THE SCRAVTOX TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNLNTJ. ,J.iKLTARY 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE R E. WOOD, General Ma'na'ger. rrm.iiUEn dailt and wsigxv i ScnAs ma. Pa., bt mi lHUCM PcnUSBlKO CoiirAsr. New Yobk OrricE: Tmbcjh Bcxibiko. Fhakk A. Gkat. Mavageh. ivitreti at the rottopce at Seranton, ru, fecoti I Mai! Umtter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRAXTON, JANUARY 20, 1SW. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET KOR CO-NllllESSJIAX-AT LAUGE. OALVSHA . GROW, 01-' SL'Sy CEH ANN A ELECTION FEBKUAHV 80 BARGAINS WILL DRAW. There ii no more potent umjiiet i'l the rutin list than ci bargain inMrs Is a real bargain, entaji in pnv and ' Ma!i (ii Quality, ThU (l sfcouw (at rroiedi fAuf osssmM fuiy fo w riffi TRIBUNE'S book off erings. Hut noburyain will attract i if pub lic knoiv.nxboiU it. Vuii eaa'f Ma's ywr bargains wuitV busasl ami s&pscl 'fl (naVaie (-ail. Shed light through out the rejivn by an aHNOMNCSMnl print. Now to:; another body blow ou tha Americau drums. sibly both W&lca is rtsjioa9ibl forth unusual number of high handed rob beris ocourrlug ia all suctions of the state, both iudoori and ou the high ways, tut measures ouabt to b. taken tostoptbetn. Marauders grow bolder continually, aad no parsons art safe either in their own houses or o ces, now-a days. The statute which pre vent! persons from carrying couceuld weapons oujjit to bj modified to as to giv victitufl a chauee for ttieir lenst when attacked. IT is IJUU to predict that Lj'-ieen Vie turn will uut abdicate QOVMXOB UlTOHKLL should hara talked lsss and nawnd more wood. A similar thought ucours, too, regarding Ins uatuesake. Hawaii may wake moaktet'ot us iu diplomacy, but theu, there's the other tide. Our prize tighter cau whip their weight in wild cats. lr wTt.t. UK good news t'j everybody in the Doited States to learn that George VT. t'hills grows distinctly stronger day after day and that this great and good man will probably be spared for greater benefactions aud ampler works of benevolence in the lut ure. OJtEOV TBI reviving sigus of busi ness activity is seen in the number of mills which are renewing work. The entire plant of the Carnegie steel works at Huimstead is ou double turn, and other manufactories throughout the state which have been idle for some time, have started up. It will bl reassuring to thoss who had invested President Cleveland with iuiperviousnesa to sentiment to know ttiat he was overwhelmed, with grief at the funeral of his nephew toward whom be felt all the affections of a fattier, (irover is not so bad aa he is painted by his bitterest Democratic enemies. AD iLLisTi'.A rtoN occlki'.fli yesterday cf the old saying that "murder will cut." This is not always true; there are undiscovered murd rers still nt large and the number o,f horrible and mysterious crimes increases contiu nally. At Lewisburg in this state a long-veiled crime has been explained by means of a written confession. Rs xuorse did the work and not detectives. TBI RRMtiVTTlOX which was offered by tne Dm 'cr itic asnatur from In diana, Tuesday, as n report from the committee on toreign rrlitious on the Hawaiian alTiir 19 manilestly a atrad dle. It evades the qnstion of restor iog the qoetn but infrrentially sup ports Mr. Cleveland and bid ambassa dor there in their position by stating "that annexation is nowise, and inex pdietit" aud then to keep up a show of adhering to the principles of the Man roe di'ctriue adds that "foreign inter vention will be regardel as 1111 tin friendly act " WliPtlier so regarded or not if the 1 'uited States dues not pro tect the RennbltonO form of govern ment there or take Hawaii under its wing either by means of a protectorate or by annexation, foreign Intervention will take place whether it be regarded as uufrieudly or ths revers. The Ha waiian Islands are tne key to the Pa cific, und if we refuse to unloek the doors and take posiession when they tender it tn us, England or Germany will not hesitate to nocept the proffer. Mb, THE FIGHT. So far as interest in the pu,'ilislic contest at Jacksonville yesterday con cerned the principals, it wa much de creased by the apparent difficulty en countered by the lighters in g-tting to gether. The fact that they tiually met and that one, who, as it chances, was an individual esp?cially obnoxious to the Atueric 111 people, was easily whipped, is of lets coussquenoe. iu itself, thou the curious performance of guberna torial opera bouffe which precede I the whole thing, iu au abstract souse it may, perhapi, 1 have been a gainer for morals that preparations for the Aght were sur rounded by mauy eeemiugly formid able obstacles, but there is ground for doubt on this point. The accelerated impulse given to ring oontssts by Clav not Mitchell's final break-dowu will be a serious offset. The serio-comic spectacle of unarms I militiamen, un der executive orders, standing idly be lldl the arena, powerless, after mash bluster, to make legal interference was anomalous. It is humiliating to the better class of American citizens, and it should hasten t'je day when every state shall hava explicit statutes governing crimes of this character. There is no use trying to stem the tide of sentiment coed initiatory of pngilisin. That excess of the "mauly art of self-defense" which takes the form of brutal aud bestial animalism for pay cau never bo m ule tolerable before civilization anl culture. What ever the word,. . of temporary statutes, the moral law against Intemperance condemns it fully as emphatically as it condemns the opposite extreme of physical effeminacy among men. vVhataver form of sport winch pirmlts itself to degenerate below th 1 level of moderate and seemly mauifeatation will eventually perish uuder the popu lar fan. And the prill ring undoubt edly has thus fallen. Tne isfATi.ATiON of a marriel woman fifty- five years of age for a boy cf twenty was so great that wnen she and her eloping companion were re turned to their home at Hazslton, the woman undaunted by her arrest de clared h'tr purpose to stick to the for tunes of the youth. There is no ac counting for tastes as tne woman said when she kissed the cow, and as this woman showed when she preferred bar boy iover to the mature companion whom' she abandoned. It is not surprising that the chair jian of the committee which recom mended the tax on incomes and whis key should spring to the defense of the femur. He has not been asked to de iend the latter bnt it is to be presumed THE RESPONSIBILITY. The responsibility for the deficit In the treasury is placod by the Democrats upon the R -publicans and Jtt the for ur hava not the smallest bislsupon j which to justify their statement We are at peace witn all tuo world, and there are no special demands upon the financial resources of the government; and yet we have an increasing monthly deficit which is likely to aggregate from fifty to seventy-five millions by the close of the current fiscal year This signifies in plain words that the revenue is not sufficient to pay the or dinary public expenses, aud that bauk rnptcy is to be averted only by borrow ing. The Democrats insist that they are not responsible for the situation, and that it is properly attribn table to the extravagance and mismanagemiut of the Republicans. Now let u sea what truth there is in this statement; what bisis it has in fact There was a large surplus in the Vim can o-il'A rc-A-i ,-m urhiph will ),u mr.ra satisfactory to the public than in re- treawry when Harrison was innugu gard to incomes. The opinion pi the majority of the psople ot the United States, however, will diffir from Mc Millin. as will be evidenc;d at the next congressional election. o Thliie is one characteristic about Senator Hill which commands the ad miration oven of his enemies. Ho fights boldly and makes open procla mation of his intentions He places himself in opposition to Mr. Peckuain and announces his intention to defeat that nominee's confirmstion More over, as was said of Corbetr, be is "confident of success," and the vim with which he enters iuto the contest against Cleveland makes an entertain ing spectasle for all observers, j 1 a The uisFosiTiox to take "something'' was so strong among the members of the Dalton gang that when they failed to open the safe of a bank which tbey raided iu Okloboina they stole the Lank cashier, putting him on a horse aud carrying him twenty-five miles into the country, theu compelled him to make a pedestrian tour back to tbe place of starting. There is a grim sort of humor about this which every body will appreciate exeept the un happy official whose feet were probably blistered by tbe time he reaehed the bank again. Thjc interest which is manifested by our citizens in the building of the pro posed bridges was shown by the at tendance and the enthusiasm at tbe central board of trade rooms Wednes day evening, when the representative people of Seranton were present and decided that circulars containing all necessary information for the enlight enment of voters should be distributed liberally. It is to be hoped that wben voting time comes, none of those en titlsd to suffrage will fail to cast their votes for these new enterprises which benefit our municipality so much. It may he tbe financial depression or the inefficiency of the police and pos- rated, they say, and then was none of it left when he retired The country knows, of course, what became of that surplns. It was mainly used in paying off tbe public debt and lessoniug the burden of taxation. A large reduction of tariff duties was made to stop the accumulation of money in the treasury and the peoplo were benefited accord ingly. But conceded that Iho surpliii whs exhausted by nuwis appropria tions, where does the responsibility lie and whose fault waa it that such ap propriations were not prevented'' The constitution requires all bills concirn ing revenue to originate in the homo. Not a dollar can be collected nor ap plied without its consent and direc tion. Which party has controlled the1 house during the past twenty years.' Ouly twice in that time, covering a period of four years, have the Republi cans been in the majority. The Diino- crats have prevailed iu tho lower house in the other sixteen years, and since December, 1311, they had absolute mastery of the financial situation in the sonsa that nothing could ba done In that respect unless they sanctioned it. Tbey had two ysrs in which to pre pare tho way for smooth sailing after the re-election of Cleveland. Why, then, did they not us their power to defeat tho alleged extravagant schemes of the Republic ins and thus keep the treasury in a sound aud healthy con dition' The fact is, that tbe appre prlations made by the oongross in which Crisp was speaker compelling the last two years of Harrison's term were much larger than those in ids by the preceding one in which R:el was speaker. The Democrats are lft to explaiu, therefore, how they cann to vote away mora nnney than the Republicans and why they should not be held reipontlble for the consniuonces which tbey isld have come from such Improvidence. The truth If, Ins inconsistency whioh had always mlrred the course of the Democrats was manifested when, after yelling tbemielves hoarse about "tbe billion dollar congress" and causing re actionary sentiment to make the houie Democratic they immediately set themselves to work to see how they could outdo "the billion congress," which they had eiecr&tad, aud exaeed its extravagances. And they did it just r.s having made hostility to the imposition of an Income tax tbe chief plank in their platform, when thi'y nominated General MoClellan for the prialdeucy against Abraham Llneolu for a second term, they now insist, iu a time of peace, npon that very eitne measure, than characterise! by them as odioiiK, but now the chief feature of thair financial metho Is of relief. The plans proposed by the Democrats for the financial lifflcultixs of the country are ns odious, Inooosttteat and imprac ticable as were the Duuocratic expen ditures which originated in the last Democratic house, thus fixiug upon them the plain responsibility for the present deficit. It is UiitiryiKQ to know that iu the statemeut of the different large oitltw' bonded debt, population and debt per capita the showing ot S -rauton is su perior to that of any other ssve one iu this state. It coats every citizen f this municipality $ HI apiece, distrib uting the debt among our whole popu lation, it costs each inhabitant of Philadelphia $28 99. t coats eaeh resi dent of Pittsburg $12 02. Wilkis llarro is favoredand tho lack of iin provementf iu that city indicates that taxes ought to be low thoro to the ex taut of $4.U8 per capita. There is tio city where taxes exceed ours which gives evidence of such general prog, rcss, well paved streets and attractive uees to the stranger as our own muni cipality. - - , .. POtlTICALtV SPEAKING While in W tikes Barrs Colonel Hnri (VattortOO chatted with much freedom in relation to lew.. The sprightly Times tbua iiuotes him: "So fares tho next bomocra tic nominee for piv-M.-..: in concerned 1 tluuk 1; more than likely that nome man uiiknuwii iiuw to a Mngle ueutlnmau In ihis room, raysel! tnolnded, will be uanied. History shown that the man for the place quickly materialized Polk waen't thought of until within hii weeks of the convention. Mr. Taylor whv. h year before lie tilled tbe Chair, called Z.Taylor, ami was not known scarcely beyond the limits of uis town. Pierce had uo national reputation and was'c t dreamed of for the place until within a short Unix belore his nomination. Much auan, iu bouorable exile, was lost to view when his uaimi carried the convention of Gil. Lincoln. Hayes, Arthur, Unt field, Harrison and Clevelaud were uukuown, in a national souse, two years beroro they were elected. It is three years before an other president will be chosen and three years in politics is a generatinu. As I say, tbeinau who will be named by the Demo crats ia quite likely to be dwelling in ob scurity today. 1 think, however, IteKin ley will be the Republican standard bearer." . SJ Asked what he thought of Mr. Cleve land personally, Mr. Waltersou said : "I want to say that Urover, personally, is a good fellow. He is good compauy when yon kuuw him well, plays a fair game of poker, takes his whisky Btraight and temperately and all that. But he seems to lack foresight, He won't be advisid. He a bullheaded. He runs away from bis party. In short, Mr, Cleveland 19 fatal to his fneuds. " Some foolish fellow in Luzerne narm unknown, sorry to say has contributed .V.o to the Markley wild goose cbae. The sauio authority from which this vagary Is ascertained credits the anti-Hsrriiy fund with fjo.uuo. Uut what 0 that!- Sup it were a uozou times so large:- ttnder tho suu is goiug to vote this spring for a Democrat of any breed' !;.:... break ou the free coal clause pat.' him in a position where lie mmt either champion protect!" . consistently; that is, all along the line, or else publicly assumo tbe role of a great slop-over. By experience we wonld say he was qualified for either role; with a possible preference for the latter. 4t Dr. Wood, of Muncy, andJ. Henry Coch rane, of Willianuport, are mentioned as possible successors to Herring'a senatorial shoes.iucaso Representative Hitler, one of tho best qualified men iu tbe district, de cides to hare nothing to say. s)4 Postmaster Lmery's term expires in March, and these distinguished Williams port D.-mnrrats are understood to bo M16 ceptlMe to persuasion when it comes to filling the vacancy: Uoiooel Embiok, Thom as Duffy, J. M. Wolf, Major Lnca, W. H. Kiess, Colonel Foresmnn aud Colunel Wil son. The financial jnriness of this par ticular plum is symbolised at t3,QO0 per anuum. Iu the matter of posiofnces, by the by, that at Allentowu isn't bad. U pays Its beneficiary J2,8'W and Is coveted by at least live Democrats who suspect tiiom-M-lves of posse-sing irresistible political valne. There, for instance, is Cyrus Kuntz; also, A.T. Frederick, who, as au ex-deputy, knows the run of the "job; " Court Crier Dallas l)illii)j;er; ex-Clerk Jami-s Crader and ox Treasurer Schadt. Banker Wright backs Crader; State Chairman Wrlgbt sup port! Dillinger, and Kuntz has the ear of Congressman Kidman. With the other two, it's a go-as-you-please. Next Saturday afteruoou, In Philadel phia. Candidate .'ames Denton Hancock will exhibit himself before tbe followiuK rural friends: State Chairman J. Mareliall Wright. Attorney Omioral W. V. Hernial, Congressmen Erdman, Reilly. Beit .hoover, Wolverton and Krlha, EckTsy B. COM, of Luzarne; R. E. Wright, of LrliitU; J, Davis ilroadhoad, H. S. Cavnnaugh and Robert E. James, or Northampton; Charles Robinson, of I.ackawanua: Iteujamlii Myers, of Dauphin: A. M. Holding, R. Jones MoDaa-hno and O. H. Dickinson, of Chosier; Henry J. Cochran, of Williams port; (ieorgo Fleming and W. J. Rrennan, of Pittsburg! Internal Heveuue Collectors Do Is mid Herring, Chauncay F. Black, of Vork, and J. M. Outlay, Pat Foley and John Larkiu, of Pittsburg. Uuveral city folk will be present, tn do thu honors; such pert ohnpi aa National Chairman Harriiy, Banker-Editor Singerly, Utillec tor John R. Read aud Postmaster Willie wilklns Carr. No admission will be I -barged, each cau rork up what ho likes. A mon u the growing signs of a tidal wnvn Kepiiblienn victory next month is the fact that Hancock's state committee Is circu lating 41HI.IW0 copies of the Democratic statu platform. PH0-RE:N0S 'Ufcrt DRUNKENNESS. iyioUttfct'iuilnjsAiwi nUraoU tot (UaU,M4i'iM yoi, cruWi, x Cnrej ths Tobacco Ht tssily without dis- com fort ppose Who AVOID THE GRIP BY WEARIN'H Fleece Lined Hygienic UNDERWEAR This is no convinced. fake. Try it ami be CONRAD, HATTER BSLUNG AGENT. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, V VOMINQ AVp . BCKANTO Goldsmith's g Bazaar ilk Department Moire, Miroire and French Antique. The Latest and Richest Novelties for street, evening and house wear. Such is the decree of Dame Fashion, and we can now show the various designs and qualities of the same, rang ing from $1 to $2.75 per yard. Style HTKINWAY ft SOS DKCKEB BKOTIIKlia liKANICH & UACai BTU1TZ haiti; an PIANOS f.n-n large atuck oC flrst-oUis ORGANS MUSlCAIi Mi:it( II ANDISU SSUblC, ITC , I. IC New French Ginghams of our own importation, in Knotty, Swivel and Crinkle effects, gotten up by us in one and two dress lengths and positively no duplicates. Early buyers we think will be greatly pleased with their new beauty and orig inality. Laces and Embroideries For Spring, 1894, now ready for inspection. The Hue is larger and prices lower than ever before. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. GEE F.L. Crane's Hew Prices FURSI FURSI Mercereau & Connell SOT LACKAWANNA AVEXUi: DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables. Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a-Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties CAPES. 18 INCHES DEEP. French rni-y Cape, 1 Inchca Jetp.. Astrakhan cps, " .. Atitrakhnn t'tpes, " " . . Atarakhan Capua, " " .. Hyud Opesssai Capes " " ,. Moatey Capeg, 11 " ,. Monkey Capes, " " .. Nat. Otter f'apna, " .. Nat Otter Oapssj M " KrlmnaT Capita, " .. HeaV'T Capus, " " .. Nuiriat'apoa, " " .. Seal nr IVrnian Capes " " . Alaaka Seal ( 'apt-a, "' ' .. Alaska Seal Capes, " " .. MiakCapas, " " .. browu Mai tun Capa " '' .. NEVERSLIP I V IU tl 00 15 l"! H mi !.. 11) IS uu 2s oo : lit 10 IK j wanna. jo uo i5l)0 THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE BEST. E CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. Aatt-akhnn Copes, iuchtu Jeop JiO 00 Baltic Sea Cap. " W UkMs -eal Capea. " iS 00 ptsqi h Cooef CapeSj " tl 00 Mink Capos. 5010 Brown Mai tun Capes, " ...sow Monkey Capea, " IS 00 Highest Cash Prices Paid for Raw Furs. Repairing Furs a Specialty. Removable and Self-sharpening Calks, We are sole agents for Bradford, Columbia, Lacka- Luzerne, Montour, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, State cf Pennsylvania Catalogue on application. THE WESTON MILL CO,. SCRANTON, PA THE Upholstery Department -or Bittenbender & Co.,Scranton, ffllijSer Wholesale and retail dealers' tn Wagonmakera' and I31ac'.tsmi'.lis' Supplies, Iron and Steel. Bt AKk HOOK S ANK BOOKS MEMORANDA MS Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. CANNOT BE A SECOND JACKSON. Tliat vetieraulo "ciiokoo" organ, the. La&oaster lutelliKaucer, sayaol the Pock ham appointment "It is our InriRuieut that tho proaldeut la not wise Iu this move ment. Hi- la nnt strong enough tn du tha net. It ia not Jackfontau, aa it may look to be, because It baa not tbe party ayinpa thy behind It. Jackauu a vigor waa In Ills lH)ld leadership of tho Democratic baud, who followed Mm bliudly under tho part Hag. There Is no aucb chance to ( le e laud to gather bia party beblnd hlra, In nppointnientH to piaw aa rew arils tor op position to Democratic men and move meuta in tho atatet." It Way On Badly THelntegratad. Racloiter I'oit L'jtprt$i. Mr. Wilsou abouhj tla n string to bis bill; otherwise he may not bo able to identity it alter it gelt into tbo ueuate. On rh Net Sustained. Kviht ttr Mill i'xpr.j,. it is mean for the Republican pspors to charge the Democrats with tha failure of the ice crop. Office Supplies o! all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADING MAKES. Fine Stationery W I BT, W ATER M A N ami V K A V K LIU FOUNTAIN PENS. AU Uuarauteeil Agents for t'rawfonrs Peus :ind BuckVl Flexible Rubber Stamps. Foote Sc Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. LACKAWANNA AVli LM CEMENT. SEWER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOB PLASTERING. PIPES, FLUE LININGS Penn Avenue, lis replete with fine and i medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new DO YOU SELL? OB ARK YOU MAKING PRESENTS ? of Mixed Oavudy, Clear Toys or any style of Candy ui Nut. ExprOM Wagons, Veloi ipcilcs. Tricycles, lioli Cabs, Drumi in Toys i" everv kind. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO fCRANTON AND WILKES BARRK. PA. MANUFACTURERS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeueral Ottice, SCRANTON. PA ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STO WEARS' DELICIOUS, MILD 8UOAH conBD HAMS. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF ABSOLUTELY rtTH.B LARD. LARD BRANDED. " THADauppLiED TH STOVVERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA DOLLS China Patent DoUs, lkills. Wax Jointed Dollt, Dolls. auy kiuil oi'Uoll iioni 25cto!3 SLEDS OR SLEIOHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, iu Maple. Oak or Iron, from '25c. to $15.00. BICYCLES We Lave tbe goods aud our prices mo riht. Wholesale and retail. D. WILLIAMS & BRO, Av. 314 Lac U. a Weinskoa 8PCIALTV uf supiiljrlnu o itiittwvv for Snudy HSSW rir, rsstil otu Tail BLOOD POISON 5 V. undirfUsuacty. bMkad b lawVjts. M. itivt iitwU MM lOU-fMN b.igfc, tllaMratW trom I fend naryflill. Out Mjttflfi ftmAdv 1H I DOittimr cur. COOK HiaKUI CO , Alssfo, III. I . : , . I