The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 19, 1851, Image 2

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    patent inet • ht the 6 rn I riS• &M rding to the 'act
provided mach cases ? I
The fifth sid . .sixth charges; if they may be so
called, &nett-that if the invention were Chaffee's,
he waa not:entitled to a reissue, because he ex
pended no more than idly dollars on the inven
tion, and received eight thonaand donee's.
An examination - 4 the testimony gives n very
different idea of Chaffee'sprofds, Bat, Men ad-
Milling the statement to be COrreCts no witness
estimates the value of Chaffee's invention at less
than one hundred thousand dollars, and some es
timate it at three times that sum.
Now, the law authorizes the party to obtain
compensation for the ingenuity as well ns the
time and expenses of making . the invention, and.
eel part of thevaltte of the invention -which
is n t covered by time and expenses is covered
-by the ingenuity of the inventor. The law de
sign:R.6st the party shill receive the full value
of his invention and nething less would be jest.
When tweinienter has made an improvement that
sues & hundred thousand dollars a year, or even
half that aunt, it is a poor - answer to his claim for
an extension, to sahe has received eight
thousand dollars; n noisier which few, except
the signers of thee charges, would ever think - of
The seventh a 1., tenth charges allege that
.Chaffee'stpatent was illegally . extended for the
benefit of assignees, and not, as the law eon
templet., foe the benept of the inventor.
In reply, it is eulikient to mate that the facts
of the caseesvere decided according to the evi
dence, and hot according to the statements of
' Mr. bay and his coadjutors. But no such facts
•as alledged herein were proved. If Mr: Chaffco
had. made a contract for the sale of the extended
patent, it lo to be hoped he will receive the val
ue of his enntrect, which 'will be for his own ben
" tilt It will be perceived by the rontaination
of the arguments filed by the counsel of the op
posers, that they did not pretend there was any
• ground for the allegation in this charge, which,
if sustained, would have defeated the eaten.
lion. -
In regard to this Oct of the Commissioner, it
' is due to him to state that this ease was univer
sally regarded by the examiners and all 'others
In the liffice, familiacwith the (del,. as a remark.'
ably clear ease for extension.
The eighth charge alleges that the Cemnds .
idea. had not read the testimony, arguments,
toe., in the ease prior .to granting the. exten
sion: .
If the facts were as charged it would imply no
neglect of duty. The first section of the act of
1848 directs the Commissioner to procure a full
report of the cue from the exaniner, and''' there
'Wpm" grant or refuse the extension, Ace Such
&report was,furnished by the examiner,; and it
-would have been perfectly legal and proper to
, . grant the extension °ten-rupee," as the law au
thorizes yOu to do. But I know the allegation to
be utterly faille, SS I spent many days with you
et the same table, reading with you, and foe you,
and otherwiselaiding you, while you weremirking
notes of the testimony In this case. I, latow,
- therefore; that you did examine the easewith the
utmost care. ..
, The mime eharge'Oleges thnt the Commissioner
•In the matter followed neither the laws, rules,
' nor the practice of the Patent Office . I
• In relation to this charge I. eau state, having
tad the case constantly under my own charge
during Its pendency, that the whole pr eeedings
on the part of the office were perfectly fair, and
violated.nftither the law, the rules, nor the prac
tice of the. office. Some new points: arose in the
mutes which were disposed of, in the nffitence of
' • rule.; in the meet impartial manner; and 1 can
safely remark that no honest man in the trade
or acquainted with the subject denies that Chaffee
IS the first inventor of the inventor of the im
provement patented to him, or pretends that the
compensation he received for it bore any reason
able proportion to its value.
' In conclueion,.l will remark that the testimony
in this case rendered it perfectly clear that Chaf
fee was the first inventor of the improvement
patented to him t - that the invention was vastly
impertant'and useful to the pn laic: and that he
had failed, in- consequence of circumstances be
yond his control, to obtain a fair remuneration
for his invention, anderas therefore clearly enti
tled 'under .the statute, to an extension of his
-patent; =id I may add'thrit the opposition to the
;extension' 'has come • almost exclusively from
those who for Pears have been pirating the in
I i L. D. GALE, Examiner.
- lion. Tnos. Iweidee,. '
Commissioner of Patents.
. . P. S. It wil be perceived that the rules for
' taking testimony in litigated cases before this of
fice require the party to give notice' to the opo
sing party of ,the time and place of taking tho
same; and in order that tho applicant for the
extension may give this notice, it ia' necessary .
. that be should know who the oposing party is.—
As no onetime had previously weaned requiring
a rule on this point, the subject hadheen over
looked by your predecessors, ond no rule woe
focOd. An order was therefore adapted to meet
the exigency. That the opposing patty should
within reasonable time, notify the office of his
intention, to oppose, and of his grounds of op
- position, and that the npplimitti should be inform
' ed of the same, Olathe might :now to whom no
-• tire should be sent in ;taking testimony. For
without inch notice the testimony, according to
the pre-existing rut., would he ruled out. The
course theta pursued is too obviously fair to juries
tify comment. wo this el gle exception the
ease was conducted so all rem ets inihe ordina
ry way, and precisely in a orthitire with the
rule in anologeons cases who no rules hod been
provided. A clearer case the Chaffee's for ex
testsloti, it has never beets my nt to ,examine.—
The.palpable falsehoods and - .representations
'contained in the charges tare t numerous to be
noticed here. But many of em are noticed in
pencil, find subse queutly ink oil the margin of
the printed copy, They are he sane as those
Which went the rounds of tl e newSpapets, by
the . • procurement of the said 1 Ay. when Chaffee's
cue was under consideration; and which were
' at the same time pressed up ,n the , senate by
every means which an interested, unscrupulous,
' - ' - end malignant spirit could in. ent.
-..i . " . i L. p. ti., Ex.
The Plank - Road enterprise, which is to con
s neet Cumberland, the piece • t terminus of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad • 'th West Newton,
where there is steamboat . vigation to Pitts
burgh,' is going forward wth real and ener
gy. The following partie ars respecting it
are furnished by the Crimbe land Civilian.
Plat* Road to West Neu on.—We have had
aeveral spells of pinching c .1d weather, which
caused a brief suspension is the operations on
this great work; but not 'a s ay that men. could
work has been lost during he while winter.--s•
The *iii object, and chief erpense. attending
the constructions of a plank ad, lathe procure
. meat of plank. Every plan is•heingdistributed
ready to be laid as WWI as t e roadbed is freed
from the front- . .. .
The Company have t o Asowerful steam
engines; one ttn horse. tl e • oiher forty home
power, driviogYage's Circ lei. Seers with great
ell'W- ' Some delay line b gn ocearioned whilst
teaching men to use them, nt•nuthing daunted,
they are now in a conditio to drive them night
nod day. The quantit of Plank sawed
daily by these mills is iscredible , and stir
'prise all who have secnthe a6sork. The com
pany. will in a few ,lays have o third Steam
Mill, and two Water Powe Circular Saw 31111.
' in operation, capable of cutting onelplankat each
Mill per minute.
The Nert Tuesday will be pay day. President,
who neglects nothing he undertaked, and almost
lives on this road, will be in Somerset on tha
' day• r ready to pay. in cash, all SIC Contractors
for the plank delivered along the line of the
road_ We are sure the Stpckhalders will not
fail to pay up tiler instalments i regularly, so
as to strengthen the bands of cur energetic
Th< Centro/ American Gold.—The account of
thedieccrsery of a gold placer, net , ' Chinendrga
trunslated from the Cairo del lath o, was prors.l
to be humbug. 'twos specu tion of enure
enterprieing hotel owners in Chinithilega to ~tlaw
ssrowd there and increase their profits. ?Pei
pi:bound a small quantity of gold dust, and Pl . .
-crtly scattered it here and therein the soil.
Sentenced to be Ilang.—George 'Pharaoh, con-
sicked at Westottester, Pa, of the murder ~f 1
MisslSharpless, the school ttascheC, was on IV ea
y sentenced by Judge Chap - n. lie we-
wo impressixo in his remarks previous to pm
no Bing sentence of death, but the culprit lii -
tenied to him with the Inmost 'composure. It i
understood that he has DIDCOMmfte-sed the crime
and that his object was to obtain l
the watch el.,'
had on her person.
Stu-LOADING Gtm.—Mr. Porter, residing
at i near 'Memphis, loss constructed a most nov
el Fid curious firearm, called tile "self-loadine
ga ,,, , ' in which the simple operatinn tif -mocking
to hoot, by the assistance of valves or equiv,
1 tsoseparates from the magazine attached to
, Iplu i e materials for each level, and look
gun. It is capable of being blischatTzed for
ty timep in a minute, and shoots a ball with tre
m talons force., and with usual exactness. The
itor of t he illemphis Etiquireti atter careful
tka that nothing which ea.n bear Comparison :Shit
it in efficiency has been discovered,umd that no
I‘rwrolTter" of any,kind approttelMs it in destrai
tiveneei, or in "l'eOadaptation of the means 4'
ty tigainst accident in their use.
Gtiten'.B Insurance Compani,dPittsbtatt.
- , osm vo.o. Water Vaal. fa tbe i warchanse or c. It.
- C. O. Moir, Prealdenk
rkt. Comp..or is nor nrenanii o lnalsla all mollalscs.
bf dae. and la traratto. Tett
~lisas.=S:' dexitlft the ' dada.. I=a, '
wbo are Alt <Moms of Pittabarati well anal tawarably
kassMFLltle orannarilY G
I s
jr, Walk, B c
r . rallt. ASO , DfAboSi f
a lo
a ,. r la o t .
aanaaer,•=4.l.• Lwaai ma.
ty7, fLulon,
Jana itolfs4l6
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The building is 1848 feet long, by 408 feet broad, and 66 feet high. The long line is crossed by a transept 108 feet high, which encloses a row of elm trees
now standing at a point so near the centre as to divide the length into 948 feet on the one side, and '9OO feet on the other. In addition to the timber for joists,
flooring, &c., the glass, and supports of iron, comprise the entire structure. The columns are similar in form thronghout: The same may be said of each of the
sash-bars, and of each pane of glass. The. number of columns varying In length from 14 feet 6 inches to 20 feet; is 3,230. There are 2,244 coat iron girders for
supporting galleries and roofs, besides 1,128 intermediate bearer, or binders, 358 wrought-iron 'trusses for supporting roof, 34 miles gutters for carrying water to
the columns, 202 miles of sash-bars, and 900,000 superficial feet of glass. The building stands on about 18 acres of ground, giving, with the galleries, an ex
hibiting surface of 21 acres: but provision will be made for a large increase of galleries, if necessary .
. The gallery is twenty-four feet wide, and extends nearly a
mile. The length of tables, or table spare for exhibiting is about eight miles. An idea may formed of the unprecedented quai?tity of materials that have been
employed in this edifice, from the fact that the glass alone weighs upwards of 400 tons. ,The 'glass roof consists of a series of ridges and valleys exactly 8 feet
wide. Along the sloping sides, without and within, the water is conducted into gutters at the - heed of each column, whence it escapes through the columns them-,
selves. In no instance has the water further than 12 feet to run before it is delivered into the valleyit. The provision for ventilation is, according to Mr. Paxton, a
very peculiar part of his plan. The whole building has been fitted with leuvre, or Auger, boards, so placed as to admit air, but exclude rain. The roof
and south side of the building is covered with canvass. and in very hot weather itchy, be watered, and the interior kept cool. In the transept alone,
there Is above 5,000 superficial feet of ventilators provided. Ily covering the smith siilif t ond roof of the building with canvass, a gentle light can be thrown
over the whole building, and the whole of the glass 'of the at(rthern side of the building gives a direct light to the interior. As already explained, the exhibi
ing surface will occupy a space of about 21 acres. The total cubic contents of the buildirig is 33,000,000 feet— The total amount of contract for use, waste,
and maintenance, is £70.600, or very , little more thatt. nine-sixteenths of a penny per foot Cube. The total 'value of the building, were it to be permanently retain
ed, would be £150,000, or rather less than ono-peony and one twelfth of a penny per foot cube.
In another column we present (Air readers] commented upon the striking simplicity of de
-s:lr in an edifice witch in it, progress itself sup
with a bandsome engraved view of the Mehra- i
ted Hall erected for the great exhibiOn in ed nearly all the :acaffolding required for it
Ile then adverted briefly to the Paxton gutter.,
London ' . As this magnificent Hall lo one of which were mode by hind for the Chatsworth
the great wonders of the age, and ns the at- Co.ervatary. and etplidueti the ingenious con
tention of our readers will be much token . trivance I , Y a grouse un the outside or each gut
with the Fair / ter for catching the moisture condensed within
p for the ensuingll the roof of the building, The gottenWe
to be held in it, we have had the wood cut. rut entirely - I, ,• r " i frontre now
y nme.ritiery construe.ce the
we give to day; engraved especially for our I' design of Mr. Fox. Ile also drew attention to''
paper, by Mr. Nevittc Joussros, of this city, the machinery for cutting snob harsh for paintine
from a drawing in the London are J0...1. The
"rid drilling: Referring to tile general design ofi
! the building he said that it was first intended to
engraving, and the description accompanying it,
I be unifret. but Messrs. Fox and Ilemlreson sug
woii gave the muter almost us good an idea of the I !rested a 1 ronsept, lei it would great y strengthen
building, as a personal inspection would do. .1%, • the whole (abr.:, and they also advised that
assist the reader, we copy the following extracts that portion of the edifice shout, he crowned
from a Lecture delivered by Professor Cowper• with on arch roof overtopping the lofty tre ,,, that
on the spot, to the members of the Royal facie- grow there. •
ty of Arts, who were invited to visit the build- BY motels the Professor explained the ' then " .
and •tensioni to which an era of the kind warl
Mg We copy froM the London Times: ..objected,andlie also. untimely `the
The lecture was delivered in a square k.i . the w a y in which the wooden el!.. of te arch were
building fitted up for the occasion, a little to the frmed, and the manner in which t icy were mi., I
West of the contractors temporary tinier,. It ed in pairs tit a time. Technicill he ribs ore
was so interspersed aith references to diagrams called "principals,' and are composed of four
and models that anything beyond a summary of layers of wood laid tint upon each other, the
the topics touched upon would be unsuitable in two central ones four inches thick, and two sides
these columns, yet in confining ourselves 4 in that, 1 two inches. A curved plank and a strap of iron
we are fullynsible how inadequate an idea the , above it shaped to the arch :old bolted to it. held
reader can orm of the talent and ingenuity ' the whole barether, mid It was found that when
which the etails of construction • have called) the PriueiPal , . were ''et "P in pours with th eir
I se
forth—of e mechanical and engine ring skill porlings nod diagonal ties. the friedon alone wn•
developed—of the intricate calculatio.—the ,flEcient to to-event their spreading out The
nice distribution of forces—the novel appliance, . weight of each lair of Prine l Mtk, raised wa-s 8
Of old facilities—the invention of machinery, i t01ta.. 0,4 the first idea of taking them tip in that
where the work eta - tinted it—and above every , mower. was sogge-ted by Mr. Willbee, !Messrs.
thing else, the until ing energy, the mei-yell.. I Fax header... , .r. , ni : that idea was sole'e
rapidity and the perfect organization of hh ,I
„,-., ~,I ..
~ ,1 , ..d...1 I, m e -.,. F ox & tt en d,.,,, t ,
with which an undertaking sovast and son ew I into making each pair of principals its own m
hos been pushed forward to a point at which its yeller when raised to the required height, end
success may be pronounced certain. ! thus the whole work of forming the arched reef
Professor Cowper, in drawing attention to those of the trnnoept was carried forward with the at
parts of the building which were most worthy of most simplicity and despatch.
examination, mid that lie had hesitated to i.e. ,‘ Professor Cowper stated that Mr. Fox bad
cept the office, under the impression that Mr. I personally , uperintenled the process or construe.
Paxton would have been the most suitable per.. I thal from the commencement, and he highly and
to do so, but that gentleman had nlretolyoleliv.: deservedly complimented him, not Only for his
need a lecture on the origin of the building, and indefatigable exertions. but for the great ability
as Messrs. Fox and Henderson, the contractors, which he had displayed. Mr. Fox had la-en there
wished the details of construction to be fully ex. frequently from 7 o'clock in the morning till I I
plainnd, he hadundertaken that duty. He then a•clock J.l night, and every operation bad been
proceeded to vindicate the Crystal Palace from carried on,, under his personal superintendence.
the imputation of jobbery which so frequently The general tnnuagement.of the works had beem
attached to .Government works When Mr. most effieiently conducted by Mr. Cochrime.—
Poxton laid his plan before Messrs. Fox mull The laying out of the ground had been entrusted I
Henderson they went at once with it to the coo- to Mr. BrOwninger, and Mr. Cowper, a son of
missioners, and laid their suggestions with ref. l the lecturer, had constructed the new tanchinery
erence to it before them. ' from the design of Messra." Fox and Henderson.-
Adverting to the presence of m many trees
The details were worked outthe cost estimat
ed, and the required trength of the mnterials to wi th in the lilacs l'allice,,Prof. Cowper said, that
be used determined. v
aults. one week. mesa ,. when our friends from the continent visited them.
Fox and Henderson were the only firm that made nothing would strike them as more preposterous
than retaining those trees ; but he thought that
a tender, and in entering into the contract they
reserved o largo discretionary uourr as to the their preservation COllVeye,l nvery useful eful lesso I
Some of the tuitions abroad were in the habit of
mode of carrying it out. The building which
planting trees of liberty. which very soon dried
they had constructed was tad an architectural
edifice in the strict sense of the word. ?It rens up, witherial, and decaye
not built of wood, or stone, or brick, but-of iron The English people were not eery fond of em
-a material which, he maintained, had hitherto hives: but he could not help thinking that these
been ignored by architect., and he mentioned ns were real trees of liberty, ns they proved that we
an illnstration of this that the hall of King's did not live under a despotic Government. The
College had its roof supported by iron pillars,
people wished that these trees should be preset,-
which were ourose d i t , wood, so os to i mpress ed, though 1,000 treel had been cut down in
one with the idea that the columnshad a greater Kensingtou gardeu a few years ago without the
diameter than in reality was the case. slightest complaiid being made. John Bull,
Architects, building up edifices stone by stone, however, had act his mind on retaining these
and attending chiefly to beauty of design, were trees, whether they spoiled the building or not,
not under the necessity of making minute calcu. and there accordingly they remained, a atanding
proof of the nttentiou nide!. the Government paid
lotions, but the mechanical engineer must calm, I
late step by step, and therefore there was not a to the will of the people. tie thought he might
point in the edifice where they were assembled even carry the imagery a little further, for these
might he said to represent the rights and inter
which hod not beforehand been nubmitted to the
most rigid calculation. W,hat had been the re. este of the various classes of the country, all that
suit? There were no broad surfaces—no cal- was required being that they shell he so limped
pruned that one should not overshadow
seved feet in diameter, like the
1 ""d
museum, onp„rting no thing nt all but
a nno o on, ! the ether. while the arch above might lie com
pared to their glerious constitution, which was
Klan of straight lines. People looked and said, 1
enough to protect and ittelude
it What's slight building" The building was a! ""n‘Prehe i ts ire
light one, it was true; but the difference lay be- I all,
tween the words 'slight' and 'light,' and the • At the close or the lecture the learned Profes
letter 's' ought to have been omitted. As an sod closely waittal on by his audience, proceeded
illustration of the strength of hollow columns to the different points of the building. unit, on
the learned Professor allowed that two pieces of I the spot, expiable , ' the hydraulie prese for pros
' quill, one Inch in height, would,support a weight ! ing do- girder,. the travelling seafrobling. the
.of nearly two bunked weight. Ile nlso an-1 punching and cutting machines, the mode of pre
flounced and explai' edthe proposition that a i paring the Paxton gutters, the circular saws for
given quantity of matter disposal in the slope ! cutting the gotten and sashbare, the painting
of a tube pillar wootulld hear a pressure nearly I machine, the tents for glazing, thesystem of den-,
as tithes as great :. the same quantity . in the l. filiation by louvre boards, Ind the construction
form of it'solid column. I of the transept.
Passing to the manner in which the columns I ' Unfortunately its close proximity to the high
were fixed, be described the mode in which the . way prevent, the proportions of its principal fa-'
beds of concrete .on which they rested were ! code from being thoroughly seen and appreciat
made, and then adverting to the fact, already so I ed by the thousands who daily tioch to ascertain!
often noticed, that all the dimensions were mut- I its progress and scan its vast dimensions. The
tiples of twenty four, he drew attention -to the , South end of the transept, however, has now been
effect of this arrangement—that, which ever..completed, and presents a singularity imposing
way the spectator looked, the columns covered appearance. In the broad daylight, and with
each other, and all appearance of confusion soap . window tax recolleetions about him, one can
entirely destroyed: Had these relative distances ; hardly hiring himself to believe- thatsuch in ex
not been accurately preserved, the. irders, cast 1 panse of glass work is real; that in Eng nd so
as they were at a distance, would not have fit- ! daring and wholesale an nduile,aon o e Olin's
ted. The coat iron columns being mounted on rays into any building should have been success
tech other, tier above tier, with centre-hits in-, fully attempted; and that at lastiour clouded mur
tervening between them, it was necessary that,, ky skies, and the darkness visible of our build
the points of junction should be fitted to each' ing,s, should alike receive ,help and cue from
other with mathematical precision. This neces-,, the Minds of the glazier.
1 city Professor Cowper illustrated by pieces el ' Rut, striking as the external view of the dean.
wood, roughly "out in pillar shape and placed ! sept is on the South, during the day, it is still
above each other, which, of course, would not I more SO at night, when, as once or twice a week,
stand straight, the same experiment being re- I happens, a bonfire of shavings is lighted, and
prated with pieces of wood pillar shaped and I every line and column in the building is illumin- I
the eetia turn ed in a lathe, of course with a very i itch by the flame. Within mill without this is a :
different result Thus, he continued, it became' grand sight and indicates what ,splendid effects
requisite that the voids of the pillars should he I might be produced were the conitaissioners' here-
were 2.5(10 columns and 2(10 “fncint, , a . "
I after (any in compliment to the Celestial Ent-
r v ,.. .. x ...t . i , 1 n e d . 1 of hatertta ,
ed on such an undertake. but Messrs. to be don, p o „ ragit.eer. would h.,„, , . • tore) to lurid within their crystal palace n "feast
The period i - 3 now rapidly approaching when i
I Henderson had nect ' implis ' hei .
...that there was; ant ru .,:ll ai t . th e ,r'''tilt ! the contractors will have concluded their labors,
_ mess, ~owper hoe . '" l ' it ' al th t ° o
building. P f r c and the busy hands of artisans, mechanics, and
girdmis, and proceeded to eliev; h,.. ' hthorers that at present throng every port Mn of
Meal language, they "behaved." A. • .t. : ',eci" the building will have been withdrawn from it.
tration on, this subject, he d emonttrat „ . I Id a' The pillared isles atelextended airy galleries will
periment that thin tin plants in n tithuler-yr 7- then be penpled wi th other occupants, and in
amid bear a pressure of 2 cut where. in s "al' stead of those implement's of, trade, useful but .
form they garb at (ince Ile ex planted by m,,," not ornamental, by which this east fabric has
Ida the object of the. girder, and
0..31. loon formed, and the strong arms that wielded
with its trelliced them, every part of it was d,t.. dm!, will be-seen the, ostly and elaborate pro
sign of our greatest industrial communi
signed to distribute the strain which would other, „.
wise hare fallen unduly upon particular point,
the One set of actors,. depart from the
One of these model's was executed in thin lath,
yet it bore •pressure of I cwt. without brenking. T ,..,:7,1 a t " a new cast uppears on it, the public
17he subject of girders naturally led the .learneri pay
, r o . i furious in such matter., will do well to
Protease:go consider the amount of ~-tillness- othei ti ,4,, - „ rystal Palace a visit. The charge for
' secured to the building. Here his illustr..tioo. „0„, fixed rather nut for °brio. ream
,were _
_,,.,..,_., for their
~ .,...t.,. .
~e r c high, but every hour in the day
ywidinge. wor; t au y. u , r e
there... nee
interest to an intelligent observer.
retitled to explain the
_method of proving the gir
ders by the hydraulic' press, and he stated that
while they generally broke with a weight of 80
tour, and were tr,ted by one of 18 tons, the
greatest pressure to which they could be 'subject
ed in the building ions 71 tons.
Adverting-to the means by which the edifice
had been erected, awl to the common remark that
there scam no scaffolding and nothing to be aeon
but 0 few rope, pulleys, rind poles, the Professor
. . .•
We hove printed • few proof copies of the
Engraved - View of the Great London Crystal
Palace," which appears in our paper to-day, on
fine paper, sititoble for frothing, or preserving,
which cn he had lit the counter. Price 10c.
In the list of the articles fat. the great Fair at
Loudon, ,from Pefinsylvaaia, are the follow-
-Teter Remers, Pittsburgh, Pa.; bust of Bish
op Clpfold.
Hull and Spear, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Iron centre
Samuel Eakins, , Pittsburp, Pa.; Galvanic
plastic hydrometer.."..
The whole list from Perinsidvania number six
ty three. Strange that nonclof Our Glass or Iron
is to be exhibited.
THE RIGHT qr {V.v.—The Senate ofVir
ginin has passed the bill forithe inaorporation of
the "North-Western Virginia Railroad Compa
ny," just as it came fromthe llouso of Dele
gates. so that it. is now a law. This is the bill
which grants the Baltimore and Ohio/ Railroad
Company to extend a braneh of their rood to
Parkersburg, on certain conditions, and gives
the right of way through Virginia to the Hemp
held Railroad rompiny. Whether the right of
way to the Ileruptiohtroad is granted Without re
etrictiou, or whether it ,i 3 Oaddled with condi
tions, we do not know. thitfice itto any that the
right of way is granted, and that, we confess, is
an event wholly unexpected to es, and lord to he
accounted for, oxoept , ott the prineipieta aom
promise. We du not heherG, however, that the
cowl will he huilt very soon, if ever, or }hat if it
is built it will be a very
. formi.lablo competitor,
'for the trade of the West.
RELYERSDIFRII Cl svoorloS n our local col
Utrill will be found n notice of the trip of the
steamboat Allegheny Belle No. 1! up the Alle
gheny river, at a time to suit te delegates to
the Railroad Convention at' Reitacrsburg, Clar
ion county, on Saturday, next. The Belle will
leave this city on Friday evening, and be ORO
bank, by 2' , o'clock neat, Morning. The landing
is some four miles from Relmersburg.
. . .
Otir friends op. the river may expeet a good
delegation from here, and Ire trttst they will
hove every thing ready; so as to enable the Con
tention to make a good report of their route—
They have plenty of forts, if they will only bring
them out.
We conclude te44.lay, the defence of grofessor
Ewone IC, Commissioner of Patents, against some,
grave charges which have been made and exten
sively published against him, touching the dis
charge of his official duties. We think he has
fully vindicated his conduct; and the justice of
the derision in question.
For lbe Pltelburvh
hie. Editor,---The subject of a new market
house has occupied the attention of the people
for some time past, and efforts have bees made I
in Councils more than once, to erect a new one,
and to rebuild the old. But it appears that no
thing has been done in relation to"the utter ex
cept talking about it, and it is very 'probable
that the whole sehject will he laid aside. The
object in erecting it new market house should be
to as nearly central as practicable. It
is certain that the site of the old one at. present
is far from being central, however it might have
been in days gone by, when we had but-}he 'east
and west wards.' Now we have nine wards, and
the present market is only convenient, for the
first, second and fourth, whilst the thhid fifth,
sixth, seventh and eighth labor under great
advantage from being so remote fromiithe mar
ket that 'market day' is artunlly lookeTforward
to with dread es being a day of toil. Thie irn
portant eubjeet has occupied my mind for months Administration to the Estate of AimeeKenem
past, andlwould respectfully offer a few suggee- ea or Witt...tort, Allegheny County, d Reamol have.
[inns to the public, mod it will be for the pea- Ire ir re=ttrlei d lerslinegrislillog av ' eforeviaid. All
pie to decide whether they will, Meath:fled with Lnt, and thige having elalms'irill present h aV tily P n:
j ;1 0 21 .4 7 Ni y .
. t t h it e io p o re l n y ent m : k rre i. n z ge , :azt; es , : u t e o I.ientdteirrythaneiroethoen;
31e6xeeevv. Feb
Take for instance Chem ., alley, from Its inter- I
section with Liberty street. to Water street, let , re, Sarah Jai. !Ikea/
it beopened 130 feet wide clear thrtregh, and I Adm. Vend Fir_ 'I 190
what a street for a market we would Laic. Some with natio , to helm of February Term,
ti I and legal represents
persona would perhaps think that the city would y C . m
be ruined by the movement, and thrown into an fi Cully.ervaavd.
enormous outlay from the effects of which she And no. , to vit. February Rh. Mt, on motion of J. J.
would never recover. But such is not the fact, tgiri:itn;:,,gllspat:,,,,.....lll,tv.irble,,, Au
as i shall endeavor to chow before !pins 0000ur, the
to and tr. make dhitrillTion, r of 'the ' pro.
With the subject. iveds or ask to the creditors or said dereient
050L0 the Reeord. DEO S..IIAVS, Pm.
- Suppose that an net of Legislature Muhl be This Auditor appointed in the Moire eVe will attend to
passed,(and why not t ) authorising the city of lie drgidir p titZrotment &Ohl, °Mee on eth street, In
h on the Anti day_ of Myth, A D
Pittsburgh to open Cherry alley, and: lank° it 1%11. ILO o ' clock , A. 11. DAL ID RITC.IIIX..
180 fee, wide from Liberty street to the Moron- Auditor.
gtthein river, assessing the damages Ilea [divan
as the case might be, upon the' property
on the alley and nll the strectsieroseing . the same.
Suppose A. owns a lot of 30 feet front,
ning 100 feet on dm west side of Chmei toward
Smithfield street, and Ii one on the east side
running same distance toward Grant, I will
suppose that each lot is now worth 100) dollars,
and the city should take 80 feet from! each to
make the street the required width, would not the
balance of the ground being 50 feet deep, front
ing ns it then would, en the best *sect for
business in the city, he worth four timians much
as it now is or ever will be. Supposengain that
C owns a lot on one eide, running 40,7eet toward
Smithfield street., and D one on the opposite side
running 50 feet toward Grant. In running the
line of the street you take all of C's Itt, and 10
feet additional off the lot immediately in the rear
hose is C to be remunerated for the loss of - his
property 7 The answer is Simply by
assessing the loss of C on the lot to the rear,
which would be rendered more than six times its
present value, notwithstanding the less of 10 fret
in making the required width of thehitreet. The
same may be avid of D, who lose, all his lot, and
gives the man in the rear a -front on the street,
which would increase the value equally with B.
Now it may be that there nee some hits on the
alley, sny. .130 feet deep, and by taking 50 feet
from them, it would render the 10 feet left use
less in a measure, for busineas purr:tees to the
present owner, tint would be worth repine to the
owner of the lot in the rear, than the whole 60
feet under the prevent eircummancem.,
L W t C.
At Franklin. Vona:lgo County, ~,, Thumlay, the
l a, i ne mnt,ln the Wilkie. or his me, Md. Luic ,
t. recently AAthelate Judge for eald aunty:
An attectionate Mohan! and father, m aideui friend sod
• hi g h minded gentleman, his death occasion* • raid that
nth long be lalaghtga In the ecimaanalty Istethitch behead
i i
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Fort - -four hours to Blitituore:
2:-.0 miles Railroad—.l43 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
oQmlownN.the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
lhily. theme by P or tage Lines NY.w xpe ILI/Irma rewa Parket Baum will Imre foe
There taking the
Two Ilondred and Forty-Bre relive direct to
Time through FORTY-SIX if OUA.
Fare to Philadelphia. SlO. Fair be 16111133.11. $0.75.
The Can on this route an. new, and of the meat appror.
ed tonstructlon for null-abet and safety.
...Packets !care ever' moronic precisely at UZ.lst eirloen.
and erery evening at the came hour.
Passengers for Baltimore,
On yore! Cora at Ilarnshnrie, take the York and Cum
berland Itellnual. (now futialo.l) direct to that City. (eighty
fear Tune. DIG It hour.
No charge for handling Baggage on this Tonle.
The leenaaed Speed snake:olhthe tuba( comfortably.
sat.. end roun-:now to the Eastern Cities.
For irs.eo.te ..c infor J. a
lIOLMut. to
ES. Agent,
Monnenteloila loner
Caned Resin. Penn stereL
N. B. ea the tit of July. U., Pennarleenta. Ballrwd
will he Edishol to LockperL watch will shorten the Mar
through SIX hour..
Plet.bufgh. February lii. '5l
10PAIITNERSIIIP—We have aseociated
IL) 'igen on TnoriNn. Btu, Cuhler of the Farmers
De,Rll.l! Bank. who will devote her personal attention to the
bannerca. The aerie of the ten remains an heretofore.
Corner of Third and Market sts., Pitteligh
Desirable Residence for Sale.
ffillE subscriber, intending to remove a few
tsibis into the countrr, utters for sale the property lo
smith he now reside. Prinly locabid own thismecoth bank.
In Allegheny City. The dwelling. • double one, arid built
Of brith.its li.To and corrintodithe. and has bee. reerntlY
repairthi and papered. The lot runts fifty feet on the Co.
running hack two hundred and eighty giro, and is lud
out with tams, containing etithe shrubbery thd frail. The
ontliroildings, consisting of • priests reboot both. ethic
.141 earilage home. the conveniently located. The thus
thin I. pleasant.. Ind th e Wire Sw.peuxion Bridge shortly to
to plthst neer the Allegheny. will bring the property
ithin a Co. minutes walk or drive of the city.
Purchasers are referred to Alex- H. Miller. So. 130 Ith
street. feblndlin MOSES HAMPTON.
ItA.NGES--I ( Xt - boxes, in prime order, for
ll pale by
10&on I d 8 . H th HENt
s e ta
EMONS----:.:0 tsistis for sale by
Clio - Met Invites the attention of those •ishlag
exek.. to hi. extenalva assortment of Table and Kane Ore
er, at :lb. IS Fourth street.
now ninal the largest
o u t aseortmet throe
ends now °dere.' In tine market, and toe late.t
and meet approved 05.1.• and pattern. whirl ate direct
than, the Iroporten , sod marehn spprornt factories to the
Lipka. Lip Call at the Carpet Weonee. No. 10 Fourth et.
, .
of eui.tior styles and color, in store and for sale by
• feblY W. MeCLINTOCK. 1
NGRAIN CARTETS-"A large assortment
J. of the latest and newest styles In More and for sale by
• large works:Lent of well seasoned Oil Cloths. for
n Om Carpet W aelumm, Nu. hi Fourth sO,lO which we
Invite the attention of pup:beams.
BROOMS- :W dozen for sale by
fehl9 s. d W. IfARBACOII.
PUBLIC NOTlCE—Notice it hereby given
t totters of Exec torship on the Estate of Lewell
ovrell. late of Elizabett: township, Allegheny County,
deeeawd• hay. been dolY granted knowing them and
all persons having claims against, or themselves
Indebted to the L.tote of mid deceased: are requested to
make known the same to the sub...gibers without delay.
Elilmts.4l.. Feb. 17. '5l feld9Mtlevll Ezeentors.
PiAVE ItEINIOVED from No. 22 South
Charles otrevt.,l4 the new wards - R./on tae NORTH
where they to4cod cotulucting the WIIOLESALETOBAON)
BUSINESS ,In ell 14 varletles, having made contrasts with
'oven/ of the most madam. menufeetUrcri, to the State
of Vlrginiwcfor a rviyaler oupply of We tltnke brands. vlO
Miwklog Dir. No and .1G lbw Sbr's No end tro Calle
f Virginia, V. and 15 lbw Chill's cele riage brated...send; P
Roblitein'o peach flavoravl pound Jumps_ Imported and
Durriwills 14LGA103, of Olen' description; SMOKING TOBAC
CO and eN ITS, of all Mods De are also Sole_Agenta fur
Greener'. FINE SPUN ROLLTOBACCO, Leaf Tobacco, of
every ileemilitlor. Sewer Labels Brands Pipe, Am .of
Om afore articles .01 he sold on accommodating
N. It We an, join receiving 1110,4111 of tem IMPORTED
R Ele and Barks, brands, Extra.
• BONN., IMO q).
- -
A. & G. A. ABI/0101,
'DRAPERS t TAILORS, No. 303 Broad-
WILY. 6.l>tr a Duane greet. abneethe:lreing House.
. ew Turk. rcapectfolly itolto the attention of friend. ami
the public to their acuntment of taw IiPIUNO WOOS, of
the hew. patterns. which the toe hrtletnal mnkn...P
In the beat manner and moat fa thionabte attar. at tam
otual modrrate prime. Fresh Clothe, Cuelmerea and Vest
lags, of lat.b.l importationtr. elegant. haat Alta for Vrol
dark do. .1, new pattern. of tharla Embroideries. There
three 41111.11 Indian. employed In thin establiehtnent—
one to cut (A/Al6. one to cut PANTS, Uld IMO to out
WAISTCOATS. Each department is complete to limit—
ARMY andOi ANY ESIFUIMIS made to order with area.
racy deepateh, and to (ho moat apponeed}natmer.—
stranger" who riritthle meteopolle, will find at fhb Nash
lishment. "eery thing to their Into, and • Mott perfect at
ill always !neural. --
PRESIIOI AISTCOATS..—Theso elephant waste:ad.,
that vet.. en
adminat•at Cletle liandra, hays been
awarded the ant premium of the Mani= hergtute at
I their fate Fair. kblelat.
j y M
Holmes' Liter... 7 • DoLed. Third steee.4 - oDlDatte tie
Godey'e body's Book for March;
eire artadia tudne Mad•
Aland Doe do do
ladiew' Nalloned 31.8 , dine. do
Waeotada . . or the Ptedgwet. Du Indian talc I A
Id Male,
e rdwa.
Di la ctiodarLof Iteehlaks, No. 2'R
eaddSeld HAD: a Ilirtorkal
M Ra .
Ren 6. dnearen by R. Y. R Jame%
,b...odale:.bDwnre4 gy Ms P
o ;
u .
tbwortb \
lb, &gr. Eaquire Ira. A. 111114
ba 9 .1
r 1 rs 255 very
e.a TotWg CHANT , kr war pruittss:!tud com9=
r , o. Tea, whirb era think Ire cul .W rim tad^aea I, Wowl axed Piie ~
.argued at tba orbs iu Iltlaburuh. Print $l. Orden. Elb.l at lama nodes 'brain t5mn , r , .....
Id•re: t ra., 75 'eruh i SU Ira Ntwhitten•' . ••
Z ' aurtile . LalittUe7==. ll'°". "" • Tilt CO-PARTNERSHIP lIERETOPOIRE
%lour Imixrud and of all ' orilincc tla undo/ the etyta 'of
1247 - ;I: r • iifr=r....g.7 rn.;:,17 - ;',; . ai.74,1,„ • ir,,.&r,ri. 1:Z;;;;:aTi mutual
mend hemselst ' A literal discount mule to retell..., consent. ' :"
. . illi llKllrdtlf... •
aml to Weill. buying by the gnarl. , , `ANfIRM VLFMTNG,
[eh? - Tea Dealt.. and llrocers. ' t r . 'ler., or ft R. Vlentine la autho--1.1 to amw the
—•—..--- - .. , name of the htte faro In the rettlement of their buainews.
FOR SALE OR RENT—A comiortam? n , .._h•bl:
th e TCtelen ." l roVr i ntlOratroTtecitr ‘ .. a. 1 0 PIIING bin - 64501)5-- FIRST SUPPLY
house on:Ilona IlremOnnt the l ot 6 f"'"fr. on Chest. -71
A_ —Murphy A Intrebfkeld will this trtornlnz eitumenew
nut gtreel,by one hundred In depth. Ernttnnrof I
~.„....i„,,,, ,h,,,,„ , r , ~,,,,,. a
~,,,,, , r ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,i in
.l. N. ‘,.._. ~ ,J l - ...'M ,” I rite the roll of their customer. and buyers a...relit% T hey
. corner of Wm. we" ~....".".! invite attention to their extensive amortment of neer ..tyk.
•- . print. at 12ts mats per >ars!, .4,1..1 with Particomr ml . '
erance to durability ...f colf•r. An esevltent article la oleo
offeredat 'neon. per .nr.l. warron.l Get more. Also.
choice Myhre' of Enalish Chintzes, from ll' ` to 1. 14 .vote
per rani. many .f them entirely new desig Alen. 13,e
-4 styles Dr,. Silks. ei raw Mon.. .I..".Laines..Morane de
fait., Needle Work C...4lars. Culls. Chetniz.Am: Or Bon
net.wal Rosner Ribbon. Nonni Caps. de, feLl;
ORRENT--Thaila6e dwelling house
with exLmnive ,fOllll.lll flbr mutton. am/ ttablo 'nom
at rtYileum of am lam Wm. J. nat., Mt...".
u atml sale arMI. 51,.. 00 ma ` ttRe or
For tgrra, apply to L d. M'Aboy, Unardian. or R. C.
.Tutor. kr-Ihe Fort Put Work, filar:L.4l , ll_
1 1 LOVER SEED-4 lib's in store, and 62. do.
lJ 'ril, for sale
frtati tt M. U. JOIINSTIM.
CORE- 400 bush, for sale bV
fableW3l . . IL JOHNSTON
TOBACet) LEAF-4 hbds. for sals iv
fells WM. It. JOIINAMS.
11 ICK,0111: NUTS-15 this for sale by
mitt WM. 11. JOUNSIMN.
TIOPS--5 bales for sale by
• -
Via yl io L r N A FLG: . :I ,7, t rc
s t) 01L-20 cask A s .c fmge .. b?:. T. ~
DWI) PEACUES--100 bus for sale by
‘;', WARS-100.0%k Principe, Regalia, and
Havana &was, of allsrados, for salp by-
MAN i A. CU Kittsox t (7.).
C E—All persons baring claims
m'D"m' tower
ft.e r
hod—i ; uAttten.;‘ill
eit•=elneitttrant totheueAteu. I
Pittsburgh. Pkw3rt . Assigner. of Jta. Allsactu.ll. •
sober.,holttstrions bans, and nonpotent to attend a
Rota,, Ablated •Pa Tilts In the eounte7, of hear of a
Ainslie. • • npately at this Mc, a mai.
The great rratodyfcr Cbusumplo , n of toe Luno,. Affirtion, of
the Lip, Asthma, Bruntlats, Pains or Dinknew of
Brrust and 'Warr ajTCums ,/ the
PoolmonarN Ortem ,
IVVE do not wish to trifle with the lives and
or the afflicted, but we sincerely plodge oum
selves to make no assertion as to the virtues of this mod' ,
rive, and to bold no hope to marering humanity, which
farts will sot warrant.
Th.: Mc. of Ireland, and the Pine alai Wild Cherry, are
molly celebrated for the cure of all diseases of the Lungs
and Liver, which an, no fearfully prelalent in all Northern
latitude.. From a ctombinallisix ofschootalcad extract. pen.
'sand from ThL. IfoWl and Lhooe Trees, D. 1410un'l
sow or Won is ehielly formal.
later's Bottom of Wild Mere!' in a One trtxett
sermon; <ranee", entirely of Wild Chem, limit and the
genuine peen , ' Mose, ,Itor latter ituPorhsiesnre”ir for this
purpose.) the rue metro& virtues of which are also mut-
Mord loyo, a new chemind pm, with the extract of Tee—
th.. reudenng the whole compound the most certain and
efficacious remedy ever dlscovernd thy thy
CONSUMPTION Cured by Whetior'a Dal
, sem of Will Cherry.—The following mac of Jeremiah 1.-
.rig.. of Co.neaunplion. tfleo of his brother. and lobsters ha
ving died 'M Consumption,) I. truly woroderfol ,
Mown . limo. Ihnollton rex, Nept,D7, 74.
J. LS Post—Deer Sin I take the liberty of soda - Ulna You
of the bcnett I hare derived from the ~, of Of. Whitair
DeLeon of Wild Cherry. Imu proofread by that terrible
reourUe. Consumption:l. In May hot. The attack tree Wolf'
hunt) itmps me, for live of our family. (my brothers and
sLdeis): boil died of Consumntlion. 1 Ira, alflletrol with
nearli all the feetttreg of the ,11.eage. I had i ollstrere
lug cough. and expeetnrated a 'peat deal of blood, beetle
fever, room pains In file side and chest, mid rhilbo, alter.
=Ulm with Handles of hong.
I was under tho care of n skilful throdoluo, from tin .
jme I ono taken side until about-oda Week. elrwc. hying
alma[ helpless, and my friends convoldered my case
,pelota, or at least beyond our physician'. AUL advlsod
the nee of Wiotaes Balsam of Wild Cherry. W ithont my
knowledge, my lattice procureol It. and commenced
istering dt ko mi. and from the trisrdar 1 rnmlnelreett tak
ing It my loculth improvod, and in two woke from the
time I commence' wine it, I waag able to be out and over
see nay Intense.. and let.u. which I still continne to do. I
i bare taken four bottles of the medicine, and no; ronoriarr
ru,ntlf prauctly volt • JEMMIAII
4 ; ;
(lows Part, mho CO.. la— Mum 14. 'tn.
Jona D. Psec—Dear. Sir In A uly,,lato, 1 to.. attacked
with • feverof typhoid character, which left me Ina very
debilitated stale, wilen. In the following whiter. 1 cm ta
ken with., emery MAL which reduced me to such in ex
tent um to wire me the appears/me Ufa con Armed mmucap
am. labored under a wren- iough—expectorated sprat
d r ab and wee troubled with cold tnt mid night sweat. Ir
alm frequently role 1 bkol trrai .1' lung.. I mohmod
In this state, gradually muting under the disease. until
January, 1647, when 1 was •galti attacked with - Dr , * My
Diend• despaired of my life. and MT Malalciam thought 1
could furtive Tut a Mort time. My esteemltict.
my p e t, we ,,mommatly cold, and almost but their ft...1-ing.
ing. • Cutler those circumstances it may be truly mid! ear •
• living Mach.. I finally detemoinnl to gull, maim: too
Caine. pnAceilsed by ph potato.. and try Dr. Vistas'. Dal.
tam of Will Cherry, and ft..m the first wort that I com
menced taklngit, lon date afrradual reemvey. I oontin.
ued Its are etc months, at the end of which him, I nut rue.
ed. and mimed gout health eery dirie, mad cheerfully re
commend the Datum to all thme aMicled with diaeme. of
the Muge, and would nay to Mom commencing Its use, not
to he discouraged if two or three both. do not effect •
mans but weever, as I have done. and I have no doubt
but nine rams out of ten. will be blessed with renewed
hetlth so I have been Respectfully SOUP., •
TYPORTANT 10 TOM 1r11.1(1. 0/ 101 L..
From Dr. 1181, syriouadd, W.+hingtun (-...urar. Er
- .
Sesmortan. Kr., May 14. '49.
Mears. Stanton] & Parke—l take LhU opturtunity of in
huming you of a toe.t semarkable eure performed upon
me hy the 1.11.0 of Dr. Whttaee Bahama of Wild Cherry.
In the year 1440. I ... taken with an itillamation of the
trowela 'thief. I labored under for Ax week., when I gnul
ualli roooverhi /0 the ND of 1811 I was attacked with a
oeveto cold: whlchjetited Reel( upon MI lungs, tal fur the
ewe of throewarm lam nonthod to my bud. 1.1.1
kiwi, of medicine. and .eery variety of aid. without belie
ht. and Um. I weal-lid along until lbe whiter of 1445,
whew I heard of Dr. Wistaex Ilattaitn.of Wild Chary. My
friends permed...l tool Ore It trial, though I bad giren
my all hates of recorert , and had prepared myeeltfor the
change of another world. Through their aolleitatiche 1 wan
Itulueed to make use of the genuine Whitaes thilasin of
MM. Chen, The effect too truly setemishing; After
Caret years of affliction and nil:feting. and atter -haring
etewit four or thre hundred dollars to no purpose. and the
hest . and most noneetable thyairbstu had Prarcil o=l.ll
- soon renewed jo Wire health by the blearing of
Goland the use of Dr. Wistaes Dalsani-of Wild Cheer,
May the blessing of Got rest upon 'the proprietors of pa
valuable • medicine as Wtrtaris Saha= of Wild Cherry
loon respectfully.
ton. 11. liners
Eidld by J. D Palo. (surname to Sanford k P4k.l Fourth
and Walnut streets, Cineinnati.Ohlo, tioneral Agent for the
South mud Wok to whom all orders most to addreesied.
J. Kidd & Co.. D.A. Fahnestoek & Co., .I.'o. Jonew L.
{Tacna, jr, Pittsburgh Lee A. Beckham. Allegheny City:
L. T. Durrell, Washington: L. IL Bowie. Uniontown. 11.
Welty, iireensburgi S. liounta.Sotromen 2,4 t
Bedford, Real t Son. II ouoa don;Mre-Ort.llullldaysbnrgi
ILUdebrand & Co., Indians: J. K. Wright; Dittarhaladi
gem. k Co, Brookrlll,ll. Wilson & Sun. Wityriburg.
Mataraind a Cu, N. Callender, Meadville: 11111140 t Co.
1Y . 14 Umlaut & Corker, Meteor Janine Kelly a Co. UM
ler,D. Smith. Dearer. .1.. O. Summerton, Warren; F 0-
, S. Sone. lbudersporgl;. Crooker, Jr.. lircisrunille.
:Gblsaa.o )T
(*HECK LOST—A cheek drawn by us in
favor of He Frit; No. 1755, dated February 4th,
Int, on N. Mimes t So u s. of this city, fur dim hundred
and fifty dollar. h u lawn lad from the mail blturen
Pittsburgh and Parkereburnh. The public ere eautioueit
"''L lNLVltl i ffel , }. l 4 " Ar n
top Gbt7
VEACHES—Three hundred bushehl reed
end for sale br ija.23) ISAIITIKL P. if 'MITER.
To Gas Consumers
trenu.—Wherese, pedlars .e about, Introducing the
hew style of llanburners. resembling a she. insolle, toed
with. elms muter long lobe, and top with two holm,
stating they e. bare 29. 40 yorr rent- 0.1.111ng them Ir. 'Now we, the inrentors, beg instate. that
our retail co le 1,0 riots, with • liberal discount to Ole
e. ling them top. them storm and dnelllngsat
adeertlyd print. o atlfd ‘ r! ,t . fOOOO
moo el.. b Get 6 Inches g haring black lackey
hair .d whirkrm. Muter the clarion:dr. Lie
Inhis I:rusluil l, attd led ralcal r rilte dir ire, lief liy d
fellowelnp. rye tf:Lmely notice of this ' And of
trickery will be of woe. 0000, re.uctfotiy l
114 Ludlow street. New Yorh.
4 - 11te young mat:Call.. to h. rarer her moncend
with the Arm. feign Ural
ELLERS' LIVER PILLS—"Ceeld not get
tj.lune without thorn"
51T.1.11.111e, 0. J.. 0.1101.
11. R. E. Set..—louts are the ouly Elver Pills that
evil here. I rould-not grt along without them, and ere,?
one that makes use of them kpokke in the temms of
cr.mentlatlort. Yours respectfully. J. URkEN.
"a-Prepared Lod mid Lydt. ZALLNIiII. T Kozel at,
and sold by druggists geuerally. jell.
100 lA. Cara dot
Se boo (kg.:
'wt hots N 0.9 Mackerel;
74 brie Tart
106 bags Saltpetre; for gale by
001/3 N.
modeea NMI. T. * W and Corruninn SO iork Merchonte.
• 61 Water Went.
DANDLES --50 bxe mould, on eunNignment
CYTISES--75 doz best Onus Scythes;
co co. b,st Cladle &L.
be L
10 dos st Cc. ATE 11 SON B, seasigsVt
- B.IV
80 it 61 Water and C hoot at
tad for ..t. hr
Viii SNEATIIS-415 dim beat patent ou coarignment ath Ihr .41 LT
jell) 3. WASIMMAN*
- WAILS & SPIKES-41) kegs f9r vale by
EARL ASH-12 caske_prime for sale by
ORANGES -20 Ws sweet, to arrive. for
pal 116 Walnut
TP, UTTER-10 brls prime roll. for sale by
•Ja= witxr Ik<CANALIZS.
AP,OFFEE- 100 taiga prime and fancyßio
Itike gale by 7. D. WILLIIIM 61100 P
jay tbr. MLR and If oat tem. '
- ----
KEGgtiTsviat Tobacco; -
60 Tutzter's Mr:
800 boxes Priam Oudot: Par sad bT
4:LB 90 JAS. DALZICI. dB Rate-St.
OLIVE OIL-10 baskets far ale by
.0 29 MMlLliza co
. . .
ER' ISHOKS—The History of Pendennis.
j II fortunel sodutototturws, L. friends and hit
ylvated roomy. William Makepeace Thacker*y. wits
Aluotrato.n. on ward by the anther. In two volume*.
No. At the Ilidory of Protonic. By W. IL Thacteray.
' IttlIvoilio.• A Francon. Story. BY the wont.. of. the
Ilona Bockw
No. II of the Pictorial Field Book of the ILevolutkm. By
Bonnon S Ltotdno.
The lost rocs ..1 and fur tale hr
fold: N0..17 !lark. at.
Chronicle, American end Pont copy.
ODA ASH—A superior artieleof our own
IO mania/ulna, nonanuaDa on band and for ult. by
Kroarr. BERRY t CO.
febl7 Water strrea
n LEACIIING POWDERS-200 casks, a
.I_ll auperkrt snide. msaufactured and fur sale
. 01 .
feol. • • BENNETT. BERRI a co.
`AL SODA--lutt rusks en hand' and for
see by feldi HEN - NETT. BERRY k CO.
wain on nand and tor co
ma. unbsErr. BERRY
ktteKERAL--100 libls large Nu. 3, May-
Ito...tilt, for salt. b. •
le 17 JAS. A. IirTCIII,:±ON A co.
Ir j„,
e primaC .
‘l'llol . ---36 leg.. assorted numbers, fur sale
el‘loi b P igti ,to W.
A.rti m o ;
EAD----IsUU Pigs Galena, for sale by
febl7 , JAS. A. HUTCHISON & Co.
. BUSII. DRIED APPLES, for sale by
Wer 111:1113HIDOE & INGHBAH. .
I,IG Water apeet.
1 00 DOZ. CORN BROOMS, for sale by
F isii-100 bbla N 0.3 Maekend;
I Drums CalfLsta: '
- 4 001. Salmon; for rale Irr
5.017 W. a I . WILSON.
pOSIN-101./ bbl No. 1, for sale be
fv6l7 K. t F. NtILSON
TAR -100 libls North Carolina: fo • sale 6y
far: F. WILSON. ,
-7 balon Cotton.
07 seek. rr.terre
24 do Peanuts.
ti do Dry AnpleN
4 1.1,3 do Pearl., •
- 2 do do do peahal.
4 do Olrnertin
.lo ,-Wools now landing front Meitner Geri
ra. and fie iol,bp fehl7 ISA lAll DICKEY aCO •
/10!1L—:C traet or Eoaftand lying.on the
.) 3101.014%1m1. at the upper end of Lleuetown. Is olTer
for Pale on term , that illettr a profitable investment
to copitah•to or cool. men. How, onough for fire or eit
families an• alreaal, .acrd on the I,mtnire, for landing ht
safe, the water good, iwrinitting boata to be Insulnl at all
seseone. the coal Urn( the Mel quality and easily tnined;
the Plt now in tend outer. dry and' easily alltined, and
opens within Irtsthan lessor)-flee rants of the river. Price
reyment nvy. EnOnitw
F. 3101IRISON;
fehl2.,l3we Att'y 01 Law. 4111 at.
f i aODA ASlhfl en.skyr, fur silo by
frblf. 1 R.k P. WILSON.:
I.PLTPETILE-51.1 bags, crude, ibr sale by
1,7 rehm I W.& Y. WILSON.
( I ER3IAN CLAYIIIS bog, for FRIO by
lit W. a Y. WILSON
0,15 26 Wordrt
13 , 11 , L CI ., PER'S WHITE
J. G K l i . r l ;lDE. i— c r o or :
1 IIIHR3IO:4ETERS—A full assortment for
sale by 6415 J. ,KIDD t CO.
reriptivav, for vale by SIRS J. KIDD SILO.
L.) SFr ram by J. FintLa Co.
ctolmEr every dixription, for rare by
Kum) a
I 1 AItDEN SEE W`.! , --.1. full and good wort,
meat oflitreds. tact nweicod from the Eastern eines.
for sale stmlnotle and entail, at the Seed atom corner of
to ad and Sixth street.
1/ The nartitenhip heretofore existing between the
dwrribera. muter the etyle of tharklett t White. .'m die
wind an the Ent tee eV . ..tannery, 165 L by mutual eon- I
theEithernf aubeeribers INN attend to settling nO
hualnosNand are suUnwitod town the name of the late .
arm for that purpow. No. 101 Word street.
February THUS. lb WHITE.
-NEW Fram-,8. C. Sliacklett and William
Payne, as caters] partner, and Bettiaddn Clyde. as
envie! ant limited tanner, con ti nue the Wbolnade •
Dry Gcsais bunny.. under the tirm of D.C. Sbacklett Co.
at the ran lately occupied by eltacklett Whim Na. NI
It .1 streetll. C. slum:arr.
febtl - WU. PAYNE.
EW MUSlC—Where are the friends of
11 mr Youth; by U. Barker
l'Te ?..r..t to tell Tau .
The Robin.
I'm thinking oar No Day, ]faiy
11 , Now Ent land home, a new wag, iodinated to the
Lathes of New England,
She I Lose to fax Away
Oh, meet Me as the alter Shore. •
hat Night
llnme's on the Prairie Len—Wonlbuiy.
Idly Ilhey. b S.C. Foster. -
Dee left my Native Ylllatre. by U. banker.
The Spirit Doty.
Fa, Id, IN the Black Shaken' Song and Polka.
Would I were with thea—lbr
Lea Adieux, by
An <Mandan collection of new PNtar. Walters, Vert.
Alan a new annul r Of "Na. Carmine Mown" Cantina'
Landle. and an carelleut now work, rafted the -Melodist .
• oaLleetton of ponylor and aortal mug, harmadard and
arranged by tl. Wohb and W. Lanni--ouNidenal one of
the best works eofr ;militated. IL KLEDEN
febl4 Gulden Harp. No.lul Third rt
ILOUIL---90.bbls superfine,' in store and fur
we by Stoll RILEY. 11.1ITLIEIT34
`a REES APPLES-30 !ibis for sale by
It 11.b14 1111EY , MATTIWITS CO
ROLL BUTTER-1 bhl fresh,. for sale be y
.1:11. &bit , lIIIEL.3I)ITHIEWS S CO.
CIASTOR OIL-9 hbis Blow's make, for sale
b. Sbl4 - RIMY. 31.4.TT11EW3 C CO.
.4.1 A FE IN V EST3IENT —59,000 in. All eghe
s County fbu p nßuud '' tus . t juiLL a co.
frtat 11.4 Wont at, above tth.
Q DULLS Allegheny in City Connell
c.. Intennt r4sAle .New fork, will be
suid y febl4 A.IIILL
'VEIT BONNETS—Murphv et Burchfield o,etk morldrig several raitio of New Spring
inria, rnoristing of tingllik Brighton Chip. Ilungarilti.
Mow Pearland, Napinr, Enibroidenol hullawda, JonnY
Lind, and AlLwro. Coburg atid Abodine Corium.'
China Pwal. Fanhroldervil do. AllieliMla Irv'. Vandyke.
Prilal arid Pearl. Enallrh Lutam [MP and Onnolabir. Aloo
Mi•wer nod Children a Bonnet., of a Vali•tr of lay kw.—
Mao, andwriot' colored tnirlish Iliinneta, Oran and Want
coloreChip do.a., :11l cords.lloTa and
Lauri Ho ff, t Coburg. Allgan, China Pearl. Legharn. tr. 1 .
by Wm. 31. Tharkarey and he Queen'. Neeklam, or
t to Ferret llntorn of the Coon of Lou!, Sixteenth, hf Al.
...abler Duman. have &let) reed. and for axle nt 111.1.7d/TS
Literat7 II oh No. 74 Thmd et. n.bl3
cure Manual, by Joel Shen. V. D..
Voter Corr hr Arnetimeillted by • II ater Pahrot.
'land 11.a.k of droPnbY for rrbfendonal and
by Dr. Web... practice of Itydwauthy. with fifteen engraved
illnatratinn. of important inthprta, by Edwanl Jolnoton.
M. D.
Theory end I!rartice of Ilydn,pathy, by .thr.,late IL
Franele. tran•datad from the German by Jtobert
31. D.
The above alnico for rein by D. C. STOCKTON.
lk.ok.wiler end Stationer..emner 31?rket and eta.
(10-PARTNERSIIIP—We have this dam
D.4' losoeinte.l with up to the COAL IIChINE.S.4. Robeit
, The Ityio will be known.. Lettere.
leblA.d2u ANDREW LFECII Ja- Co
. M.
be found In the nve of Peary Davies Vegetable raftt
thrlnlon of the most prominent llnaggirts and
Merehanis filtnionatt In Ito M.
- Ovrisimn, 0ct.:X..1549.
We. the undereigmd. Druggiota and Merriman of thls
ity, have been ermaintral with, and sold for a yesr Ms two
pest,. article er . 31edidlue known ea Perry Nat.
Vegetable Pain Killer..Ll we would assure the publk Itnat
In every instanee, so far . we know, It has siren the boat
rallafartion to the purcharre. We am recommend it to the
Imblle se an artlee of great merit and wittuM Indeed we
never knew an article of Medicine become PO deservedly
mipnlar In . short Oro,which la proved by the fart of
Ito ratter:lye 'rale and eonatantly I...ming demand,—
MiL of the 10.1100 Drag lda.
cVrll ' e o t, Mn. 57
Wiell newt. Wald
SECTION BOATS—The Tanneharieon
Adler.ianc lying al Columbia. Eftilent Freeport
1714 at l'iclebn blt
" 107101 1 1 r7A7MTZ. ‘'
Cebla ' Canal !ludo,
• 01am for to . BAIRD
kola 114 Srnond
T Froh Italian dlannaniad and Tennkellt_an hand and
fey inda by the ha, or retail, 1111. dictittiEnl CCO
• .
lIKKER'S VARINA-5 boxes fresh, of
Ws ankle. so oelobrsted se • diet for 'wads or
no, Ow for rilsorrosuge. rnablinrs. drYbel or ram.
For Path sei7 low by the box. dose. or ratan: •
frbl3 WIL A. MeCLURG
- VOX'S STARCH-20 boxes for sale by
J_' rchl3 WM. A. MrCLURti. CO.
L ARI; AND 11.01 S-1.0 b
o.Ra Lart!;.„l,...
Cunt: l lod Pitt I . trr by . ta i 4n
100 .1111 LS Superfine Fl
PourAH., for Bale by
500 BUS SUORTS, for sale by
frbl3 FAX
.200 BUS PEACHES, for salo try . p. grugrm
DOZ CORN . BROOMS, for sale by
6 8 tf ,,,, 1 SENECA OIL, foi sale b
Partner Wanted.
APERSON having a thorough knowledge
of IN. Millirww7 bwAWww; /a .n r, branch....
ing to• became • priszr a ii ettabibibed
on News or • Waal:lon br u thls oder.
-' N. It: No mils] will b. TINU - * mar
bbls Sheep and 3 bble Beerfallow, for
- Mr nut *Ma SAA. P. NORICI.IC4'
KM Foundry' connected ariih our works
haying born portWly, ilegtriyog Ihy On
Win night
611 i fart. iro give nodal thaw.. aro pnoonoil
to swing °Won to usual, ea Youndu oo , k ..< l .k .
Moms oadch ban nanitionoil lbw ontlre'diestruotkin of
0 nogg., will ohm. If.e4J SNAP
Peet Pitt Woks. feu. ID, , foot 4lw"
•ot Dr • Sebla SA.SI. r.2.lllllll'Llt.
AAAHD OIL-12 bblfi, rer'd jr e steamer
flex-Lane, and for mk. by rmvom.Y.r.o.
frbl2 • No. GS 1% aer st.
GLASS-2W Ems, :it'll, for
V oakEr febl2 JAI..IVALULI.
/ 1 0PPERAS-2.5 . bb15. in tine order, kir sale
. far! . J. BClloo!im.itatit a tv.
'DAMS GREEN-30 COMA. for &Ile by
I AMP BLACK.—In bulk flu . Tanners. !X
1,41 als fur Webs J. setiowaillin it CO.
Woo will/ Gold and YAW EAst,to,l bonier{ iv b.. ,
Rooms. rev bye W. 1. ILiIt.OIALL.
CHEAP WALL PAPER—P. - urn 614 cents
ti 25 nr01...• largo aosorhocol. for :all by
H'. r.
V +7v We K. P. HAbILAL..
11,T17 1.1117 E fc,r sale bc - 7 .-
1.13.1411D1CLC Er i CO..
. m.o. am! Front
—IIZ lare.k store and fur sale by
fetal ISA inexar 4 CO -
rinitonn.- SKED—In ;tore and for sale by
1~ 11t 150 bids, in store and for sale be i
..E4 holders of the Me tbasl einoyeby gm hereby ootr
fed that the Annual nketion of Wembley fi..r the elude', ye
ear. rill be hied at their °Mee la Erie, oa the fleet Mao , '
dal In Muth Wit. St s'ekrk. P. 31.
DS osier or the President,
WM. W. IttlW, seer.
IrHE LADIES all rat. ''lfOu iraut real
ii pond Tea, pita 31.r1a t liapeartha T. Shire La th.
lishuhdai Par 14 . -Tlie Tea titer yell at :at vent. per teautal
i. riallss ery 0,4 andthew at rihti vat 31, ar•
eke.. 4eirarteia, diattaii., or inferior Tray are never kept
at thle ratabliihmeut , anil they now him l all tlhar
tlinet from the orlothal cheeu tiariugpnerel that T. will
aat 4 1 "rft la Mrtallle aritalwai , att. , bY hoklitti; nP to tl.
7ut: will and la am parties an a WlslleLL 4hll'
LEAD PlPE—Conaell'a improved patent
Laut Pipe rot Il it rants . •
All sixes int twal and to vibe fu nlel.
jc.tiAlf NDEII GORDOY. Waltz A.
EFINED BORAX-10 cruseo, for wile by
febl2• SCRIANItAILY.II a co.
TANNER'S 01L--26bbS. for sale by
1,3 100 butt% Dry Tent - bee
100 do do Apple;
{TAiddrigtoit Caßatten'
60 bbl. extra }Vally no.; •
30 doz e n nyeie tict
6110 extra Com Broome
borer Winde. Liles. megrim], iv stare
.od for
Libert st
AEVOLVERS -Just received, an aul
., supply of genuine, Colt's literslverm'alm
~ febll W. W. WILSON
LULL BUTTER-23 bbk prime,for
• s. cl• uAnn.tuou..
eebli 51.5115 51,14. and 116 tlvcood at
INSEED OIL-10 bbls, for salo by
TALLOW -10 hbls, prime, for sale blr
Gnu e.a W.HAaa.Uau.
BROOMS -40 dozen, for sale bY
4,411 E. t R. ILVIAAVOII.
TIRED APPLES-156 bus prime, for ele
bl fat.ll . W. LLA1:1100E1.
BRIID.BEEF-4.1 =As sugar cured; for
Pale by febll 0.,d lIARBAUtiIi.
W l ! l . 3 ?Z.l ' o9,l' A ro S l -4 1 ° Pu. b ,rAta x l ea
AR)-55 WAN, and lOtitegs No. L for
mile by &MI S:t W. PLARII.I.r.UIL
LOVER SEED---55 bbls prime Ohio, for
t.) ram by febll . . 9t lT ILARBAL'ULL
DRIED PEACRES-156 bagß TOT kilo by
febl 1 k. t lv. Immo:ram
- -
POTTON TWINE-250 lbs superior_qual
V -.14, for male by •• .7. KIDD 2.100
feblu Na bU Wood *Wet.
V ASTILE SOAP-20 cases for Bal6 by
feblo - J. KIDD k CO.
L ARD—EO kvni tind . 2s bbbg, for sale by
EEDS-40 bids Clover Seed; '
60 " Timothy do, for side by
— Leblo 111101 IN t KIRKPATRICK.
1W APPLES—COO bushels on hand and
fur mole Dr f 4 ,10 BROWN t KIRNPATRICH:
j7ER3IILLION—Trieste, Cheneae, and
Arnerkan, filt Kale by
BLACK LEAD-700 lbs of 'forerun.
ty. LIT tale by EMLLLW
d , A.SIPIIQB-3 bbls for sale by .
lJ feblo 11.8.8
IDOW'II BAYBERRY-2 bble for age by
Ici.lo . IL F.. SELLERS.
COPPERAS -10 bble for stile by •
(CORKS-1000 gross fee sale kr_
C;b10 P. E. PYLIZU.S.
AiOUSE =DE LAlNEs—Printed
eolort In twat ty and at TIATIS tola
an at Mad of ball, MURPHY t BIM-
OURNINU GOODS'=-31urphr. kitupcip
IYfield h... o 11 .14 no neicrement nt . Blank" Inalar'
Canton Clo th . Mown de Laines. rartnettoo. Bomba
zine ,
nuislwal Alnango, caul (.lien Ali. of Atuurnlng gin An.
i•b10 .
IOAF SUGAIt-100 bbs, assorted num
brn. tar mde Dr ISURTIRIDUE t IT:ORA/UM:
.10 Nm Ile Mater R.
DICKEY .& CO., Agents for Me
quag r rer..warnrtr. i rm
NVarttoo . 3ell . 2lT:tgial
107 Ircent:O.n. . Sebb)
BATTING -15 bales superior, for sale by
(MOTTOS-10 bales for sale by,
L.) able LULU DlLTark iX
ifIOTTUN BAOS - - - --io:doz twilled, for
f'blO ßaal:
(~., E GAILS-lu,ooo Pprincipe, m r i: Mie * b i z i
P. _ _
Law- Partuership.
lIIE subscribers
have associated them-.
selves to the Free - rice of Larr,undee the Ina Of Bract
shlooon. one cx the other of them. whets nor en
el to Gourt,ran he found at all Dort to the _ ad; Orr
Fourth stroke. nuslooFFh. gum
&Lorene REAdDE
B UTTIIR-4 bble roll,
lo •,
[gee for eele by •
ag.ods, wbkh they eau sell at' lower pricer t6aa they are
vrwroy ruld se also, Illeek.llgural Brun& do. of
[More. styles. it=
Large Auction Sale of 'Wind Sugar
bauble Ltar, Crushed. Nardere&
lattflid. vlll ie tild at Auction at Near Or
ors tba lutL day of February, by B. TIMM,
Auctioneer. at He nun at 1110.4. BAILLY. BLANCHARD
t CO...Uvula or mid lielißery. Cum., Hoare lanwt.
tto l' e Lt d.7,7it the mute store, •
+) l7c do• 4th rrnof rale and, deft l'elleron Grand..
r+) do• ihd lode 'vintage 1.13 do •• do •
75 do " Iti2s do.. do
25 do Ist ISlt. do . :.
th e Nottets 'n:merle] Earle Gin.
10,11 the stkrve ere under evetton Ijouse Key. -
baskets Gel:Mole.:
130 eases Absinth:
. .
. Brand,. Cherrunn
fruit In t66iritilre;
IW landau dllre Oii
&at eaaea Firdille. In 011 t whole, half. dearteitind third
bole. ata-Terrn. liberal at rale. .6141.,
71 RIP G1NG.11A31,5-31Urphy & Burchfield
him on I=4 lot'of Drip ilinntsms. which
Ore .cline et grestly rnlary i pilerh north tnutt =an 4th
4n4 314,44‘ "4.4.04. 4444.
ItRESR FRUlT—Peaches and Blackberries
pct up in their own herutetk-rlly orslot t ,
by prrorreivr, thole' original flavor ou t ! r t ,b0,...
Itogherrier and Mums put up la the roma marturT
pier or tart<llv hand and 4o- rale by
rettg - 2X Mort) . amt.
HIM) SEED . S-Cnnary and Hemp Seeds
r the test quality the ralSbv
(eV A! 3rectua k co. ,5
INSEED Just received, pare.
L Country OIL arul for we by
ROBISON. urns a CO,
rebS No V..)Llberry.
It.y lastalmenta all pia op. for rat,. br • -
wsi. ULLL &ON •
G•Ls Etcek ml nritaxgri Brokers.
FIGS AND RA!alliS--49 bows e eind and for nee br BROWN
kb 8
Alo ,„ l4SSES—rima m, 34 2i ttrep u. barrels.
LARD- 01L-15 bbls best refined. Wintery
for sale Igy • J. SCIICIONII tKER t ter
colt • 24 Wad Wert.
VLPED--100 reams W rapping, fora*
100 du Ilarl • vv.
assle by febB J. bCIIO4.OIOIASER k CO.
bbls Cerniiion,
fbT I r. icuoArt j fkat. s cu.
fo , *do bp , , L t CO,
Nadi) Wood idxset.
SELhai m El 2 Mir, all
, kitido, a fresh lot
4EB J. SlD➢t CO.
G LAZIER'S DIA3IOICDS-1 doz. for sole : .
.ONO SHAWLS-=A few low priced Lone
rdirwe a nvatitrixtn. •
c IILViVI,S--.lXii iu
qua"'" env nmwim=D.
1 ASTOR OIL-10 brie Blode beet, toe s
V Ja y . J-10.DDIt CO. .
BUTTER-7 bbls fresh Roll;
RI kegs -du ju.t raceind Au!
by feta Ree 1117.5. 2 13.054
rACCO-1 9 boxes 5 Lump; for sale Ex
4L7-314,814 twit
WINDOW GLASS-1W tits "Bouht's"
117x_0. fie by feb7 5150TLL8
PitnNigliiPl 3- 0WIT1111:=5:1 boxesjuit
re.4,e.l met De We. by R.'S SRLLERR, 57 1fe.51
eovr i t.,..f valeta R. 5.551 a• afticle , May *Awl. b• bat
Ty .11V8PITT s 13084 . 11P121.1) aro wutn7 a 444 pa ,
lido of above as low ea StS coats per lard. They bat ILO
cm Load XIIS•61 , 0 bina, Gma oat Moll -...atada
Ilaaatia at Wilco ;toga aa4 lloba