ante and prolitable In
re tmen t. Terms Curomble.
th :tr,gl,4T * Ral tho undersigned, at
nu Want 01.3,41., rats
imraljt luft rAitla"Ptrreta, or 01'11111MM
2lto ri.Pattartom no, .t their alines In Ulna.
ingb... PCS' .11418t8 ► V. EATON.
Covington Iron Works for Salo or Lease.
K'LIS ESTABLISIIMENT, situated on the
01.10 onifolte Clueinnath having In thelatt rear
of malna toro foundalon. =whiner/.
A, Wog one of Oct moat eibrlble locations In the Il clop
for the mannfocturo of the''aria. sire% Mt hOM
combininmilenni:if not nuou Willa. than aor estal,
liitiment Wei; Is
to offered for tale or Imre. not
to Fitit applfearap. all theadvanter mot
ettahllihmoot ...toil In the meet desirable parlor Ca,
lagln lulditioo to the man being much
lag all &mild. for Onrilltail MO e eo ns .. of omen
lholdting former, three tom, !folding F 12., took,
tpliy Firm sm Heating Iforrmea. with Logi. and 31a,
damn, to make frum loth Iron onto 4 mob. round and
riore, ml all the usual dm loom silk a good rim. and
holler 31111.
In addition, there • NMI Ifsetoryi .Ith Mamie En
mine MOI•Itlitle 1.1 Malan t, emu be irxremeed
m e, amountretuned
fteferth ILBUCILMITAI,CiricIunaLL et J. /3 34:VICKIE.
t'oll trALL—A valuable Iron ifflatfishinent Wasted on
tbe Utile doer. In Oaths ennoty,Ohlo, emanating ors Porno
gr4r r itqati th ir r Ce,
ealadtr it make ;12 tylit/ run per tthy The tract motalen,
IVT.Zrfroair,fbolMs from II:T H E:Tv
ill It hi en* of the beet Latakia lathe
Herrin B. BellinNitli,Clithinnath or J llelf
6 10000 I lar ei r
he troilb,P,ll67gzil.Y.ZiT;h3(7(r=
witti 1
l louldithi liner 100 ft by 1 , 0 - I [Refer am there
YON YALE— drithable Irmet of Land , altuatrd
lb* Allegheny aver, about 2 allei above the thrtelOg Der-
Aug h nf ifitt.thitll4. JUSSAIIMIS CO, PS ...known ma the
mil, bevy inmate reerty, °wn C on , all about 1,U.15
mc , e e Th* hind mbanede is Irn. Lineamen, kith
am v, to 10
to &Arable lontlon kr rcuinufma
Wring Mariam from ita reeullerly tamunral keynote, ef
o f edranifwe, for urannir Inn , rre-f: pnrliftfl
o f the 4thunt lath la nue under rththlert. thet r ilar 4.1 s
me m
we of bans highly improved, remits ere mares
mrentil In all the_prinethml rends ef the land and tbe
WI (ministry There are
to nn tb* raisin. • i
Auto.. tvFipe. Insat appar.l Imo,
„th e e mmb me Lim iblinn. appertaining tbereni II re
of Hower. Bern, *tabe% km The ebele • Lc
Tart? f
inilipt=T; k. it ' tt " f ."1
4 f o
rairtkulare can be Anal by" mdd"re:Tleirrt7
n•LiM H. lILTII.I thetinuatl.
TTO . Ne--42 ,5
Wein. eallroat NU.
FOR RENT—The Dwelling Efinnse. man
Ca. by of South and Wog Comoorke, W,
T ,, cd Thotow, Mimetic. deed. rookie/W.IDV
tun.dutor. k.uar., Jarlab %Inc.
M. Bell. And= Con. Wort% ACaSh."Y.
Real Estate for Eale.
VOR SALE—That valuable Lot of Ground
altnated lat the corner of Market and Water street , .
I, inenent,rentded hylluleany Ledllr, &eat/ "
anZl"otlVa ant
o et ' s
Also —me Lot of Groa° ad e t r oirinAna Gas Work.. for
merty oettanlod by Mr. Joe. Tonellr4n am • Stay Tart K."
log • front of ln fret 4g inch., on the blonanitebd•
or and ranoloit hark 343 fret toGmoonah ether
Pent. dextrous of numbering ran ' , else further in.
yli krttnation Imre
N 0.47 Market st
A Valuable Coal Farm for Sale,
SITUATED on the Bank of the Nlo
nonorattelaßlTß. Room., townohip. Wash:nor.
land cn., To voiles hum littoburgb. 5 tails. ahote.^."
lionongahela City, and our -halt toile above I Tabour, am
temp, 150 Acc% . 13./ tr morn of wlikb contain Coal. ad
:lacr"jrLdh''iottU rott g ;d`.ll°Z. th
o n o
mien,. mum This Coal can all be trAlver.imou conducted to ono
rise, hy need s 0 a
The LhoAD whirl. to pot opera
lion upon the Mahe, The lauding at railway L
reliant. and the oituation well adapted Le Ka
tinaon:or t.atto
it.a a my. This imation oCres ter the CuCl tr a
lIP6II the 110II.FlihtIlliT,
The 1.011 up= the surface, mart of which lo sheered and
mule cultivation. Oogler. .p.oot onulitntelog toortlY
loto and Wank walnut soh, wril adopted to the goo.wth
lycheesat and all other undo comtgon to thncouat cy . m a ,
onme io abundant Woo the lOmuttsct tii = etlar . r.
D;e rh lrla b trit7rt, ' or o ll o 4 , l o ll=otoono and s7bLtV.itohg.
/urge tog Born: largo and noncom:cat Stahl% Gooney,
Smoke Home, Opal Honor, Ac. A
What nee', of
good water,
esoelleat puma at the door. Thera.,
übtoodontly so pllnd n;of goal stwhoew In moot of the
0,14,. floor 10 :too ou the yrcrotwo • yontig besting Or
chard of superior grafted truth Theybois loot oonseniont
sows to the geuaLoat. hooding at '4, ehoter- Thu Coal wiil
to sold eeparately. with ell the neccotary
tor ts
king It nr the Land and Coal togethrr k to toil porch
"th' THOMAS.
Or to S. 11/../113AthlE. littohargh. Onclallf
_ - - -
Pilo LET—An Mice, with or without
_s_ House Timm IT3I. JOHNSTOY.
teeh23 1111 Seemed et. .
From England via Quebec.
HE un4orvigned ; residing in' Quebec, is
forwanlinff /are quantities of Hannon! Iron awd Win
ry artichiv Urinal different inn. on Lake Erie. The
nnartwr of remls wiring at livened In tallart for ear.
for' oft bomber, Prot/obi,. randrro thntorde itopOrtati t t
U A tla'.oltreteenartil m4l=o itlin,
and attend to any boanioni connected thorewith i forward.
tog to no& savanna pats At moo roluirett. twrinythe
portico:raw nteaso tn. und.rnandt, cr ophly G. Ar
.hich how, walnut
1 UHL, (Stßil—.l)
.p? 3..4) U. VhDOILVE.
1.851: lag ,
CLAllKF.4a.thgli a 0:1, l'acrzmroas.,
TIME PROPRIETORS of this old and well
Y hhotth Uwa would in , f,rm the public that they are
tri.....l;au, :fstv'TFirttatt te'TfVfle"gatohrtht:
Line 051 I ts e eonetaotl it - at tit iatatitog, tel.. the Mon.,
7i(V CAth)lll:Y. Aces!,
mre, no Water and thwithEcht eta , thttaburgh.
n w.CurtrallthlUlt. Nmt Gag:. P.,
IL C. Slather, Ynhtail.
W C. )Onto..
J S.
%a Ada. Gritiamile;
Wm. Ilmary,
(Cm. Weer, Ctlmmlntrill.l,
C. 24. Reed, Krie,
1. IS. Wall behir, hole., N. V. apt
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty r four hours to Baltimore.
2SO miles Railroad-103 miles Cana:. •
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Beata
2 : 1 ,-1004
(EXCLI2SII CIA lOil PAzrq,N , itlLS.)
fliN the opening or Canal Navigation, Two
Deny Lanny:Vv. Vlore, Patio: Motto , a 1: lone for
Jobastooro, Joao, by Porto, Ratite:l by
• •
net. tak the ,
NEW ir.g
ll.drett and Fort
ADELP HIA. .Itvo mlir. dint, to
Time ' through turn-SIX Ilourt.
. ~
. .
fare to Tbiladeit , Lia. 610. True to BaWorn, FATS.
Tbe Caro on tbla route are sm., and a tbe ma.* approv.
ed maptructa.n fn. comfort and tater,.
aTyeket a Wye every morning nrwitely at Emit n'elect.,
nd every event]. at IL, ram. I,nr. for Baltimore, no
u•nrati .'or, Itm - r•l•mr, at.t /2... I •11. tt,
I; I ,ti..l) to ... ;gt,r.
h hour.,
No charg.• for hoindlitl7. tin7.7nr,c nn tale r•••Ite
Th ¶2,2, the •nmfm.l.4 ,
re:- um r ot..m • •
tor a.,ag. nr tnfr•rmsvurtt arTh• rn
J. P. 1101,31.E.5. Agrnt. •
). L M EC , C
nn 11, 1.0 r Juin C an al
• denro. , Pl ., a , :da n ilr t •Xsol
w in enut k .a to I,cdtpmt. whkb atrnim tuns
thmn-ti PM bum,
ttufmtgh. iehrttar,
- " •
that thil
in or+ to NU , „ort.rat: ~,,, 'nth a
Own•ltt . of (wont F ,ll ll.!e , rl:!ft cod r... ur
,P..,tLort t0t0....,1 n, ow rm..; a. a to
attrr regular Loa,
Sp•-tal arriogrOlent: Lar. .;•, tun., earrrotr
War I•telat.c 1 , 1411,111, Jobort,-,n. Itollrts),honc.
t A!exarntr..,.. 21untlatac. M/11
n.,Coluntt , a. cod ail ult.,.
totr xx
mAtato molt, tk. ants aoto,t.
oTlatlO3 rotom I.xas of Imo awl the Jor.,t, prompt:cm savl re.,alszti bitiPotetitt z to
th, aforersid st ths tota+l ra, mar 0 , t03
3117C1i Proptiutor
VI aroLows. Lasrtr rt-ott.
enrhl.ltl .1,4. 05.1(1 VI, Cans!.
GE 111 GLUM. the boaintaa at Vitt.Ourvi. box
after b. trumetvel Wader Lbe tArlo of - Ir. e' Sham A
a.^ ()zeta; BLNOrlf AIL
Bingham' Transportation Lute. '
- 1851:ItiTIVEtS
HE CA NAL being now open, we are rea
dy v. receive and f o r w addPUT. Fr.° add
rut and en.
P1 . ..1;M8 abrade at lowest rate charred by teyoutildo
Praline and htere.bendLta +.lll be roorlyed and thrwarded
rut and wee!. charse far forwahlicu .1.
Nag freight. occumbutott. on.torwor.
MI. of L
to adiur forwarchtl i and all awl:loos faithfully
A w4714`.;(11L.ij".1 Co).. c..i
c '"iiNV423l IVCl.°l'Z'''3llll4.e"t b etra.
between Fourth an d
Fifth tte., rhhadelhble..
No. 182 North lloenthl ptrett. ilahltnona.
1851 Daglei
Pittsburgh Truasportaton•Line.
IAMEB 01N , NN011.4 CO.. Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
SITEII,./ANIES Cra, Denote Broad and Cherry elusur,
alai.' No. South Fourth atreet, betwuns Market and Ow:st
unt street,. Philadelphia. .
I.FOONNOIt. C O., 10 North meet. Udine.,
RAvING fully completed one arrange
anent', we will prepared upon the opeolok of the
ennsyleania Canals, to earrftwight to an,l from Sitta.
hluub, 17.11,arripla New York. Bosln
olowiti. Lent, a all the tart and Wren. ILL
low, rates ara.l with users dlesateb us:lmre than my oth
er Lloe. All good. .hipped Ly our Line en, lull) eoversal
by insurance. without any rharse L. ~ ecru
not really aflonled by any other Line.
All rersurrunleatiune uldresw.d to ourselves or agents,
Hall k Co.. Ctruinnall: E. 11 ebb. Louurille, and Lowe ••
Osborne, It. Louie will meet with smart atteotkra.
Phttliii,l6°°.f.tufietttet.. it f
t ,tt e .
law• Co. feLlal
! graiigii 1851 .-,,-. ,
Merchants' • Transportation Line, •
. A... 11 CO
eANULTY a ~ Canal Ban iso n,
PdtaLurgh. Spa Pena e•
CIIARUS RA Y NOR, Central Mork, Brieut nand, l'Ulis
dlT'e''are prer.arod to teeeire a larru anultuat merchandise
and produce to ohip on the opening of the eana/ a
delplda and all intertruulate nbiare at luwer rata.. a nd 0
le. time than In any prevlvus .00eoo
4f.i.Canal N. D. The thenraand number of Marlin pruriden by
Cammleefuners for carrying our boat. orl Ohs
Stab. Malin:ees, lOU prevent any noeslbut) of delay at
Joltu.tonn, Ilelldaythurg or Columbia. tn. arnum.
C. A.3.lcA NULTY A CO, '
_.---ad..15 C. 131 Ra..ln.
1851 mERI
To ShiPpera of M erchandise, Produce, &e.,
ATISINB tt CO, lisprietore, 2.17 Market, &Ltd el
Commerce stmt. Thadelphla
BELL t LIGGETT, Agents, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh.
O& TAYLOR SOIL Agents, ItalUntore.
Can.T.l.7Vr ,', Fgh? P ;ll,f
shippma as much deepatch and ears az arty otper lane.
Sett, Wm./
I Su , r, m , ri. tr. Ja. Mclaku L Co.;
Canal Buein, Penn &rte.:.
Penna. Bail Road Ca—Central Rail Road.
subscribers having Loin appointed
mil. rrnrellaudg. or prom that
lury I.r •uouct. rut a ,n ci
m l?. to
at elsefor .11rwree.
'carer or rarmrrt
yy-rrn, pint. 017,111.1. kNo rrrrarroor.
Dry Oools. Mtn, Shore, Bookr.Ststianarr,VoLLYY.Confre
-4012•11, Pruitt, kratbrrr, kuntrure.,Lroy, 3 1r4kauto,
614die77.Y.L.. 4 0. S/AAI VA, tt,
Ustbrkry, queer, imam, Orsvrrirt, I sOnfk, Dye,Yorrt, tt3r.
Leatber,Clurr, Flax. kirooll4 103.1 utter tslaa eftdd,
90elk lef-
Dteoo. Dr•er, Pork, Butt., Lart. Lard OD. lnt , kterk Itto
Cerra . f loor. Grata awl Rag, 60,.: a lvk
Ark., .11trbla (rou gh ) Pay, POth, Lorin. Gr.rsun Clay,
BOLIM te, LOOll 100
I=oo 31c1ADEN t COYODY.
ALT PETRE4-80 sacks foi Faleb;
1,3 aer .1141 All DICKEY CO.
IER3IILLIO*--62 !be. (Trieste) for silo
by ap7 K. X. SX/LERS.
_ _
1.3 5 Dbl.. Dytter.
5 .60411 PIM ATTIcr. '
" l'folthcrs;
.1 for salist b°x"Cl"'; , re' SV . ALIE I LE
CLOVER SEED-6bbbi. mmalo by
, lIEESE-50 boxes receiving, and for ealo
DALZELL utmrt7
Q,ALERATLIS-6000 lbs. pure. Tor solo by
_ .w:~~; .~.:~~:
nresst r., o.m - E 41 eout,b &mut _
Iladatri,ATVlso-litaßD &. Co., Wiu-11-
jup_deb es, Sarket rt.. Philadelphia. wn
WALD, BIICKAOR 00.,Tobacco
Ito 41 Northlrater .treet,
.'4l. 10 North {Thum, Yhllactelai. uttl .
ANELO: Garters - frb
ta. sion M ...iimu ereasn .tx. or ra T ndaiktda-- idtrtral arraftegr n"..
grWrilltY4 (i.9216t0
_ITI A - nFia , w ! viimmllt,r.T7a;mllll
The subscriber 'mg.:folly imam paha: atter:MO
0 extensive atmk of Ferternery.atapanhartterasornal
an, to which amen Rarer wed two (Widen Medals-haw,
Newthe last sis years, been awarded by the Imtitatee of
New York. Itesim.and Fhites,..phia. the Lauer Ming the
only tioldwiTcsalets ever awarded the peril:mum either ha
Europe orga L gh twarontry,
Itor auras" Canis. (Almond, Fong
1 end Atitetsw7,,,W=werrolly aelmowlethred to benne:tor to
Fharingh..Te= In this country or Enrone.
Otcosnsys tor. Enornot.;-Bsalatifnlly trownwhot, awl
fawning highly gownsman,' and emollient Tropertleg
ealsesomotte LotoPswa; Onahroand Raving Tat let Militm
ry amine Rom. es . . ~ .
Somme Tanis Foam , -.Almand. Reis, liallegenes, Hon:
lq,tet./ . latactio. Math Patehously, Ornallans, Floating.;
t. Olive Di y Windsor, and CUtasilso. •
lam,. nu :Xi LLUDIUACELiiii.—.HC,, Sarnia. Rom •
eat d. Catalina. Gormtenna. Jemmy Lind, afoustellow.lock
.., Cab. Magnolia Cirrostfte. Citronelle. Resat. and 'Tway;
n tho , variWies. in WI date different. fin, .
,T , M•ii , Wirtz:—Florida Water, Eau de Toilette.
vr4-o,4.ter. and e =eat Wwierr , of Colognes wad ttet ,
ihrxmanows poi TIN 11.1-,at=ir-bi. Bi'in"M'Ardi?'" sr.' I
rhi, lbosteline, Fen Losulde Oki., Cumpound ex
rcr. flair Ile., Ronal and MP:order, and adloosme,Riel-
sa and sway Lind Pomades . ' •
'Morrow= ihmeartarems—tlahande ERAS, Row TWO,
Pane; Chancel Centre-a, OdonCoo Tooth Pcsle.aal Tooth
Cossalea—Tegetanle Connell Creara. 'ettserlitm ..lbr
elinnped 11 .41.0.1;oki Cniun ot Elm, Cream de Prone. wr
halve, Raspberry awe, ae. •
~i„:111. . .i 7 Y Powds4 . 7. for mmoringrophatonalsaiPessl.
mt .. 6t.,,;=. ~It e %rakkornatte,.Y. n waa. 1 retorts
usher articles. tco ownemas to to mooed in tits odrer[l: .
The aremmthor Donee ti, maintain the remdarnon which
thts estalakhreent low neared,. bob .mav
7 1
box time rate articles and Will . t thniet.
who =7 airls to pLuiclise htto.. either w " ' kale as main.
gy.... I . ...enable ten.. any tirabilitinwnt in lb. United
gm.. . _ ISMER .11671 N,
assessor to and !bream hornetor eft rho-L e
i. bow re
114 Cheraw an
11/r. Ilwase. ' tor eals ty en te.
ykLITCHINSON Co., Nol3 Spruce Street;
NEW YOWL Whole-ale manufacturera of Om best
:a< ENGLISH YlllYtTLtiil INA'S, Mr Merl and Tithe,
groan' Prininto am! for Flue gout amt iToli Wort, alien
I r leanatrrt to to-rpori . ttf the glut matertala, and to
Therm= In Omni ling, me:.
ante, Weis Ada.
and perm:se to outk superior toanygther IntaWa
In tine- &Id at ism varying nom 70 ma. to KW pa lb,
put up In rats, Fo ur d fortimutted tu anger.
c Co. almenanufrturs notated /Yalu( awry attaileand
coolity varying' frum SIX to =o)Sper lb. mr..h.X.lnu
cr yes .41110.111Aff Tyr
sr..masted t, pits satisfution. or The hooey scheme.
FLUID io composed_ of pore SilTert
bas hem UNA by boom kneperi is Nye rook our th e
Pre 'ears, soil by becoming a toessessT ankle in the
dearstie esenatty. Any pt•nant seae,:ist 111 t y e
nun to cligire.l beauty oa 'M u d Bosh , . such as those;
tbslleidicks. Cake itaaketh ' end Ilse.. Yoshi.
ture. Military EqlpmentA Is., or p tit with yore silver no
Brare,Copper Osman Silver. The warrantee is 100-
PNent Its its httrottuction lute esery_fsolity.
Prim tO Met, per bottle. A liberal dienost toJeveters
awl Patsy (kinds dealer,
Tor sate by . Jorm J. BROWN.
trtrhlNA6ts2CT 103 Talton Meet, New York.
. ,
Md. WAXMAN & CO., ,
No. 79 11: 81.(late 76) MAID= LANE, ,
Directly oppolite the 011 Panel. ..
. 4 fi., , RS ,as A i aJ A C I T 7 BER CLR t o o r i .
I) : , t ll7 tiVlreDrotrers-I,sitty and high' Wonl. An
, lad. shaker. Bork, Merino and tetton. DraltriLe and tor
Strola--Salin, ELI, Mod Bombe:Was and fancy of all
styles and nosh Bra.
Braes cad Tica—Vanay Bilk. and Mark of erery kind.
117krrs amd it0......0f all kinds.
Cracatr—Pa=y kilk and Itin. Weary Znallsh Mad
Solna, Rattan. PA PO Albert Berthas , Tarilled teed!. tas.
Bunt la
Strict Horktkeretriefr—Coae. taco Camhrie, to
n'& F ,,, p. 0nda a., , --,E . T. , .b +.4 Dnillrb. nave' Myle, Domestic
d Llores—Eld. 011 k. Linen. Thread. and all the latest of
Frrnrh and Naga& importations.
Wool.Bllk.hhum mal
Cotte. . . .
on Lams: Onnts—Velret. tamhearic, English. Treri . eh and
hr- erica . , •
Slquarr Brava for cmallemna sad ladtne—a swirly el
1;x. ism PO. o 141,, n ~,,,ii,1,..
Nr 7 re ' n ' lti...7 ' ..DLL ' .:4l , - " At.f, c fit . .i. , = }4.4 7 : :' . : ,.., °° 7 4 '
tn,..1,-cno• 77, k 441 114.ktru Lann
• Shawl aatl Mantilla Wafehonse.
}.; MILLS. N. ti COR'rI,4I.S.DT'ST.
tnYa (Up :Waal N TORIC. it now enini4u. ono "if
la f •d 'r Vao ' • L A IL:
MUSaf nuu ;11 tines 01 SILK MANTILLA& matatatartla
nal trona rho !..r.uat Para fathinn., n.rcl and
try Ms atesosere
and pardoularly alarard ta. Ennuis, .
Ala, very egiandld arc,g of I' sOLS AND KM.
SILLLLAS. ronalzurg of ttiuml any
edged crake
MFM Uld Ruts U Yarmels, Sorips. and .•
Lam Cra.hyttla.... AU et arddch adll be onedst at.- •••
amine ou bw r
-tear before yuroluu naf
ln a , • • •
Ai., WIRE STANDS. lby exhibiting Sha , rla nud
Mantilla& put up an maniac tganspeetation. • 1.011.11
• C. B. 11..1TC11 & CO..
No 57 1V1LL.1.1.11 TKEZT. lirar YORL,
HAVE n store, r aild are etinetantiy re
mas v steamers. the ratot axtenairssaortma n t
Gea:atv rs
- !CP:SIS/11NC. GOODzi before otTm4.
erahrasin- the latv.t and nab.: style s of Crorsts.Pahirts.
autpetler. roars rparments. Invasion
rp.s. Lalsa Dresslnp : Gown, Irmslkarchlatt.
6boulder Ltncr Collars. with a:v.-Sear of mbar.,
tp:lsw peva:ass tas thpir line of hasitarae. ha at which •I/I
P. sold tha ',Hot aria. Our Wester n f r i ao a, ate
erne/ II as
Superior Marl Writing andiCoPying bk.
lON - E'S EMPD.) IXX, SS . Noseau.eveet.
u New York.
M TO itta Man.
(6aalta. per dos 4110 6 as. per der
Nora. *. 100 oz. ' '
On dialuth fJT
This le the best artirle ananuracturecl. It flare heels—
la • good COPTINti IhK--end artil not corrode. mould.
precipitate or darer, and pastramis all the qualities mutt.
ed fora grad Weill= Ink, eultalle for the Quill sind ad
mirably Marred for the BIM Yen.
The undersigned le harmed to 'furnish to the trade <S.
then for aspect or home roa6gaapttoa, at the thorn rum
F" 0 P P"." d k;::Lra `"i".1411
or kegs are Cl "" iar ' ned thtra at nett. cart.
.6.lZiassaa et, Ns.-
's Self:Sealint Advertising Env&
283 MADlsus ST., NEW YORK.=
.E , e Thy siderviher, 'stab:Mak the parreavida of all who
Inar Per ebb adeerilsevarat 161. Lao. or that hesitation
selth which a me , smith, IA
the kohl*. Tbe
toe ti has atallished their superiority be.
fond all question. mal be cioarldeatJy . refers ao WWI.
ay of those badness then who have used th ese ea . ..ppm
and to his rapidly itiereethrkg aim as Invot of their excel-
The following are a Ear of the new. kar their pop.
Ist. On the place creciPled be the seal. a rearlaa maY
have his aura t 001... =I man., .thspicuonsly nd
taantifollyeathoesed, colored or plain. Chas COL par,
I feet security earshiat fraud.
011. The Envelopes moot be opened without twiny do.
suvor Pd,Nether was.ll.l , lnrei• areneed toad th em.
4th. Eton ila ...than. of a I th e
Lanixdiasta Mon to the seeder, I eadof betray Varied
months to th e bead letter Office.
Oth. The Envelop. an throbbed at amen the same
path....a uriell.
Moth letter maLled h6..t effeetbv larectiement,
sun to attract the anent.; of all thraigh .her hood. It
°lt. toile gni la a 11. at price. tor Dan, nil on
lova akd which will Lot white o
and of E.Motts. of
the tonal sire, tither white or tuft. of rood foyer, and
made am stun, with mi., addre., to:
' Priors Of
e,..Dirs. IPrices Descrop. evadeM) letters or
Di MA 1000
..$4,00 •
DI 40
40 t to o do
00 to .... s. ....... 0400
Cane; It Lto 1%. .. r ;T --EUOl5O—
to or;61 f
ter r 72 - uttith
ow York
attention, Lf addros oot.
01. " WOE .01121.1%7 P !
Na MOO EQ.. street, Dew York.
.Dan Co.. !Al WO' of. •
a m .—Ouslistaa Cards, e bathed in colon. fr..= nuke
at 110. 00 ter tboneand. • • p t:
VONTLVIIES his .u_ al facilities to receive
c'Ll Stony, Sale, and Trwytt 111:11emhzt‘Bre
olsASYll.l h..
leave deck - daily for gal r3traft
c the I ilthola Canal sad Dive.
a fter•renere—M,veme. Screnr. Sterling A -
Messrr, Jaye, fry;
Mr. Juhrt A. Claus/my.
Produce. Connilmfort. end Forwarding' .Ilemhaata, on the
Lorre. ht. Jompb, 310.
ri ra z ...tleyand,.r (iordon. and Lomax. Eteolloir .k CO..
firAVID C. TU'rTLE, Attorney at Law;
and Comtnikaion, Penney at. Innis 310.
l uolestions vrt.m.yoll. atarorcrett. oR:=43'
I OHS H. RANKIN, Attorney an Coun
Cr mil, end for th 4 Etat. o
p4004.41LL0t4, Lcvn. , 310.. date of ittaborgb.)
Flltir7.3l747j?!.:birSitare'. 3r.
.Senplr, ItrCord Co. ' • . aa014:11 , '
. AmmoAs notrat" •
rlsailib. R. STREET 'BOSTON.
rplIE iadersigne.d tinting entirely re
built a. enlarged tbs above .elm realaitto2
smut ...W.'s in all iMent three bundred and any
mom, boul4 .p.. 410,0 wt.* Mat It is nosy many
fur the reception and acconmmdation •of the mantling
community. • •
. .
catmded note.t tbe unsurpassed mreadsnree of &big
House is deemed superfluous. es the nammons 1111101/710-
0.41 which base h. tnaddcanada be properM
an &Irma...meat boat, IA to ta, mato&
spend to render any apartinentle.4.l- L.• •
Tha flunitare to erdsr. rag..rn of
cwt. and cartan to
of It espectally tios
bill be Murat to be cr the most Dogmata manuf
tun. . The DilllllA MEW are meek.. nad Ma bears
meals will be so ...gel as to suit Um converdrace of the
early Every mad
department rill be oroducmd In an unnceptlona.
We manner, acid the .or biteself that the
&Mertes. Roues the Traveller , W..
tabltlawdbettaT LEWIS RICE.
. - _
, Wats, Ten Art man DA Bess. test Ell•or
Plated Tara, Eraana. arra Batter Kat 'MU Cattyl7
Mania quales ttalrt) laratte at da rk lb;
Chard., Storm Beae. Lath. Mad DaalltataaGar
Gaa Arseluits Gas of
m u d. Gam Itesua Gaon,. and alas CuttarelYtaartatta
ttc.. •
• iirtrbliVf to at•lstaotax melts In freest, mar
trauma atttl ta• In Um rt. at =on. (autzwao• la
fr , rot) •Ith • /at* We of tb• rootts.•ad at aa;
for miter • . •
- .4Wsteb N.M.( . 7 . 0 7/ tta ty aemM
arhT ...go
. W. t a il.
ONLY $25 FOR A RolnisTEA.D.
-,511 0,, 2 ' ' FARMS, worth over 88,500;
a sod 4.405 LO7ll la to duentarted sem=
&anther -To supple the demand Mr
Lot. and Parma at liermatunife. 1 hare laid out
..1.• track Manama the ionelaland Funneda
land ahead r mkt at Ilensueouvi... to of the tame .1.,
aoal diepoeth of and divided among the Putrineen in the
same manner esa those rf.33.4 . 311iti 1.3.
I ham boon inalund to do ad, er r . th e gnat cumber
of Nunn • tsktunto parch. them Leto sea Form.. to
the Impecreerueuts in that part or tho Ideal are constantly t arge number. of perwon have now be
on. 10t... in.. lands. This adalan..l tract I. la
:I`747=letelit'aiiisr .17,1rialintferlfteeitr.
About Sallie tasna sae now enternbet
Each nabscriber fe entitled to h Lots. h 51,00 act. lying
Father. or a. katil of horn 4to 21., acre* The shores nu
.4.1 .• at t;;, - Pa l i
$5 vh.subeelbel for, 14 on or
before the day ordistrabution, and the balance in moothir
=nom... of II If a
f t ait arrant. Deed will be
sal ani,..117 after the dietribuncm. and debris.
rt. 1...T: 1 g the
VILLE. on the lona lasedPa ' s' Ti" %agt,
bal yi7SUgTk,--
[ and loi man from the 4147 of hew York and atholoslake•
UM. . • new villtore noerally 1.1 cut, where hand.
I it is one of theinalthint bluesth th e tinned States , and
within one. tulle of Lanioralon. ,Lske at healthiful meet
,f.. 31., about thane mile. nacinucadensuco. of ...Wt..
[ lararesrr2i.r.d4 i Zett lash , with an ahutaduree
glti, nsay, which is five mina wig .4 ato =TVA.'
a...1.u, naPplied with order nth, t #.l. of eat,
one kind,
Then lout. will preduce an moth per erre, with the
nee caltimileu. an an. food nthiv arty new s , .." ~.y,,,
of hew York. ty
- Lou lOUura Wlttth -At the anocal tenth. of the
New Task Agncultursi Sonny. had at Alban
r rot th e
lath Im a tarat Oro ...Wog PlthUthte e 0 Meld Cie., "
and Sofolk musty elands snood best-noallithat honer
len. d. wheat air. inaccile Thompson, of netauket, re.
mired the .thal Muth= of 113. fir %Inter When. 42
brshcb oma peck to the ant 3 1roT6emmone whee.. of
lnriety which has boon mind hut a few yews on to Is.
and, gad the find Trout it welladtptal to thane!. Am-
The agracultural ...lea of /nog island ate n e ilornag
to be annoyed •- -Onntriclanier.
Setauket is about eight mars than thin lain/ artn.a.
.tile', and lam better by than them Mods care{
fond form. Thu wheat to a new serietikof super. kind.
end nu sold aniseed alien at it Per butted. eel Me
Venoms nascent. rho Pratt ct ofs lithle more th. too
saes. over g 10. #
Them hare bma nosed during the pronmeamis a the very
best of Cans *ad Aston. 150 bushel pu w acro. tot Itthina
I"4l" ary ‘44,,,g ra r kTralt,'9l;rakelsx4,'l4.l l 7 a W
MS has bee. establie heal. for withil cs lumen th e
Suffolk Co.y Asnicultural Ithr, hold 270. Its*.
conned. - Alsoperthbeenl eta.. Mu* ...Dumdums.
lens and tematoef •
The FAL.. is from th e New F ork Fanner and ,54te
clithio of NOn.ber 107./10.0 ...1.....-ruum br xr. 8144
the 0140,11thD "thlt..+l the Inale The wheat,
and nom refe. rred an la tie oracle, arty rand at.
1...1,........13, ......• • .
.11,,i. : a fen lusrs' itise o t h e r . n the put Week. wet
en'Osaarelad Wei the Lo tthinnol o to a Motto
than of ths comsjeT. about fifty Mika nom Now York,
ankh •ea Mel to be Capable of eat suomaltal and prothre
Me outlive.. Although late Cu the sc.. and einred
under oretedeantagm we wore staransni stoke r nall
tr and sance of the crew which bead been wham/
from a partnet of the land. 23 aim the winter trope which -
appose. onclually promitio.:. It hmat, ettahlted be.
emu but to me the wee.. Premoted a to•Otif. a 4, tD:'
IttILTVW:I2I4V gfItVZX V IT=I2,I;47 -
VIM tha bent la the New York Market. Potakve. aarrude
lu e the cellar were rem fine. without a eethge of dim...
re51r.:= . 4.2tV41.1 1 ..7,,1,Wat=1.h2 - 4Tr.
...........w., the ...bin se Each received the on
o.. at t. Sanaa sanoty lath, were nisei from • pee
tkon of ible ground ' s:dual toef oat bens colratoted no
=An Albacther wet were very
faneably turprused
a n those len., now no ...rabic olfoll4 to
the public, at pries whkh CUM. All to double in aI.
?rune. we would inv. too attea lion of tn. who de•
1 en a cheap and tiny ode Mr. a
to tots Inca..
[ ll ermennetile nation it located lid olio the Writhe of tho '
Long Island staltroadathenco con ran serail Won a de..
to Ibmoklyn and hew Fort. 1. .mace of the land fs
moot' and lovel e anal the norroondlag mune , ha yearfmt
lr,healthy, and with. • few nuns. this plan. bighlY
mitten. and baring Mon nettled for more 'haft l * www.Kt end Ur rooro"ooit .pen alsollar lards .IS4
fe0.130 to gni per sem
The holds areas kaki as an trod as lar
mile Wet on Inn lal.d. ant whoa etatitand,w ill induce
blithe* S^ srus
71 ,,, 1nct was ohm hug 1. towbar..(; toms p.n.. are
maw covered warn a ttraty annth of rout. wood,
o en and pate. ;IV nal as •planty, 001 newtons champ in
that lona the Islscat lon-wond ao cheap that e• hanis
nauth a i s to he GUt onto thrthetueh far . tae' s Tom mom
ket to a/uniform pris, and la os, for a great man. yeano
been always •end a rash artaele on the I.lmad.
them ineratermi on tian boot for comm. Uncitor--go.
too nib an to had ...Lain few miles oat.. lamts
in antourso.. All bulliane mtheinie eau' tap heal at Mc
dents of Brooklyn and Omen.. and at massy antenna
dine plan. aithe usual market pekes.. Them um
mem. en.. of water riot. in these new lan d, and
into theareet Porch /tar, aMcla are rem..lmldo
tr ' thlr P.M?: andones lel- Soden. dry wear..
Luken eery 117.41.#6 la then, they are until/cm and
walla are of var.a caeoths-forobabl. one them a.. •
Maths fa the middle M. Oof IL- 1 , 1004, the enrage
deal will be atout 25 fob 00 thermiterrille, at the
tata hi
M gh.. IP. use deeper. Sorocrtha rsi an cot oitolo.l
Three name at heals 'within two or three .
miles of the village and anti. tour Inkr mom fano.q
earn. aml villages. All the pendenos of . old nalral
fa=an tot:oh. kermam the eof anfinth county
mosetee on beluga Malay mora l, nee
aka. poop. All of my . ...lmre art Vernon.. of rupee
• - •
T. land et. bo very easily clean& end Ma test orb*
Qom. erilldeperelalscon enrinti upon tho thttler hen.
lay out as mach or as Ink lie chmdarf Ido nor law.
of .y ob,ectine to the plan or to toe land fee a. settle
meat; and the name labor and lodurnY wh.b make..
mathl an lathe_pthDin eettlthetha. in other pans o f the hosnand opoo these lauds man. tell to Pro-
de. to ratio nulls.
The thou. is in every particular health:, eel pleas..
-the reeds am nod and satrap. poemblc .4 all sem.s
of the year-the winters ore ehort and mild. ca mimed to
the natant on the tabu to the .rth el tho highl....-
th m.
W. ;seldom el-Igishaz mom than two or on. weeks ma
e Island.
What Is remnl able. a prop . mident Sal rd
so ed be drenht
-there Is re in n et the conotth nn theer. . little
Incry foam drmtht an ma &m_ 14.1.1.: m r is there tor
on on go. ~,,,, --,.h., , , l• . eta t •fr mud I.wal . tho
11 nal ill the Moo alinT 'co mm a nn of the alms.
ran M. no the idahly salusbn et a small es t fsr there ir
no nth sting se a forel or . In,, ast. aa . VI , . latarfor
part •fth . nun. , he wk.. ra ..-, er-st dna-. a as dot,
Seth an oleos nth. no, it: a I' *lcon, ch O.- lik aka.;
fa. mall sare. ens h gr.. also-Aro. ts airost it love cram
Lon- Ia in I The f l ee
1.3 1,3 4.11 l /1. bal. a (61
aill ' f .'s , lever^ vthete
lb- eat ls no. bung iurrert.i. ca. LI, lat. end
. arms
t ee es to asegnan cue in os4 Lem e laid
down en the Nap. then. roues: eubs-nnes from onc. en.
pe nee or thrat7l4," tenons mamba, tbemetiv. ol the
epleatal churn for ahomesen l e e farm,. railAt
spinyA 3,3014
toorentence of the groat camber of lactase front -
all yang of the entuire, aken. thformatlou et then
lath., it lass. be t
neeenoik au thaw. 11. om In this
rarA s jo : CFLAS•Fialak - ftaticonniT jerslsrt l t, en '
refortei 4'74.XlitfriV:ltis Or r Tile•47re- os
tusk map. asel 'pamphlets of too .I'neettra nod cheriatin.
nee .s.. other anterr.cou 13 Lloly De ....e.r.i. 0 .
en a c Ltd W00%1'7 John sire., 1. T. •
I also donee to na th at Ihe good FAP III - 1 511.41•Oth• '
tot ef mr Villept soli., et:ell will nil t. e .re la ,
or Weald, at frac solo to :50 Par acre. TEthe lands are
asil mantel foe farke•co and trauck porronot, in lly_rn
restvet, and Lavin;: the edr.t.... nclorteledge of fail
road when el .1 colas - rod. the- roil io enial to
e4 ,, 5y . b.1 oz ., t he
. Wand
1 4t , a , 4 e n r d s.La t t.hat litie f h & ta g e t hf . • '
1 and a t ellifor g . .slt r oi-in r asTe s , made' ,.
•ofral'/Inter 11 eth „' :,.1.,.., - ,L ' oll ~- of tie Amancer
halthttle, Roams le Ha t o rea, 1 Y, C o 3lS.ten. publerk
o, Solaro rt. la 11D lasi, n len t affice of the thank.
AnthatturLt., I'l 7 a*e a 4 . e Xla 1.., r e al a drat
es. trooktlden V Spooner • Pe et. Errsari-o, C. If
Straker, J im a linsalway, N Ilichn Ladle, Jr.. C I LIU
Ineorthce Co, 27 Wall at. N F. St Quo. Bret.. Eel..
of the 21ornina Star, hacen at. corner Lou et 1: TO
iloilla . t d ere. ,T l4 ,, of . og,,elis i a4e . Litaa“rty . Cet
an Zer1..... l i t
Lyman. Jamey a n t:. Levi Detre, of Dodge and C. 0 .1 To.
andllB Wen rt. si l o Ono. 310 re.. Jr. 22L Karl 4 N
C Sankt!, TO Lw st,la T, V It l'alnier,Philadelehle
Boma. althlteLina—
Profe.sur A. C. Barry's 'Triovherous,
Ilur fer
ns reunrink thrigansitug, .d beautillting the halal
remvthe •curf.4andraf.and all atm. of the=
mad coring eruptions on the thin. daces. of I. g
of and hongweteattoznal relieving sang, eat., brat
es. rprena, Or. W h it Ma Pe
1. - then ie no au.
word as fable Tha rst munala to Amen.. ..11.11.•
of the Malta' ...nem
date. of all pen.
Ilona lad ladies who ham cool at for years in their deem
an. rooms am uoresics, mimic it with aheauxthth tidal
impacting eine glom lummance, loth curl to the . .
eradimtiog can aml dead:off airy worakis canna
thottaeloca epral.. thing, ate., and relent. diseases of
the skin. the also.. and MO lathetax. It ken DO
armorg the multi... of tOthpautha esinnised in tho pub.-
..mina or need in prnam p.a.. In cheapness as well
. ancient, narry•elneothem. is unetralhal. Th . thr
Mehra ca. talus of the arocif bane enabicA the inventor
to etand7 it at 5.5 arras PIT bottle. which in from Ida te 100
per cent ten ill. the price of mr other3ea. . ...Lou kr
the haw DOW in en: Ti,. euutine treat. on the lathe
and the skth csahmoing the . .. Mane directions lbr the all.
tine Sid preen.. of mantel, thOuest 4 thatatht, 111
le which yeah bottle ltrucked. I. elope wor th this. Moon.
The affanty Let.. th e ranzahrann •whichnuatitater th e
Akin and the heir. whorl, dec. as• soththance from Ude
thiPhterankafte is eery clone All din.m of the hair mie
none in the *kin of the find. If the pone of the ;alp
am detiked i ar if the bloat and outer fluids do ea ..o
late freely thtesegia the moult armada which fed tbc mot
with sooletwoa, and Uncut ids to the abr. the 'result In
wort, dandnalt of the hair. gralthee, th-ththa, •
and henhouse of the heamecn, and mantel 0. ulnacase may be. Etinotato the silo to healthful acnon with
the. Tricoither...d the torpid Ttheele, nvereries . that,
schrim, wall southilam the those.. In all affechans of the
. and of than .laensta et motels and haterumunte a the
="arm the caret am Ile man. It's o Poo the skie s
ancuntr ons, and th e glands, that th e Ineopherous
has Its nen. asiom said In all atfcctiron, ml-loner of ,
these mums, it is • sesernign mmelf•
Sold lo farad honk , . On. To cede ht the
'' p at ca
no . MoZwae, New Tur a, and ly the pampa mereh
sots a.ltinsigthis throughout the Lulled his. and Ca n. .
mia. . da 01. oel
Needles' Celebrated
lu Them lashlT medlcaUd rdaitsm bare born made for
sawn' than twenty y can, duets trtdob time tbey bare
gataed a permanent rryntelton. Ike pny t i c .,
ribetanatio asal g
hat ielioter aver oney e e. phy..
...11% Of th e Idateat cannon, to whom their conger:,
tans Las been submltted, harir ` 'trey used ttlttaing
teeth:Donbas ato th eir tupetdor smaa etas all othrr ph?-
ten sold.
Thelbiredtents of the/b . ...lbcattle:lt, waryewi
.o rfall rn y wibb
tonallycrnhtsict. render 'thew ..reeutizely l
perrans tullcricii with ;ma:loner? .llbeec e ..
For pans in the breast resultant gem rretrxtml col/14
whea,two cough, end local
bo ns babibtis wentsiblo
o r, tibi - u ca. boity,tth 4* eir nef charritcr le . ...rout
tc., teen folly corbotorabot
.pitt. la the Ivel: coet:tht bccullitbi
s l r
tow bebere sirens. tliwocr. of the kl.tocbre, ,“.
,r;o.tir r mer other hoc tern stab); tech": by
town. 'alio bare cao..lced core thti retet./
Fo each RS c.oll'cr with rhu.atic bat!, there
actr U rrfllAt remborocatcti, with the e.t.d.:. oceurrattro
that their hooellital effect, will to toad ace der2.ded.
For talc, wholetale and ret '
tociti Woci et.
The Human Body Must Perrpire;
0 SAYS NATURE, to hard - a healthy a)
eJ pee saner; and ;wry... who do not tessp:es.
to the most dieursdng Skis thresues. bow, Join? Italian'
Spey moss • foe istsrptratts, and st th ui mu!
time toolli&a sdianetbs iddn, Lasing it tha Watson
of as infastya,
Ecurri, oath Ithenth, and Eorth are not only but
met] by It. use, aa at kith 7 obrfoitins in N. lork- koow,
wbo me It In la th ceins, end Sind it nisibilios—ar
ristples. Illotehrs. Pholohr, or:orb-hot
reader is assured that this Is to useless onliod noss ns p, ss .
one trial till prose. 1 mould enumerateat harp r s gi t sr
maths tared of can LW, sore lets, end ant
Bar itossidd the milder 1 1 r.s.i...uffc , mould ”.ttro
•1113.O. tor Lb* those, unless I Yuen it to lo !than,
who anliable to thrash clamed lest, '•
fhb tot only a cuss. Lot Arm - entre! sus. . l oan
ae. tat ethi. that snr one stilted with sty rf ths t.boso,
or "'dollar dlericee will and ain at, and even owns! isdth ! .
Table in Its Numbs, that. I ear,
• 1i.371- Ent. mass. the sours
,art. C. with .thitatstie.
'sod bs snouk-for Jolt] inthenCtzordral Losp—a nt i
bur it 6r MI. JACKSON. only 2.satt. Ls l'itbsouridt,
tend of Hood. .
Pearly White Teeth, ,aOl Pure 'Breath: to
bobs's' fix 13 estas.—Penotar oho base 4ther: aro hoot
wattled that st their bretth sa ever .en FAIL or <bete
teeth decayed. derk or yetJow. oat easerassteel with meter s
that • tr.% amt bor of Jams' Amber Tov..ts Poeta will rush*
the teeth .10 white so eat.,11.1.1-{lll, cdaritereud,
atet s t colr at 5417-SOX3 Store s ttas Martyr., hew* et
A Scientific.
Eau.; mi. matt Hair Tonic, .
now arta Restorer and Beau-
Leen usol
Josataa Coral IWr r.e.o.r, know Its e.t,S.ent
thorn .ho tune 'not: o. amaze tt to warm da1...1/amine
qualitts—lt ea farce the. bate to ipso on any mrtelbm.
:asthma Intandol bar to praar: c4e =nit ad cn.aatart.
or atentrd: and anrte ta r. at. or MY ter Idoe dart.
For rendering the heir to:: 1.1 gay, nothing can mom'
thia—.ll makes It truly )sctu:itui, kuta - tt Kt. It* In..
deed: tbe moot oceasciadeed—yet =periar—artkie Pa tlis
fair. •
'SO my at %CT JACILSON'S store, Men; strOo
bee 4 K Wot+l, Plttsburs.S.
Frkts....s7X ceats, =V- SL
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JONES Solution. of Jet, a Liquid L,: ac'
8a1.7 Dee. tar the cluanii...7 et atm., re& or envy befr,fe a
beautifulpay, at. black ...i. oda . , tr a few r.:nuus.
,Itleas-4Li ear aul. SL
- Sold by elm.; uee N,ZlOLiberefulzieta . beedefl4744, '
JONES' LILLY WHIM—L.7.6Iga aia atm: _ ,
hbzekt %Tess%attekbe toc=clet,:pasttl Chap,
Are not aim" tow t thay,.1111.1191 is 1414), the etha
t zw !l us =:
:I' ' Ar c '''44l :=• 4l ut di kim C
" Wl'U trlht th = t io b tVf 'd*t
thtes ..... .es. the eethirtiV•
Wag 01 Mt
iberacct47 71 3- 73 •
bat ocolaWitoalgb. hiCssa =2p, . 440 i,