rung. LADIES' FANCY FURS. JOHN FAUVOLTtA, NO. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH, (At his Old-established Store), IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN_ Baying nOw in Store a . very large and beautiful rso; . t A iint.of F all i the , geteltage and qualities DREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those In want. Remember the name and number. JOHN FAREIRA., 719 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no Partner or connection with any other Store in this city. oca-4mif 1865. F ' M ' S• 1865. A. K. & F. K. WOMR4TH, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE U. F. WOMEATH,) No. 415 Arch Street, NAVE NOW OPEN, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, To which they invite the attention of buyers. oe3-Sin =ZEMUI W OOD & CA.ILY Now offer, in their Retail Department (In addition to their usual stock of Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Ladies' and Misses' Hats, ete.),a full line of arras, VELVETS, CRAPES, • LACES, FLOWERS, • FEATHERS, JET AND SILT ORNAMENTS, and other novel ties of their own importation. WOOD & CARY, No. 725 CTIESTNIIT STREET BONNET OPENING WEDNESDAY, October 4. WOOD IS6 CARY, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET P 7 2 6 iciatsigsurrtgELortutont 91: suitable for the Fall and Winter Season, consisting of BONNET, ROYAL AND UNCUT VELVETS, all colors and plaid. BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, • of every width and shade. SILKS, LACES, MALINES, ENGLISH CREPES, FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, An unusually rice.soection,many styles that cannot be ban elsewhere. STRAW,SILS. AND FELT 11 Nx is AND BONNETS, all the new shapes. THE BEST NEW YORK AND FRENCH BONNET FRAMES. Constant attention to the market and the auction sales in New York and this city enable me to offer at all times a complete assortment of fresh and de sirable goods at the lowest prices. Particular attention paid to country orders. N. WEYL, 726 CHESTNUT Street. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, ¶1?AII.OR, 612 CEIESTETIT STREET. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES lINSURTAssED IN QUALITY AND STYLE. MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICE= Attended to by S. S. TAYLOR, the beet Military and Naval T,ailor in the country—last four years the Cutter at OW - RNe , , Washing-ton. p I\'.''[W OFFICE FOR TELE BALFOF Grol7 - =MNM:IENT LOANS JAY COOSZE Sr. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Having Removed temporarily to NO. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for Nate, at 10Weat market rates, GOVERNMENT SECVRITIES, Ag FOLLOWS: U.S. 7.80 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15,1884. Do. do. do. June 16, 1865. Do. do. do. July .15,1866. BONDS OF 113836 5-20 LOAN OF IBOR. 5-SO LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1804. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. 3TOMS OF ALL RINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOMIEMBION. Information given concerning all kinds of fiecn Titles. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. anal-Val STOCKS, LOANS, &c. BOUGHT AND SOLD AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS, BY GEORGE J. BOYD, 18 South Tarßn street, second door seBo4m Above Mecanics' Bank N E POCKET IKNIVIES .132111...303Z & CO., BISHOP POTTER. PHOTOGRAP . HS of this lamented Divine in OIL and CRAYON HENS2RY & 00., 812 ARCH Street. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE AT VERY LOW PRICES COLD, SILVER, and WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED 1028 Chestnut Street. 'MONSON'S PATENT LOWERING OR RAISING GAS FIXTURES AT PLEASURE. Thls Is & COrar'sauce by which Om down. Flutures an - Without trouble, be pulled up or pleasure without the use of a water slide. On exhibition at the store of MUSKET, lEBBING tt TUACIEASEIL Agents for the Manufacturers SPECIAL NOTICE I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY. in Ely present stare, and will continue to Ben fiat nlatNlTlFEE at very low prices, until further 'aotice. GEO. J. HENKELS, 809 and 811 CIIEBTNIIT Street. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN THREAD LINES AND TWINES. D. W. HOLMES & CO-, oe2-tuths-2inif tIBIIRTY SQUARE. BOSTON GRICE & LONG, FULTON WOW-M, 1240 BEACH STREET. /Engineers, Machinists, Boller Mae's, and Oar Tauks tl. ers of every de made to order. "'" Bole AgentsforLongiCcaNssinenalinometers.mlM-ir ►THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Invite attention to their extensive and varied as. Bailment or NEW IS'Ax.r_., GOODS, embracing the latest and choicest styles or SILKS, DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, tile. Also, a full line of goods suitable for IitOURNING, of the latest manufacture and fabric. Nos. 818 stud 820 CHESTNUT ST. oc4-8t DEPOT SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & Is unequalled in the extent and variety of Its as sortment, beg to announce to gig CHESTNUT STREET. DIA310111)E1 330TJGrrigr N. FLTJX.AYINT, 71S CHESTNUT STREET RETAIL DRY GOODS. FURNISHING DRY GOODS, A CARD. ARRISON, No. loos CHESTNUT ST., Whose establishment for the sale of HOUSE-FII . IOISIIING DRY GOODS HOUSEKEEPERS, RENEWING THEIR SUPPLY, Or persons about to furnish, that they are now re ceiving their FALL ASSORTMENT FRESH LINEN, COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE, EME39 LINEN SIIEF.TINGS, COTTON SHEETINGS PILLOW MUSLINS, PILLOW LINENS, DADIA.sit TALE CLOTHS. TABLE LINENS, DAMASK NAPKINS, BORDERED TOWELS, TOWELLINGS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, TADI AND PIANO COVERS, And every other article suitable for a well-ordered se2S-tf 1865 . NEW GOODS FOR 1865. EYkE & LINDELL, FOUR= .STD IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, RETAILERS, Fanoy and Staple Dry Goods WHOLESALE-SECOND FLOOR. 803-tf eit.E.llFr STOCK. OF JOB LOTS 03/ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY 00ATING-S, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We also have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR. COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, BAGATELLES. Oar motto is "Good Goods at Fair Prices, at W. SNODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET AND 28 STRAWBERRY STREET. set-lin FALL AND WINTER WOOLLENS, OF NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES, FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR CURWRN STODDART it BROTHER Offer a fall and varied Stock of FANCY AND PLAIN COATINGS. FANCY AND PLAIN CASSIMERES. OVERCOATINGS AND MEDIUM AND HEAVY VESTING& lINION CLOTHS AND CASSEW.ERES, SATI NETS, &c., &C. CERWEN STODDART & BROTHER, .Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street 003 -at Above Willow. TJ• NEW CHAMB GOOD ERS, S OPENING NO. 810 DAILY ARCH.. ST. " Thread Veils, new designs. Thread Lace Barbee. Cambria Lace Veils, from $l. Thread Lace Collars. from 50 cents. Empress Collars in pointe de gaze, point ap lique, and valenclennes. WHITE GOODS. PrenchMnslin, 2 yards wide for dresses. - bolt finish Cambric, Nainsoolt , Plaid and Stripe Iduslins very cheap. Rich Cambric Edgings and Insertions, French Embroidered Bands, Flouncings, &c., &0. Hemstitched liclkfs., extra line, 25 cts. 004-12 t VINE CLOAKINGS. _a.. Large stock Beaver Cloths, Ve lours, Frosted Beavers , Water- . proofe, &c. Also Overcoatings, rine Black Broadcloths, itlack Cassi rneres, Fancy Cassimeres, &e. Ladles' Water-proof Cloaks. Fine Fall and V. inter Cloaks. Open Centre Broche,Long Shawls. Best quality Hoop Sltirts. Black Ibibet Long Sha O s COOPER & CONARD, ot4 - t( S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Sta. LADIES' CLOAKS—A FULL STOCK on band of Water-Proof Cloaks. Beaver Cloth Cloaks. BrOadeloth Cloaks. Frosted Beaver Cloaks. Velvet Beaver Cloaks. Fancy Cloaks: Made In the best manner, at the lowest prlOes. en: WEN STODDART & 13110TEzit, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 Norm sEcoNv street, oc3-31 • Above Willow. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS, I GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES. CUEWEN STOODART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street oc3-3t Above Willow. ABPECIASLY INTERE/3TIN REOPENING - . JOSEPH H. za-zon-Nrivilr, (LATE TUORN,Eif A OMSK') • Having made extensive repairs and alterations to the old stand„ Northeast corner of EIGHTH and SPRING DARDEN Streets, has reopened with a magnificent stock of new and beautifill Goods, se lected with great care, and with 'special reference to the first-class trade who have so long patronized the old firm. And I - would here take the opportunity of thanking al] our former Cnstomers,and of assuring them that no effort will be spared in the future to retain their continued patronage, There will be found a good stock of BLACK BILES AND SHAWLS. RICH PLAID AND PLAIN POPLINS. FRENCH MERINOES, DELAIXES, AND CALI COES. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FLAN NELS. AND BLANKET% LINEN GOODS, MUSLIN% GINGHAMS, &c.,840. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, se27-1m Cer.ItIHEITH and SPRING' . cIAnDEN. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES, A full line of French Merinoea, A. full line of Poplins, A full line of Silks and Shawls, A full line of Blankets. A full line of Muslin A full line of Table Linens, A full line of Cloths and'eassimeree. at; JOHN H. STONES, 'lO2 ARCH Street, REAL FRENCH LINEN SHEETING. A few pieces more of thom very superior FRENCH LINEN SHEETINGS, for single and dou ble beds. Just reee/Ved. SHEPPARD, VAN HHRk ALINGEN A ARRISONRoods,, ouseeeping Dry No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. RILEKA TABLE DIAPERS. We 'have unexpectedly received an invoice of those veil desirable goods. To those who have used them, we nee(' say no word of commendation. t3IIETTARI), VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Linen and House-furnlehing Goode, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. EDWIN HALL da CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND 13TREET, Dave now open a full stock of ' , Lupin's" French Merinoes. "Lupin's , Moo slin de Lanes. silk-faced Poplins. 1311 k and Wool Poplins. All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Rich-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Lalnes. Polka Dot De Laines and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, of our ow sell portation. slin SHAWLS ! SHAWLS II Bound Blanket Shawls. Plain Long Shawls. for friends. Extra-size Square Shawls. Fine Plaid Shawls, newest patterns. Misses' and Children's Shawls. Black and Mode Thlbet Shawls. " Berlin Jaconard Shawls. KM At.IOITN H. STOKES'. 70A AMOR St. 628 HOOP SIKIRTS.—NEW FALL STYLES NOW' READY 62R ... at Hopkins , Manufactory, No. 628 ARCH Strett. Our assortment is complete, containing full lines of /.adies, Misses', .nd children's Skirts, of even style, length, and size, which, for finish, durardilW,- and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop• shirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, alit !d, and repaired, Also, good Eastern-made skirts, from ham' to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and re tail. veg-Ine ,-, . ' a • —*; 4•ELPHIA, TITURSpAY, OCTOBER 5, 1865 RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN -HALL & CO., el South SECOND street, ave now open their IMPORTATION OF CLOTHS roR LADIES' CLOAKS AND GENTLENENS' LAIDISWIN BEAVER CLOTHS. VELVET BEAVER CLOTHS. RATINE BEAVER CLOTI-I=3. FROSTED BEAVER CLOTHS. DiAeoNAL REA.VEIL CLOTHS. CHINCHILLA BEAVER CLOTHS. PLAIN BLACK CLOTHS. PLAIN BLACK BEAVER CLOWN. DOESKIN BEAVER CLOTHS. PLAID CLOTHS, BLACK AND WHITE PLAID CLOTHS, BLUE AND GREEN. PLAID CLOTHS, SCARLET AND BLACK. WHITE GROUND CLOTHS WITH BLACK, BLUE AND SCARLET FIGURES. CLOTHS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ocs-2t INDIA SHAWLS. GEORGE FRYER, 910 Chestnut Street, Will open his FALL importation of INDIA. LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS AND SCARFS, On THURSDAY, Oct. 5, to which the attention of tile Ladies Is in ited. - oe4-Bt, JOUVIN'S (}LOVES. JUST RECEIVED, A razan INVOICE or JOUVIDT'S 431-3BDTUIDTE MD GLOVES, GENTS" AND LADIES' SIZES. THOS. W. E VA.N S & CO., KB !Arm MO CHESTNUT STREET. oc4-3t SILESIA NAPKINS. Just received. a small parcel of real SILESIA. DOUBLE DADIAME NAPKINS, large size and heavy quality, at a very reasonable price. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN ARRISON, Linen Housekeeping Dry Clouds, NO. 1008 CHESTI,MT Street. DICE. STYLES FANCY SILKS, $1.75. Heavy Black Silks, $1.95. Rese White edged Taffetas, $2,25, RoyalArmures and Oros Grains. Binh Black Figured 511 k a,*1..65. d. O. STBALMBRIDGIC & CO.,_ Northwest Or. of EIGHTH and 3EARKET. BLACK ALPACA, VERY GOOD, 50 CENTS. All-wool Plaid Cashmere t 75 cents. Double-width Black Wool. De Laines, Luptn's all-wool De Laines, 50 cents. Lupin's line Merinos, in black and colors. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP MANITELS. The place to buy cheap Muslin& The place to buy cheap Shawls; The place to buy cheap Cloths and Casstmeres. ffamsutta, New York Mills, and Housekeeper. J. C. STRAWBRIDerE & CO.,_ Northwest cor. and MARKET. 12-4 HEAVY BARNSLEY • SHEET /NGS, $1.65. Heavy wide Table Linens, ist. Very flue snow-drop Table Linens. $1.85. 300 doz. Towels and. Napkins, cheap. Ruesia Ciaat, Rath Towel, and DOOM. Extra inducements to Hotels and Housekeepers, J. C. BTRAWBRIDUE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. IIALANRET DEPARTMENT. -THE moat complete assortment in the city. All the leading makes at par prices, by the pair or package,. bought early and direct from manufacturers. We are enabled to retail Blankets atlabout the usual wholesale rates. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE it CO., Northwest or. EIGHTH and MARKET. ge3o-stutlitf FURNISHING G 0 0 D S.-WE ARE oirerin.g West inducements in Furnishing Goods, suchaUßlankets, Marseilles Quilts, Honey- Comb Quilts, Lancaster Quilts,Woollen Quilts Conifortatdes, Table Linens, lien Sheeting, nP low Linens Towellin_gs, Napkins,Muslins of all 'widths, Fruit Cloths,Floor Linen, crash,&e. Par ties about furnishin may be assured Of buying these goods below the market rice. R. D. a W. H, PENZTALL, oe2-3t 1020 MARKET Street. tz, .0 MAO II 11 t44PLIIIJIRPIIi 013 8 :1 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS , Nos: . 289 •nd 241 North Third street, PHILADELPHIA. Cloths, Prints, Cassimeres. Delaines, Batt!netts, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dreas Goods, CottarnadeS, -- Brown and Bleeched Bheetlngs, Denims, Drown WA4 /Deemed shirtings, Stripes, • Omish Chambras, Checks, Omish Tweeds, Ginghares, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING - GOODS, • WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., itc. WROLESALE DRY GOODS. 1865. F A. L L . 1865. JAS. IL CAMPBELL & CO., 72'7 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Oash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta tion to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, DIERINOES. • POPLINS. EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS; FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and desira ble goods at and Mader market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS lIP STAIRS. ata-tf CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. CARPETINGS I CARPETING S J. T. EVE.L..ACTLOIX, NO. N 7 1510116 N !SECOND Street, No. fra ABOVE CHESTNUT. NAB JUST BECRIV&D A FULL _LIND XAVIASH AND AMERMAN • CARPETINGS, OF THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES. FLOOR om-cmoTHO, DRUGGETS, RAG, LIST AND COTTAGE CARPETs, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. • J. T. DELAOROIX, 31 ES guna pECOND BTBEET, Between Chestnut end Market etreete, Whilada se2-fstuwth3m NEW CARPET ROUSE. 14M3ED031 Sr, SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, will open ON MONDAY, September 18th, a new and choice selection of CARPETINGS, of all the various qualities. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to wall and examine before purchasing. 8017-1 m 1865. - FALL. 1865. GLEN ECHO MILLS, 1131211MANTOWN, PA. WCALLUDI St CO., MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS or C.ELTIEWITIPPGS, OIL CLOTH. MATTINGS, WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL, DEPARTMENT.; 687-2 m - • 519 CHESTNUT STREET. A M. LANE & CO., GENERAL COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, RIO DE YArtruno, BRAZIL. Agencies and Consignments solicited. Our extensive connectirdis with the interior and coast provinces of the Emplrewill enable tut to dis pose of consignments advantageously,_ and make prompt returns.. Mr. LANE Is now in the-country, .and.will he glad to confer with parties desirous Of opening connection -with Brazil. References ex 'changed. Altddreas.Worceater,blasa. ,int23-stuth6t* RIAKER'S POPULAR HAIR ,- FATAB LISHMENT—The assortment of Braids, Wigs, Timpgss, .13annelnuc4 - Ift.ouloauz, Ton . duesi prizzes, Ptinnlaes, Curls; 'lllnitve Sexing for ' Ladled.' eantkot be equalled by any other lapuse in Me United fitates,_itt ines lower than ' elsewhere. 909 - EffrEBTNUT -w Street: Ate..2l-Im. 1,00 4 15, y Jae_ t !e 'r ee_ve_ 41 1 1 1 C sa Y fall B st ik,S k iC of E p T a? ' n ' and fa WILLOW AND WOOD W ° A.4E. - I ron sale low 'the trade. . 'BOWLS`. rmsTdve & Co., sal 167 and 168 North I'$llZD Bteeot, CURTAIN GOODS. E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC HALL, 119 CHESTNUT STREET. .ItrgT OPENED. LA 4 .OE CIJ-MtICA.INS, FROM AUCTION, IN GOOD STYLES, AT VERY 3LAYTW NOTE.—WiII open in a few do a the largest assort 4 moot of RICH CURTAIN MATERIALS FINE LACE CURTAINS ever offered a Philadelphia public IVALRAVENmo 719 ClliosTrcup tarrumv.p. oc2-tr NEW PUBLICATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED NEXT SATUR DAY. NEAL'S CHARCOAL SKETCHES BY THE LATE JOSEPH 0. HEAL, ESQ. Three Books Complete in one Volume. 'Cloth Price $2.50 a Copy. Being the only complete edition of his writings ever before collected and issued Complete in one volume. With Twenty-one Illustriptiono. From Original Designs by FELIX.O. C. PARLEY PRICE 83.50 A VOR'lre Send for our Mammoth Descriptive Catalogue, Books sent-postage paid on receipt of the reta price: Address all cash orders, retail or wholesale, to. T. R. PETERSON & BROTHERS' It 3O6•CRESTNUT St., Philadelphia, Pa. ALL NEW BOOKS . ARE AT PETERSON'S. PUBLISHED THIS DAL TOO OLD BIRD to be CAUGHT WITH CHAFF. BY NRS. tiORE. PRICE Also, new editions of the following by same author NOTIIKIas AND DAUGHTERS, THE DOWAGER,_ CASTLES IN THE AIR PERCY, OR, .FORTUNE'S FROLICS Price 60 cents each, malted free of postage, on re ceipt of price. Pr A. BRADY, Publisher, 22 ANN Street, N. Y. A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CY CLOPEDIA, cOMPLRTE IN SIXTEEN FOLIDISS , This book forma a complete library of the most useful kind of information, and is ituvalable for re ference. For the purpose of giving it the large dr culation 1% deserves, it is now offered at a price ma /duff it the cheapest book in the country% tali' and see the various styles of binding, at the agency for this city, 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. CocS.6t) JAS. K. SIMON. • I • " I ; GENERAL CONVENTlON.—Theological an. Miscellaneous Books cir e t Auizy ItrasoN,r, oc.l-24 * CU CHESTNUT St„ first NU, Undi room APit. LINCOLN. PHOTOGRAPHS of this Rod-missioned man in OIL and CRAYON. • HENSZEY CO., SiR ARCH Street. MISS M ' KEEVER'S POPULAR VOLUMES—NEW ADDITIONS. WOODOLIFFE. By HARItINT B. I.I'RnEVEn. One volume- 12m0.„ cloth. • • EDITH'S MINISTRY. 12M0., cloth. OIt,:KATE VINTON. 16mo. cloth, *I. THE FLOUNCED ROBE, AND WHAT IT COSTS. With Frontispiece. 75 ets. Miss McKeever's popularity as an authoress, and the elevated character of her writings, have given to them a standard Character equal to those of any female writer of the present day. LINDSAY & Publis se2k No. 25 South S'nc.TH Street. LATE PUBLICA.TIONS.-AN EXAM. INATION OP ERR WILLIAM HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY, and of the Principal Philosophical questions discussed in hie Writing.- Ely John Stuart Mill, in two volumes ; 12mo. HONOR: OR THE SLAVE-DEALER I S DAUGH.. TER. By Steoen G. Bullinch. _ THE BADE AND THE EAR.—Thoughts for a Young - Man. By A.B. Muzzey. DISSERTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.—PoIiti caI, Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart Mill ; 8 'volumes 12 mo. All the new books received as soon as published, and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. Is A. Martlen,) , L 1 • 606 CHESTNUT Street. 1-I•TrwgTr!irMlmrr-11 ROBERT BROEitiAKER & CO., N. s. Corner of 101 JETH and FACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA., WHOLESALE DRT.J[3{IISTS. onporters and Dealers in Foreign and DomesHo WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. KANOTACTtrItAItS OP WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PIITTY, EC ALGENIS TOE TEM GlL=aperzar FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PEWEE' 'FOR CASH. (17164 m WALL PAPERS. NEW FALL STYLES PHILADELPHIA WALL! PAPERS! HOWELL & BOMB, N. E. Cor. Fourth and Market Streets, MANITFACTUBERS VF PAP~RR I3ANGZNGS WINDOW SHADES . mlll-rmw2m r PIANOS PIANOS ! PIANOS ! w SCHOMACEER & CO.'S SUPERIOR PIANOS: WARE ROOMS I'lo, I,ogl CHESTNUT STREET, are celebrated for their volume Purity of Tone, great Power, Brilliancy, Fulness, Depth and Even ness of Touch, with exquisite delicacy and sweet ness. We respectfully invite our friends and the public generally to calf at our warerooms and examine our extensive assortment of highly-improved Square and Grand PIANOS. We have received tile highest premiums at all the great exhibitions ever held in'this country, including the Prize Medal at the World's Fair, Crystal Palace, New. York, and numerous testimonials from the nest_ardsts in this country and Europe. We feel satisfied thatthere are no Pianos made in this country superior to our own. As a Philadelphia manufacturer we pride our selves in having achieved a reputation for our In struments unexcelled by any other makers in this country. It is a - well-known- fact that our Pianos have for many years maintained their high reputa tion, notwithstanding the powerful competition of the Eastern makers. - New York and Boston Pianos have been flooded - into this market through their agencies,and.herald ed by-them as the only Pianos in the country• yet at the same time these agents very seldom continue to sell any one Maker's instruments for any length of time, for the reason that they are inferior, and they are compelled to tat e hold of other Maker's, per haps still more inferior, although puffed up by them as celebrated Pianos, when at the same time such makers have never been known or heard of in their own cities. The consequence is, that our oitizens are often induced to Purchase such inferior instru ments, withoutreonSldering their own, or the gene ral interests of their city. The advantage our citizens have In encouraging home manufactures certainly should not be over looked, for the following reasons: Firet. It is acknowledged that . Philadelphia 111 the great manufacturing city of this country, and cele brated for its superior and skilful workmen. Second. Tice purchaser obtains the piano directly from ut, the manufacturers, and saves the amount made by the agent, who usually claims greater pro fits than the manufacturer. Third. The agent's responsibility amounts to no thing, there is no redress; the Instrument he sells is made for the market, and the purchaser must run the risk. Whereas, on the other hand, we, as the nianufacturers, arc held responsible; and etinnot shirk the responsibility like thew gent. Our reputar thin if at stake at all times, and it is, therefore, to our interest to turn out none other, than tirst•elass Instruments. Fourth, Admitting 0 1 4 1 such instruments might • be equal to our own when new, they :cannot give the same satisfaction, or wear the same length of time, for tbe reason that the agent depends upon others to - keep such pianos as he sells in order, and will, of eOurse4 not expend any Of his profits to do so: w,hilst we, themanufacturers, have our own ex , cellent workmen, who fluty understand the busi ness, and will promptly give their attention, and the pianos be made to wear much longer. Our establishment is one of the most extensive in title country, and when our new improvements,now in progress, are completed, it will be one of the largest, in the world. Our object is to make this braLch of industry one of the great institutions of this city. Our instruments also possess great improvements over others. and our extensive facilities for mane- Metering enables us to keep on hand a large stink or material, and procure the best maehinery, Ate. IT pert ens desirous to purchase will give us a call, we will prove all that we have said in regard to our plimos. There are. of course, always differences of opinion; and prejudiced minds, and those who are interested in the sale of other pianos who may differ from us: to Mich WC have only to say, that it WWI/ give us merit pleasure. at any timeto test our In struments with any other nuese w . litch they may choose to name. We again ask our friends and the public to call and examine our superior Pianos. We Teel satis fied that ti 6 hollife title city can compete with us, our prices' being reasonable and terms accommo dating. 'k • • . Circulars can be had at the Warer °ins, giving full fu descriptions of the styles and prices, with re ferences. N. It.--Seeond-band.phtnes taken in exchange. PIANO'S TO RENT. Orders for Tuning promptly ,thencled to. SCHOBIACKER & CO., No. 1021 CHESTNUT Strict. ocs-1.4 stf PERSONS SEEKING MBDICAL AID would do well to consult Dr. C. A. DUMAS, No. 1037 WALNUT Street, for prompt and effi cient treatment. Distant patients consulted by letter; .and reme dies forwarded to any address. ' sel4-I.ln. AFINE. BTOCE' OF CUTLERY.— INDIA RUBBER TEA and TABLE KNIVES. IVORY HDNDLE do. do. do. HORN do: do. - - do. do. ItITCHICH WARES COMPLETE. oe2o-t.r oHIPIPITH & PAWL. SIXTH and ABUH. MORGAN, ORR, & CO. 8 T EA.M. EN AAA- DINE BULLEMlll3,,,,lrorkieeetera, and Oane TO. If.chiniata KM Baler Maker NC 1319 QA/4 litre4*.palitteiptaa, torts tr. EDUCATIONAL TEE -UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, HANDEL .AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN STS., Di now PERMANENTLY ESTABLISREUwItIi a THOROUGH ORGANIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT, • PRACTICAL COURSE OF INSTRUCTION and uOstBPAO - ORT• ACCOMMODATIONS. During the present week, and until October 23(1, - FULL COURSE SUrioultuantr* Can be purchased at the REDUCED PRICE of THIRTY DOLLARS. HE !LADIES' DEPARTMENT OF THE UIION BUSINESS COLLEGE Is now attended by a number Of Lady pupils. Its Course of Instruction includes PENMANSHIP, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BOOK-KEEPIN.G, CONIVIERCIAL ARITHMETIC, CORRES PONDENCE, &d., - And-is designed to confer upon Ladles the advan tages of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, which has hitherto been confined to young men. This Department is separate from the other de partments, has anlndepeneent entrance, andevery advantage of a quiet location and convenient ac commodations. EVENING SESSIONS The College Is open for the Instruction of Ladles and Gentlemen From 7t09 in the evenings. Those who are occu pied during the day eau pursue the Commercial tiourse °randy RalimeNslllP and ARITHMETIC alone, by attending the evening classes. SPECIAL BRANCHES. SURVEYING, ENGINEERING, THE HIGHER MATHEMATICS, PHONOGRAPHY and Are taught in the most complete and efficient man ner. The students have the advantage of FIELD PRACTICE, conducted by a Surveyor and Engineer of six years , experience. The eystem. lrastrx.l.4:lticvn Is the most thorough and practical of any institu tion of the kind in the country. Cau OF NW/ Or a Circtiiar containing terms and particulars. Address R. D. CAILIAL, Riup7t, OFFICE, No: 581 NORTH EIGHTH STREET • PHILADELPHIA. INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH.--A young Lady born and educated in Paris, will. give Lessons in French in private families,or at her Own dwelling. The successful experience 'in teaching during the last few years, by a new and improved method, enables her to promise to her pupils a VerfeetknOWledge of the French Language in a short time. For terms and references, apply from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5, at No. SW North a MTH Street. se9-smthfkleif ...50 Cents INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, A- OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. ANN DICKSON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and MIS, at No, 10S CIaaigIOHTBENTII Street, on the 11th or §eptember. ant -t6stu a 44 CHURCH SINGING.—DR. CUNNING TON respectfully offers Lis services to ladies and gentlemen desirous of priparing themselves for singing In choire,Cathulle or rotestant.or for Ora• torso singing. Ills long experience in every variety of Sacred Music will ensure careful tuition and ra pid improvement. He will teach in classes or give private lessons. Also, on the Plano-Forte, Violin, Violoncello and in Singing ingral. For terms, &c.. apply to 703 SPRUCE Street. sext•thstust• PRITTENDEN'B COMMERCIAL COL- N./ LEGS 637 CHESTNUT St. corner of Berman. ESTABLISHED 1844. INCORPORATED 18.55, Complete preparation for the Counting House and Business Life. The course of instruction includes Book- keeping in all its branches, as practised by the best account ants; Penmanship , plain and ornamental; Commer cial Calculations, Business Forms,CommercialLaw, Detecting _Counterfeit Notes, etc. TELEGItAPHING, by both sound and paper In struments, taught by one of the best of Practical Operators. In extent of accommodations, thoroughness and practical value of its well-tried course of instruc tion and in real advantages to business men, this institution is unequalled. The instruction given is afforded th st practical character, and every facility is for acquiring a finished Business Educa tion. EVENING SESSIONS Give those who are engaged during the day an op portunity to become qualified for Business Life. Students instructed separately, at such hours as may best suit their convent, nee. Diplomas, with the seal of the Institution attached, awarded OR graduation. Catalogues, containing terms. students' names, a ; . 64 ' 437 obtained ß a . r if t , tirT o ngrarit Co. GRE G 0 RY & MIIMFORD'S SECOND NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. OFFICE COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. Departments of Instruction are the Actual IMO nesB Colleo, and Normal Institute for Printing and Penmanship. The Office will be open for the sale of Scholarships TUESDAY, October 10th, 1865. Open ing Lecture to be announced. se3o-Bt. L. CARPENTER'S PRIVATE D DANCINEt ACADEMY, 635 ARCM Street. —To Young Ladies, Young Gentlemen, and Pa rents, who are desirous of learning Dancing pro- PerlY and with ease and grace, for your private Drawing-Rooms Soirile er Soclables, call on the long-established and punctual master of the art, j a , VAi4rzN2Eit, at any hour—Morning, Noon, or Evening—daily and nigh_hf FALL AND WINTER TERM. Scholars can commence at any time, being dated from the time of entering. Imperiale, Llama, Polka, Mazurka, Lancers, and Quadrilles areproperly taught. For, the German Cotll).ions—Gullop, Short Redowa, Deux Temp, Trois Temp, Clnq Temp, Polkadiedowa, Polka- Mazurka, &c. For references. call on the thousands of pupils whom D. L. CARPENTER, 825 A.RDD Street, has taught. se3o-im P HILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE - IN. STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, northwest corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. HIM CHAS. A. SMITH, D.D., Principal. se29-6t"' MM BEECH'S CLASSES FOR DAM ING, Etiquette, Elegance of Deportment. every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at the ele gant Ball Room. S. E. corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, at 2334 P. M. ee29-et* P ENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.—The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER TM. The following gentlemen compose the Board Of Trustees: Hon. James Pollock, LL. D., President; Capt. William Apple, Vice President, - W. E. Bar.; ber, Esq., Secretary; James H. Orne, Esq., Treasu rer; Rev. Richard Newton, D. D.; Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D"• Hon. Oswald Tho Hon. .Charies O'Neill., Hon. W. N. Lehman, Major Gen. S. W: Crawford, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, Major Wayne llieVeagh; Messrs. Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Claghorn, Charles B. Dungan, George L. Russell, Wm. L. Springa, Addison May, and T. B. Peterson. Cadets may pursue an English, Classical, or Sci entific course of studies, at the option of parents. The Academic Staff is composed of twelve profes sors and instructors,wbo have been educated in our best institutions, and have had an extensive and successful experience in the training of youth. A graduate of' the United States Military Academy, of experience and ability, conducts the Military De partment. The moral and religious Instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to For circulars, apply to James ' H. Orne; Esq. No. 626 Chestnut street, T, E. Peterson,Esq.,No. 808 Chestnut street, Philadelphia or to Col. THEO. HYATT, 5820-1 m President Penna. Military Academy. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorouh course of study in Mathematics, English C lassics, &c. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber 9th. Refers tO JOHN C. CAPP I SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON, _Esq., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE F. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street._ Number limited. Address Rey.. J. HARVEY BATON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3m SIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES ,•-• SONS in Vocal Music at his residence, , No. 313 South SLKTEENTLI Street, October 1. P. 0.. as Be may abovebe addreesed meantime through au2 the City . 9-tf rillß FRENCH AND ENGLISH oAltraNG AND DAN SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reope instruction MONAY, September MM. In this institutionis thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em-. ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the inaitute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars ad drese 1342 SPRUCE St., Phllada., Pa. auLsl2m CIIEGARA.Y INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH And French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. UM and IS SPItIME Street, Phf ladelpida, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber Mth French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to au9-3m ,Madame D 'ITEM/ILLY, Principal. THE CLASSICAL AND 'ENGLISH SCHOOL of - The — sunsertber, - S. E. corner of :THIRTEENTH end LOUUST - Streets, Reopen *on MONDAY, Sept. 11. (uu2B - 2m°) B. KENDALL. S IGNOR P. RONDINELLA.-ITALIAN and English Singing_ Lessons. Residence, n. W. corner MADAM an PINE. xO2l-Im* VNGLISH CLASSICAL, AND MA -Au THEHATIOAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PEEN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. llth au2-2urr JOSEPH DA.VISON, Principal. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. eor. of Twelfth. reoens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best jiroviiied School for bop In America.num4a" O..F.NNIS, Principal. THE CL.A.OBICAL INSTITUTE, - DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, WOl be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. auW-2mk J. W. PAJIIES, D. D.. Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at 11.211.13 WALNUT Street, on WBDTIBSDAY, the 210th inst. au26-2m. A CARD.-HAVING RESUMED THE ruAcTicE OF LAW, I will give careful at tention to all business which may be entrusted to my hands. OFFICE, No. L 2d FLOOR BIBLE BUILDING, FAYETTE Street, near Charles street, . Baltimore. JOHN it. KHNLY. • 44T NEVER, HAD A. GOOD PICTURE -a- BEFORE 1" , exclaimed one of Philadelphia's fairest daughters, as she gazed with delight on her oto-Mhifature, made CREMER & DILLON'S, 11.8 South EIGHTH Street. sel6-linif N. B.—Album and Stereoscopes in great variety. - pq ENRY BALDWIN, _ Jn* S _, A-B- No. 30 SOUTH SEVENTTITREET, • PHILADELPHIA, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,soLtorron OF PATENTS AND COUNSELLOR IN rATENT CASES oc2-3m• ,PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., 1520 SOUTH NINTH STREET. WASHING, STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR ING, AND CLEANSING, Without injury to color or . fabric. EACH FAMILY'S WASH REPT SEPARATE. AEA Orders by mail to Box 2024. .506-atutlii3t Ci.ROand QUE SE T, 7BALL ARcHERYIMPLEntErrre, CRICKET. •-•/ BA, just re. cctved and for dale by fifILIE j WILSOW & CO., 409 CHESTNIJT Street. S KATES OF EVERY VARIETY, Croquet, Archery, Cricket and Base-Ball Im plements, for sale by - PIIIIIPAVILSON" & CO., ocirit-ita 409 CIIESTNUT strect! ouNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP WANTS WANTED -SITUATION AS SALES UAW to a. Math State, br ft Portionof enter!. enee. Addreee "S. D. E.." Press office, stating where an Inti.rvlew may he had. oca-at. WANTED TO HIRE —A SMALL STORE. suitable for Groceries, Please *4- dress, immediately, "W. 8., Jr.," Press ()ace. 0c5.3t.. WANTED—A COMPETENT ASSIS TANT Ina Retail Drug Store, Apply at No, 941 SPRUCE Street. ocs-ftt. WANTED -6 OLICITO MS AND I I AGENTS for DM, Fire, and AceidOnt In- SillWace In City and Siate- A ill - Demi comtdd9l6ll allowed. Address "Box. 12A00 1 Peet Ofiles. • oaGet WANTED -A PEW ACTIVE EIISI NESS Men to sell State Eights for a new and valuable Invention aeattnea to come into general use. A commission will be allowed that will enable an active man to make - from $l,OOO to 40,000 per month: Men accustomed to Honing rate% Eights preferred. Address •/NriZSTOE.,. , Box Olt, Philadelphia, Pa. oc4-at W ANTED-A PARTNER, ACTIVE or silent, with a hundred thousand dollars, to join a gentleman who will furnish a like amoun t t o do a Dry Goods Jobbing business in this city. The advertiser has been actively engaged in the business for thirty years, and is desirous of starting a new concern. The reference, if required, will be any large Importing_ or commission house in Philo amble, New Yora or Boston. Address " MER CHANT," Philadelphia P. 0. 0c.3-6t5 WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN recently discharged from the army, a Situa tion in some Mercantile llonse, Has bad several years experience as a salesman and In Keeping accounts, prior to his enlistment, and can give unexceptionable references. Address "A. 5.," this office WANTED—ONE OR TWO FIRST CLASS Dry Goods SA.LESMEN,with or with out capital, to take the place of a retiring senior partner, in an old-established Dry Goods Jobbing House. Address, over signature, "J. at this Office, Communication Aridly confidential. ma-St WANT ED-AGENTS, MALE AND Female, i n i every town and neighborhood to take orders for 'THE GREAT LABOR SAFER:" apatented article that every family wants. Will Save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making $5 to fab per day. 0n1y.403 to $lO capital required. Full particulars of the business sent to any ad dress on receipt of 6 cents for circulars and return postage. Address R. WAYVELL Chicago, Illinois, Box 4751. se.2B..iat* ANA N APPRENTICE WANTED-z--AT the Office of the GERMANTOWN TELE GRAPhe H. eit An y Intelligent Boy of about stxteen—not from t. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A-SITITA TION In a Cloth House; has had considerable experience In the buelnem, Address "li. B. H. rTCBB Office. 064-91. A. YOUNG MAN, 22 YEARS OF AGE, of good education and business experience, wants a position as Book-keeper, Clerk or Sales man. thin produce MOM UIIOXCOPOOPabIe testimo nials as to capability, integrity, &c., and can refer to some of our mostprominent citizens Addreas "W. D. Press office. - APROFESSIONAL . GENTLEMAN, with his wife and daughter, would lilio to share a house With a email family of retweetannitp All replies confidential. Address EXPEC - ANT," 137 'I'IINCE Street. oe3-3V. A GENTLEMAN OF BUSINESS EX d•-■- perience, owning a suitable lot of ground for a Manufactory, is aSsiroue of finding a proper person who would join him in erecting a orManufac tory, and engage in the manufacturing of Woollen Cotton Goods and furnish his proper proportion of Capital. Address, with real name, selo-60 "J. Pt," Pr f , ” Office. A GENTS WANTED TO SELL IN 4-2- the State of New Jersey. Philadelphia, Dela ware, Montgomery and Bucks counties, Pennsyl vania the great Aeene of Time and Eternity, lotth The Friend of the Bede; picture of eactraordlnary In terest and value. Flue chance roe agents. - Address JAMES BULL/01011E, Office 110. 30,10nnua 10) North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. ee224m• A GNNTB WANTZD FOR THE sEcitll sEitweE, _ THE TriNLD, THE DUNGEON, AND THE ENA,rg,:" By A. D. Richardson, New Torn 2V - 47. 7 we taerreS pondent. The moat interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experienee for four years, travelling through the South in the at cret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and 'fleets, both Eakt and West, during the first two years of the RedEllion; his thrilling capture• his confine isent for twenty months in seven different Ethel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, bynih s t ir r i ng early four hundred miles. It will abound in events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Horace Greeley says: • • A great many books willyet be written Concern ing this war, in addition to the many already in print; but net one of them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, andinstrumentali tics of tfie Slaveholders , Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want ofprofitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, Which we will wove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. • Address JONEe, BROTMERS,_& CO.. N. E. corner worn and MINOR Streets anl7-2-nr. Philadelphia, Pa, GOOD GIRLS IN EVERY GAPACI TY to be had, with city reference, at Mrs SEER'S, 411 X South ELEVENTH St. oc3-3t. GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS. WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT. " COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE WAR, In one large 'volume, splendidly illustrated, with over 125 tine Portraits of Generals and Battle Scenes. The most candid, lucid, complete, authentic and re liable history published. It contains reading mat ter equal to three large octavo volumes. Send for circulars and see our terms. . Address "JONES, BROS. & CO., " Philadelphia, Pa•" ocs-Ira&W4t* PARTNER WANTED WITH $15,000 to sueceed a Produce Commission House, having a well,established trade and credit. The advertiser can control the whole hilSmess of the old firm. Address oe3.3t* "PARTNER," at this Office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A young MAN of experience, in a Wholesale Gro cery, Shippinff or Oonanisslon HOUR. as Salesman or Assistant ook•keeper. Can Induce a good cash trade. Unexceptionable references given on inter view. Address B. W. A., , Pre** Office. oe4-4t5 $12,000 -WANT ED Ti t PARTNER fo en. gage in a lucrative - business, which is now paying - 150 per cent., and with this additional amount of capital can be increased to double that amount of percentage. For further pArtteulftra sail on Will. HALL WAXLER, se2B-thm-6t 5 No. 1243 S . FOURTH St., rbßa. $7OO OR $BOO WANTED UNTIL next April. Will pay ten per cent, Inte rest lh advance, and good collateral. Address "L. M. N., ,, Press office. seM- 9t . iffg ' WANTED A HANDSOMELY MILEURNMEP.HOUSE, for six or seven months. Rent not to exceed NO per month. Address ' , HER. CHANT," Box 2784 P. O. se2B-thstm.6ts da FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED, lall From November or December 1 until May Ist, for family Of lour persons and no small children. Address Box 2097..P05t Office. oC4.lot* M'IMIIIMEII2 FOR NEW YORK.— THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PIIILADE) .PHIA. AND TRENTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY'S LINES. FROM PHILADEL PHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, PROM WALNUT-STREET WHARF, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS — V/: rasx. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation_ S 2 25 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Ex- press 3 00 At 2P. M.. via Camden and Amboy. Express.. 2 28 At 10 A. M. and 12 M. (noon), via Camden and Amboy Accommodation (Freight mad Paesen ger) 2 22 At 6 and 11.30 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation ('Freight and Passenger)— Ist Class Ticket 2 25 Do. do.-2:1 Class Ticket 1.50 At 6A. M., 1 3d SP. M. for Mount Holly, Ewans vine, Pei rton, and Vincentown. At 6A. M. and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 6 and 10 A. M., 12 M. 8, 5,.6. and 11.30 P. M.. for Palmyra, Riverton, Delaneo,Beverly, Edgewater, Burlin_gton Florence. Borden (Awn. C. The 5 F. leline rune direct through to Trenton. At 10 A, M. and 2% P, M,, Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol. Burlington, Beverly. Ac. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.15 A.M., 4.30 and 6.45 P. M., via Kensing ton and Jersey City Express 83 00 At 12 P. M. (Night), via Remington and Jersey City , Rawest) 2 25 The 6.95 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. At 7.80 and 11.15 A. M., 3, 3.30, 4.30, 6.45 and 5 P. M. and 12 midnight, for Bristol. Trenton, Ac. At 7A. M. 10.50, 3,5, and 6P. M. for oornwens, Torrlsdale, Holmesburg, TaCony, Wissinoming, Bridesburg and Frankford, and at 8 P. M. for flolmesburg and Intermediate stations. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD, FOR THE DELAWARE RIVER VALLEY,_NORTH ERN PENNSYLVANIA, AND NEW YORE. STATE, AND THE GREAT LAKES. Two through Trains Daily (Sundays excepted,) from Kenai:wpm Depot. as follows: At 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Canandalgtia, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, nyra ease, Great Bend, M6ntrose, Wilkesbarre Scran ton, Stroudsbum , Water Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac. The 3.30 P. M. line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chrnk, Allentown, Bethlehem, dol, At SP. X. for Lambertville and intermediate Sta tions. MI - For New York and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, halt an hour before depkrtUre. The care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty peunds of Baggage only allowed each pas senger.-Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fiy pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility, for baggage to. One. Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any, amount beyond *l3O, except by special contract. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and de liver eau at the Depots, Orders to be 10,10 o. 3 WALNUT treet. LINES FROM NEWPHI YO A RK FOR PHILADEL , WILL LUTE FROM THE FOOT OF COURTLAND BT. At 12 Di. and 4P. VI, via Jersey City and At 7, 10, and 11.30 A. M., BP. M. and 12 (Night), via Jersey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. vhs Amboy and Camden. From Fier No, 1, North river, at 12 M.. 3. and 7 P. 31. (freight and - passengar),v)aAraboy and Camden, WILLIAMH. GA TEMEIt, Agent. OCTOTIRR 5, 1865. 4 No, 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND . ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. ithas been leased and is operated by the PENN , SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA.. Leave Eastward 7 - - Erie Mail Train Erie Espre se Train Leave Weatward Erie Mail Train I,ga agao P. M, Erie Express Train 7.30 A. ➢I. • Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 7.00 P, MA% /11TM at Erie at 3.40 A. M. Leave Erie at 2.05 P. N. arrive at New York at 12 noon. NO MANOR OF CARS BETWEEN ElitE & NEW YORK. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains: For information respecting Passenger easiness, apply corner THIRTIATU and BIABSET Streets. Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. ICINGSTON Jr.. corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. WILLLAN - BROWN, Agent N. 0. R. R. Balt, more. H. H. HOUSTON General Freight Agent, Philadelphia MVINNER, U Ticket 1 YLER. eneral Ticket gent, Philadelphia A. . T . General Snrot. Williamsport CABINET FURNITURE. • MOORE CAMPION, an 13013TH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline to the Maraet to the price of. their Ellrliiture.:Purchaters wlll pleaat nail and examine nor atnak- PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN TO ORDER at Foundries, of Engines, Carriages and 3rachi nery,in careful and most astlafadpry tpaaauaer.7 A.l)- {p! y' to ItElatElt, SN.7.COND Streetoiltor c Green. t urtwa rssove.prompt aiteutWa, 'll,* '0 LET. aft TO LET— A LARGE HOUSE, isw. with Fire Acres 4r ground, near Wayne Sta tion, Gomm flown. For partiottliti% IDDIY ill J. D. MOREY, 32.1. MARKET Street. 00.20 FOR g tft STORE, NO. 618 CALLOWRILL AIL Street, FOR SALE by J. H. MORHlM,ConTer tkucer, 23S North TENTH Street. OCAir fe FOR SALE—HANDSOME MO mal. DERN DWELL/NG, with Mee, corner: of, (:1-ITEENTII streerand Girard avenue. Imme diptv pusseselon. GEO. N. TOWNSEND.) 12334 S. FOURTH :Jima, fa FOR SALE—No. 235 ARCH ST. Ii madtata nosedgelon, Lem store end Thron in _lnt 22 by JO Only too. EIGHTH Street, between Race and Vine—L.srge, fa bliionalde Store and Dwelling. Lot 19 feet front by Oa feet deep. 40 1,000. Easy terms. oes-3tlf ja FOR SALE—WITH POKSSEBSION, TWO FURNISHED DWELLINGS. jgodern Residences, handsomely finished with all modern iintroVeblAtittl. Furnished in the latout style. ,uate on GIRARD Avenue. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & Co., 123% S. FOURTH Street. efr, SOUTHERN FARMS FOR SALE.4I JIM New Registers now ready. Cheap Farms. ..s.. Farms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Registers free. GEO. N_ TOWNSEND & CO.. oes-thel2t 1.23% FOURTH Street. FOR SALE, POSSESSION AT AraONCE—One HOUSE on Twelfth street; one HOUSE on Comae Street, 63,56 e each. One on Mar vise street, 4,4,501; also vOLo STORES, .4500 each. 'TATLOW JACKSON, ocs-6t.* 631.4 CHESTNUT Street. a FOR SALE, WITH POSSESSION, -• HANDSOME .N DW ELLINGS, On Ridge Road, above Thompson street. Thesebauctsome well-Snishad Modern Residences will be sold at fair prices and on easy terms. Only $l,OOO cash wanted—balance byl.nstalments. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO, ocb-at in% South FOURTIR Street. TO RE N FIRST-CLASS matRESIDENCE, with FURNITURE. on SPRUCE Street, west of Sixteenth. JOHN A. BURTON, oc4-Bt. • 2 WALNUT Street. L FOR SALE—THE WELL-BUILT and convenient DWELLING 711 GREEN St., with large aide yartl i with immetliate Dossees EN to N n. B. 123 South FOURTH St. fit FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, MIL until May; situated at Chestnut Hill, near de pot. House is large and handsome,Denatital grounds and stable. W. c, STILES, oc4•3t 332 WALNUT Street. rOR BALE-THE TWO-STORY is brick DwELLIN4I, No. 4a5 GILMEN Street: seven rooms and bath-room. Lot 18x78, with pri vate alley: Apply on the premises after 7 P. M. oeB•4t* a A FURNISHED HOUSE ON =iikorizErrlcuT HILL FOR walk from Depot. Address Box al, P. dFOR SALE, A BARGAIN-FARM rCI sexes, near Pottstowni renna,, rrict! all modern improvements and in h gh state of culti vatlon. Price SB,ODO. .Terms easy. GEO. SI. TOWNSEND & CO., 129)4 South FOURTH Street, tVALUABLE ARCH-STREET PRO PERTY FOR SALE—A - desirable, well-built three-story brick DWELLINO and lot of ground on the north side of Areli street, west of Ninth street, 25 feet front by 140 in depth, to an outlet; well suited for a business stand. A ppiy to A. D. CARVER du co., 0e2.60 B. W. nor. NINTH NA Y.II4PERT. t FACTORY BUILDING FOR RENT, with the use of a Steam-Engine in perfect or der. The Building has been thoroughly repaired, is well adapted for any business requiring plenty of room and superior light. Apply to JACOB M. ELLIS. se27-wths9t* No. 325 WALNUT St., Room No. 2. a FOR SALE—GERMANTOWN mainolragy,-4 very desirable property—A good dowolv INvo - sio - r7 dwaihsg, with ''Sisilat afYLe Of land, within one square or two depots , with line old Shade-trees and evergreens. A handsome stream of water passing through thepropertv, and water works on the property. supping's th e house. A fountain In front or the house, and stairla and gar den, with the beat of apring Water. Apply to C. HIESIKELL, No. S WASHINGTON BUILDING, THIRD SsrPet, ;Wove Spruce. gmFOR SALE—SIX GOOD FARMS SMI On the North Feninylvania Rattroad,wlth tWo hours ride or the city. VirfOULKE; No. 2GO S. Finn St., Phila. 111 FOR SALE—A FARM OF 48 gal Acres, situated in New Britain township, AI. Bucks county, within 1 g miles of Whitehall Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. he improvements consist of a Frame Dwelling, stone-paned first story; Barn, stone stable high% room for 11 cows and 6 horses; Wagon-house; Pig pen, with Granary above; Corn-crib &e.; Stone Spring-house, over a never-failing spring; a young And thrifty Apple Orchard; also, rears, Cherries; Plums,&c. • 6 Cows, 3 Horses, 11 Sheep, Ha Straw, Oats, Corn'in shock , and the usual supply of farming implements and dairy utensils. Price. $6,606; W ADIOS O can rema o the property. in A. n JONES, Whitehallville, 'Bucks county. Pa. AWILL BE BOLD, AT PUBLICAN' we, on TIIITIISDAY, October 28th, at...a. Z o'clock, on the premises, a FARM, of about six• teen acres, late the residence of Mrs. oatharine Henderson, deceased, situated on the Lancaster Turnpike, about a quarter of a mile west of the Eagle Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Improvements are a good stone house, with a well of good water in the kitchen, and a frame barn. It is a desirable place for a country residence, being a healthy neighborhood, and convenient to churches and schools, and capable of handsome improve ment. pale peremptory. se3o-switt. fra WEST PHILADELPHIA. PRO imaPERTY FOB SALE.—One of those new Brown stone Dwellings in Sherman place, FORTY SECOND Street, locl9W the Baltimore pike. P Fld6. SHAW. And also one in Btrney plate, BECKET Street, west of Forty ,second street. Price, 815,500. And also two on KINGFSESSING. Avenue, between Forts•filth and Forty-Sixth streets. Price, $6,000. Built in the best manner,with ail the hidden' Con veniences. Apply to 431-IA.S._II. SUPPLER, seso-6v. 740 North NINETEENTH. Street. gml FOR BALE-DWELLING nor) It MiL Fourth street. Dwelling 406 North Front. Dwelling 403 North Twelfth. Dwelling Dal Callowhill. Dwelling east side of Eleventh, north of Market. E. F. GLENN, 1.23 South FOURTH Street, ae3o-tf and S.W. cor. Seventeenth and (reen. aEARLY POSSESSION OF No. 307 Pine street awl Del 'Union street — deatralae DWELLINHO, with modern improvements. For sale by J. H. MORRIii, Conveyancer, 8e29 t* - A 33 North TENTH Street. —. . . ..... ORPHANS' COURT--PEREMPTORY BALE. Estate of JOHN N. LANE Deceased. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. VATJHABLE BROAD TOP COAL LANDS. Estate or John N. Lane, late of the City of Lan. easter. deceased. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, Pennsylvania, the Administrators of estate of said deceased, will sell perenitorlly, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of November 186 s, at 12 o'clock noon , noon, at the "PHILADELPHIA. EX.. CHANDE," the following described coal lands, late of said deceased, to wit: No. 3. Containing 195 ACRES AND 92 PERCHES, neat measure, situate In Broad Top township, and warranted in the of clirtatoptier Long, No. 9. Containing • 238 ACRES AND 122 PERCHES, neat measure, in the township aforesaid, and war ranted in the name of John book. No. 5. Containing ITS ACRES AND n PERCHES„, neat measure, situate in the township a foresaid, in the name of 11Tilliain Lane. • No. 6. Containing 909 ACRES AND 51 PERCHES, neat measure, In the tows ship aforesaid, and war ranted to William Foster. No. 7. Containing ISO ACit toi AND 7 PERCHES, neat measure, situate in said township, and war ranted in the name of John McLain. ,b40.'8. Containing 903 ACRES AND 15 PERCHES., neat measure, situate in said township, and war ranted in the name of Daniel Kerr. No. 9. Containing 11 ACRES AND 122 PERCHES.' neat measure, situate in said township, and war ranted In the name of Thomas H. Long. Tracts Nos. 9,4, 5,7, 8 & 9 are situate contiguous branchdy Run, which empties 0110 the ttaystowu Utile Juniata, near above Hopewell, on the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad , - a branch of which road has been graded up said run to or near said land. These six tracts arc all good , coal lands and fokla one or the hest coal estates In the Broad Top coal field, and can be mined oil Sandy Ham and Six-mile Run. They can be mined together, or each of the tracts can be mined separately, advanta geouslv. No-6 Is situated several miles from the above tracts, near the head of Sandy Mini is 5 gem 4 coal. tract and is set with excellent Dinber• A map of tile lands can be seen or had by apply ing to Al. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Phila.. Any inlll 'further inforitalii6ll datlilVd before the sale can De had by addressing the Administrators. at Lancaster, os the Hon. SAMUEL L. RUSSEL, at Bedford,. Pa. TERMS.—Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sate, and the balance on the Ist day of January, vE,S. W. CARPENTER, 11. B. SWARM, Administrators de bouts non of John N. Lane, deed. THOMAS & SW's, Auctloners, 139 and 1111. South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. _ LANcAsrrnit, Pa., Sept, 25, 1865. oe2.intlitill4 TO OIL COMPANIES.—FOR SALE— An Interest In a Well flowing 1,000 barrels of 011 a day, on miaow: Apply to JOSEPH MOORE, (Brant House. ►TO EXCHANGE—IMPROVED AND troteotoved Properly for Oil Stooks, ABRA HAM BECHTEL, No. 308 WALNUT 8t.,E00p116. se3o-6t* TO LET-ROOMS IN THE GRANITE -x- MT And 09 Dock street (for. merly Post Office), with Steam Power. THUS. H. CONNELL, Counting-house of Dr. D. J ayne S; Son, se29-6t,* 2.4-2 CHESTNUT Street. ha OPENING BY MISSES SPLINT of PARIS MILLINERY for the Fall and Win ter. on THURSDAY, October sth, at 1300 CHEST NUT strcet. Entrance on Thirteenth St. It. • ha MISSES O'BRYAN, 1107 WAL, NE"EUT Street. have now open. handsome assort ment of PARIS MILLINERY for the Fall. ori-120 ir m MRS. M, A RIN A.R, 1208 CHESTNUT Street, will open tile latest k 'Or Fall and Winter MILLINERY on T C.Y.C. HURSO October 6th. oci-2t« tvi KISTEIVS, No. 145 N. EIGHTH St., w7ll (*en on THURSDAY, October 6, FALL F.ANCY BONNETS. 0e3.3t•. ha YOUNG LADIES' AND CHILD -114. itEws MXI..LINERY Opcntng_,_ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4 1.885. MRS. 14ICROLS, 102 South EIGHTH Street, 11.40 P. M 10.40 A. M Iry MISS E. CALDWELL WILL EX "A titbit on wEpNEs DAY, October 4, 1885. r,i, AND "WINTERut No. }1534. ARtl FLOt. OHILDREN , S miLLINERV, SAT Uit DAY,Oct. 7 . oc2-6t* 11 MRS. M. A. KING WILL OPEN NR A nandeome assortment of l'or;s MILLINERY ou THURSDAY , veto - Per sot, a t 1104 CRESTS LIT Street oe2-dt.' IrAi A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF W....Ladles', Misses', elithiren , s Straw, elt. awl Silk-plush RATS. Alth, Flowers,. Feathers. Velvets, and Ribbons, wbich " t " low ' est cash price, or short 5 thee. schgra 9 MUSICAL BOXES. 1, .......... LARGE and SHALL, plitylug from 2 to 10 beau tiful times. for sale low 1,3 R a I RROTHEIt, Importers. oeli-ly 324 CHESTNUT St., below Fourth. I IFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL cotoz.—without question the most accurxte t life-like and .tntpressive portraits qq.ite; colored. See speeltnenstl.l. ft.Elkieß.,B24 ARM St trot. . lt* COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS—SECIIRE thew, unw, reducti Drives. Arare orlportii ally to gets fair, naturally-colonal ricture,oy ItERIX.We3, tI„c3JICI) s!,reet, abovl; lareqU. AMUSEMENTS. HE'RENE SW 8.4A.A.11 NlNTilbrid SAiISOM. AUCTION' SAWS I,F ODBMS, &C. Oil SATUBDAT VIOBNIAO next, et 10 oielaek. comprlstnit about SEVICNTY-FIVE HORSES, suited to 'Harness and the Saddle. Full descriptions at sale. ALSO New and Et cona•hand Carrlogea, Dearborn., &c., vilth which the sale will commence. Single and Double Harness, Saddles, Bridles, &o. SPECIAL NOTIOB.—SaIea of Horses. cattier. Cara i t arneee, held every MONDAY. WED- A- Tsiii fSDAY AVetIRDAY, nom. mencieg a o clock A. 114, myth day. ALFRED M. fiEliKNEss, Auctioneer. GLIAMPION'ta CITY DAZAATt AND TATTERSALL% BADE ntreet, be tween Eleventh and Twelfth. R. B. CHAMPION,. Auctioneer. win oRRATY, Ootber7, at 10 o'clock for aocount of the U ni t e d Statwi t ONE HUNDRED M ULES. Palepositive. 83 acclek , of Cii6OltGE R. Olibilii 0e5.3t Capt. arid Aoslotant quartermaster. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA. TRE—CHESTNUT Street. above Twelfth. L. GROVBB St W . , E. SlNN,Leasees and managers. THURSDAY 'LVENING, Ottaier . ,s4. BRILLIANT SUCOEtili AND LAST N.LOHT BUT TWO Of the grand legendy and romantic Drama of T AN G EL OF MIDNIGHT; W' Ala will be presented with New and beautiful Scenery novel mechanical ef— fects, correct properties, oritnal Music, and a CAST OF RRILLINNOY AND STRENGTH, Including MISS JOKE ORTON AS THE AlittilL OF MID Ni.p.a.r. The performance will conclude with the screaming Farce, styled THE DEAD SHOT, SATURDAY AFTERNOON,Dct, SIXTIETH GRAND FAMILY DIATINFA When will be presented, the 13EA OF ICE, Monday, OctobeMONTE C r 9,Lthc Sp RI etacu O lar Drama, ST. MR:i,L,V l 4lo, l lslfEw's NEW A-R°B , FIRST WEEK OF MRS. F. W. LANDER. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS,. CHARLOTTE CORDAY. Charlotte Corday Mrs. F. W. Lander Willa the chatiiSt of the Mersa(lase Hymn. Atter which THE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. Dlggery Stuart Robson FRIDAY, Benefit of Mrs. F. W. LANDER. BLIND TOM, AT THN AQADEMY OF MUSIC, SATURDAY AIoTRNOON. OC4-4t WALNUT -STREET THELTRE, N.E. corner NINTH and WALNUT Streets., HOUSE CROWDED IN EVERY PART. FOURTH WEEK of the Lmmensely successful engagement of MRS. D. P. BOWERS. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, Oct. 5, THE PEEP-O'DAY; on, MAVOURNEEN DEEMS'', MRS. D. P. BOWERS, in her original character of KATHLEEN, as played' by her In London upwards of FOUR HUNDRED NIGHTS. RAMBLERS KANANA(HI.Mrs D. P. BOWE/ilk Harry Kavanagh Mr. John McCullough. Barney O'Toole Mr. Barton 11111, Rev. M. O'Cleary Mr. G. H. Griffiths. ••• Blind Paddy Mr; 0, B. Fawcett, Mary Grace, with songs Miss HAM Uermon. Chairs scoured three days in advance, Doors open at 7 o'clock, conunence at 7,ti. se2B-thstu4t* NEW M ERICAN THEATRE, WAL T ee E t,VENI above ighth. EVERY Will be performed the new local drama of PHILADELPHIA. BY GASLIGHT. MISS KATE FISHER inter. •lifttnetero. New Ballot THE CHINESE FESTIVAL. Wile Augusta. Mons. Antonio and Corps de Ballet. To conclude with tile farce entitled LIFE IN INDIA' MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY Atternnon. oe JOHN LANG. Executor. BAILEY'S GREAT SHOW, Corner BROAD and LOCUST Streets. EVERY AFTo LEADINGND EVENING. FIVE GREAT ATTRACTION& TWO FULL CIRCUS COMPANIES, comprising such artists as JAMES MELVILLE, Mad. MELVILLE PHILO NATITANS, WM. KINKAID. MAPPER and WBDTNEI. 31M. WARD, CLOWN. SHE WONDERFUL NICOL() FAMILY' A FULL MENAGERIE of rare Beasts from the four quarters of the globe. T ILE EDUCATED PERFORMING TELE the most Interesting animals in the orld, eeletw , ..ted ae POSTURERS, GYMNASTS 4 BALANCERS, DANCERS stud NUSECIANS, THE GIGANTIC HIPPOPOTAMUS, the veritable BEHEMOTH. "Re la Alit ammo the ways of Godl talon earns these le oot ha like. , + Notwithstanding these rare, varied and UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTIONS, the rice of admission to the nye sho=w Will lit ONLY FIFTY CENTS. Doors open at SEATS d SE P. M. SECURED by going early. oc4-tt ACADEMY OF MUSIC. T. BUCHANAN READ, - - - - Al4HOlt OF THE NEW PASTORAL, WILD WAGONER, DRIFTING, SHERIDAN'S BIDE, iteto will, by request of many citizens or this city, give a reading of selections from his own Poems, ett the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON FRIDAEVENING, Oct. eth,1835. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Reading to commence at 8, Tickets, '5O cents; secured Seats, V 3 Cents. Seats may be secured at any Mile Ml:aloud to the Reading at the Music Store ot O.W A. TRIMPLER, corner SEVRNTLI and CHESTNUT, and at the Box Office. Molt CONCERT HALL. A GRAND CONCERT, To bc_gven by cailluent and tolanted Vocalists, on WEL/IIESPAY EYEIs ING, Oct. 2.5 th, 1885, to aid in building a new addition. to the School for the Sisters of Providence. Tickets, 50 cents each. Can be had at St. Joseph's Church and School-house, No, 430 LOMBAHD Street. ocs-2t' BLIND TOM GIVES HIS LAST • GRAND MATINEE in this city, at the ACA DEMY OF MUSLC, NEXT SATURDAY AFTER NOUN. ASSEMBLY BUILDING % TENTifi AND CHESTNUT, POSITIVELY LAST THREE NIGHTS Of the distinguished artists MR. AND MRS. HARRY WATKINS. And the beat of living..lady.Planisth_ MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, In their comical biusleal Entertainment, TWO HOURS FUNL &kip Pronounced hy rreerAnA,..IPIA the moat charming AM) AM.UgEMENT ever presented. It is reigett with BRILLIANT MUSIC, ONG SARCASM, WIT AND S PIANO DUOS MISS O. SHAW AND PROPES. eon HENRI A. PALING. Doors open at Ik4; begih hi B. Tickets 60 and 25 etas. oc2-6t MUSICAL FUND HALL. IMM.OOI CONCERT IN AID OF THE POWINIVO' On THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. 0, AU. The iollowing_lalent will participate; Prof. 01-IAtS._JAUVIS, Plano. rot vtlik, H. SCHMITZ, Violoncello. rot. JEAN LOCK Ilaaao. And evreral Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs. The entire proceeds of this Concert are for the benefit of the Soldiers' Home. Tickets, fifty cents. No reserved seats. Foe sale at the principal Music alum, ausl of PIP Hall on the evening of Die Concert. The Grand Plano used (Goo. Steck & Co., makers) is furnished by Mr,Uould,Seventli and Chestnut sts. Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at g o'clock. oc2-40 IF YOU WANT TO BEE A. GRAND SATURDAY ig AFTER CADEMY OF MUSIC, NEXT NOON. oc4-4t CONCERT HALL. LAST VMEK OF BLIND TOM. snub TOM will positively cloae ttla engage. went in this city at the end of this week. He will appear at Concert Hall EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets he cents; Gallery 21 cents. Reserved Seats, M cents; to he,llo at /dr, T. B. rugh's Bookstore, corner siztria. and 'CHESTNUT Streets. Comfortable seats have been reserved lu the gal. lery On the accommodation of colored people. oc2-6t S. C. J. THANER, Agent. ALL WHO HAVE NOT HEARD tiTn3l l , l l7 N EßT ri a l ltrfilritli t i3Afitilalt. r oca BARRETT'S GYMNASIUM , SPARR. irA pr E flemeduld Rifle Gallery, now ogriftlile• ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till 6P, lit. BenJamin West's_ great pleturcos 11.2.1310 TED Mill en Exhibitiall. BOARD/N[. BOARDINO-IN WEST PHILADEL PHIA, for Gentlemen, or Vaadllo. dren,by early apialeation at 3EE SEEM E St. ti 13"13D-, ING.-EUPE MDR ACOOMMO. PATIOice for iXrst-ciniO3 itebeeliere at the Milted States Hotel, 41.3 CHESTNUT Street, Charges moderate. This house has no bar, One large, handsomely-furntshed chamber vacant to-morrow. oca-sto BOARDING.- 0 .NE LARGE 'MOND story front ROOM, in Walnut street, near Address gentleman and NOM, in a private house. "A. B. C.," Flees Mice. oc2-tuwf3t* 11 0 A. RD IN G.-CONVENIENT TO, and having frequent railroad eonnuunicatloni wt o'clock, it 1402 near the elation. Inquire before 2 at WALNUT street. se2ll-lne LOST AND FOUNDi. NOTICE—LOST, ON OR ABOUT THE 24th inst., CERTIFICATE NO. 74. for i.,_001 shares in the capithl to spf the POURING ROOK. AND EAST SARDY on. CO.,' issued t 6 1%6 and tinted Sept. fith t 1865. Application has been made for a renewal of the same, J. if, TAYLOR. seze-ths 61 CORN EX CHA. BAG MANLIFACTOBV. 10,000 Cotton Seamless Bags. 30,000 Liueu do, 410. 20,000 Jute do- do. Iu 131.111`e and for sole br JOtIDT North IS?' &NO., 113 FRONT street, eel4-3m • Wn yxEGIN WAX OF ANTILLES —Anew . Freuct.b...etio , for beautifying sag preserving the completion. It Is the most Ivonder.- rut compound of the age. There Is neither chalk, powder, magnesia bismuth, nor talc la Its Immix, dittos., it being co mposed entirely of pure Virgin WAS; hence the extraordinary qualifies for pre serving the akin, malting' it sort, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, tiaa homely handsome , the handsome more beaut y and the meet beautiful divine. Prices, SO an cents. may by IIUNT & CO., Perfumers. 41 south t'xilinti Street, two doors above Obestip nut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Wal nut. WirdAhn Q FITGITET & SONS, 1.2, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ANI) Importers of HAVANA. 0.10.A.RS and TOR&000. se2l-1m MA South FRONT Street. $20.- G. & S. CRYSTAL, D. P.-$2O. SLOB) a year can be realized gilding ands gat g r ay ,t_itwl Agents wanted. vviY '" nd Instructions net L. L. & 00.4 SO NASSAU Street, New York. Bend fora Circular. aeal-itn* TITAVAITA OIGARS.—A. GOOD VA, „ma may constantly In store and bond, at low , - eat one rates. R. FINITTIFP A gONM, trie24-an.. No. elm Rooth FRONT Fltropt sp, DR. C. L. MUNNS, 731 SPRUCE Street, EXTRACTS TEETH wltlioet the least palm by iiihnintstoring Mir9l4. sl.s* This gas . Is without taste or smell. and has not Liu!, unpleasant effect of ether or ohlaroforlii. It Is per. feet) *harmless and delightful to Inhale, se2A-Int DR. J. P. WYMAN, DENTIST, xemoveil No, w Wilftli . SlVlil4. 14troeti. below one. Oh OSAGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, 7y es, an d oil rE e rlf I&c.,alitfAeliFlilhiVASt 5e21,110 .4,„. 1 ..„ WRITTEN AND VERBAL 1 1 DESCUIPTIONS of Character, Catnip Sutton, and Went. with ADVICE OIL lib kHooloops, Health. Education, iktailagrtarat. and Training CHILDREN. Social Adaptation, ac,, day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPIN, Phrenologist and Ijolokseller, 0. ES B. TENTH StrtliatttlOve