The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 19, 1851, Image 3

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- Coscrtra —The seiond' Con oeltaiteme
Thibaut Dementia and. Fniniein tope], was at
, bie4ed by a wry crowded andi ee yesterday
The'.performariees of a latter WV
4pyea the P"Ano, afforded great p eaanre. to, all
*Keit/ere preient. Slier beforti tare we be
,.bany Pelotaii *he lila attained, pitch a WM
tery of that diEtisilt itt•itri!inent, and she appears
, .to please-liar .64unit inater even than the world
renewed licri, 'Or ;the equally telebrated De
' 3ladame Busehelle'e estalution of those
charming trillads!`"Aitir 1141 d ciiis," and
1 .1 " "Kathleen hl " htftd As S'
halt@ singer, we have never lean! her 'excelled,
auttwa hove no aUbt thnt ber Italia n airs Vitale
tlitie who are capable of apprtclating them,
r We trust Dna he se ladies will favor iiiir
tens with nnothnreoncer t, before !they leave us:
~, We, understand attit Wilkins Hall is engaged
dining eery evening of the present week, but
'lnlet that they will postpone theill departure for
kon , day& when we thitik are we safe in prom- t
them,an orerflowini'house. _ •
Jovnxtte Co acc nr.—.The second Juvenile Con- u ,
cert., under the direction of Mr. Kemmerer, given ,!`
_ on Sfondnintreniug in Lafayette flat]; gave great ."
pleasure to all lowers of music in . 0111. city, and ''
was attended by crowded. audience.
Mr. K. is nu admirable le:whet and deserves P
credit for the skilful manner, inkrhich he has
..performed Ws' duty:\
We learn that another concert will be giv en in
...hart time, at the smut \ place.
• fc
ti ' L t.o
!! --*77-
. 41.11
'':steamer Allegheny Belle NON 2 will leave the
Allegheny what? on Friday iftg oon. Delegates b ,
t s o , r i tti b. c y onve convention , can return oitaamo boat, on 1 ;
Pittsburgh should be well inrea \ ented.
. . .
. . i DUN ras.--That portion of out city known as
... Hayti, inhabited principally by e lored pe're,onn,
- - bag long been know as the Alsatiti of Pittsburgh.
Although toady hard working, intbistrious men re
side there • yet there are numbers who have
no 'ostensible mans of lireliho and who set.
, . out at nightfall to prowl around, fond aunt what
• ..., evpr they can find. They are a at a nuisance
. .._ =tree especially to our market people, whose wag
-. . gone, they plunder at night, in the various tav
f ern yards, despite the vigilancej of the watch- ,
men: I
The complaints of those livin g in the vicinity i
been, of course lend and 'long, brit hart i
. nfiger been productive of any good result. Of late a
the evil seems to have been on thggq inerotme.• The a ,
plunderers acquired additional Marls, foi they a
. 'always managed to secure an xemption from i
. punishment, and when they had g to small amount
of money they spent it in gambit
, g and debanche 7 " a
, . .ry of all kinds. :lighten. rendered hideous by
their - orgies the agora orderly' portion of the a
•commrmity.scarcely daring to enter the precincts
of Hayti after ark- .
. .1 Alderman Maj6r et last took the matter in
. into:hand, and daring the past Week he sent up
- ti„nombeh of policemen .to- arrest all vageants
with whom they could. Meet. 'Ten able-byied- -?.
t worthless colored men, were the Des t." of
..,heir first incursion into the. hostile territory .9
' ' 1
- wile were led captive to the Alderman's office.—
: Their 'examination seat rather a comical me. '
. ' One sturdy fellow defied hii honor, "lie had j
.., .: not 'worked for a month, not he, yet bad lived 1
". . well, and so long as he could Hire without work
log be would be if he would trouble himself
with- it." Ile was sent thirty H ays to the Couto- ,
. Another had juit left a .stearnbont, where he
-had been: employed ns a waiter. The boat was ' i
. laid up, brit his memory was trio short to recol
lect her name. Ile, too, was dent up for Ode-
, ty days. : A third had been working as fireman
' on a steamboat, o, ahort time ago, and was liv
, - on the Fs:weeds of his behest toil. When
asked what was the name of the boat, ho an
swered, after muck cogitation{, "the OrientaL"
Whitt was the name of-the captain? Ile didn't
blow. Did he recollect the names of the clerk,
''. -,or mate? No. Who was the steward? Hu
. . 'forgot. Who' was cook? He couldn't tell.—
' lastwnswer 'seemed to fix his guilt in the.
Minds of the bystanders as Well as that of the
Alderman, and he woe sent up for thirty days.
"'The other prisoners made varions excuses,
but the proof of their guilt Was too strong, and
~. they were all committed for vizier's periods, vs
. eying from ten to thirty dope' Aldermen Major
' a •then sent a flag of truce into the enemy's guar
.'...i.rFse.t.O .mmognee that ,110,wrfuld delikeall offen,
-sive operations against them; until "the middle of
,". the present ; week, advising the idlers to go to
".. I -work, but promising that if they did not, he
,would commit all offenders to prison, 119 common
Ammoan Snot. lamso.— Two . young men
named f'airburn and-Alton were arrested on
Monday evening, charged with taking several
small articles from - the Morel, of Messrs. Hinton
BOss, on,Fourth street. They were examined
yesterday :morning before !his honor, Mayor
Guthrie, and admitted to bail for their appear
anre at the`ediuing term ofj the Court of Qft.
ter Sessions. • , 7
Ace(lotar.--111r. John Chambers, proprietor
of st planing machine la the Corner of Plom and
Cherry Alleys, had one of hie hands frightfully
lacerated by a circular seal yesterday.
Imre' with regret that at about twelve o'clock on
MorCitty night, lob Jones. one of the city
watchmen, was_severery Wounded by Mr. John
McAdams,: under the folloWing eircumstanc—
Mr. Wm. M.. Arthura had employed Mr. McA.
as a privafe vratchmtn, protect a new and un
tenanted building, in the Seventh Ward, on Cen
' • treAvenueimnd he and bis wife were in the house
together. 'The city witchman. supposing that
they had nolusineas there, endeavored to force
open the tfobr far the purpose of expelling them,
aatthe private watchman of course thought that
'the littrnder was a burglar, as some of the work
race's tools.had been stolen from the building a
few days before- 'the accounts of the respective
, parties differ as to what followed. McAdams de
! elating that he repeatedly . demanded the intr.
de-i's business, and that Jones attempted to
break in without answri'ne; bat Jones denies
the truth of part of the ',above statement the
• upshot of the business was, however, - that Mc
_Adapts fired p gun at Jones, lodging a heavy
• charge of shot mulls knee. The wound which he
. received is a very severe one, and was dressed
by Dr. McCandless, whoj did not deem it advise
. ble to extract the shot at once, but applied em.;
• , ollientpoultices to reduce the inflammation. It is
• ': feared that the sufferer trill be crippled for life.
• Mr. 3leAdams tuid his : wife were arr ested, and
taken to the watch house. In the morning, the
formerwas admitted to hail in the snm of $lOOO,
which he at once obtained. In his turn he lodg
ed an information againit the officers who arrest
ed him, and they were held to bail on a charge
of false imprisonment before Ald. Steele.
••• Mr. Jones seems to be very unfortunate.—
' While a member of Barker's night watch, be shot
a German on Mr. Yost. Ruch's form, one
bath afternoon; wounding him so severely that
for o long time-he Nes not expected th live.
Soludatr.r,—"The Tribune of yesterday says
that' a' hou'se, r on Sandusky street, Allegheny,
,entered, on Friday night last, and the
clothes of-the inmates carried from the sleeping.
apartments to the lower story of the building,
and left there in a pile. , Struego to say, a tai
l:Wile gold watch, worth $l5O, which was in one
of the garments, was left unnoticed. The rob
bers decamped, without haring received any
thing for their trouble.
Dr. Honick's concluding, lecture, 4o gentlemen
wUI be delivered this! evening, and in it he
wfllerplain the lust' Mode both of preventing
and treating the.derangements which have been
described on the other evenings. Parents esp..
dilly -should attend. 1
HIGTIRAT Itonectli.4--John McKee who was
. .
vim:tatted to prison, a short time, since, on a
dirge et highway robbery, was Yesterday To
examined by. Mayor Gtithrie and discharged. It
• ' pleasure to itate;that ho succeeded in
eleariy establishing au
ined Jobb Gage, wesLyesterday committed to
prison by Alderman t, of the Seventh Ward,
tinned with threatening to kill ono of his neigh
Tone MEWS texhitia l cr. ASSOCIATION.
At a.Meeg of the i•oring men of the. City of
Pittsburgh; convened, 'pursuant to public call,
Ifotiday erecting, hz the Lesture Room of the
• . 'First Peesbyterian Church, WM. M. SHINN,
Esq.; woe appointed lteident, and ALTRLD W.
"MAIMS, Secretary.
The meeting was opened by prayer, by the Bev.
De. Riddle
_ _9n - motion, It was reiiolved to organize a Young
Idea's Temperance Society for the city of Pitts
burgh and vicinity.
The following gentleman were appointed a
.Committee to prepare a plan : of organization
and Censtitetige, to reportnext Monday even
bag., :
Wm. M. fihinn, C. S. Cotton. Jesse Carothers,
and 'A, W. FO9i4 I
The,follcrwing gentlimen were then selected as
peemanent officers' of the Ssaoclati on
President-11. hi ; RIDDLE..;
Vice President—dr. Maxxacz.
B ecretsrj-4. 'W. *arks.
C OM 3 PandingSeeretzxY—its. F. Ken:.
- Treeeurer—Jeeeph 11111.
• . . . •.
, a rationing gentlernen were appointed :a
!, maces Pt make arrangements far A meeting
held ma Monday etemng next
rut St Shins, Wm. M. Wright, and Geo. IL
the meedilg then adjourned.
W3l. 31, 'SHINN, Chairman.
I. W. Mauro, Secretary.
uariaIsrTEMPREASCE Soctsrr.--Theyoung
of Allegheny city assembled do Mosby
.ittg, In Quincy Hall, for the purpose of
i. ting a constitution, and electing the neon'
An election was held; which resulted
sident—liPX. J. .1.. ISTICHAgAN.
: ice President—D. S..SMITIT. . •
ecretary—Rotand T. White.
e--George iS. Myers. . ..
- conatitntion and bye laws were adapted, and
meeting adjourned.
F'or . the PittlburYth GaseßlA
the Citirenn of the Boroughs unit Tuienship; of
le County of Allegheny:
convention of delegates, chosen by the din
te of Allegheny county, was held at the Court
use, in,the city of Pittsburgh, on the Still of
I:ruary, 1851, for the purpose of consulting
; n the propriety of obtaining an act of the
; laturo, for the establishment of a poor
1, se and farm, for the use nod employment of
Ipoor of the boroughs and townships of 'said
utv. That Convention, with great unanimity,
I •
,seed resolutions favorable to the establishment
n House of Employment, and. appointed the
ersigaed a Committee to address the citizens
the county upon the subject. In discharge of
C duty, we beg leave to lay before you the
lowing facts and reasons, showing the great
lily of a house of employment and earnestly
.1 your attention to the same.
'The shortness of time allowed the Committee,
the near approach of the adjournment of the
:gislature, has prevented them from receiving
full statistics ec could have been obtained by
Irther time, from the neighboring counties,
ch provide for their poor by the means con
plated in this comity;' showing the result of
:eir.crperience since the establishment of Poor
owes therein. From the County of Washing
-14 however, .the only one yet heard from, we
ve obtained most satisfactory information.—
p e obliging Steward, of the WaShington Poor
.?se, tinder date of the 6th inst., writes as fol-
The average cost for each pauper foi a period
19 years,. is about 80 cents per - week., This in
', des',Jistices and Constables' fees, clothing,
.ardiiag, lodging, medical attendance, and the
terest of Money invested for farm and build
'lgn De
~ The ymir,fore entering upon _the stow
:hip of the institution, I visited the different
wisships in the \connty, and from the best
=cos of information to which I had access, I
•ed that it cost the county about $9OOO per
• um, for the ten, yeara iirevieusly, on the old
!stein. Since then, though there has been an
creels of •pauperism, the Overage estimate of
. uditure has been $4,500, or just one half
hat it was under the old plan. The present
• has greatly lessened the expenditure, while
has et the same time, unque.stionally augment
• largely thecomfort of the unfortimate objects
the public charity."
The poor house in Washington county *es in
- • ted in 1830; , ,eince which time, the place
realized the expectations of its friends—as
t e above extract will show. Fayette county is,
milarly provided, and shine years the poor
use maintains itself. InDauphin and Lances
t r counties, the houses of employment are fro
entiy sources of revenue and profit to the te
eective counties. If such are the results in
those counties, may we not anticipate far more
.Insurable ones in Allegheny, a county offering a
superior market for the sale of the products of
the farm and house of employment?
It will surprise many, after seeing these facts,
that this county should be so 'far behind her
neighbors imithie respect. That the present sep
arate district system, of supporting the poor, is
oppressive, must be apparent to every tax. pay
er. We can make it more se by actual figures.
From the best information derived, it appears,
that the cost of supporting the poor is the bor
oughs and townships of this county, is about
$20,000' per annum. Where they are boarded and
lodged in any degree of comfort,ithe cost is about
two and a half dollars per week Tor each pauper;
and in cases of sickness or helplessness, often
costs five'dollars per week. To this must be ad
ded clothing, the sums paid overseers and phyla
eians and justices fees. The number of boroughs
add townships in the county is as. The amount
paid annually, by each district, to the overseers
is certainly eet down low enough at $75, which
'tutu $2.850; for the county. The =mini paid ,
physicians is at least equal to that paid the over
seers. -These sums added make $5,100, from
which, deduct the salary of a physician at the
poor house, Bay $7OO, and there will be a saving
of $5,000 per annum to the county, for these
two items—because a house of employment
would abolish the office of overseer, and render
the services of physicians to the poor, in the
several districts, unnecessary. This sum, .in
four years, would be more than sufficient to pur
chase a farm and erect a poor house for the pau-,
pars of the whole county. Besides these, the
profits of produce and work onhe house and
fund would unquestionably go far towards meett A
bag the current expenses of the institution. .
The expense will be further reduced, by the
fact, that there will be fewer poor to support—
It is known to all overseers that they are fre
quently imposed upon4by the indolent who might
procure work, and by those actually having mon
ey in their possession. This knowldege comes to
the overseen after they have expended money in
the support of :such persons. Whereas if they`
had a house of employment to send them to, they
would be relieved of this class. After the cities
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny established their
poor houses, they found that the number of
paupers decreased one third, from what it had
been under the old plan. Part of these had re
fused to go to the poor-house, and removed into
the boroughs and townships and became Chargea
ble therm, and it is now necemary in cell defence,
if for no other reason, for the county to establish
a similar house to protect itself from this nu
merous class, both for the present and prospec
These facts must make it apparent, that the
true policy of supporting the poor, is. by means
of a farm and house of employment But a part
from theeconomical view of the subject, we think
that humanity should prompt us to change the
present system. We are bound by charity not
only to support the poor. but to render them
comfortable. Such is and ever has been Om pur s
pose of the poor laws of the State. The meth
od of carrying out this beneficent purpose, the
law at present, delegates to the overseers of each
To prove that titisdiscretion lm-bees abused,
and the poor made an object of, traffic, to minis
ter to the cupidity of man, wo could relate in- i
stances that are a disgimce to civilisation. Suf.
fice it to say, that in a great many districts in
thiacounty, the support of the poor is given out
to the Moat bidder, who will take a particular
person to board and lodge. As a consequence,
the successful bidder, is often be who has the
least conscience. -
Frequently, a dilapidated out house or barn,
is the sleeping place of the pauper In the sever
est storm. He is tasked with work when his
health will not permit it, and -a scanty subsist
ence is all that con be afforded, to allow him to
be profiled/ft. Another abuse of the present plan
exists in three districts,. which 4ive the pauper
money each week, to support himself. In many
cases, a portion of this money is squandered in,
purchasing intoxicating liquors, blighting to his
soul and body, and insuring his support upon the
district, until disease and death remove him.
Such are the fruits of the present plan; and;
attentive the Overseen may be, unless
they devote their whole time to the care of the
poor, for which no diStriet would pay them,
they cannot prevent these abuses. The rem
edy is, to provide a, House of Employment,
for the joint use of the townships and boroughs,
under the charge of three Directors. In it the
sick would be carefully nursed, habits of temper
mice and industry would be acquired; and the
objects of charity comfortably provided for; and
all this at, a tithe of the cost of the present sys
tem. , -
Petitions to the Legislature are now in circa-
Baton in the County, for Hie incorporation of
such a House of Employment. We appeal to
every tax payer to examine into the economy of
the proposed plan, and to every philanthropist
to aid in a scheme for ameliorating Me condition
of the unfortunate poor.
.. S. WREE,
.1. E. M'CABE, '
For the PittetterA Gazette.
Eorroai—Although I was determined not
to write anything more on musical performances,
yet the impression produced by last -evening's
concert is so strong, so powerful, that I am una
ble to resist the temptation of writing a few I
words on this extraordinary concert.
You must not, however, expect from me a
criticism. I would throw my pen into the fire
if it dared to have so great a presumption. The
character of the two principal performers is to
far above criticism, that if I should write any
thing Of the kind, I would appear liken sparrow
criticising the flight of the eagle.
Madame Wallace Buschelle deserves the repu
tation which she has. Although she was some
what influenced by illness, we could easily per—
ceive the high qualifications of 'her voice, the
excellency of her method, and the brilliantresults
of her labors. She sang the-most ditLcult pieces
with easiness, and grace. ,We were peculiarly
delighted with her `•Svrisi Maiden Song," in
which so much good taste, so much simpliciny
and canine of feeling one displayed, that it could
- au{ rat to oat forth a tear In the iye or o Swiss
•and make him
• "Mart, ray heart," ete.
But who.was that strange, that extraordinary
apparition• that yet appears to me as a vision
from another. world'. Was it Thalberg's soul
personified In a most handsome and graceful
young lady! It mast be so. Miss Stopel Eol
not yet touched 7ter instrument,. rhea her noble
looking figure appeared before the public, the
first sparkle of her electrifying eye *veiled the
artist, no, more than that. tie.genius!
My imagination is too •poor, fi nd anything
worthy of this talent. All the performers on the
piano whom I have heard yet in this country,
appear at bet side like stars when the sun shines.
Thisis not to say that we do not like star light
when there is no sun.. It is not the grace, the
''.-!fdliekness with 'which she plumes over the scales
filthsilightning. Ufa not only the assurance, the
jower with whirls elle adden over the most diffi
cult passages wham': haying a note of music
betopber ,, it-is' not only all that by which one
• re,attracted to her.' No! it is the soul, the
life which she reveals in her performante, it is
that mysterious—l don't know what—which u
pears in the works of genius, cony it belong to
the painter. the poet or the musician.
But there is no use of saying anytltig more.
I have to leave it to an abler pen tha mine to
crown her with the laurels' which she desert.,
and to present her the most sincere thanks fpr
the delightfUl enjoyment which she has procured,
am sure, to,the whole audience. SCIL,II.
LATER rsom carroaNte.
New loin:, Feb. 18, 1851
The steamer Crescent City arrived to day
from Chagres. She sailed front San Junn, on
the 14th, via Chagres and Kingston, Jamaica.—
She left Chagres oq the i'th, and Kingston on the
11th. She brings 280 passengers, and dates
from San Francisco, tothe lith.
The stenmshlp New Orleans arrived at Pana
ma, on the 2d, with $300,000 in gold dust, nod
290 passengera.
The steamship . Antelope arrived at Panama
on the 4th of February, with $300,000 itt gold
duet, and 150 passengers; and the steamship Sa
rah on the Ist with 26 passengers.
The Unicorn, which left San Francisco qn the
16th ult. for Panama, with $600,000 in gold
dust on her manifest, bad not arrived at Pana
ma onthe sth instant.
The Crescent City brings very little gold dust,
say $8,126, consigned to parties in New York.
The Cherokeearrived safe:at Chagres on the 7th
ancPwas waiting for specie, when'sbe would sail
for New York. The steamers Northerner and
Tennessee came in collision in the Bay of San
Francisco. The former was very much broken
up amid Oips.
Gov. Burrett's message fills 12 columns of the
Pacific News, and is considered •a sound con
servative locnment.
Westusaiom, Feb. 17
House—Daring the morning session, an ani
mated debate on the River and Harbor Bill con
tinued to n - late hour. Some discussion as to
the constitutionality of the bill was indulged
Mr. McLane offered & substitute for the bill.
Much confusion, excitement, and come fun p TO
railed, after which the House Mijorumcd.
W&SHINOTON, Feb. 18.
Senate Mr. Cooper presented a resolution of
'the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in favor of n
line of steamers to Africa., 'ALso nine petitions
for the Modification of the tariff of 1816.
Jefferson‘Davis offered a, resolution prohibi
ting a revision of the debates in Congress, which
was laid on the s table.
Mr. Walker offered a reso-ntion, declaring as
the opinion of the Senate, that the expenses of
the Army should be reduced.,
Mr. Clay's resolution of . yerterday, calling on
the President for information respecting the ae
gro mob in Boston was taken up.
Mr. Clay denounced the Mob as a gross out
rage, and infamonaproceeding.
Aftfr some debate, the resolution was tumid- '
morts adopted.
The Senate then took up the Cheap - Postage
Bill. The amendment making a uniform rate of
two cents, was rejected—yeas. 7, nays, di.
Alter some further immaterial amendments,
the Senate adjourned.
House—At the meeting of the House this
morning, various reports of Committees were'
The Committee on Military' Affairs was dis
charged from the' further consideration of so
much of the report of the Board of Army and
Navy Officers, assembled by the President of the
United States, as relates to Staff' Commissions,
and the brevet rank which they recommend for
adoption. •
The Hoase then resolves, itself into a Commit
tee of the Whole, and took up the River and Har
bor Bill.
• • •
Daring the debate, an effort wan made, on one
side, to show that the bill a as an Infamous aye
tem of log rolling, and unconstitutional:" oval on
the other, that it was the reverse.
Mr. Stanley had denied jhat the measure was
sectional. He said it wass4l. cap -sheaf to the
compromise' of last session.
Mr. Inge replied,to Mr. Stanley, remarking
that the gentlemen was not a friend to the South
and that the assault would be made and the
spoliation consummated before the warning
would come from him.
Mr. Stanley replied, that the remark justified
hint in saying that the gentleman had little sense
and less character.
Mr. Inge rotorted Oat ,this was unjust and tut- .
gentlemanly, and came from a blackguard.
Mr. Stanley said the member had shown that
he was one.
The excitement, however, soon subsided, when
a substitute for the original bill, nearly similar,
was adopted, when the Committee rose.
A call of the House was moved, before taking
the question, when the report closed.
The House was still in session at half post 4
o'clock. • -
BOSTON, Feb. 17
Wright., the Editor of the Commonwealth, and
Davie, a Itivryer, have been arrested, for aiding
in rescuing the fugitive from the Court room. •
Boatel:, Feb. 18.
The United States Court room was taken pos
session of, this morning, by a large posse of of
ficers, to keep order daring the examination of
those charged with aiding and abetting in the es
cape of the fugitive slave on Saturday last.
In the first place the Marshal made his return
before Commissioner Curtis, that the fugitive
slave Bhadrach had escaped from his custody.
The Commissioner than adjourned the case un
til it should appear that the fugitive could not
be obtained.
• • - • • • .
The crowd about the Court room is very great.
A negro. named Foy has just been arrested.
charged with being engaged in the rescue of
Shailatch. Quite au excitement prevails through
ofit the' city.
Thompson, the English Abolition lecturer,wtm
burnt in effigy. A crowd of excited people pre
vented hie lecturing to night.
"Srtsonstv, Feb. 18, 10 A. M.
astp,son is now speaking, in a small hall,
which hat about 200. The Sheriff is present,
with assistin to preserve order, and the meet
ing proceeds, wi the or no disturbaacet
Tin Stan, Feb. IS.
A joint resolution was introducei'mataining
the Compromises of Congress, and decla?tn it
to be the duty of the people of the United Ste
to support no man, for Representative or Sena
tor in Congress, that will not uphold the honor
and interest of the country in opposition to the
spirit of fanaticism and ambition of demagogues;
and to do all they can to preserve the "E Pluri
bus Unum" of the States—Nei and Forever.
Groceries—The auction sales of groceries, to
day, were as follows-100 hbds now crop Mus
covado sugar (09 sold, and balance withdrairen)
at $5 30®5 GOV cut: 208 hbds new crop do,
at $5 G0(515 65; 80 Mrs do at $5 90; 20 hbds
Orleans sugar at $0 20 05 25; 470 hbds Ma
tta:ss molasses at 20i®20i; 95 tierces do at
21i: 111 hbds Cuba molasses at 20e, and 22
tierces do at 22e; 440 bags Rio coffee, damaged,
at 9€l9i 1 4 lb.
Flour—Sales of 1,800 MO 11. S. brands at the
uniform price of $1 431 " r i lb.
Graiti = Sruall sales of wheat at 97®102, for
fair to strictly prime red. Sales of white corn
at 66 ,0,07 c, and of yellow at 00®02e tt bush.
Sales of oats at 93e._
Whiskey is selling it 2fic in
VINCI:I,IAT', Feb. 18.
The riser bas.riien eighteen inches since last
Flour—The market is dull and lamoy, at
Whiskey—Sales at 2 _1 31:2•!! 10 gallon.
Cheese—Prime is in demand at Ti lb.
'-cr,govisions—Pork ban advanced, with sales of
lOcctilds mess at $ll,Bl, and of 50(1 do. at $11:
bbl. There are no bacon sides in the market
—they weald bring 7}e. Sltoulders'are offered
M l O slallo lb,
mes--Ls firm at 811:3 32 c Pit
.1 rdoOort,:i . $
February 18. nI
CutionThw ma let in dull, and firleeal to ]a
lower. .
Flour—The mar - et is Ifirm with sales of 1400
bids Orleans at $4 1€1.:4 87; Intl of Indiana and I
Michigan at $4 . 751 4 94? bbl.
Grain—Wheat s Corn is firm,
with sales of 3000 bushels. Yellow at Cific
Provisions—Pork is tu fair demand, with sales
of 110 bblicut $lB 37(.}13111 for Moos, and $9
37 for prime. Safes of 150 tierces pickled hams
at 8f 0.9 c. Lard is active, with sales of 193 0
bbls at Sc fur old, land 81 foi new.
Whiskey—The . markeris easier, with sales of I
100 tibia at 23c ?kid.
Griwerier.:....iBugara are in fair demand, with
aides ul 110 hints Irlplas at 51(d.Gfe. AlutaW•
les is firm, et 30 31c ? gal. •
Linseed Oil is e der, with males 1100. gals of
Amereian at 139 a .
Other articles a o unehangel
, _2_
February 18.
Cotton—The market is heavy, with +further'
sales of 800 Wel. at n decline Of ;Pic "0 1b... ,
Flour—.`males o ' 6,500 bhls, at 1iff,810,4,87 for
New Orlearis, and $4,754 . 055 for Indiana and
Groin—Wheat m unchanged. Corn is active.
with sales of 20,000 bus, at 116 c for now yellow.
and 67c for wbito. ,
Provisioutt—Pork firm, with sales of. 800
bbl., at st'2,:to far mesS. and $9.: 1 7q5 9 . 44 for
prime. Beef is steady, with mks of 100 !Ala at
$8,506 -, 10.75 forimmot, and ssq6 for prime,—
Pickle,' meats are ,without change. Lard fa
stefuly,,ith salmi of WO Mils. at 8. 1 ,41.8;',. Butter
is More in demand, of 901.11 c for Offio,,
Whiskey is easier, with sales of iOO bbls, at
25c "t 1
Linseed Oil—Further sales o{3ooo galls, at 89c
'Feb. IS.
Beeves—The offerings on Monday were 550
head, GU of which were left over, 100 driven to
Philadelphia, and thehalanoe sold to city butch
ers at $3(.1,53,75 cot on the hoof, equal to
5f1q,56,25 net, and averaging $3,31 groti
Hoge—Sales at $ll V cwt.
February IH.
Flour nod Grain—The inquiry for groins and
flour is very limited. Wheat is heavy, and•tend
ing downward, with sales 73€e77c for prime to
choice. Flour in dull, with sales of country,
and second city 'brands at $3 r,O t 4 bbl.. Corn
and oats are o shade lower, with sales 40()41
for yelfow corn. nod 411851 for only. -
Frovisions----l'here we're no large sales of pork
or lard to-day. Mess pork sold at $l2 'V bbl.
Sales of No. 1-lord, in bbls and tierces, at 71671.
Sales of bulk meat at '54 38@j5 84, and $e
cot, for shoulders, sides, and hams. Sales
60 casks ribbed bacon sides at et Lq BY.
Whiskey—Sales at 22iCt128c.
Lead—Sales of upper mines at $4 40 per
Freights are frau :Allot quotations. The ric
er is at a stand; the weather is pleasant
1 . •
New Ontestss, Feb. 16. _
Cotton has declined';} cent 0 lb. Sales of
500 bales strictly middling at 11 lb. Re
ceipts of Cotton fall st4enty nine thousand boles
short of last year.
Prorlions—Mrso Perli . is dull at $14.-
. .
Groceries--Prime Mclnnes is quoted at 27®
Sterling Fizehange 4, quoted at Si premium
!Ulu,snot [annuli:is, a lot of ground snitalile far
loenton of chi* I with olio. COOGIIOIOR from ten to Illtr
acre, supplinl with toter, neat .Itlllard upon cue of
the rivini. plank rind'. or railroad', within for sullen of the
y r , g 4,,yla, .Latina dPOCTilltim prim
and term. will to n 1,114.1 until landau, the 24th Jinn, or
• ' AVM.
ell ntl.
Pittoburgli. Feb 5, [febfulettetillSi
Chance for Capitalists and Mandan-
TIIE onderAinhr4 !L,eing agent for the own
era. otter. in sale • numtad of town lota is the town
a.iilnn. :omit moot,. Ohio, with uot lot, and small
parvia of land uttolntoc and near the town. Mantilla., j
bring nituated on the Ohio Canal. and the Ohio and r , ..
or ham> nallmea. now nearly coMpLeted,htuting tbroagh
it. thda nal edate afford, 1 perliata the bort opporttnalty
lately offered. to Aaron who may with Meagan. IA man- '
• oho-luring of slimes any tteatriptioh. The abundance a; • .
peammemoLollilet tamomoglisMa t tM :r. exlr t . • •
.vr: ' ell al trlVlliet Z tram;rtatiort7af
manufactured snider , ' all combine to make this o ut
mon dtwirable paints Ideittabliahing manufactured of Iron.
Wool. Colt , o. Mdawl of all dearriptions which La now afford
el in the tk'ritern ormutry.,
Reveril Inripn•rtl !Arnim, in the vicinity of the Canal and
Railroad, arevlsoofferd—at tracrld 070 acres of eweellent
tymberd land:LlT - ill, between the Canal and Railroad. and
about mini ng tut from the latter, a lot of ids
t Ratirmul Depot-macaw one side of ottleti
the tract yaw, and on two aldre, alreets of the tuna. blo
nd keepers and InerehatttiVll do wen to look al ltd. he.
fore they porebadot Oren . .
. The podUnt of klvaillt. .ha the h , art of an amiculluml
repun. not aoriataaed laysaul in thc.tountry, Ls . well
known that It la unni,inarl to du muse than mi .,
t o it to hadtme,ljoa.boaella t 0 mate med lorestmeum, to
call and examlueghl. (innerly. Title lndlayntable and
loon credit given if (blind. lino. Andrew W. Lomb and
Joshua Ilan.. Fddy, of Pittsburgh, will glau Information
ermeenalng it. and any enguiriea will be Ammer.' to ap
plication to Thignaa )IrCulimtla.hengrigrp,m7g... ,
"q=l. - ,1 b :ia. 1 7 . 11. • fel.l.ldad.
FOR sem.
STOCK FALL% mangled Id Little Bearer .Towriabilp.
Laminae County. Pa.. on the gator, of Little "Mater, Dula
taint.. about au tetra 1S teller from the Ohio Mid Penn
nizlLnitt Bailer.l--the Pittabornb and Cleveland ditage
It isrelrgno ' L i e Marvin Farm, aml hog levant ,
u. Sloop Fano for the luit thirty yrara. The land
it now to trot rate °Aire, and wellealeplated for sheep and
cattle. It is well watered hr Little Beaver Creek. and sev
eral never-failing spring,. about 2:40 scree under fence. the
principal part in meadow and 'mature. nod glant kW amen
II n woodiand. An apple otelowl of choice grafted bolt.
with a natal+, cluarr leach mere near the house- if ap
plied ft; gu.n. a valuable lot of household and kitchen fur.
allure. giro a ant rate mol.inn stoveand for
wagon, ploughs. Or. Or ran le: had with the form at
Th e buildings on the form arr. one brick house. 40 feet
mono. and two atories lildh: collar under the whole boo.,
with pertition wall In Ile center. The holm IA well notch
sal nod l 0 gmel style: the Nam. erevery conveniently eat.
culatod. t hanln tbe lower story. with three fin.places. setw,
with the.' Inoue Franklin shots; five roman ID the upper
themtlna n clo.f.ei*Ar ownerh beer urawn far I. Ilene fr'e
high, with large pantry, and lurch in by
If fort wide.—
Ono frame houge. attached to chew'ki 2 by 1B feet, two
Aeriee high. calculated fur a work chop or bed room, with
to ten feet, gide. One frame wind house, at
tached to the here batigei 46 by al feet. One frame spring
house. mar the brick Imo, 16 by' 12 feet, mar ton font
nigh. with Inver gory . Dat high, and the agile made of
gat, a algal Lad !mane haling •Priaa of toll water runtdua
throngh the loner
upper room well calculated
for ..tortme. A -led niarieged for a yeah house.. a Wick
nook. Lange: ode frame carriage house.= by 16 feet, tan
feet high, with potato., railer underneath; one hewed log
Imo, about o r rubs from brick lama, 16 by 16 feet. one
end a half stories high, with a never failing 618 ring ma ,
the how, oneleved lug house. war the brick hotter, 25 by
14 feet, ono andoe half stories high. with brick rhimaeya stied on cue side: our tang
(mom bark r(U by'. 45 bet. 18 feet high. threshing
floor in upper story, and entrame ntone end--atableg In
lowerstor, tom frame gable, /abseiled to large tiara. co by
24 feet. twelve feet high. with stalls for cattle: one frame
barn, 4: by 24 feet, twelve (cat hlgln one frame Cheep hang,
toil by 2.1 feet- 14 led high. divided bubo sheep pout with
'lNhoito Iv the rcvtrr—nDirr nmrf for hay
ns t qfrArt: Je b urt'g
fact Wall. with rocks in ;the center: ow tram bouw,' foe
poultry. 16 by 8 Vet. and 8 fret blob.
lose term, apply to /oho crn the premise, who
wi ow the Feruband 'give all necemary infortention,nr
In Aboalt 11011. on the Ilttsburgb Road. 4 miles from the
mouth of Beaver Creek. And Milos below Economy.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
TFIE recent unrireeedented sale of Lots in
the abort. thrising Town having nearly exhausted
we preciously laid out, and lb.:demand contlnidng,
the underolanetiims been Induced to Ise oat a portion of
blo se e. y in Vern lois ao above. and eller" them for sal,
at price d lump that caunot Nil to meet the clew, of
thooe alohing to pontoon. It to needle,, to my Intythlng
of the location of the Town and prosprets (it baring been
deerritod tel recant &docent - mm(4 other than
that over one itundnol I to have .-.neatly changed hand..
abeen nd porehatted by lbw wishing to Munn , • dean. -
The .re tote are =rug the moot eligible and desirable
in alto place. andSt< principally located to the end. of
than reoently sold.
Poe Informationapply to the proprietor In LherPool.
to JameNillakely, Laq4 Fourth tlemt. s Pl s ita i tt A riei rx.
gaol Liverpool. Yob. ppd. ttol. fettaclastali.
JOON 10/1113i...- • deems nu m.
31ITLEY & OLVIN, Coal Merchants,
it and Dealers in Drt thirds. Ora-erten Iffin and N•fil4
ner of Walnut stria and Washington Turnpike Mad,
TIA lIRLSTA:' :EWELL, Attorney at Law '
Ohio Slaw Como lIIIIWODLT r faking Der...atom Ark wledgernentx of Doodo, ao. Offloo—Yourtb street, skor
Itherld. . mrkdlorfr
kAUTY.—It. is universally conceded that.
tatuty is more common In this mount. thin In any
er, whilest,,the awe time It Is said that In no other
untry le it 1001-st a young Wage. Now this a tru, to
co n
metals. extent. Malin! lam a often causod be wee. We
ay to all, do not negitet.,your perwmalappearance, but
read the following. and you tiro! sat lack good looks.—
These articles arkecientlfs preparstiomb nod hare all
taard • high popularity.
Jules Hauel's Pendell or Chine. Powder, for log
to the mat billion. naplalon • radiant whiteness In
nothing should a Jason be more careful than the use of
powder for the skin. a zany of lime told are , very Wart.
Otix. My Chines. poaler Iseomamread in owientiqe mare
nee, and ronteJne no Imaallent which an possibly baud
an Injury,
Jul. Unmet * , Drr.lllMity Powder, far removing can
hale. What if MOM. unsightly than hair upon era.
arms of • lady. that article gill rano. It in • short
time, without the woof any cheep inetrument-
Jai. Hauer. Vegetable Liquid Malt Ity - e Lwtar.
IranUfu t.,
nemaly impart to mi. white, or grey Lair, n IIY
or auburn no/or. It wall color tho hair
shorter time, and moth effectually than not other ,
Ingot the uone time iniellthle.
Jules Mare rhallag theaub—lt Lreally a P 1... 0 , 1
shave with this emo.l. There it none of the smarting...
tattoo I.orally. examen.] In the afloat asp.. On
the contrary, it loaves tho skin smooth amt sat as gran
foot's..4 not liable to beerma eluthath
Jules Hauer. Itusoi Tooth N.M.—Next to the hole, at
thlnk the Teeth ...sitar..led a• the greattst ornament to
the hums* fur: but when no betel. nothing Is so dlthim
nickly urn. My Poo , Tooth Pure will !mart'
Cthe" so qmeths whiture, at MO Moe CID e keeping
the gu503111.11. 111 1 hes/t y.
JULES it CEL, Pallitger txml Chemist,
Cheenut tot hula. Co.,
For sale wholesale stalrail, by M. A.
and It. P.- Sellers, Pllteb rgh, and J. Mitchell. .191.:gttnny
February 18 .
7A OLDLOCKETti.—Just received a large
„t og if v ;l . 7 „ l: „. (tl n W a tt r t . ri , • and Maintain* COM
Linen and Honee Furnisibg Goods.
A. MASON b.. CO.. Np. 62 and Co 4
arta'.. l :f tir Zi= ` a ":.;;;I n . " (07: 1 4 w aillfX
lun `able 0,111.. Ilimant and Map,'
al kin• lnteriny , Doylus, tr. 1,, •
Ina.. aknbor. andnd Inunnok . •
Kna•la; nnotat hint Eye
Un-a law um and Linen CaJnlalen: •
rl 4 A A tla n l M U: a n:hta B l h tln li ga ngS 4ol l nei '''' piltc;_tidnin Ir. tG
, .
rjrZT—Two.ofr2ce's on the lower floorg
Omer Market' M Watm3trettA, 11.011m3 m
I stmet. each 13 LA.' • • '., .•
''A ' o mem arm site EU th Mom. on 12411 *mood
60,12, lath sepankte vtallan• tram {Pater BURL
All al Cum rm. aro saltabli for !macrame (Mora, am.
aralcre samara. In th. moat. farorcbicipLaca for bagmen,.
on tho wharf. • • ' POLL I) 31c0)11311CIL
Ft....RENT—One laige • three . star; t.T.
&now and Oar. / mituatid on the turner f. /,
lel got Grant erects. gobbed In %Vern ety1.,,= 4 7 ..
g i ns=l7Or 4 =.7IO',V.I'dZ.X,; Vg.' L
of ApFri : -Enqulreor sAmuka. 11.1)111ASON. •
Musehoder. or
44113a11f ' 41 G./ rant st....Pittstoseng '
___ 4 _, / (Journal ropy
V IL RENT—Tiie Warehmise No. tTe.
11„ , col street. hum Ist ApriL For orsue. inqulre . za
. ore premises. - fel/Malta
V/The dwellbg house famed rocupled hY the aninnl'
tor.rr:Matteheoter.eituate on the Ilary.of the AlleitheAY
owl aurboter flank 11001. with ransom' hon.. dn. ' .
Slid her out boon, and about Inn aore of ground. 1....
1.14gb Kisco an Ist April neat Alid i ir til mu , ELL,
• .. L .4bilial. • ' Ogine on Ors:nt trt,4 . lfteburgh f
0 - 11.3.750.1 LE MIL S. FARSIE, A N DLO TS
. N
OR BALE—Tao large Flour (11112 awl a Nei,
" tho aver Creek, with the y water Lona!, A I o
i a lopro w form In' worraacounty. Pirag:4loo.-F
, • tarns of 116 .em., W 2 the Oldo riser, three ndb.
be &weer , for 44JPJO. Alm, one Of 140 aero4 on tn.
Oh river, 0 'oallOs talow Beaver. for 1.1.2 tor arm. Also
1 (01 . ' , f or e f s csg p l , h r pz , tcre. A, Ataci. l f , a7 , ...o . f EV/ 4 . . , t .. ana d , j ,nn
.ar for SIL per acre. together with tunny °threw of ran,
one so and prima. gtt . ulre ,.. Of .
1 I/10
.1 4
Agorae,' at Law and Real a t. AganO.
‘__ No ttg 4th at. Pittsburgh. _
._. _ -
It RENT—The store on Market „t., g
now oXtoded by C. Yeager 11.11 a Varietf Stare.
on trirou on lot day or April neat
ael/T WM: 31111..1NT00R, 65 4th et..-
iii OR SALE OR RENT—Eleven ace
,11,fkrowel. onward°. tot turnpike. o . ue ,1.11 , .or
.MIS of 371urrodlIn uu .Lieb ' ue ',rim'
,o, PIT _
Intl how, .ruin otabllng. ike.
, Tho . d ... 1t „ll=
ly rel. wolleiug boundet I. foot the
_tley o tn C, .1 .
. spa extenAling Look to the I
l ul l, . %1 i 1t...N .
of the ...not &nimble ketalow .
_ll I 1 r 1
e Ault Ilk nor In thr market.. liktitte
~tgc No co.
191 Utterly It
j feb7.l:2lr
I. LET—A Warehouge situated b piii
tween ITotil s,, aud )lute!, and zit y rillig n iZoth , E2
..P . ll{, l:nultablir fur matiufacturing or sin
ri' ll , % "". E"a"Ir AITE. ATKINSON A OKELY.
mho...litter Mle. fur sale the house snd lot, tit . : ju.,
i the moat pleasant part of the borough of
air; flouting ou the Diamond 19)feet, andonAlarVeTeirYwt
LID &et. The hove in well constructed for comfort s_tod
eitintenkome, widish abundance of water at the door. the
tot is well Awed with elude+ fruit tree, and ehrtilinoTT, ~.
Ile abort Property Is very &aired. iu • plensent anit P.
rate oteklente., Aim. Fr i t of lolot No. 147, 60 frt Mot,
,:" 30 0 foot h" ',.a. SEAV COCHRAN, Cationalmrit.
. "r
l' i i'il." llAl i n o it,. , .)... A ,nt. 3
...Ateerer, Jan. O, '4l.
y til
oR RENT—A good brick tactile on
Struwlxrry Alley. between Liberty and Smith
d stmetx, wt pmdeut arranged for Um* h
yhige.l r. could be ...My mule to arroakouslatesld or tight
hone. The buildlog being huldo wad eouvenleully sltust •
would he very vullatto as wUser of droner for roe,
4b 1:M m Pro tibrlel'd i t. t.T2M1%,.
,rSITIVE SALE=A large number of
beianee ass, In Mu maids/friable altuationa the
enrargh of Birmingham, Peat Birmingham and Booth
Prttstetrgh, is offered for tale low and on acemomedatins
' terms. Bamako our be had hy applkation to
115111 MA lifVlo, 114 Seetmd It.
BAIN k. Irvin offeralm_lvr sale thirt a-eight lots on
Pennsylvania Avenue. Par tarsus and farther particulars
pply lnshore. falM
OR RENT.—A warehouse situated on
Water street, between Market WI Perm, suitable for
produce byname. Enquire of JAS. BALEELL •
fad • • Mo. he Market street
OR RENT—The dwelling house und
surrouinllng grounds, now occupied by
el the bead of PM& street, In the Eighth NVant sir
Per.. wishing to find • location rust:mot smoke arid bulb
Me nod yrt nekle In the ca y . Wend here such • place.
lt s within Albers minutes Walk of any 0040.0 s part of
the city. ftirlallf JAB. NV. BCCILLNAN
Yery Valuable City Property for Sale.
'TILE undersigned Administrators of the.
rcaste of Moulin alrmsti. demoted, o ff er for sale the
enre real of the mkt Thomas errosistlng,
of our LID feet lot fruiting on 'Liberty newt. runnins hock
j to a ten feet alley. Aiwa the tarmn stand known es this
klanolonlloone, with Um grounds o
fnd stable connected,
Minting on Plum alley. thirty three eet four Indies.
Alm, three lots fronting on Cherry alley ewdt elghhxn
feet front. and 'finning back elsty feet parallel with Plum
*lle, all erstitm owe., will bsrrl Ne t , wild . V d ritivsis r t iv
o ,j, 1 3,
4V 1 LL 4 117 t ia 3 ef (To red a b l - Tue s tlo'n if i the bighted I lti ' dlers
the ' Tarern wand arrlT4 bent,__ApplY
FAIRMA-ni or
s•Abiltrorli 101 Liberty st
4rigned crffers for WO Isrue number ea nimb le
Init err y destrahle alt. for =riotr
lore. to lbw lkaough of Birmingham, localsel near ths
ne , AF . ltgi p e ka nch . ; „ iulloole tr i el English LghronEll tu tn :nd
manuforturiott weskit ' . and U. rentsinauble;st ' es at which
lots will be Fab will render them,. refs sod ortolltable In
reettneut. Title pule. Terms favorable.
,b,. pc:•Ti 4. lcoltirs and terms, en iiiireof tbs.:Art . l.6.mb at
of George ).011roore. 021 UM. Mont, Pitts
burgh. between Third and FOl2ll SiMeto. or of Wi ll iam
tlfmmaa tdol N. P.m.... EN* at tittle uminn lo
Ingham._ • lilitlLl P. PATON.
Licradmndions Wan... No. lit Liberty are. of,
Sby Dell k. Liggett. will is mated. with the basin
S9eires: from the Ist of !dumb nest. Artily to
lIILIDTS ITEMS. In ;north rt
' 'LET- 1 3 1 tie House and 1.13 t 9ittated
on ticrittoot stmt,&tenth Ward. For Orme,"
r to • ItOlsl2oN, Mil& A Ltd
t•L'd • 36 Wert, st
FOR SALE—The Ribseriber offers fort
sale • large and well built Rea Hoare, with nee .4,
or more acres or grearod.nitnateti onthe Woltz* straet•wawe
Road, within ear. tulles of this eity. Ptwaeleion evert an
the let of April neat-
Also, a very desirahle lad - ground, containing weer FL=
Ann e. with a spring of exeellent water therwn. eltual,vl
near the ann.
Alto. • lot of gronrat-4S leer 11 Loeb., by BR nutria:3in.
In; the residenne of llr. A. Toner. neer theenv, 01 , Pwile
the Sr. with Warl. on Pennsylvania Avenue: , VoweaslOn
given l; - ,unediatelv.
It is now (Truk that the Plank Road will be rouiplete
=ere e etV e oit7.7aliff
. " 1 1 gAliganfri 9 ;e ti 1I F :t.
oad. near the
gretdearr!oe: property.
F2R RENTOR SALE—The subroriber2
oral sell or rent his very desirable Country Reel% "
, to 'Allewtouy oily. situated on Ohio Leue era
t ll iPTotiA " e ' bltt I,7,i7,l4l . .`to*Ari:a..!' „ dr b Au.::', I. :
es o rritore bona, stable. and wand water no Abe murals,
which romprt. two atm, well Improved.contalnins everY
1 description of fruit .1.0. a spring hotter and smoke house.
Pnevetalon Owen whenerer doeired. 40112 1.12:1111.111T.
Irpoß ,REN T—A two story Dwellin rto.
• g . ",,l
Home on ii., .0001. Enquir. of '
.1 . , tale •' JAMES DALVELL. cei Water at. ....1 . ..... -
_... will sell for cavil. or on nernetnol lea, ooe la no
enia rtrert, „ ?..l r,t, front by ltlo Get to 15 p ring alley, an.
tt i nt 'il tfteil 4 ll; Tlterly 'd , Clet.,, i tt r". , a i tr Alieg / 41 '' nyer o tnse71:112
sPring Alley, being 261 feetn LibeetT. by 120 to 00000
Alley. Abu. 1,010 feet fronting on Fer , NASD street, lame
i,l4ately eu,pcalte the Central ff tr airtaulDe ' itot. and mutant' IUS
Altt O'HARA.
Vtterittai..,EX,R,(i),,ft,nrunlß SALE.d. 00 ?:1
which It stand', will bo .014 ellber l 7luVannv 10 - s. l .'
Eht7i:l7ey '4 , t ort 0.1.1/=:oplclZlHaVold allry, w'dB
Any additional Information &shed 0111 be giren. and
'''''''''''?" on 7 Pi tigiirarECAPllEV.
Preget. ItOard Modem at NO. 47 and 55 Market meta.
1.21 In
MO LET—A large Mansion House with !::*
1. SC. of Land attachedxituated at °Wand.
IldhDY. JONES a tn.
LET—The Three Story Dwelling ztt`.,
No 171 Wylie Wert: at pment.oeelipiril '"'yby ohn B. Eleingetoo. and coutaltlnir
dining ram endkleben, on the ern gam Premien
given on the lot of April. Inquiry of J. C lt. FLOTD,
Jel/ Bound Church.
910 LET—Ono Two Story Brick House,
row . 3l3 k z u f r e e nge Means, Mlnerela
OR RENT. The Store, 118 Market
stmt., theereond doer farm the corner of Market 1„,0
mat Wrt
e, etreeter Poneeston etre n the let of Aprlle.e.
nest • lnnalreof •
D 106
Jetnl2ro Pe GREE nn st.R,
FOR RENT, tyro very convenient cee..,
DWELLING HOUSES, on Third etreet. ature y:l4,
and near tolltnll.llllsld. Pommel. given owl!. Srst
of April nerh
te le.. for one or CMS ,Tror., acme large
Lob, on and near the Allegheny 'Geer, In th e Nlnth Went.
Apply to WM. M. nAnttNovON.
Fourth at, no:Li Woof.
KO. RENT.—TIK; following proper- L. "r.,_
ties are for rent, the
large, rell oneeee. eue e.puteir fornlthei
STORE, on Market dryer.; between Thud and Fourth the,
suitable for by Goode.
Peered mane In Putt to Dulldlnpt loth, vexed and:
third remit, meltable for resters liconut,Orricee.
A large and convenient LAVELLINti 1101. 1 / I C, In • buth:
Ppart of. the elty.
omade, of the foregoing ran be giveti . on the lent of
April next •
Alto a &MALL STORE tunthltd Area, next dam to the
Gazette (Mike. liumesekin given Immediate/1.
FOR IiALF.—.An unexpired tease on th e Warehnote, on
For termm, t,heretokee occupied by th e lath Mr. A. 8M...
atwlr to
E. D. OAZZAM, lei Second Meet.
lthi or to li. M'CORMICK, to Third Areal.
.. . ...
lillOß RENT, h fivo story Frame 1100002,
and Berk building, with lens lota, to on m,
dronl etzeet, Sloth Want, adjoini./4L Mom ,
For tenna, aryl,' to ROBIIII). LITILM d CO.,
dead ..ess 'tawny Meat ,
TO LET, the Store Room N0:65 Mar
Iv . vlrf , t z r , l6nin a the ,Wateli kd ani t l , Jrclrya
3:. Hie.. 1 Son. us B.aarßretilgr. ram.
i.T.T•hr fg: A ;5-, ,",1 1 ,1e04. -- ,.;,701 1 e 2 ,41 - . ib; i rd_ !:
change Ware. and ' ananranoe tou'oo, or a_ ye. . A eoluodiu
13.0 frt.*, with Etudiatt Mate Clan, wili c terput to Itu. oo
as the weather permits.
rotweekul gime on the Bret of February . . If wanted.—
Eautire of
n, W. W. 1 FILSON.
Corner of Market and Fourth street.
& 11Arroaru, In the Dimmed. Fell tba bed In
tsburgh; this b R puff. but s positive tut, u 41 . ±.
comports= will prove.
Übld strong and pleemat harmed 50e Per
Thu ben importal into the U./bases :he .10
Omen Tees equally gopl at rams rim.
All Teen sit this establishment ore retailed hvodi him the
OrlgitMehests. being fa superior to Pselmdie Testi .11ielis
It many lortautes, have been put up two or three Feem•
and Pm might as well suppose Ilay would limp
a moll bundle as in ustack, es billing that Tea will ho.p
as well in a packs.. es in the original chests. JO2
ItUGS—In store and for Hale by the sub
_Ur riber, ea of the beet quality
. ulphate esti promo- of M.P...
Onto Sholleg
hele,m Pear,
Sueer of hesi;
' Cm= Sart=
101 l Brhostone:
Vigor Phlphrth
elmendris henna:
fohum Cheophor.
Beate Cough Syrup in Illinois.
jIIDGE PIERCE, of Middleport. IroquoiYe
CP etettitY. Writel tinder date of January 17th leZ , l,that
he bee lwen thenbled more or b. with • eotillo.f anent
f . e=l i tt=re in ts %Wined hltto hle: i ent.7l r 72 .l- 4
he pit better. but atilt ta:onghtnuntiLtetgo distress biro
4:tti r ra Rbe h bh which. war only relieves) by tby by. by
et_cenen b u yteitt 9d:tirtrtyltietebty Piot. my:
4 ....teu bud found tli n e. STrupor great' al in histentilyourd
„..b...l.olhosti Ohio, teuk fifteen bottles with, him, •
1;4;4 •47 . h./mitre Mr. obtened awl need torah grew"
b Li ttz u r toe b ri altr,l to afford relief.
57 Wood mt.
' 4 " IT druiteler• Generally In the two eille• and •letrilly.
, ----
Goon --- ,--c - -
ANTON FLANAI.4..--A farther
at superior artkl• US, arta. per
IIVAI:Wr• ar
I . LOUISVILLE The swift
.Is. solendkl uel• freskarr E.DITM. Ihkris.
e‘franander. fill leave for above and Inter- ,
omlist. lanalno Mkt okoralos. a 10 o'clock.
Ift..r (Meg or Waage, kplIT on toard or to
1701{ WABASH RIVER—T h e
rplendhl new rteatner Glattena. Captain
Lett. wilt leave far the shove atal all Inter
mediate vetA en the 19th kat_ at 10 tieleck. A. Y.
Vet Galata or revenge aO9l/ 00 lowtd.'
Trun ni OR NASHVILLE. The fast. • .
ti e erteaMerli KNKVA.OIpt.
fur the above avel Intermallete porta
. . ... ... . .. ...
on Turaley. lath Inst.. at 1 P. M.
Ftn• height or laLantge..l7. l ., u. I,oarsl. febls.
splendkl v., steamer EMPIRE
. D.Vochnan. Master. will leave for the ul,ove
AMA it
internomilate laAnto, on WetlileAdaY neat. 19 th l.
aut. et 1 drlork. P. t•.
Fur n,ight I..rd j
. -
kolt LOUISVILLE—The silica
-1 did now Atearoet LCEI.I.A. Wm. J. houuta
commander. a 11l lease G.r 11. ahoy. and in
lertandiate wry Friday. 11. IttL lun., at 4
v. En, !Wight uri.aosaae apply Oil board. to
febl4 7 I. NEWToN JONES. Scent.
ifi l olt ST. LOUIS. The splenilhl
asoi Ataam, FI.F.ETW i IM OOP, Wm.
d lAmley,
p.rfmg'ht or t! ,
_..!‘I.IITON JUNIN. A,,Art.
did rteairtor NAVIGATOR. Capt. W. Do.rttj
will Irate fur the abort. anti .11 lotto - mediate
port,. thl, day at tou'olock. For frolubt or woos, ass',"
on board. rrbl4
ST. LOUIS—The Nat running stamer,
NllllN4N.Catain Marley lerarl.
leave Pe the above alai intermediate on this day.
at 41..31.
her freight nr paralage. apply on lord.
min wELL.c.vittn--Tn. , stcauter
It NEILLE, Icm. Shedden, master, will run
a. regular Pocket between std. city and it el .tPill irne-
InK Pittahurgh every Monday. Wellneedai ,
For freight pae.age. apply on board. 1 . • 10
pOR N A SII VILLE—The fine
tide day. at
(4.r. c.
For freight paaaage. apply on lonl.
• 44,12
-.— —
)FOR ZANESVILLE —The tine , •
steamer ESIPRESS.CoI.. taw., null Nave
41 , abut - eau.] porta thin sltencega
at 4 o'cick.
Far freight 4,r reseenge. apply nn Lard., JalN
I P T: ( F K S E B , I3I . I. „ G li AND
new pooket Ptenner DI t/RN
ter. IP Doer performing her reguNar Li-weekly tripe between
this cite and Wheeling,tleaving Pittsburgh at 10 cerinek
every Monday. Weetuteday and Friday, mad returning.
leaves Wheeling every Tufeeleiv. Thunder and Saturday.
la awl week. For treign i e 4 r T liaera . ge.apply on hoard, or to
not. RONG CROZI.It. agents.
• •
rmingharo. •I de Fylendid lonstw r a. huh.
the turners of the Femme loud Newton. and ,thern. for
the. Cincinnati and Pittaburgh Parket trade, and will leave
arm . NVeangoalay Arr Cincinnati , in plat. of the New Eng.
land No. 1 for freight or pawago, appl; on hoard • or to
meat U. B. MILTLNEEItIiEII, Agent-
l,; & ; T. PACKET
e ,4
CapL Crain, will Moe as above
rJ Pnr Trrb: Y o: " *Vr k board. or m
ja2l it Pa. _
ri M IL JORMITOti, Agt
?lau.=l 1851 •
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A. 3.IeANCLTY CO.. Canal Resin. 40 . 1 Penn street,
CHARLES RAYNOR. Central Elnek. Broad street, Phila.
We are prepared in receive a large amount men - handl.
and produce to ship On theoyenlng of the canals to Phila
delphia. and all intermediate pled, at lower rates. and in
Ice time then In any previous twos..
MI-N.ll. The Inn-rased number of Tracts prnskled Ni
the Lynn) lm fur mirri nur Gnats on the
slot. Itallronds, will preeent our atlas pt
Johnston. Llolidaysburg or Columbia. this
Canal Main
10.04) ps No.l to 311 Ladies' and Moe"' Bonnet and Sash
fable - two-10,1OG pi No.l to 112 plain satin dm 10.000 do' ab
- feta - doe_blain,rhancimble, chine. watered and monied Bon
net silks, loot) pi belt ribleyne full kwartment velvet dm
black andcolored mph crape'lase. tarlatan.A rhm,
Illusion and &urea, Lam, Artitiele Bowers, cap tabs,
crimped ribtons,
Embroidered, Faye and tombourAl In lace an muslin: S-4
to 144 most Into nett, curtain fringe, noallework anti tun,
Loured bob. emulate. metes, mull mad mama mutlias
plain do do, Lisbon b ;mmen's plain silk craratm 7-S L. C.
gloves, suenen,'
in great vurietd, Alevelnerbrsids. gimp , dress trtmtultict,
triurer. WI To Shippers of
• Merchandise, Produce, &o, adl
aogr,., and ttlk do dm Ladles' fancy silk cravats, love veil... ' black
- 1311ILADELPIIIA AND PITTSEUEGiI °;•.l,lM 4 o ll .TEL.r. d !t r : g .l.l`;Tl.CnVillgil
L I RANSPORTATION 14511. saeortment I,ok, criet and etonbric insertuoce and
F, [KIN, OCO. Proprietors, No 21f mel ta,l Mar 4 . drs'. 000'.. 'A , Mt Mt
di al end Virl, cravats
tet street. Plill.telph,
BELL A - 1.11:6 1:/r, agents. Canal Pinstairki. LACE I.ooe.
JOS. NAPLeitt 0 CON. Agent, Italumore'naval, cotton - and Sem-irate . ..a
We arc d0.{01..). on the 01*.1111,3 ,
00 . 0 in/erotic, all ;width. plain Ind cottr'n sod sink lams.
OM.), to q+,lll,m - t for Freight at as low rates. Ana 000 white snit ...bred for &e•.... caret, 4.A eptcodulawe.
ebi; tiers ILA toilet, despatch and care At ant tot e r Line ' moot lace tells, Muck silk and MaLllr L1i131111i.42,14
All gOni• in.unvi brio of charge. farAtm A p a r, 1,14t1411i021 of the above goodsant mitmelyttow.
and some of the richest in the Market, and we Would re
speetfully ltivltc you to examine them. -
Mt RROADIVAT. n,p'stalts,
• • -, .....
1851 , _._..
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters.
WE wish to contract for the transportation
of 10.000 Ito of Mercharidi.e. oc., per day. (six days
In the 'arra, met tray, between Jr.b.iiAtiau sod Pitatburgh
during the eirtoht4 ret o4o,
Time fnimJuhrittoarn to Pittala.rith 0 4 hour,
from Pittthurgh I. 40 i 0 . 40 ' 0 .. -.•..: . v. 30 ..
BAKER A fultEITll.
f0b134,14r for ADAMS a Cot
/0113 letOirl..100•1 Mt.. I
to John 51eiaLleri
Canal Bruin, PTII &lea
- Penna. Rail Road Co.--Xentral Rail Road.
jHE subscribers having biien appointed
,hipping agents far the fienniyltinis or Central Rail
oadi inform the public that lee erc. now govnaretl
cvive&n, meivberuilse or pn‘loce for rtitionva ran on the
-counting the canal.
tilvviv via thin niuto will be =rebid throncli in (...lure
tut all von.opottl to ite sill be forward , ] leer of ..tots
.' to &Axone,
1.. t T. or rectour taiiirCs rao_stramozo 1.1 - 0 Pp ?num a.
Dry Goal, Slaarr, e.tatiartar . y. Cutler • Conte ,
Fruita, Feather, ',traitor, Drat,. aledaltrea,
b1.11,y. /a. ar. $l.L.a ? 10.1 pc.
IlotJaara. harcrita. Painta by. atatlay
laarhar, Clover. Fla, Taanthy and olLer drag* :wed*.
Vu 1.1
Bol,t. Brag'. Park; Hatter, Lam!. Lard Oil. Tobratro Lyn!.
Cad, Tallarr. Ursa. Rago. tioc ? lOU
AA., !rattle (rCuah) air, ,Itoein, otrznarr Car,
80w... Le. 'l4 110
ADELPHIA.—We herr made ernmetmeom for No-
g the ahoy.. es pre. during the win tor aekwea by Aram
to mp Hollidaysburg!, and from thrum by Peuntylvenie Dail
lkautto Philaarlplda. Through In MI hour, Small peek.
' lrl l l o t lT tr Nk".
1,...44,„,,z1V1NTER ARRANGEMENT.
Thirty 11041 , to Philadelphia- 1 343
nowt tom —..rlrh Stagiot:.
Hood Intent TeLtareph and Cape... Lin. Stag. Cc nramir.
Six daily Linea of New COOlllOO, for lIDLLIDAVaItUBOH.
antletan thomon ho the New Pkonsvlvatua Itallnad
Duriug.the simpeutiou of Canal Natigation. Deily'
Lim. of Coaches will leave for Llolliam /dough. mad from
Henn by the New Peunsylvania Rail road (1:43 miles, to
Philadelphia. To 30 boon.
FAR to Philadelphia. Ell on
Enre to Baltimore
Cow+. wll . lerom every mond. Welork. PreatalT ,
rad teem night et the name boar.
EXTRAS to Dart at any time, alwaye ha remliriera This
Is the mod direct. oratartable, end expeditious mute to
Partengere for Baltimore take the New
1 1 .01 Itarrnad at Her
rirbur,,lireet., Ho. snivel of the Can at PI. ., Poe
St. Charter Hotol,
or to J. P. HOLM ES, Ilcuonandaelallormt.
Pittsburgh, Dec. 4. Ib3o.l—dec.7
304sIt.Cem Meal:
Ilistliteksthott.Flour. for N 1
Produce Nate. and Coututiesion Nlerthszt.s.
GI Watcr street.
11' ULK PORK-200 pieces hog round, well
'lJlaixamed, for role by WIL OAOALET G CO
rATLIERS.-17 soaks prime for sale by
JaS 114 C¢ter st.
LARD-3 brls and 15 kegs for gate by
.ROOM S—S 0 doz just received lay
FRUIT-100 bu Dried Peaches;
'so bu Dried Appylfe i litU ril co
VERMILLION-1 case genuine Chinese,
' V for eale J. KIDIS JICO.
pat • GO Wood ot
T AIIYBLACIi-50 brls fur sale by
tr. mom.
Blankrfar the above swim, Just rmelved, a tarn upply
far mak by JOUN IL IIKLLOI4
IV ryII Waal at
OCR WHEELBARROW was taken away
froth our Warm
W on Friday. the Ibth_ofdannto7, by a
ta. of the nun° of m. Wlllletha,and sold to Sth.6.lthey.
'at Alleahotty edty. aaddakatt tot'. Davie Anattanlttoom.
on 3lnadrty the :30th, nod sod. Thu gentlentaa who foe
diluted thought whaelbarstor .111 Ow. return • the Paw,
sad hi. money natal Ity ha arratly
oblige Jeri J. a 11. PIIII.LII . S. 7 and 9,31,00 d at
lIECKER'S - FARINA-3 cases roi male by
$1 25, 8150 : and $175 per gallon.
TAVERS KEIPERS had better try Moms
a Haworths Prima Paz Farxra Itaarw, arlthr
res. before parchail.;llr,a7. AND wis „
A. of thr_i2ll:____
R'G tee prime Carolino, for . emle by
kegs assorted Nos. for sale by
IklOLASSES—Pillnta.tiOn & L4lignr House;
u ' lj " t
TEA,. fii - ebsto rood. to extra tine Green;
andd&levlr for
gale by J 224 J. D. IV &
ALLOW. 25 bails i-trsale tor
169 .1.1
IRON-50 woo Brush Creek -*
Ms lntation, for gala
h_o n g)o "lierle• b V
INSEED 91L-20 brig E
ree'd for s
ttoll ale by
rnmer wand and sixth ore
SitGA-CiLASSES-50 Suga.l:
LOO brls O. NolaCce;
brla S. H. 4.
J.." f" " %BRIDGE L.,INGD:RIaI
^4 116116 Woozy At.
ERMAN CLAY-58 bre just reed by
I 1 ICE--10 tes r74.l'd for sale by
BEST BLACK TEA—Same kind an in
r,...L . ,rtf -d mo -t ..L e tVLAZIII6 I IO '
t e be ' lPljst ' Pi Tti tu arki lLr
to+ when else in Pittsburgh.
VEATIIER9-3 sack!Lprisne. for sale by
ALILY FLOUR-20 brls extra, for sale by
FAmraut, Na 41 South Sem:Kt gheepo
( tout„. c.& %ILO Phatadolphla. • - 6 s:lf •
tot. K. Iroopuca , „ • —.mute a....thlp.
it AO ALEX:, VIEW .4. Co., \Mole
x" NIP Ortterp, No. =I 31•41(et-,
x. ochutos._ —cm,. • PULL
E.g.Ll). 13[ZeKNOR N CO.,yebare,
EncER & -ANTED% General eliunnis-
,LY Aion Iletehst.. Meru\ 1114,4111<• , 1
mach. 00 eacusboan,rub. of 11,1ury general') . 1.1.9:L1Cm
- iancrr comm.. warns c. Liscumvx.
Lit , W. POINDEXTER Co, General
• C 41211111.400 nur Forwarding Mrevbe.249 and iluur
Markst atrect. intr.
To Southern and Western Merchants.
The L, 3
to i.
which-wens Silver wens ofl4r
end two vinlden Loam* base ng ..
eithin the last eta year, leen Beanie! by the lung uten of
Sew Tart. Bodies. and Philadelphia. the latter being the
only ()olden Medan ever awarded - fur pedninery either to
Serene ur in this onntry.
Runnorn emtrvensn Stoma Came, (Almond. Rue..
mid Ambrosial.) universally acknowloilffed to becuperior to
any Shaving ...Seem Wilds country or
01.1.11114,2 analTau—neautifullr tranvparent.. and
isseetialghly Sapevoreado end eminent propene , .
AMbrovial Roving Tablet Milita
ry Mien
&Mom TtLLUT Bose—Aimotal, Rose, Millefleure Buts
nueL Musk. Omnibus. Ploitines
Trusolarent,Allive OIL if ludeor. and Cireamian.
nenurn Villbe r 7llZ 1/.144M112/1...-110 1 ., JW , 131/11. ROW
.0000 Candinelneraneus., Jenny Livel„ Moureetine,Joek
ey Club. ilionelia. Clemente, ninuttelle. Boat, and many
other variethe. Its sit Moly different perfume".
'fen= Wstrase.-Platitta Water, Eau de Toilette. noon ,
Flower Wider, and a greet variety of Cologne. and Laven
der Waters. . . .
Par.rmtimas roe tux lum—Glentanr Bears . l.lll, A utique
Oil. 1ia.1.11., Fau C 01211.113.1 Nfur.
mar. 11.111. Dye, Nut,/ mud iu powirr, and Philoron,Rld.
ulne. and .. o a r Pumaloo.
MONT l' Elixir, Haw. Moth
Chan.] Avetltln. , Odoutium.,TOOth P‘st, mud Tooth
CaTurno , —Vegriable Ctemetir Cretan.. Mann,line fur
chappeil barTK Cold errata af itoTes Cream de PrrTe, Lip
ash, Cream. ae.
p Depilatory Puled Tia., Jn i rur ft... Ting rupee! unllAluin Pearl
li=r6 V lLltat v
. areq
other ertieree. tee numerous te r.;lueu U4 s eurerTio,
TJtetobwwilor !tone. to
tualtnoio the roputation which
nnab/istnnent ha+ acquirwl. by tliwytxdow codling
bob role &Aldo, ood will bo lupyy to Turnip!. (how
who tot,
o ohw to platoon& hitt...Maw wboltwale retoll ,
Mottto nwosble torum aby ottablithwrot In the United
--- ilueeeesor to tuul formertllrecuol - ritl;e - Lamr*M4 of
, • ~, 110111 ELL,
114 Chesnut et.
Mr. Bashes Perfumery U for sale by all the toMuipal.
Druggiets lu the conotry.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse,
,-A,..,!.1 ', 1 1' , ,, Nb ,g 7 aul.t. - J ZTlt.'Y'risl
' MuElt SL.Wr.v ' ever before received. Auo LACE
MUSLIN and till kin& of SILK MANTILLAS. 1711119ilaY.
rod from the West Prugri farbionk melted by the stearnars
and particularly adapted to the Spring trade.
Mr, did Mork of PARANULD AND tiM-
Ditta v roTulitit; of fringed and plain aitted cotton
and silk and Turk Satin Pararolv, and Cotton and Ging
ham Umbrelluk All of whirl, will be afoul at ostnimely
low Trims. We especially Invite nor Western friends to ea
I l il ' i, " VIDE; I li,l l l7.ll7AM b liS. ft. exhibiting Shawls and
MantWaii, put of In ruses for transportation. .fetillrtf
B. HATCH d: CO.,
HAVE now in store, and are constantly re
ceiving by the creamers, the mock extensive assort
merit of Oentlepieu's Goodsercr before often - 4.
embracing the lauwt and richest styles of Cenral/Ns Shirt&
Otos, Hosiery. Suspenders, limier Cement. London
Ties, Stocks, Oiled tube. Dressing-aorta. Ihrodkorchici.,
Shoulder Braces, Linen Collate, with a rmiety of other an
Osier , peculiar to their line of bucinew. All of wkdeh will
to, sold et the Seer lo et
tee priors. Our Western friends art/
hiring o.examine our sine: &Wart.
kII. MOORE & CO., I.a.' 1160ADtrAY sr.,
xis V6R.g. In store em ore receiving one
„ ix•st siovortt.l crocks of
all lc h they offer to buses at extremollioa Prim% on abort
credit, or liberal discount for CASSI a/nalsting in part as
SuperiOr Brack Writing and Copying Ink.
JONE'S EMPIRE INK, S 5 Ntisead street,
New York:
Nl7l evcca SO TUC SIAM
11 50
le) lot. perdor...
1 4 oz. r
On draught. per t ;g1i0n....-....20 emze , l
Thie le the bort article al.llfuet.L.a...l. 11 lao.r. !retit—
le wood WY% I\h—ond sill ucd lorrode,. mould.
treclpitate or Lit, L
In petaKLIPP , MI the qualinez requir
ed for a son! 'Writing Ink, mental le kr the Quill. and ale
zolrably sispthZ for the Ethel
The undersigned Is preparhi' to furnish to the trade ei
ther thr export te home consumption, at thee shove vert
low peer., put up as pee . ord, and delivered In say part
of tee s dm; free of charge No charge for cam. Bantle
or keg ere chargeri extra at nett met.
IS hassauct„. N... Nook..
Quart% p ,
I.l.rts t EU-cm.*
Yoe. 252, 2 4, 2 . 54, and 258, Pear{ St., S. York
Between Fulton st. end Burling . Slip,
ON 11 I.TO TIM 1.41141,5? Liaoo3llSai Of
In the Dotted Statee. adapted to Markets. In the
ankle,. of SIIIRT3 ro a s t DRAWERS, ate keep an ofdleta
verlrty, Ala, the extentive manufacturer" OIL
Plato and lathionaLle Clothing of all kind, .Catalecuee
of 'tr"'""
'polL S O Pe r i;t:Wilif ,
atteral , ea to. '
'Le I ?
Sorressors to nix ,t lan o ,
1an:a...13w Roe 2:4. ;14. 2:01, and 254 Pearl st..N. York.
No. 19 Nast. street, ~The
ANCFACTURE and have for sale on
favorable termm the largest deck of GOODYEAR'S
A r..'T SiETALLIC RCBBER GOItDS In America: gar.
mood to Good all climate; emulating of
Orate, Cloakat i onchos,
kins, Pants. Cat; non'
D' L' estere.. Blankets, Piano mad
s Table Corers, Crumb, COMilgt.
Bone Clothe, Ballo,' and Travelling
~I , xi are,g± l i l t, D l=.ll.tplarinteut it and ldAlltory ,
and extol. for Omni. and aormor:Enellr:.d
Sartori'. dime, Gam 'robing, Ilona Sanders, ;name.
Detle s tat Piller Cow 0111k c ergachtlelthitger,
Bridler . . ` NTago ' ll BoarPlonts.
B lkit7l ` ;l7llW4ll7Trti `t eieM k'' .
the Trade maim to Order. jal7cilm
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel
VO. 263 ST., NEW YORK.—
iv The subscriber. In soliciting the patronage hesit ati on w
may see this advertisement. feels none of that
withwhkh a new article Is bweight before the public. The
experienos.of Teats has eseabliehed their superiority be•
yowl all en... and he confidently totelie
ny of those hushcn men who have used thesis envelope,
d e w
to hlsrapidly inerearing sahib M Prod of th e , e.cvd
The following are • few of the tressomilter the , Pon..
let On the phce oemayied by the teal, • Pen= Mar
have his name, badness, 2314 address. eoespleuously and
beautifully unbowed, colored M PIM.. thin. leimdiflit Tv ,
kit ardnit frmul. •
2d. Envehmes annot be armed without being dr
d Sr. ir:elther wax nor wahre are mulled to sell them.
400. tipmi the swamis. of a letter, the wel insumsits
immollate return to thiu sender. instead of Isilag buried
months in the Dead Letter Moe
Mt. The Envelopes am furnished at almcst the rune
peke uiplain outs.
Mb. Lech letter muted Is a =deflective advertisement.
mire to attract the attention of all through whose hoods It
'l l 7 brgibiredng Is a list of prioss for Das, engraved on
brass. mid whkh will lad far year
and of Lyn:Lures. of
the usual dm, either '.OllO or both of goal psi. and
made as ate., with tame se,
Priers . raw of pembirm w
21 letters or Less. er4,00 .
tO WO MO, 44.00
20 to 40 N.NOU
40 to 00 0,00 0100 'lkra
01 to . : ... ... —lOO 1040 1340
00 to 100 ' 12,00 .14110
Men It is not couronleot to Onward arooticy..of 001er
per total or erprew, a rvferlu , to • nopretable
llothie will be ininment. AU orders viNIZe K TET.Pt.
tria3 Madison steel:4es l'ork.
°'l";...!Pli.b.7l''ll4l.lrTralitiieri,te o?!tri...=
erds, embroiled In Mors. Lim:"
the, 510.00 Por thnoeoro,'
Pidessor A. O. Barry's Tricopherons,
ILI - fur rfitelrilli
. 111.12 . =gry t a.ltzir.
rgs infallible
°,•;;;,:',."ruptioi..3 on the 0510. dimmer of the a11.1 5 0 ' .
maeld sad 2i! " Nl7ll7rhir d •=it. o ll3 tueb
-74,;1L",„„.. Th. trlMlJol2l9 ' Xilitt America. medical men
or the blithe. eminence, premthent rerun,
of ell prof..
IltOr.. and ladles who has
heed it Am years In their Oct
t h x rosins and numeric% admit It with einettourd. that ler
prraaxehmr, eh, lusurime, wad curl to the halm
eni duding whirr amt demtrunk heeling wound% emit;
the !
Wags. ;a, and relein diammet
the rain. the elm, and the much% t a boo to crystal
Ilethe hind/rode of conipounds aleerthed tits:lnk
Ile mitts, of heed In roirate mains Inchimptem an veil
to eakfcncy . tramp's Triarphcroue train/lid. The ixtri
men. cash rale+ of the artielm . bare enabled the Investor
Wsupply ft a 2.5 emits tier bottle, which to Brom 50 to 100
t h e met len than—the prim nf nny'other preparation for
the Mar taw in mt. The s o l o krathe on the hur
turd the gill embramtir the reluable dirk-Dohs for the cul
ture and pre.matlon of taturta choicest orrament,
seineh each bottle Lena:Po& Is Mono worth the motieT.
edlnity between the membranes which constitute the
skin and thr hair, which draw! ruatenuica front ithir
triple envelope, la eery close. MI Maras. of the hair eri.
ginete4el akin of the head. If the yore. of the imilD
lama If the Wend and outer Bulk do tat elm
, free y through Si. emell reem-ls width feed the runt
' e lth guars
f it to Si. - Mina the malt i 4
Kurt. clank= shedding oft he halm irenese. dryhtee,
and hemline. of the Ilsrametft, pod enthe Wilma% the
ease maybe. Bttonulate the elan In healthful action with
the Triamberozuk and the torpid
actiity. will annihilate the dada. In ell affealonsof the
akin, end of the entureta of
t o
me. and Intelrotornkithei
a...end the <Bea am th e tame. It Is ithote re.,
the muscular fibre:and the Muhl% that the Trinerithme,
ectiom and to nil elec..% end safer," of
thaw errata It la sorcrelan remedr.
Bold in lay. btte% pinks erne% et tn. Inloome'
arts 127 Broadway. brew York. end by the Rita Del
= t
rst e &Wade Ilan:mahout the tuned Metes and Wi
lda. deaUbm
VEAT'S FOOT OIL-210 juat receiced
. nn rum artkle,, fur salot•
61.1 l a. N. WICSERSTIAIi.
PANISII W brls in store. for
iyillTE BEANS-3U bu prime, for sale
nr -J. salonsif ad MAMMA CO,
BALTimon - :
THURSDAY; 201 h Llo at 11 o'clock.
at tivi Trarthouse. Olk Wharf'. 'Wilmer, Oa
rano, of the Aeurn. .JlOl 1114
CataluKtk•s b•<, ,
maLnatinn• beam. • W. Cr. ILAP.g.I.SUN.
11,, unden4sned norticulturisa iird Seed
mr., from louden. La* le:: eatahhuhi-A
r U i rtiravrr. tut: tee I dr-rty inform the r ender en
ef Pittshurvh and sitinixT, that they a Quid delight to euti , '
piithem i:atit
VfLA"" c ct •
fat sti:
rarei* tuned for u*. our trio:J.l. sour Lonten. It is
lar e t mown toml., - r tin tureen-nee, that ten
rate En..illeh Garden ruitur, In quantity and never,
enq iLun es
af.,13101 tran the
bud 0.441 mired in Go+ eloniete - rm.:a Is
otter op =114..1.6 to thy Lind.. inninial Wait, and :Ley Ste Cl
otter v.: oloat
e n ramo void hoe, tom Mr mom
enohio ntlemen to n*e the dlthamiu.
~,thent themuelto*, 1141 . 11034.14.
nf the principal bond,. vinclitue Luton of th e
! lia-rtte pro , ent to eurh of their Itirad , lgretla.l Surd •
ere) a* thee triter cun an! will •
Al maim -It, amp tie line lecumln; us of anenese,
Orders the our noede, and renattanire, .111 tot all tame
Cehtt our prompt end la,/ errata , . ye. twill vatal
Adam , hiltv'ree for at triered.) ..niturOaxtbraibr
the alone. i ',gotta id eat., err Rtit. then, tip Coen:ler.
• 5.1..WL JollL'l
Calvert mad 'Watt,- strait.
febli • -th.ltirocum...
lir 1). $lllllO7. It CO.. keep evrixamtly
erfEF2 ' tonnx— .7/ 1 i / 2 !
:OW tals Nca. T. 2.d 3 Mackurel."WYblrlab..i
3.00 u las quality CUNENE. tut
la; tub:. BUTTNIZ. Co; eal.• a c t ; Tze ciao:Slain* by a
. • N. 3 011muratra Wharf.
Walt. Am.)
lUST ICEOEIVED per steamer rocatont44,
ey sPIIN . ROLL TOLUQLV, fur salt by
RON N, 0.110. Astah.
A.Viu C. TUTIII.I, Attoniey at Law,
anal ConimidFiotter for*Nnu.ylnuzid, Lt. Lou:,
ros,un..ictaiccos pruaut,UY 11IllMeTra. wtfltl
1 01IN 11. RANKIN:At toniey". and •Cau.n.
•..116r at Low. Uumminkm, wr dee ,Sta.
Pralylverdn, St. Louis,legn, (1.1.-of Pittsbusr,..b.)
It.regenom—lht,burgh: Ilona R. U 0.611.41
7 , 1111 r, 31V:smile, d 31eClortc•Jclak Y. Yarkn, )11,selh
£IC& . • •
. - -
PRE undersigned hamig entirely re-r,
rolarvel cl o u t
evtrovire erMtlivir
event. nroteioloft irk nil clout time...hundred noel
rooms. would reepeCtfullr' °r hit wticr ambit hi mood/
for the rove.rhon and orterovortlellon trarellate
n tended manor the onsorrevroleenvvoleoeviolthie
l l oe exm
le deemed surertneov, thenotnevoui h o
mena-.Mai have beeu Omie canner to . Ivoloril.
_lftrr s o to
tment Stiff , re It to trt7, ,, 0
.H.r./ tO render efortraeutroAert.
The fUrniture was Mae pr.yely to 011.1<i. tZ=Wer.lct
root. and eertain portion, of it. evieriallT the DrOololf
nnllll, 'rill he f ait b to I. of then: et beautiful moors,
tore. The Dini mews are volvoloove otel the be.r . t. r
mrolv • be er arrlthOrt thlt ecavenieure of the
.rly god late.
Every department will he emu:wird la 411 avotoerphms.
hie manner. arel the orchrietre pleat, himvar thot. the
Amerrose Hoorn vholftettrolr the Traveller - It lievaa.
febktivol.toftoT LEI LS MCC.'
lli SALE--llood White. Louisville Lime.
y the barn' or retail: 1W middle clrod and small
Isonlim km., blank 20 Ictc,nd tomystaima wertlfaustcsd
wur late coati tortritdeortors ands!' cur dotty and mat of
Noweekly, and about 100 diCrtout labs Law.: Wemom,
rth wad ...Went uww:d.orc and anaull retail rub
bly Almanacs and a tbv retar d t houtc; ink, wrulscuul
ter pap,. Quills, vaunt ywnd, aLle %bon. In saw quanti
ty for cuatomtrwllAll6lB.
4-b:.• • sins stmt.
Q uasit—nime nor and old Orleans Loaf,
Cranhed and lovd,-1,1, for 0010 -
fr , f4 J. D. 11' a co
CZMUT -.MILL—One Smut 31111, complet6,
0 forralAtmr 11' D‘T''7lt, ECO.
- -
VATlft—,?,lfbarrels and 15 kegs do, for sale
it IL DAQliLcriY
.10 OLL BUTTER-5 ,bbls yrinieß:Butter,
AA on
Lund wl - tor coda by 2t. DAUM At ell.
• .
QOQOTRINE ALOES —73 lba, pure artkle
A. 3 f r ule
er kt.s
S--5 MI
P r. ELI.L
jrIOFFEE-20) bags ltio Coik , , just
b fo . r bale by
FEEsIr PECANS-Just received, 3
Lech Pu¢a uutc fur tale
: I, Tti
s i ,,cruito k
• , 1:56 Liberty at,
PRESII FIGS-50 ilraun3 received a for
rat R 435 IV. S. 3IceLL'EG A 0.
muntri ltit min
kini. Ifthe
azt ct IDS2IIIOPIrt.t.IrII Si aTutealTitich
cr.sect of Moil:et snii•itit gt.d.
FILL LOXES-A(0 p3l>cry Wood, •
are ra 3 c
"A D APPLES- RIED APS--- sack3for sale
frha R. DALZELL.
RE . e • A. SI
f t , - ,7 1:0 9 9111.
UEESE-50 bases on hand andiot ,
febd. vitzria,
GLASS --Of Ett: an d V.all,'le`VLDPgd
88L5....N0 1.. ROSlN;lust iocOiced
"it FI/i by . If. A. FIIi'KEVIIXA 4 CO.
.b 6 xrner Wcnd mulllrst ea.
ELLOlVS—Finepair of Balloar,
neir, go, br KAM:. ATMLNE.Dti t ORKLY.
WANTING SOON—Plar-os fora nruiber of
,nleaman, bead, teener. aeboal, /MO., Cat'
dew,. enkadi nun. irilterf, hustlers and Infrozers, and ear
Quite anneal, of nape and your men .11 UM nob,
&amber maul, p,
house tar' anal day enema sterna/ed.—
hooey borrowed and lent. and all kmalr. - 41 wan.. nand
In an Ancney and jntellMenra craw.' ctlenatatapreato;
,and for ler? tuatara/edam:" • Fxaaf enact ' ' '
• 18.140 ralrfics ,
rebo A ge nt cud OEM fen.
TIMOTITY SEED-45 bbls Tuaothy
t,..d c ud for salo b r DALZELL ilk CO.
►IART.ARIC ACID-4® •Tho, warisuated
pure. far weir '.l -, A:1 1 . SELLERS,
fa,'" , Watt Matt
ERWIN 6-11.1.1 bi.s Lubec sealed, for sale
br Is and 30 each juatree'd by
' 1.2_9 J. S. DI/O.SOR= 430
T 1 ma. BUTTER—'2S bris scot°
_LR, .T. S orroontri t oo
TO- IRON-200 taus an hand
11110TAS11--8 caski Duncaiesioure Potash
r for ante by 1.25 - At EFIZTD,
("AK 13IITATION—Paper lituigialg. illl-
N,Jltttiort of eak;ard vantlthed, for KZ* DT - - ' •
a . 25 . 3V. Y: saarstisi. es ivies a.
27 trig Inuothr :nod. prim.... crop.
18 brls and ffi Weds 1 Lod Lard;'
bbd crime N. O. Eng= • •
ICO bllB N. 0. )Solaro.. - ; ,•
80 brit tatllB ground ..,_
5. U. MoliiiBc .
110 bnl• dlcror sulmeno end.unrn tokahi. •
Landang And for tale b 7 .1111.01 VI:
1 0 CA S KS ClAcir.ll'...Eal4,l.ll4l" lai Pluz.;
. 4124.f1trb.
ZOO itu Blue WILL Fr. rrao t. 7 • '
feta .:. 1111 , D CO-10 Wed st.
E LUNE S--. 1 largo and tploadidlussort
meat at R Gold Medal. 11=1.11.. ax4Yrimr.h De
iot= ram. 0.44 y tad.
..)rD4 art Clt=rer extreetsl7
low mt.., A:A...11&50.1l &CO.
XtILOILS' TRI3DIING::-: --Received and.
vned:Ulf. Q.T.
. Fanners, E.C.e-'n, Tnint. :stintedLasting Volt
dOw Butane Bow. No.!. guld Juannad taut and
ttrop Suttee& Men And Meek Don newnder
te. febl A. A. AIALON t 00.
C.A.RTNERSILIP—The subsenTherthaso
=tend Iraq Co.P.Artucnlf cniler the ern of. Bee -5.,
A t 01. p ts; R tCAIST, •
.1011:i M. tiItELT.
- .
Zcociccd cgd openid th n ga
a 1.% sa follens
Clack. Vs!, B:cdra agd Gregg llngdgicits tame§
'Mdr fabric.
arc atiPCltOr
Wen cf atao,4d4docr. da •
Attic . ..Ecgruetv d.
lac& gatla.raggigcr4 .3 "...---,c,..! cri311:', at 3$ • ruLAgekt
, a cd,313:60.5t.
JiLy bct MAKI Arp'..q
69 646 Vast.= 1100 o" ••
BLIIO9 dos Cars Drre..4.404 Tea Icr
jgEATING BUILDINGS--W 6 are ravpar
a to farrab ase. Cost ws.
all asaildangs ttarin. a boa 'aster. eV:F.2In..
" 0? "- ;t 1 W.tZWIM P rfitr .'
9[ l o LEi;--Room Pter for
Lamb3.llml Euquir., '
E.C2172, aif:PCSAN 2 0 Tr
Jan . .114 }Ulla ct -
It LUE SIIALTS-1 use fvrealaby•
1.." AZ J.KILOONXIS ' -Cll
REVD SUG.6IIS--:::i.t bile ref&lkrge loaf
• . icbtr:s moll inai:
ops .1 , . cnnfd; _ . •
:',) V =ern
./.11 , ...4.111:2Ca115N
A.-. Ri. pi uis _f.10.9s Rettrrl.
11 - PAF SUGAR-30 brie fet-Fale b. . •
ial WM. SAGA I'd C.):,
. _
rriVN*END'S V.R...5. GINGLR; ' : •
• ' liruler,on 1 CO'd E..V.W. , ..........; : -.
alre Sorrarrn'lls, rut air tr; - • r... r. str,trett,.
LTV. sod Ft
1 .67110 dr., Strong. rrotlrod rm....i., bv •'-' .1, '
.1.2 15 AL IL siCar.MOZC. , ,,,...
liN /7..- , 5 hth Cincianatillouilny just
:red per esr.raer, al,p,r, Irma, rru I be 0e.1.4 re?. Pr7r
i• trt. or tar. j.,:a W3l. A. IleatT.G lc a.. •
UCH IlElatiNti —l2 kegs new, fur e ala
IT 141 MI. trcztro &
Or xera 15,11,4 in Prod.% tric traunt
no.n. 121 Second, Ira lu lint sta.; kcbtinst Roo and
S 1. PlPAbornh. ..1.34.7n.
Cloning out the Entire Sto
GIIEAT 'ferther"redue•
tiortlrtortoes. ThO sandlst. vilt.Pars_ thoss..t .
tGe balutre of his stock of . 1 .1 4 .
the Ist o - April Gan, watal4r,..fahy rs.ll tl.l astentton
of his old customer. sod tfiermbliA ors, sr. St‘ Of
VW goat. at fiftp per «nt. lokro farms. pion. To pr
Tolson trishiag to =amen. bus/Pres. H.... 14 1...ts •
nld h. • gasl opp - ntualtp, as 1.0 the
snot of U wot on liberal km...lth
boo occupied kr over 11 zAir - s i zsg . gutrassel
- Posllo Wads: -
Mal • , Sew Turk 31Szket st.PiltAss.ll
200 82 4 *..°. <111 3 411 .-XC:
• UM cegs No, 1
btu Driod .
DV btu Dried Appin;
- VA" cztr..l=.ll7.llOiri,..rm ..3 4 4,, •
my '' t'W CCIL