The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 21, 1851, Image 4

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    PITT,§4 - ,t4OP: irAZETTE
Never too Old to • Lesum
_wing well
authenticatedllklloio fade
ielfillistride the principle that .man is
never too old to learn :
;Socrates, at an extreme old riAlearnt
toc , ,play — on Musical. histriamenti:," This
woul.dlook ridiculous for sonie Of the rich
old men in our city, especially iftley should into their heads to thrum a guitar
=air a lady's window, which Socrates did
not do, bat only learnt to play upon some
instrument of his time, not a.guitar, for
the of resisting the wear and tear
of old age.
Cato, at eighty years of age, thought
proper to learn the Greek language. Many
of our young men, at thirty and" forty, have
forgotten even the alphabet of a laii,guage,
the knowledge of which was roteavary to
cuter college, and which was made a daily
exercise through college. A fine comment
upon love of letters, truly.
Thitarch, when between seventy and
eighty,•commenced the study of the Latin.
Many of our young lawyers, not thirty
yea of age, think that nisi prior, &ire
Jocks, &c., are English expreions; and
if yon tell them that a knowledge of the
Latin would make them appear a little more
respectable in their professions they will
,'.reply that they are too old to think of learn- I
lug Latin.
Bxeacio was thirty-five years 'of age
• when he commenced his studies in polite i
literature. Yet he became one of the three
great masters of the Tuscan dialect—Dante
• and Petrarch being the other two. There.
'',':are many among us ten years younger than
...Bootacio, who are dying of ennui, and re.
gret - that they were not •educated to a taste
for literature, but now they are too ell
• '
Sir Henry Spelman neglected the EMU:a
ces in his youth, but commenced the study
of them when be was between fifty and six
tyears of age. After this time ho became
the most learned antiquarian and lawyer.
Our young men begin to think of laying
their seniors on the shelf when they have
reached sixty years of age How different
,present estimate put upon experience
'.'-from that which characterized a certain pe
„Acid of the Gredan republic, when a man
was not allowed to open his mouth in can
' curs or political meetings, who was under
-forty yam, ,
Colbert, the famous French Minister, !at
sixty years of age, returned to his Latin
'bnd law studies. How many of our college
; learnt men have ever looked into their cies._
tics since their graduation?
Dr. Johnsoaapplied himself to the Dutch
laUguage but a few years before his death.
Most of our merchants and lawyers of
twenty-five, thirty and forty years of age,
are obliged to apply to a teacher to trans
late a business letter written in the French
language, which anight be learnt in the
tenth'part of the time required for the study
of do Dutch; and ill because they are too
old to learn.
Ludovico Mottaldes=, at the great age
of one hundred and fifteen, wrote the me
t mous of is own times--a, singular eau
tion, noticed by Voltaire, who was himself
; one of the most remarkable instances of
the progress of age in new studies•
Ogilby, the translator of Homer and
Virgil, was unacquainted with Latin and
! Greek till he was past fifty.
Fratddin did not fully commence his
philosophical pursuits till he had reached
his fiftieth year, How many among us of•
thirty, forty and fifty, who read nothing
t• but newspapers for the want of'taste for
natural philosophy 1 But they are too old
to leain.
. ,Aecorso, a great lawyer, being asked why
he began the study of law so late ' answered
that indeed he began it late, but he should,
therefore; .master it the sooner. This
agrees with our theory, that healthy old
age gives a man the power of accomplish
ing a difficult study in much less time than
would be necessary to one of half his years.
; Dryden, inf his sixty-eighth year, corn
' inenced the translation of the Iliad; and
his most pleasing preductifins - Were written
in his did
We could go on and cite thousands of.
. onamples of men who commenced a new
'study and struck out into an entirely new
pursuit, either for livelihood or amusement,
at an advaneed age. But every ono fend
lics. with .the biography of distinguished
men will recollect individual cases enough
to convince him that none but the sick and.
indolent will ever say, I am toe old to
study. • •
, .
' . . A MAN in the State of Nei York, who
, .
v was extremely addicted to profane. g,
Via Ono day at work with a yoke
sp it,
:. a= his house. The oxen not welkin to to
:'.snit him, he began whipping them Seyerely,
." at the same time uttering volleys 4I oaths.
The oxen breaking loose fromrtheir bur
, then, ron to the house, whilo-their owner
:in a passion punned them, and coming
. up
. with them at the home, began whipping
'74. Ahern again ' and swearing horridly as be
' - begin to talk began to prattle his profane
after him. No sooner did the father
hear this, than his feelings were wrought
- ,upto a lively sensibility. He paused for a
. . moment, dropped his whip, eat down and
wept bitterly. A flood of keen.reflections
...-.lll..leitif'lnshed upon his convicted am
' , science; which produced such an effect that
- he found no rest to his mind ) day nor night,
till his sins wertiforgiven.
•:' Tees Las Hos 1 . C. Ckzuotrs.—The precise
.'Plorewer views" of the late Mr. Calhoun re
. gat ingthe South and its relations to the Union
...knee been invelredfn some uncertainty. No one
... ewer doubted that he was in favor of breaking
' • %La,t sacred and inviolable drofedera don of the
willsout,Which any sieghiState, or any
Seentinlion Of two or more,. exclusive of the rest
.•,tettsdirsotionghartipreserved a political .. exits
lOW* but o'op:ism:ter of secession proposed by -
' Urn has hertefore been somewhat of a mystery.
'.'.titt doubt =the stubject is at bmt cleared up by
stetter lately puhlished in the Charleston Court
"' er, addressed by General Junes Hamilton. on
-the 2d Init., to the SOIL Wm. Pope Bluffton,
lilenafort district, South Carolina, explaining the
reasons which prevented his delivering an ettlo
glum on Mr. Calhoun, according ti the appoint
went of the citizens of that place. The cub
- stance of the apoPmy, is, that he could not hate
. pronounced a dissertation on the principles and
opbdons of South parolina's favorite son, with
' out communicating a truth which would have
been unacceptable to the majority of his hear
ers, while he could not have suppressed it on
nab an occasion, without a moral treason to thic
memory of his friend.
_- The troth referredto is that, up to the period
of, kir.: Callollll ' ll death, "ho never contemplated
--- doe mparste arid isolated action of South Caro
_ Ibta„ season an exigency so vehement and Fres
_ Ain, fa Ids opinion, as the admission of Califor
liilir • lie looked dose to the united and co-opo
, utter action of Virginia and a majority of the
cotton States. '• Ile newer for= instant, chetish-
Wd the ides of denting South Caaolins to deso
. Mem, or oar people to slaughter, that other
States of tbe Southmight be dragooned into our
-.. al= • flit whole policy war founded on a
and pacific. union of the South for the
- proteetlon of the South; With tangu ie which belonged to Wm noble nature
' =lnge to the very cormtitution of ge
table—he cisnishrxi this hope to the !set This
newt, be did not look beyond the west moral
-lowa which the Motto bnpreert4 14 our own
: Palmetto holds forth for the instruction of bet
sorts—. nhalr,.optintoei perati.." That am'
mare th opinions of .This mat rice, I hare in
: aj da
en the most IriMetehle bastimonyt
a fitting time shall he made public, if
-need beh"
That thea, vs bare the tettlntany at AI Pee
actetreem to Mt Calhoun', dleoulon , etbaeat
Idgebt plum It beyond further misapprebebeloo;
s ad, op" &WA not, all good and ith. ma. trill
Lllll4.tbongb be planned mit.b caution, bb.
Wes not lets fatal both to his country and
eie tholpordieal bopeleot mankind.—Nolth
taliftrtmorr—Yrron tbs Deseret NM pab
-4 64 City Of the gait Lake, of December
'11":106 Witt thirt 'dr Ofmeral. Anzetibii ;
facetted gat arrenlealo Waage,
1114111"."41;&TOt foot dos tber. 441--
AllifiderS It o odgill f lartml7, Prelt
ig.""aft4t bded tweeted tail* foot
IS iotefof th -- I °63e. nnt ` the Pont Offiee ' Ufa the,otd
Areve Ipoet - opim
*Nag stie s; Where , , '`"7
ed, at ahl! time of Libor on ths' public works re
, The - TaoTroll .Troctins — vain to the Sainte,"
•in which; knot:401121;11,1i annotmcedby •••lieve
lotion" thatooch no any man drinketh
wine or strong among you, behold it is not
good . neither m t in the night of your Fattier,
only, in assetahling yourselves together, to offer
up your sacraments before him. And behold,
this should be sine, yea, pure wine of the grape
of the vine, of your make. And again; strong
chinks are not for the belly, but for the wash
' ing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not
for tj;A body, neither for the . belly, and .is not
goo for man; n ot at is an'horb for bruises, and all
vick tittle, to used with judgment and stilt
And again, hoy drinks are not for the body, or •
be11y."... •
These, and tither "words of wisdom" are re
commended to the "Twelve High Priest!, Seven
ties, Elders, Fathom Priests, -Teachers, Dea
cons; Brethren,'. and Sisters of the Church of Je
sus Christ of. !totter Day Saints:" and they ore
ordered to Goler together and "decide whether
they are sent forth in the wisdom of Heaven cr
the-lolly of lona"
- Whether "hot drink" ore "for the' bat or
belly," or not, lie a nice question in theology.
To Builders.
fiBALED P • OPOSALS will be received by*
the . Board or Director. of the Mint Ward Public
t, of the ettp , af Pitteburgh, up to the 2lut fact. for
the mutt= of • tol Howie. acturtho.R to Ploho end .
at:Wow of the upe, which OM Le seen at the adro or J.
. Kerr, Eq., Archract, or& Fourth sreet, end where IP
ueweteary Worm:Mon ran he had, after the 11th but.
apledd : Jolts Mt:CALIF:EY Pr 1..
• es
lals for Coal ail Slack.
,ROPOSALS for delivering, in
es the Warta of the Pittabuzah Gas Com
-4 b ill evet t ei t = 4 :4lre traran b i
i ' ir. " %e th a e f 1 51t i tit " afaiV1=tivriel ' t
. 4 sain:ttees q ,ae al ho approved of avid
• ' Propoi
Q.FAT,Pri 1
; ..dam al
tow, ICO.OOO int.
el. of Mork, will* r 0,,,..
Coalliodunda.t.. U. MI nu...,
Coal sod niank4 , be of snob quell. .......- -
times, aid. Qualities, SS Mal Se auto. --
ThO staudini M computation for Cod and bladt to be 76
outdte/. buthtL
o les.
- Th. la ta lobo toado mon th ly. rots... lal percent u
Menal Or palbrmo.ce or notruct
to addro,nd to nom. Bakelssil, Eh.,
t of the OntiPtur, and ernioronl “Propoad. or
und Black- . JAMES M. CIIMISTY,
DitYGOODS, &c.
OW Springat .7 o. , 'et et.
ALF , AN i t , ER &DAY' would respectfully.
twits th e attention of the public to their large
choke sear of NEW ISYRING GOODS, whkh they
nee now opening. Tins stock has been bought at the /mod
ELONIA ductless and DaporteVe rant and will be sold at
is say mall ad • to cash buyers, bT wholeule or rte'
. , ALIYANDZIL k DAY, kb Market et
0 -
..:11n • rk. • Narthrest corner of the Diamond. •
Lw A. N & CO. 62 and' 64 Market
• az.t. taw flatly opening and nothing MAT.
g ec i a j nyrWng the taaat aria naive and earl watt.
meat at and AlllLTietill Oaoda the r baTOOTer er.-
hedhat td wh trier lanwnany amt.. do .ttcatlo pt nor
ew Spring Goode.
kit.. MASON & CO. will open this morn
. on-70.m. of Importal mid Is.merican Y
of this said and aunt fagskusablis Mies. to a D
duty so l ici t the Attention of their palm. and the public.
JIB SIIMSCRIBER hoe commenced re
raring sils.entu . and more &Arable dock of FANCY
• ETY nod DRY GOODS than he eTtr brought to this
1 ,
tonsket, co nx In tart of
Ilium, Pe Isom., Mao. de Lainos Oingtormill
pawn Tictart Sates, Mull, and Book Skull.. , am , and
Juane Weill . Cloths. Carclosorra n Ca:rine Tensed,
and Jeanie. v ole Cotton &rim.: tri.nut ,,, nr. Poole'
lidkin LEA • Thibeh Mous do lain, and Cotton
Shim*. U. s titanes s Ribbon, Laces, yells, Combs,
Rattans, B • ..nders, Parasols, Umbrella& Table and Pock
et Cutlery • kik Jeurarrs A arches. 10., te., to which he
resportAdy In ,ten the attention of merchants da
.2 C. ARECTUNOT. 88 fl
oodW st
el WA! BIBBY'S. N 0.136 Ltheare Smarr.
t a za liim an4 i =r4, , , ir sift
s o!, Yoshi . ona i b , t i g r ong
1 ,
aimed Astor in Amerkan7Flgliar and Fvetieh C.afrd•
a vary pla ndotMent of ' Windlass Lod Muth.
OT .I Bahl sable shade
and color; which, together with
reth Moth of IllinDli MADE
tl l en s lli ' ll. atalese of the largeat and best winced
stock. weed of the Alla r ghanne all of which the Proarictor
ix determinetb to other at such prima as will convince all
who favorthia with a call, that cot only the moot auperior
Clothing I, sold at this establishment. but also at the low
est i trizin ouviimi......
uw..“....„1. the
test Magda er. and at thethotest notice. l'
-- - -- --- --- --
Straw . nnet and Hat Warehouse,
ltH. PALMER offers for sale, at very
. low pee. a full anorexia. of Straw and Millis,
:10.V.A." Rowley and Am Mean Mal and
_0 7
a Bra
e.. Chap, Mlllou, ' Lace, lialL a rionela f' be o g .
de, Ae..
HATS-- 'a, Youths'. mad Boy.' Leghorn. Ether sal
Main Braid. S. es., Panama, Manilla eon Palm Leaf lie
foot? foghorn. Braid. Straw. Chip Gimp Lace. and Bale
Slither Gliwes. Janus Livid. and other forma in gnat vari
ety a shape seal material.
IP lIIOS—RIth Bonnet and Scarf. plain Satin and Tsf
tetvr, .11 whit/. mo th foneT Ctn. OLP.
LAVES—Phan figures' white 31,4 col.. Mb and
Co:m 7. eat
1;(121 . 1Y .L P /IVG-Conhi. Impels, BUM., Desk! ,
vFLOS ' %meth and Americo. Sprieni, busit.. and
septhatel and siovelaxelna
I3ONAN 7BILKS _AND SA TLVS—Glaer Be . to No ,
plea. Get. de Ilidne. blerevith , thd ether eiilea ...tied
bnallldasseird lora
A im — guars -tied and colon.
Aln—Bleh and low priced Pannob and Umbrellas. flood
Spring Bonnets. • .
ft R' F • T LOT is received ando
°pencil:: taluristag, in. papa the folk - slug
Miami Chip, queen's Data
Mina cud 1 ,pair Lea, hi.... aud TuliP.
Milian Chip, Janus LTud sad E.t.b.
Xii , Cliah QUA Plated Straw and hatin,
Pine Straw and tHaramd, Pawl and Loop - tia.t.ln.
Flamm Played, . Auierricau LAM,
Ellghlil Pr9/11 Ilaugariau )livid,
Altaista, 'Plow! Magic
WI BUT, Silk
li. A. MASON a crE.
suahl.6 I 01 and 04 limpid st.
2ETS,: .- OH, CLOTHS, &c.
. 4140 s
Is conslmutly receiving him P.Priost Stork of
clan s, ompicyrits, a; ,TRIMMINGS, j
C in East the tbrlowlsi3warletiest
Extra Royal Velvet - Pile Carpets; do. do. Tapestry Eros.
Ilmswelm toetra =yew. 3 As; supreme 3 pli,
ewer& ra do; line do.; common W.; rattan do;
4, 34, 441sAnd 2.4 twilled Vanilla= 4-4. 34, AI, and 34
plain do.; 44.34, 33, ast4 34 wool &01 cotton do. ..
KrtriX/denlille Bun e floe do; do.;extra tuned do; Coe
do. do.; wawa do. Cberdlle Dow 31=1, tufted do. do:
damp stirs do. do.; Adelaide dn. do; Thrum dn. do.
Crumb Cloths. Felting do, Docking 124, 0.4. end 2-4.
Also—Eheet 011 Cloths. ' ent to Pt any doe boll or mow
34.34, 044 64. 44. anti 34 Oil Cloths, -
Also—Stidr Redlo-of all eleno CotTlet Moline /JAC. ,
;etc Itacdwi_o4, 44, and 34 Mat/loom Table Liner= Caul.
and Diaper: lltokebnek dn. Trusewent Window Obits's.,
Bel W Widow Hollanolo Venitian Blind. Ensbowd Plano
Conn., dol Table do.: do. RAW do.; Worsted Table do.
.1 0 :l i sn c iol b l It r ag andrAttrelted Icing .p . 1r staltli rat tram ..o t . lz
.onned lityles sad colon, we we it peed
tp sell to our
az-lends and =ottoman IA Of. or kw as they can te pow) ,
av in ally
_of We Eastern Cain.
We cordially Invite all to all and &Sestina our stock at
ThECpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
meh 9 r W: MeCLINTOCK.
Wines and Liquors.
No 167 ty at., Fo r
rmerly Dario mob, factory.
of Pittaburga ~ a. FroOrkrtio of N. T.
F .lO EISEN & STOUVENEL, respectfully
announce to the imblie generally, and their resale
Vgwti:ll . f i r c er they . liars established a NEW WINE and
1.1(W011 RE at the above eland,. where they shall al
ways &hill assortment at the beat stock—Moselle and
Preach roil and white Wine*. Also, french dark analog.
Brandio,iof the choicest vintage= Jamaica ram. Holland
gi t .,,lrlabrWltiskel.nhampagne =I sparkling hock wines .
Of the =44.lpr:reed brands. port wicker, Madeira sherry
and moor Wines, Alerpathei Alacoranitnes. Holland
herrings, Swim end Litaborgn ghetto. Ali of which they
will MU, boloaals,ar rata!l as thalami. reasonable terms.
frizg u t partner.. kir. Etonvenol, still thorns his
aine& in the eity of Is York. the above Pm
La enabled to wilts cheaper and • better article than tmy
athaf lulus in this city. Please give us a call, before too
&iris:Wks trove extra charge, and set t lb.
'tartest.. mks
D r KING, Banker and Exchange Ilra
kor, Fourth a., deals In Western Yantis, Shrht
tuu •• um Fusions Vitro. and nukes collodium in the
Tem ceville and Nobleatown Plank
'Bead Company.
CE in hereby given to the Stockhold
nid ncinvany.
Treee n
T f .
tiziely, to
Doii1:11 outgun* of, " L 'o ntock, on the Zinnar In
each end nrety month Immo" mon th e onkolo .toen
57 k 4 %Mil!,Mt` t rr,t bur,.
prontlAtipunotoolintbile. rylnuttim,
ell's Unproved patent
Lad Ere for agranto,
term% Ano
All duo oa hood and to arrive,
_Dr ny
norbliat . 134 neat arm!,
ACARD. --1 have removed to my now gore,
tthrta doom beare r ) neatly eirDdit, 4 „Paa,: i !
orbornah, dam I will Ida glad 40 ,OT T. 1 4. . 111
low eltlyns, ad; reedy* a OUZO C
i k il.% 3 A4lld . Vr,Strtl f 2.1 1 / 1 6k.
rev 'drop:Ler Dods., molded, and Illankots, Perna
C 03 1414 17 41 44 Coadrts; Mind. Sinaloa of demon
der. Lido Pod, ord dory arum,' asugla ott. l tko
moot dm:Woo eastalbdusento aloha knot - Onto:. mord. -
"i4l aid ed •. ad mat
Wlt ti Orti. Third gnat.
& F. WILSON have removed to No.
114 Nomad at., and 147 hoot n, between Wood
111;1341d. :
erode» .04 Lltalen la Picdttale. have nurnwl
lA!4 Mot& gad 121 MA Ft, Ixtwoen Wood on/
GORMLY has removed to N0.2:41
. rortrir%, t, w d b or.r. 41J91. bin Gamer fotand.
pYy.Sion Rimoveir — "
rrli oubeeriherte. hie Seed Store
A r rreekeuret Ua. building I•oostis axasted
h r 00 0 10 , 1104 . 0L05.9. TAUS 7 tsoot, 010:30t 11,0
r 99SYSX.g. PurTE.•
ww--)V04.--414):p. DUI m bum:nom
tO n7 illl= ` At z ktil " a lt k OVM
-6,, L.4,1 1 1 w PP 5 4 44 1 .nnts
and pal, jig , os2.lxo:__
FAIZMIUS—A (.1•4.4 ussertmat w
bad "66 IV paanci
J. D. wrrxtems'ak CO., i
Corner of IK/Od dna 11/4k &ref; Pittentrei,
WVE NDW IN 6 STORE, and aniTa this ,
week, the follOtrityr goads. of the moat recent IMPott
whirl: my cdfer on rie most remonable tern®
115 catty toxin prize ()nen 1.% dos. Patant. Una Wari
jil hLT " '''' Oot. U.''' lon gteltu d ilitz ' ' ' 9 .-.. l'!" /Ur Pur*
10Ct to.iirs Ma tnner. 75 1ibi..14. Q. Molserietc
15 Laura and dant 15 " SAL ...
tO bunt tra t tia, 1, and 1 7 10 " Gold=
ru e
a d
lump Tohanote . 25 " last Crurhad, and
:Is tads. Sor. 1 and 311ite.k. Ponder:a/Sugar
malt 550 Pa. mealiest Raisins.
= %mid !a do. No. 1 do. 50 drum. tanyrn* rir".
2 b o w: d % do. Estate,: "X jar. Borilrius Prom,
50 riled Herr in= 5o let firily. "
PAO lbe. trtra Madam;
, fi to!en Rook Ctit . 11. )1
- 3 holm Caasin
1 " Closet 1; - =..a jilt:tam
Carina 0 Almond
0 l ai`V,;:g7 g ,t Au "' 5 " 80. q.
•,! ...Orouna l•lngia-. 12 dm. Military 7 00 1 0
1 " " Pepper; 1151, e 02 (hub. Soda;
101 " " ettim 1 - Crrm Partin: .
km Pi
+ " : Motiardi 1 tote Pnwl tt saw: -
10 " " Ciente :2 . thrill mai Sonora
'2 libls. Garretri Pooh':: Lionotten -
45 bout noun, Candle: I 1 •` Armor Pooh
21 " Cit. Candle: I
Roth Brick
10 " ppenn " 1 VAL Floor nainhur;
100 done Muter, abettor, 100 grog Malebo= .
luu lea ripertineriot Floor. 10 dos.: Samna of Lemon.
lirti .` &F. indigo;
A nte, and Sardiln
ai d,,a. I n a; . 5 " Ltroon &W. 1 .;
150 "'" Corn 71room_ 1 men hal &die
illaia, 'Sari
, White Danl. Lard 00.20. me=
247 prime R. CoOm;
• J Vag. y. Imp% upl
Black TCI.%
150 but, 515 Ltnnp aml
801 l Tobacco;
25 tr.. Ake:
5.0d0 L. Calllslm
102 Able. N.C.
SO " Lcmla Ced La=
5 Bac mut G'd Scams
4 censor. Imllrx
254 tax.ll:lo, - 10:12 Plasm
U 45.9 grekVittrl l l.V.P, l
50 Plc lia.l 2 me.. ret
300 Imo:Y.1BL mad Mcem
2100 Ls. Whttinm
Phi. Thwack.' Oil;
7000 gall. Lamp .
MOal dos., Bu
N: 6. Sugar and Volum,: 7
o.rn, uri2 Coniol. ,, Wn
Cottosaar. Until= Catolle
trolosectt of lowa vs ,
For 0ni0433 -
m 01024 122
Produce, Commiazdan, and Ibrwazding
7E;North : Zr . Cr!,
Fir RE undersigned. Agent .for the Penn
srlvanla sae Ohio Line. helaw rentrally located on
Li Rialloion. and Ruguntienow IlearowL he+ mule ..r
-ranzemen. for bear their • •
In twarwellon with the FORWARDING ausisaa G end
ly r eollells c rwiwswertisof
rteesisetlwlly r L e. Gontio.v.
Durninut. Mart h, ISO!
N. IL Orderwtor Orweriee, Eat. airo messur exeent.e.
- Mtwara. John Sullivaio 4 Sias, W. Slam Y deta, Tbn. J.
Canato t Ca. Solon blethallogla A Co.. Wylk Want
Davi," Hays kCo, MVO. Begetter* BohwY. Mika*. Mat
hew. Torulroll. Pell a Slade, Hobert Garrett a Puts. Jae.
Mamma. It. Cranglei A Co., Wbeellug.Ta
Messrs. Cleat A Thaw, Henry Grath Pittsburgh.
Mr. J. N. Err, flambeau:,
Jamas Cowden. Bap, Columbia.
Henn. Mullholl. AC. Blairsville.
Messrs. P. A.& N. Butall. Tort-
Messrs. James Merl S. Ga. Lewis 6 Butler, Philadelphia
-75 hhtl, prSme 0. trz for talc by'
JA,TT.i 4 [CM ' , ON
I OAF SUGAR-200 bls. Stan% for kale by
lI Enclk2,7 JA..31F5 A. 1107C111.80N ACO.
Nj 0. SUGAR-25 bbds. for sale by'
m etilN JAS. DA LLY.LL. G6l aLor st.
MACKEREL -150 bbln. prime N 0.3, land
d°''rnd r 'iatarsos A ILEPPItIII.
0.3 - 10 hhd,ll-..ntation Fup , r;
. (oak roopertii..)
to nom awl for rale br
50 5 ft 1 , 1A ,.. 11 , Ilough , T ri :Sargi .
, 1 5 ` 0 .4affny
p.l comes or Market and Ttird 4.
ARD--20 kegs Ni. I Lard. and "hide
jILA Ur rare Lard. fdr sale b, 11, DALZEILL i CU.
*P 3
QALERATUS-12.5 boxes and 10 btILL
17 pale by
. DALILL t 01).,
Libarty attret.
-150 netto. Wr.1.1.1511
dos. lklOur.le: • •
10 ker. cs .05...r10 ,11,1 . 0 .^4
:AU lb, 1110, - .1
.51 matA
-54 ' '.
metal 1151 Stara. and 151 froat street
In the Diatnond, Second Da,from Diatrond alley.
J.F YOU WISH FOR TEA that ig'.really
cher,. this ls.the Alex hoe it, we Interject law pied neser Let , t at this . etshment. .
Eseel)cnt l'atnny Tent— ... ...... ..... 8-
eur , rrtur qualities_ ..... ............ , ... 75..
Thevery ................... ........
Thas le the hair in
in rimburat. that keep
Itae briole
•.10 n...... P. A LiCrzr 1.. , i"..027" • ' '
213 bbl.. erveltal en s= .
17 , 1 " Powner4
he " CLArillud " . •
, " tinld en ariClaribecl 27 MPt
" " .1 - ZiWi. ` Mtgol; 1 -''. .)..
1:201 . 2:r A=rnts AL Unto , fAwar Refloell.
QUGAR-92 hteis. N. 0. to arrive this day,
Ibr alb. by meblA S. TIARILLW R.
OLASSES—:I44) bb M. N. 0. for sale by
y 'scan s. Sr. LIARBAteIf.
EGGS -A fewbls. (fresh) for sale by
=dal 0. * W. 11.6RHAVU
Alit--10 I,llls. &75 kgs. No. 1 Lard
da4 mom .cd tur ease El
itt . ..lltl:ntsl
Izet—solrot at
D BIED A b I . : 4 PLES--130 1 5 ,6: ; xri i i i n , e in f t oj o s i t t ile
Cob FISITLB reediuut:titTiki;r6 -
meh24 N. t W. 1.1.4611A.0011.
and Dart,
meti,Ltkl rat
ALMON-5 bbla. No. 1, for rtale
' IL DALZZLI. a co.
H ERRING -4 bbls. for sale by Co.tnclai I. !Co DALZPL
ULVERIZE COlLN—ltefined and Pre
ram/ Famsssly for Food.—Tlals IntomsursblY Dare
beautiful srtfula is racssedurFly healthy. Milo.. end
mmies!. Puddlogs,(, turtarts, dr— tr, nude by
thr dimetions oroomponyllay met. psoksyst Addul
most esculleut Prim per peekep. it .Ots.
Yor sale by mchl2 It. Y.. SYL LC Itd, t 7 Wood t.
ACON--5 Lhds prime Hams;
ii do do Moulders, in utm• and
Pods O r WO:
RockingbardandDomestic (Dunmore.
v ufsetarer of Plekinghans and Fellow CA:. Ware,
East LassAlmos. Ohio.
girliample Rome. No. 104 Fourth streets nest the NMl
ash. °Aloe. Ihtschrtrab. Po.
competentlso Works enable as to All orders promptly.
A designer bd. cassia...ol enttlelen. aim ess•
>tiles ass to keep pace r with all the 1311 •WA proved styles
of lhe day.
Water Urn.. Spl terms, Pitetions, Fancy Toy.. Limatert Seta,
Flower Vas.. Goblet.. Mmtel Ornscnents. hledietrm an 4
Snuff Jam. and articles for domestic-wee, ln graft measly.
Orders reepArallic sidk". mehMelf
Websters Unabridged Dictionary,
ARV, bound In sheep. 14.53pp.quartn—jYrlea
Pawls work bound In Muds eaLf,emobossed Pack and Mos.
yory al.gana—sloo .
A large supply of the ahoy° work reed br
FEATHERS -1600 lbs. prime, for aalo by
mehlT S. 6 W. 1161111.611011.
F LAXSEED OIL--5 bble. City Make, on
band sad tor We by
X.) reed and Zs sale bl
TIRESS SILKS-21.7 pcs. assorted Spring
Jur st7k Ilrect Silk. just rel'.l
A. A. St Agol4 ;14. (XL,
mai 10. 62 and 64 Market, stroet
15 non plaln all wool h igh colored Dc 1.506
5 - lack
5 bow and splendkl style Dorado DI lAince.
16 choke style (I.adlnen i..21.P22.0 2 . 2
mob* A. A-KAMN CO.I.
parAsti--8 casks reed and fora/do by
MILLER A nicKrtso.F.
atent Koll and :25 Liberty wk
" •
WINTER WHALE dfL-- - P2.00 guiLbPd,
to eNrt and ftr
yy " i '.1711.1.EP. a RICiESSON.
kj of a my suptelor ovality—e ,met Rut
LA sit:ACHY it BURCHFIELD two jost nod freer
r of the above eore .so. ho of all the •ttior q
tothi uelittex,
the up to 11
fr EU BUTTER-14 kegs just rea'd and for
Web/ (ooe_?_1) MILLET! i IfICI!IEWON,
biIk and Linen Combrie, of new and hoodoo). otitem,
/itN 01NIT iklifilVFNE.—The pure juice
of the orwe, tialtablelhemedlciteslporweee, for se/.
by t Quart or Bottle, at 31.01t111n ILAWOBTIBB '&3
and Wier . ..Vore, et= We of the Diamond. [fob=
SUNDRIES-1 bbl. Chestnuts; !„..
3 .IDekor7 Nula
2.1 born Cenrin Csudlet flr eale tr
rochl3 J. D. WILLIMIS k CO. .
gro.for sale
• PLr tochlG J. KLDD k ft.
DOTASII-10 casks, vr nrean - Eel pure, for
br mobil J.* ff. FLOYD.
Parlbr Chandelle:van.' Brutal,. or tha haat atric.q
Li" two and a. li g ht Oroarotaal Pendent*, at anent
Vera. . . WLSON.
malt. eon., of Fara and Itarkat
‘ I ,,OLAIt LA - Oak - PS, dIIANDELII - MS,
oratu gezb,i• , •:tz 4 L—zeil ,:a=ivc •
SEEDS -26 Croyiced;
=ht. • 1.. P. WATEitIitAN 1441 NM.
Bitoomg-24i, r r gale by
tarb3l MlUrypn 11,11.1CfREM)N
se.hll S Olt 1.3. V i plllll VEIL
BUTTER -5 kegs. plekfal, aieainby
DRY Ay. Es --y) alp., reed, for sale by
inkarED gEACILES-25 bu. for mile by
1-Ft SASIVIA. stltantit.
liptlCte--21eratt - Tratlia L f.irTat.;Sl7
111,1 Adak • lacsll.
State. Maul Fire Inrataime c om p an y.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 54 Earranit.D Smzzr,
HE best evidence of the Success of the
to mate the STATE ATTE.
iiim - ZnyisuagNChi COMPANY meet the wants of
th q ....dry, I. U.. unpavallaled amount Po nd.
which has hewn dune. harlakiseciel OTeT 5.00 In
a little more than eight Monte. and adding imer Me),oo
p il e t t o the c00:m.3, Meek. an proud to PT.
that newly orosertr nour.o L• of the 100 stud iu rbou. and a lac. Manned r
Number of Policies Untied, - . 5,065
Amount of property insured, - $5,139,496.00
do. guarantee ptCI3IIIIIIIS, 57,909.79
do. cash premiums, -- - 32,194.24
do. guaranteestock, •- - 90,104.03
do. losses, 4.100.00
-Iv be deducted from the above balance, the haidental
lflreiu atersbnette. and gamma oWelllaidi,
oiedtillT,L.P.cati lt tatievad ti. oiare
peril /Words assea t igueLso t;Litileilleau pos see
L s, inlay. wad
"ri'ViA'Xi'rth,‘Z.l2lep.o7 In
of. gasslanaleal or Wok axe
lteding all emend ' . e ha.sig.t..
sneing only limited Nino.. 15 11/17 oas
dual. the frequency. and ormarence of large erica 11/34
also on bewil the ate. and Mutual Plan. it set iseilliPom,
es,lel the cheapness acid akecrinmelatkae of both methods,
but inaltles the Maenad to a pardcleatain igqb g
It nod. the emend of the following hieeuture__John
P. Ilatherawd, A. J. Gillett. John IL liactellh. T. Jonah .
Alan. Camier, Plidlo C. Scilawjek, Bete. Elate.
J. P. HIPMERPOILD. President
A. J. G Li Lrt. Beasts
A. A. Cal= rp
1, Acta.) , febT7
LtalL IL a L. Blasi=
t.:l‘4 l =llata .
Eta. WeLlolx
50 " Gromf Nutt;
700 dram. Fllac '
50 mars atm Cream;
Paul libittial Life Lavin= Co., Philad'a,
Wm J. FlatMiltrir., dememed,):CO, 243 up se t, yiy , ,et.
A tir .the better earmetilanter of Knots melding in the
i,,„my.t a the du-, t a4mot way Moo ba fond da il y,
f 11 43 V. and 2t o 3' cleat at the ettontlo2 room of
J. 1:1 ' oonmaker a Co. " 24 Wood Wart, sae a ll nem,-
oar, infammiton will rertud ensmn . Mmultlo prompt
ly attended to. Pomp explaining tba y,yie tr iol,.. t eei
benat• of. Life I naoragoa4and bbmk 4.7 ms frumfobtot on
Mai Kock over lalo,ooo and eotistantly IMMO. ig..
Ptah I:arida manally ma oript these llama ftT life.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 31.135 L-1134
6 " Lemon Sims ,-
I . 4=grrli : l4,
" ,•
fia Br, til dtismg
Prituopo &sr:
5,90 a Havana .
160001. Cagy " p. "
100 Water./latteC
S.D. 0 04
0:13 0 E000.11 . 5 .
100 grow, T 062 0 .00
500 tom Been tialtx
" Castl d
le 01.00:111er,
1304 emir Oncrund 004 Ms.
Ming and wmnA.q raper.
00.11 4 010 e 00. 0 :00 .
01IT krpt. ow ilne., '
Sceowi.' and 131 bans Mi.
Tcyskrine, re, and Inland Transportation
THE Insurance Comppy of North Aintrica,
rlals i t s rds-StVeti v irtal6soo,ooo. Martt
'.l/11111ngs and War contents. Ili thistity slaw', I. male In.oranee I.Z
on property of every description. nhlppd pry au... 1.0
and othrr swell. What by Wand tran s sporiatkon or on th.
two. Ptaidnont. '
. _
. .. ....
Arthur G. Calla Pm% nom. P. °Mr
Samuel W. Jiimer, Jahn IL N cif,
Eatorard Alillth, Rtchuld D. Wrtd.
John A. Itrown, Witham Math.
Samna F. B.mlth. Trim& °milt;
Pumusl Brook.. P. Austin .11Utoris.
--- Chubs tailor. Wm. R. Boum.
Arthur* Whit., Geom. Artinuall,
Jamb M. nimics. Jas. N. Dickson.
. P. Mania Wain. IL D. Shemin% fuer. ,• ,
LThislr the Intartrun CurnPuririnth•Liciartl brtlrd
and °con Its blab stamiling.long lisperterme. mole me.
anil arddbm all elks of ino extra haanlons chanuter t lt
mry be mar/Send m olirtli co
ta *mile P. it
ES. AgenEto 'Mc M t, AW..
Ja2t No. 141 Front rtrock
American Life and Health Laurance Co.
Agent for Pittabuzylt, AMYL. D. TOPM;
OS:0.87 Fifth st. stela amllbrAL
Pasimblets caatatobut all asotssary Information tan be
obtained ar tbs ease. ' AMR".
Western Insaranw Company of Pittabarth.
cI:APITAL 000,000. R. MILLER, Jr.,
ismsam ustnat. Mt kinds of est{ hire cad MAU.
Lit vill be literati) sitimtni MomPl/ PM&
A home Institotlen—mansawt try Dimetore woo am well
knorisLo . th . t m eo=76V a idlo
ale det2>7ln= hr
FL. wonted. as Irbil CPA iLt Li prosectlon to those
desire to In losurna.
Ilinteximis--D. Miller, Jr., Oeo. Bleck, J. W. Baiter, H.
Dolmen. Jr, Wal. B. Holmes, C throw. flea W. Jacisson,
Wm. B. Lyon s Juana lipplmott. Decree limn.. Janne AP-
Allier, Alex. Markt. Thos. Deott.
°Mc, No. 92 star street, leremitoma of & Ow.
op inalrre) Pdtelninth. J1.4.4 1 7._
Delaware Mutual Comp'y
CRANIA.. Third street. Philidelphis.
a Pniramser..—thnlitinge, MerehemiLse, and other
propeetT. In town sad entuthr, Menne' against Ica or
dement by are, at the lowest eV: of prelnkun.
items bernmer--They Moo Inureteemls,
and Freimn, for er commiee, under opro 02rVnia
pellet... the assured mar denim.
Intann TulseaterniX.--lher a11i0 ,. /aßain Merchandise
limstlinnted lir Weston. Ilan rend Omni toms. and
Memo T.D.,er , end iskea. ins the out liberal terms.
D.crom . Mere
Lt 3 :4•l, v••••• 1 hoofiervinhp C.
Davis. Il.bert Dutton, Joan R. Dthecee, Samuel ' nestle.
Omega C. Leiter. Tnemtl Dallocino. tune fi. Davis, Wil
liam Polnell. Jahn Nostril.nt in emir. Ceorm g., Forrill Dr. B. IL Minton, Jame/ C
In toi Pa 11. Jon.,
Spenser at Drocsan,_elHleMa
Moen,el pt
0 Johnnie, Wet Lief, Dr. B.
Jana Sgt.", WM. gyre. Jr
Memnon AT Plirmstson—D. T. Worm. limb Shalt.
John T. Logsn.
Wm.* Mama, Prinident. Tem. C. HAM% Tine Presi
dent. Jonams W. Cons', neeremry.
es of ths Oinspway, N. Watsr street, Pitt.
IsoftaT 'M [0..2.11 . I P. A. MADEIRA, Arent-
- .COMPASY, 15c. .111 /hula newt. Nimark.
No. ] l Rm.,. N. Y. Aemenniated asz a tta
41.0Cd..00. dividing trot 3.) to 40 pm cent profit pm annum.
The soberriber will In appalima for 111.1.11 on
edit memmful ins timnpun the • Min
Pr"' In the
64rra. tj ' d W ce LI! P. JONE.d. dGaint.
dos No. 141 Front street
CiIAYT. tor the - Ede of OCCONeti,Wcalen, sad No.lN Waal amen Pt:VW...FL
Orden. tilted at abort cgAtias for a.l daYtittiatt or Wm/ .
lan Ms.-Monty. •- tobl7
...bums between the entoniners. , under the d
art,. Mulled 1 e Ws day diesolved aut.)
Ala Illannler
r. • /or= rthirt3;.
Ira Henry K. Flee:dad le untanned to nee tlee
mane of the lane u m the settlement et tbelr blueness.
Tbn narttendip. he ratelleta betereen the
rieta. ander lb. 'tele of nhaeklett LWhite. era* al.
volved on the tuft do r of JantuoT, Md. by mutual .one
sent. hither of the ettbeenibere will attend 00 feddlnd
the businers, and are auttturterd tome the tame of tholat•
fient for that purport.. No. 101 Wont street.
rebroary 1Z. , 51. 1111.13:IL illltili
NEW FITCV—B. C. Shneklett and ViIMILIII
riwynr, se hmerel partner, gaol ,thratanin Glyde, am
Pore al attl 'halted partner. Intl continue the Whoktate
Dry bads bating. under tie am of B C.aheeklett t tek
et the scam taker wangled by :Booklet!. k White. N. lot
Viced 11 C. 511ACHLETT.
41,14 VOL PAYNX.
(L4O-PAILTNERSIIIP—The eulteeribera have
entered Into Co -Partnership =der Me Ann of E..ja4
A rum °ker. WM.
.21 .361MITIINLY.N.
CO. 'Progi . :tr h s of
the Pear/. &Mot Pmandiattia Elate • 'MX
to inform Unite., Corttraotemsmil <thous, at Ur
kende, Wlrrellas, Cindonall. b. that Oddm ha appoint•
el dux. Locke" e liltubramti.alietrAinn.ty cio ix Mc
redy to colertake contraets doming min. OM, tea
Gauged Sidra
ream. Ilroem Co.. am In pteneedort of the best and
1.„,. r tremolo In the United tatra—the quality of
ch,i moo I. equal. if not stmerlai to Me best Welsh
tilates—they employ mom other but. experienced and prar.
Ural *Mitre to do their vort, courequently haeltne
Mediation In tueurisse a perfectly watertixid. met 000117
and hardnomely msepleted, at as reamaidle a polo. pot
MUM,' any
let the rade.
P.. 11. It Ce.oarrierilarly recommend their Slates to be
put on lath Indeed of it heating. eh felt will be of deariteile
m the cantradors and OWP171111( boildhom
7. ILS lbolf dates and datlot eire temen—end
Mr. Themes Parry, ore of the cotoyeny. may Mao te roc
motet any Clay—at Melt agent's Oilleo_ertmer of Etna at.
arid C a nal. • lIUGIICS CO.
/grade Mao promptly moiled,
SEOARS-150,000 Com. Ohio, for sale by
mobli J. t It. IFLOYD.
T—.--- --
IMOTHY SEED-5O bo. for sale by _
Ambit l. A R. tGOTD.
FLOUR -100 bble. snperfine, foTqaTe - by '
[Debt 4 J.t It. TIADFD
LARDOIL-10 bbl. No. 1, on hand and
for ate by WALLINGFORD k 00..
WI Woks Wort-
IVOOL WANTED—The highest umrket
.7.Y.,,V• 1 ° — tam
• T I C E .—All_p_c_riona having anima
the de-Satcr SCINYLRILL, will please pew
mot them to the inebeenl.w for eetClolomot,locolotilltelT ,
y• ' • "r, " VI Water tt.
yOR SALE—Ohio Penuaylvania Rail
, rod Ptcgi a ßinkofPlttnbobb:,,tyzvb...c . tplak:
ster , and tbr We by JAlttB DAL,Z,vty.i.
• hton, Clark & C
MACKEREL—?S bbls. No. 3;
2.5 hr.*. - err sale by
Webll ' 1 JAMES DAIIKLIs, .. r ...
iiiiiti,AACHfig::_it.ilin. for sale by
55,..014 B. it W. AUOII.
SOLE LEATILER-250 Sides for sale by
mettle ' . &t W. lIAKILIOUIL
TAR -78 bbl. (N. C.) for sale Isi
brand, for
ASII-20 casks Kurts's brand, for
1..7 sale by mchl4 8 t W.IIABBALTUM
FLAX SEED 0114-2000 galls. for sale by
metal 8. Y W. lIALBAGOII.
WINDOW OLASS--600 boxes Windom'
ri oiny, warted clap sod mica, !davit ireW.4
kw sale by mehli 8. W. HAILBAULWI.
Q,I ) .RId6EJffEWING 611111--Jteit received
kj feicavr, Ste., through du Loads of Ily• )(Lo
fty, ► largo Lot of this pleucot sod utott•Olo
WOwn, which Is wed far ••••tiothot the - breath, clew:tat
e lastb. As. Tl,Aslo oho •by
mebi • • • Wool C i lia ROMA►•
WATER • CURE W I RKS--The 'Water
tar, mem o*, oel lib p.n. D.
ber Cure in • by a 'Mary Patient
Hand bark of llyilrnatby Ppe,...10.1,,,,A Mumble
br Dr. Walla.
Domritio psetteo of 117 d •• with Otte. pir.. o 4
Dkutralksna of Important So •• U, by &loud J0b... ,
31. D.
Tberzy and LyrYl l a s r:f th Ll e y o dzopatbD y t , Lie n. . , ll..,,E .
Pr.ncke •
Tte k t a mw r orla i thy
x_nia, le the mils instrument !et iimenbad ba . el, blob
counterfeit min can be osiWnly. &tooted espeilitiom” VIP'
nnicing tot a moment.' mcmison, sssoomid 51,60. /et
male at the ISmich and Jewelry mole of '
i, .
W. W1L...Q.%
corner of Market end itar OA. •
ATENT MEDICINES, &c.—A large Mock
In store.. 4 t sale on th e Meet /11,iirai tunas, via:
ta'. 010100001- Arame.tle Naito
on Acid Bateman'. Immo
Ementlal Pill of Balm= d. llaltha ..
Nerve and llotm Liniment 13 , ,=4,..1:1/AIS of
01.1014.. Elpre•
nil montur Nen= CarponterS Esinict of Bean
l'illlL-ti:l . /.lllltons ' tra'r=liiill r;
Andamotie the
.. „ n „,,,.., .
~...00% AoSSo7apelitie lila, IlyphillA he.
libelpi Tomato ' Elnimi or hlopenalat
1774:ta".' `` Lama
. . Demme
lin. ... Lefelidn
~Blue 1 0 '5/ kr"'
. Quinine _
PcnnUrs, coda ' : B i= ..l '
Wilts , '. eprum Pm Bert
Baer Ointment for Tether **Warr
tx.ntorning fleets. , ente6Lharnt
8.1.1171Par..10 1 12 2 . 1
1 To.ellpStoo4l Bain.. den Sltcton
I Vaneli.4l.• Harlan, till ,
I W AS thiluit Sanot
comer dWolaa..
WANTED --A Situation ni Book-keeper nr
cknic in a mar traille o msnafeetering bane.—
therneeptioaable city tefritILINIR Win be ern. A a nt wi dened to G. 8., en of WWII§ A go, nil mein
eon. bade=
, .
R PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries
and Phuus, put up In their ofairgoe, pew/erring the
all time of the bruit. Alto—Connbn labelrel
11.4 " ta , " M. 0.. and Freneb Relating , . fr Jellies.
** CAE zlibluraa * :50 Liberty' st
ITENISON HAMS-93 for sale by -
Webb-. ~/. D. WILLIAbIi CO.
ripANNERS; Cirl; 2 4o bbls. warranted pure,
bar ale by me= R. R. IiELLRILS.
• S p tarch NEB L
b S
Pa or, sod rderdnhpp.foWdedy
ICE-10 tee. (fresh) for sale by
• -_
°O bbl. No. I,pl . 4 0 for
tv g ! by
'PLOVERSEED-8 bble. for sale by
3.111 WICK & sicacilitEss.
UTTER-6 bbl. prime Roll, for bolo by
lartai WICK C SfreANDI.F.SA.
• Ellintels et the Lew of tend OfIR, Titlrs te. Prate
,We. L: by Joel Joe; reed and for sale hr
R. C. BTOCR - 70N,
:WAD No. 47 Matta et.
Q,HIRAB' ALE-300 Whole and lif. 131)Ii).
Itt Akre. with cotokkat arrives kom 0,1 krewery.
Warranted WYK quality, fix sate by
. , Boys' Wear.
at anortmeta oft tatabooo gtvvlA, adopted to "PH.,
...a ...**.tilvg ev Plaid .0e Plain a:v.lmoms. light mixt
do, Tam!, Merino Calatmeres. aud Jeans, woeful irods
of various ghats, all at i 01.4: priers. mall.
CAS.—Mcartrr L Bracimun Invite Om tiou of
rem. Inkatlng ?Looming Goods, e. amortment of
IlembaLloo, Bombast. Colabed AlparLos. Moulecto Laine,
Lamm. mchl7
SHORTS-300 Thu. for sale ltiw to close con
z gr i r,t, Pr SAMUEL P. SURIVER.
-50 dos. Docket.. 10 dem Tul.F„ for enle_by
DOLL BUTTEII,--3 bbl. just reed and fer
le, sale by T. WOODS !SON,
=WO - 4 61 Woter t
LM) OIL - 2& bbL No. 2, jnet reed and
nolo low be WALLIKOYOII.D 41 CO.
wornarnt of 4. 6, sad 4 qr. Fheidlog. Tyrllbd.
Fkured Ihr.X, Patent Carriage 011 Chdl. o eolendid
an/41, for ala Idlatl,lllll, atom
' • meta J . •• IL PIIILLIIIS, and 4 Waol at.
Factor!— . .4ol) ids. 4.and +5 qr. Omen °Haa b.
tateaudretail, at No. I and V Wood st,
zoch: J. k 11. lIIILLIPE.
OTASI.I-10 casks No. 1, for sale by
- =eta J.S. DILWORTEI a CO.
to M. attention of gm rituers to his smart - men' of elte.l-
1. 0 at lin. SS Fourth Merit. -f meha
DRIED BEEF--5 to. S. 0., foe sale bz
=dal ROBLEON, urtLs A k.O.
iriLASS-3511 boxes W. (1., ass'd, City and
I..untotry brands. for POP - 1.7
nada 1..8. WATI ANA SONE
HICKORY NUTS-8 pkg. for solo by
wicK - 4* Ii<CANDLL , S.
j me.2o
QAI ERATUS-14 casks and 22 bozo pul
1.7 vaisea, The tabs by
alells RICK a WCANT,II2S.
B ROOMS -13S doz. (Corn) for Kale by
oadts CK McCANDLE.
MACKEREL -138 bbl. No. 3, for sale by
BLACKWOOD, for February, and the Art
Jourrul, Ibt ornery, an for tale a/
cud oppoelte the Poet Mee.
rB-25 bbl. reed and far vale by
MACKEREL—'2S bbl. Na. 3. for vale by
CASSIA -100 maids just recd, fer oak by
ash{ MUER RICK 17111 t IN.
FOR SALE—Ezebantr Bank Stock, by
mettO P. KING. lourth O.
POD LIVER OlL—Warranted pure, on
dn'gtt " u°'"" ki c° ol.Zigd=n l ia), "".
cr.rner . rarn end Wuul
RINTINU 31ATERIALS--Printeea enp
&A. Ci'`i ° geog'111:111"' r"t
treble wordeir nOro, lo for +4 . 111 4"
Yriollos Offire. noi.lotoreee Mortet.O .rr ft' Americ., MT. •
.ACT UC ARI UM—English imported, fur
rats rooho 11. A. PAIINESTS , R i CO.
DU' —ln blndders, assorted sized
Tara ft.r sale Cl
mob% B. A. PAM:MOCK A CO.
V WEN'S PLASTERSS--Larr aßti small,
sks so. a ) . B. A_ FAIINIOrrOCK ,
moh4arpi r. Woo , : .4s.
HIDES' --1O 0 DRY RIDES m:eived an:l
for +slob! utsr S S. AW. HARMON:FP
VEATFLERS—GO sacks Fentherm reveivp
and 5..-r rale br ma 0.
S. IV. 11/1110Alifill.
DOLL BUTTES--S Barrel_ Per
"e S..t tr. rtAunerom
mar. b.
'. A gmeet wort:swot can be baunkl el the Cureet Ware
house, M hearth
M ;l A T'r,S—A rerr large moortment of (Me
-10111.nNaft.1,111;ro ,Pieepaktn, Com JCZII27 'dad,
J, .004 sad akriefoo amt., at flare and fo safe at
the =sot Wareham., N. 6.6 fourth t.
RD OIL-10 bble. fine . Wiuter Strained,
Mr ask by J. ODD & CO %
mill No. 60 Nro.d .th.t.
COPPERAS -25 bide. tin gaud order) for
e,de by J. Kinn t CO..
nada li. ou ROO3 .oeet.
1,7 300 bbl 3. 30. 1101533.0
25 " 3.11.
01 bblia. " Sugar 003 rowelvine , 0.. e Kee br
meloS ktausoN. LIVIA: a co.
SEEDS -10 bble Clover Seed;
to - Ttniothr do, for de by _ ,
. !AID htt011"li it . RIRKPATKICH.
A 11178C/171LLD have en hem a hood sesortmaut nI
m..u, or all the eltreiaat e emacte a aectreilas a tea
pal, of extrafilhe and quallty. all of which are how olh.rol
at reduced prices. feb3
9OLD LOCKETS.--Just received a large
~rj r. i , i r= a z i n iyltre and 311niah, Cu.
rehl W. W. WiI.FON.
LONDON TAPERS-50 doz. for-eale by
kla.2 J. KIDD CD.
CHEAP WALL PAPER—From Gl-4 cents
to ES mob, • ho
I! l .Ct b
4EII 2111 LL.
VAMF'IIOIC-3 bble for sale by
4blo U. E. ISIMLERS.
10111 AV'll BAYBERRY-2' bbl for Bale by
- • -
VIAL CORKS-1000 gross for sale try
V failo R. E. SELLERS.
VI OUSE DE LALNES—Printed and solid
Ratsi l sZiV:r r "ttr AV Al • Vara 1.^..'•
HOPS -5 bales fur sale by
VI.AVIING PAPER-300 Sheets (superi
or quality) for rale by J. 'KIDD • ert,
_ 6 I
MS No. 60 Word atm.,
B ROO-200 doz. Corn, for sale by
malt J.18.11411:I
VILESTNUTS - 3 0 bu. for sale by
V mcbl4 J. AR. FLOYD.
MOLASSES --25 bbls. S. II.;
11:0 7 N. 04 lo oak bbl, lo
wee ard le arrive, aw1L1f.N.111,1r,,,,,„...4,, a
r.hs , ae A6l Water. dad 02 ilrot.te_
FISH- 4 0 bbl. prime large N 0.3 Mock e rs ,
10 7 Ileitis:tore Ur PTy 'sl'' s ,'? li mate br
!"" 't
t.. 0.
DRIED- - -. •
Fit - 725—f2:5 bu. AppG;
676 7 PeitAINS Ibr Weer
seas 1.. S. WATERMAN .I. SONS.
4 1 ,.:Tr.VAWTIIM b P ; S rArNif
Diato - , of Meeloantlo, o,
Recattrod at HOU= Mom, Depot,
mean' Tbltl st. mcKwit. the eon aft.,
PEARL 9tifieiio.boxes for sale by
m ate HARDY. JONES A CO. •
LARD OIL-20 bblo. No. 1, for sale by
mehtB JAA. DALZELL. 68 Water Pt
BLOOMS -250 tons Soft. Tenn. for gale by
m 7618 J. DAIXELL. 67 Water t 78 tint st.
t.I.A.FETY FUSE-150,000 feet Bacon, Birk-
SDI A WiwAke, larranted, for We br
776 hr .1. S. DILWORTH A CO.
COL CLOT 11S-10,00Biards floor Oil Cloth,
oom, nom to 6 r.ob *id , h.'
grtarb b." at 10V WitoleAß eas
rYteril make, and ratan lower than ronwr, hon.! in 11h..
666. tztrita the alleution r v r 3a .r to the •Wre
'd'AVOl7*" N'
CONOMY CRAB CIDER-2.0 bbl... in
h act ``- ` ala hl. MILLER t nicarrsoN.
"FABLE biATTS--In store and for sale a
the Whet Warchouse
oda tr.IIeeLLNFOCK. Oh Fourth .t.
) MeCLINTOCK invites the nt
11,="rar '"Vervi w aVat'a. t ill`gigl "
--;---- New Books! New Books!
ittoot,moalte the Pod Oltlee.
rtho • Humorous Novel; b Goo. Boavorthr.
ora: Rlgh , ts tbut 0014 Region.
I,ll3must.t. Q.ZdPrice hOe_
haveloplo the We Wpm,. um, Print: br oroi
'SW Queen • :Oath., br Alez Dual,.
Jlenrion of an Old Mkt: or Moto to I.rnit raUlOt.o l-
• Wrlna ma also to hut of T. S. 31,1SAIIM.
. or.
FXATIERS- 8 "nob (prime) for sale
LARD -17 kegs in store and tor sale by
WU. n..routteroa.
j ------- 11ABLE OIL CLOTHS—A very largo as.
mortenest er TAU, C0,..s oo Card 4.1 64,04 al
hu r awl WWI street.
sneh7 J. I IL kan.u.r4.
11j 6Wp Cl 64105
_4 Tim over othy Jqatru'd and tor ea kby
mat • • • J. 2. DILIVOP4II a cth
inkfilo LEAF TOBACCO bhd. for e!ile
ILF bymeya wx. IL JOILASTON.
'it md alms* ais—a Ilaloclis t rtgr u
bas, tiro coullaraanik _ t,
the=tr= 1.
by W. V. Wallace.
E forin lurs 1 don't like Zealand to see. condo saes.
Cat Now
Warded °overman by .kha Ars,.
Manama is very pa:Coals.
Vol.. of by-Cm..lM by roster. Annie Lands.
-Lily, or the Lost L V. by weltrozy. • •
Kiva Wonbr. by Ms. Millard. Homo Flick Polka.
Balehelor's Lament by the lintoblesona 011sta Polta
Urand Italia de Concerti by W. V. Wallace ,
With all the late pormlar hottSP, Mahe. C010r... Poll.
Llarchea, 'Variations. I.Wndos. ae., sod in the
Seater° Clem
New Neu* resins? etvra, loose.
A very large and new. stock of
To or-Orilla, work. of A. Ofi. 6X. oroll octavos, carted and
PIO.. ran IoS to prim (row ST73 to toe). Al., two ms:
rdfloont Orsrul Kraal, from Ito tame rolobraW mulatto
' Vt.hove. with a Fil m
l out ere stock of Mork sod
Musical IlorclutrtlLx, for rale br
Forges to
MELLOR, Si Wood rt..
N. R.—Two Piano Fortes to hire. Old Plana Wont to
port for mew ocet soda))
tot nevived for avlc—
iititnd Polka de Concert,
Wilt thou be v y as, love? A very beautiful taw vosal
damn by S. C. Viet,.
The Calla to hie 8111, • nee mond, by W. V. Wallace
'II,. Saddler'. IYIDe by Geo. Barker.
du. do.
/171:ietio ' oukhte are et titer, composed for and Fag by
MIAS Catharine dares.
Lou,y wit h
car id rani= Foctilrin7,
Away with vale vacutii, eons and cach.
Where aro the Maeda of my youthi
Coma. matdetia amen or Troutadillo.
PNasam tas—Sweet Hart, Coquette. Bridal , Cady; 1661. 51.
York lculia;
C.ooeoe. Siesta; Eanniaaa
Caen.. !sulk. (fresh aupply;) by L.Nuen d
unqutatioil the hod Sacred Munk bookever published.
onallia sod vaned autinly klualciad Instr.
tTe o o, " l:l o tre 'kd''' ' 0 1r 0 h r tkl&NT•104:1! *
N. e.—Thu now am! most Ma/double mule readvel al;
Fenn pubahivi. rach26
• •
VOL. Ist. LOSSING'S Pictorial .
A. Meld Beek alba Devolution. Cloth, ALJLJ.
g 11 Marla Ille/d Book of the itavolte ...
" 7. ". P nl b i l ric oc ,Ti n gtaeoula Story; by the anti. , a Rot'
la M ll%.
Timin the Avander•. by theauthora thir.trilmlnstaiis,^
"Leta., Armada" 4 idouniset Hall,. Lc.
The above worklit sat rive4 oo l and far mlo hr
IL C. STOIdiTON, Itoobellevand It or,
toch24 No. 47 Market atratt.
°rams's Maculae for March, with 144 pares;
Horticulturist, fur February;
Cultivator, d'
biz Ittricsr da
Ilfe'• Disci arc a ti
Her.banies Magasius,l4o.l:
Women of !mei. by Orate Aguilar;
Enloe logiusues, We fbr mothers six] dsalibtarir.
Mother's liceompenee, by Ors. Aguilar; '
tielf.lrecusticia: or the history of the bum..
hear] by Mrs. Ells:
our., s novel:
Mary Pueeeitno., by O. P. R. James, Xstg •
for sale at LIOLSIZIP Literary Depot, oppwrite the PodOP
tics. . trial
NG IS It teasel pleturare 110
now/dust that be bag tun award lot
choke Yentas at the celebrated make
Naxas thane angi beta.. New lota., whit), with those
Cu head. form the tocatelaweal, retied. 404 eatantite Meek
•wet ollerwl la Otte elty.
tithe 7 °Cave double earred nano,
Loa, xly .tsh, with the new Naproeentent of the over
Mine. the Latest en4htoet haportnat bhproventent, to ho
fauna only on
a Cl erk'. Pluto. Also. twO =Pah
.Natilan Attachment Moo,
8.--An out/lave lot of New
P o l k a, Maactni•fwas7
aftstra, and the chokes{ WV Mtge, o Weltzet,
4 SION OF TUE GOLDNN If ARP, 101 Third .t
RAPER --Folio, Packet, Ccrmmercial and
Canto Port an.l Cap PL . Fr, a large supply oral t ract•
t at anal tour I white. for wale 41
tartar at j•IP W. B. 1.1.61TW8
OTES •AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
fitortiodrabb Notaratid Draftio of Dual beautiful di
:El ebeeta ttor
janli cm Market sod beitatad Ida
id...time. Journal. and ft.. 07 .1
. •
WRITINONK—ArnoId's Writing Paid,
Copringjand Red Int..
Ilibberes Chemical Fluid and Red Ink.
HarrLooo's IA/lumbian luk—nd and black.
144. Thouwom's Cunuarrel.l Ink—blast, onalet,
wad red.
Vrtneb Carmine Ink. for arleby_
aj A new elawdmldietlo.M7 of Greek and Mom.n bin
graphs. mylhotogy tad geography. partly Mead upon the
Inctlonery of Greek awl Rmm. Diouesphy sad Mythology,
by lb Moan :MUM LL. olltorof Dletkmaiesoftlreet
end Ilormos Autlauldes,,md of Greek and Roman Illogusphy
addMythory, revised. with mammon, corrections and
dition, by Cherie. Antbon. LL. D.. Poofeswer of }he
tirma and Latln_Languagea to Columbia College.
The Life soil lenne..pondeneo of Robert tionthey: milted
c'thVgl''atr Zt. - •Vt.
rsput m
No. 6 of the Liz. Correspomteuee of Robert too
th, y.
Lives of tbr Quaeui of Scotland, awl English Prineen.
Anrombed with' the real mcrossiou Urnat RAW. by
gars) RUM/bland. author of the "Lives of the. Mound at
Ilneland. vol. 1
The Decline of Popery and Its Caves: ICI Addeo. dell..
erol to Gm Drewlwas Tebernacle, on Wednesday evening.
Jan ISM, by Res. N. Murray, D. D.
Ibex/ore Mika just reeelvwt, and for eslen. y •
jmo.lo IT C. Or b/M)N. No. 4.1 Market st.
hirttoa, No. at Wood street, ltsa meld •
at now open fur solo • larie mrt
tehutod stook of 0. C.l=l I octavo 14- -
mulatto% frau the
ef of lliekarinth
he invite, the attention of porrhaser , St }k =
moon intnriabir 'old at Bortens crime. eedSont do/ rho
ourimarpialanen or rid, and in ail eases warranted
t,. taken in pay m ent at their full nine.
Agent fur tla• solo of Chttartrestlanoa for Wert Ps..
4W No. 61 Wood Meet.
Greet sad Roman Elogispb.. 8171.bology, altd Geo•
graph, Partly lus,d upon the Dictionary of Ureet aod Ro•
1:4112 Illography arid Mythology. kiy l D..
::Led C. Anthem
Live, ut be
thwons of, Soul laud .04 English Clinteliara
roo. of
hi! 1.04 th.R . 11., • . (LC. Southey, M. A. I 801.13v0, man
The Dream, of Popery, and its Causes. A.n Aarem
literrd to the Utrattentylaberruele, en Wednesday even.
tom J mouser 121: lab', by new. E. 71urtay. D. D. .
Just ineelved and far We by A. HOPKINS.
feb3 78 Apollo rourth rt.
-11 Lovely Maiden a ealabraltul duets from
tppy.ra of Jewett!. by Spam .
HotAer,tbutOst faithful Izmir, • trete map by 8 C Fader:
liscetly Om alarm my Alice littr. by fl. L, Faker.
I'd near tho. IMO Mud amiss,
OuCometriatians Mum or T.....w.ru0.
W. may be, hAppy yet: from theVaughlars of St. liluriL Burial, atm.-He sod tuurlittit
Thou hut womuloollho sphilf. that Invid Mee.
Den Cult, oy dial you remember mreut
TheSotto. Palk. b.. O. C. Vortex.
tulebridtid Polka Daum.
Jeatiatt atd Jeanott—rompleta.
Folly Quadall les, by 31m. Err..., Paablun Polk..
rutty P ot . , by Burymullar. Chit Chat Wk.
Iris Polkft. Butchaler's Polo
Lilly Quailtillea-708ryp and witty.
Nom Quadrille. Rau Polk.. Allathilmr LOMMltutt.
A nor alitiou of Hurd. a /datrattlous far P irith
da additioual paged of bey lessons. ^
Clares Caterlitam for thy Plasm. '
Bormar's Piard Forte Primer. limitlyed Md./ by
N. n.—A ym7 Lyme stock of New Placid arriving and
8111 lietrptut for alt. thh, led
/nervy Depst. Thlad j'AILJ
um. °Mae:
Game Influermer . Tale for Nathan and Dm/SUM. DI
Grace Attalla ,
Mother's Recompence. Dr CAram.
Paster? /Magazine for ImottrT•
Whiz Alma. for 1831.
Th. Motherea Rosktuenre, a mare!.
.10 .7 Dy Pram AsrAlar.
Tbe L0tt...m.11 , L0 tart marriatte•—• coral
The Ladder ofllold—an Sualtelt
To tom and to to Loved—. tale.
CITSIII. of Itramnrlek. Dr G. W. M./ley - adds
sea Boullth Gourcreimal.
A Isekomen the Janata. Br Dr. Darla
Dr. Berea lkplr to Bishop, Gushr; ott tla Decllm of
Home Journal, No 1 of my volume.
Gm, a brat, by tbe author of `The 011tiriear
:ells of American illutaluata3 oilUou of the Wargr o lY
New Booke,lnst received.
TAN Bards of the Bible; by George MIM
1.. I vol. Mao.
(IrovTl ' iram Git irsr f ro b lgn Ittibei=o 4 lC7ag e rtlv h :
book of 1.10111'14.4 for arslrmles mat colleges Br ocabol C.
Kendrick- I vol. IRmo. mos
Tho Vouthlthroosl. Ilyllamnahr IsagOordch I vol I.Bmo
Charms ma Counter Charms Marla 3.llclinkoh.
I voL L.Mo. lane
The Moiheit i so, s sequel to "Homo Indeteneo..
IS c i rchaxtrlllioslpA PAO:leers' JoarnAl. Th,t
, put roomved.
u .
limes DtelloyArt of Merluza:nand .V.—
Just nv . 4 Ga. Raitl
ollAh.jo2l II Apollo Bm
lameand Mani Latin, English brawn fronted
Letin,tierman attn. IVllliem Freund,
with all and corrections Rom the Lexicon. of Groner,
Seeciolati, inhaler, Georgia, by NA- Aralrown; L L D.
TIM 1/51.0 malts
OF T. PACIM being Me perennel nu ,
retire end malts at Revs! !bro.!, the Sandwich or Hew.
hil i e "l intan t lMVlS: l gletc!= : " Vg
TOTE aorarit's racoarrunn a smart to Horne Inloanco.—
By Grans Aguilar. Nrordred and Mr mei by
Jou K. C eXtICKTON, 47 Market et.
Chrottiele. ran. and American cap .
Paper of ell al.. and qualities, ruled awl plata. blue
.• - .
Blankßook+ of wren desniptton, on hand or owl. to
order at stunt Dour..
. .. _.. ..
Etationcry—Engllsh, Frontald American, fancy and
staple, Par oaks by W. a. an
MINES, Stationer.
role Market st, corner of Atwood. '
acription of Logal. Commercial, gunnaboat, Canal mad
pant Printing, rsomited at abort notice and in the
pert manner, 1., W. y. MAVEN,
Printing Mee. CO Third id-,
between Market amt rem. .
.. _
QTATIONERY. , -W: S. Henn,' corner of
rocond mat Maket sM. bait tor sale as lam *MI mom
taste no slosattmoin eI arta stational, as Ma ems ran
°matmarket Mordants mrpilot with every
article In qq 4 llos on the most ramble Lerma jolt!
(Medlin Lary, Igo. 101 Third Wt
. KL4111:11 ig non receiving a forge lot
at n4llOl, mete by elms e
, t mit.
IglOrk. l atnnnbr them. a Wendeloctate caned Plano
of the oicemit deseriptlonotasterior Ind tone. •It b made
in tee Homes style, in steins la tbo tsloo of Louis XIV and
XV. Abe, e Int of Imeionable and mules. Mark.
and an extennve geleellon of En. Instruments. likens,
unites, Melodeons,. iced every variety ofmuslealmerchase
INEW BOOKS„—Humbolt's new Work;
Cosmos, or Sheol:Les of ♦ Physical deshriptkot of th.
irsrse. •
&Loos , Shefeho of Moncsots, N. nears! of
Ins Wtsr, 001. SS mo.
lifros:s Mcchvalre ant &Wooers' Dictiooary, 21st No
Apollo Buildings
Alm 4 orP ' ite, tfo "l =
ef f' & l2 =gai T' Ltertn E' sll
eiLJ.Yiderle (EA %we, rreditent of the Theolo.
LIC3oI of GeZea, and - 110. Pneklent of the beeir
!V ia Translated by EL White, B. 4, Trialty b
' tentseks. Attldttltire, tad Bleiraphy.
'41r1;": B fi. L nltat
fioetacller awl Stationer,
Sale Cosner of Market and Third ata.
9:TWO: MAPS—Palton'a splendid Out
lino Raw ore row tednyjntrodnead total the *Alm
le In New Logland and tie.o Totit. We 111.1 obtal.
.4 the eoenay Go mon to Pittao. and to-rite Webers
and school odauldttece to cal/ 1121t1.10.9199 the=
Xda. 1-11ap of tbe Weetenallerospo.". 22 •22 Leobsio
do do
do ' 'Drib Antrim, ?Oa 44 •
4 do • .11.4 Ewa._ 7 0 2 Ita
de - d
do n! ' . :701.112
. Prrol — of t:litieel L Wittri2MOZWlt
Thee loarWew.. mobbed fa en:Tay; Um:4y sad door
ui L dn ' ala 411012211= 4.
/oris • ottn.lo4 .
G .
ROIIND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put ItP
Let 11n mu of 1 la tole U.. each: =ant w• 1 0 . 4""
Marine Omen, Parks Oman. •
Bi. °char.
Termna Yelleve de Simla de Mae. 7
Umber Haw, Umber Omni
earner tfret am Ward eta
AlO CRUCIBLES-100 nest/ for sale by
• meat: J. KIDD & CO.
LCOHOL-12 bblz. for solo by
PRIS'ED PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes
fur sale by B. .a. rAILNIBTOCIL t CO.
"Zr'f'r by IL A.7AIt9H7XS a co.
OLL BUTTER—A few bah on hand and
, formals by F 15141.33/ & BENNETT.
12213irsced; and 331 First st.
RIED PEACHES-550 bu. fur sale by
RESSED SPIKES-160 keplizep 17IIEWS4 roved)
fur rale by brebl9 rtMLY.II.I CO.
IG METAL.--440' tons for sale by_
mcia2 Kan, MATTIIEWS it 00
Rt. Lint. betserr. la start arnl , ft .1.1.
APPLES -20 bbls. Russets sad Pippins,
Ow Des by SLY. VON noxsaossr a 00.
WEET 01 . 1r-2 by
Wninsig&trine ALL PAPER—Largest assortment in
the Westientaistinn of Wendt and American Pa-
Inin menus
634 cantr i ty for Halle, radars. and Chamb Rand ers, at miens
Ver i are er
IVANT,E=I„..,tas,F - Couc
ADDIS.. Wm* FA. Ls
co. o, at
the king llosoe of WM.
V - .
' " 11` su
' o penor
sachl2 • Oroaers sad moo Denim.
Dll. Wools ... Paper. Alm, • Lomb rapply of
melait irtMAISI:or . becood d an y d Market
SLED PEACHES-500 bu. for sale by
boozer for Bale by,
23Vevi Zwn
100 " flat. Utz
Anl26 16r kale by
tacb2o T. MOODS 6 BON
O b l 1.
S y N— . CtO b :bla. to ar a n:ze wr if:foormeale
TINBEED and far sale
GREEN APPLES-48' bble. Russets;
1.1 r d &al for ale by
uscb.7.l aostsciN, tams co.
LNEGJR—O) bbls. (C'ulite.l3l4tsl:4;4b7.
pan:TING PAPER--10 Ream= for sale
i fodff w-4 7. `stic lit a CO, 24 Wood st.
TANNERS' 011,-15 bbh. No. 1; • -
.0.;25" 2`,lbr Ws et
. . sciloangsKrac it co.
LINSEED OIL-30.bbla:for sole by
mads , .. J. OCHOONMAKILR * Co.
D ICE-15 tierc es Carolina. for Role by_
Jot seehZ - JAMES A:11111C111S0:1 Oil
Mt! Os Leut '
UgsEtot, Amart&E 6E41. bE '
awh2.s - JAMES A. 101TCHISOE t 00.
SGROSS Rushton, Clarke genuine
CM Liver Off, fur ode by J. KIDD Jr CO
toehle GU Vicedit.
C—ALM. OPIUM-1 case foi mile by
me d 0 3. /MD k CO.. 60 Food et.
Ci..llasatfostare, of the bitatlissali. torbL 10• DI
cll, • RAW" DICKEY t CO.
nARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
it mired arsl ter Mb at J. B. LIOLSILIM
Literal . : Depot, Third street.
ceche .appatite the Pat Orem:
SUNDRIES --1 case Own Shelac;
1 bbl: 'Sam rand;
- 1 Cream 'rattan
1 bale Lux. Bottle 03 , 1=
saulliz sale ty 1 s ' lizrzctl.'Rralre' - '
mah.l2 =an Wood sad !RUA M.
pEART.I.4 casks I r flr c r i t Bo or ante by
pOWDER-4000 kegs
toea Hazard's Nesting;
U6w..4,..4 . •
r.. mehl9 J. B. DlLWOrali (X 1
New Ntucia
cm, oprebrped W Fraslel•At ,
c=dietteArnAcaft=u• ,
.. .
• Also. • cress variety of menreoing.oaitteng. 470 . NEW
Suitor. • ,
And ell tin lat. popedsrldudo. bawd bY th.... 2.1 7,
publishers. received gag= assh7 4. ,, m uum , _ .
Agent ibr ChieCerinit. P 11.18.•
useha SI Wood g.
yai;l 4 l MUSIII--,Where are the friends of
y Tooth; by G. Scalar. , • .
en :mead:hog nonot to 1 .4 Y., " .
The Robb,
Thu thinking o'er The Day. MATT- .
1 .N . X.i2 5..... Entf 0.d. el Mane , aum song. tandit..i : 4: ... l:: the
ate I Lace is Sy Prey..
Oh, meet me cm the Wier RIM.
G.d. at f Ilppes . the .Voi d er Lea—Woccrotny .
LI T ItZer, by_ 8: C. Voider. .
l`re left anbliteTe Village. br tt. Seam
- go, 17 .1 0# the Bleak Makers . Song end Pcdti. _
Woolitze nith thee—ta eater. • - •
Lee A by Horr.
An extenelre collectlyter of as Mks; Weigle!. Veen.
Timm de. ,
Abeta um roppty ol " Nevi Iltradita Soore,,goetica
Landis, and enaseellat new Work; called the .41n0W.41.T.
• collection of popular and social•nnep. hermsnleed end
arranged by Q. S. Webb and W. idsecon--en one of
bent{ite ever published,' '— ' - IL HSBES. - ''.
• Ciolden %WM rt.
by Wm. Tatekartr tad. ta• dareced Crtatico, ar
ieeret 11rtory Ohba Court of Maio EirteestaLbifia,
sander Maus, ee tuveima real, tad for ads at 11 LXV3
Literary Boot. N0..74 Th ad 4, - . h •.
500 -bu rZ ls Thied Ayera.t.-ffivg.
A GIRL do house work. Apply
jll. at this ofike.
LARD— 4 kegs for oai by
4V4 ROBISON. =We t CC.,
'TOBACCO-49 boxes 5 Lott foxsilo by
=a la lovedwk.. ree'd at thi Om or:.
ta °- ' mokenir a sammrwz.
ROWN FLANNELS, ,a Domtntid .A.rtick.!
AL. mat.. Bend. Orem and Xasatline ET. tp
d et the ao,e of
&Wmum . auncnnr.w ' .
DRY HERRING-3M borta (fresh) for
We by 1.20 WICK I.IIcCANDLE46.
F oam OIL-1000 Iba. in da....,..f0r art by
CLARET WiNE—T - 4 - hhdeßordeaux;
mett4 .11ILLS b K TUCHLZSON.
lb hbobbllaut baturne Winr; -
).; _ bi *am lifr rale bT
4=134 ; MILLEPLa R1C6}.7130:4.
lIIEVOLVERS—Just roceived.. an+ addition
nappli or fermltteColCs Beraln,ilso.
The Old Printing FetabHelmet,
I. o AT.E.Jolmetoe and Scocktoced; end Blank'
Bee mat .Stalluserty %P mop. , •
. 111 V EN id pre to execute:4MT aayte 011 , NOM.
rammeme. law. awl Steam Itoot.lob Prtattryt met BOA
ntwiw; ranee, ern] . article is rho Numh Ne O N.
Papa aud.titaliterix Num at the alumtert notice, eat ott
Mintnutoonable term.
Boalt met Inatamery Warehouse, corner of Market
and &mutt Meets.
• Patellar, oes. me Beek 131mderp, No. el taw e.
33 Ealf yam Coiclac Dm*. 'Pale tial
alks A dr. cad do •. 'Tab." ere:dons vbera
1Q do
_do, ova mod celebrated brand.
b ydpea Of “Ploblroa /Limbo," and .1 , '611..
reopocairlab TA R Sodete Rat MOUT. • •
10 WA 2f. R. do. du.
fur. mita Port 1110 e.
do Madeira Rios.
82 •do •bweet blame Ince.
do Dry • do. do.
10 do bberry bd.—
box" Bordeaux Claret.
to don and formic by JOIIN PARKER t CO..
24011 381 Liberty +Dort.
snennoo of arerahoategod other. to 012 L torte sod l' sower" stork 'of 'foolery likrra. Coder .o=w
Drawing ' The above oracle* in Bilk: Woole b1ee1n.....a.„,.,
Cotton:of all Flow aval swims. lb lip , .... "—'
ale low by a= P. SAXON.
IrZOLD. RENS. r . Wo hvo now-on• hand a
NA largo stuck of lbw bort Peas Stara tbe kidl - ng
lasa ceca:wis to New York, mote oorPrc. 4 ./1 0 cifd. ,
Al" eksant tiold Amen Owes and Panaloave.n. Meer
Cues la every verirty. Porcupine Pon .a7ovulok‘
Alle Ithohisale oaf real{ at New Tort erg . .
cuArciE OFFICE—N. ItOLEEN• 4_..50N3.4[
an street, Pittabanatt. Csdamca am ma Oa ,
and Wedera NINA far sale. Cadectians made iIiTC tLe
lIALI plasm In the Unless. Nam as all Wynn Rola
tad. Nor a'd Tina billa ncivatamd. ,
LINDIA RUBBER. PASTE. 4 gnus of that
n r
umb sailer for tonsil:Kt hoz pi. lvicrit a theroc
artirarqalti .
tbenu Mi mey rafturded. For We 1r tkrit i nl i st, 7
and Wad arm- f JIL
. • .Fr
TiaEA WARE—English h Amerion Britaw
~. Tea lo; 11.01.4 do;SlitAkt Baske.tojiMintlah•
lfla sad Tray.; MIA qt.a; .Boot ammo. bay
rrki n irilo p Tej (...; : t=rv a ltail ier tZt a er Bat
;Ole Ma To Tnyi of 11. mantifigtue.
highly amluxtrated; Plated ,Trap at al pates.
•my napprior Powdor for amain v UuTiPlo.d.
war, Brushes foe doming. CUBAN eatbes
Baden, •
LI-Fon ' ttarra ad•Br•ted Id•Bia Kita 4 h
id bout the s• of a hat,wltiel• 141.1.ank• calm wok bee
.toat, Dow., or .y MO. 01. Ist • innalnoto•
Par by • R. W. WILSON.
Cm. Malta sad FoaxtbAts
teueue nueurn 4112421 R/soluds.
200 P V P e t t ot=l . ll=l
IV' de grey cause nunketu . b.rb -
103 do orab do do • 110
60 do Blue do do do
cum Idoe2 Maalrod Cloth.
I do Boort GM MAW. 40
a s WWI Too*, goolorloil Idiot*
do Jeasoooloioud
• _
2 do -Condoms, Malt owl mer godord.
gior sr4
above dooodbod mold= 21. =1...
VINEGAR -40 bttli e 1140 tit
Combs, In Me ablate writings on the .. Physrornal or Dr
portion." observes that • &attention or the tree gm/stay '
f theettrioltdet. is • proatinat ad all ardatlhat cam of
pr.Pt.ais; and he states that "a distlegntabed preadair of
...,,,.. - .,.th. Leedom, who was eefervly altileted with tots •
~......t.,,i, poi= enerythins the to Wt. hal meow to
{he _Q add, atedeed than the etommh of !Wing as s t i . meet mearldely entettestal..
Dahrmshuat • lamas, the true &tetrad flat. or OW
trla Juin, &Ore& Drat*. Cam. pre...min.. fl ooo ,t,
or he swum& or the Chr. after dittetintif fi lturaft
ton, hielitta i re=ado i ral t'bodet, br . 7 0 - .
• . to • truly t e=l.44igriEle , l i allkdracn. Da
l • Mitj,..4llitta after attrart's ofre trarth4; V; nature), ema
'A cj 'i. gVri i c Jekirtim oi greet Drive& slat Giml,ths lA..
IfTi . 74t what i.a.l•l l l=`l'i'•g„l-1,- - . 1
Madera of Lad into blord—rt nutritkm tf the t o y, .b,,,
rather • fad, torpki, painful. al &at oaf e' ~. o r
cordate memimapparata A weak, half and, or ter
axed atemsch products uo ad thstrk Jae. and tonere
1 the &pe dieted:, ad del: iny which tame.
1 ' ttut Od e.
be sat by datbay sh. dp„,
Lite dineiple, /emu ham thin oteretela of anima mit
in s
ogsr . then 11.or•ir • Yield. D rawn
thee th nada thuntic Joke. In its chemical powda and
1• in t rados • dmplete and perfect sabstitate for It.
n e .,, a r ..6 4 .1.,, the prorevardra,raralott artificially
ha tot a beim loose to Pe Takata*. Da itoszbwo
chide the mat amain; the aplketem are ip e rf t r ,
Um ewe of DyrtepraL ht• raged ad epeetable fora
Bead the watniat midatel harem Labia, la hie few
ranted • work •on &dm& timairtry„ my. "An AWArtal
Diana, fluid naiad to the Galati /Woe, mat h e
wrz,..., 1'...u. means nwealiesno of theacanach of the
in with melons atlas of twel,as axed and eggs, will
,b. Kat.....d... 0u1d .: 1 1 , 11 . 1 b iitostc.1. Just Ise . ° lade mau
-1 Wrh." tort
.• floothton. ofghliadtip prepare uman
iim ith,456,i,
trellOd east PEfralti, fled th e
Fi redbastl ste=th of
I the et, na
me), tola . antral.
at Inmd
mint after na old methor. by attires own sant.
the dietave principle. , an ma me the extramditary mi
ta& evidence of Its value.
IiETSER 0 MeDOWY.LL. Adrift.'
140 Waal et., rittebura.i.
Dtaid =Palled t ~,, , ,,k,..... r rio,.
• , Abo. formic by E. &lint 41 . idol rt. mat .
"These ate more Wogs In heaven Loa salty,
"Than are Areamipt of in philoyopb T."'
TRE Y4RTVEb of this remarkable ramie
nr, and the coostantopplleution torn. to the frio - pet
, has lagneed him to have It rut 11y in bottles, with la.
bee sad dlrretloos, toe the brae( of the peak. _,••-
The pETRoLpHaI is procured from a well in this wan;
trig. a depth of four hundred feet , is a puns u
led article without arre chemkal change. botrs=
flows .frcen Nature's great Leratore The it contalns
= I T .rb b :r; f d o i iirtha I l a ‘ p ' 5l!
ram of nanoy,wb ' icragf Rao., Might he of vaat o;iftdr
nets In alleviation' ro a r. [, and yeeto.-Oin the bloom a sr e par a
Loup be One tbs pro.
inietor thought of potting it Op in both, it had • Pelt. -
MOlhr the en* of dila. The awed and
slog calla foe It toot several remarkak cure It has per
'Moot is ► rare Itelbstke of la lathe o topultrity anti
pp lotion In the cure of Mose. •
.',7 ige=roilh to mkt Imo paler of reetilioates,
isot ameba that throvediela ton awn :wet tia
nto the Nor of thaw ',bowel... and with to be
Whilst we do trotolaim for it a universe STZUctitioll in
dlseave mt =sl i rts . l i iz . j r t b numter
mated—a/I More , . of the innharifole o rt e = as
page.) ANTIDIA, ad all dlyesca of the air_pasagol. lA% -
CONIPLAHC DISPEPPLY, lhaettes. Distraesalt
Bladder and Kidneys. Pens in tho Bert gr &de N
Dismaes.Nentaig Pao. Rhameta, Ho4tr P
etah Teter, Blogworoo s ßOlrta !mal. Brave. Old sorer
Se.' to
ng. . In eery of debility. atr a lltio:
relerroirl act s a greterl NIC an! A mFlki rTrlt
ATIVE in rah este. imputmg•tom and ...Big;
'whole frame o Onegreing obeructroya opening the ish
functlons, which estue disarm ands boSou ronstltu
and Pero looooed sod renewed energy to all the organ
f Ufa The proprietor knows ose
f veral cores of PILKS
that resisted every other treatment, get well outer ids use
of the PL'TBALF , Br a shoe lime. The 'poor be
eau to ay MOM who deem it. . . • • • .
Motto getmlbe without the signatory Of the
I Ede
arnmith amt.
Alto by ft IL 5ia.L.F.R.9,, 1, , , s wood
' sold street and - Ar l an SR4 L . l irtly in
zurePilr ble .golotif eprealed AVIILIP. •
NOW altioen who areick.r'..nd afflicted
with !loosen( the Ma.lder sod Eldoeyseelth laws
pains back or Matta ionit,ild mow nowniog
that.tF u nati mew owed. by mkinn the PNITRO .
'6.1n3 'You may k about its bring o nrarrato;s• mach
oa you Ono, but Mt d on not make it err areprootsim,
wthe faue of an honest aortur unit f, that it heti:inns.
hich are not curtained to any "
aeliti la tacked with yalw and auffering from die ,o
for 50 cents, ,get relief from . say if the ills enrunerated
' obutre.
Reader! It onto eery little towisie a trial: Tido Petro
Imo is Do couture—no oompootai: Pot op toe the Pula.*
of Imputing ou the community; but it hi a rrmedyelabors.
bed bYllto manor dust of =tuns and bobbles ny from the
Lomat of an mother earth, in Its orinitsl rarity, slid or
ihra to ongoing humtuntr • rawly remedy. s evtlin and
cheap mut. ... • ._
It has rated Pik. lifter deer toed Knee likre'llated to
rands ear relief It has erred Shottuitino,-of long
rtandhig, and of tbe worn and. oust painful enamours It
has cored Chokra sfitrbus by ono or two doses It has
Led old rare* eflltarrhant . In width every Mbar .aniodl
hat been of no avail. 4.1 s !oral- nuttily Is Ponta lad
aoaida, knowtte, than.y medical emoruntals Or
the. 1•4 of. It inn <Me chit tilabiarinalrbsted feat,
ins few applicitiontr. undonbtral tratimany es% bat Drmlah
ed of. the troth talent to Um Stionstatement, by Dal
. onSAMUY./.11. 3fIER Curial Casio: Seventh strain or
einerottlie agYnnt. . ' • •
' • ;rarer a•Mell:kmell Rood of Wood otteefend virgin
slier:it. K. Pallaus,s7 streak . D.A..l:llloLstut D. K.
Corry, Allegttettymty. are the agent:...
11:4::1): 1 43:y*itliv:Eff-1q4Ap4 31 )
Jams Baer. the diatiMeirrhoct eel* *victor
most popular and bendidal mealiteinem. and also
the limentur of the celebrated instrument Mr tasting the
Lungs. In eeailnes cure of Chronic dleammaarastat stu
dent of tbitt, eminent phydeiam MC44 . 4/11014 alp IS
trattstate of the IluierreitT of renrdttaarda, and thr thirty
main Mum has been award 1: 3 1-Les Itmestimelcm of db.
" Ritat i rt h &e n ola o i llVlstraling ith rotated:Sod 11th
. him Pruplaylartie :bump. and ether of
his sr Istettog aita te bee
Maned.? unparalleled eminence /11 ming thrum
as& =tedium Tubercular Cousuminfon..' °omen ,
Mtectfuht./thentomthuo. A.M.. Fume and A m y F n ., 0
kinds.Ctatreic Err:Velar. ami all Mame
owe T....rther to farafer. indeed, emery flArtiV7l'Ltet
.mobben under the tom of his mainedictur to - which Mamas&
.ty ittner-unt by the um of one compound only; r that
Is Incoommtihle . I the
yeloireejeal Lem but byt eh of
his remedke.
to, endplate:Abed for, each '
Area ot diskette.
/Mt RceeM Tonle Altriatlete hen need,Wire
blrachnowledeed to be frier to al Miens. ae
'ffnell'flant" ldll th"' mueten alm to e' rth i tttrlde t t ' Prla ere ola W- esh.
=AL br (mul t i. to pnemopemdiarmroyertima adap
ted to female therms. but being. allotted that a Imre trial
is welkin% tit...Mahar& what litsabeen odd, to them:hub of
....Ebel afflicted ars :urittd to astt upon thii sand, and plap.
ot.. Wad* one at tbo Doctors P.llPh=l , IlenU
el =on
thtus of each sraosly. sad Its spa
%Da sc.sts. as well at yr most
.•./.ItebensurWr & 2a md Pittsbupdi.,
2.14 Ttmussa.D_roze4t, 45 Atarketot. •
• LA A. Bcaltbsta. nrognas. arse 12asTua Otltoi,Allsabs.
T.,r city ;
Joseph cackler, Darlington. Hama anrat. Pa. -
i J01211:1=00, Honda Vallary. • •
• ail=l l""7' '•• • • ••••
rKOICTIELE AFFLICTED 'wi ll fondd is
N.D.tu.c.Kellbsvnr's INTALLIBLS Lltalagff,
oals Fluidorbith tuts stand the ter of thirty years .g
-sad Ly, Wyood s doubt, beats the imam of snn
yr of thourads of indieldars, alma awry
nisiSithsradrr of dr... We art that as band no.
thing tu astinV.Si . this Is the =lf thr has boa
%tilt Atilt it ' a • ."" wad.
'" It Ea suandls <rads of axing grsoodisetaio than
..sayotbst offesa for tilt, vow, not by:whom
mud. °zoo or brau mum. • _
0 as ..croog ansfl ear.=
h. trca , tbo abort an say
t i* f t k''' eal;si 'd u 7 a . th=s sr sr be.% Psi dths t' tgmof
thal=rlits a =msiff. tho most aresabb
Paatify an for salo t or Ora br sa a'
tti Ilan Hoar It. Ortunall, lab IL C.. Tha ID= Robt.
X. l .Vi i e la Mars. Jobu Vs. late l U: Sallrk.;rt
Asa, .tattor or the VpUlt '
Timm sad had of otter distinguished atria arrow
Yarkorbo tat folly t.toarn , tneriu, 2 .Tsygnuitatu
ltt As It la nail tr to
am that Patesithfediastaida not purr
aly parot a d by this lathed: ...lett rat Wats -sm.
tnalaubtaly • rtat to fael ourelta bably tar.
.11earl , lids Waage noal.n.Condrand ha boa nearly
. wan years bags tb. gutlit it. am.. Ittascla lea
•stougast sad lass 'Milani undoubtedly •b' stresigund
resiusing gra of Itsimperal stsaratheayscassurtes
. I. aties. I== i r rsr
drat sad =to' Mini and M ier that dab bias W-
I Orr 1..0L0,P.0 Lathes bar bees odd ultra ecapislut,
gad ban rich artouthing sites al other
yeraCies eCTr.;lkcl. a would Itaraff had gra at
offered: sod In our poressiort Abe apart suable art.
Tids ntaieitte. or prates remedy. b sa:pgred grant veg.
.Sad., Au kraal.s well as exterar tun It sae•
r "". th•
f Irlaritsa:Prig Rigor , j l .• anTi
ottl 4 =blr atfetioss, disarm tee
'reaper t. m female, from staters mum it may
ForVraitanzrzh. by R. r-14ii.* 144.i„ *. tiat
00 .. 4 brgt.
fae r i wir. pat up 9.4 tw.X., PP.T„.u.
- •
.To the Headers or the Pi tt sb urgh Gazette.
11COUBLIC ATTENTION is respidfally in
ritsl to the fallowing truth; act forth relation to
moo of the meet lanportact seaman of mod= time,:
PETROLEUM OR ROCK .OIL: It a not wan than one
year Lan lin= inn great reta c o f ir r waleret before the
Zg, herb :In than. beanie full egg= r,
t d \h p
comannaity: sod weedlec that the
LT It is triad the
la ~
Jinn It. tee ban? spread. - tls opt Ow Tenn
ud th
Veit lergfeSte " ootweire,ti?e=ur
Legato. . The Petroleum le d")
s e en ee f anedy,elehaa. to o Ab e deptbs.of the earth
a n e w er god agency that laugh* to scon,.lll 'tarn&
e Vatr ' we * tgi d t=tt ".. .4 , 7
-non to deceive those who may trust core or put node
done . en or statements. lb, rick are rery apt to oath at
ny. thin that ;rondos nlief fine &wear A floor can
bird], b, too hhibly wroughtacrower the ohwat of gall
law Malibu . • of the m. 14:x: do not desay
,:,,,=rstrukt be tolr to to seeard i ftelt • not!
.tßol l .t.r . ====. l ligbeLasteria
inn.. city and neighbothacd, tan eropis ' intir=ry
in . the Blaket.
ltdthe peat tea nerathe, ten of our aVen chines.
. who ewes agony tdisd, hare bean =hand tonight. En
end tun of Wuhan. la the ante of Ohio. ban been
carol. And.elea, the enact a gentlettom nanny mutt) .
Then, nre t.honC but Own are axes near ham; and ton
. b t.hersdto by nor perione who ben doutanat the sob
hat These awes were cared after
had bentadat.
vd brphfaulaba as bwe. The tea i care.
'downed accordk& to direction—Diarrhow.Dnehate7.
...ppe . ±Lbesnuathat. Gat, Nerrealgte, Leuptl ere on the San.
oath& fan. Quante Son Lyn, inrwerai.. Min.
! -. ..tem.palos in that:ern end atnia-old soma rie.
Wens. - .tine, Chronic Concha, Agihne, A...dab...a au
Pulmonary edecton of • etuardo nature. assns to pro.
Eartann e v &ram of the Medlar gaol Eldneyr.
tan firods,.Escoriated Marin. earn sad nations.
• MAT Cnranlll. 112.1=rt, 0011 En hen tried
la etas atone dander within therest Ml' *an the
moll weed. MOMS. Cerittodes that
astesulh an in
theenuals onto markt., who evil nke plounare la show
-3511.1=at0 the Meted or there friette b ro
Petroleattle the gresdn uwen '" t Vtlnaely of teen. ' Physician . •
&high Kaaba* lo the areaway are begbadolt ne
thate Maim Those who at brat looked an with. doubt
enteruseertabay. are. willing to nerd it one praise and
conadderatba. Defare another Ina pais ell will - he
COcknenni 'env that the Petroleum /a the geet
-set 00.4010, ever &wavered. Foe oa., wholente sad re•
.ALL oL one street: D.. 1. Cony, D. a.
Elliott, a r r rettlaksv.up.;;Thr. "eprz
Wu:A A. awn - lock 1 Co. Wood teed Trope Ma
fe away. easy to take, and hlably etteadcrott
11.e3:31103T. mares Me. latt.
- We. R. E. fellerr—lty &Urea. Me others. h.. been
.mtldecs to troableame coast. sod having used Oltfarmst
-remedies to very . Lute plow*was I ntoned
tlemsonta about your Congo S il nap to KV. It mist. I
gar ism two mr Wye. and elm. loon to
Marmot dam area it bee never fttled fo cure Qua
I pave recommended It to my eel:obeys. and do matt
rostretenckomly belkee la the bee; cou t,
WS bee feu be= ottetsd to the Nadir.
*anew, anstantra.
notpermit their oldldren so =dm Item
nay be owed by a 15 et. bottle of thle
. _
5 Aa . Md mail sold SP P.- snug%
sr woad at. and Dalin -tat'grnerally
of v.
_pi (DM_ tv
1414 famish and aces r..xp:u fbrtest.psZri . :
iiom vela. a.
P n"4. ww... sans sset_,_to
Mr - , ; ••• - fat . SCAM:. anti Mulct OHT.L.
LCOIJOL-72 5 bbla. for salety:
• earla I. BIM ir CO.; 1.0 Wood
Idffl/ 131 1/AAkit_M 4 SID
oLEJ&WRI'rE-15 111:413. - extnii fae,:fon
sift vadat - z.zrop
a . ma-4 osks . ( pm) for isaktm
Nam. )144:74.TDLEEZ.
DAM LEAD-42)0 lbs. prima; best
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