• 111NANCAILL: ,- - - - IFICEYOR THE SALE OF opirEIIINFIZNIM LOANS xt - Y - COOIEW. An CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, VeMoyed temporartty to %O. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, get to sale. at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECIIRMES, AB FOLLOWS 7.MTseasuey Notes of date of Aug.% UN. 1:10- do. do. Julie 16.1886. D o . do. do. duly AS, W. • BONDS OF HSI. E-S0 LOAN OF 1862. 5.20 LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF MOE. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. SS OF ALL KINDS BOUOLIT AND SOLD 8N COMMISSION. pformation given concerning all kinds of Sem %Lies' collections on all points made at lowest rates. orktitil CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, los IsotrTU FOURTH STREET. 'IGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES, CAPITAL $750,000. D i s Bank will issue Certificates of Deposit bear -stere.t, on favorable terms. • .VOELVEN, rzr..kr•Er.riiii., Sept. 22, 1865. t)! lUD t) 4:1 EW STYLES DRESS GOODS. SIIEPIEBItD PLAIDS, ALL. -WOOL SAXONY, FOULARD DE lALLINE, Ton.v. 11310 - NOIEMD, MIL. DE CHEYROE. /OF. SALE BY PEACE OB PACBAGB, BY HALLOWELL, OARDNER ds 00., 615 CHESTNUT street. lagS l KENT, SANTEE, .54 CO., &PORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, EON 289 and /241 North Third Streets 2111LAIDELPHIA. Moths, la• tn, Panto. Cenimeres, Delainea, Esdaens. Alpacas, Ms, Fancy Dress Goode, fottonades. Brown and Bleeched Sheetings, Pentns, Brown and Bleeched Shirtings, faipe., Omish Ohanabras, MeV>. mish Tw ee l s, • Ginglia m 5, O Flannels, 4 • Diapers, Linens, FIIRMEHING GOODS, SPRITE GOODS, attl3-3m NOTIONS, &e., ite, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS WRITE, BUFF, AND DRAB GAUNTLETS; KID, BUCK, BEAVER, CASTOR, CLOTH, RINGWOOD, AND ABERDEEN GLOVES; JUST LANDING, AND FOR SALE BY JOHN B. ENGILLISH dc CO., sel94t. 3 BANK Street, rhtlada. FALL. JAS, It, CAMPBELL & CO.) 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Caen Buyers at wholesale 10 their stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN D IVY CP 0 Xi OS RIO, for extent, variety, and general adapta lot to the wants 0E44 trade, ig unrivalled. SILKS, IVIERENOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS. LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied With scarce and desire tle goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE BOONS VP STAIRS. Matt DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT 513.0EMAICER 8$ CO., N. E. corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Isporcere and Dealers in Foreign and Domed's; WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. DIANIIFACTIMEBS OP WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, POTTY, V. A9ZIT Fos TEM CELNOILITZD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer and Cowmen, applied it VENT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. IClyl3-816 COTTON -WARP CLOTHS, TRICOTS, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS ALL-WOOL DOESKINS, AND oTHER , FANCY PATTERNS. roc' sale by the Manufacturers, BENJ. -BELLOWS SONS, 4 0 and 42-South FRONT Street. JUST RECEIVED, FADS, SAEL-V-At & CO., $l9 CHESTNUT STREET A .. T. LAMB OFFER FOR aiLLE FOREIGN' AND DOMESTio WOOL. No. 121 CHESTNUT STREET. 'nl944* S P BO /AL - NOTICE. / have made arrangements to remain for a im SHORT TIME ONLY, tla - s .yrre?eut store, and will continue to sell first. totf te. LIZITUSLE 7017 low prices, nntllcurther . GEO. J. HENKELS. set-ka SOU and 811 CHESTNUT Street. T o T 6 GLASSWARE DEALERS, AND HE R B IN THE TIRADE. ce report circulatect , by the manufacturers , en atri hi the above business that the Blowers were w ie pding an advance or eper cent. on last year's being Incorrect, Trade eeme on sufficient ire ii;Vi!nce to notify the lhatthe contrary, .iowers are resisting an attempted reduction of per cent. alarde T of the Convention of Blowers held in utee2E,P. September 2lst, 1885. giriher particulars, see Pinchers , Zrods Re se23-20 i i?. ..RBOR'S SEEKING MEDICAL AID, /? 0 ,184404,5rit to consult Dr. C. A. DUMAS, tt„reatmenf.NW 14tre7', for prompt' and enl7 444 f c , nt PlittentS any add=s by h4ter,. and roam.: rwardect to any addyeaa: tiel4-/in* RETAIL .DRY:4IO Ds. 1 8 65 )tEW GOODS FOR 1865. EYRE & LINDELL * - FOURTH AND ARCM IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, RETAILERS, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. ViIIOLEBALL-SECOND FLOOR. self-tf FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Rich Plaid Paris Poplins. Choice shades Paris Poplin. Choice shades Paris EpingleS. Chaim shades Pall§ Reim. Choice Shades Paris Elector&le. . Wench Dierinoes, all grades. Cashmere Plaids. Printed Mousse-delaines. All colors Mousse-delaines, Single and double width, With a full line or Dress eoods. PRICES RANGINO PROM 3736 TO 60 CENTS. All from the recent Auction Sales In New York and Philadeltdda. CURWEN STODDARD & BROTHER Nos. 1.50, iv, and 454 North SECOND Street, se2.l-at Above Willow. GREAT STOCK OF JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, Of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel, assured of special attention. We aliso have a complete stock or FRIENDS' WEAR. COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and BAGATELLES. Our motto is ".Good Goods at Fair Prices," at W. T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET AND 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. sea..lm CASHIER. ae23-5t VOGL& BRO., CORNER TENTH AND PINE, OPEN BARGAINS FROM AUC TION. lot French colored Working Cotton, 10 cents per dozen skeins. I lot black Sewing Silk, 35 cents per dozen skeins. 2 loti black .A 1111163, Braid, $1,50 and 2.25 per piece of 2.8 yards. • 1 lot figured mode colors Worsted Braid, 61.25 per piece. 2 lots white silk Corset Laces, round and flat 60 and 75 cents per dozen. 1 lot Mohair Waterfall Nets, black, 13 cents. 1 lot flair Waterfall Pads, 35 cents. 1 lot Horsehair Plaited Hair Rolls, 25 cents. 1 lot Patent-leather Belts, steel buckles, 10 cents. I lot gents , hemstitch linen Handkerchiefs 35 to 75c. I lot gents , corded border linen Handkerchiefs, 25 cents. . I lot 4 wee laillea'eorded border linen Handker chiefs, 20 to 33c. 11ot ladies , two-inch hemstitch linen Handker chiefs, 31 to 50 cents. lot very heavy, No. 50, black Bonnet Ribbon, 73 cents. . . . 1101 Fall colors, small patterns, English Prints, 35 cents. ..I.loi email plaid English Manchester Gingham*, 44 cents. . 1 lot very fine and wide Scotch Nursery Diapers, 663 110 rt tl e oVr!drop pattern ijd Damask Table' Cl.oillSl Also, several lots dress goods, very cheap, just received. Also, Balmoral Skirts. se23-2t FALL 000 DB. Just received a large assortment of goods suitable for the fall season, consisting of Lupin's all wool delailles. Luplu's merinoes. Lupin's cashmere o•Ecosse• Lupin's Empress cloth. Li Parisienne. Lupin's Tomise ii yards wide. Lupin's Velour Russ. Lupin's poplins. Lupin's poplin Pekin. Lupin's Biarritz. Lupin's bombazines: Alpacas, crown mohairs,_Queen's cloth, &e. Also.a assortment ofeeeo•nd mourning goods. Black silks, taffeta, gros de Rhinea, poult sot, &c., &c., in different qualities. PERKINS, se23-3t No. 9 South NINTH street. QHAWLS I SHAWLS I ! 1,7 Bound Blanket Blutwict. Plain Loug Shawls,for friends. Extra-size Square Shawls. Fine Plaid Shawls, newest patterns. Misses' and Children's Shawls. Black and Mode Thtbet Shawls. Berlin Jacquard Shawls. sea AtJOHN H. STOKES', TO ARCH St SIFL FOR ALL THE NEW AND .2t, CHOICE SHADES MERINOES. 4 cases all-wool Merinoes, from SO to $1.75. 2 cases splendid plaid Poplins $1.50. Very -One black Alsrinoes and Empress Cioths. Single and double-width Cashmeres for wrappers. J. C. STRA.WBRID GE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET Sor,. FOR A VERY SUPERIOR lsoer MUCK SILK. Heavy white edged Gros Grains and Taffetas. A very choice lot of figured Silks, $1..75. The cheapest black Alpacas in the city. 25 pieces very pretty 'Plaids at 50 cents. J. C. STEA.WBRIDGE & Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARXET. Ll 9. FORA VERY LARGE HAND c, SOME BLANKET. 25 cases and bales Blankets at the lowest prices. White, blue, gray and brown Blankets. Lap - Blankets, Florae Blankets, Berth and Crib Blankets. Confortables, Quilts and Counterpanes, whole sale and Retail: J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 1865. 40 CENTS FOR AN ALL-WOOL WHITE FLANNEL. Fine and heavy wide Shaker Flannels, 81 cents and $l. Large sized fringed Towels at 25 cents. Loom and half-bleached Table Linens. Linen for sliirt-fronts, from 50 Cents to $1.25. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE ht Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 62 1-2 CENTS FOR YARD WIDE FRENCH CHINTZES. 45 cents for yard wide purple Calleoae. 45 cents for yard wide - English Chintzes. 28 cents for fast-colored American Chintzes. 31 cents for the best double purple Calicoes. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE lb CO., "Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 5e2.4-stuthtf $9 MARSEILLES QUILTS- Of good quality and large sizes. Also, finest qualities, extra size. Honey-comb Quilts, two grades. COOPER & CONARD , Se2:3-2t S. R. Cor. NINTH and MARKET fits. 43 -CENT GRAY TWILLED FLAW t, NEL—Good quality worth 50. Red and Blue Twills. $1 for very best 37-inch =shrinkable Shaker Flannel. COOPER & CONARD, se23-2t, S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARRET Sts. $lO ABLANKETS Are large and fine. Three cases of $lO and $l2 Blankets; extra cheap. • Colored Blankets $4 to $7. Good size Crib Blankets, $3 to $7. COOPER & CONARD, se23-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH. and MARKET Sts; SI.IOLUPIN'S WIDE BLACK DE LAINE—But little over the old gold price. Pinar grades., in single and double width. 1,1?,5 for Lupin's good quality Black Poplins. COOPER & CONABD, se23 2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARBET Ste. O PEN CENTRE BROCHE L 0 N G SHAWLS—Fine oualitiea, at $33, $4O, and $35. Black Flibet and Wool Plaid Long Shawls. Kisses' Plaid Shitwls.ll COOPER a CONARD, eaz Zt b. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKET 840. WATER -PROOF CLOAKS.- Fall and Winter Cloaks,Dfr the wholesale and first-class retail trade. COOPER & CONARD, se23-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKETrts. LADIES' OLOAKING&-- Black Beavers, Tricots, Chinchillas, Velours, Water-proofs, Sackings, &c. Fresh stock, low prices, large assortment, just the right kinds. COOPER & CONARD, se23-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKET SM. CABSIMERES—. All the fine and medium makes fancy and taaa, for Boys , wear; first-class huge ems suits, clergymen and plain people. COOPER & CONARO, sc2B-2t S. E. Cor. NINTH and MARKET Sts. S ILK EMPRESS POPLINS, CHOICE SHADES. . . SILX REP POPLINS. CHOICE SHADES. IRISH POPLIN_ ,S CHOICE SHADES, OF ALL THE NEW AND D H. ESIRA.BL L E COLORS. STEE & SON, se2l-ths2t Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. fIORDED BILKS-NEW CHOICE COLORS. LIGHT SHADES ➢'OR EVENING DRESSES. PLAIN SILKS—NEW CHOICE COLORS. NOIRE ANTIQUES—NEW CHOICE COLORS. NEW CHOICE FANCY SILKS. NEW SILKS IN GREAT VARIEY! H. STEEL & SON, se2l-ths2t Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. (TEAT' DRESS GOODS, ALL NEW AMERICAN DELAINES, 3758 DENTS. FOIL DE CHB - SIDES, VALENCIAS 4 MOHAIR% at 40, 45, 50, 56, 62, 75 and 87 cents. H. STEEL & SON, se2l-that Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street EMPRESS CLOTH POPLINS, CHOICE sHADVO—BLIIE.GREEN,PURPLE,BROWN, WINE,STEEL,MODE, BLACK 41.2.5,111.31,V.5042. H. STEEL & SON, se2l..ths2t Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. BLACK SILKS GOOD - BLACK SILKS, GRO GRAINS FARISIENNE TAFFETAS. ANNuREs.HEINETIENNRS. RICH LYONS TAFFETAS. WHITE EDGE TAFFETAS AND GROS DU TWINES, Of all widths and qualities. H. STEEL & SON, se2l-ths2t, Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. VELOUR REP POPLINS, CHOIC E SHADES,BLITE,GREEN,PDEPLE,BROWN, WINE L MAROON STEEL, MODE, BLACK, PEAR, at S 2, H. STEEL 86 SON, ee2l-tlig2t Noe . 713 and 70 N. TENT H Street. BLUE DOUBLE WIDTH. Lupin's Wool Delaines, of good quality, at fi Also, Greens, Browns, Mpdes, &e. $1.37' Lupin's plain Poplins, Greens, Browns, Blues, Purples. ti 1.25 Lupin's Black Po l ine. 1.10 Lupin's 7-4 Black Delaines. olored Alpacas, Paramattas, &c. Delaines,Prints. Plaids, .te. NABOEMLEB QUILTS. New Invoice, good qualities and large sizes, at lower prices than for three years. Also, Honeycomb Quilts. Fine stock of Bed, Crib, Cradle, and Colored BLANKETS. COOPER & CONARD,_ se2o-tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. •••• • - ilia a :••• Nos. &DO, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, ae22-3t Above Willow. 12-4 FINE HE 41. VT BARNSLAY SHEETING, el)ls.—nat from auction, at the above low _price. CIIEWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452 and CH North SECOND Street, Above Willow. M 1 ItS EILLES COUNTERP A NES, ot all grades and sizes. ODOWEN STODDART & BROTHER, ee Nos. 450. 45,0 and 4104 North SECOND Strt, Abo Willow. HEAVY GRAY BLANKETS, at low _prices. CVEWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Noa: 450, 452 and'4s4-North SECOND Street, Above Willow. SUPERB of QUALITY NBLANICETB.— A full Hue Blankets. eo mp risisg all sizes and grades. . . CIIRWEN STODDART & ER6Tligg, Nos. 45x0, 432 and UP* North SECOND Street, above Willow. Ing PRESS:4-MEADELPIIIK SATIMDAY, SEPTEMBER 23; 1865 RETAIL DAY GOODS. REAL VALENCIENNES LACES. - v a, 30, 30, 40 and 30 cents. Just received a large lot at the above reduced prices. COICIVEN, STODDART & BROTHER, Noe. 450, 48a and 454 North SECOND Street, ae2l.Bt above Willow. CHEAP TABLE LINENS.- 74 Brown Table Linen, 75e. 8.4 Brown Table Linen, 870. 7-4 Loom Damask Table Linen, $l. trill One of superior Damasks,. Table Cloths , Napi4.,,,, Tomelillig, Ste., &e. C'ETEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 480, 452 and 484 North SECOND Street, se22.Bt above Willow. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES. A full line of French Nerinoes, A full line of Poplins, A full line„of Silks and Shawls. • A full line of Blankets, A full line of Muslin A full line of Table Linens, A full line of Cloths and Oskar/Wag, atl JOHN ARCSHS, sell 1O Street. J CHAMBERS „ NO. 810 ARCH ST. e• • NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. Thread Veils new designs. Thread Lace Barbes. Cambria Lace Veils, from $l. Thread Lace Collars, from 31:1 eta. Empress Collars in potato de gaze, point ap plique, and valenciennes. WHITE GOODS. French Muslin, 2 yards wide for dresses. Soft finish Cambric, Nainsook, Plaid and Stripe Muslims very cheap. Rich Cambric Edgings and Insertions, French Embroidered Bands. Flouneings, Hemstitched Hdkfs., extra tine, 25 ets. sel2-121 - EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now open a full stock of Lupin's" French Merinoes. Lupin's" "Moulin de Latins. Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Rich-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Laises. Polka Dot De LRIIICS and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, or our own Ini portation. sell BLANKETS --ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRICES. Medium and Sue Blankets. Some entire cheap lots. $9 and $lO. Fine crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheetings. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, $1 and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels; Tickings. Linen Diapers, $2.25, .2.10, $3, and $3.50, /Lc. DELAINES. 107 pieces new Delaines, 35 and 37 etil. 118 pieces new prints, best makes, only 28 to 35ots. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COOPER & COWARD.. S. E. eor. NINTH and MARKET Streets. golQt HOOP SKIRTS.-NEW 1-I , wws- , FALL STYLES NOW READY 628. at Hopkins , Manufactory, No. 02SARCH Street. OUT aSSOrtment is complete, containing full lines of Lathes', Misses', and Children's Skirts, of every style, length, and size, which, for finish, durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop skirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, altered., and repaired. Also, good Eastern-made skirts, from fifteen to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and re tail. se9-11nr NEW 'PUBLICATIONS. THE COMMERCIAL LIST AND PRICE CURRENT, Published by STEPHEN N. WINSLOW, 241 DOCK STREET, contains everything in eonueetion. with Mild dellns Markets, and matters of great importance to the business sontuntUity. RgAuy - AT LAST. Irtemus Watd's New Book, Anavatus WARD—IIIs TRAVELS Among the Mormons and Indiana, A rich and racy book, and one that will cause more laughs through out the land than any other work published in years. Thousands and tens of thousands have been sold, and the demand continues unabated. Full of illustrations. Price, $1.50. a , • # # ALSO READY. OUR ARTIST IN CUBA, A comic book of Travels in the:West Indies,illus trated with tifty original 'humorous drawings ou Wood, by GEO. W. CARLETON. Printed and bound in a new and exceedingly attractive style. Price, ta.sO. * * * * * RECENT CAPITAL BOOKS. &Laibob Papers—A Comic Book by JOHN I'HCENTX 50 Looking Around—A new novel. By A. S. Wm 50 50 I °MMUS C. Kerr Papers—A third series Gomov ery of Montgomery—A new American nel 00 All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mail FICEE on receipt of Price, by CARLET ON, Publisher, se23-wste NEW YORE. R ARE CURIOUS,OLD is MANUSCRIPTS. The subscriber, 'who has been engaged in the Book business for upwards of seventeen years, in Leeds, England, has opened a store at No. 22 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, where he will keep constantly on hand the best Literary Works, as well as such rarities In print and Manuscript as are to be obtained from English facilities sales 4(1 unusual riy ate purchase. Havinglle site imDort Books for those desiring particular works and his prices, either for Books on the shelves or imported, will be at a small advance on cost. . . . , His first Catalogue, to be issued in a few days, will be forwarded gratis to those desiring it. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. N. B.—He is prepared to make liberal offers to persons desirous of selling Libraries, Single Books, or Manuscripts. se6-wat* BENJIT. ASHWORTH. Migg,NWTnuarouTstlit,rLaer."° - Published .1115 DAY: THE USE OF THE LARYNGOSCOPE, in Dis eases of the Throat with an Appendix on Rhino scopy. By MOICELL MACKENZIE, M. D. Lond. M. R. C. P., Physician to the Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat; DerrdSllolldillg MOW= of the Impe rial Royal Society 01 ehysieians of Vienna, Re., &c., Re., with ILLUSTRA T ION. ALS, A complete Classified and Priced Catalogue of MEDICAL BOOKS, which will be furnished gratis, upon application. LINDSAY do BLANIZTON, Publishers and Booksellers, Ben ' No. 25 South SIXTH Street. NEW AND SUPERIOR BOOKS. LEMONS FOR scHOOLS, taken from the Holy Scriptures, in the words of the Text. 300 Pp., 12mo. $45 per 100 copies. Single copies, by mall, 67 gents. It is admirably adapted for school purposes. RHYMES FOR THE. NURSERY. By the author of " Original F A new and beautifully 11- le.t:ated edition. Extra cloth 75 eta. THE ROUND PICTURE ST6BIES. A nice little book, made on purpose for children. 18mo. 30 eta. RIC AT THE TAVERN; Or, Nobody's Boy. By the author of "Katie Lee," "Little Light," &c. 18mo.. cloth. 40-cents. THRigHUNBRED YEARS AGO; or the Story Of I.Mian. itmo., cloth. 60 cents. WAY TO THE HEART OF CHILDHOOD; Or, Seed Sown in Spring-time. 18mo.. cloth. 40 cents. Just published and for sale bKTHE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, o. MB CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia, and 599 BROADWAY, New York. sell-St LATE PUBLICATIOXS.-AN, EXAM INATION OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. By John Stuart.llllll, in two volumes ; 121 no. EtONOlllOB THESLAVE-DEALER'S HAUGH TER. By Ste - ilea (4. Builinch. THE BLAD AND THE EAR.—Thoughts for a Young Man. By A. B. llttlizzey_. DiSsERTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.—PoIiti eta, Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart OS 12 ruO. All the new books received as soon asprdalistmd, and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Manion, ) 805 CHESTNUT Street. n_ODEY'S, LADIES' FRIEND, AND "LA ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINES, for Onto• ber, at PITCHER'S Book, Album, Picture, and Frame Store, 808 CHESTNUT Street. se22-2t PATENT AERATED BREAD, SWEET BREAD, HEALTHY BREAD. CLEAN BREAD, WHITE BREAD, CHEAP BREAD. Beeps longer than any other Bread; made with out yeast fermentation or hands, wholly by ma chinery; positively pure; free from daeterklitH Stances. New and improved Oven and Machinery recom mended by eminent chemists and physicians. It requires but one hour and twenty minutes after the Hour leaves the barrel before It 1..5 in Bread. CALL AND SEE THE PROCESS. rt. B.—Families supplied throughout the city as Soon as agencies can be established. FULLER & JOHNSON, Nos. 10, 12, 14, and 16 South EIGHTEENTH Street, near Market, Sole Manufacturers for the city of Philadelphia, eel4-thstu 61 PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., 1520 SOUTH NINTH STREEi. WASHING, STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR ING, AND CLEANSING, Without injury to color or fabric. EACH. FAMILY'S WASH REPT SEPARATE. AS➢- Orders by mall to Box 2029. see-stuthlat HEATING AND STEAM PIPES-ON hand and for sale in quantities to - suit pur chasers. 3-inch, 4.inch, s,tsinch and AND STEAM HEATING AND STEAM Firm, faced and drilled. SEXTON & CO., No. Al 4 South SEVENTH. Street $440 —G. & S. CRYSTAL, D. P,-$20.51,000 a year can bereallsed gilding and nutting_up the Crystal Door Plate. Agents wanted. Stock, Tools, and Instructions cost s2o._ L. L. TODD & CO., 30 NASSAU Street, New York. Sand for a Circular, 5e23.41n, HM. LANE & CO. GENERAL COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Agencies and Consignments solicited. Our extensive connections with the interior and coast proVIIINS of the Empire will enable us to dis pose of eOnSigninente advantageously, and make prompt returns. Mr. LANE is now in the country, and will be glad - to confer with parties desirous of opening connection with Brazil. References ex changed. Address, Worcester, Mass. se23-stuthet. C ARTER .DE VISITE.-WHEN YOU desire anY, call at 624 ARCH Street and ex amine the styles at B. F. BEINEIVB Gallery, un surpassed In style and execution by none. It* NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT INGA.I ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND.- 40 North EIGHTH Street.—This Company, so long and favorably known in New York during the past forty-sic years, have opened an aloe as above. Ladies' and Gentlemen's - Garments, and wearing aprarel of every kind, dyed and cleansed in the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removed from garments toithotd being ripped. ' Merchants having goods of undesirable colors can have them redyed In superior style. auto-tbstuatit• B ASE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND A Ain stock of Bases, Balls, Score-Books, Spikes, Shoes, Belts, and Rules of Game at . • PHILIP WILAON & ea-lm 409 CHESTNUT Street. JET BLACK HAIR DYE FOR SALE, AND APPLIED, at No. 53 South THIRD street. it* PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT FOVN DRIES, °Machinery, Engines, °atria esoftc ,• done promptly and satteractorily,.by- any:Vona it REIMER'S Phonograph Gallery, SEDDR ikuove Gram. treat, EDUCATIONAL. SUCCESS TO-DAY IS =X LAST IN wilicli TEIE PUBL/O CAN SECURE .A. PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION TWENTY.FiVn DOLLARS, BY PURCHASING A FULL COURSE SCHOLARSHIP THE 11144 BUSINESS COLLEGE, HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, A larst-elaga Institution, in the molt deSirable toes.- thou, conducted by Experienced Teachers and Busi ness Men, and unsurpassed by any Institution in the country in ACCOMMODATIONS, FACILITIES, AND ORGANIZATION. DURING - TEE PAST FOUR DAYS, OVER SIXTY. STUDENTS Rave availed themselves of then Rr.3)V 4 CEJD ILAIMSs And are now in attendance. This College has the finest Hall or any used by educational institutions in Philadelphia, an enter- prising Business Manager, a Master of Arts, a pro f6ggor of renman6ll l P, as well as Practical Book keeper, (the only feature claimed by some of its competitors,) and enjoys the greatest success ever achieved by any enterprise of like character. FULL COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS Entitle Pupils to instruction in BOOK-KEEPINO, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS PENMANSHIP, LAW FORMS, CUSTOMS, AND CORRESPONDENCE OF BUSINESS, And an attendance upon Lectures. The last will be made a hature of the Institution. Already has one been delivered, and its decided success in awakening the interest and attention or a large and cultivated audience, bas induced the proprietors to prepare a COURSE OF LECTURES Upon Miscellaneous and Important 13ubjectSCOn nected with . the Preparation of Educated and Ac- complished MERCHANTS, to be delivered Monthly hereafter In the large Hall belonging to the College. On and after MONDAY next till October 23d, FULL 00171tSE SCHOLARSHIPS map be Vur- chased for THIRTY DOLLARS instead of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS: AS IS OFFERED TO-DAY. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. This is the only College lu the City which can provide Minable accommodations for LADIES within the College Building A suit Of ROOMS, Separate from the other De- partments, reached by an Independent Entrances and tarnished with Dressing Rooms, &c., is now used by a number or LADY rumr.s. The enterprise which established a Department especially far Ladies has already been justitleci by the patronage extended to It. Beyond Educating Ladies for Business, those desiring positions as Teachers in our Public schools can obtain the Preparation necessary to pass an Examination. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS, Containing full particulars, are now ready and can De obtained at the OFFICE, NO, 531 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, IN THE COLLEGE IMILDING PIERCE & FAR,R. 411i:4 L. Rtirbanks, A. M., President of the Quaker City Business College: DEAR BIB; Your nOte of the 17th instant was duly, received, and it would not have been noticed beyond its publication, but that it contains personalities and insinuations, which, consistently with a just regard for my reputation., I cannot silently endure. pave it a becoming consideration and an honorable ace before the public. - As it was .advertised, and as on this, the fottrth day of the existence of the - Union Business College, there are more than sixty pupils on roll and In at tendance, my partners deem much of the success above related, as connected with - your letter in the relation of effect and cause. Fully convinced of this situation of affairs, they cannot do less than request me in my answer to your note, to make known tolon their grateful appreciation of your kind and e ornate behavior towards-the young en terprise with which they are connected. But permit six, the object upon which - a still greater share of your charity has been expended; Co, individual called by you, up to Within a few days, your Business Superintendent, and oftimes ;Walled by the circumstances of our relations, your banker; the Business Superintendent, possessing both the means and disposition to help you; the charitable object, from whom your dignity conde scended to borrow money forlegitimate and specula ting puriposes; permit me, laboring under such a load of favors, o make en attempt to thank you. Whatever a full heart can indicate (as heretofore a full purse), is hereby offered you. Be assured that your absence was the only hind rance to the rejoicings 121 which the firm indulged to-day, In consequence of its success. The future plainly indicates that our roll-book Will contain the names of one hundred pupils before the orrice closes on Satitrday night. If that future be the solid success anticipated, it is designed to re ceive it with becoming festive ceremonies; and, that our joy on that occasion shall be complete, it is earnestly desired that the benevolent friend of the institution should be present. If, in consequence of eiower success, the festivities should be post poned beyond Saturday evening, thepresent Super intendent and Business Manager of the " Quaker City" is invited to be present at such time as may be selected. You will perceive another reason for your presence when it is mentioned that, in pur suance of our system of hilitation, it is in contem plation to patent the_pfesent unprecedented success 'of THE 'UNION BUSINESS cOLLIttiE, the re sults of my sinister designs. And you are cordially invited to attend the CoUrse of Lectures on Com mercial Morality and Ethics, in which the subject of "charitable and hasty recoMmendationa " will be fully discussed. Respectfully, CAVA.. _ VS UNION BI74INESEI..O4I,p*CRI, QUILL, PRISM it FAKE, 1 140Priet*rgh An opportunity Is now affordedyoung men to ac fake Orractical Business Education, at . . REDUCED RATES-. Until September 25th Scholarships will be hiked for TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. The Business Office, No. 531 North MONTH Street, is now open for the reception of visitors and the transaction or business. ruplis, who have entered, are NOW being taught. THE LIMITED TIME Ditiing which these extraordinarily cheap term are offered furnishes a strong ieason why the aPPII-' cation should be made IMMEDIATELY. sezo-9t VTIQUETTE AND DANCING-MRS. Jui'BEECIPS CLASSES, WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY, at M. at the eleg.ant Ball-room, 5,-m. cor. BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Evening Class forming. Residence, 1.431 North TWELFTH Street. se22-2t. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.—The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THIIRBDAY., SEPTEMBER 7TH. The following gentlemen compose the Board of Trustees: Hon. James Pollock, LL. D., President; Capt. William Apple, Vice President; W. E. Bar ber, Esq., Secretary,- James H. Orne, sq., Treasu rer: Rev, Richard NeWttm, D. D..' E Rev. Thomas Brainerd., D. Hon. Oswald l i homson, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Hon. W. E. Lehman, Major Gen. S. W. Crawford, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, Major Wayne MeVeagli; Messrs. Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Clagliorn, Charles B. Dungan, George I. Russell, Win. L. Springs, Addison Hay, and T. B. Peterson. .. Cadetsmay pursue an English, Classical, or Sci entific course of studies, at the option of parents. The Academic Staff is composed of twelve profes sors and instructors,"who have been educated in our best institutions, and have had an extensive and successful experience in the training of youth. A gradmate,of tile United States Military Academy. of experience and ability, conducts the Military De partment.- The moral and religious instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James 11. Orne, 'Esq . ., No. 6'28 Chestnut street, or to HEO. HYATT. T. B. Peterson, ~ 506 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Wil k se2o-ini President . Military Academy. TNSTRUCTION 'FRENCH.-A. Young Lady, born and educated in Paris, will glye - Lossens Freneh in private families,or at her own dwelling, The SuCeessrul experience in (wiling during the last few years, by a. neW and improved method, enables her to promise to her pupils a perfect knowledge of the FrenehLanguage in a short time. For terms and references, a_pOy fr Str eet . 12 and front 2 i o n s at No. gal North SIXTH se9-smthe4tolf WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY PA. Located at West Grove Station, on the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central Railroad. The twenty-fourth semi-annual term of this Insti tution will commence on Second-day, the 6th of Huh Month next. The course ofinstruction is extensive and thorough, embracing, in addition to the common English course, the Latin and French Languages, })raving, 'Telegraphing, &e. For circulars, &c., address the Principal, THOS. P. CONASD, West Grove P. 0., Chester county, Pa. 7th Month, IBM au2-w2m MISS MINA DE BOYE, SWEDISH ARTIST OF MUSIC, the arrived in Phila delphia, gives LESSONS on PIANO and SING INN in private families and at her Music Room, 260 South TENTH Street, near Spruce. Residence, 1010 Spruce street. References at the principal mu sic stores in Philadelphia. 1 aeis-tutnaste A CADEMY. OP. THE PROTESTANT A-s- EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS.--The autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Appliestione for admission may be made during the pri ceding week between 10 and is o - eloca in the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., aulS-tuthstol Head Master. MISS C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG- LADIES will be reopened SEPTEM BER 15th, at 1037 WALNUT Street. Circulars may be obtained at the School-house. se2.-stuthlin* MR. GEORGE FELIX BENKERT will resume MS PIANO LESSONS Oeptemkrer Mb. Address see-stutblat* No. 716 CHESTNUT Street. LABBERTON & CHASE'S SCHOOL REOPENS SEPT. lath, at 1604 CHANCEL ettflehet.,u(dArsetegratoristottu.lth o R f o W ß aint li b . etaer BERTON, REGINALD H. CHASE. seta EltUth-7t. I NSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, OBJECT% AND PICTURES. ANN DICKSON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS, at No. 108 South ZWEITE ENTEL Street, on the 11th of September. onl7-thatn-24t AA TEACHER WHO HAS HAD SOME years experience lulls profession in public and private schools, andin families, desires a situation. Refers to prominent men of Philadelphia and vici nity, by whom he has been employed. Address "P. " Press Office. sel9-6t5 MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 2128 South BROAD Street, will reopen WEDITESDAY, September lath. 81/29-dttielsmwstoel PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN -.- STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, northwest corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTFIEENTH Ste. Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. se2d-60 THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH J.. SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. Cau2B-Im•7 B. KENDALL. QIGNOR P. RONDINELLA-ITALIAN N- 7 and English SingingLeasong. Residence, 6.W, corner BROAD and PINK. sezi.ine LIZZIE L. WOOLMAN WILL OPEN -.-A a class for BOYS and GIRLS, from four to ten years of age, in which all primary branches will be tanght according_ to the Object Method. It will be held in the AFT.EGUNOONS, from 23¢ to 4 o'clock, in the school-room; Southeast corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets; entrance on FOURTH Street. Commencing MONDAY, September 25th. self-s2t. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY-ENGLISH AND FUENOR BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL-'Principals, , Miss. Bon ney and Miss Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September lath, at 1615 CHESTNIIT Street. Particulars from Circulars. auls-tocl TM:MA.B BALD WIN'S ENGLISH - Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep tember 4. 7: an2s-imf ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MA.- THEDIATICAD INSTITUTE, N. Donthwkat PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. au2S-2mr• JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. WILLIAM 5, COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen his CLAI3SICAL and ENGLISH SCHOOL at N0..111.2 MARKET Street, On MON DAY, September 4.• • mitii-lm* CTHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN Squaro, on the iith of Ninth Month 4 (SOP temberj 1865. an2.5-Im, SPRING -GARDEN ACADEMY -1. A Classical, Mathematical, am/English School for Bops andYoungailen, corner "M.G•H and BUT TONWOODStreets,willieopen MOND.A.Y Septem ber 4. J. r. IMMOItt A.. rrinclpal. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A SITU ATION as Visiting or Resident GOVERNESS, to tem.!? the English branches and French. Address "M. 8.," at thIS °Oleo. 0e29-6t* FRENCH AND AMERICAN INBTI TUTE- for - Young Ladies, Rev: N. CYR -and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 21953 FRANKFORD Road, Philadelphia. Circulars can - be had, on a_opfication, at the Institute and at Messrs. JOIEtrreENN - Duirrox & SONS, NO. MT South SEVENTH Street. au23-Ims uziAm FEWSMITH'S CLASSI CAL and English SchOol, No, 1008 CHEST NUT street, will reopen on. DIONAV; nelitsinher 4. au2B-Im* ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEIIiIdBR 4th. .au26-23n. J. W. FAIREB, D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND KIM J. E. HALL will resume the duties or their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at 1218 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the Loth lust. au2B-2rn* V. P. BROWN, No. 1907 PINE reet, w il l (oft MONDAY, Sept, 4th,) sesame the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15. au29-lna, A BACHMANN, TEACHER OF THE • Plano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin, 9213 SPRING GARDEN Sheet. ADVANCED PUPILS cations s, , Classes formed in Ild.thiony. cations, 12 to 1 . 8 to 7 P.M. attathinr, MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT St., 9th month (Sept. 11th). au3(J-Im. SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, PARKESBURIA Chester county,Pennagivania, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this school will be resumed OCTO BER Ist, 1865. Terms—Ml per SeSSIOO. For Circulars, apply to Misses' JOHNSTON and KELLY, Principals. au26-lm THE FRENCH IP ENGLISH BOARDING AN • : OOL of Madame gyA653 Rill reopen o • September 18th. In this institution ins 4lorough In every department. Compete' . teachers are em ployed for all the branches o a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, containing terms and otherparticulars ad dressl.249l SPHIRJE St., Phllada., - Pa. auletzm OHEGARA.Y INSTITUTE. -BNGLIBH Na and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, N05..115517 and - 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi- Lidera, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber h. French is the language of the family, and IS MM. //tautly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to aue-8m Madame D'HERIULLY, Principal. PEOPRIBTOS. MISS ELIZA . W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladies No. MO SPRUCE Street. will be reopened On MONDAY , September n. The course embraces athorough English Education,with Latin, French, German, Music, Drawing, Painting, &c. - ses4m. , SUSAN HAYHURBT WILL OPEN her School In the COMmOditilis rooms Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRINO GARDEN Streets (entrance on Nititb), September 18th. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladles for receiving a thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Rindergarten, or Object System. Reference, former _patrons. Por further Information, apply to Dr. C. N. PEIRCE, 501 N. SEVENTH St. eele.-1.2t. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY ' MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of study in If:futile/notice, English efateice, do O. SUpplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all agee received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP & SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, Z. CLATTON,_Esq., FIFTH and Ramis, ; Mr. GEORGE F.- KNOTT, as HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address RV, J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M-., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-ain RIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME RIB LES t•-, SONS in Vocal Music at his residence,l No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. - He may be addressed meantime through the City r. 0., as above. au29-tf ENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4tb. Boys psep.sred for any division of the Public Grammar Schools for College, or for business. Special attention s iren to small bole. Residence, 5?4 North TENT Street. aun-6w H. a. Meal:UBE, A. M.. Principal. PRIVATE SCROOL FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. R. corner . CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SETT. 4, 1866 14 .. B EArt o n w ee s, on Eighteeni r h: i t u r:t as auES-ink * JOHN G. R. lIVELROY, - ' I THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS., BEEBE will reopen their Bosrdinn•end Dayy School for Young_Lailiee, No. 1703 -WALNUT . Street. on WEDNEBDIY. the 29th ofßept. EDUCAONAL. EDVCATIONAUN TWO YOUNG LADIES, GRADUATES IA-" of one of the best' New England Colleges, are about opening a private school, and desire a few more pupils. iierman, French, and Latin thorough ly taught. EMMA FISICA, se73-2t 5 1213 North FOLIATE( Street. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL of A. 11. SHEARER N Ar M.. North ;est corner of OffEOTNOT ana terms, a re fe renc e s , en on MONDAY, Sept. 4. sr &e., see Circulars: to be ob tallied at Mr. Hassard , s Drug Store, or from the r reen 1 0 0 al a nd 1234 O'clock at the School Rooms, everymor o ning, be t. idfr-DO* THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUT, CHESTNUT Street, eor. of Twelfth, reQpens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the beat provided gkli9ol for boys in America. ;au 2m' J. ENNIS, Principal. GERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI NARY. GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, Will reopen on WEDNESDAY. September lath. ONCtilaTO COlitgping fall thformation as to Terme, comae or Instruction oharaatei , Of the Seminary, &c., &e., may be obtained of Prof. WALTER S. YORTESOUR A A. M., a -tf Principal. WANTS. WANTED.-AN IN T E LI E•NT • and industrious young Man, having some knowledge of the Book business. Compensation flity doliara per month. Apply, in handwriting of the applican, addressedd to ox 207, Phlladelpnla Post Office. 5e23,3 "WANTED-AGENTS, MALE AND • r Female, in every town' and neighborhood to take orders l'or./' THE *RBAT LABOR OAVB114" apatented article that every family wants. 'Mil save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making 0 to 05 per day. Only $3 to *lO capital required. Full particulars of the business sent to any ad dress on receipt of .6 cents for circulars and return postage. Address IL.WAYYELL Chicago, Illinois, Box 4781. se23-16t* WANTED -SITUATION AS TRA: YELLING SALESMAN in a responsible Wholesale Howie; Can sell any kind of goods; have a large acquaintance in the country, seaks German and English language. Address STATES UNION HOTEL, MART St., " H. F. G." se23 WANTED.-A DRY GOODS COMMIS. SION HOUSE will take a LAD to learn the bu siness. Address, with age and reference, Box 2376, Post Vince. ae22-3t. WANTED. -A SITUATION BY A young man In a store; wholesale grocery pre ferred; boat of city reference given. Address H. 8., Press oMce. se2b.3t* WANTED -BY A JOBBING HOUSE, by sanipir.i i tl g tgl'lir l e a e s t el alT a rnTgAi t c o afraf ° oll be eon dentist. Address "J. E„"4t this office. sezi.st* WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED I I SALESMAN in a Wholesale and Retail Car et House. Address "MCDOWELL, ROBINSON CO., Baltimore, giving references. sel6-tf AGENTS W.ANTED TO SELL IN Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks counties, the great Scene of Time and Eterni ty. with tho Friend of the Bible; picture of extraordi nary interest and value. Fine chance for agents. Address JAMES RULLAMORE, Room 10 No. 30, North FIFTH Street ee22-Im. Philadelphia. A GRADUATE OF A NEW ENGLAND A College,-who has had merffinee in teachin g, desires to impart instruction a few bouts each day in a private family in this city or suburban town. Satisfactory references given. Address "ALPHA," Pram office. seralt* AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER wants a SITUATION. Address "W. J. M.." Box 1404 Philadelphia Post Office, one week. sel9-st* A GEN T S WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF. THE WAR, com plete in one large royal OCHWO VOlurne of over 4000 pages. Splendidly illustrated w_kth 127 nee portaits of Generals and battle scenes. This is just the book the people want. It presents a rare chance for agents. Teachers, ladies, energetic men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pe culiarl adapted to their condition. Send for Circe lars. Address "JONES, BROS. a CO.. au2B-ImWit. "Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOE "THE SEECRE TFIELD SERVICE, TH, THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune tiorres-' pondent. The most intereSting and exciting book ever_ pub lished embracing Mr. Richardaonta unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel i prisons. ' his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four handrail miles. it will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Horace Greeley says: " A great manybooks will yet be written concern ing this war, in addition to the many already in print; but not one of them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, and instrumentali ties of the Siaveholdera' Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr, Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic-young men, and me• cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We' have agents clearing *175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars, Address . JONES,BROTHERS& 00., aul7-Nm.E. corner SLETH and M hi N a O elShea tP a . AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work the most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN riblished• Address JONES, BROTHERS,- & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. au29-lm* AGENTB WANTED • FOR THE ME.. MOBIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN: Extrivinduote. moats offered. Address lIENIEY A. LOITELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Pena kiduare, Philada.. Pa. au2S-Ine. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND , OTHER ORIGITN G BUSINESS. TEXAS.—A. reliabl gentleman,, with a inr i ge business experience, and acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas, is soon to return .there on private business. Collections. and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, ifentrusted to his hands. Address "LOyal," at this office. au.22.6w. TO CAPITALISTS.-A THOROUGH. 1 LT . experienced Party haying made prelimina-. ry arrangements for establishing a WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE in this city on a firm and Übe, ral basis, desire to admit an additional PARTNER, either Retire or silent, with capital of from $2O 000 to 540,000. All correspondence strictly confidential, and mustgive real name, and address "AMERI CAN ENTERPRISE," Press Offie. se2373t* TO OIL COMPANIES.-AN EXPE-. TO MEWED Secretary and Treasurer offers his OFFICE and SERVICES to such Col - upside§ as would wish to reduce this item of their expense. Best references given. Korfurtherparticulars, ad dress, for two weeks, `AMSTERDAM," Preas 01Fice, se23-2t. rrO GO SOUTH. v -A CARPENTER, with eight years' experience as Builderovishes to engage to go South, as superintendent, foreman, or in any capacity where his services could be ren dered useful. Address "J. G. W.," Box 3333, P. O. se22-2t. $4,000 TO LOAN (TRUST) FUND on mortgage of city property. B. CARPENTER as SON, se23-60 . 242 South THIRD Street. WANTED TO RENT FOR THE Ar.L WINTER—A Furnished DWELLING in Ger mantown. .Address P. 0. Box 2317. se22-3t* BOARDING. - - FIRST-CLASS PERMANENT BOARD for a gentleman, or a gentleman and ♦rife; re ference required; 1417 SPRUCE Street. it* COUNTRY BOARDING. —MRS. A—l BROOKE purposes keeping her house, at kit. Airey (near the atatioßY_o4ll tillDeeember. Apply at the house, or 1.41-02. WALNTJT St. se22-3t. pk):to:tv:wlikkrltocipTlil EDWARD - P._ JULIA - , TAILOR,• fl CHESTNET STREET. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND STYLE. MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS Attended, to by J. 5. TAYLOR, the best Unitary and Naval Tailor in the country—last four years the Cutter at OWENS', Washington. se2O-tf REMOVALS. "REMOVAL. OFFICE FOR TUE SALE OF GOVERN MENT LOANS. JAY COOTIE & CO., during the alterations necessary in the enlargement of their old office, hare taken the commodious Rooms, No. 305 OTIEBTRUT Street, next door to the Bauk of North America, where they w ill be pleased to see their old friends. Bead= REMOVAL . d. JOLLWE'r, LADIES , HAIR DRESSER, Formerly at No. 1314 CHESTNUT Street, informs his friends and customers that he has re moved to . No. 224 S. NINTH Street, tour doors above Locust Street, where he intends to keep an extensive assortment. aline French Flowers, Hair Work, Perfumery, ac. He also would state that he has just received the latest styles of Front Curis,Plalts, Waterfa sel lls, &c., ac. B.lo` REMOVAL--NOTICE.--THE OFFICE of the Excelsior Oil Company is removed to Room N0.'24 Merchants' Exchange. sel6-30t REMOVAL.—BENEDICT MILLER, UMBRELLA.and PARASOI. Manufacturer ham removed to ati North OMR Street. ses.lio it EXCURSIONS. ammoEXCURSIONS TO LOW& BRANCH. Trains for Long Branch will leave COOPEBI POINT, Camden,dally (Sunday excepted) at 9.15 A. EL Fare, sd. Excursion /Islets, good for three days, $3. S. E. COLE, Agent, set-im Camden. • CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY. 10,000 Cotton Seamless Bags. 10,000 Linen do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. In store and for sale by JOHN 7. BAILEY it CO., eel4-3m 5 113 north FRONT Street QUPERB STYLES--NATURAL,,LIFE.- N. , LIRE and impressive pictures, finest portraits made. dee Specimens of lift-size Phot9ffraphs in oil colors at IL S. BEISSER. I B, G 24 ARCH. Bt. 11* HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE Stock and Interest of the late SAMUEL ME GARGEE, Esq., will continue the huffiness at the old stand, DLA.wAlla Avenue, above Poplar street. JOHN A. BRUNER. Sept. 16,1866. gels-12to L INEVER HAD A GOOD PICTURE BEFORE Pi exclaimed one of Philadelphia's fairest daughters, as she gazed with delight on her Photo-Miniature__, made at CREMER & MLLON'S, 18 South EIGHTH Street. - sel6-Inlif N. B.—Albums and stereoscopes in great variety. FIFTY DOLLARS WILL BE GIVEN -A- by - the advertiser to any person procuring s him a Situation as Bookkeeper or Assistant , in city or country. Best reference given. Address " AS SISTANT" Presa Office. ne2.l-21.. HAVANA CIIGARB.-A GOOD ,VA RIETY coaatantly in store and bond, at low. eat eaebratee. - - --S. FUeIIIXT & BONS, merae-emo 'No. 9116 Booth 'FRONT Street. HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS taken at RECKER'S, SECOND Street, above Green. A floe s tyle colored Ph o tograph for the low ptice of SIM, =shed, ezquisttdp, and •eure to plow. • • .. . _ AUCTION SALEti. • BERKNEBS' BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAMSON STREETS. SPECIAL SALE OP MULES. • ON MONDAY MORNING NEET. At 10 O'eleck, at the Raza_ Z ar, win be Bold TWENTY4IY =Lai All young and serviceable soOnal3 and in gOOd condition. ALFRED M. IIertIENESS, end s do FOR SALE AND TO LET. ID? EMOVAL. REMOVAL. . a • 4l EEMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL, GEO. C. MILLER, GEO. C. MILLER, GEO. C. MILLER. REAL ESTATE BROKER, , REAL ESTATE BROKER, REAL ESTATE BROKER. has removed to the corner of SIXTH AND WALNUT STREETS. 15,000,000 worth of city and suburban property for sale. New Monthly Catalogue just out. ael9.6t tf TO REST. Five large rooms, in the FOTTERAL BUILDISCF, N. W. corner of FIFTH anti-CHESTNUT Streets, suitable for manufacturing. puriinited. For further information, apply P. REEST & CO., on the pre mises. se2l-3t. Of FOR SALE—No. 2312 GREEN matotreet—A Three-sior HOUSE, With all the modern improvements; now being repaired. Apply at 1716 GREEN Street. ae23-3t. dit FOR SALE-2111 BRA.NDYWINE =a' Street, with lltiMedlitte possession; in good or der: Pries. $3,400. Northeast corner Twenty-third and Spring Gar den streets; possession soon; $6,500. 2029 and 2036 Master street. 966 Poplar street; possession soon; $8,700. 1002 Mount Vernan street; possession soon. 252 South Tenth street; vacant; $6,099, 005 Filbert street; $3,500. Warnock street, sixth house south of Montgomery avenue; $2,800. Forty-first street and Poplar; lot 60x;50;22 500. B. F. atamsrl - , 123 South FOURTH Street, -' Ben and S. W. eer: Seventeenth and iiiTcent ge FOR SALE-NO. 1609 WALNUT ariEStreet.—Now vacant, Neat Four-story Brown stone Front DWELLING. Lot 20 by 130 to a street. WEST PHILADELPHIA. —NEAT COTTAGE DWELLING, Southwest cornet' FORTY-SECOND and PINE Stteets. Immediate possession. $7,000. DARBY ROAD, FOUR MILES FROM - THE CITY.—Two very Elegant Cottage-style IdAN SION'S, all in good order. Large Lots, Stable, &e. Grounds beautifully laid out and embellished with Shade and Frult Trees. Prices alB,OOO and 30,000. Inmediateposseasion.. MILLER, se23-smwltlf siXTU and WALNU P. ch TO RENT, HOLMESBURG-A 11113Llarge STORE and comfortable DWELLING Communicating, on the main street. aboutthe centre Of the village, Inwlllcli large and successful coun try store business - was (lone for e.t.a forty years, now Mang fully repaired with axturea complete. Large garden—lot Baby 3PD feet. Inouire of J. NICHOLSON, it. No. 103 North THIRD Street. ft ARCH STREET BUSINESS .Alkai• Place. No. 006, immediate possession, for sale by A. Y. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. ee23 36• dit FOR SALE—WITH IMMEDIATE possession, dwelling No. 1604 PINE Street. Use of furniture may be had for six months. Address Box No. Me Post Office. se23-4t* ffi FOR SALE, WITH IHMEDIA.TE JhaPOSSESSION — Three atol brick DWELLING, with modern Apply at 1444 North TWELFTH Street. se22-2t. got TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE.- About 2,000 acres of White Pine White Oak and Hemlock Timber Lands, in CLINTON COUNTY, Pennsylvania, near station on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Several saw-mills convenient. Will be sold cheap, and on_ good terms. Apply to GEO. V. GRlMist, Real Estate Broker, se22-6t 134 South FOURTH Street. ei FOR SALE-ROVSE, N o . 1910 mcinCoates st., 8-story main,a-story back buildings; lot 20x114 feet to North st. Possession in October. House, No. 531 N. Sixth at., 3-story main, 2-story back buildings; lot 18x118 feet. Possession In Novlr. House, No. 920 North Twelfth st. 3-story main, 2.story bank buildings; bath-room, at., fixtures, &C.; 10C 10360 fl et. Persons desirous of purchasing honies, large or small, are Invited to call and look over our Begizter. GEO. W. GRIFFIN, Real Estate Broker, se22-2t In South FOURTH Street. ge FOR SALE—THE DESIRABLE muoDWELLING,with side yard No. 711 GREEN Street, (;an be seen after sA. M. Possession No vember Ist. Apply 40 BACON & WARDER. 21835 WALNUT Street. tie2l.6tt maFOR SALE-IMMEDIATE POS SESSION—Two Handsome Modern DWELL INGS, with marble doorway and side yards, situ ated On JEFFERSON Street, near Broad. Terms easy. GEO. M. TOWNSEND, 5020-4 1233 6 5 South FOURTH - Street. ea FOR SALE.—IRONMASTERS AT TENTION—GREAT BARGAIN—SSO,OOO CAN BEWLEARED IN ONE YEAR.—First-elassßol ilng Mill in this city. with all the splendid pearly new machinery, with three engines, one of 60, another of 150, and another of 80 - horse-power; has seven boilers. First-rate machinery for manufacturing railroad iron, chains, spikes, &c.; 3,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made in one year. Is now all in full operation. Has water and steam railroad communication, coal sitttteil, &C.; all the water used upon the premises derived from springs near by, free of charge. There is also a row of twelve stone tenant dwellings included. Price *75,- 000; worth SIOO.M. Easy terms. GEO. C. MILLER, Beal Estate Broker, se2o-9t if SIXTH and WALNUT. ja FOR SALE-VACANT-A NEAT ten-roomed house, central, in good repair; suitable for PhysiMan or Dentist ; terms easy. sep2o-6t* WARE, 4-03 LIBRARY Street. deF.O.ll BAIA E--A NEAT TWO story Brick House, No. 72A- WAREN Steeet. Possession giv Street;ce. Apply to ELI DILLIN, 1218 GREEN Dry Goods Store. sel9-Bt* m in BEAL ESTATE.-HUNDREDS OF applications daily for property. Executors, adialuistraterS, ItsaigneeS, and others . wishing to dispose of Real Estate, would do well to call on me at once. No charge unless a sale is ef fected. New Monthly Catalogue is now being compiled, and will be issued shortly. GEORGE O. DULLER, Real Estate Broker, se.lB-stif SIXTU and WALNUT. dm_ FOR SALE.-THE KENSINGTON LAWTEAM SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORY will be offered at Public Sale, WEDNESDAY AF VERNOON, Sept. 27, at 8 o'clock, on the premises, GERMANTOWN Road and SECOND Street. The 'above well-known property, situated on lot 40 feet front on Germantown road, and extending in depth 190 feet to Sophia street. Fronting on Germantown road are two two three-story brick STORES and DWELLINGS, with back buildings and all the modern improvements; also, a back Stable and Carriage-house. Near the centre of the lot is a three-story brick Factory, 40= feet, containing one large steam-boiler. box for condensed steam, soap pans, soda tubs and receivers, rendering and melting pans, coolers, copper-lined tallow tubs, pumps, coils, pipes. otc., with all the necessary .apparatiift for manufacturing Soap And Candles In the most approved manner. The above property in one of the most desirably located for basiness in the city, and will be sold clear of incumtirances. If desired, the Dwelling -1101150 and Stores will be sold separate from the factory. Terms at sale. •• • • • • For plan and further Information, apply to JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, sel3-12t 422 WALNUT Street a FOR SACK -DWEVIaTO. ) FORTY first and Poplar streets. Dwelling, 966 Hutchinson street. 1002 Mount Vernon street. Warnock et., south orbiontgemery ay. 905 Filbert street. 2028 and 2096 Master street. IA 2104 Master street, D. F. GLEVIT, 123 South FOURTH Street, and Bel 6 S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green. SFOR SALE—CHESTER COUNAS TY FARM-100 acres excellent sou, 23miles southeast o 1 NSTost Grove Station, 0/1 the Baltimore Central Railroad. Good buildings, nrsi-rote chard, &c., &c. B. F. GLENN, se23 123 South Fotarra street. CFOR SALE—EIGHTY.-AOREM AM in Delaware county, two miles be-. 16., low Darb3'; excellent watered large buildings, in good order, and large F orchard of choice fr uit. B. . GENN, Sea 123 South FOURTH Street. 2 On SALE—FARM OF el! ACRES, at Cambridge Station, on Camden and Amboy Railroad, ten miles above Camden; mo derate buildings; good soil for early vegetables, and fronting on thelielaware river. B. F. GLENN, eats 11.33 S9utp FOITRTH Street. Alk FARM OF 74 ACRES FOR SALE, at Sehenekoa Station. A bargain. CHARLES LUKENS, 146 South FOURTH Street. AtFOR BALD,-THE FAST BAIL ING Yacht ABEL, O feet Jong, gd tong measurement. Well furnished in every particular, and in complete repair. Sold for want of use. Ap ply on board at West Jersey Ferry, Camden.se2l-3t• VAGLE SILVER MINING COM PANYIS Stock for Bide, Address "SILVER ox 2746 Post Orace. F OR SALE AND EXCHANGE-PIT BOLE Property. Original interests and stock. A rare chance. Box 2196 Post Office. se23-2t. 'IRON STAIRS AND IRON DOORS FOR SALE, at Devot, SEVENTH Street, above Thompson. c5e2.3.4t I NATHAN W. Erims. BENCHES WITH BACKS, FOR SALE, at Depot, SEVENTH above Tbornpson street. se23.6tv NATHAN IY. LLIS. T O RENT-A PART OF TWO COM municating Offices, furnished, In the vicinity of Fourth and Walnut streets. Address "R. O. J., ' at this Office. ae23-9? TO LET.-ROOMS T. GRANITE 'J. BUILDING, (formerly Poi, Office,) Dock street below Third, with Steam over. Also the THIRD STORY of the Commonwealth Building, Nos. 611 and 613 Chestnut street. THOS. H. CON NELL,__COUnting-h01166 of Dr. D. Jayne &Sou, Ron CHESTNUT Street. a 090.80 FOR BALE. VMATTAMOOGA. ROLLING MILL WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AND GENERAL MANAGER OF MILITARY RAILROADS U.S., WASRUIGTON, D. C. July al, Lass. PROPOSALS will be received at this °Mee until 12 o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, Setember IS, Has to p urchase the United states Military rota RO LLING MILL at CHATTANOOGA, nessee, with the machinery, tools, buildings, tir tires, and track connecting the Rolling Hill with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill and machinery constructed to re-roll railroad iron are entirely new, and of the most im proved cliarilar- For full description and details ofoneratiOn, 4- p_acity &c., apply in person or by letter to T. Y . YARDLEY, Superintendent, Chattanooga, Ten nessee. All bids should be endorsed, "Proposals to pur chase Chattanooga Rolling Mill." p,McCALLUM, Brevet Bri d gidlor General; Director an General Manager Military Railroads U. S. No satisfactory btd baying - been received under the recent advertisement for the sale of•the Chatta nooga Rolling Mill, the time for reCelpilg_hids is extended to tile' FIFTH OF .00TOBE same hour. D, C. McCALLCM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager sel9-15t Military Railroads U. 8' FOR SALE-STOOK, GOOD WILL and Fixtures of an established Merchant One of the best business stands ou Arch street. Store and dwelling to rent. Annir at 533 " C U Street. sert-st. MODANDLEBB & FORT; ' 674 - MALT VINEGAR FACTO2.B, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. ,- Constantly on on hand and for sale a largo stook Of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAIt—a new article Of manufacture In this country, made by the celebrated Ensush process. and used exclusively for Pickling inElzroPe• AU Wes_ warranted froo from linpnritiee and Chemicals. Orders Med promptlY ENT tti all parts of the country. ASSS. L. N. CAMBLOS, No. ill Walnut street, Phila. don PITT. it WHITE, NO. 4 Exchange Place. Bal. More. CHROTIAN LEE h CO., Richmond,`Va. N. W. 60IILD & CO.. Newbern, N. C. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, 161 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ate prepared to follow the deellae la the market la the price of their Earaitere. Parchasera will pielee eia sad eistalao ear stork. m 7 I]` FOR SALE AND TO LET. I REAL MISTATE-REAL ESTATE. 165.00,000 WORTH FOR De .Z. MeV CatalogtlejUst far Gratuitous D is!e n. GEO. C. MILLEE,ReaI Estateß r o k er . sat-amw InXTII and WALNT. . 011 FOR BAL - t—No. 431} WALNUT min Street. Immediate possession. Large build 1D now occupied as °dices. Lot 2.5 feet front by sefia-dt MILLER,ik niRTII and WALNUT Streets: det " FOR SALE:--IMMEDIATE FOB .msEsszo.N.—.P.DrE Street, West of Fifteenth, Eliza= Four-story Isrown-stone Front DwELL INC4. Lot 20 bq to a street, NI" DUir • se2Bl In mwatlf xTlf and WA", . 01, TO RE N T—A. DESIRABLE A ra Three-story Residence, with back buildings. Ay, situated O. 1228 Filbert street. Rent,sfee. Are ,. t° MA(.I (URF(}Oit. 419 WALNUT Street. f/ . TO CAPITALISTS. • FOR SALE. , ft A TRACT OF LAND flouting Lemon MU Park. eafitaintrig NORTYAGRE% ly ole otllthe sotd together or In squares. The re e 4 ""ttii 51(41 i through t: East and West—Parrish. Lenten, Poll. lar, Park, Girard avenue, Pleasant, ThonitlSOn, and Sheldon streets: north and south, Tweiity.eightit. Twenty-ninth (or Landing avenue,) Thirtieth and Thirty-list Streets. _. This property Iles between Milani College Pennsylvania avenue. It Is one of the. finest lota lions for elegant building lots in the city, the ground being very high; It overlooks the city, and has eighteen hundred - and flfty.elght feet front on LeMon Eli rOrk, Inquire el MATW NEWKIRK, Ofnee No. 320 WALNUT Street. eFOR SALE, ABUSINESS STAND- Four-story Brown House,N o. 324 Walnut street. Valuable propery..Apply to R. A. J. PANCOAST, No. 34104 BRIDGE Street, Mobtuaville, between 3 and 6 o'clock. ADIUSEBIENTB. WAli T -BTRAET THEATRE,. Acting and Stage lilanager..W. Predericki Business Manager an - 4 ATreas 81LL. ur....T.4. Hemphill A GRET er THIS (RATURDAYIEVENING, Sept. 23,1886. MRS. D. P. BOWERS FOR THE LAST TIME BUT ONE In her great character of "LADE ATIDLEY.), Theverformance will commence with LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET. Lady Audley lira. D. P. Bowers. Robert AndLey Mr. Barton RM. To conclude with the favorite Nautical Drains. of BLACKsEYED SUSAN. William Sir. Barton HIM Black-eyed Susan Miss Annie Graham. Fatally Circle, 25 cents; Chairs in Orchestra and Dress Circle, 50 cents; secured chairs in Orchefices, and Dress Circles, 15 cents; Orchestra Chairs, Et Orchestra Boxes, Vi; Private Boxes, $5 to $B. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA. TRE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth; GROVER & SINN T essees and Managers. Tins (Saturday) AFTERNOON, Sot 23, FIFTY-ER4HTR. MUNI) FAMILY MATINEE, Upon the grand legendary drams of the. CORSICAN BROTHERS will be presented, Admission to the matinee 30 etc. to ail parts °MO house; children 25 ets. Doors open at Wo , cloek. Performance to cotilMence2pi OViook. THIS (i3aturday) A GREAT BILL, Introducing the YOUNG. BEAUTIFUL AND GIFTED WESTERN, TWO HELEN TWO GREAT PIECES, 0 THE FRENCH nd SPY, a GREEN BUSHES. In preparation— THE ANRF.b 9Y IIIDNIDSTT. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUTStreet, above Eighth. NEW ATTRACTIONS. Two Grand Performances Afternoon and Evening. MISS RATE FISHER, And her beautiful horse, " WONDEROP In tire Great Dramas. AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE commencing .at 2.30 o'clock. For the last time, the Great Drama of •• MAZEPPA Or, The Wild Horse of Tartar,. Maiehns., by Mhp Rote Fisher. The Wild Horse, by The Cembratediffofitter. - Supported by the Entire Company. EVENING PERFORMANCE to commence at o'clock. with a new Military Drama, in 3 acts, writ. tell by John F. Poole, Esq. entitled THE FEMALE. AMEiG.C.A-N SPY . . The Spy • - Miss Kate Fisher. GRAND bIVERTISSM.EN T. To conclude with the Drama of DICK VI:WIN. MRB. Jollll 15nnwis NEW ARORL STRE PLAY HEA.TRE. A NEW AND THRILLING DRAMA. SIXTH NIGHT OF EDWIN ADAMS. Tins (saturdayHE SERF EVENING, Sept. 23, PM, . • Ivan lihorvitch Edwin Adam. To conclude with the thrilling drama of THE LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN. THE ENTIRE COMPANY IN THE CAST. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTS AND (30STNUT. LAST TWO NUAITS. LAST TWO NIGHTS, MR. AND MRS. HARRY WATKINS, In their Novel,Musical and Comical Entertainment, TWO HOURS IN FUMLAND Assisted by the distinguished yours Pianist, MISS CARLOTTA SAAW., These charming Entertainments areattradtitin large and brilliant Assemblages of the elite of Fhb. ladhian Society, who testify their appreciation of HEARTtightful amusement in Y LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE. MR. AND MRS. WATKINS IN THIRTY CHARACTERS AND SONISI Portrayi with• singular tdmity tle Eccdsitfld side.of Life Bits at the Times! Dashes at the DR letanti: Folly as it Flies! The consummate and masterly Piano Solos Of MISS CARLOTTA SHAW Establish her claim as the FIRST OF LIY/NaI , APT PIANISTS. Evening at 8. Saturday alinee at 6 4 M651t. Mien Seats 50 cents% body of .Hall 25 cents. eelB4Bt CONCERT HALL.-SECOND "•—' WEEK OF BLIND TOM. Owing to the wild enthusiasm and immense enc. cess with which TOM has been greeted, he Will COI- Once his stay in the city this week t and will appear at Concert Hall EVERY EVENINO,, except Yam. day evening. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to CCM. memo at $ o'clock. . . ADMISSION 50 CENTS. - Reserved Seats, Itei tia be had B, Pughle BOA Store, corner SIXTH. and CHESTNUT iStreeteh Gallery 25 cents. - Comfortable seats have been reserved for the aem commodation o; colored people in the _gallery, selB-0t S. 47. J. THAYER, Agent. MUSICAL FUND IALL. ' ADO° t ADO° I ARTEMUS WARD AMONG THE MORMONS. THREE NIGHTS ONLY. MONDAY) TUEMA.Y AND WEDNESDAY. riErrEstirsEll 25, St and 27. ARTEMUS WARD respectfully Milidtilleed three farewell Mormon Entertainments, when be wilt re late some cheerful new stories, andi present an ENTIRELY NEW PANORAMA. These will be Artemus Ward's last nights hi Plit. ladekgalti nreylous to his departure for. Europe. Admission socenis. ROlOreod teats, 75 cants, IW served seats for sale at Trumpler's Music Store, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at Ms. ley's Continental Hotel News Stand. Sale of seats will commence Friday, Sept. 22, at 9 A. M., to 5 P. 51, arid continue following days. Doors open at I. Commence at oseloek. A OADEXY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST -Ls- NUT Street, above Tenth—Omen trete 9 A.. Ir.. tin 6P. M. Benptmln West's. great pintuire At C - iitittHT REJEOTIOD NMI on En 11,104, jeM_ MILLINERY. P. GILL & CO. Ee HAVE NOW Orr at A FULL LINE. OF. HANDSOME FALL BONNETS, HATS, AND MILLINERY. GOODS. CHOWE FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and 011.. •NADINNTO for ttle E. P. GILL & 00., 790 ARE Street. sel2-12t* 11 - EMETICALLY SEALED MEATS -I.IYD Flous, 1,000 do r z. bausage 503 " Beast Beet 600 " do Veal. 500 do Mutton. 1,000 . 1 do Turkey. 34100 tt do Chicken. o,by 003 aassor ßH ted 0 0 D 0 8 130.. 2 1 .2 M M t Fox sale Cana* rea-tf 107 South WATER Street. "SH. GARDEN Co., mANIIFA.O C - 4- CREW! OP ANDW A lIOLZI3AIX DEALERS IN RATS CARS FURb. DON ' ' WSP.A.W GOODS A RIBBON So., No. 600 and 60S MARKET street. The largest land most eomplote . stock, the bestterras and cheapest prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. au26-3M onoBALES COTTON WiON JUST received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarnas Carpet Chain, &c., at lowegt market price, ROWE, EUSTON&CO., 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. MACKEREL HERRING, SHAD, &O. -2400 bbh. Mao NOD, 14 2, Anil Mackerel. late -caught flat fish, In assorted packages. 2,000 bblt. New Eastport, Fortune Say, and fax Herring. 2,000 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. 1 Herring. 160 bbis. New idess Shad. 200 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese, Ste. In store and for pay & NOONA_ Weir No. 140 NORTH WHARVES. FAIRMOUNT MARKET_, TWENTY -SECIOND and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Farmers and Butchers, look to your interest and T qtaln STALLS in this Market, as the steak of Pros t* skins 3 Is ad 501111 for tho increami floniand , se2l- 60 BALES NEW ORLEANS MOBS, FULLEII4, 9 South SEVENTH Street. HAVANA cNIATtS AND CtUA-lb& JELLY.—Fresh invoices, assorted, just , ta store, per steamer Columbia, and offered low to dealers. Cigars, comprising Figaro Espanola. Filantropa, &e. FUGUET & SONS, Importers, 5e21.12t 14111 Small FRONT Street. MESSRS. J. A. GADMARA: ad• 009, MESSRS. HAVANA, CUBA, offer their services to those desiring to Duras'. any of the products of the Island, and solicit Con. signments of Vessels: Provisions, and, Approved Goads, upon wh!ch therpifelliberal cash advances. through Messrs. EL FIII3FITET & 13014113, Phtladeta OM, to whom they refer. S FUGUET &. SONS A • COMMISSION MERCuANI% AND Importers of HAVANA CIGARS and,ZOBACCON, sett-1m gedial FRONT Street. WINDOW SHADZB—ONLY FAOTORY OF FINE SHADES IN THE OITY —CLARK N. WEST, corner of SIXTH end CHEST. NUT hts, -- Store Shades made and lettered; Orders made ebeaßer, better and QUiegor than In ttinw.dcglorn. Dealers C; examice stook Mat Made. Sabot?, :L •• N$ MONS Me. 104 STORED b N y HELMBOLIPSTaker Emmy. South TETH Street. CHARLES DONOGHTII), NO, 10T• eat 3 1:_ p oxi S tre a e c t k . a l o e: soli° steam l .a r t en te e d i; gar and syrup. Uaz ea ° 2 E pr Ei l l' ee Nli s, . S. 7-90 treasury notes taken In, payment. se2l-3t.•, osAGE OKAPTGBi ARBOR VITAS; .I..and other hedge plants' Phtit, Ornament"' T re es &e., atMEIGIJAIVB fIERBLAATOWN NUE. SERIES. se2l,lle. A. L.A. RG E ASSORTMENT Glr . WP Ladies , , Muse, nod Children ' s strew, Felt, end Silk-plush 'RATS. Mee, Pinworm, Pentoors. velvet., end Ribbons, which WU/ be sold at the lows , est cash price, or short time. se9-1m 59 North SOON D Street. ; EVB/11$ WA LE A N'SSAXASIMIIB 00m_ 10 001IT0 POURTH STRENT6 PHILADELPITIA,_PA, A large variety of ME-PROOF 13A0103 Muss on him& • • 1n1L1N1174411 •& BOW% Oy6t Plnuo cutentoarg VVOR , IA L E. Gabler's, Baron & Bseek's, Tesondk Co, e. * other makers Flamm. Oulglor sane at JAB, mr, LAWS, 279 and 281 S. FUT* Street, Belittle' Warr PRINOA & CO.'S, woßiap,,ns RENowNED. malodoono Autoa. tie Orgaunncy, ilAth LLAYS, MIL South FIFTS Street.. #,`lm,l t W'RltriM ANI) , ,:,VERBAI4 gaF.txtititeumTirwel.vitmmic'flt lil - Baguio!, t rktr t i 4 ; tf a ilfrOgl i p m eit jiL,f i l a t y vil art ill evi E nLa x t b b u t l t d . fillltt ol a r t : N a : I°4 4 Phrenologist and Bookseller, 90 4 40 5g/ I p, TEN= 04Fecito itIOPTi Chtetaut*„,4