THE SCKATiTTOtt TKTBTJXE-WEDNESDAY MOBNING. APRIL 25. 189 CHAPTER XXTII. 1 As was stntcd in a previous chapter, nptaiu Wyle'a company, along With triors, bad been returned to tin.' valli y ml placed under tbe oxden of General ainlxxlcu. Ike Baxter ntul lln other.! ttptarcd at Kemstown bad rejoined the company when exchanged. Ike felt morn than ever that Rovnl Kenton was n enemy he must get vid of, and Cap tain Wym eneourni.M tins Veenm: in arion ways, tbongh never openly and I directly committing himself. On two occasions Ike had been granted h ave of absence tu visit his wife. Both times ao had met her aeoietly. The spirit which animated this hum- 1 hie twain will surprise only those who have never tin countered the "poor whites ' of the south. Kino oot i ( ten of the bloody and lor.;: continued feuds wo read of in southern commnuities i begin among the poor and Ignorant The cause is generally of trifling char-, ncter. The "poor white" may be hum- 1 bled by the lav;, hut outside uf Iho courtroom ho hates with an intensity hard to realize. He is persistent, cun ning, merciless. Ike Baxter had never bad an ambition in his life up to the hour he enlisted. Bo could barely read mid write, was naturally laiy and in different nnd felt no pride In anything except the fact that he was "bettl r than aui'gir." When he found that cor porals and sergeants were looked up to and respected, there came a queer feel ing in his heart, He could not credit it at first, but Captain Wylo aided him in his mental struggle. The day came when Ike had an ambition and a burn ing desire. It was in be a corporal or sergeant. In his wild dreamt of glory he did net stop there. He determined to go higher and become lieutenant or captain. As BOOU as ho was given to understand that Royal Kenton stood in his way it but natural with one of i hie nature to dett-ruiino to remove the obstacle by any meant possible. Before the war the "Yankee," both as a man and as the representative of a lection of the republic, had few friends In the South, lie was supposed t'l bo hostile to ::11 southern "inititutii us." Tbe more ignorant the loatbi rner the mere heartily he hated and despised tbe citizen of the north. He beliered what the fire eating politicians pretended t" believe and often asserted. Tbe John Brown raid upon slavery in Virginia ami tbe events in "Bleeding Kansas" served to intensify the teeth aal hate f the "poor whites." Thus it v.;,- that Ike Baxter, picking up his crumbs of history and bis bits of information on current events at tbe doors of the llv ry stable or r und thest. ve of the bar ... i.. i" i ........ .inn . f e ... ......... pion in the matter of Yankee bating. If Kenton bod not stood between bim and military glory, he would still have I: a tritterneej toward him as a nan I irn in the imrlri. Uncle Hen's cautious ap proach to the Iiouhj r.n thi1 niglit hail reference only to Mrs. Baxter, There was another man stealing through tbe darkness and making a noi eless ap proach at the some time Ike Baxter, Neither Cw-le Ben nor Harlan Percy caught x sight of bim, bnt ho noticed their every movement and drew his own conclusions, Tho gun which tlw old roan bad lien ttld to secure within Ins romn in the little boose. Be bad de parted frt.m Best Haven without being seen or bis absence noted by tbe wom an, but hi- return trotUMM) her, and her sharp eyi were upon him at he can li 1 away the firearm and loaded himself With tbe bundles Marian had prepared and brought to the door, Bhewaa ilr st ing to follow bim as he disappeared ; down tho highway, having u dim to1 picion of tho itnto i f affair, when Ike knocked nl her window and wasadmit ted. In lest than a minata he had re latnd what h aw nuNid", . 1 id told him of Uncle Don taking the gun. "Whar's lie un bound fnr'r" queried Ike. "Dunno, but Runthiu's happened tum v.'har! Yo' must toiler him I" "Has that Yankee bin yere?" "No, but the gal's beam news, fur shore! Reckon he' on may bo Ivin out around yere tnmwbar, and the nigger's WKin out rutin in him: wit right urter bo un, Ike, and iffyo' Hud the Yankee go'u tell Captain Wylo nnd hev him cum with his critter company!" "I'll do better's that!" grimly te- piled t!m lriMi a- he i-tepp il out into "If 1 lle.d Vnntran nvnnml Vers,, I'll not t bullet Into him fust and tell Captain Wylo next!" Uncle Ben had only a few hundred yards tho ttart, and tho man on bit trail soon li stened tho distance until be could hear the old man's footsteps and malto out a shadowy form through the darkness. Tb re si Sffli d nothing more certain than that he would follow on nnd uncover the hiding pilot of the fu gitives. For nnnrly throe -qnarttri of a milo tho slavo messenger had but one idea to return b. Stevo Brsyton at fast ns potubl. Ho wot hurrying along when a sudden thought flashed through his brain, and ho instinctively stepped anidu and halted to listen. "How do 1 know but what tint wom an dun heard rr.e irit de ll 1. rin mnV hi. .t' 1 .. I.; -.Iff w.a. mwi " " . iu Illllirll'U, "tilio'd do !t! She's powerful wicked, the am! An mebbo tome mo1 of dan gorillat am waitin long yero to grub me an giv mo iinodder whlpplnl" Ho whb lietenlng as well as whisper ing, and nil. r a minute he heard the sounds of footsteps coming down tho road. He drew back into the deeper tmcJUw of tho high bank, dropped his bundles, nnd taking n firm grip of his grin be mentally resolved to make a tight for it if ho was ovorbauled by tho tamo crowd as before. A few seconds lrter bo realized that only one person was approaching. The footfalls were too heavy for a woman. Ho had just decided thin point when r man loomed jp in the darkness boforobim and halt jd almost within arm's length to inut- Isri "Drat my hido, but has that ole nig ger left tho road an giv me tho tlip'r I ' rrivatruTrn Mi dv turUn'AM Mill ATiSOC r ATtOM heard he tin only a minit ago, but him'B dun gone now!" It was Ike Baxter of course. Ho stood pe ring and listening for hnlf u minute and then growled l "Iorter hev run ho un right down nn made bim show ino the way! Now the cussed Yankee may git away from me! No, he won't though! I'll hunt over every loot of this country but what I'll find him an hev his scalp!" Uncle Ben did not recognize the man at all, as it had been many months since ho had heard Ike Baxter's voice. It Wat Inttantly plain to bim, however, that the man was a determined enemy and was seeking Royal Kenton's life. Ike leoi; three or four steps forward and stopped again to listen. Noiselessly an I with such a teeiimras he hud never 1 experienced before 1 nele Ben clnbbf ' his gun, took one silent step forward Ultett I" n i tubbtd his ijun, and text instant brought tbe heavy stock down upon Ike's head and felled hini i'i the earth. The man sank down witbont a cry or groan, and after wait ing half a minute thu old man gasped out: "May de good Lawd dun forgive me. but I had to do it fur Miss Sunshine's sake!" He picked up bis bundles and hus tened on lAd le minutes later was tell ing Steve Brsyton what bad happened, "Glad . f it!" replied the latter. "Reckon I orter go op thar and make shore he's doad, for I sorter think his nane are Ike Baxter, Hain't got no tiaie, though not jest now. This way, Uncle Ben." They passed between two great bowl den which had fallen from the bank above, followed a ravine Into the lulls for about 800 feet, and after a climb up the right hand bank found the biding place uiuong the rooks, There was a small fire burning agaiastagreat bowl der, oiid on a l ed of h aves and branch' s lay Royal Kent.n with a ballet woand in 1 1 1 - calf of the right leg. it Was a bit of giied lurk for him in tie' midstof adversity that the bullet had passed clear through without teaching tic b ne. It was a painful and tem porarily disabling woand, ami he hud li t much of ins strength before the bleeding COUld be ( becked, but lie was inclined to make light i t the situation as Brsyton and Uncle Ben appeared. Thu aid darky knew Kenton only by I sight, but the sight of bim lying thercj in that helpli .-- condition was a call for ! him to throw himielf d jwn on his knees and moan out: "Fo'deLawd nn fo'de Lawd. but what a:.i Mi-aSiinshino gwino t say an do when Fiie knows dat he has bin shotted wnl U ih-.'.en bum'oshi lis':" Kent ii d m. ale tic situation plain to him. and tie n at the two talk d tl out alfairs at the house Steve Jlrayton washed nnd bound up thu wi.nnd afresh, made uji a comfortable bedi arranged one of tbt blankets for a shelter and taw that Kmlon ate as well as talked. The ad ventare which Unclt Ben iiud On tlie road WOI ft It to be uuuthot DMUOS tol ' guarded against. After having the house where they had takeu bresk i and encountered the Confadorate sergeant, they hud hastened up tho side of the mountain and headed direct foe Rent I lav o, Within an hour they found 1 that n nombttOf men who on their I trail, and two or three tfmi s during the ' day they wero ol ligcii to hide them selves for an hour or two. No shots W i" exobang i until about "i o'clotk In ' the evening, and tb. n they were fin d j upon by three men fa Smbasb, KtOl n vms bit nnd fell, hut ho struggled up i and made a run of it, with Stevn Bray- inn oovsring Ins retreat, l'ain ami loss of blood finally broaght the wounded man down again, and he appealed In Bt ve to leaVS him and maku his own escape. "Couldn't (hint Of it, Yank couldn't possibly play any lich dirt on u man who hot lout 'lougnidtt o' me so often!" was Ihe hearty reply. "Thnr wss only thty of 'em when they lust popped at us, d I'm snrtin shore thar hain't but two now, and nabMOBtO them i wuss olf than yo' ur'! 1 hain't been shoutin live ot six times jest lur tho fun of it! If yo' cuil't walk, yo've got to be cur ried!" Heeding none of Kenton's protests, tlie faithful fellow got him on his back and picked his route through scrubs and over rocks until he reached tho spot where Uncle lien found them. Ho knew it was within a mile ur two of Rest Iiuveu, and ho was about starting for tho houso when the old man came along. "I'll taku a trot up the road uud aeo how tho nigger'v dead man Is, "said Stove wlion ho cotild do no more for Kenton. "It's my eveilnstin opinyun that tho chap will turn out to be Ike Baxter, und I F.hau't Ixi overly sorry if ?ich ur' tho case. I'll hev to git tho body outer tho way anyhow, belo' uny body stumbles over It." In thoooursoef l!0 minutes ho reaohed tho spot, but no man, living or dead, was to bo found. Ho imido a thorough hunt, but nothing could bo discovered. TO DK CONTINUED. Tor an Oily Hfcln. it 1 For an oily akin tho following; mixture is recommended: Two ounces of eau do i cologne, a quarter of an ounce ol spirit of rosernnry, half an ounce of oil of al monda, 10 drops Of :arlxlio acid. Only put in the foot bath at a rinse a drop or two of this lotion to an ounce or more of water. To cure face pimples eschew very Kali, rich or greasy food, and take a dose of magnesia occasionally: also wash lie' faco three or four times a day With di luted cologne water. A Now Stylo of Teupot. It is said that a new style of teapot, is being constructed that is higher in front than the book, and the lid is pet on i ho reverse way from hitherto, In tho in terior is a grating, with Very small holes, extending t ho length of the pot, from top to bottom. Tho result of this is thutthe tea in pouring will not overflow: neither will the leaves work through into the spout. True poliioiieMi avoid everything that rnlptil be offensive, uud is based upon a re gard for the feelings of others uud a sub ordination of self. The tactful pertOU needs no laws upon which to proceed, and l governed by an iuuute.seusuof tbtsp propriaU nws of things. mm: STRONG AND WELL. Lost strength, reduced Qesli,ba blood an I other gymptoma of poor health are upeeiily remedied bj tlie use ,. l'.iskola, the Hesh form log food. Puskola builds up tho system 1 and glvt t tone to tbe dJgagU e i gang, t ia the beat ottrefordya jicii;i that hafl ever been t!Ui n cred, Paakola la not a medicine hut u food. It i pro digested, whieli en ablea it to give nourishment the Instant it is taken, it a pttasan to the taste and agreeable u the most sensitive stomach. Ii i the modern substitute for ood liver oil, old and young alike thrive on Paskola because it is delightful hi the palate and pleasant in effect, it creates a ties thy appetite whin everything else baa foiled, Ask yonr druggist for a bottb ami try it I A pamphlet giving full particu lars about Paskola will be sent en application to the Pro-Digested Food Co.. :w Ueade Bt.. X V. fit y. DUPONT'S SLNUIQ, Iti.ASTlM A".L BPOBTIh I POWDER i:aiiiifaetor.1 at IbO WapwallOpOB Mill Lu- serMceoaty l a.. n ii vu tn.natiu. DeMWare. HEN RV BELIN, Jr. Otnrral Aant for Ida WyoUinif ln-tr, . 8 Wyom A; Scrjnton P ibua Mstlesal Beat iiuud.n arrv II a iiios row i. 1'iuat .it. r J MN H HNITH BONiPlrmoutb I'a. E w M17LUOA :, WiUtw-rWre, Pa Aa'en'.a ' Urn BwpoaOO CbeHabMal C"iu in.) a Ilia.. Blploel i . - -air, MM ttM W r ?;,t'p.- n i -st mflcie a wen Man of a --yrt.- MC." L Hit a i MNOOO tEMKOy ii.fia' .aa tn? aaot Hlt ll" At. far. aaa JiUoNaa. la.ilaa l araala. ff. nivaanr.. s$h MI Krtiii I llults, lO , aliMl H f-a-tl sri' Virol I to shrunk Ml orffri, r4 U llrki J Tut t. m.i rp , laeaat MaetSiewtrf in ld m f.liif RMlh ftl k II uttcksii I'tl'-wt 1.00 - t kif Ua.Mwltha I trrltlvii ffuarainla-r If ur- mr mono r r.n.. I. it ! nf unririnfiplfj dr.isjsji-t a , j, u u r 1 r imitnW't, I -l-'iili I't lMIM'l' t 1 It n.t f"t It, will ftrl I '.j- nia-.l unuur. .-.jh ' I'. .-'.:t 1-is.m.M "tiflo, fre-fj. idllrM (Irlul Wsltvsiir.rrt;as., idlest-, 111. , er tr safrtt. i 90LD bv Utttbtin r0.t Wholn.aU nd ReUit ninia. St.KANlC.N, PA., -nd otUtr Lead- IHal U. -UIlAtb. CNBOnttn tHi HitjKrr Mtr -n Au?Nnnrr.(. EnTi'IOLjMK"iLLt xT. you rlTA oru st.-iiiAvniriuui i .mi i it win runt y.m. a w.iHti'rliil I .i' ti tn antTrrar friimf'uMi, SfO Throat, Inlt'ir.i. i, Hrnni HIIU, t 'liA t rhfii. i- . ImfflaStafarrlltl AnpSirlnia naaadv. aoaeainlaai In r.i . . la nwt.raflT to n.a u o t lo1 i all ia ol i ' Cnntluurd I'a ftli-ita 1'i' iur. Hail.fa''tletiinia;i:nti'f'lort-inn 'y nfoadod. Irlr.-, M pla. Trial fr. " at lniat.. lt.t'ni'ir-,1 i,,nii 0 ocolf. 1. 1. CTIliU'.', air.. 7km town S:sIl, 0. 1, L ott n tm: ss. iw a RiTMTUni Tbo aorart anil safpi mmailrfot muff I nUU rl Kn .iifa-tcaR. 1 Mliaumi 't rlerca. Ilnr.ia, I 'In Wan.lprl'lil ri t itlr ferPH.Kat. Frleo.M eta, at llrot-BAI I Sjgoorbfwall prei'aul. At !'' . it.. ,. OBI I.v .Vlattliewa ltr..s.. jIi uhi. I rm and llnraan A Co. DR. HKBItA'A VIOLA CREAM Bsttltioej Freclitai, r!mpli, Liter Melee, Ll ; , fiiittlmrn ami Tan. atii iv s atnr-'i tint skill li lt.1 erlnl- lial fri-slinoss,'.ioiijpt a A ..lo..r .ill tl Jl. .I.V I i.e. I ..1. l.n Rliwrlnf tiH.fO ' RmsMtloni and.BorljcU htmilm .At all trtiirslits.or mHlod fbr S0i-t. Hcml for Circular VIOLA 3KIN 8C? I' Inwtanv.tiVi u a MM K nntaar;. AMMMf JOW aal aUiata. al ... i at dnri.i, Price i'i C.nta. a. C. BITTNER CO.,Tci.5D0, 0. For aittn by StsHhtWl Broa.. Morgan. ''ro..autl Morgmi It Co. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of tho com plexion, nothlnjf eqtinls Pozzoni's Powder. '1 . f t S Si 1 AaC f I I 7 V' f INDAPO V V At X ojye. - m ...-a CURES HEADACHE HEADACHE HEADACHE JtlSS t.OT'lF Sai". nnac, Mifh . writes; "! tiivn been troubled with a tarrioio hi adachu tur ' "ut turn yeiira hii'I oould "t tt Anything t brtlp mo, i :it ut lnat a frknd tdvlBfd roe totskeyom1 lieu pocK Blood Bot-ms, wuSB. i did. and after tnktut; two bottls. I have not Bad tho baadacht tUMSi R. n Ri ADWAY'8 II READY RELIEF. CUttEB AM I'RKVKNTS Colds, Coughs, Sora Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Khtumatitiu, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lure bago, Hwelllug uf the Joints, Pains la lWk, Chest ur Liwb4. Tbe apsUcattos of tbt BJ1AOV MLTJV to tin- rt or parts vh"r.' tbt Ht&cMj or psiu ex win will i, rforii .aw n.l . uiuTurt. It win th flnt Kiel la thu only r' ronifcly ttmt liKtantly (tops tbo must . n-ruriatloK Vaiiu. m11h' anil CUKKS 'out;Mtton, stui u( !. .iu titouiitvh. lJ. M'ts or other rUiiiS or orfltflti 1 r. Itartwav eOo., QeatlMOeS Ihavnuvd yeur hfaily BoUo! torinoro thu twuty-flvn foore wih noeb aaUifaot ton bays ut it i ; . 1 1 Pneessoala iurisy ami ail ;mrta of acbtfl ami .aluH aiu! hnvr fnunJ It 00 laillug i'V"ry lime l. . . ifully. it w fiTMOKD, SI t'r ik ni fit,, MM'iin w Coaa Jxnuiry lit, Itwi. AanRTM.i.c. N. (V Tbla la to cirtifv Hint In lubruarr INii 1 had a asTurn attack ol "La Or'.fffiv." aZiJ cur4 n.yai 1" .i. tw. i.'y ton- huurs by tbt. iuw ut HMWajr't Kratly Hfllvf anil K.dway'i I'll a 1 had saotber attaik ol tha nun ilrt-aJ(il il . in Mareb, UtLaad tWOt tb lawa ram ody, wan tbo aama ri-.ult t ao net know it'lwiir do., t pir'tm who mannfaot ur ii'-aa maalii tiDOB, an I 1 baTa alwaya pin ai y rtlttlo Mtb in "Almaoao I'aruficaa," but if ittiaM few ht,aaut! urly in In e aoiu" anffHn loo" 1 1 OM th' atioyn i.mudy I will leel amp!y it-paij lor writ. n wbut I tiara Beapectfolly, bV I , It uW J W. BBKWBB, Aadburn, fibs l ii., Mo. ("Uneb-jtUtt of Ha ly UrlM uA ena b i . Hallway a Pttta eOTew Bra II inv finelj f tUa'. terrible . '.niiitaint. "La Qrlppe," or lafitiin K'DWAV'H ItFAUV SI LIS r, aldl BJ RALiWA i 'h PILLsi, la tb q ilckaat and moal rffaotual q ra f T THE "GRIP" Hrlce, lOS, uarb .ttla Sold by Uru-W.t R ADWAY'8 n pis i B HBaaUBBSSW 2 i I'ttrftp t DlMttlotta I oMptotsJ t ejr.ri t.i.n a;.., bHlt fiful ritguUiitf. T r th ur. af sUl ii Ls. 'urdtn it that MsMatattfci Mvsi, ttoWftU,ElJ n)t, HI sadder, Nfrtntti Lmh t tppftll' , llf-Hftai-hf, 'i'Stta.inn. ( iii llf tires. Inil lSal Inn II 1 1 Wn auoaa. I v-r, t ii II I tn in abli nn nf t ln UoWsVS ' ' nil i. t rfni'Bntnt uf lit it nrnl vitrei I'trtVct Olgeatton Will he- reittni pi i t.ei It) lllk I Ha Kt-lSaf'o Pill! Hv Sntlultlg 1 )Y8PE1 SIA -Irk HaakhOohe, I "Hi SUiih. Hill. .in aeei will lf avl4r.t. and III - f.n.d that la aatea Contribute I la nuurlah I ng pr. p,-i tlaa Jot tlie aujtp.irt of III. natural wattr of thf l.o.ll ler-ribaerre tba followioa ymp oma fo! lowlar from dlaaaae a nrtr . i al.'.n, -.ward j '.. i. fuloeaa ot tie. I ood to 'ha b"ad. acldtty of tba - Offla b oaa 'aoa. hrartburn, dlafuat of food, fulaeaa r watgbl In th atOBUOt avaor arnrtattona, alnk- , Ins or t! . of tlw liaart. ctioklug or i al io it tin arn-atlona bm In a I. tap t tur. -if viaior. rlota or woba qatwra ha Slsbt, feTOt and .loll pain in th hood, 4eS leno) I oereplraiaoO, MUowaotSof tli-akin AnSeyaaj patn la IbetlM ebaOt, hmb. aal ,n 'd n flnahea of boat, biral tn tb flaah. A ta d. aoan. II vliWAY Si ILI.s wll fraa tie IfltM ol II." al)V -na:oi"l aUaOaSllt. Irli o IS. . a H snl.t b Di a tat lata S lid 'o DB HA 1 1 W AY I O., No IS Wr at.-i. s. a V i a, f.r of Adrice. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, t iUaUMU AVr. acuA.Ntu HTKINWAT A (11 Di ki u lutoriiKtu an ill ii .it li. cia eevjss) a? l lxz i. ii li 4 -i a Lur.' tt.'k of ft rt e(ji ORGANS UrsiC'il, BlEHCtl iM'ltla. u uhU), i. iv, trru Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Restores Loat Health 1 1 1 ilzL SECOND PORTFOLIO asitw JUL WIIB WP contains four incomparable paintings by the world-famous Medairy, which surpass all of his previous efforts for faithful ness to nature and unparalleled beauty. They comprise every phase of Nature's changes, as de lineated in the four seasons, and will prove a revelation to most persons, of her peculiar moods. Lowell has well said) "Our seasons have no fixed returns; Without our will they come and go; At noon our sudden summer burns, lire sunset all ii snow.'' The Ottman Lithographing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced tour pictures that will easily hold first place in either home or studio, not only lor their artistic merit, but as fine examples of the work of this renowned artist 1, ... SPRING Tills delifrluful picture is one of Medalry'9 four water colon, "The Seaijons." which arc all found in portfolio No. 9 of this Series. ' Spring" is a bright-colored work of singular merit. The drooping apple trees, burdened with their pink and white bloom, contrast effectively with the rich green back ground of trees and the flag fringed pool in front. The light and shades are superlative, and the whole effect is wondrously pleasing as a picture, or when critically considered as a study. REMEMBER, ONE COU PON WITH ONE DIME SECURES 4 PICTURES, THIS IS THE COUPON. OP a e Art Students' Series of ultichromes ty tf ' 9 aT at. n MOiiiiiH ' . . . r . -1 . vn- -r ari a. y; . . . v . ir SSl'lSaJ- -,.;tL'.-.WWaO IlittllllSilltHISIllllllllllilllltlllllilllllllJMMtlllMIIIIIHmiJIJIIIIIimiKHIIIi 1 Scranton Tribune, Scran - 1 Send this coupon, with 1 0 Cents i cash, and get four of the marvelous : Multichrouie Art Gems by far the 1 greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra. uiimiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiwuiiuiwiiiiuiuiiiiiuuuiiiiili? ton, Pa., April 25, 1894.