-ROME MATTERS A Witar Horst vonVtcats.rrs.—We have re peatedly called the attention of one readers to the necessity Of establishing a work house. for tht the reception of mgrants, whose support is now b....1' Ouch burden:upon-the tax-payers of Allegheny "" cc County. As . figures are more convincing than arguments, we will give the number of vagrants wl who oive been committed during the present J oe year, copied from the jailors docket: wit Vagrants.commitied during January, 175 Sal •' February, 173 ear • first 15 days March, 110 i yot 408 alr Thus co appears that no less than four hut- by Bred andilfty eight vagrants hate been commit- ins bed to prison during, the two months and a half Gm of I BSI, which have already expired. When the cost Of their maintenance, fees to officers, mug 'straws, Se., Ore reckoned, it will be found that they &institute a very important part of the pub lic expenditure. If we had a work house, these worthless vagrautv would be compelled to bor tt for their own support, and would be more u tioux in approaching the prison where theirs e ness.alone lords therm APPOlsrliEst or run Gorehnott.—We learn tp s telegraphic despatch, that William Boggs th of Lower St. Clair township, has been appointed Pu Amodato Judge, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the expiration of Judge Kerr's term of of- m. flee. • Srarso BUSINESS.—The spring business has now fairly"begnn. Wood street was literal') blocked up on Saturday, by continuous lines of drays, whirls were passing ascl re-passing nll l day. FIRST PROSECI7TIOS CODER TUE SRALL NOTli Acr.—A man named Dewey entered a suit, on Saturday, before Alderman Wiggins, against Mr. Robert Donovan, stove maker, wbom lie ac cused of passing a one dollar note upon him, contrary ts the net in such cases made and pro vided. " 2 C. B. 31. Smith, Esq., appeared for the plain ai tiff, and Jasper E. Brady, Eeq., for the defend. ant, Dewey was sworn, and was about to give hii , evidence, when he was objeated to by Mr. Brady, as an incompeteabwitness, since be was a part On record—liable 'to costs—and entitled to on. half the Site of twenty-five dollars, in ease o recovery. • •Mr. Smith Maintained that it was a qui to • action, and that the witness had a righd to giv his evidence, but the Alderman sustained Mr. Brady's objection. No other witness appearing : the suit was ins roia' sed at the cost of the plaintiff. Inceantitmssi.—The engine house of the Ea gle Fire Company was fire on Saturday night by some rile incendiary, and although the en gines were promptly on the ground, the whole interior of the building was consumed. Fortu nately the night was. a wet one, and the flames were presented from sprending beyond the house in which they originated. The foie engine of this excellent Company was sa s sed uninjured, as was the reel, though the hit— ter was a little scorched. About fire hundred feet of hose were consumed, together with a number of firemen's dresses. The .furniture of the Company's rooms in the second story, was also destroyed. • DISTRICT COITRT. Before the Bon. Hopewell ReplArn, President E i. Judge. In the trial of the case of M. Wilkinson, for use of James Wilkinson, vs.. the President and Directors of the Insurance Company of N. Amer lea No 163—List 176—the jury returned a Ter ffict for the plaintiff of $lO. Von Bonhorst, vs Speer—Vend Exponas, No. c 88 Jan. 1851. On motion of T. Mellon, Esq., one c of thedlendants lien creditors,artdan Attorueyfor / Benjamin Patterson, the owner of the lot sold— 0 rule none pro tone, on affidavit filed on plaintiff, to show cause whythe Sheriff's sale Should not be set aside, and in the - meantime, the Sheriff was directed not to deliver the deed. King et user vs Bailey's executors. Exec.. tion 176, April 1851. On motion of 11. S. Ma- grow, this execution was set aside at plaintiff's '' cost- • _ _ . Bowman vs Craig. No. 3, April 47. On mo tion of .1. S. Craft, Rule on parties in this case to pay therespective amounts decreed against them by the Court, on or before the 24th inst., or in default thereof that an attachment. issue against them to compel the payment thereof. Jacob• Weaver vs. Benjamin F. Weaver, No. 107-April, '5l. Affidavit of defence filed, on motion of If. S. 31agraw. Judgement set aside. Charles Goehring so. Romburg & Reynolds.— Ex. 163, April, '5l. On motion of John Mellon,. Attorney for defendants; role to Show cause why the execution should be set aside at plain tiff's costs, and proceedings in the meantime stayed. Reasons filed. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Barlett, deceased. Partition. Bole on the heirs, &c., to come Into Court, and accept or refuse at the`Val natian—returnable on Saturday, the 15th' of March, inst. And now, March 15th, 185 L Rule to appear and accept, or refuse, enlarged, and the matter continued until Saturday, the 22d inst., at 10 A. M. Pratt et. uz,,vs. Taylor, No. 305—April, '5l. On motion of W. W. Irwin, bail reduced to $lOO. 4 Same pia's. vs. Taylor et. us?' No. 306—'51. On motion of W. W. Irwin, defendant, Story Tay-. lar, diachaiged on common bail, and defendant George Taylor's bail reduced to $lOO. Isett B Chadwick vs. Cyrus Black. No. 90. November '4O, and 14—April, '46. On motion of George S. Seldeo, havilig first filed the receipt of Daniel Deal, dated October 24th, '4B, in No. 14, April, '46, in full for debt, interest and costs, and it appearing to the Couit that the two judg meats ore for the same cause of action, and that the No. and Term in the receipt should have been as above, the Prothonotary was directed to enter satisfaction on both the above judgments. CHARGE or BCROLAUT.—A young man named Thomas Whittaker was arrested, on Saturday morning, by police officer Reed, charged with - burglary, alleged to have been committed in breaking into the store of McCommors & Stevens, on Market street, and stealing therefruma valua ble gold watch, and a number of - other articles. He was wearing a pair of boots, which had been taken from the store, at the time , of the arrest. The greater portion of the stolen property has been recovered, including the watch, which is Worth' one hundred and fifty dollars, and hadbeen sold for twenty-five- sifter an examination before his honor, the Mayor, be was fully committed for trial. Carr. Ora. T. CohmraN.—This popular lectu rer will deliver another of his very interesting addresses on the subject of temperance this evening, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, in Bayard:down. Let there be a full attendance. DISCIIARGED.-Mr. Edward Loder, who was arrested a few days ago, on suspicion of being concerned in counterfeiting, was honorably dis charged on Saturday, by Alderman . :Major, no evidence appearing against him. • ~. • CHATtOE OF YASSINU COUNTEATTIT MONT.T.—A respectable looking man wll3 arrested on_Satur day, and taken before the hlayor, charged, on oath of Sergeant Wallace, of Fifth ettee,t, 1 7 . ith pass c isi ou g nwrt acozn t t m er a f n e counterfeit threewo found dQll In°t°hi"s. F PPolss'esm: No Mon, and be refused to redemi the note,( alleging that he had not passed it. Wo . do. not give • his lame, since we do not believe that he is guilty. • Hit' was committed to prison to answer the charge, ' • „. &TOLLS PTLOPERTY ULCOVCRED.—PoIick officer Hagueyesteiday recovered a valuable gold Watch, which was stolen from Mr. Henry IHeber, some months ago, when he was stopped by highway rob bers, in Bsynnlstown. _ Power. OrTlr EY. Ass kl:trr.D.—Mr. John Moran, a member of the nicht police, was reryl sererely beaten yesterday by home rowdies, while:ntiempt itaxtis arrest one 'of their companions, ittlhis Sixth Ward, who was behaving in ,a eery ricAnus and disorderly manner. Lssourrc HALL—Wyman, the tubatirable Magician and Ventriloquist, will give abashes' exhibition of his unrivallettfeatn, at Lafayette Hall, this evening. _ • WOODSON, THE FUGITIVE SLSTE.—WO undersl stand that (len Hundred and fifty dollars have beeneollected in Beaver for'the purchase Of Wood son. = The gcnticinen who arc interesting them selves in the matter, intend, we learn, t o ra j, •theenm of six hundrall dollars, which is the fai Talus of the slave, and if that is nut accepted his mistress, will not give themselves any furthe trouble. Coassrati.'s Pasonnii.t.—This fine panes= will remain on exhibition, at the Atlie.axu. buildings, sometime longer. It still continue to attract crowded audiences. • NOVEL-4E Will be observed by an advertise, meet in another column that the members of th Eagle rum Company ore requested to attend tmecial meeting, in the flail of the Vigilant, half-pantseven o'clock. Finer AltetlVAl, FROM 11sLrtmonz.—.k can • boat,.belonging to Kier's Line, arrived in l'itL burgh on Friday front Baltiniorii, with a fu .• corgo..• 'llia is thir. first arrival: by canal ••• PSEUD.: gg. CID Dows.—Mr. J. P. Schmertz, an in hi • . t of Lawrenceville, was knocked down .1.1 se erely beaten by a gang of rowdies, at the o •lo run, on Friday night. Two persons ere . toted on suspicion of being concerned in s b ru tal attack. and were committed to prison the Mayor. The evidence, however, is very :one wive. AD man TO BAIL -Mr. Gardner, a woman •o Is committed to prison by Alderman Mat eo e time ago, on a charge of being cormected lb gang of counterfeiters, woe released on ay, she having procured the requisite ai e for her appearance. Fn L ACCIDENT. —We regret td learn that a ta l un lady, sixteen years of age, daughter of r. avid Clark. late of this city, was run over • a tage, near Uniontown, Pa., last week, end 1 tly killed. . . BY TELEGRAPH ALLOTTING FOR U. S. SENATOR. Com.sirs, March 14, P. M. SeTen ballots were had in Convention, this of moon for U. S. Senator. On the first hallot Corwin received 39; Payne 1; Sutliff 9: Scattering 0. The Whigs then nominated 13:T. Wade, and, on the fifth, Wade received 30 votes; Payne 34: atliT 7: Scattering 12. The Whigs then nominated S. J. Andrews. On to arrenth ballot Andres. receive! 32 votes: ayrse 33; Sntliff 7: scattering 10. Tl3,e Convention then took a recevs, until to ere is no union between either of tin three s, and but little prospect of au election AMBOAT ACCIDENT—LOSS OF LIFE. CISCINN w. March, 14. 1 . Ote l amer Geo. W. Kendall. this afternoon. Brandenburg, Ky., while under full head in the middle of the•river. buret the cylin .ead of the larboard engine, the mud valve, .0 stand pipe e carpenter woo instantly killed, and a deck . , dangerously scalded. Seven horses were . • , and a number: being scalded. jumped .ov- T.e boat was completely enveloped in steam, od wo men on shore state that they counted 11 . -rmono in the river at one time, not one of who.. were saved. Among them were two wo• me. The officers of the boat, however, think tha the persons on shore mistook some of the hos s for men. Two women ore missing. T e scene in the cabin surpasses description.. T e boat sustaineirno other damage, than the inj to her engines. AILING OF THE CITY OF GI i ASGOIT Pandaortritit, March 15 i • I. e steamship "City of Glasgow, — Capt. Mat s, sailed at n little after noon to day, on her •nd voyage frm Philadelphia to Liverpool. i takes out 33 passengers, and a large and :ble cargo. Among her passenger+ is Thom : end, of Huntingdon, Commissioner to the ld's Fair, train Penn.sylrania. BALTIMARE', March 15. The bark Inca arrived Item tbii. morning from id, with 5000 bags of Coffee. NEW YORK, March 15. t Utica, yesterday, 4 , 20.000 were sent by the -x.ress train to Albany, to redeem the bills of h Ittarik of Utica. The bills, as fast as redeem. •d, are sent to the Comptroller, ns the Bank has • w set of plates ready for issuing. he Providence, (Rhode Island.) Journal, pub is. es a letter from General James, U. S Senator. n 'hich he avows daim,elf in favor of the lend , Whig measures. WASIUNGTON, 'larch 15. dward Stiff, formerly editor of the Cherokee tine', who killed Wm. Gilbert, in De Kalb Alabama, in May, 1847, and who was .et on bail, was arrested here this morning, by b neser Pitts, ono of his bail, who followed him o t's city. Now YORE, March 15, 1651. report has been received by the Asia, that rPhbishop Hughes has been made a Cardinal. e foreign papers do not mention the fact, but 't a probably true. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Putt...ELmu.s, March 35 lietton—llolders have put up prices, in conse once of the favorable tenor of the Asia's ad 2es, but sales are limited. oar—The market has undergone no change. S. es of A few hundred blids standard and. good b • . ds at $4 44 ? bbl, and of common and ex for city use, at $4 50655 ? bhl. Sales of R • e Flour at $3 37 ? bbl, rain—The demand for Wheat continues limi ted, and several cargoes'are going into store. BEN es 3000 bus prime Penn. at 97 for red, and 10pc for white. Rye L. worth 65@f Ac ? hu. Cdrn is in good demand for shipment, with sales o yellow at 60e ?bu atioat. A lot of prime P nun- Oats cold at 43c r.) ho. . . Groceries—There is more doing in groceries, wtL sales of N. Orleans suer at 536i,5ic on tioe. Sales Orleans Molasses at tic four oaths. Whiskey—Continues in limited demand, with s les in bbls at 2:lc, and in blots at ^_l is "t.l gal- NEW YORK MARKET. New Vona, March 15. Flour—The market iv without change,but pri - favor buyers. Grain—Corn is held above the views of buy rs; 67c is offered for round and Vint yellow to !rrive. lllemp--The market is firm, with nn advance t tendency. Sales of American dew rotted at 125 with a good enquiry. • Coffee—Prices are less firm. Rio is quoted at 036:11c per lb. linseed Oil—ls firm, nt SOc V gal. Iron—Small sales of Scotch pig at $2O 30 from .hip. Tobacco--Sales of Virginia at 1 1 W , ,12c, nod cry firm. BALTIMORE MARKET. BALI - INOUE, March 15. • Flour—The market is doll, with small sales of . S. brands at $4.37 1:? Grain—The market is without change. Provisions are firm an fiat quoted. Coffee--Sales of Rio atilic 14 lb. Whiskey—The market is dal at •23(k,2* in bls. No change in other articles usually quoted. ADDITIONAL SALE Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. HE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in thestove thriving Town having nearly erhatult' , l t to overlong!, laid out. and the demand still continuing, the undereigned ha. beep Induced to tar out a portion of hie promrty to town lota as above. and oflera them for sale ot priced and Lerma that cannot fail to meet the views of those telahing to purchae, It ie tmedites Lt say anything of the location of the Town and proopette (It luring born fficiently deacrlbed tent odvertieetnenlot other than that over one hundred loda have reeently Thought' hand, and been pureloned by th'eo. .toluei to procure a deeirs ble hcroate. The store lots arearnong the wont eligible and clevirable thohe place. and principally heated in the centre of se recently . eold. are For Information opply to the proprietor In !Llvertax , 3, or to James Blakely, Eau., Fb urlh - ete,ialNvrllLT, Ewa Liverpool. P.O. 2d. labadavrtlP . L OIL-- 4 itrainc 4 on reed and for rob by &WO BABY. MATTIIENr,Aa CA. GOLDEN SYRUP 2 —In idm. and H. Idols., for rale by HUEY, MATTHEWS k CO. febV; - 13.A.RRY, HUGHES & CO. are prepared to do all kind. of SLATE ROOFING. ALEX. LAUGHLIN, AO- rar_'Elon IL k Canal. At Water Work.. FlOrborf 4rd - flak Roof. promptly rnairod, l feIYZ. GOLDEN SYRUP -5 hf. tds. just reed and for oar by RCIIIIRIDGE feb2.s • N.o lit er r Watt. FLOUR --`IS bids extra Family Flour. fo r yyle by 1'425 S. F. VON . BONMIORST a CO. BROOMS -450 dozen for mile by feb2s S. Y. VON lIONNOORST L CO. 4ESI-14)11 boxe, in _, fate by a..IIEIN ETT, 1 0,19 End IM Y1r.1.. WINDOW GLASS-1000 Las. ns + d sizes. fcb2s Y. VON DONN t CO. ‘l,------TARCII-100 boxes, best brunt b in store and for rale LT Ai 31. Dati, & CO, febtlf Noe. IS and :NJ Woad et. LEMONS -'40 , ii.r su.. if , hibl9 F:Nt..tirt BENNETT. RIANO AEI ' ) TABLE COVEIL-W. Mc. Clinteek Write,. the attention of there wishing to fur. . le his extensive arrorttoent ol Table anti Piano C, err, at No. aft Fourth street. 's febt QOOOTRINE ALOES-75 lbs . , pure article, 13 for rale by feb.s . t• . FELLlihr_ 1,1 xcIiANGE BANE . STOCK—A ftw shamera for h, Apply to LIAJRD k IRVIN, . fe1.13 111 hemndrt._ ROLL BUT'L'ER-1 bb froth, for alt 3 by Noble. ItllF.Y..m.trritms .i-cx).. - - • . S UNDRIES— prim , i(h, drum.. 0.111,b, 1.t.• Irry I.,YA) 0,111111011 CLokr, SAI 16. 1 , 4141.-J u; lb, , u,rit,r rrm , AV rupplyna Ls, .up.r. I lb Ikn' , Mb.M ., I ray, 1,11 Ifyllu I 1t..1 1.19 IL, 1. , Wahl .1, in .I.lr, tivtl rt by ..brlIS Arr.! 0,1 _ • - LSk:Ell OIL—Ill la)k for t,b2, LITTIx. A CO. ALA. RoLL BUTTER--:!1 , 1 , 1s ',Lily by (Lb= 1:0111:4,N. LITT'S it C,: ITD bun fur 1 LOVERSY --, , by I 1,..1 1101316QN, LITiLE CO. LIST OF LETTINAS REMAINING in the Pittsburgh Post Office, from the :14 of March, to the IStki of Mani. Prrimn% IIWY M letter", will Orme my Miry em Ladies List Anderson Mari' E Allen Mrs. A. Adams A. M Armstro. MrsMßAllen Louisa Adams Mary Maltll.oo Mrs Jd AM. Jenny Mason .A. Atkinson Sal. Allen Asr. Fawn Mary Blrmham Ann Ball Lary A • Ernan Mary B Brooks .11alnada ° llama Mrs Chas Margth 7 ErYnr 8 8 M. Bea/ EMMI Burma* Mra M Brono Ellaa E .Heil Hannah Byrne Ilridgett Bailey Nancy B Dell Alargth Burro Mmiena Boa& Emma C Caldwell Margtb Clark Nary A Cooper Iberyrtit Campbell A Nancy Clinton Letitia Cook Mary L Oman Carl. • Clougbeary BridzetCox Mrs Sbelbey Carlble Sarah Clyne Ilargat Cnniln Nary Cambell leaLella Clntwarty Crorte ALI Cbaelten Marla o:4lll3llDebarah Curter Catbn Clilinn Mary Ann Colbert Mary tkaw/brd klatk Clark Y.llenor Corer Mary F. Crouse ]one Cummins leabella Conrad Marnth Cummins Nancy D Dalerll Mira Dentilmm Altair& Dow.awt. Ellen C Antis WW ,, Waking Slsr, Devrlio )Inry E Dunning Elie. Davidson Nra E Dirkoon M.. 4h J Dun,. Racial !WNW Sarah ',Wet liatinal Dun,. Nits Darie W 0 Diamond Wham Duna. Sarah T Mary J !dn. Mary Drawl . Lucinda Penutoon JsztaimaJDuff Anon Mate Cahn Evnnq llartlutl Cevoline neer M. M.'. Fort, Mary J Flynn Catlin Tenn. , . t xs lnindil Foster Reliss....a Flynn Jane Finnignn . i Fri, Susan Falb, Manta, Finning R o b e Friel Mary Fowl, Mary Flynn Mn Ferisly Ann Faulkner Mary A Galloway llaniettai.aaon Farah M Dribble Rosa ,:alla,:hur Mika. thilw.rt Magdaline Ulan% Susan "nrnstler eatbn Gilmore Hannah Dliraevy Mangth thald Mr. M Barbara lirvra Sarah A' I....rhast Mr. Ann Gould Mra 1. A lirifilth Jaw rgr Slarthaii.Kl4l Llaale A llatnhert Marl Jan. ijoultling Rhoda A Ranlillloa Sarah Haydon Eliza ul.t Mira llarrelbre E Calhnlrer Nancy Howell Nlaziala IL llamlßun erereh Allaetm,re Clara llopki. Aort all Elistik Henry Mary llzolrere 1101100 'starelon Mn lloreY Jaren Iroarud M.'S A Ilanlurk Rrldgett Tllesrou Mn Rrea llolma klarleh hart Sarah Ilrzalenure 'Sire II REloltara , Mm I.lretreau Mary A II 01 , Rate Iluntre Margth A fla'y • Martha loaram Mary J InFall, Haley 11 lryla Mary A Itr. Any Miro. Mary Mr.l!nab Jobtatnn Rebecca Jackman Ellen can., Mr* I) Jackman Jute Jetbrl Maryth Otnn.. Nano - Jot Jane E Jordan Ann -Innv. Ann Jarkmen Mra E Jobnstnn Mary A !Nam. , .9 Kral:, Dora. Finns Mra Kra - r Mr 4 M 0 Kro.rh Jralch Kona J Kelfrr Mary Malaya M J Kyle COI Kirkland: 11 Aarta Mn. J M Krylmrt Mr•M • Loughman Ehth Lee Elenor Lotheop M 11 (I Lone M. Leeth It J Losran E Lane Ernie+ Livingston Nlth lumalmEbth L Am n o t r a e IoM t t 3 L on m A h nn I/ Loyd II N 3lahouer E 3 Marlin L Moonibeadl AI Mahoney J . Marlin Clh• 310.1 r S Macon Mrs II Marshall Ebth Morrell Ann Maloney C lolehard Man - Mullen A Nlnithews MF. Mhaeharl E Mullen It MansUhl EMIL 31111114h0u Mn Murdock M. S A Maxwell SI E Miller . H Martin II . Miller •LII Ns " ae h i ' lre " M A Mama 31 MO Mermary Martha McEhralar Ehth McLaAtarr '.,lceutchcott M 0 31rOsag 0 Mel..an )1$3•11.0 McGill Mr.l.mtv, .IkDonald Ehth McKnight N McDermott M McKean Aka M Nicholron Mrs 118 Na , l E I . O'elllean Al A Ort. 'H le Kate Or b M Oara E W P Parmir L Malalan Mumble. Pick L E Veeler.3l.3 PRIS/11.11 IZitt al 1: rarQllo Eteh Prarre n nr c PhlLirie • IL v 216. Rl' Mier B . Roblanro 11th Brahrere. It 1t.,1151 Mari • BLUA.) L lictoell Al A 1:0111.1.ELth Roo 11th Iliddlo Jule Bodenbaugh L • Sort ldatulrz )IJenon n "h: 1 \ r err r Rok.e% 1.11,11) Stavra L F,urgenn J A II Stvc JumPhl.lo Stewart )1 J 11011 r, C 111)owden) J • , Taaff Throe,. S A Trrell C T.winao Emu. Mrg E Tyler Mrs A Tillboll !,1 Walker A 36 Williams Mth Wlekersham:Mrs Wa.Bane N C WlMario Mr. D II WIDon .V Weir :lamb WlMama M Wilma NDtr WrAlake (lam tit hurt M C Wonlburu firs d We 4 Mary El= Geittlemen's List Adams llobt Ackert:ten Jacob Anderson Jos Able. 0 Ackerman J A Amiersou Walter /ado Sam) ' Arkley II Antler...l Jam Abp./Jacob Arkvaan Jas Armstrong Jas Adams It P AlemnderArmilage Valeria Ad.. II Alesand. J. Arbuthnot li V Adams ./. Allen John " Aden, 11 Agelear"Atal. Allele W 11 Atkin Agnew John Allen D 11A Jahn F Aiken D Alliann Wm Arm. B Aiken John Amber., Stl. /01 J. 1., Aiken S Anderson G. Ii B Ball I. II Blak.ury .1 Roan! John Itak• r Josiah Illad..ret li 'Braid Baba Baehrevh El Blamer Ilea Brady P .11.4 T W a Ct. Blackwill Theo Ready V lloneford 0 II Bleelag N Bram Lucas Barber John. lll.ller V Braaten Sol Barry J I' Blaney W Brase C Barker Wm II Blight B V • Bradwlll 1 Barker Pd Bloalit C Brannan P. Bunny I Black D Breen Bold Barnett Bold It= r. Brinker Ilrinkar .1 Robt Bart. II • Barr tt A Bowman W Drolly II Ilash .1 • Breams J Brownill II hates F 14,1 e Wm Brogan 31061 Bat. Itobt Bothwell .1 II Bruner J liar: mire :am Boyd - F Bryan C A 11.14.4ai Boyle II Bryan D 11.1. Boyd Ales Buchanan T Darer 11[1a 110110 CC . . Dokonskey J II Reamer 34 Boyle J Maniac - ton W Bellows J A Brown C D Duro: II W • • Itt 's rU: l ll '",',^ 11.7, 00 ,1., 1011701 And Bushnell li 0 11 1 1t!rTlil«plr Brown .1 V Brown 3 Butler Ed nrOT V Berry tv II Brown Dr NY Byrne no, Berkey John Ilr4llo. E Byrne F S Berger (Boron BradliMni 1. Byrne Phil C Cahill Dennis Clouse Per DI. Corbit Inn Calhoun Itobt Cleland J W Cover Washlngtma Calm. Jo. Clever Levi Crane Camp Ephm Coffin 0 W Craig %Pm Camp T:pv. Collins Dennis Craig Jno Cann Wm Collins David Crawford A - W• CanuarJno Collins non Crawford Livid Carisell Wm 13 Colllus J.. II Credden Jan C'airevall 11m. Cory Illehani Creighton J. - Carnal Chas W Cochran Jas Creighton Win Cary Jo Cochran J Cram Christian Canton 4401,1 Cmak Wm J . Cribs Jon W • Corson J., Conmil J. Crispin Peeler Cavanagh Park Conner 11m Crain. Carper Cavite N Conant Marshall Crory Jon Caldwell 11.mry Conklin Thos./ Crumb, Thor bildwell Jrn. Copley Josiah Crosby .1 Campball II II Connly F Cr.vb. Jas C a mpleil ~, Cooberta Abut Cyr. Wm Chamber, Jr., Chatham M C Cumming Jim Christy Jas II Lkaysetwia fien Cumming II • Christian Rev I. II Corcoran J. . Cuddy Dean. la.. N F Court° It Cn rk I. P Cvmetne . e Li Nenry • Curt Pumml llas J. Clark .1 Al amiter. Dr A D Cunningham Inn CIA' J C Cordell. Dena. CllOlOO,OOOO Wm Clark David COl Jno I' Cunningham An., 1.1.1 t Jas Curry Jan Cunningham J. Clark A Mimes Curran JOO Cured Stark D Dailey Bear, Dal , Wm J Dounelly Beall' Dailey Palk DeViDfCalvin 11 Dontiely .3,., Darted Met Dickson Wm Ibnaldson Wm David V J Illtion Jas Donald... Jo, Darrow 0111.. Dobbl.rteph Donald.r. 9 Davis I.C.Mif Dorgan Jno tinier Stephen D0.(10 Wm 1/01an Philip Thrall. David Davis Shadrach Mambos Th. Drake A Davis Thorn. Doulterty 0 S Duffy 310311 Dean Jno Donohoe .1. Duffield Ina De J niist ph Edward 0 Dann Allan . Donnelly ose N Dunwoody lap Duniavy, Jun Donn E 404 ~ E Easland Jun Evens Wrn Ellis David Earley Thor EVOIO , Jam W -.Ellis Rota Earn. David . EnarlS Thos E Ellison Panel Eeker Emanuel Evans Evan Y.lnol Jm. Ecker David }Agar Wm SI Engel Philip Edmond Wm Edringtoa ElMoadr.....M B. J. Faulkner Fralk Flanagan David Fraser Hurting., Fervid Sand Flanagan fl,O Pratte. D. 1.1 Ferguson Wm J Eulard S French Sand ''''" "I" r?o l r ' l tab French .1. 14nley W I Frew ,las Venter Wm Paid ! Wnm C Prima ! Alma II Pettey .10. I, Faun Jan Prime II 14 VIM I Vai II Pugin A lO Fry JOO W Flab J.rib . Forbes lex Frisble S Fisher Wm W F'orryth JIl Fuller .1 II . 'Flslirr.ino Portman (leo Fanny...a Wm FICA. Lempler Foster Jobn )ltr.sitrun. Buhl A Pltzslmmo. W MeV. 311.144 I GalaclicrJ Gilmore Alf Grant Jan Geuther Win Gillespie WII One IMal Gal.mber N lilll.pte J 0 linen D Dalutlicr I' Gild. Jar , Greta li W thlawa- 0 'II flral to Th. rielbanini. 1 11 1 1 4 471 ' ; " ~* ..Zl. And George Jar Blamer A • Gray W P Getsluver II It Green John Gray John Canso. I' II GoffJ IV Gate - Qua J Canso. P IlniS3l 11 1 Griffith IV Griffith Gary J ~,,yr ny n 1p • flrLswold J G Gardner .1 Gorman V ' Crimes J , rp,..d.„ Th. Gordan 0 itatr.aar Drohea 1 .1 1161u1 , 1 , 41 Ii Gunther A Itell Grubb Geo Gilman J Gormley Pat G am 310311 G ibson. N Gormley WII Gamin Wm ibson Jas Gordon E rime SI Gilchrist ./ 31 Grady D Guyana Thos list Thor 11.11 W S llaslelt JC ltonil Itobt • Hall S li. p. Ilr Iloon .1 W 1 Inn S P Ilenrl J.* Bough J a C. Hall IWO Ilprbert Jnhn Ilonugh John llsmlllon llr Herring Cbnffl Imp llmmlltun Jos F Ilerumnf I. Horan. Ittnt .1 IlPst:'kllllax. PlZM'TClihor 1i := \t tl l Hammer J.. 1 I..in J . 1 I.lanx A llnney John Hein Wm Howard Abner 11annnwber Pat Illmtin. ...., llownnl J Ilantmrs Put I Minn Pat Hull Amon 1 Inrn IVn3 • 1511 Itnbt Ilunm J II Hart T S Ililler J Ilumphrei Th. 11evrtley ti., Hirano S.A.rn Haub. John Harris It Ilytulmarrho liner Sml Minis Wih Milder J I i 11PIller Sian 11.111511 Th. 11°11117 , S II l i lt , fl t bz . :• • Jax I I:t7VelJi, 1.1 1 ir%l. ' .niti7l 111 1 Inrlbod 15.11 IlaVeItnn II llorknabLy 1 ' notch/mg Wm llomsn 111 ib a nah J 'T.• '. . I " 4 ' .I. ' s i r ann T k . , Irvm J A Ireln II H Ivory Jeremiah J. J. / Jeffries T J Jtud. Etnnme Jm.b . . . j .nkin. Jab,. Johnston Hugh j''''''' b 6 /ohm , Wm Jones David Jackson I, , K"''''"r r' ' RZII M Ir 'h aunelLl $ 1 KennedY ' ~..„ A. Kenney J . , Al , aras J. • . Kr.' T K Klux CA King Chat Knox Wta J Kepler I' .- • }, ...r1 T 1 h ,„° Kirk Ilearr K. Mth /'' . , Aerr . , Kroraen Fun Kearns.6 W. ' .K.l'll , JAI' Kridler Dvl , K..rhanah I , , '.. /tel • -:' 16 tun ' . Ai" ''' 16tunally Win AlrkParkk J P . . . 1:1;u;h1I; 1 o.[ L.. ' , en Lana - ul 11.... L. tn.ug l' I: . I L :u i t " , 1 1 1 1 " '. Lannon 1 , 1 nit Loll) John ' Low hr.., Win Lesdh.T r 1..-,... Thco Lo.b Vett, LrlAhr .1,- 1.:5., v 31 Lo.h Jn• W !owl, II II , I.iu•.. Pam Loughry 11001 braio ENnu I,nllinorn Jar Lon, Tboo bewi• ,k Butler Long Wrn Lynefi J :Lllll e 4 D • Lt.rorml .1 II }favor T Malnge 31 ra!l'ilie Mc.r.... nn. Mem. II II Nlalouey M "lesamer 3 Slor.e J M. 1.11 M . m '3llnehan D Mom,. S D ilanFhester V 31111 a Iler J More Tlerc Nlartln Jaa 31inon Ales' 31eniAcon 11 It Marun IV J Miller Her H !denim - An 111• Martin 0 W Miller J IV J Morrieon It Marshall 0 II Miller J II llorripon Jenno Marlton:la .1 F Mitchell 8 F 3lulklax J Matthelen And Mitchell A Jeffrey Mustut I've Manterwm Pat Mitchell Jae 'Mullin 31 Master IV F ' Morgan (I IT . Mullin Pat Mash J C 31ergrare J 31,1011 Sam Ilattheies Theo Mregrar J.' Mullln own Mare It Alconey J . 111111er ./ C !damn II Molly J Munn Henry I Mark. Wen 3loscery Doh 31tdek II IV 1 Metcalf. 11111 es A CoNlonen W Morph, - Jam Ileahklll II Mosley AI Murray Ilion Mcllerd Jew MgrageJ A Murny FAH. Meenek Jom ' Morse Hon IF. hurry Win Macklin A 31 WAnn. Alex ' ?'Geary A Merle., C 31'AmIre‘re J. Sl'emmuglay,l) McHenry J 93 Wit, WClure J. • 310;m. l. 31'11rha Tbrct SCOncken It• 31 , 0111 Wm ACCullt.ch Hugh !WDermott J P 31e.1i1l Th. 3CCullorh 1..v1 311/mmld A m, 3 , 0 ,. J „, 31'Cold Th. 311)onou3h .1 E 31 0 0....1. WClellsmd The. A 311.mhoit J J Jletinvx 13 It 3'C.l Col 31 . D0M.1d II 31M1vIrr .I. WeauleY A3P 3. "'" F 31cOmmn .1 . .1 lllVlrk.kr Wm M'', M ..---. MeCulre A' II 1 M'Cloeky V ' 34' -- U . cPher.n .3 311:nilnr Jno W ~Phenu 11" 'lCl`n'Cl''''T J " ° 'Giro •a Co 31e51 Man II :m1 . .. e c , — ... 3 ,7 1 , , e' k e n, li i 7 m h .1 " ,3 5 1 1: 3 " . . 1 11 ,, k ., : r : n l n- L i : 13 ' o: ' h i I ; ' 3;rel2ll: l • h i t i i l i l l i :cfm , ;:i . 3 1 3 1. SreloAr FT. , ,,, Nr A - , 9 Ni...t.its r • Wrarathr II 31*A".• J 3lNuoll II 3CAuley .1.. WAnlcht W 31i1.....11 NI 111`hav Alex 31 . Anhtht Wm 31er eT 3 NlThloe W P 31 . Kmata F McFarland J Wray .1 311.... r J. 1/c}lque 31 M'Corm iek 3 13 111.elean SCCoy Wm 31•Laughlin 31 Neenm Jae J Net+. It I' Nichol! Js• Nrlt J • Nlrkl.a, P D'Osniel Jaall'firien T °nen, Alex O'Donnell Dan Oliver R Oxley John O'Neil Air% IYlAmr, Jr. , . 11Mmr Jem O'Neil Thorn I.4'Kean 11T Ontolmne V. 11 01teal, D O'Nelly B I.llhue J. Orr 11en °ltalie, J O'Connell It P Pspen.on N C Pennock .1 M Patton .1 Mammon A D 11n.ler L Pop. Ales Palterann It II Phillip. J M Poalin 0 C Dattemam Jae Phillip , Than Prime (Im. Pattermn R A /Mira., Ch. Prim Wm Pattereon A Pinkerton F C Prim 3 Parke 0 Piekermuill Wm Pratt limn real J. Pierce V !, Prmion W W Pein, J 1.1 Patton %V It Prynr Penr rk oade D . Patton 11 Pyatt 11 rn Pmment W QiNhanny x Quin Randall J C lteld Jas Rine b T Rob B J "''''". C ' 1 11:41 ikza F Root. F Ihnlellll F. Ratko' V Reid J F Rogan.' Ray W l. . Held T W ltortly 11 Ramey \\ Rlinley J Roo., /I CPO. J C illehardflon .1 Itatrort John Reno V X Illchardam n llohland J Bever 1 Boner Jos Itu-be M Rearhy .1 m Ilitchini J liohlneon .1 Rraley .1 - 114il dm - I' lloblevon li W Roa.lln M .111amey 11 Itobitex. !I R lL e k ; ' :::n r 7:l:: , ..l ., FF , : i I l i t , l l be'' : l " t i e i j J C , W Iris, ,, Am Sunam ...Is N Stain DV.< Solomon Chu E• Suels A Skein Wm Pool Jacob. it Sanford II C kMan Sam Soudan J E Saiare Nathan Stalk! in. I' SPe l. nT l,lO D Scott J 31 Smith Dan 5p..., Jao A Scott Wm' Smith Wm D Spiingo Wm J SeJleno. II A Smith 'Math Squire Thin Seitber Ed Smith Nel,nn Sten.na WM7I Shoemaker John Smith CLaa Dierentll r - Shepherd D C Smith Ch. II Stafflel Ileum . Shephent J S Smith Wm VIM Henry Slimily Pat Smith Weary T Pleteitptu Thnt J Shenk 11. TO I.` OA th R V 1 4 2, e1...1,T 11 e.,..1.0.1r E D Sl:trier Adam Smith Sam Shoeniat , I' Smith Jct. it StermPon Itoht SherlinJ. Sfsauirlink Win Strteutm W%V Shrt D re t na Smiley It m.l Steven...ix Snut Skede P S Fmk. Dan Sl•raart Jat I' 11nt , Ittm Walter Sharper John II rWilnuta It B Shananhan Pat : , Inclatr J. Co Stnmo Amin , / Shaffer %V Slut , ii Slim, Fr.l Shaffer NlJholam Slues Geu fltiNa I ,, Anzr ou , .lt h'i l l" Lttnt ' cl ' ti ' pt ; , ...ri n er Itufh Shan David Snyder Jaa s ,Ir lintel Itaretav ,Skinutr limey Ta)'lnr Than I. H h r,T . ,r T P Tbmua~ , n Nubs Ilmmloon A Taal*. 11 Thompooo J Tou Jima. Terwrt. Wm Thom.. N W IM=NI Van D,k. II Van Chun A Vauhoulen Saud Vanth, Van Cr, A Vl,her V JA c I s mt ,..r i.. urr J Nearer reAll J • WiLlen firm,' ~.,. Whir J alirM•idattt Wm., J . Will. A r Walk., J im•11 J ll \ Wi rt 1` 1 A siker it... Weittra Wr ll WO P it W 'slim. , Al Williams J Widarr L W,•111..1at• Willismor It Whointl WWII Wa ',or. J.to William% Aaron Witt V Nat %on It II William,. )1 W i tt Jr. Watt , . It Whitt! Aml Aviary A A Water, J A Whim M A Wilitittm Watki• tin Tod Whig: It . Waif n A Warren L White Jolla Walt Jot Waer A Whittlirld It Warn. II Wart It Wltarry tl A Warn. J Waldo II Whm,ler a C WarrAt Char Warthur II Wilrtm ItnlA Wt.altitrn M Warring I: II WW " Y V Woartall J Wactitafehlt it V WIWII.•Il• W Wt....LA.111M Warraosrl L Wilkirou J Wright L II Walfth 'Jar •Llttliaratoo W II , 1'1J: i tt , ;..t ..., Walth M *Want Wm Walth John win t igia 11.14 Wright I' wiaih 310... Nr...,, . 4 .i w or.. I' W/41, II L Young Si Yelung J Young It Young Young J C J. Exch.„. 4:,7m.cn. 0 F. captain Slimmer Renlll.. M Omer of F . :H.l5"d Works. Ektitor of Eartlmuake. _ . the ° Tr ro°o',V,flVlL="g-I:l'ax34 pialy L. J 'Mu do . Eral Jnboann do do; And ntbrrn or r , and Enginh and (iryaera Pgando.— Niers r.. 07 lour, and akeuracy .ml danbtlity riD, r00..410s rrmur:ruml aired J°"`" manutarturrd to mkt and c wreful , ly repaired. /4-A very excellent pluck of sn Ceti= .r of Ids and Nlarkrt 01. BEA NS-10 baa Whi to for solo by rrb 22 11 0/3160N. carfu: t CD. LAMPBLACK—In bu.l forTunner's, '2O bblalbr nate by J St7IOUSSI AKER 6 CO febll APER lIANGINGS H G old Paper ang- Ingsolo Gold and Vol,. mate bad boors,rnr bray tritnums. For vale by W.P. MAIL.SIALL. fabl j n 5 Wood nt. ALTPETRII-611i;itp, Cr ode, for solo by fi.bls k W11:30N. 4 BUS COOPER'S C.',UE—For by Oda J. OD A Cit fiIIiERMOMETERS—A full Tient for r.l. hr 64.14 • 1 KID DA - - CIIEESE7I2.3 b.xs, in store andfor e nie by ! (kn IS'AlAll lIICKEY .iii CO. Y . E ItY , ' er,l I Verssil.willt. on hanL' and for ralr hi hail: RIC 1:11:31A'.31'(101.C''L.,,,AU,111ti.,°,;,,...0:11.0":::: .Inrolins , for sale II .. A. HUT , :11189 ,4 L CO. , .lEXTI IYSON TEA , ^ ) us, Tr ..t..• rt.! • rorior N, .u .^ . pion Tr ran .ny with conn. "....,' arennt ho in I'llo trrati.; Prim ••• 571 i per lb. wu ... mii.rrit.al,lr • to any to lo ha;.l kt . ib . - ;alne . p . rinc. '''''"'" Ai, Oolong, Imperial and tianprwdo f II which all we lipk ill a fair trial. laud r° ' • r." mend thelowireo. A by dlacount tu t ad h 7 ro ' r. l . ' tai " l..7.; sod to familica burl. by th...juantit . febis , VI M. A. lIIIII.i kCO Tea Dealer. and Onn•ra. /v UM COPAL VARNISII-;;Etbls., hf. LA And IvEv, for sale br feb24 ISAIAIY DICKEY & CO. SELLER'S FAMILY MEDICINES--SEL- Oxon Eild.Te--The 'mime medirineo !dr. Seler, on Vend/drat, are I,enaning been puar through out the eonntry. 111. , Vennifune found to be en ineoJnahlemedicine every family. Ton Seller: Liver thon,ande nre indel.nd for relief fnon I.M and ame. Three medleinee Imee ;mined their p , nnieritY by ea• tennive expeenne. They bare been tried 33,11 intend Co ear.dien ri t re.tnedien for the dieemws for whirl they are recommended. We have frennentlY net M , 0,0.0 Syrup. and know it to be n epeedy rum fors Von .blrwme"4l'"d"—jliarring t: z .SF.I;LEI*. Prep , and . 0 .1* feb2l Wed etreet, tiEATING BUILDINGS—We are prepar al m rumixii and erect apparatue lleattna 1 11 rge ned' bulltlloge by ten or hot hare en. gaged D. 11. Wil llears. from the ext.e.. sui.erintrogite etlon. VCAIME, ATKIN FON A 01,F1.1. Needles' Celebrated 031 POUND HEMLOCK PLA STER.— L.) Thee/. highl ,em i rted plasters have le.en rowle fur unite than twen y during wide), tnne they have gained 'a permanentn.putation, as the miet efficacious Rheumatic. and Strengthening Plaster ever offend. Ph, aid., of the highest cminenee, to whom their rompiel non has lawn submitted, have given the most flattering teetimonlah, no to their supetior tlrtua over all other phis. te.re sold. inveillents of their composition, very carefully and correetl, combined, tender them pecullarlY t" penes's, suffering with pulmonary &Rowe. For pains In the breast, pains from protractsol colds, whooping rough, and teat pains in the various neuralgl.. diseases In the body, their beneficial ehameter ',owl 'question ordisputa As a teem in Lumbago. their an perimity over all coutwanl appllnatlono, ouch a , lin , itii"V . l ; " Yin";a l anet U tinq„p 'm alt r it " th b e y b i tit m anYsTile r 7ref n u t TSlo n S from severe strew, .1111e•Fel. of oar leca Milner. 01, . th"ir ampl - tested 1,, from their application. To onus as culr with rhuniatir pain, throe that are recomMendad. with the eimEdenl ussurane. , that their.bettellvial effects will be found very decided. Poe sole. wholesale and retail, by • llieb l, IL E. SELLERS. 57 hind mt. O Li .1' lib OIL—A few I;i7le. jest reed N the mannhoetory. for which lain the only agent, and will 1417111 t, It superior pi any Oil offered In this roar. k S. A. WICKERSIIA3I. feb2B eog;;;;Ni . oLTallelaili r .te. • If Yon Want Real Good Tea, flO TO 11.10111tIS k 11AWORTIPS TEA VI STOKE, East Ski, or u. Diamond. Dame Mel 00 J.. fenor Tam am never kept at this establiehmenL Superior Omen Tema, teMilb mote 0 fo: The very beat insfertoi. $l,OO . Strong and rough flatnmd Black, ,',00075c.71 D. line mil Paroled Monk, 6(Nalne4 1$ Milk Is 114 only sfure in Piado‘M.2hat keeps per min tee alsely the Kane land of Bieck Cpra that am meal In I.li atul, Ireland. ao. __..__ire ... CiL .-::-'- L BeTTEit—.X.TCwpbis ill %n N tri mr d , and (prude by 1 4NULI T eald 151 Fint ot. .• .• BA CON PAPER-15 lAA. Cincinnati Ham k i tan 'lP" ' k ' "a*" J. acuoONataiuta aat HOUSES, FARMS, Sc 1.4 1 .01 t RENT—The v , wornodious throw =V,. itnrail Darrllln, Mum. en I.ll.ertk. nr..11...”:' t , ..! ' i 'l .! . ' .: '41,1".' . 2 i 1' .t !! ' tfl r .l .' , l .l . . r tF rf !!4 ' ; '''''' ' .l: ' tarl.l,t '.,,, , I.riPt . ;:orisllN ' 1, 1 (111 SA LE—Two ehoiro LOTS. plas:ow -1 I..drust.l T., rrlvati, rrntilintri. tr,atmr ..n 1.,1. , qu....nc. War. li.titri.n I'M .111,1 arul M./ P OM, 7 . 1..- 1,1/I.t. Ml' . :i 1 , ..l front. rani ..rten.l lark 210 f.it to a 2i. Gil allay. Far Iran., apply . J . 11.. , 1L0P0,r i torlamm J. M PEN VOK Fog RENT—A small crick LW ELL- .r:t , Lit} 'roust:, containing tri...parlnra and thr.h..,..., en, Pow at:11111 , cl, arrrthr - partotit. one or..r t h.- kneb-A..... 'd Vdt ll 2 l ,V.`r:f Jr?. .rit i u l it u t.. ' g :I ' l:. " Torth. c,, , ..k hank Rand. 110.115 molars' walk trona the tuarlici hon... For fortltr' Rglinf; P ni ' lNN. /Morn, nt 1.a., mrbi:rt Fourth rtmt-. eborr Snaithfil Id FO LET—A WAREHOUSE. situated.7 : 7. In r , Wan, tin, Pto it. la•tireen Market and Ferry rltra.t: .11414 — for ruitt , hurinrsr. For .ruti. lo*.. quirt. of , J A 11KS I , A LA. LI.. in ~ No. Ink %, at, it: Delightful Summer Residence for Rent 4k t. THREE STORY FRAME HOUSE, r" :, l ' WWI a Oradea iontalnln;r lug arrvi of tiround. L:f ~.i an. a gnarl .w,1,• .nays.. , ituai.4.l.c.turrn Itutlir. and I.lkr a”,...ti. I.a‘irenri.illte. in the fork...! th, Eant. Ltberhr aril C.lTO.r?Trinl...i jain n i r o , T i n;it i l , ; , . n , :a1 , ,. U. .. Or at tn. , .tarn or II 1i11.t.u... FiTlh Want. l'rua, ii, tn,h1.14 near Faring , OM.. . Far Sale. STATES rpilE UNITEI) IIOTELT:T, i II LI W . K OF 111:11.14. (;:i. on the rorner of %V&A- 1,:',! inntnn 111 Id l'entt t•trlvt. nnd Irnntlnv nn the Penn....... ,hunln Omni. In the CI nf IntiAblirgh. The but front. nne hondre•l and (nil, - In r Get ,m .Penn .tend. nod me Itninlhnl mud nine feet nine Incheot on V fohinliton ATt•et• t" '"'""" I."' 'firr. 1""‘" SAVID'OlikElt, inehl:lim ' • No. liAl'enn It. Land for. Sale gixE TRACT of 320 Aire?: one Tract of IWI Ifo Arrow ono Trort of. Ott Arm, nrol two Tracts of 0. Arn, mll. All do obrr lend in more or Ira 1501.00 of n raw quality. nod ...II lornlorl In Vhoror 0.• end will .11, p0r , 4 , ...r , , T ,10 .. For fur so ^ o particular. hoodoo 4.1 W3I. 11. JOHNSTON. 110 1.4.r0r0l M. 1 0 L T—A BRICK DWELLING. r,.•:';'4 with tin Merrf gowand uttocheal, nltuato.l'atErg , HARDY. JON F.s t cn. r ,,,REN T .,-Twr i Roo , . in the P7st 5-4 t or, so MA tor Artist , lino sTuisk on Thin,. now dont. iiorctte eilli, counte, go+ lifo, ) atm anti n frontwith Jar, ihow window: without E. tiAZ7..4)I. p r o„ l greet. - 1: 4 1 011 11E7.CT—A imall frame cottage. with P._ 4 ditliZlC '44.n:find kitrin nin 1.344.4i1'in.-.44.74.411444 In war., a lilt a Inniraanlrn and irvarial'4l.lt .a ‘..i y rt.-Wawa tor n annail aituati4.l near Oven Aini , l:aivtral 4.31 Tritamanta fur rant. Olt I.nlo II In. fronting nn Hann , : ainiat and 3 h"'"" ("4 ' ,r 11. I. Cali..., of Nark....l and oth . Desirable Rosilenco for Sale. Tc intnoling to roomy° a tote pr,., r 1n hlietipw r•attl.-1,61,1, upon th• hank Iv a1t..... • and hlnit of brick, bolargr I,ll7lllll.iintl, awl ila• lawn t...erull, Ind frt.rol. h• 114 ip. fift, • ton the ea. lml At ••••111l •ut ta•tr. conlalnit, nit trait. The conrl•4l,l . of • pri•a, w.br..l Aw 1,1.. and ,trrta, no., pima. l% Iln.1,.•1•411, t/. tan, A 11,1,,,. 1,n4 within * Ow minuo• 1,,0u1r the rit,. lrrha•-, 4 AI.,. II %till,. Na. lA. ill, noSe., ii.VarroN. 1; , 011 SALE: Olt lIENT—A ol.fortable I.l.monal, Ponnstwl lioun. awl lot Cl.rtnin .trwo. 111 F.ioOlt ll nni. of tl. 1000. rontn.. the Int 1. forty Yert on Cloot. i t (~EIS corn, W0..1 Jon! Swth •1... lei.ll It ENT—That la r-ge dwelling Wu, with oLtoloavo Ln-onntl.. for nanl.ll, nod mulhor, the mo.lono. %I tn. .1. Tolton. CM' wort --..10t noon. on Um flr.] ~f flnmh To lu e r n . o a r l n th. e n Vnn lo N o rk.3.1 .Alx.y. tlunolni.n. , o L r A n IL n l'. 1A LI!AItLE !5111.1.5. FA UTTS 4011 L.l*--Tmo 1,, I Sur nn.l 31.11 • tba Ii .... Ith tho uottoontry ranter)) oartr. • 101 l intro.... Form IrdAnotorodott, toUttat.— Alot..a F.trut ../ 111. ,era.. on tho Ithin river. Inn, nth.. lotion lu.avor. lor 14-10. onoof 10) acre, ..0 11n- Ohlo nt or , lodno 11.01er. 0 , 1 1515 nen, 51. v arl fm A wr ntt.. 21.. A.. farm, rtf IYS 1.5. and Ito acre.. fur 11, to orro 11:, arr. , for :11. and . .to $.l, lettn,Mottoliwr with man) nthrrr of rart •dto -ite. and uric, Enquint of P AI. 1 , 11 - 111101.1 N. Athrut, at Law and Ittul 1-otato Avon, fe/do 0,. lot .Ith Vittolottult. VIM ItENT—The ,tore on Market .t., „^.!' I: rum ,orttrlot 1, C. Yert,tor,a. , a vartet, StrtreoZ . ... onv,n on lit do, of Arra.... 3,3 M M. M'CLINTOCK, •51[h rt. rily LET—A Waroloolso situntel ,r,Sll, tavern 1.1-.1 and Martot. and running throuels Moor brat to Stor-011 Otroot. tor.dally lanuuttol hyAtsof• ..coofe Atkin.nu It itt •ult.blo tor suanufartonnnor.o tra hount, of Ltbn OCAI FR, ATKINRIN 6 MK ELY. . E ~LI L ~,S r . , l l...Er — r ub..T r h . t :f .,u , : ::, l :b r „ 1.7100 r 10, and ..... tort deoiAble rlttto for Inanuft, tort,. in 351 Borough of Ittrmlncham, boated near the nett ltahln Stload Ilnwo and Ettzlidt Luthoran Church. nu. :oral ,n , trr.b n/ 111, t-tpoladon aand irtanuf,rrturkr a.olth. and th. roomonalde prim. at ...filch Into trill to orld, ail! road, t Tow • ,ofe and protitalde In' Tertruent. Title rorOrt Tors,. Invitrablo. Vorgart.loulncur o! torn, en.lolloof thr unit-mu:nod.. .... of 11.1moro, 1.0,01 rtno.l, Iltto durgh, loetnotofn Thuol awl Int, Arco.. or et 11 Ohara Synun. , and 71 l'uttoruot. hot'r, thr:r ottloo. In Ihrto .100harro Mor l l, r. 0111110, I tn 0 LF:T--Clow iieotre and Lot ,inttod luadod tan., lA,IefAIII WarlrTLY. t. For trrts.ts. r 1. ue15 55 I.lla.rty .1 TOxJ'ar.lT:Lo':lll4lnC•rektorus,',fwerl t:re Tnn • II Tru , ... Tr. 11 Iwl Traynor 0 Tr,4, J •hn Tht %art %%Mame W %sot.• th e within Om, tntl..• Elf t /., y. the La a April 1,-st. . Anna. Jl ' t .r t ' t ' :totatt - .: it . t..;a.l ' /:. 1 i 7. ;;;Ii;t .- att . -W0g...it...al fl....t.l'eTh.:Mr.if-ICU.eittlr;:l l'to.i.t.„l, . n „,.., W li MtailtllEKO. Aott A1t..... lot of :ritind i• 6, II tn., by LSI f,t• eatt,,o• - 104 the neut.., ,I Mr. A Td0er...... the no, ',poor I 11 .1 I P I NG 1)1.114)14 . .1 , IIF lIALE I%llv IN. th'' e- ,wan tend. '"' r '"'"" ''"''s A " ''"''' ?''"'"""f' 1 TV.Ith. , T IN /i/St.// AN, !Lye:. I. ~,, 1.„,,h,. 'l7'.:T.'.';'.':,V,',. th. ,h . Cli n t, 11-1 -ill 1.1 .....0...- ';,-',';`,'„',' ". 1 ait ,',"!,`,,`,',';`,""; , 1 ,',"'".';','''',..".," ';',;','''',','„7,,l',„'',;"; ,r40;',;`,r,,;10,1',7`..4 . .,:i',T,1','.1Ti0'ir,!:i.E1L'T.;1 -, h l " , :j_ ~. ' '.- 1.10, I ‘ %l 31 LtiNtillAll moot near the tint .Irdwlt-al pn.perty. taLd-ioltf Bing'Transportation Line, rOitRE NT Olt SALE—The subscriber t7r"!_ r—,. ._:__...... _. ~,-.-..,* • 1,_„,,,,_,_ i ~.... , r : i ~, at wen ur ntit I. ter; detiralde (~..ntrt Itrer j 1 .1 . 5‘. eatatalltieZtit ,, WAt t St 1 c., 0 1 . F - ---- , eine. in 111,heui elty• Wt..' co 01.... Lane- and.tarww. Alletth.nd A...... w•-1 uf the 11....n..,n. The Imo, la A ItErw El, lame doulle bath tantllng. to rumple.. rt . ... T 1 ,, , , r , te 1 :.• PI TTSBU CG ll' TII E EAST E RN CITIES. ',,X,T,';‘,.. 1 :TU::,',:f! ' ;':..;,..Z'0 1 efi1;, ' ,17v=1.'.Tan'; , ...:..: ',., 3 Til i: C.INA L being n. 4.• t,itt , n, We ore re. de,riptlon ' uf fruit: A 1. . ,. n .prin... hotter and 0n... Inane. .1, to rent,. und furrtard pnitoptly. I . rodure. and Poarration given whenever dadre.l. JOIIN 01:1111Alti• % ,rhindls... rant and Ant ja22Olf irrts,bn. al.. a at - low vnt ratex rldkrged by nupeneible - - re oktlt E N T-A Caro , 6uiry Dwelling (•51 ~,k , ,,.,.. an d 31, n b a „,,,, n id d e ~,,,,,, a ud f e ewnnini .. 2 Iloww un Oat . etre, .h.nnuln. of ...,A ea.t euel and %rollout Al charge tor terwarthita t at 1,,,, ,,,, .1 1 011,,, 1, A 1.4F.1.L. A, W ater et. .'it'iii• \awl.: fr.,ht. uOl-001, - 100., 0.,-0. " - - -- 11111. .4 lowlino turwenlni. end all .1.,..t.unt tothfolly _._ NOB SALE ;I tit ON PEILPET I' AL LEASE va....1,-,t „, . w . r,, . ,i, ,, i .,,,, A ,,,, ;, , 0 ~ ~,,,,, ~...,,,,. —I will 11l fur ca h. or on perpetual' leruad one lut.o. it. street, .JI 6.. t !coat I, 11, lA-f {0 1 , 1 01130 All,. WI C.. 00.- 1.9,0 nod W am., et._ l'itt2urAl. ~,i g Oh. Nutt!. Ward Kll o lllti Ilnuto. Alw., env ...nand 111 Sli 11.01 A 1.01 . R. 1, Marlet .t., 1 en ' ,,,,, i' 1,d by Illawty. Cor-urt. nd Alleuhen, .Irreld And 1.-taeen Fourth alai I.llth ite , Pluladelphm. .....111-Ai It I. , oN.Aoteut. Fpring Miry. ba ng ..:',4 6, co lAite.rt,. by 1111 1,. hpring Alley Ale, 1.5. het front:. ell Fl-0,,10.00 AV.,. nn.. In. I C %ll.':i '' lN i t: ' l77 l ,! ' j r , l . P ll Y‘ • ' • . ,A,.. r‘ (lately opposite the Crutral Railroad lade I. an.l entitaintru; .0. . • . , . o . „ 45 ....n.f. I tate-to,1:11 . J ANIE.A tell %It A tart 1 a... 1./ . _ T O Lll'-.1 hifg M e aneion lio.. Wi nth 74 peenin g of the - PennsylvaniTCanal. 13 3' AAA.' M L..'" apes l iallVl A lVNTiti !A k k r.V .i..i. qInE PEN N SYLV .1N I A C.INA L will I„. TiborLET —The Thre e st"ri I ' we l lin g M r . tt!! o r.',V.T: ' , ..Ve:;,. ' i.::` e ''.i . .,,' l l . ..i n t, u ':- . ...g . , " ,' 1 ,;V.',;',!',. ' m N.. 171 i% ylle ......t. at P'a'nt neropinl ;.ti.l 1.1.11,6!..ina to 1.1.1:i[0100h. al tladddlowtou rat. •.1x: by John Ii Lirtn,ltt , au.l mots.., two park...row. ~.., ,‘,„..,,. 1 1,,,,,,„ ~.,„„ ~,,,,,n „ .. , dual. nnot and kitten, tn. the Ant nom 1...... w au., I,okinu liinne. An ....• It lo.' Kn. on the let of April. Impure of J. X it. I. LON 11, nuninn , ~,‘„,...,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,, ) 010. i R 00.04 Cltur.ti II). atufft. Itnakt. rtationere.. hi I nth. 11 nu.. Prtnunu a Wall Falder. ' , oh! , Fito UT-Ou , , Two S ‘ tery , liriekLLr . tee . s,l l ' „.., ....A. ,;,.., H ....• ... • 1 til i k-llmtl thth iF. , 4 T.',",:.' k.,,,, or.` a A ' 3 " Ata iin-,;`,.i::-_,;-. ir hn",i7 Jell 301 IN WATT dCO Whitt., Ault', Alum. Frinle lhonnuAnd ~ dr 1 Ste ami P . . Room. an,. ow er for Tim E—ElnllT DoT'. _ .. 11° ' 11‘17-1 '' n '.Vili' r i .4 ): l7 i . is'' ,, & ‘M' ELr • 1.... " ..r i' 110rt:t „TrI b dV ' :etAL A :..I . II ." :I ' ET.A.U.,..7. I didal Ila Ernie et parnuou Our nue.. to a great:, tat. ut l ' han forme ly - II tun. A 1.n. - .... fdr ',eh A C...k tn., Bare Chance for Capitalists and Manufac• ,alto. 11l N1V11.1..t CO.. 00- I nion Lin, toren. 1t.,.. .4. 111,, 1.r... , kPt rtrlt: nn Ilin4hania 1.11, hp: Pt.naa. A old Line 1 T 12: . ~L , , , .. , , ..1., T:i „ , ? ..‘ ,..,i, , , ,, ,...,,,,,, . .....,;, !, 7 7.. n t . fur t ~i,,re„..0,\::,..n,::,- 6.1.16,1 m rro 31 EItCII.I,NTS, llANcvAcre „Eil 1 ortlandll.n. Ltark county. oltio. with out lotr, and .1.1.1 .t. tnwn aitardilon IC -We nn • pn•pat.al tu am. runtrarta to b . , 1 ra.m.roPtat'LlreA;t.A...."[lMl..il7l'.:qatuTl•ml!!l the 0bi.... 101%qm: n'.. ,,,,, Ph . 1n'1nh , a. thl.n.'..-' . .. 1 *. , ~t , ' of in•a , Y frehd I a0.,...,i,, itann L ad. in, nearly rump... pawing thr....gb "ni .... , . „%*.ki.nu.rut....r.•ru1.,r,,1, at 'err '`'" ''' "L''' ' t IC..' "P 'hi. '''.‘d ''''''' ' ff '' ' ' '' ' r.'"" ' ''''' '''''' ''''''''''''' A -P"' f.l. ? ..ltllt " tl. i .k 'l,..v'Nt'.l.'ry .veu. Canal lasin. Intr., 141,...1.. pen... als,. Ina, wish .... 0. in nu t s olarntrlng of aim.. any dr. - 11.14.1. The alnonlanee and - wt-sce...-- - n-, %Abu- tp . Frrri e1n.np0....0f al are 0.. ....... 11Ti0U , lb. aupply ot .0 for a . _:...._=- 16 51 furl for ... power. the gnat quantity of w.m.l brntight to Obi market. 0. , uell ao the twilit ie. for truneportorton .1f Pittsburgh Transportation Lim . tunnufarlor. a.. In. All i0,01,10u 10 nom , tho ono of the mort desirable tee., turn... nostrufactun.r of Inn. .1 A3l RS ° P t: I, NaOH a CO. Fanal 1. 1 . 1 ... l'.,t , horgh Woad. Coln., larlenluf all , I.....reptutto ...eh le now a 11... ,IT En ..1 All ter a C.... 11..10,1.5 Bra... and 4.11,1, ..1.1.e. ed In the Weetern ....try. Fear. Ino.n.Yol Elmo, in the t ikinity of the CA.nal and AA nt:t ' d N trt A ...I7• A l' A l ' i l l ' ln ' .l " ..7.l. b ia. "A'."'" A 'Im4M and CAm' Cann.. re alw , Ptternt-a trait el r , ...ere , er emneut 01 ONNOItie aCO. 70 N,rtn eireet, Faith:non.. ',lnhered are Ir.. Iwtatern the edual and Railroa. and AV (NG tally rompleted our a ran). ', 'us half a mil. , tr the, latter. a Ir.. nf about N• 11.171 Lt . ," it, adjoining the Rn', 1.., alum, onende of whirl. I EI molt, at. a ill' le. p n .,,,,, u p on lb, ~ ~, a „ , ~„4 ~,,,,.... „nu nit ...M.., onwd. ef ...town. 110 .000 ) Itania t anal.. tu earr, . tett ~, ...I I , on l'i L :'.`," . ..., mr , and tu,r. , has to will an well to had, at 111, 1, latmh.llllll.aor, Philadelphia, N, a- lnrk, Ito ton, f F,....^ 1 ,,, , •unrchare el....unbend rinuati. Lnuhrille. St. ',oh and all the Faat an. W., ''''" •k . t 'len of 51..111.. in the heart of an agrirultural lot., rate. and with nn dupatrh and in. that nun. The AT. ~,,,,,,, ,„ „„, ~. I . eo n., I. .1. well er Line. All gnat. shipia.l 6, uur Line un. full . eon , r . .i.-• 0- .. a1,...1 .....aterwry In do MO. th an refer by Ineundare, without any charge to ownera• a I rot. , -11 .'. 11 Pit' it ti 1110. WWI 0. main wn.4.1 Inst.attio.nts. to not ..,.al! - ; othditol bi - Wilt rther Litte. LLLL M . ,..' . ;.1.1.it ~ • 1110 pruiwrty. Title indi.putahle and All ,nanunleati..... lehlreonl In oura..lnea n ~: - .,.....,' L ,',.."' L '. n r th. ' deeird. I fun Aneln W. I,nmle and 'lull A Cu. Cito.lnnatt, E. W. 1.1.. ',nit:Till, ant Loa. L - 7 `1 . ,' . ..' . '". .of 1 . 1n,bur,.11. will wilt', Information Whorl. ted.lAni.,..ll ...I. with Pruhtnt ...nit 0• . t".ititt tit•iit.ii• t...... a ~hurt trill b. anruenal by ap• /tui.N. 11. Our Liar ha. 110 [90010,000 whatere with I t . an, It, ,Lod .‘n •!ullot,h,lirnt Jarti.orth. li d !Philadelphia and Pittghureth ir1.60,01210.11. , 0 LI Uuf ' W.° . rh''iit.tr , ii • OWltillT JAIIV lid ki. a Ca. st.nd at 31.--Illon fetl,ll.l. I. ,-- - F l.'f' ' ...'-1e."44 18 5 1 . TALE . FOR it VERY v ,k Lu ABu AND DESIRABLE Merchants' Transportation Like, %Alla neater Tutrushi . , ' kVI 1. PF.INSILV 111 CAN (La IND RAI 1.11011)S ) hTI/Cii VAII3I. eh...al in . no( Little (barer. row ' " .. * - * • - R . - . t ' arjr7ri e' " ' '' l' '''' ”" '''' "": a 1 r t. ° h. " Pm ' . I -1 011 Pi 111. A D E LPIILI DI RECT-IVItII .. h a nut duo acne, 11,, miler fru. , , .3„,am, Fiala 4 ay rat. Italie...l-the Patehurgh a.' 01'T RE-S1111•PINO land pa....dn.• throutal 16 It la well E no ,„ u , ~,,, -,,,,,,, ~,,,,.. ~,,d h i „.. 1....-nne- , t , ' ,. A. :4:iANI:ILTY I C.I. C.lOOl lt,oo li, Penn , trret. n'V Ilra , ..' nrl, 6 cUpinlax a hbuet, Farm Cur th e tart thirty '..„ r'' . • L .• and Art lilt ilk YNOlt. Crotral IlltAts. U.rewl An... 4 Phila. la taor in 14,1 rat, order. 0.1 ‘.r..11 rd,nlai, , t for ....-1 , id .Ipl.da. call], It I. atll wat.r.+l\ , , 1.1tt1.. • 14.a , , .: ,, ....k , and se -.. ' W.:ar.. pmpan..l to ...vivo a Inn,. tun:aunt mt.:Thant , oral nepr.talling ',HR., about_ . arr. ut dr , f..nnt. the 'lad pnal la. to rhil.. the `dr 'tin^ ''' ' ll° 11.11 1 1 rP ' ' ll IP ' . ina r , zAixirt ta , :a..,,.1,e,r ~..1 ..a.thr. ...1 a , nut NI arr., . ',b. and all intosoalsat. plan- At 'tent rate, aloe In A apple orchard •6 ann. ....Ponta hurt, Jr, "DV than to an, peanut n........ I a ...t' rh.i. Ira. tn.. near the Inn v.. IC ~,... h... t. " 11 'Da. in,. an... 1 nunda, .4 Troth , pr., itled 1, ph...1 far ‘alualaL• I IA ht......hu1d nod Ith'ch..n tr. ~,,- . Couirnha.l,, , for , arr, nt:., lan- I , ,nta ~‘t L the nittn, alw. a llama, r...ktnurtote att:t Sortni. ,meal L i the ...al ~ ,an. 1.111 ..n.tent an. ...edit., . 4 drio 6 ''' ..00'0'. 0001013, LA- de • 4101 /.. IIIUI YOll It, lam at 1 State hallo Airnia, dn., ufFolithiltit ii . "• " r .''''` Pn ...rat,. prt.r. Johnetuan. lt , C A MeASULTI A tad Th.. bond.... on the fun. and lute bona ha., 40 fret , . Canal 11., Moan. end tan. , ton., 1..1.. nllar 101.1, the whole Ina,. . 6,15 ' - wi thwi partOnti wall In the nailer The Inn, L. well Antal.. 1 and tn ound eyl. the mun e , e ,. ~,, ~,,,A d d, da d , i ......,._,.. , iii S 5 1 ........--- „, -'''''' r colated thrn. in the I , act.... y, u,lll threw tin' Plan., trt i .T.iii-T " with thew. large Fraohlin a.var, five ....nati In the uptwr " " c Produce, d.m., ''''T thn- "rwl'th h" " '''''''' '' ''''''' '''''' ` r '''''" Shinners of Iferch . 'u l , i.a. eu attach, tr. brie., hot., :di by 6 hut, two ann. jTo a a- - Moat Aar , a• thr.t• 111,th. with Iltr., pantrL. and ...r..h in (mat 1.11"...d auk - ' , ...svo mon t trrastwot, Par' TIT . I TE AN SPOR- Ontt,tuutie ........ at. 1., o kitrhen• . .r..! by Is peel, too 1 ~I I k v•F piTTS,,c .rleo klub. nairulated per .. t wo rk Atop er 1,1 non, antis : Is- " - ' r ' ' P ' rad. In front ten 6, aal -, one Tr,. u.... 1 1....... at . 1t.. , "'or the 10 - 6.1. hots ~.. i d d, 1,4„..., „ nd u ., ~. i .vrtt I St , •tt CO.: , l :rr A , ,T 97 l(l , N r i l L ''' ' ' 'N}: I nto with "airier, PM • r pa,' 7 1. el' ht. , and the vol. maw.., i , C‘ i . , '' ,..., ' n.ri...:, ' :, .r . , '" . " ,, ' ;•!IL. 00,11. ILI 4, h.' '."'. ,tone: a g... 1 aml 1., ter tr mug •, , nn • uf -..1. woe.. um... Al• ' ' • • A. A ......... ll,tano.re. .. . through it, hies e et., - -the uppe; ni. w. II h.. l ... 0 "" 1 ' ''''• •* '. t e,.... df Ild• r,.., ~,... fu ~,,,, A •I„.1 „„ „,•,...1 :„, . .?;, „„.. Ma u l .., . ' ^r" '''''" L ''''E t : -.„ 4 " e ..• l''" "`"' ''''"' ' r.. „„ h„... „. „.„„„,„,„„.. „„„.„. -A t„ „ t ., „„ ~....,. ~. —,''''" ''' r: - .„4 ra , -.. , T .h " . •""' r•''''. 1.L , 1 , .rat , leo , . o . r liar tualent.th. dm. hewed b n , ...Pte . . Itt mu' , ~C . ' ' 1,14, , tn ha...dal...At to volt Int A brick 'now IA fey In fret 010- , . . - —_ mod a half +lnner I.latt anti. • tn. * tulip, • -prin. ' near , au n ~, .1 - ...... &- td ..„ ~,,, i ,'" w a LT '''. On I.ore. nlt. a etl . d Ina,. tn. the rtri, Lowe, ,hy i -.'- 7.c .. ,, F'A . I) . E . , N - uti if v 5.....,, • la feet, an. and n ha'.l a.rh. hh,h. wait Lrmk Hamm, n ...... and ,ter tor wntlur -00 .104 00 010. .kle, um. large - I John Mtia...o I. Lint o f Lank 1..00.1,11 tt, ... t r am 1.. 10 fout. 1.1. th. 11.n..1.th.. . .nuenwour. .. • thaw In ..d.p.. att.,. and . nt. uta. rod-stabl.. In j Ottani Buetn, I'r. SB , el- • 1"... r ~,,,r, . 00.• frat to itabr, Loa.. tr, lark.. Inns . bY 'A (rad, thullo fort I. h. with atallr tor rol./1 , . oar Ira.. 'Penner en Central Rail Road. barn. 4 , hl 24 'fit t m..l , ..fevt Ittult, on. franornh.....pl,nn.. - l''''''.2' ''''" '' 'A lA'''. diva."AmA ''''''''' ten..P r r i; 1 CIE I •• , •lb..`t A having Wen appoißted rack. In the .nter. -upper Mort for hat. one trume..1..... ' , . d ' l 'A M' , u . ~ the Peno,ylT , nia oi.Crutral Itwil houradanneted . 1 Le adore Int.., 16.1 le, 24 feet. and AI ~ ,": 1 „11.,,,;,',..' n ' e i ' that aa at , n". P' l-.... ' d tr ' '- fret Me, with no. to lo the runt. r ene 1n... boor. pd ' - "'''P P - "-- - P. ' '' 'A ar slain, fOr rhlrturat. ta,l. on thr poultry. IA Id st. ~ and a .„ , ~,,,i, 1 ate, :en Lends. P For mama, appl •d u Jahn Hull, .4. the premien , . who ' ' P 'r• fl ,,L r it, ..", u " .',7T.,,1. ' r will be carried IhrookhAn Err dal: will vb. the Fan a u and Fire all 00E1-.0, Infonnallun. or P d' ii - P - --*- '-'. tII he Pdvtard , ". l 0, . a ‘•"... tn Ahll 4lll litil , 0, ;Tina Pitt..horah /halo/, I mil., now Cr !''' ''' ", L '' ' ' 4.. ,, -1 '. "' .7, Month of litaver ..Irs.elt. mud 5 coulee Lulu.. }I au... I . " . ' P r r t..... tir r ....-- r ' ' febl . 2.4awss 6 Arto or rrol air OrITLIII rallADl , 2l. AXP rrtrantlyln. --- - , . I ,allies' Dress Goods. Dry iteelo , 1re,.l Flag, Boot, ktatlanart , Cutlery...l.. - Ounary .1..1... /Pratt re. Furniture. ittound_lledtrther , ik tritfli• I a.- But:011 , 1E LD have now i f,';'':',,,'''`; . vr ''.''''' ''',:,`,''',,,,. ~,,,,,,,li.`,"?. t';‘,..rtit'et IT er...—a , ,10..., of Du., t-n.vt: t::,,,i'f.r.:1`...t", 7.11.1. Thooth) ana , -. 0 . 1 " G Z ''Z . , ° ' 1101101.0111, , P o pli [ooo .. Iterage Dr Lad., 1. 1, .. e l t Watered l ot.` kr , Pnrrh Mntta. kt. . Bat:, 1,6 Id k. 11..... r. Lard, Lard 00, T..1.... 1 ,..... Mel a 1... rite annuli. he their va:Ova a.,ortno.nt 1.1. th.,,. lan •A :tin.. and Ka... .. '1.... of hand.. Er :Sled ../ dt Pruds on! Clunt 1,1. P., ~,,i,,. m„,,,,, ~,,,,, , y,r, ritelL, it.-1.. .. , *.v.:4 50 tem ell Chintz „ pod, la uvtual , Lottevwl.t. i , ..4 b...% ~, Veld= .1.30 kIeVADEN i cf•triNY - STEAM BOATS L'oit ti: 4 4.IST LOUIS--The new . rot. en thi- day. We lith . iiirlatiti or at t : n'''''' l r ! ' ,ll 4 {llZiN ". .l l l Lit .Apint melll7 114 • 011 ST. LOUIS.—The (ILA run new 'trainer 3:1111 1 11111.. rnrtafn Ma n will Irate frit the Lore and .11 inlet. thi• ihty. the 17411 Itittitot. at 11 , . 31. tiir treiglit rittlr k4 -01i. ZANESVILLE —The tine - , Emelt ES F.. enx. mane, li ate nlinie pert. t .11 .i rteein, for frieettor Nit-ate, . . 1.1.01 t. SAINT 1. 0 1;IST110 swift l' ~. 1.0, . .11,1.1,...., DIA I/1,51. Corhrita. r. rmut.sokr. will Iron.fur Ont.. nod ' tn., . m.ust , Inwieni, , InA.i,', .1 •I o'rlt+ . l , .. Vor fn.lat ~ r ra , ,,,... erply .n, ),,,,,, ,r,1,15 1 4 NOlt. ) UISVILLE—Thi. 911;41- 11 _ 11.1•.nn,Avi.; sTo. w Irwsn for e tho nldw 0 non v.n ill to 0-411, 3•000 Int. tle t nth nt 10 o•elok, A. 31 frrlVlil or IWwwtot^•{.oll 141 co-Itls FOR ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS HI V 4:ll.—Thr lAA nrul rtinfortnl.lr or 1et7 ... 147., RETWOilil—ltirkrrtrta. nwltw will for tile n 1.0 0 Wll , l ttllrrotetlln portap For frrlght tr.hl.l F :V OI1 G LASI;OIV, LI V ERPOOL ANP % , "):1.1. , V11.1.E—Th. row t , tva rrt, I MLLE, NV m. Itlnlarn. toaster, will run . l •l ' Y 9 l ' i b r. "Pr'r • • nt For frolwhl tr rownwr, aPPIT on 1.4,4. NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1851. riNIF: new and fat running tr. CASIII4III, J. MeNlittax. Manor—llrgularßold, Sun. * Wellahurg. Wheeling. Bridgeport. Captina. and Sunni. Parket—lgairial Pittsburgh erory W,lniamlay at nelock. M- %lir..ling and Bridge Port. au./ every Stiturdar. at OP. M.. for Captina and Suutialt. Returning, leaver tiontlah ovary Moods, at IU ii . ginek. A. M.. and Bridgeport and Wheeling every Monday mid Thursday. nt 1 M. For freight and paraage apply nu fir to • meta JOHN FLACK. Agent.. AtiIETTAINI ) 1100 - Wrt llT.—The fine sleazier PACIFIC. ;7. ialua. master, trill loaf. for the at., audio ter - mediate porta every Thetuduy. at 4 ii'elock. P. M. For freight or paiguage apply en hoard. or IP T.WOOLia . k SON. . . meltiO No. 61 Water antl r4l Vrnnt 'Olt ST. LOUIS.—Thi. aplrnrlirl Lrr new stow:nor STATFSM t Laml, LEM, commend,. will Imre fur the nbra4 nnd Into arl9 on thl. tlny, the Lth itLit.. tit 10 A. M. hwry a frotaht or pn.iinao appli 011 ham,. or to web: 11. VI I,TEN BEIM Eft Act. IA . F it l; 1 1 1 .1 11I ‘ Nt . Cru m i l t .l Pkt: IS K II E 1 1 : hr i F e ( r )ll - tor 2, enaL al4ae evarE Tu091.1, at 4 o'clock a. u. 0., 171 41 w Lt.E. 0.Y"0”g. wil' Altn, reaulor aa6lott betwan Whalina. ,rt. not FuntlM. leering PaLiburalt ormy IlnrulnY oona. for II Marine, t;.411939111.6 tool Ilrithtontut. And overt Thor-hir liftornoLn tar Strultottiilla Wborlink, Itrlattort. Cotana untiilt. lon , . palace r: nol Stoma, el , ry Tneol, 3fErrnr.ll. runfLM elm, Frit ottoman. ha In.ight or patonge. imply on hoard. 9r tx, , 06,1 IV. It. 11'11111.1.ER, AarnL I I }: , 1 „ 1 , 1 , ,; .. 1 ,!. t 1 k , A.N d l: nee prk, -tam, ItICIIN A L. LneaL ' ln ' tr. oat. Mantilla Ism ratittlar trLaL kly trio , 19twan otti neol AVlnallna, lonvina Patoboruh nt Oetork T l h r glrVil 7 . ..9 ' l ' t r tn ' t n ef us malt wak. For fraiubt nr onto Vol , A ItMaTIZt 1N it Litt/ZEAL Aaent... )111 1.. A W E ESDAY, 11. PACK ET, CINCINNATI. l'artnat .ain - ;anon:haul Thii .ahuh,l4l.ll, bY tho ownon of [lto , tmnter Imoa Norton. ma other, for iltE ein a lt,nnti ot atttarah Peoloa and will len,: "n p '. usr.}l m7Li•igi4A, A:.:Tnt TRANSPORTATION Manufacturer's Line. 1851.' Wriffl ARE HEREBY INroitmED 1 7 that Ibis LIN E. 4,L11, 4 ,1 I`lltl,l, • .linrt ti.l at a. h. ran., . nu)' re-itlar Lin; ti ha. ti uvula fi car . ) 414 Ils, t., 1111.11.111 e. Jnbn.tavo. 11111.1,,Lurt, 11 al, Ntre. t. Aleanitlna. Ifununntion. Mill New Hamlin It. Nl , Vet las to. 1,..1/10W1.1, 3111510. N. port. Clark , Per,. Ilart.l.nru.Calurub a. am! all atli er Intern... Ate j.nto; on the l4niu.rivan.Cnna l .. l, r , a.. 1.11,.1.1 'Losingreturn Itt Iron ...cured front the Jon., proniptuti. and rn rulc.rlty i t Plaptuttl.. at the lanent rata, a 1 ha rel. l ln .1 I 11111111.). Pntnrielnr• n0.L1,1( we-•. I the entil. SUMMER ARRANGE3IESTS. - ) Pe . 11A VIE NEW I'ENNPVLIANIA lIAILIt. ONLY 11t; JJII I'ILY TO PI! I LAIJELI'III_I. GOOD INTENT AHD TELEGRAPH Mail Lines of Splendid Nem Troy Built Coaches for Hollidaysburg, Anti front ihrrare 21:1 Miles I, !he NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD To I'lliladr11,111:‘, Sew Ytd.l., and 11.1timore. Tine Taw..., n tr 1 lint AN Casein. will leave Ilse,. Ilnrat, at a oitlocki.letlnek, P.M.. and I* o'flork. Es tr. la at au, 1:00'. al., lin ...lin,. Shit 1. the M. '• comfortable. AO eso , Llhu,to to the Earl" Pat....tiger. fur flaltin,rn take lb nevi EaVA ' un t :itr; t of "11 ° 1- Ir===ll IBOMAS. WHITE, BONNET MANU FACTURER. No. 41 South :5.'0.1 Street (bo” nut. rut nide,) rebnly ¢0.“4 - r. BAG ALEY,- WOODWARD & c o ., wh o l e . JD/ sal." Grocery. No. =1 Market rt. rhiladebbin. .PI) J. 111.7.0•• LW... ULU, OMO!. RAID. BUCKNOR, & CO.,Tobacco iTT igon w llle : g4liszrth Water , : u t7l. mELsctrt rd s, u A . NM, mwt,na crunts.,rneolsnf Produce generally._ lion3 - ‘pm, st.ulati POI POl arrir....- augrra ttrwornur. liW. NDEXTER & CO., General Ceturslexlnn ant Porealdlng.llerchanta and Flour r, No. '276 Marta ntreet. Phillikuiphia: 1,15 To Southern and Western Merchants. HOUSELL'S PREMIU3I PERFUMERY. kph rotenrira rtack nave rieF Croon!. a,_h .bleb mien Oliver and two Golden Melbas bare. within the last elf year,. been >wanted by the Institute. of New Golde n ton andllblladelphia, the latter being the only Modals ...yr awarded far perfumerr dt.l.r in Enrol, ar In this country'. Rorsta's CoIIIVAII2I , eusunto CU., (Almond. Rose, and Ambrosial.) onirermlly arknowledue4 to be anterior to no 7 Rueful:Comas In Ude enemtry or Europe. Octoroon roa Satruou—Beautifully fru:opulent, auk !treating blehly rianinaacrous and=Anent pronertimu Soo me Compound: Ambrceial Sharing Tat let; 11111Isc ry Shaving Sono. Sari:arise Ma re —Atmmad. Rose, Milleneurs, Boer quet. itietocbia. Illusly_riatehously, Omnibus, Floating, Tom:enema:it, 011ee Oil, Windsor. and Clnnsalati. Earoacrs yak TIM llostoasaminna.—Roar, Juana, Bate tort do Caroline. Gerane Jenny Motusellne,Jack -5' Club, llaunolia. Clematit nm, e. Citronelle. Utast, and many other varieties, In all misty &Llama , Parfume. WATCll.ll—Fhlrida Water. of do Toilette aver. W . prang , later. and a ure of at aviary Colcernek dad Lave n der Waters. . . ihLPO.7I.II To. rna 1/11I—GVIIGIne &ars' 011. Antique Oil, Ihindnlinr, Pau-lautrste, Oleine, Compound Os 111ar row. Flair DvPs, liquid pod lo Moo and Jm, ., Lind PostadrA. otioNT aux. Pley.uuttrosP—thdpamie Elixir, Rope Tooth Pao.. Charmed L.mtrifice, Odoutino, Tooth Pseto.and Tmth Powder. • • `-' ,. ocs—Vegetable Cannotla Cr... Asuncitne for hap, hand, told Crlmna of Haws. errata do Per.. Idn ' t l tio4 l74 lZill .' fr;r l t;moting runerilinouahalr; Prarl Iv.•r, Vinafgre Rouge, Aromatic Vinegar. Victoria flair Comptonßio, Pl,.ton Falb. tawkice great variety of other article*. too nor:arrw to he named in Ude adterttae oot- The enheeriber harem t maintain the reputation of bleb thlo Utabltehroent has acquired. br oi.onaot of brdhin4 hut. first rate article, awl wW be burry to furniel three who mar wish to patronize tom, either wholesale or retail. nnrm.on.bie Wm.. on, e stab lis hm en t to the Walled Wan, ZAVIER buonerenr to and former Director of the Laboratory of EIWENE 111113 SELL, Ohuont 31r. Benin', Perfumery Is for s ale by ll4 all the n mineiyal Drannieto In thennuntry. NEW YORK A: & a. A. A114.031X, pRAPEIRS S TAILOICS:"No. 303 Broad way, corner of Duane street. Myrna the I rat. limn, V01..0 re,r.evtfully Invite the attmdloo ,d Meta. aid ithe public to their ,bortment of too :WRING the newest patter,. which they are preparthl b mak« up ni the Geer manner and 00000 fashionahlt style, at "their ml mal,•rnw ti n't. nt 'r‘ tZ 'b ena o tho I=u7: ViYt.7tl3 dark du: new pathrnm of Pali, Embroideries. There are Ulm. arthda eraplayril ad" rataldlshment— one to mat WATS, Otto to mat PANTS, and one to rut IV A ISTUCIATS. Eneh department Is =ankle In Itself A ItIlY nod NAVY tiNIFIJILMS made to unbar, will arca rocy and despatch. and In'tho ..ploat approved :manner. btranzers who vi...itthla metropolis, roll Cod at this estal , ludluarnt. ...Ty thing to theta-Wt.. and • trmat perfvet L i' l ltill.n u ie . AlSTOOATS..—Thr. elegant walatroat, that wen • much admired at Crotle dardeu. bans Ime +tannin , ' the nr.t premium orate Amerimu Instit tn ute a their tate Fair. Shawl and Ittan - Warehouse. 1: 4 1 . S. MILLS, No.' G CORTLANDT ST.. ..L.4 • (C l . Stalta,) NEW YORK, I, ocor oveninw one ad the inryn ot and riehent n... , mortmeuin of SPRING AND SUMMER ever before lred. Abo LACY: :MCSLIN nod Lind. of FILE : , IANTILLAS. manufactu red frau the lab-.t Parts (*Won, trCI4V4Vi by the otensmer, and pnrticalarly adnidml to the FP , lng_ttada. n eery nplendid ,itock of PARASOLS AND U3l - flingYal and plain edged rattan n and T ook Satin Parar.oly, awl Cotton and Gin, ham Umbr.ll.. All of which will by arena' rat extietuell lovr . prin... We e,ncially Invite our Western frietall to ex anune 'lock before purehaftlue. Abo our , WIRE SHOW STANDS. for altiblfing Shawl, and Mnotilb. , . par noln car.f o r tranelPartatk , n. febilftf SPRING DEPORTATIONS C. B. HATCH A . CO., MIIM=2I NO II WILLIAM V.TREET. NEW .VOCE, AVE no / w in store, and are constantly re , R evi v ru, I, teamers. the most rxtensire assortmeot of itetit emen's 11001 PS ever beforo ofcen.l. embracing the hilts, and riehest styles of CravaLciShlrts. tillleee, flatfeet - . suspenders. Linder Garmenba London Ti-,. Rorke, Oiled Silks. Dressing limn.. IlagalkSrehlers. ..Shoulder Dram, Linen Collars. with a rarkty of other sr Uri, peculiar en their line of bruin.w. All of which will be sold at ...he very lowest prices. War Western Mends are invited to ratindoo our stock Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. 91' ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street New York. rrOTT.ICI2I TO TO2 The 0....... SI 50 dor. per dos. 1W 4 oz. • 621; oz. On'draught. per ...... 20 crOto. MIA Is the Isclt article manufactured. It flows freely la a good COPYINO INK—and will not ornate. mould. preripibste or &say , and poses...es all the qualities requir ed fors good Writing Ink, suitable for the Quill, ad mirably adapted for the tit eel Pen. The undersigned la prepared to furnish to the trade tbrr for export or home cousomPtion. at the ultOt" rt , ~ b l w prio, put up as per order, and dclivernl in an rrari. . the city free of slurs., No thug. for MN, Barrels or Legs are charged extra at nett oat. TII oAL E N!Ix E "T;I.. . f•hlly • . Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising 'ravel , ones. VO. 263 31APISUN: ST., NEW YORK.— Tbe subscriber. In 1111011fIting the paWonage 1' all alb. maT tee Wit advertisement. feels none of Out liesitatum with which a r...w article is brought before the publie. The rwt ee of rears has establishnl Weir superiority, h ound dl question. and he contain:illy refers to We 1.041,11. y of those business men who have used these tn 11140 ,1 1. hhd hie ,rapidly incrassing tales. as proof of their Tse roaming ats• for of the masons foltheir Poet .6[3 IA. On the plane tiramtpled by the teal. • peomn Tut have hts tnne. business, and ultimo. conspicnoutlY an d beautifully etulawessl , colored or Ptahn. Wus ailbaintb,Per . fect sumrity against fraud. 2d. The Envelopw .woad be opened without Oclio; stroyol, d. Neither wax nor wafers arc orlon,' to seal them. 4th. Upon the tolfrorriage fa letter, the val insure. its irom.sliate Tet In on, to the sender, insteml of bring burled I n o l' 'litsl at almost We same pg.. or plain ones. 6th. barb letter malted bt a matt effective adverdnent sure Le ettthet the attention of all through whose bonds lt .IA a list of prices for Dl.S..yoMUred on brass. And which will lost—for yt-are: and of .rartwess, of sb. tuunl row, eltber white or Loft of goal natter, nod made a, shove. with name. address, ac.: Prins .if IW.. l'rusa Dindoprs wade era ato 30 5.00 10(S) 44,00 to 4tl 0.00 0000 ' 0 to 60 10.50 ISt tn 4100...._...... ............. (land. (Mr doz. i M. 1 os. • • - - an \A to len 12.00 SOO° 100 it I+ not convenient to forward amount of orl r mo il rrnn....om to a r.yper.toblr New I or% limo.. will 1.. e .uflicint All order. rrill nu, with prompt attention. If inltlxnar.l. N Pr Nl.' 31V1t1 . 111". o. rt 31mliro FLIT.. Ne w York. Ordrn. will tor attended to promptly. If left at Um .tore: of 31errnr. Fibril Platt. or Wall rtreet, or of 3lerrra. 11. Jrrollman U Co.. 1:I.4 William rt. ll.—llto.lor+r Card:. rualaward In colorr, from Orr, at floor per thou.rattl. frl.234Z•na Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherorus, I)It ,r IIi:DICA TED COMPOUND,..iitfallible n•stiovuttg th act e eturi. tundra. anti ell sihoUoof 00 the real.. und curing eruptions on the skin. dPettaes of the gland.. musrles marl integument, mid relieving ging, cuts. brut . With this preparation ,Itere noeach 7.lTin! L lT2ll. ," st eln h' lnt7ine tl f ' Lt e ti l ett A c ' iN , :n ' ; O r f l' al ' l "j oree. " sion, and ladles who have r m-6.1 it to years In their dres. „, , i l : 4 44s v it i n , d , ta . umrtlrert r i t il it vf:L dn