The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 03, 1851, Image 2

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MONDAY Z , IORNLNG, 31.11:011 3. 11,31
• ..To the Whigs . of Pennsylv.inia.
FrTE .01 t..•
at A
yytt v 1
Joseph it. •
F. Knnz )lortcn. ~,,
NV ra. ti:ul.l3
ffunut•l Belt. lan
ne.anlel'lntramtvr, r 11
NVta. J. R.OiAtISVn. . lir
IVorilon L. iv o.
Them.a L• ! ?1.. 11 ,tt•.
floury' Johlann. • ; Jam:,
Charlet 11. . 1 I rum. 11
IL A. Firmly,
(7 •
ITt4l:ratu "
in t ..
%.:1 , Irn, Jrt •
Irc era indebted to 11r. lintmon for import
ant public document,
Much disappointment and regret it felt in this
community, at the defeat in the. Peanut of the
appropriation which had passed the House for
the ereetion of a Custom House and Past Oliice
building in this. city. the matter may be re
cut:add:red, we defer all nan:tient, nmil Ke re
ceii-o the report of the debate. The prospects
arc, however, gloomy for is, and fol• a modifica
tion of the Tariff. Pennsylvania will listen to
depend upon her own rt,oni . c . .n, end her powers
of eadornnee, until she has wisdom enough to
elect men who are not oppose.' to f,t,ring and
protecting her roost vital interests.
. Oar iepresentatiee, tic. Ilswitoo, has done
everything which could be done, to , secure the
Custom House appropriatiur, anil he succeeded
to passing it through the. 'louse. Why the Sen
ate choose to deny us this small favor, which ie
necesgary for the Convenience of the people, and
the safety of the public funds, we shall see here
llummt. can ALLEGMENT ft.nst: Uesn CtIMP o-
OT.—The Stockholder., of the above Company
hold a meeting at Bakerstown, in this county,
on Thursday, the 27th ult., and c:octed the fol
lowing Board of Director,:
Samuel M. Lane, l'residenr. Campbell,
David {Volker, T. li. Lyon, C. F. Sp,ng, and T.
IV. Shaw, Hoacgera. .James J 013,7, T.euturer.—
Rine hundred and oighty-one votes were polled.
About sfty thoeuculd dollar.: hare been subscrib
ed to the stock of the Company, and the re
mainder necessary. to build tits read , can be ob
tained, it is thought, t',"ithout 'difficulty. The
Directors intend to prepare the-road fur contract
Immediately. The ticket ‘crle elected Tafai
FREE BASIL:NO Ilarri,bargh Tele
graph, in att,arti,,,tle noticing` tho reference of the
Free Bunking Lill, on ear,:ion of Mr. Crab), of
Philadelphia, to a Committee of Inquiry, hays—
_ Mr. Cmbb is opposed to the Free Booking , Am:
and we are enrpri,ed to .outlete,,rt who ore
in favor of it place' themselves under the !cal of
an opponent. The atone vote may retard the
paczage of the bill, for a short time, hut is for
from - being a test on its merle. M:r. Walker has
It in charge. •
Marren. 6-r Ilannisorerna—We arc still with
out 6ur Harriet:m.lTh Letters. From the papers
we glean whatever interests this region.
In the Sene:l, on TuezdaN, the :2313 inst. Mr.
Walker reported, with an amendment, the bill
supirmentary to the act incorporating the Penn
sylvania Railroad company.
Mr. Crabb reported, with a negative recommen
dation, the bill telative to the election of Alder
men and Justices of the Peace.
Mr? Frailty 'had in place a Lill, to prohibit
. .
incorporated companies from paying interest on
loans or mortgages in any Care, except !ale:gni or
Pennsylvania currency.
3lr. Brooke offertal a resolution, providing for
the holding of afternoon sessions on 'i'isesZlay a
and Fridays, which was adopted, '
The following joint resolution was read a see- I
oral and third time. and passed finally-.
Resolved. That the thanks of this Legislature
are eminently due to the Hon. Daniel Webster. '
and that they be and are hereby, tendered to him
finite. vary able und patriotic manner. in which
be has vindicated the wail established principles
of the Government of the United States, in re
- gad to its intercourse with Foreign nations, in
Ida letter to chevalier ldul,sman. Charge d'Af
fairs from the Government of Aust::a to the Coi
fed States, dated December I. 16.50. _
On motion of Mr. Yernon, the bill relative to
and providing for . the payment of the tint and
second regiments of Per.nsylvanin Volunteers,
who nerved in the late war with - Mexico, was as
hen up. Thu bill was passed through the Com
mittee of the Whole, and laid aside.
'On motion of Mr. Crabb, the Lill supplemen
tary to the act extending the charter of the Far
mers and Drovers' bank of Tl:iynehbargle was
taken up and posted finally.
On motion of Mr. Carothers, the bill authori
zing William P. Baum, nuardlin of Elis tl orb an.'
Mggaret li, .Carlisle, to execute a decd to We
cite of Pittsburgh; was taken up and passed li•
tinily. •
On motion of 'Mr. Carothers, the hill incorpo.
rating the Duff Mercantile College of Pcnosylva- '
nit, was taken up, read o eycentrtime. :.nd post
The bill for the relief of Thomis 8.1-and oils
en, soldiers and widows of soldier= of the
lution, came up in order and wad passed
In the How: the same day, the 2:Jth, 'lie Den
nison, reported a bill providing for the mange.
ment of the public works. This I.PI n'a, made
the ipecial order for Friday, March 7th.
This being private bill day, the following bills,
among others, were taken up sad passed trot
reading, during the morning se , t.lott - .. - - -
A Lill to authorize the laying out of a State 1 ,
road from tile Allegheny :dal Perry . „ - sville Plank
Road to .the Village of Yew RochesCeS, , in Beaver
' A aupplement to an act establishin, a uniform
standard of bituminous coal in Alleghily county, j
passed April 6,1850.
A bill to change the name of the 3lethalist
Church in the city of Pittsburgh, and to ,
thorize the trOsteen thereof to sell certain real
A bill regalifing free ofjusticcs of the peOce,
in Allegheny cOlmty.
A bill to authorize the Auditor General to
transfer theostock of the Corninons - ellth in the
Pittsburgh and Butler Turnpike Bead to the Al
legheny and Butler Plank Bond company.
A bill to establish a Beard of iles;th, and , to
secure the city and port of Pit:3llm.y from the
introduction of pestilential and contagious di
A bill to incorporate the 01.1 Icilows' llall
Association of McKeesport, in Alleghtiny county.
the afternoon session, the - bill to 'authorize
the Auditor Grnernl to transfeit..the stock of the
Commonwealth in the Pittsburgh_ and Butler
turnpike rand to -tiro Allegheny. anti Butler plank
road company, being before the House, the ficst
section was adopted; and the questinn, being son
the second section, Mr. riigh.a.m mooed that the far
ther consideration of the section, together with
.the bill, be postponed for the present, Which was
agreed to.
All the other bills which passed a first read
ing in the morning, were taken up, and passed
• Li the &nate, on the 2604, amob;_' the netitiolb a i
presented, was one by Mr. Carothers, of Alle
gheny., in favor of the erection of a Poor Itotise;
also, fora law preventing the sole of nt..raietat
Mr.' Savery presented petitions in f3i.or of the
consolldntion of the city and Phi!,
•ilelphia; and for the repeal og all,lnno3 °Tempting
certain property from taxation.
Meuart. Ferunn, Sa V e Cy. Cunningham, 1 - ruiley.
Guernsey, Friel, IlaAletr, Robertson, On.nthers„
Hoge, and Lawrence, presented peti ;inn, iutavor
of the ertablishraent of a tree buil:big dna.
The bill repealing, all laws, czon,pl4.: certain
proper 4. from taxation, taken up order,
amended; and cliscusecd, until the LA, of ad-
In the Reuse, hlr. Rood MOTC.4 the Howie re
cant, the ...meow/ reading of the bill to to the
pages of railroads in Erie county, which vac
agrer4 to. •
. The fast section being before: thr.
Perlaista6 moved to amend by addint
. proitio,' that no railroad company shat 14. a oniho
ed,or empavreted to lay two tracks on the road
T--;-boil of different gouges, oast of the . bcrongh of
Erie, nor &nil the set entitled act cola .or
- :porate,the.Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad Cot
be no construed as to authorise or crape • or
:anykompany,' individual or individuals, to on
: strabt any lateral branch road before the pri. e i,
Tel toad from Pittsburgh - to Erie shall be .11y
The bill was debated at length , by Mr. Roe in
.firfor and Mr. Penniman in opposition; .
Mr. Minkel Moved: to ,postpane itsl f.. her
comdderation for oho presents which was
to. •
manses SEIM=
A 'Air •, three well known medical
rentlemen, Meslm Audio Flint, Charles A. Lee,
and C. B. Coventry published a card hi the Buf
falo Commercial Adverthier, in which they ntot ,l
that they had been led by curiosity to visit the
li.oelic.ter 'Happen., iMes. Fish and Miss Fox,
end having arrived at a physiological explanation
or the phenomena they deemed a public butte
necessary. They opened with an ingenioni ,
and forcible argument, adopting the method of
4 fig ty exelurian, and were Ulus led step
,:ep to the point. that the sounds must be pro
tioe.od by voluntary muscular contractions, and
that the only possible source must be iu one' or
of the moveable articulations of the skele
tm. That noises could be produced in this way,
tl;ey had abundant evidence; but good fortune
placed it in their power to procure the very
demonstration they needed. By a curious coin
cidence, after they bad arrived at the above con
clusions, they found that a higbly respectable
Lily of
. Buffalo was 'able to produce s.ounds pre
cisely identical with the ••rappinge by a move
ment of the knee joint. We here quote from
the card:
The muscles inserted into the upper and inner
cde of the large bone of the leg (the tibia)
near the knee joint, are brought into action ea
ne to move the upper surface of the bones just
tamed laterally upon the lower surface of the
thigh hone [the femur) giving rice, in fact, to a
partial lateral dislecatten.
This is affected by au act of the will, without
any obvious movement of the limb, occasioning
a loud noise, and the retuni of the bone to its
place is attended by a second sound. )It;st of
s:,. Rochester rappingr ore also double. It is
practicable, however, lo produce a single sound,
by moving the bone out of place with the mini.
s:te quickness and force and allowing it to slide
slowly bark. in which nice it is noi,eless.
Several phenomnea, such as shaking of tables,
i.e., were auisfactorily explained.
This expose, of course, brought rt reply from
the Rappers, in which the medical gentlemen
were defied to test the truth of their theory--
Tlm challenge was accepted at once, and on the
evening of the ISth ult., in presence of eight or
ten persons, including come friends of both par
ties, the trial took place. A full account appears
in a letter addressed to the New York Tribune,
by Doctor Lee, from which we quote:
The preliminaries being arrmiged, we asked
"whether the *Spirits' would be present and
COSILTAIIIieIIt.: With us through the evening."...
After no interval of s minute or so, -raps"
wire :marl and continued in quick succession
for some time, which Mrs. Fish declared to he an
affirmative answer. This was repented. so that
there would be no mistake as to the willingness
on the part of the Spirits to accommodate --
Tbis thine settled, Mrs. Fish and Miss Foe west
re.hested to be seated on chairs, their limbs ex
tended and their heels resting on cushions. The
'reasons for placing them in this position were
stated, six: That we believed, in order that the
raps should be heard, that the feet should have
5011Ie solid support.. sertitlg• 11, / . o , 7unt: el,
the contraction of the muscles of the leg would
not throw the hone l head of Whirl out of place,
or if so, no sound would be heard, unless the
concussion or vibration which would he thus
produced, be communicated to some sonorous or
vibrating body. While thus ttated, mere than
fitly minutes elapsed• during which no - . raps
were heard. though the -Spirits ' were urged
and called upon by Mrs. F. to •• manifest' thorn
selves. A part of this time, Miss - Fox wai al
lowed to seat herself on the sofa, her limbs and
test resting oil the cushions of the same: No
sounds having been heard, it was huggested that
the Ladies l c allowed to take any position they
pleased, and see if any --raps - were then heard.
Accordingly they seated themselves on the sofa,
their feet resting on the floor, when immediately
a loud succession of "raps" followed,
tinued fur several minute,. ❑e then pr,po , il
to try another test; en besting oursulye, bufore
tie ladies, we grasped each of their knees firmly,
so an to prevent any lateral movement of the
bones; the "raps" immediately ceased, end
were not heard while the knees were thus held.
except near the close of the experiment, which
continued once near forty minutes, when two
slight sounds were hearl: on slightly relating
my grisn, while at the same time I distinctly
felt the heads of the bones grating on each other.
and the muscles contracting. which; thonzh
very positive 16nd of evidence to me, i em bwarc
is not satipfactory to bystanders.
I should state that our hands were removed
several times from the knees during the trial,
and •• rap," were always heard ;he in
ten,: of removal. At the deco of the sitting,
which continued till past 11 o'clock, Mies Fox
vr, much affected and shed many tears, which
excited much sympathy on the part of some of
the gentlemen present. I need net add that our
position was triumphantly sustained, and that
public opinion here is now almost universally on
our side.
On the evening of the 19th, a party of bodies
. and gentlemen met at tine house of Prof. F.,
when Mrs. P. the lady whom we accidentanly
discovered to have the power of "rapping" in
her knees, was present. Airing the esening ail
the phenomena of the "Rochester Knockings"
were produced, the sounds being exactly similar
! in character and degree to those produced by
the Foxes. I should state, perhaps, that the
, sounds are produced, not as first .sug,gested,
the tateuoles i.erted mt., the upper noel inner
silo of the large bone of the leg the tibia . , near
the knee joint, being brought into actionACls
'to ranee the upper surface of the bone
named, laterally upon the lower surface of the
thigh hone, (the femur,) ving rise to a partial
lateral dislocation," (Commercial Advertiser, Feb.
170 but the partlal.AisloAtion consists in the
m nvement or the Wild outward, partly occasioned,
I believe, by pressure on the foot, there being
great relaxation of tine ligaments about the knee
joint; but chiefly by the action of the muscles
of the leg below the knee. At least this is the
fact with regard to Mrs. P., fur by placing the
hand on the ride of the joint, the bone eon be
felt, at the instant the loud double rap is beard,
slipping on: laterally, and as suddenly slipping
back again, although, by an effort ref the will,
it can be made to glide bark noiselessly, so that
only one "rap" is heard. But this can be re
peated inn pretty rapid suecussion fora long time,
although it requires evidently considerable prac•
El,- to attain great in this nets and hitherto
mysterious art.
Doctor Lee then enters into a very interesting
examination of the different 'phenomena whiel,
have been the source of so much vvomler, and,
in our opinion, fully exploit. them. His state
ment above gaoled is so plain and straight for
ward that we thmk it more than likely that the
Rappers are now silenced forever. Had we been
present at the discomfiture of the Intl Indies, we
should have sympathised strongly with them like
the cehtimental gentlemen mentioned by Doctor
Lee; bdt the fair deceivers may console them
selves in tie hour of their disgrace, with the
reflection that their names will go down to pos
terity as the moot successful imposters that ever
entered the field- against Science nail Common
This body met at the Supreme Court room at
the Capitol thin mottling at 11 o'clock. The
member , . present were called to order by Gener
al Bickel, the State Treasurer who is ex-fefirio
President of the Board.: The following named
_gentlemen compose the Board, being one from
each ju4;cial district in the State:
Ist District—Alen. Brown, City undet;unty of
2nd District—William Mathiot, Lancaster
::rd Distriet—BenjamM Fogle, Northumpton
and Lehigh.
4th Didtrict—John Smyth, Centre,. Clearfield,
and Clinton.
sth. DlStriCt—J Moorbevl, A Ilegtieny
Li.trict —Re .selne Brown,• Warren, Erie
nod Craw :eft!. •
7th Dibtrict—Joseph ThomuN Buckt s. flout
Fth Libtriet—William A. Petriken,
Columbin,_Northuroherlan,i, Stall:ran, on .t
Pit t District—J Ituchfirld, Per
ry, nad Jut
Ihtit IhArict—T, Cunniughual, Webtthoreland
Inthauu., and Arha.trohg.
District--Henderson Gaylord, I,hrhrr,e,
susquehnuna„ and Wyouthig.
12t11 Dietriet—liel;ry Veifer, Paur.W.n and Le
13th Di,trict —L. - P. ]villi u,n , Tiogn. Brad
ford. Potter, and McKean.
14th Di.cnct--.1. (ion Jon, Fayette, Waehing
UM . NIA lireene.
15th' District—Wm 'Williamson, Cheater ~,i
Dela ware.
Dith Inatriet—Sami Gaither, Sonaereet,Frani:
lin, and Itialford.
I7th District—J. Mech!ing, Jr., Benrcr, But
ler, Mercer, and Lawrence.
15th Dietriet—R. Irwin, Clarion, Venango,
Jeffer.,on, and Elk.
I9tb inatrict—Wm. R. £ad!cr, Adam 3 and
20th Distniet—Coopsr Dull,3liffiin AC
"Ist District---Jacob Hammer, Schuylkill.
District—M. W. Coolbaugh, Monroc,Pike
Wayne, and Carbon.
23rd District—John S. Richarde, Berks.
24th District—J. Scott, Jr., Iltustingdon,lllair
and Cambria.
31essre. Smith, Moorehead, Curmineism,Gay.
lord, Doll, end Coo'bough were found to be ob
nat. -
The official with atm eidininkuered to the Presi
and the inembempresent,by the lion-Judge.
Pearson, President Judge of thi", Judidal
On motion of Mr. flannum, the bcard , then
proceeded to the election of (tier Clerk, when
Mr. l'eljer nominated J. M. Footer, and there he
inc no nonMmtiou. he was unanimously
elected, and the oath. administered by the Prey-
The election of Assistant Clerk, was then post
poned for the present.on motion of Mr. William- .
son, who stated that he was unacquainted with
all the tandidates.
The following notnination9.foi .kPmi.9tnnt Clerk '
were mole: It. 1). 'McKee, J. M. Gilmore, J. T.
James, James Dawson.
For Sergeant At Army, Henry Critsrnau. and
John Shannon. were the candidates. The vote
ttued !ferny Critzman, fifteen: John Shannon,
On motion of Mr. Williamson, 10 o'clock in I
the morning, and f.', o'clock in the afternnon,were ,
fixed for the regular meeting of the Board.—
flan. Tel.
Almost every day we hear oreetne returned
To the L'il:tor - of the Pit Gazette , i Californium being robbed by the numerogs sharp-
IVIIT Din too Aernorntartost or $76,000 os . era abo ut
, our to" , "EtielA Bess," a'woman
A. Ccsrolt Morse , Yost °Frier, etc., sett.?—The ' ...he ,keeps groggery is 'll ''' . 'tee'' , and
reason stated not winter, iu the House, fur re- , John Dattin' a lounger at said loggery, were or
fusing nu Appropriation for a Custom Rouse, . rented yesterday, charged with li,,, e i ng ro bb e d,
he., to Pittshorgh, was that no import duties en Friday last, a returned Californian, wile
, stopped at the house or the night, of Si-1,00 worth
wore paid at this port. This fact could not he
denied, hence the bill was lost. .of gold, and a valuable until,. Thu parties
But, we have importing merchants in Pitts- l'eree commit t ed r°r examir " l '''
burgh. Why don't they pay their import duties The slur hetirchn .I 111: 000111111• :era and May
or h o me! Rocauao, ~ a seri , or yours, th „. ;or King-61.1nd continues. The result of the in
have been paying at the eastern cities. • 1 vestigation of hostilities between lessrs. Bee
lleFFl,. Meredith and Buchanan made some ' tine an d /Venn'', as ' ti l e d b y the ddei.lon of
pointed remarks solotito to the tuck of State : Judge Edmonds, gives the victory to the driver.,
1 who are Oven the right to race up and down
pride, in Pennalvania, at the Glasgow dinner.
St. Louis end Uineituiett lug, each Apprupri. I l l enadwaiY , and roil over people, m• heretofore _
ations of `.. , ;:i,tioii for government buildings. be• The Mayor is ordered to restore the Hammes he
cause their importing merchants pay their import la'' taken mossy.
duties at home , Thy packet sl ip .`..ll.trittc, which arrived Al
The Mil ha, again failed for the same good this port yeeterday from Liverpool, he& twenty
reason, and so lng- ati the importers pay duties I °le de"thil"n hoe voyage , and landed at quer.-
in the easternl2u±t,un houses instead of at home, li ng tore sick with the ship
it will fail. The elingt,g3 Ilene deeliuren, one d . the
ulile , t of the Hebrew persuasions in thiN city.
participated in laying the earner Clone of a new
aynagogue in Greene Street, ue day.
The tinal number of deaths in this city during
. , the week olding. :r2il, wore Isl 3, whichise
I'o,. LB. crease of 41: user the previous week. '
The stook market opened firm yesterday, awl
She , ' 13 . 11-1 -7. 1 "r0f". a geneial Irlynnee lens established. lint to ibis
Wriveling Bre/yie ears Poopond one Year I the market gave acne, and prieeS Closed lessee.:
Pennsylvania closed at Itiiiinon State ,71's
—Tarot Mothriration , Again Defeated—Battle of
6L; Reading Railroad nil; rltate Storks rind Bonds
Bookersor, the Itisican Indemnity Aprapri
generally are firm. With l'ery fetr rili.ring. To
rourroc $..1.0,000, 'Bondi: of the Ohio central
We hare hada rather interesting than exciting Railroad, 7 pea cent interest, in .m . n• of $ll.O
day in Conereos. In the Senate, the cheap post- la t L .
age•bill was mA paF,sed only betniuse that La i tlette
and Indiana It:ri:rn:ul
exceeding!yrrisernan,:olonl3,, , ,nd,ofA'rkam,,,ts, cum , „f $!„, 1 - 1 0 „ It n„',/
tot the
one of the sages of that distingukhed common- some day. , f 43,501,1100 New York and
wealth, and a standard bon of the Senate, 'wanted Road convertible 7 Pereent
to make an hour's speech upon it. I greatly
fear that it will not be passed by the Senate in : In thr p n n l urnen'rkilt,
.1 U . cross, g.,neri 5 arc 1111110111.
time Limit of the concurrent notion of the SPLCI,IOII
House upon the numerous amendments which •
bare been made in the former hotly. It has a rr.m thv Natumal
Then the Semite proceeded to hammer the bill I In the Table of Popolotinti and IlepreQeuto
fur divp'esing of revenue collected in Califdrnm, I lion. " M° '" l
"Y the Lhtrtltcene.r, n,
e by military authority, into ehape. The ditlicul- ; recur red in Mnr.'„lti.,,",g,
ty Inis been to determine what to do with the ~ 1 tb,tKttt , hovel on 575,1 , 04 fro , : int:alio:l:at
money, a, it has neitherbeen in nor out of the nod 21 4, .!!!!it 'dove+ This. 1.6:1 ,111,3 t.
North I.'urolins to eight' toeutto, and n
treaur:t It watto day brought in. and three
the table
tranilreg thou,tintl &Alin of it were itnrueih.itOy ' iv from the , r , ;: , w , th.
given to Caiifornin fur Sate liurpolee rent::.
I learn that the Sit;‘retne Court hug ntin
aril the Wheeling Bridge gait, Uf theiAr De- 361„.
ember term, and have ordered that the defend-7,,'
ante 2le Weir exception, to the report tf the
tioturnisioner. Chance:l, Wa'worth, tin or before
the fourth of May next. Thiv proceetling
natually cause much surprise hod dissatisfaction "."'
in Pittsburgh, for after the vy riabor:lle and
protr'rted lavestiritlOn of th e er ConnoiSbioner,
the people rd . Penns - 3-I,min certainty had u right
to expect Unit n deity of another yeas would not
L•• granted t.. :b., tither party But of roar,
y_ decttsun nin , t jrl arnuiesciiii in.
Another demonitration for and In 6eh.s.: of • k i . 2,T;L,
the tare. was made to-ire in the TfAnso The
sqbjeet. tiorre,r. did n . .t tmTne lip in tent '.hope 7,;11;..
t n: •icz.slre
T4seldems tsieeete. propo,l h., ;Aria reLevini.,
Cie iron and intemit, ef Pennsylvania, and
other extensive 5 Utreringi -
amendment to the civil ahl diplomatic approi., ,
ation wto deridedcut of era . , t.; the
chairman of the Committee of the Sum
of South Carolina, a dioantoaist whom the
Lniondoving speaker delights to honor in this 11' emir is atiat
way) 'Mr. Stevens appealed, but the chiir 21.31'Lth" the
about 93 1, - 0
oats su , t.o,nc,l_irc •I. _la the law of 221 May, 15.50, determines the
agaitut action 14 Mr. Grinnell moved his more . number of Ilepre.eutatisess and as hot
generally acceptable scheme soon aiter, which :::22 Of there are presided for in Pos foregoing ta
shared precisely the same fate, I say these at- • ble, without taking them Cron,
tempts were hot perfectly decisive, because they
were not made iu connection with the right bill. i to be assigned - a
But there is groat reason to fear that the supple- I entire
mental revenue bill from the Senate, Me. Wi- The States entitled to Representativesfor such
throp's, will not be taken from the Speaker's M-
i f t ra i ction, will most probably tie M.,.. ac h os ,iis,
bic at all, or if so lost until so late a period that
any amendments that may be affixed to it enured and Kentucky-11.
be acted on by the titillate. To Ltd?: bill Alr. The State's which gain. irre , , , e - tice of the
Stevens' ur Mr. Grintiell'e hill would ouriainly be
i;y,pi ,, l :. lic s, li t i , g,a h n 1, Nli, o u r i 1_,,,
gennain, but us 1 ha Ye tool twenty times be
in, in all. arc a. follows
fore, there is not the remotest chance for favor. ; r k;,,.,:;„ 1, t h . .li g a a na ~,,, •
able action on the tariff question at this erosion. : 31.1.51J,11 , 1•i 1, NI
The French spoliation clgims bill, lying on the I Pennsylvania 1-10.
The p.nowin g States 10,, viz. Maine 1, New
6peaker's table beside tge above described meta,
are, will also be left to die a natural death, and
South laarolim. _, Ferment 1, I'i{gms 1, I:Lodg
the long deferrtsl hopes of the claimants will bel
fi wally extingi' iished. The free States gain six members runl s lose
The general appropriation hill passe') to-day. four. The slay ,. State" gam font' and lose :ix.
It, combined items amount to about serge
t 511111,0%0 —n ,„ Kill:
liens of dollar.
On Tuesday of .net week , Chem: women, nanied
The greater part of the day, and the whole of m i d,,, ai o Bridget ~,„1 Sane]
the evening, that is true six to tea o'clock. ketirunn, were killed on !lug/Lesion's stwtitin of
wet+ cratisurned in debating a bill prescribing the thithoad• near IlYde Psrlie, It appears that
the insole which the last Instalment of the ?In. "b" '""pied the 'l"7 w here
The whhe., the two oth
that it should lee lull in the manner ministering - to tier witutit . .. A lil uJ ' a:t ' ut n a e s a i r li i m i c ` l e n i a t r7o l l ,
found mast convenient and safe to th e goieru- tin the line the railroad, and a large may! ' of
went by the exec-calve officers.: but a portioti of rash, weighing about l•Cul t pedals, was thrown
thethe air. which descended dirto•tly upon the
77,, 0 , 1t 0 r t i0 , t , t , i , t , t ” h u e, t
and o employwnt.l, dealer.,
trio ;tadi:ague
roof or the hu
k,o n,the,re, seen the
lWith Lim, to discharge this responsible and deli- e d thel's'hUrt;'iittu'd They i i. ' :rit n e ' r 4it"lY repair.
ing it,belield
date duty. The Ileac adjourned without (led- • the mangled and lifeless 'exiles of
ling the matter nudes, and the third prostrated and bleeding. but
• afet quite dead, although she lived but a few un-
Huth rapid pragress has been made in the 6p
conscious momenta afterward. The women were
oroprlatlou bill by the 111.., since Thursday all of them married. One was ft? years of age.
• at, that there is now no doubt that so far no and leaves five children. Mrs. McDonald, was
, hat branch B concerned, they will all be dispo . _ , y(Ma9cof one of
ed of In good tithe. The' 'Senate will have , nre hn l d ' i l tn,nr /h .nrrcn n v
third io3n;
goal time oleo, to du its part in the neceo
ary work; but it will be done. JUSII S.
The hill from the Bowe of Representmi,
COrren.etiellee of the 1,,a, gittylirA,Guytte ; ' providing for a reduction of the rates of postage,
! has bout nu materially altered in the Senate,
Now Yong, Feb. 25th. : with regard to the rates of postage en letter,
The mild weather of the last week or ten days and newspapers, that we have hail prepared q
me opened the 'Judaea River between this city statement of the substance of tire" proyiti o na ar
lind Albany, and the various lines of steamboats they now stand in the bill its “.elifled by th e
I lr e busy iu getting their boats ready to corn- !Senate. With regard to letter postage, the
nen. the season. 1 • i Senate bill provides, that from end Karr ;tune
The Oregon and Buffalo left for Albimy at five ! 30, 1851, in lieu of the rates of postag e ntw
'clock laSt evening, being the first /boats of the : established by law, there shall be, charred the
M.O. This is the earliest period nt which the. following rates, to. wit: For every tingle Iseter iver has opened in a good many years, and will in taawnseript, or paper or any kind Uikth which
ave tire effect of greatly increasing the spring infuriation ,hall be asked, oe , yi ,,„,,,,,,. d i ii
rode with the north and-west. ! the moil, far any distance between o gee. , wit h.
Senator Foote had an enthusiastic reception at in the United States riot exceeding :1,000 „, ii ,,
ammany Ball last evening. en which occasion ' three cents, when the postage shall hove been
P eyerul speeches nor male, by the honorable prepaid: nod for any distance exceeding 3,000
enator and others. • miles,
,double those , rates : Mr crew such ~w,,,,,,,,
The thitsl anniversary of the last French 1t,.. i kit, ',eh,u eim‘eyed wholly or in part by sea,
lotion was appropriately celebrated yestetslay ' and to or (rant n foreign country, for any .6-
iy our French ettizemt. Ile —Basle Lafayette," Lubec over 2,500 miles; twenty coats; an/ fur
untneroas company, with others,. turned out, any dieanee under 2 i 55 0 mile.„ tea .
. i . ! ,,, , , „ A
ad after a parade through the principal streets, single letter i- one not etectsting half tar ounce;
•artook of a sumptuous dinner at the t.7olosseura. double and troble letters pay double end treble
Three seotnen, late of the bark Olen, named ''three ra t es .
- • . .
ouglass, Clements, and Benson, were arraigned The rates of pogtage on newspapers may he
, stertlay on an indictment charging theta with suited thus: All newspaper., not exceeding
in murder of the mate of nail vessel, Asa A. , ,
three ounces in height, sent to actual subseri
areas.; by shouting and stabbing him. Twom of I hers from the clime of publication, than he
tun are young white Men, and the other. ' enarged as follows Weekly papers, within the
enson,) Wahl:. The trial is set down for MUn- county where published, free; for any dbaance
y next not excesollng fifty miles out of the county where
The Young Guard of this city. an association ;' published. five cents per quarter; exceeding fifty
ounired in honor of "Barry of the Best, -
gene and not niure than three hundred
wib-. ten
err seventh annual soiree a t ',N o ', 501,,u loft .eents per quarter; UNCr three hundred and not
sl i t, which was most brilliant affair. Among exceeding one thou.:awl mite, firtres, cvnb por
and neat e , t . ct
two thousand miles, twenty cents per quhrtee7
e invited gust-Ls was General Houston, who sari quarter. over un t l i t rt h. y ou:n t d .,
w N o n ive n d tt w ac il lt h u m .a ' s 'e m h made on Benjamin Galbraith, over two thousand and not exceedk,,, , , , f,., t h ou.
Hansel foi-JR1111,3 Gordon Bennett, iu Broadway, sand, twenty-fire cents per quarter; and for any
parrs issued oftener than triswealy five
gist before last, by Be Witt C. Graham,
Gar named Summons. Nothing serious re.. weekly papers to pay double, tri-weekly treble,
and a great, distance,
Bed, and only a small quantity of 'blood was and
Graham is a brother of the indirldual times Gm. , rate,
ha cowhided Bennett sometime since, in Broad- Fur anY other book. Paper, magazine, •!:e
ity, and it is supposedthat this affair 'grew out not e x ceeding one ounce to weight, there Anil
that. The parties who made the attack have ,be Paid f" , a distance not exceeding 5i.P./
en held to bail In the sum of $3OO each. ous cent.
I An unknown man: shout thirty five years of Over 500 and not exceeding 1,500 miles, 2 sao.
wa in,tantly killed on the Hudson River .• I,.;00 " " 2,500
''broad, near Manliuttaniille, on :ianday after ; " '.!, " " 3,'00 " d
,n. From a letter found on Inn per.on, and '.• 8,500 '' " 4,604 ~ 5,.
; m the circumstances connected with the acci- ' For each additional ounce or fraction the totes
nt, It. appeat, that the act wan I remeditated I are proportionably inerons,d;—/l,pahlw.
l' the unfortunate man. The letter woe elgurd
lore," and stated that he had bleu deserted by The recent census returns show that there are
'wife. , I nearly 4,000 persons doing business daily in
General Sam Ilouston arrived in town on Sun- ; Boston. but who reside cut of the city. Thie
rv, and addreised the National TempernnceS., 1 state of things has been brought about, by We
ty trai t evening. The flail was crowded ha I numerous railroads and their low fares. ,
eicess. The 66erel receivesils friends tO duy
ut the Governor's room. City Hall. It is hinted
that the' old hero is fiqhiog for the PreAdemial
Justice Lothrop rendered him decision yeater
day afternoon in the cos.e of P,ey.Torupkins, hold
ing him upon a criminal charge, and it.aued hie
warrant for the arrest of the accused LIN. a com
plaint of Mr. lleujaroin Nathan, a broker, who
waa a victim to the tune or S:1,100 its the into
swindle. The coca 10 to be reetnned o day at
four o'clock.
The little drummer buy, Wm. Henry hash, of
whose precoc:ous developements of muideal tal
ent the newspaper, ha is recently rail so runoll.
made his first appearance hi fore the public on
Saturday evening, in a grand euticErt at Tripler
mol folly sustained the high reputatioa
claimed for him by his ',trews.
A ,elionner front iluveritraw, with
white a:4lllring to rend icharf ; in
Williamshurgh yesterday, was ewe!. y the tide
with such great force against the that she
sunk, and her cargo, (30,000 I,richs.) L. a total
.15.5. L, 5 ;&J.
i•••.o01 , • • •.)
5 "" 4 . 1 • 4.1!.;15
diclanc.lio/y Dratd.—On Monday afternoon.
'February ltith. at Lunenburg, Silas W. Marshall
aged 11: years, came to a andden death by be
coming hung by the neck in a towel suspended
from a roller attached to the wall of the pantry.
Whether he was kwinging in it for amusement:,
cr euperimentiniwith It to see whether hanging
for a moment by the neck would take away all
sensation, it is impossible to decide.—Morton
The American propeller steamer Libertador,
Capt Horner, from Philadelphia; arrived at St.
'Thaneas on the oth instant She left the capes
of the Delaware on the 29th of January, and
made the trip in •in days and a half; according
to her log. This is the vessel Which was built
for the Venezuelan government'
if,. Burnout and Fothrr Jlatihrtc.—Mr. Bar
num has presented Father Matthew with $5OO,
accompanied by an eloquent letter, in which the
services of the worthy Apostle of Temperance
arc warmly appreciated. This gift will relieve
Father 3latthew from the immediate pressure of
embarrassing circumstances.
eTtlit. 31ml.tve, /drat Rernedyfrr th e Lir, ebn,phani.
—The proprietor., of Oda eelebratad mnlieine are in daily
nonint of the meet gratifying tovilmoulal• al to Lilo lamb
...e of On. , remedy Dr. Ale Lane's IJver Pills, in maes
~,e ,.
hero pane/ILK have given up by the moat/WWI pity-
Aritl/1., boot effect an immediate cure. so 110. WI admin.
idere,l. Teenead • tate,. have been publiabed, and have
leen . numeteux that it le note an eatablishod fact that
.lioLane's Liver Pills are the best aver offered for the cum
Ilipalle derangement. Loan no time, therefore, ye that under that worst of neourgeo—Liver Complaint, bat
htiteu to purchase and use them i'l/la
For vale by J. KIDD I CO.,
mehlelavri.b No. CO Wood et.
Attention !
C..)- Pt ILO! ATITNTION in 132. t reSpectfully invited bo the
Ti,to, tiny ant ntaternent of John Watt, who was emu!
ofu ad k••••M by ii, tn. , of the Pyraottme:
tnny rt,fy that I has, been cured of an old
ri•e... GAO,. by the me of Four Bottles of Petroleum.
11. e notyrh at tarknil me a yen, ago lest December, and I had
t of ',tuna well, en I lied taken the advice of
amen. without an; benefit. 1 wwt benellnal
uluto-t hi.tnntly by the Petroleum. I ontp!ted w,, dartna
of Mr 1,1,1,,,m, n herrdmubstanre rracagating bone.—
I•lote4l.•ran without. au; eolleiMtlon from ens
• , n ,, to do and ...leis for the purpme that othrig who
ma, be malering may In orfitod. Ytn are nt nberty to
In :n neidnl b, n• hhtny-Ihne year,. Sly rendenre, at
th,, limo. in on 'OLIN WATT.
Part,.tan,u. February 24. 1 4 2.^ ,
F., nal. , 140 W 0.4 ntmet; It. E.
11",,,u1 rtn.n: 1 , . A. Co. ,orm.,.
wtd Fml.t M Cory. b. A. Elliott.
1!..111f1a.......1 11 P Schwan:. All,hrny. ttlan by.ih , pm-
T Cnnol Maxim Sev..ath rt., Pin.hurwh
European Agency.
The ..01,u•nher VIALIU4 . alf.prlneiyal ritio or
arcat lirilain. Lf311,. awl Oernokny, during the months of
A pr.t. lwat. I. rasing Mani.
I':h. And to attend to any n.trncloa f
charnot, vhteL mug L. cooliar.l to his ram
Foreign and American Efardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
rul; , kmpl. i .:: , :;. f.k N For:Vl l l.l s 4 l: !% -? !t E NP AMEZIP"A N
treele. sad •Istelt 1.1.1. are prrpertil
.0.-1 pqrhn.r. atmi. - 14 that will rompare
%.,th ant thr*.t,ert
Oltizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
No 41 Water t, fe 11.• arehouo. Cll
11, ..c1 Proeilejlt A II Ilmur, See.,-.
Tl.l. 'empan, !nerurc all merattnli.
la 'ter, ntel if;tran,ta. eeueelo, A,
Ar, fer the Integrity' of the
.IsA,I•111 In Ito* ch.r..Or ef Invectore.
ar.. ttlt,ttut FF(' hit.ctFurt4ll. •FF:I/ la,ul
ln•FvF Ft 1.• the ~.t.munity their prtrlex....
blbril‘.l, Wm. Wm. Lorimer.
Jt Wmitrr UMAnt. Hugh 10. Kinsz.
J .h n llarhonith. r. 11. NN:r. apAtAlf
g ERSII IP—We have eo2sneiated
—: with tv. MAL, lote Caehl.r nr the Formers
DanA, ortil .levole yer.onal attention to the
Tee the Ann v.staint
JoFt A WILKINS a 0).
1. 1111.1(INS &
Corner of Third and Market stn.. Pittsb'gh
i •, and Torrign Excl,ang., Bank'
S:iier, 6c.J21.1. Sold Ezchclutrl
No. 04 Wood Street, Pittelnrgh.
_ -
Forty. , is hours to Philadelphia.
Forly-i;•tir hours m Baltimore.
It.tilroad-103 mile,. Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
To ritic.un:Lpiii.t, lIALTIMO4E AND
and Fort, Pvt. mil , . dirt, to
Tiuu through. FoRTY-,13
tor: Ito. Farr to ItalPmore, fa. 75.
t!... mute ~ , re new, ond of the moot sppro,
~, ,,,trurt.on coo, tort and
Yorke,. leo every ru0rnm. , .1. 0,,,, cir at Eight o ' clock,
11,1 every at the razor Pour.
Passengers for Baltimore,
L~r.,1 Car. at ilorrphor, take the York and Cam , '
lan.l Patin
p niP),l, , llreet city, (eighty
It d
, ta,- It
riptrge fnr hpiplliug Baggage PEI this rout.e.
In. makes PPu the mootcomfortable.
vol. mot .le-trolo , /0 the Eattersl Other.
karormationepply to
J. P. IIOLIE:N, Agent,
Miannuahele, How,
0. LEECH & CO.
Basin. l'enn
S. it. On the hi ,•f Jul., the I , mioylvaitimlmul
rc 11 . which will alorteri Ma time
1 . 1...1.1.rr.h.1 , 1trwirt 19. '5l
tB5l. niaia
Philadelphia. Baltimore,' and New York.
will leaw• Sharrobuoth (5 miles .bore) on ifraclay
March :OF After that, two Roan. will lea,. •verr
ruins and rt,oina •
ra...en,:. • take thr 0,4170..1 FIROLVIA.(OII.i,,.
t o,. man. ii.ll'S P., Alloohony Wharf. , mreri morning at
o'Oork. nod otory t•vonitio no'clook. for Oltarp,humh,
00(11 tto. rult,t at lorry'' , Run i. rroalreal.
For moo., othrr informatlou apply to
J HOLMES, )lonongehela boom,
REECIII CO, Canal 11•1116.
RIR. , di(
ructe , .—Ad v.rt lament. and oubseriptiowe
f, thi. paper nvarr,rml and fc.rwartlnl frteuf eiperue. from
t hi; WIN.,
A Special Meeting
1,1.18 It A:I.WoCIATI4,:. will b. held at the 'lead
ing nu ',ening. the Jth lu.L. *1 a gust.,
t 7 .A.l,wa A fad lattetlaw, I. rnyueated. as buslueN,
'ut tuato.rtatwr /rut tw 1414 I.wtore the laretin,.
uw.133,:t A WILKINS. twrwtary.
H E • A+<ocistion of Teachers tuld Friends
• Edoeatton. .ku,,t,s, county, 1 . .," will mewl
m the Kshite ,eb.r.l limier. in Nalth Pittelontah, on .Pri
day 1.-n,.,.:, 70a. at ,/N
.wk. at which rano lahlrea.
Ittli de livered 1, the Ile, J. J. HCCIIANAN and .11r.
. 1 It a
The path , en. reopeetfullt tattled to attend. the Exeeutiva Committee:
nvi, J C serf
New Mime
c 1 It AN D POLKA DE CON- vi u
cri:rc r ,..i..tbratt,,l r mu i e i n s,, ^
,tAt.or sunet, c.f new mg:op./U.l be the same
ell thrlarAl u,pubtr M
le', Isaac , ' by the eaetern
, r." t.
rur CLlckerlog MELLOß, 'at
mr.1.3 M W dat
ABLE 31.1'f n, store and for sole nt
tt hl IV : , IerLINTIJCK, E..lFauntl .t
t6S.—W. 31,42 LI N I . I)CK invites the at
..orm of 11,o! , vl.
.oal zo urnkb, to We 'Lock of
arc ,vrt rrce from Use b, to
A F.. 01 na...rttt.ut thr Carpet ii"nre.
pi Fourth nn,.
IIk,IATTS--- A s ory large assortment of Cho-
T4rum, Vl.eolestin. Coco. J.rky 14n4,
Jua, nod r 3latts. ha store awl for *eh: .1
Fvur , l) .1
mrlu IV. MeCLINTOCE. •
ILI the at!enttpu M pureheeern to ht. smartment of Sheet.
I,!,•_fid kotirllt , treet
A H., 3101..1.55L6 4. SYRUPS-- ,
IK•rer Ir II large lelof ..2•offar. V enJ lb thi,
,1 ern:l:rd and powdered Loa Suer,
L• 1 Ciaribed lam( but,-cr.
rep Ida,, trfwaw.. :
, 10 - it. Fyrup Mews.. St. Louie:
11.Iden eyrup:
A. rIV) t... b y
. and Peont
1.61, Wyse No. 3 MAIN. Nlnekerci:
tiorc..n psis. 01.11111 ml lib,
halos bow Roth*Ay. Hoot:
o,7l.Si:sham L.31,.1
SOW bs. Itat Iss , d;
,shot, as,surtsd otimbere„
bogs prig. Fs:Pothers: •
bbls Nu I:nsita: Entale by
reolt7 J.-111ES A. lIVICIIISON A CO.
►imU E T—A ERIC - R - 151V ELLIIC(I, =q4
wt tb nave of Around ettechrd, eitgal.ed eta
1.1..113 JOSES & CO.
Uingi -
' Pitaburgb, February IN, 18.3 q
the Ounpany for orrotinga Midge over the Elver
Mootorsbelo, oppodte Pituburgh to the County of Alle
g b ed , have W (I day deetami a dloldetul of Floor For aunt
tor y, monttuo,payable on and niter the 100 Muth twit.
tachnrytaVa JOBB ILLIN, Tassarar.
. .
••• Embroideries.
nortenent the k.lktaing anode:
CUTnd o..daJ.a rKon e te t u t t t h a lC.u and
n M dC d ol n la m Va h le W nd ro . u set
.11.1 1.4110. N Gad Culla= Louts ~tannietta.
31aline, Bruterl.. and Applique Capes and Seer, Clam,
art.: Blark and Teilk Dreaktatt
Car., Infant' , ulna atat Watt,: entlauklrml Ltaka Cane
brie Handkerchief, Tread Lace. and Ldrinkk Jo.
mart and Slab , * Edgintn , and Irktertinkt—together With
m ral mann/Meat of French 12,ahruLleml and. Le.
melt. 2 . A. MASON
Ye 02 and 64 Market at.
the henna of WM. R. 3frcLunr.. Dreg:dent cf tha
1.,0rt of Common Plate, in and for the htb Jellielel Marie:
of Pelmet learnt,. and Jortiro of the Conn. of Oyer end Ter
mer. and General Jail Delivery. in and for eat , ' Diennet,
and Wm. Err, and ea.mnel Jonea, Eon, .40Anciale Judgeof the same Court* In and for the Coo o 0 of Allegheny.
4 151.1 the 17th of day Fara:try, an the year of oar lord
due Thomtand Eight Hundred And Fifty-One, end tornedh
meted.. for holding a Ctn. of Oyer end Terminer and Gen
eral den Delivery at the Court lloun., In the City of Pitt-t
-humb, on the ith . .llotulay of larch, instant, 0010 Weida,
l'obile hotter hereby given to ustice@ of the Prue.
Coroner, end ilanatables of the an ti Co of Allegheny, that
they Le, then and there, thelr properpersona, with their
vale, reennis. !retain/inns. examinelloro. end other Nee,
=rat, to du MOW things 0011th. to their nogartlve no4 bell ,b I. then bahnif, Appmr to be done—end a1e,,, - thoeethat
:1111 Urognettit.tkPorn'i_htt't non n
b n if t. the r n m al t* th ' e ' rb t t
preeecute again= them aa ' anal, too
...Ginn, under my hand. in tittabargh, this 11th d!ti of
" m br enUit A iA p t,l: l ? L''' " thinteTtraTßlPP,Aiths.
tTO the 'llonorable the Judges of. the Court
or General Quarter &felons of the Peace. to and Air
e Clounty of Allegheny.
Cho petition of James drawly. of Balwin VP:rashly,
In the. county aforesaid, humbly hearth that your lot
a., Lath provided himself w ith tomer-leis for the Amon,
modarion of travellers and e th ers. at hbrdwelling honor, in
the township aforeraid. and pray. that your honor. will be
Pleased to grant Wm a licenft to keeps public house of en
tertainment. And poor petitioner, as in duty bound, will
We, the snlactibers, eltiseas of the teoreahlp aforevald,
do certify the; the above petitioner la of coed repute ar
honesty and , ..aemperanev. and le well provided gr. house
room &Ali covelenova for en d staaommode
of strange. and travellers. that Bald tav e rn Ts Mat
' Pajzonvel B. Moor, Robt. tr. C Stewart, pets Brindle. W.
Moore, Jr., 11. Foreman. Sichnlea Frvoierick. John CLaner,
John Ceske), Jtonve Wallaw, J. Doo/Ittle. Wm. Noblv. J.
street. oppowlta the 1 1 .4 Office:—
sell/(314: the Seholar—the Olyisey—the Prirmt—by Ger,.
IL authar r 4 the - Bible In drain.'
Diet:nuary ~ 1* Mechanics. No. ,21.
1an11,1.1 Gall: a Ihrt..rleal l!nnlane.r.
Waewnela. cr the 11.phec,• art lurtan ale.
11•Itry Buwator, a Jacohll elory of tße 11tycn Gearzr.
1. 11y G. I'. P. Jame., E.
.Sharnanadahn a newel. By Nlya Gnu
011 re: a novel By the autLor of ... Th./ Oath
AltD OIL-1U bbl 4. fine Winter Strained,
jl_,.. by
111 No. J.
CO KIDW ood Wry. D CO.,
CAOPREIIAS---'4 bbls. good order) for
.411. by I - KIDD CO.,
tn-hl No. 60 Wool Orept.
L' .SCA PE PAN LS-3dos. for sale
by [web': J. 'KIDD & LYI, CO Wood
n itAW ING PAPER—ZOO Sheets (su pert
mly, by
O J . . 4C o I t r t U
111ACON-16 casks Sides and Shoulders,
j 1 reed by 5t...1.4 31...c0ne, Na 2..forialA
yoehl W A LLI 3. 0 FORD &
T OBACCO -15 kegs Sys Twist;
• at toad Grant,'
• .
15 Hugelcl;
Rum,: Tar ri,le
S la DP lc i s }:". •Ikibbh. Dried Ana,
1.31 0 61.: ;, 5r N‘,. 1
150 Fsg,
bbl,. Thaul.b.r
•• Cluver
10 rwks 3.11.1agn Wlnt:
N. Lin.,e.e.l Oil; on hand
SUNDRIES -30 Linse , ml Oil;
kep. narked '•
Elor o tt!rrattr.
xtra ere,. Cb.m.r..
109 dozen mmon
barb. 11,4.3 Pesch,
" Apppler:
l late hbls. Meter) NW. ,
rh-I. I allPk:l:Lri.ll3FtnOtrn.
Plants, Shrubbery, Evergreens, &c., dee.
42 TITE Scoff:wart offers for Sale
an uniziesily large .14 meg selected we.
Pe Tent of Ong:mental Plinth ghtUte
1.74: Eeergrn,g. elesile Tyres Gm,
on, c rt:. ~,,;,,u,,,,,, u tk., of Everiticsugitig,
gluing end Pillar lions. (orlodlno new varieties of great
tend.) Itis amiortment a Dahlias eggitahui one hundred
i.l t.i.
meet .enured
and gent varieties to cuitieatlon.
nn 1.1*“ to by had at lbi. etand, en market days; nr nut
evnii Ali orders addnand to Pittsburgh Puet Offin
ilx promptly encoded to
(O.:It:No, JANE WARDllOP.4laurbertes..
FOR RENT --The nelcs. lAress STAND,
In Wilkintburg. Niren miler fhgn Pittsburgh, cern
by tiberparg. Pnsirtsiou glyph en tbn let or AptiL
SW, IC IL W. nonnAcn, wati.mbu q c
• Or tn—l. P. P.)1111.1Aill, LiirrtptL,Putsbn'h
I,Lract Rum a lel.ter..lahA
NleCo3NruoirnEE. Fab 21, 1.551.
Yr r: Alters. — Yo u r MI other
Pau.ut bowcalag morr. =LI moo.
E.Eular. The half gros I'lll, brut me fa. weal. SW, an:
' o.:Tr; d •L 'r .rtr ' lio shah.. uAeof your LirMlPllla. T.Tollfugo.
sal Cough h.) rup. ~Eho
ham. of If.-ir good
Sours J
ii Eamily Niesi/Clm, are
. P.p. , ' .ithyx.,
and .1 the matnrial, by IL E EELLERS. N. 57 IVool
,trai., an.] no, h. b.! of Ilrna.i.Ei penErally. (1.1,24
.`•iirter `"
iln.urr. Canal ifalts.. - All,nheny,
If near lb.. Watcr Works.
ILIESTNUTS-12 ho. just rood and for
No: lid Water strrnt.
ARL3-41 hbls. No. 1 Leaf Lard
-1“,, just reed
r by &
No. 110 Wattr.:trunt..
OLL BUTTER.--Ten brie Roll Butter
Ireel wad for sale by
1,4 C., • r.A IV ll.11:11.11'1111.
DRIED PEACHES—o I7 — undredraeks
IMW Nacher, in store. and fur rale. by
tdC.; S. 0 W. lIARBAniII.
11110 LI, BUTTER-1U ILL,fro.111:oll Bettor
ree'd and for sale b 1
T- -111.-150 bbls. iu store and for ,ale hy
feb2S 1 Vat,, 1 Front ..r.i.
e f rr ON-35 bales for sale by
, ete2S _ 15. , .‘12_111 - 111CK EV
. 1 CO I _- _
Ni.E` , --.100 boxes just ree'd and fur
gIUM COPAL VARNISII—Bbf, - ,Er.bbl;., li R 4), ' '
1. 1 C1:4111DUE & INOH-kIIANI,
LA and kegs. for oat. hr , il . '' ,
No, 110 Watt,. st
feb:N 3 ISM AII rueu.}:y G. CO. 1 -- ---
-.-- - di 1 OLDF ‘ SYR - T3,P--5 bf. bbls. jugt ,ree'd
X 1 ACTERELo --- . lin qr. bbls. fin. sale by ' unr. „,„,,,„;:,,',,, urunansik; e, L\ G kILI3I
..A.TI ft.b...M ISAIAH DICKEY AOl feb.:O No. 116 . Wota.rst.
._. . .. _ _ _
L ARD --15 brim in stor, and for Ink. iV H. SUGAR-1746T.11.14. Lording per mt.r.
hr /ISAIAH DII - KEY A 00.. . De wilt clinton..mi fur .Ale by
f" l '% 4 Wm, 4 Pe...1 4., , kb2.. JAM), A. HUTCHISON A CO.
lOTA TO ES - It4ls. lIIH 1141 s. prim , . Ne,ltannock:., VIDEIi:VINEUAIt-'2u 111,14. for mile Lc
4. F. 111 N lb oNNIIOIEST a't. r o.
Fnr atdr by T. trig `,-• p. ,t soN. - • -- ------ —,----
rs fil Wat, and 0( Frns.t 4, lil CK OIL Y NUTS-6 1,2.F.s for nal. b 1
``C. ii.A3IS--611118 S . . SwiHS. and Tr:L.v- ill- "'''
t„.3. bridge Alleatly'Arelebratod Cinclnuan ' (. 11 EES E-- lii boxes W. IL fi.r sate }eV
Haw, for .ale I.) 1161. A , IcCLURG A CO. `.F. VO:V MINN 110IIST edo.
G ew , rT , nod Tea N•al..ra.
I, I LOUIt-'2.5 r 1.1..1s .•xtrat Family Flour, for
1.. - lOR SALE A o‘tclSOKsEr. :111r- rt.
r Tn. ve il lu - harp7sa nr laud, 11n....,1.11 ' .
- Til l I I '
br ' L'" V V"N
n""."'i"ST ' C° '
..0 ~.1,41D .or Sa.C. .1y
11. A. FAIINE,ToeK i CO. . 8 R00m5_...,, ~ r a l .l
, [OM, Fled. and W.•.. 1...
l'ehl :,. F. TON lIONNIaIItST a co.
•_ - -
11 ACK EREL, • 1 - • 1 - 1 - 71 N DOW (3LA.SS--11.100 lus. ass'd sizes.
lip 1 11j.,,,DF1E8 . Con,lantly on 11.4.1 and (..r ode '1 V fi.b2A F. F. IoN BONN HORST it OE
5A1314.1N. {,
HERRINGS. J. Y. PAL3IER & CO., Ladies' Fine Dress . Goods. .
Markt( Mr. 1VA,../. ,
nt-int:us • I\O-Poplhae.. Ilteuer, Wray, 4. lAba, 31.4.4. de
LARD. Cllkk3E, I feb:Mon , .e.tnes. Lawn, A . e...te.,-eLoico nrlng - KtvleA and vet.) de
. _____ 4ral.le patterztt. . .A. NEAS , ,IN ic V.,
Western Insurance.. (.4,2.1 ' N0a....41 . 2. and 61 Market 4-
tS , PItING STYLE PRI - :\ riS-Choioe and
50 SHARES of this Stook fur Ink at 12}
rub. ITH. A. HILL A CO. , 1 , D ,,, nt+ful Pa:urn ~e d.S.lda morning At
A. A. )lASON A CO . S.
GAS STOCK-15 shares for sale by ' LONG CLOTH AND IRISH LLNEN—
iv M. A lIILL a . Ca) l5 00.,,,r, eueer 11.131.1 ruyer extra Lona Cloth,
BANE. STOCK-10 shares Bank of Pitts'g; !or tb... 3 ter 1 approved ntanufartona—ltZ b oVntt
3 •• Exchance Bli , i.,biti .' .1. A MAtiON Si CO'S. fa and ti 4 Marken.t.
For arde br imezis,i ) ti'm A BILL X CO. : rilu CARPENTERS, PLASTERERS, and
GREEN APPLES-25 bids for sale by .I, 0T11E115.-300 ems aireirted halla,Spikea. and Brads,
fire. 'r
dexotozod by the late. ill be saa low it'ssiois ati-tiao
fob= RIMY. JIAITILEII'S A CO. I rnediatell. J-I.llkiri 111)0h A OU.,
N. 113 Water ft.
TI HIED BEEF—Evans 1, Swift's Cincinnas fr ; i ' . ''''''
11 tl Sugar Cund herr for cola by U 1 ARCll—ltal boxes, best brands --- , in store I .. able
'wx..t.. sicci.cao *co. 0 - anil fur rale by WM. BAO.I.LEY .S 0),„ ' ,e - ,,,
1 . 0,27 . ii:e3 Liberty 14. tam !is,. is sod la) Wool at. 1 p LONER SEED4.bLII in 4.62—de.
s -
ir 1 01) 11811 — Superior largo Grand Bank ' %I OULU CA.NDLES-50 boxes Proctor ic'' . 4-1 t°
"'l" '
" 'le
____lT3l, IL JOILNETO:i.
XJ 0,1 Fhb, for Isle by
,TA Oarnbio'e No. 1. ha tale fix ..
feb•27 11'11. A IIeCI.CRO SCO WM. BAOALEY & 0", CORN -400 bush. for sale by --- 7_
• ...... la and . •2o 1a',,...,,T„ . ' fable • 11'11. IL JOUNSTON..
. -
ROLL LIUTTEIL-A fen- Ml's. on hand and . ---- f '.--,,,_. __-' . .r..1,.....'!:: : _
-- --
fur .ale hy FNI;LISII k BENNETT.' •S A LI..RXIL .S--120 boxes No. 1. ril OBACCO LEAF---}lll -- ( ------- 1 f -- 9. or sale by, ...
IV AP , ollti. end ISI First et i
tI'AL it Joirstrl=
. f. , r mh - br - i fobl 4
WM.. lti . _; A ti.:Y
TO the Honorable the, Judges c.f . the 1 ourt • f,b2 1 'I
ICKORY NUTS-V 1 bbb, for sale_b_y..
1 -------- - ~..., :tit ald gt I
-1- ,or G... .`i Q ..... ''''''''..' !'' th ' P '''.''' '' " 4 ''''' I d iIIOCOLATE, 1111031 A &,„.__. - -I- frbiN WM. IL JOILVETtIN.
It. County of Alleghen). •
It Tbe moo of deo. IL Bell, of the Fourth Wahl. of the jL, ItoU to o , . Norfolk Co. Cie.:l4lW
City of Pitt.barkh • in the conntz nfurreaLl, re.pectfitily j PA Elkin,' N. 1 . ' ~..
ehowettu nu yguarpelitioncr le depirou, of beopiug_a pub- P./ '. "` C.,,,,,, '
lie hones, or [aeon, in his how, eltunted In the Fourth ' LO .. , Vim;; in Mork. and for Pale by
Wad—Not he hat provided himself with neee.nrk, for :
W)I. BM+ ALLY , CO-.
the ronveaMnre MI aneotneo..lntion of 1- - nreilerliand .ton-. fel - 4:4
)k and LI) 110.4 et.
~...,.. 7.. til.l;oethp'n"hfirov."'T'of p ' i t a;e b
n ' tt o rVnin to nst r' iit ' a t nd h t ' IVL ; : Cri—T—TTITS- ... ..‘; C /.... --- F , . -- -5 LT - XS. To r ---- 2 - 1 tik e F
elrr pray, .t...
w..c w0...505,
1 :11w 6/Iti
Wit rho , li-51.)
tuolll an.: minvenlrn• / itrirt , trait :lir ritin _
IC:O....lodging and snc DnrMed
omsodation otrangid, and frtit•l r.
tn, Ltri'ounir. 'John :111Jhrl, g Johns. .1 A. Jockt . a. i If f i OO31 S—ii.lll Erg.
tr.tern. Jr A. NliKionlin D. D. • Adra r„r
lierit 14Iakerttm, V• Fad. tr• lom,z
• : per.
1 . ..0E11.-350 rvetud 24 by 3.1 hinting Nu.;
noo 12 by 32
15 by 24,2.1 by 22, 21 by 31,
100 Baty. P.1,7”..:",‘,, a
lAro 141,. Nagle Croon of ratw Paper,
70.1 51.41 u.
Medium and bloUle Crown auF.
conMantl, on 115. d nod for Quo
Wur:i. h T37.
Board, dr.
Alm.-5 , 41.1ng of 5.11515ek for paper mmufarturer, • .
Priutlng Paper mull: onler ou rbort
.L L. S111:11.
rornor Penn ind Irwin at,
Ladies' Dress Goods.
1it.111.711P111 . &•, BURCIIFIELD have now
01. , ..n—nrar Arles .11./nr,r
t. langrahle lirraire 10' Lai.,
tsam..4 S Watersr.) Preurh Moo.
The, Oft, inrlLe attention to their elltOrlriVr frrOrtrrif
of hantim , ine .t)lrr Krartith Prlnts and Fh , nt.s: Palm Pat
tern CHI Chlntsc, and frond lu .reneraL offend at b'rr'
JCIIINEAL-1 eeroon best quality, just
'1 awl fur We 11 J. SCHOONMAKCJI A CO.
G LI24--1 bbl. White Glue;
_ r,211 lU
BACON PAPER-15 belle. Cinclanatinam
„tr. ( ' nvlr
10 d lane luredee Friar, !Inlet de., out up in the eyeel.
leac h ! U.. of the Plakerajust reed and for eale by
J. PCILDU:ibIAdC= fl
• now op ts at On' .771E.Y. - ErN BUILDING'S.
gaviaz a tall and coatplau i.prk•watattpa tbd
;tier, V 1113., Day, Itiverv,
a.ulag. dircrtly through the strrrt..l.7 t , a= fraccinm, ta•
hilaring Ilia Public Balldleafa. liazabbag
la YaAntraa. U7l ttuita,Churehex.Cnov,nts./t4•14,10um
114.11,1ny/nu., Churches,
11. Cllll.l, with its Ir•autifur accuer,—
Zortning, ala4e th er, the moat lahtractive tad utt.Aniang
exhibition ortr t•Gered.
.• • .
- The pubEa tasy rest nutinal that ovary tkuteh In OIL.
ranorama was talun on th% opnt. It reprounts; and u
stork.of art It Las no equal.
coot; children under 10 pears, br-if
Prim. •
4.6-1 - hie every ereniv. durine the wewk. commendsq
at :hi preekeey: diva even at
ALWE.chibithed every Wednevay and Stu-iar after
noon. eummendugatSechck. A hberal amammement will
be mule with mehrmli: children ehauld this idea:du:um:
elifying exhitiCon. f.tuch3V
A. er und Lbe Dinalen of MR. Riat take
Nan on rUESDAI EVENG. March ith. Wi n es {
..V.IVETIE WALL, - corner of Fourth net W oo d
Pitabinnh. Over 7' low Maxim! rat arni unite in.
th« exeeelea.
i4e..idniletaneo 23 ante. Chihlren 121 i amts.
/4Y - To commence at SS o'clock. [taehlZt•
IDEFINED BORAX-15 capes for sale by
A7PONGE-2 strings finest 31e,1i erranenn,
j for ode bY d. SCHOWOLLKER .1 CO.
febAl •
ARV 011-12 bb s.. receiving, frem steam
" 7Amns nAtzELL,
o. CS WM. streeL
DIG IRON-160 tons for sale very low to
rlok• corlSi.lllellt. by
el A CON-3000 lbs. Sugar Cured Hams,
"tsbYe' reel awl raa aala by .J. S. DILWORTH 0 Co.
jr .I OIFEE---...% bags prime 11io, for sale by •
41. j f. 4 . 211 J. - O. DILWORTH ot CO.
QUO:111-25 llbds, priaie N. 0.. for sale by
I. 41,!6 • J. S. DILWORTH .t CO.
—lbls. for sale by
5 - (50 J. S. Lowman. &ee
P. 00315--100 dor. extru just received by
otr.l A. ri. i,ILIVORT/I k (YE
kLIG 9W K.
O. 1. LARD .01L-A few 'bbls. just recd
IN from thr manufa,tary. tor hien lam thr
.n.l will warrant it rtiperior to any 011 oflenn In this MIT.
Let. • S. h. WlCliEllnllA3l.
enruer Wood and hist h FLL
NT ESTSFOOT bbL5. just rec'd,acil
far :ale at Ito Drag hthrt• nr
. nirner and Sixth Sy.
FRUIT -3 ba n , pea Nuts.; - .
... g _
a " Drird Pro,:fief; bow woo !...
" f' ' '
'4l, b r
r..liZO Watur nvtl Prac C t et..
FEATIIERS —lO packs howlanding. Erom
' ol.
g.traii DICKEY a Co.,
feb2ll Watn sad Ftont atx.
f lOTTON-18 bales now landing from au.
and fbr, eye,br. .
2 MA, No. I Lard; 2 bl4a.
Water eud Final .13.-
-1,3 acriptimb fax ealc by PUG' J. KID ..00.
FFLOOR--90 bids superfine, in store and for
male by &bl 4 LILET. 3L&TTIIEWIS ICO
FIRANNERS' OIL-25 Mts in store and for
by .121 . 311:13 PALZELL.
Water greet
WEEP POTATCIES.--8 bbls. now landing
L. frt.n sir. Asia, and 421- nala-br
f..b26 Water a.' Fran:
DRIED PEACIIES-500 bu, in store and
JUF fvr 1 , 7 11111,t, .1: C 0.,.
ONLY-1. Lb!. superior Strained Honey
sc,l E.s sale by
ii ARD OIL—S bbls. 1, Win. Straine d,-11-4 ag "" •" I "r'.Ary, mArramrs &tn.
OLDEN SYRUP-1 - n bbts. and hf.
1, rale by F 6111.1", 3.IATTIIEWS tr. CO:
"WIRY, 1113GIIES a: CO. are prepared to
da xll idnd. ,
ALLY LAI:GULLY Adl",..e.dr. Mud A. Candi.
Clote W crlzA rAtAburch.
Itl`cf. ,!F A rd•i;xd. I.tubC..l
If You Wan Good Tea,
ItTOSt . Eng, `Air of f.. Dastantsl or kr.
tenor 1, , ,5s at , 0r,r1..., , t at asp, , stablithniont.
Supeztor anst. iouSe4t,:a n , •nts y
The very :tawrnd. 81.0 J
Strong and rough :10r - c7:-,0.
in., nul,l flavor,d I,laek, fssa.7,. pb.
Tb, on) p 11. , re In l l lllrt.qrph that keens for sale pre- ,
ttsely same kind of Blant To. that ar c used in Eng
land, Inland. 00 ifeten
New Books! New Books! •
strvtd. stdostte the Yon, 00«.
mderi Artou'rnal, for February.
Notz,dy `n a, or Lite and Adventures of Pere:yea Mag
:merry. written by tdmself.
o and Ambition. a Sovel by the author of
P.evnce. c.r Sketches of &uthcra
lt:ctiralexe Mncheatice. s:
Itut,chtt!il li*Ztlc. No. 43:
Dr. lloilick's Works. complete. rt
ENI:INE PORT WINE.—The pure juicb
lfr of the Grupe. oz.:table tormodirinal urpmkor. thr tale
anthe Quart or Pottle, at 311)ItIZI? A lIAIVORTIES ra
and Win, ~re. ran .Ida, et the '
ryllE I'AitTNERSIIII existing beltreen
tte. n:dem:m.ll. wader le of irfrcsao, Snap,.
, • Nl.uttio , inren. Lan Birtnillgtail.,
co t1,1 , ...11 lq mutual cc...a.
.5 , ) With.. prim, N. 0., just reed
gtvamvr r. fu Pie '
Zsp.. 110 Water et.
nRIED 1 1 E.F.1 . -10 t azk, S. C. Dried Beef,
Jj/ rei t . y 4 . ,l 1.1
Lu'ISVILE LIME-50 btls. reed and
for mit , Ly 16 , 4311 Sh W. HARIIAVIIL
E X TICA FIGS--Just rec'd at. 253 Liberty st.
. SIrCLLEG CO., feblll' .4 Tea Grakrs.
BOSTUN SISLL'I'f--A supply of Boston
f• IC; 'ITT k 17:4't r ai. ' ..l'!47 USerSy at.
III ' UASI I fr - eli smug c lust rec'd
; 6 ; tel,:a. A. aktinfaii a co.
rAS ! TkASll-200 half chests
J and far sal Yg
mat Black Teas, of all grad oun es, on
han e
ItiBACCO-1.:IM boxes ' Manufactured To
' (ebolee lrande,) on hand and for sale by
INItQ ACKLIthI,--100 bbls. No. 3, on hand
* stet for liale by
1.1/24 • • A.CVLBERTFON & CO.
pRESII RAISINS-100 boles on hand and
lor rats by (fel A. COLEMTSON & CO.
SCOA Ia -- Kenteoustantly on hand caul am sale bi
meal ls Tatra Famllr on re/Wigan
, x 4 for sale by iccailx
IV., and Front sta.
f A IIOCOLATE of every descrlption for sale
•b ) . %TM. MrCLU]IO 00...N . E:. I I.ll.arti.ntna.t.
alleanlsh. tartlet . Ssoet, eland and lam. Ale. nun - a
No.l Chocolate, Caeca and Braun. The beat assortment
to be mural in tba
W ATCIIES-114.,eiv r d and an hand an
tz. T nt ,::; , g .. r .n .n . 4 , “ .. .:=1 2 , , , ,: v .: , a 0 :Wye, liatche. of
L !i I j
.T.'ZirZ' "''''' ' '' ,RY'''' ' ''''.;'..'''
I Parldtt!'.trb....d EL I Zu..h ~,I. i. 7,,,
rr.,.. ,erle , tald er..%:11, d.rg , ]. .IT g W.I.
lAttrig,W PIL 74 I3I:I "'' M " -- P-:.,..,-.,,,
Jeg , t rtry etenllebt etock aft ..1 tw, -= in Puce.
1 -t*bt' d - ' I.
<tn. of 4 - ,`..'::‘,`.filt,,lN .
1 TIRLED PEACHES- 1 -300 hub for'snl lip
i_U I - /tOII/bOX. a CO 3
1 nu:2
—------15: Liberty R.
K C LO V ESEED-73 bac C.r sale by :
ittlblt4W, Ulla tt. Cll. '
BE NS-lOhue White tit:- sale be
6'b22 iteelsott. urfutt.M.
L3RI --i kegs fur sale by
fair= WILSON. Lirrix a co.
vi.ou.t-300 bt,Ls super. and extra Family,
for eat tby Lc1412 ROBISON. LITITZ ipp
110. LkaUTTER—' -2 bili)(l,sufgjerltil.errbi&*;,;.
GUM SHELLAC-2000 lbs for Salo by
f. 1.27.) J. KIDD CO
- -
APER CORKS-2 bales for sale by
fet,22 J. RiDtra 00.
AN6ANESE-2 tons for sale by •
I.IJL feld2 J. FIDD & CO.
ACON-5 hhds prima 8:
5 do do Sbno der, m Acme Nod
31 oti 1 11.13 .4 WM. .
NEW BOOKS—Andrew's Latin' English
it,p Lealoon. By E. A. Andreas. L. L D. Royal 5 Tio•
The lAland *arid of the P.M, By Dee. ureter Chet.-
rp, tuus. •
11 : clirtennf Israel, By Gran Agnallan 2 taa
trautonlan story DT the author et BOLL
The Lifs berisY. Jame. Quinn. By R. Jolly T. Aright.
Just aid fur sale by 'll. HOPKINS.
I; Appel°
GIRL 'mantel] douse work. :Null,
et this oflln. . •
y INSEED 011,6 bble just reccfived, pure . _
-I- 4 C'"4.7 for
1'55 Lawrtr Arftt-
350 hi:legs Dried. Peaches. fur sale 14.
500 bu
i l 2 e l ln Dried AyVt 13 , 1 . 4 0 13410_ 15_
1.7 du'. Coecu Srara—Tlto ratiooo ciedlebies of Mr.
Sitiers. on Wood meet, nre brouning run' popular through.
out the counter. Ilia Verontu - eta, VMllli LO
Inrolnable mAlielne In every Lally. Sellars . Lim-
Mlle thoueends are indebted for relict from pall] and dim
eaae. Therm enelonnee have gabled tlielr nonuirintY tewire experience. They hare Lam then and Oland to be
wore excellent rem for the due:ayes for .bleb ttzliare.
nerommended. We hare freluentir nted Itelidett
Cough Syrup. and known to boa !greedy eurectbr UV.
blentme cough.—Ncraing Tekienna'a
prepared and Sold by .E. P- SELLERS.
LehYl b; Waal mint .
active hwineas nun nat'ave of l'ltishurgh.itith
ex , u2s , ve aciusintanee. vbo tau aquanaut a cub
of frotn PI: to eight thousand dollars, In attxfool to =Mt.
o =3 lt. :V! ll ; tie* r 6" Ot l o=;lrf ad.ToetehlakNo. 000. flu.
.Doter Pront
ILOTHES: PINS-10 eases Eastern,. for
sdt by • MO) J. D. Irnxiams ace.,
1,„1 11. MOLASSES—Z . bbls, 13 half do;
C7B - tam". '"lthtfra.7.o^AviBBroZ
IU 'AI)--650 •.A f ~`
UNDRIES--700 The prime Fedthers;
MO dos nas'a am Promm .
WO Ins lo.ntla•and 01.2.1a - ;' ••:
f.. 0 b. prima E.44.1.2rate.•-,
9 bbl• Alum: in st."e;aell r w. 6y
SIX:AH-10 hlids prime N. Orleani
bbl. assorted 1.004
10 do Crost".llre--ised. her alla
.1. U. %cu. unms
meta! Wool zed Fifth oto_o '
l OLASSES-75 bit N6c. ,Orleans
I`J do Sugar llouv;•
5 do I.rti.eVauLblbsrpletc.ii7
SONDRIES--100 dos. sup. Qua Broolus;• •
. bble 7lirkory 14111, . ~•
10 taxes 1.01.044 . • •
101.44 S 4104.1114;
10, , A1 5.`11.17.
'COO Ib4 Deer Ham ;•
20 bxe Axe. Stu*: Ward's / 44141 de,. •
FISH-10 bbls No. 3 Mackeml;
• ' rir do do: 1 ,o 5 15 klus 41.4
2 bbl., rn• PO+ be , • .
D.DD ) I.D. W1LMA.11554-CO:
RINTING MATERlALS—Pribter's cop;
a; "I ... l' t d, TiV 6 "q u u'ulF.;. 4l 2l . l!:',tiret; 24 -
treble weode r m rules, fte, de. For sale at j
Printing Wee. 3rd. between Merkel ma lA d Ferry
feleni American ropy.
WOODEN TYPES—Feem the maztufaart:
s of Wells 6 Webb. fornlibalat short s 1111{
FOR SALE , LOW—A superior toned ems , -
s- w e Pisos ruts. Fur trr.rNrrKluirr . : .4 No. 9 J 999-
poll Re, Irohirpon street Allegheny.
171. NC WASH BOARDS-20 doz. foe ado
La by fetal J. D. NM 7.7 779 h-CO.
UNDRIES-2 bbls No. 1 Lard;
2 do Eterico,
8 do Sweet Potato.
2 % If G i7; , ; r 1 1 4.:g1,..
34 :2 Fg.l.!!'"
ard Front mu
A_Ls. for bale by
f b.h)
tRANGES=IOO bosm in nrimn order, for
J rfebale by • • ENUI.a 11 I. 11}:NNETT.'
122 ..Secona, u d 1.41 Firm . sta.,
EMONS-30 boxes for sale by
CHl:dock feritee the attentien.ef the., ahleing tarttw
to his azteanlee eam-ttucht of 'lathe CMS Piano Cola
at No. S Fourth etieet.
THR EE PLY CARPETS—W. 31 , 6Clintock
I. now ;mewed teach the lamest asionll.lllt ef we
CALrpets now olTemil in this market, rant 'of the latest
nd meet istiProreil
end patterns. which sae direct
tram the Importers endmost epprtmeil factories 113 the
Union. Call at the Carpet 'Warehouse- \o. 65 Fourth st.
auperiar style. stud coiner. glare mire). rate by
fehlU W. 31cCLINTOCK
-1 NORAIN CARPETS—_I large u.sortmrnt
I.of the latvet 1“111 nctreet stylesin otnr. and 11, oak by
tin C oetef
nf - puruera 4 "k
Indite the at,nla a rte
(eLlu .
ROOllB.--200 dozen fur sale by
MAGAZINES FOR 31Alt 0;1, atJ.
1 4, 4.02 . .. i' Likrmrl - B.Pot. Thltd et.r,l4 . opposite thi.
• .
iluir's Book tar Ilueb: •
Grutavie_.)L3,..a.lL :rain'oo
31.1ger-lor d„ . •
Lv.lie, National 31ara.z:nr. d". ,
1vt,0.t.: or tlyr Pra. , OhorY. a. N U... 4 . By MAKI
at llerLinl<3. Kn.
22 :121 nom
1: 4 1 XTRA YOUNe r H'iSON TEX—Just
Ifi e o:Wit t kiT•r Li e b trlg.„.l a t :Z. Y ;lg rk ' r.ra 'ft
Pmong o l: , slummed etp e 4 ,, I , 1.4..b0• g b. • Mx. i l l.
to T. p”,
to be sur to be he.l the r " prk e ,'''
Ooloo g . ilarep' end Tgyo . .tt r t i f r r.ll, A yr es . for
er,...1 tn.:s
and to faollUZuyln g tio. gusatit, , mWe to •-•
Si .A. M'CLI:I34I CO. •• •
Tee Desk Grocers._
bales fur sale by
owt)Q, DRUMS SMIRNA rlgLj us t
calved per attar Editor. and Ter rala . b
ea]. d.btillitiraoNa CO:
SALLAD 01L-- ° 0 casks for sale , by
feblB A. CULBYII7.4Ok A CO..'
1)11LED PEACHES-100 bus for sale bz,
QIEGARS - --100,000
u.suzi - egara, of all grialea, for .114 be
fabla A. CCbuEr.riiON k CO;,'
0.1 1 f 1:::77-wojitbirft 11 : a thb :oe
tt ; z it;
i t t Tg a, doun,,,
1 3 EAT7Eg--- , T Wree '"hundredlLEß 114
3 bae V:"'
ile by 11.,heltTrreii
E L I'. $1111111:71,,•
ot jr(Yry._4l i o i n ---------------- 7 ers ----------- - - --1 d h
beauty I. naorencatiton in Oda canonry than in shy er, while at the lame tine It to aid that in nu +Aber
c o untry
In it loa at ra. young no toe. Nov this :la L 112•10 a .
etut, bu ne g lect Is aten caused by unaglect. -Ws
+ay to all, do not your persona lac k bat
read the following, and you naad not lack +mad loofa,—
Them artiela are otiksitain. praparatlone, and hub all eta
hained a blob polnrity.
Jules Mourn+ Pa po rana or Chinni Powder, I Imputing
to thc , moat billion!, iv:tableaus a radlaut atlitenaon: In
nothing should aperson Is More eitatta Ohms the tan , k r of
powder Pg the ado. no, moos of those +obi aro we ittiuM
uue- Mr Chinese powder lecotopountled lon sciantafa roma
,n, no d - ~,,,,in a no logragent,wbsch um poonibir UMW
Jule! Liana.* Derilatory Powder, for r - unains•
nun hair. Mint Is mom unaightly than bale Tian—Cala;
nr liras of a Lady. This article will rang, , ,, it la a short
titne. without the us of any darn instruinant. •
J¢ll., linuarn Turtabln f.logid Italy 1 ,,, a alit Instnabl;
tresek.hirrig,lePaft'eti n ''e tt. ' irAl%%.7, b ,T. ,,ii gt ,
..bortni tau, and roue efiatuidly than any ddle.,lt
hag at the name. aloe !cap.'s - Me. . .
'nbUr't.:viiiinglaE:l"i."4if:;',-..,7„'0t.1! mirt _ :y , 5 ,'
_„, w
anon ualany rxraaleocad in Lc
oae °, ,,f Ai; ',:rOtaipa..aa.
the contrary, it lava the akin ancoth and soft as las
Inner, and met liabloto become chopped. + . al '
Tooth Puto.—Next to
oa t' teslz, ••
thiuk the Teeth were inteathel so tta,streotost oasseat tO
the hut.. fseet but whea_nesiectol, am/11as 14 mauls.
Om: it . tifaZto:t i , Jog.. Tooth Pasts trill hapset
at the mass attte itanthog
the sum: arm mat iwol thy.
1 and Mutat, •
.2u Chesnut st- Philo
g o • ade wholesale and retail, by B. ti Fah tack it 0..
out IL IL. Eelltas, l'ittsbursh, atal J. Mitchell All
!MY. lo • V 7 .
-_ ig
SEED OIL-10 bbls fur suls by
don. prime Mier; •
• 10 drum: , Ccdrard
160 boo Dry _
61.0 its robbed so.ltparcr.
603160 roperior Vatter.
Do, trams lirropploß Dora:
30 pr boa rum, 1 lb loam TObloot
1 cork Roll Mmotol - 4q
I do
1600160 Rod Falo Loalbor;
11.40 lbs do Light an: in .zr , ... 1 0c ;pr
fob= Joll3' WATT,*
.1. STD D t CO.