t _ ~~~ ; Mak*, 401,4% truism* IA IsoB. ii**4ll,ollo 14 ° A A9&. 11 not ;ff • MEI , "Um' c9urn't volemwir_pAopzont L itt 'GEL WOWN MT, *my There Is no device 00 contemptible, =4 no crime too gtotiti fOrihe s4 o k 4oPilbli! cans to mitnniit *henihnir.leiiio of Pb' lei Is `ln da 9ge r, T 6 ' TaWtitin iteir plitioiti su., prenatal', thay will..voser,ttOas many, altd m moan Welts ,ai they Practiced too obtain It . otiflinikbYt 11 ; . 11 111 tearoB o ; ' I, Ono of the moat petty of Aoki favorite de":: vices ii that Of 'cnerupting tin!! MIMI' of tho rising generation,by putting into their handi, the plausiblalsolioods of designing l'an . kce advent ureis, In the shape . of. school books. .. , • . - \ Years .befern' filo l'atO terrible war was brought 14003.1,1',,,b1 Y:ankaa agitittiont .the, ht,ritaniet,d , linnikol .101fAtfed tbron,Blo4. the nattutriltillital ,o 41$ llorth'Orb lieol9 Bl , against thetr'Outtkrratfultriittf,SaOlif,- 4a. contrived to introduce their Olin ettniof. books into tneo of thh. ,, Norilarit'enhoall t for the postio#i.-„or Prgtaring.o4 tolndi'of the rising gene ration for the gran s trciniti.ida in ilivor of aholitionktm and negro equolitY. , , The imtneditite 04181)610414s of the Win ' rific• hung gliskere s burited old wonion for witchi l • pressed men to Acid* for sorcery, robb'ed, tho Indians In the mint open and shameless. manner, ; and imported slaies by ohits'klds into the Southern States, flooded the echOois of the, Northet:n ,Stutes with biziohtt Inculda-` : dog the doctrine that negro slaver wai.ihe worst of all possiblo . sins, and tbat the South' • ern people wars a race of heartless wretchei,: deserving of iotal . ,eiterminntion. , In 1848, 4,he ,Lilo. of 'Fred. Douglas, writtev by hitaself,". woo used. as a readipg book in curtain sohools in flew jentey, bit-1 tor!, denouncing Southern inelitutions, aid' gradually filling thn youthful. mlitils Atha studied the insidious iinyonei , with a ptqi, tetniciti hatred ,ge the Southerti piople—the fellow•couittiiiien'of Washington; SoffOreon and Jackson—and a' desire to dissolve the, bonds . of the Federal Union for Which our' forooish4Obitillt and ' 411 e4- ' ':" ~' ,;'' ...... ''' ,rho stung was the case , in o;her Statoe, and the sante', bi the case' afpreient. ,It, is roll known that in noarly all the Nortli t itru States, for years past, the nisch Reptit t li• cane have used every effort to obtain istati• jority of the school board.;o4ol4lo the Demooratiotith incredible, `atttpidity,,baYe iiequently peimitted them to stecomplhih, The consequence Is that many of. , the soligol book' now, inkon in nni.o3 o ,bb Ve TRl9te with the meat perniciOus of Black Boliabli.. oandoctrittes, ' • • ' . . ~ , • A munple is now before us,. s olititled if.A.n-'• .1% demon' s Davenport's 'Story of alt.. United states,' published bar .. riab Hunt ?s Son,' 1 4 4044014 ~ *A, .I,#. d is - *06,4*90 , ( 1 1 590* 04 InittiiiiiiiiiVhloh reiSiskoriti t` 4100 4 iliii41klirilik 01 inia 440; #4 Si Ili 4.. . :. :00 4 alt 4:4o,Acqrq4 . :FiLiapt $ , .',, , ' l 4ololi t v ale- of . ifk a c jitivw,n •' w.. We.. 10 :to' -08.1ato lOW* l lAtipin` e 1 ~ - ` liintith u l no Stitei;ltrhile trot S .iverd;ii• ' o** t' in , ' the Italo t Of the strocioun, of illhe torsireirekthe heree•thier end' Tuuditile.i- Ql4. Johi 40:fent who invaded the; soil 0,404 alitea4o*lsertY and ends* '#',!!4l;4 ttIOAT4O/10 the United , Slatell iiimitWi Penh atttlnitot - down not onl*,,eithoine nt *NI*, but, United la ,bpt4s matitite.ioA4rinstot*,4l 4 deii. • ibia*‘• , Lblininitriteldttipim..l49o,ond good 'at)tn, A A l 44. l o4 l olfloolikd 04004r:40A saint . ---A af,:iii.f-L - - wio Joao to lon . atiitlit connection' ‘ / the tattle by this tery*l t ll i e itistipian t ,Tke credit of a lu 'piping 01": le otA tifittualfsi costly' given to li*PloPev ' lie 0,i,1in7,.60P00tn, i ' events . ei.,11 .` ttime favi t 4 44 of blow* *iqin .444 eiiiirtot 14 do , feat or one *Wei at ihe wend battle of Ball Run. The only potash in the , book, (ew 'opting one of Washington . which ia placed at the bottom Of a chaptydia one of Lincoln, ;thick, ift . stria* ` a prominent position at the bead ote I:4ipter, while his Emancipation Pialatintilen la even litsiniplenouttplace 4 .alter, n 60 ,WOlsitotien'alt4ipendenee, and 0 010ie the COnetitotion pf OM Unitedßtates I The above are only 'a few i , ;fitleprothinerit, ebaraeteristies of this Yankeo electioneering' docinnent;, It ii only a simpie of the - kind of 'works "Mph *Mk Republican fanatics ' brie , Win and 1011 are en/ilavoring to 41- (reduce into our Schools. : .;, ' '4ll Democrats . ahperd hien their'gtiao egatait 4ch inhieitons publkations. They i shout() take care to claim their proper ve-, presentation in all..sehool boardi, • and IA 1 , have all ,each pernicious works kept out of r the school,. -- The tuorepeity,.coWardly and conteCoptible an electioneering dodge may 1 be, the more hi 'tho probability that the RI010101: wit! at4l ll o to make use of it. Finir tinible•yeave °fiat, and fout).depress•- lug years of debt and texiatioa, lave resulted from the m achinations of the won . whaissue .and endayse,aUch taind•poisOnipg works as , that above•mentioned, and it is the duty of . Democrats, everywhere, to put (stop to ail ends attainPta l to engraft, upon our common wheel system a stock which will bear poi sonous fruit for, years to come. ..v Deptocrats, w a tch your school boards and 'school booke,.and,see that this evil hi rune- Alec!! ( . ' ! , ' , REE .!' ink MI ~~. ~," MEI . • ,Tpq~ 19,;1889. Tbo PhiladelPhia Ledger Stfits that Jo , 'seph Cabot, President of the Allentown iron Company, the office, of which is in Phifader. phis, has been 'Ocoyered to bo a defttplter to tho amount bf oieF'sloo,9oQ. , At patralo, 0, F. Thomas and P`anieti M. Johnsoil, tiomber's of a, firm of 'publiebeis; have been arrested • for defraud• ing thelovernment of a quarter of a miifieti dollors'.. •.The parties:aro °barged with ob tarning receipts for printing blank eavelopes to that Amothit.jho fraud 'was,eonsuintnated through 11,, F. Lee, late chief clerk of the post oilide., ir,ho itemised were held to bail in $16,046 each: • , • TELtGRAPIIIO NEWS. FROM **SUINUTON. The Negro lire Brigade-*Septentho ;Session —Beast RUMP 440. ' , • • WauutuproN, Aug. 20.!--Bverp - white man }tore is rciolc!ing togday eve' the action 0 the Board of Fire OomMitisioners, in remov ing all the. negroel from. their places .in the Pre Department and tilling the rant posi tions with Citilte , Men. Our people now feel _lt Beale of security, to which they ki i iv q boon strangers since last June. • Under negro. control the city was in- constant -.4nger. 7 . !rile records of the Radical papers here show that . net a collect, alarm ~of fire has been bounded by the tire telegraph since the negro government installed its men over , its con- Vol, and all 'of the' city journals agree that the nteam,fire engines have tuit . iticeedded in r endin g a single . tire in time to do any good. Were it not for the Government steam en• gins fire brigade,the public fed •privitte pro• poity)airdwoutil have, 693 t at the mercy of the incendiary., Somtfof the negroes whom the Mnyor'nnd biu negro Councils . have ap• pointed to . control 'the' Piro Departme t ut proved to 4.6,ihe.*oroi4esperadoeti, Sirrsunsti:esastog.. • It I. believed here thatieungiess will meet again in Septetuber for. the purße s se,ef devis• Measures for the nuuttpultition of . the Southern electoral vote. . • unTLER To un IMPEACHED. Butler bitrittelfia likely to be investigated ,when he seta back to Washington., If some . of his enemies prove trite to their word it 'is alkid that the ,tablei can be completely turned upon him so far as ettenipta at' bribery are concera4 ead-that evidence is ie thehanda of some parties here to cou,vict him. VllOlll maw NEW Yotig, Aug. 20,--While the Houston street feriy‘boatGeiard gturiesant was On her sray.to New York. front Williamsbnrgh, at 8:o'clock last night, an uOtiowp wninnn,. About of age, wearidg .long black silk mantilln,junved of,erboard and was lost tolight, althEnigh every, exertion •was wade 4. the officers of the boat to find her. • \ TILE CATTLE ,DISCASE. • Four horde of , cattle, each containing an affected by tha plague, arrived in the lieliihbp:rbeed of Now York yeaterday—caly Oqe o 414 1 h o ever, reached tho city pro. 4;" this one la at Dutra Head, The others have beeo placed, under strict loaratiOne. i •, STILIt TlWlllitlitt • • Ban Paatfoloop, Aug. 19.:,- 7 Naho adr ices ofingust lithp'otate that judgdliarer, !the Pee*tatleceoiliclate foe ,Oclogress,i4 800 ietesti. pe election is claimed hi_ 600 aro,. • e pasaetigo; troioa entike,central Pacific( rnilcoad are now renniug . 2Bs -miles east of • . lipkimnockto._ ; officers acid crew ofthovireOptisterou.; l ahip ilowittiWved lietet.o4ay: • - The crevAANLeeraofthO l atip*Adobon, loot . son. Jots 19, saved "4 1 1 1.- "..' T 4 , 1 ♦ 4 . TrAir.„ teifte • , . HIGH PieAelltS. AsMier Oust Orono Id'hor I . T he fteme all=The Wreelge(!, 00,144.. ed news frem Berlin t 10 , 1, ,, peal;bas bien oo7eomint by three haeOre4 0. bale been enrolled in the raPil art* r,eiralte were arr e sted Alike 14;41fl 4 ptia 4e.. Ow, and bay!: 44 m 1 / an*roAto the galleys' for periods varying 'from Aimee to fifteen years. The appeal dates that the three huadreAleserters .bad been deceived by promises held out to them at the time of enrolment, which had not been afterwards adhered to. The intervention of the Pros. sian Ooveivmeht is implored. • Saxony - hoe declined the invitation of the Russian government to take part in the mil. Bars conference relative to the use of ez plosiiiibullets., The conterenee will open at St. .Petersburg on the',l6th of October, saki the,North German Confederation will be represented 14 , Prussiaonly.' .The "submission" on On part of the enialler Stat.*. is, of course, sneered at in &once, but it is perfectly in accordance with the principle 'On whieh the North German Confederation was fabled. By the terms of the Union Preside was to have the command Of the North german artny, and the' control in Military affairs.. Poland:—AAVarstiw correspondent of the Daily News says that great consternatien has been, caused in the Palish capital by the nesys..that M. Ohryzko l `one of the most pop ular Men in Wireaw l and a prominent men- , bee of the Natignal Government of 1863, has 'been condemned to be' chained to wail; in the silver mines of Akatonia, the most dreaded of the Siberian prisons. M. Obryzko was banished to Sib,eria during the ineurrettion, avid when the revolution broke out in Siberia last year, ins employed in one of the, Govern' ent establishments in the \vicinity of Irkutsk . .. There .he prevented many Poles from joining in that in. surrection. This beneficial interference was duly reported,' and the Government; reward. ,ed it,'says the correspondent, by transport ing Di. "because' his evident in. fluefice • with,his countrymen 'makes him dandrous," . The war against the . Polish language is still continued. Rome.--A very signifleont item-of intelli• genes comes front Civita Vecchia. A short time ago a number of Frolic!' soldiers wore returhed from the garrison at Remo on furlough to France. It is nowt said that the force which ' has been gent -Out to repleco them is, greatly superior:,in number. This, of course, Means that the French garrison , at :Rome is to 'be increased. • ' TUE CATTLE PLAQUE IN EEE6PE. Aecoiding to all Accounts, the cattle dia. vase which has broken out in Russia is identical .with the rinderpest which has caused such devastation in Britain. What *eveti may be its nature, it is spreading with alarming rapidity. • khns nuvr broken tout in sonio•distrsets of truesia on tie,rolish frontier. Some per. Rene who bad eaten meat of animals infeeted, bocame.sotiouily ill, and have been sent to iaiaretto for treatment: "All possible pro. cautions have been adopted to prevent the apron(' of the contagion." SerMerle and UMW. Oenlocratic Enthusiasm Alt over the ani;Atril —Meetings in• New Yoik, Ncto fersell, - ntut othe6States. , NEW POITUIIKEEPHIE ) August 20.—0 n Tuesday night,there,was nn ininteimo Ineeting.here— the hirgest" ever held to ratif y . the nontinn tioni. Speeches were =de by lion. Homer A. Hon. S. S. Cox, mullion. E. O. errine.. . • )(MINOS IN NEW JERHEY. TRENTON* A.4.10.--: , ,Meotings have been hold,'Mid are to he, idoiver the State. 'The Democracy are terribly in earnest, and will roll up a rousing Seymour and Blair ma jority. h) WiIATqNNSIt/XANIA IS POINO. -- • \--===-- (Correspondence *venlmg Ilaral4,l . ASTON * I,ktigiist 19.—Ye3terday an 'im mense meeting bf the;Dentotracy of North ampton county hem here. senator Buchlew and Hon. Wm. A; Wallace made tolling' speech'es r ,In the evening Centre Square wati crowded, and General McCand less, of your city, and Ediard Harvey, of Allentown r spoke. We have a rousing club of White Boys in Blue up here, and county will do better nt the coming electiOn than ever glee dill, • From North V4trollito—Aft IsitOrehlusgr 01 tipteebOto. RALEIGH; Aug. 20.-- - -The North . Carolina Democratic State Convention has adopted a resolution inviting an 'interchange of speak• ers between the North and South during the present campaign, and instructed the State Hecutive Committee to select two or more Of their) ablest speakers and'best men to come Ninth and represent to the masses of Otis section the true political feelings and the condition of the people•pf that State. Imporisisiitewit from iieurlfiniy—The lien, Defe4ted• LoNnoX, August 19.—Advices have been received hero from Rip Janeiro to July 31st; by the regular mail steamer. , The allies, to the number often thousand, had . attneked Fort Humaita,on July AO, but were repulsed with toss' said to *amount to • - • three thOnsind. " - • A sitnuiteneons,attack trunk on the Para. gueyaa defences in the Ginn Chaco had bedn also repulsed. ; - . `lmportant iktatement of chief Justly" Chase., a. WAsuiXtriex, AugUst 29.—Chief justice Chase 'has returned here from his official ,visit to-. West Virginia. lie. expresses his opinion that the Conservatives are largely in the.ascendaney in that State and will control the Prepidentiallikket. . ' Wire Murder. !kftt l itoN, Pa.., Aug. 20:—A 'eoloreo mon, named Joshua Jones, shot and killed` his, :Nri(e t 'while walkipg with - her . :this itrieroo9l,l,,, 14 ceiittit Ortiiii .l 4 this town.' escaped sip) has flatlet bon captured. • ,!, _Ater' .tionts fo) _ _ the ...great titan oitais Leann. N. C., on Thursda , with his ArOat cat from ear to ear,. and a. maze fled ,to hiti body.. The SPOO4 , !hula!' in'a creek.. A Wank° teart'whe.• j _ttPtik with hint the day before, it sup ell' Duo: murdered the captain for TOO vii,1111:40 had' with him. , • , I,k . ''... ~,,' , • , ' --The letterofthe 1 ed I n h ,-- e gang concern t e "tireat Ilennehoir robbery 30 eaid to be in ,Eu. rope. He is' a dissipated young Man ofgood' family, named Saeger ' who lavished consid • erable property willed to him previously.— The robbery ' as surprisingly well planned ,fne a novice:, • ..$ 1 , . -7-Thad. Stevens ,bequeathedto Mrs. Smith, his mulatto - "housekeeper'? the sum of $5OO per annum, or the sum of .$5,000 in hand, at • her option i also • certain-Nrnituro used conjointly by himself and the colored lady Aforesaid, ',Wonder what partititlar ar 7 tide of furniture Thad. meant, and whether It mu; a mahogany four-poster or n•tuaple? It will be cut up into canes and sold, probably —said canes to be donato_dby"loti" persons to townships losing the stoallc . st number at Radical votes at the coming electiOns. —The dead bodies of five men have beon found near Fort Scott, Missouri, supposed to haie been'Texati drovers,.who were kill ed by the Indians or some of the bands of robbera in that section. T I iDAV'S ADVEIiVINEVIENTN. FREE PIC-NIC, AT TILE • MILITARY GARD'EN, FiATURIAV 181114: A cordial invitation is extended. to all lovers of plant to bo prent. ' - Dan te cing to Zolutnenee at 7 (01N+. A good BAHD:ov Moto has been engaged for thet occa sion.' K. it. tiOOLMAItT, Proprietor. Auir.2l-3.• lictenerohor' & **hiller Vereiinue LADIES' PICNIC. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS promised for the above pje-Nteaie tespoottldly' roquostod to ho sent to Mo. Ph. illaullnger. No. 612 Penn street, by tilispnitsloy Lv( Ming, August 22, or notice zany be loft at her house and she will sond for them. 111...Coutributions that-limy be :table to suffer from long keeping, may be sent in until Igesdav nwrning. at 9 o'olook. aug 21-3 SALE OF TOIIIIIIISTONEPi AND DIOXIN_ MENTS.—Tombsnos and Monuments of dif foront kinds can ho bough t , at any time; vorY cheap, in iith stroot,,nfar alnut, Hendll. They will he sold singly, or by the lot, if desire • nug 20 3-t • JOSEPHINE B 1111. f. CO* AND .CALVEOIII IMAM % A COW WWI CALF, -Wit w It be sold at)oltAo 10, after the closing of the arket, inM ar ke t t Square, on Saturday next, August td, 808, the hi_ghost bidder.' TRIMS OABII. atig,2o-2t• " DWELLING HOUSE WANTED. nn $i 00 NVII N JEN T DWIII,LING 110 M IS %ranked within . A reasonnblo• dtstanco of Tti an Vifth streets. between' Hits time and the rat of otobor, by 0 small faintly. MA" nt the o co 'of tho . .1)A11.1. EMI L% a 10 t f R. Reollll4 De DAUM ICUJIIN. • ( OFFICE AND RESIDENO.II, pfko k gt 4:o* and , I.JHUO* 'I, ATRE, COMMIE! ENBACH'S HALL! Tli f AU 08 & 610 Penn St. 3. 0, - - Loaoo arid Mitingor. CESS . . RE NEW AtTEACTIONS! GltE ret• appearoooo of LLIE ST. °LAIR, MI, fi l o to tito N !atile actress and &memo from id Philadelphia Theatres. , 'lrst appearance•of AARTA in tho Groat' , 'AMMENT MAT. Second week of WART'S MINSTREL, ST in new songs, °lionises:tie. First night o f ( the Roaring Farce. WRONG :BOTTLE! Firs night of the FitEHOMAN'iI 'BURIIA . U. _Urge and best show ever in Reedit g. t rofo nance every Sagunto) ternoon for. I adios and Children, at:2 o'clock. Ad Adm i ssion 25 Cents ; Orchestra seats 85 Cont. s' Ohihir n Riots. -Doors open at. 7.% I curtain rises at Bo' lock. Friday Evening, Augn,ll 21st., BENPFIT OF MR. T4OB. HAYWOOD:4. agu 17- f . . , _ SECOND 'GRAND . .. GIFT lIISTRIBUTION ‘ ! f ' HY THE . • Goad Will Steam rite' Oo .. • .. se ' • 1 OP ~AALENTOWN. , ON WEDNICHDAY SEPT 2 1609 ' The i ; good Will Steam Vire Company of Allen town reuld hereby respectfully announce to th °Meow of Lehigh and adjoining counties, that in obedience; to oft repeated andstrongly, 'exp ts ressed wishes real the part of many of theticket-holde in their firit gi ft onto/Prise, they IfOre dote/alined upon an d made all the necessary arrangements for a aeco d grand gilt drawing, °Me NIPOn a much larger scale than the one they last• winter 'brought to so stivesaful and satisfactory a tertnlnation to all: as ticks t-helders. The pro Posed _pew enterprise ,will be made up • of 25,0011' tiekets, and the value ofthetilits to bo awardeas prises will amount to SM,OOO, the highest prise onsistlng of , $l,OOO IN (SOLD clog t 11 14 r As in the past. se in this, shall ho esty. fairness and impartiality • characterise the li t:wing. Our last enterprise gave universal Banta tio,n: Every thinrdrorgised was duly carried ou t, Is admitted by RUK and the tnenegers of this nerdy inaugura ted driveing pledge themselves that from this rule there' shall be no deviation.' 'Vie pro fi to arising will fall to the treasury of the Company, and. to bo applied; to a purposd that'sulely benefits the pub. lie. We therefore hope for the same liberal en eourement extended stain our first undertaking of th a character. which it all we need , o insure a perk Success. Considering the object. it must coital ac t ly commend itself to the public; the dis pense loos of fortune will certainly both largely reward nail agreeably surprise a large proportion of lose who may be disposed to 'try their luck. R ygalNeea r Hon. 11.0. Longnegicer, Hon. . . Dri geli,ifen. 0. B. $e all, Hon. J, D. lai Iles, 0. 17. Haus: edor "Allentown Deraoentt,"i Rhoads* Kern me rchant tailors; Henry Bitting, dealer in . Hats and L Caps. _• Soipel, Shlmer dr Co. 4 wholesale groterst 0.- B. Moser. druggist: Christ . .k Sam, dealers in Hats and Caps. • . .f r .14 4 1,D. Iteichard. flole AgentS N r the city of Head ing. Tickets min he had, o f im, or at the ow and HarrollihoteLsorner of 3 and Per streets. . t 1 24. W. .WOLLIf; Cheirman x , - flue' I t• - • AllentoWn. I'. 0. ra. 11 ,1 2 1IANCIr. PQR SA.LE,' The KOCK spa FIXTURES of a mtuomty and TRIMMING STORM, on Peri# Street. doing D,Arst , ctoss btudnosP. •Reamo*—going to leave 110 . 9it.Y •Address ; • . lIIIIINERYIt TRI P - ' . . • 0 01) 'th BA, LE OPPten. . nEYMOMt n [Fttipppr piton bad, lit the HA ,op OVUM Eima a 21-1* • **Oa DISTI IOT ATTOlUvalt, ' 1 r ' .1" 0 -th• F 1 , - * ii 4 :r' ' I? . .., 01: atref ! 'ma ' 01. *. . I s' ' . I 1 :t '''' Dis t t: '41, 0 1164 1 .74 `4 'O, . N"'"1- , 7viVn krill. a ka i dati r the 9 °,1 ' Wild itS: c l n og ! Ili 6. lt ti Viit f ul_rrisktt fievl i kottuta; ',mow,. e b: ruccwmis I. 0 tolu.Vs t o nom us girebilltritittegAig N e tt:l ° 4e* it ) Ati l t a%IIT;, to ' . testily end eotittety. • ISRAEL O. BECK Elt i Reading. July ta,lBi;f3. . . . • • tr _ . tit' .4811ENtLY, 1,11/E hatte,beea j110010)Siitt to announce te name ii)t xliebael illocoditioMigli, or t he city of Ikbading, ass carictldate for Assembly, int- Jeri to the dectrion or the Democratic Delegate Convention. 1- ' sus lot! FOR OOUNT! 0010118SIONER. 'CUR have !Lynn autborittl to eXITIOUtiee 1t11) VT name of willholiaOUlT /LS s On* date fur O e untY • Oorantissioner, au eat to the de cision of the Deetoenstio Deltirate ovum% 45-if • WORMOUNTY AUDI •HI Wig I.lMtlitsen'autholit to aeure the v_ v earner of ivtimuke p. 1,1. 4 ing of mond Township, as IR gendyer or too Aud torottb- Jett to tho deohaono the next Domotratio veto gate COWYcliitiOtl. • iieWorit Atlilud2o • 1868 . 44 1 4 TOR .itIREOTOR THE TOOR.• • WO THE VOTERS Ok-lIERIS? the subsoil ; announ i toyse as oandldftto for Director of o Poor. eu ict to tho , ttetlision tho DetnoerAtio eleglitoi O. If nominated epd elected, tey wholo'endes r be to belie num conducted in a hunts anefeconoudoat ntatt notkeing committed ' to any titan or perky of won to Nift that y' out this or measure to the in- Jury of (No ti4-payets an 4 ott l iirs concerned. % an. lEL 1). LORA ' Lower Heidelberg. itutr.ls.. SO.- • . DIR FOlt cOUNTY COMMItit,:a6NEI3, ' • rlrio TIIII VOTHIMQP Ilk KS COVNTY,—IIay- II lag been senate(' by a large nail of Itionds. il l I otter myself as a eilidate for the o icof.Qci tit ty Coallelnioner , att eet to the dee aon of t 6 Detcmertitio Delegate °he% ands Quid 1 e suceessfal in obtaining t he rmailnallon , and o elected, I pledge myseitto ischarge ty dutine to tho best of, my ablitty,,a4 protect the fitOreSte Of Tr,e t the chit no Oldie CoulliY. ItbiNßl' ItU)Lli, Reath 6. Augus%l7-to :. ,/ • • , • - El I.OW 11114110081131.—Incourated Vf I f I. ttioxery libel uppcft ) , given Me 144 year y the Democratic uAy nvention for,the Sla e Legislatute, and or hie I am very thetikftd. •I again ,olfer myself, s a candidate Int UM' Immo ogle°. inbject to the decision of. the tont liletno erotic Delegate, Donyention.' /ft unuldriate 'aid . elected, I pledge myself to use every °fort to pro mote the. beet interests or the rioltural. labOr lug and mechanical classes of the, Piptriet, end of the mass of the people geeefally, as 101V1t111416 . -_ • RIMPOCifUIIY YOUT4. 42.6 • a 64 ft A. 1. KtqFFII mukscior.Likilso MOTZER'. tly :HOKE'S : (thinnevly . A. Bouiimliehl'a). FREEC C E 4,1. 1 *ALOON, UNDER• THE POST ;OFFICE, , . ROADIXO •PA . • . ' • 'II AVM! bought out Mr. A. Ileakumehre Sa• L loon, under tho,Post °Mee , the undersigned announce that they iftt continue th'e husiness•un-; dor the above firm, and glroylde all the Varieties of entertainments rot Welt this glade Is celebrated.- Pre° Ooneert Every Evening " 1 • , ' • 1 . -, ;LITNOEC trirknylaortwiNd. • BoHotting a continuation of itio - patronago of nn aoproolatin public. thly aro . ' , . ' / • , - Yeti' itinieotful' `: % •• i • : , ,• r .., J. a Miser, , 44-100. . 'e, Didenloke • . - : PRIVATE SA:Lii. OF VALUABI rtar bizie. zy I N THE,OITY OF e ,,, ' • TWO-STORY t BRICK DIVELtIN()11011811 with Woo roma*, and a large twd-story Framp lougo adbinfitwith lot 130 footby 115,0 rt South i inth etredt. ( o. 233) hetweon au amen .and Spriteo, in the oily of Reading, Is o ff er a i t privato solo upon very easy conditions. A goo barn and stables are upon the lot, end the build ngs are all now. This 4proporty would ho very suitable for a hotel Or sal m with garden, or !era tnanuAtguring business.' r particulars, a p pl y et this 'wilco, or upon the 't ulllO.. . •' ljuly 30-8 w 14.'15, laboya property can also be exchang ed for a fit 11,. Good ws for 01,1 Berke. LAItaIi'STOOK lAavicvso El 'et \. 4. 1 - 1 A , t j /V 0 , t FOll, t I , \ 4 t ORGANS, \ 11 ON INSTALMENTS; AT ( I A. 'l3Eit P 4 1 •8 WATT; ooms P•I A No. 403 Penn. Street. rent inheements offered to Lagea And Astlociations. Abui a few gond secon4ll!and Piatios for sale cheali. • O"'Call OM E 4 A. BERG, No. 4(l#3' Finn awl, 116•tf HE ADQUARTMILIN FOR CAMPAIGN GOODS AT •TIIR UNION JEWELRY MANUPACTOHY BADGE DEPOT, Ko. i 4 Nownit 'siva sr., (Nixt door tOtbe Jao rang Dispatch °Oleo.) • t• 20,00 caw paign Badges! ' D9IIO . OIIATIO AND ItHPUDLICAN. Direct from the tuitem and Other, manufaetorler, which owe eenpell at. New. , York PTIOVF, by thou' rand, hundred or gpo -dogen. The are the Onto, a- eortment ever Offered for rale the city of nee& lug, bar jpirover hgndred Itfereot Datterhp, tnen 4 5 Medals. . bleeve Button! l Studs. Att. Good 4geata Wante4-4 spin! Percentage at, lotted. I "s• . Oar 'Retail twice* are from 10 ecnti'i to 001.1er sone *lll do well to sive, ufaci# l, b O r ", , Pumull' tag elsewhefl; SOctETY OADifitkifratiVie4,o PINS of ill ti tladr Wage toirteii p a id et4ollb. # 4 , 1 1 4 41 4 k eerie orm wage ' 'end. te woo" jihic Cooke PrOPod7 rfrdlitod. • i • , AND AND BOOPTAND'S 411101 , :OD ;-1 Rooffators Gera* i'Toni o , G!reat Reviles fir, a s y iNseas e sl og n Zfrir f mock or DitrwiN Ififituars 'Gonna. Bitte ;07votqs0 or thA Warr' as tat/ trilatsi einally termed ,o,llrecr . sliip AVMs. ani rely . t an d On ! five 0 .iv oasi s , toe 4jaavkisu . . • 11001;4114 ili 8 0 ERMA N '4' °NW Is a Consignation of an the ing_kilseftha Itit tort.willttne rofst nmail i t t r, or, sas Urea ihtit ranstc. de.. ma ng oho o M o tes( p eneant inal aufeanie Tamil Ostler 0, 10 UM 110110, KOore pro 1111 0 grodm no • rams itleoilow ‘ 41101 0 0 41W 11111 0 14 , • ~.. ... " • • 1100 FL Ali D'S 01411MA* BITTERS,' m ore w h o hoe° no objection to the combination of - the Bitters. as slatted. soil nse , UOQVIIAN1Y8•0111 . 11 , ?4,1,11,TONle. . _ • ; They are :both equally El l fr ccnitto ttis 14010 tneutesnat Virlueo , the eh() te Otlyetut 'awe being *mere matter or taste e t e onto Wing As most palatable. • The stomach, from a Lariats !Lewitt, NA ar Inahrotion, Dyspepsia. rderrOUS Dar, ote.. a vary apt to have Its !Unctions demist . The Up. IR, ti:UPANIII 01010111 Y OA ik. one with kb. asto Beni t on econseakf atiheten. the result of *hie is %lint trio patina suffers from severe w more of the Ibliowine disease's • , Consumption. Flatulence, Int Viies. Fops, . ofAlloodto_the Head, Addi OT•itl0 0010 et, Nausea, lirtiotrn„..l4rens rot thud, Fut • 0111 1 ! or 1 eight in the Blonmeh, &or _ - Nruoitat Op, Otpkitut or pliant:lring , t it the rit or thositompets, bwitdming of , _cilia, Omni, lisirriell or Platoon, Breqpit, , t(irring at the Aleut ttokr or ( * i t. , ing wallows when in asy Pc ost re, Imo of tsionfola or 1Y bit re 0 ht. 1)411 '• • Pain la a Boit Denolestoy of, g Ors- , p l.. Lion, allow!), OfttnktikinjUit NYee• • ' Pain itt thel3l4l ilt va° lol , l l s 4 l% 3 0 Sudden aloha. o elsA, Both a tt.t a IA • . Constant Martin no of kivit, and rent DO on of SPirial. - _ • The suterer horn theta disdiumit shout giterelfs the uresteat caution lu the oblerttow otyereeds• tor tilst)Ase..purekasluir ugly that, vitito • Ism toured, from nis fityestliratieris And Winn 1144 , messes true merit. Is skill/ (filly onukpouli s ier....; the from tujurlous logreladientt, *ad iiii b bk. . fqr Itself a revutatien 'ter the cure el Iseases, u title connection we would suhtult those well . Down reutedtes— , , t . , . . 1100PLAND'8 GRII,MAN nrivrEns . ' •. • ' . AND , . ' ' ' . _ it 0.0 F LAND'S 0 ERMAN'TONIC ° #agreato SY Dn, A M. JACKSON; Philidelphli, Pi Thirly-ilvoiirshinae they were litet introduced rreoun ry ftotrt 9 artUan,Y dodos *bleb time hey avo undoubtedly porforn:ed more ourea t atul ono tea euttering humanity to i gallop extent , than any other raute4tea griow to the publia. . Theaorommitee 11115 O Jot/ 0 0M- Fi l l i i s ti, a t iT h i Vtiota l Ettil4 " 4ll:o ll oll:: idneye, and all Dins; ,Ortfing 'con) g Db• ordered Liver. atentitoh of Ittlestinee. • • . . • , D E 111 I, I T Y . • „ ~ . /teaming ftoiti any Nude' Whaterer 1 Prostritton 1 of tho System, ilidttoed by seVere Labor, ilardshlks, kapesure. Veyers, Ao.„ There Is ow medlelne extahs loot to thole. rem , *dies In such els. A toe Au) vlsor,,ls Itnparted , I I to the whole SY. ern; iti? Ailii ) k , t o bieUllnitnelked. ' Mod: en.loYed. t 0 ste 1104 a e 'Proverbs, th e ood Is nodded, tki complex on mos a - and ealthy, the yel ow•lltige se oated from Fe eYey, a bloom Ira rem to the o ee sow • tut oak and nervous luvold beeotnes a strop* sad healthy being. • • ' • H . Prilll39NB ADV4IO3ED IN WE, • I . , Mid fooling bond Orte Walls hmill re:t 2 thpil m ib that w. l. Instil new , agml i tir nit: inOf4UlA tho . oniArgy igitt II or 91,1110)1,4011tbr AIN D11.1111. 1 11p their onruo on yip,* cm To osiih'and tioliPideso to their remaining year', . NOTICE: It ss eitebUslied foot tbdtfutlY opplialf el the re it e portien °four frulat on ire Soldeat An the e yment or goo noudt o ,rbto n tlBo Inuit own 0 premien, 'ewer sleet well. 'sues" ere langui dovotd of ell energy, oxtrotnoly neywous; an if h eno sopto. " • .1 'll• 1 ill class illpersonS the DlT d 'altlit. or 1110 TOMO. is Y recommend • WEAK AND D . ELIO A i n 011ILDREN Are made strong by thp use of either thee, remedial. They trill curs every ease 01 MA of ltAfil DIU% v11010;4160. Thoispuds of. certificates' have, ;tomtit Med .14 the Wads (lite proprietor. but ewe tro *bow°, the publidatiou 01 but few., Thebo, it WI I be ob 4 served, are men of note, and of slush standing Mitt they must he believed. •-. TESTIMONiA,LS. Son. Oporge W. A+Voodliard. Chief Justice of the Supremo I CCltlit;' • Puttablit,rmta, March 1867. "I find llootland's Germen t lettars Is j} odd tont°, useful in diseases of the A otalueol'AXlAN t 0 1 groat benefit In cases oftli,do elbl. wan tol nervous nett/min the system. Youxu. ' • . WOOD RD. From Boy. Josoph . . . Pastor of the Touth Dithtlat Cimiebillilla. .' , Dat t