The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 03, 1851, Image 4

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Two dark-eyed maids, at chat of dkY,
Sat, where a riser rolled away;
With calm, sad brows, and raven hair,
And one was pale, and both were fair.
Bring flowers, they sang, bring flowers tuablown,
Bring forest blooms or name unknown,
Bring budditg sprays from wood and wild,
To strew the bier of Love, the child.
Close softly, fondly while we weep,
His eyes, that death slay seem like sleep
And lay his hands in sign of rest,
His waxen hands, across his breast.
And make his grave where violets hide,
Where star-flowers strew the rivulet'. side
And blue birds, in the mints of spring,
Of cloudless skies and summer sing.
Place near him, as ye lay h 6 low,
Ilia idle shafts, his Icos.ed bow,
The silken band that oft around
Ills waggish eyes in mirth he wound
But we shall mount him long, and Min
ilia ready smile, his ready hiss
The patter of his little feet.
Sweet frowns and stammered Phrases sweet.
And graver looks Arena sad high;
A light of heaven in that young eye;
All theme 'will haunt nu, till the heart
Shall ache—and ache—and tears shall start.
The how, the hand, shall fall to duet;
The shining arrows waste with rust,
But he whom now, from sight of men,
We hide in earth, shall live again;
Shall break these clods, a form of
With nobler mien and clearer eight,
And in the eternal glory stand
With those who wait at (lode right hand.
Tun arcram I'Doo.—Mr.' Thomas Daven
port, of Salisbury, (Vt.) who claims to be the
first man in the world who turad a wheel by
meats ofclectro-majmetism, has succeeded, af
ter several years of application to the subject,
in vibrating musical wires by means of the same
power. The perpetual and hitherto incurable
defect of the piano forte is the impulsive and
evanescent nature ofits tone. and though greet
improvements have been made upon it, and Ttl
rions devices have been elaborated to prolong its
notes in some degree, yet the want of a sustain
ed vibration is still an inherent defect in that
beantifalinstrament. There is something for
een to the true idea and influence of music in
that perpetually-recurring impulse, and notes
which it produced have not the trait of.
.` Linked sweetness long drown ow,"
which the ear demands ns an essential attribute
to melody. - -
The -Soho,' ottechnirni excited high hopes for
a time that it would afford a relief against this
inherent defect of the piano; but this invention
has been found very unsatisfactory and imper
fect in practice. Mr. Devenport now proposes
to submit to the public an invention designed
not to eke out the imperfections of this noble in
strument by a mere accompaniment, but to reme
dy the deficiency directly by doing what the wit
of man never effected before—namely, by caus
ing the musical chord to continue an equable
and free vibration for any deviruide length of
time. Whether he has accomplished this object
'in a practicable manner remains to be seen
The simple but vastly. important fact of the
science of electro magnetism is, that common iron
being encircled by currents of electricity, be
comes instantly and intensely magnetic; arid
again becomes instantly destitute of magnetic
properties on the suspension of the electric cur.
rents. The problem with which Mr. Davenport
has grappled, and which be has-mired,. is—first,
whether this two-fold transition can be perfectly
effected as rapidly as a musical chord will vibrate:
(any, for example, five hundred times in a se
cond) and, secondly, whether this rapid altera
tion of attraction and akience of attraction can he
made to concur exactly with the vibrations of
the chord eo as to sustain those vibrations. This
as we hue said, Mr. Davenport has triumphant
ly accomplished. We have seen a rude instru-,
men; constructed under his directions, similar
in form an -.F.olian harp, and furnished with
three wires, which continue to vibrate, under
the infiunces of electro-magnetics, with o clear
and fall note for any desired length of time af
ter the first impulse is imparted. So far, suc
cess is demtustrated. If It shall be found pos•
aiblc (as the inventor entertains no doubt) to ap
ply this to the plane in a neat and practicable
manner; it is saying little to say that Mr. Daven
port has made the most important improvement
irrmusical instruments of the present age.— Ver
mont Witig.
Litz Lc...T./ans.—The propriety of insuring
life is strongly illustrated by the case published
in our columns to-day. The practical benefit of
this system of benevolence is suikingly set forth,
and calls on heads of families, and all others
who have cherished mires to protect, to "go and
do likewise." The. N. York Commercial Adver
tiser bus some remarks on this subject which
may be appropriately appended:
lija/nrwancc.—Wc frequently adverted
to this subject, which is one that cannot be too
much "kept from the people." The provision
which it makes for the comfort and happiness of
those whom sudden death leaves widows and
fatherless is universally conceded to be impor
tant and desirable; but still in reference to this
duty, perhaps more than to any other of like
magnitude, men seem to be undecided and to
procrastinate. Not that they think insuring life
will hasten death—that ridiculous superstition
is long since abandoned—but that they pnicti
rally believe death to be distant, and that there
fore there is ample time, to-make such arrange
ments as prudence strongly point out.
Perhaps no persons see such abundant eviden
ces of the folly of procrastination as editors of
newspapers. With hundreds of these vehicles
of information piising under our eye, we note
repeated instances of the good and evil of two
courses—insuring life and neglecting to insure
it. On the one hand the salvation of beloved
ones from the destroying, frigid hand of poverty,
and on the other, tribulation added to distress.
We believe we "do virtuously" to . ,,ksep the two
pictures before our readers, nn to urge upon
them the propriety of carefully ascertaining
what ininrance companies are at once safe and
liberal, of which there. are several in this city,
and then securing the desirable boon in the event
of death'
Frenchman. No emir; I net , * shall, can, vill,
learn your vile language. De verbs alone
might,./should, could, tumid, put me to dead vor
Master. You must be patient. Our verb is
very simple compared With yours.
F. Sample! Vat potH call sample Ven Imy
gee je Jolt., you say dat I might-could-would
should have been. Ma foi ver sample, dat !
Now,ear, all me if you please, vat you call von
N. A •erb is u word which signiflces to be, to
do, or to suffer.
. F. Eh, bier,' Ten I eny I can't, rich I say, i
be, I do, or I ouffore!
It play be hard to say, in that particular
F. Ma foil How I might-could-could-should
am to know dot:. But tell me, if you please,
vat you mean yen you say de verb is a
Al. A means one, and it is the same as to say
the verb is one word.
P. Rh, bien! Den ben I say I might-could
voidd-abotild-have-been-loved, I use von verb.—
Hugh! (with a shrug.)
Y. Yes, certainly.
F. And dat verb be son Word I tinks him
Ter long word, vid more joints den de scorpion
have in its tail.
But wo do not use all the auxiliaries a
F. How many you me once'
it One at a time. We my I eught have been
toed, or I could have been loved.
F. And dat is only von word! Vat you mean
by I could?
N. I tour able.
F. Very well. Vat you mean by have 7
H. Hold, pones:. It is difficult to say what It
mesas apart from other words.
F. Vy you nse him den' But what you mean
by beat 7
X. .:•sea There is no exact synonym.
F. Very well. Den when I eay 4 could-have
been-loved, that willa to my, I wan able-hold,
misted-loved. and die is one woyd ! De French
,bid, no higher an dot, (holding his hand about
as high ae his knees,) he might.could.muld
should-count four words without de pronoun.—
Bah! I shall fevair learn de English verb; no,
navels; no time.
N. When you hi= me use a verb, you must
acquire the habit of conjugating it: just m I
love, thou Invest, he loves; and believe me, you
ain't become familiar with the modes and tomes
in any other way.
F. Veil, den, I shell will begin wiz can't.
can't, you calitest, be cants ; we can't, ye or you
can't, :es can't.
X. It Is not so. Can't is a contration of the
verb cannot,
P. Veil, den, I cannot, thou cannotezt, he can
noteth, or he connote, wa—
if. Noi no; cannel is two words—con and
F. Den what for you tie him togeder.
N. I see I ain't careful enough In my expres•
• " Stop I Hold dere, if you plow will shell
• come more try. I -ain't, Jima tiniest, he ain't,
N. Ain't in n.t a verb ; it is only &corruption.
I won't use it ay'.
F. Ma foil i is all von corruption. May or
Can I say, I yo 9 t, thou von'test, he von'ts.
M. NI; you can't say so.'
F. Tot den I might-could-could-should
don't-ain't-von' an't
AI. No, you can't say any such thing, for
these verbs are 11 irregular, and must not bo so
F. Muss? lof you call moos ! I must, thou
mussest, he m ses. You say so?
N No, no, nb.
F. Tell, den, I might-could-would-should-have
been-muss. Misr dat ?
N. Must is irregular. ije never changes its
F. Den of fir, vy you c
he na change Ma foil'
regulaire, indeti ! Who I
Englaish ?
F. Nobody in particular.
F. So I tin . I mig
i re
guess so. I ril -shall-mu.
yak von gram = vich so _
yen he be four, ye, six , h
irregulaire de , my unit,'
change. Scale ' moi, ton
such gzummai no more.
aal him irregulnire if
the ver
he de .gramraaire
t-could-vould should
-earl-understand ne
de verb be von word,
I-dozen, and den call
verb dat nevaire
.ieur I will nevaire
should- Aude -stude-
and La4l, id (11. re.,
In rtylee,
ItEC'l) Till;
500 dos. Al
- I I
ClambrlcF, do. Laart,. de.
62 wad 64 Market A.
Straw Bo
et and
1 01 NI I.IIK
T IER offe
full 0.,0
t Warehouse;
..t of
if:l; l .l= l , r Tlll.
ktre I,,horn. g .d
ult., and Palm Lral. In
6 .in " Ilior
otlwr .4,44. ark
up 11. PAL
an I 1
, I
iii nx—)len'a limtha*. an,
Liu ndd, litra..rmatua. SI
." ;2 1 / 7 %7R-ti l tl ' o r lf ITo ri s; d n d. ot an:
fete, all width.. an .rolon. tan
LACES--Plain a d Ihturod
Cotton Notto.
Pelerinos. dc. dc.
no IrEk—Proteh ay t Am
... WR • rs4. 7 l ." .v ° l7: l K
Plot. iiro. do 'thin, Florent,
qualltiva and nolo',
Al.—Rich and law priced Par
11 " 00, Lc- A ,
I, nos on tit rvoeiv in;
Comprialnlinylart lb.
Extra Royal Vol pt. rile Carpet
mola r do. do. Ilrvalv.,ortra
da. Ingrain; extra t no jlo.: d,
44. 54,0-M. and 24 tvetliod %tont
plain do.; 44.54. 5-5.. d
Scarf. plain Satm and Tx.r.
•hite n and rolorrd SIM acd
iand oth, rumalt.t
g hin tinrinc kiwi: of
following ...fen,.
41,.. dn. Tapenry
, .ti,rtia.• 3 01,
od "•mmolk ..dunt
an: and
.1 and cution do.
Rstrts Chenille RAIN One dn.: ,
dn. do ...lams,. du, Chenille In
Weep akin do. dn.: delaldes d0..1
Crumb Cloths. Fs lllnst do— line
Alas--Sheet Oil .os.the. snit tn
13-4. 74. Ye-1, 5-3,11. and Si eSil-C.l ,
Ahur—Stalr itadst of all Ri., C
pes4r. Rag ass.; 64. 44, and 3-4 Matt
and Diaper. Ilnekelsuck dn. Tral
st „
huff W olden. Hull ds, Venittan
Cavern: der Tabled a do. Slav-11d
'tarsus, importrd d numbs/red
RICAlit eelebeasrd Fa sone, teeing e
psnred els leo and ions. wr are
friend. and euelnus ro It peen, sa
arni sn any ti the tern corer.
Ille cordmlly Mrte all to eall
.The Carpet A:arehouse,
mchl9 i IV
de.:• 'lnt tatil.ll - 4o
11., larmn .In.
lit may sire hall or rs..
Carpet I:halm:us; I.l,Car
haws: 'rata.. ',hen, Cra-h
s a " Vh7Lti t s ' ; ' . C . jara; Tnbir
nur frua
of the iat-at anti mo,:pp
prepared tn xOl rur
isle us INry run be pair,
mile xamineour
, Fourth,,E.
- Pring
()UR ,. FIRS .
Aibnal Chip. M"nalt . , ,, ..
Whim and Yellow Lo.e. I,ur and Tulip.
Milian Chip. Joan, L, ad and Sada.
Eaglirh Chia. riutml etraw and satin
F., Straw and Dint pond, and Loup Slam
Planta, Crimped. I American Lane.
Ea dab :H
ab Pearl.l. j andal - Lan Nliml.
- Album.. Flut..nd Manilla.
Split Stn ,
.A.. 4. MASON A Cis.,
tachlSMr and ad Martad •L
Bonnets. • 1,
is received andt ie
ofROPOSALI are invited from Stnne Mn
son, Stone Cu ter, Carpenter, . for nu. er,t4 u
a ll Protcatant Epi mural Church. at tbee•Jrner•, 11.1114 , q41
atui Grant street, tek be har4ol un..!r I:+th dr
Cl i te A Ucqu u r7Lut A n ' T
Saturday Forn ne
inz at. between tnmite n e
bout, of
A. it. and I o clock. P. where also full inf,nualum
Le Owen by an architect. Prop.ale may
)I.llowo, at the E..•”^w Bank.
Dr order of the .
each:: i
Fresh Assortment of Spring Nod&
S ItALNI ER is daliy rectiViti '
boot the Eastern Utley. at the old stand,
Between Med and 'ourlia alrerteee, l'eltee:ureih,,
large leormions to via present stalk of the most leant:di'
l'.4l'Ell I.(ANGIA ,1 that have appean a In thio market
for • Mug perlnd. The tva.n” nor entirely n, the
print oflono.
L ' irs i t7. Mtn= i!ro p tf a llP 's eergt " ti . rit n arl.N t ' snet.
range. To this • rel. of gash, of which a mon. ig
curate Judgment et* be formed by tight it .I..serirto.o.
the attention of toilmixana sod house teeters is resist,-
folly Invited. I inch I,
Comb,. In his eMuninile writing. on the - PlaysgdogY of tn.
meths.' observes that *diminution of the Mutt quantity
of Gastric Join, is k prominent and all iireveilmg ...sea
I 1
n 'y erM i nt ° , I:tillor t' whn h ifa. "^ se 4 reVi 7 lt u g 'd ri; ( ll7l " C ' h ' il
complaint. finding i• Tem thing ellY, to 4.11. bad remorse to
the Euless joke. obtained from the vtommL of Ira, an
imals, which proved ormoplealv successful."
Dr. Houghton'. Pm-am. the true digestive Cold. or Ciss
trk Jules. a Great Dyspepsia Curer. prepared from /tenor,
or the fourth .tam of the tik t after direttuons_ of Rama
L . t. bi ii ..t it e =!:ilit i v i..i ci,—... by .1. G. Dough-
Thin is • truly
remedy for Indigestion. Dye
peals, Jag n rgi g kij iz /. vef u, C.n ., m . til . in n ol ;et Cttzt:Li;tni: , ..a , n , d o [ w it;
agetit. cueing
Gastric Tice.
The riastrir Jule., be then - neat selvnit of the foot, the pu
rilylog. preserving atlmoiatlng agent of the Ntommli rod
intmittom. Without It there can le ondm ation—uo otmt
vendor% of
toolod into blood—no
~ (the body. but
rather • , Merit.. painful. and di...truck., coalition of
the whole digestive ElPrarlatlS A weak, half Mad. or I.
oared prod ins no good Madan< Joins, sod hence
the disease. dbitnss and debility which ell.U.
Dot thin rmt maT be sorldied by extracting the dicer
ti , e pr.ciPlr. leplaa. from e stomachs of ananai• re
sembling mutt. thus forming • Digestive Plus!. precisely
like the 4•0112113 00 Jul,. eve eu el...wee:al p.n. rt, tool
furnishing I menpnite and perfect substitute I .r et
The eu.e. of performing they men. of digestion artilscally
h. long Inem known to ry.
b,.1,..t. In llooghte
elan. the merit of making the am.heamiu of this em to n
the cure of Di +MVO, in a perfect and agreeable font,
• Read the mieuttli, evidence: Ilmon Llehig. in hi. nit
bread work on Animal •Chemistry. mye - On Arnhem'
Dimon, Fluid. :min u tes:t u n . . to thetiastric Juin. ma, is
1!.`11;''.7:;:7:11',7,e :A...7' o, Z.T....:Ltt`',;`,`:%':„':!,'.;7;
b. mites...l. sham; , and digitated. Joel in the ' same man
ner as they would I In the bunion stomach -
Do lionglitritk of Philadelphia Prelmen an netiflriall di
restive fluid railed `P.1131 N. from the digestive stigna. I. of
the Mx. which afford. an admirable rented, for lodises.,
after nature{ a own metiod. by natures akin agent.
the 41,....tive pelnef i r. Call and en the extrnvrasuar, ....1-.
erratic evidence of I value
RYSER A' 51eDOWELI.. A,nt...
140 N arrl mt. Pittsburgh.
Dealer. suppliedt pringietnr's Prima
A 1.,, for sale b IL E. Seller, 07 It red •t mein-.
DR .SS SILKS.--lout reed FT
1 ,
Exprei...—suptrinr blast( Lulstrin, :wk..
Also-140 pieces .
hit., biark. sod fancy colonsl Cmis •
mobil I A A NlAsiil 0 ini
IRISH LlNENS.—Received this morning
amtber IM ....4 -o elides Irish Linens
mehlb A.. 1. SIANoN 4 CO
Ca WEET 0111-350 gall. for male by
1.3 mehlb J. KID:, t CI.
. . _
pOTASII-71 - easks (prime) for sale by
mehl:. .1. KIDD A in
WHITE GI,UFIL-5 Ws.o:ooper's) for
adle by ' meblr. J.airtor to
YITTSBURI.I4I ULU E--:n./ b bin. (beet) for
sale by meh 1 b J. /1 lldi t CO
i e l UGAR CUif.;ll 11A3IS--10 tierces Da-
A 7 teld's orlebrated S. C. llama,do hand and far +Alt by
rochlto WALLINGFORD .t co.
LARD -14 kegs No. 1, for sale by
mehli ; WICK . A . IIeCiADLESS.
VI 0 fig ti. ,, S r .l i.. $.
.L.4 y o O .
, bb_ Id . N.;:2 .. . e ,
.l t' __ n"._. A. '
." -1-
LARD -20 kpgs No. 1, for sale by
mehl4 ! J. a It. FLOYD.
7abOTASH-10 musks, warranted pure. fur
_IL sale by . , mehlt J. A It. W.OOD.
LA Pular Olandtre and Brackett. 0f the 'AMA style.;
Om, tyro .ml one llt Ornamental Pendell., ot eastern
Prim. . W. W. WILSON.
mehlt. ' menet. fly Fonrth and Market rot
A.. 7 Ornamantaland Plaln 1 / 2 spervion Wart ((damn*
*al rte7r .t , ' t.?
. f " C. n o ma T d at i !li . .l l [l:ll '. A l l l7tu n cl ' any.... br i I
of the unrivtaun to I r tlactb , re of n egt . ..l4,n; al T 0..., anuld
... l ern Prim.. 1 metab W. W. WILSON
VVWANTED 11 - 0 BUY—Notes of tho Western
Dank; and *net of Ms WW I / 2 re; Unite, by
mr.3l 11. D. KING'.
pitINTING ! PAPER--A sup 'rl t A
D ' s ‘ b6 .4. "4. Pater , 27037. and lm er , n rla ' I, C LL.
ur sal., at ' '.
nicht Panat Wnre. cot Market awl B..dond W.
New Books! New Books
Richard Lord Rolland, edlthdbr Ida so L Hem.) IA
wW Lnrd trolland
Slg:l n aTr nm a=r " .4 l f . tllr VlVarl'lrTATn!'f 9grl:l.
Moorland. V1,"J,..•811:4.°T,!'Ar
Barroom .o ar of 41. Slide Lr Gen
In Spain. and the 61:dire In
IllsrorT of the t a ,,,. a d B ,„_.. cnnd
iha .note Cott,' Jnn e 4 and fur rah hi
C. STOCKTON, Bookseller and Stattnner,
man corner Market andltunl eta
A Syllnbur ofl ; be Leer of Land CM. Tura In Penn
sylvan'. by Joel J nen. reed and for We_ by
mail!. I tin. 47 31.41ket mt.
LARD OIL-20 bbla. No: 1.,
_for ealo by
=chit! jr
thin UR. DALTIIer 1 at W
B a.r R.
LOOMS.— Soft Term. for wale by
male . DALMILL. 611 Web: An Ifni P.
----- .i. D. WILLIAMS , & CO., I State Mutual Piro Insurance Compan y.
Corn , of hood and Ilith Starts, l'lffiburgh, •
, BRANCH OFFICE—No. 54 BmiTiirict.o STii Lt
NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this ~,,,,,„,,,, ' .-*.
„,,,,,,. 0 .,,, &ohm,. cond.. the morn moot, honor tf et t
t, n r,nor. wltlrh am rdfrml on th...rtort ....nahl r ter,. I I'll" n Molt PI Idellee of the muses. of Om
115 clam holm prime airmatelta dor. Patent Zinc II aril Ins.ctort In end...or:nu to caner Mot .`: TATE MET( •
Tor.. , Barad 1 . P/RE /..VSlittANtl: cP.l.Vl'mvel the
amnia at
45 bf. eh,. do do. '5O lxatt, .ale pure Starch:. the community, I. tam unparallrled manual of busing.
ml - aloolnag a eltularr 2., s Saha..., : which har lawn donc. 11•114 it 10.‘1.4 ovvr ~ ., 0 0 Pon t ., i n
I. bag, Itla WI, 70 bide N II MoW., . Intl.. mom than rtahl mnnthe and addl. or, Ilet/411/0
15 .. lace. a. and .larat IL o v it . .. , Inmate.,A th e ttontme t y. Ti,. Dlrrotom am prowl In say.
nO b... r•s. 5, , ta and lao lo - o.,:tlrn ISyrtm• I that urarlt all the premrty . letrunst at of Omen., kind in
hunv Tatar., la - Loaf. Crushed. and I "mall rot,. and a large promotion Inrumd fsr may onr
35 bid. Sas 1 and 3 Mask , Ittardereslttogar. P . . ,
reel: 551 tb. pone, litta.ltes Number of Policies issued. - - 5,08:1
-.31 , , and .....In. No. lln bo droum S, roe VI,.
t., and • a dtt S. ..... b 2 0 Pm- l ltmieelln r ,,,,,,, -, Anwont of iiro t iortv insuri4l, - F.. 4,139,496.00
50 lem, seat... Herr.: •bu he Slelll t .
guarantee premiums, r.7,909.7.:1
1301 , c,ra Haider. 5 Weer lhott Candy:
3 hal, Paso.
r it.71.4.„,..r k
An,,,, 1 , . ,
c itrz . 4. , Chr i. ,l o a r ais , i
2 - two.. Om.. ,111. 1,141 preen tents, -- - 32,194.24
i - ei.i.,ii
Kum - ant,. stoeic, - - - 9 , 304.03
Pi. - do. leases. 4,100.00
• .•
i;n"`.ntlria,..,-, , 12.10. )111startr'S.r: Ts to leant the alor.. .alma -• the Ineadrotal
- l l elatre I hid. tun Quit. Sari -
1 . 1141.,14/. I - Crean] rang,
la ea t• or e.0.m.,- rtrrrhanta. and owners of dwellinrit.
• Mt.,. 1 ra, 1M . 1.1 Sates
...1 batiste! and country croon.). It Is loltrvol thlt nom.
Ca , .. 1 2 - Mucha.
n .., Rec. .,_, n.r adltrdr urnot...• lo pant of chratam. oafaty, An d
1,1,1. fharmtl t swot. Ltantast, "s 1 orat,t, tntrrior tn on I tmu,nm f.umartran thin
. I' odurtel .Me ront.Llr and grtutly =gam, nynt,lll
4b 1+1 , ... theann Pats...,; I - Arrow lbot. of I laaparanon t.i• In.. rerludttig all retrial haranla. In.
''. - Star ” rat Rath Illark,
omt., oil, a It:oiled amount In any tom Ittrallty.lltur pro
b. " Sperm - 1 lilt Flour Solphor.
UP 110erl A-)1111,k ingt'lion once td, hen rhuht. Mr rnstortlT atsl , ;..currn i large err, asul
'.. ''''' ' s IiT r t I I I IRI“ ,,, Is II- .1 is •Is. i' , ITIIt - I II L... 1 1..• 1 . - .:-...ll,.. '“ :•l h i...a l ;h!... ' s "' nztru•CrlT ' al/iLt n T . 4 t. ‘, ii,%, "1 4 ` 7 .
1,,, -S. Indic., In and I natllat , t„.,.„,,.., ~....or ot to aII bloating In the rofile. '''
:In der. Int.. I .t. •• 1,m,,,, sugar. I It It under thr natal of thr following Innotorm-John
latt s Corn Brooms. / I cork Sal Sod.
~,, ~ iP. holltrrfeel. A./ lIIIIrta. .105 n It I•nrkrr. S. T. Jane.
;1•A.4. Nalir. IVll.e Lea.. Le,nl 1111 ,
. '• . •I -I 1 Aloe. A. Carricr. l'hila 12 Solon-Irk, !Into, Rio..
L'\ DRIES— a It KUTIIERYIIIIII, Ittaarkfcnt,
A. A. tiII.I.IITT, Serertary
I 7 .7 bat , . II tort., 300 1., If R. S. I. Ralrms. , A . A, e,cc,m, A,uaryt 1,1.27
la, it., V 11.. Intel, ..11 Il..amt Ts. Alarm,. - -
T .s.• I .0 balm Ilrnol Sll4 ,
1r, , ,i,,,,, i.. 1 '1',1 . . k .,,,.",.. ~,,n ..:. - ~..,, o' - m,,.i . ,... Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
..., Itoll T 0..., al 1 . , ttentlcl Nu , .
. • - - / kli ENT 1 N PITTSI3I . IOIII, W. 11. DAVIS,
s_ii tc. Ric, I , la. drums Has
50.0 ha. 45,15A11:
Sal lel,. Ilrrrin= tat the totter only ~,,,, stm of tonhug In the
Ital Md. N. C. Tar . 1 5 •• loin,. Sugar. low, es,. I t la. cut. ILc anent mar wino 1.. found .1.1,,
. t• loaf & erttl Sugar.; . - %tans, lirtellnist 1t..,.. II to IL and 2to 3 cml.v.k. at Um enunlitut room of
1. netts Havana Ite tn•crrni ler - Is-`I.. 1.1 P.l..onotnlor a(',,. Na :I/ It ,m 1 anal abbr.. all u,.
2 hhdr. 51.1 d, nar mlartsttatota will 10.1... nod c ~,,, UsIIIIIE.I.LIDA (map,
4 mno. Indloc I .1 - 1;m:A Saco., 1.1,1,1:4 I”. I . .Lphio. ~,,I.lniuu 111.. ,trinetplo, and
Lt. See half, Insl2 Oboe 0 ,, ,t. itrutrlirtro cars lanent• , ..l lab, Itmorattm, and blank forum furturlard .
I P gewn Qt. ./1 Pt. 1.1.... t : s uf. flat ann - • apple...ton
~ Ist... Whin eon, i 1M- I 1 'an. •• • Capital ...k or, edunA l oo mud rorodantly h.r.,.1.R.
...1 ,1 4 , ti 0.1.2 31notteml. Imbll it span. - ram-tilt lard attlemllt m.., Orm. in... forks.
...0 lota No. I. 2. •• I la) VI.. It at., Sugar and , Pat lmell. Jall 31. Init. - ....
. . . _
. .
nom co w meoc. ..
L''' .3 '''• "'” ,, L'''. - • .".. . ' Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
1 ....,, ~,, ,, ., , C?...r . , 1 THE I e , ‘1N1114.0
40 Idda. Tann,: I‘ii, , D . .: 412.'1..
.. i ., 1,/,-ri). 1
1.-..0 ~,,,1 Lama. a.. , .
Company of North America,
IN Jot. Iltt,k , tc
,a, ~.. TO, - I ' n . -I . '.. ,"' . " nd '"' 1.),,,,.1,,hia—A110rtyr711794. !.7,1141/.500.11. Aasett
~` n .."''''..'. s,„„„„ 13 , i• : . 1 . ii.,.1.T.,, .. IN nml, Ir. , taran . er 011
N "• ..""' ''' t Mni " ... "' '''' 'nn ""' '"' t . In. ~ .ukl,nn,- and 'h., ,aitenta, m tai, , at) .d and vicinit, i •Jao
gr , n , al Sia•• ,, ~,,,,,, IA run.. uod '' r"1! , ,r. , . ' '''.7 r : , ,aa ~,,,rt, of er.r.i d.
r . aerii , t l } .l d a?p , ll ., gZ i n. r . o. ..a,z
(....M1 Van, 11,mong. I midi,. irl. and Tim..... ,,
. k . tu a a Is
.n. ,
0 , w 1. ,
~,, ,
rs' ..n "'"'"' ni '-'4l'. "'"n , '' at ' ..l:l . , l l ' i n tli r cs n vi:rr ""•• ~,,,coo,
Produce, Commission, and Forwarding
.1", 7S ..Vm-a, naitiniurr.
underhi a noi. .11,11 t f..r !he Pell',
•,ilevame kilo; •entlll ••11
I rmn.•rt. nt..l t•t U.. 11,11111 ro
In Clitl4WV W. With the I'OI:WARM lIUSINE6, nod
and tan Pri.lll,V :.eurrlo.l3.
1,-, troll,.
B. Ors fGr Co: venes, Salt.
I,n Su , Lean A tt. q. ta , r
A .I..!nA
furnt...ll J,.
I I I,II A IO A C. 111 I. 1•11,..
Mr . J Isorr.
Mt—nr. A
Mel•st• l • A ••,11101.
M. —r• . i A nut:or.
tarhJ , .nrr.
• -
LG.k .k NI ,
I :7 7'. ,t/C.,
OAF til'i;.\K
.1 (ME, ini 1,111,"N a ,1
sale by
13 144 I ru5,...13143.41.%
141 31,3,1. In,r
1 1 .11,ZE1A., Like •st
j UN Nil
•, Clo.,nutrt - ..just rrfd rsr cane/
tate. .ftls
LI nix rt t
'ORN M EA L-41 , ree'd andfrq- .ale by
ArtiltrtyS •
4 1. St . l; htl4l, .. a l by
1 - 1 • an' );',.tor
A t AcK priltti• hu l a
Ing •a:r
LATE ii lHI: s I7liv oILT 11.
In iAr Srp•nd
IF' yol - TE.I t'isti
wok h. a. Inft-nur
itrr Id id, edai.d•hthedt
The very twit
Thu the .1! l'lth.burgh
Kee, fd .u...
. -
. • -
• •
so .501.1L.:A
1,1.41 Pru . .l
Trni , 1
. .
_ •
Nta+. I, It Cont.
21, I'ru.ll.l
7.1 •• • I 11,16,1 4yru t ,s,
11. It III.Y••
S .T 7 /2 (.t ,, 371!.‘ 2 ,,,
I y
L ARD -11i 14.1.. N. No. I Lard,
- 115 Ii 5E1111 . '01
J )1a1i1 5 .11'l'1- 1 :; .. •ale
d ot, Opf . l“ re , .1 n.ild for .ale i.y
Jl2l , 11.4“1:41 .11
N) . .'s:-3
I ,
,:4 :\
I_l E i , .r
petrol t. prorrl for —11.• In , ..ums-,.1,1. pure
nu,lto.nutaul .... 1
Voildru h t, t t ortartir. . Ate
th. lona ttoonx,ortt los to ti .rt.a,r.•lll to. loom]
sromt excollent Pr," Itrr I•,t,t,.rr
For rulv 61 , h1:
ItACOS —5 illeis prime Ikailei;
Rockingham and Domestic Queensware.
N'• F.,urtli Drar li.o
or • ••fllrr. l'ltteborgh.
Our ritonrsr, ,E•rl• .i• to Oil or•irr• r.rnmo:,
abler Le, p.a., wltti nit th ,
i tn.. rylt.0.11• • r
•WI Jar., atl.l for iloo••••••• u••••• ot rorirt,
rmYrr n,rt , liily •obr , Oti Loeb,lf
Webster 8 Unabridged Dictionary.
, irk ton.nd I , ark and
A supply ..1 ,n. e rrv'.l 1.,y•
, mrh. J. H SV1.1.01:.
VEATIIERS--16 1,,, I (s prime, for sale ny
n 1.1.17 , 1 4: NC 11.111)1.41,11
j - LAXSE}:I) Iddr. City Make, on
h.i,d am' oale LY
rnel. If •K EI,FI I 141
, 01)1.1 V ER -I:.usliton, Clark
...Al and for .1., by
toch4 S wleKkr.snAm
11RESS SILKS--211 pos. a.:sorted Spring
_ay Sly le nil jug rt, dby
mend .4 AMA d
‘,l n'd and 14 41....1 .4re.
i w :ss
" nen and ..1.1en11.1 ' ..1, le 14,4de Dr 1.41 n.
lo 11
Ineb4 A. A. 41.414. S
110TASII-8 casks recd and for sale hy
miLLEn s 1211114:1 • 1.4..
men 4 1:21 and •
- - -
IVINTEit W 1144. 1 .;
In ignore and forte.. by
owl.* ' 111.1./at l!'r,r
I_7 of ..err sorairintlalit --a lull ..nor-n...0 lint
ripiinrd by (mild: )113111•111 III'liti11111.1,1)
NIURPIH a 11:11.C1171E1.1 , harr hilt ardn • friali
of all tlni 'ear-Ginn ritinlini,
gI EG BUTTER-1.4 kegs just reed and fur
.11 aalr by I nirli.ll Malik:li A RICK 0 . 117 , 1
and Linen l'iun brie. of n.rr and hand...• ri
meh{ )Lt 111114 F nn
lauding rI
rE o
A s
1..-) A.i.. and fur aale by
ISAIAH DIC07:0 0..
f.lOl Witt., and ) rmnt l .ta. Erritit
litil, 7 , :ri I Lain. '2
landing from 510. An. iti , lifiar i fit ir
ln a gy
41 . ,
Wate and Front Art.
1 -. 7 0. SUGAR-40 111.114. lauding per xtr.
. Wilt Clinton. and lid rale. I,
N 1,25 JA MI, A 110TC111 4 0V A CO
, 11/Elt VIND; A It —2 ll I.ll,ls.'foir male I,
• 11 V 00,41111% iiillollS7
11 ICKORY NUTS-6 1.14 K fur naleby
2 111\
g Imam% W. it. f0r...1,
glEof NuINE 1 1 111' IV I N pure di frkr tr, , lirtualpnrno.e. dir Rani
.1" N.! tilna.rt or Ikon, Slintilid HAW Mann re I
and n
orlitaniond lf"b``t CCAR—IuU 2='
11 - I • •
pr,m, N. it
s,j per steamer &buy itir aido punt rec'd
Water rt.
IL, WY by 2 2611.111n t r t::;rtA i"
1021 140.11 G Wants,- I
ale by
es. e o, t x ri i cm .
Arthur 11 C.llln. Thmtat I`. ram
,ttnltt.l .14111, NOT.
11,1. te.l 111.1tanl 11. 111.4,
.I..nn .4 11,41. 11On eon It .1.11. ttnth. Prmnrt.
.... 1 hr. ..t In 111010114,
Int Wm E. Ilmornt.
015114,...11hii A,IMIOI,
11 It Sltermrtl,
Itotttranr. f',: tl, In tl..l'uln.l,lltlret
Itttth 105.4 •
1111 at...11.z 41! 1.• It• .4 an • iiitewirt. it
may , mphr ovettrltt,
11 V P. JtISES. Avnt,
1 ..21 No. 111 mut .tre..t.
American tile and Health Insurance Co
;„ 5.4 ; 1ff,.. , 1). TO IDL E,
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
d'AVITAI , 8300,000. m 1.1.E11, .J..,
.1% I.—u. • rz• 111—rAl) hnalthlN hahl.
A h hh.l„.htun...h.lnthetur,
rhh . .rt.thht,. ..I..t.e.miuml .
INN,. Jr.. Mark. J tV Butler.
:a I: C. 11,up.en. JnelLoort.
Juan,. Jame. .
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
et hrricE. N oRTII 1;ie01 fit? THE EX
lost •tmet. I,:indelptam,
:s , e.v,z 11D , i other
. .
or under • , 1. r, or PPM,'
Ito t .1-1,0 I: Pro n.,. lotcroo.l
. .
i•lrrArl 14a;,,: ~n . It Pelts, WIL•
llrt.. IL C.
Pal.rl,,L, II Jou..,
/ILL.LtI 6.3rce
J.,1 J.lln.m. %%ts 11., Thor.,
. C tsi
Irt•r:‘,l-1/ T. Slnr,LLn, Hugh 0 , 4,
J.,i,Ll I...gL.LL.
L::, Prrri.lent Tm ,, r C Vire
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
J I RECTOI:. , rharleq liancker,
y I 11..11art. I.,eur4,
:he I. 16 nom. ,nautt•l Davuti Rm..,
.. ". 71 ' 1 . ‘ ' Ir . I.V: 4 ; :' 11 kikli 144-asarnt.
ts• essuise I❑voslralesese• permanent
luso ess• aree rsuesussi est with : . es••••• larur hind.
• atsseed l'reseuesca-. sakie eue•ests-1.
;se- ee- • I ele• s ••reepar.r. use, 121 , 49. as pule
ts. A• t Axeserulei, De, .41,••
v - ,...ratLou. I.a.rint a the.,
•.: a- IR .11 u•
0 1 1,11. Amml
mal (Ear, E e,rner of aml .1 eta
,,,CE I 1,1 Nlark , l atm,.
) 1 , , 11 1, ail `,41. 1 An-m.1,1..6,1
I 11.1. 1V
N•• 141 11,nt
%II~('EI.I A,ILO(;~
ll.11:1:1' 111 (ill F., it xof
i., Is Li eilll. CAUCIP“ , ' ti.tint ttA,
•Nnars., wl.h Ow. lA-Nt
r.., WI! 11, hare ,
• - • -
.2..14 44:4441 1'114141, 111,11 E, A 4,14
•444 -4•4• 11444 pr,,,11)
f 'O-PARTNERSHIP IV, h. thix dav
/1.6141.i. , n. Th. huel.
JANIE, 11l r• 1,1,0,. A 41)
I I: A II Eit• E S. iIimMISSMN
FIIIIE 1:11-1' ; \
! e' tt. " 11." row
;17 1
11 . 7.V01i71 1'
I. I, I.l_l 111 \..
I t.t II•• • r I, I , :r•nri.r. • nitt.1...r.0...t ot. 111.
( hrtt. itt It., thrOt
taw NO ..1 . I nniser , ut."..l r,•
,•! 10‘,,1
...I •trn.l..
11. U :01.01{1r1T,
1111 , , It Wlllll..
t:‘v uNI r 511.• and William
panto.. r...t001 onosj•suon 01,...
o..•. 001 no, lonort•A artronr, 0011 ro Llotonion the 01,0 00 in
e I
no iltoooto.r. L. , • noon .11., Nooo 0100 AL 101.0. Soo, 101
IL I ,11 0 1 1 i DAT.
1 ,0, 11 1511 1101A11
g Klt:•11 I ,qll..rihers Itnve
of BeAlf,
JANIE, Al ItlNmiN,
j.Ol 46111 S
I 7 —Stur, , lay 1110,1..1d 0111 thla rnertdra entnn,rlsta,
raermn,, Prat •tmkpl, kprlng lot, tamed, end In
vitr the rall the, risstt , mert mat Wks", arnrrall Tbr,
ste ten is• rztenalsr astart tarot ••( now tty•
Illintk at I,f, swat r ant. tetras., will, partkular
..rrnrt• t•• dm - 10 , 1111k •,1 olt. .40 repent ankh. la alms
olt In per yard. aarrantrd last r.d eks t,
clears , 'titre at 00,110 , 1, elands, Inas, tu 10%
r ard. man v it,. ,n entirrl war dessigna. Alta, near.
est str les Isseets rs,.rins.: Mal... dr lsalkrk, Barak , . dr
(same, ..dn. tt art, Collars. ,dis., kr. Don.
nets vet linnet Itt,tak. lakoei Peg, •r. Plat
1111 E LA PI Eh all oat , I yuo want real
To, gOl. , 51,11. Ilaknt•rth Ira At", In the
Iwo, far The T. t nt an rents lks tanind
It rally far , vestal. and Ihes. et 7t atal all' Olaql.
.u.u. a. m .i.....t..1.0a. u Inlerlet Tons ars , neerr kept
.t Mt. establlslaneat, and th, ‘10,•• retailall tl,rlr Teas.
din (rale thr arasittal basin's pretrst that Tea will
ted kres , ill 41, tank "hi , h. hr h'ddlak nn
tan will and is PA para. as es lair . . yell. 1.1.11
• .
Jahn /I. Melt,. ` , l Wsatl ;nay,.
fast restive+, • new an,l tplerell.lakaorttssentk
rd not; stton tttr sale deal
101)11 CANTON FLANNEL—A further
orir,tiperlur Ankh St 1.14 i onto pet
turd, elktresl at 'taro or
altlltlltlY A nunrurt
PlirrE CHEWING 61;31—Jun received
1.1 fnnn ththwer. , le..' the hand. Vet,
10-e. • large let o,t thle plets•nt and Acrrethleebeeriug
tittm. .hie. tined Int eweethnitsu the brea th , eleth•thi,
the teeth, •
.te F.•r •ale erbolreale
N. N: WIcKEIL•111 M.
mehl mernee tl'ml Neel Filth el.
v Cure Manual. by Jowl Shell. M. D.
Vetter Cure 111 A Illerttal, rditod a Water Patient.
111.14 la,olt a( II rtinamtla y It', rnhl l / 1 1011111and Vorneatir
uM.fq Irr.
. . ,
I , •wwwtit prtzttee Ilytimplohy, with firbwn gret•wl
o• onpout
rut..robjwlw, by Et.lwerth.l..onhoduo.
Thenry Praot, Ay the In.ll.
traculatwel fr. tilt. Dvrns. h 1 Hobert ilulY II
)1 D
Mr. hbfore wor.Apr 1.1. Ity r. TOrKTON,
snd, von. Slarkrt T 121.1.1.
4111:1 . _
tn.only Inatrunlent yet lorontanl by hkh
ntaalerfilL nom tan be certalol, &torten nannlltionnly, re.
olrlna but • moment.Pro-n.1040. 1z,:j0,",, $l5O. lot
sato at the II aril nod .lorn of
h. 1.4 owner of M nrkrt enol
- - -
From tilefirCocto
fumlell.ed wiorl '
IV S. 11AVI1
INSTRUMENTS of twerrile
wriptioss, for,salp by (AU J. KUM!, co.
,bl a u pp i lfi c r l e, m i A n r i; . t i in and sCO
j 4
rIIANNERS' OIL-2S bills. in :Lo Ai ri z iad for
08 %du Annt
I 0. 1 LARD OIL—A few bids. just reed
fnan the man mfartnrr. for whlch I am the wt//.dent..
• Wlll warrant It sopertor to am oil offend to thlo cur.
1,14111 ouruer Wt..l aal Nisth . U.
j“ }: I' 1S E D BOli AX —l5 enAes for sale by
( i grniNGE--2 xtrings finest Mediterranean. .
1,7 , for .1.. A, J 817111X/NNINKER • CO.
f. 1.26
ING—Pontinee. Derv.. de Worn. Mon, dr
ra. Lanni, tt , . A,,—ehotre apring et, lee 4.1 very de
aitattle pattern,
A .A. M I!. AN k
Noe, T 2 and ne Market et.
`PRINK STYLE. PIi.I.4TS--Chuice and
10 beautiful patterns! rec.'d this 'horning at
febl.4 A. A. SEASON A.COT.
OIL-8 bbia. No.l Win. Strained,
Ic A l t t i)
tIOLDEN SYRUP—In bbls. and
1/A RAY, lItiG7IES & CO. are prepared to
tin all kill.ll or OLATE 11.0()F1NO
o n; rt. Canal.
At N'et<r W orks. Pitt buroh.
447 - Slate Roof pnannur n , r.ared. ifeb . l.s
I OLDEN SYRUP-5 hf. talk. just recd
IL. II I dfor sale by 111111.1lAIDUE d I\ORAH/151.
No. 114 Waterst.
L - ILOCR-25 blds extra Family Flour, for
I' totlit lo t 0.142 z S. F. VON BONN litiliS T It 1,
,001 S-150 dnzenf n rr'l
IZ, ,to,glt./VNIIIIST A CO
orkLtN9Es—lo boxe , ,inrine,rder, f
ili Es,Askanv,,, .t. ,;
1 . 4 101 Pty. an.
11,7 - I N1)0103 LASS--1(100 boa. ass'd - sixes.
UTAIICII-100 boxes, best brands, in store
notflOr sale by liAll A Lia A CO..
fri,s3 Nor IA and Or ntAl et
_LEMON S--. 10 boxes for sale by
fe1.115 LIEN sErr.
l'lontnck Inviter the attention or those wirhlntt to fur
n LIB extensive ItYroytinent of l iable anti 1N..... Coe•
rrr. at No 55 Fourth street. (Alit
. .
OCO'CRINE ALOES-75 Ms, pure article,
for sale by fetal
.hare. for sale. A' of 4. BAIRD & IRVIN.
rebid 11.1 around
I IOLL BUTTKk—I bbl fresh, for xnlc by
S 1.)11. I ES—
tiermq prim. Illertl
141 bum Dry Apo.,
GOI lb. relined Stiltpotra
IL• AulA•••11`, F• • . 1,1,1, ‘
AU tram. nii.fond Fader.
dt, La. .0 per lIL lump Tobarc.
1 co
Roll Brimstone:
1 do Chalk.;
1340 lb. Rod Sole Leather:
lie. Ito do LIAM do, In ea.. dn.! fir
nide hi fah= JotIN ATT aCo
1 I NSEED 1.1,113 for sole by
1 . 4 Orr! ROBISON. LITTLE a CO.
LOLL BUTTER-1 bills for Maio I,V
. LITTIphi a CO.
LOVERSHEI)-75 bus fur sole by
usUUSON. LIrtLE a co.
eat n. ortmrnl or told .nd Yilrer \1'01.11.•{0l
""' mewl V;: . """1""
V. 1.g7dr.1.,.1d0= I.l d . thn
Real Johnnon do da
And other. of estlenratod Euuurb and Oatieva Brands.—
vioy eod ...vulva .01 durability igustented.
Fine II etch repairing rontinued Jr.rirr
mai. itivtund to order and codefollr rendred.
'"'"'""k In to
41x.0rot' or 4111 and Market A 1•••.
but White for xale by
icomeos. LireLE a co.
A3l Ifl.ACK—In bulk for Tunuer'n, 20
1•1•11. for gab by J SITIOINIIAKER a CO.
., eu, with ilold awl Velvet matched bonier, Ad Bras,
I „ l:r . lais ..le 1./ Ia.MA A RSH LI.,
A L ' fl'ETBK-50 bugx, crude. for sale by
1.7 10.15 IV a F W 11,13
A 14 IiLS WIIITF: I ; LI: E"--F.,r
uue by 1.1.11 J K Ififi a CO
T i lER m o;%i ET EliS—A full tuouu - , turukt . f.,
1:1V 1100 K :••;. --Tilt. Ricker. of Pereleuni,
111. I. , flung •A.l rl.l.fe•rloAAA. to• I. •
• tietny Ily 111tA. Tl.. 11111,
illu.tratlf.u. gal ...AA by the author I u leo 'oio
N.. •of the 11intnr, 31' Petalenans. 1.4 4.11
31..”-.llle. A Franconia awry 111 the author of the
Rolle (lost..
So II of the Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution. Dr
'a" TAN.
1•••117 MA.1..1 .1.
1 -- ; 1 02 • •• • S STA RC 1A•11,4 for sale
VI 11 A , 16,1,1.111 i l C• 1
ILA RD AND lIA MS-1 0 bbl) I,u - 11;
01A Urn.. te .rru,
.tmtt•to, . Wm, str,t. Pitt,
I. A M A tt.nt
.l .r Y ,, rt All tor WI. by
.61" AI All Kll fro
100 BBL 3
F s I TN7 . I I::}ri„"AleiEbY
I , t 41
t ,
H LUE S.AIALTS--1 case. fray . 1.,
ll PC! J ,Cll,riN MAKER • (I,
lINSEED OlL—'2l) hrin rood for ' , oil ,
maa rttplang. assorted:
tir m W
%air 17, IlAulymrr
frIPI IU: l CO
111 I t,Dr. CUSHIONS--a/ tr.! moot 8,1 aml
LP Tor sal J Klnn I lIS
II AK FAY: , HERBS, all kitola, n fro•lt lot
.t 7 rn 04144. 11.1 for ••In lit
CO , .1 It lun a oo
,t . OU A A M.llO NI.A FO itS
d , ()Frr.r.--1:140 bar. 'toe l'offoo. jant ro .
IL, lood for falr I,y 11l MIMI/II!, A 1,11 All
NI. lln %I alwr atrowt
11,i 1 RESIi Joni roovittol .t 1.1.1 a
IPur.e. out. r , .r as., ft:
U A 11,11110 /I
14 1 1tESTI - drool. rereitatl n u ll or
1.1., D
tt ,
11LI M .0
I • 1
4*(10 AN l'A. RAILROAD sl'uti•K -
"P, av
luul Ito liAtu, 11,4 r•
I SAI.III DICKEY A CO.. Agtoita tar Ala.
Ila•r ..II •
I.A ~,,, ~,,, 41..1 II: 11. •
11.1 f :,
Otto In Al 111 nlrhEl A t
111 , .% A SII tt I vaalra. for •.lo try
1,1 , 10 N a Il,ol'.
„. .
g itAGs- -41, dos troika. for kale
• frl.ll/ Mr. 111.1.01
S L A I l !
" P P n'
I"' 11.
• 11l
IIUTT Eli .4,
1.• lr t . Co NO. 1.1
It 1 VON Ht.% IhI.T A IN.
111.AIN 111.A1'11 SI I. S A
ait, ltt. 6..41..4 • ev, otovult
01tt..1. wan .1 N.., lb/ it.
111t11 . N1;11.\ 1t.r1.11,. A itta,ittlohl
g littp
Ar......h00l cal crvali, nAterol tvoi 01 ,
&tut tina.l 00..0 1t0.41
I 0 C ., . , %: . 511. , 5 ,
14. Vt.ltsh •••••41JIIn .1.
bri• Ohm.
"1"..t 1111,1
!; N 1
"'' l l .lt ' l t
pliEsii ruin'
1411 itt OtOr n port, toNi hrrtt.O. t
r0..rv1n.., awl
.I...rrs. an.' 1 . 11.. pot or It 11.. um. Nt. tt
i, tt -t. 1..1 And 10v5 , 1 , . 1;,
V. , 1....! • m.o.
11.1411 IIetill• Noutin ft . 01. 1 .110 a Oo
(.:E1 .1.1:11S ' I.IV Elt PILLS-. "I'muld n,lt got
Cl u ho, • aluot thou
M'Cutotellorlltu, 0 J.I. U. Ina'
NIA µ Y. etus...—V.tri ant Atm tatty 1.1."1 1 . 111. that
rJI too t MUM It, .4 • in.,' •Itimkit thou, mut 4.. 1 1
One 11.1 too• (Non q.t., IN Ow tr.rot•
coronsonaNti.‘ r...aftoll, 111{V.W.
AA, ao1•1 it tiELLltllth 4 tt rot sA.
sot• arno , .ll, • tall,
ink,l/.rel-InA, nu
Lund •nrl for yalr by 11110{Abl A K PAI 1111 K
lAIDD 01,1,--I5 bbl. bent relined Winter,
A fur rub. by J PCllOObl Al A 111:11 a Co.
YAM •JA -.AI 111rorl_ .
ILA/AI.:WS 1)1 AMli&lis_ 4 no for „i n
11 by fob,. J 1 1/11 (Al
lARIL -x( 1 kepi nod 25 ban, fir nide by
r. 1,10 114111W0 A K IRK PATIIIM
- • •
lASTOIt 1 I I 1,--9 bbl.. Moven make, for only
i n . 6.1.14 1( 1101'. MAIM I:11 A A ell
i n tEE INVESTMENT_—SV,Inin in Alleglie-
Coupeu Duna, 1,,r ynIA
Ai II A 11 1 1.1. A 111
(111 114 11',..1 abuyr Ith
UffEli--7Lhln fro*);
g *AO,
20 logo do Jog( ,rl.l
1111,7 N 1 ,4111,144 RON.
GTTON TW I NE-250 lbs suitiTii; 1111f
itz, for rale Ay J KIDD 1 CO.
CA'. NII . Woal Orr.
iIA ST ILE SOAP-20 COMO, for si& by
`J Mal° J KIDD .4 Co .
Marra:an. Mr rale br
RNICA FLOWERS—F o r silk. by
Iv 0 , 10 J. HCII(% IN II A 10:11 CO
I) LACK LEAII--700 Dm of nuperior quali
-11 17. for aide by It. E. a CLLERIA
PAW 47 Arneed ern..
‘fi NO half cheats Yonn. Ilreon and Mack Team.
at esti, box,. do. do. Ilan. and Gun Ponder.
20 brae. Rumen S'e
It , do P. Itoldnvon Aa net ha do.
it, du Coldest.. 0. Toreanc,
it or hoar. Price and Hammers Ca do.
14 mu, b... Jwes ThOrnnnon Ir. Gulden Lear rf
re Lan.p, In chile and for sale by
1 . 7 40 Ws.
.R . Y . s
00 Gel.. Old blonotuolodst %Woke, sto no f
to 160 dn. Defnma's nap. Ck.•
W 0 Ma, Spaniats Polo Loath.;
160 bxs. K indarar Ula.a. warted .laps; •
301) Ivo Nall&
41 = lr e j r.r ßosnl r.
• oven' wortmant of tirorerlas tbr h
aunittos.tirrLE I 'co.
111110 LEAF TOBACCO-2 hhd, for sale
Ladies' Fine Drew Goods
_ . .
NEW MUSIC ! I . - New Music. .
1 iiNE is THE CALMNESS; i n , uu -• s , i 1• . 1 ItAND POLKA DE CON- uu .
Thin by W. V. Walla,. V'' ... - ~,r '.o •( I CEIIT, as performed by re an k iu
tan g s I don't Ilke to se e male wog --'--
-- pe with such dLstinaulnleal app1......, the
I an I for g et New England' • l ate (•,,ncertcrowlawed by W _l. Walla,
Kennel a Goterne w b y John Parr, I :'' A 1.... • great variety of new euteposalocut by the mute
M'sn.G.• , s w' seri partieular • author
2 al, of by,o ne da r k b )) Foster Annie Laurie. 4 And all the late popular Music. issu e d by th e e a stern
Lily, or the Loot Child ; hy Woolho r • publisher, IN•C•ifed and by sale by
Kind li ord.; by Mra. Millard. Ihmle• Sick Polka J. 11. II hI.LOIL
klatebelor's Lantent: by the Hutchinson, (Weis Rake A g e nt br Clitcatrin g s Plan.,
Grand Polka de Concert; by W. , • Mail • rt. b 3 ' al Wend e_
With ell the late kopular Snu g , WelGes, Cotillion, Polt • - - . _
•".' Mr.••'`'''. ' •rhdloOs. Hondo, Fe ,are, acr. jutted In EL. • \
Eastern Cities 7EW 11IUSIC—Where are the friends of
i to 7 Youth: b r U. Barker.
yew Mawr rwesnel weep weet
' I've twanething ?weet to tell You.
The Bobby
A t'ery large and new stock of ' Da
• My New England Home, a ixir wag, dodleatted to the
CIIICKERI NG'S PIANOS, , Lain,. of New lin g larid, ••
Ti. arrive this week. ol r a 6%. eX and - octaves. carved., ' She I Love le ter Away.
Idol, v. )Ind in Pricy Gnat 2•2 Th to Itine. A 1,.,, two tow 1 Oh. caret toe on the Silver Short,
brand Pianos, Gle n the came celebrated manufa. G o al 7itgbt.
for My Home's on the PraGie Lea-Wewlbury.
he above. • lth a (411 and mea l stock of Music. 011 J I LIIT Rhe). hy S. C. looter.
Musical Merebandisr , tor sale by • I've 101 tn. .v NajAve Village, by LE Barker .
JoIIN II NIELLOIL al Woel kt I The Spirit Dor Fah.-
N 11.-Two Plano Fortes to tare uld Pianos taken n• • Fa, hi hi: ttie Black Shaken.' Song and Polka
hart fo r new 0n...
tneb`-'t ' Would I were with thsw-lbr Guitar. •
Lea Adieux. hr Harr.
MEW Ntrslc! NEW MUSIC-. , An e‘en../j , / , ~.‘ale s tlop 1.1 . nefr eulk.s, Waltles, Vali,
I' Till.: IiOLDEN LIARP.—H. K LEBER : I. 11.• ....., , u ,,,,,.. or-se. c....d.. Earn." ...,
A ~..,.. received ler ,eLle
, ' La . i . dTs'atel:l3 eie.-ent new work, called the "Molollst. -
hr., 11 . 1,1*• d• E'en. ert. w is•vfortned t o . Frandene zne,„ u oollecAlun of SoC..pulra and atrial 1,011.0.. hartuonized and ,
pel.,cook,wl h i Walla,
god by ti , Webb and 12. )lawn:-tweGlderea, olGso ,
!alit th,o. be gob... lose` A very beautiful new vocal ',.,.. i , ~,,,L , eeer p u blish e d. IL KLEBhIL
doette: by e C. Foster
Golden Ilan, Third et.
The Ellie to las ,Wee a new son g hy W V Walla, • - -- 1 ' 4,14 ''
The eoldter, Wife, b,, lie, Barker .
Boy N.4i, de ~i,,
~,';,?,!.",1,.'r j r:• •. ::.",,.,.7"r la.ii 0ia...,,d for end son g 1• 11 ,, b,. „ 1 , c , nt iii, IL111 0 ar r k th are . c, v an un d
of th u e lu i. ee . , , n ii 'l , N u re th, ltlar b e i. k i t :
t e ,,, on , o , ea, elngin a : Woodb u r.
A.., WO, earn 5c0... : n, and retch •• e s n er te ri r I.l D. u , me iN Et n ay . e ., bee Th 7 rd rec.. , d, and for sale at IGIL . _I.E e
~ _ __L_
It he, are the Oleo& of it, f ouch
Conte. Insviro,.ono , .4. Troto.,llllo
r, ii bushels Dried Apples, for sale by
i , ,,,,.._,,,•-,11,,0. ce,uette, Brutal. Call, 1,0
,yoll_, fe1,71 j . . S. DILWORTIL a 03.
i •
Cootaw•e 1-wein g Esee-lses,
On ties Lunde, G r es). e„,,,, h -, 2 , m. ,_,,,, ~...,, i 4 GIRL wanted to do house work. A fi nlY
no u n...weakly the beet Sacrol )Inset twit ~,,, aiblGlnd, •.1 . 151. . 5...
A 1..., •0 eNten-ine a n d rased 0 u .,,,, ~1 Musical Instr., i g A Hit_.4 k egs for sale by
17;".,.::•T',::: ''''."--' lykg,'.i:Vr . :.7f .1-=:, l .'" I" lIA f.h.- R ° B-I ''' N ' urr " a CO.
N .-V1• new nod M.. liAllill4l.lP music reveived to•
won fe•, uarli...,
... ".
BOOBS! B 00103!
ip - o , l , , ,i,i m i tt.... „,, L . O , S u: S r l n N ., G . ; : :LP ,m icT i r , i: h ll.
! ,1 ;". 1.2 Pulurtal bill Ihul, of Illy Iltvhhh
lion. l'amphlul
I. ll , l2 .. Ernklue. • irearonln Sin,: by the author of Rob
Tanl.. nu,- In the author..! the .. Wilroingh.e....
“I.•.tth-r trnobt. - Mounl..ot 11•11." Yr.
lb•A•yllyr itoci tqato.nyr,
mehlA ht. C hlart•t.treut
j I:robeth. hi:tux:me thr with 141 pup.,
I lurth-olluru.t, for rybrunr,
eullitatur. do;
gil.t: Y' ,;:rin • gt:174.:
hl,nnult Ilnusth.e. Nu
hto.nuf 1,2..1, an., AChlll.r.
Mtn.. I Witten,. tab. thrillothere awl daughtrer
Iterhou..nev, Gnu, Avullau
her•htluu. or L. Liam ul the Ltututt
Evart: by 31r,
OUT.. •
Henry Suatetttm, by °. P. R.. Jame, Ear
fur Anil: 111A3IES' Literary Depot, upwelle the Pool Oh
to+ fetal
(.11•LENDI NEw plANos imii
kj II L It tal.., an•
Non, k r 11r,1.6347Nevr wltb lborr
.n 1,111,1. ll..• rarin.l.nuk erten., ' , Luck
werr.•ll. r. 41 In e y
Amm0:33113,, one 33i31.3133113.1 7 octave double carted rlsWo.
Low. NIT 33ty wth th. ueur 3wprovettowl of thr ovr
fftZ 3437331 ; ' ‘ '.13 = 3! Tr1 ' 0xr. '1 ; ' 321 ' 1 ' 3 ' 313! ' 313:3.73...3 ' ..„ t r3.3113
311.13.333 Attnehmrot liamo
LIN —An 01,11, 'RI a Now 3luslo.n.hraang Jean,
ndn n fi . o ,
c c l . on ll n I n , e l w
I C . o IE , N .
1 P 1 ol 1k(,1. IWa iTh,id do.
l'arliet, Commercial and
oartn !soot and Con l'apor. a largo ' , apply o'l.ll qua
rt!lj. rolod and plan, Mut andwhile, for 11.111 1/looral
term. at lal9 W. S.
TOTES ANI) DltAFTS.—Engroved and
S‘oroonfropl) Not., and than, of mut. beautiful de-
Vale'°;o in .b°.".. ur
t o f ' , °' : ' .. 4 lll\2. f VS ° J.:V2r.,lri, For
enr. 51 . arkot an 4 loud ona.
A urnran, Jou,+-r,ua-1:.•t;;1-1"Zat
CLT Rli' I I\Frnuld'sWriting Fluid,
pnn , • In.
• .1... n
nnenl E llnd lni I •WI 1441 In k.
11nrn•un • ultnnlonn Int — and Mar,
Llnnnn k Th•nnuon • rot.nm••nnal
• •
Er!nntt exrun. Ink. Frn• ntle by W 11. 11A VEN:
~,,, no, of Gr•ndt and Rpm 11;
twlinnar. rn'anrrall' tartly 10.+.l
br- lb.
zv": I L..
"" d
._ann..l-anguna. • In Cvluabla "
n - n•tr•nalnna. Nruthe • eat
t tank. Hand. 1•41 . 1 but:n . 4 ' c.lnthA.-•-LL
Lt... 'b.. 41b....ny4 of ' , rot luol. La vi Englinh Prirreef.+
tftl tr. h rL. v f . c 1 ‘ievett Dn.!, bT
of (Cr v, tbo bf
Ete,lme.l To. 1
Th. leee e.f Pe,r, aa Cuter. a Atlareelue eleellve
eeral nOa lae.e.leway Teel.ara.. ott Vl..eltaKlay eartaln..
.411 1 , 0 1.• R.., N Il
pt.+ nreelve.l,ll.ll.l for ...lib,'
/eeee. ,,
It N.:TrIN. N., 7 Martel et.
131A.Ni) ii."
3 •I a, .trool.p ea hea ne.,
teel 011oa 0,11 C.r ...110, l, attel
•toe 11 el. rti. • , r.).11 lL
otpeart.. fr.. thee ..tuserver, llleltrrl.. Realeefl
•bleele he. lava, aleeraseen of purrLtaors Timer /Is,
neeet to
ea. Inv . teruelely tal !totem prim, Int t eana any rafru
chesea t. t'
rat . and lo all more war - mule:a
te•itueenl al their full value.
Anent ter the te.ale I'llnelealner , 1.., LL
Wreete ree..
fa, N,, larret.
in... and I...nan Ilt..drar Ay. )1....10g. and Un
dd.,.b. dart:. ut...t. the of ....A
ug I f " . s"•di , t. e•udall. I L I.
1... I. it.. yV u fI. Ir
t r
10.3 !,
11.•11,,E1.••••• mi
• wx4F r
11. I .1 , lirt
4i 1.!...1.1r. I • 'lr.o I.lln
I hot L... 1`..."
1,14 a
A u••• ..111“.•• • n.r I
/IV.1.1.11: ••1 •I.
IV% 11111\r
• •I
Ilootoo. 100 n..., • tllt , for •onl Itaoottot.t.. 11,
" Ttlo.r .Itotoootttomt. , ‘ l, t l tror`r •toittokt
t' 11 " 1 ' 1 • 1 ‘ 1 •41. 1 .1.•• (or olotnto•ro
11n. t111..1.•• for Into;
I'L•N tot 11.
las l u et
t .. 1 lit Or
r,. tmtttt
Thylootrral o ar • a—rrl
I..lter io,,lJra/..11.1 ,
Tiohove • ott t. , 1.• • ljble
Ioon•Ilton oo . ‘ Itrtsoo.o.o. A. ny 11 It Ile/ urolol•
A 1.... wt ., tlot it.... Ito Pr IL,.
It o ttoiol o I. 111.1.000• final..., on the tkoell. .1
0i1... • 14.•,1.1•, th• rh.• ri.•
N.. oil. AwarL.A. I 1..1.4.1 r+11116.15 .4111.•
Now Books, Just received.
I:l•.,r g e 611111-
Wow. h.... 1 • pv•••,•••1•• et Ulf
I It• ~,,,, 1,1 hn; lia I/v*B4 v nal vv• •
1 . ..! ..1.••••• •Vide•:leyvv• lii A•ahei
1 . 41 . 16.1
..1.••••• •‘l,•rvo
I rvl 11.
....1111•pv I f.I I%tn
• Ilt 11.1, J SIrtle.“•11
a'i N
t 1.11... n. fourrird
I. 1.. st I.r At I rrut•lr ,
I, .11 Olt P 1.1n4 ta:srervorml nap.
tr••• 1 The fart.hrlat Ili
. .4,1.1 tr. llormolpflurrlre.-
111 tor...
II r• rt'llrrlrTerN. 47 •larkrt .4.
4 1.... er,
.11 air., •..1 ~..1111r,, ....kJ And blue
lithnt lt.ed• of y .I.osilotten, nn imud m made to
AI•11,I.., • tenet, and Antoriesn, fancy and
0 11'EN. M•tionor,
Nisbet v., ndoer of Sevond.
•. -
Itl l l/1t A NI. PRI NTlNG—Fiery de
bo tin
d man. t. 8 11Al r bv. '
1 , 11101,11 0111. e, CO Thin, 0.. botweon \lsrkel end r.rry
S ll.trre, eorner of
~.od .00t lo sis b.r sale huge and cram
idelo of Imo sththoo „, 1„„
ooeinsi 00 uthrlet. Ithilts mitmlinl with es,/
Iv this line on the most fasomble terms All
...1.. Harp,No lul Third st
II it I.LII/11l is now eelrind • fresh lot
of elegant /Um, in.... brosms • 18.0tx.
Na.. lark. &moth then,. • thlemlll 7 month enthed
the rt. host dtherintion oi oslorior god
It Is rout,
lit the hone. 0,1, tootle om the reign of Louis XIV 00
XV A 1..,. B new lot of fullimmt.h. Ind popular 11110 e,
• l n u d i t•enrs .o MVl u E s ll4 th / 11 ow . i and .tart
v li a n r o .., of
musical tomVhodhiaim
- bald
EW 11001( S.-- II n nihnlni new Work,
CORM.. or Sketches of a Ph, - shod deeerihnon of Lb.*
Somme • Sketches' of the New llngland
Um {lest. I mo
113 n 0..• Mtvloul,s . and I:nob:wore Dirwoo,, 21st Na
/or salel by K. 111/PKIN:.
jolO Apollo IlulldlOOO
tho toloan PURITAN, Pube of
Am y
11 Merle 11•Atlhl.n,, h. It„ I'n•tldnnt of tha t Thsnl•
itehool of Ileneth, stud Ciro Proeident of thr, NAV"
Paantp•iirtue. Tranelated t, Ilium. H. A
Kentuelth . Antiquities. lid Illngraphy
Imtnte,l hr
The fort' e ngthelngs. Hr
1110• Corner of 81nytel sad Thlnl Flo.
c)uTLINE MAPS—Pelton's splendid Out
11.1.. are cow bring Intmluerd to all the ler log
ao cola In Ng , . tangland and hew Vora. hare o tab;
n , •gollry fur them Iv Pittsburgh. uol Writs, lief
•nd school nommittere to roll and ex•mlne theta
N° of blemisobecr, 82 a 8.: Inchca.
• do Path rn do do
3 do North America, x 61 •
70 82
• 4 do Utiital male,
TO a V.
Enrol, 70 79
0 do lout
du K. Amorith t Afries, TO iRI -
Price of the aeries. with key. Vol: or t o i , fifti 0 . 0 W. 3111
Phan , flap.,
' s " ro h l i rn i rinl i led scrovney,bsthntY trod the
no, atorthaotael to the wanta of the
and high schools f btu, United Sloths.
Yu gala without oddltloo of tnight
ebarrapt tho oof
FrOBACCO-49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by
4tIT I E 4 3MM , /11 ROIL
/1,1." .. " att ' 4 " a itvtirain)..f
RROW N FLANNELS, a Domesticc
Bhitr. RamlL Gm, sad Malatrine Rio, to
41:o A l
at o Lb.. ..11.n. of
1 RV HERRING-3W boxes (fresh) for
Jr mai:, WICK L MeCANDLF- , S.
13A L3I OIL-1000 lbs. in store, fur sale by
CLA RET WINE-14 hbds.Bordeaux;
nose, se!,
-15 1.11.. IlauL Eaton. Win 4
lb, L." in lame. for .ale by
NEIV BOOKS—Andror's Latin English
Leokon. By X. A. Andreas. L. L. D. Royal 8 Yu—
Tile Island World of the Nellie. By nor. Weary Clue
i i2 ',sTn 't
lte 1 e Iwl, Dy Gram AgaMY: 2 vol. /2 ina
m Walleelll,, a in,nconlan story.. By rho nutboi of Doi , .
The LK. id Rai. Jain. Quinn. By for Jain T.
Jon rt,eiyell and for male br R. HOPKINS,
trial 7B Aorotio Buildings MI eta
LINSEED OIL-5 bble just received, pare
country 011,and lirr oda by
felaS No 1:31, Liberty sticat.
450 bushel, Dried Peaches, for sale by
fsb2l J. S. DILWORTII L. CO.
LOTIIES' PINS-10 cases Eastern, for
xi sale by felaiNi J. D. WILLIAMS A CO.
11. 310LISSES-25 bbls, 13 half' do,
cy lLatt p, aound. landilammm.semlur
1_)1G ,LEAD-650 pigs eat Galena, for sale
1., f..W.0 WI EY. If ArrIPEWS a CO.
UNDRIES-700 lbs prime Feathers;
dos lua'd Gum Rroranx
WO hsa tout brand W. 41a"
bas brj Ilerrisur.
L. As. pnm. Saleratu,
9 V& Mum,. in gore and fur wale by
ATTING-19 bales No. 1;
15 Extra nadir, go
meet and fur rale hr ISAIAH DICKEY I 1.X.)..
fe14.3 Water and Front sta.
117111 TE COPAL VARNISH-25 gala for
We by (Yb2b . J. KID6O CO.
1 Gll SIIELLAC-2000 lbs for sale by
f./..,2 J. MDD CO.
PAPER CORKS-2 bales for sale by
frt,=`. .T. KIDD f. GO.
10LASSES-75-bble Icor Orleans;
ta do Sugar Mon.,-
do lioldrn Syrup. for ...Ile by
k 14L J. D. WILLIAM, .1 Cu.
S UGAR -1 .. 2
i !l b l i icis prime N. Orleane;
1U do Crushorl and Pulverinl. for de
earner of Wood am.l Falb sta.
EVOLVERS—Just received, an addition
., ..op r ly of ..DubeColn. liewolverr 0.0 Allen's
Inn. [obit NV. IV. 14.11.&,0N
INSEED ensks Linseed' Oil
me'd autt for stir by
wax t W. lIAR.D.ACI.:II.
LAIi.I3-20 bbla. No. I. Lard, reed and for
_ma by may I:: 0.0 W. llABlatlill.
DOLL BUTTER—IO bbls. fresh Roll Butter
n.c'd and far Pale tu
LINSEED OIL-10 bbls. for sale be
(r1•I1 N . a W. nakiLtuair.
HIED APPLES-60 sacks received and
JO I , r mar 11 t W. ItAKBAUOII.
lILIED BEEF-6 corks augur cured, fur
ll pale by fetal ILAUBACIIII.
1 1 ‘ 7 . A r S b :.; , 7-- 1 , 1 th , 111,a
sil6,a"l X k'g t: l l 'r
frt,l S;itAillZl
P LOVER SEED--. 55 ibis ' , rime Ohio, for
W. 51 60411 S a %V lIARRACOII.
ripAR.-50 hrls N. C. Tar for sale by
L ituttne.thox S vaarami
I,',;klifilI,V.ELVI•w:T,S a
bad i vt , ry en
;rllll74lV IiCRCIMIKLD4a
N. E. cur. rourth Markl;l.
Dun-hlteld bayou., baal ...ones.. of above good
ash, ...1.1u5t,tt10..1.., also, Wide Flaalsolo
I. Uorplu t Butclokl4 Isntow especial alleot.k% an 11,11.
.I..mrlincul of their bualueas. and Divlls penal.
an, Jaretsiaton to eve lb.. 11.11 brute
• JaIS -
V I.:11.3111'1PG F., Da. Me LAN extxxiaArso.
61•1,3%,•,, 4sr We by J. KluD J CO.
IL Ward et
It., 1 , 3 351,, J KIDD • 00
IA L CORKS-100 grog% rim solo by
1..1% J. KIDD • 00
la s 1 3 0 N(1L- _'2 east. tine, and 1 bale extra
Xy.oar.., ha 5,1•13 , b> .1•16 J. KIDD V . OO
PSO3I SA LTS-15.brula far rale by
11.4 J. KIDD
! ‘ l7/ N 1 ) 1 1 S—Filly harrela Family Flour;
_I• 11 Jllll3 IT A. t CO
he Old Printing &tablisluiient,
PATE Johnston and Stockton's, and Blank
I :` , "lltnVi.",,"4":it.' l " -- .,—,, .0. , 1,... c
...arm'. aal , ana meant =Jon lial, and Ikon.
0d.... nod hanih e'er) arucle In the Wank Bonk.
I . nper nenl Shannon, line. at the ahurtnat notire.• and on
the tonot rannanisMe term,
. .
I , lAnt Itektk gad Stailimery iTazeboase, =art of Mutat
Lad drum/ OnNu.
Pritalog Office .aul Wok Bindery. No. 60 Ttard st. 1.7
34 half/di , . °oral. Brandy... Pale and Auk."
IS ‘ 4 k. 4 ur. ma* du du . Pale." earlou. Tides
lu A.. do, sad mad orlebralrd. brands.
5 pip. Rolland 810..801d10s Anchor' . wad 'lrish.'
puneheoor irt.h and Semarh Mull I% hiakel.
lii do Jaanal..a Bur,
I,hl. 'd F.. do. do.
2.5 Nladetna Wine.
do D 4seet Bataan Wio.
' 2 . 7 o.' d
IU do S herry WI..
botra Bordeaux Claret.
In slam end for We GT JOHN PARK BR*.CO.
~al 331 Idbertr .peat.
ond Th
m ar
d. Drafts on tkut root Anil Wu; thar_ko, to,
CO. rvanble
attention of nierebanm and others to his larae and
uonrual rth-k of
I Mallory Wore, Under. Shirts. and
Graem. The &bye 'article. n nllk, I foal, Morin, and
Conan. of all gime and prim, constantly on hand and for
sale lon by V. 11. NATOY.
(MOLD PENS. We have now on hand a
tj large nook of the boat Gold Nam Unto the leading
nunufartories In Non York, and made expromly lo order.
Alan. elegant Guld P.n.] Ca., and Pen:Holder. Sliver
Cane. In every eanety. Porouldno Pon Ifoldnn, Pearl do.
All for .ale wlsolmale and retall at Non York prima
d 027 W. G ILHON.
I/Filelf.—N. !MIMES a SONS. ?la 67
5Z1..r.•,',1 6 7.:!:.teh;:dvit:',..irv;',...T.,..0i "
LNDIA ItEDBER PASTE. 4 groan of that
superb article for hoots and shoos, mndert l nlefn a tr .
arelcitint; Pr llnlr d n an: l n in eTlh ' : - .:pUr '''''' reynn/nntod. or
the money rofundod. For onto whole/nal,. and mtall, at 7
and 0 Wood atreet I elf .1 A I.llllL.Lll,t+.
IEA American
[OA Tr• t4tw Plated dt, Plated flukes, Candkstlelta,
suitors and Tray, 1.110.1 C 0... ant) Irst7
war. Ilatalla Ogle,. Sits , York , Frs.". stst Bat
ter Puth...l tirrinas Silver Fur. and Spa.,
Tab's Molt T.. Tray. of Os , Birtahtithats st•ssf•athlw.
hlahly °rums/sutra ; Plated Trays of b.aunfui
A vary superior Ptiwklar Fs. alrashia 4od•O•l
•arr. 11rdshe. for cleaulas. Clvsnols eki., /Testier
L us., lc.
Kirrou tiacusturs—Sntar'a celebraNat juerb. a
abuttl. the alga of a hat. which wilt gstice coffee, coOk
pack,, I, as, thiug else Is S faw
Far rale b) W. IV. WILTON,
t ot Car. Ilazkel a>rt Yowl), Ws
10 5 1 2 ,1, 1 ‘ ; I, B room, lo ;mina. 0rd...., on conolgrunank
bria Glcorr eed. Per,
2.5 hada hunt:
ZOO'llrla Bolan., prima cooperage;
Al Llnamtl
It tat Roll Batter;
luO bur Oaoc,
4,4) lola Timothy 5404; 011 hand and An cal. br,
rahl 144 Liberty Op*
h..dr , d enr Pro *go Azad 11.41 Illankabt
AN) palm Crib Mankato,. rouperka.
wo do Moro Dora manketo, ribbon bound.
Ilk) do Gray Coating Mankato, hoary.
100 do Drab do do do
It/ do Moe do do do
3tn.. Black Blankot Cloth, du
Ido hearer tiny lilted, do
do 41.14:2 1 Frened Broadcloth. ,1
3 do Jean; acrortatl ' oolorrt
2 do Caaaltoarea, black nod far, i•
I do Fla/Abell, black sod ere/ haa.d.
3 do White T.lllod naami. yard Old..
The 4do (..}oaa barred do du
abora damited gootla ara all on consbranrot Mon
Lhuhart and 'ma, and an tor tale oat
lams la lb. brads. at tosnutacturalre wino.
11. rote
bbl. receilin_g, for solve by
mako 401 1 / 1 1Ca. /=.114 CO.
"Then arc •
more thugs hi hem end .art;
'Theo are dreainpt of I. f.piltx , rll., •
THE VIRTUES of tlii+ , tnarkalde reme
dy. and the corona. • for it, to the proprit
rho, bee Induced him to have It put up to battik, with I.
tole Mal directions. fur th. booed of the public.
The PETROLEUM k t.roeured frt. e eel] to this own
to. as • depth of four hundkni L et. tea pure. unadedters.
Md article, without an etemuul but dust as It
Bows from Nedwrees timmt Labrstaira , That It motel=
plug.ertke reaching • notch, of dheak.s.
matter of uneertaititr. There are mai, thin. in the at.
neon unturr. If known. trauht [4. of tart urefa.
in alleul•ting sht , ilott. m-britut the bloom of
health sod rigur to many • sufferer. lour bet n the pro.
hr ,m r thought of putting it up In br.thew. it bad • '<put•
too fur r ube
of diecaet. knotera sal daft{ LUeMs•
sing ralle for it. and never - al remarkable CUMI It bee per
formed. Is a sure Inglicatuan of it, future p.m.., . 4
wide &optic... in the cure of hu as,
We a.. out wkh to make • butte penal/. of menie..
•re eutuulosk that the oudinto. uar. soon 11/IPTU
Into the favor of those hot o od. r. and •kh be
Whilst ae do not clam tor`t a univerkd atPlicithott e
ert rilsume. we utihr-imatik that m a -number
Chrome Pharisees it is utak - aie Among three m. 1. -
nm:oersted—Ali dkeekk of th.. mon.. tosumh such .
i iT
M•gt.,) ASTlial A. .tot
oil dkesee. att.. atr_paniamah
PR OuNIPLAINT. Pi SEEPSIA. thart..... Lt..... o f th.
Bladder mei Ku:lmq, rah, iu th• Pack or Side. Narrate,
Down,. Neuralgia. Polo, Elkumette Paine, Mout. &vire
Tetter. him:worm, Iturne. mahls. lirises. old XV.,
AC. tr. In meek of reeulutua (rumexpoente, or
long rotract...l case s of dialler, this medicine will
bwht3 p
It wlii act Its • .moral 1.(t. • •Mi ALTER
AT, E In such eases, Imptrtiug t .pten gnu tO the
whole frame, mmovlng obstruct... 0p... the slumrtah
NOCUOII, w hich CaUffie diekuk mail a broken funstitUtswa
giving. Increased end renewed ene,r to all the
of life: The proprietor Lop., ufuieeoral curse 4 , f P/U4
that resisted other Uaattrieut. get well under the
of the PhTIXOLECM foe a short tune. The proof imo
Off 11 14 Ulf prroon who It
Dane genuloo without tlir simaature of the proprletto,-.
&LI by the p pnroetur,
S. M. If Thrit, tamed Bash:, near i , venth street.
A 1,.. by U. E. bi Wood sta r
corner street end ‘l, oh. Mel
novlhdly his regularly appratiterl !cant.
KNow all men who are Kirk and afflicted
with dbraxe of the Bladder and Nklneya with rim,-
miLtle ',Jana in bark or limbs, silt! . pun, aid .nrer.rantdag
ukera, te n that they eitn la. cured I.y taklna the I'ETR.
LE1:11. lon tuay talk about its baler a oratrunt.tuttanch
as you plc.,. tut Oa, Jou lint make it se.,
In the fare of an hown—t enonnualty, that tt has virtun
which are not o,naturd t 0 any other retnisty.• Th e SIM
a rb o r a e.,l with lain. and suffetina from disease'
Prr rent., get relief frym any of the Ills ea
• •
Reader! it 004-4 eery little to mate Wel. This Penn
leum is no mixture—no compound. rut up for the pommy
of inmumns on the entornonitr, but It Is a renandrelabora.
tett 11 the loader hand of uaturr, and bubbles upfront tlie
bcworn of our mother earth, In lie original Purite, and of.
STS to 'offering humanity. ready moody, x certain and
cheap cue.
It Lind Piles. after other medic:lnes hare failiql tv
render earmlief. It has cured Itheinuatima. of lona
Landing. and of the Worst and Moot painful character. ft,
Ems cuird Cholera Murbus. by ono or two doom. It haa'
cured bid es...e. of titanium to ler, other .einedy
has or no avail. A. u heal r.medy In hums and
amble, M brtter than any medical oninpoo ads we ointment
that we know of.. IL will rum ehillilouns and frttoted hhte
td n few applicationm unduuldol tenlmony man be furnish
ed of the troth contained 111 the nbn,. ....Mt. by bign-
In tiANCF:L 1 ;. K1.F.11, Canal Llasin.&renth street or
K eitKe eyser A ) .t gßoell, corner of Wood street and
oiler: It. I.:. &diem, a Wmal street; O. A. !OHM. and D.IL
Curry, Alletthenr atty. are the eselte.
Mu attend.] the um of .11:TIHER'S ItHEVILVT•
L/kit:ND AND BLOOD RIFIER, In etrectoally
cluing the ....venial and meat inveterate raves of LYR.A.II
- AND CHRONIC IiIIEIIMATIS3I, is • sufficient
guarantee and recommendathea toindtme all whoa,. elite
tad with HMI dreadful Su rer to try its virtue,
Hundreds of mow, many of Owlet dB.. of Bt.
and others from abroad. hare tern cored within the last
few months in the city of Lents alone. while letterafroni
.yenta abroad show that It It preforming the mama
wherever tried. .11any of these were chronic cares of long
standing. and all Lope of recovery Iliad been given
Mille others 0. re of room weent,dat, of the acute inßare
snatory Mem, rem. elven . Imereee. yield to the 1.111!”
derfUi virtues of lob • noel thouvanda who Lave
realised Its benefit, and an: now 10 . th. en,oparnt of health
cm but ceter
amthey.. m o. lriginal discoverer and ProTrietor, a
benefactor of
It is well known from the exTerienee of the past. that nO
outward application ea oporaitny effect o twrmanent care
of this detains' disease. lir the apnlieation inlmulating
i.artial re lief. in co.: 1.11. r., may hr btaired
ha • short tune- hut ail the while Ma disease is fixing Ha
gra, more permanent!, In th e and sooner or later
wlll aindh devehdc it...4f in a amends...mind (Demand alter
a foe melodies.' returns. it wales intwchronic form
which. if not soon mervted. ruin. the mdlv a
klual tar life.—:
This be verified by the hivmey of the past In all countrial
ld mo te four d=w ,,, ww. ,, t by the history funalshol
eto the proprietor of ad. compound. vs given by tencya
hundreds of there ertmbeer on d, c . fro.
male* and treatment durum the hut few month,
• - • -
• •
11011T131ElLS RI lEL - 51AT1(... Ii , )IPOCNI, and BUM
PURIFIER la an Internal retcolj--,mm-nces Im opera.'
Pone .hen the diee.aae Ur. orimnatta and ln notifying .
the blast passes thmegh the whole r. ,, te.m. neutral.. .the er caustic ardtment. which Pas with.. upon f r om membranes. cowries and t. ,, mint...—reroneva It entirely from
the system. and restores the todrsldned to perfect heath.
P.O the. .ho are a.M.leted not deceive themeelves, mad
put o the cm of this teed:eine to long. or until the:
Ilet/are dislorat•-I , ,,ntearted te such • deeffee that 7
they are cri poi,. for life experk-nee of hundred. of
thousand. duriag the pa... well as a multitude at the
present day, J-.monstrates the cf expectint Mcrae
sn-nt relief f iefs et,nal at - Tim-A.l4one
The msTrietnr , , x f thi. hum., from Q.
terteme. n. onteard appLea n poesthly .1.3 •
permanent , or.. th:s Is Mandy Ezell ha the
.I lanA
• on to
trueLut Mt. will not effeet ptrnmnent cure. The ma•
of this d 1...,. 41,13 that illreetutrn lonffer titne.ard
Da internal n..toode, to perdue« Lx desu,l effect arat Yore
ti=rre . • Rhertmati < rcznpound awl Purlffer Ls the
tmle remedy thi. has tTPI ds.enerred. clam' ta
Anieries or any other entantry. that effectually emna
this &am,.
ml. medLesse tan be heti. wh04....e0e or retail, at cu TS
Third erre, next to th. littstmre,
Also fur sal. iu Psttsber:h. by 1. t-tti-ser, Thorn.
J D..Morfan. P. N. Wkkerriasa. and Imes
Pram 1.4 per to n ic, ea bottles ffr ur SO pm dorm
Pamphlets can be hadgratis of the ',rut
txtekd . Lt. 4. K1.t.11A82. Ahem,
manur. HOPS. the a/mere.. and eole gmmrirtur
Phove l,orular and bencOcial tn,dimnee, and aim
the Inventor of the c.clehranni imtmment for lodizing the
Lungs. to .effecting • cure of Chromit thecae,. was • au,
dent of that emtneut nlayedeasn. Neon. Physic and is •
graduate of l che tot
of eroty of Perna.ylearha-and for thioty
et , l the •ntlratb tL er
Jeer. am, mo teen • nuac In the laree.trstio= of di,
case. eto.
Tbreu,l, the n‘e cf tie insatinu tube in /al:mortice vita(
hi. l'n.phylectu. :iron, and other of Lie ',land.; he hs•
gainrel en unyareJlelizi eminence In curing the dreadful
end fatal eladies, TuNerenler ClO4 CaIiNTS.
Smofula. kheumatlon. Annum. Freer and Sone, Veearan
all kind, Chronle kryelfela, end all thfcc astir.o di ,
ram,. put:lliar to female,. imbed. every Vann of dimes*
'ankh,. under the toe of id, r,oidlee. to wid•ril hetutani.
ty le hen—not hr the nee of one ernapound only, for that
Incemrsuble snit Illy rinks:x.l Leo. but by the nee of
hie remedice, edeftcd bn. end prewribrd for. each peculiar,
form - of disen.e.
lti.etra Took Alt... Lee rill, when used. un
Mi arknrotledFed to be tol.prlnr to all other, u a pato..
titre or liver pill. loam:ouch to they leave the bowel. per.
lectly to.. from ate alt., hie tioklen Ma are ad
mitted, h, the faculty, to poorest, pettuflar rropertlre, &date
ted to Orbital. til•eattetr. but !wing .anted that a tare trial
Is andletent to enablb , h wbat ban bra to the atinal•of
lbw mod
. .
alllteirti;teltelt,l to tall ut.n the a r ,^yrit. sad
ad no-
Cate (Cntts) otie of the bootee, rumyhlete, • tag ade 7
at amount of each mat applieattott. .
For gale by thr fnllow menu. as well as by most ante.
thrvughoul the eutthlr,:
J. erhommaier'* 24 Wood et. Pittaborgh.
.1. M. Tmetvaltal.l/rugglot,, At Market at,
Les A. Bedlam, bracstet, unr the Port Ofire,Alieghle•
aICU7 ) : h
i tt ). = l9 Tr: r" : "' T ar. Pa. ir Elliott s;
S. Adam.. 11... aver.
VORTHE AFFLICTED will 'bo found in
D..vritt K , •llinger's IN VALL.IBLE LINI3IENT.
Vein Vit.!. which ham stind the het at thirty ,eararz
perienre, and has. heyood • 4ouht, Ewen the mean. of saw.
fog the Iltes of thnoutoda of tudavtdual, to almost .I . IMITf
character of d 1..... We feel that we haunt no
thing In ntttv. that MIA I% the only median.. that has been
stir te.l to lbe altheted. Outdoes. In every tome of the woe.
what It le nal
. .
It buruml. and lo eatable of canoe mon. AL %hall
y other naraltrlnnnth.r...l fur rate. ve cart vol by vebtea
~ . denr 0n14.... by ik hat paton
. . .
AP mail,. awl eotiviveiO; proof of thn Own., lea my
that It Is the Lil/1Y article that but allaared Iv th e Sam of
: , 171 ' ; ' 1= 1 .1V b el:b ' T177;n1 ' 17.. " arT .'" '''
' l7;
Family Slollane ewer Miami tor ta e, or wed ' by any of
them. II.:
The lion. 34.. IL Orloorll NIA L.P. Thor llon..ltobt
Nal4 llorN~ lab
~ or. Jan A. Ufa. law .
U. aeon..
II Porto, Esq., E.lllur a the spLitof the
Tlmeg end. bat of abcr diftlogniaol Nil.. of N.
York, Ira .l
ha., fully tr...ib, tariff s haev prrattof th:
model.* t rotor a.m.
It is well known that Patent Medicines are not mvv r
ally patrou . tri , d , by the lestruer(L wealthy and polite circles.
tVo " nTr ' er ' 4ll i ng 'n f'! ". .ij l = l l7ste rh is_ ne ly
seven years erfure the puulle unrt friends are DOW 1I.•
grommet and Leah vet. must undoubtedly I. stns., al3ll
covlnrina moor of Its several usefully.. and mutts*
Qua n lities. It ts soverelsru remedy tor ell oemotta dlerun
rheumatic ykain, 4uhm. ewell(nisa sprains. bruise.. .old
sures,aud asl twins and ache. that dash la heir to. -
Over I,OOU.OUU baths have lawn sold without mannialnts'
and have perfected such asnadelunn cures. after all other
remedies have Whet as would gamier belief. had we sot'
named, nod iu our nnoessnu, the strange. tssnible
This medicine, er nature's remedy, la prerand from veg:r
etables, fur internal we well as esternel me. It at'M diteet;
I y the diretued_part--stivles It luwlth and evength.—A .
It la • sure mare Dlarrlirs. Cramps, Itlliou. Chalk. and;
all epumalio affeetlouv, diee....s of the Manes.; and -
Weeks.. In male or kraal, (rum whatever name it ma) ,
h7'c'raf"s dial.
teburah, by K. K. Seller, Messrs. Kidd it
0,1. a rinownem and by Use ' , mil Druata
enuerally. It Ls put .710 I.or. .0. and one shilling but
t]. tantelnn
To the Readers of the Pittsborgh 'Gazette.
PI3IILIC ATTENTION is respectfully in.
It..' Is the following Irutlu, wt fart min mint n Ito
' 14.1 t e0 . 1.2 . . 15 tr)1 ri ns tarsi rcmedxr
. t r s n o t es
mom tilt one
p role
great row d y
TR..= . 111
beLwe We
he., Lave. elver then. levome fall. aptirt,ab,,A t h.
commu.grmd era
lty, and we allege that the longer it is tri the
more certain will Rs great rune nomad. It le not the rem.
edy of a day, got op for the ourpole of making moneal
but. en, which we ootweive, will condo. to le used .hen
all other melte. aa hare been lueurtten. Ihe Petrel.= le
raw g.nedy. elaborated in the depths of the earth b s peeve awl agency died laughs to mom,all human
...Whin. It la our Jut,. when we write about • malt.
any that we v.v. the truth—that ea 'Si' nothing u dto deceive those who by
trust our word OT put eon&
d y
Wino enee. In or statements. lbe erek.,:re ..
very not to rat
A tX..leof of rap
inE or liumbugatug Nome et them. Nowt, are do 1,1 Link"
t o de thig we an SilalOna only that the truth In relation
.“.,r e rnedy should be told, in onlcr aiwore for it • rope.
taboo ntreanvKliuK ant tingle anlele In the tosterla tried ,
los Plain unearn.hloel facts—facta that May tw..eertalead
In oar my and nelablenhood. lour ample I...normy In lltit
ear of the PetrOltum. •
Within the twat two trims.. two of our own ettlferl4
eel% were totalli blind , have been retur,ll to light Seer
end ca.. of I , llndoe, In the Etat. 11,1, here leen
cared. And. also, the .14. of • innate.. in tle rrrr countyi
There are alien, but these aro rase, to.. hem, era may
be marred to by any pert.. who hate dealer ern the anb.
)act. Thee* nal% were cured after they had teen abanden.
al by physician. as h0ve1.... The l'etmleom ill curt,
when eedrdten direetiotie—lnerrlor.
Pilm, Rheum atism, bout, ,,
~,. rah:M. Erupt...mon Um aid.'
Iltriple. On thin hut, Chron Sore ( join In Tatter.
Pcald Heed. hal. In the hones and Joint , '+ ,l " n et?,
Wens, Ague, Chrome Conklin. /outline. aral .
Pulmonary election. of • clirmir nature, treating to pen
dace ConautniAlon.
/Inns rind torids, diseases of the Bladder and Kidney..
Ra l Lpod u l i t.ds, I:x7r - ham! CorT „ szldett o rtrz i
Mortol :1: with
Moat perfect snores.. Canine... that will a•toribiti ere lu,
the hatuleof the prvenetnr, who will lets p!, enure In elsow.l
Ins them to the corded or the* friends
Mi%hate..r nth., may n i t . Y . :!ion o t , ttrir ., rittnr=
ni= rnfttV: . .:mfesolmf are, to welt
In their pran, Ti n++ who at drt loaked ou with dotibt
aral Uncertainty, are willing to award It Jaw praline .d
ertnalderation. Before another year rolls rond, .1 will Le
entapalled acknoeledge that the Petrawitin thegreet.
est medicine ever lit-Cored. For wale. wholesale and re.
tall. by K EVSKIL WWI, ELL. 110 Mood .1.
Yellers LI Wood ittreV3 EtyrY, D. A.
Itlrq. " ta A n l a fr l ‘ ltfe ' n. C %•en A tlnt ' t • jet. '" PßlT.: .
A ieontwtock A Co Wool and Front ata
-I, to ellemasty to talc. and Glohly efficacious
AMMIMM a:rrr. March S. 1147.
Mr. IL E. trellers—My duldren, lite others, hap. West,
rothJa. tre , uhicanto. rough,,
and having used different
remedina to very halo purpome. an 'reload by advt..
flatulent) , shout your ('wch S.)M* Ki‘c It • alai. I ,
faVe It to tau m y toy, and slim LO daughlarmmml:
different doles. and It Aar never Gilled to tun, three. I
I hal. raummended it to toy neightors and do mart ,
hence.. that It Ls the bast cough amedldne
that hs. ever bnm GYlrrml to the public.
I . %ter. About., not ,rtoll Omit. children to ruff. Man,
cough, when' the, tun, ruml by •VS rt bottle a this"get,l and xold BELLEFIS.
ht p; Wood et , . ml Drnitnlet geber!lit_
BILE.INtaI UN prepare
a. to furnish nod
l errct rnyanan• for hanbnd Ml*
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