The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Pipe I
I Valves
1 Fittings f
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
508 Penn Ave.
( irand Display
Laces and
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wail Papers.
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
uQuoi council Swill .u regular
session thts cv-smujf.
The funds m th treasury of tin Lacka
wanna he spua; ere a: a lo w e bb.
All mcxUri of the Holy 1'rimty '-hatch
Ckolr wilt meet tins eveu.:,- fur rb.-rsal
iMle Archer in "Au Arabia N'lght"
will be at the Aoa.ieinyof Music tLlS even
ing. lne Scranun B.cycl club will give one
of l:a o;oyabu socials a: the club house
tomorrow evening.
Mayor CpMrtl yesterday atvproveU tue
i .-.licence the ordinance for
grading avenue.
TUie utile rather that inakei
pedesrtriana wiah that property bolder
w ,uld clear the, ice from their sidewalks.
The Le.asrare, Lai-itawanna ami Wet
era company will pay employes of the
outheru division and tue yard mu to Jar.
The ladlea of the BeeOtsd Presayterian
boroh will serve a sapper in toe i.hureu
par'.ort Friday evening, eamoisnetag at 6
C O. JfeulTer, the Lackawanna avenue
ci-rchant donated twelve sait of men's
underclothing to the Atsociatsd ' h amies
KeT. J. A. OReilly tit first of
the Wednesday ntizot lenteu services at
St. Peter's cathedral last night. The
othedral waa crowded,
Trying to do business Without advertis
ing is lllce winking at a prettj girl throuM
a pair of green (rooifles. i ou may kno.v
wnatyouare doing, bat nooody else does.
The funeral of the lat- rarnuel Moore
will take place this afternoon at BM
o'clock from the Penn Arenas I'.apttst
(lurch, where services will i. held In
ferment in the Washburn Street, cemetery.
in Tuesday evening the breaker boys
employed at i'ntterson s colliery at Frice
burg were treated to a almgu-rlde to toil
city Tbey were taken to W mJrlaud
theater and afterward io it road s oyster
house. The party numbered sixty.
A regular Mettocjef the .Homeopath, c
Medioal society of .Northern Pennsylvania
will be held at Wllkm-Barre nei' Thurs
day at 7.W . in. Tue esiayisM will be
lira. C. W. Roberts, cranton. Anna 0,
( lark, Borantoo; leaders. Dm. (' A.
Ayres, Wllkes-Barre; 3. .1. ',e, V.'llksi
barre. Twice, recently, at early morMug a
quart bottle of milk has been purloined
li oiu ttie door step of Kev. KIOMru lliorns
ut 421 Qulncy avenue. As tbt rnllk bot
tles cost money, it would be a kindness to
bring them back. Mr. Htornsund family
will forgive the tlWtof the milk If me
pmoh who took It will brlnt; back or auuil
the bottles and not repeat the offense.
Tickets for Llr. McArthur's lecture this
f-veiiiug at Kiru I'ai ii M -lhodut Uplscopal
church and on Friday evening at Jackson
Street Baptist church, may be secured ut
the following places: lu tne central city
at HteileAc Seeloy's.L. B. Powell's, M .Nor
ton's and Thompaou & Pratt's. Ou Hie
Weat Side at B. O. Morgan . tieorge Jen
kin's, J. J. Iiavies'end "Star" drug stores,
Ciluplsd Wayfarer Kslataa a Pitiful
Story of Ills Privation.
J suits Plttiuan who has friends iu
Hlnghamton. N. Y.,told a pitiful story
yt-aterday. lie lias uu money ami no
resources except a truall stock of lead
pencils, which he Hells with the hope
of getting enough mouey to pjr oar
fare to Binghamtoil.
Jainss is a cripple, and hat beeu for
several dayt dependent upon the gener
osity of police offialalt. He tried iu
various way to secure assistance, but
can do no work, Is unable to endure
the cold of au exposed ride on freight
cart and depends wholly on the sale of
his few ptnotla for meant of tubtltt-
A New York Drummer Mc?!s DjiIu on the
Jersey QiotriL
The Commercial Traveler Alter Both
ering the Well Known Actress At
tempts to Pass from thp Smoker
to the Passenger Coach, Hurloil
From the Train His Head Crushed
in a Horrible Manner.
"In the midst of IU We. are in
This statement wua never better illus
trrtted than in the: Oats of tn OOltDOWn
oomtneroial tryrtlar who waa killed ttl
Lower t'atasaiu.t about 7 o'olOOl last
The Lehigh Valley train Iroui New
York to WilUs Bttt nrnved iu Allen
lOWOOO time. AtXsOng its pisseuers
were the well known actress Misj Uslle
Archer tiuil her 0OQpay, wIm art to
reuder tho now comedy, "Au Arabian
Night," at the Academy of Muslo this
.t AJltotown a young mi ippar
eutlv about 111 vais of age boarded the
trmii Ills teature MM heavy, hit
COtnpUxlOt) dark and 1ns condition not
wholly sutitfactory from a .prohibition
point of view.
Just before reaching Alleiitown, Miss
Arcinr bad left the seat occupied by
hertell md aflH Louhw QaUowtTi ami
WhtQ the young inau en'.tred.
ting in the tett directly in front of
Mrs FftOnU DtnhaJQ Koine, a memher
of her troopt, and Wat IDMfOi 111 con
versatlou with that ladv The young
drummer, with his sample esse 10 one
Laud aud his overcoat In the other,
stopped at Miss Arcuers seat, although
there were several vacant ones about
him. aud Mia, "It that vour ost
Miss Archer looked at the gwment
alluded to. whioh was lying ou the seat
beside her. asd then lu turpriid at her
QUMtiOOW aud Midi
It is."
Will you tike it away aud 1st uie
si: beside you . '
' There are other seats about here
with only one gentleman iu au I some
entirely vocaut Wuj Jou't you take
one of these: "
ih' 1 d rather sit beside you."
Hy ttiis time Lvelyn Vernou of Miss
Archer s companv was ou the scene
.:i 1 with less ceremony than he usually
exhibits shoved the drummer aside,
removed his overcoat and bagae into
anotiier tsat than the one he had oc
cupied and sat besido Miss Archer.
otrntAXci usczrTi in t'EAin.
Mr Hiokmau. also a member of the
eontpOBf! called the youug mau's at
tentiou to several vacant statt in the
forward part ot the oar.
"I'll it where 1 please ar.J won't do
it to accomodate you either. ' was the
"Sit where you pleas. ' tai l Mr.
Hiokmau, ' but have the goodness uot
to aunoy those who ara uot troubliu?
yeu iu tue lesst. "
An inarticulate reply was given.
The commercial traveltr't overcoat
was hung up, hit grip placed on a so it
directly in front of Miss Archer an 1
i ..t: was produced from au inner
ptMMt Wheeling half around iu bis
Mai, the young fellow looked about
r.m at though he would give a fair
ted sum of money to be allowed th?
privilege of punching the beads of
evsry individual withiu ranje of
h; visijo. This contemplation
was followed bv a brief trip to the
smoking csr His return was signal
.id by another .malignant and com
prehensive stare. Again he arose and
went into the smoking car He w is
la there scarcely a minute when ho
wus teen to open the door an 1 step
out on the platform with tue evident
vatentioa of enter. ug ths eoach.
bii skl'li. ntotRSo.
The train was approaching Lower
.'AUsaqui, and at this point a sharp
c.irve and a steep bluff coincide. Sud
denly an old gentleman wiio waa tit
Itog la the front teat of the coach
"My 'iod' Step the train ' '
A nionittitary panic resulted A
doael hand clutched the bell rope
Men grew pale and women showed
signs of approschin hysteria. A hur
ned exolanation from the man who
aallsWI oat evidenced that th ttranger
bad attempted to steady himself at th
c irv and, failing, had been hurled
isttwayi down the embankment The
train was ttopped end the conductor
and several passengers went btck in
tearcu of the body. It was font I lying
near a heap of ttonet with the
knl! crushed though it had bsu au
N'othine wat found upin the holy to
identify the unfortnnate mau. but
from the markings mi th sample rase,
it waa snrmiaed that ho wat Wi! is in
U Carton, a drammr for Pox, Faltl
4: Webtter, of N'w Vork.
o .
' 1
U lalMrlf Uitherlnv of th Youog Peo
ple to Hi Held.
The BerantOfl f.'hrlstitn Endeavor
I onion will bold it ijutrterly matt
meeting in th First I'retbyterian
! ctiurcli on tomorrow cveniug
Kov. Thomas McLrod, I). I) . of
Brooklyn, brother of I)r. McLsod. of
I the First church, will be the speaker of
the evening. .
Previous to the a l.lress alifteeu inm
ate praise srvtae will b hId.
' s -ASH
Isrnnni Ulivrd by Rt. Rev. Bishop
O'Hara and Riv. J. A O'Reilly.
Ash Wednesday rat observed at St.
!'' . cathedral yttrdty with an
propriate ttrvicet Atb o'clock a tul
emu high mass wt clebratd by Kv.
J A Mclliigli. Kev P. t, yuinnan
Was dMaon; and Kav I'eter 1 lough,
sun deacon. Ut. Kev. Bishop Q'Bara
whs present at the mats and blessed the
a-.ii". His dencons of honor were ltev.
,i. A O'Railty aud Uv. P. J. Uolden.
After th nuns those present ap
proached the sanctuary rail aud Were
narked with the athet.
liiihop O'Ham preached a sermon
appropriate to the nay. Last night a
sermon was delivered by Kev. J A,
O'Reilly. It was followed by benedic
tion of the bleisml sacrameut.
He Will B Assisted by Mn. Joatph
O'fiiieu, si Y M. 0 A Hall.
Professor Frederick F. Koiff will
give the third violin recital of hit series
at tho Youug Men' Christian Ams. nota
tion hall this eranlnp U will be as
sisted by Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, the well
known soprano. Xliss Flornu H,
Kichmoud will be th aocoatpanlst
i he programme will b as follows'
Wiettiiiwekl: Coucert No for Violin
no Ronanoe. ui Finale a la siogara,
Tours "The ADgel at the WiOdOWi
Boyrano Solo, M is. O'Brien,
spohr Adagio, from nth Uoncert, ,
Baretatei Jota Navarre Bnanlth Dance.
l'agsuinl 1 'erpet u u iu mobile.
for Violin
Siebur; " I'lm Alplnerou", . Soprano Solo
Mrs. (VBrleo.
Bnitl Hungarian aim with variation",
fur Violin
Judge ArChbald Decided lo Admit
Him to Bail - Operation May
Save M.itluilit' Lite.
Henry Smith, who Is chsiged with
being I Bltt Omental In causing the in
juries which threaten the dealh of Jo
setih Msthulis. of Blair avenue, wat
brought before Judge Arclibald yvHler
day ou a wilt of habeas corpus. F.x-
Judge Btanton, bin attorney, asaed tor
his discharge, stating that ho had
iiotlilug to do with stilling the blow
which fractured Mathulii' skull
Judge Arclibald refused to discharge
Bmtth bur decided to allow bim to
enter bail iu the sum of $1,000,
Smith was not then prepared to fur
nish that amount of security uml was
returned to the county jail to which he
was committed last Saturday uiglit by
Alderman Williams of Providence,
along with Joseph Judge, the man who
struck Mathulis with the ax.
Nesterday morning the operation
which Doctor J. J. Sullivan, Mathulis'
attending physician decided wus neces
sary to save bis life, was performed,
The doctor whs assisted by Doctors M.
H Murphy and W D Donne
It was found that Mathulis' bruin
was depressed by tho fracture of tue
skull, causing paralysis of the motor
muscles of the arm and effecting the
organs of speech. A circular pieos of
the skull about one half inch iu diama
ter was removed and through this a
forceps was inserted aud eight pieces
of bone that rested on the brain pried
out. Tue operation was performed iu
the mott skillful manner, but as yet
Dr. Sullivan is unable io say whether
or not the sufferer will recover.
He would have died bad not the
operation been performed, and he has
been unable to tuk any nourishment
since lie sustained his injuries. As
toon as the pieces of bone were re
moved troiu the brain be recovered the
use of his arm aud was able to talk.
Accessions to the Ranks ol Um Bridge
Tho Dridgu Campaign Committee
Discusses the Proposed Improve
ments T. V. Powdorly Working in
the Cause --Statement by John E.
Roche That Are Very Reliable and
Mo-.t Interesting.
Captain May presided at the meeliug
of the brldaVa' Ittt evening
'1'he attendance was larger and more
enthusiastic than nj held previously.
among the litter aooniiltloni lining T,
V Powderly, C, 0 Donovan n ud Mr
McAiulrew from th First ward
The committee 00 literature reported
that the order for circulars was divided
equally between tli" four daily papers
tnd would be placed lu the morning
Tim finance couiinil ten made it favor
able report. Th execiitiya committee
recommended as follows That the
representatives of the several wards
wheiu publiu iueetiugs nri des
ired, arrange lo hold them
ou the Saturday previous to
th election and tue general com
unite will render all the assistance iu
their power That while this couimit
trn wiis orgintltd for the purpose of
foi warding the c impugn for the
bridges, and uot for the consideration
of the n In. : iptsstlon, nevertheless
we are iu favor of abolishing grade
crossings wherever practicable We
recommend that tue wtird committee
men procure t he service of one man in
each block who will see that every
Vote favorable to tlio bridges is east.
The report was adopted
T. V. Powderly read a clipping from
a Massachusetts newspaper, showing
that the city of Lowell borrowed $100,
oud for the purpose of giving employ
ment to unemployed labor, uml said
that this city in buildiug the bridges
at tin- time will be of great benefit to
those that need it most, aud he hoptd
that all good citizens would interest
themselves its securing vote for the
bridges for this reason if for no other.
Mr. Hoc lie showed that the interest
charges paid by tiie oily Was (10,980
less in 1898 than in 1802; that the city
will have a surplns over all -.:.-1 . i :
tares this your of $18,000; that these two
sums will be mora thau sutli.'ieot to
meet the rsiiiiireiuents of the net of the
' legislature which provide that per
cent of the bond issue for the bridges
; without increasing the rate of taxation.
1 He also called attention to the fact
1 that the bonded debt
reduced more than
i 111.1. mid that although the city
erected th Municipal building at a to
tal cost of 1800,000, furnished it at a
cost ot ijn.uOo, bought two tites for tire
angina houses at a cost of $30,000, toe
city debt is less ti day than when the
Municipal building was begun, and he
drew the conclusion that if the city
could afford to dn all this and still re
duce the debt, there was .no doubt but
it could pay torthe bridges without In
creasing taxation.
It I ftlmplv Add-. I io ihs Other Tw.-,
Which Yet Staid
Many persons mlteoostrued tho an
nouncement iu yesterday s tkibune J Brewers' Association Have Agents of Foreign
relatlvoto tho new Wunamaker series Brewing COfJMtleS ArrCSttd,
oi norms inir porruiios. iny toog
it to mean that we Had nbaudoued the
World's Fair Portfolio lu four parts, as
heretofore announced. We did not
desire to convey this Impression, On
the contrary, all ordsrs for this excel
lent work will be filled as before, hut
there may be some delay. In view of
the extraordinary demand The pub
lishers are working night and day hut
their presses scarcely ktep pac with
the orders that come iu.
The WaiiBiniiker portfolio, ip weekly
partt, is simply added to (be other two
art offers', In obedience to the Intense
popular interest in thus valuable illus
trated publications 11 is the best port
folio yet devised, take it all In nil, but
the others are both eiuelUut ; none bst
ter except our best. Additional par
Honiara uu pug ,.
of tne city was I lion last spring.
70. WW during
Coimly Commissioners Hud to Throw
Out Lett Than Hall a boen
from the Entire County.
( 'ouuty Commission!! Oiies Roberts,
John Deiuuth uud 8 W Roberts with
the assistance of County Solicitor
ECoapp, yesterday completed the work
of examining the certificate of uomitia
lion io l the icon inaiioii pupers sent iu
froinlthe various election districts of
the county Lest than half a dozen
were fuuud fatally defective The
principal defects iu the papers wet
the nomination ot too many candidates
for inspectors of eltcttou. lo conse
quence several ambitions gentlemen
who atplre to the ofllce of inspector
will not H-id their names ou the official
In Lackawanna township two candi
dates tor tax collector war named by
Kepublicans. They are Frank Toole
and W. R Jones. Mr. Toole alto tilel
nomination pupsrs aud nltnough the
certificate istutd by the Kepuhlicau
caucus wat thrown out, he will get oa
th official ballots ou his nomination
papers. Mr. Jones, who resides iu the
portion of the township annexed to the
city.did not tile nomination papers and
his name will not appear on the official
ballots, it having beu decided that
when a psrty nominates two candi
date for one office the certificate of
nomination is void.
The official ballots will be of about
the same size as those used at the elec-
Warrants Issued Yesterday at the
Instance of Charles Robinson,
President of the Association, for
the Arrest of Five Local Agentt.
One of th Accuted Entert Bail.
Other rrektt Are Contemplated.
Remarkable Reduction In Shoes Now
Off-red by Sehank.
The remarkable reduction iu the
price of boots aud ahos of a first class
grade now being otfsred by Sflhgok,
the well known arcade shoe dealer, is
unprecedented in the history of the
legitimate boot aud shoe trade in
Scrantou Fake fire and water ssles
have repeatedly advertised to sell
goods at cost, but they have not
done so.
As a matter of fact, there an but
few firms in the country that ever do
sell goods at exactly cost prices.
Schank. the popular Arcade sbo
dealer, is one of then few. He it only
ditposing of his pressnt stock at just
what it cost breams ha must have
room for hit spring goods. Hooin '
room ' room ' more room ' it tne cry at Myit,ry
pvnana e, aim w;e ouiy way io gei more
room is by getting rid of present stock
nt just what It cost- no more or no
Dr. Williams tpoke warmly in favor
of the bridges and assured the meeliug
tl.Rt notwithstanding reports to the
I contrary Hyde Park would show by
I her generous vote for tho bridges that
! the was not only entitled hut deserving
of the viaduct He uomhatted an as
j terlion that the Fifteenth ward was
I oppose 1 to tiio question to the extent
reported. Mr. Pond, of the Thirteenth
ward, Mr. Anderson, of tho North End,
. Mr Moore and others made very en -icouraging
reports of the public mind
1 as the question at issue. Mr. Powderlv
i and Mr. Illume were authorized to act
; with Mr. Grier, of the Third ward, iu
! the effort to arrange a meetiug there.
KM R nf Hies i in I i. . pre-
sealed at Tits Wbune JOalee, et)i"
MS Ptap Mtenue an.l Spruce sireel,
entitle the --1 " pft
ilPf. ol tiie mi pal allelril oltei
lor ilUlidhutlliir polmliir ho.ii.
SSaeug our Mattel. ThvonVi-suiail 2J
by Hie Tilbun luaiiageuirnl aio g
asfoilons: j
It. CttNTI unil Kern- Coupons lor
any volume la she oiuuibus - js
rls. liver IOO titles teseleet fi oin. I
h. . and I t'uupens Inr n IO
volume wi of Dickens' complete
iv orka
SO CENTS and l our ( unpen for
any book lu (he Knguy Neriat.
SSOgNTS BJUl l our t impani lot' H
any In. ok In ttie Oxford Series.
Evsiolee at South Bid Young Women'
Christian Aisoclatlnn.
The South .Side Eranch Young Wo
men's Christian association will hold its
second arinivrsarv tomorrow evening.
Th programme of exercises will li
as follows
Scripture Heading Mrs. F. R, Hippie
Polo Miss Mitchell
Reiniiiiareiices Mrs I.. M. Dates
R-mnrk Colonel K. II Hippie
MtUlC, Violin and i'lano,
Miss Long and Mr. Dnorsiui
T alk Mia luinn. State Secretary
k-irmrkt OolOMl H M. Doles
Duet Misses llopldosnnd iliirdentnirg
Address Hev. Kogera Israel
Sol.. Miss Hnber
ItemsrllS Mrs. II. M Holes
Holi Miss Huniiell
M ii, if nV Buiirunder Mauausri of Al I
Companies That Appaar.
Misliler V Hurgundor. th mauagors
of thn Academy of Millie, have pal 1
the .;' state Hrviiho fee to County
Titiiirer Powell and taken out a li
eens". Thy say that thay me th
uiiinsgera of every theatrical company
that appear at the Academy and not
simply lessees of tho house This po
sition Mr Powell doss not rhalletign
It may Of may not be correct, tut it
would r. quite no opinion of the com t
' i.i . th matter,
Miuiager ho i of Wonderland, hat
iuforuied the county tronturer through
bis ntturiiey. that he will take out a
etate llconse for hi house.
Oflloor and FJoanl of LHreutors That Hav
Hu RleuKd.
'I h Lackawanna Trust and Safe Dl -posit
eompiiny at its annual masting
olei'ted it bosrd of dirsotors as follows:
Iioury J. A tular mi , Henry liellu, Jr ,
R, T lllnak. William ConOill, J. lien
jamln Dtmffllck, P. J. Horan, T. C
Snover, Uenrga Handersou, Conrad
Hclimeder, William T Hmlth, Bdwsrd
H Btorgassnd CharlfsH. Welles.
I he oflleors elected wr Wllllsm
T. Smith, presldeut, Henry .1. Ander
sou. vlrn president; Henry Uslin, jr.,
secretary; John W. Fowler, treasurer,
Tho directors alto declared the regu
lar semi annual dividend of U per cent
1h Reiiubllu Savings
and Loan association, of Nw Vork. hav
ing sold ovr li,000 share of Its stork in
Hcrantou, has called n uieetlug for Friday,
eb. U. at 4 p. m , at Its office, Dim Hank
building, for the purpose of elect lug otfl
Cra and directors. New shams win also
be offered for sal, i". 11. Case, manager
agency department, and L O. Gadd, gen
eral manager, will be presrnt and explain
the plan aud purposes ut' the association.
Come sad bring someone with you.
of th Flames ut Edwaid
Walsh's Rsaldsnc Cleared Up
Chief Frber, ol the fire department.
I yesterday investigated the mystery of
i the lire in h I ward Walsh's resideuce
on Ross avenue, which occurred Tues
day noon
'J he famll was awny nt the time
and the children had beenplayiug with
tli tire. It is suppoeed that the yonng
sters thrust a stick into the store and
afterwards left it in the stairway,
where the (times were discovered. The
The damage when adjutted uluouuted
It Will Re the Attraction at Wonder
land Rernaindsr of Wk.
The success of the Wonderland
ttoek company in its presentation of
"The (typsy i en ' at that popular
house during the fore part of the week
insures crowded houses for the latter
part of the week, when "Pygmalion
and delates" will he tii attraotion,
The company is the best repetoire
Company seen In the city in many
Vears, and Mr. Dsvis is to (at congratn
lated on his excellent selection.
, - ,
Old l-'ora Property Owntr Think It Is
Worlh FieTitln For '
Jacob Mule1 yesterday began an
sjeotmont snlt, through his attorney,
lodge W H BtlntOO, against
Michaei and Cathorlne Durkln.
A strip of laud In Old Forgo on foot
wide and l,VI feet iu length is bsing
contested for The parties to tbuit
own adjoining properties nut both
claim the laud.
Books bv Kxpr,
Any person ordering leu or more book
At cue time may have them sent by ex
pies prepaid.
low -. 'typewriters nud LMIson
Phonographs for Sale arid rent. Copying
worketrcnted. Phonographs rented for
u eveulug's entertainment. Telepboue
SSil). Kdw. Iluaster, Jr., slU Hnruoe
Head lea ton A Wnsri's
Aia arath beat. E. J.
Lackawanna aveuu.
and Ballanttne'a
Walsh, igeut, S3
In ,i,
8omthlna Nw
it OS at Oroves', -ill.. Spruro street..
Tlit' Hew oli'er
made to Tribuni'
readers on page '
It is the best
one yet made
Ua Comptt His Iotmded Soo-in-Law to
Psy Cash for th Prlvlleg
Among the marriage licenses granted
by Clerk of the Courts J. H.
'lliomas yetterdsv was oue to Frank
NastB, of Vatesville. and Miss Annie
Super, of this city, and back of that is
oue of the most ruiuautic episodes ever
narrated in the court house. It has its
mercenary side ut well tor while the
affection of the prospective groom und
bride Is sincere and otxlurnts
parent compelled the lover to pay over
$00u before he would content to take
him as n sno-in law
Nana has been four years in this
country and has been employed in the
luinet His bride bst been here but a
short time and on of the conditions
made when the loving twain separattd
was that when Nasta ha 1 saved the re
quisite amount h should send for her,
I hree mouths ago Xasta saw his hopes
realized and he lost no time in sending
the glad news across the water. Tne
sequel came yesterday when Anna ac
oepod Frank gladlv and joyfully, utter
Frank bad accepted th conditions that
her mercenary parent had imposed.
.lilted by a Young Woman He MarrUs
Another Within a Dav.
John Lukss led smiling 80 year-old
Anna Vallogak into the clerk of the
court's office yesterday and asked for a
marriage liceuse.
"You obtained a marriage license
here about a week ago, didn t you '
asked Clerk of the Courts Thomas.
Lukas admitted that on Saturday
last ho was granted permission to link
his destiny with that of lcKusina, a
plump aud pretty maiden of twenty
They were to have been married
Tuesday night but Miss Kusina at tho
last momeut jilted him, and to show
her that if she would not have him
there ware equally as de-irable women
who would, l.e decided to marry Miss
She accepted and that she might not
have time to change her mind they
were married isst night,
- -
Vers fetylleh
The uew process photos al lirovet
- , ,
foi, Butiiis Interests
TBS Tiiuit"vk will soon publish a rare
full COIirbiled and classified list of the
lead lug wbuleaale, banking, manufactur
ing aim professional Interests of Scrsnton
and viemlty, 'i'he edition will be bound
in book form, tieuutlfully illustrated With
pliotegravure view of our pSjOMo. build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc. together
with portraits of lesdlng clriiens No
similar work has ever given an iqualre
pieseutatiou of Sciauiou s many Indus
tries. It will be au invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
person outside th city, copies of
this hamlsonie work will attract
nswromers and b an unequalled
advertisement of tba city. Th oim
latl u Is on a plan thnt Cannot fall of good
results to those concerned as well as t he city
at lares. ltepresentLtives of Thk I nun mi
will oall upon Ttiotr waoa asaae
are pssihek lu this editiou and explaiu
its nature mere fully
Those destilnu views of their residence!'
lu this edition will please leave notice at
the oflice.
Secern! Tjlstrlct Republican
lu pursitaur of a resolution of the
Standing committee of iuV Hupubltcaus of
thISooud Legllatlv dlstrlot, a convtn
Hon will be held in the arbitration room
at th court bouse, city of Scraatnn on
Tuesday, Feb. is ISO, at ti o'clock p.
for (he purpoto of electing cue delegate to
represent said district at the state cuuveu
lion to be htld at Harrlsbuta, I'a , eu
Wtdueedav, May A lsut. Vigilance oein
mittees wili hold prunarus on Saturday,
Feb, IU, betwien th hour of 4 and 1 p. a
V. K Mii.i ii.. Chairman.
A. J. i. i n. Secretary.
Scrantou, Pa., Jan. UU, 18IM.
Englltb, You Koow.
TherASSaOtyp atUroves'. 4S,. Sprue.
The brewers' Protective stsoeiatlon
of Lackawanna county hat ' begun war
ou the foreign brewing establishment!
now doioir business in this city through
agents. It was announced several
weeks ago in Thk Titmt'Nt that anch
action was contemplate, I and yesterday
Churlos Hobiuson, president of the as
sociation, went btfore Alderman
Wright and wore to information
charging certain pvrsons, now residing
in this city, with violating the license
laws of tli stat by selling brewed
liquor without a license
I'll accused are Thomas O'Doyle,
agent for the Hiucbcllffe Brewlnu aud
Malting comnauy, of Patterson, N. J. ,
John Fori, agent for 11. K'tehlerdi Co., ;
or New York, John P. Mahon agent
for Felgenspan At Co., of Newark, N.
J, , Peter Cosgrove, agent for James
Wallace &, Son, New York, Michael I
Cuslck, agent for Burton Brewing com I
psny, of Patterton, N. J. Cotlck wat '
the agent up to Jan. 1, but the com
piny't business lu thts region in now in
the hands of Mr. Kind, of New York
The warrants for the arrest of these
men were placed iu th hands of Detec
tive Anthony Bosnloo, who servd them
on the accused
John Ford at otic wnt befor Alder
man Wright and entered bail in the
sum of Vj for huupparaiie at court
liobert C Wills became his bondsman,
'lb others wiil enter bail today.
The lirewsrt' association of this
county is a branch of tbt State organi
zation. It is composed of the follow
ing firms !. Kobioi'Ju'iHoni, C-itey d'
Kelly Brewing company, Sjranton
Brasrinf eompany, II, Robinson. Key
stone Brswing company, of Duuioor.
and Peter Krautz. of Carbondale. The
association is represented lo the p rel
ent catea by WillarJ, Werren it
It it coutendrd that tbs foreign brw
eriet doing businatt in this county ars
clearly violating tbt law. at they have
storage Louies where they keep ttteit
beer, ale and porter until it can bs dit
poted of Some of the coDcernt do
considerable business, yet uot a cnt of
their money Mows into the coffers cl
the county This the local brewers
say Is a great injustice to thm. as tbey
ore compelled to pay a ttvy license
and thn compete with persans who
pay no liceuse of any kind in tb.s
Toere are a numbtr of other agent;
that the Brewers' association have ou
their list, and a number of additional
arrests may be madi within the nest
few days
If those who have already been ar
rested continue to sell tnev will be
again arrested.
Good Investment.
The n per cent bonds of the iciutcL
Axle works are a very deiirabl- ecur tv.
The works are being enlarge 1 and addi
tional machinery pjt in to enable thsm to
keep up with their orders, which are
now ou to took! sufficient for a great
part ol the year. Applications for these
nouns snonn oe msiie at onceso Smith B
Mott, huaocial agent, whose office is is
rooms and H, Commocwtaith building
B 98
y 88
Feed, Meal and Com - .,.
Highest Grade Miut.
Flour (sacks)
Highest Crude Family b lour
(iraham Flour, 50 lb sack
Rutabagas, per busnel
So la Craokeia, per pound
Soda Crackers, per lb by the bbl
1 lb box Baking Powder.
I lb. box Hiking Powder
i lb. box Baking Fowder
Briar Wood Pipes
01b pail of Fruit Butter
Ltad Pencil, per dor
Pure Nw Orleam MoUss per
Pure Syruo nor leal'iiui
I Hair Brush
gprOM Brushes
Rag Stove Polish, per bottle
Plrst-olaas Tea that we can
: recommend
i BltltS Tea, IJ pounds for
, Choice Cofl ie at
A first-class Cofle at
Smoking Tobaoco and a Cib Pipe
with each pound
Scourine, per pound can
Callie Powder.per pound
Bluing Paddles, worth loc
Canned Hsspbernee, wortii 15-r-ressrved
Blackberries, worth lo'.
I lb. package l ltslsine,
worth 16a., at
Curranis, pr pound
Soud Uackarad, worth iv
Lsrg jr Praserraa, worm $i i
ramblsrt Preservei, worth Sf'Jc
Ws.utaris Water, per -Joz. quart
Halntaril Water, per doz pints
fl .Shoes at
h( BboM t
1 Shoes at .
75 Shots at
i.srge Cloth Ba-et. worth PJc,
eoium ',ioth6 Basket, worth
c 43
Bmall ciotbe Baeket, worth 7e 85
Vhite Wash Bruihei, wortu:. 85
And a great many other
things that we will Bell at
about one-quarter of what
they are actually worth.
We will offer a number of
fixtures in about a week at
loss than one-half their
Dr. Hill & Son
?t teeth V- lc e-:. f (r; "i caps
td teeth without plate, called rrowi sal
bnde work caii for pnoa ana referie-
Ti'N ALULA. lor tztractu lef.L w:tL :
pain, noetaer. Xo fs.
ovr.r. hust xatioKai bwk.
Viohn Rc tal Tonight.
Frederick Kopff will give his third ar.d
Anal violin re.ltal at Y. M. C A. ha'.l to
uight. Mrs. Joseph u Brien will kindly
PR. C C. LAthACH, dtntiit, Gas and
ter company building, Wyoming ave
nue Latest improvements. Eight year in
klcBMBB'a uew Turk ith bath. L'verv
ttnug new. (IN Spruce street, oipisite :
Conn House
Price List
Daisy, $1.75,
Reliable, $1.75,
Househ'd,$ 90
Novelty, $2.10.
I fniversal,$
Have you ever Huntington tried
For oysters stewed or oyster;
At Lackawanna avenue 413
Yon'll find the nicest yon have
Open Until Midnight.
Henry Battin&Co,
126 Penn Avenue.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. linden St. and Adams Ae.
lor hi Hoi si n, .on
All klnilt of Laundry work guarantee!
the bet,
Best Sets of Teeth, $8 00
Including tbe painless extracting
ef teeth by uu entirely new pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
This 1
Small lots, in all departments, to
close out cheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 16