CIIIRTAIN GOODS. I . S. WAIRAVBN, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RIGS DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES. lux, WHITE AND ELITE MOSQUITO BAR WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOB USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. 192241 N EW LACE CURTAINS OF RICH AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, One or the largest and beet assortment of flue goods in the city, Just received, at greatly reduced prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, CURTAIN WAREHOUSE, see-storn-;t 100S1 CHESTNUT Street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. R. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. im porters and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. ILLISITFACTIIIIZB.S OF ;MITE LEAP AND ZINC PAINTS, POTTY, ac. AGENTS POE THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS_ Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOB CASH. [l7ll-ata WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. WHITE, BUFF. AND DRAB GAUNTLETS ; KIP, BUCK, BEAVER, CASTOR, CLOTU, RINGWOOD, AND ABERDEEN G-I,OVES; 41.TST LANDING, AND FOR SALE BY nt- , ornN B. ....rtriur - ii - co., 3 BANK Street, Philada FALL 1865. JAS. Bs CAMPBELL & CO, 727 CHESTNUT ,TREET, Invite the attention. of Cash Buyers at, wholesale '0 their stock of TRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN 313 , 11 II" et 00 EP I • Which. for extent, variety, and general adapta ;AM to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, • EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Boyers supplied with scarce and cleara ble goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP STAIRS. a„2841 .f.l ER MANT OWN FANCY KNIT 'k -A WOOL GOODS. C. H. ROYAL & CO., AGENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURERS, k.. 46 CHESTNUT STREET. We especially invite the attention of the Jobbing Trade to our stock of GERMANTOWN HOSIERY AND FANCY KNIT GOODS, which we are able to Oiler at an advantage to buyers. Prompt attention given to all orders. sekt-et* pATEI3T AERATED BREAD, SWEET BREAD, HEALTHY BREAD, CLEAN BREAD, WHITE BREAD, CHEAP BREAD. Keeps longer than any other Bread: made with out yeast fermentation or hands, wholly by ma chinery; positively nitre; free from deleterious sub stances. New and improrett vven and Machinery mom mended by eminent chemists and physicians. It requires but one hour and twenty minutes after the nonr leaves the barrel before it is in Bread. CALL AND SEE TJIE PROCESS, N. B.—Families supplied throughout the city as loon as agencies can be established. FULLER & JOHNSON, rzos.lo, 12, 1.1, and 16 South EIGHTEENTH Street, near Market, vole Manufacturers for the city of Philadelphia sCl44hstu St PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., 1520 SOUTH NINTH STREET. WASHING, STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR ING, AND CLEANSING, Without injurpto color or fabric. EACH FAMILY'S WASH KEPT SEPARATE. /OP (Micro by- mall to Box 2024. se6-stathl3t COTTON -WARP CLOTHS, TRICOTS, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS. ALSO, ALL-WOOL .113.ColESILINS, AND OTHER FANCY PATTERNS. For sale by the Manufacturers, BENJ. MIMICS SONS, 4O and 42 South FRONT Street. aun-sm A . T. LANE OFFER FOR BALE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC wooL% No. 121 CHESTNUT STREET. sel9-5t SI 3 .ECIAL NOTICE. I have made arraugemetito to remain for 4 SHORT TIME ONLY, In ZywliA•ca/u,eutairealrger. notice. GEO, lIENKELS) seldm 509 and Sit CIIZSTNIIT Street. NEW BRONZES. 13AXICAIETY .Sr , CO., 819 CHESTNUT STREET. HELmiIoLD , 6 CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BIICRII is the Great Diuretic. Halms°Lo's CONCENTRATED EXTRACT 81,110 A. TARILLA. is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of rharma- U and Chemistry, and are the most active that can 'De made. 101 South TENTH Street. an23.lm McCANDLESS SMITH, puler AB PACToRB, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. constantly on hand and for sale - a large stock of 311 ALT and' WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a nen article of manufacture in tine country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free from linpuritieg and vrActs flied promptly to ail pares of the country. AGENTS. L. E. Wks/BLOB, No. U 3 Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT & WRITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal. more. CHRISTIAN LIM CO., Richmond 4s. E.W 60IILD IL CO., Newbern. N. C. je2B-81m ,50 BALES NEW ORLEANSiMOSS. J. G. F LLER, 9 South SEVENTH Street, THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH —Therefore, the nervous and debilitated should immediately use RuLarsowre ExTRACT BUOMS , 191 TAITAU miget, itusa-us RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL it Co., 26 South SECOND Street, NM NOW OPEN THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK SHAWLS. LONG BROCHA SHAWLS, OPEN CENTRES. LONG BROCHA SHAWLS, FILLED CENTRES. SQUARE J3ROCHA SHAWLS, STRIPE BROCHA SHAWLS. ST. BERNARD SHAWLS. • BERLIN WOOLLEN SHAWLS. NEW STYLES OF PLAID SHAWLS, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES SHAWLS. LONG BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. Several large lots or SHAWLS, from the recent Auction Sales 111 hew York, below the regular prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Gie.E.A.T. swoon OF. JOB LOTS OH' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOB BY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and nary may feel assured of special attention. We also have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR, COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and BAGATELLES. Our motto is "Good Goods at Fair Prices,'* at W. T. SNODGRASS' • CLOTH HOUSE, SOIITII SECOND STREET AND 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. seB-1m TABLE LINENS.---A GREAT ITARIE TY of all kinds, in brown, hicached and half. bleached, from d2'i cents, dp. Towels of all kinds. Russia Crash at various prices and qualities'. Nap kins from $2.50 up, some very handsome with red borders. Nursery Diapering, from $2 up, in all the widths, some of them much less than they have been. et - RANVILLE B. HAINES, sel9-4i 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. CHEAPEST BLANKET HOUSE IN THE CITY.—Good blankets at *5.5U per pair, better at $8 and $6.50, extra size and weight $B, one lot very fine, at $lO that are worth $l2. one lot ex tra heavy at slo, same as we sold last year at *l5, and many other kinds at equally low rates. I have, beyond a doubt, tile cheapest stock in the city; also crib blankets all sizes. Marseilles quilts at "$9, large size that cannot be bought less than $l2, liner nnerat *it and *l2; one lot ex tra heavy at $l4; crib counterpanes all prices; 9-4, 10-4 and 11-4 Lancaster quilts; also honeycomb and bridal quilts; heavy comfortable& at /05 and *6.50. (3 RANVI UTZ B. HAINES, sel9-4t 1013 MARKET Street, above Teeth. PLACK SILKS FROM NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. V. 2.5 for heavy white-edged Mack Taffatas. ed.% for very wide heavy white-edged OTOS - GrainB. *2.00 for Figured and Plaid all colors. $1.95 for a very handsome black filth, J. U. STRA.WERIDGE & Northwest con of EIGHTH and MARKET. 1865. 50 CENTS FOR GOOD BLACK AL PACA. 75 cents for all-wool plaid Cashmere. 50 cents for Lupius, all-wool Delaines. 181.00 for double-width all-wool black DelaineS. Best stock of French Merinos in the city. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO. Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARICEI,. $1.75F0R lIEAVY RIBBED CABE ISTERES FUR BOYS. Fine black French Doeskins. }Wavy mixed goods for business suits. Fine Cadet Cassimeres, for Buys. Dark mixed water-roof. best goods, gd.6.5. J. . STRAWBBIDtirk..Ss Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. •30 FOR 10-4 LINEN SHEET INOS. 11-4 Linen SheetingsifOr 12-4 Linen Sheetings, Pillow Linens and Butchers' Linen. Wide and heavy Stair Crash. 31 cents. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. ssoooramer EIGHT POUND Honey-comb Bridal Quilts, $3.60. No ideception in liselline Blankets, sizes and weights guaranteed, EIGHTH and MARKET is the place to buy Blankets. We have Aim open for examination about twenty-five kinds and qualities. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO.,_ Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. sel6-stuthtf BLACK FRENCH GOODS, FROM recent AUCTION SALES,of Lupin's fabrics. Lupin's Black French. MorinoeS, *1.62, " Lupin's finest Blaek Cashmere de Cosse, $l.BO. Lupin's 7-4 Black Delaines, 41.10 to $1.25. • Lupin's 4.1" Black Delaines, 62, 65, and 75 cents. Lupin's Black Velour Busse, superb quality. Lupin's Plain Black Poplins, 01.50. Lupin's Black 'MM. Long Shawls, $9 to 012.50. Black Mohair Alpacas, 50 cents to 44.50. Also, Lupin's 6-4 Colored Wool Delaines, 611-1214. Lupin's Plain Colored Poplins, $1.37. • Fine Plaid Merlnoes and Cashmeres. BLACK OI'EN CENTRE Broche Long Shawls, tine qualities. Woollen Long and Square hharrls. Misses' and Children's Woollen Shawls. 110115 - FURNISHING GOODS. Beginners and others will always find a good as sortment medium and strictly fine. qualities, at moderate prices, of Blankets, Quilts, Shectings, Pillow Muslins, Tieklngs, Flannels, Towellings, extra line Damasks and Napkins, Iliebardson' a HeaVyLinens,cheaper than Muslins, for fine shirts; also, same make Fronting Linens. .RELIABLE GOODS Only iceptovell bought for cash,sold at fair prices, and engaged to'give good value to the buyer. Whole sale buyers , attention i»vited to some scarce Do mestics, to a magnificent stock of line Cloths and Cassimeres, and to the allure line of Dress Goods. COOPER ..10 CONARB_ selB-2t S. E. corner NINTH . and MARKET. rIIPIN'S BLACK GOODS, AT RE -LA DIIOED PRICES. Elaa RAW. *LOB 1.40 Black VelourßePP 1.40 0-4 Black biOusseliue tie Lwinc. .. 1.51 6-4 Black Cashmeres Black Canton Cloths And a full stock of 3-4 Black Mousseline De Lames. 6-4 Black. Mousseilue Do Baines. Tarnise Cloths, Pails Poplins. All from the late auction sales. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, ' Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND S ll tw.reet, Above Wio S UPERB QUALITY BLANKETS. Blankets of an F,rades. CITILIVEN bTODDART Sc BROTHER', Nos. 450, 452, and 454 -NorthECO3S.l) W ar t, • Above TABLE LINENS AND LINEN SHEET 111i tib, as low and cheaper than COttolll3, A. full supply on hand from recent auction purchases. CUR EN STODDART & BROTHER', Nos. 450, 452, and 454. North SECOND Street, Above Willow. P ARIS CASBMERE SHAWLS, OF new deeigma, from the late unction sales. einavEN STODDA.RT Sc BROTHER, Nos. 4.50, 45A, and 154 North 'ECOND Street, Above Willow. FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS, OF choice styles. CURWI STODDART dr, BROTNEE, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. CHOICE SHADES French Merinoes. French Cashmeres. Paris Poplins. Eplugles. Rich Plaids. From the late section sales. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 4.50;43X, and 451 North SE bo COND St d re w et, Ave Wio. 4..4 PARIS CHINTZES, FROM A late auction sale. CTIRWEN P3TODDART Si. BROTHER, Nos. 460, 452, and 454 North SAWN]) street, selB-3t Abovc ZVIUOW ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES. A full line of French Meilnoes, A fun line of Poplins, Al e fl line of Sils A fulllnm of Bla k nkets, A fall line of Huslins, A full line of Table Linens, A full line of Cloths and Cassitneres, at: JOHN H. STOKES, sell 702 ARCM Street. J. CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. NEW GOODS OPENING - DAILY. Thread Veils new designs. Thread Lace Barbes. Cambria Lace Veils, from $l. . Thread Lace Collars, from 50 ets. Empress Collars in point° de gaze, point ap plique, and valenclennes. WHITE GOODS. French Muslin, 2 yards wide for drestCS. Soft finish Cambric, Nainsook, Plaid and Stripe Muslims very cheap.- Rich Cambric Edgings and Insertions, French Embroidered Bands, Flouneings, &c., Hemstitched Rolla& , extra fine, 25 as- Sel2-12t EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now open a full stock of " Lupin's" French Merinoes. " Mouslin de Laines. Mk-fated POplinS, Silk and Woo Poplins. .All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Itich-Bgured Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Lollies. Polka Dot De Lathes and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, of our own Im portation. sell BLANKETS -ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRICES. Medium and line Blankets. Sonia extra cheap lots, 49 and $lO. Fine crib Blankets - Horse Blankets. Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheetlngs. Shaker Flannels, lineal goods, si and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels; TickingS, Li nen Diapers, 1;2.25, $2.50 and $3.50, ae. DE,LAINEIS. =pieces new Delaines, 25 and 37 eta: 118 pieces new prints,best makes, only 28 to 25 eta. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock Complete. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Strbets. 628 HOOP BRIRTS.-NEW FALL STYLES NOW READY 628 at Hopkins' Manufactory, No. 626 ARCH Street. Our assortment Is complete, containing full lines of Ladies', Misses' and and (Jkildren , s Skirts, of every style, length, and size, - which, for finish, durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop skirts made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, skirts,, and repaired. Also, good Eastern-made from fit teen to forty Fangs, at very low prices. Wholesale s ea9njimr.e TS ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCH gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming_ symptoms, and if no treatment is aubmitted to. consumption, insanity, or epileptic Ms ensue- 11.04 South TENTH Street. anzs-un _..------- CABUTET FURNITURE. MOORE a CAXPION. Rl6l BOOTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follOw the decline in tawarket In the price ottheif FUSUUUre. Purchasill please call and examine our stock. Myll-17"-. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON smuTiONS, of both sexes, use li&LMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC/In. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable yoll to sleet , well. 104 Booth titteet. aita4gi OFFICE FOR THE BALE OF GOVERNMENT LOANS 3O CHESTNUT STREET. JAY COOKE .Sr, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest makket rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, tr.s. 7.90 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15, Mt Do. do. do,, June 15,1855. Do. do. do. July 15,1865. BONDS OF 1891. 5-20 LOAN OF 18626 8-20 LOAN OF 1804. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. MOM OF ALL RINDS BOIMEIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Seen ritles. Collections on all points made at loViest rates. att24-teal CEEB REMOVAL! OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOANS. JAY COOKE ei CO., DURING THE ALTERATIONS NECESSARY IN THE ENLARGEMENT OF THEIR OLD OFFICE, HAVE TAKEN THE COM MODIOUS ROOMS o. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE BANN OF NORTH AMERICA, WHERE THEY WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE THEIR FRIENDS. selS-tf ha rim 4 Oki Atria') IR? /01)1) :4.1 JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY . GOODS, Noe. 239 and 241 North Third Streets Cloths, Prints, • Cassimeres, Detainee, Sattinetts, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cottonaclea, Brown and Bleeched Sheetings, Denims, Brown and Bleeched Skirtings, Stripes, Omish Chambras. Checks, Oinish Tweeds. Ginghams, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, au23-3n NOTIONS, &c.., .Im. COMMISSION MOUSES. ITADLEY COMPANY sor r r FINISH SIX-CORD SPOOL C,OTTON . WAIWANTED soo YDS. LEWIS BROS. &I CO., Sole Agents in Philadelphia, 23S Chestnut street. seB-1m TO MANUFACTURERS, cIAYTEILEIts, CITY TRADE GENERALLY* The subscriber is Commission Agent for manu facturers of the following Goods: COTTON YARN, all numbers. COTTON WARPS, all numbers. COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET WARP. WADDING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTS, AND RAG CARPETS. GILL/NG AND SEINE TWINES. T_ WHITE, 5137 KAREET Street, R. 28 CHURCH Alley. BARB I BAGS I BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, It IJBLAP, AND GUNNY A S FLOVR AND SALT ORDERLL SIZES, PRINTED TO, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., 13 , 26-611 N 0.113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, Mr CHESTNUT STREET, YEILARELPRIA, 103 AND READS STREET, NEW YORE. jemom 0. MATHEWSON, GENERAL 00M ci • MISSION PRODUCE BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late firms of T. P. Stovall & Co., Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co.„ and G. H. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and. merchandise generally. Having the agency of several first-clan Cotton 151t118 4 I am prepared, at all times, to supply orders for tarns, Sheeting, Skirtings, Osnaburgs, Drills, „leans, le. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, Can furnish secure Storage and give prompt atten tion to Merehandise and rrcaluce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. au23-3m CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. CARPETINGS! CARPETINGS I I J. T. ECRILACROICX, No. 37 South SECOND Street, No. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT. RAB JUST ArkEIVPD A PULL LUIS ENGLISH AND AMERICAIt CARPETINGS, OF THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, DRUGGETS. RAO, LIST, AND COTTAGE CARPETS, AT TUE LOWEST PRICES. J. P. DELACROIX, 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Chestnut and Market streets, 111Rada. sel-fstuWth3m NEW ' CARPET HOUSE. LEEDOM SL SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, will open ON MONDAY, September Mb, a new and choice selection of CARPEIINGS, of all the various qualities. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing. sel6-1m 1865. F ALL. 180. GLEN ECHO 81DE..145, GERMANTOWN, PA. M'CALLUII/1 & CO., IMANCIIICTURERS a IMPORTERS OF CA.II,I 2 9EMING[Si OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, Jag., WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 CRESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Be6-9in 619 CHESTNUT OTREET. REMOVAL. J. JOLLIVET, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER Formerly at No. 2314 CHESTNUTStreet, informs ids friends and 'customers that has re moved to No. 244. S. NINTH Street, Four doors above Locust street, where he Intends to keep an extensive assortment of Sue French Flowers, Flair Work, Perfumery, &c. Be also would state that he has just received the latest styles of Front Curls,Plaits, Wate rfalls, &c., -6t* D EMOVAL-NOTICE.-THE OFFICE AA , of the Excelsior On Company M removed to Room N0.'24 Merchants' Exchange. sel6-30t RffMOVAL, A. T. LANE, sel.l-et* Tot= cHESTI , ITYT Street RE 0V A L BE NE DI C T MILLER, UMBRELLA and PARASOL 'Manufacturer haa rem9Tett to 30 North li/XT4 g.treu%, 5-134 tt PRESS.--PHILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY,. SEPTEMBEE: D. 1865: DIEZE=I AS POLLOWS PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA, REMOVALS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. _.---- READY IN A FEW DAYS NTONEY WAX-Dintrigki ; THE GEIIiTEEHEri ADVENTIMERS. A SEA STORY. BY WILLIAM 11. G. KINGSTON, Author " " Dick Ortelow among the limlnklns." The Cruise of the Frolic," Ac., Cee. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. "These are the exciting adventures of two young men who sailed from she shores of England to seek their fortune at a thee when it was thought no wrong to fight the Spaniards. After much hard fighting with the Spaniards and Portugal s, In which they destroyed many vessels and secured a large amount of treasure, they were captured and con fined in a Portugal Fortress, from whence they eseaped to a land inhabited by savage Indians. They were rescued after a severe fight with the Indians, and finally returned to their homes with a large amount of the treasure which had been saved to them." J. V. TILTON & CO.. PUBLISHERS, BOSTON Poi* sale by the principal Booksellers, or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price, SL.SO. 605-21. OUR ARTIbTuIN CUBA This newgoinicbcok of adventure in the West In dies, by GEO. W. CARLETON,' contains fifty hu morous drawings on wood, Illustrating the haps and mishaps of a traveler among the leather-colored On bans—the scorpions, rats, cockroaches, tarantulas, fleas, spiders, lizards, donkeys, cock-fights, mask balls, codfish, garlic and onions that do abound hi the TrOpicS. The book is elegantly printed on tinted paper,and beautifully bound In cloth, gilt sides. rilte, ...To be published with Artemis Ward's new book in a few days. CARLETON, Publisher, sell-thetug NEW YORK 1,9, CENTS. Peterson's Ladies' Magazine 'for October, at PITCHER'S, 808 CHESTNUT Street. 20 CENTS. Ladies* Friend for October, at PITCHER , s, SOS CHESTNUT Street. sei9-2t, if -CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA.-BY ••—• JOI/N WILLIAM DRAPER. M.D., LL.D., author ?f a "Treatise on Human Physiology" and of 'a History or the Intellectual Development of Eu rope." ALSO BROCRETT'S 61' U. S. CAVALRY. THE OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. By WILLIAM Wnillax. STORY OF THE GREAT MARCH. By a Staff °Meer. With Illustrations. All New and Standard Books. For sale at low prices by LINDSAY gt BLARISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, sels No. ins South SIXTH Street. NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.- THE BIBLE HAND-BOOR- An Introduction to the Study . of Sacred Scripture. By Joseph Angus, D. D. Revised edition with ilitlaratiOrtS. Crown, THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE, CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA. By John William Draper, M. D., LL. D. ME OIL REGION'S OF PENNSYLVANIA. Showing where Petroleum Is found; how it is ob tained; and at what cost. With hints for When? it may concern. BY William Wright. All the new books received as soon as published, and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. it. Sc A. Martien,) see 606 CHESTNUT Street. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty l their business. Also, Constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S Wars. J. W. SCOTT 60 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, • No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, 70-13 7 Four down below the Continental. all 10.55 11}4 VCri.elf II) 'VI ARCH STREET. 600 G-LASs JARS AND TIN CANS, 600 KITCHEN WARES L utfTLEItY, WOODEN-WARE. se7-tf GRIFFITH It PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. WRITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &c. All the requisites for Preserving awl FloKling Purposes. ALBERT Q. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, au264 Con ELEVENTH and VINE Streets MERCHANT TAILORS. ARMY AND NAVAL OFFICERS. J. B. TAY - Lon, THE BEST MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILOR IN TIIB UNION, Le now connected with EDWARD P. KELLY, WS CHEST/111M STREET. J. S. TAYLOR has been for the last four years the Cutter for the Military and Naval Tailoring Es tablishment of OVVENS, ma PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. WASHINGTON. Le..atUIL.4.IU JUST RECEIVED- An extensive stock of RIBI3ONS, VELVETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, SILKS, LACES awl PARIS PATTERN BONNETS, to .which the attention of MERCHANTS and MIL LINERS is directed. J. HAMBURGER, acl9-21.. 91 . 5 South SECOND STREET. s, P. GILL & CO. E. HAVE NOW OPEN A FULL LINE OF HANDSOME FALL BONNETS, HATS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. Al5O, CHOICE FLOWERS, RIBBONS, and OR NAMENTS for the Hair. E. P. GILL & CO., 0024 20 720 ARCH street.A HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE Stock and Interest of the late. SAMUEL ME OARGEE, Esg_, I will continue the business at the Old gaud, DiLAWA_RE ' nnove Poplar street. JOHN A. BRUNE% PIiILADELIIIIa, Sept. 15, ISC.S. 5e19.121. 110110TOGRAPHS TAKEN OF MA CIIINEItY, Engines, and Carriages at Pounde ries and Machine forks: done in artistic manner by applying at REIMER'S Photograph Gallery, SECOND Street, aliotieG reen. It* SUPERIOR STYLES OF NATURAL, Life-Ilke and impressive Likenesses, finest Por traits made. See specimens of life-size Photo graphs in oil colors at B. F. HELMER'S, 624 ARCH •atreet.. ite 19 FOR $1.25--CARD PHOTOGRAPHS J-i-• made at REIMS 'S (3allery, SECOND Street, above Green: See specimens, suitable for Albinos, and just the thing for scholars to exchange with elagmatti, NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT ING-L.l ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND.- 40 North EIGHTH Strect.—Tbis Company, so long and favorably known in New York during the PAR tfOrbi•Shr vim, have opened an otllee as above. Ladies' and tientierae. , . Darments, and wearing apparel of every kind, dyed and cleansed ru the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removed from garments without being ripped. Merchants having goods of undesirable colors can have them redyed tu. superior style. 111130-thStU39t. W. H. CHAFFEE, WHOLE • sale dealers in Hosiery. Gloves, Trimmings, Fancy Goods, &c. No. 511 AlAitic,ET Street, Phi ladelphia. se6-121.* IpIERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. Sansag.e Meat. 500 " Beast Beef. " do V 500 500 " do -Mutteal. on. 1,000 .• do Turkey. 1 1ppp , do r_t_e_ C tl b eo l irp n . „ . 111 1.2, ZN lb. Cans. For ease by "" ittiODE fl a - WLLIAMb, • le6-tf 107 South WATEIt street. BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, .A.TTORNEY AT LAW, Having been recently discharged from the army, has resumed the practice of the law; and having been appointed a Commissioner of Deeds for the most of the States., by the Governors thereof, is au thorized to take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, Sce., to be used or recorded therein. Office, No. 61 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. au2-1-1m PERSONS SEEKING MEDICAL AID -A• would do well to consult Dr. C. A. MTV AS, No. 1037 WALNUT Street, for prompt and effi cient treatment. • Distant patients consulted by letter, and reme dies forwarded to any address. sell-lm* -Ig-4AT01.111 OLIVE OIL-IN STORE, and for sale by the sole agents, L JAURETCHE et AVERGNE, seB-12t Nos. 202 and 204. South FRONT Street. 66 1 - NEVER HAD A GOOD PICTURE IttlPOltE !I , exclaimed one Of PllntylelPhi._a'S fairest daughters, as she gazed with delight Mt ROT Photo-Mituature, made at CHEMEIt D 18 Smith EIGHTH Street. . ' N. B.—Albums and Stereoscopes lit great variety. aLA-ELMIsOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHILT Is pleasant In taste and odor free from all Inrious pronortiea, and lannediate in It 9 action. 104 - S South TENTtreet. auM-lta 511(1 BALES COTTON WICS. JUST ‘,/ v-1 received, Also, full stockof Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain, au, ut lowest market price. WU, RUSTON a GO., auls 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. TAMARINDS 300 KEGS TAMA -A- RINDS in store and for sale b_ y. JAURICTOICE LAY - ERIE/NE, geB-12t Non, 203 and 204. South FIWNT Street. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the properties or 1 - IELMBOLD'S lenem TRACT BIJCIIU will be a comparison with those set forth In the United States Dispensary. 104 South TENTH Street. ataa-Ini RASE BALL CLUBS 'WILL FIND A full stock of Bases, Balls, Score-Books, Spikes, Shoes, Belts, andaules of Game at BHILIP 141LA014 .% CO.'S. se4-lm 409 CHESTNUT street. COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to ANC feel Wide; Pauline Bolting Bail Twine, &e. JOLT V.V.KAN lb CO., noa-tf o. 103 JQNEB• Alley. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, ac. M —2,500 bbls. ass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-eau ht Hat flah, In assorted packages. 2,000 bids. New MiiMpOrt, Fortune Nay, and Hali fax Herring. 2.500 boxes Lubec, sealed, No. I Herring. 150 bbls. Newldess Shad. 250 boxes Herkhner-eountdr Cheese, &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY & ROONA_ JBlO-tr No. 140. NORTH iWHARva.S. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS M., STORED . _l2y EiniatisOLD'S ExisAga Suomi. 10 South TZ.NTLI target. EDUCATIONAL, SPECIAL NOTICE.-AB COVAIDER , ABLE fuss has been :made by "Special tices," " Cautions, • • "To whom It may cm:merit, etc.. some attempting to impOSe on the pubite 'false insinuation that the Union 81.19i1115 Clott , ,ge claims to be a branch of another, and several, de nying that It. D. Caril has ever been .BusiuetS Superintendent of the " Quaker City" Business Cones e, the following document Is pub'ished that' the public may judge of the truth of the forester by this proof ot the falsity of the latter, The public can likewise appreciate the ungentlemanly and un called-for insinuation against a former employe's integrity and intelligence. D. CARLL. {COM] itIT:ATTETt CITY BuSINESS COLT.EGF.. tIIELPITIA, July'l9, . TUTS TS TO CERTIFY PHIL TH IttCIIATIT , D. CAISSI RTS, 11 - AS BEEN P.CSINESS SUPERINTENDENT oE•ril IS IN STITUTION SINCE OCTOBER, 1864, and has given En tire satisfaction. He hasbeenfaithfni in his ditties, and always on hand. He is a good Rook-keeper, and lass a good knowledge of business • I therefore ell recoMmend W any tine wlm Mar need his services in amore al:tire capacity, 'which tin is seeking. L. FAIRB&NIKI3, Pres. In justice to Mr. Fairbanks we publish the follow,. ing letter, received Sept.. 18th', with a few com ments: Chow. I Quktrim•CPri' BuSINESS COnrßfin, pirmADELpiliA. Sept. IT. M. Mn. Cant.f.Sltit: I hereby formally re tract a certain reelnilinendatioll given by plc in the month of July last, and foruld your use of it tit any manner, for the following reasons: First. Because It - Was obtained from use under a plea of gol . g info Sadie other business, tlaot being twice in the same business,- suppose,) when I had given you to understand that I should probably not need your serviee9 after Sept. Ist, (did you not, When in the oil regions,: eigh t or ten days before, re ceive a letter from us resuntintrour position!) while It appears you were then' contemplating and' had partly matured plans for an - attempt to open a cern tnereltd school for yourself.. (A . most henious' of fence( ) Second. Because it was written In great hasbs, (can you lie faster than. telt the truth?) when I lta4 but a few minutes to spare before going to the ears to leave the city, and contains inadvertent expres sions which I cannot hen sanction. (Would you have ever discovered them tJ we Ilszd. n " ot opened a emu mereial school for °urn veal"")' Third. Because from circumstances and facts Sub.. sequently coming to my knowledge; I wholly repu diate it. (This is an assertion, prove it.) Fourth. Because without any reason; and togain selfish ends,. you have, since: leaving ply employ, thrown out muinnationS, tiriNgt And uncalled for, against the character of this institution, and per sons connected with it. (This is a 'bare assertion; can you prove itl) Fifth. Because it appears that you are going to Imitate everything, you can connected with the In stitution. including designs, patterns, sc,,. which are peculiar to it alone, and as far as may be In your power, appropriate the general outlines of the course of Instruction. ( What has this to do with a recommendation?) Sixth. It may be given to the public as my endorse ment of your fitness to COndlint a conuneretalsehool, or asauroc the position of instructor, widen I can by no moans assent to, and do nOt wish to he made the instrument of any deception in this respect. (The recommendation is Docent!, the public with, no comments, and can speak for itself.) The public can draw its own conclusion from these document. [lt) R. CARLL. MISS MINA DE BOYE, SWEDISH ARTIST OF MUSIC, just arrived in Phila delphia, gives LESSONS on the PIANO and SING* INto, iu private families and at her Music Room, 2160 South TENTH,Street, near Spruce. Residence, 1010 Spruce street. References at the principal mu sic Stores in Philadelphia. aelo-ttlisete. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner SEVENTH. Established 1844. Incorporated 7355. „ The eon rsebt: Instruction includes 110011-KEEP- Rel•Caniii‘quin r ia . WinsOta c oSs YAM, maw,. Oat PREPARATIONpg,ste._ furnishing LlNE ssary FOR BUSINESS Students Instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on Graduation. Ca talogues furnished gratis on application, EVENING SESSIONS Commence September 1811. sel9-Bt,' POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. - THE thirteenth annual course of LECTURES awl PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION, will begin THIS MORNINO at 9 o'clock, in College - Building, PENN SQUARE. lit.) ALFRED L. HENNEDY,'III. D. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. Lau29-Iml B. KENDALL. SPRING-GARDEN ACADEM Y - A ClaSsical, Mathematical, and English School for Boys and Young Men, corner EIGHTH - and BUT TONWOODStreets,ndllreopen MONDAY, l eptem ber 4. J. P. BIRCH, A. Al., au2B-1m Principal. CIATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her School, :at No, 4 SOUTHWEST PEN2rhquare, on the 11th of Ninth Month, (Sep tember,) 1865. atf33-410 'WILLIAM FEWSMITH'S CLASSI CAL and English School No. 100 A CHEST NUT Street, will rtopeu on AONDAY, September 4. nu2B-lin* ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WHITALL. atx26-Im* TEE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET_, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. au26-2nr , J. W. FAMES, D. D.. Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL wilt resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, as 1:418 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst. au2l3-2m. PRIV.A.WE LESSONS IN VOCAL MU sic, by a European Vocalist of experience and. reputation, can be had in the French and American Institute for Young Ladies, 2953 FRANKFORD ROAD. septs-4t. VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. 11 COMET Of MARSHALL and SPRING - GARDEN Streets. Duties resumed MONDAY, Sept, 11th. 5e1440 ENOCH H. STIPPLEE, A. M., riluelpal. TIPHILA.DELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. STITIIT.BI, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNITT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for merly at MO Arai street.) Latin, Greek, the Natural Sciences and the Higher Mathematics thoroughly taught, embracing a full Cbliege Course. Ample arrangements for primary schollars. Circu lars at 1228 and 1231 Chestnut street. Or address P; 0. Box 2611. The next Session will commence on MONDAY, September 18th. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. sepl2-6t* SCII 0 0 L AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MOND/kr., September 18, 1865, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. The Primary Department is conducted as a Kin. dergarten,upon the German (Fro:hers system),and includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be received. In both departments, Gyintmatia (under the aye tern of Dr. Din Lewis)>, and drawing from still life are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON. MARY B. DARLINGTON, sel2-6t MARY E. SPEAXMA.N. MISS V. P. BROWN, 1907 PINE reet, will (on 11,101111311 17, Sept. 4th,) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15. 5.u29-11n* A BACHMANN TEACHER OF THE 11 , Plano, Organ Melodeon, and Violin, 923 SPRING GARDENBtreet, A.IYVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed In Harmony- ADD cations, 12 to IA. M.: 6to 7 P. M. , att2o-Int. MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladles, No. 1210 SPRUCE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September 11. The Course embraces a thorough English Education. with Latin, French, German, Music. Drawing, -t" A """'" &c. set-lm* INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. AN DICKSON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS, at No.loB South ElorliT EENTIt Street, on the nth of September. ituft-theto-Ut ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS.—The autumnal session will open On MONDAY, September 4th, at o'clock A. H. Applications for admission may be made during the pm ceding week between 10 and 12 o'clock in the molting. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., auls.tutbstol Head Master. MISS C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG - LADIES will be reopened SEPTEM BER 11th, at 1037 - WALNUT Street. Careutars may be obtained at the School-house. SOl-stuillim* MR. GEORGE FELIX BENKERT AJ-a- tt•ill resume his PIANO. LESSONS September 18th. Address NO. 710 CHESTNUT-Street. -A-aABBERTON -& CHASE'S SCHOOL REOPENS SEPT. 18th, at 1604 CHANCEL LOR Street, (first street south of Walnut, between hixteenth and Seventeenth.) ROBERT H. LAB BERTON, NEWHAM) H. CHASE. selB stuth-7t. I SITSAN HAYHURST WILL . OPEN her School in the commodious rooms, Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets (entrance, on Ninth), September 18th. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladies for receiving a . thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent Leacher, will he conthhAed upou the Kindergarten, or Object System. Reference, former patrons. For further information, apply to Dr. C. N'. PEIRCE, 501 N. SEVENTH St. scle-12.t. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY— Durxr...tity 1:OAT/DING SCHOOL.—Terms very'moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English Classics, kc. Supplies the beneilts of a home. Surveying . and Engineering tanght. Boys or all ages received. Begins Suptein. , ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP et, SON, 23 E.ollth THIRD Street; THOS J. CLAYTON,Esq., FIFTH and PRUNE Mr, tiEOIME F. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Aattresa Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. s,u4-3m RIG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Weal Music at We residence,) No. 313 Smith SD:Tr:Er:TR Street, October Re may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0.. as above. an29-tf CEN T BAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streete ' will reopen September 4th. Eavgpwriared for any tilvision of the Publlt; Grammar Schools, for College - or fox , business. Special attention given to siniel; boys. Residence, fat . North TENTH Street. au2l-6w H. G. McGUIHE, A. H., Principal. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL -I- SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER, A. 31., North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH BLS., (second. floor,) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, Bm. see Circulars; to be ob tained at Mr. Hassard"s D rug Store, or from the Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning, be tween 10 and 12;4 o'clock. au2s-11V" THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boar Mug and Day School for Young Ladles, No. 1703 WALMIIT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 2oth ofSept. au2)2015 THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reoAsens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best_ provided School for boys in America. J. ENNIS, Princlial. GERMANTOWN FEMALE SEMI NARY. GREEN" street. south of Walnut lane, wilt reopen. 611 WEDNE6DAY, September lath Cliculars containing full information to TOMAS, e(erse of Instruction character of the Seminary, &c., &c., may be obtained of Prof. WALTER 9. FORTESCUE, A. M., aun-tf Principal. CESTNUT-STREET FEMALE SE MTNARY—ENGLISH AEA) FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOD o Trlhelpals, Miss Bon ney and Mies Dillaye.—The Thlrty-fl rat be/hi-An nual Session will o en WEDNESDAY, September at 1.815 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. suit-tool THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep tember 4. au2.s4te ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND M.A.- -a-J THEMATicAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 sotabwest FENN SQUARE. Duties resnmeti Sept. Utti. au2e-2m.` JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. CPURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTE FOIL BOYS AND YOUTlE—Address Prot E. D.SAIINDERS, D. P., rnuddcLphta. WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen Ills CLASSICAL and E NGL IS If SCHOOL at No. 1112 MARKET Street, on NON - DAY, September 4. an.24-Im* PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS-IIT the Philadelphia City Institute, N. H. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, 1865. Entrance ou Eighteenth street. L. BARROWS., att29-11n . JOHN . O. It. M'ELROY. }Prinei VRENCII AND AMERICAN TUTE for Young Ladles, Rey. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. NO. 2933 ERANKFORD Road. Philadelphia, Circulars can be bad, on application, at the tustituto,and at Messrs. JOHN PENNINGTON & SONS, No. MI South SEVENTH Street. au23-1m• CALEB S. HALLOWELL'S SELECT 1116 Reboot for young men and nor, North TENTH, Street, will reeyett Ou Instant. ilea-14 • EDIICAtIONAtt. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL Rev. JAS. G. SHINN. A. M.. will ()ova an English, Classical, Mathematical, And fluv• ilia School for Young Seen and Bova. Nn. V-006 MO ITNT VERNON Stnei, on the first MONDAY in Her, tern her. The instruction will he particular and tho rough, such as will prepare young meu forbusinoss or college. For terms, &c., apply as above. tott9-11,a` THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISR: - SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. M". 2 ,g0. 408 ~,tARICE'r Street, win eet.P.ll ou MOPPJA r. p teMber 4tll. RUZI-.lm` MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNATLADIES will be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT St.. 9th month (Sept. Ilt19). au3o-Ira. W OODLAN D SEMINARY.- NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE. West Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND IiOARDIND , SCHOOL for Young Ladies: Location healthy, airy; and BUM. tive. Pall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to Jy2l-2nr. REV. HENRY REEVES. Pelneipal. ( SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES P , ARKESBITRG; Chester county, Pennsylvania, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed GCVO -111:11. let, 1801. Terms-412S per session. For Circulars, apply to Misses JOHNSTON and TELL 1, Principals. auti-lm THE FRE,XCH AND ENGLISH BOARIHND AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, Septeinher )80. In this institution Instruction is thorough In every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken In the institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1340 ariturcik St., Philada., Pa. ault4M MRS: A. TEGTMEIER, WHO RE CEIVED a thorough musical education under one of the best Professors In Germany, and after several years of successful teaching in Seminaries, and in this city, hes resumed her duties as leather of Vocal and Instrumental Music. References, Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street Residence, 1513 VINE Street. At home from 12 to 1. see-12V OHEGARAY INSTITUTE. —ENGLISH and French Boarding and Dag School for Young Ladles, NOS. 1537 and 15%9 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, - will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Sapteat ber 20th. French Is the language of the family, and is Con striutlyspoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to aug-3m Madame DitIEIIVILLY, Principal. WANTS. WANTED TWO UNFURNISHED connuuniesting ROOMS, with Bo rd; lu good location; good reference glees and (Mired. Ad dress B. J.," bok No. 138 Meechants l Hotel, FOURTH Street, below Arch. nel9-2V' WANTED -A SPECIAL OR ACTIVE Partner, with Fifty Thousand Dollars, in an established good business, to increase the trade. Every satisfaction given. Address MERCHANT, Pressoftice. An communications confidential. sel9-31.. NTED-BY A YOUNG MAN OF experience, is a good penman, and correct in figures, aEITUATION as Assistant Book-keeper or Entry Clerk, in some Wholesale Rouse, whose close attention to business anti honest merit would be appreciated and rewarded. Good rerermice given. Address "ST. LOUIS," Press Mee. sees ^t* WANTED -A SITUATION AS TRA VELLIKG AerliNT, would reliable 1T19.11 of tempernnee principles, or lnvest i,"?...000 or 4;3,000 in some sure _paying business. Address ' with particulars, " PRINCIPLE, + PPM °Rite. it* WA. N TED IMMEDIATELY- • 3 " 1- TWEEN Arch and 1-. a . n . •i ev , en nd o d Twentieth sreets=3-I (hiiapAlt t ono olg:l 4 % reu,eieare no other boarders_ 1:1113 best reference given. Ad dress "T. D. P.," Post Office, Box 5652. seiiWit* IvANTED TO PURCHASE OR EX CHANGE, a HOUSE. Price from six (t) to eight (8) thousand dollars. For which, first class "Vii StoaS" will be taken in exchange and part eash. All communicatiollB Confidential.. Address J, X. R., PIM Mike. its WANTED - $15,000 TO $20,000, TO , develop a safe and profitable business, already established. Address, with real name, "SAFE IN VESTMENT," Press otliee. selb-21. WANTED---:AGENTS IN EVERY County in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and South Jersey. to introduce a patent Churn which will make butter in three minutes. Liberal terms made with good parties. Inquire at 1128 MARKET Street, up stairs, from 8 to 9 o'clock A. M. seit-tuths WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN OP respectable connections, who has some busi ness experience, and writes a good hand, a SITUA TION in a Commercial House. Satisfactory refe rence given. Address "F. W.," Box ass ninado- Phi& P, . sel9-2t. 'WANTED. -A YOUNG MAN, WHO r has been in business for eight years Is desirous of learning the DIA NUFACTOn D YOF O'RESTIC GOODS. Could invest a little capital in the busi ness. Best of reference given in regard to business qualities. AddresS ''IVIANUFACTOR," Premkt Offing- 1101845t* WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN In a Wholesale and Retail Car pet House. Address "McDOWRLL, ROBINSON QC CO., Baltimore, giving references. sell-ti WANTED— CONFECTIONERS—A good man to run and take charge of steam pans. Would like to hear from WILLIAM TIMMS, IP this meets his eye. Also, amen to work on "Ereams" and flue goods. good wagez and ateadrwork for competent per sons. Fair paid to Chicago. Address CHARLES W. SAMFORD sel3-6t. Chicago It , . WANTED -AGENTS-$10 PER DAY AT H 03118.—1 want en Agent, Mole or Fe male, is every town and neighborhood, to sell The Great Labor Saver." Everyfamilyv atitg it, and agents are making from 10 to VD per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patented, and a capital of but $3 to $lO Is required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red _stamps for circulars and re turn postage. Address It. WAYVELL, Box 4751, CHICAGO. aul9-inis AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER wants a SITUATION. Address "W. J. Bt.,' BOX 1404 Philadelphia Post Oillee,one week. sel.9-5? A TEACHER WHO HAS HAD SOME years experience in hisnkofession in public and private schools and In families, desires a situation. Refers to prominent men of Philadelphia and vici nity, by whom he has been employed. Address "P.,"Press Office. sei9-6t", A GENTLEMAN, TIRED OF LIVING JAL at a hotel, desires to - find a family, who, for consideration of reduction of expenses, will admit him as a boarder. A liberal price will be paid. Address MERCHANT, sel9-21. Box 2033, Post Office. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF Tll WAR, cam. plete in one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 pages. Splendidly illustrated with 1.17 flue portalts of Generals and battle scenes. This is just the book the people want. It presents a rare chance for ts gents. Teachers, ladies, ener.vile meikand espe cially returned and disabled cacers and soldiers, in want of prolltabie employment, will dad it pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Send for circu lars. Address "JONES. EROS. & CO.. au2S-linWlt. "Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOR waLa SECRET SERVICE, TUE FITInr), THE DUEUEON, AND THE E50A17,,% , By A. D. RiChardson, New York Tribune Corres onde nt. The most Interesting p and exciting book ever pub lished„embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years. travelling through the South 1n the sseret service of the Tribune at the Outbreak or the war, with our armies and ' ileetfi both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different. Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident, and romance of - the war than any other work published. Horace Greeley says: ” A great 'many hooks will yet be written concern leg this war. In addition to the many already in print; lint vot one of them will give within a similar compass it clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, aninnis, _purposes, • tendencies, and instrumentali ties of the Slaveholders' Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson." Teachers. ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled Oilleere and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will Cud it peen early adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $1 . 75 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Bend for circulars. Address JONES BROTHERS, & CO.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, aul7-2a, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work, the most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO., Philadel phia, ra. auk-tiny` AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME. M URI AL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Indsee ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Penn. Ssuaro, F. au2s-nte. ITOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND -LI OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience. and acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas, le soon to return there on private business. ceiteudons and other buSinesa will he promptly and property attended to While there, If entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal, 'llk at this office. atra-6eo` WANTED TO RENT BY A PHI SICIAN, a House On Arch, Race, or. Vine sts., between Tenth and Tkeetitieth sts. Address "E,C. II.," at this office. seas-at4A la WANTED TO RENT—A STORE, pion or near Market street, by January 1, or 11091/Vr. Address "Howe, ,, Press office. Bell-thstugt. ei WANTED TO RENT-THB. UP , AsapEn BOOMS of a Store on Market street, be tween Third a»d Sixth. Possession first January. next. Address D. N. E., Box 2527 Post.oflice.sel6-2t, LOOKING GLASSES. The largest and most complete assortment, at moderate prices. PAINTINGS, ERCCIIt Importations. FseßAvirm, PORTRAIT 'AND rICTXTVrg FRAMES, CHROMO-LITHROGRAPIIS, SWISS, AMERICAN AND ENG LISH SCENERY, Rogers' Statuettes, Rustle Frames, And every other character of Framer for Engra• wings. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, se6-12t 816 CI ESTNIIT Street. F _ OR NON-RETENTION OR INCON ITINENCE Of urine, irritation, iunnmmation or ulceration or tbe llladger, AY ltidneya, diseases the prostate glands, stone iwthe bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and. dropsical swellings 1O , T South TENTH Street , aundan 'CAR BRiaLBOLD'EI FLUID EXTRACT EMU,. CH. GARDBN & CO" MANI - MAO. •-i• TUBERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEAX.ERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW UOODS, RIBBONS , dm., itc., No. 800 and 6021 MARRET street. The largest laud most complete stock, the best terms ant cheapest prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. au2B-3m Wi-1 LINDEMAN tib SON'S, t Cilloyet Piauos; Calenberg Vaupel's. E. Gabler's, Raven & Bacon's, Tryon & Co.'s, and other makers rialloE. Only for sale at JAS. BEL, 2t9 and 281 S. FIVTTI Street. seta-6t. . PRINCE. & CO.'S; WORLD.- v I RENOWNED Melodeons and Antoma.; tie Organs. Wholesale Agency, JAS. BELLAIi, 281 South 'VIETH Street. segi4E. CORSETS ANA, SKIRTS AT mrs. STEEL'S, No. 232; South ELEVENTH Street, Including a good assortment of the re nowned Weriey Corsets, from Parts. sel6.3t* frAt .6. ARGE ASSORTMENT OF lip. Ladies', Misses',. awl Children's Straw, Pelt, and Silk-plush HATS. Also, Flowers, Feathers, Velvets, and Rihhous, whteli will be sold at the low est cask price, or short time. T. E. HARRIS, Se.9-11u 59 North SECONIJP Street. EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFI STORE,_ • 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FA, S A large variety of FIRE-PROOF AFita shrtyr OR ha nd. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND -a- Unsafe Remedies for. Unpleasant. and d,anger ous diseases. Vac. EXTILAC t. aUcitU awl Improved , Rese Wash. 11:14 SoLp.',3 TENTH Street. migim FOR SALE AND TO LET. E MOVAL. REMOVAL RREMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL ° . REMOVAL. EO. C. MILLER, GEO. C. R, GXO. C. MILLER.. REAL ESTATE BROILER. REAL ESTATE BROKER, REAL ESTATE BROKER. has removed to the corner of BIXTH AND WALNUT STREETS. 1 5 OiW),000 worth of city and suburban properly for lAMB. New ° Nont aaog - neje et. e. - Ctlt eolfWit if et,, FOR SALE, 'WITH IMMEDIATE . ' losmaldon, a couvenleuL ree-s:ory front and throe-story back BUILDING,. on North 'Pwentieth 01*(44, awl , Arch, on enS7 terms . Apply to PEICIEL, 722 CHESTNUT St se1:1-2r FOR SAL E-A NEAT TWO luny Bride souse, Nt.. 71V GREEN Street. r(Ni , e44lloll elyeagat once. Apply to ELI 1)1141 N, 131* EEN sveete Dry Gootia'SEote. sel9-6t. g, lt REAL ZSTATE.-HUOUREDS OF applications ilary for property. Executors. administrators, asslgneer.anil others wishing tti dispose of Real Estate, wcaird do well to call on my at once. No charge unless sule is ef feeted. New MoAltlyCatelogne is 'now WIRT stmipalgq, and will be Issued sliortl 9. GEOIII.-E. G. MILLER, Real Estate' Molter, sel9-5t If SIXTH and WALN.UT, TO RErNT-A FU RN I S rrh D HousE, With All the modern conveniences, to a good locattok: Aattress " HOUSE, I !At (Mee. of Tie Pram. . talgzat FOR SAL E—THREE-STORY DWELLIN4;'with three-story back buildings and Modern imp cements, with_p_ossession. quire at No, 1441 north TwgisTki Street. it , fa FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS I Jim HOUSES, with poss , ession, on Twelfth, Fif teenth, Wallace, Broad, and Marshal/ streets. sep-2t C. LINDENS, 1.40 S. &OUBTH St. EIOOR SALE—RINpE S TREE T, south side, west of Pifteentli, neat four-story brown-stone front Dwellin g: , 14 rooms, lot 20 by 140 to sel6 Price $12,600.' Immediate possession. sel6-4t MILLER, SIXTH and WALNUT. FOR SALE, ABITSINESS STAND- Four-sioryßroWit Ileuge,3lo: 824 nut Arca, Valuable property.' Appleltoß. , A. J. PA IiCOAsT, 170. 3.10.1. BRIDGE Street, Mantuavllle, between 3 and 6 o'clock. au29-110 ilt IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.—TIIIt Alta Aestratle Dwciting,witli modern conveniooo, ITo. 734 sprue 6 street, for sale py J. IL, MORru, Conveyancer, 233 North T Tlt 6treet: sels-it. $1,600.--THOROUGIITLY 0 E X=ILTIAIII,ED ..ND PAINTED Immediate pos- SCSSIOU; MUCK,' LOMBARD Stott story house, nearly-new , double-back bulldinm bath, gas, and summer kitchen ; back outlet. Key at 2303. sett-Oti* FOR SALE-THE DWELLING, AZIL No. 2036 MOUNT VERNON Street; newly painted, papered, and cleaned; ready tbr Immediate occupation. Apply_ to G. W. KUHN, .012-61* NO. 15% North TENTH Street. l et FOR SALE.-THE KENSINGTON MOILSTEAM SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORY will be offered at Public Sale, WEDNESDAY AF TERNOON, Sept. .27, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, GERMANTOWN Road and SF , .CoND Street. The above well-known property, situated on tot 40 feet front on Germantown road, and extending' in depth 190 feet to Sophia street. Fronting on Gertnantown road are two two three-story brick STORES and DWELLINGS, with hack buildings _and all the modern inurrtements; also. - ntata. sea Carriage - horse. Nr. tne centre of the tot ts a three-nor)" eatory, 41x32 feet, containing ro iarge steitin - boiler. box for emidensad stesm soap pans, soda tubs and receivers, rendering alll4 melting pans, coolers, copper-tined tallow tuns, pumps, coils, pipes. &cc., with all the. necessary apparatus for manufacturing Soap and Candies in the most approved manner. The above property is one of the most desirably located for business in the city, and will be Sold clear of Lneumbrances. If desired, the Dwelling , houses and Stores will be sold separate front the factory. Terms at sale. • For plan and further Information, apply to JAMES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer, sel3-12t 4.212 WALNUT Street. in REAL ESTATE-$5,000,000 WORTH OF CITY AND SUBURBAN PRO PERTY FOR SALE. No persons wishing to purchase should Tail to call on mu first. GEO. C. MILLER, Frac:tit:al Real Estate Operator. sel6.4t SIXTH :ma WALE UT = ARCH -STREET BUSINESS AWL PLACE, No. 908, for sale by A. P. MORRIS, 8e1.6-3V. 016 ARCH Street. e p FOR SALE.-A PINE RESIDENCE, 'with large lot of ground, in West Philadel phia. Has ail the modern improvements. Will be sold low, and on easy terms. Immediate posses sion. Apply to A. I). CASH, sel6-31,* No. 209 South SIXTH Street. OA FOR SALE—Horns 509 AND .Lt 509;4 FRANKLIN Street, between Button wood and Spring Garden. Possession itemediatelt. Apply at 315 HARMONY Place, between Third and Fourth, and between Chestnut and Walnut. sel6-3t. el FOR SALE—DWELLING, FORTY. 1112 i first and Poplar streets. Dwelling, 066 Mitchinson street. 1002 Mount Vernon street. 4, Warnock st., south of Montgomery ay. 905 Filbert street. 4 ' • 21)28 aud 2036 Master street. 2104 Master street. B. F. GLF.NN, 123 South FOURTH Street, and self. S. W. corner Seventeenth and Omen. OM FOR BA. L E—STJPERIOR AIM FARM, on eetiroall near the 9111, sel9-2t O. LUKENS, 146 S. OURII - 1 St. 01 . MONTGOMERY COUNTY,- SI FOR SALE, BY ORDER OF EXECU TORS, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE—Au Old HOME STEAD, 89 acres of land: 2-miles from N. Wales station, North. Pennoyirinla Railroad, 20 miles from Philadelphia. Fine stone Xansion, recently built by the late owner; "9 rooms, nicely shaded, excellent spring and stream of water; mansion, 90 ny 39 feet; hall, open staircase, Sic.; large barn, suitable for the farm, and other buildings. This Farm will feed 20 steers; land under line cultivation. Price, ilyn,ON). Terms easy, and possession fOrinwitli. if desired. Apply at once. JAMES R. CAIMMIIVS, sel3-5t 504 WALNUT Street. NATRUSTEE'S SALE OF VA.Mitell. .12 AB LE REAL ESTATE, IN NEW CASTLE COUNTY, PETAWARE. A FAMILY MANSION AND COUNTRY SEAT, WITH VALUABLE FARM ATTACHED, One mile from the city of Wilmington, Delaware, known as "EDEN PAR.E..>, THIS ESTATE, CONSISTING OF ISE ACRES Of the most productive and desirable MO in NOW Castle county, will be offered at Public Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Eitir 1.0365. At the Hotel of 13. C. PEARCE, FIFTH andi MAR KET Streets, in the city of WILMINGTON, at two o'clock P. M. It will be sold in two separate par esis. No. I.—The MANSION HOUSE, with Its Stabling, out-buildings, tic., complete, with TWELV T ACRES OF HE FINEST LAND, including the Greve„ Lawns,_Num j erv; also large and highly cul tivated VEGETABLE GARDEN, with GARDEN Ell's HOUSE erected theron. , Tile Mansion is a spacious three-storied stone and brick building, sellphellsti newly titledup, with parlor, dining, an smoking-rooms, library, two halls, and conservatory on the tint floor; fourteen bed chambers, besides servants' rooms andgood attics on the upper floors; the whole excellent condition. The roof and upper stories were built in ices, of the best material and workmanship; the noun e. arc wen at.trientert and proportionate, sup. plied with bath, and Matti good drainage, and ample supply of pure water in the house. The kitchen, wash , and ironing-rooms, with coal-house, all complete. Large, dry, and commodious cellars tinder the whole bonding, with heating ap baratus, flues, &c. The stable appurtenant is of rick, new, and welt arranged for seven horses, with abundant carriage-room: and adjoining it there is a well Constructed ice-booed lir ample ea. paelty. The GROVE adjoining is composed of the finest old trees. through which avenues are laid out; the grounds surrounding are well stocked with a variety of the choleest fruit trees, also 110,,T9 and shrub bery. The entire eatabliShment is of n CMOS rare, this country, and seldom offered for sale, and has been occupied only by its owners during the present century. NO. M.—THE EDEN PARK FARM. containing Ha acres of land, not surpassed in fer tility and productiveness by any in the county of New COSLIO, it Is well fenced and watered through out, with eomplete set of buildings, partly new, and all substantial. The FARM HOUSE is a double three-storied brick building. There are three large Barns, with Ice-house, Granary, Tool-house, Out houses, Shedding, Stock Yard, &cc., with abundant supply of excellent water from wells, with pumps In good order. 'The property abuts upon Um Chris tiana niTer,Witli exeollentlantilng for steam Qt . sail ing vessels, the Bank or Levee having lately been renewed and faced with stone, so as to be perma nent without further outlay. The location of this property and the character of its suit especially adapt it to the production of vegetal - des and fruit, for which the adjacent markets of Wilmington and Philadelphia create a constant mid growing de mand. A large and prontable vegetable garden is now in operation upon the farm, quid the Induce ment s for its increase is very great. The place is perfectly healthyp, and lies in the midst of a fertile district of well improved farms, Intersected whit e heellent roads, and is within fif teen minutes drive of ihe stations of the Philadel phia and Baltimore and the DelitiVarc Itanways, also Steamboats for Philadelphia. Inspection by those desiring to purchase can be hail byapplying to the Tenant at the Farnt-house, or to Om Coachman in charge of the Mansion and groulads, on or atter September Ist, Tile title is unquestionable, and terms of sale wilt he favorable,. Possession or the Mansion given immedtl nd likewise ofithe farm ;Pe latter subject to is iduantey on shares, (with a nest-class tenant,) expiring March 21111.1866. For further particulars, address FLOREINICTO 1. VERRLE.R, Trustee, 6.11.5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, • id or THOMAS te;IIAVAIID, Wiimington, Del. N. 8.--The landlord's share of the Farm Stock is for sale, and a pair of valtiallewarrlage horses, with Household Furniture, &c., will be sold on Septem ber 4th, on the premises. anao-stuthhit FOR SALE. CHA.TTANOOGA. ROLLING MILL. VAR DF.PARTMENT, Oriiltg. Of' DIIIECTOII AND PNETIA L .111 IZineara B.Anatos,a , e • WAfiIIiNGTON, D. C. July 31., 1885. FROPOSAIS will be received at this Mace until 12 o'clock, noon, on WEDNEODAY, beptotaber 1845, to purchase tile United States Military Rail road. ROLLING MILL, at CHATTANOOGA" Ten nessee, with the machinery, tools, buildings, fix tures, and track connecting the Bulling Mill with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill awl machinery. constructed to re-rolt railroad iron are catirely,now, and of the most im proved character. For full description. and details of operation, Ca pacity, &c., apply ire perstap or by letter to T. W. yAßpl,,gy, Superintenalpt, Chattanooga, Ten nessee. All bids should be endorsed, "rroposals to DUP. chase Chattanooga Bolling Mill." D, C. MoCALLUM, - Brevet Brigadier (.1 en eral , Directurawf General Manager illtlitary liallroadS U.S. Iqo satisfactory bid having been received under the recent advertiser ent for the sale of the Chatta nooga Roiling Mill. the time for receiving bids is extended to Lite FINPII ON OCTOBER, I.SID, saute hour. BrevDt U. MediALoLeUMre t, Direeter an g Genergil 311.PAbier seMlEit Military imp roittlo U. B. FOR SALE,-THE MACHINERY OF the GIRARD FINISHING WORKS, ingood running ocrion. App_ly to ROBERT J. WALKER, 16536 North EIGHTH Wee- be/9-3t* OFFICE-ROOl TO RENT.-APPLY at No. 18 South 21111rD Street, above the Me chaules, Bank. sea-thetuOt. OR, BALD-STOCK, GOOD WILL atel POttares of an eAtalginheel Merchant Tailor. One of the best tattiness stancla on Ar.,h streetb _ Store awl dwelling to rent. Apply at 533 Aitu . tt Street. COAL YARD FOR SA3+E — No. 91 . 0 North'NINTH Otrpttt, above .Yuldae; atibieet to a ebOrt tease. For terms, tnnutre at Coal oaee, corner stVII it and ultrtai WOMEN btrects. sl)lll.6t* FOR BA.LE,--A LARGE AND VA. -4- LUABLE LOT .ör GROUND Olt tho Dela ware River, -within the PlaMilelplita Port ot iztY, In the TWenty-tifill \Vara. This ts one of the modti destrahio locations for I'A:totem:Wring tar poses 111 the. City. To rllls aceonwodating. " IsAtilly to A. FITLER. Or Joa. BALL, sels-81,* 4i Norm stx - rtt strcB6. $30,000 --SIX SUMS OF $5,000 %each to Inve3t opoo mortqaßc. ApplY to JOHN A. DOItIIA.N, bolOtt* No. Nl North SIXTH 164,reet. $2 000,1a55 2 1 24 ° _,AgesVr.1TrouL I R R el r fo - r 9 sale.l. HATS ()ARSON, sere-2t-45513 MI - MARY Street. FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL bright bay cantering SADDLE HORSE, tire years old; warranted sound; suttable-for a lady; at MEREDITH'S STABbEi, THUD Street, abOYe MARKET. .. AUCTION SALEk. FURNITURE BALE sr THOMAS Mißeiff * SON, imiettomieeis. BALE OP A LARGE STOOK OF NEW CABINET FIUME, AT GOULD & 003,8 UNION FURNITURE DEPOT, NORTHEAST CORNER and Itt.we fts.--,-13ranott. On TUESIIIIIT MORNING, ,Sept, lath, at 10 o'clock, at Maar& Would & co.'s warerootus, 14. E. corner OECOND and Itrtut Streets, #I.rEEMPTORY SALE. The entire alktak of Household Furniture, coin. prising Walnut Pallor Turniture, of every variety; Walnut Chamber' 01itsi, Cottage Furnithre, Cane sent Chaim Mutt/rOser, -pounges, sideboards, Tables, Office IDM ear Chain, &e., Wasrs. G. Jc Co. art rioutng out their entire stock to vacate the above' premises. * Their new Ware rooms will not be ready mail the end of October. Catalogues for the ante will be ready on Monday, be_m. nub, when the phirettnve can be examined. SECOND SALSO , IIIE SAW Ti he Continued on THURSDAY, the 21st, Catalogues of with Will be ready ou Wednerklan the 20Th. The entire stock to be elosed out, the pre nines haring been sold, an& the purchaser refuses to ;Allow Messrs. G. & Co. to remain until they can remove Into their new Ware rooms. • Mews. G. k On, beve.retrnased the Old lkLadtson Rotel. Nos. 87 awl ap SECOND Street k op. pOslte Chrlst Chure», where iliey will opal. With an entire NEW EiT4)CIC . about iffb last of October. OOTILD & CO.'S Wareroanta, NINTH and IVIA.R. SEET streets, will remain as belt re. It TARGE f3A - f- , E OF ArANN CLOTHING .a. 1101.4 QL l AliTkliMA. , ...rlir ➢ OFFICH, OF CLOTHING n EqUIP.Aok., ST. LOUIS. 310., StrOteraber It, MS. Ey. order of the Quartermaster General, U. S t A., I will sell at public auction at rty warehouse, No. 154 SECOND Street, lune city of St. Louis, on aqii:ESDAI.', September 20, 1203 r at 10 o'cloeir, A. M., 27,000 AIIIfY GREAT COATS, (More or less), of different kinds nral materials. as follows, to wtt: Gray Satinet, Gray vtit, Seal Skin, Petersham; Light, Blue Satinet, and - Pitot sit baked in good order for chipping,' Terme:. Clash on' delivery, UnHea gkaie4 Each successful bidder will be role ired to deposit- 10 per neat. on the amount of Maim:6mo a (Aline of stile. it. HART, sell-t2l A UCTION SALES or lIDISPITAIa PROPERTY. MEDICAL PuEvrilon'S ()mem, WAsnrEwroL' 0., A agept 29. ISEIL Warl he held until farth'er, not te, Lus ally, un EVERT TRURSDAY cernmenelnic SEPTEMBEE, 7, prdx., at to o'clock A. 1 .1.. at Jo. &clay Swum Wal.choltse, FIFTH . ntri t;',,mtre„inS t an audio,. t,ate of Most:M.lll Fora item, 111,,ku as, Secs, which have heel) used . 1111110 Go - Verilinent Arrvlva, These sales 17111 emrace many articles of a ser cleeable character, anti the attrmtfon )loto keepers, ProptietOrs of Steamboats, furl others, is called to them. - - 'remits—Cash, at tile lime of sale. ' n'ou,nssfni bidders ningt romove theirt)hirChAgq4 within forty-eight (4.4) lionre from date of dale. 1S not taken away withinLl . l2at nine tlittttrktel9s,Vii -- YrteiluttetgeTr . — tl[l'nlltrtLANL aunt-tf Surgeon U. S. A., Medical Purveyor. . R/ 3 , CHAMPION, AATOTIONEER, ouw, iiMtt RACE Street, will @clic on MON DAY, September 18th, at 12 o'clock. precisely, at the store of JOHN S. CLARK, 1008 MA.RICET a first-class MUTABLE STEAM-ENGINE, of US horse-power, with Locomotive Tubular Boller, &cam Uange, &e., eumplete In all Its earls. Cauba used either for a portable Or 4ationary purpose. Will be in operation at the limp pflokle• sell-5t 11, CIiAMPION Auctioneer. ANIUSEIILEN ik e l t o TJ an T s - t $T - k t EET THEATRE.— Business Manager IttVi t r=fr e trt::, TIIJ (TUESDAY)) EVENING. Sept. 19, M. MRS. 11. P. ROWERS 1N lIER I% ON I) ERFRIA, liir ERSONATIOST OF "LADY AITIYLEY,'" - - The perrormanee will commenee'with the thrilling sensational arena of IddlY AUM•ra",5 SEORET. Lally Audley 'qrs. D. P. newly, Robert Auilley tir. Barton MU. To conclude!' with the side-splitting eoutedtetta of "UNCLE VOULLE, IMMZM 3lrs. Quickmittpt 0411111111 i t I ' ALFS4 ArPirPr li f Family Circle, 2,1 emits; Cludr.s In Orchestra and Dress Circle, 50 cents; secured chairs In Orchestra and Dress Circles,. M cents; Orchestra Chairs, 91; Orchestra Boxes, tifti; Private Boxes, $0 to ,td. VIM VIIEBTNITT-WFREET TEMA.- A.l TEE, CHESTNUT SOW, above Twelfth. SECOND WEEK? OF THE YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, AND FASCINATING MISS HELEN WESTERN, Whose brilliant success during the past week his been a FLATTERING OVATION TO her CriNlyr , BEAUTY AND 'TALENT. APPEARANCE Of the ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTE, MISS JOSIE ORTON. MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, Sept. 18th and 18th, will be presented the rotnantts drama, styled the FLOWERS OF THE FOTIF.ST. Cynthia (a ~,,) I Seaterli. Starlight Best 'Alas °sic Data. To conclude with the Dashing commedietta, COMICAL COUNTESS. Countess De I.oY:spatter trOgie 0 , 1011. FRIDAY EVENING, Benefit of HELEN WEST. EN. sKru.RDAY AFTERNOON, SW, FIFTY-EIGHTH GRAND FAMILY hIATINER, when the CORSICAN BROTHERS willful presented. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT NS T e N et IED v 4 e V M f ESS (IF MISS RATE FISHER, and her BEAUTIFUL HORSE, 'WONDER. EVERT EVENINti AND ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. LAST SIX NIGI - IT',3 OF MAZE M.A. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF mAzErrA, The immensely sacccsaul Spectacle, MA.ZEPPA: OR, THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. Mazeppa Bliss Kate Fisher. Wild - Horse by The celebrated "Wander, lo Supported by a full I)rantatie Company,_ w (waft ,FvL IMAM/ BUOTHERS 011 the Trapeze. Laughable farce entitled THE THREE LOVERS. Friday eTening Benefit of Miss Rate Fisher. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCII ANA- STREET THEATRE. FIRST wn . E.g. OF EDWIN ADAMS. MONDAY NIGHT, AND EVERY NIGHT. Toni Taylor's new sunsationan TILE SERE. The Sett EDWIN ADAMS. After which, THE PEOPLE'S LAWYER, Solon Shingle.," Stuart Robson. FRIDAI, nencti ' t or Edwin Adamg. 8084 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTS AND CHESTNUT. SPLENDID SUCCESS—CROWDED HOUSES. MR. AND MRS. HARRY WATKINS, In their Nowel,Musical and Comma En? ertalantent, "TWO 11011115 IN N0W . ..A.1Q) l" Assisted by the tltstlhgtit.heil young Pianist, TilleS CARLOTTA SHAW. These charming Entertainments are attrasting large anti brilliant Assemblages of tho elite of ladelpinan Society, who testify their appreciation • It, AND DIRS. IL WAT.ttlaS IN THIRTY CHARACTERS AND hO Oh! Portraying with singalar thlelity the uccenttla able of Life: lilts at the Times:.Dashes at the DO letantl I Folly as It Flies; The eoustulatinte and masterly Piano Solos or CARLOT'PA SHAW EstaiAlat Lee claim Cl the rlitta O LIYINII LA - 14Y liti l / 4 glM- Ev oaths at 8. Saturday Ntattme at lo'clook. Melee Seats 50 rents; body of Anills vents, selB-fit CIONCERT HALL.—SECON D WEEK OF BLIND TO)1, Owlet; to the wild enthusiasm and !MIMI- I 'lQ IWO° ce.b with which TOM lies been gmeted,lie Will eon• mime Ills stay In the env this week, null 15111 aopear at Concert Hall EVERY E VEN LNG, except Tues day evening. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Perfortnance to corn- Mantle at fl O'clock. ADMISSION AO CENT*, „„ Reserved Ees,t,„ 74e; to be had atT .13, Pugh's nook Store, corner SIXTH and CHE'ITNUT Streets. Gallery 2.5 vents. Comfortable seats have been reserved tor the se. eounnoilation of colored people in the gallery, 5018.61 S. C. J. THAYER, Agent. QPARRTh G} Private Lemont. at :law hours at the eryitina shn», corner 19 INTI 4 and Al - teli Streets. selB-2t ProcA. HILIAIIitAND & LEWIS, N, B, COll. NINTH A.ND ARCO 1,71.111,kT8, FOR 1.4 . 1)L.N.* OF\TL H.Eltfj fit IsriEVEIiVD EVEN LNG This Institution bus been undergoing thorough re- Pairs, adopting all inotlorn improvoinent4. and la non• ready fot this Fall and 'Winter eitson. Visitors• are invited to Gill and see u ;sinui ror a Circular. selB-21 Profs. 111 IibEBRAZ.TD LEWIP. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CREST NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. , till 6P. M. lirOjOroin West's gregt Mtur.e M r ClififltAT REJEVT - mn , atilt ell "wind tion. 9 Jena EXCURSIONS. ammvwegr EXCURSIONS TO - LOIS° IntM,R, Trains for Long Brunel will leave COOPER' POINT, Camden eV:Opted) at 9.15 A. DI. Fare, la. izeurston Tleitots, good for Owes tlaye, 813. b. B. COLE, Agent, sel-lm Camden. atigiggigl RA.RITAN AND DE. LAwAltg-IIY . —FALL ARRANGEMENTS. c A onitnenein ßAlLßOAD g . MON DAY, Sept:"IBth.—IJAMDEN TO NEW' YORK.— From Cooper's Point, Camden, dally, at 9.15 A.. M. for Tnelterton. Barnagat, Tom's River, Manatee ter, Bergen, rani l a r Rivers Long Branch, Bratieliport,_Ocenuport, onloWlis Shrewsbury. Red Rank, MltidietoWth_ H glilands s and Port Monmouth, thence to New York. by the. splendid Steamer JESSE ,IWYT. Through In five hours. PARE, c 2. Excursion Tickets, good for three days VI. :Ihrough rrelght Line leaves Cam len at %WI?. M. arriving at Rem York at 4A, M.; ni , xt day, nnye 1!ZOW York cm P. 11., toriviug at Camden bre r..l‘ M. next day. W. S. SNEIION, Superintendent. rh PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS.—BANKS, DINMORE,_ Successors to A. ft:DO:fie ',6t CO., N. W. eor- , U ITO ' per FIETBENTFIStreet and PENNSTL VANIA Avenue, manufaidlirdra of l'atout bfatellt suitable for Weigh Locke, .Itallroad Tracks, Depots, Coal, Hay, and Live Stock; also, all the various descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales; and Patent Beams; Patent Mm. ' o }louse Seale, for Blast Perfumes; Patent , Parallel Dritno Dena, for we Mb ba„ ° l ctsttl lugs, and other' hefty/ mactiMerr ODpor OSeerST for weighing grain, indicating bushels and pounds; Bunker - Improved Hollingll l -M and , Union Scale. Every Scale warnMed' PromPt attolulien given to repairing &lid Sur o g4lircnt. C. M. BANKS I It. N. DINMORE, LEWIS L, .11f1VrT•• I 0, ,y; IL SPRING:EH, fillsrP. , • FAI 1...13 A N STAaiDAltil• ct. SCALES , Adapted to every branth of business where a eOrrttC4 rind Sealo ir.requiren. A unliorin,,stendarti of weight/i t and a correct tttotn or watglatatig are outtfeettcoffitolittif Mr. tin tloll of emery tit thg eantau DT. It UfCD O'ff CAUTDM. Ton WNl...,m:PattNan huPUT.ICAOst OF TRIES* SCALES had:induced the nuottOeturera vet.. tiers of imperfect and sheep ma* imlaneeS to offer them as ,P,a.tah,astcs , SeAtiss, Snit purchasers have thereto's been, gnitiouted to frattif owl smpo6ittoft; mut 'further, other atallufacturura him WWII Mk sorted:that they have secure d of values" superintendents mut foremen from our establish.. went. Tim sultscribevs have no controveray with Sown, abiacompetitore, het regarding the perpetrators Of the jumwd frauds A ppretitpg a Course alike un,f ast Rk a, t icsaonoro.Sls, they take fishl Method to ealltioll that public against their imositions. E'AIRDANKS & EWING, sea-rdn. MASONIC HALL, Philadelphia, Pa. ,11,-; WRITTEN AND VERBATA gurpDESCRIPTIONS of Character, (.I.3nati. talon, pawl Talent, with ADVICE on 11 W . - 13usiness, Health, Education , fielf4m or ' rprovement. Management and . Training 1 " ' of ORILIMiIt.N. Social AtittptatiOn, £O.. iAday and evening, hY . , . JOHN L. CA.PE.2.I, ' I ' Phrenologist and Bookseller, 0.. 5115 S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut. oellAuthslyif PHILADELPBIA,, SEPTEMBER 18. -IL. 1865, —Whereas niy wife, Catharine Seim:mina, Las left my bed and board on the 17th instant, WO, out gust cause or provocation, 1. hereby caution alt Persons-not to trust or harbor her on lily acennitt,, as I will pay uo debts of her c ontracting. It* 8011HONLY11. ANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR A.T.AL are regained n HIMMBOLD'i Er.TBAOR `lO4 tictuG4 TWAT4 §tT9Pt. MMT=I