The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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The Washington correspondent or
the Syruonae Post sees trouble ahead
for the Democratio party if the Oor
mon duty of 40 cents tier ton be kept
on bituminous coal, and this is how be
figures it out: "William C. Whitney
is a great political captain and he has
many able lieutenants, who will always
be devoted to him. Ha was the con
trolling spirit of the Chicago conven
tion, and it was bis master mind tbat
organized and directed the campaign
that terminated in the triumphant
eleotion of bis personat friend, Grover
Cleveland. He had a right to expect
the most substantial recognition of bis
services, and Cleveland bas ull tho
while been planning to discharge his
obligation to Whitney. No ordinary
cabinet porfolio with social distinction
and the possibilities of amassing a few
paltry hundred thousand dollars at
tsched, would do this time. Ha drained a
Cabinet goblet to the dregs in the first
reign of Grover, and it was unsatisfy
ing. The Deuiocrntio administration
of the legislative and executive
Iranehos of the government must put
in his bands 'the potentiality of grow
ing rich beyond the dronmsot avarice.'
It was uever doubted that any wish of
Grovr's in regard to tariff reform
would be disregarded by a Democratic
congress. So a crusade for free raw
nuti rials Wits determined! upon, while
Whitney and bis friends .rushed off to
secure control of the richest coal fields
in tiie world thosx of Nova beotia.
As bus been pointed out in the Post,
with the cheaper labor of Nova Scotiu
and the cheap transportation by water
to the Atlantic ports of the Unitud
States, Nova Sjotia coal wonid sup
plant the Maryland, West Virginia
and Pennsylvania coal in the uiaric-tg
of the East, and Whitney's syndicate
would reap millions of profit annually.
"But American interests had power
ful frleuds at court who bad not been
taken into aeoount when the scheme of
mining that great American industry
whs concocted. Gurtmu, Brke and
Faulkner represented coal-produciug
states, and they were financially inter
ested in that industry. They had, thero
fore, a two-fold motive for opposing
Cleveland and - Whitney protection
for their own and their states' inter
ests. Besides, ' they had not a very
high personal regard for Whitney any
how. He had nntiftfuerullea Gorman
ut Chicago iu 1803. Gorm in disliked
him, for that reiuon, and Faulkner,
who has been devoted to Gorman ver
since the so called force bill fU'ut,
participates iu thu Marylander's likes
and dislikes B.'lca has no love for
him, because Cievolatid has ulways ox
bititHd u creator uio.isure of gratitude
for Whitney's services in his behalf
than for thou of any other man. Brie,
be iug chairman of the cmupaigii com
mittee, in Cleveland's losing fight of
lsS3, bus not baan cordially lovrd tiy
tue man of destiny. It is not strang
therefore, that they should band to
gether to frustrate the plans of Whit-in-y.
They have the power to knep co il
eff the free list, and they will doit.
Tue result will be great financial bases
for Whitney und his friends, and bit
ter disappointments. There will be
i.ig scores to settle up. The fight will
be curried into state and national con
ventions and perhaps into elections
Some faction will get the worst of it
and the Republican party and the
American pxople generally can afford
to view the unhappy party war with
complacency. But they will rrjoice in
the triumph of the conservatives, even
though the edict of tbat triumph be to
put much money in their individual
pnrses, for the benefits of protected
coal cannot be confined to a tew mm.
Protection will benefit tbousauds of
miners in West Virginia. Maryland
and Pennsylvania. It will benefit all
the lines of trade and industry depend
ent on the coal business. Thousands
of men employed in transportation will
participate iu the benefits of protected
coal. In short, protected coal means
business prosperity and good waea for
tens of thousands of American citizens.
Free coal would mean great prosperity
for Nova Scoti.t, millions of revenue in
royalties for the Canadian treasury and
colossal fortunes for Whitney and his
associates, Senator Gorman was prac
tical and pstriotio when, deprecating
trusts, be declared that if the alterna
tive was presented of aiding a foreign
trust or an American trust there should
be no hesitation iu declaring iu favor of
the American trust. The American
people can deal with and control an
American trust whenever they elect 60
to do. But with free trade prevailing
foreign trusts would be beyond thu
control of onr people.
In this connection some points in an
editorial in the Springfield, Mass ,
Union possess timely interest. This
editorial says- ."John E. Russell ad
mits that he is 'const 'erubly interested
in the Nova Scotia coal syndicate, and
be does not deny tbat he has been en
gaged at Washington in bracing up the
administration to demand free coal. It
is suspected that Mr. Cleveland's letter
to Mr. Wilson was written at Mr. Rus
sell's suggestion. Now it is possible
that Mr. Russell is working for free
coal on purely patriotio grounds, and
that he really wants to benefit tho
manufacturers of New England by in
troducing Nova Scotia coal free of
duty, but he cannot complain if his
motives are suspected 'or, misunder
stood, since the rmnoval of duty from
Nova Scotia coal is very certain to ben
efit him and tho syndicate to which he
belongs. Mr. Russell nays that the
Dominion Coal company 'do-a not pro
duce much more than 1 000. 000 tons per
year.' This may not teem much in view
of Mr Russell's expsotations.bnt it is
oqe-tbird as much as the mines of Ala
bama produce. Mr. Russell says tbat
the couipauy's market is limited. 'It
is for the present a mere local Canadian
company.' says this patriotio fjriff re
former: 'hereafter if ooal shall bs on
the free list and there shall be sufficient
Inducement and the output of the com
pany should inorss( undoubtedly we
should endeavor to include the United
Btates within the field of our opera
tions.' This is the nub of tho whole
matter. Mr. Russell wants free coal
In ordnr that the Dominion Coal com
pany may include the United States in
the field of it operations.
r ' ' ' '
Ode point whloh Mr. Freo Trade
Russell ii careful not to mention in
this connection is that while he is seek
' Ing free trade for Canadian coal in the
United Btates he is not objecting to
tariff protection for bis eoal in Canada.
The reveune of the dominion govern
ment from coal imported from the
United States is $000,000 per annum.
Ihli duty is a clear protection for the
i Dominion Coal company, and Mr. Rus
lei expects to make his profit at both
rads of the line. He an ship bis eoal
tree te the United States and he
(fill be pretected la Canada
igolost importations from the United
Btates, So far u we hare
learned, neither Mr. Russell nor
the Dominion Coal oompany has ev.r
suggested free coal iu Canada. It
would not be for their interest. They
are perfectly willing that the United
States shonld throw away r-tv-iuue for
their benefit and equally willing that
Canada should derive revenue from
the United States for thoir benefit.
Mr. Pugh, of Alabams, asked in the
senate the other day, "Who owns the
mines that the Dresideut wants free
listed? Bsfore the senate yields to the
demand for free coal it might be well
to have that question answered. There
is a cat in that meal, which, if not as
big and furcs ns the aannr.oat, is
iquully as voraciom for its sizs."
For a number of years the Norfolk
and Western hauled for tin West Vir
ginia soft ooal opsrator at an exceed
ingly low prioo; so low, in fact, Unit
they were ablo to transport it from tho
mines to tidewater, thence to nortiiorn
markets, and sell it at lss price in
competition than coal mined iu tin
Pennsylvania region, at loast 230
miles nearer its market This Iims en
abled tho coal iutefeats to build ud a
very excellent at what ini-jut be.
considered the expense of the railroad
Coal shipments over tho Huntington
nnd Broad Top railroad continue Vu-ry
heavy, the n-xgregato for Inst week
beiu 71,477 tons, or ouly 4,107 tons
less than in the preceding wouk. when
tho movement was tho heaviest iu tho
history of the company, As compared
with the sunn vwk last yuar, last
week's shipuieutj show an increase of
10.270 tons, both regions contributing
to tho iucreasu. For tho vnr to date
there have boon snipped 1S5.0T-1 fons of
Broad Top coal, while tons
came from t'it Cumberluud l.'gion, us
ngaiust l,2:J'j,31t tous for tho same
poriod last v ir. Tue decrease lstuurn
fore only 207;S27 tons. A mouth ug'
tho decruautt up "o t'mt time aimunto.l
to no lew than 339,001) tons. Both tho
Broad Top and Cumberland regions
are benefited by the continuance of 'the
strika in certain districts in Central
Pennsylvania. The operators still
firmly maintain their original offer of
40 emits per ton gross, while the miuers
ask for 45.
The favorable showing made by tho
Ssrantou Traction company since it
came under the painstaking pres-'nt
maiiHg.'iii 'nt, is well nll cted in its
comparative stat 'in-.-ut for June:
Grow enrn'ff. '"-M
Opcr"n,' ex'i.'s l-',ll;.M
$20.l.2 Inc.$l,H!0.t
UVJNi.liS lJec. lUi'J
Net earnings.. 5i),U.i0. IT gT.Sys.Ti Inc.',010.
Minor Industrial Notks:
tchison eiifjinoers have voted not to
accopt any reduction iu wages.
Tho Lake Erie and Western has declared
a dividt-uu of )i per cent. , payable Au.
Now machinery is being place 1 in tho
Jlonurch company's Honey Brook wat
ery. A pair of double hoisting engines ara
being put into service at Ko. 10 slope,
lloney lirouK.
Most of the collerleo in the Hnzleton re
gion will work four d.iys this we.-U; while
Boino will wurk full.
At tho Pennsylvania Steel works, No. 3
blast furnaco will bo b own in today alter
an icllouons of many mouths.
A small mine locomotive wos shipped
from the Kazleton shops t )J. C. llaydou
&Co., at Janesvillo ( u Moiday.
The Mahoning Valley Iron compmy is
putting a larue punch and other machinery
in ordtr to fill orders for tho Daniels Steel
Tie company.
Passenger traffic over the Lehigh Val
ley between loeal towns has decreased con
siderably since tho electric car system en
tered this region.
The machinery has been purchased, and
its erectiou will be beiiiu this comiuu
week by the Youngnowu Iron and Steel
Booting c impaoy at its new plant in 11a
z!eton. The mill will be iu operation iu
uiuety day.3.
The Brown-Bonuell Iron company, or
Youngstowu, O., on Saturday di triouted
toil.UW) anions its employes, being the first
full pay roll of two weeks that, the meu
have hud for over a year. This week the
company will start tho liro3 in No. 2 mill.
Orders have heen received at llarrisburg
to put all the 151) or moro meu in the ma
chine foundry, blacksmith, fittinst, tin and
other departments of the Pennsylvania
railroad on four days of eiht hours each
a week at once. ! May '0 last they
have beon Working very irregularly, often
milking but one and two days a week uud
sometimes not a single day.
The Reading collieries made six days
last week, having worked on Saturday.
This is unusual, for even m Juno, when
tne company's shipments were the largest
on record, tue collieries were not operated
on the last day of the week. Shipments
are reported ns having been very largo
last week, and it is naid that on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday at least 75,UUU tons
were ient over tho main liuo.
The Pennsylvania railroad reports that
the quantity of cjuI and coke originating
on und carried over its lines east of Pitta
burg and Erie for tho week ended July 21
was 84lV(iaa tons, of which 27.819 tons were
coal and M.27-J tons coke. Total tonn.Hjrn
for tho year thus far has been 7,701, "ofl
tons, comparo.1 with 11,23I.2!U tons in the
corresponding period of 1S.I.I, a decrease
of :i,7yJ,5Sj tons, of wliirlHl.O.VJ.Kit tons
were coal, a decrease of 2p2i'(i,u l'J tons nnd
1,411,425 tons coke, a decroai.0 of I.WSJbU
Worth Bros., of Contsville, Pa., have junt
had the plans and specifications drawn f. r
a prouosud immense ateel plant, with roll
ing mills, etc., which will bo contn:c;e;
this tad at the old Brandywiue mill--, iu
East Pallowtlold towii&lup, ju&t south of
Cootsville. The mills will contain six (with
a capacity for ten) as toa furnaces and wiii
be otherwise cquipped-with tho most ap
proved machinery usd iu the manufacture
of stool, 'ihe plant is calculated to em
ploy 5U0 hnuds at least and may bo en
larged, as twoaty acres have been pur
chased for a site.
Statkd by U.B. Cocliran, druggist, Lan
caster, Pa. : Have guaranteed over 300
bottles of Burdock Blood Bittors for dys
pepsia, sour htomach, billious attacks, liver
and kldnoy troubles.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, ond
not less thnn one million peoplo have
found just such a friend in Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs uud
Colds, If you have never used this Urent
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that it has wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throa', Chest and Lnnis.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do nil that is
claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial
bottles frei nt Jlathews BroB1, ding storn,
Large bottl"s 5oc nnd 81.00.
Ftooltn and Fonfli.
New Yoiik, July 31. Wall street re
viow: The com- of speculation at the
Stock Exchange today was almost the ro
verse of that of yetderday, Consolidated
Gas broke to 2 to 112 aud rallied to 115a
114V. Manhattan declined 2 to 111, hut
closed the samo ns yesterday at 113
Pullman and American Tobacco improved
1 percent., while New York, Susquehanna
and Western yielded as much. The sales
sggregated 1)4,92!).
Th followmu complete tame snowing the
day t fluctuations til active stocks is supplied
ud revised dally by LaBar & Fuller, stook
brokers, ill Wyoming avenue:
ing. Am. Cot Oil 27
Am Husar. ,.1II4U
Can. Ho,
Con. N. J ."
est. 27
In V-
Chic a n. w. ireu iiti
Q., B, A (J Mi 5M
Ohio. Oas,.... , Tiil 1 ii
C, CO. St. L.... 35 85 !i5 30
Col.. Uuck.Vul. AT
D. He 11 VX, U5IV4 i:si
D., L. &W Il ltU Hil lei
D. & O. F ix'4 Id 'isi.i lsr
Krie Wi l- 13?S 1:1-14
U. E. Co 1Mb llii a.-,i4 aw
Luke Shore llii'-' a IZtt 11M l-U
I., ti N 4oU 4.V.I4 4 ,14 4.VI1
Manhattan li: '.f I JPlli lll.i
Mm. Pao itW-4 S4U StT'a
Nat. Leu HHlj, 3HiJ 3',
N. Y. is H. E :Hi Vtti i:i4
N. Y. Central U7 UT W-'4 U0I4
N.V..O.&W U 14)4 ll'i H
N. Y..S. ts W .... ..." ....
U. 8. C. Co ai.lj 21 S)X
North Pao
North Pae. uf
Omaha 31 H4$ 31 81!$
Pac. .Wail
RfRdinif m.i 1U6 " IT V,i
Uouk Island UIK UUj i;i"4 Wi
K.'f 1114 iHu 14ii U
St. Paul r,(i:'. ,riT .Wli 07'J
T..C. 4:1 1TA V-H K'a '4
Texas & Pao H Hi M
L'uioa Pad lie
WuhasU pr 1:1 V.fii l'H H
Western Luion H'fi 4 H H
W.& I.. E mi H4 1 10
W. ii L. E. i'1'd. :uA 3'4s
Cbicago and ProvUiou j.
ScriANTON, July 31. -The followins fjuota
tions aro suppliua ua 1 corre.itoil dally by La
liar i; FuUer.stoek brokors.Ul Wvoiuiu.' avo
uuu, WITT? AT .llllv. Kolit. Pr o.
OnuaiiiK f'"l6 H uji
Ui(.'hrht f-'ii "I
Lowest, il!d ''-3
C'loHiutt W
Ononintf 4.VM I t-H
ltinliest 4" 1 j ?H
Lowest -'' l ' ' b
Closuiir :'i ,JJi4
Oiii-iiitiK 3't -f.'l
Lowest S.-:l H .
Llo-.ii- HHi -b'l
(IHM11IK' Y' l-'f
Ugliest -! r.TO
Lowcsl V-'fJI 1--
(.losnu: 1-ou liiJ ,
LA 1(1).
Oiu'inm; fp'.i "''! .
hl(!lU'st I'l'- ''
Lowest 'I'"-
(.lo-lllff ' IM B'J-
KH11UT JilllS.
('I'enim; 070 fi 'J
UiKhcst Ii!-
Lowest I'M I'111'
Uosiiig tiTl) Ii02
New York l i 'due Market.
New Youk, July 3d. Flock Dull,
Weak; freely offered.
Whkat Dull, lc. lower: with op
tions: No. 3 red store aud elevator, f5o. ;
nllout. 5o'ii52!i,'e.: f. o. b ;frj.5uV. : No. 3
rod, included red, SIJiollo. ; No. 1 north
ern, C-lJi'c.; options were moderately active
and closed i-teady at lalj'i'e. under yes tor.
day. December and September most
nctivo; sales included No. 2 red, clo.-.-irg
August, JHlc; Stepember, S'o. Octo
57ic. ; Deceiub -r 50a'c ; May (Uc,
Corn Market quiet, lower, closing
Btcdy; No. 2, 51. i.Wc: elevator; 5'J'sa
5;lc, afloat; options were moderately active
and've. lower; September, Decem
ber and May most active; August,
flc; September, 50c. : October, ioc;
December, 4SfJc-; May, 48'i'c.
Oats Moderately active, steady; op
tioos, dull, weaker; August, 3;i',c. : Sep
tember, 33c; No. 2 white, .Tidy, 3'J!c.;
spot price, No. 2. 3!)Jia4 : No. 2 white,
40lic. : No. 2 Chicago. i'tfM:: No. 3,
lie.; No. 3 white, Ml'o.: mixed western,
40.i4"c.; white do., 4Ua52c; white btute,
Lkkf Steady, dull; family, 812aS14:
extra mess, ''iis.ol).
Bekf Hams (Juirtt at ?22.
Tikhcei) BrEi" Steady, quiot; city extra
Iudia mess, $!l7alS.
Cut MiiATS-Quit, steady; pickled bel
lies, 12 pounds at iVi'e.: pickled hhould-
crs. li'e. ; plcklea Imiiis, llal'ii:.
yinuLrs Nomina).
Lakii (jniet, steady; western steam,
$7.30: City.tijj'c.; September closed at 7. SO;
relined, quiet; continent, tfT.lill; South
America, S7.B3; couioouud. 6a0jiC.
Poult Dull, sleudy; mess, fl4al4.25;
extra prime, nominal.
Butter Higher, good demand; state
dairy, 15..2')c.: do. cream ry, 17s22e,;
Pennsylvania, do., 17a22JvO.; western
dairy, 12:il(i.-.: do, creamery, Ma22'a'c.;
do. factory, llJalSc. ; elgius, 2c. ; imita
tion creamery, 14al7c.
Cheese Dull, easy; state large, 7a
8c; do. fancy, Bc; do. Mnall,7ai!c.;
part skims, 'iliaaiic; full skims, l).jii2c.
Eoiis Easy, (piiet; state aud Peun
sylvania, 15... ; western fresh, 13a
14c; do. per case, fln3.
Philadelphia Tallow Market.
Philadelphia. July 31. Tallow was
dull and unchanged. Prices were: Prime
city in hoj;sheads,4;a4'i'c.; prime country,
in barrels, 4'c; do. dark In barrels, U4a
4c. ; cakes, 4.' &; grease, 3fc.
IS e -.1,1.1.1 jo Tllli
TiX yjSi urcut LtiBhsh Kemedy,
kf fe Cray's p;cillc Kediciaa
Teffc - F YOU SUFFER fromNer-
bility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Sperma
torrhea, and lmpotoney, nnd all diseases that
nriso from ovor-uululKOnco and self -abuse, in
Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis
ion, l'rematuro Old Aijo aud many other dis
eases tbat lead to Insanity or Consumption
aud an early irrava. write for a pamphlet.
Address (JHAY Mi Dil INK LU, Buffalo,
N. V. Tho Specific- Medicine, is sold by all
drurelsts at 8 per paekavo, or six packaaes
tor S5,or sunt by mail on receipt ol money. and
wiu every w nraw . l l'AKA'-lTtK
a cure or money rcnitnlcil. wmaaBa
lrOn account of counterfeits wa have
Adopted tho Vullow Wrapper, the only genu
ine, bold iu Ki rautou bv Matthews liros.
At his newly renovated and licensed Hotcd at
l ' 1j A It i. o ML1 .11.1111, is now prepared to fur
nish tru vein-,' men and soel.-d inrties with
thu LA'i tST, NKW-STYLKO it I US, sinclu
or double, t t:iku th-m to I ake Winola,
Gravel l'ond aud all suburban points ami
Summer resorts at reasonable lo-iees. A lare
livery ri.irn connectoil with liotol lor, tray ol
lug pulilic.
DEPT. . . .
VERY description of Job Printing
in the best style of the art.
Promptness and Punctuality a
particular point.
Experienced, practical and com
petent men in charge of each branch
of the work.
We do not make a sham show ot
cheapness and curtail the quantity
or quality of the work.
Dancing Orders, Hangers,
Card? and Posters a
Specialty;, , ,
Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed
' at short notice.
Estimates on all kinds' of printing,
small as well as Iargey ,
cheerfully given. . v
The Scranton Tribune Job Dept.
P p Pimples, Blotches
rL u 0 a 0 H Q
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P. P. r. nurlflos ths blood, bnlldsap
."-- - tho v.-ral: nnd dulillitutod, Rives
'" siroiiKih !o weakpuwl nervoH, expels
Ci diKouans.KiVliiK tho patient health and
g- . hupplnesH whore KlokneHfl, Kloomy
IcelniK-ianil laasitado Ur.ic prevailed.
4J ......
- For irliiiary.ioondary and tcrtlnry
! sypldllrt, lor blood polnonlnff. mercu-C-J
rial poison, malaria, dyspopHla, and
- in all blood and skin (iisuuxo.i, liko
'Z7 blotohcs, pimples, old chronic ulcora,
C'J- totli-r, scald heuii, boils, uryslpuhiB,
. eczema - wo may say, without fenr of
Hj-J" conlradirtlon.thatl'. P. P. Is tho boat
blood uurflu r in tho tvorld.and makes
, , . po.- lcive, spood-and permanont cures
in all caiea.
Ladlofl v. hoso nystems aro poisoned
t-. nnd whoso blood in in an Impure, condl
tlon, duo to inentru tl lrroffularilles,
aro poauliarly Iwnellted by tho won
t.1 derlnl toiilo aari blooii eloanslntc prop-(f-T-
erilesol' P. V. P. -l'rlcltly Ash, Poke
Eoot and Potassium.
' in
f-Tr- - flr-R'snj'itiD, Mo., Auk. 11th,
"z" I can speak In the lilxlii-st tonus of
feJS vonr medieiuo from my own perrmnal
. knowloilKo. I was ntteetoii with heard
dloae, piuarlsy and rheutnutlim for
C' 3" years, wastreaU'dtiytheverybosC
uhvHlelnns una npent huntlrods of dol
4u " kin, tried every known remedy with
out limit. ik relief. Ihuvo ouly taken
3. omi t'ottlo of your P. P. P., and can
t-" cheerfully say it has done niemoro
Bood than nnythinK I havo ever taken.
I eau reeomiuond your medicine to all
C. fr" suflorcr of the above (llaeaios.
r -j. . MKS. M. M. YKARY.
-r1Z Spr JEllcld, Oreon Couuty, Mo.
's mrmm SOA'
Is an hnprovciuent in Soap.
In the Trolley Sonp old methods
and material;; are superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Sonp leaves the
clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer
than other soaps.
h Your Grccer for It.
If he does not keep it send us order for
or for a Eox 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50.
Joseph p, Thomag EIMnton,
227 Chestnut Street, Phila. '
Lank cf Scranton.
SURPLUS, 1250,000
This bank offers to depositors every
facility warranted by their bulnuet-i, busi
ness and responsibility.
hprclul attention given to business ao
couuts. Iuteiest paid ou time deposits.
W1L7.TA71T rONNt't.l TresMcnt,
OtO. H. CATI.IN', Vico-l'i'-sldent
WILLIAM II. 1'tlL., ta.lilek
TTIlllam Connell, George II. Ctitllo,
Alfred llantl. James Archbald, Henry
llelln, jr, Willliiui X Wultu. Luthor
I rum lilt.
Made a
lilt Day,
' Well Mar,
THE GREAT 30th Uny. '
proiluccs Hie nbnvn results Iu HO days. It o-tt
liowertully and unit-lily. Cures when all others fall
Voiiiik meu will n-Kaiu their lost manhood, anil old
i.ien will recover their yrmtliiul vicor by ubIiih
U5-;VIVO. It (itiickly and surely res tores Nenoun-n,-.-.i.
I.nst Vitality, Ininoteucy. Niitlitly Eminsionn,
l.o.t power. KailitiK Memory, Wastinn Diseases, and
:.ll 1 ITi'cts of Kell-iibnsiii or exeet-s and iudiseretiou.
wim-li unllt one tor s'mly. biinr ss or nisrt'intto. It
tot only cures by Kt.irtinv at tlio seat ot dlHease. but
1 rent nerve Intilo nnd blood builder, briiu'-
of; lucK tlio pitiK (tloiv to pnlo clieoki aid re
t torniK tlio Urn of youth. It wards off Immilty
! i-d (,'onuuniiition. Insist ou havitut ItKVIVO.nn
.1' r. It cim ho carried iu vest pocket,
1.SIO per piiekw, or six lor S5.00, with a pod
I -v M-ritton cunrnnteo to cur or refu:.:-:
I 1::' money. Circular frao. Address
j ;vVl KEOICiKE CO.. 53 Rivor St., CHICAGO, III
! I'i r sale by Mntthcwa Itrcs., Vmc gists,
I bcruuton, l'a.
asthpi vi inn ru t
wonderful boon to sutTersrt
from Colds.
Inflnenra, Itronehltts,
orllA FEVilt. tfw,!..
iinmcrilatdrflif. Anefliclenl
rcraedr. conrenlsnt tn n.rrv
In pncltnt, ready
to tts on Brst inrtleoilon of colli. ,
connniiea use .nicw rfrunnesi f'nre.
PntlnfarUon imsrnnteed or money rel'unried. Price,
ISO otm. Trial free nt Droitaint. m.ll
W cunts, fl. D. CiiSBMill, llr., Ibm liTtn, aick, D. 8. t
MFMTHJll Tho surest and sarest remedy for
Intra 1 nUL all jkln (llfoosei, Knema, Iteh.Suli
lihenm.nlri Horns, Hums, Cuts. Wn4errnl rem
r-.lvforPll.KS. Pi-ice. fir. cU.ntlmm-D HI Al
(tljig or liy mull pri'imlil. Adilresnasabove. Dnt.lt1
For sale by Matthew! llroa, and John
IX Phelps,
m m 1 11 11 11 1 n n w 11 1
8 "J
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria T
and Kidney Troubles
Prlnklv Ash. Poke Root and Potas-
slum, the Kruutusc blood purlilur oa
Ahehdebh, 0.. July 21. 1101.
Mkbiks. Lihpun Bkoh., Savannah,
On.: Sins I bouKht nliottloof
t 11 . II... U..i.O.(.a A fir ..n.l
O.Ur MT. r. r. I.U ,i"v ,..i,. n. ,niiu
IL IIIIS UOOO II1U ,' u H'""' til ". Ulivg
months' troai mental tho Hot Bprluuu.
Koad throo bottlcN (.'. o. I).
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
t'npt. J. I. Join: ilou.
To nil whom it viav'eonrern: I hero
by testify to the woixlerlul properties
of P. P. P. for eruption of tlio.iklu. I
sufiered for several .vwirs with an ttn
eltthtly aud dHanTe alilo oriifitiou on
my face. I tried rvory known renio
dy but in vain, until V. V. P. misused,
and am now entirely eureil.
(Ulijuudby) J. D. JOHNSTON.
tiavunuh. Ga.
Nkln t'ancer Cared.
Testimony from the Mayor of Scquln,Tex,
Skcjvin, Tkx. , .lanunry 14,
Mkssks. LifHMAN linos., Savannah,
Oa. -. iifiitltmrnl have tried your P.
p. P. for a disease of the sl-.ln, usually
known ss skin cancer, of thirty yenrs'
standing, und fouud (treat relief: 16
purines tnt blood and removes nil Ir
ritation from tho neat of tlio disease
and prevents any snreadiuK of tlio
Borea. I have taken (inior hi bottles
and feel oonlldeut that anot lier eourso
will ellect a euro. It has al-u relieved
me from lnill,'estlou and elomacU
troubles, lours truly, .
Attoi noy at Law.
Book on Bleed Diseuses ltd Free.
111111 fr-CO
i i i
E. Robinson's Sons'
Kannfacturers ot the Celebrated
100.000 Bbls. Per Annum,
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Boons 1 and 2 Commanwsalth Mi
' si
Made at tho JIOOHIO nnd KUdll-
Lafflin & Rami PowJor Co.'s
Electrio Battorios, Fuse? for explol
ing blasts, irnfoty 1'use nud
RepaunoChemical Co.'s Hijli Explosive:
Meat Market'
The Finest in the City.
Tbe latest . improved fur
nlshlriRS and Bpparatus for
kepin mt, butter and eggs.
823 Wyoming Ave,
Itu-rn oar Natural Flnlih Baby CurtsM
ei)iiiilit with nliilrd iUaI nufli.'timbnlhftnit)a, M4 albefluiaiss
,fiaU rtolelir irabliblj. ,a d tuftrmUrt for jnra. tttil:sra
an luiu-fa-iiifti. r uut'lir I'AlUtno didui mquirtmiB
Kl'im. 1MXi Is um. ifcrtibt oirlMland britkaawi
couctrnofour hm 1, rtl nUo u d -rtifpaitti'a. IUIraci
,finiUI,uda'iar titra. Halts ttul Mil Brthirffbut WhatM
fiiunmua IrLa MMrrawaUil.r.ld at tai L.wtit U'-torf
orkj. WKIlUTO-liAY for our I art FREE IllnUiataa
alaJofiia ofUttti)e'iril aDilattUt bubllihail.
OXFORD MFQ. CO., 349 Wabash Avo., Chicago, 111,
k k A k V
o ' j y u
Seeds and
sr vu yy w saLa
E 'WMI'I''
I'lliSH 1ANS AM J ht HUt-O.NS.
DR. U. liDGAR DEAN lias removed to Bill
Spruce street, tcrantou, la. (Just op
losito court-house Square.)
DK. A. J. LUNX ELL, Oilice Jul Washington
avenue, corner Hpruoe street, over
I raurke s drug store. Kesidence, TiZ Vine sL
Oilice hours: 10. Jo to 1 a. m. and tot aud
(jLto JM p. m. Sunday, i top.DL ;
DU. W. K ALLEN. Ottlce "cor. Lack
wanna and Washiuirtou nves. ; over Leon
ard shoe storr; oliice ho'uru, 10 to 12 a, m. aud
II to 4 p. m. j evenings at residence, ili H.
Washington sve.
DU. ii L. FKEV, Practice limited to Di
easos of tho Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat;
cilice, li Wyoming avo. Kusideuce, &&t Vius
DU. L.M. GATES. 125 Wosnlnston Avonuj.
Oilice hours, 8 to a.m.. l.JUto U aud X
to 8 p.m. Kosidenco M Madison avenue
IUHN L. WENyZ, M. 1., Oihcas btS and o
J t'omuionwoalth building: residence 711
Jladiflonavo; olHcehours, Id to 12, 2 to 1, T to
I); bundays 2.80 to 4. evenings at residonce. A
fpccialty made ot dicuasns of the eye, ear, nos
aud throat and gynecology.
H.KAY, 20U PennAve. ; 1 to3p.m ; call20G2.
llis.of women, obstetrics and dis. of chil.
T M. C. KANCK S Law aud Collection of
I flco, No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest
House. Scranton, l'u. ; collections a special ty
throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond
ents iu every coun ty.
IL.SSUi'b di UA-Si), Attnrnoys and Counsel
lors ut Law, Commonwealth huildiu
Vt'uthiuiiton avo. W. H. Jeshit,
Hoiiack K. Hard.
W. H. Jessup, Jb.
W'lI.l.AKD. WARREN Jt KN AW, Attor
neys anil Counselors at Law, Ketniblican
Inildin'. Washington ave.. Scranton, Pa.
IJAi'TUU.SUM & SV1LIUX. Attorneys ua
I Counsellors at Law; ullicus U aud a Library
huildiuK, bcruuton, Pa.
Wll.MAM A. Wnox.
1 torneys ui.d Counsellors, Cumuiouwualth
liuililinu'. Rooms III, and al.
UT U' VLK, Attorney at and
SO, l'uir buildintf, VaHhiiigton avenue.
ENRY M. KKKLY Law iu Price
building, 12(i Washington avenue.
."RANK T. OKl.LL, Attorney at Law. Kooui
L 5. Coal KxcliangH. Si-ratiton, Pa.
-UL'IO.V W. Hi', Att'yx, 227 Washing
C. II. VON KTORl'l l ton av C. H. square
AJIKSW. OAKI'DRU, Attorney at Law,
'i.-r"""1'L,i,iw ""d 'tWominon wealth tl g.
' 'AMUEL W. EDiJaII, Attorney at Law.
5 Ollli-e, 817 BprtiCHRt., Scranton. l'a.
1 A. WAT RES, Attorney at Law, -423
I J. Lackawanna ntte.. Ki-rntitnn, Pa.
I) P. SMITH. Counsellor nt Law. OfhVo.
i . rooms 1, 55, tA Cotntnonwealth bnilriitiu
1 ' R. i'i'i'cllElt. Attorney at Law, Com
ntonwaith builaing. Scranton. Pa.
I . Ci.i.MIXi YS, 1121 Soruee kL
DB. RKI'I.dULE, Attornev-Loans no-o-
tiated on cal esttto sueurity.W Sprtica
P. KILLAM, XttorneT-at-Law. 12U Wy
I), otninu avenue, KTa:iton.
S( liour.s.
O ton. Pa., prepares boys und girls for college
or business: thoroughly trams young childroa
Catalogue at rtuuedt.
Rr.v. Thomas M. can
Walteii H. Buem
and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil,
r'-coived at oil times. Noxtterm will open
Septe-nbor 3.
)IX I 1 s'i' s.
C. LAUBAC1I, burgeon Dentist. No, 11
Wyoiniu ave.
i; m. -
...V! T. i.V.
il l"v.-!vn
1.1 A S.
PHE REPCIIl.IC Savings and Loan Asso
X datum will loan )ou iti-iney on easier terms
nnd p;iy you butter on Investment than any
other Bsxocintiou. Call on S. N. CALLUN
1KI(. Tiimo It-tVr bniid1n
' R. CLARK & CO., Seedsmen. Florists
Ji and Nurserymen: store l4ii Washington
avenue; greon house, lliiJ North Main avenue;
store t'-leplliinf 72
UHAN'Li UNION '1 KA CO.. .Innes Hros.
OS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna nvenu;.
fl Ser:mton. R-v. maeitfr of Wire Screen
'I'llK WESTMINSTEK, 217-2U Vyoin,n
l ave. nonius ucatcu wttn steam-, all mod
-n Itnprovei-.ienii. t. M. I mtuAa, 1'rop.
rpUE KLK CAFE, W aud 127 Frtinklin avo
L nuo. Kates runson.-tblo.
K y.tKui.Klt, Proprietor.
1 1 1 LbXliUS&TEIt HO I EL.
' W. O. SCHENCK. Manager,
(sixteenth street, one block east of Uroauwayi
at Union Squaro, Now York.
American plan, si 60 par day and upward.
COYNE HOUSE. European plan; jgood
rooms. Open day and night, liar sup
plied with the Vest
P. H. COYNE, Proprietor.
OCHANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas
t3 longer depot. Conducted on tho Europeau
plan. VirTotl Kortt, Proprietor.
C- 1 HAND CEN T li All 'i ho la r tost an dlwaT
I cqulppe l hotol iu Allentowu, Pa.; ratei
i'i and iioo jnor dny.
VicTon D. Barnfh, Proprietor.
AVIS & HOUPT, Architects. Rooms t.
2f and 2(1 Commonwealth b'ld'e, Scranton.
L. WALT EH, Architect. Olllco, rear of
j, fiOO Wnshitt'iton avenue.
I.1 L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price
I . bnildint;. 12u VashinKton Ave., Scranton.
li balls, picnics, partios, receptions, wed
iintrs and concert work furnlshod. For torms
addrosa li. ,T. liaucr, conductor. 117 Wyomiuj
ave.. over Hulbert's music store. -
lumber, Price buildinir, Scranton, Pa.
Jl supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scranton,
at Ki'i Capon svonue
D. L.FOOTF. Agront
salo dealers ill Woodware, Cordage aud
llii Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue.
l.ZKA FINN & SONS, builders and contrao
J jtors. Yunls: Corner Olivo st. ond Adams
ave. ; corner Ash st ond Penn ave., Scranton.
The GENUINE Xew LTavea
"Mathushek" Pianos
Hew York Warerooras No. 80
Fifth Avenue
Bole dealers in this eeotioa.
orFICE-121 Adams Ave.. Telephono B'l'd'a
What is More Attractive
I Than a protty face with a fresh, bright
complexion? For it, use Pononl's Powder.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring
cleanliness and comfort.
Trains loavo Hcranton for Pittstonv Wilkes.
Bsrre, etc.. ato.lM, 11.15, ll..'i0 a. m., 12. All, 2.0
.;, 6.00, 7.2.., ll.Oi p. m. tSundays, 9.0U a. in.,
1.1X1,2.10, p. m.
for Ailantio City, 8.20 a. m.
For New York, Newark and Elizaboth, fl.L'J
(express) a, m., 12.51) (expross with Buffet
parlor car), 8.W (expressj p. in. (Sunday, 2.14
p. m.
Fob Mauch Chunk, Am.entown. Betiii.k
HEM, Eastob and Philaiiki.phia, 8.2J a, m..
12.1)0, 3.80, 5.00 (exoopt Philudelphia) p. iu.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
For Long Bit a boh, Ocean Grove, oto., at
8.20 (with through car) a. ru., 12.;V0p. tn.
For HeadtnR, Lebanon and llarnsburg, via
Allentowu, b.20 a. m., 12.0, 5.00, p.m. bunday,
2.1-1 p. m.
For l'ottsvllls, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m.
Returning, leave Now York, foot of Liberty
street, North river, at IU0 (express) a. in.,
1.1U, LaO. M (expross with Bulfot parlor uar
p. m. Sunday, O) a. m.
Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.0J
a. m., 2.00 and 4.3J p. m. Sunday, 6.27 a. tr
Through tickets to all points at lowest ratm
may bo had on application iu advauco to tun
ticket agent at tho station.
Hen, Pais. Agent
Oeu. Supt.
CotntnenciuK Jlay S, 1S02.
trnins will run as follows:
Trains leavo Uridiro Stroot
Station. Scranton, for Pitts.
Tl'jtt - ion, iiiiiii-i-iinnueti;,, o."i,
a u I-"5- 2-;i8' !.
Jff r auu ii.ito p. in.
f For New York and Philt.
' dolphin, b.UU a. m., lii.10,
SM8. J lfland 11.30 p. m.
For IIonesdalo(froin Delaware, Lnckawannt
ond wostorn depot;, 7.0J, 10. 10 u.m 12.UJ
m., 2.17, 0.10 p. m.
For Carbondalo and lntcrmodlnte station!,
6.0, J.0II, 8.H0, lU.lOa. m., 12.00 m.,il7, 8.2i,5 111,
6 !JI and V '.i'i p. nt.; (rout Bridge Street Depot,
2.IH a. in., a.l7and 11 a p. in.
Fast express to Albany, Haratot;a, the Adi
rondack Mountains, Boston and New F.nijlana
points, fi.10 a. in., arrivn-; at Albany liitt.
Saratoga 2. HI p. m.. and isavint; Scranton at 2.17
?. m., ai nvinn at Ainanv ats.'H' p. in., ara
opa, J2.5i a. in ., and B istou, 7.0l a. m.
Tho only direct route between the coal field
Olid boston. "Tho Leading Tourists' Kouta
of America" to tho Adirondack AlotiMtain re
sorts, Lakes Uuot'KO and t'hamplain, Montreal,
Tlmo tables showint; local and through train
sorvice betweeu stations on nil divisions Delu
Wsro and Hudson system, may be obtained ut
all Delaware and Hudson ticket ntlievs.
Second Vice President. liou. Pass. An-
M A V l:i, Ivji.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia nn'l
Nrw York via. V. A; Ii. It H. at 7.4.. a.m.. I2.o.
2.38 nnd U.9i p. m via D., L. & W. It. it., tiOO,
S.OS.ll.SiOa. in., and l.:l p. in.
Lonvo Scranton lor Pittston and Wilkes
Barra via D., L. & W. K. It., 0.0J, b 0J, 11. ii
a. m., 1.30, aw. ii.07. . .0 p. in.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton,
Pottsville and all points on tlio li-'uvsr
Meadow ond Pottsville branches, via E. & V.
V.. 8 40n.tu.,v.a D. at . .4!ia.m., Uo5.
2.3K. 4.UI p.m., Tia D., L. & W. Ii. Ii., li.00, .IH,
11.20 n. m., I.;l. 1150 p.m.
Leavo hcranton for Bethlehem, Faston,
Iieadliig, Harrlsbur and all intorniediat
points via D.ds II.R.K. ".I'i a m .12.0 iM, 11.
p.m., via D., L. & W. Ii. lt..U.00,t.tM, 11.20 a. m.,
1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Tuukhtnnock, Towan 1 x,
Elmiro, Ithaca, Oeneva aud ull iniermedi iti
points via D. All. K.K..S. a .m..l2.0."i aud 11.
p. m.. via D. L. Si W. It R 80s a .in., I.) p. m.
Leavo Scranton for Kochcster, Uulfalo, Nl
opira Falls, Detroit, Clncairo and all point
west viaD. & II. K. R. -.i.i a.m., 12 Oj.ii.l .-,.11.3-1
p. in., via D. L. & W. K. U. and Pittsto'i
Junction, b M a.m., 1.30, S.o.i p. in., via E. Si W.
U.K.. 3. tip. ill.
For Elraira and tho west via Sal tm inot, via
U A II. K. Ii. M ' a.m., 12 0 i.ii.0 p. m.. v,a D..
L. & W. U.K., ,b.0t) u.m., 1.10 and u.07 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd slunpius or L. V. chair
cars on all trains betwoon L- & B. Junction or
Wilkos-Barre and New York, Puilad-lplila,
Buffalo an 1 SnspetiMon BrukM
CHAS. S, LKE. I-n. Pass. Art, Phila. Pt.
A.W.NONNEMACHE R.Ass'C Q.-n.Pass. Atf't.
South Be'lil-he-n l'a.
Trains leavo Scranton as follows: Express
for Now York and nli points Eust. 1.40, ii.00,
6.1 8.IM and 9.6a a. m.; 12 S) and 3. Ml p. m.
Express tor Easton, Treutou. Phdaddlphla
ond tho South, 6.1), .00 aud 0.6i a. m.; U5i
ond lull p. m.
Washington and way stations, S.'w p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, b 10 p. u.
Expr ss tor Binthamton, Osweuo, Elmira,
Corning, Huth, Dausvlile, Mount Morris una
Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. aud 121 t. m mnkmi
closo connections at Huffalo to all points in the
West, Northwest and boutuwesu
Bath accommodation, H a, m.
Eingliamton and way Btations, 12.37 p. ra.
Nii-uoLoa uccomiuudatiou, at 4 p. m. anil
6 10 o. m.
Blnchaniton and Elmira Express. 00, p, m.
Express for CortWnd, feyracuso, Osweito,
Ctica and Richfield Springs, tli a. m. and Lit
P'ltliacn, 2.15 and Bath Pa. m. and 1.2t p. ra.
For Northutuberland.Pittston. Wilkoi-Uarre,
Plymouth, Illoomsburg and Lanville, mkin
closo connections at Northumberland for
Willlainsport, llarnsburg, Baltimore, Wash
ington and the South.
Northumberland snd Intermediate stations,
COO, V.U a m. aud 1.30 and ii 07 p. m.
Nunticouo ana intormodiate stations, s.uti
and ll.l a. m Plvmouth and intermediate
stations, ajOandS.u.'p. ra. ,,.
Pullman parlor ana sleeping coaches on aU
'YoTdVaZd information, pocket tin, , .table
etc aonly to M. L. Smith, city ticket otBoa,
iiii'Lackawauuttaveuue. or depot ticket ollica.
Trains leave Scranton for Carboudalo at
8.30, 10.55 a.m. and 6 l'ip.iu.
For Hancock Junction, 10.53 a.m. and 0 Id
Trains loavo Hancock .Tunotion for Scran
ton, 6 a m. nnd 2 05 p m.
Tr.iltis loave ( arboailalfl for Kcrantm at
7 21 a m. und 3.31, 6 oi p ill.
In Kll'rrt June ti lth. IS!) I.
Norill Hound.
houili Bound,
20.1 203 20 1 1
1-02 201 200
73 a a k o a .. .. .
a a
ccpt Mitidaj.) p
a a
i Ml
i 55i
P Ml
.... 7V
.... 71"
.... fro
r m p it
lAtrlvo Leave
, N. Y. Franklin s:. .
. West 4'Jud Htreot ,
I Arrive Leave a
mi' si;
8 aoi i iri .
S UH I Oil .
7 5-;'2.W .
7 .in; an; .
UiUH'ocK .1 unction
l'rcston Park
(iini 2i5i ....
till! !!1ll ....
1118 'i'ii ....
11-J.V 2;ili ....
u:i:-: '.'-li p m
ti 4 hi 50i 4 ,M
fl 15; l! 58 4 55
H .l.'.j 8 i fl 5 05
ill,' Hill 5 OS
7 10 I) III. 6 18
7 -.'4. 8 St' 6 81
7 ar in 38i 5 ar
tr a s isf5 42
7 Hit 45 5 4"i
7 4 4 3 51 5 51
7 43. 8 Ml 5 61
7 48 8 611 6 5.1
7 58; 4 041 04
7 541 4 (171 6 II."
7 51) 4 111' n)
8 OU! 4 111 OH
bCS 14 171 flit
8 05j 4 20 6 20
7 4.MI2 40A Ml
Toy ut idle
rii'istint. Mfc,
Forsct lity
Cai boti dine
White Bridge
park Place
. sciuaton
7 I S 12 Si 10 10,
7 W )i I 3, II W
7 mtia.Mi! ih
osilii ml b is'
0 4HHli:0 flV.'l
fo-lsl ....llOt)
6 11,11 :) UOli
6 nn n.i;
eavinir. h.m
6 a 'ill n nfoi
6V11 07; 8 14
6 2H1I 0"' H (1
fl 1(1 II 01 H3'.l
8 14111 Wl 81
fd 18'fior.r. 8 cs
6 10110 55, 8 Hi'
Leave Arrive
. .. ..-... ... ..111. ClltlllllV.
All trains ru ii imnj
f. plgfulflei that trains stop on signal for pas.
i'ecure rates via Ontario Western before
purchasing tickets and save money. Day and
fclhgt Kipresstothe West..
J c. Anociwn, Oen. Pass AgL
T. Flltcrolt, Ulv. Pass, Agt, Scranton, Pa.