The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 11, 1851, Image 2

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    regret tie circumAances which rendered it ne
ce,sary fur Ameriean , citizens to ask protection
from American soldiers.
Though there are "good chitcns enough in
Socorro who may Le ratonontd - for the protec
tion of life and property, sea yet thought that
those who were Bent here for the protection o
the same, and the establishment of some kin. of
order, would have the hoot right to take the be
airless in hand. „especially as 'tis well known,
both far and near, of the non-existence of any
responsible and reliable civil authority at this
Trusting that the trifling number wehave pre-'
sent will he ,ulficient for the protection of our
selves auct4he peaceful inhabitant, of the vil
lagl4'o rd . main, very respectfully, your obedient
On the night of the 29th, preceding the night
wine the above note was destotkehed, a dancing
party none given in the place, Lich being the on
ly minim:molt which coma be afforded to those
who were desirous of enjoying pleasantly the
little society present.. The testimony of those
present during the night in question. no it has
been elicited in an examination and trial since
held, and front other information not furnished
at the time, all goes to prove that certain indi
viduals known is Alexander Young, John Wade,
Marcus Butler, Witham Craig, Stephen Stanley
Charles }loges, Chas. Ripley, Thomas MeCaskey,
Alexatndrr McNiven and other?, went to the
Lou, where the dancing was going on, and with
the preir,ditattd design ••of breaking it.up and
having a fuss with a Mr. Clarke, and any one
else who might aid him." Young commenced by
making a considerable noise, and, as it grew-la
ter, fired Lis pistol oil ate candle: the frightened
females were not permitted to retire, ,red any
one who :night attempt to take them away, wan
thre.stened with death. Meanwhile two ruffians
stool on the outside as sentinels, one at each
side of the entrance. Craig discharged his pis
tol at the clock, destroying the same, while ,
Young. with a knife iu one hand and a pistol in
the other, moved up end down the man, threat
ening to shoot the first person 160 moved. At
one time ho makes the direct question, whether
he shall shoot Clarke or nut, at the same moment
that his pistol is within a few inches of Clarke's
head, who is sitting in a chair. At length the
final bloody act was committed, by an attack
upon Clarke, conatneneed by Young, and follow
ed in a direct manner, by Wade, Butler, and
Craig,.and in a manner loss direct, by others of
the. party, Who were standing round. The result
was, that Clarke was carried away to a surgeon,
mortally wounded in nine er ten places, and
ChM, dates was taken away, with a severe shot
wound in the
The learning following horror and dismay
were depicted in the faces of all. What was to
be done': The military had roused to aid us,
and.vre felt that whatever might have been their
excuses, their non-compliance with our reqnest
had permitted the perpetration of another foul
murder; for had but a reasonable number of their
body per ,nted it:elf at Socorro immediately
the murderers would have been frightened or
driven from the place. The elcalde of the vil
lage, a weak and sickly imbecile, hail transferred
his authority to a person even more timid and
lees reliable than himself: vet this person was
, invested with the powers of a justice of the
peace, by authority of a commission from the
State of Texas. This person constituted the en-
tiro civil authority at Socorro. The few mem
bers of the Boundary Commission present were
compelled to resolve upon some plan for the pro
tect:on n-t only of their 0,1 lives and property.
but also fee the protection of the trembliug and
dismayed population,. Messengers were imme
diately sent to Sin Elitario for assistance from
the main body of COMllliN2iola there engaged in
various duties; the call was promptly responded
to, and in about three hours a party of Mexicans
and Americans, which we had hastily armed.
were joined by the other members of the Com
mission, and likewise many of the villagers from
below. The fire.' was riivideil i acne every sus
pected hoe e searched, by which they sa,,acedeil
in arresting right ar nine of the piety; but
Young. the leader, had made his escape early
in the morning. The prisoners Were immediate
ly carried to the house of Judge Berthold. where
a court ..w • instite,el to suit the emergencies of
tine cm,: juror, were summoned and sworn, a
prosccut!t, attorney named, and conedfor de
fence of. ~.1 to the prisoners. which they dee.ll
- receising, treating the offer 'IA' s jest, and
tasking vulgar and obscene remarks upna their
position. They were evidently antler the hn
pressien tle.n nothing would be done, believing
that by the mutual understanding between each
one and the other of them, tile) , could easily
swear thcvx.elves out of tine dilliehlty. The ex
'Rine:iota were condected with propriety, and
the Pri..,.ers were made to keen silence by the
armed sod detcrmieed front presented by the eit
ixerna present. •
The Court continued its sitting until after dark,
when Craig, Wade, and Butler were ordered to '
be continett in jail. until ten o'clock of the follow-
ing..mortiing, to which hour there was an ad- '
journmer. t. During. the examination ninny threats
were openly made, and information had been re
ceived that- a resew would be attempted if the
prisonemwere not well guarded. and in conse
quence, a guard. ohoposol of FiS welt armed
men, was kept all night in the jail.
On Friday, the :31st, at ten o'clock A. M., the
court me; pursuant to adjourn, lent, and pro
'heeded to try William Craig, J• lin Wade, and
Marcus Butler, for aiding and t betting in the
murderous assault en Edward C. 7larke. It was
evident to all, that much of the tc,timonyreceiv-
Jed id the examination of the day previous, was
not as perfect as it might have been. had not the
witnesses been intimidated by the threats of some
of the gang, who had been heard to swear
peatedly, that they would kill an 'one who testi
fied to aught against their comp none, or who
tired attempt to execute the bi upon them.—
Notwithstanding all this, the evi ence was suffi
ciently strong and conclusive to i re their con
viction. The jury brought in a v relict of guilty,
and the Jedge sentenced them to be hung in
one hour from the time of the djonrnment of
the court.
The prisoners were eseortml to die little plaza
in front of the village church, where the priest
met.thein, to give such consolation as his holy
office would permit of; but their conduct, not
withstanding the'desire on the pert of ail to If.
ford them every comfort that their position
would allow of, continued reckless, careless, and
indifferent, even until the last moment!
The Fon was setting when they arrived at the
place of execution. Immediately the citizens
formed a :circle round the gallows tree, to pre
vent any rescue, which, there was every reason
to believe, would he attempted. It was fast
growing dark, and the huvy actions of a large
number of the aesociates of the condemned, di
viding and collecting again in small bodies, at
different points around the outside of the party,
and then approaching nearer and nearer to the
centre, proved that an attack was designed, if
the slightest chance were given. It was with
extreme difficulty that the. sentence of the law
was executed; but at last they were hung. one to
each branch of a young "alamo - tree. The en
tire proceedings were intensely i teresting,.
SATEMcr, Feb. I. , —Early in e morning the
bodies of Craig, Butler and Wad were remove.]
for interment. At 2 o'clock, P. I. the citizens
and strangerS assembled at the h use where the
body of Clarke was waiting its nal removal to
the place selected for its sepulchre. Au orderly
and regidar procession was form id and preceded
by the priest with all:the insignia of the Holy
Catholic Church, the body was carried to the
grave in the cemetery in the front of the church,,
where at the conclusion of the Catholic service,
that or the I:pi - is:nest was trod, end the remains
of the murdered man were left iutheir last rest
ing place.
After ClOrn nzourufal ceremonies were conclu
eiod, it become necessary to meet and consider
the ease ~f Alexander lilcliiveu. The scenes of
the day previous, and the reflections of the past
night, had caused a great change in this bold j
desperado: and, with a solemn promi.e that he
would abstain from liquor from that date, (00 it
was to liquor alone he charged his improper con- j
iruct,) Le not di , chargeti s rendering himself lia
ble to certain punislunenT should Le fail to rv
epect hit ~oltann obligation made in open court.
At rundown McNiven was far -upon the road,
with hie mouth full of proteincs to do better in
the future.
Socorro now became quiet. orderly, and a
pleasant place to dwell in, but there wan still one
other, and he the principal actor in oil thne
scenes, who was yet to be apprehended and pay
the penalty of all his great crimes, before this
severe lesson for all evil doers would be eon,.
Four hundred dollar" Won sol,cribed and of.
feted as a reward for the arrest of .tics.ander
Young, and his delivery alive at Socorro. Vol
unteerparcbxwere out in all directions; and.
others were looking for him, tempted by the
prospect of gaining the large reward olfored..
At length, oil the morning of the 11th, acne
reached as of his arrest, and time in_the evening
he would be delivered at Socorro. ,tnother un
pleasant, but necessary duty presented itkelf, but
it was impo.isible to avoid it.
Young arrived in the evening, was phenol in
jail, well drained and guarded; 0) o'clock the
following morning, being appointed for his trial.
During the night be was visited in jail ; 0a: care
less dogged look had lett his eye, and the woppli
cgaing inquiring glance, teighdainly of a change
within Um inner tale.: Ile wait:noxious b. know
if either of the three preeiously hung, lout made
a.catifession or not, and said he had peel. up all
hopes of escaping. Being asked it he wished to
write to any one, he answeretl that he would like
to have a letter written to his mother, who had
not heard from him for six years past. The
letter was written, and the prisoner appeared
much affected. He confessed the truthfuluers of
the charges against him, criminating clearly. smi
in &stall worse light; the three who were bung
first, besides many others. He did not think
there was any hope for him after death, but
would try and turn his thoughts heavenward.—
Ile then knelt down and prayml, after which he
Was left alone.
At 10 o'clock, A. M., February FAL, the court
trineled. &c., notwithstatid- 'in this way, encumbered with a gond many old ! task to enumerate all the uses to which
'the weather and the heavy maids, and would be troubled with many more I gas pipe can be and is applied, bat its strength,
1 unrability, cheapness and light weight, reeom
rendered the duties of the I were it not for that greatconservative principle
iron and other pipes where objections of adiffer-
eastint I At the opening of ' :_
matrimonial . mend its use in preference to lead, copper, cast
system. commonly defined m
he prisiner, containing his '"
the pointed phrase—"bound to have a hns- , eat nature do not exist.
(a coating of paint preventing
niblicla, then signed by
I by trertain members of band." , It is extensively used for boiler flues, for pipes
ividuals there present Some young women calculate the chances of i to convey water,
already before the Court s happiness too closely, trusting nothing to thei rust)
! but its greatest consumption is in pipes for
1 conveying gee, and in tubes for conveying geom.
aught in an immdiate ter- '
i heart, and all to •The judgment. The reverse of gas pipes, hundreds if not thousands of
was deemed advisable to
to shew still further the ! this is always loudly denounced by monitors of i miles are annually laid in the United States; but I
' every one who had been the sex; yet one extreme is as bad as the other, 1 its use for conveying steam for heating purposes,
s it was to the interest of and both should be condemned in the same voice. • promises to consume more than for all other ob
rho wqe Purillg ihr b oa- . We have here stumbled ,
on a law which applies to uphold the characterse •
, It is male to warm our dwellings, our public
the whole human family. Whoever u-ould It
and edifices, of every description. A net
. . jects combined. •
:he pfrisener was found ; I!'
.sy - and bc... -to be hung. ; mark out his own happiness by line and rule, work of these little tubes on our walls, or under
At d l P. M. he was s takeu ti the church, where, I without consulting his sentiments and impulses, ! our floors, can be made by means of a little jet
with pe . nitent lips andsand on penitent knees, he dooms himself ton barren existence. Ilia , Ff•
, j of steam, percolating them to diffuse a gentle,
made las final confessibnreceived the blessing !
tampered with one more in accordance with true : balmy heat throughout our apartments, or col
orl 'retest in larger masses, a fiery heat can be min
the priest, and from thence was taken to the I
wet here he was to be hedged. Ill s le, re- vvistloni, is like a collection of mathematical fig- • centrated, to drive moisture from lumber, paper.
quest or himself was that h might he buried: tires, drawn by square and compass , alongside of ! and wet clothes, or to hardenvarnish, paint, and
and all with freedom from danger of in
ns we and as respectably a the circumstances I a picture drawn from nature by the hand of genius , ijaPao ,
of his se would admit. W ale standing
1 ,._
under ' one pleases the eye and satisfies the judgment. I flaming the substance exposed to tha heat ; and,
the tr . with the rope around his neck, he re- I however distant the source or generator of steam
be, thisinvisible fluid, like the illuminating
but the other brings the blood of iuspiratiou to , may
quest d to be allowed to say l la few words to those !
stand.' garotmd. 1 t the brow, purifies and elevates the soul. I gas, will find its way to the radiating iron. Thus
lie egged of those who ;ere younger than ! There is a small class of women who confess these gases, by means of this little tube, are
made in the absence of the sun, to take bas
he to ke warning from his sample , that even their cold-heartedness to be such that they never
older ersons might profit by, the warning pre
could become affectionate, confiding wives, and place, diffusing light, heat, and comfort to all
sente in his case. They co Id see what garish
i therefore do not marry . is lione.d and
• This! • To show the enormous quantity of tube used
ling, wearing, drinking, a dan ungoveennble i
,-' ! around.
tempt , with the worst of evi associations, had i worthy of all commendation. . for this purpose, one benevolent institution alone,
broug t him to. lie had null away from home at I Some young women possessing talents are in this ...try , ( a lunatic asylum ) consumes
. the age of fourteen yenta and would never see that ! tempted into pUblic life ns -writers, actresses, more than five miles of this tube, to distribute
home !again. With others marks of like char- I •, light and feat, to the unfortunate inmates; and
singers ' S: dwed th • I 1
nu Luise vex to notoriety and
actor e concluded, beggin them to beware of ' ' ''
, we every wThere, find these little pipes on ferry
liquo the gaming table, and an ungoveraa- 1 boats nail steamboats , of every description, audio
ble to per. At half-past 4P. Nt., the law was !
i applause. The only justification of this step,
aside from pecuniary necessity . , is the certainty and out of all sorts of places. .
carri into effect, using the same tree and up- of true genius. Such women, if they feel that ! Now, if there iv such a demandfor these tubes,
on th same spot were the first murderers were •
they can make their love of fame take a place and such large quantities an' used, there must
hanged. Many that had fled are returning: the' needs be a corresponding windier of mounting°-
, below their love of husband and home, may mar-
men ere busy in the fields; preparing and stock- I ..
log it sir lands for the spring crop. 1 ry; hut on no other conditions. Poetesses are the case. tine manufactory, or at most two, in
, almost always unhappy in their marriages : and : this country for many years supplied all the
sentimental young ladies who read their Wog", ' demand that was not met by importation, nod a
firm in Philadelphia now stands at the head of
phies weep over the sorrows of .• hearts whose
the art, and their gas pipe has been generally
chords were too finely strung, - to be understood ! preferred to auy other, foreign or domestic.—
by the rude creatures of earth to which they were . There are now, however, four of these manufac
united. This is all stuff. Poetesses generally ! tortes in this country, one of which has recently
represent themselves as great reservoirs of affec- started in or near Pittsburgh. Competition has
! within a few years minced the price of tribe one
tion, tenderness, seutiment, confidence, and the half, the eonsequence of which must be an W
ilke ; but their husbands choose one of two very
rens.' demand.
unbushandlike courses under the influence of all ' The doors of these manufactories will slot re.
this goodness ; some take to their heels, and ; main forever closed to the publics-the wants of
some drink themselves to death. Their mistake j the community must be met; the day for secrets
is that they think they are marrying women, and . i t ' et r " nr l'. l " e " ! ' t r e th h g her gone ' by. increasing,The nfaanc,-
find, too late, that they are tied to mere Set . 1 to I,7stoeertaea,:elLe from gradually :
H, other th e y will
vans Spasms, who are in the height of crises or : make improvements which they will spread upon
the depth of woe, just as the rabble is pleased to the books of the Patent Office, and thus the
clap or hiss,. We recollect one ease in Pilaf. Public will eventually gain possession of
.w ' them
which was settled in a very philosophical MOO- 1
In the - '
s last I April) number of Appleton's Me
ner. A worthy En list gentleman marriedia ebonies' Magazine is a description of a new form
celebrated poetest&and noon discovered that lie . of rollers for manufneturingtubc; also formaklng
bail made a sad . mis-step. Judging shrewdly ! the tube in various shapes, for railroad tracks
that the sentimental heart of his bride would not . awl other purposes, where iron is needed strong
be broken by a stn.rc separation, he bid her a , nad l i g ht .
I„. ittsburch is gradually developing her re
cordist good-bye, and took a trip to Italy. They ! sources, and we bail with pleasure_any enterprise
both lived ton reasonable age, but never saw ' a hieh brings a new article to market, or makesa
each other from the day of their amicable parting, • new combination of the materials which nature
has so bountifully bestowed, and which brings no
nor could Is ever be ascertained that either one
ever felt any gnat regret tel this singidar divorce. l, 4 o , O r e i l , lt I:::rtzle: . t , i . ' T e e ., w ol lizi ,,, :1 1 1: moat lead the
From all this it would appear that matrimony R ess l er , s h ou ts t hi s article suggest any slew
and female poetry arc, in general, ineornpati- ' reflections, remember
Tour friend,
lON In . , 111 he held In th. Orr
Jun, 241 h. IoZ.I. forth. , Dor
for thn °floe. nf Governor and
.o fon Jodi," of the Supreme
13Y 31. FV1.1.1111. Chairman.
Vmonel Malenamy,
C. Shaun., Jones,
U. Thorn.,
John S. Brown,
T. Saylor Worth.
'Alell. Baaand,r
ker. K. I.lrovrn,
W 1
ym. 31. Watts,
am.. Clark,
eherman D 11,,1p,,
'Can:. C. Wi1,09•
. lobo AIII , on,
Onortm 31..ae0u.
,llex r M. Mcklurr. ,
Fnc. , Jordan.
CNDLE ra 6511111, 6,llTurT•
nf Lancaster, on TUESDAY,
ronte LI selecting candidates I
Canal CornaLsaioner. and ais
Court , HESE
Joseph It. Flanecits,
F Knox Morton.
Vlm. 11. Slingloft '
t ,
F ronel ell,
N hanfol Elltnater.
'1 rn. J. Robinson.
I order, E. Topton.
l' as 6_. Cochran.
arlrs LI. Dorluta,
: errs,
A Finney,
O. Loornin.
• by liao,nvo,
R. R
•as stated, in our I. column. yesterday.
the Grand Jury had pored the bill for
preferred against no I John Corriston,
is- the second bill elitist us which the
I d Jury has ignored thi. session. --
e first one was - for publishing the proceed
.f a meeting in §harpsburgh, in which cer
ibellous charges were made against Judge
The article was adibitted into our col
: under a mistaken view of it: character,
a entire ignorance oil its contents, and was
a uch regretted by us, and amply apologized
second was the cane shove noticed. It was
iblishing in our local column, as . item of
, certain proceedings before a Mayor's
. There was no malice in the case, no de
kl injure. Mr. Corriston, of whom we had no
ledge. ' Such articles are collected by our
lten, and aro seldom seen by theeditor until
aper is issued, as was tee case in this in
c. It is a duty we owd, the public, to keep
wore; to
of passing events, and if see
wore; to be brought up for a r ib el for every:poi - di-
F ,
eario l of the kind, the Cou would hose a busy
time f it: The power the press exercises in this
way, as a terror to evil doer 4, is probably great
er than that of the combted 'inticence of the
Cenc and the Pulpit. The 'rand Jury has dis
play d much practical good tense in discounte
nate ng prosecutions of this kind, which, if en
co ged, would destroy, in a great measure, the
c.,ns -native influence of tho press, shackle its
liberal., and subject editors, to injustice and op
pretion. When editors wickedly and maliciously
libel, any one, they ought to the held amenable to
the aw, but to subject then
ties or publishing passing
she e no malice in felt, and
in aS unjust as detrimental
Thai ab.rd fiction of the In
truth the greater the libel,l
front.civfiired society; unlet
publication is made wholly
• to pains and penal eaFel
injury intended,
o the public gooti.—
w, " The greater the
ought to be scouted
.3 iu cases where the
th a runliciuum iu
winters SPHERE, AHD Fomers 'RIGHTS
1 We have hitherto spoken Hof the sex: as either •
preparing for, or in the marriage stale, without
alluding to the fact that there are st;iite women
that never marry. This omission could not be
, avoided, with the faith we priifess. We hold that
no just social system can make any general pro-
visien for women that do net marry. The very !
word aystm implies law and rule, and we must
regard marriage as the rule,, and celibacy as the
exception. For causes which we will enumerate,
! it 7ould seem unavoidable lams there must al
, ways be some old maids, po matter how the
, world advances; and therefore we must provide
for.them, that they may he less unhappy in their
unnatural state. But, we !repeat, they can be
provided for as exceptions ',only. If a nian is
born without legs, he is an exception to the
great law of human locomotion power, and we
matt furnish him with cork legs to hobble am, or
place him in a wheel-barrow to be trundled though
! the world by his friends.: Ntdure has a law
the the means of communieating and receiving
id shall be the voice and the hearing: she has
eve made one to depend upon the other, so that if
! a an is born deaf he tannet riearn to spear—
! All her general laws in reference to the human
eco only arc made, so to speak, with the under
.tanding that we are a hearing and talking race,
1 anti therefore when a few are found to be deaf
mutes, human ingenuity, backed by philanthro
phy, must contrive a plan to bring these ardor
; tunate exceptions nearer to a level with the rest
of the world. • By the name rule, Nature takes it
as 4n admitted fat that all women must be wives,
and frames her other lairs in accordance with
, thiS fact. Therefore we need look fur no change
i on the world advances which,will make marriage
or gelibxy a matter of indifference to society.
i It ie by rejecting this truth that female Referra
I ers, especially of the French school, have fallen
, -
Lite those wild heresies cour.erniug the marriage
' ztat r o, which Lave startled the quiet world from
I its propriety.
! Although our glance at the posititm of woman
, is, •according to our own rule,' already brought to
an end, we wish to add a few remarks contenting
1 uld,maids. We find them ranged in half a dozen
I 1:4+ . C3, some deserving praise, some pity, -and
some censure.
It sorg i ctimes happens that a young woman has ,
the misfoettute to lose her intended husband by' OAS PIPES.
deal,, or what is a thousand times worse, his I The consumption of this article, which now
faithlessness. If she feels that her heart cannot I hoe become se ettended suet m`ter" ". MreelY
1 . in . t d o
to m . a n n , y an a c rr u a ni n tr e e: r t . %
m fo y r c h it? , e %ti n e d : r e:a l comfort
recl:er from each a wound, it is her duty to
bee -If, and to theta that seek her hand, to re- I manufacture and its price in market of no little
test all offers of marriage. I importance to our community, as well 33 to the
II a young woman is ntllicted with any heredi- I public generally.
Many persons who never devote more than a
ta r disease whie's mast inevitably shorten her
thought when some apparently unimpor
,' ~o, life, and wo old be likely to hue transmitted
1 i t ' at ' ll i tl g d insignificant article of domestic errtmge
: ni er offspring, she should not marry. But those i went obtrudes itself upon the vision, as when a
re pra:tital philosophers, who charge all that I small tube in their gas fixtures presents itself to the
ivi ate this rule withcrime, go too far. When the , eye, it may excite a wonder or n momentary cu
,ha rt and the sentitnents are aroused, it is not to rioaity—how is it hindes, whence floes it came"
sort h ,,,, e but some other topic fl ashes upon the mind, nod
• be expected that such consideration I all reflection upon "gas pipe" is Mined in the
I tit it proper weight
' oblivion, which conceals all consideration of things
gat evil cot , nettedl
with family ambition, in which they have no permanent interest. Such
tin upported by wreath, in that the girls are not : persons are little aware of the multifarious uses
I ed clued to be Latin, in the true sense of the' to which the article best known as ..gas pipe" is
ter, but fine ladies, whose gentility is so weak
lin to texture that it will WPM piece ' h •
o ir t-ey au ' in:sloe.' applied and
acendit!st'in cast and
letll7res nB ; t' b n u ti t Y in n e n re y ' s ' u l n ch g
, person reflect a few moments upon the subject,
I furl to help to, or even sae, their town li- 1 and it may convince him that he has score h.-
; ,alg. Of course they cannot marry poor men, ! mediae and permanent interest in the menet.-
not men who earn their livi4hY vulgar employ- i lure of gas pipe, and when his eye again rests
, nettle, especially_ouch ~, ~r e „,,hi m i,,,l . A . upon the diminutive tube, it may awaktln to dif
ferent train of thought from t hi ng conceited
real geutlemu 0, with them,cannot lie on a par ~,,,, any '
1 .
t with a fine gt ntleman, or a monied gentleman.— ' Of the numufacture of •'wrotight Iron lap weld
! Oath young ladles, if they adhere strictly to their' oil tube' little is knowernore than CAD bo tmer
; mined (roman inspection of the article as we find
rulxi. are al. ways bad 'dock ,In the matrimonial
I beveled andlt: r ,
market, and have great difficulty in finding has- is. i i:: the wars house of the manufacturer: which
ti ,. t i hin Vote of iron with its edges
, bards of any kind, and newrif • get sensible ones;
which P t1:11 ‘ cv n hu i t i lrle n al ' ;,r i n in T ol b .t e il:Zi
1 for l sensiblern en regard them, as in the commer- ems by
cis world a merchant is regarded whose capital : and the joint is welded is not known to the pub
is own t.O consist of promissory notes, ender-
they i ' a .. II i'
workn"wuift"h't " I ries are few in number, and
lo . o d z i n t nil none lon the
interested and initia c te7l " a i re
sed by business connections whose capital is
its uses there are, of cups-ne no secrets, and
per also, -with his endorsement to sustain it
1' 'enable society (both real and would be) is, of these more can be said It would be no easy
It is said (although fur the sake of human no- I
tore we would gladly hear it contradicted] that
come women, out of pure selfishness, resolve ,
never to marry. They, feel that they might love
a husband, and cling to children rud home. hut
they caletil.fie the amount of trouble and anxiety,
connected with domestic life, and conclude that
it outweighs the happiness. They-are old maids i
fy choice, in the full sense of the phrase. We
are not sure of ever having sew any such women,
but if such there are, they should he regarded as
enemies to society. No measure of contempt is
ton great for them. There is, undoubtedly, a class
of coquettes whose whole glory 13 conquest, and
who trifle so long with Lore that the offended
, refuses forever to lodge his arrows in their ,
hearts. For such creStllr, no marl or ROMan or
honor can hare any resierct.
The might be thought incomplete, if we
did not include to class of maidens in every way
suitable for marriage, and perfectly willing to
change their condition, who pro• from youth to
age without au offer. This class must be very
small indeed, and must Lie composed of indolent
creatures, unsuited for life. •• The fault di in
themselves, and net in their stars," that they
are tlius deserted. Many who are supposed to
belong to this class, really belong to some °neer
other of those enumerated above.
After this review of the subject, we are forced
to the conclusion, that there will always be a
few old maids but we must also conclude that
the more the world advances in moral and intel
lectual power, the fewer old maids there will be.
This is the very opposite of the creed of the fe
male Reformers, which teaches that the advance
ment of civilisation will expand the genius of
-women, and lift a greater number above the nar
row sphere of domestic life. These reformers would
have us encourage celibacy-, by offering temptations
to woman to engage in pursuits incornpatib:e
with their domestic sphere. They say •• do not
keep woman forever a slave in the nursery, but
let her go abroad in the world, as man does, to
expand her intellect and develop her genius."
This idea carried out, must lend us to look on
wives and mothers with contempt. It must lead
all women that are, end all that may imagine
themselves geniuses, to enter the •enlarged
sphere, - and leave the perpetuation of the race
to fools and imbeciles—the refuse of the are.
This may be thought jesting, but with French
female Reformer, it is a serious matter. To
read their books or hear them talk, one would
think maternity a badge of pigrace, and that no
woman of eraited mind, coals! bring herself
down to the commonplace duty of training chil
We may conclude that a woman who for good
and sufficient reasons remains unmarried, need
not of necessity, be unhappy, although cur so
cial low provides only for wives. There are few
disadvantages which can prevent any human be
ings from becoming useful members of society,
and happy in their usefulness. if they are so dis
posed. There it always a law of compensation.
It may seem hardthat when the great rule which
confines woman to home cannot apply to the un
married, they should still be governed by it.—
Vet the fault is not in the social law, but in tho
fact that it is not fully obeyed
The lion. T. NI T. Meßennan, President of
the Ilempfield Railroad Company, gives notice
in the Washington pallet', that the directors are
determined to proceed without delay:in having
the preparatory surveys and estimates made,
with a view to a vigorous prosecution of the
Ile says that the subscriptions in Washington
county amount to $25,04.10, and that they ought
to amount to $125,000. lie will have a hard
task, we think, if he undertakes to build a Rail
road on a doubtful and difficult route, which
will cost some $300,000, on such a meagre sub
For rh< l'ulAurgla Gazelle.
rit.t.tioile's AIitiINISTRASIO3I.—The 1136.1-
Sores of this Administration meet with the ap
probation of every section of the country. They
arc acknowledged by all parties to be the very
mean- neccesary to preserve the present glory of
our Fumn. awl uo keep us from distraction and
separation. Mr. Fillmore'e mode of managing
our affairs is not only conciliating all parties at
home. bat increasing the respect with which we
are reganled abroad. The name Maracaa is
now a passport every where. It is felt to be the
r-Allying rry of liberty in all countries. Every
citizen of the United States. every well-wisher of
the notional glory. every Whig who cast his vote
in 1,18 for Millard Fillmore, must rejoice at the
popularity which his Adtninivtration enjoys both
ut home Courant.
Market Street Store for Rent.
VIM: RENT.- -The Store, lIS Market : 2
pn. lb. o”etel :err fete!, the econer of Market
and I.oert •onteto Posers:Am given the Irt April
n. I ovor. DAVID GREEK
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
I 1A RDWARE,, ',0..- -hying trade. aual vahloh (K.. aro hon....tat
011. r ourohoo-ra rahm. that .10 rvonapare
torabir wlth un, of the eamtorn obra
RE Yi)II A FATTIER, laboring for the
. . ,
a, too Moth,. yuth.nna foga duos.* to which k
nde* ponostly tow Y. Hr..... Matta ,
artapartlia- , ot oeitaloiy cora you.
Calldrool, or on one of uur Nfrock .ad Cot •
jtarohint. ttran. orn ywt 011 WA that thr Shatter 3an ,
ottortn.... bn-toroi ht . Dr. tt. I,llroan, hay boon dm of toralsuotttly utoro Sham., •Inett
human !aunty an. ryntirMafir ( ht. A.l
proto-shoo ,bantapartlia .tor ( ,4 brought lei tha
tilt. motlnine boa onablndual Ita high reputation by It.
nstotorou , and anti altnatot rum,
It IA ill I tuq,mrt.l.4tl... mut is the ouly
that .1.. im Ow Liver. kiatwja. and Illno.l at Ow urn.,
tam, it latocr.rr mut* v.loable rl , r7
our. larttrutuly fettulm
Itr *are mad esquire. for DT K. D. 110Wlit,
SAIVAPARILIA. sot tal• noolla.•
. .
I'6r.La taw. 4c /...r 14,17
I C011r.,. llall, ancinnatl. Ola.
To whom all rolen mar t+ widmowd. .
I 1
A. lone, Sohcoomaker Co., W.
Black. K. I% Moons, .1 T0.0.0d, J. Moblur, Jost
/%113. Clunhurgl., It A. Klliott, Allooderly city; %V. It. Air
Motrarhoo.r, I'. Crnet.r, Elrowurvlller, Jam. Pwoll
o J. Patton., mot K. O. Morgan NI
%I,Its. t Knot. C. 41..
qttri)u. 3I'LLNE'M LIVER l'iLL..—The dr
manol hit thiJ arrat trtiorly Ir ralu IIJ lrrmarlttQ, and w.
iirUrts (nal a dirtarinr for iota,
• hug. •e dud it Our.. 4E11.1.11.1r 4, rupply u rut nip re-
Thr truth Ir. the nuirity rrquirtni cub, • I.ltil t i tgt
g tat , • 11.. Upttlt rl.rtairal iir Its rxrellehru. Ile eal,t,
(rum it Lb diwumeuta, !Lir following:
- Covtiihtun, V., Lay 15. IM;.
.3 hn,,, 4 Co - As I am angsyril In.elliu. •
fa. ,rry 4“.1, Pan consider my stuck
omen, 1 II•Ta • •nPlily of Dr. 11'1a,nes LIT.; PIM
I a few ,loss. Lulea of litese MI. from 111.1101 A
1,. • 1,te1., a..ry Wt, and I wizti enalr oupoly Immo,
JAOI/11 WINDER. P 11 .•
1.. r J. KIDD a CO.,
Petroleum !
Vusur+mt - ao. Hutainstinct co., Pa., March 4.1.1
M Kira —D•ar Mir. Tour Petroleum Ir working won
der. ul 0d• T. therefor,. •• would khan rou brenJ
ur two dozen ur th• Prow, Ivanla Railroad. fir are mu-
Urrly val. and it Ix tr•lng ingulrrd fur alsoon. ererr
Your, reNrctfully. JOllll LONGA CO. '
uuonoLttu Aabland co., 0.. March 10, '5l.
M Eat —D... Eli, Your Agent, a for weeks elnee,
1.11 vritil t.,u, dnz.n Ito.k Oil. which we hawe bold .
Yleue tore .‘t,l to us sin dozen linumedisttly
Tour ."-helo, In working wooden§ In thin region. We
can ol,talo w.veral excellent eettlftcatex, If you deelle them
Vuun, tr, W. W. SCOTT.
r „}, Icy K. 4.4 Wn.,.1 Area: It. E.
II al D. A. Yahne,tock. k Co. .rtn.r
“treet.s; 1..11. Curry, D. A. Elliott. JoatPh
l}malans, and 11. P. Schwartz, Allegheny. al. by 1b.. , Dr.
110 k w 71 . Canal 11.1 u. &V. it 0... tuburErb.
Thi3 morninv. Acrlllolll. MA2II, dauslaor ,4 the Late
The tuaerul will lake {dare on Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P.
NI.. from the r...ideuce of her mother, o 0 Perna/ea/W.
Avenue. apl I lt
pay- The Citizens of Allegheny County,
In me, of the nomination of OEN. WINFIELD
MUTT, as scandidau. for the oust Presidency of thu both
tool htates. are requested to assemble in (Zunfr Meeting.
at the Court House, in the City of Pittsburgh. on Toes,
day, the day of April inst., at 11 o'clak, A. M.
•p.l.vr bi T IXIQo•d by WM ttamm] _
The Perfect Men.
ImpnwetnvElt, and IteivriKoralitot,
Is,/uditig owsuaf relatlons geUmdly, at WII.KI:0 4
M.g.lny and ~, April 14th tnd
10th, at orlock; clovitig 'nth public exuainstianks.—
..., cerc,nn.
Profreenonal delineadhue of character, with advice. at
Breen until nodneeday only. Call at once.
It leetormt—t mday. dent 1111, at el.elt, to
vinarr enom. otLeta
dlatrinensy. Sr..'. met held, aventom OLI
cot, intermtihit apant
it .0., of the Filet Reformed Proabyterlan Manna,
e"haturnt:, .111 hold Uivinn nerintoln the nmalett Lytle
rem Chusely, oet Seventh ctreet, Sabbath afteromtn neat,
(1..11 10.1.) TTTT to eommen, al IS. tielork
---- The Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Tilt: suwic Blilt, lute a member of the
Se.vonl Iletsfinent el Pennsylvania Volunteer.. offer*
wen. to We menden, of th two nolSo
01 nalvaota oluntaern who arms! e
In th e late
war with 11.1100, to roller& the chains. to which Wel
titled under en Art ef Assembly, tswood the .P.lth tilt/ o f
Niareh. untitled "An Act to provlde ter the naysarnt
of the First and rlevutni Ornaments% of Penn/W./ants Vol.
smears, who servol to the late wets VIII, .11exte.o."
11. ff. WOOD, Attorney at Law.
llnrnstotra. April b. 1,1 aol.l,Ncend
ItArriA tY
VOTICL—The Stockholders in the -.Cid
111Erni Duposite Hank"' oFIII pay the tint awl second
tu.eluirimq nn Well - .n.. 1., nu Mont.', the 14th lust., .1
Lhe of Altlernmn 111rMs.s.r.. ruthstrwt,
butiot .4 unlut of tbe Dlrscwrg.
aall.3t d
N —I:2 balel to arrive per Majlluwer;
per tioraamer; far may
npl Water awl Front rto.
LARD OIL-1U bbk. fur Hole by
.011 Water and Front ow
Pittsburgh Life Inswanoe Co.
9111}: SI) BSCH.II'I'ION BOOKS for Stock
L nWv almswe Copowe .[04.11 Opt. Off a (ems
As.y.. et Ilse Whoa. Of Um ColnpaSty, No. 46 Fourth 4r1...
TOFFEE — CIit bogs Rio, fur solo by
pz :FIDIERy-JuA rec'd, a very choice
• .reniet of rerfutorry. etc Soap: Ik., Oil.
Es for the Ile.odlterchwf, Pomn.leat Tooth P.. sod
ro.d.r s wICKEIIS.IIAM.
aplo corner of Wool end Sixth .te.
Brandies, Wines, 6:c. -
11 1 : 1N ful'IO °InP u i x ete an d d ErEpe rn an ent eltie , i .i f t o l r '
ertetualon of my orders, I no thus eiiabled to offer to
Dealers. at • an advance over Importation cost, IlltAN
DIES, WINES, and LIQUORS. of the Anent description.
from under cualom honor Pick. f dcneed.
Attention I. invirod My bet. as below:
110 Parkatres Cognac, Itonicaus. and Rochelle Brandies. In
75 tilit.tirn ‘t r. '' yeartf.rotit d an d #.lown Eberriec due
and Inedidin
SI or. tasks Madeira., of every irrade.
Mai baskets S F i o r r li W n e e s n i r m a a v.erey, old a k n nd o Mvpllersor.
son brays Claret Wines. various brands and •10.4,..
100 nem Sauterne and Bars., •Intages
45 musks Sauterne and Claret Wino
15 pipes Obi Holland sal Pclalydmu (110.
10 puliebeams Old and Irish Wbisl...y.
I superior Old Jamaica Ilona
superior London Drown Stout and Scotch .11 .
With s ivin.dant supply of Impornsl Llumoa,
Abelian:, Marashino. Como., Autilsette, Clo rr, I ran
dy, de.
A large enact of IlAr.t.v., SEGARO 0.. e, 0 . h ibis
All of pinch I will oder on verb tavorabl,
otdel • Itill eZrtUted with despanda. pod
at lowest rate.. A. II IdeCALLA.
Importer and Dealor. a. alnut straw)
CikDIIIES--2.00 ho. Dried Apples;
00 bldg. l'earl
cask. Poraih, tlir wale by
• —•— - --
11EANs—Dx ) lit. White, it prime art .le,
131 tb arrive and for sale by
solo Stroud. am 1.131 Firm me.wl
h7:1.1811 -5U bids. White Fish;
11) Sag Mackerel; fwr iale 1,,
BACON -25 calks flame;
13 1 nouldsrs; (sr .als
ISAIAH DICK kn." n I'o
TEA—SO pkgs. Y. 11., for sale by
al.lo It at, nod Stolit
S —NJ Wads. prime N.,0.;
. " Clantled: 114 sale br
MOLASSES -151) 1,b6 S,' 0., - --
30 R. 11, f r mtle I I
•p 1U BROW • 6 hilllsPtTlillts
_ll I C s
p E I - u -3° Wa . pr' A . l . ;„ " N 'a a r xcrilk,.'a'Y'rt,ige by
DRIED APPLES—IOU la, for sale by
~,,,, ',tua • 6 KIIIKI. 11 - IllltZ -
_ _
P YE FLOUIt—L Obbb. tor hole by
lA, „ou twom • *. Klitl,l kfRII. h
C COFFEE-1511 OFFEE—Io aaeke prime Ma
1,, Java ~a hr.! i r .*l.' b,
sot, lIRONI • A h lIIK I. t rvlt Is
Et AISINS t FIUS-1; , , , ~ li i
~ bx
r eh !t r Ills i lli:
aplo BIM% • & MILE. f ;MILK '
B ACON- 3 caakt, llama;
•hould.m pr.. euuntr, .ut
on band and fur We by
splo IIROM • 61;11:K I Cita. It
PSlf EETINGS reduced to cents
j_ataaxwc•• : "
aplo KENNEDY, 34
f'ORN-14 blds. Shelled. reed and for Cale
aplO W. a F. Wll4. 4 0N. 147 Fint
YE—Zi Ws. just ree'd and for sale I,
nplO W F 147 Fir,4;: •
CANTON Prepyrved Binger iu Syrup;
cbow la mixture of
W r Alaixh.; k
ALAU S.kUCi;—Urav's Sane° for dress
/? Inc Salad, Jam,. read and for by
040 %V 51 . A. SlcCLClttl d 00 LINO, 0.
POCUA NUTS-2 hales recia and for oak
Nj by apt. Wht. A. Jlc , CLUIlki s CO.
1 OTICE.—.III persons who aro indel.hal to
11the estate of the late Joseph Ilhnsh. of Lest St.
f lor township. deed. are respertiolly oqueatof enll ha
tosellately wftb the subscriber uttl settle their seamed,.
end all tenant, who neglect to comply with the abuse
Ow. until the hot day of duly, expeso to find
their realectlva ascourits Ir. the hands of the officers of the
law for tullection. UKIAH 11.4101 L. Adair.
New flops Woolen Factory, L St Clair tp., Af.nlU, 1031.
anti...MS -
Allegheny County, SS:
N thematter of the Adminin- yl, l
k treat. Account of the Estate of :tun. oe . "
xrt Thompson. deed: No. 5, March T. that.
And non. howl!. Aplui Sth.l3ta e urt et
.x.ittrua the illeMillat nine to the sh o e,
riteolutely. tend appoint Itevtd httchte.
.\uilhat L, litak• dirtributton of the fund or
the hand. of Adrunnstratora. croillurs, to. of
. Thompson. It the Court,
„ ttoThe Auditor &hoer rottnod ITU! tettend the Judo of hie
•intment. at hut °Mtn in Yonrth street illts,triht on
"". A 1'
New Spring Goods. at No. 85 Market a
teLF:NA.N DER k 11A1 would resptwtfully
write ,be aeneton of thepublic to their very hat, eta it of .OE. e: 001 , .V. htob the,
ore otter orient,. nor rtort has t..n. tutu ritted the J 1
.x.noto A moron taut Itohorter , erttee. nod he eold
o 'err rola% advornee to m. 41. totyrre, Soy •holorote or re
1.11 ALEX 0000.11. a DAP, 01 dtariet •
stain P. it
W LY r;Alpov . e.l N
en/ • c.,,0.,5.-”,rtfo
Business Notice.
LL PERSONS having tan,/ nei,, with the
touttenigned. 4itirer no Public AcOrsIUILATIL. Inotru.Ator
tu utA Laba - ..... Itrul hlnt xt tM l'ltAt.
ttrAnn Cnv•ILAIAI. tAttaAror. deb. Into. t. 4.11 II tt ,l / 4 .14. A
4 1, arrl tnttn 2 1.. P Alercbau44 , In .4,41 ot
~u 1 1.4.441 t 14.,,.4.4r4 ran 14/. Piieened 1 , 4 t,
JULIA FLEMINI/. Pl - 11iri,a1 1112 ruelor
yw 14 Os , 1,1•1:11,r.An-.,,r1r.
It A ROA I N 6.-l'enchet , and‘a ),
u - I•htlag vuluu.
lue Pcluuul Bout, Club. Tull. Boot,
II end barusny calltiut at
ih u ILdurutP•nul .aru m . agpoutni: 1 ..+ • Pr... -
Ma, rum, liark.t .1 tutu - 01..
übuut ekuung up, um.l nil rll ml bir the &Lola
...rid," mu.
" 1.1:,--Cartor it Rm . . taJLaehi.
mt. , u. 1.. dun., the yrefteut •r+l ~u t, •
Vag .. ELoUg . Al lON AL Boot STOUF- - -This store
jot I.•'n rrttW
From England via Quebec.
Till.: undersigned. residing in Qin , bee. Is
Araartllng lama nuantltle. llallrtcal and,All
- heavy ankle.. to the thliereut pun. on Th.
number of Tralhal. srririne at Ilttalwe In ballant Ar cat
of lumber, prolAlly mrater• this mode of Imp,tatum
Muc the lent•apetuirt. tw Iteary ItterchatAil.e. 11.
.d 1 pay the Atlantic freight t•at ear gtate mn.lantal Li,
alai attend to ant business 5055.15.0therettath,
tug to Fach arratorn purt. a. turn L. retattlral bath,
particular. plemar adde
tulle. tht• utalerentunl. or apply to A.
aptAltaletalt tSlatts-11
I/. W. I.
Life Jmnrance
Antt RANCE SOCIETI 4.1 atoodon mol Sew Tort.
anfe and permanent I.tnution. the mutual
o rottipal with that of a atwa conspant. preeents rant ad
vantage. to th.w wishing to Inaurc.
°Mee of the Company for Weatern l'enntt [amnia. at th
Daylong Ilotna of ti N. A. 111 LL
apte.r JI ttual
shares Avery thulug
lot U4hint '•
Iw I , lre Stee.l
buttelute lloughtutt
For tale at the ihtokltis Howe of
0. WILKINS k6l_
turner Uarl.t awl Thirst et
WISISF.I" ,: Vti bbl 4. rec'd per str. Cin- ,
" . for uM
LIME -100 bbli. fresh Looiroille for sole'
by W. • I. WILSON.
QYRUP MOLASSES-5I bbls. S. IL, for
p sale by av 9 W. a Y. WIL4.IN.
gIOLDEN SYRUP-10 hf. hbls: for solo by
VI *0 W.l F. W I 1..,0N.
UMAC-25 bags Sicily, for solo by
. .
RSENIC-6 kegs I'ow'd. fur sale by
IOCIIISEAL-450 Ibn. for oak by
npo ❑. a. P A lINE:=TOCW 0 CO.
EXT. COLOCYNTH (..)11'11---.40 lbs. ftrr
mi. by ap9 B A. FAUN &STOCK dt Co.
1 sod 1W(111a, for We by
. 1 0 • B. A. FAIINESTOCK /k CO.
FRENCH CHALK-300 lbs. for sale by
010 0. A. &AIM:STOCK & IX'.
C)OLOCiNTH-25 lbs. Roved, for - solo by
npo B. A. FAUN &STOCK & CU.
ItrAFEHS-50 lbs. sup. Pea, for enle by
V 7 ap9 B. A. PAIINESTOCK a. CO. _
BOSTON SILAK - SPEARE, Nast 35 and 35,
.t HOLMES . Lttryvy Depot. Third street. op
i.atte the Melt DM,. aptl
VLAXSEED--100 bu. rec'd per L. E. and
spa 68 Water street
-I.ILOOMS--200 tons Term., for sale by
arn 2.11 and 2Z Liberty et.
TIMOTHY SEED-25 bus prime, for sale
11 UTTER—I 4 kegs on consignment, for sale
j_p by ap9 SD Ll.Elelt ItICKVISON.
- , ...
COD FISH-2 drums far sale by
ttp9 MILLER a ItltfityranN.
I,ARD 01L--12 1.11)15. Conkling's No. 1
~ Wiravr,for de hT
COACIISI/IN, who underutands hia huainr.ut twt. welt. and hex en oluecti.m to either town or ~5n
be tan dorany thing In about a uuntlyinsusn platy with
nealno , a, and altrud inyidY If a &laud. Ila l•shrnteutaot.
and to nhow ryfon,u.., If ruutiltrd. Apply at this
oars. up*:ita
RDINES-3 vases and 304) halves and
10 Lux. E. Gullloux Fames for .le
L) -
as. . MILLED a itfourrsoN.
110PS-7 baks let not Wei. N. Y., fur sale
ifrCE.ol{.l7 NUTS-9 bblei. fur sato by
. . 1 ,9 miLLiat t iticiirreirm.
iiiob FISH-10castai juBt rec'd and fur bale
‘-/ bi,
lo:. Llbc.trc.-
(.IALLAD 01L--20 13askets just reed and
kJ Yo*.ab• by I.oi A. I'eI.BY.RTSON A CO.
ILARET WINE Itlo boxer ebuice broods
1..) OD hand and tor We by
1..V1 A. CL'LBET,3ON A CO.
j I 11,15IPAGNE WlNE—lftidreick, and
other fasorita brands Coot constantly on band and
I+r sale by I dvdi -- A. CULBERTSON aCo
'X rake lh.lag,
5 '.. Port:
Li - Ilult.ri.
6 - ....MI tal liau.l and f.a. oak L.
ara A. CC L111../LININ a 111.
NJNuE-3 krings vary Superiur;
i 7 1 bols llmximin
J q .
as, 1 .. Ceann tor aale aa
ECHOONMAILEIL a 1."0 24 W... 1 ,I.
trkllt J. C. SHARD'S Lecture on PAN
,r, TMEI e 1331 mill ho delivered. plios ulve jA.M.Uttb..itg
atennlle h the etota cl oY,lTM 4 Ticket. 5
eutle to be had at Mr. heron's store. and Mr. Loconle book
tor, and several other place. ap.S4t
(Journal. Prot and Dlspalth .P 1 3 L)
i.. X Election for Managers for the Wrorcas
rrze i rt o rp.ll I
TrW Los o err n
i tt. "all
. be th h . o ppgg , x , - „1 . 1 " °, ,n .
ock, P. M.
The Cnntrlbutors are t o to attend. If possible, as
t odors. of Importance to the Institution will be laid be
fre them. f np , . ufl . JD 111 11.4.RPF:11. Seer•
Manchester Savings Bank.
ikT Ave Election for I'resident and Direr
u.i f . trN.lacnster FnetngsdlZA,..=l.lf ztol,e,-
Preealent—Jameal K aorfa v or ''' '.."
lioreetors--Jatore Schourun Ler 11. Lee, John Menke,
Mt. 11. Phelps. C. Mosel,. ail li..lartman.
,5..1 If 1:/t4 1, the 2rith 104, is the time fixed for the
Tkr117,T.7.,Yic,.. th x—rx,7,70'... f ,, Lb ....x.'14 trg',T,"A
t lb. ,1111, 'c tho Company, in Manchester, till the 10th
no t . ant fn. the Ilith to the 20th Inst. at the Count:Lott
11. u.. of James rwhootomaker 1' Co.. No. 24 Wool st.. PAM
hu gh, at ~ hie!. latter place the btockheldera residing In
Pi teboritto are desired to pay their meetly laetaltoelitt.
.P" ,,, JOHN K. PARK F., T11.1.11t , .
. - _ -_
II 11. POI N DEXTER, corner of Water and
1 IL • Market streets. Pittsburgh. 005115000 AND Foa-
Y . OLOINI, Horst. and for the purehme and sale of Flour.
n e.tero Produce, Iron. Nell , Glass, and the manufactured
artieles of Pittsburgh Romer:lly.
Aleo—Agent for the rale of h. Harper & Co.. awl I. WM
owlebrated Manure and May Yorks, of Plialude/phio
pew, and Jenkins e Co.', superior packed Teas. afd.l
Wholesale Dry Goods.
A. MASON S CO., 672 and $4 Market
.tenet. art now daily opening and Iveelvlng their
.mprlaing tha moat eats wire and nailed mom . .
mant .51 li:snorted and American tionda they harneler ea•
hildnal 1.. which they respectfully Invite the attention of
elt, and emmtel Meeeh.t.da.
Ip )1, L BUTTER—IIi bine. (0.1) fur sale
br ara JOHN WATt A CO.
lES--200 bu. prime halves, for hale
I IRON --200 tofu Forge, for mile by
Al LILES it HORSE-2 fine Canal Mates,
I. and 1 Dray Hurt, for tale by
QTARCH-15 boxes (Fox's) just rec'd and
AO I , a . ash. by so JAS. A. HUTCHISON d CO.
boxe. for sale law by
1.:7 JAB: A. IItiTCIRSON t Co.
QXLEIiTIIS--13 c . *
askii and 5 bozo, on
rorndarnment. warranted pare. and far We low by
1 NDIGO-3 own Manilla, for sale. by
G LUE -3 81
1 . 0 llont
GtoCoo;lmnrg far sale by
1 RI bbk. forsakhy_
CC 11 . 001/.-190 bids. Chipped, for Bale by .
Valuable Property for Sale.
SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a value,-
I hie plot of property hi kassamy Oily. h.asint.•
front on Iletme , a street of 12 and In, nark dal
feet alder stn....t. This property I. eltnated irrimecllate
y of the resideu.a of t'stnuel Churrh, and near the
,sidence of William Dilworth. There Is a rm. }Low of
Huse. on the premise, ...bleb rent for sh.o per annum
ehe proi.erty is Wort and well suitml for laTloli Inlots;
Latin. !mots on Ileberra and Ridge streets. It will he
sold ebeup, and part of the purchase money can remain ge
[spklr on‘l on the ground. Inquire of the barriber, the
'iroj JOIIN ro
New Spring Goods.
.AA..31A505; B CO. will open-this morn
• Cl.ll of Imported and American DRY
DS., plum latest end meet fashinnable which
they eulLeit the attention of their patron nod the public.
t , o . 0 ,„ ; „„_ rand wk.ges of PLOD. TIAN.
soJ Cheni Yopillax alm. • lam lut of Ism Capes. IReak•
GA Cape. ',scone Flouncing. Sp!
HAW LS—A. A. Mt.N Co. have .juat
L - 7 med par exprru-30 carton Cashmere, high
Can,.l Tighe. Lmbroldered do., Fancy de Lahm =el oh],
.r Shaul, ap7
11111 , 11232 . N5—A. A. MASON ft Co. Will exhib
-11 cop do ,
T 110L3IES' Literary Depot, Third et.,
apprarite the Po. Olgee.
"rtleulturiat., fur April.
lAttelgs A g e. N 0.360.
Hoar Dou g lass. or the Autobiography of a Illa.ter's
• tale Am Family Reading.
iftrintual Irtereour mr b l
Iti=t7ni Yo'rft,'Or the It'hita game of kn./anal: aa Ula
torleal itomanco.
.I..rtass artthout • Master. in can Imam.
rwg2 t a ' h •• 4 -
htne. the AVYI2,Y7 by Mrs. Marsh. •rt
8(1 • OUUF Imnroynd. ac prop-Ky. A 111
ER P1at651L.41", SellEß6. TEUTITSCENT,
prO 111, Ind 'llh. CI 7 I"; ob4wk. with Stwan.K .7 DT.
with Lbw public deltuestyou .v era
auto rhArweterY. best., Ono Mu*.
Tu. ydwy I.sybleg, April (W -11.11tcbm, it. Dudes it.
trnn..... ty.ught by p. 4 Fhb...101 -
Frutyy 10 - euluz—lterwhtary LAW, 1L134 Fan*, lb most
/4-t.n.leywinnal delineatbbtay of character, with number
yd clean.. /mat rats. oriltert o,rl rtxma,haduthrix Wyk.
hlnrr !Iwalth. Ltrewbsaibub,Fwult, tr. Writ. rcltwYTY•
self byrb.-tyou. 111-1.0•474101. chilgirrp, kg, aa, dully std
bb.....-übbal evening* .5 hi. privwt.n.w , ww.t... ,
Lat,ifj O. p.
WANTED—Bent of Pittsburgh;
Northers 1at.ert1.4116.1444-, n.
14,,7 qt:44. Nrt
AN , .CLI 6 00, 74 imet.ll
TOC K S roeSALE—Monongahelaßridge;
Norlb 1V.4444.444 BILIA of Wbeellso4
660. E. AIt.NOLD 6 Ut.:.l Fount.t
. B ACON -25 casks prime Shoulders;
tor ay. br
aD% 1ie4.441 61 Water, and &I First drawl.
L ARL)--I3 bbls. No. 1 Leaf;
Id tut. for ea/.by
'LOU it-157 bbls. S. F. and extra, for sale
tiltPlT-260 sacks Dried PeacheSr
t zz Aso=
is bbl.. L a. Wo by
it In_):% y l Odic: for
I]OES--150 doz. best east steel, for sale by
SCYTHE SNEATIIS-350 doz. extra and
L. Tifl,l7= b kNS.
JNURKS--75 doz. best cast steel Hay Forks;
.„. lbw M.S.'
seo Poet: for We by
IQUORICE ROOT-30 lbs. Pined, for
I A i.sis bl apt R. E. SELLERS..
111111:11.4.RB - -1 cases Posed, for sale by
it .pt It. E. SELLERS.
. i. s
SPRUCE—I cases forsaleby L,..2.
1 1- r "
ROUND TURMERIC-2 Ibis. for sale by
Extract of Sarsaparilla and Co
tasl.,•rerrnated genuine. for sale. by
Il7ER5IILLI01+;-152 lb,. (Trieste) for sale
I t o R. E.A.ELLERS.
1 lIEESE-50 boxes receivin and for sale
a br OALZELL AI gLasolyst.
sbblo. Boner. •
.5 sselce Trb.l Apples:
4:1 boxes Ater:mmng per E. M. Line
Jan, xekle by JAMLS DALZELL,
sp7 64 Water st.
Itit-300 reams Med. and C rown Wrap
low 'JAZ . nTfz d fli.'4•N'v'yster rt.
100 boob. Drlod Applrc
10 bbl. 1.01.01 Ptschm
100 ' 6 S. F. Flour
IWO dm. Camaro/air,
20 to aud 001. I'M 1 Lord;
6.21 611011 Butte
100 b o.h . Thuoltr Lot
10 cuts Potash;
10 make Mleratmo In Moo Ira for sale by
or: J. k H. FLOYD. Round Church.
13IG IRON-35 on Allegheny, for sale by
spi J. lc R. FLOYD.
Loyk,'R sEED-25 bblzghr A gr . st c d o e . by
A LptATUS-60(.* lbs.Atge i. l4: sale . by
VISII-31ackerel, Salmon and Lake Truut,
if fur tale by sp7 .101 IN WATT A CO.
(.1111*-100 bags ass'd Nos., for sale by
1.0 &pi :30115 WATT A CO.
B ICON-11 casks Hams; ec •• Sid
10 .. bbouldirc landing tram Or.
Cape May, for Bole by ItIALAII DICKEY A CO.,
.17 Wear And Front U.
f IOTTON-5 balm landing from Mr. Cape
1,) May. for Kai., by op 7 ISAIAH DICK/SY co!.
t' 17
sacks landing from etr.
Cape V.T. ear sale by
1v 0g., , -- m zs
fo a r ac .a k o ß b) n . ow landing from atr.
1111.1}1D PEACLLES-1300 bu. for rale by
OALT PETRE-80 sacks for sale by
Am... In the Ehaath Ward, City or Ilttebamh..rfll
frl7,.lV:'ner Peaty)) Arcane.
rrielFV.:2w FuTAVgert.
ig.ALT PETILE-50 kegs refined, for sale by
1 1T H \ AX—F , sll . l , b A ti a . „4 flr s 4l oc ale x t i iy eth
fig PA NISII WHITING—SO bbls. for sale by
177 mak= J. KIPD ACO
ig r Allu—aou lbs. Pearled, for sale by
1,7 main B. A. VAIISESTOCK (.'O,
. _
, urroN-- bales landing from st.r. Gene-
V./ rm. Ans.l fur We by
ASE—Ix lib's. landing from atr, 6r lIF •
neyy. bud fur 8.11. by IbAl.All DICKEY s CO.,
=LO Y.% Water anf.l Vront atm.
, dlyping the anger m etabet,ateltaelso
ettll. awl do the mite. thee. Envelope:at,
coma ibe 'ate. sad abronsl.o.l.lyat CUL be wed—Wing made
Meb t o %Ay ordlary
fricuou ettobaore. Fur aide, by the quantal' or eagle
,eet. at the .fore of inch2ll . tl. HAVEN.
IREEN APPLES-20 bbL reed, fur - sale
Iby utchlb B.Nt x. flallßAooll.
rim lIOUSE-KEEPERS—Orders Pot Paper
. Itattavre can be left at the Wall Paper lane of
. oath= W. P. 316 LILBILtIeL. ta Wood
Latest Publications-!
Building Lots
ET, for sale at MORRIS' Tea Hart,
SHEA has removed to No. 116 Market
. street. two dnon north of Me old atutod.—{boera
lately occupied by .11. D. Sbompont. oltStd,
House Keepers
INT/SJID.;G to employ l'nper litthgefiL Rill
tome their onto, prthieptle Atteetw.l tO. If left Al
the Wall PAW' , L'fnm of PALMER.
aDS SS Market street.
/rut tred, a large and hatelettme uesttment at
aDS THOS. PALMEKS, SS Market st.
PIRITS TURPENTINE -00 bbls. choice,
for male Ss BRAUN k REITER.
vpSawner LlLorty and St. Clair sta.
LINSEED 011, bblm. for sale . by
CORKS -10 bales largo pint bottle Corks;
./ .. Dols CArk_.... febort.l mrt reed
4 ' 4 for vale by al., BRAUN & REITER.
LINSEED 01L-1000 gall. for sale by
41/ J. KIDD & 0.7, 60 Wool lA
EP. 1100FLAND'S Celebrated Germ — an
jj, NITTEILS-1 self for We by .1. KIDD i CO.
p 5 eV Wood 4.
rutT ' , TS , 4, ? , 1 , ;1%.R1i b. CO.'e Pure J. Ifin r L../O. O eol r
QNUFF-1 cask Garret's Scotch, (in bind
-1.7 den,/ for PAD by 4/6 J. KIDD C CO.
COTTON --40 bales to arrive onidayflower;
c.: in .boor for ulo by
art!) 1241A1l DICKNY A CO.
Plank Road Notice.
ftLE PERSONS who have subscribed to
the Punkt for nuking a Plonk Bad OP Penns - limn,
lor Forma"' oat Mechanics' Turuptte (nun Oa
loud to leary Barker's, am normal to call at the house of
f , hzu .o bsiriber,ka ft.rllB. on ar bran" the 15th of April.
fiaT z. on
noon f0r.53,11
Seed Store Removed.
rr u llE subscriber has removed his Seed Store
from Fsemul street to the building recently occupied
by . r. Scut as • Ton. Shop, on ThOd street, slimed Im.
=stately oppositutbe Scot (Mee.
apt F. t.. SNOWDEN.
Eastern Exchange
Constantly (or sale by
5p , 44 . .. .
PECIE.—The highest market pilee paid
for American and Fordo, SILVER.and for FOrolan
GOLD. at the Erolvnge Moe of W3l. A. I/ILL & CO..
ap4r2n 64 Venni to., SI tltnr More Fourth. _
I PPLES-10 Russebr, for sale by
J. SCHOONMAKER CO.. 24 Wool ot
Board of Underwriters.
IT a Meeting of the Board of Underwri
ter, th rdere e fo d l t lo o bepubliwing resoluti
edon was umuyinionaly adop
nd osh:
Reanirrd, That from and after the publication of this no
b., an Fin, Risk. whether original or =timid. shall be
nuistdirred as taken be uty Insurance Ogles In this city.
until the premium paid in cash
By order A. W. MARKS.
mchiTitf Secretary of the B.A.
end 147 ye rem tot 4.)
, v ,, e o ci to
enn,s lsl).
lus Pro wl
nd Smahtleld. apt
To Contractors, Masons. bat eaten. &e
Eyimaral Church. bo erected of STONE
m . Oil Grant ,
i.rzrth ' ! " . ‘ f L' ort:to th' E'"'" f>e ' g b arbytlinfou 'r riTg%
Morahan, .be liwo on tile alley adjmniag tbe root.—
Yenmu proptedag to contract for the buildaag. must hand
ht their prot.walo. before the 15 th hurt. to Thoo 3.1. How,
at tbo Exchange Bank. pt
IJARPER'S MAGAZINE for April, "the
unrivalled' . of the monthly.
fore and Behind the Curtain, or fatal:l,min; anew.
fain among the theatres of New Tort, Dy W. It NortlialL
International Ihoresine for April: ived..and - for
Whore Literary Depot Third rt. opposite the Partake.
lvlseised this motaled by sure.,• lot anew goods
such as black ud colonel slits. Taro satins Palm lestahstm
u.ale coltars arid mats forum and Mowelelales of ma and
beautiful styles Wide Nana Itibliceue Whits limbic Tarl
ton Muslim ap9
—A beautiful article. just reed andfor rale by
ap2 THOS. PALMES, No. as Market rt.
T• IN WALL PAPER—From the most celebrated reo-
A • 7 :a n :W. r rrt . ; 3 l l". b6'4
' ffl i trPfera a '
PACITILE—A leave sad general amortment sl
yer.= bead at 53 market st.
1.,111. fmm ..nran. Fort Pitt far sale by
.3 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO.. water E front AL
'POOR In the nineteenth century. a cyclopedia of the
I enntltion and earning, of the racer chines In the
lirttish Metropolle. hi convection vith.the oieatry, by H.
Malien.mitl. en graelic of the soma and pcnenedreerited.
Noe. 1 and of thin excellent wort hoe teen received' at
Itolinee' Linear+ Lenin. Thied IL.• the PO4 MI.:
price 12iic per Nio. .11:1
INNAMON-50 mats for sale by
mrb27 R. E. SiLLERS.
GGI I INGER ROOT-600 lb.. for sale by
0h27 11. E. srurß
}, 11 cake BltrPl,l Irscor.
E LAI, 00 , ....:
3 do do gdoc
10 do du should.;
100 t l ‘ = "
1 *irl...,
/, I.g. ft.there
23 des woo to arrive ..04 foe ude , b7
.pl DiAlAll DICKEY A 1.0.0141ert VroLtsu.
111 ROME YELLOW-4 cases rec'd and for
We by .0 • IL E. SELLERS.
A kILSOiI lemon, bergamot, cloves, anis
%Zed caraway ha mix:kW pat
iL lu s .l Go slip
I) Al) GENTIAN-373 lbs roe'd and for
ORANGE PEEL-250 lbe reed and for
talc by apt R. E. SELLERS.
LIQUORICE BALL-12bble,for sale bv
gIUM ARABIC-500 lbs for sale by
apt B A FAIINESIteIi a. CO
O PIUM -85 lb; - new crop for sale by
B A crop for
2 CO.
ULOF bbls No 1 for sale by
el A LC:I3;ED MAGNESIA-20 eases for sale
if 1 A RAW Ay SEED-300 lbs sale by
I._) ap3 U A FAIINESTOC't A CO._
1 strong far rale by B A FAIIN.ESTOC6 & CO.
RANGES--10 boxes sweet Messina recdO and to ayrire, for Old! by MIA M'CLCRO t CO.
ay3 2.56 Muir st
tREPARED CORN—For Paddin„„, ,, Blanc
7 g * * ` . " I "" "l`Pi a nt'ca c e; r itti s t'lLtr hsale. "
Ileunen. and Tea dealer.
TANNERS OIL-51, bb} recd and for sale
br ap.3 J. Daum -L.'
TOBACCO -15 kege No. 1, 6 twist for sale
y ap3 J. DALIELL.
I lIEESE-33 boxes just recd and for sale
lJ hr IRO It DALZELL Liberty rt.
GOSIIEN ellieSE—Superior do for sale
OOHS! BOOKS!!—Louisiana: its Colo
nial Bastory an& Romance. br Chas framers.'
nom or Philip Xing of the Watopanowe an
hi Wriest romance. br C. H. HOB berr.
ju tiff . lll . : • Franconia
, etory. By the author of the
Loudon Labor and the London POOll by Ilsnry
rr,lb daguerrsolyhe enaravinee. taken by Beard. part
lEr e ox;:fatTers Neo v rathlsitsasislr.
IL C. SFAC n ktitlTtLseUer.
No 47. Market street
IVEIV BOOKS!—Louisiana; its Colonial
_LI History .4 Roman= by Chu. Gayarre, 1 yob, BYo.,
Lord Holland'e Foreign Remlnitheneete, by Henry Ricbahl
Lord Holland; Mos, this
Bans ot the Bible; by I vol.,lhns.:Me.
Natures Wooden.= Gore ma over oil hie wort . blitito
author of Peep at Nature; I vol., ISmo..
Readin for i every doeI? Leo, Compiled from th e wrib
of Bbhap
v7=l:t:4; tb , e o 4 t n tt.'Orth ' e RAM bT
oe author of the 'Milo booth 18mo., mot
II tn. and Latin Lexicon of th e Old Testament, Inchni.
mg the Biblical Chaidee. From the lathe of Wm thetheltus
byßobinson: no.
ewes Latin Testament by T. Resat lerno.„ mug.
Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns with enplan
e., thd Glossaria o l .; ' n meths.! a life of the ththets by J.
Cu rrie; vol., I thouts
Napol l
thnthd Marshals byl. 2thle.:lolns
Dictionary of Mechanics .15th No.
The Beeline f Popery and in ethos, an add della.
=sip the Bree:thay Taberneclehy Rev N. Hooray". D.,—
Harpers )1 for April Numberealwaya on hand.
Just roceived , a nd for vale by
apt R. HOPKINS. 78 Apollo Bullelinen. Fourth et.
MACKEREL --50 bbl. No. 3 (Halifax
brand;) 103 Mast branthe
bbbal7 bids for oakby
JASapl DALZELL, No. 138 Water et
4 ITTELL'S LIVING AGE, No 359; the
ero. or • war vol. recd by Holmes, Third Bt.: a
ro, .'attaltes, a We by the author of Woman to Frau:a.
VRECIP. CARB. IRON-75 lbs, for sale by
1 VA B. A. YA kV:MOCK A. CO.
EIDLITZ MIXTURE-150 lbs, for sal
.bb• br ap2 AA. FAIINEMCK CO
CITRIC ACID-1S It for sale by
B. A. VANN csrtocK a CO.
1 ORAX-1000 lbs Refined, for sale by
TERSII LLION—, IbB Chilletid, for sale by
nr2 IL EM11177 4 . T. OCE & CO.
N [MET POTASH-25 Ibs, for sale
by .P 2 _ B. A. VAILVESTOCK A W.
The hest Green Tea in Pittsburgh.
0 O.IIE New Crop Young Hyson Tea has
,uu been remised, at ;thirties Tea Store In th e
end. which Go strength luta flavor gn nt a bead a1., -
so d In Pittsburgh.
11-0 2
100 ham Prime Clark Green Rio Coffer.
11l Ws Superior Lake Slab
2/ do do do Salmon;
L '' hlobbLiretfrktsglirtlo'd •
Id qr do do No I do
II drums Colgislu In thoed for WO If
. apP. JOHN WATT so A 00.. Liberty Os_
lIOULDERS 7 -9000 pieces in salt, arrive
and for wkle by HARDY JOG s Co.
aP 2 _
HOU LDER - t caAas, arrived and for
. i. 1, 21
BACON -200 Ihs received and for sale by
BUTTEP vt EGUS—in store and for sale by
4 101-Ll:-700 bu. in store and fur sale by
PPLES--120 bbls Ureen apples for a sib by
aow open at the A77IEX.ECS SciLnEva i wo
- -
5.5 if
XPRESS Packet and It:lnroad Line for
leveland. trWtout gm of gay, t h eteamers Irma
ritt.burgh to Beaver, in conuectim with eleganll7 an .
Btd.Expme Puget., of Clerk, Parka t Co frrm Beaver
to evenue, a ta. odothe
C:eveltud and l'ltteburgh *gland.
PENNSYLVANIA- ................. Menu.
MAYSlelniEft ... .... ... Saone.
Steamers bare th . ali lambus oppimito the Rononobela
House. at 9 o'clock, A. M. ronnecting with' Um Pocket. at
Dearer, which will Lave immediately on the ordeal of
etaammarriring at Q.reun• hem forth< tier.T..ln
of Can for Cleeelaul. Pmnicoment by this Dm angel. a:
Clereland that. to take the Railroad Line of Stamm...
for BC /TA LO and DTROIT, sod the eleamere for Chico
no. 7dilwankle, Tolnlo, Sandusky City, Dunkirk amt Kriel
also Mr
train of atm Cr Colombo., Xe and
Cth' CLARE& PARKS A Co., Proprietors,
ma, Pe.
W. H. 31(10MIEAD.
Mane underait m 1..1:gra: 4 1 ..e1;
M fr._
corner or Sartituileldacou Wate T,SBURLIIIr' stres.W.
1851. 'lfirgai
On the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canals.
CLARKE, PARKS CO.. ...... Ronnarrt, Pt-
W. O.
Dodd well "known Line is now prepared to
tronaport freight and passengers; fn. PITMEIVROII
! Le Caittert"ol‘g•Auty point
et,'" h e Cons!
ity, end copecity of Bosts, capencore of Captains, and ef
ficay of Agents.
One Bost leaves Pitteburgh and Cleveland chtily,running
in canneellon with a Line of anoint**. between PlWtl
flUltia It and BICAVIat, and s Line of first clowsteansboats
• propeller and 'ovate) on dm Latta
Parks A - Co., Young - Aro., O.;
Lt. Taylor, Warress. 0 •
N. Clark,
Prentiss. Ravennt. 04 Palls.Of
Brayton A Co., Ilarettna. 0
Wheeler, Lao a C 0.., Aktun, It.;
Healers= A Pettibone. Sandusky City, 04
Peckham A rwAt. Toledo. 04
0. Wiliterar Co., Detroit. Melds.: j
Dott.emm A Cu., Miloankie, WI,
Geo. A. liibto A Co., Chicago, 1114
'Maims /We, Chicago, 111.
JUILN CAU011£1", Agent,
s• 1 or. Weber and tonithf old ate., Pittsburgh.
rI. SUBSCRIBER has commenced re
mising a largar and more &Arable rterk of FANCY
% ETY and DRY GoODS than teem brought to UM'
market, consiatituf in prom of
Print". Printed Yarns, Moms de lame, Gingham', Al
mem Victoria, Mris, Hull, and Book 'fueling lamed sad
dasonet Slushed" Cloth". gag - Mere, Csoolaet", Tweed,
and Jcank Drills and Cotton Striper. Irish Linen; Moms
Ildltfs and Cramkg nab., Mono. Loin., and Cotton
shoals. Hosiery. Gloves, Ribbon, Loeo Vella, combo.
Button, Suspenders. ham!, Umbrella, Table and Pock
et OHM". Clock, Jewelry. Wachs, Ce. Co., to whieh he
r,peerfully MMa the attention of insrelmosta and pedlar,
apd C. ARBUTHNOT. Pb Wood rt
F RUIT -150 bble dried apples
120 - do do Pooh for .sle by
CiORN & OATS- , -500 bu for sale b
B ACON -3 casks sugar cured hams;
s .2 SIK.u'J PORTSe by
3 do
3. S., DILCO.
GGS-1 bids, reed and for aale by
ale/ .I. P. DILWORTH t CO.
DOLL BUTTER-10 bble. for sale by
L. 146145
Tint 6.1116 15egardst.
ROOMS-400 dozen, for sale by
•p 2 8. t W. HARHALI3II.
RYE -1200 bu. for _sale b
o. y
B A !r -1.4 (hoklo i roNg a t, by
AEMOVAL.-GEO. F. DIIIM has removed
Ms Dry Goods Store 'from No. 118 I Mkt street. to
o. 0 Scott. MIN Irvin street. few dome below Penn
where be will be pleased to welt on tile lbfaser customers
and the public seamen/. ap2-.lzo
RANGES.-100 boxes
W ]net received and
N.! forage by n
Ile V i
et street. ,.
SUGAR -200 hhcln. arriving, for sato by
MOLASSES -3W bbls. arrieg for sale by
B ROOMS-100 doz. for Falc by •
SUGAR -22 hbds. Clarified, Battle Ground
Aelleery, just reed and be pale br
1.0 IMIIMLIDGE a immix
258 Liberty Street.
coact oneaoire arid complete smarbutese of %da•
Iin tGROCER h e tnd TEAS, Gieeted
a n al nai ad. %Via S. McClure, -
phi., whence be has) ust ratan:mei, So eserlime Ell be
rpared w ili ng high best
elreedy licaldred by
this house, o the best tad th riven goods ba their
ban to be had in the city, sad at the [mead ream
They rell notbios bat what they can reateomead,
tad [ rarliateo wary WAS m mi that
residing children or *errant, fur thy thins:need arr 2
mrs of baring an Inferior articleand Oa pp. thew
Tbey refer with confidence to "asthma by whom
t=ere=i a til , t, th hopitlig tlaw . eztin w as , r u lf their
apt Grams sal Tea Drams.
Bank Stock for Sale
yTICE ia hereby given that in compliance
with the regoleiticata of u de/ el Segerably, mum.
221 day of rtarrb r lBso, there will Le tarred lit pub.
lir wale, at the Butlpg 110,?0N}: TIDAJEAND WARES
NEW biOCK of the Dot= els Hank of Brom - CIL. on
trcaraut. th e 7th dog of tY. ItOh. Bale to oteeteunne
nt 10 &deck, A. M. Hy order of the Board of Dtragotr
aphis D. E. KNO T . Gabler. ,
BUTTER -5 bbls Roll, just rec'd per Union
Le. awl he sale by :( W I, R. D&T. ZELL & OD.
RICE—SO tcs. arriving per De Witt Clinton,
for Ws by 4,1 W. dr Y. WILSON.
11.0LASSES-70 bbls. Louisiana Er
S • tam. arriving pre De Witt Clinton,' for de by
spl W. d Y. WILSON.
HAY-18.tnns Timothy. arriving per
fin. Mag
i, rale on the wharf. ny
apt W. a P. WILSON.
mnd miring th
found lir seem! 4opply of 644344
4nd " cliLartk.7l
Ltor, Listen and Monti: 4010. Olds for Mow Cue. spl.
Jul udo.e. ear, to had at
apt lICEtrIIY t 11LT6C113171b13.
NURPIIY Sr. BURCHFIELD have icceived
• few Times more a11:v.31 Tweet,' arell Comb:mew;
rs' wear. apl
A.lll/--20 kegs it 3 bbls. No. 1, for Fade by
vr. Deroratioa V.l•vt and GoldTwer Marino and
den, (Cr 'Dennin Balms and Parlors, ferns theeele
hrated rnanuflaurer g
Delanovrt, of Paris, jet reed and
for '-.1.11:r WALTER P. slAlintl6LL.'
ur Roll, ALL PAPER—For 61 peroll, for sale
• T by mcb3l NV; P. MARSILALL.
A PYLES-20 bblo. (Green) for sale by
11 jai J. & CANTIEL&.
OLL BUTTER-5 bbla. (fresh) for sale by
• meb3l J. B. CAN-FIELD.
tret',VArim iTifuta 'c't ° =
Joe. rt-ed and tor br Kipp
racial tio. tO Woo 4
1 ROUND GINGER—;3 bble. (pure) for
debt mc,a, J. KID D *OD.
111DOWDER RHUBARB-4 cases foi sale" by
mclol J. KIDD CO
for rale by roch3l J. KIDD t CO.
/11DM ALOES-3 eases for sale by ,
mcbal J. KIDD CO.
LARD OIL-12 bbla J. L. Conklides No 1
1..1 on is Eton, and for.i. by
mchhl =1 sad 223 Liberty 0.
COD FISII-12 drums for rata by
mcb3l MILLER a atctsxsos.
BUCKETS -20 doz. (Beaver) for eala by
11110 COFFEE-150 bra. landing, for stale by
ICE-25 tierces landilag, for gala by
ROOMS—SO doz. for sale by
.11, metal 'mums t facicrrsos.
NNEWBOOKS !—Eleme4ts of Analytical
Geometry,. and of tbe Dblerolonel and Integral Cab
colons br Elias Loomis, A.M.
Me Notes of • ilowadji.
allace, • Pranconta ntorn by the mato of UN /LAI*
London Labor and the London Poor, by IicorTMIT:4T .
'l A=o n rn%Ta ' STZ ' d " tt. trade d)BeaN.
sacral IL C. STOCKTON, 4 Market 4.
VOUS-7 bids. fresh, for liale by
BUTTEit-5 kegs pac 6.lked, for sale by
metal 111:EL P. 511611.56.
DRI7 APPLES-10 bbls. reed, for sole by
HIE 6 PEACIIES-- BA 2s mu b x.l .
bu. (ShelelAed.),:farp;.ailsirre
i'PLES-75 bbl
m 631
Where them. •bo does ippredate thelsithar
oi Urn le, we do hot *Woes our
' eel:L . :lb . ..l? - But to ell ed.% we myi if no mbh to
. i 4,...0r5. pinches bur of Joie. iLauel'A
.... o w Siberia. Cocoon. It Le lat
terly imposible to hod vohirto describe the Giulio's of a
of ... h p—who h., been hied tombs f g with ordloarr eV/r—
-ho= making trial of Ude lir the lint time. It le • • combr
of onder, sitmleatio_siashl pleasure.
JULIA UAL EL'S Oats 101 l bC]i Ls exorsilagly
mollient, rewire.. tie toint besrg so%
end oroluciol sulteirable Dr stirs
toying the Irntatin,aral previntiog
that implement and staff of the o f
often, experansavil after haelo..
Jolos MOR, S , ; ,1 11 . 11: Crest:Eh mails.*
the colds.. end uscatinerelng wt ItemeJletely after Ite
.. Alic . 4bossi waa. vbn
um vest ailsehtege—• Sikh vUI est:eclair
teal by tho u who weer eLiskerlaUte feet ana=
beer.. which roma mem do. airing sued:
r rosty lo the edge of Use whistlers.
Jules Munro Ohiuto. Creams sir delightfulpreparatiot%
s ompouoded With WU, to tbe utter c.cloolan of all articles
owleulated to hinder the operation Os/Arl no i.
sod will be appreelatel ail eh. hail. tu a l of
Propen! unit
Ji.LEBIIIO7.L. Perhuner and fften,
13) Chesnut divet, Yhilesielphla
lot Ws. wholosele mad retail, by B. A. Wehneenvis 00,
and It. E. Bellere, Putsbamitc eed Job. 4 liwrowle Sad a.
Mitchell, Allegheny CHI.
N, for s eby P